> Mistakes of the Past > by CosmicWaltz > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mistakes of the Past By Cosmic Waltz Warning: Grimdark Content. Read at your own discretion. Warning: Grimdark Content. Read at your own discretion. Warning: Grimdark Content. Read at your own discretion. This is a Grimdark fanfiction story based on the show "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" by Hasbro. It will contain scenes of violence, gore, death, and heavy emotional content. You have been warned. Warning: Grimdark Content. Read at your own discretion. Warning: Grimdark Content. Read at your own discretion. Warning: Grimdark Content. Read at your own discretion. Chapter 1 Rainbow Dash called to her friend cutting the way through the brush beneath. "It's over here, Twi!" The two had again traveled through the Everfree Forest, Dash directing from the sky as Twilight Sparkle took the grounded path. The purple unicorn pressed back the large ferns and lush, tangled vines blocking her view. A familiar sight broke the horizon before them. The Ancient Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters. This was their destination. Rainbow Dash landed across the rope bridge, waiting for the unicorn to step across. "Tell me again why you wanted to come back out to this place?" Twilight stepped cautiously on each creaking, decrepit plank of the bridge as she narrowed the gap to the blue pegasus. "Well, Dash, I'm interested in what could be in -whoa!" Suddenly, a board underhoof gave way, dropping her startled onto her face. She quickly rose, brushing off the embarrassing scare. "-what could be in a castle that was once home to the Princesses of Equestria." Dash rolled her eyes. "We've been here before, Twilight. You know what's in there; rocks and dust." Twilight hastened her steps as she approached the end of the precarious bridge. She let out a sigh of relief beneath her breath before continuing towards the looming ruin. "I remember also that the Elements of Harmony weren't much more than 'rocks' at first either, but turned out to be much more. Also, in our haste to find Nightmare Moon, we didn't thoroughly search everywhere. Who knows what secrets and forgotten artifacts could be lying just inside! Isn't it exciting!" "Yawn," Dash stated flatly. "If you ask me, it's just going to be a waste of time. Besides, what did you need me here for? You travel through the forest all the time to see Zecora." The two ponies again entered the large stone architecture of the castle. Without the urgency of the situation from before, and with daylight shining brightly overhead, Twilight was granted the time to take in the sight. It had not held up well with the years. Many parts of the castle had fallen into disrepair, with portions of the walls and ceilings having crumbled down. The doors that still stood were once of a lovely hardwood, but were now scratched and worn from the weather the Everfree Forest created on its own. Remnants of tapestries that were at one time draped on the walls were faded with centuries of abuse. Though the grey building felt foreboding, Twilight remarked how she would have loved to see it in its prime. Remembering she had been in a conversation before her distraction, the unicorn replied to Dash. "I need you here to direct me through the forest. Last time, Nightmare Moon practically gave us a trail to this place, but this time we had nothing but old hoof-trails. And I always appreciate having company on these trips." She flashed a smile to her friend. Dash sighed. "Okay, okay. What are we looking for exactly? I mean, in particular. I'm not sure I could point out what's important and what's just junk." "Well," Twilight thought, "I guess it's not really easy to say. If you see anything that looks ornate, or out of place, tell me." The duo walked into the main hall of the once great castle. The room consisted of nothing more than two large floor-spaces on separate levels connected by a series of steps. The tattered remains of a decorative rug ran the length of the room, ascending the staircase ahead of them. One could still loosely see accented marks of the sun and moon on either side of the corridor. Along the walls were many doors. The pair began their search. --- Hours had passed as the pegasus and unicorn scoured the complex. Their saddlebags remained mostly empty from their inspection, however. Of their "artifacts" was a golden fork found on the table of the dining hall, which strangely caused the hair to stand stiff throughout the body when held, and a small statuette of two sisters standing back to back, obviously representing the Princesses. Much of the rest of the cavernous structure was just as Rainbow Dash had called it: rocks and dust. "Well, this was a bust!" Dash shouted through the empty halls. Twilight unfortunately had to agree. "You're right. All we found was a utensil that only unicorns can use, and a statue. Perhaps Princess Celestia would like to have these back, though." Dash flew by the unicorn. "Yeah, I'm sure she'll love them. 'Why, thank you my most faithful student! You have returned my most beloved spaghetti-stirrer, and my most favorite paperweight!'" The impression was crude, but it still brought a giggle from the two ponies. "All right. Let's get out of here." Twilight called, heading back the way they had entered. It was then that she noticed a door hidden by a fallen piece of the ceiling. "Hey, Dash?" the unicorn called to the pegasus headed towards the exit. "Did we check that room?" Dash doubled back to beside Twilight. "Hmm... I dunno. Who cares, it's probably just full of more junk." The pegasus resumed her flight to the door, stopped short by Twilight grabbing her tail with her teeth. "Dash, you never know what's back there! Now, help me get this stuff out of the way." Twilight moved over to the rubble, attempting to push the large stones away with her magic. The pegasus was unconvinced of the argument, but knew if she didn't help her friend now, she'd just be dragged out here again. Twilight was a persistent one. The two worked together to remove the blockade, edging the heavy, bleached rocks away. After a few minutes of work, the obstruction was fully cleared, leaving the door exposed. It was like any other door in the castle, if not damaged more by the rocks that pressed against it. There was a slight buckle at the bottom from the decades of stress. Twilight attempted to open the door, finding it sealed tightly. Dash looked on, hovering above the scene. "What? Don't tell me after all that work that it's locked?" Twilight tried again, finding no give. "Locked? Maybe. But the hinges are rusted solid too. Think you can lend me a hoof here?" "All right, all right. Clear a path!" Dash backed far from the door, flying to the corner opposite of it. Twilight stepped aside to let the powerful pegasus have a go at the stubborn barrier. "This is how you pick a lock!" The pegasus burst forward with an incredible speed, aimed right at the door. Quickly, she spun around, bucking out her legs in a flying drop-kick. Making contact, the door let out a mighty groan as wood splintered off and metal twisted, before both gave way. Before she could realize it, Dash had found herself now inside the hidden room, with the broken door piled around her. She rose from the damages. "Lock picking! I'm a pro." Twilight stifled a chuckle. "Well, it worked. I wouldn't try to make a business of it though." Rainbow Crash seemed an apt nickname to her now. The room was much like the rest of the castle. Grey stone walls, with large windows lining its outward facing side. A large hole in the ceiling also provided what light was needed to clearly see the room. It was a library, the huge shelves still lined with ancient tomes. Twilight's eyes beamed with the discovery. "I KNEW IT! I KNEW THERE WAS SOMETHING GOOD HERE!" The unicorn was quickly about the room in a wild ecstasy. Dash again rolled her eyes. She didn't know what that pony saw in books. "What's so important about this? You have plenty of books in your own library." The purple unicorn turned from the shelf she was analyzing, casting an incredulous look to the pegasus. "Rainbow, these aren't just books. These are the Princesses' books, from centuries ago! Many of these might not even be around anymore! The knowledge contained in this room is beyond 'important!'" Dash blew away the dust from the shelf beside her, watching as many of the books underneath turned to ash beneath her breath. "Yeah, well if you find any that aren't wrapped in vines or rotting from weather, bag 'em so we can get out of here. I missed a full day's worth of practice for this!" Twilight was not about to be disheartened after such a find. "If you want to practice so badly, the sky's right above you. I'll be fine in here on my own for a bit." Before Twilight had even finished the sentence, Dash had disappeared through the gaping opening above the room. Twilight continued to scan the dusty volumes. Again, Rainbow Dash had been unfortunately correct. Many of the books had been far too damaged by the years of neglect, falling apart even when touched with the grace of magic. What few she found that hadn't molded to nothing were riddled with vines, or provided home for various insects. Her joy of discovering the room was quickly fading under its unkept state. Finding nothing worth saving, the unicorn was again about to call to her winged friend to leave. As she prepared the words, a strange sensation overcame her. It was almost as though she was expecting a sneeze, but felt cold and electric. She almost immediately recognized it; there was something magical nearby. She took to searching the room again. Something within the library was magic in nature, but she was not sure what. Surely if any of the books contained traces of magic in the binding, they wouldn't have fallen into their current condition. The few chairs in the rooms also seemed of little importance, as did the fireplace. There was truly nothing that stood out in the roo- The unicorn stood dumbfounded. How had she missed that! Across from the door the ponies had entered sat a huge, ornate mirror, roughly three ponies in height. Its fixture was the same bleached tone as the walls around it, which blended well into its surroundings. One thing that couldn't be disguised, though, was that the mirror itself was flawless. There were no scratches, nor dents, nor dirt marking its surface. Compared to the rest of the library, if that wasn't magic, she didn't know what was! As Twilight looked over the mirror, one thing was clear; it was bound with powerful magic. Luckily, though, magic is no more permanent than anything else. Where once the object was sealed with a force that couldn't be broken by anyone but a Princess, it was now weakened enough for even a pony like Rarity to release. That is not to say that it wasn't impressive that the magic within it had lasted for almost 800 years without maintenance, though. Twilight debated what reason the object had been held with such force to begin with. Was it a magic mirror? Was it to see the future, or to spy on other places? Those were stories she had heard, but never confirmed. Perhaps it was a doorway into another room of the castle, or even to another place all together? It was even possible that it led to some alternate dimension! Though, she would never know if she didn't activate it, releasing the power within. She bit her lip. She had been taught her whole life about the dangers of tampering with magic one doesn't understand. But the curious filly on the inside rang with an excited desire to see what secrets it held. The battle of will and want raged in her heart as she stared at her own reflection in the large looking glass. "Well," she nervously spoke to herself. "It was the Princesses', right? And it's just out in the open, right? It can't be too dangerous... right?" She stood, pacing back and forth before the mirror. She wanted to know what it hid, but something inside told her to leave it alone. "What if Princess Celestia found out? She'd be upset that you broke a spell that either she or Luna had placed on this mirror. And why would they bind something if they didn't have a reason. If it's a truth glass, there's no telling what truth it shows. If it's a portal, who knows where it goes! There's just too much wrong here, Twilight. You know this!" She sat, facing the large silver sheet again. "So why is it so hard to say 'no'?" She turned away from the mirror. "No! I will not meddle in the affairs of the Princesses, past, present, or future!" She managed one step away from the mirror before curiosity stung her again. Twilight glanced back to the mirror, seeing her own face in it again. "Well,... let's say I remove the binding spell. If I don't like what I see, I can always bind it myself, and with how worn it is, I can do even better than it is now! No pony would see what's through it for another 200 years at least with my magic holding it. As it is, it's bound to wear off in another decade or so. So, really, I'm actually helping the Princesses by investigating, aren't I?" The silence of the musty room did not answer, but her mind did. "That's it then! Just a peak, then I seal it again. No biggie. Besides, it's out in the open like this, so it couldn't have been anything too bad." She turned to face the mirror in full. "Just a peak." Twilight bared down, her horn glowing with arcane light. She felt the tendrils of magic reach invisibly through the air, tracing the ancient power across the mirror's surface. The glass before her began to radiate in a faint purple as her magic touched its bound holdings. It was held tougher than she thought, but it was still nothing for her. In just a moment, she would know what lies beyond the looking glass, as her magic slowly unlocked the secret before her. There was a bright flash like one she had never seen before, though whether it was in her eyes or in her head, she couldn't tell. At that flash, the mirror shattered into a million pieces, bursting out towards her in a storm of razor's edges. She had no time to react as dozens of fractured images flew towards her. That wasn't all that flew to her. Dash lived up to her name, quickly speeding to the motionless unicorn before the reflecting glass. In a smooth glide, she plucked the pony from peril, jumping quickly back into the sky above the shrapnel. "Geez, Twi, did you get mad at your own reflection?" Dash joked to the pony she held in her forehooves. The clatter below them rested back into the placid silence that filled the castle. Placed back on the ground, Twilight looked over the chaos. The mirror was in pieces, far beyond repair. The housing the glass had sat in stood still, unremarkable as before. Without the bound to hold it, there was no magic. The air was stale again with the scent of millennia's old mildew. None of the electric sensation she had felt before existed anymore. It was just a mirror. Was, she thought. Dash broke the awkward silence. "If you're done breaking stuff, Twilight, we really need to get out of here. It's getting late." Twilight followed her friend's lead, sending only a cursory glance back to the odd item. Something wasn't right here. She didn't know what, but something was horribly, horribly wrong. --- Twilight entered the library as afternoon approached. "Spike? Are you back yet?" The silence within the tree gave her the response she expected. The dragon had mentioned running some errands today, saying he might not be in until night. Owlowishus was probably asleep somewhere around Ponyville, as he often was during the day. She had the building all to herself. This was a good thing, she thought. She had research to do. Twilight placed her saddlebags by the door, relieved to no longer have the bizarre fork near her. Her hooves were sore from the travels today, but she didn't have time to rest. She contemplated her next course of action. The mirror was bound for a reason. It had to be. Nopony puts a spell that strong on something without reason. But there was nothing magic about it. The thing was just an ordinary mirror, wasn't it? That was the question that terrified her. A mirror wouldn't shatter like that from being unlocked. She had applied no force to it. It simply erupted! And what was that light? Was that the lock being removed, or just the light from the room being flashed by its breaking? Or, was it something within the mirror? She had to know. She grabbed a variety of books from the shelves with her magic, spreading them across the desk before her. Everything from "The Magic of Mirror Making", an introductory guide to making mirrors, to "Super Spellbinding Secrets", a tome of how to properly use magic to seal everything from bread-boxes to mountains. She was going to get the answer she needed. Hopefully without having to write to Princess Celestia... The name burned in her mind. A dark, trembling echo repeated it in her head. That wasn't her voice. That wasn't her thought. What's going on? An explosion of involuntary magic erupted from her horn, tossing the unicorn back from the desk into the far shelves. She lied stunned against the case, trying to calm the spinning sickness that suddenly filled her head. She opened her eyes, focusing her vision back to center. The one lantern in the room had fallen to the floor, its flame being doused. Weak light came in through the windows, stained a dull grey by the swirling overcast sky. But it had just been sunny a moment ago. Through the low light, the room was cast into shadowed shapes, meshed in overlaying blackness against the walls. But one stood out clearly. There was another pony in the room. She couldn't make out many features in the darkness, but some were obvious. The figure was tall, as tall as Princess Celestia, and just as lithe. The pony was a unicorn and a pegasus, and looked to be male in the face. He wore something like a cloak, hanging long over the hind legs and cut to the torso over the forelegs, and a hood seemed to shroud his face. His mane was long, hanging half his height, with large, thick locks matted together in unkempt strands. His tail was in a similar fashion. His huge wings were unfurled and erect, but tattered miserably, seeming too sparse to enable flight. "Celestia?" he spoke. His voice sent shivers through her body. It was deep and booming, with a dignified twist to the words, but beneath it hissed a chorus of dissonant screams. She swore she could hear the crackle of fire as he spoke. "That's a name I know all too well." The harmony mirroring his words screeched like hooves on a chalkboard. Twilight began to push away from the figure before her, blocked by the bookcase at her back. "Wh-who are you?! What do you want?!" she cried in a shrill, broken voice. A seizing panic gripped her chest as her heart pounded like a drum in her ears. The pony looked at her. His eyes had a light in their distance. Faint, and sickly, they glowed beneath his cowl. "I want what anypony wants..." That voice was so soft, and yet deafening. Twilight glanced to the door at her right. She had to make a run for it. She didn't know why, but something told her to run away. Jumping to her hooves, Twilight bolted for the exit to the library. Halfway to the door, her hooves found no footing. She was hovering, suspended in the air. Before she could grasp the magic that held her, she found herself thrown violently against the wall on the far side of the room. With impossible speed, the pony was in her face. She could now clearly see his black mane, ashen white coat, and piercing red eyes sunken into their darkened sockets. His breath smelled of smoke and rotten meat, and the visceral hue of his irises seemed to squirm with distant images serpents. "I want revenge." The magic the pony wielded began to choke her. She fought against the pressure crushing her. "I-I... I've never... d-done any... anything t-to you!" she managed through struggled breaths. He laughed. It was the laugh of the damned. Thunderous, and stabbing at the ears. It sounded incomprehensibly hollow. "That's not true, my precious little pony. You are the one that released me from my prison. That mirror has held me for over 1300 years. And you stumbled along and broke its bounds. I should thank you." Twilight felt weak as her consciousness was leaving her. She tried to fight back with her own magic, finding it stunted by the pony holding her. Sensing her attempts, the pale pony tossed the weakened unicorn hard on the floor. A splash of blood fired across the floor as her muzzle made contact. She was quickly flipped onto her back. The pony stood over her now, his magic still holding her effortlessly to the ground. "What... do you... want with me?" Twilight could hardly speak through the pressure of the magic over her. The figure placed his face in front of hers again. "You? Nothing. You are insignificant. A worthless foal." The voice sent shivers through her soul. "Then... please... let me go..." The sinister creature let out another bellowing laugh, his wings expanding in full flare. "I know who you are. I've seen your mind, tasted your thoughts, bathed in your memories. You're hers. Her 'most faithful student.'" His voiced twisted into that of Celestia's, undercut by the voices hissing of snakes' tongues beneath it. "You're her pet. I would love to tear you asunder, and paint these shelves with your blood. But, I have a message to send to your owner." The monstrous pony leaned in, touching his bony muzzle to hers. "I'm going to enjoy ruining you." > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mistakes of the Past By Cosmic Waltz Warning: Grimdark Content. Read at your own discretion. Warning: Grimdark Content. Read at your own discretion. Warning: Grimdark Content. Read at your own discretion. This is a Grimdark fanfiction story based on the show "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" by Hasbro. It will contain scenes of violence, gore, death, and heavy emotional content. You have been warned. Warning: Grimdark Content. Read at your own discretion. Warning: Grimdark Content. Read at your own discretion. Warning: Grimdark Content. Read at your own discretion. Chapter 2 The Royal Court of Canterlot was abuzz with the worried voices of the many ponies within its rounds. There was much panicked debate over the sudden change in weather that had taken over the sky. "What do we pay the weather team for if they can't do their job!" somepony had cried in accusation. Princess Celestia sat at one end of the conference, Princess Luna by her side. The two royal ponies oversaw the proceedings, sitting as judges on the dais. Celestia often spent these meetings trying to appear interested, secretly bored by the legal ramblings that were brought forward endlessly. She did her best to stand as a figure for her loyal ponies, but most of this work fell on the hooves of her advisors and hardly required her attention. Still, she would endure the hardships of boredom if it let her subjects feel comforted in their homes and businesses. This meeting was different, however, and invoked her full attention. An emergency conference had been called for all major offices of Canterlot. The weather, controlled expertly by the magic of the Canterlot Weather Team, had changed suddenly. The sky was cast in a darkening grey, blocking the sun almost completely. Outside, the land looked almost as night. Spritz, the head of the weather team, stood forward from his seated position. "Do not blame us for this! This tempest is not of our making, and even as my team fights their hardest, with me stuck in this conference to appease the lot of you, they can barely make a dent in the clouds before their work is overtaken by the sky! We are just as worried as the rest of you over this peculiar phenomenon." Spritz had a professional way of arguing that always entertained the Princess. He could insult a pony to their face, but with such a deserved tone that they would practically thank him for it. Now, however, the unicorn was just as fear-gripped as the rest of the counsel. His team had been trained most of their lives to manage the weather, and not even their combined efforts were penetrating the overhanging gloom. "Sir Spritz," the Sun Princess spoke to the white unicorn. As her voice was heard, a silence settled in the bustling room. "If your team is not responsible for this weather, have you been able to determine its source?" This question worried her. The Everfree forest was capable of making its own weather, but never this strong. The best cloudweavers in Cloudsdale would never have been able to create something as formidable as the grey canopy. And though magic was used to create the meteorological events of Canterlot, even their work was nothing of the calibre above. Spritz looked down in respect, letting his golden forelock drape his face. "We do not know, Princess Celestia," he began in a low voice. "There is definitely magic within the sky, but none that we have encountered before. We have received reports that it is not only Canterlot veiled by this atmosphere. It seems to have spread over much of Equestria. Reports from Cloudsdale have even stated that the storm rages over their own city." This was startling news. Cloudsdale was one of the highest places in Equestria. Clouds were rarely placed above their city, and yet these billowed over their home without effort. The Princess lean to her sister, speaking in secret away from the crowd's perked ears. Luna listened intently, before return an answer to the unheard question with a nod to her sister. "Luna and I have decided, that as long as this weather grips the land, the sun will stay in the sky, held by our magic. During such an uncertain time, we cannot take what little light we receive below the storm for granted." The counsel seemed pleased by this decision. Celestia whispered to her sister again. "I'm sorry we have to do this. I promise I'll make it up to you, sister. How about I let you raise the sun at the next morning?" The younger Princess' eyes grew in excitement at the offer. "Thank you, Sis!" she whispered under her joy. The room began to stir again into plans of action, and business leaders began to argue strategies. Many spoke of promotional sales during the "crisis." Anything to get customers, it seems. Perhaps this was a typical meeting after all. There was a chaotic shuffling of hooves heard through the doors of the office. In the moments following, Sunbeam, Celestia's own royal advisor and consultant, burst through into the meeting room. Celestia had left her to organize the guard patrols in case of panic taking to the streets. The pink coated unicorn stood breathless, her azure hair dripping with sweat. "P... Pr-Princess Celestia!" Something wasn't right. Celestia knew that there was bad news on the horizon. "Sunbeam? What's wrong?" The royal advisor tried to catch air, coughing and sputtering as she did. She looked to the Princess with frightful emotion glistening in her eyes. "Come, quickly. Something's happened to Twilight!" A knot twisted in Celestia gut as the words sank in. She was immediately on her hooves. "Luna, I'm leaving you to lead the counsel. Sunbeam, take me to her now!" Without another word to the ponies in the room, the Princess of the Sun was gone. --- Sunbeam led the Princess into the throne room. The long corridor seemed grim as the sickly grey light spilled occluded into the room. Before her throne, a group of guards and medical unicorns were gathered around a purple shape on the floor. It was Twilight. Celestia darted to her pupil. What happened? Why was she here? As she approached, she could see the condition her beloved pupil was in. It was like a knife piercing her heart. The body of Twilight was laid on the floor, with two medical mages at either side. The student was badly injured. Her fur was darkened from massive bruising under the coat. Her legs were twisted into impossible positions, lying helplessly in their shattered condition. Blood still trickled fresh from her busted lips, cracked teeth, and twisted muzzle. Her eyes were open slightly, both black with the blood that had pooled under the lenses. Her horn had been removed, seemingly snapped from her skull. Thick blood oozed from the hole that was left on her forehead. Celestia was in horror. Before her was her student, left in a morbid state. She had never expected to see her like this, nor imagined it possible. Tears streamed down the Princess' face. Sunbeam moved closer, attempting to comfort her royal master. "We found her in here like this. We don't know what happened. I'm so sorry." Celestia forced out her words, fighting back the breakdown she felt she bordered. "Is... is she..." One of the doctors tending to the unicorn looked to face the Princess. "No. She's alive. Just barely. We've stabilized her, so we'll move her to the infirmary for advanced care now." "What? You don't appreciate my craft?" An unearthly voice rang through the corridor. It screeched of metal and glass beneath a proper tongue. The entirety of the room turned to the source of the hellish voice. Sitting upon the throne was a pale, cloaked figure, with blackened wings reaching high above. He had not been there before, everypony was certain. He spoke again, his voice split underneath with shrill, scathing whispers. "I was very meticulous with that one. I wanted her to live. Death is simple; I prefer when the damages leave a scar on the very soul." He looked to the Princess, his eyes piercing a blood-stained red. "She cried for you the whole time." A violent fury rose in Celestia at his vicious words. She burned with a rage she hadn't felt in all her years. Before the guards themselves could react, the Princess lunged at the pony on the throne. "YOU SON OF A BI-" Her assault was cut short by a freezing grip of magic. The pony's blackened, spiraled horn radiated of dark energy, holding her in place by the throat. "Celestia" he spoke. "You must jest." The guards finally snapped to their senses, charging in force at the pony. Without taking his eyes from the royal mare, the mysterious being threw the guards to the walls and pressed the doctors to the floors with magic, holding them tightly to the stone. Celestia tried to use her magic to free herself. Her horn began to shine a weak purple light as she fought her bonds. Quickly, she found her powers halted, sealed within her by arcane energy. The glowing blackness around her throat tightened further. "You always were a fighter," he called to her. Celestia caught from the corner of her eye a pink blur. Sunbeam was immediately upon the pony on the throne. Her horn formed a blast of light, sending the magic projectile flying to the intruder. An aura of black energy encircled the figure as the nova hit, deflecting the attack harmlessly. His attention turned full to the advisor, lifting her with more of his magic still. "Insolent worm. I will make an example of you." A pulse flickered through the pony's horn, releasing a stale coldness into the air. Before Celestia's eyes, she saw her beloved advisor shredded, ripped apart by the damned magic. A crimson spray of blood and mangled organs drenched the floor as the pink pony was eviscerated. "NO!" Celestia cried through her strangled throat. The deed had been done. The final pieces of the once living pony fell to the floor. With startling speed, the terrible figure was in the Princess' face, suspended by his enormous wings. "Tell me, Celestia; do you remember me?" The features before her answered. She knew she had seen the pony before, but long ago. A secret she had long since forgotten. "I do..." she replied through heavy sobs. The grip of magic tightened around her, twisting her body just enough to cause pain. "Call my name, 'Princess.' Just as you used to. Who am I?" She forced her eyes to meet his. She snarled out the cursed name. "Sevic." The malicious being smiled wide, his teeth showing in full. "So, you do remember your old lovers? I'm honored." Celestia felt her skin crawl at the words. Through the constrictions of his magic, she spit in the face of the being. He was unfazed by the act. "Oh, Celestia," Sevic spoke, the hellish choir behind his voice twisting her name further. "How about a kiss for old time's sake?" Before she could scorn his offer, she found his mouth to hers. His breath tasted of ash and rot, its scent twisting in a terrible miasma within her lungs. His tongue bore deep down her throat, longer than it should have ever been, almost tickling at her stomach lining. The muscle felt like it was lined in splinters, slashing about within her throat. He pulled away from her, leaving her to cough the blood he loosed from the delicate tissues. "Why have you returned Sevic!" she shouted in his face. The beastly pony stared into her eyes. "I told you I would always haunt you. Even when you sealed away my dormant power, I swore to you that my hate would act as a vessel, strengthening me with each passing day. You abandoned your vigilance of my bonds on the night you fled the castle in tears. Or did you just forget of me, passing me off as a bad memory? It was only a matter of waiting my time, refining my powers to bring misery to you. And that day is now. Your foalish student released me from the mirror you had placed to contain me. And when I found my corporeal form sustainable, I began my assault of you." He turned the mare's gaze to Twilight. Her broken body wrapped the Princess' heart in pain. "She was just the first strike. An easy one, as well. Her magic was nothing compared to mine. And with each striking blow, and with each twisted, splintered bone, I could feel your soul breaking. I violated all that was good within her, gifting you with the ruined mess I made of her body and mind. And I am not done yet." She was made to look upon the monster before her again. His breath felt of coals on her face. "Death is nothing to the immortal, is it? You killed me once before, did you not? No, death is no revenge. So I must do more. I must destroy you. I will strike your heart with venomous daggers as I tear apart all that you love. And you will watch helplessly." He tossed the Princess hard against the ground, the blood of her slain assistant splashing onto her coat. "This is only the beginning, you worthless foal. I will tear down everything you hold dear." Sevic looked into the weak Princess' tearful eyes. "Cut out your heart, or I'll rip it from your very chest." He released a horrifying cackle as he disappeared into a fiery flash of magic. As he left, the guards and doctors were released of the binding holds upon them. Guard Captain Strongheart ran to the royal mare, helping her up. "I'm fine," Celestia answered, finding her own strength returning. She turned to the unicorn doctors, freed of the floor. "Get Twilight to the infirmary now, and... send for somepony to get Sunbeam..." They complied without needing the order. She looked back to the Captain. "And you. Organize your guard. I want the palace on lockdown. Nopony is to be in the streets of Canterlot. Summon the Magisters from the Arcane Academy, have them posted within the castle. And I want you personally to bring my sister to me. Now go." "Stallions! You heard the Princess. Get to work." Strongheart looked to his leader as his troops left to the orders. "I'm not leaving your side. I will have an officer bring Princess Luna to you." Celestia was not in the mood to argue diplomacy. For the first time, she would use her rank. "I ORDER YOU! You will escort her to me, NOW! And under no circumstance are you to leave Luna's side!" Her voice rang of love and fear. "Do not worry about me," she added through a serious tone. "Sevic won't come after me. That's far too easy." Strongheart wished to protest, but knew this was non-negotiable. "It is as you wish, Your Majesty!" He took to his hooves, quickly moving to the meeting hall. A painful silence fell over the throne room. Sevic was back, more powerful than he had ever been before. The biggest mistake of her past had returned. And he was looking for revenge. No pony was safe. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mistakes of the Past By Cosmic Waltz Warning: Grimdark Content. Read at your own discretion. Warning: Grimdark Content. Read at your own discretion. Warning: Grimdark Content. Read at your own discretion. This is a Grimdark fanfiction story based on the show "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" by Hasbro. It will contain scenes of violence, gore, death, and heavy emotional content. You have been warned. Warning: Grimdark Content. Read at your own discretion. Warning: Grimdark Content. Read at your own discretion. Warning: Grimdark Content. Read at your own discretion. Chapter 3 Darkness... Everything was dark... Everything feels... Clouds... Was she in the clouds... Cold... Floating cold... Somewhere... She felt sick... Was she awake... Floating... Clouds... Darkness... Red... There was red... Comfortable and red... Perhaps... Perhaps she would stay... ... --- Voices. There were voices. Distant. Were those voices? Muddy, and hollow. They seemed to make words, but Twilight couldn't tell for sure. The sounds. Sound circled in her head. Voices. Was it hers? No. Not hers. It was dark. Too dark. She tried to look around. Did she even move? Was she already moving? Or had she only thought she had moved? Were her eyes open? Nothingness. Blackness. Darkness. Where was she? The sounds began to rise. Voices. Those were definitely voices. She could hear them clearly now. "We've done all we can. Even magic restoration has its limits." Magic. "We were able to set her limbs and ribs. Most every bone was broken, but we were able to repair them. They're still quite brittle, however. Her body will have to strengthen them on its own." Broken. Was somepony... broken? "The bruising will also have to heal on its own, but we have reduced the swelling. We also were able to clear her eyes, reset her nose, and repair her teeth." What happened to the pony? It sounded horrible. "What of her horn?" That voice. Princess Celestia? What was she doing here? Where was 'here?' "We did find her horn. It was... 'in' her, Princess." "How horrible... He would do something sick like that..." The Princess again. Where was she? "You'll be happy to know, we were able to reattach it." A pony had lost her horn? What were they talking about? "She should make a full recovery, it seems. At least, physically. Emotionally, it's another story. What she endured... it's horrible to imagine. The things he must have done to her... I don't even know where to-" "Doctor, she's waking!" The voice was loud, booming right beside her. Why couldn't she see who owned the voice? Twilight pried open her eyes, struggling as though they bore a great weight. A piercing white flooded her vision, biting pain protesting inside her. She shut them quickly. She opened her mouth, hoping her voice would cooperate. "Prin... Pr... Prin... cess Cel... Celestia?" She heard steps scramble to her side. The soft voice of her teacher returned her call. "I'm right here, my little pony." There was pain in her voice. Was she crying? What had happened? Twilight tried to see. Slowing raising her lids, the light dived to her again. She could only loosely make out shapes and colors around her, all cut with bright strings of light. She turned her head, barely recognizing the shape of the Princess. But it was her. "Princess... where are... where are we...?" Her tongue fought her. The Princess smiled. It was a mother's smile, Twilight remarked in her haze. "It's okay, Twilight. You're in the palace." The palace? How did she get there? Last she remembered... What did she remember? If she wasn't here, where was she? She remembered the library. She remembered wings. She remembered red. She remembered a mirror. Twilight tried to sit up. "No, Twilight," Celestia insisted. "You'll hurt yourself. Please lie down. You need rest." The purple unicorn looked closer at her surroundings, her eyes still fresh to the world. She was in bed, lying on her back. The mattress was soft, the covers thick and warm. A post at each corner held a large, beautiful canopy above her. She was in the Princess' bed. Why? Many ponies stood around her. They looked to be doctors. Princess Luna sat in one corner of the room, a look of worry surrounding her. Something was wrong. Why couldn't she remember? Books. Clouds. A fork. Darkness. A mirror. Stone. Eyes. Wings. Screaming. Screaming? Screaming. A voice full of screaming. Her own screaming. Oh, Celestia... The memories flooded back to her. She remembered. She remembered it all. She remembered him. The realization dredged up the pain and terror again. Snapped bones, percussive strikes. Her skin burning with magic fires. She could not stop the emotion welling within her as she relived being abused and violated by the evil stallion. She couldn't fight the pain that rose within her, her tears streaming in rivers through wailing sobs. She broke down. The Princess was quickly to her student, her hooves wrapped tightly around the unicorn. She was crying as well, her own woeful lament sounding into the still room. "I'm so sorry, Twilight..." --- The doctors had all left. Only Twilight and the two royal sisters remained in the room. The air was bitter with lingering emotion. Twilight had managed to stop her crying. The pain and weakness still thrashed within her chest, but she had to tell the Princess what she had done. She knew she was to blame for releasing the creature that had attacked her. She confessed through shamed words, fearful of her fate. Celestia would hear nothing of her numerous apologies, only returning her own. Her recalling of the events concluded, Twilight had questions of her own. "Princess Celestia... who is that... that 'pony'...?" She tried not to picture him in her mind, the very image bringing a vile sickness over her. At his thought, she swore she could feel his magic constricting her throat again. Celestia let out a shaking breath. "He... he is a mistake from my past, Twilight. My biggest mistake." Celestia's eyes were wet with tears of her own. Luna tried to support her sister, her forelegs around the older mare. Twilight could hear the pain in the words. She hated to ask the troubled mare further, but she had to know. The questions burned violently inside her, swarming like wasps in her gut. "You... you knew him?" Celestia brushed away her tears with her hoof. "It's... it's a story I wanted to forget. But things are never that simple. And if Sevic's back, that means the story continues..." Sevic. The beast had a name now. The purple unicorn needed more. She didn't want to hear it, but she had to. "What story?" The Princess of the Sun looked down, a frailness in her voice as she spoke. "I'll tell you..." --- You must understand, Twilight, that this story takes place in a time far from ours now. Equestria was a very different place, detached from the one you know. It was a warring time, when pony raised blade and magic against his brethren over land and title. Chaos reigned over the world. It was over thirteen centuries ago. My sister and I resided in our old castle. The Everfree Forest did not yet exist, the castle instead encircled by a small township of our followers. Luna and I did then as we do now; I raised the sun to start the day, and she raised the moon to start the night. Many looked up to us for our power. Sevic was one of those ponies. He wasn't then as what you saw. Far from it. When I knew him first, he was only a unicorn, no wings upon his back. He was no taller than any other stallion. But as much as he's changed, one does not forget that face, nor that burning determination in his eyes. Sevic was a curious one. He never had a cutiemark of his own. If anypony asked, he quipped that it was because he was good at too many things to have one mark. He had a talent with magic, however, far beyond that of the other unicorns within the township. He could easily cast spells over his own level of study, maneuvering between rainbow magic, telekinesis, and alteration. He also had experience dabbling in necromantic arts, being able to reanimate the corpses of simple animals; an impressive, if dark power. I noticed his gift, and sought to refine it. I accepted him as my first apprentice. He took quickly to his lessons, and I took quickly to him. Soon, we found ourselves as lovers. As warm as our love for each other was, there was always a rift between us. I refused to fall to the chaos that seethed across the land. I loved all of my subjects, and sought to always forgive their mistakes. Sevic, however, harbored more radical notions. If a pony was caught in a lie, he sought their tongue to be pulled from their mouth. When a pony trespassed beyond their welcome, he desired their hooves bound in vices. I tried to change his thinking, hoping to have him see the positive side of the world, but he always scoffed at my optimism. He felt that if a pony was left unscarred from their mistakes, they would never learn. It hurt me to know that violence burned so hot within him. Another thing, too, was his growing affection for being called "Prince". I did not mind sharing my life nor title with him, but he always pressed it further. When a pony would forget my designation, I always let it go unnoticed. When one overlooked his self-claimed rank, he demanded its correction. In time, utterances of "King" could be heard around him. He reveled in the power of his name, and fear of my subjects. But, as much loyalty as he drew, he knew he was respected only through his connection to me. Then one night, within the castle walls, he found an opportunity to make his own name. A chambermaid, just a young filly, had pocketed royal items in her rounds. Unfortunately, Sevic was the one that found her first. He later told me "her eyes caught what she could not hold." He had her blinded with coals, boasting the act to the city below the castle. I was furious with him. Within my own home, he had taken wicked justice into his own hooves. He had betrayed me, and my love. I met him in the royal library where he often studied, two guards in tow. In righting a crime, he had committed one worse than I dared imagine. He was no "Prince," nor "King." I banished him, casting him to the world he sought to drag my kingdom into. Anger boiled over him. He shouted curses to my name, condemning my foalish ways. He threatened me as though we had never shared our lives, vowing his hate would always drive him back to me, more powerful than ever. He was no longer the stallion I had loved. This was something I had never seen before. As my guards went to remove him, Sevic lashed out. He tossed aside the stallions with his magic, before sealing the two of us alone in the archives. Try as my soldiers might, his spell held the doors firm. He screamed for my death as he charged me. Though his magic was powerful compared to the ponies in the village, it was no match for my own. But no matter how I tried, he continued his attack relentlessly. He fought possessed, letting loose attack after attack. And when I made a misstep in our deadly dance, he took the opportunity to strike at me. I panicked. I never intended to use as much of my magic as I had in my defense. When my senses returned, Sevic lied limp on the floor. He was barely conscious, and fading fast. He swore, with his dying breath, that he would always haunt me for my actions. Then, his body fell lifeless. I had killed him. In all my anger, I had never wanted him dead! I was mortified at what I had done. Deep within his body, though, I could feel a spark of magic burning still. It was weak, barely a wisp, but it was undeniably "him." A fragment of the pony he once was had survived through his magic, lying weakly within his corpse. It was a piece of him. I couldn't bring myself to destroy it. I couldn't destroy the one spark that remained of the pony I had shared my heart with. The guards at the door, I quickly took the broken remnant of the unicorn, placing it within a mirror on the wall and binding it with my own magic. A moment later, the spell wore free of the door, the guards bursting in on the still scene. It was over. Sevic had been dealt with. A hushed whisper of his death spread through the streets. From then on, people held a fear of the Princess that would kill her own lover. No pony knew of the magic I had sealed away. I couldn't forgive my mistake. Many nights, I found myself shedding tears before that mirror, the glimmer contained within hidden by my spell. He was my biggest mistake. And try as I might, I could never take it back. What I had left of him only served to remind me. So I turned away. In time, it faded from my thoughts, as a bad dream often does. In the centuries that followed, my sister was taken by Nightmare Moon's influence, and I was forced to banish her to the moon. In the years following her banishment, I found the empty castle to be far too cold. Bad memories hung in the air, all reminding me of my failings. One night, I felt it too much. I fled, leaving all the dark memories behind me. Eventually, I found myself on the mountains of Canterlot, where I began again. --- Twilight took in the story. She saw a side of the Princess she had never imagined. She wanted nothing more than to leave her bed and hold her crying teacher. Celestia added, "I never imagined he could come back! I never knew he could grow within the mirror in my absence, or find the power to manifest again. Though he had the gift of magic in life, it was nothing like it is now. Before, he could not have even stood up to you, Twilight. Somehow, he's drawn power to himself, changing his very form." The Princess began to cry again. "I never once thought he could hurt anypony again. Least of all you!" Twilight felt at a loss for words. There was nothing she could say to comfort her teacher, and nothing that could right the situation. An eerie silence came over the room. The painful quiet was broken by a knock. Before anypony could answer the call, the double doors were opened, Captain Strongheart stepping forward. "Princess, there has been an attack on Ponyville!" Both Twilight and the two Princesses were suddenly alert. Celestia turned to her Captain. "An attack?! What do you mean?!" Behind the guard, a small group entered the room. Twilight immediately recognized them as her friends. Rarity held Sweetie Belle close, both looking exhausted and scared. The young unicorn sobbed gently, tightly wrapped around her sister's foreleg. Applejack seemed in better shape, but was covered in dirt and mud. Her hat was missing, a sight that Twilight had hardly seen before, and her eyes seemed full of a deep pain. Pinkie Pie was not herself either. She smiled as she always did, but the look was almost forced. Spike sat on her back, holding Gummy within his arms. Above the trio hovered the two pegasi. Fluttershy held Angel tightly in her arms. She was trembling in fear, thin tears dripping down her face. Rainbow Dash was possibly the only one who didn't look out of sorts, but her angered expression undercut her usual appearance. Strongheart answered his commander. "Intel is scarce, most details coming solely from the survivors. There are a few more refugees downstairs in the main hall, and scouts have reported seeing small groups headed to Cloudsdale and Manehatten. These ponies with me are the elements, are they not? I knew you would request their audience." As delighted as Twilight was to see her friends, a new fear gripped her. An attack on Ponyville? There hadn't been an attack on any settlement in centuries. But why there? Why her home? Why her friends? She knew that this had to be the work of Sevic. The image of the monster burned again in her mind. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mistakes of the Past By Cosmic Waltz Warning: Grimdark Content. Read at your own discretion. Warning: Grimdark Content. Read at your own discretion. Warning: Grimdark Content. Read at your own discretion. This is a Grimdark fanfiction story based on the show "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" by Hasbro. It will contain scenes of violence, gore, death, and heavy emotional content. You have been warned. Warning: Grimdark Content. Read at your own discretion. Warning: Grimdark Content. Read at your own discretion. Warning: Grimdark Content. Read at your own discretion. Chapter 4 Spike leapt from Pinkie's back, letting Gummy slip to the floor. He darted to the unicorn in bed. "Twilight! You're here! I was so worried!" The purple dragon hopped on the bed, wrapping his arms around the injured pony. The embrace sent shots of pain through her bruised skin, but just seeing her friends made the pangs seem trivial. "Spike! I'm so glad you're okay!" She parted from the dragon, looking to him with worry. "What happened in Ponyville?" Spike was trembling. It was obvious that the events were still fresh in his mind. "Well, it started to get cloudy, and I thought that maybe I missed a rain notice, so I ran back to the library. But when I got there, you weren't home. The place was a wreck! Books all over the floor, shelves were broken. I started to look around when I heard some ponies screaming in the streets, and that's when I saw... those, those 'things!'" Celestia turned to the group at the door. "I'm glad to see you all made it. What happened? Who attacked Ponyville? What are these 'things' Spike mentioned?" It wasn't like the Princess to sound so anxious. Fluttershy landed, placing the bunny she held to her on a table by the bed. She tried to speak up, fear brimming in her voice. "I-I saw them first. They c-came out of the Everfree Forest not long after the sky got cloudy. Th-they looked like p-ponies, but, they're not... right." "'Not right' is one way to say it, all right!" Dash retorted, still hovering above the grounded ponies. "The things were hardly alive!" Rarity joined the conversation, holding Sweetie Belle closer. "The brutes were everywhere, attacking anypony that got near! They were just these dark, skeleton ponies!" "Zombie ponies!" Spike added. The air grew heavy. Everypony's coat bristled under a peculiar sensation of cold static. It was the sensation of powerful magic staining the atmosphere. "Much more impressive than bringing back the occasional bird or snake, isn't it Celestia?" a split, twisted voice called. "I was honestly quite surprised myself." The party turned towards the new shape on the far side of the room, blocking the dim light of the window. A silhouette was cast long over the floor, his shadow seeming to writhe beneath its own presence. Dash was the first to throw her comments to the figure. "Who the hay are you?" Princess Celestia's eyes grew wide, pupils contracting on the beastly pony. "Sevic!" She quickly turned from the gathering, throwing her wings protectively out between them and her haunter. "Strongheart! Get them out of here!" "I'm not going anywhere!" Rainbow Dash shouted. "Who is this guy?" Sevic laughed at the spectacle. "Me? I'm the nightmare your precious little 'Princess' can never wake from." He turned his gaze to the royal pony before the crowd. "Do not worry, Celestia. I haven't come to hurt anypony. Not yet. I merely had to see your face when you heard the fate of that village of hovels. Painted with hate. You've never looked more lovely, my Princess." Celestia gritted her teeth in anger. "I knew it. I knew it was you!" Applejack broke from her stoic silence. "Him? He's the pony that attacked us?" Her freckled face twisted into one of pain and rage. Turning on her hooves, she charged the pale alicorn. "YOU MONSTER!" Strongheart fired to action, grabbing the farmer's tail with his teeth. In a quick motion, he threw the earth pony back behind him unceremoniously. "Don't be a foal! You can't possibly fight him!" The orange pony was quickly on her hooves again, trying to force her way past the large-framed guard. "That monster's the reason Ah lost mah whole dang family!" Tears welled in her eyes as she fought her protector. "He's the one that ruined everything!" "EVERYPONY STAY BACK!" Celestia's voice boomed, settling the commotion. Her glare never left Sevic. "Why? Why did you attack Ponyville?" The specter gave a cackling laugh, hellfire sounding within his throat as damned screams mimicked his voice. A wicked grin split his face. "When your student shattered my prison, I still needed power. I found myself a home within her, feeding on her magic, and absorbing her memories. From there, I had all the venom I would ever need to poison you. I saw within her mind the Elements of Harmony. I saw your eternal admiration for their actions. You put a lot of your focus into that small town. Did it remind you of ours?" His expression sank into a serious manner. "When I manifested, I had all the knowledge I needed. After I finished with your pet, I called forth the deceased. I found an army at my disposal. That town was special to you. Now, it is a village of flames and blood." Celestia dug her hooves into the carpeting beneath her. "You monster... What sick games are you playing at?! I am within your reach, so why attack the defenseless?! That's low, even for you!" A vicious grin returned to her past lover's face. "Before, I may have agreed with you. But you forget, 'Princess,' that that was in life. I was laid dead at your hooves, remember? And death is cold. I told you; give up on those you love. Because I have not." Sevic's gaze passed over the wing of the guardian mare, connecting with the frail unicorn. "Twilight Sparkle. It is good to see you. I was hoping you wouldn't die from our encounter. That wouldn't be nearly as much fun." Twilight's heart sank, a fathomless terror gripping her gut. She felt as if she would vomit as his eyes burned into her mind. Scenes of the violence and abuse she had tried to forget flashed before her, and her tears poured freely. This seemed to please the beastly stallion. His smile widened. "Do you remember our time together? I certainly do. It was quite the pleasure, wouldn't you say?" He threw back his head, another harsh, cracked laugh passing from his lips. "I've heard enough out of you!" a voice cried. It was Rainbow Dash. Catching her defenders distracted, she bolted overhead towards the evil pony. Celestia realized far too late what the pegasus was doing. "DASH, STOP!" Sevic, however, was faster. His piercing eyes turned to the blue pony flying to him, an irate scowl on his face. "FOAL!" His spiraled horn lit with magic. The glow encased the pegasus, halting her within the air. His corrupt power went to work, twisting Rainbow Dash's wings back in a sickening cacophony of cracking, popping noises, folding the limbs violently into themselves before ripping them from her back. It was over before anypony, even Dash herself, could react. Sevic smiled again. "You should listen to your betters, Worm!" The blue pony was thrown hard to the floor, blood flowing from the mangled stumps that remained. With his parting words, Sevic disappeared into his fiery magic, leaving the horrified audience to scramble to the dismembered pegasus. "Doctors!" Celestia called, anger and panic cracking her voice. "We need the doctors in here NOW!" Dash was babbling in shock as her friends reached her. "My wings! What did he do to my wings! WHY CAN'T I FEEL MY WINGS?!" The doctors burst into the room, taking immediately to the pony. The crowd cleared as three unicorns picked up the incoherent Dash with their magic, carrying her in haste to the clinic. Also hovering within the magic behind them were the two shattered wings. Celestia fought her own tears. She had to stop this. She had to speak with the monster herself. Before any other pony got caught in their battle. She separated from the distraught group, heading towards the courtyard. --- "SEVIC! COME OUT! I KNOW YOU'RE WATCHING ME!!" The Princess of the Sun shouted into the cloudy sky above the empty courtyard of the palace. He was there, she knew. He was watching her every move. "You called, 'my Princess?'" The creature in question answered behind her, appearing from his magic again. Celestia spun to face him. "Why? WHY?! What happened between us wasn't my fault! And it certainly wasn't theirs!" Sevic was instantly in her face, just inches from her. "NOT YOUR FAULT?! You slew me within our castle, and it wasn't your fault?!" Her fear of the beast had faded in her rage. "You sought to kill me, Sevic! I did not wish you dead, not once! It was an accident!" "An accident that will cost you all you hold dear," he replied. "You had your chance to finish me, and you failed. Now, it is my turn to strike a blow. That pegasus sealed her own contract when she charged me. Call it 'an accident.'" Celestia stared into the eyes of the monster before her. Within her, pure hatred boiled at her skin. She had never called for death before, but she wished with all her power that she could kill him now. She would bring down the very sun if only to land it on his back. With his power being so great over her own, though, she knew who held the higher hoof between them. She found herself bowing to him. "Please..." she managed weakly. "Please, stop this. Do what you will to me, but leave the others out of this. Leave my subjects be." Sevic stepped before the royal mare, standing over her. "'Do what I will?' To you? The great Herald of the Sun, begging before me? You humor me. I've had you moan beneath my chest in fits of passion. You swore your love to me from the highest peaks of ecstasy. You promised me all of Equestria through heated breaths. I've had your best, 'Princess.' I want your worst. And your subjects are by far the sharpest thorn to stab you with. Misery cleaves a wound that never heals. I will dissect everything you love, showing you the pieces that remain. I will destroy all you've touched. I will take what's pure, and I will defile it. And you have no one to blame but yourself." The Princess thrust forward, impaling her long horn through the neck of the spiteful pony. No blood flowed from the wound. She knew it would do no good, but it was satisfying nonetheless. Sevic arched his head over the horn embedded through him, placing his muzzle to her ear. "The best part? Twilight loved you. You could of had her first. Now there's nothing to have." He then emitted a pulse of magic, launching the mare across the courtyard into the stoney walls of the palace. Celestia looked up from the ground she had crumpled to as Sevic gave his final words. "I'm growing bored of this game myself, Celestia. If you want it to end, so be it. Bow before me. Bow before me in the room you killed me. In the library you left me for so long. In our old castle. Do that, and I'll leave your subjects be. But I will not easily hand you the key to your cell. If you want my audience, you'll have to fight for it. My army is on its way now. Ready your guard. I want you to see from the frontline all the lives that your mistakes have thrown away. I want you to watch my minions shred the flesh of those loyal to you. Don't keep me waiting." Another flash of black fires, and he was gone again. Celestia had listened well. He sought war. And if she was to protect her subjects, that war had to be fought. --- The main hall of the palace was full of ponies. Guardsmen and Magisters stood watch while refugees and nobility found themselves in mixed company. Word of war had spread, sending a frightful wave through the crowd. Twilight had just managed to reach her hooves. Various medicines dulled the pain, but physical limitations still held her. She scanned the large room to find her friends. Many faces she recognized from Ponyville, though none with the cheer and vibrancy she remembered. Ditzy Doo and Dinky cradled each other in tears in one corner. Snips walked nervously about, asking if anyone had seen Snails. Mayor Mare lied near one wall, a large bandage on her side. Cheerilee sat with a group of school-ponies, many of which calling in sobs for parents that never showed. Bon-Bon sat alone, screaming through a flood of tears. It was a scene of misery. --- Rainbow Dash sat against a pillar of the large hall. A large, white bandage was wrapped tightly around her, two red-splashed spots on her back. They had not been able to save the wings. They couldn't even be called 'wings' anymore. Using magic to slow the bleeding, she was released back into the room under sedation. Though the pain was absent from her sides, it still bore deep into her mind. "Dash..." It was Applejack. She walked to the blue pony, sitting down beside her. "So, they couldn't put'em back on..." "No, they couldn't. I... I don't have wings anymore." The former pegasus looked to her battered sides, a forlorn shadow dropping over her features. The farmer couldn't make herself look upon her broken friend. "Rainbow... Ah'm so sorry." Dash didn't wish to talk about it further. "So, did you find any of your family? They should be around here somewhere." There was a long pause between the question and its reply. "Mah family ain't here. They ain't gonna show up, either." She sobbed lightly as the tears welled. "Ah saw'em. Ah saw those things get to'em. Big Macintosh tried to protect the house. Ah wanted to help, but he just kept tellin' me to get to Twilight. 'The Princess'll know what to do,' he kept sayin'. Ah couldn't find Twi, so Ah went back to help... and..." She couldn't hold back the rising pain any longer. Applejack fell into her hooves, crying in her distress. Dash put her hoof around the farmer. She had never seen her strongest friend like this before. They had both lost so much today. After several minutes, Applejack found her strength returning, in spite of her sorrow. "Big Macintosh'd be ashamed if he saw me bawlin' like a baby. He'd tell me to be strong. So Ah gotta. Fer him." Dash held the farmer close to her. "Applejack... I spoke with the guards. They need volunteers. Even though I'm hurt, they're taking what they can get." She glanced away to the palace gates, the army being prepared just on the other side. "I'm on the frontline. I want my chance to put a blade in that beast." Applejack looked up, tears still wet in her eyes. "Dash, that's crazy..." The pegasus gave a hollow laugh. "Everything's pretty crazy right now, AJ. This morning I was practicing my stunts while waiting for Twilight. Now, I won't fly again. 'Dash' isn't 'Dash' without wings, AJ. I'll never be her again. I lost everything. Least I can do is take out a few of those things." Applejack held the broken pegasus closer to her. "Rainbow... If yer goin', so am Ah. Those damn monsters took mah life from me. Ah'm not lettin' 'em get away with it, either." The pact was sealed. They would fight together for what they had lost. Dash looked down to the floor. "AJ? I always loved you." She spoke as if she was already dead. "Ah know you did, Rainbow," the farmer replied in a soft voice. "Ah'm sorry Ah never felt the same. Maybe things would'a been different if Ah tried." Both ponies found themselves in the hooves of the other, unashamed of the embrace. --- Twilight finally located Pinkie in the large room. The party pony was less lively than usual, idly petting Gummi's scales. "Pinkie. I'm so happy to see you're all right." Twilight's voice was dry and cracked, damaged by screaming. The pink pony looked to her, a false happiness in her voice. "Oh, hi Twilight. Are you okay?" The unicorn didn't want to hover over the question for long. "I'll make it. Where are the girls?" "Rarity and Fluttershy are helping in the clinic. A lot of ponies were hurt during the attack. And Applejack is down there with Rainbow Dash." The pony pointed over the banister dividing the room to two curled shapes by a pillar. Twilight recognized them as the two ponies in question. There was a silence between them like Twilight had never felt. If anypony could brighten the dead atmosphere, it should be her pink friend. "What's wrong, Pinkie? You're not telling me something." The earth pony sighed, looking down to her pet alligator. "Twilight... nothing will ever be the same again, will it?" The question was jarring. "Oh, Pinkie... things will be all right." Twilight didn't feel it, but she had to be there for her friend. "No they won't. Not after this," the pink pony spoke, voice trembling with the words. "Dash won't be the same. Applejack won't be the same. You won't be the same. Pinkie... Pinkie Pie will never be the same again. I'm happy when others are happy, Twilight. When you and the girls are happy. But now... what is there?" The silence punctuated the sentence. Twilight had to fight the sorrow she felt for the normally bouncy pony. "Pinkie... things are bad right now, but they'll get better. Soon, you, and me, and all our friends will be done with this. We'll put it all behind us in time. And we'll need our party pony when we do." A tear slid down Pinkie's face. "Twilight... you don't have to lie. I can tell. I can tell when I look in your eyes. I don't know what happened, but you're different. There's no joy in your eyes anymore..." The words resonated within the purple unicorn. The memories flashed again in her mind, gripping her in nervous dread. She fought them down. The earth pony continued. "And Dash and AJ... they lost so much. I don't think they'll ever smile again. Without smiles... without happiness, there is no 'Pinkie Pie.' Just Pinkamena..." Twilight couldn't lie to her friend anymore. She didn't know if they'd be happy again. She didn't know if the urge to scream that raged within her would ever go away. She didn't know if AJ or Dash would ever find their smiles again. Without words, she hugged Pinkie close, crying softly with the pony. --- Rarity sat down beside Fluttershy. They had finally found a break in their work helping the numerous doctors and nurses. Rarity looked over herself, cringing at the red bloodstains in her coat. Nothing a bath can't fix, she thought. Beside her, Fluttershy stared blankly at the floor, her own mane and coat splashed and matted with even more blood. Normally quite talkative, the silence between them at this moment was almost palpable. Rarity finally broke the silence. "When this is all over, we'll simply have to reserve a day at the spa." She gave a small, forced laugh at her own joke, hoping to clear the air of the stillness. Fluttershy continued to stare into nothing, focused on the floor. Rarity immediately felt ashamed of her comment. "I'm sorry. It's not the time for such conversation, I know." Fluttershy finally stirred, falling onto the floor into her wrapped forelegs and sobbing heavily. Rarity recoiled at the sudden collapse of her friend, before gripping the pegasus in a hug. "Oh, don't cry, darling. I know it's tough, but please don't cry." She felt her own tears welling in her eyes now, threatening to fall. "It's just... so horrible!" Fluttershy choked out through wailing sobs. "There are so many ponies here. So many hurt, and scared. So many in pain, or fear, or sadness. So many... dead. I don't know if I can handle it, Rarity, I just don't!" The timid pegasus was far too empathetic for her own good. Many years ago, a small fire had started in the forest, and she cried for weeks over just what could have happened. This, though, was too much for her. Her heart ached for all of the ponies who had been hurt, and for all the sadness and misery around her. Rarity gripped her friend tightly. "Now, Fluttershy. I know how tough this is. I'm just as scared as you are. I hate this just as much! But you must be strong. For yourself; for me. And certainly for all of these ponies that need you." She couldn't hold back the emotion any more. Tears trailed her cheeks, dragging streaks of makeup along with them. Fluttershy looked up from her hooves at the distressed pony holding her. She knew that Rarity was right. She knew that the others needed her now, more than anything. She sat up, wrapping her own forelegs around her friend. A unicorn ran over to the two ponies with a hastened pace. "We need some help over here! Quickly!" Wiping the tears from their eyes, the two friends rejoined the medical team at work. --- Princess Celestia emerged from her quarters at last. Shimmering, golden armor plated her slender frame. She was ready to lead. There was only one thing left to take care of. "Luna?" The smaller princess was quickly to her sister's side. "Yeah, Tia?" "I want you to stay in the palace," Celestia continued, her voice softened to its old tone for her beloved sister. "There are many ponies in need of a leader here. They need somepony to look up to." Something didn't feel right to the Princess of the Moon. "Tia... Why are you talking like you won't be coming back?" Celestia couldn't meet her sister's eyes. "Luna, dear..." She couldn't say it. She leaned down, touching her nose to the younger mare's. "Know that I will always love you. And please, take care of Twilight. I believe she can be the next Princess if there's somepony there to teach her." Luna's eyes glistened with wet. "Celestia... no... no, you can't leave me alone. I-I can't rule Equestria! We need you, I need you! You raise the sun every day, you protect all of your subjects!" Celestia let her tears fall. "You don't need me, Luna. I know you can do it. I know you have what it takes." She nuzzled her sister affectionately. "I love you, sister." The younger alicorn sobbed through her tears. "I love you too, sis." --- "Girls," Applejack began. "Me an' Dash're goin' with the soldiers. Ain't gonna make no big fuss over it." She and Dash stood side by side, facing their old friends. Bleak emotions stuck to the air. Protests rose from the four ponies before them. "But darlings, you simply can't!" Rarity spoke. "I know things look bad, but we'll get through this, right girls?" "No, Rare," Dash answered. "We're doing this. No words about it." Her expression sank. "We'll... see you around." Fluttershy stood beside her friends, not wanting to fly in front of the crippled pegasus. "Girls, please be careful. If you must do this, we'll be rooting for you." Twilight wished to speak up, but knew that inside, she would do the same. Even as weak as she is now, she wanted to join her friends fighting against the forces that attacked the village she had called home. Finally, she managed the best she could. "Be safe." Uncharacteristically, Pinkie said nothing. Applejack and Rainbow Dash, farewells said, turned to join the volunteer fighters in the courtyard. They would be fitted for armor, and being non-magical, would be given a mouth-held blade. As they walked towards the softly lit opening, a pink blur landed before them. "Girls, wait!" Pinkie cried out, before her friends. "Promise me. Promise me you'll come back!" The two fighters lowered their eyes. "Pinkie," Dash started, "you know we can't promise that..." Pinkie's face looked pained. "No! You can't promise me that because you know you won't be coming back! And that's why you have to promise me! If you promise, you'll have to come back, otherwise you'll have broken your word!" She hugged onto the two ponies before her, sadness filling her voice. "You gotta promise me. Promise me I won't lose my bestest friends!" The two fighters looked to each other, their pink friend sobbing between them. The emotion was too strong. AJ finally found her voice in the scene. "Ah promise. Ah promise Ah'll come back." Dash followed in turn, putting her own hoof around her pink friend. "I promise, Pinkie. You'd better throw one hell of a party when this is over." The three ponies found themselves crying into each other's hold, their friends soon joining in the group hug. They all had lost something, but no matter what, they still had each other. A distant horn sounded, calling forth the troops. The battle was soon underhoof. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mistakes of the Past By Cosmic Waltz Warning: Grimdark Content. Read at your own discretion. Warning: Grimdark Content. Read at your own discretion. Warning: Grimdark Content. Read at your own discretion. This is a Grimdark fanfiction story based on the show "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" by Hasbro. It will contain scenes of violence, gore, death, and heavy emotional content. You have been warned. Warning: Grimdark Content. Read at your own discretion. Warning: Grimdark Content. Read at your own discretion. Warning: Grimdark Content. Read at your own discretion. Chapter 5 Celestia led her forces, marching down the mountainside towards the ruins of Ponyville. The darkened skies above were further blackened by the billowing plumes rising from the burning village below them. A piercing cold had taken the place of summer warmth as the land lied shrouded from the sun. A light snowfall drifted down from the clouds, born not of pony design, but of the anomalous weather above. Rainbow Dash stood beside Applejack, marching together near the front of the battalion. They were two of a small collection of volunteers dotted amidst the guardsmen on the ground. Dash looked around, surveying the warriors she was to fight beside. Just like the soldiers around them, she and AJ were clad in shining golden armor. They had been equipped as all of the guards had with steel horseshoes and armored bracers on their four pasterns; the front plated for defense and a small blade lining the rear of the hind for bucking-combat. Hanging closely from chains around their necks, each pony of the guard was given a weapon to hold by a handle in their mouths, with two forward curved blades to either side. Dash noted that she was the only one of the ground troop who wasn't an earth pony. Above them were her own kind, flying low in the weather in a military formation. They were armed similarly, though the equipment weighed considerably less so as not to hinder flight. She bit back a tear as she saw the Wonderbolts leading the team, reminding her of her own losses. In the rear of the ground troop followed the magisters, ready to use their advanced magic from a distance. Heavy armor would hinder their concentration, and thus their magic, so each unicorn wore cloth robes, enchanted to resist attacks and magic influence better. At the head of the vast army stood the Princess of the Sun, walking fearlessly towards battle in her own royal armaments. "This is just like in those history books we used to have at Flight School," the injured pegasus remarked. "I kinda wish I had paid more attention in those classes now." AJ gave a weak laugh. "Can't say Ah had much book learnin', so it's all new t'me. Course, Ah don't think any'a these ponies have seen anything like this before either." Dash had to admit she was concerned about the militant forces around her. The guard was well trained, but there had been no wars in Equestria in centuries. Only the princess ahead of them had ever truly seen combat. The pegasus looked down to the weapon hanging below her chin. "Do you know how to use these things?" "Well, Ah can't say Ah do," Applejack answered, some life returning to her dialect. "Ah've used some stuff around the farm that weren't too different from this, but never in a fight. Ah guess Ah'll just be swingin' and kickin' at any of the baddies that get too close t'me. You?" Dash gave a small smile to her friend. "I guess I'll follow your lead. To be honest, I've never really been in a fight before." Applejack looked to the pegasus, chuckling softly. "Ya tellin' me ya ain't never been in a scuffle, and yet ya signed on to fight in the army? Ah think ya got yer thinking backwards, Rainbow." "Actually," Dash replied, looking down to the hooves that moved her forward, "I didn't really do this to fight." "What the hay did ya join these guys for, then?" the farmer pony asked. The positive mood that had been growing again between them seemed to shirk away. "Back in the palace..." the blue pony confessed, "I... I just wanted it over... I wanted everything to be over. I chose to fight because I knew I wouldn't live through it. I knew those things would finish me off,... so that I wouldn't have to..." As sick as the words felt in Applejack's mind, she knew that somewhere in herself she did the same. Things were different now though. They had a promise to keep. "Dash, ya feather-head, ya ain't dyin' with me here. Ah won't let ya!" She glanced to the pegasus, seeing the distant spark of hope returning to those rose-colored eyes. "We gotta keep our word. We gotta stop those damn things and that wicked pony leadin' em. And you gotta make it through this too, because when this is over, Ah owe ya a date." Dash shot to attention. "Wait, what?!" Applejack smiled warmly to her friend. "Ah told ya before, Sugarcube, that maybe things would'a been different if Ah had ever given it a shot. And today, Dash, Ah died. Mah whole life died, and Ah got lucky enough to come back from it. Ain't no way Ah'll let somethin' like that pass me up again." Dash felt herself blush. The pain that had been returning to her mutilated back seemed to disappear under the consideration of her friend. Applejack turned to the pony. "But ya gotta make it through this. Don't you dare leave me alone in this mess!" A rustling of whispers ran back through the formation. They had reached the base of the mountain, and the ruins of Ponyville. Dash looked forward, peering through the crowd. Fires still raged through a few of the buildings, spread further by the wind. Bodies of less fortunate ponies lay scattered through the streets, blood dried around them. But what stood out the most was just how quiet the town had become. Celestia scanned the village. "Keep your wits, everypony." Captain Strongheart moved forward to stand beside his leader. "Your Majesty, something isn't right. Where is the enemy?" "I'm not sure," the Princess replied, "but Sevic has always been a devious one. Do not let your guard down." As the army moved forward, however, the enemy continued to remain elusive. There was no sight of the creatures that had ransacked the place mere hours before. Applejack felt on edge. She whispered under her breathe to the pony beside her. "Dash, Ah don't like this." Rainbow Dash had to agree. She had seen the monsters from before, attacking the citizens on the streets. There were far too many then for the town to be this desolate now. "Something's up, AJ. I know it." The words jinxed the situation. As the army passed the market in the center of the town, a black glow formed around the corpses littering the street, pulsing faintly before seeping into them. A low moan sounded, echoing deep from within the lifeless bodies as they began to stir. Strongheart jumped before his troops. "It's an ambush! Everypony, prepare to fight!" The darkened, decayed ponies from the first attack emerged from the buildings as the recently deceased reached their hooves. The zombies shambled towards the small battalion as the warriors readied their weapons. The ground troops were the first to find combat. The armored ponies leapt upon the living corpses, sinking blade and driving hoof against their attackers. A solider near the outside of the formation dove towards one of the darkened figures, slicing a large gash into the neck of the beast clear to the bone. Congealed blood oozed thick over the blade, but the beast did not stagger. Unaffected, the creature lashed out its head, gnashed its teeth into the tender flesh of the soldier's neck. Blood sprayed from the wound as the royal guard stumbled back. "They don't die! THE DAMN THINGS DON'T DIE!" Strongheart rushed to the injured solider's side, slashing his own blade across the monster's previous wound, cleaving clear through the bone and tissue. The dismembered head fell to the ground, teeth clenching to find meat it could not reach as the body threw hooves wildly in blind directions. Helping the bleeding soldier to his feet, Strongheart shouted his only order. "Then cut them into pieces too small to fight back!" As the troop scattered into the battle, Dash found herself separated from Applejack. Pain again stabbed at her back, and with how unfamiliar she was to being completely grounded, the former-pegasus found herself in a panicked haze. "AJ? AJ?! Where are you?!" A shrill wail sounded behind her. Turning quick on her hooves, Dash found the dead features of Mrs. Cake falling onto her, landing a hoof down hard on the pegasus' face. Dash fell into the dirt, her head rattling from the impact. She looked up to see the deceased pastry chef she once knew falling again, another blow aimed for her head. Dash immediately rolled from beneath the deathly creature, letting the zombie's hooves crash into the empty space she had occupied. Hopping to her hooves, Dash turned, planting a strong buck against the head of the monster, the bladed spurs shredding the lifeless pony's face. Knocked down by the kick, the zombie was quick to stand, rushing towards Dash again, mouth biting at the face of her victim. The adrenaline now coursing through the pegasus' veins cleared her mind. Flipping back her head, the handled weapon strapped around her neck was lifted into the air before her. Gripping the weapon fast in her mouth before gravity could return it, Dash arched herself forward, catching the zombified Mrs. Cake between the jaws and removing the top of the beast's skull from her body. Not content to die, the corpse reared to drop its hooves onto the pegasus again. Hastened by the drive of combat, Dash acted fast, twisting herself around again to kick the corpse onto its back with a hard, bladed buck. Madly, Dash returned to slashing the flailing body on the ground, severing limbs and meat from the torso of the beast. Finally catching her senses, she jumped back from the dissected creature, watching the macabre mass of flesh and bone twitch and writhe as it tried to continue the fight. It was incapable of attacking again, Dash remarked. There was no time to celebrate her personal victory, however. She had to find Applejack. The blue pegasus bolted through the crowd of white stallions, scouring for a glimpse of Applejack's orange coat in the dim light. The battle had truly found them now. Reanimated pegasi attacked from the sky as the aerial troops attempted to detach their wings. The magisters had their work cut out, finding that even the few zombified unicorns that stumbled about could still use magic, and were not fatigued by its use. For the most part, however, the ground of the square saw the true combat, with blade and armor fighting teeth and hoof. Despite their training and defenses, many of the soldiers were finding themselves overwhelmed. White coats and golden armor were spotted with blood, both of their enemies and themselves. Occasionally a stallion would fall, quickly being overpowered by the undead monsters. The market was quickly soaked with new and old blood in all the violence. Dash fought through the melee to find her missing friend. A few of the monsters had turned their attacks to her as she moved forward. She had knocked many away with a swift buck, and had disabled a few with powerful arcs of her blade. Finally, she caught the distant sight of the pony in question. "Appleja-" Dash's call was cut short by a strong hit to her side. One of the undead pegasi had escaped the pursuits of the aerial squadron, targeting the blue pony on the ground. As Dash scrambled to stand, the monster landed a hoof onto her left side. She winced in misery as her ribs snapped and cracked through her side. As the beast reared back again, Dash kicked her hooves out to escape. The blue pony found no traction in the soft mud beneath her, and braced herself for another strike. There was a flash of bright purple light, tendrils of magic branching across the zombie. The beast barreling down on the wounded pegasus never found its mark, its flesh and meat being disintegrated by the arcane blast. Left in its place was only a faint spray of blood and shreds of flesh. Princess Celestia was soon beside Dash, her armor still gleaming in flawless gold. She helped the injured pegasus to her hooves. "Rainbow Dash, are you okay?" There was undeniable panic in her voice. Dash stumbled, her cracked ribs stinging with each motion of her left foreleg. "I'll be fine. Are you all right, Princess?" Celestia moved back, looking over the field. "I'm fine. They aren't attacking me." Her eyes turned to the Everfree Forest, the clouds swirling above in a twisting maelstrom. "He's keeping me from harm. Find Applejack, and keep her safe. I'm going to confront Sevic on my own." The Princess took to the air, her large wings carrying her well over the field of battle. Dash watched in awe at the graceful motions of the royal pony, but found herself quickly back to her senses. She knew where Applejack was headed, and knew she had to get there fast. The blue pegasus bolted towards the Apple farmland. If the farmer pony was anywhere, she would be at her home. As Dash ran further from the square, the shuffling corpses became fewer and farther between. She knew the soldiers had the town covered without her, as the numbers of undead were rapidly dwindling. With her wounded side, she was of little use in battle anyway. As she drew down the path, she could see Applejack, but could also see she wasn't alone. Walking slowly towards AJ was a large red stallion, who Dash recognized as having been Big Macintosh in life. The farmer pony sat before the stallion, her helmet removed and by her side. She showed no sign of fighting the attacker coming at her. Dash tried to speed her step towards the pair, finding herself crippled by her injured ribs. She pressed the pain aside, forcing her hooves to follow in front of her. "APPLEJACK!" The large stallion moved closer to the pony as Dash tried to close the distance. His face was marked with ripped flesh, and his coat was splattered with blood and open wounds. He stopped before Applejack, rearing on his back legs to drop his hooves onto his younger sibling. Dash wouldn't make it to her friend in time. "AJ! YOU PROMISED!" Metal glinted in the weak light as AJ slashed her blade across the red pony reared in front of her. The stallion fell back, sliced away from his lower legs. The crippled stallion attempted to continue his attack, rolling onto his belly. As the undead pony pulled himself onto his forelegs, AJ again brought down her blade, severed his head. The remaining pieces couldn't harm anypony. Dash slowed as she approached the still setting. "AJ..." "Big Macintosh would'a been plum ticked if he knew he was bein' used like that," the farmer spoke. "And if anypony was gonna take care'a him, it was gonna be me. Ah look after mah own." She turned back to the pegasus, tears in her eyes. She ran over, hugging Dash around the neck. Behind the pair, cheers of victory could be heard rising from the town. The battle had been a success, it seemed, but the war was not over yet. --- Celestia walked through the silent halls of the castle she once shared with her sister. As she suspected, the reanimated monsters that had attacked in the square were not after her, making the flight to the structure easy. Precisely above the castle, the clouds swirled in chaotic turmoil. This was its source, she knew. The bleached halls of the castle showed their age, but the memories were still fresh with her. She saw the tapestries not as the tattered cloths they were, but as she remembered them, depicting birth of creation and rising of the sun and moon. The long faded carpets were still a beautiful red in her mind, and the tarnished doors still expertly carved. This was her home, whether she ran from it or not. She stopped as she came to the library that haunted her dreams. Just on the other side of the empty, broken hinges lied the room she had wanted to forget and the pony she had never wanted to remember. It had been only one day, and yet his influence would reach many millennia into the future, staining history forever. She stepped into the room through the empty frame. Across the dusty library sat Sevic, bare of his discarded robes. He sat before the empty housing of the mirror he had known for years. "So, you've finally made it." "Sevic..." Anger fought to burst from her voice, leashed by her will. The malicious pony never turned from his shattered prison. "You are not royalty here." His wicked, mad tone had dissolved since their last meeting, fading to one of emotionless seriousness. "I won't stand for that costume." His horned glowed of black energy. As Celestia closed their distance, his magic took to her, stripping her of the armor and royal attire she had worn. She continued towards the pony, unclothed, before sitting back only a short distance from him. "Sevic... I understand now." The pony before her never stirred, sitting contently as she spoke. "I've wondered since you first appeared to me. I've been wondering just how you had come back. But now, I understand. You didn't come back. You're not Sevic. Sevic is dead." The monster still remained silent, staring at the fixture before him. "You're the memory of Sevic. You're what was left behind. A trace of who he was. I put you away, but I could never hope to hide a memory. And when I tried, you fed on my power. You fed on the very magic I held you with." She stood, walking to beside the pony. "Your power is my own." The phantom pony finally spoke. "I remember who he was. I remember his anger. His hatred. But he is dead. And so is his power." He turned to the royal mare beside him. "But I am Sevic. I may not be him in body, but his mind lives on. His desire for revenge burns through me. And his desire for your power." He leaned over, kissing the mare on her cheek. "I will destroy you, just as he wished to." Celestia looked down. "Sevic... I'm sorry. It was the biggest mistake in my life." Suddenly, her gaze shot up to meet the pony's, the fury of a goddess behind her stare. "But killing you wasn't my mistake. My mistake was trying to keep you. My mistake was letting anything of you survive. And I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't finish you when I had the chance." Her horn began to glow, its aura encircling the pony and herself. Sevic flashed with rage. "Silence!" His magic grasped her, throwing the mare across the room. She hit a wall of bookshelves with a painful cracking of wood and bone, dozens of dusty tomes falling over her and the floor around her. Pain shot through her instantly, and her hind legs fell completely dead to her control as she collapsed beneath the avalanche. "You worthless foal," the evil pony uttered under broken breath. He faced Celestia, his stance menacing. "Whether I am the true Sevic or not does not matter. What matters is that you know your place. Bow to me. Beg for your kingdom, so that I may take it from you." Celestia struggled to lift her head from the floor. Her back was broken, she knew, but she could still control her upper body. Forcing herself onto her front legs, she stared into the eyes of her assailant. "Sevic. You are of my power. You were born of my magic." The glow of magic grew brighter around them, her strength feeding heavily from unbound energy. "And I understand now. I am the only one who can destroy you!" Sevic recoiled at the words, attempting to force his magic upon her again. Before he could strike, however, he found a power to rival his own, stunting his magic and binding his limbs. True fear marked his face as his predicament sank in. "What are you doing?! How-" "You are of my magic, beast!" Celestia shouted, the powerful energy swirling around them both. "I alone can destroy you! My power!" The monster laughed. "You? Ha! You are nothing. Do you really think you're strong enough to defeat me?" Celestia knew he was right. Her power was incredible, but nothing compared to his own. He was still from her own magic, however, which gave her an advantage that no other pony could take. If she poured all of her power into the attack, she knew she could defeat him, but also knew that doing so would completely drain her. But she had to try. The aura of magic began to glow white with pure intensity around the two ponies. Sevic's mood dropped from his psychotic high as he realized her intent. "You will die as well, you imbecile! Is your kingdom worth your life? Are those worthless subjects you guide worth dying for?" A tear slipped from the Princess's eye, and a smile crossed her face. "Goodbye, Sevic. I loved you once. But you are my mistake to correct." --- Dash and Applejack rallied with the troops in town, taking a count of who remained. Many were injured, but results showed that only a few of the valiant warriors had fallen in combat. The bodies of the soldiers were lined, as were the bodies of those who fell in the initial attack on Ponyville. One of the unicorns had tended to Rainbow's side, mending the bones as best as he could. The pain of her back had returned unanesthetized now, biting into her. The farmer mare that held her gingerly in her hooves, however, seemed to make even that pain seem trivial. "AJ, what happens now?" Dash asked, trying not to let her voice tremble under the burden of her wounds. The farmer looked over the mare she held. "We start over, Dashie. Ah think that's all there is t'do." Strongheart looked over the numbers twice, confirming the count. During the battle, the Princess had requested the troops stay behind, allowing her private audience with the true enemy of the conflict. "Good work, everypony. I'm proud to call you colts my allies. Now, we wait for the Princess." A cheer of victory sounded from the army. Even the few mares in the crowd took the misnomer of "colt" with pride. They would return heroes. A shattering crack echoed through the air, and a low rumbling carried its way through the ground beneath them. Many soldiers grabbed their weapons, expecting another attack, when the sky was suddenly pierced by a white column of light from the Everfree Forest. The immense energy broke through the clouds above the dense forest, a large wave spreading to clear all of the sky. Despite the hour being well past evening, the suspended noon sun beamed down upon the weary eyes of those beneath the canopy. After only a few seconds, the light died, and the world was calm again. "Captain," one guard called, "what was that? What did that mean?" Strongheart had received the spectacle well, and knew what it had meant. "It means we've won, soldier. At a terrible cost." Silence fell over the battalion as they heard the message. The guard from before spoke again. "Do... do we go for the Princess?" Strongheart turned back towards the mountains they walked from, eyes affixed to the ground below him. "She won't be there. We've won. I'm taking full charge until we return to Canterlot. Now, let's march." Sevic had been defeated, Strongheart knew. The war was over. He had feared what lengths the Princess would go to, but never expected she would release all of her power against the beast. All traces of her energy had vanished with the blast, a sign every unicorn nearby recognized instantly. All that was left was to give his report to the now sole Princess of Equestria. > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mistakes of the Past By Cosmic Waltz Warning: Grimdark Content. Read at your own discretion. Warning: Grimdark Content. Read at your own discretion. Warning: Grimdark Content. Read at your own discretion. This is a Grimdark fanfiction story based on the show "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" by Hasbro. It will contain scenes of violence, gore, death, and heavy emotional content. You have been warned. Warning: Grimdark Content. Read at your own discretion. Warning: Grimdark Content. Read at your own discretion. Warning: Grimdark Content. Read at your own discretion. Chapter 6 Many seasons had passed since the day all of Equestria would forever remember. In its passing, it had taken the Princess that all of ponykind had looked to for protection and support, leaving her younger sister on the throne. A ceremony was held in Canterlot to mourn the Sun Princess' passing, and to celebrate her life. A ceremony was also held to honor those lost in the Battle of Ponyville, both in the initial assault and in its reclamation. Both would become annual rituals for as long as Equestria stood. Many ponies held fear through teary eyes that Equestria would never be the same without the royal mare they had known their entire lives. Luna, however, took well to her role, with the help of her sister's advisors and her own friends. Though it took many years, balance seemed restored in the hearts of her subjects. Life in Ponyville slowly returned to normal, and though nopony would ever forget the events that happened on that day, many found joy again through rebuilt hopes. --- Rainbow Dash walked through the cavernous palace halls. She had been called to the royal throne for an urgent matter just hours before. Though offered an escort by pegasus-drawn cart, she was still far too proud of herself, opting to walk the distance to Canterlot instead. She entered the throne room. Passing the guards, she couldn't help but gloat. They were new recruits to the royal guard, where she was a decorated soldier. The medal held around her neck proved as much, and though she rarely wore the amulet, she made a point to when around the palace. As she approached the thrones, the earth-bound pegasus saw a mare she knew quite well. "Hey, Princess Twilight!" Twilight blushed from her seat on the throne, Luna at her side. "Oh, Dash, stop! You can just call me Twilight. It's not like I'm a princess yet." It was hardly true. She was still in training, but was quickly on the path to being accepted as true royalty amongst the courts. Under Princess Luna's teachings and guidance, as well as her personal training with the late Princess Celestia, she was deemed the most fit to take the role of co-ruler of Equestria, much to Luna's relief. At first, her training had been shaky. Twilight's magic was not as powerful as it once was, both due to having her horn broken before, and to emotional blocks. If the unicorn was anything though, she was stubborn. She spent days in the secret archives of the palace, practicing advanced magic as best as she could. When she needed a break, or a shoulder to cry out the memories, Luna was always there. Before long, the royal mare could hardly keep up with the pony as she breezed through the difficult spells. In time, the new magic that flowed through her changed her. She now stood as tall as Luna, and was growing more with each spell she put under her power. Still, as much as she was changing, she was still Twilight, and couldn't see herself as anything different. Luna joined the conversation. "Before we get to why we called you, Rainbow, how's everything going in Ponyville?" Dash smiled. "Going well, considering. Things are starting to get back to normal. Spike's running the library now, and he's doing a great job. He's grown a lot over the last year. He tries not so show it, but he does miss you, Twilight. Maybe stop by sometime, kay? Rarity opened her shop again. She's been doing a lot of free work for some of the ponies that lost all of their belongings in the fires after the attack. She can be such a selfless pony, sometimes. And you should have seen that smile when Fluttershy found Opalescence hiding under her home!" The blue pony sat back, realizing she would be there a while. "Speaking of Fluttershy, she's tending to her animals again, and a few ponies as well. She's running something of a 'Grief Center' out of her home for those of us who need it. Me and Pinkie have been there a few times ourselves. Oh, and Pinkie opened her own shop! 'Pinkie Pie's Party Parlor!' She's back to baking and party planning, just like before. Which reminds me, she'd be all over me if I forgot to tell the two of you that you're invited to a shop-warming party tonight." Twilight felt warmed by hearing of her friends, and how they were doing so much better since last she saw. "And what about you and Applejack?" A new smile crossed the pegasus' face; one of love, and comfort. "We're doing great. Working the acres again, preparing for the next Applebuck Season. I'm still terrible at it, but I'm getting there. Might hire a few ponies to help out this year. And we have a kid now. Well, adopted, obviously. Scootaloo was orphaned during the attack. She's a bit old to call our own, I guess, but I just couldn't stand leaving her without a family. Had a bit of trouble adopting, being AJ and I are both mares, but I hear we may have had a couple certain Princesses on our side." She raised a brow to the two mares before her. Luna giggled. "You two would make great parents. When we heard you were trying to adopt, maybe we helped out a bit." "If by 'a bit,'" Twilight added, "you mean 'went over the highest authority of the agency to approve the adoption,' then yes, we helped out a bit." Dash got a laugh from the two royal mares. She knew she owed them for helping her and Applejack. "Thanks, guys. Er, Princesses." Twilight decided to not delay anymore. "Dash, we called you here for something important." Luna picked up the conversation. "After the attack on Ponyville, we realized just how little we knew of restorative magic. I guess in my absence, and the times of peace, nopony had much reason for advanced study in that field, but we were greatly underprepared for what we had to treat." Twilight still remembered how little healing magic was able to help her at first, though what it could do had saved her life and her horn. She continued the conversation. "Since then, we've placed a lot of emphasis on restorative magic. We've made many advances over the last year, and we think we may be able to give you wings again. It's still in research, but if you're willing, we can give it a try." She shot a huge grin to the once-pegasus. Dash's own smile was only slight in comparison. She looked to her sides, the two scarred dents in her back still showing through her coat. She had hated to see those wounds for so long, but now, it was just another part of her. "Thanks, guys, but no thanks. The sky was my life, but now, I have another. I have a family. A beautiful wife. A little filly to look after. I don't need the sky anymore." The Princesses had not expected the answer, but were happy for their friend. Twilight spoke. "It's good to hear that you're happy again, Dash. Very well. But, if I can, let me say that you'll always be the Dash we love. You'll be a great parent, and wife, wings or not. The offer will always be here if you ever decided to take it." Dash blushed faintly. "Well, maybe one day. I guess it'd be good to teach Scootaloo to fly. And she's always wanted to see a Sonic Rainboom. Right now, though, I think I'll stick to the ground." Twilight didn't want to pressure the issue. It was an offer, after all. "Well, it was nice to see you again. Now, will you take us up on a ride back to Ponyville this time?" Dash playfully stuck her tongue out to the Princesses, turning to walk from the throne room. "And you had both better be at Pinkie's party! Or she will bring the party to you, I promise." The blue pony left the two Princesses to giggle at the threat of a palace party, again showing off to the guards as she passed. "Think she's serious about that?" Luna asked, turning to her pupil. "If I remember Pinkie at all, yes." Twilight answered, chuckling to herself. "Well, if we're going to make the party tonight, we have a few things to take care of first," Luna said, standing from her throne. "And we still have a meeting to attend. I know how you hate those." --- Twilight entered her personal chambers. The meeting was soon to begin, and being seen as a formal "Princess," she had to look as such. As much as Twilight disliked the boring conferences that came with the role of Princess, she found the idea tolerable when she knew she would see her friends later. She had rarely seen them since accepting to be Luna's understudy. She knew many ponies in Canterlot must have felt unnerved by her ascending to a rank none thought was acceptable for a common pony. Having been Celestia's own student, however, had given her more credit than she herself thought. Many of the council sat uneasy around her, preferring not to refer to her as much as possible. If anypony still saw her as she was, though, it was her friends from Ponyville. And besides, she was long overdue to pay Spike a visit. She was almost a foster parent for the dragon after all. She placed on her royal wear: a large gem-studded harness around her neck, ornate shoes on her hooves and pasterns, and a small diadem on her head, each in a deep blue-purple hue. She always held back a laugh when she thought of how jealous Rarity would have been to see her in these silly things. To her, they felt too opulent, but she respected what they represented nonetheless. A voice came from outside of her door. "Are you ready, Princess Sparkle?" It was her own assistant, Glint Whisper. He was a soft-spoken unicorn, barely old enough to even be called a stallion, but he was ferociously loyal. He was one of few ponies in Canterlot who had no qualms calling her "Princess," whether she was comfortable with the title or not. "Not yet. I'll be out in just a moment." She thought how she should bring him to the party as well. Fluttershy would like him. She used her magic to pick up a brush off of her vanity. As she pulled it through her forelock, she felt the bristles prick the still tender scar at the base of her horn. A cold emptiness almost floored her instantly. She bit her lip, fighting back the memories that haunted her darkest dreams still. Memories of burning eyes and the horrible abuse she had endured. As much as she tried to play off the true depth of how the vicious stallion affected her, it still bled through her composure occasionally. Glint and Luna were the only ponies who knew of how deep the cut had been to her emotionally, and both did their best to help her. On more than one occasion Luna had shared her bed with the tortured unicorn during her darker moments, letting Twilight cry within her hooves. Glint was the only stallion she still felt comfortable around, but his soft demeanor had been the greatest help in getting her to open up again. Many nights, she would call to him to stand guard while she slept, afraid that even the shadows held intent against her, and every morning the blue-coated pony would still be there, standing vigilant against the non-existent threats of her mind. Still, the scar, her only physical reminder, was the best way to drag her back into that miserable state. Tonight, however, she refused to let the pain take her. She couldn't meet her friends with anything less that the happiest of moods. She looked herself over in the mirror once more, making sure she had placed all of the royal attire on correctly. Within its frame, she saw her reflection looking back. She still was not used to how tall her powerful magic had made her. Magic was the reason why the Princesses were both so much taller than other ponies, she had been told, and in secret, she was told that it was the key to their longevity. Whether or not she would be granted similar properties by her gift, she was uncertain, but Luna seemed confident that they would rule together for many millennia. It made Twilight nervous, though. The thought of outliving her friends had crossed her mind many times since that conversation. She battled it down again. Her friends meant everything to her. If that was her fate, she would just have to spend as much time with them as she could, starting again with tonight. Really, who would tell a Princess "no" if she asked for her own time? She could already raise the moon with little difficulty, and was under training now to handle the sun. Surely, if no pony felt comfortable with how she received the throne, they would at least honor that she was well equipped for the position. Within the glass, she noticed only faintly a flicker of magic. She giggled softly. "Now, you. None of that." She spoke quietly so as not to let Glint hear from the opposite side of the door. It was her secret. Not long after the battle of Ponyville, Twilight felt a pull within her, drawing her back to where the Ancient Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters once stood. She fought the call as long as she could, but eventually found herself too curious to stay away. It was a long journey, especially in her still weakened condition and without an escort. Still, she felt almost guided by some unseen force, and the forest seemed to almost part before her. She found what remained of the castle, most of which having been reduced to a crater still glimmering with magical charge. The deepest trough of the crater seemed to be where the library had once been. She could still feel the static power of what happened there. More than that, though, she felt a presence. A trace of magic she could never forget. It had lasted for many nights, fading with each passing moment, but it was still burning strong. She had to keep it. She turned from the mirror, headed to the door. "All right, Sir Glint. I'm ready." The blue unicorn quickly opened the three-part door for his Princess. He fought to keep his shaggy yellow mane out of his eyes as he bowed. "Right this way, Princess Sparkle." "Please, lead on," Twilight requested. Before closing the door, she turned once more to the mirror. With Glint out of earshot, she spoke back. "I promise to tell you how the party went when I get back, Princess Celestia."