Holy Celestia!

by UnderCover

First published

A gathering of six ponies and a dragon meet in a clearing. One botched spell sends them whirling....

Six ponies and one dragon meet in a clearing. One botched spell sends them whirling through time and space to a land they'd never have dreamed of. Can they find out where and what they are?

Chapter One: The Party

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MLP Fanfic

Fluttershy padded quietly along a path in the woods. She was worried, like always, but this time she knew that it wasn’t for a bad reason. The path was one she had never seen before, but how it had escaped her sight before she had no clue. She could have sworn…oh well. A twig snapped, and she jumped so high that she wrapped herself around a tree branch. Sighing, she took a minute to convince herself that everything was okay. Then she fluttered down to the ground and continued along the trail.

Pinkie Pie bounced along through the forest. She still hadn’t found Fluttershy yet, but she had a feeling that she was close. At a fork in the trail, she decided to follow the one that had very slight hoof prints. She started to whistle, and it sounded funny because she was bouncing.

Applejack ran as fast as she could into the woods from Fluttershy’s house. She had been waiting there for an hour, and she knew that Fluttershy wouldn’t just FORGET their appointment. It was important, and she was really worked up about it. She decided to search the woods, just to make sure that the Everfree Forest hadn’t claimed her. She shivered and went left at a fork in the path.

Rarity picked her way through the woods, eking at every spider or puddle. She shivered as a swarm of bugs passed over her perfectly manicured mane. Spike hopped contentedly behind her, dragging her gem wagon behind him. She wondered if it were a bad idea to search for gems in the icky depths of the Everfree Forest.

Twilight Sparkle moved slowly through the Everfree Forest, looking closely at every leaf. She pulled out her book on wild plants and recorded it in her notes. She was on a mission from Zecora, studying every plant she saw and writing detailed notes about it. She took an absentminded left and stared at a beautiful blue blossom.

Rainbow Dash shot through the trees, practicing her ability to maneuver in small spaces. So far she was rockin’ the skies, or at least she hadn’t run into anything. She decided to do a flip, even though it was a slight risk, but hey, she was RAINBOW DASH, come ON. She arched perfectly then – OOF! She slid into a painful heap on the ground. “Ahhhhh…” she moaned. “I think I’ll… walk,” she said as her head spun in circles. She made her way to the path in a dizzy mess and took a left. She hoped she was going the right way…

Fluttershy stopped in a sunny clearing. It was a normal looking place, but something about it made her shiver more than usual. Maybe it was the fact that she couldn’t see or hear any animals. She listened harder and heard incoming footsteps. She held in a scream and flew as high as she could. The trees made a cage over the clearing, so she had no way to get higher. She watched nervously as into the clearing stepped… “PINKIE PIE!”

“Oh THERE you are silly!” Pinkie Pie shouted up to her. She hopped up and down excitedly as Fluttershy spiraled down to her. “What are you doing HERE?” she asked, and before she got an answer, carried on. “I was on this path and I was like, where is she? So I tried to look for you then I went to the woods, then I followed this trail, then I wandered around a bunch and now I’m here,” she paused for a breath. “So hi.”

Applejack rounded a bend and dashed forward, knocking into a very pink pony. The next time she had any sense of up and down, she was in the lap of… “Pinkie Pie? What’r you doing here, Pinkie?” she wondered aloud. She heard a noise and turned. “FLUTTERSHY!” she shouted. “I’ve only searched the ENTIRE forest to find you!” she said in exasperation.

“Sorry, I was going into the woods to get something to heal Winona’s leg. I sort of got lost. Sorry,” she said meekly.

“That’s okay. I was – wait, sh. Do you hear voices?” Applejack said nervously.

“Ugh, Spike dear, PLEASE stop getting so close to me with that wagon! You’re getting MUD on my coat!” exclaimed Rarity. Spike sighed and moved backwards to put some distance between the wagon and her pure white fur.

“Rarity!” shouted Pinkie Pie. She bounded down the path and returned with a very surprised looking Rarity.

“Is this some sort of party?” she asked, completely confused. They really SHOULD have warned her; now she was here without a proper dress on!

“OOOOOhhhhhh… I wish, but no. We all ended up stepping on each other’s hooves here in Everfree,” Pinkie responded. She jumped up and down. “All we need to make this a party is –“

“Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle!” shouted Applejack.

“Exactly! It would be an AMAZING party with THEM here!” Pinkie went on.

“No, really, it’s Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle!” Applejack replied as she pointed with her head towards the two ponies.

“WOAH this is a coincidence even more extreme than Pinkie sense!” Pinkie ranted, amazed. She pretended to wobble back and forth, then “fainted” in the middle of the clearing.

“Why are you all here?” Twilight asked. They all looked at each other.

“We don’t exactly know…” trailed Fluttershy quietly.

“Soooo… where am I?” Rainbow Dash said as her head spun slowly. She swore there were birds circling around her head, but no pony else said anything about it, so she kept quiet.
Twilight grimaced. “She sort of took a bad crash from what I know,” she explained. They all laughed and shook their heads.

“How about we make this into a PARTY?!” Pinkie asked. She ran around doing a one-pony conga line and ended up on the ground, laughing.

“Yeah, I’m sure I know a spell to get some party going supplies here without us having to walk all the way back,” Twilight said smilingly. She leafed through a book she happened to have on her, then shut it. “I remember now,” she said as she lifted her horn. The clearing glowed purple, then started to change. Colors swirled and warped, and the ponies were flipped and tumbled through a rip in the fabric of ponykind. A second later and the clearing was empty, with no trace of the six ponies and one dragon there. Not even a hoof print remained to remind the land of Equestria of the phenomena that marked a great change in the lives of ponies everywhere.


“Ugh, what HAPPENED?”asked Twilight. She opened her eyes to find herself in an unfamiliar place…

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHERE THE HECK AM I?” shouted Rainbow Dash crazily. Applejack sprang to her feet to calm her.

“Hush you! Don go shoutin’ about when we don even know where we are!” she said sternly. Rainbow Dash hushed.

“I suppose, but where are we? I took a pretty bad spill after that flip but I don’t remember much after that. My hooves still hur- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“WHAT NOW!!!!” shouted Spike over the screaming. Every pony turned to stare at Rainbow Dash, but all she could do was choke on her words and roll her eyes crazily. She kept pointing at herself and finally fainted. Once every pony else realized what she was getting at, a massive screaming match started to make chaos among the seven there. After they all couldn’t possibly scream any longer, they all sat breathlessly on the grass.

“Wh-what ARE we?!” Rarity asked shrilly.

“Even I don’t know! I’ve never seen anything like us in any book I’ve ever read! This is crazy, what are we!?” Twilight ranted before beginning to hyperventilate. She knew that everyone was wondering the same thing. “But I know one thing. When in doubt, go to a library!” she said, with a little more confidence. No pony else had a better idea, so they agreed to head for the nearest library – if this crazy world even had any libraries.


“Where the hay can you find a library in this mess?” asked Applejack.

“Well, we could ask that… thing. Excuse me? Can you tell us where the nearest library is?” Twilight asked another of their… kind. It pointed a hoof across an odd looking path with ponyless wagons zipping across it. They stepped onto the path, and the wagons started to blare loudly. They all jumped ten feet into the air and made a mad dash to the other side of the path. They bent double, all breathing heavy.

“What is UP with this place?” Pinkie asked. “They really need a party or two to loosen up!”

“Yeah, yeah, sure. Let’s get our butts moving into this thing that they supposedly call a library. It looks really run down to me. This tree seems way to red and square. Whatever, like I said, get moving,” Rainbow Dash said dismissively. They walked through the doors and made their way to the counter where another thing was waiting.

“Can I help you girls?” it asked sweetly.

“Yeah, uh, can you get us a book on us. Like, our kind in general,” Applejack said specifically. The thing gave them a funny look, but went to get a large brown book off a nearby shelf. They walked to a table and leafed through the book.

“It says here that we’re something called hoo-man beings. But what’s that? Oh, it also says here that we’re called girls. It’s their word for fillies. A boy is their word for a colt. This is weird. It also shows that we have HANDS not HOOVES. That’s weird. This diagram shows all the new names for our new selves. Hair and toes and fingers and noses. What ARE all of these things,” Twilight read faster and faster as she became into “the zone.” “We even have shoulders! I could get used to these fingers. We can actually MOVE them! And these uncomfortable thingys on our chests are BREASTS!” she was crazed.

“Yes, Twilight, that is nice, but where are we?” asked Fluttershy quietly.

“Uhhhhh… Earth. North America. Wisconsin. That’s what it says in this one,” she said, holding up a thin book with the word Atlas on it.

“Ohhhhhhhh, what’s a wiss con son? I’ve never heard of one of those before!” Pinkie Pie asked. She started bouncing on her two legs, but wasn’t used to them at that moment and ended up on the floor.

“Oh dear, are you okay Pinkie? These legs are going to be hard to get used to,” Fluttershy squeaked.

“Yes, darling, it certainly will. I mean, the new manes are splendid, but feel very different. I simply LOVE the way it styled itself though!” Rarity rambled on to herself.

“Um, Rarity, I THINK she meant the legs,” Twilight added.

“Oh, of course! Yes yes, the legs WILL be a bit of a challenge. Certainly,” she stuttered with a blush.

“Well this’ll be interesting. At least I don’t have any breasts, I just have a larger one of, AHEM, those things…” Spike commented with a blush. All six of the pon- humans there started laughing loudly at the bright red dra- human before them.

Author's Note:
This is something I whipped up on word, then decided to show to ponies everywhere. Please excuse the chapters.

Chapter Two: The Discovery

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After the very enlightening trip to the library, Fluttershy said, or rather squeaked, that the noise was bothering her. The group decided to check out the book on humans and a dictionary, and they walked out the door of the large square tree.

"Okey dokey, what do we do now?" Pinkie's voice was shrill as she raised it over the loud rumble of cars and trucks.

"We could always go back to that place where we 'came hoo-man," Applejack suggested. Having no other favourable options, the group decided to find their way back to the woods. If it didn't offer any answers, at least they could get the crash and bang of city life out of their ears. Rainbow Dash sprinted ahead, causing a collective gasp from the others behind her. When she turned to see what was wrong, she found her friends staring at her.

"What?" she wondered uncomfortably. Twilight shook her head as if to get her thoughts straight.

"Rainbow, I think you still might have wings," she said in wonder. Rainbow Dash shrugged.

"So what? I've always had wings," she started walking again, but stopped when Twilight went on.

"For one, I swear you didn't have them a second ago, two, Fluttershy definitely doesn't have any, three, I don't have a horn, and four, the human skeleton we saw in this book doesn't allow for wings. We went over that, remember?" she ranted. Rainbow Dash nodded musingly. She saw how that would be a bit abnormal. Actually, the wings were starting to get uncomfortable and itchy, because her shirt held them in such an odd, tight position.

"Sure Twilight," she said, and began to take her shirt off. "I don't see why these hoo-mans wear capes everywhere, they're getting really uncomfortable," she pulled off her shirt, a cyan tee with her cutie mark on the front pocket. A person rounded the corner and stopped in his tracks.

"What the hell!?" he exclaimed, and ran away. Twilight grimaced.

"Uh, Rainbow Dash, I THINK I found out why everyone is wearing capes," she said, averting her eyes. She blushed and went up to Rainbow Dash, and whispered in her ear.

"Ohmigosh, THOSE? Holy Celestia, I gotta get this shirt back on!" she said, turning from peach to red in a matter of seconds. She scrambled to put her shirt back on. "Man, these wings need to lay low a bit," she said. They made a suspicious bulge on her back, but suddenly were gone.

"EEP!" Fluttershy let out. "R-rainbow Dash... your wings are gone!" she said almost inaudibly. Rainbow craned her head around to see - or rather not see - her wings.

"Wow, Dashie, that's dandy!" Pinkie Pie said as she bounced. "And lookit, I finally got the hang of these le-AH!" she fell flat on her face. "Uh," she grunted as she pulled her face out of the sidewalk. "That was fun!"

"Ugh, do I REALLY have to sleep in a TREE?" Rarity asked hypothetically. She recieved a unanimous 'YES!' and sighed. There were so many bugs in trees.

Fluttershy nimbly scaled a tree, achieving an immense height in seconds. She grabbed a sturdy looking branch, and as she hoisted herself up, it broke. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" she delivered a blood curdling scream as she pummeted. Twilight Sparkle turned around, and in a matter of seconds, a purple glow engulfed Fluttershy. Once she lowered the trembling girl to the forest floor, Twilight realized what she had done. A hand went to her forehead, and sure enough, a horn was there where it had not been. "T-thank-k y-you so m-m-much T-Twilight. I a-alm-most d-died," she curled into a ball and shook. "That was r-really scary when m-my wings w-wouldn't work."

"It's okay Fluttershy," Twilight went and wrapped an arm around her. "How 'bout we sleep on the ground tonight?"

Author's Note:
If you realized that last chapter I spelled Fluttershy like Flutter Shy, then you've good eyes. It was an embarrassingly egghead mistake, and I'm so glad my friend caught it when she did. I probably would've realized it a month from now and been completely embarrassed!
P.S. If you have anything that you think I could add to the story to make it better, please comment. I'm already considering some very attractive males crossing their path, or maybe a pony fanatic... hmmm, let the games begin!
P.S.S. Feel free to join the anime war.

Chapter Three: You Know My Name?

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Chapter Three: You Know My Name?

Pinkie Pie bounced right side up, upside down, left side right, and right side left as she waited for six bleary humans to fully awaken. “So what we doin today guys?!” she asked, in her trademark high pitch voice.

“Ugh, PINKIE PIE, what TIME is it?” Twilight groaned as she pulled herself upright.

“Oh, it’s only six in the morning!”

“SIX IN THE MORNIG!? Holy Celestia Pinkie, are you TRYING to kill us?” Rainbow Dash complained lazily.

“Ah, it’s not THAT bad everypony! Why, ah wake up at 6:30 anyway,” Applejack reasoned. It had little effect.

“Afendurgenfurgen…” Spike rubbed his eyes, accompanying that with a large yawn. “So what exactly is happening?”

“Well dear Spike, Pinkie Pie saw fit to wake us at this unsightly hour to…” Rarity paused, “well, I haven’t the foggiest idea as to what she is planning.”

Spike nodded and accepted his rude awakening. “Okay then, I’m used to this stuff. Twilight tends to do it a bit more than I’d like,” he explained. No one testified – they knew Twilight.

“Spike!” she said with a scowl.

“Well it’s true…”

“Okay guys, can we please stop fighting, Pinkie Pie is about to burst,” Fluttershy whispered with a blush. Twilight held her tongue, but gave a peevish glare to her previously dragon companion. Pinkie Pie stole the show once everyone had calmed down.

“Welliwasthinkingthatwecouldlikeexplorethisawersomeplacewithallothesehoomansandwecouldbeall-HUAH!” she took a pause for air. “So yeah! Waddya think?”

“Wait, what?” was the collective question among girls and guy alike.

“Well what I was SAYING was –“

“Okaaayyyy, hold it right there Pinkie Pie. You need a second to cool your fajitas if you know what I mean,” Rainbow Dash interrupted. “How ‘bout we just go for a walk?” Many nods followed her short speech, and the group decided that that was most likely the easiest – and least annoying – way to go.

“It seems a bit less noisy at this time,” Fluttershy commented quietly to Twilight.

“I agree Fluttershy, it’s a lot more enjoyable when there’s less people around to shout and make noise,” Twilight said conversationally. They were slightly set back from the others as they chatted and looked at the illuminated buildings and trees. They heard voices from an alleyway as they walked, and Twilight held up a hand to listen.

“Ugh, I can’t believe you dragged me out here at SIX IN THE MORNING!” someone whined.

“Oh shut up. It’s worth it, okay. Better than stayin’ in your bed ‘till twelve and messing with the computer for two more hours!”

“Oh you be quiet foo!”

“It’s true…”


“Are you pulling a –“

“Oh come ON I – Moon? Hellooooo, anybody there?”

“Ug ub dud yubnuk efya…”



“Oh my gosh! They’re PONIES! AHHHH!” the one named Skye eeped. Twilight stopped in her tracks.

“Fluttershy, did you just hear what they said? They called us ponies!” she looked down at her arms. Nope, the same. Her legs remained pale and upright. Those things – she forgot the name of them – were still hanging oddly from her chest. “I’m still human.” The two girls from the alley rushed towards them.

“Oh my god, I LOVE your Twilight Sparkle outfit! You even have the perfect hair and everything!” Skye gushed in front of a stunned Twilight.

“Uh, wait, how did you know we’re ponies?” she asked. Skye laughed.

“Well we watch the SHOW! How else?” she said sarcastically. Moon smiled and looked at them and the five ahead of them who had now stopped to see what the holdup was.

“Oh, and there’s a Rainbow Dash too?! Gabby would go crazy!” Skye said blissfully. “If only she wasn’t so pessimist all the time, then maybe she could have had the chance to see you guys!”

“Wait a sec, you know my name?” Rainbow Dash asked, holding up her hands. Skye gave her a withering glance.

“Of COURSE I know who you are. See, you’re Twilight Sparkle, you’re Fluttershy, you’re Pinkie Pie, you’re Rarity, you’re Applejack, you’re Rainbow Dash, and I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to be Spike!” she said cheerily. Applejack gave her a glare and charged her, throwing her against a wall with hard muscles. Moon, the second girl, sprung to action and joined the fight, landing hard punches in Applejack’s gut.

“What’s your problem!?” she screamed as she dodged an oncoming punch from Rainbow Dash. Within seconds, a horn sprung from Twilight’s head and a purple glow held the four fighters suspended and well out of each other’s reach.

“Okay, stop right there! What’s up with you Applejack? Starting a fight like that!” she scolded. Applejack hung her head.

“Ah’m sorry Twilight, I just didn’t know if that stranger was addled in the head or a stalker. ‘Ow could she’ve known ‘bout us here from Ponyville?” Applejack apologized. She glanced over at her opponents. “Ah’m sor – are you okay?!” she asked worriedly. One of the girls was twitching in a midair faint, and the other couldn’t shrink her eyes down to normal size, or get her mouth to work. “Twilight, did you cast a spell on ‘em?” Applejack scolded. Twilight looked hurt.

“Of course not Applejack! Hay, I just pulled YOU out of a fight with them!” she said defensively. Pinkie Pie started bouncing.

“Oh it’s okay! They’re just surprised! I LOVE surprising people, do YOU love surprising people?!” she rambled excitedly.

“Sure Pinkie. I think you can let us down now Twilight!” Rainbow Dash said with an annoyed hair flip. They were soon lowered to the sidewalk, and thankfully, neither side launched into another assault. Twilight breathed her relief.

“Uh, guys, I think we should get this one to a doctor,” said Fluttershy after poking the fainted form of what could only be a pony fanatic.

Author’s Note:
I hoped you liked this chapter. It was very… eventful… The last sentence was more of a human reader conclusion than a pony conclusion. I’m pretty sure you can tell that these two loosely based characters are fanatics. Have fun waiting on the edge of your seats for the next chapter (I hope.)
       

Chapter Four: I Hate It When This Happens!

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Before you freak out:

Yes, I KNOW this chapter is short. Before you have a fit, read the author's note at the bottom.

Skye awoke to eight pairs of concerned eyes. "AH! Moon, these people are real-"

"Ponies. Yeah, they kind of explained it while you were out cold," Moon said. She was still a bit shaken by the whole idea of REAL PONY PEOPLE.

"I'm sorry for scaring you, I didn't know that humans don't use magic until Moon explained that to me," Twilight apologized.

"That's fine. How long was I... asleep?" asked Skye. Moon shrugged.

"Probably four minutes or so," she guesstimated.


In the familiar world of Equestria, time moves at a different pace than in the dimension that Earth is in. While it had been two days on this Earth, it had only been two hours in Equestria. Only three ponies began to worry at the short dissapearance of our seven friends.

"They weren't at the the library," Sweetie Bell huffed.

"They weren't at Rainbow's house," Scootaloo puffed.

"And they weren't at Fluttershy's cottage," Apple Bloom finally blew their house of hope down. "Where else could they be? We NEED them to answer our question, and they weren't at Rarity's, or Sweet Apple Acres, or Sugar Cube Corners!" she mused.

"I know! They have to be at Zecora's!" Sweetie Bell brightened. Without saying another word, the three fillys dashed towards the earth pony's hollow tree.

"Zecora?!" came three screeches in unison outside Zecora's hut. Zecora dropped the pot she was holding and jumped.

"Oh dear, this will be quite silly. It seems we have three times the filly!" she muttered to herself. She walked over to the door and opened it, expecting the worst. A trio of colorful blurs came through it, and bombarded her with questions.

"Hey, do you know where Twilight is?"

"Has Rainbow been here?"

"We can't find -"

"QUIET! I need not this cluttered riot." The three ponies in front of Zecora settled down to listen. "Now, what is this deal that makes you squeal? It hurts my head, so have it quietly said," said the zebra poet. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Bell both looked meaningfully at Scootaloo, as if nominating her to speak. She cast an annoyed look at the sky before stepping forward.

"We've looked EVERYWHERE for the mane six, but they've totally dissapeared! We REALLY need to ask them about - EMPGHGHS," she stopped when a yellow hoof was stuffed in her mouth.

"We just need to find them, thought they were here, now know they aren't here, and are wondering if you have seen them," Apple Bloom finished. Zecora took a deep breath, as if she were taking them all in.

"I see your troubles, but it seems the earth bubbles. I sense something not right, something that could suck them from sight. The wood is shifting and could have brought them too, but I think I might know what to do! If I get this potion just so perfectly twirled, I might be able to see to their world. Do not scared, I believe they're well fared," she riddled to the young fillies in front of her. They looked confused, which was to be expected after Zecora's speal.

"So they were pretty much sucked into another world?!" Sweetie Bell voiced the trio's thoughts.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" came the response from two worried fillies.

"Ah want mah sister back!" Apple Bloom cried.

"And I want Rainbow Dash back!" Scootaloo wailed. They were soon silenced with a powerful glare.

"Silence, young fillies! Don't scare yourselves silly! All they need is a rift, and back to Equestria they will shift," Zecora's words had little affect, but at least the three stopped screeching.

"I hate it when this happens," said Sweetie Bell. Once her words were comprehended, she recieved three questioning stares.

Author's Note:
I apologize for the lapse in writing, and for this unbelievably short chapter. I promise to give you at least 1,000 words next time, but this is all I have time for, and all I could come up with.