Streaming, Unintended!

by Ponyess

First published

A Mystery, an incidental accident. This is where it all begun, but it is no way near the end of this adventure into the new world of what is. Midst it all; there is the doll and the pony, who was once a girl and a sister.

It started out as a gift, and ended up with an accident.

Only the result nowhere nearly as dark as one may have expected.

A sister incidentally became a pony with a shiny coat, yet her sister will stay by her side.

She will have some struggle to go through; but it isn't a hindrance, when the joy unlocked in the incident is realized.

A Mystery Package: 1

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I had gotten a package, which I had promptly opened as I entered my room. I had no idea, exactly what it was at the time. I guess I'll learn, soon enough.

The first I had found, is the schematics of what the package contains. I can clearly see the image of a telescope. I could see a list of every component going into it and an explanation on how to put it together as well.

As it turned out, this is a mirror telescope. Not sure why, but it is what I had been given. The real difference is the mirror, I just never read why I need it.

I had found the first lens, the one on top. Then there are several smaller lenses and the mirror, naturally. There is also a prism, aside from a set of small lenses. I forgot to read the details on the lenses.

I had the mirror on the bottom of the telescope and the big mirror on the top, this part was fairly easy. Then I managed to slip the prism, on the side, then lining the small lenses one by one, in the correct order according to the schematics.

Now only the final and last lens remains, only I have a full set to choose from. I placed them in special stands, I could use to look at things with.

--- --- ---

A Gift for my Sister: 2

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I had bought a little plastic doll, looking like one of these ponies. This one is purple, for all I could say. I had no idea of her name, since they are all females, or fillies, as the story went. That's how she had explained it, as she told me what she wanted for her gift.

As an extra point, I had bought a special polish, containing rubber or silicon, from what I recall. I had unpacked her doll, before I spray it with the clear content. Then I picked up the cloth the polish included for this purpose. As I had finished polishing her doll, I could clearly see the reflections in the smooth surface of the purple pony.

Since it is what she had asked for, it is what I had prepared to give her. Even though she may be moving out. She still seems to have a special love for these ponies. This doll is a full two feet high. I had chosen it for her, I had figured she'd love it.

Apparently, my sister had chosen to live in the apartment next door to me. I had moved out, just the year before, so I had managed to get a foothold on the block. Now she had decided she likes to live close to me. I couldn't blame her. Just as I can't blame her, for moving out.

I had given her the pony, just as she had moved in, the few belongings unpacked, I had helped her out. I like to help. She is my sister, after all.

Her doll is now on the floor, since she is two feet tall. Incidentally, I had placed a lens stand between her, and the doll. I did not know it could have made any difference, just as she had no idea.

As she casts a glance at the doll through the glass, the effect suddenly caught her off guard, I could see her freeze at the instant she casts her first glans. For a moment, she just stood there, making eye contact with her little doll. Then her clothes shimmer, and fade away. The next instant, I could see her start to become shiny and glister in the manner of the little doll.

For a minute, she just stood there, quiet and still. Then her skin turned the same purple as her doll. What came next, was a shock and surprise. Her head changed into the shape of the doll, then her arms and legs changed, before her body had adopted the form, and soon went down on all fours.

As her now rubbery hooves hit the floor, the change was done and I had no idea as to how to revert the change. Maybe I did not need to worry?

I could see my sister standing still, doing exactly nothing. Maybe the changes progressed inwards? What the rubber I had polished the doll with did to her, if anything, I had no idea.

The process finally did stop, as she had gone through the entire motion, then I noticed something else, her doll soon started to pick up my sisters skin tone, the rubber still coating the doll, but the colour had changed, once and for all.

The next minute, the doll had stopped changing, and with that, the entire process was finished. What this did to my sister, or the doll?

Only then I could see the doll no longer standing entirely still, as if it no longer is a mere plastic doll, but a living entity? My sister soon opened her eyes.

“What happened?” she asked.

--- --- ---

Exaltation: 3

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“From the looks, you were transformed into a pony, the very one I gave you today!” she had responded to my question.

“The gift is beautiful. I love her. Though I will still need a new bed now!” I exclaimed.

She just stared at me for a moment as I spoke, and a moment after I stopped. It's not as if it is what she had expected, or what she had intended for me. She had not even known, or suspected anything the like was even remotely possible. Now she just stood here, staring at her sister, such as I am.

For a moment, I look at the doll she had given me, the way it looks now, after the change, then I turned her head towards her.

“Glad you like it. Hope this will not make any problems for you. I guess you have a more unusual doll now. It looks almost as if it had been you?” she suggested, tentatively.

“Since it has my old skin tone, yeah. It sure is an unusual, or even exclusive doll now. There is something more to it, I just can't quite put my hoof to it!” I pondered in a thoughtful tone of voice.

As she casts a second glance on the doll, it is no longer on all fours. The doll now looking like me, standing upright, suddenly looking back at her. What was she to say, what was she to do?

She now looks as if she had been a real girl, with the skin I had had, only she is still covered in the shiny rubber my sister had so recently polished her with. Of course, she just stood there, perplexed, curious, and utter confused. The situation, just as strange on her as it is on me and my sister.

The fact that I had changed, now looking as if I had been the doll she had so recently given me, only still my normal size, and the doll looking the way I had, even if it had not changed size, either. I guess I should be happy about this one detail, just as much as I love the way the doll she had given me had turned out, or how the changes had affected me?

Should I ask about the polish she had coated the doll with? In hope it had a clue to the changes, the transformation. Regardless of if it could change me back to my old self, just in case I was ever to desire to? I decided against it. She knew it, and hopefully will keep track of what she had done, no point asking? Besides, right now, I guess I had no intent of changing back?

The true question is what I'm to do with myself, such as I had turned out to be. There was no hiding from the changes. I could as well do my best, exploring my new self.

I just turned towards my sister. Intent to give her an idea.

“I have no idea just how you pulled it off, but I'm quite happy with the result. Just make sure, keeping what little you still have of all the products, you may have more fun with what you could do with it, if you choose to. If there is a time, you may decide to make something fun out of it!” I simply suggested.

Maybe I should have made more of a joke out of it? What else could I have changed? There is no point to the line of reasoning, at this point I had said what I had said, in the manner it had come out and in the voice that's mine. It's simply my voice?

“As you pointed it out, there may be a future use for it. I'll make sure to save what I have and to secure my supply, for future desires!” she then nodded, with some amusement, then a stark realisation to her features.

--- --- ---

Realisations: 4

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What she had told me that fateful day, it had puzzled me, taunted me. For the longest of time, until the instant of realisation. The discovery is mine, as is, whatever could possibly come out of it.

There will always be consequences, whatever you do, or do not to. There was no escaping it. Now I had a claim to stake. It's my destiny, as expressions goes? I couldn't escape it.

Good thing, we did have a University in town. Not only that, I'm free to enter the premisses. Besides, I know a few friends, who either work or study there. I'd be asking my way, in search of what to do.

Luck, of all luck. I had been offered a ride, from my very doorstep, directly to the university. That settled it all, the matter closed.

“Thanks for the ride!” I pronounced, as I slipped out of the vehicle.

“You're quite welcome!” she replied with an emphatic nod, just as I ran off towards the office I had been directed to seek out.

I had entered the first entrance door, and followed the directions towards the office of the research director of our local university. It had been easy to find the way, in part, due to the signs on the wall, and in part because I had been told where it is. Naturally, there had been no point in making it hard to find her office, now would there?

Once I found her office, I read the sign, 'Research Director – Chihiro'. That IS the door I had been looking for, and it was located exactly where I had been told it should be.

With that, I pressed the button indicating I had arrived, asking permission to enter her office with interest to discuss a matter with her. The matter I had in mind, is her responsibility, so she's the one to ask, after all.

An instant later the yellow light came on, indicating she had a moment, deciding on letting me in, or not. Ten seconds later, the light went from yellow, to green. Then I hear a slight click, as the lock deactivated. I'm to enter.

“Welcome to my office. How may I help you?” she offered in a jovial manner, and an inviting smile on her face.

“I was to see if I could have some help with a project I had in mind, based on an incident from a few weeks back. Firstly, duplicate the situation, secondly, explaining exactly how and why it occurred, and thirdly, if possible, counteract and reverse the effects, if at all possible. I'd need a small room, and some equipment, but it should be a fairly small project, by the initial impression of the experiences!” I informed her.

“I do have a few small rooms to spare, I'm interested!” she continued.

There was a small change of her smile, if I had not imagined it, but it looks as if she is amused?

“I still have enough of the initial equipment and materials, but for a reproduction, I would need to start over. Just as I would need a few assistants for the same reason. The incident included a girl, a reflector telescope, a doll, and a polish, from what I had understood!” I pointed out.

“Since you only asked for a small room, and the required equipment is of next to insignificant economical value, if you can find anyone who accepts to assist, I can grant you the first month, on evaluation, just to see how it pans out. Then I'd need your preliminary report, in full to renew your grant!” she stated.

“Thank you, Chihiro!” I said, leaving her a fully detailed outline of the project.

“I'll notify you, when the first assistant arrives, but the equipment, such as you stated, should be there by tomorrow morning, in the room I granted you!” she then pointed out.

Since I had delivered the package, there was basically nothing more to do, so I left her to her duties. The door closed behind me with a discreet click, I never really heard, since I did not listen.

I walked along the path towards the exit, stopped by a rather excited girl, I guess she had heard of what happened to my sister, or she just wanted to talk to me?

“Hiya, how did it go?” she just blurted out, incapable of hiding her excitement.

“She granted me a room for a project. The equipment will be there by tomorrow. Now I'm just waiting for an assistant!” I pointed out.

“Congratulations!” she exclaimed, in all earnest, still bubbling over from her excitement.

“An assistant, how odd, it is exactly the position I had been looking for. From what I've heard, you may just have what I had been looking for!” she then continued.

“It's an easy job, if you're up to take what I may have to offer!” I nodded.

“So long as it is as an assistant for a research project. I need the accreditation from the position. It's required for my studies, as it were!” she pointed out, emphatically, nodded with an amused smile on her face.

“Taking notes?” I enquired.

“Or is it more of assisting me in the actual research?" I continued.

“I could use both, though the later is more critical here. If you have an idea as to what is up for grabs?” I pointed out.

“I will not get very far, unless I have someone who is prepared to stand on the opposing edge of this razor, as it were. Though I think we'd go over these details in private, and leave you with time to see what I need, before you continue!” I finished.

“Sounds reasonable. I'll see the Research Director as planned, then we could discuss further at your home?” she pondered.

“Seems like a plan. I'll check a few details in the library, before I go home!” I told her.

The director had not left her office and none had entered, so she did not need to wait long.

“See you later today, at your place!” she just responded, as she continued on her way to the office, she had intended to see, before she had met up with me.

Then I continued to see what the library had to offer me, on what I had at hand. Never hurt to go over what's known on the subject, before getting too deep?

--- --- ---

Preparations and Small Scale Tests: 5

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My first assistant had managed to secure a small set of mice, for a test. I guess that's a good start? Of course, I don't know if they would do us any good, but trying on mice first, is research tradition, and minimise the risk of human lives, as they were to argue. Who would protest the use of mice, if it saved as much as a single human life, or prevented harm to come to any one human?

I know, the reasoning does sound fairly shallow and hollow. Many of the tests, performed on mice, and other animals as well, are redundant, and sometimes even worse, they may not just fail to prove the point, but the animal in question may have suffered, for no reason, whatsoever. What if the animal wasn't even relevant to the process, or if you knew it was to harm the subject of your test?

Now, I guess it would be interesting to see, if the test would actually work. I can't expect an unending line of people, who are willingly putting themselves up for my test, taking the risks, for no good reason, even less so, without at least the compensation, firstly up front, and secondly, after the damage, or price had been exacted? If it went wrong, they would have to be compensated. Simple as that.

Naturally, I'm the sole individual, who can never take part of these experiments. I am responsible for what happened and how the outcome is to be. I may regret it, or be forever thankful for it, depending on the results.

I don't think my sister is regretting anything right now, but it may be that she just refused to complain, or the effects hasn't started to bother her just yet. Who am I to say?

If this turns out well, others may be very happy about it. It is up to me to realise the benefits that may come out of all of this. It is a burden on me right now. I don't know if I enjoy it. The one thing I do know is that I am not doing this for any rewards, monetary or otherwise.

Since I had a small group of medically, physically and mentally healthy mice in my care, set up for this test, I am prepared to get the first set of tests started. My sister had also managed to secure a small set of dolls for the experiment, equal to the number of mice in my first test group. With that, I can get the experiments going. All assuming the original equipment will work more than once, that is.

Next question is how to go about testing this on the mice in my possession. She had chosen a set of dolls from a series of ponies, much like the one given to her. My assistant had then polished each and every doll carefully according to the description of the original doll.

In the end, I had chosen to have the first of the mice unconscious, just in case, sparing her the experience of the change. She would simply wake up in the form of the chosen pony, rather than the mouse she had originally been born as.

From what I understand, the dolls are the group of friends in a show for little girls, named 'My Little Pony'. The first six of these dolls will go into the first week of tests. How they will be affected by the choice of doll, I have no idea, as of yet. Though the assistant told me she quite enjoyed polishing all the first six dolls for me. I guess there is a touch of nostalgia in her experience.

Unlike the first time, the dolls are not smaller than the subject, but rather the same size. The mice in my first batch are all six inches in height, just like the chosen dolls. If it changes anything, I have no idea, but figure I will learn of it, before the week is at an end.

My assistant had just injected the mouse with a doze, holding her as she went out like a light, just as was expected. She had been careful, not to over-doze. Rather erring on low then high. Since we are not going to perform any surgery, there should be no pain to the mouse, why risk her life on an over-doze.

About half an hour after the mouse had gone under everything had been set up, mimicking the situation as best I could, from the incident with my sister. With the exception, a mouse replacing my sister since I can't use her twice.

As I was back, checking on the result, the mouse had already changed into a miniature pony, the same size as she had been as a mouse. The following five tests went exactly the same. Each and every mouse turned into a small pony.

My assistant had made a preliminary examination of each and every pony, before moving to changing the next mouse into a new pony. They all appear quite healthy, by any and all standards I could come up with.

Luckily, we had used a drug that could be timed down to as little as ten minutes. Two hours later, the first of the little ponies came to, slowly rising to her tiny little hooves.

“They all appear to be as healthy as they were, when you picked them up!” I pointed out.

“From what I could see and feel, they are as healthy as you could hope for!” she responded.

“I guess it is what I had expected, but you can never know before you examine them!” I suggested.

“That is exactly why I have to call in the University Veterinary. These may be the first of their kind, but going by known standards, there it should be possible to make out, if they are suffering from anything, caused by the experiment. I will place the call!” she pointed out.

“I'll feed them, while you make the call. Good thing ponies and mice doesn't have conflicting diets!” I pointed out in response, smiling to myself.

While she went to the phone, I picked up a few carrots, slicing them before placing the thin slices on a plate. Once I had placed the plate before the ponies, they soon started to nibble the carrot slices, just as I had expected. This should keep the little ponies busy for a while.

While they ate, I picked up a small apple, slicing and dicing it. Placing the small apple dices on a second plate. I slipped the plate in, to the ponies once I was finished.

From there, I picked up a small bag of vegetables, mainly various kinds of salads, just green leaves. Shredding them into mouth size chunks for the ponies. Slipping it into a small clear glass bowl, before I placed it into the habitat of the ponies.

For several minutes, I just looked at them as they moved around, while enjoying the first meal they had been served. Apparently they had a good appetite.

--- --- ---

Petting Friends: 6

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Apparently, my sister had performed the first series of test, and it had been successful, as far as she could see. Six mice had been turned into a group of ponies. The ponies in a group of friends.

Their names, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Apple Jack, Flutter Shy, Pinkie Pie. I can easily recognise them all. These are the friends I had come to love from the show. What initially shocked me, is how they acted.

The baffled veterinarian had cleared them all. As small as they are, they are apparently healthy little ponies. The fact that they had been mice, mere hours before had changed nothing. I guess the veterinarian did not need to know I could have told her, if she had seen anything hinting towards the effect, but she mentioned nothing of the sort, so I kept the secret.

For now, the most sensible had still been to build a small habitat for the six of them to live in. Question was, would they require classical houses, like we have, or would they prefer any other style of home? I guess we could ask them, unless they were forthcoming with the information, assuming they could actually explain what they liked.

I had noticed that my sister love sitting in a coach by the small habitat I had set up for the ponies, formally known as mice. Why, I had not yet asked her, and she had not felt inclined to say. I guess she feels a kindred in them.

Just the same, they had yet to utter a single word, or make a move to the effect they desired anything. Even if they had been mice before. Maybe they haven't realised they could live any other way, or are simply too embarrassed to ask for anything.

I had kept the first group in their new form as ponies, though I had changed the second and third groups back to mice, while I had even managed to change the third group back to ponies for the second time. Then had them examined by the veterinarian after each and every change, one by one. They had all checked out, cleared for any health problems we could come up with.

Now, I sit with the pink mare in my lap, petting her gently. My sister is currently in her favourite place, but with the purple unicorn standing on the right armrest.

“Are you happy, with the habitat we built for you, or is there anything you would like for us to add to it?” my sister enquired curiously, in a polite tone of voice.

“I think I would love to have a bed. Maybe a small house would be nice to, if it isn't too much to ask?” Twilight responded.

“I would have to ask my sister for help, but I think it sounds reasonable, for you to have a home with furniture in your size!” my sister responded.

Twilight looked up at my sister. She just stared for a long moment, doing and saying nothing, considering the strange situation she had found herself in.

“That sounds fair enough. Personally, I would have loved a few books to read, but that isn't exactly the first order of priority. A bed for the night and possibly a roof over my head, that's what I need first. Rainbow Dash may be interested in a larger sky, allowing her to fly too, I would imagine!” she then responded.

“Sister, sister, my pony is speaking. She just told me she would like to have a bed to sleep in, for the night. She also expressed that Rainbow Dash may require an open sky in order for her to fly!” my sister exclaimed.

“Would you like a bed too? A home to live in? Is there anything else you would like?” I asked Pinkie Pie, as I carefully patted her on her head.

“A larger habitat with an open sky? That should be fairly easy to fix. I think we could manage beds for them as well. I'll ask my assistant to see what she can find, before the store close for the night!” I replied my sister.

Then I picked up the phone with my free hand, dialling the girl as I had promised.

“Hi, could you possibly run off to the store, I need a set of beds for the Ponies, they could use a nice home too. See what you can find for them, could you?” I told her as she picked up on her end.

“Homes and beds. I'll see what I can find in their size. The store should still be open. I'll go right away. Thanks for telling me!” the assistant responded with a giggle on her voice.

“Thanks. I'm sure the ponies will be thankful for your efforts. I'll see you when you are back!” I said.

“Bye for now. I'll see you soon, then!” she responded as she hung up, as she headed for the door out.

“Wow, I am going to have my own bed!” Pinkie Pie expressed in a rather excited tone of voice, as she heard what I had instructed my assistant.

“If you need a bed, it is vital for me to have one for you. I couldn't do anything less for you, now could I?” I responded.

“Oh, thanks!” Pinkie Pie squealed.

“You are quite welcome. I just have a few things to check. So much fun to see you move in, into your new homes. If I am correct, I'll feel like a foal on Hearts Warming Eve, for a few days now. Just watching you, as you build up a small village, adapting things for your needs. It isn't as if it is something I have the pleasure to do every day!” I told her with a giggle on my voice, smiling at her.

“If that is how you feel, I will love to help you realise your dream. I guess I am starting to get excited over the situation too!” Pinkie Pie responded.

“As unexpected as this is to me, I guess it is how it is turning out. I have the feeling you are turning into a group of nice friends. Initially, I set all this up in order to help my little sister. I need to understand fully what happened to her in the first place, since she was turned into a pony, much like you. If she enjoys her life as it turns out, I can still let her live the way she is now, I can't rob her of the joy either way. On the other hoof, if this could help any others to a life better than what prospects had it, I guess I can help them too, if it works out as I hope. For now, I am still just happy to see how you are making it!” I pondered.

“Life doesn't always turn out as one may expect, you just have to make the best of it. Your sister is the large pony in the couch with Twilight Sparkle? You are very lucky, from where I stand. She seems to turning into a very good pony herself too. We all help others the best we can, I myself prepare parties and work in a café named Sugar-Cube Corner. I know they will love the efforts you are pulling for them. I sure am going to enjoy my life here with you, anyways!” she pointed out.

“You just proved that point. Making a few new friends is always fun, but I guess you knew that, Pinkie? She hasn't said or done anything to make my even suspect she doesn't enjoy herself the way she is now. There are a few things I will have to help her with, in her current position, since she couldn't handle certain things, lacking hands and the way some may react on her as a pony. Being where we are now, I think I am in a very good position to help her, just as I can help you. I want for all of you to have the best life I can possibly give you!” I pointed out in response.

“Making friends? Then you came to the right pony. I guess she enjoys to be just the way she is, who wouldn't? Being a pony is great, even if I don't really know any other way to be. This is the only way I could possibly be. It is how I would want to remain for the rest of my life, no matter what. I don't have hands either, it isn't part of the equine anatomy, you know. We have done well for ourselves this far without them. I know we will keep doing well for ourselves, enjoying life to the fullest. I just start to feel hungry again, we Ponies do have to eat often, you know!” she responded.

“With your help, I know I can build a very nice habitat for you all. I just need to know what you need and how to gather what you need to live the life you were born to live, the life you deserve. I couldn't rob you of any of these things!” I pondered.

--- --- ---

Building a Habitat: 7

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I had just gotten back from the store. Now I just hope I got the right things, for what I knew we are about to build.

Getting simple beds in the size for these ponies was a fairly simple thing. The houses, in the right size is a bit of a squeeze, but I think I got all the houses we need for now.

To build the desired habitat, I had been forced to make a bit of improvisation. The various parts were never meant to be put together into a single unit, the way I intended for what I had in mind.

The houses built for the ponies originally did not quite feel right, they were meant to be open from behind, which defeated the purpose in the first place. I still had managed to find what looks like six houses, complete and in scale, from what I could see. I had managed to buy the furniture that was not included. A bed with night stand, a dining table with chairs, and even a living room set, including bookshelves.

Getting lights and mare room paraphernalia is an entirely different matter, sadly, they simply don't make then, from what I could see. These would have to be special orders, and I currently have no idea who to ask for them in scale for ponies six inches tall.

Then I will ask around on the electronics on campus for a few details, even if I doubt I can get any music devices for them. Knowing Pinkie Pie will enjoy playing on her parties, even if she only has five friends in her little village at this time. Though I can imagine her coming up with more than enough excuses to throw parties left and right, it is after all part of her job and personality.

Considering the size, some furniture could be crafted out of wood. Just like the wood in an ice-cream. Cheap and fun to work with, if you are comfortable with carving it out by hand.

The main habitat will be built out of glass and the frame from a rather large aquarium. This should be large enough to hold more than the few houses for the ponies we have. For now, we are going to set up a dozen houses, just so that the village will not look too small.

I intend to plant a few flowers and even trees, even if none will be anything the likes of the desired library of the original Ponyville. I had managed to get my hands on enough plants, small enough to be fitting decorations in the village.

Both the side walls will be adopted in order to allow them to leave the small space, in order to feel just a little bit more free. The right enclosure is going to have a small forest of miniature trees.

For the sake of it, I intend to build a mountain range out of real stones, just gluing them together in order to get the natural feel to it.

Together with my sister, I had started up the project. She sure was eager enough to see it through, too. My recently hired assistant wouldn't mind helping out, from what I had seen. She even managed to find a few friends or others who wanted in on the fun in this part of out still small project.

Planting trees and flowers may be an easy sell, I guess. The woodcarving and furniture building was apparently another popular line of work. I need the village in working order for our Ponies, before they could actually move in, after all. Besides, I have not gotten my hands on any Pony who could do any of these tasks at this time, maybe he, or she just was rare, or not available as a doll? I ended up asking my assistant checking this up.

“Checking for specific Ponies to suit our needs? That sounds interesting. If they use furniture, some Pony would be bound to make them for them!” she pondered.

“Yes, that is the idea. I may need but one or two of each of these Pony Dolls, but I do need each of them for my Habitat. Makes it much easier to build and maintain it both short, and long term!” I suggested.

“Then it should be my pleasure to find the Ponies for you!” she stated.

“That is exactly what I hoped you would say, just as much for the project as for myself!” I responded.

With that, she was off to pick up the phone in order to make the calls. The stores had little to no help to offer at this point, apparently, they had no Pony with the specific job available. She simply had to move up the chain, ending up at the source of all Ponies, “Hasbro”.

When I need something, I have choices, but I tend to go to the source, once it is getting important and the end user channels is no longer open to my requirements.

“Then, I am off to call Has-Bro directly. It is promising!” she put forth, as she walked off to the phone, just as promised.

“Yes, exactly!” I told her shadow, just as she closed the door.

“What kind of Ponies would they have in store for us? If they have any more Ponies we need, that is. Or would they even bother answering?” pondered the gardener of my Ponies.

“No idea. This is what I was hoping they were to tell her. You never know. That is the problem with these people, you never know how they will react to a request like this. I can only hope they will give me something, even if I will have to pay for the dolls in question, no real problem, though!” I responded.

“If they don't respond, maybe we could just make up an Original Character, just like any Author or Writer, writing a story, lacking a Pony from Canon for the story!” she suggested with a silly grin on her face.

“If that is the case, it is what we will do, we need the Ponies, after all. Just a question as to who the new Ponies would be. Aside from who will help us create them!” I continued.

Apparently, my assistant had at least got hold of a number to the customer office, at Hasbro, as it turned out. Surprisingly enough, they actually answered. Maybe I shouldn't have been all that surprised, or excited.

Just a Call Away: 8

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Since we need a few more Ponies, it was my job to acquire them. Just the small detail with the problem, they couldn't be found in the stores. Now, what to do? The one obvious reaction, call the supplier. With that, I had to call the Customer Support at Hasbro, simple as that.

Considering that Hasbro does put effort in selling the Dolls, just as well as producing the show we love to see. I may be here for the research, but why would that prevent me, or stop me from enjoying a well thought through and animated show?

Finding the number to call wasn't all that hard, it was actually supplied in the package of each and every individually sold Pony, or other product. With that, I set out to call them. Maybe I shouldn't be all that surprised, when the cheerful voice on the other side of the line replied.

“Custom Services, Hasbro. How may I help you? The girl chirped.

“Hi. I just have a slight problem. I can't find the dolls I hoped to find!” I responded hopefully in response to the chirp.

“Which doll or dolls are you currently missing in your collection?” she chirped on in response.

“Dr. Whooves, Nurse Redheart. DJ Pon-3 aka Vinyl Scratch, the Mayor, and a Carpenter. These would be great!” I put forth, still positively optimistic.

“The DJ, the nurse and Dr. Whooves are fairly easy. The Mayer should be no problem. Though the Carpenter isn't on the top of our list here. I could send them by mail, for a small additional fee for postage, and for development on the Carpenter. Is it okey if I mail them to the address registered to this phone?” she enquired.

“Ah yeah, that would be perfectly fine. The standard size would be just fine. I may consider ordering further Ponies later, if it isn't a problem!” I continued.

“All except the last of your request could be with you within a week, I can't promise an exact date on a special order, sadly!” she explained.

“I guess we will just have to make due. Hope there is no problem with making an exhibition with a small scene for them!” I then enquired.

“So long as it isn't public or for profit, I can see no problems there!” she chirped in renewed joy.

“I see, that is just fine. I can't foresee any profit from the exhibition and it isn't supposed to be public. I would have the first group in about a week?” I responded.

“That is great, and yes. About a week is what it will take!” she chirped.

“Then I will not take more of your time. Good day!” I responded.

“Thanks, and a good day to you as well!” she chirped as I hung up, thus concluding the deal.

Looking around at the small office at the University. Just the wooden desk with a phone and computer screen on.

I had not had the time to make it my own, so it remains spartan, devoid of all personal effects.

The chair is fairly comfortable. I couldn't exactly complain, now could I.

Printer and all such extra equipment is available in the main office section. I had little to no use of any of all these expensive devices. I don't even know for exactly how long I was to work as secretary for this highly unorthodox and unusual project. I guess I am merely happy for each and every day at this point.

The job is paid, it is fun to take part in the project, so I enjoy it as much as I dare.

Now, what was I to do. I had made my call, I had the response and the promise of the Dolls I had initially asked for, even if one was to be delayed. That couldn't be helped, apparently, even though it was the most critical of all the Ponies. I guess we will just have to sit tight and wait for the Carpenter?

In the end, I switched the sign on the door from Busy to Open.

The next moment the door goes up, she had been waiting for my call to be finished. I should have known, it is after all her project.

“How did it go, they did answer, right?” she enquired eagerly.

“Answered? Not only that, the first group will be here in about a week, she promised. She was quite eager, the way I see it!” I responded.

“That is promising, I guess I could say, then? First group? You were not asking or all that many, did you? What Ponies are on the second group?” she then enquired further.

“On the second group, only the Carpenter. Which incidentally is the one we were most eager to have, wasn't it!” I continued.

"Exactly. So, which Ponies do we get now? There is no third group, is there?” she responded.

“Dr. Whooves, Nurse Redheart and DJ Pone-3. They should give our Ponies some fun and comfort, but I would have preferred the Carpenter. I guess health and entertainment would be an asset for them, at least, I interjected.

“Did you say Dr. Whooves is with the first shipment?” she responded.

“Yes, that is curious. Then I guess we will see just how much our Ponies are capable of. If they are limited to standard physics, such as we know it, or if they would have any further capabilities. Not that it was part of the original experiment, but it may prove as important if not more so than the project. If only we could prove it and tap into what they are capable of?” I put forth.

“If this comes out, we may as well order more Ponies. I may need the entire set here. I am considering what we're about to do here. There may be far-reaching consequences to where we are about to launch ourselves here. Aside from grants much greater than what I had initially anticipated!” she exclaimed.

“Do you suggest I bring in additional assistants on this segment of research, or look into what further grants may fall within the border of the Project, such as it may turn out with the latest development?” I enquired eagerly.

“I do not know who Dr. Whooves is, but if he is anything the likes of a Dr. Who, it may be wise to enlist further help on the project. I have little to no interest or experience of the field on which we are about to trample. My main interest is to explore the effects I exposed my Sister. Not to say I mind furthering the Project, just to see what turns up behind the next bend on the road!” she put forth.

“Good thing I have a week, before we need to worry about who our latest Ponies like Dr. Whooves is!” I expressed.

“For once, I guess I am thankful for how long Packaging and Postage takes. Though I would ask you to find a Physics assistant, for a short time position, for starters. If something turns up, the job may be prolonged for as long as required!” she pointed out.

“I'm on it. I'll be looking out for further assistants, test subjects and what ever you deem required at the time!” I responded, with a widening grin on my face.

“My little Project is growing out of proportion. It is growing out of my hands here. I sure could use the help!” she stated.

“It was a good and interesting little project, for as long as that lasted. Now it may turn out to become something more and potentially infinitely more serious. I just hope we can enjoy our little corner of this Project!” I pronounced.

“Me too!” she agreed as she walked out of the small room with a strange smile fleeting on her lips.

With that, she had left me alone. Her little Pet project had grown into a circus, then turned into a Monster about to become a Monstrosity. She had given me the soul responsibility to help her out, maintaining it levelled and manageable here.

Should I mind? I feel honoured in some ways, considering the responsibilities and the joy it is to see the little Ponies. I am keeping them happy, with what little I could provide, for now.

Delivery: 9

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A package had just arrived to the small room that is my office here at the University and I had eagerly signed for it, knowing full well what is contained within the paper package.

Once the messenger had left, I opened it and compared the content with the list of items ordered. I soon found all the little dolls. Dr. Whooves, the Mayor, Nurse Redheart, DJ Pone-3, they are all there.

Maybe the question is, do we really want to do what we had set up to do, considering what was about to happen. I have no idea as to what was going to happen, how could I?

These are merely four innocent plastic dolls in the form of four Ponies. It is all very well and good, this far. Yet, they are not merely to be played with, or stand on a shelf as collectibles. These are for research Purposes. They are about to be actual Ponies, soon enough, as small as they are now.

I know exactly what the DJ will do and what she is to be doing from the moment she is released onto the Ponies in the Habitat. I have no fear or doubt as to what the good Nurse Redheart will do with her time either. The one question is as to what the good Doctor will do. Who is he, what is he capable of and what will he do, once he is finally animated along with his fellow Ponies.

For some reason, I had opened the Package in the open, right in front of all the six Ponies we already have in the Habitat. Why not? Would it really hurt to let them see? Either way, I had done it and they saw me doing it. Too late to turn back. Now they know they are to have an addition to the small Heard in the village of Ponyville.

Once I had unpacked the package, and completed all the rest of the work associated with the order, I had polished them all, one by one, carefully as that. It had to be done, before the next step could safely be performed. I have but these four Ponies right now, I can't afford the consequences of anything going wrong, right now.

Once the Ponies had been prepared, I had acquired the four mice required. Since it is convenient to have them fully conscious, I had them all lined up on their respective places. From these, the process soon initiated.

Since they are going to change, I had opted against strapping them down, even in the fully conscious state. As small as the differences may seem in this case, they are merely little mice. Yet, I didn't like to find out what would happen, if either of the subjects were hurt in the least. What if the reversal was no longer possible? Besides, even mice do feel pain, if injured. I may have to see what happened, if they were injured, just for the process, but I could wait, if I had to do it, I could as well plan for it and be prepared for it when it happened.

“Your new dolls are beautiful. I am looking forwards to see how they are doing, when we are to have them integrated into the village!” my assistant Risa Exclaimed in a very excited voice.

“Yes, they sure are. How about you go and handle it?” I responded.

“Can I?” she inquired.

“Just one at a time, starting with the Mayor and the Nurse!” I pointed out.

“The Mayor and the Nurse, I'm on it!” she echoed as confirmation, before she strapped the mice down, in preparation for the process.

“Looks good!” I affirmed as the first doll was changed, with the test subject on the other side.

Nurse Redheart will be next!” I ponder, as I place the doll in place and let the mouse take her place in preparation for the next transformation.

While the Nurse is waiting, I place the Mayor in her new home and office, before I carefully lift the building and place it in the designated location in the enclosure.

I had already designated the locations for all our four new Ponies in the enclosure, it would after all have been unthinkable to forgo this part.

Every garden is surrounded by a wooden fence made out of tooth picks I had bought in advance as we were waiting for the delivery. I had even enjoyed painting the individual wooden sticks with clear nail polish while I was waiting. Well, why not?

Each home has a dinner table in the kitchen, and the electricity drawn for the indoors lighting. Of course we use small tripple A batteries. These can be swapped at a moment’s notice any day by any of the junior Assistants.

Each battery would be the equivalence of a 10 Ampere fuse in your home. At least; that is how I saw it, when we chose this solution of the problem.

Lighting is provided for each room, so they can control the light by themselves, any time of the day and night.

I couldn’t find a means to install an electrical stove, so they will have to make due with burning chips of wood for this purpose. They would get these from the construction work we make for them, largely. At least, this is how I imagine it.

While I had to choose special tooth picks since I need to control the environment, but I could talk people into donating the wood from ice-cream they eat at the University.

The Honest Apple: 10

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I had been given a small house, not quite the farmhouse or a cottage, just like my friends. I have no barn, or other outhouses either. I am missing the homestead and my family.

I probably should not complain, I have my friends. We are given food and a few simple items for the small village. Yet, I still do miss Apple Bloom, Big Macintosh and Granny Smith. There is also the issue of what I am to do for a living? I don’t really have anything, I can proudly call a farm.

I never wore anything but the old Stetson, in the first place. As it is, I guess the red ribbon on my tail is pretty useless, since I have no apples to buck. Maybe I should bring up the item, next time the large Pony is looking in?

In surprise, I found an apple seed among the large chunks of apple on the table today. Maybe I should take the chance and make the most out of it? If it is an Apple seed, I could plant it in the hopes that it could grow into a tree.

While the seed is huge for me, but I did manage to carry it out to the back of the house. Once I had carried it to a safe distance from the house, I dig a hole in the ground and deposit my seed and cover it with the dirt.

With the first seed in the ground, I can finally feel as if I am a true Apple. While I am still missing Granny Smith, Big Macintosh and Apple Bloom; I can at least claim to be an Apple to the core now, with the orchard well on its way to fruition.

I have not seen as much as a single cloud on the sky, so I guess rainbow Dash feels a bit bored right now. I will need her services to manage the weather for me, long-term. The sky is after all her domain to manage and tend to.

With no real need for clothes, Rarity will also feel a bit left out, as a fifth wheel. We have little to no fabric, or any other materials to work with.

Fluttershy is at least not scared of anything in the village yet. She is still feeling a bit left out and useless, without Angel Bunny and her critters to care for.

At least, I hope I can provide Pinkie Pie with apples to work with soon as the harvest is in. Assuming I will have a harvest. I don’t count my apples, before I can see them bright and red on my tree. Pinkie Pie can throw parties for us, even without the majority of her usual props.

Of course, Twilight Sparkle is still a Princess: she is the head of the community, small as it may still be. With only six mares, there is no prospect of foals any time soon.

While I am looking forwards to see my first apple tree, I could race Rainbow Dash around the town. As small as the space is, I could still use the exercise of galloping around town with Rainbow Dash.

Just as the town is small, so is my house; but it is still feeling empty, without Big Macintosh, Granny Smith and Apple Bloom around.

I know every Pony is missing someone. Rarity is just as alone as I am, without Sweetie Bell and Opalescence. Pinkie Pie is missing Gummy, not that he did much or made a single piip. But still. Fluttershy is missing Angel Bunny, even if he was noisy and made a serious ruckus every now and then. Rainbow Dash is missing Tank, even if he may have been hibernating months at a stretch every year. Twilight Sparkle is missing both her assistant Spike and her per Owl Owlowiscious. Oh, and no sigh of Winona anywhere. Though I guess I had never expected her to show up now. Not after every pet being missing.

The town of Ponyville is small, and quiet. Almost a ghost town, short of the few friends I do have with me.

Should be expecting Pinkie Pie coming up with something. Some event, to entertain us. Something, anything; just to raise the spirits. She always does, and we all love her for it.

At least, everyone in town; as small as the ton of Ponyville is, right now. Yet, this is all we have, everything we can expect and count on. Why bother, counting on something you do not have yet?

Though I am still enthusiastic over the expected apple-tree I hope to build into a larger orchard in the future. I look forwards to it, because it is who I am and what I do. What would I be, without my orchard now; since I have no Apples and just a hoof-full of friends?

Maybe I should be bringing it up, in the hopes of having more seeds I can sow in the future; in the hopes, of expanding the farm with whatever I could possibly grow?

Oh, but wait; what if I brought it up, on the next council-meeting? As small as it is now, but this is the obvious time to bring up my situation. Then I guess I could ask the large pony, if she could bring me any seeds for the farm. Even if all she could find is seeds for orange and pears.

--- --- ---

Welcome to Ponyville: 11

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I had had the most peculiar of dreams. There are new houses in the village. Of course, the entire village had even been rearranged. The strange thing is that our village now resembles the village I recall Starlight Glimmer was living in. Yet, she is not with us now.

Starlight Glimmer never came with us; to this village, such as it is. I had, and still have no idea why.

She had been growing on me, and us; since Twilight Sparkle introduced us to her after that incident. I barely recall the incident itself; largely because it never happened, once Twilight Sparkle had set everything straight in the process of reeling Starlight Glimmer in. At least, this is the official story.

I always support Princess Twilight Sparkle and my friends; even if and when I find myself forced to contradict her and them.

Though I ponder, what this particular, peculiar dream could possibly mean. I just know, it does mean something. The village is growing. Our village had been enlarged as we slept during the night.

Who is it, I and we are going to welcome into Town? Or, is it back to town? Either way; I am finding myself giddy and excited, over the news.

Any Pony else would have said: “A dream is a dream”, but I know better. After so many years of experience.

I trust my predictions for what they are, even when I can’t explain it, or convince any Pony.

This, is simply who I am. They had been forced to grow used to it and me, as they are exposed to the reality.

To a point, one could say Celestia explained it; as she pointed out, that every Pony has magic. Not just the Unicorns. Though now I know; it is not just Ponies, possessing magic. Zebras, Griffons, Hippogriffs and Dragons have their own brand of magic. On second thought, we all knew Changelings use magic too.

As I had woken up, from the dream; I can’t just go back to sleep, the dream had excited me far too much for that. With that said, I slip out of my bed; jumping down, onto the floor.

”I could as well have my breakfast, now; since I am awake. Then I can see what time it is, as I have finished my breakfast!” I ponder.

The room in which I sleep is fairly cool, thankfully. As a Pony, I wear nothing; neither at night, nor in the day. Thus, I merely slip out, from under my quilt. The one I had been given, as we moved in; or, if it was shortly thereafter.

I leave my bed, as I trot towards the door. Promptly open it, before I continue through my living room towards the cloaking-room.

As I am looking out, I can see a selection of vegetables, herbs and fruit; sliced and diced into mouth-size little pieces. I pull in the food through the door; carrying it over to my kitchen table. Before I consider anything. I need my breakfast, before I can consider the rest of the day.

Whatever my dream means, and whomever I will be greeting, could wait. At least, for now.

Just a few minutes, should be doing no real difference.

Being a pony of Ponyville, I had grown used to enjoy my Apples. I never had a problem, with Apples even as I was new in town. Being a Rock-farmer may leave a dent in who you are; but I am a pony first and foremost, thus I enjoy what ponies have.

Carrot, cucumber, oats and salad. I take my time, enjoying everything. Though I realize I had found a few seeds in the selections. Not just the oat and the once in the cucumber, but even an Appleseed.

“Applejack will love these!” I exclaim, to myself.

Applejack is after all the farmer in the group, and in town. It is her responsibility, to handle the farming for the lot of us.

Since I had concluded my meal, happy and content; my belly full, I trot back to see what is outside.

At first, nothing appears to have been changed. Even though I instinctively know, it had.

There is a picket fence around my home, as far as I could see from the door; I even have, what appears to be a mailbox.

It appears, Rarity lives in the house before me; as I trot down the path, leading to the street.

Houses lining the street, in even intervals; but I am the first pony on my side; just as Rarity is the first on her side. The road is a T-Crossing, a road following the fence of my and Rarity’s property. On the other side of the road, I can clearly see the empty house; the home of Starlight Glimmer, in her village.

The T-Crossing, and the road seems to indicate more things are being planned for later. However, I can see no sign of what is to come.

What I can see, is the houses lining the road. Aside from my own home, and Rarity’s; I can clearly see Twilight’s home and Rainbow Dash’s homes respectively. Apparently; Twilight Sparkle is my neighbour, and Rainbow Dash is Rarity’s neighbour.

However, the next house is empty. No mailbox. The houses lining the road are all empty, dark and cold.

I know that Rarity loves to be at the center of attention, so having her in this position will play right into her hooves. I have no problems, with being at the center; where I can see all my friends, as I am cheering hem up. Or cheering them on. Based on the setting, I picture Starlight Glimmers house and home as the natural center of the village. The center of all. Just the way she wanted it.

Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash had no such ambition. This will give them the space, to slack off and relax as they please; while still keeping them in the loop, and letting them keep their hooves on the situation as need be.

If Applejack is at the edge of town, should be just right for her; offering all the space she needs for her orchard and farming. Her farm; the Sweet Apple acres require all the space she could be offered in the first place.

I know Fluttershy will love to be a bit outside town, where she can keep to herself, giving her the space she needs; even if she had no woodland creatures, or any creatures to care for at this time. Maybe this will come later. At least, she can look forwards to the opportunity.

On second thought, my mailbox is pink, just as Rarity’s is Marsh Mallow white. These had been painted in our respective colours. A prudent means of identifying us, at this point; even if I guess writing the name, would be good just in case.

I continue to trot along the path to the road, stopping to look right and left; before I continue down the road in the direction out of town.

Every pony is still soundly asleep, by the looks of it. All my friends, resting soundly in their beds.

The street is abandoned and quiet, the air serene; as I continue further and further down the street. At some point, as I continue trotting along the road; I notice an addition to our habitat, at the end of the road. What it is, I can not quite put a hoof onto.

As I am approaching, at the end of the street; I see a gate open, and the Pony steps out.

I easily recognize the mare, as Nurse Redheart. She slowly steps through, or in; trotting along the road towards me. She appears somber, but optimistic.

“Hiya, Nurse Redheart!” I exclaim, as I am approaching her.

“Hello, Pinkie Pie!” she responds; “Nice to see you!” she then adds, while she is sprouting a smile of her own.

“Always nice to see you, too; Redheart!” I put forth; “Maybe I could escort you to your new home?” I add.

“Thank you, Pinkie!” she responds.

At this point, I notice the door once more opening, and the next pony is stepping into our habitat. This time, it is Vinyl Scratch.

“Hiya, Pon3!” I exclaim, just as the door closes behind her.

“Hiya, Pinkie Pie!” she responds.

“In just a moment; I will be escorting you to your new home too, Vinyl Scratch!” I offer.

“Thank you Pinkie!” she responds; “Just curious, who are we waiting for?” she now inquires.

“Mayor Mare, and Dr. Whooves!” I promptly respond.

Of course, this is when the door once more opens; just before the mayor of Ponyville herself is stepping out onto the road, before the door closes behind her.

“Hiya, Mayor Mare!” I exclaim.

“Greetings, Pinkie Pie!” Mayor Mare responds, nodding in recognition.

Since the mayor is maintaining a measured, slower gate; the door is once more opening, just as Mayor Mare is reaching the gathering of newly arrived ponies.

As the gate opens, for one final time; I lay eyes on the final arrival, the Stallion of the group. Not that we had put any importance of emphasis on tribe or gender before. Why? We are all ponies first and foremost. Friends.

Hiya, Dr. Whooves!” I exclaim.

“Greetings, Pinkie Pie!” he responds; “Nice to see you!” he then puts forth.

“As always; nice to see you, too!” I respond, as he is trotting up to me and the group of gathered ponies.

After a minute, or two; he stops before me, as the final arrival into town. The town of Ponyville.

“I am sure, we will be finding something for all of you to do; some manner, for each of you to feel useful and important!” I point out.

“While the village does look calm enough right now, but I guess someone will hurt herself soon enough!” the Nurse offers; “and then, I am here; waiting, ready to care for any injury!” she then adds.

“While you wait, I will be lifting every pony up with music and concerts!” Pon3 offers.

“My post may be quiet and possibly boring, but I will be handling all the papers!” Mayor Mare suggests.

“Quiet, yes; guess I will have to make due, considering the larger issues!” Dr. Whooves suggests.

“At least, I can present all of you with a brand new home; so you can feel right at home!” I proclaim.

“Thank you, Pinkie Pie; that would be lovely, indeed!” the mayor responds.

“Right this way, please; I will be guiding you through town!” I offer.

“I know, we have more than enough houses for everyone to find a home and be able to feel right at home and welcome!” I proclaim, as I point out the direction back into town.

“Of course; this is Applejack’s home!” I explain, pointing out her house and mailbox.

“This is Fluttershy’s home!” I continue, pointing out the direction.

As I am trotting down the road, I am passing all the empty houses; as of yet home of no pony.

“So many empty buildings!” the mayor utters.

“Homes, to all the ponies I have not greeted yet!” I point out.

“By the looks of it, I will have some time to grow into the mantle!” the mayor concludes.

“You all will, but I suspect things will start to grow lively soon enough!” I point out.

“Regular houses!” the mayor observes.

“Homes, for ponies; cozy and intimate, but with plenty of room!” I point out.

“On the outside, all these houses are identical!" Redheart observes.

“We will just have to make these our homes, by decorating them in our personal styles!” Vinyl suggests.

“Sounds about right!” I point out; “We are just short of a few ponies, the experts required for certain services!” I continue.

“At least, I can liven up the stage!” Pon3 offers.

“I will be tending to the injured and sick!” the nurse fills in.

“I may need a few items, but then I can start working on something..” Dr. Whooves mumbles to himself, as he considers his options based on the current situation.

“If you need anything organized, I will be keeping tabs on everything; so we can prosper, in the village!” the mayor deduces.

I stop, before the house that is the center of town.

On closer inspection, I notice a set of four mailboxes; lying on the path of the home, in the middle of town. The house belonging to Starlight Glimmer. Even if she has not arrived, I will refer to it as her home and her house.

“This would be your mailbox, Redheart!” I point out; picking up a white mailbox, as I hoof it over to the nurse.

“Thank you, Pinkie!” she responds; as she is accepting the mailbox, clearly marked as hers.

“This is your mailbox, Vinyl!” I point out, as I pick up the next mailbox; hoofing it over to the intended owner.

“Thank you, Pinkie!” she responds, as she is accepting her mailbox.

“This is clearly your mailbox, Mayor Mare!” I point out, as I am offering the mailbox to the mayor.

“Thank you, Pinkie Pie!” Mayor Mare responds, as she is accepting her mailbox.

“Since this is the last mailbox I have to hoof out; this is obviously yours, Dr. Whooves!” I offer, as I pick up the final mailbox, offering him one.

“Thank you, Pinkie Pie!” he responds, smiling at me as he is accepting the mailbox.

“I will need the nurse close to the center, for when the hospital is finally constructed!” I point out, “If you take one of the two first available houses?” I suggest.

“Thank you, Pinkie!” Redheart responds, as she is trotting towards the building.

“I suggest you take the next house, Vinyl Scratch; you would enjoy living close to the center, for when we do construct your stage too!” I point out.

“Thank you, Pinkie!” she responds, as she is trotting off.

“Mayor, you probably want the next house!” I suggest.

“Thank you, Pinkie Pie!” she responds, as she is turning around, trotting to her home in a measured gait.

“I imagine you would prefer a more quiet home, Dr. Whooves?” I suggest; “maybe you would prefer to live, at the edge of town?” I continue.

“Yes, Pinkie; thank you!” he responds, just before he turns to trot off to his new home.

This is turning into a much more interesting village!” I ponder.

With Princess Twilight Sparkle and mayor Mare already installed; it certainly is no Township, even before Starlight Glimmer arrives.

--- --- ---

A Preliminary Report: 12

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I had compiled all the data, for my preliminary report. Obviously. I had reached the stage, where I had to present progress, for me to be able to continue this research project. If I fail, the project will be canceled.

I had known, this day would come; since day one. The research director of the University had explained it to me.

My secretary had kept tabs on everything, for me. She had documented everything we did; from the very first thing, the first day.

She does have a large stack of photos, of everything; just as she do have clips and sound recorded.

While I know she has been enjoying her time as secretary, for my project her accreditation depends, on her doing her job to the letter. I don’t know if the success change anything for her; or if the subject, or result is important. Though she can only have accreditation, if she performs her job flawlessly.

In a sense, this is a watershed moment for my project.

The accreditation itself, is not my goal; it is the result of my project, in the hopes of helping people. What more could there possibly be?

I know my assistant jumped me, for the opportunity; both for the accreditation, but also the joy of the project I was just initiating at the time. I had seen her, at work; seen the joy, with which she is performing her job. Doing everything I had ever asked of her, and more.

While it is my project, I guess it would be acceptable for her to follow me in.

She had booked the time, confirming the time I had to be there; for me to present my preliminary report, in person.

Even knowing she would know exactly what I had requisitioned, in the name of my project; every mouse, every doll and every minute I had logged in the room. I know, she had everything at her fingertips. It is my results; my evaluation and my conclusions she is going to evaluate.

Of course; we had gone over the details, as well as the material before we walked down to the office.

Now, we are sitting outside the office; waiting for the research director. Just a few more minutes, but I do want to be on time. Being punctual is important to me.

Anyone else could watch and tend to our ponies. I don’t have to be there in person. Besides, unless anything critical comes up, no-one needs to be there.

My assistant is holding the folder, containing everything, every last detail. Technically, I guess I had not needed her to be here; but she had asked me to permit her to follow me in, so I had permitted her to be with me.

The seconds are ticking; ”Tick, tock; tick, tock..”; as we are waiting.

I am watching the clock, mounted on the wall.

”I guess it is time!” my assistant suggests, as she is raising to her feet; walking over to the door, pushing the button.

I can clearly see the light turning yellow, as the sound is buzzing inside the room. While I have no idea, as to what she is doing; I know she is in, in order to be there at the booked time.

The seconds, ticking by; the light is turning green, just as the lock snaps open.

”Enter!” is heard on the speaker.

”That is us!” my Assistant announces, and I follow her over to the door.

She opens the door, and we step right into her office.

The research director is sitting behind her desk, just as I had been expecting. Nothing else, could even be thinkable.

”Have a seat, please; make yourself comfortable, so we can dig into the review!” she points out.

I step into the room, with my personal assistant in tow; and we do pull our respective chairs out, before comfortably sitting down.

My Assistant is opening the folder, pulling out a picture of the habitat; such as it is currently looking, with all the ponies outside. The ponies, lined up.

”As I am sure you are aware, the duplication of the incident has worked flawlessly time and time again; the ponies are in excellent health, and the process is perfectly reversible!” I open up.

”Excellent, excellent!” she responds.

”Then it was not a once in a lifetime accident, I am glad for you!” she points out, matter of fact; ”now I expect, you to be eager to follow through; expanding this project, to its natural conclusion?” she inquires, after a moment’s pause.

”But of course!” I declare.

”Based on the preliminary findings; it appears we opened up Pandora’s box, presenting a new field of studies!” my assistant suggests, with confidence.

”In order to understand the process, and ascertain the safety concerns; we do need more test subject and a wider range, before we can continue to the next stage with larger animals!” I propose; ”Furthermore; I can open up the project for additional lines of inquiry, in order to explore previously unexpected potential!” I continue.

”Since you have proven that your project is viable; I will permit you to keep your current room, as well as offering you a second adjacent room for now!” she responds.

This could prove most interesting; despite the risk of potential backlash, further down the road!” she ponders.

Of course; she had taken the time, to read up on the premise of my project as well as reading through the data I had generated. With that, she had managed to familiarize herself with the project, as well as the current status.

”To make sure, you do understand the situation; I have prepared a few clips, so you can see in more depth!” my Assistant offers, as she is casting the clips for her to see on her screen.

”Thank you!” she responds, as she is activating the screen.

She is watching the first clip in silence, watching the initial experiments while the mice are turning into ponies.

Once the first clip had played, the next clip follows suit; demonstrating a pony turning back to the mouse it had been.

Another clip follows, where the veterinarian examines a set of mice; giving them a clean bill of health, giving us clear bill to proceed. She does recognize the performing veterinarian, of course.

Now she is pausing the play-back, scribbling down the report number; before she is pulling up the file, critically reading it for herself in order to ascertain everything is on the up and up.

Once she had red the report, and verified the content; she is closing the file, before she returns to the playback and watch the remainder of the clip. The next clip depicts the veterinarian examining a small set of ponies.

She once more pause the playback, then scribbles down the report number; before she calls up the file, scrutinizing it with deliberate care.

”Excellent, excellent!” she offers; ”Everything seems to be in order.

”This does look, like a very interesting little project!” she offers.

Now my Assistant present a series of images of the inhabitants of the village. Pinkie Pie, Rarity; Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash; Nurse Redheart, Mayor Mare, Vinyl Scratch, Dr. Whooves, Fluttershy and Applejack.

”Why does that pony look like Dr. Who?” she inquires, puzzled by the apparent similarities.

”His name is Dr. Whooves!” my Assistant explains; ”He is the main cause of the expansion of this research; outside the scope, of the initial project!” my Assistant continues.

”I believe, he is partially based on the Dr. Who; which is prompting some curious ideas, that may be of interest to investigate!” I point out.

”If he is indeed based on the Dr. Who, I can see potential for interesting research; in Physics, and some interest on the part of a few Physicists!” she offers.

”That would be the idea, yes!” I confirm.

”On second thought, I believe he is a very interesting contribution to the community of ponies!” my Assistant puts forth.

”If I recall my Dr. Who correctly; I guess he could indeed be an interesting contribution, to your ponies village such as it stands!” she confirms, with a jovial grin creeping onto her face.

”Technically speaking; I believe we could have picked any random ponies, for the project!” I suggest; ”But, what would be the fun in that; other than limiting the scope, and potentially limiting the chances of success for no particular reason!” I continue.

”Of course; these random ponies are harder to come by, than the central figures of the community!” my Assistant clarifies further.

Since my sister introduced me, I am warming up to these ponies..” I ponder; ”this project, initiated by the incident; is clearly making me invested, in the fates of the ponies I am making my friends!” I conclude.

How could I not become invested; as I see these ponies as people, building up and developing their village with the items I provide them?

Of course, I will have to provide them with everything; even if they are working, on providing for themselves. I had not asked them to; it is simply in their nature, to provide for themselves.

There is little to no real greenery, in the habitat; but I could not acquire anything fitting, within the short span of time I had been focusing all my efforts into my project. Maybe now, I could and should put some limited efforts; into providing them with the green plans as part of the project? These ponies are not just living creatures I am providing for; they are sentient, and I still do have the final responsibility for each and every one of them.

While I do send them through the process, of transforming them onto ponies and reversing the process; I can’ just go and repeat the process willy-nilly just for the fun of it. I have to consider the consequences on each mouse and pony each and every time. Even if the process has not been harming them physically. Yet.

I don’t even know, if there is a set limit, on how many times one can perform this process on any one individual. I just minimize the exposure, for now. Maybe I should be extending the project, into proving how many times it is safe?

Considering, I now have extended time and resources at my disposal; I can run new tests, I did not have time or resources for before.

First of all, I do have a second room in which to continue my project; just as I have another month, in which to continue exploring what I had started. Now I can expand the village further, just as I can explore further avenues; examining what made this work, in the first place. Establishing how and why.

Why did my sister turn into a pony, specifically? Could she have turned into anything or anyone else?

Would this work, with just a mirror, or a regular telescope? I have no idea, but I will have to explore every possibility; until I have exhausted the options, in pinning down exactly how and why this did happen.

With a second room, small as it may be; I should be looking for more students to employ, in order to explore what I had set out to perform. Who would I ask, and who would even consider accepting the offer?

On second thought; I could always ask my personal assistant and secretary to help me, exploring how to further the project. The more progress I could manage, the better my chances are, to continue the project. I will need more people helping me out.

However; I could as well keep my assistant, trusting her to following me to the end. Unless she resigned, or gave me sufficient cause to fire her. I hope, she will follow me through; but you never know, until the project is concluded.

”This is going well, but I guess that had been to be expected!” I ponder, as I consider options of expansion for the project.

Some additional information had been presented; raw data and images of the habitat and its inhabitants in every stage of the development. She is eagerly going over, what she had been presented.

In the end, she had read everything and viewed all the pictures. My assistant and I had been explaining the conclusion drawn. The time of the appointment finally does come to and end.

”Interesting.” she points out, as she is putting the file down; ”Fascinating!” she concludes.

My assistant picks up the folder, as the presentation is concluded.

”I am looking forwards, to see your progress!” she admits, with a jovial grin playing over her face.

”Thank you!” I respond.

”I expect to see you, with further development in about a month or so!” she offers.

Of course, she had placed the key to the second room in the folder; at some point, after she had granted the project’s continuation.

I raise to my feet, just as my assistant does; before we walk out. My assistant just stops, before the door; opening and closing after we had walked out. This concludes the report.

”I will be compiling a list of who and what we need, for you to go over!” she offers, as we are walking from the research manager’s office.

--- --- ---

Welcome to School: 13

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A stack of new dolls are resting on a small table. We had lined them all up, in the order in which we intend to introduce them into the village, of course. Each standing up.

Naturally, everything had already been set up and ready; both the mayor’s office and the school building are standing in the village. I can see the two buildings on the right side of Starlight Glimmers home, which is what we had dubbed the official side.

Rarity’s boutique would be on the left side, for form’s sake; because it is the business district in our new recreation of Ponyville.

The rig is up, ready to transform the next mouse into the pony known as Cheerilee. Once she is entering the village; Derpy Whooves would be next, followed by what is known as her daughter Dinky Whooves.

The third and final pony selected for the first group, had been selected to be Dinky Whooves; for the obvious reason of being the daughter of the mail mare, Derpy Whooves. This will make the two the first family established in town.
”This box is painted in my colours, and it even has my mark on the front!” Cheerilee exclaims, as her gaze falls on the box waiting for her.
”That is because the mailbox is yours, Cheerilee!” Pinkie prompts.
Then the pink mailbox is before your house, Pinkie” Cheerilee inquires, in the hopes of establishing some level of understanding.

The first of the mice is put into place, lining up for the transformation. We had chosen a female mouse, just in case; never to contradict more than we had to, in the process. For the same reason, no mouse had been transformed into a second pony. Neither had we transformed any of the mice into a pony already in town. We are simply not ready for these complications, predicted to come from any of these things. Why chance the complications, if it is by any chance avoidable in the first place.

Maybe we could, or should be investigating these in a later trial; if for no other reason, than to answer the questions implied and to help people with the experience connected to the situation. If this does work, maybe it could become the solution to the transgender issue? Just that I have no knowledge or experience of what this would entail. I fear this could be controversial enough without my input.

Once the mouse is in place, the polished doll is installed; the next moment, the doll catches eye and the transformation is taking place. A minute later; Cheerilee is ready to enter the village of Ponyville.

My assistant picks her up, placing her on the platform; the first door opens and she is stepping through the gate, only for the gate to close behind her. As the first door is closed, the next opens; Cheerilee steps through and the door closes behind her. With that, she had entered the village of Ponyville. Her new home.

Pinkie Pie stands before her, ready to greet her and guide her to her home.

”Hiya, Cheerilee!” Pinkie Pie exclaims; ”Welcome to Ponyville!” she continues.

”Hi, Pinkie Pie!” she responds; ”Thank you!” she continues.

The door once more open, and the next pony is entering the village; Pinkie Pie instantly recognizes Derpy Whooves, as the next pony to enter the village.

”Hiya, Derpy!” she exclaims; ”Welcome to Ponyville!” she continues.

”Hello, Pinkie!” she responds, as she is trotting up to Pinkie Pie and Cheerilee.

Just a moment after Derpy Whooves had stopped before Pinkie Pie; the door once more opens and Dinky Whooves is spilling out, into the village.

”Hiya, Dinky!” Pinkie Pie exclaims; ”Welcome to Ponyville!” she continues.

”Hello, Pinkie Pie!” Dinky responds, now grinning.

”Hello, Pinkie!” Derpy exclaims.

”Hello, Derpy!” Dinky responds, jubilantly; as she is recognizing her mother, in the small crowd.

”If you two not mind; I will guide you back to town, and show you were you will all live!” Pinkie Pie offers.

”Thank you Pinkie!” Cheerilee exclaims.

”Thank you, Pinkie!” Derpy and Dinky Whooves responds.

”Right this way, please!” Pinkie offers; ”I’m sure, you will be enjoying your new homes!” she continues, as the three ponies are following her into town.

”Mr. and Ms. Whooves” Dinky read on a mailbox, as they continue into town.

”That does look, as if it is where we should be living!” Derpy puts forth.

”Congratulations, you are the first complete family in Ponyville!” Pinkie Pie exclaims.

”Thank you, Pinkie!” Derpy responds, smiling back at her friend.

”You are quite welcome, Derpy!” Pinkie points out.

With that, Derpy and Dinky slowly trots towards their new home. Based on the names on the mailbox, Derpy assumes she is expected. She does knock on the door nonetheless, before she is opening the door and steps right in.

Behind the door, she is stepping into a small cloaking room. There is a shoe-rack, and a cloak-hanger; but beyond that, it is fairly spartan. As a Pony, there is little to no need for clothes, and as of yet little to no means to acquire them.

Both the floor and the walls are made out of wood, while the ceiling had been painted a bland white. Then there is a small lamp, hanging from the ceiling.

”Welcome home, Dinky!” Derpy exclaims, as her daughter is stepping in, closing the door behind herself.

While Derpy and Dinky are exploring their new home, already warmed up by the good doctor; Pinkie Pie is leading Cheerilee to the home of Starlight Glimmer, where the deep purple mailbox with her name on it is waiting for her. Curiously enough, her mark is adorning the mailbox built out of wood. Most everything in town had been constructed out of wood.

After scanning the room, Derpy trots over to the door leading over to the living-room with Dinky in tow.

Just as she reaches the door, it goes up, missing her muzzle with mere inches.

At this point, Pinkie Pie and Cheerilee are reaching the fence of Starlight Glimmers garden. Cheerilee follows Pinkie in to where her deep purple mailbox lie on the path; waiting for her to pick it up.

”This box is painted in my colours, and it even has my mark on the front!” Cheerilee exclaims, as her gaze falls on the box waiting for her.

”That is because the mailbox is yours, Cheerilee!” Pinkie prompts.

”Then the pink mailbox is before your house, Pinkie” Cheerilee inquires, in the hopes of establishing some level of understanding.

”That is, why it was painted pink, just as Rarity’s mailbox was painted white!” Pinkie responds, giggling.

”So, if I were to move; I take the mailbox with me, to my new address?” Cheerilee inquires.

”We could have had white boxes, considering our mail mare Derpy an read; but it is much more funnier this way, don’t you think?” Pinkie prompts, just as she is reaching the property where Cheerilee lives.

”Oh, of course; that makes sense, I guess!” she responds, as she stops to put her mailbox onto the fence by the entrance.

”While it may be empty, but you even get a garden!” Pinkie points out.

”Yes; I do have my own garden, now!” Cheerilee responds, grinning.

”I will be tending to the new arrivals now; but if you need help with anything, don’t hesitate to ask!” Pinkie responds; as she is bouncing along the road, towards the edge of town.

”Cheerilee’s Garden!” Pinkie is mumbling to herself, giggling hysterically at the notion.

Just before Pinkie is finally reaching the edge of town, the door opens up and the next pony spills out into town.

”Hiya, Apple Bloom; welcome to Ponyville!” Pinkie exclaims.

”Hello, Pinkie Pie!” Apple Bloom responds, grinning at her old friend.

The door opens, once more; just a moment later, and Sweetie Belle spills out into town. She is trotting towards her friends in a measured gait, in her effort of getting to the old friends.

”Hiya, Sweetie Belle; and welcome to Ponyville!” Pinkie exclaims.

”Hello, Sweetie Belle!” Apple Bloom echoes.

”Hello, Pinkie Pie and Apple Bloom!” Sweetie Belle responds, as she is closing in the distance to her friends.

The next moment, the door once more open and Scootaloo spills out into town; slowly trotting up towards the friends, waiting for her.

”Hiya, Scootaloo; and welcome to Ponyville!” Pinkie Pie exclaims, as she is grinning from ear to ear.

”Hello, Scootaloo!” Apple Bloom and sweetie Belle echoes, just an instant later.

”Hello, Pinkie Pie, Apple Bloom and sweetie Belle!” Scootaloo responds.

With the last of the fillies had arrived, Pinkie takes to gather the group of Cutie Mark Crusaders for the trip home to their respective siblings. Or, honorary sibling in Scootaloo’s case; since she is not directly related to Rainbow Dash, technically speaking.

”Time to head home Crusaders!” Pinkie Pie declares, still grinning.

”Is Applejack waiting for me?” Apple Bloom inquires.

”And Rarity?” Sweetie Belle fills in.

”And Rainbow Dash?” Scootaloo adds, hopefully.

”Yes, they sure are; I am quite certain, they will be delighted to see you!” Pinkie Points out.

”Since we are all here, would you mind showing us where we live?” Scootaloo inquires, hopefully.

”Yes, yes, yes; that would be great!” Sweetie Belle exclaims, bouncing in excitement.

”By all means; just follow me, crusaders! I will guide you to where you live!” Pinkie responds, with a wide and yet widening grin.

With that, Pinkie is turning towards the road towards Starlight Glimmer’s home, bouncing on her merry way; fully intent, on showing where the fillies live.

While Pinkie Pie is being Pinkie Pie; the not quite so little fillies are making a brave effort, in keeping up with the bouncy mare that chose to be their guide. Thankfully, the distance is not all that great; and Pinkie does not just rush off.

The road is still fairly short, on the account that the habitat could not make room for more.

As Pinkie is reaching Rainbow Dash’s home, she is pointing a hoof at the obvious sign of the cyan mailbox with the rainbow mark.

”There, this is your home; make sure to recognize the position, and the mailbox belonging to your Idol and honorary sister Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie exclaim.

”Oh, thank you, Pinkie Pie!” Scootaloo exclaims, as she is rushing up to Pinkie in order to give her a tight and loving hug.

”My first hug!” Pinkie Ponders, while Scootaloo is still embracing her tightly.

A few minutes later; Scootaloo lets go, as she is turning towards the home she had been promised.

”Thank you Pinkie Pie!” Scootaloo exclaims; ”I will see you soon, Crusaders!” she continues; ”Oh, and you too, Pinkie!” she concludes as she bounced up onto the path up to the door of her home.

Midway up to the door, the door swings up; behind the door stands Rainbow dash, waiting for the long awaited family.

”Hi, Scoots!” she exclaims; ”Welcome home!” she continues, as Scootaloo continues to bounce towards the door.

Rainbow steps aside, just so Scootaloo can enter the house; then she is closing the door, and the two are out of sight.

Two friends, united as a family!” Pinkie Pie ponders, as she is turning to the two remaining fillies by her side.

”C’mon, Crusaders; time for you to go home too!” Pinkie points out.

The two fillies form up behind the party pony, generally known as Pinkie Pie. Pinkie is bouncing along the street, up to the house where Rarity is already waiting; the door open and she is waving her hoof.

”Hi, Rarity!” Sweetie Belle exclaims.

”Greetings, Sweetie Belle; welcome home!” she continues.

Sweetie Belle trots up to the path up to her home, then along the path to the house where her mother Rarity lives. Rarity patiently waits, eagerly awaiting the conclusion of their reunification.

Rarity steps aside and Sweetie Belle steps in with Rarity in tow; then Rarity is closing the door, as she is leading Sweetie Belle into their home.

”That, was the last house?” Apple Bloom inquires.

”Yes, I believe it is..” Pinkie responds; ”but you are not the last foal on my list!” she continues; ”I guess you could just as well follow me back, to the Sweet Apple Acres; Applejack is waiting for you, when you get home!” she concludes.

With that, pinkie Pie starts to bounce back along the street; towards the gate, at the edge of the habitat.

A forced march ensues, as Apple Bloom does her best to follow Pinkie Pie along the road.

Pinkie Pie is giggling all the while, as she continues to bounce along the road obliviously.

”There!” Pinkie exclaims, a few minutes later; pointing a hoof towards the orange mailbox with three delicious looking apples on it.

Apple Bloom tries to quicken the pace, but she is already galloping as fast as she can; just to keep pace with Pinkie Pie, who continues unhindered.

The door is open, and Applejack is waiting; just as Pinkie Pie had promised, so apple Bloom turns in on the path to greet her older sister.

Apple Bloom is forced to slow down, just to make the curve; before she can trot on the path towards the door, where her big sister is waiting.

Pinkie Pie is happy, leaving the responsibility over to Applejack; so that she can continue, on her mission to greet the next set of foals. Of course, the door soon slides up, before her; just as she had stopped short, a mere few feet from the door. In the process, she had managed not to bump into the new arrival.

”Hiya, Fiddlesticks!” Pinkie Pie exclaims, pointing a hoof at the house where Applejack is still standing just outside the door; ”Welcome to Ponyville!” she continues.

”Hi, Pinkie!” Fiddlesticks responds; ”and thank you!” she continues.

”Since you are an Apple, you can just as well just step right in; Applejack lives in that house, right there!” Pinkie explains, once more pointing a hoof in the general direction.

”Thank you, Pinkie!” she responds, as she starts to trot off towards the house with Applejack and Apple Bloom still waiting.

At this point, the door once more slides up, as Pinkie Pie is watching; spilling the next pony, or filly into the habitat. One tiny little colt, trotting over the road towards me.

”Hiya, Pip Squeak!” Pinkie exclaim; ”and welcome to Pony Ville!” Pinkie continue.

”Hi, Pinkie!” he responds, as he is beaming with joy, clearly recognizing the pink Party pony before him.

”I imagine; you will enjoy to see some of your old friends at school, tomorrow!” Pinkie points out.

”If you refer to the Crusaders; then yes, I sure will enjoy seeing them in class!” he offers.

”Of course, the Crusaders will be there!” Pinkie Points out; ”But I hope you don’t mind greeting the last of the group of new arrivals with me!” Pinkie suggests.

The next moment; the door slides up, and a filly spills out into the habitat: Zipporwhill.

”Hiya, Zipporwhiil!” Pinkie exclaims; ”and welcome to Ponyville!” she continues.

”Hi, Pinkie and Pip!” she responds, grinning.

A moment later, the door slides up and the next colt enters the habitat: Tender Taps. he slowly trots up onto the road, and the door slides shut behind him.

”Hiya, Tender Taps!” Pinkie exclaims.

”Hiya, Pinkie..” he responds; Pip Squeak and Zipporwhill!” he then adds.

”Hi, Tender Taps!” Pip Squeak and Zipporwhill echoes.

A moment later, the door once more open, spilling the final colt onto the road: Twist.

”Hiya, Twist!” Pinkie Pie exclaims.

”Hi, Pinkie..” Twist exclaims; ”Pip, Zipporwhill and Tender Taps!” he then adds.

”Hi, Twist!” Pip, Tender and Zipporwhill echoes.

”Since everyone is here, it is time I show you where you will life!” Pinkie points out, pointing a hoof towards town.

”Not an orphanage, I hope!” Pip points out.

”Most certainly not!” Pinkie points out; ”How would that look?” she then demands, in an offended tone.

”Right this way, and I will be showing you, to your respective homes!” Pinkie offers, in a liter tone as she is back to her usual chirps.

The foals quietly try to trot in step with Pinkie, as she exuberantly bounces along the road.

”Apple Bloom and Fiddlesticks are living with Applejack; because they are apples and Apple Bloom is her sister!” Pinkie points out, starting an explanation.

”Dinky Whooves is living with Dr. Whooves and Derpy Whooves!” Pinkie point out.

”Dinky?” Twist exclaims; ”I believe I recall her from class; she used to be so nice!” he continues.

”I believe you will see her in class tomorrow!” Pinkie responds, with a wide grin.

”Scootaloo lives with Rainbow Dash; which is where you will live too, Zipporwhill!” Pinkie point out, pointing a hoof towards the building with the rainbow mailbox with a zapped cloud on it.

”I am going to live with Rainbow Dash?” Zipporwhill inquires.

”Yeppers. deppers!” Pinkie points out, directing the foal towards the new home.

The door opens, and Dash is by the door greeting the new foal home. How she knew, only Pinkie Pie may know; but she does not tell.

”Tender Taps, you live with Rarity and Sweetie Belle!” Pinkie now points out, pointing a hoof at the home of Rarity’s.

”Yay!” Tender Taps exclaims, rushing off to the new and promising home.

Who would not want to live under the roof of a mare like Rarity?

”I hope you will enjoy living with Twilight Sparkle!” Pinkie offers Pip Squeak.

”Twilight is nice, I am sure to enjoy living with her!” Pip Squeak responds, as he is setting off towards her home.

”I guess that leaves us with you, Twist; you will be living with me, since you enjoy sweets so much!” Pinkie exclaims.

”Then we can bake muffins, and make candy-canes together?” Twist inquires, as he is following Pinkie Pie into her home.

”Yeah, I know; sweet, isn’t it?” she offers.

Of course, I only have so many homes into which I can place the foals; Rarity, Twilight, Rainbow, Derpy, Cheerilee, Applejack and Fluttershy!” she ponders.

”Right this way!” Pinkie exclaims, as she is ushering her new foal into her home.

--- --- ---