> An Obsession > by Valorousspectre > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Obsessive much? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sugar Sweet wasn’t known very much. And she liked to keep it that way. Organic ponies were so complicated and so very difficult to please, and she couldn’t fix them. Her machines were her children, and her lab her sanctum. Her children obeyed her to the letter, and never disobeyed. Never. She programmed them perfectly, and when they malfunctioned, she fixed them good and quick. As the technical expert of Equestria, an honorary title bestowed upon her by Princess Twilight Sparkle, Sugar has quite a few projects on her hooves. However, she had one that she favored above all others. A secret project she hadn’t let anypony else, not even the Princesses, know about. Mostly because she wasn’t sure if they’d find it illegal, although in all honesty, she already knew the answer to that question. Of course it was illegal. She was on her way to visit him now. Opening a hidden door hidden behind her biggest tool cabinet, she trotted down a steep flight of stairs, the door closing and hiding itself behind her. This was her own little sanctum within her sanctum. And there was only one thing that held the attention of the room. A strong, magically infused chair, manacles to hold hooves on the hoof rests and the bottom of the chair. And within it, a pony made entirely of metal. And he was alive. He strained against his bonds as he heard her enter and prance over to the chair. This was always the highlight of her day. "Hello! How are we today my little pet?" She asked brightly, her electric blue dyed mane bouncing as she looked at him happily. He looked at her, his eyes rapidly turning an angry red colour. "LET ME GO!" He roared, not for the first time. The first time she’d heard him do that, she’d immediately erected a soundproofing device she’d created for the Equestrian bureau of intelligence. Nigh undetectable, she was proud to say. She giggled and looked to a little side table, picking up an electrical lance tool. She’d made it herself. A small tool, but with massive electrical power. "Naughty naughty~" She teased in a sing song voice, pressing a little button on the device to make it spark to life. Instantly, the steel pony tried to recoil from the device, but his restrained wings and hooves made things very difficult. She’d figured out quite swiftly that the only thing that honestly harmed the android was electricity. It ripped through his circuits and hit his biological brain, like a real pony, but with less damage since his entire body absorbed a lot of the shock. And she poked him with it. He went rigid and his jaw locked up, spasming painfully. But only for a second. Then he stopped, panting heavily. He didn’t need to breathe, but she noted he tended to do that whilst he was hurt. She still wasn’t precisely sure what it did, since it didn’t seem to have any physical effect, but he seemed to derive comfort from it. Perhaps a remnant of his days back when he had a biological, organic body. She knew he had one once. He’d told her, under duress. It had taken her weeks to get her answers, and they were pitiful. But this android… "Now then pet," She said giddily, putting the lance down and running a hoof lightly down his chest plate, "Are you going to behave? Or do I have to punish you again?" He glared at her angrily, his eyes red as blood, but didn’t speak. She smiled brightly. "Good boy!" she said happily, leaning forward and licking his cheek affectionately, "Then don’t struggle~ I’m still adding the finishing touches to you~" With another giddy giggle, she hit a button on the chair, and the whole thing lifted him up, by the hooves, and flipped him over, the complex machinery forming a web underneath him to support his weight. Around his midsection, restraining his mighty wings, was a solid titanium harness of sorts. Across his back was an open section in his armor. A gap that she had made to his chagrin, exposing his inner parts. She hadn’t hooked up her ‘upgrade’ yet completely. She didn’t want to risk him using it against her. Not once he’d learned to use it. But she had connected it physically. She pulled her little contraption out. It looked a lot like a small crossbow. she’d worked on the concept of it for years. There was no bowstring. Instead, there was a small compartment. The ‘bow’ was bent back to this compartment and the compartment was glowing a light blue. "Now, I know you’re scared," She crooned, "But I promise I won’t hurt you. No, you’re too perfect for that~" She reached for the tools on the little table next to her and started working on the weapon. "You’re going to be twice as kickass with this little thing though," She said, "Ranged combat, for somepony as indestructible as you? A marvel, perfected by me." Steel growled something that she didn’t hear and, as punishment, she reached in and tweaked one of his wires. He flinched and she tapped his wing. "Uhuhuh," She teased, "Bad boy~" He didn’t reply, and she continued working on the little weapon. She’d designed it to fire off weaponised light, power in full from his own internal dark magical engine. It worked on the principle of light caused by magical discharged being accelerated through a series of tiny lenses, amplified in power until it reached incredibly destructive force, powerful enough to incinerate anything flammable, or melt through anything not. She’d had him trapped to work on it for weeks, building it into his systems, making a compartment that was capable of protecting the weapon and his systems, and a system to unfold the weapon that he could aim and fire it at will. She had all of it done now, but hadn’t hooked any of it up yet. Until now. She hooked up the firing mechanism. This would allow him to fire the weapon and power it, but not aim it of his own free will, or use it without risk of harming or killing himself. "Now, I’m going to let you power this," She cooed lovingly, stroking his blue mane, "And I’m going to aim it at my little target over there, see?" She pointed to a target she’d erected when she started working on him. "And, when I tell you to, you fire, okay? I want to know if my baby suits my little pet and it works~" He grunted, glaring at her balefully with red eyes. She smiled brightly. "Good boy!" She said brightly, before turning the contraption to face the target. "Okay, now I’m going to hook up the power conduits to your systems. Stay still okay? I don’t wanna hurt my little pet by digging into one of his precious wires." Steel froze as she giggled and started tinkering. It took only a few minutes, and the machine hummed to life, and the small cylinder between the two halves of the bent back bow, started to shine brighter and spin. Slowly at first, but rapidly gaining speed. With a giggle, she petted his head. "Okay pet. Access subsystems and use your beautiful, beautiful magical core to bring my weapon to life~" Slowly, the weapons hum started to grow. Steel grunted, straining to not let the weapon fire. But with or without his consent, his mind wondered about the new addition to his form, and he powered it subconsciously and, with a blinding flash of light, a laser of white pierced the air, splitting the room in two as it shot instantly into the target. The target, made of wood and metals, burst into rapturous flames. Sugar Sweet squealed with glee and wrapped her arms around the metal pony in rapturous glee. "Yay! Yay it works! It works! It’s perfect!" With a push, she shoved the laser back into his body, closed the electrical hatch, and hit the button on the chair. It spun him back around, back onto his back and she hugged him fiercely again, then kissing him fiercely on his metallic lips, much to his shock. "Ohmycelestia you’re perfect~" She purred, stroking his mane lovingly, "And now, all I need to figure out…" She tapped his cranium three times with an obsessed smile. "Is how to reprogram that biological, imperfect brain of yours so that all you love… is me~" His face would have paled, if he was biological, at the inflection in her voice. An obsessed, hungry, possessive aura of pure selfish greed. "You’ll forget all about the little pegasus you thought you loved," She said with a cruel snarl, "The arrogant little snob… But then, she doesn’t remember you… she doesn’t even remember her own friends anymore." He growled darkly and glared at her, the only thing keeping his mouth shut being the threat of being prodded by the lightning lance. "Electricity is such a helpful tool," She said softly, stroking his chest as she leaned her head on his shoulder, "But I promise you, you won’t feel any pain." She licked his neck eagerly, hungrily and smiled, “I might even let you enjoy the biological aspects of me some day… When I trust you enough to let you out of this chair. When you love me, and only me, forever♥” She giggled giddily and pressed another kiss to his reluctant, and resistant, metal lips. And of course, because of his strength, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get her tongue past his absurdly powerful teeth, which he kept resolutely shut. This, she’d learned, didn’t change regardless how much she shocked him. She’d tried during one of these sessions. All session. She pulled back, and licked his nose playfully before smiling. "I’ll be back tomorrow," She whispered, stroking his muzzle lovingly, "After I study a few things about biology, I’ll be back, my sweet, sweet piece of perfection~" And she pranced out, her tail riding high, like a mare in heat, thoughts of the the metal pegasus filling her head as he screamed out in desperate pleas for somepony, anypony, to please, find him.