> Ponystuck: Play.

by MrTimms

First published

Twilight Sparkle and friends face danger in a game that is not what it seems. Interactive.

Computers have infiltrated Equestria in a very suspicious manner. In a matter of months, powerful platforms have found their way in almost every home in Canterlot, Ponyville, Manehattan, and Cloudsdale. To top it off, the first "immersive simulation" game in existence, by the name of STBLE, is being released today. Unfortunately for everyone involved, this game is not what it seems...

For today, the world of Equestria will die in flames, and be born anew.

It's going to be a very long day.

(Reader interaction encouraged!)

A Plethora of Pitfalls

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> Pony: Wake.


You are already awake. You've been chatting with your personal teacher Princess Celestia, and honestly, you'll never look back. Getting this IRC client was the best decision you've ever made.

Never mind that Canterlot is only a couple of kilometers away by hot-air balloon, you're socializing, and about time, too. Your friendship reports have gotten a bit dry lately.

Wouldn't want to be TARDY.

Anyway, your conversation's just about wrapped up. After gossiping about the goings-on of various members of Canterlot and Ponyville society, the exchange took a... slightly geekier turn. Specifically, the subject was that of the new "immersive simulation" game STBLE, being released TOMORROW by the up-and-coming games company in Equestria, EA Entertainment (the EA doesn't stand for anything). Even more specifically, you chat-squealed about it for half an hour like the little fanfilly you are and the Princess just took it.

She politely dismisses the subject in turn, instead bidding you a good day. This surprises you, but then you get a bigger shock as you notice that it's actually very early instead of very late. You'd been at the computer for a lot longer than two hours before that. Oh well, sleep is for the weak.

Boy are you glad there was a short and simple summary of that two-hour long conversation. If you hadn't been participating in the chat yourself, that probably would have been the most tedious piece of writing to ever pass under your eyes. Summaries are Celestia's gift to ponykind.

You chuckle to yourself, then sit on your bed. You may as well take a little breather before getting ready for the day. It certainly is comfortable...

> Pony: Sleep.


You blearily open your eyes to a bright... day. You aren't quite sure what time it is, but it is definitely bright. Slowly moving to a standing position, you crack your spine in a way that probably isn't very healthy. Sleeping in a computer chair sideways is inadvisable on most occasions.

Either way, it is time to move your little purple tushie. Things to do, friends to meet, games to play, all that jazz. You're hyperventilating all of a sudden! So much to do, in so little time!

You hoof it through your (should-have-been) morning preparations, quickly showering and magic-drying your mane into something presentable, using the... facilities, and heading down the library stairs.

Suddenly, you stop, nearly falling. You forgot about breakfast.

Or lunch, or... whatever meal it was supposed to be. Whatever it was, you missed it, and you are hungry. Sleep, maybe, but food is definitely NOT for the weak. Or, it is, but it's also for the strong too, and everypony in between.

It's Spike's day off, you gave it to him specifically because STBLE was coming out today and you thought there would be breakfast...

Oh well. The only thing you can do now is to prepare your own. You think that nicely seasoned mushrooms on a bed of oil-braised grains will do. The cookbook hovers in front of you as you gather the ingredients to you using your magic. This will be a cinch, just like alchemy class at the university...

Several minutes later, you remember just why Spike does all of the cooking around here. You glance around with the smoking, sizzling pans in a panic before diving for the sink, raising a scalding cloud of steam.

That was close. You're pretty sure you're off cooking for life, with an experience like that. You remove all evidence of the mess in a matter of seconds. The burnt foodstuffs are catapulted into deep space with your magic, while you pile the pans in the sink, scouring the surfaces of any leftover residue. Hot water jets from the faucets, creating yet more clouds of steam. If anypony walks in, you can just hide them somewhere that can get wet and say you took a long shower.

Then again, no one comes to the library anyways. Sometimes you feel like a squatter here. With accidents like what just happened, you're quite sure that your lease would not be renewed. No one has to know. But you still have to eat.

You step outside the library with empty saddlebags in tow. You can pick up the game at the post office after real breakfast. Normally packages are delivered to the library, but you'll be out for a while, and this parcel is too important to leave to Derpy. Poor mare would probably muddle everything up, what with all the orders sent to Ponyville today. Yes, this is going to be one good game...


You realize that you've been spacing out for several minutes. You've gotta get going! Stuff to do!

You take off at a gallop, before embarrassingly remembering that you are not in that much of a hurry. You have at least twenty minutes to kill after breakfast, you could drop in on one of your friends and double-check if everyone's ready.

You're pretty excited for today. This is the first gaming session you've been able to get all five of your friends to participate in. You do a little jig standing in place, and the server waiting to take you to your table gives you a funny glance. Oops.

Lucky for you, this restaurant has nicely seasoned mushrooms on a bed of oil-braised grains at the top of their menu, and you know from experience that their cooks are much better than you. Your meal is out in a few minutes, and you chew quickly yet orderly, contemplating your life. You would have to say computers changed a lot, the impact that they've had on Ponyville alone is unprecedented. A whole generation, technologized out of nowhere. This would probably cause an influx of jobs, allowing Equestria to expand its economy and refine its border towns into stable, growing cities.

You sigh in contentment. Your waiter passes by; a contented sigh is much more socially acceptable than little jigs. You pay and tip, but as you step outside you're suddenly paralyzed with indecision. Where should you go, what should you do first? Which friend should you visit, who would be the best one to make sure everypony's ready? AUGH!

> Player: Answer.