> The King > by Ocean Heart > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In ice and snow, in chill and wind, among the clouds and buried in stone walls; is the finest..and only city of metal equines. High in the mountains of Equestria, and nestled in a pocket where the wind was less severe was a grand city of ice and stone...but it was also the home of one particular pony. It was the humble beginning of the dark king of shadow and crystal... King Sombra. Though a long time ago, he went by a different name. This is a recounting of all the information contained in the great library of the Crystal Empire, and the recovered collection of journals and books from the kings personal collection. To enhance the immersion, I will be doing my research as I write, it will be one collection,but I will be imparting my own opinions as the book deepens; that way there is as much emotion as possible to give life to what is dead. What everyone knows about the dark king....that he was cruel, merciless, intelligent beyond belief and that he was haunting...he was the perfect tyrant. There are still stories rising that some of his old empire still tries to bring back their former master, their minds twisted by his evil. On the date of July 15, 1008; Sombra did return from a long period of silence, the sun sister having banished him to his shadow plane, though it was a shock when he took the entire empire with him...his return was harrowing to say the least, thankfully, one small dragon(to my surprise) was able to bring about the end of the king. No one can be sure what happened during that time in silence, evidence suggests that it was more like a slumber for the innocent he dragged with him,and a new form of hell for him... But everyone knows this story, I am here to bring light to a much different time...I am here to honor the memory of a dear friend and family. My name is Ivy Blood, and this is the biography of King Sombra. Birth: Year 146* (birth month and date disputed in different texts, estimates put it in august thirteenth) In a stone home, on the far side of town, quiet and quaint. Though today it is a little less than quiet...hours of pain and effort, the work of housemaids and a doctor, yielded a newborn colt. Though a close call when the cold weather was let in by an oblivious husband nearly costed his life before he even could live one. A newborn couldn't handle the negative temperatures outside, thankfully (or regretfully depending on point of view) the mother shielded him as carefully as she could. "You dense, fool!" Lucks Chance winced at his wife's shout...shutting the door as fast as he could before taking his boots off. Though the flabbergasted look came back as soon as his boots were off and scarf hung by the door...the tiny foal wrapped in a thick blanket, shivering slightly but leaning its head into his mother’s body for warmth. "You said next week...that he was coming next week..Goddess..you know I am not the sentimental type...but by the god sister of the sun...I can’t believe it." Chance said. The exhausted mare smiled slightly and sighed..housemaids and doctor escorting themselves out to give the new parents room.. "He is a cute one....I think he's the cutest in the city." Chance was next to the bed when his new son opened his eyes...hiding halfway under his mother dense fur but still looking up with deep green eyes... "You...are right. I think that even in all this cold, he will melt hearts." Chance said as he rubbed the foals head. "What should we name him, Lotus?" Lotus Lily looked down, gently kissing the newborns head and smiling.. "What about...Sombra...something proud and strong against all types of cold." She said. "Bit old timey, don't ya think? he looks like a quiet and shy type..it doesn't fit well..." Lotus looked down again, the foals eyes still locked on the unfamiliar father in silent wonder. "Somber Crystal...something quiet and strong, and its a midway for Sombra." Chance said. Lotus wanted to debate but...looking back down at the foal and taking a moment to think deeply...her husband had moments of unbelievable luck and moments of...poor choices. The poor choice was leaving the door open with a newborn...so she differed this to unbelievable luck. "Its perfect...my somber prince..." Somber Crystal had a normal childhood, though early texts suggest he had little friends, which implies that he was either a bit of a wallflower during his early years; or there was a choice to be an outcast, which opened up a few theories. No real school records could be found due to the culture's collapse; yet the stories of a refined nature and inherent mannerisms lead us to believe he was raised either by royalties or self taught in a desire for knowledge. Either way, it proves a theory that he was a very intelligent child, journals record that he had two friends, one colt named Diamond Blood and a mare named... "Blaze!" Somber shouted. A dark and dense coat ruffled in the wind, short midnight black hair tied up in the popular western style. When she turned around, her face half hidden by the black silk mane and deep ocean blue eyes. All hidden well under a tough exterior most of the time, most colts were afraid to even speak to her...not Somber though.. The colt caught up with her and walked along side, both of them half sunken in the snow but not cold, it was summer of course. "Hello, Crystal." She said cheerfully. "Have you seen Diamond? " He asked Blaze shook her head, though fate had a funny way of answering questions...in a bright flash, a pearl white colt with bright red eyes appeared; smiling cheerfully but looking a bit winded, the short mane a little spiked but blowing around in the snowy wind. "T-tada!" He said while panting. They both stopped and while Somber was jaw dropped, Blaze just smirked. "Teleportation? A bit over the top, don't you think?" She said, making Diamond just frustrated. "Oh come on! Some grown ups can’t even do that!!" Diamond was a lively colt, living in the more run down part of the city never hindered his positive outlook. Even when he was teased for his condition; Somber never saw something different about Diamond, adults talked though...Even Blaze had never heard of a disease called Albino. Somber shook his head out of thought and laughed a little, following Blaze as she started walking again. Diamond wanted to argue more but he resigned to roll his eyes and dash to catch up. School was about to start for a new year and for once Somber was looking forward to it; rumors of a new magic study class were confirmed the day before the start of the new year; making it a mad dash to get a spot...a little luck from his father though got him a spot, along with Blaze and Diamond. Stone halls and marble floor, torches flicker and dance shadows across the walls,it fit the bill for a haunted house in a children's book; fitting that it carry the same horror... Diamond pushed open the heavy wooden doors, Somber and Blaze rushing in. Once the doors shut, the howling wind was replaced with chatter from students echoing along the hallways. The trio walked along, keeping quiet until they reached the classroom. Diamond passed the bookcase on the wall and grabbed three notebooks, dashing back over to their table to toss the books to their owners. Diamond had a simple brown cloth and wood binding while Blaze preferred a leather case with a red silk cover stitched into it; Somber had a similar case, but his was a royal purple, velvety color with a red gem pressed to the center. "Thank you." Somber said quietly, opening the binding and removing the quill inside, ready to either learn something new, or draw when the instructor goes over something he already knows. Fate and destiny is...an odd pair. In one hand, it is the belief that we are all meant for a purpose; a singular goal or moment for which we exist for and everything is predetermined. The other, is that we stumble and trip along a twisting path, taking turns until we reach the same goal but then move past it to do greater things. Both though can be changed if enough force is applied. Somber took the special class with his friends and learned about the new study of dark magic...an archaic art thought lost until a book is discovered; unleashing the strength and power of the forbidden magic. Yet studies have determined that against popular opinion, Somber had little interest in it. Going as far as to loathing it and never speaking of it until his late teenage years. A true calling...a destiny if you will; was with art, seeing it as a sign of status, fine art meant...intelligence, refinement...it meant monarchy.(Further adding to the theory of royalty origins.) "I cannot believe you don't like the new age magic class!" Blaze said. The three took shelter from a blizzard inside a watch tower along the wall, old stone weathered against the snow for years, just to keep out undesirables... sitting together and hiding in their jackets; Diamond Blood shivering inside his coat regardless from the bitter cold. Somber rolled his eyes and buried his muzzle into his father scarf. "I just think normal magic is enough...why learn two languages when I only need to speak one?" Blaze shoved him to the side, making him sigh heavily when he righted himself. "It is a lot more useful to know two languages..." Diamond scoffed dramatically... "What are you scoffing at?" Blaze said, glare turning to him. "Just that I learned cool tricks though normal magic...now all this new age stuff is messing up my head..." he said before looking to the side to avoid Blaze's glare... "Fine...I guess it is the old saying, colts are a little slower." "Hey, I'm not slow!" Diamond yelled. Somber sunk into his coat a little more... Blaze felt the shift and turned her attention to Somber, seeing the slight shame and sadness in his ivy green eyes. Now it was obvious that he felt ashamed that he couldn't keep up with his best friend...New Age magic was starting to create a rift between them and as soon as Blaze saw Somber try and blink away the water in his eyes... "Oh...darn it, Crystal...I'm sorry. We just have different interests." Somber sat back up and Diamond even caught on..a little embarrassed that they let a petty argument hurt their more sensitive friend.. "Here, lets warm up.." Blaze said. A quick wisp of dark magic left her horn and a black fire took the place in the center of the group, only a few feet away. "Blaze! You know thats against the rules!" Diamond said. It was true, the new magic was still unstable among some of the adults and deemed dangerous for children to use without supervision. "Its fine, just a little fire to keep us warm..." A small green swirl filled her eyes as she suspended the small fire. The warmth definitely welcome as the snow was starting to slow down. Somber closed his eyes, even wanting to sleep after a long day stuck in a tower...suddenly the fire burst; sending shards of flame all over the tower...Blaze screamed and Diamond was trying to pat the fire off his coat, a green mist coming from Blaze's eyes and an empty look about them... "I told you!" Diamond shouted. "Somber!" Blaze screamed in fear. It was a crystalline moment...Somber jumped up and poured every bit of his strength into any way to stop the flames... Somber took control of the fire...bringing it to the center of the room again before it snuffs out. A sudden moment of strange understanding dawned on him, the fire flicked out faster than he thought, and it felt like...like he actually overcompensated to a massive degree. "Somber...how did you do that?" Blaze asked..still shocked. Somber sat back down and lit a bright orange fire in the center of the room with normal magic, Diamond looking up from his destroyed jacket and laughed. "I dont-" "Ha! Normal magic wins." Diamond interrupted. Blaze sent a burst of magic and thwaped Diamond on the head...getting a pained groan in response. "Hmph..you did better than me, Crystal, don't take that for granted.." Blaze got up, shifting the order a little to leave Somber in the center of the group. The shock didn't wear off until he noticed the green mist was gone from Blaze's violet eyes...it was something the instructor never went over, perhaps it should be brought to his attention... Somber jumped awake when he felt Blaze rest her head onto his shoulder. Diamond even leaning onto Somber's other shoulder. "Thanks for the fire.." Diamond said quietly..curling up a little tighter as the snow slowed down. I...thought I was the weak one.. Now according to a very old and nearly decomposed journal. Diamond Blood was a bit weary of dark magic after that event, he tended to skip the new age magic class from then on to practice his own tricks. "So what you're saying is...you actually agree with Diamond?" Blaze said incredulously. Somber nodded, the noise of the cafeteria was a little irritating but Somber knew there wasn't another place they were allowed to just sit and talk during the day. Diamond let out a surprised guffaw... "Oh shut up, bozo!" Blaze shouted. Somber laughed quietly, picking at his food idly, the teacher denounced his worry about the green mist...calling it a harmless side effect...but he knew something was wrong. This new age magic was dangerous, even if nopony would admit it. "So! Check this out though, Silver Tongue, she got a spot in the class!" Diamond said, mouth half full of bread. Blaze rolled her eyes and sighed heavily... "That little...you both know all she does is whine and complain; if that doesn’t work, daddy to the rescue with all their bits not far behind.." Blaze said with venom seeping on her tone. Somber nodded again, taking a bite of the bland sunflower sandwich. "Be calm...Blaze." He said quietly. Blaze sighed again and nodded, looking over and ruffling Somber's messy mane. "She just gets under my skin with what she gets away with, ya know?" Blaze had a very keen sense of right and wrong, it also compelled her to fix those wrongs; to a hazardous degree sometimes... Silver Tongue made it clear that she wanted to be bitter enemies with Blaze when she made it a mission to mock her at every turn. Simple, childish acts; but that didn't mean they weren't irritating. "How do you not get mad when she stomps all over the rules?" Blaze said looking at him. Somber looked up and thought, not sure why she never got under his skin. "Huh..?" Somber said quietly. Silver was walking through the cafeteria, dark and shimmering coat speckled in snow and her mane cropped short so it swooped around her jaw line in a graceful style. Silver glanced over and spotted the three, though when she saw that only Somber noticing her...she threw him a sly wink and continued on.. "Well?" Blaze said. Somber felt his face burn a little and he forgot what Blaze asked... "Crystal?" Somber shook his head and looked back at Blaze. "Yea, I uh...what were we talking about?" Blaze groaned in frustration, putting her head to the table with a thump.. "Silver and her being the worst, dumbo..." Blaze muffled. Chapter One part 2: The Winter War Somber grew up little by little, though he was well past the pack academically; he fell short socially; never talking about having any other friends aside from Diamond Blood and Blaze. Though during his early teens, I was able to find the 'hot drama' of a relationship between Somber, and a noble by the name of Silver Tongue. It was then that he learned of the strangeness of the dating world... "Somber! Somber!" A voice shouted. Somber was taking a walk, being his fifteenth birthday soon; his mother often shooed him outside to talk of plans for a celebration. Thankfully it was still summer, winter was on the horizon though. Somber turned around and saw Silver running to catch up with him, wearing an exquisite pearl scarf and taking the tie from her mane to let it fall across her neck. "Hey, Somber...actually didn't think you would slow down for me.." Somber looked down, not really sure what to say... "But its good that you did...I've been uh....working up the courage to talk to you for a bit..." she said just as she looked aside to hide her face, though her crimson ear tips were an obvious sign of the blush... "Talk to me...? I'm..okay?" Somber felt his throat tighten and heart quicken. Silver laughed quietly and looked back up at Somber, bright blue eyes admiring.. "And I thought I was anxious..." "Why would you want to talk to me?" He asked. Silver looked forward and thought carefully.. "We don't get to talk much, I can tell Blaze kinda tries to keep you and Dimond away from me. You're different though...you're quiet, smart...but I can tell that you're kind and sweet..that's why you're ignoring Blaze's little rule right now." Somber felt a little unfamiliar pride starting to grow in his heart...though the pride was shadowed by doubt. Silver did have a way about herself that set her to a different standard, the way she talked and acted was much more mature than most other mares her age...maybe that's what it was..Somber was mature for a colt still, were they drawn to each other because of that? Somber shook his head to snap out of the thought, fixing his scarf with a gentle wisp of green magic to buy time... "But you're also really cute.." Silver added suddenly. Somber felt his front leg fall though weak snow, causing him to stumble forward when his face burned red. Silver laughed again, a bubbly giggle that made Somber redden more... "See, you're not like the other thick headed colts.." "I don't think i'm that different." He said quietly. The pair were passing a closely built neighborhood, houses looking a little run down but cozy. Somber knew Blaze wouldn't be here,but Diamond lived in this area... "You are...that's why I wanted to ask you something." Somber glanced back quickly, face now stuck with a deep blush. "Would you give me the honor of joining you at the winter ball..?" "Oh come on!!" Somber stopped and lowered his head, pulling the scarf up over his muzzle to hide some of the crimson on his face... Diamond Blood was following them long enough to hear Silver... "Turn around, Somber..." Diamond said disappointed. Somber turned slowly and gave a weak smile. "Dude, really? You're falling for her crap?" Silver turned with Somber and looked taken aback, her face stark red as well but a glare that could cut glass boring into Dimond. "It's his choice, jerk!" She spat. Diamond just shook his head in frustration. "Then what's your choice, Somber? You know Blaze will kill you...like, knife in the juggler, blood everywhere and anarchy in the streets kill you." "It's pronounced jugular, jerk." Silver retorted. Somber looked back at Silver, trying to see any kind of sign that would reveal a darker motive...but he saw none. The genuine shyness, the honesty and even the fact that she wanted to go to the ball with him...plus It would be a lie to say Somber didn't take a lingering look at Silver every so often. Somber reddened again when she looked back up at him, under the irritation was a frail fear; it was a worry that he...just a weak and shy colt would reject her. The winter ball...I wish I could have seen one myself before the culture was lost. It was a celebration of life lived in the harshness of the mountain, a victory where all else failed. It had wine, food, friends and family; all gathered to mark the passing of another winter. From what records I could find, the ball was described as "The Winter War". Never in a malicious manner, just a joke that the city gossiped about. It was interesting at the time to see the captain of the guard and a esteemed noble fight over what would seem to be a petty prize. Somber though, wrote in his journal about that night though. August 14, 160 Why am I the token guest all of a sudden? Blaze hates me for a betrayal only she sees, Sil (assuming a nickname) is starting to get a little too brazen with boundaries, and Diamond refuses to talk to me. All I want is to drink and have fun...this winter ball nonsense is almost over though; after this dance, things can go back to normal... Somber Crystal...ironically.... used the other side of the page to practice his pencil work in an...interesting drawing of Silver Tongue....[Released in the uncensored version of the biography. Editor.] It seems that for those months until the ball, Silver Tongue and Somber were dating; even though Somber does not speak of it in his writings. Blaze on the other hand had quite a lot to say... October 4th If that devil thinks she can just manipulate Somber like that...I really thought he would be smarter but...colts will be colts. I just have to calm down and wait, she'll show her true colors soon...then I get to say I told you so...after I rip that whelps heart out of her chest...Somber...I swear if you get attached to her and she breaks your heart.........I'll be there, I'll pick up the pieces for you...just to be safe, I think I'll do some rounds around Gold manor. Something stinks to the high heavens about this Ball coming up... _ _ "You can’t go through with this...this atrocious book! This perversion of history!" "I have to." "But why?! You are trying to convince the masses that a torturous king was good! That it wasn't his fault!" "Because he was good! ....and he could've been great.. but he was denied that greatness! The world should know that what he did, he did because he was forced to! No soul is born wicked or suddenly becomes dark...it is forced by the time that makes it this way..." "This is your great- beyond great grandfather, these are things passed down as a token of shame that this family endures....he would've spit in you face if he were alive...to go through his personal things like this!" "We were his family! ....Apparently that means a hell of a lot more to me than it does to you...If you don't want to support me, that's your problem. This book is going to be published." > Chapter Two > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Somber Crystal...now sixteen and entering the first real trial of his life, one that truly sets him on the path to becoming Sombra. It was an oddity that he had yet gotten his cutie mark(or mark of destiny as they referred to it as.), but Blaze and Diamond had earned theirs. Blaze, a black and white flame;her sense of right and honor earning her a spot as captain of the metal guard. Diamond was a born to be a showman, the top hat and playing card on his flank; he took up entertaining the city with his excellent and occasionally mind boggling magic. Through my studies, I can confirm with out a doubt now that Sombra was of royalty origins, to much weighed on him as he grew older to cast doubt on the fact. Somber though was pulled between his relationship with Silver getting a bit more deep and Blaze constantly trying to provoke them. Fine art was still his focus, but he couldn't have that moment of true understanding... I managed to acquire a few notebooks and information concerning Silver Tongue. It appears that for all intensive purposes, she did have feelings for Somber; her father though was a power hungry council* member. Eventually, he forced her to ask Somber to the ball those months back. After that night, Somber did make it official with Silver...much to Blaze's disappointment. (*The metal pony political system was set up where king and queen would rule as figure heads and representatives while a council makes the more tedious decisions) The part where Somber really takes that step to becoming a tyrant, when a very formal meeting is called...his father places the burden of preparing the castle for the dinner. Every ear of the council would listen to Somber give his first speech; the dinner formal at the start of a new year to give a more personal feeling of festivity among the political heads and king. It was there that the council would determine if he is ready for the throne... "I'm gonna go for a walk, the dinner is starting to stress me out..." "I understand, it's your big night." Silver said, walking slowly with Somber down the hallway of his home, royal pieces of art hanging on the wall and drapes made of silk covering the gap between them. Over time, Somber got to meet the true Silver Tongue; at heart, she just wanted to be friends with a normal crowd; father issues did nothing to help her either. Somber tried to talk to Blaze...and earned a scolding...she wanted nothing to do with Silver, she was obsessed with some idea that Silver was going to hurt him. Somber already thought it though, if Silver left, he would take a long drink and move on...as a real stallion should. As a real king should. "Thanks...take care." He said quietly. Silver stopped in the foyer and watched the doors close with a echoing bang. Somber walked in the knee deep snow, thankful for the summer sun overhead. The winter ball was long past, winter was coming soon...but for now, as the sunlight created a sparkling tundra along the mountain, a few brave birds sang into the air as they passed overhead; everything seemed peaceful... "Crystal." Somber stopped mid-stride...putting his hoof back down and crunching the snow underhoof. "Blaze..." "And me." Diamond said. Somber turned around, Blaze was still in her onyx black uniform and Diamond was wearing a grey cloak. Their judgmental glares made Somber take a step back instinctively. "We need to talk about what Silver is doing..." Blaze said.. Somber furrowed his brow and stepped forward, the stress of the coming evening was mounting. Every important pony that his father knew was going to be there, it was a test to see if Somber could truly find the leadership inside himself and become a stallion... "I don't have time for another lecture! I'm already at my wits end with this damn meeting-" Diamond opened up the cloak and a poster levitated out in aqua blue magic and rested on the snow, rolled and sealed with his family seal...neither Blaze or Diamond had the right words to explain, resorting to simply showing their friend the truth... "What is that?" Blaze stepped forward and stomped on the seal...crushing the paper a little but breaking the wax with her sharp armor...a portrait of Silver in his mothers crown with the words 'Your New Queen' in bold red letters, a slight smile on her face shows just a fraction of how how happy she was to steal his mothers crown. Somber couldn't hide the shock on his face... Silver Tongue...the most popular mare in school and even the most beautiful noble he had ever seen. Sure Blaze was upset, Diamond wasn't as happy either...but it felt real. Silver had even helped put together the dinner, without her, he would've fallen apart by now with all the little details... "Where did you find this?" He asked flatly. "I was patrolling her estate...I found it in her room in a secret closet. This is just one of many..." Blaze said. It was an atrocious violation of privacy, Somber wanted to argue that point so much...but the fact stood. Blaze stepped back, angry and bitter, but now worried about how Somber would react... "Five months...five months I've told you that she was up to something...that she was driving a spike between you and us..." Blaze said starkly... Somber looked at the crown...It was beautiful, elegant, stunning even...but Silver made it foul and revolting. This was disrespectful, disgraceful...it made his stomach turn... Somber picked up the poster and rolled it with dark magic...the power crisping the corners of the paper with his fury. Blaze and Diamond stepped out of his way when he came though, following closely when Blaze realized Somber had snapped...every moment by the fire, every kiss and laugh...a lie... "Somber? Somber, throw her out but do not harm her..." She said sternly. Somber ignored anything Blaze and Diamond said...their plan had backfired...Somber was about to present his home to a dozen dignified council members...and there was a witch sitting next to him the whole time... This wasn't just a betrayal of his heart...it was the fact that she made him betray his only friends. Silver was to pay for her insolence... Somber threw open the doors and shouted. "Silver! Where are you?" Silver came out from the gallery hallway, looking worried as soon as she saw Blaze and Diamond behind him. "I thought I asked you not to bring them here...you know they only want to hurt me." Somber threw down the poster,dark magic billowing out like a storm under it. It smoked and the edges glowed as if it was seconds from catching fire. "Explain this!" He shouted with a fear inspiring authority... Silver flushed pale... "I-I-I...t-this is a mockery! A lie by that wretch, Blaze! Her friend is a forger, this poster is nothing but smoke and mirrors!" Somber glared down at Silver..walking close enough to make her reel back,eyes watering up... "You use me...turn me away from the ponies that I love! How dare you call Diamond a forger! How DARE you call Blaze a wretch! You, leave this house! Leave before I tear your heart out, as you have done to mine!!!" Silver couldn't handle it...her legs gave out and tears flowed freely;quiet sobs echoing in the castle while Diamond and Blaze both felt sorry...Somber's anger was terrifying...the darkness in his green eyes and mane blacker than night disheveled, it was almost surreal just how quick the quiet natured colt turned into a nightmare of rage... "It was my father..he is obsessed with you! Please, I will always love you; but he only seeks power! Just a madman!" She shouted. Somber suddenly forced her head against the ground as if groveling for forgiveness with dark magic, a tight bind around her throat, causing her to gag and cry more.. "I thought I said leave! Leave before I..before I...." Somber saw her eyes..fear, regret, loneliness...the tears...even the truth...the shadow mass around her neck burned into her flesh with the raw power he was pouring into the hold. What am I doing..? Somber was using the thing he hated to harm an innocent pawn in a power hungry struggle for the throne... somepony he thought he could one day love, not just young and flirtatious adoration...but really love... Somber let her go carefully and felt a dark green mist coming from his eyes, chest burning painfully. "Blaze..." he said before falling to the ground...heart beating so fast that it hurt his chest.. In the mothers diary, she explains that Somber suffered a surge of dark magic, mind and body unable to withstand the raw power pouring into him; thus a moment of lapse in judgment ended with all the stress and anger in Somber, directed at one poor soul... Oddly enough, the dinner went off without a hitch, Somber was free of stress by the time he left the doctor, and he used that to announce his plan for heavier restrictions on new age magic. The council was against him until he began telling how he nearly took a life that afternoon; calling it "An act of a more powerful force than we can understand." In the end, they agreed to set new standards for new age magic, the medical files for that year are laughably thinner... This was also the time when Somber experienced the first trial in his life. Dark magic was becoming common place and adults were gaining an understanding of how it worked. In order for someone to be a proficient user of dark magic, they had to have a level of focus to devote into the art. More often the case became, those who experienced traumatic events gained that focus, that understanding that powered the magic; and thus passed on the knowledge to all. It was only recorded in the mothers personal diary, that we learned how Somber gained that focus. "I don't understand what i'm seeing...his body has become a shell...every joint clotted and useless, the muscle torn apart by...I just don't understand it.... " The grey doctor said.. Lucks Chance was in his bed, eyes closed and body no longer the soft coal grey, instead it was midnight black and a trail of green mist hung on his eyes while his horn was crooked in a disgusting way. Lotus was sitting next to the bed, face stained with tears and eyes bloodshot. "I cant wake him up and the medicines are not working....I suspect he will pass in the next twenty-four hours." Somber sat in a corner of the room, staring blankly at the bed, he kept thinking to himself that some miracle would happen and his dad was going to be fine like he always is... Chance was so proud...for just a moment...one fleeting moment...he was proud of his son, not as a father, but as a mentor. The speech went off better than anyone could have predicted, Somber was even formally accepted by the council as the prince...soon to be king once his father stepped down..now it was an induction though a funeral. "Somber...go outside and play with your friends, daddy is going to be fine.." Somber looked up at his mother, perhaps a child would have accepted the lie, but he knew better than to lie to himself... "Dad..can't die.." he said quietly...screaming on the inside in bitter hate. "He'll be okay like he always is..." Somber managed to lie.. Maybe part of being an adult was that you could lie, even if the truth was sitting right in front of you...you lied so that you could run from the truth... Deep down, a part of his heart felt numb...ice cold and bitter like the snow outside. He felt...betrayed in a way...like the world was cheating him; why should everypony else have so much while he...a prince...watches his only father die. An excerpt from the diary of Lotus Lilly: "I have no words to describe my feeling this night...my only love has left me for the afterlife, and my only child has run away. If ever there was more misery in this world, I do not wish it upon anypony else. I don't know *illegible due to water stains; suspecting to be tears.* goodbye, my love..and goodbye my somber prince. *Dried blood stains have decomposed the rest of the message.* "Somber...just go..." "Mistress, he's failing..." "Somber go outside, now." Lilly said with a sharp tone. The doctor pressed a hoof into Lucks neck..feeling the pulse drop slowly. This was the end, Somber would have to burn his fathers body and take a job he was no longer prepared for... "Somber, leave!" Louts said though tears... Somber turned and ran..bursting though the door and running head first into a blizzard outside. The cold seeped into his bones and made his limbs heavy as they trodden though the snow. Shame....anger, misery,fury, loneliness, rage...every heartbeat sent a new wave of burning emotions though him; but he ran...he ran so that he wouldn't have to face the truth... "He'll be fine, he'll be fine!" Somber kept running, running until his throat burned each time he drew breath from the icey winds. Running past the gates and into the wilds of the mountain. "You cant die! Not now!" The guards along the wall shouted at him, something about stopping...which he couldn't do. The prince ran for what felt like hours , he ran until his legs gave out of pure exhaustion. Somber had the unfortunate luck of passing out on a down slope, tumbling down as soon as his front legs failed...he fell over and over,legs hitting hidden rocks and head running into blocks of ice until a white light filled his vision, ending all thought and feeling until he rested against the bottom of the slope. The cold...it was painful...even though his legs were numb, the bone rested against the ice and chilled the marrow; his jaw felt numb, yet blood seeped into the snow; his heart was just cold inside.. Somber's eye was half lidded as the snowfall started to cover his body. Half of it already sunken into the snow; with no hope of the snow storm ending anytime soon, it looked like the end for the new king... Somber woke up hours later in a pile of old blankets in a cave, with a black fire suspended in the air a few feet away. Every inch of his body was in pain; though he lacked the energy to move the blankets aside to see the injuries, It took a little effort to recall how ended up in this condition, yet he couldn't remember why... "It should've been me...." he mumbled incoherently for some strange reason.... "Ah...you are awake..." Somber didn't have the strength to lift his head, it sounded like a very old male voice, a distance away but still close enough to cause worry. "Do not be alarmed...if, for some reason I wished you harm, I could have just left you out in the snow...now, I shall attempt to speed the healing process, I needed you awake...so as not to further alarm you." Somber hear the air around him ignite with a deafening crack, suddenly he was drowning in pain, every nerve lighting up and every broken bone making a sickening snap...using the last of his conscious energy to scream.... It was difficult to find any records concerning Sombra's mentor, I was even considering giving up the search when by chance, I stumbled upon a very strange name. Tome was all I found, the damn near decomposed birth certificate as the only evidence to prove my findings; it was a certificate from before the exile of princess Luna... Meaning that if the time lines are correct; Sombra's mentor was nearly a hundred and fifty years old. Following a paper trail, I managed to build a good profile, he came from royalty as well(the only way the records were still in existence; (I thank the Tail lineage for letting me access their family history.) the partial name even appeared on a few artifacts concerning Dark magic that are still being uncovered. The most significant and still currently missing from records, is the book that was the ultimate guide in dark magic, supposedly written by Tome. From then on, Somber drops off of the world for a long time; he only later reappears in his late teens. _ _ "Somber Sombra King...King king king Crystal...no NO! Calm down, Celestia...I didn't think she actually...can I write this? ...I have to; he deserves the dignity at the least." "...By the stars, whats going on in here?" "I just hit....a really dark revelation...Here look at this artifact." ".....Goodness..." "Exactly! All these scrolls and books all lead to the same thing, yet that page! That page is the most compelling piece. Do you see now? He was just like us. Suffering in agony for years until he simply gave into the darkness..." "....I'm going for a walk." "...Please don't hate me, love..." > Chapter Three > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I write, it pains me to delve deeper into this subject; as I understand, many others would rather leave King Sombra as a warning of evil...not just of evil, but of tyrannical ideals and madness. Yet I find myself losing the strength to tell this story...for it is no longer a retelling of history, but a journey into dark madness that twisted a pure heart into a monster...my ink runs low, and I must decide soon if I have the courage to finish this... What I have learned so far, during my studies, is that in all of us, lies the potential for great evil. Sombra was no accident, but Somber had no choice but to grow heartless when he no longer wanted to feel the pain that the heart brings. Where I left off previously, the gap in time forces me to skip to his late teens. During this time, war has broken out between gryphons and Equestria. No hold is safe, and the only thing keeping the war from reaching the city of metal ponies, is the harsh snow storms of winter...but summer is coming, and the gryphons have a ruthless plan waiting for the snow storms to end... "Blaze! Yo Blaze!" Diamond shouted, the colt had grown into a well built stallion, a thick scarf wrapped his neck and the hood pulled up on the jacket hid some of his face. Diamond caught up with Blaze, over time she changed her appearance to a more relaxed look...mane flowing down and blowing in the wind, a mask and muffs to keep her face and ears warm was all she really needed now that her adult coat had grown in. "What is it, Diamond? Here to ramble on about spells again?" Diamond scoffed and walked along side her. "No not this time...just wanted to say hey." Blaze looked over and shot him a glare that cut through the lie like butter.. "Hrrrrmph....fine...I needed to ask you something." He admitted. "Speak your mind." She said. Diamond looked forward and took a deep breath..working up as much courage as possible..this was it, his big moment and the thing that finally gets Somber off Blaze's mind. "I was just...ya know...thinking that since we've known each other for so long and the winter ball is next week-" Blaze stopped midstride,cutting him off before he got his hopes up any higher.. "No...I'm so sorry, Diamond but...you're my best friend in the world; I don't want to ruin that..." she said softly... Diamond stopped as well,the smile fading as she spoke until his head was lowered..hood hiding his eyes from her. "I'm so sorry, Diamond..." "Is it because of Somber, still?" He asked with no tone in his voice. Blaze took a step back, thankful that the silk and cotton thermal mask was hiding her dropped jaw; it was insulting to his memory to even say such a thing...yet a part of her said yes... "No, you both were my only friends;when Somber died...I just don't want to lose you as well..." she said. Diamond turned around and kept walking, Blaze speeding up to stay by his side. It was strangely funny that Diamond should ask Blaze to the ball; both had admirers and even developed a circle of friends on their own...yet Blaze felt no feelings for Diamond apart from love that a brother and sister would feel...Somber though...he was the quiet voice that could calm her mind, even when they were kids, he had a way that made her /need/ to know what was behind those deep green eyes that she missed so much... Why do I feel like this for him..He was just another colt... Diamond stopped and sighed heavily, Blaze snapped out of her thoughts and looked back. "Why don't we just hang out on the wall then? Get some ice cream and forget for a day?" Blaze tilted her head curiously,not quite understanding what he meant. Diamond looked up, eyes a little bloodshot and wet but a smile on his face. "Just say fuck the world...lets be kids again and piss off the guards." Blaze could see that deep down he was hiding the disappointment and saddens; so even though she didn't fully grasp the idea, she nodded and smiled back. Blaze even laughed when she realized that no guard would have the pair to call out the captain for letting somepony on the wall.. _ _ Hours past, the two just ate snack foods and talked about recent events. The fall of the royal family was devastating to the council, even now they work to choose a new monarch; until the, the elder council member took the throne..a job he was a little too eager to take. They chatted about his new laws, the good and bad. Though the two top gossips were new age magic and its dangerous long term effects...and the green star that took a spot far above the city. "So aside from Miss. Silver Tongue's oh so sudden second chair in court, what do you think that light is?" Diamond said with a mouthful of sweat chocolate ice cream from the gallon they bought. "I think its from Canterlot...if you think about it, we haven't heard from them in a while." Blaze said, lifting a spoonful with a small amount of dark magic. Diamond thought...idly kicking at the ice on the ledge of the open air guard tower. The snow storm still wasn't letting up...three months of constant negative temperatures and so much snow...it was impossible to see even fifty meters from the tower. "Yo Blaze, check this out." Blaze looked up as she lifted the mask off, taking a bite as she scanned the white tundra. "I don’t see anything, bozo." Diamond sighed and pointed out far in the distance. Blaze squinted and as flurries of light snow hit....a figure cloaked in black could be seen walking to the walls... "No way..." Blaze said before taking another bite. "Guess you were right, bet its one of those Canterlot nobility types, that cloak looks way too nice for the normal messenger." Blaze sat back against the wall and put her mask back on before the cold got too bad. "Must be something big if they needed to contact us during the winter." Diamond said, memorized by the billowing cloak. "Told you so, but why not just warp in?" "Interference?" Blaze shrugged, Diamond was right about taking a day to tell the world to fuck off. The cold didn't even make her shake at this point, so relaxed by the torch pyre sitting in the center of the tower. Blaze didn't even care about the messenger, the council would handle that... "Yo! Hey! You from Canterlot?!" Diamond shouted. Blaze sat up and grabbed her friend around the neck, dragging him behind the ledge and glaring daggers at him. Sneaking a friend up on the wall was one thing; letting a civilian get in the way of official business made the guard look bad. Blaze got up and stomped to tell him to stay out of sight, turning her attention to the visitor now easily visible. "Traveler! You bear news from Canterlot?" Blaze said with the authority of a prideful and skilled guard in her tone. The cloaked figure kept walking, head hidden by a hood and a odd look about his stride. For near negative thirty temperatures, he seemed lightly prepared; no food packs or bundles of clothes showing along the cloak. To venture far from the city would mean death in a mere hour... "I demand answer, by the laws of the Metal City, identify yourself!" The figure looked up, gaze a deep and poisonous green around blood red iris...it made the captain of the guard step back in initial fear... "Halt,or we will be forced to take action!" As Blaze spoke, guards were lining up behind the gate and along the wall, mounted crossbows unhooked and bearing down on the demonic looking stare... "I order you all to stand down, or face judgment of the King of the Metal City." His voice boomed though the mountain, some of the guards backed up while the greener ones actually thought about dropping their weapons and running for the hills. Blaze stood her ground and glared down, resolve rebuilt and now anger taking the place of fear. This stallion interrupted a special moment between her and her childhood friend, who was he to demand her fellow guards to stand down. Not just that...he dare bring up more painful memories by bringing his insane claims of kingship... "The Metal City has no king, Leave to where you came from..." Sombra took his hood off, glare never leaving Blaze, even when her jaw drops under the thermal mask... "My name is Sombra, my mother was Queen Louts Lilly. I demand my birthright by taking the throne." Blaze felt her heart sink so fast...he was alive...after all this time. Now he returns with a twisted memory and perhaps even a different personality; just to hide from the truth of what happened. All of her emotions bubbled to the surface, Diamond's smile grew slowly, now though it was a full ear to ear grin, to him, his best friend had come back from the dead...to Blaze...her love was no longer the stallion she fell in love with... "Somber Crystal!" he shouted in joy. _ _ Based on different accounts, 'Sombra' had a serious case of amnesia. For years he suffered without any truth to hold, thus he, and I quote: "Built his own reality with what he had left to avoid remembering the pain." The reunion you would think, would be a celebration. Sombra though wasted no time in asserting his position as king, the council fought him every step of the way and even denounced his claims. After a few days, Diamond took notice that Blaze looked at Somber with adoration; the attitude and way he spoke took time to adjust to for everyone, yet they were still just happy to have their friend come back from the dead. Blaze though was trying to bring back Somber any way she could. I have replaced the ink, the biography will be finished. _ _ "....Brother?" "Huh-...Bluey..?" "Yes, I needed to speak with you." "I'm not stopping, the book is going to be published." "...Good." "Blu- wait...is this?" "His original juronal, its worn but...everything you would need is in there...the ghastly thing..." "I...I don't know what to say..." "Thank you, for helping me rid the burden of this terrible lie..." > Chapter Four > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Lost Years... Somber woke up again, this time in a dull pain...bandages wrap his still seeping wounds. The sound of slow hoofsteps echo in the cave. "D-dont..." Somber managed weakly. "It is alright, I wont bring you further harm. My name is Ancient Tome...can you sit up?" Somber opened his eyes, the stallion was wrapped in robes of various states of decay and quality; anything to keep warm...his soft pale eyes were disturbing, yet the green mist that emanated from them was even more haunting. Somber tried to move but none of his limbs responded yet, the numbing feeling still overwhelming his body. "Who are you..?" He said quietly... The old stallion laughed and shook his head. "Quite the knock on the noggin, lad? As I said,My name is Ancient Tome." Somber sat up slowly, head clearing up quickly and numbness wearing off...pushing himself upright;he winced in pain when his left hoof shot pain up his arm when he put weight on it.. "Ah, that one was far more damaged than even I can heal in one session. You don't even want to know what it looked like...before I healed you. Now...what is your name...?" Ancient Tome sat down slowly and stared deeply at Somber...the empty grey eyes seemed to look into his soul with their empty gaze. "I...I don't remember..." he said, voice returning as his body slowly started to regain feeling,other than pain. "Shame...lucky for you, I know who you are." He said with a cheery tone. Tome laughed a little again at Somber's shocked expression. "But I'm not telling you until I am certain, these things need to be...set in stone...before I can make that decision...but...if it is any consolation, thou have the raw strength to be thee..." Tome got up again and laughed even more, Somber started to get frustrated...no memory of why he ended up trapped in a cave with a blind and insane coot. If this coot knew his name, why keep it secret? "Just...wait, why are you talking in riddles, old man?" Tome turns around and starts walking, laughing all the while. Somber glared and attempted to fully stand up, panic was setting in now that somepony had the answers, yet refused to share them. "Wait, explain yourself!" Somber got up and limped to follow, pain spiking up and causing him to nearly collapse with each unsteady step. "Ancient Tome!" The old pony walked out into the snow storms, robes suddenly flowing with darkness...in the sub zero temperatures outside, no pony could stand in the storms for longer than a minute before hypothermia would set in. Yet the old pony seemed the same as he was sitting by the fire. "How are you..." "When you can leave this cave, you will know the truth. When you return to your rightful place, you will understand your purpose in life!" Tome laughed again and continued on, shadows flowing around him in the wind somehow keeping him warm. Somber needed to know...now more than ever, he needed to know what this pony knew...Somber grabbed the blanket off his makeshift bed and wrapped himself up, lighting a orange flame in front of himself and charging outside..The second he left the mouth of the cave, nothing but cold and ice greeted him...The fire was snuffed out by the wind and forced Somber to stop a few feet from the cave and felt his limbs stiffen. "Tome....answer me!!!" Somber shouted into the blank storm "ANSWER ME!!!" Somber was bitter that he had to run back to the safety of the cave...Tome still had yet to return, perhaps he was just crazy, and now he was alone with no food or hope of rescue... "If you are hungry, I have brought back something that might open some doors in that thick skull of yours." Tome said with a condescending tone. Somber jumped, startled that he managed to get back without a sound and even carried a full bag of what seemed to be food. "What is that?" Tome lifted the bag off with a whirlwind of dark magic, letting it drop to the ground and the flap fly open. Somber backed up a little to avoid the tumbling assortment of fruits,vegetables and even breads; he felt his stomach growl...How long had it been since he had eaten? Somber lost all control of himself, immediately grabbing a roll and stuffing his face, Tome just laughed quietly and sat down. "It has been a few weeks since you had the strength to eat...I'm sorry I did not think about your well being." Somber just kept eating, fresh and delicious apples with carrots, sweet cheese bread and frost tomatoes.... "It has been a long time since I have eaten. The shadows sustain me as well as they can..." Tome looked down at Somber and growled like an angry grandfather at his inattentive grandson, he even smacked Somber over the head like one and scowled. "Pay attention, boy. I'm imparting my first lesson and all you're paying attention to is your chubby stomach!" Somber winced at the smack and put down the half eaten loaf of bread...looking down at his showing rib cage.. "Chubby? My flan-" Tome thwaped him again. "Hush. Now...think on this, boy. I have not eaten since my sixth birthday...the cake was delicious, butter cream made by the kindest mare...Sweet Thing...Celestia she had an amazing......cake..." Tome shook his head and laughed, embarrassed that he got off track, Somber just sat confused and hungry still.... "I am well over a hundred years old...how do you think this is possible?" Somber tilted his head..if it was true, then it was impossible. Yet with no proof of a falsehood... "I said it a moment ago if you would listen. It is by the shadows that I still live...by the darkness,my body and mind are free of death and fatigue. Now, all this food...is your reward...if you pass my first test." The food was wrapped in darkness and stuffed back into the bag, the satchel flowed in darkness until it vanished like smoke...scattering though the the cave like it never existed. Somber looked around for any scraps...anger welling up. "How dare you treat me like some beggar, I've been starving for weeks now!" Tome scoffed and leaned forward, Somber backing up slightly. "How dare I? You are no king yet, boy...the darkness will sustain you...or you will die, either way,it proves a point." "A-A point?! What point is there in senseless death?!" Tome smirked, wrinkles bunching up and a shine coming to his pale eyes. "That..is why you are destined for greatness....you will find a way to bring the shadows into light once again." There was always a risk...always...and still I continue on...because the risk is worth the effort, the hardship and the suffering. The risk is worth the result. If I can make him see the flickering light in the darkness...then my life will not be wasted;but there are constant changes. A choice of pearl, and not emerald...or something simple like a second look under that rug to find the trap door...even something as simple as a time...one week early...Perhaps all it takes, to send this whole thing, my whole life down the drain...is a name... _ _ Somber slept, shivering next to the fire and more hungry than he could ever remember being...Tome just sat across from him and watched. Somber tried for hours to figure out how dark magic could 'sustain' a full grown man, failing to understand the lesson that Ancient Tome wanted to impart... "Breaks over, back to work." Tome said sharply. Somber jumped awake and stood up quickly, world spinning slightly from the exhaustion...but he followed orders in desperation. Somber focused all he ever learned about dark magic, centering it around him and trying to summon a four course meal....Tome just laughed...laughed hard, almost fell over laughing. "It is not about conjuring, fool! It is about control." As much as Somber wanted to understand how this wizard was reading his mind, his stomach was on the verge of eating itself. Legs starting to shake and vision blurry, Somber glared at the old man in contempt.. "You can't control this power, you merely use it! Its got a mind of its own and you know it!!" Somber fell to the ground, his body no longer able to stand again. The darkness took advantage and started to rend and tear at Somber's insides like an animal... curling up as purple lightning sparks around his body and green mist emits from his eyes. "Wrong. It is a wild beast, a beast that only a chosen few can tame...and I believe you are such a user. Now prove me right you pathetic excuse of a prince!" Like a flame....a spark in the night or flash of thunder in a black storm....Tome's shout made Somber feel a burning fury that ignited the ground around him in green flames. Suddenly the dark power filled his heart, turning it black, but giving his strength to stand. Just the word prince sent a flash of memories, all rushing too fast to understand. Ground of the cave cracking with the heat of the flames and weight of the power coursing though this stallion...Tome smiled slightly, Somber stood up, darkness filling his body and turning him back into the imposing stallion he once was...eyes even glowing a full ivy green. The darkness was his power now, his heart withstood its raw strength and it belonged to him. "I am not a prince!!!" He shouted down at Tome. All the rage, loneliness and confusion built up and sent Somber over the edge again...this time though, he was ready to accept the shadows. The glow in his eyes faded, leaving blood red irises and a soft green around them. Last...his horn was twisted by the darkness, curving it back in a sickening way. "You are a king...And I am certain, you... are King Sombra..." Tome said quietly, smile still on his face. Sombra..? "I have been waiting for you, a hundred years I've been waiting for you, dope!" Sombra recoved a hard thwack on the head with dark magic. All the anger became confusion, Tome seemed livid suddenly... "One in a million! You were one in a milllion, but did you have to take so long?! Goodness, boy...my old heart couldn't wait much longer..." "Sombra...?" He asked himself more than he did Tome. "Yes, you dolt...The great King Sombra, destined to birth light into the shadows. End this time of idiocy and bring dark magic back to its rightful place..." Sombra backed up slowly...the shadows coursed though his very blood and darkness.. darkness filled the void where food and water was needed. By all rights, 'bringer of darkness' isnt normally a title given to someone who is destined to do good. "What do you mean?" Tome sighed and stood up, pacing as he explains. "Ever since my people, your people...Ever since the beginning, dark magic was just a side to a coin. Light is what dark is not...and vice versa. It was a balance....then it was twisted...denounced to be evil when the god of the moon used its power in a usurping of the throne." Sombra felt the memory return as he spoke...the story was a bit different than the way he heard it but.. "Ever since then, the pratice has been lost...no longer passed on by bloodline or mentor and student...simply abused by any who read from my book..." Sombra had to sit down...this insane pony was calling him the chosen one..? It was a hard truth to accept, but it made sense; he even could remember the name....Sombra... Now he had a gift, the strength and will to change everything...to bring the dark back into the light...two sides to the same coin, rejoined. Whatever his life was before...it would simply hold him back. "King Sombra...I ask much from you, there are things that you must do alone..if you are to fulfill your destiny. You can be hated, loved, shunned or even worshipped...but you must follow the light in order to end this nightmare...will you accpet, and subject to the most painful study that there is, in this life and the next?" > Chapter Five > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Winter is over...long past and a new king has taken his place...coming on the warm winds of summer, abreast the wings of a gryphon strike force large enough to conquer the whole north. As history tells us, they also used this as a chance to break down Celestia's will power...they wanted her to make a decision that was wrong, no matter what she chose. The crystal empire...a gleaming jewel of pony ingenuity and craving for the extraordinary, so much that the magic of the empire changed them into a whole new type of pony. The main contact for the Metal Equine city and its only source of mass food stores during the winter, while the Metal ponies offered most of their military life style to protect the massive city. One can't live without the other, and this plan will break the back of the northern defense, to find a new point of entry into Equestria to put pressure on the nation. I for one applaud Celestia's final decision, while the Metal City is a military advantage, the Crystal Empire was a much larger loss of life. Yet on the day where no decision was right...she made the choice that would make her an enemy that would haunt her throughout the ages. "My Lord..." A guard wearing black armor said, head lowered in reverence. "Our contact in the Crystal Empire has fallen silent." The guard lifted his head and kept a blank expression. Sombra took a moment to think out a plan of action, standing up and bringing his gaze to the capitan of the guard at his side. "Strengthen our defenses, man all heavy wall mounted weapons round the clock. I will not risk treachery or bloodshed..." Blaze felt another pang of guilt and self hatred...but bowed and briskly trotted out of the hall to carry out the kings orders. In the weeks of his return, not once has she or Diamond gotten the chance to speak with their friend. This...Sombra...was a darker stallion; actions swift to carry a shadow and words turning loyal soliders into blind zealots. The citizens were scared of their ruler, the nobles dare not speak against him...and all Blaze could think of... What happened to that light hearted colt... The snow packed tightly around her hoof and the sound of another set of hoofsteps caught her attention. Diamond quickly got along side the armored mare aand looked around for any sign of listeners. "Whats happening? The guards speak of a storm...but it is summer..." he said in a hushed tone. Blaze's gut wrenched as the realization sunk in; it was a slow and grim realization that the contact had only two reasons to fall silent. Betrayal, or untimely death. Neither option spelled good tidings for the metal city. "Diamond, I need you to listen carefully." She said as she came to a halt by the wall. "The summer sun will allow safe passage...take your family,go to Canterlot and stay there until this storm is over." Diamond let out a long sigh; he understood, but he didn't want to. Too much was unknown, too much fear and dispare lingered in the air like a pollution, even if his mother was in her later years, he had to try and take shelter away from this place. Diamond nodded after thought and departed without a goodbye...he knew he would return; return to repair and rebuild with what will be left. _ _ Blaze spent hours fortifying the wall, soliders spread thin in the city to keep the bulk of the force a watchful eye on the area outside. Cold wind for summer blew the loose snow into the air. The city was uncharacteristically quiet, the sense of dread from the soloders seeping through the cracks and into the himes just a few meaters away. A group of children ran into the open and continued their game of tag until an adult quickly brought them back into the assumed safety of the alleyways and indoors. Two guards conversed next to each other, the tension getting to them and nopony minding a little small talk to eaae the silence. The agonizing silence, matched bitter winds and the very souls lf the damned standing alongside the stallions and mares sweating under their armor. Awaiting whatever fate chose them that day... "Thirty meaters, skyward and incoming!" Came from the watch tower The overwatch team had spotted a contact, too far out to break the snowy winds yet for those without a birds eye view. The guards braced against the wall woth crossbow mounts trained at the sky, hoof levers held tightly and ammo jockies standing by to reload their partners. Soon the silhouette of multiple contacts broke though the snow, sun at their backs and flying with purpose. Count....one...two...three....only three. Gryphons. Every guard relaxed and blew out a long sigh when the word was passed of allies, not enemies. "Call the captain, she'll want to speak to them." _ _ Blaze glared in anger, a scowl ingrained on her face as she sat opposite the feathered liers. All three wearing upstate clothing and obviously picked to be less intimidating than some of the greater part of the species. They gave a deep bow and lifted their heads slowly to speak. "A greetings, to the mighty king of the mountain. Our people wish to extend an offer to the most powerful ruler of this land." That earned a few curious looks and a furrowed brow from Sombra. "The ruler of this land is the goddess of the sun...if you wish to speak with her, I suggest you take your leave before you waste any more of my time with your games." Sombra said in a flat..unamused tone. The center gryphon stepped forward with an oddly confident swagger and licted his beak high in some way to show his importance; it made Blaze smirk at how ridiculous it looked until he lowered it again and puffed up his feathers to seem bigger. "I apologize...future, ruler of Equestria." A few hushed whispers started until Sombra stommped a hoof on the hard marble, cracking it and silencing all onlookers in the great hall. "What has happened to my agent in the Empire?" He said suddenly. The gryphons nearly faltered, but the center continued as if unaware. "The Crystal Empire has no relevance to our conversation, my lord. I wish to extend you a hand..a hoof, as allies to rightfully and duefuly impeach Celestia so that a stronger ruler might take her place." The left gryphon stepped forward now, offering out a rolled parchment. "We seek a friend in our time of need, to end the oppression that the sun goddess casts over us..to no longer be seen as a lesser race. I would hope your people would still understand this plight." He finished. The metal ponies were hardly a lesser race...yet they were the minority. Decisions involing internal politics rarely included the metal ponies. Sombra never saw it as an insult, more a priority issue. The metal city coyld survive only needing its relationship with the Empire to stay strong; the affairs of the princess were no concern to him. "I do not seek the throne of a new kingdom. I will not approve of a usurping." The gryphons looked disappointed but they knew better than to ask twice in while still in the good grace of the king. They nodded to each other and put away the treaty, a quickness about their pace as they exited the court. Sombra let out a cool sigh and looked over to his captian. "Make sure they leave, prepare for a sky assult..just in case." Armor clanked as guards already filed out of the court room to man their posts again. Once Blaze left the castle, he called over the messenger. A small but fast stallion with a coat on at all times to be ready; rushing to the throne from the sidelines and bowing quickly. "Go to Canterlot, tell the princess that the metal city requires aid. Soliders, food and possibly shelter should the need arise." The stallion saluted and pulled up his hood, the echoing of his hooves lingering even as the doors shut. Perhaps....it was mearly his mind.. The words of the gryphons began to sink in, ideas arising and scenarios playing in his head; not many good outcomes. Something was happening..just outside his range of vision, something threatened his rule. Sombra made a mental note to keep watch for assassins in the dark...and to punish those who go against him. > Chapter Six > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm sorry for the....stains of ink on the page, my hooves won't stop shaking and I haven't slept in two days. I never expected to find such detail of the attack and...I felt like I was there, watching helplessly as a culture is erased, the homes burnt for days; families, women, children trapped and burnt alive. The body count unthinkable and blood stained the show for weeks... ..... I'm sorry. It's just harder to continue than I previously expected; perhaps it is the old fact that the hardships are easiest to remember. We continue just before the final days of the metal equines and their city. The king, Sombra, had built up his defenses and took steps to protect himself from his growing paranoia. As the days grew long, Celestia's aid had yet to show and it seemed that no attack was on its way. The Crystal Empire had yet to respond to any call from Sombra; messengers sent out wouldn't return...it made for a very violent mix of anticipation and unsure trepidation. A mix that even began to nag at the great king's mind. "Any reports?!" Sombra spat at the captain currently standing in his chambers. The royal colors and paintings in the bedroom were signs of recessive memories that still held root, his ignorance to the fact was what upset Blaze. "None..." Sombra resumed his pacing and mumbled to himself, the green pouring from his eyes getting more intense as the darkness within him changes... Blaze watched her friend shake a little as he walked, his growing rage given no direction and no cause...yet his blood was boiling and fears growing. The look in his eye made her angry; angry for letting this happen, angry for letting it continue...she hated herself more than she hated Sombra. That's when she realized...she was alone with him in an almost private setting...she had to act! "Stop pacing, Somber!" Blaze shouted. The king stopped dead in his tracks and held his head low, black mane disheveled and covering over his face, the blood red eyes stuck to the ground and slowly moved to stick on the armored form of his captain, such disobedience and insolence would be punishable by imprisonment...yet he felt something inside him changing still. "You know that name but you don't know who it belongs to!" She said with a slow joy creeping into her tone. Realizing that maybe there is a fragment of her friend that remains. Sombra felt pain in his chest; not normal pain like a wound or illness, it felt like a scar being reopened. The shadowy stallion lifted his head up and slowly moved his heavy limbs across the ground, the malice in his eyes not even causing the mare to flinch and he walked across the carpet and stone. Suddenly he felt a heat burn into his leg that caused him to stop, he remembered the cold of the snow that fell upon his broken leg... "Somber...remember who you are, remember your friends and family, the ones who love you." Managing to carry his leg still and continue the slight limp, the room starting to darken as the overflowing power seeped from his very skin and fur. The darkness became unstable, volatile as it sat unused; now Blaze felt fear work into her stance as the very air became hard to breath. "Is this who you want to be?! The shadow and fear in foals dreams, the ones you want to protect? What about me?! Or Diamond!" Sombra felt his nose start to bleed and eyes glaze over with a toxic green, no iris remaining to show any sign of mercy...or humanity. The memories were too much, a white coat and grey cloak...red eyes...black and white fire...red jewel on leather cover. The king was finally standing over his captain, horn crackling with its destructive energy and Blaze only barely holding her ground, her will outweighing her fear and doubt...and one other emotion..the one that survived the test of time. "Somber...I have always loved you." She said with a firm voice and tears starting to form under her eyes for the first time... _ _ It is..strange, to once think that love has no power beyond its invisible tangents. Now we understand that love itself is its own magic, one very powerful kind and unpredictable in its strength. I visited the ruins of the metal city...I walked the empty halls and saw the dead bones frozen in time as my team stepped over them. I could feel the very souls of those trapped in the place watch us; it was unnerving to say the least. Yet as I entered what we suspected to be Sombra's room...it was like stepping into another relem. The air was light, it was peaceful and even warm. Something happened in that room that my assistants can only describe as a "Unbelievably powerful love",changed the very stone in the room. At one point, one of the females of my group began crying uncontrollably for no apparent reason, claiming that "she" told her something. Log: August 1st 1:38pm Our lead dark magic researcher, Hidden Mystique, just...collapsed...Weeping on the floor. After just entering a tower on her own and being assaulted by the spirits within, she spoke of an unyielding feeling of, shockingly, love. It leads me to believe that something occurred in that room that directly relates to Sombra; I'll be looking more into the subject and seeing if I can find any reports of a massive shift in the castle, unusual surges in magic or perhaps a...the thought made me laugh until I remembered the Canterlot invasion...A wedding. 1:55pm Mystique just spoke of another memory, one of a black and white flame burning so brightly that it made her eyes hurt in the few moments she saw it. I should check any records of that symbol bearing significance. In the mean time, I shall contact my friend in the priesthood to come and bless this old building...I feel like the dead are suffering here...they want to move on. _ _ Sombra felt his strength regain, his leg no longer hurt and he felt the dark magic begin to quell. Blaze was holding him tightly and crying into his fur; it made his heart stop when he remembered the name. It was the first time in years that he had felt the cold of the wind outside cease; replaced by warmth that filled his body head to hoof. Looking down slowly, mouth agape in exhaustion, shock, fear; had she really cared this much all this time...? This...is this...love? Sombra lifted a hoof slowly, unsure how to react to this. Never once thinking that anypony would ever display a true gesture of love to him; it felt like a great haze was lifted from his mind. Everything he did, all the brutal training to one day return to his home, to return here...all of it he would have done just to feel this feeling. Heavy arm laying across Blaze's back and pulled her in closer as he rested his head gently against hers; eyes shutting just to make this moment last as long as he could. "I'm so sorry..." He said softly, whispering to her. Blaze smiled a little and relief washed over her; she had her friend back...her old crush back...her young love. Sombra wanted the moment to last a little longer, let the lost time come back slowly and spend it with his best friend, Diamond. Sitting on the wall eating ice cream like kids again. Sombra silently wondered how much had changed...and was Somber really his true name? It felt like eons since he heard it. Blaze was about to let him go when something made her heart stop, her body tense and neck fur stand on edge. Sombra heard it as well, the ringing echo that send a cold spike of fear into his hear and made his eyes shoot open. The dreaded sound that shook the very ground with its weight. A war horn had been sounded.