> For Your Protection > by Coyote Mustang > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Reading the Fine Print > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “As you can see, the implementation of this program will not only help in achieving the government’s desired population control measures but the monetary benefits should make up for any social stigma you may face.” The stocky mare in front of Lotus and Aloe said as she finished her presentation. Lotus and Aloe sat in a state of shock as they slowly digested her plan. She had made it sound so easy, talking about the bits they could make and the quality and quantity of their clientele skyrocketing if they were to offer the new selection of services to their customers. They were even offered bits to help with any renovations needed to accommodate their new workers. But Aloe and Lotus were still afraid of the social repercussions to the business. Though laws forbidding the act of prostitution had been repealed, it was still a highly frowned upon profession. An establishment such as theirs couldn’t be seen hosting such reprehensible activities. Sensing their hesitation, the mare in charge gave them a soft smile and asked them if they had any questions about the proposal. “You called them fillies in your presentation, are they underage?” Lotus asked, her voice highly inquisitive. The mare’s eyes widened at the question but the smile she held never wavered, “Oh no, All of our workers are mares of legal age. We call them fillies as sort of a ploy to get customers into the brothels the government already have running.” “Understandable, but that does raise a good point; what assurances do we have that these mares are old enough to be working? I mean its not hard to fake your age. We couldn’t deal with an underage sex scandal.” Lotus had asked as they continued their discussions. “Please, Miss Lotus, We take special care to screen all applicants for age, STI status, previous work experience and even a full physical workup before we clear them to work.” Aloe spoke this time, her voice slightly shaky, “What of their living conditions? Do we treat them any different from our other workers? And what of accidents or, Celestia forbid, intentional harm being inflicted on them?” The stocky mare’s smile softened as she turned to the other sister, “The mares under your roof are to be treated like all of your other workers, only they will be under strict orders to visit a doctor every month for testing. They may live in the town and most tend to move their families in as well. As of accidental and intentional harm, we will step in to help with any money issues.” “Earlier in your presentation, you mentioned the topic of accidental pregnancy. You called it an impossibility, but how can you be so sure?” Lotus asked, her voice still a little uneasy. “Miss Lotus, I can assure you no such thing will ever happen. When the mares apply, they are asked if they would be willing to give up the ability to foal to work in these places. If they say no, they are rejected and we look at all other applicants. Those that choose to forfeit this right are given an safe magical procedure that will render them completely sterile. I will also say that it’s surprising to see how many mares apply that already have foals of their own. So I can assure you, this will never be a possibility.” The stocky mare noticed Lotus and Aloe no longer frowned telling her that, for the most part, the two of them were satisfied in her responses. They asked for a moment as they talked over the proposed expansion to their spa. With a smile, the mare bowed softly and moved herself to a corner of the room, out of earshot. As she settled against the wall, the two sisters turned to look at each other, each with a different expression. Aloe’s expression was a smile of optimism, “Lotus, I know this sounds a little strange but I think we should go for it. The bits we take in as profit would really help us out in paying for all of our supplies as well as repairs to the spa as well.” Lotus was not quite as bright, “Yes sister, but what of the extra workers? We would have to pay them as well as for any mistreatment they may suffer from their work. If somepony were to get hurt and sue, how would we pay for all of that?” Aloe thought for a moment, that would be a big problem. She knew that worker safety would be paramount if they chose to do this, but how could they fund a settle… Aloe’s eyes grew as she turned to answer her sister, “We could set up a fund to pay for that stuff as well as have some protection for ourselves. perhaps a contract of some sort?” Lotus’s eyes grew wide at her sister’s idea. She gave her a wide smile as they turned back to their host. “We will accept your terms, if we can set up a small document that states the terms the mares that work for us are entitled to have. It will be both a protective measure for them as well as for us. Will this suffice?” The stocky mare thought for only a second before smiling and extending her hoof in agreement. It was with a firm hoof shake, and an undisclosed amount of bits, that the two spa ponies began the renovations to the Ponyville Spa. ----------------------------------------Nine Months Later--------------------------------------- Another day began in the small village of Ponyville as the spa opened promptly at 9 o’clock. Aloe looked out the doors to see their first customers walking towards the doors of the establishment. Her only reaction was the daily sigh she gave as she made her way to the front desk. It had been six months since the expansion was put in and already the daily influx of stallions and mares requiring their new services had already begun to wear. Aloe had expected a few ponies from the town to use their services, and no more than once or twice a week. Her estimates were wrong. Her first regular, a local doctor, arrived at 9:05 sharp; a time he kept to everyday. The smile that pulled across his face as he requested his usual treatment was such a daily occurrence to Aloe that she rarely smiled back anymore. Aloe’s mind however quickly entered cashier mode and she began to total up his bill. She had looked away for only a second as she punched the keys to the register, but when she looked back up, she only found a small bag of bits on the counter. Aloe’s expression had a hint of fake malice as she thought to herself, “Didn’t even wait for the total, like usual. One of these days I should hike up the price simply to throw him off his game,” She deposited the bag into the drawer to the register and sat back for the flood of patrons that would grace her spa that day. The next to arrive was a new customer, a rather young looking stallion. Aloe was courteous in helping him select which treatment he wanted, she even set him up with Willow Wisp, a favorite amongst newcomers. Willow gave him her usual smile and escorted him down the lilac halls to the room where his treatment was to take place. Aloe followed the two of them with her eyes, smiling softly at his eagerness and naivete. The next few hours past with the steady stream of customers, each there to partake in the more explicit treatments the spa offered. It was just before lunch time when Aloe began to pack the morning's earnings into the office safe, she was stopped by the arrival of her favorite customers. Rarity and Fluttershy stepped through the threshold of the spa’s doors and slowly made their way to the counter. Rarity gave Aloe a large smile, “Good morning Aloe, how's business going?” “Business is business, Miss Rarity,” Aloe answered in monotone. “But,” she softly smiled, “it’s always a good day to see you. The usual?” Rarity and Fluttershy gave a small nod and soon were escorted towards the main dressing room in the spa, making small talk as they walked. “Miss Rarity, how’s the new line of spring clothes going?” Aloe questioned as they closed in on the dressing room doors. “I’m almost finished with it, actually. The reason why I’m here is simply to get some relaxation in before getting back to work on it. You know I could always use a model for my clothing if you were interested?” Aloe rolled her eyes at another Rarity ploy, “Miss Rarity, I’ve told you, my sister and me don’t feel the need to get so dressed up all the time.” Aloe thought for a moment before she remembered something, “However we did get a new employee that talks about nothing but the latest fashion, Perhaps I could introduce her when you're finished preparing yourselves?” Aloe raised her hoof to show then through the spa’s changing room door, her smile a natural one. “That sounds fabulous, We’ll be right out,” Rarity replied as she stepped in alongside the silent Fluttershy and the door latched shut. Aloe stepped away to find the employee she had mentioned. She searched the lilac halls for a few minutes and was about to give up when she remember the time. She quietly giggled to herself as she soon found Emerald Shard on her lunch break, her eyes staring deeply at a fashion magazine as she ate. The dark green Pegasus was muzzle deep in the magazine, so separated from the world that she was startled by Aloe’s hoof pushing the magazine away from her. Her emerald eyes traced the hoof all the way up to it’s owners face and found a frown on Aloe’s muzzle. Her ears turned a soft red color as she looked at the clock on the wall. Emerald spoke hurriedly, trying to make it out the door and pass her boss, “I’m sorry, Miss Aloe. I didn’t realize I had an appointment before lunch,” Aloe placed a hoof in front of her employee, stopping her quickly, “Whoa, not so fast there. You don’t have another client for a few hours and it appears that your luck continues to get better. It just so happens that a famous fashion designer has arrived and is in need of an aide. I know it’s not your normal thing but this customer is not here for your services. She is here for her usual, a soak in the mineral baths, a horn cleaning for her, a preening for her friend and a light massage at the end. Think you could handle it?” Emerald’s eyes flashed white for a second before she nodded vigorously. Aloe laughed at her enthusiasm and soon they were off to get Miss Rarity and Miss Fluttershy. Aloe made only a simple introduction and before long Emerald was escorting the two of them to one of the spa’s many mineral baths, chatting Rarity up about her latest designs. Rarity was flattered to her the young mare’s appreciation for fashion seemed on par with her own. The two of them were followed closely behind by Aloe and Fluttershy, each in a comfortable silence. Aloe was always quiet around Fluttershy when it was just the two of them, each felt it better to silently enjoy the other’s company. They both scanned the walls as they walked, enjoying the calm blue that spread across the walls in this section of the spa. It was soon time to depart from the group as they approached the mineral baths. Aloe looked up to see Emerald and Rarity continue their conversation as Rarity slowly sank her flanks into the warm waters. She was about to stay and chat for a while but the ringing of the front desk’s bell called her away. Aloe shook her head and slowly made her way towards the front desk. As she rounded the corner, she discovered her newest customer waiting. A burnt orange stallion was talking to Lotus at the front desk. She watched him thank her and walk towards the stallion’s changing room. He gave a friendly wave a she passed, prompting one in return. “Ah sister, I see miss Rarity and miss Fluttershy have checked in. Shall I prepare the showers for after their massages?” Lotus asked as she finished filing the paperwork for the orange stallion. Aloe gave her sister a soft smile as she made her way behind the counter. “Yes sister, that would be a good thing to do.” “Sister, who was that?” “Oh, a new customer. his name was Mr. Wisp and he’s traveled into town to meet his daughter. He was wanting a quick spa treatment to freshen up before he saw her. I offered him a quick soak and a preening by one of our best.” “Violet Sky?” Aloe asked with a knowing smile. “Only the best for our new customers” Lotus replied with a small laugh. “Did he sign the waiver?” “Although he was a little confused at first, he did sign it.” “Did you stamp the time?” “Yes.” “Get all of his pertinent information?” “Yes” “And his health status?” Lotus only responded with a roll of her eyes and a small smile upon her muzzle, and shut the filing cabinet door. “Did you inform him of the extra services?” “Oh goodness no, Aloe. That stallion’s already in a hurry, I saw no need to prolong his wait any further.” “That’s good. And while you prepare the shower room for miss Rarity and miss Fluttershy’s arrival, I take inventory for the day and get our orders out on time. I will see you later on tonight.” Aloe said as she waved her hoof to get her sister going. Aloe looked over the lists of supplies asked for by both the girls that worked there and what the customers had asked for them to stock. She gave a small wave to Lotus as she passed by the front desk after preparing the shower room. Lotus waved back as she opened the door to the security office. Aloe waited for the soft click of the latch to the door before turning back to her work. The next hour passed without so much as a sound, as the late afternoon was the slowest for the spa. Aloe had just re-entered the spa after handing Post Haste the orders she wanted filled as well as a few bills the spa had accrued when a loud shout roared in the hallway that lead to the back of the spa. A stallion’s voice yelled in anger, “What the hell kind of spa is this?” Aloe looked down the hall the yelling was coming from and found the burnt orange stallion she had smiled at before shouting as loud as he could. “Excuse me sir, what seems to be the problem?” Aloe answered as she walked back to the stallion. The burnt orange stallion snarled at the spa pony, “What's the problem? I’m in that room there waiting for a preening and instead I get some young filly rubbing and fondling me. What the hell kind of business is this?” “Sir, please stop yelling. You’re scaring the other patrons,” Aloe replied as she started to steer him away from the other rooms in the spa. “Besides, I’m sure this is just a miscommunication between the signals you were getting and what the masseuse was actually doing.” Again the Stallion flared his nostrils and yelled louder, “Miscommunication? Your “masseuse” tried to excite me sexually for some nefarious purpose. Do all you bucking spa ponies offer prostitution services to all of your customers and then extort money out of them to keep their silence? How the buck do you live with yourselves at night, treating the fillies that work here as nothing but sex aids?” Aloe opened her mouth to speak but a crackle from the speaker system cut her off.. “Aloe, please bring our newest guest to the security office,” Lotus asked, her voice, distant and cold. Aloe’s body shuddered as she heard the coldness to her words. She knew Lotus wouldn’t use her name unless it was a serious matter to be dealt with. She beckoned the stallion to follow her, his expletives blaring as loud as he could. He walked on ranting at the small spa pony, yelling slurs and other profanities as they walked. After what seemed like miles of walking and taking abuses from the stallion, the two ponies arrived at the door of the office. The large oak door looked out of place, a dark stain in the lilac walls of the spa, A golden Security Office plaque gleamed in the artificial light, it itself a stain on the already out of place door. They stepped through the threshold of the door and were instantly confronted by a wall of televisions. Each of the televisions was monitoring a different section of the spa. Lotus sat behind the desk that looked directly at the television’s and the video on all of them. The chair she sat in squeaked slightly as she spun to face Aloe and the guest. She didn’t smile as she looked to her sister. “Thank you Aloe, you may leave.” “But sister...” “Thank you, Aloe. Please go check on Violet Sky will you?” Lotus interrupted, her eyes piercing any protests Aloe had. Aloe only nodded her head and left the room in a hurry. As the click of the door latch sounded, Lotus spun the chair back to continue watching the monitors. Mr. Wisp coughed uncomfortably as he waited to see what this was about. “Mr. Wisp, Your daughter is Willow Wisp, is she not?” The orange stallion’s eyes grew wide as his daughter’s name was mentioned. He stuttered a yes, prompting Lotus to change a picture on a monitor. A light orange filly lit up the screen on the monitor, her smile gleamed into the light of the camera. She was showing a group of ponies through the halls of the spa, giving the tour and answering all questions asked. “You and your wife must be very proud of her for setting out on her own, is she here with you?” Aloe questioned as she continued to watch the monitors. “No,” Mr. Wisp replied, hesitant of the mares question, “My wife stayed home in Cloudsdale, she wasn’t feeling good.” “Lucky women,” Aloe replied coldly as she zoomed in on Willow’s face, “I will admit Mr. Wisp, your daughter is one of my finest employees.” Lotus’s cold exterior cracked a small smile as she watched Willow laugh softly at a guest's question. Mr. Wisp eyed the screen with a smile himself, seeing her daughter was always a good feeling for him. But soon the audio shifted to the sounds of crying and a soft feminine voice trying to console the crying. “Who is that crying, one of your whore’s chip a hoof?” He asked with a snarky tone. “You should know Mr. Wisp, you're the one that made her cry. For a stallion with such vocal distaste for sexual services, you didn’t seem to mind when you instigate it.” Aloe turned in her chair and glared at the Stallion. Her hoof pressed a button on the desk and the screen changed from Willow’s smiling face to another room containing a mare, her muzzle bobbing between an stallion’s legs. She continued to cycle the videos as she continued her glare. Mr. Wisp’s eyes changed between the different scenes unfolding in the other rooms of the spa and the cold abyss that was Lotus’s stare. With a nervous cough, he tried to talk. “I would never use such services. What kind of stallion...” The picture on the screen changed one final time and settled on a private room in the spa. The picture showed Aloe holding another pony as she wept. Lotus took the remote and turned the volume up so all in the room could hear it. “Violet Sky, It’s alright, he’s gone. That's it, just cry it out,” Aloe cooed as she caressed the weeping pony’s mane. Violet Sky’s crying was stifled by the fur of the spa pony and soon her weeping had turned to nothing but sniffing into Aloe’s coat. Aloe held her for a little while longer before righting her and looking into her bloodshot eyes. “Violet Sky, I know this will be hard, but I need you to tell me what happened. Please use as much detail as you feel is necessary,” Aloe asked as she gave her worker a soft smile. Violet gave a soft sniff before she began, “He came into the room for the scheduled preening his package offered. He laid down on the bed and as I began the procedure, he started making advances towards me. At first it was just verbal compliments; “Your hair is very pretty”, “Your eyes are a lovely shade of blue”, you know that sort of thing. I politely thanked him for his compliments and continued the preening. "His compliments soon started getting more personal, “Your mother must be so proud to have such a beautiful daughter,” and “If I didn’t already have a wife, I’d make you mine right here.” I informed him that I was already spoken for, thinking that would dissuade him from continuing. It seemed only to have emboldened him more, soon his advances became more and more dirty and sexual. He talked of the positions he wanted to take me in and whether I was a screamer or not. I quickly grow uncomfortable and I asked him to leave before I went and got you.” Mr. Wisp looked on in stunned silence as she continued her story. “He started calling me horrid names, and soon he was up off the bed and on top of me. He was about to push himself onto me when I kicked him between the legs and ran to the back room. I heard him banging on the door, still swearing before he turned and started yelling outside.” Violet’s eyes teared as she began to cry again, the mental pain still too great. Mr. Wisp looked around to see Lotus glaring daggers at him. “T-t-t-that whore is lying. She propositioned me and I left without any of that happening. Do I look like the kind of pony that would need some whore to get my rocks off in or on, I have a wife who I love dearly, for Celestia’s sake.” Lotus didn’t answer him, reaching for the remote instead. The picture on the screen began to rewind, faster and faster until they saw Mr. Wisp enter the room. The picture resumed playing as Mr. Wisp entered the room wearing nothing but the towel the spa gives its clients and took a seat on the preening table. He placed his wings into the pre-constructed harness that helped the techs with spacing the feathers out. They soon saw Violet walk into the room. Lotus pressed another button and soon the video began to speed up as the session continued on. The image showed the shifting Mr. Wisp was having to do to keep himself comfortable on the table, but it wasn’t until another 30 seconds of the fast forwarded video showed that it wasn’t the preening that was making him uncomfortable. Soon Mr. Wisp’s image began to unstrap the harness and his body language began to change. He quickly turned over to expose his now erect member to Violet and his advances became violent. The video continued as Mr. Wisp knock Violet over and begin to position himself for the intercourse he seemed to be expecting. It was with a satisfying yelp that Violet’s perfect kick between the legs had Mr. Wisp doubling over in pain. The video stopped at that point, leaving Mr. Wisp with the look of guilt in all of his features. His shoulders sagged, his tail no longer swished around and even his head hung low. “You are the most uncouth, lecherous, rotten brute I have ever had the displeasure of allowing into my spa. That poor filly is traumatized, probably for the rest of her life, all because you couldn’t bucking keep it in your saddle.” Mr. Wisp took the verbal slap as if it were physical, wincing as the imaginary daggers dug in. When he managed to looked back up, Lotus had swiveled the chair back around. “Mr. Wisp you should be in hoofcuffs right now, but I hesitate only for your daughter’s and your wife’s sake. While what you have done is repulsive, I wish not to damage your marriage or your relationship with your daughter.” Mr. Wisp laughed at her display of kindness, sensing the weakness in it. “Miss Lotus, you have made a grave mistake in letting me see the videos of how your spa works. When the presses hear about what goes on here… ,” Mr Wisp laughed as he started for the door. The sound of a lock slamming shut caught the stallion off guard, and as he tried to push the door open it remained frozen in place, it’s electric lock holding tight. “Mr. Wisp, I think you should hear this. I fear if you leave this room with such allegations, Your livelihood may be at risk,” Lotus said as she looked her desk over for the papers she had prepared earlier. Mr. Wisp hesitated for a second but he soon noticed he couldn’t leave until she had finished. Begrudgingly he walked over and took a seat in front of the desk. “Mr. Wisp, I want you to know something,” Lotus changed the video feed again stopping only when she found the correct feed. A red Stallion sat on a massage table facing the ceiling as the mare he was with straddled him, her movements and squeaking in bliss denoted their situation. “That is the Royal Press Corp’s supervisor, he was here on official business with Twilight Sparkle and needed a small break. Though your allegations could be printed, I need only use him to discredit not only your story but to let leak how you know about it.” Mr. Wisp’s eyes took another look at the feed just as the stallion climaxed, the sounds of their carnal bliss flooding the room. He looked at the spa pony with contempt, believing she found enjoyment in listening and watching her clients. Lotus seemed unfazed, both at the look Mr. Wisp was carrying and at the sounds being emitted. She derived no pleasure from this, she knew the cameras exist simply to keep all that use her spa safe. Her eyes glared back at the stallion’s and soon returned to her task. Lotus took a sip from the glass of water on her desk as she fiddled with the stack of papers she had a few seconds before she addressed the stallion. “Mr. Wisp, you are no longer permitted on these grounds or in this town, do you understand me?” Lotus spoke with authority, her coldness still present in her speech. “You can’t do that, you're not the mayor nor are you the police.” he yelled back. The image changed again, this time it stopped on a room containing an aging brown mare surrounded by stallions of various ages, and lengths. She was measuring these lengths as if trying to find a suitable mate for the day. Lotus reached for her microphone, pressed a button on the desk and spoke into it, “Mayor Mare, how is the selection today? Have you decided on which one you want this week?” Mayor Mare gave a slight nod as she took the member of a particular red stallion and pulled him into the adjoining room. Mr. Wisp’s jaw hung open but as he began to speak, the image changed again. This time the image ended on two constables from the Ponyville police department, each deep into the plots of the mares that were attending to them. The camera panned slightly, exposing a rather gruff looking pony also deep in another stallion’s plot. His hat hung above him, a police chief’s helm lay limp on the hook. Lotus coughed to regain the stallion’s attention, her eyes still as cold as before, “Now, each employee does sign a contract that states nothing they see here is allowed to be discussed after they leave work for the day...” “Bring my daughter here, I will be taking her with me back to Cloudsdale and we will find her a new job. I won’t have her become a whore in this house of debauchery.” Mr. Wisp began as he placed his hoof on her desk. “And for that matter...” A small crack came from the desk in the room, stopping Mr. Wisp’s thought from forming. Mr. Wisp watched as Lotus took the glass she had been drinking from and threw the shards she held away. “Mr. Wisp, if you interrupt me again, you will be leaving here in hoofcuffs and it will be with the princess’s guards not our local police escorting you. Do I make myself clear?” Lotus cautioned as she picked up the papers in front of her. An audible gulp came from the stallion in the room as Lotus proceeded with her talk. “Thank you. As I tried to say before, each employee signs a contract that states nothing they see or do here is allowed to be discussed after they leave work for the day. In exchange for their silence, they are offered great wages, free healthcare and a monthly government stipend to use as they see fit. All of our employees know about the prostitution services we offer and if they are uncomfortable about it they are allowed to leave, no questions asked. Your daughter is fully aware of this aspect of our business. And as you saw, she still works here.” “Finally, our customers also sign contracts of a similar caliber, but these are more for the girl’s and our protection. Each describes what the client is allowed to do, what is not allowed and the repercussions if this contract is broken. Here’s your contract, the one you signed earlier today.” Lotus handed Mr. Wisp the contract, the ink still slightly wet. He looked to his signature, the time stamp and even turned the paper over, looking for forgery marks. He found none. Lotus brought the stallions attention back with the sound of another climax on the feed, and as he looked she began again. “As you can see, Mr. Wisp, the contract you signed is for those unknowing or unwilling to take part in our services of a more intimate nature. Your signature shows that you not only read the contract but understood the terms of the agreement.” Mr. Wisp looked the document over again and his eyes grew the farther down he read. In the contract they were told that any intentional harm caused to the girls would be reprimanded by the spa itself as the police chief allowed them full access to the department's forces. Further on down it read that the princess has special authority to take any pony charged with these crime and sentence them without trial. Mr. Wisp looked up to see Lotus staring him down. The look of fear she saw back told Lotus she had his full attention. “Now let me make this clear to you, Mr. Wisp. If you so much as step foot into this town again, not only will you be charged with attempted rape and put in a hole so deep your great grandchildren will still have trouble digging your remains out of the ground when they are your age, but this video will be copied and given to your wife, your daughter, the rest of your family if you have any, your work and it will end up on the news all over Equestria. Do I Make Myself Clear?” Mr. Wisp gave an audible gulp. The sound of the dead bolt signaled his escape route was open and he took it. He didn’t hesitate taking off for the door, and he left without closing it behind him. Aloe was approaching the office door when it swung open violently, crashing into the wall beside the frame. She then watched the orange stallion run as fast as he could towards the entrance. Aloe’s muzzle dropped as she realized that her sister had just scared an full grown stallion to the point that he bolted from the establishment. She turned the corner into the room and looked to the face of her sister, fearing the worst. Lotus’s face didn’t have a smile, in fact her face held no emotion at all. Lotus sat stone faced as she watched Mr. Wisp disappear from the monitors in the room. “Sister, what did you...” “Aloe, If you could, Please bring Violet Sky to the office for me. Also can you fetch me the number for the doctor on call today and perhaps the hospital’s psychiatrist?” Lotus asked without turning to her sister. Aloe heard the anger in Lotus’s voice and didn’t push her any farther. She turned around and started for the front desk. Midway between the office and the front desk, she was greeted in the halls by Rarity and Fluttershy. Rarity spoke with a smile, “Miss Aloe, I’m so glad I caught you before I left for the day. I truly wanted to thank you for assigning us the most wonderful assistant today. Not only was she very knowledgeable about fashion but a doll of a pony as well. If I could, I’d like to request her again for the next couple of months.” Aloe’s muzzle placed its own strained smile,“Why yes, miss Rarity, I’m sure she would be pleased to assist you again. But I have to warn you, Miss Emerald does have a tight schedule for the next month or so. I will ask her for her times in between appointments and get back to you on the times she is available.” Rarity noticed Aloe’s discomfort and asked if everything was alright. Aloe brain shifted itself away from the crisis at hoof and crafted her lie to tell. She explained that the shipment of facial mud they had ordered was late and a rather irate customer had been yelling earlier at the delay. They all shared a small huff of anger at how picky some ponies could be but were soon laughing as they talked about the times they had shared in the time they had been going to the spa. Aloe walked her guests to the front desk and, as they opened the doors, wished them safe travels home that evening. She also made a mental note to apply Emerald name to Rarity’s personal account as well as her joint account with Fluttershy. She began rooted around the spa’s emergency files for the list of hospital contact numbers they had acquired from the local hospital. Once she had found it she walked back to the room where she had left Violet Sky and helped her up and towards the office door. She told Sky to sit tight as she talked to her sister and helped get things in order. Aloe pushed the door open softly and listened to the sounds coming from the room. The soft hiss of static could be heard as well as the soft whimpers of a pony that had just finished crying. “Sister, are you OK?” Aloe asked as she pushed her way into the office fully. Lotus didn’t respond immediately, her focus placed on the monitors in front of her. the screen was the changing rooms and all they could see and here was the soft sounds of the water in the showers going as two stallions cleaned up from their ‘massages’. “Are we doing the right thing?” Lotus asked as Aloe stood next to her. Aloe raised an eyebrow, “What do you mean, sister?” “Are we doing what it is we think will bring us happiness? I threatened his freedom and life simply to keep this businesses other side hidden from the public. For Celestia’s sake, what kind of ponies have we become?” Lotus responded as she placed her head in her hooves and began crying again. Aloe placed her hoof on her sister's shoulder and sighed deeply. “I don’t know sister, maybe we are. We have to think of the good we are doing. We are providing a service to a nation that needs it. Is the loss of a single customer worth the loss in revenue or the loss of jobs for many of the workers here. I hate to say it, but maybe we need to sacrifice the few for the greater good of all.” Lotus raised her head at her sister’s explanation. Aloe was right, but she still didn’t like it. “But was the threat of charges and using the princess’s status worth any potential backlash?” Lotus asked as she looked her sister in the eyes again. “We may never know, sister, but for now we must focus on the present. Violet Sky is right outside, The number for the local hospital is right here and I believe it’s Red Cross on call tonight.” Aloe said as she placed the number in front of her sister. She turned to leave and asked over her shoulder if she should send Sky in as she left. Lotus nodded and Aloe left to let their talk proceed. With a simple nod, Violet walked into the office room and with the click of the door shutting, Aloe walked back to her spot behind the front desk. Aloe manned this as the evening rush began. She watched and waited on several stallions, each wanting the same treatment that night. She tried her hardest to accommodate them all but she felt a little overwhelmed by the events from earlier. One wanted a full package but didn’t have the bits to do so. Another wanted a specific girl, despite being told she wasn’t working that day. The last customer, a unicorn, wanted an earth pony, but the only one available was a new hire and not fully trained in what the customer wanted. Mercifully for Aloe,The day finally came to a close and Aloe gave an exhausted sigh. She finished up her accounting reports for the day and was about to leave when Willow Wisp made her way up to the front. “Miss Aloe, Is it possible for me to take the next few days off? I received a letter from my father saying he would like me to visit him in Cloudsdale.” Willow asked as she gave Aloe a smile. Aloe took a few seconds to think about it, playing with the young mare. She smiled and gave her consent for the allotted time off. “Remember Willow, You can’t tell anyone in your family about your business despite your abstaining from such ‘intimate’ pursuits.” Aloe warned playfully. Willow through her hooves around Aloe’s neck and pulled her into a hug. “Oh thank you Miss Aloe, you’re the best. And you don’t have to worry about me, I never tell my parents anything about what happens at my job. I know I may not work as hard as some of the other girls here but I enjoy the happiness we bring our customers.” “That we do, Now I think you should be heading home as you will need time to pack for your trip. Safe travels and I’ll see you in a week.” Aloe answered as she pushed Willow out the door and held the door open for her sister. Aloe cast a sympathetic glance at her sister, “Sister, how is Violet doing?” Lotus let out a long sigh before returning the glance with a soft smile, “She’ll be OK. She has put in her resignation, but she seems to be doing better after we watched the video again. Her laughter as well as mine at the groin kick helped her a lot. She’s at Red Cross’s office right now and I think she’s got an appointment for the psychiatrist as well. I told her not to worry about the bills.” Aloe hooked her hoof around her sister’s neck, and gave her a small hug. Lotus returned it and with the click of the lock they left for their home and to a good night’s rest as the next day would be just as eventful.