> The Return of Rainbow Shimmer > by JasmineRebeckah > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Rainbow Shimmer's Back! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Shimmer, 'Aurora', stepped as a pony into Canterlot Castle. She walked around in the castle, and then saw her mother, Princess Celestia. Then she smiled. "Mom?" asked Aurora to Celestia. "Aurora!" Celestia turned around and walked over. "I'm sending you to Ponyville." "Uh...why?" asked Aurora, who had a puzzled expression on her face. "Why Ponyville?" "My star student, Twilight Sparkle who studies friendships is there. Also, the newest Princess, Rainbow Dash, is living there too." replied Celestia. "Twilight Sparkle and her friends will be here any minute." As if on cue, Twilight and her friends stepped through the door. Celestia and Aurora stared behind them, seeing a vase had been knocked over. "Sorry, Princess, my wings are bigger, so I accidentally knocked that vase over with my wing...heh heh heh..." Rainbow smiled sheepishly. "Girls, meet my daughter, Rainbow Shimmer, who we call Aurora." Celestia announced. "Can she live with one of you there?" "Sure, I have tons of rooms to spare!" Rainbow exclaimed. "I have like a thousand rooms!" "Okay," said Aurora. "What are your names?" "Oh, and please announce your Element of Harmony," added Celestia. "I'm Applejack. I represent Honesty," announced Applejack. "Um, I'm um, Fluttershy, and I um, represent, um, Kindness," Fluttershy whispered. "I'm Pinkie Pie!!! I represent Laughter! Hey want me to throw a big WELCOME TO PONYVILLE party?!" Pinkie bounced around. "I am Rarity. Good day," Rarity said formally. "I'm Twilight Sparkle, and I represent Magic." Twilight bowed. "Princess." "And I'm the awesome Princess Rainbow Dash of the Sky!" Rainbow was flying around recklessly. "Just call me Rainbow, I don't care for the Princess part." "Okay.." said Aurora. "Shall we go to Ponyville? "Let's go!" Six ponies walked out of Canterlot Castle, one flew. > Ponyville's Newest Show-Off > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "OMIGOSH!" Pinkie yelled when the seven ponies got to Ponyville. "I'M GOING TO THROW YOU A BIG WELCOME TO PONYVILLE PARTY! DON'T GO TO SUGARCUBE CORNER!!!" And with that, Pinkie Pie ran off. "Just being Pinkie," Rainbow told a confused-looking Aurora. "Why don't we show you around Ponyville?" asked Twilight. "That'd be great!" replied Aurora. "Why don't we start with Sweet Apple Acres?" asked Applejack. All the ponies agreed, and they walked through Ponyville, pointing out random buildings. "This is my cottage," Fluttershy whispered. "I have a lot of animals. "This is my house," said Twilight when they passed it. "It also has a library. Stop by any time." "That's my boutique, Carousel Boutique," Rarity pointed out her boutique. "Here's my cloud palace," Rainbow pointed to her palace, which was in the sky. "Awesome, huh?" "Wow!" Aurora exclaimed. "Just wow!" "Here's my farm, Sweet Apple Acres!" Applejack pointed it out. "Feel free to have some apples. No charge." "Hey, can I try apple bucking, or whatever it is you call it?" asked Aurora. "Uh...sure," replied Applejack. Aurora went over, and tapped the tree with her hoof. As if on command, all the apples fell into the buckets below. Applejack was stunned. "Wow, Princess! That's amazing!" she exclaimed. "I know," Aurora replied. "I'm awesome." "Princess? Can you help me with this spell?" asked Twilight. "The Firework Star Spell. I can get the fireworks, just not the star part." "Hmm..let me try." Aurora replied. She skimmed the book and her horn lit up. Beautiful multi-color fireworks shot out of it, and they arranged themselves into all the different types of shapes. "Princess, would you like a dress for tonight's party?" asked Rarity. "I can make one for you." "Um, sure. Thank you. It's Rarity, right?" Aurora asked. Rarity nodded. So they all headed to Carousel Boutique. Aurora liked her dresses, and since Rarity was going to sew one for her, she would sew one for Rarity. "Oh, you don't have to," Rarity replied. "It's okay." "I want to," replied Aurora. And with that, Aurora had sewn Rarity a beautiful pale purple dress in only ten minutes. Rarity was shocked, and couldn't stop giving her thanks. "It's the most perfect dress I have ever laid eyes on!" Rarity squealed with delight. "Thank you so much!" "You're welcome. And the one you sewed me is beautiful too. It's perfect," Aurora replied. "We can just wear our Gala dresses to the party," Twilight spoke up. "How about you and Aurora have a race, Rainbow Dash?" "AWESOME!" Rainbow exclaimed, and they went outside. "To...that cloud and back?" "You're on!" Aurora challenged. "Three! Two! One! GO!!!" Twilight yelled, waving a checkered flag. The two ponies were neck in neck. But then, on the way back, Rainbow Dash performed her sonic rainboom, and beat Aurora by a hair. "Wow! You're the first pony who could ever keep up with me!" Rainbow exclaimed. "That's so awesome!" "You're the only pony who's ever beat me," replied Aurora. She was smiling. "HEY! GUYS!" Pinkie Pie came running up. "THE PARTY'S ALL READY!" Then, the seven friends ran all the way to Sugarcube Corner. They were all smiling as they walked in through the door. And the party began. > Pinkie Pie's Party > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "WELCOME TO PONYVILLE!" everypony screamed when Aurora walked in. "All for me! Woo-hoo!" she exclaimed. "TIME TO PARTY!" Pinkie screamed. She played some music. Everypony started to dance. "Umm, Pinkie?" asked Aurora. "Yeah?" Pinkie replied. "Can you change the song? This one is like, SO totally 300 years ago! And totally uncool." stated Aurora. "Sure!" Pinkie hit a few buttons, and the song changed. "Hi, Rainbow Dash!" a filly's voice squeaked. "Scootaloo!" Rainbow turned around and gave her little sis a hug. "How are you?" asked Scootaloo. "Great! How's school?" Rainbow hugged Scootaloo. "Good, I'm doing good!" Scootaloo replied. "So, what do you want to do?" asked Rainbow. "Let's go eat cake!" Scootaloo pulled Rainbow Dash over towards the cake. Meanwhile, everypony else was playing Pin the Tail on the Pony. "I'M TOTALLY FIRST! AGAIN!" screamed Aurora. "Ooh, Aurora, may I have the purple tail this time?" asked Rarity. "That's PRINCESS AURORA to you! And I'LL take the purple tail." Aurora grabbed the tail before anypony else could get it. She pinned the tail perfectly on the pony. "I WIN!!!" she screamed. Everypony else just grumbled. This was the twenty-seventh time she had won. Aurora walked over to Rainbow Dash. "Hey," she asked, "Is that filly of yours a Wonderbolts fan?" "Totally!" replied Rainbow. "But, why?" "I have a poster for the filly." And with that, she pulled out of her saddlebag a Wonderbolts poster. Scootaloo ran over, squealing with delight. "For you," replied Aurora. "Thank you!!!!!" Scootaloo squealed. Then she ran off. After a few hours of partying, Aurora called the rest off. "Okay everypony, go home, this party was kinda lame so I'm calling quits." Everypony left, and Aurora was planning her revenge on the ponies who were being complete jerks to her. They only congratulated her five times on winning. And the cake was better than she could ever make. And she was the best. > Aurora's Revenge > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aurora woke up in the night. It was time for REVENGE. She smiled evilly. She first moved Rainbow Dash's house out of the way. Rainbow Dash was her friend, her only friend. Then, she placed storm clouds over Ponyville. Finally, she made a replica of the glass dome Trixie had used to imprison Ponyville. She made the clouds rain and placed the dome over Ponyville. She then fled the scene, leaving Rainbow Dash a note. Rainbow Dash woke up in the morning and saw Aurora's note. It read: Dear Rainbow Dash, Sorry to leave, but somepony put a glass dome over Ponyville! I tried to lift it but it would not. It is because there is probably a charm on it so only the pony who put it there can lift it. I have gone to Canterlot to alert my mother, Princess Celestia of this problem. ~Sincerely, Rainbow Shimmer Rainbow Dash gasped. She flew to Ponyville and banged into the glass dome. Everpony looked at her. She tried to lift the dome, but it wouldn't lift. "Send a letter to Princess Celestia!" Rainbow Dash called to Twilight. "Aurora said she'd go there but maybe a letter will reach them first!" Twilight simply nodded. She then ran off in the direction of her house. _____________________________________ Meanwhile in Canterlot Castle..... _____________________________________ "MOM MOM MOM!" Aurora called. "I MUST GET BACK TO THE OTHER WORLD!" "Why?" Celestia asked. But then Twilight's letter popped up, and Celestia read, "Dear Princess Celestia, We are trapped in this dome around Ponyville! Nopony can lift it off! Please help us! Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle." Celestia's horn glowed, and in an instant she, Luna, Aurora and Rainbow Dash were in Ponyville. Celestia quickly explained to Luna what was happening. Everypony but Aurora tried to lift the glass. Aurora refused when it was her turn. "I put it here!" announced Aurora to everypony, in the dome and out. "I hate the new Equestira! Only the Elements of Harmony can overpower me. But I have stolen one of them: Magic! Goodbye, Ponyville, FOREVER!" With that, Aurora started to teleport, but Rainbow Dash grabbed onto her, Celestia onto Rainbow Dash, and Luna onto Celestia. They all ended up in front of the magic mirror, where Aurora jumped into it. "You must go!" Luna urged Rainbow Dash. "You have one week to get the Element of Magic back. Sine Twilight will not be there, it shall be useless. Go, Rainbow Dash, Go!" Celestia nodded, and Rainbow replied, "Okay. I'll go." And with that she stepped into the magical mirror. > Canterlot High > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow woke up in a world she'd never seen before. And she saw familiar figures...her friends, standing on two legs. They also looked very different. "How did you do that, Rainbow? You were with us back there, now here!" asked someone she didn't know. Golden hair with red highlights...it seemed so familiar. "Who are you?" Rainbow asked in reply. "You don't know?" the golden-haired girl asked, surprised. "Honest!" Rainbow exclaimed. "I'm Rainbow Dash, Equestria's Princess of the Sky. And you?" "You came from Equestria?" the figure that looked like Pinkie asked. "Yes, I'm a princess there." Rainbow replied. "I'm Sunset Shimmer," the golden-haired girl replied. "This is Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie." "Awesome. I'm here to get Rainbow Shimmer back! That jerk stole an Element of Harmony from my world. And she imprisoned my home!" Rainbow stood up, but fell down. "Woah!" "Yeah, the walking took Twilight a while too," Fluttershy quietly said. "Where do we start?" asks Rainbow Dash. "The cafeteria. I saw her head that way, " Sunset Shimmer replied. They all waked into the school. They saw Rainbow Shimmer, who ran off. They ran after her. They were in front of the portal. "Well well well!" Rainbow Shimmer said. "Unless you let me keep your crown, this portal home will be destroyed." "Never!" Rainbow Dash grabbed the hammer from Rainbow Shimmer. She threw it tithe ground. Rarity ran behind Rainbow Shimmer and grabbed the tiara. Rainbow Shimmer then picked up the broken hammer. She was mad. "Why didn't they accept me?" asked Rainbow Shimmer. "You showed them up." Rainbow Dash replied. "All the time." " The magic of friendship really is awesome. I'm starting to see that now." Rainbow Shimmer exclaimed. "Yes. It is magical." Rainbow Dash replied. "Why don't you stay here? They can teach you." Rainbow Shimmer handed over Rainbow Dash's crown and moved out of the way. "Bye!" Everyone called to Rainbow Dash, waving. She stepped though the portal once more.