> Ghost Rider: The Spirit of Vengeance > by spideremblembrony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Hurting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Life’s greatest happiness is to be convinced we are loved. She heard the screaming sounds of anger and resentment. The sounds of two ponies, who are supposed to love each other, yelling aggressively, dubbing one another despicable names. A lonely filly lay in her bed, forced to listen to the roars of hate that vibrated just outside her bedroom door. She shivered as tears started to dwell in her eyes. She heard the sounds in her mind, over and over again. The two in the hallway would always scream. They would always speak in foul tones and angry words. Day, night, dinner time… It never mattered what type of day it was… When the two were in the same room, the screaming never stopped. The yelling became even louder now. The little filly dug under her covers, clutching her pink, stuffed dog closely. Her body quivered in fear as the voices pierced through the veil of little kittens. Tears were swelling in her eyes and swimming down her cheeks. She wanted to sob... She wanted them to hear her crying, but she knew what would happen if she did. She kept her mouth closed as tightly as she could. The sounds grew louder. A thud was heard with one of the voices calling the other a name. She didn’t know what it was, but he called her that all the time and he was always angry when he did. She looked down at her dog doll. The dog looked back at her with its beady little eyes. They looked so kind and gentle. She would often imagine it was like a real dog that would lick her face and tickle her skin as she bounced around with it. She smiled as she the thought of the dog magically springing to life and playing with her filled her imagination. She would run with it, play in the park, and love each other. It made her smile as a field of flowers appeared in her mind. The dog urged to follow, letting out yelps of joy as it made its way through the field. However, another scream from the voice in the hall broke her out of her dream world and back into the small room she was trapped in. The screaming continued as she held the doll tightly. She silently asked for it all to stop. She dared not raised her voice. She dared not speak. She knew what would happen if she did. The screaming would only get worse. Then the hurting would begin. She hated it when it hurt. That’s why she had to be quiet. She didn’t want to hurt. Long moments passed by slowly as she continued to listen, desperately trying to fall to sleep. She closed her eyes as she embraced the doll tightly. She silently whimpered as the voices carried themselves clearly through her closed door. A large pounding sound was heard and then the screaming ended. The filly slowly opened her eyes. The screaming was over. She almost smiled, but she knew it wasn’t going to end. The screaming would never end. But she knew she could be comforted. She knew there was a pony in the hallway that would comfort her. She would make it all better. The filly slowly and silently removed the covers from her head. She waited for a moment when the door to the house would open and the yelling to start again. She waited, but there was no sound. She smiled as tears started to stream down her face. She knew it was safe. Safe to go outside her room. Safe from the hurt. She made her way off the bed and gradually motioned towards the doorway, silently wondering why the door to her room hadn’t opened yet. She always came in the room after he left, to make sure the filly was asleep. The filly never was. The yelling would keep her awake. She would always come in to find her in tears. Sometimes, he would come back and the yelling would start over. Nights were always restless. She started to twist the doorknob slowly. The door creaked as it opened. She silently poked her head out into the hallway. It was not a long way to a big pony, but for a little pony like her, it was a very big hallway. The silence made it bigger. There were no pictures on the wall, only holes where he had hit his hooves. She didn’t like him. But he wasn’t here. He was outside the door to the house. He was gone. The filly steadily put one hoof in front of the other. The hallway towered around her as the filly made her way down it, poking her head around the corner in hopes of seeing the pony she wanted to see. But there was something odd about the hallway. It flashed with blue lights. It came from the other room. She started to shake as the blue light seemed to make the surroundings even scarier. She looked into the room just outside the hallway. The T.V was on and on the screen there was a pony talking to the pony in the large chair. But she never watched T.V. Never. She would always come to the filly’s room, not turn on the T.V. She wondered why things weren’t the same. She put a single hoof in the room and finally, her little voice exited her throat. “Mommy.” A face then came from behind the chair. A face that haunted her. The face of a stallion, his face covered in tiny hairs on his chin, his eyes pointed straight at her. Those eyes were frightening to look at. A bottle sat within the stallion’s grasp. The bottle made him do things. The bottle was evil. He glared at the little filly as he picked himself off the chair. “I told you to go to bed!” The filly slowly backed away. She wanted to run, to scream, to move, but nothing came of it. She could only stand in the hallway, paralyzed as the towering shadow came over her. As he approached her, tears filled her eyes and fell down her face, soaking her cheeks along the way. “Quit your crying!” he shouted. The stallion lifted his hoof. As the sight beheld her eyes, she instantly closed and held her doll tightly, knowing she was going to hurt again. > How far away is the past? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cookie Crisp awoke abruptly in a cold sweat, heaving heavily. Her heavy breathing was the only sounds left in the room. She took a quick glance around her, seeing the hospital room as she had left it, white, clean, and safe. She exhaled a deep breath and rubbed her forehead. Shit! Cookie hated those nightmares. The memories never haunted her often, but when they did, they always sent shivers up her spine. The dreams of a past life that she never wanted to return too. But how could she forget that fateful night? The night where she lost the only pony she had. The only one who would take care of her. She looked out the window trying to distract herself from the memories. She saw the sun rising over the mountain in a beautiful shimmer of light. She shook her head, not caring about the wonders of nature. Not like her best friend. The one she felt she had abandoned. After what happened recently, she disappeared. Her broken leg had prevented her from the search, but today was the day she would finally be released from the hospital. Her leg was almost fully healed. The doctors had said if she didn’t practice any strenuous activity for a few days, the leg would be as good as new. She almost smiled at the notion. Almost. She was still a long way from Hoofington. And what’s worse is she didn’t have a vehicle. A long walk no doubt was in her future. It was practically on the other side of Equestria. She sighed as her legs began to feel the effect of the ‘strenuous activity’ she was in for and she hadn’t even started yet. A few hours passed as uneventful as the last, with the exception of Cookie trotting around the hospital, making sure her leg was still good. After taking advantage of one last meal, Cookie decided to check herself out of the hospital. She pulled herself out of her bed and ripped the hospital gown off her body. She made her way down to the main foyer to recover her jacket. As she approached the front desk, the nurse gave her a glare. Not that it surprised her. She was nothing but a thug to these ponies. And the biker jacket didn’t convince them she wasn’t. Well… not anymore. That was another life… One that she wasn’t proud of. But she didn’t think anything of it back then. It was just the cards she was dealt. After stating what she wanted, the nurse finally turned around and headed straight for the backroom. Cookie stood at the desk and waited as the nurse began to fetch her jacket. The few moments turned into minutes. The minutes caused her to pace back and forth, every so often turning her gaze to the doorway, expecting it to open any second. What the buck is taking so long? It’s one bucking jacket! It’s probably the only one with a biker gang insignia! She looked out of the corner of her eye to see two police stallions trotting into the hospital. However, she decided to ignore them. She rubbed her eyes in both weariness and frustration. The nurse was taking way too damn long, she thought. She thought it might be faster just to rush back there and do it herself. Faster, yes. But it would cause all kinds of problems with the hospital staff and security. No sense in pissing off any more ponies than she needed too. The officers then approached Cookie. “Are you Cookie Crisp?” one of them asked. Cookie raised her eyebrow as she examined the ponies in front of her. They were good size stallions. Very bulky. She looked up to see a smug look on their faces. They loved what they did, but what they did was the abuse of their authority. She only knew because she had seen it in her hometown, in a time where the police knew her very well. She took a deep breath. “Yes. I am.” One of the officers leaned forward. “You’re under arrest.” He placed his front hoof on Cookie’s, jerking it hard. Cookie grunted in pain as she was pulled forward. She knew exactly what they were doing. They were trying to make a scene. She had seen it before. She had fallen for it before. However, she did know her rights. “Arrest? For what?!” Cookie shouted. The officers placed the hoof cuffs over her hooves and dragged her to her feet. “Carjacking. Mr. Popcorn’s vehicle was stolen by you and your buddies.” Shit… she thought to herself. She had completely forgotten about that. She allowed the officers to escort her out of the building. The patients, the staff and the other security officers just watched as she pressed forward, the hoof cuff restraining her movements. The cops shouted out that they’ve looked into her record. They’ve seen the type of shit she has been in before. They then decided to bellow out her list of crimes. “Arson! Assault! Possession of drugs! You’ve got quite a record.” Cookie growled under her breath, but she knew fighting wouldn’t do her any good. She learned that the hard way a long time ago. She took a deep breath and tried to ignore it as best she could. But that didn’t stop her from thinking of cruel words and gestures she could conjure. She turned around to see the nurse, finally leaving the backroom, with her jacket in hoof. Son of a bitch! She shook her head in irritation. Of all the Celestia-damned bucking luck! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cookie sat in the interrogation cell for what seemed like a half-hour. The surroundings didn’t provide her with much of a distraction. The dull stone walls with a one way mirror to the wall directly in front of her. The table sat before her as still as before. The chair she sat in was still as uncomfortable as the moment she sat in it. It squeaked when she rocked in it, which was irritating. She looked to the doorway, wondering when it would open and the interrogation would start. Every time, she was disappointed. She sighed, shaking her head. She didn’t know what she was going to do. In the past, when she was sent to prison, there was always one pony who bailed her out. But she was a long ways away. There was no way she would be able to help her out now. She thought back to her old biker gang. The gang that was her surrogate family. Or so she was led to believe. But real family doesn’t let you take the fall for something you had no involvement in. That’s what her real family taught her. The door finally creaked open. A stallion trotted through the door. He looked at Cookie with a stern look and sat down in the seat in front of her. He took a deep breath as he placed the folder on the table. “Are you aware of what you are here for?” Cookie simply turned away, not even bothering to look at the folder in front of her. She knew why she was here. She didn’t need to be reminded. “I’ve gone through the files,” he stated. He opened the file, pulling out a series of pictures. “I’ve seen your record.” Cookie couldn’t help but roll her eyes as she took a deep breath. “I’ve also seen that you’ve served your time.” This caused Cookie’s ears to perk up. She turned slowly to him raising an eyebrow. She looked shocked that a police officer would acknowledge her as a pony, not a thug. She never received that in her hometown. “I’ve seen you’ve cleaned your slate. Started a life for yourself.” He pulled out a sheet of paper from the folder and set it on the desk. Cookie looked at the images before her, seeing the auto repair shop she was employed at. Stan and Jack’s. She saw what appeared to be security footage of the thief who stole Mr. Popcorn’s vehicle. A green Pegasus stallion with ebony hair. The officer quickly caught on to where Cookie’s eyes were stationed. “You know this stallion? Crumble Bristle?” Cookie looked up at him, but didn’t say a word. She simply took a deep breath and looked away. “He was the one who stole the vehicle,” he reminded her. “Stan told us that you had said it was ready for pick up.” He then picked up the folder again, scanning through it. “We would have just gone for him, but then we found this.” He tossed a photo to her. She wanted to reach for it, but the chains on her hooves prevented that. Instead, she was forced to lean forward and merely look at it. It was a photograph of the entrance to Las Pegasus State College. There she was, leaning on a long staff. Her leg was still wrapped in green leaves, allowing the juices to soak into her skin. To the right was Crumble, the son of a famous general. And a yellow Pegasus mare with long pink hair in-between the two. She was as nervous as ever. Even from the photograph, Cookie could see the fear in her eyes. Not that she blamed her. After all, the whole bucking world was out to get her. “We know about Crumble.” He pointed at the picture with his hoof, pointing straight to the yellow Pegasus. “Do you know this one?” Cookie raised her head and turned away with a sigh. She knew her. How could she forget her? After everything that she had done for her, it was impossible. She was a victim. So, Cookie kept her mouth shut. She only stared at the dull wall beside her, trying not to make eye contact with the cop across from her. The cop continued to stare. “Is she a friend? A family member?” Cookie didn’t bother to come up with a lie nor an explanation. Her friend just wanted to be left alone. And after the shit she had been through, nopony deserved it more. “I can’t help you unless you help me,” the officer stated. “The vehicle is being returned, but you still played a part in the theft. You drove it all the way to Las Pegasus State College.” He motioned to a photo of the three of them. “And left it there. The car wasn’t damaged and it isn’t likely you will face much jail time and I will ask the judge to go easier on you if you cooperate.” He pointed to the yellow Pegasus once more. ”Who is she?” Cookie continued silently staring at the wall, refusing to turn. Suddenly, the door began to screech open. The cop and Cookie turned their heads to see another officer. He whispered something in the officer’s ear. The first officer gave the other a shocked expression, raising his eyebrow, his jaw dropping. He then picked himself off the chair and regained his stern and cool manner. “Will you excuse me?” Cookie rolled her eyes. Like I get a choice. The door closed as the two officers once again left Cookie in the room, alone. Cookie sat in the room for several minutes, with nothing but the photos in front of her to entertain her thoughts. She exhaled deeply as she sunk into the chair, which released an irritating squeak. The silent room caused her to think of Crumble and why he wasn’t arrested. After all, he was the one who actually stole the car. True it was because she told him too. She also didn’t tell him that it wasn’t her car to take in the first place. But he drove off with it, posing as Mr. Popcorn. She thought that maybe his father, General Thunderbolt, had something to do with it. He probably made up some bullshit story about how Crumble was just a victim being held captive. She stared around the room for what seemed like hours. The officers were sure taking their sweet ass time. It pissed Cookie off sitting in that small interrogation room with nothing but old photos of her past to occupy her time. She didn’t want to see the photos, but her hooves were still chained to the chair and turning her head around only distracted her for so long. Time rolled by even still and Cookie was getting annoyed. She struggled against her bonds and shouted, “Hey!” Her voice bounced off the walls, echoing through the small room. “I’m still in here!” She struggled again, but there was no response to her words. She continued to scream for several minutes, but nothing came of it all. She heaved a heavy sigh, forcing herself to sit and wait for the officer to come back in. A few moments later, the officer finally re entered the room. He and another officer appeared before Cookie. The second officer came to Cookie’s side and started to unlock the cuffs that held her in the chair. “Mr. Wood will escort you out of the building. You are free to leave.” Cookie moved her head back, raising her eyebrow. She felt the restraints around her hooves loosen and finally release. Cookie looked at the officer across from him. “Why? Did somepony post bail?” The officer came to table and started to gather the photos and files, putting them together neatly. “No, Mrs. Popcorn decided not to press charges.” Cookie’s ears shot straight up, her eyes widened immensely. All she could do is look at the officer with her mouth hung down. She couldn’t believe what she had just heard. She took a minute to think about what she had heard. Mrs. Popcorn? Maybe she had simply heard wrong. But she had to be sure. “I’m sorry… Did you say … Mrs. Popcorn?” The officer gave her a confused look. “Yes. I did. Mrs. Popcorn is not pressing charges for the theft of her vehicle.” Cookie’s mind was warped into a frenzy of thoughts. Why did Mrs. Popcorn not press charges? Why wasn’t Mr. Popcorn pressing charges? It was his bucking vehicle! And why would the officer say it was her car? It was Mr. Popcorn’s car. She had seen the paperwork for it when she was repairing it. It made no sense. However, she had hit a lucky break. She would most likely be let off the hook and she would be free to leave. Despite the strangeness of the circumstances, she got up off the chair and smirked. “Just… making sure I heard right.” She followed the bulky officer out the doorway and into the hallway. She looked into the police station where several ponies either waited to be interviewed or transferred to a holding cell. The sounds of crying came to her ears as she looked upon a mare who was weeping for her young colt. He was being escorted into a deeper part of the station. The sounds were an eerie reminder of what Cookie had been through in her life. The mistakes she had made and the price she had paid. She looked out to the front desk where she saw something that caught her eye. Standing there, looking straight at her with a smirk and leering eyes, was a mare with a bright pink coat and a dark purple mane. She eyed the mysterious mare, examining her closely. She looked extremely familiar, but Cookie couldn't put her hoof on it. After a moment, the mysterious mare trotted to the doorway, leaving the police building. Cookie’s feet took over her body in mad rush to follow that mare. She was familiar. Cookie didn’t know why, but she knew she had seen her before. She burst through the doorway and examined her surroundings. She saw several ponies going about their business, whether they were trotting, driving, or flying, they all seemed to intent on their own issues to see one earth mare. Cookie scanned the area again, taking careful note of all the ponies around the area. However, the mysterious mare was gone. Cookie scoffed, unable to come up with words to describe what she felt. She did, however, feel confused and angry. What did that mare want? Who was she? Why was she looking at me? As Cookie’s stomach roared, she forgot all about the mare. Her mind raced with what she was going to do. It was still a long march to Hoofington and she was already starving. She started down the road, her thoughts filled with how she would make it back to her apartment with no money and no food. She started to travel down what seemed to be the slums of Las Pegasus. Homeless ponies were stacked up against a burning barrel, desperate to keep warm against the coming cold. The buildings around her looked like they were under constant repair. Wooden planks barred the doors on a few, stating plainly ‘Keep out’. Her stomach kept reminding her of her current situation. It bellowed with anger as Cookie continued to walk the streets. She needed food and soon. As she trotted, something caught her eye. She looked to her right to see a mare walking down the street with her child. The child laughed playfully as she darted in front of her mother. Cookie tried to smile, but couldn’t. Her hunger made sure of that. She shook her head and continued on her way. She then heard the scream of the mare. Her head quickly turned in her direction and saw a stallion rushing off with the mare’s purse. “Stop him, please!” the mare shouted. Like a bullet, Cookie gave chase after him. The stallion looked behind him and took note of the pony only a few feet behind him. He pushed himself even faster, sporting a frightened look. However, Cookie pushed herself even harder as well. Her leg started to tingle, but she ignored it as best she could. So much for no strenuous activity, she thought. Within a split second, Cookie had almost appeared even with him. She leaped towards him, wrapping her hooves around his hind legs. The two fell to the ground. The impact forced the purse out of the thief’s hooves, sending it down the street a few feet. Cookie stood over the criminal and slammed her front hoof into his jaw. Before he had a chance to react, she smashed her hoof into his face again. She then grabbed his head and forced his eyes to look into hers. His mouth and his nose were bleeding. His eyes widened as they stared deeply into Cookie’s narrowed brow. “Get out of here,” Cookie growled. The stallion brushed away Cookie’s hooves and scurried to his feet. He ran as fast as he could, completely disregarding the bag. Cookie made her way to the purse and picked it up. She examined it for a moment, looking inside. A voice then came from behind her. “Oh, thank you.” Cookie turned back to the mare, who was taking in deep breaths. She raised her head with a smile. “You got my purse back.” Cookie gave a grin as she turned around. She extended her hoof with the purse. “Just doing what I need to.” The mother took it with a smile as she wrapped it around her body. The little filly came up from behind her mother and leaped with glee. “You’re my hero!” Cookie almost laughed, but instead gave a frown. She turned her gaze away as the little filly came up to her. “When I grow up, I want to be just like you.” Cookie felt her heart drop. She turned towards the filly and smiled. She patted her on the head. “Grow up to be better.” The mother called to her child as she continued down the road. The filly skipped along, asking her mother if she had seen what Cookie had done and how fast she had moved. Cookie turned back down the road and looked down at her hoof. There lied a small bag of bits. Bits that had come from that mare’s purse. Grow up to be better than me, kid. She held the bag close to her chest and continued down the road, knowing that what she did was wrong. But in the end, what choice did she have? As she wandered through the city, desperate for a bite to eat, she started to wonder if she had really left her past behind her. > Choices and Consequences > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After stopping at a local diner, gorging herself on what she could, Cookie made her way to the bus station. There were still some bits left from her ‘exploits’, just enough to get her to where she needed to go. The wait for the bus gave her time to think. She hated that. All she had been doing the whole damn day is either wait or think, two things she was never very patient with. Two things on a long list of things she had never been patient with. Her thoughts crept back to her old friend, Fluttershy. The yellow mare was the kindest soul Cookie had ever known, but her life was always plagued with shit. Her mother was dead, her father was dead and she was constantly being hunted by the world. And what’s worse, she couldn’t lose her temper. Not even for a second, lest she transform into her ‘hulking’ form. It was something that was beyond her control and the world hated her for that. However, Fluttershy still loved the world. Even with everything constantly going wrong in her life, Fluttershy always found the strength of kindness. There seemed to be an endless amount of patience when it came to her. Cookie started to recall the day they first met. The day she first called her friend. Fluttershy hadn’t even known her five minutes and yet had already accepted her, where others would not even glance her way. Fluttershy had selflessly saved her life when any other pony would have just left her for dead. She had brought her food and water when she was crippled and unable to care for herself. Then there was the beast. It seemed like a savage monster that couldn’t be controlled. Couldn’t be reasoned with. But… somehow… Fluttershy could. She could control it if she wanted to. She just needed the courage. And the times she did control the creature, she saved lives. She saved her life, Crumble’s, and the entire city of Las Pegasus, twice. And she was still hated. And what was worse, she was all alone. Fluttershy would have said she didn’t mind. Cookie would have gone with her though. After all, it was her fault that Fluttershy was in the mess she was in. She would have followed her, gone to Tartarus and back if it would help Fluttershy. But nopony had seen her. Nopony knew where she was or where she was going, and without Fluttershy going green, there was no way to know. Finally, the bus appeared with a loud squeak as the brakes stopped it just short of Cookie. She picked herself off the bench to sit on the bus, to wait and think. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The days passed by slowly. Cookie sought the distractions of the countryside, but that only lasted for so long. There was only so much to think about before she started digging too deep into her past. She tried to distract herself with thoughts of her boss, Stan. She and Stan didn’t get along very well. She often didn’t like the work she did, but she didn’t have any other skills. Except for criminal activities, but those days were behind her. Though after that day, the day she pickpocketed from that mare, they clearly were not as far behind her as she thought. The temptation was just so easy. She was hungry; she had no money, and no way to get home. Desperation, she thought. It was the only reason she thought she needed to do half the shit she did. Her mind couldn’t help but go through her record. She never had many friends and the friends she did have were the kind of friends that would sell her out at the drop of a hat, as they often did. Yes, she made mistakes of her own accord, but she tried to leave on multiple occasions. And every time, she kept slinking back to them, with her tail between her legs. She looked at herself in the window of the train, almost seeing her reflection of what she might have looked like. She looked rather pathetic, tears streaming down her face as she begged them to let her be a part of the gang. They would put her on her knees and make her kiss their hooves. She didn’t want to. Every part of her being wanted to get up and walk away, but she also wanted to be accepted. So she did as she was told, like an obedient dog. That was all she was to them, just a stupid dog they would punish or ridicule, but they could always count on to come crawling back. They always talked about how they were family and how they would always stick together. Cookie didn’t know what family meant at the time. She had never given it much thought. Looking back, she cursed herself for being so stupid to follow them and their madness. She berated herself for not noticing how poorly they treated her, and how they would abandon her when she need them most or when trouble first struck. Real family? She thought to herself. Bunch of bullshit. They don’t know what family really is. They always made her do an initiation test after leaving, saying that it was to prove her loyalty to the gang. They were always illegal and always dangerous. She looked back on some of the shit they did and wondered how she survived. She had been shot at multiple times, sometimes by cops, sometimes by rival gangs. Looking back, she realized how fortunate she had been. She ran away from the gang, trying to sort things it. They weren’t happy about that and tried to kill her. She had been lucky to get away. Her friends were punks. Pure and simple. They did whatever they wanted and didn’t care who got hurt in the process. Maybe that was the draw, she thought to herself. The freedom. The ability to get back at those who did her wrong. Or maybe she just desperately wanted some friends… and was willing to do whatever it took to get them. The bus finally came to Hoofington. Cookie thought she would never see the town again. She glanced around her as she made her final step off the bus. A tiny gas station sat across the street from her. She only glanced at it because it was where she reunited with her true friend, Fluttershy. Cookie replayed the event in her mind. Her winged friend had tried to sneak out of the gas station without being noticed. She was good, but Cookie could almost pick her out of a crowd. Her little friend jumped as she stomped her hoof in front of her, a look of terror warping her face. However, her face transformed into a look of joy as she gazed upon the familiar face. Cookie swore she started to feel the vice grip hug Fluttershy had given her that day. Cookie gave a slight grin as she headed down the street. It would be a good long walk to Stan and Jack’s. She debated not even going towards it. After all, why would she go there? It was her job, yes. But after the stunt she pulled, it was unlikely that Stan would keep her on the payroll. He already knew about her criminal record, but was willing to work with her. And how did she repay him? By stabbing him in the back. All for another friend. Cookie started to wonder what the right move was, if there was another way for their plan to work. She shook her head as her feet continued down the street. It was her choice. She had already made it and now she had to deal with the consequences, whatever they were. That’s what her family taught her. Her real family. After a long jaunt, she finally arrived outside the old auto shop. She remembered it well. The sign was still flickering. Stan had said he wanted to fix that for years. That never happened though. Cookie probably could have remembered, but she didn’t want to. It wasn’t important enough to her. Stan’s was just a job, that’s all it had ever been to her. Now, standing in front of it, after everything that had happened… she realized how much this job meant to her. Not personally, but financially. She relied on this job for everything she had. Her apartment, her food, her bike, her clothing (though usually just a jacket). She gave a deep sigh and opened the door. The old bell rang as she stepped inside. She hated that damn bell. It was annoying as hell. It didn’t make much noise, but having to hear it every time she stepped in or out of the building was frustrating. “Welcome to Stan and Jack’s.” An old pony with a grey mustache appeared from the back office and came to the front desk. His attention was on his glasses as he wiped them with a cloth, so he didn’t see her initially. But as soon as his glasses were placed on his face and his eyes looked up, he stopped in his tracks. His bottom lip closed and puffed out with his brow narrowing. “What are you doing here?” Cookie shook her head. “I work here, Stan.” Stan motioned forward, shaking his head. “Not anymore, you don’t.” Cookie rolled her eyes and sighed. She gave Stan a glare. “Look, let me explain.” Stan came to the front desk, his eyes still piercing at her. “Go ahead then.” He put his hoof up, gesturing her to continue her story. “Explain to me.” Cookie opened her mouth, but no words came out. What would she say to Stan? What could she say? She ditched her job and stole a vehicle to help out a friend, who could transform into a giant beast, run from the military? If she hadn’t been there when it all happened, she would have thought it sounded like a stupid comic book plot. She knew that Stan would probably think the same thing. Instead, she kept her silence and looked away from the desk. When Cookie failed to respond, Stan gave a deep breath and spoke. “Look. The most I can do, is give you your last paycheck.” Cookie gave him a glance and almost smiled. Almost. Then Stan finished his statement. “You’re fired.” She should have known. She knew it deep down in her gut. And yet, she was still surprised. Her mouth was hanging open, her eyes were wide. Her heart felt a tingle of pain. She blamed herself, foolishly hoping that she wouldn’t lose her job. Her stupid faith that by some Celestia miracle her boss would buy her half-ass explanation and would allow her to stay. She shook her head and scoffed. She turned her head and glanced into the workshop, hoping to find something to distract her mind. But nothing could. Her focus was distracted by her pain. What do I do now? she wondered. Where the hell am I supposed to go? The only place she could go was back to her apartment and pray that her paycheck was large enough to cover her rent, but she had a feeling in the pit of her stomach it wouldn’t be. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cookie wandered back to her apartment complex after collecting her check stub. Her heart sank as she looked upon her pay. She knew it wouldn’t be enough to pay off her rent. Not even close. She prayed that she would be able to convince her landlord, Mr. Book Cover, to allow her to a few weeks to get back on her feet. But with the luck she was having lately, that seemed unlikely. Still, her luck couldn’t stay bad forever, could it? Cookie approached the complex, making her way into the main office. The secretary greeted her with a smile as she most likely did with everypony that trotted in. “Hello. How can I help you?” Cookie turned to the office of Mr. Book Cover, almost forgetting that the secretary was there. “I need to see Book Cover.” The secretary turned to the computer screen and placed her hooves on her keyboard. “Are you a resident here?” Cookie nodded. “Under the name Cookie Crisp.” The secretary began to type in the name as she looked up her information. A few moments later, her information was presented to her on the screen. “It looks like you’re really late on your rent payments.” Cookie rolled her eyes and scoffed. She already knew that. What she needed was to see Book to see if she could hold off on rent for a while. After explaining that to the secretary, Cookie watched her step into Mr. Book’s office. Cookie sat and waited as the secretary was no doubt explaining what the situation was. Several minutes passed, forcing Cookie to take a seat in one of the chairs provided. She growled impatiently under her breath as she tapped her hoof against the floor. Sure, take your sweet ass time! Cookie thought to herself as she shook her head and sighed in frustration. Thoughts of how she was going to provide her rent money hung clear over her head. Jobs were hard to come by and for one who had a criminal record, it was even harder. She was lucky with Stan. While he didn’t initially trust her, there was that leap of faith and a second chance he was always preaching about. That faith gave Cookie her new life and she was able to put her dark past behind her and start over. After several minutes, the secretary finally emerged. “Ms. Cookie, Mr. Book will see you now.” Cookie made her way passed the secretary and into Mr. Book’s office, the door shutting behind her. She was greeted by the silver stallion as he gestured her to the chair in front of him. She sat in the small green chair in front of Mr. Book’s desk. Mr. Book clicked on the computer screen, no doubt examining Cookie’s profile. “Cookie, you are very late on your payments.” “Yeah, I know.” The words slipped out of her mouth before she could stop them. She couldn’t help it. She was irritated. The whole day was already not going well and she knew somehow it wasn’t going to get better. Her abrupt behavior caused Mr. Book to glance at her with his eyes widened, his mouth open just slightly. Cookie took a deep breath and exhaled. “Look, I was in a hospital in Las Pegasus for a while.” Mr. Book just scoffed and shook his head. “What the hell were you in Las Pegasus for?” Cookie’s eyes wandered to the floor. The truth was still too unbelievable to explain, so she decided to B.S her way through it. “I was helping a friend.” She almost got a chuckle out of him. She didn’t know why he would be laughing though. It wasn’t funny. Her friend was in trouble and needed help. Though with her history, it was no surprise why he would laugh. Instead, he just glared at her. “If this involves anything illegal,-“ Cookie interrupted. “No, it doesn’t.” Of course, nothing could have been further from the truth. Fluttershy was a convict on the run and Cookie knowingly helped her escape the authorities. It was certainly illegal, to say the least. Still, after everything that Fluttershy had done for her, she wouldn’t have changed her decision for anything. Cookie took a deep breath. “I just need a few weeks to get back on my feet.” Book leaned back in his chair and exhaled a deep breath. There was a sudden silence in the room that made Cookie uncomfortable. She didn’t realize that she started hanging her head down, almost as if she had already known the answer from the start. “I’ll need to get in touch with this hospital.” Cookie could have leaped out of her chair with joy at those words. The hospital would confirm her story and she would be given time to get a new job and income. After a few brief moments that included her giving all the information she had on the hospital, she made her way back to her room. As she opened the door, a sense of relief flooded over her as she saw that everything was exactly as she left it. The simple dresser with a scratch at the top drawer. Her bed just ahead of her. She flopped onto it with a sigh. It was as lumpy and as uncomfortable as she remembered and yet it was still better than the hospital bed. She looked out her window and there was still the same building blocking most of the city’s sky. She gave a deep breath as she attempted to relax. And for a moment, she could do just that. Everything was finally looking up for her. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next days were fruitless. Her days were spent going from store to store, applying for every job she could think of. She turned in so many applications that she was beginning to lose track of where she had applied and where she hadn’t. She had followed up on so many of the applications, calling them up. She was even given a chance for an interview with one or two of them, but they always seemed to give the job to somepony else. Most of the applications probably went unnoticed. After all, almost every application asked ‘Do you have a previous criminal record?’ That was the one question that defeated her chances the most. Who would hire an ex-con? The next due pay date for her rent was coming up, as her landlord and Cookie agreed and she was still nowhere close to paying the rent or even getting a job. Her options were limited. Without any money, she wouldn’t be able to afford to stay in Hoofington. Fortunately for her, this was the last payment she needed to pay on her lease. She only had one option. She made contact with some of the ponies she knew from working at Stan and Jack’s and sold her furniture. Unfortunately, the furniture was old and had its share of wear and tear. She was able to sell them, but not at a price near what she paid for them. Still, it would be enough to pay off her lease, but nothing more. She sold everything she could afford to part with in her apartment. Not that she had that many valuables on her aside from her bed and her dresser. The only thing she once had of worth was her bike, but that was destroyed the day she left Hoofington. Cookie wrote her last check to her landlord and closed her account at the bank. Her heart began to sink as she began to think about the only place she could go. The only place where she could start over. The last place she wanted to go. She made her way to the train station. As she stood in the long line, waiting for her to purchase her ticket, her eyes caught the sign of the ticket price. She sighed as she looked down at the bag of bits she had. She counted them again to be certain she had counted right. Her heart sank as the number she had matched the price of the train ticket. Her stomach started to hurt. Food wouldn’t be an option, especially if she wanted to get where she was going. Maybe… I can steal it… She shook her head violently and screamed at herself. No! I am leaving that behind me! I’m better than that! She trotted to the front of the desk. The blue skinned mare greeted her with a smile. “Hello, where do you want to go?” Her heart started to sink as the poor choice of words hit her ears. She didn’t want to go back, but she had very little choice. She uttered the name of the last place she wanted to go back to. “Mustangia.” The mare turned away and started to click on the computer screen, typing in Cookie’s information. As she worked, Cookie’s mind wandered. Mustangia was where it happened. Her entire childhood. Something she never wanted to repeat, but then again, life seemed to shoot her in the hoof when she least expected it. That town had nothing for her anymore. Nothing… except one pony. “Okay, here’s your ticket. It will be at station 13.” Cookie nodded and took the ticket in her hoof. She headed down to the assigned station, her thoughts of home haunting her every step. > Mustangia > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cookie’s leg flared in pain. She twitched and grunted in anger as the ointment stung her. She could see Fluttershy’s ears droop a little as she rubbed her leg as gently as she could. But even the slightest breeze caused her leg irritation. A burning sensation launched throughout her leg. She crunched her teeth together, closing her eyes tightly. She cringed, trying to hide her pain as best she could, as if she was trying to keep it from Fluttershy. It wasn’t easy. It was only a little while ago that her leg had been badly hurt, trying to escape the ponies hunting her. Cookie had asked about who was chasing her, but Fluttershy’s response was that she didn’t really know. Just some ponies from the military, but that was all her father had told her. Fluttershy finished up, removing her hooves from Cookie’s leg, and started to wrap the leg in a leaf to help with infections. “I’m really sorry about all of this,” Fluttershy said, wrapping Cookie’s leg in the leaf. Cookie simply shook her head. “Forget it, Flyshy.” She rubbed her teeth together as the leaf wrapped around her leg. Cookie couldn’t fathom what she would do without Fluttershy. Here, in the middle of nowhere, Fluttershy was taking care of her and their assistant, Crumble. She asked nothing in return and constantly waited on her. She fed her, gave her a drink of water, and constantly monitored her leg. She worked herself day and night to make sure that she was alright. Cookie didn’t know what kept her going when anypony else would have given up by then. There was something special about Fluttershy. Something familiar. After rewrapping Cookie’s leg, Fluttershy gathered up the canteen of water, giving it to Cookie. She took it and swallowed as much as she could. She couldn’t believe how gravely her mouth was. It was only a short time ago that they had sat in the sun and watched the butterflies migrate. It wasn’t the first choice of fun Cookie had in mind, but it made Fluttershy happy. So really what else mattered? If anypony deserved to be happy, even if it was only for a few hours, it was Fluttershy. After everything she had gone through, she deserved something. Fluttershy made her way to the campfire and fed it with the nearby firewood. She looked off into the horizon. “It won’t be long before we get to Las Pegasus.” She looked to the ground and closed her eyes. “I’m afraid of what might happen when we get there.” Cookie found herself looking at the horizon herself. Fluttershy had been frightened about this whole trip. She was constantly worrying about what would happen if this scientist couldn’t help her with her problem. Her big, green problem. Not to mention there was the stress of taking care of her and Crumble. Always making sure they had food and water and that the infection in her leg was dying and that her leg was healing properly. Cookie couldn’t understand how Fluttershy was able to do it all. It was clear Fluttershy was frightened by all this. However, it was also her only chance at a normal life. Cookie knew she had to take it. “Hey, it’ll be fine.” Fluttershy turned and smiled. “Just have a little confidence.” Fluttershy turned back towards the fire. “Cookie?” Cookie waited for Fluttershy to continued, but she sat silent for several more moments. “What is it, Flyshy?” Fluttershy shook her head. “It’s nothing…” Fluttershy turned away, as if she was afraid to ask something. That was just like her. Fluttershy would avoid confrontation at any cost. It was something that Cookie both admired and found annoying. Of course, she was a mare who spoke her mind, almost the opposite of Fluttershy. Cookie raised her eyebrow. “Flyshy, come on,” Cookie insisted. “What is it?” Fluttershy gave a glance to Cookie. “How did you grow up?” Cookie tilted her head, as if she wasn’t sure what Fluttershy meant. “What you told me about your… parents? How did you grow up?” Cookie bit her lip and turned away from Fluttershy. She didn’t want to answer that question. It brought back too many memories that she didn’t want to think about. She sort of wished she hadn’t pushed Fluttershy into asking. She was trying to help Fluttershy with her courage, but it wasn’t easy. Fluttershy was just so… innocent. She didn’t have to go through the things she did. The mistakes she made. “I’m sorry,” Fluttershy responded. “I shouldn’t have asked.” Cookie didn’t say anything. Growing up was never easy for her. In fact, it was filled with all kinds of pain. But despite all the pain, there was always one pony who looked after her. One pony who would always be there when she needed somepony. But Cookie never treated her the way she should have. It was always a constant war between fear and freedom. And it was never clear to her what the right choice was until she made the wrong one. Cookie finally spoke. “There was somepony. Somepony who was like a mother to me.” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The jerk of the train slowing down and the creaking sound of the breaks awoke Cookie from her slumber. She moaned as she rubbed her eyes, still dazed from her sudden awakening. She looked outside for what seemed to be the millionth time this trip. Down the hill was a town. Her birthplace. Her first home. Mustangia. She hated that city. There were so many memories that she wanted to leave buried and she swore she would never return to it when she left. But life saw fit to bring her back here, like a moth being drawn to a flame. Cookie cursed Celestia under her breath. An announcement came over the speakers, “We are arriving at the Mustangia station.” Cookie shook her head and gave a deep sigh. Within a moment, the train made its final stop, allowing Cookie to rise to her feet without the fear of falling. She marched out of the train with its other passengers and then split off from the pack to head to town. As she moved, her stomach roared in pain. It had been days since her last meal and her finances were shot. It had taken everything she had just to get this far. She knew that if she could get back to her ‘old home’, she would be fine. She would take care of her. She always had, even if Cookie didn’t always deserve it. Cookie made her way through the town, finding that the once small mining town was changing. There were several stores that weren’t there when Cookie last was here. Houses being built on the land where fields once spanned. The small town of Mustangia was growing, but it still wasn’t a place Cookie could live. Her mind wandered to a single stallion. She wondered how he was coping with the changes to ‘his town’. That stallion hated change. Actually, he hated a lot of things. Incompetence, whining, laziness, which Cookie had always considered odd because of how lazy he actually was, crying, the mine, his wife. In fact, the only time he ever seemed content was when he was in his lazy chair, watching T.V and drinking beer. Suddenly, she heard a whisper in her ear. A familiar voice that made her hair stand up on end. The same voice of the stallion. She turned around fast, expecting him to be right behind her. She expected to see the worn out face of the enraged pony. However, when she turned around, there was nothing but an empty street. A car passing by every moment or two, but there was no pony around. She regained control of her rapid breathing, relaxing it to calm, deep breaths. It was all in her head. Just distant memories that she had repressed for so long, bursting through the surface of her mind and affecting her senses. Cookie shook her head and rubbed her eyes, freeing herself from her memories. She continued on her way to the home where she knew she would be safe. Despite the changes, Cookie knew exactly where she was. She moved her way to an old little house on the other side of town. It was exactly as she had left it. The roof was still an ugly dark green; the dark grey colors that made up the walls had its paint peeling off. One of the windows was still boarded up. Cookie wondered if that was still from before she left or a new one made after. She wouldn’t be surprised at either one. Stupid kids in this neighborhood had a habit of doing stupid things. Unsurprisingly, but the stupid thing was usually messing with this house. Cookie made her way up the driveway seeing the old grey truck in the driveway. She recognized it instantly. She spent many of her days in that truck. She leaned over to it, taking in the smell of cigarettes and perfume. Yep, it’s hers. Cookie made her way to the door and gently knocked on it. As she waited, she scanned the area around her. There wasn’t much to look at. The garden was just barely starting to sprout. It wouldn’t be long before she would be out here gathering her vegetables. The lawn looked as green as usual. Cookie often wondered how her lawn and garden would receive more attention than the house did. There wasn’t much of a play area here. Not that she did much playing when she was young. She was too afraid to go outside for a long time. Years, in fact. Why would she? He could have shown up at any moment. Her body began to shake as she started to recall the one time he did come around. She thought somepony was going to die. She wasn’t exactly sure who. As the memory began to play before her, the sound of the door opening caused Cookie to turn around. She praised Celestia as the creaking of the door distracted her from her own mind. Her eyes met with a pale gold earth mare. At first the mare greeted her with a smile, but then as soon as their eyes met for a moment, the smile vanished. Her light green eyes examined up and down Cookie as her mouth dropped down, as if she couldn’t believe who was in front of her. Her eyebrow arched their eyes met again. “Cookie?” the mare asked. Cookie smiled and looked down. “Hi, Aunt Peachbottom.” With those words, Peachbottom wrapped her hooves around Cookie and gave her a tight hug. Her frown warped into a smile. Cookie was slow to return the hug, but eventually wrapped her hooves around Peachbottom as well. “I never thought I’d see you again,” Peachbottom said. Cookie took a deep breath as she didn’t notice tears starting to well up in her eyes. She fought them back with all her might. She didn’t know why she was crying, it seemed to come out of nowhere. “I’m sorry I haven’t made contact in a while.” The two started to drift as their hug ended. Peachbottom gave Cookie a smile. “Well, are you going to stand out here or are you going to come in?” She led Cookie inside, opening the door for her. Cookie took a moment to examine the room. It hadn’t changed much since she left. The recliner still sat pompously in front of the T.V to watch Peachbottom’s favorite sport teams. Another recliner sat only a few feet away. Despite another pony not living with Peachbottom, it looked like it had its fair share of use. Not surprising. Peachbottom always had friends over. Cookie’s mind was then distracted by her stomach. It roared in anticipation of food. Cookie turned to the kitchen and made her way to the fridge. “Do you mind?” Peachbottom giggled. “Do I ever?” Cookie smiled. It was the first time she had been guaranteed food in a while. The hospital food was always available, but hardly had a great selection. Fluttershy’s berries were more plentiful, but she could hardly enjoy them due to her injury. She reached inside the fridge and took out a carrot. After chomping into it, she scanned the fridge for something to drink. “You got any beer?” she asked. Peachbottom shook her head as she sat down at the table. “Kicked that old habit years ago.” Cookie gave a sigh as she reached for a bottle of water. “Water’s fine then.” She pulled her head out of the fridge as she sat down, next to Peachbottom. She would have given anything for an ice cold beer, but she was thirsty. She wasn’t going to complain. As she sat down, she noticed a box of cigarettes out on the table. She smiled. “I see you haven’t kicked all the old habits.” Peachbottom chuckled. “One thing at a time.” She looked at Cookie and smiled. “I’ve been smoking for over forty years. Probably not going to quit anytime soon.” Cookie reached for a cigarette and raised it to her mouth. “Do you mind?” Peachbottom shook her head. “You’ll owe me.” She reached into the drawer inside the table and pulled out a lighter. She sparked the flame and held it to the cigarette. Cookie let out a puff of smoke as she pulled the cigarette from her mouth. “That’s what I need to talk to you about.” Cookie lowered her head to the table. “I need a job and a place to stay for a while.” Peachbottom slipped the lighter back in the drawer and shut it tightly again. “What happened? I thought you were in Hoofington.” Cookie shifted her gaze to her water bottle as she lifted it to take a drink. As the liquid made its way into Cookie’s throat, she pondered what to tell her aunt. It wasn’t the most believable story. Fluttershy wasn’t exactly the most normal of ponies and yet she was less of a monster than most of the ponies she ever met. But how would she explain that? How could she explain that? It was so bizarre; it needed to be seen to be believed. After a moment, she finally responded to Peachbottom’s question. “I was … helping a friend.” Peachbottom gave her a glare. Cookie lowered her head. She understood why she might be upset. Cookie hadn’t been the best at choosing wisely when it came to friends, but this time was different. “I had a good reason.” Peachbottom took a deep breath and turned away. “I hope it was worth it.” Cookie sensed a combination of disappointment and hurt. Not that it surprised her. Aunt Peachbottom didn’t agree with her poor choices. At the time, Cookie thought it was just Aunt Peachbottom being stupid and didn’t understand what she was going through. Now, Cookie just wished she could take back the time they lost. Cookie could only lower her head even further as she glanced away. Peachbottom, out of all the ponies in the world, would be the one pony who might actually believe her. What could she say to convince Peachbottom that it was for a good cause? Not that she would believe her. She would think she was crazy. And what if, by some Celestia miracle, she did believe her? What if the wrong pony found out she knew about Fluttershy? She would be a target. Peachbottom has been through more shit in her life than she deserved. So, she kept silent. Peachbottom placed her hoof on Cookie’s and gave a smile. “You can’t continue to make bad choices. They’ll catch up with you like the sun in the desert.” Cookie sighed. “I know.” Peachbottom rose to her feet and removing her hoof from Cookie’s and moved it to Cookie’s shoulder. “You can stay in your old room. Let me make some calls about that job you owe me.” Cookie nodded. Peachbottom walked into the living room, leaving Cookie to finish her meal and cigarette alone. After filling up on another carrot, Cookie made her way upstairs to her old room. It was as she remembered it. The poster of the heavy metal band still hanging over her bed, with the rip in the corner. Cookie tried to remember what she saw in that band. Maybe it was the rebellious stage in her life. She thought about ripping it down, but then laziness set in, causing her to look away. The shelf didn’t have many mementos. Just an old photograph of her and Peachbottom at a carnival. Peachbottom and she looked like their smiles were going to overtake their faces. The sun was shining brightly and the giant roller coaster’s bright colors in the background only seemed to add to the specialness of that day. She started to remember that day well. They had just won a great battle. A battle that had cost Peachbottom much, but in the end, she would say she gained the greatest thing in the world. Cookie didn’t know it at the time, but so had she. It was the happiest day of her life. Cookie then looked out the window. At first, she seemed to be staring blankly at the horizon. Then something caught her attention. A little house on the square. The house was exactly as she remembered it. Old with mold growing from the planks of wood that hung upon the walls. Well, the ones that were hanging by a single nail, threatening to fall to the earth if they were not attended to. But he would never attend to it. He would only wish to sit in his chair and watch his damn T.V. There almost seemed to be an ominous aura that emanated from the building. It caused Cookie to slowly back away from the window. She found herself short of breath as a figure appeared before her. A large stallion seemed to step from the window and gave a sly smile. “Hello there, little girl,” the stallion greeted. Cookie backed away in fright as the stallion took a step forward. She wanted to run. She wanted to scream, but nothing came. Nothing, but a silent quivering as the stallion towered over her, looking down. “Cookie?” she heard her Aunt Peachbottom call out to her. Cookie turned downstairs, listening to the source of the voice. “Is everything alright up there?” Cookie turned back to face her assailant, but when her eyes pointed back to where the stallion was, he was gone. Cookie shook her head as she took a moment to catch her breath. She looked again to see if it would appear again, but the stallion seemed to be gone forever. She slithered down to her knees, tears swelling in her eyes. She prayed to Celestia, he would stay that way. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day, Cookie made her way down to the kitchen. As she made her way down, her nostrils caught the scent of pancakes. She raised her eyebrows a little. Pancakes were for children. Why would Aunt Peachbottom be making pancakes? She made her way into the kitchen and sure enough, Aunt Peachbottom was over the stove, flipping the flapjack. As if hearing her arrival, Aunt Peachbottom turned towards Cookie with a smile. “Good morning, sunshine.” Cookie gave a weak smile. She wished it was a good morning. She was up half the night, trying to sleep. The bed was comfortable to be sure, but her mind kept seeing a shadow in the darkness. The brief image of a stallion. That stallion. The only sleep she did get was interrupted by her nightmares. However, she knew it would only upset Peachbottom if she knew about she was thinking about him. So, she tried to play along. “Morning, Aunt Peachbottom,” she finally replied. She sat herself in the chair, again taking in a whiff of delightful pancakes in the air. “What the Hades is with the pancakes?” Aunt Peachbottom gave a giggle. “For you. I haven’t seen you in a while.” She flipped another hotcake, causing it to sizzle ever so slightly. “Thought it might be nice.” Cookie smiled and stood up. She made her way to the fridge and picked out another bottle of water. She couldn’t believe how thirsty she was. She gulped down the entire bottle within moments, gasping for air at the end. Aunt Peachbottom shook her head and laughed. “Save some for the fishes.” Cookie started to laugh as she tossed the bottle in the trash. “Screw the fishes. I’m thirsty.” She let out a yawn as she made her way to the table, passing Aunt Peachbottom. Aunt Peachbottom started to laugh again as she flipped another flapjack. Cookie couldn’t help but look over her shoulder. The cakes were golden brown, just as they should be. She sat down and anticipated her first bite. If she wasn’t so old, she probably would have started hopping up and down like an excited filly. After a moment, Aunt Peachbottom placed a large stack of pancakes on the table. They were steaming, but they looked delightful. Aunt Peachbottom sat across from her and gestured her to start eating. Without even a moment of hesitation, Cookie grabbed almost half of the stack and stuck it to her plate. She couldn’t believe how hungry she was. She blamed what she had been through the last few months. But as long as her friend was safe, it was worth it. She poured the maple syrup over the cakes and started to dig at them with her fork. She ripped into them like an excited child, waking up to her mother’s fresh pancakes. Actually, that’s exactly what was happening. She was just an excited child. Aunt Peachbottom didn’t make breakfast too often, but when she did, it was usually special. She had almost forgotten how good Peachbottom could cook. Living off fast food and snacks was not a healthy or tasty living style, but she didn’t have her aunt’s knack for cooking. Aunt Peachbottom gave a giggle. “I haven’t seen you this happy in a long time.” Cookie scarfed down another pancake, not ignoring what Peachbottom said, but minding her manners. It was unusual for her, but for Aunt Peachbottom, she wanted to be a little polite. She swallowed the flapjack whole and smiled. “I’ve forgotten how good you can cook.” She then looked away from her plate as her mind began to wander back to her childhood. Peachbottom used to make breakfast every day for her when she was a filly. As she got older, it became rarer, but it would happen every now and again. Then a shadowy figure returned to her mind. The same shadow that plagued her last night. She shook her head, violently trying to purge the memories. Aunt Peachbottom raised her eyebrow as she eyed Cookie. “Is something wrong?” Cookie looked away. “Nothing.” She took another small bite of her pancake, hoping that Peachbottom wouldn’t notice. However, she wasn’t fooling anypony. Peachbottom put a pancake on her plate. “Are you sure there isn’t anything bothering you? You look like you didn’t rest very well.” Cookie was a bit surprised that Peachbottom caught on so quickly. She didn’t get a chance to look at herself in the mirror, but if Peachbottom caught on, she probably had bags under her eyes. She didn’t notice herself let out another yawn as she rubbed her eyes. Her mind started to debate with itself. She knew she wouldn’t be able to keep the secret from Peachbottom for long. How would she? She would find out sooner or later. On the other hoof, Peachbottom didn’t like it when Cookie thought about … him. Regardless, Cookie spoke up. “Does... Is…?” She stammered her words, desperately trying to come up with a way to bring her problem up without upsetting Peachbottom. The truth was, there wasn’t. Not with that stallion. Cookie finally took a deep breath and spoke. “How has the town affected him?” Peachbottom stopped in her tracks, letting her fork down. She narrowed her gaze to Cookie, a frown appearing on her face. “I don’t want you to think about him,” Peachbottom replied. Cookie lowered her head. She knew she shouldn’t have brought him into this, but how could she lie to the only pony she had? Peachbottom got up off her seat and placed her hooves on Cookie’s shoulders. Cookie turned to see Peachbottom’s smiling face. “There is nothing that pony can do to hurt you. Understand?” Cookie smiled a little. She finally nodded her head and turned her attention back to her breakfast. She wasn’t sure how over him she was, but having Peachbottom around helped. Even a little. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That afternoon Peachbottom told Cookie about the job she was to have. It wasn’t much, but at least she was doing something she knew how to do. Peachbottom was friends with the owner of an oil changing and vehicle maintenance joint. Peachbottom knew how good she was with cars, so she tried to give her a job that she would at least be good at. But Peachbottom warned her that she wouldn’t like it. And she was right. Cookie hated her job. Her boss was nice enough. After all, he knew Peachbottom and Peachbottom trusted him. That was good enough for her. But everypony else there was either an asshole or lazy as Tartarus. She sometimes thought her boss was too nice for his own good. He wouldn’t fire those lazy asses or even talk to them about their lack of performance. Instead, Cookie was forced to work twice as hard to pick up their slack. However, despite all this, Cookie knew it was only temporary. She just needed the job long enough to find a new one. Then she would move out of Peachbottom’s home and back on her own. But even in this town, jobs were hard to come by. Unless you wanted to work in the mine, but Cookie had no intention of stepping hoof into that Hades hole. Instead, Cookie was forced to be an overworked and underpaid employee of a rundown old place. But if ponies in this town wanted a vehicle maintenance check, they either came there or traveled several miles to the next town. The business there was steady enough, but there were some days where Cookie wasn’t surprised when other ponies wouldn’t come back. Considering the rude, obnoxious ponies she was forced to work with. One of them almost started a fight with a customer. Fortunately, Cookie had been there, otherwise, the situation, which was just a stupid misunderstanding, would have turned violent fast. They certainly wouldn’t see that pony again. When it came to customer services, her co-workers left something to be desired. She thought about applying for the grocery store that Peachbottom worked for, but they didn’t hire ponies with a criminal background. Peachbottom fought long and hard for them to make an exception, but even she could not work miracles. So for the meantime, until something else came up in her life, Cookie was stuck. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sapphire couldn’t believe she’d come home after all these years. Cookie had become a fine young mare when Sapphire spotted her. She looked from afar as the earth mare continued to work throughout her day. She was certainly much stronger than she would have thought. Having to leave her with… him. But it seemed that fortune smiled upon Cookie when she was a child, giving her a good pony to look after her while she dealt with her own business. Sapphire gazed upon Cookie, continuing to eye her from a distance. “What are you doing?” a deep voice slithered into her ears. Her whole body froze as felt a chilling air touch her skin. She stammered her words as she attempted to speak. “I was… just-“ She felt a tendril slowly wrapping itself around her neck. She wanted to scream, but she knew it would do no good. She knew that there was nopony in the world, in the cosmos, who could save her from her master. She slowly turned around as the tendril pulled towards the dark alleyway behind her. There, she was met with two yellow eyes. There were no pupils to be found, just shining yellow eyes that seem to be caught ablaze. They flashed a little brighter as the deep voice spoke again. “You are no longer a part of that life,” her master roared. “You gave that up years ago.” She looked around, hoping to see another pony, but they just wandered on by, as if they couldn’t see nor hear what was going on. She didn’t know why she was looking. Nopony ever saw the master unless he wanted them to. She slowly lowered her head, glancing away from the eyes. Another tendril appeared from the shadows, tilting Sapphire’s head gently back towards the pair of eyes. “You made the mistake of freeing her from her prison. Need I remind you of your punishment, which you have yet to receive?” The tendril around her neck started to dig into her flesh, traveling up to her brain. She screeched in agony as if somepony had stuck her brain in a blender while it was still inside her skull. She toppled to the floor, the tendril still stuck in the back of her neck. She squirmed and screamed as the pain continued. She opened her eyes to see the yellow eyes, still glaring. They didn’t look pleased, angry, or spiteful. There was almost no way to tell what those eyes felt. They were like looking into a void. Lifeless and empty. She felt the pain intensify as she let out another shriek. Finally, the tendril pulled itself out of her skin, leaving no trace that it was ever there in the first place. She gasped as her heavy breathing filled the air. She took a moment and took a look into the alleyway. There were ponies passing by, as if they had heard or seen nothing that had just happened to her. Tears started to envelop her eyes and began to swim down her face. She turned back to the pair of empty eyes. “I am sorry, master. I will not fail you again.” She whimpered. “Do not think that your punishment is over so quickly,” the voice stated. Sapphire’s eyes widened as she heard those words. “That was just a sample of what is to come.” Sapphire lowered her head, as the tears continued to stream down her face. “Now, it is time for you to earn your keep. And for your failure, the price goes up.” Sapphire opened her eyes as an object fell into her hooves .She looked down to the object to see a gun. Her master had asked her to do what he had always asked her. She was to earn her life, again. She picked up the gun and placed it into her saddlebag. She knew what she had to do. To keep her life, she needed to take another. She began to wander the streets, keeping her eyes peeled for her next ‘payment’. > The Glue Trap > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a hot summer day. That fateful hot summer day. The day that Peachbottom had talked about for weeks. She had said something about a … ‘ver-dicts’. Cookie couldn’t imagine what that meant, but it was a word she had heard from Peachbottom repeatedly. Peachbottom had just come out of the large building with ponies in suits. She was crying, but at the same time, she was smiling. Her giggles and sobs filled Cookie’s ear as Peachbottom rushed to her side, picking her up and hugging her tightly. Cookie didn’t understand why she was crying. When she asked, Peachbottom replied that she wasn’t crying because she was sad. She was crying because she was so happy. Crying because she as happy? The concept was lost on Cookie. She had never cried when she was happy. It seemed impossible. Could a pony cry because they were happy? She only ever cried because she was scared or sad. And when she did cry, he didn’t like that. He didn’t like that at all. Peachbottom picked her up as she started to shiver. She then kissed on her on the forehead as they made their way to her truck. This made her calm. Her warm touch as Peachbottom’s hooves gently wrapped around her, carrying her off to where she would feel safe. Cookie smiled a bit as they slowly approached the great grey giant that Peachbottom would call her truck. After strapping Cookie into the seat belt, they made their way down the road. Peachbottom was still crying even as they drove. But again, she was still smiling. She glanced at Cookie, the tears still conquering her face and spoke. “Cookie, I love you.” Peachbottom wiped away a stream of tears from her face as she glanced back at the road. “I love you so much.” Cookie didn’t respond. Nopony had said that to her. Not since mommy left. Only Peachbottom ever said it. She wanted to cry. Nothing about wanting to cry made sense. She wasn’t sad or scared. Peachbottom was right next to her. Why would she be sad or scared? Peachbottom placed her hoof on Cookie’s. “And I always will. And this day is the happiest I’ve ever been,” she said as a sob interrupted her speech. Cookie didn’t understand why it was the happiest day of Peachbottom’s life. It looked like every other day in the past. She would stay in a room, with Peachbottom coming in and out every few minutes to check on her and make sure she was okay. He was there too. Every time she saw him, she shivered, cowering to a corner as far away from his as he could. But he never came into the room. He never even came near her. Every time he tried a pony would stop him. She wasn’t allowed to leave the room, except to go to the bathroom. Even then, the nice mare at the door had to be there with her, only to be placed back into the boring little room. Peachbottom had brought books for her to read, coloring books to draw on, and movies and toys to entertain herself, but they only quelled her boredom for a few minutes. It was a boring brown room with a lot of chairs. The mare was nice enough to play with her, but sometimes Cookie didn’t want to play. She wanted to go home. She didn’t want to come to this place anymore. Why did Aunt Peachbottom need to come here anyway? The only thing that was different was when the nice mare came to take her back to Aunt Peachbottom, she was crying too. But she was smiling. Was she crying because she was happy too? That night was difficult for Cookie. There were noises that kept her up. A small screeching sound at her window, a tiny crack in the walls. Cookie tried to keep quiet, but the slightest creak made her squeak in fear. She thought it was him. He stormed into the house before. They hated him, both her and Aunt Peachbottom. But he hated Aunt Peachbottom and only wanted to make her sad. Cookie never saw Aunt Peachbottom mad or sad. She was always happy and she never yelled at her. But when he was around, Aunt Peachbottom… changed. She turned into something scary. Something she didn’t recognize and yet at the same time, was familiar. She heard another sound, which caused her to scream. She blankly stared at the window, seeing a dark shape at the door way. Her body froze, thinking of the terrifying stallion who might be outside her window, coming to steal her away. Coming to start the hurting again. Only a moment later, Aunt Peachbottom burst through her bedroom door. “Honey, are you alright?” Cookie leaped out her bed and wrapped her hooves around Aunt Peachbottom’s front let as tight as she could, fearing that she let go, even for a second, she would lose her forever. Aunt Peachbottom leaned down and picked up Cookie, wrapping her in her front hoof. She made her way to the window. A cold shiver slithered up her spine as Peachbottom opened it. A slight chill filled the air. Cookie dove her head into Peachbottom’s chest and closed her eyes tightly, praying that his voice wasn’t out there. Only a second later, the window closed. “It was just a tree branch,” Peachbottom stated, letting out a deep breath. Peachbottom’s grip got even tighter. Cookie started to cry as fear still paralyzed her. She hadn’t been so scared in a long time. Not since the last time he tried to take her away. But then Aunt Peachbottom’s voice brought comfort to her. “I’ll grab your pillow and blanket. You can sleep with me tonight.” Cookie nodded as Peachbottom reached for her bed, taking her pillow and blankie. They made their way into the hallway, where Aunt Peachbottom whispered in Cookie’s ear. “Remember when I told you that when we won, I would take you someplace special?” Cookie remembered. She didn’t know what they won, but Aunt Peachbottom had been talking about it. She called it… cust- do- die… She didn’t know what that meant, but Aunt Peachbottom said that when she won… cust- do… that word, of her, she would take her someplace. She was very happy about it and they hadn’t even won. Aunt Peachbottom spoke again. “Well, I want you to get a good night’s rest. Because we are going to that special place I told you about.” Cookie remembered her talking about it. It was a place of food and fun. With giant machines that twirled you all over the air, a giant wheel sat went up so high you could see everything and a tower that brought you up high slowly and brought you down so fast. It sounded scary, but she was with Aunt Peachbottom. She would keep her safe. With her, she wasn’t afraid. For the first time in her life, Cookie started to cry. Not because she was sad, but because she was happy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next few weeks seemed to pass by slowly as Cookie continued her monotonous lifestyle. It wasn’t exactly what she wanted, but she could afford little else. She attempted to get her own vehicle, but her credit wasn’t exactly spotless. So, she was denied a loan. Meaning that, once again, she was stuck where she was. Fortunately, the thing that kept her going was Aunt Peachbottom. Despite all the years of trouble Cookie was to her, Peachbottom was still there for her. She gave her a roof over her head, food in her belly, and a ride to work every day. Sometimes she was allowed to take the vehicle herself, but Peachbottom had a job too. Besides, she could trot home if she really wanted to. Not that she ever did. However, the last week and a half seemed to be difficult for Peachbottom. She would never voice it, but Peachbottom looked as if she was suffering. It became so difficult that she actually took sick days off work. In the long time that Cookie knew her, Peachbottom never took sick days unless it was absolutely unbearable. When Cookie confronted her, Peachbottom would simply smile and state that she was perfectly fine. Cookie didn’t buy it, but she knew that Peachbottom wouldn’t tell her how she felt. Instead, Cookie decided to force Peachbottom home to rest. Every day after work, Cookie would arrive at home to see Peachbottom either asleep in her recliner or in her bed. She was rarely awake anymore and when she was, she looked like she had been through Tartarus. Cookie would sit in her room, wondering what to do about Peachbottom. She was suffering. From what, Cookie wasn’t exactly sure. But even Peachbottom couldn’t hide the signs. Cookie got up and started to prepare for work. She snuck over to the living room to find Aunt Peachbottom watching the early morning news. Cookie sat and watched, hoping that there would be something on Fluttershy. But there wasn’t anything. However, there was another homicide on the news. Cookie couldn’t help, but be concerned. An entire family was killed, all shot. The report said that the residents were then posed. While Cookie didn’t care for the details, she knew that the same thing had happened almost a month ago. A whole family shot and posed like this one. The police didn’t seem to have any leads as to who was behind these murders and even with a hoof print, they still had no identification on the killer. Peachbottom had mentioned something similar happening years ago, but there was usually only one victim, usually a homeless pony. Cookie tried to ignore the report, solely focusing on Peachbottom. “Morning, Aunt Peachbottom,” Cookie finally said. Peachbottom was slow to respond to her. She gave a deep moan and rubbed the back of her neck. “Morning, Cookie.” Cookie placed her hoof on Peachbottom’s. “You going to be okay without me?” A smile came across Peachbottom’s face, as if trying to convince Cookie that she was perfectly fine. “I’m going to be fine. In fact,” she started to rise out of the recliner and onto her feet. It was a slow process and her narrowed brow looked like she was in pain, but she fought through it. “I’m going to work today.” Cookie’s jaw dropped at the mere mention of her work. “What?!” She quickly rose to her feet and placed her hoof on Aunt Peachbottom’s shoulder. “You can’t be serious?! You’ve been in bed for almost a week!” she pointed out. Peachbottom shook her head and smiled once more. “I’ll be fine.” Cookie shook her head. “Like Tartarus you will!” She didn’t notice tears gathering in her eyes as she spoke.. By the time she finally noticed, it was too late to hide them. Not that Peachbottom would have mind. Cookie ignored them as best she could, forcing them to stay still and not let it get any further that it already was. “Please, just stay home. Get some rest.” Peachbottom wrapped her hoof around Cookie. “Okay. I’ll stay home.” After taking a moment to collect herself, Cookie made her way out the door to trot to work. She decided to leave the truck for Aunt Peachbottom, just in case she needed it. But the most important thing for her was rest, she thought. She couldn’t bear to see Peachbottom in pain like that. It tore her apart that there was nothing she could do for her, but be a strict mother. Cookie continued down the road, secretly praying that Aunt Peachbottom would be okay. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “You’ve been a very naughty little boy, Zagreus,” an incredibly obese pony declared as he sat on the barstool. He looked down at his drink, swishing it around and giving a sly smirk. “Is daddy going to have to punish you?” he said as he brought the drink to his mouth. As the tantalizing drink slithered down his throat, the single light source above ‘daddy’ flickered, darkening and brightening the room. The shop had closed hours ago. Patrons had cleared out long before then. Yet, these two were not impeded by the rules of the bar. They were beyond the rules of common ponies. Tartarus, even of mortals. He moved the glass away from his mouth, a smile running across his face. All that graced this small bar with their presence were feeble bags of flesh that hardly stood up to the grand scheme of everything around them. Ponies going about their useless lives, struggling to gain, desperately trying to hold on to what little they possess, only to lose it one way or another. And yet, even when faced with loss, they demand retribution. When greed or lust blinds them to what they have and they would throw it all away for a small taste of what they don’t, that is when he feels alive. Alive and strong. Today, ponies threw away more than ever for what was the ‘greener’ grass, not always seeing the cons of such desires. It made it easy for them to fall into what he liked to call a glue trap. A glue trap. Such a beautiful and incredibly simple device to understand. Ponies struggling through the glue to reach the one point of their desire. Only for their body to be soaked in the glue, slowly hardening around them. The pony knew that they must escape before they become immobile, but the one thing they desire with all their hearts was fluttering at the end of the trap, like a carrot in front of a hungry rabbit. Like stupid lambs, they followed it. Lifting limbs became difficult and eventually impossible. The pony became stuck in the trap, the glue their new prison. But of course, did they see it that way? No. Of course not. And that’s where things got interesting. Ponies struggled against the glue, ripping out hair and skin. In the most desperate case, they would chew off their own limbs to reach their desires, blindly sacrificing an entire limb for a small carrot that would feed them one meal, until the next time their selfishness got the better of them. On the opposite side of the spectrum, they settled into the trap. Surrounded by glue and with no means of escape, there was no choice but to rot and decay. Slowly losing their sanity to come so close to their wish, only for it to be dangled in front of them for all eternity. It was what curled his mouth upward so many times in the past. And unless the course of pony nature could be changed, it would many times in the future. He removed the glass from its mouth with a sigh of pleasure. As he looked up at the mirror across from him with a smile on his face. The lights flickered out for a moment. When they came back on, a dark, tall figure stood behind him. Its yellow glowing eyes glaring at him through the mirror. The fat stallion chuckled and shook his head. “Resorting to childish pranks? I thought I had taught you better, Zagreus.” The creature’s eyes narrowed. “I do not fear you, father. You no longer control me.” The fat stallion’s horn began to glow as a bottle from one of the nearby racks started to levitate off the shelf. “I know…” The cork on the bottle popped open with a fizzing sound as foam dripped down the side. With a tip of the bottle, a green liquid poured into his empty glass. “And that’s the problem.” He levitated an empty glass of the shelf and placed it on the table in front of an empty seat, as if to invite the stranger to his sit next to him. Zagreus extended a long tendril from his body and swatted the glass to the floor. Glass shattered across the back of the bar, echoing in the empty bar. The stallion simply shook his head and scoffed. “Now, that was just rude.” “I am not interested in your games, father,” Zagreus snapped. “I have come to warn you.” The tendril slithered back into the tall form of the creature. “Enjoy your throne while you have it. For once the stars align; I will sit upon it while your broken body lies at my feet.” ‘Father’ placed his glass on the counter surrendering a snicker. “You had the decency to warn me about your hostile takeover?” A smile reached his lips as the glass came to his mouth, as if it was a mic for his words. “I must be the luckiest father in the world.” “Do not patronize me, old man!” Zagreus roared, his yellow eyes transforming red and more tendrils slithered out of his body, waving wildly, smashing tables in half, and one ripping into the wall. “I am sick of your games! And I will no longer be bullied by your or Olympus!” Zagreus displayed his rage as if to impress or intimidate his opposite. However, the stallion did not move. He does not even blink or flinch, even as the tendril shatters the mirror before him. The father lift his drink to his mouth. He placed his down with a sigh of satisfaction. “Yes. Destroying the entire pony race simply because you’re bitter.” His horn shined its bright red hue and the glass was drawn towards the bottle once more, pouring himself another drink. “I can’t say that will go well for you,” he taunts as he glances up at the now shattered mirror. Millions of the dark creature displayed before him in the thousands of tiny shards. The creature’s eyes returned to their normal yellow and the tendrils returned to his body. “I am aware of Zeus’s rules against gods battling one another. Not since he cares so much for his precious little mortals.” Father swishes his glass around as it slowly levitates towards him. With a flick of his horn’s light, the mirror flashes and returns to its normal state, clearing his vision of his dark adversary. “Well, I won’t say you haven’t done your homework.” He places the edge of the glass as his lips, drinks the entire concoction and places his glass on the table. “But tell me this…” He looks up at the reflection of Zagreus. “When you are defeated and you are forced to face punishment for your crimes against me and Olympus, tell me…” He gives a sly smile. “What do you think your punishment should be?” “You presume too much, fool.” The creature faded away from the reflection, leaving only his voice in the room. “I learned everything I know from you.” Father placed his hoof on his chin. “Yes.” A smile reaches his lips. “But not everything I know.” And he knew that if a pony was desperate enough, if the right pony had the right motivation, they could escape the glue trap and claim their reward. And nothing, not even a god, would stand in their way. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It wasn’t more than a few moments since Cookie left for work. Peachbottom slunk back into her recliner, feeling like she had just run a marathon and yet had barely moved three feet. Her memories started to slowly overtake her as the silence claimed dominance over the house. Peachbottom had been overjoyed when Cookie finally returned for Hoofington. They hadn’t spoken in a while. Peachbottom blamed herself. She should have called or something. Instead, she kept waiting for Cookie to do it. But Cookie was always so busy. Or maybe she forgot about her. Peachbottom couldn’t admit to which one. She sat in her recliner taking in a deep breath. The last week had been difficult. Her chest was always flaring in pain. It felt as if something was squeezing her chest inward. Like a balloon had been inflated in her ribcage and was slowly getting larger and larger. She could hardly sleep at night any more or any time of day for that matter. The pain would shift from bearable to draining. She wasn’t sure what to expect from one day to the next. Ultimately, she decided to ride it out. For Cookie’s sake, if nopony else’s. She didn’t want her to worry about her. Cookie had enough shit on her plate. But regardless of what she did, Cookie only seemed to worry more. It wasn’t fair to Cookie to have to go through have the shit she did. She was a sweet little girl, even if she didn’t always make the right choice. Peachbottom often wondered what Cookie was doing with her mysterious friend. A friend who Cookie had been scanning the news for. If there was going to be a report on such a pony, it didn’t seem like the type of pony who was trustworthy. However, despite this Cookie seemed convinced that this pony was of a good heart. The news of this friendship that Cookie had with this mysterious pony, who didn’t even have a name, made Peachbottom think about the last ‘friend’ Cookie had. She was nothing, but a troubled kid trying to get attention. And she would do anything to get it. And like a dog on a leash, Cookie was often dragged into whatever idiotic thing that brat could conjure. She would try time and again to keep Cookie away from her, but nothing she said seemed to reach her. It broke her heart as Cookie leaped onto her bike and drive away, claiming that she hated her. Every fiber of her being wanted to just die right there. The next few months were difficult for her, as she sat alone in her old house. The friends at work were always there for her, but she couldn’t help but wish to see her little girl again. One day, a call came at the phone. She answered it without thinking. After all, what would there be to think about? The voice that came from the other line left her speechless. It was Cookie. Calling after all that time. Peachbottom wanted to believe that Cookie was just calling because she missed her and had seen the error of her ways. But another part of her said that Cookie just wanted something from her. Like money. But then, she heard Cookie sobbing through the phone. All her doubt was gone, as Cookie apologized for her behavior. Cookie then told her about how she was trying to turn her life around because a really good friend. She talked about how she got her own place, an honest job, and started working towards an education. Peachbottom couldn’t have felt prouder of her even if she tried. She actually started crying as they carried on the conversation, talking about Peachbottom was still dealing with the same shit she always had. Suddenly, the phone rang, distracting Peachbottom from her memories. She slowly picked herself up from the chair and made her way to the phone. “Hello?” she asked as she held the receiver to her face. A familiar, high pitched voice came from it. “Hello, Peachbottom. It’s Night Light.” Peachbottom smiled as she heard Night Light’s voice. “Well, hello, my dear. How are you?” Even though she couldn’t see Night Light’s face, Peachbottom knew that she was smiling. “Good. Hey, we still have that three hour shift you could fill if you still want it?” Peachbottom was silent for a moment. Cookie had made it very, VERY clear how concerned she was about Peachbottom going to work in her condition. In fact, it was the first time Peachbottom had seen Cookie cry since she was little. She thought about how Cookie would not approve and tell her to hang up the phone. However, it was only a three hours shift. She would be home before Cookie could find out. And she silently promised herself that if she had trouble, she would make them send her home early. “I’ll do it,” she finally replied with a smile, trying to ignore the pain in her chest. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Peachbottom made her way to the supermarket after taking some pain killers. As she started to drive, her chest began to sooth from the pain, even a little. She thought it was a good sign. Maybe she just needed to get out and drive for a while after being isolated for so long. It wouldn’t surprise her. She hated just sitting around doing nothing all day. That just wasn’t who she was. She wanted to be active and working, interacting with ponies. She wasn’t one to sit at home, but this pain was unbearable. She thought about going to the doctor, but without insurance, there was no way they would be able to pay for the check up or anything she would need to take care of the problem. She only needed to stay upright until she could file for health insurance, then she could deal with it. A thought had crossed her mind to apply for health insurance outside her workplace, but if she did receive it, she couldn’t go back to her old health insurance, which offered way better benefits. A couple more weeks, she convinced herself. That is all that she needed to hold on for. And yet as she parked her truck, she felt a sharp pain in her chest. This almost deterred her from working the shift, but she was already here. She looked up to the old supermarket and started to get out of the truck. It was a slow process as her body began to flare in pain as she moved. After a few moments, she finally emerged from her vehicle and made her way to the supermarket. The pain started to null as she moved, but it was still so uncomfortable. She put on her best smile as she made her way through the employee door. She looked to her left and noted Night Light at her desk. Night Light, as always, greeted Peachbottom with a wide smile and a high pitch voice, “Hello, Peachbottom.” Peachbottom gave the biggest smile she could muster. The last thing she wanted them to know was how much pain she was in. “Good morning, dear.” Night Light stood up from her chair and trotted over to Peachbottom. “You feeling okay? You were sick for a while.” Peachbottom nodded as she made her way to the time clock. “I’m as fit as a fiddle.” Just then a sharp pain jolted into her chest. The pain flared so suddenly and so intensely, that she almost fell to the floor. She winced as she attempted to stay upright. She tried to hide it, but it seemed that Night Light caught onto it. “Are you sure you’re okay?” Night Light asked. Peachbottom looked at her. Night Light’s eyes were widened and her expression changed from her normally smiling, bubbly self to a fearful look of concern. Peachbottom just smiled. “I’m fine. Just old.” Night Light nodded, but she didn’t seem entirely convinced. “Well, if you need to go home, just let me know.” Peachbottom nodded as she ignored another sharp jolt in her chest. She made her way to the time clock, in order to punch in. As her old eyes started to focus on the clock, they began to blur just as quickly. She closed her eyes and shook her head violently to try to clear it, but it only seemed to make it worse. After a few seconds, her vision finally returned to normal. She disregarded it as just her simple aging. Her eyes were getting worse by the day and it was probably just her old age catching up with her. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It took Peachbottom a few minutes to get back into the swing of things. She felt as if it had been forever since she worked on the register. She knew it had only be a week or so, but with the pain throbbing in her chest, her constant weariness and her worrying about Cookie, it seemed infinitely longer. Peachbottom put on her best smile as the customers made their way through her line. She continued to be as energetic and as friendly as she could. Working the same grocery store all her life, she had made a list of friends longer than most social media accounts. Had she ever considered another position beyond this grocery store? Yes. But her limited education prevented her from moving beyond this. It brought in enough money to be stable. That was all she needed. It was all she ever wanted. To be content. Content and happy with her adoptive daughter. And because she had worked there for so many years, she got to see and know many of the patrons entering the store. She got to see the little ones grow up into teenagers and even start families of their own. She got to see elderly stallions and mares, that would normally come almost daily, pass away as the years went on. She would form close friendships with some of the patrons she manage to hold a conversation with. Some of the ponies in the store would insist that they would rather wait to pass through her line than to be out quickly. Peachbottom had quite the reputation at the store. So many ponies questioned where she had been and if she was alright. Peachbottom replied that she was “as right as rain”, but she wasn’t sure if she was trying to convince them or herself. Peachbottom kept her eyes on the clock as the minutes passed by. The pain in her chest was beginning to become unbearable. She felt as if she couldn’t breathe, like a weight had been placed on her chest. Her head hurt, as if her brain was trying to expand out of her skull. Time seemed to slow down. Unbearably so. Almost as much as her chest was. As she turned her head to look at the clock, only an hour had passed since she started. A silent sware echoed in her mind. Cursing herself for being so stupid. She never should have left the house. She should have listened to Cookie, but she was just too damn stubborn. “Night Light,” a raspy, weary voice came from her that almost was unrecognizable. Night Light quickly made her way to Peachbottom. “Is something wrong, Peachbottom?” Peachbottom shook her head and placed her hoof on her forehead. Her vision started to blur again, but she tried to ignore it. She looked at the disfigured shape that was supposed to be Night Light. “I can’t do anymore,” her weak voice mustered. Her entire left half of her body felt numb. Peachbottom tried to stay upright as she attempted to move pass Night Light. Suddenly, the room became completely silent. She couldn’t tell if it was her ears that were failing or if the world truly had stopped and watched as she fell to the ground. As she hit the ground, her blurred vision was consumed by darkness. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cookie cursed up a storm as she trotted her way back to the house. She had attempted to call Aunt Peachbottom to come pick her up from work, but there was no response at the house. She thought that Aunt Peachbottom was napping. She knew Peachbottom would have come to get her if she really needed her, but Cookie thought it best if Peachbottom stayed home and got rest. As Cookie made her way down the street, she kept thinking about how difficult it had been to watch Peachbottom for the past week and a half. To slowly watch her change from this energetic, bubbly figure to a sluggish and weary pony was such agony that it made her rather have her own leg broken again. The day at work had not been pleasant for her. It was just a repeated mess of the days before. Her coworkers were useless and she was left working extra hours just to cover their asses. Sure, her boss could rely on her, but it pissed her off to see her coworkers dismiss their responsibilities or do a half-ass job. She shook her head as she trotted down the street, trying to dismiss it from her mind. When she finally arrived at the house, she immediately noticed that Aunt Peachbottom’s vehicle was gone. She shook her head and cursed under her breath. She told Peachbottom to stay at home. However, a thought then occurred. She thought that Peachbottom went out for something important and that she would be back in a few moments. Cookie made her way inside the house and sat in the recliner next to Peachbottom’s. She turned on the T.V, hoping to distract her mind while waiting for Peachbottom. She flipped the channel to the news, hoping for information on Fluttershy. Out of all the things she needed to do, Fluttershy needed to be found and kept safe from any pony who would threaten her. Not that she wasn’t capable of taking herself, but she was just so scared all the time. It wouldn’t hurt her to have some back up. Then a thought appeared in her mind. What would I tell Aunt Peachbottom? Cookie hadn’t thought about that. If she did hear something about Fluttershy and where she was, what would she tell her? How would she tell her? Would she tell her the truth? Would Peachbottom even believe her? Maybe, she would just leave; tell her it was to help a friend. She wondered how much that would hurt Peachbottom. The last time she did that, she nearly killed someone and nearly got herself killed in the process. The evening news had finally ended, but there was still no sign of Peachbottom. Cookie shook her head in irritation. She should have been back by now. It did not take an hour to do whatever it was she was doing, no matter how unwell she felt. Her mind only went to one thing. She went to work. Damn it, Peachbottom. I told you not too! Cookie screamed in her head as she let out a frustrated sigh. She picked herself up off the recliner and made her way to the kitchen phone. She looked up to the refrigerator to check the number for Peachbottom’s workplace. She quickly dialed the number, shaking her head in irritation. She might have been overreacting. She was probably caught up with a friend and their conversation went longer than she thought. She was probably at a doctor getting whatever is wrong with her fixed. There are other options, she thought to herself as somepony finally picked up the phone. “Hello, store operator,” a cheery voice came over the phone. “Can I help you find something?” “I need to speak to Peachbottom, please. Is she there?” Cookie waited for a response, but the other line was completely silent. “Hello?” Cookie was starting to get annoyed, but there was something in the pit of her stomach. Something that told her something was seriously wrong. “Hello?! I need to speak to Peachbottom, is she there?” The other line finally spoke and when it did, Cookie’s world was shattered. “Peachbottom was rushed to the hospital… She had a heart attack.” > Price > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- She had a heart attack?! Cookie repeated in her mind. The news completely overwhelmed her with a cold chill slithering into her heart, causing it to thunder against her chest. Never before had she felt the repeated pounding. The feeling that her heart was going to rip from her rib cage. The gasps for air that repeatedly assaulted her lungs for anything that could get her to breathe again. It was near paralyzing. When the voice over the phone had told her such news, she was stunned. Petrified with the horror that the only pony she had left was going to die and she was powerless to stop it. She wasn’t sure how long she had been standing with the phone in her hooves, as the news slowly sunk in. A few seconds? A minute? Longer, maybe? She couldn’t tell how much passage of time had moved. The voice repeated itself in Cookie’s ear, asking if she was okay and if she was still there, but she couldn’t hear it. She could only hear the repeated sentence over and over. She ran out of the house as fast as her legs could carry her. She didn’t even bother hanging up the phone. Not a thought came to her mind about it to turn back and make sure or even to care. Her mind spun in confused, distraught chaos as she rushed past pony after pony, making her way to the supermarket. Two miles of running non-stop would have caused exhaustion in anypony. And maybe it did her as well. Cookie didn’t know. All she knew was that she had to get to the supermarket. Peachbottom’s car would still be there. She needed to get to the hospital and she needed to see Peachbottom. As she ran, her mind was clouded with the thought of her Peachbottom, lying in a bed, tubes sticking out of her and machines pumping life into her. The thought was crippling, almost enough to bring her to her knees. Yet, she still stood and kept running. Peachbottom needed her and she wasn’t going to let her down again. Pushing all her thoughts aside, she pretended that everything would be okay. However, she was uncertain if she believed that or was just lying to herself. After a long jaunt, filled with a game of ‘Is she dead?/Is she not dead?’, Cookie arrived at the supermarket. She burst inside the supermarket making her way to the guest service area. The mare at the desk gave her a polite smile. “How may I help you today?” “I need Peachbottom’s keys.” The mare gave a glance at her, tilting her head and raising her eyebrow. “Cookie?” “Now!” Cookie snapped. The mare’s smiling face vanished from her face as she turned to pick up the keys from a safe. Hoofing them over to Cookie, she gave a gentle touch to her hoof. “I hope she gets better.” Cookie didn’t say a word. Maybe I should have she thought to herself. However, her mind was bloated with thoughts of Peachbottom. Nothing else was visible through it. Darting into the parking lot, she quickly picked up the vehicle. The drive was no less stressful then the run. Every time her mind wandered as she drove, she thought about what Peachbottom had meant to her. Peachbottom had taken her in when nopony else would. Had stood up for her and fought for her safety and freedom when everypony else would just stand by and let her continue to be tormented. Peachbottom was the greatest pony that ever lived and the very thought of her perishing as more than Cookie could bear. The life she had lead wasn’t always filled with luxuries that other ponies had, but there was a constant. Peachbottom. No matter what, she was always there. No matter how bad life got. Or any struggles they had to deal with. They made it through it. Together. Unlike that other mare in her life. The one who, at the first sign of trouble, disappeared. Never to be seen again. She had already been through that already. Never again. Cookie burst through the hospital doors, dashing towards the front desk. The mare at the counter stood up at the abruptness of Cookie’s appearance. Cookie made her way to the front counter, not realizing that she was glaring straight at the secretary. “I need to see Peachbottom!” The mare nodded. “Are you a relative?” “Where is she, damn it?!” Cookie demanded. The mare raised her eyebrows and gave a firm look at Cookie. “Miss, you need to calm down!” “What I need is to see Peachbottom!” Cookie shouted, causing the entire room to stare straight in her direction. Not that she notice. Nor cared. All she could think of was Peachbottom and how she needed her. The mare opened her mouth as if she was going to say something, but then another voice interjected itself into the conversation. “I’ll take you to Miss Peachbottom.” Cookie turned to see an elderly stallion in a long white coat appear before her. She presumed that it was one of the doctors for the facility. Cookie gave a glare towards the secretary before following the doctor through the maze of rooms. The endless white painted halls seemed to expand forever, as if to keep Cookie away from her goal. She followed the doctor as patiently as she could, but she would have been lying if she didn’t want him to walk a little faster. A growl emerged under her breath as the thought of dashing past him and searching for Peachbottom herself crossed her mind. However, deep down, she knew that would not get her anywhere and she would most likely be kicked out of the hospital, never to see her aunt. So instead, she took a deep breath and tried to exhale as slowly as possible. A feat that was more difficult than any she had previously undertaken. The doctor turned to her as he continued down the hallway. “I take it somepony has told you what happened.” Cookie’s heart started to ache as those words reached her ears. It was all she could do not to lash out at him. Or break down and cry. She wasn’t sure what she wanted to do. Everything she could possibly feel was hitting her. Anger at herself for not forcing Peachbottom in bed. Sadness for Peachbottom’s life and how it had always taken the shit. Fear that she would be all alone once again with nopony to care for her. Disgust that Celestia would allow such a thing. She gave the doctor a vicious glare that seemed to make him uncomfortable. He gave a look of fright and turned his face away from her. With that, he didn’t say another word, until they arrived at Peachbottom’s room. The silence was ominous to Cookie. As if it was foreshadowing Peachbottom’s fate. Cookie prayed to Celestia to save her. Surprising, even to herself, disgust was outweighed by desperation. She prayed with all her heart and soul, something that she never normally would do. As far as she was concerned, Celestia either didn’t exist or didn’t care. But if there she was there, she begged her to save the only pony she had left. Finally, Cookie and the doctor appeared before Peachbottom’s room. The sight broke Cookie’s heart. Peachbottom lied in the hospital bed, a long tube slithering from her nose all the way to a large machine. Another tube went from her foreleg to a heart monitor. The constant noise that exuded from it echoed throughout the room, occasionally breaking the silence. The beeps were sluggish, causing Cookie’s heart to sink into her stomach. She looked upon the motionless Peachbottom. Her eyes did not open and her body didn’t move. Cookie slowly made her way to Peachbottom’s bed, tears streaming down her face. She kneeled down and took Peachbottom’s hoof in her own. Her face planted itself into the sheets of the bed, letting out a series of whimpers. After letting everything sink in for a moment, she turned towards the doctor. “You can save her, right?” she asked, her sobs interrupting the last part of her sentence. The doctor looked just off to the right. There was a pause in the air. A fire started in her heart and the silence was the tinder. The longer it went on, the hotter it burned. “You can save her, right?!” Cookie snapped. The doctor lowered his head and shook it slightly. “I’m sorry.” Those words caused Cookie to leap from her spot and dart to the doctor. She hadn’t noticed she had risen to her feet and grabbed the doctor by the coat. She hadn’t noticed herself glaring at him until she had finally shouted at him. “What do you mean ‘you’re sorry’?! Save her!” The doctor expressed a shocked and terrified look on his face. Cookie looked down to see herself grabbing his coat tightly. She released her grip and backed away slowly, feeling stupid for her outburst of anger. “Please, you have to save her…” The doctor looked her in the eye. “I’m sorry, but we’ve done everything we can.” Cookie sunk to her knees, sobbing as the tears fell down her cheeks. “I’m sorry.” The doctor turned back to the doorway, leaving Cookie and Peachbottom alone for their final moments together. Cookie made her way to Peachbottom’s bedside and held her hoof tightly. Tears were still running down her face, like the river on the mountainside. Nothing she had could stop them. No attempts were even made. She looked at Peachbottom’s face, hoping to see her sweet smile once more, but it was still as pale and as frozen as it had ever been. “Please… Peachbottom,” she started, her cries breaking up her speech. Leaning in gently, Cookie pecked her on the forehead. “You can’t die. You just can’t.” She whimpered as she placed her face into the sheets once again, her tears staining it. “I can’t lose you.” Her series of whimpers echoed all around her, overpowering the slow beeping of the of Peachbottom’s heart monitor. The ever growing stains her tears made on the sheets were only rivaled by her ever growing anger at the world. She cursed the world for being so cruel to this wonderful pony, when her only crime was that she cared. She cared about a pony that nopony else seemed to. As she dug her head into the sheet, she cursed Celestia. She called her foul, despicable names in her blind rage. What kind of damn bucking ‘compassionate’ goddess would let a … Aunt Peachbottom …die, while that ... that abandoning bitch was allowed to live?! What the buck is wrong with this world?! She wasn’t sure if her mother was alive. Nor did she even care. Somepony needed to be blamed. She begged her mind for an answer, but there was nothing but the constant beeping of the heart monitor. It seemed slower now. Was it her imagination or was it truly getting slower? She thought for a moment that it was just paranoia, but then her paranoia got the better of her. She let out a sob as she closed her eyes. “I don’t know if anypony can hear me…” she whispered to an unseen deity. Any deity would do. “But… I… will do anything… Anything… just please” She glanced to her aunt’s motionless face. She gently reached out and placed her hoof on her cheek. It was cold. The chilling skin sent a shiver up Cookie’s spine. Several moments passed and the endless silence fell upon her. Her ears perked themselves for a response, but there was only silence. Even the heart monitor was dead silent. Cookie could hear the breaking of her own heart. Crackling like a thunderbolt against a mountain, sending shards of what remained of her heart scattering throughout her body. She looked over to the heart monitor, fearing the absolute worst. Fear crept into her mind and soul. Peachbottom was dead. She was too late. It was all over and she had no pony left. Those thoughts were distorted when she peered at the heart monitor to discover that the screen was frozen. It had stopped mid beep. Her mind swirled with questions. She had seen some strange stuff in her life, but there was something wrong with the air around her. She looked up to the window and a saw a small bird, stuck in midflight. A feather just off of its body, but refusing to fall from its current position. Even the sun’s rays seemed to be paralyzed by some force. The door squeaked opened behind her. Was it the doctor? Had he returned to investigate the frozen screen? But… then… what would explain the bird? And the feather? She turned around quickly and spotted a large, overweight pony trot into the room. He was in a lab coat and had the appearance of a doctor, but he wasn’t the same one that brought her here. Her eyes focused on him as he gave her a sly, almost sinister, smile to her and trotted to the window. His horn started to glow as the window's curtains started to shut. It was only then that Cookie noticed the horn on his head was different than any unicorn horn she had ever seen before. It was curved to resemble a tusk or a sharp blade. It was black, which stood out from his glowing red body. He turned back to her and gave another one of his unpleasant smiles. A cold shiver slithered up her spine, shaking her entire body. Cookie couldn’t help but stare into those eyes of his. There was one blue eye and a bright yellow eye. There was something unsettling about them. Like they were piercing her skin and looking straight through her. A stinging, burning pain prowled into her heart. Cookie hadn’t sensed such terror from another pony except her own father. She looked up to him and after gathering every ounce of courage she could muster she finally spoke. “Wh-who are you?” She cursed herself for stuttering. Damn it! Pull yourself, together. It was like Fluttershy had rubbed off on her in their short time together. She attempted to collect herself as she waited for his response. Maybe it was the fact that she was still trying to recover from the news about Peachbottom. The sudden time freeze. This stallion’s eyes. Or a strange combination of everything happening at once. “I’m the one you asked for,” he replied. His voice was so calm and peaceful. Perhaps, too much so. Almost like he was alluring her. Cookie continued to listen as the stallion gave another one of his disturbing smiles. “I’m somepony who can save her.” With those words in her mind, all fear and doubt was instantly replaced with hope. The whirlwind in her mind, which had sent her thoughts scattered like a trailer park with a visiting tornado, settling down. She didn’t care who this pony was or how strange he was. It didn’t matter what he did or how he knew she needed him. None of those thoughts seem to cross her mind. All that mattered was that Peachbottom could be saved. “You can save her?” Cookie finally replied, her mouth hanging open. The stallion chuckled as if she had said something funny. He glanced upward and tilted his slightly as he raised an eyebrow. “But I’ll need something in return.” Cookie looked at the bed. Her heart sinking as she diverted her eyes away from the strange stallion. Why am I not surprised? a quiet moan came to her thoughts. Valuables was not something that Peachbottom was known for. And Cookie wasn’t much better off. However, that didn’t mean Cookie wasn’t willing to barter. “We don’t have a lot of money, but…” The cackling howl of the stallion breached her speech, cutting it like a knife through flesh. Cookie twitched in fear as the sound of his laughter echoed throughout the room. Like a choir of screeches coming at her ears as he continued to laugh. She resisted the urge to cover her ears, drowning out his hyena-like snickers. He slowly approached the bedside. “I don’t want money. I’m looking for… an employee.” Cookie raised her eyebrow as the price was stated. An employee? Then without a moment’s hesitation. “Yes, an employee,” the stallion replied. Cookie eyes opened wide as she gazed upon the stallion, who now towered over Aunt Peachbottom. Like a skyscraper versus a helpless ant, Cookie felt the crushing weight of the air above her. “I need somepony to do certain… odd jobs for me. Somepony like you.” He started to reach up to Peachbottom with his hooves. “Don’t touch her!” she shouted as she moved her body over Peachbottom, as if to barricade him from her. Before she realized she had snapped, she was breathing heavily and tears were streaming down her face once more. The stallion gave a disapproving frown as he glared into Cookie’s eyes. It was the first time he had frowned when he walked him and it was even more disturbing than his smiles. She had not thought it possible, but her body was shaking even more. Her heart thundered in her ears as she slowly slithered away from Peachbottom’s body. “I’m sorry,” she whimpered. “Just please… save her.” The stallion gave a smile of pure satisfaction as his horn started to glow. As Cookie watched the stallion’s horn glow a bright red aura, her eyes sight was soon consumed by the light. And then by darkness. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sound of the intercom came over her as she slowly started to come back to reality. Cookie rubbed her eyes as if attempting to rid herself of the weariness she suddenly had. She didn’t remember falling asleep. Was it all a dream? She looked around to see the hospital. It wasn’t Peachbottom room. It was some kind of waiting room. Her body was stretched across a bench. Glancing upward, a mare and a colt sat. The mare in a wheelchair. A few feet away a stallion sitting alone, tapping on his phone. Perhaps he was trying to distract himself. It looked like any other hospital waiting room. And yet, to Cookie, something was off. Placing her hoof on her head, giving a strained grunt, her mind began to dig through whatever early memories it could pull. Only brief images came to her mind. The strange stallion trotting into the room with a smile. Their brief conversation and then… Nothing. After that, it was all a blur. She only awoke in darkness. Her body couldn’t have possibly moved out of Peachbottom’s room without her noticing. Could it? And even if it didn’t, why would she leave? Cookie wanted to be with Peachbottom. Nothing else matter. So why was she here? She searched her mind for answers, but none came. The leather seat squeaked underneath her as she readjusted her hind legs just off the side of the sofa. Just as she rose from her seat, a pink pony with a long purple mane appeared in front of her. Cookie attempted to move past her, but she blocked her path, by following her to the side. Cookie glared at the mare. “Excuse me,” she snapped. “I’m sorry to cause you grief, my little Cookie,” the mare said as their eyes met. “But we need to talk.” Cookie’s eyes widened a bit as her mind started to question who this pony was and why she was there. I’ve seen this pony before. But where? As if her mind hadn’t dragged enough through itself trying to find answers, now it was trying to figure out where she had seen this mare. Finally, like a brick wall, it had hit her. “You’re that pony from the police station in Las Pegasus!” Cookie took a step back in defense. Or at least, so she tried to convince herself. The mare took a step forward, “Don’t be afraid, Cookie.” Cookie squinted towards her opposite. “Who are buck are you? How do you know my name?” The mare gave a sly smile. “Because it’s me. Your mother.” Cookie’s mouth almost dropped to the floor. Her eyes shot themselves widen open as she continued to examine the pony in front of her. She search the deepest bowels of her mind and found the image she had been looking for. The image of protection she once had as a little girl. The image of a pink unicorn who would protect her from him. That image was staring straight at her. And like air in a balloon, it caused her to burst. “You bitch!” Cookie shouted. The whole room turned towards Cookie and Sapphire. Her heavy breathing exited her lungs rapidly. The inhales and exhales were only outrun by her heart. It was like a powerful engine had been revved in her soul, roaring and sputtering smoke. For 20 years, this moment had haunted her wildest fantasies. The words she would say. Foul insults that would make Celestia shake her head in shame. Even physical assault was not far from her imagination. How she dreamed of causing the same pain that this mare had caused her for years. And now that it was here, her mind was a blur. She blurted out whatever came to mind first. “How bucking dare you come back after all these years?! How bucking dare you?! Who the buck do you think you are?!” Sapphire took a deep breath and held out her hoof. “I know you’re upset-“ “Upset?! You left me!” Cookie leaned in Sapphire’s face, her eyes intensifying with hate. The word ‘upset’ was not even close to descripting how she felt. If she had a gun on her person, she surely would have emptied it and then some. “You left me! You left me alone! Why?! FOR WHAT?!” Sapphire moved her hoof to Cookie’s shoulder, but Cookie quickly swatted it away. Cookie wasn’t sure how much force she unleashed, but it was apparently enough to force Sapphire to grasp her hoof and rub it gently. Sapphire shook her head as she took a step back. “Cookie, I’m sorry I left you. I had no choice.” Cookie scoffed as she shook her head. “Is that why you came by?” she snapped. “To apologize?” Shaking her head, a smile appeared on her face as if it was supposed to be taken as a joke. “Really?” She nodded as the look of rage appeared on her face. “Buck load of good that does me now! After all these bucking years, you expect me to just say ‘Oh, no big’!” “I just want… a relationship with my daughter,” Sapphire explained. “Is that so wrong?” “That didn’t seemed to stop you from walking out on me!” Cookie shouted. “20 bucking years! No calls! No mail! Bucking nothing!” Cookie pointed her hoof to Sapphire. “You can take your relationship and you can shove it up your –!” “Miss Cookie?” a voice came from behind her. Cookie turned around fast, quickly forgetting about her mother. She noted the nurse stepping up from behind her. “Miss Peachbottom is waking up. She is asking to see you.” With that, Cookie’s mind went into a paradise. Nothing seemed to matter anymore. He saved her. He saved her Aunt Peachbottom. She was alive and she was safe. Nothing else mattered. It was all she could do not to cry in joy. However, something stopped her. Sapphire. No. Not in front of her. She doesn’t get to see me like this. Gathering what strength and control she had, she turned to her mother with a sly smile. “Stay away from me,” she hissed. “and my real mother.” Cookie turned away and followed the nurse to Aunt Peachbottom’s room, not even bothering to take note of her mother’s reaction. Whatever it was, it was not important to her. And neither was she. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cookie rushed into the hospital room and was instantly greeted by a pair of bright green eyes connected to a pale gold face. The face gave her a smile as she set her eyes on her. “Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?” Cookie burst into tears as she made her way to Peachbottom’s side wrapping her hooves around her. Sobs conquered her speaking ability. No matter what she wanted to say, as she opened her mouth, sobs echoed from her mouth. Peachbottom wrapped one of her hooves around Cookie and placed her other on top of her head. There was a moment of silence as Cookie felt like a little filly again. Woken up from a nightmare that had nearly taken away everything she held dear, only to find her Aunt Peachbottom to comfort her. The sound of hoof steps came from behind them, causing Cookie to turn her head. She saw the doctor that had brought her to the room, stepping in with a smile on his face. “How is our patient today?” Peachbottom gave a smile. “I’m feeling as fit as a fiddle with a new set of strings.” The doctor gave a short chuckle. “I’m glad.” He turned his head toward Cookie. “Your aunt must have a heart of steel.” His horn started to glow as he moved a clipboard to his face. “By all accounts, she should have been dead. It’s a miracle that she’s alive.” Cookie tried to conjure a smile, but found that it was more difficult that she thought. “What happened?” The doctor put his hoof on his chin. “That’s the odd thing. We aren’t really sure. One day she’s on the brink, the next she’s perfectly fine.” Peachbottom shook her head and started to giggle. “Doc, you’re starting to depress me. I’m as ready to run as a newborn foal!” The doctor gave another chuckle. “I’m sure you are, Miss, but we’d like to keep you here for a couple of days.” Cookie couldn’t help but glare at the doctor. All she wanted to do was take Aunt Peachbottom away from the hospital and forget this ever happened. Fortunately, the doctor didn’t seem to notice. “We just want to make sure you’re going to be alright.” Peachbottom gave a surrendering sigh and smiled. “Alright.” Cookie lowered her head in defeat and turned back towards Peachbottom. “And I’m staying here. I’m not leaving you again.” The doctor exited the room without saying another word. Peachbottom put her hoof on Cookie’s shoulder. “It must have been hard for you, seeing me like this.” Cookie’s eyes started to water again as she hugged Peachbottom tightly. “I’m just glad you’re okay.” A thought then entered her mind. If the doctor didn’t know how she survived, how did she survive? She then searched the deepest portions of her mind in an effort to remember and then it hit her. That pony who had come to her aid and promised to save Aunt Peachbottom. He must have used some sort of unicorn magic to save her. Did unicorns have that kind of power? If they did, why were ponies dying of heart attacks all the time? She shook her head in an attempt to ignore those questions, but they would not leave her mind. The only thing that overshadowed those questions was the one that slithered into her mind only a moment later. What the buck does he want in return? He had mentioned an employee. An employee for what? He didn’t explained what, nor did she care at the time. She just wanted him to save her aunt. But now that she was safe and alive, she began to wonder what kind of job she would be doing and when he would come to collect. She wished she had asked him, but in her blind grief, she dismissed it. “Is something wrong, dear?” Peachbottom’s voice brought her back to reality. Cookie eyes met with Peachbottom as she gave a smile. “Nothing, Aunt Peachbottom.” She placed her hoof on her Peachbottom’s shoulder. “Nothing at all,” she repeated to herself as she looked out the window, wondering just how long it would be before she would be called to serve her new boss. She had a feeling that whatever job it was, it would go against everything she now stood for.