
by RainbowDashFan9001

First published

It was a normal day in Harry's house then... stuff and things took place. Harry is now facing the biggest threat to all Equestrian civilization... another human.

It was a normal day in Harry's house. Well... until a rainbow colored equine appeared. More on that later. Anyway Harry and his mum along with his dad were on there way to a movie premiere... what movie you may ask, none other than the one the only... Dimitri the Movie. As Harry and his mum and dad drove across the London bridge his father called out "Harry are you excited to see this movie? I paid good money to get to this premiere and if you don't want to see it now is the time to speak up."

The Begining

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It was a normal day in Harry's house. Well... until a rainbow colored equine appeared. More on that later. Anyway Harry and his mum along with his dad were on there way to a movie premiere... what movie you may ask, none other than the one the only... Dimitri the Movie. As Harry and his mum and dad drove across the London bridge his father called out "Harry are you excited to see this movie? I paid good money to get to this premiere and if you don't want to see it now is the time to speak up."

"No father I've wanted to see this movie since I read about on FIMFiction.net!" Said Harry

"What is FIMFiction.net?"

"Friendship is Magic Fiction!"


"What?" Replied Harry not wanting to reveal his secret of being a Brony in a British society.

Didn't I mention Harry was British?

His father however refused to drop the subject.

"What is FIMFiction.net!" He bellowed loud enough to startle his mother who had been quietly reading a book all this time.

"Father its nothing bad its a fanfiction website."

"What do you write about." He said somewhat quieter.

"Father I don't write I only read about what other people write."

"You tell me now or I swear I will..." He said using some words Harry had once got his mouth washed out with soap for saying.

Suddenly his mother chimed in. She is always good in a crisis.

"Honey, if he doesn't want to tell you he shouldn't have to tell you." Said his mum in her always calm voice.

"I am his father. I have the right to demand whatever I want from my child!"

"Honey just look at his search history late. Let's not ruin this night." My mother begged.

"Okay but, this conversation may still continue but for now we are good." Said his father in his strangely calm voice. Harry made a mental note to clear out his search history so his father won't be able to find his account.

As his father had promised the conversation they had earlier was almost like it never happened.

The movie was great! It was about a teacher who was thrown into Equestria with a computer and his molecular structure molded around his computer and basically made him a super soldier but, if you want to read more you will have to read the fanfiction.

On there way home Harry swore he saw a rainbow fly past him at blinding speeds but his mother and father said he only saw it because he was tired.

"I know what I saw!" Exclaimed Harry getting slightly annoyed at his parents refusal to believe him.

"Enough! There is no such thing as flying rainbows or whatever you're claiming you saw. Now enough of this or when we get home you will go straight to bed! " Screamed his mother using a tone of voice she never used. It was actually enough to startle Harry.

"Fine" Muttered Harry under his breath.

The car ride was silent the entire way home after that. So naturally Harry slept.

In his dream he was taken to a dark rundown castle in what appeared to be the middle of nowhere. A full moon was shining brightly in the back through a crevice in the wall. A dark evil voice could be heard coming through the shadows.

"I have knowledge that a new person just recently arrived in Southern Equestria."

"Who? " Asked a rainbow looking equine. Harry was sure it was the same thing he saw through his car window,

"A man who goes by the name Dimitri Romankov."

"Yeah, well, what about him?" Asked the rainbow equine.

"He has Twilight Sparkle."

"What!?" Exclaimed the pegasus with a blush forming on her muzzle.

"I saw him taking her myself."

"Who are you?" Asked the blushing pegasus.

"I am..."

Harry was roughly woken by someone forcibly shaking him.

"Harry wake up. We are here." Said his father in a abnormally calm voice.

"Harry it's time for bed." Said his mother back in her calm voice.

"But it cant be that late?!" Harry whined.

"It is 2:30."

"What?! How is this possible!?" Harry exclaimed even whinier than before.

"Harry. Bed. Now!"


Harry brushed his teeth, and got ready for bed.

"Night." He called to his mum and dad.

He yawned and went down the hall,Upon entering his room on the left he cautiously opened the door hoping to be able to see where that noise came from.
Instead sitting on his bed was a rainbow-maned pegasus identical to the one he saw in his dream.

To Be Continued...

The Discovery

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"Wh-who are you?" Asked Harry, part of him worried, the other half screaming like an over-excited marching band kid on the inside.

"The name's Dash... Rainbow Dash." Said the apparently named Rainbow Dash with a very bad 007 reference.

"The fastest pony in all of Equestria." Boasted the very cocky Pegasus.

"What are you doing in my bedroom?" Questioned the now very excited Harry. Rainbow Dash is here! As you all know Rainbow Dash is the best pony!

I disagree with this, Twilight Sparkle is the best pony!

Shut up Gage, get out of my fanfiction!


Enough of this. Now back to you Harry.

"What do you want almighty Dash?" Harry questioned in his very fanboyish voice.

"You need to come with me." Stated the now very serious Dash.

"Whatever you want Dash." A very excited Harry pronounced.

"Another thing... don't call me Dash."

"Awwww." Whined Harry.

"Now please step through here." Rainbow Dash announced with a wave of her wing. She motioned towards a monochrome portal in Harry's closet.

He was positive that wasn’t there before.

"Shouldn't I tell my parents I'm leaving?" Harry questioned.

"Parents are overrated." Rainbow Dash said halfway through the portal.

Harry left a note anyway.

He stepped through the portal and was immediately greeted with colorful ponies and bright colored flora. In the distance a mountain could be seen, atop it could be seen a large, Kremlin-like structure. Brightly coloured structures could be seen to his left, to his right he could see the Everfree forest with smoke billowing out from the canopy.

"Follow me." Rainbow Dash pronounced walking towards the Everfree forest.
Harry reluctantly followed.

Rainbow Dash led him deep into the forest. Past dark trees with creepy birds on their branches, even by what Harry thought looked like a zebra.

They stopped in front of a rundown castle in a very deep part of the forest.

"I've seen this before!" An excited Harry exclaimed.

"Wh-Where?" An extremely worried Rainbow Dash asked, losing her composure for a second before regaining it.

"In some dream I had in the car. I think I was high on sugar though. I had just had an extra-large soda with three sugar packets dumped in." Harry said remembering the very delicious sugary drink, with a depressed face.

"Yeah that must've been it." Rainbow Dash responded very quickly, without much hesitation.

Harry made a point to remember that.

"What's this?" Asked Harry.

"This is what you're here for."

"What for?"

"A man named Dimitri Romankov has stolen Twilight Sparkle." Said Rainbow Dash in a very low, depressed voice.

"What!" Exclaimed Harry. A look of utter shock on his face.

"That's what I said!" Yelled an exasperated Rainbow Dash.

"What do you need me to do?" Harry almost screamed at Rainbow Dash.

"We need you to find Twilight Sparkle."


"Easy. Enter the Maremacht compound, find Dimitri Romankov, then summon me using the transmitter I will give you."

"You call that easy! I don't know who he is, what he looks like, I barely remember how to get back to Ponyville!"
Rainbow Dash stared at Harry for a while.

"Do you really think I would send you into the Maremacht compound without a briefing!?"


"Well then you would be wrong!" Yelled Rainbow Dash.

"Do you know how much dark... I mean magic I had to use to get you here! I wouldn't just send you into the second most dangerous place in all of Equestria unaware of what to do! How thick can you possibly be!?" Yelled Rainbow Dash as she stormed off into the

"Wait!" Harry yelled after the fuming Rainbow Dash.

"I'd give her a little time to calm down there sugarcube. She just lost her... friend." Stated an orange pony with a cutie mark of a trio of apples.

What? I told you Harry was a brony. He knows these things.

If you were insinuating that he watches pony flank intently, this is incorrect.

Gage! Butt out!


Continue Harry!

"Applejack!" Harry exclaimed happier than Big Mac on a farm with newly grown apples ready to be harvested!

"That's right sugarcube. So what's yer name?" Applejack drawled.


"That's nice sugarcube."

"Is that your excuse for forgetting people's names?" Pondered Harry.


"So where are the others; Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Spike? In the library I presume. Trying to figure out a way to recover

"Rarity and Spike might be, but Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy are off doin' Celestia knows what!" Replied Applejack clearly upset with Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy.

Which I agree with. Everyone should be upset with Pinkie Pie.

Gage can you... actually you're right. Continue.

Nah I just wanted to rant.

Alright. Harry take it away.

"Well while Rainbow Dash calms down can I go with you back to Ponyville?" Harry asked nervously for he knew Rainbow Dash needed
his help.

"Sure thing sugarcube, follow me and we'll be home in a jiffy.” Applejack stated with her cool southern accent.

“Thanks I followed Rainbow Dash into this forest and I didn’t really pay attention as to where we were going, or where we came from. Now that I’m thinking about it that probably wasn’t the smartest idea now was it?”

“Has anyone told you that you talk a lot sugarcube?” Questioned Applejack.

“Eh… a few.”

I have.

Not now Gage!

The rest of the walk to Ponyville was silent.

The walk took about half an hour to forty-five minutes. The Everfree forest getting less and less terrifying as they went. When suddenly
they broke into the beautiful wide open passages of Ponyville.

First of all, he has a watch? And secondly, according to Dimitri (this book's prologue) Ponyville is at war with itself.

Gage! Dimitri has a computer in his head, and you’re complaining that Harry has a watch?

I wasn’t complaining that Harry has a watch. I was only making a comment.

“Well hmm... Harry was it I’ve gotta get back to the orchard. Make sure Granny Smith hasn’t broken her hip again. The library’s the biggest tree on the left. I’ll catch up with you when I’m done.”

“Thanks Applejack!” Harry yelled as Applejack ran towards her farm at the end of the road.

Harry slowly made his way towards the tree Applejack had told him about.

Harry slowly opened the door trying not to distract anything that could be inside, only there was nothing there.

Harry listened carefully and heard quiet voices.

“Ok I won’t tell anyone you’re here.”

“Thanks Spike.”

Harry almost choked. He was sure that voice belonged to Twilight Sparkle.