> A Better Game > by DWhay > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Servant Game > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diamond Edge’s pool glittered like freshly cut sapphires under the bright fluorescent lights, undisturbed and reflecting my face like a well-polished mirror. The tiles beneath me chilled my hooves; marking the difference in temperatures between the floor and pool, thin wisps of steam floated off the water and towards the ceiling high above. Oaken rafters caught the hot evaporation, which then condensed into thick drops and fell to the tiles again. Puddles of the warm water lay on the cold floor, where the liquid dripped back down. Seeking to warm my cold hooves, I stepped into one, sighing. Diamond Edge trotted past me and yawned, as if this place bored him. I didn’t see how it could; my parents never spent their money, merely hoarding it, only spending it on necessities. Then again, his parents were newly rich, having struck their fortune in mining. I suppose his parents felt a compulsive need to purchase places of grandeur, like the house I stood in. My own home was relatively modest compared to this massive monument of glass and wood, and still he seemed… discontent. “This is quite the country house, Diamond.” I complimented, hoping if anything to be rid of the unhappy expression he wore. “Even better than the one in the city.” “It’s… okay.” He said after a pause, flicking a hoof, sending droplets out into the pool, breaking the reflection of the room on its perfect surface. He blinked into the broken refraction, as if longing to make what he saw reality instead. “What do you mean?” I asked, trotting up to him and staring into the water. “The entire mansion is pristine, the hedge maze is trimmed to perfection, and your quarters are the size of most ponies’ homes. What could be wearing on you, when you own so much?” “It’s empty.” He sighed, turning away and trotting over to a lounge chair lying by the poolside. As he settled onto it he continued, in a sombre tone. “The house feels… hollow.” “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Diamond.” I puzzled over his speech, pondering his meaning. “All the furniture is present, statues have been placed… the tapestries are all hung. I’d say it’s filled, if I didn’t know you had so much more to fill it with.” As if my words annoyed him, he flung a hoof out, gesturing to the room around him. “Do you see anypony here, Silver Spades? Is anypony enjoying this pool, its warmth on this cold winter’s day? I’d say not, judging by how still the water is.” He sat back in the chair, crossing his hooves yet again. “It’s lifeless, Silver. It feels like I have more than enough to invite over friends… if only I had any.” “You have me, don’t you?” I answered quizzically, trotting over to the chair he sat in. “You’ll always have me to share your things with.” He seemed to be appeased by that, his cross masque falling away in the face of my reassurance. His lips parted in a smile, and I couldn’t help but return the gesture as he stood, putting a hoof on my shoulder. This was usually how the dynamic between us manifested itself; he would become upset at his pariah-esque social status, and I would comfort him with the knowledge that he would always have me as his partner. Even if we weren’t always on the best of terms, we would always sulk back to one another, knowing without each other we’d surely be lost. With no parents to supervise or guide our schedule, him and I had very little to do but waste our idle days away together, usually by talking in much the manner we were at the moment. His smile broke into a grin, and he gave a shove of his hoof, putting his weight into it and sending me off balance. I slipped on the wet tile, and as I struggled to regain my balance, toppled into the water with a loud splash. I surfaced, letting my irritation show plainly on my face. Diamond Edge smiled innocently, tapping his hoof against the now soaked floor as if he’d done nothing wrong, and had been minding his own business. I placed my front hooves on the edge of the pool, sighing. “May I ask what I did to deserve that?” “You said I could always share my things with you, and that was me, ever so generously sharing my pool.” He replied smugly, his eyes glinting mischievously. “I hope the water is of a satisfactory temperature?” “It’s warmer than it is out there.” I shrugged, setting all four of my hooves on the floor of the pool again. “Care to join me, or have you already had your daily swim?” “It’s not proper for a host to partake in the same things as his guest.” He said, attempting to use formality to justify him not getting his hooves wet. “You know, code of conduct and all.” “The code doesn’t apply unless this is a formal situation, Diamond.” He looked from me, then back at the warm water, as if he was deciding if he truly wanted to sully his perfectly done-up mane for the sake of a mid-evening soak. He sighed grudgingly, making his way to the far end of the pool, where the floor sloped down into the water. He reached a hoof up and felt his mane, as if he was loath to part with the perfect curls around his temples. I personally didn’t see how it mattered; even when his white-lilac mane was soaked, it curled at the ends, always framing his eternally regal face with their silken strands. He sighed and slowly put a hoof in, then waded in up to his knees, letting his legs adjust to how warm it was compared to the outside air. He breathed a few times, then strode forwards until it was at his neck, and he was standing directly next to me. I smiled; he didn’t often go against his self-enforced air of formality, so occasions like this were a rarity. “Do you feel better now, Diamond? The water should work wonders on your nerves.” I asked, hoping to take his mind off the previous topic of discussion. “Besides, I think you could use a relaxing soak.” He did little but grumble and walk away, trotting coolly over to the bench built into the side of the pool wall. He sat down and sunk down in his seat, until nothing but his muzzle was exposed to air. I saw him tensing the muscles in his shoulders, only to ease them into relaxing in an attempt to lessen the pressure on his neck. I trotted over to sit next to him, wondering if he’d allow me the space near him. It was easier to talk to him now that he was relaxed, or at least attempting to. “Say… why isn’t there any servants here, Diamond?” I inquired, looking around at the empty room. “There should at least be a caretaker… but I haven’t seen anypony thus far. Except for perhaps that gardener, but he was just here to trim the hedges, and he was on his way out when we got here.” “The house is a summer lodge.” He said dully, taking deep breaths in his attempt at relaxation. “The only ponies who are permitted to be here are gardeners and maintenance workers.” “You mean to tell me that your own servants aren’t here?” I asked, puzzled as to why he’d go anywhere without somepony to serve him. “Your other home has so many; I suspected that at least a few were to be by your side at all times.” He seemed to grow resentful as I brought up the topic. “I never had a servant, Silver. I know it seems shameful for somepony with such standing to be without so much as a butler, but that’s the truth.” “Oh… my apologies, I didn’t know it was a sore subject.” I digressed, casting my gaze at my hooves. “I could always loan you one of mine, if you’d like?” “Thanks for the gesture, but I’d prefer to know the pony I bring everywhere with me.” He sighed, turning to me. “Sometimes I wish you were my servant. We’re always by each other’s side, so it’d hardly be a change from our schedule.” I couldn’t help but read into what he was saying, mull over his questionable choice of words. In a way he was telling me that he knew me, and trusted me to be with him at all hours. In another he was inferring that I was beneath him; typically a servant was of a lower class than the pony he served. The tone of which he’d said it convinced me of his sincerity, though, and I took it as a compliment. “I’d enjoy being your servant, I think.” I said, setting my chin to rest on the edge of the pool. “After all, you did say you’d share everything with me. It’s only polite to give back, wouldn’t you say?’ “Of course, Silver.” He said, his tone growing joyous. “So you would be my servant, if I asked you to?” “I couldn’t think of any greater pleasure.” I confirmed. He tapped a hoof on the submerged bench, thinking this over. He didn’t have anything to do for the rest of the evening, and here he had the opportunity to take our friendship into a realm not often explored. Diamond Edge smiled as the possibilities flooded his imagination, nodding. I knew in the back of my head that he would use this to his advantage, but my own curiosity drove me onwards. It was moreover a test, seeing how he’d respond to my offer. I hadn’t the foggiest idea how he’d react, after all I was relinquishing a fair chunk of my pride to him, but despite the uncertainty, I trusted him. His smile drifted into a calm, content expression as he stood, stepping out of the pool with a single deft movement. I watched him, entranced by how easily his legs lifted his soaking wet figure out of the water. He trotted away, his tail dripping wet and clinging to the insides of his legs. I chastised myself for staring so pointedly at his flanks, but couldn’t manage to tear my eyes away from the diamond-hilted dagger that made his Cutie-Mark. He looked back at me, seeing my shameless gawking for himself. His contented expression slowly turned into a smirk of satisfaction as he walked away, a plethora of new ideas forming in his head with this new discovery. I decided that it would be best to explain myself, and proceeded to follow him out of the pool. On the far right of the chamber was an open doorway, laid with tiles that led back into a large showering chamber. I threw a towel over my back and trotted after Diamond, hoping I hadn’t been too tactless. We’d had moments like this before, where I’d be caught staring a bit too pointedly towards his tail or flanks. I couldn’t help but wonder if I’d stepped over the line as I followed him, preparing an apology just in case I’d upset him. I heard the shower running as I entered the shower chambers, turning before I saw the room in earnest. I tilted my head to the side, wondering just where my friend had gone. He was nowhere to be seen in the tiled space. The benches were empty beneath the showerheads on the left portion of the room, and it was also vacant on the opposite side. I had to admit it was excessively spacious in there, with almost ten feet between either wall. I shrugged, thinking it was merely a slip of my judgement until I saw that one of the showers was running. I trotted over to it and thought of turning it off, but I knew Diamond would be along to enjoy the steaming hot water. I turned and nearly crashed right into my friend, who’d been standing behind me, a small case lying on the bench next to him. I blinked; I hadn’t heard him come back in, and my own hooves seemed to make quite the din when I trotted around in there. Still, he regarded me with a smile, as if he couldn’t think of anything he’d rather be doing. “So, Silver Spades,” He began, sitting down on the bench and crossing his legs. His sleek figure was still wet, and I couldn’t help but avert my eyes in an attempt not to blush. “You told me that you wouldn’t mind being my servant. I’d be overjoyed to have you, but first I need to know just how good you are. I have some things here, but… we’ll get to that later. For now, let’s just start with simple commands. All right?” I nodded, tilting my head to the side. This wasn’t what I had in mind, but he had an odd way of having fun, and I knew better than to question what he was doing. His smile broke into a grin, excited at the thought of a brand new game to play. He didn’t often get a new source of entertainment, and in his mind I was the perfect thing to occupy himself with. “First order,” He said, his voice demanding, echoing on the surrounding tiles. “Look at me, unless you are fulfilling another command of mine.” I locked my eyes with his, doing my utmost to disregard how oddly he was acting. Normally whenever he was having fun he didn’t try to focus it around himself, but this time was different. The expression he wore wasn’t of mischief or malice. His face spoke of the unuttered chagrin he wished to inflict upon me, and this was his way of delivering such embarrassment. Never before had he looked so… commandeering, authoritative. I gazed into his eyes as he’d told me, ushering another smile to part his lips. Although I didn’t know what he was planning, I secretly couldn’t help but anticipate his next command. These sycophantic urges felt alien to me, but at the same time they beckoned to my inner sense of self, as if they’d been a part of my personality the whole time. I guiltily welcomed the urge to obey as he issued his next command, enjoying every moment of his lordship. “Good. Now, if you’d be a good servant, come over here and sit down.” I trotted over to him slowly, unknowingly advancing the satisfaction Diamond was feeling with every command I heeded. I sat with a wet sound, my moist coat and tail meeting the damp tiles. He nodded, encouraging me as he continued to issue orders. “Now, I’d like you to lay down, and roll over.” I faltered, not knowing it I was doing the right thing. The look he was giving me seemed to be enjoying this a bit too much, as if he’d dreamed of this for a long time. He was taking a pleasure away from this, some sense of indulgence. Still, I’d volunteered for this, and he had done nothing so far that would suggest any malignant intent. So far he was being quite benevolent, in fact. With that thought, I lowered myself down onto my stomach, feeling the warm condensation on my navel before lowering my head, swinging my front and back legs left and rolling over for Diamond Edge. He clapped his hooves, enjoying my performance. As he commended me with his applause I felt something strange well up inside my chest, a new sensation I’d never felt before. When he’d rewarded me a mixture of enjoyment and embarrassment had filled me, as if this subjugation was what I’d been craving. My entire body felt set on edge by the feeling, and a strange tingling graced my loins. My knees shook with the peculiar sensation, and I pined for more. It was less a feeling than an appetite I hadn’t realized I had, a need I’d yet to fulfil. “There’s a good filly.” He said, setting a hoof on my head and stroking my mane. After a few moments of caressing my ears he stood, trotting over to a showerhead and turned it on with a skilled flick of his hoof. He motioned for me to follow him and I jumped up, trotting over to him obediently. I sat back down on my hind legs once I was in front of him, knowing that he’d want his orders to be followed consecutively. “You’re doing quite well… it makes me think you’ve wanted this for a while.” He observed, adjusting the temperature of the shower. “Now, stand up. I have some things to give you.” I did as I was told, lifting myself off the tile floor. He trotted back over to the case he’d left sitting farther down the bench, opening it to reveal a myriad of strange objects. At first my mind didn’t register what he was doing with the tools before him, which you’d typically find in a kennel. In the case was a muzzle, a switch, a collar, a leash and a length of rope. My eyes widened as the objects were revealed to me, and I grew fearful. He glanced over and, seeing my suddenly worried expression, reassured me. “It’s only if you misbehave, Silver.” He comforted, taking out the collar, which was fitted with a silver bell. “This, though, will be your proud mark of servitude.” He trotted back over to me and smiled, holding out the grey collar and placing it on my neck. I bit my bottom lip at how demeaning this was, but kept my composure. In all honesty the collar appealed to me in a strange way, like I wanted to assurance of my subservience. I cursed myself, but this was too exciting to turn away. He was showing me a part of myself I didn’t know existed, and I didn’t want him to stop now. He bit his bottom lip to contain a smirk of triumph when the collar was finally fitted to my neck, taking a step back. “You look beautiful, Silver.” Diamond complimented, setting a hoof on my cheek. “Now, for the next test, come over here to the bench.” Once again he sat down on the bench, smiling as the sweet, high-pitched chime of my bell filled the air. I sat down in front of him, my cheeks flushed from how shameful this was. Despite my shame, the compulsion to please still filled me, and Diamond Edge’s compliment had only intensified the strange urge to satisfy him. He grinned widely as he leaned back and turned the shower on behind him, soaking us both in steamy water. He set both his front hooves on the bench beside him, biting his bottom lip before spreading his legs to me. I turned away, unable to look directly in front of me, where I knew he was waiting for me to feast my eyes on his loins. Despite this strange urge to satisfy him, this was pushing the limits, and he knew it. His expression changed, from joyous content to slight disappointment. He extended a hoof and put it under my chin, closing his legs before turning my head to face him. He seemed confused, and his eyes appeared empathetic as he folded his ears to his head, concerned at my sudden lack of compliance. “I’m sorry if I’m going too fast, Silver.” He apologized, his eyes regarding me comfortingly. “I thought this was what you wanted, though. After I found that collar in your room I only assumed.” I blinked; indeed, it made sense that he would think that I wanted this. I always kept a collar in my room, under a few boxes inside the closet, next to a picture of him and me lying on the beach. He’d found it, and taken the collar that I now wore around my neck. I set my hoof on his, thinking of how considerate he must be for doing this. It spoke to me in a way words couldn’t, that he was going so far out of his way, to put on this magnificent show, all for the sake of my unrequited desires. I smiled up at him for the first time since we’d started, knowing that the things I were about to say seemed frivolous, but needed to be voiced. “It seems different, though.” I confessed, trailing my hoof along his wrist. “Imagining you, standing over me with a leash in your mouth, is one thing. Having you sitting here, about to fulfil my dreams is different. You’d be perfect as my master, and I trust you enough to hold you in that regard… but it’s still a leap of faith. Can I put myself in your hooves like this, when we’ve known each other for so long?” He put a hoof behind my head as he leaned down, his breath mingling with mine as he answered. “Only you can trust me to do this, Silver. But I promise you, I’ll do everything I can to be a good master. If you need a moment, you can always just say so, and I’ll stop. We might be role-playing, but we’re still friends, okay?” “O-okay.” I stuttered, happy that I could trust him to satisfy these intimate desires. “Let’s try that again, all right?” “When you’re ready, servant.” He said, a smile parting his lips as he fell back into his role. Once again he parted his legs, his left hoof reaching out and turning the temperature up on the showerhead, and the other finding the leash along the bench. This time I didn’t hesitate to trace my eyes down his lithe, strong body, over his waist and along his legs, finally resting my sight on his loins. My breath faltered as I saw him for the first time, faint trickles of water running down between his legs, dripping off the moist, glistening organ. I felt heat rush to my cheeks as I fell into a trance, my breathing timed to every throb of the perfectly shaped pink length. Diamond Edge traced his hoof along my ear as I drank in the sight of his member, in no hurry as I committed every supple, healthy curve to memory. While I sat, starstruck, he hooked the leash to my collar with his other hoof. His length sloped, half-erect, from its base into the niche where his leg and thigh connected, throbbing with every beat of his heart. His crown gleamed in the bright light, swollen and at the ready. I bit my bottom lip and stole my courage, my mouth watering in preparation. He slipped his hoof behind my head again, in order to guide my unskilled movements. My first instincts were to set my lips to it, but I knew better than to be direct. Diamond loved delaying things, especially if it meant giving him more satisfaction in the end. Instead I licked my lips, hoping my mouth was dextrous enough to please him. Without any further hesitation I brought my tongue to his shaft, my own malehood straining to stay in its sheath as I began to pleasure him. He inhaled sharply as I drew my tongue up his length, eventually finding to cleft of his head. He bit his bottom lip as I lingered on the cleft, then began to put my lips on his crown. He let out a soft sigh as he felt my cheeks through his flare, his back legs shaking from how stimulated he was. “S-slow down there, Silver.” He commanded, pulling up on the collar. I halted my progress and suckled on his head sullenly, disappointed that he was slowing things down. He tasted amazing, and I couldn’t help but wonder how his seed would feel on my tongue. I contented myself with slowly pushing my head down on him, only taking him up to his crown, then pulling off again. After every thrust of my head I’d suck on him a bit, just enough to get his crown to flare, then thrust anew. His breath quickened under my treatment, his hooves gripping the bench tightly. I looked up at him as I continued, doing my best to widen my eyes in a gesture of innocence towards what I was doing. In that moment, I was a simple mind, and my only goals were to serve him. He bit his bottom lip and gave his member a twitch, allowing a bead of his pre to spread into my mouth. I moaned with joy at how amazing he tasted, reaching down with one of my front hooves to stroke myself. No sooner was my own erect length touching my stomach did he yank on the collar, pulling my lips off his member. “Only when I say so.” He rebuked, holding the leather switch in his hoof. “Don’t do it again unless I give you my permission.” “Yes master.” I answered quickly, already missing the comforting feeling of his malehood on my tongue. He put a hoof on the back of my head again, pulling me down on his member this time. I sucked in a quick lungful of air before he pushed me down onto him, until he was hilted at the back of my throat. I didn’t struggle, knowing that doing so would not only upset him, but also cause my gag reflex to protest. Instead I slowly acclimated to his presence so far into my body, letting my oesophagus adapt to his swollen length. He smiled as I obediently tolerated his advance, slowly letting me pull off him. I took in a gulp of air before he pushed my head down again, spearheading it into my mouth. I relaxed, let him use me as he wished. Diamond did this a few more times before he was satisfied, and relinquished his hold on me before leaning back again, glad that he’d gotten that out of the way. It would have had to happen anyways, if I was to be pleasuring him orally. I slowed, setting my own pace instead of his own frenzied thrusts, slipping his head past my uvula, then into my throat in earnest. I bobbed my head up and down a few times before pulling back, almost allowing his crown to slip past my lips before plunging it back inside me. He bit his bottom lip and breathed, keeping track of how many times I’d thrust myself onto his length. It had reached thirty by the time he was gripping the edge of the bench, unable to contain himself any longer. I looked up at him and he nodded, signalling that he was about to give in. I nodded before taking a deep breathe, curling my tongue around his malehood the best I could before slipping it back into my throat for one final thrust. He gasped as I lingered on his head, the soft band of flesh separating the back of my mouth from my oesophagus clenching around his crown as I worked my tongue on his base. Diamond pet the back of my head and whispered my name before I felt something hot fill my mouth, tasting strongly of salt and quite vaguely of ripe strawberries. I slipped my tongue over the bottom of his member a few times, coaxing every last drop of his seed into me before separating with a resounding pop. I licked my lips, savouring the taste while he recovered, panting for air as the hot water still streamed over us. I nuzzled his loins lovingly as he struggled, and he couldn’t help but chuckle at how exuberant I was being. I loved role-playing with him, especially when it ended up with him at a loss for words. I’d done amazingly for my first time, and even he was impressed my how skilfully I’d manipulated his length during those final few moments. “You’re a good filly, Silver.” He admitted, setting a hoof on my cheek. “I’d love nothing more than to have you as a servant… but right now it would seem you have something to take care of as well.” He glanced downwards, towards my own slate-grey member, which was still plastered to my lower stomach, throbbing and swollen in preparation. I blushed brightly as he stood, turning and gesturing invitingly towards the bench itself. I blinked numbly, my mind failing to infer what he was asking. “Drape yourself over the bench like a good filly.” He commanded, trotting over to the case that had once housed my collar. “You know, so I can mount you?” He carefully picked up a piece of rope and the muzzle, then something I didn’t recognize under the warm shower, the hot water blurring the air slightly before my mind could register what the instrument was. I bit my bottom lip when I saw that it was a vibrator; a small, bead-shaped tool of carnal pleasure. He saw my hesitant expression and trotted over, setting the tools on the bench before trotting over to me, a caring expression once again gracing his face as he spoke. “If you don’t want to take that step yet, I could always do it other ways.” He comforted, setting his hoof on mine. “This isn’t all about me, after all. That’s why I brought the vibrator… the muzzle is moreover to keep you from screaming on the first push… I heard it’s always the worst.” He confessed, casting his eyes to the floor. “It’s more about you than it is me, so I’ll only go at a pace you can handle. Do you want to take this step yet?” “I-I’m fine.” I stuttered, blinking at how strangely empathetic he was being. It was so very.. unlike him. Normally he was cold and distant, but for me he was being oddly understanding. “You just scared me with the muzzle… that’s all.” “Oh, Silver Spades.” He sighed, rolling his eyes. “I brought it to keep you from breaking the sound barrier, truthfully. I know you always scream like a filly, after all those times of you skinning your knees. I’ll take it right off the moment you’re adjusted, is that okay?” I nodded and he smiled, holding the muzzle up to me. Once again I blushed at how very demeaning it was, to be so controlled whenever he was the one with all the freedom. Still, that was what fed that askew sense of pleasure I felt, and I obediently leaned forwards as he fit the muzzle under my jaw. It wasn’t one that prevented me from vocalizing altogether, which I liked. It was a simple one, made only to restrict my mouth from opening. I could still whimper and make all sorts of sounds whilst wearing it, and for that I was grateful. Once it was firmly buckled he clapped his hooves happily, as if there were no sight more beautiful than the image of me standing before him. He then turned to the bench and held up the vibrator, licking his lips with anticipation. “Now, turn around and lift your leg.” He demanded, his smile widening into an ecstatic grin. I’d hardly started to move before he moved behind me, placing a hoof on my flank. I yelped, but the sound was muted by the fact that my lips could hardly part. He heard me, though, and slowly trailed a hoof down my leg, petting me. Admittedly I found the motion comforting, seeing as how he was practically treating me like his pet anyways. He did this for a few minutes, cooing about how pretty my tail was under the water. I let myself be lulled, knowing that it was better to accept his ministrations rather than reject them. I guiltily enjoyed the way he commented over my body, his eyes feasting themselves on my flanks and tail, hooves trailing over every inch of my Cutie Mark before he turned his attention to my loins, my member still hard and begging for stimulation. Diamond Edge turned on the vibrator before taking out a piece of medical tape, grinning broadly. I looked back at him with slight fear, but my exhilaration far outweighed my doubts. I whimpered loudly as he pressed the smooth bead to the cleft of my malehood, fastening it in place with the easy to remove, yet heavily bonding tape. He fastened the switch for the vibrator to the inside of my thigh before he continued, gesturing yet again to the bench. I slowly, nervously trotted over to the bench, still hesitant to trust him with the honour of taking my virginity. Diamond only smiled as he looked down at me, his eyes filled with anticipation. I shared his excitement, but I moreover wanted him to get it over with. He on the other hoof wanted to make sure everything was perfect for my first time, that it was everything I’d dreamed of and more. I lifted my front hooves over the bench, leaving my back legs on the other side before laying my full weight down on the metal seat. He licked his lips before turning the vibrator on in earnest. Not even a moment later I simpered with unspent excitement as it stimulated my crown, a few drops of my own pre beading on the tip before dripping to the tiled floor. I felt the hot water on my back, right before the streams from the showerhead were blocked by Diamond Edge. He stood over me, his front hooves placed on the bench on either side of me, his firm member pressed against my flank. I felt my own breath quicken as I felt his heartbeat through the organ, unused to it touching me so close to my own malehood. He whispered praise to me, commending me for staying so calm throughout all of this. He apologized for the next part, which was nonetheless necessary, despite being painful. “I want you to know that I love you, Silver Spades.” He confessed, petting my mane as I looked back at him. “I know I don’t always show it, and I can be a bit of a jerk… but I’ll always think of you as my filly. What happens next… I’ll be honest, is going to hurt. But… give me a chance once I’m inside, okay? That’s all I’m asking.” He finished his brief speech by leaning down and planting a long, passionate kiss on my lips. I closed my eyes and sank into his mouth, revelling in the taste of his tongue as he slipped it over my own. The colt broke apart, a trail of saliva still connecting us as he set a hoof on my waist, guiding me into place. He wasn’t oftentimes very romantic, but Diamond Edge knew how to seduce me better than anypony. I faced forwards as he positioned me, biting my bottom lip in preparation of what would come next. I knew it would be painful, but I also knew that this brief moment of pain would undoubtedly lead to so much pleasure. He himself seemed nervous as he lifted my tail for me, brushing it aside to reveal my ring. I blushed harder than any other time that evening, wondering he perhaps I wasn’t to his satisfaction. He smiled and placed a firm hoof on my flank, alleviating my fears with a few strokes of his hoof on my wet coat. “You’re beautiful, Silver.” He said, slipping the tip of his hoof over my wet entrance. “I couldn’t have pictured it any better…” I nodded, looking back at him, my life solely in his hooves as he braced himself. I put the entirety of my weight on the bench, knowing that I’d most likely kick out if things got too intense. I spread my legs, feeling my member twitching from the already generous stimulation from the vibrator. I faced the floor and braced myself as I felt the hot, lubricated tip of his member on my ring. My reflection in the wet tiles was the last thing I saw before his thick, swollen crown slipped inside me for the first time. I kicked out and nearly bit clean through my bottom lip, my vision blurring as waves of pain racked my entire frame. He held perfectly still, knowing that any input on his part would only further my distress. I screamed into the muzzle, unable to fully open my mouth to express the pain. He’d been right; if not for the restraint around my jaw, I probably would have alerted the whole neighbourhood to my lost virginity. Still, Diamond stood behind me, rigidly holding himself in place so that I could adjust. It took nearly a minute, but finally I settled, the pains of the first thrust subsiding. In the place was a content, full feeling from inside my femininity. “Are you okay now, Silver?” He asked, his hooves reaching to take off the muzzle. “If you’re done, I can take that off.” I nodded and waited as his hooves found the correct buckles, until finally he pulled the last strap out from under my chin. I flexed my jaw, then turned my attention to the fact that he was still patiently waiting, his head being crushed by my ring in a rather impressive display of self-control. I was sure that any other stallion would be busy reaming me by then, but he was still waiting for my approval, eternally seeking my comfort before having his own needs fulfilled. I nodded, signalling that he could proceed. The previous feeling of pain fell away completely as he sunk the next few inches of his length inside me, and I soon began to blush madly. I’d never thought of the area under my tail to be an erogenous space, but he once again defied my expectations as he gently slid inside. I opened my mouth in a soundless utterance of pleasure. His slick, rubbery skin on my walls was enough to drive me to curl my hooves. I fought for grip on the wet tile floor, anything to brace myself upwards, further impaling myself on is member. I finally got traction and pushed myself back on his rod, cementing him firmly inside me. Diamond gasped and stopped, allowing us the time to adjust. “A-am I doing a good job, Silver?” He panted over me, laying a gentle hoof on my waist. “M-more, please.” I begged, desperate to feel his crown slipping over my delicate femininity. “You’re an amazing master, Diamond. Just, please… more.” He smiled and swayed his hips from left to right, filling me with the sensation of his member slipping over the inside of my passage. I once again gasped, but this time both of us heard the loud exaltation. He tilted his head to the side curiously, then turned his focus to my rear. He slowly slid himself out of me, until finally I felt his crown on my ring. He did this painfully slow, and I scrambled to find more grip on the tiles. I wanted him to hurry, while he wanted to take the time to learn every inch of my walls. Diamond slowly pushed himself back into me, a thin trail of liquid now dribbling from my own member. Between the vibrator and the stallion slowly, yet surely reaming me I felt desperate for a firmer hoof. I pushed back on him again, this time finding a niche in the tiles that allowed me to push myself onto him repeatedly. The bell around my neck jingled as I repeated the process, his head slamming to the end of my passage twice before I lost my grip again, my hooves falling away and my weight once again resting solely on the bench. He nodded and kissed me behind my ears, telling me that he knew what I wanted. Diamond quickly unsheathed himself from inside of me and slammed himself back in, his first true thrust. I gasped and spread my legs wider, feeling a drop of my pre leak onto the floor. My eyes were only half-open as I looked back at him, at the colt I’d decided to call my master. He was the only pony for me; I didn’t trust anypony else to see me like this. A drop of unspent saliva dripped from my lips, to the floor as the water from the shower still poured over us. I flexed my internal muscles as he pulled out, clamping down on him tightly. He gasped as he finished extricating himself, then thrust back into me again. We’d only done this three times, and by the red tint in his normally pink hued cheeks, he was closer than I was. I took that as a sign to end it, and smiled as he set into me in earnest. “D-do you remember the time we went to the beach, and I told you that I was buying a collar for my cat?” I moaned, the air filled with moist, slick sounds as he pushed inside me again. “I lied… I wanted to do this all much sooner, confess that I liked you, and that I liked being treated like this… but I never had the courage to. So I kept this collar, and used it when I was a-alone… I’d think about us doing things just like this. I always loved you a little more than a friend…” “M-me too.” He confessed, his lip near the nape of my neck. “I always kind of knew, but… just like you, I never could bring it up.” He bit my neck as he sped up, and I whimpered like a filly as a few more drops of my precum fell to the floor. He twisted his hips with each repetition, slipping his crown over my prostate. I clamped down on him every time he went to leave me, craving the feeling of his warm skin being drawn over my walls. Diamond closed his eyes and began to pant, the amount of force in his thrusts causing wet slaps to echo on the walls. I felt something warm growing in my loins, a liquid satisfaction that extended to the tips of my hooves as I slipped into a pre-orgasm limbo. I shut my eyes as well, my limbs curling towards my centre, folding them close to my body as my member began to twitch excitedly. Diamond gave one final, light moan before I felt him fall into the same lull. For a brief moment we stared into each other’s eyes, but no sooner did we see our love for each other in their depths did our anatomy cause us both to close them, gasping as our orgasms overtook us. He went off first, despite having arrived at his climax sooner. I whimpered with pleasure as a few lines of thick, hot liquid poured down my back legs, dripping from the tip of my own member. Seeing that I needed coaxing, he reached a hoof down and turned the vibrator to the highest setting before laying his hoof on my crown, pushing me over the edge. Anticipating my actions perfectly, he put a hoof over my mouth before I let out a cry of ecstasy, tears forming at the edge of my vision. He stroked me slowly as jets of my own seed shot out onto the tile, my entire body shaking in the throes of pure bliss. He slid himself a bit further inside, helping me get every last drop out before he relaxed, sliding a few centimetres of his length into me before he’d slip them out, repeating the process until I was finally finished with my orgasm. I still shook as he turned the vibrator off, taking it off my leg before he slipped it away from my crown, gently peeling off the tape. I merely looked back at him as he cleaned me up, breathing heavily. My chest rose and fell so rapidly I thought for a moment that I’d hyperventilate. That was before he laid a hoof on my cheek, smiling comfortingly. “You were a good filly, Silver Spades.” He cooed. I pulled him close and kissed him, moaning as his tongue traced over my own. I never wanted to leave that shower, and thanks to the fact that nopony knew where we were, I didn’t have to. He pulled himself out of me and broke apart, gently dismounting before trotting over to a tray, laid into the side of the showers, holding a myriad of soaps and shampoos. He threw me a bar of the pristinely new sanitizer, smiling at his own foresight. “We are in a shower room, Silver.” He explained, turning the shower temperature back to normal. “We may as well bathe while we’re in here.” I blushed before I replied, in a meek, humbled voice. “W-well… I could always wash you, Diamond.” I observed, my eyes tracing over his sleek frame. “I mean… we’re still playing the servant game, right?” He smiled and patted the space next to him, already standing underneath the shower’s wide spray. “Of course we are, Silver. You’ll always be my little servant… and I’ll always be your willing master.”