> Theogony > by PrometheusChained > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Age of Olympus Chapter 1 For as far as he could see, there was nothing but mountains. It was almost like it was a forest of them. That is, if it weren't for the mountains themselves being covered mostly with trees from the beginning. At the center of the vast mountainous region was a vast crater, with a small mountain resting in the middle. At the tip of this mountain laid a throne. On it, laid at twenty-four feet tall, an middle-aged earth pony possessing a yellow coat, and green eyes, and jet black mane and tail. He had an overall unkempt appearance, most notably the mane and tail, with some strands of hair hanging down his face. He sat like a bum, with dirt and mud giving his coat a deceptively golden appearance. This ponies name was Kronus, King of the Titans and Guardian of the Golden Age! At the face of one of these mountains, was a pass where a robbed unicorn pony who's face was covered by a hood stood. A moment passed by as nothing happened. Then Kronus's belly started to rumble despite it's apparent fullness, which caused an earthquake. The robbed figure looked around unfazed as rock slides occurred everywhere around them. The King of the Cosmos, as he was often called, squinted his eyes to get a better look at the new arrival. His face took on an expression of realization, and he smirked with relief. ''Rhea?! Is that you?'' His voice was low and raspy, with a bit hamyness added to it. The robbed figure walked up and pulled out a rock. The unicorns horn glowed yellow as the rock was levitated to the huge stallion. Kronus held the stone in his hand ''Ah, I love these rocks. They give me plenty of iron and protein.'' He then chewed it up, grinding it between his teeth. He didn't eat with his mouth closed, but that was to be expected of a barbarian. He noticed the mysterious pony bow down, and smirked ''Ah, my love!'' he gave them a suggestive look ''It's so good to see you ag-'' Kronus immediately found himself impaled in the belly by a great spear of gold lightening, that shot from the robbed ponies horn. Unfazed by what should be a fatal injury, aside from coughing up tree sap, he glared at the pony as he was sent flying off his throne and into the side of the crater. Now that the facade was over, the mysterious figure pulled off his hood and cloak, revealing a white unicorn stallion, who had a cloudy white mane and tail, with a cloudy little goatee. He glared at the barbaric king with his sky blue eyes, full of wrath and contempt. He smirked ''Looks like history repeats, Dad!'' He looked to his blank flank, while maintaining his battle-stance, and sighed ''Still no Destiny Mark! Maybe if I slay my father and avenge my siblings, I'll receive it.'' His attention was directed back at the mountain, due to a huge crack forming at the tip and running down to its base, before getting split in two. What broke the mountain in half, revealed itself to be the limbs of a gigantic silhouette, obscured by a golden light in the background. When the breaking and crumbling of rocks and the cracking and rupturing of land ended, the light casting a shadow over it too ended. The monster looked like an ancient-looking bipedal turtle of titanic size, with a spiky shelled back composed of jagged green crystals, and gigantic scythes for arms, and red eyes, with battle scares all over it's muscular body. The behemoth stomped over to the unicorn, and asked more dumbfounded then the expected malice ''You're not Rhea?!'' The unicorn deadpanned ''My mothers dead!'' It was at that moment that the giant stallion-turned-monster knew exactly who and what this little punk was. He stated, intimidatingly ''So you're one of my children? Huh, I didn't think you'd have the balls to face I KRONUS THE GOLDEN!!!'' The unicorn rolled his eyes at his hammy antics, and finally introduced himself ''I am Zeus! Soon-to-be God of Law and the Heavens!'' He then smirked ''And I will end your tyranny, and rule in your place!'' Suddenly, Kronus's stomach started rumbling. The wound in his stomach wasn't regenerating like it was supposed to. He gagged in pain and limped to the side 'Good! The poisonous rock was upsetting his stomach.' thought Zeus 'Just as planed!' with his smirk turned into a fully determined grin. He walked forward and boasted ''You know, I was always told you were a dumbplot who mistook your own children for food, but I just had to see for myself.'' He glared up at him disapprovingly ''I mean, are you bucking blind?!'' ''Oh, I'm a lot craftier then you think.'' said Kronus, sinisterly. Zeus got a closer look at his father, which gave him his answer. His eyes had a misty haze to them. He tested this, by levitating a rock far to the side of the crater, and dropped it. Turned out he had bad eye sight, as he immediately slashed at said area. This resulted in huge slash marks on the land scape. ''I honestly don't know if I should be disappointed or not!'' said the unicorn. Kronus turned back where his son was and yelled, obnoxiously ''I WILL ASSIMILATE YOU!! IT IS THE ONLY WA-'' ''Stop!! Just stop with the yelling already!'' Interrupted Zeus, who put his hooves over his ears. ''You're giving me a headache.'' What he didn't expect to happen, was what the burn wound received by his lightening bolt was doing. It glowed a hot orange, before exploding. Kronus's stomach burst open, except there was no blood and guts. Instead, vines, flowers and plants of all kinds flooded out. ''...'' Zeus couldn't process what he was seeing. Once all the vegetation was done and formed a mound, He saw the pile slowly start move. Parts of it where rising up like a worm trying to rise to the surface. Then they crawled out and down the pile. It was five ponies who looked to be in their teens. ''Wait! ...What?!'' asked a bewildered Zeus. These five ponies fell onto the ground, covered not in puke and blood, but flowers, sap, and plants. They seemed conscious, but sat their on the ground, moaning. Two of them tried to stand up with their hind-legs shaking, only to fall back down, causing the flowers to float up off the ground. Their appearances where obscured due to the mess, but he could tell they were obviously unicorns. 'Are they ...Are they my siblings?' he thought 'But, how?' Kronus threatened venomously, as not blood but sap ran from his mouth and down his chest. ''You! I'll neuter you! Just like Oranos!'' He focused his attention on the five ponies on the ground, and transformed. He glowed so bright, that the only part Zeus could just-barely see of him was his overall shape and size. And he was actually changing and shrinking in form and size, respectfully. When the glowing stopped, he was back to his pony form, panting from exhaustion. He reached out to grab one of Zeus's could-be siblings, while licking his lips. Zeus didn't bother with a retort. He closed his eyes shot and clenched his teeth in concentration. His horn glowed gold with electricity surging around it. His mane and tail slowly began to ripple, as a current of wind swirled around him. Kronus watched with dread, as the five unicorns were covered by a bright flash of light, only to be gone the next second. The five unicorns reappeared in that same flash of light on the mountain pass, right next to their brother and liberator. He couldn't believe it worked! He, Zeus, had succeeded in casting a teleportation spell. Those were considered some of the most difficult spells to learn and perform in all schools of magic. 'Of course I succeeded,' he boasted internally, with his mussel raised upward, pridefully 'I'm Zeus!' His self-motivational monolog was cut short by a frustrated Kronus, who screamed at the top of his lungs ''GGGGGRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH'' That scream was loud enough to burst his eardrums. Zeus put both his hooves over his ears to keep that from happening. He looked around and saw all the pebbles of rock created from the recent battle start to shake due to the intensity of the yell. Once he stopped his war-cry, Kronus leaped at them in blind fury. The unicorn cast the spell again. With another bright flash, they disappeared, right before Kronus landed. This time, he sent himself and his siblings to a faraway location. The King of the Titans crashed face first, into the mountain. He shrugged it off, yet breathed heavily. He couldn't believe what just happened. I wont let this happen to me! I wont let this happen to them! he thought I will not stand by as the prophesies are fulfilled! He stood back up. Despite what happened, he smirked. After all, he was prepared for this kind of thing. They didn't call him paranoid for nothing. He honestly didn't know why ponies considered it weird for him to take pride in something like paranoia, as he considered it a virtues trait that ensured victory. But enough was enough! He had to heal, first. He stood there, on his broken thrown, and went to sleep. Before succumbing to sleep, he muttered ''When I awaken, my son will regret his folly.'' And so he rested on his throne, and let sleep take him. He will need reinforcements, and his other family members would be more then willing to help him out.