> Colgate's Entertainment > by cutedementia > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Colgate's Entertainment Entry #1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coughing, coughing is what woke her. A dry mouth against dry air, warm metal at her back and something across her hooves. She could feel herself being weighed down slightly, like she was behind held back against something, a quick wiggle of her hooves confirmed it, she was strapped to something. The metal on her back was warm but it felt cold despite the warmth it held from her body. Her eyes were open but she saw nothing, she closed her eyes pressing her head back against the metal trying to move her hooves but the leather never gave way. She struggled against the straps but nothing came, not even the slightest bit of slack from the straps. The only thing she could think to do is call out. "C..Col." She gasped out causing her to cough, her mouth was dead dry and her coughs just made it worse. She could feel tears welling up against her eyes as she struggled once more against the straps, her desperate coughing slowly stopping as she settled into the slackness her body requested, she heard something move and her head shot up trying to speak. "Wh-" She got cut out with another few coughs hearing something continue to move. She heard metal against stone and the grinding of a chair sliding across the floor. Following that was a gently hoof against her chest. "Shhh, shhh darling" The soft voice begged. "You need a drink don't you?" It asked prompting a quick nod from Berry careful not to hit the back of her head against the metal but quickly stopped hearing the pony shuffle about. She felt cold glass against her lips, following that was the water that flowed through her lips coating her mouth slowly, allowing her some relief from the roughness of her mouth and throat she drank it down quickly. It only took a moment for Berry to finally regain herself after the soreness of her parched throat had gone away. "W..What's going on?" She asked desperately, pleading for an answer. "Why- where?-" She asked starting to cry against the blindfold. "What's going on?" Tears were running down her cheeks as her breath sped up, her hooves shaking against the straps but the pony didn't answer, the pony didn't move. Amidst her crying and shaking she moved her head back against the platform she was strapped to. "C..Colgate... Where's Colgate!?" She cried out shaking harder now. "COLGATE!!" She screamed, her crying only getting worse. "Oh shhh my dear" The voice said, but in her terror she couldn't recognize it. She felt hooves on her neck and up to behind her head where the knot holding the blindfold tight against her eyes, the darkness fell away but as she opened her eyes the light of the room blinded her just as bad as the cloth. Her shaking and crying stopped amongst the pounding sensation her eyes were getting, the sting of her eyes adjusting to the light made her wince as if in pain, it took a few moments but finally the colors came to focus and Colgate's worried face held in her vision. "Come now I'm right here" Colgate assured her with a bit of a smile, gently running a hoof over Berry's chest. "It's okay, it's okay" She smiled gently pressing her hoof to Berry's cheek. "Colgate... What's going on!?" She asked desperately, her eyes darting about the room. It was Colgate's basement, the walls and floors were familiar to her, the scenario however was not. There was a table to her left, it was surgical quality with clean polished steel resting on top. Colgate raised her hooves up in joy. "Oh oh let me explain!" She smiled turning to the camera resting on the tripod not more than 6 feet from where Berry hung from the straps of the table. "Okay so this is uh.." She motioned to the camera. "This is, I... I don't really know, I found it in a spell book it's supposed to kind of, record.. Things" She trotted over to it examining it for the ten thousandth time. "It asks me things.. From time to time it will ask me questions" Berry looked confused so Colgate explained. "You see I found this spell to record moments in life with this, thing. It was an old old book but there was a second version of it. The camera in this version would ask you questions. I'm not sure what kind of questions as they seem to be random but they will get focused soon now that I've provided a more focused content base. You I mean" She says motioning to her. "Let me show you the set up" She smiles picking up the camera with her magic. The frame focused on the table, something Berry had been neglectful of was the content the table held. Different sizes of blades and shapes. They were lined up almost like they were categorized, strange shapes on the left and regular blades along the right. "This is the collection I acquired for you.... Only the best for you... Only the best" She echo's almost silently. "They are all perfectly sharp, every one. No flaws in any of the blades I checked each one 5 times" She uses her magic to lift one out of the garbage. "This blade came so close, but the damn handle had a bit of a nick on it..." She sighed putting it back. "Only the best" She says once more as if to reinforce the statement. She smiled turning back to Berry letting the frame focus on the table. "Sorry about the table it's an old operating table, I made sure it was clear of all rust before I even debated using it for this. It will be your home for the next little while, our home." She smiled tracing a hoof down Berry's chest. "I know you just woke from more than a day's sleep but that does not mean you are rested... Especially with the conditions of your sleep, being knocked out by anaesthesia... Sorry about that by the way but you wouldn't do this willingly... I need to, help you" Berry frowned. "Help me?.. Colgate what's going on I don't understand" "I want to give you everything I can, every bit of love... Every bit of attention... Every kind of pleasure" She licked her lips gently tapping her hoof on the blade of a knife. "Tomorrow I teach you just how amazing I can make you feel.. But you need rest, so my darling sleep" She says turning back to Berry tilting the table back a bit with her magic. "Sleep is what you need but first let me just.." She paused lifting up the finest blade she had. "Let me give you a taste on what great pleasure I'm going to give you" She gently pressed the end of the blade to Berry's chest prompting a wide eyed glare from Berry. She let the blade dig down into the skin using her magic to regulate it's depth something she preferred to do by hoof but in this case, Berry's first cut. It had to be perfect. She gently traced her knife down across her chest letting the hot blood slowly drip from the wound across the tip of the blade hearing the first drop of blood tap against the floor. So caught up in the wonderful look of the skin parting and the blood dripping she didn't notice Berry's wide eyed, head thrown back twitch at the pain piercing through her chest. "It will take a while my dear, but soon this will give you pleasure" She said before leaning forward pressing her tongue against Berry's warm soft fur, slowly letting it glide up along the cut leaving drops of saliva on the now slightly red stained fur. The blood was hot, and metallic. The room smelt of warm iron and her tongue felt coated in thick viscous glue. Her throat melted at the touch of the seeping taste of blood as it filled her body with the warmth of her mare. For Berry the tongue took away some of the pain, not much but some. The warmth of Colgate's rough tongue on her skin was a feeling she had enjoyed before but this was different, it felt more passionate it felt like Colgate was trying her very best to please Berry, but the pain from the cut was too much to get past and Berry in her weak state simply slept. The world went black again, her senses went dull, and Colgate backed away getting ready to clean up the mess she had made from pleasing her precious mare. > Colgate's Entertainment Entry #2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Stockholm Syndrome" She said aloud, rolling the word around her tongue for a moment. "Stockholm. Where have a heard that before?" She asked herself, positioning the camera in front of her as she flipped through papers at her kitchen table. "Stockholm, stockholm..... AH!" She smiled ,tapping the next paper. "Stockholm, a city east of Canterlot. What does that have to do with this?" She aske,d flipping through the records on the syndrome she had collected in preparation for Berry's arrival. "Let's see." She said, holding it up in front of her to read. Her magic guided a warm glass of tea to her lips, quickly placing it down so she could speak. "Stockholm Syndrome was first officially recorded in the city of Stockholm during a robbery. In which the severity of the syndrome was so massive that it brought the attention of mental health studies everywhere." She stopped for a moment, scanning for important details before reading further. "The robbery took place in a bank, several hostages were taken and the standoff lasted more than a day. During this time, the hostages started to develop what we now know as Stockholm Syndrome. This unique mental condition is described as "feelings of trust or affection felt in certain cases of kidnapping or hostage-taking by a victim toward a captor"." She smiled. "The stages of creation to Stockholm syndrome can differ greatly, but the most common is the following order of circumstances." She went on to explain. "First the captor becomes stressed, angry. Of course they would, they are in a position where they could get in a lot of trouble if they screw up. They get angry easier and violent much faster, causing the victim to learn what does and does not set their captor off into a violent rampage. This causes a sort of bridge for emotions to cross over, the victim unintentionally tries to please their captor in order to stay alive. After this, the following things need to happen. First, the captor needs to show a bit of kindness to the victim. The victim feels a sense of security in their captor, even if it is small. But this is not enough. After this bond has been made, the captor needs to create a threat other than them that scares the victim. After all, they have just finished creating a protected environment for themselves. They are somewhat comfy with their surroundings. This outside threat creates a problem in this world they have created and they start trying to help the captor with this threat. After this, the captor must show more kindness to the victim and everything will regulate." Colgate smiled. "But that's not even the best part. The best part is that the ponies like the guards who were initially here to protect now seem like threats as well. The victim has this great bond with their captor, there is kindness coming from this previous threat and now they are secure. Their circle of life has been completed and they feel protected by what is actually a great threat to their life. To this inside view, somepony like the guards is a threat to the system they have built and to the victim it seems like the guards are now the issue, not the captor holding them hostage. This can go as far as defending their captors actions, even fighting with the guards. Victims of Stockholm Syndrome have actually gone as far as to stab or fight off a guard when they get close to the captor." Colgate rolled her tongue along her lips with a smile putting the paper down. "Of course the guards won't come for her, they don't know. No pony knows. Berry has lived with me for a long long time. If I don't report her missing, no pony will" She said sliding the papers around the desk. "I won't be a threat to Berry, not completely at least. I do have to freak out at her during the initial stages... That's going to be hard..." She said with a frown, looking down. "I don't want to scare her, or hurt her... But this is necessary, to get her to like this. This is necessary" She said again, standing up. "Let's go see her, I wanted to give her some pleasure today before we get into the more... delicate, stuff" She smiled teasingly, winking at the camera. "Come on, I'll let you watch" She said, letting her magic carry the camera behind her as she led herself down to the basement. She locked the door behind her, hearing the muffled struggle of Berry against the restraints as she moves up in front of the young mare, still tied tight to the metal table. Berry looked hurt and scared. "Oh come now my dear" She said with a smile, resting her cheek against Berry's chest. "I missed you last night. It's been a while since I had to sleep without you" She frowned, running a hoof over the soft fur of Berry's chest and side. "I hope I don't need to be away from you for too long, but that all depends on you" She said, tapping Berry's chest lightly with her hoof and backing off toward the table. "Alright, I think before I get you into anything serious tonight I'm going to... Please you properly" She smiled, turning back to Berry after locking the camera into its tripod, leaving it with a good view of Berry still pinned to the table. Using her magic to block off Berry from hearing anything for a moment, she spoke to the camera. "I tried bringing her out myself, by cutting Berry like I did yesterday... But it looks like I'll only be able to do it the old fashion way" She sighed, tapping the table lightly. "Okay listen... I have this thing this... Mask" She said, grabbing it with her magic and pulling it into frame. A simple doctors anti-bacterial guard mask hung by her magic. "It must have some sort of magic of its own, but I've never been able to detect any magical presence in it. None the less it changes you... I'm not sure if it's just me because I won't dare give it to anypony else." She lay it down on the table in front of her to examine it. "One day I'll find out what it is, but in the mean time I need to use it again. At least me and the mask have the same priorities..." She said closing her eyes lifting the mask to her face and clipping it around her ears, pausing a moment before finally letting her body relax. Turning around to Berry, she didn't say anything at first but she was thinking hard. Planning her cuts so they would get just the reaction she wanted. "It's too bad I can't tie you up properly" She smiled teasingly, but Berry could not see the smile beneath the mask... but she felt it. Colgate looked different with the mask on. Her colors did not change, but her mane moved a bit. It seemed to almost get longer. Almost nothing else changed about Colgate, but the normally fairly talkative mare was now silent. Examining her another moment before lifting up the knife with her magic, Berry held her head back against the metal, wanting to get as far away from the sharp object as possible. She tried to speak, but the only thing she could do was mumble into the gag. The tip of the cold blade touched her skin, sliding between her fur, the pointy tip easily poking through her skin making her cringe and groan into the gag. "You must learn to love it child..." She said gently, gliding the blade along Berry's skin making her shake and cringe. It wasn't long before a second blade slid into her skin and the next drip of blood ran across her chest, staining her fur red. As the third blade sunk into her upper hoof, she started to cry with the pain that constantly moved across her body with the movements of the blades. "Comhglte phre toip" She pleaded into the gag, her body trying to shake in fear and pain. But the straps held her down well. "What was that?" She asked, not looking up at Berry. Her eyes locked on the blood slowly flowing down the mares chest, dripping onto the floor. "Plghe" She begged, a tear sliding down onto the gag and soaking into the fabric. Colgate slid the blades from Berry's skin for only a moment, simply to move them all to her chest and stomach. Berry's head pressed against the metal, eyes shut tight feeling the blades once more grit into her body. A new feeling came soon after, the warmth of the blood had been soaking into her fur. But this amount was now enough to keep going down her body over the cuts on her stomach and between her legs. She blushed, closing her eyes tighter, trying to cross her legs feeling the blood run in-between and down her legs. Colgate smiled, moving the camera to a better angle and getting down in front of Berry, watching the blood flowing between her legs blocking the view of the more interesting parts of the mare's body. Looking down at Colgate, she blushed realizing exactly what Colgate had in mind. But the pain of the knives was still too much for her to resist. Colgate's magic let the knives slip away and let the blood run. Her mask was slipped off, but it was kept around her neck as she leaned forward sticking out her tongue gently, pressing it to the gently flowing river of hot viscous fluid. She let out a tiny moan, letting her eyes close as the hot metal taste ran over her tongue and into her mouth. Without hesitation, she pressed her mouth against Berry's already warm slit. She moaned once more as the blood started to seep into her taste buds along with the taste of Berry's warm folds. She blushed only slightly as the dual tastes filled her mouth, letting her tongue slip from her mouth and into the warmth of her mare. Berry moaned and pressed her head back again as the intense heat of the rough tongue slid into her, parting her warm slit apart. Colgate didn't mind the feeling of hot blood running over her muzzle, dripping down her neck as she continued her tongue work on Berry. There was nothing Berry could do but sit back and try to keep herself from struggling as the more she moved, the more the cuts hurt. But the feeling of Colgate's tongue made her body shudder. But with the mix of pain and pleasure, she could never get close to her climax. Something Colgate more than often had driven her to. Colgate knew she couldn't please her mare fully, but the taste of her mares slit was enough for her for now. She felt Berry's body shudder which brought a smile to her face. She continued to play with Berry for nearly an hour before she started to sense Berry nodding off. She gasped as she pulled away, panting lightly and finally able to breathe properly now that her mouth and tongue were no longer working to please the mare. Looking up at Berry, her head was slumped down near her chest. Her eyes were half shut and she looked weak. Colgate stood up, drinking down the last bit of blood and juices on her lips. She used her magic to clean up Berry's body and her own of all the blood and juices, letting them flow down the drain of the basement. She put the mask back on, turning away putting the blades down on the table and slowly cleaning them by hoof, letting her magic bandage up Berry who was still nodding off. "You lost a lot of blood... I'll find a spell to increase your blood creation at some point so we can have fun longer" She took off the mask, setting it down. Berry was too out of it to see if Colgate's mane grew shorter, so she tried to make a mental note of it. But she felt so dizzy, it was impossible to concentrate. It took Colgate a minute, but finally she spoke again with a large smile. Walking over to Berry, she gave the center of her chest one small kiss. "Goodnight my love, I'll see you come morning" She smiled, running an affectionate hoof over Berry's chest and trotting over to the camera ready to turn it off. "Tomorrow if the camera asks anything, I'll take off your gag! Promise!" She smiled happily, hitting the button and making the screen fall black. Colgate stood up, drinking down the last bit of blood and juices on her lips. She used her magic to clean up Berry's body and her own of all the blood and juices, letting them flow down the drain of the basement. She put the mask back on, turning away putting the blades down on the table and slowly cleaning them by hoof, letting her magic bandage up Berry who was still nodding off. "You lost a lot of blood... I'll find a spell to increase your blood creation at some point so we can have fun longer" She took off the mask, setting it down. Berry was too out of it to see if Colgate's mane grew shorter, so she tried to make a mental note of it. But she felt so dizzy, it was impossible to concentrate. It took Colgate a minute, but finally she spoke again with a large smile. Walking over to Berry, she gave the center of her chest one small kiss. "Goodnight my love, I'll see you come morning" She smiled, running an affectionate hoof over Berry's chest and trotting over to the camera ready to turn it off. "Tomorrow if the camera asks anything, I'll take off your gag! Promise!" She smiled happily, hitting the button and making the screen fall black. > Colgate's Entertainment Entry #3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anonymous asked colgates-entertainment: Hello, Colgate. I would like to know whether you plan on beating Berry as well? Now now, I know what you are thinking, and I don't mean beating for serious injuries. Spankings with/without instruments, slaps to the face... all that can be very stimulating. And she is supposed to become a masochist, isn't she? Anonymous asked colgates-entertainment: Colgate, will you masturbate for us please? Giggling she reads the second slip of paper putting it down. "Oh so that's what you want to see huh?" She teases lustfully, licking her lips before speaking again. "I haven't been able to properly please myself in a few days because I've been taking care of Berry. I would love to honor your request" She says with a smile. "I do need to get down to see Berry but I won't be able to get her to please me so sure, I'll do as you request" She says bringing the camera over to the couch sitting down in front of it having no shame in sitting down and spreading her legs so the camera can see her fine tight slit. Taking a deep breath she fixated the camera so it's frame was focused between her legs as her hoof slid down across her chest and down over her stomach. Blushing a bit she slid the hoof between her legs making her moan as the warm hoof pressed against her slit. Her blush got more prominent the more she worked her hoof across her marehood making herself surprisingly wet. She started to moan as she let her hoof grind against her warm folds working it up and down along her slit every so often taking a moment to work her hoof on her clit making her moans increase the longer she played with herself. She started to pant closing her eyes forcing herself to work harder grinding the hoof deep and hard against her hot wet slit. "Oh I wish Berry could do this" She said her voice full of lust as her hoof worked her slit her juices now dripping a bit onto the bed making a very hot messy scene for the camera. Panting heavily now her tongue hung from her lips eyes closed tight her hips thrusting up into her hoof grinding it hard against the warm wet folds sending pleasure through her body as she worked herself toward her climax. Using her magic she teased her clit using the warm tingly feeling of the magic to gently play with it pinching it a bit as her hoof worked harder. Setting aside her shame of doing this in front of the camera she moaned louder getting closer and closer her juices dripping onto the couch her hot wet slit in full view of the camera. "B..Berry" She said lustfully as she reached her climax eyes keeping tightly shut grinding her hoof once more along the slit as her juices coated her hoof and dripped onto the bed. As she recovered from the climax she eagerly licked the hot juices off her hoof leaving her legs spread so the camera could see her cleaning off her hoof with rough lustful licks. "Oh thank you for asking me to do that" She said still panting a bit. "Never be afraid to ask for more of that" She giggles letting herself sit back exposed for a few moments so the camera could enjoy the view of her fine body. "Listen I gata clean up, I'll leave you on the kitchen table whal I get cleaned up and I'll be right back" She smiled trailing the camera behind her with her magic letting it watch her plot as she walked to the kitchen putting the camera down walking off the frame to go clean herself. She came back a few minutes later with the second piece of paper putting on her mask fixating it to her mouth before speaking she glanced up at the camera for only a moment letting her mane extend a bit. "It's better if I answer this type of question like this.." She pauses for a moment looking at the basement door before glancing back at the camera. "Yes, Berry is to become a masochist like me." She says tapping her hoof on the table. "I would like to be rough with her, yes. Spanking is always fun." She teases with a smile. "Slaps to the face no, I don't like to use instruments when doing that sort of things. I don't like paddles or things of that nature" She pauses once again before speaking in a very lustful tone. "I love being rough with her, she loves it too but.. I'm not sure if she will like it as much in her current situation" Colgate motioned to the basement door. "She's locked up, she's being forced to endure pain and that's a hard thing for a mare" She said. "But right now? I'll gladly go downstairs and do that." She smiled again standing up. "Actually I did want to do a bit of bondage with her today." She teased shaking her hips lightly to add emphasis. Opening the door to the basement she let the camera trail behind her walking up to the sleeping Berry Punch who was still tied tight to the table. "Alright let's see if I can do this without waking her" Colgate said unlatching the straps with her magic. She gently hovered Berry in the air only slight above the ground. She tied leather straps tight around Berry's hooves tying her tight to the roof and to the floor. Berry woke when she felt the magic slack from her body and she was left hanging with her plot out in the air feeling very exposed, Colgate's presence behind her didn't help as Colgate's eyes scanned Berry's plot. "They asked to see some spanking my dear" Colgate said with a smile. "So let's see how loud I can make you moan" Without hesitation she picked up the knives from the table gliding them over with her magic. She rested the tips to Berry's chest, stomach, and sides. "It's been a while since I got to properly.. Tease, you" She smiled letting the knives sink in one by one. Berry almost let a moan escape having gotten used to the feeling of knives in her skin, but a groan quickly followed upon remembering the pain that came right after the knives dug in. She bit down on the fabric gagging her mouth closing her eyes trying to ignore the feeling of metal digging into her body. The next thing she felt was a rough smack across her cutie mark making the groans mix for only a moment with a moan. She felt the shockwave of rough pleasure through her nerves making her bite down harder on the gag as her body shuddered. Colgate smiled at the response she got from the first hit. She gave the second right after, right on top of Berry's cutie mark she gave her another rough smack making her moan again but before she had time to recuperate from the hit she felt another farther back on her flank. Her body shuddered again wishing the gag didn't keep her from panting as the smacks took some of the breath from her lungs. Her blush spread quickly across her muzzle feeling another rough smack making her plot show a bit of redness from the small amount of abuse it had taken. Colgate continued to lustfully smack Berry's plot as her magic worked at the young mares skin. The blood was now dripping out of every cut coating her fur in the warm red stain. "My word that is a beautiful sight" Colgate said lustfully lowering herself a bit giving her plot/cutie mark one slow hot lick. Kissing Berry's side and chest before moving onto the blood running her tongue along the cuts licking up the hot metal taste making her moan for the first time that night. It didn't take long for Colgate to get lost in the warm taste of the viscous glue coating her tongue and throat. The knives had been still for a while as Colgate worked her tongue and mouth around Berry's body her taste buds pleading for more of the taste but Colgate knew she could never please Berry properly like this. She finished her licking using her magic to bandage Berry up moving back to her plot. Berry turned her head slightly to see Colgate but before she could get a good look at Colgate she felt another rough smack on her plot making her body shudder again. Colgate reached around holding Berry tight against her as well as the ropes she was tied to would let her. She angled the camera so it would get a good view of Berry's plot smiling at it from the corner of the frame. "Smile Berry" She teased licking her neck. "The camera wants to see you getting rough" She smiled. "You like being rough right?" She asked teasingly licking her neck once more but getting no response. "Berry darling they want to know, do you like being rough?" She asked unhooking the gag prompting some heavy panting as Berry caught her breath. Colgate gave her a moment before asking her again. "You like being rough right?" She smiled kissing Berry's chest gently running her hooves along her fine frame. "Be honest and you only get a few more, promise" She said with a smile looking up at Berry who knew from previous experience she did, but didn't want to give Colgate any indication that she was liking what was happening to her. "Yes..." She admitted just loud enough for the camera to hear. "But not like this" She said looking down at Colgate with pleading eyes. "Colgate please-" She was cut off by Colgate reaching up and kissing her. She was locked in the kiss for only a few seconds before Colgate pulled away kissing her neck gently. "Poor child..." She says running a hoof affectionately down Colgate's chest. "I understand your scared but I'm not going to hurt you" She said trying to reassure her but Berry didn't understand. "Not going to hurt me? Colgate look what you've done to me I... All you've done is hurt me..." She said with a depressed tone staring down at the floor. "Why are you doing this?" Colgate frowned kissing her forehead softly. "Pain is sometimes necessary to get pleasure. You will see soon what I'm doing, and you'll thank me for it I promise, but for now." She paused a moment cleaning off the knives with her magic setting them down on the table. "For now you must wait, and accept that what you experience now will be worth it" She smiled giving Berry a hug letting her magic unlatch the straps holding her up on the ropes, bringing her back over to the table and strapping her back on tight moving the camera around so it can see the red marks along her fur and the red soreness of her plot. "I need to go for a bit, I'll be back with some food soon okay?" She questioned latching the gag around her mouth again giving the fabric over her mouth a light kiss before backing off. "Let me know when you think you're ready to co-operate a bit, and I'll take out the gag" She said turning off the camera letting the frame fade to black. > Colgate's Entertainment Entry #4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't forget to visit: Colgates-entertainment.tumblr.com Anonymous asked colgates-entertainment: Colgate, as much as I enjoy seeing you do this to Berry, have you thought that maybe she deserves a small reward for doing so well~? After all, you are training her to be a masochist, and nothing help training along better than positive reinforcement Anonymous asked colgates-entertainment: Oh, don't worry. As long as you keep yourself from injuring her too much, you needn't worry about hurting her a bit. It'll feel good to let go, just you wait. After all, what's the harm in a little pleasure for yourself? Putting down both pieces of paper she addresses the second question first. "This seems to be a continuation of a previous question I got. I did keep up with demand of course and gave Berry some more.. Abusive, attention" She smiled. "And as I showed you she does like being rough just not too rough. This is a traumatic time for her, I can't go around beating her senseless" She picked up the first paper reading it once more. "As for the positive reinforcement.. That's funny" She giggled. "I think of nearly everything.. Except the most basic part of training" She sighs putting it down. "You are right of course, and I'll get on that right away so thank you for pointing this out" She smiled at the camera before licking her lips and looking around the room, her smile fading to a frown. "I.. Don't want any of you to think I don't love Berry because of the way I treat her. I do love her.. But loving is.. Loving is hard for me.." She says looking back at the basement door behind her. "But don't be mistaken she.. She's special to me.... She's mine..." She trailed off. "The guards are on their way..." She said half heartedly. "Berry's mother and father have reported her missing despite my protest. They never did listen to me, but at any rate... Now I'm under suspicion. I can't let them explore the house too much, if they find Berry I'll be going to jail" She looked down as soon as the knock's hit the door and the sound echoed the house. "I can't let them find her. She's mine" She sounded angry. "I'll kill them if I need to" She got up using her magic to hook the camera up in a plant she had fixated in a position to film the encounter with the guards. There was only sound for a few moments as Colgate let them inside. "Ms.Minuette?" The guard asked. "Mrs*" Colgate corrected him. "You can sit on the couch over there" She pointed to it and the guard followed her instructions, sitting down in full view of the camera with his partner right next to him. "Mrs?" The guard asked slightly confused. "It said in your file you are not married" Colgate didn't look impressed at his mistake looking down at the table. "Time to update your file then..." She said. "Okay?" He responded confused as his magic brought out a small paper and scribbled it down. "Who are you married to?" He asked. "Berry, of course" She said still not meeting the guards eyes. "We have no record of Berry getting married either" He said flatly. "Of course you don't... I proposed to her before she left" She said. "We havn't had the ceremony and we might not at all, it's rather tedious.. But she said yes, and as soon as she gets back we will both confirm it for you" The guard shook his head putting the paper down. "Oh no no don't worry about going out of your way, we will take your word for it. Proposing huh?.. Not a lot of mares have the confidence to do that for their fellow female partner. It's rare they come out so openly but it's ways nice to see that confidence in a couple like that.. But I do have to ask, if you love her enough to marry her. Why did your not report her missing?" Colgate frowned. "Because she's not missing. I tried to tell her family to not make a big deal out of this. She just wanted some time alone, I can't tell you where she is because I don't know, but I know she's safe" Colgate assured them. "I wouldn't have let her leave if I could not be sure of this.. She is safe" Colgate said once more. "Colgate as you know, Celestia can see everything the sun touches. And she is searching constantly because of her family's concerns but Celestia has not seen her anywhere. Colgate where ever Berry is she's not anywhere under the sun. Literally" The colt leaned back against the couch. "I don't know where she is, but I know she will be back soon okay? Can we just leave this alone?" The colt was started to get suspicious looking at her with great concern. "Colgate it's incredibly rare a pony goes missing like this. And you tried to keep this silent what does that say about this situation? Colgate we want to search your house" Colgate glared at him. "Are you accusing me of doing something to her?" He glared back. "With your history Colgate? The threats you've made in the past to other ponies?" Colgate was getting angry now. "I have some anger issues okay? I'm not the only one with problems but I've NEVER hurt her" She was visibly anger almost shaking as she stared at him. "Do you understand? I didn't report her missing because she wants to be missing right now. She wants some time alone... She will clear everything up when she gets back I promise I'll make her come in and explain things to you but until then I don't want to be bothered by her mother's bullshit" The colt looked at his silent partner then back to Colgate. "Her mother's bullshit?" Colgate nodded. "She's always hated me" Before Colgate could say more The colt interrupted her. "Why is that?" "Why does it matter? She doesn't like me. Her father is on okay term's with me but good ole mommy has always had a problem with me for one reason or another. When her mother was going after me about where Berry was she accused me of hurting her.. Something I would never do.." Colgate trailed off for a moment out of frustration. "And now she's got you on my flank about it.. Listen I understand it's your job to keep public peace but this is my family now, not hers. She's never been a good enough mother to act like king of the castle on Berry's life. Berry's fine, and when she gets back I'll get her to clear everything up. It shouldn't be long now" The colt obviously still had his doubts. "Give me 5 weeks" Colgate asked seeing his doubts. "5 weeks, and then you can get after me for this. She will be back before then, and we can go back to our lives" The colt nodded standing up his partner following quickly behind him. "Of course" He said his partner walking off but him staying back at the door turning to Colgate. "I hope your mare turns up soon.. I don't want to put you through the stress of a house search" He said. "Best of luck on your marriage" He said nodding to her as a sign of respect if nothing else. "See you in 5 weeks" > Colgate's Entertainment Entry #5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anonymous asked colgates-entertainment: Colgate, as much as I enjoy seeing you do this to Berry, have you thought that maybe she deserves a small reward for doing so well~? After all, you are training her to be a masochist, and nothing help training along better than positive reinforcement Stepping once more downstairs she locked the basement door behind her as she made her way down to the table where Berry was still being held. "How are you today my dear?" She asked running her hoof over Berry's chest gently. "I'm sorry I've been so rough on you this last little while, but you understand why don't you?" She asked. Berry didn't meet Colgate's eyes looking away, seeming tired and hurt. "Are any of your wounds still hurting?" She asked looking at the bandages. "No..." Berry replied in a tired voice. "Didn't get enough sleep?" Colgate asked prompting a nod from Berry. "Well I'm sorry I've been out all day, but I have to keep up public appearance." She said gently playing with the fur on Berry's chest. "Why can't you sleep?" She asked with a frown. "You know falling asleep is hard for me... Especially like this...." She motioned to the straps still hanging her head down in exhaustion. "Could you please just, knock me out or something?" She asked looking up at Colgate. With a sign she denied Berry's request. "Knocking you would do no good, you don't rest that way you need to actually sleep. I'll make sure you get some sleep tonight but after having not touched you for the past 2 days, I can't help it" She said her magic lifting the knives from the table. "Colgate wait please no I'm already exhausted I can't take much more of this" She pleaded her eyes locked on the knives. "You're doing fine my dear" Colgate smiled trying to reassure her. "You're handling this really well and I'm very excited about what you've accomplished" She pressed the knife gently to Berry's chest. "But you've got work to do, and I can't let up for too long" She said looking at the knife to ensure it was sharp and clean. "But don't doubt the progress you've made" She smiled at Berry finally able to meet her mares eyes. As the knife entered her skin her muscles tensed up and her eyes closed pushing the back of her head against the metal of the table. She must have gotten used to the pain of the knife by now because it wasn't as bad anymore, it was only a slight etching pain wherever the knife may be as it slid down across her chest opening up a wound letting the hot viscous glue flow from her body soaking her fur in the metallic warmth of her blood. There wasn't much change from her original fur color to the color of the blood as she felt it flow over her stomach and down between her legs dripping off onto the floor. She started to pant lightly as the second cut came, then the third. The knife causing her to become short of breath as little groans escaped her mouth every so often. She found that if there was such a thing as a good part of this it was the blood, the blood would flow over the cuts heating them with the warmth it had gotten from her body causing the pain to dwell away to almost nothing. If anything she was thankful for how much Colgate had done this to her, it desensitized her from the pain it had originally caused leaving only the slight sting of freshly cut skin. Colgate couldn't resist the look of her blood soaked mare, finding herself quickly putting the knife down and running her tongue along the cut with a low moan, the taste enough to bring her some pleasure. Berry could feel the rough texture of the tongue grinding against her skin, this would have made her moan if it was not for the slight pain of the cut. Colgate had taken an unusual liking to the taste of Berry's body, she would often lick her neck chest or plot, it started after they once tried body shots on a rather ridiculous night of drinking. Since then Colgate had loved her taste, she often said that Berry's fur and skin tasted like well, berrys. But Berry never got what she was talking about. It was a funny thing the way ponies fur and manes had strange tastes to them depending on who they were, for example she was once told Pinkie Pie's mane tasted like cotton candy, from what other source then Rainbow Dash? And tho she had not done it in a long time she vividly remembers running her tongue along Colgate's flank and tasting a strange minty flavor, like candy canes. All this distraction about the many tastes of the pony's had taken her away from reality long enough that she had no idea what Colgate was doing. She soon found out as Colgate locked her lips closed using her magic to bring herself to proper eye level with Berry, locking her into a deep kiss. At first Berry had no objection to this, despite her scenario the soft warmth of the lips gave her comfort no matter who they belonged to. But shortly after she felt her lips start to part at the gently push of Colgate's tongue, after that she tasted metal, and smelt warm iron. It only took her a moment to realize what Colgate had done as the blood Colgate kept in her mouth was now shared with Berry, letting some of the blood she had collected flow over her tongue and into Berry's mouth where she was met with strong opposition to the idea, but Berry could not stop what Colgate was doing and in her panic she started to swallow, she almost threw up just from the idea but the hot taste of metal was exciting her, and that kept her gag reflex back. She heard Colgate moan into the kiss as she drank down her share of the blood, Berry shamefully did the same annoyed with herself for even thinking she liked what was happening but the hot taste was still there, and she found herself returning Colgate's kiss. > Colgate's Entertainment Entry #6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anonymous asked colgates-entertainment: We've seen positive reinforcement now, and thank you for showing us. But what about punishment? How do you punish a masochist? Anonymous asked colgates-entertainment: Doctor, you could try wrapping Berry up in bandages so she can't move and then cut her out again. You'll cut her as well of course, but maybe she'll learn that the cuts are part of a good thing then. You may need to tie her in some other way too, so she won't run away once the bandages are off. Anonymous asked colgates-entertainment: Another idea would be coating Berry in something really itchy. Then, instead of scratching her, you cut her. Berry will associate the relief she gets with the cutting. Do it often enough and she'll enjoy the cutting even without the itchy part, by dint of sheer pavlovian response. ----------------------------------------------------------------- "How do you punish a masochist?" Colgate smiled looking away for a moment before looking back. "You don't." She said teasingly. "A masochist wants punishment they want to be hurt. The very simple answer is you don't hurt them" She smiled putting the paper aside. "I'm giving her positive reinforcement one more time today then I'll go back to what I'm normally doing" She slipped the next paper in front of her. Once again she was sitting in front of the basement door at her kitchen table with her hoof lightly tapping the table as she read the slip. "The bandages as bondage tools is interesting, I wouldn't mind that. But no the idea is silly she will not think of the cuts as a good thing in that situation she will see the bandages as things that tie her down, keep her from being free. And because the cuts need bandages she will avoid the cuts at all cost to prevent the bandages from coming back" She put it aside. "No, unfortunately that will make her fear the bandages and I can't have her developing that fear" She grabbed the next slip. "Tho this idea makes sense, it seems rather childish to me. Itching powder to get her into masochism? It sounds immature and unprofessional. No there is cleaner ways of doing this you've already seen her let out her little moans she thinks I don't hear... She's getting there on her own, let her discover the pleasure on her own and she will stick with it forever. However if she is forced into it the love of cutting will only stay as long as the threat of something uncomfortable" She sighed. "It's an unprofessional way of doing this, I'm a professional. Not a child" She put down the last slip standing up with a sigh. "I'm giving her a chance tonight, to sleep with me... I'm thinking about leaving her untied.." She frowned staring off at the floor for a moment. "I want to untie her..." She looked suddenly depressed now. "I don't want to have to threaten her. I don't want to have to keep her tied up I just... Want to sleep next to her again" She had a mix of anger and depression as she picked up the camera with her magic making it follow her downstairs where the gentle light of the moon from her kitchen windows soon disappeared, but with it went her bad mood as she slipped on a smile for Berry. Berry looked up from her spot on the table, one of the few times her face did not reflect fear or sadness as she saw Colgate come into view. She almost smiled a bit but she held back as Colgate walked over giving her cheek a gentle kiss before making her way over to the table. "How is my favourite mare doing today?" She smiled looking back at Berry as her magic set the camera down on the stand and pulled the bandages from last night's cut letting her magic trail off and heal what was left of the wound leaving Berry's beautiful body looking normal again. "It doesn't hurt as much anymore..." She admitted with a bit of a frown ashamed at herself for having actually liked it a little last time Colgate cut her. "That's good" Colgate smiled walking over gently running a hoof over Berry's chest enticed by the sight of the delicate mare. "I have a surprise for you darling" She smiled gently pressing her cheek to Berry's chest taking a moment to listen to the gentle beat of Berry's heart, happy to hear that Berry was no longer scared of her as the heart gently continued its standard rhythm. Berry watched her pull away as Colgate trailed a hood up her body gently placing it on Berry's cheek. Berry couldn't help but gently nuzzle into the hoof closing her eyes making Colgate smile at the adorable sight of Berry taking comfort in the light touch. "I hope I can trust you" She said her magic reaching up to the bindings. Berry's eyes followed the magic for a moment before the bindings came loose and she fell to the floor. Colgate grabbed her tight with a mix of magic and the little muscle force she had, carefully holding Berry up from falling onto the floor. Berry was panting heavily out of the sudden fear of her fall, now held tightly in Colgate's grip she tried to stand. Her muscles having gone mostly unused were delicate at first but soon she was standing again with Colgate standing in front of her, gently hooves on her neck and cheek and a kind smile watching her as Berry finally felt free for the first time since her captivity started. Berry was so wrapped up in finally being able to stand on her own she didn't notice Colgate's hooves slipping from her neck as the mare made her way around to Berry's side, where she gently draped a hoof over Berry's back looking over at her with a smile. Giving her forehead a gentle kiss as she motioned to the stairs. "Come on, I can't let you sleep on that silly metal table after you've been so good to me" She smiled nuzzling the bridge of her nose and forehead gently against Berry's neck careful not to poke anything with her horn before guiding Berry to the stairs carefully supporting the fragile mare as she started to climb the stairs. At first Berry faltered but Colgate caught her quickly and helped her up the rest of the way to the door. The camera guided ahead watching Colgate as she led Berry out into the kitchen where Berry got caught up in the moonlight. She stopped walking for a moment her legs shaking a bit as she stared off toward the moon having never been happier to see the outside world in her life. She glanced back at Colgate who was watching her legs with some concern. Unbelievable to her she leaned over nuzzling against Colgate's cheek as a silent way of saying not to worry, taking a few more steps they managed to get to the second set of stairs where Colgate once more helped her up to their bedroom. Berry stared at the bed intently until finally managing to get herself to it. Colgate got distracted for a moment latching the camera to the roof with her magic but her distraction didn't last long as Berry collapsed into the bed with a heavy sigh. She didn't speak at first she just adjusted herself into the sleeping position Colgate was familiar with her taking up, laying on her side hooves outstretched in front of her with her back hooves trailing off down the bed. Colgate smiled as Berry nuzzled the pillow to find a comfy spot which wasn't hard to do after so long sleeping on a table. Colgate climbed on soon after, slipping in behind Berry wrapping a hoof around her stomach/chest draping her tail over the fragile framed mare. Berry didn't respond for a moment cluing Colgate off that she had almost immediately passed out at the feeling of the warm soft bed. Colgate giggled a bit wrapping the blanket around them with her magic as she lay her head down as well, unannounced she secretly rigged the floor with her magic to wake her up should anything touch it. And in the comfort of Berry's warm body she fell asleep snuggling up with her mare. Come 3am Berry's body woke her, the alien feeling of the warm bed woke her from her desperate sleep and she sat up looking around the room, Colgate sleeping next to her hoof still draping over her stomach where it was just before she fell asleep. She started to breath rather heavily as her mind raced with thoughts of running away but for whatever reason she couldn't go any farther than thoughts. It was confusing to her, to not wish to run anymore. But she had to accept that gut feeling to stay with Colgate was right. And despite the terror that had been induced to her Colgate was still the best thing to happen in her life. And as much as she tried to deny it, she was now in love with the feeling of the blade, so long as Colgate held it she loved it. She was just not willing to admit it out loud, and thus silently she lay back down. Turning around and burying her face in Colgate's chest with a bit of a whimper, closing her eyes as she relaxed into the heat of Colgate's body and once more fell back into a proper night's sleep. Come morning Colgate was gone from the bed, but Berry found herself without binds to stop her from moving. As she sat up she began to panic a bit, the feeling of the bindings was so familiar she didn't know what to do on her own anymore. But despite this feeling of unease she got up moving down the stairs slowly, guiding herself with the rail so she wouldn't fall with her still weak legs. She felt well rested which was a change for her, but as she stepped downstairs she stared at the front door now sitting in front of her, but as her hoof reached out to touch it she stopped with her hoof planted on the door and turned away walking rather quickly out to the kitchen where she found Colgate smiling at her having just finished preparing their morning meal. Colgate frowned seeing Berry's panicked state and walked over hugging her tight. She received a tight hug from Berry making her smile once more as she felt the hooves wrap around her. "What's wrong dear?" She asked looking up and down at Berry to see if she fell down the stairs. Berry frowned nuzzling Colgate's neck again but with no answer Colgate turned to the table motioning for Berry to take a seat. "Let's get you something to eat" She guided Berry to the table helping her take her seat but before Berry was ready to eat she looked back at Colgate with a confused and somewhat scared look, but it was not fear of Colgate it was fear of something else. "You look beautiful" Colgate smiled gently stroking Berry's mane and neck. "Now take it easy when you eat, I know you want to eat it all at once" She giggled. "But that's not gana go well with how little you've been eating lately. Let's take it slow" She motioned toward the carefully prepared food to which Berry finally smiled just a little. > Colgate's Entertainment Entry #7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anonymous asked colgates-entertainment: If you're a masochist like you say you are Col, does that mean that you will eventually let Berry, cut you and let her show you the love she has for you? or are you actually just a sadist, and wanna just cut her and show your love for her? Berry woke fairly rested, looking across the room with a concentrated frown trying to decide what to do next. There were bandages resting on the bedside table with lines of blood in them, however her body felt clean of cuts or wounds which by now was a strange feeling for her. She took a deep breath and sat up looking around the room once more to see if there was any sign of Colgate, but there was nothing except the light ting of metal downstairs. She stood up and made her way down as slow as she could with her weak body. It felt good to move her muscles again but there was still soreness in them so she had to take her time to keep herself from falling. So long tied to that table had taken it's tool on her but as she came up to the kitchen she stopped, hearing Colgate messing around in the kitchen made her stop to think about all that had happened. Colgate had not heard her yet, she had a chance to escape. Run out the front door and scream for help and get away from Colgate but she shot down these thoughts starting to shake as she thought of leaving Colgate behind. She ran into the kitchen receiving a confused face from Colgate as her magic died down placing the knives down on the table as she turned her attention to Berry who had just run in and latched herself to Colgate hugging her tightly. "Hey now" She giggled slowly running her hoof over Berry's mane kissing her forehead happy to feel the hooves wrapped around her neck. "Is everything alright dear?" She asked looking down at Berry who had her face buried in Colgate's neck but she got no response. "Are you hungry?" She asked motioning to the food she had prepared for Berry quickly receiving a nod from the mare, the hooves slowly coming off from around her neck giving her room to pull away guiding Berry to the table where Colgate sat her down and pushed the plate in front of her. "Easy now okay? I've been bad at feeding you lately so you need to take your time. If you eat this all at once it will just come back up" Colgate smiled watching Berry take a few simple bites letting her magic set to work on cleaning the kitchen as she stole some of the food off Berry's plate receiving a greedy look from Berry which only made her giggle. Berry couldn't help but smile at this, looking down at her plate her smile held as her mind drifted off to other things. Like what kind of freedom she now had, would she ever be tied to that table again? Colgate no longer scared her, the cuts and the knives as long as they were in Colgate's control she now loved but the table terrified her. Colgate watched the smile fade and fear take over Berry's face knowing full well what it was about. "Berry we have some bigger things to worry about..." She said with a frown, prompting Berry to turn to her with worry in her face. "What's wrong?" She asked. "Your mother" Colgate said with a slight pause afterward as if to stress the fact it was her family causing trouble. "Your mother is trying to get me arrested" Colgate sighed looking off at the window for a moment. "How does she know about?" Colgate shook her head. "No, she doesn't know about that.. But everyone knows you're missing and everyone is insisting I suffer for your absence" Colgate sighed. "I've told them you'll be back but they don't believe me. In fact today I expect the guards to come again.. But I don't want them bothering us, I'm going to ask for one more week before they try to arrest me... Until then I just want some private time with you" Berry smiled placing her hoof on Colgate's. "Well now we both have something to hide" She giggled. "Let's just hope the press doesn't bother me about my absence for too long" Colgate smiled back leaning over giving Berry a gentle kiss on the cheek. "I've hidden this for years darling, I can teach you" Berry nodded with a smile. "And once all this chaos of your return is over, I'm going to teach you how to use my knives" Colgate said leaning over again kissing Berry's neck. Berry's mind was now completely focused on this, wondering if she would be allowed to cut back for once but as she thought about this Colgate interrupted her train of thought. "And maybe for once you can taste my blood instead of your own" She whispered into Berry's ear as if it was a secret. But just as the blush grew across Berry's face there was a knock at the door. Colgate made a growling noise turning around glaring at the hallway that led to the front door. "It's 8am you'd figure they would at least let me sleep..." "Not that you are sleeping" Berry commented feeling Colgate's hooves part from hers. "I'll be back in a moment, try not to make any noise" Colgate said kissing Berry's forehead walking off toward the door as the second knock came and Colgate pulled the door open with a disappointed look on her face. It was the same guard as before with the same somewhat angry look on his face. "We can come in right?" He asked receiving a glare from Colgate but also a nod. Colgate watched the 2 colts sit down happy they could not see the kitchen from where they were. She sat down on the couch across but before she could even get comfy with her position the colt started talking. "Well, where is she? You said she would be back." He said with a bit of impatience in his tone. "She will be home soon." Colgate commented simply. "So now you're really lying to us?" He asked. "Lying about what?" "What you don't think we are watching the house? We saw you through the kitchen window she's already home so I want her to come out and get her mother off our asses" He glared back at the kitchen as Berry emerged from the doorway with a frown. "And there's the mare who's been causing trouble for so long" The second colt said looking at her. "Why are you still hiding?" "I want to be alone with Colgate..." She held her eyes away from the colts with a frown. "How did you even get back in the house without us seeing?" The colt asked still suspicious that Colgate was doing something to her. "I'm good" Colgate said tracing her hoof across the couch in a circle. "Oh how pretentious of you" The colt said. "What's my mother doing?" Berry asked. "She's asking us daily if we've seen anything or heard anything about you. And she's asking us to arrest Colgate as well as search the house for you. But now that we've actually seen you we can finally get her off our case which is great because she's been all over us about this" "What charges has my mother asked to submit?" "Any harassment charge she could. Including rape, murder, and kidnapping." "Tell her to piss off" Colgate muttered. "No... Tell her I'll come see her soon, and tell her if she talks about pressing charges again she won't get to see me at all" The colt's nodded standing up. "Thank you, it's been a crazy time tracking you down with your mother on us 24/7" Berry wasn't done with them yet. "And if I hear you talk to Colgate like she's a criminal again you might actually need to start pressing murder charges" She glared at them with complete seriousness, causing the colts to quickly become very uncomfterable. "A..Alright" He stuttered lightly, having never had someone be so serious with a threat before. "No go tell her.... But if she shows up at our door I'm blaming you" "Understood Mrs" He said stepping toward the door with his partner. "Miss" She corrected him. "Miss?" He asked looking back, but remembering how Colgate corrected him he dismissed it knowing how she would explain. With the closing of the door Colgate smiled over at Berry. "Miss huh?" She smiled. > Colgate's Entertainment Entry #8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The camera flicked on with Berry sitting on the floor in a bathroom, the camera in her hooves looking up at her as the tears ran down her face. "I uh" She stammered her body shaking gently. "Th.....Those colts, that came to the house. They weren't guards they were private detectives my mother hired." She stammered through her tears. "And they reported Colgate for what... For what she did" She ran her hoof over her eyes clearing them. "And the real guards came, they arrested her. And she's in jail right now pending charges for all the things under the sun that my mom could put on her." She put the camera down pressing her hooves into her face still crying and shaking. "I don't know what to do..." She said in frustration. "My mother's trying to get Colgate thrown in jail... And she's got me locked up here in her house I just... I want to go home" She pleaded to the camera tho she knew it would not help her. "If I drop charges, which is my choice not my mothers. I can get Colgate out by tomorrow night" She said, her mind still conflicting on if she really wanted Colgate out. Looking down at the floor she knew nothing else to do but just sit in silence, or talk about Colgate so she could decide what she really wanted. "My mother hates Colgate... She wanted her daughter to meet some nice strong colt.. And Colgate just, didn't fit that. But that was not the only reason my mother hated her... My father was a great pony, he took care of me when he could but... My mother had changed from the mare he married and she controlled everything in the house." Berry sighed. "She even controlled the money.. As a result there was hardly anything for me to eat at the house, there was always plenty to drink but you can't survive on that... I got desperate after a while to the point I needed to steal money from my mother to go out and get something myself. I never brought it home though... Never" She shook her head with a sigh. "Colgate came into the picture soon after I turned 12, she was with Lyra at the time and they were a cute couple but they didn't work out. Colgate knew this, and got Bon Bon to replace herself in the relationship. Of course this turned out to be a perfect match and they have been together since. In fact they got married at 17, 1 year ago. " "Colgate took me to her house whenever she could, had me stay over and sleep there almost weeks at a time... She took good care of me" She frowned looking away. "We got together at 13, a year after she started to take me in. And at 14 I had moved in with her completely, which was funny for our age but..." She sighed. "What did it matter anyway.. She took care of me, better then my mother did. And my father died 2 years later at 16." She sighed again looking about the room. "I'm currently 18, Colgate is 19. And we have been engaged for nearly a year now... I can't say, even now. That I would ever say no to being with her for the rest of my life... But what she did has made me conflicted..... I don't know what to do, but I know I'm not putting her in prison.." She slowly stood up cleaning her eyes again as she put the camera down on the table. "I'm gana go drop the charges.. And tell my mother" She said cleaning her eyes once more before marching out the door letting the camera sit in her bag where Colgate had cut a small hole for when they went out in public. The camera finally came to a stop in the kitchen where it focused on Berry's mother sitting alone at the kitchen table with a concerned look on her face. "So, what charges will you press?" She asked. "None" Berry said. "None? How can you say none?" Her mother asked somewhat angrily. "Just.. Leave Colgate alone already, you've held this grudge for years" Berry responded hesitantly. "And evidently for a good reason" Her mother scoffed. "Well, I can press charges on your behalf if you appear to be victimized. Which clearly you have." The somewhat old mare said picking at her food with her magic. "That mare will see the inside of a prison" She said with a slight growl. "No!" Berry said angrily. "You can't do that!" "That mare has plagued this family for long enough Berry" She said with a bit of annoyance in her voice. "YOU have plagued this family mom.... Not her" She said flatly. Berry marched over to the sink her eyes glaring at the metal bowl as her hooves nervously wrenched over the counter top. "The only person who's victimizing me here is you...." Berry stretched her hooves across the counter closing her eyes as she relaxed. "My word am I glad she has given me this" Berry said her hooves sliding over the counter and gripping at the blade her mother used to prepare the food she was now eating. "Given you what?" Her mother asked nervously. "The order to end this properly..." Berry said somewhat emptily. "She didn't say it... But" Berry turned on the water cleaning the blade quickly before turning it off and turning around. "But I can feel her thinking it..." She brought the blade down on her upper hoof gently pressing it into the skin making her twitch in the pleasure of the metal on her body. "I can feel her blood" Berry said quietly as she dug the blade into her skin doing everything she can to hold in the moan that attempted to echo from her lungs. She felt the warmth of the blood drip off her hoof and onto the table. Her mother stuck in horrified shock behind her. "Now let's feel yours" Berry turned around glaring at her. The heart shaped mark dug into her hoof dripping down onto the floor in hot metallic drips. > Colgate's Entertainment Entry #9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “She’s beautiful isn’t she?” Berry asked, her hooves running over Colgate's mane as the young mare sat silently staring at Berry’s mother now propped up against the table Berry had been on a few days ago. The older mare only now waking up from her slumber, the coughing taking over her dry mouth as her eyes opened to view Colgate sitting down in front of Berry, carefully watching her as she hung from the tight leather straps. “Why did you have to get all those guards involved?” She growled looking up at her mother but Colgate reached a hoof back and upon resting it on Berry’s hoof still playing with Colgate's mane she silenced her mares complaints. As Colgate stood she turned back around kissing Berry’s forehead dismissing her to the side of the room so she might take command of the situation. She turned back to Berry’s mother with long confident strides, now standing only a few inches from the old mare. “You interrupted us….. I’m not happy with you, and as you have seen. Nor is she” She glanced back at Berry for only a moment before returning her focus to the table. “You are not worth it, my time or my preparations for a proper.. Servicing~” She sighed. “No, you are a cute little thing” She said gliding a hoof down the mothers chest. “But you're terrible terrible personality has put me off completely from you…. I leave control over what happens to you to your daughter. Let her decide what happens to you next” Without glancing at Berry again she took her gaze off Berry’s mother and fled the room rather quickly. Berry frowned as she watched the blur of Colgate’s mane dart up the stairs and she was left alone with her mother, who was too stunned to be anything but silent. A few moments later Colgate heard a sharp scream, the kind that came from a quick sloppy stabbing. She made a light growling noise at the inexperience of her mare but knew not to expect too much from Berry, at least not yet. She was eager to teach Berry everything she could but it would take time. Time she was willing to spend improving on Berry’s skill, her patience. But right now she was frustrated. Frustrated that she had to take time from training her mare to deal with this dull pony who had been giving her trouble for years now. But as Berry climbed up the stairs she smelt the iron of blood, and knew that her problem was gone. In turning back to Berry she frowned as her magic cleaned Berry’s hooves of the blood that now laced them, it was the splatter of the knife, based on the amount it was a jugular wound that had killed Berry’s mother, something she could only hoped was on purpose. So that she would not have to teach Berry about that as well, what fragile of a vein it was. “Are you okay Colgate? I… I didn’t mean to anger you by doing this” Berry asked with a frown. “No no, you did fine my dear. I’m just annoyed with her is all, it is not you” She said motioning for Berry to join her at the table. “Come, I want you to explain what happened whal I clean up the mess I’m sure you’ve left for me” Berry looked down at her hooves as she sat at the table. “Sorry…” “I expect it, at least for the first little while. I am not so much concerned with the mess, but the quality of the work. So whal I clean, please take your time explaining to our dear viewers what has happened” She said as she once more drifted out of the room in the blur of colors. “Okay uhm…” Berry said looking back at the basement door as if waiting for more orders from Colgate before she spoke, but none came. “I.. I got angry at my mother…” She said fiddling with her hooves as if she was nervous. “I cut open her hoof and she ran. But the blood loss nearly knocked her out a few minutes later and I was able to properly catch her.” She stopped for a moment like she was feeling strange about saying it that way. “I brought her here, she’s been tied up for about a day until Colgate got here about an hour ago. They released her from jail once I ordered that no charges be held against her… Thankfully” She said. “I thought maybe my moms words would hold over mine but, thankfully they did not.” As she looked back up at the camera she paused for a moment trying to think of how to word it. “Do you think Colgate is angry at what I did? Or do you think she likes it? Surely if she is down there cleaning right now she can’t be too against it. She would have never let me be alone with her if it was like that. Would she?” Berry frowned looking around the room. “I hope she likes it… I’ve never had any.. Power, in my life. At least, not over another pony. That was a good experience for me.. To be able to control my mother instead of the other way around.” With a sigh she stopped and turned back to the door again. “I’m not even sure if I should be saying all this I mean, what if somepony finds these?” She asks turning back to the camera as if it would offer an answer to her paranoia. “I should stop this here, is that okay?” She asked again, with no answer reaching back. “Okay… I’m gana go help her now…” She said with a bit of a smile, her hoof reaching over and carefully picking up the camera. Fumbling around with it for a few moments she finally found the off switch with a satisfied. “Ah-ha!” And the screen flickered off immediately. > Colgate's Entertainment Entry #10 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equestrian Law Chapter 62 : Section 42 The penalty for murder is death. As Colgate woke one morning, all she could hear was screaming and yelling. Her eyes were still adjusting, the world around her blurry and distorted as she tried to wake herself. The bed below her a mess of mangled sheets with a fine robe dangling from the end of it, evidence of what happened last night with Berry. In her morning daze she had not even noticed the yelling. She stood up and stumbled toward the door expecting Berry to be waiting for her in the kitchen, happy to see everything was going as planned she stopped at the top of the stairs and gave her head a shake, her mane flying about with the shake of her head and the blinking of her eyes. Her senses coming back to her along with the grunt of a colt and the thud of something heavy hitting a wall. As she glared down the stairs scared that her mare might be in danger. But with the world finally coming back to her she frowned in the realization that the guards had come for Berry, and Berry was not trained on how to deal with the guards in a manner that would not create more suspicion than the blood and evidence at her mother's house had created. The house had been tapped off before Colgate had even got a chance to clean up after her mare, and tho Berry was careful she did not clean up the blood she had left in the washroom, her own blood. It was enough to bring Berry in. One of the guards that had filled the house had came to the bottom of the stairs looking up at her as if she was about to run. But she simply frowned down at him letting her head drop down a bit as he ran up to grab her. Much to her thanks he was not rough with her as she thought he would be, and he dragged her quickly to the carriage waiting for the both of them. He pushed her inside and ran back to help with getting Berry from the house. But as Colgate looked over at the door watching Berry dragged from inside she frowned at the few blood trails running over Berry's face and chest. Berry was yelling the whole way to the carriage at which point she was thrown in alongside Colgate. "Colgate why didn't you help me!?" She asked in surprise, kicking at the metal holding them inside the carriage. "What did you do?" Colgate asked with a disappointed frown. "What do you mean? Trying to escape!" She said as if it was a natural thing to do. "No I mean what did you do to the guards" Colgate said with once again a disappointed and un approving look. "Nothing" Berry muttered under her breath as the cart suddenly jerked forward and both mares lost their footing causing them to crash against the walls to hold themselves upright. "What did you do?" Colgate asked again, this time angrily. "I think I killed one of them..." Berry frowned. "Sorry" Colgate was completely furious at Berry's ignorance. "Sorry? You killed one of them and you're sorry?" "I know, but you didn't tell me what to do! I could only get one by the time they had me down" "Could only get one?" Colgate asked with a growl behind her voice. "Could ONLY get one?" She repeated. "Berry the goal here is not to take out as many guards as possible! Dammit you're supposed to just listen to them! It's bad enough you went after your mother without first coming to me but now you've killed a guard. They have NOTHING on you for your mother, at least not enough to kill you but now guess what you've done! You're going to be dead by next week!" She growled angrily. "R..Really?" Berry asked nervously. Backing off as if afraid of Colgate and what she was saying. "Yes REALLY" Colgate replied angrily. "I can't get you out of this! There's no way to prove you didn't they have all those guards who say you did! Not to mention the blood on your face and whatever other evidence you left behind" "So... What do I do?" She asked, confused and scared having never thought of all this before. Colgate kicked against the metal in all her frustration, she should have focused less on her love life with Berry and more on training the mare. If nothing it would have kept her away from the death sentence but now Berry had given them no choice. Colgate was not strong enough in her magic to break them out of the guards quarters so as far as she could tell there was literally no way to save her mare from this. They sat silently for a while, with Berry in the corner of the cart thinking about if she could have possibly left that colt alive. But nothing came to her, she had cut exactly where Colgate had told her not to. That meant either the colt was in serious condition or dead. But even as she thought of this the cart slammed to a stop and Berry was suddenly jerked from the cart. Colgate followed soon after, she was helped out from the cart and brought into the holding cells far more kindly then Berry was. Colgate, knowing the worst may still be ahead for them was silent during this entire thing, but Berry was trying to apologize for the guards death as if it would somehow make her less accountable for her actions. It was almost a week exactly when Colgate finally got word of Berry's trial, Mayor Mare had pushed ahead for it along with the support of the whole town and now Colgate knew the trial would be very short. She could only hope Berry would not drag them both down as she prepared for the idea that she may no longer have Berry with her. But as the lawyer given to Berry disputed that it may have been a panic self defense, the evidence from her mother's house and the fight that went down in their own house equaled out any evidence that Berry may not have intentionally killed a guard. But the judge had a look of disapproval for Berry, the only consolation being in the sentence. "We release Colgate Minuette immediately with no charges, no evidence has amounted that she might be in connection with any of these cases" Colgate now need only wait for the judge to read out his decision on Berry's punishment. It was either jail for an unknown amount of years. Or death penalty a week from today. But with the look the judge gave her she knew she might seriously need to think about life without Berry. > Entry #11 - Behind the curtain > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The camera flicked on. It was glitching at first. The screen was jumping about with flashes of color and light before it finally came into focus. The camera would still glitch out a bit as it shuffled in the grass, finally stopping at a good view over the side of the large hill it seemed to be on. Colgate sighed, stepping out in front of the camera, but not looking back at it yet, staring off toward Ponyville down below her. "She asked me not to run away..." Colgate said, without much explanation at first. A moment of silence followed for a moment before she spoke again. "What does that even mean?" she asked in a frustrated tone. "Run away from what?....this town?" she asked, gently kicking at the dirt below her. "Run away from her? From her death?..." she asked again, as if something might answer her. "How am I supposed to stick around while all this happens? My life I've worked so hard to create and now....now it's just all gone." she said, clearly getting rather emotional now. "All of that work, all of that planning. For what? It's all gone now. The mare I took years upon years to create is now gone because of those rats," she said with a hiss in her tone. "All I can think to do is turn to my friends. The only two left who still have some respect for me are Lyra and Bon Bon. But without Berry, I'm afraid they won't care for me as they used to..." She sighed, sitting down. "The only option I have left is to try and-" she stopped as the camera glitched again, a small slip of paper falling out the side. Her magic quickly snagged it, pulling it up to her view. anonymous said: Pls continue ;_; "Are you asking me to....keep going?" Colgate asked with a frown, looking back at the camera for the first during all this. "How am I supposed to keep doing this without her?...nothing I've ever done alone has satisfied me like she has," she sighed, looking down at the floor. "I'm sorry...I don't think I can..." she said, her eyes fading slightly from their bright blue down to something darker, closer to black. "I can't..." Her breath started to grow faster, her muscles clenching a bit around her throat as her color once more grew darker. "Oh great, now look at me," she said in a choked tone, her hoof reaching up to wipe tears from her eyes. "What happened to being the strong one, Colgate?" she asked herself, clearing a second tear. "Ugh, this is pathetic," she said with anger. "Stop it!" she yelled at herself, using her magic this time. "See what happens when you do this shit to me!?" she screamed toward the general direction of Ponyville. "Fuckers...sitting there, watching me break down over this..." she said with a heavy sigh. "Like looking behind the curtain, huh?!" she screamed again. "It's dangerous to look back here!" she said continuing to scream. "Ask Berry..." she said in a hushed tone now, looking down at the floor. "Bastards..." she said with a hiss, her tears still falling. "Berry, why can't I just run?" Colgate asked, starting to sob now. "Why are you making me stay here?" she asked again, her posture starting to slip. "I can't be happy here, not anymore. Our house is cursed..." she continued to sob. Taking heavy and deep breaths, she looked up into the sky, her magic kicking up. "Ugh, get a hold of yourself," she said through her tears. Her horn now glowing brightly, her body started to correct herself her muscles gaining back control. She took one long deep breath to fully calm herself, her last tear dripping onto the floor. "What are you doing?" a small voice somewhere behind the camera asked. "Are you okay?" it questioned. Colgate turned back toward the camera, eyes locking on something above it. She sighed, looking down as her eyes returned to blue again. "I'm sorry, child. Just talking to ghosts, I guess," she said, standing up and walking over to the camera, keeping her distance from whatever was behind it. "Ghosts?" the voice asked. "Are they scary ghosts?" "No, no, just...somepony I knew," she frowned, her eyes visibly dimming a bit. "What are you doing up here all alone, little one?" "Running away," the small voice said confidently. Colgate laughed a little, sitting down once again. "Really? Running from what?" "My mother, she's driving me insane..." the voice said, lowering in pitch as if sad. "Makes me feel like shit every day I'm around her.” Colgate frowned. "Hey, watch your mouth now little one, how old are you?" "I'm fourteen," the small voice said as if questioning it. "Now, now, don't make me bring you back to Ponyville. Tell the truth," Colgate insisted. "Thirteen..." the voice sighed. Colgate nodded standing up with a bit of a smile. "I'm Colgate, what about you?" she asked. "I'm Dinky," the young mare responded. "Dinky...Dinky," she said, rolling the name around her mouth for a moment. "I heard you yelling, are you angry?" Dinky asked stepping forward, her hoof now resting in front of the camera’s lenses. "I was, I guess...I'm angry at myself," Colgate explained. "You shouldn't be running away," Colgate said, walking closer to the small filly. "Oh look, now I'm even talking like her," she said with a heavy sigh. "Damn." "Talking like who?" Dinky said looking around. "The mare I lost," Colgate said without further detail. "Mare? Was she family?" "She was my wife," Colgate answered simply. "What is it like losing somepony like that?" Dinky asked. Colgate was starting to like this curious little mare so she decided to answer. "Kinda like...at first it puts you in a daze, I guess. You don't realize how fast things around you are happening. Before you know it, they're gone and you're alone again..." Colgate said, her eyes darkening once more. "Again...." she said, closing her eyes tight and shaking her head. "Ugh." "Are you okay?" Dinky asked, walking up to her. The camera now had a view of the small filly. Fine long blonde hair draped across her body, a sort of purple/pink coat covered the rest of her body. Colgate remembered seeing this filly before, but only at a quick glance, annd not with this mane style. It was rolling down across her shoulders. Normally, Colgate would be taking great interest at this point, but so soon after Berry left, she couldn't take interest in anything. "Yeah, I'm fine little one. Are you sure you really want to run away?" she asked, concerned for the small filly. "Absolutely, I've been thinking about it for months..." Dinky said confidently. "Can we make a deal? I won't tell anyone you're running off if you wait just a few more days to make sure this is what you want." "Wait a few more days? I've been out here for a day already...it gets cold at night. I was going to get going again before I heard you yelling." "How about I take you back to my apartment, and you can stay there for the next few days? Make sure you are making the right choice, and if you still want to leave, I'll help you," she said. "Promise you won't tell anyone?" Dinky asked concerned. "I promise. I don't need anyone knocking on my door any time soon. I just want to be alone for a bit." "Okay, it would be nice to have some food...if that's alright?" Dinky asked. "Yes, it's fine. Come, we should get inside before it gets dark," Colgate said glancing off toward the sunset. "Why were you trying to move at night?" "Moving keeps you warm, sleeping in this cold is...hard." "I understand. We should get inside before somepony sees you...but do not forget our deal, you need to think seriously about this.” "I will, where are we going?" "My apartment, just outside of Ponyville. Come, I'll lead you there,” Colgate said, her magic lifting the camera up out of the grass. "What's that?" Dinky asked, looking up at it. "These are my friends, I guess, or...something like that," Colgate tried to explain. "Can I be your friend too?" Dinky asked. "Yes, of course. Come on, I'll give you a tour of my house," she said with a light smile, holding the camera up behind them. Dinky started walking toward the hill, Colgate following right behind her, surprised Dinky was going in the right direction. She watched the young thing gad about on the hill for a moment before bringing the camera down so it could see her face. She gave it a light smile looking with a sigh. "Alright, Berry, let's see what you have planned for me..." > Entry #12 - My gift to you > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been a year since Colgate met Dinky out on that hill, where she too had planned to run away from this town. Since then she had been secretly manipulating the filly into believing Colgate was some otherworldly figure. Something to be feared, and respected. Dinky was now only a few hours from turning 14, it was now 11pm and Colgate was restless in her bed next to the small filly she had come to love. She was so much wiser now, so much more well conditioned to turn Dinky into the image she had hoped to project on Berry once. So far everything had been working, but Dinky was impulsive from time to time. The only moments in which she could correct this behavior is if she herself became impulsive in front of the filly. Quickly she got up from her bed. She knew full well Dinky was only pretending to be sleeping, and she could no longer contain the urge to give Dinky her present now. She didn't turn back to the bed, she knew Dinky was watching her but the moment she would turn the clever filly would simply close her eyes and pretend to be asleep. Instead Colgate left no doubt in Dinky's mind that she knew of her consciousness. "Come with me little one, I'm giving you your present" "MMmph?" Dinky made a startled noise, pretending that at least to some extent she was asleep. But the quick bounding of her hooves across the bed and onto the ground left the impression Dinky had been awake for some time now, despite having been asked to sleep at around 9 that night to prepare for the following day. Colgate sighed stepping up toward the closet door in the guest bedroom. She took a moment to breath, she had not dedicated as much time, as much effort and as much care to a pony since Berry died. And now, grooming another mare like she had once did to Berry, acting it all out like the acts that took place on some grand stage. She felt as if for the first time she was getting stage freight. What if all Dinky's training had meant nothing, she had taught Dinky how to cut, how to heal wounds and how to control blood loss. But she had never shown her this part of these skills. As she swung the doors of the closet open she guided herself through with careful steps, slow and steady was all she could manage to be now. She was too nervous to be excited, too afraid that maybe somewhere along the line she might have screwed up and she could lose the only other pony she'd ever met she had been this close to. Close enough to show them her secret. "It's been a long time since I took you in" Colgate said calmly. "I know, I'm still thankful for it every day" Dinky insisted stepping up behind her. "Is something wrong?" Dinky asked, hearing a slight tone of distress in Colgate's voice. "Just worried about you is all, how you'll turn out" Colgate explained without looking back. "I know... I'm sorry.. I'm just a disaster" Dinky pouted looking down at the floor. Colgate shook her head turning around, her magic gently shifting Dinky's now very long mane out from in front of her face. "I'm going to give you something tonight, an opportunity" Dinky tilted her head to the side a little to express her confusion without having to speak, as if worried she might cut Colgate off mid sentence. She was paying close attention, this was a good sign. "My little disaster" She smiled jokingly, running a hoof slowly across Dinky's mane and down her neck. Colgate was now second guessing all her work. She had been conditioning Dinky to believe that she was some godly figure, someone Dinky was supposed to serve and respect. Did it work? "I'm going to give you part of me, something that is never to be taken lightly. Never to be wasted" Dinky looked excited but serious, this too was a good sign. "Are you confident in your abilities? If you were to hurt me now, do you think you could contain yourself enough to do as I ask with that pain?" Dinky nodded quickly. "Anything you ask" She insisted. Good, she was just as loyal as Colgate had trained her to be. And with the camera now fixated on them Colgate knew she would never quite have a chance like this again. Closing her eyes she leaned back up against the table in the center of the room, pulling Dinky up against her she led the filly's muzzle to her neck, at first she acted as if all she wanted to do was hug the filly, but she leaned in to whisper her next instructions. "Are you sure you're ready now, to see what power I've been keeping from you?" She asked. "The blood of another pony is the most powerful thing you can consume, it transfers magic, it transfers health and sickness, death or life... Are you ready for this? For that type of knowledge, and that type of power? If you're lucky it may set you free, or it may kill you. Can you take this chance for me?" This was the test of true loyalty. If Dinky was loyal to her in every sense then she would risk death in order to please her. And as she felt Dinky lean in toward her neck she knew she succeeded. "You know what I want" She whispered once more, almost so low in its tone that the camera could barely pick it up. Dinky pressed her teeth firmly to Colgate's neck, Colgate could feel the sharp tips of a few teeth that she had slowly and secretly sharpened through various spells. She was thankful for this, the rough tearing of normal teeth would be annoying to deal with. However these teeth she had given Dinky, they would sink in deep to the skin, giving them both the pleasure they desired. With a sharp yet careful jolt of Dinky's jaw the teeth slid into her neck causing Colgate to make a slight moan, muffled somewhat by her desire to pay attention to any sounds Dinky made. As she felt the blood slide down her neck she knew it was now running over Dinky's tongue and into her throat. The warmth of the blood, the hot metal taste made Dinky press down harder on Colgate's neck. A muffled moan coming up from Colgate's neck as she drank. Colgate was starting to breath more rapidly, the excitement of this. Having trained the perfect mare, someone as excitable as she was by the taste of blood. Colgate felt the uncontrollable urge to press back against Dinky, to get the teeth deeper in to feel the warmth of the fillys breath on her neck. But they were already as close to eachother as they could get. Dinky was firmly pressed up against her chest, teeth deeply embedded into the warmth of Colgate's body. Dinky could barely tell what was going on anymore, the soothing yet hot taste of blood was flowing across her tongue, metallic was the only word she could think to describe it. That beautiful taste of metal that in the last few seconds she had come to adore. She knew she had to stop at some point, but she didn't want to stop until Colgate told her to. What if she stopped too early? Or too late? She did not want to displease Colgate but right now, feeling Colgate's body shutter lightly she knew that she was doing well. Soon however their fun had to end, and just as easily as the holes in her neck were made, Dinky's teeth slipped out of Colgate's neck and the holes left behind were quickly healed by Colgate's magic. The blood however, still gliding down Colgate's neck and chest. A river of beautiful dark red, soon to be washed away by more of Colgate's magic. Dinky could feel the blood around her lips, the aftertaste of warmth still in her mouth as she licked her lips. Realizing she must look very messy she quickly cleaned herself up with some magic of her own, which promptly caught the attention of Colgate who was by now back to standing properly. "Very good darling, how do you feel?" "Amazing" Dinky said through a slight shuddered tone, still taken aback by the idea that Colgate had given her something so important. "Good, I have one more gift for you" Colgate smiled, this time pressing Dinky up against the wall opposite to the table. "Tho I would love to return the favor, and show you how good pain feels. I have decided to delay that part of your first present until later. this is more important right now" She explained, carefully holding Dinky by the waist. "Tell me Dinky, do you understand how important you are to me?" Dinky shook her head. "I thought.. I was just here because you were lonely. I didn't think you would do something like this for me" "Everything I've done in the last year has been for you, everything. From what words I choose to speak up until what meals I choose to make. Everything has been for you" She smiled pressing the tip of her horn up to Dinky's. "And everything I do from now on will also be for you, it will be to protect you, and to ensure you are forever happy" "Are you trying to be my new mother?" Dinky asked, not wanting another parent figure but not wanting to displease Colgate. "No, a mother could never give you all that I want to give you. And tho others may not approve of all that we do, keep in mind what matters is your happiness, and not theirs" Colgate explained. "What will they not approve of?" Dinky asked, with how secretive Colgate was about this, about the blood. She was sure that would never catch the light of day long enough for ponies to question them about it. What was it the other ponies won't approve of that Colgate was willing to let them see? "My second gift to you tonight, is me" Colgate said, carefully leaning forward toward the filly she shut off the camera.