> Trying To Remember Last Night > by ComboBreaker > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 Awakening > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your eyes slowly begin to open, the objects around you seem blurry and faded. As you sit there for a couple seconds and you vision comes back to you. As you look around you see that your place is a total mess. The chair is on its side, broken vases scattered the floor. "What...the...hell? What happened?" you ask yourself, "This place is a mess. Was I robbed in my sleep?' You come to realize that you aren't wearing any clothes. In fact the only cloth on your body was a blanket cover you from your waist down. You look under the sheets only to confirm that you were completely naked. A small grin comes across your face, "Nope, I guess I had one hell of a party. And by the looks of it I got a little lucky while I was at it", you chuckled to yourself. You stand up to see how much more damage was done to your house. When you get to your feet a sharp pain hits your head. You instantly knew that this must have been the side effects of a hangover. The pain felt like someone decided to hit you in the head with a wood plank. One strike after another and the pain would only increase. "Man with a hangover like this only proves that I was ballin it last night" you say to yourself with a smirk. "I only wish I could remember how good it was. Oh well I guess I'll try to figure it out later. You walk over to the kitchen to see the damage. To your surprise it seemed as if it was untouched. The same went for the rest of the rooms of your house. Confirming that the party only stayed in the living room. "Well shit", you say talking to yourself. "With the parties I throw they usually go all over the house. Makes me wonder if I was really the one throwing the party. Doesn't bother me none, just means less cleaning than normal." You go upstairs to head to your room to throw on some clothes. You put on you best pair of briefs. The keep your junk in the right place, they don't squeeze to tight, and their not to loose to were your junk is not swinging everywhere and hitting against your legs. And the last thing you want is rack yourself in the nuts. Next is your jeans. They're a little worn out and a little baggy. You like the way it looks when your not wearing a shirt with you well defined torso. You look down at your abs and notice that you have a little hard time seeing them. "Man I need to start heading to the gym more often again or start doing some sit ups or something", you tell yourself. "Looking this sex in't that easy". Nest was your shirt. You liked wearing baggy t-shirts but not the kind that sagged down to your knees. The last thing you wanted was the people around town o think that your some kind of gangster wanna-be. The shirt still went to your waist but was a size to big. You throw on your old jacket, you've had the jacket for a while and it has a couple small holes in it. You didn't want to get a new one, your current one was too comfortable and if you were still happy with it there was no need to get rid of it. You put your sneakers on and head for the door. "Shit, I should probably clean this place before I leave". You tell yourself. "Naaaaaah future me can deal with this, I need to head out and see if I can get a clue on what happened last night." You walk out the front door into the bright sunlight. It was a little cool outside but the sun kept things a bit warm as well, the perfect weather. A sharp pain comes to you again. This one effected your vision a bit, making things a bit blurry again. You stand there for a couple seconds. You vision starts to come back and your headache begins to fade. "Dammit, I need to find some coffee or something", you groan to yourself, "otherwise this headache is going to get the best of me." You head over to sugarcube corner. You walk in the door to find that there isn't much business going on. Though it's still pretty early in the morning which also meant that they should still be selling coffee for those early morning go-ers. You ring the bell placed on the counter to gain some sort of attention from the staff. At that instant a bouncing beautiful pink mare pounced on top of you. "Well hey there handsome", said the party mare, "I figured you would come around sooner or later." "Oh wow. Since when did you start greeting so formal?", you reply while getting on your feet. The mare was on her feet with that gigantic smile that she always has on her face. She had one of the best figures you could have ever imagined. Her ass wasn't huge but it wasn't small neither. It was something you could get a full handful of. And her breasts were amazing they were probably the second biggest out of every mare you've known around town. Of course it wasn't that many but it was enough. She wore he pink sleeveless shirt that cut a few inches under breasts. And the short jean shorts. It was in fact one your favorite outfits that she wore. "Don't get ahead of yourself there",she chuckled. "You know I have my eyes set on a certain stallion" "And I know your just dying to have me aren't you",you joke." I can see why. Who would want to pass up someone as sexy as I am?" "Okay prince charming, keep telling yourself that", she giggled sarcastically. Pinkie proceeded to seat you a table with a menu. You order your coffee and you sit around waiting for your coffee. She returns about five minutes later with your coffee. "Sorry it took so long", she apologizes. "Kinda had whip up a fresh pot, unless your were okay with cold coffee." "No worries", you rely. "With a hangover as bad as this I won't be going anywhere until it calms down. "Speaking of that party", Pinkie stated excitedly. "That was one of the best parties I've been to in months." "So you remember what happened?", you ask. "Yep", she says. "But don't expect me tell you what happened. If you want to remember a party that was as good as last night you need to find out for yourself." You continue your conversation with pinkie while slowly finishing your coffee. The conversation was more about what the two of you have been up to with your personal lives and such. When you finish your coffee you get up to leave. You say your goodbyes to pinkie, she gives you one of her famous friend hugs before you go. The thing about Pinkie's hugs was that they always seemed a little intimate and you would get a chub every now and then. But that was Pinkie and you couldn't really help it. Finally you set off. You step outside and start wondering around wonder how in the hell were you going to figure out what happened last night. You head to town square, sit on a bench and think for a moment. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Upon sitting on the bench thoughts were going through your head left and right. Such as, whether you threw a party, or if you just had a night out with friends, etc. But out of all these thoughts and ideas you can't help but to keep asking yourself, What the hell happened last night. ` "Well there's two things i love most in this world", you tell yourself. "And that's a good party and boobs. And from the way I woke up this morning I obviously was having fun with both. `"Hell yeah you were", a voice spoke out. Though the voice came to you by surprise, a quick glance up was all you needed to see that it was the one and only Rainbow Dash. You met here about 2 years ago when you first moved to Ponyville. She offered to help unload your stuff when she was flying by.Afterwords you sat down with her, offered her a beer. The two of you made small talk, though it was usually what you did around new people. Eventually you two started to hang out more, only because she was the only one you knew throughout the whole town. After a few days she introduced you to her friends and some other throughout the town. That's when you received your "welcome to Ponyville" party from the queen of parties herself, Pinkie Pie. After that the place started to become more like home and things you did throughout the day became a regular routine. Rainbow was more along the skinny side of the figure scale. She did have some small but pretty defined tone to her muscles. Nothing to big, mostly because of her feminine figure. Her chest was about a B-cup. And if there's one thing you picked up on learning, it was being able to easily identify breast size just by looking. Her rump on the other hand was pretty big for her size, maybe around the same size as Pinkie. She wore a small tight red tank-top that was cut off right under her breasts. And she wore a pair of skimpy tight black exercising shorts, and man, did that show off her ass? "Oh hey Dash" you look up with a small grin on your face, "what's up?" "Oh nothing special", she replied, "just the usual routine workout" Ever since Rainbow Dash went to the Wonderbolt Academy thing, her schedule left her with less and less free time to hang out. But you respected that, after all it was her dream to train and become one of the Wonderbolts. It encouraged her even more when Spitfire, the captain of the Wonderbolts, started to take an interest in her. So all you could do was cheer her on hoping that one day her dream could happen. "Jeez Dash", you tell her with a smirk, "I know once and a while I go out for some exercise but not this early in the morning" "Believe me" she says, I've been up and going since 5:30 this morning it's not that early. Well at least for me" "Anyways", you begin to ask, "what about that party last night?" "Honestly", she tells you," If I could I would tell you" "Let me guess", you say you chuckle, "Pinkie told you not to spill the beans about last night?" "Yup", was the only thing she told you. "She even made you Pinkie swear" " Cross my heart and hope to fly; stick a cupcake in my eye", she quoted the famous Pinkie swear. "Celestia dammit", you sigh, " she beats me too these things every time. Oh well I guess." "Sorry", she says, "I guess I should get going, don't want to start slacking off." "Yeah I hear ya", you reply, "But one quick question. Can you give a name of somepony who hasen't taken her promise yet?" "Alright", she whispers, "But don't tell Pinkie, she'll end up getting grumpy with me. If you want some legit info about last night. Find out who the DJ that was there she'll give you some info. Of course she won't do it without something in return" "Like what?", you ask. "Sorry pal, but that's all you get", she replies. As the cyan mare walked away you thought to yourself. A DJ was there last night that's for sure. And as far as I know there is only one DJ that is well known in this town. So it must be Vinyl Scratch you tell yourself. So you get up and start heading for the house the famous DJ lived in hoping to get some answers. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Upon arrival to the house of the famous DJ you begin to ponder thoughts about how the party could have occurred. Last time you checked you had no reason to celebrate, but then again it could have just been one of those parties that were thrown together for fun. Also how could there have been a DJ as flashy and obnoxious as Vinyl when the party had only took place in your living room. Which was pretty small, there was about enough room for a couch, chair, and a TV. Without keeping track of where your walking, you run right into someone. With a hard crash you both fall backwards and land on the ground. You rubbed your head because of the massive headbutt you just received. Along with the hangover effects still trying to dye down hadn't helped any. Your headache had settled down after about ten seconds, faster than when you first woke up. You look and see a small mp3 player laying on the ground. You pick it up and notice a little symbol on the back. It happened to be a music note, one that Vinyl was a fan of using. You look forward and see Vinyl sitting there looking at you with a smirk. "Hey there stud", Vinyl says with a chuckle, "Nice bumping into you here, outside my house and all." You hand her the small music device. "Yeah" you reply, "sorry about that" "No trouble" she tells you, "but there has to be some reason for walking all the way out here" "Actually yeah", you reply," I was wondering if I could ask you something, you know the party." "Oh man", she says with an excited tone","that party couldn't have gone any better, but look I can't stay to chat I'm actually going to meet up with Octy. Were spending the day together. But I'll talk to you about it when I get the chance too okay?" "Oh okay", you replied, "well I'll have to remember when you have more free time." "Alright well I should be heading off, I can't keep Octavia waiting" "Yeah, talk to you later.", you replied to her. Since you were unable to make any sort of story from Vinyl. You decided to head home and relax for a bit. When you open your front door you stare into the mess of your house. You tell yourself, "didn't I clean this mess before I left this morning?" Then you realize what you said before you left. "Screw it future me can deal with it.". In which you tell yourself. "Fuck you past me". You sighed and decided that you need to deal with it sooner or later. So why not now? You spend three hours cleaning up your house. Picking up the pieces of broken vase, fixing the furniture. After you finish you grab a beer from the fridge, sit on the couch, turn on the TV. And from there you decide that you just needed to relax. Just when you got comfy your doorbell rang. "UGGGHHHH", you say in disappointment. "Hold on, I'm coming" You walk up to the door and open it. To much of your surprise it Rainbow Dash. She was just sitting there with a smile on her face. "Hey",she says,"Thought I'd drop by." You motion for her to come into your house. You offered her a beer.....she accepts. She stands in the middle of your living room while you go fetch her the drink. You shout from the kitchen telling her to take a seat. That's when thoughts started coming through your head. What brings her around here? Why is she here? And why so sudden? She usually notified you before she came over. As you were thinking you heard a scream come from your living room. "OUCH", Rainbow screams from the other room. You rush in and see sitting on your couch holding her foot. Then you see blood starting to rush from her leg. You notice there was still a piece of broken vase still on the floor. Believing she stepped on it (well of course she did) you rush to her side. You notice the blood coming out rather quickly and you rush to your hallway closet. You grad some disinfectant wipes and gauze. You rush back wipe away the blood and quickly apply the gauze so her foot doesn't bleed any further. "Are you okay", you ask her, "sorry I didn't realize that was still there." "It's fine, it wasn't your fault anyway. Ya big dummy.", she replies. "Look there's a reason why I came over here." "Oh yeah?", you ask with a smirk, "And what would that be?" Without any words she places her hands under your chin line and pulls you into a passionate kiss.