
by TwizzleDragon

First published

Big Mac goes to release himself.

Farm work is hard, especially for Big Mac, who does majority of the work. Due to his social nature and family culture, he started developing tension about a certain somepony at a young age and cannot take it much longer. He will have to find a way to relieve himself, one way or another.


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He watched her work, sweating down her body, glistening with the sun shining on her beautifully young back. She was a strong mare, a competitive one, a challenge to conquer. She was Applejack. Big Macintosh had always watched her work when he could, watched her closely, making sure that the sister he loved would never get hurt, or to help her whenever she needed it, but she never did. She always kept her hair tied, the only time it came undone was when the rain came pouring down and it loosened out of the knot. She looked good, not even good, above good, she looked so great that Big Macintosh sometimes questioned himself. He loved her, as a brother should love a sister, just as any other pony, but memories always kept him up at night, memories that only reinforced his confusion.

The parents had been out of the picture for as long as Applejack could remember, but not for Big Macintosh, he remembered, and he remembered very well. He didn’t know him as father, but he knew her as mother. He was uncle to him some days, and grandpa the other days. Granny Smith never fully explained it to him, but later in life he figured it out. Uncle was adopted and a player. He had all the right moves, always grabbing both Mother and Granny, whether they wanted it or played like they didn’t. It was the one thing his Uncle taught him, mares always want it. Big Macintosh loved sneaking up to watch them play pin the tail on the mare, Uncle was great at it, especially after a night of drinking his special cider. Macintosh learned a lot from that stallion, a lot he carried on after the two left in a rogue bingo match. He just wished Uncle would play with him as much as he did his mom and Granny.

Though he learned all he could from his Uncle, Big Macintosh was no player. The only two words he could get out while trying to flirt were: “Eeyup” and “Yolo,” while both words were supreme in every language, they just weren’t ever enough to gain the rump of his sister. She just wasn’t interested in Macintosh for whatever reason unbeknownst to him. To him, she had to be a lesbian. He had read all the stories that Twilight wrote down in her diary about Applejack and Rainbow Dash while at the library to get a good release from Spike, who loved to pretend that he didn’t want it. Spike was turned on by the pain. He would scream in pleasure every time Macintosh inserted himself inside of him. The blood worked great as lubricant for his many inches. And though Spike was a great lover, Macintosh still longed for his sister. She would always shoot him down when he got the courage to be straightforward with his desires, but she would laugh as if he were joking. She was quite the challenging plot.

After a long day of hard work, and watching his sister buck trees, he began feeling again one of tension.

He was hungry.

Hungry for cock pie.

Applejack’s Pie

She had set one out a while ago for it to cool, just next to the barn on a barrel for her and Macintosh to eat later that day after all their hard work. He walked over to it and ate a banana, all while watching his sister work her flank off like a hamster on a wheel. She was so sexy. So sexy. Unbelievably sexy. So sexy that winona would lick herself off to Applejack. Watching her was like watching a porno, or a worm eat its way into an apple, which is exactly what he wanted to do with her. He started to fantasize about what he wanted to eat with her. That went to drinking with her. Then it went to what he wanted to fuck her with. Then it was back to what he thought Granny would do to her. After a while, he was hard, unable to take it anymore, yet unable to masturbate, he went off to find Spike.

The library was full of commotion. Rainbow Dash and Twilight were there, even Tank the Turtle, but there was no Spike the Porcupine or whatever he is, nopony cares. After a very long and inquisitive chat with the two ponies, they left the library, leaving Macintosh with Tank. By this time, Macintosh looked down and noticed he was still rock hard and neither of those bitches offered to suck him off. He was a little pissed, but at least they left him a present. He had never had sex with a turtle before, males all the time, but never a turtle. Angel Bunny was too small and soft for Macintosh. Unfortunately, Angel died the last time after Macintosh forgot to wash him off and the poor bunny hardened into a statue while Fluttershy was away. He starved to death or suffocated, nopony knows for sure.

So there he was, hard, and with a turtle. Tank was slow, but he already had his anus facing Macintosh. He did what any logical pony would do and got the peanut butter. There was a certain fetish he had about suppressing the pleasure screams of his companions. He put the peanut butter in Tanks mouth, who was immediately stuck together, muffled for the next scene.

Macintosh got behind Tank, inexperienced in turtle sodomy. He lifted Tank up, moving his tail around looking for a point of entry. After a while of looking, Macintosh gave up. Tank still had no idea what was going on. Macintosh went upstairs and came back with a quil. He came back the the behind of Tank and stabbed the turtle, then tore open the puncture with his hooves. Tank was still muffled, unable to scream Macintosh’s name to thank him. When the hole was big enough, Big Mac penetrated it with his kaleidoscope to see how cool it would look, and it looked fabulous. After that, he put his penis in it and fucked the living shit out of it. Intestines were flying everywhere. Tank’s heart had never beaten this fast from all the excitement. It was a good day for this turtle. His penis had come out, forming its odd shape, ready to climax before his handler. Of course, Macintosh wasn’t known for being slow, so the sex ended in about 30 seconds. Tank never got to climax. Big Mac pulled out of the turtle and watched him joyfully bleed to death, all for the sake that he didn’t get to fuck his sister that day.