> Journal of the Princess of the Night > by Basmati > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I came across the journal in a rather peculiar way - it was a few days after my parents' funeral. I had been left their house, but, for obvious reasons, I couldn't live there. It brought back too many memories. And not very nice memories. So I was clearing out the basement, getting ready to move out of my deceased parents' home, when I found a box. This box wasn't like the usual cardboard boxes that everything else was in - this box was all black, and made with black velvet, with navy embroidery. There was a lock on the box, but years, decades, centuries, maybe even millenia, had not been good to it, and there might as well have been no lock on it in the first place. I carefully opened the box, brushing the dust and spiders' webs off it, and immediately saw what lay inside. A book. An ordinary book - some might argue, but I saw something in this book. I was intrigued. Blowing off the dust, I saw the sparkle of silver, encrusted with sapphires. I had never seen anything like it before. From that point, I knew that this was no ordinary book - this was special. I was curious, so, like anyone would, I read it. I sat in that dusty basement that belonged to my parents for hours on end - I sat there until I finished it. Closing the book, I knew that this experience was something that shouldn't just be mine - everyone should have a chance to read this. So here it is. This is the journal of Luna, the Princess of Night. ***************************************************************************** > Entry 1 - Greetings? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok. Err. Well, hi journal. I'm sorry - I've never had a journal before. I have absolutely no idea what to do with this. Celestia gave you to me as a gift, and I thought that I might as well start one, now that I've got you. Oh heavens - I'm referring to this journal as if it is a living creature. I must stop that. Anyway...reader...if anypony will read this journal (which I do doubt. I may be a princess, but nopony really wants to know what 'little' Princess Luna's hopes and dreams are really), I suppose I should start introducing myself. My name is Luna, I am 215 years old and therefore I am the younger sister of Celestia. And together, we govern over the land that is called Equestria. Celestia raises the sun in the morning, and I raise the moon and bring out the stars at night. It is a tradition that has been going for years, decades even - ever since Tia and I defeated that...can I swear in this? I suppose I can, considering that it is my journal... ever since we defeated that bastard, Discord. I should probably tell you where I am and other facts like that. Currently, I am in Everfree Castle - our home for the current moment, but Celestia has been talking about constructing a castle in Canterlot. Personally, I prefer it here rather than in a city like Canterlot. Canterlot can be lovely sometimes, but it can be such an unforgiving city occasionally. I don't know what Tia sees in Canterlot - there's probably some stallion that she's seeing there that she's keeping a secret from me. She can be so secretive sometimes. I know she is my sister, but it is no excuse for her being such a...bitch sometimes. I don't know why she has to disagree with me all the time. If I want this, she wants that. I think this, she thinks that. It's just annoying. Anyway, I'm sitting in my room at the moment, as I usually do. My room is rather wonderful - looking out of the window, the view of the Everfree Forest is wonderful. Celestia is scared by the forest, but I find it a wonderful place, full of such interesting creatures. At night, especially, I love looking out and seeing the owls, badgers and the other nocturnal creatures living their lives out in my beautiful night. I have a feeling Celestia doesn't like it here, because most of the creatures here are noctural, and she only has love in her heart for the animals that live during her day. She just doesn't understand. I think my room is the best room in the entire castle. It is quite large, but not as big as Celestia's, as she immediately ran into the castle when we first moved in and claimed the biggest bedroom as her own. It doesn't matter though, as my room is perfect anyway. I am currently sitting on my four-poster bed, with navy curtains, with silver embroidery - my favourite colours, the colours of the night sky. My harp and lute sit on the chest of drawers, waiting for me to pick them up and play them. My silver curtains blow in the wind towards my bed. Ahh...I can feel the cool night breeze. It's probably due to the fact that I made it, but I do find that night-time is my favourite time of day. Seeing the beautiful stars, seeing the different shapes of the moon, hearing the peace and quiet that comes with night - it's all just wonderful. But, of course, Celestia hates it - "It's creepy!" or "It's dark!" or "It's too cold!" That is all she can say about night. Sigh. She just doesn't understand the beauty that comes with night. All she cares about is her precious day. She hardly does anything though - she made the Sun, that's it. I made the Moon. I made each and every one of those stars - individually! All she does is raise some burning ball of gas, and everypony applauds. I carefully craft everyone of those stars to perfection, and nopony really cares. Well, that's not true exactly - he cares. I've realised that I am extremely good at going off topic - I don't think that I've managed to stay on topic for more than two sentences. Oh well, doesn't really matter. Anyway, I must go now, but I may write tomorrow - depends if I am going to go anywhere with this. Probably not, but we'll see. > Entry 2 - Oh, my life... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have decided that I probably should carry on with this journal - it's a great way to vent out my feelings, and I don't really have anything better to do. I raise the moon every night - big whoop. Nopony really cares but it doesn't bother me too much. Tia keeps going on about it, but I've just learnt to block it out. Reading yesterday's entry, I realise that you (whether 'you' are a pony or just a book) do not know anything about me, as an actual pony. You know about my sister, and what a bitch she is, but not really anything about myself. I am the Princess of the Night, for obvious reasons, just as Celestia is the Princess of the Sun. She doesn't like to be called that though. She prefers 'Princess Celestia of Equestria' - she probably thinks that it sounds cool. Unlike my 'dear' sister, I really feel for nature, particularly my creation. I just feel that you can experience all sorts of emotions with nature - love, happiness, peace - and you just don't get the same feeling with ponies and pony-made environments. Tia feels differently though. She just prefers to be out among the ponies, which I do have to admit can be a pretty wonderful feeling - knowing that all these ponies look up to you, and that you have to protect them. Someponies may find it scary, strange, even horrible, but Celestia and I, we live for it. I don't have any hobbies, unless you count either being a princess or making moons a hobby. I don't listen to music, and I don't really read a lot. The things I read are mainly non-fiction books, but unfortunately, most of the books nowadays are about Celestia and I, due to the fact that Celestia likes reading about herself, so it's hard to find a book I know won't mention me or my sister. Today, Tia and I went about our royal duties - among them, a visit to Canterlot. Oh, how I wish we could just leave Canterlot forever and never return, but of course, it's Celestia's favourite, so we must go there. And as usual, it was dinner party this, evening ball that - Tia just has to visit everypony whose anypony, otherwise she sees her visit as wasted. And I am not allowed to stay behind in Everfree Castle, or even just in the carriage - oh no, it's bad for our "image". Tia says that ponies will want to see us going to public events like these and mingling with the public. Whenever she says this, I always remind her that 1 - these are not 'public' events. They are private parties that only the Uppercrust are invited to - and 2 - we are not mingling with the public. We are in fact mingling with the Upper Class, who do not speak for the majority of Equestrians. Her reply is always the same - "No one likes a smart-arse." The only thing that makes Canterlot bearable is Gem. Now, before you go all "Aww...Luna has a boyfriend!/Luna's in love!"I should just say he is NOT my boyfriend. We are friends - JUST friends. Granted, he is awesome to hang with, but that is all we do. All we do. Gem is a friend of mine, that I met on one of my first visits to Canterlot. Tia had forced me to go to somepony's dinner party thing, and, as I know nopony there and didn't even want to be there in the first place, I hid...and tried to run. But failed. Anyway, I was hiding behind one of the doors, peering through the keyhole to spot Tia, when I heard a voice behind me. "What are you doing?" I jumped, and spun around to face a unicorn stallion, with a blue coat and a silver mane. His eyes were a dark blue, that kinda glittered in the lamplight. I stared at him for a while, until I realised that he was talking to me, but I had no idea what he was actually saying. "Sorry...what?" He laughed. "You know, for a princess, you're pretty blunt," he said. He walked up to me and held out his right hoof. "I am Monoceros Gemini III." I shook the offered hoof, and replied with , "I am Princess Luna...of Equestria. The first." We spent the rest of that night talking about us - what our lives are like and stuff like that. He told me about his family - his brothers Orion and Taurus, and his sister, Andromeda. He was the youngest as well, and we could relate to each other. I told him what Celestia is really like, and he said that it didn't surprise him in the slightest. Made me laugh. After this first encounter, we had a close connection, and he made me vow to always visit him if and when I was ever in Canterlot again. And, of course, I kept my vow, like a good princess does, and everytime Celestia whisks me off the Canterlot, I always stop off at his lovely abode, to the amusement of Tia, who, no matter how many times I tell her that we're just friends, always makes it so dramatic, as if we're meeting up and having romantic rendezvous that end with hot sex. She has an imagination, my sister. So, of course, I visited Gem today, and he was particularly glad to see me. It has been ages since we last met up, due to the fact that nopony had actually invited Celestia to an event of any sort (she was getting quite restless, actually. I think she was having withdrawal symptoms). We talked about the usual stuff - family, Canterlot, night. Gem really likes to talk to me about the night sky. I think it might be because everypony praises Celestia about how great the day is, but nopony really sees the night sky. I have a feeling that Gem stays awake a bit longer than he needs to just so he can see my sky. It is a nice thought, but I don't want him getting stressed or getting ill from a lack of sleep on my account. He does enough for me as it is. He is a sort agony aunt in a way - I tell him everything that's on my mind and he helps me either sort out the problem or, if it's something to do with Tia (which it usually is), tries to get it off my mind. The carriage ride home was quiet, as usual, and, as usual, Tia started talking about the events she attended, when suddenly, she changed the subject. "So, how are you and Gem?" I turned to her, with a questioning look on my face."What do mean by that?" Celestia smiled. "You know, have you gotten anywhere yet?" "For the last time Celestia, I am not going out with Monoceros Gemini III! How many more times am I going to have to say that?" Celestia rolled her eyes, as she does every time something doesn't go the way she planned, and didn't say another word until we were back at Everfree Castle. "You know, you two would make a great couple," she said, slipping into the palace door. I know I haven't said this once yet, but although my sister can be a real royal pain (sorry about the pun), she can be nice...occasionally. When she tries. I remember one time, when we were much younger, when she would be so protective over me - she refused to let anypony to come into contact with me without her permission, and although I hated being treated like a baby, I do appreciate what she was trying to do. It's just that we are so different now that it's hard to remember that this is the same pony that used to stick up for me, used to come into my room when I had a nightmare, and used to always praise me on everything I did. It's funny how time can make a pony change. > Entry 3 - That bitch. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Right, where do I start? Shall I start by saying that once again, my sister has failed to prove to me that she is not a BITCH! I am getting so fed up with her right now. She only thinks of herself and her stupid image. I mean, making important decisions that are supposed to be made by the both of us TOGETHER by herself. That's not right. What has she done now, you ask. Oh, let me enlighten you. I was taking my usual evening stroll around the castle - what I tend to do is to walk around for a bit then go off into the forest for about half an hour - and I was passing Tia's room when... "Luna? Is that you?" I sighed, then walked into my sister's bedroom, to find her standing at her window, which was open, unusually. Tia never opens the window - she's scared that some rabbit or badger will come in and get her. She turned around, saw me, and smiled. "Good, I'm glad you're here - we have important matters to discuss." "Tia, cut the crap. What do you want?" I asked, walking further into the room. She walked over to me. "You know, your hair really does look lovely in the moonlight. I suppose that why you made it s-" "Tia." "Ok." She walked over to her bed, and lay on it. "I was just wondering...how would you like to move to Canterlot?" I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. This topic came up about once every week, and I tended to lose my temper by the end of the discussion. "Tia, we have already talked about this. I don't want to move to Canterlot. I don't like Canterlot. I like it here, in Everfree Castle." "But just suppose we-" "Tia!" I stood right in front of her bed now. "We are not moving. We cannot move. There is no castle in Canterlot for us. End of." I started walking away, towards the door when she said, "Well...actually..." I froze. I had heard this tone before, and it never ended well. "What did you do?" "I have already commissioned a new castle to be built. In Canterlot." I turned around and walked back towards my sister. "You did what?" I said quietly. Celestia jumped off the bed, and put her hoof on my shoulder. "Luna, this is a big step for us. I know you'll love it the-" "No." I threw her hoof off me. "No, I will not love it and I will not like it, and you know that I won't." My voice was gradually getting louder and louder. "You know that I do not like Canterlot, and you know how much I love it here, but of course, you don't care! You only think about yourself! That was an important decision that was supposed to be made by the both of us - not just you!" I was definitely shouting now. Celestia was starting to back away from me. "I have lost count of the number of times you have done this! We are co-rulers, Celestia! I am not just your assistant! I am your sister, and you are supposed to come to me before you make decisions like that!" Celestia stood there, her mouth partially open in shock. "I - I didn't think you'd mind." "You didn't think? I can tell you didn't think! You knew I would mind! I have told you on countless occasions how much I dislike Canterlot, but still you go through with this!" Her eyes were beginning to tear up. "Luna-" "JUST SHUT UP, TIA! SHUT THE BUCK UP!" I was fed up. I decided to leave before I did something I would regret. Leaving the room, I saw the palace guards running towards me. "Princess Luna, we heard shouts. Is everything alright?" "Oh yes. Everything's just peachy." I walked straight past them towards my room, and flung the window open. Without a moment's delay, I jumped out and flew away. I flew until I got to the edge of the forest - as far as I would dare to go without a guard. I sat under a tree at the edge of Everfree Forest, and I wept. I wept for me, and for my home, and for my forest, which I knew I would be leaving. I knew that this day would come eventually; I just hoped that it would be...easier and that I would be a bit happier to leave. I didn't think it would happen so soon. I only came back a few minutes ago, and ever since then, Tia has been at my door, trying to get me to unlock it so that we can "talk about this". There is nothing I want to talk to her about. I've been trying to think of good things that can come out of this - the building of the castle will create more jobs for ponies, it would be easier to...buy things if you're in the city, and I guess I can get more involved with politics when I'm there (Tia doesn't really bother that much with the politics of the land). But the only thing that makes me a bit happier is that I'll be closer to Gem in Canterlot. I've sent a letter to Gem, but he hasn't replied. I expect that he is asleep now - it is well after sundown. Oh, I've never needed him more than I do now. > Entry 4 - Apologies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When I woke up today, I saw that there was a letter from Gem lying on my bed. I immediately opened it and read it. I'll copy it out. It said: My dear Luna, Well...it's not like you didn't see this coming. I know how much you love Everfree Castle (I love it too), but somethings do have to come to an end. I know it's hard, but there is nothing you can do about it now. I know that Celestia did make that decision without your permission and your knowledge, and that was wrong of her, but do try to listen to what she has to say in return - she may actually be sorry. She is your sister after all, and I think you owe her that. I know how you're feeling right now - you probably never want to speak to Tia again - but remember this. Celestia is your sister. Your only sister. You are both princesses. If the princesses of this land cannot make up after an argument, why should the public? Why should they forgive others when those above them cannot forgive themselves? Ponies look up to you. Children look up to you. You cannot let them down after something like this. Please talk to Celestia, and try to sort it out. At least do it for me. Gemini. I sat in bed for a while after reading this. He was right. What kind of example would I be setting for little fillies if I refused to have anything to do with Tia ever again? I knew exactly what I must do, and I also knew that it wouldn't be easy. As I climbed out of bed, I suddenly realised something about Gem's letter. There was no mention of the fact that I will be closer to him, or even able to see him more often. I checked and check again, but I saw no mention of it. I placed the letter back on my bed - it was probably just because he didn't want to sound too happy when he knew how upset I was. Gem can be so nice sometimes. Well, all the time, actually. When I got to the dining room, I saw Celestia sitting at the far end of the table, playing with her food. She only does this when she is upset or guilty, and I knew that she was feeling both. As I walked in, Tia's head sprung up to face me. "Luna, I-" I raised my hoof to stop her. "Please. I want to eat first. Then we can talk." I sat down at the head of the table, directly opposite her, and I began to eat. Every now and then, I could see Tia staring at me, and throughout my meal, I feel her eyes watching me. Soon, I put my spoon down and began to talk. "I think-" "Before you start," Tia interrupted. "I would just like to apologise. What I did was wrong, and if you wish, I will cancel the commission of the castle." I sat there, with my mouth open. Everytime Tia and I have an argument, she pulls 'I'm a victim just as much as you are'. I remember once, when Tia 'accidentally' let Philomena loose in my room and burnt everything in there, she started going on about how she had no idea where her beloved phoenix was, and that she was sick with worry. She didn't mention anything about the fact that all my possessions, everything I owned, were now ash. But this time, she had every right to go all 'I'm a victim' - I was being selfish, and childish. I didn't want to move to place I didn't like, just because I didn't like it. I was being completely unreasonable, and unfair, and she had the right to pick on this. But she didn't. "No." Celestia's face was full of confusion. "Whatever do you mean?" I lowered my head and closed my eyes. "You want to live in Canterlot. I shouldn't disallow you that pleasure." There was no reply from Tia for some time. When I finally opened my eyes and raised my head, I saw her face, full of disbelief. We both weren't our usual selves today. "Are-are you sure?" I nodded. As much as I hated this, it was only fair to Tia. Everfree Castle was my home, but it couldn't be that forever. Even now, as I write this, I can feel the tears forming. I can't cry now - I'll smudge the ink. Soon after that, Celestia went on a quick visit to Canterlot, just to verify the plans for...I guess it will be called Canterlot Castle. She allowed me to stay, though. I was grateful for this - at least she wasn't forcing me to go on anymore Canterlot trips. I went straight up to my room and wrote a quick reply to Gem. I wrote: To my friend, Gemini, As much I hate to admit it, you are right. I have spoken to Tia, and we have sorted everything out. We are moving to Canterlot. Thanks for you help. Luna p.s. Celestia is currently on her way to Canterlot to go over the plans for the new castle. I, however, am being allowed to stay at home, due to the fact that I am not in a state to show my face in public. His reply came almost immediately. I am on my way. G. > Entry 5 - Gem's Visit > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm sorry the last entry was stopped so abruptly. I was in such a shock when I read his reply that I forgot to finish it. Gem's just left, so I decided to quickly finish it. Gem had been to Everfree Castle before, only a few times though, but when he had, he had always given a few days notice, not just a few minutes. It only took about an hour to get from Canterlot to Everfree Castle, and he would insure to get here as soon as possible. I ran out of my room, trying to find one of my guards to inform them of his visit. Skidding around the corner, I bumped into a bunch of them, making them extremely worried that I was running from some intruder that was trying to murder me. My guards are great, but they can get worked up over the tiniest of things. After I insured them that there wasn't murderer on the loose in the castle, I told them about Gem and they assured me that they would inform me immediately if there was any sight of him. I went straight up to my room, and out on to the balcony. I hardly ever go out here - I usually just go into the forest - but because of Gem, I thought that I should stay as close to the castle as possible. A few moments later, there was a knock on the door. One of the servants walked in and informed me that Gem's carriage had been spotted about 5 minutes away. I thanked them and immediately flew towards the castle gates as fast as I can, not even bothering to go the inside way. I landed in front of the gates with about 2 minutes to spare, and I waited as his carriage landed and he jumped out. He immediately ran towards the gates, stopping only when he saw me standing there. He smiled, and I began to run towards him. I only realised that I was crying when I got to him, and started bawling on his shoulder. During our 5 year friendship, Gem has only seen me like this twice - once when Celestia first said that nopony cared about the moon, and well...now. But still he knew exactly what to do - he stroked my mane, while saying "There there". After about 8 or so minutes of me crying and him calming me down, I took my head off his shoulder, and gave him a weak smile. He wiped the tears off my face, and I mouthed a quick 'Thank you' to him. I've realised that I've haven't really told you about who Gem actually is. Monoceros Gemini III is an aristocrat - actually, that isn't the right word. He is one of the very many Canterlot heirs. Bourgeois - that's the word! He's rich basically. And will be even richer. Which does come in handy, as it means he doesn't get weird looks when I walk around with him - everyone expects the wealthy to be 'chummy' with royalty. We walked into my room, and we sat on the sofa together. I rested my head on his chest, and he stroked my mane again. "How are you feeling?" he asked. I looked up, knowing that my eyes must be bright red after all the crying I had just done. "What do you think?" I said, in the nicest possible way. He laughed, and put his hoof on my shoulder. "Don't worry. I'm sure you'll love it in Canterlot, and it's not like you'll never come here again." I had been thinking about that. I don't know what Celestia will be doing with Everfree Castle - she could leave it, sell it, or demolish it. Knowing her, she would probably demolish it, but seeing her today, I don't think she will. She will probably just leave it for nature to deal with, and have nothing to do with it ever again. I might see it again, but it's unlikely. "Yeah. Maybe." Gem is a wonderful friend - even when I am at my worst (i.e. crying because I'm not going to be living in my dream castle anymore) he is still here, by my side. He came all the way from Canterlot to cheer me up, and I didn't even ask for him to come. A few moments after that, I heard somepony galloping down the hall. All of a sudden, Tia burst in, shouting with joy at me. "Luna! Oh." She stopped when she saw Gem sitting next to me. "Why Gem! What a lovely surprise!" She started smiling, and winked at me. I knew what she was thinking - I wanted to kick her. "Hello Celestia," Gem said, standing up and bowing to her. "I hope you had a pleasant trip to Canterlot." "I did, thank you." She turned to me. "I've just been speaking with the unicorn in charge of the building of the castle, and he said it could be up in about a week!" A week. Just one week. That's one week to say goodbye to Everfree Forest, my home, and my memories. One week to remove all attachments I have to this place. Oh, curse unicorn's magic - it would take a lot longer if we were using pegasi or even earth ponies! "That's great, Tia. Just great." She bade us farewell (she actually said, "I bid you farewell." - she only does that to impress ponies, and it isn't going to work on either me or Gem.) and skipped out of the room, humming a melody to herself. I immediately turned to Gem. "A week! What am I going to do with a week? I can't let go of this place in a week!" Gem threw his arms around me, giving me a hug. When we broke apart, he looked at me said, "Luna, you know that I can't stop this from happening, but you also know that I will do everything in my power to insure that you are happy there." I looked up at him. He had his 'serious' face on - the face he pulls when he wants me to know that what he's saying is true. I smiled, pulled him into another hug, and whispered, "Thank you." I walked him back to his carriage, and waved him off. As soon as I stepped hoof into the castle, I heard Tia say, "Oooooo! Luna has a-" "No, I do not!" I stormed straight past her, trying to put as much distance between us as possible. "Aww. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone," I heard beside me. I turned and I saw Tia flying on her back next to me. "How many times do I have to tell you that Monoceros Gemini III is NOT MY BOYFRIEND!" I groaned then took off, speeding towards my room. I wasn't in the mood to talk to Tia today, or tomorrow, or likely any day after that. I just don't think I can bring myself to. > Entry 6 - Moving... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm sorry I have written in a few days - I've been...busy. I am in Canterlot. I'm sorry - I just miss Everfree Ca-...keep it together, Luna. You can't let the ink smudge. It's just hard, having to adjust to 'city life', but at least I have Gem here with me. That makes it better. A bit. When we arrived here, the citizens, obviously thrilled that they were going to be living amongst royalty, threw us a welcome party. However, I did not feel at all welcome. Probably due to the fact that I didn't want to be there in the first place, though. When our carriage arrived, we looked out and saw the banner they had made for us - "Welcome Princesses Celestia and Luna." Always Celestia first. Never me. Oh, is the moon not important enough for you? Or am I just not as important as my sister? I need to calm down. Ok. Anyway, we walked into the new Canterlot Castle, Celestia beaming with joy and me just following behind out of duty. We walked around the entire place, which was considerable larger than Everfree Castle (doesn't mean I prefer it though). They showed us our rooms, and again, Tia's was bigger than mine, but I don't really care about the size - I care about the location! Our rooms were in the same wing - close enough for us to hear if something's wrong, but far apart enough for us not to see too much of each other. My room is quite nice, I suppose; I'm sitting here right now. We packed my bed, desk, instruments and stuff like that, so my room basically looks exactly the same as it did in Everfree - I have a feeling Tia had something to do with that. Even my silver curtains are here. I guess it will help to make me feel more at home, but not much. It still feels different. Gem was in the crowd of ponies welcoming us, and I saw him smile and wink as everypony cheered as we walked on to the balcony. It did make me smile, which I guess was good considering everypony was watching me at that moment, and if I was frowning...well, it wouldn't have been a good start. Tia addressed the crowds, and said the usual crap - "We are both so happy to be here" and "I know I speak for Luna as well as for myself when I say that we love Canterlot" and my personal favourite "Luna was so happy when I asked her about moving here". I almost burst out laughing - I just managed to catch myself. I mean, seriously, she thought she could get away with saying that? I looked down and saw Gem's shoulders shaking - he found it as funny as I did. "Luna, would you like to add anything?" I was caught off guard - Tia never lets me speak to crowds, due to the fact that she's scared I'll say or do something "stupid". She has a point, really - I'm not good at knowing when to keep my mouth shut sometimes. But I knew she was doing this as a "Sorry" gesture, so I thought I should take it. I stepped forward and said, "Thank you for welcoming us into your...wonderful city. I know that all of you have busy schedules, but it is nice to know that all of you took time off it to insure that my sister and I had a warm welcome." They seemed to like it so I carried on. "When Celestia...suggested that we move to Canterlot, I was taken by...surprise. I was very attached to Everfree Castle, you see, but...the idea of moving to such a wonderful city...I had to agree." The crowd burst into applause, which surprised me as I didn't think what I said was that good. But they probably would have applauded if I had said, "Blah blah blah." I could see Gem, smiling up at me, nodding as he applauded. I quickly stepped back and let Celestia carry on talking. Anyway, I am now back at 'home', lying on my bed, writing this. I don't think I'll get used to the idea of living in Canterlot for a long time - it just seems surreal. I might fly over to Everfree tomorrow, just for old times' sake. Wait a minute - there's something outside my window. I'll be right back. ************************************************************************************** Oh my goodness! Have I mentioned how much I love Gem?! I heard something beneath my window, so I went to check, and who do I find standing there? None other than Gemini. Oh, but wait, there are about 10 other ponies standing slightly behind him in two rows. "Err...Gem? What's-" He raised his hoof to silence me, then raised his lute and began to play a melody with his magic. Suddenly, the ponies behind him burst into song. Welcome Princess Luna, We are glad to see you. Oh, the joy you have brought us, By raising the moon. Every night, without fail, You bring out that bright sphere, And all of those stars, Making our nights dear. I stood at that balcony, my mouth hanging open as Gem gently put his lute down, and said, "Welcome to Canterlot, your highness." With that, he bowed. "Oh my." That was all I could say. I mean, he wrote me a song. A song! And got ponies to perform and everything! I immediately flew down, and stood in front of him. I saw the other ponies immediately bow as I landed in front of them. I looked Gem in the eyes, until I finally threw myself on to him, giving him a huge hug. "Thank you so much," I said, my eyes tearing up. "You're welcome." I turned to the ponies that Gem had brought with him. "Thank you all so much." I invited them into the castle, but they refused - they were probably just nervous. Soon after that, they all left, leaving just Gem and me. I told him again how grateful I was, but he said, "It was nothing." "It was not nothing! It was the nicest thing anypony has ever done for me." Gem shook his head, but didn't say anything else. I asked him if wanted to come inside, but he said that his parents were probably wondering where he was, so he should probably go home. I offered to walk him there, but he instantly refused - "This is no time for a princess to walking around the streets!" He made sure that I was safely on my balcony before making off for his house. I do love Gem, but he can be a bit overprotective sometimes - I know I am a princess, but I can look after myself. I suppose he is just looking out for me like a friend would. He doesn't want anything bad to happen. It's quite late, so I should probably get some sleep. Hopefully, I'll write tomorrow. > Entry 7 - Morning in Canterlot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When I woke up today, I kinda forgot where I was. I skipped over to the window, expecting to see the forest, but instead seeing the 'hustle and bustle' of the city. In fact, I can see Everfree Forest from my window - it is the green splodge in the distance. Once I remembered, I sighed, and tried to make my way towards the dining room. But as soon as I opened the door, I found a maid standing there, just about to knock on the door. "Oh." She immediately bowed. "Good morning, your highness." I closed my eyes - I don't really like it when people call me your highness. Tia does, but I find it...I just don't like it. I don't know why - I just do. "Good morning. May I help you?" I asked her, gesturing for her to stand up and smiling. "Oh, I have your breakfast here, your highness." She brought out a tray with pancakes, orange juice, tea, toast and fruit on it. "Oh, why thank you. And please, call me Luna," I said, taking the tray with my magic. The maid shook her head. "Oh, I couldn't do that." "Well, at least Princess Luna, then." I was determined to get at least this pony to call me by my first name. "Um...Ok, Princess." She lowered her head, as if scared by my impending reaction. I smiled at the pony in front of me. Sometimes, the fact that ponies see us as all powerful beings and are therefore frightened of us makes me laugh. Not in a horrible way though. I just mean that they have no idea about who we really are, as actual ponies. I stared at the mare for a while, until she raised her head and said, "I'm sorry, Princess. What do-" "Well, you know my name, but I, I do not know yours." She looked shocked. I suppose she didn't think I wanted to know her name. "I am Star Darling." I held out my hoof for her to shake. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Star Darling. I hope that in time we may become close friends." Star Darling stared at the offering in disbelief, then carefully shook it. She does seem quite nice. She has a lovely black and grey mane, and a pure white coat. An amazing colour scheme. The only bit of colour on her are her eyes - they are a lovely bright green. She left soon after that, and I was left alone to...eat, I suppose, but I knew I couldn't. I was too upset. Well, at least I had gotten out of walking around the castle looking for where the dining room was; I had no idea where it was. I still don't. Eventually, I walked out of my room, and found Tia, who was standing on her balcony, grinning at the view. She had a perfect view of the centre of Canterlot, which I think she chose especially. I also think that the reason I can see Everfree Forest (it's a pathetic view, but it's still a view) is because of her as well. It's nice, thinking that she's trying to make me as happy as she can. Anyway, I walked into her room, and she immediately heard my hoofsteps, and turned around. "Luna! How did you sleep?" "Great." I realised that it was the truth but I didn't really want to admit it. "Isn't it wonderful?" she said, gesturing to the view. I walked up to her so that I was standing on the balcony next to her, and I looked out. Some would say that it is a wonderful view - from there you could see Canterlot market, a lot cleaner, tidier and more sophisticated than the average market (just like everything in Canterlot), as well as many of the rich bouquets. However, I prefer a more natural view - trees and flowers and stuff like that. But I guess it wasn't that bad. "Err...yeah," I said, as a quick reply. I've known Tia all my life and if you don't agree with her...well, you're screwed. She can get quite...aggressive sometimes. I left soon after that, and just walked out of the castle. I didn't really have a set destination - I was just walking. Walking for the sake of walking. And getting away from Tia. As I walked down the roads, I did attract some attention from the citizens. Of course I would - I am a princess after all, and you don't usually see a princess just walking down the street. Many ponies did stare, and a few foals said, "Mummy, it's Luna!" to be quickly hushed by their parents. I just smiled and carried on walking. Eventually, I found myself near Gem's house and I thought that I might as well pay him a visit, so I began walking towards his abode. Being rich, his parents have one of the biggest houses in Canterlot, and it is home to Gemini, Andromeda (his sister), Taurus and Orion (his brothers), as well as Mr and Mrs Nocte. It is quite close to Canterlot Castle, luckily (again, must have been one of Celestia's designs) but just outside of the hustle and bustle of the city. Mr Nocte does something impressive for a company - I'm not entirely sure what. Gem, Taurus and Mr Nocte have all told me before, but I can never remember. As I walked up to the door, it flung open and I was face to face with Mrs Nocte, Gem's mother. "Luna, darling!" she said. I love Gem's mum - she's always so friendly and welcoming to me. It might have been because I was a princess. Even so, like everypony I have ever met, she used to call me 'Your Highness' and 'Princess' but as soon as I asked her to call me by my name, she had done so. "Good morning, Mrs Nocte," I said, smiling at her. She immediately ushered me in, and called for Gem. She sat me down and offered me all the food she had in the house. Soon after that, Gem ran in, skidding a bit across the floor when he stopped. "Luna," he said, slightly out breath. His mum left soon after that, saying "I'll leave you two alone" as she left. "How are you?" he asked me. "How was your first night?" "It was fine." "Just fine? Not great? Not bad? Just fine?" he inquired, giving me his questioning look. I smiled. "Just fine." He laughed, and after that, we walked out into the garden for a bit. His garden. It is amazing. Words cannot describe the feeling you get when you walk through it. The beauty of the flowers and the trees and the bushes leave you speechless. I remember the first time I walked through it - I was unable to say a word for about 3 hours. Gem was laughing throughout them. The garden is his mother's pride and joy, and Gem himself loves it as well. It's one of the few joys I have in Canterlot, and if I have to be here, at least this garden is here too. Gem decided that I shouldn't be walking around private land on my first day of living in Canterlot, and immediately told me that we were going to 'hit the city' - those were his exact words. Now, I'm not sure how much you know about me, but I do not hit the town. That is not something I do. And Monoceros Gemini III knows this. Very well. But before I could disagree, he somehow had me outside his gates and walking towards the centre of the city. It was about this time when I realised that I should probably give Canterlot a try - I had always said that the city was not for me and never really given it a second glance. It was always Tia's favourite and therefore, I had never liked it. There are other reasons for me not liking Canterlot, but to tell the truth, I can't remember any of them. Therefore, I went with Gem, hoping that he would at least make me like his city a little bit more than I do now. We walked around a few shops, and again, ponies stopped and stared at us, mainly at me, but this time, a small filly with a pink and lilac mane and white coat ran up to me and said, "Are you Princess Luna?" I knelt down, smiling and said, "Yes, I am." She then asked, "You made the night, didn't you?" "I did, yes." "It's very pretty." Soon after that, her mother ran up and ushered her away, apologising for her daughter's interrogation. I told her it was ok, and as she was going away, I quickly ran up to them and asked for their names. "My name is Candy Cane," the filly replied. "Well, thank you, Candy Cane, for what you said. It meant a lot to me." She immediately smiled at me, and let her mother usher her away, but not without waving me goodbye. I stood in that spot, staring at that little filly being lead through the crowds, and I smiled. I turned and I saw Gem smiling as well. A few moments after that, the royal guards came running into the square. It turns out that I am not allowed to walk around Canterlot without a guard, especially without telling anypony that I was actually going. They immediately lead me back to the castle, thanking Gem for looking after me, and I had to follow. I said goodbye and he waited until I was safely in the castle before going home himself. I've been sitting on my bed, thinking about that filly who praised me on my night. It does make me feel happy, the fact that the children of my land appreciate my work, and tell me about it. I don't think I ever will forget little Candy Cane - no matter how long I live, she will always have a place in my heart. > Entry 8 - Surprises > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry I missed a few days - I've been quite busy. But I know you will forgive me when I tell you what happened today. I woke up today, as I usually do, but instead of seeing the sun shining through the lace curtains around my four-poster, guess what I see? Or who? Tia is flying above me and yells, "SURPRISE!" at the top of her voice. What would you do in that kind of situation? Panic or scream? I did both. I screamed, and fell out of bed, pulling the sheets and the curtains with me. Once I was untangled, I looked over towards my bed, and Tia was rolling on it, laughing her head off. "Tia! What is wrong with you? Why the hell did you do that?" "Well, I'm sorry for wanting to wish my sister a happy birthday!" "Birthday?" That's right - I forgot that it was my own birthday. Who does that? I'm sure I don't usually. Anyway, yes, today is my birthday, and I am 216 years old. 216! I'm so old! Well, not as old as Celestia, who is actually 226. Don't tell her I told you that. So, anyway, after Tia made fun of me for forgetting my own birthday, we walked to dining room (I now know where it is!) where she had a birthday surprise for me. Pancakes! Heaps and heaps of pancakes, with lemon juice and sugar and maple syrup and chocolate sauce - it was wonderful. Tia knows me so well. When I went back to my room, stuffed full with pancakes, I suddenly heard some music. I looked out of my window, and saw Gem standing there, with his lute once again. He put it down and then said, "I think there's something for you at your front door." I immediately ran out of my room, and towards the front gate. Once I got there, the guards were bringing a huge package in. As soon as they saw me, they said, "A package for you, Your Highness." As walked towards it, they wished me happy birthday. Once I got to the package, I saw a label that said 'To Luna, Love Gem' on it. I picked it up and took it inside, where I saw Gem standing, waiting for me. Once I got inside, Tia arrived and instantly fired questions about what it was. I started opening the package, carefully. Once it was open, I picked up the object inside it, and placed it in front of me, and gasped. A telescope. Not just an ordinary telescope though, it was made from pure silver, and had some kind of magical element to it, as it seemed to shimmer constantly. I walked around it and noticed something on the side. I looked closer and realised it was my name. 'Luna,' it said, written in gold writing, with a gold star at the end, and a silver crescent moon before the 'L'. I was amazed. I turned to Celestia and she looked amazed too. Though she also looked extremely happy, as if she was expecting this and she was completely right. I made a mental note to ask her about it later. When I finally turned to Gem, he was standing with a small smile on his face. As I walked up to hug him, he brought out a small envelope and held it out to me. I took it and opened it, shook out what was inside. Two tickets. Two tickets to see none other than Melodia, the star of 'Amante del Unicorno', the new opera that came out a few weeks ago! Not to mention other members of the cast! I froze with shock, just standing there, holding the tickets in front of me with my magic, with my mouth wide open. Everypony started staring at me, waiting for my reaction and eventually Gem came up to me, asking, "Luna, are you ok?", I immediately jumped on him, yelling "Monoceros Gemini, you are the best friend a pony could have!" 'Amante del Unicorno' is probably the best opera I have ever seen. The music is wonderful, and the acting is amazing, and the story is superb. We were sitting in the Royal Box when we watched it - the best seats in the house! Gem was with me, as was Tia, but, of course, she found it a bit boring - I don't understand why she didn't like it. How can you find the story of Bella and Argento boring? The number of times I cried...too many to count. I won't ruin the ending, in case you want to see it, but if you do...bring tissues. Plenty of them. But my favourite was Bella, played by Melodia. She is just a simple townspony, living her normal life, going to work, hoping to be married some day, and then she meets Argento, and her entire world is turned upside down. She loves, she loses and she learns. She discovers truths and doesn't necessarily always like what she finds out. And her voice is amazing! Melodia is my favourite singer, and I think she knows it. Well, I think she could guess when, at the end of 'Amante del Unicorno', I stood up, projected my voice with my magic and shouted, "Brava! Brava! Bellissima! Thou art wonderful!" (that's the way they talk in the opera, so I thought she might appreciate it) I've never heard Celestia laugh so hard. But she took a liking to it - she's started talking like that in front of crowds. I actually quite like it; it makes us sound far more sophisticated than we actually are. She's been calling it 'The Royal Canterlot Voice', which isn't a very thought-out name, but whatever floats her boat. Wow. I've never used that saying before. It looks weird. But anyway, the show was wonderful, and I was so looking forward to seeing Melodia again. The show was starting in about an hour, so Gem and I left immediately for Canterlot Theatre, using the royal carriage. I have a feeling that Canterlot took my birthday off, as they were a lot more ponies in the streets than usual - well, at least I saw a lot more than I usually do as we flew over them. I wonder if the rest of Equestria take Tia's and my birthday off as a holiday. Once we arrived at the theatre, there were a number of ponies waiting outside for the show. I starting walking towards the end of the queue, but Gem rested his hoof on me, and led me towards the doors, skipping the queue all together, which I realised I could actually do, because I'm a princess. Sometimes I'm a bit stupid. As we walked in, there was the usual bowing, mixed in with happy birthday wishes. The show was scheduled to start in 30 minutes, so we went up into the royal box, and waited for the curtain to rise. I don't think I've ever been so excited - I couldn't sit still. I could see Gem out of the corner of my eye smiling at me. I must have looked pretty funny. We could see everypony walking in and taking their seats, and the more ponies I saw, the more excited I got. Finally the curtain went up, and...oh it was wonderful! She sang songs from 'Amante del Unicorno' and others like 'Mio Amore e vita' and my favourite 'La Luna d'Amour'. I think she knew I was there. During 'La Luna d'Amour', I turned to Gem, mouthing thank you. He nodded at me and I whispered, "I'm serious - this is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. I don't know how I can thank you." We looked at each other for a moment, and then... Then he kissed me. I'm sorry. It's just...I still can't really believe it. I won't go into detail about it. I don't think you really want to know that. Well, you probably do...but I'm not telling. But he did kiss me. I was a bit shocked. My head was just full of thoughts like 'I had no idea' and 'Do I like him back?' A few things started to make more sense - the fact that he would always insure that I was safe before going home or leaving in general, the fact that he wrote me a song, and the fact that when I visited his house on my first day in Canterlot, he came running when he heard I was there. I sat there with my eyes wide with shock, and when he broke away, I was still in that expression. He immediately looked extremely worried. "Oh, I'm...I'm so sorry. It doesn't matt-" And then I kissed him. Ok...now you can start with the 'aww's and 'Luna's got a coltfriend'. We sat there, kissing, for some time, knowing that all everypony had to do was turn around a bit, and they would see us. All the ponies on stage could probably see us, but I didn't care. I was happy. Once we broke apart, we smiled at each other, and then turned towards the stage, where Melodia had just finished and the performers were giving their final bows. We started applauding with everypony else, slightly blushing. Then Melodia said, "That song was for the two love birds at the back," and everypony immediately turned towards us, and I felt myself blush once again. I turned to Gem and he was bright red. I laughed and eventually everypony stopped staring at us, which was nice. After that, we went home, but not before we met Melodia! I was so happy; I could not stop smiling. She was so nice - she asked us if we enjoyed the show...and the kiss, and she wished me a happy birthday. We were silent in the carriage ride home. I was lost in thought, as was he probably. I offered to drop him off first, but, as usual, he wanted to insure my safe return home. He's so sweet. I told the pegasi leading the carriage to take Gem home, after we landed at Canterlot Castle, and I waved him goodbye as he left. I then walked into the castle, and into my room...where I found Celestia, for some weird reason. "Soooooooo...how was it?" she asked, walking right up to me. "It was great. What are you doing in my room?" "I was waiting for you, so you could tell me what happened?" I walked over to the door, and kicked it open. "Please leave." "Luna! That is no way to treat your sister. I might just stay here, as your punishment." She flew over to my bed, and lay on it. Great. Facehoof. I just tried to ignore her and get on with my own life, until she said, "Get anywhere with Gem?" I spun around. "What!? No!" I could feel myself starting to blush, so I quickly turned away. Tia was silent for sometime, so I turn around to check that she was still alive, and saw that she was standing right behind me. "What did you do?" "I didn't do anything." "Fine. What did Gem do?" "Nothing." She was definitely starting to get suspicious now. "Luna," she said, putting her hoof on my back. "You know you can tell me everything. If you kissed Gem or something, you can tell me." Again, I could feel my cheeks starting to go red again, and the look of sudden realisation appeared on Tia's face. "No..." "No what?" "You did not kiss Monoceros Gemini III." "No..." "Then he kissed you." I froze. I do not like lying to Tia - in fact I cannot lie to Tia. I just can't. She always knows when I do, because I am such a bad liar. So, in this case, I felt my best option was to say nothing. "Luna?" "No comment." "Oh my goodness! He kissed you! And then you kissed him back?" "No comment." Tia was jumping with joy now. "I knew it! I knew it! I knew it! I knew he liked you! I was right!" She started skipping around the room saying 'I knew it!' and then skipped out of the door. She immediately put her head through the door and added, "Don't worry. I won't tell anyone!" Again, facehoof. I sighed and went over to my bed, where I got you out and began writing. Wait a moment. Gem just sent me a letter. Goodnight, my dearest Luna. Love your Gemini He's so sweet! Anyway, it's getting late, and I should probably get some sleep. So far, this has been the best birthday ever. > Entry 9 - Another Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- So today has been a rollercoaster. When I woke up today, I noticed that there were a few letters on my bed. I immediately opened the one closest to me, and this morning's newspaper fell out. I was intrigued , so I decided to read the paper first. I unfolded it, and dropped it in surprise. On the front page was none other than Gem and I...kissing. Of course, that was understandable - the press gets a picture of me kissing somepony, they find out the full story from witnesses, they publish the story the next day. It's not exactly hard. There were a fair few witnesses, and finding them wouldn't have been too hard - they were all opera fans, which means they were of the very upper class, and there aren't many of them. I wasn't panicking too much - when you are royalty, you do not get surprised about yourself being in the newspaper. The number of times I've been in the paper - this is the worst thing they have released about me (usually, I'm not bad. It's Tia who does the wild partying, not me). But I was worrying about Gem. He is not used to fame and having people know who he is. He was probably locked in his room, sitting on his bed with his curtains closed, and whenever a member of his family came to the door to try to talk to him, he would scream at them, "LEAVE ME ALONE!" Trust me, I've seen this with my own eyes when it first came out that we were friends. It wasn't pretty. I guessed that the letters were from Gem, and I was right. And, yet again, I was right about him panicking in his room. As I sat reading them, another letter appeared. This letter was from his mother, who said: Dear Luna, I am extremely glad that you and my son are together. You are a wonderful and kind person, and I think you are good for him. He loves you dearly, and I know he always will do. Unfortunately, it was the lead story in The Canterlot Times and Monoceros seems to have taken this new found 'fame' in the wrong way, once again. As you know a few years ago, when you two first began your friendship, it was also published in the Times and Monoceros locked himself in his room and refused to come out for anyone. It seems that he had decided that that was a good idea, and has again locked himself in his room, and refused to come out. Orion and Taurus have stood at his door for about 2 hours now, trying in vain to persuade him to come out. His father has even taken the day off work to try and talk to him. I know you have a busy schedule, being the co-ruler of our land, but if you have any time to spare, it would be wonderful if you could come over and talk to some sense into him. We are all extremely worried about him. I hope to see you soon, Mrs Stardust Nocte After reading that, I did a few facehooves, on behalf of Gem. He's lovely - I should know that, I kissed him after all - but when he panics...boy, does he panic! I realised that this was an emergency of sorts, and immediately left to arrange a carriage to take me there as soon as possible. I quickly grabbed some breakfast and ran down to the front gates, where the guards were waiting with the carriage. I immediately jumped in and we flew off. The journey didn't take too long, and I was at the gates of the Nocte household in no time. As I walked through the gates, I saw Mrs Nocte galloping towards me. "Oh, Luna, thank the stars you're here!" She immediately ushered me, and took me upstairs. I knew the way to Gem's room pretty well, but she still insisted on taking me there herself. Even if I didn't know which one it was, I think I could guess that it was the one with his two brothers, his sister and his father standing outside, pleading to him to open the door. They turned around and saw me, and immediately started thanking me for coming. Andromeda ran up to me, an gave me a hug, telling me how happy she was to see me again, even if it was only because Gem was having a breakdown again. Orion and Taurus started joking about how I could do better than their brother, but stopped after a cold look from their father. "But we are happy that you guys are together, though," Orion said, in reply to his father's look. "Yeah," Taurus carried on, leaning on his twin brother. "He's crazy about you." Andromeda immediately knocked on the door, and said, "Gemini, Luna's here, and she wants to talk to you..." Everypony was silent, and I heard some shuffling behind the door. Suddenly, it opened revealing what could only be Gem, wrapped up in his quilt. He moved the quilt off his head with his magic and looked at me. I had never seen him so upset. His eyes were no longer that...wonderful shade of dark blue...but now red, and his mane was in a state. It always hurts me to see him like this. Particularly when it's because of me. I just hate the idea of hurting him. He's been my best friend for so long, and he honestly means the absolute world to me. Every time I see him upset, it's like his sadness washes onto me. It hurts. Goodness, I can't believe I just wrote that. It's so embarrassing. But true - can't deny that. God, I hope Celestia never finds this journal. She'll have way too much to hold over me. He gestured for me to come, and I did so. As soon as I was out of the doorway, the door slammed shut once again. I heard the click of it locking, and turned around to find Gem walking back towards his bed. He climbed on to it and covered all of himself with the quilt. Gem has always been there for me, when I'm down in the dumps. Whenever I have an argument with Tia, or I just upset, he would always do the very best he could to cheer me up. In fact, he would always succeed. Therefore, it was only fair if I helped cheer him up at his worst hour. "Oh, Gemini," I said. I walked up to the bed, and sat beside it. "The last time I saw you like this - it was about a month after we met. The Canterlot Times had just found out about you, and were publishing all sorts of things about you." I've never really been good at cheering people up - that's why having Gem around is so great, he does it for me - but I was really trying at this moment, but still seemed to be failing miserably. "You know," Gem said, his head popped out from under the quilt. "You are doing a terrible job." "Hey, I'm working on it! Anyway, that time is no different from this time-" "And that's why I'm doing the exact same thing as last time," Gem said, hiding under the quilt once again. "And how did last time end? 5 days, you spent locked in this very room, and on the 6th day, you were walking around just fine. Are you going to do the same this time?" I thought I was starting to get the hang of it when... "Yes." "Gem, please!" I took the quilt off him. He looked up at me. "Come on! Don't do this to me. Every time you do this...it hurts me as well. I think you don't want to be my friend...or you don't want to be with me." He was speechless. I could tell that what I said hurt him, so I looked away. "Those papers have written everything about everypony. But you don't see the entirety of Canterlot hiding in their rooms. Remember when they wrote about Celestia eating that cake? And they had to photo of her completely covered in icing? Did she hide in her room, never to show her face again? No, she held a party for all the school fillies in the city down in Everfree, and gave them all the cake they could want. She took that article, hung it up in the castle, and showed them that she didn't care about what they had to say." Still nothing. "Look at all the things they written about me! But I don't let it effect me, because I have better things to do. And I'm not going to sit around and say that it doesn't hurt sometimes. Some of the things they have said about me and the people I love..of course it hurts. But what is better is showing them that no matter what they say, I'm stronger. And I always thought you were stronger too." We were both silent for a moment, then I got up and started walking towards the door. "Luna, wait." I turned around, and found him standing by his bed, his quilt lying on his bed. "Don't go." "Gem, you-" "I'm sorry." He walked right up to me. "You're right. You are strong. And I am not as strong as you are. But I don't want you to think that I don't want to be with you. Ever. I don't know what I would do without you." I felt myself blush a bit, not because I didn't want him to say this, but because I'm not used to ponies saying things like this to me. I mean, Tia hardly tells me she loves me, and that's only when she's drunk. And I'm mean really drunk - the kind of drunk when she starts telling me stories...stories that I really don't want to hear. They are the kind of things that I don't want to repeat, and can't repeat. So, don't ask for them. "Thank you," I said, and...we kissed again. We knew that both his parents and the rest of his family were just outside the door, but the door was locked from the inside, so we didn't worry about it. Well, I did a bit, but only because it would have been extremely awkward if they all walked in. A few minutes after that, he unlocked the door and we walked out of the room together. His mother immediately threw herself on him, muttering 'Don't do that ever again! We were so worried!' while sobbing. She always been known for being a bit over-dramatic. His father just rolled his eyes, and thanked me. I left soon after that, considering that I had done my job, and Taurus and Orion kept giving Gem and I weird looks, and it was getting a bit uncomfortable. Gem walked with me to the carriage, and stayed there until probably after I had lost sight of him. I've been home for a bit now. Tia's just been talking about how we were in his room for a while by ourselves and keeps asking whether we did anything. I think that because she can't go on about Gem and I potentially being together, she now has to talk about us having sex. Sometimes...Tia can be very...annoying. > Entry 10: Uncle Will > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usually, mornings are quite a relaxed time for me. The only time when I don't have to think about princess stuff, and I can just relax and be myself. Sure, I know that I'm myself quite a lot of the time, but I like being able to forget that I'm related to Tia and that I actually have a really important job to do, and just act like a normal pony my age. I know I'm 216, but alicorns always live much much much longer than other pony types, so really I'm only really a teenager. I just used really twice in the same sentence. Stupid. But back to topic - today, I woke up, walked out of my room, and started walking towards the dining room. I was about halfway there, when I bumped into Star Darling. Star Darling has relaxed a bit with me - she can now call me just Luna, although I do still hear her muttering 'Princess' in a low voice before it. She knows that she can talk to me without fear of being sent to the Moon or anything. Apparently, there are quite a few ponies in Equestria who think that! That if they get on the wrong side of Tia or myself, they'll receive a one-way ticket to the Moon or the Sun! I don't know where ponies get these ideas from - as if I, or Tia for that matter, would ever send anyone to the Moon! It's unbelievable what someponies think nowadays. I don't even think that's possible. Is it possible? Memo to self - check to see if we can send ponies to the Moon/Sun. Anyway, she immediately greeted me, and then said that I had a visitor. "A visitor? Who?" I asked, wondering who in Equestria could be calling at this time in the morning. "A gentleman. Monoceros Gemini III, I believe." "Gem?" I exclaimed. "Where is he?" "I sent him into the dining area with your sister." "Wait - he's with Celestia?" I'm pretty sure you are thinking what I was thinking. Shit. I immediately started running towards the dining room, hoping I would be able to get there before Tia starts going all...well, Tia on him. But of course, I was too late. "So...you still a virgin?" "TIA!" Tia looked up, and saw me standing in the doorway, looking absolutely appalled. "What?" "What the HELL are you doing?" Tia just smiled at me. "Just catching up with Gemini." What? That is not catching up! If anything, that was interrogating, and asking awkward questions! "Tia, can I talk to you for a moment?" "Of course, Luna," she said, tilting her head to one side. I hate it when she does that - she's trying to look all sweet and innocent, even though she's a flipping grown-up. "Out here," I said, since she was still sitting in her seat. She got up, bowed her head to Gem, and walked out. As soon as she walked out, I shut the dining room doors, knowing that they probably wouldn't do their job properly and Gem would be able to hear everything I say. Or shout. "Tia," I started. "I'm not sure where you got it from, but asking other ponies' boyfriends whether or not they are virgins is not acceptable." "Well...I thought it was ok to ask him that. He is going out with my little sister after all. I have a right to know such things." How in Equestria could she think that it was ok to ask anypony that!? How could anypony think that!? I know my sister - she's trying to make me believe her by saying that she 'didn't know'. The number of times she tried that on me before - it won't work anymore. "Tia. Cut the crap. You knew exactly what you were saying. What else did you ask him?" "Nothing." She immediately looked down, and began dragging her hoof across the floor. I knew that look. This wasn't good. "What did you do?" "Nothing. I didn't do anything." I looked her in the eyes. After a few seconds, she broke the gaze. "AH-HA! You have done something! What in Equestria did you do now?" Tia started backing away from me. "Luna..." "Tia. Tell me." "I've just remembered - I have to go and...do...something" "Celestia-" "Must dash." And with that she vanished. Used a teleportation spell. No way to follow her. And all because she didn't want to tell me what she said. Which made me think... "Shit. What did she ask?" I immediately ran back into the dining room to find Gem standing at the window, staring out into the crowds of Canterlot. "Gem..." "Good morning, Luna," he said, smiling at me. "I hope you slept well." "I did. thank you. Gem, what did Tia say to you?" He immediately looked away from me and went silent. "Oh shit. I'm...I'm going to kill her when I get the chance." "Luna, it wasn't that bad-" "Then tell me!" "I think this is something you should discuss with her," he said, turning towards me. I could sense that he didn't want to talk about this any further, so I quickly changed the subject. "What are you doing here anyway?" "I came to see you, of course! Why else would I come to the castle?" he said, kissing me on the cheek. "Really?" "Well, I also had this to deliver," he said, taking a envelope out of his saddle bag. I took it from him, and looked at the front. Princesses Celestia and Luna of Equestria Canterlot Castle Canterlot I looked at Gem, his face revealing nothing, then decided to just open it. Princesses Celestia and Luna of Equestria are cordially invited to attend the Mayor of Canterlot's re-election dinner at his estate in Canterlot on 3rd of June at Sunset Now I should probably explain something before I go on. The Mayor of Canterlot, Mayor William R. Blackwood, has been mayor for as long as I can remember. I have no idea when he wasn't mayor of Canterlot. He is incredibly popular with the public, and it is extremely unlikely that he will be voted out of office - the only way he won't be mayor is if he died. He is getting quite old now, but he still believes he's up to the job. When Tia and I first became rulers, he helped us with everything - events, dinners, things like that. He's pretty much like our guardian. He asked us to call him Uncle Will, which even Tia still calls him to this day. He's ever so nice and he always used to come and visit us in Everfree Castle, but we haven't seen him since we moved. "No way," I said, quietly. "Uncle Will." "Yes," Gem said. "He gave it to me on the way here - also mentioned something about watching this beautiful castle being built inches from his doorstep, but still not receiving an invitation to visit it." "Yeah, we should probably do that soon. But the 3rd of June...that's a week from now, isn't it?" "Yeah." We stood there, standing next to each other, staring out at the crowds, for some time, not really knowing what we should say. We tend to do this a lot - not because it's awkward or anything, just because we don't really have anything to say. We don't really need to talk; it's just nice being with him for a bit. Anyway, I felt that after this invitation I should probably do something conserning Uncle Will. So, I decided to pay him a visit. I left Star Darling instructions on giving the Tia the invite as soon as she reappeared, and I organised a carriage to escort us to his house. Well, I say organised, I actually mean wanted to just walk there, but since Gem was conserned for my safety, as were the Royal Guards, so they made sure I took the carriage. It's so frustrating sometimes - it really is not a long way. It's a maximum 10 minute walk, and I am an alicorn after all. I can fly, and if somepony tried to attack me, I can use my magic or even just fly away. Tia gets to go wherever she wants, unaccompanied - actually, I think she just gives her guards the slip, and then goes off on her own. Either that, or they're all to scared to go with her anywhere. When we arrived, I saw Uncle Will running up to meet us. I suppose I should put in a description of Uncle Will. He has an almost black coat, and a dark brown mane. Even though his appearance is quite dark, he has the brightest blue eyes I have ever seen, and the warmest smile. He is almost never seen without his monocle, which is really seen as his trademark. He is almost always wearing a suit jacket, and when he's not wearing that, he's wearing a waistcoat. He really does look the part of the mayor, which makes quite a lot of ponies a bit nervous around him. But he always make ponies feel relaxed and calm around him, and that's why he's so popular. Oh, and his cutie mark is a scroll, sealed with red wax. "Oh, Luna!" he said, hugging me as soon as I got out of the carriage. "It must have been ages since we last saw each other. About a month, right?" "I'm so sorry! We've both been some busy with the move and-" "With your boyfriend?" he said, giving me a questioning look. I could feel myself blushing. He started laughing and then said, "I always knew that you and Gem would get together some day. It was only a matter of time." Gem and I stood there awkwardly for some time before Uncle Will finally said, "Well, aren't you two coming in?" Not much really happened there, except we caught up on what we had missed, and we congratulated him on winning the last election...again. "How is Celestia?" "Tia's...well she's...she's Tia," I replied. Uncle Will laughed. "I saw the speech she gave when you first moved here, and your reaction when she mentioned...what was it again? Oh yes, how happy you were when she told you that you were moving to Canterlot. Now, knowing my Luna and how much she loved Everfree Castle, and seeing her reaction to that comment, I can guess that you did not agree to moving?" "Pretty much," I replied. "Well, to be fair to Tia, she did ask me - she just arranged everything before she asked. And I eventually, I did agree. I just wasn't happy about it." "I guessed as much. Well, I hope that you are settling in well," he said, giving Gem a quick glance. "And I'm sure Gemini is helping you." Gem and I started laughing awkwardly, and we left soon after. I do love Uncle Will, but sometimes he does act like an embarrassing...well, uncle sometimes. But he really does care about Tia and I, and even Gem. He acts as if he's part of our family, and really, he pretty much is. > Entry 11: Darlings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The last few days have been normal, surprisingly. I've been slightly busy, mainly with just the stuff Tia can't be bothered to deal with, but I've still had more than enough time for myself. It's strange - I thought that I would have no time whatsoever to spend with Gem, but instead, he's the one who seems busy all the time. I have a feeling he's working on something, but he'll always try to spend time with me, but then have to rush off (not before he escorts me home, like the gentleman he is). Not just that, but Tia also seems to keep disappearing off to places without telling me where she's going. I have a feeling she might be seeing somepony - I still think that that is the main reason she packed us up to Canterlot in the first place. Of course, she's being incredibly secretive about it, and refusing to even talk about the topic. Which leads me to the conclusion that she is seeing some stallion who lives somewhere nearby, and they are...yeah, let's stop talking about it. It's not like I don't want to talk about sex - I don't want to talk about my sister's sex life. I don't even want to know about it. I mean, how many ponies really know as much as I know about their own sister's sex life. I don't even know why I know so much. Well, actually I do - Tia gets really open about everything when she's completely hammered. But let's not go into that - I really don't feel like talking about it. The images... Anyway, with Tia and Gem both gone all the time, I am starting to feel quite lonely. And it's really hit home how much bigger Canterlot Castle is compared to Everfree. It feels that I'm the only pony in this gigantic castle, and I hate it. I'm really starting to miss the days when Tia would come into my room and refuse to leave until I apologised for 'being rude to your elder sister'. You can tell I'm bored when I actually start to miss Tia. But today, I thought 'enough'. I was not going to let another day just become a blur of waking, eating, reading, and sleeping. I was going to do something. The only thing was that I had no clue what. And that was when Star Darling knocked. "Luna?" her soft voice asked. "Star Darling!" I exclaimed. She jumped, and immediately moved away from the door. She stood, watching me, looking incredibly alarmed at me. "Yes, Luna?" "What are you doing today?" Star stood in the threshold, looking quite confused. "Err...Princ-Luna, I'm working...here...like everyday." "I mean after that." "Oh, well, I leave at sunset, and I go back home, until sunrise." "May I accompany you?" "Sorry?" I walked over to her, and smiled as I repeated, "May I accompany you to your house?" "Luna, my house is small, and on the outskirts of Canterlot. It is nowhere near suitable for a royal visit." "Nonsense." I wasn't kidding about this. I do get quite annoyed with 'oh, this isn't good enough you, your Highness'. I mean, I'm no different from other ponies. Yes, I have both wings and a horn, but that doesn't mean I'm so much better than them. Alicorns may be...more powerful and we...may live longer and...some other stuff, but we are still ponies. "But Luna, there is no way my hous-" "I'm not taking no for an answer." I was bored. I really didn't want to just sit here, doing nothing, for hours. So there was no way I was going to let Star Darling refuse my invitation to her house...however rude it was to invite yourself to somepony else's house. So, I let Star off for the day, and accompanied her home. Star Darling's usual way home was walking across Canterlot, most of the time in the dark, and she refused for me walk that distance, and wanted to pay for a carriage for us. "Star Darling," I replied to this. "I may be a Princess, but just remember, I have more than just 'royal' power. A walk across Canterlot would be no hassle for me, and would hardly be a danger too." She opened her mouth to object, so I thought it would be a good idea to carry on. "Also, I have not taken a walk through Canterlot in an extremely long time." So we walked. As much as I don't like Canterlot as much as Everfree, I do like walking through Canterlot. It's relaxing, and sometimes, I quite enjoy the hustle and bustle of the city. It's nothing compared to Everfree, but it's still enjoyable. Walking through the city reminded me of my first day here, when I walked to Gem's house, and it felt pretty much the same. Everypony was staring at me, whispering to each other and the foals looked amazed. I still get a bit annoyed when ponies feel that they cannot approach me - I mean, admiring from a distance is great and all, but I like social contact too, and nothing is better than good chat with the citizens. As joint Head of State, I feel it is my duty to know exactly how the public feel about certain issues, and the best way to find out is for them to tell me. We used to have a system where every few days, the palace doors would open and if they had a problem, ponies could ask for advice or for help. It seemed to work, until Tia got bored of sitting down for hours at a time listening to ponies 'complain' as she put it, so scrapped it. There were a few who would fully acknowledge me, and it made my day. "Good morning, Princess." "Have a nice day, Your Highness." I looked over at Star Darling. She seemed to constantly be staring at the ground, occasionally looking up to check that they were going the right way. After a while, Star stopped and turned towards a house on the side of the road. I honestly don't know why she was so worried. It was not as big as Gem's house, but I was expecting that - Gemini's family are unbelievably rich and also have quite a big family too. It was a normal sized home for that area of Canterlot, for any area of Canterlot. It was a lovely little cottage on the edge of Canterlot. "Star!" A small lilac unicorn filly ran out towards her, her short white mane and tail flying behind her. When she reached Star Darling, she jumped up and hugged her. "What are you doing back so early?" she said, grinning and jumping up and down on the spot. And that was when she saw me. She suddenly stopped jumping and stepped behind Star. Star turned around, towards me. "Luna, this is my sister, Twinkle. Twink, this is Princess Luna." I looked at the filly hiding behind her sister. "Hello, Twinkle. It's very nice to meet you." Twinkle took a step out from behind her sister and stared at me for a bit. "Are you really the princess?" she said quietly. I nodded. "Are you friends with Star?" I looked over Star, smiling at her. "I hope so. Your sister is a very lovely person." She walked up to me, looking up at me for sometime. "Are you coming into our house?" she said, pointed towards the door. "I would like that very much," I said, smiling down at little Twinkle. Twinkle turned around and began walking back towards the house. I looked towards Star Darling smiled, and gestured for me to go in. Star Darling's house was...amazing. Not in the same way that Everfree Castle is amazing, but strill amazing. It was a typical little cottage, but I had not seen the inside of a typical cottage in a very long time. I have always loved the homely feeling that comes with the traditional style - castles are great and all, but it misses out that feeling of cosiness and family. Castles are too big, and cold, and dark. Small houses draw ponies closer together, instead of putting as much distance between as possible, and I've always been a fan of that. I'm not saying that I'd like to be physically closer to Tia - I see her enough as it is, too much really - but I miss the days before we were royalty, when we were just two sisters, each with a flare for magic. "Twink," Star asked, putting her saddle bag down. "Where's Onyx?" "He went to go and see Candy down the road," Twinkle said, giggling. "He left you alone?! Again?" "Not for long. He only left a minute ago." Star ran out of the door, and came back a few moments later. "I have told him so many times. He never listens!" "Star Darling?" I said. She turned towards me. "You have a very lovely home." Star Darling turned to me, smiling, and opened her mouth to say something. But at that moment, the door opened and a dark blue stallion with a black mane walked in. "Twink, where are you?" he said. He saw Star Darling and stopped. "Star? You're a bit early, aren't you?" "The princess let me off early," she said, frowning and gesturing to me. Onyx looked shocked, and just stood in the same position in front of the door, not moving. Twinkle started laughing. "I think Onyx is a little surprised to see you," she said to me. She then ran towards her brother and jumped up on him. "Wake up, Onyx!", she said, poking him with her hoof. "Luna, this is my younger brother, Onyx. Onyx, I'm pretty sure you know who she is." "That I do," he said, slowly walking up to me. He bowed and said, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Your Royal Highness." "Please," I said, gesturing for him to stand. "Call me Luna." "Luna, would you like some tea?" Star asked me. "I would love some, but I'll go make it. Where do you keep your tea leaves?" I replied, standing up. "No, no, no. Princ-Luna, you are a guest in my home. I cannot allow a guest to serve themselves." She stood up and walked towards the kitchen. "Why don't you keep Twinkle company? Onyx, would you like to help me in the kitchen? Now." Onyx sighed and walked towards the kitchen his head held down. Star Darling followed him, and smiled at me just before she shut the door. So it was just me and Twinkle. "Did you make the stars?" she said, her deep purple eyes staring up at me, filled with awe. "I did make the stars. All by myself. A long time ago, though, but I'm still very proud of them." "Star says they're up there, with the stars." "Who's up there?" "Mummy and Daddy." The smile vanished from my face. I was silent. I had no idea. We sat in silence for a while listening to Star and Onyx in the kitchen. "How many times have I told you about this?" "It was for a few minutes - nothing would have happened. I was just down the road!" "It only takes a few minutes! Don't you remember?" "For goodness sake, that was an accident. It's not going to happen again!" "Star doesn't like it when Onyx leaves me alone in the house," Twinkle said. "She always talks about how it'll happen again - not sure what she means. I don't want to ask." The kitchen door burst open and Star and Onyx both came trotting out, Star levitating a cup of tea. "There you are," she said. putting the tea in front of me. "I feel bad for making you this," I said, looking at her. "You serve me in my own home, and then when I go to yours, you serve me again." "Luna, that's my job. It doesn't matter." I sighed. That may be the case, but I still didn't like it. Then an idea hit me. "You must come for dinner sometime then. At the castle," I said, looking at them all. "Oh no, Princess, we couldn't possibly-" Star Darling started. "No, you must come. We shall treat you all to a five course meal - it is the least I can do for your hospitality." "Luna, I'm so-" "We would love to!" Onyx said, stepping in front of Star Darling, causing her to glare furiously at him. I spent a few more hours there, until the time came for me to leave, an hour before sunset. "Are you sure you'll be ok? I can contact the guards for them to come and collect you. Or, if you still insist on walking, Onyx could accompany you," Star Darling asked, looking worried. "It is still light - in fact, it won't get dark until I get home, I can guarantee. I don't know what you're worrying about - I am perfectly capable of looking after myself." Instead of walking, though, I opened my wings and flew. I could have used a teleportation spell, but I don't like using magic too much, and I hadn't actually used my wings for weeks. But flying was quicker than walking, and I needed to get back to castle as soon as possible. I had something to do. As soon as I landed in the castle grounds, I ran into the castle, looking for a specific pony. And it wasn't long before I found them. "Gold Coin?" A orange-coated, yellow-maned unicorn stallion turned around. "Ah, good afternoon Your Highness," he said, bowing. "I was wondering if I could speak with you about an employee, a maid of mine." "Of course," he said, bowing his head again. He turned around and lead me into his office. He went over to his desk, and sat on his chair, facing me. "What did you want to discuss in particular?" he said, gesturing for me to sit. "I was just wondering...my maid, Star Darling, does an incredibly good job, and keeps me company, and goes above and beyond her duty. Is there any chance of...a pay rise for her?" I said, trying to look as innocent as possible. He gave me a questioning look. "Any specific reason for this?" "Well, like I said, she does her job extremely well, and goes further than just attending to me." And there was the little thing of me wanting to give them a bit more money. They were orphans, and I felt awful - partly because so are Tia and I. I wanted to do everything in my power to help them, and I knew that Star Darling would completely refuse if I gave her the money in person. This was the only way I could do it - anonymously. "Well, unfortunately," he replied, "the wages are fixed, Princess. I cannot give Star Darling any more than her colleagues without promoting her to a higher rank beforehand." "What would a higher rank entail?" "All the ranks above her current position entails longer hours, more responsibility over others - things like that. Most are managerial posts, but all are taken, so it's out of the question." I expected this. But a job with longer hours was also out of the question, what with Twinkle - I didn't want her worrying if Onyx was actually looking after her sister, or having to stay out even longer than she does now. "Is there some sort of...'Employee of the Month' system? Like a reward system?" "There isn't," he said. I sighed, and leant back in my chair. "But I suppose it is possible to create such a system." I sat up. "Really?" "Yes, it certainly is possible to introduce a system that rewards those who pay particular attention to their duties." I beamed. "How soon?" I really wanted to do this - Star Darling is so lovely, and she really deserves it. I only saw a glimpse of what she does for her family today, but it was obvious that they still depend on her for a lot. I just want to do everything I can to make her life easier. > Entry 12 - Party! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have realised just how bad I am at continually writing in this journal - most of the entries start with 'sorry I haven't written on a while' or something similar. I just got back from Uncle Will’s Re-Election Dinner. Now, that was some party. When I woke up, it was still early morning so I still had hours to wait until we actually had to leave, or even start getting ready. But of course, not for Tia. Tia was running around, complaining that she had nothing to wear. Which is funny, considering that ponies don't usually wear clothes. Also, I have seen her wardrobe. 1, it is massive - you could house an entire family in there. 2, it is full to the brim, so you can't actually house a whole family there...but you get my point. But, to each their own, I suppose. I, on the other hand, was just sitting around reading, laughing at Tia's occasional run past me, screaming, "THIS IS AN EMERGENCY!" My sister can be very strange at times. I honestly don't know why she was so worked up over her dress. I mean, I got my dress a few days before, because Gem mentioned it to me, and I thought I should probably wear a new dress, instead of wearing one of my favourites. The press can be very annoying at times, especially when they catch me in an already-worn dress. It's front page news, apparently. Gem and I decided a while ago that we were going to go together - as in together together - so he came and picked me up from the castle, and we took his carriage to Uncle Will’s house, leaving the royal carriage for Tia. Which she wouldn’t have had any other way, really. Gem and I arrived at the Mayor’s house and, of course, our entrance was announced. “Her Royal Highness Princess Luna Selena Artemis of Equestria, and Monoceros Gemini III.” You could see how our entrance affected the place. The room, which before was busy and loud, suddenly became almost silent as everypony watched Gem and I walk down those stairs. Obviously Celestia hadn’t arrived yet, otherwise there would have been no way I would have gotten all that attention, but it was still nice, in a way. I’m not used to a lot of attention - it comes with the territory of being Tia’s little sister. No pony really pays that much attention to you, not with Princess Celestia, Ruler of Equestria and Princess of the Sun and therefore Day in the room. Nope, no pony really cares about my night. They spend so much time in the day, and are grateful for that, but hardly anypony is grateful for my night - my moon and my stars. There are those who do admire my creation - Gem and his family being among them. Also, I suppose, couples who go out for a romantic moonlit picnic or walk or something similar. It’s strange how most ponies can forget all about the beauty of the night, until they fall in love, then they see it’s true beauty. As soon as we got to the bottom, we were instantly ambushed by well-wishers and snobby aristocrats, all telling us that we make a cute couple and they are so glad and happy for us, and some even saying that they were glad that I didn’t choose, and I quote, “a commoner”. I really don’t like rich ponies. After a while, we managed to sneak away, only to get caught by none other than Uncle Will. Of course, I didn’t mind - Gem and I both love Uncle Will. It’s impossible not to really. Not only is he kind and caring, but he pretty much acted as our - Tia’s and my - parent. He helped us through a lot, and we owe him so much. Even though he’s getting old, and some think he should retire from politics, he still puts all his soul into insuring that everything is fair for all citizens of Canterlot. In fact, he’s the one who got me interested in politics in the first place. “Luna,” he said, giving me a hug. “How are you?” “I’m great. You?” “I’m good. This old pony still has some life in him, and still knows how to throw a party - a good one too.” It was that point that Tia arrived, so Gem and I took that as our queue to quietly sneak outside on to the balcony as everypony else looked towards the top of the stairs to watch Tia walk down them. Why they enjoy that, I’ll never know. We looked up to the moon that night, and Gem complimented me on its particular beauty tonight. I wanted it to be extra special for Uncle Will’s dinner, so I made sure that it was exquisite. It wasn’t my best work, but it was still up there in the top 10. Soon after that, a waiter appeared, informing us that dinner was served. So, off we went for more torture. I really love Uncle Will, and his parties can be fun, but I really don’t like snobby, rich ponies. And they are always here at these kinds of parties. And they're annoying. Really annoying. I sat next to Uncle Will, who sat at the head of the table, with Tia on the other side of him, and Gem on the other side of me. This meant that I didn't have to sit next to some random heiress who would talk to me about latest scandal involving a billionare heir who ran off with a millionare. Can you believe that? Only a millionare! Shocking, isn't it? Dinner was good - the food was amazing and the 'chat' was not, but it was of a small amount. Only when Gem got incredibly bored, or someone began talking about us two did I actually get involved with the conversations. I spent most of dinner talking to Uncle Will, mainly about the plans he had for his current term as Mayor. I got interested with politics at quite a young age, so whenever he had an idea for a new policy, he always came to me to ask my opinion. Just like if I felt that a new law needed to be introduced or that if a law needed to be amended, I would always got to Uncle Will for some advice on whether he thought it was a good idea or not. After dinner, Gem and I took a stroll away from the main room. I’m not a very sociable pony. I’m not good with crowds, and Gem feels the exact same way. Which is awesome. Because it means we don’t have to stay with a group of ponies who only want to talk about the latest fashion, or about how the fired their servant the other day because they didn’t bring the food at the right temperature - you think I’m making this up…I’m not. “You know, this is where we first met. Five years ago,” Gem said, smiling and looking at the hall in front of us. I can still remember that day - when I hid from Tia and all other ponies so I didn’t have to talk to them, when Gem snuck up on me and asked me what I was doing, when we introduced ourselves and became best friends. “So, it was,” I said, smiling at him. “You know,” he continued. “I only spoke to you that day for one reason.” I stopped walking and looked at him. “In that dress, you just looked so beautiful. And the way the moonlight shone through your mane…I was mesmerised.” I stopped and looked up at him, not able to stop smiling. I ran my hoof through his mane, staring up at his beautiful blue eyes. All during this, and pretty much every time I’m with him, I was mentally face hoofing. I just don’t believe just how long it took for me to realise that Gem was…well, Gem was perfect. Not many ponies can get out of the friend zone, but Monoceros Gemini did, and for that, even I have to give him props. “But then I realised you had your head in a curtain and I started thinking, “What in Equestria is she doing?”” he carried on, smirking. I rolled my eyes and pushed him playfully. He looked down at me and leaned in for a kiss, which I willingly gave. “You know last week, when I came to the castle to see you with the invite? And you walked in on your sister asking me somewhat awkward questions?” he asked, walking down the corridor again. “Yes, and both of you refused to tell me exactly what.” “Well…” “What? What did she say? Don’t leave me in suspense.” Gem sighed. “She asked me about us. About…how far we had gone.” “Wait…?” I stopped. “Yeah, but not just about whether we had had sex yet. Also other stuff, all involving those body parts.” “Oh.” I was shocked at this. But not for the reason you would think. I was shocked, because this was not as bad as it could have been. I know my sister - she has the capability to ask some really awkward stuff. This could have been a lot worse, and probably would have been if I didn’t get there when I did. “Well, I’m killing her.” Doesn’t matter if it wasn’t the worst she could have done - she’s still not supposed to ask ponies things like that. “It doesn’t matter - it wasn’t that bad, and it’s old news, anyway.” “I really think that there is something wrong with Celestia - how in Equestria can anypony think that asking anypony that is ok? I mean, really?!” I would have gone on for longer, but then Gem had decided to try out the fail-safe way of shutting me up - kissing me. All of a sudden, during that kiss, I got a feeling that I had never gotten before. And, through the way he was kissing me, I could tell Gem felt it too. I broke apart, looked up at him and said, “I love you.” He kissed me again. “I love you too.” We stood kissing in the corridor for sometime, in full view of anypony who walked into that corridor. After a while, I broke apart and looked up at him. "Luna?" he said, slightly shocked. "Are you ok? What's wrong?" I sighed. "I've been thinking..." I paused there, not quite sure what to say. "I...I think I'm ready." "Ready? For what?" I smiled - Gem's innocence is just adorable. "You know..." He still looked completely clueless, so I tried a final resort. "Something Tia talks about a lot?" "Oh!" he finally said. I laughed, and kissed him again. But this time, it was he who broke apart. "Are you sure? Because I do not want to do anything if you're not ready," Gem said, his wonderfully blue eyes staring at me. I put my hoof over his mouth. "I'm sure. I'm ready." He took my hoof away,, and ran his through my name, looking at me lovingly. "I love you, my darling Luna." We looked around the corridor, and I knew that one of the guest rooms was on this floor. I was sure that Uncle Will would have been fine with us using it, but I wasn't exactly prepared to go and ask him. "There's a guestroom there," I said, pointing to one of the doors, blushing slightly. It was rather awkward for me. We opened the door, walked in, and stopped, staring in, unable to look away. "Tia?" I managed to squeak. I'm pretty sure you can guess what was happening. If not, let me give you some clues. Well, Tia's dress was on the floor, and she was...on a bed...with a stallion I had never seen before in my life. Yes. It's exactly what you think. "Luna!" Celestia grabbed the covers and tried...covering the both of them, but in vain. Gem and I had both seen, and, as much as we both wanted to, we weren't going to unsee it. It was then that Gemini walked in front of me, and began ushering me out, as if trying to keep my innocence intact. I went with him, gladly. "Holy shit," I said, once we were in the corridor. I looked over at Gem, who was completely silent. You can't blame him really - it's one thing to see your girlfriend's sister doing...that, but a whole other level to see the ruler of your country. This was something he was not going to forget in a hurry. Something I wasn't going to forget in a hurry. Soon after that, Tia and the stallion came out, both blushing slightly when they saw us. "Luna," Tia said, laughing nervously. "Having a nice time?" Fillies and gentle-colts - my sister. Knows exactly how to make an awkward situation even more awkward. "Tia." "Ok." She knew exactly what I meant. She turned around, told the stallion to wait there and then walked down the corridor with me. Once we got faraway enough, I turned to her and simply said, "Who in Equestria is he?" "Just a friend." "Please tell me he is not just some random stallion you met tonight," I said, facehoofing. "Luna, just who do you think I am? I am a Princess of Equestria, not some common tart." "Answer the question, Tia." "No, I did not met him tonight. We met a month ago. He's Lucky Penny." "Wait. That's Lucky Penny? Are you serious?" "Yes, that's him." I should probably start explaining. Lucky Penny is this...there is no way to describe him other than just a celebrity. He is one of the richest stallions in Equestria and of course, that makes him the most eligible bachelor ever. You should hear the teenage fillies talk about him. A lot of them say the same thing about Gem too. It's quite unnerving. "Oh, wow." This was quite a shock. My sister, supposingly going out with the most wanted man in Canterlot - no, Equestria. Not to mention what we just walked in on them doing. Speaking of which... "Anyway," Celestia continued. "What were you and Gem doing sneaking into a bedroom at this time?" she said, smirking. I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks as I began blushing. "Nothing. We just wanted to get away from the crowds." "I bet you wanted to get away from the crowds." "What's that supposed to mean?" "You know exactly what I'm talking about." Tia started grinning. "Aww, my little Luna is all grown up!" she said, in this really annoying voice. "Shut up, Tia," I said, turning around and walking back towards Gem. I heard hurried footsteps and of course wasn't surprised to see Tia reappearing at my side. "Tell me all the details when we get home," she whispered in my ear. My sister will never fail to freak me out. We both rejoined our...dates, but Gem and I both went home soon afterwards. I did not feel like seeing Tia or anypony after that. Gem dropped me off at the castle, giving me a goodnight kiss. "Sorry. About earlier." "It's not your fault. Don't worry about it." I gave him a quick kiss then went inside. I think Tia has just arrived now - I'm turning out my light and putting you away. Well away. Tia cannot find you. And she probably will come in here at some point, and try to 'talk'. Why is it always my sister? > Entry 13: Too much crying > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This morning, I woke up completely refreshed from last night. Of course, I still had the memories - quite vivid ones of Tia - so I didn't really feel like seeing Tia. Unfortunately, the quickest way to the dining room is to go past her room, and I was starving and I did not want to take the longer way. So I decided to take my chance and go for it. I was walking past Tia's room when all of a sudden, I heard this loud cry. I froze, not sure what was going on. That was definitely my sister, but after last night, I had very much learnt my lesson about walking into a room unannounced when Celestia is in there. I knocked on Tia's door. "Tia?" Tia sat on her bed, completely surround by tissues, bawling. "What happened?" I said, running towards her. She stopped crying for a moment, taking in deep breaths, and levitated a letter for me to read. I looked at the parchment in front of me. It was completely soaked and the ink had run so much all I could make out was 'fun', 'not working', 'tied down', 'Equestria', 'over', and finally 'Lucky'. "Tia...I can't read this. What happened?" "He...he...HE DUMPED ME!" She burst into even louder tears, and turned to sob into her pillow. Her horn started glowing and all of a sudden, the pastle curtains around her four poster shut dramatically. "Tia..." I said, walking up closer to her bed. "Don't do this. Where's the Tia that we all love? The one that will make inapproprate comments about Gem and I? The one that will go to a party and come back completely drunk? The one who gets on my nerves all the time, but is still my only sister and will always be there for me?" Tia stopped crying, and started sniffing, but still made no sound. "Tia?" I said, pulling the curtain back. Tia turned towards me, sighed then wiped her eyes. "Here." "Good." I smiled. I'm getting better at this comforting thing. "Come on. Let's go and get some breakfast." I started walking towards the door. "You go. I'll follow in a minute." "Ok. See you soon. I'll try not eat all the pancakes." I spent some time in the dining room - I quite like food, and who's going to tell a princess to stop eating? Yeah, that's right - nopony. It's the same with Tia. It's not really well-known, but Tia loves cake. And I mean loves it. She would marry that stuff if she could. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she had already tried. As I was leaving, a guard came running up to me, slightly out of breath. "Your Highness!" he said. "Mr Gemini has come to see you." Of course he would. I love Gem so much, but I was sure that he of all ponies did not want to see Tia. Especially after what happened last night. I didn't even want to see Tia after what happened last night. "Thank you for informing me," I said, remembering my manners. "Can you escort me there please?" "Of course, Your Highness," he said, bowing low. I rolled my eyes. No matter how many times I tell them how much I hate the formalities they still cannot stop. Anyway, I digress... He turned around and escorted me to Main Library, where I saw Gem standing next to one of the bookcase, hovering a book in front of him. I sighed as I saw him - he had his reading glasses on and I've always had a certain...like for them. Then I remembered that the guard was still standing beside me, which then lead to my cheeks going bright red. I cleared my throat and turned to him. "Thank you," I said. I started walking into the library, and Gem caught sight of me. "Good morning Luna," he said, smiling, gently lowering the book down and taking his glasses off. Part of me almost shouted for him to keep them on, but I was able to show some self-restrain. He walked over to me and kissed me on the cheek. "I came by to check on how you were doing after last night," he explained after I asked him why he had come. "I'm fine - don't worry about me. How are you?" "I'm fine - why wouldn't I be?" I didn't want to mention it, but I was certainly sure that seeing, even if only for a few seconds, your girlfriend's sister having sex would mess you up a little bit. Not to mention that Celestia is also one of the rulers of his country. That would certainly mess some ponies up. "No reason." He suddenly looked serious. "I also wanted to talk to you about what you said yesterday. About how you were...ready." "Gem, I-" He raised his hoof up, silencing me, and lowered his voice. "I do not want you to do anything you're not completely ready for just for me. I honestly want you to be one hundred percent sure before we do anything." "Gemini," I said, stroking his mane. "I love you - you know that. I am ready - not right here, right now of course. Don't worry about me. If I have the slightest hestitation, I will tell you. Believe me." He smiled at me - that brilliant smile of his - and he wrapped his arms around me embracing me tightly. The best thing about Gem is that I can spend as much time with him as I possibly can and still never get tired of him. We sat down together in the drawing room, just enjoying each others' company. There are days when you can have an entire's day worth of events planned, but sometimes it is just best to relax and take a break with those you love. "Wait a minute." I had just remembered something. Or I should say somepony. "Where's Tia?" "Celestia?" Gem said. "Why do you ask?" I told him about what happened this morning and he stood silent, just listening. "How long has she been there?" "Must be an hour or two now." "We should probably go and see if she's ok." We ran down the hallways, towards the something wing, towards our rooms. I hadn't seen her for about an hour now, and I was getting worried. I had never seen her like this before - she was in a state. And in this state, she could anything, to herself or anypony else. It scared me. Quite a bit. "Tia?!" I shouted, bursting into her room. "Oh my stars," Gem said, in reply to the sight she saw in the room. Tia was sprawled across the floor, completely out of it. Around her must have been close to a hundred empty bottles of cider, just lying around everywhere. There were even a few that were broken. "Tia? What the hell...?" I said, as I stepped through the maze of bottles. "Hmmm..." was the only reply. I sighed. "Great." I walked over to my pain-in-the-arse of a sister and started poking her face, hoping that she would respond in some way or even wake up. I turned to Gem. "There's nothing else for it. We're going to have to lift her on to the bed." I walked up to her, and crouched down, taking Tia's front hooves, hoping that Gem would come and help me. But no, he didn't. He just stood there, staring at me in disbelief. "Err...Luna..." he said, looking quite confused. He raised his hoof up to the top of his head and tapped his horn. "Oh yeah," I said, blushing once again. I stood back and Gem and I both levitated her onto her bed, where she instantly started snoring. "I'm related to that," I said, staring at her, shaking my head. Gem laughed. "I'll leave you two to your bonding time." He kissed my cheek and left. I wanted to be so furious at Tia, but it wasn't her fault. It was that stupid Lucky Penny. I had half a mind to send a squadron of guards to his big fancy house and ram the door down. But of course, I couldn't. It would be against some limitation on our powers, and might even, in a worst case scenario, start some kind of civil war, ending in the eventual overthrowing of Tia and I and maybe even our executions. That was a tall price to pay just for some revenge. So I decided to write a letter. Because it's the only thing I'm actually good at. I haven't actually sent it yet. I just keep thinking it's not my place. But then I'll hear Celestia's drunken mumbling, and start rolling up the scroll again. The letter itself isn't a masterpiece. I tried extremely hard not to compare him to things, and not to insult his mother, and I think I managed it. I'm quite proud of myself. I don't care who he thinks he is - Tia is my sister, and the only person who can upset her is me. That came out wrong. I mean, I stick up for her - no one messes with my sister. Or they have to answer to me. Or one of my strongly worded letters. Okay, that's it. I'm sending it. Wish me luck.