Watch The Movie, Sweetie Belle!

by Neon Czolgosz

First published

The only thing Diamond Tiara likes more than watching Con Mane on a cold and wet morning is teasing her teenage marefriend — Today, she does both, with sexy results!

It's cold and rainy and there's no heating in the house. All Diamond Tiara wants to do is snuggle up in bed under the covers with a friend and watch some cheesy movies.

Okay. Maybe she'd prefer to snuggle up with Sweetie Belle in particular. She's kind-of-sort-of seeing her, she guesses, since that sleepover.

And if we're being honest, maybe she'd enjoy teasing Sweetie Belle as much as she'd enjoy the movie. She's adorable when she's all frustrated, after all.

...And if we're being really honest, maybe she'd like something a little more.

Don't tell Sweetie Belle, though...

Thanks to my love ScarletWeather for help editing and writing, and to Cola_Bubble_Gum for inspiration. For Your Antagonist.

Rainy Morning

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The wind whipped rain against Sweetie Belle’s face as she trudged through Ponyville. Autumn was creeping into winter, and the rain was so bitingly cold that she could barely tell it from hail. Even through her boots and heavy parka, the wet and cold slipped in, buffeted into every thin point by the wind.

The rain couldn’t dampen her excitement, and the cold did nothing to slow the rapid, twitchy thumping in her chest. She walked faster now as she crossed through central Ponyville and into the smaller, swankier neighborhoods uptown. It was late morning already. Rarity had held her back, insisting she was completely prepared for the weather outside, grilling her about when she would return, and chiding her for using all of her makeup.

The thought of it made Sweetie Belle roll her eyes. She’d had her cutie mark for three months now, and her big sister still treated her like an errant child.

Some things never change.

By the time she arrived at Diamond Tiara’s house, she was shivering from the cold. Or maybe from anticipation. Standing at her doorstep in the freezing rain, she couldn’t really tell. She rang the doorbell and waited.

And waited.

The hems of her coat were soaked through, and she could feel little puddles inside her boots. The slow, grasping cold was worming its way into her now, all the more obvious now that she was standing still. With a shiver, she rang the doorbell again. She knocked a second afterwards, just to be sure.

She heard noise and clumsy hoofsteps from inside the house, before a dim shape appeared darkly through the frosted glass windows of the door. Diamond Tiara opened the door. The pink filly looked messy and sleepy. Her mane was all over the place, there was sleep in the corners of her eyes, and she was still wearing yesterday’s makeup. She had wrapped herself tightly in a big, fluffy dressing gown.

“Hey,” said Diamond Tiara.

“Hey,” replied Sweetie Belle, breathless. She stepped forward, cautiously, and moved in to kiss her. Diamond Tiara turned away at the last moment, and Sweetie’s cool lips pressed against her cheek.

“You’re late,” said Diamond Tiara.

Sweetie Belle smiled sheepishly. “Sorry, I got held up by Rarity.”

“Hmph.” Diamond Tiara looked over Sweetie at the rain pouring down outside. “Come in, I guess.”

Sweetie Belle quickly followed her up to her bedroom. It was three times the size of her own. Four massive windows and two huge skylights in the high ceiling made it look more like a conservatory than a bedroom.

It was also a complete mess. Dirty clothes, books, smoothie bottles, cupcake wrappers, magazines, deodorant cans and other flotsam were all strewn across her floor. Her double bed had four duvets and a dozen mismatched pillows, thoroughly unmade, with several bags of snacks tucked away in its crevasses. A huge television was bolted onto the wall across from the bed.

Sweetie Belle took off her sodden raincoat and hung it on the back of the door. Shivering, she flicked rainwater off her race. Rain poured down against the giant glass windows, running down in a tangled mess of rivers and droplets, pulsing with the wind outside. Every time the howling wind pounded the window, a wave of cold seemed to press into the room.

“Uh, Di?” There was a quaver in Sweetie Belle’s voice, unrelated to the cold. “Is it me, or is it kinda chilly in here?”

The pink filly groaned. “Don’t fuckin’ remind me. Daddy says ‘blah blah I didn’t earn our money by spending all of it on heating this early in the year,’ so what does he do? He pays for a key for the heating system so I can’t turn it on when he’s not in. Says I should wear one of my sweaters instead. Can you believe that?”

“That’s kinda harsh.”

“I know! Some poor cashmere goat got shaved to make my beautiful sweaters, and instead of properly appreciating them by wearing them for stylishly special occasions, I’m supposed to wear them all the time like some hobo’s longcoat.”

“You do look pretty cute in sweaters, though.”

A ghost of a smile appeared on Diamond Tiara’s face. “Don’t I know it. Anyway, I’m not wearing out my sweaters, so I’m just kinda hanging out in my dressing gown all the time.” She glanced down at the fluffy collar next to her neck, and took a tiny sniff. “...I should probably give it a wash.”

Sweetie Belle could see she had a point. The ends and hems of the gown were tinged a soft brown, and the whole thing looked stiffer than any dressing gown should look.

Diamond Tiara jumped into bed, tumbling softly into the cotton before disappearing under a pile of blankets. A pink face topped with lilac mane poked out from the tangled nest. “Pick out a movie already.”

Sweetie Belle sighed softly. Every time, she thought. She browsed the selection in the cupboard under the television, ignoring anything she didn’t want to watch, and reading out possible titles.

Equestrian Pie?”

“No. Seen it too much.”

“Okay. Equestrian Pie Tw—”

“None of the Equestrian Pie films and none of the Equestrian Pie Presents films. Seen all of them too much.”

“Right.” Sweetie flipped through several more titles. “Horseapple Express?”


My Cousin Hinny?”




“...Last week you said you wanted to watch Ride again.”

“Yeah, but then I saw Only Faust Forgives, and I’m not watching Ride again until the director publicly apologises for that mess.”

Romance Reports?”

“That’s basically porn.”

Sweetie Belle looked over her shoulder, and grinned nervously. “Yeah?”

“We’re not watching porn,” huffed Diamond Tiara. “No.”

Sweetie sighed, and kept looking.

“How about From Tarandroland With Love?”

Diamond Tiara perked up. “Con Mane? Sure, I can roll with that.”

Sweetie levitated the film up to the television and switched it on before clambering onto the bed. She started to burrow into the duvets, looking to snuggle close to her kinda-marefriend, but found a barrier of cotton and down pushing against her whenever she came close.

“You’re not hugging me,” came Tiara’s haughty voice, “Your mane and tail are soaked, and I’m already freezing.”

Sweetie pouted, and looked around. There were several crumpled towels lying on the bedroom floor. She lifted two of them in her magic, and wrapped them around her mane and tail.

“How about now?” she asked, steadying the terry-cloth turban above her horn.

“Fine. Come on in, I guess.” The duvets parted, and Sweetie Belle was allowed closer. As she wriggled in next to the dressing-gown clad filly, she cautiously extended a foreleg. Diamond Tiara lifted her head, allowing Sweetie Belle’s foreleg around her withers. Sweetie snuggled in close to her as the opening credits played, and took in her smell. It always made her head spin, whether Diamond Tiara was fresh out of the shower, dolled up for a party, or barely awake and slobbing about in the morning. Right now, Sweetie smelled an unwashed mane smelling faintly of cold hayfries, the feather-light jasmine and rose of her Coco Maremoiselle perfume, pale-peppermint of meticulously cleaned teeth tainted by the odor of microwaved daffodil-and-cheese sandwiches, dreadfully expensive fabric conditioner, and a dozen other tiny notes she could only identify as Diamond Tiara.

Sweetie Belle tried to nuzzle into her mane and take in more of her scent and feel her warmth against her, but a hoof nudged her face away as the opening credits faded.

“Watch the movie,” whispered Diamond Tiara.

“We can’t cuddle?”

“We are cuddling. You came over to watch a movie. So watch the movie!”

A tiny frown flickered across Sweetie Belle’s face, but she rested her head against the side of her friend’s without complaint as they watched the opening scenes. Con Mane was chasing a reindeer assassin through a building site. His weapon had been lost in the fight, and all he had on him was his laser watch. As they climbed and fought on top of a crane, Con Mane almost fell. Sweetie Belle felt a set of hooves wrap around her a little tighter. In fact, it almost felt like she was being nuzzled.

She turned in towards Diamond Tiara to nuzzle her back, softly whuffing at her ear and mane, and finds a hoof pushing her away again.

“Watch the damn movie.”

“But I thought you—”

Diamond Tiara sniffed. “My ear was itchy, and heights make me nervous. It wasn’t an invitation for you to turn into a groping sex-octopus.”

“Sorry, I didn’t—”

“Movie! Watch!”

Sweetie Belle slumped into the cuddle, and the film went on. A tense rescue ended with Con Mane and the heroine in a safehouse bedroom together. In seconds, they were stripping off each other’s clothes, nipping at ears and flanks and necks, mashing their faces together in a passionate kiss. Just as the scene was about to fade to black...

It didn’t.

Con Mane and his lover were under the sheets and he was on top of her. It was clear what was going on.

“...I don’t remember it being this raunchy at the movie theatre,” murmured Sweetie Belle.

There was a light blush on Diamond Tiara’s face, making her cheeks look even pinker than usual. “This is the special Manehattan cut. There’s, uh, some deleted scenes. And some, well. Some longer scenes too.”

A particularly lurid moan from on screen made Sweetie Belle clench her thighs together, and from the way Diamond Tiara squirmed under the covers, she was sure she’d done the same.

A smirk crossed Sweetie Belle’s face. “I thought you said we weren’t watching porn...”

“I’m not watching it for the porn, I’m watching the movie.”

“Well, if you’re not watching the porn...” Sweetie slipped forward and planted her lips on Diamond Tiara’s neck. When her teeth scraped against Diamond Tiara’s thin pink coat, she felt her tense up and then immediately relax into her. Out of the corner of her eye, Sweetie Belle saw her biting her lip to muffle a groan, and unless she was imagining it, felt a hindhoof gently sliding up across her own. As the bite gave way to a soft lick, she knew she definitely wasn’t imagining it. Diamond Tiara was playing hoofsie with her.

A bomb exploded onscreen, and the sex scene gave way to a frantic chase. Sweetie Belle pouted as Diamond Tiara nudged her affections away to watch the movie again. Still, this was a good chase. And her mane and tail were finally drying off now from the big, silly towels wrapped around them. And she was warming up now, though each little wave of cold from the rain outside made them snuggle a little closer to each other. And there was a hoof trailing up her leg. Wait, what?

Sweetie Belle realised as the villains captured Con Mane — at least, she thought they had, her attention was divided — that Diamond Tiara was still playing hoofsie with her.

Now Diamond Tiara also had a foreleg around Sweetie Belle’s withers, and she was so close to her than even though they were facing the same direction, Sweetie Belle could feel her breath on her nose. Sweetie Belle couldn’t resist. She turned in, and planted a tiny kiss just under her ear. The pink filly made no protest, other than a tiny contented noise. Sweetie Belle kissed her again, on her cheek, then again on the edge of her muzzle, then again, on her lips...

Her lips...

How could any pony have lips so soft and so warm?

Sweetie Belle’s eyes glazed over, and as she prepared to grab Diamond Tiara’s face in two hooves and sloppily make out with her, Diamond Tiara turned her face back to the movie.

“Wait, I love this scene.” Diamond Tiara was smirking. Smirking like the evil, awful, sexy pony she was.

Sweetie Belle whined and tried to kiss her, but Diamond Tiara stuck her nose in the air and then turned her back to her, her head half turned so she could still watch the movie. Sulking, Sweetie Belle settled for letting the lilac-and-white mane tickle her nose and inhaling that wonderful scent.

It took her a minute to realise that Diamond Tiara was moving. She wasn’t playing hoofsie any more. Rather, she was grinding backwards into Sweetie Belle’s hips. Grinding her butt against her.

Her big, squishy, overfed-and-underworked butt. Her soft and warm and delightful butt, with such glorious wonders between those two globes.

She was even flicking her tail against Sweetie, moving it to the side, letting her know that there was nothing between Sweetie and her butt.

That was the last straw for Sweetie Belle. She wrapped a forehoof around Diamond Tiara’s tail and rolled her onto her back. The rich filly squeaked as she was turned over, and Sweetie Belle muffled her with a deep kiss. For the first time that day, Sweetie Belle felt Diamond Tiara’s tongue slipping into her mouth, gently playing against her own. Hooves battered feebly against her white chest as she kissed her.

Diamond Tiara broke the kiss, breathing hard. She put on her best glare. “I’m trying to watch the movie.”

Sweetie Belle covered Diamond Tiara’s eyes with a hoof. “Oh yeah? What’s happening in the movie right now, then?”

The pink filly stayed quiet, but grinned. “...Stuff.”

They both giggled, and cuddled closer together. Sweetie Belle fidgeted as the towels threatened to fall away, so she removed them both and cast them aside. The pair entwined their hindlegs together, and Sweetie Belle could immediately feel the heat radiating from Diamond Tiara’s groin. Slowly, smoothly, she moved her leg in further until her upper thigh was pressed against Diamond Tiara’s pretty pink slit.

There was a gasp, so small it was barely perceptible, and Sweetie Belle felt a muzzle pressing into her mane.

Sweetie Belle thrust forward, jamming her thigh against her lover’s pussy, instantly rewarded with a sharp moan. She thrust again, not a quick, jerky thrust but a slow, forceful one, grinding the soft white coat of her leg against the slick wetness of Diamond Tiara’s sex.

Diamond Tiara had stopped paying attention to the movie. Her perfect blue eyes were locked with Sweetie Belle’s, glazed and lidded, and she swallowed to stop herself drooling. A sudden thrust made her close her eyes and arch her back, before locking onto Sweetie Belle in a sloppy, open-mouthed kiss. Her breaths came ragged and hungry now, practically snorting as she moved into Sweetie Belle’s steady humping. The heat between their mouths and between their legs was incredible, like slipping into a steamy bath.

Diamond Tiara regained a little composure, and turned away from Sweetie’s kisses even as she continued to hump the unicorn’s leg. Her mane whipped against Sweetie Belle’s face and horn as she turned her head.

“Mmmm... Watching ahh the movie...” There was no force behind her protests. Her eyes weren’t even open, and there was a sloppy, contented smile on her face. Both of them were utterly drenched, and wet, sticky noises came from the covers as Sweetie Belle rammed her thigh against Diamond Tiara’s pussy.

“Oh, Sweetie...” said Diamond Tiara as the unicorn started kissing down her neck. The kisses kept coming, lower and lower, and she realised that Sweetie Belle was moving down her body, lower and lower and lower.

“Ohh, don’t...” Even as she said it, her hooves were on Sweetie Belle’s head, guiding her and pushing her down between her legs.

Sweetie Belle realised how intensely cold her own nose was as she touched her lips to Diamond Tiara’s pussy. Slickness covered her muzzle from even the slightest contact with those puffy, musky lips. She just wanted to snuggle up to it, the warmth, the heat, the closeness, the scent, like some divine mix between hot cocoa on a cold winter’s evening and the smell of wild truffles and forbidden secrets and hot, filthy fucking.

She took a lick. Diamond Tiara’s leg twitched against her shoulder the moment her tongue touched her love, and then the rich filly let out a loud, utterly wanton moan as the lick trailed upwards.

Sweetie Belle dove in with wild abandon, eating out her marefriend, sloppily licking and sucking at her lower lips. Musk and sex and the smell of Diamond Tiara filled her nostrils, and she lapped up the constant stream of fluids as the hot pink pussy was ground into her muzzle. She suckled on her clit just to hear the high squeal, and then eased off.

“Sweetie!” whined Diamond Tiara.

“What?” asked Sweetie Belle, as innocently as possible, before placing a soft kiss on Tiara’s inner thigh. Diamond Tiara flicked her hips up, trying to get the oral sex to continue, but Sweetie Belle stayed in place.

“We’re supposed to be watching the movie. I’m just letting you concentrate on it,” said the unicorn.

“But Sweetie Belle!”

“Yes? Aren’t you watching the movie?” she asked, batting her eyelashes. “Is there... Something else you want?”

Diamond Tiara’s face twisted as she growled. “Fuck the movie, eat me out already!”

Sweetie Belle savored the moment, and then placed her open mouth on Diamond Tiara’s soaking slit, as if she were about to bite into an ice-cream cone. Her tongue lovingly caressed the folds of her marefriend’s sex, eking out needful moans from Diamond Tiara. The pink filly’s tail whipped against the bed and her hooves scrunched up into Sweetie Belle’s mane and rubbed along her horn, making the unicorn all the more aware of the tingling between her legs.

Sweetie Belle pulled away a moment. “Wait,” she said, “Turn over.”

“Huh?” Diamond Tiara could only whine as the tongue left her pussy.

Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes, then grabbed Diamond Tiara’s hindlegs, rolling her onto her belly so that her marefriend’s face was pressed against the pillows, and her rump as sticking in the air. She admired the sight for a moment, of the lilac-and-white tail raised in the air, two quivering legs barely able to support the weight, thighs soaked with arousal, the dripping wet pink slit right in the middle, puffy and slick and wanting...

She could hesitate no longer and pushed her muzzle into Diamond Tiara’s cunt, desperate and hungry as she ate her out. Diamond Tiara buried her face into the pillows as she wiggled her soft, squishy butt backwards, chewing the cotton between her teeth and letting out strained little whines of pleasure, sweat dripping down her mane and into the fabric.

Sweetie Belle groped her lover’s pink rump, massaging her cutie mark, and pressed her mouth over her clit. Her tongue flicked out and softly slipped over Diamond Tiara’s button over and over again and again, soft and teasing but constant, letting the waves of pleasure run through Diamond Tiara until the quivers ran through the pink filly’s whole body, down into her cunt, so strong that Sweetie Belle could feel them through her tongue.

Diamond Tiara screamed into the pillow as she climaxed, feebly kicking out and clenching her hindlegs in an attempt to pull Sweetie Belle even closer in. The unicorn didn’t cease her licks until her lover had completely rode out her orgasm. She finished with a few gentle kisses on her sex and on her inner thighs, until Diamond Tiara rolled over and pulled her up.

After a gentle kiss they fell onto the bed, exhausted. Sweetie Belle became deeply aware of the heat between her legs, and looked in Diamond Tiara’s eyes, the question on her lips...

...And she saw that Diamond Tiara was barely conscious. Her tongue was flicking out every few seconds to stop herself from drooling onto the pillow, and she had flopped into Sweetie Belle’s embrace like a deboned fish. She giggled at how cute the pink filly looked like this.

“Tired out, huh?” whispered Sweetie Belle.

“Mmph... So good...”

“Y-yeah?” Sweetie Belle blushed at the praise despite herself.

“...Better than any movie. C’mere...”

The rain still hammered the windows, and the early winter cold snuck through the air, but those two fillies only knew the warmth of each other’s embrace.