> Rainbow Dash and the queef of destiny! > by -MahLeetlePanties-xD > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Week Before.... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One beautiful sunny morning Rainbow Dashes dick was glistening in the sun. Oh my..Sorry let me start from the beggining Two weeks before all of this happening Rainbow Dash was just a normal pony just like everyone else hanging out with her friends Getting drunk and raping all of Fluttershys animals and then beating them with rusty old pussy knobs she had found in the dump. Okay that was a little off the subject...Anyways lets get back to the story. There she was just hanging out and talking with her friends. "Hey bitches!" yells Dash as she walks up to her friends. "Hey Whore!!" they all yell back to her. "So what we gonna do today!?" asks Dash. "We were thinking about mooning everyone in the bakery." says Rarity. "Oh snap that sounds....FREAKING AWESOME!" yells Dash as she high fives Rarity. Off they went on their journey to the bakery, Of course they couldn't contain their selves and mooned everyone on the way there. For the ones that don't know what mooning is..It is where you pull your pants down and show random bitches your cheek meat. Anyways on the way there they showed everyone their beautiful asses. One time this kids spanked Rainbow Dashes. Finally they got to the bakery and right when they walked in they let their asses fly free. People threw food at them for being stupid bitches. They stopped for a little bit and decided to sit down and eat some ass creme cakes. "How may i help you skank ass hoes?"asks the black waitress. "Yes i would like three shinaynay creme lafonda cakes with extra whipped creme nigga." says Rainbow Dash. "It will be right out ma'am." says the black waiter as she walks away chewing her gum like the stupid fat bitch she is. While they waited she decided to play Truth or Dare to pass the time by faster. The only rule was that there was no truths. "Dare or Double-Dare bitch!?" says Pinkie as she points at Dash. "Dare whore!" yells Dash as she slams her hoof down on the table making everyone stare as her. "I dare you to queef in your hand and throw it in his face!" says Pinkie pointing at Dashes crush. He was so hot but Dash didn't give the tiniest fucking cock tip and when right on ahead and built up the stinkiest fishiest queef she could ever push out her ass and into her vag. This was no ordinary queef, this was a magical queef that turned your vag into a dick! She walked on over to her crush and let out the longest hardest wettest stinkiest queef into her hand and threw it into that motherfuckers face. His mouth was open so he got a taste of that shit. After throwing a bad ass queef into that fuckers face she walks away like a boss and high fives all of her friends. Later that day they all said their good-byes and went home to go to sleep like fuckers with dicks. Dash was in for a rude awakening tommarow... -Hellooo dick lump > Oh my.... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was almost midnight and Dash was as tired as ever after that WankTastic queef she splurted out into that guys mouth. She got ready for bed, First she had to take a shower and shave her thunder bush. Then she had to wax her stache. After that she was set and ready to go to bed! She crawled up into her bed and curled up into a ball and went straight to bed. Little did she know that while she was sleeping there was a magical transformation going on in her panty loons. The queef she had let out earlier that day was a magic queef that turned her vagina into a dick. Dash was in for a rude awakening in the morning. Finally it was morning and Dash was still sleeping...But she rolled off her bed and broke her hind leg and started screaming. She popped it back into place and got up like nothing even happened (Like a boss). She went into the kitchen and made her some cereal adn poured her some orange juice. the sound of the orange juice pouring made her need to take a piss. She walked into the bathroom and pulled her pants down to see a shocking sight. "AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Dash screams loud as fuck and break the mirror. (Which gave her bad ass luck xD) Dash had looked down to see that there was a cock a roach on the floor! She was just about to step on it but then thought "Hey i could torture this thing right in front of Fluttershy." She quickly caught the nasty little bug and put him in jar and left to go to Fluttershy's house. As she aproached her house she checked to make sure that the dumb ass bug was still alive and went to knock on the door. Fluttershy opened the door to see Dash with a needle and a roach. "What are you gonna do to that poor creature!?" yells Fluttershy. "KILL IT OF COURSE!" yells Dash with a creepy face. c:< Dash beats the shit out of the roach and stabs it 79 times in the face with a needle she uses to pop her ass pimples, causing his face to explode because Dash is an infestation covered diseased bitch. Dash started to feel this weird feeling in her pants and threw the dead roach at Fluttershy and ran home to check out the party in her pants. When she got home she pulled down her pants again and freaked the fuck out. She saw a dick..A FUCKING DICK....RAINBOW DASH HAD A DICK! WHAT THE FUCK!? Her dick then took control of her and grew legs leaving her helpless. The dick with legs went around PonyVille and raped everyone in the ass using nothing but his whole body. (LOLZ) It also urinated all over the building and got bigger every time it ejaculated. Anyways long story short PonyVille was a white winter wonderland....Litarally. There was semen all over the place... -The mother fucking end.