> Plan Vampire > by BearizardWriting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > PROLOGUE > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I wake up, sweat rolling down my face, and I’m gasping for air. I roll out of bed, and start trying to calm myself down. I trot around my miserably small room, then sigh. “Sheesh... Another dream about those skeletons.” A shiver goes down my spine at the thought. I look down at my clock, 6:30 AM. Good, I didn’t sleep in. I pick up my pack and open the blinds. A beam of sunshine floods the room and I close the blinds, “Nope... Not ready for that.” It’s just past noon when I trot up the steps of Trident’s apartment. "Video game marathon here I come…" I say to myself. "Wombo combo time." I knock on the door and he pulls me in. “WAZZAPPPPP!” He says enthusiastically, “TRIDEEEEENTTTTT!” We do our super-awesome-totally-original brohoof as we walk towards the couch. Every window in his apartment is sealed, basically turning it into a video-game hideout. On the table is a box of strawberry-unfrosted Pon3Tarts, and the controllers to the GameSphere. “I already loaded up Super Smash Bronies Melee.” He says, picking up his controller “Awww yeh!” We both slouch down onto the couch and prepare to fight. It’s now a quarter to eleven and we’ve cycled through over ten games, eaten all the Pon3Tarts, and soaked our controllers with sweat. “Whelp,Now what?” I say “Ehm… Either sleep, or get another box of Pon3Tarts.” He says. I let out a yawn, “I’m voting for sleep. I’m pretty sure my eyes are starting to glaze over.” I say “Alrighty then, TO THAT SOFT THING!” He proclaims before galloping to his bed. He dives onto it, shaking the mattress and throwing the pillows onto the floor. I take out my pillow and throw it at the wall. It slides down while I take out my blanket. Luckily his apartment has stupidly soft carpet, so I can just sleep on the ground. I roll around on the ground then pull my blanket over my head, then poke my head out. “Whelp, night Trident.” I say “G’Night Stealthy. Remember, first one to wake up has to make breakfast.” He says with a smirk “Ugh… You know I’m going to lose though!” I whine “Exactly” He says with a smile “Whatever…” ------------------------------------------------------------------- I wake up to the sound of screaming outside. I look over to Stealthy and he’s still asleep. “Wha? Stealthy ya hear that?” Stealthy gets up and looks outside. “Yea, I thought I heard something.” He says. I go up next to him and look out the window. When I look out I see at least five mutated ponies attacking the others. “Do you think a lab specimen got out of Cloudsdale?” “Nah, I doubt it.” He replies. “I think this is a new disease.” We watch as one of the strange ponies tackle a normal pony and bites her neck. About five minutes later that same pony who had her neck bitten transforms into another one of those weird ponies. “No! They got Moon Moon!” “I think they’re vampire ponies. Didn’t something like this happen in Ponyville?” Stealthy says. “WHO CARES WHAT THEY ARE STEALTHY?! THEY GOT MOON MOON!” He slaps me across the face “Get. A hold. Of. Yourself. You. Idiot.” “Sorry,” I reply. “Well if this is the start of the apocalypse we need to find a PonyMart and fast.” “Mmk, but make it quick” Stealthy says. “Ok just let me grab something.” I run into the other room and come back with two pairs of wing-blades. “Know how to use these?” “...Well, I know how to shank people. So uh… Yeah. By the way, If you don’t mind me asking, why do you have those?” “Military training, my dad was into that stuff.” A magical screen pops up in front of my face and I stumble back. “SWEET MOTHER OF CELESTIA WHAT THE HAY?!” Celestia pops up on the screen. “Oh it’s her…” “Dear somewhat important people of Equestria, there is an outbreak of vampire ponies-” “TOLD YOU!” Yells Stealthy. “Stealthy shut up before I stab you and do this thing by myself.” I reply in annoyance. He goes quiet and Celestia continues. “Please take extreme caution and try to get to the safe point at the castle in Canterlot. Thank you.” The screen goes away and I stand up. “Well you heard the lady lets get a move on.” “Wait.” Says Stealthy. “We should head to the Frozen North first, so we won’t get over run.” “Alright fine, but you better bring a cloak, because you are going to get cold.” He lets out a chuckle while we strap on the wing blades and prepare to head out for our new adventure, hopefully not dying in three minutes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I smash one of Trident’s windows, he stares at me, aghast. “WHY DID YOU BREAK MY WINDOW?!” He yells “SHHH!” I whisper “We’re trying to not be seen on our way out. ‘Sides, you’re never coming back here.” He nods and I climb out the window then fly down, he follows. “Ok, so let’s try and get out of Yanhoover without being spotted. I don’t really want to kill anything until we absolutely have to.” He shrugs, “Fine.” He replies “So, we have to get to the Frozen North before dawn.” “UGHHHH! BUT THAT INVOLVES MOVING!” He whines, “Come on Trident, do you want to live or not?” I stop him while he’s mouthing the words “Don’t answer that.” I say “Nyuhhh...” He replies We make it through most of the forest before we think to be five AM “I’m hungry.” says Trident. “Don’t worry, we’ll just rob an igloo.” I say, “WHAT?! WHY DIDN’T I THINK OF THAT?!” Trident yells in excitement “SHHHHH!” I whisper as his yells echo through the forest. We hear the branches of distant trees shake as we see a pair of vampires gliding towards us. I shrug, then look to my left and see a missing Trident. I look up and see that he’s already flying at them. “Yep, he’s gonna die.” I say. However, when Trident flies in, only one engages him, the other still zooming towards me. I whip out my wing-blades and engage the bat. I notice Trident wrecking the other bat with his wing-blades, relentlessly slashing at its throat. I punch the bat flying at me as hard as I can right before it hits me. It goes flying back with a nice crack, but still flies. It glares at me with anger, hissing and baring its fangs. It comes in for another strafe and I fly back at it. I close my eyes and feel resistance on one of my blades. I look behind me and see a beheaded bat falling to the ground. I nearly barf at the sight, but for some reason I just don’t feel bad for that bat, self-defense I suppose. I look back over at Trident and see that he also beheaded his bat, but has a big smile on his face. “WOOO! That was AWESOME!” He says while flying towards me. I’m shaking, knowing that I just murdered somepony. He pats my back, “Don’t worry about it! They’re undead anyways, so it doesn’t mean anything.” I shiver, then go back to the ground. We make it to the start of ice and see igloos in the distance. “Yey, we’re here!” Trident says “Time to get some food!” “Yeah, I guess we’ll have to rob someone.” I say sadly “I don’t really want to rob anyone Trident.” “Naw, they’ll be dead soon anyways if not already infected.” He says. “Yeah, I guess so.” I say, letting out a sigh. We come up to an igloo. It doesn’t sound like anypony is home, but we don’t know for sure so we take precaution. Trident nods his head and we bust through the entrance. “LEEDLE LEEDLE LEEDLE LEE!” Trident screams as we flail around punching random objects “THIS IS A ROBBERY! GIVE US YOUR FOOD!” Trident yells while trying to find food. I nudge him, “Dude, this igloo is empty.” I say “Oh.” He says “Well then. TAKE ALL OF THE FOOD!” Trident says, making a mess of the place. “Mmk.” I say, grabbing a box of Pon3Tarts. We leave the igloo with enough food to last a while, probably for a week or two. We keep heading due north, but decide to rest near the first mountain we see. And we do, for a single day we rest at the mountain, get bored, then prepare to leave.