The Sex Drive.

by Cutedash85

First published

There comes a time in every mare and dragon's life. when the start to discover their sexuality.

This story will include lots of main, and background ponies of mlp:fim. I hope you all like it.

It takes place when Twilight is a princess. Things aren't very "cloppy" to start off. But eventually one thing leads to another and they start to like it. We see more about the mane six and spike that we have never known before. There personalities are the same but their fantasies and what they do on their alone time. are two different things.

It will feature: Mane six, spike, the cmc And a few others.

Hidden Emotions.

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One dark and storm night in Equestria. All the ponies had their windows and doors shut and locked for the massive storm that was upon Ponyille. Since Rainbow Dash hadn't been able to do anything since she injured her wing. She was unable to lead the weather team, so Thunderlane was made in charge but wasn't able to properly do the tasks. They had to make up for three missed storms and a thundershower. This one, was the worst one that had ever hit, so they were all taking the necessary precautions. Especially Twilight who had prepared a force field with barriers around every possible area.

As always, Fluttershy was trotting around her cottage nervously, as she always did when there was a storm. Although, this time was different. She was more scared. Normally she had her animals around to sleep and comfort her. But they were all at the pet shop in Canterlot for their grooming, so she was all alone. She thought about getting one of her chickens to sleep with, but she decided against it.

"Oh.. my. Why did they have to pick this week for a storm?" Fluttershy said quietly. She hated being alone.
"Maybe i should go see Pinkie pie. She always cheers me up." She said moving towards the door.
Ah!.. oh, maybe that isn't such a good idea." Fluttershy squeaked as slammed the door and ran back to her bedroom. The thunder was the worst part. Storms had always scared her, even when she was a filly. Rainbow Dash use to make her feel happy and not scared when there was a storm. She missed those days.

"I wish this storm would go away. But I'm tough.. i can handle it." Fluttershy said trying to build up confidence.
As she said those words she lost power. Her whole house going completely dark in the blink of an eye.
*Squee* "Oh my.. noo this isn't good. I need some candles."

In a matter of a few seconds she had ten candles placed in her bedroom, which was making a very relaxing atmosphere.
As she sat in her bed, she began thinking of all the good times she had with Rainbow Dash as a filly. She remember how she always stuck up for her, all the times she comforted her and all the times they had shared together. The more she thought, the more she grew sad as a small tear formed in her eye. She was so busy usually that she didn't have time to relax in her own home and just think back.

She was caught out of her trance by a hoof knocking at her door.
"Hm.. i wonder what pony would be out this late." Fluttershy said as she silently made her way to the door.
She pulled out a hoof, unlocked and opened it. There stood Rainbow Dash, soaking wet with her bandage still covering most of her wing.
She was standing in the doorway shivering with a few mud splatters on her mane. She had obviously been crying a little, considering how red her eyes were.

"Rainbow Dash? What's wrong?" Asked Fluttershy before inviting her in.
"Hey Flutters. Sorry to interrupt, i can come back tomorrow or something.."
"No. You can come over anytime you want. Here come in and sit." Fluttershy said smiling before closing the door behind her, as she vanished to get a towel.

Rainbow Dash stood there in Fluttershy's warm cottage. She also missed the times they had spent together and was here to tell her. All she wanted was to be here. She missed her friend and just wanted some alone time with her.

Fluttershy returned, with a big towel and some tea.
"Here you go." Fluttershy said before handing her the towel to clean herself with.
"Thanks. Um.. is there some place brighter we can go. It's a little dark out here. and i need to tell you something important." Rainbow Dash asked taking a sip of her tea.
"Yeah, just follow me."

As the entered Fluttershy's bedroom, she noticed the candles and the romantic atmosphere it was giving off. She was thinking how easy it would be to tell her how she really felt. Unknown the their friends, Dash was a lesbian. She had never told anypony. Tonight she was going to tell Fluttershy, and If she didn't return the feeling, at least she would have it off her chest.

"So, what brings you here. It's a big storm you shouldn't be out." Fluttershy asked concerned.
"I was out walking around Ponyville since i can't fly, and I was on my way to visit you and i forgot about the storm. So after it hit, I had to run here. I fell in some mud on the way." Rainbow said giggling.
"Oh my. Well you're more than welcome to stay. After all, i miss spending time with you. " Fluttershy said smiling back.

"Yeah me to. I actually came here because i need to tell you something."
"Oh okay. What is it?" Fluttershy asked curiously.
"After i tell you this. You can't hate me okay?" Rainbow said seriously.

"Oh my. Rainbow Dash i could never hate you! never.." She said before giving Rainbow Dash a heart warming hug.
"Thanks shy.."
"Anytime. So what do you want to tell me.?"

"You remember all those times when we were filly's?"
"Yeah i do. We were such good friends." Fluttershy said happily.

"Well as we started to become friends, i started to... like you. As more than a friend. Even though we are getting older i have always had this crush on you, and i just can't hold it back anymore. So that's why i came out in the storm, i wanted to know if you felt the same way." Rainbow dash was now nervous. She felt herself starting to cry. After all, She had rarely opened up to anypony. Let alone, her closest friend and secret crush.

Fluttershy was left lost for words. She didn't know her friend was in such a state. She always though Rainbow Dash was into colts but now she had to do something.

"Rainbow Dash.. i.. i had no idea. Why didn't you talk to me sooner?" Fluttershy said confused and hurt.
"Because.. i didn't want you to hate me. I.. i love you Fluttershy!" Rainbow said now bursting out in tears.

"I love you too."
"Wait.. what?! Rainbow yelled. Was Fluttershy saying she liked me back?
"I love you too. I've always though you never felt the same way. I never had the courage to tell you either. Fluttershy was now less nervous, and she slowly felt any shyness slip away as she talked.
"When did you first start..?" Rainbow asked lost for words.

"It was when we were filly's. You always stood up for me, and you were always there for me when nopony else was. You were always cuddling me in the storms and you always did everything you could to please me." Fluttershy said now very embarrassed. She was shy around a lot of ponies, but Rainbow Dash was different. This was something more, that she had never felt before.

"Oh Fluttershy. You don't know how much this means to me." Rainbow said wiping away all her tears and moving closer to her friend.
"It feels good telling you this." She replied back happily.
"Well.. the storm is settling down, so i should head home i guess."
"Wait. Or.. you could stay and cuddle me." Fluttershy said blushing slightly. She wasn't going to miss a chance to cuddle with her friend, and lover.
"Yes, i would like that Shy." Rainbow said happily.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy snuggled closer together as the sat on the bed. They sat there just cuddling each other, and enjoying the heat of their hooves and fur pressed together. They sat for quite a while enjoying the candles lighting the room, feeling like everything was fine.

"You know, we should do this more often. I miss you, just hold me tight." Fluttershy said snuggling into Dash's neck. The moment was perfect for her. Candles filling the room, combined with Dash holding tight against her neck.
Rainbow Dash was silent, enjoying every minutes of their time together. She loved how she talked and how she was always so adorable..
"Yeah, we should. I'll stay over every night with you." She replied back.
Fluttershy looked up at Dash smiling.

She slowly pulled away and sat face to face with each other. As both mares sat, the candle light reflect off the eyes and made the whole moment magical. They moved in closer as their heart race increased. They soon felt each others breath, they slowly took their hooves and pressed them together. As their lips met, it was like a spark had gone off. Time stopped, the held each other close. They kissed for what felt like hours as the listened to the rain falling outside.

This was the start of something special. As the lay beside each other, cuddling closely, listing to the rain. The felt like everything was going to be just fine.

Always With Me.

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As Rainbow Dash lay on her bed, she couldn't be happier. She had finally kissed the mare she of her dreams, and now it was up to Fluttershy, to decide where the relationship could go. Maybe they could even go father. The thought of this made Rainbow Dash a little turned on. She wasn't sure if Fluttershy would be up to sex or anything even sex related. But Fluttershy had the idea in mind. Even though, it was still unknown to both of them.

Later That Day

"Man, this is hard work". Twilight said panting, as she pulled herself off the ground. She was now a princess and still, she was unable to fly. She was at the Crystal Empire trying her very best to stay airborne, but it wasn't working so well. She had just received a new princess dress. It was like Armour, but not as protective. It had a few Armour pieces covering her lower body and parts of her legs. She also had a hole for her horn and wings. It also didn't have much covering her flank, which she found a little bit uncomfortable. She was getting more frustrated every time she fell down. The reason for this, wasn't all about because she couldn't do it. It was, that she was in heat. She had always used her hoof but it wasn't cutting it. She had to endure it and try to make it not noticeable. She was just about to try again when she heard a voice coming from the other side of the courtyard.

"Princess Twilight!" Yelled one of the royal guards from across the courtyard. He had obviously been trying very hard to find her. He had a large bag on his back as he quickly trotted towards Twilight.
"Yes, what is it? Is something wrong?" She asked without waiting for a response.
"Is princess Celestia okay?" Twilight was getting nervous.

"Yes she's fine. It's Ponyville! The train is ready to leave in a few minutes."
"That's it? You got me all worked up for nothing?" She said frustrated, before turning and running towards the castle where she was staying.
The gaurd had known Twilight long enough to notice she was acting funny.As Twilight ran away, he noticed how she was walking funny. It didn't take him long to realize she was in heat. Which explained the smell, and why he legs were a little damp. This though made him laugh a little bit.

Twilight was on her way up the stairs. As she approached the room where Spike was, a sound caught her attention. It sounded like moaning but she couldn't point it out. She was now standing directly outside Spike's room, and she was sure this was the source of the sound. As she quietly peaked in, her face went blank.

There was spike, on the bed jerking off. Twilight was confused, aroused and nervous all at the same time. Whatever she was expecting, it sure wasn't this. She had no idea her number one assistant was having these feeling yet. After all, he was technically the same age as a filly.

She didn't know if she should leave, or stay. She was surprisingly getting turned on. Spike was larger than one might think, but still fairly small. He was laying on the bed, eyes closed, with two hands slowly stroking it.

Twilight was getting more aroused. Considering she was in heat, this wasn't helping.
"Oh my gosh. I can't watch this. I have to go.." Twilight was trying to look away, but couldn't. She wanted sex so much at that point. She knew it was wrong to watch this, but she suddenly felt her hoof have a mind of it's own, as slowly rubbing over her marehood, sending shivered up her spine. This was so much better then she had ever experienced before. After a few minutes Twilight had given up the thought of leaving.
If this is the only way to relieve this, then so be it. I will worry about the awkwardness later.

As spike got closer to his orgasm, so did Twilight. She rubbed herself harder and harder, trying to hold back any moans of pleasure. It was nearly impossible to hold back anymore. With one last jerk, spike came. Shoot a stream of thick cum against the wall. After seeing this Twilight lost control, as she broke into a powerful orgasm. Spike wasn't aware of Twilight's presence and was enjoying the satisfaction of getting off. He thought Twilight was still out practicing. After several minutes he decided to check on her, before leaving out the back door.

Outside the door, Twilight continued to rub as her legs and hoof we're covered in her pleasure. She lost all sense of reality as the continued to rub. She was quickly snapped back into senses as she heard gaurds walking down the hall across from her. She quickly prepared for what was to come.

"Twilight?! What are you doing?" The guard said, his voiced filled with surprise. He would never had expected this from Twilight. After all the years he had known her, this is the last thing that he would expect to ever see.
"Oh.. um I..I can explain!" She said lost for words. She was so embarrassed.
Oh.. this won't end well.

Ponyville School

"Good morning everypony!" Said Cheerilee happily as she trotted into the classroom. She had her saddle bag with school supplies that she always had.
"Hello Mrs Cheerilee, how are ya this mornin?" Asked Applebloom happily. Cheerilee was her favorite teacher.

"Today class, we will all be learning a new subject. Sex ed. I know most of you aren't familiar with this yet, but it's important that we talk about it. So, get out your books and start taking notes." Cheerilee said happily as she began to write on the chalk board.
"Oh, this is gonna be gooood." Said an orange Pegasus from the back of the class. She was ready for her favorite subject.

This is life.

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Ponyville, the sunny town was in the worst state it had ever been in. Trees were knocked down, the power was out, the roads were muddy and the Cakes had left for vacation and Pinkie Pie in charge of the store. She had been up all night watching it, in fear of what the storm might do. She was mostly proud of herself because she felt responsible and she could eat all she wanted.
"ooh, the Cakes will be sooooooo happy when they get back." Pinkie said cheerfully before burying her face in a cupcake.

Back In the town, ponies were all out cleaning up the devastating effects the storm had brought. It was taking the effort of all the ponies, and even Rarity was doing her part to help.

Twilight and Spike had gotten back from Canterlot that morning. They were tasked to pick up the loose branches along the roads.

As Spike was walking around Ponyville, he was thinking a lot. His sexual feelings had also just started, and he was very confused. It was his time for puberty. Even though he was excited that his wings were growing, he felt lost in his worlds. Also, he had never had any romantic feelings before, and it wasn't until he started Hanging out with Sweetie Belle that he started to feel something for her. But when it looked like she wasn't interested Spike pushed the idea away.
Man.. is there something wrong with me? Am i unattractive? No. Of course not.

Spike was growing up, he was still a small dragon but had grown a little more since Twilight raised him. His wings were slightly growing from his back, but they weren't big enough to even flap yet. His spikes had gotten a inch or two longer, but other than that, nothing.

Spike was walking down the road, picking up all the loose branches. He was also thinking of all the things he wanted. His crush on Sweetie Belle, along with his sexual fantasies that had just started occurring. He needed to talk to somepony. but he didn't know who.
Spike was knocked out of his thoughts by a little voice behind him.

"Oh, hi Spike!" Said Sweetie Belle innocently behind him. She had always admired the dragon. Since the night of Cadence's wedding, and they dance. She had grown attached to him. Some might even say she had a little crush on him. Without knowing they both shared the same feelings, it was complicated. She had always tried giving him signals and spending as much time as possible around him.

"Hey Sweetie Belle." Spike replied looking at the young filly. As he did, his heart started to race. He knew something was starting, and he wanted to tell her so badly.

How are you?" She said trying to make conversation.

"I'm fine. Just trying to help out a little bit." He said trying to avoid her eyes. He had always tried not looking into her eyes, Every time he did, he felt something. He didn't know what, but it was only Sweetie Belle. Her big cute eyes staring at him, was enough to make him scoop her up and kiss her on the spot.

"Well, that's very helpful of you. Do you mind if.. I stay and help?" She asked smiling at him with a slight blush.

"Of course not."

As time went on, they was a lot of awkward silences. They both had no idea how each other felt. They would occasionally glance back and forth at each other, but look away once they noticed them staring.

Two hours had gone by, and Spike and Sweetie Belle had gotten a lot of work done. They had cleared the main road of all loose branches.

"Good job Sweetie" Spike said happily.

"You too. I think we actually make a pretty good team." She also said, smiling back at him.

"Yeah, we do.

"So.. um.. if you're not busy. Would you like to come back with me for some hot chocolate? I'm sure Rarity won't mind if you do." Sweetie Belle asked blushing deeply. This was her chance to impress him. She wanted to get closer to him, and she knew just how to do it. She knew about his feeling towards her sister. But she also knew Rarity didn't like him back. Plus, she was too old for him.

"Sure i would love to." Spike replied back, as the headed for Rarity's Boutique.

Back at the library, Twilight was still in bed. She was trying to process all her emotions and feelings. After all, the previous day she had clopped to her number one assistant pleasuring himself. She knew she didn't like him that way and that it was wrong what she did.
Is it my lack of sexual experience? Should i try it on somepony? Ew, no. She had been thinking like this all day.

She felt lost, and didn't want to see anypony. She just wanted to stay in bed all day reading books. This idea was quickly interrupted by a familiar voice yelling from downstairs.

"Twilight, are you here?" Yelled Rainbow Dash. She was in a very well mood. Things had been going great with Fluttershy and now they were slowly growing to the next level. Even though she didn't get to have sex yet, she was still loving every minutes of it spending time with her lover. Fluttershy said she wanted to wait until she was ready to get to serious. Rainbow Dash didn't seem mind this. Dash was ready to tell people about them, and they though it would to be to start with Twilight.

"Yes, I'll be down in a moment." Twilight yelled back from upstairs.
She wasn't really in the mood to talk. But she figured, if Dash was out on a Sunday and not home sleeping, it must be important. So she made her way downstairs trying to cheer herself up.

As she reached the bottom of the stairs Rainbow Dash was waiting for her with a big smile on her face.
"Hey Twilight. I cam her to tell you something."

"Yes, what is it?" Twilight asked curiously.

Dash was brave, but she still felt awkward to tell Twilight this. She wasn't sure if she was the romantic type. She took a deep breath before she started talking.

"Me and Fluttershy... are together. When the storm started, i went over. We kissed, and now we are finally ready to tell people" Rainbow Dash said, a little embarrassed at the situation.

"You mean, you two are.. a thing?"

"Yeah." Rainbow said smiling at the purple alicorn's expression

At this point, Twilight wasn't sure what to say. She had never really thought she was a lesbian. So had always assumed she liked big, muscular stallions or colts who could fly fast and impress her. But still, there were something about her that didn't make it a big shocker. She noticed her flirting with mares. Like Spitfire and Cloud Chaser. Come to think of it, Rainbow Dash was a lot nicer to mares.

Meanwhile, Spike and Sweetie Belle slowly walked towards Rarity's Boutique. They were talking about the storm and what each other liked to do. They were getting closer and started to feel more comfortable around each other. Their conversation was quickly interrupted when Scootaloo came flying past on her scooter.

"Hey Spike, hey Sweetie Belle. Where are you guys off to?" She asked before removing her helmet.

"Oh, me and Spike are going to Rarity's for some hot chocolate." Sweetie replied happily.

"Ohh.. so this is like a... date?" She said giggling.

"What! No.. we're just friends.." Spike and Sweetie said, before they both started deeply blushing looking away from each other.

"Ha, well whatever. I'm going to hang with Rumble today. He's gonna show me some new moves on my scooter" Scootaloo said proudly.

"Well you have fun"

Oh, i will." Scootaloo said before quickly driving down the road. She wasn't going to just hang with him. He was her first crush, but she was ready. She was ready to tell him how much she liked him.

Scootaloo wasn't one for romance, but with Rumble it was different. They were always so nice around each other and he was probably the cutest one in town. She had spent the previous day working on a way to tell him. But, she was just going to come out and say it.

"Come on Spike! Let's go" Yelled Sweetie happily as she grabbed Spike's hand. As she held his hand Spike felt his heart skip a beat. He couldn't believe how soft her fur was. As Sweetie Belle noticed what she was doing, she quickly giggled and blushed.

"Ha.. yeah. Let's go." Spike said, as they continued on down the road.