> Happiness Lies Across the Room > by LunaIsMaiWaifu > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Ch 1 - The Pony-Human Convergence > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: The following wall of text contains explicit material, making it not safe for everyone. While strictly vanilla, it contains scenes of slightly deviant acts between a cartoon human and a cartoon horse. If you’re offended by any of this, why the fuck did you click the link?         Enjoy! A sharp pain on the back of your neck makes it hard to open your eyes. The realization of such pain sends your brain into overdrive. Soon, your entire system is flooded with adrenalin, and the endorphins released allow you to move just barely. Your heart rate shoots through the roof as you open your eyes and squirm about as you can, turning on your stomach, ready to crawl. The blurriness in your vision begins to fade, and you find yourself in an open grassy field in the early hours of dawn. This isn’t right. There’s no way I--  you think as you begin to hyperventilate. Before you black out again, you notice your things scattered around you, pieces of your equipment and personal possessions everywhere, thundering sounds filling the air as explosions. In between all this you notice something else: a colorful rainbow made its way across the sky in your direction, approaching quite fast and aimed dead on you. “… I really am dead... aren’t I?” You utter these words as everything turns to black. -------- It’s been half a year since. Back then, you woke up in what you were then taught was the castle of Canterlot, in the presence of the rulers of the land, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, who were in turn  surrounded by an impressive team of scientists. Of course, the fact they were all talking equines freaked you out at first, and rightfully so. They had few reservations about interrogating you without as much as a thought for your position, though in hindsight you believe you were treated much better here than most humans would’ve treated them had the tables been turned. For the first month or so, you stayed in Canterlot, getting acquainted with the land, studying Equestrian society. In the beginning you believed it was all a dream - that at any minute you would snap out of it and wake up on one of your worktables down in your lab, just like most of the other times you had these delusions. But that belief died out in time. You found it ironic you were an outsider even in your own world, among your own people - only to end up somewhere your species wasn’t even anywhere to be found. Once you’d proven you were no threat to anyone but the disgruntled royal chefs who tried with all their efforts to make you eat grass and other plants, the princess of the Sun granted you full citizenship and announced your presence to the other ponies, unicorns and pegasi in the country. You were now free to leave, go wherever you wanted. Except... you had nowhere to go. You’d been acquainted with Twilight Sparkle, one of the ‘scientists’ there when you woke up. She was a young unicorn, Celestia’s prodigy, and it was her who brought you to the attention of the princesses after she and her friends found you at the crash site. Her curiosity often got the best of her, and though both of you were socially inept, it was probably that same curiosity that allowed the two of you to become friends. She often asked you about your home planet and how you got here. And you often received her guidance on proper pony etiquette. Twilight offered for you to stay at her library in Ponyville upon your release from quarantine. Your modesty tried to convince you to decline the offer, but you knew you didn’t have many options. Furthermore, you knew that you had crash landed just outside of town, so perhaps your stuff was still around. You could try to get to your schematics - maybe try to build a way back home. And in the meantime, Ms. Sparkle could help. For science... --- It’s around 6 PM now, and you just finished making your way back to the library - your cart  carrying a few things you managed to find while scavenging the edges of the Everfree Forest. Mostly books and magazines, you pack them into a box and bring them inside for reviewing later. “Oh, hello!”  A voice comes from the library’s second floor. Twilight had just poked her head from behind a pile of books she was likely rearranging in her room. She smiled warmly at you. “How was the scavenge hunt today? Anything useful?” while returning to handling books assisted by her magic, hiding again behind the mountain of tomes. “Oh, hey ‘Twi.” you reply as you carry the box inside, leaving it on a table in the library’s main room. You wipe your forehead with the back of your hand; a symbolic gesture, mostly, as the box was hardly difficult to carry.”Oh, not much... A few books on computer programming, some magazines on Linu-... oh, just... not much.” You gave her a half-smile. You knew she wouldn’t understand what you meant. And the poor results of today’s work didn’t make you very enthusiastic so explaining wasn’t on your agenda. “I see... so nothing very useful by the looks of it?“ She again looked in your direction, her big purple eyes giving you a gaze of sympathy. “No... not really. “ You sat on the sofa in the living room and stretched your legs. In the beginning you did this almost daily and often came back with something useful. Sometimes you had to negotiate with the other ponies so they would return your stuff, though an understandable result given your crap put holes in many of Ponyville’s roofs. But now things were getting harder. You cut the search to only once a week, and it was becoming difficult to find anything that had any worth. But you were still missing so many of your work logs and so much of your schematics. At this rate your chances of returning home were zero to none. You hung your head back and let yourself slide a bit down the couch. You don’t know if your spirits can get any lower at this point, and begin to think you’re stuck here for good. But soon you feel a nudge on your torso. Twilight had nuzzled your stomach affectionately, laying her head against you for a minute. Your face grew warm. It was unusual for her to be this close. Man I really must look like a mess right now you thought. “It’s okay, you don’t have to feel so discouraged. I’m sure you’ll find everything you need soon!” She lifted her head and showed you a big smile. “Tell you what: I’ll talk to the girls, and next time we’ll all search together. How about that?!”  She clapped her hooves excitedly. “Uh-huh. Sounds like a good idea to me.” You smiled back,  bringing a hand to the top of her head and stroke Twilight’s mane softly, at which point she closed her eyes and pressed her neck further against your hand. Soon her eyes shot open again, her cheeks flustered, and the pony moved away slightly. “O-oh, sorry. Didn’t mean to.” She smiled shyly at you. “No no, I don’t mind, Twilight.” You tapped your hand on your thigh, inviting her. She looked back at your face, then at your thigh, then back at your face. She swallowed hard, her personal pride unwilling to let go. It didn’t take her long to decide and lay her head against your leg. You then proceeded to pet her on the head, your fingers running the whole length of her  mane, from her forehead fringes down to the last strands of her hair. Twilight had always loved the attention, though of course her pride as Celestia’s student often kept her from quickly accepting the offer. But the touch of human hands was hard for ponies to pass up, as your fingers can feel much different from the hooves they’re accustomed to.. She relaxed and climbed on the sofa herself, lying on her side with her head on your lap. You kept caressing her head for a few minutes. You really didn’t mind - back home your dog would often do the same, and though he couldn’t do magic, let alone talk, he and Twilight were both recipients of the same kind of affection from you. She wasn’t your pet, of course... but the relationship felt similar. You were always better with animals anyway. Not too long into it she sprung up, her face bearing a look of surprise. “Oh, my! How long was I under, doc?“ Twilight giggled softly as she moved off the sofa. “I just reeeeally have to finish these tonight. If not it will put my schedule in disarray, and I just can’t have THAT happen!” She happily trotted way, humming carelessly, her tail making circles in the air. Her legs also seemed a little wobbly if anything. But you’re glad your presence here can at least make her happy sometimes. Without knowing, you notice you’re feeling better yourself. You smile alone. “I’ll take a bath, Twi, the weather wasn’t really nice on me today” She acknowledged you, and off to the bathroom you went. You found it odd not seeing Spike out here today, as he wasn’t often away at this time of night. Maybe Casanova finally got it on with Rarity, you thought to yourself as you climbed the stairs. Of course that was a highly unlikely scenario and you knew it, but you often rooted for the little guy. Plus Rarity had helped you greatly with your clothes upon arrival on Ponyville so she deserved someone who was crazy over her. But really, whatever got you here also ripped through your shirts pretty badly on the way. You undress and turn on the water. The tub filled slowly and watching the flow of water got you thinking. So far you’d found many of your possessions that weren’t at your room at the time of the accident, which means it’s likely that everything in your room managed to make it here. So why were so many pieces missing? So many important pieces at that? Sure you managed to piece together the entire frame of your reactor, but a lot of the internal parts of the fusion core were still missing. Soon the water starts overflowing from the tub and your mind warps back to reality. “Whoa whoa!”  you say as you rush to the valve. You let some of the water go, and get in after the volume is low enough to keep from flooding the entire room. The tub is hardy comfy for someone your size - it was made for a pony after all, and you squeeze yourself in. You managed to buy the biggest one they had with a little help from Celestia’s amazing ability to “find” a bargain, so it was roomy enough for a stallion... but not enough for an adult human. Somehow that made you feel surprisingly good. On the inside, of course... it was still cramped. You wash yourself clean and try not to think too hard over the missing parts. There’s still the depths of the Everfree Forest o search, so there’s still hope. You build your own confidence this way, and soon you’re on your feet. So to speak, of course. It’s still cramped. You finish your bath and dry yourself with a towel, making sure to get your hair as dry as possible to avoid a nasty cold. It’s then you realize you’d forgotten to bring a change of clothes with you. You did it mostly out of respect for Twilight, of course. She didn’t have to see a hairless ape walking around her house in a purple towel - she already had to put up with you as is. But it was either that... or to put on those sweaty, muddy pants back on. You slowly opened the bathroom door, hoping to not make a sound. You poked your head out the door... looked left, then looked right. The path was clear, so you tip-toed out towards the stairs. From down here you noticed Twilight’s pile of books had hardly decreased in size. It felt odd, as you expected her to work pretty quickly when focused. Then, something caught your attention. From behind what you now realized was some sort of book fort, you saw the tip of Twi’s tail excitedly floating from one side to the next in an arch. Your curiosity got the best of you and you tip-toe your way up the stairs. Now, her room is often out in the open, so her door is just for show... But you hide behind the frame anyway and carefully take a peek. You see Twilight’s plot up in the air as she’s hidden half of her body under her bed. It looked like a tight fit, so you wondered if she had lost something. You observed for a few seconds, but you felt that the way her tail moved back and forth was somewhat unnatural... you only saw her do that when she was happy, or really excited. You scratch your head and decide to head back down the stairs, making sure to do it silently as to not disturb her. Your eyes were quickly brought back when she started rubbing her knees together. That couldn’t be good - Is she stuck? you thought, as you made hastily your way through the doorframe. “Hey Twi! Are you al-” you walked into the room and made your way towards her, but stopped abruptly. Twilight was startled by presence and banged her head on the bed from below. BAM. She yelped loudly from under there. “Augh!”, she complained, the force of the hit enough to disorient her for a second. But soon she was quickly pushing herself from under the bed, shaking her head sideways. She’d lost the strength in her legs and fell to the ground on her side. “Ouch...” she retorted. “Uhh... are you alright?” you asked again, maintaining a certain distance but extending your arms forward as a reflex, as if you were trying to pull her closer. “Y-yeah, I...” she opened her big purple eyes suddenly and gazed at you. Her lavender cheeks turned bright red and she used her forehooves to kick whatever she found under the bed back in. You didn’t get a good look, but being dense as you are, you thought she’d blushed upon seeing your skimpy outfit. She smiled nervously. “Oh, hahaha... yes yes, everything is juuust fine!”. Twilight got up on her feet again. You could see the place she where bumped her head as it was slightly swollen. You reached forward, trying to check the wound, but Twilight took a step back, diverging her eyes from yours - an expression of worry in her face. “Oh. Of course, I didn’t mean to... I mean, uh...” You backed off, down the stairs again, without looking back. Did she really feel that threatened about this outfit? you thought as you made your way to your room in the basement. Twilight’s basement had served you well so far - it was spacious so you could work and it felt homey to boot. You closed the door behind you and headed further down the stairs to where you had stashed your things. You got a new change of clothes and finished drying your hair. Now fully dressed, you killed some time in your room to let the awkward moment you two just shared  sink in. Uh... she wouldn’t really feel flustered like that from seeing me from the waist up, right? I mean, back at the quarantine she saw the whole package... and ponies are always naked so what’s the matter?  Your brain didn’t have an answer to that question. Twi was a girl after all, and she might have some restraints as to what kind of guy gets to roam around half-naked in her loft. An hour went by and you decided it was time to poke around again. You left the basement and headed for the library floor where you left your crate. You looked up to Twilight’s room and the stack of books was now long gone, but no sign of her. You wondered if she had gone out for a walk or something of the sort. The home is too quiet for your own taste, but it is what it is... You raise your hands to pick up the box by its handles, and then notice something strange: the box wasn’t left quite the way you left it. The contents weren’t all left there in the same way either. You wondered if you were a bit paranoid, but these things were usually not inaccurate - you remember very well where you leave your things and the way you leave them in... and this is definitely not the way you left it. You busily walked back and forth in front of the box like some maniac, your attention to detail perhaps going a little far this time. Why is the box like this? Did Twilight do this? and then your mind kept moving on at light speed: If she did why should I be bothered by it? It’s her house. Maybe she bumped into it? No no, very unlikely, contents on the inside were also arranged differently. Ugh, I just don’t know! And like a bullet striking you straight in the head, you came to a grim realization... something you completely forgot about: your idiotic, as you put it, and unnecessary mania of stashing your porn inside of your physics textbooks. Your heart sinks, and you rush to scramble everything out of the box, opening each book and each notepad and looking inside for any magazines you may have forgotten. Your hear rate goes up as you can’t find anything, even though you clearly remember some of these books being part of your personal home library’s... exquisite shelf. “Oh damn it mom, look at what you made me do!”, you say out loud as you latch on to your crate and rush downstairs in search of other material. You overturn most of your books, but can’t find much. Some of your mags were in place but... there was a lot missing. You bring your hands to your head and shake it negatively. I mean, I don’t have that much... Maybe it’s still out there? you babbled in your head. But you knew the truth was slightly more grim: your porn collection was out there - all of the kinkiest crap you could find -... in the han-... hooves of someo-... somepony, and it would clearly link back to you. You can’t really fathom the gravity of the situation, but know that there’s absolutely no-one you could possibly discuss this with. Not Twilight, not Spike...especially not Celestia. You lay down on your bed, books scattered and overturned all around you, and ponder how you could find a way out of this. Hours pass as you take everything into account, your mind in a haze of shame and fear of the ponies’ reactions. It’s now very late and you wonder if you’ll be able to sleep at all. All this time you’d forgotten to eat or drink, so your stomach wasn’t all that happy about that. You figured having some calories to burn after all the day’s work would do well for your over-tasked brain. But doing so would risk waking up Twilight and Spike, if he were home. Your survival instincts kick in and you decide to take the risk. You didn’t want to be a bother, so you put on a pair of socks and silently made your way to the library floor. You opened your door very, very carefully, making sure to muffle the noise of the door handle with your palm. Making your way across the library floor wasn’t hard; you could almost smell the sweet scent of Sweet Apple Acres apples coming from the kitchen table. Your march was cut short though, as a faint sound echoed across the library walls, freezing you in place. The hairs on the back of your neck stood straight up, the eerie sound being repeated once... then twice. The more you heard it, the less spooky it became, and the more rhythm it gained. You then heard a gasp, muffled as it was but still unmistakable, coming from Twilight’s loft. You swallowed hard (even more so with your mouth dry), and stood still for another second. The faint whine picked up again, and soon your reason was no longer in control. You made it up the stairs again, even more careful than before. Using your hands to keep your balance and maintain stealth, your curiosity was only matched by the knowledge that peeping on Twilight - again - would not end well. It was like a clash of titans. But you are, after all, a man. These things are decided for you, not by you. You proceed, raising your hands to the edge of the balcony which connected her room to the rest of the library. You raised your head slowly, until only your eyes were above the edge, your heart thumping like a war drum. The lavender pony lay in bed on her side, the bedsheets likely bucked into a pile against the framing at the foot and a pillow under her forehoof, atop which she found her balance. Her flustered face rested against said hoof, mouth covered by her flesh and fur, and still producing the whines and gasps that had brought you here. Her eyes were closed half-way, and she held them intensely focused against something between her pillow and her chest which from this angle you couldn’t see. Her hind legs squirmed lightly every now and then, and you now noticed her other front hoof hid itself in between. You swallowed hard again - Twilight was masturbating. You observed for a few more seconds, not knowing what to do. You feared her reaction if she found you out here, but this was too sexy to pass up. You weren’t quite sure if it was your junior talking or if the lack of nourishment had rewired your otherwise logical brain into sexual overdrive. Your attention was brought to her horn, lightly glowing purple, and to the sparks flowing from it. Your eyes grew large upon realizing what Twilight had been staring at this whole time - she just flipped the page of one of your magazines and kept intensely observing it, her purple globes in a haze. Her legs grew slightly apart and she pressed her hoof further in, closing her eyes as the pleasure made its way up. For a moment she moved her face away, a satisfied little smile in her lips and a thin streak of saliva still connecting hoof and chin. Hitting a sensitive spot inadvertently, Twi yelped fully unprotected, her sweet voice echoing loud in the library. The event seemed to knock her off her trance for a moment, eyes now fully open and worriedly searching the room for signs of anyone. You had hidden quickly, your heart now beating faster than ever, and avoided being seen - though just barely. Twilight seemed to calm down again, flipping another page with the aid of her horn. Her eyes opened wide at what she saw, the blushing in her cheeks gradually becoming more prominent  until her whole face was beet red. “Wha-...” she whispered to herself. Whatever she’d seen was clearly not vanilla, though her legs fidgeted nervously at the sight. Her eyes swayed quickly from one side to the next, her embarrassment slowly giving way to curiosity until she then focused her eyes back to the book. Her jaw dropped slightly, and as her focus shifted entirely to the task at hand, a thin stream of saliva dripped from the corner of her mouth. By this point you’re not at all concerned with the results of your peeping, and you clearly focus on Twilight’s expressions of pleasure. You can surely remember feeling warm at the knowledge she was happy before, her smiling always bringing some joy to you, but this was somehow different - there was some clear attraction towards the Princess’ prodigy, something you hadn't felt in a long time, even back home. There was some guilt involved, of course. You didn't want to think of Twilight in this way. She was a pony, and maybe more importantly, your friend. Realizing these feelings you make the decision to back off, head back to your room and leave her alone. She doesn't deserve this, you think. The room was illuminated again by the faint glow of Twilight's horn, catching your undivided attention and ruining whatever resolve you had. Her purple magic grabs hold of an object from her dresser in the far side of the loft, a hairbrush as you soon find out, and brings it closer to her. There's a hint of uncertainty in her eyes as she observes the cylindrical hilt of the brush, adorned with a wider spherical bulb right at the edge - perhaps a mechanism to assist hooves in working it, though right now you don't much care. She wouldn't... you think, feeling the pressure in your pants increase to painful levels; you expected getting aroused, just not this much. Twilight pondered a minute, her eyes focused on the object floating straight ahead. "D-do they really put this... there?" she again whispered to herself, her voice crackling in disbelief, the petite mouth struggling to keep closed. She seemed to muster up some courage closing her eyes shut, and, with a hint of reservation in her expression, licked the nub of the hairbrush with the moist tip of her tongue. The feedback didn’t seem as bad as she’d expected, and soon she gave it another lick... and another. She worked her face sideways and ran her coarse tongue down to where the hilt met the bristles, a clear stream of saliva coating its entirety. Twi acted upon that courage and looked over her body to the tip of her rump, running her eyes down her dimly-lit lavender figure, the glowing item following her gaze. She whipped her tail in a brisk movement, the silky dark-with-pink-highlights hair resting over her stomach, flooding the bed in its fullness and leaving the way open for her next step. You couldn’t see from here, but the hairbrush disappeared behind her. She lifted one of her hind legs only slightly, though keeping the front hoof she used to pleasure herself well in place, allowing you a better view of her lower stomach and upper region of her crotch. Twilight soon closed one of her eyes in concentration, her focus now split between controlling her magic and controlling her squirming. Soon her eyes bulged open, her eyelids sliding back mid-way a second after as her mouth popped open again. A soft, low whine came from her lips as her expression grew more serious and intense. Her eyes opened wide again; her tail twitching enough to send strands of its hair up in the air. “W-why... it just won’t-” she seemed to concentrate again, her voice slightly annoyed, “Go in!”  she grunted as she lowered her head and caught her breath for a second, her tail twitching and her legs rubbing one against the other. “You’re concentrating too much, you first have to relax an-”. What. You just realize what you did and stand there petrified, your body having crossed the doorway into her room without you noticing, and now in plain sight. Twilight looked at you. For a second, you both had the most massive poker faces, staring at each other. What. Afterward, her eyes moistened up, her face turned beet red and her mouth trembled in a mixture of fear and embarrassment. “Kya!”, Twilight yelped in a high pitch, immediately encasing the bedsheets in purple magic and covering herself, hiding her blushing face on a pillow. Your heart sinks and you feel like an absolute jerk. You don’t know what to do, but feel like Twilight deserves an explanation. You approach her bed slowly, your hands extended forward. In a low voice, you reach out to her: “Twilight, I... I’m really-”. She interrupted you,  a sobbing voice coming from under the sheets. Her voice trembled. “I’m so sorry, I knew I shouldn’t have but I... It was just so peculiar that I had to take a peek...”. You pause for a moment to digest her words. Why would she apologize to me? You motion to her, asking if you could sit by her bed. She nods slightly, a single tear running down her blushing cheek. “Oh, I’m just so embarrassed I could die.”, Twilight whined, bringing a hoof to her nose and covering it from view. She wasn’t one for drama like Rarity, so you could tell her emotions here were as genuine as they came. “Why are you apologizing to me, Twi?”, you asked. The lavender pony raised her eyes in your direction, avoiding eye contact. “Be-because I... went over...” her voice became lower and softer, “your things... to find this...”, she pointed with her muzzle at the pornographic book now wide open in her bed. “I really didn’t mean to but, but... “  she stopped. She raised her moist eyes and looked at you intensely. “I... um, really like these...”. Twi looked devastated, her expression a mix of emotions, some of them contrasting with one-another. You found it hard to resist falling head over heels for her right here, right now. You brought a hand to her head, slowly. She didn’t back away this time. Rather, she closed her eyes and exposed her neck to you, although with some reservations. You pet her mane affectionately, using your fingers to massage into her coat. Her muscles were tense, but she seemed to calm down the more you caressed her. A few moments of silence were shared between the two of you, and you continued: “You like them because just they’re books... or because of what’s in them?”. Upon hearing your words, her eyes opened wide and she hid her face in the pillow. “Mwuff...”, you heard her say. “Hm?”, you pressed on softly. “Mwuff!”, she retorted. “I can’t hear y-”. “Both! I said both!” her muzzle pointed upward and she responded loudly, a hint of annoyance in her otherwise calm voice. You smiled at her. In hindsight, it was more of a grin. Twilight seemed to pick up on it, and she hid her face in shame. “It’s alright, Twi. I’m not mad.” She observed you with the corner of her eye. “You’re not?”, she asked in a soft voice. “No. I’m, well... embarrassed, yes - that you found them I mean. But I’m not mad. I know you didn’t mean harm.”, you say as you roughen up your petting a bit, leaving her mane all fuzzy. “But I went over your things.”, she whined again, clearly a feeling of guilt overwhelmed her. “And I live in your basement, Twi, for free. Well, aside from the scientific experiments but regardless. You don’t owe me an explanation.”, you smiled again. You were sincere, and Twilight knew. She chuckled a bit and inhaled deeply through her stuffy nose. “Ha ha... I guess...”, she smiled. “Plus I guess I was... uh, peeping on you too. So we’re even.” You say as you scratch the back of your neck with your other hand, looking away and blushing slightly. Twilight blushed again, but remained silent. The two of you remained in silence for a few minutes, only the windy sound of night and the trees’ agitated foliage being heard. Twilight raised her eyes your way a handful of times, her mouth shivering with words she didn’t have the courage to say, but always looked away again in the end. You thought this was it for tonight and pulled your hand back from its round of spoiling her mane, resting both against your knees, propping your body forward for leverage in getting up from Twilight’s low-standing bed. “No... don’t stop.” she complained before you managed to leave. You felt her hind legs tremble slightly and bump against the small of your back as your hand pulled away. Twilight had her big purple eyes focused on you, needy as they get, her mouth closed in disappointment. Your heart beats fast and your face reddens. You were aroused before, and hungry too, so perhaps those ailments clouded your judgement... but it looked as if the girl was inviting you in. You smiled softly at her and carefully placed your hand over her thigh, right where her cutie mark would sit. She squirmed at your sensation, even over the covers, but made no effort to dismiss your touch. She raised neck slightly, adjusting her body so she would again be on her side, the pillow serving for balance. You moved in closer, your other hand cupping the side of her head and raising it a bit as the two of you stared into the other’s eyes. She hesitated a bit, trembling from nose to tail, until she closed her eyes. Your lips touched hers, first softly. Then perhaps in inexperience, she pushed forward with more force, kissing you with a smacking sound. You could feel her body heating up even through the bedsheets as she eagerly placed more short kisses against your lips. Your hand held her overachieving head in place, letting your tongue slip outside and giving her own lips a short lick. She liked that. Enough that soon her own tongue was out and about, lapping at your own lips. You didn’t feel like losing to her, so you interlocked your lips,  much to her surprise, and let your tongue do its job inside of her mouth. Twilight smelled of... lavender. Just a coincidence to the color of her fur of course, but a fitting smell nonetheless. It wasn’t strong, and you knew it was her shampoo from seeing it in the bathroom multiple times. There was also a hint of vanilla, another one of her beauty products, or perhaps cologne - it matched the other scent well. But of course, you couldn’t ignore the more prominent smell of Twilight’s excitement filling up the room in a bittersweet fragrance only a woman in heat could produce. The results of the young mare’s self-pleasuring from before having dried up in her coat, a brand new wave of its scent beginning to rise up from under the covers. She’s enjoying this more than I thought she would. You break the passionate kissing you two shared - in no small part propelled by her intense fire, a stream of saliva linking the two of you, now a few inches apart. She opens her eyes half-way, observing you, her ears flopped against the side of her head. You remain there, though she feels it fully as you bring your hand to her chest and insert it under the covers, gliding your palm down her smooth coat all the way back to her thigh, dragging the sheets with your wrist and uncovering her whole. She blushes, her eyes now hazy and glowing with desire. “May I?” you ask in a low voice. She shakes her head excitedly. The coy Twi you knew now taken with heat, she eases up on the pressure between her hind legs. You slowly bring your fingers to her stomach, dragging your nails softly against her flesh, an act which forced a sweet moan out of her. Dragging your hand in between her legs wasn’t difficult. The closer you got to your destination, the warmer it became, and your fingertips began digging into her mushy coat, covered in the clear liquid prominent of Twilight’s enormous arousal. She moaned again, now louder. You used your other hand to push the young mare onto her back, which she obliged. Her front legs now resting atop her hyperactive chest and her back legs spread to the sides giving you unfettered access to her nether regions, you brought your eyes to where your hand now rested, your middle finger inches from Twilight’s moist fillyhood. She trembled, closing her eyes in the suspense of your further touch. You swallowed hard, knowing there was no turning back from here. Your finger slipped further down, the tip of it resting comfortably in the slick nub of flesh that was her clitoris, sending shocks of pleasure across her body as you added some pressure to your touch. Twi’s back arched up and her eyes opened wide, a muffed yelp lost in her throat. You teased her there for a few seconds, curling your finger inward as you slip your hand further down -  your index and ring fingers now making their way over the closed lips of her sex, again sending the lavender pony to squeal in ecstasy. Perhaps you interrupted her close to climax before and she was now right at the edge again, but you felt surprisingly satisfied at her reactions to your touch: you had the power to make Twilight feel amazing and that felt good. It didn’t take long for your fingers to be coated in her sticky love juice, the way it flows generously down the fleshy crevice in between her legs. You further dug your fingers amidst the fleshy mounds until your fingertips disappeared inside, slowly prying her lips apart and exposing her most sensitive spot to the faint light of the stars. Twi’s mouth was now open and her breathing heavier than ever, the muscles in her body - especially those around your teasing hand - spasming constantly. You thought it was cruel to keep her from her much-anticipated reward, so you slipped your middle finger down the center and found Twilight’s moist entrance with its tip.   She gasped, her front hooves pressing against the bed beside her stomach, eyes tightly shut. Your finger prods her tunnel with care, each time making its way further inside until the first knuckle disappears inside her. You press it further in; the second slips by. You bring in your ring finger and massage her flesh around your burrowed finger, ever increasing the pressure until that one is also in. “Aaah...” she moans. In slow movements, careful not to hurt her, you begin moving both fingers in and out. Her moans intensify, her rear legs now bucking involuntarily against the mattress. Sensing she’s close to the end, you grind your thumb against her clit, the pressure from both the fingers inside and this one kneading her marehood in ways she never thought possible. About a minute of this and Twilight couldn’t take a single breath without moaning or whining. You picked up the pace, her front hooves now covering her eyes as her embarrassment grew. Her muscles clenched against you with firm strength, your slippery fingers hardly being able to move anymore. Twi’s back arched sharply. Her mouth opened wide and she yelped, gasping for air as her voice of ecstasy echoed across the entire library. The plentiful liquid oozing from between your fingers now sprayed off in a short burst. She had just reached orgasm. She had a blank expression in her face, her eyes glued to the ceiling as her heavy panting slowly decreased toward normal levels. Your fingers still inside her, you teased her a bit another time. Her trance seemed to be coming to an end as her eyes moved your way. Twilight laid her head on its side on a pillow and, in between breaths, spoke: “That... was... amazing. T-thank... you.” You smiled at her. As her cognitive abilities return from whichever high place they’d just vacationed to, her eyes run down your face, chest and stomach, finally being put to rest on the visible bulge your clothes formed around the area of your crotch. Your devotion to her pleasure had kept you - surprisingly - from fondling yourself, though it didn’t mean you weren’t as aroused as she was. And it showed; Twi could very well see the throbbing of your neglected package in the folds of your shirt. You followed her eyes down, blushing upon realizing you’d made no effort to hide it thus far. “Uh... sorry, couldn’t help it.”, you say. Twi chuckles softly. “Let me see it!”, she commands. You vehemently decline, shaking your head sideways and hiding your bulge with your hands. “No, that’s going too far!” you reply. “Oh horseapples, you’ve seen me completely now, it’s just proper etiquette to let me do the same!”, she pushes on, the same satisfied grin you had earlier now hers to bear. “But I’m too different from you ponies, you’ll think it’s weird.” Twilight looks at you and raises an eyebrow. She points her muzzle towards the porn visibly out in the open on her bed. It wasn’t Equestrian porn, that’s for sure. “I’ve seen it all, silly. Now let me see!”, she was quickly on her feet, soon pouncing on top of you, both tumbling over on the bed. She giggled wholeheartedly, her face glued to your neck. In the struggle you had embraced her around the waist. Twilight had one of her hind legs over your thigh, and you didn’t know if she did it on purpose or not, but her knee rubbed against your manhood, up and down in a seductive way. “Alright, fine.” you finally agreed. Horny as you were, it wasn’t the time to decline. She let out a content squeal, bringing her lips upward and kissing you in the cheek. She laid back on her side while you remained motionless. She dragged a hoof down your shoulder, sliding it across your chest with care, sending shivers down your spine as it reached your stomach. She didn’t wait around very long, and with a spark flying from her horn, the elastic band holding your shorts in place gave way, her magic sliding the cloth down to your knees. You laid there, your manhood stiff as can be and pointing to the sky, the mix of shame and arousal you now felt sending waves of activity across its length in pulsating waves. Her eyes focused on it intensely, her tongue covertly lapping at her lips. Her hoof slid down your bare skin now, her silky fur only adding to the pleasure of her teasing. She hesitated a second, but continued on further until her wrist brushed against the length of your member. You tilted your head further backwards, a grunt escaping your lips as Twilight made first contact. She grasped it and felt every twitch and every throb it made under her soft touch. Twilight had stars in her eyes - it was much better than she expected, and she giggled nervously. You could tell by her neck she’d just swallowed dry. Silently, the young mare turned her body around almost 180 degrees. Now with her head facing your legs and rump turned your way, she used her tail to hide herself from view - she was a lady after all, and despite the situation didn’t want to expose her precious places. But the curtain of  dark-blue-and-pink hair didn’t last long as her concentration turned to something else, her neck extending forward. You looked down, Twilight now holding her muzzle only inches away from your exposed penis. Her eyes beholding it with such intensity that you though it cute.  Opening her mouth slightly, streams of saliva connecting her top and bottom lips, she approached your swollen tip, the warmth of her breath sending shivers across your body. You twitch due to the pleasure, involuntarily and prematurely smacking her lips with it. The motion surprises the purple pony, though not enough to discourage her. Twilight’s petite mouth moves in closer, her lips encasing your tip carefully, an act which strained your senses immensely, involuntarily making your hips buck forward, in turn burying your member slightly deeper into her mouth. She didn’t seem to mind, too focused on her task at hoof. With a second to spare for the sensation to sink in, you could only describe it as amazing. Her mouth was warm and the flesh in her lips only rough enough to add some much-welcome friction against your sensitive skin. She pressed her lips with more force as her head began its descent, her lips now encasing your rose-colored head and dragging down the delicate strip of skin which covered it, exposing it fully. Twilight suckled on it once or twice, then moved her mouth back up. You could tell she was teasing you much like you’d done with her earlier, and the quick glance of her eyes in your direction only proved it so. You mustered some strength: “Oh, you trickster filly.” She giggled, believing she now had the upper hand. “Twilight dear, “ you grunted as she popped it back into her mouth, trying to keep your voice from crackling. “I- I have the high ground. You can’t win.” She didn’t understand, continuing on with her teasing. You felt the saliva accumulated in her mouth dripping down your shaft as she pushed her mouth further down, her tongue just now beginning its job of licking your skin from within her lips. It was hard to resist, but you couldn’t let her have so much power over you. You were a geek, but you also had your pride. Twi let out a muffled squeal - your package slipping sideways into her cheek in the process - when you dug your hands into both sides of her plot, holding her in place and burrowing your fingers into her coat. “Thathss noth fhair!” she complained - or, tried to anyway. You didn’t care, and soon dragged your hand between her legs to the base of her tail, raising it and leaving Twilight’s marehood in plain sight. You didn’t have such a good view of it before, the way the pink flesh blended in with her purple coat. Perhaps the arousal clouded your judgement, but you could say it looked pretty, not unlike a rose. And now you knew her orgasm didn’t quite curb her fire either, as a clear stream of sticky liquid ran down her thigh and formed a puddle which stained the bedsheets - not that it mattered now anyway, the bed was already mostly covered in the stuff. She observes you with the corner of her head, not moving an inch. In instances you feel her suckle on you, in others, her saliva running down to the base - but she was otherwise immobile. You used your thumb to part her lips again, getting it moistened up with her fluids. Your other hands slides in, her tail now voluntarily getting out of the way as her rear trembles slightly, your index and middle fingers prodding her slick entrance again. She sighs heavily, sending a wave of air down your member, rattling it to its core. Twi, who begins to get accustomed to your touch again and decided to reciprocate the pleasure you gave her, went back to tending to you with her mouth. You grunt again as she begins working her face up and down. The lavender mare forced her head further down, now encasing your entire penis in her warm, moist and eager-to-please little mouth. Her chin rested on the base of your crotch and her warm breath made its way further down between your legs, your male appendage below constricting in surprise. Twilight closed her eyes and you felt the sensation of her throat scraping against your sensitive tip in its fullest. It didn’t seem to bother her all that much, as she kept it there for a few seconds before sliding back up. Needless to say, you grunted and panted, moans making their way out of your mouth. She was winning, and you didn’t have the strength to compete right now. She brought a hoof forward, the lack of enthusiasm in your touch leaving her with a bit more leeway for creativity, and used it to caress your thigh. Her soft prickly coat felt good on your leg, and even better against the wrinkled skin covering your testes, sending an indescribable sensation across your body. You twitched inside her mouth, the throbbing now constantly present as you came close to climaxing. Despite her inexperience, it seemed Twilight knew what to expect, brushing her hoof in further and twisting her moist tongue around you. You feel it approaching, not at all caring about your pride anymore, your primal instincts overwhelming everything else. With difficulty you hold it in, opening an eye and gazing at Twilight’s face. “T-Twilight, I’m going to-”, she knew, and didn’t care. She just pressed on, working a little faster, her tongue pressing hard against your skin. She sent a suggestive gaze your way, and you maybe could see a short smile in her lips. She closed her eyes again and just prepared herself. You dug your fingers into her thighs, holding her rear in place as the sensation became too much to bear. Your attempts to keep your mouth shut were in vain, and a long grunt made its way out and into the open, followed by shorter and softer ones as you reached orgasm. The sensation immobilized you in place, everything you are flooded in pleasure, all of your senses shutting down. Down there though, the jets of hot liquid leaving your body in turn flood the lavender pony’s mouth, her eagerness to keep it in forcing her to take deep gulps of the stuff as you produced more than you had ever thought possible. Twi instinctively took her mouth away, keeping suction until she popped the tip from between her lips - the gooey substance still plentiful in her mouth while the last few spasms of your climax produced another stream or two, dripping down to her front hoof, which in turn kept on caressing the base. You stare at the ceiling for the next fifteen seconds or so as the overwhelming pleasure begins to fade, your hips lightly convulsing on their own as you feel as if your soul had just escaped your body through your manhood. Philosophical questions aside, your breathing begins to wind down to normal levels and you raise your head from its resting place on the bed, finding Twilight’s face. Her eyes bounced open upon your return to consciousness, and she eagerly turned her muzzle in your direction. “Mhmf”, she grunted before opening her mouth a bit, showing you the white goo she’d kept in there until now, a smile on her face not unlike that of a child proudly presenting an achievement to a parent. She then closed her mouth and swallowed it all, though not before leaving it clear in her expression it wasn’t exactly Applejack’s cider. You felt surprised at her behavior. Of course it aroused you, enough that you were now ready for another go down there, but it also felt somewhat unnatural. It downed upon you that Twilight had likely learned that behavior from the porn magazines she’d been reading. Before you could think further, she spoke: “So, how did I do, how did I do?”, her tail waving from one side to the next in excitement, wide expecting eyes focused on you. You pushed yourself up, sitting again on the bed beside her. You smiled and brought your hand to the young mare’s head, giving her a light petting. “It was amazing, Twilight.” She beamed up, blushing slightly at the same time. “But did you learn all of this from... uh, my books?” you asked. “Yes, I studied them thoroughly!” she replied, clearly not seeing any wrong in her actions at this point. “I see...”, you fondled her mane again as she seemed to appreciate the attention, closing her eyes happily. Magic encased Twilight’s horn again and soon a roll of papyrus made its way across the air from a drawer in her dresser. “If you’ll, erm, excuse me.” she spoke for a brief moment, moving her head away and focusing on the item. The roll of paper unfolded and, with a quill she’d left inside, she filled two check marks. “Done and done.”, she smiled. Did she really... make a checklist for this stuff? you thought, arching an eyebrow as you observed. It was disconcerting, and at the same time her diligence was unbelievably cute. “Let me see what you have in there!” you stuck your head forward, trying to make out the words written in the paper. Twilight blushed almost immediately, moving the list around in the air with her faint purple magic as she tried to keep you away from it. “Nooo! You can’t see!” she shouted, a nervous laugh accompanying her words. “It’s too embarrassing!” she continued in a high pitched voice. “But I want to see what you have in there, I’m curious!” you teased her, extending your hand and attempting to snatch it away from her. “No means no!” she retorted, rolling the sheet of papyrus paper back and, quickly and expertly, tying a knot around it using a thin strip of red silk. She stuffed it back in the drawer, slammed it shut and turned around. “Aww.” you look disappointed, your expression more so than you truly were. Twilight observed you with the corner of her eye, then turned her head back your way with a serious expression on her face. You exchanged looks for a few seconds until she brought her front hoof to her mouth and cleared her throat. Her eyes now half closed and a smirk in her lips, she spoke: “I guess I... just have to show you what’s in the list, then.” She blushed. You did too. You don’t know if it was her heartbeat you could hear or yours, but someone’s heart was thumping out loud. “I guess you will.” you told her, bringing your hand under her face and guiding it in your direction, curving your body forward and giving Twilight another kiss. She obliged, facilitating the interlacing of your tongues, eagerly kissing you back with all her passion. You pressed further, using the leverage of your weight to softly push Twilight on her back, which she also obliged. Now laying on her back once more, you curve even further, using one hand to give you support and the other to caress her mane as the kissing continued. You run your fingers up and down her neck, your nails digging into her coat, massaging her tightened muscles. Twilight lets out a muffled moan as her breathing becomes more erratic again. You break away the kissing, resting your nose against hers for a second. You whisper, “You really want to... go all the way, Twi?”. Her ears flopped in surprise and she looked to the side, avoiding your eyes for a second. Her face turned visibly red. Twilight brought both of her front hooves to your shoulders, hugging you by the neck. With a soft voice, she went on: “S-silly, don’t ask me that question... “ she swallowed hard, and then continued. “When we’re this far into it...” That was all the confirmation you needed. Your lips interlocked again and she closed her eyes fully. You climbed on top of bed and rested on your knees as Twilight made herself available by sprawling her hind legs outward, allowing you to position yourself right above her. Twilight’s front hooves held you tightly and allowed you insight in her mixture of excitement and fear from their nervous - yet constant trembling. You wonder if your own body is responding to your anxiety in the same way. You break the kissing in order to prepare. Her body was fairly shorter in length than yours, so it was natural you couldn’t quite reach from where you were. Still on your knees you straightened your back and ran your hands down her sides to her thighs, placing them right above her cutie mark - an action which prompted a sigh of arousal from the lavender pony. You brought your hips closer to her rump, gluing your upper thighs against it while being forced to raise her rear from the bed slightly in order to fit. She didn’t put up any resistance, her tail brushing against your legs now, a sensation you didn’t quite dislike. With this, the length of your penis rested on Twilight’s marehood, the simple touch enticing a gasp of pleasure from her as she felt your skin brushing against her sensitive spot,  the heat emanating from her in turn sending shivers up your spine. You brought your hand in closer, using your finger to press down on your member and swaying your hips back and forth, lightly rubbing her from the bottom of her lips to the tip of her clitoris, the light coating of slick juices on the underside of your shaft spreading evenly. “Aaah!” she gasped, the sensation too much for her to bear in silence. Twilight covered her eyes with her front hooves as her rear ones bucked involuntarily with pleasure and her hips matched yours in opposite movements. She seemed to enjoy the teasing, biting her lips in lust as you felt the heat between her legs increasing and the slick, natural lubricant coat your entire length, running down to the base in its abundance. “P-please...” she begged, a certain urgency in her voice. Her request lighting a fire inside you, you pulled your hips back and, with your hand in place, pushed your penis down until its tip was left prodding her twitching entrance. Twilight propped her head, eyes fixed on your length and a hint of uneasiness in her expression; despite all the big talk and excitement, this was new for her too. You took a hand to her face and caressed her cheek with your thumb. Twilight shifted the weight of her head against your hand and closed her eyes, a short smile now adorning her lips. You pushed your hips forward. Twilight gasped as you began to penetrate her slowly, the tightness of her innards the only obstacle going further given she had provided ample lubrication. She bit her lower lip as you kept on, inching away little by little until you were halfway inside her. The mare exhaled heavily, her breathing progressively getting faster. You had to remember to breathe yourself, as the sensation was unlike anything you’d ever felt - her insides were unbelievably warm and convulsed around your length with eagerness. And drenched as it was, you felt every fold and every crevice as it constricted you. Twilight opened her eyes slightly, only to look down her own body and observe it as you further disappeared into her, her expression one of intense curiosity. You slid your hands to her upper thighs and held them between your fingers, using them as a lovely pair of levers with which to further push yourself inward. “Ooh...” she moaned softly, as the movement of your hips inserted perhaps another inch of your shaft inside. Then, suddenly, you began to ease yourself out of her until only your tip remained, only to pump back forward slowly, another inch moving in, a fact the young mare vocalized with another squeal. You repeated this motion a second, then a third time, until your hips were now connected to the underside of her thighs, your penis now fully encased in Twi’s burning-hot sex. She moaned constantly now, the sound of her breathing being replaced by short, mellow bursts of her voice as her head shifted sideways, here and there biting her lower lip in ecstasy. It wasn’t easy for you either, and you let out a muffled grunt as her muscles twitched and kneaded you from the inside. You forced your hips further, scraping with your tip the end of her moist tunnel and forcing a loud squeal out of her, only to, again, remove yourself from her almost entirely. “S-shoot, Twi...”, you grunt out loud as the uncomfortably cold air of the room hits your shaft dead on as it’s pulled back, no longer in the comfortable heat of her innards. Quickly, you push yourself back in. She moans again, and the pleasure only keeps building up inside you. You begin to slowly work your hips back and forth, pumping in-and-out slowly at first, and then increasing in rhythm as time went on. Here and there, you put some strength in your push as well, making a smacking sound as your body clashed against hers. The Princess’ most esteemed student brought a hoof to her mouth and bit on it as the intensity of the intimate moment you now shared grew, muffling with her flesh the loud gasps she no longer controlled. The rubbing of your flesh against hers was driving her mad, her horn glowing faintly as she began to lose control of herself. “Aaahn!” she yelped as you slid into her with force. “H-hey...”, she removed her hoof and pointed her mouth your way, a lonely expression in her face as her lips formed a slight pout. “Kiss me?” Her adorable demeanor gave you no choice, and you placed your hands on the bed at her shoulder height, arching your body forward and lowering your head towards hers. This changed the angle in which your member scraped her from within, now reaching all sorts of new places for Twilight. She held in another moan only long enough so that your lips interlocked once more, the passion overwhelming her now visible to you from the intensity of her kissing. She grasped at your neck with her front hooves, pulling you in and forcing you to rest your chest against hers, the beating of her heart only inches from your own. Even in this position you still managed to continue moving, though not as freely as before. You then began to sway your hips in a circular fashion as you pushed in, reaching Twi’s insides from every possible angle. Her eyes opened wide as another loud whine made its way up her throat, only to fall flat against your combined twisted tongues. The change in approach seemed to instigate another wave of arousal in her, as you felt her moist flower begin to overflow with juices, splashing aimlessly as you hit your crotch against her swollen lips. “Ahhn...” she lets out a long moan which escapes her lips while you take a second to catch your breath. Her front hoof rises up against your head, Twilight fondling your hair lovingly, an erratic movement due to her rising sensations. “Almost... there...” she whispers breathlessly in your ear. Immediately you feel your member swell up with excitement, her announcement of an imminent climax driving you mad with lust. She feels it pulsate inside her as well. Another sway of your hips and the lavender mare closes her eyes, almost an angelical expression in her face; soon however, her muzzle scrunches up, the flesh around her nose leaving cute little pockets of skin as she let out a long sigh, emptying out the contents of her lungs - a series of moans coming back and increasing in length and volume. “Ahh... AAhhh!” she shouts on as her hips began to spasm in short bursts, soon riding up into her rear legs. Her horn, shortly out of her direct control, shoots sparks of purple magic, various objects in the room rattled by her sudden outburst of power. With another orgasm taking over her senses completely, you felt your penis being squeezed tightly by her contractions, a burst of her slick liquid hitting your crotch, upper thighs and lower abs. She tightens up her grip around your neck, bringing your head close to her own. You take the opportunity to fondle her there, planting short kisses all the way to her chin. The echo of Twilight’s cries of pleasure now gone from the library as a whole, her body flops down on bed as she looks up to the ceiling, her eyes and mind in a complete haze. Her limbs resting on the bed, her chest swelled and contracted in front of your eyes before her erratic breathing began to stabilize, slowly coming back to normal over two or three minutes. A long time for you of course, who had sat back upright, not moving from inside her a single inch, and yet only swaying your hips slightly in order for your partner to enjoy her orgasm as much as she’d like. Twilight blinked twice, her mind coming back to her. She moves her eyes your way, either finding your needy expression arousing or taking pity on you, her lips formed a side smile. A sexy smile like only Twilight could produce. “You are... amaaazing” she says, her eyelids halfway down, her purple globes fixed on you. You swallow hard, her teasing only adding to your frustration now, and you try going back to pumping in and out of her her, feeling you couldn’t possibly be much further. Her cheeks now rose-colored, Twilight locks her hind legs around your waist, pulling you inside and keeping you from moving an inch. “Oh, no no no no no, wouldn’t want to stop it so soon would we.” she giggles. Since when was she so dominant?  you thought with what little cognitive function you had, the heat from her tunnel still as inviting as it’s ever been. Ohh shit...  “C-come on Twi, that’s not fair now.” you complain, trying to squeeze yourself away from the grasp of her legs. You can’t. She giggles again. “You’re the one who wanted to see what’s on my list, so you have to endure it!” she says as her grip on you suddenly vanishes. However, she brings her hooves against your stomach and pushes you away - which, rather, forces her to slide up on the bed. Caught by surprise, you can’t do much. Your manhood slips out of her, the angle causing a whiplash from its rigidity - in turn shooting the thick coating of her slickness upward, sprinkling her lower stomach, chest and the underside of her face full of the stuff. She doesn’t seem to care, mind focused elsewhere. Her words got you curious, though, and a shiver runs down your spine as the young unicorn takes pity on you, gently raising her tail - all this time hidden between your legs - and brushing its long silky hairs against the underside of your penis, your thighs and your testicles. Your package gets tense, hardening even further from her teasing. All the while, the small hint of reason still unaltered by your growing sex drive reminded you that having such an arousing experience with a human woman would be unlikely for your type, and yet here was an outworldly, talking, magic-wielding purplish pony requesting your assistance in reliving the porn you’d used for your... relief since adolescence. Oh what the hell. “... Bring it on, Ms. Sparkle.” you grin. She does too, flashing her eyelids seductively. Still on your knees you spring up, Twilight’s tail finishing its course and getting out from under you and resting on your left thigh, every now and then twitching slightly from her friskiness. “So, “ you put on a deeper voice than normal, “What’s next on your list?, you finish by bringing your hands to your waist. She observes and chuckles softly at your pose. Her horn glows, the book you both had accidentally knocked out of bed now encased in a thin bubble of purple magic, floating back into hooves’ length. Being an unicorn, though, she didn’t quite need to physically handle it, resting her hooves on her chest as her eyes scoured the book for where she’d stopped earlier. Her expression beamed up as she seemed to find just the page she was looking for. You propped yourself forward to look, yet she turned it away. Twilight brought the magazine to her face, covering her muzzle with it, you now only seeing her big purple globes. She diverted them sideways and her tail moved nervously, all the while her cheeks became flushed. She puts up a though act, but she’s still a cute, awkward egghead. You bring your hands to her stomach, digging your fingers softly into her fur. She gasps, her eyes now focused on you. “I’ll do one of two things... either a belly-rub if you show me... or I’ll tickle you senseless if you don’t. Your choice, Twi.” Her  legs twitch, closing down the center in a futile attempt to protect herself. But in this position, you’re stronger, so she’s at your mercy. She whines softly, your fingers squirming around the soft skin of her stomach. “I-it’s too embarrassing... let’s stop it.”, she diverts her eyes away, covering the book which now hid her face with her front hooves, avoiding eye contact. “Too late for that, Ms. Most Faithful Student.” you threaten, tickling her just slightly. She endures it. “Noooo!” she complains, a hint of a smile being shown to you due to her squirming to get away. You move your fingers around, digging into her flesh, yanking loud chuckles from her. She lets out a short burst of laughter as you pressure on. “A-Alright!! I’ll show you, I’ll show you just stop!”. Too easy you think. Twilight hesitantly moved the book away from her face. She swallowed hard, looking at you with the top corner of her eyes, lowering her head in embarrassment. In a low and supplicant voice, she asks: “Promise me you won’t... think it’s weird? Or laugh? Or think I’m a...p-pervert.” She looked away. You swooped your face in and gave her a smooch. Surprised, she backed away for a second, but then smiled. She knew your answer, so without further reservations, she lifted the magazine down onto your hands, open on the page she’d been referencing, eyes now glued on you. You had expected as much. As soon as your eyes make visual contact with the prints, you can tell what she was so flustered about. You observe the pictures for a few moments, their content hardly phasing you given the great love-making session you now shared with your adorable housemate - well, besides the realization she also wanted exactly that. Her large eyes fixed on your expression, Twilight’s mouth opens slightly as her breathing starts to accelerate, your lack of a response making her increasingly nervous. “H-hey...” she speaks sofly. “So?...” continuing as her tail twitches against your bare thigh once more. “You really want this, Twilight?” you ask with a stern voice. She ponders a second. “Yes...”, she replies, looking you dead in the eye, the rosy color in her cheeks still very much present. “It might hurt.” “You’ll be gentle.” she smiles, her voice crackling a bit at the thought. You smile back. She had trust in you, and that was a pleasant feeling. “I need you to lay on your stomach.” you ordered. Twilight nodded. The lavender mare rolled on her side, shifting some weight on to her legs, soon doing another quarter turn and now resting on her knees. Yourself still kneeling down on bed, now stood only inches away from her rump, her nether regions barely visible to you from this angle; still, you could see the wet glistering in her lips. She was getting excited again. Twilight took a few seconds to find a comfortable position, but settled down once she was satisfied. Her front hooves hugging one of her pillows and her tail raining down on the mattress between your hips and her rear.  She turned her face your way, observing you with the corner of her eyes. You didn’t wait long to begin, but agreed you’d start slow. You took your hands to her haunches, palms flushed against her hipbone, and massaged it softly. Your fingers worked their way into her coat as you wiggled them in circular motions, running up and down her upper thighs. You extended out your thumbs, riding them in the flesh separating her marehood from the inside of her crotch, gathering in the moisture she produced. The scent of her arousal began to make its presence known again. Her tail twitched at every grazing of her labia, soft moans accompanying them. She closed her eyes, biting her lower lip. One of your hands kept caressing her thighs from the outside while the other went to work: you slid your fingers between her lips, rubbing her moist, sensitive spot down the middle, putting some pressure on it. She gasped, lowering her head slightly as you continuously grind your thumb against her. Not giving Twilight a second to get accustomed to the sensations, you slide your index and middle fingers into the flurry, scissoring between them the swollen, fleshy nub that was her clitoris. This evoked a loud vocal feedback from her, eyes opening in surprise. That was a good response, Twi, you think, bringing your tongue to your lips. As you expected, she became wetter. The liquid prominent of her arousal coated your fingers well enough that you couldn’t feel much friction in your rubbing of her sensitive spot. Your other hand slid down her rump, your thumb and index grabbing hold of Twilight’s spasming tail and lightly applying pressure where it meets her body. Surprised, her tail jumped upwards, the soft ends of its hairs brushing against your thighs in its motion. You took hold of it and kept it raised, tugging on it lightly to gauge her reaction. She whined softly, contorting her nose in a display of pleasure. You grin. Your thumb slides from her innards, riding upward. It leaves her lavender-adorned flower and meets a section of smooth fur right above it, through which you drag your nail, painstakingly slow. Twilight’s head jumps in surprise, her eyes dead-set on you, a lovely look of expectation in her pretty face. You raise your thumb further, meeting the folds of flesh in her now-shivering anus, bringing with you the slick love juice you’d helped her produce and lightly coating the rose-colored opening in it. She jumps again at your touch, though your grasp on her tail keeps her rear well in place. Her breathing increases along with her heartbeat as she fantasizes over your next step. You put pressure against your thumb, only enough to send shivers up her spine. Flicking your thumb against the entrance, you begin to build some pressure in your teasing, until you feel she is slick enough for you to move forward. Your other hand tugs on her tail lightly, forcing a reaction out of her. Twilight whines softly, but lets out a loud gasp afterward. “Ooh...”. Pulling on her tail had lowered her defenses enough that the crown of your thumb had jut slipped inside of her. The entirety of her lower extremity trembled at the sensation. Still, her nervous reaction was to clamp down on your thumb, keeping it in place. “Easy now, Twi...”, you said as you flipped your wrist, scooping her marehood with your entire hand whilst keeping your thumb planted insider her, rubbing her lips and clitoris in a semi-circular fashion with your remaining fingers. She shook her head back, opening her mouth wide, loud whines beginning to fill the room as her rear legs bucked involuntarily. At the height of your teasing, you tugged on her tail again. Forcing your finger further inside, the knuckle of your thumb now slipping past her glistering ring, unwillingly clenching down around the intruder in reflex. Twilight sighed, trying to control the sensations and her muscles. Giving her a second to get used to the feeling, you simply knead your finger up and down from the inside. “Mmm...” she whimpered, eyes closed. You gave it another push, meeting some resistance. The rest of your hand teased her once more, rubbing her labia, running your middle finger in between, up and down its length. You pushed again. It worked. The knuckle of your thumb, previously stuck at the entrance, now breaks away from her clenching sphincter, making it effortless to slide its entire length inside, up to the junction to your hand. “Oooh...” she moans out loud, hiding her face into the pillow. You wiggle you finger inside her, kneading her tunnel from the inside, doing your best to prepare her for the real deal. The sensation of her constricting your finger made you unsurprisingly more aroused, your member now erect again. The feeling of power over her had returned, and you press your thumb down against the walls of its fleshy sleeve. Before she could grow bored, if that was even possible at this point, you slowly removed your thumb all the way to the tip. The stimulation forced a crackled sigh out of her lips, the first wave of true pleasure provided by your probing. Twilight observed you with a puzzled look. “W-what is that?...” she asks in between breaths. Pushing the length of your thumb inside a second time, encountering less resistance as expected, you decide to show her instead of replying. Now slightly faster, you pull your thumb out the whole way, the sensation sending Twilight’s head up into the air, her mane wildly swaying left and right with another loud gasp leaving her lips. She then turned her eyes your way, widened with surprise, heavy breaths being taken through her mouth. She observed you keenly. The underside of your thumb pressured her puckered opening - now wincing back at you in lovely spasms; you motioned in circles, kneading the delicate folds of skin in various ways. Twilight reacted in pleasure, though not the same kind of pleasure she was expecting. It was a new sensation, something completely different which she hadn’t experienced until now. “It... feels strange.” she admits. You detach your thumb from her hole, which prompts a quick response from her: “N-no, don’t stop i-” she stopped, her mouth open and her eyes opened wide. You had untwisted your hand, the one cupping her aroused sex, and swiftly slipped your middle finger into her now-obedient anus. The motion hardly met any resistance, though the reflexive reaction of tightening around your digit still made itself known. Each knuckle going in sending a sensational feeling of pleasure up Twilight’s brain, and she produced a throaty gasp after it was done. Feeling that the young unicorn was quickly getting accustomed to your intrusions, you decided to move on a little faster. You drag your slick ring finger through her coat and plant it next to the one burrowed inside her. She catches on, and reflexively tries to move away. Still having a hand at the base of her tail, her effort is moot. Twilight plants her eyes on your face as your own eyes were actively observing your own perversion. “Here goes.” you whisper to her, as the tip of your finger marches in. Slowly inching away inside through the clenched muscle, you use your thumb as an ambassador to her clitoris, rubbing your skin against it, pushing it down against its own sleeve, and essentially diverting the unicorn’s attention somewhere else. The first knuckle pops inside, though you aren’t yet satisfied. She grunts from the sensations. For the next minute, you use the tip of your ring finger with precision, moving it in and out of her entrance while your middle finger stays affixed inside. The repetitive movement seemed to relax her muscles, along with sending shocks of pleasure across her body. Quickly enough, both of your fingers rest in her innards, Twilight’s grunts now more vocal. “Mmh, guh...” she complains. Her tail twitches, and soon her eyes give you a look of approval. So you put your fingers to work at full speed, the piston-like movements they made constantly forcing her tight ring to expand and contract, tugging at the flesh inside, all the while dragging the folded skin at its entrance in-and-out. Whatever kind of pleasure she was feeling put Twilight in a sort of trance, her tail twitching, her hips spasming and her tongue extended outward in between her deep moans of pleasure. It felt as if the moaning came all the way from the depths of her throat, no longer the high-pitched squeals she’d been producing.  Your fingers didn’t care, choosing instead to amplify the pleasure for her by twisting you wrist slightly as your fingers prodded her as a dynamo, further enticing ecstasy in the lavender mare. “Augh... P-princessss...” she mumbled, bringing the pillow she kept between her front hooves to her mouth, biting down on it. “Mmmff...Aaaah” she continues, the pillow muffling down her voice. You feel the muscles in her lower extremities all tighten up and her insides heat up quickly. From the looks of things, Twilight would orgasm again soon. You couldn’t allow that. Your fingers stopped, inserted fully inside. You wiggle them around a bit, just keeping her on her to- hooves. Breathing heavily, she complains: “Why... did you... stop?”, frustration apparent in her eyes. You give her an unfazed look. She puts on a slight smile, eyes moistening up slightly as she realizes it. “Meanie.” You slowly remove the fingers from her tight tunnel, Twilight feeling every mound of flesh and every wrinkle of your skin and every nub of bone as they slide away, contracting and retracting her cognizant ring. It forces another whimper out of her. Your hands slide away now, leaving her tail to its own devices as you slide your palms down her hindquarters and into her thighs. Sliding your fingers where they connect to the underside of her stomach, you use them as a sort of anchor, pulling the young unicorn in your direction. She observes and simply allows you full control, an almost uncontrollable heat taking over her thoughts as her face rests against the pillow. She raises her rump slightly, lifting her tail along, which now arches over her back and splatters all over her body. She closes her eyes halfway, still observing you. You eagerly grasp the base of your penis, now rigid as can be between your thumb and index, the very touch sending a spark of arousal across its length. You try to control its throbbing and guide it in between her thighs, sliding the tip against her exposed and moistened lips. Twilight sighs softly while you rub her lightly, yelping louder as you add some weight to it. The entire night’s arousal now clouding your judgement, you quickly raise your hips slightly, the head of your member now resting against the lavender mare’s expecting anal entrance. It shivers against your exposed skin upon contact, her tail twitching along. You prod the entrance lightly; she moans. You slide your hand to her unobstructed rear, your thumb now resting beside your target, squeezing down against her flesh and pulling it to the side. The folds of skin stretch out, leaving the entrance more accessible to your erect manhood. Impatient, Twilight motions her hips downward, applying weight against your tip, further and further pressuring for your ingression. You decide you’ve waited long enough. She’s waited long enough. Without a second thought, you push your hips forward in a quick motion, the strength of which forces the skin and flesh of her tight tunnel to give, now crowning the very tip of your penis in a puffy wave. “Oooh!” she yelps, the very touch of your hardness against her inner ring sending jolts of pleasure to her head. Another slight push and the glans disappears into Twilight, further stretching her insides, perhaps more than your fingers had done. She bites down on her lower lip, chin still rested against the pillow, and whines softly between her teeth. As the head further moves inside, clearing her sphincter which now retracts back, you feel its tightness gripping down on your shaft, the heat of her insides almost uncomfortable against your skin. You grunt out loud: “Oh shit, Twi...” She simply whines as a feeling of fullness began to take over her senses the further inside you went. Now perhaps a third of your entire length found itself covered in her warm, tight hole, squirming about reflexively, stretched out further than ever before. The unicorn closes her eyes tightly, and with a sigh, spoke softly: “M-more...”. That was your cue. Fighting the urge to simply push yourself in on one go, you slowly back away from her, the swollen tip popping into her inner ring of muscle and forcing it to contract. With the tip almost popping out of her, you begin forcing it in once more, her moans now becoming louder and louder. Each time you repeat the process you manage to squeeze yourself further in. One half. Two thirds... three quarters... seven eights. You pull it out, all the way to the tip... and in one quick swing of your hips, dig your whole length into her spasming rectum. Twilight howls in what you could only perceive as pleasure as her legs, tail and hips shake heavily. “Aaah... I feel... strange.” she admits, hiding her face in the pillow. You remain silent, your breathing growing increasingly erratic as the tightness envelops you completely, the heat of her innards tricking your brain into believing your flesh was melting away. You grunt in a low voice, pulling out slightly - which seemed to be Twilight’s preferred move. A puddle of her slick juices formed on the bedsheets under her crotch, the excess running down her thighs in glistering streams. You slip inside again, forcing your hips against her rump, now as far inside her as you could get. She raised her head quickly, her dark-blue-and-pink mane flying in multiple directions, sticking her tongue out in the process, a coating of saliva running down her chin. Twilight turned to you, her chin trembling and her extended tongue almost out of control, as whines of ecstasy fired off from her lungs in successive fashion. You began to move your hips in constant motions, plunging in and out of her as a piston, only randomizing how far you’d pull out in each swing. Angling your insertion seemed to further reach into pockets of pleasure you hadn’t explored before, all visible in her slightly bulging eyes. She arousal seemed to much for her to bear any longer, and her raised legs soon gave way, her rear falling on its side against the bed, her legs shivering, and your package popping out of her. You take a second to catch your breath. She just doesn’t have any left, laying her head flat against the bed, giving up any resistance. You further lower your hips, using your hands to support yourself and resting them on the mattress, with Twilight’s chest in between. You look down, your hips now fully responsible for helping you find your way back in, your penis swollen and throbbing. Likewise, Twilight’s marehood sparkled in wetness and her anus spasmed, still not completely closed from your stay; you line up the tip against it, forcing your way inside and finding no resistance. Now reaching into her sideways, you move slowly, swaying your hips in various directions as you squeeze yourself in. She moans loudly, though still too weak to move. You intensify your thrusts, speeding it up as much as your exhausted hips allowed you to. You feel your lower body contract as the rubbing of your flesh against her continues, sensing you were coming in close to a climax. Forcing your hips a bit more, you smack against her rear, her entire body trembling from the shock and bouncing softly on the bed. “Mmmfh.. aaah.” You continue, closing your eyes now and just taking in the sensations. With hardly any energy left, you sense from the contractions of her muscles all around her body that the lavender unicorn was as close to orgasm as you were. Your own pride, now satisfied after having had your revenge, couldn’t possibly let yourself climax before a lady. You lay your chest against the side of her warm, comfy body, shifting your upper body weight to one well-placed elbow, your mouth breathing into her neck. Quickly, you slide a hand down her stomach, inserting it between her thighs and guiding it towards her nether regions. The mushy fur your index and middle fingers navigated through got them plenty wet, and you slid them into her quivering sex. Twilight’s body stiffened in reaction. Your fingers dig in and out of her sensitive spot, kneading her labia and inner folds in erratic movements. Soon your hips begin to move again, now pulling yourself out to the very tip, and simply prodding her entrance in successive thrusts to perhaps only a third of your length. Popping it in and out of her seemed to further tighten her muscles, Twilight now incredibly stiff everywhere but the areas of her body you actively shaped. It also felt incredibly good for you, the more sensitive section of your member being stimulated by her squeezing ring of flesh - the same which now clamped down on you with force, as Twilight’s thighs extended outwards, petrified in place. She forced her nose down on the mattress, front hooves contracted against her chest. Continuing your movements at a slow pace, the sensations became too much to bear. She cried out loud, her voice filling the room and beyond as her orgasm overwhelmed her completely, herself shaking from the tip of her tail to the end of her horn. Twilight’s rear legs bucked the bed involuntarily as the massive overflow of pleasure put her head in the clouds. Her horn flayed wildly with magic, nearly every object in her room rattling from her rebuff. “Aaaah!” she moaned again, the sweet sound of her voice driving you over the edge. You grunt alongside her, driving your length fully inside, to the base as her insides take you in with ease. “T-Twilight, it’s - I’m …!” you can’t finish your sentence as your own pleasure hits peak levels. You tumble on top of her as you feel perhaps the strongest orgasm you’ve ever had taking place, your stiffened member now throbbing wildly while you feel a massive torrent of liquids racing up its length, shooting out through the tip and flooding Twilight’s innards in its slimy heat. Her eyes open wide and her tongue drops out of her open mouth, the sensation forcing more yelps out of her. “It’s so waaarm...” she speaks in a funny voice, hardly any strength left in her. With a few more spasms, you finish pumping your seed inside the young unicorn’s twitching anus. For the next twenty seconds or so you keep immobile, your hips uncontrollably bucking in shock. Your breathing starts to return to normal along with hers, though the haze in her eyes still remained and Twilight kept immobile. You bring your hand from between her legs and hug her across the chest, resting your cheek against her neck. She seems to enjoy it, tail swaying slightly and a short smile in her lips. Within minutes you flop out of her, a stream of white liquid following and dripping down her thighs, forming a small puddle on the bedsheets. She didn’t seem to care now, simply resting her head on a pillow, leaning it on its side as time went by. You did the same, though perhaps now, with all the sexual pressure off your mind, you returned to your previous reservations against engaging in this kind of activity with Twilight. What have I done, what have I done? you think over and over, a sense of shame overwhelming you. A roaring sound was heard by both of you. Twilight’s ear stood up in surprise, and you lifted your head from her cozy neck. Another one. Oh. Your stomach wasn’t exactly happy right now. With all the commotion, you had forgotten to eat all day! “Uh-oh...” you whisper, too tired to get out of bed now. Her eyes move your way. “I guess I’m reeeally hungry... aren’t I?” Twilight uses of whatever strength she had left to switch sides, turning around on the bed and now facing you. Her chest touched yours, and her hooves were placed on the side of your ribcage. She looked at you dead in the eye, a slight blush in her cheeks. “Don’t leave...” she whispered back, planting her nose against your neck. Surprised, you bring your hands around her, embracing her shivering body. You lower your chin against her forehead, her horn now resting against your cheek, and sigh at the same time a satisfied smile adorns your lips. “Don’t worry. I’ll be here forever.”, kissing her forehead. Twilight smiles, then falls sound asleep. Chapter 1 - END Congratulations in making it this far! If I could hand out “What a trooper” prizes to people over the Internet, you would certainly be receiving one in your inbox right about now. This has been my second foray into fanfiction in my 25 years of life - the first more than five years ago. I’m not much of a reader, and not much of a writer either, so I understand this might not have been the easiest or most pleasant of reads, but I’m very grateful for your comments and critique. Clocking in at over 15000 words, it’s the second longest piece of work I’ve produced in a single story, though probably the only one which makes any sense. As far as continuity goes, I am leaving this project open. I certainly don’t wish to recreate the behemoth that is this first chapter when moving forward, if it happens, but figured I wanted to see how far my true limits were. I felt the writing became stale and boring at the end, so I cut it shorter. But the point is I did it, and tha’s what matters. Thanks again!         - LIMW > Ch 2 - The Unicorn Affection Experimentation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: The following wall of text contains explicit material, making it not safe for everyone. While strictly vanilla, it contains scenes of slightly deviant sexual acts between a cartoon human and a cartoon pony. If you’re offended by any of this,  pick a number. Now square it. Now take the root, and subtract the original number. That’s the number of bucks I give.         Enjoy! “You simply cannot be serious!” the narrow-eyed man in a brown suit spoke, a condescending tone in his voice and a snide smile adorning his lips. Gray patches of hair covered the sides of his otherwise bald head and his elongated, bony face wrinkled in a mixture of old age and arrogance. “I’m sorry, Mr...” another man, short and overweight and dressed in a navy-colored suit atop a disturbingly unfashionable salmon shirt, looked down on a stack of papers through his thick glasses. He squinted his eyes. “Oh rats, nevermind. In any case, I’m sorry to say but we simply cannot take your proposal seriously at this time.” You stand there, speechless, surrounded by some of the most brilliant scientific minds from your time. Men and women you’ve come to admire and respect over the years; heroes from your childhood - and as you’ve now come to realize, some of the most arrogant, cynical, self-absorbed people on the face of the Earth. Speechless not because you had nothing to say, but because you had just been figuratively punched across the face by a Mammoth-sized fist. The excitement with which you had walked atop this podium now completely gone, you raise your eyes to meet the judging gaze of these six researchers with whom you’d managed a conference. “Don’t misunderstand us, young lad.”  the only woman in the group spoke, an European redhead in her forties, dressed formally but in Garfield slippers. “Your findings are remarkable, there’s no doubt about that. But we can’t be brash without further verifications.” She raised her copy of your research paper and pointed to it. “We simply cannot field test this without taking into consideration the possible results.” “Ma’am, with all due respect, I’ve checked the math over and over.” you speak out, frustration visible in your voice and your shaky hands grasping the wooden edges of your lectern. Your head extends forward. “I know what I’m doing, I-” “Do you, now?” the bald horse-face speaks up, his throaty voice flooding the room and overshadowing your own. “Every other aspiring scientist presents his findings in a symposium. They all publish research papers. But you pestered us enough that here we are. Do you know how many people like you come to this organization with ‘World-changing’ ideas every year? You have no idea how much of an opportunity this is, so I suggest you show some humility.” he lashes out, hitting his desk with the stack of papers in hand. “Ahem. What Dr. Morris is trying to say is that we simply cannot allocate billions of dollars worth equipment for just about anyone’s science projects.” the woman added. “Experiments are voted on by a board of trustees. And if your theory has any basis, young man, I am sure they will be as ecstatic about it as you are.” There was a mocking tone in her voice - you could feel it. “But this could change everything!” you shouted. “We don’t need the particle accelerator, we just need a strong enough energy source. Here, I explain it in page 86 of my report, if I can just find it...” you quickly grasp your own copy of the research paper and flip the pages quickly, looking for the right one. The scientists begin to get up from their seats, making a line for the door. Focusing on your task, you hardly realize being left there. “Here, found it, it’s -” you stop upon realizing it’s just you and Dr. Price, the awkwardly-dressed female, in the room. You hang your head down in disbelief. “Patience, kiddo. I’m sure you didn’t expect to come here and have tons of research money thrown your way without further revision.” she remarked. No, it wasn’t for that reason you were here. Did they completely miss the damned point? you think. “This isn’t a safe experiment. If you’re right, who knows the results?” “Then why not do it in the Space Station if it’s so dangerous? Heck, why do we even have a Lunar Base if not for this kind of thing? We spend millions on that every year, and for what? Growing orchids on moon rocks?” She chuckled. In silence, she made her way out the door. Her furry orange slippers made squeaky sounds as she walked. You stood there, alone, forehead pressed against the wooden podium. You sigh, a whisper leaving your lips: “All I want is to go home... and eat toast with carrot slices.” Huh? Where- --- “... want for breakfast? Toast with carrot slices?” You slowly open your eyes, your blurry vision showing you a blotch of lavender color, its form indistinguishable. You squint your eyes, contorting your face as you do so. Oh. You blink a few times, the moisture in your globes slowly drying up from the exposure to the air and allowing you to see more clearly. That’s right. You were now looking at Twilight’s face, only inches from your own, laying sideways on the bed - her own big purple eyes focused on yours, a slight blush in her cheeks. “Oh. I’m so sorry, did I wake you up?” her eyebrows raised, an expression of concern taking hold of her. “You were mumbling something, so I thought you were up... “ she showed you a short smile, genuinely apologetic. You close your eyes again and pet her on the head, lightly brushing her mane in between your fingers. She seems to enjoy that. “That’s okay, it wasn’t a good dream anyway.” you assured her. You had your arm wrapped around her shoulder, holding her tightly against your body. The unicorn on the other hand rested her front hooves against your chest, one hind leg in between yours and the other stretched out. You didn’t think that was a very comfortable position for her. You feel her heartbeat with your arm; it felt a little fast. “Oh, sorry. Am I stifling you?” you ask, moving away slightly and giving her a bit more space. “Just a little, but don’t worry.” Twilight smiles, gently patting your head with her hoof. “It’s not too bad.” The two of you just share a few moments in silence. The memories of the previous night slowly coming back to you and the sudden realization of what you’d done weighing heavily on your consciousness. You bring your hand to your head, digging your fingers through your scalp and removing rogue strands of hair from your forehead. Your fingers feel sticky. Your legs feel sticky... the bed feels sticky. Oh gosh, what the heck did we do. What the heck did I do? You prop yourself up on bed, your forearm supporting the weight of your entire upper body. Raising your head further, you scout the area. The bed was obviously a mess. The sheets still moist at places and glued to the mattress in others, Twilight's pillows mangled and compacted into clusters of filling. The rest of the room wasn't much better: books littered the floor like helmets after a war; the dresser was covered in her personal belongings, scattered everywhere. Oh....wow. You raise a hand to the back of your head and plant it there for a moment in disbelief. "Oh wow." you mutter. Twilight observes you and blinks her eyes in confusion. She shifts her head sideways in an inquisitory gesture. "What's wrong?" she says in a soft tone. "We... made quite the mess." your cheeks grow increasingly flustered, the feeling of blood running to your face so early in the morning slightly uncomfortable. Twilight opens her eyes wide and blushes as well. "Oh. Um... unicorns are notorious for, well, losing control during..." she hesitated a bit, driving her eyes away from yours. "Or-orgasms." she whispers. "I see." you spoke in a stern, cool voice, not very fitting of your red-hot countenance. The contrasting feelings you had about this experience fought a hard battle, but your libido won again, and you felt compelled to ask: "How... was it?", your face not giving up on a pint of blood. She brought her head down and peered up at you, her smooth lavender-colored face shifting to a dark shade of purple. "I-it was a-amazing..." she blurted out in a crackled whisper. You put forth a satisfied smile. For some reason hearing those words from her mouth felt surprisingly good; well, you know that every man swells with pride upon hearing his woman is pleased, but Twilight isn’t exactly your woman - she’s not a woman to begin with. Well technically... no, but she’s female. She talks, she feels. She’s my friend, too. You ponder on that for a second. Yeah... Unsurprisingly, you quickly get sick from thinking this over. These feelings aren’t going away soon, you realize, and on an empty stomach not minutes after waking up, you weren’t going to come to terms with this dilemma. You were going to reply, but Twilight continued. “Oh, um...” she raised her head, now facing you directly, large eyes meeting yours. “Let’s keep this... between us, okay?” Twilight says this with with a straight, unfazed expression, as if she had just asked you to take out the trash or get a book from an unreachable shelf. It shocks you for a second, but you understand where she’s coming from, and deciding to leave the heavy thinking for later, you force a smile and nod. She beams up. The lavender pony stretches her muscles in bed, rolling onto her stomach and extending her neck forward. “Augh... I’m still a little sore.” she exclaims in a cheerful voice, rubbing her rump with one of her front hooves. You blush a bit, your smile morphing into awkwardness. Twilight slides out of bed, wobbling on her legs for the next few steps she takes. She stops, focuses her balance and continues moving. “I guess I’ll come back to this after a looong bath.” she mutters, observing the mess in her room. You have a full view of her body now. Twi’s coat wasn’t exactly dirty, but it certainly wasn’t spotless either and her mane was as messy as could be, strands of hair pointing everywhere, her fringes curling outward. Her tail didn’t fare any better, and you thought parts its long purple hairs were beginning to form a knot. “You don’t mind if I go first right?” She asked, as if you could resist a direct request like that. “Nope! I’m hungrier than I’m vulgar, so-” you quickly look down on your body, still pantless, and raise your eyes back her way. “Uh, scratch that. But I’ll still eat something first.” you blush, smiling in embarrassment as your hands run down your legs to cover yourself. Twilight giggles softly and trots downstairs happily. Smooth... --- You are just finishing your first meal in close to a day. You lean back against the chair and bring your hand to your swollen stomach, patting on it with your palm like a glutton. "Being vegetarian has its flaws, but it beats going hungry by a light year." you think aloud. Your stay in the kitchen ends after you carefully prepare Twilight's plate. Toast with carrot slices: that was one of her favorite dishes in the morning. Deep inside you wish you'd eaten together, but your logic tells that you weren't the only one who had some thinking to do. You hear the door to the bathroom squeak, signaling the end of her bath. Being done with your meal, you find your way to the library's main hall just in time to grab a glimpse of your housemate climbing up the stairs. She had a purple towel, an image of her cutie mark embroiled with much detail - likely Rarity's doing, wrapped around her head like a turban and her mane curled inside. Another towel went wrapped around her torso, and for the first time ever since you arrived in Equestria, you found it funny that it didn’t quite cover anything. From below, you could see her private parts in between sways of her tail. Oh gosh. I’m turning into a pervert. Though the thought didn’t really disturb you as much as you thought if would. You laugh heartily on the inside. “I’ll be going next, Twi.” you say, climbing up the stairs. She acknowledges with a hum. Walking into the restroom, the steam from her bath still coated the mirrors and a slight fog filled the atmosphere. You could smell it then, the scent of Twilight’s shampoo - that sweet smell of lavender and a hint of vanilla, likely from some sort of Equestrian-styled bath salts she used. You caught yourself drowning in these smells for a second, fragrances which reminded you from the night before. Your heart beats faster now, until you realize you were thinking fondly of her - your housemate, Celestia’s prodigy, Twilight Sparkle. It’s not a bad feeling. More like... A crush? You chuckle at your own silliness. No way. You walk up to the mirror. It’s been a while since you had last taken a good look at yourself. Sure you’d shave here and there, and using clippers to cut your hair wasn’t something you trusted fingerless equines to do - they often mocked you for being hairless but you certainly didn’t want to become earless too. But standing idly in front of a mirror like this was rare.. All in all, you had lost some weight, likely a result of the drastic change in your diet. You couldn’t really tell, but it felt your expression had changed too. Seems like the generally laid-back routine in Equestria had begun correcting a lifetime of stress and self-inflicted pressure, where you grew up moving from one challenge to the next. You ponder over your life up to this point. Looking back  to your childhood, your parents had placed much faith in your abilities. Words like ‘genius’ and ‘prodigy’ were thrown around loosely, and of course every child wants the approval of their families, so you always pushed yourself to try harder, always one-upping your own efforts. Compare to that and this dreamlike reality you were now living didn’t seem all that bad. You ponder what your mother could be doing right now. Soon you’re stricken by stinging sadness: That’s right. I’m dead to them. These words weren’t first uttered here, but right now they had carried more weight than ever. You run the back of your hand over your damp eyes. Life goes on, you think. By this point the tub is refilled to the brim with water and you undress. It’s tight as usual, but you manage. Sliding down further, until the water level covered your upper lip, you close your eyes and try to relax. A few minutes pass, only the chirping of birds breaking the silence in the room, along the occasional thump from Twilight’s loft as she likely tidied up the place. Either your meal was all it took to get over the feelings of inadequacy from making love to Twilight earlier, or those feelings stemmed from something else. I mean, shoot... I’m the anomaly in this planet. If anything, she’s the one being unnatural. Your mind wanders through areas of sketchy reasoning, but through much ponderation, you genuinely had no qualms about it. Twilight was a good girl: tender, helpful, loving - a bit obsessive at times, yes, but that was its own kind of adorable. Yes she was a different species altogether, but you can bet she has similar reservations about you in much the same way.  If she agrees to be with me despite that, do I really have the right to think it's weird? Oh. Your mind clicks. OH. “It’s gotta be that.” you think out loud, a corner smile adorning your lips. The shame you felt wasn’t because of that. It was due to Twilight’s discovery of your books! That your carelessness was a catalyst to the soiling of her innocence - after all, up until today she felt more like a sister than a lover. That now she was aware of all sorts of deviant sexual behavior, and experimenting with it to boot. Your smirk quickly turned to a frown Oh, what have I done... You rush out the tub, drying yourself quickly and wrapping the towel around your waist. You felt you just simply had to apologize to her, no matter what. Perhaps an apology wasn’t enough. I’ll cut off my pinky. That will have to do! your mind wanders, now bordering on the ridiculous as you hyperventilate. You bust out of the bathroom, your lungs full of air: “Twilight!” you shout, a whiny tone in your voice. Almost immediately the lavender unicorn stumbles out the kitchen door, a slice of wheat bread impaled by her horn and stuck to the side of her face. “Whaaaa-” she exclaims, crashing sideways against the sofa, her petite body rolling over the backrest, her weight planting her upper shoulders on the cushion, hind legs up in the air in a crooked position. You observe in disbelief. “Uhh... “ you mutter alone. You almost slip back into the bathroom in silence, but make your way downstairs instead, hurrying to her side. “Augh. What happened?” she squirms about, stuck in this position the further into the cushioning she sinks. “Why’d you yell?” You come to her rescue, holding her by the chest and flipping her right-way up. Her head wobbles a bit and the piece of toast slips down to the floor. With a serious expression, you say: “I wanted to apologize.” “For yelling?” she raises an eyebrow, still visibly confused. “Yes! No, wait. No, but yes.” you make no sense, even to yourself. “Okay okay, “ she uses her front hooves to push the air between the two of you, gesturing for you to slow down. “from the beginning now.” You take a deep breath. “I want to apologize. You know, for, uh. The books, and... last night.” you continue. “I really didn’t mean for you to find those... and I know they’re shameful and wrong and that you probably think I’m weird.” You show her a humble smile. “B-but most guys where I’m from have these, I’m not an exception so don’t hate me.”  You add this as a shameless attempt at justification. Twilight observes you unfazed. “I assumed so.” she giggles a bit. “So your kind isn’t much different from ours then.” she scouts the room, obviously a mock gesture, and covers her mouth with a hoof: “Most stallions here in Equestria have some too. E-even some girls...” she stutters a bit at the last part. You blinked in astonishment. Was she alluring to herself? “Huh? But I’ve never seen any.”, you say as if you had, at some point, willingly gone looking for the latest edition of Horsetler. Or Fillies Illustrated. Why even- your mind shifts to the ridiculous again. “Oh, they’re not out in the open. Also the majority of books on the matter are all novels or short stories. They aren’t illustrated.” she covers her mouth again and squeezes in closer to you, whispering: “I hear even Princess Luna has taken to writing steamy stories of late.” Twilight realizes what she just said and panics a bit. “Oh! But you can’t tell anyone. Please, Pinkie promise me you won’t say a word, it’s a secret!” "Huh." The idea takes a few seconds to sink in. Why do I even find it weird? You ask yourself this question. But the more you ponder over the matter, the more believable it becomes. Most cultures on Earth had some sort of pornographic literature, even when isolated from outside influences, so why shouldn't Equestrians be the same when they are so much like humans. You nod in agreement with your internal monologue. "Hmm, makes sense." Twilight pushes again: "Pleeease promise me." she had a wide grin in her lips, eyebrows arched upward. "Alright, promise." "Pinkie promise?" You sigh. "Just spare me from doing the chant?" you continue as you gently poke your own eye with an index. Twilight claps her hooves together, satisfied. "Oh, yes." The gist of the conversation comes back to her. "So you have nothing to apologize for, really. I'm the one at fault for taking them without your consent." You scratch the back of your head. "Wait, but if you guys have your own steamy literature, why would you even want mine? I mean..." Your voice sinks to a near-inaudible volume. "We're different and all." Her eyes meet yours and she blushed slightly at the question. "Well, I was just... curious. Oh and the pictures are self explanatory. I love reading as much as the next person" - was that sarcasm, you wonder - "but being able to see it is also very exciting!" Twilight had a big smile on her lips. "I had read some stories before, but for instant impact you just can't beat a visual." Twilight seemed to enjoy talking about it... but again, you wonder if she would ever not be chatty when the subject were books, no matter what kind. "All in all I've learned a lot about humans from them, too. I never knew every human household had a black leather couch - it's fascinating!" She goes on, the normalcy with which she speaks hardly giving a hint to the subject matter: “Oh, but I guess when you read, there’s this suspense and this excitement building up on you too. It’s hard to choose!” You chuckle a bit. "Well you could've asked me!" you bring your wrists to  your waistline, planting them on the sides and puffing out your chest. Twilight blushed again. "Ohh come on, that would be too embarrassing!" the young mare complained, taking a cushion from the sofa in between hooves and gently slapping it against your arm. You laugh heartily at her reaction. “Okay okay, I’m no expert, but I know a few tricks!” “Oh! You reminded me. I need to add more things to my list.”  she pushed her weight forward, jolting out of the couch. “A-and add a few more checks too.” she smiled coyly, her eyes blinking quickly at you as she made her way up the stairs to her room. “Right.” you feel your face warm up a bit. “Oh! Twi.” you turn to face her. “Was it good?” She lowered her eyebrows, blushing slightly. “C-come on, I already told you that.” she mutters under her breath, a wearisome smile in her lips. You go into a full-on blush. “Oh. No... I mean, the food?” you divert your eyes to the side, your hand rubbing the back of your neck. The unicorn observed you for a second, finally taking the hint. “Oh. Haha...” she giggled nervously. “Yes, it was very good!” she exclaimed, happily trotting up the staircase again. You simply smile in silence. She complimented your cooking before, but this time it felt extra nice. “What about Spike? Haven’t seen him all day yesterday, or today.” you add, getting up from the couch yourself and slowly walking towards the basement entrance, your hair still damp and your towel no longer as tightly wrapped around your waist as before, which forces you to take hold of it to avoid a disconcerting slip. Twilight had reached her loft and disappeared from sight. The sound of her drawer slamming open was heard, and she replied: “He’s in Canterlot for a few days.” the drawer slams shut and you see the edge of her magical bubble floating in the air, likely holding her checklist of pleasure. “Went to get a check-up. No offense but the doctors in Ponyville don’t know a thing about baby dragons.” she continued, the coils in her mattress whining as she sat down on it. “Not that he gets sick often, but you never know with that diet.” “Alone? Can he even travel by himself?” you ask. “Oh no, I would never be that irresponsible. Princess Celestia sent an escort.”, she spoke. Twilight always had a sweet tone in her voice when she mentioned the Princess. “Say, do you have anything against bindings?” the lavender mare asks from above, her voice unhindered by emotion. “Huh? Um, no?” you reply without thinking. “When does he come back?” you continue. Uh, second intentions, me? Really? you catch on quickly. “Tomorrow. I asked him to run some errands while he’s there.” she replies calmly, probably not catching your drift. “Gotcha. Tomorrow.” You keep walking downstairs until you reach the door to the basement. Entering your room, you’re greeted by the mess you had left behind from last night - books scattered all over, boxes of scraps overthrown, dirty laundry scattered across the floor. You let out a deep sigh, shrugging. Of course. Forgot about that.  You walk across the minefield to a wardrobe on the other end of the room, quickly pick some clothes and get dressed. You then turn around to the disaster zone around you. “Alright. Here goes.” --- You had spent the past two hours slaving away in your room, getting everything back in its place. You even went a step further, taking hints from Twilight’s organizational prowess to file away your books by content as opposed to the usual first-come-first-serve methodology. Your bed spotless, the sheets carefully stretched to military precision and the floor swept clean, you stand in the middle of it all and wipe the sweat off your forehead - this time actually accomplishing something in the gesture. “Phew.” In a corner sits the box of materials you collected yesterday. With all that’s happened, you didn’t have a chance to go through them more carefully. You pull the crate closer and sit on your bed. Oh, damn it. You realize you’ve just wrinkled the sheets with your fat bum. Oh well. You shake your head, unwilling to let petty things like these get to you right now. You were over that. With the crate rested between your legs, you begin to sort the books from within. Sadly, most of them were in bad shape - months and months of being exposed to the elements didn’t usually end well for paper. You make a pile for the ones beyond saving, and another for the ones worth keeping. Nothing in the crate really stands out, though. Most of this stuff is generic computer instruction books, stuff that served you well all throughout university but which had no purpose here. I don’t have the parts to even build a computer. You ponder, this realization suddenly striking a chord. “Wait... there’s not even electricity out here. At least not in high quantities.” you think out loud. You bring a hand to the back of your head and run your nails through your scalp. You get up from bed and walk across the room. In the opposite corner from your bed, next to the wardrobe, is a shoulder-high pile of scraps hidden from sight by a white blanket. You remove the cover to reveal the contents inside, all parts of the device you constructed and which was ultimately responsible for dragging you here. Everything you could find was here - well, except the lead capsule where you kept the small amount of Uranium-238 necessary for the experiment, which you had asked Twilight to, from a distance, levitate into a ditch for burial. If Spike could see those tasty-looking silvery rods, ho boy. You observe the mound of contorted aluminium and steel right ahead of you, shaking your head negatively. There’s just no way I could ever rebuild it at this rate. You kneel down, taking a piece of metal tubing into your hands, observing the black residue left by the explosion on the inside. Without a computer to manage the release valves, it’s impossible to time this right. You throw the piece of scrap down into the pile again. “5 nanoseconds. Hah, I can totally wing it. Who knows, by the time I get it right I could have tentacles for hands.” You fall backwards, bending your knees and landing on the floor with a thump. You lay back, bringing your hands behind your head and resting it against the woolly round rug centered in the room. You look up to the ceiling, past the chandelier, focusing on the ridges left from the carving of this space from the within the tree. You sigh. Things didn’t look bright. Ever since the amount of stuff you collected in your search diminished, you began to suspect it was a lost cause - but right now, you’re almost certain of it. It wasn’t all that unlikely, however. You were lucky to make it out alive despite the broken ribs and concussions, but it didn’t mean that everything else had to end up in the same location in space-time. If what brought you here was a Wormhole as predicted in your calculations and the strong vortex was a result of something other than simply gravity, survival was a question of luck. But if it was a true Black Hole you had formed, being alive was nothing short of a miracle. Who knows if I’m even in the same Universe! you ponder, the whole idea ridiculous but your downtrodden confidence wouldn’t take it any other way. Or even still alive! “Uhhhhgh.” you complain angrily, rubbing your fingertips over your head with enough strength to turn painful. Your mind just couldn’t settle down: the events of the night before coupled with growing distress over your crumbling efforts to find way home just wouldn’t let you think straight. And you know better than anyone that having any kind of distraction doesn’t do your short attention span any good. You sigh loudly, even making a conscious effort to intensify it. Maybe the piling frustrations just made you angry and in turn gave you a burst of energy. Or maybe it was the opposite, but you simply couldn’t stay still. You quickly rise up on your feet, eyeing the rest of the room. This sucks. You feel stifled, whereas otherwise you’d be comfy in such a closed space. Being moody isn’t like you, who always prefer to keep it cool. But right now, it’s uncontrollable. You quickly make your way upstairs, leaving the basement room and opening the door to the library hall with force. It rattled the walls slightly, breaking the ambient silence with the sound of thunder. The fresh air coming in through the windows fills your lungs, and it seemed to calm you down a little. You sigh again. Something on the corner of your eyes catches your attention and you turn. You see Twilight standing on her hind legs, front hooves rested on the railing connecting her loft to the open halls of the library, eyes fixed on you and a worrisome look on her face. “Are you... alright?” she asks while pending her head sideways, strands of her silky, navy-colored mane swaying downward and bouncing against the edge of her neck. Your eyes meet and her expression of concern suddenly weighs heavily on your heart. You can’t just tell her, not now. And you can’t just say everything is fine either for fear of sounding condescending - Twilight was a smart cookie, and she cared for her friends dearly. Not always quick to catch on to everyo- everypony’s feelings, but you’re sure your face offers more than enough clues for her to realize you’re not bouncing on a flowery field. “Oh, did I startle you? Sorry.” you say, trying hard not to let your lingering feelings distort your voice. “A bit frustrated, that’s all.” You smile up at her. The young unicorn squints her eyes, scrutinizing you in her field of vision. Her expression tightens up, as if Twilight waited for you to come clean. “Humm... if you say so...” she mutters, climbing down from the railing and making her return to whatever she’d been doing in her room. You sigh. This is the best outcome you could have wished for in this situation. You look at the clock - it was already past noon and your mind reminded itself of lunch. Your eyes search the library - the bookshelves, oh so many of those; the sofa in the main living space and the table where your housemates held their study sessions. It’s much more open-spaced than your basement; still, you’re stifled by the scenery. You need to go outside. In fact, you begin to feel constricted and your breathing becomes rushed. Oh, screw this. “Hey, Twi. Dear?” you call out to her, awkwardly making your way towards the front door. She responds without looking, a hint of annoyance in her voice. “Uh... yes?” “If you’re hungry, I was thinking...” you bring your hand to the back of your neck. Am I... “We could maybe to grab a bite to eat at Trottingstone’s.” you continue. Yep, I’m definitely inviting her on a date. “I know you love their cream of celery, and I’m in the mood for-” “Oh yes!” her voice tramples over yours and the sound of hooves happily clashing against the wooden floor fills the library. Soon, Twilight is making her way through her loft’s doorway and down the stairs, but not before undoing the magical bubble of purple she had around her horn. Something thumps the floor up there. You’re somewhat puzzled by her quick acceptance of your invitation, but don’t think you have any grounds to complain. “Well then. That was quick.” “Oh. Was I not supposed to act so enthusiastic?” Twilight stops midway down the stairs and gives you a questioning look. “Huh? About lunch, right?” you blurt out. “And the courtship!” she smiles innocently at you. You choke on air. “C-courtship?” you reply after coughing it out. You open the front door now, letting a breeze of fresh air inside. Twilight slowly makes her way downstairs, tilting her head sideways. “Oh. Um... “ she blushes slightly, keeping her eyes focused on you. “Sorry, I thought your invitation was... err, more than just a lure for food. In the literal sense.” she grins in her own embarrassment, looking away now. “Trottingstone’s is such an expensive restaurant, I just...” her ears flop down. “Gosh, I feel silly now.” You raise your eyebrows. Was she.. waiting for this? “Wait, Twilight.”  She glances at you with the corner of her eyes. “You mean courtship as in...” “Oh. It’s... nothing really, just thought the invitation was your way of charming me. You know, like in the books.” she replied in a whisper, using a front hoof to scratch at the ground. You could see she was disappointed. “So... I invite you out. We have a good time. Then we come home and -” you choke a bit. “Uh, d-do it?” you shrug. You’re absolutely certain you have a funny expression in your face right now, as if you’ve just shot a basketball off the wall and hoped it didn’t ricochet back and smack you in the loins. Such were the implications of your question. Twilight quickly shifts her face your way, observing you with widened eyes. Her cheeks turn beet red. She responded in whisper: “W-well... it IS on my checklist.” she shows a bashful smile again as her ears flop downard and the tip of her tail twitches.. You observe her. Twilight’s hoof fidgets about against the ground. You smile at her. “Truth is... “ you swallowed hard. The claustrophobia you felt before now replaced by embarrassment and a hint of doubt. If it really goes this way... “That’s what I had in mind too.” You scratch the back of your neck, then continue: “I mean, not necessarily the last part but, uh, you know. I wanted to take you out. Like that - like in the books.” Twilight’s expression beamed at your words and she closed her eyes for a second, careful not to show too much excitement. She cleared her throat. “Oh. Well then, if it’s like that I might have to think this over.” She looked away, forcing a snobby pout into her lips, not the least bit unlike her friend Rarity. “Twilight.” you leered at her, lowering your shoulders. You know this isn’t her. “Er... no? Not convincing?” she peaked at you with her left eye, only open halfway. “You’re a better scholar than actress, Twi.” you chuckled at her, knowing that ought to hit where it hurts. “Hey, that’s mean! Now I’m really considering declining!” she giggled along, trotting happily in your direction. By now you’ve completely forgotten about your woes, and the prospect of spending the afternoon with Miss Sparkle surely brightened things up. You grinned at her, perhaps showing more satisfaction than you should. The lavender mare stopped at the door, right at your side. She then shifted her head in your direction, picking up your hand atop her head and nuzzling your torso with her nose. Her tail swayed happily, its long hairs floating gorgeously in the air. Twilight did this for a few seconds, showing affection in her own ways, then continued through the door. She looked back at you, a sweet smile in her lips. “Let’s go?”. You smile back at her and follow her lead, closing the door behind you. Ponyville hadn’t changed much since you first arrived here - well, arrived conscious. Sweet Apple Acres is still running strong in the outskirts of the city. Carousel Boutique is still producing gorgeous dresses, though Rarity never took you up on the offer to help design a male line of business suits as payback for her fixing your clothes. Sugarcube Corner had become livelier with the arrival of the twins, and the weather had stayed pretty accurate since you pranked Rainbow Dash into believing your homemade barometer would put her out of a job. Oh, and Fluttershy was still terrified of you, though you think teaching her how to distill alcohol as an antiseptic had brought the two of you closer. Her pet bunny still hates your guts, though. You tried to keep your nose out of everypony’s business as much as you could, however. If all of the sci-fi movies you’d watched back in the day taught you something, it is that the locals don’t normally like to be told what to do by an outsider. You took that lesson to heart and acted on it unless the situation became dire. After all, what was your knowledge worth to a race that could control magic at will? Magic, huh. “What’re you thinking about?” Twilight whispers your way as the two of you walk down the road towards Town Square. “Just... thinking about life out here in Equestria.” you reply as your head curiously scours the scenery for anything of interest. “Hmm. What do you think so far?” she asks. Her curiosity just wouldn’t let that opportunity pass. “Me?” you stop on your tracks. You frown, trying to come up with an answer. Twilight kept walking, so you rush back to her side to keep pace. “I guess it’s... different. Everyone gets along to a degree, and not once have I heard of wars, or governmental abuse.” “Of course. The Princess treats her subjects with the utmost respect!” she exclaims valiantly, her chest filling with pride. “And wars are a thing of the past, nopony has a need for that.” Twilight waves her hoof dismissively. “Yeah, I guess.” you continue, raising a hand to your opposite shoulder and massaging it lightly. “Makes me embarrassed for my own race.” Twilight let that comment go. She had heard before about your grievances with humanity, and especially your bitterness towards human stubbornness. If they’d listened to me, wars would have been a thing of the past for us, too! you think, anger oozing out into your facial expression. “We’re here!” she happily announces - her voice breaks you from your recollection of home - while standing right at the entrance to Ponyville’s most prestigious restaurant.  You’d been here once before, on Rarity’s birthday; the surprise party her friends threw for her brought tears to the unicorn’s eyes - you think the only reason she didn’t cry was to not smudge her makeup. But the fame wasn’t undeserving - you’re even positive you actually liked the hay snacks they brought before the main course. Twilight’s tail sways happily from one side to the next as she waits for you, having sped up her stride at the sight of the restaurant. You walk to the door and hold it open for your date, extending your arm and lowering your head, a gesture she thought very unnecessary. “This way, m’lady.” you probably overdid it, but it was in good fun. “Shh, don’t do tha-” she was startled slightly by the stallion behind the counter. “Oh, Madame Sparkle and her friend! Bienvenue! Welcome!” said the waiter tasked with greeting the customers. You and Twilight exchanged glances, and then turned to the well-groomed stallion with a light-blue mane, brown hair and fancy black mustache. He quickly straightens his bowtie and smiles. “For two?” he asks while guiding you further into the building with a front hoof. “Yes please.” you say in a royally stern voice, trying to play it cool. Twilight rolled her eyes and smirked. The waiter shows the two of you to a table by the window. You don’t mind, since the Sun is past the point of being bothersome at this angle. Only the two of you and a couple who appear they’re about to leave are in the building, besides the staff of course. It appears showing up after actual lunchtime has finally paid off for something - you prefer it this way, and you’re sure your companion does too. “Oh, right. Forgot.” you muttered aloud. “Waiter, anything I could use to, well, sit on?” you gesture with your hands, bending your knees to try and get your point across. “Please monsieur, call me Pierre. And of course! One moment.” the stallion says as he disappears behind the wooden boundary between the guest’s area and the kitchen. “My, it’s sure been a while now hasn’t it?” Twilight says as she observes you. A sudden spring breeze comes in through the open window and blows sideways the fringes of her mane. She closes her eyes in reflex as strands of hair recoil across her face until the wind dies down. She looked extremely delicate and feminine - well, more so than usual.  Your heart skips a beat at the sight. “Y-yeah, three months now?” you struggle a bit to keep your calm. “Really? That long?” she looks at you surprised. “Time sure does fly.” Twilight then looks out the window, a hint of melancholy in her eyes. You catch up on this, though you don’t exactly understand why she looks saddened. “Yeah. It sure does.” you do the same, observing the clouds moving slowly towards the south. I know what’ll cheer her up. “Oh. Did I ever tell you how clouds are formed where I’m from?” Surely enough, Twilight’s gloomy expression is instantly gone as she turns to face you, a wide smile in her lips as you pique her curiosity. Heh, it never fails. -- You finish a long Q&A session with Twilight as the natural formation of clouds back on Earth seemed to interest her more than you had expected. The waiter had brought you the best he could find - an upside-down bucket which he insisted in covering with a towel as to maintain the restaurant’s decoration intact. It wasn’t the best, but at least it had no hazards to your plump rear, so it was fine. Your orders were being prepared after the two of you shared a portion of hay fries, which again you thought were pretty yummy for being dried grass. It’s gotta be the spices. “That’s amazing! I know of condensation, of course... but for that to form clouds without intervention is simply remarkable!” Twilight reaffirms, her eyes glowing with scientific passion. You chuckle. “Yup!” you reply, taking a sip of water. Suddenly you feel a certain discomfort. A little nagging feeling on your shoulder, something you just couldn’t quite picture what. It sent a shiver down your spine and you were finally forced to turn around and look. Oh, not again. Sure enough, from across the street you caught the Sun’s reflection off of what appeared to be somepony’s binoculars, aimed your way. The stalking pony, a young unicorn with mint-green coat and a combination of white and light-cyan mane observed you from afar. She grins upon realizing you had caught her in the act, quickly dropping the binoculars and galloping in your direction. You didn’t think you could hide now, so you just stayed put, the urge to hide your face between your palms being hard to suppress. “Hi there human!!” she catches up, startling Twilight who almost chokes on the mouthful of water she’d been drinking. If you didn’t know this pony any better, you’d think she was just exceptionally happy - but nope, she was always like this when around you. “Oh. Hey Lyra.” you smile shortly at her as the green unicorn got up on her hind legs and anchored her front hooves to the window frame, now facing you directly. Twilight leered at her, obviously uncomfortable with Lyra’s presence here. “Good afternoon, Lyra...” she spoke in a cold tone, not moving her eyes from the offending unicorn for a second. “Hey Twilight.” Lyra replied, not even paying attention to her. She kept staring at you, a certain glow in her eyes. “So what’s up? Haven’t seen you in a long time!” she grinned from ear to ear. “... We met two days ago, Lyra.” you reply, retracting your head further away from the window in reflex. “I know!” she blinked quickly in your direction. “Lyra what do you need? Can’t you see we’re a liiiittle busy here?” Twilight complains, using a front hoof to circle around the table, hoping her fellow unicorn would take the hint. “Me? I don’t need anything! Just wanted to say hi!” she squirms slightly and you figure she’s trying to climb up the window. You wave with your hands. “Lyra no, no! Shh, the staff won’t be happy if you climb in through the window!” you say, genuinely worried for the outcome. “Oh, right. I should come in through the door like everypony else!” she happily continues, apparently not taking the hint. “Err, Lyra, me and Twilight are... uh, discussing important things... did you need anything?” you reply, trying to send her away without hurting her feelings. You smile sympathetically at her as she tilts her head sideways. “Oh. Well, um, just the usual then.” she beams up, extending her face further inside. “When are you goin’ back to the land of humans? You won’t forget me, right?” Lyra blinks her eyes successively, grinning from ear to ear. “You promised!” You ponder for a second. Your eyes shift between the visibly annoyed Twilight and the ecstatic Lyra, having let yourself get pushed into a corner. On the one hand, you were waiting for the perfect opportunity to tell Twilight you thought your return home was a lost cause; on the other, you just can’t get yourself to lie to Lyra about the matter. You swallow hard. Well, this is it I guess. “Twilight... maybe you should hear this sooner rather than later, and since Lyra is asking.” you face the lavender mare and lower your eyes, scratching the back of your head, trying to buy time and come up with an easier way to say it. Twilight shifts her head sideways, not getting the gist of your words. You sigh loudly. “Ugh... The truth is I don’t see any way I could ever reconstruct the machine at this rate. I never managed to find all of my notes, and probably never will. I need precision equipment that, honestly... thus world just doesn’t have.” By now Twilight’s eyes had widened and Lyra’s expression flipped upside down, her eyes becoming moist. “Y-you’re joking right?” the green unicorn said in a disappointed voice. “Sadly, no... I had hopes I could reconstruct certain parts and make do with others, but let’s face it - I have searched for highly radioactive materials all over, and your country simply doesn’t have them. Without it, there’s no way I can produce the amount of energy I need to poke another hole through dimensions - or spacetime, or whatever it is that separates our two worlds.” you don’t mince words as you speak, trying to avoid letting your own disappointment weigh down your voice. “In its current iteration it’s a lost cause.” “But you were always so confident! What happened?” Twilight interjected, planting both her front hooves against the table, which shakes from top to bottom. She observed you with a hint of doubt in her expression, as if she couldn’t really believe it. Lyra just stands there silently. “I... things change, I guess?” you give her a half-smile. “It’s not like I have given up for the long run - I just need a different approach is all.” you add this in an attempt to calm them, though you’re not so sure of it yourself. “What? How? You said magic by itself couldn’t do it, so what else is there?” the lavender mare continued. “So... we’re not going? But... but. But you promised!” Lyra finally interjects, a single tear rolling down her cheek. Her citrine-colored eyes focused dead on yours as the unicorn backed away slightly from the window. “I know I did, and I’m sorry... I guess I was too confident.” you reach out your hand to Lyra’s head in an attempt to pet her, but she backs off. The gesture wasn’t unexpected, and you then turn to Twilight. “Look Twi... I don’t know enough about how Equestria behaves to be able to say with certainty. It’s possible that you could totally cast a spell to send me home and it works - but there’s a near infinite to one chance that I’ll end up in dark space and-” you cut it short right here. You don’t think telling them you’d pass out within 20 seconds - but not before having the saliva in your mouth boil and your lungs crushed, is really necessary. “It would be bad.” Twilight observes you, a vexed expression in her face. “You’re saying I would mess up the spell and hurt you?” she narrows her eyes. “No... no! Look, Twilight - the essence of what I did, what brought me here, is that I emulated, at scale, the collapse of a star.” You gesture with your hands, trying to give her a visual. “When stars die where I’m from - when they run out of fuel to burn as bright as they do, they are so big that they begin to consume themselves. When there’s nothing left to use as fuel, they’re crushed by their own sizes.” Twilight observes you with skeptic eyes, as if your story was complete nonsense. “When this happens - and if the star’s large enough, it creates something that is so strong, not even light gets away from it. It took me years to recreate this with our technology - it could take me years to do the same with magic.” “Ok, I get it then. You’re just making excuses, spouting a bunch of hooey!” Lyra shouts, loud enough that the waiter, Pierre, peeks his head into the empty dining hall to check out the commotion. “You’re here all lovey-dovey with Twilight, so you give up! And you won’t even do it for me!” she continues her complaint, letting go of the window frame and dropping down to the ground, disappearing from view for a moment. Huh? You and Twilight observe in disbelief as the green unicorn stops midway across the street, looks back and whips her tail in your direction. Her eyes still very moist - enough you that can see it from here. Lyra was a character, that much you knew. But you’d never seen her so upset before. In fact, she’s always treated you well - perhaps too well sometimes. Ever since meeting you she developed an enormous fascination with your kind, and it was long before you could go anywhere without her stalking your every move. You wonder if you ought to go talk to her, but the timing just seems inappropriate. You were here with Twilight, and she wasn’t taking this all that well either. “I just don’t get it.” Twilight narrowed her eyes while observing you. She lowered her voice and continued: “You’re not just saying it because of... last night, right?” You glance back at her, stopping to think for a second. You wonder if Twilight has a point - you wouldn’t have gotten here in the first place if you knew when to quit. Huh. You wonder if the life in Equestria has made you soft, or if the sudden escalation of your relationship with the Element of Magic really had more to do with this than you realized. You bring your elbows to the table and lower your head into your hands, holding it steady for a few moments, your fingertips digging into your hair. “I really don’t know.” Twilight didn’t seem to expect that response. Her visage beamed up for a second and her cheeks became flushed, a content smile filling her lips. She looked away and brought a hoof to her mouth while lowering her head slightly. “O-oh, well...” her voice carried a hint of happiness, and you observed. She seemed to have conflicting feelings about this, however; as soon as her look of joy fully blossomed, it withered into a more serious semblance. “I mean.. I’m sorry, I didn’t... it wasn’t my intention.” she quickly turned your way and spoke out, her voice carrying an underlying tone of guilt. You smiled sympathetically at her. You knew it wasn’t her intention. “Why would you even say that?” you say as you stand up and place your hands on the table, using them for support as you extend your head to plant a kiss on her cheek. “I don’t know if they’re related. If they are, it just means... well, that maybe I found a reason to stay around longer?” you give her a shy grin, feeling your own cheeks heat up with embarrassment. Twilight’s face reddens almost immediately at your words, and she dodges your eyes for a few moments, her lips trembling - not sure if they should form a smile or keep her frown. Her front hooves rub against one-another as she lowers her face, peeking at you with the top of her eyes. “I-, um, well...” “I kinda feel bad for Lyra, though.” you look out the window for a moment, the green unicorn nowhere in sight. “But I’m sure she’ll come thro-” You’re interrupted by Pierre the waiter. “My apologies for the wait.” he says as he lays out your food on the table: cream of celery with a side of garden salad for Twilight and mushroom soup with garlic toast for you. The smell of the food itself is enough to make your stomach rumble. But before starting your meal, you face Twilight once more: “Twi, we’ve got time so don’t sweat over it. Let’s just enjoy lunch like we had planned to. Okay?” you raise your glass in the air, offering a toast. She observes you silently for a few moments, still dumbstruck. She turned to her food quietly and stared at the soup in her plate. Twilight then hummed in agreement as a veil of purple magic encased her water glass as it floats to meet yours, making an audible sound as they click. She lowered her eyes and smiled; you did the same. The two of you ate in silence sans for asking one-another how the food tasted. Pierre had stopped to collect your plates after you finished, and you requested a glass of wine for each of you. Twilight was opposed to drinking at first and put up some resistance, but you argued it just felt right to end such a luxurious meal with a tasty alcoholic beverage. After much ponderation, she agreed to just one glass and you happily obliged. You weren’t one for excessive drinking either. The wine helped loosen the tension you felt and from Twilight becoming increasingly more talkative, you figured it had the same effect on her. “Rarity would say this food was divine and I wouldn’t dare disagree with her!” Twilight comments while trying to imitate her friend’s refined accent, which she failed horribly at. You chuckle. “I’ll give you a Fantastic on that impression, Twi.” you poke fun at her, taking another sip of wine from your almost-empty glass. “It wasn’t that bad!” she lightly bucks your ankle under the table, giggling softly as she does so. You figure it’s about time to head home. You ask Pierre to bring your check and decline Twilight’s offer to split it - you invited her after all. Plus your chivalrous spirit would never let a lady chip in on a date, no matter what. You leave the right amount plus a tip - which wasn’t exactly customary by Equestrian standards but which you did out of habit, and soon you and Twilight had made your way towards the exit. “Come back soon!” Pierre said, waving a napkin in your direction from behind the counter. The two of you waved back as you headed into the streets of Ponyville. Twilight seemed to be much more mindful of your pace now - slowing herself down in order to trot by your side. The young unicorn paid minute attention to the surrounding buildings in town, much the same as you had done earlier, greeting acquaintances on the way. The Sun had moved further down by now and you figured it was way past three o’clock - and as expected, the youngsters were prancing around the streets after school. Cheerilee was likely making her way home as well, going the opposite direction of Twilight and you. You wave at her and she nods in agreement, giving you and your companion a warm smile as she goes by. Twilight giggles softly as she raises her head to look at you. Inquisitive, you ask: “What?” “Almost feels like you’re one of us.” she smiles softly at you. You rub the back of your neck, not really sure how to feel about that. “I guess it proves we’re very... adaptable?” “I wonder if I could find a spell to turn you into a pony? Maybe a pegasus?” Twilight smirks, raising her eyebrows in a joking tone. “Wha-, no, we agreed there was no gene or form manipulation whatsoever!” you raise your hands and wave negatively at her, a frantic pace in your voice. Even if she’s joking now, you will never forget the time she wanted to practice Number 25 on you. You’re a scientist - there is no ‘It’s magic, I ain’t gotta explain shit’ around you. Even... when there really is magic. “Come on, it would be fun! Big Macintosh can give you lessons on working the plow and Fluttershy could even... well, be afraid of you. But in a different way!” she goes on, grinning happily at you. You just chuckle back, at the very least pleased she’s feeling cheerful now, after all the commotion with Lyra earlier. The library comes into your line of sight now, and you feel surprisingly satisfied going back home after being out most of the afternoon. Home, huh. You ponder for a second, realizing for the first time Ponyville, and more specifically Twilight's library, would now be your residence for what seems like a good while. Not like anything changes - I have lived here for months now, after all. "Sooo... you're really against transmogrification huh? Hmm..." the young unicorn spoke again in a tone of curiosity. The cheeky grin she had widened further. "Well if you say so." She then raised her head your way, showing you a sensual expression followed by a wink. You just drop your head sideways, pondering what she could be up to. "Twilight, you promised." you point at her with your index finger as she picks up the pace and leaves you behind, giggling loudly back at you. "Alright, alright I get it. Don't you worry, I'd never do something you wouldn't like!" she continued, stopping at the door and whipping her tail in the air as you approach. “But it’s certainly good to be home!” she adds as the door handle is encased in purple magic and twisted, allowing that same cloud of magic to push the door open as Twilight makes her way inside. “...What is she up to now?” you wonder aloud, whispering to yourself. Twilight wasn’t one for keeping secrets, but you don’t think she would break her promise. It’s gotta be something else. But what? Your mind runs stray while passing through the door, your curiosity slowly getting mixed in with the expectation of continuing your exploratory relationship with the lavender mare. Ugh, I’m really becoming a fiend aren’t I? You stop to close the door behind you. “Well...” you turn to Twilight as she begins to speak. “Thank you for today. I really enjoyed it.” as she shows you a big, sincere smile. “But I neglected my studies almost all day, so I have to squeeze in at least six more pages of notes before it gets late.” she begins to climb upstairs, stretching the muscles on her neck as she does so, likely a result of sitting idly at the restaurant for so long. “More research into saucy human literature?” you snicker softly, smiling back so she knows it’s a joke. “Oh don’t be silly, that’s just for entertainment you know.” she blurts out without thinking, stopping midway and pondering over her words. Twilight’s face glows beet red and you wonder if steam had burst from her ears - though likely a figment of your imagination. “Ahem. No, this is real research.” she sticks her nose up in the air, continuing the climb to her loft. “If I had a door I would slam it right now, just so we’re clear!”  she continues in an upset voice. Twilight then rushes to the wooden railing, sticks her head in between the pillars and gives you the tongue before disappearing from sight. You laugh out loud, your voice echoing throughout the library - a kind of laughter you haven’t experienced in a while. Twilight was too cute, and you almost felt bad for teasing her. You shake your head negatively as you begin the short walk down to your room. Huh. You stop for a second, observing the room from top to bottom. Uh, something just doesn’t feel right. You continue, crossing your arms and squinting your eyes, turning around in observation. The rug on the floor had folds in it. Not the bumps that naturally happen from everyday traffic, but actual, visibly distinguishable folds as if someone had dragged a heavy load on top of it. These weren’t here. Of the three people living in this home, only one didn’t have some level of obsessive-compulsive behavior in regards to neatness - and he wasn’t here today - so why would these be here. You wonder if both you and Twilight could’ve missed this, but it doesn’t take long for you realize you’re just overthinking. Oh, come on. I’m being a paranoid now? You roll your eyes, using your foot to iron out the bumps on the rug. You sigh, not at all proud of the borderline schizophrenic fit there. You continue on, walking across the library floor to the door leading into the basement. You enter your room and continue down the stairs, paying little attention to the surroundings sans being bothered by any misplaced possessions. You swiftly drop on to bed, bouncing up from the springs in the mattress. Scooting in closer to the headrest and using your pillow as lumbar support, you close your eyes for a moment and take a deep breath. “What a day. Glad it’s almost over.” you comment aloud in the solitude of your room, raising your head and smiling at the world. Huh? you lower your eyes down from the ceiling, gazing straight across from your bed to your wardrobe. “What.” you spring forward in bed, eyes wide open now. The pile of scraps was gone. No sign of it - nada. “What!” you shout out loud, the sight forcing you to jump out of bed and get back on your feet. You quickly approach the area, a dumbfounded expression in your face as you’re overrun with shock. All those months of crawling through the fields, dragging things from the mud and bartering with ponies for these parts come to mind - and now all of it was gone. No more metal tubes, no more pressure gauges, no more release valves or vacuum chamber or blast compartment - everything was gone, down to the stupid blanket you used to hide it all from sight. In a fit of desperation you push the wardrobe from the wall, looking behind it. The silliness of the gesture wasn’t known immediately, but no part of your mind is functioning properly right now. Your breathing grows faster, your hands now holding the sides of your head in frustration. “What the hell, man!” you complain aloud, your foot meeting the laundry container by the corner, causing a loud thumping sound as it hits the wooden walls and ricochets back toward the middle of the room. Shit shit shit! That’s why the stupid rug was all wrinkled - this asshole dragged my stuff right out the front door! You rush back upstairs in long strides, busting out of the door with force. Twilight was making her way down the stairs as you come out. “Wha- what happened?” she raises her eyebrows as she realizes your distress. You ignore her for the moment and run to the front door, slamming it open and running out to the street. “H-hey!” she complains, following in behind you. You run out front, stopping a few feet from the library and looking all around you in an attempt to gather any clues, or see if the culprit was still around. But as expected, there wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. No marks on the ground that could hint at the direction the burglar took, or anypony suspicious - in actuality, you’re the one being looked at with suspicion by the Ponyville residents in sight. You turn around frantically, not much else coming to mind right now. Twilight observes you from the door, an expression of deep worry in her eyes. “What happened? What’s wrong?” she yells out for you, pending her head sideways. You take a few deep breaths before turning around to face her, your arms flop to the sides, your expression of anger now grows into one of immense disappointment. “They took it all, Twi. Everything, it’s all gone.” Slowly, you walk back inside, holding the door frame for some support as the shock made your legs wobbly.. “Wait, what? What is?!” she raises her voice, still unsure exactly what had happened, but her hooves clapped against the ground as if she were running in place, your distress obviously affecting her. “My machine, my experiment - it’s all completely gone. It just disappeared from the basement.” you come further inside and rest your upper back against the wall, slowly sliding until you’ve sat on the floor. “I didn’t think I could make it all work again but darn, all the stuff I went through to find all of it?” you throw your arms out in frustration. “You mean someone broke in and took all of it?” she questions you. “No no, that’s impossible, nopony comes into other ponies’ houses and just takes things.” she chuckles nervously. “See for yourself.” you point to the door to your room, a look of bewilderment in your face. Twilight frowns slightly as she observes you, trotting away in that direction, quickly disappearing through the entrance and further into the basement. You hear a faint “Oh no.” -- It’s around 9 PM now. You and Twilight had returned home not long ago from doing a preliminary investigation around town, asking questions from those who either lived or worked in the premises. Nopony had seen anything suspicious, which made Twilight a little uneasy about the whole situation. She didn’t want to think magic was involved in any way, but for any creature to get away with so much stuff - and such heavy stuff at that, too, without being seen or leaving any traces just smelled fishy. You had calmed down, the initial shock having passed. Still upset to have your things stolen, but now able to think with a clear head. You come out of the kitchen holding two steaming porcelain cups, hot chocolate for both you and Twilight. The lavender mare had been laying on the sofa since arriving home, almost as disappointed as you were - books on investigation methods scattered about. You sit by her side and put the drinks down on the coffee table ahead of the couch, raising a hand to her head and softly caressing her mane. “Hey Twi. Brought you something to warm up.” you say as your companion raises her head, observing you with her big purple eyes. “Thank you...” she responds quietly, sitting straight; a spark flies from her horn and the hot chocolate gets encased in a thin film of magic, which then levitates closer to her mouth. She blows on it for a few moments, the liquid slowly cooling to a more manageable temperature. You just let yours sit there, not a lot of incentive to drink it right now. “Well, at least we tried, right?” you force a smile her way, raising your eyebrows. Twilight simply glances at you, not really buying the truthfulness of your expression here. “Trying is a start.” she closes her eyes and takes a sip from her chocolate. “But we’re catching this culprit, sooner or later.” One of the books flies across the air to a pile further behind you both. “That’s the spirit.” you pet her head again, her tail swaying happily at your gesture. “As soon as Spike is home, I’ll be sending the Princess a note. I’m sure she will be able to assist in our search - maybe even dispatch some of the royal guards.” she says with pride, as if she knows the Princess would never refuse a request from her student. Which might just be true. “Thanks, Twi. For doing this for me.” Twilight simply raises her head further against your hand, shifting her face so your palm slides down its length and rests on the base of her jaw where it meets her neck. “It’s okay. You’re my friend, I’d never let this go unchecked.” she opens her eyes halfway now, her intense purple globes observing you. You feel your face warm up a bit with her gaze, looking away for a moment as you reach forward to grab your own beverage from the short table ahead, bringing it to your lap and holding it between both hands. You lower your eyes and stare at your faint reflection in the liquid’s surface for a moment. “So... Twilight.”, your words spike up her curiosity, and she turns fully towards you. “When you say... friend, you mean like Rarity, AJ and Pinkie?” you show her a short smile as your eyes meet. Her cheeks turn rosy with your question, her hind legs fidgeting slightly. “Um...” she pauses for a moment. “You mean? I.. I don’t know...” Twilight’s ears flop down. Your hand rests on her head again, and you put some weight to it. “Don’t need to think over it too hard.” you grin at her. “I guess... I’m just afraid of, well... Be used as some sort of boy toy or something of the sort.” “I don’t-” she speaks with difficulty as she lifts her head upright despite your arm weighing down on her. “-know what that means... but if it you’re implying last night I was simply... toying with you, it’s just not true.” her voice lowers down to a whisper: “I’ve-, well. Never been with anypony else... so.” raises her eyes to meet yours, pressing her eyebrows together at the center. Twilight’s revelation struck you as both adorable and unbelievable. At the same time, you were surprisingly satisfied to hear those words - perhaps a prime example of your care for her? Or perhaps a more dominant male-derived feeling of acceptance? “Oh. T-thanks.” you blush again, the reason behind your fulfillment ultimately of little concern. “Don’t be silly, you don’t have to thank me.” she says as her lips meet the floating cup again. “I guess... you could call it an experiment, too?” she continues, her cheeks growing further towards a dark shade of purple. “That’s... an interesting way to put it?” you put on an incredulous look as your head shifts sideways, not entirely sure what she means. “W-well, experimenting is what scholars do, right?” Twilight brings the porcelain cup to her face and observes you this way, her muzzle hiding behind the white receptacle and her large eyes focused on yours, yearning for attention. “So... we experiment with displays of affection and then come to a conclusion?” you respond, taking what you think is your last mouthful of chocolate. “And what is our hypothesis?” Twilight blinks twice. “Um, that...” her cheeks become even more flustered. “Oh, I don’t know!” the unicorn complains. “How about, ‘Twilight is really sensitive to the touch’?” you grin at her as your body props forward in order to rest your mug on the table. You know you’re not usually one for discussing the matter openly, but you can feel your hormones starting to stir up trouble. “Or maybe we can count how many erogenous zones you have?” you continue as your hand swiftly moves across the air in the direction of her head, the tip of your index touching the edge of her horn. As soon as your finger meets her skin, Twilight slightly backs away in shock - with the focus she had on her spell now gone, the cup she’d been drinking from falls to the floor and spills the scarce leftovers of liquid on the rug. She lets out a soft yelp as your hand presses in further, your finger brushing against the length of her horn. “W-wait, not there.” she complains in a soft voice, as if all strength had been sapped from her body. You tap your hand against your lap as Twilight observes with only one eye, a mellow discomfort on her face - on one hand she seems threatened by your caressing, on the other she seems to get unusual enjoyment out of it. She raises her gaze to meet yours, your hand still inviting her over as you slide down the sofa, burying your back against the soft cushioning behind you. “C’mere.” you say, smiling at your lavender-colored mate. Twilight shyly scoots over, turning 180 degrees in order to rest her head atop your lap. Her chin meets your thigh as she nervously raises her eyes every few seconds to observe you. Your heart beats faster now as her puppy gaze fixated on your face, hind legs bucking slightly from the expectation. “Done.” she whispers as she lowers her head further, neck now flush on your thigh, closing her eyes. You rest your left hand on her shoulder, at the base of her neck, entrenching your fingers amongst the silky hairs of her mane. You caress her coat there with your nails, using them as a comb while dragging your palm up and down her upper back. Twilight sighs softly, the tension in her muscles disappearing and the tip of her tail whipping at the air in a short twitch. Your right hand, which you removed from her horn as she moved, lowers down to her face until your palm rests on her nose, your thumb lightly grazing the young mare’s rosy cheeks. Twilight simply remains motionless aside from her breathing, which accelerates as the sensation of your touch begins to seep through her body. She then whispers softly, eyes closed: “It’s alright... my horn.” as her head digs further into your lap, turning slightly on its side. Her o.k. makes you grow more restless, and the careful rise you planned is now replaced by a hasty ascension of your hand towards her magic appendage- index and middle fingers digging softly at the fur on her face as they ride between her eyes. “Mmm.” she whines softly as your fingers touch the base of her horn. Your index turns around and touches it from the opposite side, your hand now grasping at it with care, rubbing its length with your skin. The texture was slightly rough, though her horn wasn’t naked bone - a layer of smooth skin surrounds it, which allows it the same color as her coat. It was rigid as expected, but not as lifeless as you had assumed it to be. Your hand presses forward, your finger reaching the very tip of her horn, where you scrape the rounded edge with your thumb. Twilight bucks her legs and makes more muffled noises, your touch likely hitting a nerve. Your left hand rises up on her neck and you quickly slip one of her ears under its grasp, rubbing on it with your thumb from the outside and sliding the others in, a gesture that sends her body in a short spasm, the hairs on her mane rising and her tail hanging in the air for a moment. “Wah?” she opens an eye and observes you, who now looks down at her. The hand grasping at her horn slides down to its base, where you hold it firmly under your palm, rising again and forcing a more passionate yelp from her. “Aaah.” By this point, Twilight had noticed the mound rising on your lap, your arousal slowly accumulating in your manhood. In between moans from your affections, the lavender mare puts a corner smile on her lips as she continues to observe you. Letting go of her ear, you slide your left hand down Twilight’s neck and slender frame, ruffling her coat with your fingers as you plant them on her flank, palm now resting atop her cutie mark. Her leg bucks involuntarily at your touch as you dig into her flesh with increased force. Your hand continues to caress Twilight’s cutie mark, an area you had already noticed being pleasurable to her kind. Sliding your hand up and down her thigh sends waves of tingly pleasure up the mare’s body, her mouth dropping open as she closes her eyes, focusing entirely on the sensations she felt. The drips of saliva escaping her lips found themselves moistening your pants, forming  stains before being absorbed by the fabric and meeting your skin. Her hot breath didn’t help contain your arousal either, as it became more noticeable and more enveloping the more you teased her. “H-hey, Twilight.” you say, as you look down, her one eye facing you now midway open with an air of total distraction. You remove your hand from her horn and slide it atop her mane, straightening it down her neck. “Think you could... uh, help me out here, too?” you continue while she blinks twice, then smiles. Twilight remains immobile, though she closes her eyes again and sticks her tongue out, letting it rest against the rough fabric of your clothes. She flicks it against your sheltered member, and then begins to drag the tip tip of her licker up and down its length, adding some downward pressure when it reaches the glans. You shiver at the sensation, which despite not being direct contact still gives you enough to grow increasingly harder, the containment becoming too painful to bear. Quickly, you run your hand from her neck down to your pants and take hold of your fly. Twilight observes, but as you begin to open it, she nuzzles your arm and moves it away. You two exchange looks, Twilight grinning at you with a certain perversion. “Nuh-huh.” she whispers, propping up her body and laying on her stomach now, both her front hooves placed atop your thighs as her face rests right above your crotch. “What are yo-” you’re interrupted by her mouth suddenly dropping right at the throbbing mass of fabric and man, her lips pressing further, taking the entire thing into her mouth sideways. You whip your head back as her warm breath, wet drool and tightening grip send a wave of ecstasy up your spine. You can only see the top of her head, but Twilight’s teasing is just getting started. She adds in her tongue to the mix, too, slithering up and down your shaft. You feel a nibble, which would otherwise be more painful than pleasuring, you think; but not this time. As you become more accustomed to the sensation, you feel as though you need to fight back - give her a taste of her own medicine. Of course, she doesn’t wear clothes so your counterattack needs to be a bit different. You wince as Twi adds suction to her array of teases, moving her mouth away with a pop, going back to it soon after. You grunt inadvertently at the sensation and one of her ear twitches, likely a result of your partner feeling superior for gaining the upper hand. Oh you little-. Your hand digs into Twilight’s stomach, surprising her and forcing her to pause and observe you. “Mmfh?” she asks, her mouth still glued to you. Your other hand slides under her front hooves and into her chest, her eyes bulging open in confusion. "Mmfh?!” you take that as a cue to enact your plan, flipping her body 180 degrees so that her stomach is facing upward and the back of her head rests on your lap, her hooves hanging in the air as a stunned unicorn tries to make sense of what’s happened. “Now the playing field is even, Twi.” you smirk at her, dragging a knee up into the sofa and keeping your foot on the ground, bringing your head in closer to your partner’s lower extremities, resting your cheek against her inner thigh. With your hands used as support and your torso and shoulder resting against the backrest, Twilight’s face remains only inches away from your sex while yours does the same for hers. The pose wasn't the most comfortable for you, but the soft cushioning in the sofa made things slightly more manageable. You run your eyes through the narrow space between your bodies and search for her face, curious to know how she's taking it so far. Twilight still looks straight up, blinking her eyes in a fit of confusion. Suddenly she smiles and runs her eyes down in your direction, the blushing of her cheeks momentarily subsiding as your gaze meets hers. "Wow! This is interesting." she says as her smile widens. You wonder what she's going on about, her reaction not really what you expected. "This is a very efficient design, I like it!' she grins happily and claps her hooves excitedly. Now the stunned one is you - for her to break away from a trance of arousal to compliment your choice of positions is just... strange. Very Twilight-y, but still strange. "Er... I guess. But hey, let's not lose focus." you wink at her, seemingly snapping her out of her observational praising and back to reality. Her face reddens again, the feeling of your skin brushing against her leg likely a culprit,  light spasms running up her thigh which now lightly bucks the air. "O-oh. Right." she grins coyly, tail joining her leg in producing short twitches. Perhaps this situation finally settled into her mind, as her hind legs relaxed further, allowing you full access to her marehood and beyond. A slight dampening of the fur around her rosy lips, along with a visible glister coating their length tells you your partner is quite ready for your advances. Twilight catches you in your observations and hides her face between her hooves. "I-it's really embarrassing though." she adds in a soft voice. You grin. You hand slips down to her side, shortly resting on her ribs. You drag it along her torso, then her stomach, raising it toward her belly and digging your nails in lightly. Twilight yelps loudly in surprise, her legs instinctively attempting to close shut - an act which you stop by a swift gesture of your arm: "Nuh-huh." you shake your head sideways at her, resting your palm on the young unicorn's knee. Twilight whimpers softly as your fingertips slide down her thigh, rubbing her soft coat and skin with your own. Soon your whole hand rests at the base of her leg, inches away from her increasingly moist sex, forcing a moan out of her lips. Your face presses down, your lips lightly planting a smack on her groin. The smell of her arousal again mixes with the smell of lavender, sending a wave of restlessness through your body. Twilight's body trembles lightly as the expectation of your advances grows, her breath becoming shorter. You could feel the heat emanating from her loins in your cheeks and fingers, a truly metaphorical fire burning inside while a thick streak of viscous fluid dripped between her already-soaked nether lips, continuing down towards the base of her tail where it gets absorbed by the smoothness of its hairs. Your ring finger slides down her groin, quickly making contact with the soft skin of her moist spot, where it digs in until its length is buried between the warm flesh. “Meep!” she cries out, followed by a long sigh mixed in with a moan. Your flesh becomes soaked in her fluids almost immediately, your finger turning slick and warm from her arousal. You drag the tip up and down Twilight's burning-hot sex a few times until her lips begin to part on their own, revealing their rosy insides. “Aaah.” she moans again, your thumb quickly dragging through her soft coat in the direction of her clitoris, where it presses down to her delight, a girly scream leaving her lips as your touch sends jolts of pleasure up her spine. “You like that?” you ask, a charming tone in your voice. Twilight responds with a waving of her tail and a short hum, sending a smile to your lips. Hehe, too easy. Your desire to tease her grows stronger and you know just what to do – you open your mouth and plant it right above the young unicorn's navel, blowing a jet of warm air right on to it. Not entirely sure whether the gesture is entirely to blame, but she arches her back and lets out a deeper, longer moan, the flesh around your finger contracting as her muscles spasm around the area. Her body straightens back again, her breaths shorter than ever – enough that it worries you a bit. Not soon after, you feel a tingly warmth around your thighs, the unmistakable sound of your fly unzipping follows. Twilight's magic encased your pants around the waistline, though it seemed so weak you worried it was even hers; even with your pants well loosened up, the light tugging on the fabric, likely her attempt to slide it down your legs, didn’t achieve much. The much aroused mare grew frustrated within seconds, and soon she had pushed her body upward, biting the fabric between her teeth and dragging it down as her head met the cushioning once more. You chuckle at the sight of your pants covering most of her face and neck, while her front hooves wave aimlessly at the air. You slip a leg out and wiggle the other so your pants slide down to the ground. “Trouble concentrating?” you tease, Twilight opening up her eyes. She frowns. “Whose... fault... is... that?” she replies in between each breath. You grin in satisfaction, your thumb firmly pressing against her clitoris. She cries out in a moan. After this, you give Twilight a chance to recompose herself, only lightly caressing her sex with your fingertips. It doesn’t take long, and soon you feel a warm breeze shooting up against the underside of your member, traveling its length and ending at the base. The sensation sends a tingly feeling up your spine and every hair in your body stands straight up, her target following suit, straight as a pole. “Tehee.” she says playfully as her lips meet the swollen tip, kissing it with a popping sound. Your hips tremble with the soft velvety feeling of her mouth meeting your skin, but you soon position yourself lower to give the lavender unicorn better access. Twilight plants her lips at the tip again, resting them there for a moment; the heat of her breath and your own arousal causing an intense itch to run through your penis, although this feeling is suddenly replaced by sheer ecstasy as her tongue encased your tip and masterfully guided it in between her lips. With a sudden movement, Twilight propped her head upward and took your entire shaft into her warm, wet and silky mouth. The saliva she’d accumulated coats your sensitive skin, her tongue twirling around it as the cherry on top. You groan at the indescribable sensation, feeling as if your flesh has begun to melt inside her. Twi’s tail twitches and you feel her sex heat up, her hips moving slightly and forcing your fingers to keep rubbing her nether regions. Not keen on letting her down, you gather yourself and give her clitoris another careful rub, though your thumb quickly gets out of the way. Your face moves in closer, her heat and her smell further enticing you to move forward until your lips sit right atop the pink slit of flesh between her legs, surrounded by a lavender-colored damp and fuzzy coat. Your upper lip grazes her swollen nub of flesh, sending both her rear legs straight up in the air and her mouth to even further ride up your member. “W-whoa Twi.” you complain, the tightness involving both your heads almost too much to bear. “Mffh..” her retort is ineffective, though her head falls back down shortly after that first contact. Her hind legs tremble slightly, her tail swaying happily from one side to the next, as if begging you to continue. You oblige with gusto, the finger you had planted within her lips now tugging them to the side as you flick her clitoris with the tip of your tongue before diving further down, your muscle making contact with the exposed pink flesh and immediately sending Twilight into a spasm. Your penis pops out of her mouth briefly, a thick coating of saliva dripping from the tip while she lets out a girly cry of pleasure. The salty, bittersweet taste of her juices doesn’t keep you from further digging your tongue inside her, soon dragging it up and down her marehood and adding your own saliva to the mix of clear liquids dripping down the middle of her legs. Your ring finger seems useless now, her lips parted on her own and giving your mouth full access, though not putting the fingers ponies were seemingly so amazed by to good work seemed like a waste. You slide it downwards until it rests atop her also-drenched anus, adding some light pressure to your touch but leaving it at that for now - with your tongue at work, it seems she didn’t even realize your stunt anyway. Twilight simply melted away, however, the only movement in her body being the shaking of her legs and hips and the vibrations in her throat producing the constant passionate moaning that filled the room. “Aah... Aaah...” she went, her chest heaving with each breath and her front hooves simply laying by her sides. Her eyes closed and she bit her lip, simply drowning in the pleasure you brought her with your expertise. The work she’d done on your sex earlier was arousing enough, but the thought of bringing her such pleasure certainly added to your score. You open up your mouth wide and position it right above her marehood, gluing your lips to her nether ones and fully encasing her in your mouth. Electricity shoots up Twilight’s spine with your gesture and she yells out loud, the area you’d just gobbled trembling heavily; her orgasm came quickly, but her hooves shooting straight into the air and pressing your head between them tells you it was a strong one. You move your mouth slightly to the side, your cheek getting hit with a spray of sticky juices, which soon drip down to your lips and chin. You chuckle happily as your partner’s limp body rests on the sofa, her heavy breathing the only sound breaking the silence in the dimly-lit library floor. She cooed softly. “Waah... “ You maintain this position for a tad longer, though your back straightens up and your hips move further down, your stiffened penis only an inch or so from her gaping mouth, through which Twilight took breath. From here you could see her face, her eyes looking straight up and covered by a haze or arousal and fulfillment, the fur around her muzzle stained by the dripping saliva coating your member and a thin streak of the same fluid running from the corner of her mouth. For maybe a minute you observe her recompose herself, her chest slowly returning to regular movements, the pressure of her exhaustion fading away. She blinks once or twice, then directs her gaze your way. Her cheeks become rosy upon planting her orbs on your shaft, which sits so close to her face now that she can hardly see your own. Twilight gulps hard, eyes stuck to your throbbing member. “U-uhm, should I?...” she asks, seemingly unsure of the protocol here. You chuckle softly - the confidence she gains when aroused makes her very different from the cute, slightly awkward mare you’ve grown so fond of. But your workout there had drained much of your energies, and the investigations you both did around town had already left you tired. While your libido wishes you could go on until morning, your logic tells you there’s just not enough fuel. “Nah, it’s alright, Twi.” you respond in a soft manner, though you bring your hand closer and gently push the tip of your erection further below, hitting her so slightly on the nose. She closes her eyes, the gesture clearly slightly uncomfortable, but so harmless she just lets you be. “I’ve a better idea.” you continue, easing yourself from above her and sitting in the spot where her hind legs rested, though not before moving them out of the way. You scoot yourself lower so that your buttocks nearly rests on the edge of the cushion. You tap your hand on your lap as your eyes fixate on Twilight’s. She seems to quickly get the gist of it, but sighs. “Augh... I’m a bit sore, you know?” she complains, moving from one side to the next, trying to free herself from the trench her slender body had dug in the soft cushioning. “And all your touching against my horn made it really sensitive to use magic.” her tongue flops out in your direction, though she seems to hide a corner smile. “Hey... pick me up?” she cooed again, batting her eyelashes seductively; honestly, you have to think the move works better on Rarity. You give her an incredulous look sprinkled with a corner smile before twisting your torso and taking hold of Twilight’s front hooves, which she happily raised in anticipation of your assistance. You pull her your way until she’s in a sitting position, her long silky mane falling over her face and covering it until a quick shake of her head sends it back to its place. What a spoiled little one you think. “There we go. Better, Ms Sparkle?” you ask as your hand runs down her neck, tidying up her ruffled mane. Twilight raised an eyebrow, realizing she’d just sat in a pool of her own love juices, her rear sliding from side to side in the slick puddle. “Uhm, maybe I should have thought that through...” she then stands up on all fours, raising her rump from the sofa where thin lines of goo link her glistening fur to the cushioning. You observe from an angle, missing most of the glorious action while Twilight seems less than pleased. “Feels sticky...” she turns around to observe, but you don’t give her the chance: holding her by the elbows, you pull her closer. Twilight comes tumbling down on top of you, her chest now sitting atop your stomach and her dumbfounded face resting on your shoulder. You stroke her mane softly which seems jumpstart her arousal once again, a throaty moan leaving her lips. “Oh. It’ll get worse, don’t worry.” you whisper into her ear. The fur on Twilight’s back spikes up from her neck down to her spine and her body shivers with your declaration, eyes opened wide looking up your jawline. She simply squeaks almost inaudibly while your dextrous hand slides down her back, ultimately resting it right above her tail. A slight pressure there forces Twilight’s hind legs to give, the lavender mare now resting on her knees. You feel your sensitive tip meet the soft fur of her belly, where its short hairs prickle your skin making you wince and your member throb. She seems to pick up on this, as she moves her body ever so slightly so it rubs up and down against you. Your eyes cross amidst all this and your lips instinctively meet hers. You two share a passionate but slow kiss with Twilight being slightly more aggressive than usual. Her tongue interlocks with yours, as her front hooves rise to embrace your neck. Her lips close down on yours and simply stand there, glued for a few seconds as she scoots over, raising one of her hind legs across your body and sitting on your stomach. Her tail sways happily and falls down right above your phallus, intertwining its long silky strands all around it; it’s yet another delicious feeling, though you begin to grow increasingly frustrated from all this teasing. The unicorn mare returns her attention to the kiss, pressing her head further against yours until your neck is flush against the backrest. “Mmhf...” she moans quietly. You use the opportunity to raise your idle hand to the base of her neck, holding her against your body until her chest is pressed against yours. Her heartbeat is strong enough to feel through your shirt and flesh, pounding heavily amidst short breaths she takes while your mouths remain interlocked. The hand you kept rested on her rump slides down behind her thigh, the tips of your fingers rubbing down her sensitive areas, prompting a slight twitch of her lower half, until you take hold of her leg at the knee. Twilight moves her head back slightly, the kiss broken with a popping sound and a streak of saliva connecting you both. She gazes into your eyes lovingly, as if she’s expecting you to take the lead from now on. You smile at her. Twilight’s serious semblance embodied all that she was, but now perhaps more. Not once did she mention her list so far, or referenced the erotic books that seemed to have started all of this. You can’t help but wonder if it was all an excuse, but don’t really believe Twilight could be this sly. I mean, look at her. Her defenseless body splattered atop yours and her eyes begging to be taken throw out any suspicion of malice on her part. Though... of course, your bloated member, dying for release, might be clouding your judgement here again. You sigh internally. “Ready, Twi?” you whisper in her direction, to which she replies with a coy nod. The hand at her neck pushes her slightly downward while the one at her thigh lifts it up ever so slightly. Twilight slides down your torso until the area between her legs meets your upright-standing penis, such a wonderful fit it’ feels like a game of tetris where the only piece missing is a straight one. Twilight’s eyes bulge for a second as her nethers are struck by the heat of your skin. Your hips seem to gain a life of their own, the feeling of having your member enveloped in the unicorn’s moist and burning-hot lips being the last straw to your composure, the movement forcing you to rub up and down against her. Grinding your skin against her folds shoots a wave of pleasure up your spine and you groan quietly. Twilight giggles coyly, a devious little smile taking hold of her lips. Her hips then make a circular motion, pushing herself further against you to the point where your penis bends backwards and gets buried further between her lips. You grunt again, this time louder. The lavender mare approaches your face with her muzzle and licks you on the cheek before resting her chin on your shoulder. “Go on...” she whispers in your ear, standing still. You can hardly wait any longer, so your movement is swift and precise - your hand rises up her thigh and with your index and middle fingers touching the base of your member, you give it a push inward. Twilight moans softly, though it still fails to slip inside. You lift your stomach and her body along with it, tugging at it with your fingers once more until you feel the tip slide ever so slightly into her entrance. You ease your torso back down and Twilight comes along. She lets out a little stifled cry as your throbbing member slides further inside her, the slick walls of her sex convulsing around your girth with a life of their own. “Aah...” she sighs as you further press yourself in until you’re halfway there. Your breathing accelerates as the feeling of envelopment overtakes your senses, the constricting just further enticing you and provoking further arousal, enough that you stop for a moment to avoid orgasming too fast. It seems as if she also enjoys the feeling greatly as a thin bubble of magic begins to form around her horn - still too weak to cause any damage, but present enough to send sparks flying through the air. Twilight bites down softly against your neck in pleasure. “Ugh... just a tad more, Twi.” you tell her as you adjust your hips that her body slides further back, though only slightly. Twilight cries out loud as the move sends her rear further into your groin, your penis becoming fully encased in her burning-hot sex down to the hilt. The feeling of her lips pressing against your base is indescribable - the velvety feeling of her fur against your skin is soft, but the heat emanating from her nearly singes you. Your shaft isn’t in much better condition however, buried fully inside her, constantly being kneaded by the unicorn’s muscle convulsions and stimulated from every angle. “Woah...” you blurt out, trying to contain a more vocal outburst. The unicorn further bites down on you, a stinging pain arising from the gesture though it is completely lost in the storm of pleasure you currently feel. Twilight moans deeply with each breath, her hips shaking slightly from side to side. The pleasure is immense, but by simply standing there, both your minds seem to declare a strike in favor of primal instincts - thus she grinds on top of you faster and faster in short but elliptical motions. Ha ha... like a planet. Your thoughts seem to begin threading on the bizarre - any more and you will lose all reason... so you bring your hands to her waistline and wrap them around Twilight’s slender unicorn body, pressing her against your own. She gargles out something unintelligible, then quiets down except for the low-key moaning sounds escaping her lips. Her sounds of pleasure entice you further, and upon realizing there’s no going back from here, you muster what strength you had left and begin to rock your hips up and down. You begin slowly, your penis still enveloped by her insides and her grip on you strong enough that her slit attempts to come along until the elasticity of her flesh pops it back in place, a spray of bodily fluids splattering against both your bodies. You pull halfway out and then thrust back up, forcing yourself even further inside her by applying the full weight of your arms against her body. Your lavender-colored partner winces as your tip hits her deepest spot, her tail flailing up straight into the air. “Ahhhhnn” she moans aloud as she exhales, tightening the hold her front hooves have on your neck. Another movement has your shaft almost completely out of her, giving it a few short thrusts back inside before plummeting her body down with a smacking sound. “Augh.” she complains, a hint of pain following her voice. “O-oh, sorry.”, the apology most sincere - you didn’t mean to hurt her at all. You simply keep still for a second while she composes herself, but Twilight doesn’t seem to agree. For the first time she uses her hind legs to raise her hips and suddenly drops down, your penis again piercing deep inside of her. You groan, her unexpected reaction catching you by surprise. “Tehee...” she giggles softly in between moan-breaths, a hint streak of saliva dripping down the corner of her mouth and meeting the skin around your collar bone. “Go oooonn...” her mellow voice fills your ears and your hormones go crazy. She was actually losing her mind - the diligent, serious and distant Twilight Sparkle was behaving wild and all from having sex with you. Your member suddenly contracts at the thought and you feel you can’t be far from climax. Deep down you wish it would go on for hours, but that’s unrealistic at best. Your hips begin an uncoordinated bounce up and down the cushioning, the couch’s wood framing squealing in desperation. Twilight’s lower half comes along for the ride, sometimes growing five or six inches apart from your groin, though always meeting back down with your penis deeply buried inside her. Her slick juices splatter everywhere, the bottom of both your bellies coated in the clear liquid and a healthy heap of it sliding down your thighs. “T-Twilight, I’m almost-” she refuses to let you finish, raising her head and bringing her lips to yours. Her heat seems to grow even further in a burst of ecstasy, her insides kneading you with such force that you no longer can contain yourself. The orgasm overtakes your senses and you can no longer care about anything but the pleasure at hand - you blank out, not even realizing you’d just yelled aloud against Twilight’s mouth. She does the same as her own orgasm sends her body shaking, her marehood gripping you so tightly that it is only after it winds down you’re able to ejaculate. The sensation was uncomfortable for a few seconds, but indescribable afterwards, the feeling of release beyond wonderful; your semen fills every nook and cranny of her innards where your erect penis failed to, whatever she couldn’t keep inside her spurting out of her entrance. Twilight still kept going, the feeling of fullness apparently triggering another orgasm, though a weaker one. “Aaaaaah!” she cries out after you two break the kiss, her horn going wild with her leftover magic, knocking some of the books off their shelves, sparks popping and sizzling in the air. It’s only a matter of seconds before her body loses all strength and her limp body flops over yours. Her eyes closed shut while her heavy breathing still produced the occasional high-pitched whine even after appearing fast asleep. You wait until you can breathe normally again, only holding your lover between your arms. Resting your chin against her forehead, you relax - every ounce of stress in your body having met its match, you simply enjoy the snuggling while your member becomes limp and pops out of Twilight. The unicorn smiled in her sleep, as her cheek rubs against your chest and her hooves tighten their grip, now around your torso. Phew... what a day... You look out the window at the faint lights coming both from Ponyville’s residences and Princess Luna’s half-moon now high up in the sky, shortly wondering over the day’s events. You raise your hand to your partner’s head, petting her mane with the last hint of energy you can muster up. Your exhaustion takes the best of you, and soon your eyes close as well - to hopefully meet her in your dreams. “... night, Twi.”. Chapter 2 - END Congratulations, you’ve made it! I honestly don’t know how you guys do it. This chapter took me quite a bit of determination to push forward - I had to abandon the effort at around 8/10ths due to a few RL responsibilities, so I apologize it’s taken me a little over two months to come forward on my promise. I truly hope you have enjoyed this chapter and that it builds on the first one. I have an idea or two about how I want to move forward, but I am almost dead-set on Chapter 3 being nearly all clop - I promise to make it interesting though! Also, I promised a prize last time, so here you go: http://www.reddit.com/r/ClopClop/comments/twl6g/scenes_from_happiness_lies_across_the_room_ch2/ Note - It’s graphic.