League of Legends: The Pony Princess Patch

by Wasabi-beans

First published

The four alicorn princesses go on a vacation... in the League of Legends.

The four alicorn princesses go on a vacation... in the League of Legends.

As Champions.

Celestia... Princess of the Sun.

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"Welcome, to a very special League of Legends Champions Spotlight, featuring..."

And on the screen appeared the Four Royal Ponies: Celestia, Luna, Twilight, Cadance striking a strong, ready for battle pose.

You could practically see the bloodlust in Luna's eyes. The confidence in Celestia's pose. The giddiness in Twilight's wings. And the cold sweat on Cadance's face, smiling a little too hard for the camera.

"The Pony Princess Patch...really? You sure? Umm... 'kay..."

"Sister, why did this 'Phreak' sound unsure about us?" asked Luna, sitting in the front row of an Institute of War hall. The rows behind them were literally all the other Champions of the League of Legends (separated into their preferred company of course), watching the latest projection as well.

"Well, most of the Champions here in Runeterra do walk only on two legs," said her big sister sweetly, "And the videomakers did say they quite liked the candidness of some of the footage and I think they wanted this Spotlight to have more pizzazz to it,"

"Ah, makes sense," she muttered, and they continued to watch.

"These four kind-hearted and... adorable... Royal Ponies come from a land from a different dimension called Equestria. Upon accidentally stumbling upon the portal that links The League and their kingdom, Princess Luna had the bright idea of initiating the friendship between the two dimensions by... having a vacation in the Fields of Justice as Champions. They may be sweet and full of friendship but their might is second to- okay, this has got to be a joke, right? This has got to be a joke!"

This caused some of the champions to snicker and laugh quite a bit. Nasus, who was also on the front row with the Ponies lightly chuckled. And everyone definitely heard Cho' Gath's demonic guffaws.

Annie giggled as she still continued to comb the mane of a rather annoyed Twilight. The moment the talented little sorceress saw the bookish purple one, she squeed and kept riding on top of her in an adolescent bliss.

After some light whisperings, "Really, this isn't some April Fools... alright, alright... Let's see, where were... The first Champion that we will look at... is Celestia..."

The screen then focused onto Celestia, "Princess of the Sun,"

It then moved on to a top down view of Celestia taking a relaxed stroll around Summoner's Rift, sniffing a brush or two.

"Celestia, by far the eldest of the Ponies, is wise as she is powerful, harnessing the very might of the sun to deal long range damage with plenty of utility to assist her team.

"Celestia's passive is Lightspeed, where repeated usage of her spells actually increases her autoattack range. Her initial range in every match is equal to Malzahar's or Ryze's but, after casting six spells in a short duration, it gradually maxes at Caitlyn's range,"

The Sheriff of Piltover spat out her muffin in shock upon hearing that, knocking her rifle onto the floor. Her partner, Vi The Piltover Enforcer, kept laughing.

"As we can see here in the mid lane, the moment Ryze even tries to get close, he was already hit by a few shots from her enormous horn... why does the script say enormous horn for?? Who wrote this!?

"Anyways, to better explain her abilities, we'll start off with her channeling ability, Channeling. Okay. So activating this spell immobilizes Celestia, not allowing her to autoattack anymore but gives buffs to her other three abilities. Upon successful channeling for two seconds, she is then able to cast one followup spell,"

Celestia, on the screen, lowered her stance and began to glow a magical yellow all over her body.

Her most reliable damage spell is Solar Beam, where she briefly channels and fires a beam to damage all enemies in a line. But when Channeled however, Solar Beam becomes Solar Flare. In this scenario, we see Celestia Channeling in the brush, and instead of a straight beam, summons the very power of the Sun to blast a gigantic angled beam of pure solar heat, scorching the earth, and a quarter-life Ryze in the process, think of it as Viktor's Death Ray times a hundred,"

"I can still smell the singe on what little hair I have left on my face, Princess!" commented the Rogue Mage to a gently chuckling Celestia.

The screen then transitions to a teamfight about to occur in top lane, both sides unwilling to engage.

"Her utility spell is Mass Cleanse. Ryze manages to actually get in range to land his Void Prison on the opposing mid, but Celestia activates Mass Cleanse,"

And an aura as large as the Troll King's Frozen Domain bursted forth, and the snare was cleansed away, even Nasus's Wither on Twilight had also been removed. Celestia's team then pressed forward with their own spells.

"Later in the match, Celestia is once again Channeling right in front of Ryze. The Rogue Mage decided it best to retreat, but when the Channeling has completed, Mass Cleanse became Mass Teleport, and she teleported a massive distance away in front of him, also still casting the Cleansing spell,"

Ryze practically skidded to a halt and before he could juke away, was turned into ashes by Celestia's Solar Beam.

"Singed," Ryze loudly complained.

"Yes, Master Ryze?" taunted The Mad Chemist from the back rows where the other Noxians were.

"Shut up!" he yelled without turning.

"And Celestia's Ultimate spell is called Solar Glare, ha-ha, and yes, it's another Area of Effect spell, specifically, a global spell,"

And the Ponies could hear almost every Champion lean forward to hear more intently; global spells are nothing to be trifled with and can turn the tides of any match.

"Celestia is now speaking amiably with that Yordle that hangs out in the summoner platform... you, you can do that? What? Ermm! While her team is fighting the other team near Baron. But to assist them, she casts Solar Glare, which globally blinds all enemy Champions for two seconds, so that they are unable to throw out any autoattacks, though spells, if they're lucky, can still hit,"

Whilst 'Phreak' was narrating, the entire map flashed a brief white but not too much that it obscured anyone's vision. However, Celestia's opposing team clearly felt the effects of it and ran around in a panic.

Baron Nashor the giant worm got a triple kill as a result.

"The resulting damage from Solar Glare is in fact not very high, but as her team starts to push the inhibitor while she is... cleaning her hooves in the river, I think... the desperate Purple Team tries to make a final stand. The moment Solar Glare became available, however, she begins to Channel once again, and this time, instead of just Blinding them, if there is an enemy champions available within an enormous radius equal to Nocturne's launch range with Paranoia, targets one Champion who remains in vision throughout the entire channel.

"Ryze again, of course. The moment Blind is gone, She then leaps up into the air and fires a super-charged, concentrated beam of light all the way to the half-health Ryze, leaving only a Ryze-shaped statue made of ash,"

Then the unthinkable happened. Ryze was struck with a very audible Astral Blessing, increasing his health by quite a bit though not up to full health. He turned to his left and saw the gracious Soraka waving at him pleasantly.

"Thank you, Soraka," said Ryze icily through really gritted teeth, "... for the heal. And for also letting the entire League know that this video was a recent development,"

"Celestia would usually take the Summoner Spells of Ignite and Flash, for maximum damage and escapability, but she didn't even use them in the entire match, so who knows?"

"Judicator, you may need to teach me when to use these two useful spells," asked Celestia to Kayle, in which she nodded, and she pointed up to the screen and said, 'Twilight,"

Twilight... The Princess of Friendship.

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'Phreak' continued, "Next up, we have Twilight Sparkle... the Princess of Friendship,"

Annie and Twilight simultaneously squeed.

Luna leaned to Celestia to whisper, "I thought Twilight Sparkle was the Princess of Ponyville,"

"Technically, she doesn't really rule Ponyville," replied Celestia, "And she insisted on being known for her friendliness, though I think that may end up being a bad idea,"

"This... friendly and apparently highly intelligent pony is a hybrid marksman and caster, capable of performing intricate comboes to constantly befuddle the enemy and deal tons of damage. Wait, is she reading up on other Champions whilst in the match??"

She was. The screen was large enough to all to see that she was in the brush reading a large tome and was specifically reading up on The Minotaur.

"I wanted to read up on how Supports work..." said Twilight shyly. Alistar was also in the front rows, and blushed as a result of overhearing.

"Twilight's Passive is Multi-Tasking, in which she... multi-tasks. What this specifically means is that when channeling a spell she can actually cast every other spell as a result besides her Ultimate, though only one extra followup each time. It is important to note that Twilight actually has two channeling spells,"

This caused a murmur across the audiences. What could this four-legged bookworm be having up in her sleeves?

"Twilight's rapid-fire spell is called Magic Missiles -wow what a nerd- where, besides passively increasing her attack damage the more she attacks a single target, has an active component to it. Here in her fight against Alistar and Lucian, she briefly channels it for two seconds to greatly increase her Attack Speed to fire autoattacks that have bonus Magic Penetration to them.

"Lucian tries to use his Relentless Pursuit to dash away, but Twilight is able to function like an adorable little turret and slowly pan to his direction. Unfortunately, her support Annie throws out a Disintegrate, and the fireball Kill-steals Lucian, 'cos that's what Annie does,"

"You still remembered I apologized, right?" Annie even gave big puppy dog eyes that could compete with how big Twilight's eyes were.

Twilight sighed, "Yes Annie, I remembered,"

"From the beginning to end of Magic Missiles, she can turn a full thirty degrees before the spell goes on cooldown, so it's like a mini 'The Culling'," continued 'Phreak', "Her next ability is called Blink... she blinks to her target location. Oh, definitely a book-smart,"

"I suppose since he's analyzing Pony champions means he can slack off on his professionalism, just great!" grumbled Twilight, as Annie made small braids on her mane,

"But where it gets interesting is when she combines them with her other abilities. In this small skirmish, Twilight again activates Magic Missiles against Lucian but Alistar body-blocks the shots and charges in with a Headbutt from a distance. While Twilight is clearly still channeling, she Blinks backwards just a few steps away from the end of his dash and Annie kill-steals with Summon Tibbers,"

"You still-"

"I'm not mad Annie, it was my first match, and it was only a demo match. Stuff it,"

"Her third skill is Stun Splash. Twilight first channels for a rather long one second whilst moving 20% slower, and unleashes a large AoE around her to stun her enemies, for a short 0.75 seconds, but is left with an aura that Twilight can autoattack for an on-hit effect to consume for bonus attack damage.

The screen wipes to a teamfight occuring in the jungle. Twilight escapes away from a tri-bush as her team re-engages. She stops running, and it was clearly seen that a sneaky, scheming look appeared on her face.

"Twilight here has a combo to re-engage in the teamfight. First she channels her Stun Splash. Remember that although she can still move, it's still considered a channel and can be interrupted with: being Airborne, Forced actions, Polymorphs, Silences, Stun and Suppressions.

"Next, she teleports right into the engagement, in front of Lucian no less, and the Stun Splash releases, stunning everyone in the process. She then channels Magic Missiles point-blank at Lucian. And with barely any health left, Lucian and Alistar dashed away in the nick of time. Twilight and the others give chase. After some ring around the rosies in another bush, Twilight activates Magic Missiles again, but Lucian flashes over a wall, in which Twilight Flashes and then Blinks and Magic Missiles almost gets the kill, then Lucian ran headfirst into Tibbers, resulting in another death for the enemy, and another assist for Twilight,"

"I saw him being Summoned the moment I Blinked into that teamfight and I still don't understand how he wondered so far away from you!" Twilight exclaimed in frustration.

"Do you want me to make Tibbers apologize again?" asked Annie delicately, pulling out her stuffed teddy.

"No... that's... quite alright," Turns out Annie Hastur, The Dark Child, while very talented, doesn't actually know how to Summon Tibbers without a gigantic burst of flame.

Twilight learnt that first-hoof when Annie called out Tibbers to apologize. Luckily, Annie knows a spell that can re-grow her mane back, so she's got that going for her, which is nice.

"Lastly, Twilight's Ultimate Spell is... The Learning... just... The Learning,"

Lucian physically cringed at that, "So that's what it's called,"

"Am... am I reading this script right? You sure? 'Cos it says here: The way The Learning works is that Twilight will either see the entirety of an enemy spell, and/or get affected by an enemy spell, and from what we see, once she experiences and/or sees it for three times, four if it's an Ultimate, Twilight can then replicate the spell perfectly..."

Twilight's ears pricked at how everyone moved up to the very edge of their seats now.

"That's... kind of... is that what... okay, so here we have Twilight literally staring intently at Lucian performing his The Culling, and that's the second one, that's the third time she's just looking without doing anything while he gets a Triple Kill, and then in this teamfight around her bases's top inhibitor, He does it one more time, and while he's channeling it, she's also channeled her Stun Splash, and she Blinks right in front of him. Right when he gets stunned, she activates the Culling..."

The audience couldn't believe their eyes. Out of the huge glowing aura emanating from her horn, the little pony was dishing out two barrages of bolts, both being pure light. Lucian's health was dropping rapidly fast and in desperation tried to fire back, but he was eating too many shots... and then he shot Annie who had a Molten Shield up, which deals magic damage to enemies that autoattacks her.

"Penta Kill!"

The audience was (s)tunned in (s)ilence.

Annie broke it, "Okay, you can't blame me for that one,"

Then Vayne who was sitting next to a Lucian, who was mysteriously smiling, asked, "I thought you knew how Molten Shield works?"

"I knew alright," he said, "But at least for the moment, I feel more dignified getting executed by the original little purple princess. Twilight's gonna' be a real challenge in the future, and I don't want her to have a mental heads-up,"

"Our third champion in the Pony Princess Patch is Luna..."

And the audience got their first taste of what's to come.



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"Okay, that was loud, ow... anyways, Luna is a... err, shouldn't Luna be standing idle on the screen here? Where is..."

"AAAHHH!!!" squealed a familiar voice quite excitably. The 'camera' panned to the left and everyone could see that Luna had a certain Mouth of the Abyss in her arms and snuggling him like some oversized teddy bear.

"Oh you are just the cutest little monster I have ever seen and snuggled!" exclaimed the Princess, squeezing him even further, causing him to blurt out more disgusting noises, "I am most pleased! You shalt be brought to meet the other Royalty, for you will make a most wonderful mascot for our royal band!"

And the camera followed Luna to meet the others, and, unsurprisingly, had the opposite reaction to Kog' Maw.

"WANT MEAT!" asked Kog' Maw, who was still in Luna's hooves, wiggling his airborne toes.

Cadance tucked herself in a bush, her head hidden but clearly making noises like that of Kog' Maw's.

And in the Institute of War hall, the current Cadance sank further and further into her seat, wishing she wasn't there in Runeterra at all.

In the section where those of the Void sat (except Kassadin naturally), Kog' Maw turned to Malzahar while pointing a tiny claw at the screen, "NIGHT PONY FEED ME WOLF MEAT! THEN PLAY WITH ME!!"

Malzahar chuckled and petted the Mouths's giant head, "Indeed, Kog' Maw, this one here is most intriguing...!"

The screen transitioned to Luna finally standing by, awaiting to show her moves to the camera.

"Right, Luna can be summed up as a melee fighter with strong crowd control and ganking, able to pick off stragglers or engage an entire team.

"Her passive, Innate Lightning, is fueled from her emotional adrenaline and vigor, in which every fifth attack causes her to unleash lightning from her horn, striking up to 3 enemies, focusing on champions, so it works a little bit like a mini Statikk Shiv,"

Two caster minions and, of all Champions, Hecarim, got hit by the lightning to demonstrate the passive.

"The first ability of Luna's is Transmogrification, in which Luna sends out a skill shot lightning bolt that turns one non-allied minion, monster and pet into her pet that she can control for 18 seconds, providing them with an slight armor and attack speed buff as well,"

Luna sends said skill shot out to a siege minion, in which its features became spikier, and shot at Hecarim with a surprisingly aggressive speed.

It took Hecarim more than a few hits to finally kill it, shaking his head in disapproval.

"Oh dear..." commented 'Phreak'.

"This 'Phreak' and even the Centaur did not like the added feature on Transmogrification, sister!" commented Luna to Celestia.

"Well, it is a tad tenacious..." said Celestia.

"I know, it is brilliant! It will put such fear into the enemies' hearts!" Luna happily exclaimed.

"Luna's second ability is called Royal Voice... great, more loud noises... and it's essentially a conic blast where Luna roars so powerfully it knocks back the two closest enemies in front of her. Were they to collide to a wall, they will then become stunned,"

"BE STILL!!" bellowed the onscreen Luna onto a minion and Hecarim, who collided with the wall, resulting in the stun.

"Her third ability is Royal Temper, and it comes with two parts. Its passive increases her health regeneration up to a cap the more she autoattacks and the active component is when Luna may activate Royal Temper to reset her autoattack to land an extra strike, that combines the total damage of hitting three enemies into hitting one enemy, but Innate Lightning's passive will not work until after the cooldown is done,"

And said projection showed exactly that, with Luna roaring, "HRRAAAHH!!" for extra effect. Luna's horn also glowed, and a huge bolt of lighting from the sky impacted right on Hecarim.

"The on-hit effects from this attack is, one: a 20% attack speed buff, and two: a damage steal where Luna enjoys increased attack damage while the enemy has reduced damage as a result, and the bonuses lasts for 10 seconds.

"Luna's Ultimate is Temporary Night, and it actually causes the entire map to be converted into a moonlit night, and it reduces the sight radius pretty much exactly like Nocturne's Paranoia, but lasts 8 seconds long instead,"

"THE NIGHT WILL LAST... TEMPORARILY!"bellowed the princess, and her horn glowed which swiftly turned the bright day into a slightly more illuminated night, but the sight radius is reduced to the same amount.

"Temporarily?" asked Celestia.

"Well, it is an accurate proclamation is it not?" said Luna rather sheepishly.

"In addition," continued the Summoner, "The moonlit Night occurs grants her an increased movement speed buff, and the attack speed bonus from Royal Temper is also activated for the entire duration,"

Unbeknownst to the ponies and most of the other Champions, at the very back rows of the Hall, were the imprisoned champions that were held against their will, that were shackled onto their seats by magical runes for security purposes.

There were various reasons for this, such as having no allegiance to a particular group (unlike Kog'Maw and Cho'Gath who were permitted to sit with the other Voidborns), but the main being that these were some of the most unstable and dangerous champions around: Fiddlesticks, Renekton, Shaco, Brand, and of course, Nocturne.

With Celestia, he felt annoyance; another being of the sun, curses!

With Twilight, he felt glee; my, another pure soul to torment!

With Luna, he uttered, "What...?"

It wasn't a loud utterance, but it was the first time any of his fellow champions heard the Eternal Nightmare express genuine shock, including their current jailer, Lee Sin.

"Blind Monk! Is this some runic trickery!? demanded the Nightmare, getting up from his seat, "How is that possible!? How can she have a skill that of MINE!!?"

Lee Sin immediately activated a rune, electrocuting Nocturne.

"Aargh!!" he screamed, and the energy pulled him back tighter onto his seat.

"I don't know Nocturne," he coolly replied, "Now behave yourself,"

And he did: he kept staring at the screen, not with the usual white, slit-shaped eyes, but now with wide, gobsmacked eyes, his mind racing in ways even he himself did not think was possible.

Another one... like me?

The screen then showed the words Tips and Strategies, with Luna waiting beside the Dragon. "It is very important to note that Luna is, thankfully, banned from enchanting the Dragon or Baron Nashor, and were she to do so, this happens,"

She shoots the magic bolt at the Dragon, and much to her visible disappointment, simply turned away and haughtily pointed its snout up in the air.

"I did not see why the Summoners wanted to add that impolite gesture!"

"You were proudly riding the Dragon around the battlefield before they filmed us, little sister," answered Celestia, "I think they wanted to teach you a lesson!"


"However, the Ancient Golem, Lizard Elder and even the enemies' summoned pets, she has free range on. In the initial stages of the game, Luna is able to make an important choice: use her skills to quickly pick up the buffs, or immediately Transmogrifying one large monster to quickly gank a lane. Luna of course chooses the ganking route,"

Luna shoots the bolt at the Ancient Golem and it then was under Luna's complete control and began to follow her out of the jungle.

"Luna now begins her gank on the enemy Trundle. Whilst The Troll King is busy with Kayle, the Golem moves up the river, a Luna attempts to ambush him from behind, creating an intimidating three-way gank,"

"The Golem appears from the brush and heads onto Trundle, which causes him to panic greatly, and retreat only to run straight onto Luna's well-positioned Royal Voice.

"PILLAR THIS, PEON!!", which knocks him onto the wall, stunning him.

"However, before the trio could go in for the kill, comes pretty much the biggest risk to using a powerful Monster as a gank tool. Hecarim charges in from the south with Onslaught of Shadows, causing the three who flee in a magically induced Fear,"

"NO SISTER I DIDN'T WET THE BED!!" screamed Luna mindlessly.

Whilst Trundle makes his escape, Hecarim focuses on the Ancient Golem, and before Luna could even touch Hecarim, he used his Devastating Charge to flee away, and also Smited the Golem for the valuable Blue Buff to boot.

And to add insult, his obnoxious laugh echoed all the way into the bushes.

'Phreak' didn't speak, simply because the script cued him to hold his peace for the following scene that was recorded in full glory.

"My gank..." weakly muttered Luna, still staring at the brush where Hecarim disappeared to, "My beautifully executed, three way gank... ruined..."

"Princess, we must continue with the match," said Kayle coolly as she continued to push the creeps once again.


Kayle responded to her proclamation by whacking Luna's head with the flat side of her sword, and then pointed sternly her to the jungle where she belonged.

"Alright! Alright! I will continue jungling!" whined Luna as she scampered back into the jungle, "Stupid centaur..."

Luna sank into her seat, sulking childishly. Celestia could only giggle and ruffle her mane, to which Luna roughly shoved her sister's hoof away.

"Luna's kit only makes her a fantastic duelist as well, thanks to her balance of crowd control and sustained damage," Phreak continued, "Here she is now dueling with Hecarim. Whilst Hecarim's heals is fairly strong, Luna's own health regen passive is keeping up with the centaur's, so... they're just... standing on one spot, smacking each other, with neither one backing down..."

It was amazingly the most intriguing sight so far in this very weird spotlight. Hecarim never stands still. But here he is, angrily hitting Luna, which enraged her, in which she retaliated with thunderous clubs from her hooves, which enraged Hecarim, and the cycle continued, whilst both their heals kept them going like clockwork.

It was such an intense and ridiculous sight that literally champions on both teams just stood around them and watched. Celestia took this opportunity to trot to Trundle, who conjured up a Pillar of Ice to lean on.

"Ahem, excuse me, King Trundle, is it?" asked Celestia.

The Troll King beamed upon hearing his acknowledged title, "The one and only of course!"

"Well, you see, I was rather curious at what we are seeing here," Celestia gestured at the still stubborn equine battle royale, "Is this common?"

"Not with Hecarim it's not!" admitted Trundle,"Gotta' say, I thought you little princesses were some kind of joke, but anyone who can give Hecarim a staredown of a beatdown has got some real brass on them!"

"So, is it also common to step in between two deadlocked champions?" she asked.

"Sure! But that means we're back to fighting, and no offense, but I'm right beside you with a really big club, you best just let them finish it up!'

"Oh, I'm sure I can make some adjustments," beamed Celestia with a pleasant smile.

And without warning, she activated her Ultimate, Solar Glare.

The opposing all shrieked at the sudden Blinding effect, including a Hecarim who trotted back in shock, which gave Luna an opportunity to press her advantage and struck him hard.

"GAH!!" he yelled, the Blind finally wearing off, "Who dares interrupt my duel!? I shall-"

What happened next was something no video footage can capture, for it happened in such quick succession that not even Celestia, Luna, or anyone else noticed it.

Hecarim saw her clearly for the first time. A radiant, four-legged dawn personified with the most ethereal of manes and the warmest, sweetest pair of eyes he ever saw.

She looked at him with such warmth and gentleness with the most sincere of smiles, that he felt a hitch in his throat, if he had one.

And best of all, she spoke to him.

"Sorry," her smooth as butter voice whispered into his souls. And in a Flash, she was out of his sights, for she dodged a clubbing from a now very ticked off Troll.

Hecarim thinks he's in love with a pretty pony princess. The big white one, of course.

For the obnoxious blue one just killed him with a bolt of lightning.

"With the sudden and surprisingly underhanded Solar Glare, Luna finally finishes off her foe who had no time to react after being Blinded," said Phreak, "And that concludes Luna's Champion Spotlight! Overall, she's a very dangerous ganker with a lot of positional control and raw damage.

"And now we present the final princess...

"Cadance... the Princess of Love!"

The audience sees a zoomed in shot of the nervous Princess in her seat, where beside her, also sat a certain white unicorn with blue hair, equally as nerve-wrecked...