Equestrian DJ's

by atait8

First published

when I say The living tombstone and Wooden toaster it's because I don't know there real names
any way this is a story about a DJ whose career is going nowhere then one morning he wakes up in canterlot castle
will his career do any better then on earth?


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You wake up for a another day of nothing you go to school sleep for half the class and when you get home it's right to song making your career is going nowhere and you know it but you for some reason keep on making songs you only have 100 subs on youtube you make two songs then you watch the newest episodes of mlp the it's off to bed you keep thinking "why can't I live in Equestria?" the next day would change your life forever

Chapter 1

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You wake up like every other day but you release that you're in a castle you yell "where the fuck am I?" in a voice that sounds like you're not scared but you're scared you keep on saying to your self im dreaming im dreaming you go to rub your eyes with your hand's but there hooves witch scare's you even more. You hear a voice say "do not be scared" "where are you" you yell and who the fuck do you think you are kidnapping me? I am princess Celestia. Why am I here? you ask in a more relaxed voice now knowing who your kidnapper is also where am I? you are in Equestria she says e-e-e-equestria? you ask shocked she just nod's ok that answers one question now why am I here? you ask I was just granting your wish from last night she say's and here your DJ career will go very far she says but there are way more people that should get this chance more then me like the living tombstone or wooden toaster you sate they are here too she say's in fact im sending the three of you to go to ponyville together. This isn't happening you say do your self I must be high oh you're not high she says to you this is all real so this is a different universe? you ask her yes it is she reply's then that means there ways already a me here where is he now? he is in your universe his career will do better in your universe then here this is very weird you say I would think so she says a few more question where am I going to live? well the you that use to live here she says ok where is that and how am I going to pay bills I don't have a job there are clubs in ponyville you know well no I don't know that you say being the smart-ass you are now off to ponyville you go she says but I have no idea how to get ther.... and out of nowhere you're at the outskirts of the town you enter the town it's a nice little town you think to your self then out of nowhere a pink pony zooms up to you and start's saying a hundred words a second you were about to say pinkie pie shut up then you remember that if you say her name she might find that weird she then ask's you your name shit you didn't think of a name you say the first think that comes to your mind my name's slim slim shady

Chapter 2

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thats a really cool name slim shady she says thanks so what's your name? you ask im pinkie pie she says ok pinkie pie you can just call me slim ok? ok you can just call me pinkie. Ok pinkie do you know where I can get some thing to eat? oh yes you can go to sugar cube corner I work she says shit you think I don't have any money pinkie I just remembered I don't have any money but when I get some I'll go there ok? oh thats too bad she says im just going to head home you say ok she says then walks off thats if I can find it you mutter. After what feels like forever trying to find your house and no luck you hear a voice in your head who's there you think it is me princess Celestia im here to tell you that you just passed your house oh thank you and I might need a key there you are a key lands on your head thank you you're welcome then she's out of your head you unlock the door the run to the fridge and hope there's food in it mostly bacon nope manly just broccoli not bad you say lets just hope there's a oven in this place you turn around yes there is now just need a pot and water. After eating the amazing broccoli you walk around the house you find a safe knowing the person one owned the safe was just a pony version of you you guess the code and you're in find a couple thousand bits jackpot you say I wonder how much some turn-tables cost wait Celestia said that he was a DJ too so where is his turn-tables?. It takes you 10 minutes to find the room where the turn tables were kept after you enter the room you say to your self fuck this house is big you play around with the turn tables then you find his record's holy shit there's a lot of music here more then mine well all my music was on my computer you make a sick mix of two of his songs you have no idea what time it is but you're tried you look out your window sun's setting so about 6 maybe? you look down and there's a huge crowd of ponies outside your house you go outside to ask why there all at your house before you can even say hello there all telling you that was amazing all you can say is thanks you're not used to being told your song's were good let alone amazing. Then a white unicorn with a amazing blue mane came up to you and said that was sick what's your name? im im slim shady but you can call me slim you say cool im vinyl Scratch but you can call me vinyl she says every pony I met today does that well you did it first she says so what do you do for a living you already know the answer to that but you really want this conversation to continue im a DJ like you oh I got to go to work but we should hang out sometime she says then run's off yes you think to yourself

Chapter 3

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A couple days have passed and you ran out of food guess im going shopping you say need some bags first I wonder if have any after looking around for 10 minutes you find a saddle bag and a few dimes a lighter and a bong I`ll use you later you say then it`s off to the town on your way there you think why pinkie did not throw you a party yet whatever you see sugar cube corner I did say when I get money I would go there you think good thing im hungry you open the door to the shop and you see pinkie just standing hello pinkie you say oh hi slim you here to get some food? yeah what do you have? you ask "oh we have cookies doughnuts cake`s cupcakes" cupcakes you think to yourself why did I read that fan-fic? so what will you have she ask's you give me dozen of everything but one cake you say okie dokie she says that will be 50 bits please there you go pinkie you a say thank you she says then you have to go back to your house to drop everything off so you can get back to shopping while you're out you see vinyl she walks up to you hey slim shopping? yea need some food need some help? she ask you yea! help would be great as you say that you pass a store with top hats and canes you stop and say I need one of those she don't even try they only sever fancy ponies wait here vinyl you say and enter the store the owner walks up to you and say's can I help you yes you can you say with your fake british accent you can do I would love a cane and top hat right this way sir thank you after buying the hat and cane you exit the store with a smile on your face and you see vinyl with her mouth wide open she looks at you and she says how did you do that still doing the birtish accent you anything is possible with a accent. Holy shit how did do that voice she asks you I really don't know how I do it I just can. Anyway let's go to the market they don't have meat witch makes you think is there any meat in this universe? oh vinyl do you know where I can get a job? yea you can work with me she says really that would be great you say no problem I was going to hire some-pony to help me any ways so why not you she says thanks vinyl but what do you mean by help? you ask oh you know going to the store for me clean up the stage for me she says oh well im going to have to say no to the offer you say im kidding she yells oh you say feeling like a idiot but I do need help with the music and you're great at it so how about? she ask's how much will I get paid? 100 bits a hour like me she says ok I'll do it now I think I have enough food for the next couple weeks you say I'll help you with the stuff she say's thank you vinyl as you walk in your house oh just put those in the kitchen I'll be in there in a sec just got to do something you say ok she then walks in to the kitchen you're on your way to the kitchen when you hear her say "um slim what is this" the only thing you say is fuck