> Rainbow's Date with Destiny > by AlliePastel > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Fallen For You > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was dusk of a warm autumn day. Sitting on a train was an earth pony and a pagasus awaiting arrival in Appleloosa. The roaring of the trains engines were quiet but apparent making the inhabitants of the private train car need to speak louder. “Applejack, why exactly am I going to Appleloosa again?!” A voice called. Applejack brushed her mane, focusing her attention from a shaky mirror to her rainbow maned friend the blond pagasus yelled, “I told ya, I’m visiting my cousin in Appleloosa and I thought you two should meet eachother.” The pagasus blew her bangs out of her face in protest, “Psh Applejack, I already met him remember?” “Well that was different Dashie, I was asking him about his time in Appleloosa and he said he was feeling awful lonely attending to the crops day in, day out by himself.” Rainbow Dash hopped off her bench seat, “Woah woah woah, you think I want to be set up on some sort of blind date? What do you think I’m not capable of finding a stallion myself?! “No Dashie; don’t you think that. I was talkin to him about my friends and he said he wanted tah meet you in particular!” The pagasus looked at the earth pony quizzically, she blushed very slightly as she asked; “No kidding?” “I am the element of honesty after all ain’t I?” Rainbow dash cocked her head, “Wait, what makes you think I wanted to date your two-bit cousin anyway? Isn’t dating someone in a differn’t town a bit… dumb?” Applejack raised a hoof in response but couldn’t think of a valid response. After all, even if the two fell in love there’s no guarantee they could talk to each other again. Applelossa is quite a ways away from Ponyville. “Well RD, quite frankly I don’t know. What I do know is Braeburn is there’s a really special somepony that wants to spend time with you, and I’ll be darned if he ain’t good lookin too!” The pagasus placed her hoof squarly on her lips as she thought of her options, at the very least she’d get experience perhaps? “I’ll do it, is he expecting a date?” Applejack smiled, “Uh-huh.” “I see, I suppose you’re staying at the motel?” Applejack chuckled, “Either that or a bar.” The two ponies laughed a moment before an abrupt stop jolted each of the off balanced ponies forward a little bit. The two didn’t waste any time, trotting fast the two made it out of the train in less than a minute. The two exited the train that stalked the outside of the main city, both pony parted separate ways down the street. Remembering that she had no prior knowledge of Appleloosa’s geography she called “Wait Applejack!” but there was no response heard. Applejack had disappeared and the poor filly was all alone in a new town. Rainbow Dash inched slowly along the wood paved sidewalks the town’s people had set up. Not to many strangers roamed the streets this late making any pony easy to spot, Celestia knows how AJ managed to slip away without her noticing. An hour later; it was dark, it had gotten cold, and the pagasus was still in desperate search for her (not so blind) date. Fortune be had it that the lone rancher himself came walking up one of the board walks. The two ponies caught eyes contact for a moment; pulling a photo out of his leather vest he did a double take confirming the facial recognition of the mare in front of him. He kept looking back and forth between the mare and the photo; the dark night sky made it difficult to see her after all. Rainbow Dash fed up with the bitter cold stomped her hoof, “Braeburn, Yes it’s Rainbow Dash!” BraeBurn scratched his head laughing a little bit, “Oh, well hai Rainbow Dash” the stallion approached the filly, “It’s awful nice to meet ya, Did Aj leave already?!” Rainbow Dash walked up to the handsome earth stallion admiring his muscles in their entirety, “Yeah, it was pretty weak of her. The girl loves her cider though, more than me. Well I like non-alcoholic and she likes alcoholic so I-“ The pagasus blushed, “Sorry, I’m ranting aren’t I?” BraeBurn smiled, “Awh, well I don’t mind. I’d love to hear bout’ ya, wanna stop inside a restaurant maybe? Oh my, I just thought; you must be freezing ain’t ya?” Braebrun dropped the photo. Fidgeting his arms around a bit he managed to pull the vest off his figure, he handed the leather jacket to the pagasus infront of him. “I’m real sorry I didn’t think of that sooner, most folk out here are used to the cold by now. Took me a second to remember it’s colder at night in Appleloosa than Ponyville.” Rainbow Dash slipped her arms through the arm holes, pulling it up all the way she hugged it a bit in its warmth. Brae Burn rubbed the back of his golden mane, “I know it t’aint much, but I don’t wear my jacket this time of the year.” Rainbow Dash walked up beside the stallion nuzzling his neck, “No, it’s alright. That’s really sweet of you, I mean it. You’d never see a ponyville pony do that for me.” Brae burn wrapped his left arm around the pagasus. Rainbow Dash grimaced at first but accepted it, he wasn’t dirty and his arms were rather warm. Maybe she could get used to it, just for a little bit though. Rainbow Dash leaned into the embrace a bit more, “That’s really cool of you Braeburn err… hot? No- I mean’t” “Haha, it’s alright Rainbow. Now how about I get you something to drink?” “No It’s cool, I’m not into alcohol.” Braeburn shrugged with his one free right arm, “Don’t have to be alcoholic, just an excuse to go inside you know? Perhaps you’d like some tea?” “You know what?” Rainbow Dash looked at the Stallion, “I’d really like that.” “Well alrighty, Misses Dash. There’s a small shop just round’ the corner here.” The two trotted brisk fully trying to find refuge from the winter cold. They soon enough found themselves inside a wood warmed cabin shop. Family pictures of the owners hung on the wall, the scenery was illuminated by small oil lamps, and the furniture was all hand crafted from wood. The two approached a small wooden table; acting fast BraeBurn ran to the table and pulled one of the finely crafted chairs from beneath it. “Sorry there Rainbow Dash, it’s been a while since I’ve been out with a filly.” Rainbow dash leveraged her up on the chair, she felt Braeburn push her forward. She thought to herself a moment about how strange the stallion was acting. She couldn’t put a hoof on it but he seemed to be acting a bit… over charming. “So Brae burn, how have you been? It’s been a long time since I last saw you. You look a lot more fit to…” Braebrun blushed, he took his hat off from his head and set on beside him. “Well, the apple industry in Appleloosa is booming. I work day and night to produce the highest amount of apples I can. Hell; I’m getting rich because of all the over time I put into it.” The pagasus turned her head quizzically, “Overtime? Don’t you own your farm?” “Course I do, the more I’m able to sell, the more I profit. I don’t want to tell Applejack bout’ that now because I know she’d be tempted to move to Appleloosa.” “Well, why shouldn’t she?” Braeburn smiled coyly, “Well it’d be good for her family but not for her. If she moved then she wouldn’t see you as much, an she really likes your company.” “What, what do you mean by that?” Braebrun rubbed the back of his head, “Well, she told me that you’re her best friend. Despite your two’s rivalry she thinks you’re a really interesting filly an she actually sent you on a date with me cause’ she thought you deserved it.” Rainbow Dashes face broke out into a subtle smile, her eyes got glassy as she took in what the stallion had just said. “Say Braeburn” “Yes, Rainbow?” “Is that really why she picked me?” All of a sudden a perky brown waiter showed up, she popped into the air in some sort of Pinkie-esc stunt of stage play. “Welcome to Spirit Brews beverage joint, what can I offer y’all?” The stallion looked at the Rainbow maned filly then looked back at the waitress, “Oh, blooming tea for the mare and I’ll take eh… a white tea.” “Will that be it?” Braeburn tipped the hat he thought he had on his head, “Yes m’am.” The stallion watched as the perky waitress trotted away. Shifting focus he look Rainbow Dash in the eye, a look that almost made him look a little self-conscious. “Well, teh’ be honest with you Rainbow. She gave me pictures of all y’all, and a little description. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m sure y’all are wonderful mares but you, well you stuck out amongst the rest. The pagasus blushed as she started playing with her front hoofs. She keep her head lowered as she raised her eyes, “What makes you think I’m special?” The waiter walked by with the serving tray, she handed the two ponies their drinks and left a receipt. Rainbow dash sipped at her drink impatiently waiting for a response. Braeburn smiled at her as he pondered the question, he too took a small sip at his tea. “Well to be honest Rainbow Dash, you look the bravest of the bunch. Like you’re willing to try new things, and you’re not afraid to be who you are… Well that and you’re remarkably beautiful. That rainbow mane of yours is something prettier than I could describe.” Rainbow Dash blushed deeply as she took another small sip at her drink, “oh” she squeeked. Rainbow Dash occupied herself with her drink avoiding eye contact with the stallion that was clearly interested in her. It’d been years since a gentle stallion wanted to be with her so much. Coughing slightly she tried to keep a smile, her face still a bit crimson she said, “Well, I think you’re pretty handsome too. I also like your style.” Braeburn chuckled, “Oh, why thank you Rainbow. Although it comes with the life style, the west really hardens you ya know?” “Yeah I guess so.” Rainbow whimpered a bit. She thought to herself, ‘I blew it didn’t I? He doesn’t want to date me, he just wanted to take me on a date.’ A brief silence filled the air as Rainbow’s expression went form a bit shy to sorrowful. Braeburn lowered his eyebrows, “Awh, what’s wrong sugercube? Ya got awful quiet all of a sudden.” The pagasus shook her head, “Nothing, it’s stupid.” Braeburn smiled reassuringly reaching his hoofs over the table, “Come on now Rainbow Dash, tell me what’s wrong. I promise I won’t laugh.” Being reluctant at first the pagasus extended her front hoofs forward. Taking a deep breath she locked eye contact with Braeburn. Her eyes got glassy as she looked at his eyes, “It’s just. I know what’s going to happen! I’m going to get a kiss from you, you’re going to tell me that you love me, and then I will never hear from you again. It’s happened with all my stallion friends in ponyville and I-I-I” Braebrun leaned in an kissed the mare on the lips. Her face got crimson again as her face flared with more emotions than she could handle. Braebrun broke the kiss gently pressing her forehead against Rainbow’s, he keep eye contact with her beautiful magenta eyes. “Rainbow Dash, I’ve been dreaming of this night for over a month now. I promise I ain’t going to stand you up, I’ll even stay in Ponyville for a while if need be. I just want to let you know that I love you and hope that you love me.” Rainbow’s eyes got watery, she started to cry. “Thank you, I know this is un-cool of me but” Braeburn backed up into his seat allowing Rainbow to do the same. “Nah, it’s fine Rainbow. I know it’s a lot to handle; but hey, the ladies can’t ever keep their hands off me.” “Oh you stop” Rainbow laughed a little bit. “So you’ll wanna leave, my place ain’t terribly far from here. I figure you need somewhere to stay.” The cyan pony weighed her options for a moment. If she went to a motel room she’d have no chance of finding Applejack, maybe Applejack would know to come to Braeburns house? Maybe Applejack though her and Braeburn would kick things off right away. Rainbow Dash’s face broke out into a small grin at the thought of Braeburn’s member in her- (Wait Rainbow, that might be pushing it), she thought to herself. “Sure, lead the way. And um… thanks.” “No problem, I wasn’t going to let you go that easy anyway.” The two laughed. Braeburn threw a few bits on the table, climbing down from their chairs the two stood side by side. “Well shoot, Here Rainbow. Take my hat too.” “What? Why would I do that?” Brae burn looked outside, “Cause it’s freezing out hon, and I don’t want you catchin’ anything now.” She gave him a hug, “Thank you”. “Don’t mention it, now do your stretches if you need to. I don’t reckon you want to be caught in the midst of Applelossa freezing now do you?” The two walked out of the wooden tea shop’s front door. Their footsteps went from light to fast. Rainbow started running as fast as she could while remaining behind Braeburn. He noticed it, his member. His member and his muscles for that matter, they were both noticeable and it excited her. The rainbow mane pony shook her head, this is what always killed her relationship’s after all. She would get excited and she starts wanting ‘affection’. She kept her eyes focused on the stallion’s rear, It looked so soft yet so har-damit! Rainbow found herself getting annoyed. (Why are you such a pervert?) She hit herself on the forehead. Going from the towns boardwalks, to plain meadow lands, to forest Applejack knew that they were getting closer. The truth was realized when the image of a decently sized wooden structure appeared on the horizon. The two made it to the doorway, both of them were panting, thankfully the cool autumn air kept either one of them from sweating. “Wow-Braeburn. You’re the first sta-stallion to be faster than me.” “Well- shucks Rainbow, guess I’m j-just in shape.” The two inhaled and exhaled several times before entering the house. It was more of an apartment complex. The kitchen, living room, and bedroom were one in the same. The whole place was furnished with white carpet and red walls similar to the color of apples on Braeburn's flank. Braeburn’s bed was weird, it was a dark maroon blanket over a queen sized mattress and white Tpillows. The rest of the place had pretty standard wood furniture, modern appliances, it was very nice. “So Rainbow, you want to hit the hay? Maybe I could wake you up early in the morning and we could graze the forest area or-?” The pagasus looked a bit disheartened. “Awh, don’t worry Rainbow, I’m not going to make you sleep on the couch or nothing.” The cyan ponies’ heart dropped, she knew she had one night to make a serious impression. She didn’t really want to wait much longer either. She clenched her legs; she was wet and she wanted to be with him now. Rainbow blushed, “It’s just… could we sleep in bed… together.” Those words made Braeburns heart sink as he put on an uneasy smiled, “Oh, sure I guess. You wanna just?” “Go to bed now? Yes, I mean sure.” She squeeked. Rainbow Threw off her stallion friend’s hat and dropped her leather vest to the ground. She climbed under the heavy sheets as did the handsome earth stallion. She breathed deeply, he wrapped his arms around her rather slender figure. "Braeburn, can I tell you something?” “I suppose so, shoot.” “I can feel your cock, it’s hard, it’s rubbing up my backside, and I kinda want it.” The stallion smiled, “I thought you might say that. Wanna try something special?” The cyan pony swallowed, “I don’t know, what do you have in mind?” Without hesitation the stallion reached around Rainbow’s body bounding her wings to her sides. “It’s a little game I like to call ‘You’re stuck doing this now’” Rainbow Dash’s mind caught up with situation, this wasn’t what she wanted or was it?. She started pushing at the stallion that had climbed on top of her. She couldn’t budge him he was too strong. Braeburn made contact with Rainbow’s eyes as he locked her lips with his own. The pagasus tried protesting; attempting to push her dominator’s tongue out of her mouth she made her situation worse; to the stallion, it felt like she accepted his tongue. She felt the vibrations, he was moaning. This wasn’t right, it really wasn’t; and then it happened. She felt her lover’s member rubbing up against her pelvis. He lined up the tip of his cock to meet up with her considerably wet lips, he broke the kiss. Parting his tongue from her mouth he watched as a string of saliva stretched between the two; It fell back into the pagasus’s mouth. Braeburn and Rainbow looked at each other’s faces for a second; each of them shared the same exsausted expression with a similar blush. The stallion dimmed his eyes as he asked, “Ya know why I chose you Rainbow Dash?” “N-no, w-why?” Rainbow squeaked “Lookin at your body, I can tell you’re a virgin. I can see it in your face too, you’re scared right now and that’s alright. Look, I wanna be your first and hopefully last Rainbow Dash. I love ya a lot.” Rainbow’s eyes got watery; she waited her whole life for some stallion to say that and now some pony she just met a few hours ago was almost recited her exact thoughts. “I don’t know Braeburn, you’re nice but how do I know you’re being honest.” Braeburn smiled, “I am Rainbow, believe me I am” He redacted his arms from around the cyan pony’s back. Using his right arm he graced the mare’s rainbow mane away from her face, “You mean more to me than just sex, you’re a real interesting pony Rainbow and I want to be with you” A dead silence filled the cabin’s cool air. The two starred at each other, Braeburn looked concernedly at Rainbow as she teared up more and more. “Come on now Rainbow, if ya want we can stop. We’ll go to bed an-“ Rainbow leaned up and kissed him; she grabbed his chest and closed her eyes. “No, please Braeburn I want this!” “Are you sure now?” “Yes, I’m sorry. I was just scared, I didn’t want you to hurt me is all, I know I’m acting majorly uncool.” Braeburn layed his hands on the side of the cyan pagasus’s cutie marks, “I promise you I ain’t going to hurt you.” He lined his cock up with the pagasus’s snatch as he held her plot a little tighter, “Now I’m going to guide you through this alright?” He lined his cock up with the pagasus once again, his full weight bared down on her like the blanket that lied over both of them. He slowly started pushing his member forward. Rainbow Dash felt it, her own vaginal walls expanded as the stallion kept pushing. “Come on now, Rainbow. Be a big filly and don’t cry to much.” Rainbow stared at him, her mouth opened partially while she drooled. “Braeburn you going to have to- Ow”! Braeburn kissed the pagasus as he broke through the young pagasus’s hymen wall, it happened; she was now his. The pain of the insertion didn’t last long before it was replaced by another, his full length now in her a fiery sensation enraptured her snatch. In and out the two lovers rocked their pelvises to compensate for their movements. Rainbowdash felt her own walls superheat, Braeburn took notice and pushed his cock into the pagasus’s flower especially hard. The pagasus held tightly onto the strong earth pony as her pelvic area seemed to vibrate, her hot girl cum sprayed unto her partner’s shaft. In the midst of her excitement the mare let out a cute subtle “oh” in her lovers mouth. The two’s rocking seized for but a few seconds as the two picked their pace back up. Rainbow’s face was burning hot, she never thought she’d feel this good before, all she wanted to do was make it happen again. Braeburn was experienced, he knew if Rainbow orgasmed again she’d be tired. He held back his own temptation until he felt it, Rainbow Dash had released her floodgates again, this time letting out a long moan in the two’s connected mouths. Rainbow was exhausted, she let go of her hold on Braeburns back as she yawned. “Braebrun, can we stop now?” she whispered. Braeburn kissed her again her eye lids parted slightly before they opened up completely. The reality of what the stallion was doing came into full affect. Weakly she started pounding against the stallion as he held her plot with one final grip. He thrust upwards and lodged his shaft one final time into the mares snatch and rammed her into her clitoris. She thrust her hips upwardly in instinct. Rainbow started kicking weakly as she desperately wanted a release from her lovers grip, she started crying she knew what was going to happen, and she felt it. A warm sensation relaxed Rainbow as she felt a convulsing wave message her tunnel. Inside of her she felt wave after wave of her lovers cum merge with her own. It felt hot, relaxing, yet she hated every minute of it. Braeburn rested on top of the mare for a second longer as he leaned in to kiss her on the cheek one last time. He lay on his back beside the pagasus triumphantly as he panted heavily. Rainbow meanwhile panted too, she felt as an array of her and her stallion friend’s seed pour out of her flower. Her entire body shaken in fear and lust she weakly crawled up beside Braeburn. No years of athletic activities could have prepared her for this night; she nuzzled up beside the earth pony. Sprawling her arms around his strong chest she felt his left arm wrap around her back. She held close onto the stallion as he soothingly brushed her mane. She began to cry. “Is everything alright Rainbow?” She nodded digging her face into the stallion’s chest. “Thankyou B-Braeburn, I-I lo-love you.” “Awh, I love you too Rainbow”. Rainbow’s nerves were shot for the rest of the night as she held on tightly to the earth stallion. An overwhelming amount of emotions of fear and shame filled her mind, she felt raped. She wasn’t ready; yet, she loved the stallion next to her. She cried softly as her vision faded to black, he’d keep her safe and warm though.