> The Tale of Survival > by Emerald Knight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The New Arival > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ POV Kris ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Me and my group of friends Hoss, James, Josh, Tristan, Steven, and Travis walk through the streets of New York City, we have just came from the secret bass hidden under the Empire State Building, the streets are filled with bloody coupes, and burning cars and trucks. We haven't found any survivors here, it's a good thing that the lab was where the President said it would be, to bad there was only bad news and death down there. "Hey, Kris." I look over to my friend Tristan "Yeah" "What you thinking about man?" "Nothing much, besides the fact that there was nothing but bad news in that old lab." "Well look at the bright side at least we know the world isn't going to blow up anytime soon." "You call that the bright side of this?" "Yes, it is the bright side of this." "I don't see how you call that the bright side of things." "Really? How do you not see it as a bright side?" "Well for one, I think it would be better if the world blew up to stop our suffering and the dead from joining the living." "You mean for God to take away our fighting chance." I look over to Hoss, he's always the one to see bad things as blessings, i'm the only one who can tell a curse from a blessing "Yes, I think that the world is dying anyway Hoss, I think God should stop our suffering and give us the rest we've earned." "It sounds to me like we have a quitter on our team boys" "I'm no quitter Hoss, you know that more than anyone else here." "Yeah I know, but you talk like a quitter, and I know your better than that Kris." "Well, maybe your wrong." "I'm never wrong Kris." "Yeah right, what ever man." I slip out my head phones and plug them into my phone which is going to die soon, 'I need to bring it to that power guy in D.C. when I get back.' I push my favorites playlist and my favorite song plays 'Monster' by Imagine Dragons . Me and the group have been walk for almost 3 hours now and my asthma is starting to act up "Hey guys, can we take a break, its starting to get hard to breath?" I say while wheezing very badly "That's what she said." my friend Hoss said as we keep walking, earning a chuckle out of everyone in the group "Nice one Hoss." James lifts his hand up and ball's it into a fist and Hoss does the same and they fist bump, he then look back at me and said "Sure you can take a break, but where not stopping till we get to the White House to give the President the information we found." "Really, your going to make a wheezing man with asthma walk another God knows how many miles just to give some stupid info to the President instead of trying to find a cure with my blood, I mean hell I'm willing to give then as much blood as it takes so they can find a cure, but they refuse and say they need us to find some bullshit papers in a bullshit lab in the middle of New York City, and that don't sound strange to you?" "Yeah, it sounds strange to me, but we need to get these papers to him so they can defended them selves from what is going to happen, and its going to happen very soon, so either you keep walking with us or you sit down here and wait for the shit to hit the fan!" that last part he yelled at me, he never yelled at me this much "HELP" "Did you guys hear that" I ask looking over to Hoss who nods in response "HELP" it sounded like a girls voice "Hoss we need to find them." I say look around to see if I can see them anywhere, I saw something move in a window of a near by house "HELP" I hear then scream as I rush to the house and kick the door down and run up the stairs "HELP" "WHERE ARE YOU?" I scream back "IN HERE" they were banging on the door with a cabinet in front of it "I'M COMING TO GET YOU" I yell as I run to it and struggle to push it out of the way, when I finally get it open I run in and pull out my 9mm pistol and look around. They were silent. "I'm here, where are you at?" I asked to who ever is in the room "Ugguh" I hear from the corner of the room. I turn and saw a zombie walking over to something. I aim my sights to its head and pull the trigger 'BANG" I walk over to see a girl, cowering in fear, she looks no older than 15 "Hey, are you alright?" she only nodded and tried to shrink into herself more "W-where am I?" "New York. Here, let me help you up." I said while holding out my arms, she tried to stand with out my help, but she fell back down, but I was able to grab her arm to keep her from hitting the floor "Careful getting up." I look over to see the zombie on the floor, she is starring at it as well "Your lucky I was able to get to you in time, or you might have turned into one of those." I said while picking her up and carrying her down the stairs and out of the house, only to find that my group had left while I was helping the innocent, but at least my friends Josh, Travis, and Tristan left me a trail to follow out of empty bullet shells "Well it looks like we have a long walk ahe" I stop in mid sentence because I just realized that she has no clothes "Um.... miss where are your clothes?" she looks down at herself and then back at me, then she tries to hide her private parts with her hands and arms, so I decide to put her down "Miss what size clothes do you wear?" "I don't know." she said barely over a whisper "Well, why don't we take a look and see what we can find in these houses." I said motioning my arm around the street "Ok" we walk in to the first house and to our luck was not locked, we walked in, I have my gun ready in case there is a zombie in here "Stay close." I say to her only getting a slight nod in response. Once I made sure the place was clear we headed up stairs to look for her some clothes. We found a girls room and from the posters on the wall (all One Direction posters) I would have to say she would have to be around the same age as her. I look through the closet and dressers only to fine a yellow sweater and some socks. We walked to the next house as she put on her sweater. When we got to the next house the door was locked so I had to kick it in. When the door hit the floor we were met with a few zombies. I pulled out my machete and pistol. I shot one in the head, the next one I had to keep from attacking the girl as she screamed. I was able to pull it off her, and kill it with ease, the next one tried to bit my arm as I put my pistol to its head and pulled the trigger, causing the brain to exploded out the other side of its head. I got up off the now blood stained floor and went to check on the girl. she was shaking in a corner of the room, I sat down beside her and said "This must be very traumatic for you." only receiving a nod of her head as a reply "Come on now, lets get you off this floor and find you some more clothes.' I held out my hand to help her up off the floor and we headed up stairs to see if we can find some more clothes for her. We found a boys room, a parents room and a baby room, I decided not to let her into the baby's room, I saw that the cradles were full of blood and I saw a baby head on the floor. We went to the boy's room and looked for her some pants to wear of which there was a pair of blue jeans with a belt and some old Nike shoes in the closet, I grabbed them and handed them to her and the headed to the parents room and I found a pair of panties and a bra, which I was hesitant to grab them. "Are you alright? Your face is very red mister." I must have been glowing red from embarrassment at this point. but I calmed down. "Yes, I'm alright, its just kind of warm in here though." I said tugging at the collar of my sage green no sleeve armor, it might not look to protective but this can stop a buckshot at point blank range. "Here's you some underwear I found." I stated as I held out the panties and bra. My face is burning hot right now, I just hope she believes that little white lie I told her. "Thank you" she said as she grabbed them out of my hand and walked into the bathroom to put them on. 'I've been waiting ten minutes for her to come out' I thought as she walked out. "Um, miss, I just realized I never caught your name? Mine is Kristopher, but you can call me Kris, if you like." she looked at me for a few seconds then said "I'm Fluttershy." "Well nice to met you, Fluttershy." "Nice to met you to, Kris" I hold out my hand and she took it and we shook hands "Know, come on we need to get to the White House." "What's that?" she had a very confused look on her face 'How does she not know what the White House is' "You don't know what the White House?" I ask receiving a shake from her head "Lets see, where do you want to start?" "How about when it was built, if you don't mind me asking?" "Of course I don't mind you asking me. Now let me think." let me think was it built in the early 1800's or the late 1700's "Um, Kris" "Yes, Fluttershy" "What are you?" wait what does she mean by that? Has she never see another person before. "What do you mean?" "Well, I've never see an animal like you before." "I'm not an animal, I still have respect for others and know how to control my feeling's and I can talk see." I say pointing to my mouth and start making funny noise, earning a giggle out of her. "Well, where I come from we don't have these." she lifted up her hands and wiggled them, causing me to chuckle a little bit, 'is she messing with me, if so its pretty funny.' "Are you messing with me, Fluttershy?" "What, No, I wouldn't mess with you, whatever that means." "Ok then, lets assume you are telling me the truth, are you sure I can handle the truth?" I ask her, only to get a worried expression from her as a response "I don't know if you can or not?" "Well then, how about you and me make a deal." "A deal?" "Yes, a deal, you ask me a question, I answer it, then I ask you a question and you answer it. Deal" I hold out my had she took it and we shook "Deal." "Good, your up first." she looked at me in thought "What are these?" she held up her hands "Those are your hands. Now its my turn. Where are you from?" "I'm from Ponyville." I faced palmed "Not what I meant by that, I meant like what planet or country are you from." she looked a little puzzled when I said that "Oh, I'm from Equestria." "Okay then, your turn." "Where are you from?" "I'm from Beattyville, Kentucky. Ok then let me think...... What do you all call yourselves?" "Ponies." "Wait, what are you?" "A Pony." "Ok, there are so many more questions I want to ask, but its your turn to ask a question." "What where those things you fought in that house?" "Those, things were what we call zombies, the undead, the walking dead, the necromancers army, and an army of darkness, as I like to call them after an amazing movie. My turn. Um.... do you have anyone back home?" this question caught her off guard, and she was blushing a lot and she looked like she was struggling to find an answer "Oh..... I feel some awkwardness in the air so I'm going to answer a question that I think you would ask. No I don't have anyone except for my sister, God bless her soul." my sister has not been the same since her husband died and tried to attack her. "Oh I'm sorry, is she ok." "Physical, yes. Mentally, no." "What do you mean?" "About a year ago her husband died and attacked her after he came back to life, it was a good thing I was there to stop him from hurting her, but it wasn't his fault, you see once they die there animal instincts take hold and there is no thinking in there brain and there's only one way to kill them, shot for the head." "Oh my, I'm sorry about your sister. I left some friends back home and my pet Angle Bunny." "How about anyone special, like a boyfriend, or in some cases a girlfriend." that last word left her red in the face "Um... no I don't have a special somepony back home, but I do like somepony." she was blushing very badly now so I decided to just drop it and we just keep walking to the rally point near D.C. "Hey Fluttershy?" I look over to her "How did you get into that room in that house? It was blocked from the outside and its be kinda eaten at me to know how you got there with that cabinet in the way." "I don't know how I got there. One second I was feeding Angle and the next I was in that room with that ...... that thing." "Well I'm glad I got to you in time, we've lost too many good people to this virus, now if it only affected the bad people in this world then I wouldn't be so angry about this thing, if only it didn't harm those who have pure souls. Sorry about that, I guess I started rambling like always, I need to learn not to talk to much." "Its ok, I don't mind that you talk a lot, cause you have some smart things to say, and I know I can't think of things like that just by talking like that, and some of the things you say are funny." "Funny, funny how? Like a clown, do I make you laugh like I'm a clown?" "I don't know, just the way you tell your story's, its just funny." I think I'm scaring her a bit to much here "I'm just messing with you Fluttershy, I don't care how I'm funny, as long as I am funny." I put on the biggest smile I could and made her laugh, she has such a cute laugh, its so innocent, and it just makes my day feel a lot better when I hear it. She's looking me in the eyes, her eyes are cute to, there teal, and they look so innocent and joyful, you barely see that now, you only see that in new born babies "Hey, are you ok?" she snapped me out of my train of thought "Sorry, I guess I zoned out there didn't I ha-ha." why did I just have a nervous chuckle there at the end, you know what I don't care "So, back to what we were talking about....... Do you remember what we were talking about?" "Sorry, I don't remember what we were talking about, sorry." "There is no need to be sorry, I forgot to." we look at each other and then we laugh like we bust a gut at our problem "Fine since neither of us can remember what we were talking about then I say we should play a game." "What game?" "How about 'I Spy', you up to the challenge?" "Um ok. I spy with my little eye something blue." "Is it the sky?" "Wow your good at this game. Ok your turn." "I spy with my little eye something pink." "My hair?" "Nope" "Then what is it?" "That bunny's ears." she looked in the direction I was pointing and then speed off like a rocket towards it "Oh my, its so cute." she looked down at the bunny "Are you hungry little bunny?" she asked getting a nod from the bunny!!? WAIT IT CAN UNDER STAND HER HOLE SHIT "Wait, it can under stand you?" I asked getting a nod from her "That's awesome, how can you do that?" "Is it not normal for animals to talk to you here?" "No its not normal here, that's pretty cool, can you do that where you come from?" she nodded "Wow, I think you would make a good vet here." "Really?" "Really." > The Long Walk Ahead > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~~~~~~~~ Pov Fluttershy ~~~~~~~~~ "Really?" I ask Kris "Really. I would trust you with an animal." we just stood there look at each other but my shyness got the best of me and I look away trying to hide my face from him but I think this is the first time I've really looked at him this well, that Dark brown mane, the well toned muscles and the fact that he's really tall, and he acts like a brother to me "Yo, earth to Fluttershy, do you read, over?" "Huh, what?" "So she lives. What happened to you, we were talking and you kinda zoned out and just stared at me." "Oh ..... sorry." I feel my face heating up as he continues to look at me. He then looks around and starts walking to a sign that says 'Cadman Plaza W' "Well then, looks like we still have a while to get to a Base point here in the city." "Where are we walking to?" "Me and my friends Base point at Verrazano-Narrows Bridge just a few miles away, it should only take us about an hour or 2, if we don't take any detours then well be fine." we start walking down the street and after a few minutes he stops and looks to the building to our right and a shocked expression hits his face and he runs towards me "GET DOWN!" and he tackles me to the ground but turning so I won't hit the ground. We crawl to a small stone wall and sit up against it. He puts his head up to try and get a look 'BANG'. He pulled his head back down the second he heard the shot hit the stone wall "Shit, there's a Sniper on the roof of that building." he points behind the stone wall towards the building we were look at earlier "He has us pined." he moves around me and presses back against the stone wall and looks down the road that leads to the building "Okay, there's some cover down the road." he motions me to look down the road "Do you see that yellow car?" I look down the road and saw the yellow car a few feet from the stone wall and nodded "I need you to run to it, and stay low and don't stop till you reach the car, I'll cover you." I try to gain as much courage as I possibly can to not scream. I look at Kris who says "Can you run to that car?" I look back at the car, and then back to him and nod my head "When I say run, I want you to run to the car while I try to keep the sights off you, ok?" I nod my head and look back to the car and wait for his signal for me to run "Run." he and I pop out from behind the stone wall and run to the car but he stopped to fire his weapon at the person on the roof to try and cover me and then I hear 'BANG' "AAHHH!" I scream when I hit the ground behind the car. Pain, lots of pain is shooting up my leg. I look down at my leg to see that I was hit. Kris ran over and slid to help up and lean me against the car "Hey, Fluttershy, I want you to look at me ok, just keep looking at me, and don't take your eyes off me ok?" I was doing as he said, but my vision is blurred by my tears from the pain shooting up my leg "This is going to hurt ok? I'm going to have to pour some rubbing alcohol to keep this graze from getting infected, this is going to burn." he pulls out a bottle of clear liquid and takes off the cap and pours it on the wound. I flinch in pain as I feel the liquid takes affect on the wound, He then proceeds to search through his backpack looking for something else. He pulls out a torn shirt and cuts a strip of it off and then wraps it around my wound tight. By now I was starting to feel very tired and could barely keep my eyes open "Hey Fluttershy, stay awake for me kid. Don't close your eyes ok? I want to see your pretty teal eyes ok? Won't you let me see your, teal eyes?" that last part made me force my eyes to stay open and stay looking into his green eyes, his beautiful emerald green eyes. Everything is fading to black. Am I dying? ~~~~~~~~~~~ Unknown amount of time ~~~~~~~~~~~ "FLUTTERSHY WAKE UP!" I sat up with a jolt and looked to my left to see Kris in the bed beside the one I'm in. I rub my head and look down at my leg, its wrapped in bandages and most of the pain is gone. I look over to Kris who has bandages on his arm and shoulder and some form of wrap on his right foot. "What happened to you?" I ask getting an small laugh from Kris "It's a long story."