> Twilight Sparkles plays League of Legend. > by Field Marshall Nuggetman > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > I'll give it a try > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I don't get what's the fuss over this stupid game, it sounds like a complete waste of time." Said Twilight while she is on her phone. "Come on Twilight just try it." "I don't know Rainbow is it really that much fun?" "Yeah it really is, if your team is winning." "Can you just try to explain this game to me?" Asked Twilight. "Well you see Twilight League of Legend is a MOBA game where you choose a champion and fight in this place called summoner rift. You control the champions and your objective is to destroy the enemies nexus and kill the enemy champion without you dying so much. It's a human game that has spread across their world and now to our world as well." "It does sound interesting game but is there dying in there?" "Oh no no no everyone their just respawn after death even the monster and minions." "Well if it's that simple then I guess I'll give it a try." "YES." Yelled rainbow through the phone." "So how do I start?" Asked Twilight. "First you gotta sign up go on your computer and type in www.League of Legend/sign up.com then choose a username and password. Then put in your email address and you should be set." "Shouldn't I download it?" Questioned Twilight. "Nah I already downloaded and updated the game the last time I was at your house for the sleepover you had a few days ago." "Ok thank- wait a minute you didn't go to sleep and you stayed up all night playing it?" "Yeah I kinda lost track if time." "Alright fine then just give me a minute to type these stuff in." Said Twilight as she started typing. "So what positions are you going to be?" Asked Rainbow. "Positions?" Questioned Twilight. "There's 5 positions to play as Top,Mid,Jungle,ADC and support. I always go top." "I don't know yet. What role do they do anyway?" "Top is a defensive champion, Jungle stays in jungle and helps other lane. Mid uses burst magic damage, ADC uses basic attack damage and support just support the team and the ADC." "I kinda like the sound of Mid." "Ok so you set yet?" "Yea I'm ready to play now." "Oh sorry Twilight I promise Applejack to help her out at the farm so I can't play right now. Go play a normal match and see if you like it." "Oh wait Rainbow." Said Twilight but Rainbow has already hanged up and left. "So normal high well I'm only Lv 1 right now so I guess I better start ranking up." Said Twilight as she pressed the play and clicked 'match we with teammates'. But she quickly clicked CANCEL and looked at the front page. "Oh I almost forgot I need to get my thing set up." Said Twilight as she got out of her seat and went to the kitchen. She quickly made some tea and set the cup on the table. "Next a mouse." She went to spike's room and borrowed his mouse and his mouse pad. She plugged it in and next press the PLAY button and press 'match me with teammates'. After a minute of waiting she joined a match with nine other stranger. Quackerjacks- summoner 1 Falling11223344- summoner 2 ALEXLEE- summoner 3 Magic Burst- summoner 4 (Twilight) Mitch0000- summoner 5 Other five summoner is on the other team and there names are unknown yet. "Ok so what are we all going today?" Asked Quackerjacks. "Mid." Replied Twilight. "Imma wing it and go ADC." Said Mitch0000 as he selected Ashe and locked in. "Top or feed." Said Falling11223344. "Come on are you really going to that gay ass person?" Asked ALEXLEE. (Usually curses get blocked but no imma tell you what they said) "Yup I only played 2 games and there all on top." Replied Falling11223344. "And let me guess you lost both games?" "No only one of them. The other one I did pretty good." Said Falling11223344. "Alright then imma go Jungle as he picked Lee Sin and locked in. Falling11223344 clicked Garen and locked in. "Magic what champion are you playing as?" Asked Quackerjacks. "Well this is my first time so I don't really have any that I own." Said Twilight. "Are you fucking kidding me?" Said Falling11223344. "STFU Fall, Magic pick a free champion that uses magic or AP. I'll go Leona ok?" Said Quacker as he picked Leona and locked in. Twilight looked at the AP champions free this weak and there was three. Veigar, Lux and Kassidin. She thought that Veigar looks weird and Kassidin is kinda scary so she picked Lux and locked in. She had Ghost and Heal as summoner spells. "Help me leash Red ok guys?" Requested ALEXLEE. "Just don't die like a noob." Replied Falling11223344. "Oh my fucking god Alex just mute him. I'll help you." Said Mitch. "Good cause he's really pissing me off." Said ALEXLEE. "Yeah he must be some sort little kid or a pony playing." Said Mitch0000. "What's bad about being a pony I'm one." Asked Magic Burst (Twilight). "Oh nothing it's just that I meet some really bad players and most of them are ponies." Said Mitch0000. "Yeah it's that with out fast reflexes and hand eye/hoof coordination it's harder for a pony to do better than a human." "Hey at least no one here is a fucking brony and going all ape shit actually asking questions about Magic Burst." Said Falling11223344. "Well Falling that's what you think." Said Quackerjacks. "Amen to that." Said Mitch0000. Then the countdown begun. 10 9 8 7 "Good luck guys were gonna need it." Said Quackerjacks. "You too Quacker." Responded Twilight as she takes a sip of tea. 6 5 4 3 2 1 PREPARE YOURSELVES THE BATTLE IS ABOUT TO BEGIN. Then the screen went black and the enemy team appeared. > What is this? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight's computer screen was black for a second and then the enemy team showed on the bottom of the screen. Twilight's team Quackerjacks- support (Leona) summoner spells Exhaust and Ghost Magic Burst (Twilight)- Mid (Lux) summoner spells Heal and Ghost Falling11223344-Top (Garen) summoner spells Ghost and Barrier ALEXLEE- Jungle (Lee Sin) summoner spells Smite and Ghost Mitch0000- ADC (Ashe) summoner spells Heal and ignite Enemy team WINDAGO- support (Sona) summoner spells Heal and Ghost Blazecraft2000- Top (Jax) summoner spells Ghost and Exhaust UDONEGUF- Mid (Katerina) summoner spells Ghost and Heal QQQQQQQ- Jungle (Tryndamere) summoner spells Smite and Heal. ZacharyXXX- ADC (Jinx) summoner spells Ignite and Heal. "Huh." Thought Twilight as she looks at the enemy team. "There team looks more dangerous than ours, is wonder what's their skills are." Then the black screen appeared and her character and the others appeared in a base on a platform. She saw a mini map of the arena and then Quackerjacks said something to her. "Magic get a doran's ring a health pot and a warding trinket and head to mid lane." "Ok got it and do you need help in jungle Alex?" Asked Twilight (Lux). "Uh... Yea help me leash red." Replied ALEXLEE (Lee Sin). "ALL:GL HF EVERYONE." Said Blazecraft2000 (Jax). "What does that mean?" Asked Twilight. "Good luck and have fun." Replied Mitch0000 (Ashe) "Oh ok then." Twilight walked towards red buff where ALEXLEE was waiting at. "Should I get Q first or E?" Asked Twilight (Lux). "Are you going offensive or defensive?" Asked Falling11223344. "Imma try it get some minions." Responded Twilight (Lux) "Then get E." Replied Quackerjacks. (Leona). Then around 1:55 the red buff spawned and Twilight hit the buff and went to her lane. When she arrived Katerina was already farming the lane and pushing the wave towards tower. Twilight pressed E into the minion wave and killed the minions gaining her a 70 gold. She then hit lv 2 and got Q. She pressed Q and snared Katerina. Twilight then starting attacking her but Katerina used her Q and jumped to Twilight (Lux). But then she dashed back to her tower due to the fact she was very low in health. But then Twilight heard the sound that she and her team doesn't like to hear. FIRST BLOOD. "FUCK" yelled Falling11223344 (Garen) "MY FUCKING W DIDN'T WORK AND THAT FUCKING JAX GOT TO ME." "It's ok Garen I'll gank your lane after I get my Golems." Said ALEXLEE (Lee Sin). "Thanks and also try to get there Tryndamere off of me, he was the reason I was slowed." "Got it." Then the announcer said something that I was sure going to start a argument. A ALLY HAS BEEN SLAIN DOUBLE KILL "Oh god I messed up sorry Quacker." Said Mitch0000 (Ashe). "It's k Mitch. Lux are you lv 6 yet?" "No I'm only lv 5 why?" Asked Twilight. "I wanted you to ult on Jinx but since you don't have ult yet never mind." "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU GIVE TWO FREE KILLS TO JINX?" Typed Falling11223344. "Cause Tryndamere ganked us and Ashe ran the wrong way." Responded Quackerjacks. "Shut the fuck up I saw what happen there you missed your stun and got yourself killed, then Mitch here tried to save you but. The Tryndamere came and got you killed." Said Falling11223344. "Well at least I wasn't first blood." Replied Mitch0000 (Ashe). "At least I'm not feeding Jinx." Responded Falling11223344 (Garen). "Guys can we not fight right now?" Typed in Twilight (Lux) hoping to end the argument. "Yeah Magics is right, we're not going to win with a toxic team Iike this." Said ALEXLEE (Lee Sin) agreeing with Twilight's statement. "Fine then, but if Bot fucks up again I have the right to complain." Said Falling11223344 as he is recalling back home. "Fine by me." Said Quackerjacks. "Same here." Replied Mitch0000. "Good now let's get some turret down." Said ALEXLEE (Lee Sin) as he gets he's second blue BFF and head toward mid. When ALEXLEE reached mid Magic Burst (Twilight)(Lux) was slowed by Trydamere and Katerina. When she was almost low ALEXLEE decided to make a risky play. He Q into Tryndamere and when he jumped towards him he quickly ulted Trydamere away while using E on Katerina slowing her giving Twilight enough time to Q and snare Katerina and then Twilight pressed R and ulted. Giving she brought Ionian boots and a needlness large rod she had enough AP to kill Katerina and getting the first kill on her team and the first kill she every got on this game. "ALL:Yay my first kill ever." Typed Twilight (Lux). "ALL:Good Job Lux." Replied ZacharyXXX (Jinx) "ALL:And my is UDONEGUF so it's kinda ironic." Said UDONEGUF (Katerina). "LOL" typed ALEXLEE (Lee Sin). "Alright lets get tower and recall." Said ALEXLEE as he and the minion wave started attacking mid tower. Twilight noticing she needs 50 more gold so she started helping Lee Sin talking down tower. But then a huge missile thing came out of nowhere and before it hit ALEXLEE (Lee Sin) which is very low in health he quickly pressed W which he jumped to Twilight leaving the missile hitting no one but air. "ALL: nice dodge." Said ZarcharyXXX (Jinx). "ALL: thanks." Replied ALEXLEE (Lee Sin). They finish taking down mid tower but bot tower was lost towards the enemy team and the enemy champion backed off. "This game is going to be harder than I actually thought." Thought Twilight as she started to recall. TWILIGHT'S FRIENDS AND FAMILY LEAGUE LEVEL AND LEAGUE RANKED Twilight-Lv 2 no ranked. Rainbow Dash-lv 30 Bronze 5 A.K.A wood division. Rarity- Doesn't play Applejack-lv 16 no ranked Fluttershy- lv 30 provisional Pinkie Pie- lv 30 Silver 5 Shining Armor- lv 30 silver 4 team- GBY (Gonna Blast You) Princess Luna-lv 30 Diamond 2 Princess Celestia- lv 30 Bronze 4 Other ponies that may be in story Derpy-lv 30 Bronze 5 A.K.A wood division. Vinyl Scratch-lv 30 Gold 2. Octavia- Lv 30 Gold 3. Applebloom- lv 24 no ranked. Sweetie Belle- doesn't play. Scootaloo- lv 29 no ranked. All others are yet to be known but readers can decide. > That was bad > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After 15 minutes of constant silence and the death of many teammates (Garen) the game was losing on all lanes besides mid. With Jinx and Sona roaming around the map and Jax pushing all the way up to inhibitor tower. Twilight is forced to always back off when there are kill opportunities and tower engagements. "Ult Ashe ult that fucking Jax." Said Falling11223344 (Garen) as he dies to Jax for the third time. "Can't he's already gone by the time I reach him." "OMG you guys are fucking useless. Even Magic here is more useful than you fucking Ashe." Twilight just kept reading the chat while farming mid lane. She decide not to talk due to two reasons. One she doesn't want to intervene and second she and ALEXLEE (Lee Sin) needs to win this match. As she was recalling back to base a Jinx ult stopped her recalling and a Jax jumped out of nowhere and quickly killed Twilight and then started attacking tower. It took him only 10 seconds before Twilight's first tower was destroyed. Twilight then checked the leaderboard and realizing that Jax was 5/0/2. "Ok who fed Jax?" "Oh who the fuck did you think fed Jax?" Questioned Mitch0000 (Ashe). "Garen?" Asked Twilight. "Exactly." Replied Quackerjacks (Leona). "Well since I'm 'feeding Jax' I'm now going to be AFK for the rest of the game." Said Falling11223344 as he respawned at base. "Your fucking kidding me." Said ALEXLEE (Lee Sin). "Nope looks like he's dancing at fountain." Said Quackerjacks." "Ok then who here is actually fed?" Asked Mitch0000 (Ashe) Twilight had just respawned and quickly checked the leaderboards. YOUR TEAM Falling11223344- Garen 1/6/2 ALEXLEE- Lee Sin 2/3/4 Magic Burst-Lux 2/1/1 Quackerjacks- Leona 0/2/1 Mitch0000- Ashe 1/2/0 EMENY TEAM Blazecraft2000- Jax 5/0/2 QQQQQQQ- Tryndamere 3/1/4 UDONEGUF- Katarina 1/3/2 WINDAGO- Sona 01/2 ZacharyXXX-Jinx 4/1/2 "Well this game isn't going to end well for us." Typed in Twilight. "Do you guys wanna surrender?" Asked Mitch0000. "I'm fucking done with this match." "Where is the surrender button?" Asked Quackerjacks. -_______- "ALL:Guys where's the surrender button and report Garen for feeding and AFK." Typed in Quackerjacks. "ALL:Bottom left corner of the main settings." Replied UDONEGUF (Katarina) Quackerjacks quickly started a surrender vote and everyone except Twilight agreed to surrender. Then the screen directed it's self to the purple nexus and it blew up. DEFEATED. Twilight hit the done button and it went back to her home screen on the computer. "Well that was actually kinda fun." Said Twilight. She levitated her phone and called Rainbow Dash. "Hello?" "Hey Dash it's me Twilight." "Oh hey Twilight so.... How was your first match?" Asked Rainbow. "We lost but it was actually kinda fun." Replied Twilight. "Did someone feed the enemy and then went AFK or dced?" "How did you know?" Asked Twilight. "That happens sometime." Responded Rainbow. "The only place that this hardly ever happens is at Ranked Gold or higher. I heard when Princess Luna plays she gets carried by other people higher than her and she's the best player I ever since before. "So do you want to play or something?" "Yeah sure why not, I just got back home and some of our friends are online so do you guys want to team together and start another match?" "Sure invite me or something." Twilight then saw a friend request and a game invite from Best-Wonderbolts. She accepted it and joined Rainbows game. "Just hold on imma try to get the others to join." "Alright sure." After a few minutes some other players started joining. Animallover222 lv 30 (Fluttershy) Applejack25 lv 16 (Applejack) BALLONS lv 30 (Pinkie Pie) "Oh Twilight made a account?" Asked Pinkie Pie. "Yup she did and now she's gonna play with us." Responded Rainbow Dash. "Yay now are team is complete." Said Fluttershy. "Do you guy wanna go on Skype or something?" Asked Rainbow. "Sure." Said Twilight as they all joined a Skype call. "Before we start Princess Luna sended me a video of her playing League and with a famous person as well." "Who's the famous person?" Asked Applejack. "I don't know but he's a human and he does a lot of live streaming. Also this game is a diamond game level so the things they do is like impossible for us to do." Said Rainbow as they pulled out the video and watched together. TheOddOne Special Highlights The video started with a man on the bottom right corner. "I don't understand how do ponies get into diamond levels if they don't have fucking fingers?" Said TheOddOne. Then the team appeared out of the black screen. TheOddOne- Elise summoner spells Smite and Flash. HISTORY TEACHER- Graves summoner spells Barrier and Flash. XENOBOT- Taric summoner spells Exhaust and Flash. Annie Bots- Annie Summoner spells Ignite and Flash. LunarX (Luna)- Olaf summoner spells Teleport and Flash. "If this game get fucked up I'm blaming everyone here but HISTORY TEACHER he carried me a few games back." After watching a few minutes of TheOddOne making beautiful plays of ganking and team fights and seeing Luna getting a triple kill they stopped the video and started the game. "I wish we could be like that." Said Fluttershy. "THEY PLAY EVERYSINGLE GAME NONSTOP." Said Pinkie Pie. They all said nothing. "What I'm subscribe to OddOne on YouTube and Twitch." Answered Pinkie "Also Luna doesn't really have much paper work to do so she has a lot of time on her hands." Said Applejack. Then the game started with them clicking on accepting the game. Then it went blank. "Let's do this shit." Yelled Rainbow Dash. (Absolutely nothing bad is gonna happen to them right right?. Very short but the Mane 5 (Fuck Rarity cause she doesn't play) vs enemy team is starting very soon and I need champions and usernames to fill. I'm starting to run out like a lot. Still not edited yet. I'm thinking of doing it myself now. > Issues(hiatus) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Due to certain situation with the family and me starting physical therapy for my legs after the car accident I really don't Have the time to write on this story so I am putting on hiatus. I'm hopping to be back at writing this after New Years but not before the end of January. I am sorry to say this but it's true. But it your sad here's some little highlight of what's coming soon. "Twilight use your ult NOW." Yelled Rainbow Dash. "Why?" "Cause I just 1v5 and there all low on HP. Also your Karthus so ULT NOW." Twilight quickly pressed ult and she saw all the players with hardly any HP then the ult hit and this come up. PENTA KILL "YEAHHHHHHHH....." Typed Twilight as she jumped out of her chair and left the room. "Twilight?" Asked Rainbow on Skype? "Twilight? You there? We still have a game to play."