> Hearths Warming Saviour > by Pr1me Sh0ck > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Second Chance > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy was scared, more than scared, she was terrified. It was supposed to be a quick trip into the Everfree forest. Barely beyond the border to check up on family of critters she knew were doing it tough this winter. But when she got the burrow, nopony was home, and signs of a quick exit marred the surroundings. Signs of an attack were obvious surrounding the small home and a series of small paw prints led further into the forest. Against her best judgement Fluttershy had decided to follow them, she needed to know that her animal friends would be safe this Heaths Warming, and so she had carefully trotted into the forest. That had been her first mistake, she was scared and lost, the forest all seemed the same, yet she had still been following the paw prints. That was when she first heard them, the howls of Timberwolves, the first call to stalk. Fluttershy had frozen on the spot, it was a trap, she realised, too late to do anything about it. A second howl sounded, much, much closer than the first, she bolted, and the chase was on. Aside from occasional howl all she could hear was her own rapid breathing and the sound of her heart beating rapidly in her ears. A howl from the left, much closer than before, and FLuttershy angled right to adjust her course and hopefully avoid her attackers. Her wings wouldn’t move, tucked into her sides out of pure fear, she couldn’t even think to flap them. She barely heard the snarl coming from the right as one of the wolves jumped at her. She tucked her legs in and plummeted face first into the snow, the Timberwolf sailed over her, and missed her by mere centimetres. Quickly Fluttershy got back to her feet. She darted sharply to the right, and hoped to evade the wolves through the gap her attacker had made. She jumped through a bramble, its invasive thorns cutting and scratching at her sides and stomach. Fluttershy winced in pain, but kept moving, determined not to become food. “HELP,” she cried out in vain, “PLEASE SOMEPONY HELP ME.” She kept running, her breaths coming in ragged gasps. Her lungs burnt and her muscles screamed at her in protest of their rough treatment. Another howl sounded, close behind her, and she put on a burst of speed, hoping desperately to find the edge of the forest once more. She didn’t hear the growl from the left as the Timberwolf pounced. By blind luck the attack had been off, and the Timberwolf sailed right over the top of her. She felt the bite of claws raking across her back and screamed out as pain lanced up her spine. The timberwolf crashed to the side, hitting a tree with such a force that the wolf collapsed into a pile of sticks and branches. Fluttershy was beginning to slow, her muscles had overexerted themselves and she couldn’t keep up the pace. Another howl echoed from her left, she turned right again. Seeing a clearing she put on a final burst of speed and went skidding as she hit the small snow covered lake. The snow had cleverly disguised the iced up lake, she realised too late that the Timberwolves had rounded her up into a trap. Fluttershy came to a sudden stop, her side impacting a tree, one of many that ringed the small lake. Through all the gaps in the trees green eyes began to light up, snarls and barks of the wolves echoed all around her as her predators crept towards her. The circle tightened, the leader of the pack stood centre and advanced towards her. Fluttershy was quivering, she tried to curl up into a smaller and small ball, hiding behind her mane in the hopes it may protect her. The Alpha wolf jumped its jaws wide open in attack as it struck her. Fluttershy screamed in pain as it bit down into her hind leg, its wooden teeth pierced into her flesh. She thrashed about at the pain, several of the teeth snapping and lodging themselves deep in her leg. All of a sudden the Jaw of the Timberwolf shattered, the animal released its grip on Fluttershy’s leg, and the branches and twigs that made up the attacker’s muzzle fell to the ground. A howl of pain emanated from its jawless maw. The wolf shrunk back, the circle of predators began to break apart as if the search for another presence. Fluttershy took the opportunity and ran. She bolted from her spot and around the tree. Her leg creamed in pain as blood dripped to the ground. Still she tried to run, she found a small path not well worn but still quite visible, and she ran. Her leg gave her troubles, the pain limited her movement to a staggering jog, but still she tried to run. A chorus of howls emanated from behind her, the pack was back on the prowl, and the scent of her blood was strong on their noses. Fluttershy took a look backwards, and immediately regretted it. All she was were six towering Timberwolves hot on her heels. Not looking where she was headed Fluttershy’s hoof hooked under a raised root. The action pulled her leg backwards, she was unable to move her leg forward to catch herself, and she went sprawling on the ground pain lacing up her shoulder as she landed. The wolves were almost upon her, she scrambled upright, and tried to run once more. She turned her head, trying to gauge her predator’s actions. Her eyes opened wide in pure fear, the wolf at the head of the pack leapt. Its trajectory would land it straight on Fluttershy, she closed her eyes not wanting to see her own end. She felt a set of strong set of limbs wrap around her, the momentum they carried launched Fluttershy to the side and into a bush just off the small path. Fluttershy whimpered, she didn’t open her eyes, instead she waited for the end to come. She felt the limbs around her loosen their grip, her eyes shot open, unsure of what was going on. What they saw was a face stranger than anything she had seen before. A deep scar ran across the left brow, breaking at the eye and continuing down the cheek. Worried alertness covered the strangers face, the being raised a paw to its mouth, and Fluttershy cringed whimpering some more. A single digit covered its lips in an unsaid plea for silence before it stood up. It threw a cloak over Fluttershy, hiding her from the elements, and withdrew back to the path. ________________________________________ Kalek had been tracking a pack of Timberwolves for a day now. Although the magical creatures were dangerous the wood that comprised their bodies made excellent combustible material for a fire. The wood could burn for days on end, a single wolf could provide heat for a couple of weeks, two a month, four and he wouldn’t have to trap one again until Spring. He had laid a trap, one that would hopefully snare a couple of wolves from this pack, before he scouted out the area once more. Finally he rested himself in a small hollow off the side of a track he knew the pack would take, and waited. As he waited Kalek thought back to the events that had led him here. He had been a combat medic in a far off jungle, his squad had been pinned down by insurgent fire and their radio man had been the first to fall, his equipment left unrepairable. He had been shot, fatally if he remembered correctly, and of course he had died. Yet he hadn’t as he passed on, the light at the end of the tunnel split into two, on one side was pure light, and on the other a jungle much like the one he had been occupying. He had awoken in a clearing, as he surveyed the area around himself he had found a message burnt into the ground, ‘A second chance’. All his equipment, his combat fatigues were all intact, no sign of the battle he had fought or the injuries he had sustained. Kalek snapped back, the sound of the wolf pack drawing closer to his trap, hopefully he wouldn’t have the tables turned on him. He rolled a couple of homemade Molotov’s in his hand. Simple clay pots with a small tinder fuse. Their contents was a sticky sap that was by its nature flammable. He had discovered the sap soon after arriving, and it had saved his life from Timberwolves repeated times. The sound of howls grew stronger, a sudden shout snapped him out of concentration, ‘HELP’ he heard the soft voice shout. Kalek began to move, quickly and quietly making his way to where he heard the sound. He soon came upon a trap of the wolves themselves. They had driven a butter yellow Pegasus mare onto a frozen lakebed, using its slippery surface to force her into a corner. The mare was quivering at the base of a large tree, a half dozen Timberwolves forming a loose circle around her. Just fly you fool, Kalek thought to himself, Why won’t you fly? He blinked, and the Alpha wolf jumped, launching its attack at the poor mare. The wolf bit deep into the mare’s thigh, the force of its attack dislodging some of its teeth in the flesh, and Kalek moved into action. He drew a short arrow from his quiver and loaded in his crossbow, aimed carefully at the wolf’s jaw, and fired. The arrow struck dead on, the bottom jaw of the wolf shattered, the damage was enough for the wolf to disassemble, falling to the ground in pieces. Run, he thought to the injured mare, she bolted running around the tree in the confusion and leaving the Timberwolves behind. Their leader may have been out for the count but the wolves soon came to their senses, ignoring their fallen comrade, they gave chase of their prey. As they cleared away from the pond Kalek turned and followed suit. He was just as fast as the wolves, able to keep pace, and with the Pegasus injured he found the mare quite quickly. As Kalek closed in on her he saw the mare fall, tripped by an upraised root. As she scrambled to her feet he saw the lead wolf jump in to attack. He made his move, he launched himself forward, grabbing on the mare from the side and letting his momentum send them tumbling into the bushes on the side of the path. He felt the Pegasus trembling in his grasp, he quickly let her go and brought a finger up to his lips, slipping away from her and dropping his homemade cloak on top of her. He crept up to the side of the path, the wolves had continued on further, straight into his trap as three of them laid disassembled in a large net. The final two he eyed with caution, he stepped out onto the path and whistled, drawing attention to himself. The two final Timberwolves snarled at him, and stalked closer before breaking into a run. Kalek raised his crossbow, he aimed at the hip of the wolf on the right, and fired. The shot severed the leg, sending the wolf crashing into its partner. Both wolves were strong, surviving the impact and the fall. Kalek took a pitiless look upon the entangled pair, he put away his crossbow, lit one of his Molotov’s and threw it on the pair, their magical timber going up in flames immediately. Kalek walked back to the Pegasus with a smile upon his face. He knelt down and caressed the frightened mare’s face in an attempt to calm her. Fluttershy was unsure what to do. She had heard the growls of Timberwolves, the yelp of pain and then the roar of flames, and now this alien creature was stroking her face. She tried to shy away, and attempted to hide further beneath her pink mane, the action aggravated her wounds, a sharp squeak escaped her muzzle, tears began to pool in her eyes. Kalek looked down at the mare, the whipped the cloak off her and look over her wounds. He pulled out his combat knife, Fluttershy squeaked once more in terror. Ignoring the fear of the mare, he drew his knife through the cloak, cutting several large strips. He wrapped the makeshift bandages around the mares back, covering the three gashes that ran perpendicular to her spine. He cut a large square from the cloak, using the remaining strip to hold the padding against the mare’s punctured leg. Fluttershy was still thoroughly terrified, she had no idea what the alien was planning to do with her. She squeaked in surprise as she found herself being hoisted onto the strangers shoulder. At that moment she realised the being was bipedal, he walked in a similar fashion to the Minotaur’s. As he stood up she noticed that although he was as tall and possibly just as strong as a Minotaur he didn’t have the enormous build that they possessed. Kalek walked back onto the path, the mare draped over his shoulder and held tight to his chest. He went over to the trap that had felled three wolves. He tied a knot in the end of the net and dragged that behind him, making his way back to his abode. A short walk later and Kalek found himself at the bottom of a cliff face. He paused a moment before walking up to and through the solid wall. In fact the wall had never been there, he had simply walked into the cave that he had called home for three years now. About a year after he had woken up he had found another lost soul, one who had stayed with him, helped him survive, and cast the illusion of the cliff face on the cave entrance. Reaver stood in the back of the cave as he heard Kalek enter, the changeling buzzed his wings in acknowledgment of the alien arrival, before returning to his work on the bench in front of him. He was responsible for the arsenal that Kalek used, the crossbow was of his design, the incendiary sap he had turned into usable offensive grenades, currently he was working on a hidden blade that would be easily accessible when needed. “Bout time you got back,” Reaver grumbled, “Did you at least get the wood we need?” Kalek let out a grunt in response, he dumped the Timberwolf remains in the corner, and made his way over to the table they ate at. With one quick movement he swept the contents of the table to the ground. At the large crash Fluttershy let out another scared whimper. Reaver turned around as Kalek placed the injured Pegasus on the table, the remnants of the cloak wrapped up in a bundle under her head. “I know it’s a holiday for you tomorrow,” Reaver said jokingly, “But you really didn’t have to get me anything.” Kalek grunted in response, he nodded towards the mares injuries, and Reaver silently understood. He went and fetched the medical kit that Kalek had created to replace his own dwindling supplies. Simultaneously he levitated a pail of water onto a hook over the fire before he returned with the large medical bundle in his magical grasp. Kalek unravelled the bundle on the table next to the mare, FLuttershy strained her sight to see the instruments, a number of sharp knives, some needles, and thread and bandages. Her mind saw the knives first and she began to whimper further, her heart began to race and she tried to roll away. Kalek saw the action, rolling her back with his strong hands. Fluttershy immediately caught sight of the changeling. The bug-pony only stood as tall as the table, having to reach up to get a view, the stranger that currently held her stood at least twice as tall as the table, Twice as tall as myself, she realised. Fluttershy screwed her eyes shut in fear, “Please don’t eat me,” she whimpered. Both Kalek and Reaver stopped a moment before a smile burst out from each of their faces and small laughter escaped them. “Eat you,” Reaver joked, “No, we won’t eat you. He won’t at least, but you could be of some emotional sustenance to me though.” Kalek flicked Reaver across the ears, a condescending look upon his face, and he waggled a finger in front of him, a clear sign of ‘no’. “But I won’t,” Reaver quickly added. “Then why did you take me if not to eat me?” Fluttershy mumbled quietly, “Oh please don’t eat me, oh please don’t eat me,” she began to chant. Kalek gave the changeling a condescending look, Reaver sighed in defeat, “I know, I know, we don’t eat the sentient creatures,” he turned to Fluttershy who continued chanting, “Miss we’re not going to eat you, we just want to help.” Fluttershy didn’t answer, her mind was caught in a loop of fear. “We’re not going to get anything from her, what happened?” Reaver asked Kalek. Kalek simply pointed to the stack of magic lumber at the cave entrance and then back to the injuries on the Pegasus. Reaver was clever, “Timberwolf attack,” he deduced. Kalek nodded a quick yes in response. He pointed to the bandages on the table, then to the pail over the fire, he paused and then made a drinking motion by raising his hand to his mouth. Reaver thought for a moment, he quickly placed the spare bandages into the pail of boiling water to sterilise them. Finally he placed a kettle on a flat stone over the fire and began mixing a number of herbs and vials in a small crucible. Kalek grunted in thanks. He slowly peeled the makeshift bandages off the mare’s back, the blood seeping through causing them to stick to her wound. He snapped his fingers at Reaver, drawing the changeling’s attention. “Almost done here, just another moment,” Reaver said. Kalek snapped his fingers more urgently and the changeling dropped what he was doing with a sigh, making his way over to the table. He looked down at the wounds, understanding they needed to be cleaned and sewn shut. He levitated the boiling bandages out of the pail and wrung them out before placed another batch in to replace them. Kalek grabbed at the sterilised bandages using one to clean one of the gashes before applying another as a pad and a third much longer strip to bind the padding in place, tying the bandage around the mare’s midsection. He repeated this step with the other two gashes, just a temporary measure to clean the wounds and stop them from bleeding while he worked on the punctures. “Miss I need to know if you are all right, we can’t help you if you won’t talk,” Reaver said urgently. Fluttershy didn’t answer, her mind had shut down in terror, and her body just shook with fear. “We aren’t going to get anything from her,” he said to Kalek, “I’ll add a relaxant to the drink to get her to calm down.” Kalek gave a quick nod, followed by him clenching his fist rapidly, signing a hook or barb with his curled finger, and then clenching his fist much slower than before. A nod was given from Reaver and he went back over to the crucible, grinding in a final herb before adding a single drop from one last vial. He added some boiling water from the kettle, stirring the concoction around in the crucible before straining the liquid into a waiting cup. He grasped the cup carefully in his magic, paused at the fire to take out the sterilised bandages and put in a third batch, and then flittered back over to the table. “Please don’t hurt me,” Fluttershy whimpered, “I don’t want to die on Hearths Warming Eve.” “Miss we aren’t going to hurt you, but we need you to calm down so we can treat your wounds,” Reaver replied with a roll of his eyes, “Here drink this, it will help,” he said, lifting the cup to the mare’s lips. Fluttershy took a small sip, coughing as the foul liquid trickled down her throat. She gagged at the taste, “Uh what is this, it tastes horrible,” she whispered, “Sorry.” Kalek gave a hearty chuckle, he stroked the mare’s mane, and looked down on her with a concerned smile. Slowly he peeled back the bandages covering her rear leg. Two deep punctures marred her yellow fur, the blood trickling slowly down her leg. Kalek tsked a couple of times, he took the cup from Reaver’s magic and bid the Pegasus to drink more. “Sorry about the taste but it will help you,” Reaver said as Fluttershy coughed again, “It’s a very helpful brew, boosts immune response to fight off infection. It also dulls pain to bearable levels, increases attention to keep you awake. Actually all that doesn’t taste too bad, the foul flavour is from the Manticore venom.” “Manitcore venom!” Fluttershy shouted softly, her voice still barely breaking a whisper, “I knew it, you are trying to kill.” She began to struggle once more. “No, no,” Reaver said quickly, “It is very diluted, the main effect of a Manticore’s venom is that it slows down the heart to disable its prey, in some cases stop its prey’s heart. This diluted extract simply slows down the beating heart to a steady state, that way you won’t die from blood loss.” Fluttershy wasn’t convinced by the changeling’s words, she knew their kind as liars and killers, there was no way this one would help her. The alien tending to her wounds was of equal concern, never before had she encountered such a creature, and as such she didn’t know what it really wanted. The only thing she could think of was flesh judging by the size of those canines it flash when it smiled. “You should start feeling relaxed, a bit sleepy maybe, and slow very soon. Don’t worry, you won’t actually fall asleep, this is just to make sure you won’t hurt yourself. We shall work on your wounds, but we will have to do so quickly. There will be pain, even though it has been dulled, you will still notice it. However since the concoction boosts immune response it will quickly overpower the medicine,” he explained. “Please, please remain calm, we don’t want harm to come to you,” he pleaded. Fluttershy shook her head, not wanting to accept the words directed at her, she wanted to wake up from this nightmare, and find herself back in her bed. Slowly she felt the drink working its magic, she found her heart beat slowing, she began to relax and stopped squirming, and the pain dulled considerably. She found herself becoming more alert and her fear escalated, she was being trapped within her own body, unable to stop them if they tried to kill her. Kalek continued to stoke Fluttershy’s mane as he inspected the wound, he had discarded the makeshift bandages, and set about cleaning her wounds with one hand. Reaver had been applying pressure to her thigh to halter the blood loss.” “Do you have a name Miss?” Reaver asked. “It’s fluttershy,” she squeaked at him, her voice not even breaking a whisper. “I’m sorry didn’t quite catch that,” Reaver responded. Fluttershy let out a long sigh, she steeled herself, “My name is Fluttershy,” she said in a quiet whisper. Reaver took a gasp, he stepped back out of shock, and inadvertently knocked over a chair. Kalek gave the changing a quizzical stare. “You remember when you found me? The story I told you?” Reaver asked, Kalek nodded in return, “She was one of the only ponies able to stop the invasion, I was part of a group tasked to capture her and her five friends.” Kalek chuckled in response. “Yes I know, I failed badly and it’s all very funny,” Reaver said sarcastically, “However as it turns out Fluttershy here and those other five mares are in control of a massive magical defence. Take out one of them and the whole world goes bat-pony shit crazy. If you want us to live here in relative safety, she needs to live.” Kalek nodded solemnly, he gave Fluttershy one more stroke of her mane before turning to the task at hand. He drew back the bandage covering the bite punctures, held a pair of tweezers in one hand, and counted down from three on his other hand. At three Reaver grasped the Timberwolf’s tooth in his magic, carefully pulling it straight out. Fluttershy whimpered once more, the pain dulled but still noticeable. Kalek went to work quickly pulling out any remaining splinters with the tweezers. Fluttershy shuddered beneath him at every splinter Kalek pulled. Once done with the first puncture Kalek silently washed the wound with clean water, the sensation causing Futtershy to whimper, and pulling out the thick needle and thread he began to carefully close the wound shut. Finally he took two bandages, making a pad with one and bandaging it to her leg with the other. He repeated the process with the second puncture, cleaning the wound and sealing quickly, bandaging it. Once he had finished with her leg he began to stroke her mane trying to comfort her. Fluttershy didn’t try to fight it as she had given up on fear when the pain from pulling the Timberwolf’s teeth had started. Fluttershy merely whimpered, she shuddered every so often, and her breaths came in ragged gasps. Kalek looked at Reaver, he flicked his hand towards a shelf unit against a wall of the cave, and then made another drinking motion. Reaver nodded in acknowledgement, with his magic he refilled the kettle, and he cleaned out the crucible. Choosing a few dried leaves he quickly ground together another concoction and waited for the kettle to boil. “How many more sets bandages do you think she’ll need?” he asked with concern. Kalek tapped a finger against his chin in thought before holding up a hand with only one finger pointing up. He then pointed to the bandages on Fluttershy’s back and made a sewing motion. Reaver nodded in understanding, the kettle boiled and he produced another drink. He brought the cup over to Fluttershy, Kalek carefully lifted the mare’s head to allow her to drink, and Reaver gently poured the liquid down her throat. “This one is just a simple concoction, a pain killer mixed with some soothing tea leaves. It should help you relax some more.” Fluttershy looked up at the pair, her pained features relaxing as the medicine worked its magic. “Why are you doing this?” she asked in a whisper. “Silence is a medic,” Reaver said pointing to Kalek, “No doubt he wanted to help you. Judging by your wounds you were very lucky, the punctures especially, nothing important was nicked.” “That’s his name? Silence?” Fluttershy squeaked, curiosity about the strange name ridding her of most of her fear. “I don’t know but that’s what I call him, he can’t talk.” At this Kalek opened his mouth. Fluttershy looked and saw that his tongue had been sliced out. Her demeanour changed from fearful to pitying. “Also he can’t write in our language but he does seem to understand us,” Reaver finished. Kalek nodded in agreement before making the sewing motions and pointing to Fluttershy’s back once more. “He needs to sew up the gashes on your back, those ones won’t heal very well unless he does,” Reaver explained, “They won’t be as painful as the punctures but they will still hurt.” Fluttershy nodded, she steeled herself, and put on a brave face. Kalek undid the bandages around the mare’s midsection, the pads he had applied had worked in stopping the bleeding. Reaver used his magic to pull the last batch of sterile bandages from the pail and wring them dry. Kalek used one bandage to wipe away the dried blood, he quickly stitched the wounds closed and redressed them with the remaining bandages. When he had finished he gave the mare’s mane a final tussle before slumping into a waiting chair and sighing. “Um, thank you,” Fluttershy said meekly, a small smile crossing her face. Kalek simply smiled in reply, Reaver buzz happily over to his workbench smacking his lips contentedly. “He says you’re welcome,” He replied before a large smile grew upon his face, “And your honest thanks taste wonderful.” Fluttershy gasped in horror, “Are you stealing my emotions, oh please do drain me of my love,” she whispered in fear. Reaver gave a hearty chuckle, “No, no, Changelings don’t ‘eat’ or ‘drain emotions’, they absorb the emotions you give off. Love and happiness towards somepony is most beneficial. Anger and fear and such are still usable but gradually toxic.” “But that’s what you did at the wedding all those years ago.” “Two years,” Reaver stated solemnly, “And not me, not anymore. I got a second chance.” Kalek nodded at the changeling, giving a small salute before he turned, grabbed a brush and started to comb through Fluttershy’s mane to help calm her. “When we failed at the invasion I was flung here, two legs and a wing broken, Silence found me and patched me up. While he did I told him what I was, what I needed, what had happened, and what I did. When I was finally healed it was this time of the year, he took me to a clearing out in the forest. There he showed me a message scorched into the ground with magic, just three words, ‘A Second Chance’.” “That was his gift. It took some time but he managed to explain to me that he had a holiday at the same time every year, a feast one night and then a present in the morning.” “Like Hearths Warming?” Fluttershy interrupted, completely entranced by the story, she had calmed considerably. Kalek shook his head, snorting lightly. “Yes and no,” Reaver answered, “It is similar, I explained Hearths Warming and while the feast and the presents are quite the same, the reason behind it is different.” Kalek nodded slowly in agreement. “The feast,” Fluttershy exclaimed quietly, “Oh what is the time, Twilight was hosting a feast at sunset and I’m going to be late, I need to go.” She started to get up only to be push back down by Kalek’s strong hand. “Please don’t struggle,” Reaver said quickly, Kalek shook his head to emphasize the plea, “If you move too much you’ll pull your stiches, we can take you home tomorrow when it’s light again.” “No I need to go, please, my friends, they’ll all be so worried,” Fluttershy whispered, tears began to pool once more at her eyes. “At least let me go home,” she pleaded. Kalek and Reaver glanced at each other, Kalek let his head drop as he sighed. He lifted his head, a strong grimace upon his face and he nodded once. “Alright, where do you live, we’ll take you home, but we are staying with you to make sure you don’t hurt yourself further.” Fluttershy allowed a smile at her small victory, “Just in a cottage in Ponyville, it’s a short walk from the edge of the Everfree forest.” Kalek looked towards Reaver, he raised a finger in the air, and drew a horizontal circle. Reaver nodded and flittered over to a set of cupboards. As Reaver rummaged through the cupboard Kalek quickly stripped from his blood encrusted clothing, tossing the soiled wares into a wicker basket. He quickly put on a new set of clothes, the combat fatigues he had first arrived in. Reaver trotted over to his work bench, a bandolier in his telekinetic grasp. He carefully attached a number of the Molotov’s and a small quiver of arrows before tossing the belt to Kalek who looped it over one shoulder. Reaver donned a simple camouflage cloak and a simple crystal necklace, “Emergency love reserves,” he explained to Fluttershy, “Just in case we run up against something big.” Kalek fashioned a smaller cloak into a sling, he carefully scooped Fluttershy off the table earning a small squeak of surprise, and he placed her in the sling around his neck. He made sure she was comfortable using a blanket to shield her from the wintery cold and provide padding from any jostling. Finally he grabbed a number of dried leaves and herbs, stowing them away in pouches sewn into his jacket. Kalek tapped Reaver on the side, signally that they were ready to go, “You have some medical supplies at your house Fluttershy?” he asked, a small ‘mhmm’ was her answer, “Good I know where to go, it isn’t too far as long as we don’t run into any trouble,” he said to Kalek. The biped nodded at the changeling and the trio made their way out of the cave and into the night. The trip did not run into any problems thankfully, a fresh Manticore nest lay in their path which they easily avoided and in half an hour they had made their way to the edge of the Everfree forest. Fluttershy’s cottage lay before them, just a short field away. Kalek and Reaver crept up to the house, Fluttershy had warned them of the multitude of animals that resided in her yard, and they wanted to avoid waking them all. The trio snuck silently inside and made their way upstairs to Fluttershy’s bedroom. Kalek gently lowered the mare onto the small bed, sitting on the side her undid the bandages across her leg and back, and checked to make sure the stitches hadn’t pulled. Meanwhile Reaver went back down into the kitchen and put the kettle on to boil. He made another concoction for the mare before heading back upstairs. Reaver gave Fluttershy the drink, “The pain killer from before is probably wearing off, drink this, it will help with any pain and will allow you to drift into a shallow sleep.” “Why a shallow sleep?” Fluttershy mumbled quietly behind her mane as she drank the brew. “We will keep an eye on you through the night, should anything untoward happen we can wake you quickly,” he explained. Kalek for his part was happy with the stitches and the bandages, he laid out a number of supplies on the bedside table, and he took the cup from Fluttershy. He checked her pulse quickly and nodded happily when he had finished. Finally he started to stroke his fingers through FLuttershy’s mane once more, the soothing action lulling the mare into sleep. Reaver gave a small yawn. Kalek laughed and reached out scratching Reaver behind his ears and allowing a small snack of love to flow into the changeling. Reaver smacked his lips together, content at the morsel, and hopped up onto the bed. He curled himself into a ball and promptly fell into a light slumber. Kalek continued to stroke his fingers through Fluttershy’s mane checking her vitals every ten minutes. Another half an hour passed when a knock was heard at the door, “Fluttershy,” a brash voice called, “Are you there Fluttershy?” Kalek snapped to attention, he looked towards the stairwell and that led to FLuttershy’s room and then back to the Pegasus and changeling laying on the bed. Reaver had woken quickly at the noise, yet Fluttershy still remained asleep. “Too much relaxant,” Reaver shrugged. Kalek merely slapped his palm to his forehead in annoyance giving the changeling a cold glare. Kalek and Reaver looked at each other as the front door was heard opening and light switch was thrown. The stairwell illuminated in a warm glow, the shadows of five other ponies appeared on the wall at the bottom of the stairs. “Ah don’t think she’s home RD,” a southern accented mare said. “But it’s not like her to miss a dinner party or anything without a reason,” the brash voiced mare from before replied. A third voice entered the fray, well-spoken and full of confidence, “Come on girls, maybe she’s just resting upstairs, I see a lamp on so let’s check it out.” “Elements of Harmony,” Reaver hissed through closed teeth. Kalek nodded in acknowledgement, Reaver had told him about them on the way over, Kalek motioned for the changeling to remain in position, not to move unless he needed to. He then returned to stroking Fluttershy’s mane, earning a contented sigh from the sleeping mare, whilst he kept his eyes on the stairs and the shadows that were creeping towards them. “Fluttershy, are you there?” A purple unicorn mare called out as she reached the top of the stairs. Kalek raised a finger to his lips in a shushing motion. The lead mare’s eyes narrowed as she took in the scene. Fluttershy lay in the bed bandages covering her legs and back, a changeling laid at the end of the bed his eyes wandering over the five mares at the top of the stairs, and finally an alien biped sat at the head of the bed his hand caressing Fluttershy’s mane. “What have you done to Fluttershy?” the mare demanded, a round of gasps emanated from the ponies behind her as they took in the scene. Once more Kalek simply made a shushing motion before pointing to Fluttershy and miming sleep with his hands. The unicorn’s eyes narrowed, her horn glowed as she readied a spell, “Get away from her,” she demanded. Quick as a flash Kalek leapt from the bed, combat knife in hand, he launched himself towards the lead mare. One arm went around her throat holding her still whilst the other held the knife edge against her horn. “You’ll want to dissipate that spell,” Reaver called out softly. “I’m not doing anything until you get away from Fluttershy,” the mare hissed back. “I’m not joking, he’s going to cut off your horn if you don’t cancel the spell right now,” Reaver said once more, concern creeping into his voice. “We don’t have time for this,” the cyan Pegasus with a rainbow mane exclaimed. She flapped once raising herself off the ground and tried to shoot over the fight. Immediately Kalek nudged the unicorn backwards making her stumble into her friends. He threw the knife into the ground embedding its tip and leaving it quivering. He flung the cloak turned sling through the air, catching the Pegasus mid-flight and sending her careening into the dresser. He returned his grip to the unicorn, wrapping an arm around her neck once more, before motioning to Reaver behind his back. Reaver understood immediately, he spat globules of saliva at the down Pegasus’ feet securing to the floor before levitating Kalek’s knife back into his hand. Kalek let the knife rest once more of the unicorn’s horn, his face steeled in determination. “Please lower your spell, he will cut off your horn if you don’t,” Reaver pleaded. Fluttershy began to stir, Rainbow’s crash had awoken her from the slumber. “I’m not doing anything until I know that Fluttershy is safe,” the mare retorted. “She is safe, he, however doesn’t like unknown magic,” Reaver said. “And why are you talking for him, some little pet you are I’m guessing,” she spat back. Kalek growled at this, using the hand that held her neck he twisted the mare’s head upwards. He forced her to stare as he slowly opened his mouth. The unicorn faltered, as she gazed upon his empty jaw she began to tremble. “He’s mute,” Reaver said solemnly, “From what I can deduce two unicorns did it shortly after he arrived here.” Kalek closed his jaw and nodded in agreement to Reaver’s statement. He motioned to his left with his head. Reaver’s magic focussed on a pouch on his left, he withdrew two cone shaped objects and held them in front of the mares. “They didn’t even give him a chance, they captured him, and they cut off his tongue when he struggled. He gave them a second chance when he tried to escape but they followed him, relentlessly they tried to recapture him, and only stopped when he cut their horns off.” Reaver was now pleading with the mare, “Twilight Sparkle, I know who you are and what mean to Equestria, do not throw your magic away, your friend is in no danger, but Silence, he will stop you if he feels threatened.” “Twilight,” Fluttershy whispered from her bed, she had awoken in the midst of the argument, “I’m fine, please listen to him.” Twilight sighed deeply, her magic flickered and died down, “You get one chance,” she muttered to Kalek, seething with anger. Kalek nodded in agreement, he sheathed his knife, unclipped the sheath and placed it on the floor between the mare and himself. He made one more shushing motion with his finger before stepping aside and allowing the mares to their friend. In an instant the four mares in the stairwell shot to their friend, surrounding her in her bed. “What happened darling?” an alabaster white unicorn exclaimed. “Oh, um,” Fluttershy mumbled meekly, “I’m sorry Rarity, I was checking on a family of squirrels in the Everfree when I was attacked by Timberwolves,” she explained. “Silence, he saved my life and bandaged me up with Reaver’s help.” “I need to check you over, make sure you aren’t hurt,” Twilight said. Reaver gave her a worrisome look, glancing between her and Kalek, “Is it alright if I check my friend?” she asked the alien. Kalek pinched the bridge of his nose between two fingers, he sighed softly before nodding towards Reaver, flashing an outstretched hand four times against his other forearm. “He says you have twenty seconds to perform your analysis, enough time yes?” “Barely,” Twilight muttered before she returned to her friend and began her analysis. Kalek turned his attention to the cyan Pegasus on the floor, the crash had dazed her, and he wanted to make sure she was alright. He nodded towards Reaver who cast a quick spell, the goop around her hooves disappeared quickly, and scooped her up onto the bed as Reaver hopped down. “Rainbow Dash,” Reaver whispered in Kalek’s ear. Kalek nodded in return, before quietly examining the mare’s wings, one was bent at an odd angle, ‘not broken’ he deduced ‘probably over strained. He pointed to Reaver and then to the bandages on Fluttershy’s back. Reaver understood immediately and flittered into the bathroom to find a first aid kit. “She’s fine, Fluttershy’s fine,” Twilight said finally, surprised at her own findings, “I mean she has three gashes across her back and two puncture wounds in her leg. Both are consistent with a Timberwolf. But they are clean from any infection and properly sutured.” Kalek and Fluttershy nodded in response. “I’m sorry I jumped to conclusions,” Twilight continued, “You’ve taken very good care of our friend and we misjudged you.” Reaver had returned with the bandages, he quickly gave them over to Kalek, and stood back from the group. Kalek carefully wrapped Rainbow’s injured wing as she returned to consciousness. “Did we beat em,” Rainbow asked drowsily. “No Rainbow Dash, they’re good guys, or at least Silence is,” Twilight responded. She turned to Reaver, a look of hatred returning to her eyes. “My examination revealed no mind control on Fluttershy but I can’t discredit you as being evil.” “I can’t perform mind control, that’s only for queens,” Reaver stated, “And a couple of years ago I wouldn’t have apologised for what we did, but now… Now, Silence, gave me a second chance, I want to apologize in the hope that you will too.” “He aint lying Twi,” The orange mare with the southern accent spoke up, “He really does want this.” Twilight’s features softened, “I always did want to meet a changeling for real, chance to study a new species and all. And it is Hearths Warming Eve, a time of unity and harmony. I suppose I can find it in me to forgive you.” Reaver, Kalek and Fluttershy all breathed a sigh of relief, “I’m sorry I started all this trouble everypony,” Fluttershy mumbled softly. “Nonsense darling, you couldn’t have known this would happen,” Rarity countered. ‘She right,” Twilight added, “There is no one to blame, only ponies to thank. So thank you Silence, and thank you Reaver.” Kalek nodded in thanks, moisture began to build up under his eyes and a smile crept upon his face. He motioned to Twilight with an open palm. “He wants to scratch you ear,” Reaver whispered to the confused mare, “To show you he is a friend.” Twilight dropped her head forward, allowing Kalek access behind her ear. Gently he scratched the back of her neck, eliciting a soft purr of contentedness. “You know what this calls for,” A brilliantly pink mare shouted, bursting forward, “A PARTY!” Kalek shook his head in response, pointing to Fluttershy. “Or we could have Hearths Warming Eve Feast here?” Twilight suggested. A round of nods and agreements sealed the deal. In a flash the entire banquet had teleported into Fluttershy’s living room and all the ponies began to file down stairs. Rainbow, still fairly out of it, used Reaver as support as she made her way down the stairs. Kalek and Fluttershy brought up the rear, the biped picking up the injured mare and carefully laying her over his shoulder. “Thank you,” she whispered into his ear as she nuzzled at his neck. He smiled brightly as they made their way downstairs, he laid her gently on the couch, and grabbed a drink for both of them. “A toast,” Twilight exclaimed, “To friendship, and the gift of second chances. On the night of Hearths Warming Eve, who could ask for more?” “To friendship and second chances chorused everyone else.” Kalek smiled brightly as he caught Reaver’s eye who winked back with his own beaming smile. He turned to Fluttershy beside him and laid a gentle kiss on her forehead. ‘A Merry Christmas to you all,’ he thought to himself, happy at the second chance he had been given. > Gifts from a Ghost > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Cheers,” another round of toasts called. Kalek leant back into the couch, one hand clasped around mug of cider, the other absently stroking through Fluttershy’s pink mane. The butter Pegasus nestled closer into Kalek’s chest, nuzzling under his chin affectionately. “I kid you not, to save his life, I had to transform into a dragon.” Reaver recounted, “Granted it was a small dragon, and the fire was just an illusion, but still it scared off that group of Timberwolves.” “Weren’t you scared darling?” Rarity asked, intrigue heavy in her voice. “No, well maybe a little, but-,” he started to reply. “Pfft, if I were there I would’ve taken them all out in like ten seconds flat,” Rainbow Dash boasted. “Ah simmer down, Ahm tryin to hear tha fella’s story, an your interuptin aint helpin,” Applejack chided. “-anyway, so I was a little scared, but I saved his life. Still that’s not the funny part. He takes one look at me, and completely freaks out, and I mean flips it. He took off running, and didn’t stop until he reached the cave.” “So as it turns out,” Reaver continued, “I hadn’t fully explained my changeling capabilities, and he had never seen a dragon before, scared the fella witless. We laughed about it afterwards though.” A chorus of laughter emanated from the mares that surrounded the changeling. “Oh that simply was a marvellous story, daring rescue, harrowing escape, comical ending, you wouldn’t happen to have any more?” Rarity asked, thoroughly enthralled in the tales Reaver had to offer. “Well I do have a couple, but I wouldn’t mind hearing about what has happened the past couple of years. Living in a cave has left us quite detached from the world.” Rarity opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by a knock at the door. “Who could that be, Flutteryshy dear, were you expecting anypony else?” Fluttershy shook her head in response. “I’ll get it,” Twilight Sparkle shouted across the room, bounding from the far corner, and away from where Pinkie Pie had trapped her into a game of pin the tail. She opened the door just slightly to see who it was. “SHINING,” she shouted, throwing the door open, and embracing the stallion on the other side. The three mares that were being regaled by Reaver’s stories turned, smiling at Twilight’s good fortune to see her brother on Hearths Warming. Their smiles quickly faltered as they realised their current company and the precipice on which they teetered. “Well are you going to let us freeze out here or will you let us in?” Shining Armour asked. “Us?” Twilight questioned. Shining stepped to the side, allowing Cadance to take centre stage. “CADANCE,” Twilight once more shouted. Reaver cringed at the name, his actions not going unnoticed by Kalek who quickly withdrew from Fluttershy to stand unseen in a darkened corner of the room. Twilight rushed out into the wintery night to embrace her brother and stepsister. “Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake,” she began to chant with Cadance, “Clap your hooves and do a little shake.” Laughter echoed into the night as the two Princesses revelled in their childish antics. “Come in, come in,” Twilight ushered the two into the cottage, “What are you guys doing here?” “I’m happy to see you too Twilly,” Shining answered sarcastically, “Aren’t I allowed to surprise my sister on Hearths Warming anymore?” “You can always surprise me,” Twilight responded happily as she led the two into main room, “You remember the girls.” Each of the elements gave a small smile, a warm greeting and a wave as Twilight cast her hoof over them. Shining and Cadance each gave their salutations in return. “We also have a couple of other surprise guests, Silence, who has disappeared somewhere and Reaver.” “Changeling,” Shining growled as his eyes landed on the changeling surrounded by three mares. His eyes narrowed as he stalked forward, “Just what are you doing here?” he demanded, charging his horn with a spell. Reaver stumbled over his words, mumbling his own hellos and trying to make himself look smaller than he truly was. The mares around him parted slightly to avoid being struck by any wayward spell. Reaver shrunk smaller as Shining stalked closer still. Shining gave a fierce roar as he lunged, his spell firing at the same time. Kalek’s hands swept forward quickly, in one movement he knocked the unicorns head upwards, the discharged spell launching into a hanging birdhouse. His second motion caught the stallion’s neck in his hand, applying enough pressure to halt the stallion. Kalek’s third action brought a hidden blade up to the stallion’s horn, the cool flat of the steel resting against the fluted spire. Breaths were caught in the throats of everyone present at the stalemate no one dared speak a word as eyes darted around. Reaver had clenched himself into a ball awaiting the strike of the spell, he cracked open an eye when he felt nothing and breathed a short sigh of relief that Kalek had once again saved his life. “What are you all doing?” Fluttershy softly exclaimed. Immediately all eyes were on her form on the couch. She cringed at the intense scrutiny, but steeled herself kept going. “Shining Armour, Reaver is my guest and I will not have you attacking my guests. Silence, Shining is a friend, although I understand you were protecting yours I would be grateful for him to be in one piece.” The stallion and the human looked at Fluttershy quizzically but neither of them yielded their positions. “I want to make sure that bloody changeling hasn’t hypnotised the elements,” Shining snarled. A low grumble rumbled forth from Kalek’s jaws. His lips turned up in a snarl showing off impressive canines. “Please,” Fluttershy pleaded, “Don’t fight.” “Please Shining,” Twilight added, “I’m not under hypnosis and I’ve already checked to make sure the others aren’t either.” “Still not convinced,” Shining responded in a show to continue the stalemate. “Silence, let him go,” Reaver finally said with a sigh. Kalek looked at the changeling in disbelief, not a moment ago this stallion had attempted to attack his friend and now he was supposed to just let him go. Kalek shook his head in defiance, a solid no to the request. “Darling, let it go,” Princess Cadance trotted over to her husband and put a hoof over his shoulder, her eyes pleading with him, “We’ve done enough damage already; we should give him the benefit of the doubt.” “But his friend, this ‘creature’” Shining spat in response, “Attacked me, a Prince, the former Captain of the Guard and I won’t back down.” “Please Shiny, he was just protecting his friend, as I’m sure you would have done also. Just let it go, do it for me.” Shining Armour sighed in response, he weighed his options over in his head and came to realise that he had jumped to conclusions. His eyes flicked up drawing Kalek’s attention, they softened portraying not the hardness from before but guilt and sadness. Kalek blinked at the dramatic change, his hand on the stallions throat relaxed and dropped away. Shining dropped the spell he was casting, the aura around his horn fading quickly. In response Kalek withdrew the knife from against the stallion’s horn and slipped it back into his boot. The two turned to face each other, Reaver stood beside Kalek and Princess Cadance sidled further against her husband. With a shaky voice Twilight introduced the four of them, “Silence, Reaver, meet my brother Prince Shining Armour, former Captain of the Guard, and his wife Princess Cadance, crown of the Crystal Empire.” Silence reigned once more among the four beings standing before each other. Kalek took the initiative first bowing to Shining armour before saluting him. His time in the military taught him to give respect to those stationed above you, no matter how much of an arse they were. Shining saluted back to the biped before holding a hoof out for hoofbump, instead what he got was a hand clasping around his hoof and shaking it respectable strength. Reaver, standing before Princess Cadance, simply bowed deeply, “I’m sorry,” was all he said. “As am I,” Cadance responded in a whisper, she quickly pulled the changeling up to his hooves before embrace him with a one hoofed hug. Her words and actions surprised Reaver greatly, for a moment he could not comprehend why the princess would apologize to him, embrace him, or feed him so readily. The partners then swapped, Kalek knelt down on one knee and held out an open palm to which Cadance placed her hoof. He placed a gentle kiss upon her hoof, eliciting the smallest of giggles, an accompanying blush from the Princess, and a wanting sigh from Rarity. Reaver bowed down to the Prince who in return held out a hoof for a friendly hoof bump. A soft clack later and small smiles formed on their respective muzzles and faces. “Now that the pleasantries are out of the way, how has everypony been?” Cadance asked warmly her gaze drifting across the room. Her sight landed on Fluttershy’s bandaged form, “Oh sweetie what happened to you?” she asked motherly cantering over to Fluttershy’s side and draping a wing across her form. “Oh, um, nothing really,” Fluttershy mumbled softly, her gaze fell low and her mane covered her muzzle. “Can’t be nothing,” Cadance insisted, “It looks like you’ve been attacked by a Timberwolf.” Fluttershy cringed at the mention, not wanting to retell the memories just yet. Reaver quickly came to her rescue, “If the amount of wood Silence brought back was any indication it was likely a pack.” Kalek nodded in agreement, he held up six fingers to show how many. “Six,” Shining coughed in disbelief, the cider he was drinking finding a quick escape back into his mug, “I have a hard time believing that.” Kalek sat on the couch next to Fluttershy as he began to retell his tale. He held up a finger for one, pointed to his own canines and then to the bandage covering Fluttershy’s rear. He then pulled out his mini crossbow, pointing to the tip of the bolt and to his jaw again before clasping his hands and letting them fall apart. Reaver looked knowingly, the others just sat in confusion, “If I understand him correctly one wolf bit Fluttershy on the leg, Silence got a bolt off striking the jaw and causing is body to shatter.” Kalek nodded before miming further. He held up three fingers, then laid both his hands upon each other and sprung them upwards into a basket. “Okay three wolves were caught in a trap he set, that would explain the stock of wood he brought home.” Kalek nodded once more, finally he held up two fingers before bringing out a homemade Molotov. “Easy, that there is Dendra Sap in a clay sphere, the tinder on top is lit, the bomb is thrown. He says he took out two more wolves with this, probably before heading home.” “Dendra sap,” Twilight repeated, “Isn’t that-.” “Flammable,” Reaver finished, “Yes we use it as a defence against Timberwolves, Manticores and the like.” “Wait you two live in the Everfree Forest?” Cadance questioned, concern written into her features. Before Reaver could answer another knock was heard at the door, “Honestly now can’t we get just a moment of peace to ourselves on Hearths Warming?” Rarity complained as she opened the door to scold the interrupter. Rarity’s tirade quickly ended as the door swung open and she bowed deep in reverence to the two alicorns smirking on the front step. “No need for that,” Princess Celestia said softly. She placed a hoof under Rarity’s chin and lifted her to a standing position. “May we come in?” she directed towards Fluttershy. A quick nod later and the solar and lunar diarchs stepped over the threshold taking in the occupants of the room. “I hope we aren’t too late for the festivities?” Celestia asked absently as she surveyed the room. Her neutral expression never faltered as her eyes swept over Kalek and Reaver. Her sister Luna however had an entirely different reaction. Luna smiled fondly at the sight of the changeling mingling with the mares. Yet as her gaze fell upon Kalek she gasped in shock, charged her horn and teleported away. “Well I suppose that’s not the worst reaction somepony has had to seeing Silence,” Reaver joked to break the tension. A quick flick across the ears from Kalek was all he received in response. “Don’t let her reaction dampen the party,” Celestia commented. Her inquisitive eyes searched around the room once more. “Now how have you all been, tell me all about your travels. But first, where might the cider be?” she asked, bringing a smirk and a chuckle from everypony present. “I’m not joking, where is the cider?” Luna dashed from the cottage with determination etched across her face. She broke into a gallop, running for Canterlot, charging her horn with enough magic to perform the long distance teleport needed. A brilliant flash later and she appeared in the hallway of the castle leading to her chambers. The Nocturne guards stationed at her door jumped at the sudden appearance before being pancaked against the door they were guarding; Luna forgetting to cancel her forward momentum. “A THOUSAND APOLOGIES DEAR GUARD,” Luna bellowed as she scrambled to her hooves and wrenched the door open. She ran over to her antiquated chest of drawers and started throwing them open, strewing the contents all over the floor. “… Is everything alright your majesty?” The first guard to recover called out as he limped over to her highness. “Yes yes,” Luna hastily replied while throwing one of the smaller drawers in the air, “We’re just searching for a gift for somepony. We know it’s here somewhere,” she muttered out loud. A pair of deep red silk panties dropped down onto the inquiring guards muzzle, he crossed his eyes at the piece of clothing a promptly blushed like a school filly. The guard’s partner drew up next to him, snickering at his reaction. “AHA, here it is,” Luna cried in triumph after several minutes of fruitless searching an unassuming, brown, paper wrapped box held aloft in her magic. She tucked the present under her wing and charged her horn once more, teleporting in a second brilliant flash back to the cottage of the party. The two guards stood perplexed at what had just happened. Their stupor only lasting a few moments before the first guard tucked the panties into a hidden pocket in his armour. His partner raised her eyebrow at him in question. “Finders keepers,” The guard muttered, “this is going in my collection.” “It’s your funeral,” was all that his partner had to say as they closed the doors and returned to their posts. “Completely worth it.” A knock at Fluttershy’s cottage door once more interrupted Reaver as he regaled their new friends with stories of their survival in the Everfree. “It’s open, come on in,” Fluttershy called out, the cider imbibed had invigorated her speech with confidence and a normal volume. The door was slowly nudged open and Luna poked her head inside and offering a meek smile. “Our apologies for running off like that,” she began to explain as she trotted happily into the cottage, “But we saw your new friends and remembered a promise we had made.” Luna walked up to the biped slowly, her horn lighting up and levitating the wrapped box from under her wing. Kalek’s immediate reaction was to flinch and adjust his weight in preparation for an attack, a motion that did not go unnoticed by the ponies, causing them to tense up. Luna’s expression grew distant as she began to explain. “An unusual friend once asked us to complete a task. He requested that should we come across a strange creature, that he be notified of its existence. The creature he described walked upon two legs, but had no tail for balance. Had a paw of five digits with no claws, and a flat face that was not of the cats, or dogs, or any known sentient of Equestria. And he asked that should such a creature be found and show sapience, that if he was not able to greet it that this gift be given as a test.” Luna held the package out to the creature before her, Kalek slowly extended his hand, and by extension his arm, to take the gift. He took slow, purposeful paces towards the couch where Fluttershy was still resting, albeit resting intoxicated, but resting none the less. As he sat down he looked at her with curiosity in his eyes, his quizzical look was turned to Reaver as if to ask permission. “Well go on, open your Hearths Warming present you big fool,” Reaver almost shouted, “I’m sure we’re all dying to know what the present is.” Ever so carefully Kalek undid the knot of the twine holding the unassuming wrapping paper together. With just as much care he unwrapped his present letting the paper fall to the floor. In his hands he held an ornate stone box, carved from a most exquisite piece of polished obsidian. His fingers traced the scrolls and etchings as he admired the craftsmanship of the item. Of particular significance was the smooth depression in the top of the box, a perfect indent of a human handprint. Kalek looked up to the faces of the others in the room, all eyes were focussed intensely on him, Pinkie Pie was even more curious, keeping her mouth shut but visibly vibrating on the spot. With a simple shrug he placed his hand over the groove. All of a sudden the etchings on the box lit up a brilliant red, and similarly coloured ribbons of energy wrapped around Kalek’s extremities and tightened, holding them into the handprint indent. A deep and quite obviously synthesized voice began speaking. “Artefact, Pandora’s Box, activated, commencing primary scans.” The ten ponies and one changeling looked confused for a moment, not recognising the name or its possible significance. Kalek on the other hand was wide eyed and scared; his memories of ancient Greek myth were enough to start ringing some alarm bells. “Primary scans complete; hand print indicates human specimen 81% probability, beginning secondary scans.” Ten small needles simultaneously pierced his fingers and palm drawing blood within the device, Kalek flinching at the action. Immediately the ponies responded with both Twilight and Luna trying to grasp the box in their magic in an attempt to help. “I can’t seem to grasp it,” Twilight cried in surprise, “It’s like the box doesn’t exist.” “Secondary scans completed; blood analysis indicates human male specimen 98% probability, apologies for the inconvenience. Beginning tertiary scan.” As the needles retracted back into the box a red wave washed over Kalek’s hand, repairing the damage from the previous scan. The ribbons of energy holding his hand to the box faded and Kalek withdrew his hand. A small whine began to emanate from the artefact, growing in pitch. Concurrently the deep red light within the patterns on the box began to glow with a renewed intensity. In an instant the energy that the box produced was released, a sphere of red pulse out from the box and encompassed the room. The energy passed through everyone that was gathered and stopped only upon reaching a wall of the house. “Tertiary scan completed; pulse field identifies ten equines matching the known thaumic signatures of the six Elements of Harmony, three Alicorn Princesses and one unicorn consort. Addendum, unknown changeling signature present. Please identify yourself.” All the ponies turned their heads towards Reaver who shrank back a little under their gazes. Shining Armour stared at the hologram, perturbed at its definition of his job. “I… I’m Reaver, a drone of Queen Chrysalis’s Hive.” Reaver responded with uncertainty. “Matching thaumic signature to drone records… entry found. Reaver, drone, last known status missing in action following the Canterlot Operation, hive link was not re-established following the operation’s success. Addendum, hive link reconnection is unavailable at this current time.” “Wha… What was that, why can I not re-establish a link, and what do you mean we succeeded in the operation? We failed the invasion and were forcibly ejected from the city.” Reaver challenged the elements of harmony looked equally perplexed. “Error, data is unavailable; Canterlot Operation flagged as successful, hive link re-establishment flagged as unavailable. No more information is available. Note; gathered equines and changeling marked as safe for viewing the following message. Addendum, the following is a pre-recorded dynamic message from the entity referred to locally as ‘No One’, message as follows.” The deep red light emanating from the etchings peaked in intensity before flashing down to nothing. A thin beam of the energy shot up from the middle of the box stopping a metre above its surface. Slowly a crystal of the same red began to form, crystalizing out the air in the form that the princesses, elements and ex-captain recognized as No One in the garb he most often wore. As the crystal rendered its final features of a cowl drawn back off the head, the avatar began to move, imitating turning in a circle to view everyone gathered. “Humble greetings to all those gathered,” the avatar exclaimed, it turned its head to face Luna specifically and gave a quick wink before turning back to face Kalek and Reaver. “To begin with this message, and associated virtual intelligence has a limited capacity to answer questions and requests for data. Its purpose is informational and advisory to the entity or entities designated humans.” “Wait how is it able to do that,” Twilight exclaimed, “That technology is so more advanced than anything of ours.” The avatar of No One turned to Twilight, is face showing contempt for the interruptive pony, “This device is one of several attempts by the changeling collective to apply the highly specific field of thaumo-electronics to a real world device. The reason they were successful is because they are so much more advanced than you.” The avatar faced Kalek and continued, “My apologies for not being able to meet you in person, it appears as though I am currently indisposed of. Wide band scans of my own thaumic signature reveals high probability that I have suffered massive trauma. This has likely lead to the activation of changeling biological functions in an effort to remove evidence. This is most unfortunate, however the scans have also picked up infrequent distorted pings matching my signature. Do not give up hope on our meeting.” “First off some explanations, it is highly likely that your appearance here is due to casting of a particular spell. Additionally it is unlikely that the unicorn who cast the spell is alive at the moment, either many centuries past or not even born. Thus far efforts to trace the spell have had very limited success.” “Secondly if you have the ability to talk and listen, you will be able to communicate fairly easily with the pony population at the least. Magic tends to permeate everything, especially the equine lands, making communication and intent almost universal. Written language is different; it is unlikely to translate so easily. Intent and translations can be skewed within writing, and as such it is highly likely you will not be able to read.” “Finally a place for you to call home. I offer you suggestions only, and you need not follow any one of them. The ponies are not all peaceful and can be, unknowingly, extremely racist and prejudiced. This can drive them to fanatical acts of violence; however the likely hood is low. Additionally they are herbivores and unlikely to be able to accommodate your diet.” “The warrens of the Dogs connect to Equestria through a land bridge to the south and east. They thrive in the wastelands digging for gems. Located above them in a mix of jungles and deserts are the Cats, and above them is the Gryphon Empire. I suggest against living in any of these three lands, their occupants are far more dangerous than the ponies and extremely hostile to outsiders. I may or may not have had a part in their disposition.” “To the north and west of Equestria lies the Minotaur lands, they will… well they will worship you, for religious reasons. Not to any kind of extreme fanaticism but if will be unnerving and you will be expected to hold a high level of decorum. To the far south is the desert known as the Badlands, and beyond that The Great Ocean. I cannot tell you how to find them, but if you can the Changelings will likely accept you wholly for who you are, no strings attached. Far south and west will find you in the jungles, the civilization that once thrived there is no more and their final occupants have move on to help found The Union.” “The Union is my last suggestion, a conglomeration of those displaced, lost, or looking for more, and a centre of advancement in all fields. It is my highest suggestion that you travel to the Union, the path will be arduous but the reward will be great. One final option, if you don’t wish to move too far, there is an embassy, a house I built bordering the Everfree and Ponyville. I would ask that you take care of it and guide those who seek The Union, further instructions would be available for you inside.” “Internal indicators tell me that this device is about to shut down for recharging. This device is to be kept safe by Luna, however I leave you with a final gift. A calling card, whatever you choose if you need help or want out, use it and The Union will come for you. It will also act as a key to the features of the embassy. The gift will be keyed to your biometrics, only you will be able to use it. And with this I must bid you all farewell, remember human, good or bad this is your choice and there is no wrong answer.” With that the box shut off, the crystal rendering of No One shattered outward covering all in a fine layer of crystalline dust. A slot deposited a thin card no bigger than a lighter on Kalek’s lap before closing and the light that once emanated from the intricate carvings dulled and died. After a long silence Reaver finally spoke, “What are you going to do?” Kalek stood and put the card into his breast pocket; he gave a deep sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose as he wandered over to the table that held the keg of cider. He poured a mug of the delicious brew and stood there, back to his audience as he contemplated No One’s words. Now Kalek was not a simple soldier back on Earth, nor was he a genius, but he was still a thinker, lauded for his ability think outside an entirely different box. A light went off in his head and he turned, facing the ponies all of whom had expression of confusion etched into their faces. His smile grew as he brought the mug up to his lips, his thoughts centred on something No One had said, about magic and communication. He took a big drink, keeping eye contact with all and thought; and to the surprise of all the ponies there they heard. ‘I’m going to enjoy Christmas.’