Fire and Fury

by Tidicuses

First published

It is foretold that when the world seems at it's best, the creature shall raise it's head. When all seems peaceful it shall come to bring war. The bringer of the end. Extinguisher of life. All fear the Wyvern

When all things seem right with the world, for once, everything turns bad. The peace that has reigned for so long, with only minor interruptions has come to an end. For now a beast unlike any other has come, with the intent to kill and destroy. Nothing seems able to stop it's war path. Nothing seems to be able to save this world. All fear this mighty beast of death. All but one.

marked mature for graphic violence

The Beginning of the End (prologue)

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It was a cold and stormy day, with winds ripping through the trees threatening to topple them. Rain fell in a never ending deluge, as lightning crackled in the air. Massive flashes were followed immediately by earsplitting booms of thunder. And in the heart of the storm, where the torrents and whips of lightning were strongest, was a single being. It wasn't a pony, not even a draconicus. It was something new to this world, something new yet eerily familiar. Birds began to fly into the storms squawking and filling the air with noise. Suddenly a single, flaming, solid red eye opened on the strange entity. It stretched a mighty pair of leathery wings apart, taking up half the sky it seemed. It’s massive claws cut swaths through the flocks of birds, eviscerating any that were hit. Then it opened it’s scaly snout and released a mighty roar, followed by a massive plume of fire, miles high. This beast had a form similar to that of a dragon, but one far larger than anything seen in the world, and gave off an aura unlike any living creature. Everything about this beast screamed death, not greed like any normal dragon, death, and this one was going to have that.

In a small town, not far from sea, sat a pony. His midnight black fur, and crossed sword cutie mark told everyone who knew anything about Luna, exactly who this pony was. The high general of the night court himself, Midnight Wing. His feats in battle were legendary, having stopped a griffon raid, a diamond dog ambush, and once with nothing but a few men, chased of a dragon. He was very well known and greatly respected. He had been brought out here by his loving wife, and soon to be mother of his children. They walked along the shore line, reminiscing about all the time they had spent together and crazy adventures they had. Yet for some reason, tonight seemed odd. Something about the night spoke ill to him. He chose to tuck that feeling away and focus on the time with his wife.

At least focus on it until the earsplitting roar was heard. In all of Midnight’s adventure and feats he had heard many roars, but none of them soundly as ghastly or as murder filled as that one. The roar was earth shattering and the sudden rush of air that followed made him and his wife shield their faces from the sand kicked up in it. When the sand cleared and they looked back they were face to face with a monster like nothing midnight had seen. He could tell it was supposed to be a dragon, but this one was so different from the others he had seen. Where they had four legs this one had two, and it’s massive wings replaced the others. It’s snout was short and more rounded then a normal dragon. It’s eyes glowed like two furnaces, speaking death to any who saw them. It’s scales were black as night with red tinges around the wings and jaws. It’s teeth were razor sharp and jutted from its mouth like thousands of dagger. And it’s tail ended in what looked like a club, covered in spikes longer than a pony.

This was no normal dragon, those simply came in and stole jewels, but they were mostly docile. This was far worse, this beast wanted blood, it asked for death. This beast was something Midnight had only heard stories about as a foal.

“Wyvern” he whisper to himself, eyes filling with fear. “The end of times is upon.”

“Daar lein fen dir” The beast spoke, it’s voice shaking the world it seemed. “ag” The beast opened it’s mouth and let out a plume of fire engulfing the entire beach as well as midnight and his wife. The sand turned to glass and the fur and flesh melted almost instantly. An agonizing pain overtook Midnight’s body before his life vanished completely. The Wyvern spread it’s wings and took flight, seeking more casualties.

Take up Arms

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Scarlet Sword woke to the sound of screams and a stone cracking roar. Her eyes burst open and she leaped from her bed. When all four hooves hit the floor she immediately ran over to grab her armor and telekinetically reached for her sword. She looked in the mirror to make sure her armor was in place, her black mane falling into her emerald eyes. She double checked all the plates that rested over her scarlet fur as her sword came to her. Upon strapping all her gear in place she ran out of her small house and into the town. She was immediately greeted with an intense heat as a wall of flames flew by, igniting the houses in front of her.

“What the hell is going on here?” She shouted over the roaring flames and screams, seeking information.

“A beast, a beast has come. Midnight is gone. What can we do?” A passing guard screeched as he turned and ran about in the fray.

Scarlet was shaken by his words but quickly regained her level head. There was no time for panicking she needed a plan to get as many ponies out alive as possible.

“Everyone, head for the tunnels. Any and all unicorns should travel with an earth pony or Pegasus. Use a shield spell for the flames. Guards, cast a spell over the town to try and stop the beast. Protect these civilians.” Immediately people fell in line, seeing a chance of order to the chaos around them. The unicorns cast their spells and began moving quickly to the tunnels. The beast let out a roar and circled around preparing to attack the ponies. “Guards, get that spell up now.” Immediately the guards all cast the spell and a bubble formed over the city, to keep the beast at bay.

The beast stopped in it’s tracks seeing this resistance the ponies put up. Many guards let out a small cheer seeing the sudden stop. chants of “this will work” and “we did it” started to come from them. The beast turned and flew high in the sky, as if leaving. Cheers began to rise from the guards, but something bode ill for Scarlet.

“Don’t let the shield down,” she yelled “something doesn't seem right here.” Immediately the beast turned and dive bombed to the town. “Watch out!” Scarlet screamed. The beast hit the shield and shattered it easily. The magical feedback made all the guards, Scarlet included, collapse to their knees. The beast turned it’s attention to the civilians as it soared to them. “no,” Scarlet’s voice was barely a whisper as the beast let out a breath of fire that engulfed the civilians.

The beast landed, seeing that it had killed the civilians. It folded its wings in, looking like bloody streaks down it’s side. It walked on it’s two sturdy legs, standing as taller then any dragon Scarlet had ever seen, and observed the destruction. Within seconds it had reached the first guard. He tried to run, to get away and live, but the the beast took one bite and severed the guard in half. After the gruesome display the monster began to systematically kill all the guards who lay on the ground. Most were devoured whole, but the ones that tried to run were all torn to bloody bits. Finally the monster came up to Scarlet.

Seeing the beast up close was terrifying. It was similar to a dragon but so much worse in so many ways. It’s putrid breath rank of burning flesh, and the thing seemed to radiate heat, far worse than any natural fire. It’s gaze was enough to turn a cockatrice to stone. And just as it’s massive maw with dagger like teeth came to meet Scarlet, she regained a level head.

Quickly she unsheathed her sword and rolled to the side. If she was going to die she would die fighting. She lunged for it’s face, sword magically in tow, and made a slash under it’s burning eye. As soon as the sword met the scales it broke in half, the tip flying away behind her. The beast locked it’s gaze on her, holding eye contact for a brief second before flicking it’s head and sending her flying twenty feet away. Scarlet hit the ground with a rough crack and felt he leg snap under the pressure. the beast walked up to her again this time with a strange look to it. Scarlet finally realized what this behemoth was. The wyvern she had heard about in foal's tale.

“Joor, mortal,” the wyvern spoke with a resounding voice that vibrated Scarlet’s bones. “the others ran. Yet you choose to fight. You have a fire in you. might you be the Kriid? Time will tell. Drall, pray, find me when you grow strong.” the wyvern let out a plume of blue fire. Yet instead of burning Scarlet it just surrounded her. A mild sting was felt and when she looked her leg was fine. The fire stopped all at once “If you have a true fire then you shall find me. Fail, as all weak do, and this world shall perish.” It took to the sky and flew away leaving Scarlett where she lay, the sole survivor of the town.

She felt herself begin to slip into unconsciousness as something seemed to fall from the sky. Scarlet, with the last of her strength, stretched her head to see what it was. Instantly a sword landed and stabbed into the ground beside her. She turned her head to see it and was amazed. The Sword was Exquisitely crafted with a solid red blade, and black hilt. The guard was in the shape of the wyvern that had just took of, and the blade seemed etched with a scaly tail wrapping around it. Black filled the corners of Scarlet’s vision as she stared at the blade. A voice, sounding just like the monster, spoke in her head. Take up arms, Kriid. Take up arms and find me. Scarlet slipped into unconsciousness.

A passing messenger had seen the town below. Burned to a crisp with bodies littered everywhere. The heat coming from the town was immense, and the messenger had to fly up to avoid it. Suddenly there was a roar and the messenger whipped his head up to see a great creature flying away. Immediately he flew to Canterlot.

The messenger burst through the door to the throne room, two guards following.

“Princess Luna! Princess Celestia! Help!” The messenger screamed. “A town has been burned, a town has been burned.” Immediately Princess Luna turned her attention from the night court and Princess Celestia appeared from the hall.

“What is this? A town you say?” Princess Luna requested the information, irritated to be interrupted.

“Moon's shadow your highness. It is burned to the ground. I saw it myself.”

“Sister, is that not wear Midnight Wing is?” Celestia asked, worry etching her face.

“‘Yes dear sister. Pray tell, were there survivors?” Luna asked no longer concerned for the night court.

“None that I could see your highness.”

“Did you see who did it?” Celestia asked.

“Not sure your highness, but I saw… something. It looked like a dragon, but not quite. The thing was terrifying, even from my distance. I've never flown so fast in my life.”

“You say it was terrifying, but did you see it for yourself? Might your mind have made it in your panic?” Luna questioned, needing every detail.

“It was real, I know that. I didn't get a good look, but it was black as a moonless night, and something about it gave of a feeling of fear and death.”

The sisters locked eyes, all their worries, changing to fear.

“The Wyvern has come,” They both said in unison “May the gods help us all.”

A New Flame Burns

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Scarlet opened her eyes to the sky above her, clouds lazily drifted across in a peaceful manner. Scarlet closed her eyes and tried to drift back asleep, but the hard ground and her aches wouldn't let her. Slowly she rolled over and stood, her body protesting the whole time. When she stood she noticed the weight of her armor had changed somehow, it felt lighter and seemed to hug her tighter. She looked to the side and saw a sword stabbing out of the ground, the red blade with a black dragon guard, and dragon tail etched into it seemed to jog her hazy memories of yesterday.

She reached for the hilt of the sword with her magic and immediately a pain seared through her horn, filling her body with a burning sensation and the words of the wyvern rang through her head. Take up arms.. Then as swiftly as the pain had came it left and the blade let out a soft red glow and the etched dragon pulsed white. Seek me when you are stronger.

Scarlet placed the sword in her empty sheath and began a search for any survivors, fighting her aches the whole way. She searched through various smoldering buildings and burned remains and so far had very negative results. Twenty three bodies and no survivors. As her search continued the list kept extending but there were no survivors.

Scarlet was ready to give up her search and move to something else, but she couldn't think of what she should do. What could you do in this situation. Move somewhere else and try to live normal? Should she try and find out what the wyvern meant by get stronger? In the end she decided to simply go back and see what was left of her house then head to canterlot, she'd need to warn the princesses if no one else had already. When she made it to where her house stood, there was little left. A few walls stood, and parts of the roof where still there, but for the most part it was ruined.

There was little to do with the remains but sort through and see if there was anything to save. So she set to work and began going through. When she got to her room there were two things that were odd, a mirror that was unblemished, the other was a strange package on what was left of her bed. Scarlet decided to check in the mirror first, not sure why but it seemed like the thing to do. What she saw was a shocker to even her. First off her armor had been warped and melted into an alien form on her body, no wonder it felt different. The other thing was a new scar she wore, cutting down over her right eye. Her vision was fine and her eye seemed normal but the jagged cut had a faint white pulse, similar to the etches in the now sheathed blade.

After giving the strange new scar a careful look over Scarlet turned her attention to the package. It wasn't really a package per Se, more of some object barely wrapped and covered. It was fairly heavy, large, and hard, similar in size and shape to mid-sized armor. And when Scarlet unwrapped it, sure enough, it was armor. She unstrapped her old armor and strapped on this new armor. It fit perfectly for Scarlet and balanced perfectly for her to. The moment she buckled the last strap though, the same searing pain as before surged through her, and just like before it vanished just as fast. The armor now was a deep red that matched the color of her sword and the same pulsing white dragon etching was on the pauldron of the armor.

Scarlet turned her attention back to the mirror and examined herself. She looked similar to the way she did yesterday before the attack, only now with her scar and her armor now red and sword faintly glowing in the sheath. She couldn't help but feel sadden at the loss of everything, her friends, her house, even her armor and sword. There was nothing left for her in this town, in this life even. Yet here she was, armed, armored, and very much alive. Why her? Why now? What was the wyvern doing here? these question plagued her mind when a soft shuffling came from the room nearby.

Scarlet drew her sword and began to slowly advance to the room she heard the sound, caution making her every move slow and silent. Then just outside the room she heard the shuffling outside the door. She rushed in and tackled someone to the ground, sword at the ready. When Scarlet looked down she saw a young man, barely even that. He looked like he would have issues buying a drink, let alone survive an attack like this.

"Please don't hurt me!" He squeaked his voice cracking from stress. "Please! I didn't intend to do anything! honest!" his amber eyes were on the verge of tears. He held up a gray foreleg, trying to protect himself.

"What are you doing here?" Scarlet put away her sword and stepped back, letting the stallion up. "In case you can't tell, kinda not the best place to be."

"I know, but that ting killed everyone else, i was just looking if anyone else made it," the pegasus stretched his wings and shook his head, making his short black mane shake with it. "I'm Ashwing. Who are you?"

"Scarlet Sword," She said it without even looking at him as she scanned for a few provisions for the journey. "I'm going to head to Canterlot, you can come if you want, but i wouldn't stay here." Scarlet went and started looking for a few things to bring.

"I guess there isn't much else for me to do." He looked in some other cupboards trying to help Scarlet. His voice was wrought with sadness at the loss of everything.

"Yeah well i guess-"

"Is anyone here? Hello?" Scarlet was interrupted by a deep voice from outside. "We are with the royal guard. Any survivors are to report to the princesses. Hello, we are here to help." Scarlet's ears perked at the sound of guards and she immediately ran outside.

"Hello I'm Scarlet, town guard, There is another one with me." She saw the two white pegasi in golden armor, a cart was behind them.

"Get in the cart, we are here to take you to Canterlot immediately." The guard seemed shocked that anyone was alive, clearly the reports of the destruction were accurate. Scarlet knew she needed to go so she called for Ashwing then climbed in the cart. The royal guards hooked to the cart and began the long flight to Canterlot.

Rest Tomorrow

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Scarlet Sword felt the wind tugging her black mane as her vivid green eyes dried out from the rushing wind. The guards pulling the cart were certainly making haste to get back to Canterlot. Ashwing was curled beside her clearly troubled after what happened with the wyvern. Scarlet wished she could fall and mourn her loses with him, but after dawning the armor an eerie calm flooded her emotions.

"Stronger" The wyvern's words plagued her mind again as she searched for her numbed emotions. Scarlet felt a shiver creep down her spine but she couldn't feel the fear or chill that caused it, something that startled her more then the words in her head.

"We're coming up on Canterlot now. We'll be landing right in the courtyard of the castle, the princesses shall meet you there." The guards voice shook Scarlet from her troubled thoughts, and Ashwing lifted himself from the floor. The cart broke through the clouds and scarlet was startled to find that they were already in front of the castle. The cart descended down into the courtyard and landed with scarcely a bump.

"The princesses will be here shortly," with that the guards unhooked themselves from the cart and walked away.

"I can't believe that I get to meet the princesses," Ashwing chirped up. It was the first he had spoke in the hour ride here. "Can you believe it. The princesses. ME." He almost seemed like another pony from the scared colt on the ride here.

"You seem awfully excited all of a sudden," Scarlet voiced her thoughts. "Quite the change from the ride here." Scarlet let out a soft laugh, though the feelings behind were numbed, almost non existent.

"Well it's the princesses we're talking about, this is such a huge deal. Aren't you even slightly excited by that." Scarlet couldn't feel any excitement, which would have worried her if she could feel that, but everything was just calm, clear.

"I have meet them before, I am a guard after all." Scarlet had to give him some reason why she wasn't so overwhelmed with excitement, and she didn't necessarily lie.

"Tis true, Scarlet Sword has met us on several occasions, she is a rather high ranking guard." Celestia's words carried over to her ears, and when Scarlet turned her head she saw the royal sisters walking across the courtyard to Ashwing and her. "Scarlet it is good to see you again."

Scarlet immediately broke into her guard stance from habit. "Your highness." Next to her Ashwing bowed but still jittered with joy. "I was told you wished to speak to survivors."

"No need to stand in formalities Scarlet. You have earned a break after what has happened." Celestia seemed to hold a grief for every pony in the town as she spoke. Scarlet dropped her stance hesitantly. "And you young pony, you may rise, I do not believe I am familiar with you yet. What is your name?"

"Ashwing your highness, I'm also a survivor." Ash wing stood and stared at the royal sisters, his mouth slightly agap, eyes filled with awe. "Wow," he mumbled under his breath thinking no one heard.

"Well I am glad some of my little ponies made it safely."

"Scarlet. My general, Midnight, twas in that town did he survive?" Luna asked with slight hope in her voice.

Finally Scarlet felt some emotions in her, but even still it was dulled. "I'm sorry, princess. From what little I heard before, well you know, he was one of the first victims." Scarlet could see the pain in Luna's eyes. Midnight had been her friend, as well as her first general since her return. "Sorry," Scarlet could feel sorrow in her but it was more of sorrow for someone who lost a pet, not someone who lost a friend.

"Tis okay. I shall be taking my leave Tia." With that Luna left the courtyard, a slight sob carried over by the wind let Scarlet know exactly why she was leaving.

"It is most unfortunate when a pony dies, especially when it was a friend. I will keep this meeting brief, my sister will wish for company. I suppose by now you may have a guess at what that creature was?"

"I do but your highness the stories of the wyvern are just legends. How could it possibly be real?" Scarlet failed to truly believe what seemed to be the only truth.

"The stories have faded to legends, but I can assure you they are quote real. Let me ask you, have you ever heard of the stories of the Kriid?" The word sparked the wyvern in her head Might you be the Kriid? Scarlet shook her head, for all she knew was the word. "I see. The Kriid is told as the only hope of ponies to stop the wyvern. The only one with the power to truly kill the wyvern. Believe it or not the wyvern is real, as well as the Kriid. I know because my father was also a Kriid. The wyvern was here before, Nearly three thousand years ago. At the time I was just a little a filly when it had arrived, And it was not the first time the wyvern had come." By now Celestia had been walking with Scarlet and Ashwing following. Almost without realizing they found them selves in an old hall. "This armor," Celestia motioned with her wing to a set of armor very similar to the armor Scarlet had on, but lighter and with a hood, not a helmet, "belonged to my father in his cycle. And that bow," Again Celestia motioned with her wing, but this time to a bow on the wall, "Was also his."

The bow was a deep red, just like Scarlet's sword, the hand grip had a black dragon motif, and a single black, scaly tail was etched along the bottom limb of the bow. Both the bow and armor had dragon markings, and etches identical to the ones on Scarlet's sword and armor, but instead of pulsing white, they remained a matte black.

"You see Scarlet, every wyvern picks out a Kriid. And each Kriid is gifted with armor and a weapon, both in deep red, and both with dragon etches on them. The armor and weapon only work to the fullest ability when wielded by the Kriid. To any other pony they are just a sword and a suit of armor. If the Kriid succeeds in his goal of stopping the wyvern, they shall leave a legacy, able to prepare the next Kriid. Should they fail, they wyvern will plunge the world into disaster and destruction until the next Kriid comes." Scarlet stood listening to her princess' stories. they seemed so strange to her but on the same hoof they made sense as well. "Scarlet your armor and sword show you as the Kriid. You are the one who has to stop the wyvern. But as I said the Kriid will leave a legacy able to prepare the next, my sister and I are that legacy, we are here to help you." Scarlet chewed on that thought for a moment. It made a shocking amount of sense, the sisters who lived for so long, daughters of the last Kriid, here to help the next, it certainly explained why they were immortal. But Scarlet still found everything hard to swallow.

"Your highness, If it's not to bold, How do you know all of this?" Scarlet decided the best way to make sense of it all was to ask the source for answers.

"Well Scarlet, my father was a successful Kriid, he told me everything he had learned from the wyvern in order to prepare you. Luna could tell you just as much as I can. We are here to hel-"

"Your highness, there are reports of timber wolves attacking a nearby village. This is no normal territory issue though. The numbers are far greater then any pack, and worse they are organized." The guard seemed troubled.

"Where and who are the reports coming from?" Celestia seemed as though she wasn't sure if she should believe the reports just yet.

"Ponyville, and from Princess Twilight Your highness. She says the other elements are off doing various tasks, it's just her and the townsfolk." This news seemed to surprise Celestia.

"Send guards immediately, protect the ponies at all costs, try to drive the wolves back and only use lethal force if necessary."
The guard nodded and left. "I'm sorry we cannot talk more, but I must handle this situation. One of the guards can show you to your room while you wait."

Scarlet could finally feel one emotion, though it was more of an instinct then an emotion. A defensive feeling. She felt urged to go and help. "With all due respect your highness I wish to join the guards."

Celestia stopped and turned. "I could never ask that of you, you have been through great hardships already, rest, and come tomorrow we can begin preparations against the wyvern."

"I can rest tomorrow princess, just let me help now." Scarlet needed to be in that fight, something was calling her to defend the citizens she didn't even know.

"Very well scarlet. Join my guards in the courtyard."

Fight Today

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The chariot dropped of Scarlet a little ways off from the town. She could hear a few yells of startled ponies still about in the attack. Yet still she could not feel the dire urge to rush in, just an even calmness. She wasn't to forlorn about this though, as it allowed her to keep and cool head and plan out how to best attack. She knew the timber wolves would not stay down when slain through normal means, you needed a fire or something to crush them up with or else they would simply pull themselves back together. Unfortunately Scarlet did not have access to either method, nor would she use them unless necessary.

She reached the town with several of the guards following in behind her. They quickly ran into the town and set out to get the ponies into homes and out of streets. However they were almost immediately attacked by packs of timber wolves. It was not uncommon for a few wolves or even a pack to stray into the town of Ponyville, but the number that was attacking now was simply unheard of, each guard had at least three wolves on them, some stared down even more the that. Scarlet was currently looking at two average timber wolves and one rather large one. Scarlet drew her new sword in her magical grasp and the white markings pulsed faster, like they anticipated the battle.

Before she could even begin analyzing her opponents they leaped at her. Scarlet deftly avoided their bites and slashes with practiced ease and made return strikes at them, slashing their muzzles and fore paws. But every strike merely left a mark and had no other true physical effect on the wooden hounds. With all of her parries, dodges, leaps, and strikes, Scarlet continued to remain in that eerie calm state, not growing afraid when a claw swung to close, or angry when her strikes had no effect, even her movements remained practiced and simple without desperate flares or arrogant lunges.

After a minute or two of their dance of battle one wolf fell, it's log body collapsing and scattering. Scarlet knew it would take the wolf a while to pull itself back together and join the fight so she could focus more on the others. At least that's what normally happens, this wolf got back up and together almost the moment it hit the ground. It joined the fray once more and Scarlet went back to shifting her focus from wolf to wolf. She continued to fight them for a few moments more before leaping over one and quickly moving to help a nearby guard who had six wolves on him.

"These numbers are staggering, I've never seen so many in my life," a few specks of blood flew from a busted lip on the guard as he spoke "And they just reform so quickly."

"I know, something doesn't seem right here." Scarlet wondered if there was something at work behind it as she countered and slashed the wolves. Her thoughts were interrupted by a yelp of pain followed by a thud. When she turned around she saw the guard on the ground squirming against a timber wolf that had locked it's teeth into the guards shoulder. She stared as he fought against the wolf in vein, it's teeth locked firmly into his flesh as blood flowed between it's teeth. Scarlet drove her sword into the monster's head snapping that section of wood in half. And for the first time since the urge to help she began to feel her emotions spark within. A tiny flame of anger lit in her, mixed with a tinge of fear. It felt good to feel anything again without it being so numbed and dulled.

Scarlet helped the guard to his feet then stood back up and looked around as the guards all around became overwhelmed by wolves. The small fire of anger began to grow into a rage, then a fury, heat consuming her chest and burning her thoughts. She was mad that her town had burned, she was mad that she had survived it all without a scratch, she was mad at the wyvern for killing her friends, she was mad at the wolves for attack, but most of all she was mad that the damn things wouldn't stay down. The anger continued to burn in her chest before finally she let out a roar and charged the nearest wolf, the large one from before. She leaped at the hound and drove her sword into it's head, but unlike before where the wold would fall then stand, this time the wolf burst alight in flame, the wolf howling in pain and causing a the fighting to stop momentarily as all combatants stared at the howling beast. Finally the wolf turned to ash and scarlet landed on the ground.

Scarlet was confused as to what just happened, but then she looked at her sword which was now alight with a white flame. A maniacal grin spread across her face as she suddenly knew what to do. Scarlet lifted her sword high above her head then brought it down in one swift motion and a wall of flames burst from the blade and shot forward, cutting a line through the wolf forces, and burning any of those in it's path. Sick pleasure washed over Scarlet as she watched them turn to ash, now her emotions were back tenfold and the tiny anger she would have felt was a raging flame consuming her thoughts, forcing Scarlet to attack on instinct rather than tactic.

Until the small voice of reason poked through the flame and reminded her of Celestia's words, only use lethal force if necessary. While true that some was necessary there was no need for the mindless slaughter of all the wolves, the largest was gone after all. The rest of them should begin scattering by now, and sure enough they were. One by one the wolves saw the ashes and began to turn tail and run.

A crowd of town ponies came out cheering as the last wolf fled back to the woods. Scarlet was lifted up on the crowd and carried around the square in celebration, and though Scarlet was happy for saving the town she couldn't help but question her actions. The crowd set scarlet down in front of a large tree modeled to be a building, And standing in front of the door was Princess twilight sparkle. Scarlet immediately knelled before her as the purple alicorn walked up to her.

"Please don't bow Scarlet, you know me, and I only just became a princess." Scarlet nodded then stood back upright. "Thank you for your efforts in leading the guard against these timber wolves. I've never seen so many and so organized before in my life."

"Neither have I Twilight. Perhaps there is something more to it?" Scarlet didn't know why she was so suspicious of it all but something in her gut told her this was not some odd coincidence.

"I believe you may be right, Be aware I will be doing everything I can to look into this. But for now thank you for your noble service. If it's alright we would like to thank you and offer you a reward for your service."

"That won't be necessary Twilight, I'm just glad i made it here in time to help. If it's all the same keep your reward."

"Very well Scarlet thank you again for your help." With that Scarlet turned and began walking over to where the chariots were left and climbed aboard as two guards strapped themselves in. They took off and Scarlet cast a fleeting glance back at ponyville before turning around and getting ready to report to Celestia.

A Cold Night

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Scarlet entered her new room in the palace and slowly took off her armor, placing it and her sword on the armor mannequin in her room. The pulsing white etchings slowly faded away, giving a few last sputters before turning black. On the ride back to Canterlot her emotions had faded and dulled again. She gave her report to Celestia, who was still trying to console her sister. Shortly after a guard showed her to her room.

Scarlet began to think of todays events as she trotted to the washroom. The emotions she felt were dulled greatly after donning her new armor. But the anger that exploded in her caused the flames that drove away the wolves. The more she thought about it she began to question her actions. Why had she killed so many wolves? What had spurred her to send a wall of flame at the wolves? Why did she enjoy destroying them? She felt a little disgusted in having taken pleasure in the act of murdering the wolves.

A spark lit in her mind as her disgust gave way to happiness. She could feel her emotions again. Her trot turned into a skip as she rounded the corner to the massive room that looked more like a pool then a bath. Light steam rose lazily over the water and condensed on the cold marble nearby. Scarlet's happiness led to more questions revolving her new ability to feel emotions again. She lowered her body into the warm water, allowing it to soothe her aching muscles. "The armor must be linked to the emotional issues." Scarlet mumbled to herself as the steam caused a pleasant sweat to start to form on her forehead.

Scarlet pushed the thoughts aside as she washed out her mane and let the water soak in. He muscles were full of knots and aches from the wyvern encounter and the wolf issues. The water worked wonders on her body and loosened the tight muscles all around her. Reluctantly Scarlet pulled herself from the water and let her thoughts roam as she toweled off and walked back to her room. Scarlet entered the room and looked at her new armor, an idea running threw her mind. Tentatively she removed the armor from the mannequin and started strapping the pieces to her while watching herself in the mirror.

She slipped the last plate into place and buckled the final buckle. The burning pain returned though much duller and she watched as her armor's etching pulsed white on her pauldron. Her scar glowed as well and she slowly felt herself slipping back into her dull, calm state. Scarlet immediately started unclasping the armor from her frame and placing it back onto to dummy. Her emotions returned and she knew now that her armor was the cause of the emotions dulling.

Next scarlet telekinetically reached for her sword, the dull burn shooting through her horn. When the burn faded she tested her sword, Thinking angry thoughts and explosive actions. Slowly the pulsing glow grew and spread, encasing the blade in heat and light as flames danced on the blade. Next she thought saddening and depressing thought. Instantly the blade chilled and the pulse faded and smeared on the blade as water dripped down the guard. Next she though happy thought, love and kindness. The water dried and the glow spread again, this time in a warm and comforting manor. Lastly she though cold and hateful thought. The glow faded to almost nothingness and the blade cooled to the point of turning the air around it to a light snow.

Scarlet placed the blade back on the dummy and contemplated what the two new pieces of information meant. The armor dulled all but the strongest emotions, and the blade was fueled by said emotions. This combination seemed to counteract, but as Scarlet thought about the fire she summoned she couldn't help to see the effectiveness. The armor kept your cool head in light situation, then in more extreme trial it boosted some emotions for the blade to feed off of. Truly this armor and sword were amazing.

Scarlet looked and saw Luna's moon resting high in the sky and chose then to turn in. Mind filled with new ideas for her new gear, she slowly slipped into a dream filled sleep. Her dreams were full of conquests she could accomplish, feats she could manage, the love of citizens as she saved the world. Slowly a crowd formed after her latest feat, chanting and cheering. The mayor of the town approached her, congratulating her for her awesome prowess. The mayor smiled at Scarlet then let her jaw hang loose and released a blood-curdling scream. Scarlet jumped out of bed and reached for her sword, a dull warmth spreading through her horn as she grabbed it in her telekinesis. The scream came from down the hall.

Bursting out her room and meeting several other sleepy eyed guards she rushed down the hall and into the great hall. Scarlet noticed a maid collapse on the floor, curling into a sobbing ball and trying to hold herself to sanity. Scarlet looked around the room to find what could have caused such a commotion. When she saw the horrific sight she nearly collapsed and vomited at the same time. Sitting between the two great thrones was a guard, nailed to the wall by his own fore hooves. They had been snapped from his torso and jammed through him and into the wall. His horn had been sawed off and rammed into his heart, clearly seen from his flayed chest. His face looked almost indistinguishable from any other except for the massive burn wound on it. the flesh was boiled and bubbling still as though it were recent.

Celestia and Luna galloped into the hall and both gasped at the gruesome sight. Sobs were echoed and panic began to spread through the room. Written over the body in blood was a simple message. All Mortals Shall Burn! The grisly sight had caused a terror to spread quickly as the occupants of the room ran about in a blind terror.

"Calm thyself!" Luna's voice rang through the hall in royal Canterlot speech and immediately the panic came to a halt. "This sight is more then any of you should see. We ask that all of thee return to your rooms. Do not speak of this matter unless given orders from the guard. Rest assured we shall capture the deranged soul and punish him accordingly." The ponies in the room followed her will and before long the room was cleared. Luna approached Scarlet and began addressing her in hushed tones, Celestia worked in the background attempting to clean the scene and prepare the body for a proper send off. "This is the influence of the wyvern."

"How could that be? There is no way a beast like that could fit in without alerting someone right?" Scarlet knew only a pony could do this, and she failed to see how the wyvern could connect.

"The wyvern spreads chaos in the world. It is not a natural monster. With it's appearance, the wyvern sows seeds of hate and dissent into the world. No pony Would..." Luna's last words didn't register with Scarlet as she saw a ghoulish face over her shoulder. The burned flesh of the creatures face hid any eyes, but Scarlet knew it was looking at her. Then swiftly and ran down the left hall.

Scarlet's sword burst in flames as she abandoned the princess in pursuit of the creature. Something told her inside that whatever that thing was, it had done this. A long black cloak tailed around a corner and Scarlet darted after it. The twist and turns eventually lead out to a balcony and the thing stood on the end when Scarlet stepped out.

"Who are you? What made you do such an awful thing?" Scarlet's blade burned brighter as her anger surged.

"A message from my master, Kriid.Pah fent ag, pah fent saluk. Fraan faal Bah do hin yun rah."

Scarlet swung he blade downward and upon striking the ground a column of flame erupted underneath the ghoul. A maniacal laughter broke out of the things lips and when the flames subsided it remained untouched. "I am the second to be reborn in flames Kriid. After you. Your fire shall not harm me." The crazy laugh busted out again as the creature leapt off the balcony, fading into the night. A cold wind blew over Scarlet's fur and the chilling words sunk into her. Her dreams from before offered no warmth for Scarlet as the reality of this turn of events hit her. The wyvern was no longer her only concern.