> I Love You > by The Writer In Hiding > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > I Love You > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle walked the streets she was so used to, smiling softly. So many memories flooded her head, memories of good times and happiness, which mixed into her thoughts of what she had planned to tell Princess Celestia. As she walked past a old, dainty little park, a memory came back to her- one that wasn't so happy and sweet. She frowned at the park, stopping to stare at it for a moment. 'I remember when I last entered that park... I thought they tore it down after 'The Incident'. I guess I was misinformed.'Twilight thought, the memory still fresh in her mind, after all these years.'The wound that came that day, will never be forgotten. Literally.'She thought, sighing. Unknowingly, she walked into the park, following her flashback without her consent. "Awww, but Cadance, I wanna come too!" A young violet filly Unicorn whined, staring up at the beautiful pink Alicorn- who was apparently named Cadance. "I know you do Twilight, but your parents want some time with you. You can't always hang out with me, you know. Your parents would be so sad. You don't want them sad, do you?"Cadance said, looking at the violet filly with kind, laughing violet eyes. "I guess not."The violet filly- Twilight Sparkle- muttered, clearly disappointed, her ears dropping a bit, a sad expression on her face. Cadance smiled softly, patting the young Unicorn's head."Now now, Twilight. I'll be right back. I'll be dragging back your older brother, while I go buy cakes. You can come next time, okay?" Twilight Sparkle perked up at hearing 'Brother','Cake', and 'Next time'. She looked up, her violet eyes- matching her coat- twinkling with hope."Do you promise to do all three, Cadance?"She asked, her voice showing all her emotions- Fear, excitement, and hope."Do you promise to take me next time you go somewhere?" Cadance laughed, her eyes twinkling like the filly's eyes.'She must really look up to me, to always seem to want to come with me wherever I go.'She thought, mentally smiling."I promise, Twilight. Now, I see your parents approaching. Be a good Filly for me, okay?" "Okay, Cadance!"The young Twilight Sparkle said, giggling happily, the sound fading as the Flashback ended. Twilight looked around, slightly confused. She soon facehooved, a sigh following it.'Darn it. I got stuck in that memory of the past. I hate when that happens. It just leads to pain I want to leave in my childhood.'She thought, a frown etched into her face.'I'm surprised Celestia has not found out my childhood had a bitter ending to it. I'm glad Cadance kept her promise... I don't need many people remembering that day... The day my parents... Left.'The word left did not fit correctly in that sentence, and she knew it. But she didn't want to give it the true ending. She soon gazed around, looking at all the abandoned equipment. Equipment she had used in her childhood. Her gaze soon fell outside of the fence surrounding the park; falling onto the charred remains of a house.'I'm surprised people still believe that that land is still haunted... Or is it because Shining still owns it?'She mused, another memory invading her head. She couldn't fend it off either, slowly walking towards that charred area, the memory flooding her senses. Young Twilight Sparkle had been playing and laughing with her parents the whole day- something she rarely got to do. She held onto the present they had gotten her that day; a cute little stuffed bat with glasses on it.'I'ma call you... Batty.'She thought, giggling mentally. She was laying under a table, playing a supposed game of 'hide-and-seek'. Her parents had decided to play it- and she had not known at the moment it was because they knew something was about to happen. The young filly giggled quietly, thinking her hiding spot was great.'Mommy and Daddy won't find me!'She thought, giggling again. She did not know her parents wouldn't be seeing her ever again... Present day Twilight Sparkle's gaze landed on the spot she had been hiding in that day, sorrow filling her.'I will never forgive those.. Monsters... For what they did to my family that day. They stole the one thing I took for granted... I always thought they would be there for me. In the end, I was wrong.'She thought, tears filling her eyes.'I can never forget the scene I saw that day... The scene I experienced.' Shouts and screams were coming from the main room, where the table she was under was. She looked out, scared out of her poor, little mind. She had no idea what was going on- fear taking over every fiber of her being.'Wh-what's going on... Mommy? Daddy?'She thought, fear seeping into her thoughts. She heard two screams that could only belong to her parents. What she saw next, was one thing that would mentally scar her for the rest of the life. She watched in horror as her parents were brutally murdered. She remembered all the blood that sprayed out of them as they were stabbed with Magic, Horns, and knives alike. The screams soon died down to silent gurgles, then to nothing. She stared at the dead bodies of her parents, feeling numb on the inside.'Mommy and Daddy will wake up... Right?'She thought, shaking slightly. The ponies left, one grumbling about 'Fire'. Twilight Sparkle approached the bodies of her parents, whimpering slightly."M-mommy? Daddy? You can wake up now... The mean people are gone."She whispered to her parents, shaking her mom."Y-you can stop sleeping now. It isn't funny..."She shook her parents a little more violently."Please... Wake up... Mommy, Daddy... Wake up..."Tears dripped off of her muzzle, her body shaking a little. She knew her parents wouldn't be waking up- but refused to accept."M-mommy! Daddy! Wake up! Please! It isn't funny!"She whimpered, the tears coming down in streams."Mommy! Daddy! Wake up!"She wailed, the tears falling. She wouldn't give up- her parents would wake up. She hadn't realized flames had engulfed the house, dancing and licking the walls. She was too busy trying to wake up her parents to notice, until it was too late."M-mommy... D-daddy..."She whispered, smoke choking her small lungs."Wake up...."She nestled between the corpse, her eyes soon closing, not able to handle the smoke..."I love you..." Twilight wiped off some wetness from her muzzle, eyes slightly red. She hadn't realized she had been crying while the memory played.'I don't remember what happened next... I-I think Cadance came, and took me away. She tried to explain it... I didn't listen... I only wanted my mommy and daddy back..'She thought, fresh tears dripping off her muzzle.'It's all I want, still. My childhood was ruined that day... My life was ruined. My mommy and daddy were stolen from me.' She let her gaze fall on the last place she had a happy childhood memory. Her heart still wouldn't accept what had happened that day.'Mommy, Daddy... I miss you.... I love you...'