> A Message From Ponyville > by EnderBlaze > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Dear Human World... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author’s note: This story was inspired by a thought that seemingly popped out of nowhere. I wrote it all without stopping, as if every aspect of it had already been thought out. Now that I go back to what I have written, I understand why. It has been thought out, I am only the medium between our world and theirs. I am honored to bring forth her message: Dear human world, Have you ever wondered if we really exist? Us talking, pastel colored ponies, don’t exist. That is the popular belief among the human race. Anypony… Well, anybody who thinks otherwise is immediately labeled insane. However, all of you seem to have forgotten how strong the imagination is. It is theorized that the power of thought can affect the odds of something happening. For example, you don’t want your toast to land butter side down, and therefore it has a higher chance of doing just that. I am not saying that the negative is more probable, I am only saying that by fearing that the toast will land butter side down, you have acknowledged it. You worry about how it will land. You humans are such pessimists, and therefore instead of having hope of it landing on the dry side, you have fear that it will land on the buttered side, ruining your perfectly good piece of toast. Now I know what you're wondering: If I can make something happen by thinking about it, why do I have such bad luck at casinos? The simple answer is that you didn’t have a chance to begin with. Your average odds of winning at a casino are always lower than those of you losing. Thinking about winning only increases the chances a small amount, not enough to put the odds in your favor. However, might I add that you are always afraid of losing, making your thoughts about the game not affect your chances much at all, they only negate each other. I won’t try to prove my point any longer, as that may ward some of you off before I can tell you why I am saying this. However, I present to you this little experiment: Take 11 coins, and shake them all up. Tell yourself there will be more heads than tails. If you honestly think that heads will win, I can bet you that it will. After shaking the coins, let them fall and tumble. Count the number of heads and tails, and I can tell you that more often than not, whatever side you were thinking of will be the dominant one. Doesn’t this sound familiar? It should, it is widely known as ‘placebo’. However, placebo is not restricted to your own body. No, it affects everything around you also, although on a much smaller scale. Everyone who believes in a religion: If there exists a higher being, can’t the power of thought exist? Have you ever heard of mind over matter? For all of the atheists, I give you quantum entanglement, or in other terms: Scientific evidence that what I am saying is true. Okay this time I mean it; no more trying to convince you. So when you think of something, it’s probability to happen is increased. Well, what if a group of people think about the same thing? What if this group calls themselves ‘Bronies’, and actively thinks about us at least once a week? When that happens, the effect is amplified and entire worlds can be created over time. One of those worlds is Equestria. Ponies have been created, and they live their life together. They know they exist, but they don’t know who created them. In their eyes, it must have been a ‘god’ of some sort. Among all of the inhabitants in Equestria that your species have dreamed up, there is one in particular who knows of your existence. All of you think of this mare as being aware of humans, and your collective thoughts have manifested into me, Lyra Heartstrings. I know who you are. You are wonderful. You have given me the amazing gift of being aware of your existence, and I am eternally grateful. I can see your world in my dreams. I have browsed the internet, flew through cities, and observed the public meetings you hold. I can honestly say that I love each and every one of you. Humans are spectacular… Most of the time. Remember what I was saying about dreams? Well, not many of you have thought about how we dream, so that has been left up to our world to decide. Our dreams are your imagination. The adventures you think up and post on various websites get more publicity than a personal and private day dream, and they become our dreams, as more people have thought about them. Humans are amazing, but they have a dark side. Many decide to express that in their fan fictions, crafting horrible dreams for us. Nightmares include gore, sex, and sadness. Often when my friends go to sleep, they experience gruesome things, leaving them scarred for the rest of the day. Ponyville is not what you think. Small little events in the show “My Little Pony” do not manifest themselves in our world, because they are too less thought of. People don’t think of specific episodes for long periods of time, and therefore they do not happen. The characters exist as they are in many episodes. I personally know Rainbow Dash, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, as well as the others. However, like I said, the events are not similar. The dreams we must endure have thrown everypony into a depressed state. Your constant belief that ponies are happy is the only thing getting us through the day. I have to thank all of you again. Our sadness hasn’t overcome our optimism because of you. But I know that this can’t go on. I see my friends suffer every day from their memories. I hear the screams of ponies waking up at night from a terrifying nightmare. I have comforted Bon Bon on many occasions when I found her crying in bed. I am different, and I feel horrible knowing that I am immune. My dreams consist of visits to your world, not those dreams made up by you. I have convinced myself to do this, and have only been waiting for a chance to have my voice heard. I will educate the human world of our presence, hoping that someday, our life will be again touched by your kindness. I ask that you treat us as if we were alive, because we very much are. Remember that whenever you post a story, if it is unpleasant, it could very well be what somepony cries about at night. It could become a dream that tortures somepony in their sleep, night after night, throwing their happiness out the window. I have borrowed a transmitter and hooked it up to the Crystal Empire’s castle. Crystals amplify signals, and the magic and love inside this building make that signal one hundred times stronger. I can only hope that my signal will be received. It may enter your world as a letter, a dream, or only a mere thought. However, I have faith that you will know. I hope that you will spread the word of our existence. Dear human world, What you do with this information is your choice, for I cannot control your actions. However, I hope that you will let others know. Just remember this, for me, for all of pony kind: We are here. Thank you for considering my message. Whether you believe it or not is up to you. I love you all. Sincerely, Lyra Heartstrings.