My Little Spike

by Blueninetails

First published

After an incident with one of Twilight's spells, Spike finds himself in the body of a colt rather than a dragon.

While practicing transformation spells, Twilight accidentally hits Spike, temporarily trapping him in a colt's body. While Twilight tries finding the solution to turn Spike back, he has to learn about his new body, and a new bit of information from Applebloom that might change his life for years to come.

(Note: This is a story I wrote quite some time ago, and was originally published in full on DA a little over a year ago. Also, as a heads up, I know the first three chapters aren't exactly very high quality, they were written and published on DA before my editor became a brony and I was more comfortable sending him my stuff. The chapters after that though (4 and onward) are in better quality, I can promise that. Also, this is set around mid-season 2, to kinda understand why certain factors were left out.)

Chapter 1

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It's a fairly normal day in Ponyville, as most of its residences goes through the day as any other. Applejack is in the townsquare selling apples, Derpy Hooves was up in the air finishing her rounds for the day, Spike was out running an errand for Twilight, and Twilight herself was at the library reading a book about transformative spells.

Sure, she had successfully transformed an apple into a carriage and, though temporary, a rock, branch, and a few leaves into a rather high-class outfit and cane; but, her attempt at changing four mice for the night of the Gala showed she still had much to learn. The book she was reading was one that specialized just for that. It was a book from the library at Canterlot, and was a book that Princess Celestia was a little more hesitant than usual to lend out to Twilight for her studies.

The book covered simple transformation spells that would be considerably simple for any unicorn, especially Twilight, but it also contained more complex maneuvers ones she felt that would be too advanced for Twilight to attempt. With a little convincing, and getting Luna to vouch in her favor, Twilight managed to convince Princess Celestia to lend it to her.

Now alone with the book, and a simple stone in front of her, Twilight was doing her best to memorize the concepts before attempting to change the stone in front of her.

"Alright, just take a deep breath and concentrate." she said to herself before focusing her magic.

The stone hovered for a moment before changing into a hat similar to ones worn by those in the Apple family.

Twilight looked at what happened and smiled proudly to herself, before she heard somepony yell out "Look out!" and in flew a familiar blue pegasus through the window and right into a bookcase, once again scattering the books it held all over the floor.

"Rainbow." Twilight simply stated in an upset tone as she approached her friend, who was laying half buried under some books.

"Hehehe. Sorry about that Twilight." Rainbow apologized as she got back onto her feet.

"Please, be more careful next time." she simply stated before going back to where she was

"So whatcha doing now, Twilight?" Rainbow asked as she followed Twilight

"Oh, I was just trying to perfect my transformation spells." she replied and pointed a hoof to the book and what use to be her practice stone, "See, I've already turned a stone I found this morning into a hat."

"Wow! That's so cool. It looks almost like Applejack's." Rainbow stated before picking it up and placing it onto her head, "I dunno what you're talking about Twilight, but it looks like you have this spell down."

"Well, not exactly. I may have gotten most forms down, but I'm still working on making it permanent."

"Permanent? You mean so it stays a hat forever?"

"Well...without magic to change it back, yes. You see, do you remember the carriage? The one we used for the Gala?"

"Who wouldn't."

"Like with Fluttershy's mice friends, the carriage eventually changed back to normal. And while that was okay, I've wanted to try changing objects that will retain what I changed it into." Twilight explained, "Not to mention I've just barely done transformations on other animals before."

"I'm not gonna vouch myself for that."

"Don't worry, Rainbow, I have no intention of asking you or anyone to be a test subject for my magic tricks. At least not this one."

"I don't mind being used as a test subject, but I think I'll wait till after you figure it out. That way I don't turn into something I don't want to be."

At that moment, Spike came walking back in.

"Alright, got those errands done, Twilight." Spike stated before noticing that Rainbow Dash was there, "Hey there Rainbow."

"Hey Spike."

"Uh...why are you wearing Applejack's hat?"

"It's not AJ's. It's a rock that Twilight changed into a hat."

"She's right. I changed a stone I found this morning into the hat that sits on Rainbow's head." Twilight added.

"Wow, cool Twilight. Can you change other things too?"

Twilight chuckled, "I'm still working on that."

"Say, Twilight, you said this thing would eventually change back. When is it going to-" Rainbow was cut off as the object on her head suddenly got heavier, before rolling off her head and onto the ground.

"Right about now. Sorry, if you wanted to wear it a little longer. When I changed it, I didn't put much into mind about making it last as long as the carriage. Since it was only for practice."

"That's okay." Rainbow stated as she rubbed her head with one of her fore-hooves, "Besides, I think Applejack would've wondered where I got a replica of her hat anyway if she saw me."

"Yes, I think I can agree with that." Twilight simply stated with a nod, and tried imagining in her head how that might've turned out.

Later that evening, Twilight was still buried deep in her studies. Applejack had stopped by for a moment to have a quick chat with Twilight though, when Twilight requested Applejack to come by with a bag of apples. Twilight wanted some of the apples for her practice. Mostly though she wanted to try a spell that would change them into gemstones for Spike to eat. While Spike didn't like the idea of a meal meant for him be a transformed copy of his favorite treat, it was still gemstones when he put it in his mouth. Besides, he's eaten apples before, so if they do change back, no need to worry about a stomachache.

"How long do you plan on working on this Twilight?" Spike asked before putting another gem in his mouth

"As long as it takes. I really want to try this spell, and this book from Princess Celestia only shows how little I truly understand it. There's at least another seven chapters, and all of them are advanced teachings."

"Are you at least gonna go to sleep tonight?"

"Don't worry about me, Spike, I know how to take care of myself. I'll make sure to get some sleep tonight."

Spike left it at that as he continued eating. After some time, and Spike was being egged on to getting to sleep, Twilight was taking a break to simply write a letter to Princess Celestia to thank her for the book and report in her current progress with transformation spells. She was planning to have Owlicious take the message to Celestia, rather than her usual through Spike.

After sending Owlicious off to deliver the message, Twilight went back to her studying.

"*Yawn* Just a few more tries, then I call it a night." she muttered to herself before looking back at the book for a brief moment to check if what she was going to do was right, then turned her attention to the apple that was placed on the ground.

Twilight closed her eyes and focused her energy into changing the apple. It took a moment for her magic to envelope the entire fruit before changing into a potted flower.

"Okay, two more." she stated before using the spell again on another apple, changing it into grapes, then to the third one.

After giving another yawn, she then re-focused her energy on the third apple, before suddenly hearing Spike next to her, "Twilight...?"

"Ah!" she screamed before looking at Spike, who she incidentally hit with her third spell, sending him right into a pile of books that Twilight hadn't put away, "Spike!" and ran over to him, "Spike, are you alright?"

He only gave a groan before replying with, "Yeah, I think so."

"Spike, I thought I already sent you to bed."

"I did, but I heard you casting your spells, so I came down to have a look. And after seeing you yawn, I thought I might as well convince you to get to bed too before you pass out here, again."

"I told you Spike, I know how to take care of myself. I just wanted three more tries at the spell that will help make what I change them into permanent." Twilight stated, "Anyway, right now, just tell me, do feel alright? I hit you with my spell."

"Uh...yeah, I feel pretty normal. I don't think you did anything to me." Spike replied as he looked at himself.

"You look pretty normal to me too. How about your fire breath?"

Spike tried exactly just that into the air, and it was working, "Nope, still works. Like any dragon should."

"I suppose it didn't affect you then, that's good. I wouldn't know what you would've changed into if it had. I wasn't focusing on what I changed the apples into."

"Let's just get to bed Twilight, you can try practicing tomorrow."

Twilight just gave a sigh, and looked at the potted plant and grapes that use to be apples. They were still the same, so no telling if they ended up staying that way until later anyway. "Alright, let's get some sleep." and followed Spike up the bedroom.

The following morning, Twilight was the first up and out of bed. She looked over at Spike, who had managed to curl himself into a ball in his blanket.

Twilight only gave a smile, then looked to see if Owlicious had returned, or if he couldn't get back in and had spent the night perched outside the window. Checking, Owlicious had been able to return inside, and was sitting where he usually would be, and was about to get some sleep for the day.

Before attempting to wake up Spike, Twilight went downstairs to see if the apples had retained their forms or had changed back. They changed back. She simply gave a sigh and went back up.

"Spike. Wake up, Spike. I need you to help me today." Twilight said as she nudged Spike in his bed.

Spike only gave a groan and shifted in his bed.

"Come on Spike, I want to practice with clothes again."

"Alright, alright..., I'm up." Spike replied and shifted around again, before throwing the blanket off and sitting up on his bed

Twilight could only go wide-eyed look in disbelief at what she saw.

Spike only looked up at her as he tried rubbing the sleepiness out of his eyes, "What's wrong? Do I have something on my frill?"

Twilight shook her head, "No...It's not that."

"Then what is it?" Spike simply asked before noticing the hand he used to rub his eye didn't feel right and noticed his familiar hand to be a hoof.

"It's because you're not a dragon anymore." Twilight replied as her mind raced faster than Rainbow Dash in the air trying to find a explanation, finding last night's accident as the only possible explanation. The explanation of why she was looking at a young purple earth pony rather than a baby dragon.

Chapter 2

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Twilight was racing through Ponyville, running around sharp corners and weaving past every other pony as they started their day. At her current speed, she could've easily competed against Applejack and Rainbow during the last Running of the Leaves.

On her back, sat Spike, who was temporarily back to his dragon appearance and was holding on for dear life.

After Twilight deemed that spell had actually past the certain point that Spike would've changed back to normal, she tried changing Spike back to normal herself, with only temporary results. She ended up draining a good portion of her energy just trying. She tried requesting help from Princess Celestia, but Spike couldn't do his fire breath so he couldn't send it and Owlicious was only for the night.

Now running through the town, Twilight was hoping if anything she'd get to Sweet Apple Acres before the spell on Spike wore off. Just as she was turning the corner to the barn, she bumped right into Applejack, causing Spike to be catapulted right off her back.

"OW! What in tarnation!" Applejack yelled out as she rubbed her head

"I'm sorry, Applejack, but I need your help right now."

"Well, what is it?"

As Twilight was about to answer, she saw the spell finally fade away off Spike. "In the barn." she just stated before running over to Spike, grabbed by his tail, and threw him right into the barn. Not before Applejack saw anyway.

"Is that little fella' Spike?!" Applejack asked as she and Twilight ran into the barn as well, her eyes almost stuck on the dragon turned earth pony.

Spike had been fortunate enough to have landed on some hay, but it only made his landing a little less uncomfortable, "Please, warn me next time you do that."

"Sorry." Twilight apologized, then looked at Applejack, "Yes, that's Spike."

"What the hay happened ta 'im?" Applejack asked, genuinely curious.

"I was just practicing my spells, and I accidentally....hit...him." she explained embarrassingly

"You hit 'im with a spell?"

"On accident. He scared me last night while I was charging a spell, and I ended up casting it on him instead. I just found him like that this morning, he looked absolutely fine last night."

Applejack looked at Spike as she listened, "Haven't ya'll tried turnin' 'im back?"

"I tried, but he just keeps changing back to a pony. It just won't work, and somehow it won't wear off on it's own."

"Well, ya'll were tryin' to make a permanent transformation spell." Applejack stated, trying to lighten the situation.

"But, I didn't mean on Spike."

"Alright, so what do you need my help with? Ah mean, ah ain't no unicorn, ah don't know anythin' about magic."

"I know, and I already wrote out a message to Princess Celestia asking for help, but I need someone to watch Spike."

"Ah'm not a baby-sitter Twi. Ah need ta be sellin' apples today."

"Please, Applejack. Just this once, I just need the time to run errands and find the solution. Please."

Applejack gave a sigh, "Alright, just cause we're friends and all."

"Thank you so much Applejack. I really appreciate the help."

"Ah'm gonna still have ta be sellin' apples though at least till later this afternoon. Hm...think he'll mind being with ma sis and her friends till then?"

"What do you think Spike? Do you mind spending the day with the Cutie Mark Crusaders."

"I guess. I would prefer helping you out today though, so you have more time to find a way to change me back sooner." Spike simply replied.

"It'll be just for today Spike, and I promise I'll find a way as soon as I can."

"Alright, I guess so. As long as they don't try anything froo-froo-ly on me."

"I think 'froo-froo-ly' is the least of your concerns right now little fella." Applejack stated with a chuckle, as Twilight put Spike back on her back.

Twilight followed Applejack to the CMC clubhouse, where Applebloom was already outside just sitting around.

"Hey Applejack, Hey Twilight. Who's the new pony?" Applebloom greeted, noticing the little purple pony with a green mane on Twilight's back.

"It's me Spike." he simply replied.

"Spike? What happened to him?"

"It's a long story. Do you mind having Spike accompany you, Sweetie, and Scootaloo for today?" Twilight replied

"Um, sure no problem at t'all. Though ah'm thinkin' It'll only be me and Scoot. Sweetie Belle said she was going to help her sis today."

"What's Rarity doin'? Ah thought she didn't like having Sweetie Belle around during major projects." Applejack asked

"I'm not sure. Maybe it's a simple project that Sweetie could do. You know how much she's always wanted to help Rarity." Twilight replied, "Thank you Applebloom. Try going easy on him, he's still kinda adjusting."

"Just for today though, right?" Spike asked looking at Twilight.

"Hopefully. I'm just hoping that the Princess has the solution."

"Alright, that means yer an honorary Cutie Mark Crusader for the day Spike. You can adventure with me and Scoot and find our cutie marks!" Applebloom stated with a grin

"Wait, what now...?"

"Well, ya'll don't have a cutie mark." she simply stated and pointed to his side, which was apparently true as he checked his flank.

As the day wore on, Twilight ran around Ponyville to complete the errands she had planned on letting Spike do, get her message to Derpy to deliver to Princess Celestia, and get back home in time to find the solution. Most of the other ponies had just believed Spike was a new pony the CMC had recruited as Scootaloo made sure he was always on his hooves. The only exceptions were Fluttershy, Rainbow, and Rarity, as Applejack and Twilight told them figuring it was only time anyway. They didn't need to tell Pinkie, who for whatever reason that even eluded her, she kinda already knew.

As the sun began to set, Spike was walking back to the library, extremely exhausted after the CMC's most recent attempt, which had left him bruised on several areas of his body and covered in leaves and tree sap. Fluttershy was walking with him, assuming responsibility to watch over him after Applejack, and after the CMC had gone their separate ways for the day.

"Ow...I can't believe I let Scootaloo convince me into doing that last stunt." Spike stated, his head and tail pointed low to the ground.

"Um...we can go to my home...if you want. I could give you a quick bath and give you something to reduce the soreness." Fluttershy voiced in.

"No, I think I'll be alright. I'll just hose myself off and crawl into bed."

"W-well, o-okay, if you say so."

After helping Spike hose off all the tree sap and leaves, the two walked in to find a massive pile of books stacked on top of each other all across the library floor.

"Looks like Twilight's been busy." Spike simply stated, "Twilight! You home?"

No answer

"Maybe she's out. Do you know where else she would be?" Fluttershy asked

"Aside from errands, I don't think so." he replied looking around, "And according to the checklist that Twilight always makes for me." he adds looking at a checklist on a clipboard that hung off the wall, "She's finished all of them."

"So...what do we do now? I'm still suppose to watch you, but I need to go home soon to feed the animals."

"You can go home if you want. I've managed on my own before." Spike stated as he started trying to re-shelf some of the books that he thinks that Twilight might be done with.

Fluttershy watched him for a moment, and noted that he was having a hard time shelving books that required a ladder, "Here...I-I'll help you." and flew over to help him shelf the book.

After a moment of simply re-shelving books, Twilight finally returned, looking a little tired herself.

"Hello Twilight." Fluttershy greeted

"Hello Fluttershy, what are you doing here?"

"I was keeping an eye on Spike, well after Applejack wasn't able to anymore. I hope that was okay."

"Of course. Thank you so much for helping." she stated before walking over to where Spike was, who was busy piling a few books near the shelves they were suppose to go on.

"Spike was trying to clean up a little, but he needed help with the books that went on the upper shelves." Fluttershy continued to explain as she followed.

"You know you don't need to do that Spike." Twilight simply stated to him.

"I know, but...I need something 'normal' after hanging out with the Cutie Mark Crusaders all day." he replied, "So, where were you?"

"Oh, I went to Canterlot to talk to the Princess."

"All that way?" Fluttershy asked

"Yep. I missed giving Derpy the letter, so rather than wait for the next day I decided to just talk to her personally."

"So what did she say? Did she tell you how to fix this?" Spike asked a little excited

" You see Princess Celestia wasn't there." Twilight replied, "Appears she had to leave on important business and left Princess Luna to tend to things till she got back."

"Did Princess Luna-"

"Sorry, she didn't know." Twilight stated a little sadly, as Spike shared the look, "She hasn't dabbed in the transformation arts in so long, she had forgotten a few components on how to make the spell work. She did say though she'll try help finding the answer whenever she has the time away from royal duties."

"So what then?"

"Well, I'm sorry to say it, but you'll have to remain that way till either Princess Luna or myself find the answer. I'll spend the time not running errands or monitoring the library practicing on transformations."

"Does that mean I have to hang out with the Cutie Mark Crusaders till this is all fixed?"

"If you want. It would be ideal since it would give you something to do, and I'm not sure what I can ask you to do considering."

"I'm sure some of us would have something for him to do." Fluttershy lightly rang in, "I mean...most of us wouldn't mind a volunteer every once in a while, if that's okay."

"You mean like gathering apples, bakery assistant, or something like that?" Twilight asked

"Yes, that's what I mean. Afterall, I'm sure Big Macintosh get's tired once in a while, and Rarity occasionally asks us to act as a model for what she makes."

"It's certainly somewhere to start with, especially if Spike really doesn't want to hang out with the Cutie Mark Crusaders."

After bidding Fluttershy a good night, Twilight went back to her practicing as Spike watched her, having nothing else to do.

Twilight gave another sigh as she continues her attempts to keep a transformed stone in the form she had changed it into, she did seem very close, but the transformation always reverted back to normal. Which only frustrated her further about Spike, since he was afterall an unintended target for her spell and somehow he did seem to retain the form of an earth pony rather than changing back to normal.

"Twilight, what would happen if you can't change me back?" Spike asked

"I will Spike. I promise you that. Just have a little faith in me, I'll figure this out soon enough." she replied to him before trying to change the stone again, this time into a ball.

"I know, and I don't doubt ya at all; but, I can't stop wondering. What happens if you can't change me back?"

Twilight thought about it for a moment, "Well, then we'll have to get use to a new lifestyle. I'll have to learn to manage without much of your help in the library, and you'll have to figure out how live the life as an earth pony."

Spike looked off to the side for a moment

"Don't quite fancy the idea of being a pony rather than a dragon?"

"No, I'll get use to it if I have to. Not to mention it might help me with Rarity." he stated, as Twilight rolled her eyes a bit, lightly happy that Spike could still find a silver-lining in all this, "And I get more free time for myself, but I like being your assistant Twilight, and if I'm no help I'll just get replaced."

"I thought I already told you, I'm not going to have you replaced." she stated as she trotted over, "You'll still be my number one assistant. I'll just have to figure out what you can and can't do if it does happen." she added just as the stone changed back to normal.

Spike then gave a light yawn.

"Looks like you better get some sleep. It's been an off day, I'm sure you're tired."

Spike simply gave a nod and started his way to his bed.

"I'll be up there soon to join you." Twilight stated to him, "A little too tired to really want to do another all-nighter."

Chapter 3

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For the next couple of days Twilight continued her practice, making some progress here and there, but a permanent transformation only coming up every now and then, and even then she was only working with a random result. Spike had decided to not to pester Twilight whenever she needed a break from transformations, just to keep her content, and let her read other books for her own liking. Spike in the meanwhile had gone around to help their other friends, with mixed results. Helping Rarity, as much as he liked it, incidentally resulted in Rainbow finding a good reason to laugh at his expense for at least a few days. Rarity had convinced him, without any kind of difficulty, to modeling some of her newer designs, which only one was actually meant for young colts. Helping Fluttershy gave him some lessons about, and the trust, of some of the animals she keeps and cares for. Unfortunately, Angel wasn't one of them, which was mostly fine by him.

Now he was helping Pinkie Pie at Sugarcube Corner, with Applebloom apparently. Scootaloo didn't want to try, finding baking boring, so she decided to just hang out with Rainbow Dash for the day. Sweetie Belle had stuck around for only a moment, but decided to leave of her own reasons.

"Okay, now just mix a few blueberries, then go 'head and get ready to bake 'em." Pinkie stated in her usual content tone to both Applebloom and Spike, all the while working on some cupcakes.

"Did she mean ya'll or me?" Applebloom asked Spike

"I think she meant both of us. Aren't we doing the same thing?"

"Ah thought ah was making cupcakes." Applebloom whispered, "Pinkie, aren't we makin' cupcakes."

"You mean you two? No, you're making blueberry muffins." Pinkie simply replied


"Are you making cupcakes?" Pinkie asked as she walked over and looked into her bowl

"Ah thought we were."

"Well that's okay, chocolate blueberry muffins sound tasty too." she stated cheerfully

"Are ya sure?"

"Yep! Just get ready to put them in the oven!" she then trotted over to Spike, "How 'bout you Spike? How's yours coming along?"

"Not sure, does it look right?" Spike asked

Pinkie looked at the mixture before nodding, "Yep! Looks alright to me."

After waiting a moment or so, Spike and Applebloom took out what they had made. Applebloom was first, then Spike. Spike unfortunately had to immediately drop his because he burned his tongue.

Applebloom chuckled at the incident, "Don't worry, that happened ta me too."

"Okie-Dokie! Let's see how you two did." Pinkie simply stated before taking one from Spike's tray in her mouth and eating it, "Mmm, not bad."

"Really?" Spike asked in disbelief and proceeded to try one himself, as well as Applebloom.

Spike just made a face before swallowing. Applebloom followed suit, but spat the bit in her mouth out.

"Tastes sour." Applebloom stated

"Oh yeah..., it does taste sour." Pinkie stated, seeming to giving it a second thought, "Still not too bad though. Oh well, how about you Applebloom? Let's see how you did." she stated giving them a try

"Ah think ah did it wrong, ah thought ah was making cupcakes after all." she only stated

"Hm, yeah, somethings a little off, but that's okay. It still tastes good and it's okay to make a mistake every now and then." Pinkie stated cheerfully as she patted Applebloom on the head

"Hey, Pinkie Pie, what are we making muffins for anyway?" Applebloom asked

"A large order was made. Aside from our trusty mailpony, Derpy, an order for a few dozen blueberry muffins were made from somepony in Troddingham, which of course I thought was wrong, I mean who would order so many, but turned out to be real." she replied as she placed a tray of muffins ready for baking into the oven, "Then I went *gasps* 'What if it's for a big party?!' and who am I to ruin a good party just because I didn't follow the order."

"Ah'm sure they have their reasons."

"That or they're probably the fattest ponies I've heard of." Spike slightly mumbled to himself, but was loud enough for Applebloom to hear as she giggled at the statement, "Say Pinkie, mind if I keep helping you out? I've got nothing else to do."

"Of course you can help! I always appreciate a helping hoof."

For the remainder of the day, Spike continued to help Pinkie at Sugarcube corner. Applebloom stuck around a while longer as well, but eventually left as well. First though Pinkie boxed and let Applebloom keep her blueberry-chocolate-chip muffins since it didn't fit the order, and she didn't want all of them. Applebloom also decided to tell Spike to meet them at the clubhouse tomorrow for a regular group meeting.

Later that night, Twilight was reading a new book that Princess Luna had sent her. It was a copy of various counter spells that Luna owned. She had bookmarked various pages of interest that dealt with transformations. Twilight and Spike decided to have some of the cupcakes that Spike made, but goofed up in some way, as a dinner; and while mildly sour, she decided to humor him and eat some. Besides, they certainly tasted better than when she accidentally got a mouthful of Pinkie's favorite hot sauce topping.

The following day, Twilight let Spike ride on her back as usual as they made their way to Sweet Apple Acres. Greeting Applejack and Applebloom 'good morning' as they entered.

"Howdy Twilight." Applejack greeted, "Ah see Spike ain't back ta normal yet."

"Unfortunately." Spike rang in.

"I'm still working on fixing it. I'm getting close, and I've even gotten permanent transformations down to a tee. Unfortunately, I haven't focused on 'dragon' as a form of practice." Twilight added

"How much longer do ya fancy it'll take?" Applejack asked

"I don't know. Hopefully not for very much longer." Twilight simply replied as she let Spike down from off her back, "Princess Luna lent me a copy of her personal book of counter spells yesterday. With any luck I won't need to focus Spike's exact form during a transformation, but simply undo the spell completely."

"Is it easier?"

"It is, but it'll take some practice I'm afraid. As I said, I've just barely done transformation spells that are suppose to be permanent, much less magic to reverse said spell manually."

"Well, Spike's always welcome here at Sweet Apple Acres. As long as he doesn't cause a fire to the family crop or eat all the apples." Applejack stated with a chuckle.

"I doubt Spike would do anything like that anyway."

"I couldn't if wanted to right now." Spike rang in.

"Anyway, Applebloom, what are you, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle planning on doing today?"

"Ah dunno yet, Scoot and Sweetie Belle haven't told me yet." she simply replied

"Well, I have a special request for you three. If you're willing to take it that is."

"Well, I'm sure we wouldn't mind a challenge, so okay."

"Okay, thank you. I was wondering if you three could try teaching Spike the basics of being a pony."


"Yes, like holding a pencil, carrying weight on his back, something along those lines."

"Ain't he know about those already?" Applejack asked

"Yes, but not as a pony. He tried doing some of his usual chores last night, but...not as well."

"I goofed up." Spike stated, "I just ended up making more of a mess trying to clean up."

"Oh, it wasn't that bad Spike. You just need...a little better understanding what you're now physically capable of and your limitations." Twilight stated

"That doesn't sound too hard at all. Sure thing." Applebloom stated, "Besides it could be what I need to earn my cutie mark."

"Ya'll really think teachin' is you're special skill lil' sis?" Applejack asked with some amusement.

"Maybe, I haven't tried teaching before."

A little later at the clubhouse, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle found Applebloom trying to teach Spike how hold the pencil and write with his mouth. After letting them know about Twilight's request of them, with some hesitation they decided to give it a try.

"No, no, it's too...squiggly." Scootaloo voiced in

"I think I can sort of read it though." Applebloom stated, "It is you're name right?"

"Yeah, it is." Spike replied

"You sure you don't want to just use your hooves?" Scootaloo asked

"Yeah, I'm sure. I don't even know how you guys hold it with your hooves."

"Well just keep practicing." she stated and gave Spike a strong pat on the back, one that slightly made him cringe in pain, "Here maybe a demonstration is in order." then before anyone could say otherwise, or do anything at all, she took the pencil in her mouth and wrote her own name on the paper, "See easy-pea-sy, now you try." she added after putting the pencil back down on the floor.

"Can I get a new pencil then? No offense, but I don't want to put my mouth on the same object that was in someone else's just five seconds ago."

"Ew! Gross, I forgot you were using that." she exclaimed before walking off to go rinse her mouth

"How come I can't help?" Sweetie Belle asked curiously. She was just sitting off to the side watching the others teach Spike.

"Sweetie Belle, you're a unicorn, you can just use magic to move the pencil." Scootaloo stated

"Oh yeah."

"Um...why don't we try somethin' else for now?" Applebloom asked as she sat down to think what else they could try teaching him.

"Did Twilight ask anything else in particular?"

"She mentioned something about carrying weights."

"You're not good at carrying a pack?" Scootaloo asked him curiously

"I've never tried."

"Then let's get started. I have my pack near the door. We can put some books inside it and have him try it out." Scootaloo voiced in rather quickly and tried gathering some books from school and some they had borrowed from the library scattered about the clubhouse.

"Just don't go overloading it, Scoot. We don't want to send him to the hospital." Applebloom reminded

"Don't worry I'm sure it's not gonna be that heavy." she stated as she dragged it across the floor, and just managed to put it on his back.

"This IS heavy. What....did you put in it?" Spike asked in a strained voice

"Just four books."

Applebloom took a look inside to see what Scoot had actually put inside, "This has Twilight's dictionary in it." then proceeded to take that off Spike's load.

"Just one volume." Scootaloo stated in her defense.

"There's how's that?"

"Still kinda heavy, but more manageable. Thanks Applebloom."

"Think nothing of it."

"Come on, let's get walking. That'll help 'im break in those carrying muscles." Scootaloo stated as she walked over to the door.

"Carrying muscles?" Sweetie Belle asked curiously

"Do we have muscles just for carrying?" Applebloom asked

"I dunno, but let's just get going." Scoot stated boldly and trotted out

The others just gave a shrug and walked out to follow the pegasus.

Chapter 4

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"So what is she doing?" Spike asked Applebloom and Sweetie Belle as they all looked up at Scootaloo, who was up in a tree, "I thought the point was to help me out today."

"It's suppose ta be." Applebloom replied, "But ah dunno what that filly is doin' all the way up there."

At the moment, it's evening and Scootaloo had decided to climb up a tree and take a break. It was a modestly good sized tree that was growing near one of the lakes around Ponyville. After spending a day working on Twilight's request of them to teach Spike how to function as an earth pony, she wanted a break, but of course that was far from the truth.

"Scootaloo! What in ponyville are ya tryin' ta teach Spike?" Applebloom shouted up towards her friend

"Well...uh...swimming. I'm sure he doesn't know how to swim like one yet. Afterall, it's gotta be important." she replied

"She's just trying to have fun now, isn't she?" Spike asked a little dully at Applebloom


"Well, we have been doing this all day, so a little break should be alright." Sweetie Belle replied

"I guess so." Spike simply said as he gently wiggled the semi-heavy pack off his back and sat down, "'ll give me a chance to rest my back." he added with a huge sigh of relief to have that weight off him.

"Ah guess it couldn't hurt." Applebloom stated with a shrug and jumped into the water, soon followed by Sweetie Belle

Scootaloo watched as the others seemingly decided to take a break, then jumped down to join them, making a splash that almost hit Spike from the dry shore.

As the sun was setting, just barely any of it still left peeking over the horizon, the three fillies got out of the water. Spike had opted to only get his feet a little wet, and nothing more. He figured taking the on the more responsible of the four would be better for them all. Granted though, the three fillies did make it look very fun.

"Well, it's time I head home. My folks don't like it when I stay out past dark." Scootaloo stated

"Yeah, my sister Rarity isn't gonna be happy either." Sweetie Belle stated

"What about you Spike? Would Twilight get mad if you stayed out past dark?"

"Nah, Twilight would just get worried. She trusts that I know how to stay out of trouble though." he simply replied as the four began walking back towards Ponyville.


As the four walked, they talked about how things have been with each other. Mostly it was about hobbies, what they had attempted to do on their own, namingly Sweetie Belle once again attempting to help Rarity, and Applebloom and Spike's attempt to help Pinkie the other day. It did eventually shift towards what the CMC should try next for their cutie marks, well Spike didn't speak much during that part, and ended with a small mental list for them. Soon Scootaloo had to part ways, followed by Sweetie Belle as soon as they hit the town square.

"It's kinda dark now." Spike stated looking at the sky.

"Yep. Applejack is definitely not going to like this at t'all." Applebloom stated, the last part more intended for herself to remind her that she's probably in trouble now.

"Would you like it if I walked with you? Applejack might not be as mad if somepony was keeping an eye on you."

"Um...are ya sure. Twilight wouldn't mind if y'all stayed out longer?"

"I'll just tell her I was doing something to help the Crusaders. Twilight probably wouldn't mind then."

"Well...alright, if yer sure." Applebloom stated with a smile as the two started walking toward Sweet Apple Acres.

As the two walked, they remained mostly quiet, finding nothing of interest to talk about. Besides the night seemed rather peaceful, compared to the day. A few ponies were still up and about, but it seems more like they're preparing their stores for the next day. Spike spent most of the time just looking at the sky, supposedly Luna could be seen flying around on occasion, but lately she's been absent, probably very busy helping Twilight find the answer when not busy trying to run the kingdom. Applebloom had been following Spike, occasionally looking at him in what light the moon had to offer. Finally, Applebloom spoke up.

"Say, Spike..., did ya ever wonder what y'all gonna do if Twilight can't change ya back?"

"Hm...just get use to this life I guess, but I trust Twilight will figure it out. She is the best magic user in all of Ponyville afterall."

Applebloom just looked off to the side before saying, "I-If it did happen, y'all ended up stayin' that way, would ya consider stayin' a member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders?"

"I'd have to think about it first." he simply replied, "Why the all the questions Applebloom? You know, those questions would probably make somepony wonder that you actually wanted me to stay this way."

"And...what if ah actually...did?" she asked after a moment of silence in a tone that almost seemed ashamed to admit it.

Spike just stopped in his tracks and looked at Applebloom in amazement, "What?! Why would you want me to stay this way?"

"Um...well...cause ah like ya as a pony..." she replied as she scrapped the ground with a hoof

" me as a pony?" he repeated, confusion written on his face.

"No, ah LIKE you as a pony." she said again, this time a little louder and with more expression on the word 'like' as she blushed a bit.

Spike looked at her cluelessly, trying to figure out what Applebloom meant. As he noted her posture and slight blush, he blinked a few times as his mind put the pieces together. Before he could ask again to check if he understood what she meant, they heard some 'clomping' on the ground, before hearing a familiar voice.

"Applebloom, there you are." they heard Applejack say as they both turned to look at the older earth pony, looking a little upset, "Where have ya been?"

"Applejack! Well...I um..." Applebloom started

"We were just out by the lake just outside of town." Spike explained, "Scootaloo wanted a break and we all ended up going for a swim. We're sorry Applejack, we just lost track of time."

"Well that's all fine n' dandy, but ya'll should know better than ta stay out this late." she stated

"I'm sorry, sis." she apologized.

Applejack just gave a sigh as she put a hoof on her face, then looked at Spike, "How 'bout you sugercube? Shouldn't ya be headin' back home too? Before Twilight get's mighty upset at ya."

"Twilight's never bothered with me staying up a little later, just as long as I get back before I fall asleep." he explained, "I was trying to help Applebloom home since it was out late. We thought you'd be less mad if somepony was keeping an eye on her."

"Well..., at least she wasn't alone. Ah suppose that is a good thing." Applejack stated as she thought about it, "Well, alright, but don't let me catch ya out late ever again. Now come on, keep up ya two." she added as she began walking towards the library.

"This isn't the way back home." Applebloom stated

"Ah know, we're gonna help Spike back home first."

"But-" Spike stated

"I know what ya said sugercube, but I'm sure as sugar ain't leavin' ya out on your own. Figure Twi wouldn't appreciate it at t'all if ah did just that." she stated with a slight grin as she looked back at the two.


"Thank you so much for escorting Spike home Applejack. I was getting a little worried." Twilight stated as she stood at the doorway. Spike had already walked inside as he sat down on the staircase.

"T'was nothin'. Just mighty glad ta see both these two youngin' were safe." Applejack stated as she rubbed her sister's head.

Twilight nodded in agreement, "Would you care to come in and grab something quick to eat before you head back?"

"Thank ya kindly for the hospitality Twilight, but we're gonna have ta declin'. We already got supper waitin' on us back at the farm."

"Understood. Before you go though, Applebloom, how did you and the girls do with my special request?"

"Oh, we managed to teach 'im a couple o' things. Not everythin' though." she simply replied with smile

"That's good. Which ones did you learn Spike?"

"Carrying, how to kick, and a little writing." he replied

"It's not as much I was hoping for, but I suppose that'll do. Thank you for the help Applebloom."

"You're welcome."

"Well, if that's gonna be all Twi, Ah think Applebloom and myself should get goin', before Ganny Smith get's angry about lettin' our supper get cold. Have a good night ya two." Applejack stated as she gestured to her sister that it's time to head back.

"G'night Applejack, g'night Applebloom."

Both Twilight and Spike simply conversed for the remainder of the night, mostly just talking about how the day went for both of them. Twilight did want to test how well Spike picked up on those skills the Cutie Mark Crusaders were suppose to teach him, but before she could, Spike gave a yawn.

Twilight looked out the window before saying, "Guess you've had a long day. Come on Spike, let's get you to bed." as she levitated her onto her back and carried him up to the bedroom.

"Twilight, how far are you in turning me back?" Spike managed to ask as Twilight was tucking him in.

"That depends on how quickly I can master the counter spell. Which I suppose you hope is soon, right?"

"Actually...*yawns* I wanted to...ask..." Spike was saying before falling asleep, almost as promptly as he usually did.

"You can tell me tomorrow morning Spike." Twilight just stated with a smile, and using her levitation spell to gently cover him with his blanket, knowing fully well that Spike didn't hear her, then turned back to go finish tidying up the library even a little bit before heading to bed herself.

Later that night, Twilight woke up feeling someone nudging at her tail. She assumed it was Owlicious picking at her tail trying to keep himself entertained since she decided not to write a letter tonight or ask Owlicious to do something for her. Looking down though she caught a glimpse at the figure. It was Spike.

"Spike...?" she asked tiredly as she shifted in her bed to look at him, "What's wrong?"

"I...uh...kinda had a bad dream." he simply replied embarrassingly.

"Hm, I haven't heard you complain about a bad dream in a while. I didn't hear you scream either, so how bad was it?"

"Look, I just...just need something to help me sleep again. Would you mind reading me a story, like you use to? Or maybe a spell to help me sleep."

Twilight gave a light groan, "Spike I don't know any sleep spells, and I'm too tired to read you a story."

"Please, Twilight, just this once." Spike begged, even temporarily putting his front hooves together as he would with his usual hands. Temporarily, since was still slightly working on balancing himself on his hind legs. It wasn't too hard, but he's been finding the feeling a bit weird.

Twilight gave a sigh as thought about the simple request, "Look I'm too sleepy right now, I might fall asleep before you do. How about this though? I'll let you sleep with me tonight."

"Really? Are you sure about that?"

"I use to do that when you were younger. Since Princess Celestia left you in my care then, I was responsible for you. Also my parents used to tell me to sleep next to you, or let you sleep with me, occasionally so if you had a bad dream you'd stay calm." Twilight explained, "Just remember to stay on your side of the bed, okay?"

"Understood." he replied as he tried getting onto to the bed and under the covers, which required a little help for Twilight, "Thanks Twilight."

"You're welcome." she simply said, "Now try getting some sleep. You might need the energy tomorrow."

The rest of the night came and went without a problem. As the sun rose up the next day, Twilight was once again the first one to wake up. she woke up with the feeling of Spike cuddled up against her body and his mane directly under her chin. Occasionally it would even tickle her nose.

Using her magic she moved the covers to check, and sure enough Spike was doing just that. He was holding her in what looks like a hug as his head was pressed up against her body.

Twilight only gave a curious look as she smiled. Certainly was similar to how he was when he was younger, with the exception of him hugging her. She had to admit it was kinda cute seeing him like that, but as cute as she found it to be, she had to get started on her morning routines. Before she make an attempt to peeling Spike's arms off herself, Spike began to shift a little in his sleep as he pressed up against her body even more as he muttered the words, "I love you...mommy." It was quiet, but was loud enough for Twilight to hear.

She blinked a few times as she felt like she had butterflies in her stomach at those words, her face showing a very surprised look as she gazed down at her little assistant. Eventually Twilight just gave a small smile and used her magic to get out of bed without disturbing Spike too much. She assumed that Spike was just having a good dream, pretty good considering he had a nightmare during the night, and left it at that as she headed down into the main area of the library to find something to eat.

Twilight decided to just eat some fruit that she had lying around for breakfast as she went through her checklist for the day. Since she had to run most of the errands herself these days, she's had to rework her schedule several times to better manage things. Twilight had managed to get it right for the most part, though she still was usually off by a few minutes, and returning back home past her usual.

As she ate though she couldn't help but think about Spike, and turned to look at the stairs leading back into the bedroom. Twilight thought about it and shook her head, there are a few things she doesn't understand, but she knew how she felt on several occasions and somehow whatever Spike had involuntarily said to her felt troubling. Even though it wasn't actually meant for her, she felt...content it happened and the thought that it was directed at her; and that's what she found troubling.

"I can't possibly be considering what he called me, can I?" she asked herself out loud, "No, that's not logical, I'm not his mother. He's a dragon, not a pony. He's just my assistant and closest friend." she added as she shook her head.

Twilight tried keeping her mind busy, and off of Spike, as she packed her things, but with little success. Her mind continued to go back to Spike, and what he had accidentally said to her. Her mind raced back and forth between trying to find any kind of logical reasoning and simply happily accepting it. She eventually concluded she needed to talk to Fluttershy, seeing that she might be of some help in understanding all this, maybe. Eventually though, she needed to go back up and wake Spike up. She couldn't just let him sleep all day. As Twilight went back up, her thoughts continued to be a hectic storm, but seemingly slowing down; and, amusingly, it was leaning toward accepting it as her logical reason seem to only point back to accepting this status.

As soon as she was back up in the upper room area, Twilight quietly trotted over to the bed and looked down at Spike, who was still fast asleep. Twilight looked at him for a moment before giving a small smile, her mind settling that she should just think it was directed at her. He was her assistant for years now, and true his egg was simply just a test for her to get into the academy, but Spike didn't know his genetic mother, and she did try to taking care of him the best she could.

In the end though, she felt that it was probably true, to a certain extent. The memory of the night Spike ran away only served to consolidate this feeling. She remembered when he admitted that he had felt she had replaced him and didn't care about him anymore, she had felt very much hurt too. She felt hurt that she had failed him as a friend, and overall as somepony who was suppose to be responsible for him.

"Don't worry, I'll still work on finding the solution to change you back." Twilight said quietly to him, "I just hope you don't mind that I play along with you for a little while Spike." and gently nuzzled the side of his face, being careful not to wake him, each time only sending a feeling that gradually lessened any doubt she had.

Spike simply shifted in his sleep, oblivious to what Twilight just said to him.

Chapter 5

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At noon, Twilight took some time away from her books to talk to Fluttershy. She had told Spike what she was planning to do today, which was to simply get some advice from Fluttershy, neglecting to mention what he did and said that morning. Spike was a little un-easy about it, but decided to just shrug it off. In the meantime, he was once again left at Sweet Apple Acres, this time with Applejack. The Cutie Mark Crusaders had met up earlier to walk to school today and talk. Applejack had a guess where they would be after school from what she managed to hear, but it won't be for a little while. In the meantime, he decided to try bucking some of the smaller trees and help with some of the harvest around the farm.

"Thank you so much for having me over, Fluttershy. I just hope I'm not any trouble." Twilight stated as Fluttershy poured her a cup of tea. Both were sitting at the table just outside of Fluttershy's home, having a quick lunch.

Fluttershy gave a quick smile before putting the teapot down on the table and taking her seat, "Of course not, Twilight. I love having friends over even if it's just to say 'Hello'."

"Anyway, if you don't mind, I'd like to just get to the point Fluttershy." Twilight stated with a semi-serious tone, "I came over to ask for your help."

"Oh...well, um....okay. What do you need my help with?" Fluttershy asked, "Is it to watch Spike again? Because, I can do that if you want."

"No, not this time. I just need some advice."

"About what exactly?"

"Well...." Twilight replied as she rubbed the back of her head, visibly nervous, "About...mothering."

Fluttershy was taken back as her eyes widened, she would've been completely silent if she hadn't caught Twilight's nervous look, telling her she was just as embarrassed to ask as she was surprised by the question, "'m not sure if I'm the right pony to ask Twilight...maybe you should ask another pony...I'm sorry."

"No, please, Fluttershy you're the only one I can talk to about this." TWilight stated, "I know it's an unusual request, but you've got to know. Haven't you ever acted motherly towards one of your pets or animal friends? Just one?"

Fluttershy thought about it, her mind going to Angel Bunny as she also looked in his direction. Angel wasn't paying attention, but he was napping in the shade of a tree.

"Please, it's about Spike." Twilight added

That seemed to get Fluttershy's attention, "Well...alright...I'll try. W-why don't you try explaining to me? If that's okay."

Twilight simply nodded and explained why her sudden interest on the topic. Fluttershy listened intently, her facial expressions being the only way Twilight knew her current thoughts at any given time. It wasn't particularly long, but Fluttershy noted that Twilight spoke rather frequently about her confusion and feelings since that morning, and judged for herself how serious Twilight was about the subject by her tone and how descriptive she was about these feelings.

After Twilight finished, Fluttershy gave a pause as she stared at her cup of tea, before getting up and saying, "Um...wait here for a moment, please." She silently walked into her home.

During her wait, Twilight became concerned if she had made the wrong decision and estranged one of her friends by asking on such an out-of-the-blue subject. She eventually calmed down when Fluttershy returned with a pink book.

Fluttershy placed the book on the table then pushed it toward Twilight with a hoof as she sat back onto her seat.

Twilight gave the book a quick look before levitating it closer to look at the title, "'Mothering 1-0-1: The Mother, and her young foal'" Twilight read out loud.

"There's not much I could say...I'm sorry." Fluttershy said quietly, but just loud enough for Twilight to hear, "Um...just let Spike know you care for him, and you'll keep him safe. I do that with all the animals, I try to make them feel safe whenever I interact with them, and that I care for what they have to tell me...if they allow me to."

"Well...seems pretty basic really, but I'm sure it will help." Twilight simply said as she flipped through a few pages of the book, "Thank you so much, Fluttershy."

Fluttershy just gave a smile and nodded.

"Do you mind if I ask where you got this?"

", somepony in Ponyville was selling some of her things a couple of years ago. I saw that nopony was interested in buying, so I felt bad for her and decided to buy the first thing I saw." Fluttershy explained, "It wasn't too bad...I only lost six bits..., and I figured I could probably find some use for it someday."

Twilight simply nodded in understanding before putting the book back down to take a sip of her tea.

After another moment or so to finish lunch and chat about other matters, Twilight was getting ready to leave as she put her bag on her back.

"Again, I apologize if I wasn't much help Twilight."

"It's okay, Fluttershy. I think this book you gave me will be more than enough. I'm sorry I had to confide this with you, I just hope I didn't cause you any trouble from asking this of you."

"Oh, don't worry. I'll be fine, and I promise I won't tell the others. At least until you want me to."

"Thanks again, Fluttershy." Twilight said one last time before she began walking back home, "And don't worry about your book, I promise to keep it safe."

In the meanwhile, Spike and Applejack were just finishing up with applebucking and was about to put the baskets of apples into her apple cellar.

Applejack gave a chuckle as she looked at Spike, who was very much tired, "How 'bout ya'll just sit here and take a rest lil' fella. Ah can take these apples to the cellar on mah own."

"Thanks...I really need it." he stated as he panted.

"Here." Applejack stated as she picked up a good sized red apple from one of the baskets by the stem and placed it in front of Spike, "Ya earned it, sugercube."

"Thank you." he said before chopping down on the fruit.

"Ah gotta say, y'all didn't do too bad for yer first time. Particularly for a fella yer size." she said as she prepared to pull the cart of apples, "Now y'all just stay here an' wait for me. Ah'll be right back, lickety-split."

It only took a moment, but by the time Applejack returned, the cart was empty, and Spike was well rested and back on his feet.

"Feelin' better sugarcube?"

"A little, but I think I'll be sore for a couple of hours at least." he replied, earning a chuckle from Applejack.

"Ah know how ya feel." she simply stated, "Some of the others think doin' this is all easy work, but in truth, it takes years of practice. Ah always felt tired doin' these chores, but ah knew ah wanted to do this, and Big Mac was always such good support in those days."

"So what did you do to ease the soreness?"

"A lil' bag of ice should do the trick, but otherwise ya'll just have ta grin and bear it. Yer body will adjust to it eventually."

"Applejack...can I ask you something about Applebloom?"

"Ah reckon ah could spare a moment or two." she replied as she sat down in front of Spike, "What's on yer mind?"

"I was just wondering...has Applebloom ever mentioned if she's taken interest in anypony?"

Applejack shot a curious look. "Ya'll mean like a school crush? Ah don't reckon she's ever mentioned anything like that. Why do ya ask?"

"No reason, I was just wondering."

She continued to give him a curious glance, hiding a stern feeling behind it.

"I'm sorry. Guess I've been just...thinking too much like how Twilight was back at the academy." he stated trying to make an alibi.

Applejack chuckled, "Well, lucky for Twi, ah don't quite care much for gossip. Not sure if that's yer interest, but ya'll don't have to tell me."

"It's not. I guess it's just a random question."

She just gave a nod and decided to just push the subject to the back of her mind, at least for now. "Well, Ah'm suppose ta be keepin' an eye on ya for a while. Mind helpin' me with some deliveries? I gotta make a few rounds today with some vegetable delievers around town." she explained as she got back onto her feet.

Spike just gave a shrug and started following Applejack.

As the time flew by, both managed to finish all of AJ's deliveries and had already left the cart back at Sweet Apple Acres. While in town, they eventually found Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. The three fillies were waiting near the spa with Rainbow and Twilight. Rainbow was looking at a clipboard, and she was also wearing her coaching attire. It was a clear giveaway about what the Crusaders were up to after school. While Twilight was just there, giving a disapproving look at Rainbow's list for the CMC.

"Howdy girls." Applejack greeted them

"Oh, hey Applejack." Rainbow greeted as Twilight just gave a smile.

"Hey, Spike." Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo greeted their honorary member simultaneously.

"Why weren't you at school today?" Scootaloo asked

"Uh...I've never needed to as a dragon." he simply replied

"Well, you're not one now."

"It's only temporary. Once Spike's back to normal, he'll be dragon again." Twilight explained.

"Anyway, what's going on?" Spike asked

"Rainbow Dash is helping us try finding our cutie marks." Scootaloo proudly stated, "She made a list of things we're gonna try before the day's over."

"Some of these I'm just wondering if they're...appropriate for fillies their age." Twilight stated

"They're just a few sports. I don't mean them any harm or anything." Rainbow stated defensively

"I'm not sure if 'mountain climbing' counts." Twilight stated bluntly, "I mean I'm sure it's fine for pegasi, but Scootaloo doesn't even know how to fly properly yet, and is it really safe for unicorns and earth ponies?"

"Come on Twilight. I know what I'm doing. I'll give you my word they won't leave my sight."

"Well ya'll just make sure ya keep a good eye on them then, Rainbow. Ah can guarentee that Rarity and myself are not gonna take it at all too kindly if y'all got them hurt."

"Come on, I know what I'm doing." she stated, her tone expressing how she's getting upset in her friends' apparent distrust of her abilities.

Applejack and Twilight were skeptical alright, but decided to humor the young fillies, but on the condition that they would also be joining just to help keep an eye on them. Rainbow had chosen the mountain that she and the others had to climb to convince a full-grown dragon to sleep elsewhere because Equestria would've been covered under a smoke cloud for a 100 years if it didn't.

Spike, unfortunately, had no choice but to follow along, but he didn't find it all that bad. If anything he was actually curious where the others had gone during that whole ordeal while he stayed behind watching Fluttershy's animal friends.

Since Rainbow was the coach, she was obligated to keep a close eye on the four younger ponies the entire time. Applejack and Twilight did also keep an eye on them, but only so much, both would travel further on to check the conditions to let the others know about any possible danger, like the landslide zone, or be support when Rainbow arrived with them at that position.

During the times Twilight was up ahead and waiting for the others, she'd practice the counter spell on various weed-like plants that grew on the mountain or the rocks themselves. If she wasn't doing that she was just reading the pink book she had gotten from Fluttershy, and was very careful not to let the other see it once they did come around.

"Ah think we 'otta consider turnin' back Rainbow." Applejack voiced in, "Not much daylight left."

"Not much? There's plenty enough daylight left." Rainbow stated, "We can go on another 200 yards."

"Well ah'm sure that's all fine and dandy for ya Rainbow, but don'tcha forget, the rest of us ain't pegasi. We have ta walk back ta town."

"I'm sure Twilight knows a teleportation spell."

"Well..., not exactly. I mean I do, but I'm not sure what would happen if I teleported all seven of us back." Twilight stated as she fastened the strap for her saddlebag.

"If you can do it, why not try?" Sweetie Belle asked

"Yeah, we know yer good with spells. You can do it, Twilight." Applebloom added.

"It's not my ability to teleport that I'm questioning." Twilight simply replied to all of them, "It's the experience. I'm well experienced in teleportation, and can easily travel certain distances, but that's usually with just myself. I've never tried teleporting more than one pony before. Last time I did, it was by accident, and it was with Spike. Both of us had to shake ash off our slightly burned fur and scales."

"I can vouch for that." Spike rang in, "Took me a while to wash off so I didn't smell like I rolled around in some firepit."

"Oh...alright." Rainbow admitted defeat, not finding the idea of getting her feathers burned off at all appealing.

"Aww..." the CMC just said simultaneously in disappointment as they started walking back to town.

As they walked back, they simply talked about how their day went. Twilight had offered Spike a chance to ride on her back, since he looked a bit tired, and figured he'd like it considering he'd usually do that; but, he declined and simply walked.

"Say, Twilight, how's that spell of your's coming along?" Rainbow asked as she just slowly hovered in the air to

keep up with the others, "It's been almost a week since you started. I'm sure you must have it down by now."

"Oh...I've nearly perfected it. I can now change objects into various forms, and I finally understand permanent transformation."

"So why isn't Spike a dragon again?"

Twilight would look at Spike then back at Rainbow, "Because...I've actually found no reference for 'baby dragon'. I've only seen one for 'adult dragons', and even then, that's not one of the forms I figured out."

"Twi informed me the day before she's workin' on a counter spell instead." Applejack rang in.

"Wouldn't that take longer?" Rainbow simply asked

"True, it's a new spell afterall, but one that if I can master it guarantees that Spike will be back to his normal self." Twilight was stated firmly.

It didn't take long for all seven to make it back into town. The whole time Applebloom stood near Spike, much to his discomfort since she was a bit too close into his personal space. He was still trying to process what she had told him the previous night, but decided not to complain about it; considering she didn't seem to be focused at the moment and was simply following the others. It was an action that got Applejack to raise a brow as she just barely looked over her shoulder at them.

Back in town, the group split for home. Spike and Twilight headed back to the Library, Applejack and Applebloom towards the orchard, and Rainbow bringing Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo to their homes.

"So how was your day, Spike?" Twilight simply asked as she levitated him onto her back, noticing the foal's tiredness.

"Tiresome." he simply replied with a exasperated sigh, "First I was picking apples with Applejack, then I was hiking up a mountain. Why didn't we just go home?"

She gave a chuckle at the statement before saying, "Well you didn't exactly complain the entire trip, Spike."

"Yeah." Spike sighed as he closed his eyes for a moment. "So, where did that small pink book you were reading come from?"


"I saw you reading a book during the times you were waiting for us. I've never seen it before in the library."

"Oh, it's a book Fluttershy is letting me borrow from her. It's about that advice I told you about this morning."

"Oh...right. I remember now. Think it'll help?"

"It won't really help in turning you back. It's really just...something I wanted to look into personally." Twilight replied with a small smile, "But don't worry, I'm making good progress on that counter-spell, and with any luck I'll figure it out soon. I'd rather not rush it though with this one, since you're gonna be my test subject on this, I need to make sure I get it right the first time, otherwise you might turn into something else besides a pony."

Spike simply nodded in agreement.

Once back home, Spike simply wished to go to bed. Twilight attempted to make him eat something, in the end he settled for a half-eaten muffin that Twilight didn't finish, then proceeded to getting to bed. There were two boxes from Sugercube Corner there as well, but Spike decided he can find out in the morning. About half-way up the stairs, he was quickly picked up by Twilight as she carried him the rest of the way. Without saying as much as a word, she placed him in his bed, gave him a moment to find a comfortable position, and tucked him in with her magic as best she could.

"There. Comfortable?" she asked nicely.

"Yes. Thanks Twilight."

"Hey, you had a tough day. Besides it's not any different from any other time I brought you up here myself."

"Of course it actually *yawns*...tucked me...*yawn*..." Spike promptly fell asleep.

Twilight laughed quietly to herself. Spike was right, she'd never tucked him in, not since they were younger and Celestia first instructed her to do so. These days Twilight seemed to be just comfortable throwing a blanket over him and making sure he looked comfortable for the night. "Well, it's hard to pretend taking on the role of a maternal figure if I didn't." she simply replied to him, again, a reply that fell on deaf ears, "Just sleep tight, okay?" and lightly nuzzled his face before turning around to go write a letter to Luna.

Twilight had wanted to report to Princess Luna of her progress on the counter spell, as slow as the progress was. By normal standards, Twilight took less time to learn a new spell, she'd been researching and practicing permanent transformation for a couple of days now. It wasn't exactly a simple spell to master for her amusement, like that one mustache spell she used on Spike once.

After sending Owlicious to deliver the message for her, Twilight went back to practicing the counterspell. She expected plenty of time before Owlicious returned. Unlike Princess Celestia, Princess Luna wasn't easy to locate during the evening and the night.

"Alright, once more." Twilight stated as she gave a sigh as she focused her spell again. In front of her sat two daffodil sandwiches, both on separate plates. As the spell wrapped around them, Twilight focused harder until both took on new forms: one a slice of pie, and other piece of cake. The items original forms. Both are food items, again, but this time Twilight had requested that Pinkie Pie choose the flavors of both and not tell her exactly each one was. In fact each was suppose to have a small surprise. She was hoping with the lack of knowledge on both, she'd be sure she mastered the counterspell rather than just a re-transformation of the items.

"Alright, let's see..." she'd say to herself as she walked over. Taking a bite of the cake showed how much Pinkie really worked hard on it to fit her request. It looked like a normal slice of chocolate cake with white chocolate flakes for decoration, but the flavor was anything but chocolate. It still had chocolate, but the taste was predominately like a bowl of apples and grapes, with a hint of coconut. Taking the time to eat a fresh slice from the cake itself, of which she never touched with her magic, confirmed it tasted the same.

The pie was next as Twilight took a small bite of the slice she was working with. Overall, the pie itself looked delicious, it looked to be cinnamon apple pie, a particular specialty that Applejack shared with the energetic earth pony, and that Pinkie had taken extra care to make it look just right. Unfortunately for Twilight, it wasn't what she thought it was. Her eyes shot wide open, and her face turned red. The pie really was cinnamon apple pie, but it also contained just the right amount of Pinkie's favorite hot sauce. Well, at least in Pinkie's opinion. Twilight rushed to find any source of water.

After drinking enough water to thoroughly cool the burning sensation in her mouth, Twilight returned to simply take the pie apart. She didn't want to sample the pie again, so Twilight simply just compared the slice and rest of the pie visually. She then gave a proud smile once she concluded that they were similar enough to be the same.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" she simply said happily as she hopped around the room happily. She only stopped when she heard Owlicious pecking at the window. She noticed he held a scroll in his talons. "You weren't able to find Princess Luna?" Twilight asked as she opened the window, letting the owl in.

Owlicious shook his head and placed the scroll on Twilight's study table before going over to his perch to rest.

Twilight gave the scroll a look over, before her eyes went wide. She didn't expect to see the all too familiar royal seal on the scroll. "Princess Celestia...!?" Twilight then quickly opened the letter to read it.

"My faithful student, Twilight Sparkle,
I apologize greatly for my sudden absence these last few days, a matter of great urgency caught my attention a few days ago, and I had to go and take care of it. My sister, Princess Luna, also has informed me of your troubles with transformation spells while I was absent, a problem that I think I can take some time to help remedy. I'll try to make a quick visit to Ponyville come first light. Until then, sleep well my student.
-Princess Celestia"

Twilight blinked a few times as she re-read the message. Sure, she was happy her mentor was back and she just learned a new spell, two if you count the fact she's mastered transformation. Yet, part of her felt like it sank deep inside her, and she understood why. It most certainly been less than 24 hours since Spike incidentally called her 'mommy', and part of Twilight really wanted to see how else she could play out the part, especially since she had gone through the trouble of asking one of her friends for advice. She grabbed a blank scroll to reply to her mentor.

"Dear Princess Celestia,
I'm glad to hear you have returned safely, and yes, I must admit, I do feel I've taken on more than I can chew with this spell. While I appreciate the kind offer, I must ask if I can decline. I have been working very hard to master the counter-spell for it, and I would like to take it on as a challenge. I've gotten close in my recent attempts, and I feel with more time I can learn to master it. Please, I just ask for 2-4 more days for practice.
-Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle"

Chapter 6

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It's been two days since their mountain climbing trip, and Spike was still lightly recovering from the trip as most of the muscles in his legs ached occasionally. It didn't help Scootaloo actually came up with a few ideas Sweetie Belle and Applebloom were willing to try, thus dragging him along. He had to admit, he admired the young fillies' energy and enthusiasm to find their true calling in life.

Fortunately for Spike, Scootaloo hasn't had much luck convincing the others for an attempt at completing their climb up the mountain and to the cave area; anypony who could and want to supervise them were too busy, Rainbow even had her work piling up for her to supervise. Aside from her usual job keeping the skies above Ponyville clear, it was near that time of the week again when she had to help move clouds into the skies for a scheduled downpour. Unfortunately, finding a proper scheduling was proving rather difficult. Any other time, Rainbow had actually been trying to avoid Scootaloo so she could nap and relax from the stresses of her job.

At the moment, it was late in the afternoon and Spike and Applebloom were sitting on a hill that lightly overlooked the apple orchard, while Twilight and Applejack were close by minding their own business. Applejack was busy bucking apples into baskets awaiting for Big Mac to cart them off back to the barn. Twilight was sitting at the base of a tree almost out of sight, once again divulged into that little pink book. The rest of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, both Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, had already gone home. The three decided not to go adventuring that day, and chose to simply just hang out in the orchard playing a game. It would've been a lazy day of playing for the Cutie Mark Crusaders, had Scootaloo not add an interesting and more energy-consuming twist.

"Is Scootaloo always like that?" Spike asked as he tried stretching to ease a few aching muscles.

"Yep, Scootaloo has always been like that, and we all don't mind, cause that's who she is." Applebloom replied

"She's definitely taking this 'being like Rainbow Dash' thing too far, though I will admit, it was kinda fun."

Applebloom gave a small smile.

"I don't usually get to have this much fun as Twilight's assistant, I'm usually just doing whatever time consuming chore she has for me to do."

"And ya'll don't mind it?"

", now that I think about it. I guess it's just my way earning my keep as well as my title as her number one assistant. Besides, Twilight has always taken good care of me and she's always made sure I was safe." Spike simply replied as he gave what looked like a shrug, "Lately though she's actually been doing more than usual. For the last two days, she's been tucking me into bed properly and been feeding me so much it's getting annoying."

Applebloom remained silent for a moment, considering every word Spike spoke before saying in slightly sad tone, "Sounds like y'all miss it...bein' normal ah mean."

"I mean I don't mind it that I'm not tied down by chores, but if Twilight is gonna end up stuffing me like an apple pie...."

Applebloom then looked at the ground, obviously more than a little bit saddened.

Spike noticed the gesture before distinctly remembering their conversation from a couple of days ago, "Oh yeah, I remember now. You said you actually liked me being a pony, and I think you were saying you also liked me liked me. Is that...that really true?"

Applebloom didn't say a thing, but blushed as she lightly scrapped the ground with a hoof.

"If you don't want to talk about...that's-" Spike was saying as he looked away and scratched the back of his head.

"N-no, it's okay. Ah'm the one who brought it up first."

"Would you mind if I ask, why? I mean, we've never really talked much before."

"Ah'm not sure if ah can put it into words. But...ah suppose a-ah could try." she'd reply and gently press her head against Spike, who blushed at the gesture, "Ah've just been feelin' a bit funny around ya Spike. At first it felt strange, kinda like havin' somethin' like a...a stomachache ah suppose. Like after ya'll end up eatin' a few dandelions or somethin'."

"Um...I've never had dandelions before."

Applebloom laughed a bit before saying, "Consider yerself lucky then." she gave a pause before continuing, "Sometimes though, ah suppose it ain't too bad. Sometimes it feels more like butterflies in mah stomach. Ah feel weak, but at the same time ah feel like ah have the energy to buck all the trees on the farm. Ovah time, ah figured it out, why ah feel like that around ya, and why ah feel happy whenever ya'll are around."

"And you really believe that this is the answer?" Spike asked as Applebloom positioned her head under Spike's chin and tried sinking the side of her face into his purple coat.

"Can ya'll find another reason why?" she simply retorted as she allowed that feeling of content to persist as she rested her head under Spike's.

Spike gave it some thought, and he had to admit, he couldn't. Applebloom had effectively named off a few symptoms he, himself, was familiar with as well when it came to Rarity. The only one she didn't mention was the whole matter of the heartbeat racing and their chest hurting like the organ itself wanted to burst out of their chest. He had to give it some thought; he still held a torch for Rarity, but, at the same time he did feel like he was beginning to enjoy Applebloom's company as well, especially now that they've had more time to spend together. The more Applebloom made it obvious how much she actually cared for him, the more those familiar feelings welled up within him as well. Soon a blush was trying to make its presence known through the purple fur that covered the young colt's checks. Eventually, Spike just gave gentle smile and lifted a hoof to wrap around Applebloom into what looked like a hug, only further earning gleeful smile from the young filly.

The gesture didn't go unnoticed though, as a pair of green eyes occasionally took glances at the two. Applejack gave a curious look before instinctively kicking her hind-leg against a tree to continue her work and finish up on time. She was interrupted by a sudden yelp.

Looking back she found she had accidentally bucked at a tree that had Twilight under it instead of baskets.

Twilight stuck her head out from under the pile of apples looking dazed but otherwise fine.

"Mighty sorry about that Twilight, ah didn't mean ta do that ta ya." Applejack apologized as she helped her friend out from under the pile.

"Just...just be careful next time Applejack." Twilight said as she shook her head to clear her dazed mind. "Any particular reason for that Applejack? It doesn't seem much like you to be distracted during your work. Especially when it comes to your family's apple orchard."

Applejack gave a sigh as she gently looked through the pile of apples she had kicked out of the tree for any rotten or heavily bruised ones, "Ah'm just havin' some concerns with Applebloom n' Spike. Ah've been feelin' that those two are gettin' rather close."

"Well considering those two have been spending a lot of time together since this whole incident started, I would think it's normal that those two would form a friendship." she stated in a manner-of-fact-way as she levitated an apple out from the pile, "May I?"

"Heh, least ah could do after droppin' the entire tree on yer head." Applejack replied with a slight chuckle, "Ah mean, ah think those two might be a courtin'."

Twilight replied with a confused look as she took a bite of the apple.

"Ah mean that they're seein' each other in a different light."

Twilight still gave a clueless look and slightly shook her head to indicate such.

"Oh for pony-sake!" Applejack face-hooved before looking at Twilight, "Pinkie's right Twi, ya'll really need ta get out of the library more. Ah mean, ah think they like each other. Not like as friends, but more like a crush."

"A crush?" she repeated questioningly, "Are you sure Applejack?"

"Ya'll don't have ta believe me if ya'll don't. Ya can see fer yerself, those two are just over on that hill over there." She pointed a hoof right at the hill where Spike and Applebloom sat.

"Um, Applejack, are you certain? I don't see them there." Twilight stated with a raised brow.

Applejack looked and noticed their absence. "Well, they were there a moment ago."

"Come on, let's look for them. They couldn't have gone far." Twilight said as she placed the book her into her saddlebag.

The two young ponies didn't go far at all. They had gone to the trail where they found Big Mac. Right now, Applebloom was asking Big Mac if she could have whatever chore she was meant to do tomorrow so she wouldn't have to worry about it, while Spike was standing nearby, looking a bit nervous and his face almost as red as the hardworking stallion standing in front of him.

"If ya'll really want ta take care of those chores, ah'd suggest talkin' ta yer older sister."

"Ya'll don't know?"


"Applebloom, Spike, there ya'll are." they heard Applejack say as she walked over with Twilight just behind her.

"Applejack." the young filly simply said before rushing over, "Can ah know what mah chores are fer tommorow?"

"What...? Why do ya'll want ta know what yer chores are all of a sudden?"

"I...uh...wanted to hang out with Scoot and Sweetie Belle tommorrow. If ah can take care of mah chores now, the more we can look for our cutie marks."

Applejack gave her a suspicious look, but decided to go with it for now; after all, her chores were gonna have to be done sooner or later anyway, "Well, ah was thinkin' about askin' ya'll to help me with the rotten and bruised apples so we can feed them pigs somethin' otha' than greens; but, why don't ya just help me with the apples? Ah don't reckon it'll be too hard givin' them to the pigs mah self."

Applebloom gave a cheer before bolting to where Applejack was working to start.

"How about ya'll Spike? Wanna help out? Considerin' ya are a member of them crusaders till ya get back ta normal." the earth pony asked as she turned her attention toward him.

"Sure, I guess. I got nothing else better to do at the moment." he stated with a shrug.

"I'll see if I can lend a hoof too Applejack. It'll give me a chance to talk to you about that issue you were talking about earlier." Twilight rang in.

Applejack just gave a nod, and said, "Mighty neighborly of ya."

As the four of them started working, Applebloom and Spike started picking up the bruised or rotten apples that were left behind from Applejack's work while Applejack and Twilight worked on organizing the big pile of apples she incidentally made a big mess of.

"Yep, just flick the apples with yer tail into the basket." Applebloom instructed as she demonstrated for Spike, her experience of course guaranteeing she would make it into the basket.

"What if I miss?" he asked as he prepared himself to do the same.

"Well ya'll never really tried before, so that'll be okay. Fer now just focus on doin' it."

"Well...alright if you say so." Spike got into position and whisked his tail, flinging a bruised apple. The apple flew, but it didn't even come close to the barrel as it flew over.

"Just keep tryin' ah'm sure ya'll will get it eventually." she stated, again hitting an apple with her tail, and perfectly making it into the basket.

Spike attempted a few more shots, all of which missed, at one point he even almost nailed Applejack and Twilight with a particularly rotten one. Applejack admitted it wasn't a bad throw though, even if it was an inch from hitting her face. Eventually Spike did get the technique right and got one in the basket.

"See? Ah knew ya'll would get it eventually." Applebloom stated with a grin

"Yeah, after missing so many times and almost hitting Applejack." he replied with a slight frown, "Sorry about that apple Applejack." he shouted out to her

"Ah already said it's alright, just work on yer aim." she shouted back before turning around. "It was already alright the last four times ya asked." she thought to herself.

"Well Spike, come on! We gotta keep working if we're gonna hang out tomorrow" Applebloom said to Spike.

"About that, are you sure? I mean about making tomorrow-" Spike was saying before a rotten apple hit him square in the muzzle, part of it breaking and splattering fermented juices all over his face.

"Oh, GROSS!" Spike yelled.

Applebloom had tried to shoot an apple, but had made the mistake of not looking where she was aiming and accidentally sent it flying toward Spike, "Ah'm sorry! Ah didn't mean ta."

Spike gave a groan as he wiped his face with a hoof, "It's alright." A mischievous grin slowly crept on his face. "But a little payback never hurt nopony." and threw what was on his hoof right at Applebloom, hitting her in her face.

"Yuck! Yer not suppose to do that to fillies." Applebloom exclaimed.

"I did say payback is fair play." he replied with a smirk

"Oh yeah?" Applebloom stated with a grin herself and aimed and hit another apple at Spike

He managed to duck in time to avoid it, before bolting in one direction. Applebloom was soon behind him, holding a rather soft rotten one by its stem ready to hit Spike with it.

Twilight and Applejack only smiled and chuckled at the two as they watched the two young ponies play. Though, it was only a matter of time before Spike and Applebloom got too careless; as they ran around chucking apples at each other they came close to where Applejack and Twilight were. Twilight was caught in the crosshairs as a rotten apple flew right into her shoulder.

"Sorry Twilight!" Spike said quickly as he ran by, still in pursuit of Applebloom.

Twilight only gave a sigh then looked at Applejack, "You wouldn't happen to know how to get rid of this would you?" she asked, indicating the slight mix of mushy apple and apple juice dripping off her shoulder.

"A wet towel should fix that right up. Jus' go down to the barn and tell Big Mac what 'appened." she replied with a grin, "Ah suggest ya hurry though, if ya'll let it dry the smell will stick with ya fer the rest of the day."

"Thank you Applejack." and started heading for the barn, "And...sorry about the mess."

"Don't ya'll worry about it. Applebloom is makin' as big a mess as Spike is makin' as far as ah'm concerned."

After a while or so, Applebloom and Spike ran out of ammo to use and had left a small portion of the orchard littered with broken and rotten fruit everywhere. Fortunately for Applejack, most never really were that damaged and she could just put them in a basket, like they were suppose to, and the whole ordeal was contained so she didn't have to go looking through the entire orchard. She just figured she could try corralling some of the pigs later into the orchard to clean up.

Applebloom and Spike weren't really far. Both were out of breath and in good need of a quick hose down later, but both were pretty much content with their "break" from picking up fruit. Soon after Applejack asked the two to help her and Twilight with what's remaining.

The four kept working till just after the sun was setting, and Luna was just seconds from raising the moon into the sky. After a quick hose down of Spike and Applebloom to get rid of fermented fruit juice smell, Twilight and Spike were ready call it a day. Twilight and Spike bid the two Apple sisters a good night, though Applebloom made it a point to quickly remind Spike of tomorrow before so, which made him once again act a bit nervous. He smiled though at the thought.

Once back home, Twilight decided to make them both some dinner, which is really just a sandwich and some hayfries, while Spike tried organizing some of the books that Twilight had laying around the main room of the library. After a few minutes or so, Spike actually found a method of shelving that worked and was essentially able to clean up most of the books that were laying around.

"Spike! Dinner!" she shouted out before coming into the main room with two plates levitating in the air in front of her, "Did you clean this up?"

"Yeah, I found a method that actually worked."

"Wow, nice work Spike. Now come on, eat up." then went over to a table and placed both plates on it

"Yeah, I try." he stated before going over to the table and began eating.

As the two ate, Twilight brought out the copy of the counter-spell book from Luna. While she did figure out the spell, she wanted to keep that fact a secret from Spike; besides, it never hurts to be absolutely certain of the spell's effectiveness outlined in the book. Spike didn't say much as Twilight's eyes scanned each and every page of the book, and chose to watch his long time unicorn friend do her work. After a moment or so, Spike started to just nibble at what bit of hayfries were still on his plate, already feeling full. His mind then went back to how the last couple of days this has been quite frequent, Twilight being a little bit more generous with servings than usual, and even then he got full.

Twilight eventually noticed that Spike was just slowly nibbling at his food, "Not liking the food Spike?"

"No, I don't mind hay, especially now, but I'm feeling a bit stuffed right now."

"Try to finish up though. You don't exactly have that much left." she stated before she went into the kitchen to dispose of her used plate.

Spike gave a groan before taking another mouthful of hay. He then looked over to Twilight's saddlebag, which was near her side of the table. It was on it's side and apparently that's where Twilight was keeping the counter-spell book, no big surprise, but what interested him was the fact he noticed that same unfamiliar pink book in it as well. After swallowing what he had in his mouth, he walked over, pulled the book out, and placed it on the table.

"'Mothering 101: Connecting Mother, and her young foal'?" he read the title, "Why would Twilight need this?"

There was a bookmark in it. Opening it, is showed that Twilight was on a portion that spoke about sleeping habits, and was just a page turn away from a section about food. Skimming through the food chapter in particular, he noticed that Twilight was seemingly following it. Of course that was hard to say considering Twilight didn't know many recipes to begin with, and usually only made hayfries when she was in a rush and was in the middle of a study session, but it did mention something about hayfries nutritional for a foal. A chill ran down Spike's back as he began to realize what was going on.

"Spike, are you done?" Twilight asked before coming back into the main room. She turned pale as soon as she noticed that Spike was reading out of the mothering book.

"Is this what you've been up to Twilight?" he asked curiously, a bit of shock in his voice, "What about the counter-spell?"

"Well I've been working on it, but I thought I could-"

"So you've been mothering me?" he interrupted abruptly, "Twilight, I'm not your son, I'm your assistant."

Twilight could feel herself falter mentally as she bit her lip, "Well, yes, I know, but I thought I could-"

"Twilight! I'm not your son...I'm not even suppose to be a pony, remember? I'm a dragon." he said loudly with a slight tone of anger and disappointment echoing behind his words, "Or do you just plan on keeping me this way?! So I could be."

"No, it's-"

"If you're just gonna keep me this way, you should just tell me." Spiked huffed before he drooped his head low, "I can at least stop hoping you'll figure it out soon and try accepting a life as a pony." The anger Spike felt against Twilight's actions slowly begin to dissipate and began looking very depressed.

Twilight's ears flattened against her head, "Spike...I don't mean to do that. I do plan to figure it out and change you back, I promise, but I thought I'd try seeing what it was like, to act like your mom. Just this once." she tried getting closer to hug him, but Spike simply moved and kept the gap between them.

"You're not my mom Twilight, and you should know that...I'm just your friend and your assistant, nothing more. So please...just figure out the spell already and turn me back." Spike stated, his eyes just starting to tear up.

Twilight could feel and understand how hurt Spike felt as she felt a pang in her chest that felt like a cold stab at her heart.

Spike then started toward the staircase, "I'm gonna head to bed, alright? Thanks for dinner Twilight." his posture changing as his hung his head low and his tail dragging on the ground. He only pulled his head up to look up the stairs so as not to trip, and quickly went up so to hide the fact he couldn't hold back his tears any longer.

Twilight kept her eyes on Spike until he was out of sight, before hanging her head down low as tears welled up in her eyes. She was saddened by not only what Spike had to say about the matter, especially now that she actually wanted to have that title, but by also the fact she more than likely just broke her trust with Spike and was gravely upset at herself for letting it happen.

"Why did this have to happen...? Why did I let it happen?" she asked herself as she sat there for a moment, letting her tears roll off her face and hit the ground. She knew that was the one thing Spike looked forward to all week, finally being able to return to his old dragon self, and she just let her own feelings keep her from that.

Twilight then looked to the pink book from Fluttershy and almost grew angry enough to want to destroy it. It was its fault Spike found out. It was the cause of this tension between him and her now, but, in the end, she knew it was her fault. She tried lifting it up to bring it to herself, but to no avail. In her saddened state, she felt too weak to even put some heart into the action, so she walked over and used her horn to move the cover and pages. At least she was able to do that.

Not finding anything in reference to this situation, a pang of disappointment flared in Twilight; she almost wanted to smack the book off table in frustration. Instead, she closed the book and sighed. "Nevermind." She composed herself a little to at least finish cleaning up the main room before heading to bed herself. It didn't take much time to do so, but she still felt the pain of what happened that night.

Walking up to the bedroom area, she found Spike in his basket curled up like a ball. Only his head was in clear view, as the rest was covered by his blanket. Twilight quietly walked over and looked down at him, what she saw sent even more spears through her heart.

Spike indeed looked asleep, but it was clear he had cried a bit before falling asleep, as clear dark lines led down his face onto his pillow. Thankfully though, his pillow wasn't too badly soaked.

Twilight grabbed the blanket with her teeth and gently adjusted it so he looked more comfortable. She could've easily just turned him back now, it was clear acting like his mom was a failed attempt, but hesitated as she tried fighting back more tears when she tried. She needed to recollect her thoughts, at least for now. "I'm sorry Spike, I really am." she then gave him a kiss on the cheek as a tear rolled off her face, "Please forgive me." then turned around and crawled into bed.

It took her a moment to again recollect her composure to avoid soaking her pillow in tears, before falling asleep.

Spike slightly woke up this time around, so Twilight's words didn't actually fall on deaf ears, but stayed still and watched the unicorn crawl into bed before once again giving into his body's desire to simply sleep.

Chapter 7

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The following morning, Spike woke up to find Twilight's bed was empty. He could only assume that Twilight had chosen to continue to annoyingly act as his mother as he stretched before walking down the stairs to the main library floor. He didn't get very far as he noticed that Twilight was actually out on the balcony, a stack of books next to her.

As soon as he walked onto the balcony, the clopping from his hooves hitting the wooden structure was loud and clear.

Twilight quickly heard the sound and turned to look at Spike, "Oh...good morning Spike." she said, her voice apparently showing it was forced out in a slightly cheerful tone.

"Morning Twilight." he stated with a curious look as he gave as he looked over her. If it wasn't the tone of her voice, it would be her appearance that got his attention. While it was clear that Twilight had managed to sleep well enough last night, considering she didn't look at all tired, it seems like she had forgotten to groom her mane and tail before coming out here to read as a few bits of hair hung out their usual place. "Uh...are you alright Twilight?"

"O-of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

" kinda looks like you...left your mane in a mess."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I guess I forgot to brush myself before I got the day started." she stated as she flashed an embarrassed grin, "Anyway, I made your breakfast for you. I left it on the table downstairs." She got up and walked back up to the bedroom to brush her mane and tail properly.

"Sure...thanks Twilight." was all Spike could say as he watched her curiously. "Since when has Twilight ever forgotten to do that?" he asked himself quietly, completely forgetting about the little ordeal from the previous night. Deciding to push it aside for now, he decided to go get something to eat and find out what Twilight prepared for him.

He was only able to find eight apple wedges sitting on a plate at the table. Guess that was what Twilight prepared for him. It was a smaller portion than what Twilight had been giving him the last few days, but at least that was fairly normal in a way and not an attempt to over-mother him by making him eat more than he could possibly eat. Owlicious was his only company that morning, as Twilight chose to go back out onto the balcony the moment she was done brushing her mane and tail.

Owlicious kept silent as he watched Spike, who thought it was kinda creepy of him to do, and occasionally opened a wing to peck at it and keep his feathers tidy. Owlicious was more than able to feel the slight change in the atmosphere that morning and mostly didn't do anything more than he was already doing.

As soon as Spike finished, he brought his plate into the kitchen then went upstairs and stood in front of the door that led onto the balcony, "Hey Twilight, I'm gonna go meet Applebloom at Sweet Apple Acres, okay?"

"Sure..., you go 'head and have fun Spike. I'll just be here catching up on my reading."

"Alright...See you later Twilight." he said as he turned to leave.

As he walked out, he stopped to look up at the balcony. He was honestly worried about Twilight, then again, she was probably still letting the fact sink in that he wouldn't allow her to identify herself as his mother, and that was for the best in his opinion. He pressed onwards.

Arriving at Sweet Apple Acres, he was quickly greeted by all three members of the CMC. Apparently Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were just quickly passing by to check if Applebloom was interested in adventuring today. After saying she was just gonna spend the day with Spike, they didn't think much of it and were about to leave.

"Just let us know when you guys are ready to do some exploring!" Scootaloo shouted as she and Sweetie left.

"We will." Applebloom shouted back as she waved them off, then turned to look at Spike, "Ah'm glad ya'll managed to come Spike."

"Well, I did say I would didn't I?"

Applebloom gave a smile and nodded, "So where to?"

"Uh...I dunno. How about Sugarcube Corner? It's a bit too early for lunch and I'm sure Pinkie Pie wouldn't mind if we stayed around for a while."

"Alright then." Applebloom said as the two started heading for the bakery. As they left, Applejack noticed the two, and shot yet another curious look before continuing her work.

Once at Sugarcube Corner, they were greeted by Pinkie Pie then were seated at a table indoors.

"Okie-dokie, two creme-filled cupcakes for my two favorite cupcake-making helpers!" Pinkie stated as she served them what they had ordered.

"Thanks Pinkie Pie." Spike said as he looked at cupcakes.

"Nonononono. Thank YOU!" she quickly stated as she pointed a hoof at them, "Because you two were so super-duper nice to help me, I was able to finish the order early enough to find out why they ordered so many muffins. Apparently they were having a party, and it was so super spectacular, and I was able to join because you two helped me."

Both gave a slight chuckle, before Applebloom stated, "We're glad ya'll had fun, but didn't we mess up?"

"Well, duh, of course you did, but that's okay. Everypony is allowed make mistakes once in a while. Even I still make some mistakes, and I'm the one that's been cooking for a long time." she stated as cheerfully as always.

"Pinkie, do you mind helping me with this?" they heard Mr. Cake say from the kitchen.

"Sure thing Mr. Cake!" and just like that, the pink pony was gone.

The two young ponies sat there for a moment in silence, till Spike spoke up.

"Well, I guess we start eating."

"Yeah, ah suppose we should." she stated with slight chuckle and took a bite from her cupcake.

"I'm actually not that hungry really." Spike stated before taking a bite himself, "Twilight made me some breakfast this morning." he added as he chewed, almost muffling each of his words.

"Oh...? Did she make ya'll a big breakfast?"

"Well, no, she just gave me an apple in the form of eight wedges." he replied. He had to remember to ask Pinkie how she managed to get some of the icing inside the cupcake. It was actually apple-flavored and essentially replaced the tiny wedge of green or red apple that usually sat on top of the icing.

"Well that sounds good. More than ah had this mornin'." she stated before taking another bite

"What did you eat?" genuinely curious as to what she could've possibly eaten that was less than an apple.

"Nothin' really." she simply replied, "Woke up late, and ah was just too excited to really eat."

"Glad I suggested coming here then. Not sure how well Applejack would've taken it if I just let you go hungry." he stated before taking another bite himself, this time getting a small chunk of the icing on his nose.

Applebloom couldn't help but laugh a bit before reaching over to wipe off the icing with one of her front hooves.

Spike blushed as he wiggled his nose slightly before saying, "Thanks Applebloom."

"Don't mention it." Applebloom simply said as she blushed as well.

"Oh my gosh! Are you two on a date?" Pinkie asked as she suddenly popped out of nowhere, or at least got there without Spike or Applebloom noticing, from the side of the table.

"Wait, how....when did you get here?" Spike asked as he looked back toward the door that lead into the kitchen, more than curious how they could possibly have missed seeing Pinkie re-enter the room.

"Well...uh...ah suppose ya'll could call it one." Applebloom replied with a blush.

"Yeah, I guess you it a date Pinkie Pie." Spike agreed with a blush as well.

"You really outta told me! I could've easily made you something more than just these plain ol' boring cupcakes." she stated as she looked at both of them, "Hey! I know! You two should TOOOTALLY come back later this evening. I promise I'll have something super duper special to celebrate!"

"Actually Pinkie Pie, ah think we'll 'ave to turn ya down on that." Applebloom stated with a nervous chuckle, earning a nod of agreement from Spike.

"Aww....are you sure?" Pinkie asked, sounding a tad depressed but otherwise kept that usual smile on her face.

"Completely." Spike replied, "We were...just hoping on some time quiet time to talk things over. Maybe next time, alright?"

"Okie-dokie, next time it is then."

After finishing what was left of their morning treat, Pinkie bid them farewell for now as they walked through the door before skipping over to the table they were using and dusted off any crumbs on it with her tail as she hummed a cheerful tune to herself until Applejack walked in through the front door, carrying two baskets filled to the brim with freshly picked apples.

"Hey, Applejack!" she greeted her fellow earth pony friend.

"Howdy Pinkie Pie! Here's them apples you ordered."

"Ooo. Goodie! Now I can get started on that new order." she simply said as she looked at each basket, "Mr. and Mrs. Cake left your pay on the counter near the register." she explained.

"Pleasure doin' business with ya'll. I wish ah could stay and chat, but ah gotta finish mah rounds for the day." Applejack stated as she took the small bag of bits and tipped her hat to Pinkie

"That's okay, I understand, your family comes first. Just tell Applebloom and Spike, if you see them again today, that my offer still stands, alrighty?" she asked as she began pushing one of the baskets of apples into the kitchen.

"Wait, ya mean those two youngun' were here this mornin'?"

"Mm-Hm." Pinkie nodded, "You mean you didn't see them? They left just ten and a fraction of a second before you came in."

"Well, ah did think ah saw Applebloom's tail as ah turned the corner of Rose's flower shop, but ah didn't think it was actually her. What were those two doin' in here fer?"

"You mean you don't know the answer to that either?" she asked as she cocked her head to the side

"Why don't ya'll try explainin' it to me Pinkie Pie."

As Pinkie explained what happened to Applejack, occasionally wandering off slightly to talk about some of the new idea's she's tried to incorporate into her work, Applebloom and Spike found Scootaloo trying her luck at taming a wild beast not far from Fluttershy's home. It wasn't a wild beast though; it was Opal, who was entrusted to Fluttershy for a moment to take to her weekly scheduled grooming.

Scootaloo was holding onto a rather good sized stick in one hoof and wearing a makeshift pot helmet as Opal simply hissed and occasionally batted air with her paw as a warning to the young pegasus.

Fluttershy was already out with a first-aid kit. She had tried convincing Scootaloo to back down and not try doing anything more to "poor" Opal, but Scootaloo either didn't listen or didn't hear Fluttershy as she continued her attempts.

Applebloom and Spike just watched from the sidelines. Applebloom was, of course, cheering on her friend, while Spike just watched wondering if he should add 'challenging Opal to a fight' as either foalish or dangerous. As Opal made the first move, the two started fighting, producing the classical dust cloud, as Fluttershy hovered in the air nearby repeating the phrase "Ohmygoodness." several times.

As soon as the fight ended Opal kicked up some dirt at Scootaloo, who was at this point covered in scratch marks and slightly dazed, before walking off to the side to rest. Spike decided it was both foalish and dangerous.

While Fluttershy tended to Scootaloo's wounds, Applebloom and Spike decided to chat a bit as they waited to see if Scootaloo will be alright.

"So yeah...that's what I was doing the entire time at the Gala." Spike stated

"Aside from mah sis and everypony leavin' ya behind, sounds like ya'll had a lot of fun."

"Well, I'm sure the others had their reasons. The Gala is rather exclusive. I've heard only if you're one of Equestria's elite or if you had the Princess's favor, you'd get invited."

"Yeah..., definitely sounds like fun. Must be great getting invited." Applebloom stated out loud, "It's probably very boring though." she added with a small smile.

"Had to be if Princess Celestia herself said it was." Spike agreed before chuckling.

Both then looked up as Fluttershy and Scootaloo approached them, "Ya'll feelin' better Scootaloo?" Applebloom asked her friend.

"Better than earlier. I guess tiger taming isn't my special talent." she stated with a sigh, but still held her head up high otherwise.

"Um...she should be alright now." Fluttershy also voiced in then turned to look at Scootaloo, "You should be more careful though. Opal can little rough sometimes."

"You managed to tame her didn't you?" Scootaloo stated with a grin.

"Well...yes, but remember...animals are my special talent...I'm use to being around them."

"Maybe you should teach me how to do that stare. Maybe that'll help me tame wild creatures."

" can't. I'm sorry." Fluttershy stated quietly.

Scootaloo just barely heard what Fluttershy said, as she turned to look at Applebloom and Spike, "How about you two? Wanna learn 'the stare' from Fluttershy?"

"Ah think we'll pass on that." Applebloom stated with bit of a smile.

"Yeah, I think I'll be fine not trying to tame animals." Spike added, giving a slight grin as well.

"Ah, come on. It'll be fun." Scootaloo rebutted.

"Nah. Besides, Applebloom wanted me to hang out with her for the day, and I kinda already told her I'd help her pick up some flower seeds from the Rose and Daisy before the day was over."

"Another time then." Scootaloo sighed.

"Um...I'm sorry...if you don't mind me asking, where's Sweetie Belle? Is she with her sister today?" Fluttershy asked, genuinely curious where the young unicorn was.

"Yeah. Since we're not adventuring today for our cutie marks, she said she was gonna try helping Miss Rarity today." Scootaloo replied

"I hope she's not creating too much of a mess." Spike stated

"Spike! What a thing to say!" Applebloom stated.

"Oh, I'm sure it'll be alright." Fluttershy rang in, "I mean she did make a mess last time I was there, but I'm sure she's learning not to."

"I guess." Spike stated with a slight sigh.

"Hey, you guys wouldn't happen to know where Rainbow Dash is would you?" Scootaloo asked as she scratched a bit at her side, which had started to itch a little under the bandages.

"We haven't seen her since a few days ago." Applebloom replied as Spike shook his head.

"She's probably helping prepare the storm." Fluttershy stated, "I mean, I've heard from the other pegasus that there was some problems setting up a time for the storm this time. I know I'm one of them." she added, her tone switching to rather ashamed to admit it.

"Why? What's the problem with you?" Scootaloo asked.

"It's some of my animal friends. You see...some of animals in my care at the moment is a particular bird species I don't see here very often. They're lost, so I'm gonna help them, and I just can't let them get hurt from the storm."

"Just send them off now. I'm sure they'll get un-lost on their own."

" dunno."

"What exactly is the bird species you're taking care of right now?" Spike asked.

As if that was it's cue, a large white bird landed on the ground next to Spike, followed by another of it's species. Both, in size, could've easily competed with Philomena, and probably in majesty if you disregard that Philomena is a phoenix that is.

"A few great albatrosses." Fluttershy simply replied with a smile as she pointed at the two birds.

After another moment or so, Scootaloo decided to go see if she could hang out with Sweetie Belle for a while. Spike and Applebloom agreed to follow the young pegasus for a bit before once again going their separate ways. As they were leaving Applebloom walked rather close to Spike again. Spike shot a look, but resigned to let Applebloom do as she wanted. She saw him give a warm smile and he couldn't help but smile back.

Scootaloo paid no attention to the action, and quickly made a few suggestions for things to try for their marks, one including requiring a lesson or two from Zecora first.

Fluttershy, on the otherhoof, noticed, and gave a rather quiet 'eep' as her mind came up with it's own conclusion. She gave a curious glance trying to better analyze the situation before her mind started trying to come up with any further conclusions. Unfortunately, she wasn't able to dwell on that for very long as Angel Bunny tapped at her side with his foot to remind her she still needed to feed most of the animals around her home.

Upon arriving at Carousel Boutique, they were greeted by Sweetie Belle at the door. Rarity wasn't home at the moment; apparently she had a special order to fill and needed to find more rubies to fulfill it. For a few minutes the four just chatted before Sweetie Belle decided to show them what she had been working on. She was trying to make an improved version of the capes for the Crusaders based on some design lessons Rarity taught her. Unfortunately they were still very much still a work in progress. Though she did find the time to make Spike a matching cape of their current design, this time using some spare gold silk that she had asked permission from her sister to use. She figured that Spike had been a member, even if it'll expire once he's back to normal, long enough to deserve a matching cape with the rest of them.

Rarity did eventually return, and was briefly included in their conversation. Rarity expressed her concerns about Twilight to Spike at one point during the conversation. She had stopped by to see how she was doing and had been greeted by the other unicorn from the balcony. Twilight claimed she had fallen asleep from a serious study session and said she was fine.

After spending another hour or so, long enough for Rarity to at least make sure the young ponies had some lunch, Spike and Applebloom were ready to continue with their day.

"Just remember, darlings, if you do pass by the library that you two check on Twilight." Rarity stated to the two young ponies.

"We'll remember Miss Rarity." Applebloom stated.

"I simply can't imagine what's wrong with her, but I suppose it's for the best I don't dwell on it. Everypony has her own problems they wish to take care of on their own. Whatever the case may be, I hope you two enjoy what's left of your day." she said with a kind smile.

"We will. See ya'll later Miss Rarity." Applebloom stated as she started walking

"See ya later Rarity." Spike said as well with a smile before following Applebloom

"Take care you two." she shouted out to them before walking back into the boutique, and hoping with any luck that Scootaloo's presence won't cause too much of an added ruckus to keep her from her work.

The two young earth ponies decided to quickly finish up Applebloom's extra errand and pick up the flower seeds Applejack wanted. Considering it was just a little bag of seeds, and both lacking a saddlebag, Spike decided to carry them until they finished their day together and he had to pass it back to Applebloom or they bumped into either Applejack or Big Mac to give it to.

They both passed by the library and, as asked, decided to check on Twilight. By now Twilight was looking over the counter spell book ensuring she figured every last detail, but feeling slightly down the dumps still had it's general affects on her magical abilities. At least she had regained herself enough to levitate things again from wherever in the library out to the balcony again.

"Sorry about the mess you two, I kind of had a hard time looking for a particular book." Twilight stated. At the moment all three were in the main room of the library.

"I-it's okay Twilight. It ain't as bad as when me, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle were lookin' around for one." Applebloom stated

"I'll help clean up later tonight Twilight." Spike simply said as he looked around.

"Thanks for the offer Spike. So, what brings you two here?"

"Rarity asked us to check on ya. She said ya'll didn't seem alright." Applebloom replied.

"Yes..., I'm alright. Just...dealing with some stress right now." she replied as she tried faking a smile.

Spike just gave a loud sigh and looked off to the side.

Twilight gave a sad look before quickly adding, "You know...with changing Spike back o-of course. It hasn't been as easy as I hoped."

Applebloom looked at both, taking a mental note about the matter.

At that time, all three heard a knock at the door, before a familiar yellow pegasus walked in.

"Hey there, Fluttershy." Twilight greeted

"Hello, Twilight. Hello again Applebloom and Spike." she greeted.

Spike and Applebloom simply waved back at her.

"Is there anything I can help you with Fluttershy?"

" wanted to talk to you for a little while about...something." she stated looking at the two young ponies there, "If that's okay that is..."

"Of course, no problem at all Fluttershy."

"Listen, um, Applebloom and I are gonna get going alright?" Spike stated as he picked up the bag of seeds and headed for the door.

"What's the bag for Spike?" Twilight asked him with a curious look.

"It was fer mah sister. She asked if we could get a bag of seeds ta 'er." Applebloom explained

"I could bring that to her, if you want. I mean, I have some time before I have to get back home." Fluttershy offered

"Ya'll sure ya want to? We wouldn't want ta impose."

"It's no problem, I don't mind helping out once in while." she simply replied with a bright smile before gently taking the seeds away from Spike.

"If yer sure, thanks Fluttershy!" then both she and Spike took their leave.

As the day wore on, Spike and Applebloom spent most of their time just talking and laughing about things, and occasionally finding time to just chase each other around the town for a little while. The whole time, Spike couldn't help but start smiling as he spent more and more time with the young farmer pony, before frowning a minute later as he looked in the direction of Carousel Boutique.

Later, as the sun was setting, Applebloom couldn't resist trying to drag Spike with her to a lone hill she and Scootaloo found one time when they were adventuring on their own. After showing it Sweetie Belle the next day, all three agreed they liked the spot and deemed it as their 'secret second fort', where they could hide from Applejack if they ever make her angry or just get away for a little while. The location was just outside the town limits and just shy of the border of Everfree forest.

"Just a little further now Spike." Applebloom stated, stopping to look behind herself, before pressing on

"You said that 10 minutes ago. How much further?" he complained as he panted a bit.

"We're here!" she replied happily, "Told ya it we were almost there."

Spike looked in awe as he looked over at the landscape in front of him. That spot really was worth the wasted energy to reach. Before him was a landscape that was just beginning to be painted orange from the setting sun, as well as a great view of Ponyville in all it's glory; looking a little further in the distance gave a scene of several rolling hills before ending at the horizon where both could vaguely see the city of Manehatten. While facing toward the town, Everfree forest was just behind them by a few yards, as it's trees still looked intimidating as ever.

"Wow! I've never seen Ponyville like this before." Spike exclaimed.

"Yup! Me and Scootaloo found this spot when she wanted ta see if lumberjacking was our special talent." she explained.

"How did that go?"

"Um...we kinda got chased by a swarm of bees. How were we suppose ta know that a beehive was on top." she said as she blushed in embarrassment.

Spike started laughing, "You know you are suppose to look up first, just to check if was tall enough to cut down. In your case though, to make sure you didn't anger any bees."

"We didn't know!" she chuckled as she poked Spike at his side.

Spike just scooted away and continued laughing.

After a moment, the two sat by each other as they looked over Ponyville. Spike was a tad hesitant to let Applebloom lean up against him when she did, but didn't protest as it started to feel a bit more welcoming than he was willing to admit to himself; Plus, looking at the young filly when she wasn't trying to drag him around on adventures or just running around seemed down-right calming to him.

They remained in silence together, until Applebloom decided to try asking about Twilight.

"Spike, if ya'll don't mind...may ah ask what's goin' on between ya and Twilight?" she asked as she looked at Spike

Spike just looked down at her from the corner of his eye.

"Ah mean, ya'll seemed down right upset, n'...she seemed sad about somthin' as well. What's goin' on?"

"I'd rather not talk about it Applebloom." Spike simply replied, a kind of tension clear in his voice.

"Please...ah just wanna help. It's really botherin' me as yer friend and fellow crusader seein' that."

Spike looked at her, and gave a sigh as he saw the concern she had in her eyes, "It's not exactly a fun story to hear."

"Just trah..."

With another sigh, he began recounting the events that had happened in the last 24 hours. From the facts of what happened, to how he felt about the matter when he found out, to his opinions about the matter in general, he told the young filly anything he could.

"Hm..., so what yer sayin' is, is that you and Twilight got in a fight last night 'cause of the fact she was pretendin' to be yer mom?"

"Yeah, I mean...sure, it's kinda flattering I guess, but she should be worried about other things than pretending a dragon is her son." Spike stated, a tad bit of anger hinted in his voice.

Applebloom gave a light sigh, "Ah dunno, ah think it's kinda...nice of 'er ta do that." she stated honestly.

"What?! Don't tell me you're taking her side!" he stated as he glared at Applebloom.

"N-no, no it's not that at t'all, it's just that...ah guess...ah'm just a tad jealous is all" the young filly stated.

Spike looked at her in surprise, letting his slight bit of anger extinguish itself completely, that was more than certainly the last reply he expected to hear, "Jealous...?" he repeated, "Jealous of what?"

"The fact ya have somepony so close to home who wants ta call herself yer mom." she stated almost dully before laying flatly on her stomach on the grass, "Ah haven't seen mah mom fer a long time." then started looking at the ground before her

Spike remained silent for a moment as he took the same position as Applebloom, "I...never actually heard you or Applejack talk about your parents. They're know..."

"No! O' course not! They're just travelin' across Equestria." she replied, sounding slightly appalled that Spike would even think of something like that. "Mah ma n' pa wanted to be able to see the rest of the family, and ya'll must remember how big the family was after you and Twilight first came ta Ponyville."

"Yeah, I remember." he simply replied and nodded, "You mean your parents weren't there?"

"No..." she replied sadly as she shook her head, "Not all the family was able to make it. Mostly 'cause they lived too far away or were too busy with othah matters ta come."

"But how does that matter?" he asked, trying to change the subject slightly, "I mean, Twilight isn't even my real mom."

"Does it really matter?" Applebloom asked, genuinely curious, looking just enough to see the purple earth pony next to her. "Ya told me she was the one that hatched yer egg, fed ya, looked after ya, and...Twilight does care enough fer ya ta think of ya as her own."

Spiked took in what Applebloom had to say before staring blankly at the bit of ground in front of him. It was true in all regards, Twilight has treated him like a little servant on occasion, but she had also looked out for his well being as well. Made sure he was always well fed even before this whole incident started, that he slept comfortably at night, and for as long as he could remember, someone he could count on to listen when he had problems. Well, ones that he particularly cared to share with anyone else that is.

"Plus, ah'm sure she tries teachin' ya stuff to right?"


"Yeah, like, ya know..., morals and other life lessons that are important." Applebloom stated with a nod as she pulled her head back up, "Because Big Mac is the eldest, he remembers our mom and dad best. He told me ma use to tell him advice and teach him important lessons, not just how to help manage the farm, but lessons like...respecting other's opinions and...the importance of family."


"Ah'm not sayin' ya'll should just accept it, but ya outta at least give it a try. See if Twilight really isn't somepony ya wouldn't mind caring for ya like that, or if ya'll really are just her friend who helps her watch the library and...picks up after her whenever she makes a mess."

Spike looked back at Applebloom, who was smiling. "Ya know, that' advice coming from a filly your age, Applebloom."

She gave a nervous chuckle before saying, "Well, most of the things ah said were stuff ah've heard Applejack, Big Mac, and Granny Smith tell me before."

"Still, that's pretty impressive."

Applebloom gave a warm smile.

It was one that Spike couldn't resist smiling back at, but soon a thought crossed his mind as his smile disappeared again.

Applebloom noticed the smile disappear, and looked at him for a moment. She did have a guess at what's wrong and frowned herself as she asked, "Ya'll don't really like me..., do ya Spike?"

"Of course I like you Applebloom, why would-"

"Not the way ah do ta ya'll." she interrupted.

Spike just looked at her before looking away.

"Sweetie Belle told me. She said ya'll had a crush on her sister, Rarity." she explained, "Ah was hopin'...she was just guessin' about that, and...ya'll don't really like 'er that way."

Spike just looked back at her, seeing that Applebloom was nearly on the verge of tears.

"Ya do...right? Like Rarity in that way?"

"'d be lying to you if I said 'no'." he replied

Applebloom's posture just drooped as she seemingly tried flattening herself as much as possible onto the ground, now letting a couple of tears roll down her face.

"Please Applebloom, don't cry." he said as he tried using a hoof to wipe a few tears from one of her eyes; she let him with no resistance. "I do like you Applebloom, you've been the best friend I've had since this while incident started. I won't lie, I do love Rarity, I've had a crush on her since Twilight and I moved into Ponyville, but lately I've...I've just been kinda confused lately."

Applebloom simply looked at him, her demeanor not changing one bit, as Spike looked back over the town.

"I mean...I thought I figured it out, that my heart went to Rarity and I didn't quite care about what the others had to say, but...but ever since you told me, I've actually been thinking about it."

"Ya...ya mean...ya'll actually thought about 'ow ah felt about ya?"

"Kinda hard not to when you're the first I've heard ever say that to me. I guess I'm just getting good at hiding it." he stated with a slight grin, which Applebloom simply rolled her eyes at, "Like I said though...I'm not sure, I'm still attracted to Rarity because she's rather beautiful. N-not that I'm saying you're not, it's just that..." he trailed off

"Yeah, yeah, ah get it..." she stated as she turned her head away from him, a slight bit of an upset tone in her voice.

"It's not really like that Applebloom." Spike stated, fully turning his head toward the young filly, "I mean, yeah, Rarity is a beautiful mare, and I guess that's why I'm attracted to her, but I do kinda....feel for you too." his voice becoming a little more quiet, he gave a sigh and continued, "I think I do kinda feel attracted to you too, it just...feels different."

Applebloom then looked at him again, her head kinda dipped kinda low, so she wasn't really being eye-to-eye with Spike.

"It's been fun hanging out with you, you're fun, kind, brave, and like I said already, you've been a great friend to me since this whole 'I'm a pony now' thing started. I guess that's why I'm confused, part of me wants to continue going after Rarity, but because I've been rather happy being with you, I think part of me wants to give it up and go to you."

Applebloom gave a small smile and wiped one of her tears away.

"I'm not about to just toss your feelings aside, but...if it's alright, I'd rather try staying as your friend for now, just your friend. At least till I figure out what these feelings of mine are telling me." he stated with a sigh.

"Can hang out with ya?" Applebloom said with a hint of hope in her voice.

Spike thought about it for a moment, before replying, "Sure, I don't mind, and I guess...I could let you cuddle up to me like you did yesterday once in a while, I mean you did kinda earn it at least in my opinion."

Applebloom just smiled at that prospect and didn't hesitate to do so as she scooted closer and pressed herself up against him, and once again placed her head just under Spike's.

Spike swallowed a lump in his throat, wondering if he's probably gonna regret allowing Applebloom these kinds of moments, but soon let his breathing become a little ragged as he gave a sigh, trying to refresh the air in his lungs and work it around that dull lump in his chest he now felt when Applebloom showed affection toward him.

The two remained quiet as they just sat there, Spike's field of vision going toward the town, occasionally looking at the familiar building of Carousel Boutique from the distance, while Applebloom once again nuzzled his fur around his front, making good use of the time Spike was willing to allow her to cuddle up to him. Spike decided to try sinking the tip of his nose into Applebloom mane, which wasn't hard when the young filly's mane was practically tickling his nose, before once again giving a smile.

"You're really not gonna make this easy for me are you Applebloom?" Spike thought to himself and gave another sigh, "Well I suppose I can't blame her."

As the two sat there in each others presence, they failed to notice a familiar yellow pegasus just a couple of yards behind them trying to hide behind a tree and a bush and failing horribly at it as her tail stuck and mane slightly stuck out of the shrub, not that the two were actually paying attention anyway. Fluttershy had actually found the two only a few moments ago, and was able to hear them from where she was, though it was just barely. The pegasus had a hoof on her mouth.

"Oh my gosh, so I wasn't seeing things. Oh, what should I do?" she asked herself out loud, though to be quite frank it was barely above a whisper, "Should I congratulate them? Maybe I should tell Twilight and Applejack? Oh, but what if they get mad. I don't want them to be mad at them...oh no, they're coming." and buried herself into the shrub to hide.

Applebloom and Spike walked by, none the wiser about Fluttershy being there, and slowly made their way back to the path that will take them back to town.

"Maybe I should just talk to Twilight, she'll know what to do, but if she get's mad and Spike...Maybe I should...I should just stay quiet. Yes, quiet. Nothing bad has ever happened because a pony stayed quiet." she stated to herself, then gulped and hoped she was right about that as she flew up into the air and back towards her cottage.

Once back in town, Spike escorted Applebloom up to the gate of the farm.

"Thanks again fer letting me hang out with ya Spike."

Spike forced a nervous chuckle and said, " problem. I'll see you later then?"

Applebloom gave a smile and nodded

"Alright, good night Applebloom." and with that, Spike started toward the library.

Applebloom turned and started walking toward the Apple Family home, an extra trot in her step, before she stopped as she saw Applejack and Big Macintosh at the front door waiting for her.

"Applebloom, mind if we have a talk wit' ya'll?" her sister asked as both she and Big Macintosh looked at her with a serious look on their faces.

"S-s-sure Applejack." she replied nervously and forced a grin.

As soon as Spike got back to the library, it was already dark, but for the most part it wasn't late yet, so Twilight wouldn't be worried about him.

"Twilight, I'm back." he called out and closed the front door behind him

Hearing no answer, he looked around. He found the library in a bit of a mess, but otherwise fine, a simple sandwich was left on the table, presumably for him. He lightly groaned and tried looking for Twilight upstairs. He stopped in front of the door that led out to the balcony as soon as he noticed the color purple, and saw that she was still outside.

"Twilight, I'm back." he said to her as he walked up, before finding that she was fast asleep.

Twilight still looked like a mess. Bit's of her mane where out of place again, but better than it had that morning, and by the looks of it parts of the fur on her face were slightly matted from having tears dry up on them. Next to her were a few books, most of them generic reading material that Twilight had gotten interested in and a few others spell books. Among the pile was the now-familiar, pink mothering book and the counter spell book that Luna had given her.

Spike looked at her for a moment, and gave a sigh as he remembered what Applebloom had told him earlier then considered his past with Twilight. All the fun times, the sad times, and the time he's been happy to be able to call himself Twilight's assistant. He weighed his options before finally giving another sigh and tried waking the unicorn from her slumber. After all, he couldn't just let her sleep out there.

He poked her face, "Twilight, wake up. Wake up." he stated and poked her face again.

Twilight grumbled something in her sleep before unconsciously grabbing Spike and holding him close. Her head was on top of his torso, essentially using him as a pillow.

"Ugh! Twilight!" he stated loudly, "Twilight! Wake up!" He struggled and squirmed under her head.

"Huh...Wha...?" the unicorn responded as she woke up and looked down at her 'pillow', "Oh, Spike, I'm so sorry about that. I didn't mean to."

"Forget about it, just glad your awake Twilight." he just stated, "Come on, let's get to bed." He edged her on to start moving.

"Yes, yes...of course."

The two went up without much of a word to the other. Once upstairs, Spike once again gave Twilight a push, as if to help the still slightly drowsy unicorn onto her bed.

"Thank you Spike." she simply said as she laid down under the covers

"Hehe, don't mention it." he simply replied and jumped onto the bed himself, struggling a bit as he did so, and tried fluffing one of Twilight's pillows for her before squeezing himself under the covers and popping back up next to Twilight.

"Spike, what are you-?"

"Twilight, for once, just don't ask please." he stated and shifted himself into a more comfortable position and closed his eyes.

Twilight gave a curious look before finally smiling and wrapped Spike in her forehooves.

"Just do me a favor Twilight, and don't overdo it alright? Only once in a while, okay?"

"Okay." Twilight replied, "Thank you again, Spike.", her smile not once disappearing from her face.

"And please, don't drool."

"Not that I do anyway." Twilight thought to herself.

Chapter 8

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The following morning, Spike once again found himself alone in the bedroom area. Jumping off Twilight's bed, he gave a yawn as he made his way for the stairs. Going down to the main room of the library, he was able to find Twilight, who was busy practicing her magic as always. His best guess would be on the counter-spell, given the presence of Luna's book on the ground and several assorted objects scattered in front of Twilight.

"Just once more." Twilight said out loud to herself before casting a spell onto a stone, turning it into a piece of cloth. She then cast another spell, quickly turning it back into a stone.

"Um...morning Twilight." Spike greeted her as soon as he was at the bottom of the stairs

"Ah!" Twilight shouted as she jumped a little, then turned around to see Spike, "Oh, morning Spike. I hope you slept well." she stated with a smile on her face.

"Are you practicing that spell again?"

"Yes, I'm practicing 'that spell' again." she replied, "I would've used some apples, and probably turned them into some other fruit, but we're running low and I didn't feel like using what's left. I'll have to make a mental note to talk to Applejack about buying more."

"I dunno. I think you figured it out." Spike commented with a slight grin on his face as he walked over, "I mean it doesn't even look like you're struggling anymore to cast the counter-spell."

"Well...yes. I'll admit I am making excellent progress." she said as she looked over at the stone with a smile on her face, then back at Spike, "Though I'd rather ensure it's mistake-free. There's no room for error, especially since I technically now view you as my own son." and rubbed his head with one of her forehooves.

Spike groaned and gave an annoyed look at Twilight.

"Besides, I'm sure you'd rather be turned back to your normal self rather than something else."

"You said the same thing a couple of days go." he stated, wondering if she truly was just stalling.

"Yes, I did, but I need to be sure." she stated before looking over to where Owlicious was.

Next to Owlicious's downstairs perch, where he was currently perched asleep, was what looked like an apple, but completely made of crystal. It was sitting on a pile of books that had been there for almost a week now.

Spike looked, and almost went wide-eyed at the sight. He trotted over to have a closer look before picking it up with his forehooves.

"Is this what I think it is?" he asked

"Depends. That was actually a ruby I bought from Rarity about two days after I found you in your bed as a colt. It was suppose to be an apology present for taking so long to turn you back."

Spike observed it as he listened to Twilight talk. For the first time in his life, he wasn't drooling at the thought of getting a chance to eat the gemstone.

"I thought I could try turning it into an apple, then I would turn it back into a ruby, that is if you didn't take interest in eating it before I could."

"You mean as a ruby or an apple?"

"An apple. I figured you probably wouldn't take too much of an interest in eating it as a gemstone in your current state considering ponies don't usually eat gemstones. Though I'll admit, I did find the idea of investigating to see if that still remained true for your case interesting."

Spike looked at it again, before sticking a portion of it in his mouth as if he was gonna try taking a big bite out of it. He knew what it was, and what Twilight was trying to turn it into, but didn't find the taste of the object, or the thought eating it, that appetizing at all. The thought of food, however, did make him hungry, which his stomach also confirmed and let Twilight know.

She just giggled and asked, "Would you like me to fix you up something Spike? Or maybe something from Sugarcube corner? I'm planning to go there today."

"No thanks, and I'm too hungry to wait till we get there." he replied as he put the gemstone-apple where he found it, "I'll just get an apple if that's alright." and started toward the kitchen, "Or maybe two. One apple wasn't exactly filling yesterday." he thought to himself.

As he ate, he watched Twilight practice the transformation spell and the counter spell over and over again. An object to another then back again, then onto the next. As he watched her, he started wondering if Twilight had actually figured it out due to the speed she was able to cast the two spells. He did at one point wanted to ask Twilight to just turn him back now considering how well she was doing, but the gemstoned-apple reminded him how perfection has to be pursued once in a while. The thought of what a dragon-pony hybrid would look like if he got stuck between the two forms, like the the ruby, did cross his mind a couple of times.

After finishing his breakfast, and just about after Twilight was starting to feel little spent from the constant use of magic, he tried tidying up the area a little so as not to feel a little useless.

"You know Spike, you don't need to do that. I can try cleaning up later after I get back from Sweet Apple Acres."

"No, I'll take care of it." he said as soon as he could, "I've been needing to do this. Besides, you're tired, and I am still your assistant." he added with added with grin before picking a book in his mouth and started climbing up the ladder to shelf it.

Twilight watched him for a moment, just to make sure that Spike doesn't actually hurt himself climbing up the ladder, which he seemed to be doing rather well at considering. She gave a sigh and smiled as Spike started his way back down, "I guess you're right." she muttered to herself.

After breakfast, both Twilight and Spike started to make their way over to Sweet Apple Acres. Spike was currently sitting on Twilight's back like he use to, and mostly just enjoying the chance to save his energy and not walk, especially if he joins up with the CMC and Scootaloo had suggested something that Applebloom and Sweetie Belle agreed to do. Twilight on the other hand, was just happy that the tension between Spike and herself didn't appear to have any lasting scars on their friendship, even if she did now prefer seeing her little assistant as, in a way, her son.

Upon arriving at Sweet Apple Acres, the two found Applejack lounging under the shade of a tree. Apparently what work she had for the day was done with, or she was able to put off until later. The earth pony was reclining up against a tree as her hat sat over her eyes.

"Morning Applejack." Twilight greeted her friend as she walked over

Applejack upon hearing the greeting looked up and gave a smile "Howdy Twilight." She greeted as she spat out a piece of straw she apparently had in her mouth. As soon as she saw Spike though, her facial expression changed to a very serious look.

Both Spike and Twilight noticed the look and looked at the other in confusion, hoping the other knew why Applejack's demeanor had changed so quickly, then both looked back at her.

"Is something wrong Applejack?" Twilight asked

Applejack remained silent for a moment or two, just enough to get back on her hooves, "Ah'll just tell ya as it is Twi, Applebloom n' ah had a bit of an argument last night."

"What happened? What did you two argue about?"

Spike just went wide-eyed, half suspecting what the two had argued about.

"It was nothin' big, just a disagreement before she ran off ta her room." Applejack stated before giving a sigh, "Do ya'll remember what ah told ya about two days ago?"

"You mean when we were helping you and Applebloom with the apples?"

She simply nodded, "Well we were arguin' about that. Apparently, ah found out that Spike n' Applebloom were on a date yesterday."

"A date?!" Twilight asked, a bit shocked to hear the matter, as Spike seemingly got very worried as his ears flattened against his head. "Applejack, are you sure?"

"Sure as suger ah am. Pinkie Pah confirmed it ta me yesterday when ah was deliverin' some apples fer some big order."

"Spike, what about you?" Twilight asked as she looked at him, "Is Applejack right?"

Spike remained silent for a moment as he looked down at the ground, or from the two pony mares' view, Twilight's back, as his tail whipped just slightly every now and then. "Well, um...I wouldn't say...that is..." then gave a sigh, "Yes. I was with Applebloom yesterday, and I guess you it a...a date."

"Look, ah ain't mad at ya'll or anythin'... okay, maybe a bit mad, but it's more on the fact that ya two lied ta me n' Twilight about what ya'll were doin'." Applejack stated, "We only heard that ya'll were gonna be with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle on whatever adventure those three fillies can think of."

"I know. I'm sure we're both sorry Applejack."

"Ah'm sure you are, but ah ain't gonna let ya talk fer mah sister. If ya'll wanna talk fer her, ya better go have a word with 'er."

"'re gonna let me talk to her?"

"Not much of a choice. Applebloom hasn't come out since last night, and she ain't talkin' to nopony. Yer probably the only one she's willin' ta talk ta right now." Applejack explained then gave a sigh, "Just go down ta the house and knock on the door. Big Mac knows what's goin' on, an' he'll let ya in."

Spike simply nodded and jumped off of Twilight's back and started walking toward the Apple Family's home. At one point he did stop and look back, only to have Applejack wave her hoof in the air saying 'Go on'.

As soon as Spike was a distance away, Applejack gave a loud sigh and began rubbing the side of her head. "Ah'm sorry if ah ruined yer morning Twilight, this whole nonsense has been gettin' ta me since last night."

"It's alright Applejack, really. In retrospect, I should've guessed after yesterday." Twilight admitted.

"Ah mean, it ain't like ah don't trust Spike and all that, it's just that...ah suppose ah'm just trying to protect mah sister is all."

"From what exactly?"

Applejack gave the question some thought. The first thing that came to mind was from bad influences on Applebloom or from colts, or dragons in this case, that could potentially hurt her; but, she knew Spike better than that. She trusted him because of how gentle the little baby dragon could be and how understanding he is of situations. Besides the reverse seemed much more valid, if anything the CMC's activities would end up hurting Spike far sooner and much more frequently than him accidentally injuring her sister.

"Ah suppose...just gettin' hurt." she finally answered, "And ah ain't talkin' about the physical kind of hurt either, ah mean the emotional kind." she added as she sat down on her haunches.

Twilight did the same and listened to her friend.

"Ah'll admit, ah was kind of worried after ah started havin' suspicions about those two, cause small filly-hood crushes like that ain't permanent, and usually the most painful after it falls apart; and, it ain't no secret that Spike does, or did, fancy Rarity."

"Well...I really have no idea what to say." Twilight stated with a sigh, "I can barely say anything about filly-hood crushes since I admittedly didn't think about that growing up, I just worried about my studies."

Applejack simply grinned at that statement.

"And I really have no point of reference to work off of, but I think that might be hard to avoid." she continued, "Emotions like that are normal for a filly her age."

"So ya'll are just tellin' me ta give up?" Applejack said, genuinely curious but slightly agitated.

"Well, no, I'm not saying that exactly. I'm just saying it will be very difficult to avoid something that happens naturally to anypony."

"Ah suppose; but, just so ya'll understand, ah'm still Applebloom's sister, so ah'm still gonna be a might bit wary of Spike being around 'er."

"Of course." Twilight simply replied as she nodded in understanding.

Back at the farmhouse, Big Mac was escorting Spike to Applebloom's room, though the young dragon-turned-colt was keeping a fair distance from the older stallion. Big Mac was equally as wary about Spike as AJ was, since he was the stallion of the house, literally, under Granny Smith, but kept his usual demeanor since Spike was visibly frightened by him. As much as he should be acting as the protective older brother, he knew Spike was better than that, and it did kinda bother him slightly to see the younger earth pony be so nervous around him.

"Ah ain't gonna hurt ya." he simply stated, earning a rather surprised look from Spike since he's never actually heard Big Mac say more than one word at any given time.

"B-but...So you're really decided on letting me talk to Applebloom?"


"Even considering you probably know what's going on?"


"So...y-you actually trust me enough?"

Big Mac thought about that question for a brief moment before shrugging.

"Then why?"

"Because, ah'm worried fer mah lil' sister. She's never locked herself in 'er room before, she's convinced on not comin' out, and we've already used up all our other options." he replied, though it only partially true. They never actually tried kicking down her door, but that option was already a rotten idea before they could even consider it.

As soon as they reached the door for Applebloom's door, Big Mac stopped and looked at Spike, who also stopped but was trying to avoid eye contact, then looked back at the door and gave a three knocks.

"Ah know that's you big brother. Ah said ah wasn't comin' out." they both heard Applebloom reply

"A-Applebloom, it's me, Spike." he stated.


"Can I...can I come in?" he asked nervously.

" mah brother out there with ya?"

"Um..." he replied as he looked at Big Mac.

Big Mac looked back at him for a moment or two, before turning around and started walking back to the kitchen.

As soon as the sound of Big Mac's hoofsteps quieted down, the sound of the door unlocking came from Applebloom's room before opening to let Spike in.

Spike hesitated at first before he sighed and walked right in. As soon as he walked in, Applebloom closed and re-locked the door behind him.

"Ah...suppose ya'll heard about what 'appened yesterday...?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

"Yeah, Applejack kinda told us what had happened." he replied as Applebloom walked back over to her bed to sit down, "She didn't tell us a lot you mind if..."

"No, not t'all. We just had an argument about 'ow ah shouldn't act."

"Did Applejack bring up anything about me by any chance?" Spike asked as he joined Applebloom in sitting on her bed.

She lightly shook her head as she replied, "No, ah went up ta mah room before she could. Ah think she wanted ta though."

Spike remained silent for a moment, thinking what he should say next. He wanted to help her out, but how? Eventually he decided it was best that she and Applejack just resolve it between themselves as soon as possible. "Come on...let's go outside. Big Mac and Applejack are worried about you."

"Are ya'll sidin' with them?" she asked, sounding betrayed, "They'll just get mad at me."

"I'm not, they really are worried about you. Besides, they're just looking after you." he replied as he placed a hoof on her shoulder, "And don't worry, if they get mad at you, I'll argue for you. I'm partially to blame too, you know." he added with a smile. "I'll protect you."

Applebloom blushed at the statement as she looked at him.

It didn't take long for Spike to realize what he had said and looked away, blushing as well. Just as he began clearing his throat so to break the moment, he felt Applebloom press her head against his chest again, before giving a jagged sigh.

"A-Applebloom...y-you do know that I didn't exactly mean it like that right?"

"A-ah know...but ah can pretend can't I?" she asked as she looked at him straight in the face, half-looking like she was giving him puppy eyes.

He looked at her then pushed another sigh past that lump that had once again formed in his throat, which felt even bigger than it had been yesterday. "Well, I can't exactly stop you, can I?"

Applebloom gave a light smile before laying her head against his chest once again.

Spike smiled himself, not that Applebloom could really see it. He then wrapped his forehooves around Applebloom in a gentle hug, earning a cheerful smile and a blush from her. It really wasn't what he had in mind, using just one of his forehooves would've worked just as well, but somehow the idea of seeing Applebloom throwing another sad look his way hurt him, and if this will make sure she doesn't, then so be it. Perhaps the feeling was becoming mutual, which made him slightly worried. He was still greatly confused, and these new growing feelings did not help.

It was true this last week or so has been the longest he's ever spent with Applebloom. Before this whole incident, the two had just barely spent any time together. In comparison, he's spent plenty of time with the others, at the very least enough to last several days individually. Yet, despite this lack of interaction until recently, he just couldn't help feel...happy being around Applebloom now, as if it felt right and that this is how it should be. Thing is, if he gives in and accepts Applebloom as a lover, he'd more than certainly have to give up his emotions for Rarity. Who should he choose? The mare he's been pursuing since his arrival to Ponyville, or the young filly that more than obviously cares greatly for him?

During his thoughts, he felt Applebloom affectionately rub her head against him, and give him a quick soft nuzzle under his chin.

Forget the confusion for now, right now his attention is going to be on Applebloom, the one that he knows deep down he's quickly feeling for, though he wasn't ready to admit it to himself.

The two stayed that way for a moment or two, before Spike spoke up, "Come on Applebloom, let's go downstairs. You're brother and sister are worried, and I'm sure Applejack probably wants to talk to you."

She hesitated for a moment but sighed and nodded before the two made their way out of her room and down the stairs.

As the two passed the kitchen, Spike noticed Big Mac quickly shove something into a cabinet before going back to whatever he was doing. Spike shot a curious look, but didn't stop as the two kept walking toward the front door.

"Don't you be worryin' about Big Mac." Applebloom rang in, "He's probably just playin' with that doll 'e found, again."

"He has a doll?!" Spike replied just above a whisper

"Applejack and mahself dunno where 'e got it, but we just noticed he had it one day. The family doesn't mind cause 'e still gets his work done." she explained, "And he does work hard."

Spike thought about the fact for a moment or two before shrugging, and the two proceeded outside.

They were about to go out into the orchard area, but stopped dead in their tracks as they saw Twilight and Applejack heading their way. The two sat down and waited for the two older ponies to get to where they were. Applebloom had chosen to stay relatively close to Spike, as if hoping that Spike would keep to his promise.

As soon as Applejack and Twilight were close enough, Applejack shot her sister and Spike a very serious look, which Twilight was very quick to notice.

"Applejack." Twilight said in a firm voice in Applejack's direction.

Applejack gave a scoff in reply.

Twilight sighed before turning her attention back to Spike and Applebloom.

Spike then looked Applebloom, who looked back at him before a slight nod and walked forward.

"Ah'm sorry sis...Ah'm really sorry about lyin' about the day before." Applebloom sincerely apologized, "Ah just really wanted ta spend with Spike."

"Ya'll should've just told me tha truth." Applejack stated in an upset voice.

Applebloom looked back at Spike for a moment before rebutting, "Ah know ya'll probably wouldn't let me though..."

"Now, Applebloom-"

"Ya probably would've followed me all day yesterday. Ya probably would've also said that ah shouldn't be around Spike cause he's a dragon an' ah'm a little filly." she added a little quietly as she tried making a point.

Twilight let out a small giggle at that statement, having a sneaking suspicion that was fairly accurate considering how protective Applejack tends to be of her younger sister.

Applejack heard her friend's giggle, and shot Twilight a glare, but took a breath as she does recall she did admit that was one of her concerns regarding this whole thing, "Yer right...ah probably would've said that, but ah'm still yer older sister Applebloom, and ya'll have to be mindful ah'm only tryin' to look after ya."

"Ah know how ta watch out fer mahself." she argued, "And Spike wouldn't hurt me."

"Ah know he wouldn't sis; and, ah know ya'll can get around on yer own, but ya'll are still lil' and ya still got a lot ta learn."

Applebloom just gave a exasperated sigh.

After a quick moment of silence, Spike took a step forward and said, "Applejack, I...I know I probably shouldn't be talking right now, but can't you allow Applebloom to make a few decisions? I mean, Applebloom is..." then began to trail off as he noticed Applejack's serious stare at him.

"So ya'll are really gonna argue fer mah sister?" Applejack asked curiously without letting her serious look disappear.

Spike gave a cautious nod before saying, "I mean..., Applebloom does seem to know what she's doing half the time. Besides, I'm also to blame. I could've told you or Twilight the truth."

Applejack remained silent for a moment looking between her sister and Spike, then toward Twilight to see if she had anything to say about the matter.

"I know Applebloom is family Applejack, and I'm not saying that's a bad thing that you're trying to protect her, but she's not a baby. She can decide for what's good and watch herself." Spike added

Applejack continued to remain silent before giving a sigh, "A'right. Applebloom, ah promise ah'll talk ta Big Mac about probably easin' up on ya, but ya gotta promise to listen ta us about a few t'ings, especially about yer safety. Ya hear?"

"Ah hear..." Applebloom stated

After another moment, Spike looked over to Applebloom, who took the chance to press herself against Spike, forcing him to blush in embarrassment.

Applejack just rolled her eyes at the sight, but gave an amused smirk. She had to admit, seeing Spike blush like that was actually kinda funny.

"Well...if the issue is now fully resolved, are you and Applebloom heading to Sugarcube Corner, Applejack?" Twilight asked after a moment of silence.

"Ah don't reckon so?" Applejack answered as she thought about it, "Why? What's Pinkie Pah doin'?"

"Pinkie or Fluttershy didn't tell you? Fluttershy told me Pinkie is going to be offer free samples of a new recipe Mr. and Mrs. Cake is trying." Twilight explained.


"If I recall correctly, I believe Fluttershy also told me that the new recipe was inspired by Pound and Pumpkin, and that the others already agreed to drop by."

"Aren't they know...still babies?" Spike asked.

"Doesn't mattah if they're young or old sugarcube, ya'll can still inspire no mattah the age." Applejack answered for Twilight.

"Right." Twilight agreed with a nod.

"Well, ah ain't got anythin' else to do fer today, and it's been a while since all six of us had time ta just talk, so ah might as well drop by and see fer mahself."

"How about you two? Do you want to follow along?" she asked turning her attention to the two younger ponies.

"I don't really know. I guess depends on what the Cutie Mark Crusaders decide to do, since I'm apparently a member till I turn back to normal or I get I get my cutie mark." Spike replied, then turned to look at Applebloom.

Applebloom was at first startled when she realized that all the attention was on her now, then became slightly nervous, "Well, ah, um...If Miss Rarity and Rainbow Dash are going to be there, ah know Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo will be."

"So I suppose that means all of us will be going?" Twilight asked.

"Ah reckon so." Applejack replied, "Well, we better get movin' then, otherwise it'll be a bit of a wait."

The walk to Sugarcube Corner went relatively uneventful. Applejack did resist a few moments where Applebloom had chosen to walk far more closer to Spike than she was comfortable with, which wasn't hard to miss since the two younger ponies led the way. She did have to admit though, it was kinda cute, and the appearance of just how red Spike's face can get once in a while was also funny to her. As much as Spike is now more willing to admit he's actually a little more fond of Applebloom than he was yesterday, apparently he remained just as hesitant to allow Applebloom to show it in public. Problem was though, he just couldn't find the nerve to do more than turn beet-red in embarrassment and slightly attempt to look away from the young filly's direction.

Upon arriving, they were greeted by their friends, with the exception of Rainbow Dash; she was just busy keeping an eye on Pound who had decided to practice his flying only a few moments ago. Both were currently in Pinkie's room where Rainbow was trying to convince the young pegasus to get off the ceiling. Pumpkin would've also posed a potential issue with her wayward magical casting, but Pinkie had already given her something to do, more specifically, a new toy to chew on.

"Here you go Twilight and Applejack, two samples of a special new recipe for two of my bestest friends!" Pinkie stated cheerfully before placing a plate with a slice of cake each in front of the two.

"Thank ya kindly Pinkie Pie." Applejack stated just after licking her lips

"Yes, thank you Pinkie." Twilight said as she looked at her slice of cake, "I gotta say, it really does look good."

"It doesn't just look good darling, it is good." Rarity stated, which Fluttershy silently agreed with as she gave a nod.

With the backing of her two friends, Twilight picked up a fork and took a bite the slice of cake. After taking that first bite, her eyes shot open, each giving off an extra glint as they did.

"W-wow...! This really is good." Twilight complimented, earning a bright smile from Pinkie, "Pinkie, can you please give the Cakes my regards to this recipe."

"Okie-Doki-Loki!" she simply replied.

"Speaking of Mr. and Mrs. Cake...that is if you don't mind me asking...where are they?" Fluttershy asked, "Shouldn't they be here too?"

"Oh, Mrs. Cake is in her room. She felt so so sleepy because the twins kept her up really really long last night."

"Oh my..."

"Uh-huh, she just looked so so sleepy when I woke up this morning, yawning like this." then gave a big yawn in front of the others, "I did ask Mrs. Cake about it, but she said that she was gonna be okay, then she yawned again." Pinkie then yawned again for expression, "But then I argued that she should get some rest. She finally did after I asked Mr. Cake and he said the same thing I've been telling her."

", where's Mr. Cake then?" Twilight asked as she gave a yawn from watching Pinkie yawn.

"Mr. Cake is out buying more ingredients, we used the last bit of our sugar, butter, and baking flour yesterday, which of course is bad because we're a bakery and we need those ingredients." she then gave a nervous grin and looked around the room

Twilight just gave a nod in understanding just seconds before Rainbow rejoined holding a still ever happy Pound Cake in her hooves, "Jeez this colt is stubborn! Get him off the ceiling, he goes right back. How do you deal with it Pinkie?"

Pinkie just gave smile and a shrug before going over to take Pound from Rainbow, allowing the cyan pegasus to land back onto the ground, then putting him next to his sister.

"I'll give him this though, he's pretty fast for a young foal. If he manages to keep that speed after he grows up, it'll be fun to race him once in a while." Rainbow added with a slight smirk

"Sorry I couldn't help you Rainbow Dash." Fluttershy apologized

"Heh, it's no problem Fluttershy. Besides you should know me, there's no way a little foal like Pound is gonna be a hoof-ful for me to handle."

"How is it he can already fly?" Scootaloo asked, only in earshot of Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, and Spike, "I'm older than him, and I still can't get more than two feet off the ground."

"Twilight told me that's actually pretty normal. Unicorn and pegasi foals are able to do magic and fly when their still that young, it's just in short random moments and it eventually goes away til their a little older." Spike replied.

"It still stinks though." she complained.

"Hey Twilight, why is Spike still a pony? Shouldn't he be back to normal now?" Pinkie asked looking at Spike

"She's probably still working on it Pinkie Pie." Rarity replied, "These things take time to perfect, even to Twilight I'm sure."

"But I could've sworn she figured it out almost three nights ago." Pinkie stated as she wondered if her feelings were a tad off, slightly earning a concerned look from Twilight.

"Pinkie...if I can have-" Twilight tried to say to her before Pinkie pressed on, interrupting Twilight

"I mean Twilight is so so smart with all this magic-y stuff, and I had this funny feeling on my back, so she must've figured it out by now." Pinkie stated

"Twilight did figure it out." Spike rang in, earning a slightly worried look from Applebloom

"If that's true, why ain't 'e back to normal?" Applejack asked with genuine curiosity as she looked at a nervous Twilight

"She said she needed to make sure it was perfect, so nothing goes wrong while she's casting it." he replied

"Ah suppose tha' sounds about right." Applejack said with a nod

"Yep, that makes sense." Pinkie agreed, "I'm sure it would work though, especially how well you were doing yesterday. When I came by, I saw you practicing, it was so fun to watch."

"B-but I don't remember you coming by the library yesterday Pinkie." Twilight stated, now getting really worried

"Well, duh, you never answered the door, but I did see you on the balcony doing your studies, making all kinds of things go poof, poof, poof. Making them different every time!" she explained with a smile

"Wait, what?!" Spike asked in near surprise.

"Pinkie, darling, if Twilight truly is, as you say, 'making them different everytime', how are you certain she's changing them to the correct forms?" Rarity asked

"Oh, because I heard her say stuffy stuff like, 'Okay, that's good.' and 'That's normal, now to the next'." Pinkie stated then gave a wide grin for a moment or two, which eventually disappeared when she noticed a very nervous, and not-so-happy, look on Twilight.

"You mean you could easily turn me back to normal at anytime Twilight!?" Spike asked in a loudly, his face portraying the amount of shock he felt.

"" Twilight managed to get out, then gave a sigh, "Y-yes, I know it. I figured it out a couple of days ago."

"Then, what was with that half ruby-half apple this morning?"

"That really was an error, one that I...I assumed was probably me casting the spell before I was fully awake."

"Are you holding back just because you think you can be my mom?!" Spike huffed in disbelief

"'Mom'...?" the others repeated in a confused tone

"No, no!" Twilight blurted out, realizing that she's quickly losing control of this. "It's not that entirely, I-"

"Look, I said I don't mind it too much, but I'm suppose to be a dragon! I am JUST your assistant. Remember!" he said before he abruptly turned away from Twilight's direction, not willing to look at her.

A momentary silence hung in the air. The others in the room shot glances at each other, trying to make sense of this before Rarity stepped forward.

"Twilight, dear, what is this all about?" Rarity asked

"Yeah." Rainbow abruptly said as she flew over Rarity, "What's up with all of this 'mom' business Spike is talking about?"

Twilight turned to look at all her friends, all their eyes now on her, and looked around nervously as she tried finding the right words to say. She bit her lip before giving a sigh and saying, "A-about a few days ago, I started seeing what it would be like think of Spike more like a son rather than just my assistant."

"Why the sudden interest darling?"

"Well...he, um....he inadvertently called me 'mom'." she simply replied

"What?!" Spike was clearly taken back by that answer, turning to look at her again, "When did I say that to you?"

"'Ow about we all let Twi explain everthin', before we start playin' twenty questions." Applejack suggested, earning a nod from everypony present, which included the Cake twins, who were more or less just copying everypony else.

"Thank you Applejack." Twilight stated, earning a quick nod from the earth pony, she then gave a quick pause before explaining, "A few nights ago, Spike woke me up complaining about having a nightmare and he had asked me to read him a story to help him relax and sleep again. I won't have minded reading him a story, but I was much too sleepy to read him anything..., so I had just suggested he could just sleep with me since I figured it wouldn't be any different from when we were younger and I was instructed to sleep near Spike so he'd be comfortable at night."

Her friends just gave a slight grin at the thought. Applejack and Rarity did so on a more knowing level, recall similar advice given to them by their parents in regards to being an older sibling. Pinkie and Fluttershy gave a smile finding the whole situation kinda sweet. Rainbow just gave a grin finding the whole thing rather amusing, but she was more interested in the actual explanation.

"Go on sugarcube." Applejack simply said.

"When I woke up, I found Spike pressed up against me as if he was giving me a hug." Twilight continued, then gave a smile as she recalled the event, "I was about to carefully move him so I could get out of bed without disturbing him, but then...then he held tighter and just muttered, 'I love you mommy'."

Rainbow gave a short laugh, "I didn't know you slept-talk Spike!"

"Well, I didn't know either." he retorted as he blushed in embarrassed, earning a slight chuckle from Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Applebloom

"I find it to be very nice actually." Fluttershy timidly voiced in

"Logically, I initially concluded he was just having a good dream, and naturally, it wasn't directed at me; I thought about it more, the more I felt...happy to think it was."

"Twilight actually asked me for advice about the subject." Fluttershy admitted meekly, then looked at Twilight, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't..."

"No, it's okay, Fluttershy. If anything, you're helping me out."

Fluttershy simply gave a nod in understanding

"So Twilight did ask you, Fluttershy?" Rarity asked

Fluttershy gave another nod, "She seemed really scared when she was telling me."

Spike was slightly taken back upon hearing that Twilight was actually worried, or at least that worried. He knew Twilight, and he knew it would've been a matter that she would have tried solving on her own first, and of course Twilight hadn't made a mess of the library looking for the answer. It just didn't cross his mind that it would've caused Twilight as much confusion as to require asking for outside help first to understand.

"I got worried because I didn't know how any of you would react had I told you." Twilight admitted, "It's not like any of us has had this kind of experience before. T-the reason I asked Fluttershy was I figured she was the closest I could go to for advice and...was the closest in understanding."

"Now hol' on there one moment Twi, ya'll thought we wouldn't understand?" Applejack asked as she raised a brow

"Well..., I just thought that..." she then started to trail off.

"Now listen 'ere Twi, ah do understand what ya'll mean about none of us understadin', but yer also wrong about that." Applejack stated with a grin, "Sure we ain't got nopony to call our son or daughter, but at least Rare and mahself understand about havin' family." she added as she petted Applebloom on the head, earning an disapproving groan from the young filly as her mane was messed up.

"I do quite agree with Applejack. Remember, we still have younger sisters who we have to watch out for once in a while." Rarity rang in as she stood next to Sweetie Belle, both giving a warm smile.

"I think all us of could." Pinkie stated with a wide grin, "I have sisters too!"

"I didn't know you had sisters Pinkie Pie." Twilight stated, earning an interested look from Rarity and Rainbow Dash as well, showing they didn't know either.

"Well, duh, you just haven't met them yet. My sister Inkie lives with my parents on the rock farm just outside of town. She's reeealllly good at finding these rocks with really cool gems inside."

"You mean geodes?" Twilight asked

"Oh yeah." then gave a quick laugh, "She's really good at finding them. My other sister Blinkie....Actually I haven't seen her in a while. She left home after I did. I wonder what she's doing now."

"Anyway, yeah...I think Pinkie's right Twilight." Rainbow stated, "I don't really have any siblings, but you know this little squirt right here is always around me. Probably enough for you to kinda consider her my sister." she added as she pointed at Scootaloo, who gave a wide grin and was quickly by the older pegasus's side.

Twilight just gave a smile, more from the relief than anything else.

"As Applejack pointed out darling, we do understand what you mean." Rarity simply said, "And I certainly do not blame you for asking Fluttershy. While it is unlady-like to be so, I do admit it is hard not to be envious of Fluttershy's skills."

"'s nothing special, really." Fluttershy quietly stated as she smiled at the compliment.

Twilight gave a sigh then nodded, "I'm sorry girls. Sorry I didn't think you girls would understand my situation."

"Cool your hooves Twilight. We said it was okay." Rainbow stated

"And I'm especially sorry to you Spike. When I started, it was just to see how it was like, I didn't mean to let it get this far out of control." Twilight apologized, "I didn't mean to betray your trust. Can you ever forgive me?" she asked, looking like she was about to cry from knowing that this was already her second chance, and she just blew it.

Spike just gave a moment to smile, "It's okay Twilight. I guess I'm sorry too, I really shouldn't have just shouted at you about all this two nights ago without letting you much of a chance to explain." Spike stated, then walked over and gave her a quick hug.

Twilight gave a smile and hugged him back, very much relieved, "So...I're ready to return to your normal dragon form?"

Spike opened his mouth to answer, but then hesitated as he looked toward Applebloom.

The young filly noticed his actions and gave a sad look, "Ya'll should..."

"Are you sure Applebloom? You did say-"

"Ah know what ah said." she interrupted, "But...ah know ya'll will be happier though."

Spike gave a smile at that, which earned a brief smile from the filly, then returned his attention back to Twilight and gave a nod.

Twilight then closed her eyes and focused just before an light purple aura surrounded both her horn and Spike. Spike levitated slightly before a sudden flash. Twilight then opened her eyes to see a very familiar purple baby dragon checking to see if everything on him had really returned to normal, then earning a bright smile from him.

"Wait, why did Spike look at you Applebloom?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Yeah...why did he look at you?" Scootaloo voiced in

"Well," she tried to say before hearing her sister chuckle.

"How about Twilight and ah help you there lil' sis? Ah have a feelin' the others are wonderin' the same thing." she stated

Looking around, it seems to be rather true as most of them gave a questioning look. The only ones that seemed to already know was a slightly blushing and smiling Fluttershy and rather giggly Pinkie Pie.

Spike and Applebloom quickly explained what had been going on the between the two of them this last week or so, including why Spike looked at Applebloom before asking to be turned back. Applejack and Twilight backed them up on the matter and added in whatever minuscule detail they felt that needed to be said. Applejack's was based from she saw on the occasion between her sister and Spike, and Twilight's was primarily from a statement from Fluttershy the previous day and her own observation on the way to Sugarcube Corner. Fluttershy added to them as well by saying what she had seen from yesterday, which did take Spike, Applebloom, Twilight, and Applejack by surprise.

Everypony, with the exception of a few including the Cake twins and Scootaloo, in the room gave an amazed but somewhat interested look at this revelation. Rainbow did gave an interested look, but also a smirk that seemed to say "Who would've guessed". Scootaloo just looked like she was gonna gag, she didn't quite find the idea in general all that appealing.

Around closer to sunset, all of them had gone to the library to continue chatting. Twilight, Fluttershy, and Spike mainly listened to what the others had to say and didn't talk much. Importantly though, they were updated by Rainbow about the day to expect rain in the weather, she finally was able to find a suitable date and time for the weekly storm. Currently all ten of them were outside.

At the moment Rarity and Spike were talking about matters, just out of earshot from the others, but slightly within hearing range of Applebloom, who had chosen to stay relatively close to them.

"I am flattered, really I am darling, but...but...Oh dear, how do I put this nicely?" Rarity stated before looking off to the side.

"You don't feel the same do you?" he asked sadly

Rarity gave a sigh, "I'm afraid so. I just don't feel the same for you."

Spike looked down at the ground as the frills on his head began to droop down.

"I'm also quite uncertain if it would work out for...more than one reason. I am willing to be you're close friend if you so wish, but if you don't..., I shall bear no ill will towards you." Rarity added as she placed a hoof on his shoulder, "A lady never holds a grudge on such a matter, especially one that I do understand is rather painful to accept at this point in time."

Spike forced a smile onto his face and gave a sigh, before hugging Rarity.

Rarity was slightly taken back, but gave a smile then continued, "Besides, it would be rather rude of me to undo what had transpired between you and Applebloom. Tell me Spike, how do you actually feel for young Applebloom?"

"I don't know actually, I guess 'fond' could be a good word." Spike replied as he let go, "I really don't know."

That answer was good enough for the unicorn, "Then perhaps you should go to her. Celestia knows that young filly has had her eye on you even before she chose to tell you."

Spike said nothing, but looked over to Applebloom.

"Here's my advice darling, give it a little time. A matter such as this always take time. You may even find that your feelings may become mutual somewhere down the path."

"Thank you Rarity." Spike said, earning a nod from her, then walked over to Applebloom and gave her a hug.

Applebloom seemed to finally let go of a nervous breath and happily returned the gesture.

Closer to front of the library, as this was happening, the scene had been watched carefully by the others, well minus Pinkie Pie, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Rainbow Dash. Pinkie was actually absent as she said she forgot something at Sugarcube Corner and left to go fetch it. Scootaloo and Rainbow didn't actually care too much and chose to talk instead, which was a matter that was similar with Sweetie Belle, who seemed to be only half there when it came to understanding what was happening.

"Twilight, ah've been wonderin' this since we 'ad ta explain to the others. How do ya'll feel about all this? Ah mean about Spike havin' a crush on mah lil' sis." Applejack asked

Twilight spent a moment to look at Spike and think about her reply before saying, "I suppose, no different from you Applejack. I mean it is somewhat a family matter isn't it?"

"Ah reckon so; but, it's gotta be different fer ya. Thing is Twi, Applebloom is mah sister, but ya considah Spike yer son."

Twilight gave a nod as she understood what Applejack meant, "I actually don't know how to answer that, but you are right, I'm sure it's different considering. I suppose I'm....I guess I'm somewhat happy for him, the same time a little confused too."

Applejack gave a smirk and placed a hoof on the unicorn's shoulder

"I mean, I am happy for him that he found somepony who likes him for who he is, but at the same time I don't know how to feel about it. It just feels like a variable I had forgotten to consider, and now it's just another weight on my mind."

Applejack then gave a chuckle, "Ya'll sound a lil' like mah father. When he and mah ma still lived with Macintosh, Applebloom, and mahself, he always got this strange look in his eye whenevah mah mom joked around about the three of us growin' up. Jus' think of it like this, no mattah how big he gets and how things go, that lil' dragon is always yer kin."

Twilight just gave a small smile at the statement just before Pinkie returned carrying a small basket with her.

"I'm back!" the pink pony happily announced as she stopped in front of them.

"Welcome back, Pinkie." Twilight greeted

"So what did ya'll forget ta bring?" Applejack asked.

"This! I almost forgot to bring this." Pinkie replied as she put the basket down and showed them the contents, which was an assortment of what looks like croissants, donuts, and cupcakes. There was also two slips of paper present in the basket, both read, "Good for one free special slice of cake." and had Pinkie's signature.

"Ooo-wee, that sure is quite the assortment ya got there Pinkie, but what is it fer?" Applejack asked as Rainbow and Scootaloo rejoined the others, just as interested in what Pinkie had brought back as the others were.

"It's a present from me, to Applebloom and Spike!" she replied with a grin, "Remember, they were at Sugarcube Corner on their date yesterday? Well, really you just saw them while they were leaving, but you remember right?"

"O' course ah remember Pinkie."

"Well, while they were there, they didn't tell me they were on a date, which is so sneaky of them to not tell me before I gave them food. But, I didn't ask so it's probably my fault. Anyway, they didn't tell me before I gave them food, so I felt bad and I told them I would make them something super-duper special next time to celebrate! So here it is, the super special present." then gave a wide toothy grin.

" certainly is rather special Pinkie Pie." Twilight stated, "Quite an assortment of goods that they'd both like to eat."

"What's this thing 'ere though?" Applejack asked as she pointed at the croissant, "Ah don't recall evah seein' it before."

"That's actually a croissant Applejack." Twilight replied as she looked at her, "It's a treat I usually see in big cities like Canterlot or Manehatten. Where did you find them Pinkie?"

"Oh, I made them! Donut Joe knew the recipe and he showed me how to make them last time we were in Canterlot." she replied, before Rainbow quickly grabbed one and gave it a try, "Hey! Dashie, those are for Spike and Applebloom!"

"Relax, it's just one. They won't notice a thing." Rainbow replied, a bit of a smile on her face saying she like what she was eating.

"It's probably okay Pinkie, ya'll did make a lot there to eat." Applejack explained as she slightly elbowed Pinkie's side, "Looks like ya'll were preparin' fer a picnic fer all of us."

Pinkie then looked at the basket and thought about Applejack had just said, then gave a laugh, "Yeah, I guess I went a little overboard." she then notices that Fluttershy, who had remained quiet so far, was also looking at the basket, "Do you want one Fluttershy? My treat!" and scooted the basket closer to the yellow pegasus.

" it...that is to say-" Fluttershy sputtered out as she tried to reply before she was quickly interrupted by Spike, Applebloom, and Rarity coming toward them. She was actually interested in taking a bite from one of the food items available, but didn't want to be rude since it was a present to Spike and Applebloom.

"I do believe that takes care of one issue." Rarity stated as she approached, with Applebloom and Spike close behind her

"Whoa! Where did that basket of food come from?" Spike asked as he looked at its contents.

"Pinkie left and came back with it." Twilight replied

"Yep! It's that super special treat I told you and Applebloom about yesterday." Pinkie explained

"Ya'll mean, this is fer us?!" Applebloom was more than surprised to hear

"You do know this is a lot for just the two of us?" Spike asked

"Yep!" Pinkie simply replied

"Perhaps, you can share amongst yourselves then." they all heard a voice say.

Twilight was the first to speak as she noticed who had joined them, "Princess Luna!"

"Tis good to see you all again." the alicorn simply stated as they took a bow it respect.

"What brings you here Princess?"

"My sister asked if we...I mean...'I' may pay a visit and retrieve that book you had borrowed whilst I was out to raise the moon."

"Oh, of course, let me get it for you." and just like that, Twilight went into the library before quickly returning with the transformative arts book and the counter-spell book.

"You may hold onto that book of counter-spells if you wish Twilight Sparkle. I was only asked to retrieve this one." and took the transformative arts book from her, "You are welcome to request it again if you do so wish in the future."

"Why not just take the counter-spell book too?" Rainbow asked

"It is in case she requires it's services a little longer." Luna replied, then looked at Spike, "I taketh thee had learned the counter-spell you required?"

"Yes, Princess." Twilight replied, "It took some time, but I managed to figure it out."

Princess Luna observed Spike for a brief moment and used a hoof to turn his head to inspect him, "And it does appear you casted it perfectly. Well done, I am sure my sister will be happy to hear about this."

"So, you're sure I can hold on to this book?" Twilight asked

"There are other spells and counter-spells thou may find of interest." Luna replied with a smile, "Not to worry, thy sister is quite in agreement with my decision."

"Well...if Princess Celestia thinks it's alright...thank you Princess." Twilight stated

Princess Luna just gave another smile, then bid them farewell as she had to get to work on preparing the sky for the night.

As night fell, they all went into the library for a sleepover the CMC had wanted to do. Twilight was more than hesitant for such an event, but finding she only had Fluttershy to be about as equally hesitant, she agreed to it. So after half-an-hour or so, enough time for the others to gather and pack whatever they needed, the library was filled with the sounds of the group of friends having fun. It didn't turn out bad at all really, and Twilight did enjoy the fact she had all her friends over this time for a sleepover rather than just Applejack and Rarity. Especially when even Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Applebloom was able to add to the festivities with a story they didn't hesitate to try re-enacting for the sake of it, and with a little interest in seeing if acting would lead them closer to their marks. Spike was dragged in at one point for a scene, he was hesitant at first, but didn't mind being around his new close friends, and his potentially new love interest.

As things started to quiet down, only Twilight, Applejack, and Spike, who was doing a little cleaning, were left in the main room of the library. The others had already retreated to either the new guest room or Twilight's bedroom with their sleeping bags to sleep. Well, all except Rainbow who had decided she would be more comfortable out on the balcony to sleep under the stars.

"Ah think ya'll could say this second sleepover was a success." Applejack stated, currently both her and Twilight were flat on their stomachs as they sat on pillows.

"Yeah, I guess I could." Twilight replied as she pushed a book aside for now.

"Twilight...?" Spike rang in

"Hm? Yes Spike?"

"Listen..., would you mind if..." he began to trail off as he held a book up to show its title, which was really an assortment of Pony Tales that occasionally included a dragon.

Twilight just gave a smile, "No, of course not Spike." and took the book from him.

"Fancy hearing a story there sugarcube?" Applejack asked with a slight smirk

Spike gave a nod, "I just want to humor Twilight, especially since I...I guess I wouldn't mind considering her my... my mom."

This made both mares give a smile, more so from Twilight.

" would you mind if you can make me a pony again?"

Now this surprised them.

"But, Spike, you just got back to normal! Why would you want me to turn you back into a pony?" Twilight asked

"Well, it was kinda fun. Besides having fun with the Crusaders and all that, it does kinda sound interesting if you can make me a pegasus or unicorn."

"Well, I'm willing to make you a pegasus, but only if Rainbow or Fluttershy are willing to teach you how to fly first."

"Rainbow, might do it. She's already workin' on helpin' Scootaloo with that." Applejack stated

Twilight gave a nod in agreement, then continued, "And I think I'll have to teach you the basics of magic before I even consider turning you into a unicorn."


"Simply since you might be around that age for unicorns to start learning to use their magic properly, levitation being one of them. If you overdo it even slightly I might have to ask for repairs to the house from you accidentally throwing something at high speeds." she replied as her horn began to glow.

"It ain't all that hard, can it?" Applejack asked

"You may be surprised to find how easy it is to make certain mistakes during basic training in magic." Twilight stated as Spike changed back into the familiar purple colt he had been the last few days.

Spike then trotted closer and sat down right next to Twilight, sitting similarly as her, on his stomach, who couldn't resist taking the chance nuzzle her 'son'.

"Just remember, to not overdo it Twilight." he reminded

"Of course." she replied back as she started being a little pushy as she nuzzled him, forcing him into a sitting position where his forehooves were now off the ground and she was able to nuzzle his belly.

"H-hey, Tw-twilight...Stop that...! That tickles!....stop it!" he stated between small fits of laughter. He was rather ticklish apparently.

Applejack laughed as well as she watched Twilight show affection to Spike, she slightly turned her head away, to show she had nothing to do with this whatsoever.

"Twilight stop! If don't-" he was saying before Twilight interrupted and stopped

"Thank you Spike. I know a few days ago, I wouldn't have ever considered this kind of thing, but you have no idea how much this actually means to me right now."

Spike remained silent for a moment before giving a smile and tried hugging Twilight's head, "You're welcome"

Twilight gave another wide smile, before clearing her throat, "Well..., you said you wanted to hear a story?"

Spike simply nodded as he returned to sitting like was before, "You can pick. I don't mind."

"Do you want to hear a story Applejack? I don't mind if you want to leave and get some sleep too."

"Ah don't mind. Been a while since ah heard a good bedtime story." the earth pony replied

Twilight gave a nod before opening the book to a random story to read, "The story of, 'The Pegasus and The Dragon of Unicornia'." she read the title, looking to see if Applejack or Spike disagreed with her selection. Finding no signs of such, she pressed on, "'Once upon a time, in a land before Equestria, known as Unicornia, lived a lone pegasus. Normally only unicorns would be found in Unicornia, but because of a bad storm..."

As Twilight continued reading, Spike quietly sat and listened. Occasionally he'd take a quick glance at Applejack, who seemed to be doing the same thing whenever the farmer didn't look like she was trying to stifle a laugh. He didn't quite understand why she'd be laughing, there was nothing that came off as funny to him in the story, but then again it probably doesn't matter. He admittedly was still unsure about considering Twilight his mom, but it was a subject he was quickly willing to push aside. Spike did also have to admit he found comfort in just doing this, calmly listening to a story his 'mom' was reading as he sat next to her. He couldn't help but smile at how natural it all felt. He wasn't quite sure if it was just the moment because she's reading him a story, or whether it was just a fact that's always been true and he was now just realizing it because of recent events, especially with the advice Applebloom gave him just the day before still hanging on his mind. Either way, he chose to just contently smile and leaned up against Twilight's side as he continued listening.

While Twilight read on, Spike's ears and tail would lightly twitch every now and then toward any other sound that could be heard, including sounds of crickets, the leaves outside rustling, or Applejack giving off a very light snicker. At one point his ear did twitch at a sound he turned to see what it was, which was a sound at the staircase that led up to the upper floor. Finding nothing, especially in his slightly sleepy state at this moment, and since Twilight or Applejack didn't seem notice, he pushed it aside.

Eventually he gave an audible yawn, which caused Twilight to stop reading and look at him, then as if by instinct he pressed his head up harder against Twilight's side before curling into a ball and promptly fell asleep.

Twilight gave a warm smile in response as she looked at him

"Hehehe, well ain't that the cutest thing ya ever did see." Applejack stated in a quiet voice, "Almost reminds me how Applebloom use ta do that whenever our ma or Big Mac read us a story."

Twilight gave a light giggle as Applejack gave a yawn herself, "I think it's about time for us to get some sleep too."

Applejack simply gave a nod in agreement.

Twilight quietly closed the book before saying, "That means you too Applebloom." earning a quiet gasp

"Ah thought ah heard somethin' earlier." Applejack stated as she looked toward the stairs where Applebloom decided to peak her head out further into view now that she had been caught, "How'd ya'll know?" she asked Twilight

She just gave a shrug, "Lucky guess."

"Didn't ah tell ya ta go ta bed Applebloom?"

"Ah wasn't sleepy, so ah came down." the younger filly explained as Twilight looked up at her as well

"Well, I do hope you enjoyed the story Applebloom, or at least what you heard." Twilight stated

"Yes, ah did, thanks Miss Twilight." Applebloom replied

"Ah'm gonna head upstairs Twi, ah have ta make sure Applebloom really goes ta sleep this time." Applejack stated as she stood up then looked at Twilight, "Ya'll comin'?"

"Yeah, I'll right there. Just give me a moment to re-shelf this book properly."

"Ah think ya should be careful when ya do come up here." Applebloom voiced in, "Pinkie is sleepin' very close ta the door."

"How close?"

"Ah would've probably accidentally hit 'er head if ah didn't know she was there and ah'd opened the door fast enough."

Twilight gave a sigh, "Understood, thank you for letting us know Applebloom." Twilight stated as Applejack started up the stairs and gestured for Applebloom to go to her sleeping bag and go to sleep

The older earth pony then gave Twilight a quick nod before following behind her little sister.

Twilight remained silent a little longer before lifting the book into the air with her magic and placed it in its correct place. She then looked back at Spike, who remained sleeping peacefully where he was, further earning a motherly smile from Twilight. Twilight then pulled her head closer to him and gently nuzzled the side of Spike's face and the top of his head, which mildly messed up his already messy looking mane. "Sleep little Spike." she gently said to him. Though unclear if he actually heard it or not in his sleep, Spike did actually gave a small smile.


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"Thanks again for helping out Twilight. I really appreciate the help." Spike stated as he dropped a pile of wooden planks he was carrying.

"No problem at all Spike. Anything to help." she replied as she gently placed a bag of luggage on the ground, "I'm still a little hesitant in letting you do this, but I suppose you're old enough to make you're own decisions now."

It's been roughly 10 years since the whole transformation spell incident that trapped Spike in an earth pony body for about a week, though he does look back on those days with a sense of happiness. In fact, multiple times he's actually had Twilight change him into a pony for several reasons including taking a new perspective during holidays, trying some of the magic that he's seen Twilight perform, and give the Apple family a piece of mind when he's around Applebloom. They always seemed a bit more relaxed when he did, and it's only recently Applejack and Big Macintosh had begun to relax a bit more.

Now 10 years older since, Spike had really grown, standing a head taller than Twilight when he chooses to walk on all four. Most of his more dragonic features have begun to show, such as his quills and claws have become sharper, and his wings have begun to grow in. He had also lost his baby fat, giving him a more streamline looking body than before. His wings at the current moment were rather...weak. He can fly, but was better off as a pegasus. It was a matter that Twilight was looking into, and her current best guess was that it was the circumstances of his upbringing. Had he grown with dragons instead of ponies, Spike would've been able to fly. So Twilight thinks.

Both were currently standing in front of a building that was still under construction, but quite close to completion. It was a project that Applebloom was working on, approved by Mayor Mare, and was going to be her and Spike's home. They both would still help around at Sweet Apple Acres and library.

"Don't worry, I'll still be around Twilight. Besides, you're not going to be completely alone you know, you have your own daughter now to take care of."

Twilight shot Spike a look. "She's your sister as well Spike."

Spike silently chuckled. "I know Twilight, and I couldn't ask for anypony better for a sister."

"Yeah..." Twilight sighed before steering the conversation back. "So it's not completely, if you can pardon the expression, an empty nest." She stated with a slight chuckle, "Still gonna miss having you around Spike."

"I'll be coming back everyday to help out. I may be calling you my mom Twilight, but I'm still gonna be your best assistant." Spike said proudly. "If you want though, you and Sis can come by every night for dinner."

"I don't want to be a hassle for you Spike, besides I've learned a few more recipes ever since I started calling you my son."

"Uh-huh." he replied with a slight smirk, "And for every recipe you know, I know about 10 more." he added as he gave his mom a toothy grin.

Twilight just gave an irritated, but amused, smile in reply.

"But, you're right though Twilight. I am going to miss calling the library my home."

"Well the door is always open to you Spike." she replied with a smile and hugged him, which he gladly returned.

"Howdy, y'two!" the two heard Applebloom's voice call out.

They both turned to face Applebloom and saw both her and Granny Smith following right next to her. Applebloom, now older, had actually grown up to be quite a lovely mare, one that made Spike quite happy to be calling her his marefriend. In comparison to her sister, Applejack, she was slightly more lean since she didn't help much in the harvesting apples outside of being the discerning eye in place of Granny Smith on several occasions. As an apparent result, she lacked the strength and development of muscles that Applejack had. She still chooses to wear the pink bow she had worn as a filly in her mane, mostly for aesthetic and sentimental reasons, though of course it didn't quite look as big on her anymore, and she wore it slightly lower than she use to. She did own a large bow though, it was a joke item she had received from Spike and Scootaloo as a birthday gift. She mostly wears it just to humor old friends.

"Hey Applebloom. Hello Granny Smith." Twilight greeted

Spike and Applebloom gave each other a quick peck on the lips as a greeting, before Spike turned to Granny Smith and greeted her, "Hello Granny Smith. Didn't quite expect to see you out today."

"Ah ain't about ta let mah own grand-daughter leave without me seein' where she's gonna be livin'." the elderly mare simply replied with a smile

Twilight gave a nod in understanding before turning her attention to the structure, "I have to say, it's rather impressive just how much has been done since you started two weeks ago Applebloom."

"Well, Spike an' mah sister helped out too, so ah can't take all the credit." she stated, "And there's still a few things ta do, like finish the flooring, paint it, and wire'n the place. Reminds me 'ah oughta find somepony to help me with the wires."

"Are you sure it's ready for you two to live in? Sounds like there's a lot that needs to be done."

"Ah'm sure. It's just a few small things that needs to be done."

For the next couple of hours Applebloom continued finishing up the flooring, with some assistance from Granny Smith, who mostly was checking the quality of the wooden planks Applebloom was using. It also gave the elderly mare a small chance to prove that Applebloom still had a few things to learn from her as she judged each piece with on so many much more than Applebloom had originally considered. While the two Apple family members were busy with that, Spike and Twilight were working on the roof and arrangement of what essential furniture Applejack and Big Macintosh had brought over the day before.

Twilight did take a little time to inspect each room in the home, mostly just to get the feel of the place if she ever decides to hold Spike to that offer of his, or just plain visit. At the moment only a couple of the rooms were worth noting for her, of which included the bedroom area and what had appeared to be a workshop for Applebloom.

The bedroom caught her attention, not only for the fact that there was two beds, indicating that while sharing a room, the two weren't sharing a bed just yet, but for the fact that it was the one that looked most complete. Aside from the essentials and normal furnishing you'd expect to find in a bedroom, it was also currently the most decorated room in the house. Twilight had recognized several trinkets she had allowed Spike to have such as a book of his favorite story, a picture her daughter had drawn of Spike, a gemstone she had given him as a gift, and a perch just off in the corner for Spike's pet, Peewee. Equally, Applebloom had brought a few things as well, including, a medal Applejack had let her have, a small wooden shield she had made while she was experimenting with a sanding machine, and a journal of simple natural remedies she had learned from Zecora.

The workshop was relatively smaller than most, but it certainly looked functional, and was well stocked on tools and materials. Twilight did have to commend Applebloom to trying to branch out and open a business for herself that she was quite good at, despite not having earned her mark yet. Applebloom decided to try at least doing what she knew well enough to at least try moving on in life, much like her's and Spike's friends had done.

About seven years ago, Scootaloo had earned mark when she was just going through Ponyville on her scooter. She was trying to blow off some steam from her frustration of not meeting personal goals in her flying, especially with Spike, who was a pegasus at the time, seemed to be improving faster than her. They were both being taught by Rainbow at the same time, the same exact way, but somehow Spike was making better progress than her, granted he still need to learn turning and stopping. In any case she ended up earning it after almost crashing into both Applejack's and Carrot Top's carts in the square. There was a slight gap in between, but Scootaloo ended up using part of her flying to jump over both, and almost did a front flip as she tried landing perfectly back onto her scooter. She still remains in Ponyville, but now is rather busy teaching a few ponies that want to learn her scooter tricks and a few asking for flight lessons now that her flying is much better.

Sweetie Belle had actually earned her mark two years after Scootaloo did after she was caught singing to herself as she was trying to clean the classroom by their entire class, and she decided to give the class a private concert, especially after Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon insisted. The looks on their face after the concert, and hearing her excellent singing voice, was somewhat worth it. It still took some time for her to fully accept her unique talent, and start working towards it. At the moment she's with her sister Rarity in Canterlot on business. The two tend to be gone from Ponyville about a week or two each month.

Spike and Twilight's friends still actually reside in Ponyville, the only major exception is Rainbow Dash who had succeeded in obtaining her Wonderbolt wings only two years ago, and was renting out her home to another pegasus in-between seasons. She actually was rejected after her first attempt 7 years ago due to failing at an important flight test, which devastated her, but persisted and earned it 2 years afterwards. Surprisingly though to both her friends and the Wonderbolts, she had second thoughts and refused acceptance afterwards, saying she had some personal business she wanted to take care of first, which Spitfire just gave a grin to and nodded in understanding. She just had to agree to keep practicing some basics till she was fully ready to join. Afterall, just because she passed doesn't mean she's allowed an extended vacation.

Once Granny Smith and Twilight had taken their leave, Applebloom and Spike decided to take a break and catch their breaths.

"Hopefully that takes care of the roof. I'm not interested in having to take it apart and putting it back because of a leak." Spike rang out as he sat down on a couch.

"If there is one, ah'll take care of it." Applebloom replied with a gentle smile, she was currently just sitting on a pillow on the ground that Twilight gave them

He gave a sigh as he looked around, mildly taking in the fact that this is home now, his and Applebloom's. He still doesn't exactly know why he had agreed to this, the two of them weren't married, they still had obligations to be at Sweet Apple Acres and the library, and the two were actually still relatively young in comparison to Twilight and her friends when they first all met each other, though it wasn't exactly infrequent for anypony their age to try owning their own place. His best guess was because Applebloom always did show this level of confidence and independence over the years of which he learned to respect and love her for, which is why he kind of always thought of her as the impromptu leader of the Crusaders; and, probably because, true to Rarity's words those years ago, his feelings were now mutual to Applebloom's, and much to her happiness, he now willing to show it to her. He's still hesitant about showing it in public though.

"I have to admit, I'm still baffled how quickly you managed to build this place Applebloom." he stated, "At ground-breaking, I thought I had at least a month to plan things out. It's only been half that time. The phrase "that's impressive" doesn't even amount to how quick the project went.

Applebloom just gave blush and smile at the compliment, "Shucks, it ain't that good. Ah 'ad some help afterall. Ah'm just good at it ah suppose."

"Are you sure this isn't your special talent?"

"Ah'm sure." she replied with a sigh, "Ah thought it was at first, but...ah didn't earn one after all those other times I tried. Ah just can't help but start wonderin' if ah'll even earn it. Ah mean ya got yer cutie mark without even tryin'."

"Right..." he scratched the back of his head as he looked away, recalling how he had actually earned it. It was during the busiest day he had seen at the library to date, a new order of books had come in for them to organize, and at the same time Twilight had to structure her schedule for next month and Mayor Mare had to ask a favor for them to help organize and file piles of paperwork. At the time he was a unicorn due to an interest in practicing a very simple trick he saw Snails do, and was helping Twilight by organizing the new books, categorizing and cataloging each one, and with some of the paperwork from the Mayor. It was fairly easier to do each task by using magic. By the end of the day both gave a sigh of relief it was all done, for Spike it partially short-lived before Twilight gave him a near bone-break hug, telling him he had gotten his cutie mark. It really didn't matter much to him, but he was happy otherwise considering it was one of the major milestones for ponies. It looked to be a quill and a piece of parchment. Also, it's also logically only visible while he's a pony.

"I'm sure you will Applebloom. It just takes time is all." he stated

"Now I've heard that from every dragon I know." she simply exclaimed before getting up and going into the kitchen.

As she passed, Spike noticed something and stared blinking a few times before giving a toothy grin as he thought about something then followed her.

"Applebloom, if I can ask, in terms of carpentry, what did you do?"

"Say what now...?" she asked, just before she shoo-ed Peewee away from a jar of cookies. Apparently the firebird had been hiding out in the kitchen for some time now trying to get a cookie to appease his personal sweet-tooth.

"Woodwork, what did you do? Did you fix something? Build something?"

She put a hoof on her chin as she thought of the question, "Well..., ah repaired and maintained the ol' Crusader clubhouse, fixed a table fer Fluttershy, fixed Applejack's cart after ah broke it's wheel, fixed a wall in mah old room, stuff like that."

"By any chance did you do anything that wasn't your fault and was for somepony else?"

Again Applebloom waited a moment to think about the question, "None ah could recall right now. Ah'm sure ah did though. Why are ya'll askin' anyway?"

"Just curious." he replied with a grin, "Afterall, it would be nice to know what you did differently to earn that cutie mark on your cute flank there."

For a moment Applebloom just blushed, wondering if and how long Spike had been staring at her, before it went away and looked. Almost instantly a bright smile appeared on her face.

"Ah got it! Ah got it! Ah finally got mah mark!" she cheered and ran over to Spike to hug him out of sheer joy.

"Told ya." he simply stated as he smiled and hugged her back

" did ah get it? Ah didn't see how ah got it."

"I think it's because you were building the house, and all those other times you were fixing something you broke or it was for you."

"How is the house different? It's fer me too. Ah'm gonna live here."

"Yeah, that's true, but I'm going to live here too, remember? So, you did somepony else a favor at the same time." he replied as he gave a toothy grin.

She give a wide, warm smile and affectionately nuzzled Spike's neck as she hugged him tighter.

He did the same and nuzzled her mane as he said, "Congratulations Applebloom."

As the two sat there, Spike looked at the corner of his eye to see Peewee move so he was now sitting on top of some cabinets. The phoenix was still relatively young, and still rather small, but was now capable of flight. The firebird just had a smile on his face as he jokingly stuck a tongue out and pointed a feather tip at his mouth, gesturing he was about to gag.

Spike just shot Peewee a look, saying 'Shut up.' and thinking why did he think it was a such a great idea to let him befriend the occasionally mischievous Philomena.