> Just Like You > by DrillMaxSaber > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > "Hell Hath No Fury like a Jealous Stallion." > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- MATURE WARNING ~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ You've had your share of love, sex, and drama. Mares dropped dead when they see you, what happens when you burn inside for a certain mare being in love with your bestfriend? You were friendzoned. You couldn't sleep, no matter what you did. Sleeping tablets, push-ups, keeping your eyes closed with a warm cloth, and even more sleeping tablets. You didn't want to die of overdose, therefore you stopped taking those pills before you get put down to sleep like a dog rabies, litreally... You'd be foaming at the mouth and the guards would shove their big pointy Lances in your neck. Killing you instantly. That's a little dark so you decided to think about other things... like the Mare of your dreams being banged to bits. You slipped out of your bed and went to your kitchen. You pulled out a tea ground and a tea cup. You bit down on a water jug and started to pour in a little tea kettle on a heater. You rubbed your eyes as the water was brought to a boil. You, very carefully grabbed the reinforced rubber handle and poured the boiled water into a teacup, you brought the tea bag into the cup. You chuckled as you brought it up in down in a suggestive motion with your hoof. You were sure you have an immature glint in your eye. Great Celestia, you need to go out more often... The only reason you've gotten this dirty mind stuck in the gutter because you and him met when you were kids. At a Barber Shop in Great Fritan(Great Britan and Fritters), Haydon(London and Hay). You haven't lost your heavy accent in Posh English, but NoteWorthy had a waning Russian accent. Note Worthy was a ColtCuddler at the time, so you had a little unknowing relationship. However, you guys grew up and broke apart, Only to find you were a Mares-Drop-Dead while he was just BUCKING every mare who left you. You both went to college togeather, him leaving with a Journalism while you came out with a Science degree, even if Ponyville doesn't use science like Fritan does. You notice that the once clear water was now a brownish-green color. You threw the herbs in a little bin and took the little cup on a saucer, you brought the hot bevrage to your lips. It was burning your lips but you didn't care. You set the cup back down on a saucer and steached your wings to full extend, you kept stretching until the satisfying CRACK There it is. You were seated on the leather couch, listening to the moans of a special mare in a room behind you. Normally this would've turned you on, but the sound of a Stallion kind of put you off. If you didn't know any better you'd think she's bottom this night. The thought of Roseluck moaning and pleding for your large member turned you on. "OH! NorthWory..." She cried out, She didn't even say his name correct, You threw the cup on the ground furiously and slipped on the contents, forgetting about the tea inside. The rythimic creacking stopped, You know you bucked up. Note Worthy opened the door, his mane in everyplace and his eyes full of both lust and fear. "Whoes there?" He held up a bat. "It's me..." I said with my Fritan accent, "I had a cup of balls-bal-I mean p-piss-I mean tea." I stammered, as he held the weapon in a defensive position, you raised your hoof up as you tied to get up. "What are you doing up?" He asked, "Listing to you rutting out my Roommate, I'm trying to get some tea," You said, sarcasem dripping off your voice, You stood up, shaking off the tea off of your coat. "Don't do that, I nearly had a heart attack," He said putting the bat down, "Oh.. yeah I'm fine, nearly broke my spine, puctured myslef with glass but I'm alright." you walked into the kitchette to grab a broom with your mouth and returned to clean the broken glass. "Alright..." He went back inside,only to hear Roseluck yell "CELESIA DAMMI- OH~!" You chuckled heftly, you let out a hiss tht you where feeling. You hit your fiend on the table You hissed horribly. It stung an dyou didn't like it. YOu had your share of one of those rings that didn't allow you to cum, and you fell into the mercy of your mare. You're now stinging, throbbing member didn't help, but you ignored it. Having bigger things to worry about, like the little help of a job you had to do in six hours, you decided to head to your bed. Where you couldn't here them, and you crawled in your cold bed. The effect sleeping tablets actually kicked in and you fell into a much needed sleep. ______________________________________________________________________________ -The Next Day- You panted, "L-last one..." You raised your hoofs and kicked it with half your adverage filly strength. You waited, so you can gather your strength. "I-I can't do this... Why didn't I sign up for Weather Pratrol." Great, I sound like a quitter, luckly AppleJack isn't beside me. "What's the matter? Can't buck the last tree?" You spun around and flinched as you saw the orange mare sitting beside you. "Great Celestia and All above..." You swore under your breath, "You scared me." You sighed, "How? Ah jus' sat here and said somethin'," AppleJack continued, still having the smug look. "Okay, boss I just need a breather, and these Apples should be down in a minute." You panted, "That's what Ah want to here!" She slapped your arm, rather hard. "Ow~!" You complained, "Too hard?" She asked? "I beg your pardon, I believe that my shoulders kind of are sore ater kicking a million tree." "Don't be 'redicuous', after this one you'll be at your tenth mark." She encouraged, "Ridiculous is the right word to use..." You stood up, Something donged in your head. You imagened Roseluckbeing pounded by NoteWorthy again and it made you made. You twitched your eye and turned from the tree. You kept your eyes on it. YOu imagened NoteWorthy's face. You lifted your hindlegs and hit the treebark with all your might and the Apples came raining down, You turn to see AppleJack's mouth agape, you flaired your eyes as you gathered in wwhat you just saw. "Y-you left... hoofprints...in the hardest tree we got...." AppleJack stuttered, "Has anypony else done that?" You asked, your heart pounding in your throat, "Besides Big Mac, no-one...." I'm DEAD!!!! "WHOO!!! That's what Ah'm talkin' about!" AppleJack threw her hat in the air in a frisbee-like motion. "Tartous hath none stornger than what thou just saw...." You say quietly, in old tounge. "I beg yer pardon?" AppleJAck asked, "Nothing... I just never kicked a tree as hard as I just did..." :)