The Very Naughty Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie

by The_Vernster

First published

The ponies have been naughty doing their pranks, but they also have been doing other naughty things.

After a long day of pranking, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash come back tired but happy, but thats not the only thing that they are also gonna be naughty at, Pinkie has got something in store for Rainbow Dash and she is sure gonna love it.

You Have Been Very Naughty....

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It was a normal day, and Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were at it again, pulling pranks on other ponies, some like Twilight, took it well and had a laugh with them, while others like Applejack, well, to put it lightly, spouted out some nasty remarks. Soon it was the end of the day, and Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie then went back Sugar Cube Corner to freshen up. Rainbow then performed a few stretches to her wings and limbs to cool down for a bit after the day's pranks.

"So, same time tomorrow I guess, Pinkie?" Rainbow Dash asked, still pleased with the outcome of today's pranks. Pinkie then replied cheerfully,"Okay, but can you stick around for a little bit, I have got a huge surprise for you! A CUPCAKE!!" "Gee thanks Pinkie." replied Rainbow Dash, slightly disappointed for a lame surprise, but she was a bit peckish so she ate the cupcake quickly. But as Dash swallowed the last bite, she felt drowsy and the last thing she saw was Pinkie looking down at her smiling.

As Rainbow Dash awakes, she finds herself the hyperactive pink pony sitting on her, eyes looking down at her with glee," Hey Pinkie, you are kinda sitting on me, you mind getting off?" Rainbow Dash replied, a little annoyed but worried as to what Pinkie might be thinking. Pinkie then held the rainbow pony's hooves down and said in a soft voice," I have always enjoyed going out partying and going out doing pranks with you." Rainbow Dash was a tad bit worried as this wasn't how Pinkie usually is, she would always talk in a loud and fast voice, not like right now where she is talking in a soft and slow one. "And Rainbow Dash," Pinkie whispered, as she moved slowly to Dash's ear," I always have...found you very naughty, its time to teach you some manners." Rainbow Dash upon hearing this had a look of shock and struggled to get free but could not, only to find Pinkie's lips pressed up against hers.

Rainbow Dash then began to struggle and resist Pinkie, flapping her wings as they were not held down, and she struggled but Pinkie was too heavy for her, at this point, she was starting to feel the fire glow within her and as it grew stronger, her resistance grew weaker and soon, it turned to acceptance, Rainbow Dash then returned Pinkie's kisses and slowly had her invite Pinkie's tongue in as well. And they exchanged tongue contact, but not for long, Pinkie then released the grip from Rainbow's lips and now she is looking at the blushing Rainbow's chest, turning her head slowly, observing Rainbow's chest moving up and down.

Pinkie then proceeded to place her tongue on Rainbow's chest and licked it slowly, making her moan with pleasure, and her wings started to stiffen into wingboners, Rainbow breathed in slowly trying to keep calm, still feeling a little violated ant Pinkie doing it against her will. Pinkie placed her hooves on Rainbow Dash's flanks, and started to squeeze it tightly, making her scream out loudly, and flap her wings furiously with pleasure. At the same time, Rainbow's wingboners accidentally hit Pinkie. Pinkie then had a look of shock, but then grabbed Rainbow's stiff wings with her mouth and played with them for a little, saying," Your wings have been as naughty as you Rainbow, let me teach them to behave." before letting go of Rainbow Dash to change her position. At this point, Rainbow did not moved at all, she is now enraptured by the fire within her, a fire burning within her, and it desired more.

With Rainbow's wings Pinkie proceeded to place Rainbow's wings into her own plothole, and gently pushed them in, after which the pink pony thrust Rainbow's wings up and down, Rainbow Dash felt the pleasure coming from her sensitive wings and laid back, letting the arousal take over. After Pinkie withdrew the wing from her plot, Rainbow's wing is now shiny and gleaming from Pinkie's internal fluids, but she didn't mind. She loved every second of it and she really wanted to do it again with her other wing.

After the wing thrusting Pinkie decided it was Rainbow's turn to have her plot have some company, so Pinkie placed her hoof at Rainbow's crotch area and started to rub, at first she did a gentle rub, but she did it more rougher and harder, and it felt painful yet satisfying to Rainbow, and she moaned out loudly again, not due to pain, but pleasure. Rainbow Dash then returned the favor by doing the same to Pinkie, but instead of a hoof, she used her lips and licked Pinkie's already wet plot, sucking up her sweet nectar and flapping her tongue up and down over the pink pony's vagina. Pinkie felt as Rainbow did before, and she wanted more of it with the fire burning within her.

The two ponies continued this act of sexual desires, fires within them burning as strong as ever, and as they both placed their marehoods against each other, they couldn't help but rub them furiously against each other and they both screamed out in pleasure and both Rainbow Dash and Pinkie felt a strong feeling within them, a strong feeling of bonding and desire. And as the two ponies then stopped and let the fires died down, they took a moment to relax and catch their breaths, however, there was something that was still alive, and it shows as Pinkie and Rainbow Dash looked at each other eyes, they knew that there was something special between them, something that could have brought them together. And as they looked, Pinkie said,"Same time tomorrow Rainbow Dash?"