> Are They Real > by DashieDash96 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Dreams > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Are They Real It's been two years since my best friend forced me to watch my little pony. I never thought I'd get hooked in to the child's show, but three conventions a movie and a room filled with over priced plushies I'm here, still watching old episodes in my parent's basement. Each year I find some way to take my love for colorful ponies further, but now I'm not sure what to do I want to be one of them, talk to them, feel their manes, or atleast know they exist. As the days grow longer and my depression thickens my friends begin leaving me after they lose interest in the show, doesn't help that it's all's I talk about when I come in contact with another human. I'm a 21 year old man still living with his mom collecting toys ment for children holding on to his dreams of meeting his animated idol, that's the answer dreams. People learn to take control of their own dreams with a few steps in two months I might be able to. I can imagine it now soaring with Rainbow Dash, sharings sweets with Pinkie, reading with twilight and picking apples with Applejack. The following night I watched a video on lucid dreaming. The video talked about keeping a journal to track my dreams and constantly ask my self if I was dreaming during my day to day life, it's not like I could get any weirder. Then their was the last step say "I am dreaming", fifty two times when I lie down to go to sleep. After recording my dreams for a month and asking myself if I'm dreaming I decide on taking the final step. I begin to say, "I am dreaming one, I am dreaming two". I get to fifty two I see I'm no longer in my bed I'm lying a hard cold ground surrounded by oddly shaped buildings. I quickly try to imagine the main six, as they appear one be one first pinkie then twilight and at the end their was rarity. I didn't know what to do next I stood their in my dream looking at them. Then my alarm goes off, my depression soon returns after realizing that's the closest I'll ever get. I've nearly given up on lucid dreaming since I can only get glimpses of ponies before I wake up. I decided to explore my other more realistic dreams like raising a family and having a place of my own. I figured it was time for me to drop my brony habits and I sign up on a Christian dating site, I haven't really practiced my religion after my godmother died ten years ago. This might be a new calling for me find a Christian girl who will push me out of this depressing loop I've been cycling since high school. About two years later I haven't found a stable relationship but I'm moving out of my mom's, I even found a job working at a local corner store. I made enough money to afford a used computer for day to day things like sending emails and paying bills online. I booted the cheap PC up I do the usual tutorials setting up my browser and my home page. I take a minute to view the daily messages. One striked my attention, it was interview with one of smartest psychologists in the UK. He was explaining the mind during lucid dreaming, how if the mind can create a stable connection between both halfs of your brain you can increase mind flow. The drawback is it will give you companion syndrome, which means a childhood friend or character will be able to come to life in your mind. The person with the rare disorder will be able to communicate with them and feel everything they do. Later that night I decided I'd finally express my brony side again I watched two episodes and soon j realized I never should have let my love for it fade away in the first place. I feel the joy from before coming back to me and I open all my stored plushie boxes labeled throw away. Then a thought passed my head from earlier from the psychologist's interview, he said the only way to achieve perfect synchronization with both halfs is to tell your childhood friends to come back with you when dreaming. It's a small possibly it might work, but it will be worth it, if it works. Hell I might even be able to bring back one of the ponies if everything goes good. I take two weeks to reteach myself lucid dreaming. I spent entire day and night watching my little pony to create a longer dream session. I lay down at 12:00p.m. close all my blinds and shut all devices off. No T.V., no phone and no alarm clock. I begin repeating I am dreaming one, all the way up to I am dreaming fifty two. My bed is gone and my home is suddenly a empty wasteland. I know I don't have to much time I imagine the main six like I did before. Once all if them appeared Applejack said something for the first time, "howdy surgercube". It strucked me a bit off guard for a moment since I've never been able to get a response before. I stubble saying, "cann-n you ponies come to to the real world with me". I open my eyes from to see nothing but darkness, no sounds, no light, and worse of all no ponies.I walk to my cell phone I put it's battery back in since I thought it might have help me sleep if I had no distractions. I checked the time on the small dim screen, 2a.m. I slowly rub my eyes step out of bed walk slowly to my T.V., but on the way there I kick a small yellow plushie. I hear a small voice, "excuse me sir", I carried on walking thinking nothing of it. I then take a moment to think to myself, "none of my stuffed ponies talk". I quickly turn around, it was gone. I decided to take sleeping pills and head back to my bed. I open my medical cabinet in my kitchen. A pink figure with blue eyes the size of a shoe was looking at me and said with a hyper high pitched voice, "Hi I'm pinkie what's your name I bet it's john, jim, Austin, or its". I quickly slammed the cabinet door cutting her off mid sentence. I hold the center of my chest breathing hard. "Could my dream followed me back are they here, wait I thought only one would come back to the real world". I suddenly felt terrible for cutting off pinkie like that. I mean I told her to come here. I reopened my cabinet she was gone just like the other one. I take two pills from the white container. I put the first one in my mouth about to swallow. I hear a loud thud come from my bedroom I spit the pill in the sink since I know I'd be up the rest of the night fixing whatever broke. I step into my bedroom to see six miniature ponies grouped together on my bed. "Hi I'm Twilight Sparkle happy to meet you". I rubbed my eyes and asked myself if I was dream several times. "Uh Twilight is he going to be ok he's kinda weird and I don't mean Pinkie Pie weird either, Rainbow Dash said with a confused look on her face. "Holy crap it worked I finally made my dream came true, you're here with me", I said as a small smile began to form on my face. Rarity straightening her mane step forward, "yes darling we're here I see you didn't tighten the place before we got her", as she glances at my dirty dishes I left out from the night before, "but nevertheless we're here". Fluttershy quietly hiding behind Applejack, "if that's ok with you". Applejack moved to the side of Fluttershy putting her hoove around the yellow pony, "you can't be afraid of him Fluttershy this is our home just as much as it's his now. It'll take some time to get used to don't worry will be here no matter what happens". My body is stiff I'm not sure if I should be happy or nervous I know only I can see them. What's going to happen to them when I go to work, are they going to come with me or stay in my head? I guess I'll figure it out later. "So are you ponies going to come with me to work in the morning or"? "well of course silly we'll follow you where ever you go foreverrrrr", Pinkie said with a cheerful tone while bouncing around on the on the queen sized bed "So if I go to bed now will you be here when I wake up"? Rainbow Dash beginning to flew upwards tords me, "Nope, because Pinkie didn't just say foreverrrr, yes we will be here when you wake up", with a small grin on her face she slowly lands besides Twilight. From that moment on I knew every second of my life would be filled with the colorful horses that came from my dreams. Not everything was sunshine and smiles, I spent most of my life in mute when I left my home avoiding talking to Pinkie in public or rambling about a book with Twilight in the libraries. Down the road three years after my life changing dream I met a pegasister. We had a couple of dates, but after she moved in I ended it since she hated when I talked to them. I moved on got back into the old routine the show ended, but I still had my ponies. I spend most of my days indoors talking and play with my conjured dream ponies, in the end that's all I really had left. I became a bitter old brony in he's sixties talking to himself all day. I'm not really sure if it was a blessings that night or a curse.