> The Game to End All Friendships > by Grey Faerie > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The End of Friendship > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A while before the lost of the elements... "Discord! What are we doing here?" Twilight yelled. She and the other elements were stuck back in the very same maze they were in the first time they met him. They had been unceremoniously dumped here. It really interrupted their day. "To play a game of course! I do love games, don't you?" "Now really." "I like games!" Pinkie yelled. She was bouncing in anticipation to find out what game they were going to play. Ooo, I hope it's Candyland. "Well, you see, I've come to discover a perfect way to finally break up your friendship. Oh, it's so perfect I wonder why I didn't think of it sooner!" He explained, almost too eager to begin. "I don't care what new plan you have. Nothing can break our friendship!" Twilight called back. The rest of the girls agreed with her. "Nothing you say? Never say...nothing. Come then my dear. No need to steal horns and wings. And you can keep your little elements. They won't help you here." he said, ushering them into the maze. They walked a little bit before entering a clearing. In the center of the hedge lined clearing was a simple table with six chairs surrounding it. But, what was on the table was what stopped them dead in their tracks. "Wha..?" "Noooo!" "It can't be!?" "You monster!" "Mwuuaahahahahaha! Yes, it's too perfect! The only thing that can break apart the strongest of bonds. Friends, families, marriages all fall prey to the game!" Discord laughed. He had them. He finally had them. No longer will he have to fear turning to stone. It was all the most malevolent chaos wrapped up so nicely. How could they fight along side each other with the memories of their time here? "It's.. It's Monoploy." Twilight stuttered out. The game to end all games. The most evil invention. Some swore it was made with the soul purpose of ruining relationships. "Oh dear, it's 8 am now and by 8 am tomorrow, the Elements of Harmony will be no more. Ahahaha." "We..we'll get through this. Right girls? It's just a game." Twilight managed to say. The rest of the girls could only halfheartedly nod. They all nervously walked over to take a place around the table. "Hehe, I want to be the doggie." Pinkie said. "But, I wanted to be the dog." Fluttershy said sadly. "Oh, okay. No need to start off on the wrong foot. You be the dog, I'll be..hm, the iron!" Pinkie exclaimed. Applejack was the cowboy, eh girl. She liked it better than the wheelbarrow. Rainbow Dash was the car(for obvious reasons). Rarity was the thimble(she was torn between that, the iron or the top hat). Twilight was the top hat(she had no preference). Pinkie the iron, and Fluttershy the dog(this wasn't the newest one with the cat piece). "Um, I'll go first then clockwise, okay?" Twilight asked, unsure. "Yeah." "Okay." The other girls agreed. And so it began. The next day... "Mwuahahaha, that'll be another hotel for me." Fluttershy announced. Her eye twitching in anticipation. Twilight, the banker, couldn't stop the trembling of her hoof as she handed over the dreaded piece. Fluttershy was quick to snatch it up. "Ahhh! How, how could I be bankrupted??" Rarity asked the sky. She laid her head down on the table and sobbed. She had lost everything in the small hours of the morning. All her property was auctioned off. Applejack was tearing up the hedges; bucking down all the shrubbery. Rainbow Dash was yelling at her and pulling up the grass. "Roll Twilight, see what you get?" Pinkamena asked. Her hair was straight and limp. She, like the rest of the girls, had dark circles under her eyes. "Do it." Twilight swallowed hard and rolled. It was eleven. "Yes! That'll be a thousand bucks for me!" Pinkamena laughed. "No! bu..but, how?" Twilight cried. She looked around in vain. All her property was mortgaged and she had not a dime to her name. "It's just you and me now Flutters." Pinkamena said. "Yes, it is Pinkie." Fluttershy fired back. They were quick to divvy up Twilight's former property. It was Pinkie's turn to roll. Princess Celestia could only watch in horror at the scene before her. Each girl torn down. Some crying, others yelling about cheaters. The last two locked in a battle to the death. "Now, who lost their touch?" Discord asked. He floated in the air with a box of popcorn and a soda. Celestia in all her glory, could only reach into her pocket and pull out a $20. Who idea was it to make a My Little Pony Monoploy set? A show about friendship graphed on a game known to ruin them. I know, right? I do love Monopoly. Such chaos it makes. Staying up to three am. Slipping an extra bill from the bank. Joining up with your neighbor to crush the enemy. Ahh, good times. I almost always win. Do you! I mostly stay around to watch and 'look out for cheaters'. Ha! Who did win in the end? Guess who's heerrreee?? I'm the winner. Ahhhhhhhhh! It's Pinkamena! Quick! Turn her all nice. What!? Run! You're her boyfriend. Do something! Not even I could do anything when she's like this. *Snap* Damn it all. Nice Pinkie, you're the winner. No need to do anything crazy. Let's play a game. > Scrambling Around > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord hopped around the gardens. Spring was in the air and he just loved the looks the gardeners gave when they found their brand new rows of flowers turned into what could only be described as the entire box of seeds thrown on the ground and left to grow. He gave a content sigh. His little chaos garden was so beautiful. He entered a currently neat clearing by a sitting area. There were stone tables and benches scattered around. His favorite new friends were all sitting by one of the tables. He waved and ran up to them. "You're all here! That's great. So, given the success of our last little game, I've invited you all back for a nice, calm game of Scrabble." He announced. "Scrabble? That doesn't sound that bad." Twilight remembered the last time they played a game chosen by Discord. They eventually made up but it was still a big sore spot. "Of course not! Not after last time." Discord grumbled the last part. He ushered them to two other tables. He split them up into two groups of three. "Okay then, let's make this extra fun with a little wager." "Like the one you made with Celestia last time?" "No, no. One like, the winner..." "Gets a wish!" "Um no..." "Gets a bicycle?" "I don't know if ponies can ride those..." "Doesn't have to play with you anymore?" "Hey!" "Ooo, ooo, let me think." Pinkie crossed her arms and leaned on a hoof. Discord crossed his own arms and waited, rolling his eyes. "Hmm, how about..." He gave up on patience, "The winner gets to think they won the Monoploy game and everypony else thinks they lost." Gasp! "Hey! I won that fair and square." Pinkie yelled. "Yes, and if you want to stay the winner, you have to win this game." "But I barely even know my own language!" Pinkie complained and face planted in despair. Even Discord didn't know where she was going with that so he shrugged. He clapped his hands, "Let's play!" "That's not a word!" "It is so a word." "Let me check." "Oh yeah, let's let the egghead check, that way she can look up words for herself!" "Will not! And I've got to check... Darn it." "Ha! It's a word. There it's settled." "You can't put those letters together!" "Yes I can!" "It's not possible." "You're making things up!" "No I'm not!" "Yes you are, Yes you are..." "No, no, no!" Fluttershy had lost the round against Twilight and RD so she sat out with Rarity and Discord. He had snapped up some tea from her house. "This is just delightful!" Eventually Rainbow joined them. She grumbled about eggheads with no social life. Twilight gave a stern look at her pieces. She will win! She had to. Well, she wanted to. Her evil side rubbed its hooves together. She wanted to win. That Monopoly game should have been her's. The tiles were all lined up and down. Words filed out accordingly. Applejack was just scrapping by. Eventually she had to admit defeat again her two opponents. She wondered over to eat sandwiches with the losers. Twilight stared at Pinkie. She had managed to beat out the others with words like Conceptualizing, so she was sure about her win. Pinkie sweated a bit. She had just scrapped by in the first round but now was up against a trained scholar. Pinkie had only a few tiles left but by the look on her face, she could only hope to add to words. "Hmm, hmm, hmm?" Pinkie turned her head side to side. Then her face lit up. "Oh! I know." She happily placed down a P, B, Z and E. It turned all the smaller words in to Oxyphenbutazone. Twilight stared. Blinked. Then stared some more. "I give up." "Does that mean I win?" "Yes." "But I don't want to win by default!' "It's not Pinkie." Twilight put her hoof on Pinkie's shoulder, "It's just..you win. Okay? Be happy cause you won." She then turned and joined the losers picnic. Pinkie smiled and went to join her. "Woo! I won. I was so lost but then I realized that the little words looked like this one big word I saw on one of Grey's medicine bottles." "So, you don't even know what that word is?" "Nope! Why?"