> Taking a Chance > by D_MoneyXIII-2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Interesting... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was an average day in Ponyville, no crazy monsters to fight, Discord was still under control, although Celestia had to make a few trips to Ponyville to remind him of his reformation...All in all it was a good day, but at the Ponyville schoolhouse, things were about to get a bit more interesting... "GO SCOOTALOO! YOU CAN MAKE IT!!!" Cheered all of the young fillies and colts, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom being the loudest. Sweetie had finally earned her cutie mark in singing, and Applebloom is soon to come. Both fillies were 13 years old, and starting to truly learn the privileges that come with being a teenage filly. At the moment, Scootaloo was trying to make a 20 foot jump over the schoolhouse itself with authorization from Cheerilee. It took a lot of begging from both Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo to get her to let Scootaloo do this, but it the end they prevailed, earning Scoots her chance. She still doesn't have her cutie mark yet at 13 years old, but she isn't that worried about it anymore "Yeah...I got this" she said to herself before making the leap. She soared a good few feet in the air and cleared the schoolhouse. However, the landing was a bit rough, causing her to bail and do a nice tuck-and-roll maneuver, leaving her with nothing but a few patches of dirt on her fur. "Haha! Looks like Chickenloo failed again!" Diamond Tiara screamed, laughing at her own joke. "Aww shut up DT, I don't got time for you today..." Scootaloo mumbled. "What was that chicken? I'm sorry I don't speak your langua-" she was cut off by Sweetie, who came right in front of her face and glared. "Gosh why don't you just shut up already! Big whop she messed up but it was a good try! Now shut up and leave her alone!" she shouted. "Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about? You can't even sing properly..." DT said. That pushed Sweetie over the edge, she yelled and her horn began fizzing. In a flash of bright green light, Sweetie cast a spell, a very advanced and grown-up spell... "MISS CHERILEE!!!! GET IF OFF ME!!!!" Hanging between Diamond's legs was a stallion penis, easily 14 inches long and 2 inches wide. It was erect and throbbing powerfully, causing DT to pant from arousal. All of the school fillies and colts stared wide-eyed, some blushing and staring, others looking away and giggling. Cheerilee saved them both from further embarrassment when she decided their punishment. "Sweetie, Diamond? My office now, I'm calling your parents and asking them to pick you up. Oh and Sweetie Belle I hope you know the reverse effect of this spell or else it will mean more trouble for you." she said sternly, directing the two fillies towards her office inside the schoolhouse, the laughter of all the other fillies and colts ringing in their ears. At the Carousel Boutique, Rarity was currently working on a dress for Rainbow Dash. She had no actual design yet, and it frustrated her to no end as she tried to come up with an idea. However, at that current moment her house phone started ringing. "My..who could that be?" Rarity mused, walking to the phone on a mantel and answering. "Hello Miss Rarity? This is Cherilee, Sweetie Belle's teacher. I am calling to inform you that Sweetie has caused an incident today, casting a gender swap spell on one of the other students. I was hoping you could come down and access the situation?" she said. Rarity blushed a very light shade of pink before responding. "Why yes, I'll be there right away ma'am" she said as she hung up the phone." What has my dear sister got herself into? And where did she learn a gender swap spell? She walked out her front door and locked it behind her. With that thought in mind, she started trotting towards the schoolhouse. Sweetie Belle and Diamond Tiara were seated in a private room away from everyone else. With a flash of light green magic, Sweetie removed DT's "problem" and gave her an apologetic look. "Listen Diamond....i'm sorry for doing that to you... it wasn't fair." she said, staring at the floor. DT gave a huff of indignation and tilted her head up high, her ego returning in waves. "Your lucky I don't sue your family for Pedophilia you blank flank!" DT spat angrily, glaring hard at Sweetie and making her shrink into her seat. I wish we could just be friends...all of this pointless fighting is stupid. And we never did anything bad to you anyways... Above the skies of Ponyville, Rainbow flied lazily around the roofs of houses, doing lazy loops to wake herself up. She gave a dull yawn until she spotted Rarity in the distance. "Heh..let's go see what Rares is up too" she said to herself before flying at Rarity high speed. She landed smoothly in front of her but not without making her yelp and jump up in surprise. "Rainbow! You scared me half to death!!" she screamed. Rainbow couldn't help herself and bursted into laughter at Rarity's facial expression. "Aww man! You s-should s-s-see you face! Ha-ha!" she choked, earning an honest glare from Rarity. When she caught her breath, she sat up and raised an eyebrow. "Anywho...what's going on with you?!" she said in a slightly bored tone. Rarity huff for a moment before starting a slow trot towards the schoolhouse again, Rainbow lazily flying next to her. "If you must know...I'm going to pick up Sweetie Belle from school, she cast a gender swap spell on another filly today." she said with disappointment. Rainbow stood shocked with her mouth agape. "Woah...gender swap, that's some serious stuff. Twilight told me unicorns don't learn that spell until college." Rarity nodded slightly. "I just can't figure out where she could learn a spell like that?! All of my explicit belongings are hidden away from anyone except me, and no one in Ponyville would influence a filly..." she thought to Rainbow, who shook her head slowly as if to say, "no clue" "Well good luck with that, I'm gonna head over to Twilight's place" Rainbow said. Rarity raised a hoof to her chin in thought, suddenly coming to a realization. "Y'know Rainbow, you have been spending much more time than usual with Twilight. If I didn't know any better I would say you may be developing some feelings for a certain purple mare?" Rarity teased. "What?! Just who do you think I am? A fillyfooler? There is no way I like Twilight that way, she is just one f my best friends like you and Applejack. I like stallions!" Rainbow countered. "Whatever you say Rainbow..." the schoolhouse was now in sight. "So I shall be seeing you later then Rainbow." she said as she walked through the gates. "Yeah later Rares!" Rainbow shouted back before taking off towards the library. However, along the way Rainbow couldn't stop thinking about what Rarity had said.What if I do have a crush on Twilight? She is cool...even for an egghead, and she has helped me or hung out with me a lot recently... Nah! The Dash likes stallion meat! Maybe I'll pay Thunderlane a surprise visit after I'm done here shivering with slight arousal, Rainbow kept her flight path towards the library... > What The Hay!? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash landed at the front door of the library, much to her own surprise. Don't I usually make my awesome entrance through the window? Why didn't I do it there... She knocked on the door, hearing a high pitched squeal from inside before Twilight opens the door and smiles. "Wow...that squeal was so cute..." Rainbow said to herself, not realizing that she spoke out loud. "Uh Rainbow? What did you just say?" Twilight mused, blushing a light pink and giving a weird stare. Rainbow blushed and opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. It was Spike who halted any further embarrassment. "You guys gonna come in or what?! Your letting out all the cold air!" he complained, setting the air conditioner in a window to "High" and jumping on the couch. Twilight step aside to let Rainbow come in, and said mare walked in with her head lowered to avoid Twilight from seeing the small blush that crept to her face. Both mares grab a cushion and sat down in front of each other. "Sorry for the scream...you just surprised me from a book I was reading..." Twilight said with a smile. Rainbow raised an eyebrow and gave a weird look. "Huh...weird, so what you got going on today?" she asked. "Nothing...I was gonna take Spike for a walk in a few minutes because he won't stop complaining that he's bored!" Twilight yelled, sending a small magical beam at Spike that exploded a upon impact and sending him to the floor in a heap. "What the heck Twi!!! It's not my fault the ONE day you don't give me chores you don't wanna do anything!!!" Spike yelled, glaring daggers at Twilight. Rainbow laughed an pointed outside with a hoof. "I can take him for a quick flight around Ponyville if you like Twilight, it's no problem..." she said, puffing out her chest slightly, causing Twilight to giggle. "Alright Rainbow... but don't get into any trouble." she said sweetly, causing Rainbow to blush slightly and make her way towards the door with Spike on her back. Still blushing, she gave the purple mare a wave and flew outside, heading straight upwards. "Oh man Rainbow! Your crush on Twilight is so obvious!!!!" Spike said, starting to laugh. "What the hay!? Your the second person to say I have a crush on Twilight! I'm not a friggin lesbimare! I like stallions!!!!" Rainbow yelled, causing Spike to stifle his laughs before responding. "But it's clear as day! Your always around her now, you offer to clean up more often, she got you into reading and you blush every time she smiles at you!" Spike exclaimed with a sneaky smile on his face. Rainbow grew a scowl on her face before taking off, making sure not to knock Spike off, but scaring him. "I'm straight alright?! No more of this crush business with Twilight or i'll tell her to give you 3X the chores for a day." Rainbow sneered, but Spike bursted out laughing. "How would you know how the chores system works?! Your totally crushing...but don't worry! Your secret is safe with me" That was the last thing Spike said before getting caught within t.he speed of a sonic rainboom in progress, with a resulting sound of "SPIKE!!!!!" near the end of it... > Insecurities > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie Belle and Diamond Tiara were still being held in their classroom while the rest of class was enjoying their recess. Every once in a while Sweetie would look in Diamond's direction, and in turn she would glare back at her, cause Sweetie to shrink away. Why couldn't they be friends? Why couldn't they put their differences aside and see the good side of each other? Why couldn't they stop fighting after 3 years of the same routine everyday? "Diamond Tiara...can I ask you something? Without being made fun of?" Sweetie asked her. Diamond turned around and faced her, She glared daggers at Sweetie for a moment, before sighing and softening her features. She moved a seat closer to Sweetie and looked her in the eyes muzzle-to-muzzle. It took some willpower for Sweetie to suppress the heat rising in her cheeks. "Yes Sweetie Belle...what do you want to ask?" she responded, and she noticed that DT's voice wasn't sassy, arrogant or even flat. For the first time, Sweetie Belle heard Diamond's voice on a normal level, it was sweet and full of compassion. "Well...why do you hate the Cutie Mark Crusaders so much? We've never done anything wrong to you or Silver Spoon, and i'm tired of always competing with you...Diamond, we've been fighting for 3 years now...it's boring and hurtful." Sweetie concluded by wiping a tear from her eye with one of her fore hooves, she hadn't meant to start crying, but the reality of the truth sunk in and made her emotions rise up. Diamond seemed to be conflicted however, as she made a face that bordered between anger and sadness. She bit her lip for a moment, raised her hoof....and stomped it against one of the desks. Sweetie shrunk back, feeling scared and upset, but DT didn't hit her, in fact she lowered her head for a moment, and when she looked back at Sweetie Belle there were tears in her eyes and a frown on her face. "The truth....Sweetie is that I always make fun of you girls because I-I'm...I'M JEALOUS!" she wailed, her eyes leaking more heavily. "I'm jealous...because you 3 have so much fun together, even when things don't seem to go your way or if something turns bad, you still have fun, you still smile. All the times you've proven me wrong, or avoided trouble...I just wish I could be more like you. Your also extremely pretty, gorgeous even...and your adorable! Your giggle is so bubbly, and your smile makes my chest flutter..." Sweetie was in shock, the earlier suppressed blush came back full force and coated her white face. "Your not saying...what I-I think you are...r-r-right?" Sweetie stuttered, her eyes as wide as dinner plates and her pupils dilated. "I am...i'm saying I have a crush on you Sweetie Belle....I always have for the last 3 years..."