The Tendrils

by Sweet Vinyl

First published

Princess Celestia and Luna were kidnapped... what happened to them and the guards that went looking for them?

*S4 SPOILERS* This story is about what happened when Celestia went missing after leaving Twilights room and whats happening to them. It will eventually contain how these 'Roots' from the everfree forest are affecting the rest of ponyville and the mane 6 after they've tasted royalty! Woo! S4 is starting! And what better way to celebrate an episode with a bunch of tentacles then some very disturbing stories about them! Enjoy!

Cover art done by Mixi!
Heavy spoilers! Also I never said this was gonna be a good story! (it was written in 3 hours!)

Princess Celestia?

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“I’ll leave you to it… That was the last thing I heard from her.”

“But where could she be!? And is this what she meant when she said that?”

Princess Twilight Sparkle paced back and forth as she remembered the conversation from the last time she saw Princess Celestia. Spike was watching her every move as he awaited some sort of news that would lead to the discoveries of the two missing princesses. The guards she sent to look for them still hadn’t reported back and she had started to get worried because if there was some unknown menace that could possibly take both Princess Celestia and Luna then who was safe?

“Keep your eyes peeled soldier, we’re dealing with something or someone that is powerful enough to take both princesses.” Runic Shield said, walking with his partner Sun Disc as they scoped out the halls near Princess Celestia’s bed chamber.

“Do you think… You know, the forest and everything is attacking and the vines appear to be a black-ish color… So could it be Chrysalis?” Sun Discs’ eyes went huge but Runic just shook his head as they continued walking towards through the halls, eyes searching every surface as they looked to find any trace that would lead them towards the attacker.

“Couldn’t be, Princess Twilight sent her packing and we would’ve heard about changelings appearing alongside the vines. But then again anythings pos-” Runic stopped talking as he noticed a hole in the ground that was large enough to pull somepony through. He stopped Sun Disc and moved closer as he went to inspect when suddenly he heard a familiar voice whisper something from the hole. As his head starting cranking, trying to decipher it he finally whispered back, “Run?... ”

Sun Disc moved a little closer to Runic and gave him a rather confused look as he couldn’t quite make out what he said, “What was tha-”

“RUN!” Runic called out as he took off, leaving Sun Disc confused and worried. Sun Disc knew he should run but curiosity got the best of him and he peered in the hole only to be grabbed by thorny tendrils, wrapped so tight that his air supply was soon cut off. The last thing he saw before being lowered into the hole was more tendrils snaking off towards where Runic had runoff to.

Runic stopped running eventually after the initial fear had settled, his ears twitched a bit as he tried to listen in for the sound of running hooves. He didn’t hear any and began to worry because with most other guards taking other areas of patrol that meant that Sun Disc was the only other one with him. He took a few breaths to steel his will and began walking back to the mysterious hole, trying to remain as quiet as possible even with the armor on. He finally came to the hall before the hole in the ground, shaking slightly as the eerie quiet started to get to him.

“I’ll just peek and if I don’t see Sun then I’ll immediately report back to Princess Twilight.” Runic nodded to himself and peeked around the corner, halfway ready to run as he expected a horrible beast to be waiting on the other side, picking his teeth with Sun Discs’ bones. He peeked and saw nothing at first, but a second scope of the area revealed a guards helmet by the hole.

‘I-it has to be his, who elses could it be? No one was assigned to this area but us.’ Runic thought, moving closer towards it. He was still nervous but since there weren’t any noises that meant that whatever happened here was gone. Finally in range of the helmet he picked it up and inspected it to see if there was any scratches or gashes in it. Once he was done looking it over he set it back on the ground and felt a sensation in his gut that made him squirm a bit. Against his better judgement he began to turn towards the hole, his body betraying him slightly as his first instinct was to just take off with Sun Discs’ helmet.

Right in front of him was Sun Disc, appearing to float right above the hole. Runic breathed a sigh of relief at seeing his partner until he saw that Sun was completely passed out and wasn’t floating but instead being held up in the air by thin tendrils. Runic tried to scream but it was no use as a new set of roots grabbed him, succumbing to the same fate as his partner. The mysterious voice was back and he guessed it was because he was about to die.

“I told you to run but no! Foolish ponies never listen to me! I’m off to take a shower now! And I believe you can get out of this alone, one might say I’m rooting for you!” The mysterious voice broke out into laughter and soon faded from Runics mind as he felt himself being lowered into the hole.

Sun was the first to wake, his head reeling from the previous asphyxiation. He tried to move but immediately felt his bindings tighten up as they felt movement. Unable to speak or move he just sat there, awaiting whatever horrible fate these plants seemed to have for them. Eventually his eyes were able to focus a bit with the pitch black night surrounding them.

He looked forward and saw Princess Luna in a similar situation as him except that a few tendrils seemed to be caressing her softly. He tilted his head and mumbled in confusion as he saw one particularly large root snake up her thighs and head for what appeared to be her privates. He was able to make out her face and noticed that she was wearing a rather angry and incredulous look but that came with a slight blush due to the sensitivity of those areas. He felt himself become a bit light headed and struggle to protect the princess before she was ‘Deflowered’ in front of him by some rogue menace.

Eventually he gave up to save energy as it seemed that these roots would be his prison as they didn’t budge an inch. He closed his eyes and began to tear up as he realized that not only would he not able to save Luna but he would be forced to sit here and listen to her being violated. He tried with all his might to do anything possible to draw attention away from sounds but it appeared that, due to years of being considered almost family to the Princesses, it wasn’t so easy to just not hear them. His tear soaked eyes suddenly burst open as he heard Princess Luna emit a muffled noise and he saw that the large root that had been snaking up her thighs suddenly began pushing its way into her royal chambers. He tried to look away but it was no use as his head was locked in place, his eyes unable to close due to the horror in front of him. The root pushed further and further until suddenly stopping and pulling out.

Having mated before, Sun knew exactly what was to transpire and finally found the strength to close his eyes but that alone wouldn’t stop the flow of tears as a horrifying thought crossed his mind.

Where was Princess Celestia?