> Back In Control > by Zypher > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 21 - Honest Answers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You awaken to the strange feeling that time has passed. A LOT of time, nearly too long in fact. Where is this sensation coming from? You have no idea but as you take in your surroundings and everything seems to be just as it was yesterday. You are on the makeshift bed of hay at the farm in Apple Loosa. Your golden chain mail shining brightly as ever as if dust could not even touch it even though it was folded up on a barrel and the spear still propped up in the corner. You stand up and stretch your muscles noting that your heel is still somewhat crippled There has to be some species somewhere that can fix that permanently, maybe before this is all over you can get that fixed by someone. God knows your'e going to need it if you're expected to fight properly. Speaking of fighting you should probably get some lessons on your journey. Lot of good that spear will do you if you dont know how to use it properly. It would be like the arena all over again. Wait, the arena. You remember some of that now. All that pointless brutality and the way Blackclaw slowly tortured those poor creatures to death. The way you charged her.. or was it a he? Then what happened after.. You shake those vague memories from your head and banish them to the back of your mind. Changing your train of tho.. Choo choo all aboard! Shut up. Make me. Oh go to hell. Changing your train of thought you bring yourself to the more pressing matters at hand. Applejack promised she'd give you an answer after a week of you staying. Well AJ, times up. You exit the barn leaving your armor and equipment in there then take in the beautiful desert morning. Not to hot yet though your concept of hot has changed a lot since Ponyville. A gentle breeze flows through the air carrying the scent of the vast apple orchard, the sounds of the birds chirping away and the very distinct sound of apple bucking. So you decides that's where your going to head because what the hay you might as well help out like you have been the past week. After all breakfast tastes all the better after a nice workout. As you begin walking you think about how this past week has gone. You worked all day to pass the time and on the plus side you've been getting stronger from carrying all those apples. Your relationship with Applejack is healed and you two are good friends again. She seems to have lost that obsession over you during those years you were gone. You are quite thankful for that the last thing you need is even more complications on this seemingly impossible endeavor. Some time passes and you reach that Texan pony who.. Texan whats a Texan? You shrug that away like most of your odd thoughts. You reach Applejack who is hard at work as usual. Does this family ever take a break from working? You wave to her as she notices you approaching and after a final kick to the tree she straightens up "Mornin Anon trust yer slept alright?" she asks cheerily. You nod and try not sound too pushy but as you open your mouth she says, "Ah know what yer gonna ask and Ah promise I'll tell yer at breakfast." She really needs to stop reading your mind but you know that's not the case. "Alright deal, a couple hours doesn't make a difference." you add. Element of Honesty, they may have disbanded but she still is most trustworthy pony around. She points a hoof over to the already full barrels of apples, Smiling she says, "Ready ter get started?" You both have come to enjoy working together and in fact its become sort of competition. Whether you can haul the barrels as fast as she can buck the apples into em. You haven't won yet. You start loading them into a cart nearby only stacking them 4 deep and 2 high., what you would do to have the strength of Big Mac on one of these days. Just as the routine goes you push em a good ways to the cellar and there's a couple more of her relatives that unload the wagon as you push another empty one back. It never really dawned on you that Sweet Apple Acres was so small compared to this place. Back in Ponyville you used to think that was huge but not anymore. Here there's not just 2 ponies doing all the work, there is at least a couple dozen. Time flies as your having fun right? Right fun since when did this become fun? Does it make you sad? No. Upset in anyway? No. Then stop complaining. Don't tell me what to do go back to your corner and shut it. Fine maybe Ill just let another head do the talking. Don't you dare. Ok then that's a deal. Whatever. After you finish arguing with yourself you return the cart to the other 3 next to the cellar and wash off before going inside. As you enter you notice some ponies are already in there and relaxing at the table chitchatting while others a preparing food. No sign of that blonde haired mare. Just as well gives you some time cool off and have a little conversation with the other workers. You've gotten to know some of em well. Most of them are relatives but some are friends of the family that help out for a few bits. Fifteen minutes pass and still no sign of AJ. She better not have run off. You heard one time she ran off in Apple Loosa because she was afraid to talk about something. You become slightly worried after another fifteen minutes and decide to go looking. What if she got hurt? What if Sombra or that traitor Twilight found her? You excuse yourself saying you are going to see if Applejack needed a hand last minute or something. You were never a good liar. Wandering out toward where you last saw her you call out for her, "APPLEJACK! YOU OK?" "COME ON FOODS ALMOST READY!" After a little more walking you hear a voice. A female voice. Not AJ yet you know EXACTLY who it is. "Culex! What are you doing here?" you ask shocked at her appearance. They are starting to get welcomed back into Equestria but still it's way too soon to be out in the open like this. She answers you, "Chrysalis sent me to tell you we've found the location of Rainbow Dash." Your heart leaps with excitement at the news, "Really? How did you manage that? Where is she? Is she safe?" Culex barely manages a suppressed tone of annoyance and waits for you to finish rambling. "Greatest spies in the world remember? Besides you don't need all the details of how we acquire our information, just know that she is currently in Cloudsdale, whatever mission she was on even we could not figure out but it was completed. Further details are in here. They are magically inscribed so only your eyes can see. Now I must be going, we'll be watching." Before you could open your mouth to ask more questions she dove down a hole and disappeared. You remember you were supposed to be looking for Applejack and you continued searching for a good fifteen minutes or so before giving up and returning back to the house. Upon arrival you discover she was there and you had apparently just walked right by each other blocked by the trees. The next thirty minutes or so passes with ease as the family ate, joked and generally had a nice morning. The time was drawing nigh and you wanted that answer. After everyone was done cleaning up and went about their afternoon business you approached Applejack, you are getting that answer from that procrastinating pony once and for all! "AJ about what I asked before I want tha.." she cuts you off before you can finish your sentence. "Yes. Ah have thought about it and yes. Ah don't see how me sitting 'round ere will last very long with the elements scattered and Twilight helpin out that Sombra fella. Whatever it is yer plannin Anon Ill help ya put things right." she says with a tone that not only was sincere but worried. Worried about what could happen if order isnt restored to Equestria. The monarchy in ruins and the most powerful defenses scattered about like leaves in the wind. "Thank you!" you say with maybe a little too much excitement in your voice. "I need all the help I can get and right now who better to have at my side than the toughest and most honest pony around?" She may have blushed a bit at the sudden compliment but you were too busy thinking about the next step to worry about that. Culex said they Changelings had found Rainbow and thats where you need to head next. "If it is at all possible Applejack I would like to be gone within the week. We have a lot of work to do and not much time to waste. We are going to Cloudsdale to get back Rainbow Dash and then well move out from there. Its a long road ahead so you better be ready." "Dont ya fret about me. Ill be ready." she says beaming a smile your direction. With that note you set off toward the barn to plan your movement. Your journey has finally begun. Time to get back what once was.