> Lyra - Origins > by XyroX > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Get a Life > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- …Don’t stop running Lyra, run faster! Runrunrunrun… leave it all behind you! Oh crap!… I woke up, covered in sweat. My nightmares are getting worse. I stood up, went to the kitchen and opened the fridge. I need a drink right now. Again… Yawning, I levitated the half empty bottle of Applejack Daniels to the kitchen table and turned to the closet to get a glass. Ah, screw it. Turning back to the bottle, I opened it and took a sip. Is this my life? Waking up every damn night and starting to drink? Back then, I wasn’t such a wreck… I was popular, had frie- Who am I lying at? Apart from my… transformation… getting here was the best thing that could ever happen to me. Now get yourself together and use this goddamn chance! I closed the bottle again and levitated it back to the fridge. Well, use this chance after you slept a bit. I smiled at myself and went to my room to continue my nightmares. But there weren’t any. In fact, there wasn’t any dream. It was the kind of sleep where you close your eyes in the darkness, just to open them a second later to see that it’s bright outside. I rolled on my side, stretched and went to the bathroom to brush my teethe. Do you even brush? Brushbrushbrushbrushbrush.. Jeez why can’t I get this damn song out of my head every single morning? Today was the day I wanted everything to change. Get my life back together. Since my arrival in Equestria about two months ago, I haven’t done anything than being depressed and drinking. I took a quick breakfast and made my way to the town hall. Think I should start with a job. Don’t even know how I could pay my rent all the time? I looked at the board with a huge sign saying Jobs above it. Well, there weren’t too many choices, were there? Only two offers were pinned to the corkboard. I looked at the first. Definitely won’t take that one! Let’s see the other one… NICE! Cheering, I took one of the little paper strips with the address of the provider and started walking A music ensemble lucking for a harpist, this ‘I’ll-change-my-life’ day couldn’t start better! After about five minutes I arrived at a little house and knocked on the door. It took a while, but it was opened. A beige coated mare with a blue and pink mane, three candies as her cutie mark and beautiful cerulean eyes smiled at me. “Hello, my name is Lyra Heartstrings. I’m here for the job offer in the town hall.” She looked at me and responded “Wonderful! Come on in. As I can see, you should have the necessary qualifications.” She pointed at my cutie mark. We sat down in her living room (Well, actually I was the only one really sitting, like always) and started to chat. “My name is Sweetie Drops, or Bon Bon like everypony calls me.” she started. “As you may have noticed, I’m not really part of the group as I’m not really into the music-thing. I’m there for the catering." I looked at her, thinking about what kind of catering service a Candy-cutiemarked-pony could offer. “And I’m responsible for new members” she added smiling. “Now I’ve talked enough, tell me something about you!” “Well, as I said, my name is Lyra Heartstrings, I’m in Eque- in Ponyville since about two months. I played the harp since I can remember, it’s like it’s my little sister to me, and we grew up together. I had several gigs on weddings, proms and such things.” She nodded after every little information I gave her and started to grin after I finished. “But I bet you weren’t in a group like this before!” “What do you mean?” “Well, I don’t want to tell you everything and ruin the fun for Vinyl, but let’s say, she will kind of electrify you” she grinned even wider as she went to her phone and made a call. Bon Bon and I kept chatting till somepony knocked on the door. “Oh, I think that’s the rest of the group” she said and opened it. The first thing I saw was a white lightning rushing into the room and almost crashing into me. “WUB A DUB DUB MOTHER-” “VINYL!” “C’mon Octy!” A white unicorn stood in front of me and mustered me. “Who’s that?” she asked Bon Bon. She sighed and started introducing us. “This is Lyra Heartstrings. She’s here for the free place in the group. And Lyra, these are Vinyl Scratch” she pointed at the white pony with an electric blue mane and dark-purple glasses “and Octavia Melody” she pointed at a light grey coated mare with dark gray mane and purple eyes. “Nice to meet you.” Octavia started “I really hope that you’re finally the one who can complete our group again.” She looked at Vinyl, with a shade of anger in her eyes. “Whoa, it wasn’t my fault Tender left!” Octavia and Bon Bon shook their heads with a little smile. Oh god, what have I gotten myself into here? “Anyway, we’re glad to have you here. Wanna start right away?” Bon Bon was right, I really wasn’t in a group like that before. Back then I was in a little orchestra, with all kinds of instruments in it, but now… wubwubwubwubWUBWUBwubwubwub Actually, I liked it. I wasn’t really a fan of this electro music, but together with my harp and Octavia playing her cello it sounded wonderful. After our little session, we sat together and spoke about ourselves to get each other to know. Vinyl and Octavia always sat really close to one another, and after a few minutes I couldn’t hold myself and asked right away “So what’s between you two? Are you.. I mean if you don’t mind asking me…” Octavia looked at me, a little confused. Vinyl laughed, and to answer my question she leaned over to Octavia and kissed her. The grey mare flushed and pushed Vinyl off of her. “Yes, we are. We didn’t want to tell you this on our first meeting, but now that you’ve figured it out anyway, we won’t deny it.” She looked at me, waiting for a reaction. A little ashamed, I looked down on the ground, but then I responded “It’s always nice to see couples around, no matter what kind of couple.” Vinyl smiled at me, obviously relieved. “I’m glad you’re OK with this, our last harpist was a bit more.. intolerant.. And left the group after I had a little argument with him.” “You call that ‘a little argument’? Seriously?” Bon Bon looked at Vinyl, unbelieving “You punched the living-” “And he deserved it, didn’t he?” Vinyl interrupted her. “He could’ve just left the group and nopony had been hurt. But after what he said, I couldn’t just let him go, could I?” I felt a shiver running down my back. Oooh dear Celestia, maybe I should just take the other job on the board. - No! No you won’t! Do you look like a mail mare? You don’t ever will work for Derpy! - Derpy is alright, I like her.. - Yeah you do, but working with her would be.. Well.. Nah! “You can be sure, I won’t ever be rude to any of you just because of your… way of living” I said, carefully choosing my words. “Then there will be no problem and we’ll become the beeest friends!” Vinyl cheered, hugging me and pressing all the air out of me. I flushed a bit and smiled at my three new friends. Seems like I’m finally starting to get a life here. > Loving BonBons > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day I woke up with a huge headache. I looked around. This wasn’t my apartment. Where am I? Suddenly I heard a voice coming out of the room to my left. I stood up and was just about to enter it, when Vinyl came out of it and almost bumped into me. “Oh, sorry Vinyl. Good morning anyway.” “Hey, you’re awake. How do you feel?” she asked with a devilish grin on her face. “I might have a tiny hangover” I laughed. “What happened last night?” “Well” Octavia started as she noticed me “after our meeting yesterday, Vinyl had to take you to the club she’s DJ in. She does that to everypony she meets. And of course, she gets most of her drinks for free-” “Without me, they wouldn’t even sell one per night” Vinyl interrupted smirking. “-and she offered way too much to you.” Octavia finished. “What’ya mean, ‘way too much’? You know I have to check a pony before starting to work with her! And with ‘work’, I mean raising your alcohol tolerance to infinity” she added grinning. “So I have to give all the credits of last night to you, haven’t I? Are you satisfied with me at least?” I asked, even though I actually didn’t want to know the answer. “You were awesome! You’re the first mare to beat my best student, right Octy?” Octavia flushed and looked a bit ashamed. “Don’t get this wrong, I’m not proud of it” she said. “Don’t worry, to be honest, I might have had a little problem with alcohol the past time, too” I responded winking. “But I still don’t know where I am. Is this your place?” “Yeah, it’s nothing special, but it’s enough for an awesome pony” Octavia flushed while Vinyl talked “and her cello-playing marefriend.” Octavia’s face dropped and she encountered Vinyl with her elbow. “Well, I think I should go home and get myself showered. See you guys later!” I said, went out of the door and started my way back home. Man, what a night. I thought I wanted to stop drinking, not increase my alcohol rate! But it sure feels better to get wasted when you have friends around. After I arrived at home, I took a short shower and made a quick breakfast. While I was eating, I couldn’t get my thoughts away from Bon Bon. I wondered if she was at the club yesterday, too. Hopefully not. I didn’t want her to think I’m an alcoholic. Why am I so focused on her? What’s going on in my brain? After I ate my last toast, I went towards my room to take a short nap. But I wasn’t even lying when I heard someone at my door. I was too tired and moody to open it and look who it could be, but he or she kept ringing, so I slowly went to open the door. I blinked in exhaustion and saw Bon Bon’s face in front of me. “Good morning sunshine!” she cheered and came in without waiting to be invited. But of course I would’ve invited her to come in, so that’s not too bad. “Aw, you look horribly!” she pointed at me and laughed, then came near me to brush my mane. What is going on here? She looked into my face and froze as she saw my confused expression. “Is something wrong?” she asked. “No, I just keep asking myself what’s happening here, that’s all” I answered. “You can’t remember?” “Remember what?” She looked at me with an unbelieving expression. “You really can’t remember!” It wasn’t a question. She backed up with a sad face. But suddenly she started smiling and came close again. “Well I think I have to remind you then” she whispered in my ear and lowered her head to my neck, starting to kiss it. “Whoawhoawhoa, what are you doing?” I screeched and pushed her away. “What happened last night?” I saw her eyes getting a bit wet, but she wouldn’t cry. Was I really that drunk? Did I really- “Well, we didn’t spend the night together, if you mean that” Bon Bon said “But, I think I could say we had a lot of fun yesterday” She winked. “WHAT? I- I mean not that you aren’t a nice mare and I’m sure the colts are standing in line for you, but… I’m not into mares, you know? That can’t be right!” I was totally red. “Aw, you didn’t say such a thing yesterday. And you know what they say: Drunken words are sober thoughts! Maybe I should let you alone for the moment, so you can get sure about your feelings for.. Whoever.” Bon Bon looked at me, smiled sadly and left. So I’m.. a fillyfooler? How could that have happened? I mean, ok, I haven’t have a relationship to a male yet, neither pony nor.. But that doesn’t mean I’m not straight, does it? - Don’t lie to yourself, you liked her from the very first sight. - Liking is totally different from that what’s happening right now! - Admit it, and be happy that she obviously has the same feelings for you! And now swing your dumb flank over to her and apologize! I started running to Bon Bon’s apartment and knocked the door. “I’m sorry, but miss Drops isn’t at home” I heard one of her neighbors say after a moment. “But I think she went to those musicians.” “Hey, thank you, mister!” I yelled while running away. When I arrived, the front door wasn’t locked. I went inside and looked around, suddenly hearing a sniff from the upper floor. I ran up the stairs and saw Bon Bon sitting between Tavi and Vinyl on a bed, all of them facing the window opposite the door. She was crying. “I just can’t understand! Yesterday, we were so close, and now I couldn’t even brush her mane without her almost freaking out!” Octavia patted her head and turned around. She saw me and a shade of anger rushed through her face, but it was gone before I could be sure it was really there. She poked Vinyl and pointed at me. “Oh, look who has arrived” she started and stood up with a wild expression on her face, as if she was just about to give me the same treatment like Tender. “Please, could you two “I pointed at her and Tavi “just give me one moment with Bon Bon?” The two mares exchanged a glance and Octavia nodded. “Well, but be aware you won’t get far if you hurt her.” Vinyl said grudgingly. I swallowed. After they left, I sat down next to Bon Bon (again, she wasn’t actually sitting, but never mind) and before I could start my apology, she turned her face and stared into my eyes. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have interpreted too much into what happened last night, seeing you were totally drunk.” she said. “No, it’s me who have to be sorry.” I replied and levitated a tissue to her to dry her tears. “You were right. I just was so confused, I didn’t want to believe I could actually be a fillyfooler. I mean, I never had a relationship before, neither with a mare, nor a colt. I just was totally perplexed.” She sniffed and looked at me with her wonderful eyes. “So that means, you’re OK with that?” “Yes, I am. How could I dare and deny who I am? Even though I didn’t know me that good until today.” Suddenly the door was kicked open and Vinyl rushed into the room. She was totally excited and hugged both of us. “Oh man, it was about time you finally get a marefriend, Bon! And now we can make” she stopped for a moment “double-dates!” Bon Bon looked at me as if she wanted to ask “Is she right? Are you now my marefriend?” I smiled and nodded, getting an amazed look from her. She was the happiest pony I ever saw. Octavia entered the room and looked at Vinyl, with an asking expression on her face. “Yes! They are!” she yelled. “Aaaw I’m so happy for you two!” Tavi said and hugged me tight. “But I’d be even happier if we could start this slow, as this is my first relationship.” I didn’t know what else to say. Was I rushing into things? Am I really sure that’s what I want? I had definitely something to think about that night. At least I won’t sleep, so I won’t have these goddamn nightmares for at least one night. After some more hugs and congratulations from Tavi and Vinyl, Bon Bon looked at me and asked “Are you going to tell you parents about.. us?” for a second I stared at her. Since I was in Ponyville I tried to forget my old life and the people I loved back there. I almost started to cry, but I caught myself. “I uhm.. don’t think I’ll be able to do this.” I sadly started. “You know, my parents aren’t here… but I really don’t want to talk about them or the rest of my past right now, OK? I promise to tell you everything about me some day, but not today. I’m sorry.” Bon Bon and the others looked at me, half confused and half worried. “O-Kay, I think” Bon Bon responded. I really wanted to tell her, just to have somebody that can help me through my depressions caused by my.. travel, but I had strict orders from Princess Celestia to never mention it to anypony without her approval. On the other hand.. or hoof.. I just met her and wasn’t sure if I could trust here this far. Don’t be silly, of course you can. Just look at her! She totally loves you, she won’t tell anybody. - No! No, I have to wait with this. Even if she won’t tell my ‘little secret‘, what if it’s too much for her to hear on the second day we know each other? - Alright… but don’t think this conversation is over! I hate these dialogues in my head between me and.. well.. me, but what could I possibly do against them? I can’t make myself shut up. Vinyl and Tavi left the room to give Bon Bon and me a little more privacy. “So we’re.. together now?” she asked a bit bumpy. “Yes we are” I smiled back at her. Now, after the others left the room, she finally let out all her emotions. She jumped up and down, left and right and couldn’t stop cheering. After she calmed down a bit she hugged me and looked deep into my eyes. That moment I realized something: I am a fillyfooler, and being together with her was the right thing. It hit me like a hammer. I was in love! The first time in my life I had butterflies in my belly, I felt feverish and totally awesome. I looked back into her eyes, leaned towards her and kissed her. It was like the world around me exploded in a huge firework. Different colors everywhere, everything was turning, and we just lied on the bed and kissed each other. Suddenly Vinyl rushed through the door and jumped onto us. “Man, could you continue this at one of your beds, please? I just changed the bedclothes!” We giggled and parted from each other. This feels right. Today is a good day. > Explaining Myself > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next days just flew past me. Most of them were quite equal: Getting off the bed, breakfast with Bon Bon, practice with Tavi and Vinyl, spending time with my new friends (don’t need to mention my very special somepony here) and go to bed with Bon Bon. Though we slept in the same bed and cuddled ourselves into sleep, we hadn’t slept together yet. I was a bit scared of it and wanted to wait, and Bon Bon was totally fine with it. “We don’t need to rush into things” she explained “if you are ready, you’re ready. If you’re not, you’re not, simple as that.” I couldn’t ask for a better marefriend. After about a week I was finally ready to tell her from my real origins, so I contacted Princess Celestia to ask for her permission. When I got her answer, I was a bit downcast, though I could understand her worries. “We can’t let anypony know this, Lyra Heartstrings. Maybe the time will come to you telling your friend (don’t think I wouldn’t know what’s going on between you and her, after all I‘m the Princess of the day and see almost everything happening on said. Wish you good luck!) about your past, but it’s too early now. We’ll stay in contact.” While I read the letter, Bon Bon must have snucked up to me to tackle and hug me as always, but now she just stared at me after I turned around, noticing her. “What is that supposed to mean? What are you hiding from me? And how is Princess Celestia involved into this? You never told me you knew her personally!” I panicked, trying to think of something to say “And don’t you dare lie to me right now!” “Uhm.. as you just saw, I’m not allowed to tell you, even though I want to. I promised you, I’ll tell you everything about me some day, and I wanted today to be this day! But I’m bound to the princess’ orders.. I’m so sorry!” She kept staring at me, then turned around and headed the door. “Come on” she said. “Where are we going?” “Well, as it seems you know the Princess better than I thought and she is the only one between me and you telling me the truth, I thought we could just take a visit, can’t we?” She must have gone crazy! “I’m not sure we can do this right now…” I have to get her off this idea, or the princess will know that she knows! What is she going to do to her if she finds out? Suddenly, Bon Bon just disappeared in front of me. I froze a second, then ran to the position she was just a moment ago. Before I could say anything, I felt something pulling on my.. substance. It felt like someone tried to push me through a tiny tube, then I fell on the ground. I looked around and saw Bon Bon in front of me, looking at me worried, and right behind her was.. Princess Celestia. Well, that wouldn’t go well. “What did I tell you about being subtle, Lyra Heartstrings?” Celestia was totally enraged “You know how dangerous it is if anypony finds out!” I looked up to her “Well, actually she doesn’t know any-” “But she knows enough to ask questions! And if we don’t answer them, she’ll ask someone else! That’s how rumors spread, you know?!” Well, she got a point in this one. Bon Bon looked at us, she seemed to not really know if she should be curious or scared. Slowly, the scared part gained the upper hoof. I saw little tears forming in her eyes and rushed to her. “Listen, nopony is going to hurt you here, if that’s what you fear. The princess is just a little.. upset that I was so careless. OK? Everything is going to be fine. You’re not in danger” I kissed her forehead and tried to comfort her. “I’m a LITTLE upset? Lyra Heartstrings, I swear I’m way more than a LITTLE UPSET! I should just get you incarcerated!” Now that wasn’t helping me at all. Bon Bon tore her eyes on and started to shake like crazy. All of sudden, the princess seemed to calm down. “So, I think it’s time to get each other to know. As you surely know, I’m Princess Celestia” I couldn’t imagine how she does that every time. It’s like somepony flicked a switch from ‘furious and about to rip your throat off’ to ‘I’m the nicest pony ever in existence’. Bon Bon seemed to think similar, but she didn’t say anything. Stuttering, she introduced herself “M-my N-n-name is.. Sweetie Drops.. or Bon Bon like my friends call me.. I-I’m overwhelmed meeting you, P-princess.” Celestia smiled softly and continued “I’m sure you want to know what this is all about, and I think Lyra was right to ask my if she could tell you the truth. Like everypony else near Lyra , I kept watching you, and I’m sure you’re reliable. Would you follow me?” Celestia guarded us through a short corridor and stopped in front of a wall. So now it’s happening. I hope it was the right decision to do this… Using her magic, Celestia revealed the hidden entrance to the room behind the wall. We entered and the bricks behind us closed the little hole immediately. There it is.. The answer and cause of all my worries In front of as, on a little pedestal, there was a mirror. It surely changed since I saw it the last time. Back then it was nothing but a mirror, framed in simple wood. Now, it was sitting in an ornate framework, studded with diamonds. Bon Bon looked at it in pure excitement. “This isn’t an ordinary mirror, Bon Bon. Before Lyra’s arrival it sure was, but now… This is a portal. It’s a portal to another world, ruled by creatures known as ‘humans’. How they look or behave is not important at the moment, but important is, that Lyra was a human before she got here. She came through this mirror, changing it into a two-way portal. So far, she is the only one who ever passed through it, but I’m not sure if she will stay the only one.” Bon Bon looked at me, unbelieving. “It’s true” I answered the question in her eyes “Not even three months ago, I wasn’t a pony. I was a human, walked on two legs all the time, had no fur, no mane, no horn! And.. no friends. It was a rainy morning and I was on my way to school. And like always, everybody else was picking on me. But that day, it got out of hand.. I mean, hoof. I was totally down and wanted to just run away from everything. Blinded with tears, I stumbled and fell towards a statue that stands in the middle of the schoolyard. But instead of crashing into it, I fell.. through it and landed right on top of one of the employees here in the castle” Celestia smiled, remembering that situation “Before I could explain anything- well, I couldn’t have done that anyway, as I had no idea what just happened- I was brought to the Princess” I pointed at her “We tried to figure out what was going on and after a few hours, she was willing to let me go back to my world. But.. I couldn’t. I mean, I could, but I didn’t want to. I know what awaits me on the other side: Teasing, disappointment and suffering. Living in Ponyville, where everybody seems to be friends with one another, you can’t imagine a live without friends, without love.. not even from your parents. So we decided that I could rest in Equestria, but I had to swear to not talk about my past with anypony.” “Wow” Bon Bon was paralyzed. “Just wow.” See? I knew she couldn’t handle this much at once! - Just let her time, she’ll get used to it. “Are you alright?” “I just.. need a moment to digest that.” “I think it would be the best if you two return to Ponyville” Celestia said and guided us out of the room. “I’m sure you have much to talk about. Oh, and Bon Bon? I hope you won’t act rash and leave Lyra or something like that” she added “Of course I mustn’t dictate you who to be with or not, but you should calm down before you do any foolery.” “With all due respect, Princess” Bon Bon responded. Oh god don’t start it right now! “But I hadn’t something like this in mind.” Phew “Of course the situation is a bit odd, but we all have our package to carry, and I’ll do my best to help Lyra carrying hers” I looked at her and felt pure happiness. What did I do to deserve such a bless? “Now,” the Princess started with a serious face “you have to swear that you’ll never talk about what you just saw. Be aware that I’ll keep an eye on you. It’s essential that nopony finds out about the portal” “I swear” Bon Bon replied, holding one hoof at her chest. “Alright then. Prepare yourself to be teleported!” before we could even do anything, Celestias horn started glowing and a second later, we were back at my apartment. After we got ourselves back together, I felt a little itch behind my left ear. I scratched and something little fell on the ground. “What’s that?” Bon Bon asked curiously. “I don’t know.. Oh no. Ooooh no no no no no! That can’t be true!” I realized what that little thing was. It had a tiny antenna on the side and a few little holes all over it. “I think, that’s a microphone.” I explained horrified. > Midnight Encounter > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This day turns into pure chaos it seems... "What do you mean, it's a microphone?" "I mean what I said! Somepony must have attached it at me tonight..." I stopped. Could it be...? No! Bon Bon would never do that! Plus, it must be covered in strong magic, otherwise the princess would have found it Bon Bon looked at me, a bit scared. "You don't think I-" "No! Of course not! Don't get this wrong, but you'd never be able to do this. Some kind of strong magic is needed to cover this thing from the princess, and you're not even an unicorn." Bon Bon stared at me, half hurten, half relieved. “I think, that’s good right?” “Yes.” I smiled at her. How could I even thought one moment that she has planned something like that? But anyway, you have to figure out who has done it, and why. - Can’t I just leave it up to the princess? - And risking to get her that angry again? It’s a wonder she still doesn’t know it yet! My human half was right in this one. How could it be that the princess hasn’t reacted yet? Maybe she didn’t expect something like this to happen not even a minute after she teleported us home. “So, what do we do now?” “I think we have to be patient and wait. Whoever used this thing knows that we found it. Listen Bon, I would be glad if you could stay a few days at Vinyl and Tavi. I don’t want you to get in danger.” “I won’t leave you now, Lyra, and you know that. Remember what I said back in the castle? I’ll help you carrying your package, no matter how much it weights. And you know why? Because I love you!” Wow, are we this far by now? - Search your feelings, Lyra. You know it to be true! After I took a deep breath, I looked her right in the eyes and responded. “And I love you, Bons. And that’s why I can’t let you do this. If something happened to you because if me, I could never forgive myself.” “And I couldn’t forgive myself if something happened to you because I wasn’t by your side to help you! We must do this together!” I sighed. Guess I can’t get her off this idea. On the other hoof, if she’s near me nopony could horsenap her or something. A few hours later we went to bed, even though we both couldn’t sleep. I hope we did the right thing. I mean, actually we didn’t do anything at all. Waiting.. for something to happen. It’s like waiting for our slaughter. - Yeah, but what could we have done? The castle and the portal aren’t in danger, you know that. It’s impossible to get there without Celestia or Luna noticing it. - I guess you’re right. Should try to sleep now. But I couldn’t. I just lied there, facing Bon Bon who slowly slipped into sleep. As I looked at her, I suddenly started to cry. Tears of joy. This pony was the first creature in my life that really loved me the way I was, even though I wasn’t really myself in Equestria. I swore myself to do everything to protect her from anything that was about to happen. After a few more minutes I heard something in the living room. I eavesdropped, but I couldn’t here any more noises, so I carefully rose from the bed, trying not to wake Bon Bon up, and went there to take a look. I saw lights in the room and entered it slowly. “Ah, I wondered when you’ll finally come down.” In front of me sat a unicorn with a red and yellow mane and salomie coat. She levitated a glass filled with my best scotch and took a sip now and then. “Who are you? What are you doing in my house?” “I’m sorry, where are my manners? My name is Sunset Shimmer. I’m leader of a secret organization, the ‘Human Equestrians’.” “Never heard of you.” “Of course not, otherwise we wouldn’t be a secret organization, right? Anyway, I know what the princess told you, that you are the first human coming to Equestria and so on. See, I can assure that was a lie.” She rose from the couch and her horn began to glow as she started to transform right in front of my eyes. A few seconds later, a young woman faced me. I was totally shocked. “I’m also a born human, Lyra. And I have the ability to be a real human whenever I want. Isn’t that great? Listen. With my help, you can do this, too. I know you want to be a human again, at least sometimes. Right now, I’m the only one who can do this, but you can help us to get enough power so that all of us can ourselves again. All you have to do is one simple task: Get the portal.” What is going on here? - You heard her. You can be human again! You simply have to do what she says! - I’m not sure about that. It all seems a bit odd to me. - Don’t be silly, you know you want to be yourself again! Do it! “I see you’re struggling with yourself, Lyra. So here’s the deal: I’ll give you a little time to think about my offer. In three days, I’ll come back to you and get your answer. But know this: We don’t like to get disappointed.” She turned into a pony again and disappeared from one second to another. I need a drink right now. Where’s my scotch? The next morning a gentle voice woke me. I opened my eyes and realized I was alone in my bed. Just when I started to ask myself where Bon Bon went, she entered through the door with a huge tray on her back. “I thought I’d make breakfast for you.” she chuckled with a smile. “Listen, we have to talk, Bons. Yesterday, while you slept-” “Are you serious? I make you bed-breakfast and you start to breakup with me?” she froze. “What? No! No, no, I had nothing like that in mind. Listen, while you slept that night, I heard something downstairs and went to take a look. We must go back to the castle this instant!” But she made breakfast for you! You can’t just let it become depraved, can you? After we rushed through her breakfast (which was totally awesome) we went to Princess Twilight. Bon Bon’s idea of course. “Twilight’s assistant Spike is the fastest way to communicate with Princess Celestia. I’m sure she’ll let us send this one letter.” I knocked at her door and explained the situation in a few sentences. Not everything of course, but enough to make her understand it was really important. “Sure Spike will send this letter for you. Come on in, you can wait here for the princess to respond.” It took not even five minutes. Spike burped, green flames blazed out of his mouth and he had an answering letter. “The princess wants you two to go to the castle immediately! What’s going on there? Can I come with you?” even though Spike was the personal assistant of a princess, he still was curious like a little whelp. “Spike, don’t be silly, I think the princess would have contacted us, too, if she wanted us to escort Lyra and Sweetie. But a short visit in Canterlot would be nice indeed… how about that,” Twilight turned towards us. “I can bring you to the castle almost as fast as the princess’ spell. But in return, you’ll tell me a little more about what’s going on, alright?” Bet that’s why Spike still is this curious about everything, his 'owner' is the personification of curiousity! “Good idea, thanks, princess!” Bon Bon jumped excited and we followed Twilight several stairs up to the top of her house. “Really? That’s ‘almost as far as the princess’ spell’? That’s a balloon!” I looked at our ‘vehicle’ and sighed. It’s still faster than the train. “Don’t be deceived by its look. You’ll see, a little unicorn magic and a pegasus’ wings can speed this up a lot” Twilight responded smirking. Oh my god, I’m about to throw up.. what is she doing with this damn balloon? It took us about ten minutes to fly right to the castle. Seeing Twilight, the guards let us pass all the way to Princess Celestia. “Princess! We came as fast as possible!” “Sure. Now explain me: what exactly happened last night?” I looked to Twilight, but princess Celestia made no measures to send her out of the room, so I started and told her everything. She interrupted my not a single time, just sat there and listened. “Well, I was sure to meet Sunset Shimmer again one day. But first of all, I think it’s time to tell you the whole truth. Sunset Shimmer is right: You aren’t the first human who entered Equestria. There are many more than you think, and she is one of them. She was the first human here. And she was my student before you, Twilight. I hoped I could close the differences between us and the humans and win new allies. But Sunset proved me wrong. She is an evil being, and I taught her in the strongest magic available in Equestria. After I found out that she just used me for her own aims, I banished her from the castle and sent her into the darkest edge of Equestria.” “And now she knows, where she can find the portal and gain unlimited power?” Twilight supposed. “Not quite. She won’t get any power from the portal as it. She needs something more to do that.” Celestia turned to me. “She needs you. You are the only traveler that has found true love in Equestria. She needs the power of your love. And once she has both, the portal and you, Equestria won’t ever be the way it was before. Discords little attack a few years ago” she now looked at Twilight ”is nothing, compared with what is about to happen then.” Twilight went totally pale. That’s not good, I’m sure about that. > Ripped Apart > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset’s ultimatum melted. She said she’ll come back in three days, but they felt just like one. I hadn’t told the princess that Sunset was about to meet me again. Why? I don’t know. I know, I should have, but… my human part was strong, and she saw no threat in Sunset but an opportunity. Being human again, finally! - But at what cost? You heard the princess! This is madness! - C’mon, it can’t be this bad. Besides, who’s it your deal? Outside Bins we have no connection to these ponies. And she’ll understand! I knew she would. My desire of being human again, at least. But causing chaos and being the reason Equestria fades to black? Wasn’t so sure she’d understand that. Again, it was in the middle of the night when Sunset appeared. This time I sat on of the armchairs, waiting. I looked up into her face; she was deadly serious. “So? What’s your decision?” “I won’t help you. I can’t be the one you plunges Equestria into chaos.” You’re making a huge mistake! Think, just for one damn moment! Sunset looked at my, deciding what she’d do next. When she began to talk again, a shiver rolled down my spine. “Well, as I said, we don’t like to be disappointed. Especially in this point.. but what could I do? I can’t force you, now can I?” I didn’t like the way she said that, and I absolutely didn’t like the way she smiled afterwards. “I guess, I actually can. You’ll help me, if you want to, or not. I don’t need your consent to get what I want. To be honest, I didn’t expected you to be cooperating, so I might have.. set things up to get it rolling.” I heard a scream from upstairs and my blood ran cold. Bon Bon! What have I done? - You never listen, you stupid pony! If you’d obey me just one time, you wouldn’t be in this trouble now! “I’m sure you’ll come just where I want you. At least, if you want to see your little friend again. Oh, and just for the record; come alone, or there might be a terrible accident. By tomorrow, you’ll have all the instructions you need.” She grinned and teleported away. I was totally in shock, it was all my fault! I slowly sat down and levitated a glass next to me. No, not this time. I have to stop trying to drown my problems in alcohol. I have to figure out what I can do to help Bons, there must be a chance to get this all end well! - You know what you have to do… - Hm. I tried to stay awake and waited for someone telling me what to do, where to go, but nobody came. By the morning, I opened my eyes. In front of my, in the middle of the table, lied a letter. I opened it; these were the instructions Sunset had talked about. Attached to the letter was a small map of the Everfree Forest with a big red circle deep in the woods. This was my target. Why does it have to look like on a treasure map? Is this some kind of cruel joke? - Shut up and think straight. Bons is in there, so what are we waiting for? Move! I packed some supplies and water in my saddlebag and left. It was morning and the sun was high up in the sky, but as soon is I stepped into the forest it felt like eternal night. It was dark, cold and moist. I took a look to the map to check that I’m on the right way and kept walking. It felt like an eternity, but I was on the way maybe for half an hour before I spotted the house in the middle of the woods. This was the location I was said to come. I wasn’t sure if I just should knock the door, but before I could think about that or what to do when I was in there, the door were opened from the inside. A huge colt, gray coat, dark blue mane and not even a cutie mark stood in front of my, staring at me with his brown eyes. He led me inside to some kind of living room. It was very dark, the only light cracking through the darkness was a little lantern that was hanging from the ceiling. On the left side I saw three more colts, all of them wearing black cloaks. On the other side was Sunset, standing tall in her human form. And right in front of her, tied to a chair and gagged, with pure fear in her eyes.. “Bon Bon! I’m so sorry! It’s all my fault! What have they done to you?” “I wondered when you’d arrive, Lyra. Little Bon Bon was getting nervous..” she patted Bon Bon’s head “but I’m glad you finally made it!” “Get your dirty hands off of her! I swear to god if you lay a finger on her, I-” “Jeez, calm down! Nobody harmed her.. yet. But let’s see if that stays that way. You know what I want. Help me this one time and you both are free to go.” “Just to be chased by you for the rest of our lives? Don’t think I’m silly, Sunset. I talked to Celestia, I know what you’re up to. And I won’t let that happen. Even if that means I won’t ever be a human again, that doesn’t matter to me anymore.” WHAT? Are you kidding me? I WILL make you pay for this, you stupid animal! I stumbled a second, surprised that my human part still had that much influence on me. Sunset’s expression told me that she was totally aware of what was going on inside my head. “You have these ‘mind fights’ since your arrival in Equestria, haven’t you? I had them, too, but I soon knew who was right and who was false. How could my human half, my entire former life, betray me? I know that my pathetic pony half was too weak, too nice for my targets. Love and tolerance? More like weakness and anxiety. So I let my human half take control, and now see where I am! Soon I’ll be the ruler of Equestria.” I looked at her, confused. “Oh, you really think I want to go back or something? I never had that in mind. Why would I go back to our world, where I’m just one small person, if I can be Queen in this one? Human psychology is simple; we want power, we want to rule about others. It’s not our greatest preference, but anyway I won’t deny it. And I’m sure not letting a chance like this one skip unused.” “So what are we going to do now? Fight ‘till one is victorious?” “Would you? I'm afraid your chances aren’t that big…” “If I’d have to to save Bon Bon, I’d do it, even if that’d cause my death. But I know, you would never kill me… because you need me, no matter what you do or say. Let Bon Bon go and we’ll have a talk about all that.” I have to get her out of here, she has to be safe.. I’d never be able to forgive myself if-” “Bon Bon was just some pony I used to get you, Lyra. I don’t mind her walking home. What could she possibly do? Call our beloved princess? She’s weak. Since my banishment I learned a few new tricks that, and I’m sure about that, could give her some serious struggle.” she smiled evilly, but she really untied Bon Bon. “Lyra! Lyra, you shouldn’t have come! I was alright, you should never have come alone!” “It’s alright Bons. You know I had to come. How could I let you die in here just because of me? Now do me a favor and get outta here. I need to know you in safety before…” Surprisingly, she nodded, with some sparkling in her eyes. I knew she had a plan, and I was grateful for it. Now I just had to waste time until help arrived. We hugged each other tight and she disappeared in the darkness. “Follow her.” Sunset instructed one of the colts. “Be sure she doesn’t cause any problems. If she does…,” she ran a finger across her throat. The colt nodded and left to follow Bons. It was the same one that led me into the room. I looked after him until the door closed behind him, and suddenly the three remaining colts grabbed me. “Oh, Lyra, you didn’t think we came just to have a friendly talk, did you? I knew that you won’t help me. At least your pony side won’t…” Her hands began to glow as she casted a spell. The first second nothing happened, but then.. “Aaaah! What the fuck are you doing to me?” Sunset laughed like in ecstasy. I felt nothing but pain. My body seemed to be ripped into pieces, but my mind didn’t slip away, I couldn’t get unconscious. Yes! Yes! Release me! “SET ME FREE!” I heard the last words coming out of my mouth without having spoken them. “It works! It really works!” I opened one eye and couldn’t believe what I saw. Right in front of me a shadow began to take form. After a few moments it’s contours sharpened and I was face to face with it. With me. “It’s been so long! Finally I can be myself again! How could you dare and neglect my desire, our desire of being human and stay that ridiculous animal?” What the f- “Lyra, may I introduce you to one another? This is your real you, the one you suppressed all the time. Now that I have her, I don’t need you anymore. Everything I need is inside her mind. Now, I’m unstoppable!” I watched her, shaking in fright. Did she just rip off half of my mind? “Let’s end your tragic life here. I have no usage for you anymore.” She suddenly pulled out a knife and came very close, holding it on my throat. “Die with the knowledge that you saved nobody. Soon, every single pony in my way will join you in hell. Bon Bon, Octavia, Vinyl, and all of your oh so beloved princesses. Maybe I keep the dragon, I always wanted a pet dog.” > Bon Bon's Sacrifice > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bon Bon ran as fast as she could. She knew she was followed, so she tried to run even faster. Just a few more meters and she’d be out of this darn forest. It was still bright outside when she finally exited the woods and headed towards Twilight’s library. A quick peck glance over her shoulder - she couldn’t see the colt that followed her all the time. Properly she managed it somehow to shake him off. No need to be polite, she just rushed into the library without knocking. “Twilight!” “Whaaa?” Twilight made a huge jump, which wasn’t her best idea as she was just on top of a ladder to put some books away. In a whirl of books and loose pages she fell down. “Oomph.. What was that?” “Twilight! Listen! We’re in some baad trouble!” She told her everything that happened and that was about to happen if they don’t stop Sunset. “Shoot, that doesn’t look good. Spike! Take a letter!” The letter was send in no time, and instead of an answering letter Princess Celestia and Princess Luna teleported right into the library. “No time for long greetings.” Luna noted when Twilight was about to say hello. “Bon Bon, lead us to where Lyra and Sunset are. Now!” Bon Bon still was puffed, but she thought of Lyra and incited herself. She ran ahead, the three princesses flew right behind her as she dashed back into the forest. “I can feel some strong magic.” Celestia noted. “Dark magic.” Luna nodded. “It’s over there! They’re inside that house!” “Listen Bon Bon, I want you to wait here until Luna, Celestia and I finished that. You hear? Don’t. Move.” Bon Bon nodded, even though she was just about to run inside and help Lyra. The three princesses sneaked up to the house and entered it without making a sound. That’s it, I’m about to die in this goddamn forest. I tried to grip the knife with my magic, but Sunset was too strong. Just in the moment she wanted to cut my throat with a hysterical laugh, the lantern above us dissolved. “What is going on? Light that damn thing, you idiots!” One of her followers lid it again, and Sunset turned back to me. Her face froze immediately. “You’ve got to be kidding me. Well, I guess I have to deal with you then.” “It’s over, Sunset. I should have done this a long time ago.” Is that.. Princess Celestia? “You time has come to breath your last.” And Princess Luna? “You won’t get away with this!” Twilight, too? They’re all here? That moment I felt a little hope rising in me. We had a real chance! “What a lovely but absolutely ridiculous sentiment. You have no idea of real power. You have no idea, what I’m able to do!” Her hands began to shine again, and all of the three colts started to moan in pain as they began to grow... “Horns! They’re becoming unicorns! How’s that possible?” Now the fight was almost even; Three alicorns and one single unicorn against Sunset, her three selfmade-unicorns of unknown power and Shadow-Lyra. The colts dashed against us and we prepared to defense ourselves. There were ponies and glowing horns everywhere as the princesses fought against the stallions and my double. Only I and Sunset were left. She tried to run, exited the door and I followed her instantly. I should have known that it was a trap. She waited for me and slammed a plank against my head, as soon as I came out of the door. “You’re no threat to me, Lyra. Why do you want to fight me all on yourself? You have not even the whiff of a chance!” She slammed me again. “It’s absolutely hilarious how you think anybody could stop me. You can’t, and neither can your friends in there. I’M INVINCIBLE!” slam. I lied on the ground, coughing. I felt the wet leaves on my back and looked up to the sky, seeing nothing but darkness and Sunset’s hysteric face. “Prepare to die, my little pony!” Using her magic, she sharpened the plank and was just about to stab me with it, when I saw a beige dash coming out of nowhere. Bon Bon. She jumped over me to cover me, right into the spear. “Oups, that was.. Unexpected.” “Bon Bon!” I ran over to her and kneed down next to her. I felt for her breath, her pulse, anything… nothing. Her body wouldn't move anymore. I'd hear her laugh never again. I lost the one I true loved, and it was all my fault. She sacrificed herself for me. “NOO!” I turned around to Sunset. She grinned evilly. “YOU!” Without noticing it, my horn began to glow. “Oh, boo hoo, what are you going to do with your little magic? Throw some leaves at me?” “Shut up! I swear you, I will kill you!” “How sweet.” I was blinded by tears, grief deep inside my heart. But I felt something else rising inside me: Hate. It was the purest hate I have ever felt. I wanted to kill this bitch, at any cost. Feral and enraged, I let out an animalistic howl. I couldn’t think of anything but revenge. My view turned red and I.. rose from the ground. I floated several inches above the ground and my whole body was glowing, not just my horn anymore. “What? How could you gain so much power? This isn’t possible!” The glow around me darkened for a second. Then, a primeval detonation spread out, ripping off multiple trees, knocking the complete nearby hut down and covering Sunset in light. “No! This can’t be true! I’m stronger than any of you! THIS CAN’T BE!” When the explosion dimmed I fell on the ground, totally exhausted. I saw Sunset lying a few steps away. Celestia, Luna and Twilight stood in the remains of the hut, no sight of the three colts. Shadow-Lyra still fought against them, but it was over. Sunset Shimmer was defeated. As my double saw her master on the ground, she kicked Luna quick in the chest, rushing to Sunset who seemed to recover slowly. “This is not the end.” she coughed, but she managed to get up “I won’t let this end here! I will come back and finish this!” Shadow-Lyra helped her standing, Sunset’s hands glowed.. And they were gone. I blacked out. > Vengeance awaits > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don’t know how long I was unconscious. When I opened my eyes, I found myself in the Canterlot Castle’s hospital, at least the sign above my bed said so. I had a huge headache and blinked a few times to get a clear view. Slowly, it all came back. “Bon Bon!” I rose in my bed and my head almost exploded in reaction. “Stay calm, Lyra. You shouldn’t move too much right now.” Twilight sat right next to me. I saw an infinite sadness in her face “Where’s Bon Bon? Is she alright? Can I see her?” Twilight’s eyes went wet. She slowly shook her head. No.. NoNoNoNo! That can’t be! NO! I was too shocked to say a word. I stared in Twilight’s direction, but I wasn’t looking at her. I just stared through her, through the wall, through everything. Tears began to flow over my face, more and more. Bon Bon… that’s all my fault! MY FAULT! Twilight held me, trying to comfort me. That moment, it all came up; my pathetic life as human, the bullying from all the others back there, my parents who never loved me… and Bon Bon. She was the first one who loved me, and I lost her. “If I’d just had given Sunset what she wanted, Bon Bon-” “would still be dead, or on a good way to being it, along with all of us. “Luna entered the room. “It’s not your fault, Lyra.” Her words helped, even though I knew they weren’t true. After a few moments of silence the door opened again and Princess Celestia came in. “You did the right thing, Lyra. It’s amazing how deep your love to Bon Bon is, otherwise you could never have used a spell of such power without years of practicing. You defeated Sunset Shimmer! Don’t forget that in you sorrow.” “But Sunset got away. She’ll come back and finish what she started… and I’ll wait for her. I’ll wait for her and I will destroy her. She will beg my mercy… and I will deny her. I will make her feel all the pain she caused to me. Physically, and mentally.” “Revenge.. It’s wrong to pay back suffer with suffer. I know she’ll come back. And she’ll get the punishment she deserves. But in Equestria, we won’t torture or slay anypony. You’ve got to understand that.” “Well… then you better get her before I do. Because when I find her, there will be nothing left to lock up in prison.” I meant what I said. I was never a violent person. But this one time, I have to let out all the anger, all the hate that burns deep inside my soul. I will find you, Sunset Shimmer. And nothing will stop me from ripping you into tiny pieces. First your mind, then your body. YOU WILL SUFFER.