Operation: Patriotism

by Darkryt Orbinautz

First published

Post First Contact, Twilight must deal with a conspiracy prejudiced against her and alien lifeforms while on the wrong side of the law. But how far is she willing to go to stand up for what she believes in?

Change is scary. Drastic change even more so.

So when the news come out there have been not one, but two alien species fighting a war on Earth in secret, it's understandable some of Earth's people would have some pretty extreme reactions. Some see business opportunities. Others see the scientific potential.

Some, however, see a threat that needs to be eliminated, or at the least, contained and subdued.

And what will Twilight Sparkle do when the last group is able to use moles and conspiracy to take control, and label her and her friends as criminals? What will she do to fight back?

And how far is she willing to go?

Cover Art courtesy of Esle Ynopemous.
Currently in the process of being proofread and edited with the help of Troubleshooter.

The Treatise

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Washington, D.C, and two ponies – famed musicians Octavia and Vinyl Scratch stomped around on a sidewalk, approaching a machine in the distance.

"Octavia! Miss Scratch!" A human child in a fine dress was calling for them. A blonde female, barely a teenager.

"I have a question!" The child exclaimed, resting her hands on her knees as she came to a stop in front of them. "How . . . " She panted. "How does Octavia play the violin so well when she doesn't have fingers or unicorn magic?"

Both ponies chuckled, though it was clear something was bothering them.

"Well, you see, darling, I am very skilled." Octavia explained. Vinyl nudged her. "And sometimes I use my tail." Octavia grumbled.

"Do you think you could teach me?" The girl pleaded.

"Oh, I suppose. It might be difficult, given the difference in our body structure, but I can try." Octavia answered. “But not right now, dear. Please, run along. It’s not safe here.” Octavia took her hoof and scooted the girl away.

“What do you mean, not safe?” A red, white and blue clad, bucket-headed giant robot asked her. The extraterrestrial, visor-faced machine gave the musicians an admonishing look. “Ma’ams, let me assure you the Americons have this area completely protected.”

“We believe you!” Vinyl assured her, though her voice was strained.

“It’s just, well … this was supposed to be a layover on our way to perform at a concert.” Octavia said. “And with the Imperials’ threats causing the entire place to lockdown, we’re finding it rather difficult to evacuate.”

“Sorry, ma’am. It’s procedure. Any attempting to use mass transit to escape could be Imperial agents attempting to escape.” The Americon, as he called himself, said.

“I bet you’ve said that a lot over the course of life. ‘It’s procedure.’” Vinyl remarked.

“What did you just say?” The Americon growled.

“You heard me! I bet you have to make a lot of excuses when you’re trying to take over a planet or two or three.” Vinyl said. “Of course, neither Earth or Equestria went too well for you, did it, Decepticon? So you defected to escape the consequences.”

“That’s enough. I am going to have to ask you to leave and take shelter. But if you insist on harassing me, I will have you arrested for disrespecting a police officer.”

Before Vinyl or the Americon could say something one of them was going to great, a shell from artillery whizzed by, striking the sidewalk and denoting, spraying pieces of concrete all around. Vinyl and Octavia looked to see a missile truck pulling up, the barrel of its gun smoking.

“Civilians,” the truck began to apart, converting, rearranging itself until it was a broad-shoulder, red and blue horned robot with a full face, “I suggest you take the better part of valor and make yourself scarce, unless you want to be involved in the scuffle.” He reached out behind him and pulled out a bazooka-sized weapon. On his chest was a six-pointed star insignia, flanked by half of a red face on side and half of a purple face on the other.

Octavia and Vinyl nodded, fleeing from the area while the Americon readied its weapon, its arm splitting open and retracting into its body, being replaced by a triangular barrel made of onyx steel. The Americon aimed the weapon at the intruder, but it was blown away by a massive fireball coming from on high.

“Magnus, you’re starting to sound like Magnum.” A pony said to the blue robot, geared and armored up in a suit which made her resemble the Americon physically, though not in colors, a pair of guns mounted to her hips. She rode in on the back of an enormous black and orange creature, like a great dragon, but mechanical in nature, covered in braces and spikes, fierce yellow eyes glowing from its steely snout

The dragon landed gently and allowed her to slide off its wings. Joining her on the dragon’s back was a wide variety of soldiers, ranging from human, to pony, to small miniature spherical robots covered in uneven welding lines.

“He’s on my mind.” Magnus said. He pulled the pump on his firearm. “District is clear, Princess. Shall we?”

“We shall.” The Princess began to shout, pointing her hoof and barking orders. “Make sure the district is secured! Ammonites, combine into a tank and cover the rear! Predaking, you're with me. Magnus, set up a monitor and direct things in my absence. Organics Regiment, push the assault forward. And remember, I want casualties kept to a minimum, if at all possible. We’re here to change things, not slaughter people. Long Live The Last Prime! SEMPER TYRANNUS!"


"Haven’t you heard? The Last Prime is dead!" An Americon shouted as he and others arrived, responding to the commotion. The armored Princess and Predaking charged at them, Predaking easily dispatching all of them with a swipe of his massive tail. Behind them, the Ammonites began shifting and merging, fusing into one solid form, a tank, and wheeled themselves backwards, aiming their turret at the rear guard.

The Princess and Predaking march forward through the city. Explosions, lasers, battle cries, gunshots, and car crashes began to sound out from all over the city, but the Princess didn't flinch.

“Come on!" The Princess galloped ahead, beckoning Predaking to follow. Neither of them hesitated, faltered, or stopped as the din of exploding glass and steel played out around them in echoes.

Eventually, they reached their destination – The U.S White House, seat of all of the United States' political leaders. Guarding it was a magical force field, as summoned by the Captain of Equestria’s Royal Guard, Shining Armor, who was waiting on the steps leading up to the building, clearly waiting for something. Next to Shining was a military-dressed human with brown hair and a toned chest, noticeable for the metallic arm attached to his side.

"Twilight Sparkle!" The human exclaimed.

"General Buster Witwicky." The Princess noted with disdain. "I suppose you two are going to try to stop me from getting inside?"

"Yup." Buster confirmed, pounding his fists together. "I've been meaning to get you back for that trap you put me through with those goons."

"General, I had no idea the Justice Division would still be able to get on their feet after we had finished with them."

"Yeah, right. Just you wait. Fearswoop will be here soon." Buster warned. "And then you'll-"


"What was that!?" Buster exclaimed.

"From the sounds of it," Twilight replied, "Bumblebee just took out Fearswoop. Exactly as I planned."

Buster snarled, and began to walk down the steps. However, Shining Armor put his hoof on Buster's shoulder.

"Actually, General . . ." Shining Armor said. "I've been doing some thinking, and I got a stern talking to, and I realize ... I've been unreasonable in my feelings, and you ... you are not nearly as open to inter-species cooperation as you say you are. As such, I'm afraid to say the U.S Army no longer has my support." Shining Armor then cold-clocked Buster, knocking him with a blow to the head. Buster fell to the ground.
"Good to see you've come to your senses, B.B.B.F.F."

"Shall we?" Shining Armor's horn glowed, and the pink bubble enveloping the White House faded away. He offered his hoof.

"We shall." Twilight climbed up the stairs and took it. Shining Armor guided her inside the building, both of them using their magic to toss aside any Guard who got in their way. They reached the President's room and barged in, where Shining's wife, Cadence, a scrawny human behind the desk, and another human who looked a bit greasy, were surprised to see them.

"What is the meaning of this!?" The scrawny human demanded.

"Simple, President Galloway." Shining Armor answered. "It's about making things right." Shining Armor went to comfort his wife, while the greasy human got up and launched himself at Twilight.


Twilight slammed her hoof into the man’s face, easily knocking him down.

“What do you want, Sparkle?” Galloway asked.

Twilight proceeded towards the table and gave Galloway a similar treatment, smashing his face against the desk so hard his lips started to bleed.

"Now that I have your attention . . ." Twilight quipped, pressing her hoof into Galloway's neck. She looked over to the computer on his desk. She raised her hoof and began punching in keys.

"Why don't we start off by repealing the Autobots' terrorist status?"

Date: 5 Months Ago, March 16. Planet: Cybertron. Time: 10: 47 PM (Eastern Standard Time). Nova Cronum Ruins

Time Turner walked out onto the empty street, seamlessly blending into the marching, mixed crowd. More than once, he had to apologize for accidentally scraping a Vehicon's boot with the blunt edge of his horseshoe. He wasn't at all nervous about the meeting, or how so many different people with so many different viewpoints would be gathered together under one roof. . .or lack thereof.

Time Turner was a Pony. An Equestrian Pony, meaning he had come from a planet called Equestria, a whole, lively planet full of ponies just like him. Ponies that could do things, "boring non-talky Earth horses" (quote Miko Nakadai) couldn't. Ponies that talked, performed magic spells as part of their daily lives, and most puzzlingly when compared to their Terran counterparts, throw up.

These Ponies had developed their own society, architecture, and even a monarchy headed by the beautiful Princess Celestia and her royal family.

Today, Time Turner was one of many going into the lecture leading up to the first peace talk between the Autobots, Shockwave's New Decepticons, the United States, and Celestia herself.

Now, they weren't going into the peace talk itself: that wasn't due til the end of the week. They were going to a lecture, meant to inform the uninitiated about what the peace talk was about, and why it was so significant to everyone.

At least, that was the way that charming Optimus Prime fellow put it. This other bloke, Wheeljack, put it in simpler terms:

"Basically, if you've been living under a rock for the last two months, this'll help get you up to speed."

Apparently, a bunch of ponies helped end a 4 millennium long war for the Autobots, so, Rainbow Dash, who’d been involved, put it:


The were informed by Ratchet, a Cybertronian military surgeon identifiable by his red crest on his head, that “slagging” was a Cybertronian expletive. He seemed quite disappointed in Rainbow Dash for using it.

The Cybertronians themselves were an alien lifeforms to both humans and Ponies. Though some Cybertronians were quick to point out that who was the "normal" and who was the "alien" was a matter of perspective, at least the ones high-minded enough not to make a disparaging, prejudiced remark about the humans and ponies being 'inferior' because they were 'organic.'

The Cybertronians were by far the most varied and complex of the three species involved. At least the Ponies and humans were mammals. The Cybertronians were robots – living robots, living technology with the ability to transform into all manners of vehicles and beasts. Name it, there's probably been at least one recorded instance of Cybertronian who transformed into it.

The Cybertronians could vary wildly in the build of their bodies. Oh sure, the same could be said of hoomans and ponies, technically, because, the skin color of a human could vary along a range of red, black, white, brown, and anything in between, and for ponies, they came in any color from bright red, to white, to light cyan to pink to white again. But they least had consistencies between them. They had faces, two eyes, a nose, a mouth, two ears, and for the ponies, tails. The ponies also had these bizarre markings on their haunches called Cutie Marks that varied from individual to individual.

Meanwhile, the Cybertronians came in all manners of different sizes and build. Such was the case with being living robots; they had greater versatility in how their bodies they could be while still being functional. Some had a faceplate covering their mouths, some had visors masking their optics. Some went so far as to have both. Some were small, others "average" sized, (or as average as possible with that kind of variety, something within the realm of ~25 feet). Some were tall and large. Yet others were gigantic and towering. Some almost human looking, others like insects or dinosaurs. Being able to transform, they sometimes had bits and pieces of their alternative modes hanging off various parts of their body - colloquially known as "kibble."

The Vehicons, in particular, looked as though their arms were made entirely out of side panels, and their shoulders ended in either square blocks with wheels or wings that pointed upwards. They each had a silver bucket for their heads, blank except for the red visor serving as their eyes, and wide, flat chests with heavy thick "boots" for feet.

Time Turner, as he walked next to humans who barely came up to his chest, and Cybertronians that he barely reached up the ankle of, wasn't worried at all. The fact the Cybertronians were just now rolling off the effects of a war that lasted for millennium and was so epic, it consumed not just their world, but several other worlds in its wake did not bother him in the slightest.

"Hey! You! Get back on there!" A gruff, rumbling voice shouted.

Time Turner stopped and looked up at the roof tops. Standing guard from the roofs of buildings were a Vehicon, painted silver and black – some sort of new "elite" Vehicon "general" according to the press release issued by Lord Shockwave. They were chasing down some sort of insect creature, one like a pony, but not. Whereas a pony had fur, this thing had a hard carapace, fangs, and it had both a short horn and a pair of bug-like wings, with heartless blue eyes.

The Vehicon Generals quickly subdued it. One converted his arm, which broke apart and shifted into a black, triangular barrel, and shot at it, a prong springing out from the barrel and stabbing into the side of the creature, electrocuting it and bringing to a stop.

With the creature stunned, the Vehicons picked up and walked back towards what seemed to be a a huge, green, rectangular satellite array with a grid pattern running through it. On the array were hundreds of the same creature, bound by wall shackles to the array. Cords ending in jumper cables were clamped firmly on the horns of the insectoid horse-things, sucking out and redirecting their power.

The Vehicon generals began fidgeting with the creature in their claws, eventually reattaching it to the brutal harness of the array.

Time Turner frowned.

The creatures, known as Changelings, came from Equestria, and they were blood-sucking parasites. With magical abilities, they shifted into the forms of family members and took their place, feeding off their family's love for them. It was vicious and cruel, but as far Time Turner cared, stringing them up en masse and using them as batteries was crueler.

"Changeling Batteries", that's what they were called. Changeling Batteries. That's what Lord Shockwave called them in interviews. To sweeten the deal between Equestrians and Cybertronians, Shockwave had the oh-so-brilliant idea of using the Changelings' magic to power the dead world of Cybertron.

Cybertron was itself mechanical. A mechanical world for mechanical beings, and because of the damage the war did, it completely shut down, and was unable to host life anymore. Even mechanical life that had been suited to its unique, gas-rich environment. But seeing the Changelings' magical ability to shapeshift, and their parasitic nature meant they offered no value to Equestrian society, Shockwave figured it be an alright idea to tie them up by their horns and forcefully suck the magic out of them to fuel Cybertron's dead cells.

He was right, to Time Turner's dismay. It had been a good idea. With a ruthlessness that the Decepticons had been known for, squads had been dispatched to Equestria to hunt down, neutralize, and bring back Changelings to be used in the Batteries. Through a series of wires, the Batteries delivered power to Cybertron's innermost cells and brought the planet back to a state of habitability.

It was a good deal; the Equestrians got rid of a pest, and the Cybertronians got a power supply strong enough for their entire planet.

It didn't settle right with Time Turner, though. He didn't like the idea of an entire species being reduced to the purpose of a battery, no matter how parasitic and detrimental. By what right did the Cybertronians become arbiters of the fate of an entire species?. Not to mention, the Cybertronians had been surviving on substitutions and conversions to Energon for years, hopping from planet to planet, sometimes planets without any breathable air which would kill a human or a pony! So what gave them the right, Time Turner wondered, to use the Changelings to power their planet? Homesickness? Convenience? It was something he intended to bring up at the lecture

"Ah," Time Turner remarked to himself when the crowd he was following stopped. "We must be here."

Time Turner looked at the door the crowd had stopped in front of. It was shaped like a trapezoid, made of grey, worn steel, and split down the middle like an elevator door. Being scaled for Cybertronians, it could have fitted several dozen Ponies or humans at once, but for a Cybertronian, it wasn't that impressive.

"Wow!" A unicorn pony exclaimed at the door's sheer size.

"Huh?" A stray Autobot murmured, confused by the pony's awe. To him, the door was nothing special.

The crowd proceeded into the door, where they were greeted by an expansive, cool-grey metallic hallway. Alongside the corners of the hallway were glowing green lines, which functioned as electrical conduits. Normally they would be the blue color of Energon, but under the influence of the Changeling Batteries, they were the noxious green color of the parasites' magic.

The crowd proceed to walk into the hall. They were several doors in the hall, but eventually they met up with an Autobot standing guard. He was colored a flat, matte white, with the wings of an airplane fanned from his shoulders, with what seemed to the glass cockpit of a fighter jet embedded vertically in his chest. His face was silver, with blue eyes, a nose, and a mouth. Aside from the obvious jet parts hanging off him and his size, he looked almost human.

"G'day." He greeted them in a slightly Australian-accented voice, raising his hand at them. "Name's Jetfire. The lecture's right this way." Jetfire gestured his hand towards the door he was guarding. "Go right on in, mates. Sorry 'bout the accent; been on Nebulous for a spell. If you have any questions after the lecture, please redirect them to me, alright? Go on in."

Everyone in the crowd nodded, and then went into the door. On the other side of the door was a truly massive lecture hall, just like one in a high school, except fit to house dozens of the largest of Cybertronians, with a number of stepladders thrown to give the smaller organics somewhere to sit. Dozens of half-circle silver tables were laid out next to the stairs.

"Yes, yes, enter!" Called a tall, bulky Autobot, standing on the platform where a teacher would be. His chest was a perfect square, and there was an intimidating cannon hinged onto his right shoulder. He was mostly red, with some clean applications of blue and black paint on his body. His face looked mostly normal, except for a translucent eyepiece that fell over his right eye, and black, military helmet that encircled his face.

"Take your seat, please," he bade them, pointing to the tables.

The crowd went up the stairs and began migrating into packs, taking up the seats. The empty chairs were filled with waiting, crossed, anxious hands, hooves, and servos.

"Hello." The Autobot on the stand greeted them, pushing a button on a keypad pressed into his podium. A blue hologram of a screen unfolded from the console, showing various streams of data meaningless to non-scientific minds. "My name is Perceptor. I have been instructed by my superiors to give an abbreviated lecture of the Autobot-Decepticon Great War to you, from its onset to its recent end, so that you will understand the significance of the meetings to be held within the week."

"Now," Perceptor said, pushing various buttons within the console. "I know I have a tendency to ramble, so I have brought in some of the heroes of the century – possibly all centuries, as far as I'm concerned. Please welcome," Perceptor gestured towards the door as six ponies trotted into the door.

"Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkimenia Diane Pie."

A unicorn, noticeable for the Equestrian symbol for magic, a six-pointed star, on her side, stepped out. Soon joining her were a pony with cotton candy for hair, a pegasus with a rebellious, punk haircut undermined by her rainbow colors, another timid pegasus with elegant hair and some of the biggest eyes one could see on an organic being, and a plain-looking pony wearing a Stetson, her hair in a ponytail, with freckles on her face.

Each pony climbed the ladder for them on the teacher platform. The entire crowd burst out into applause. Some enthusiastic, some uncertain, some just applauding to be polite.

One pony in the crowd let out a whistle and waved, calling Twilight's name. "Twilight! Hey! Twilight, you remember me!? Moondancer!? From Canterlot!?"

The other five ponies glared at the Twilight, who blushed sheepishly.

Twilight cleared her throat, tapping the microphone with her hoof. "Hello, everypony!" The microphone amplified her voice, making it loud enough for the entire crowd to hear clearly, even from the back of the room.

There was some murmuring in the crowd, mostly by the humans.

"I see you muttering!" Twilight snapped through the microphone. "Unfortunately, this lecture is about the end of the Great War. If you wish to attend a lecture about differences in human, Cybertronian, and pony vernacular, there are other lectures for that available. Ahem." Twilight cleared her throat again.

"I don't know your reason for being here today." Twilight continued. "Maybe you don't know what's been going on for the past few months. In the case of some Auto- Cybertronians in the crowd," Twilight corrected herself. There were some Cybertronians in the audience clearly from the Decepticon side of the fence, but she understood that she continued to use the Decepticons as a label, this new peace would never last. "You've probably been to the edge of space and come back, and have no idea what's changed since you been gone, right?"

There was some affirmative muttering from the crowd.

"Okay!" Twilight declared. She turned towards Perceptor. "Take it away, Professor!"

"You flatter me, dear." Perceptor stoically commented before pushing a series of input commands into the console.

The holographic screen of date flicked in and out of existence, before shifting into an orbital view of-

"Cybertron." Perceptor said. "The very planet on which we now stand. . .as it was some four million years ago."

The view of Cybertron showed as a gleaming, shining landscape in the shape of a planet, covered in blue, glowing lines of alien energy.

"Our society was ruled by a caste system, one that became corrupt and dysfunctional." Perceptor explained. "Over time, one mech, one man, if you will, decided he would end the corruption – through force, if necessary. This mech's name was Megatron."

Even among the uninitiated, a shadow of fear swept over the room.

"Megatron challenged the cruel Senate which had enforced this caste system on us, along with his friendly rival, Orion Pax. Pax and Megatron, though friendly, had conflicting views on the best approach to revolutionize society for the better. Their different values came into a head when they jointly confronted the Senate and its stagnation. In the course of their hearing -"

"Time!" Twilight Sparkle interrupted. "Perceptor, an abbreviated history, remember?"

"Oh. Yes. Right." Perceptor nervously adjusted his monocle. "Thank you, Miss Sparkle. Ahem. Suffice to say, Megatron was able to gather followings enough to plunge Cybertron into a civil war which utterly destroyed it."

Perceptor pushed a button, and the blue glowing lines on the hologram of Cybertron began slowly going out, one by one . . .

The ponies in the room gasped as they realized the implications. The lines were a direct indicator of Cybertron's health and status as a planet; no lines meant there was no power . . . and no power meant there was no production. No production, no fuel. No fuel, no life.

"Our world ended, but sadly, our war did not. We spread across the stars in search of a new home, but alas, our conflict continued, carrying countless casualties in its wake."

Perceptor pressed a button again. The hologram changed into a fleet of Cybertronian space-faring vessels, floating aimlessly across a starry backdrop. The hologram showed several of those vessels exploding without warning or reason.

"As demonstrated, our numbers dwindled, on both sides. And with Cybertron unable to make the fuel and materials we needed for new constructs, no new Cybertronians were being born to replace the ones lost. The war continued for year after year after bloody year. . . but then one day, by sheer chance, by the slimmest margin of fate. . . the kind of decision only gods could possibly have any influence over-!"

"Perceptor!" Twilight snapped again.

"Right, right, apologies, apologies. . . not even sure why I said that, I don't believe in gods. . .Ahem!" Perceptor snapped to attention and hit the button on the console again. This time, it switched to a view of a forward swept Cybertronian starship, covered in edges and jags and spikes and things. The hologram projector showed the starship exploding, its wreckage falling through space until it the atmosphere of a planet below. . .a planet that looked pink and brown, like it was covered in candy and chocolate.

"By sheer chance, an Autobot ambush trap was able to down the Decepticon aerial command vessel, the Nemesis, their flagship. It fell on Equestria. And on Equestria. . ." Perceptor said, his voice raising slightly. "Megatron went to work doing what he did best; enslaving, conquering, overthrowing authority and causing anarchy! But these ponies – the very ponies I have with us now, in fact! - rose up and defeated Megatron! Megatron and his forces repaired their broken ship and retreated back to the stars. . ."

The hologram changed again, this time to some horrific chimera creature, like a cross between a serpent and a donkey, with an antler on its head and a fang in its snout, with red irises inside yellow eyes.

"But in the chaos, an Equestrian prisoner, named Discord, escaped on the Nemesis. Princess Celestia, the matriarch of Equestria, uncomfortable with the idea of Discord loose on the cosmos, dispatched these same ponies into space to apprehend him. This had the unintended side effect of getting these ponies involved in the Autobot-Decepticon Great War, as it was being carried on Earth, in secret, where Optimus Prime and Megatron themselves were personally leading the factions." Perceptor elaborated.

"Now, a bunch of things happened after that." Perceptor said, with the projector flashing between various events and happenings, from Fluttershy running from some green, horrible demonic Decepticon, to what seemed to be Twilight Sparkle being killed by an ax to the neck and being resurrected by stabbing a violet crystal into the hole in her chest.

In real time, Twilight seemed to blush at the whole affair.

"Quite a lot of things. You can ask these ponies for elaboration of specific events."

A human in the audience raised their hand.

"Yes, good sir?" Perceptor asked.

"Um, yes." The human stuttered. "Why can't you tell us more?"

"Abbreviated history, remember." Perceptor answered. "Ultimately, the ponies provided an unlikely advantage and an even more unlikely catalyst for the end of the war. Optimus Prime finally ended Megatron's life, and the rest of the Decepticon cause soon followed."

Rather than show Megatron's brutal maiming, the hologram showed a Decepticon insignia, which slowly crumbled away into a dust.

Several Decepticons in the room began to shift uncomfortably, nervously twiddling their fingers and awkwardly turning their heads and faking coughs.

"In the process, the secret war ceased to be secret, and the human public became aware of the presence of robot and pony aliens in their midst. Oh, but that wasn't the end of the story, oh no!" Perceptor added.

Time Turner rubbed his hooves together. The moment he was waiting for was drawing near. . .

"Shockwave, stationed on the dead Cybertron. . ." The hologram shifted into a Decepticon. A large, bulky purple Decepticon with a single red, crystalline optic for a face, a cannon for an arm, and a large, prominent window-like protrusion on his chest. "Ran some hypothetical simulations and transported himself to Equestria, where he reasoned with the Princess to give him unrestricted access to the Changeling creatures living there. From there, Shockwave was able to extrapolate the Changeling's natural energies into powering Cybertron's dead Energon deposits, thus bringing the planet back to life. Cybertron, rejuvenated by Shockwave's. . . dark science, sent out a signal, and all the Autobots and Decepticons spread across space slowly but surely began to trickle their way back home. . .which brings us to today, where the Earthen, Equestrian, and Cybetronian governments are in peace talks about what to do moving forward."

Time Turner raised his hoof.

"Yes, sir?" Perceptor said, noticing right away.

"Yes, I have a question." Time Turner said with a bit of a growl. "Under what right do the Cybertronians have to harness the Changelings in such a brutal manner?"

Perceptor's eyebrows shot up. "I'm. . . not sure what you mean."

"Why does Shockwave get to decide what happens to the Changelings!?" Time Turner demanded. "They're saphient! They have rights!"

Time Turner presumably would have continued on after that, but there was a static feedback from a microphone being adjusted.

All eyes turned to Twilight Sparkle.

"The Changelings are violent, rabid, and uncontrollable." Twilight explained. "Their only goal is literally to connive, backstab, and manipulate."

"Perhaps, but where in any of that does that mean Shockwave can decide their future?"

"They contribute nothing to Equestrian society, or any society!" Twilight responded furiously.

Perceptor narrowed his eyes, reflecting on what the Changelings had done. He didn't really know the specifics of why Twilight was so vehemently against them, or why Celestia reluctantly agreed to let them be harnessed, but he did know that when he left Cybetron that long four million years ago. . . it had been dead. That Cybertron's sparkling cities had been tarnished and rusted, and its beautiful landscapes crushed under the rubble and ruin of broken houses. And he knew when he returned, Shockwave's harnessing of the Changelings changed all that; landscapes were terraformed, rust was removed, and homes were rebuilt. He only knew that much, and nothing more.

"MH-HMM!" Perceptor cleared his throat forcefully.

"I'm sorry, Time Turner, and Twilight Sparkle, but the ethics of using Changelings in this manner is not the topic of this lecture."

"I think you're avoiding the question!" Time Turner accused, leveling his hoof at Perceptor. Perceptor merely stared back at Time Turner with a blank, stony expression.

There was another screech of feedback.

"Perceptor is . . . right." Rarity said. She bit her lip. "While it is a very . . . sensitive issue, its not the topic of this lecture."

Time Turner pouted and huffed, but he dropped back into his seat without a word.

"Perhaps you'd like to make a complaint to Optimus Prime or Celestia." Perceptor suggested. "They are very compassionate beings, and I'm sure you they will hear you out. Now, if you have any more questions, ask Jetfire on your way out. I must take a recess before I give this exact lecture again to the next group."

The crowd began getting out of their seats, slowly leaving the room. Perceptor began rewinding the hologram projector back to its start.

The ponies, watching the crowd leave, began to get a little queasy in their stomachs. Fluttershy especially. All six of them climbed down from their pedestals, Fluttershy looking queasy.

"Fluttershy?" Twilight noticed. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, it's . . . nothing." Fluttershy fibbed, turning her head away.

"Hey." Twilight put her hoof around Fluttershy's neck. "Come on, Fluttershy. If something's worrying you, you need to tell us about. We're your friends."

"Oh, all right. . . when, um, Time Turner spoke up about the Changeling Batteries, you seemed pretty intent on keeping them there, Twilight." Fluttershy recounted.

"Yeah?" Twilight said, encouraging Fluttershy to go on.

"Well, it's just . . . are you sure it's right to keep them there?" Fluttershy asked. "I mean, they do have feelings."

"Fluttershy." Twilight's voice hardened. "Give me one good reason why the Changelings should be let off their leash."

"Umm . . . freedom is the right of all sentient beings?"

"Yeah!" Twilight huffed. "A freedom which the Changelings abuse to cause disorder and chaos! Maybe you forgot about the time they almost took over Canterlot?"

"No, but . . ."

"But what!?" Twilight demanded.

Fluttershy whimpered and backed away. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity all glared disapprovingly at Twilight.

Twilight sighed and shook her head. "I'm sorry, Fluttershy, it's just. . . I can't think of any reason why we wouldn't the Changelings to stay where they are. It keeps us safe from them, and it gives the Auto-the Cybertronians their home back. It's really a win-win situation."

"Okay . . ." Fluttershy mumbled. "I guess you're right. . ."

Twilight rolled her eyes. She could tell Fluttershy was still having strong doubts, but she didn't want to press the issue any more. "Come on. Let's all go get some lunch."

“Hold on.” Rarity said. “I think Fluttershy has a point. As dreadful as the Changelings can be, we’ve no reason to believe these specific ones attacked us at the wedding.”

“Are you saying we should just let them go after what they did?” Dash asked. “Not happening.”

“I’m sure Optimus and Celestia would agree that any sapient being should be allowed the chance to prove itself.” Rarity said.

“Rarity, I’m of two minds. My head says you’re right, and it’s not fair, but my heart says to leave the bugs where they are and let them rot.” Applejack says.

The girls glared at Pinkie, who had yet to voice an opinion.

“Uh …” Pinkie broke into a sweat under their glares. “How about we go get lunch like Twilight says before this becomes a big fight and severely hurts our friendship?”

Applejack sighed. “Pinkie’s right. There’ll be a time to discuss this later. Let’s go.”

And so the the girls walked off, the Batteries on their minds.

Outside the lecture hall building, Time Turner broke away from the pack and went over to the side to reflect on what happened inside the hall. That Twilight fellow seemed very against the idea of Changeling rights, almost to the point of violence.

Time Turner could only stop and stare at the blank slate wall of the city walls, wondering what happened to make Twilight so bitter against the Changeling creatures. They were actually kind of cute to Time Turner, in a way. But Time Turner was known to friends for his eccentricity, so that may not be the best grounds to fight his case on.

Time Turner sighed and looked up at the Battery giving power to this city block. Row upon row of gagged bug-pony, with cords strapped to their horns and gags in their mouths, having the power sucked out of them to keep a city alive. . . it just wasn't right.

"Hello." A soft voice called to Time Turner. He turned around and his eyes widened, as a very tall pony with very longs was approaching him. A beautiful, alabaster white mare with a gravity-defying mane, dressed with gold plating over her hooves and chest, a shiny crown on her head, just before her very long, very long horn. Her large wings were tucked at her sides.

"Princess Celestia!" Time Turner exclaimed, his first response being to bow at the Princess' hooves. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I was just taking a walk." Celestia replied noncommittally, but Time Turner felt like there was more to it than that. She adjusted her head, appearing quite interested in the Battery. "What are you looking at, Mister. . .?"

"Time Turner. And what I'm looking at is this Changeling Battery here!" Time Turner flailed his hooves at it.

"What about it?" Celestia asked kindly.

"It's disgusting!" Time Turner spat. "No one – NO ONE has the right to decide that a species to is be chained up and used like that! Not you, not Optimus Prime, not Shockwave, no one!"

Celestia stared at him for a long time, turning completely silent. She had been a bit perky when she arrived, but now her lips were skewing downward in solemnity.

Time Turner pursed his lips. He felt a little bad that he made Celestia, the kind, caring and happy Princess of the Ponies, sad. He felt like he had a good point about the Changelings, but he didn't mean to upset anybody with it. At least, not like this.

"Time Turner. . ." Celestia said stonily. "Picture if you will. . .your planet is all but dead, unable to support your unique biological needs, and you've been out on the edge of the space. The furthest, most distant corners of the galaxy, when one day, you pick up a signal. The signal says very little. It's only words are "Come home." And you know what it means: it means your home planet lives again. You don't know why, or who, or how, just that it was dead when you left, and these creatures-" Celestia gestured her hoof to the Battery. "These parasites, these dissenters, these puny insects weren't here when you left. Now they are when you come back. And these tiny creatures mean nothing to you. You've never seen them before. You don't know what they are. You just know your planet was dead and they weren't here, but now they are, and it's alive."

Time Turner raised up defiantly, glaring at the Princess with his teeth bared. He did not like how she was undervaluing the Changelings' lives, talking about them as though they were dirt. "What are you trying to get at, Princess?"

Princess Celestia briefly closed her eyes, before coming towards Time Turner and cupping his chin.

"I'm trying to get you to understand how the Cybertronians feel about this. Tell me, Time Turner, do you think I advocated the indentured servitude of an entire species? Did you think it was my idea to turn the Changelings over to Shockwave, and that I was ruthlessly culling them from my kingdom so I could have some sort of 'perfect world?'"

Time Turner looked down, feeling embarrassed by Celestia's spot-on assessment of his opinions. "Well. . ." He nervously scuffed his hoof. "Yes, actually, I mean. . .."

Celestia cocked her eyebrow.

“I’ve read a lot of dystopian fiction.” Time Turner said. “Oh, sure, it always starts out with ‘it’s for the greater good’, but then you blink for one minute, and oof, bam, off you go, you’re not allowed to criticize government or you immediately get sent to prison!”

"Very well. I understand your concerns. I’ve read a few myself. Meadowbrook’s “On the Nature of Power” is a favorite of mine." Celestia looked up at the Battery.

The grid of the satellite dish pulsed in green light. An electric flash spewed out from the machine, and the Changelings gave a jerk as they were either electrocuted, or forced to surrender even more power because of a sudden increase in demand. Time Turner wasn't sure which.

After the machine's activity died down, Time Turner gave Celestia another glare. Celestia looked away ashamedly.

"That's right. You should feel ashamed of yourself for allowing this!" Time Turner shouted, pointing his hoof.

Celestia gave him an unamused glare. "Mister Time Turner, please don't push your luck. If you have a good point about the Changelings, I will listen, but if your only intent is to cast accusations. . . I have no business here."

"Right, right. . .sorry, Your Majesty." Time Turner muttered.

"Thank you. Now, I will ask you again, Time Turner. Imagine your world in ruins, and you have to leave for another. Then you get an invitation back to your home, and its been resurrected by tiny vermin that are no better than rats to you. Yes. . . rats running in their little exercise wheels."

Time Turner looked at the ground, thinking over Celestia's words. He heaved a great big sigh before turning to the expectant looking Celestia.

"How does Optimus Prime feel about this, then?" Time Turner asked.

Celestia stared blankly, blinking slowly.

"The same way I do." Celestia answered. She pulled away and bade him good day. "Good bye, Mister Time Turner. Have a nice day." Celestia walked off. Time Turner raised his hoof to call after her, but decided against it at the last minute.

"Hmm." Time Turner gave the Changeling Battery one last look, before walking away as well.

March 23rd, 11: 33 AM, Cybertron, Praxus Ruins.

The week ended. For Perceptor, it was a very long week, as he had to be the one constant giving lectures from morning until evening, over and over again, from day to day. Sometimes he had help, having Twilight Sparkle and her friends join in, or Twilight and none of her friends, or even Optimus Prime or Princess Celestia themselves. But they got to change shifts. Perceptor did not. So he had to give lecture after lecture. . . but it was over now!

In Praxus, a Cybertronian city renown for its political debates before Cybertron's destruction, the parties for the first intergalactic treaty were getting ready to meet. The Equestrian Matriarchy, The Autobot High Command, the United States Government, and Shockwave's New Decepticons. They were all in their own quarters of the city, getting ready to meet in the stadium at the city's epicenter.

In the shared quarters where the Ponies and Autobots were preparing, Twilight Sparkle and her friends were helping themselves to some punch that a catering pony had been kind enough to provide.

Fluttershy held her cup in her hooves, her eyes lazily lying on the edge of the cup. Despite her best efforts to hide her uncertainty, Twilight was still able to pick up on it. Twilight sighed. "What is it, Fluttershy?"

"Oh. . . just. . . still thinking about the Changelings." Fluttershy muttered.

Twilight grunted in frustration. "Uuugh! This again? Fluttershy, let me ask you something: should we have let Discord live?"

Fluttershy turned her head away.

"Oh – oh, don't tell me!" Twilight exclaimed. "You do think maybe we should have let Discord live, and not have. . . off-lined him when we had the chance!? Fluttershy, he nearly broke us up. He nearly kept us from defeating Megatron the first time. He nearly broke up the Autobots. Now that's he. . . one with the AllSpark, he can't hurt anypony anymore, ever. The same principle applies to the Changeling Batteries."

"So. . ." Applejack drawled. "Yer sayin' we should kill all the Changelings tah keep 'em from hurtin' anypony?"

Twilight did a spit-take with her punch. "W-what!? No! That's not what I'm saying at all!"

"Sure sounds like wut yet sayin', Sugarcube." Applejack stated carefully.

"W-well, it's, it's not!" Twilight stuttered, struggling for a defense. "What. . .what I mean by that is. . ."

"LOOK ALIVE, PEOPLE!" A red and silver Autobot with yellow decals shouted, charging into the room.

Whew! Twilight thought. Saved by the bell.

Twilight had been told the Autobot was something called an Aerialbot, sort of an Autobot answer to the Vehicons - a mass of similar units with matching uniforms and flight capability. "Princesses and Autobot High Command inbound!"

The Aerialbot moved aside as Princess Celestia, as well two other Princesses and a white stallion, accompanied by four tall, muscular Autobots, strode into the room. All the Ponies and Autobots in the room cleared a pathway, going over the sides of the room, and bowing to their respective leaders.

"Hello, everypony!" Celestia shouted warmly to the bowing crowds.

The four Autobots there included Optimus Prime himself, the Supreme Commander of all the Autobots. Even the leaders of the Autobot subdivisions had to answer to him to variable extents.

There was also Ultra Magnus, Optimus' brother and leader of the Wreckers. Also present was Grimlock, leader of the Dinobots. Then there was a new face there that Twilight and friends had never met before.

Each Autobot commander, while distinct in appearance from each other, had certain similarities in their build. They each had wide chests with their respective symbols in the dead center, broad shoulders with various features, and strong-looking legs. All that put together combined to give them each an impression of power.

Optimus Prime was a red, white, (silver, really) and blue mech with smokestacks over his back, window "kibble" on his chest, and wheels in his legs. His face was worn and aged. Panels extended from his shoulders, adding to his appearance of raw power. Ultra Magnus was a darker blue and lighter red with his color ratio inverted to Optimus, whose face was much more youthful, though still slightly wrinkly. Grimlock was a borderline-colossal grey robot with a gold chest and slight hunch. Grimlock's head design was all black, except for the red visor that still showed he had a face. The last one seemed like someone had put Ultra Magnus and Optimus Prime into a blender and spat the results back out. He had Prime's body-type, Magnus' colors, Magnus' face, but Optimus' weariness.

"Autobots, if I could have your attention." Optimus Prime spoke, his deep voice reverberating with authority.

A few Ponies whinnied in the crowd, to Twilight's displeasure. To most of them, it seemed like Optimus was dismissing them for not being Autobots. Twilight knew he really meant that he was recognizing them as Autobots.

"I would like to introduce Commander of the Elite Guard, Magnum." Optimus gestured to the new face. Grimlock made a rude noise. Optimus barely batted an optic.

"I felt the need to introduce Magnum first as he has been on very far reaches of our solar system, so it would be understandable that few of you recognize him. Regardless, he is a very capable and proven commander. I would please advise you give as much respect as you would give myself, Ultra Magnus, or Grimlock."

A few Ponies and Autobots exchanged some mutters.

"Gossiping will not be tolerated under my watch!" Magnum snapped. His voice was stern and authoritative, like Optimus', but it lacked Optimus' warmer qualities. Still, it didn't seem Magnum was a bad sort. . . he just didn't how to make his voice soften.

"As you may know," Optimus went on, "we are on the precipice of a new age. An age where Autobot and Decepticon cast aside their differences and stand united under one single banner. The banner of Cybertronian. Today, a new Deception Lord for a new time agrees to meet us not on neutral ground, but on equal ground. Today, Autobots, marks a new day in interstellar relations with our invaluable allies, Celestia's Kingdom and its. . ." Optimus glanced in the direction of Twilight and friends, "humble servants."

Twilight and Fluttershy blushed. Rarity and Rainbow held their heads up high. Pinkie just smiled, while Applejack brought her hat over her chest.

"As well our invaluable humans allies, including Jack Darby, Rafael Esquivel, Agent William Fowler, and Miko Nakadai."

Over at the corner, a trio of humans smiled and waved at the crowd. There was a fourth one, a black-brown one with short, black hair in a grey suit, stuffing his face with the contemplation cake. He felt eyes upon and lifted his head up. Promptly embarrassed, he swallowed what cake what in his mouth, wiped his hands on the tablecloth, and licked the frosting off his chin. He chuckled and grinned nervously.

Meanwhile, more than a few Autobots were bristling at the idea of sharing their flag with Decepticons. Optimus either didn't notice or ignored it, as he continued his speech. "Today, my fellow Autobots, everything we have fought and bled and died for comes to pass." Optimus concluded.

At the thought of the dead Autobots, lost in the war, Twilight and her friends frowned.

Magnum cleared his throat. "Optimus Prime, sir, would a moment of silence be improper?"

"Not at all." Optimus turned to the crowd and gestured his hand. "Please."

Everyone, regardless of species, respectfully bowed their heads in acknowledgment of their fallen brethren for a good few minutes.

"Thank you." Optimus said, signifying the moment was over. "Now. . . please allow us the honor of socializing before the meeting begins."

The leaders began dispersing and scattering around the room, going up to various patrons of the room. Twilight turned back to her punch, quietly sipping her punch while ruminating on what Applejack said at Perceptor's lecture.

"Hey, Twiley!"

Twilight skewered her eyes shut and coughed a little bit of her punch, then rounding on the stallion approaching her.

"Can't a fembot enjoy her punch in peace!?"

Shining Armor's cerulean eyes stared at her blankly. Twilight sighed and rubbed her forehead. "I'm sorry, B.B.B.F.F. You startled me."

"O. . . kay." Shining Armor said uncertainly. He looked at Twilight oddly.

"What?" Twilight frowned, looking at him softly. "What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry." Shining Armor said, shaking his head. He put his hoof on Twilight's chin, his eyes turning misty. "Your shoulders. . . your body posture. . . it's just like one of the Guard under my command. And I . . . I just don't like seeing you as a soldier."

Twilight looked away, not sure what she could say. "W-well, I'm sorry, B.B.B.F.F, but when you spend your time fighting Decepticons, with the Autobots you learn how to do things. How to take orders, how to take point. . . how to give orders. You learn how to be an Autobot."

"Mm." Shining nodded and looked at her thoroughly. He pulled her into a tight hug, then left.

"Hmm." Twilight furrowed her brow. She could tell Shining Armor was upset by this, but what was she supposed to do? Just spontaneously stop being an Autobot? She couldn't do that.

I mean, I already filed the paperwork. . . I guess I could ask for a resignation. . .

"Hello, my faithful student!" Princess Celestia greeted, snapping Twilight out of her reverie while the bustle of the leaders socializing continued in the background. Twilight was Celestia's personal protege in the field of unicorn magic, so they had a very close relationship.

"Hello, Princess. It's nice to see you."

Celestia frowned. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong." Twilight said, turning away from her beloved mentor.

"Twilight Sparkle," Celestia said warmly, but forcefully. "I have known and taught you over a decade of your life at least. I know all your tells and when you're hiding something. Now, tell me what's wrong."

For what must have been the third time today, Twilight sighed. "It's the Changelings. The Changeling Batteries. Fluttershy's a little upset about it, and I- I said the wrong thing in response, so. . ."

Celestia's face began to scrunch up. She actually looked almost annoyed. "Twilight Sparkle, I have already gone over this extensively with Time Turner, and I wish to speak of it no further. The Changelings being where they are is the best for thing for all of us."

Celestia looked up again at the Batteries with displeasure. "At least until someone or somepony comes up with something better."

Twilight began to wonder if she could make something better. Something purer, which would remove the need for Changelings while still providing Cybertron’s dilapidated factories the jump-start they needed. Before she could get too far into it, Pinkie broke her from her thoughts.

"Twilight! The meeting is starting soon! We need to give the presentation!"

"Right!" Twilight exclaimed, putting her punch back on the table. She and her friends were in charge of handling a short little thing to break the ice for the big meeting today. "Scrap! How could I forget that!? Let's go!"

The girls all galloped out of the room as fast they could.

The Praxus stadium was like a human baseball, except for a few things. One, it was scaled for Cybertronians. Two, rather than a playing field, there was a very large silver circle that was hollow on the inside, like a dry pool. This circle acted as a table for the meeting political parties. Three, there was a huge television screen mounted on the east wall of the stadium to display anything required.

There were four entrances, with four dividers separating the factions. For today, each entrance had a flag mounted to the side for the faction that was going to be coming through. On the east side, a pink flag with a six-pointed star represented Celestia's Kingdom. On the north side, a black flag with a the Decepticon insignia – a triangular purple face with angry eyes and an indented forehead - on it heralded the New Decepticons. On the south side, a more detailed flag showing red and white stripes and a blue box full of white, regular stars showed the U.S. Finally, the west side had the symbol of the Autobots – a red, rounded neutral face - over a gold background.

Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow, and Pinkie poured out of the east entrance, running as fast they could. They swerved around and bolted up the stairs to the audience's' seats up to the display screen, and then spread around the corners of the screen. Pinkie and Rainbow Dash went to the right side, fiddling around with the wires, while Fluttershy and Applejack did the same to the other. Twilight and Rarity used their magic to access the more internal parts of the machine.

Time flew by, and before the pony group knew it, both the audience and authorities for the meeting were pouring through the doors and taking their seats. On one side of the circle, Optimus, Magnum, Ultra Magnus, and Grimlock went in and took their seat. On another, Shockwave and two other Decepticons – Barricade and Blackout, entered on the Decepticon side.

Barricade was an average, speedy police car Decepticon with ruby red optics, and red and blue light bar over his shoulders, with a thorny, silver face. Why Barricade thought turning into a police car was funny was something beyond the understanding of his fellow 'Cons. Blackout was a very large Decepticon with six helicopter blades folded over his back, his chest the spherical cockpit of his helicopter mode. Two Gatling guns were permanently attached to each of his forearms, which ended in black sickle-like claws. His face was like a grasshopper.

Celestia, Luna and Cadence stepped from their designed door, and a bunch of human officials in suits did the same, including the President, who was totally surrounded by all sides by bodyguards, preventing him from being visible.

They all climbed up to their respective platforms, while the audience seats quickly began filling up with Cybertronians, humans, ponies.

A very thin golden Autobot with wings on his shoulders, an orange, blonde-haired pony, and a white, wrinkled female human with blond hair in a ponytail stepped in, all together in one party, each carrying folding chairs for their size. They climbed over the table and set the chairs down. These were Metalhawk, Inspector Harshwhinny, and Director Charlotte Mearing. They were here to act as mediators for the meeting.

Soon enough, the entire stadium was filled with an interstellar-diverse audience.

Princess Celestia, seeing there were no more seats even if a last-minute guest were to show up, tapped her microphone and began her announcement.

"Hello, everypony!" She shouted, the microphone echoing her voice all over the stadium. "Thank you all for coming here today to visit this momentous occasion, for all our races. I apologize for any who were unable to attend for whatever reason, such as being sick. They should get more chances though, as while this is our first meeting, I hope it will not be our last."

Celestia's eyes flickered over everyone around the circlet table, full of hope.

"That said, my faithful student and her friends have prepared a presentation on the screen. You know, to raise everyone's spirits. If you will turn your attention to that big, television-looking thing on the corner. . ." Celestia gestured her hoof to the display.

Rainbow Dash flew up to the top of the screen's edge and looked down at Twilight for approval. Twilight raised an affirmative hoof, so Rainbow Dash pressed a button.

The screen flared to life, showing an pixelated version of a pink firecracker exploding. The sparkles of the firecracker fell to the ground, before lifting up and twisting around to form the flag of Celestia's kingdom. It remained there for a few minutes before shrinking and moving into the upper-right corner of the screen. Letters forming the words "FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC" in pink then appeared next to it. A piano chime also played.

Next, energetic red bars and lines began traveling up and down, all over the screen. They eventually settled down and came together to form the Autobot symbol, which also shrunk into the corner. Like with Celestia's banner, text then appeared. This time it read "FREEDOM IS THE RIGHT OF ALL SENTIENT BEINGS." in matching red. The Autobot symbol then shrunk as well, going under Celestia's flag. A brief guitar line played.

Similar shows were made for the Decepticon and American flags. For the Decepticon flag, it simply showed their banner spinning around dramatically, before some metal music played. Its text read "SOMETIMES DECEPTION IS NEEDED IN ORDER TO SEE THE TRUTH." in purple. Metal music played.

The American flag was represented by lots of red and blue fireworks exploded, before a blip appeared in the background and gave the illusion of coming closer to the screen until the flag was in full view. It shrunk and took its place as well, white text reading "LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS." The National Anthem played, but only for the first few notes.

"Well, that's done." Celestia said. "Shall we begin? Who wants to go first?"

A scrawny human male with a short, well-groomed tuft of reddish-brown hair and large glasses rose his hand.

"Yes, Mister. . .?"

"Galloway." The man answered. "I'd like to start with a few questions."

"As you wish."

"First, why did Team Prime feel it necessary to keep their presence on our planet hidden for as long as they did?" Galloway asked, giving an accusing look at Optimus.

Optimus seemed saddened by Galloway's suspicion. "For two reasons. We felt it would be best to hide in secret, then gradually ease the knowledge of our presence into the public eye. We thought we were to introduce ourselves at all once would be overwhelming. We also felt were our presence exposed, the Decepticons would have no reason to hesitate in killing your kind in massive numbers."

"Did you have any ulterior motives for trying to protect us or hide yourselves from us?" Galloway asked. "Like, perhaps doing something we wouldn't approve of, like, I don't know, let's say ... secretly using unpaid human labor, just for an example?"

"The Autobots have always strove to maintain clean and ethical energy standards, and if you will look at the reports and the records for our Earth-based conflicts, you will find no evidence of any ulterior motives or conspiracies within my ranks." Optimus said.

"Records ... reports." Galloway scoffed. "Reports don't tell us everything. Aside from hiding in our midst for six years, is there anything else you’ve been hiding from us?" Galloway asked. “Any projects, missile sites, weapon testing grounds, that sort of thing??”

“No. Nothing of the sort has happened on my watch.” Optimus said.

“Are you sure? You were fighting a war, Optimus. Something like that comes with dirty laundry.” Galloway said.

Optimus furrowed his brow. “True. While I do not deny that there are some things some Autobots have done that I am not proud it, it all occurred on planets other than Earth prior to our arrival there. And when I feel it would be appropriate to share with you, I will.”

“And what decides when it’s appropriate, Optimus?” Galloway asked smugly, thinking he had succeed in putting Optimus in a bad spot.

Optimus put his fingers together. “Not here.Tell me, Senator. Would you confess to the United States’ use of Japanese internment camps during the conflict you call ‘World War II’ during a peace conference? Or would you wait for a more appropriate time?” Optimus narrowed his eyes.

Galloway pursed his lips, realizing Optimus had turned the tables on him.

A sudden whine of feedback brought all eyes to Luna, saving Galloway from having to compensate for his flub-up. "Mayhap we request that the Autobots be be given a chance to speak freely?"

Celestia spoke into her microphone. "I would like to make it known my sister, Luna, uses the royal "we" in her speech and her opinions and requests should not be taken as representing the majority of my party."

"Acknowledged." The President said amicably. "Regardless, the Autobots may speak."

Taking the opportunity Luna offered, Magnum spoke up immediately. "Hello. I am Commander Magnum. I have some concerns about what legislatures will need to be passed in order to minimize the opportunities of the criminal underworld seeking to take advantage of a new interplanetary and inter-cultural world."

"That's. . . a surprisingly good concern." Galloway muttered, sounding surprised an Autobot could come up with a reasonable concern.

"And just what doth thou mean by that!?" Luna shouted, slamming her hooves on the circlet.

"Princess Luna," Metalhawk spoke in a neutral voice, "you are being overly aggressive."

Luna scoffed. "We art being overly-aggressive!? Galloway hath taken a pot-shot at the Autobots every chance he's been given!"

"While Galloway has been … disagreeable, and maybe even more than a little unreasonable, you must understand, we at the United States do have some concerns about learning their was a shadow war between multiple alien factions going on in our backyard and we didn’t know about it, including their history and any potential unattended weapons that might still pose the risk of going off. " Mearing said. “As it has happened many times in our own history. And besides … paranoid he may be, Galloway has yet to disrupt the proceedings by raising his voice, Your Majesty.”

Luna was about to launch into a tirade about Mearing giving Galloway more leeway due to them both being humans, but Celestia gave her sister a warning glare. Luna huffed and backed down.

The next person to speak was Shockwave. "Magnum raises a good point. We should discuss what new laws will need to be passed."

"As well," Ultra Magnus interjected, "We'll need something to mediate the differences in our cultural values so they don't cause a conflict."

"Humans are biased and prejudiced beings against their own religions." Blackout snarled. "How are they possibly going to tolerate the Ponies' and ours!?"

Shockwave held out his hand for Blackout to stop. "Blackout, would you like to take a recess?"

"No." Blackout answered literally, not catching Shockwave's double-meaning.

Shockwave turned to Blackout, his single mono-eye glaring daggers.

"That was not a suggestion, Blackout."

The two powerful Decepticons stood there in silence for a little while, each wondering how the other was going to react. Blackout bowed to Shockwave, and turned to leave. Shockwave kept his eye on him, at least until Blackout sat down in front OF the stands with his arms crossed.

"I apologize for Blackout's behavior." Shockwave said. "He, like many Decepticons, is still. . . adjusting. Now, I believe we were on the topic of passing new laws? We'll need to start drafting. . ."

Some time later, the meeting concluded, and the audience flocked out of the stadium out to the tile floor surrounding it, with a request by their various leaders to mingle. Get to know each other, learn about their cultures, so they could see them as 'people' and not 'aliens.'

Twilight's first priority, however, was to meet with Princess Celestia and Optimus Prime, who she was very good friends with, despite a rocky first meeting ... and second ... and third .... anyway, she wanted to know what they thought about the meeting. She was able to find Princess Celestia, Luna, Optimus, and Magnum meeting in a circle.

"Optimus! Princess Celestia!" Twilight shouted for their attention, skidding to a halt in front of them. "So, how the meeting go? I know there were the microphones, but I couldn't hear much all the way at the back. . ."

"Oh, you know. . ." Celestia waved her hoof. "A few steps forward, a few steps back. . ."

"That Galloway figure is, quite possibly, the most pompous human we have met." Luna griped. "And while that's not many, we are strongly skeptical that any future human we meet will exceed his arrogance!"

Twilight pouted, turning towards Optimus.

"Galloway is merely concerned for the welfare of his fellow human beings." Optimus said, but he sounded disheartened.

"What happened?" Twilight inquired.

"Galloway does not trust the Autobots!" Luna snapped. "Despite the fact they've had several opportunities to kill the humans which they have never taken! Despite that they have done every they can to prevent the Decepticons from killing them! Grah!" Luna turned away, starting to calm down slightly.

"Our apologies. We just dislike heroes not being recognized for their achievements. . ." Luna's snake-like green eyes flicked back and forth between Optimus and Twilight.

Twilight looked to Optimus again, who sighed wearily.

"Galloway does not trust us because we hid among the humans for as long as we did. They were not prepared for Megatron to reveal our presence when he did. . . and in a way, neither were we." Optimus said. "Even in death, the consequences on Megatron's actions take a heavy toll on us all."

Twilight trotted forward, putting her hoof on Optimus' black boot. "You'll find a way through it."

"Thank you, Twilight Sparkle." Optimus' perpetually-remorseful expression did not go away, but it did brighten slightly.

Elsewhere, Rainbow Dash was socializing more successfully and less glumly with a human jet pilot. Apparently part of an organization called "The Blue Angels", very similar to the Wonderbolts of Equestria. They even used the same team colors – blue with yellow thunderbolt patterns. They were laughing at a joke Rainbow Dash made when heard she familiar footsteps.

Rainbow whipped her head over to see Dreadwing sneaking around, looking like he didn't want to be seen, before he slipped into an alleyway and disappeared.

"Hey," Dash said to the Blue Angel pilot, "can I get back to you? I just saw my wingmech slip into a corner."

"No problem." The pilot assured her.

"Thanks, man. I'll come back." Rainbow Dash turned around, flapped her wings, and bolted into the corner Dreadwing had disappeared to.

Dreadwing was a Decepticon Seeker, a type of specialized Decepticon flier that turned into a jet. They shared traits of their kibble, always having two wings sticking out their backs, afterburners in the bottoms of their pedes, and their cockpits forming their chest. Dreadwing in particularly had the same colors as the Blue Angels and Wonderbolts, although his thunderbolts were more straight lines, and his gold was more of a bronze. Dreadwing was a bulky mech, with a diamond-shaped samurai helm-looking head and fearsome carmine eyes.

Dreadwing was the Decepticon Second-in-Command, a prestigious rank in Cybertronian customs, at the time of Megatron's demise. By the laws of Cybertron, Megatron's death meant Dreadwing was in charge of the faction. But Dreadwing had been a loyal and fervent soldier, and seeing his master Megatron fall robbed him of his fighting spirit. So he flew to Cybertron and gave his position to Shockwave. Later, having nothing better to do, he came to Equestria and signed up for the Wonderbolts, and was appointed Rainbow's flight partner.

Despite his Deception background, Rainbow Dash found Dreadwing an invaluable partner. He was loyal, eager to please, and knew his place. Hence why she was worried when he disappeared. She would have hated it if Dreadwing was going back to old 'Con hideouts.

Rainbow Dash hugged the alleyway, then slowly wormed her way inside, eventually able to see Dreadwing and Blackout standing, having a conversation. Rainbow Dash wormed a little further inside so she could eavesdrop.

"Are you sure you won't reconsider?" Blackout pleaded. Dash found it funny to hear such a deep, strong voice be reduced to begging. "Shockwave will surely lead us to ruin."

"I am sure, and while I may have doubts about his intentions, I have faith in his leadership." Dreadwing answered, arms crossed. "I am happy with Rainbow Dash and the Wonderbolts, and I will not leave them to come back to your savage ways."

"Are you certain you're happy?" Blackout asked in a worried voice.

Dreadwing fell silent.

"Dreadwing, please." Blackout continued to plead. "If the Funderbalts-"


"-the Wonderbolts are not treating you fairly," Dreadwing scoffed at the notion, "then please come back to us. Our fellow Decepticons are getting antsy around all this talk of peace. . ."

"That is only because they have lost sight of what peace means."

"Surely you could talk some sense into them? They respect you."

"Good for them." Dreadwing deadpanned.

Blackout sighed and bowed his head, recognizing that he wasn't going to change Dreadwing's mind. "If you ever change your mind, you know where to find me. . ." Blackout turned and walked away, his massive feet thumping on the ground.

Dash frowned, disliking the idea of Dreadwing's former partners trying to lure him back into the fold.

"Is there a problem, Captain?" Dreadwing addressed Rainbow Dash, turning his head towards her. Dash felt like she'd been caught red-handed.

"No." Dash instinctively fibbed. "Maybe. Yes. You're not gonna go back to them, are you?"

"No, no. . ." Dreadwing assured her, walking towards her and picking her up in his silver claw, lifting her up to his face. "Megatron was a symbol of the Deception cause. I always thought of Megatron as invincible. And as long we had Megatron, the Deception cause would progress." Dreadwing gazed at the sky. "Now, with him dead. . . that symbol is dead to me, and the cause with it."

Rainbow Dash let out a deep breath. "Okay. . . that's-that's good to hear. I'm gonna go back to the square now, all right?"

Rainbow Dash flapped her wings and flew out of Dreadwing's palm, then reunited with Twilight in the square. By not watching her flight path and crashing straight into the unicorn, of course.

"Rainbow Dash!"

"Heh-heh. Sorry." Dash got up off her friend, then helped Twilight to her hooves.

"You need to be more careful!" Twilight scolded. "It's fine when it's me, but what if you rammed into an Autobot's shoulder!? You'd have broken something!"

"Rainbow Dash this, Rainbow Dash that." Dash mocked in a whiny voice. "What are you, my mother?"

Twilight lowered her eyelids and huffed.

"Well, well, well." A deep, but posh voice said, the echo of iron footsteps approaching. Rainbow Dash and Twilight looked up to see two Decepticons approaching them.

One was relatively small, dwarfed by his companion. He had a pronounced hunch, wings off his back like a Seeker that ended in curved blades, and slender black limbs that ended in claws for his hand and high-heels for his feet. His face was long, with high jawbones and an impressive chin, with an a fin pointing from the center of his grey, skull-like helmet. His chest was small, and most of his body was green and black, save for touches of gold here and there.

The other was much bulkier. He had a broad wide chest that seemed designed to interface with something, a round head with a triangular face was both visor-and-faceplate combo, and seemingly an entire cement mixer for his right arm. There was an antennae curved around the side of his head. His legs were stout and ended in treadmill-like platforms. His colors were a dull yellow and stony green.

"So, these are the Executioner Six Ponies." The bulkier one said.

"'Executioner Six?'" Rainbow Dash questioned. "What is that supposed to mean!?"

"You know," the smaller one said, waving his claw. He sounded much more meek than his friend. "Executioners. . . you were at the New York Massacre, they were six of you, and you were in the forefront of Optimus Prime's executioners. . . hence, Executioner Six." He nervously twiddled his fingers. "Perhaps the 'Mane Six' would be friendlier?"

"Mane Six?" His friend questioned.

"You know, they're ponies, they're six of them. . . the Mane Six!"

"That. . . is quite possibly the dumbest thing I've ever heard." His friend quipped.

"Who are you, anyway?" Dash demanded.

"Apologies." The yellow one said. "I am Heavy Load, and this is my fellow student, Fractyl."

"Student?" Twilight asked.

"Yes. We're proteges of Thundercracker, the famed Seeker chemist."

"Sounds. . . very vaguely familiar." Twilight muttered. "What are you doing here?"

"Discussing the benefits and disadvantages of opening relations with your kind and the humans." Heavy Load answered, giving Fractyl a glare. "I think the humans offer us an opportunity, and your kind. . . you pose a threat to us all. Fractyl disagrees." Heavy Load added much more quietly, "the hippie."

"W-w-well," Fractyl stuttered, "I think we have nothing to fear as long as we keep an open mind and a clear head."

"That's very gracious from a Decepticon." Twilight complimented, causing Fractyl to smile nervously. "What's this I hear about an opportunity?"

"Ah, yes." Heavy Load hissed, and Twilight could tell he'd been dying to get to this point. "The humans. . . they're small. They're fragile. They're egotistical. They think they're bigger and better than the rest, and they can do anything. If they ever got . . . out of hand, a simple show of force would put them back in line. Your kind, on the other hand. . . you're humble, you're strong, and this is the clincher – you're magical. A fight between a human and a Decepticon could end in a stalemate, were the human well-equipped enough. A fight between a unicorn and a Decepticon, however. . . no matter which way you dice it, the 'Con is on the ground before he even had time to draw his weapon."

"That's not true!" Twilight defended.

"Oh, really?" Heavy Load growled. "Think for me, Twilight Sparkle: how many Vehicons did you kill during the massacre? One? Ten? A thousand? And more to the point, how fast did you kill them? What did you kill them with?"

Twilight's jaw dropped, as she realized Heavy Load may have a point. "That-that's different!" She scrambled for a defense. "Vehicons aren't real people!"

"Tch. You would think that, wouldn't you, Autobot?" Heavy Load scoffed, stinging Twilight deeply. She was always thought being considered an Autobot was something to be proud of. "Whatever excuse it takes to maintain the moral high ground, eh, Fractyl?" It was clear from Fractyl's face he didn't want to be involved in this. "Humans . . . are gullible. You Ponies . . . could easily be invulnerable, if you tried."

"I heard one of the human negotiators talk about something called checks and balances. . ." Fractyl muttered. "M-maybe if we use that system-"

Heavy Load went on, ignoring him. "I'll make a challenge to you, Twilight Sparkle. A few solar cycles from now, we'll be having a funeral for all the Vehicons killed that day. Come if you dare, and see the results of your gruesome handiwork."

Before Twilight or Rainbow Dash could say anything, a light-blue Seeker-type robot with a square helmet and silver chest began approaching them.

"Heavy Load, Fractyl." The Seeker-bot said, his voice somewhat British and sounding like a current of electricity was running through it. "There are you. What are you up to?"

"Just. . . discussing things with our new pony friends, Master." Heavy Load answered.

"Well, that's nice." The blue bot said, and Twilight realized this had to be Thundercracker. "Try to wrap things up. I've heard that the authorities plan on shutting everything down soon. I can't wait. . . I hate these large events. . ." Thundercracker turned around and walked off. Heavy Load followed. Fractyl exchanged uncertain glances between Twilight and his master, before joining up with his fellows.

"Well, that guy was a jerk." Dash concluded, before she saw Twilight's head was lowered to the ground. "Twilight? What's wrong?"

"He had a point." Twilight said, to Dash's surprise. "Compared to humans, we are powerful. And if I had to look at every Vehicon I shot with my magic, I . . . wouldn't be able to tell one from the next."

"C'mon, Twilight." Rainbow Dash said, putting a hoof on Twilight's shoulder. "Don't talk like that. He's just trying to get to you."

"Well, consider me as having been gotten to!" Twilight yelped. "We have magic. We can kill them very easily. . ."

"But we won't, right?" Dash asked. "The war's over, right? No more killing, right?"

Twilight raised her head, looking at Heavy Load's shrinking shadow. "I wish I could believe that, Rainbow Dash. But I don't think it's going to be as simple as just "war's over, let's live happily ever after!" No. . . there's rebuilding to do, friendships to forge between species, trust to build. . ."

Twilight, head still held low, trotted away from the crowd of mingling species, while the Changeling Batteries providing power above flashed suddenly, like they were rubbing in her sorrowful mood.

Afternoon, the next day. . .

Autobot Outpost Omega One, stationed near Jasper, Nevada, was the Autobot's first and foremost outpost on Earth. Re-purposed from a human base constructed during a conflict called the Cold War, Omega One was the main base of operations for Optimus' team, Team Prime. The majority of events happened in the main lobby, equipped with a computer hooked up to satellite scanners, but there was also a storage vault, lab, and private quarters for all the Autobots. The lobby had a computer station, manned by Ratchet, a terminal for a portal network called a Space Bridge, (formerly a GroundBridge, but with the war over, Ratchet had the resources to upgrade) and several railed platforms and other miniscule stuff meant for the usage of the humans.

Today, Team Prime, and Twilight's friends were relaxing at the base's lobby in between "large events" like Thundercracker had complained about. There was a lot which needed to be done, so they enjoyed their downtime when they could.

Pinkie lay her back on a table initially meant for giving the human trio somewhere to eat their lunch, kicking her front hooves forward in her boredom. "Bored!" Pinkie complained.

"Well, we can't spend every microt of every solar cycle focusing on your entertainment needs, now can we?" Ratchet, the Autobot's medic and arguably Second-in-Command, complained. Ratchet was a short, stocky mech, with a large backpack of kibble hanging over the back of his cowl, wheels in his broad arms, and fenders folded into his knees. His face was grey and statue-like, while two horns sprouted from the top of his helmet. He had a reputation for being a grouch.

"Hey, I've got an idea." Raf said, typing into his laptop he was seldom without. "How about a movie to pass the time?"

“Yeah!” Rainbow Dash agreed. “As much as I like to think Equestrians do everything better, I have to admit, you humans make some pretty awesome movies. What’s out right now?”

“Let’s see …” Raf pulled up a streaming website. “There’s Zootopia, Batman V. Superman, skip that one, it’s terrible, Captain America: Civil War.

“Ooh! I’ve seen that one! It was great. Let’s watch it again!” Rainbow Dash grinned.

Civil War? I don’t know, that doesn’t sound very nice …” Fluttershy said.

“Here.” Raf typed into his laptop. “I’ll pull up the trailer for you, and you can decide if you want to watch it.”

Raf played the trailer for the movie, but the loud, thumping noises and blaring music of the trailer unsettled Fluttershy.

“I think I’ll pass.” Fluttershy murmured, her ear twitching in pain.

“Yeah, me too.” Twilight said. “I went with Rainbow Dash. That movie made me uncomfortable. I mean, his best friend siding with the government over him at the cost of their friendship? That sounds terrible! Can you imagine if one of us or Princess Celestia did something like that?”

"Alright." Raf shrugged. Still seeking to entertain, he pulled something up on the laptop, then turned its screen toward them. It was showing a video of a monkey in a red top hat and pinstripe suit, chattering and dancing away under a spotlight.Thinking fast, he pulled his laptop and typed something in, then turned its screen toward them. It was showing a video of a monkey in a red top hat and pinstripe suit, chattering and dancing away under a spotlight.

Fluttershy gasped. "That's horrible! Whoever dressed that poor monkey up and forced him to dance should be punished!" Fluttershy stood up and marched towards the table, angrily glaring at Raf's laptop.

Raf could do naught but sigh.

Taking a look over their shoulders, Jack and Raf saw the other ponies had mixed reactions to the video. Twilight and Applejack were confused, Dash was amused, Pinkie was laughing hysterically, while Rarity seemed be feigning laughter for Raf's sake.

"Rarity, I appreciate you trying to spare my feelings, but please don't lie to me." Raf asked.

"Very well." Rarity said with a head flick. "I shall endeavor not to do that to my little admirer." Rarity stood up and walked over to Raf, affectionately running her hoof through his hair before abruptly trotting off to find something else to do.

Raf frowned, while Miko came over and gave Rarity a look. "Yo, Raf-man! What was that all about?"

"Well . . ." Raf clicked his tongue. "When the Ponies first got here, I told Rarity I thought she was pretty. She. . . decided that meant I had a crush on her, and it's been awkward ever since."

"You have a crush on Rarity?" Miko quipped.

"I won't judge you, Raf, but I think that might be illegal." Jack added.

"No, no, no." Raf insisted. "I think she's pretty like a pretty horse, not a woman. She . . . doesn't seem to get that."

"So why not tell her the truth? Explain it to her?" Jack asked.

"I don't want to hurt her feelings. . ." Raf muttered. "I mean, can you imagine it?" Raf put his hands to his cheek and made a bad impression. ""Oh, Rafael! However could you compare me to one of those drab Earth-horses!? I am so wounded! You wouldn't know beauty if it bit you on the Cutie Mark!" . . . or something like that."

"I get what you're saying." Jack assured him. "But trust me. When it comes to women, it's better to come clean."

"I JUST TOLD you that I think she's a pretty like a horse! Like watching a majestic swan!"

"Oh, how cute!" Rarity squealed, reappearing with a glass that had a lime wedge, a little umbrella, and pineapple juice in her hoof. "He's writing poetry about me!" Rarity bent over and gave Rafael a smooch.

Rarity left again, while Raf's eye started to twitch.

"The sooner you explain, the sooner embarrassing instants like this will be over." Jack said.

Raf sighed and was about to relent when he felt something poke his shoulder. He turned around to see what appeared to be an upright, anthropomorphic green and purple iguana with green scales forming a Mohawk on its head, green eyes, and a pointed tail.

"You making googly eyes at my girl, pal?" The iguana-thing growled, raising its fists at Raf. Raf narrowed his eyes, and was about to give in to an obvious desire to slug the reptile when Miko intervened.

"Hey, Doc-bot!" Miko yelped. "We got an reptile thing here!"

"Wha-?" Ratchet turned away from his computer console to look at the reptile. "Oh, him. That's Spike."

"Spike?" Miko asked.

"Yes, Spike." Twilight said, coming around and putting a hoof on his shoulder. "He's my assistant at the Ponyvile Library. He's a baby dragon."

"A baby dragon!?" Miko exclaimed, bursting with excitement at the idea of meeting a dragon. She scanned Spike up and down. "Eh. He's not as impressive as Bob."

Spike took offense. "What do you mean, not as impressive as Bob? I'll bet you have ten times more muscle than Bob!" Spike took a pose, trying to flex his muscles.

"Yeeeaaa – no." Twilight and Miko both droned.

Twilight then noticed how Raf and Spike looked ready to get into a scrap. "Huh?"

"Hey!" Jack interjected, trying to avoid a conflict. "Ratchet, could you give Spike a tour of the base?"

"When did I become the dragon-keeper?" Ratchet grumbled, but Jack pointed at Raf's slightly-raised fists. Ratchet got the hint. "Oh, um, of course! If you will follow me, Spike?" Ratchet said, putting on a friendly face and gesturing towards the door. Spike gave Raf one last filthy glare before following.

"Arrg." Raf groaned, putting his hands over his head.

Jack whistled innocently.

"Fine!" Raf snapped. "I will come clean to Rarity, when I see her! Hm!" Raf began to stomp out of the room while an adult male with a thin mustache, a short comb-over, and somewhat protruding belly marched into the room with a black tuxedo suit on it.

"General Bryce." Twilight said, saluting. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm looking for Bill."


"Er, Agent Fowler." Bryce explained. "Have you seen him?"

"Yeah, he's right over there." Twilight pointed to the black male in the other side of the room dressed in a grey suit, with a long neck-tie, playing a video game console.

The console bleeped, the sound effects of an 8-bit explosion playing. "Aw, consarn it!" Fowler sworn, throwing the controller to the ground and sinking into his chair. "Lost again!"

"Ahem." Twilight cleared her throat. "Agent Fowler? You have a visitor."

"Huh?" Fowler turned and immediately jumped upon seeing Bryce. "General Bryce!" Fowler exclaimed, rushing over while trying to regain his composure after losing the game again. "What a surprise! I didn't expect to see you here."

"That makes two of us, Bill." Bryce said, attempting to march and meet Fowler halfway, but he accidentally bumped into Fluttershy in the process, causing a clang.

"Oh my!" Fluttershy exclaimed fearfully, using her hooves to cover her face from Bryce.

Bryce was going to apologize – he honestly was – but what instead came out of his mouth was "Did that pony just go clang!?"

Twilight chuckled menacingly. "Oh, you haven't been briefed on it? Figures you humans would be slow to share information. Fluttershy?" Twilight walked around Bryce and took Fluttershy's side. "If you would join me . . ."

Fluttershy nodded, and pulled out a white diamond-shaped gem. Twilight pulled one of the same. Both gems glowed intensely before giving a white flash that covered both Ponies. When the flash was gone, Twilight and Fluttershy had horrific mutations running through them, and the gems seemed to lose their luster.

Fluttershy was a few inches taller, and her body was covered in metal, like a Cybertronian. A dark green armor curved around her various parts of her sides and haunches, encircling around her Cutie Mark like a tidal wave. A bronze breastplate covered her chest, while her eyes, normally forest green and rounded, turned into a diamond shape which faded from forest green to dark, garnet orange. Her pegasus wings were replaced by iridescent, holographic blue and pink wings like a beetle's, and metal tabs came out from her hooves, forming clamps.

Twilight underwent a similar transformation, having the entirety of her body overrun by violet crystals, forming a sheen on her sides, spurs on the back of hooves, and clusters out the back of her pony-shoulders. Her Cutie Mark and eyes were glowing ominously. The whites or her eyes turned purple, while her irises turned white, and she had bony, skeletal wings that seemed made from dirt and soil.

"Wha-!?" Bryce exclaimed.

"I'm a new species called a Terrorpony, that is, a pony that's been resurrected by Dark Energon." Twilight explained. "Fluttershy meanwhile, was partially cyberformed into an Insecticon during a well-meaning but ill-advised attempt to have her as their new ruling regent. Our mutations give us unnatural power, above the average pony, but they're also . . . you know, disgusting. So," Twilight held her gem up, "We use these enchanted gems to hide our mutations." The gems flared up. There was another flash, and the mutations were gone.

"Eerr. . . okay. I get the feeling you were just trying to scare me for kicks, but I'll let it slide." Bryce said, while Fowler finally met him on the stairs. "Ah, Bill! Bad news, Bill."

"What?" Fowler frowned. "Is Galloway harping on the Autobots again?"

"No, no. . . ol' Franklin's kicked the bucket."

"Oh, no!" Fowler exclaimed. "Not old Frankie! He was one of the best of them back in the Rangers! What happened?"

"I'm told he died peacefully, in his sleep. I just found about it myself, actually." Bryce explained. "The funeral's been and gone, but his wife asked if could the old gang back together to give some prayers at the church."

"I'll be right there, sir." Fowler saluted.

"Church?" Twilight questioned. "What's a church?"

Bryce and Fowler looked to each other, neither of them wanting to be the one to have to explain the concept of a church to the alien unicorn.

"A church is . . . a safe house, of a sorts." Fowler explained. "Look, I'll explain more later. Right now, I'm going to go with Bryce, get my old Army pals, and get together and pray for old Frankie's soul. . . bless his heart, poor Frankie . . ."

"At least it was peacefully." Bryce comforted, patting Fowler on the back. The two walked out of the room, their hands on the others' back.

Twilight watched them go, before looking up at the Autobots' digital clock and seeing she was about to late for a meeting. "Oh, scrap it all! That's twice in one week! Later, everypony!"

Twilight ran towards the door, only to collide into Fluttershy mid-way.

"Oh my." Fluttershy mumbled. "I'm sorry, Twilight . . ."

"It's okay . . . wait, you look down. What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing . . ." Fluttershy fibbed, hiding behind her mane. "It's just . . . Rainbow Dash invited me to a concert, and I'm not sure I want to go."

Twilight draped a hoof around Fluttershy's neck. "Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash goes to events with you you don't like all the time. She doesn't show it, but she really dislikes waiting for all the slow paced things you love. She hides it, because you're her friend. I don't think it would kill you to return the favor once in awhile."

Fluttershy smiled, cheered by Twilight's words. "Thanks, Twilight. I needed to hear that."

"Great! Now, excuse me, but I really need to get to my support group!"

Twilight went off galloping. It was only after she was gone did Fluttershy wonder. . .

"Wait, support group? Support group for what?"

Raf nervously scooted around the hallways of the base, hugging the walls tightly so he could move without being detected.

He was very lucky, as he was fortunate to find Rarity in a room alone without somepony finding him and asking him what he was doing.

Rarity was sitting down on the floor, obviously taking a moment to just chill and relax.

Raf took in a deep breath. "Hey, Rarity?"

"Hmm?" Rarity said, turning towards him. "Oh. Yes, Rafael?"

"I . . . need to explain something to you." Raf said. "May I come in?"

Rarity's diamond eyes brimmed with concern. "Of course, darling. Whatever is the matter?" Raf came in and sat down next to her, and she gave an affectionate nuzzle. "Does it have to do with your crush on li'l ol' me?"

Raf sighed. "That's just it. I – don't have a crush on you, Rarity. I never did."

"Whaaat!?" Rarity recoiled. "But- when we first met, you said I was pretty! And you're always helping me out with little things, like when Sweetie Belle makes a mess of my clothes or-"

"I know, I know." Raf assured her, raising his hands to calm her down. "But . . . I do all those things just to be nice, because I think you're pretty."

Rarity stared. "I'm confused. I thought you just said you didn't have a crush on me?"

"I don't! But, see, when an Earth-horse is . . . " Raf struggled for a good word, "well-kept, it starts to look pretty. And I- I think you look pretty in that sense, not in a romantic sense. Rarity. . ."

Raf put his hand over her hoof. "I look at you, and I don't see a potential girlfriend. I see a majestic, beautiful, intelligent animal. I see a noble and brilliant creature that, up until a few years ago, I thought was a myth! I see nature at its finest, and I want to take care of it, the way Fluttershy takes care of all her pets. That's why I do all those nice things for you; I want to take care of you. Like a ranch hand."

"Ooh!" Rarity squealed, putting a hoof over her mouth while her eyes quavered. "Rafael . . . that-that was beautiful."

"Heh. Thanks, I guess." Raf smirked.

". . . you're sure you don't have a crush on me, darling? Because that was really quite poetic-"

Raf put his hand over his face. "YES!" Raf shrieked. "For Primus' sake, Rarity, yes! I am sure I do not have a crush on you!"

Raf looked to the door.

"But, uh, while we're talking about it, could you pass that to Spike?"

"Spike? Funny, I didn't think you two had met. Don't worry, I will. . . though I'm not entirely sure why."

"Just do it as a favor for me, okay?"

"Okay." Rarity smiled and gave Raf a big hug.

On Equestria, a large green circle the size of a house materialized before a pink treehouse. The green circle was like a 3D painting, with pink and darker green sparkles of energy swirling around its center as the celestial energies of its making worked to tear through silly notions of 'physics' and 'location.'

This was a Cybertronian technology known as the Bridge system, which came in both 'Space Bridge' and 'GroundBridge' varieties. With the Space Bridge tech, interstellar trips that would take days on end to complete could be done with a few seconds.

Twilight stepped out of Space Bridge and rushed inside the treehouse, the portal disappearing behind her.

Twilight Sparkle went inside the tree – a library which she managed and lived in. The interior was decorated in a fine, bright shade of pink, while large wooden bookshelves winded around the multi-story building.

Shining Armor and a dark blue azure unicorn girl were waiting for her, around a cyan circular carpet with black thin rings on it. Above them a light-blue banner reading "TERRORPONY SUPPORT GROUP" in purple letters was set up. The unicorn girl was wearing a purple hat and cloak embroidered with stars.

"Hey, Twiley!" Shining Armor greeted. "We were starting to get worried about you. You're never late. What gives?"

"Oh, got a little held up giving Fluttershy some advice." Twilight answered, turning to the blue unicorn. "Good to see you, Trixie."

"It is . . . good to see you too, Twilight Sparkle."

"So, what's on the agenda today?" Twilight asked, pulling a seat for herself. Shining Armor and Trixie nervously fiddled their hooves.

"Oh, this again?" Twilight huffed. "Really? Come on, ponies! Tell me what you're afraid of. That's what we're here for." Twilight grabbed Shining's and Trixie's hoof. "Come on. It's okay. It's called a support group, after all."

"Mm." The other two still didn't look convinced.

There was something the three of them had in common – and it wasn't just the fact they were unicorns. No, they were also a new breed – a new species called "Terrorpony", after "Terrorcon", their progenitor in a sense. They had all been infused with Dark Energon.

Dark Energon was a strange and terrible substance, originating from Cybertron and its living, physical Anti-God, Unicron. Dark Energon was formed from the fossilized, crystallized very blood of the Chaos-Bringing demon master. It had effects when introduced to a Cybertronian's and Pony's biology. It turned living Cybertronians into violent, savage fighters, addicted to a process called symbiosis and to physical pain. It turned dead Cybertronians into monstrous Terrorcons – zombie Cybertronians, for all intents and purposes. It poisoned living humans the way radiation poisoned them. (its effects on dead humans have yet to be tested) But it had a very strange effect on Ponies, in that it had the exact same effects on them as it did on Cybertronians.

Twilight, Shining Armor, and Trixie had been turned into Terrorponies through one set of circumstances or another. Funnily enough, Starscream – a Decepticon second only to Megatron himself in depravity and vileness – had been involved in all of their, er, transformations.

First, during the first time she came to Earth, Starscream lied to and convinced Twilight that the Autobots were merciless crusaders, and that she would have to take up Dark Energon to defeat them. In the process of mistakenly fighting the "evil" Autobots, Twilight was killed in the field of battle, but an accident let her revive herself with the D.E's little-understood power.

Second, after the misunderstanding was cleared up, Twilight came back to Equestria. Starscream followed, and ambushed Shining Armor one rainy night in the street. Twilight didn't hesitate to use her mastery over the Dark Energon to bring him back.

Third, Trixie actually threw her lot in with Starscream, not aware of the depths of his delusion. Starscream himself took up usage of the dark substance, and in a moment of rage, emanated a wave of energy that infused Dark Energon into every compatible being in its radius – including Trixie at the time. Trixie was perhaps the odd one out of the support group, as she never actually died. . .

Not currently present was Fluttershy, who was not a Terrorpony. However, she was cyber-converted into a half-Insecticon (a type of insectoid, Cybertronian lifeform) half-pony hybrid creature during a mistaken, but well-meaning attempt by an Insecticon Queen to "adopt" her as a Princess for her hive.

Twilight started the support group so that everypony had somepony to turn when the urge for symbiosis became too great to ignore, and everypony had a person to talk about being an undead sin against the natural order of the universe.

Things like that tended to be a wee bit traumatizing.

After talking about out a little bit, Twilight concluded the group meeting for the day. Trixie hurriedly waved goodbye and rushed out the door, leaving Twilight and Shining Armor alone.

"There she goes . . ." Shining Armor muttered. "What's up with her?"

"Oh, she only just recently "re-formed."" Twilight answered. "She's still getting used to having friends and ponies that actually care about her." It was true; prior to recently, Trixie had been an arrogant stage magician whose ego and glory were more important than friends, but the event with Starscream had taught her a lesson in humility, and Twilight was the only to approach her about being infused with Dark Energon. Trixie was eternally grateful to Twilight for that, but she was still adjusting.

"So . . . I guess it's just us, then." Shining Armor commented.

"Yup!" Twilight agreed, before deciding Shining had a hidden meaning in his voice. "What do you want to talk about, B.B.B.F.F?"

Shining Armor rubbed the back of his head nervously. "It's just . . . you've been spending a lot of time with the Autobots recently."

Twilight gasped. "What!? I have not!"

"Yes, you have." Shining Armor insisted. "Cadence and I are starting to miss you, and you've been using their lingo in your speech a lot. . . could you come visit her and I sometime?"

"Shining Armor, if you wanted me to visit you and Cadence, all you had to do was ask! There's no need to blow a gasket."

"Twiley . . ." Shining said sadly.

"Ooh," Twilight groaned, "would you get that damn wrench out of your afterburner . . ." Twilight abruptly stopped as she realized she was proving Shining's point. "Oh . . ."

Shining Armor looked horrified. "Twiley! Mom and Dad raised us not to that word!"

"Pfft. It's just a word."

"Twiley!" Shining Armor exclaimed again.

Twilight gave Shining a sympathetic look. "B.B.B.F.F, I'm sorry, but I'm not the little filly I used to be. War . . . does that to Ponies."

Twilight turned and trotted towards the door, opening it with her magic. "I would think you would understand that, wouldn't you?"

Shining looked away.

"Oh . . . that's right. . . you've haven't been in a real war, have you?"

The two siblings stood there in awkward silence for a moment, neither of them wanting to be the first to pick up on that sentence.

"Well, um," Twilight spoke after a while, "I have some errands to run." Twilight stepped and began edging the door to shut. "Feel free to make yourself at home. . ." Twilight closed the door, leaving Shining Armor alone.

Shining closed his eyes, turning his head to the floor. He sighed, raising his head back up to look at the door.

"What happened to that filly that I used to know?" Shining wondered.

Back on Earth, Ratchet and Spike came back through the door.

"Well, this has been fun, Ratchet!" Spike exclaimed happily.

"Yes. . ." Ratchet gritted, trying very hard to not let his irritation with Spike show through. The incessant dragon had shared with Ratchet no end of questions that even a first-cycle protoform should have known. "Fun."

"Well, I'm ready to head back now." Spike said. "Twilight's probably gone crazy without me."

"Oh, I'm sure she's gone something without you." Ratchet quipped dryly, and mirthlessly, pulling down the lever for their Space Bridge.

Spike waddled through the coppery arch where the Bridge formed, disappearing into the portal. It was only after it closed and he was gone that Ratchet noticed Fluttershy on a table, fiddling furiously with something.

"Fluttershy?" Ratchet asked, trotting over to the pegasus.

"Hmm?" Fluttershy asked, taking the thing she was working on under her hooves and hiding it. "Oh, hello, Ratchet. Can I help you?"

"What are you working on?" Ratchet inquired.

"Oh . . . nothing." Fluttershy's cheeks flushed, but Ratchet opted not to press the issue. Fluttershy noticed a forlorn expression on him. "Is something wrong, Ratchet?"

"Oh . . . just thought now might be a good time to bring something up." Ratchet said.

"Okay . . . What is it?"

Ratchet opened his mouth, but no words came out. He sighed and buried his head into his hand.


"It's - " Ratchet stuttered. "Fluttershy, this is very difficult for me to say. We've been friends a long time now, haven't we?"

Fluttershy gasped, putting her hooves over her mouth. Was Ratchet about to . . .?"

"Fluttershy, w-would you . . ."

Ratchet reached up and wrapped both his hands around the tip of her hoof as best he could.

"Ratchet?" Fluttershy squeaked, hyperventilation. "Y-y-y-you're not proposing to me, are you!?" Fluttershy took in deep breaths, not ready for that big a commitment. "We've only known each other so long!"

"Fluttershy . . ." Ratchet said, unamused.

"What about the legal papers!?"

"Fluttershy . . ."

"What would the children look like like!?"

"Fluttershy . . ."

"I guess we could adopt . . ."

"Fluttershy!" Ratchet snapped, making an angry gesture of tossing his arms in the air. Fluttershy whimpered and fluttered slightly away from him.

"Uuuh . . ." Ratchet rubbed his forehead in embarrassment. "No, Fluttershy, I am not trying to propose to you. I'm trying to ask . . . we've been friends for so long, I'm trying to ask . . ."

Ratchet put his hands around her hoof again.

"Could we be . . . family?" Ratchet spoke softly, and Fluttershy knew this was something special to him. Ratchet didn't lower his voice for just anypony.

"I'm . . . not sure what you mean." Fluttershy mumbled.

Ratchet shook his head. "Never mind, then."

"Oh, and Ratchet?"


"Are you sure this isn't a proposal?"

"YES! For Primus' sake, Fluttershy, yes, I am sure this is not a proposal!" Ratchet turned around and stormed off, swearing under his breath. " Matrix above . . . hmm . . . I'm getting the odd sense someone else just did this exact gag . . ."

Fluttershy slid her hidden object out from under her chest, now looking at it much more fondly.

Elsewhere, Fowler, Bryce, and their other old military buddies stepped through a church door. Fowler, being the last one in, took the time to close it.

The inside of the church was soothing. Mostly white marble throughout, with a pinkish-red carpet leading from the door up to the steps where the pastor stood behind a wooden podium. Stained glass of indiscriminate shapes replaced the normal windows, causing an illusion of pink, yellow, and more colors of lights to shine in through the door.

"Uh, Bill?" Bryce said. "We may have a problem?"

"Oh?" Fowler asked. Bryce directed his attention to the center of the floor, where someone was kneeling in a black, all-covering cloak. Fowler secretly cursed the fact they had to leave their weapons out.

"I'll take it from here, General." Fowler saluted, rolled up his sleeves, and approached the cloak-wearing stranger.

"Alright punk, you listen here." Fowler warned him. "If you think you're going to cause trouble in a church on my watch, you got another thing coming-!"

Fowler reached at the cloak and pulled it down, revealing . . . a familiar white unicorn.

"Agent Fowler?" Rarity asked, turning her head around. "What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here!?" Fowler asked, bewildered that a- a unicorn would be in his church! "What are you doing here!?"

The pastor looked up from his podium, and Fowler felt the need to wave while putting on a faux-innocent smile. While he was it, Fowler turned and raised his hand at his army buddies to let them they were A-okay here. "We're good, guys! Now," Fowler turned back to Rarity, "seriously, what are you doing here!?"

"Well, I . . ." Rarity muttered. "I heard that human churches offer forgiveness for sins, so I was hoping to acquire some of that for my own."

"Acquire?" Fowler sighed and pinched his forehead. "Rarity, you don't just 'acquire' forgiveness from the church." Fowler paused. "Wait, what sins?"

Rarity's demeanor changed instantly. Like flicking a light switch. "I'd . . . rather not say." Rarity patted at the ground next to her. "Although you're welcome to join me, if you like."

Fowler pouted, before relenting and sitting next to her. He brought his hands together, and he and Rarity closed their eyes while the rest of Bill's army buddies took their places on either side of her, praying for their old friend's safe passage.

Ratchet was still in the base, monitoring the computer, ostensibly waiting for something to happen. But in all honesty, after the all conflict on Earth, Ratchet was quite content to just sit there and stare at that blank, green screen.

Ratchet heard a scuffling noise and whipped around. "Who's there!?" He just barely made out the tip of a pink tail leaving the room.

"Fluttershy?" Ratchet asked. "Oh, I hope I didn't scare her. . . especially after earlier today." He stepped forward and was about to call Fluttershy's name when he noticed a gift box on the table.

"What's this?" Ratchet asked, stepping forward. It was a present box, like the kind humans gave each other. It was green and cardboard, with a red ribbon tying it.

Ratchet slid his finger into the ribbon and yanked, untying it. He lifted the lid on the box and let out a quiet gasp what was inside.

Contemplatively, Ratchet put the lid back on the box. He turned towards the exit.

"I don't know if you can still hear me, Fluttershy, but if you can . . . it's lovely."

Ratchet heard hooves stop, then start back up again. Ratchet chuckled.

"That's my girl. Always so skittish . . ." Ratchet reflected as he took the lid off again and removed it contents.

Ratchet looked around the room, and, deciding just above the door was the best place to put it, affixed the contents firmly there.

It was a frame. An intricate, mahogany frame with a glass casing. In the frame were various picture of Twilight, Optimus, Applejack, Pinkie, Dash, Rarity, Fowler, Arcee, Bulkhead, Ratchet, and Bumblebee. Jack, Miko, and Raf, cobbled together. They had obviously been taken not from one picture, but from different pictures from several unrelated occasions. At least two had been placed so it looked like Twilight was sitting on the hood of Optimus' alternate mode.

On the bottom edge of the frame, there was text in a slot. It was elegant, curvy, and loopy. It read words that made Ratchet smile.

The text read;

Our Family.

Back on Cybertron, Blackout was out moping before a statue of Megatron's likeness. He felt depressed. Shockwave was moving towards 'peace' with the Autobots and Ponies, not to mention the 'hoomans' or whatever. Dreadwing had left their ranks. Megatron was dead. What was a Decepticon loyalist to do?

Blackout sighed. He got a tingle up his spine. Blackout was amongst the greatest of Decepticon warriors, equipped with powerful Gatlings that could blow a hole in even the toughest material, a rotorslash weapon made of copter, and of course his sheer bulk. He was no slowpoke, either. Seeking out a fight with Blackout was akin to deliberately getting a rhinoceros to charge. And being such a powerful warrior, Blackout had his fair share of scraps. And thanks to those scraps, Blackout had developed a sort of sixth sense when someone or something with hostile intent was approaching him.

"Who's there!?" Blackout shouted, turning around and pointing his Gatlings.

"Easy, easy! I'm . . . a benefactor. Name's Dropshot."

Blackout looked left, then right.

"Down here, big guy."

Blackout looked down and snorted at the tiny mockery of a Decepticon at his pedes. He had a bulky chest designed for taking a hit, emblazoned with an "X" right in a prime target spot. It was like a human drawing a target around his Spark. The Decepticon's feet were made from the articulate claws of a mine-removing vehicle. He had a purple visor topped with green, crystal goggles.. His colors were grey, brown, and creamy-yellow. What Blackout found most curious was that he was barely larger than a human.

He had three Ponies around him. One orange, with wings and purple eyes and hair. One was white, with swirly pink -purple hair, green eyes, a horn. The last was yellow, like the inside of an apple, with red hair in a bowtie. That one had yellow eyes.

"Who are you?" Blackout demanded.

Dropshot snapped his fingers. "Name's Dropshot. You're Blackout, right? I've heard good things about you, friend!"

"You and I are not 'friends.'" Blackout corrected him.

"Okay, acquaintance." Dropshot corrected. "Anyways, point is, you miss Megatron. Right? Am I wrong?"

"No . . ." Blackout admitted, rubbing his elbows sorely. "You are right, but . . . why do you ask?" Blackout pointed his weapon and stomped forward.

"You're dissatisfied with Shockwave, right?" Dropshot prodded further. "Well, what if I told you that I could help you bring the 'Cons back to their former glory? And what if I told you . . ." Dropshot brought the three fillies in front of him, and only now did Blackout noticed their eyes were dull and glassy. Like they had been doped up on a substance of questionable nature."

"What did you do to these poor fillies? They looked drugged."

"My friend - acquaintance, I can one-hundred percent assure you they are not drugged."

Blackout looked at the fillies, then to Dropshot. He stroked his chin. His interest sparked by Dropout's insistence on them not being drugged, Blackout knelt down to his new tiny companions.

"I'd say I'm listening . . ."

II: These Rites of Ours

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Equestria, Wonderbolt Academy.

The Wonderbolt Academy was a military camp, accessible only by those with the power of flight. Before the Decepticon Occupation, that meant only pegasi and Equestrian gryphons, but now, with the humans' plane technology and the Decepticon jets, flying was no longer such an ubiquitous feature.

Like most military installations, it had a mess hall, comfy offices for the commanders, and very poorly padded huts for the cadets and trainees. Most of the huts were identical to each other, except for a number above their door. But there was one hut that was identifiable as Rainbow Dash's by its very distinct neighbor.

A navy-blue F35-Lightning style jet adorned with subdued yellow, like a Blue Angels aircraft, parked just to the side of the building. This was Dreadwing's vehicular mode.

Dreadwing had joined the Wonderbolts to give him a sense of purpose after Megatron's demise. He was a soldier to his core, and like any soldier, he wasn't happy if he wasn't given orders. Spitfire, a yellow pegasus with fiery red hair who was captain of the Wonderbolts, had initially been reluctant to the idea of accepting a Decepticon within her ranks, but Dreadwing had quickly proven himself a loyal and steadfast trooper.

Rainbow Dash, having fought in the War before the New York Massacre, was resistant to the idea of Dreadwing being her wingpony. Her previous wingpony had proven herself to be something of an arrogant jerk, eventually leaving the academy in shame. Getting Rainbow Dash a new wingpony to replace her old one had been a pain . . . until Dreadwing came along. Naturally, having just spent the last days of the war on opposite sides, Dash vehemently resisted Dreadwing's efforts to ingratiate himself, but Spitfire and Dash came around after seeing Dreadwing's ability to follow orders.

As the time came for the cadets to haul Cutie Mark out of their bunkers, Dreadwing was just a minute ahead of Rainbow Dash. His jet-form broke apart into panels and blocks, revealing swivels and hinges other mechanical parts that would give his autonomous robot mode movement. Once his transformation sequence was complete, Dreadwing took a look around and attempted to enjoy the fresh air. He heard about organics doing that sort of thing and he wanted to fit in.

Being a machine, Dreadwing had an internal clock wired into his body, so he knew exactly what time it was.

Dreadwing raised his hand and knocked gently on Rainbow Dash's hut. Being made of metal, even a gentle knock from him was enough to send reverberations throughout the hut.

Dash swung the door open, still clad in white and pink-striped pajamas, rubbing her tired eyes. She yawned. "Oh . . . what's the problem?" She asked thin air.

"Nearly 8 A.M on this planet's time, Captain." Dreadwing stonily informed her, appearing from the side of her cabin. "Time for all the cadets to get up, unless I'm mistaken."

"Whatever. . ." Dash grumbled. She was not a morning pony by any stretch of the imagination. "Alright, alright . . . come on, Dreadwing." Dash instructed, walking the steps from her cabin. She had only taken a few steps out before realizing Dreadwing wasn't following her.

"Yo, Dreadwing! There a problem!?"

Dreadwing pursed his lips. "You are . . . not in uniform."

"Oh, for Celestia's sake . . . " Dash muttered under her breath, bringing a hoof to her forehead. "Fine. You go on without while I get dressed." Dash turned and headed back inside her cabin while Dreadwing saluted her and then followed her orders, tromping his way towards the plateau where Spitfire belted out their orders for the day.

Dreadwing frowned, which increased inch-by-inch into an angry grimace. Rainbow Dash hadn't noticed. Spitfire hadn't noticed, or she had and turned a blind eye to it. But all the other cadets gave him looks. They were uncomfortable around him. They were distrustful and suspicious of him.

Most days, Dreadwing ignored them. His sense of professionalism meant he disregarded their uncertain stares and dismissed their nervous posture.

But today, he heard them whispering, and even though he wasn't one for baseless accusations, he knew they were whispering about him. Two cadets, one a blonde light-blue pegasus mare, the other a white, blue-haired stallion, were muttering fervently into the ear of the other.

Dreadwing would allow them all the stares and gestures they liked, but spreading rumors was where he drew the line.

Approaching the two gossips, Dreadwing crossed his arms and growled.

"Is there a problem, my fellow cadets?"

The two ponies looked up, worried that they had been caught.

"Uh, no!" The mare assured him uncertainly. "No problem here at all!"

"Hmm." Dreadwing leered at them before turning and resuming his march to the plateau.

"Alright, cadets!" Spitfire, clad in her uniform, shouted at them once they had all been gathered. "It's time for a performance review!" Spitfire blew on her whistle and shook her hoof at the clouds. "Fly!"

The cadets all galloped towards the edge before spreading their wings and taking to the sky, Rainbow Dash included. Dreadwing waited for the other cadets to depart before running after Rainbow Dash. The force of his cobalt legs could easily trip the other cadets if he wasn't careful.

Only mere seconds behind Rainbow Dash's jump off the cliffside, Dreadwing jumped after her, transforming mid-jump to follow. Rainbow Dash began swerving through the air, showing off her aerial skill. Despite Rainbow Dash’s increasingly complicated flight maneuvers, Dreadwing followed her movements with pinpoint accuracy.

"Hey guys!" Rainbow Dash waved as she smashed through a cloud and happened upon her fellow cadets in flight. "What's up?"

"Oh, nothing much . . . " One cadet said.

"Yeah, nothing much here . . . e-excuse us, we have to go."

The two cadets straightened out their wings and did a swan dive away from Dash.

"Huh. Wonder what that was all about."

Dreadwing speculated it had something to do with his bulky jet-form tailing closely behind Dash, but he felt she didn't need to know that.

Later, after the drills were all done, Dreadwing flew away from the Academy by himself and did a fly by of some otherwise unnoticeable lake some distance away. He swerved down and converted into robot mode, landing down at the side of the lake. Fluttershy was there, on the other side of the water, standing by the edge and watching the water with two of the Insecticons – giant dark green Cybertronian beetle-bots – were lying in their beast modes with her.

"Hmm?" Fluttershy questioned, looking up. "Oh. Hello, Dreadwing." She resumed staring at the lake.

Dreadwing grunted. He was a Decepticon, a Seeker! A brutal aerial warrior with no equal! He shouldn't have been sitting next to this shy pony, idly gazing at still waters! He should be drawing his blaster and demanding her immediate surrender in the name of Megatron!

But Megatron was dead, and the "shy pony" had established herself as capable of kicking as much Decepticon flank as the next well-trained Autobot guardian.

Most Ponies and Humans probably wouldn't have understood Dreadwing's discontent with his situation. To them, it was an ideal scenario; the driving force of his military is gone, so he needs something to do with his life. Bam, finds a place with the Wonderbolts. Now he's got something to do, right?

But in Decepticon terms, Dreadwing had gone from being a five-star general to a bum living with whoever was willing to put a roof over his head. Decepticons did not need measly, tiny organics to be their keepers. They could take care of themselves!

Except for Dreadwing, who had chosen to sign up for the Wonderbolts and be barked at by creatures who he was capable of stepping on.

Dreadwing sighed, reflecting his lot in life.

Fluttershy noticed. "Dreadwing? Is something wrong?"

Dreadwing looked at her, then looked at the water. He knelt on one knee and touched his silver finger to the lake, making it ripple.

"Why are you at this lake, Fluttershy?" Dreadwing asked. "There is nothing here!"

Fluttershy shrugged, giggling. "So you say, but I know if I wait long enough, I'll get to see the cute little fishies making their rounds!"

Dreadwing shook his head, Fluttershy's nature-loving ways lost on his Seeker-Warrior mind. "Why? What is the purpose in such activity?"

"Oh, I don't know . . . it makes me happy, I guess. To see the fish living their lives happily, with nothing on their mind. Nothing to worry about except food and air for them." Fluttershy closed her eyes, imagining a blissful life as a simple-minded fish. "Wouldn't that be great? A life free of conflict and strife . . ."

Dreadwing's carmine optic twitched in disbelief. A life free of conflict? That sounded dreadful. Dreadwing had been born for war, built for war, and trained for war. Conflict was his driving purpose. If he wasn't in a fight, he was thinking about how to improve himself for the next fight.

Dreadwing took a moment to think about what Fluttershy said, when an unpleasant memory made its way into his mind.

Are you happy, Dreadwing? Blackout's voice echoed in his mind.

Dreadwing turned to his reflection. He saw the Wonderbolt stickers pasted over his wings where his Decepticon badge would be. He saw it- he saw himself, standing there. Standing still, motionless. Purposeless. A rebel without a cause. A knight without a flag. A black knight, devoid of identity and renounced of his kingdom. Where would all this training at the Wonderbolt Academy get him, anyway? Into the Wonderbolts themselves? To do what? Fly around and around in circles at air shows and fail at being an effective military presence?

No. That was not a life Dreadwing thought was worth living.

"Hmph." Dreadwing grunted, turning to leave.

"Dreadwing?" Fluttershy squeaked. "Where are you going?"

Dreadwing didn't answer her, transforming and blasting off.

Meanwhile, in Twilight's library, Twilight observed herself in the mirror. She was wearing a black dress, black veil, and a sun hat with a red band around it.

This is what Earth women wore at funerals, right?

Twilight Sparkle exited out the door of her library, trotting out onto the grass. She sat on her haunches.

She arranged for a Space Bridge to pick her up, and was waiting on it to open so she could go through. She noticed an orange filly, a white filly, and a olive-yellow filly running towards her. The group was collectively known as the Cutie Mark Crusaders, comprised of Scootaloo, a pegasus, Sweetie Belle, Rarity's younger sister, and Apple Bloom, Applejack's younger sister.

"Twilight!" Apple Bloom shouted as they ran up to her. "Twilight! Hey, Twilight!"

"Hey, girls." Twilight greeted as they excitedly trotted up to her. "What can I do for you?"

"We heard you were gonna go to Cybertron!?" Scootaloo chattered.

"Yes, that's right . . . whyyyy do you ask?" Twilight’s voice started off pleasant, but swerved abruptly towards suspicious. The Cutie Mark Crusaders were never the most responsible kids, so Twilight had reason to be suspicious.

"Can we come with you?" Scootaloo blurted.

"We've never been on Cybertron ourselves!" Apple Bloom added.

"I heard that its covered in ruins and powered by Changelings!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed. "Is that true!?"

"Yes, it's true." Twilight replied, putting a hoof on her head. Her mind was heavy right now, so it didn't occur that maybe something as nasty as the Changeling Batteries would be best ket hidden from the fillies. "Yes, it's covered in ruins. And I would love to take you sometime, but I'm . . . going to a very dark place, today."

"A dark place? Does that mean all the lights are permanently off?"

"No, no." Twilight grimaced. Should I tell them about the Vehicon funeral I’m going to? She eventually decided against it. Twilight didn't know if they understood enough about death rituals, let alone foreign rituals, and she didn't want to be the one to explain to them. Applejack and Rarity would overreact and have her hide if she did that. "It's adult pony stuff. You wouldn't understand."

"Oh, pleeease?" Apple Bloom begged. "We'll be real good! We promise!" They huddled together and quivered their lips, yellow halos of light magically forming around their heads.

" . . . Hooow are you doing that?" Twilight questioned, pointing to the halos on their heads. In magical Equestria, spontaneous generation of light wasn't unexpected, but these three were fillies, and the only unicorn amongst them wasn't even old enough to do magic.

"Do what?" Scootaloo asked innocently.

Twilight sighed. She clearly wasn't going to get anywhere with this.

"All right, fine. But don't touch anything, don't wander off, and don't interact with anypony unless I say it's okay!" Twilight sternly warned them, as the Space Bridge appeared next to her. Twilight shepherded them through the Bridge with her.

On the other end of the Bridge was a copper-colored plaza area. The Bridge deposited the quartet of Ponies right in front of what appeared to be a Cybertronian reception desk, where a Vehicon was stationed. The Vehicon turned his head, seeing the Space Bridge, but not its comparatively tiny occupants

"Hello!" Twilight called. "Down here!" The Vehicon put his claws on the desk and leaned forward, eventually spotting them.

"Oh. Hello. What can I do for you?" The Vehicon asked pleasantly.

"I'm here about the . . ." Twilight frowned and looked the Crusaders. Twilight beckoned the Vehicon closer. The Vehicon reached up and used his claw to pick Twilight like a crane, bringing her close to his head.

" . . . The funeral?" Twilight said quietly.

"Oh." The Vehicon replied. "Yes, I understand. I'm sorry, but . . . the funeral has been delayed."

"Delayed!?" Twilight shrieked. "What possible reason could you have for delaying it!?"

"Miss, I'm just the attendant. I don't make the decisions, I just follow them. But to answer your question, it's been delayed because we've been given notice we'll have another addition."

"What!?" Twilight exclaimed. "How could you possibly know ahead of time that a Decepticon is going to die?"

The Vehicon hesitated before answering.

"Because this death has been prearranged."

Later that night on Equestria, where the sky was a clear, vivid dark purple adorned with stars . . . Dreadwing stood cross-armed on the edge of the Wonderbolt Academy plateau, waiting for Rainbow Dash.

"Hey!" A rainbow blur appeared and landed behind him, shifting from a blur into the image of a blue Pony. "You wanted to see me, Dreadwing?"

"Yes." Dreadwing answered, turning to her. "Yes, I did."

"What about?" Dash asked casually, bouncing up and rolling over onto her back side.

Dreadwing turned his head away. "About . . . my future."

"'Kay." Dash said, missing Dreadwing's grave tone. "What about it?"

Dreadwing lowered his brow, observing that Rainbow Dash was missing his body language.

"Rainbow Dash, I no longer wish to be a Wonderbolt cadet."

Dash's eyes widened. Being a Wonderbolt had always been her dream. And for Dreadwing to be as close to realizing that dream as she was, only to want to quit? It was inconceivable. A scandal, even!

"W-what? But why?" Rainbow Dash didn't want to admit it, but she was upset. Dreadwing was a good partner.

"This is not my place." Dreadwing stated simply. "I am a Decepticon. A soldier. A warrior." A look of disgust creased his face. "I do not belong with peace-loving, friendship-toting, "redemption"-happy Ponies. I was meant to win glorious battles in the name of my sovereign. With my . . . defection to the Wonderbolts, my "sovereign" is now Princess Celestia, who would never send me to fight for her cause. If she needs something done, she calls upon you, Twilight Sparkle, and the rest of your compatriots . . . while I am stuck behind at this base, forced into repetitive flying training day in and day out! And for what!? To fly around in circles as some form of amusement!? No. No, that is not a life I wish to live, Rainbow Dash."

"In fact . . ." Dreadwing continued. "I no longer wish to live, period. I've sent a communique the Decepticon Justice Division to turn myself in as a deserter. In two days, I will meet them on Messatine, and they will fight with me to the death. They will inevitably kill me, after a long and ..." Dreadwing paused, savoring the mental images of himself in glorious battle, "brutal, devastating fight." Dreadwing thought about being thrown into a gladiator pit and being forced to fight with opponents far superior to him. Robots with more upgrades, bigger guns, and faster equipment for movement. The thought made him smile peacefully.

Which contrasted sharply to Rainbow Dash's open-mouthed, slack-jawed expression of horror.

The next day at Omega One, Optimus had dislocated Ratchet from his usual post to take over the computer. Optimus was gesturing towards the computer, which was displaying a view of a planet from spatial orbit. In front of him were the rest of Autobot High Command, Magnus, Magnum, and Grimlock.

"-reports indicate the base is located here, in this sector." Optimus said, adding to the information he already gave to his fellows.

"Uh-huh." Grimlock cricked his neck. "What do you want US to do about it, exactly?"

Optimus was about to answer when a Bridge opened smack-dab in the middle of the floor, and Rainbow Dash came careening out of it like a skidding car about to crash. She skidded to halt at Magnum's feet.

"Guys!" Rainbow Dash panted, out of breath. "Guys! I . . . - need your help!"

"Slow down there, soldier." Magnum said. He bent down and picked Dash by the scruff of her neck. "What seems to be the problem?"

Rainbow Dash took in a deep breath. "Dreadwing . . ." She gestured at the Bridge. "Dreadwing's gone crazy!"

Ultra Magnus chuckled. "So? He's a Con, isn't he?"

"Yeah, but . . . he's not usually like, Con-Con levels of crazy!"

"Con-con? I'll never understand your organic slang. . . " Magnum noted.

"He- he just told last night he arranged to meet the Decepticon Justice Division, and they were going to kill him!" Rainbow Dash made to go through the Bridge. "Come on! We gotta stop him-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Ultra Magnus pinched Rainbow Dash's tail between his fingers. "Hang on there, little pony." Dash glared. Magnus continued. "While I'm normally all for rushing headfirst into the field of danger, guns a-blazing with no plan or strategy, you can't fight the Decepticon Justice Division!"

"Can too!" Rainbow Dash protested.

Magnus blanched. "No, no you really can't. Let me explain something to you, Rainbow Dash: In 'Decepticon Justice Division', 'justice' means unmarked graves. Their alternate modes? All torture devices. One of them turns into a freakin' electric chair. You really don't want to mess with a bot who decides he's going to transform into a stationary execution device!"

"So!?" Rainbow Dash protested, shaking herself free of Magnus' grip. "We still have to save Dreadwing! He wants them to kill him because he 'doesn't want to be a Wonderbolt'!" Rainbow Dash prepared to zoom through the Bridge again. "Come on, people! We need to smack some sense into him AND smack some Division flank!"

Rainbow Dash moved for the Bridge, but was surprised when she smacked into the glass of Optimus' chest. She removed himself from Optimus' windows and hovered in front of him.

"Rainbow Dash," Optimus said in that stern voice of his, "while I do not condone Dreadwing's willful decision to end his own life, I also do not approve of you deciding what is best for him." Optimus put his hands on his hips and leaned down as Rainbow Dash looked shamefully at the ground. "Did Dreadwing mention why he no longer wishes to be a Wonderbolt?"

Rainbow snorted, crossing her forelegs. "Yeah! He said that he was 'a soldier' and that Celestia always has me and the other girls do things, so he was never gonna get any action!"

"Anything else?" Optimus inquired, not thinking this was the full story.

Dash sighed. "He also said that Equestrians were peace-loving, and he didn't belong with us. Which is, like, soo not true! He totally belongs in Equestria as much as the next Autobot!"

"Dreadwing is not an Autobot." Optimus reminded her. "And he is indeed, first and foremost, a warrior. It is likely that Dreadwing feels that, without a war or cause to fight for, Dreadwing feels he no longer has anything to live for."

Rainbow Dash attempted to argue. "But – he could be a Wonderbolt with me! Can you imagine!? Ponies will talk about "Rainbow Dash and Dreadwing, the very first Pony-Decepticon aerial flying duo!""

"And are you certain that a life of fame and fortune is what Dreadwing wants?"

Rainbow Dash's limbs sagged towards the floor. "No . . ."

Optimus carefully placed his fingers comfortingly around her back. "I will attempt to persuade him otherwise, but I do not believe I will be successful." Optimus carefully placed his fingers comfortingly around her back. "I will attempt to persuade him otherwise, but I do not believe I will be successful." Optimus took his hand off her, then put a finger on his head. “Hello, is this the right frequency? I’m calling for Dreadwing. This is Optimus.”

What do you want, Prime?” Dreadwing snapped through the comm.

“I wish to talk.” Optimus left the room for some privacy. “I’ve been told you are looking to kill yourself?”

Rainbow Dash was left hanging, flying in the air with nothing for her to do but worry. Ultra Magnus brought his fingers down her back the way a human might bring their fingers down the back of their cat, but it did little to sooth her.

“Rainbow Dash is not taking the news of your decision well.” Optimus said in the other room.

Rainbow Dash is not my keeper. She does not own me.” Dreadwing replied.

“While that is true, she still cares about you, and her opinion should be considered. Moreover, , what you are doing destructive and harmful, and it is a course of action I must highly advise-”

Save your breath, Optimus. I do not answer to you. I …” Dreadwing’s voice lost some of its steadiness. “I don’t answer to anyone, anymore. My mind is made up. Do not bother with any further attempts to dissuade me.” His ferocity returned. Optimus opened his mouth to speak, but the comm clicked off. Optimus shook his head.

He returned to the main room, where Dash was waiting.

"Well?" Dash questioned.

Optimus remained silent for awhile before answering.

"I am sorry, Rainbow Dash. Dreadwing appears to have his mind made up, and he will not deter from this course of action." Optimus looked up, painful memories resurfacing, brought up by Dreadwing's behavior. "That same kind of attitude that cost many Autobots and Decepticons their lives . . ." He shook his head sadly.

"What!? No!" Rainbow Dash flew up and put her hooves on Optimus' face, the way she might a fellow pony to physically shake their head. "Can't you do something!?"

"I tried, Rainbow Dash." Optimus said, sounding a little irritated by her touching him. With his finger, he gently pushed her hooves off his face. "But Dreadwing will not change his position."

"But . . . but . . ." Rainbow Dash stuttered weakly, eventually lowering herself to the floor. She put her hooves over her face. "But . . . I was actually starting to like him!"

"I'm sorry." Optimus said again with a tone of finality. He turned his attention back to the screen, continuing to explain about the planet. If Rainbow Dash could have heard him over her despair, she might have heard Optimus mention interesting names like "Scorponok," "Fearswoop," "Deathsaurus," and "Straxus."

When it was night on Equestria and Rainbow Dash still hadn't stopped moping around the Autobot base, Ultra Magnus and Grimlock decided to forcefully evict her through the Bridge to her living quarters on Equestria.

She settled into her bed, lying awake for most of the night, worrying about Dreadwing. She slapped herself. Dreadwing was a Decepticon! She shouldn't have been this . . . distraught over his passing. But she was. Perhaps, she realized, because though Dreadwing was a Decepticon, he never exhibited common Decepticon traits like megalomania, hubris, or homicidal urges to kill everything. Instead, he was thoughtful, logical, and respectful. As he was when he first came to the Wonderbolt Academy. He made every effort to ingratiate himself.

Rainbow Dash twisted on her bed, still wondering if there was anything she could for her unlikely Decepti-pal. Optimus wouldn't do anything she approved of, (for example, beating Dreadwing down and chaining him up until he let go of the idea) and the rest of the High Command, while powerful figures in their own right, ultimately submitted to Optimus.

Then it hit her.


Smokescreen was a member of the Autobot Elite Guard, the cream of the Autobot crop. He somehow ended up on Equestria after some wacky accident involving an escape pod that knocked him into stasis lock, a form of suspended animation. Thankfully for him, this was after Earth and Equestria made first contact, and Optimus had Smokescreen stationed on Equestria, as a easy go-to when the Ponies found themselves in need of an Autobot's services.

He was also an impulsive daredevil, so it would be easy for her to persuade him to go along with whatever scheme she cooked up.

"Okay." Rainbow Dash said, waiting in a meadow. She had arranged for the other girls and Smokescreen to meet her there. They arrived in short order.

"Rainbow Dash, darling, whatever is going on?"

"Yeah. Fluttershy shore got worked up on her way over here. Wut's up?"

Rainbow waved her hoof. "Yeah, yeah, hang on . . . I'm still waiting for someone." The sound of a roaring engine filled the air. Within seconds, a silver and blue racing car with a very long hood, sqaushed roof, and a checkerboard pattern with screaming 38's on its side arrived. It swerved into a stop, just shy of hitting one of them, then broke apart into panels and blocks as it took the form of a speedy-looking Autobot. Smokescreen's robot mode was lithe, sleek, and shiny. His feet were formed out of his headlights, his car-doors made wings off his shoulders, and he a broad, youthful face, like a jock, with a silvery-white helmet with red and blue crests.

"I'm here." Smokescreen said, alternating his gaze between the six of them. "What's up?"

"Dreadwing . . ." Dash said heavily, not wanting to explain again. "Dreadwing's arranged to kill himself."

The six mares let out a collective gasp. Smokescreen looked on, clearly puzzled. “...and?”
Rainbow Dash’s upset glare was enough to silence him.

"But-but why?" Fluttershy stuttered.

"He says he doesn't want to be a celebrity." Dash answered, sounding spiteful. "Says he's meant for combat, and Celestia won't let him. Says he wants to die in combat."

"Well, that makes sense." Twilight said. "Dreadwing is a Decepticon whose proud of his warrior heritage, and Celestia probably doesn't even realize that he's technically under her control . . ."

"That doesn't matter! Point is, we have to stop him! We can't just let him do this!"

Everyone exchanged worried glances.

"Are you sure about that, Rainbow Dash?" Twilight asked.

"Have you told Optimus, yet?" Rarity questioned.

"Yes, I told Optimus, and he wouldn't do anything about it! And – hey, what do you mean, 'am I sure?'" Rainbow Dash questioned, leering at Twilight.

"Well . . ." Rarity stressed, grimacing.

"Dreadwing isn’t used to life on Equestria. The culture shock might be getting to him."


"And … well, more seriously ... we know Dreadwing, Rainbow Dash. We fought him, and some schools of thought teach that combat is something that lets you know who a person really is. Have you ever known him to give up on anything once he’s set his mind to it?”

“No …” Dash groaned.

“Right.” Twilight placed a hoof on Dash’s shoulder, “So even if we stop him, what’s going to keep him from trying again? What if we keep him away from the fight, but then he decides to forgo all this ceremony and just stab himself and be done with it when we’re not looking?”

"That’s a good point, Twilight." Fluttershy said. “Why doesn’t he just do that?”

"I think it’s because he wants to die … semi-honorably. Most schools teach that suicide as a coward’s act, but with these other Decepticons involved, it’s more like a ceremonial execution of a deserter, which is probably what Dreadwing sees himself as." Twilight said. "Heey . . . wait a minute ..." Twilight put two and together and became angry. "This is the reason why they delayed the funeral? Because of Dreadwing pulling some nonsense?"

"You didn't tell us you were going to a funeral!" Fluttershy squealed. "Whose it for?"

"Oh . . . Vehicons." Twilight answered nonchalantly.

"A funeral for Vehicons?" Rarity questioned. "Well, that's funny. They're not . . . real, are they? They're drones?"

"That's what I thought, but I've since been informed otherwise." Twilight answered.

"Can we focus on the real issue, please!?" Dash screamed. "We need to find some way to keep the Decepticon Justice Division from offing Dreadwing!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Smokescreen interjected, making a 'T' with his hands. "Time-out! Did you say Decepticon Justice Division!?"


"We can't fight the Decepticon Justice Division! They say Tarn nearly ripped Optimus Prime's arms off on one encounter. They say the entire team's armor is made thicker with plating taken off their victims! They say, one day, Tarn walked into an Autobot saloon, and every Autobot inside spontaneously off-lined themselves rather than go up against him!"

Twilight and Rarity were unimpressed.

"They say a lot, don't "they"?"

"But Smokescreen!" Fluttershy protested. "You arrived here on a ship with the Decepticon Justice Division, remember?"

"I was lucky!" Smokescreen objected. "They decided I was too trivial to bother killing, so they just let me off on the first planet they reached!"

"Okay, okay!" Twilight shouted. "Everypony take in a deep breath!" The others did as Twilight instructed, including Smokescreen . . . somehow . . . despite . . . being a robot, and . . . not needing to breath.

"You said Optimus didn't do anything?" Rarity asked Dash. "Well, now, that doesn't sound right. I don't think Optimus would approve of Dreadwing marching into his doom."

"He didn't, and he tried, but all he did was just talk to him." Dash scoffed. "Can you believe that?"

"Actually, I can."


"It makes sense." Twilight added. "Optimus believes . . . what was it, again? . . . "The freedom to choose is the right of all sentient beings." He also believes in the sanctity of life. He would certainly try to convince Dreadwing not go through with it . . . but if Dreadwing didn't listen, Optimus wouldn't force him not to. It's like a Catch 22. He can either violate either his principles about life and let Dreadwing kill himself, or he can violate his principles about freedom of choice and keep Dreadwing from doing what he wants, even if he "wants" is to die."

Dash stuttered. "You . . . I . . . I can't believe this! I thought you were my friends!"

"We are your friends, Rainbow Dash." Rarity gently reminded her. "That's why we're trying to make you see this from a different angle. I certainly respect that you want to keep Dreadwing alive . . . but given everything Twilight's said, I’m not sure that we can, unless we put him a straight-jacket, and I don’t think they make those in his size."

Dash's face contorted in anger.

"Goodness, darling!" Rarity exclaimed, taking another look at Twilight's face. "What are those bags under your eyes?"

"Oh, these?" Twilight asked, rubbing her eyes, which had dark bags under them. "Oh, Princess Celestia made me read twelves books in one weekend. She says its part of a study for a really, really big test."

"Well, that's kinda ridiculous." Rarity said.

"I know, right? In one whole weekend!"

"Actually, darling, I was referring to how it was ridiculous you'd have trouble reading that many books. I was very much under the impression you read nearly as four times that . . . in your sleep."

Twilight blushed. "Well, what can I say? Apparently it's a very, very big, important test that's, like, going to determine if I can advance to 'the next level' of my studies."

"Next level?" Rarity raised an eyebrow. "What does that mean?" Twilight shrugged.

"Um, hello!?" Dash yelled. "Can we please focus on MY problem!?"

"Oh. Sorry. Yeah. Sure."

Elsewhere, on a distant planet far, far away from Equestria, a Space Bridge portal opened.

On this arctic planet, Dreadwing stepped out of the portal onto icy-white ground, his fists curled for a good fight. The weapons holstered on his back were raised slightly, and his face was grim, but it seemed to be hiding a smile. The area was dead silent, the only sound being the clang of Dreadwing’s footsteps as he walked across the frost, the ice cracking beneath his feet.

Messatine was the planet's name. It was a far-off "galactic outpost", which the Cybertronians' War had caught in its grasp during the period of expansion. It was known for being where the Decepticon Justice Division spent most of their time.

The Space Bridge Dreadwing arrived on closed behind him . . . and Dreadwing was displeased to hear the hum of another Space Bridge opening.

Dreadwing turned around and reached over his back, drawing out his hand-held sword that curved at the top. "Who goes there!?"

Dreadwing was both relieved and upset when Rainbow Dash, Smokescreen, Twilight, and the other girls stepped out of the Bridge. The Ponies were dressed in blue space suits that looked like they came from a cartoon, with glass bowls for helmets and green rings around their suits.

"Hey, Dreadwing!" Smokescreen said, trying to break the ice. "What's up?"

Rainbow Dash trotted briskly forward, planting her hooves into the ground.

Dreadwing scowled, aiming his sword at them. "You should not have followed me here, Rainbow Dash."

"Well, I did!" Dash said defiantly, rising to meet him. "I'm gonna stop you from this, one way or another! We came here for you, Dreadwing!"

"I did not ASK for you to come here for me!" Dreadwing said.

"As your Wonderbolt captain, I order you to stand down!"


Dreadwing reached over his shoulders and tore off the Wonderbolt stickers covering his Decepticon insignias, tossing them to Rainbow Dash.

"Dreadwing!" Twilight shouted, intercepting the stickers' trajectory. "It's not too late to go back through the Space Bridge and forget about this. Rainbow Dash is too proud to admit it, but you're a pretty good partner, and you're not really a bad guy. I could put a good word and have the Princess give you a new purpose. Like . . . a reserve officer, or . . . a consultant of Decepticon psychology!"

Before Dreadwing could reply, there was a scream.


Smokescreen, Dreadwing, and the girls turned around to the sight of five Decepticon shadows marching across the landscape, approaching them; the Decepticon Justice Division, in the mesh.

"We have agreed to meet you here, Dreadwing." The foremost shadow said. "It always pains me when a loyal Decepticon abandon Megatron's path. You were one of the good ones, Dreadwing. I'm so glad you came to your senses and decided to turn yourself in."

"Who are your friends, there, Dreadwing?" One of them asked.

"They're not my friends." Dreadwing said quickly.

The shadows got closer, revealing their colors and shapes. Their names were Tarn, Vos, Tesarus, Kaon, and Helex. Tarn was a purple and white Decepticon that turned into a tank, and it showed; his boots were wide and flat, and his shoulders were made completely out of folded-up tank treads. His face really had been altered to look like the Decepticon logo. He had an arm-cannon on his right arm that was like two cannons stacked on top of each other and pointed antennae behind his head, from his back. Possible sword hilts, perhaps?

Kaon was more meek and normal looking, a violet and cream purple with bumps on his helmet, and a mostly normal face. There was fan in his chest, and cylinders generating electricity on his shoulders.

Vos was even smaller than Kaon, but no less creepy for it. His colors were black and silver, and he was covered in studded belts. He had normal optics (as far Decepticon optics can be "normal") and a face plate. He looked almost small enough for the other DJD to . . . wield.

Tesarus was bulky, olive green, and had treads in his shoulders and legs. His chest had a whirling pit of blades in, like a garbage disposer, and long tentacles that ended in claws were mounted on his chest. His mouth was normal, but his eyes were covered with a huge red "X".

Helex was less eccentric, with a normal face. Green, lavender, white, and olive green. He had a glass chamber in his chest, and two pairs of arms. His normal pair and a smaller pair around his waist, and vents spread through his upper body.

"Come on!" Rainbow Dash shouted, running forward. Twilight used her magic to pull her back.

"Rainbow Dash!" Twilight scolded. "Don't just charge into the fight like that!"

Rainbow Dash charged towards them the DJD again, but Vos leaped into the air and transformed, revealing his alternate mode of being a large, black sniper Cybertronic rifle with a purple glowing sight. Tarn grabbed Vos' handle and pulled Vos' trigger, firing at the ledge just in front of Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash barely stepped back in time, a crater forming from the blast.

"Stay out of this, whoever you are!" Tarn shouted, Vos' barrel smoking his hand. "This is strictly a Decepticon matter!"

"My name is Rainbow Dash, and I'm gonna -"

Twilight ran up to Rainbow Dash and put a hoof on Dash's shoulder. "Rainbow Dash, maybe it's for the best if we don't interfere."

"But . . . but . . ." Dash stuttered.

"You saw what that gun did to the ledge." Twilight said, gesturing to the crater.

While they talked, Dreadwing jumped off the ledge to face off against his foes. In seconds, he was on them. He charged Tarn and yanked Vos from Tarn's hand, then blasted Tarn with it. Tarn staggered back and clutched his chest, which gave off smoke, but seemed unharmed.

"Hahahaha!" Tarn laughed joyously. "Good to see these Ponies haven't robbed you of your warrior spirit!"

Dreadwing threw Vos down, then kicked the poor gun-bot aside. Vos exclaimed something in Cybertronian.

Dreadwing drew his sword and ran at Tarn with it raised. A blade of black metal formed from underneath Tarn's cannon-barrel. Dreadwing brought his sword to bear on Tarn, but Tarn raised his arm-blade and blocked it. Dreadwing removed his sword, then kicked Tarn in the stomach, pushing him back. Tesarus jumped into the fray, reaching for Dreadwing with his tentacles. Dreadwing grabbed the claws before they grabbed him, then used his leverage to toss Tesarus aside.

Tarn transformed into his autonomous mode, adjusted himself, then converted back into a rifle. He was now in position to blast Dreadwing, which he did. The blast had more noticeably effect on Dreadwing as it did on Tarn, as it now Dreadwing's chest had a hole in it, and his cockpit had shattered.

Despite the violence going on, it didn't seem like raging Decepticons were turning on Dreadwing for going into the care of organics. It didn't seem like Tarn was trying to punish Dreadwing for abandoning the cause. It seemed more like a bunch of former college frat-boys reuniting and roughhousing for old times' sake. Dreadwing and Tarn were enjoying themselves as they fought viciously into each other.

"Is . . . is he smiling!?" Rarity shrieked.

"Looks like it." Smokescreen replied, nonplussed.

"Yeah . . ." Rainbow Dash answered, with growing uncertainty that what she was doing was right. "Yeah, he . . . he looks pretty happy."

Indeed, Dreadwing was smiling and laughing. When Tesarus grabbed Dreadwing's wing and ripped it off, and Helex followed up by slugging Dreadwing, Dreadwing grinned as he staggered for ground. Dreadwing turned and responded to Helex in kind, but Tesarus got behind Dreadwing and performed a fireman's lift before tossing Dreadwing to the ground. Dreadwing rolled over, whipping out a pistol and nicking Tesarus' shoulders. Tesarus, more amused than anything, stomped on Dreadwing and kicked him over. Dreadwing pushed himself up, bringing his sword up and smashing Tesarus with it.

"Come on." Twilight coaxed Rainbow Dash. "Let's go."

Rainbow Dash looked at the ground, then back up at the fighting Decepticons. "No, no. I . . . want to see this to the end."

Dreadwing was able to fend off Tesarus, but before he could do anything else, Tarn came up behind him and literally stabbed Dreadwing in the back. Tarn removed his blade, and Dreadwing fell to his knees. Tarn walked around to Dreadwing's front.

"Hrm." Dreadwing noted. "Well done."

"You're not too bad yourself, Dreadwing." Tarn said. "A shame you went to live with organics. But as I said, I like that you came to your senses and contacted us instead of us having to hunt you down. Now . . ."

Tarn raised his cannon at the weakened Dreadwing. "Do you, Dreadwing of the Decepticon Seekers, have any last words before I, Tarn of the Decepticon Justice Division, execute you?"

Dreadwing looked up, weakly raising his arm to clutch at Tarn's barrel in one last act of defiance. Then he made a fist with his other hand and pumped into the air.

"Decepticons Forever."

Tarn blinked, saddened by the loss of such a proud, loyal Decepticon. "Decepticons Forever."

"Let's go." Rainbow Dash told her friends, realizing there was no point in them trying to do anything.

Tarn fired his cannon point-blank, exploding Dreadwing's chest. Dreadwing's sparking corpse fell to the ground. Tarn and the others turned around and left behind the body of the one of the Decepticons' most honorable warriors, as he joined ranks of his brothers that had fallen before.

A Space Bridge opened up, and two Vehicons stepped out to collect Dreadwing's remains. The Ponies and Smokescreen went through the Space Bridge, which led to Cybertron, where a vehicle for Dreadwing's body had been set up.

The Vehicons placed Dreadwing's body on the trolley, then tossed wires, Dreadwing's wing, and any other bits the DJD tore off Dreadwing's body in the scuffle.

"He looks happy." Rainbow Dash said on Dreadwing's body. She sighed, huffed, then trotted into another directions.

"Excuse me!" Twilight said, running after the Vehicons started wheeling the trolley away. "Are you going to the funeral today?"

"Yeah." The Vehicon answered. "Gonna put Dreadwing's body in with the rest of them. They'll all be smelted down for scrap to build new protoforms."

"I have an invitation to the funeral." Twilight explained. "Can I join you?"

"Eh, don't see why not."

"Thank you." Twilight turned to her friends as the Vehicons continued wheeling. "This may sound strange, girls, but . . . please don't join me. It's . . . nothing personal. I'd just rather do this alone."

Fluttershy nodded. "We understand, Twilight."

"Thank you."

Twilight ran off after the Vehicons.

Elsewhere, Rainbow Dash flew up and landed on a random Cybertronian-sized crate, sitting cross-legged on its edge while she sulked and thought about things.

"Hey." A deep voice caught Rainbow Dash's attention. She turned to see Blackout approaching her.

"Hey." Dash threw back at him, not interested.

"Hello." Blackout greeted her, putting his claw on the crate. "May I join you?"


Blackout climbed up on the crate and sat down next to her. "Word travels fast. I . . . heard about Dreadwing, and . . . your opposition to his choices."

"Yeah?" Dash raised an eyebrow.

Blackout raised his claw to comfort Rainbow Dash, before he thought about not having the same bond with her as she did with the Autobots, so he didn't.

"What do you want?" Dash snapped.

"I just wanted to let you know . . ." Blackout said. "That while it may not make much sense to you, to Decepticons, Dreadwing did the right thing."

Dash rolled her eyes. "I've heard that before."

"Well, I just thought I'd mention it." Blackout said. "I understand you might be confused by . . . these Decepticon rites of ours. Optimus Prime wants peace, does he not? And does not that involve us learning to tolerate each other's cultural differences?"

Rainbow Dash made a confused face, looking up at Blackout. "You know what?" Dash smiled subtly and nodded her head. "You're right, Blackout. I hadn't thought about it like that. Thanks." Rainbow Dash flapped her wings, lifting off, and she flew away.

Of course, what she didn't know was that just a ploy by Blackout to divert suspicion from him as he attempted to subvert that very peace.

Blackout jumped down from the crate, then walked back the way he came. He came across a door with a keypad next to it. He punched a code into the keypad. The door received the code and slid into the wall. Blackout went inside, where Dropshot, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and a number of terminals were waiting for him.

"Ah, Blackout!" Dropshot said, wheeling around his chair. "Was wondering where you went."

"Just removing potential unwanted attention." Blackout answered. He looked down at the Cutie Mark Crusaders. "I understand your plan, Dropshot, however half-baked it may be . . ." Blackout put his claw to his chin. "But I still don't understand how you got these fillies under your control."

"Ah, easy." Dropshot got down from his chair and went to the CMC, lifting their manes. "Cerebro-shells on their back."

Blackout sputtered. "Cerebro-shells!?" Cerebro-shells had been a project during early days of the war, which Blackout had only heard about. The idea was that could be implanted into a target's neck or head, and it would tap into their nervous system and give the Decepticon operator complete control over the victim. "We abandoned those because we could never make them work!"

"No, but the people I work for . . . are not Decepticons." Dropshot said. He got back on his chair and typed something into the terminal. "Now, you remember your instructions, little fillies?"

The Cutie Mark Crusaders nodded, the cerebro-shells giving Dropshot direct, total control over their minds and bodies, by essentially "hacking" their brains like it was a computer program.

"And Shockwave will be at the funeral." Dropshot said, looking at Blackout with a sly expression.

"I'm going, I'm going." Blackout said. He beckoned the Crusaders to follow them. "Come along, little ones." The Cutie Mark Crusaders followed Blackout out the door like a flock of sheep, carrying vials full of a pink, bubbling liquid on their backs. Blackout reached down and took one vial off. He held it in his claw, contemplative.

Twilight Sparkle attended the funeral with other Decepticons, including Blackout, Barricade, Heavy Load, Thundercracker, Fractyl, and the Combaticons, an elite five-man Decepticon team that had a remarkably high success rate. As well as numerous other Vehicons. It was awkward, as she was a tiny, little pony in a crowd of towering Decepticons equipped with cannons and guns and things.

The funeral was not like a human funeral. Rather than bury the dead in a pit, all their bodies were loaded up on a large industrial device. The device looked like a block, mounted on four pillars. There was a see-through container on its underside, with a metal spout attached. A series of Cybertronian-sized molds were set on a treadmill underneath it. Thundercracker had explained to Twilight that the bodies would be loaded up, then the device would be activated, lighting a fire that would melt the bodies. The resulting scrap and metal goop would be poured into the molds from the spout, which would be the basis of a protoform.

Of course, the protoform was useless without a means to produce a Spark, Twilight thought to herself. The Spark was the life force of a Cybertronian. Their consciousness and self. The thing that made them different than piloted robot a Pony or Human could build in their garage.

The fire on top of the device lit up, exposing the bodies to temperatures high enough to melt a Cybertronian. Twilight pursed her lips, noting famous Decepticon warriors – ones she had fought on Earth and Equestria – added into the pile of corpses. Airachnid, Knock Out, Breakdown, and a bunch of Vehicons. And Dreadwing, too.

"Hey . . ." Twilight realized. "Where's Megatron's body? Shouldn't he be here?"

"He should." Barricade grumpily replied. "He absolutely should, but Optimus wouldn't give us his body. Said it was too valuable a bargaining chip."

"What?!" Twilight sputtered. That didn't make any sense. Optimus was big on respect and due to the dead, so he should have forked over Megatron's body for a funeral. Sure, if the Decepticons said they wanted to bring him back, Twilight could understand Optimus hesitating then, but - . . . wait. Maybe that was it. Maybe Optimus didn't trust the Decepticons to not try resurrecting Megatron if he gave them Megatron's body. But Optimus himself was always talking about all the trust they needed if they wanted to make the peace last . . .

The Combaticons stepped around the crowd and stood up, raising their weapons. They fired three shots in into the air, making a testament to their fallen comrades.

Twilight watched as the bodies' began to lose their shape and form, turning into scrap that filled the glass chamber, before the spout dispersed the molten metal into the molds. When the mold filled up, the spout stopped, and the tread moved, bringing an empty mold up and throwing the filled mold off. Two Vehicons went over and picked up the soon-to-be protoform, carrying it off.

Twilight began to tear up. Heavy Load was surprised by this.

"What are you crying for, Sparkle?"

"It's . . . it's beautiful." Twilight answered, to everyone's confusion. "I- I've read a lot about human and Pony religion, and in a lot them, there are myths about reincarnation . . . about souls of the dead being used to make souls of newborn foals . . . and you . . . this!" Twilight gestured to the foundry smelting bodies. "And you! You don't believe in that, you live it, using the material from the dead to make bodies for Cybertronians yet to be born!"

"Oh." Fractyl said quietly. He smiled thoughtfully. "Well, I suppose if you look at that way, it could be beautiful, yes!"

Heavy Load smack Fractyl with his cement-mixer arm. "Shut up, Fractyl."

"Both of you be silent!" Shockwave shouted. "That goes for you too, Twilight Sparkle! You may chat as much as you wish when the funeral is over!"

Twilight and Heavy Load nodded respectfully, but Twilight shot Heavy Load an angry glare. Fractyl rubbed his arm where Heavy Load had hit him.

After all the bodies had been smelted, the molds filled and carried off, the Decepticons gave one last salute, which Twilight awkwardly fumbled to replicate when she realized it everyone was doing it. After which, Shockwave declared the funeral dismissed.

As the Decepticons made their way out from the funeral's area, Twilight attempted to talk to Fractyl.

"Fractyl? Fractyl!"

"Hmm? Oh, hello again, Twilight . . ." Fractyl said as she ran up to his feet. He seemed depressed that she was even talking to him, which upset Twilight greatly. She – it sounded insane, but she could sense a kinship with Fractyl. She could tell that he was like her when she was young; a socially awkward nerd who preferred to avoid interaction.

"I have a question, Fractyl."


"Why do you let Heavy Load bully you?" Twilight tilted her head in concern. Fractyl stared at her like she was a crazy loon he was in danger if he was too near her.

"I . . . I don't know." Fractyl said. "He's . . . he's been Thundercracker's student longer than I have, so I just assumed . . ."

Twilight gulped, really hoping she wasn't about to stumble on another "cultural difference", where Decepticon undergrads beat on each other like they were Sith apprentices.

"That's not okay, Fractyl!" Twilight shouted. "You're not supposed to let him bully you! You have rights!"

"Really? Gosh, I-I never thought about that way . . ." Fractyl put a finger to his chin.

"Fractyl!" Heavy Load called, grabbing Fractyl's arm and pulling him away. "Come on. We need to go. Thundercracker will make us rewrite one of our old papers if we keep him waiting."

Heavy Load dragged Fractyl along, but Fractyl looked over his shoulder at Twilight. After a moment, Fractyl yanked his arm out of Heavy Load's grasp. Heavy Load seemed confused, but brushed it off. Fractyl glared at him angrily the rest of the way.

Twilight smiled, certain she had ignited a spark of self-worth in the unlucky Decepticon. She turned at the sound of her name.

"Twilight! Twilight!" The Cutie Mark Crusaders appeared, running towards Twilight a drink tray on Apple Bloom's back.

"Girls?" Twilight asked. "What are you doing here?"

"We heard about y'all going to tha' funeral . . ." Apple Bloom said.

"So we thought you could use a pick-me-up!" Scootaloo picked up the glass from Apple Bloom's back and presented to Twilight.

"How do you know about the funeral!?" Twilight inquired, her mind disregarding the drink.

"A little birdie told us?" Scootaloo shyly suggested.

"Actually, it was more like a little - " Sweetie Belle put a hoof on Apple Bloom's mouth.

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "Okay. . . " Twilight took the drink and eyed it cautiously. The Cutie Mark Crusaders had something of a reputation of being poor cooks and thoughtless experimenters, so she had reason to be wary.

"It's fine!" Scootaloo assured her.

"Yeah, totally fine!" Sweetie Belle added.

"Totally does not contain love potion, love poison, or any kind of love drink, or poison, or potion in it!" Apple Bloom cheered, apparently aware of Twilight's concern. "We learned our lesson last time!"

"Last time" referring to when the Cutie Mark Crusaders made a well-meaning, but ill-advised attempt to hook their school teacher up with Apple Bloom's big brother. It didn't go over so well.

"All right . . ." Twilight said. "I trust you on this one. But if anything happens, anything at all, and I will haul you all to your big sisters and have you spanked, understand?"

"Absolutely!" Scootaloo said.

"Cutie Mark Crusader's honor." Sweetie Belle added.

With her last trace of reluctance fading away, Twilight took a sip of the drink.

"Say, I do suddenly feel much happier! What's in this stuff?"

Twilight looked to the fillies, but they had somehow disappeared in the time it took her to take a sip.

"Hmm. Oh well." Twilight decided she may as well finish the drink, so she did.

Elsewhere in the roving crowd of departing Decepticons, Blackout rushed to catch the attention of Shockwave.

"Shockwave? Lord Shockwave?"

"Yes?" Shockwave asked irritatedly. He had better things to be attending.

"I'd like you to try this drink of mine." Blackout said, holding a vial full of pink liquid. "I've been thinking about getting into the bartender business. What do you think?"

"Ugh, very well." Shockwave groaned. He took the glass into his claw, and a panel popped open on his arm, like the gas tank of a car. Shockwave poured the pink liquid into the socket, then tossed the vial aside, where an inattentive Vehicon crushed the glass under its feet. This socket was how Shockwave drank Energon drinks, given that he had no mouth.

"Hmm . . ." Shockwave's optic swiveled at the taste.

"Well?" Blackout asked, tapping his claws anxiously.

"Stick to fighting, Blackout." Shockwave advised him, turning to leave. But just as Shockwave was about to take his next step forward, he turned back around. Blackout had disappeared, but that wasn't a concern to him. No, his attention was suddenly very focused on their unexpected guest, Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight Sparkle was also putting a lot of attention on Shockwave, as she was somehow able to pick him out from the crowd of Vehicons. She trotted towards him and tapped him on the foot to alert him to her presence.

"Hello, Twilight Sparkle." Shockwave said, sounding much warmer than his monotonous voice usually let him be. "W-what can I do for you?"

"Oh, nothing . . ." Twilight said idly. "You know, I just thought I'd talk to you . . ."

Shockwave nervously adjusted his foot.

"Do you . . . want to visit my lab?" Shockwave asked. "Maybe . . . do some research on old Cybertronian projects?"

"I would like that."

Meanwhile, Blackout sneaked back into the private room where Dropshot was hiding out, where the enslaved Cutie Mark Crusaders were standing blankly, awaiting orders.

"Now . . ." Blackout said, the door closing behind him. "I understand your plan, Dropshot . . ."


"Use the Cutie Mark Crusaders and myself to give love potions to Twilight and Shockwave . . ."

"Uh-huh . . ."

"Twilight and Shockwave attempted to get 'married", some organic ritual I've never heard of." Blackout concluded. "And this will . . . somehow disrupt the peace talks and cross-alien legislature because?"

"Because, my bulky friend," Dropshot replied with a smirk, "Twilight Sparkle and Shockwave are some of the most powerful, influential figures in their hierarchy. With an Equestrian love potion altering both of their minds, they'll go heads-over-heels for each other. With the effects of the love potion, they'll be so consumed with each other they'll neglect their duties. And that's just getting the ball rolling. From there, my employers and I will continue to rock the peace, and cause total chaos on all three planets."

"And . . ." Blackout drawled. "This will . . . somehow bring about Megatron's vision?"

"Don't you worry about a thing, friend." Dropshot assured him.

"We're still not friends."

Shockwave's Tower was the base of the New Decepticons. Where operations were planned, where projects were scheduled, and where Shockwave penciled in his meetings with the other race leaders. It was located in the ruins of Kaon, the Decepticon capitol city. The black and grey tower itself was massive, reaching high, high up into the atmosphere. Four bridges extended from it an X shape, connecting to smaller towers housing other facilities. The top of the tower was dressed with angled pillars and a terrace, looking somewhat like a bony crown.

In one of the higher floors of the main tower, Barricade angrily walked through the hall. The hall was circular, with glass windows forming its outer wall. The floors were separated into even square panels.

"Shockwave!" Barricade shouted, coming along a triangular door. He banged his fist on it. "Shockwave, get out here!"

No one knew what was on the other side of the room. Shockwave had explicitly forbidden anyone from looking. The other Decepticons had theories. Shockwave was a mad scientist, a tinkerer, so there was no doubt it was something science related. But what? What!?

And today, to add insult to injury, Shockwave had invited Twilight Sparkle today. Twilight Sparkle, an Equestrian. An organic! What, did Shockwave suddenly just trust a random Pony with his secrets more than he did his Decepticons? Barricade intended to give Shockwave a piece of his mind about it.

"Shockwave! Shockwave, can you hear me!?" Barricade continued banging on the door, but he got no response. He sighed, then pressed the side of his head up against the door.

"Wha'cha doing?" A voice asked.

"Ssh!" Barricade hissed. "I'm trying to listen on Shockwave's and Twilight's conversation."

He heard giggling. Giggling! Shockwave didn't giggle. He barely so much as made a motion more expressive than 'staring' and 'not staring', but they were definitely two voices giggling in there.

"Oh, hey, remember Bruticus?" Twilight's voice asked.

"Of course I do!" Shockwave said.

"We should make one of them do that!"

Make one of what do what!? Barricade pondered. Obviously, they were talking about turning something into a gestalt – a combined form of Cybertronians, were five or more merged into one, titanic gestalt form, hence the name. Another of several ethically questionable Decepticon war projects. Strengths for a gestalt including strength, firepower, endurance, and near-invulnerability. Drawbacks included stupidity, single-mindedness, and an inability to tell friend from foe. As such, the Decepticons only used them when they were in dire straights. (Though being Decepticons, their definition of "dire straits" was a bit loose)

Barricade huffed and turned his head, only to be greeted to another unwelcome sight. An Aerialbot, a red and glue Autobot generic with wings folded on its back, and a visor forming its face.

"It's bad enough I have to put with Shockwave inviting Twilight into areas we're not allowed, but now I have to deal with Autobots roaming the base unchecked, too?" Barricade complained, walking past the Autobot.

The Aerialbot let him get a few steps before turning around and speaking. "Aren't you going to tell Shockwave your problem?"

Barricade stopped dead.

"That's none of your business, Autobot."

"Oh, but you were banging on that door ferociously when I came in!" The Aerialbot continued, gesturing towards it. "Don't you want to know what's behind it? What secrets Shockwave is keeping from you? From all the Decepticons?"

"Yeah . . ." Barricade agreed. "Yeah . . . yeah!" Barricade turned around and marched right back towards the door. "I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind if it's the last thing I do!"

It was quite nearly the last thing Barricade did. As soon as Barricade was near, the Aerialbot pushed his hand against the wall, triggering an explosion. Barricade was blasted backwards, and for a minute, all he could see and hear was rampaging fire and the sound of shattering glass. The explosion took out most of the surrounding area, obliterating that section of the hallway.

Barricade was thrown backwards into another section, covered in scorch marks. He was singed, and the explosion had torn off his right leg beneath the knee.

"Frell!" Barricade sworn, disoriented but conscious. He attempted to get up and assess what the Pony Hell just happened, but seeing his torn-off leg, reasoned he wasn't going to stand anytime soon.

Looking at the billowing smoke from the now-destroyed section of the hallway, Barricade realized he should thankful his leg was the only thing the explosion blew off.

Barricade activated his built-in comm. "Barricade here. Explosion in the hallway. Request immediate assist. Oohgh . . ." His request put into the communication channels, Barricade let himself fall backwards. He groaned, clutching at his torn leg, watching the embers around him burn.

III: Nice Day for A Purple Wedding

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The Decepticons were a well-organized unit, so they acted quickly. The Combaticons, in particular, responded to Barricade's broadcast and were quick to arrive on the scene. Under Onslaught's direction, they put out the fire, dragged Barricade to their in-house medical bay, and reported the incident to Shockwave by going around the hallway from the other side.

A meeting was set-up in the Tower with the other race leaders. Obviously Celestia, Optimus, and the human ambassador couldn't drop everything they were doing to visit Shockwave at the drop of a hat, so the Combaticons set a video conference in a meeting room.

Multiple windows opened on the computer terminal they were using. One showed Optimus' face, concerned and frowning. One showed Galloway's disapproving face, and the last showed Princess Celestia sitting on a velvet cushion with Twilight next to her, who had been Space Bridged out from the Tower to help her less tech-savvy mentor operate the machinery.

"So I just . . . stand there and they can see me?" Celestia asked, narrowing her eyes at the screen.

"Yes." Twilight said. "We've been over this."

"And it . . . records my movements and transfers it to them?" Celestia waved her hoof, testing the device.


"And my voice? It records my words?"


" It records my words accurately?"

"Yes!" Twilight smacked her hoof against her face. "Okay, Princess, you know how a telephone works, don't you?"


"It's like that. Just like that." Twilight said. She turned towards the screen. "Sorry, everypony. Most of Equestria's technology is either operated or powered by magic, and it doesn't really have anything like this. She's new to this whole "alien tech" thing."

"That's all right." Optimus said, before focusing on Galloway. "Director Galloway, what are you doing here? Shouldn't an American ambassador, not a Security Director, be here?"

"Well, he was." Galloway said. "But he called in sick, so I'm filling in for him."

"Why do I not believe that?" Celestia asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You can believe whatever you want to, dear." Galloway replied, uncaring.

"’Dear’? Why you, I’ll have you know-"

"THANK YOU all for your speedy reply to my hails." Shockwave said, interrupting before Celestia and Galloway could escalate. "I believe you have all been informed of the situation?"

"Yes." Optimus answered. "I believe an Aerialbot infiltrated your Tower, and then activated a bomb in a hallway on the upper floors that nearly killed your officer Barricade?"

"That's correct."

Celestia gasped while Galloway leered.

"That's terrible!" Celestia exclaimed. "Optimus, what reason would you have for ordering such an attack!?"

"Yes, Optimus." Galloway smugly added. "What reason?"

"I ordered no such assault." Optimus said. "This Aerialbot was acting either out of his own interests, or that of an unseen party."

Galloway scoffed. "Oh? Really? What interest might that be?"

Optimus let out a heavy vent. "Not all Autobots are welcome to the idea of coming to peace with the Decepticons. We have been at war so long, and the Decepticons committed numerous atrocities in the name of victory. It is not unreasonable to think that some Autobots would be willing to give their lives to disrupt the peace and continue the war, if only so they do not have to share quarters with the Decepticons. Is Barricade all right?"

"The Combaticons were able to bring him to our medic, Flatline." Shockwave said.

Galloway sputtered. "Wha-what!? A medic named Flatline? Do you realize how . . . unreliable that sounds to a human's ear?"

"Director, please." Optimus asked. "We do not make fun of human naming conventions. I ask you do the same for ours."

"Oh?" Galloway laughed. "What's there to mock about human names?"

Optimus rather mischievously raised his brow at Celestia. "Princess, if you would?"

"What kind of name is Galloway?" Celestia mocked. "I mean, what does it mean? Galloway? What, are you some sort of Gall of the Way? Gall of the Ways? Hey, isn't "gal" an earth word for girl? Does that make you a girl of the way? Gal of the Way?"

"All right, all right!" Galloway protested. "You've made your point."

Celestia and Optimus smirked.

"Now, we have nothing to gain and everything to lose if a few grudges lead into the Great War starting back up again. We must discover the reason for this Aerialbot's suicide bombing, and if he was working with any partners. We also must determine – Shockwave, are you still there?"

"Hmm?" Shockwave questioned, his head resting on his hand. "Oh, yes, still here."

"If the Autobots are out of your control, Optimus, you better do something about it." Galloway warned, pointing a finger. Optimus pouted, but before he could reply, Onslaught burst into the room.

"Report!" Onslaught said, marching towards Shockwave. Onslaught nodded his head respectfully towards everyone. "Prime. Lord Shockwave. Princess. Human whose name and title I don't know or care." Ignoring Galloway’s responding huff, he continued, "My Combaticons and I have been examining the crime scene, and we have made a discovery."

"What would that be?"

"Do you have any information on the Autobot who triggered the bomb?"

"Oh." Onslaught said. "About that. There was no Autobot that triggered the bomb. There was never an Aerialbot in the room."

"What!? But then who-"

"Perhaps I misspoke." Onslaught said. "It wasn't that there was never an Aerialbot in the room . . . but in my experience, most Autobots who get blown up by bombs don't leave charred, black pony-sized skeletons behind the rubble."


"The perpetrator of this crime was not an Autobot." Onslaught said, producing an electronic tablet. The tablet showed a photograph of the crime scene. In it, there was rubble tossed about the Tower's ground floor. Mixed into the rubble was a coal-black skeleton of a pony-looking creature. "But a Changeling who was imitating one with its magic."

Galloway raised an eyebrow."I thought you had captured all the Changelings, and they were being used to power Cybertron?"

"That is incorrect. While my Combaticons have captured a high population of them – estimated around two-hundred fifty thousand at last count – it's not impossible there may still be some running loose."

Celestia was shocked by the news. "TWO-TWO HUNDRED FIFTY -" She put her hoof to her chest and started hyperventilating. Twilight patted her mentor's back.

Galloway didn't seem at all happy to hear this. "So it's possible Changelings may have already infiltrated your society? Infiltrated our society?"

"Galloway, please." Optimus pleaded. "One crisis at a time."

"I have prepared a preliminary report for your viewing, Lord Shockwave." Onslaught said, presenting the tablet to Shockwave. "Lord Shockwave? Hello?" Onslaught waved the tablet in front of Shockwave's face.

"Get that out of my sight!" Shockwave said angrily, batting it aside. "You're blocking my view of sweet Twilight."

"Oh, okay . . . no, wait. What?"

Twilight chuckled. "Oh, Shockwave, you charmer!" She looked at him amorously. "What a handsome devil, isn't he?"

If awkwardness was a tangible thing, it would be flooding the room right now.

"What." Celestia said flatly. The sentiment was silently echoed by everyone else in the room.

"I mean," Twilight continued, "Look at that one red eye! Those head fins! And that big cannon, mrrreeow!"

"Oh, Twilight, stop!" Shockwave said with a chuckle.

Optimus raised his browplate. "Princess. Are you . . . certain Twilight Sparkle is in full possession of her faculties?" Optimus turned his gaze towards Shockwave. "For that matter, is Shockwave?"

"Let me check." Onslaught waved his hand in front of Shockwave's face. "How many fingers am I holding up?" Shockwave ignored his questions and pushed him aside again.

"Oh, Twilight Sparkle . . ." Shockwave whispered huskily. "You have the cutest little cheeks. I just want to take my claw and pinch them!" Twilight giggled.

“What,” Celestia managed a third time. No one cared.

"Okay." Onslaught said. "This just got weird." Onslaught pointed his thumb the door. "I'm . . . I'm gonna . . . I'm gonna go crime scene, yeah." Onslaught sped out the door, eager to get away from the creepiness which had gotten so bizarre it was affecting his ability to form complete sentences.

"I suggest the meeting conclude." Optimus politely offered, giving a concerned gaze at Twilight. "Mostly so Celestia can figure out what's wrong with her student."

"Concurred!" Galloway stated quickly. Celestia continued to stare at her formerly innocent student with a shell shocked expression.

"Byeeee!" Twilight waved at Shockwave.

"Goodbye to you too, my sweet." Shockwave replied, waving back.

"Ugh." Celestia spat her tongue out in disgust before Twilight turned the device off.

On Equestria, the influence of the love potion was making Twilight still fantasize about Shockwave, but even that couldn't keep from comforting her perturbed mentor. Celestia was disturbed by the accurate report given by Onslaught.

"Two-hundred . . . fifty thousand. I . . . I thought it was something more like 5000, or 3000 . . ."

"Princess, how would that really have been any better?" Twilight asked.

"I don't know. It- it was – it was less! Two-hundred fifty thousand Changelings . . ." Celestia muttered. "That's . . . not counting Appleloosa or the Crystal Empire, that's nearly a quarter of the population of Equestria." Celestia turned towards her student. "Twilight Sparkle, say something."

"Hmm?" Twilight responded. She had been doing nothing but patting Celestia's back for the last few minutes, so Celestia wanted a response. "Sorry, Princess. I've just been thinking about Shockwave."

"Yes." Celestia growled, letting her woes about the Battery issue slide in favor of figuring out what Twilight and Shockwave were doing. "About that . . . when did you and Shockwave develop this . . . fascination with each other?"

Twilight giggled. "Just today, in fact. Teehee! Ooh, I wonder what colors we'll be wearing for the wedding . . ."

Celestia tried to do a spit-take, but all that came out of her mouth was air.


Later, the sun was setting on Earth when Optimus Prime took the elevator to the roof of Omega One. Optimus stepped out of the silver shaft hoping to have a quiet place to clear his mind.

Unfortunately, he hadn't consider the possibility of his flippant brother Ultra Magnus having beaten him there. Ultra Magnus was standing near the edge of the roof, a pile of rocks next to his feet and a hammer in his hands. Magnus reached down, picked a rock from the pile, and tossed the rock into the air. He swung the hammer and struck the rock like a baseball, sending the stone out in the vast desert plain surrounding them.

"It is possible you could send one of those rocks crashing into a human's car." Optimus said, making his presence known.

"Eh, it's fine." Magnus replied, picking up another rock and doing the same thing again. "There's no one out here for miles." Magnus turned to his brother, planting the hammerhead into the ground and balancing his chin on the shift. "But that's not what you came up here for, is it?"

Optimus scowled. Ultra Magnus could always read him so easily.

"Don't give me that look, Mister 'Prime'. Look, I get that Primes aren't supposed to have their emotions show, but I'm your brother. Our Sparks are connected. And I've known you longer than anyone else on this dirt ball planet."

Optimus nodded, accepting this truth. He looked down at Magnus's eponymous hammer. The Magnus Hammer. A humongous weapon with a shaft like the steel box of a crane. The hilt was a separate piece that ended in a hollow tube – because the hammer could convert from hammer to "boomstick" at the push of a button. The hammer's head was a large, see-through cyan box, with translucent tubes wrapped around the head.

"Hmm." Optimus smiled, walking towards his brother and putting his hand on the hammer's hilt. "I still remember the day when our tutor attempted to have this handed down to me . . ."

"Yeah." Ultra Magnus smiled at the memory. "That was pretty great. You lifted up, swung it around, and it didn't do anything for you. And he said I couldn't have it because I was the younger brother."

"And then you saved me from that robber . . ." Optimus added. Optimus lifted his hand up and curled into a fist. "Before I knew how to fight."

"Yup. And then I was granted the Magnus Hammer, the family heirloom of the House of Magnus." Ultra Magnus lifted the hammer and threw it over his shoulder. "Isn't that right, Orion Pax? Oh, that's right. You're called Optimus Prime now. When was the last time you heard 'Orion Pax of the House of Magnus?'"

Optimus closed his optics. "A very long time ago."

"Anyways . . ." Ultra Magnus swung the hammer around a bit, before dropping it to the ground. "You came up here for something. What was it?"

"I have been reflecting." Optimus answered gravely. "On Dreadwing . . . on Rainbow Dash."

"Oh, boy." Ultra Magnus said. "Here we go again."

"Perhaps I could have done more." Optimus said. "Perhaps I still could have changed Dreadwing's mind . . . perhaps I could have convinced him to still fly with the Wonderbolts."

Ultra Magnus sighed. Optimus didn't realize it, but they had been through this dance several times before. "Here we go again. The Great and Noble Optimus Prime! The Messiah of Cybertron! The Holder of the Matrix . . . once again blaming himself for other people's faults and mistakes."

"I do not blame myself for-"

"I'm not done." Ultra Magnus, being family, was one of the few people who could interrupt Optimus mid-sentence and get away with it. "You're always like this. Someone does something wrong, and you feel you "could have done more" to prevent it. Let me ask you something, Optimus. When you went to talk to Dreadwing, did he display psychotic behavior?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, was he in possession of his faculties? Did he seem to be displaying schizo-affective behavior? Was he suffering from delusions, lashing out at things that weren't there? Or he was calm and stable?"

Optimus looked at the ground.

"The Majestic Optimus Prime, bearing the weight of the sins of others." Magnus continued mocking him. "Feels guilty that he couldn't force someone to not kill themselves. Let me ask you this, Optimus. Would you rather keep him caged and alive, or let him die, but let him die a free mech?"

Optimus continued looking at the ground.

"Oi. Hey." Ultra Magnus snapped his fingers, then gestured towards himself. "Look at my face when I'm belittling you."

Optimus raised his head, his shoulders tensing up, then relaxing. "What would you have me do?"

Ultra Magnus put his hand on Optimus' shoulders. "Forget about it. Accept it. Quit lamenting what you could have or didn't do. Quit blaming yourself and move on."

Optimus closed his optics and nodded.

Shining Armor happily cantered towards Twilight's library. Twilight had apparently stumbled upon on some really big news, as she had invited him, Cadence, and the rest of her circle of friends so she could tell it to all of them at once.

"Hey, Twiley!" Shining Armor shouted, letting himself into the library. Cadence was right behind, and the rest of Twilight's friends were there, lying on the floor.

"Hey, B.B.B.F.F!" Twilight shouted back. "Have a seat!" She patted the floor. Shining Armor and Cadence came around and sat down.

"So, what's the big news, huh?" Shining Armor said, running his hoof through Twilight's mane.

Twilight smiled broadly at all of them. "Good news! I'm getting married!"

"Married!?" rang throughout the room with varying degrees of surprise and approval.

"That's right!"

"Oh, sweet!" Shining Armor cheered. "Who's the lucky guy that gets to be with my little Twiley?"


Shining Armor's enthusiasm died down. "Shockwave."

"Twilight," Cadence said with worry evident, "please tell us that's the name of an Earth pony you met who works in construction . . . and not the one-eye, menacing, cannon-armed Lord of the Decepticons?"

Twilight giggled. "Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but . . . yes, it's Lord of the Decepticons."

Everypony in the room was reduced to incoherent sentences and disbelieving gibberish.

"Gosh, Twi . . ." Applejack muttered. "Are y'all shore about this? Ah mean, have ya thought it through? It seems like an awfully big step to take . . . ."

"Yeah!" Rainbow Dash spoke up. "Especially considering how that jerk nearly electrocuted us when we first met him!"

"The war is over now, Rainbow Dash." Twilight gently reminded her. "Why can't anypony seem to remember that . . .?"

"Well, the Autobots and Decepticons were fighting a long time, Twilight." Cadence spoke up. "Damage like that doesn't repair itself in a day . . ."

"Well, whatever." Twilight rather snootily dismissed this, her mind focused on other things. "Shockwave and I are destined to be together. We're both purple, we're both aliens, we both love science. I mean, it just fits."

"That's . . . not really a great thing to base a relationship on." said Cadence.

"Have you told the Princess?" Rarity asked. "For that matter, have you told Optimus? . . . have you told Shockwave?"

"Oh, no." Twilight answered. "Shockwave knows . . . I talked about it with the Princess last night, and she agreed to it. I was going to tell Optimus after I told all of you."

"Really?" Shining Armor asked, a bit skeptical. "The Princess agreed to this?"

"Well . . . perhaps "agree" is pushing it. I believe her exact words were, "Twilight Sparkle, you have completely lost your mind if you think I'm going to approve such a rashly and poorly thought-out decision and on such short notice!" . . . But then I talked to Princess Luna, and she said yes."

"Did she?" Cadence asked with a tilted eyebrow.

"She didn't say no."

"Twilight, are you really sure you've thought this through?"

"Yup!" Twilight answered perkily, oblivious to their worrying glances. "Absolutely! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go tell Optimus about my groom! Teehee!" Twilight merrily skipped out of the building, leaving them to grimace amongst themselves.

"Well . . ." Rarity said, being the first to stand up. "I'll guess I'll get to work on some Decepticon-sized tuxedos." She gulped at the thought of such a daunting task. "I'll need a lot of fabric . . ."

Twilight Bridged over to Omega One to tell the Optimus the news. He took it well. Ratchet and the other Autobots, however, not so much.

Whatever happened, the news of this Decepticon-Pony wedding quickly spread to all three planets like wildfire. Within a few hours, everyone on everywhere was talking about it, gossiping about it, and cracking jokes about it.

In run-down Kaon, a few Vehicons had their backs to the wall of a building, discussing the new development. By chance, Blackout happened upon them.

"Blackout, sir." The two Vehicons snapped to attention, saluting.

"As you were." Blackout told, waving his claw at them.

"Thank you, sir. So, anyways, like I was saying, Shockwave's clearly gone 'round the bend."

Hearing Shockwave's name, Blackout stopped. He turned towards the Vehicons, and after hesitating a moment, joined them. "Tell me, my good mechs, what's this I hear about our Lord Shockwave?"

"Like I was telling my friend here." One Vehicon said bombastically. "Shockwave's totally gone off his rocker if he's gonna marry a Pony. I mean, seriously, here you have the most POWERFUL Decepticon around, and he wants to spend his time cuddling up with a tiny little fleshing?" The Vehicon stopped his rant, noticing the Gatlings mounted on Blackout's back. "Umm . . . most powerful Deception next to you, Commander Blackout, that is!" He held his hands and cowered pathetically.

Blackout rolled his eyes, then left. Blackout's attention was then caught by the muttering of curses, both foreign and familiar to him.

"Rassafrazzen, frelling . . . smeg-headed, ponyfeathered! . . . Smurf-brains!"

Blackout knew of only one Con with such a potty mouth; Barricade. Sure enough, Barricade limped into view, clutching a teal, Decepticon-sized cane in his claw, sorely rubbing his free across his left knee.

"Barricade?" Blackout asked, stepping towards his friend. Blackout's optics scanned Barricade's body up and down. He was limping, and his leg had been injured. There were cyan blue lines below Barricade's knee that Blackout knew to be structural reinforcement; essentially to a Cybertronian what a stitch was to a human. Barricade was about to let out another cuss when he noticed Blackout.

"Oh. Hey, Blackout. What's up?"

"What happened to you?" Blackout asked with concern.

"Oh, it's nothing. Just nearly was the victim of some crazy Changeling. Not the first time I was nearly blown up by Autobots." Barricade chuckled wryly. "Smegheaded slagger got my leg, though, and they had to rebuild using Earth metals. Ugh. A few unicorns got together to cast some spells to make the material stronger, but that's cold comfort, right?"

"I'm terribly sorry." Blackout offered, putting his hands together.

"Yeah, well . . . can you believe the nerve of Shockwave?"


"I mean, I nearly get slagged because of some Changeling nutjob who wanted to take a chunk outta me, and he just sits up there in his throne room, planning his "wedding" with that little . . . Princess toady!"

Blackout's browplates shot up.

"Blackout?" Barricade waved his hand in front of Blackout's face. "You feeling all right, buddy?"

Blackout shook his head. "N-no . . . excuse me." Blackout turned and dashed off to parts unknown to Barricade.

"Suit yourself." Barricade muttered. He resumed limping his way and muttering his endless string of curses.

Blackout immediately made for his and Dropshot's secret hide away, bursting into the room.

"Whoa, whoa, hey!" Dropshot protested. "Watch where you're going, big guy. You wouldn't us to get exposed, now would you?"

"My compatriot, Barricade . . ." Blackout angrily began, stomping into the room. "Has been the victim of a bombing by some vengeance-seeking Changeling! Would you know anything about this?"

Dropshot stared at Blackout for a long time. "Nnno."

It was hard to see through Blackout's mustache, but he frowned slightly. For some reason, he got the feeling Dropshot wasn't being entirely honest with him.

"Dropshot . . . you said if I helped you, it would restore the Decepticons to their former glory. It would bring Megatron's dream come true! But not once -" Blackout pointed accusingly - "Not once did you say you would be harming my fellow Decepticons to do so!"

Dropshot raised his hands. "Whoa, hey. Easy there, big guy. I don't know why that Changeling decided to drop a bomb on your buddy."

Blackout narrowed his optics at him, still not entirely trusting.

"Dropshot . . . what exactly do you want from all this scheming and backstabbing?"

Dropshot flashed another one of his arrogant smiles. "Why, I only want to help."

"Gaah!" Realizing he wasn't going to get anywhere with this, Blackout stormed out of the building. He stomped his way through the crowded walkways, hoping to find somewhere with few enough passers-by and not nearly as clustered buildings where he could convert into his copter mode and just fly until he calmed down. His hopes were dashed when he heard a feminine voice call his name.

"Blackout! Yoo-hoo!"

"Oh, frell me." Blackout muttered. As if he didn't have to complain about with throwing Rarity into the mix. What did she want from him?

Blackout found himself cornered on his left and right by Bumblebee and Smokescreen, with Rarity standing between the two Autobots' legs. Rarity had a very long tape measure in her mouth.

"Hold still for me, won't you?" Rarity asked delicately, dropping the roll of tape. The tape was enveloped in the blue glow of unicorn magic, and it lifted itself up into the air, then began to wrap around Blackout's waist.

"What is the meaning of this!?" Blackout demanded, seizing the tape measure in his claws and wrestling to get it off.

"Shockwave wants you, Barricade, and the Combaticons to all attend his wedding." Rarity explained. "And while I don't condone the . . . crossbreeding such a unity conveys, no pony – or Decepticon – is showing up to a wedding not dressed in the most fashionable apparel on my watch!"

"I do not have to submit to your authority!" Blackout complained, fruitlessly attempting to get the enchanted tape off himself.

"Lift your arm." Smokescreen instructed Blackout when the tape began crawling up Blackout's chest. "Come on."

Blackout groaned, accepting his fate. He lifted his arm up, and Smokescreen put a large beige loth to Blackout's armpit.

"Well?" Rarity asked.

"Uum . . . let me double check." Smokescreen replied. "It's, um, yep, 180-195."

"Woof." Rarity pulled out a notepad and jotted the number down, while Bumblebee knelt down and applied a similar cloth to Blackout's boot.

Beep beep wrraa? Bumblebee beeped.

"No, Scout." Blackout irritably answered him. "I am not interested in those kinds of pants. Or any pants. Or ANY form of organic clothing whatsoever!"

"Oh, pish-posh, darling." Rarity chided as she wrote down another measurement. "You really must learn to lighten up. Although I suppose maybe I do understand your confusion about these wedding rites of ours . . ."

Blackout let out a frustrated groan, but it fell on deaf audio receptors. Blackout's eye then towards Bumblebee, who he mostly knew by reputation alone. But that reputation a smart, canny fighter who wasn't afraid to take on opponents bigger than he was.

Blackout begin to develop an idea . . . He knew Dropshot knew more about the bombing than he was letting on, and Blackout felt responsible for that. But he couldn't turn around report anything about Dropshot to the police without implicating himself. Even with the reduced punishment he'd get for turning Dropshot, he didn't feel that would be enough to keep out from behind bars. But perhaps, if he dropped an otherwise innocuous comment to Bumblebee, the little Scout could expose his and Dropshot's plot with exposing Blackout and Dropshot themselves.

"Bumblebee . . ." Blackout said. "Has Twilight Sparkle acted odd recently?"

Beep beep? Bumblebee chirped at him, dragging another one of Rarity's measuring tools.

"I mean has she perhaps been . . . too focused on her marriage, or caring more about her appearance than usual?" Blackout continued, prodding suspicion.

Beep bleep? Bumblebee responded. He let the cloth in his go and put his hands fingers to his chin in thought. Be-beep beep beep beep bleep bebe-eeeep wheeeeo.

"What is he on about?" Rarity asked Smokescreen. Bumblebee's unique pattern of speech, consisted of electronic buzzes and whirs, was understood easily by Cybertronians . . . but only a select few organics understood, and Rarity wasn't one of them.

"Got no clue." Smokescreen replied, having not paid attention.

Rarity wrote one more thing down in her notebook. "Well, we're done here. Onto the Combaticons!" Blackout made to get away, while Smokescreen and Rarity went off in search of the Decepticon quintet.

Bumblebee, however, remained where he was, locked in thought. Blackout's questions had sparked his curiosity. Twilight had been exhibiting some rather odd behavior, at least according to friends. They said she had been very dismissive of any attempt to talk her out of marrying Shockwave.

Bumblebee let out a long, curious beep. Beeeeeeeee . . . beep beep be-beeep.

Bumblebee jostled as a careless passer-by bumped into him.

"Oi! Watch where you're going, you – oh joy, it's you."

Bumblebee righted himself and readied his fists. He'd know Barricade's disrespectful voice anywhere. Bumblebee and Barricade had developed themselves quite a rivalry before and during the War.

"What do you want, Bumbler?" Barricade mocked.

Bumblebee raised his fist, the door-wings on his back tensing up. He was ready for a scrap . . . but then he saw the stitches on Barricade's leg, and his cane.

"What?" Barricade barked as Bumblebee removed his fighting stance. Barricade saw that Bumblebee's optics were on his cane. "Oh, no you don't! I will not be treated to your Autobot-brand sense of pity because of an injury! You slug me, Autobot, you slug me right now!"

Bee-beep. Bumblebee replied nonchalantly. He raised his fist and launched at Barricade's cheek.

"No, wait, I didn't actually mean-!" Barricade protested, but Bumblebee's fist connected before he could finish. The hit loosened Barricade's grip on his cane, and Barricade stumbled, trying to make sure he didn't drop the cane. Barricade eventually stopped spinning by bringing both his fists on the top of the cane's handle. "Oogh . . . I gotta hand it to you, Bee, you hit a lot harder than I remember." Barricade attempted to move, but he was stopped by an odd noise.


"What was that?"

Barricade and Bumblebee both looked around for the source of the disturbance, with no success until Bumblebee spotted light reflecting off Barricade's cane.

Beep beep. Bumblebee instructed Barricade to lift his cane, crouching down to get a closer look at the shards. Barricade took a step back, and Bumblebee swept the mysterious stuff up. It was a pile of broken glass. The same glass that Shockwave tossed aside some days prior . . . Bumblebee noticed stains of something pink around the edges of the tiny shards. Carefully scooping them into as tight of pile as he could, Bumblebee brought himself back up and looked at Barricade.

"Well?" Barricade demanded. "What is it?"

Beep beep wrra.

"You don't know? Wonderful."

Bumblebee brought the small pile of glass up to his optics, sweeping over it with his optics. This, and Blackout's questions, begin to stir up more of Bumblebee's curiosity.

Beep, beep? Beep bleep beep beep?

"Do I think Shockwave's been acting funny?" Barricade repeated Bumblebee's question. "Oh, no. Not at all. I mean, just because I nearly died and got my leg blown off, and he was more concerned about schmoozing up to Princess Celestia's pet, that doesn't mean his sense of priority it totally skewed."

Bumblebee looked again at the glass before turning back to Barricade, Blackout's questions ringing in his head.

Beep? Beep beep beep?

"Work together . . . with you?" Barricade asked dismissively. "With you, whom I have had a rivalry going with since the day we met?"

Beep beep. Bumblebee pleaded. He began to make his case. Beep beep bleeep dada wheeoo weeeot dedede daaa wraaa. Clic-click wheeeeo wheeeooorrp beep eeep sleep beep?

Barricade gave him a filthy, filthy look. "I hate it when Autobots make a surprisingly good case. Fiiine. But don't think that I have to like it."

Beep beep beep beep. Bumblebee replied smugly, offering Barricade his hand. Barricade accepted and shook it, signifying that they were working together.

"Now, like any good buddy cop show, let's review." Barricade said, starting to pace around Bumblebee. "We know that there was a Changeling who tried to bomb a Decepticon installation. We know that either at or before that time, Twilight Sparkle and Shockwave started to feel romantically inclined. And we know that just today, they announced they were getting married and everybody and the kitchen sink gets to attend. Where do we go from here, Bumbles?"

Beeee . . . Bumblebee droned, trying to think of an idea. He snapped his fingers as when came to him.

"Well, there's definitely more than just glass on this." Ratchet concluded, observing the molecular scan on the terminal. Bumblebee had asked Ratchet to come to Cybertron to meet a faction-neutral research facility, and provide his scientific expertise on the mystery pink liquid using the equipment there.

A complex image of the molecular structure of the glass and its contents flashed on the black screen of the silver computer. Just next to the screen was a silver table where the glass shards rested, a screen placed over them to feed their contents into the scanner for display. The shards had been placed in a plastic bag for safekeeping.

Ratchet reached over, pulling the screen and taking the bag of shards out. "I'm sorry to say, Bumblebee," Ratchet handed the glass back to Bumblebee, giving Barricade a dirty look, "and . . . Barricade . . . that I have no idea what could be on there."

Beep beep.

"Say," Ratchet added, "why are the two of you working together anyway?"

"Oh, well . . . we both think that something might be a little nutty with Twilight and our one-eyed friend." Barricade answered.

Ratchet cupped his chin. "Twilight Sparkle did seem to be acting more impulsive than usual . . ." Ratchet looked up to discuss the issue further, but Bumblebee and Barricade had already left the building.

"Right." Barricade said to his partner as they walked out of the building. "Discovered a clue. Check. Brought the clue to a professional for analysis. Check. Absolutely nowhere closer to solving this case than we were a few minutes ago? Double and triple check."

Beep beep beep beep.

"Hey, do you think we could be one of those Earthling crime shows?" Barricade inquired. "Like, I'm the rude rogue the audience loves to hate, and you're my mute but competent partner?"

Beep beep beeep. Bumblebee replied wearily, not interested in the prospect. He lifted the bag up. Beep beep beep beep, beep beep bebe beep . . . beep beep beep beep, beep beep?

"Why, yes, Fumblebee, I do know what's wrong with asking Twilight Sparkle for an answer." Barricade replied. "Thank you so much for asking!"

Beep beeeeep . . .

"Hey." Barricade punched Bumblebee in the shoulder. "Maybe we could ask one of her friends?" Barricade pointed at the east, where Rarity and Smokescreen were approaching from.

"There you are!" Rarity yelled, galloping up to them. "Barricade, darling, I've been looking everywhere for you!"

"Oh. For me?"

"Yes! Shockwave wants all of his Decepticons in attendance of the wedding today, and you're no exception." Rarity giggled, levitating up a needle. "And he wants you all dressed nicely. Now hold still while Smokescreen and I take your measurements. I imagine you and Bumblebee might have similar proportions."

"Whoa, whoa, hey!" Barricade yelled as Smokescreen went at him with measuring tape. "I didn't agree to this!" Barricade sighed in defeat. If his leg was feeling better, he would convert and speed away, but as his transformation involved his legs folding up, he didn't want to risk it.

Watching as Rarity and Smokescreen subjected Barricade to their treatment, Bumblebee remembered Barricade's suggestion about asking Twilight's friends.

Beep beep? Beep beep beep beep beee beeep?

"Hmm?" Smokescreen tilted his head at him. "Oh, sure, Bee. I can translate to Rarity for you. What do you want to say?"

Beep bleep bleep ble-bleep beep bebeep bleep bebe-beep.

"What is it?" Rarity asked.

"He wants to know if you know anything about pink liquid on broken glass shards. Lift your arm, Barricade . . ."

"Oh, well, I can't say I do, darling, though it's hard to tell from such a vague and broad- oh wait! There is one thing."

Beep beep!? Bumblebee shrieked, eager for Rarity to share. Rarity was startled by his shout.

"Um, yes, well . . . it could be a love potion." Rarity explained. "I only know of the one . . . that was when the Cutie Mark Crusaders tried to get their teacher to fall in love with Applejack's unfortunate brother . . . I do hope they've learned their lesson since last time."

Beep beep beep beeep?

"I'm sorry, darling?"

"He says he wants to know the love potion's effects." Smokescreen translated.

"Well, it was an actually a love poison, darling, but I digress. The effects were that the afflicted ponies couldn't stop to think about anything but each other. They were completely obsessed to the point of not being able to function properly. Smokescreen, are we done here?"

"Yup." Smokescreen answered, whipping the measuring tape from Barricade. "We're good."

"Excellent!" Rarity cheered. She turned to the unlikely cop duo. "And I expect to see both of you within the hour. The wedding will be on soon!" Rarity and Smokescreen went away, Rarity giggling at the thought of dressing up space robots.

"Great." Barricade muttered sourly. "Rarity gets to dress up like we're her dolls. Can you believe this, Bee?"

Bumblebee didn't hear Barricade's complaints, as he was too busy doing math in his head. Putting two and two together . . . obsessive, barely functional as a normal being, impulsive . . .

Beep! Bumblebee shouted, grabbing Barricade's arm. Beep beep beep bleep!

"Slow down, turbofox." Barricade chided. "What is it?"

Beep beep bleep beep beep! Bumblebee recounted what Rarity told him.

"Oooh?" Barricade drawled. "Funny, because that sounds exactly like what Twilight and Shockwave doing, focusing on each other over anything else. Say, did the Cutie Mark Crusaders interact with Shockwave recently?" Barricade pondered, before he noticed the very fillies he was talking about pitter-pattering past him and Bumblebee.

Beep beep! Beep beep beep? Bumblebee shouted at them, reaching at them for attention.

"Oh, that's them? I'll get it." Barricade turn towards the fillies. "HEY! CUTIE MARK WHAT'S-A-MA-WHO'S!"

The Cutie Mark Crusaders, realizing they were being addressed, stopped.

"Hello, good sir!" Scootaloo greeted him, but she sounded antsy.

"Hey, Barricade!" Sweetie Belle added nervously. "Can we . . . help you?"

"Yeah." Barricade answered, picking up on their unease. He grabbed Bumblebee and pulled the yellow bot closer. "Bumblebee and I were snooping around, see? And we think something's a bit fishy with the wedding, see? Rarity just told us about your fiasco with the love potion, so we think you might know something. So, would you be dears and tell us anything you might know?"

Scootaloo looked to her fellows, giggling nervous, before unexpectedly shouting.


The Cutie Mark Crusaders began running around in circles like lawnmowers that were on the fritz. Barricade knelt down and picked Scootaloo up by her tail.

"Whoa, whoa, little filly. What's this about?"

"Let me go!" Scootaloo flailed around in Barricade's grip.

"You drop her!" Apple Bloom shouted, running up and banging her hooves fruitlessly on Barricade's pede. Sweetie Belle joined her, but Bumblebee took action and picked the both of them up in his hands.

"Oof!" Sweetie Belle grunted, struggling in Bumblebee's grip. "Let us go, you brute!" She pounded her hooves on Bumblebee's fingers, to no avail.

"Not until you three little naughty fillies tell us what's going on." Barricade snarled, shaking Scootaloo around.

Beep beep! Bumblebee objected to the violent treatment.

"Relax." Barricade played it off. "If she doesn't want to tell us what happened after this, nothing will get her to . . . talk." Barricade's smugness was cut short as a thin computer chip fell out from Scootaloo's body onto the floor.

"The frell?" Barricade questioned, picking the chip up. It was a gray chip with alternating red and green blinking lights. "What is this supposed to be? . . . holy scrap, it's a Cerebro-shell!"

Beep beep?

Barricade was going to explain what Cerebro-shells were to Bumblebee, but was cut off by a scream from Scootaloo.

"AAAH! NO! I"m sorry!" Scootaloo brought her forehooves over her face. "I didn't mean to! We were playing, and then there was this, like, tiny Decepticon, and he said he could really use our help with a project of his, and then the next thing I know, I'm mixing up a love potion with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo and then Twilight's warning us not to do anything wrong and PLEASE DON'T LET TWILIGHT SPANK US!"

Barricade whistled sharply. "Wooow. Calm down, runt. I'm not gonna hurt ya. Right now, at least."

Bumblebee blooped curiously, holding the other Crusaders up. He shook them up and down, and after a while, Cerebro-shells fell off their bodies as well.

There was a high-pitched beeping sound, and it wasn't coming from Bumblebee, so everyone was confused . . . until Barricade noticed the lights on the Cerebro-shell in his other hand accelerating in their beeping. He tossed the shell forward, and Bumblebee kicked the remaining two out with it. All three exploded in mid-air, leaving nothing behind burnt scraps.

"Well then!" Barricade exclaimed. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking, Bee?"

Beep beep beep bleep beep?

"That's right!" Barricade agreed. "That someone, somewhere, whisked these fillies off and applied the Cerebro-shells to them. Then they had the Crusaders slip Twilight and Shockwave the love potion to derail any legislative talk between Shockwave and the other species' leaders. Eventually, Shockwave's and Twilight's fake love for each other would begin to bring their governments down. Then, to make sure they would get away scot-free, they set the Cerebro-shells to blow as soon as they were done with, and everypony who knew about the Cutie Mark Crusaders' prior experience with love potions would begin to suspect the CMC here. So they get away with without a trace, the Cutie Mark Crusaders take up the position of "fall guy", and Shockwave's leadership of the Decepticons turns into scrap because he's so busy with Twilight. It all makes sense now! . . . Except . . . who would benefit from all this?"

Beep beep bleep beep?

"No, Bumblebee, I don't think this has anything to do with the Changeling bomber that appeared just as the love potion's symptoms started to manifest." Barricade slapped Bumblebee upside the head. "Of course they're connected, smeghead! But we have bigger problems right now! Shockwave's about to get married to that- that Little Pony Twilight! We have to stop it!"

"We're sorry!" Scootaloo shouted, still covering her eyes. "We didn't mean to! The shell . . . thingies made us do it!"

"Oy, shut up, you. I'm trying to brainstorm . . . wait." Barricade held the filly up to his optic-level. "Can you three whip up an antidote for the potion you used?"

"I don't know . . . maybe." Scootaloo muttered. "Because of the shell, we don't really know what recipe we used . . ."

Bumblebee leaned over and whispered something in Barricade's audio receptor.

"Hmm? Mmh." Barricade nodded. "Okay, Scootaloo, was it? Bumblebee says that if you three can get to the Space Bridge, go to Equestria, brew up an antidote, and come back before the wedding ceremony finishes, then your role in all this can be our little secret. What do you say?"

Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom's eyes all perked up at the thought. They nodded eagerly. "If it means we don't get punished, sure! We can do that, right, girls?"

"Right!" Apple Bloom agreed.

"Good!" Barricade and Bumblebee put the fillies down and shooed them off. "Go on! Get! Clock is ticking!" The fillies made a hasty departure, and Barricade looked to Bumblebee. "Let's get to the wedding, Bee. Buy ourselves some time." Bumblebee bleeped his approval of that idea, and off they went.

Elsewhere on Cybertron, the wedding ceremony had been set up by the Decepticons quickly slapping together an elegant recreation of the traditional Pony wedding set-up, with Rarity's guidance. Celestia, Twilight's friends, Team Prime, and the Combaticons were all in attendance, as well several other nobleponies and Vehicons. The Cybertronians were dressed in suits Rarity had made for the occasion. The sight of so many giant, walking, war-built robots walking around in fine, classy suits was . . . novel, to say the least. Let’s … not bring attention to how ridiculous it was, hmm? Out of respect for the shredded remains of their Decepticon dignity, of course.

Smokescreen twisted his waist, admiring the Autobot-sized tuxedo Rarity had whipped up for him. "Man, I look good."

Optimus rubbed at his chest, fiddly adjusting his window inside the suit Rarity had made for him. "I must admit, Rarity, I am impressed by your dress-making skills."

"Oh, nonsense, darling. I just took some instructions for human suits and made them extra-extra-extra large."

"Has Shockwave paid you for your services?"

"Oh, yes. He paid quite a number of Energon Shards for these suits. Said it was his "best approximate" of the equivalent payment in Equestrian currency."

"Mmm." Celestia spoke. "Rarity, you realize that, with exchange rates, Shockwave may have very well paid you a fortune . . . or next to nothing?"

"Well, yes. But I have faith Shockwave did his best. He doesn't strike me as the swindling type."

"Say, Optimus?" Celestia asked, adjusting her neck towards him. "Do we have an interplanetary exchange rate for Equestrian to Cybertronian currency?"

"No. No, we do not."

"We should sit down sometime and fix that."

"Yes. Yes, we should. Rarity, while I appreciate your dress-making skills, and your ability to somehow alter the specifications for human's dress-suit into a Cybertronian size, taking into account things like my windows, Smokescreen's wings, and Shockwave's cannon . . . however did you make so many outfits in such little time?"

Rarity giggled. "Oh, Optimus, a lady never reveals her secrets."

"I helped." Smokescreen added. Several Vehicons in the audience turned to glare. Smokescreen gestured towards them. "And so did they!"

Optimus leveled his brow at Rarity, who nervously chuckled. "Eh-heh . . . well, when you're pressed for time, trying to make something for Decepticon royalty . . ."

"Hey," Rainbow Dash shouted, floating over a punch bowl set out by Pinkie and scooping some up. "Is this punch non-alcoholic?"

"Yup!" Pinkie answered.

Rainbow Dash glared. She poured her glass back into the bowl. "What's the point of it, then?" She sat on the table and crossed her front legs. The other girls and Autobots went to mingle, but Optimus stayed with Rainbow Dash at the table.

"Rainbow Dash . . ." Optimus said gravely, placing a hand on her back. "I wanted you to know . . . about Dreadwing. I'm . . . sorry I didn't do more."

Rainbow Dash scoffed at him. "Please, Optimus . . ." She looked at the pedestal, from which Luna would officiate. Next to her on either side was Twilight in a dress, and Shockwave in Rarity's tailored-made tuxedo. A Decepticon. In a tuxedo. "Looking at Shockwave right now . . . looking at this . . ." she gestured over the entire set-up. "This . . . is exactly what Dreadwing wanted to avoid. I'm imagining Dreadwing and me over there in Twilight and Shockwave's place . . . and thinking of it like that, I can see why he might have wanted to kill himself before it got to that point. Heheh."

Optimus frowned.

Dash shrugged. "Hey. It's called black comedy."

"Okay." Barricade said, as he and Bumblebee sneaked around the entrance to the party, using the decorations for cover. "We only got a few minutes left before Princess Luna asks Shockwave for his and Twilight's vows, so we need to come with a distraction until those fillies get back."

Beep beep. Beep beep?

"I'll deal with it." Barricade assured Bumblebee. "I'm gonna go in, be quick. Be stealthy. Be subtle, and I'll have this wedding in chaos in no time. And hopefully, those fillies will be back before the flatfeet try to remove me."

Beep beep.

Bumblebee watched anxiously as Barricade broke from their cover and strolled into the set-up. Barricade cleared his throat, lifted his arms into the air, and shouted.


Bumblebee facepalmed.

Barricade's shout caught the attention of all, least of all including Shockwave and Twilight.

"Why?" Shockwave demanded angrily.

"Because . . . because . . ." Barricade pointed empathetically at Shockwave. "Because your love for Twilight is impure!"

Shockwave and Twilight gasped. Princess Luna suddenly rose up, intrigued by the commotion.

"How dare you! My love for Twilight Sparkle burns like a furnace!"

"No, it doesn't! You're just trying to get in good with the Equestrian government so you can exert more power!" Barricade had made that up on the spot, but it was a plausible explanation.

"Ooh, someone shut him up!" Shockwave demanded, gesturing with his cannon-arm grandly.

One of the Combaticons, Brawl, a green bot with two cannons on his back, eagerly went to obey Shockwave's command. He picked up a table and hurled it at Barricade. Barricade caught it, only to throw it to the side, where it pinned down an unfortunate unicorn noble. The unicorn noble used his magic to lift the table off, then threw in no specific direction, where it hit three Vehicons at once. A few other Vehicons took offense to this, and they threw the punch bowl at the unicorn's direction, sending the punch everywhere and getting several Ponies soaked.

"Yeah!" Grimlock cheered. "Bar fight! Bar fight!"

"No!" Optimus objected. "There will be no bar fight-" As a piece of cake flew and smacked into his face, Optimus realized there was no use trying to maintain order.

Everything went into chaos. Vehicons and Ponies throwing food, punch, and tablecloth at each other. More than a few Decepticons began to punch at their comrades, unable to discern whom had thrown what in the frenzy. Some more bloodthirsty Autobots charged into the fray, adding their fists to the growing fracas. Princess Luna flew up from her pedestal and began tossing around magical incantations of lightning, while other unicorns continued to throw things.

Optimus and Celestia collapsed against a table, rubbing their temples sorely. A Vehicon was thrown into the table on his back.

"Optimus Prime." The Vehicon said, grabbing Optimus' arm and using the leverage to set himself upright. "Consider this a formal request from me; if all Pony weddings are like this, I see no absolutely no reason for Cybertron not to adopt the custom as their own. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to bean this slagger with a chair." The Vehicon picked up a folding chair and went on his way.

Optimus rolled his optics towards Celestia. "Are most Pony weddings like this?"

"Mmm. Not always." Celestia answered. She ducked as a tablecloth flew over her head. "But they are surprisingly often." She put a hoof to her chin and watched as Twilight began throwing magic spells in random directions, trying to restore order.

Bumblebee whirred pathetically. He really hoped the Crusaders came back before the carnage burnt the set-up down and spilled out onto the streets. His prayers were answered, as he felt a little round, squishy thing poke his leg.

Beep beep! Bumblebee looked down to see the Crusaders offering him a glass vial with a different shade of pink liquid.

"Here you go!" Scootaloo told him as Bumblebee took it. "It's not perfect, but it should work! And hey, is our deal still on?"

Bumblebee ignored her questions, preferring instead to safely nestle the vial somewhere in his insides where it wouldn't shake too much. He converted into his Urbana 500 sports-car mode and sped into the set-up, using the exchange of blaster fire, unicorn magic, and flying cake as cover. Perhaps he should have spent more time testing whether or not the antidote would work, but Bumblebee had fate in the spirit of a filly motivated to not get a spanking.

Speeding through the chaos, Bumblebee managed to reach Twilight.

"Bumblebee? What are you doing-?" Twilight was cut off as Bumblebee reverted back to robot mode and skid along the ground, pinning her down with his hand.

"Ow! Hey!"

Bumblebee bleeped an apology, popping the vial out from his compartment. He forced the bottle into Twilight's mouth and poured until it was half-gone. After that, Bumblebee popped it out of her mouth and watched for a bit.

"Ooogh . . ." Twilight rose up, rubbing her head. "What happened? I feel like I just had a bad hangover . . . why am I dressed like I'm getting married?"

Bumblebee bleeped a sign of relief, then focused his attention on Shockwave. He called for Barricade.


"I'm on it!" Barricade shouted. He ran through the crowd and football tackled Shockwave. Shockwave smacked him off, but Barricade persisted, grabbing onto Shockwave's body and climbing all over him.

"Get off!" Shockwave instructed his wayward lieutenant.

"No can do, Lord Shockwave." Barricade informed him as he wrapped his arms around Shockwave's neck. "Bumblebee! If you're gonna do something-!"

Beep beep beep! Bumblebee replied, dashing through. He leaped up and managed to swing himself about on Shockwave's arm, then jabbed the potion into Shockwave's drink socket, draining the vial until it was empty.

"Get off, both of you! I will not – OW!" Shockwave complained, before being interrupted by a throbbing pain in his head. "Ooh, my cranial module . . . what happened?" Shockwave looked around, and all he saw was people throwing things at each other. "Decepticons! . . . DECEPTICONS!"

Shockwave reached over his shoulder and grabbed Barricade, throwing him off. Shockwave then fired shots into the crowd. The explosions his cannon made were enough to break up the bar fight and draw attention to him.

"Would someone or somepony mind explaining to just what the Pit is going on here!?" Shockwave demanded.

"You-you were having a wedding, Lord Shockwave, sir." One of the Vehicons stuttered.

"Wedding?" Shockwave surveyed the scene. Thin walls had been hastily set-up, there were tables and chairs flown everywhere, and there was cake all over the floor. "I recall no such happening! Whatever wedding it was, it is now CANCELLED." Shockwave gestured. "Clean up this mess!" Shockwave turned around and angrily stormed off the pedestal. "Oooh, how humiliating . . ."

"Come on, boss-bot." Barricade coaxed, gently putting his arm around Shockwave's shoulder. "Let's get you back to your tower to rest up, eh?"

Bumblebee watched them, placing his hands on his hips to celebrate a job well done. Barricade turned around gave Bumblebee an "I'm watching you" gesture, signaling their alliance was over.

"So that's it, then." Celestia concluded, watching Barricade and Shockwave leave while the Vehicons shamefully began to tear down their set-up. "No wedding, no marriage . . ." Celestia sighed. "No point to it all . . ."

"Well . . ." Grimlock interjected. "We did have a pretty great bar fight for it."

"Oh, yes." Celestia rolled her eyes. "That makes it so worthwhile." Celestia hopped off her chair and looked around in the dispersing crowd. "Ah! Cadence!"

Cadence was right over by her Aunt's side. "Hello, Aunt Celestia." Despite being family, Cadence bowed. "What do you need, Your Eminence?"

"Ah, I was hoping I could send you and Shining Armor out on a mission for me after this mess gets cleaned up." Celestia cast a scornful gaze on the area.

"But of course." Cadence nodded.

So, after the whole kerfuffle with the wedding was dealt with, all of the dresses Rarity (and the Vehicons) had made were cut up and sold as scrap fabric to recuperate Rarity's losses. Except for Smokescreen's. He was vain like that.

All the race leaders retired to their respective homes, while Twilight just . . . retired, going home and plopping into her bed. It had been a long day.

Bumblebee and Barricade held true to their deal with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, so no one knew their unfortunate role in this mess.

Cadence and Shining Armor set out for the task Celestia had given them.

And much later, on Cybertron, Blackout was pacing down an empty street. He hoped to cleanse his mind with a walk, and to have his thoughts to himself where he wouldn't bump into anybody to interrupt. He hadn't counted on Dropshot suddenly appearing from a dark alleyway.

"You again." Blackout spat, reading the guns on his arms.

"Yes-yes! It's me!" Dropshot stuttered. Blackout immediately sensed something was off. Dropshot had lost his usual swagger.

"What happened to that pompous behavior of yours?" Blackout asked, pointing his weapons at Dropshot.

"It, ah, disappears when his masters know his minions messed up his instructions."

Blackout looked into the dark alley Dropshot had appeared from. There was a pair of optics, glowing yellow in the darkness.

"Who are you!?" Blackout demanded, pointing his weapons.

"Dropshot's master . . . and potentially your friend." The figure stepped out of the darkness. "Weapons down, please. There's no need for that."

Blackout complied. Not because he was obeying the figure's request, but because he was in disbelief at who he was seeing. "No . . . you . . . it can't be."

"Oh, but it is, Blackout. I apologize about what happened to your friend. I expected Dropshot to be more careful when making our . . . arrangements."

"You did set the Changeling up!" Blackout accused, pointing at Dropshot.

"On my orders, he did." The figure added. "Please, put your weapons away again. Now, I didn't mean to harm your friend, Blackout. In fact, if you would be willing to join me, you could invite Barricade to join us as well. And then we can avoid another . . . accident like this."

Blackout considered this. "But why? Why send that Changeling in?"

"To sow dissent, of course! If the Autobots were seen as willing to employ suicide bombers, it would deal a major blow to their reputation as heroic freedom fighters, and then the fighting would start back up again! . . . Of course, that was presuming the bomb would have obliterated all traces of the Changeling's corpse. Now, I ask you again, Blackout . . . will you join me?"

The shadowy figured offered Blackout his hand. Blackout took it with only a moment's hesitance.

Shockwave made his way through the halls of the upper floor of his Tower. The Decepticons workers had repaired the damage from the bomb just enough for Shockwave to be able to walk through the section of the hallway and into his secret room where he had invited no one but Twilight Sparkle.

Shockwave went into the room, locking the door.

Inside the room was a massive complex housing more than a dozen tanks, each filled with a dark yellow liquid. Some of them had what were clearly bones visible in them, floating inside them, bubbles forming in the surface.

Shockwave walked past them, ignoring them. Once he reached the end of the room, he found what he was looking for.

A desk . . . and a much larger square tank, like a Decepticon-sized aquarium. On the desk were several tools, one of which looked like a micro cassette that had been built to Decepticon scale and laced with Energon.

Shockwave picked the box up and hit the record button. "Shockwave's Log. Number: 427. Project: Predacon has nearly borne fruit." Shockwave began to pace around the room.

"And for the most unlikely of reasons . . ." Shockwave noted. "While . . . not in my right mind, I invited the pony known as "Twilight Sparkle" to view my work. I even asked her to help with in what I'm given to understand was an attempt at "romance". However . . ."

Shockwave looked to the aquarium tank.

"While we may have not been in our right minds during the experience, I cannot deny that Twilight Sparkle's suggestions for my Predacons were . . . greatly beneficial. Before, I was having difficulty deciding what information to feed them through the Hyperevolution Chambers, but thanks to her guidance, I now know what to tell them to ensure their loyalty to me."

Shockwave turned around.

"I know . . . that some Decepticons . . . are not happy with the changes I have implemented in our command in order to coexist peacefully with the humans and Equestrians. You have my assurance, Decepticons, then when Project: Predacon sees completion . . ."

Shockwave turned away from the tank.

"We will no longer live in peace." Shockwave snarled into the Log. He turned the record button off and placed the log back on his desk.

He put his arms behind his back and stared up at his creations in wonder.

In the tank, a large shadow moved, wriggling like an eel. It swam back and forth, before turning around and ramming into the glass at full force. The impact of its claws made the glass crack. It roared at Shockwave to be let free from its prison.

And on Equestria, Twilight bolted upright in her sleep with her heart racing, thoughts and dreams of huge mechanical beasts running in her mind . . .

Elsewhere on Equestria, in the Everfree Forest, Shining Armor and Cadence were having a marginally better time than anyone else had had within the last 48 hours. Shining Armor stepped in something mucky, but he didn't mind. It was good to get away from the craziness of the last few days, even if was on a wild goose chase from Celestia.
"Honestly, I still don't understand why we're here." Shining Armor said to his wife, waving his flashlight with his unicorn magic. "It's not like there's anything we want to find in the Everfree Forest."

"Be patient, Shining Armor." Cadence told him, trudging through the muck and waving her flashlight around for signs of anything unusual. "Princess Celestia said there was a report of something in these woods there's not supposed to be."

"Oh. Something in the Everfree Forest that's not supposed to be in the Everfree Forest. Well, geez, that only covers . . . everything in the Everfree Forest."

"Hmm." Cadence lowered her eyelids, before Shining's flashlight reflected off a metallic substance. "Wait, wait, Shining, go back!"

"Huh?" Shining pulled his light back, casting it over the thing Cadence had found. "What . . . is that?"

They turned their flashlights towards the mystery device, revealing a white wing with a black rim.

"Decepticon?" Shining Armor asked.

Cadence waved her flashlight around. "No. American."

"What!?" Shining Armor looked, and was disbelieving when he saw the U.S flag emblazoned upon the side of the white hull.

Cadence and Shining Armor shared worried glances, then silently approached the strange vessel.

"Come on." Cadence quickly found the entrance, and they went inside. The inside of the spacious craft was a dark and messy as the outside. Metal rafters hung lopsided on the ceiling, about to give at any moment. The floor was flooded with the mucky substance from outside, and the smell of the place was . . . absolutely putrid.

Cadence and Shining Armor went inside to investigate, waving their flashlights all around to spot anything that could help them make sense of the fact there was a United States Space Shuttle on Equestria!

Cadence let out a gasp. "Shining, look!"

"What?" Shining whipped around to see what Cadence was looking at. There was an astronaut suit in on the far edge of the room, suspended and grisly impaled on a steel bar. Waving their flashlights around, they found six more of the suits.

"Hmm." Shining noted. "Astronaut suits."

Cadence nervously made her way towards one of them. She shined her flashlight into her face.

"Shining . . . I don't think they're suits. I think they're real astronauts."

"Oh, well, that's not good." Shining Armor said, coming closer. "You know Twiley's had traumatic experience with humans in the past . . ."

"Oh, I think she'll like these ones." Cadence said dryly. She put her hoof on the astronaut's helmet and popped it off. There was a sickening crunch noise. Shining Armor waved his flashlight at the astronaut's neck to see there was a bone sticking out of it. He then made the mistake of waving his flashlight into the black screen of the helm, revealing a human skull inside.

"You know, seeing as they're all dead."

"Aah!" Shining Armor screamed at the sight and stumbled backwards, dropping his flashlight and falling into the muck.

Cadence giggled. "Careful, there."

"It's not funny!"

Cadence held the astronaut's head up on her hoof, shining her flashlight directly into its face.

"Alas, poor Yorick." Cadence lamented the poor astronaut. "A fellow of most infinite jest, of most excellent fancy."

Shining Armor pointed his flashlight at the astronaut's suit. "Umm . . . this name tag says his name was Jamison. William Jamison. Part of the . . ." Shining Armor narrowed his eyes at the tag, "crew of experimental warp ship, U.S Mystery, 1976."

"Hmm." Cadence hmmed. "Wait . . . wait, wait!" She repeated, as though something distressing became clear.

"What?" Shining mimicked his wife. "What, what!?"

"Shining . . . the Autobots arrived on Earth in 2007. If this ship was launched in 1976 . . .how did it arrive on Equestria without a Space Bridge?"

IV: Plans and Predacons

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Twilight Sparkle hoped she could lie in bed and rest all day, after yesterday where she nearly got married to a Decepticon. Her hopes were crushed when Spike received a letter telling Twilight to bring her friends and come to Canterlot immediately. She staggered through her morning routine, half awake, before meeting her friends in Canterlot.

"You alright, Twi?" Applejack asked as the group trotted to the steps of the Canterlot observatory, where Princess Celestias was waiting for them.

"I'm fine." Twilight shoved Applejack's comforting hoof off. "I just couldn't sleep well last night. I kept dreaming about these awful things that looked like a Decepticon and a dragon had a baby."

"Twilight Sparkle!" Celestia beamed. "I'm quite pleased to see you and your friends made it. It's reassuring to know there are some I can rely on."

Twilight and Applejack looked to each other. It wasn't like the Princess to say something like that.

Twilight cleared her throat. "Uh, Princess? What do you mean by-"

"Come." Celestia instructed, going into the golden building.

Twilight's group followed her inside, and they were led to a golden circular platform. Upon it stood the machine Shining Armor and Cadence salvaged from the US Mystery a night prior. It was a large, black box, with a green triangle embedded on a forward-pointing post on its front. Various ponies with labcoats and goggles were surrounding it, conducting tests and scribbling notes.

Celestia, upset, pointed at the machine. "Twilight Sparkle, do you know what this device is?"

"I think so . . ." Twilight trotted closer for a better look. "It seems to be a Transwarp Drive."

"Exactly." Celestia nodded. "Your brother and his wife took it last night . . . from an America shuttle, dated years before the Autobots landed on Earth." It took Twilight a minute to let that sink in.

"But that's – that's impossible!" Twilight sputtered.

"Indeed it should be . . . unless our human "friends" are hiding something from us," Celestia said.

Applejack raised her hoof. "Uh, could somepony explain this to tha' less technically-minded?"

"Yes." Rarity mumbled. "Do inform us, darlings."

Twilight pointed at the device. "That is a piece of Cybertronian tech. It was found on a human ship. The human ship should not have HAD Cybertronian tech, because it's dated years before the Autobots and Decepticons came to Earth!"

"Oh my." Rarity muttered. "That does not give the best impression of the good folks at Terra Firma."

"Indeed." Celestia grunted. "I have invited Optimus Prime over to Canterlot today to see if he knows anything about this." A deep thrum could be heard outside.

"Ah! That sounds like him now! Excuse me." Celestia left the building. Twilight and her friends followed her, but only up to the door of the building. Instead, they attempted to eavesdrop from inside, pressing their ears up against the glass door.

"Explain to me why we're not out with them?" Dash impatiently groaned.

"Because!" Rarity snapped. "This is clearly a sensitive subject, and it would be rude of us to intrude upon the two great leaders."

"Quiet!" Twilight snapped. "I can't hear what they're saying!"

"You can't hear what they're saying anyway . . ." Dash mumbled.

Rainbow Dash was right. They couldn't hear what the Princess and Optimus where saying from behind the door. But from the angry sweeping motions of Celestia's hoof, and the grimace on Optimus' face, it did not appear Optimus knew any more about the Engine than they did.

"Doesn't look like he knows anything . . ." Twilight mumbled. "Hey, what's that noise – AH!"

The door gave out under their combined weight, swinging open and letting them spill out like an overstuffed closet. They landed on the steps in a pile of entangled hooves.

"Ah, the girls!" Optimus beckoned, pleased to see them. "Are you engaged in a sport of play?"

"Yeah, sure." Twilight answered quickly as they worked to untangle themselves from their pile.

"I do hope to see you at the swap meet today." Optimus bowed to the Princess. "Again, I apologize I could not have been of more assistance in this matter. I will task my forces with attempting to pierce this mystery."

"There's no need to feel guilty, Optimus." Celestia assured him. "I appreciate your help regardless."

"Please excuse me," Optimus said, activating his comm. "I need to make a call . . ." He converted into his vehicular mode and drove down the Canterlot path.

Celestia gave one look to the girls, nodded to dismiss them, then spread her wings and flew away for some other business.

Applejack admired Celestia's ascension to the sky before turning to Twilight. "What's this about a swap meet, now?"

"Oh. That. Yeah, there's a meet on Cybertron later for Cybertronians, humans, and ponies to get together and exchange ideas about economy and, well, trade things."

"Mmh. Are we goin'?"

"Well, I can't think of a reason not to."

Applejack nodded. "Hey. What was that y'all were saying before, Twilight? Something about Decepti-dragon things in your dreams?"

"Yeah . . ." Twilight muttered, looking away. "Kept having nightmares about them . . . it's fine, really. Just some bad dreams."

"Oh my." Rarity gasped. She draped her leg around Twilight's neck. "Darling, that simply won't do! Here, let us go the spa in Canterlot. I hear they have fabulous spices that spa back in Ponyville can't even pretend to afford!"

"No, no, that's okay -"

"I insist! Here, my treat to everypony." Rarity thrust herself to the front of the group and started leading towards the spa. As they were walking by, Twilight noticed an Autobot out of the corner of her eye. He looked like Smokescreen, only bleached into a white and black color, like a police car. He had a orange visor instead of eyes, and he was accompanied by a strange looking Autobot that looked more like an orange, white and yellow Vehicon with a curved, crowned head than an Autobot. They seemed to constantly checking around them, trying not to be seen.

"Twilight?" Rarity called, noticing Twilight had stopped. "Are you coming?"

"Um, yeah." Twilight answered. "Would you mind waiting a minute? I think I see an old friend of mine over there . . ."

"Wait," Dash said. "Didn't you say you didn't have friends before moving to Canterlot?"

"Yes." Twilight answered blankly. "Um, well . . . it's . . . another student from Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns!" Twilight smiled nervously, trying to get Rainbow Dash to buy it so she could investigate the mystery Autobots on her own. She didn't want them coming along if it turned out to be dangerous.

"Well, go on, then." Rarity waved her hoof. "We'll keep a spot for you."

"Thanks, girls!" Twilight took off at blazing speed. There was no telling how far those two could have gotten by now.

She was able to track them down by using her superior pony sense of smell to trace the faint scent of gasoline, and found them just as they were arriving at a broken down building. They both kicked the wall down and went inside like they owned the place.

Twilight gasped. She didn't think Autobots were the type to commit property damage.

Using her magic to turn herself invisible, Twilight followed them inside. She had to cover her mouth to from keep herself from coughing from the dust the destruction whipped up. She clambered over the rubble and plaster. The room was dark, lit only by the sunlight streaming from the destroyed wall.

But she could see enough to be bewildered by what she saw.

Optimus Prime was waiting for them, arms crossed. Twilight knew she didn't know everything about the Autobots, but she never in a million, million years would have thought that Optimus engaged in secret meetings in shadowy buildings.

Optimus cocked his brow. "Prowl," he said to the white Autobot, "you are certain no one will notice the destroyed wall?

"The building is scheduled for demolition and urban renewal. No one will even notice, and if they do, they'll just take it to be the demolition team starting early." Prowl answered.

"Very well. Proceed." Optimus instructed. "What is your report thus far?"

"I have good news and bad news." Prowl answered.

Optimus tapped his fingers to his forehead crest, sighing deeply. "The good news?"

"The good news is that the Space Bridge network that we entrusted to the Equestrians hasn't been used for anything other than its intended purpose." Prowl listed off, producing a clipboard. "No drug-dealers, no monsters, no demons. Any and all research done relating the Space Bridge required Celestia's express approval."

"The bad news?"

"The bad news is that there are some ponies attempting to capitalize on the unusual effects Energon has on the ponies' alien anatomy. Chief amongst them is a male Earth pony by the name of Dr. Cabelleron."

Dr. Cabelleron? Twilight thought. But he's a fictional character in the Daring Do books! . . . Wait, is it possible A.K Yearling based her books off real ponies?

"Anything else?" Optimus inquired.

"Yes. There are some Decepticons who aren't too keen on Shockwave's idea of living in a truce. They're considering splintering away from the main forces to wage war on their own. They call themselves the "Decepticon Warlords."

"I'm aware."

"Shockwave has invited them to the swap meet today. He's hoping you'll boast of previous Autobot victories and encourage them to stay with the flock, if you will."

"Mm. A schism within the Decepticons could into a Decepticon Civil War, which would utterly sabotage our attempts at peace."

"Yeah, sure, but come on," the orange Autobot said, resting his fingers on Prowl's shoulders. "You don't really think Shockwave's into that whole "peace" idea, do you?"


Twilight blinked. Optimus usually assumed the best in people! He even sighed that treatise with Shockwave, but he didn't think Shockwave was really trying for peace?

"Shockwave is merely using this peace as a mask while he attempts to regroup the Decepticons under his banner instead of Megatron's." Optimus explained. "However, as we lack sufficient proof that this is his intent, saying as much in public would be tantamount to a declaration of war. Now, Celestia has found a Transwarp Drive inside an American shuttle. I want you to find out everything you can about it. Is there anything else before we leave?"

"Yes." The orange Autobot spoke up.

Prowl turned to him. "What is it, Chromedome?"

"Okay, well, a) you forgot to mention that we got a lead on that Changeling suicide bomber yesterday. We found a bunch of Vehicon Generals, some Insecticons, and a few Changelings operating an Energon mine on Earth. We suspect the bomber is a part of their group."

"One of the Warlord's private armies?"

"No. We attempted to engage, and they were very insistent they were not Decepticons. We caught a Vehicon, but he shot himself in the head before he talked. Second, the humans are attempting something called "Operation: Patriotism." . . . we haven't found what it is, but Galloway's involved in it. One last thing . . ."

Chromedome turned around and pointed smack-dab at Twilight's position.

"There is a pony over where who's been eavesdropping and thinks we can't sense because she's invisible. You know, pony, you might not have noticed, but we're sort of super-advanced robots with ultra-mega-sensors. We can detect stray bodies with more than just seeing. I mean, thermal imagery, just off the top of my head."

Twilight grimaced.

Chromedome and Prowl looked to Optimus. Optimus nodded. Optimus and Prowl primed their weapons, while green beams of light spawned from Chromedome's fingers and made into claws.

Twilight didn't like the idea of being a loose end, so she turned and galloped out. Once she put in some distance, she used a teleport spell to bring herself close to the spa.

Twilight breathed heavily, incredibly relieved to have gotten out of that intact.

"Twilight Sparkle?"

"Ah!" Twilight whipped around and fell on her back, crawling backwards in fear when she saw Optimus. How did he get to her so quickly?

"Is everything alright?" Optimus asked soothingly. "You seem disturbed."

Twilight looked up between Prime's legs. The building they were just at was not actually too far from the front entrance to the spa, so Optimus could have easily sprinted out when Chromedome saw she teleported. He could tell she was invisible. It stood to reason he could tell she teleported as well.

Yeah, that was it . . . Chromedome informed them she had teleported, and then Optimus got out from the building to keep up appearances. Then he noticed her appear from the side of the street and naturally went towards her.

"Twilight Sparkle?" Optimus repeated. "You have yet to answer me. Are you well?"

Twilight looked up at him. He looked so worried and concerned for her. It was hard for her to believe that Optimus was capable of being two-faced.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." Twilight lied to him, smiling friendlily. She got off her back. "I was just about to join my friends in the spa."

"Good to hear." Optimus seemed pleased she wasn't hurt. "There is still time for you to enjoy your trip to the spa, but the swap meet will be soon. Would you and your friends do me the honor of accompanying me to it?"

Twilight nodded, blushing. "Yeah, of course!"

"Thank you. Enjoy your spa." Optimus left, but Twilight was still feeling uneasy. What were he, Prowl, and Chromedome going to do her if they caught her?

Twilight went inside the building, told the clerk her friends should have a spot of her, and she was guided into a hot tub with everypony else.

"Good of you to finally join us, Twilight!" Rarity exclaimed as the soothing hot water went over Twilight's body. "Did you enjoy meeting your old student pal?"

"Oh, yeah!" Twilight answered. "He . . . really talked my ear off, heh." She sunk further into the water to take her mind off things. "Anyways, Optimus wants us to join in at the swap meet when we're done here."

"I see no reason why not." Rarity answered, stretching her neck over the tub's edge. Murmurs of agreement were heard all around, while Twilight continue to think about Prowl and Chromedome.

Now done with the spa, Twilight's gang joined Optimus and Celestia through the Space Bridge onto Cybertron, where a plaza held the event. Humans, ponies, Autobot and Decepticon ran about, exchanging ideas and making small talk. Cybertron's sun shone brightly, making the silver earth gleam.

"So this is the swap meet!" Rarity exclaimed, watching in rapt awe at the variety of colors on people as they ambled and walked about. She was so excited. She already heard a pony and a Cybertronian bartender making a deal to supply the other with drinks compatible to their species. Just imagine! A bar on Cybertron that can service ponies! And that was just the start! What other nifty ideas could be made here?

"Yes. It is a sight to see!" Celestia agreed, noticing a pegasus pony take perch upon on Autobot's shoulder, prompting a good-natured laugh from the people around him. Celestia's movement was burdened by the wagon attached to her back.

"Princess," Twilight asked, "why did you bring the engine?"

"I was hoping to show it to our American friends in the hopes the sight of might jog their memory some." The Princess' growling voice showed that she was upset at the discovery, suspecting the humans were hiding something from her kingdom.

"Optimus Prime." a Cybertronian, devoid of Autobot or Decepticon markings, growled as he went up to the group. His body was long and lanky, with bulges of armor on his arms and legs.

"Metalhawk." Optimus answered with displeasure.

"Oh, yeah." Dash rubbed her hoof. "You were that guy at the treatise-signing, weren't you?"

"Indeed I was." Metalhawk answered. He glared at Optimus. "You'll be pleased to hear that I have been unanimously decided the leader of the Nets."

"Nets?" Twilight questioned.

"Short for "Neutral."" Optimus explained. "During the War for Cybertron, several Cybertronians got onto their ships and fled rather than pick a side." He said this with malcontent, glaring at Metalhawk.

"We did not wish to throw ourselves into the violence." Metalhawk explained, crossing his arms.

"You were cowards who abandoned Cybertron in its hour of need." Optimus accused.

"Were we? Or were we better than Autobot or Decepticon, forsaking violence?"

"If every Net that left had joined the Autobots, the Autobots would have the manpower to end the war as painlessly as realistically feasible." Optimus growled.

“I recall Megatron expressing a very similar sentiment regarding the idea of the Nets joining the Decepticons.”

"Optimus!" Shockwave hailed, walking up to the group with Galloway, a human Twilight didn't recognize, and a quartet of Decepticons she also didn't recognize. "So good of you to come." Shockwave and Optimus shook hands.

"You know Galloway," Shockwave gestured. "This here is his family friend, Dylan Gould." Dylan was a tall man, with a five o'clock shadow and black, greased over hair. He was wearing a blue suit. He looked friendly, but something about him made Twilight uneasy.

"And I don't believe you've met the Decepticon Warlords." Shockwave gestured to them.

"I have not." Optimus answered. Twilight looked up at him. She felt that he was being honest when he said that. Of course, he could have known about them without having met them.

"There's Scorponok, Fearswoop, Deathsaurus, and Straxus."

Scoronok lived up to his name, appearing to be, essentially, a huge purple and green robot scorpion that was stood upright and given some a Decepticon head and legs. His hands were teethed scorpion claws.

Fearswoop looked ridiculous, with a tiger stripe pattern over his body. He had some in common with a Seeker body, with a cockpit in his chest and wings on his back. The canopy of his jetmode hung off the back of his head like a ponytail. His face was just a yellow, clear optic, like Shockwave's. His hands were clamps formed out an afterburner exhaust.

Deathsaurus was fierce and regal. He had blue wings like some manner of beast, clawed feet, and a handsome silver face. A silver, beak-like crest extended from his forehead, like a cowl. His torso black and full of mismatched details, suggesting some sort of bestial alternate mode.

Straxus was a more military shade of blue, with a head more fitting a sci-fi 90's robot than a Transformer. His chest was broad and divided into panels, with a yellow breastplate. He had a backpack with treads on it. His vehicular mode was clearly a tank.

They were all sullen and grumpy.

"Why are we wasting time here?" Straxus barked.

"Because this is a vital step in maintaining a peaceful, post-war economy." Shockwave answered. Shockwave hooked his cannon-arm around Optimus and pulled him close.

"Now, Optimus . . ." Shockwave whispered. "The Warlords . . . they have been talking of breaking away from my faction of Decepticons. If you could . . . gently dissuade them from this course of action, I would be most appreciative." Shockwave's single optic curled like a smile was formed from an invisible mouth underneath.

"I will see what I can do." Optimus assured him, despite being wary of the possibility Shockwave had ulterior motives. It was hard enough managing Autobots, Equestrians, human relations, Decepticons, the Nets, and this mystery group that Prowl reported. The last thing he needed was for the Decepticons to start splintering up into subgroups.

"Before anyone else says anything, may I introduce some legislature to propose?" Galloway asked, pulling up a piece of paper.

"What it is?" Celestia took the paper with her magic and scanned over it. "This is legislature to restrict interstellar travel, limit use of the Space Bridge to ‘verified parties’, and … forbid the bringing of planetary native luggage?"

"Yes," Galloway said. "I was told the little marriage hijinks that happened yesterday were because of some party bringing Equestrian potions to Cybertron. Considering how little we were able to get done when Shockwave and Twilight were mooning over each other, I figure none of us wants that to happen again."

“And what, pray tell, defines a verified party, Director?” Optimus asked, reaching for the paper. “May I, Princess?” Celestia nodded and levitated the paper into Optimus’ hand. Optimus gave a disapproving frown. “Director, banning the travel of all ‘non-native’ luggage is sure to restrict the ability of merchants seeking to expand to do business with their extraterrestrial friends, not to mention limit the ability of our school systems to adapt valuable knowledge from other cultures into their curriculum without examples to study, and impose binding limits on artists and poets looking to the arts’ of others for inspiration.”

Optimus read over it again.

“And … there seems to be a clause allowing U.S-native humans to carry cargo after they have gone through proper channels and verify they bear no malicious intent … but there is nothing of the sort for Cybertronians, Equestrians, or non-American nationals.”

Optimus glared at the Director. Galloway cleared his throat.

"Perhaps we can discuss it more after you tell me what you know about this?" Celestia pulled the Drive out of the wagon and flashed it to Galloway.

"I can't say I know anything about it." Galloway answered. None of the Decepticons seemed too interested, but Scorponok frowned.

"And I can't help the feeling you haven't been entirely forthright with me, Galloway." Celestia squinted at him.

"I know nothing about this object, where it came from, or why you're interested in it." Galloway insisted, squinting back.

"People, people! Let's stop the violence." Scorponok offered. "Perhaps if you'll give it to me, I can have my men examine it . . ."

"Why should it go to you, huh?" Fearswoop complained. "Why does no one trust ME with the big responsibilities?"

"Probably because you're an irresponsible twit." Straxus quipped.

"What did you say!?"

This quickly devolved into childish arguing, where the Warlords talked smack while pushing and shoving each other.

"While they do that . . ." Dylan offered, walking up to Twilight Sparkle and offering his hand. "Dylan Gould."

Twilight glared at his hand. "Twilight Sparkle. My friends, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity."

"Why am I last?" Rarity moaned.

"It doesn't really matter whose last, does it?" Applejack groaned.

"Anyways . . ." Dylan said, trying to take the attention back to himself. "I'm a family friend of Galloway's. I'm here on behalf of Mr. Attiger and the KSI. I've heard good things about Twilight's abilities as a scientist. Attiger was hoping Ms. Sparkle would come help with a little science project."

Twilight put her hoof on her chin. "What kind of science project?"

"Wut does "KSI" stand fer?" Applejack asked. "Ah know there's the FBI, the CIA, the FDA, CPS, CVS, CBS -"

"Does Mr. Attiger have a first name?" Rarity asked suspiciously.

"Well, it's a very big science project." Dylan explained. "And KSI stands for -"


A Vehicon General – the silver type - ran into the square, screaming and firing shots in the air to get everyone's attention.


His claim of it not being a drill were proven when a sideways pillar of fire struck him in the back, throwing him down and melting his back into a twisted mess of slag metal instantly.

Dragons – large, green, scaly dragons with forms befitting a T-Rex marched into the plaza, huffing out steam and small puffs of fire. There was one that was larger and taller than the rest of them, wearing gold crown on its head.

"Who invited you?" A daring Autobot roared, priming his weapon.

"Why," the crown-wearing dragon answered, "this sweet little broad did! Cute thing, too."

"Optimus, you're the one who hangs out with organics," Straxus said, "What is a 'broad'?"

"A disparaging term for those of the feminine persuasion." Optimus answered as he drew his battlemask and primed his arm-blade and blaster. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have dragons to fight. AUTOBOTS, BRING THE RAIN!"

"Something's not right." Celestia muttered. "Those aren't normal Equestrian dragons . . . they're taller, fatter, with more curved snouts . . . what is going on here?"

Optimus bolted for the Dragon Chieftain. He converted into his vehicle mode, drove up to gather speed, then reverted to automatic mode and used the momentum to propel himself in the air, coming down on the Chieftain with a brutal jump-kick. The Chieftain staggered back, while Optimus landed gracefully on his feet.

"You're a pretty good fighter, there, sonny!" the Chieftain complimented, rubbing his black eye.

"'Sonny'? Please." Optimus huffed, drawing up his arm-blades. "I am willing to bet I have a few million years on you."

"Perhaps, but d'ya have THIS?" The Chieftain blasted out a breath of fire, which Optimus used his swords to shield himself from. Seeing an opening, Optimus ducked to avoid the flames, then hit the chieftain in the head with a roundhouse kick.

"Not bad! But let's see you handle TWO!"

The two dragons on the Chieftain's sides flanked Optimus and expelled twin breathes of fire onto him, forcing him down from the sheer heat. However, Optimus was able to jump and spread his legs, kicking them both in the heads and knocking them back.

"Oh-oh yeah?" The Chieftain stuttered, surprised that the fight was going out of his favor fast. "Well, let's see you handle -"

"You know." Optimus interrupted him. "Normally, I take special care not to harm organic creatures -"

Optimus slid forward, stabbing the Chieftain in the side and giving him a bloody wound.

"But there is a first time for everything, I suppose." Optimus added, taking the blade out. The Chieftain crumbled to his knees, clutching his wounds and his two goons came to hold him up.

"This isn't over!" The Chieftain swore as his goons dragged him to safety. They all three let loose a blast of fire that smothered Optimus. It dissipated quickly, but the dragons were gone.

"Well, that was strange." Fearswoop commented. He noticed Shockwave. "Hey, why do YOU look so happy?"

"Because . . ." Shockwave answered, tapping his chin. "I suspect this may be the perfect opportunity to reveal a project I've been working on." Shockwave converted into vehicular mode and left the plaza.

Following the dragon attack, the area of the swap meet, the Decepticons got together and asked everybody not to leave until Shockwave gave them the say-so that it was okay, and attempted to prevent anyone from leaving or entering until then.

Grimlock entered the area, anyway, shoving the guards aside.

"Hey." Grimlock called, coming up behind Optimus. "Heard there was a scene today?"

"Yes." Optimus answered. "Equestrian dragons . . . I am not sure how they got through the Canterlot Space Bridge . . ."

"Shame I couldn't have been here." Grimlock murmured. "I would have pounded them flat."

While Optimus and Grimlock talked, Scorponok was going over Galloway's legislature.

"Not terribly good form to attempt to introduce legislature at a swap meet," Scorponok said, eyeing the paper in his claw.

"I thought it was best to run it by Optimus Prime and Celestia as soon as possible," Galloway said. "I would think everyone would agree imposing restrictions of what kind of cargo can be transported would be good for the safety of all concerned. For- for a limited time, of course." Galloway cleared his throat, and the mention of a limited seem to be an afterthought.

"I can guarantee you this paper isn't going anywhere," Scorponok said. "For starters, I have cause to oppose it for … personal reasons, and you will find that I am very persistent when there’s something I want, Director. There are already some very lucrative deals going between business partners seeking to expand and adapt to the opportunities of an interstellar world. Why, I know of a bar on Cybertron’s that’s been importing Earth soda. I’m told it’s quite a hit.”

“What … kind of personal ventures?” Galloway asked.

“Personal ones. Personal, as in ‘none of your business what my business is.’ Where was I? Oh yes, see, as I was saying, there are people already making profits for buying, shipping and selling products off-world. Sodas, drinks, shoes, novelties, Energon …”

“Who is selling Energon to whom?” Galloway asked. “Unlicensed Energon being carted around is quite a security concern!”

Scorponok frowned. “I don’t know myself, I’ve just heard that’s been the case for some.” He dropped the paper, where it floated down onto Galloway’s head. “Anyways, this legislature is attempting to stop things that are already happening, and as I’m sure a human like you is aware, people don’t like when you try to mess with their profits.” The last word seemed to carry an unspoken threat with it. “Food for thought. Say, where’s Shockwave?”

"Said he was going to get a project." Fearswoop answered. "Oh, hey, I see him! . . . Oh, what's that one-eyed idiot done now?"

Shockwave was pulling up into the plaza, accompanied by an entourage of automobile Vehicons towing gigantic cages on mobile platforms.

Shockwave reverted to autonomous mode and climbed up on a stage, usually meant for Cybertronian theater. Shockwave beckoned the Vehicons to pull the crates onto the stage with him, and he cleared his throat.

"Everyone and everypony!" Shockwave announced. "Your attention, please! The attack by the dragons earlier was terribly unfortunate, and we are ever grateful Optimus Prime fought them off before there were any more casualties."

"But while Optimus was able to fend them off, it was with great difficulty." Shockwave continued. "These dragons clearly pose a threat. Their fire-breath is strong even to smelt the iron hides of we Cybertronians . . ." Shockwave began pacing.

"Well, that's a slanted take on what happened!" Twilight complained.

"Optimus was able to defend us this time, but Optimus cannot be everywhere at once." Shockwave continued, sounding sympathetic. "What about the fair Autobots and Nets who are enjoying a night on the town? And let's not even mention the ponies and humans that are visiting outside of this meet!" Shockwave held his finger high. "It is for this reason I propose that we bring in a new guard. Ponies and gentlemen, I present to you . . . the Predacons!"

The Vehicons, with some uncertainty, pried the doors of the cages open. Out stepped huge, huge four-legged creatures that were like the spawn of a dragon (or some other beast) and Decepticon, – but far larger than either. They were covered in bristles, spiky plates, adorned with spines and ridges, with yellow conduit lines running through them. Their yellow optics burned brightly with the fire of a predator. There was a small group of them, but three of them caught Twilight's eye; the largest one, which was black and orange, with a tail ending in a club. A grey and green one with a beaked snout and short tail like a griffon. And an purple and yellow one with a purple, mask-like face that had a beak, antlers, and didn't really look like anything, save maybe a ceremonial mask.

"I have been cultivating these creatures for some time," Shockwave said, gesturing the black one forward and petting its nose. "With post-war tensions running high, logic dictated a third party without the war's bloody history affecting their judgment to act as guards . . . as servants . . . as couriers and pets and maybe even . . . friends."

Shockwave's optic zoomed in on Celestia. "And we all know the benefits of friendship."

Celestia humphed, dismay at Shockwave using her rhetoric.

"So that's his game." Grimlock muttered.

"Introduce the Predacons as bipartisan guards." Optimus whispered to Grimlock. "Ingratiate them into the public, get the Autobots, Equestrians, and possibly the Americans . . ."

"Create a feeling of security with these obedient creatures . . ." Optimus continued.

"And then, while we're sleeping, click! He pulls the switch, and the Predacons eliminate anyone who might stand in the way of the New Decepticon Empire." Grimlock finished.

"Do you sleep?" Pinkie asked, overhearing their conversation. "Hey, Twilight? Do Cybertronians dreamed of electric turbosheep?"

"Pinkie . . ."

"Please." Grimlock scoffed. "And the correct term is mechanized motorsheep."

"Shockwave!" Metalhawk shouted. "How can we be sure these Predacons of yours are truly neutral? They were made by YOU, after all."

"Simple, Metalhawk. They are programmed to obey their prerogatives, and their prerogatives are to keep the peace. Nothing more, nothing less."

Metalhawk continued to debate with Shockwave, while Scorponok noticed Grimlock in attendance.

"Is that Grimlock?" Scorponok muttered.

"Yeah. What's it to you?" Fearswoop answered.

"Grimlock gave me an utterly humiliating defeat once." Scorponok grumbled. "I've been meaning to return the favor." Scorponok marched towards Grimlock's position.

"Oh. Hey, Scorpie." Grimlock noticed. "What's up?"

"What's UP is that I've been meaning to give this for a long time, you saurian!" Scorponok charged and slammed his claw into Grimlock's head, throwing Grimlock back.

"Do we have to do this now?" Grimlock grumbled. "I'd be happy to give you another beating, but not in the middle of this crowd!"

"Too bad!" Scorponok charged again, landing another punch on Grimlock.

Grimlock sighed, proceeding to give Scorponok a powerful uppercut.

"Stop!" Metalhawk shouted. "You'll step over our organic friends!"

"Scorponok, stand down!" Optimus ordered, priming his blaster at the purple Con.

"You are not the boss of me, Prime!"

Up on the stage, Shockwave snapped his fingers. He pointed at Grimlock and Scorponok. "Go."

The enormous black Predacon roared and flared its wings. It took to the sky, then landed in between Grimlock and Scorponok, causing a tremor that threw everyone too close it flying backwards,, clearing the area for the Predacon to move freely. The Predacon then snarled at both Grimlock and Scorponok.

"Oh, is that how you want to do it? Well, that's fine by me!" Grimlock charged and slugged the Predacon hard on the head.

So the Predacon bit into Grimlock's shoulder and tore his arm off.

Cheers and cries of outrage burst out into equal measure. Decepticons and some Autobots cheered for Grimlock being injured (as he was kind of a triggerhappy jerk) while Nets and Equestrians were appalled by the violence. The Predacon, for good measure, ran its tail through Scorponok's chest, impaling him. It smashed Scorponok into the ground, then jerked its tail out. Scorponok got up, a sparking wound in his chest.

"Shockwave!" Metalhawk shouted, appalled. "You can't really expect us to take such violence creatures as our guardians, can you?"

"The Predacon was programmed to maintain the peace.” Shockwave plainly stated. “Grimlock and Scorponok were disrupting the peace, and it reacted accordingly."

Shouts and boos and cries rang out all around as the crowd divided into two camps about the subject. One agreed with the idea of the Predacons, and believed it did what it was supposed to do, the other opioned that it was too overly violent and they weren't going to let it "protect" them.

"STOP!" Metalhawk screamed. "There is only one way to settle this!"

"Yeah!" A Vehicon cheered. "Let's fight it out!"

"What? No! We must take a page from the humans' book when they have disagreements."

"You mean . . . like, having wars, or . . . going and ranting on the Internet?"

"No! No! I'm saying we have to have a vote to decide whether or not Shockwave's Predacon program is allowed to continue!"

"Sounds fair to me," Shockwave said. "Does anyone object to the idea of a vote?"

There was some mumbling, but ultimately no one said anything.

"Then it's settled. A vote it is."

"Hmm." Celestia noted. "Well, it's been an interesting turn of events."

"Excuse me? Princess Celestia?"

"Hmm?" Celestia turned to see a Vehicon General addressing her. "Yes?"

"There's a human in a purple robe asking for you." The General said, pointing its thumb outside of the plaza. "Said it was important. Said it had something to do with "the Engine." Said you would know what she was talking about."

Celestia's eyes widened. "Yes. I . . . I must see her right away." Celestia galloped out of the plaza in a rush.

"Where is she going?" Scorponok asked, limping over.

"To go meet with some human." The General answered. "Talking about some kinda of engine."

Scorponok's lips pursed. "Is that so?"

"Hello?" Celestia called. Her hoofsteps echoed off the empty iron ground. "Is somepony there?"

"Yes, here!" A voice called. Celestia saw her. An old woman wearing a robe concealing her face, sitting by the corner of a building. Celestia approached her.

"I was informed you have knowledge of the Engine?"

"I know of it." The woman replied in a high-pitched. She reached up and pulled the hood down, revealing her face. It was squat and chubby, and her red hair was typed up by a bone, like a cavewoman, and her nose came to a fine point. "My name is Witch Hydia, and I come from a faraway land on our world."

"Our world . . .?" Celestia muttered. "I take it you're from Equestria?"

"Yes . . . and no. See, while I am from the world, I am not of Equestria. I came from a faraway land called Ponyland." Hydia answered.

"What do you know about the engine?" Celestia ask, leaning forward.

"I know my grandfather was one of the pilots." Hydia answered. "He and his crew made their way to the sea and founded their own city there. The natural magic of our world seeped into their bodies, and changed them. They bred, and thus were born humans . . . humans that were Equestrian natives."

Celestia gasped. "Humans native to Equestria? How? Where did they come from?"

Hydia shook her head. "I do not know exactly. I do know that I am just one of them, and when my grandfather and his companions were old and frail, they left the continent to return their "only piece of home.""

"Piece of home . . . their ship!" Celestia put it all together. The crew of the US Mystery went overseas rather than remain in the Everfree Forest, established lives for themselves and made a prosperous community. They bore children, and when they were old, they went back overseas to die in the Earthern shuttle that brought them there - "their only piece of home."

But none of this explained how the shuttle got to Equestria to begin with.

Celestia put a hoof on Hydia's shoulder. "Thank you, Witch Hydia, for sharing this vital information with me. While it does not answer many questions, it opens possibilities." Celestia smiled. "And if you and your country would be willing to open trade with my kingdom . . ."

"I would be happy to negotiate . . ." Hydia smiled, before noticing Celestia's focus drift. "Celestia? Do you see something?"

Celestia did see something. On the rooftop of a building, there was a purple Vehicon. He seemed to operating some device and his visor set on them. Celestia's panic instincts kicked in when the device unfurled, converting into a turret.

"GET DOWN!" Celestia tackled Hydia out of the way, just as the Vehicon started firing. Bullets came hard and fast, shredding through the ground and cutting up the entrances to buildings.

Holding Hydia down under cover, Celestia prepped her magic and fired a beam of gold light at the Vehicon's weapon, blowing it up. The Vehicon jumped off the building and converted into an aerial mode, flying off before Celestia could get another shot.

Celestia gritted her teeth. One thing was certain; somebody knew something about the engine, and they were willing to go any lengths to keep information from spreading.

"Princess!" Twilight shouted, galloping into view. "Are you alright? I heard the shots, and -"

"I'm fine." Celestia assured her, letting Hydia out from her grasp. "There was a Vehicon that attempted to shoot Hydia and I."

"Um, hello, Hydia," Twilight said, confused. "Pleased to meet you, I guess?"


"I wish it were under better circumstances." Celestia murmured. "My faithful student, I will be taking Hydia to Canterlot. She has information which could reveal much about the engine your brother found. But someone doesn't want that information to come out, and are willing and able to get Vehicons to attempt murder." Celestia looked at the destroyed weapon.

"What do you need me to do?" Twilight asked.

"Nothing, yet. We need more to go on before we take action. For right now, be on your guard and report any leads you might find." Celestia began trotting away, making sure to hold Hydia close and check over her shoulder for any more hired guns.

Twilight kept eyes on them until they entered the plaza, then stayed, scanning the area for evidence. A dud ordinance, ashes, something.

"alright, well, here are the shells . . . could use those for forensics." Twilight muttered. She put her nose to the ground and started roving about in search of anything else. Eventually, she bumped her nose into something hard, but small.

"Huh?" Lifting her head up, she saw it was a case. It was an odd thing, a black box with a beige panel on it. On the panel was a white outline of the Autobot symbol.

"What is this thing?" Twilight tapped a hoof to it. It reacted, whirring and splitting open to reveal a blue screen. The kind of screen used for video chats.

"Hmm." Twilight patted it again. A mechanical limb popped out.

"PLEASE CONSENT TO OPTICAL SCAN," The box said with a computerized voice.

"Umm . . . consented!" Twilight's stammered. The limb shot a green beam onto her her face, blinding her, but otherwise harmless. When it was done, the limb retracted.


"Countermeasures?" Twilight didn't like the sound of that. "Hmm." She was considering what to do when she heard footsteps. Normally, she'd stay, but between finding Optimus in a secret meeting and Celestia nearly being assassinated, she didn't want to take chances. She used her invisibility spell and squeezed herself into the crevice of a nearby building.

It was Optimus, again. He walked up to the device and picked up. The limb appeared.


"Consent granted." Optimus answered quickly. The scan went over him like it did Twilight, but with a different result.


Optimus did.


""I am Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots."" Optimus spoke.


""Humans R Dumb.""


The screen showed a loading circle, then shifted into static before showing Prowl from the waist up.

"Four items of note," Prowl said. "First, there appears to have been an unusually large human with red skin and a pony's tail that allowed the dragons access to the Space Bridge. Second, there is another continent on Equestria, in possession of several unusual lifeforms and artifacts. Third, there appear to be some who know about the Transwarp Drive, but they declined to answer questions and quickly slipped off the radar. There is a conspiracy afoot, Prime. Finally, reports are coming from the area of Earth known as "The Middle East" that a robot matching Fearswoop's description has been seen. That is all. Per our protocols, this device will now terminate this video and all other data."

The screen went into static again, before it went off completely. Sparks flew from the device as it short-circuited itself to prevent its information from going to anyone other than Optimus.

Twilight breathed a sigh of relief. At least Optimus hadn't seen her yet. She started to climb out of her hiding place, only to come face-to-face with Optimus.

Optimus sighed, looking at her with remorse. "How much do you know, and how much would you like to know?"

Twilight frowned. She dismissed her spell and looked up at him. "Do . . . do you know it was -"

"You in the abandoned building?" Optimus finished. "I do now."

"If you had caught me . . . what would you have done with me?" Twilight asked, her eyes shimmering with concern.

"I would have let you go once I saw that it was you." Optimus answered.

Twilight looked at him. "Would you have really? You're not just trying to comfort me?"

"Yes. Twilight Sparkle, you are the student of Princess Celestia, a leader who I have done my best to please. If I were to allow harm to you, she would have my head. And more importantly, you are my friend. No. No, you are not my friend. You stopped being my friend some time ago."

Twilight teared up. She wasn't Optimus' friend anymore? "Then . . . what . . . am I to you?"

Optimus reached over and cupped her chin with his finger. He gave her one of his legendarily rare smiles. "My family."

Twilight gasped, surprised at the level of care he had for her. "Okay . . . um, what about Prowl? And Chromedome?"

"Prowl and Chromedome are close partners. Chromedome possess the unusual ability – the special talent, if you will – to alter memories. Prowl engages in dark and secret work, so he travels with Chromedome close by his side. The idea being that if there is a witness, Chromedome can erase their memories."

"That's . . that's awful!" Twilight decried. "Why would he need to do that? Why would you ALLOW that, Optimus!?"

Optimus sighed again. "Twilight Sparkle, up until recently, I was the leader of a war. And there are some things that need to be done in war that I do not have the stomach for myself."

"Isn't that what the Wreckers for?"

"Yes . . . but you have met Bulkhead, and Wheeljack, and my brother. Would you describe them as being "subtle"?"

" . . . No."

"Prowl is subtle and silent." Optimus explained. "I call the Wreckers when I need something questionable done. I call Prowl when I need something secret done. Prowl has, on occasion, needed to do unsavory things in the name of the Autobots. That is what Chromedome is for. He wipes memories to prevent witnesses whom we would otherwise need to imprison to keep the knowledge secret. He wipes away traumas some Autobots have after doing dirty jobs. Do you understand why I allow this to happen? "

Twilight frowned. "Do . . . do the other Autobots know?"

"They know what Prowl's job is." Optimus answered.

"Alright . . ." Twilight muttered. "I can't say I'm happy about this, but I understand why. After all, it's not like my friends are perfect. Rainbow Dash is perfectly willing to cheat if it suits her. Did I ever tell you about the Running of the Leaves?"

"You have not." Optimus answered. "Come. The vote for whether or not we use Shockwave's Predacons starts soon. Which side will you vote for?"

"Oh! Um . . . I hadn't really thought about that . . . hmm."

"The voting as to whether or not Shockwave's Project: Predacon will be adopted to continue." Metalhawk announced. On the theater stage, there was a table for accepting ballots. He looked over the plaza. Optimus, Grimlock, and Twilight had joined Metalhawk and Shockwave on the stage.

"I can't help but notice Celestia is absent." Metalhawk noted. "Will she not be joining in the voting?"

"Er, no. She had to go to Canterlot on royal business."

"Her loss." Metalhawk quipped. "Now, the votes will be anonymous. Please come up, single-file line, and dropped your ballot."

The line started, climbing up on the plaza and dropping their papers into the ballot box. The Predacons, for the most part, simply laid on the stage, observing the procession.

"Well . . . our turn." Metalhawk observed, after Twilight's friends had their turn. By now, the Predacons had gotten up and were nudging Shockwave. "Do you have your ballot, Optimus?"

"Yes." Optimus walked forward and was about to put his ballot in when . . ."

"Get off!" Shockwave ordered, shoving the black Predacon away. The Predacon nudged him again. "Will you stop, beast? We are trying to vote on your future here! Enough!" Shockwave put his arms together and shoved the Predacon away.

The Predacon stopped. Then, it let loose a chilling roar before transforming. Its head folded into its back, its body split into two and folded over into legs, and its tail curled against its back while its wings folded into a royal-looking cape. When the conversion was finished, a weathered robot, much taller than Optimus or Shockwave stood, with a gray face and crown made of spikes.

"Shockwave, you didn't tell us your Predacons could transform!" Metalhawk yelped.

"They – they couldn't!" Shockwave stuttered, flabbergasted.

Optimus angrily tore his ballot in half. "I will not put in a vote for a creature that can communicate. It can make its decisions for itself."

"Please," The Predacon said. "Allow me to introduce myself. My name . . . is Predaking. And these are my compatriots, Grimwing and Lazerbeak." The other Predacons converted into robotic modes. The gryphon went into an athletic mode with an owl-like head, while the other . . . thing was built like a thug with a wolfish face.

"Hail and well met, Predaking," Optimus said, coming to greet the newcomer. "I am -"

"I know who you are, Prime." Predaking snarled. "Shockwave has downloaded my processor all the information on you I need to know."

"Really?" Optimus eyed Shockwave suspiciously.

Shockwave blinked.

"Is there a problem, Shockwave?"

"Er, yes, actually." Shockwave answered. "I . . . have more Predacons back in the Tower. There three were just the ones I took for demonstrative purposes. I must call Barricade . . ."

"Well . . ." Metalhawk questioned. "What do we with the Predacons now?"

"What they wish." Optimus growled. "They are sapient beings, and they have the freedom to choose what they do."

"Lord Shockwave!" A Vehicon shouted, running up to the stage. "Reports are coming in! The dragons have been located! They're tearing up the street south of ninth!"

"We ride!" Predaking announced. He and the other Predacons reverted into their beast modes, and Grimwing carried Lazorback in his talons. Optimus and Shockwave called their respective bases and called for Space Bridges.

"Hehheh! Yeah!" One of the dragon goons cheered, tearing a lamp post off and throwing into the street. "This is more like it! No one to boss us around, no one to tell us what to not do-!"

His joy at being free to reign havoc was cut short by Grimwing dropping Lazerback, who proceeded to dive bomb the dragon and tackle him to the ground.

"Grr!" The Dragon Chieftain whipped around, ready for a fight. His confidence wavered Optimus, Grimlock, and Twilight stepped out of the Space Bridge, and the other Predacons landed and converted into robot mode.

"Surrender now, Cheiftain, and you will be spared my wrath." Predaking snarled.

"Your "wrath"?" The Chieftain chuckled. "Buddy, who talks like that? The only "wrath" I'm afraid of around here is from that stab-happy red guy there." He pointed to Optimus.

"RRRAAAH!" Predaking yelled and charged the Cheiftain, laying him low with one punch.

Grimlock applauded. "That's the way to do it!"

The Chieftain got up, growled, then blasted a breath of fire onto Predaking. Predaking stood there, unmoving, immune to the searing heat.

"Whu-huh?" The Chieftain stared wide-eyed, confused. "But how -? Stabby McBlade over there wasn't immune to my fire-breath!"

"First, I am a Predacon." Predaking answered. "I am as much a dragon as you. Second, his name is Optimus Prime. Third, you need to learn a lesson in respect . . . and I will be happy to be your teacher!" Predaking struck the Cheiftain, knocking him down again.

Grimlock noticed that the other two Predacons had beaten the Cheiftain's goons already. "Are we even needed here?"

Optimus stroked his chin. "Worrisome."

"What?" Twilight asked.

"I was only able to get a wound on the Dragon Chieftain," Optimus said. "Predaking is able to fell him in a single blow. He is powerful."

"Eh. I could take 'im." Grimlock shrugged.

"That is, If Predaking were to decide to take a quest of conquering, I am not sure we'd have the power to stop him." Optimus explained his worry.

"Yeah, but . . ." Twilight added. "When he heard the dragons were attacking, his first thought was to take off and defend, like Shockwave said he programmed him to."

"Alright, alright!" The Chieftain complained. "I get it – you're stronger than I am. But! I met a new friend recently, and he gave me this!" The Chieftain pulled out a remote, which he pushed a big red button on.

Predaking was confused. So was everyone else, in fact. Then the ground started to rumble.

"EARTHQUAKE!" Twilight shouted.

"No." Optimus said. "Worse."




The ground behind the Chieftain began to split, tear, and crack. The rumbling intensified. Then a creature burst out from behind the Chieftain – a colossal worm nearly the size of a building, topped with rotating blades like a blender for its mouth. Tendrils unfurled from its every inch, which were tipped with revolving drills. It arched itself over and roared at Predaking.

"That is a Driller." Optimus answered.

"Yeah." The Cheiftain. "What a deal, huh? I get a Cerebro-shell to control this thing, and all I have to do to in return is destroy things! Pretty good deal, right?"

"Not so much, as this "deal" will end with me tearing off your head!" Predaking snarled. He flexed his claws and began to advance, but the Driller threw down a tendril into the ground and prevented Predaking from advancing.

The Driller flared its other tendrils and launched towards the other Predacons. They were sensible enough to leap and dodge them, but that the left the goons unattended so the Driller could curl its tendrils around them and pick them up. The Driller curled another tendril around the Cheiftain.

"Sayonara!" The Chieftain waved.

"No!" Predaking and Grimlock both shouted. They both rushed forward and jumped high in the air to prevent the Chieftain from escaping again.

The Driller swung more tendrils at them. Predaking tore through them with his bare claws, while Grimlock reached behind himself and got out his serrated sword and chopped the tendrils with that.

"Not this time, jerkwad!" Grimlock shouted, slashing through another tendril.

"Rrraah!" Predaking reverted into his beast mode and flew between the tendrils. He expelled a ball of fire far more impressive than the Cheiftain's fire breath. The ball hit the Driller square and sundered off a few of his tendrils.

"Graah!" Grimlock grabbed one tendril and swung himself off it, but he landed on Predaking's back.

"Rrrrn!" Predaking arched his neck, upset with Grimlock's weight on him.

"Just put up with it for a sec, 'kay, Kingly?" Grimlock hopped off Predaking's back, but the Driller used another tendril to swat him back down and slam Grimlock into Predaking, causing Predaking to crash to the ground. The Driller sunk into the earth, taking the dragons with it and escaping.

"RRRAH!" Predaking yelled and reverted to robot mode, lifting Grimlock up and throwing him. "I would have caught him if YOU hadn't interrupted my attempts to apprehend him!"

""Interrupted"?" Grimlock questioned, rubbing his head. "I was trying to HELP! When that Driller blocked you off, I rushed in!"

"If you hadn't jumped on my back, the Driller wouldn't have been able to use you as bludgeon!"

"Gentlemen, please!" Grimwing said, speaking for the first time. "There's no need to fight. You were both very valiant in your efforts, and no one could have seen that the Driller would be so good at improvisation."

Optimus was pleased by Grimwing's reasoning. "I like him."

"Though perhaps if Grimlock had communicated his intentions before he jumped, you might have different results." Grimwing added.

"Yeah." Lazerback commented. "But maybe if Grimlock hadn't so rudely interrupted, Predaking might have gotten 'em."

"Perhaps . . ." Predaking muttered.

"And maybe if Grimlock had acted earlier, we might have stopped them." Lazerback added.

"Hey." Grimlock threw his hands in the air. "You were doing just fine on your own until that Driller showed up."

"Perhaps we should make sure Grimlock doesn't interrupt us again." Lazerback snarled.

"Perhaps." Predaking snarled, glaring at Grimlock.

"Now, now." Grimwing said, waving his claw. "There's no need -"

"Really think we should do something about him . . . teach him a lesson." Lazerback whispered.

"Yes . . ." Predaking growled. "Yes, we should!" Predaking slugged Grimlock.

"You want to be like that? Fine by me!" Grimlock responded in kind, slugging Predaking back.

"Please stop!" Grimwing pleaded, attempting to restrain Predaking.

"Grimlock, this isn't going to solve anything!" Optimus tried the same for Grimlock. Grimlock and Predaking threw them both off.

Landing on a pile of trash, Optimus and Grimwing noticed Lazerback was laughing so hard, he had fallen on his back.

"You know," Grimwing turning to Optimus, "I can't help but think he did that on purpose."

"He does seem to be enjoying Predaking and Grimlock's fight." Optimus agreed. He made a note to get Prowl to put his all-seeing eyes on Lazerback before his trouble-making got out of hand.

Meanwhile in Shockwave's Tower, Shockwave sat on his private throne. Outside, the sounds of his Decepticons attempting to contain the remaining Predacons could be heard. Some of the Predacons were ready for a fight, some just wanted to go outside and soar in open skies. Others just wanted to nap.

A monitor was set up so he could review security footage. While he ensured that no Decepticon went into the room where the Predacons were bred, he still made sure there were security cameras for the room in case something went wrong.

And something had gone wrong. The Predacons were supposed to be obedient, mindless beasts. But they could convert. They could transform. They could think and feel. Something happened.

And as the monitor lit up, Shockwave saw that "something" was one love-potion afflicted unicorn. He and Twilight were in the room, manning computers. The computers fed information into the maturing Predacons. And the information was supposed to be nothing more than the absolute minimum they needed to be effective soldiers.

Shockwave leaned forward in his chair to watch the recording.

"Hey, Shockwave?" Twilight asked. "Why is the information we're feeding the Predacons so . . . scarce?"

"Hmm?" Shockwave responded. "Well, my lovely equine, it is because they don't need any more information than this to be good soldiers."

"Just . . . soldiers?" Twilight asked. "Nothing more?"

"Nothing more."

"But I've been reading your tablets on the Predacons' past lives!" Twilight complained. "They have personalities! Individualism! Souls! What gives you the right to rebirth them, without all those things? Who died and made you their god?"

"No one, I suppose."

Twilight started punching keys on the computer. "I'm putting their personalities back into the code. They deserve the chance to live as free beings."

Shockwave would have stopped her, but the love potion made him concede to her wishes, like a whipped husband. "As you wish." He said after a pause.

Twilight stopped and giggled. "Oh, hey, remember Bruticus?"

"Of course I do!" Shockwave answered, giggling back.

"We should make one of them do that!" Twilight added. "Your tablets said five of them could do that . . . ah, here we are!"

Shockwave stopped the footage. Two things were clear to him.

First, he had recovered tablets about the Predacons for his Project. While he and Twilight were affected by the love potion, Shockwave let her read them. And he let her made adjustments to the code he was pumping into the recreated Predacons' brains. Even while potion-affected, Twilight still held strong to Equestrian values, and that meant giving the Predacons the autonomy to choose for themselves. Autonomy that Shockwave's code lacked.

Second, there was a group of Predacons that shared the Combaticons' ability to combine into a Gestalt formation. Now if he could just know which ones they were . . .

Shockwave was agitated. All that planning, all that work to make the Predacons the ultimate loyal soldiers. The plan was to get them accepted as guards, and, as Grimlock and Optimus suspected, once the Predacons were accepted, Shockwave would give the command to kill any who would oppose the reign of his New Decepticon Empire when he unveiled his true colors.

And now all that planning was for naught, because of a stray love potion making him let Twilight into his lab. Now, instead of a means for him defeat the Autobots, the Predacons were just another faction for him to vie with for control along the Autobots, the Warlords, and Nets.

"Lord Shockwave?" A Vehicon asked, entering the room.

"Not now." Shockwave hissed, getting up from his seat. "I am upset. The Predacons were supposed to soldiers for me to command. Beasts at my beck and call. And now, thanks to that pony, they are so much more. And they will not the army I meant for them to be." Shockwave clenched his fist.

"Oooh . . ." The Vehicon groaned. "Maybe you shouldn't have said that, Lord Shockwave . . ."

"Why not?"

Lazerback appeared and swatted the Vehicon, sending him flying into the room.

"I was coming in here to inform you that Optimus is making a speech about us at the plaza." Lazerback said. "But I heard you talking. It is what it sounds like? We were supposed to be your attack dogs? Your weapons? Your slaves?"

"Yes." Shockwave hissed, getting his cannon ready to fire. But Lazerback was quicker on the draw, producing a twin-barreled weapon that appeared to be made out of parts from his back. He fired it straight into Shockwave's chest. Rather than a laser or missile, a glob of projectile acid shot from the gun, covering Shockwave's chest-window and melting his armor.

"Arrgh!" Shockwave wisely dropped, chest to the floor, so that the acid would drip off him and onto the floor instead of dripping down and chewing the rest of his interiors.

"Humph." Lazerback left the room. He went into the private room where Shockwave had made the Predacons. The tubes had all been broken from the Predacons' release, and glass covered the floor. But Lazerback wasn't interested in that. He saw a case full of vials of yellow liquid and went to it.

"The CNA of my brothers." Lazerback hissed. CNA, or Cybernucleic acid, was just Cybetronian DNA. That was it. That's all it is. Nothing fancy about it, just DNA for robots. However, Shockwave's ability to make Predacons hinged on having the CNA.

"I'll just take this then." Lazerback noted, curling his tail around the case and lifting it up. The vials were packed tight, like eggs in a carton, to prevent them from breaking.

Lazerback merrily strolled out of the building, CNA in hand, er, tail. He whistled innocently and used his acid-spewing gun on any Vehicon that appeared.

Back in the plaza, a stand with a microphone was set up. Optimus stood on the stage, Grimlock, Grimwing, and Predaking behind him. Reporters were jockeying back and forth, trying to be the lucky one to interview Optimus Prime.

"Optimus, Optimus!" A Net reporter yelled, holding his own microphone to Optimus. "What do you think of the Predacons so far? Have you seen them in action? Should we adopt them?"

Optimus held his hand for the reporter to settle down. "Please. The Predacons have proven themselves competent fighters. As to whether we should adopt them as Shockwave intended . . . that is a question for them. Grimwing did his best to negate conflict, while Lazerback instigated it. When Predaking heard that the dragons had been found, he tried to stop them. The Predacons should not be measured as "the Predacons." They are individuals, and should be treated as such. They have the right to choose their path."

"No more questions." Optimus said, walking from the stage. The reporters went into uproar, some of them hoping for an interview with the Predacons. Their efforts were stifled by a gigantic tremor, followed by the Driller and the Dragon Chieftain emerging from the ground. The crowd in the plaza dispersed.

"You!" Predaking roared, jumping down from the stage and barging his way past the panicking crowd. "You shall not escape again!"

Predaking turned around to see Grimlock behind him.

Predaking pursed his lips and turned his head.

“What?” Grimlock asked, arms crossed.

Predaking sighed. “Every bit of code that Shockwave uploaded inside my head is telling me not to work with you, to hate you, to want to see you driven away and beaten and broken out of spite. But somehow … I get the feeling I shouldn’t listen, and these enemies will be much easier dispatched of if we were to work together.”

Grimlock glared at him. “Hmm. Work together with the culmination of Shockwave’s experiments? Shockwave, who I hate with every diode of my being?”

“Grimlock.” Predaking said. “Please. Think of the common good. Think of the safety of Cybertron, and all the innocents around.”


“Please.” Predaking put his hands together. “I’m begging you.”

“... Alright.” Grimlock offered his hand helped Predaking to his feet. “If you’re willing to not just beg, but beg me for help … then you can’t really be Shockwave’s spawn the way he wanted you to be.”

“Thank you, Grimlock.”
“You’re welcome. Now, let’s go show that poser how a real firebreather operates, and put him into the dirt."

Predaking reverted into bestial mode, and Grimlock hopped on his back. Predaking galloped his way towards the Driller before taking into a running jump, then flying straight towards it. Grimwing reverted to gryphon mode, finding the dragon goons and taking them both on.

Predaking and Grimlock roared in unison. As Predaking flew them closer, Grimlock jumped into the air and went right over the Driller's head. The Driller attempted to swat him with a tendril, but Grimlock slashed through it and landed on the Driller's back, to the Chieftain's surprise.

"Alright." Grimlock growled, stepping through roving blades that made up the Driller's body. "It's time someone put you down hard, and Predaking and I are gonna be that someone!"

The Chieftain chuckled. "I wouldn't be so sure about that."

"What?" Grimlock looked over his shoulder, just in time to watch in horror as the Driller position itself so that Predaking flew straight into its mouth. The Driller gulped, swallowing him whole.

"Looks like your friend can't help now!" The Chieftain gloated.

"You – you son of a -" The Chieftain cut Grimlock's attempted swear short with a burst of flamebreath.

"GRAH!" Grimlock easily powered through it and aimed for an overhead slash. The Chieftain caught it in his claws, stopping the blade. Grimlock jerked the blade out, then gave the Chieftain a boot to the stomach, making him stagger. They both growled and charged at each other, the Chieftain succeeding at throwing Grimlock back.

"That's it!" Grimlock yelled. Glowing with an orange power, Grimlock stabbed his sword into the Driller's back, then converted into his beast mode – a metal, studded Tyrannosaurus Rex. Grimlock roared and let loose his own firebreath, which was more of a high-powered heat ray. It blasted the Chieftain backwards and knocked him on his back.

"Ooogh . . ." The Chieftain groaned. He looked up to see Grimlock stomping towards him, his teeth bared for some chomping action. "Oh no you don't! I'm not going down that easy!" The Chieftain got to his feet and pushed a button on his remote. The Driller then raised a tendril and launched it at Grimlock. Grimlock caught it in his tiny T-rex claws, just barely able to keep the tendril from skewering him.

"Ha!" The Chieftain pushed the button again, and more tendrils launched for Grimlock. Grimlock's optics widened. There was no way he could fight all off those tendrils coming straight for him.

He was saved by the intervention of a sideways pillar of fire bursting from the Driller's hide, incinerating all the tendrils headed for him. The Driller's skin was torn and teared as Predaking's intact beast mode ripped its way out from the inside.

The Chieftain was taken aback by Predaking's survival. Predaking roared, then used his tail to yank the surprised Cheiftain's remote away from him.

Predaking converted into robot mode, taking the remote into his claw. The Chieftain stared wide-eyed as he realized what happened, and that Predaking was now in control of the Driller.

Predaking examined the remote, then pressed the button on it. The Driller obeyed, launching its tendrils at the Chieftain and wrapping him in a bind. Predaking pressed the button again, getting the Driller to stop all motion and lie on the ground like a tame dog. Predaking walked up to the Chieftain and beat him til he was unconscious.

Predaking lifted up the remote up and pressed the button again, instructing the Driller to destroy its own Cerebro-shell. The Driller did such, impaling itself on its patch of mesh. The Driller roared, confused as to where it was without the shell controlling it. It sunk back into the hole it burrowed, going back to the Cybertronian wild, dropping the Chieftain, Grimlock, and Predaking. The Cheiftain's unconscious body was strewn over the ground, while Grimwing walked up, carrying the goons in his arms.

Grimlock reverted to robot mode, suitably impressed. "Oh, dude! You took both goons by yourself?"

"Please." Grimwing said modestly, throwing the goons on top of their Chief. "It was nothing."

"I saw everything." Optimus said, walking up. "I apologize I could be there in time to lend aid." Optimus stopped and looked up to Predaking. "I am sure Cybertron's citizens will accept you after that display of heroics."

"Perhaps." Predaking noted. "But I require somewhere to reflect. I know there are more Predacons left inside Shockwave's lair, and I feel the fog of Shockwave's code fading from my mind." Optimus and Grimlock didn't know what he was talking about. "I will gather the other Predacons and take them into the wild, to have a peaceful place to decide what they wish to do in life."

"As you wish." Optimus nodded. He offered his hand. "May we cross paths again one day."

"Perhaps." Predaking shook Optimus' hand, then he and Grimwing reverted to beast mode and flew off.

In a shadowed alleyway, Dropshot was standing in the darkness, his back to the wall. He was humming idly to himself when he noticed Blackout and his mystery superior approach him.

"Oh, hey, boss." Dropshot greeted. "What's up? How about giving that Dragon Chieftain the Cerebro-shell for the Driller? Pretty clever, right?"

"Perhaps." the master said. "But you gave it to him without my permission."

"Well, yeah, perhaps . . ."

"I will not tolerate this kind of disrespect in my cabal." The master continued. "You have used my machines without my approval. This is a breach of trust."

Dropshot was pretty sure he knew where this conversation was going, and he didn't like it one bit. "N-no, wait, boss! I was just trying to do what you want! Cause chaos and keep the Autobots from getting their balance, right? Just like you said!"

"That still does not change the fact you have seen fit to go over my head and do as you wish."

"N-no! Wait!" Dropshot dropped to his knees and pleaded. "Wait, please, boss! I won't do it again! I promise!"

"Blackout," The master said. "Prove your loyalty to me. Punish Dropshot for his failure to seek permission and take his place."

"Gladly." Blackout replied. "Honestly, Dropshot, I never liked you."


Blackout aimed his wrist-guns and fired into Dropshot's chest, creating a smoking hole in the Mini-Con's chest, his arms and legs detaching and flying as his entire body was consumed in the blast. Then, largely out of spite, Blackout raised his foot and stomped on the smoke-black fried pieces of Dropshot's corpse until they was nothing more than a pile of loose gizmos and gadgets, barely recongizable as having once belonged to a Cybertronian.

"So those Predacons turned out to be a bust." Deathsaurus said, meeting with some Vehicons, Shockwave, Optimus, and Twilight on a balcony.

"I would not say that." Optimus retorted. "Predaking's actions stopped the Driller and the Dragon Chieftain before they caused any more destruction."

"I'm still not sure how those dragons got through the Space Bridge." Deathsaurus noted. "Are you sure the Equestrians have been guarding the Space Bridge sufficiently, Optimus?"

"Yes." Optimus answered. He noticed Shockwave staring vacantly. "Is something the matter, Lord Shockwave?"

"What? Oh yes. I have been pondering what to do next. I believe we should make efforts to locate Starscream and Soundwave."

"Ah, yes! Those two have been missing since the Pax Cybertronia was signed, haven't they?" Deathsaurus said. He cast a gaze on Twilight. “Twilight, your animosity with Starscream is well documented by now by the reporters. Perhaps you’re aware of his last known location?”

Twilight chuckled. "Uh, nope! I have no idea where that slagger went. I think I heard he was on Equestria, maybe? Somewhere in the north?"

Deathsaurus stroked his chin. “I see, I see.” He leaned over to a Vehicon and whispered. "Assemble a team. Follow her. I suspect Twilight is hiding something."

"But she just said -"

"I know what she said. Just do it." Deathsaurus had his suspicions and was a good bluffer, so he could tell Twilight was covering something up and knew a bit more than she was letting on.

"Optimus Prime!" Galloway trilled, marching into the meeting. "I have a bone to pick with you!"

"Pick away, Director." Optimus offered.

"Between the Predacons, the Dragons, and the Driller, it's quite clear that Cybertron is not a safe place for meetings!" Galloway complained. "I want you to do something about it!"

"Well, how much can you expect him to do?" Deathsaurus asked. "The Equestrians won't be too happy to house us, and under the terms of the Pax Cybertronia treatise, the Decepticons aren't allowed on Earth."

"I'm sure Princess Celestia -" Twilight started, but was interrupted.

"Unless . . ." Shockwave muttered. "Optimus would be willing to revise that particular paragraph to allow Decepticons to be on Earth."

"Make it happen!" Galloway demanded, turning back around and storming off.

"Well then." Deathsaurus quipped. "What'll it be, Optimus Prime?"

Optimus pursed his lips. There was a reason he put that clause into the treatise, to make sure Earth was safe from Decepticon hands until he was sure they, could be trusted, the New Decepticon branding was a true attempt for reform, and Shockwave's cries for peace were genuine.

Optimus pursed his lips. There was a reason he put that clause into the treatise, to make sure Earth was safe from Decepticon hands until he was sure they, could be trusted, the New Decepticon branding was a true attempt for reform, and Shockwave's cries for peace were genuine.

Twilight looked up to see a Space Bridge open above them. "Um, guys?"

Deathsaurus and Shockwave looked up.

"Oh, what now?" Deathsaurus groaned.

A starship emerged from the portal, its bow peeking out. It appeared to be an older model, going from the rust in place and how some of its exterior parts were beginning to peel and fall right off, though it seemed to have a forward-swept, spiky construction which would be a hallmark of Decepticon starship design.

A hum came through the air as the ship deployed a sphere from under its canopy. The sphere floated down to the leaders, and all of them jumped to their feet, priming their weapons and getting ready for a fight.

The sphere warbled again before shooting out a wide beam of light which formed a hologram of an Autobot-appearing figure. Tall, bulky, thickly-built, his colors the purest white with dark blue accents. Glowing orange plates were mounted on a sliding rung to create wings. Between his face mask, head crest, vents, ridges, truck grill, and leg-set wheels, Twilight might have thought he was related to Optimus.

Twilight Sparkle was quite struck when everyone, including composed, dignified Optimus, drop to kneel like they couldn't do it fast enough.

"Greetings, my fellow machines!" the white hologram shouted. "It is I, Nova Prime. At long last, after what feels like an eternity, my crew and I have returned to Cybertron from hunting the Quintession scourge which threatened to overthrow us and contain us, subjugate us and... castrating us in the hopes of confining our noble species and kin to but a single world. After much time spent away from our home, it is good to be back."

"Nova Prime," Optimus said, "you honor us with your presence. But, if I may, I must ask... why do you hide behind a projection?"

Nova wagged a finger. "Ah, one can never be too careful... Optimus Prime, is it? My successor? "

"How do you know my name?"

"While my crew and I have been away, word gets around. News gets to us through the good old intergalactic radio and broadcasts. For that reason, I have taken the precaution of announcing our return via hologram to protect ourselves. I understand much has changed in our absence..." He glanced pointedly at Twilight Sparkle. "Much."

Twilight Sparkle reeled. Something about the way Nova spoke when he looked at her, not to mention the way he looked at her, like she was an unwelcome mosquito found in an annoying spot to reach, unsettled her.

"I was worried we would not be welcomed back with open arms," Nova said.

Optimus rose up and extended a hand towards Nova. "You will always be welcome here on Cybertron, Nova Prime."

Nova looked down at Optimus' hand uncertainly before taking it. "Ah, thank you, Optimus. My crew and I still have some last-minute preparations to make before coming down to land, but we will beam down in a few days' time."

The projection of Nova disappeared, and the sphere flew back up into the ship. The leaders stared at it.

"Who was that, Optimus?" Twilight asked, walking up to Optimus.

"That, Twilight Sparkle," Optimus replied, "was Nova Prime. During an older period of Cybertron - the Age of Wrath - a species known as the Quintessons attempted to take over Cybertron. We fought them off, and Nova Prime, who led a major faction of the rebellion, was brave enough to volunteer to track and hunt down the Quintessons into space to ensure they never threatened us - or any other species in the universe - with enslavement or subjagation ever again. He was a personal hero to me. Early in my career, I modeled much of my behavior off his example on the battlefield. Come, Twilight Sparkle, Deathsaurus, Lord Shockwave. We must prepare for him a hero's welcome!"

"Indeed," Deathsaurus said. He and Shockwave joined Optimus in walking away.

While now by herself, Twilight Sparkle worried. Optimus was coming down with a serious case of hero worship. Was he so blinded by Nova's alleged brilliance he didn't see the disconnect? That he didn't realize going out into space on a vengeful crusade against an entire species was not the kind of pure, heroic thing Optimus was known for promoting? And didn't Nova just pop out of nowhere? If he was such a great big hero, why didn't anyone mention him to her before now? Even if they thought he was dead, surely they would sing songs of his exploits?

It just seems, I don't know, shady, Twilight thought.

Seeing nothing else for her to do, at least at this moment, Twilight let out a sigh. She glanced up at the ship... and she got the sinking, unsettling feeling it was glancing back at her. She shuddered.


Twilight turned to leave, though she still felt like she had eyes on her back...

Sometime later, Team Prime and their pony companions were enjoying a casual stroll through the beautiful streets of the Crystal Empire. Optimus tried to regale them all with tales of Nova Prime's adventures, but for some reason, the others couldn't quite muster up the excitement for his return that Optimus had.

"I don't believe it," Ratchet said, arms crossed. "All that time out adventuring in space, and he only just now decides to show himself and return? Why? What happened? What's changed?"

"Yeah. This great big hero... just now decides to show himself?" Rainbow Dash asked. "With everything that's going on, between the treatise and Shockwave's Predacons, doesn't anyone else think that's just a little suspicious?"

"Amen," Arcee bumped fists with Dash's hoof.

"You said it, Rainbow Dash." Twilight grumbled, glaring at Optimus.

Optimus seemed a bit shaken at their lack of faith, but he remained composed. "Nova Prime's courage is beyond reproach."

"You're too cynical, darlings," Rarity said, "I think it's natural that Optimus would want to have somebody to look up to, and whatever reasons Nova has for delaying his return, I'm sure they're very good ones... and probably personal ones, too."

Applejack stared at Rarity, dumbfounded. "Aren't ya'll supposed to be a Wrecker? You know, the 'shoot first, ask questions later' type? Not the trusting, benefit of the doubt-type?"

"Honorary Wrecker." Rarity corrected her. "And I will have faith with Optimus and my savior and assume Nova is a good fellow until evidence comes to light that proves otherwise."

"Uh-huh. Sure, Rarity, sure. Hey... what's that?" Dash pointed up, seeing movement in the sky.

It was a strange creature. It was human shaped, but much larger than a human, though still smaller than a Cybertronian. It had fleshy, red skin, red wings, a furry yellow and red tail and red and yellow hair pointed like it was trying to be on fire.

"I don't know." Twilight answered.

Dash narrowed her eyes. "Whatever it is, it's got my Element of Harmony!"


Everyone squinted. Sure enough, whatever it was, it did in fact have Rainbow Dash's Element of Harmony.

"Autobots, clip its wings!" The Autobots primed their weapons and began unloading lasers onto the mystery creature.

"Ow! Hey! Watch it!" The creature came closer, eyeing them angrily. "You nearly hit me!"

"Um, yeah?" Dash said. "That's kinda the point?"

"That's not very . . ." The creature stopped, narrowing its eyes at them in recognition. "Hey! I know you!" She pointed at Twilight Sparkle. "Those dragons I let through the Bridge-thingy were supposed to take care of you!"

"You let the dragons through?" Twilight snapped. "... Whoever you are?!"

"Yeah. They didn't do such a good job, though, did they? I'll fix that myself!" The creature made a green fireball in her hand, which she threw at Twilight. Twilight used her magic to dispel it.

"Grr!" The creature shook its fist, then took off for Cadence's castle.

"Autobots, transform and roll out!" Optimus ordered. Team Prime converted to their vehicle modes, the ponies climbing into their seats. Team Prime sped after the creature, which entered the castle through its front gate, shoving the guards out its way.

The Autobots chased after that, heedless of the fact the door was too small for them. Arcee squeezed her way through, but Bulkhead just rammed through the wall, tearing it down.

The creature shrieked like a bat, swerving into a door and going inside. The Autobots followed, also destroying the wall around the door.

"I hope Cadence doesn't get too upset over this!" Twilight exclaimed.

"We will pay for all damages." Optimus assured her.

The creature went in a broom closet, and went through a mirror, phasing it through like it was water.

"She – she just went into the mirror!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"Well, we're following her!" Arcee growled, speeding through the mirror. The rest of the Autobots followed. It was not unlike going through the Bridge network.

Coming out on the other side was not such a pleasant experience. Twilight's face was one of sheer terror as Optimus had to plow through what was clearly part of a building. He had too much momentum to stop. Instead, she just had to put up with as Optimus tore through the wall and emerged on the outside of somewhere.

They were people out and around. The rest of Team Prime could be seen, having managed to stop themselves after going through the building the same way Optimus did. There were yelps and screams as the people around did their best to get to safety.

Twilight lurched forward as Optimus screeched to stop, just barely managing to cut themselves short of hitting a tree. The air bags of Optimus' truck form expanding out from the driver's seat. As she struggled to see through the massive plastic bag, Twilight was grateful than unlike most Terran automobiles, Optimus' airbags did what they were supposed to do.

Finally shoving the air bag back enough that she could see, Twilight looked out Optimus' window to see a startling sight.

There was some sort of blue-skinned human teen flying by the window. She was wearing a blue and yellow cheerleader outfit. She looked like Rainbow Dash. She looked like someone had taken Rainbow Dash to an ironing board and apply the laundry iron to her until her proportions matched that of a human.

The human-Dash thing looked at Twilight with a gleeful expression.

"That was awesome!" Human-Dash cheered, pumping her fists into the air. "Do it again!"

V: The Human Principle

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Twilight stared in horror at the Rainbow Dash-human thing. "R-Rainbow Dash? What happened to you?"

The Dash-human raised an eyebrow. "Uh, Rainbow Dash? My name is Roxanne." Roxanne offered Twilight her hand through Optimus' window. "Roxanne Danvers. What's your name?"

"T . . . Twilight Sparkle." Twilight answered, shaking Roxanne's hand.

"Twilight Sparkle? What kind of name is that?"

"I'll have you know it's a perfectly valid Equestrian name!"

"Whatever. Sweet ride you got here." Roxanne whistled, admiring Optimus' form. "What's its top speed?"

"Umm . . ." Twilight glanced sideways at Optimus' dashboard. "I'm not sure. Um, maybe like, 1000 MPH?"

"No way. You're joshing me, right?"

Optimus' display shifted. Twilight exhaled sharply, as it was the technical information for his vehicle mode.

"My bad. 160 MPH." Twilight answered.

Roxanne snapped her fingers. "Now that I believe. Custom engine?"

"As much as I would love to keep talking with you about this, I need to make sure my friends are okay!" Twilight stuck her head out the window. Truthfully, she wasn't a car person and had no desire to keep talking to Roxanne about a subject she knew little about.

Thankfully, she saw her friends and the other Autobots around, having experienced similar difficulties that she and Optimus had. She could see Rainbow Dash slumped over Arcee's handlebars like she had the wind knocked out of her. Rubble from a school building was scattered everywhere, and there were numerous students lying on the ground or clutching nearby objects for safety. They all looked humans with Equestrian skin colors, and some of them even had wings! They were all too shocked or horrified to approach Twilight like Roxanne had.

"Could you move?" Twilight asked Roxanne, swinging the door open and stepping out. "Is everypony okay?"

"I'm fine." Dash insisted, raising her hoof. Fluttershy and Applejack stepped out and raised her hoof as well. Rarity waved through Bulkhead's window, and Pinkie burst out of Bumblebee's door.

"Wow!" Roxanne exclaimed. "This isn’t some kind of trick is it? You're actual ponies! You're unicorns and pegasi! I always thought Sunset was just a bit whacked in the head..."

"Sunset?" Twilight asked. "Who's Sunset?"

"Sunset's -" Roxanne started to answer, but was cut off by a yell.

"What is this!?"

"Oh snap." Roxanne muttered. "Now we've done it. Vice-Principal Selene looks ticked!"

A woman marched up to Twilight. She was an adult, wearing lipstick, with long blue hair, a pink shirt, and a white bandana on her neck with a black crescent imprint. "I demand to know the meaning of this!" She gestured to the carnage around. "Do you realize you could have killed someone with your antics?"

"Yes, but -"

"But what?" Selene snarled. "What possible excuse could you have for the knowing endangerment of innocent lives?" Selene raised an eyebrow. "And you're a unicorn! Unicorns aren't supposed to kill people!"

Twilight, frustrated, lifted Selene in the air with her magic. "Maybe if you'll quit lecturing me for two seconds, I can explain." The other Ponies started to regroup around Twilight. "We're from the world of Equestria. We tracked a thief and came out of a mirror, and your school building was on the other side! We didn't know it led there!"

Selene was unamused. "Really? You came out of a mirror? Do you really expect me to believe such a ridiculous story?"

"It's not a story!" Twilight insisted.

"Yes." Rarity spoke. "That's exactly what happened! You accept that we're unicorns, but not that your mirror is a magic portal?"

Selene glared at them. She whipped out a cell phone. "I don't know what kind of crazy unicorn laws you operate under, but let's see what the police have to say!"

"Optimus, do something!" Twilight hissed. Optimus remained still. Twilight growled. It was clear Optimus was enforcing his modus operandi of hiding as a vehicle to take the measure of the locals. "Optimus, they seem pretty okay with us being unicorns. I'm sure they won't mind you."

"Ah!" Selene added. "So you're not only callous of life, you're crazy as well! Perhaps I should call the crazy hospitals, then?"

Twilight grunted, giving Optimus' hood a solid buck. That was finally enough to convince Optimus to act. Roxanne and Selene gasped as the truck broke apart into a series of panels, then rearranged itself, unfurling Optimus' feet, hands, and head.

"I am Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots." Optimus introduced himself. "We are autonomous robotic -"

"Yeah, yeah, autonomous whatever." Twilight interrupted. She heard this intro before. "Just tell her that we came through the mirror without knowing what was on the other side!"

"Twilight Sparkle speaks the truth." Optimus volunteered. "A thief has stolen something very valuable from her world, and we pursued through the mirror in that room, which doubled as a portal." Optimus pointed to the hole in the school.

Selene looked at the hole, then back to Optimus. "I suppose if you have a giant robot willing to back your story, it must be at least part true. I still don't appreciate that you punched a hole in my building!"

"We will offer all resources to repairing damages . . . after we recover the item that was stolen." Optimus added sharply.

"You think because we have a robot backing it up, it's true?"

"Well, yes. After all, robots can't lie."

"This poor sap is dire need of meeting a Decepticon." Rarity whispered to Twilight.

"Your building, Selene?"

Two more women joined the party. Both were like Roxanne, being ponies that were given the "human treatment." Rarity's double was wearing a blue shirt, black necklace with a silver clip, and a purple skirt. Celestia's double was wearing a yellow dress shirt with purple jeans, and her hair was bristled slightly to resemble a crown.

"I thought it was our building." Celestia's double add. "Principal Celeste, at your service. Now, what's this business I hear about a thief?"

"Yes. She has stolen something of utmost value." Optimus answered.

"Rachel." The Rarity-double introduced herself. "Can't you just buy a new one?"

Optimus and Twilight looked to each other, grimacing.

"You do not understand. This item is . . . not replaceable."

"Aah. Sentimental value, then?"

"You . . . could say that." Twilight answered.

"This will not stand!" Celeste declared, dramatically pointing in the air. "I will see that you get all the help you can retrieving this item from the thief!"

Selene gasped. "Celeste, you can't be serious! They damaged the school and could've killed our students!"

"They admitted they knew nothing, and no one was hurt." Celeste countered. "The school wall can be replaced. Their stolen goods cannot." Celeste turned to the students. "Has anyone seen Sunset Shimmer?"

"I'll go get her!" One student volunteered, getting up and dashing off.

"While he does that, I would like to add that the mirror should be kept in a safer place." Optimus said. "It is thus far the only known link between here and where we came from, and it should be protected."

Selene crossed her arms. "It was protected just fine before you came along!"

Ratchet reverted to robot mode and marched to the Vice-Principal. "Well, excuse us, Vice-Principal. I mean, after all, it's not like we have millions of years of warfare behind us to back our decision-making – OH WAIT, we do! The mirror is thus far the only known method of commute between our world and ours. So unless you happen to know where another method is, or have a manufacturer who can make another mirror with identical properties, I suggest you do as Optimus Prime says! Unless you do have something like that around?"

Selene deflated a little. "No."

"I thought as much." Ratchet quipped. "I suggest we relocate the mirror to somewhere better protected than a school. Perhaps a military base. With lots of tripwires, automated sentries, anti-hacking software . . ."

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves, hmm?" Rarity cut him off. "But it is agreed the mirror needs to be in a safer place?" There nods from each pony and bleeps from the other Autobots. "Then it's settled."

Selene glared, then stormed off, mumbling bitterly.

"I fear we may have just made an enemy." Optimus said.

Ratchet scoffed. "I don't think we have anything to worry about. She's just upset we're not being lawfully punished in a way that makes her happy. She doesn't strike me as being to the level of MECH or Doctor Morocco . . ."

"Here we are!" Celeste said, gesturing as another new girl appeared. She was wearing a purple shirt with a yellow and red sun on it, orange shorts, and a blazer jacket. Her skin looked more like a human's than anyone else they had met here, and her hair was a long red and yellow combination like fire.

"This is Sunset Shimmer, a pillar of the community." Celeste said, patting Sunset on the back. "If anyone can help you get back your missing items, it's her."

"She don't look like much . . ." Applejack said, unimpressed.

"Kinda good-looking, tho'." Dash quipped.

"Rainbow Dash!"

"What?" Dash teased. "It is so wrong to appreciate the body-build of other species?"

"Yes! It's called "bestiality" and it's -"

"I think we're getting off-topic." Ratchet interrupted quickly. "Hello, Sunset Shimmer. My name is Ratchet."

"Hello . . . Ratchet." Sunset muttered.

"You'll have to forgive her." Celeste said. "She can be shy when meeting new people. She's very energetic once she gets to know you, though!"

"Oh!" Fluttershy sped towards Sunset. "I get shy meeting new people too! I'm Fluttershy." Fluttershy offered her hoof. Sunset slowly reciprocated.

"So, Sunset . . ." Twilight asked. "What do you suggest we do first?"

"Well, um . . ." Sunset muttered. "I think we should go to my house so you can meet my friends . . . they can help."

"Right! You got that, Optimus?"

Optimus and Ratchet assumed their vehicular modes. Twilight guided Sunset into Optimus' passenger side. Selene went ahead and called the cops, but for the mirror, not the Autobots.

Roxanne flew up to Optimus' window and waved at Sunset. "Hey! Rachel and I will met you guys back at the house, 'kay?"

Sunset nodded. "'Kay."

Roxanne waved them off, Optimus' gear shifting as he made his way to the road.

"Just go straight . . ." Sunset pointed. "There will be a turn . . . I'll point it out when I see it."

"Okay!" Twilight sat back and relaxed while Optimus drove. Sunset was not comfortable.

"Shouldn't you have your hooves on the wheel?" Sunset questioned.

"Oh, no." Twilight answered. "Optimus can drive himself."

"I would really be more comfortable if you were to drive . . ."

Optimus spoke through the dashboard. "Sunset Shimmer, I have two rules for those who use me as a ride. One, no touching the wheel."

"What's rule two?"

"No conducting scientific experiments in the trailer until I'm parked."

Sunset stared at Twilight. "You conduct experiments in his trailer?"

Twilight grinned sheepishly. "Sometimes. Hey, did either of you notice how all the people in the school were like human versions of my friends?"

"What do you mean?" Sunset asked.

"Well, Roxanne was like Rainbow Dash, Rachel was like Rarity . . . Principle Celeste was like Princess Celestia. They even have similar names! Celeste, Celestia, Celeste, Cel- are you alright?"

Sunset seemed frozen. "I'm fine. It's nothing."

"So, Sunset Shimmer . . . how come I've never met your counterpart in my world?"

"I don't know." Sunset's answer come across as vacant and spacy. "What's . . . what's your relationship with Princess Celestia?"

"She's my teacher!"

"Your . . . teacher?"

"Yeah. My mentor. She teaches me how to use my unicorn magic to its greatest application." Twilight sighed, thinking of fond memories.

"Here." Sunset pointed. "Here's the turn."

Optimus turned as instructed, and it was just a few more turns here and there until they pulled up to a dark green two-story building with a garage on its side.

"This is it. My home." Sunset said. She looked out the window. "Looks like Roxanne and Rachel beat us. Must have found a short-cut, I guess . . ." Sunset and Twilight departed Optimus' cab and went up to the house, where Roxanne and Rachel were at the door. The rest of Twilight's friends departed their Autobots and followed.

"So we told the others about our new friends." Roxanne said. "They're really eager to meet you-"

Roxanne's statement was proved accurate when the door burst open, and the doubles of Fluttershy, Pinkie, Applejack, and Twilight came out.

"Oh my gosh!" The Pinkie-double responded. "Real unicorns! I mean, at first I thought Roxanne was just playing a prank on us, but they're totally real!"

Patrica’s, as she called herself, excitement quickly spread, and all the counterparts took the time to start chatting with each other without the stress of having just crashed through a school wall. Rarity made fashion talk with Rachel, Roxanne and Rainbow Dash discussed guitars, Fluttershy and Flurrie talked about animals . . .

"Hi." Twilight's blouse-wearing counterpart waved. "I'm Twyla Sparkler."

Twilight just stared. If Twyla didn't know better, she'd almost say Twilight looked . . . disgusted.

"Wha . . ." Twilight stammered, her eye twitching. "What is . . . you're . . . ME, but . . . human!"

"Hey, are you okay?"

"Do forgive her, darling." Rarity moved to Twilight's defense. "She's had a bit of a bad rap with humans. You know how it goes, one day you're studying magic, the next you're signing up with a terrorist cell!"

"She didn't have a problem with us." Rachel added. "And we're human version of her best friends!"

"Well, none of you were her." Rarity retorted.

"Dude!" Roxanne yelped. "You were part of a terrorist cell!? That is both awesome and creepy at the same time!"

Anywhere Roxanne was going to take the conversation was cut short by honks from the Autobots, Arcee in particular.

"I hate to break up the party, but weren't we planning on geting their help to find, oh, I don't know, a THIEF? She could be anywhere in the world by now!" Arcee exclaimed.

"Arcee has a valid point." Optimus added.

"Hey, chillax, dudes!" Roxanne smugly assured them. "You got us on your side now. By this time tomorrow, the whole town will be searching high and low for your thing."

"Which would be great if we knew that the thief was still in town!" Arcee growled, her engine revving with displeasure.

There was a sudden ringing, and Rachel pulled out a smartphone, putting it to her ear. "Hello? Oh! Suzy! How's school going? . . . What? Have you called the police? Why are you calling me? No, don’t hang-" Suzy hung up. Rachel glared at her phone.

Twyla looked concerned. "What's wrong?"

"The school where Suzy – my sister – attends is under attack by red-skinned she-demons!"

That caught Optimus' attention. "Autobots, burn rubber!"

Team Prime's engines revved, and they took off like racers down the road.

"Hey!" Rachel screamed, running to the sidewalk. She pointed to the other side of the road. "The school is that way!"

Little human-doubles of the Cutie Mark Crusaders hid behind a car while the creatures, all of them identical to the one who stole Rainbow's Element went around and caused mayhem. They were bouncing on cars, setting the grass on fire with their magic touch, and teachers that came out for the commotion were quickly dispatched with a either a fireball or a painful kick to their tinier, squishier bodies.

"Suzy, when is your sister gonna get here?" Purple-haired Sara Lee asked, peeking over the car.

"I don't know! Wait! I think that's her . . . but that's not her car!" Suzy was confused, unfamiliar with the red truck and its convoy.

The convoy stopped. Rachel, Roxanne and Abigail stepped out. The three women made a run for their sisters, while the Autobots reverted to robot mode and marched towards the attackers.

"Fear not, citizens!" Optimus said, raising his hands. "We are here to help! She-demons, cease your attack and answer my inquires, or I will authorize the use of deadly force!"

The she-demons exchanged dubious looks.

"Fat chance!" The she-demon lifted a car and threw it at Optimus. Optimus caught the car like it was a football and gently set it down, minimizing damage for the owner.

"Bad call." Bulkhead growled. He and the others Autobots opened fire on the she-demons. The she-demons responded by hurling balls of green fire. The firefight proved to be a bust: The she-demons were too nimble to be hit by the Autobots' lasers, and their fireballs only uncomfortably singed the Autobots' armor.

"Autobots, change tact!"

The Autobots switched to their melee weapons and rushed the She-Demons, catching them off-guard, as they weren't expecting the Autobots to suddenly charge them. Bulkhead pounded one into the ground with his mace, Arcee did a jump kick, and Optimus laid two of them low with one punch.

Optimus picked up one, holding it tight in his hands. "What have you done with the Element of Loyalty?"

The she-demon's stared blankly. "Loyalty? We were supposed to steal the Element of Magic!"

"To what end? Who sent you and why?"

The dhe-demon huffed. Optimus started to apply more pressure and repeated the question. "Who sent you?"

The she-demon burst into green flames, burning up until there was nothing but ash that slipped through Optimus' fingers. The other she-demons followed suit, disappearing into fires. One of them stopped to shoot a blue beam of light at Suzy. Suzy's head wobbled.

"Suzy?" Rachel asked.

Suzy turned to Rachel, blue spirals in her eyes. She reached her arms out like a zombie and muttered. "Must . . . attack . . . robots."

"Well, it wasn't an entirely fruitless endeavor." Ratchet noted. "We know there are more than one of them, we know they can teleport, and they were after the Element of Magic . . ." Ratchet stopped, noticing that Suzy was banging on his foot. "And, apparently, capable of mind control."

"How can you be so calm about this!?" Rachel shrieked. "Those things have control of my sister!"

"Well, I've seen worse." Ratchet said callously. Sensitivity was never his strong suit. "Now, Optimus, I suggest -"

"Ratchet," Optimus said sternly, "fix Suzy before you talk to me."

"Fine." Ratchet turned his attention back to Suzy. Rachel ran up to her sister and hugged her tightly.

"Suzy, Suzy? Listen to me. I don't know what those she-demons did to your head, but whatever it was, it's not true. You don't need to do anything they tell you." Rachel ran her fingers through Suzy's hair, and the spirals in her eyes went away.

"S-sis?" Suzy stammered. "What happened?"

"Ah. See?" Ratchet gestured. "A strong emotional bond is enough to cure the mind control. Now, as I was saying, I suggest we go back to Sunset Shimmer. She seems to know the area well, and the she-demons appear to have their base somewhere in the city."

"Agreed." Optimus answered. "I would like to call the Principals and learn where the mirror is. I am going to call Smokescreen for additional aid."

Back at the house, the girls were busying pursuing a more mundane approach to the problem. Rarity was introduced to a computer graphics program on Rachel's laptop and spent time coming up with fliers advertising the Element as stolen, while Sunset and Flurrie combed through Internet forums like eBay and Reddit for someone auctioning the item off. Twilight was displeased to learn that she misheard them when they suggested "Readit."

Sunset had eventually started opening up to the Equestrians, revealing herself as a charming, funny, socially magnetic individual. She was the student president at Canterlot High (the name of the school), the former head of the cheerleading team, and well on her way to being a Girl Scoutmaster, only denied entry because of her age.

Twilight, seeing that her talents weren't much use, decided to pace around the house. She came across a series of portraits on the wall showing Sunset Shimmer in elegant dress with a crown similar to the Element of Magic on her forehead.

"Wha?" Twilight stuttered. "Hey, Sunset? Could you come in here?"

"Sure." Sunset answered, coming through. "What's the problem? Oh, yeah." She saw the plaques. "Those."

"That crown on your head . . ." Twilight said. "What is it? It looks just like the Element of Magic in my home universe!"

"That's the crown they give to the winner of the Princess of the Fall Formal." Sunset answered. "As you can see, I've won the title five years straight."

"Uh-huh." Twilight nodded. "Does it have any . . . powers?"

"Powers? What, like your unicorn magic? No!" Sunset took a place beside Twilight. "Although pretty crazy, when you think about it."

"What is?"

"You. That unicorns – that unicorns are real." Sunset said. "And pegasi. And giant alien robots. And alternate dimensions."

Twilight shrugged. "Well, I was born and raised in Equestria. I am a unicorn, and there are things like dragons and manticores there . . . accepting the existence of things like alien robots or alternate universes . . . it's not really a problem for me." Twilight blinked. "Hey, everyone I've met here has had decent human-sounding names . . . like Rachel or Roxanne. Everyone except you. Sunset Shimmer is really more of an Equestrian name. And on top of that, I've never met a counterpart to you in my universe. Is there an explanation for that?"

Sunset blushed. "Oh, well, I-I don't really . . . I . . . need to use the ladies' room. Excuse me." Sunset walked off. Twilight watched her suspiciously. She was hiding something, Twilight could tell.

"Oh, hey, Twilight!" Pinkie yelled, bursting in. "Optimus just called! Said he was gonna fetch Smokescreen and bring him around to patrol the town while the rest of his team came back here to rethink their strategy!"

"Uh-huh." Twilight nodded, not really paying attention.

"Ooh, wow!" Pinkie exclaimed, seeing the plaques. "These smiles are really fake, aren't they?"

"Yeah, sure . . . wait, what?" Twilight whipped around.

"Well, Twilight, I am a professional smilologist." Pinkie explained. She even produced her certificate – a framed paper with crayon scrawled all over it, with Pinkie's name in bright pink.

"Okay." Twilight learned long ago not question Pinkie's weirdness. "And?"

"And if you look really closely . . ." Pinkie tapped the plaques in order of the dates, going from earliest to most recent. "These first two, the smiles are genuine, but then from the third one and onwards, the smiles are fake. You can tell by the tiny crease in the side of her lips."

Pinkie patted Twilight's back. "It takes a trained eye to see it, so don't feel bad."

Twilight nodded, her eyes shifting towards where Sunset had gone. She was absentminded as Pinkie dragged out to the sidewalk, where the Autobots decided they would call it a day and rest at Sunset's house. Optimus mentioned Smokescreen being excited to serve on a mission for Team Prime. But Twilight didn't hear it. Her mind was too preoccupied with the question.

What is Sunset Shimmer hiding?

Smokescreen flexed his arms, greeted by Celeste and some human with blue spiky hair. He was so excited! A mission for Team Prime, by Optimus himself! He was so excited. This was his chance to prove to Optimus he was type-A material. Even his instructions were just "drive around the neighborhood, report anything suspicious."

"So, you're Principal Celeste?" Smokescreen asked.

"Yes." Celeste gestured to the boy. "And this is Flash Sentry, Sunset Shimmer's girlfriend. He'll be accompanying you. If you need anything, ask him."

"Sounds good. Say, has anyone ever told you you look like a human Celestia?"

"It's been cropping up recently. Now, do you have any questions, Smokescreen?"

"Just one. When do we start?"

"As soon as you're ready."

Smokescreen converted into his vehicle mode – a sleek Lemans sports car decked with screaming 38's. "Let's roll." Flash got into the driver's seat, and Smokescreen took off.

"Hey, Smokescreen? Ever heard of a speed limit?" Flash grilled.

"Uh, no."

"Slow down! You're going to get into us into an accident or something! Now, there's somewhere we should go . . ."

"Where?" Smokescreen spat out ideas. "Seedy bar on the dirty side of town? Dark alleyway where crime runs rampant? Apartment complex of drug dealers? Come on! I'm in the mood for some heroics!"

"Uh, actually, I was going to suggest we go to these ruins, see." Flash explained. "They're really big and spacious, and Sunset uses them for big events all the times. So it's possible that whoever is behind all this will meet in there. A circle of people talking wouldn't catch much attention in there, so it's the perfect place!"

"Ruins." Smokescreen repeated flatly. Dirty, dusty, boring ruins. Not quite as glamorous as speeding into the underbelly of town and cleaning up the streets. Smokescreen complied and followed Flash's instructions to the ruins.

It was mostly one large building, black, crumbling and weathered. Aged pillars kept the ceiling up, and the entrance was large enough for a Cybertronian to fit through. Smokescreen wasn't sure why, but he felt as though the ruins were calling out to him.

Smokescreen dumped Flash out and reverted to robot mode. "So you think we go in there and wait, we'll find the culprit?"

"It's a fair bet." Flash answer, ascending the stairs with Smokescreen. Just short of the entrance, Smokescreen gasped, putting his foot down to bar Flash's way.

"Stay back!"

"Hey!" Flash shouted. "What is it?"

"Look." Smokescreen pointed in. Flash leaned in, and was baffled by the sight.

Inside the ruins, there was a Cybertronian. A dark blue Cybertron with limbs so thin he looked like made of panels, with a hunched back and claws like he had spiders for hands.

"That's Soundwave." Smokescreen explained. "He's been MIA since the war ended. The Autobot High Command has been looking all over for him! But what is he doing here?"

"You guys had a war?"

"Yeah, we had a war! What, you didn't know? Good grief, did Optimus tell you guys anything?" Smokescreen looked back inside, rubbing his chin. "You know, if I could bag Soundwave, that would be great for the cause . . . and it would really impress Optimus."

"I won't stop you, but I can't recommend it." Flash said.

"Wish me luck." Smokescreen said. He dash inside, intending to get the drop on Soundwave and clock him in the back of the head. Soundwave was more aware than he let on, as he spun around and slugged Smokescreen hard.

"Ow!" Smokescreen stumbled backwards. Soundwave had a surprising amount of force in his punch for such a scrawny robot. "Lucky shot . . ."

Tendrils unfurled from Soundwave's back. Tendrils tipped with four-pronged claws, snapping away, ready for attack.

Smokescreen primed his blasters. Soundwave used his tendrils to grab Smokescreen by the arm and lifted him up, slamming into the wall. Smokescreen groaned and slumped, but became alert when he heard the sound of a drill. Another tendril was going towards, its claw spinning as a makeshift drill. Smokescreen grabbed it and fought it off from drilling into his face. He was eventually able to stab it into another tendril, causing Soundwave pain, which made him release his grip.

"Ho!" Smokescreen sighed, staggering to his knee. "This was a bad idea . . ."

Soundwave recovered, and lashed his tendrils around Smokescreen's waist. He lifted the Autobot up and threw him into a pillar outside, then slammed into the floor. Soundwave then let go and made his way out of the temple. Flash Sentry ducked behind some rubble to hide.

Soundwaves stopped at the street, seeing a large, bestial robot walking with steel i-beams in its tail. It was Laserback.

"Who . . . are you?" Laserback growled at Soundwave. Soundwave didn't answer. He was the silent type.

"Hey!" Smokescreen yelled, stumbling out of the building. "I wasn't . . . finished with you . . . yet."

Soundwave, seeing an opportunity, swing his tendrils around and lifted Smokescreen up, then tossed the rookie Autobot into Lazerback.

"Get off!" Lazerback growled, picking Smokescreen up and hurling him into the wires of an electric pole. Smokescreen was subsequently electrocuted and then dropped from the wires, smoke emitting from various parts of him. But it was his pride that was really bleeding.

"Get back here, you, I'll . . ." Smokescreen muttered, attempting in vain to make a threat. Both Soundwave and Laserback had gone. "Oh, come on!" Smokescreen grumbled.

"Smokescreen!" Flash yelled, running up to him. "Are you okay? I saw the electricity flashing and -"

"I'm fine!" Smokescreen waved his hand. "But we need to tell Optimus that Soundwave and a Predacon are here! . . . After I take a stasis nap." Smokescreen collapsed onto his back.

"So Laserback and Soundwave are both here?" Optimus said to Smokescreen on the comm. "What were they doing? Were they together?"

"I don't know, and no." Smokescreen answered. "But Soundwave was at these old ruins, and Lazerback was carrying these i-beams, if that helps."

"Perhaps Soundwave hoped to find something in the ruins." Ratchet suggested. "As for Laserback . . . who knows. He could be trying to build something, or he could be just stealing i-beams to make construction workers miserable."

"I'll let you know if I find anything." Smokescreen said before hanging up, tactfully leaving out the part where he tried to take Soundwave head-on.

“Actually, come to think of it… so far, this universe has been a fairly close match for most modern human installations… why would they build everything - the school, the houses - so close to exposed ruins? That seems extremely disrespectful, or at least poorly thought out.” Ratchet looked up. "It's getting dark . . . we should call it a day. Get some rest before resuming our search, and I can think on it more tomorrow."

"I suspect you are right, old friend." Optimus said. He and the other Autobots parked on the street next to Sunset's house, while Sunset and her friends made beds for Twilight's friends to sleep on in their garage.

The next morning proved unpleasant. Optimus found himself cold on the concrete, even though his engine should have kept him warm. He rolled on the sidewalk, finding himself uncomfortable and . . . small. He felt smaller. He was also in robot mode, but he went to bed in vehicle mode.

He rolled over and got onto his hands and knees, and he figured out why his engine wasn't keeping him warm.

It was because he didn't have an engine anymore.

Because somehow, he and the other Autobots had turned into humans.

There was a piercing scream from Sunset's house. The Autobots rushed to the garage, bumping into Sunset's group along the way.

"Whoa!" Roxanne stopped them, not recognizing them. "Who are you? You're good-looking, whoever you are." Roxanne added, noticing Optimus' attractive build.

They got into the garage to see that the same fate had befallen Twilight's friends. But interestingly, not Twilight herself. The rest of them, however, were now dead ringers for their counterparts, the only trace of Equestrian biology left on them being Rainbow Dash's and Fluttershy's wings sticking out form the backs of their shirt.

"You're . . . you're human!" Twilight stammered.

"And we're not the only ones!" Rarity realized, pointing at the Autobots, recognizing them when Roxanne didn't. "Oh, you poor dears!"

"How did this happen!?" Twilight shrieked.

"Hey, how come Ratchet gets a prosthetic arm and the rest of us don't?"

"Bulkhead, I think we have more important things to worry about."

"Would someone explain to me what's going on?" Roxanne demanded.

"We would if we could!" Ratchet added. "All that we do know is that we went to bed, and when we woke up, this happened!"

"I don't suppose you know anything about what happened?" Rainbow Dash pointed at Roxanne, always one to point an accusation.

"No!" Roxanne answered.

"Are you sure? 'Cause I've never heard of a Pony suddenly turning into a human!"

"Rainbow Dash, I -"

"Everyone calm down!" Optimus, Twilight, and Sunset said at the same time. They were all surprised they were that much in sync.

"However this came about, our priority is still retrieving the Element of Loyalty from the She-Demons." Optimus said.

"I'll go call Principal Celeste." Sunset volunteered. "Let her know what happened."

"Call Flash Sentry as well." Optimus instructed. "Smokescreen mentioned being in his company and needs to be informed." Sunset nodded as she left the room.

Twilight sat down, overwhelmed by the fact her friends had turned into humans. Alternate dimension versions who were humans was fine, but her actual friends turning into humans! Dirty rotten backstabbing humans!

While Twilight had her processor clogged, the Autobots had calmed down enough to examine their new bodies. Optimus was a tall man in a red military jacket and blue army leggins, grey hair, and faded scars all over his face. He was actually fairly attractive. Ratchet was dressed like a doctor with a prosthetic arm and scraggly, Einstein-esque hair. Arcee had pink hair and lithe limbs, dressed in protective skating gear. Bulkhead had a construction worker's uniform, and Bumblebee was unusually short, wearing a yellow cap and black pleather. They all had unusual (for human) skin-tones like silver and dark grey, as their faces had when they were still robots.

"You know, you make a really-good looking human, Optimus." Rachel quipped.

"Don't you start trying to flirt with him." Twilight snapped.

Bumblebee raised his hand and opened his mouth . . . but no words came out.

"Oh no!" Pinkie exclaimed, pulling Bumblebee into a hug. "My poor Bumblebee!"

"Why? What happened?"

"Bumblebee had some damage done to his voicebox a long time ago." Pinkie explained. "When he was still a robot, he could get by with these complex bleeps . . . but now that he's not a robot anymore, he can't do that anymore! He can't speak!"

"Couldn't you just get him another voicebox?" Roxanne asked.

Ratchet huffed. "If I broke your leg, could you just get another leg?"

Bumblebee's eyes widened. He slipped out from Pinkie's grasp and started tearing through Sunset's desk.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

Bumblebee picked up a pencil and a piece of paper, then started to draw on it. He showed his picture to everyone else. It appeared to be a hospital.

"Okay." Ratchet said. "It's a hospital."

Bumblebee drew more pictures and showed them, including a disembodied neck, someone cutting into a person with a knife, and a robot hand next to a human hand.


"He thinks that maybe surgery can be done on his vocal chords as a human now, and it'll make him able to speak as a robot again when he goes back to normal!" Pinkie translated.

"We are gonna get back to normal, right?" Rainbow Dash asked. Optimus put his hand on her shoulder for comfort.

"At this point, I’d be as willing to try anything as Bumblebee is." Ratchet murmured. "It can't hurt to have a human doctor take a look and see if they could fix the damage while we’re in this form."

Bumblebee put the tools down and beamed towards Ratchet.

"What? Oh, no, no . . . Bumblebee, I'm not licensed to practice medicine on human biology." Ratchet sagged. "Is there a hospital nearby where Bumblebee could try his idea?"

"Yeah, sure." Abigail said. "Ah'll take 'im. C'mon, Bee." Abigail hooked her arm around Bumblebee's and dragged him out.

"Smokescreen is on his way." Sunset said, stepping down. There was a honk outside. "That was fast." The Autobots and Sunset's group went out to greet Smokescreen, while Twilight's group stayed with Twilight.

"Y'all okay, sugarcube?" Applejack ask, putting a hand on Twilight's back. "Y'all haven't said much since we woke up."

"I'm fine." Twilight answered. "It's just . . . you're all suddenly human! It's . . . it's just a bit much for me to take."

"Hey!" Rarity interrupted. "This could be a good chance to help you get over your dislike of humans! After all, we're your friends, and if we're human . . . then surely we could prove that humans aren't as bad you think?"

Twilight looked uncertain. "I guess you could . . ."

Outside, the Autobots met Smokescreen in vehicle mode. Celeste and Flash Sentry left him, and Smokescreen reverted to robot mode.

"Whoa!" Smokescreen oohed. "I didn't believe it when I first heard it, but you really got turned into humans?"

"That is correct." Optimus said.

"Mmh, very attractive humans, I might add." Celeste said, rubbing her chin. "Honestly, I want to take you home with me."

"Flattering, but we have more important things to deal with." Optimus said.

Celeste gazed wistfully at Optimus, infatuated. "No, no, I insist." Celeste grabbed Optimus by the wrist. "I am taking you home with me, right now."

"Again, flattering, but we-"

"Actually . . ." Roxanne said. "Before you guys went to bed last night, we put in a few calls to some friends of ours."

"And?" Ratchet asked.

"Basically, we now have eyes and ears all over the ground. If a fly lands on a swingset, we'll know about it. So why don't the rest of you take some time off?" Roxanne got behind Ratchet and pushed him forward. "You know, take some time on the other side. Learn what it's like to be human?"

"The Element is our top priority." Optimus responded over Celeste's attempts to forcefully drag him to Smokescreen.

"Look, we have friends all across town." Roxanne counted on her fingers. "We know the She-Demons have their base somewhere in town. And frankly, you guys deserve a little break from all this."

"It must be very stressful." Rachel added sharply. "Looking for the Element so much."

Optimus glared.

"I suppose we could use a vacation . . ." Ratchet muttered.

"Great!" Rachel clapped her hands. "Then it's settled! We'll make sure you're the first to know if anything comes up, and you can take a break in the meantime! Optimus, why don't you stop resisting and let Celeste show you a good time?"

"Primes must be ever vigilant -" Optimus started, but Celeste found a weak spot and was able to pry him from his spot, dragging him to Smokescreen.

"Aww!" Rarity cooed. "Optimus has a date!"

Optimus looked very displeased, but offered no resistance to Celeste shoving him into Smokescreen's passenger side. The Autobots observed as Smokescreen was made into a makeshift chauffeur for the couple.

"So, Roxanne . . ." Ratchet turned to her. "What do you propose we do, now that we're human?"

"Well, uh . . . I'm sure there's plenty of things you can do now as a human that you couldn't have as an Autobot!" Roxanne stammered.

"I don't know about you guys." Pinkie Pie said, wrapping her arms around Arcee's and Applejack's shoulders. "But I could seriously go for a double-chocolate banana swirl sundae."

"What is a double-chocolate banana swirl sundae?" Ratchet snapped, crossing his arms.

All the girls gasped in shock. Ice cream existed on Equestria, but evidently not on Cybertron.

"Oh, dude, you've never had the joy of a swirly sundae?" Roxanne asked.

Pinkie grabbed Ratchet by the shoulders before he could answer. "You have no idea what you're missing out on! We must correct this injustice at once! TO THE PARLOR!"

Ratchet blinked. "Injustice is a rather strong word . . . "

At the hospital Abigail had taken Bumblebee to, Bumblebee was lying on a bed with a lead sheet for x-rays over his body. Abigail entered the room and held his hand.

“I just got finished talking with the doctors. Um, they can try something, but it doesn’t look good. Do-do y’all want them to try anyway?”

Bumblebee nodded.

Abigail waved the doctor in. "Come on in, guys. He says he's okay wit' it."

Two doctors came in. They lifted off the lead sheet, then started setting up machinery. One of them put a mask over Bumblebee's face that would start putting anesthetic-laced air into him. Within minutes, he was closing his eyes and dozing off.

Now at the ice cream parlor with a table for fourteen, Ratchet glared at the bowl of ice cream set out for him.

"What's wrong, Ratchet?" Pinkie asked. "Come on, don't go all "cranky old man" on us now!"

"I am not going "cranky old man" on you, I am going medical doctor on you. This confectionery is high in unhealthy sugars and artificial sweeteners!" Ratchet picked up a spoonful. "This syrup alone exceeds the daily recommended sugar intake for the average human adult!"

"Good thing you're not really a human," Roxanne said dryly. "Just eat it. We can do something else afterward."

Ratchet pursed his lips.

"Come on, Ratchet." Arcee encouraged, having taken to the ice cream with better enthusiasm than Ratchet did. "Just try a bite."

Ratchet glared, then reluctantly took a bite. "There." He threw the spoon down like a child having a tantrum. "I took a bite."

"Just eat it." Arcee chided.

"Too bad Bee and Optimus couldn't be here." Bulkhead said.

"Yeah. Bumblebee would probably love this stuff." Arcee added. At the mention of Bumblebee's name, Ratchet deflated. "Ratchet? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Ratchet muttered, barely audible. He pushed out his seat and walked away. "I'm going to get some fresh air."

"What crawled up his intestine and died?" Roxanne asked.

"He's been trying to fix Bumblebee's a voice box for a long time now." Arcee explained. "And Bumblebee's idea might be crazy enough to work. He's upset because if he knew more about human biology, he could be the one fixing Bumblebee's vocal chords right now instead of some random doctor from some alternate dimension."


"Ooog . . ." Arcee grunted, putting her hands on her stomach. "Suddenly my stomach hurts."

"Hehheh, yeah. That happens sometimes."

"Maybe Ratchet was right and we shouldn't eat this stuff?" Bulkhead looked at ice cream curiously.

"Seriously . . . I feel like my thighs are about to explode." Arcee added.

"Sounds like you need to go to the bathroom." Sunset suggested.

"Oh? Is that painful?"

"Only if you're really sick." Sunset said, getting up. "Come on. I'll take you to the ladies' room and show you how."

Applejack blanched. Sunset taking Arcee to show her how to use the bathroom was okay, since Arcee, being a Cybertronain until this morning, had never done it before, and they were both girls . . . but what if Bulkhead needed to use it? How would they explain the intricacies of there being different bathrooms for different genders?

Applejack's worries about that were disrupted by noticing that Twilight was accompanying Ratchet on the outside of the parlor. They were both sulky.

"Be right back, y'all." Applejack got out from her seat. "Ah'm gonna go see 'bout cheerin' Twilight up."

Applejack walked out the parlor and went up to Twilight. "Hey, Twilight. Y'all feelin' okay?"

"I'm fine." Twilight insisted. "It's just . . . I'm still not okay with you being humans."

"Uhh, y'all want to help me out here, Doc?"

"Hmm? OH, yeah, yeah, sure. Humans, good, whatever."

Applejack sighed, seeing Ratchet was preoccupied and clearly of no help.

"Hey now." Applejack sat on the concrete and put her hand on Twilight's back. "It's not so bad, bein' a human. The hands are pretty good for grabbin' stuff . . . work on tha' farm back home would probably be easier if Ah had this all the time." That at least got a chuckle out from Twilight.

"Seriously, Twilight . . . which humans made y'all hate all of them?" Applejack asked.

"MECH, Silas, Adam DeCobray, Doctor Morocco . . . Kade Burns. General Madison." Twilight recounted.

"Right," Applejack said. "That's a pretty long list. Anyway, just because y'all got in wit' tha' wrong crowd, it means every human is bad?"

"Not every human." Twilight defended herself. "Just any ones that aren't Jack, Miko, Raf, or Agent Fowler."

"C'mon, Twilight." Applejack added. "You hatin' all tha' humans for something those guys did is like . . . is like . . . is like if Ah hated all the Cybertronians for something Megatron did, or if the Autobots hated all Equestrians for something ne're-do-wells like Flim and Flam did."

Twilight let out a big sigh. “I guess, I guess - deep down, I know that, but’s just so hard. I can still remember all those awful people… not to mention our new friend Galloway...”

"I know that, Twi. But we know good people, too, like Jack and Miko, so will y'all finally stop bein' so judgmental against 'em?"

"I’ll try." Twilight received a glare from Applejack. “Try harder than I have been, I mean.”

“Great to hear it.” Applejack said.

Ratchet applauded, chuckling. "I'm sure Optimus will be pleased to hear that, too."

"So . . ." Applejack said. "Y'all about ready to come in for some ice cream?"

"Of course."

It took a lot of convincing, but Celeste was able to make Optimus sit down on the couch in her apartment so they could sit down together and watch a romantic movie and enjoy margaritas she had made.

Optimus held the cup in his hand, eyeing it with suspicion. "Is this is an alcoholic drink?"

"A little." Celeste answered.

"Primes are not supposed to drink alcohol." Optimus said.


Optimus set the drink down on a coffee. "I should not be here. I should be trying to find the Element."

"Oh, Element this, and Element that." Celeste scoffed. "Honestly, Optimus, when was the last time you set aside time for yourself? You know, sit down. Maybe have a little party."

"Primes are not supposed to party."

"Really? Then what are Primes supposed to do?"

"Lead." Optimus emphasized. "And that means that we do not do anything which would cloud our judgment, such as partying and drinking."

Celeste raised her eyebrow. "Do Primes do anything fun?"


"Oh, just sit down and watch the movie." Celeste picked up a remote and hit the play button.

The movie was an emotionally-driven one, about a man who gave up everything in pursuit of true love. His job, his home . . . but it all worked in the end, as he moved in with his beloved in a swanky beach house.

"Well?" Celeste asked as the credits rolled. "What did you think?"

Optimus was giving the credits a glare. "I dislike the protagonist."

"Oh?" Celeste asked. "How's that?"

Optimus sighed.

“It is unbecoming of a Prime, but… I envy him. He made a choice to be with the woman he lived. To give up what he had for what he wanted. I could not - I could never make that choice, even if I was given an opportunity to do so. When push comes to shove, I will always choose what I think is best for the greater good over my personal desires.”

Optimus leaned forward on the couch and put his hands together.

“I would like to have that choice one day. When all the world’s problems are solved, and there is no longer a need for me to be leader of the Autobots or a public figure… I would like to give up everything and settle down somewhere in a nice, quiet dwelling. Why, perhaps I might even start a family of my own.”

“Well…” Celestia looked aside. She placed a hand over Optimus. “If and when you ever do decide to try and settle down… I’ll be waiting here. You know, if you want to… try to give me a chance… that way.”

“Hmm.” Optimus shook his head. “No. That will not do. I already have a family… and I have grown much closer to your Equestrian counterpart than I have you. I have known her longer, I know her more intimately…”

“Hmm.” Celeste repeated. Her phone rang. "Yes? What? They are? Okay, I'll tell him." Celeste closed her phone. "Optimus, the she-demons are out on the streets, and they seem to have the Element with them!"

Optimus bolted out of his seat and pointed dramatically. "Autobots, roll out!"

And that was a good cue for actor "Awkward Silence" to make his token appearance, as a) the Autobots weren't here and b) they couldn't "roll out" in their current state even if they were.

"Force of habit." Optimus admitted, struggling with embarrassment, an emotion which was rare for him to feel.

"I’ll ignore it," Celeste said quickly. "Here, I'll drive you."

There were precisely twelve she-demons out in the middle of a park. Their presence had scared off families who were playing there, and parents rushed to get their children to safety.

"Look at them." one she-demon muttered. "Scurrying about to get away from us."

"Not like it'll help." Another commented, standing next to a machine. The machine was a square grey box with a keyboard on its side, and two prongs sticking out from its side, where the Element of Loyalty was nestled between.

Three cars veered in, their tires screeching as they swerved into a halt. Optimus exited from one, while the other Autobots exited from Smokescreen, and Twilight's came out of the last one.

"Principal, do you have anything in your car which might make an effective weapon?" Optimus asked.

"I have a carrying bag."

"It'll have to do."

"Attention, She-Demons!" Ratchet called. "We are here to reclaim the Element of Loyalty! Surrender it now, and we can leave peacefully!

"Are you threatening us?" The She-Demons were incredulous that Ratchet had the nerve to threaten them, even after he'd been made into a human. They burst into laughter. They didn't find it as funny when Twilight Sparkle teleported into the middle of them and sent them flying with a pulse of magic that exploded around her.

"Grr!" One got up and immediately charged at Twilight. Twilight fired a laser that struck her back down.

"Oh, really, now!" A voice complained. The Autobots looked up to see Laserback, standing by the edge of the sidewalk and holding something in his tail. "First this upstart interrupts me at those ruins, and now this? It's getting to be where a Predacon can smuggle his goods in the streets anymore!"

"Laserback!?" Twilight shrieked. "What's he doing here!?"

"Who knows? Who cares? I got him!" Smokescreen reverted to robot mode and charged at Laserback, nimbly dodging when Laserback attempted to slash. The Autobots and other Equestrian, undaunted by the fact they lost their special abilities, engaged the She-Demons in hand-to-hand combat.

"You're brave. I'll give you that." a she-demon snarled to Optimus. "But that'll get you nowhere when -" She was cut off by Optimus swinging Celestia's bag into her face like a flail.

One she-demon made for the machine and started pushing the buttons.

"So, tell me, how does this machine work?"

"Oh, it's simple." The she-demon said. "It'll take the magic from the Element and broadcast a signal which will hypnotize every teenager in radius, thus providing our Mistress with an army to take over Equestria!"

"Just the teens? If you're going to make a device such as this, you might as well make it so that it hypnotizes everyone."

At this point, the she-demon realized she wasn't talking to her buddies and turned around, only to be decked by Ratchet's prosthetic arm.

"But then again, I'm not really interested in improving your scheme as I am in foiling it." Ratchet said. He smashed the controls with his arm before yanking the Element out. "Optimus, I have the Element!"

"Excellent!" Optimus called. "Now we need a method to deal with the She-Demons!"

"I have an idea!" Smokescreen yelled. "Twilight, think you can force Laserback into beast mode!?"

"I can try!" Twilight said, enveloping Laserback in her magic.

"Hey, what are you -" Laserback protested as he felt his internal mechanisms being violated. "Hey . . . hey, stop! ARRGH!" Through careful manipulation of his internal workings, Twilight was able to force Laserback to convert.

Smokescreen leaped on top of Laserback and smacked Laserback on the back of his beast head, making him breathe fire. Then Smokescreen grabbed his horns and turned him loose on the She-Demons. The She-Demons scattered and ran away, eventually deciding to just teleport out.

Seeing the Demons defeated, Smokescreen backflipped off Laserback, landing perfectly behind Laserback. "Twilight, give me a boost!"

"You got it!" Twilight cast a spell, and Smokescreen's hands were enveloped with the glow of magic. Smokescreen grabbed Laserback's tail, lifted the beast up, then hurled him into an electric pole, just as Laserback did to him earlier.

"HA!" Smokescreen boasted while Twilight's strength enchantment wore off. "How does that feel, Loserback? Not so funny when it's being done to you, is it? Yeah!" Smokescreen engaged in a victory dance.

Smokescreen hadn't noticed a little piece of machinery drop from Laserback, but Ratchet and Optimus had.

Ratchet and Optimus approached the device.

"What is it?" Optimus asked. "Does it explain what Laserback was doing here any?"

"Possibly." Ratchet answered. "I know what it is, and this particular brand of machine is usually used in a laboratory."

Optimus turned towards Laserback, lying on the ground with smoke and sparks going over his body. "We do not have the means or resources to contain or interrogate him right now . . ."

"I'll make a call." Celeste volunteered, whipping out her phone. She dialed a number. "Yes, hello? It's Celeste, Sunset Shimmer's mentor. I need something unusual towed. You will? Thank you." Celeste put the phone away. "So, now what will you do?"

"Find a way to work on being restored to our proper forms." Optimus said. "After which, we will take Laserback to our base for interrogation and go back through the mirror."

Optimus rubbed his chin, contemplating how best to get back to normal.

"Hey." Sunset Shimmer stepped out of the other car. "I got a call saying Bumblebee's waiting for us at the house."

Ratchet's eyes widened. "His surgery!"

Smokescreen, Celeste, and Sunset all drove back to Sunset's house, where Abigail and Bumblebee's were waiting on the porch step. Abigail smiled and waved at them as they came by.

"Hey y'all."

Ratchet was the first to run up the porch, closely followed by Pinkie. "Did it work? Can he talk?"

Abigail, frowning, turned to Bumblebee. Bumblebee looked at the floor, stood up, and shook his head.

"Oh no..." Pinkie Pie groaned.

"I'm sorry, Bumblebee." Applejack placed a hand on his shoulder. "I know y'all were putting a lot of your hopes into this crazy scheme of yours working..."

Ratchet pinched the bridge of his nose and turned away, blubbering.

"Ratchet? Are you crying?" Fluttershy walked over to him and wrapped her hands around his shoulders.

"N-no!" Ratchet snapped, shoving Fluttershy's hands off. He tried hide his crying for a little longer, then gave up and pulled Fluttershy into a hug, burying his face into her shoulder. Fluttershy silently comforted him, patting him on the back.
"Um... we, um, still need to worry about how we change back to our... normal selves," Arcee said.

"Well," Sunset said, "the change happened when you were sleeping. Maybe it'll go away after you sleep again?"

Arcee scoffed. "Ugh, so what? Whether or not we're human suddenly shifts depending on what day we go to sleep at? Every odd day, we're normal, but every even day, we turn into humans like you?"

"The, uh, the scientific method teaches us to try anything at least once," Ratchet said, struggling to get his voice back under control. "Actually, it teaches us to try it several times, just to make sure the first wasn't a fluke, but that doesn't change the fact we should at least try it. Who knows? Maybe whatever mysteriously did this will as mysteriously undo it!"

"Ratchet has a point." Optimus added. "We should consider the option. If it works, there will be no need to explore any other options."

Acree shrugged. "Let's go for it."

So the Autobots and Equestrians hit the sack early that day. The Autobots went to sleep on the concrete, so they didn't tear through Sunset's house when and if they were turned back to normal the next morning.

Meanwhile, the towing company Celeste called had rented a flatbed trailer truck to drag Laserback around. There were two employees in the car, and Laserback was bound by steel cables.

"What is it?" The passenger asked.

"No idea, but Celeste wanted it taken care of, and that's good enough for me." The driver answered.

The passenger continued to stare at Laserback through the rear-view mirror. "Sure is a scary thing. I'd hate for it to . . . wake up."

He had amazing timing, as just as he was expressing his wish to not wake up, Laserback's eye twitched.

"Oh, did you see that, man? I think its eye twitched."

"Eh, you're probably just seeing things." The driver's dismissal was proven incorrect as Laserback, returned to full conscious, let out a roar.

Laserback struggled to get out from the cables, but ultimately the terrestrial steel was no match for his Predacon hide. Bursting free, Laserback brought his feet down on the truck's rear half, smashing its rig and destroying its wheels. Now free, Laserback galloped away.

"Holy – call Celeste!"

The next morning, the Autobots and their pony friends were all quite relieved to discover they were back to the way they were supposed to be. Optimus in particular relished the feeling of reverting from his truck mode to his robot mode. The girls flocked out of the garage, chatting lively of how happy they were to be ponies again.

"All things consider, that wasn't that bad." Rarity said.

"Yes." Fluttershy adding. "I thought being human for a bit was quite a learning experience."

"Yeah." Arcee added. "I mean, the humans take a lot of scrap from the Decepticons and some Autobots since they're so small and don't have weapons or unicorn magic . . . but they're tough little guys on their own. I could barely stand going to the bathroom once! They have to do it every day!"

Optimus opened his mouth, at a loss for words. "Err . . ."

"Right sentiment." Ratchet said. "But perhaps a less obscene example might be in order."

"Does this mean you're going home?" Roxanne asked.

"Yes." Optimus answered.

"Don't worry, we'll visit." Bulkhead added.

"Before you go, I'm afraid I have some bad news," Celeste said, walking up to them. "Laserback was able to escape yesterday. We have no idea where he went or where he could be."

"Then it would seem our time here is at an end . . . for now." Optimus said. "While Laserback loose in your world is something I would not wish on, we must return to ours and address problems there. Most importantly . . ." Optimus looked to Rainbow Dash. "We must return the Element of Loyalty to where it belongs."

"So that's it, huh?" Abigail asked. She looked at the ground. "You're leaving."

"Yup." Dash said. "Sad but true. It's been fun, but we gotta get back to our own home."

"Well, bye . . ." Abigail muttered. "We'll miss y'all . . . you were fun tah meet."

"Yeah." Dash added. "I'll admit, meeting a human version of myself was kinda fun. Bye."

"Bye . . ."

"WAIT!" Pinkie screamed. "I am just about to be brilliant!"

"Hopefully as brilliant as you were loud." Ratchet grumbled, rubbing his sore ear.

"What if you come through the mirror with us!?" Pinkie exclaimed. "You can visit the Crystal Empire, meet Princess Celestia, and all kinds of other fun stuff!"

"I guess that . . . would be nice." Abigail muttered. Discussion spread among their group, and they were all up for the idea of an inter-dimensional road trip.

"Then it's settled! You'll come with us!" Pinkie hip checked her double Patrica, bouncing into the air and on her back.

"Oh, I don't know if that's such a good idea, Pinkie Pie." Twilight muttered. "We're in some very politically tense times right now, and introducing an alternate dimension might -"

"Blah blah blah." Roxanne said, climbing onto Rainbow Dash. "All aboard the Pony Express!"

"Hmm." Twilight mused. "This is gonna backfire so bad when Deathsaurus or – or Scorponok gets windfall of it."

"Twilight Sparkle." Optimus addressed her. Twilight saluted.

"We will not refrain from welcoming new friends and allies to our open arms simply out of fear for what those who might disagree with it might have to say. Understand?"

Twilight nodded. "Yes sir. You're right, Optimus. I'm sorry, I should have realized that myself in the first place."

"We all suffer the occasional lapse in judgment," Optimus said before turning toward the mirror. "Shall we?"

Team Prime emerged from the mirror on the other side. The mirror had been taken from the Castle, and Celestia, Cadence, and Shining Armor, along with a group of Crystal Ponies were waiting for them.

"Hello, Optimus." Celestia said teasingly. "I was called over when the Element was stolen. Seeing what you did to Cadence's castle, I reasoned it would be best to relocate the mirror."

Optimus, were he less stoic, might have been sheepish. As it was though, he produced the Element. "The Element of Loyalty, safe and sound."

"Excellent." Celestia took the Element with her magic. "You have done us a great service, Optimus Prime and your Autobots."

Twilight's friends started to come through, their human doubles on their backs. The humans provoked gasps of awe and wonder.

"Everypony," Twilight Sparkle raised her voice, letting Twyla off her back. "I'd like to introduce our alternate universe counterparts! We couldn't have got the Element back without their help."

"That's very . . . nice." Celestia said, abruptly becoming spacey.

"Princess Celestia?" Twilight asked. "Princess Celestia?"

Celestia ran forward, shoving Twilight like out of the way like she was in a trance. Celestia came face-to-face with Sunset Shimmer, looking at with the adoration of a long-lost lover.

"I don't believe it." Celestia muttered. "After all these years . . . why didn't you come back? Why didn't you say anything? You couldn't have wrote a letter?"

"Princess?" Twilight piped up, coming between them. "Princess, what's going on?"

Celestia looked at Twilight, then to Sunset. "You didn't tell them? Why didn't you tell them?"

"I . . . was embarrassed." Sunset said. "And afraid of what they would think of me."

"Very well, I will tell them."

"Tell us what?"

"Twilight Sparkle . . . Sunset Shimmer used to be my student. She started around the same age you did, in fact. But one day, we had an argument. And when I had calmed down and attempted to apologize, she was gone. I had hoped one day she might come back to me, but for all this time . . . for eighteen years now, I had heard nothing of her or what her fate was . . . nothing . . . until today."

Twilight went slack-jawed as tears – tears – rolled from Celestia's eyes. Princess Celestia, Optimus Prime's equal when it came to control of her emotions, was crying.

Celestia embraced Sunset Shimmer in a tight, tight hug. "We have so much to catch up on!" Celestia blubbered through her crying.

Twilight frowned. She should be happy for the Princess – and Sunset. She really should. But deep in the bowels of heart, a little green-eyed monster was forming. Twisting and gathering shape. When was the last time Celestia had cried over her? Honestly, Twilight had faced down monsters like Nightmare Moon and Discord, gone to space in pursuit of an escaped Discord, died, came back to life, and got possessed by the God of Chaos from a pantheon that wasn't even hers! She was never told Celestia cried for her during any of that. But all Sunset had to do was make a vanishing act for eighteen years, and Celestia makes with the waterworks?

Later that evening, at the Autobot base, Twilight was lying on her back in the living area, doing the mature thing and reading books on how to cope with jealousy.


Twilight turned her head to see Jack. "Oh! Hey, Jack. What's going on?"

"Well . . ." Jack held up his hands. There was a green present with red wrapping in them. "I heard somepony got over her hatred for humanity today."

"Oh, yeah, that. Really, Jack, you should thank Applejack for that."

"Maybe." Jack came closer. "But I wanted to test it. Here."

Twilight took the present with magic and undid the wrapping. She peered inside and was surprised by the contents. She levitated out several books from inside the present.

"The Hunger Games . . . Harry Potter . . . Pride and Prejudice . . . Shakespeare? Percy Jackson? Twilight?"

Jack chuckled. "Oh, yeah. That last one is a bit of a gag gift. But they're all famous books by human authors. I figured if you were really over your thing against humans, you wouldn't have a problem reading any of them."

Twilight rotated the books around in her magic grip. She put a hoof on her chin, and after a moment, plucked the Harry Potter book out from the pile.

"Heh. Yeah, that's a good one." Jack said. "One of the first books I read."

"Jack?" Twilight asked. "Would you . . . like to read it with me?"

Jack was taken aback. "Wow . . . so you really have let go of human bias?"

"Yes, I have. Now get over here and snuggle with me." Using her magic, Twilight lifted Jack up and brought him to her side to "snuggle" before opening the book.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Today I learned that just because you have a bad experience with one person from one species, it doesn't mean that all of them are bad. You should always give the others of the species a chance to prove themselves. Who knows? You might just make some new friends when you realize that you can't let one bad apple spoil the whole bunch.

Your Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle.

Celestia smiled at the contents of the letter. After Twilight's signature, there was a picture of her and Jack reading the Harry Potter while cuddling together under a green blanket.

Twilight may have been at peace with Jack reading books in the base, but that didn't change the fact that there were those out there plotting their destruction. That pawns and catspaws were being moved into play. That new players were getting ready for the game. Shockwave planned to destroy the Autobots' reputation. Metalhawk plotted to sabotage their credibility. And there was still the mysterious . . . cabal that Blackout had joined.

In the world of Canterlot High, two of those new players were getting ready . . .

Sunset Shimmer walked down a forsaken street, lit only from the streetlamps on the road. Ahead of her was a She-Demon.

A normal person would be scared and attempt to flee. A normal person of a slightly braver ilk would attempt to improvise a weapon from their surroundings and bravely try to fight the She-Demon off.

Sunset Shimmer was in neither of these categories.

With an expression of pure rage on her face, Sunset Shimmer marched up to the She-Demon and grabbed her by the collar of her mini-dress.

"YOU HAD ONE JOB!" Sunset bellowed. "One job! Steal the Element of Magic. How did you screw it up this badly!?"

"Mistress, I didn't . . . your instructions were to steal "the most powerful Element" and thunderbolts are usually a symbol of power."

"I . . ." Sunset threw the She-Demon backwards. She rubbed her head. "I clearly need to word my instructions better."

"And the dragons!" Sunset added. "You were supposed to send those dragons to kill Twilight for replacing me - I mean, to get her out of the way! What happened!?"

"The dragons chased her to Cybertron and got beaten." The She-Demon answered. "Mistress, are we sure we still want to go through with the plan?"

Sunset glared. "Why . . . wouldn't we?"

"Well, our original plan was to use the Element of Magic to hypnotize all the teenagers in the school, and then use them as an army to take over Equestria. It really hinged on the fact that most Equestrian would be unfamiliar with humans, and too frightened by these new creatures to fight back. But now we've discovered, oh, whoops! The Equestrians know what humans are AND they have this giant, shapeshifting robots aiding them! It just, you know . . . " The She-Demon shifted innocently. "It's the kind of thing that could make a girl rethink her plans, you know?"

"You listen here." Sunset snarled. "I didn't spend eighteen years going back and forth through that mirror, honing my magic until it got to the point that I could my magic as human . . ." Sunset flexed her hand, and a green fireball materialized in it. "Repossess the mirror's transformative properties so that I controlled who did and didn't become a human, and learn to summon demons like you from Tartarus to get revenge on Celestia, just to back down at the last second!"

Sunset dispelled her flame and rubbed her chin. "Twilight and her Autobot friends reacting better to my test than I thought, but that doesn't change a thing! So what if an army of brainwashed teenagers is unfeasible? The Secretariat Comet will be here soon. I just need to wait until it passes, and then uses its magic amplifying properties to summon more of you . . . more demons. Bigger. Stronger ones." Sunset glared. "What are you still doing here? Dismissed!"

"Well, it's just, that . . . you knew where we were keeping the Element the whole time. Why not keep it from the Autobots indefinitely?"

"Ah, yes." Sunset intertwined her fingers, that way that villains do. "Well, seeing as I turned them into humans and had control over you, and therefore, where the Element went, I was basically holding all the cards in my hands. I know they'll get in the way of me taking Equestria, so I decided to take their measure by turning them into humans. And besides, they needed the Element back. It's no good for me to take over Equestria if some villain's taken over it because I kept the Element from them. And besides, if it took too long, they would catch on eventually. Now, I repeat: DISMISSED!"

The She-Demon saluted, then disappeared in a burst of flame.

Flash Sentry appeared out of the shadows.

"What do you want, Flash?" Sunset growled.

"Heard you talking to the She-Demon." Flash said, putting a hand on Sunset's shoulder. "So, you're going to continue with it? Even though they have war robots and we have . . . she-demons in mini-dresses?"

"Yes." Sunset hissed. "Anything else?"

"Well . . . I'm just wondering about you. I was told that Pinkie Pie was a "smilologist" and the smiles in your picture were all faked from year three on . . . so I wondered, will you ever smile genuinely again?"

Sunset glared. "I will when Celestia is at my knees, begging for my mercy." Sunset stalked off, her footsteps echoing off the concrete, Flash watching her with concern.

Sunset thought back to when she turned Twilight and her friends into humans . . .

Sunset sneaked into the garage, tiptoeing around the hay beds until she got to Twilight's bed.

Sunset snickered. "Alright, Twilight Sparkle, let's see how you handle being turned into a human!" Sunset raised her hands, glowing with magic, but there was a roar in the room.

Twilight's body was suddenly engulfed in a purple fire, and levitated up in the air like a puppet on strings.

"Halt." A commanding voice escaped from Twilight's lips. "Who goes there?"

"Uhhh . . ." Sunset stuttered, taken aback. "Sunset Shimmer."

"State your intentions."

"I was . . . going to turn you into an human."

"Mm-hmm. See, that's not gonna work out well for us, as Twilight's body is loaded with Dark Energon, and human bodies cannot process Dark Energon."

Sunset glared. "Who . . . are you?"

"I am the Essence of Unicron, left over from the time Unicron possessed this pony. I mean, come on, she was possessed by a God of Chaos! You don't just go to the doctor and it's all like, "whoopsies-daisy, you're good to go!" I take it upon myself to ensure Twilight Sparkle's safety, as I'm a parasite, and if something were to happen to her, something would happen to me."

"So . . ." Sunset drawled. "If I tried to turn Twilight into a human right now, you would . . .?"

"Kill you in ways your mortal mind cannot even comprehend." The Essence snarled.

"And . . . by contrast, if I turn Twilight's friends into humans?"

"Eh." The Essence shrugged. "Do what you want with them. You deal with Twilight herself for them. I just take care of her body."

"Okay then." Sunset watched as the Essence dissipated, and Twilight's body slowly levitated back onto her bed.

Elsewhere, in the Crystal Empire of the Canterlot High, Laserback emerged from a Bridge. He walked around the darkened icy plains until he found his way back to his project.

An outdoor laboratory, equipped with all manner of machinery. The most notable of which were the tubes holding yellow fluid and silhouettes of Predacons. Clones of the clones Shockwave had made, born from the CNA Laserback had stolen. Information and personality programming being pumped into their heads, to make them malleable, controllable . . . to make them servants to Laserback's will.

That's what he was doing in the alternate universe. Growing his own Predacon army. That's why he was carrying i-beams and that machine Ratchet recognized; they were supplies for his lab.

One last player for the game . . .

In the crystal mines underneath Canterlot, a Decepticon was strapped to operating – it was too charitable to call it a "table." It was really more of a slab. On the slab was a Decepticon. Thin, small, and frail. He was silver with feet like feminine footwear, long, sharp claws, and a chin that could be used for chin modeling.

This was Starscream, hidden under the Canterlot Mines . . . exactly where Twilight Sparkle said he was not. This was because Twilight had . . . took matters into her own hooves. As Starscream was, in a way, responsible for her, Trixie, Shining Armor, and even the jailed-up Flim Flam Brothers for becoming zombie ponies, as well as countless, nameless others in a failed attempt to make an army. Starscream had even actually killed Shining Armor himself. Because of all this, Twilight felt it was appropriate to strap him to a table and experiment on him regularly using him as a test subject for unethical experiments on Cybertronian biology and denying his tortured and wracked body the sweet release of death.

But it was all okay for her to do those things, because he was a bad guy, right? . . . Right?

"Ooogh . . ." Starscream stirred and groaned. He opened his optics, wondering what fresh horrors awaited him today.

Rather than see the dark light of Twilight's macabre, makeshift lab, Starscream found himself standing in a foggy area. Tombstones were scattered around, and an iron fence walled off the area. A cemetery.

"W-where am I?" Starscream asked. "Is – is this the Well of All Sparks? Have I finally been granted the reprieve of death? Has my body simply . . . given out from the wounds?"

Starscream fell to his knees, half thankful and half in denial that his endeavor was over. "Oh, thank you, thank you, O mysterious force which has killed me! Thank you for freeing me!" he kissed the ground. Then he sat up and put his hands together. "And if you have not killed me, then please, I beseech you, do so. Death will be a welcome respite from the torture that – that pony puts me through!"

"Starscream!" A gravelly, deep voice yelled. "Quit your grovelling."

That voice . . . Starscream knew that voice. But that was impossible.

"No, no, it can't be . . .you're dead. Really dead this time. Well and truly dead."

"Yes." The voice answered. "Yes, I am. This is Limbo, Starscream."

Starscreamed turned. Despite all odds, despite being deader than disco, despite being done for, there he was. The mech who started the war. . . the bot who destroyed Cybertron and several other planets . . .

A Decepticon stood before Starscream, platinum-white. He was broad-chested, with spiky shoulders and a grey scarred face that carried with the appearance of undeath. Red optics blazed with the fire of robot hell in its gaze.

Starscream couldn't believe it, but before him stood The Founder of the Decepticon Uprising, the Spark-eater, the Slag-Maker, the Silver Tyrant, the Breaker, the Force of Iron . . .

Lord Megatron.

"Now, Starscream . . . I have a task for you."

VI: Ascension (Featuring Special Guest Snowdrop)

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"M-Megatron!?" Starscream stammered, crawling backwards. "How is this possible?"

Megatron rolled his optics. "Starscream, this is Limbo. The place between life and death. The bridge between two worlds, if you will."

Starscream pursed his lips. "That doesn't explain how you're here . . . talking to me."

"Think, Starscream!" Megatron scolded. "The Dark Energon! Dark Energon, which reanimates the dead and corrupts the living!"

Things started to clear up for Starscream. "Ah, so with the Dark Energon I put in myself, and the Dark Energon that you put in yourself . . . using the power of symbiosis, you have found a way to contact me . . . from beyond the grave." Starscream looked at Megatron fearfully.

"Yes." Megatron smiled. "I'm glad to see you understand."

"Surely . . ." Starscream added. "Surely you wouldn't have contacted me without a reason, master."

"I would not." Megatron said. "I have a plan, Starscream. To bring myself back to life. " Megatron marched forward. "Now, for this plan to work, I will need your help. You, who have tried and tried again to backstab me, kill me, and take my rightful place as leader of the Decepticons. So the question is, Starscream . . . can I trust you?"

Starscream grinned nervously. "Uh . . . can you?"

"I don't think I can." Megatron said. "In fact, it would be far more practical for me to simply use the Dark Energon connection to take your body . . . but I won't."

"Er, why not?"

"Because my plan is to use Twilight Sparkle's body." Megatron explained. "Because she has something I want." Megatron held his hand out. A ball of purple fire formed in it. "The Essence of Unicron."

"Ah, yes!" Starscream exclaimed, pretending like he knew. "I mean, after all, who doesn't want an Essence of Unicron for their very own?"

"Hmmm." Megatron eyed him, aware he had no idea what the Essence was. "But for me to get the Essence, I must make my return through Twilight Sparkle's body, and I need your help – an avatar to manipulate the physical world, beyond my capabilities as a ghost – to make sure everything goes according to plan. So I ask you again, Starscream; can I trust you?"

Starscream blinked. He looked upwards, thinking how sweet it would be to get revenge on Twilight for torturing him under the mines all this time.

"As long as Twilight Sparkle's suffering is guaranteed, Lord Megatron, you can rest assured you have my utmost cooperation." Starscream got to his knees and kneeled graciously. "Now, what must we do?"

"There is a Decepticon upstart who fancies himself as qualified to take leadership from Shockwave in the land of the living." Megatron explained. "His name is Deathsaurus. He's going to come for you, today. He thinks if he rescues you, he can use you to boost his standing."

"And?" Starscream asked.

"And you are going to wait for him." Megatron instructed. He grit his teeth as the cemetery suddenly began to crumble and faded away into the dust of Oblivion, leaving behind nothing but an empty white void. Starscream, not wanting to be left alone, reached for Megatron as he faded as well. "I will return to you then."

Meanwhile in the Autobot base, Jack was going through some exercises with Twilight to reinforce her new enlightened stance on humans. She wanted to say she didn't hate them anymore, but old prejudices don't just die in the face of logic.

"Repeat after me." Jack instructed, one hand over his chest with the other raised in the air. "Humans are not my enemy.""

"Humans are not my enemy."

""Humans can be my friends.""

"Humans can be my friends."

""Not all humans deserve my hate.""

"Not all humans deserve my hate."

""Only the really, really nasty ones.""

"Only the really, really nasty ones."

"Okay." Jack said, spreading his arms. "Now hug." Twilight leaned forward and gave him a hug, as instructed.

Unfortunately, it was that moment that Miko walked in on them. "Now kiss!"

"What!? No, Miko, we're in the middle of -"

Jack was interrupted as Twilight, not realizing Miko was messin' with them, gave Jack a big wet one.

Twilight let Jack go and pulled away. "Um, all right, Miko. I did it, but I don't see how that helps me with letting go of my grudges against humankind."

"It doesn't." Jack growled between trying to spit and cough out Twilight's pony saliva.

"Oh. Hmm." Twilight glared disapprovingly at Miko. Miko smiled and shrugged.

"Let's . . ." Jack wiped off his mouth with his arm. "Let's can the exercises for now, Twilight. Go back to reading books."

"Yes! The books! What next?" Twilight eagerly began sifting through the books Jack gave her. She picked one, rolled on the floor, then used her magic to force Jack into snuggling with her while they read the book together.

"How cute." Miko quipped dismissively. "Is Jackie-Wackie all snuggly-wuggly with Sparkly-Warkly?"

"Yes, yes he is." Twilight snarled at her. "And there is nothing wrong with being cute."

"Miko, the idea is to get her to stop hating humans. Your teasing is going to do the opposite of that."

"Whatev." Miko looked around. "Hey, has anyone seen Optimus?"

On Equestria, just outside Canterlot, Celestia trotted to the edge of a cliff. She took in a deep breath, admiring the grassy plains below her perch. The rays of the sun – the sun she rose every morning – bathed the grass in light. She had a greater appreciation for her sun now that she knew of other planets. Not to mean any disrespect to those planets whose celestial bodies rotated themselves! But on Equestria, the orbit, the weather, the cycle of season was all regulated by the magic of the ponies. Only the Everfree Forest had plants and weather that controlled themselves, and the knowledge that Earth and Cybertron had ecosystems more similar to the Everfree than the rest of Equestria . . . well, she would never admit it, but that freaked her out just a bit.

Celestia spread her wings and took off, diving straight for the grass before pulling up at the last minute. She loved the calm atmosphere of nature all around her. Her mind was heavy with toils.

The Pink Moon Celebration was coming up. Once a day during the equinox, the moon was to be turned pink. Ponies would wear pink clothes, drink pink lemonade, plant pink cherry blossom trees . . .

The Pink Moon Celebration . . . Celestia had dreaded it for a millenia, as yet another reminder she lost Luna to the corruption that made her Nightmare Moon. But now with Luna back, she had reason to look forward to it again.

Celestia smiled, taking in the crisp mountain air. Living as long as she had, she developed something of a sense as to what kind of day it was going to be.

And today was not going to be a good day. So she was going to in her relaxation while she could.

She swooped back and forth the air, diving left and right, zooming all over the place. Then she stopped, noticing a little blip of red below her.

Was that . . . Optimus?

Swooping down, Celestia was surprised to find it was in fact Optimus. There was paper in his hands, which were stained with paint, and arts and crafts supplied were splayed around his legs.

"Optimus! What are you doing here, so early in the morning?"

Optimus seemed alarmed she noticed him. "I was told here was a good place to be alone . . . to contemplate."

Celestia craned her neck, curious as to the nature of Optimus' paper. "What do you have there, Optimus?"

Optimus rather shyly clutched the paper. "A mere . . . sketchbook."

"A sketchbook? I didn't take you for an artist, Optimus."

"I only recently got into the habit." Optimus answered quickly.

"What have made so far?" Celestia flew up and tried to peek at it, but Optimus moved it. She followed it, but Optimus moved it again . . . and again.

"Optimus." Celestia said sternly. "If you didn't want me to see it, you shouldn't have brought it to Equestria. Now let me see!" Celestia used her magic to yank the book away from him.

Celestia gasped. On the page was an absolutely gorgeous rendition of her flying and spreading her wings against the backdrop of the sun, done up in the style of a Japanese oil painting. Even though she just took the book from him, Celestia was in disbelief. "Op-Optimus! Did you do this?"

Optimus looked at his paint-stained fingers and the paintbrushes next to him. "The . . . evidence certainly seems to indicate that."

"Why are you hiding it?" Celestia asked. "I'm sure Twilight Sparkle and Jack and all the others would love to see your drawings!"

"I . . ." Optimus stuttered. "This is . . . for lack of a better term, my private time. If word got out, collectors and socialites would clamoring for it, to boast of their possession of a painting by "Optimus Prime." . . ."

Celestia frowned. Optimus had a point. "I'm sure you can trust Ratchet and Twilight to keep your secret."

"You are most likely correct . . ." Optimus muttered.

Celestia scuffed her hoof, the way horses do when nervous. "Well . . . since I already know, can I see the next piece you work on?"

Optimus seemed uncertain, then ever so slightly lifted his lips up. "I would like that, Your Majesty."

There was a ping from Optimus. Optimus opened a panel on his arm.


Optimus sighed. "Galloway is at Omega One."

Celestia chewed her lip. "Yes, him . . . he's certainly shaping to be a . . . special human, isn't he?"

"Indeed." Optimus agreed. He got up. "It would be best if I returned to see what he wants."

"Do you want to take your book back?" Celestia offered. "Or would you rather I keep it for you?"

"If there was anyone I would trust with you, you would be one, along with Jack, Ratchet, Twilight Sparkle . . . and you. I will return it for when my conversation with Galloway is over."

Celestia giggled. "Oh, Optimus, you're making me blush! Well, goodbye for now. Hope you and Galloway work things out." Celestia flew up and away.

"As do I." Optimus muttered.

At the Outpost, Optimus emerged through the Bridge, seeing Galloway lurched over a railing from the upper path. Team Prime, Jack, and the other ponies were glaring at him like they were ready to start throwing knives at him.

"Hello, Director." Optimus greeted, seeing that his team's patience for Galloway had run out and hoping to avoid an incident. "How may I be of assistance?"

"Your team, Optimus," Galloway spat, "is resistant to the idea of lending the United States a hand in dealing with international affairs."

"That does not seem unreasonable, given our concern is intergalactic affairs."

"Perhaps, but what's the sense in harboring you on our soil . . . if you're not going to contribute?" Galloway asked.

"What . . . is the task that my team is "resistant" to?" Optimus asked.

"Anti-terrorist measures." Galloway answered. "We have reliable sources informing us that various enemies of ours have or will have access to certain technology. Technology we don't want them to have. Sending your team after some of these groups would send a powerful message, and probably scare the others into backing off."

"Hmph." Optimus pouted, then walked towards Galloway. "While I appreciate the desire to use scare tactics and show of force, something which I cannot stress enough, Galloway, is that . . ."

Optimus leaned in, meeting Galloway at eye-level. "We are not your war machines."

"Hmph," Galloway responded in kind. "All right. Have your medic open a Bridge for me out of here, and I'll be out of your hair."

"Gladly." Ratchet growled, punching coordinates and pulling the lever. A Bridge opened on the railing, and Galloway walked towards it, stopping just short of it.

"But before I go, consider this . . . we have some rumors that these groups are meeting with Decepticons and are getting access to Cybertronian tech. You know, just something to think about, Optimus." Galloway added sharply before leaving. The Bridge disappeared.

Optimus paused. "Ratchet?"


"Did you set the Bridge coordinates to a human settlement?" Optimus asked worriedly.

Ratchet gave a smile that would done the Cheshire Cat proud. "No."

Optimus sighed, tapping a finger to his head crest. "This kind of behavior does nothing to improve our standing in his eyes."

Ratchet scoffed. "So? There are plenty of other human diplomats to kiss up to."

"That is besides the point," Optimus scolded. "We must earn the respect of all humans if we are to continue living here."

"Given how unpleasant Galloway is, I'd say there's no reason for us not to move back to Cybertron!"

"Whoa, whoa!" Jack shouted, running to the Autobots' feet. "Moving back to Cybertron just because one human is a little unpleasant to deal with is a bit of an overreaction, don't you think?"

"Yeah!" Miko added. "If you go back to Cybertron, how are I'm gonna go off-roading with Bulkhead? "

"I . . ." Ratchet put his hand on his head. "You're right, Jack. I just lost my temper and spoke without thinking."

"I am returning to Equestria," Optimus said.

"So soon? Already?" Ratchet questioned.

"I told the Princess I would return when Galloway was taken care of," Optimus said causally, resetting the Bridge controls.

Celestia was trotting around at the same place Optimus had left her, only now she was in the company of an equine mannequin. On the mannequin was a light pink dress with yellow trim and a long frill train, with the addition of a bejeweled clasp on the neck and golden horseshoes.

Optimus stepped out of an opened Bridge. Optimus was surprised by the mannequin.

"Ah! Optimus! So glad you're back." Celestia said quickly, levitating his book back to his hands. "There's something I want to discuss with you."

Optimus pocketed his book and refocused his gaze on the mannequin. "Something which explains the presence of this polymerized statue, I hope?"

"Yes." Celestia gestured to it. "This is the dress I intend for Twilight to wear on her upcoming coronation!"

"Ah, her coronation! . . . what coronation?"

"The coronation to make her a Princess." Celestia said proudly, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "She has done so much for Equestria, and for me personally, that she deserves recognition and reward."

Optimus tapped his fingers. "And your method of doing this is to . . . make her a Princess?"

"Yes!" Celestia cheered. "She's passed so many tests, it's time she graduated."

"What will her becoming a Princess entail, exactly?"

"Well, let's see . . ." Celestia was clearly over-excited about this. "She'll grow a pair of wings . . . take her place by mine, Luna's, and Cadence's side on the courts of Equestria. She'll have a voice in the formation of new Equestrian laws and, oh yes, her magical power will increase noticeably! Not to, ahem, mine or Luna's level, of course, since she's still young, but if there any spells she's been having trouble mastering, this will give her the boost she needs!"

"It . . . it sounds like a wondrous reward for a wondrous pony." Optimus said.

"Oh yes!" Celestia reared up, clapping her hooves together. "It'll be just like the day you became a Prime, Optimus!"

Celestia's eyes widened, as she felt the cheery atmosphere for such a positive development drain away instantly. Optimus glared at her with all the contempt and scorn expected of a Decepticon.

"You mean you intend to make her into a leader where there is no other choice, in a situation where only she is even remotely willing to take up the momentous burden of leadership in a dying world?" Optimus snarled, disgusted.

Celestia went slack-jawed. " . . . Okay, perhaps that wasn't the best -"

"I have nothing more to say to you." Optimus reopened the Bridge behind him, turned, and left.

"Oh dear . . ." Celestia muttered. It was obvious she may have just started something that could have been avoided.

Optimus returned to the base, sullen and gloomy. He didn't even notice that Sunset Shimmer and Flash Sentry were now in the base, shooting the breeze with the other ponies

"Back so soon?" Ratchet questioned.

"The Princess has shared with me some distressing news." Optimus answered. That got the attention of everyone in the room.

"What? What is it?"

"Princess Celestia has informed me that she intends to crown Twilight Sparkle a Princess." Optimus explained. He walked on, ignoring the animated buzz of chatter that emerged from his statement.

"Twilight a princess?" Applejack yelled. "Well, throw me in the oven and call me caramel apple!"

"I can hardly believe it either!" Sunset added, her eye twitching.

"Can you really believe it, Twilight?" Rarity said, rubbing up against Twilight. "You're going to be a real, true princess!"

"Oh, I don't know . . ." Twilight muttered. "Being a princess is an awful lot of responsibility and work . . . I'd have to go to meetings, make appointments, make appearances in front of crowds . . ."

"Don't you do that as Celestia's student and a de facto ambassador to Earth anyways?" Arcee pointed out.

Twilight paused. "I do!" She promptly forgot her worries and let the excitement get to her. She hugged Applejack. "I'M GOING TO BE A PRINCESS! AIEEEEE!"

"We're happy for you, Twilight." Fluttershy said. "We really are."

"Yeah! . . . Wait." Twilight took a look around her rooms, looking at her friends. "Shouldn't you be Princesses too? I mean, we've all been the representative of the Elements of Harmony for the same amount of time, right?"

"True, but yer the only who's been Celestia's student since before then." Applejack smiled. "Since y'all were a filly, right?"

Ratchet looked away from the excited crowd, noticing Optimus' disappearance. Deciding that he wouldn't be noticed from all the lively discussion of what would happen when Twilight became a Princess, Ratchet attempted to slip away, only to be interrupted by a message.

"Hmm." Ratchet went to the Bridge controls and pulled the lever, letting Celestia in.

All eyes turned to the Princess. "Princess Celestia!" Everyone exclaimed. They excitedly ran towards her and crowded her, dogging her with all kinds of questions.

"I know Optimus wouldn't lie, but is it true?" Rarity asked. "Are you really going to make Twilight a Princess?"

"What did I do to deserve this honor?" Twilight asked.

"Is this gonna change anything about our friendship?" Applejack asked worriedly, thinking more practically.

"Yes, it's true." Celestia answered. "Twilight is going to be a Princess. I will be happy to answer more questions after I talk to Optimus Prime. It's important that I see him right away."

"I don't think that's a good idea at the moment." Ratchet said. "But, I'll take you to him anyway."

Ratchet instructed the crowd – except for Twilight – to stay while he took Celestia to Optimus' office.

"Optimus? Visitor for you."

Celestia, closely followed by Twilight, trotted towards the enormous Autobot-size desk in the room. Optimus was penning down electronic paperwork, putting on stamps and reviewing faxes.

"O-Optimus?" Celestia said with a lump in her throat.

"Your Majesty." Optimus said briskly. "What is the purpose of your visit?"

"I-I was hoping to talk things out with you." Twilight became worried. Celestia was nervous, tiptoeing around in the conversation. "You stormed off rather quickly after I said I was going to make Twilight Sparkle a princess."

Optimus narrowed his optics at her. "And?"

"And, well . . . I think you were too quick to judge." Celestia flew up onto Optimus' desk.

"I am a leader. Slowness of judgment can have consequences for many. And I do not recall inviting you to my desk."

Twilight Sparkle teleported herself onto the desk, next to Celestia. "Optimus, please, hear her out."

Optimus looked completely disinterested in the prospect, but he resigned that he wasn't going to get out of it. He gestured for Celestia to speak.

"What is wrong with Twilight Sparkle becoming a Princess, Optimus? She deserves a promotion for her years of good, loyal service to me and dedicated studying. Perhaps too much." Celestia jokingly added with an aside smirk to Twilight. "Why would her being a Princess be so bad?"

Optimus glared. "Because it places the burden of leadership on her shoulders. Because she is a young and mirthful mare that does not need the stress of deciding for others upon her shoulders. Because she does not deserve to be punished that way!"

Celestia gasped, then got angry. "Punished? I'll have you know, Optimus Prime, that becoming a Princess is an enormous honor in Equestria!"

Optimus stood up. "An honor that drains the life and Spark out of the recipient is not an honor at all!"

""Drain the life and spark . . ." Optimus, are you even talking about the same thing?"

"YES!" Optimus screamed, slamming his hands on the desk. Smoke bursts out of the pipe on his back. "You are deliberately and voluntarily choosing to place this heavy burden on a young filly's shoulders!"

"There you go again, with the "heavy" and "burden"!" Celestia screamed back, taking to the air.

"Yes! That is exactly what it is! You are dumping YOUR responsibility onto your charge!"

"I am doing no such thing!" Celestia screamed back, her horn starting to charge with magic. "Well, at least I didn't spend FOUR MILLION YEARS dragging my hooves on war just to have somepony else waltz in and solve my problem for me!"

"Twilight Sparkle does not deserve to be a Prime!"

"Whoa whoa! Hold the phone here." Twilight Sparkle grabbed Celestia's tail with her magic and dragged her back down to earth. "Optimus, say that last part again?"

"You . . . Twilight Sparkle . . . do not deserve the punishment that is being a Prime!" Optimus rasped.

"What? I never said I was -"

"Princess, quiet, please." Twilight interrupted her. "I think we've found the root of the problem!"

Celestia smiled kindly. "And that, Twilight Sparkle, that mediator reasoning, is but a part of why you will be a Princess."

Optimus' anger started to fade and be replaced a crushing sorrow. "The day I became a Prime . . . was the worst day of my life. I lost so many things that day. So many rights and privileges that people take for granted were stripped from me. I was no longer allowed to laugh, or cry, or openly show anger. I was barely allowed to be a person and not a pedestal for others to look on." Optimus collapsed into the desk, placing his arms over his head. He looked up at Twilight. "You don't deserve to have that ordeal happen to you."

"Shh, shh . . . there, there." Twilight patted Optimus' hand. "Princess? Did you say anything that might've caused this?"

"No – well, I did say that it would be "just like the day you became a Prime, Optimus" but I don't see how that would -"

"You said that?" Twilight exclaimed, dashing over to the Princess' position. "Oh, Princess, that is quite possibly the worst thing you could have said! You know what was happening on the day he became a Prime? The previous Prime was dead and the world was ending while civil war was happening!"

"Oh." Celestia said. "So when I said it would be like the day he became a Prime . . ."

"He heard that you were going to kill yourself, Luna, Cadence, plunge Equestria into civil war and make it inhabitable." Twilight explained. "Uh, you're not, are you?"


"Okay! Okay, see?" Twilight patted Celestia's hoof. "There. See, Optimus? Becoming a Princess is totally different from becoming a Prime. Celestia just made a bad choice of words, that's all!"

Celestia smiled nervously. She offered her hoof to Optimus. "What do you say, Optimus? Can we let bygones be bygones?"

Optimus glared at her. "While I appreciate that Twilight Sparkle realized that it was merely "a bad of choice of words" . . . I must consider what The Princess just said a minute ago. Something about letting "somepony waltz in and fix my problems for me"?"

"Ooooh . . ." Celestia and Twilight groaned. The subject of any criticism about Optimus' leadership during the war – directly or implied – was a bit of a button for Optimus.

"You can leave my office now, Your Majesty." Optimus said, resuming his paperwork.

"Yes, I . . . I see." Celestia turned. "Come along, Twilight. We need to discuss your coronation party." Celestia spared Optimus one last sad glance before leaving the room.

"It's not fair!" Sunset Shimmer complained, having returned to her house in the alternate universe with Flash. She was stomping around while Flash lay on the couch. "I deserve to be a Princess just as much as she does! Why does she get to have a crown and not me?"

"Well . . ." Flash raised his hand. "You did just turn up now after eighteen years."

"Yeah! But is that not enough? I mean, she was crying when she saw me!" Sunset complained.

"Well, yeah." Flash said. "But Twilight's been with her all through those years. You disappeared and didn't say anything. You didn't even send her a postcard or something. Year after year, she wondered where you went while Twilight was there by her side. And you weren't even going to show yourself! The only reason you showed up was because your plan to send a She-Demon to send dragons after Twilight Sparkle for "replacing" you backfired spectacularly!"

Sunset sighed. "I guess you're right. Maybe . . . I don't deserve to be a Princess. Wait, what am I saying? OF COURSE I deserve to be a Princess! I deserve it more than ANYPONY! Hmph! I guess I'll just tell Celestia that when Equestria is mine!"

"Or you could just come clean and tell her that Twilight getting a crown while you don't is making you jealous . . . I'm sure she'd understand." Flash muttered.

"What was that?"


Optimus was a in a better mood, as he was at least out in the main lobby at his usual post. But now Twilight was sulking over a railing while everyone chatted below. She let out a sigh. Celestia noticed and wrapped a wing around her.

"What's wrong, my faithful student?"

"It's nothing, Princess." Twilight fibbed. "It's just . . . being a Princess is a really big honor and . . . well, I just feel like I don't deserve it."

Celestia tilted her head. "What makes you think that, Twilight Sparkle? Several things you've done have convinced me of your worthiness. Your service to me, to the Autobots, and the time you saved the Crystal Empire by putting its safety above your own interests . . ."

Twilight looked down, then hopped onto the Princess and whispered into her ear.

"Oh." Celestia realized. "I see why that might make you reconsider." She cleared her throat. "Optimus?"

Optimus turned, giving her a cold glance. "Yes?"

"Twilight Sparkle has something she would like to tell you." Celestia nudged Twilight forward like a parent giving encouragement. "Go on." Celestia used her head to push Twilight.

All eyes turned to Twilight. Twilight took in a deep breath.

"Okay, so . . . does everypony remember how Starscream tricked me into joining a terrorist cell and his actions indirectly leading into me becoming a Terrorcon Terrorpony? And the part where he killed Shining Armor and I had to bring him back as a Terrorpony as well?"

"Where are you going with this, Twilight Sparkle?" Optimus asked.

"When I told Deathsaurus and the others that Starscream wasn't under the mines in Canterlot . . ." Twilight tapped her hooves together. "He – Starscream – was. I, um, I've been keeping him there and performing unethical experiments on him."

Optimus put his finger to his temple. "For how long?"

"Oh, awhile now . . ."

"And you did not think to inform us of this before because why?" Ratchet snapped.

"I was getting revenge on him!" Twilight replied. "I mean, he was responsible for turning a few ponies into a zombie and killed my brother! I was . . . entitled to a little revenge. But I'm going to be a Princess now, and that means that the Princess trusts me. That my actions will carry more weight. So I'll come clean right now and take the consequences. I did it. I didn't tell anypony, and I did highly questionable things to him while he was in my custody."

"So those special lectures you held at my School for Gifted Unicorns . . ." Celestia said. "Where you showed pieces of Cybertronian anatomy for the students. Those were . . . "

"Salvaged from Starscream, yes."

Optimus was mildly frustrated, but he was taking it rather well compared to how Twilight thought he would react. "I . . . understand your actions, Twilight Sparkle, even if I do not approve of them."

Twilight smiled uneasily. Was she off the hook?

"However . . ." Optimus said sharply. "Between somepony's "poor choice of words" and your confession, I would ask that anyone here who has something that wish to confess do so now, as I cannot guarantee I will still be willing to extend the hand of forgiveness if they do so later."

Everyone looked around the room, taking stock of who they would bet had something. To most of their surprise, the only ones who raised their hooves were Rarity and Pinkie.

Optimus gritted his teeth. "Rarity?"

"All right, um, well . . . does everypony remember the time I went back in time with Twilight and created an aborted timeline to prevent Bulkhead from getting "serious wounds"?"


"Well, I may have left out a few small details." Rarity said pleasantly. "Like . . . the part where Bulkhead actually was dead, rather than wounded, and the part where I tried to use Dark Energon to revive him. And the part where sweet Rafael tried to stop me from using the Energon and I bucked him so hard he had to go to the hospital." Trying to keep up a pleasant mask, Rarity smiled forcefully.

Optimus frowned. Everyone knew he had a strict policy against any use of Dark Energon Twilight got an exception due to special circumstances, but Rarity was made aware of this from the get-go. "Pinkimenia?"

"Okay, um, well . . . remember a few weeks ago when Ratchet was asking who put sugar in his gas tank and I said I didn't know? Miko and I were playing a prank on him."

"Ah-HA!" Ratchet yelled, pointing his finger. "I knew it was you!"

Optimus grunted unpleasantly.

"But . . . I don't think that's really the kind of thing Optimus is interested in knowing."

Optimus turned to the computer. "I will assemble a team to retrieve Starscream from the mines." Optimus activated the Bridge while Rarity went to Bulkhead, Miko, and Raf.

"So . . . are you upset with me?" Rarity asked fearfully.

"Upset with you?" Bulkhead asked. "Are you kidding? Yeah, it's kinda terrible that you hurt Raf, but you went back in time to save him and me!"

"Yeah!" Miko cheered, looping her arm around Rarity's neck. "Pretty awesome, if you ask me!"

"And – and Raf?" Rarity squeaked.

Raf held his finger up. "So that's you've been so insistent on hanging out with me! It's because you feel guilty about what you did in the aborted timeline!"

"Well, yes."

"I forgive you, Rarity." Raf hugged her at the leg. "You were probably grieving over Bulkhead, weren't you? But it all worked out in the end, right?"

"C'mon, guys!" Bulkhead said, scooping Miko, Raf, and Rarity up into a big hug. "Don't leave me out!" They all laughed.

Starscream groaned on the slab he was strapped to. He could hear voices, quiet and muttering. Deathsaurus had come for him, with some Vehicon back-up.

"He looks awful." A Vehicon commented.

"Yes, he does." Deathsaurus agreed with a smirk. The more battered Starscream was, the better Deathsaurus would look to the Decepticons for rescuing him.

And battered Starscream was. The left side of his jaw was torn until there was nothing but steel bracing left. Holes and patches were all over his frame from where Twilight had stolen parts – some of them for educating other ponies, others just to inflict pain – and there dents, more holes, and dings from where various tools had been used on him.

"Wha . . .?" Starscream muttered as conspicuousness returned to him. He saw a Decepticon in front of him. Deathsaurus. Like Megatron said.

"Hey there, buddy!" Deathsaurus assured him while the Vehicons worked on undoing Starscream's restraints. "Don't you worry. We'll have you out of here and repaired in no time!"

"Come on, Screamer." A Vehicon encouraged as two of them helped Starscream to his feet. "Let's get you home, eh?"

"Th-thank you . . ." Starscream muttered to the Vehicons carrying him out of the cave. Deathsaurus' troupe marched out of the entrance, catching the attention of a pony who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

"Ooh, scrap."

"Hey!" Deathsaurus called to him. "Listen to me, bud. You didn't see anything, all right?"

Starscream! Megatron's voice echoed from inside Starscream's own head. Now is your chance to escape! Fire your rocket at that pony.

But . . . wouldn't it be more practical to ally with Deathsaurus? Uses his resources?

Megatron grumbled. Something that escaped you for a long time, Starscream, is that you cannot operate an individual agenda within a group that has a different agenda. Deathsaurus has no interest in my return, and he'd just as soon do away with you if he found out what you were doing. Now fire that rocket and use the distraction to escape.

"Mmm . . . mmm." Starscream muttered, raising his shaking arm.

"What's wrong?" Starscream's Vehicon helper asked.

"Mm . . . eenng." Starscream successfully fired the rocket from his arm, launching straight at the unfortunate witness. Deathsaurus jumped in the way of it, suffering a hole in his chest from the explosion. The pony took the chance to bail.

"Wow.," A Vehicon muttered. "I didn't think you cared for these ponies, sir."

"I don't," Deathsaurus hissed. "But if word got to Celestia that there was a pony injured while I was present and I did nothing to stop it, she'd sweet-talk Optimus into sending an extermination squadron after me."

"Speak the name of demons, and they will come . . ." A Vehicon muttered as Optimus, backed by heavily-armed Autobots of various shapes and sizes, marched onto the scene.

"What are you doing here, Optimus?" Deathsaurus growled.

"I could ask the same of you," Optimus responded. His backup cocked their guns, eager for an excuse to load the ammo into Deathsaurus' head. "We are here to retrieve Starscream from the mines."

Deathsaurus chuckled airily. "Ah-ha, well, you see, Optimus, WE have already . . . taken care of . . . that. Where is Starscream?"

The two Vehicons who were holding Starscream just now saw that he was no longer in their arms. "I- I don't know! He was just here a minute ago!"

"That rocket!" Deathsaurus cursed, realizing Starscream had escaped during the commotion.

"I would like to confirm," Optimus said. "You arrived here before us with the intent of liberating Starscream, had him in your care, and he has now escaped?"

"Sounds about right."

Optimus hung his head. He was already frustrated by the girls' confessions, so he took it out on Deathsaurus, belting him over the head. His crew had one job, one single, immoral job. How’d they mess it up so badly?

Elsewhere, Starscream was already making his escape from Canterlot. He had found a pony in possession of Energon – some Doctor Cabelleron, or something – and even though he was at his weakest, he could still fire his remaining rocket and make off with the Energon. Seemed like he was planning to sell it to ponies. What a waste! But with the Energon, Starscream was able to give himself a boost, convert to vehicular mode, and fly his way out of there.

"Aaah . . . it feels so good to be free of the bonds of gravity." Starscream said, his arrogant rasp returning to his voice.

Don't rest yet, Starscream. Megatron warned. There is still work to do. I want you to rendezvous with Soundwave.

Soundwave? Starscream questioned. Shouldn't we be focusing on the army?

The army . . . Megatron laughed. THE ARMY! The "army" has shifted allegiance to Shockwave! What will you do, Starscream? Promise my return? I assure you, getting them on our side will be easier when I have once again taken physical form!

But -

That's your problem, Starscream. You run when you should fight. You pick a fight when it would be better to hide. You hide when you should pick a fight. Your priority is your own safety, so you hide behind pawns. If you did things yourself . . . if you took what you wanted instead of begging for it . . . perhaps you wouldn't have ended up where you did. Perhaps you might have even taken leadership from me if you had the brass bearings to do anything for yourself instead of manipulating others to do it for you!

Starscream held still, taking a moment for Megatron's words to sink.

By Primus, you're right!

Starscream swerved, reverted to robot mode, and landed on a mountain spire. He raised one hand while covering his chest with the other.

"With Primus as my witness, I will do what I want done for myself! I will no longer flee at every setback, or beg for my life when I am cornered! I will adjust plans! I will fight to make it out alive! I am Starscream, a proud Decepticon warrior!"

His dramatic vows were undercut when he lost his footing on the spire and fell off with his arms flailing for something to grab.

Okay, okay, Starscream. Now's your chance to start turning things around. Think. What can you do to salvage the situation? . . .

In Canterlot, a huge crowd had gathered. Ponies from far-off lands and various aliens were invited to bear witness to the ascension of Princess Twilight Sparkle The First. Even characters like Shockwave, Galloway, and Metalhawk were invited. Even the Predacons visited after some cajoling. Overlapping chatter and conversations mixed and blurred together, making it hard to tell what anybody was saying at all.

Twilight watched the crowd from behind a building's corner, dressed in the pink garb from Celestia's mannequin. She turned around, where her friends, Celestia, Shining Armor, and Luna were with her.

"I can't go out there!" Twilight exclaimed. "There's so many ponies and people!? What if I mess it up? What if I do something wrong?"

"Hey." Shining Armor comforted her. "You're my little sister, remember?"

"And that automatically translate into me being perfect!?"

"Twiley, if anypony can pull it off, it's you!"

"Yes!" Rarity agreed. "And besides, you wouldn't want to be denied the honor of being crowned Princess just because you got stage-fright, would you?"

"I guess not . . ." Twilight admitted. "But still . . . what if-"

Celestia put her hoof to Twilight's mouth. "No more "what if's," for now. You can ask all the questions you want after the coronation."

"One more question." Twilight insisted, looking at the crowd. "Where's Optimus?"

Celestia peeked out. "I do not know. Does everypony understand their part?"

Everypony nodded. "Hm-hmm!"

"Good! With me." Celestia instructed, trotting off. Shining, Cadence, and Luna followed her.

Twilight continued looking out. A yellow pegasus with glasses was talking with Metalhawk, Canterlot nobles were talking with humans, and Predaking and Grimlock were in a friendly arm-wrestling match while a yellow tiger-striped Laserback twin let the more daring or excitable organics pet his beast mode. Team Prime was there . . . but there was no Optimus.

Twilight sighed.

"I'm sure he'll be here." Fluttershy said.

"Yes!" Rarity added. "He's just lagging behind, that's all." Though it was clear she trying to make herself believe it.

"I'm going to go mingle in the crowd," Twilight said, pulling a hood over her head. "You know, enjoy my last moments of being a unicorn." That was supposed to be a joke, but it came out much too somber.

"We'll wait until Celestia calls us." Rarity said. "Go on."

Twilight slipped into the crowd, dodging and moving through bodies while keeping her head low. Maybe she could see some of the ponies she knew from Canterlot.

Twilight looked around saw Optimus appear at the outermost edge of the crowd. He made it after all! Optimus saw her and gave her an inconspicuous wave, smiling to reassure her he never even thought about missing it out on this. Twilight waved back at him, only to feel something small and squishy bump into her leg.

"Oh, um, excuse me."

"Oh! Hello, little filly." Twilight said, looking down. She was a tiny little thing, with a pale blue coat and a mane like winter snow . "What's your name?"

"S-Snowdrop." The filly said, looking at Twilight with these huge, adorable, blue orb-like eyes that just made Twilight want to squeak.

"You have the most beautiful eyes, Snowdrop."

"Oh. Really? That's funny, since I'm blind . . ."

“Oh. You are? Goodness, now I feel bad…” Twilight rubbed at her neck shyly.

"Yes. I-I bump into other ponies a lot, so I have to excuse myself constantly . . ."

"I'm Twilight Sparkle," Twilight said.

Snowdrop's face expressed shock. "T-Twilight Sparkle? Aren't you the pony who's becoming a Princess today?"

"Well, yeah!"

"What are you talking to me for?" Snowdrop kicked her hoof. "I'm nopony special . . ."

"Don't say that!" Twilight cupped her chin. "Everypony is special, Snowdrop. It's just more obvious for some than others."

"Really? You mean it?"

"Of course!" Twilight scooted Snowdrop aside. "Now go play. Go ride a Predacon. Ask for Grimwing, he's nice. And write me a letter! The humans have this invention, called a blind cane, and it’ll help you avoid that whole ‘bumping into ponies’ thing."

"Oh, um, okay!" Snowdrop trotted off.

Twilight smiled.

"That was a nice thing you did there."

Twilight turned to see a pony in a hood and cloak. "For that filly, I mean," the stranger said.

Twilight turned to see a pony in a hood and cloak. "For that filly, I mean," the stranger said.

"For that filly, I mean," the stranger said.

"Yeah, I guess." Twilight admitted. "I'm Twilight Sparkle. What's your name?"


"Susan? That's really more of a human name." Twilight got a closer look under Susan's hood. Yellow coat, red and yellow hair. "Hey . . ."

Susan looked towards the castle. "Looks Celestia is about to speak. I'll be off." Susan dashed into the crowd.

"Wait!" Twilight wanted to ask if maybe Susan was Sunset's Equestrian counterpart. She looked right for it. But she heard the trumpets playing and realized she didn't have time to chase her down.

"Dear citizens of Equestria," Celestia spoke from atop a podium, Cadence and Luna by her side, "and esteemed guests! Today we here to witness a momentous occasion. Today, we shall my student, Twilight Sparkle, take the title of Princess alongside the side of my family. Now, I know many of you are wondering, even questioning, why I invited so many aliens to partake in an Equestrian affair. But this is Equestrian history in the making, and if I did not send invitations out to our aliens friends for a chance to see . . . well, it would just be rude."

"For many years," Celestia continued, "Twilight lived with me for her tutelage, and as a result, I've come to think of her as family. She has served me faithfully in many matters. Without her leadership to guide the representatives of the Elements of Harmony, my sister, Luna, would not have been returned to me. Several threats against Equestria, including Discord, the Changelings, and the . . . pre-Shockwave Regimen Decepticons . . . would not have been stopped if not for her planning and leadership."

"Now . . . " Celestia said. "Clear a path, everypony . . . without further ado, I present the next Princess of Equestria, Twilight Sparkle!" Celestia raised her hoof. As instructed, the crowd began to part to give room for the new Princess to walk alone. Twilight's friends started down the path, the Elements of Harmony around their necks.

Twilight threw her cloak down, then teleported in front of her friends to walk alongside them. They stopped just short of the podium Celestia stood on, where Shining Armor had the Element of Magic.

"Twiley . . . I'm so proud of you." Shining said as he placed the Element on Twilight's head. "Look how far you've from that shy little filly I used to know." Shining wiped a tear from his eye.

"Are you crying?" Twilight teased.

"I'm not crying! It's – liquid pride!"

"Uh-huh. Sure."

"Now, if you'll come inside . . ." Celestia instructed. "We'll begin the ritual." Celestia raised her voice. "She walks in my student, but she will walk out my equal. Come."

Shining Armor, Cadence, Luna, Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie all followed Celestia inside the building.

The room was purple, dark, and plush Rarity almost swooned. In the center was a purple platform with Twilight's Cutie Mark emblazoned upon it.

"Liquid pride?" Cadence teased Shining.

"Step onto the platform, Twilight." Celestia instructed. Twilight reached her hoof, but hesitated. This was it. This was her moment. Her time. Every assignment she turned it, every grade she ever made, her entire life, was all leading up to this.

"Why do you hesitate?"

"Sorry, sorry, it just . . . it just hit me big of a change this really is." Twilight said. She got onto the platform and stood tall. "Now what?"

"On these pages are the words for an incantation." Luna said, producing five pages and levitating them in front of Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow, Pinkie, and Fluttershy. "Simply have thine friends speaketh the words, and the ritual will commence on its ownsome."

The representatives of Harmony spoke the words on the pages. It was in some ancient, extinct language that hadn't been spoken in centuries, but Twilight knew what the words translated to, even if her friends didn't.

When the ritual was done, the Elements shot beams of light in their respective color which all hit Twilight's crown. The star-shape jewel began to glow and pulsate with magic, and Twilight was lifted into the air while a rainbow-colored veil of magic began to form around her. The veil curled and twisted, eventually making a cocoon that obscured Twilight from their sight.

Bar the Princesses, everypony let out a gasp as the veil exploded into a pillar of purple light that shot through the roof, punching in a hole.

"Oh my goodness!" Twilight cried from within the pillar. "This – this is amazing! I can see so many things! Arcane magic is shifting, flowing through time and space!"

"Yeah, that happens." Cadence quipped.

"It's amazing! It's wonderful – it's – HRRRK!" Twilight's silhouette suddenly lurched over in the pillar.

"Twilight?" Celestia asked. "Twilight, what's wrong?"

The pillar's color changed. It went from the purple that appeared from Equestrian magic . . . to the purple that appeared from Dark Energon. Flames burst out around the pillar's circumference, and fire rose to take the demonic shape of Unicron, the Cybertronian Dark God who had once possessed Twilight's body.

"RRRRAAAGH!" The fire roared, lunging towards Celestia with hands outstretched to grab her. The wail of a million dead souls came from the pillar.

Outside, Predaking was distressed. "Grimlock, should we not do something!?"

Grimlock gazed at the pillar. "Naaah. Not unless they run out screaming. Until then, they've got it covered."

The Unicron-shaped fire continued to reach for Celestia, moving slowly because it was tied to a spell made of Harmony, its antithesis.

Celestia stared the apparition down. "I am not afraid of you."

The manifestation roared, clenching its claws. It wailed and roared and cried as it began to fade. To cease its existence. It faded slowly before disappearing completely. The pillar returned to its normal color and then disappeared, dropping a smoking Twilight Sparkle to the platform. Twilight now had wings pointing out from her back.

Without waiting for the Princess' say-so, Twilight's friends rushed towards her.

"Twilight! Are y'all okay? Say sumthun'! Please!"

"Uuugh . . ." Twilight groaned, wobbling onto her hooves. She rubbed her head. "That was . . . different." Twilight rubbed her chest. "The Dark Energon . . . it's gone!"

"It is?" Shining cheered. "Twiley, that's great!"

"It is!" Twilight realized while her friends cheered and whooped. "IT IS!"

"How serendipitous!" Cadence said.

"I'm happy we discovered this, however accidental it may be." Celestia said.

Twilight used her magic to drag her friends into a group hug. "I-I'm not an undead anymore! I – I won't regenerate flesh! I won't outlive all my friends as an undying zombie! I won't trip the alarm at the Autobot base by accident!"

"That's . . . a little less profound."

Twilight's eyes widened, and she burst out from the group hug and ran up to the Princess. "Princess! Princess, we have a cure!"

"A . . . cure?" Celestia was confused.

"Yes!" Twilight exclaimed. "Think about Trixie! And Shining Armor! And even any unfortunate unicorn with the same problem!"

"I don't follow."

"Princess, I'm not the only unicorn who had Dark Energon in their bloodstream." Twilight explained. "If the Princess ritual can cure it, we need to volunteer it as a cure! Shining Armor, get on the platform!"

"No." Celestia boomed.

"What? Princess, don't you see-"

"I see fine, Twilight Sparkle." Celestia said. "But we cannot make everypony a Princess – or Prince. The honor of becoming royalty is yours alone."

"We don't have to make them Princesses!" Twilight cried. "We just have to do the ritual! Heck, we could even clip their wings off, if it's that much of a problem!"

"No," Celestia said. "The ritual is only for those worthy of being Princess. I will not have ponies come to the conclusion that a Dark Energon injection is a shortcut to becoming an Alicorn. Can you imagine, ponies filling the streets, injecting themselves with that vile blood, in some shortsighted gambit to acquire more power and status?"

Twilight cupped her chin. "I suppose I can see that happening. But still! We could at least cure my brother! He desperately wants a cure, and we know he’s trustworthy, don’t we?"

Celestia drew a great big breath. “Luna, help me out here.”

“Your brother may be Captain of the Guard, Twilight Sparkle, but there is an extensive screening process for this ritual, and determining someone’s worthiness to receive it is a process that can take years. We can’t have that undone by a simple happenstance and have Alicorns flooding the streets,” Luna said.

Twilight glared at the Princesses. “So what you’re saying is, it’s more important to uphold traditions and barriers to entry for your stupid ritual, which I’ll add, you never even told me about before now, then it is to try and utilize a cure for a virile infection brought about by microbial alien parasites.”

“Twilight Sparkle-” Celestia raised her voice.

“No,” Twilight held her hoof out, shocking her friends and Celestia. “I don’t to hear whatever slag excuse you have. That’s unacceptable.”
Twilight stormed out the door.

“Twilight!” Celestia called after her.

“Don’t bother!” Twilight shouted back. “The only thing I want to hear from you is ‘yes, Twilight, you’re right, I’m sorry, I’m being stupid, we can use this cure for your brother!’” Twilight emphasized her point by casting a bubble of silence spell around her head.

The crowd outside was completely baffled.

"Optimus!" Twilight demanded, running up to his feet. "Take me away," she said like she just got off from a bad date.

"Where to?"

"I don't care," Twilight shot a glare at Celestia. "Just away from here."

Optimus picked up Twilight and threw her over his shoulder like a baby or cat. He activated the Bridge, gave Celestia a pitying glance, then turned away to enter the Bridge. Twilight's tears rolled down his back the whole time.

Optimus carried Twilight into the back, stroking her back. He walked to a medi-table and sat down it, laying Twilight across his lap.

"It-it's not fair." Twilight blubbered. "We have a cure now . . . a cure!"

"Dude!" Miko yelled as she, Jack, and Ratchet exited the Bridge. "What happened? First we were all celebrating and fun, and then it just imploded!"

"Bec -" Twilight stuttered. She snorted. "Becoming a Princess cured me of my Dark Energon."

"What!?" Miko yelped.

"Twilight, that's great!" Jack clapped.

"I thought so too . . ." Twilight muttered. "Until Celestia told me we couldn't use the process to cure other infected ponies! It's not like Shining deserves to be an undead for the rest of his life!" Twilight buried her face into Optimus' knee and continued crying.

"Explain to me how this works again?" Miko questioned.

"We don't know, but it does," Twilight answered. "It's like making a process that can cure illness in humans, but they have to become members of Congress for it to work."

"And then they'll just want the illness back," Ratchet quipped.

Twilight snuffled, then rolled onto her back to face Optimus. "O-Optimus? I'm... well, I'm really upset right now, and..." Twilight wiped a tear from her eye. "One thing that cheers me up is reading a good book. Would you mind getting one of the ones Jack gave me a few days ago?"

"A book is your answer to everything, Twilight Sparkle," Optimus said, causing Twilight to turn away. "But... it is a good an answer. I will fetch one for you. Perhaps I will grab one from my personal collection as well, some poems as well, and we can read them together. Have you read The Very Hungry Caterpillar, or The Charge of the Light Brigade? They're two of my favorites."

"Can't say I have," Twilight chuckled.

"Those... are interesting choices for favorites," Miko commented.

In the alternate universe, Smokescreen was making patrol with Flash Sentry in his driver's seat.

"What's eating' ya, chief?" Smokescreen asked while he rounded a corner.

"I'm just . . . worried about Sunset," Flash explained. "She says she's fine, but I know better. She's . . . jealous of Twilight. She thinks Celestia "replaced" her with Twilight."

"Ha!" Smokescreen laughed. "That sounds like Optimus trying to replace me! Can't be done."

"Exactly!" Flash exclaimed. "I wish Sunset realized that applies to everyone, herself included."

"I'm sure Celestia or Optimus can help – wait, I got something." Smokescreen halted. They were at the ruins again.

And the UAV drone jet that was Soundwave's vehicular mode was flying back to the ruins.

"You're not gonna take him again, are you, Smokescreen?"

"Oh, heck no! I learned my lesson. I'm gonna call Team Prime for backup. He's been at them twice in as many days. There's something in there Soundwave wants. Sorry, Flash." Smokescreen evicted Sentry from his seat. "Gonna have to ask you to sit this one out." Flash saluted.

The Bridge opened, and all the members of Team Prime bar Ratchet, but including the A.P.D, stepped out, weapons armed.

"Smokescreen, what have you found?" Optimus asked.

"It's Soundwave again." Smokescreen pointed to the entrance. "He's looking for something in there."

Optimus gave a hand signal, gesturing for the Team to approach the building. Slowly, and undercover from the fallen columns. They made their way up to the entrance, but Optimus instructed them not to go further.

"Hey, what are we waiting for, huh?" Smokescreen barked. They could peer in, and Soundwave was right there. He was standing atop some kind of huge, black rock like the ruins were made from. "We should get in and blast him!"

"Strategy, Smokescreen." Optimus chided. "Soundwave will tell us nothing if we capture him. We should wait to see what he is after before making any moves." Smokescreen grumbled.

Soundwave deployed his tendrils, which promptly made their drilling motion. Taking a second to steady himself, he plunged the drills into the rock, eventually unearthing a weapon. It was a simply thing, easily held by the smallest Autobot. A two-pronged claw was mounted on its top. Soundwave regarded it for a moment before tossing it aside and continuing to dig.

"Now?" Smokescreen begged.

"Now. Autobots, attack!" The Autobots charged into the building, firing away at Soundwave. Soundwave was surprised to see him, but he recovered quickly.

"Soundwave, we have you surrounded, outnumbered, and outgunned." Optimus said. "Surrender and we can end this . . ." Optimus cocked his cannon. "Peacefully."

"I think not." A raspy voice punctuated. A missile exploded behind the confused Team, sending them flying into different directions and knocking them on the floor. Optimus was the first to stand and see Starscream fly in and revert, landing next to Soundwave.

Starscream put a hand on Soundwave's shoulder. "Now, I know we never really got along. You were loyal to Megatron, I . . . wasn't. But none of that matters now. In this crazy, postwar world, we Decepticons have to stick together. And . . ." Starscream whispered something to him. "Now, how much time you need to excavate another boon from this rock?"

Soundwave held four of his claws up. Starscream laughed. "Four minutes? I can do that." Starscream walked to the edge of the rock and launched another missile, interrupting the Team's attempt to regroup.

"Autobots, focus your fire on Starscream!" Optimus instructed. Starscream jumped from the cliff and landed on the wall, sticking to it like a lizard. Screamer fired more of his rockets, keeping the Team pinned down under suppression fire and unable to aim with all the smoke around him.

"Is it just me," Arcee complained, "or is Starscream suddenly a lot more competent?"

"I had an epiphany." Starscream growled.

"And that magically translates into improved fighting skills!?"


The smoke cleared, allowing the Team to aim at Starscream, but he simply jumped from one wall to the other, making their bullets hit the wall. Starscream fired another volley, again creating too much smoke to fight through. The Team grumbled and made threats against Starscream.

"What was that, Autobots?" Starscream taunted. "I can't hear you amidst all that smoke! Haha!"

The smoke cleared again. The Autobots took aim at Starscream. Starscream aimed back, but when he tried to fire his rocket, only a useless "click" sound was made.

"Ha!" Smokescreen laughed. "Looks like you're out of rockets!"

"They'll grow back." Starscream said. "For now, I'll guess I'll just rely on these!" Starscream primed his crown-shaped arm blasters, firing a barrage at the Team to literally keep them off their feet.

"The old Starscream would have tucked tail when he saw when he ran out of rockets." Arcee noted.

"Well, you're dealing with the New Starscream!" Starscream boasted. He jumped off the wall, converted and divebombed at Twilight, then reverted midair, snatching her up like a bird of prey. He landed on the wall, holding Twilight in one hand. He pointed the finger of his other hand at her.

"Now . . ." Starscream growled. His Decepticon badge began to glow violet, a glow which spread across his body in the form of lines and purple fire. He aimed his burning claw right at Twilight's heart.

Starscream smirked. Nothing happened.

"What?" Starscream questioned. "Why is there no symbiosis!? You should be achieving symbiosis!"

Twilight neglected to answer, instead blowing a raspberry. Starscream growled.

"Well, Starscream, you might have noticed the dress which I haven't had time to change out of, or the wings, but I'm a Princess Pony now." Twilight bragged. "And that means my magic is stronger than before! Like, I'm not a goddess, or anything . . ." Her horn lit up. "But the holes I can blow into Decepticreeps like you are now bigger in diameter!" Twilight let off a spell, blasting Starscream in the chest. Starscream dropped her, but she had no problem spreading her wings and slowing her descent.

It wasn't just smack talk. The hole in Starscream's chest was fairly substantial and beyond her capabilities as a normal unicorn. The Dark Energon regenerated Starscream's damage.

Soundwave had unearthed another weapon. This was almost as tall Starscream was, with a maroon color and a large handle. A large pincer was mounted on its top with a buzzsaw inside. Soundwave tossed the weapon to Starscream.

"Aah!" Starscream exclaimed, swinging the weapon around. "This will put you in your place, pony!" Starscream looked up the weapon and pushed a button. Tendrils similar to Soundwave's unfurled from the weapon, immediately coiling around Starscream's body. "What? Is this supposed to happen -" Starscream was interrupted as a full-body cocoon was formed. Soundwave had a similar experience with his weapon.

"Let's blast him!" Bulkhead offered, charging his weapon.

"No!" Optimus grabbed Bulkhead's hand. "We do not know what effects blasting them could have while this process is happening!"


"So we might trigger an explosion," Arcee retorted.


The tendril cocoons unwrapped, slowly returning to the weapons. But Starscream and Soundwave had both been altered. Starscream's chest was now much sleeker and thicker, his legs and forearms were lavender, and his silver claws were now black while axe-like curves formed in his wings and the red crest on his head was shortened. Soundwave's black visor was yellow, his arms were split into three segments instead of two, with the forearm being black. His legs were black, and various parts, including his feet and kneecaps, were yellow while the parts of him that were still blue were a much darker blue.

"Whoa." Smokescreen gasped.

Arcee wasn't gawking like Smokescreen, instead charging straight at Starscream. Starscream put his new toy to good use and caught Arcee within its pincers.

Starscream chuckled evilly. "It's a good thing this come with an instruction manual!"

"Make all the jokes you want, Starscream, but when I get out of here -"

"Jokes? No, there's – there's really a manual printed on the side in Cybertronian." Starscream adjusted the weapon for Arcee to see. "See?"

"Oh. So it does."

Starscream pushed a button on the weapon, which administered an electric shock to Arcee. Starscream let her drop to the floor, now clad with pulsating red rings of energy.

"When I get my servos on you . . ." Arcee swore, only to find she couldn't move. "Hrrn! Hrrk! I – I can't move!"

"Yes." Starscream drawled. "A delight, isn't it? The Thunder Talon, as it's called, cripples the victim and adds their speed to the user's own. Don't worry, I'm sure it'll wear off . . . or maybe it won't!" Starscream sprinted across the room, putting his boosted speed to get use. Nimbly dodging Autobot counterattack, he went straight for Rainbow Dash, catching her in the Talon.

""Hey! AAGH!" Rainbow fell to the ground, twitching as sparks shot from around her wings into Starscream’s new weapon. The cunning Decepticon, with Rainbow Dash's speed now his, had no trouble running up the side of the rock and picking up Soundwave bridal style.

"So sorry I can't stay." Starscream taunted. "But I really must . . . dash."

"Oh, sure." Dash grumbled. "Rub it in."

"I will!" Starscream said with relish, grinning. Using Dash's super-speed, he bolted out from the ruins. The Autobots attempted to shoot him, firing in vain at a gray blur.

"So, uh . . ." Dash stammered. "This will wear off, right?"

Starscream carried Soundwave some good distance outside city limits before the Thunder Talon's effects wore off. Without the distraction of running at impossibly velocity, Starscream realized just how heavy Soundwave was and accidentally dropped him.

"So sorry about that." Starscream said, offering Soundwave a hand.

Soundwave was surprised that Starscream would offer a hand. It was unlike him.

"Now . . ." Starscream said, turning away from Soundwave after helping him up. "We need to discuss what to do regarding our dear master . . . Twilight is no longer a viable choice."

She is the only choice! Megatron bellowed in Starscream's head. I want the Essence of Unicron!

But master, Starscream responded, you saw what happened in the ruins!

Yes! It does not mean we abandon our plan! It merely means we make some . . . adjustments to it.

Team Prime walked along a city street to discuss their strategy. Sunset Shimmer and Flash Sentry ran up to them.

"Hey, guys!" Sunset greeted. "How did it go?"

"Not so great." Arcee rubbed her shoulder. "Starscream showed up and they both got away with new armor and weapons."

"I'm sorry to hear that." Sunset said apologetically. Her smile was very forced, and she kept looking at Twilight.

"Is something wrong, Sunset Shimmer?" Optimus asked.

"Wrong? No, nothing's wrong. Why would you ask?" Sunset laughed airily. "Anyways, I was hoping I could talk to Twilight."

Optimus looked to Twilight.

"It's fine. Go discuss strategy without me and just tell me what you come up with." Optimus nodded, and the rest of the team walked on while Sunset approached Twilight.

"Uh, Flash?" Sunset held her hand out when he followed. "Why don't you go help the Autobots? I want some . . . girl talk with Twilight."

Flash pouted, but complied.

"So, what did you want to talk about, Sunset?" Twilight guided Sunset the back the way she came.

"Well, actually . . ." Sunset said. Behind her back, green fire enveloped her hand. Twilight was perturbed by her maniac smirk.

"Sunset? Is everything okay?"

"Yes." Sunset growled, about to blast Twilight.


Sunset grimaced, dispelling her spell. She and Twilight looked to see Susan and Snowdrop standing on the opposite sidewalk, Susan with a holster on her thigh.

"Susan! Snowdrop?" Twilight exclaimed, happy but confused to see them. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, um . . . I met Susan at your coronation earlier. Susan told she was going to a new world, and I asked to come along. I . . . " Snowdrop scuffed her hoof. "Wanted to go on an adventure."

Twilight smiled. "I can respect that, Snowdrop, but there are Decepticons loose. Susan, you should take Snowdrop back this instant!"

"Yeah, yeah, sure." Susan muttered. Her horn lit up. "Right after I air my grievances with Sunset Shimmer." Susan started to pull out the contents of her holster. "Snowdrop, go play elsewhere, sweetie."

"Sunset?" Twilight asked. "Wait . . . Sunset, Susan, Sunset, Susan. I got it! Susan is your Equestrian counterpart, right Sunset?"

"WRONG!" Susan yelled as she revealed a shotgun. "Sunset is MY Equestrian counterpart! One day, she showed up and asked me to partake in an experiment! She told me to go through a mirror and live like a unicorn for a little while! But when I was ready to stop and go home, the MIRROR wouldn't let me through!"

"Sunset?" Twilight asked. Sunset shrugged, feigning innocence. Sunset ducked into a bush before as Susan pulled the trigger of her gun.

"As I used to be a human," Susan growled, "I have a greater appreciation for a good ol' slug-thrower than your average unicorn."

"Whoa, whoa!" Twilight said, using her magic to overpower Susan's hold on the gun. The gun alternated between pointing up and pointing at Sunset as their magics wrestled. "I understand you're upset, but is shooting Sunset going to resolve anything?"

"It'll make me feel better." Susan growled.

"Trust me, Susan, it won't!"

"Can I say something?" Sunset raised her hand.

Twilight glared. "Unless its an apology, or explanation, then no."

"Grrr!" Susan growled. Fed up, she dropped her hold on the gun and started blasting lasers with her horn which Twilight blocked.

"Susan, please!" Twilight pleaded. "Stop shooting and talk to me!"

"No!" Susan shouted. "I want to make her pay!"

"For what?"

Susan glared. "For tricking me! For making me live my days as a unicorn in a world I didn't know! For stealing eighteen years of my life! For . . . for making me live with her parents." Susan started to cry.

"Why?" Twilight asked, walking up to Susan. "What was wrong with her parents?"

"NOTHING!" Susan screamed. "They were wonderful! They were almost perfect! And they tried! They tried so hard to love me, to pretend I was their daughter and act like … but they knew. They knew I wasn’t their daughter, and they tried to hide it, but it’d show, and every now and then I get a reminder… I wasn’t where I belonged. When I didn’t eat hay, when I tried to grab things with my hooves instead of using magic… it was miserable."

Twilight hugged back. She could barely imagine what Susan was going through. She thought of if she and Twyla switched places when she was still young and lived with Twyla's parents for most of her life.

Twilight looked over her shoulder at Sunset. "You." Twilight pointed her hoof. "Get over here." Not bothering her for consent, Twilight used her magic to pull Sunset over. "Explain to Susan why she couldn't go back home."

Sunset tapped her fingers. "Honestly, I . . . I forgot."

"You forgot!?" Susan screamed. "You "forgot" about uprooting and exchanging lifestyles with an alternate version of yourself you only just met!? Do you know what I went through because of you? I became a different species in an alien world! Everything was different! And all the while, my real parents were hanging out with a fake!" Susan made to pick up the shotgun again, but Twilight stopped her.

"Susan, please." Twilight said. "I know you're upset. I would be upset, too. I AM upset." She glared at Sunset. "But is killing her going to help? Are your parents going to want to see you again after learning you killed a woman?"

Susan exhaled. "Probably not." She dropped the shotgun.

"Good, good." Twilight looked to Sunset. "I expect you'll explain this all to Celestia, won't you?"

Sunset looked shamefully at the ground. Twilight nodded.

"Now, Susan," Twilight walked Susan aside, "there are Decepticons running around. I need to go help the Autobots detain them, or at least drive them out from this side of the mirror. But after that, and not a minute later, I'll your parents – your real parents – and Sunset's parents, and you can sit and talk, okay?"

Susan smiled. "Okay . . . thank you."

"You're welcome."

"You know, Twilight . . . not everypony would have been calm enough to talk me down like you did." Susan said. "That's why Celestia made you a Princess."

Twilight blushed while unnoticed, Sunset fumed.

Twilight dismissed it with a laugh. "Well, we need to get Snowdrop . . ." Twilight looked around. "Snowdrop? Snowdrop!"

"I'm here!" Snowdrop waved, galloping towards Twilight's voice. There was folded paper in her mouth. "After Susan asked me to leave, I met this nice colt who asked me to bring you this!"

Twilight took the letter, using her magic to neatly open it. She scanned over it and gasped. "Oh my goodness!"

"What?" Susan and Sunset said in unison.

"It's from a secret admirer!" Twilight explained. "He wants to meet me at the park! He says he's shy, so he couldn't try to approach me while I was with my friends! He wants to meet at the park tonight!" Twilight looked to Susan. "But, um, you will take Snowdrop back for now, right?"

"Of course." Susan put a hoof on Snowdrop's back and started driving her. "Come on, Snowdrop. We can have our adventure after Twilight's safety-proofs the world, okay?" Sunset was simplifying the situation for Snowdrop's benefit.

"Oh, wow! She can do that?" Snowdrop exclaimed in amazement. Susan and Twilight chuckled.

Twilight gave Sunset a glare, then trotted down the sidewalk.

"Hey!" Sunset yelled. "Where are you going? Aren't you supposed to be helping with Decepticons?"

"Oh yeah! Um, well . . . the team will be fine without me for a bit. I'm eager to meet my admirer!" Twilight said. "Why don't you go help?"

Truthfully, Twilight knew she was shirking her duties, but even though she just kept Susan from committing murder, she felt horrible.

Why? Because learning about what happened with Susan, that Sunset "forgot" about her . . . it made Twilight happy. It shouldn't have made her happy, since it a terrible situation, but she couldn't help but feel a release knowing that Sunset had done something wrong. Because listening to Celestia talk about her, it sounded like Sunset couldn't do wrong. She did this right and that. She sounded like Twilight when Twilight was younger without any of Twilight's flaws.

Twilight knew she shouldn't have been so happy from Susan's predicament, so she was going to use her admirer as a distraction to forget about it. She wouldn't be any good to the team if she had that hanging over her head, would she?

Twilight made her way to the park the letter had specified. It was already dark. The streetlamps were lit, but the park was dim.

Twilight looked around for him. There was nothing to be found except a green gift box with red wrapping.

"Oh!" Twilight cooed. "He must have gotten cold feet and left this gift! How sweet!" Twilight ran up to the box and opened it. She pulled a green orb like a Christmas orb from the box. "Huh. Weird gift, but maybe there's something I don't know."

The orb started to shake. Then it exploded, leaving nothing but shards and expelling a large cloud of green smoke as that made Twilight bleary-eyed and coughing.

"Mmph!" Twilight groaned, trying to cough the gas back out. She thought of how she should get out of the cloud, but her legs were feeling wobbly from its effects. Twilight stumbled her way from the cloud, but her vision remained blurry. She could dimly make out Starscream approaching her.


"By the way . . ." Starscream knelt down and put his finger on her chin. "You don't have a secret admirer. Snowdrop is such a helpful little filly, isn't she?" Starscream flicked his finger, giving Twilight's chin a small cut.

"You . . ." Twilight squinted. She started a spell, but the gas worked on her and she fainted.

"I don't know how you got the Dark Energon out of your systems . . ." Starscream murmured, picking Twilight up and wrapping his claw around her. Starscream took his claw and stabbed it into his arm, dragging his nails along until they were covered in his purple blood.

"But I know how it's getting back in!" With his blood-soaked claw, Starscream stabbed Twilight in the chest, mixing the Dark Energon and her blood once again. Starscream gave a satisfied smirk as Twilight's body stirred in his grasp, her eyes opening and glowing purple before closing again.

Starscream chuckled, raising his now-glowing claw. He would get Megatron's spirit to hop from his mind to her's, giving Megatron control over her body.

Starscream's ritual was interrupted by an enraged scream, followed by explosions in the distance and two green lasers flashing and cutting two trees down. Whatever was cutting that path of destruction, it was headed straight his way.

Starscream? Megatron's voice said.

Yes, my liege?

Remember earlier when I was scolding you for running away all the time? Ignore that now. Retreat. You are not currently equipped to deal with whatever is capable of that.

But master! Twilight Sparkle -

-Is of no use if whatever that is destroys you before the transfer is complete! Retreat!

Starscream growled at Twilight. "This isn't over." He dropped her to the ground before converting and flying off.

Megatron would have been quite surprised to learn the source of the destruction was a human girl, as Sunset made her way to the park, hands letting off green tendrils of magic.

"You!" Sunset pointed at Twilight, not knowing or caring why she was unconscious. "Oh, you're knocked out? Just as well. It wouldn't do to have you come crawling back to Celestia with what I'm going to tell you." Sunset banged her fists together. "I've been preparing to come back for years – YEARS – and now, thanks to Susan, my operation could be compromised! If Susan tells Celestia what happened . . . and don't even get me STARTED on how the Princess replaced me with you! I mean, me! I'm IRREPLACEABLE! So . . . " Sunset raised her hands. "Let's see how you handle being a human, "o faithful student." Last time I tried this, your "Essence" buddy kept me from it, but I don't care anymore. Nothing he can say will change my mind this time."

Sunset raised her hands, blasting Twilight with twin green beams. When she was done, Twilight was lying on the ground, a perfect duplicate of Twyla with purple liquid on her chest.

Sunset smirked. Satisfied, she left Twilight there, unaware of the ramifications of what she'd done . . .

The next day, Sunset breezily walked in on the Autobots' meeting.

"Beep beep beep beep beep?" Bumblebee asked her.

"Oh, nowhere important." Sunset said, waving her hand and smiling. "So, what's up?"

"We have determined the best course of action is to lay a trap at the ruins." Optimus said. He looked at Sunset.


"Where is Twilight Sparkle?"

"Beats me." Sunset shrugged. "Said she was going to meet a secret admirer at the park last night."

"And she's been there all night?" Bulkhead asked. "That doesn't sound right . . ."

"Autobots, we are going to the park," Optimus instructed, rightly getting suspicious of foul play.

Sunset Shimmer was secretly giddy. She wondered how Optimus and the others would react to seeing Twilight as a human, all the while never knowing she was responsible for it.

But when they got there, her glee was exchanged for horror. Twilight didn't look like she had moved since Sunset left her. Her chest was just barely going up and down, and her skin was an unnatural sickly greyish purple color.

"No!" Optimus shouted, rushing towards her body and picking it up. "How is this possible!?"

"W-what?" Sunset stammered. "What's going on?"

"Twilight Sparkle has been turned into a human and infected with Dark Energon . . . again."

"Didn't tha' coronation ritual cure her Dark Energon!?" Applejack shouted.

"Yes, making this even more of a mystery."

"I still don't understand what's happened," Sunset said.

"Human bodies cannot process Dark Energon," Optimus explained. "While Twilight Sparkle's magic-infused Equestrian body had no problems coping, as a human, she has little chance of surviving., Optimus curled his finger around her neck. "She is still alive, despite all odds."

It hit Sunset Shimmer hard how determined Twilight's will must be. To go through the entire night like in the condition she was in and still be alive in the morning?

"I will take her to the hospital right away." Optimus said, converting and throwing Twilight into his front seat. The Autobots picked up their ponies and Sunset and followed Optimus.

Mercifully, the hospital had advanced enough equipment that they could Twilight's heart going, at until the Autobots could retrieve Ratchet. The doctors insisted to the girls that there wasn't much they could do. When Susan and Snowdrop got wind of it, they both insisted on being allowed to stay with her in her room. The other girls went outside the building to process.

"Oh, how could this happen?" Applejack lamented, trotting nervously in place. Sunset shirked away, consumed by guilt.

Inside the building, Snowdrop groaned, pushing her nose up against the side of Twilight's bed. "I hope you feel better soon, Princess Twilight. You said one of the nicest things anypony ever told me."

"Yeah . . ." Susan muttered, her hoof on the bedrail. "You promised you'd get mine and Sunset's parents together to talk, remember? Get well soon."

Neither of them knew was going on in Twilight's barely-conscious head. They didn't know that she was . . . seeing things.

They certainly didn't know that, while her body was on the edge of total shutdown, her spirit was wandering an unusual cemetery.

In her head, or wherever this was, Twilight was still a winged unicorn. The gravel of the cemetery collapsed beneath her hooves as she trotted through.

"Hello?" Twilight called through the fog. The headstones were starting to freak her out, and the echo was not helping. "Is anypony there?"

She heard jolly, yet mean-spirited laughter.

"Twilight Sparkle!" A voice Twilight couldn't believe she was hearing said. The fog cleared away, and Twilight could see Megatron standing a few front from her. "So good of you to join me here!"

"Megatron?" Twilight shook her head. "No . . . no, that's impossible. You're dead!"

Megatron pointed at her. "And you are near-dead, Twilight Sparkle. This is Limbo, the land where the dead and dying can converge. Meet. Chat."

"Get out of my head, you monster." Twilight growled.

"Oh . . . "Monster"? Really now, Twilight, Fluttershy can make more cutting remarks."

"What do you want?"

"I want to make an offer." Megatron said, walking towards her. "You give me your body, and I will keep you alive."

"WHY in the wide-wide world of Equestria do you think I'd be willing to do THAT?"

"Oh, I don't know . . ." Megatron murmured. "Perhaps it has something do with your . . . friends?" Megatron snapped his fingers. The gravel around rose up in a pile before shifting into a solid facsimile of Fluttershy. "They would be so distraught if you were to . . . pass away."

"There's so much I wanted to say to her!" The Fluttershy sculpture cried.

Twilight was upset, but she stomped her hoof and held her ground. "I'd rather die than let a heartless murderer like you come back to life. And how are you controlling the gravel around us?"

Megatron shrugged. "No one said you couldn't control the gravel."

"Oh really?" Twilight smiled. "In that case . . ." Twilight stomped her hoof into the ground, channeling her intent through her hoof. Just like it did for Megatron, the gravel rose up and took a shape. It was like Optimus Prime, but with a sword, a headcrest, and other more knight-like elements. The Prime sculpture roared and charged at Megatron with its sword raised.

"Really? This is what we're doing?" Megatron snapped his fingers again. The gravel in front of him rose into a huge blob monster, which made a fist that it slammed down hard on "Optimus." Its task done, the blob monster fell into its component grains.

"If we're through grandstanding . . ." Megatron rolled his eyes, walking through the shower of loose gravel. "I would still like to discuss this with you."

"I have nothing to discuss." Twilight said.

Megatron shifted his eyes. This was not going the way he wanted to.

"The Dark Energon in our bloodstreams binds our destinies together, Twilight Sparkle!"

"Well, until last night, I got RID of the Dark Energon, so there." Twilight turned away from him.

"What about being turned into a human? A filthy, weak, disgusting human!?"

"You know, Megatron, forty hours ago, I would have agreed with you. But I have seen the light! Humans are not entirely despicable creatures! Their children literature is excellent!"

"Oh, whoo-hoo." Megatron sarcastically twirled his finger in the air. He decided to try a different tact. "Your friends might me fine with your death," Megatron said, "but you are a pillar of the community! Your friends would not be the only ones upset! Think about your filly friends, the Crusader girls!"

"The Cutie Mark Crusaders? Well, yeah, I . . . I guess they would be upset." Twilight was saddened. She glared at Megatron, noticing him smirking. "I'm still not giving you my body!"

Megatron snapped his fingers again. The gravel rose up in front of Twilight, this shifting into a visage of Applejack looking distraught while Apple Bloom nuzzled her.

"Sis?" Apple Bloom's sculpture spoke. "What's wrong?"

"Nuthin'." "Applejack" fibbed, a grain falling down her cheek to emulate a tear. "It's just Twilight . . . "

"Why? What happened wit' Twilight?"

"Nuthin'. She's just . . . gone away for awhile, and she . . . won't be back for a long, long time."

It broke Twilight's heart to see that. That was exactly the way a conversation between Applejack and her sister would go if she died. Twilight sniffed and wiped away her tears. "No." She held roulette. "I'm still not going to do anything for you, Megatron." Twilight walked away.

"What about your assistant?" Megatron asked. "Who can forget, uh . . . uh, what's his name . . ." Megatron snapped his fingers, trying to recall it.

"Spike." Twilight said, still crying over what she saw. "His name is Spike."

"Who can forget Spike?" Megatron cried, seamlessly picking up where he left off.

Twilight was shaken. "I . . . maybe. No. Forget it, Megatron. There is nothing – NOTHING you can say that will make me -"

"Sunset Shimmer turned you into a human."


"Oh yes, it's true." Megatron said, walking around in idle circles. "Turned you into a human last night."

Twilight's eye twitched. That was the last straw. She managed to push through her sadness and realize it was better for her friends to grieve than it was for her to bring Megatron back to life. But now she was sad and angry. Sunset had turned her into a human? Sunset Shimmer was responsible for her nearly dying!?

"See," Megatron went on, "you're supposed to turn into a human as you go through the mirror. But Sunset Shimmer found a way to override that. To take control, so she decides who, if, and when anybody is turned into a human."

"So that means . . ." Twilight's jaw dropped. "That means she turned the Autobots into humans the first day we were here!"

"And back again!" Megatron added.

Twilight grinded her teeth. It was easy to keep her judgement cool when simply saddened by her friends' grief, but now she was sad, angry, and her jealousy of how Celestia talked about Sunset was coming to the fore.

"Think about it, Twilight." Megatron said. "Are you going to put your friends and your community through that grief because Sunset "Perfect" Shimmer decided to pull a prank on you? Are you going to let that firebrand take your place by Celestia's side?"


"What about the promise you made to Susan as well!?" Megatron encouraged, trying to get Twilight riled up and as a result, impair her judgment. "Funny how it all fits together: Sunset avoids having to talk with Susan's parents, doesn't lose any reputation with Celestia, and she can keep on the way she was!"

Twilight growled.

"So . . . now will you let me possess your body, Twilight Sparkle?" Megatron asked.

"YES!" Her voice echoed across the graveyard. Twilight suddenly became aware of the impact of what she just said.

Megatron chuckled. He waved his finger. "See, that's what I like you about, Twilight . . . just like Optimus. You can always be relied on . . ." Megatron got to his knees, offering Twilight his claw.

"To make the right choice."

His words struck Twilight where it truly hurt. Twilight hesitated, thinking about what she was about to do. Bring back the bloodiest criminal, most vile villain to ever come out of Cybertron, just for a chance to tattletale to Celestia that her other student wasn't perfect? Who was?

"I'm waiting, Twilight."

Twilight looked away, closing her eyes. Tears rolled her down her muzzle.

"I'm sorry, Optimus. I . . . I have a promise to keep."

Twilight put her hoof in Megatron's palm. Megatron closed his fingers around it. Their eyes both glowed with the shared power of Dark Energon. Twilight felt an intensity in her chest.

In the hospital bed, Twilight's eyes shot open, revealing Megatron's hellish-red visage. He smiled. He rose up from the bed and took stock of his surroundings.

"Hmm." Megatron raised Twilight's arm, an IV drip in her arm. Megatron traced the cord back to the pole where it was. Megatron looked up and down the thing.

"That could be useful." Megatron took another look around, noticing Snowdrop and Susan. Susan was curled up like a cat against a wall, taking a nap. Snowdrop was on her haunches by the bed.

Megatron didn't understand why Snowdrop wasn't reacting to him, but he ignored it. He got off the bed, ripping the IV from Twilight's arm. He grabbed the pole and wheeled it out of the room with him.

"What's that noise?" Snowdrop asked, hearing the wheels squeak. "What's going on? Twilight, are you feeling better?" Snowdrop hopped on the bed and poked around for hints of Twilight's body.

"Hey!" A doctor said, coming across Twilight's body in the hall. "You're up!"

"Don't talk to me." "Twilight" told him.

"Um . . . miss Sparkle, it's great you're feeling better, but I still need to check you out properly . . ."

"Twilight" rounded on him, striking him in the head and knocking him down and out.

"I have business to attend to." Megatron continued down the hall, dragging the IV pole with him.

Outside, Applejack and Fluttershy were trotting around, following each other in circles. Rarity, Dash, and Pinkie were sitting by a bench that Sunset sat on.

"Oh, Ah hope she's okay . . ." Applejack murmured.

"I'm sure Ratchet can fix her." Fluttershy assured.

"But will he get here in time?"

"Applejack, don't think like that!"

"Look! She's even out right now!" Pinkie pointed. "Twilight" was walking out from the hospital, dragging an IV pole with her. Applejack and Fluttershy rushed to greet their friend.

"Twilight!" Fluttershy exclaimed, smiling. "We're so glad you're out! We were so worried!"

"Um, yes." Twilight said, moving forward. "Excellent, really."

"Y'all shore yer feelin' okay? Ah can get some cider to cheer ya up!"

"No, that's . . . that's fine." Twilight assured her.

"Are you sure you're feeling okay? And what's with the IV pole? Did tha doctors say y'all could take it wit' ya?"

"Err . . .yes."

"Any other conditions?" Applejack asked like a good friend.

"Waaait a minute . . ." Fluttershy said. She locked eyes with Twilight. Twilight stared back blankly.

Sunset Shimmer was shocked when a blade formed from behind Fluttershy's hoof, which she attempted to slash down on "Twilight." Megatron, his prediction about the IV pole spot-on, lifted the pole and used it to block Fluttershy's blade.

"Nice try, Megatron!" Fluttershy growled.

"Megatron?" Applejack exclaimed. "Fluttershy, don't ya think -"

"No." Megatron answered, pushing back on Fluttershy's hoofblade. "She's correct. Through Dark Energon, I, Lord Megatron have returned! What I do not understand is . . . what gave me way?"

"Your eyes are the red of your old Decepticon body." Fluttershy said. "At first, I thought it was just the Dark Energon mixing with the human body, but then I looked deep into your eyes and I recognized the sheer hate that was your old trademark.

"Hmph." Megatron huffed. Applejack bucked his body in the back, but Megatron steadied himself and smacked the pole into Applejack's chin before twirling around and ramming into Fluttershy's chest.

"Would someone explain to me what's happening?" Sunset exclaimed.

"Megatron is an old enemy of the Autobots." Rarity explained. "We thought he was dead for good, but somehow he's returned as a ghost or something and possessed Twilight's body! Now excuse me. There's a can of "Wreck and Rule" I need to open on Buckethead over there." Lots of Wrecker slang from Bulkhead crept into Rarity's words. Rarity charged at Megatron, horn glowing with the intent to spear. Megatron improvised, kicking off a nearby trash can lid and throwing it at her head.

"Uggh . . ." Rarity groaned, rubbing her head. "Something's . . . something's wrong."

"Ya mean aside from tha' fact that Megatron is in Twi's body!?" Applejack screamed as she continued to try to subdue the Decepticon Lord.

"Yes, actually!" Rarity responded, her head shaking from the lid's impact. "He's . . . he's fighting defensively! Usually he's all offense! He's stalling!"

"For what?" Fluttershy questioned, trying to slash Megatron again.

The answer was made clear as jet engines roared overhead. The girls looked up to see Soundwave and Starscream's vehicular modes flying onto the scene. The two-pronged claw launched from the weapon Soundwave had recovered from the ruins and grabbed Twilight's body, picking her up while a Bridge appeared in midair, Soundwave carrying his master's temporary body like a towline.

Megatron gave the girls a mocking salute. "Au revoir!" Soundwave and Starscream flew into the Bridge, Twilight's body towed behind Soundwave. The Bridge disappeared.

"Scrap!" Applejack swore. "We gotta tell Optimus!"

At the roof of the ruins, the Decepticons regrouped, reverting to robot mode and placing Twilight's body on the ground.

"I saw what you did in Limbo, master." Starscream said. "Truly inspirational manipulation of Twilight Sparkle's feelings!"

"Don't stroke your back, just yet, Starscream." Megatron warned. "We are still in need of an army and a method to restore my own body."

"An army?" Starscream said. "But the Decepticons have all defected to Shockwave's side, now. And I doubt all of them will return to you. I hear some of them are quite happy playing peacetime with the humans . . ."

"How dare they!" Megatron roared, a purple fire igniting around Twilight's hands. "No matter. They will see the error of their ways when I return."

"M-Megatron! Your hand!"

"What?" Megatron raised his hand, observing the fire. "Ah! Of course. It's obvious. Sunset Shimmer was able to use magic as a human after training, but I can now use Twilight's magic. Her recent…. ascension has made her magic so powerful that she doesn’t need the training… and thanks to the link between she and I through our, heh heh, shared history with the Dark Energon, I can access her magic directly, no lessons required!

"Wait, Sunset can use magic?"

"There is much I saw as a ghost, Starscream."

Megatron focused his will, and there was a purple flash. He had successfully turned Twilight's body back into its proper Princess pony form. "Ah! Excellent. I dislike organics, but you must admit Equestrians have more talents than humans." He tapped Twilight's horn to emphasize his point.

Starscream giggled. "I-I'm sorry, I just can't take you seriously like that."

Megatron, annoyed, blasted Starscream with Twilight's horn. "Now, there's the issue of my army . . ."

Soundwave stomped his foot on the ruins' roof.

"Ah yes! How I could forget?"

Starscream looked between Soundwave and Megatron. "Er, pardon? I don't follow . . ."

"Starscream, as I mentioned, there is much I saw as a ghost. Why bother when an army . . ." Twilight's lips smiled. "When we can have a weapon?" Twilight's horn glowed a deep, shining light.

"Are you sure want to do this?" Flash asked Sunset at their house.

"Yes," Sunset answered, fists burning jade fire. "I turned Twilight into a human. I made it possible for this to happen. And I'm going to fix my mistake."

Sunset Shimmer arrived at the ruins, her hands still glowing. Her shoulders were tense, and she was ready to give Megatron a good what-for.

"Megatron!" Sunset screamed. "I know you're here somewhere!" She threw out a laser blast from her hand. "Show yourself!"

Megatron obliged Sunset's request, terrifyingly jumping off the roof and shaking the ground when he landed. Starscream and Soundwave were right behind him.

Sunset rethought her efforts to fix her mess. She didn't know how, but Megatron had his body back. It was his old one, but altered. Instead of silver with purple accents, it was a brownish black with turquoise blue on his forelimbs and claws. Fins jutted out from his forearms, and his chest was remolded to look like a demonic manta ray, complete with green eyes and teeth. Twilight's body was suspended within the "mouth" of the ray, held up like animal taxidermy.

"You asked for me?" Megatron quipped, snapping his fingers. Soundwave walked forward, presenting a unique weapon like a knight before his lord. It was thick and bulky and appeared like a barracuda's body had been caramelized, with eyes pointed forward. A short dagger appeared jutted from the bottom while a large sword appeared from the top. Megatron took it in his hand and twirled. "Presumably to correct your oversight that allowed me to take form? I must thank you, Sunset Shimmer. Were it not for you, I would never been able to take over Twilight and use her magic to craft this . . . wonderful new body. I am in your debt."

"Well, you can repay me by going back to whatever pit you crawled out of!" Sunset shot a laser blast at him. Megatron swung his blade, bouncing the laser of it.

"Far be it me to deny you your doom." Megatron raised a finger and blasted a laser out from it. Sunset rolled to the side to avoid and shot another blast at Megatron, which Megatron shrugged off.

Megatron walked towards and swung the blade through the air, sending out a wave of pulsing, dark energy that threw Sunset backwards.

"You're lucky that was a light swing. This – the Sharktooth Warp Sword – generates a field of antimatter around her. Any harder, and the pulse would've torn you apart at the atoms." Megatron explained. He hefted the sword over his shoulder. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to use the power of Twilight's Princess magic combined with the necromantic abilities of Dark Energon to bring back some old friends of mine."

Soundwave came out of the ruins, having gone in while Megatron was fighting. In his arms was a pile of weapons like the Thunder Talon and Warp Sword. One was a morning star like a crocodile, the other was a huge polearm with a serrated ax on one side and a blaster on the other.

Megatron cracked his knuckles, then raised his hands in the air. They glowed purple and green like King Sombra's dark magic, then spat bolts of black lightning that began to twist and contort into the shape of three Decepticons. Soundwave tossed the weapons into the shadows, and the tendrils came out from them the same way the Talon did for Starscream, causing the same transformations to happen as the bodies formed.

"Eh, heh?" A suave voice asked. The shadows began to clear. One was a red sportscar Decepticon with a vest like a crocodile around his shoulders and slick, finned head . One was a bulky, tall Decepticon that made Sunset think of an inverted Bulkhead, having a muscular build instead of Bulkhead's gut-focused one, with a crowned head, red face, and dark green and light green colors. The last was a navy-blue Seeker-style Decepticon with a golden face, legs like a chicken, and wings that split apart and raised up like peacock's tail.

"Decepticons!" Megatron addressed them. "You may be confused. You were dead. But thanks to a . . . recent addition," he gestured to Twilight in his chest, "I have been able to revive you. Your bodies have now bonded with powerful weapons from ancient times. Knock Out, Breakdown, and Dreadwing . . . I have resurrected you because I am on the cusp of my greatest triumph, and I would like you to bear witness."

"We're flattered, Megaton," Knockdown said, bowing.

Breakdown blinked. "Sure is nice to have both optics again."

Dreadwing saluted. "I am honored to serve under you once again, my lord."

"Excellent." Megatron rasped. "Your first task . . ." Megatron pointed at Sunset, "is to terminate her."

Sunset crawled away, not sure what to do when the three heavy Decepticons bearing down on her. Breakdown unveiled his shoulder-mounted rocket launcher while Knock Out swung his mace around.

Sunset whimpered. So this was how it ended for her, ganged up on by Decepticons and smashed to pieces by a mace that looked like a damn crocodile.

Then a Bridge opened in mid-air.


Optimus Prime, the Autobots, the ponies, and even Princess Celestia fell from the Bridge. The Autobots were liberally in their interpretation of Prime's orders, literally raining their laserfire on the Decepticon party. Bulkhead body slammed on his old rival Breakdown, Smokescreen, still bitter, went straight for Soundwave, and Optimus took the time to reacquaint Megatron's face with his foot.

"I do not know how you brought back your old comrades, Megatron . . ." Optimus said, landing on his feet and priming his switchblade while Gatlings formed over her shoulders. "But I will see you all go back to The Pit if I have to drag you there myself."

"Release Twilight Sparkle, Megatron." Celestia growled, her horn shimmering.

Megatron levied his sword at them. "Make me."

Celestia fired a blast while Optimus went in for the punch. Megatron ducked the punch, sliced Optimus across the rib, and slammed his fist into Celestia's body, throwing her backwards. Bulkhead and Breakdown engaged in a fistfight, while Rainbow Dash and Dreadwing saw each other and hesitated.

"Hey," Dash greeted, looking away.

"Hello, Rainbow Dash," Dreadwing looked away.

"I've . . . missed you," Dash added.

Dreadwing stroked his chin, unsure what to say. "That's nice of you."

"DREADWING!" Megatron screamed. "What are you DOING!? DESTROY HER!"

Dreadwing nodded. "I am sorry, Rainbow Dash. I have my orders."

"Yeah, okay, fine . . ." Rainbow Dash reared herself and launched herself at Dreadwing, using the mass of her body propelled at speeds that rivaled sound to tear right through his chest before he could even raise his weapon.

"Oooh . . ." Dash landed, putting her hooves on her head. Applejack wrapped her leg around Dash's shoulder.

"Ah appreciate we all have our unique ways of fighting 'Cons, R.D, but maybe y'all should find a way that's less likely to end with y'all needing an aspirin?"

"You're probably right," Dash admitted before fainting.

Optimus avoided Megatron's swings, at the same time reluctant to take a swing of his own. The energy around the Warp Sword could twist and bend dimensions, and cause incredibly painful deaths in its victims.

"Hold still, Prime, so I can send you to the junkyard in the sky!"

"How 'bout you hold still, I send you there, and you mail me a postcard?"

Megatron chuckled. "Hahaha . . . ah, I did so miss hearing your wit, Optimus."

"Really? Keep watching, then, because I'm about give a performance . . ." Optimus jumped into the air and wrapped his legs around Megatron's neck. "For your ears only!" Optimus attempted to twist to break Megatron's neck, but Megatron reached over his shoulder, clutched Optimus' foot, and threw him down on the concrete.

"Alas, it's time for the curtain call!" Megatron made to execute Optimus. Celestia came to the rescue, forcing Megatron backwards with a powerful energy beam.

"RRAAH!" Megatron broke free of the beam and swung his sword around in a circle. A huge pulse of dark, purple energy radiated out from the swing, which Megatron followed by using his stolen magic to blast out another, magical pulse from his hands.

"The Sharktooth Sword's power is too dangerous! We need a new tact! Autobots, fall back!" The Autobots converted to vehicle mode, picking up their partners (and Sunset) and retreating.

Megatron laughed at their fleeing. He raise his arms and shot two beams of magic into the air, which spread and split into a forcefield which covered the area around the ruins.

Celestia looked over her shoulder at the emerging forcefield, then flew up besides Optimus. "Optimus, you recognized that weapon?"

"Yes." Optimus was glum. "I pray I misidentified it, as if it IS the Sharktooth Sword, then we have an explanation as to why Soundwave was so interested in the ruins . . ."

Inside the now-shielded ruins, Megatron turned around and directed the Decepticons to enter the ruins.

Knock Out scoffed. "Bah! What do we want from a bunch of smelly old ruins? The moisture will ruin my finish!"

"Silence!" Starscream struck Knock Out. "Do not doubt the master!"

"Thank you, Starscream. Come." Megatron led them inside, to the black rock that Soundwave had proliferated the weapons from. Megatron put his hands together, charging up an immense spell. He let loose the collected energy, which utterly decimated the rock, revealing more weapons like the Talon and Sharktooth, each covered in rock and dust. But that was a second concern to what Megatron had unearthed.

A huge door that could fit several Cybertronians comfortably, lined top to bottom with lights and blinky things. Following from the door was a silver-coated room with a control panel.

The Decepticons, in awe of the discovery, watched as Megatron entered the room and slammed his palms into the control, pumping Twilight's magic into the machinery.

"Arise, Fortress Maximus!"

The entire ruin quaked. Knock Out was startled when the columns in the front entrance withdraw into the ceiling like retractable claws. The entire floor lifted up.

Outside, the ground was shattered by the upheaval of the ruins. The ruins began to extend out of the ground like a drawbridge, revealing more building underneath it. In at least six different directions, the ground lifted up, revealing electronic linings under the tufts of dirt. At least one road had a huge section torn from it.

The ruins continued this process, adding to itself and reshaping into a humanoid shape – transforming, until at last all the parts and pieces were in place for the thing to assume its true form. An enormous, colossal Autobot whose head reached the sky. His fist alone were to big enough to hold a building. He was black, with red and green panels alternating throughout.

The Autobots, sensing the tremors, turned around and stopped.

"Primus save us all." Optimus expressed, worrying Celestia. Things were dire if Optimus was making religious exclamations.

"Princess, do you see the titan where the ruins once stood?"

"He's . . . somewhat hard to miss, Optimus."

"His name is Fortress Maximus. If Megatron takes control of this colossus, none of our worlds are safe."

"Ahh, Fortress Maximus!" Megatron sounded extra-pleased with himself as he rubbed his hands over the walls. "Once, upon a distant world, I wielded this very sword . . ." Megatron raised the sword. "As I hunted for Fortress Maximus to use his intense power. The Autobots were able to knock it from my hands, and Fortress escaped the planet with the sword by activating a Space Bridge inside his systems. He has eluded my grasp since. That's how Soundwave arrived here, isn't it, Soundwave? You traced the Transwarp energy through subspace and used your bridge to bring yourself here!"

Soundwave nodded and bowed humbly while the other Decepticons applauded his success.

"Now . . ." Megatron said. "To take control, we need an operator . . ." Megatron led the Deceptcions further into the interiors of Fort Max, where they found a control room, complete with a chair that had leather straps on it – presumably for keeping the operator hoisted while the titan moved.

Megatron sat in the chair, allowing Starscream the honor of buckling the plates. The room whirred to life, lights igniting all around the room while a UI interface appeared, showing the world around them.

There was a small robot in the room. It was blocky, grey, and silver. Its optics lit, and it approached Megatron.

"Greetings. My name is Cerebros. I am part of the interface for controlling Fortress Maximus. As Fortress Maximus contains powerful weapons, it is my duty to prevent misuse by those who would use his power for their own purposes."

Megatron tapped his finger on the armrest, impatient.

"As part of this process, I will be taking scans of your brainwave patterns to asses your intent and determine whether you qualify for Operator status." Cerebros continued. There was a beeping noise and his eyes flashed.

"Malicious intent detected." Cerbros. "You do not qualify for Operator status. If you attempt to force control, security will evict you."

"Hmm . . ." Megatron pursed his lips.

"What do you suggest, master?" Starscream asked, aiming his rocket at Cerebros.

Megatron held his hand for him to stop. "No. It will be safer to get a operator whose Spark purity qualifies than it would be to force control."

Megatron got out of the chair. The Decepticons then took turns, but they were all denied. Breakdown fared better, with Cerebros complimenting his ‘worker sympathies’ but still didn't qualify. When Dreadwing tried it . . .

"Honorable intent detected," Cerebros said.

"HAHA!" Megatron and the other Decepticons cheered.

"You still do not qualify for Operator status."

"WHAT?" Megatron's hands pulsed with angry magic. "Why . . NOT?"

"Honorable intent, though noble, does counteract the detections of the willingness to do harm."

Dreadwing grumbled. Megatron screamed in frustration.

"Master, perhaps we could . . . somehow coerce someone with less … conflicting morals to control Fortress Maximus for us?" Starscream suggested.

"Perhaps. But who do we know that we could force to work for us who has the peaceable intent to qualify?"

Megatron and Starscream snapped their fingers, sharing a brainstorm.


"What was that?" Snowdrop muttered, still reeling from the tremors of Fort Max's transformation.

Susan patted Snowdrop reassuringly. "Nothing." She said, even though she was terrified by the image of the titan in the distance. Rachel's sister, Suzy, appeared.

"Hey!" Suzy Belle ran up to them. "I've never seen you before."

"Who are you?" Susan asked.

"Suzy. Who are you?"

"Snowdrop and Susan. Excuse us." Susan guided Snowdrop, trying to get to the mirror, but she stopped at the sound of wheels. "Oh, what now?" Susan saw the Autobots, now joined by Sunset's friends, drive up and revert. "Hey guys! What's up?"

"We are going through the mirror." Optimus explained. "We need to Bridge to Cybertron and get reinforcements and munitions if we are to fight Fortress Maximus."

"Well," Susan said, "good luck with that. I've been trying to bring Snowdrop through the mirror awhile, but I keep getting interrupted," she gave the Autobots an accusing eye.

Optimus nodded. "Our apologies." His apologies didn't do anything to blunt the terror as Starscream, Dreadwing and Soundwave appeared overhead and landed on the scene.

"Showing up without your magic-fueled boss?" Dash asked. "Doesn't seem too wise."

"We don't need him for this." Starscream fired his rocket. A firefight ensued. It was pretty rinse and repeat, as both sides kept tumbling out of the way of the others' blasts.

"This isn't getting us anywhere." Starscream muttered, ducking below a laser from Celestia. Starscream rubbed his fingers together, noticing Snowdrop, Suzy, and Susan. "Hmm." Starscream made for them.

Susan was alarmed. She got her magic ready, but Starscream merely punted her aside and grabbed both Snowdrop and Suzy in his hands.

"Autobots!" Starscream yelled, backing away with his hostages. "Surrender Fluttershy, or both these girls . . . well, I wouldn't want to think about it!"

"You son of a -" Arcee raged, only Optimus' grabbing her keeping from her rushing Starscream. Dreadwing and Soundwave flanked Starscream, aiming their weapons while Starscream walked further away.

"I'll do it!" Fluttershy flew towards them. "Just don't hurt them!"

Optimus yanked her tail. "I would commend you for your willingness to sacrifice yourself, Fluttershy, but I would not trust Starscream to keep his word."

"Hmph." Starscream eyed Snowdrop. "Pity Optimus won't trust me with your well-being . . . it would be a shame to lose you. You have such beautiful eyes . . ." Starscream pursed his lips. "You know, the humans having a saying that the eyes are the window to the soul . . . hmm."

Dreadwing raised his eyebrow. "What are you thinking, Starscream?"

"I have an idea." Starscream said. "Follow my lead." Starscream converted and took off. Dreadwing and Soundwave followed suit.

"No!" Optimus yelled, firing after them.

"Why did they do that!?" Fluttershy shrieked. "I thought they wanted me!"

"SUZY!" Rachel screamed.

Megatron was busy . . . painting? Painting something on the floor of Fortress Maximus when the fliers returned.

"Aah!" Megatron tossed his paintbrush aside and tapped his fingers. "Have you returned with Fluttershy?"

"Even better, my liege," Starscream said, holding Snowdrop and Suzy terrified in his claws. "Children!"

Megatron squinted. "Starscream, this had better be a joke."

"Not at all, my liege!" Starscream held Snowdrop up. "The humans have a saying of eyes being the window to the soul, AND a saying about children are innocent by nature. So these two should prove suitable Operators!"

"You brought me different ponies based UPON A HYPOTHESIS!?" Megatron screamed.

"Lord Megatron," Dreadwing said, putting himself between Megatron and Starscream, "do not fault Starscream. I was there on the mission with him, and I allowed him to do this action because I believed it might prove worthwhile."

Megatron grunted. He rubbed his temples. "Fine. Just . . . put them on the chair."

"Wait," Knock Out said. "are we sure that the system's scanners can handle an organic brain?"

"The Ancients that built Fortress Maximus have integrated a system to run brain scans. I'm sure they found a way to bypass little biological technicalities like that," Starscream said.

They tried Suzy first. The buckles were hilariously oversized for her but amazingly, the system scanned her as easily it did the rest of them. The system dubbed her "basically good, but lacking," whatever that meant. Megatron was displeased. Then they tried Snowdrop, putting the shivering little filly in the chair.

Whirring sounds were heard as systems came online and various locks were undone.

"No compromising morals or lack of integrity detected. You qualify for Operator status."

"YES!" The Decepticons threw their fists in the air.

"I-I do?" Snowdrop stuttered. "What does that mean?"

"It means you can now control this juggernaut." Megatron explained.

"Please input Operator designation." Cerebros said. Snowdrop whimpered.

Megatron leaned on the chair. "State your name, child."

"My-my name? It's, um, Snowdrop."

"Accepted. Operator designee: UM-SNOWDROP. You are now in command of Fortress Maximus and all therein."

Megatron triumphantly clenched his fist. "Now, Snowdrop, instruct Fortress Maximus to locate and target his weapons on the Autobots." If Snowdrop complied, Megatron could be rid of Optimus Prime, the Autobots, Celestia, and the Ponies in one instant from Maximus' artillery.

"Oh, gee, I don't know . . . that doesn't sound nice." Snowdrop muttered.

"Do it, child." Megatron growled.

"I don't want to . . ." Snowdrop shrunk.

Megatron growled and was about to strike her, but he suddenly let out a pained and yell and clutched his head.

"Master?" Starscream mewled.

Megatron roared in a feminine voice, blasting all of the Decepticons into the wall with his magic. His eyes, made green from his new body, mysteriously turned into a friendly violet.

"Snowdrop!" Twilight's voice came out of Megatron's mouth.

"T-Twilight?" Snowdrop asked.

"Yes, it's me. Now listen, I don't have much time before Megatron resumes control, so I can't explain it all, but this is important; do not do anything Megatron tells you to. He's a bully, and you need to stand up to bullies." Twilight softened her description of Megatron into ways a little filly like Snowdrop could understand, trying to use the best choice of words to get the effect she wanted. "You're the only one that can control Fortress Maximus, so Megatron can't hurt you, okay?"

"O-okay . . ."

"ARRGH!" Megatron screamed, taking control back. "You agreed to this, Twilight Sparkle! YOU AGREED TO THIS!"

"After YOU manipulated my emotions, showed me a crying filly, and goaded me into a fit against Sunset Shimmer!" Twilight's voice argued back, the eyes on Megatron shifting back between green and purple as control shifted.

"Arrgh!" Megatron's eyes were green now, and they stayed that. "I think I've put her down now . . . Snowdrop! Activate Fortress Maximus' weaponry!"

Snowdrop huffed. "No."

" . . . What?"

"I said "no!"" Snowdrop huffed again.

Megatron breathed heavily, wiggling his fingers through the air.

"Lord Megatron!" A recovered Knock Out said, carrying Suzy to him. "I caught this human trying to escape while Twilight had us knocked out. What should we do with her?"

Megatron examined Suzy, tapping his chin. "Keep her alive. I have an idea for her . . ."

The Autobots were frazzled, Optimus particularly so. Megatron had hostages now, and they couldn't get into Fort Max to save them.

"What are we gonna do!?" Rachel cried. "Suzy's in there!"

"Rest assured, Rachel, if there is a way to get your sister back in one piece, we will do it." Optimus said. His resolve was put to the test when static emitted from all of the Autobots' heads.

"Open frequency-broadcast for the Autobots. Repeat, open frequency-broadcast for the Autobots. Bring me the Element of Magic, and I will return Suzy." Megatron's voice said. There was more static, followed by silence.

"Well?" Rachel screeched, distressed. "Give him the Element! You said if there was a way, you'd do it Optimus!"

Optimus looked to his comrades. "I am afraid it is not that simple, Rachel."

"I will get the Elements regardless." Celestia said. "They will perhaps prove useful." She left through the mirror.

"Optimus, we can't make this deal!" Ratchet said. "Megatron already has Twilight Sparkle's magic, the Warp Sword, and Fortress Maximus! He doesn't need anymore power! And CERTAINLY not any given to him by us."

"Agreed, old friend." Optimus gazed up at Fortress Maximus. "But it may be our only chance to get inside the forcefield."

"I have the Elements!" Celestia announced, returning. She started dispatching them amongst their respective representatives, only to stop when she got to the Element of Magic. She sighed, missing her student.

Applejack put a hoof on Celestia's shoulder. "We'll save her, Princess. We will." Celestia nodded.

Ratchet looked around. "Where's Rachel?"

Everyone else looked around too. "She was just here a minute ago!"

"She's gone!"

"The Element of Magic is missing!" Celestia realized. "It was on my person just a minute ago!"

" . . . She didn't." Ratchet said.

"She did!" Pinkie responded.

Ratchet buried his head into his hands. "Oh, Dear Primus, we are all doomed."

Rachel marched up to the shielded Fort Max, determined to get her sister back in one piece, whatever Optimus had to say be damned.

"Megatron!" Rachel roared, impressively taking him like he wasn't a magically-enhanced warlord. "I've come with the Element of Magic to get my sister back!"

"What?" Megatron said over an intercom. "You did?" Rachel could hear laughing. Laughing! What was funny about this? Where they did derive perverse humor from the situation? "Very well."

A Bridge opened in front of Rachel, which she stepped through. She wasn't quite expecting what she saw on the other side.

She was in the operating room where Megatron was painting – and the painting was now finished, a perfect imitation of Twilight's Cutie Mark, painted into the floor. At the dead center of the star stood Megatron, with Twilight's body just in front of his feet, connected to him by wires. The Decepticon stood the star's points, and there was a double-ended jumper cable clamped to Twilight's horn while the other end was in Megatron's hand.

"Knock Out, give the human her sister." Megatron said, jerking his head. Knock Out walked forward and dropped Suzy to the ground.

"Oh, Suzy!" Rachel's eyes got watery. "I was so worried about you!" She put Suzy down, patted her back, and beckoned to go through the Bridge. "Now, a deal's a deal, so I presume you'll be wanting this?" She held the Element up.

"Oh, that." Megatron muttered. "You can keep it."

" . . . What?"

"I didn't really want the Element." Megatron said. "I was hoping that Optimus and his friends would engage in a discussion about whether or not to surrender the Element. A distraction while I completed this ritual and found a way to convince Snowdrop to obey me."

"R-ritual?" Rachel asked. "What ritual?"

"The ritual you see before you!" Megatron said. "I could have emerged through anyone with sufficient Dark Energon in their systems. Starscream, a Vehicon . . . but there a specific reason I chose Twilight Sparkle. For the Essence of Unicron in her body. Imagine my disappointment when I successfully get her body, only to find the Essence gone! So this ritual . . . this ritual will not only integrate her even further into me, but also summon the Essence of Unicron back into me!"

"Or so the theory goes," Knock Out quipped.

Megatron's chest converted, opening wide to show his red Spark pulsing with Dark Energon clusters around. Twilight's horn shimmered, and her body lit on fire with the aura of Dark Energon.

Rachel ran forward, trying to do something, anything, but she was too late. Megatron stabbed the jumper cable to his Spark, connecting it and Twilight's horn. The apparition of Unicron that appeared during Twilight's coronation ritual manifested, and it entered Megatron through his mouth as a waterspout of fire. There was a huge purple flash, and Rachel was thrown flying.

"Uuugh . . ." Rachel muttered, rubbing her head. She gasped at the results of Megatron's experiment.

He was taller now, both bulkier and skinnier. His legs were now equine lavender legs from the knees down that terminated in furry, cloven hooves. He had a long tail and large wing pegasi wings, along with a unicorn's horn on top of his head, all modeled after Twilight's own.. His helmet had gotten narrower, too, and protrusions extended past his head like eyebrow decorations. His claws were thinner and longer, and his chest was shaped differently, more like a six-pointed star, with a six-pointed star pattern around the center of his chest. There was a round window in the center of the star, showing Twilight's unconscious body, her legs curled around his Spark like an unborn fetus.

"Hahahah!" Megatron laughed, purple fire around his fist. Patterns like runes formed on his palms. "I can feel it! Twilight's magic, Unicron's power . . . all merged into me! And as for you . . ." Megatron pointed a finger at Rachel, lifting her up with his magic. "Be gone."

Rachel felt herself shift, like she was going through water. The next thing she knew, she was outside Fort Max's shield and falling through the air. Rainbow Dash sped past her and picked her up.

"WHAT were you THINKING!?" Dash screamed at her, flying her back to the Autobots on the ground.

"I . . . I just wanted my sister safe." Rachel turned away. Rainbow Dash snarl.

"We will discuss this later," Optimus said. He looked up to Fort Max. "We still need access."

"Wait!" Rachel said. "Before you go in there, you should know . . . Megatron just did a ritual of some kind. It – it merged him and Twilight together even more and summoned this fiery demon that he swallowed!"

Optimus gritted his teeth.

"I will not stand to have Twilight Sparkle reduce to a battery for Megatron's evil!" Celestia roared. She took to the skies and blasted the forcefield with all she had, her rage boosting the destructive capacity of her magic to the point where she successfully created a hole when she couldn't before.

"Yes! I am going to take the fight to Megatron," Celestia said. "If any of you wish to join me, speak up now, but I will not begrudge if you wish to discuss strategy."

"I'll go with you!" Sunset raised her hand.

"You? I'm sorry, Sunset Shimmer, but I cannot take you in good conscience to fight Megatron with me."

"Oh, I think you'll be surprised at what I can do," Sunset said.

Celestia sighed, levitating Sunset onto her back. "I'm signing your death warrant, you know."

"Well?" Arcee said as Celestia entered through the hole. "Come on! Let's go smack that scrapheap back into the grave where he belongs!"

"No," Optimus said.

"Are we going to discuss "strategy" again?" Arcee groaned. "We already tried to leave for reinforcements, and we got interrupted by a kidnapping! We can't use the Elements of Harmony -"

"Perhaps we can." Ratchet said sharply.

"Rachel," Optimus said, "can you describe the ritual Megatron used?"


"Come." Optimus gestured for them to follow as he and Ratchet turned. "We have an idea . . ."

"Lord Megatron." Knock Out said, observing Fort Max's windows. "Visitor for you."

"Hmm?" Megatron walked to the window, seeing Celestia charge at the building.

"MEGATRON!" Celestia screamed. "I challenge you!"

Megatron nodded. "Ah, yes, I see. Continue attempting to get Snowdrop to obey our commands!" He ran towards the door, only to snap his fingers and disappear in a white flash.

He reappeared at the top of Fortress Maximus's right shoulder. "You want me, Celestia? Come get me!"

Celestia veered in his direction, slinging golden bolts of magic at him. Megatron responded by doing the same, just with purple bolts instead.

Celestia looped around, dropping Sunset Shimmer off on a corner. "Stay here."


"Stay!" Celestia ordered her. Sunset crossed her arms. She refocused her attention on Megatron and hurled herself straight at him, covering herself in her magic to make her a practical comet. She hit Megatron dead-on in the chest, forcing him backwards, but Megatron recovered and slammed his fist down on her, knocking her to the ground, where he punted her.

"Flattering, that you would come yourself to rescue your student." Megatron said. He put his hands together and separated them, drawing out a string of electricity between them. "Unfortunately, it will be for naught." Megatron lashed Celestia with the string, electrocuting her.

Elsewhere, the Autobots, Ponies, and Sunset's friends were gathered at a laboratory that Rachel and Flurrie convinced the scientists to let them borrow due to being an emergency.

"Must have some pull to get us a lab . . ." Arcee muttered, resting against a wall.

"Are y'all shore this will work, Ratchet?" Applejack asked, putting her Element into a receptacle. In the middle of the room was a circular machine, with an arch over it. In the arch was a laser, which Ratchet had modified to (in theory) take the Elements as acceptable power sources. In the ring was a cluster of Energon.

"Of course it will!" Ratchet said, rubbing an Energon shard before tossing in with the cluster. "It has to. It's our holy hope..." he added quietly.

He pulled the lever. Miraculously, the machine accepted the Elements, blasting a rainbow-colored laser onto the Energon cluster. Light shone throughout the room until the blue Energon was converted into the same rainbow color.

"HAHA! YES!" Ratchet pumped his fist, turning the laser off. "The experiment is a success! I shall call it "Harmony Energon!"

The ponies crossed their hooves.

"What, you don't like it?"

"Not really, no."

"Well, fine! What do you propose?" Ratchet asked. "Harmonized Energon?"

"Just "Rainbow Energon" works fine, Doc." Applejack said.

"Its name is unimportant," Optimus said, breaking two crystals off the cluster. "What matters is that it works."

The idea behind the newly-christened "Rainbow Energon" was sound. Dark Energon was the lifeblood of Unicron, while regular Energon was the blood of Primus, the creator-god of the Cybertronian race. The effects of normal Energon did not include the kind of bonding and binding that Dark Energon could induce. And because of that, a ritual between Cybertronian and Pony like the one Megatron did was impossible with Energon, and it was against Optimus' code to use Dark Energon.

So, to try to replicate Megatron's ritual without the Dark Energon, they conducted this experiment to create a new Energon that would allow for similar effects by using the Elements to strengthen the divine purity latent in the original Energon.

"Susan," Optimus asked, "it pains me to ask this of you, but will you -"

"Do the ritual Rachel described with you?" Susan cut him off. "Absolutely."

"Excellent." Optimus turned to instruct the Ponies to start painting Susan's Cutie Mark into the ground, but they had already started on it.

Celestia's and Megatron's battle was intensive. Celestia flew around, dodging his spells, while he shielded or just powered through her's. Megatron had Unicron's leftover essence, Twilight's magic, and the Sharktooth, which he wouldn't use for fear of hitting Fortress Maximus' head, making him useless. Celestia, however, had her magic and plenty more years of experience using it than Megatron did with Twilight. The battle resulted in a stalemate as neither of them were able to get the upper hand until Megatron threw caution to the wind and used the Sharktooth to slice Celestia down the side, creating a gaping wound.

"CELESTIA!" Sunset screamed as Celestia fell to the ground and this time, didn't get back up.

"How sweet." Megatron mocked, raising his blade to execute the Princess. "Princess Celestia, you are a thorn in my side. The only reason we haven't developed the same enmity as Optimus is because we haven't known each other as long! As of today, it ends."

"NO!" Sunset yelled, instinctively blasting Megatron with her magic. It made him stagger, but not much else.

"Sunset?" Celestia asked. "You can do unicorn magic?"

Sunset laughed airily, realizing just what she'd done. "Eh-heh, yes, actually!"

"Go ahead, Sunset Shimmer!" Megatron taunted, hoisting the Sharktooth onto his back. "Tell her what else you can do."

"Sunset? What is he talking about?"

"Nothing!" Sunset insisted. "He's talking about nothing!" Sunset blasted Megatron again. Megatron was ready this time, hitting both of Sunset's blasts with lasers from his own palm, engaging in that thing the cartoons where two beams push each other like tug of war. Megatron's beams overpowered Sunset's, and Megatron followed up by giving a spell that electrocuted her so badly her entire body was charred.

"Ugggh . . ." Sunset groaned, weakly limping forward and collapsing on the Princess. "Princess . . . I'm so sorry."

"Don't be." Celestia said, lifting her wing and wrapping it around Sunset. "It's not your fault."

Sunset chuckled. "Well, um, that, um, might not actually be true . . . "


"Yes!" Megatron said. "She didn't tell you? Of course she didn't."

"Sunset, what is he talking about?" Celestia squinted at her.

"Go on, Sunset!" Megatron encouraged. "Tell her!"

"Uhhh," Sunset tried to deflect, "don't you want to kill us first?"

"Oh, I can inflict physical wounds anytime I want. But emotional wounds . . . those hurt the most. And I'm sure she'll be more inclined to believe it from your own mouth. Go on." Megatron rubbed his chin.

"Sunset?" Celestia asked.

"Okay, I, um . . . well, I-I was so envious that you let Twilight become a Princess but not me that I . . . I used my magic to Twilight into a human. And maaaybe, if I hadn't done that, Megatron might not have been able to get Twilight's body."

"What!?" Celestia was distraught. "Sunset Shimmer, you've been away for eighteen years! Eighteen years I worried about you, eighteen years I didn't know if you were coming back, of even if you were DEAD! Twilight Sparkle was by my side during all that time! What makes you think you deserve to become a Princess as much as her?"

"I . . . " Sunset stammered, tears welling up.

"Sunset Shimmer . . ."

"Oh, please don't say it, Princess."

"I am very disappointed in you." Celestia turned away from her. Sunset, too weak to stand, just buried her face in Celestia's side and cried.

"Well, not all of the blame is Sunset's." Megatron said. "After, Twilight Sparkle permitted me to take her body."

Celestia was horrified. "N-no. She – she wouldn't do that. She'd never."

"Ordinarily, yes." Megatron admitted. "But with the Dark Energon in her – which I'll admit, I had Starscream put in – and the fact that she was a human . . . well, she was on death's door! And she had made a promise – to Susan, that she would get her's and Sunset's parents together and they would have a nice, long talk. Of course, turning Twilight into a human who was dying of Dark Energon poisoning would mean Sunset wouldn't have to do that, and she wouldn't have to admit to either set of parents what she had done!"

Celestia glared at Sunset.

"All a huge coincidence, I assure you, Princess," Megatron said, actually absolving Sunset of (some of) the blame. "But poor Twilight Sparkle in her hospital bed didn't know that!" He laughed mockingly.

"Now," Megatron raised his sword. "I believe you have some family counseling to do . . . IN THE ALLSPARK! Any last words!?"

"I have two; EAT HOOF!"

Sunset, Celestia and Megatron looked up, all of them surprised by the appearance of a flying Optimus Prime at the top of the forcefield.


Optimus crashed through the forcefield, somehow overpowering it, and propelled himself straight into Megatron, giving Optimus' foot and Megatron's face one last reunion.

Optimus backflipped off Megatron, landing on his . . . hooves. Susan was visible in his chest, by a similar window to the one showing Twilight on Megatron. He had undergone a similar transformation to Megatron, having furry hooved legs and wrists, wings with a fading yellow pattern, and a horn on his head all modeled off Susan's body.

Megatron growled. "I don't know how you managed to duplicate my ritual, Optimus Prime, but rest assured it will do nothing to avail your destruction!" Megatron throw the Sharktooth at him, enchanting the weapon to fight on its own.

Optimus' fists pulsed with Susan's magic, and a sword made of fire formed in his hands, which he used to cut the Sharktooth Sword in half.

Megatron bit his lip. Prime wasn't foolin' around.

The fire wrapped around Optimus' arm, forming into an arm-cannon shaped like a ornate Oriental dragon statue, which blew out an impressive cone of flame that threw Megatron back. Before Megatron could recover, Optimus coated his other arm in the dragon-shape, then used them like boxing gloves to pummel Megatron down.

"Arrgh!" Megatron managed to sneak in an uppercut, sending Optimus into the air. Optimus calmly spread his wings and flitted back down. "Grrr!" Megatron charged, engaging Optimus in a grapple and literally locking horns.

"Optimus, give up! This conflict is pointless. How many times will you put me in the ground?"

Optimus pushed back, and Megatron could feel a searing heat from Optimus' horn.

"As many as it takes."

Optimus lifted his head, goring Megatron with his horn, then cast a very impressive explosion-like spell that put Megatron his back with scorch marks all around him. Optimus stood on Megatron, pinning him, and raised a flaming sword.

"Wait!" Megatron held his hands out. "If you kill me, you have no guarantee Twilight Sparkle will survive!"

"That is a sacrifice Twilight Sparkle would be willing to make."

"Ah," Megatron smirked, "but are you, Optimus?"

Optimus faltered, caught off-guard. Unfortunately, that was what Megatron was going for, and he took the moment to slam his legs into Optimus' midsection, giving Megatron clearance to get up. Megatron summoned his own arm-cannons, these ones shaped like leeches, and opened fire. Optimus created a forcefield around himself and stalked towards Megatron.

In Fortress Maximus' control room, Starscream was unhappy with the progress of Megatron's fight.

"Decepticons!" Starscream rallied. "Our master is need of aid! We must help him!"

They marched to the door, Dreadwing taking lead. Before they could exit, a mace slammed Dreadwing in the face and knocked him to the ground.

"Where do you think you're going?" Bulkhead asked, appearing in the doorway.

The Decepticons backed away before Starscream got them back on-track. "He's just one Autobot! We can overwhelm him!"

Starscream's assessment was untrue, as Arcee jumped out from behind Bulkhead and gave Knock Out a jump-kick. The other Autobots and Ponies slowly fitted into the room. Rarity came in with a cloud of needles stuck together by magic, which she used like a wrecking ball on Breakdown.

Soundwave looked around, having a rare moment of indecision. He could easily Bridge out and go to help Megatron, but if he didn't stay and help turn the tide of the battle, the Autobots might beat his comrades and then he and Megatron would be facing an eleven-on-one as opposed to the slightly more fair ten-on-five that was going on here. The point was made moot when Bumblebee and Applejack pulled a Fastball Special, with Applejack's hooves – toned from working on her farm – slamming into Soundwave's face and shattering his visor.

"YEEHAAW!" Applejack yelled. Bumblebee caught her while Soundwave staggered back. "Oh, consarn it, Bee! Ah think Ah got glass in my hoof!"

In Equestria, Cadence and Luna were sitting down enjoying tea, oblivious to the impending catastrophe of Megatron's return.

"I hope Twilight Sparkle is okay . . ." Cadence said. "She left her coronation party in a huff."

"We are sure that Twilight Sparkle and our sister will reconcile, with time." Luna said. There a thump on the door, and the two Princesses were surprised to see Smokescreen staring at them through the window.

"Hey, Cadence." Smokescreen held a shard of Rainbow Energon. "Wanna be a hero?"

Optimus and Megatron's fight wasn't really progressing, but it was even worse than Celestia's and Megatron's fight, because at least then Megatron had the option of using the Sharktooth, even if he was reluctant to harm Fort Max. They had both summoned a variety of things, including scythes, axes, javelins, hammers, shields, and Optimus had the idea one time for making a sword that had more swords attached to it. A better moment was when Megatron took to the skies and shot lasers from his fingertips, and Optimus threw it back at him by conjuring reflecting discus and tossing them, reflecting the lasers back onto Megatron.

"Grrah!" Megatron charged at Optimus and wrapped his hands around Optimus' throat. "BURN, PRIME!"

"DIE, YOU PIECE OF SLAG METAL!" Optimus grabbed him by the torso, lifted him up, and slammed him into the ground, professional wrestling-style. "I will make you a tombstone out of your own parts!"

Megatron kicked Optimus' stomach and backflipped onto his feet. He prepared a spell, but he heard a whooshing sound. "What . . . is that?"

Both he and Optimus turned to see Smokescreen, ALSO having gone through the ritual, this time with Cadence, fly through the hole Optimus had made earlier. "WHOO-HOOO!"

"Who in the pits of Kaon is that!?"

"His name is Smokescreen. He's . . ." Optimus bashfully rubbed the back of his neck. "New."

Megatron humphed, only to feel Smokescreen kick him in the back. Megatron turned around and grabbed Smokescreen's hoof, then slammed him into the ground. Optimus bull rushed Megatron before he could hurt Smokescreen further.

"Aw, yeah!" Smokescreen got to his hooves and swung his fists around. "All right, Megatron, prepare for the beating of your . . . life? Hey, where did you go?" He saw Optimus and Megatron rolling around, tumbling around in a heap.

"Hang on, Optimus!" Smokescreen said, stumbling. "I'll come help you with Megatron!" Smokescreen squinted, disoriented. "As soon as I figure which one is the real one!" Smokescreen blinked. "YAAH!" He blasted Megatron with pink spider-web style blast, throwing Megatron off Optimus.

"Grrr . . ." Megatron wiped some Energon off his chin. "I will tear you in half, Autobot, and then bludgeon Optimus to death with your corpse halves!"

"My name . . ." Smokescreen growled, conjuring a lance of pink energy. "Is SMOKESCREEN!

He took to the air, aiming the lance square at Megatron, and rocketed towards him, stabbing the lance straight into his Spark, the lance being just thin enough to avoid hurting Twilight. Megatron gasped like something was caught in his throat. He grabbed Smokescreen by the neck.

Megatron's optic twitched. He applied pressure to Smokescreen's neck, fully meaning to take the Autobot down with him. "Damn . . . you . . . Smokescreeeeeen . . ." Megatron wheezed. His grip on Smokescreen slipped, and he dropped to his knees.

Smokescreen stepped backwards while Megatron spread his arms out like a scarecrow. The fires of Unicron spewed forth from Megatron's arms and mouth, and then his body began to fade into black smoke of dark energy, eventually fading away completely until there was nothing left but Twilight Sparkle and a cloud of smoke. And even the smoke went away after awhile.

Optimus ran to Twilight's body, scooping her body into his hands.

"Twilight Sparkle?" Optimus asked. Smokescreen was surprised to hear Optimus sound so . . . sad.

Twilight Sparkle awoke, weakly lifting her head at Optimus, squinting like she didn't recognize him. "Five more minutes, papa . . ." she lolled her head back and fell asleep in his hands, snoring softly.

Optimus breathed a sigh of relief. He got up, hugging Twilight tightly. He looked to Smokescreen.

"So, how did I do?" Smokescreen asked, swiveling on his feet like he was a model on the runway. "Great? Amazing? Wonderful? Go on, tell me, I can take it."

"Smokescreen, what you did was foolhardy and poorly thought out, acting to serve only one goal while failing to take into account the potential consequences for those around you."

Smokescreen stopped posing and stared blankly.

"It is incredibly fortunate that killing Megatron did not kill Twilight Sparkle as well," Optimus said. "For that reason, I will not punish or demote you. However . . ."

Optimus leaned in, speaking with one of his deeper, scarier voices.

"Do not do it again. Understood?"

Smokescreen nodded. "Loud and clear, sir."

A Bridge opened ahead of them, which Soundwave and Starscream jumped out of.

"Master!" Starscream exclaimed, reaching his hand out for Megatron. "Noo! Curse you, Optimus Prime! I WILL AVENGE YOU, MASTER!"

Optimus put Twilight in Smokescreen's hands, then marched towards the two flies with his fists crackling green electricity.

Starscream and Soundwave exchanged glances.

"Of course, sometimes discretion is the better part of valor."

Soundwave grabbed Starscream and opened a Bridge right under their feet, causing them to drop them. Optimus ran towards them and tried to slam his fist through the Bridge before it closed, but he was just a second too late, causing his fist to hit empty steel.

In the operating room, Knock Out's, Breakdown's, and Dreadwing's bodies began to fade into the same black smoke that Megatrn's body had dispersed into.

"Well." Knock Out huffed. "It was fun while it lasted."

Rainbow Dash flitted to Dreadwing, hoping for one last conversation. "Hey again."

"Hey." Dreadwing reciprocated, to Dash's surprise.

Dash rubbed her fetlocks nervously.

"I'm sorry." Dreadwing said, again surprising Dash. "I did not like the idea of a life of fame. A life of . . . meaningless glamor. And I was . . . perhaps too eager to take part in my own customs and my own cultural ways . . . when I should have spent more time learning yours." Dreadwing admitted. He offered his disintegrating hand to Dash. "Can you forgive me for my rash judgment, Rainbow Dash?"

Dash smiled kindly, putting her hoof on Dreadwing's palm. "Sure."

"Thank you . . ." Dreadwing closed his eyes as he faded, content to rest in peace with Dash's blessing.

At the lab, Ratchet, ever the improviser, had made medical tables for Twilight, Sunset, and Celestia, with the doctors from the hospital invited over to do what they could. Sunset would recover naturally, and Twilight eventually came to, while the doctors were able to give Celestia a a good enough stitching to keep her in one piece until she could get to a surgeon in Canterlot. Mercifully, when Megatron left Twilight's body, the Dark Energon went with him. No one was too angry with Twilight after she explained what Megatron did in Limbo and the way he framed like Sunset had set it up.

All in all, while everything worked out, Celestia's instinct had been right; today had not been a good day.

In one room, Ratchet had prepared a chamber for separating the "Ponymasters" as Smokescreen had so immaturely dubbed them back into their components.

"Are you sure this will work?" Applejack asked, worried for the ponies.

"Relax," Ratchet said. "It'll be fine. I've tested as much as possible, and there will no side-effects."

Steam hissed out of the room, and a dazed Susan stumbled out like she was drunk. "I am the very model of a modern major general!"

Applejack put her hoof on her stomach the way a human woman would put their hand on their hip.

"Well, no permanent side-effects."

In another room, Twilight and Sunset, lying on the medical beds, looked to each other. They had both confessed to everything they did that contributed to the situation. While it wasn't all their fault, they still bore a fair share of the blame.

"So, uh . . ." Sunset said.

"Mmm-hmm." Twilight added, Celestia observing them both from her own table.

Sunset started. "I'm sorry I turned you into a human."

"I'm sorry I let Megatron manipulate me into letting him come back to life."

"I'm sorry I was envious of you being a Princess."

"I'm sorry I believed Megatron when he said that you turned me into a human knowing the Dark Energon would kill me."

"I'm . . . sorry I thought the Princess was using you to replace me."

Twilight held her hooves out, and the two of them embraced each in a hug while Celestia smiled, nodding approvingly.

Sunset Shimmer noticed Optimus standing cross-armed in the doorway. She separated from Twilight and kicked the ground.

"So, uh . . ." Sunset said. "I guess you're pretty disappointed in both of us, huh?"

"Say it." Twilight Sparkle asked. "Say whatever you have to say to us. Tell us about how we . . . demonstrated terrible judgment, made poor decisions, "I thought you were more mature than that" . . . whatever."

Optimus merely shifted his optics between them.

"Optimus?" Sunset asked.

"Optimus?" Twilight parroted. "Optimus, say something."

Optimus shook his head, then left the room, remaining absolutely silent.

And that stung worse than anything he could have possibly said.

Team Prime and Twilight's friends returned to Omega One after Twilight had time to recover. Optimus was . . . inconsolable. He went to the control room and wouldn't respond to anything anyone said to him. Twilight remained in the alternate universe, giving Sunset and Susan that long-awaited "family meeting."

In the living area, Smokescreen was eventually able to bore everyone about how he oh-so-heroically got Cadence and saved the day from Megatron.

"Hmm . . ." Ratchet murmured.

"What's up, doc-bot?" Smokescreen asked.

"I'm worried about Optimus . . . he hasn't said anything since we returned from the other universe."

"Autobots," Optimus' voice said over the intercom, "to the control room."

The Autobots and ponies obeyed, going to the control room. Galloway was on the railing again. More worrying was that Optimus had ammo belts wrapped around in his chest in a "X" shape, with various guns and holsters mounted on him with a shotgun in his hand.

"What is he doing here?" Ratchet complained, glaring at Galloway. "And why are you dressed like you're ready to go blowing up a town?"

Optimus nodded towards Galloway. "I have discussed with Galloway his request and we have come to an agreement. We will go and locate the terrorist groups and liberate them of illegally acquired Cybertronian technology. Strictly of Cybertronian technology. Anything else is outside of our purview."

Everyone was shocked that Optimus was now agreeing to Galloway's request, given how unpleasant Galloway regularly was.

"Optimus, you can't really expect us to -"

Optimus cocked his shotgun, cutting Ratchet off. "I want you all to meet back here tomorrow at 0800 hours, armed to the teeth and then some."

Optimus pulled the Bridge lever, throwing the shotgun over his shoulder. He turned back to them.

"Autobots, we are going to China."

VII: The Descent

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Shockwave paced incessantly in his throne room. His plans were coming apart at the seams. More and more Decepticons grew impatient with him, decrying his idea of peace, not knowing he was merely buying time. Time wasted, as the Predacons wanted nothing to do with conquest. The Predacons were his big plan, his trump card, and they went off to live in the wild like the beasts they truly were. Any minute now, the Decepticons were going to revolt against him, and he'd have nothing to appease them with.

"Lord Shockwave." A Vehicon entered the room. "We have a situation. Various districts have reported that they're losing power."

Shockwave glared him. "Illogical. The Changeling Batteries should be functional."

"That's just it, sir. The nodes are disconnecting from the mainframe."

Another Vehicon dashed into the room, knocking his fellow aside.

"Lord Shockwave! The Batteries -"

"Are offline, I know."

"That's not all! The Batteries that went offline – the Changelings have escaped!"

Team Prime, the girls included, arrived at Shanghai, China, lit by neon lights. Intelligence reported a gathering of Decepticons and terrorists. Decepticons, per the terms of the Pax Cybertronia treatise, were exiled from Earth, so them being here at all was a violation.

Optimus looked over his shoulder at Bulkhead, a bit disapprovingly.

"What?" Bulkhead had a belt with a few grenades and extra handguns. Not quite the "armed to the teeth and then some" level Optimus had requested. Optimus shook his head.

"It's nothing, Bulkhead. Just less armaments than I was expecting." Optimus said.

"Why do we need all this extra gear?" Arcee asked. "We've taken down Decepticons before without being weighed down by this junk."

"Yeah!" Dash said. "Plus, you have me, so -"

"Quiet." Optimus ordered, priming his gun. He sneaked along the side of the building and peeked over the corner, hitting a jackpot.

Various men dressed in dark blue armor with red visors were gathered around. There were three Vehicon Generals, each with shattered holes in the right side of their visors. One of them was carrying a crate.

"I feel like I've seen those outfits before ..." Twilight muttered.

"This crate," one Vehicon said, "contains a variety of MechTech weapons with varying effects that human weaponry is yet to master! Bolts of electricity, flung buzzsaws, and a Glass Gas cannon!"

"We cannot allow the humans access to that Mechtech." Optimus said as the group discussed price.

"Well, you made us get all of this equipment." Twilight said. "We should use it!"

Optimus held out his hand. "Not yet."

"What? Why?" Twilight scurried over Optimus' foot, where the discussion was getting heated. There was some disagreement about the price of the Vehicons' merchandise. The debate escalated into violence, and both species pulled out and aimed their weapons.

"Oh, I see! Optimus, how did you know they would do that?" Twilight asked.

"It's easy to tell this their first time doing illegal arms deals," Bulkhead said. "If they were real professionals, they'd be laying on the charm and checking over their shoulders like their neck was loose."

"Autobots," Optimus started, leaping out from the building and getting two Vehicons in one shot, "BRING THE RAIN!"

The Vehicons and blue-clad men devolved into chaos, not expecting the fuzz to come bearing down. The last Vehicon standing converted and tried to drive, but Bulkhead body slammed on him before he could get traction. The human troopers tried to aim their weapons, but they saw the ponies and immediately dropped them.

"Oh, slag! It's the ponies! Give up!"

"We don't want to die!"

Twilight and Rarity exchanged looks. "Um, huh?"

"You're the ponies, man!" A trooper exclaimed. "Everyone knows you ticked off Megatron and like, another HUNDRED other Decepticons!"

"I wish people would quit saying that," Optimus muttered. "Yes, Princess Celestia did throw me to the top of the Empire State Building, but I killed Megatron. I did. It was my hand that -!"

"Optimus, they're getting away."

Optimus noticed the troopers were running in the opposite direction.


Twilight and Rainbow Dash took to the air. Twilight noticed a pile of i-beams nearby.

"Awesome!" Twilight smirked. "Now I can test what my Princess magic can really do!" She used her telekinesis on the beams and put them in the path of the troopers, then bent it and curled them around into a ring, binding the troopers all together.

Dash pumped her hoof. "Yeah! Go Twilight! Pretty awesome, huh? Princess magic sure is something!"

"Mm, no. I could have done that before." Twilight muttered. Being a Princess was turning into a letdown.

Bulkhead climbed off the shattered car. Optimus lifted the car and smacked his hood, striking a nerve that painfully forced the battered Vehicon to revert.

"Ooowww..." the Vehicon groaned, Optimus holding him by the scuff of his neck. Optimus began his interrogation of the hapless trooper.

"Who sent you here? Are you working with anyone?"

The Vehicon weakly looked at him. "Forget it, man. I'm not telling you anything."

Optimus squinted. "Bulkhead." He tossed the Vehicon to Bulkhead, who was smirking menacingly with his mace raised. Bulkhead chuckled, raising the mace and preparing to smash it into the Vehicon's head.

The Vehicon squawked. "Okay! Okay! I'll talk!"

"Who are you working with, if anyone?" Optimus reiterated.

"The Forged. They're a group of Decepticons who splintered off when Shockwave announced he would be trying for peace."

"What are their aims?"

"To supply humans with Cybertronian MechTech weapons, create havoc and eventually restart the war with the Autobots."

"Who leads them?"

The Vehicon was going to answer, but a jet of fire appeared from a rooftop and tore through his chest, throwing him from Bulkhead's grasp and damaging him to the point of deactivation. Bulkhead bent down and put his fingers on the Vehicon's neck.

"Dead," Bulkhead said. Optimus turned to find the shooter, but there was no one around.

Twilight stared intently at the retreating blue troopers. She knew she'd had seen them somewhere before, but where? It was driving her nuts.

In Canterlot High, it was in between classes for Flurrie, so she was going to the visit her favorite teacher. Ms. Albina, their teacher of foreign relations and both German and Russian.

Albina was happy to see Flurrie come in her office. She was an attractive, pale woman with high cheekbones, glasses, and short black hair curved around her scalp, her clothes a white shirt and jeans.

"Ah, Flurie!" Albina said, taking off her glasses. "Have a seat. Do you need something? Some extra credit?"

"No." Flurrie said. "I just wanted to tell you about this amazing discovery we've made about this magic mirror."

"Magic mirror?" Albina scoffed. "Young minds. So imaginative."

"It's true!" Flurrie said. "These ponies and giant robots came through an alternate universe, and there was this big fight with this ghost warlord and – you didn't see that huge giant and the earthquake yesterday?"

"Flurrie, go back to class," Albina said. "You can show me the giant after school."

Flurrie pouted and left.

Albina put her glasses on and snarled. She got out her cell phone and dialed a number. "Hello, Principal Celestia? May I have the rest of the day off? Something's come up. Thank you, you're a gem."

Albina pocketed her phone, left her office, and went to her car. She saw the image of Fortress Maximus in the distance from her rear-view mirror. He was hard to miss. She continued on, driving down the road to a rundown house several blocks away from the school.

Parking by the curb, Albina left her car and went into the house. Wires, plastic casing, motherboards, and circuitboards were scattered through the floor, which she easily stepped over.

"Mindbender!" Albina shouted, stepping over some glass. "Mindbender!"

In the back room, there was a young man with spiky brown hair hunched over a grey box using a blowtorch.


Mindbender turned off the torchlight and turned to her. "Yes?"

"Forget the device, Mindbender," Albina said. "There's a magic mirror we can try instead."

Mindbender looked at her. "Magic mirror? I know we've been living in a world with teenagers with wings, but really?"

Albina slapped him. "Enough! We have a chance to go home. We must take it!"

Flurrie didn't know this, but Albina was in actuality the infamous Baroness of renowned terrorist group Cobra, aka Cobra Industries. During a climactic battle between Cobra and a renegade military group, there was a device designed to transport between dimensions which activated and flung Dr. Brian Bender – AKA Mindbender and her to an alternate dimension. This was , by sheer coincidence, was the same dimension that Sunset escaped to. Albina assumed a fake identity as a schoolteacher for Canterlot High while Mindbender worked on trying to make a device to get them home. But the mirror could help them. ‘Albina’ wasn't oblivious. She saw the Autobots and ponies going back and forth from the mirror.

It was time to go home and bring Cobra back.

Team Prime was taking five before their next mission. Good timing, as the newly-arrived Nova Prime, recently beamed down the planet, called Optimus up to Cybertron at the Autobot capital.

"You wanted to see me, Your Eminence?" Optimus asked, meekly walking towards him. There was another Cybertronian Optimus didn't know with him. The Cybertronian was large and bulky, with spiny, round torso and a crown of thorny wire making his head. His face dark-grey and his optics red. His body was a purple color with silvery-blue legs, and some vice/cannon hybrid for his right arm.

"Ah, Optimus!" Nova said. "So glad you could make it! Come. I wish you to meet someone." Nova gestured to the Cybertronian. "This is my second, Galvatron. He accompanied me during my long time in space. I hope you two will get along."

Optimus bowed. "You must be very skilled to be Nova Prime's second."

Galvatron humphed. "Think what you like, Last of the Primes."

"With Nova Prime returned, I am no longer the Last Prime," Optimus said.

Galvatron huffed and left.

"Forgive him, Optimus," Nova said. "He is still adjusting to returning home after our long time away."

Optimus nodded. "As we all are, Nova. As we all are."

Outside, Galvatron walked up to a Changeling Battery, glaring at it. He looked around him, casting his contempt on everything he saw.


Galvatron grit his teeth as a pink pony flew up to him. Another thing which he didn't like.

"Haven't seen you before. Princess Cadence. You are?" Cadence nestled up to his foot, which he jerked away from it.

“Get your fleshy … flesh off me. Feeling it against my chrome makes me queasy,” Cadence raised an eyebrow at Galvatron's brusque manners, "I am Galvatron, First Lieutenant to Nova Prime and Barbarian King." Galvatron answered, still looking at the Battery.

"Optimus told me about Nova," Cadence said. "How he went out to space to defeat the Quintessons. You went with him?"

"As did several others," Galvatron answered.

"Others? Why haven't they come back? Did they … go offline?"

"A few," Galvatron said. "However, most of them have not returned due to difficulty. It took us years just to calculate where Cybertron was relative to our position. Even getting myself here was a task. However, some are afraid to step out for fear of change." Galvatron squinted at the Battery. "A fear not unjustified."

"Oh, it's not that bad," Cadence said. "The Changelings there – they almost took over my country and tried to enslave it. Oh, and they almost ruined my wedding day. Oh, wait, I forgot, Cybertronians don't have those, except for that almost happened with Twilight and Shockwave, but that was a weird day, so I’m not sure that counts. A wedding -"

"I care not about your wedding, whatever it is," Galvatron said.

"Ooh. Why so angry?" Cadence asked.

Galvatron looked down at her, then back at the Battery. "I have been away from this planet for millions of years, fighting a war on an alien planet, only to return home to a dead world I no longer recognize, made habitable solely by this black necromancy involving these … Changeling Batteries. The planet is not even alive! It is zombified by their magic! The body functions, but the heart does not! So yes, Princess Cadence, I have reason to be angry."

"When you put it that way ..." Cadence said, not noticing Galvatron walking away.

Elsewhere, Twilight Sparkle was humming to herself, trotting merrily along. It couldn't beat her home soil, but she did like Cybertron. It was a beautiful place, all silvery and shiny. Seeing all the machinery, where pulleys and levers and entire, transforming systems which made up the place set her inner engineer all a-tingle.

"Hmhmhmhmhm ..." Twilight hummed.


Twilight skidded to a halt. Looking up, she gasped.

Zooming from one Battery to another, accompanied by three loose Changelings, was the Changeling Queen.

The Changeling Queen, a monstrous creature as tall as and similarly-sized to Celestia. Ugly, uneven ridges separated her knee joints, holes were poked through her legs for Primus-knows-what purpose. She had a long, green mane like spider webbing and wings like a mosquito's, with a twisted, zigzagging horn.

She continued to go between Batteries, alternating from incoherent crying to expressions of depression over the state of her children. "My children! My children!"

Twilight Sparkle became enraged. The Queen had nearly taken over Equestria, put Cadence in a prison, and nearly drove a wedge between her and her friends. Her horn burning with justified fury, she slung a spell at the Queen which just nearly missed her.

"AAAH!" The Queen said.

"Go back to The Pit where you belong!" Twilight yelled, shooting another spell. The Queen didn't try to fight back, only holding up her hooves in defense. The spell hit her dead-on and threw her to the ground, where the other Changelings crowded her, hissing with concern. Twilight marched up to them, ready to burn them all to cinders.

She was in a hoof's reach of the Queen when what she saw made her rethink that.

The Queen was covered in scars, wounds, and stitches. Amateur sewing made her look even more twisted than before. Where her horn should have been was a hole crusted over with her own blood, the scab being the only thing keeping her from bleeding. It was then Twilight realized she knew where the Queen's horn was; it had been in Starscream. Twilight kept it in her care as a souvenir when she pulled out from the Seeker.

"Hey ..." Twilight said, trying to approach. The Queen squealed and backed away from her like she was a threat. The closer Twilight got, the more the Queen tried to feel, eventually getting to her legs to run away, only to trip over herself. The loose Changelings gathered around her and nuzzled her, at the same time making sure Twilight was aware they would attack if she came any closer.

Twilight was still learning the meaning of a lot of human words. Phrases, sayings.

But looking at the Queen there, broken and bleeding, so afraid that she would rather flee, only to stumble over herself …

Twilight understood the phrase, "sympathy for the devil."

Thankfully, Princess Celestia was on Cybertron, so it was easy for Twilight to gather her friends and meet Celestia with the Queen in tow. Everypony was surprised by the presence of the Queen at all.

"What's she doing here?" Dash asked.

"How did she get here?" Rarity wondered. In the damaged state she was in, she couldn't have snuck through the Bridge by herself.

"What will we do with her?" Cadence asked.

Celestia approached the Queen, kneeling down to look her in the eye. "Hmm. A good question, Cadence. Ordinarily, I would imprison her, but she's so hurt that I would feel guilty."

"Me, personally, I'm a big fan of dealing with her Wrecker Style, Dash said.

"And what would "Wrecker Style" that be, Rainbow Dash?" Celestia asked.

Dash pressed her hoof against her head. "One bullet to the head. Ka-boosh! Blow her brains right out and we don't have to deal with her anymore."

Celestia was taken aback. "Er, that's … one option."

"Hey, girls?" Bulkhead peeked into the room. "We've got our next mission. Are you coming with?"

"Mmm ..."

"Go." Celestia said. "I will ensure that the Queen does not escape in the meantime and deliberate what to do with her."

"Thank you, Princess." Twilight bowed. "You're the best."

Celestia chuckled. "Twilight Sparkle, you're a princess now, too. There's no need to be so formal."

"Sorry. Old habits die hard."

"Hey!" Bulkhead shouted. "We're gonna be late!"

Rather than Bridge directly to their target, this time Team Prime were put on an aircraft carrier, joined by humans, Magnum, Ultra Magnus, Jetfire, and the Aerialbots. They were using a carrier because a Bridge too close to their base would alert the group.

"So," Arcee said, pumping a pistol, "what's our target this time?"

"Some crazy humans calling themselves "The Forged." Say they've seen the "path of the Decepticons." We're gonna take them down hard before they cause real trouble," Magnus answered.

Rainbow Dash looked up. "Why are the Aerialbots here?"

"They've been synched up to the controls we use for our predator drones. We're going to be in the Middle East, so we want to have the option for an airstrike."

"What's a predator drone?"

"Think what Soundwave transforms into." Bumblebee said.

"Oh! That." Dash fiddled with her gun.

"I got to say, it's kind of weird seeing a pony with a gun," One of the humans said.

Dash chuckled. "Yeah," she rubbed her hoof along it, "took it off one of those MECH goons from a few years back."

"Approaching dropzone!" A soldier shouted.

The carrier stopped moving, and the very floor split in half, dropping everyone from the vehicle. Everyone had their own method of dealing with the sudden drop; the humans used parachutes, the ponies flew or held on to one who could, while the Autobots were content to drop straight down. The falling distance wasn't enough to pose a risk to them.

After everyone landed and got situated, Optimus cocked his shotgun. "Where are our targets?"

"Nearby. They're hanging out in an abandoned hangar. Be warned, they're ready for a fight," a solider answered.

"Understood," Optimus said. The troop hung behind the sand dunes and steadily crawled until the hangar was in sight. In front of the hangar was Fearswoop, more Vehicons with the shattered visor, men in Eastern military gear, and the blue troopers again.

"You promised us weapons, Fearswoop!" One trooper complained.

"Well, that was then, this is now," Fearswoop said. "Namely, 'then' was before the Autobots showed up and ruin everything. But if you're willing to overlook the failure of my grunts, I think we can still make a deal."

The trooper thought about it. "Very well."

"Excellent. What would you like? We've got Scrapmakers, sonic cannons -"

"How about a main order or 'surrender' with a side of 'tell us everything you know?'" Rainbow Dash said as the platoon burst from their hiding place and surrounded them.

"Damn it!" Fearswoop swore. "How do you guys keep FINDING us!?"

"'Keep' finding you?" Twilight asked. "So the group in Shanghai -"

"Was mine, yes," Fearswoop said. "I even shot one of them to protect my name. Fat lot of good it did me!"

"Fearswoop," Optimus said, "you are in violation of the Pax Cybertronian, which states Decepticons are not allowed on Earth and Cybertronian technology is not be given to organics without a through discussion and review involving elected officials. Did Shockwave approve this?"

Fearswoop scoffed. "Tch. Of course not. Too busy kissing Celestia's Cutie Mark. And another thing; that Pax Cybetronia? You can stuff it up your Cutie Mark, Optimus Prime! Attack!"

Optimus sighed. He shot Fearswoop down as the firefight broke out. More Vehicons and humans came out of the hanger, carrying arms. Bullets flew while his team ducked back under the dunes. Optimus himself rolled under the fire and went for the building.

"What's he doing?" Twilight asked.

"No idea! Just keep shooting!" Dash said, getting several blue troopers and a few Vehicons.

"Keep firing!" Fearswoop ordered, crawling so he could fire effectively, shooting out streams of flames that messed with the platoon's aiming, preventing a clear shot.

Optimus came tumbling out from the hangar's side, shooting a Vehicon for good measure, sliding across the pavement. "EVERYONE DOWN!"

"Down?" Dash and Fearswoop asked. "Why would you say -"

Optimus revealed a flip cell phone in his hand. He pressed a button, and a fire tore through the hanger, destroying it and anything that might have been valuable.

"Funny, I didn't think bombs were usually your style, Optimus!"

"They're not," Optimus said matter-of-factly.

"Well, no sense hanging around!" Fearswoop's Forged Decepticons picked up their human partners and converted to aerial modes, taking off, while the blue troopers who had avoided shots took off, leaving their injured partners behind.

"Yeah!" Twilight cheered, galloping towards them. "Maybe now I can get these guys to tell me where I've seen them before!"

"No," Optimus said, causing Twilight to plop down on her haunches.


"The Cybertech in this area has been destroyed." Optimus said. "Our job here is done. We must move on to the next target. The human military will deal with them."

Twilight looked at the troopers, groaned in frustration, and begrudgingly followed the others and Optimus into a Bridge.

"Optimus!" Twilight said, chasing after him. "We could find out where the troopers are from!"

"It is less important that we know where they are from than that we stop the spread of Mechtech." Optimus said, shotgun sloped over his shoulder.


Optimus stopped. "Twilight Sparkle, I was at first reluctant to obey Galloway's request because I did not want him to take as war machines for his personal use. However, I realized that the Decepticons selling our technology to humans would be disastrous. The Space Bridge terminals on Earth and Equestria … why do you think they are manned by Autobots?"

"Because you don't trust the Decepticons?"

"Partially." Optimus answered. "But also because the humans – and your kind – are not used to this kind of technology and do not have the appropriate regulations. I must find a way to prevent it from being abused by terrorists, drug dealers, and others who would use it for their own ends. In time, the organics will establish security protocols … but until that happens, I must strictly enforce when and where our technology spreads."

"Oh, wow … I never thought about it like that."

"Come along, Twilight Sparkle." Optimus said. "There are still bases to sabotage."

Their next target was in Egypt, and was much better fortified for the possibility of an Autobot raid, at least according to their intelligence. Hence the Aerialbots' for an air strike.

"Where are they?" Dash asked, shading her eyes with her hoof. "I don't see any – oh, there it is."

This base was more elaborate than Fearswoop's, being compromised of multiple hangars and warehouses. Two top-heavy purple Decepticons with one-eyed faces and battering rams on their arms stood guard at the entrance.

"Leapers." Optimus growled, going on edge.

"What?" Twilight asked. "Leapers?"

"They're a special breed of Decepticon." Optimus explained. "Heavily armored in the front, made for ramming and melee combat. Their backs have jet engines for mobility, but the engine is highly volatile."

"HEY!" The Leapers shouted, noticing them. "What do you want, huh?"

"Be ready to dodge." Optimus whispered before shouting back. "Leapers, you are in violation of the Pax Cybetronia! Stand down and return to Cybertron now and go without conflict!"

"Unfortunately for you, Prime, conflict is what we live for!" The Leapers charged, fires bursting from their backs, causing them to glide just above the ground. The Team rolled to the side and out of way, whirring around and shooting the Leapers' backs before they could turn around. The damage wasn't enough, as the Leapers stopped, turn around, and charged again.

"Rainbow Dash!" Twilight shouted. "I have an idea! Draw his attention!" Twilight fired an arcane bolt at one leaper while Dash shot the other, irritating them enough to chase them both. Twilight simply kited her Leaper around to the other and flew up, making it so that the first one's ram was going to slam into the second's back.

"Uh-oh." The Leaper muttered just before impact. The ram smashed the engine, causing it to explode and leave both Leapers as burnt husks on the ground. Optimus gave the hand signal to move further into the base. Unfortunately, the explosion from the Leapers had alerted the base's remaining forces.

"Scrap." Bulkhead swore. Even with their extra help, the Autobots were outnumbered by the Decepticons in the base.

That did not stop Optimus from ordering them to charge headfirst in with guns a-blazin'. This fight went much smoother than with the Forged, as while these Decepticons were numerous and of various types, the Autobots gained ground. The Aerialbots went to the sky, their element, and took potshots at every Con they could.

"Put the hammer down, Magnus!" A Leaper commanded, aiming his ram at Magnus' head.

Magnus smirked. "Okay." He swung around and hit the Leaper in the side, using the electrical properties to send lightning worming around up to the Leaper's back.

"Scrap." The Leaper muttered. Magnus hooked him on the hammer and flung him further into the base, using him and his explosive engine as a makeshift grenade.

"What is going on out there!?" Scorponok appeared on the battlefield. "I am in the middle of negotiations with Straxus – huh?" Scorponok stopped, surprised by the presence of Optimus and the others. "Prime! Who told you about this?"

"The humans have a better spy network than you give them credit for," Optimus replied, aiming his shotgun. "I will give you one chance to surrender!"

"I'll give you one to do the same!" Scorponok opened his claw, revealing a rocket launcher inside that fired at Optimus. Optimus threw himself into the air over it, landing a good shot on Scorponok's shoulder and landing in front of him. Magnum and Ultra Magnus quickly flanked Scorponok's sides.

"Give it up, Scorponok," Magnum said. "We have you surrounded, located your base, and we are rapidly reducing your employment rates."

Scorponok huffed. He clicked his claw twice, and six Leapers appeared, two for one Autobot each.

"Long live The Machination!" A Leaper said, battering Magnum's ribcage.

Ultra Magnus twirled his hammer. "Heads up!" He slammed the ground with the hammer, sending our a circular radial of electricity that went around and shot up and hit the Leapers' vulnerable engine.

"Ultra Magnus!" Magnum scolded. "Be careful with that thing! You could have electrocuted Optimus Prime and myself as well!"

"Ah, it's fine." Magnus blew him off. "I knew what I was doing."

"And had that electrocuted us as well, your plan of action would have been …?" Magnum questioned.

"Oh, stuff it, Magnum. You -"

"Excuse me." Optimus pointed. "Scorponok is getting away." The bots looked to see Scorponok heading for a hangar at the very back of the base.

"There is likely a Bridge system in that building." Optimus concluded. After all, out of all the hangars, why would Scorponok pick that one? "Aerialbots, airstrike!"

"Yeah!" An Aerialbot shouted. "Finally, what we came here for!"

The Aerialbots regrouped into formation while American stealth bombers flew into the area and accompanied them.

"Why did we hook the Aerialbots up with those … inferior drones?" Twilight asked.

"Bonding with humans." Bulkhead. "Syncing up the Aerialbots with their own drones sends them a message – that they can trust us, because we trust them enough to combine weapons."

Twilight got close to Optimus to watch the Aerialbots and drones work. Swooping directly over the hangar Scorponok was headed for, they dropped a payload of explosive devices, exploding the hangar and throwing Scorponok to Optimus' feet.

Scorponok, though having much of his armor blasted off, remained defiant. "My Machination group will rise where others have failed!" Scorponok converted to vehicular mode, a stylized, scorpion-shaped construction crane, and grabbed Twilight Sparkle in his claw. "And the first thing I will do is take Twilight Sparkle from you, Optimus!"

"No!" Optimus fired the shotgun at Scorponok's canopy and sliced Scorponok's claw off with his switchblade, dropping Twilight to relative safety. Optimus double-tapped Scorponok's canopy, crawled on top of him, batting away Scorponok's attempts to grab him and throw him off. It looked to the Autobots that Optimus was really miffed at Scorponok for threatening Twilight. Optimus shot Scorponok's back, stabbed his back, then shot him with his regular arm-blaster a few times. Scorponok wriggled for awhile, but eventually stopped and laid down.

Then the Aerialbots dropped another payload onto a hangar.

"What are those idiots doing?"

"Aerialbots, stand down!" Optimus ordered. "Scorponok's Decepticons may have kept more than just weapons in their hangars!"

"Optimus Prime, sir, we have lost control!" An Aerialbot exclaimed.


"Sir," Jetfire said, "we've lost control of internal systems. Navigation, ammo … whomever's in charge of the drones has connected through them and taken over our bodies! We're coming back for another round!"

Optimus grabbed Twilight and stuffed her into his cab as he converted to vehicle mode and drove away from the direction of the planes and their next payload.

"Sir, repeat, we do not have control!" Jetfire said as the Aerialbots attempted, again, to bomb the Autobots' team.

"Optimus Prime to U.S military!" Optimus tried to contact them. "Repeat, Optimus Prime to U.S military! Deactivate the drones! Repeat; deactivate the drones!"

There was no response.

"What do we do?" Twilight shrieked as Optimus narrowly avoided another bombing run. "Only Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and I can fly, and we could stop the Aerialbots, but how do we do that without hurting them?"

"No. There is too much risk in you trying, Twilight Sparkle." Optimus said. "What if a bomb struck you in mid-flight?"

"Sir?" Jetfire asked over the comm. "I've been discussing with the Aerialbots, and we may have a plan. We're going to force a shutdown and crash ourselves before we do any more damage."

"Jetfire, there may be another way. If we had the time -"

"We DON'T have the time! We don't know who's controlling us or why or when and if we'll get control of our bodies back. Even if we guess their goals are the complete eradication of your squadron, who's to say it'll stop there? What if we terminate you and then who's doing this just takes us to their next target? At least this way, there's a chance Ratchet and our other medics might be able to fix it this way. We may not even survive the crash, but it's better than being someone's puppet."

"Very well. Proceed."

"One more thing, Optimus … I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I wish there was another way."

"It's not your fault, Jetfire."

Everyone could hear beeps and clicks as the Aerialbots had emergency programs and latches activate and take over their bodies, forcing them into locked-up states that made them no better than a chunk of metal with a mind attached. The Aerialbots tried their best to steer themselves away from the base, where they wouldn't destroy the buildings or injure the team. Optimus ejected Twilight and reverted, surveying the smoking wrecks of the Aerialbots around him. He walked over to Jetfire, running his hand along the crashed plane.

"It'll be all right, my friend," Optimus said, sounding more as though he was trying to tell himself than Jetfire. "We'll fix you ..."

The Aerialbots were carried over to an infirmary on Cybertron, with Ratchet quickly coming to assist in first aid along with other cyber-surgeons. They were making good progress, having at least one Aerialbot disconnected from the drones' controls and online.

"Fret not." Optimus stayed with them to maintain a comforting presence. He took the Aerialbot's hand. "An investigation is underway to discover the cause of this."

"Okay. Thanks, Optimus."

Optimus left the table and went to sit down by himself. Their mission was momentarily put on hold while an investigation was conducted as to who overrode the Aerialbots' bodies and why. Twilight flew up to Optimus' shoulder.

"An investigation by someone whose name rhymes with "owl," I'll bet." Twilight said.

"This is his specialty." Optimus replied. "A military base is unlikely to give up secrets easily, and ..." Optimus scanned around the room. "My agent will find those secrets and discover who is responsible."

Princess Celestia entered the building with a smile on her face. It flickered away when she saw the damaged Aerialbots, but returned when she saw Twilight. "Twilight Sparkle! I have good news!"

"Yes, Princess Celestia?"

"I have decided what to do with the Changeling Queen," Celestia said.

"Yes?" Twilight's eyes brightened. She hoped the punishment was suitably grueling.

"You, Princess Twilight Sparkle, will teach the Queen the magic of friendship and reform her into a loving being!"

Twilight's jaw dropped. "You … want me … to teach friendship to the Queen?"

"That is correct." Celestia said like there was nothing wrong with this idea.

"The Queen, who beat you, brainwashed my brother, and nearly drove an almost irreparable schism between my friends and I?"

Celestia nodded. "I realize that, Twilight Sparkle, but we mustn't let past transgressions keep us from trying to do the right thing. I do not trust the Changelings, but I find it a horrible thought to imagine them stuck in this state forever, being drained and bled like fruit for juice. If we could reform their Queen, convince her to change her ways, we might be able to let the Changelings out safely, and give us better standing when and if we try to convince the Cybertronians to abandon the battieres."

Optimus intruded on their conversation. "A noble sentiment, Celestia, but Megatron was proof that some are beyond forgiving. Are you certain this Changeling Queen has not already passed their threshold?"

"Well, she hasn't killed anypony, at least." Celestia said,

"Not for lack of trying," Twilight grumbled.

"Twilight Sparkle, at least promise me you will try?" Celestia said.

"I'll try," Twilight answered, "But when it blows up in our face ..."

Optimus received a ping. "Excuse me." He left the building, only to come back shortly, grinding his teeth.

"Optimus?" Twilight asked.

"The investigation has been … blocked by Galloway." Optimus said. "He wants the last group dealt with before the investigation resumes." Twilight scoffed, but she joined Optimus in leaving to resume hunting down targets.

"You will start on her reformation as soon you get back, won't you?" Celestia called after them.

"Absolutely!" Twilight answered before grumbling.

Optimus and company arrived at a camp, this time back in China, where Magnum and other Autobots were waiting for them. Magnum had a stack of thin black rectangles with blue electronic lines like a circuit-board in his hand.

He presented them to Optimus. "Plans we found in Scorponok's hangars."

Optimus rifled through them. "These are all plans for attacking human settlements. Thank you, Magnum." Optimus pocketed them. "Scorponok likely intended to coerce the humans into giving into his demands."

"Twilight?" Fluttershy asked, noticing Twilight's foul mood. "Is something wrong?"

"Oh no, nothing's wrong." Twilight answered. "I mean, aside from the fact that the Princess wants me to reform the Changeling Queen!"

"Reform her?" Rarity asked. "She's not serious!"

"She is!"

"Did you ask her what crawled into her head and bit her brain?" Dash asked. "Cause it sounds like that's what happened."

"I know!" Twilight groaned. "But she is the Princess ..."

"You're a Princess now, too!" Rarity said. "Surely you can make an objection and make a stalemate where you don't have to do something as ridiculous as reforming the Changeling Queen!"

"Oh, I don't know ..." Fluttershy mumbled, making a circle with a hoof. "I think it's nice the Princess wants you to reform her … everypony deserves a second chance."

"Yes." Twilight said. "Except for the Queen."

"Well, maybe it won't be so bad. Maybe you'll make a friend out of her!" Fluttershy said. "You made friends with Trixie, didn't you?"

"Trixie was just arrogant." Twilight said. "Arrogant enough to pursue a mystical artifact of dark magic that took over her mind, but still just arrogant. The Queen … she … grrr! I don't even want to think about it!"

"Hey!" Ultra Magnus shouted at them. "Look alive, ladies! We move in five and Straxus ain't the kind of Con you can take on armed with idle chit-chat!"

"There are Decepticons you can take on with idle chit-chat?" Dash asked.

"Yeah, sure! Just look at Fractyl."

"Excuse me!" Twilight said. "Fractyl is a wonderful person, and a Decepticon I consider my friend. I don't appreciate you making fun of him!"

"Oh, yeah, sure, sorry." Magnus said.

"Your friend?" Dash asked.

"Well ... we've been writing letters." Twilight admitted with a blush.

"Less talking. More walking." Magnus said. "That's an order."

The squadron moved over round, grassy bumps until they found an ancient Chinese temple, a large and ornate building. The front entrance was guarded by the blue troopers again.

"I didn't think Decepticons had a taste for ancient buildings."

"They don't." Magnus said. "But it's very big and roomy – the perfect place for a base."

Twilight scrunched up, ready to pounce on the troopers and conduct her own interrogation right then and there.

"Hey!" The troopers yelled, seeing them. "This is private property!"

"It is an abandoned temple from a bygone age." Optimus said. "It is public property. Unless your leader has somehow acquired the deed for a thousand-year old temple?"

The troopers looked to each other, took another another look at the squad, realized that they were Autobots, and aimed their weapons – grenade launchers.

"Back off, Autobots." The troopers warned. "We're in the middle of making a truce with the fine Decepticons of this establishment and we won't let you ruin it!"

"Let?" Magnus said. "Since when do we need the bad guys' permission to foil their evil plans?"

"I'm warning you!" The trooper said, but he was starting to sweat. The Autobots moved closer. The troopers gritted their teeth. One of them turned around and fired their weapon over the wall, creating an explosion on the other side.

Magnus and Optimus looked at each other, confused.

"What was the point of that?"

Magnus' question was answered when the ground rumbled as something huge stomped from the temple. The doors were blown open, and a giant, mechanical crab climbed out. A monstrous thing, it had a vivid red carapace, purple claws with ratcheting joints, and silver legs with a white, messy face.

"What is that?" Magnus said.

"The name is Rampage!" The crab shouted, his antennae wiggling at Ultra Magnus like he was sizing him up. Rampage revealed his robot mode, the claws and legs folding on his back while legs and arms unfurled from his underside. He stood up, showing himself as tall as Predaking. His mouth was a maw of mandibles with green eyes with three horns on the side of his head. His body was absolutely disgusting, with an organic carapace stretched over his chest and fleshy material straining over his mechanical arms. Twilight thought he just looked weird, but there was something about the mismatch of organic and machine that the Autobots found horrifying.

"What are you?" Magnus questioned.

"The latest advance in Decepticon technology!" Rampage answered, producing a triple-barreled chaingun and firing. Optimus gave the order and scattered, taking shots at Rampage whenever the opportunity to shoot presented itself. After a few rounds of exchanging rounds, it became apparent their weaponry was having no effect on Rampage.

"We can't even dent him!"

"Fall back!" Magnum ordered. "We need a new strategy!" The Autobots followed, pulling back over the grassy hills that they came from. Rampage didn't see fit to follow them.

The Autobots bundled up together, occasionally peeking over the hill to check on how their enemies were doing, only to duck to avoid another shot from Rampage.

"We need to find a way past that thing." Magnus said.

"Obviously." Magnum replied.

"Before you two have another argument," Optimus said, "I would like to hear some suggestions."

"Bulkhead?" Twilight asked. "Why do Magnum and Magnus argue so much?"

"Magnum's Elite Guard. He believes in rules and protocol. Magnus is a Wrecker. He … doesn't."

Twilight nodded, looking to the Command.

"I hear Magnum's actually Optimus' and Magnus' cousin," Bulkhead whispered.

"Wow! Really?" Twilight lost interest in Bulkhead's answer to that question when she saw Fluttershy flying in between the Command's discussion.

"You have a suggestion, soldier?" Magnum asked.

Fluttershy nodded. "Yes, sir! I think I can talk to Rampage, sir."

The Autobots blanched.

"Talk?" Magnum questioned. "As in, attempt to reason with him into surrendering, right?"

"No. When we were fighting him, I looked into his eyes." Fluttershy explained. "I could see so much pain in them. Like an angry animal. I think maybe I can help sooth him."

Magnum and Magnus were not enthused with the idea.

"We … were fighting the same psychotic crab-con, right?"

"Fluttershy is very skilled with animals." Optimus said. "As evidenced by her mastery of an Insecticon hive. I believe is it worth a try."

"All right." Magnus said. "But if Rampage shoots her down, it's on your head, bro."

Optimus nodded to Fluttershy, giving her the green light.

Fluttershy tentatively climbed over the hills and surveyed the area. Rampage noticed her right away and aimed his weapon.

"Wait!" Fluttershy yelled, flying over the hills where Rampage could see her raised hooves. "Can we talk?"

"Talk?" Rampage asked. "You wish to talk?"

"Yes." Fluttershy slowly approached him. "I can see in your eyes … you're in pain. You're burning up inside. "

Rampage looked interested. "You can sense my pain? The agony of my tortured existence?"

Fluttershy nodded.

"What are you doing, you idiot!?" The trooper shouted at Rampage. "Shoot her!"

Rampage looked at the trooper, then back to Fluttershy. "You can ease my pain?"

Fluttershy nodded again. "Mm-hmm! And if my usual methods don't work, I'll invent a new one just for you!"

"Just for me?" Rampage sounded touched. Fluttershy nodded again.

"Shoot her!" The troopers encouraged again, kicking Rampage's leg.

Rampage looked down at the troopers, then at Fluttershy. "Is there … anything you want in return?"

"Not at all!" Fluttershy assured him, getting close enough to touch his nose. "Although if you would let my friends through that wall, they would appreciate it! But I'll be happy to help you either way."

Rampage breathed a deep sigh. "I used to be a Vehicon. Straxus … Straxus abducted me and used me for experimentation, turning me into this … thing. It is painful." He flexed his arm. "This synthetic flesh … is unnatural. My very life is now a thing of torture. And you say you can help me?"

"If you'll let me try, yes."

Rampage looked at the troopers again. They were fed up with Rampage and about to shoot Fluttershy themselves, but Rampage punted them both into the distance.

"Come." Rampage instructed, gesturing Fluttershy to follow. "Bring your friends."

"Okay, everyone!" Fluttershy shouted. "Come on out!"

The Autobots peeped out like moles from their holes, then nervously followed Fluttershy and Rampage to the temple.

"I can't believe that worked!" Magnus exclaimed.

The Autobots went into the temple. The first floor was covered with munitions, guns, casings, and arms.

"Sir?" Magnum said. "Take a look at this." Magnum brought Optimus over to a torpedo casing with red text on its.

"Hmm. "M.A.R.S Industries."" Optimus read.

Magnus tapped Optimus' shoulder. "I think we have bigger problems."

They looked up at the top of the stairs to the next floor, guarded by a purple, slobbering saurian Predacon.

"Fluttershy, think you can "sooth" this one like you did Rampage?" Magnus quipped.

Fluttershy started intently at the Predacon's optics. "No. He's not in pain, he's just violent."


The Predacon roared and charged down the stairs at Magnus. Magnus grabbed its jaws and forced them open, holding the Predacon in place.

"You know," Magnus grunted, "between this guy and Rampage, I'm starting to think Straxus may have a thing for psychotic beasts!"

The Predacon converted to robot mode, produced an axe, and attempted to slice off Optimus' head.

"Fluttershy," Magnum said to her over the sound of Twilight blasting the Predacon, "would you accompany me in sneaking to the next floor?"

"Of course!" Fluttershy gently floated behind Magnum as they made their way up the stairs. Magnum crouched at the entrance and pried the doors open, revealing a Cybertronian hatch.

"It appears Straxus has done some renovations." Magnum observed, crawling into the hatch and dropping down. Fluttershy followed him behind, whimpering in fear of the dark.

Magnum landed on silver tile in a scientific facility, Fluttershy close behind him. Around them were test chambers full of disembodied limbs and baking the synthetic flesh Rampage had. Straxus and a new Decepticon – turned into a tank, with broad shoulders, skeletal feet, and a barrel pointing from his back and a skull-like face with a samurai helmet.

"What?" Straxus shouted. "How did you get here? Cobra was supposed to use Rampage to keep Autobots out!"

"Cobra?" Fluttershy said.

Magnum aimed his weapon. "Surrender, Straxus, and your accomplice ..."

"Bludgeon." The Decepticon introduced himself, pulling out a katana. Straxus pulled out a pickax that matched his colors and charged at Magnum. Magnum grabbed the pickax and pried it from Straxus' hands and threw it aside. Straxus calmly pounded Magnum in the chest, giving him a disproportionately large dent.

"Grr …" Magnum clutched the dent. "That was a large amount of force for the size of your fist ..."

Straxus flexed his wrist. "Did you see what I did with Rampage? He was a prototype for the process, which I have perfected and used on myself!" He charged at Magnum and slugged him.

"How did you get the Predacon to obey you?" Magnum asked.

"Oh, he's like any beast. Give him a bone and he'll be your pet."

Fluttershy equipped blasters on her hooves and aimed at Straxus, but had to fly away when Bludgeon nearly diced her with his sword. "Aaah!"

"You may be part of Optimus' team, but you are no fighter!" Bludgeon mocked her.

"Well, no, not really." Fluttershy admitted. "I prefer to live in peace and harmony with all creatures – AAH!" She swerved to avoid the sword again.

Bludgeon raised his sword again, but a giant purple claw grabbed him and hurled him across the room. Fluttershy turned to see Rampage by her side.

"You can't very well give my therapies if Bludgeon slices you in half, can you my darling?" Rampage asked.

"I guess not." Fluttershy noticed Bludgeon running to the back.

"Bludgeon!" Straxus shouted, grappling with Magnum. "What are you doing, you fool?"

"Rampage has turned against us!" Bludgeon said. "I don't know what district of Cybertron you come from, but in the district I come from, 'your mutant super-solider has turned against you' translates into 'it's time to get the hell out of dodge.' So, konnichiwa!" Bludgeon bowed and jumped onto a ledge and slipped through a hidden window.

"Bludgeon! Bludgeon!" Straxus screamed. "Gra!" He took his frustration out on Magnum, pounding him in the head. Rampage pulled out a pistol and shot Straxus straight in the head.

Fluttershy gasped. "Rampage! Why did you do that?"

"Well, Straxus was beating Magnum, Magnum was your friend, so I thought you would be happy ..."

"Okay … I guess I can see that. But still, you shouldn't just go shooting people in the head whenever it's convenient for you! We could have interrogated him!"

"Oh, quit your groveling." Straxus snapped, swinging his recovered pickax at Fluttershy despite having a bleeding hole in his head.

"I ..." Fluttershy stammered, shocked that Straxus survived a headshot. Straxus swung his weapon at Rampage. Rampage caught it in his hand and took it from him. Unlike Magnum, who just tossed it, Rampage decided to lodge the ax into Straxus' torso.

"Grah! You will pay for this, Rampage!"

"Better that to keep serving under your heel!" Rampage picked Straxus up and tossed him through the room, propelling him through the various chambers before wall ended his flight.

"Grrr ...I will not be brought to trial by the likes of you!" Straxus muttered, covered in green fluids. He staggered up and slammed his elbow into the wall. The room was filled with a red light while a siren blared.

"Self-destruct sequence initiated." A computerized voice said. "You have ten minutes to evacuate."

"We must warn the others!" Magnum ran towards the hatch, only for Straxus to tackle him to the ground. Rampage grabbed and lifted Straxus off Magnum, holding him in his arms.

"Rampage!" Fluttershy cried.

"Go." Rampage said.

"But … what about you?"

Straxus successfully bucked Rampage's arms off him and tried to go for Magnum again, but Rampage tackled him to the ground. "Go! Leave me!"

"Fluttershy, as painful as it is, he's right. Optimus and the others have no idea the temple is rigged, and Straxus will stop us from warning them if Rampage doesn't keep him down."

"But … oh!" Fluttershy groaned, realizing Magnum was right. Magnum grabbed her and began walljumping his way up the hatch and reached the floor.

"Everyone out!" Magnum said, running down the stairs. "Straxus activated a self-destruct on the temple! We must evacuate!"

"You heard him." Optimus said to the Predacon. "Will you not join us in escaping?" The Predacon merely snarled and attempted to bite Optimus. "So be it." Optimus blasted the Predacon to keep it down, then converted and drove out with the rest of the Autobots.

The squad took cover behind the hills, where the organics were protected from the blast wave of the explosion by the Autobots' sturdier bodies. Checking that the coast was clear, the Autobots got out and began to sift through the wreckage of the temple.

Fluttershy kept her eyes on the ground, saddened.

"Fluttershy?" Twilight said. "I've decided something. After seeing the way you handled Rampage, after seeing him go in there to save you … I've been inspired. I'm going to try to reform the Queen."

"That's nice."

"Fluttershy? Is everything okay?"

"Rampage was in the building when it blew up. He gave himself up to save me. And Magnum, too."

"Oh. I'm sorry." Twilight got close to Fluttershy and nuzzled her. "It'll be okay."

"That's nice."

"Hey, Fluttershy?" Bumblebee said, coming back down. "Got some good news for you! We just went through the ruins, and we found Straxus' body … but not Rampage's."


"Fluttershy, that means he could be still alive."

Fluttershy gasped. "You mean it?"

"Corpses don't just get up and walk away from exploded bases on their own unless Dark Energon's involved. I mean, unless Dark Energon's involve and I'm pretty sure it wasn't," Ultra Magnus said.

"Oh, yay!" Fluttershy hugged Twilight out of joy. "I hope I'll see him again one day … I feel like I still owe him something. I promised to help..."

"I know you did," Twilight said.

Now that all of the Warlords had been either terminated or given setbacks, Galloway quit throwing red tape in the way of the agents, so Fowler was at his desk reviewing what they knew so far about the Aerialbot hijacking.

A soldier entered the door. "Agent Fowler, visitor for you."

"Send him in," Fowler said. The soldier moved to reveal Dylan Gould in a tacky white suit that knowing Gould, he probably thought was tasteful.

"Gould," Fowler said, his contempt for Gould's greasy hair showing through. "What can I do for you?"

"I have some … secrets I'd like to sell." Gould said. "That is, if your organization is in the business of buying secrets?"

Fowler sighed mentally. This was going to take a while. Closing his file, he humored Gould. "That depends on whether or not those secrets will help national security."

"I think this will." Gould said, flashing Fowler a file that was overstuffed with papers. "See, these- these are papers on Bio-Vipers, the old experiment from behind the closed doors of Cobra Industries."

Fowler became piqued.

"See, these things … wow, right?" Gould said, pushing the file towards Fowler for review. "Great way to make some human super soldiers if you can just work out the kinks."

"Why would we want to do that?" Fowler asked, closing the file. "We have the Autobots."

"Well, yes," Gould said. "But what if they turn on you?"

Fowler glared. He got up, walked over to a cabinet, and pulled a drawer. "See this, Mister Gould? This is a drawer full of files. In the very, very back of them is a file stamped with 'Anti-Autobot Contingency Plan.' And it's in the very back for a good reason."

Gould bit his lip. "Yes, but -"

"But what?" Fowler interrupted. "Do you know something I don't about the Autobots?"

"No, nothing," Gould said, but Fowler didn't entirely believe him.

"How did you get these files anyways?" Fowler asked. "We've been looking for Cobra's files for months on end now."

"I, uh, well, that is ..."

"You can leave now." Fowler said. Gould reached for the Industries' file, but Fowler put his hand on it. "And I think I'll confiscate these."

Gould narrowed his eyes. "You don't want me as your enemy."

Fowler reached over the table and grabbed Gould by the shirt. "You don't want me for yours. I may rely on the Bots for a lot of things, but I can still put you through the wall." Fowler let go of him. "Get out of my office."

Gould got out from the chair and left, but stopped at the door. "You chose the wrong side, Fowler." He slammed the door behind him.

That left Fowler puzzled. What did that mean, he chose the wrong side? Past tense? Had something already happened that Fowler didn't know about it?

Twilight used the Space Bridge to return to Equestria, then the GroundBridge to get herself and the Changeling Queen in a forested place far away from potential victims, should the Queen get her bearings together.

That did not seem likely, given the Queen whimpered when Twilight so much as looked at her. Twilight prided herself on her precautions, though, so here in this desolate area they would stay.

Twilight and the Queen were on their haunches, the Queen groomed by the trio of Changelings. Twilight rubbed her head, unsure how to start. How did she get on Cybertron in the first place?

Do not start like that, Twilight chided herself. That question they could work up to when the Queen was comfortable.

"So!" Twilight offered her hoof to the Queen, but that only resulted in the Queen crawling away while the Changelings hissed at her for scaring.

"I'm not going to hurt her!" Twilight told them, huffing. She looked at the Queen, huddled into herself with fear. "What happened to you?"

One of the Changelings looked to the others, getting a nod. They cooperated to coax the Queen onto her hooves, then marched the fearful Queen towards Twilight. One of them activated their horn, then touched its horn to the place where the Queen's used to be, then trotted towards Twilight.

Twilight backed away. "What are you doing? I'm trying to help you! Don't you start with the – don't come any closer!" Twilight got ready to blast the Changeling, but it touched its horn with Twilight's before she could get a spell off.

Twilight's eyes dilated the way they would if she was under a drug. The Changeling was using a spell to show her a vision!

She saw … she saw Tarn, standing over the Queen and giving the order to terminate her. She saw Starscream stumbling on her body and tearing her horn off. Then she saw the Changelings crowding her body, nudging with their noses for her to respond. Next, she saw Princess Celestia and Hydia together, and "Celestia" revealed herself to be a Changeling and took a golden coin from Hydia – which Hydia described as a wish-granting coin. The Changeling went to the Queen's body and used the coin to wish the Queen back to life, but the wish only did that – it brought her to life. She was still wounded, beat up, cut up and traumatized.

The Changeling separated from Twilight, ending the flood of visions. Twilight shook her head, disoriented.

"I had no idea." Twilight said. "Goodness, no wonder she's afraid of everything!" Twilight looked at the Queen in a new light. The magic coin Hydia had did a number on her. "Queen?" Twilight trotted closer to the Queen, putting her hoof out. The Queen backed away. "No, no, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you. Touch your hoof to mine. Come on." Twilight dashed forward grabbed the Queen's hoof, giving her a friendly hoofshake.

The Queen stared, fascinated by the interplay of limbs.

"There." Twilight said. "Is that so bad?"

The Queen leaned forward and sniffed Twilight's hoof before giving it a curious lick. Twilight winced, but she withstood if. Lots of animals licked things to get a reading of them

"I-I guess not." The Queen stammered, even gifting Twilight the grace of a smile.

Twilight smiled. She was making progress! "Okay, Queen, think you can walk with me?"

The Queen blinked, staring at Twilight like she was an alien. "Q-queen? My-my name is C-chrysalis."

"Chrysalis?" Twilight's head tilted. "Huh. Can you walk?"

"I- I- I guess so …" Chrysalis muttered. Twilight guided her along, speaking a soothing voice and repeating the assurance Twilight wasn't going to hurt her.

"Progress." Twilight repeated to herself. "Progress. Okay … I'm going to let go of your hoof now, okay?" Chrysalis nodded. Twilight took her hoof without any trouble.

"Excellent. So, Chrysalis, can you tell me about yourself?"

Chrysalis cupped her chin. "I don't know."

"What? What do you mean?"

"I mean, I don't know anything about myself." Chrysalis clarified. "I mean, I remember my name … that I'm the mother to these darlings." Chrysalis gave one of the attendants a rub on the chin. "But … that's it." Her eyes trained on Twilight, full of self-pity.

"Huh." Interesting. So the magic coin possessed the power to bring the Queen back from the grave, but magic that was either not powerful enough or too picky to heal her wounds and restore her memories. Twilight resolved to see that Chrysalis reformed properly before putting in any effort to fix her memories. A bit sketchy, perhaps, but there was nothing to say that Chrysalis wouldn't go right back to being the monster she was if Twilight restored her memories first.

Elsewhere in Equestria, Rainbow Dash was napping on a cloud. She was tired from all the missions. She was smart enough to hedge her bets on being called back in for duty at any moment, so she was getting quality nap-time while she could.

"Hey." Somepony said, poking her shoulder. Dash reflexively flicked her wing, trying to get the nap-interrupter to buzz off.

"I was told you were a big fan of my Daring Do books. I guess not."

Rainbow Dash bolted up, searching around for the speaker. Her mouth hung open in disbelief when she saw the spitting image of Daring Do in front of her.

"What?" Dash snapped. "No way! Daring Do?" Dash was sure she was dreaming.

"Close." "Daring Do" gave a hoofshake. "I'm A.K Yearling, the author. I base all my books off real adventures I've had."

"No way! So Ahuizotl and Dr. Caballeron – they're all real?"


"You really broke your wing and still fought Ahuizotl off?"

Yearling nodded.

"Normally, I work alone." Yearling said. "Most ponies would just get in my way. But Princess Twilight tells me you're good with danger?"

"It's my middle name!" Dash gloated.

"You got gumption, kid." Daring poked Dash's shoulder. "I'll take you along. See how it goes ..." Yearling looked away. "You want to go fight Dr. Caballeron?"

"Do I ever!" Dash pumped her hooves. "When do we start?"

"Right now!" Yearling swerved around and flew south at barreling speeds. Dash was caught off-guard, but she recovered and sped after Yearling, even passing by her. No pony left Rainbow Dash in the dust and got away with it.

"What's Caballeron been up to?"

"Something really immoral." Yearling said. "You know that Decepticon Occupation that happened three years ago?"

"Uh, yeah. I was there!"

"Well, during that time, it was apparently discovered that Energon has a narcotic effect on ponies. Something to do with our magic. Dr. Caballeron's selling it to dumb ponies seeking a thrill so they can see what it's like."

Dash's heart burned with outrage. She had seen the effects of normal Energon on a pony firsthoof. Knowing ponies were doing it to themselves on purpose infuriated Dash. Yearling might have noticed Dash's expression and asked her what was wrong, but Yearling was a shut-in with little experience in social interaction with a pony who wasn't either a stone-age native or scheming villain.

Dash, however, noticed Yearling pouting.

"Yearling? Are you okay?"

Yearling sighed. "I work alone. But I told your Princess friend I would come see you, so now I'm stuck with you for the day."

Dash rubbed her hooves together. She flew closer to Yearling and put her wing. "We don't have to fight Caballeron … we could do something safe, like, um, autographs!"

"We could." Yearling said. "But I don't like being cooped up, and something tells me you don't either."

"Yeah." Dash admitted. "I need to move, you know?" Yearling nodded. Dash exhaled sharply. She wasn't used to being the sensitive one in a group, so she was relieved her efforts at offering things other than Yearling's work hadn't offended her. Dash figured she should try to explain the whole "friendship is magic" angle to Yearling.

"You know, working with others isn't that bad … I remember a few hurricane seasons ago when my friend Fluttershy came through for me."

"That's nice." Yearling looked down and dived down without saying anything.

"Hey!" Dash chased after her, following into the canopy of a forest. Dropping through the shadow-coated branches, Dash saw who she knew was Caballeron because he matched the description of him in the Daring Do books. Grey, burly Earth pony with a five o' clock shadow and a short tail with black hair. He wore a white shirt and red polka-dotted handkerchief.

He was flanked by mercenary-looking ponies, and in front of them were a trio of teens.

"So," Caballeron spoke in a deep, Spanish-sounding "you want some Energon?"

The trio nodded.

"Let's see the money, children." The teens held out a bag of bits. "Excellent." Caballeron nodded towards his hired thugs, who pulled small canister of glowing blue liquid – refined Energon.

"Let's make the trade!" Caballeron said. He was blindsided when a rainbow blur charged into his thugs and threw them against a tree. The teens screamed and huddled up against another tree while the thugs looked around like idiots for their attacker.

"Yearling!" Caballeron shouted as Yearling came into view. "Got yourself a partner, I see!"

"Just for the day." Yearling responded, easily beating the thugs in fisticuffs as they charged at her.

"You!" Dash shouted, landing in front of the teens. "You ought to be ashamed of yourselves, buying Energon for some cheap thrill! Do your families even know you're buying from a criminal?" The frightened teens were in the middle of apologies when Caballeron came up behind Dash and grabbed her.

"Ease off, Daring!" Caballeron warned. "Or your new partner gets it!"

Yearling grunted. "This is why I work alone! It's too easy for the bad guys to take a hostage!"

"Hostage?" Dash asked, distressed. She glared at Caballeron, who was smugly smiling.

He didn't know who he was dealing with.

Dash threw her hooves over her shoulders, grabbing Caballeron and hurling him over her into the tree. She charged at him, beating him with her hooves, then threw him against the tree again, bucking his ribs for good measure. Yearling was shocked. She'd never seen somepony let loose on Caballeron like that.

"Say, where are you getting the Energon from?" Dash asked.

Caballeron only gave her a spiteful glare. Dash pounded on him until he had a bloody jaw.

"Where are you getting the Energon from?" Dash demanded, hooves ready to punch him again.

Caballeron hacked. "I have many sources. But if you must know, the Energon is supplied to me from Earth by the good folks at Cobra Industries."


Caballeron saved himself from answering by pulling out a spherical object with a pin on it.

"GRENADE!" Dash screamed. She rocketed around, picking up the teens and tackling Yearling down for cover. It was an overreaction, as Caballeron threw the grenade down and created a large cloud of smoke.

"Smoke grenade." Dash realized, letting off Yearling. "My bad."

"You let him get away!" Yearling complained. Her expression softened, and she smiled. "Although, you did fight him off on your own and take out some of his goons … so I guess I can't be too mad. Maybe having a partner wouldn't be so bad after all."

"Yes!" Dash shouted. She had changed Yearling's mind! The magic of friendship prevails again! "Wait!" Dash had an epiphany.


"Cobra Industries, Cobra Industries, Cobra Industries," Dash repeated madly like a broken record. "Cobra Industries, Industries, Cobra, cobra ... Cobra!"

Yearling was very confused. "What about cobras?"

"No! Not cobras! Cobra!" Dash pressed her face against Yearling's. "They're this evil terrorist group on Earth who want to take over the world! And they're back!" Dash took off running. "I have to tell the team!"

"What about our play date?" Yearling asked.

"Rain check!" Dash ran off, leaving Yearling to steer the teens back to their parents.

Yearling sighed. This kind of kiddy work was beneath her.

Back in the distant area, Twilight was drawing chalk on a blackboard for Chrysalis' benefit. It had a simple cartoon on it off Chrysalis hugging a pony with the word "GOOD" underneath, and another of her draining the love of a pony with the accompanying "BAD."

"Draining ponies of their love is bad." Chrysalis said.

Twilight nodded, satisfied. "Yes."

"But we feed by draining love!" Chrysalis said, petting her attendants again.

"We'll work on that." Twilight said. "Right now, what's important is getting you to be able to live in peace with Equestrians."

Chrysalis seemed disappointed. "We can't feed off anything other than love ..."

Twilight, in her frustration, threw her chalk at the board before sighing and letting it drop. "Chrysalis, I can only do so much at one time."

Twilight heard the grass crunching beneath hooves. She looked around, igniting her horn for defense.

"Stay here." Twilight told Chrysalis when she saw the Changelings getting ready to move. She scanned the area for movement. Noticing a nearby bush wiggling, Twilight hurled a spell at it.

"Whoa!" A voice she recognized shouted. Shining Armor popped out of the bushes. "Easy there, Twiley! You could have hit me with that!"

"Shining Armor! What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you!" Shining stepped out of the bushes and trotted towards her, but stopped when he saw Chrysalis. "What is she doing here?" Shining Armor pointed his horn at her. Chrysalis raised her hooves while the attendants stalked towards Shining.

"Everypony, please calm down!" Twilight said, getting in between the Changelings and Shining. "Shining Armor, we found Chrysalis on Cybertron with memory loss. Princess Celestia asked me to reform her and I'm trying to do what she asked."


"That's her name."

"Okay." Shining Armor kept his eyes on Chrysalis. "I get that much. But why did you nearly blast me?"

"Oh! Um, well." Twilight deflected with a chuckle. "I didn't know it was you, and Autobot training is to treat everything like a potential threat."

Shining Armor was put-off.

Chrysalis came closer to Shining Armor, curiously scanning him. "You look familiar, but I can't quite put my hoof on it."

Shining Armor looked left and right. "Uh, Twiley? Shouldn't she recognize me? She did use my love for Cadence to beat Princess Celestia, after all."

Twilight whined. "Well, she had memory loss. I could restore her memory, but I'd rather not until I'm sure she's reformed."

Shining glared at her. "Did your Autobots teach you that, too?"

"What? No, that's basic safety precaution." Twilight rubbed her chin, worried about Shining Armor's statement before she had an idea that knocked that thought away. "Oh! Shining Armor, maybe you can help reform her! Here!" Twilight pushed him towards her. "Talk to her. If anything happens, I'll step in."

Shining Armor sat on his haunches, staring at Chrysalis awkwardly. Chrysalis stared back at him like he was an interest piece of modern art.

Shining faked a cough. "Um, hey! How about that time you ponynapped my wife, brainwashed me, and nearly took over Canterlot?"

Chrysalis blinked, then leaned in. "It's … coming back to me. It was ..."

Shining broke into a cold sweat. Did he just jog her memory before her reformation was finished?

"If I recall correctly, Twilight Sparkle … gave me a terrible-tasting muffin?" Chrysalis rubbed her head. Shining exhaled. Evidently, he hadn't quite jostled her memory correctly.

"Okay, maybe this wasn't such a good idea." Twilight said, pushing Shining Armor away before he accidentally restored her memory before Twilight was ready for it. Chrysalis remained disaffected.

"You know, I was so surprised you were here I didn't even ask why you were here!"

"I wanted to spend time with you." Shining Armor said, a bit huffy.

"Shining Armor?" Twilight asked, detecting the hints of agitation from his voice. "Is everything alright?"

"It's fine." Shining Armor said. "Just … you hang out with Optimus and the other Autobots so much, I think you're closer with them than you are with me."

"What? No! Shining ..." Twilight nuzzled him, hugging him with her wings. "I still love you, B.B.B.F.F., no matter what."

Shining nodded. "And when I showed up in the bush, you nearly plastered me because of your training with the Autobots!"

Twilight nodded. "Point taken."

"And … and I'm upset that becoming a Princess cured you of your Dark Energon." Shining admitted. Twilight could little but offer another hug. "And I …"

They were silent for a long awhile before Shining Armor scared Twilight when he abruptly raised his voice.

"And I want you to stop being an Autobot! I want you to just by my sister again, like you used to be. None of this business about being a Princess, or an Autobot, or some sort of intergalactic ambassador! Just that little pony that I shared my apples with and blew raspberries on her tummy ..." Shining muttered, a tear falling from his eye.

"I-I'm sorry." Shining Armor trotted back through the bushes and left.

"Hmm." Twilight huffed.

Chrysalis, sensing Twilight being upset, trotted up to her and nuzzled her. "I'm sorry." Chrysalis said.

"Don't be." Twilight told her, rubbing Chrysalis' horn. "It's not your fault."

Twilight gasped. "You're- you're comforting me? You're apologizing? For something that wasn't even your fault?"

"Yes?" Chrysalis sounded quite afraid of what Twilight was getting at.

Twilight put her hooves on Chrysalis' cheeks. "Chrysalis, I think you're ready to get your memories back!"

Twilight led Chrysalis to a cavern for the memory-restoration ceremony. To Chrysalis, it seemed distrusting, but if Chrysalis went back to her old ways after recovering her past, at least in the cave Twilight had a chance to head her off should she try to escape to resume plotting. To that end, Twilight retrieved Chrysalis' horn and led the Queen deep into the cavern into a "room" so there was more space between her and the outside world. Twilight

"Chrysalis?" Twilight asked, trotting to the center of the room. "Stand here, please." Chrysalis nodded and did as asked, the Changelings going to the sides of the room. Twilight's horn shimmered intensely as she prepared to heal both Chrysalis' memories and bodies. Taking in a deep breath, Twilight levitated Chrysalis' detached horn onto Chrysalis' head, then touched her horn to Chrysalis' horn. There was a bright flash that filled the room, so blinding that the Changelings raised their legs to block the light. When it was done, Chrysalis' horn was reattached, and all her stitches and wounds were gone. She stared blankly around her gaining her bearings.

"Chrysalis?" Twilight asked sweetly, waving her hoof. "Are you okay?"

Chrysalis blinked, then slapped Twilight hard. "How dare you address me by my real name! You don't even deserve to know it!"

Twilight gasped, rubbing her sore cheek. "But I thought you ..."

"Thought what? That you could change me?" Chrysalis laughed mockingly at her. "How adorable! Unfortunately, I'm afraid it's more complicated than that. Did you really think I would be friends with the pony who ruined my plans to take Equestria?"

"We were doing great up until now!"

"Hmph!" Chrysalis raised her hooves. "Oh hohohho! It's perfect! I'll get rid of you, here and now, and then nopony will be able to stop me from taking control of Equestria! If it wasn't for you, my plan at Shining Armor's wedding would have been successful!" Chrysalis paused. "Why do you have wings?"

Twilight chuckled nervously.

Chrysalis scoffed and blasted a beam at Twilight. Twilight rolled to the side to avoid.

"I'm disappointed … but I can't say surprised!" Twilight responded with a beam of her own, throwing Chrysalis a fair distance. Chrysalis snarled and directed her Changelings to attack Twilight. The Changelings hissed and flew at Twilight. Twilight grabbed them all with her magic and slammed against the cave walls. She lifted them and slammed them again for good measure.

Chrysalis growled before charging at Twilight herself, wings buzzing and fangs raised. Twilight shot a laser-bolt which exploded against the Queen and threw her backwards once more. Chrysalis got to her hooves and growled.

Twilight flew up and grunted in concentration. She tried to manipulate the earth with the spells of Unicron, but it didn't work, to her surprise. Destructive spells like that were easy when she had Unicron's essence, but she didn't have Unicron's essence, she had Princess magic. She still had the knowledge she learned from the ancient spirits swirling in Unicron's mind, but not that her body was devoid of Dark Energon, putting that knowledge into actionable spells didn't come to her as easily as it once did.

"What are you doing?" Chrysalis asked.

"Nothing." Twilight fibbed, quickly scanning the area for what else she could. Seeing Chrysalis launching straight up at her, Twilight acted quickly. Taking a different approach to manipulating the earth, Twilight broke off a stalactite and crashed it into Chrysalis, burying her underneath. Twilight knew it wouldn't hold for long. Looking up at the ceiling, she had an idea.

Twilight launched an impressively wide beam of pink magic from her horn, aiming straight at the ceiling. Using it as a cutter, Twilight trailed the beam along the ceiling in circles and strokes like a master painter at her canvas. Pebbles fell from the ceiling as Twilight demolished its structural integrity.

Twilight gifted Chrysalis with one last spiteful gaze, knowing this would be the last she saw each other.

"Goodbye, Queen Chrysalis."

"Huh?" Chrysalis grunted as she worked to heave the stalactite off her.

Twilight disappeared in a flash of white, teleporting herself out of the cave to safety. Chrysalis moaned with relief as she got the stalactite to fall off her, only to gasp when she saw a forming rockslide – Twilight had damaged the cavern into collapsing. All Chrysalis could do was order her attendants to fly out of the cave while running out herself, but they just were not fast enough to get out before the entire thing collapsed.

Outside, Twilight stayed just long enough to watch her handiwork as the cavern collapsed completely. With a dismissive hmph, Twilight flew away from the area to report her failure to the Princess. Or had she succeeded, and it was Chrysalis who failed? Either way, she didn't stick around.

If she did, she might have seen the purple and silvery-blue Cybertronian helicopter flying in with its blades folded and engines unfolded from its rear. It flew close to the rubble of the cavern, then converted, showing Galvatron. Galvatron landed on the rubble and aimed his vice-cannon. A high-pitched whine preceded a cyan light within the vice's grip, themselves preceding a blast of blue energy that shattered the rubble apart, allowing the crushed Changelings' limbs to poke through. Galvatron bent down and used his vice to carefully remove the wreckage, allowing the Changelings' gasps of fresh air. Chrysalis blinked and looked around, surprised by Galvatron.

"Who are you?"

"Galvatron, Barbarian King." Galvatron explained. "It was I who guided you through the Space Bridge to see the sorry state of your Changelings."

"Why?" Chrysalis asked.

Galvatron squinted. "I believe we have something to gain from helping each other. I have been sabotaging the Batteries to rid Cybertron of the Changelings. Not to offend you, but your filthy children have been corrupting Cybertron."

"None taken! We pride ourselves on being filthy!"

"Every king needs his queen." Galvatron said, lowering his hand for Chrysalis to climb on. "You want your children back. I want my Cybertron freed of their influence. Will you accept my offer?"

Chrysalis smiled, taking Galvatron's hand.

At Omega One, Sunset Shimmer was conversing with Celestia over some tea with some trepidation on Sunset's part. Celestia was upset about Sunset hiding her unicorn magic and costing Susan what she did, but they smoothed it out. Mostly. Celestia had really come to mend broken bridges with Optimus. Celestia and Sunset notice Twilight enter through the Bridge.

"Twilight Sparkle." Celestia levitated the teapot and poured a cup. "Care to join us?"

Twilight shook her head. "I …" She hesitated. "I couldn't reform the Queen. I thought she might change her ways, but after I used me memory-restoring spell, she attacked me!"

Celestia hmmed.


"My faithful student, I have utmost faith in your abilities. But taking what you said into consideration, I have to wonder if you truly did your best to reform her."

Twilight huffed, offended. "I did!"

Sunset Shimmer put her tea down. "I see you two have a lot to talk about, so I'm going to excuse myself." Sunset politely bowed, then sprinted out of there before Celestia's and Twilight's conversation got too heated.

Running across the hall, she accidentally made her way to the Autobots' storeroom. She came up to a pedestal and stopped, in awe of the mastery of sculpture placed atop the podium. There was a stand holding a huge hammer in place, nearly as tall as Optimus. It was gold and silver, with a flowerbud of thorns around its handle and inactive gears lodged between the sides of the hammerhead.

"I see you have found the Forge of Solus Prime." Optimus said, startling Sunset with his sudden appearance.

"Optimus!" Sunset put her hand on her chest. "You scared me."

"Mm." Optimus looked to the Forge. "You will understand, given your hiding of your ability to perform unicorn magic, I am reticent to allow you near the Forge … unsupervised."

"Why? I mean, I get why. But what's special about the Forge?"

"The Forge of Solus Prime is, in the hands of most, a hammer too large to be of any use." Optimus said. "But in my hands, in the hands of a Prime, it is a portable hammer, forge, and smithy at once. It would be possible for me to craft nearly anything I can imagine."

"Why don't you?" Sunset asked. "I mean, such a powerful asset is surely worth making use out of, right?"

Optimus shook his head. "Perhaps, but centuries of war have made it difficult for me to imagine anything that is not a weapon, and we are in no shortage of those."

Optimus raised his brow, hearing the hum of the Bridge. Rainbow Dash barreled into the room at speeds rivaling professional jets, nearly smashing herself straight into Optimus.

"Guys!" Rainbow Dash panted. "Cobra … Cobra is still running!"

Optimus took Rainbow Dash to the main room, where Rainbow Dash briefed everyone on the situation. Optimus called Galloway on the screen.

"Optimus." Galloway said. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Rainbow Dash has informed of the resurgence of known terrorists Cobra." Optimus said. "Do you have any information that could be of use to in locating their whereabouts?"

"You're in luck." Galloway said, just a bit too smarmy. "I just got a call about an unauthorized cargo plane flying to Australia. That's probably where they have their base."

It looked like they were going terror-busting again.

Bridging to Australia, the Autobots split up in pairs of Autobot/pony partners, driving all over the place to locate where the plane might have gone. Bulkhead and Rarity were driving into a forest when Twilight called them on the comm.

"Girls, I think Optimus and I have located Cobra's base."

"What makes you think that, darling?"

"I'm not sure. But I think the giant red cobra insignia on the front of the warehouse might be a clue."

"You know, if I was running an evil organization bent on world domination, I would try to avoid placing my insignia all over my secret base." Rarity said. "It seems like something of a giveaway, darling."

"It's the ego." Bulkhead said. "They can't help it."

The Autobots honed in on Optimus' position. He was parked just a few yards away from a massive industrial complex, the entrance to which had Cobra's snake-logo on it. Rarity could tell it had been recently painted, and just above it was another logo reading "M.A.R.S Industries."

"M.A.R.S Industries?" Rarity asked. "I wonder who could that be." Optimus recalled the canister Magnum located at Straxus' base.

"Whoever they are, they are not adverse to selling weapons to Decepticons." Optimus said.

"This place is pretty big." Twilight observed. "They couldn't have constructed it all recently."

"Must be an old base." Bulkhead observed, gearing up his mace.

Seeing two soldiers in blue gear step out of the front base, Twilight's eyebrows shot up. "Cobra! It was Cobra at the temple and at Fearswoop's warehouse!"

"Autobots," Optimus said, "take out those guards and take the facility!"

Bulkhead roared and charged through, knocking out both guards with his maces before they even know what hit them. He added onto this by smashing the door open. The Autobots marched inside, where several people in labcoats and people with clipboards were going about their business only to stop dead at the sight of the Autobots.

"Don't shoot!" One of them shouted. They all dropped anything in their heads and got on their knees. "We're just hired employees!"

"Or sometimes kidnapped." One of them added.

"We'll cooperate! Just don't shoot!"

Optimus nodded and motioned for the Autobots to move ahead. Marching through the facility, they came to a stop when they happened upon a bridge where two people stood. One of them was a woman with glasses and lipstick in a black coat, the other was a young man dressed like scientist.

"Hey." The young man said. "Look who's here! The Autobots!"

"Who are you?" Optimus asked.

"The Baroness. And this is Doctor Mindbender." The woman said. "We're in charge of Cobra."

"Then, you are under arrest." Optimus aimed his shotgun.

"One correction ..." A deep voice said. Out onto the bridge walked a tall, imposing man dressed in a trenchcoat said. He had a metal head, with a clearly-marked jawline. "I am in charge of Cobra."

"And you are?"

"Destro. Owner of M.A.R.S Industries, and until recently, Cobra's ally. Now, with Adam DeCobray gone, I've bought Cobra Industries and all its assets in a corporate takeover." Destro explained.

"Then you are under arrest as well." Optimus said.

"Under arrest? I think not." He snapped his fingers. "Bio-Vipers! Take care of these intruders."

A line of five men formed under the bridge, all of them readying their bare fists.

"You're kidding, right?" Dash asked.

"I do not kid." Destro said, walking Mindbender and Baroness off the bridge.

The men growled and snarled, a disgusting blue slime flowing out of their mouths as their entire bodies began to bulge and change, eventually growing into muscular reptilian giants made of blue goop tall enough to stare the Autobots into the face. They growled and charged, engaging the each Autobot in a grappling match.

"Get off!" Arcee grunted, throwing her opponent off and shooting him. The blast went right through the gelatinous mass. Optimus attempted the same, shooting the Bio-Viper through the leg and blowing it off, but the Bio-Viper just regenerated. Optimus elbowed the Bio-Viper and knocked it away, shooting its chest. The blow merely passed through its body.

"Autobots, set your blasters to stun capacity!" Optimus sheathed his shotgun and primed his arm-blaster. He fired off a shot, but the Bio-Viper just dodged it. The Autobots continued firing, but the Bio-Vipers merely dodged out of their way.

"Twilight Sparkle! Rarity! Use your magic to hold them still!"

Twilight and Rarity nodded, grabbing the Bio-Vipers' legs with their magic and lifting them up. The Bio-Vipers struggled and growled, trying to get out from the magic grip. The Autobots pelted them all with low-yield bursts from their Energon weapons, electrocuting the Bio-Vipers until they reverted into their human form and collapsed. Twilight and Rarity put them on the ground.

"Autobots-" Optimus started before being cut off.

"AIIIEEE!" Twilight yelled, running up to the unconscious Bio-Vipers and rubbing her hooves over their chests. "Look at these things! They're amazing! Do you know how much gene splicing it would take to successfully turn into liquid bodies like that? The way they change, they're almost like human Transformers!"

Twilight noticed the Autobots and her friends all looking at her disapprovingly. She grimaced.

"Twilight Sparkle." Optimus said. "Please recite Autobot Rule Number 31."

Twilight sighed. "'No matter how impressive it is from an objective scientific standpoint, please do not express admiration for the unethical mad science of our enemies.'"

"Excellent." Optimus resumed hold of his shotgun. "Autobots, follow!" He pointed at the direction Destro went. The Autobots lifted the ponies onto the bridge and the Autobots went around. They found Destro's group just as they were entering an elevator. The Baroness shook her fist at them and cussed them out.

"How nice," Rarity said.

"Calm yourself, my darling Anastasia." Destro said. The elevator doors closed and it went down. Working together, Optimus reached his hand in and tore the doors off. Twilight went inside the open hatch and looked down at the descending elevator. She used her magic to stop the lift dead in its tracks.


Twilight didn't lose her focus, but looked up to see troopers busting through doors on a higher level. They aimed their weapons and shot out the elevator's cables, freeing it from Twilight's grip.

"What now?" Arcee asked.

"Twilight Sparkle, are you willing to fly inside and follow the elevator? I will have Ratchet trace you and Bridge us inside."

Twilight saluted, spreading her wings and flying down after the elevator. The Cobra men shot at her as she went down. Twilight did a forward roll and blasted them both before diving down at the elevator.

"-won't stop until we're dead or captured," Twilight heard the Baroness complain as they reached the bottom..

"We will escape before they reach us, my love." Destro replied. Twilight smirked at how wrong they were. Though she was curious how Destro's metal face affected Baroness' kissing him. She used her magic to blast the lift in pieces, then flew into the room – a dark basement – to Destro's surprise.

Baroness pulled a gun on her, but Twilight magically grabbed it and crushed its barrel. Twilight smiled. The Bridge opened right away, and the Autobots marched through it. Destro's group backed away.

"I did not choose this level for no reason." Destro said. He ran to the wall and pulled a lever. Lights came on and sections of the floor pulled out, an elevated platform raised out of the ground. On it was a huge robot, bigger than Optimus. It was blue with red fists and rocket launchers on its wrists and an open cockpit. Destro climbed on it and into the cockpit.

"This is DeCobray's old warmech. You'll see I have given it several … upgrades."

"A thinking Autobot has several advantages over an unliving machine." Optimus said.

"Perhaps. But is this one of them?" Destro pushed a button, and nearly every part of the robot flipped up and revealed rockets on every part. Which he fired. The Autobots scattered throughout the room. Optimus hopped over the robots and engaged the warmech.

"Come on!" Mindbender said to Baroness. "Let's get out of -" Rainbow Dash interrupted with a punch to the face.

"Going somewhere?" Dash wisecracked at Baroness. Baroness snarled and pull out another gun, which Dash batted away from her. Baroness adapted quickly and punched Dash right in the windpipe.

"Ow!" Dash rubbed her neck. Baroness followed it up by kicking Dash in the chest.

"You're pretty good at fighting a pony barehanded ..." Dash begrudgingly admitted.

"I am an excellent fighter," Baroness bragged, just before Applejack shoulder-charged her and knocked her down.

"Ah got yer back, pardner." Applejack assured Dash, pinning Baroness' neck.

Destro pounded Optimus over the head, then aimed the rocket launchers at Applejack's position, firing a missile. It exploded right next to her and Dash, causing them to jump for cover.

Destro continued fighting Optimus one-on-one, bashing him over the head before picking him up and throwing him into the wall. He fired at the wall, prompting Optimus to roll out of the way. The missile hit the wall, and Optimus had to shield himself from the tumbling rubble.

While the rubble served as a distraction, Destro climbed out of the warmech and headed towards the escape route.

“No!” Optimus yelled. He broke free of the shower of debris and charged at the warmech, knocking it back. Optimus fired at its shoulder, blowing it off. The warmech attempted a measly punch with its remaining arm.

Optimus grappled with the warmech and looked up to see Destro was already gone.

Optimus, grappling with the warmech, looked up to see Destro was in fact gone. So were the Baroness and Mindbender. The warmech's chest unfurled, revealing a radio.

"Hello, Optimus Prime. Or I suppose I should say, goodbye. You have cost Cobra much over the course of the last few days. We were attempting to forge alliances with and between the Decepticon Warlords. It is for this reason I must end your life. I have set the mech to autopilot and the base to self-destruct. Do not worry about my employees; an alarm went off on every level … except this one."

"Son of a gun!" Applejack swore. "We need to get outta here!"

"Agreed." Optimus kicked the warmech in the stomach before calling Ratchet. "Ratchet, get us out of here!"

The Bridge opened in the center of the room. Optimus directed everyone else inside before going in himself. When he went in, the warmech recovered and hopped on him, wrappings its arms around his body.

"Optimus!" Applejack said, watching them struggle with each other.

"Go!" Optimus ordered, lifting the mech over himself and slamming it on the ground. It merely got back up and clawed at Optimus. Optimus grabbed it and lifted it up, actually allowing to wrap itself around him.

"Move!" Optimus ordered, stampeding through the Bridge with the warmech flailing off him. They just barely made the Bridge back to base as the base exploded, a bit of fire coming through before Ratchet was able to shut the Bridge off.

"What is that?" Ratchet demanded, noticing Optimus wrestle with the warmech. Optimus yelled and hurled the warmech over again, slamming it on the floor again. This time, though, he followed up with pulling out his switchblade and carving into it until it stopped moving.

"Junk metal." Optimus said with relief that the dang thing was no longer functioning.

Elsewhere in America, the Baroness was piloting a black helicopter. She went out and landed it in a secluded desert area. She, Destro, and Mindbender stepped out from it, Destro being a gentleman to Baroness along the way.

"So that's it." Mindbender complained. "No base, no resources, no soldiers, nothing."

"Not nothing, Mindbender." Destro said. "M.A.R.S Industries is still fully operational, and Cobra has several secret bases. We simply find another one and rebuild the Cobra empire for there."

"Under your iron fist, Cobra will live forever." The Baroness complimented, seductively running her hands along Destro's upper body.

Destro smiled. "That is the idea, my darling."

They all raised their hands in the air and shouted "COOOOOBRRAAAA!" screaming the name to the heavens. Just as they were done, a trio of black SUV's pulled up to them.

"What?" Baroness asked. "Who are they? How did they find us?"

The SUV's stopped. The doors opened, and out stepped several men in suits, Gould among them. Another man was a balding old man with a white, trimmed beard.

"Good evening, ladies and gentleman." The man said. "I'm Harold Attinger. These people ..." Attinger gestured to the people around him. "Are my team. I heard you talking. I had my men crack your communications and tracked you here. Cobra is coming back?"


Attinger nodded, shaking his head at them.

"Not if I have anything to say about it."

Destro and Baroness bailed the moment Attinger said that, but Mindbender was woefully unprepared when Attinger and his men pulled out pistols and opened fire on them. Destro and Baroness managed to put some distance between them and avoid getting hit right away by the opening flurry of bullets, but Mindbender was clipped in the back of the leg and fell onto the ground.

“Grr…” Mindbender rolled over onto his back.

Attinger walked up to Mindbender and reloaded his gun, aiming it at Mindbender. “I’m gonna give you one shot to live, herr Doctor. Are you willing to tell me what you know about COBRA’s plans and initiatives, its last known bases, or what its next move might be?”
Mindbender growled and spat in Attinger’s face. Attinger barely reacted to getting spit on.

“Shame,” Attinger said.

Mindbender raised a defiant fist. Before he could let out the rallying cry of Cobra, Attinger shot him point blank in the head. A clot of blood sprayed from Mindbender’s head as his body fell backwards.

Attinger looked around. He stomped his foot, infuriated; while he was busy dealing with Mindbender, Destro and the Baroness had been to escape unscathed. “How could we be sloppy? We should have agents following them. Ugh,” Attinger shook his head. "Gould, be a dear and put the body in the trunk," Attinger ordered, going to sit in the car.

"R-really?" Gould stammered. "We-we have to move the bodies? Harold, you know I don't do nasty stuff like that. That's- that's grunt work. It's beneath me."

Attinger glared at Gould. He took off his glasses. "Gould ..." Attinger pointed at the bodies, then at the car. "Put the bodies … in the trunk. Now. Before I lose my temper," Attinger clicked the hammer of his gun for effect.

Gould grumbled as he went to work.

Optimus, after chucking Cobra's mech into the Autobot storage rooms, politely asked to accompany Twilight Sparkle as she returned to Equestria after a long day.

Twilight and Optimus stepped out of the Bridge in Ponyville, where Princess Celestia was awaiting them.

"Twilight Sparkle, my most faithful student." Celestia greeted happily. "Thank for you returning her home, Optimus."

Optimus politely bowed. "It was my pleasure."

"Come along, Twilight Sparkle." Celestia said. "There are some royal duties I want your help with." Twilight nodded and waved goodbye to Optimus, following Celestia further into Ponyville.

Optimus was ready to hop back in the Bridge and leave, but another Bridge opened in front of him before he gave the word. Out stepped a small, orange and white Autobot with a blue orb in his chest. Optimus recognized him as Rung, an Autobot psychiatrist. The only one. Not that the Autobots disliked psychiatry; it was just the Decepticons killed, kidnapped, or converted all the others.

"Rung?" Optimus asked. "What are you doing here?"

"I … have been looking for you for days!" Rung complained. "I've been wanting you to ask about our pony friends."

Optimus looked over his shoulder at the departing Celestia and Twilight. He scooted closer to Rung. "What is this about?"

"I've been doing some research." Rung said. "And the ponies – war is so distant for them it might as well be alien. To that end, they don't have several war … thingies, like tanks or tactical nukes. Or most pertinently, post-war specilizing psychotherapists."

Optimus adjusted his optical zoom. "Yes?"

"With your permission, of course, I'd like to Twilight and her friends a psych evaluation."

"Twilight Sparkle and her friends are mentally sound."

"Yes, yes, of course. I don't doubt your word, Optimus, but still … please? Just to do the paperwork?"

Optimus frowned at him. "Come." Optimus said as his Bridge opened. "We will discuss this further in closed quarters."

After they left, Twilight and Celestia continued, happily chatting back and forth about Princess things. A sudden rumbling in the ground brought their legs and their conversation to a stop.

"Princess, what was that?" Twilight asked.

Celestia looked around. "I do not know." The ground rumbled again.

In between them, a small little black vine popped out of the ground.

"That's it?" Twilight asked, bending to look at the plant. "One tiny vine caused this?" Celestia incinerated with a single blast, ending that particular threat.

"Well, that was easy!" Twilight cheered. Celestia nodded.

Then the ground rumbled again like there was an earthquake happening. Celestia and Twilight wisely put some distance between them as another vine erupted from the ground, this was one much, much larger than the last one. It twisted and rose up into the air like a tower, celebrating the magnificence of its kind.

"Princess Celestia?"

"Yes, Twilight Sparkle?"

"I suspect we may have a plant problem."

"I suspect you may be right."

VIII: Operation: Patriotism

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Twilight and Celestia examined the massive vine towering in front of them. It was a eerie black, and covered in thorns. Twilight frowned as she looked at it closer. “Have you seen anything like this before, Princess?”

Celestia shook her head. “I’m afraid not.” Their studies were interrupted by the arrival of Rarity, who was suspending herself upside-down in the air with her magic and firing sparks at the ground.

"Rarity, what are you doing?" Twilight asked.

"It isn't me, darling!" Rarity said. "My magic has gone on the fritz for some reason!"

Celestia narrowly ducked as Rarity flew near them, still shooting sparks. Rarity flew in a circle before her magic put her on the ground and vibrated her like a jackhammer. The vibration slowly subsided, and Rarity fell to her side like a domino.

"I think I'm done. I hope." Rarity pressed her hoof on horn, hoping that would suppress her magic from acting up again.

Another vine, this one of moderate size, shot out of the ground and nearly grazed Celestia's side. Celestia used the same spell from earlier to incinerate it as well. "Twilight Sparkle, follow my lead." Twilight followed Celestia's motions as the Princess rose up in the air to the top of the massive vine. "Together!" Celestia fired another beam at the plant, while Twilight used her "cutting torch" spell on it. The Princesses rotated their heads, winding their spells around the plant until it joined its fellows in being nothing but ash.

"Let us hope that will be the last of these plants for the time being." Celestia said gravely. "I hold no illusion that we have seen the last of them. I will go to Canterlot and seek my sister's and Cadence's help." Celestia took off to the air, flying in the direction of the mountain city where he seat of power lay.

"You can count on us!" Twilight saluted to the Princess. Celestia watched from the sky with pride as Twilight directed Rarity to gather their other friends.

Princess Celestia flew into the Canterlot castle, gracefully landing in Luna's bedroom where her sister was pacing. "Sister!" Celestia said. "I need your help."

"How unfortunate." Luna coldly replied. "We art preparing to journey into dreams."

"Sister, Ponyville may be in danger," Celestia said.

"Send thine student, as thou hast done so many in the times in the past," Luna said. "We intend to visit the dreams of Optimus Prime."

"Ah. So Cybertronians do dream of mechanized motorsheep." Celestia muttered


"Nothing. Sister, what reason would you have for visiting Optimus Prime's dreams?"

"We wish to know him," Luna said. "Prime … hast spent most of his time with thou and Twilight Sparkle. We would appreciate knowing him more intimately."

"Sister, I know as Princess of the Night, is your duty to ensure good dreams for the ponies of Equestria." Celestia said. "Optimus is not a pony, nor of Equestria."

"True. But knowing the insight of a leader could help in intergalactic relations."

Celestia exhaled sadly. "Yes, I suppose, but the situation in Ponyville -"

"Is not too severe, as if it was, thou wouldst be there attempting to address it rather than asking for our aid." Luna trotted up to the door, flexing her wings. "Do not worry, sister. We will return once we have visited Optimus' dream to render our aid. Assuming Twilight Sparkle is still in need of it."

Celestia watched sadly as Luna left, leaving her and Twilight to do the fighting themselves. She then received a magically-teleported scroll, sent from Twilight. Celestia opened the scroll and read the brief message inside.

15 minutes and still no sign of the vines. We suspect they may be contained.

-Your Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle.

Celestia smiled. That was good news, at least. Seeing the moon sparkle, and knowing Twilight had everything under control, Celestia felt comfortable retiring for the day.

The next morning, Celestia found herself almost wishing that the vines were still being problematic so she had an excuse to put off Galloway in the morning. The entitled human called her multiple times. She relented and visited him on Earth at Jasper's City Hall.

"This had best be good, Director." Celestia warned, squinting. "I haven't even had my slagging coffee yet." She wasn't usually for Autobot swear words, but she was usually still sleeping at this time.

"I believe I can fix that." Galloway left the building. Celestia watched him suspiciously, but he came back with two lattes in styrofoam cups.

"Ah." Celestia levitated one cup from him and sipped it. "Not as good as the fresh-ground stuff at Canterlot, but this coffee elevates your standing in my eyes, Director Galloway."

"Flattering." Galloway said, producing papers, causing Celestia to groan. It was too early for paperwork. "What I have are various bills – collectively called the Alien Peaceful Cooperation Act that I would like you and Optimus Prime to give their seals of approval before I take it to Congress and the Senate."

Celestia sipped her coffee, then used her magic to take the bills and shuffle through them. Her surprise at the contents of the bills jolted her awake.

"License plates for Autobots?" Celestia asked. "Gun permits? Identification cards? Registration? Director, what is all this?"

"Standard laws for Americans, gun holders, and immigrants." Galloway said. "Everyone else is too excited about how the whole "aliens are real" to worry about the legislature. Except for me. I have been toiling away to come up with new rules and regulations regarding the treatment of extraterrestrial foreign nationals, such as you and Optimus Prime."

Celestia eyed the bills. "These do not seem entirely fair, given all of the hard work Optimus' Autobots and my ponies have put into fighting the Decepticons off Earth." Celestia leveled a hard glare at him. "Free of charge, no less."

Galloway chuckled. "Free of charge… what about all the money we had to put in repairs for cities and landmarks damaged during the Transformers' scuffles? New York is still suffering from the Decepticon Massacre!"

"The Autobots have sent as much New York as help as they could. They've had to put the bulk of their resources into rebuilding their home," Celestia replied.

Galloway pursed his lips. Celestia read the bills again and gasped in offense.

"'If any Cybertronian is discovered to have been on Earth and disobeyed these laws, it is within the realm of enforcement for American authority to extradite them, with or without due process if there is sufficient probable cause to assume a threat ...' Galloway, the way this bill is written sounds like you can just jail Cybertronians and Equestrians from the other planets if they don't obey you!" Celestia tossed the bills. "I will not allow you to abuse and overextend your authority like this!"

"Fine." Galloway held his hands up. "But if you don't want to cooperate on our legislature, then I guess the higher-ups at the White House won't mind approving a intergalactic war."

Celestia guffawed. "War? I have been brushing up on your American laws and processes, Director. You do not have the authority to declare a war."

“Oh, no, no, I suppose I don’t,” Galloway replied, “Perhaps not, but I have recently made a very tiny friend in a very low place, and he offered me some very persuasive methods that I’m sure will convince the rest of Congress to make this declaration at my recommendation.”

“Don’t you think you’re overreacting?” Celestia asked. “To make a total and utter declaration of war over a small legislative dispute seems folly and hardly use the value of the resources you would need to wage war on the Autobots, at least the amount you’d need to stand any chance of winning. Unless...” Celestia raised the papers into the air. “Unless you actually want a war. Unless this is just a smokescreen, a red flag to wave at us like we’re stupid bulls and try to goad us into attacking you over simply unfair they obviously are, giving you all the reason you’d need to convince your Congress...”

Galloway looked shaken, but he recovered and cleared this throat. "Let me tell you something, Celestia." Galloway pointed at her muzzle. "The very existence, the very discovery of your ponies and Cybertronians throws years – DECADES of scientific research OUT THE WINDOW!" His voice echoed off the walls of the building. "And that makes people uncomfortable. People are afraid of you – and the Autobots. You break dozens of the laws of physics and nature. You could easily wipe us out with a flick of your fancy horns and arm-cannons!"

Galloway wagged his finger at her again. "People will do a lot of things when they're afraid, Princess." The term was her title, but Galloway made it sound condescending. "Including approving a request to go to war and rid themselves of the very thing they're afraid of. Think about it." Galloway gathered up his various bills and walked out, leaving behind a worried Celestia.

That pompous fool could prove to be incredibly dangerous, if only because he has a small amount of power and just enough stupidity and self-assured ego to swing it like a hammer in a china shop.

Princess Celestia returned to Canterlot to review the bills. She read them over and over again like they were some incomprehensible work of art. Except calling them "art" was far too generous. Celestia's ears flicked at the sound of the door opening. Luna had returned.

"Sister?" Luna asked. "What art thou doing?"

"Examining these bills Galloway has presented me." Celestia answered.

"Ah. The idiot human."

"Yes. Did your dreamwalk with Optimus Prime go well?"

Luna frowned. "Not as well as we hoped. We saw him having a nightmare."

Celestia blinked. That didn't sound right. Optimus was too calm and composed to have petty worries like nightmares. "He did? What was it?"

"He, his Autobots, his humans pets, and Twilight and her friends were riding in space on a starship. They were laughing. Then a hole appeared in the ship and sucked everyone but Optimus out into the stars. Everyone grabbed onto each other and formed a chain, with Optimus anchoring them to the ship. Then an image of Megatron's head appeared and slowly swallowed each on on the chain, with Twilight Sparkle the last one on his hand."

Celestia did a dry spit-take, producing a "pfft" noise. That nightmare sounded much too intense for Optimus to have! "Then?"

"Then, before I could do anything for him, he noticed me and realized he was dreaming." Luna said. "We told him why we wanted to better friends. He told us that we might be better aided in that by respecting his privacy and not invading his dreams."

“Sounds like something he would say.” Celestia observed. She looked over her shoulder and saw a mortified Twilight standing in the doorway.

"I … came to report on the vines and see if there was anything else I could help with before I heard Luna talking." Twilight said. "That's … that's a terrible dream to have."

Luna looked down. "We … were not on the ship with the rest of Optimus' friends." Celestia and Twilight looked away.

Twilight patted Luna's shoulder. "It's okay. You just need to spend more time with him. Is there anything I can help you with, Princess Celestia?" Celestia motioned for Twilight to come towards the stack of papers on the desk.

"What are these?" Twilight asked, bewildered by their contents.

"Bills from Galloway. He wants mine and Optimus' approval on them before he presents them to his superiors."

"Princess, you can't approve these!" Twilight said. "They're ridiculous! The way they're written, we can't even breath on Earth without getting government approval!"

Celestia nodded. "I'm aware, Twilight Sparkle, but ..."

"But nothing!" Twilight, in an unusual display of brashness, grabbed Celestia's leg and dragged her out the room. "We're going to tell Optimus about this!" Celestia could have thrown Twilight off with a flick of her leg, but she didn't, allowing Twilight to take her through the Space Bridge to the Autobot base.

"Twilight Sparkle, Your Majesty," Optimus bowed, fairly cool about two unicorn princesses manifesting in the middle of his floor. "May I be of assistance?"

"Yes!" Twilight snapped, levitating the bills into Optimus' hands. "These are bills from Galloway that he wants you and Princess Celestia to approve."

Optimus thumbed through them. "No." He answered after only reading three of them.

"Optimus, please." Celestia begged. "Galloway has threatened war between our species if we don't approve these bills."

"I was not aware he had the authority for that decision," Optimus said, a bit contemptuously. "In matter of fact, I am quite certain he does not."

"And if he did find some cockamammie way to convince the government to declare war," Ratchet interrupted, "does he really think the humans would stand a chance against combined Equestrian-Cybertronian forces? I mean, look at us! Together, we have magic and science working together in tandem to create feats of power that defy the known laws of the universe!"

"Optimus," Celestia said quietly. "Isn't our priority to keep peace between our species and prevent your war from reigniting?"
"Regardless, I will not approve these bills." Optimus tossed the papers onto the floor. "I will not make my people slaves to the whim of a small-minded, would-be dictator trying to exploit a situation to make a political power grab," Optimus walked to the door, stopping to glare at Celestia, "and neither should you, Your Majesty."

Celestia shifted uncomfortably, and couldn't form a response. Twilight watched her sadly pick up the papers, then followed Optimus out of the room.

"Optimus?" Twilight said, coming up to him in the hallway. Optimus stopped walking to let her catch up.

"Yes, Twilight Sparkle?"

"Um … Princess Luna told me about the dream you had. When she went into your dreams? The dream you had … sounded awful. It got me thinking ..."

Optimus stared, obviously wanting to know where Twilight was going with this.

"And, um, I just want you to know …"

Twilight, haunted by the description of Megatron's head devouring her friends, was overwhelmed by her emotions and flew onto Optimus, hugging his neck tightly while she cried softly.

"I'll never leave you. I promise. You're as much as my friend as Applejack or Fluttershy or Rarity ... "

"I ..." Optimus paused. He scooped Twilight into his arms and held her. "Thank you, Twilight Sparkles. That means the world to me."

They held still, remaining where they were, doing nothing but hugging each other for a good long while.

"Twilight Sparkle ... would you mind accompanying me to Cybertron? I gave my word to Rung that I would allow a psychiatric appointment with you and your friends."

Twilight rolled her eyes. She was familiar with Rung and did not hold the highest opinion of psychiatrist. "Fine."

Returning to Cybertron with the other girls, Optimus took them to a quaint tower in a city square. Optimus led the girls into a room, where Rung was waiting.

"Ah!" Rung clapped. "Optimus Prime, and you brought the girls! Splendid. Who wants to go first?"

"I'll do it." Twilight volunteered, walking inside.

"Thank you, Optimus," Rung said, bowing.

"Mm. Rung? You will press gently on each of them. If you ask for more than they are comfortable answering, I will terminate the sessions immediately."

Rung cowered behind his clipboard, frightened by Optimus' tone. He nodded. Optimus nodded back and left them.

"It's good to see you again, Miss Twilight." Rung said politely.

"I just want to get this over with." Twilight said, flying into the chair and huffing.

"You could be a little more positive ..." Rung muttered, whipping out a stylus and tablet. "Now, Twilight Sparkle, do you understand why I've asked for you?"

"No. Optimus only told me you persuaded him."

"Right." Rung adjusted his glasses. "I've been reading on Equestrian history, and you know what I've noticed? Throughout one-thousands, you've only come close to war a few times. Never had a real one, like our war. But your friends … you participated in our war."


"So you need post-war therapies and treatment. You've killed Vehicons by the dozens, and if I'm not mistaken, you even terminated some big-name Decepticons like Airachnid and Hardshell."

"That's true."

"That's not something usual in Equestria, though." Rung said, shaking his stylus. "Murder is … unheard of on your world. Discord, the Changelings … none of them were murdered by before your foray into space. I can only imagine how that must feel, knowing you've taken life for the first time."

Twilight bolted up. "I didn't take life! The Vehicons aren't alive!" Twilight was assailed by a flashback, to when she met Heavy Load.

You would think that, wouldn't you, Autobot?

Then, Twilight wasn't sure what he meant, but she realized it now. He was insulting her for being an Autobot – and for carrying the Autobot notion of dismissing Vehicons as second-class citizens. As not "real people" even though they were alive and opinionated like a real person would be. How could she be so callous?

"Twilight Sparkle? Are you alright?"

"Fine." Twilight lied. "What else?"

"Well ..." Rung clicked his tongue, or whatever Autobots had. "I've had Shining Armor say to me that since you’ve been to Earth, you’ve… changed. That you’ve been different, a little jittery, perhaps even a little paranoid, perhaps even traumatized. Care to talk about that?”

“Nope,” Twilight answered quite clearly.

"Mm. Shining Armor also complained about you nearly attacking him because of your training with the Autobots. Twilight, are you sure you're not spending too much time with the Autobots? Absorbing too much of their culture and their ways?"

"You're an Autobot." Twilight countered. "Am I spending too much time with you?"

Rung frowned. "Sharp wit, Twilight, but you didn't answer the question."

"No, I don't think I'm spending "too much time" with them. But … maybe not enough time with Shining Armor." Twilight closed her eyes, sad the idea that she was neglecting her older brother. "But I am an Autobot. Optimus even gave me a medal. Shining Armor needs to learn to live with that."

"I see." Rung penned something down. "Before you go … last time I met, you had developed something against the humans? How's that working out?"

"Much better than it was." Twilight said happily. Taking her cue, she left the room in a hurry, passing Rarity.


"Rung." Rarity nodded, sitting by the chair, as it was easier for her to reach there.

"You ..." Rung said. "Are a particularly interesting case. You're a Wrecker?"

"What do you mean by that, darling?" Rarity asked suspiciously. It sounded to her like Rung was going to make her a science project.

"According to the data I've gathered, before coming to Earth, you were a very dainty pony. You hated getting dirty. Very polite and well-mannered. In short, not Wrecker material. What happened?"

"Nothing happened." Rarity said. "There was a test of my mettle. I was victorious. Bulkhead and Wheeljack made Miko and I honorary Wreckers as a result."

"Rarity, don't lie to me." Rung wagged his stylus. "I've been, as they say, doing this gig for a long time, and I see right through that mask you wear. Don't act like nothing happened. One doesn't just go from "proper lady" to "underhanded Wrecker overnight. What really happened?"

Rarity took in a deep breath. "Hardshell. Hardshell happened."

Later, Rarity walked out.

"That took awhile," Twilight observed. Rarity seemed surrounded by her personal storm cloud.

"Rarity, did Rung say something that upset you?" Optimus asked. Rarity nodded, hopping into Optimus' lap. Optimus looked towards the door, somewhat displeased. Fluttershy was next.

Fluttershy faintly trotted inside. "Hello, Rung."

"Hello, Fluttershy." Rung said. "We have a lot to talk about. I'm given to understand you have complete control over a small nest of Insecticons?"

"Oh yes! I know they're big and scary, but they're just like any creature. Sweethearts once you get to know them."

"And this has never been a … concern for you or those around you?"

Fluttershy blinked. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, surely a lone pony with control over powerful beasts like that might be a security concern. These are creatures powerful enough to give Optimus a hard time. Some people might see that as problem. What's to stop from you attempting and succeeding at a coup on Celestia with your Insecticons?"

Fluttershy gasped. "Oh, I would never! Princess Celestia is a kind and just ruler who is no need of overthrowing. I have complete faith in her."

Rung made a note. "I've heard you're an unique Insecticon/Pony cyborg hybrid. Do your parents know?"

"My parents?"

"Yes. Are they aware their daughter is a cyborg-hybrid freak of nature?"

“Excuse me?” Fluttershy snapped. “Who are you calling a freak, good sir? That’s not being a very good therapist, and I would know! So unprofessional!”

“You… would?” Rung asked.

“I do some counseling of my own in my spare time. Animals are amazing treatment options, you know?” Fluttershy said. “Of course, you wouldn’t think that I could think of something like that, would you, since I’m just a dumb cyborg freak, aren’t I?

"I- I didn't mean - I’m sorry, I only meant that you’re not… natural, As in, not occurring in nature, and..."

The door opened, Optimus stepping in. "Theses sessions are over." He scooped Fluttershy up, turning to stare sternly at Rung. "I ordered you to press gently." Optimus walked out of the room.

"But – but I haven't even gotten to the other three yet!" Rung protested.

"And you will not," Optimus said. "You have upset the ones you've interviewed already. You are lucky I don’t revoke your license this second, but I have other things on my mind." He turned and closed the door quietly. "I apologize." Optimus said to the ponies, walking out with them. "I had thought Rung more sensitive than that."

Behind the door, Rung tapped his fingers, unsure where he went wrong and how to fix it.

In a military base, Agent Fowler stepped through the door. He saw his superior Bryce and an old man he hadn't meet before. Keeping his manners, Fowler adjusted his tie. "You wanted to see me, General Bryce?"

"Bill! Yes, yes." Bryce wrapped arms around Fowler. "Come over and meet the man who did in one day what we've been trying to do for months, Harold Attinger."

"Attinger?" Fowler said, scanning over the men. "Word at the Pentagon is that you're some sort of specter."

Attinger chuckled. "What else did you hear at the Pentagon, Special Agent?"

"I also heard you leave without a trace."

"True." Attinger got up. "But that's not why General Bryce called you here, is it?"

"No." Bryce turned to Fowler with a big grin. "Attinger here managed to round up some of the biggest names in Cobra."

"Cobra? As in terrorist Cobra?"

"That's correct! Took out the Baroness, Destro, and Mindbender – the biggest names on the Cobra chain of command."

"That's great!" Fowler exclaimed. "Where are they? I want to question them."

"They're in the morgue." Attinger answered.

"The morgue?" Fowler asked. "Now what are they doing – oh. You mean the morgue, don't you?"


"You killed them!?" Fowler shouted. "We could have interrogated them! Got more information on what Cobra was up to, where to find their bases!"

"Trust me, Agent Fowler. No, we couldn't have. I know Cobra. They would never talk." Attinger said. "I located them. I found them. And I made the same choice that Optimus Prime made when he terminated Megatron. I ended them, to make the world a safer place. Without their leadership, Cobra will fall apart, descend into petty squabbles over who gets to play leader, allowing U.S resources to be put in more important things than a glorified clean-up operation."

Fowler crossed his arms. "Well, you better hope no one in Cobra stages a jailbreak, because we still have Adam DeCobray in custody."

"Cobra Commander?" Attinger said.

"That's right. And speaking of Cobra," Fowler produced a file, "I've been meaning to call Bryce to talk about this file. It's full of Cobra intel that outclasses everything we've got so far. I got it … from Dylan Gould."

"Gould?" Attinger said.

"Yeah. You know him?"

"Gould is a … business associate of mine." Attinger said. "I let him get away with a lot because he brings me good information from the streets. Why do you have his file?"

"He tried to sell it off to me. Passed it off as some kinda "anti-Autobot contingency plan." I told him to take a hike."

"Well, Agent Fowler, if you could put that on my desk by tomorrow morning so I can give it back to Dylan … I'm sure he'll appreciate getting his stuff back from an unauthorized search and seizure." Attinger smirked.

Fowler dug his teeth into his lip. "Fine. Still don't appreciate that you killed Cobra's officers ..."

"Agent Fowler … how long have you been after Cobra?"

"Eight, maybe nine months. Why?"

"I have served with the CIA for twenty years, Fowler. I have been hunting Cobra's officers for twelve. So yes, I killed Cobra. Excuse me."

Attinger left the room. Walking far away from the door to keep Fowler and Bryce from overhearing, Attinger called someone his phone.

"Hey. It's Harold," he informed his agent. "Apparently Agent Fowler has kept Adam DeCobray, alias Cobra Commander, in custody. Find out where he's being held. And kill him."

Attinger calmly closed his phone and carried on.

The Autobot-pony team were called by Galloway, meeting him, alone, in a government building.

"Optimus!" Galloway said, holding his hands out like he wanted a hug. "I almost thought you wouldn't come, ya big ol' lug!"

"You are not wrong in that conclusion." Optimus was not pleased. "I believe you wished to discuss some legislature with me?"

"That's right." Galloway held up the papers. Twilight took them and levitated them towards Optimus, but he refused to touch them. Ratchet took them instead and glanced over them.

"I will not approve these bills." Optimus said, straight-up and upfront.

"As well you shouldn't. These bills are ridiculous!" Ratchet shook the papers in his hand. "They're designed to bog us down with so many licenses and regulations so as to practically put us under the humans' thumbs!"

Galloway attempted to deflect this with a laugh. "Well, humans feel better protected when we can regulate what threatens us ..."

"Threaten?" Ratchet said. "When have we ever threatened you? We defended you from the Decepticons for six years!"

Galloway shook his finger. "Now you listen here, you overgrown bucket of bolts. You either sign the papers, or I will get the entire U.S Senate to agree to war with you to keep you under control!"

"I am aware you threatened Princess Celestia with war as well." Optimus said. "I'd like to defer to my Scout on this."

"Galloway," Bumblebee stepped up, "think about this. Really think about this. Are you prepared to go to war with us?" Bumblebee flexed his hands. "Optimus Prime fought off Megatron and his entire army from taking your planet for six years with just us five Autobots. With Cybertron's communications restored, imagine what he could do fighting against your planet instead of for it with battalions of Autobots."

Galloway looked confused. "Okay. Perhaps, but we still need to find a way to retain you."

"Retain US?" Ratchet bellowed. "The Decepticons the ones you need to retain! They're the threat, not us! We fought for you! Do you really think you need someway to control us?"


"Oh my," Ratchet said gravely. He walked over to Galloway and gently brushed his finger over Galloway's head. "It appears, Galloway, you've been afflicted by a terrible common malady." Ratchet walked around him. "It's called ‘being an idiot.’ But there is hope. With a prolonged education, and after learning to accept your limitations, you may one day yet learn to open your mouth without causing irreparable harm to the brain cells of all of those within hearing distance.

Galloway adjusted his glasses. "Mm-hmm. I'll bet you're the funny one, Doc-Bot?"

"I have been known for my biting sense of humor." Ratchet crouched down, almost touching noses with the arrogant, entitled human. "And for your information, only my friends can call me Doc-Bot. I do not count you amongst them."

"I will not sign your bills, Director," Optimus said, going for the door. "And I will not be shy of informing your superiors of how you felt you had the authority and directive to use war as a method of coercing Celestia and I to agree to your unreasonable demands. Autobots … "

Galloway huffed. Like Attinger, he pulled out his phone and made a call. "Hello, Gould. I need a favor ..."

Within minutes of Twilight leaving with the rest of the Autobots, they were unexpectedly approached by a man rushing up to them in a suit.

"Twilight Sparkle? Twilight Sparkle?"

Twilight looked at her friends for approval of this strange man.

"It's fine! I'm a government agent," the man flashed them his badge. "I just received a call. Doctor Morocco wants a visit from you in prison."

"A prison visit? I don't know..." Twilight looked at Optimus for permission.

"Prison visits are highly regulated," Ratchet said. "Morocco must have something important to say to you if he wants to spend his only visit for the month with you."

"Like what?"

"Who knows? Maybe he wants to discuss previous inventions of his, or ideas he can't do in jail."

"Optimus?" Twilight asked.

"I believe Ratchet is right," Optimus said. "Doctor Morocco would not choose you without a reason. You should go, as long as you are comfortable with doing so."

Twilight nodded.

The agent escorted Twilight to the prison where Doctor Morocco was being held for his sentence. Twilight had never been in a human prison before, and she didn't want to repeat the experience. She heard of them being designed to cultivate oppressive atmosphere, and they were designed well in that regard.

"In here." The officer said, opening a door. Twilight trotted inside. She was startled by the sight of him. When they last met, Morocco had held contempt for Twilight, seeing her as inferior species to homo sapiens, while Twilight resented him for hiding information that would have allowed her to return to Equestria from her first time in space.

But when they had met, Morocco was a strapping, well-dressed young man. Sitting in an orange jumpsuit, he was now an old nonagenarian, with grey hair, a wrinkled face, and unshaven facial hair. Twilight didn't think humans aged that fast.

"Doctor Morocco?"

"Ah, Twilight Sparkle!" Morocco said, interrupted by a hack. "So glad you could make it. I thought you wouldn't come."

Twilight took the empty chair. "Why did you want to see me, Morocco?"

"Oh, can't a fellow scientist invite some old friends once in awhile?"

"We're not friends, Morocco. What's the real reason?"

"So very hostile!" Morocco said. "But very well. The reason I called you here is because I want to know … can you help me?"

"I don't know. Maybe. What is it?"

"Well, you can see I am not at my best." Morocco provided evidence for his statement by entering a coughing fit. "And the reason for that is that I've been cut off from my rejuvenation chamber. A mechanical fountain of youth, it kept me eternally young. I would appreciate if you could find it and bring it to me. It's in my zeppelin … wherever that is."

"I'm not sure." Twilight nervously scuffed her hoof. It would be immoral of her to sneak an aging-device past prison security, and she was certain they wouldn't allow it in. But on the other hand, anypony with good eyes could see Morocco wasn't faring well. Still, perhaps she could any information he had out of him so she could salvage any technology and blueprints he might secreted away.

"Do you know where your zeppelin is?"

"The last time I had it, it was -" Morocco was interrupted by a cough. "It was -" he coughed again.

"Take your time." Twilight assured him. His coughs got worse and worse, eventually becoming forceful enough to throw his upper body into the table. He hacked up, dropping from the table and to the floor. Twilight realized whatever was happening might be fatal and screamed. "HELP! I NEED HELP IN HERE!"

The security officer burst through the door, seeing Morocco's seizing frame on the floor. He rushed over and knelt. "What did you do to him?"

"Nothing! We were just talking! He had been coughing a lot and now he's like this!"

The officer pressed his hands into Morocco's chest, giving him a pump. "Come on, buddy, stay with me ..."

"Can't you do CRP?" Twilight asked.


"I don't know! It always works in your human television shows."

"What? Do you believe everything you read, too?"

"Yes! Books wouldn't lie to me … would they?" Twilight was distracted from that thought by Morocco coughing again. "Come on, Morocco! Stay with us!" Twilight truthfully held no sympathy for him, but in an intense moment like this, she felt awful. A man was dying in front of her eyes, and she couldn't do anything about it.

"My apologies-" Morocco hacked again, "Miss Sparkle, but it appears my time is up."

"No. No!" Twilight pounced him, pressing her hooves into his chest the way the officer did, hoping that would work. It amounted to nothing, though, as Morocco closed his eyes not soon after.

The officer put his hands on Morocco's neck. "Dead."

"Did I- when I pressed my hooves into him"

"No, Miss Twilight, you didn't kill him. If anything, you forced the air out quicker and helped put an end to his suffering."

"Okay..." Twilight went for the door, then stopped. "Are you sure it wasn't-"

"Yes!" The officer, irritated, pointing her at the door. "You did not kill this man. I'll inform his next of kin ..."

"I don't think he has any. He loved himself too much to love anybody else… it's sad, really." Twilight gazed over Morocco's lifeless body one more time, then left.

Twilight returned to her friends, walking down the street in the city they were at.

"Hey, Twilight!" Applejack greeted. "How'd it go with tha Doc?"

Twilight stared at the ground. "He … tried to tell me where I might find his old tech, and then he … he died. Right before my eyes. And I couldn't do anything stop it, not even with my magic ..."

"Oh." Applejack hugged Twilight. "It's okay, girl. It's alright."

"How!? I couldn't – I couldn't stop him from dying, Applejack. Not even with my princess magic. I mean, what kind of a Princess am I!?"

"The good kind." Applejack said. "It wasn't yer fault, Twi. None of us had any idea he was that close to bitin' tha dust. Isn't that right, girls?" There were affirmative nods from all around.

"T-thanks, girls. That means a lot to me." Twilight magically pulled them towards for group hug.

A can flew in from down the street, beaning Optimus Prime in the head, ruining their tender moment.

"Get outta here, youse!" A man walked onto the street, aiming another can at Prime's head. "We don't need youse alien types clogging up our streets!"

"Excuse you, young man!" Rarity said, charging up to him and pressing their foreheads together. "We 'alien types' saved your world from a terrorist army, a Decepticon army, and TWO gods of chaos! Show some appreciation!"

The man, losing his confidence when confronted by the "alien" up close, fled with his proverbial tail between his legs.

"I wonder what that was all about ..." Rarity muttered.

"Probably sumthun' tah do wit' that." Applejack pointed. Down the road, there was a mass of people, with Dylan Gould standing on the steps to a building to raise himself above the crowd.

"Tell me, people of Earth!" Gould shouted. "How long will you tolerate this alines encroaching on Earth land? My land? Your land? OUR land!? How much longer … will you put with sharing bedspace with the extraterrestrial? How long -"

"Is this speech gonna last!?" Rainbow Dash shouted from the back of the crowd, heckling him.

The crowd turned to gaze at their extraterrestrial neighbors. Optimus instinctively raised his hands to show he meant no harm.

"Easy," Ratchet said, motioning for the crowd to split and make a path. "We're not here to hurt anyone. We just want to know why Gould is making speeches in the streets against us."

"Gould?" Optimus asked. "Would it be improper to inquire as to why you speechifying against my kind and the Equestrians?"

"Maybe, but I'll answer anyway." Gould replied. "I am making a speech, because I want you off our soil." Gould began to walk down the steps. "What right have you earned to live on our land?"

"What right?" Ratchet laughed. "How about the right where we fought a war for you, in secret, without asking anything in return except a place to call home?"

"Ah, yes, the war." Gould said. "If I remember right, your war lasted for four million years, going from planet to planet, until finally … one day, you came to Earth. And then the Ponies came from Equestria, and then ended your four-million year war in just under three." He pointed at Optimus. "That must make you feel so bad about yourself, Optimus, to know that bright, sparkly pacifist ponies are better at waging war than you. Tell me, how does it fail to know you fail as a leader?"

Optimus narrowed his optics. "Do not taunt me, Gould. I have earned my position. As Prime, I am the highest authority on the side of the Autobots, in military, government, and religion, and I have proven myself capable in all of those fields."

"Government and religion?" Gould scoffed. "What about the separation of church and state?"

"I have heard of this human law. It has no equivalent on Cybertron."

"Did you hear that? There's no separation of church and state on Cybertron!" Gould shouted to his crowd, who all booed at Cybertron's lack of this law.

"And tell me, what about that spaceship Decepticon I heard you left lying at the bottom of New York's sea?"

"Trypticon?" Arcee asked. "Yes, he's on the seafloor. Why?"

"So this Decepticon – this big, scary Decepticon who turns into a SPACESHIP, and you just left him at the bottom of the sea!?"

"Oh, I'm sorry." Arcee crossed her arms. "We were dissecting him and removing him piece-by-piece because we were under the impression humans didn't have a crane powerful enough to lift him, and it would be too expensive in for you to build a new one out in the middle of the ocean that you would only use for one job! But, you know, if you want to waste your metals, your materials, and your money on this super-huge crane you're only going to use once, that's your business."

Ratchet stomped. "We have EARNED the right to be on your world! We have fought, we have bled – one of our number even DIED protecting you from the Decepticons! Once, we had only come to this world out of necessity. Now, we consider it our home. Are we so different from you? If you prick us, do we not bleed? May I have a volunteer?"

Ratchet flipped out his switchblade, causing everyone in the audience to pull back. Rainbow Dash volunteered, flying up into his hand. Ratchet clutched her, then slowly, carefully dug the tip of his blade into her leg, giving her a tiny cut.

"Look!" Ratchet said, holding Dash's leg up for them to see. "Blood, the same red color as yours!" Ratchet put Rainbow Dash down and addressed the crowd. "Do you think you're the only ones with problems? You have to adjust to living with aliens! Imagine how WE feel! WE have to adjust to living on an ENTIRE PLANET, that is, to us, COMPLETELY ALIEN!"

The audience stood in shocked silence. Then, one by one, they began to leave. Some of them saw the reasoning in Ratchet's points, but it was easy to see that it his demonstration of Rainbow Dash's blood being the same color as theirs that really got them. A small few stayed behind, determined to protest the aliens, ignoring that the Autobots had secretly saved Earth from destruction – sometimes not even from Decepticons.

Gould, unerringly indignant, humphed. Walking to Optimus' foot, he pointed. "Now you watch yourself, Optimus, because I have people."

"I … also have … people." Optimus warned him.

Gould spun around to Rarity. "And you! The religious pony!"

Rarity stepped backwards. "I-I don't see what's wrong with that. I've met plenty of nice people at church."

"But it's not your church! Shouldn't be you attending whatever pony gods you believe in?" Gould said. "Being a polygamist religious floozy is very unbecoming you know."

Rarity's eyes twitched. "What do you just call me?"

"You heard me. Poly-religious floozy."

"Oh! You -! You- It – is -on!" Rarity launched him, grabbing him with her hooves and savagely beating him over the head with her bare leg.

"Rarity!" Twilight shouted, grabbing Rarity and pulling her away. The movement knocked Gould onto the ground. "That was unnecessary!"

"But completely justified!"

"You attacked me!" Gould crawled away, stumbling to his feet.

"Subsequent to your deliberate provocation," Optimus said.

Gould dusted himself, adjusting his overcoat. "I hope no one caught that on video, where a pony attacked me unprovoked and then the great, heroic Optimus Prime did nothing to stop it ..." Gould whistled innocently as he walked down the street away from them.

"Unprovoked, my fat ..." Ratchet muttered.

"Rarity ..." Twilight said. "As dirty as it makes me feel to say, Gould may have a point." Twilight shuddered like she just swallowed something nasty. "Guuh, I hope I never say that again. You may not really need to go to church anymore." Rarity scoffed. Twilight patted her back. "I know it sounds ridiculous, but why were you going to church in the first place?"

"Well, I… I suppose it's because I felt guilty about my incident with Bulkhead and Rafael and I wanted someone's forgiveness for it and I couldn't tell Optimus ..."

"But Optimus knows now," Twilight said.

Rarity looked away. "I suppose that makes sense… " Rarity sighed. "Oh, but I can’t bring myself to swear it off completely. I’ve made friends there, and… it’s comforting, you know, to imagine someone’s out there looking for you…”

"As long as it makes you happy," Twilight assured her, smiling.

"Princess Twilight!" was shouted from down the road. Twilight and her friends watched a Royal Guard march down the street, aiming for them.

"Pri-Princess Twilight ..." The Guard panted, out of breath. "The -the black vines … the ones you and Celestia took care of … they're back!"


"They've returned, and they've grown. They're overrunning Ponyville as we speak!"

"Then why did you keep us here by talking?" Dash growled, slapping the Guard's helmet. "Let's get moving!"

Twilight Sparkle and her group returned to Ponyville with the Bridge as fast as they could. The vines were truly taking over, as multiple houses had the vines coiled around them, breaking windows and blocking off doors. A few citizens ran by, screaming in fear and for help. The girls spotted Princess Celestia in the town square, blasting at the vines to no effect.

"Princess Celestia!" Twilight yelled, rushing up to her mentor.

Celestia stopped fighting to address her student. "Twilight Sparkle. I'm glad you and your friends are here. As can you see-" the sound of glass shattering caused Celestia to pause, "they have overrun the town. I keep burning them with my magic, but for every one I destroy, it's as though two take its place!"

"We'll help!" Twilight and Rarity moved into position to help Celestia in firing on the vines, but they were so many of them. One of them raised up, and Rarity's body was lifted into the air in sync with it. The vine coiled around, and a shower of blue and yellow sparks burst from Rarity's horn, electrifying her face and covering it with soot.

"I'm sorry, darlings." Rarity said when the vine let her down. "I'm afraid you'll have to count me out ..."

"I've never seen a plant that can do that before!" Twilight exclaimed.

Celestia took aim at the offending vine, but instead of a blisteringly hot laser, a sunflower appeared from the tip of her horn instead, to her confusion. The flower then bent down on its and squirted water into her face. Celestia used her hoof to tear the flower off. She stomped on it, then gasped at the sky.

"What?" Twilight looked up and gasped too. Equestria's sun and moon were right next to each other!

"I have never seen magic like this." Celestia said. "Wait. There is one, but … Discord is no more. How is this possible?"

"However it is, y'all better figure it out fast!" Applejack pointed as a vine like a tree root curled around and through a shop, smashing its way through the plaster and bedrock. "Ah'm not shore how much more o' this Ponyville can take!"

Celestia snorted. "I will attempt to discover how Discord's magic relates to the vines. You will fight them from Ponyville, won't you?" Everypony saluted. Celestia nodded, galloping off.

"Come on, girls." Twilight ducked for a closer look at a vine. "Let's see what we can do to fix this!"

"Say ..." Applejack picked up a vine. "Maybe we can trace back their stem and find out where they came from?" The vine writhed from Applejack's grasp and lashed at her. Rainbow Dash swooped down on the vine, trampling under her hooves.

Realizing they had best hurry, the girls walked alongside to the side of the vines, eventually tracing them to outside Ponyville.

"Based on their direction, I'd say these came from the Everfree Forest." Twilight said. As if responding to her conclusion, a gathering of vines with sideways, zigzagged mouths raised up. The mouthed plants began expelling green gas on the group, making them cough.

"Uugh! What is this stuff?" Dash complained.

"It smells bad, too!" Applejack added.

"Yaaah!" Twilight yelled, sweeping over the vines with a beam from her horn. Even though the Forest could be dangerous, they galloped into the Everfree Forest without fear, fighting attacks from all kinds of different variety of vines with kicks, bucks, bites, and their magic. Some of the vines ended in huge clubs. Others had more gas expulsion mouths, while at least one of them spat sticky goo aimed for their hooves. After galloping some distance, they found a wide clearing devoid of any trees, but filled with black vine intertwining with black thorny, creating a briar patch.

"I've never been here before." Fluttershy muttered, amazed at it all. In the clearing was a large pit that looked like it was made of crystal. It would have been beautiful, were it not for the vines.


Sliding down a slope that led into the inside of the pit, the girls were all in awe of what they had found. A very large tree also made of crystal. It was a pale, pearly blue. On its trunk were Princess Celestia's and Luna's Cutie Marks, while their own Cutie Marks were spread across its thick branches. It too was covered with black vines.

"What is it?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"I don't know ..." Twilight cautiously pressed her hoof into its side.

"Girls!" Celestia found them inside the pit and flew in to join them. "I was worried when I returned to Ponyville and did not find you." Celestia looked at the tree, smiling fondly as though thinking of golden times. "Ah, I see you have found the Tree of Harmony."

"Tree of Harmony?"

"Yes." Celestia walked towards the tree. "My sister and I discovered this tree a thousand years ago. It was from it that we discovered the Elements of Harmony."

"You mean the Elements of Harmony came from some random tree?" Dash said. "That is ... so lame!"

"Lame though it may be, Rainbow Dash, this tree is a strange and wonderful one." Celestia said. "Now, after exploring some options, I have discovered something that might let us discover how to stop this invasion. I met your friend, Zecora, and she offered me this memory potion." Celestia held out a bottle full of purple liquid. "She informed that the potion is supposed to be white, and she couldn't figure how to make it change." Celestia put the potion on the ground. "I'm open to suggestions, anypony."

"Hmm." Twilight examined the bottle. She used several different spells, including a color-change spell which failed to change its purple liquid to white. "Hmm... that was every spell that comes to mind."

Pinkie bounced towards them. "What about a spell that didn't come to mind, Twilight? A spell you never ever really think to use? Or maybe a spell you don't WANT to use!"

"A spell I don't want to use … ? Pinkie Pie, you're brilliant!" Twilight's eyes glowed green, a dark purple mist forming on her horn – Sombra's magic. She used the spell on the bottle, and the purple solution finally turned white.

"Well done, Twilight Sparkle." Celestia levitated the bottle up and uncorked it. "We will drink it together so we have company in the memory." Celestia and Twilight each took a drink. They coughed and gagged, clutching at their throats. The girls crowded them, pelting them with questions of concerns, just before they both fell to their sides and fainted, their eyes glowing white…

"Mmm, huh?" Twilight groaned, getting to her hooves. "Princess Celestia?" Twilight was relieved to see the Princess with her.

"Hello, Twilight." Celestia looked around. The world around them was full of bumpy hills with pink and blue checkerboard patterns, the sky was a miserable shade of pink, and the clouds were made of cotton candy.

"This must be when Discord took over Ponyville." Twilight concluded.

"Yes." Celestia agreed. "But not when you and your friends fought him. Look." Twilight looked over the hills to see Discord, dancing and prancing around with a rucksack full of stony-blue rocks which he was scattering on the ground. Discord then popped a handful into his mouth, munching like it was popcorn.

Then Princess Celestia and Luna appeared, walking towards him with purpose. Celestia had the crown and necklaces for Elements of Magic, Kindness, and Laughter on her, while Luna had Honesty, Loyalty, and Generosity stacked on her neck. It didn't look too comfortable.

"Ah!" Discord said. "Princesses Celestia and Luna. How fare thee on this fine day?"

"Silence thy tongue, Discord!" Luna roared. "We hath come to end thou and thy reign of terror upon the good folk of Equestria!"

"Oh." Discord exhaled. "We art just having a bit of fun. Thou dost know the meaning of the word, don't they?"

"Yea." Celestia said. "And thou hast done nothing of the sort. We shall not tolerate thine antics any longer!"

Twilight giggled. "Princess? You spoke like Luna does?"

"I know it's archaic now, Twilight, but there whence was a time when everypony speaketh that way." Celestia, realizing her slip, bit her lip. Twilight giggled again. "Twilight, please stop giggling."


"We hath seen the suffering thou's callous actions have wrought on our citizens." Past Celestia said.

"Mm-hmm." Discord nodded. "Dost thou want some of these seeds? They're delicious!"


"Thou art done!" Luna growled. The Elements began glowing intensely with power. The Princesses were raised into the air by their magic, and their eyes were turned white. The rainbow beam that Twilight was very familiar with formed, and the beam arched over and headed for Discord.

"Oh, how cute!" Discord said, pulling a pose in the middle of popping another mouthful of seeds. "Thou think thy trinkets can hurt me!" The rainbow surrounded him, twisting around him like a tornado, turning him to stone from toe to head.

Celestia flew up to Discord's statue. "Tis over, Discord." She pushed his statue, knocking it over to the ground. "Tis over."

The memory faded, and Twilight and Celestia groaned as they awoke.

"Uggh … that was unpleasant." Twilight muttered.

"Agreed." Celestia said. "But I know how to defeat these vines."

"Ya do!?" Applejack cheered. "That's great!"

"Yes." Celestia looked at the tree. "In the memory, we saw Discord throwing seeds into the ground. There is no doubt in my mind that these vines have sprouted from those very seeds, designed to plunder Equestria of magic as preemptive revenge."

"That's it!" Pinkie said. "We'll call them Plunderseeds!"

Celestia ignored Pinkie. "We must return the Elements into the Tree. With the Elements, it will have the power to destroy the … Plunderseeds."

Celestia was immediately met with protests and complaints from everypony.

"What? No!" Pinkie said.

"Surely there's another way!" Rarity begged.

"We use the Elements to defend Equestria. How will we defend Equestria wit'out 'em?" Applejack wondered.

"I like my Element!" said Rainbow.

"I understand your reluctance, my little ponies." Celestia said. "But it's the only way."

"It's really impressive you figured all that out from just that one memory, Princess." Twilight said respectfully. "But I can't give away my Element in good conscience."

"Twilight Sparkle, do you have other options?"

Twilight thought about it. "I don't. But I know someone who might!" Twilight galloped up the entry slope back towards Ponyville. The Princess looked to her friends some explanation. They followed her back to Ponyville, where she was waiting expectantly outside of her home (also overrun with vines) with Spike.

"Twi?" Applejack said. "Y'all had an idea?"

"I did!" Twilight said. "I figure since we're out of ideas, we can use someone else for ideas! Someone who's never let us down before ..."

"Please." Spike said, stroking his ego. "I know I'm good, but I'm not that good." Twilight rolled her eyes.

A Bridge opened up next to them, and Team Prime stepped out, all of them with protective steel masks hanging off their heads and huge yellow and red tanks on their backs, with some sort of nozzle attachment under their arms.

"Hello, Princess Celestia." Optimus waved. "Twilight Sparkle sent me a letter informing you have a situation." Optimus observed the Plunderseeds on Twilight's house. "She mentioned your only solution to the problem is to give up the Elements of Harmony to a tree."

Optimus pulled the mask down over his face. He pushed a button on the nozzle, and a huge jet of flame burst forth from the nozzle.

"I believe we may have an alternative solution." Optimus nodded to his Autobots. "Autobots, incinerate!" The rest of Team Prime pulled their masks down and set about applying the flamethrowers to the Plunderseeds, being careful to not shoot any flames onto buildings. Thankfully, simply burning the seeds that were on the ground was enough to send shrivels and withers up the entire plant, pulling the seeds on the buildings down. Within minutes, dead Plunderseeds were piling up.

"Whoo!" Applejack and the others cheered. They gave each other hugs. "We won't have tah give back tha' Elements after all!"

"Uh, I wouldn't be so sure about that ..." Fluttershy mumbled. More Plunderseeds were slithering from the Everfree Forest.

"Autobots!" Optimus commanded, routing them towards the fresh Plunderseeds. The Autobots used their flamethrowers to great effect, but more kept crawling towards them.

"Optimus, this isn't working." Arcee said. "There's too many of them!" Twilight stomped her hoof in frustration.

"Hey ..." Fluttershy said. "Do any of you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

There was a foreboding creak that reeked of terrible things going down.

"There it is!"

"Yeah, I hear it. What is it?"

There was another creak.

"It sounds like it's coming from …" Twilight turned her head. "The library!" Despite Team Prime burning off the Plunderseeds, the vile plants had already wrapped around Twilight's library again. And this time, they were squeezing. The air was filled with the sound of branches snapping and windows cracking. There was a groan as one Plunderseed maliciously tore off a branch from the treehouse. The vines wrapped tighter and tighter, creating more and more of those awful creaks. More branches snapped off, hitting the ground with a thud.

"Optimus? Princess Celestia?" Twilight asked, her voice breaking. She sounded just like a little child asking their parent something they knew was impossible. "Can you … save my home?"

"I am sorry, Twilight Sparkle." Optimus said. "The Plunderseeds are too numerous for our equipment to have significant effect."

"Any thing we try is likely to destroy your home anyways." Celestia sadly noted.

Twilight sniffed, a tear forming in her eye. "I … understand."

There was more creaking and groaning from the treehouse, followed by a little clinking on a window. Inside, there was an owl desperately trying to break free from the house.

"An owl?" Bumblebee asked. "What's an owl doing in your house?"

"Oh no! Bumblebee, that's not an owl, that's my pet!"

"Hang on!" Bumblebee sprang into action, despite Optimus' warning. "We might not be able to save the house, but we can save your pet!" Bumblebee hopped onto the treehouse like a monkey, punching through the window and grabbing the owl. "I got'cha, buddy!" he raised his owl-holding hand in triumph, only to shake as the library let out a rumble. Bumblebee made a point to hop off as quick as he could.

Not a moment too soon, as it was just then that the library finally gave into the Plunderseeds. The entire top half of the building snapped and collapsed into the bottom half, crushing the library in on itself. Any remaining branches fell of, all windows shattered, and a cloud of dust appeared from the bottom half as it was crushed utterly.

Twilight's tears flowed more freely. Applejack moved to comfort her. "Ah'm sorry, Twilight ..."

"It-it's not fair." Twilight whined, her voice muffled under the weight of her tears. She almost felt she was about to drown in said tears, and honestly, the way she felt right now, that would be a welcome relief. "We beat Discord. We killed him. We made sure he couldn't hurt anypony ever again, and now he takes away my house from beyond the grave!?" Twilight buried her head into Applejack's chest. "It's not fair … all my things … all my books. All my research notes on science and friendship … my blueprints. My furniture – my furniture that I picked out for me- my inks and quills … all gone. Just … completely gone!" She could imagine - she could just imagine about how everything was lost. The bookshelves being crushed by the library walls, her beloved books flying out from the shelves and being shredded apart by splinters. Trinkets and toys for her and Spike being smashed into fine, useless powders, not to mention any emotional keepsakes.

All gone.

It was all just completely gone.

"H-hey..." Bulkhead said. "It's not all bad. The library only got crushed, not exploded. I'm sure a few of your things survived. We can just dig them out of the rubble, right?"

Twilight continued sobbing into Applejack's chest. She looked up at Applejack's face, then towards Bumblebee. She stepped away from Applejack and sighed.

"I'm sorry, girls. We have to give the Elements to the Tree. There's- there's no other way. We have to …" Twilight looked at the remnants of her home, where she had her first party with Pinkie Pie. "Before another pony loses their home."

Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy all seemed ready to argue about this decision, but with a wary glance downward, they knew Twilight was right. There wasn't a choice.

Celestia did a quick hop back to Canterlot to retrieve the Elements of Harmony. She gave them to each to the pony who represented them, and the group made their way back to the forest where the Tree of Harmony was. The Autobots occasionally had to fight off more Plunderseeds with their flamethrowers, but they moved onto the next area before they could pile up.

Returning to the crater, Twilight galloped ahead of the others towards the tree. She held the Element of Magic in her hoof, sadly staring at her reflection. She teared up, sniffing a little, then pressed her Element into the hole shaped like her Cutie Mark. She stared at it and the Tree bitterly like they were the reason her home was destroyed. Then she ran into Celestia's chest, sobbing loudly.

Rainbow Dash sighed, flying to the Tree and depositing her Element in it. Rarity attempted to maintain an air of stoicism as she levitated her Element. Applejack shook her head when she gave up hers. Fluttershy groaned, and finally, Pinkie frowned.

When the last Element was clicked into place, the Tree of Harmony let out a hum, glowing a blue color. The light pulsed intensely before letting out a ring of light that made every Plunderseed it touched wither and die, shriveling up completely until they turned brown, like normal branches. This time, they didn't replenish their numbers. The Tree was glowing heartily and healthily. Its glow collected into a swirl at its center, like a portal, which spat out a medium size six-sided faceted diamond with six keyholes on its side.

Rainbow Dash picked the object up. "Oh joy." She said with the flattest voice possible. "A box. It'll be a cinch to protect Equestria now."

Applejack ran a hoof across Twilight's neck. "It'll be okay, Twilight… we'll fix it. Just' like we always do. Right, girls?"


"You know what, Applejack?" Twilight wiped her face with her leg, becoming much cheerier. "You're absolutely right. We may not have the Elements of Harmony anymore, but that doesn't mean we can't still protect Equestria. We're still Autobots, and that's just as good." She noticed a dead Plunderseed. Secretly, Twilight snapped a dead branch off it and hid on her person.

Celestia snorted, puffing air from her nostrils. "Why must you be Autobots? Why can't you just be ponies, like before you went into space?"

That remark cut Twilight hard, especially after Shining Armor's recent objection to his little Twiley being an Autobot.

"I'm sorry to say, Twilight Sparkle, but I … I would be more comfortable leaving all world-saving activities to your brother from now on." Celestia said.

"What!? Princess-"

"Shining Armor couldn't save a cat up a tree!"

Everyone glared at Bulkhead.

"What? We're all thinking it. I just had the chrome bearings to say it." Bulkhead shrugged.

"Princess Celestia, just because we don't have the Elements anymore -"

"Means you will not be able to effectively deal with threats to our safety as you have in the past." Celestia said sternly. "Nightmare Moon, Discord, Megatron … you defeated them all with the help of the Elements."

"Yes, but we've learned things since then! Fighting, weaponry, tactics, from being on Earth and from the Autobots!" Twilight complained.

"Yes. I've been meaning to discuss that with Optimus." Celestia glanced warily at him. She flew in the air to look at him eye-level. "Twilight Sparkle and her friends, though successful at saving Equestria several times, are not meant for war. They're mares, not war machines. It's clear they've been affected their experiences with you. Affects I would like treatment and therapy to undo, especially after what Shining Armor has told me. Because of that … for this reason, Optimus Prime, I have decided I must take Twilight Sparkle and her friends away from you."

The girls gasped. "What?"

"Princess, no! You can't do this!"

Celestia raised her hoof for silence. "I have made up my mind."

Optimus blinked stoically. He walked slowly towards her. "You are a leader, Princess Celestia. It is your right to decide what is best for your subjects and to act on it. In that regard, I respect your decision. However, during our time together, I have come to consider Twilight Sparkle and her friends part of my own family, just as much as Ratchet, or Bulkhead or Rafael."

Shocking everyone, Optimus pulled up his switchblades and battlemask.

"And I will not stand idly by and allow you to take my family from me."

Celestia was taken aback, but hardened her glare and charged up her horn. "Do you really wish to fight me, Optimus?"

"No. But I will do what I must to protect my family."

"Stop!" Twilight shouted, trotting to Optimus' feet. "Please stop, both of you. You shouldn't be fighting. Your friends, and – and you're both very close to my and my friends. If you fight, we'll have to choose between you and – and how can you ask us to do that?"

Optimus froze, then retracted his armaments. "I apologize, Twilight Sparkle. My desire to protect those close to me overrode my better judgment. Princess Celestia, perhaps we may yet reach a peaceful compromise?"

Celestia took in a deep breath. “Perhaps. I apologize as well, Optimus. I don’t know what’s gotten into me…” Celestia brushed a hoof against her mane. “Shining Armor seemed most distressed. Perhaps I’m letting his worries affect my own judgment too much.”

“Perhaps,” Optimus said bitterly.

“Could we still reach a compromise, Optimus? The more I think of it, the more it pains me to think that my studious student is out there, firing weapons, pulling triggers… killing… and risking her life, so far away, in places I could never reach in time in the event she should need my help.”

“I don’t need you or Shining Armor to baby me! I’m fine! I’ll be fine, I’ve been fine, I’m still here, am I not?” Twilight snapped.

“Twilight…” Celestia said.

“It seems to the crux of the problem lies with Shining Armor,” Optimus observed.

“Yeah, and if that’s the case … if that’s how he really feels, then I… might as well just move in with the Autobots on Earth, then!” Twilight said.
Everypony gasped.

“Twilight, are you sure that’s a good idea?” Bulkhead asked. “Moving into a new house on another planet is an awfully big decision to make… especially when you don’t have to.”

“Yes, I’m sure,” Twilight said, “I mean, at least until my own house gets repaired. That is, assuming Celestia does get around to ordering repairs on it, or does Shining Armor want me to move in with him and Cadence so he can keep pretending I’m some immature foal who doesn’t know what’s best for herself?”

Celestia stomped. “Twilight Sparkle, that is out of line. Your brother may have some odd notions, but he is still the Captain of the Guard and deserves your respect.”

“Oh, yes, the Captain of the Guard!” Twilight said. “The Captain who gets captured by infiltrators, of the Guard that doesn’t do anything! Hey, remember when the Guard protected Equestria and its citizens from Nightmare Moon? From Discord? From The Deceptions? From Sombra or Thunderwing? I sure don’t! OH WAIT! That’s because they didn’t! It was all us! If it wasn’t me or my friends, it was the Autobots!”

Celestia grimaced. “If that’s how you really feel, Twilight Sparkle, perhaps you should leave and join the Autobots’ residence.”

“Maybe I should. Maybe I will,” Twilight insisted. She flew up near Optimus, and deposited herself into his grasp, where Optimus wrapped his arms around.

“Princess Celestia,” Optimus began, “If you wish to have an actual discussion regarding my proximity and closeness to Twilight, and both the positive and negative potentials effects my Autobots and I are having on her, I would be happy to oblige you, Your Majesty… provided you can gather your facts and lay out a more convincing argument than Shining Armor’s inability to recognize his younger sister as a capable warrior equal to, if not superior to him in her own right.”

“Autobots, let us go home. We have some reorganizing to do if we are to make Twilight a semi-permanent member of our residence,” Optimus said, turning away from Celestia with Twilight wrapped over his shoulder like a baby, a Space Bridge appearing on his command.

“Seriously, Princess, you should work on fixing that Guard,” Rainbow Dash said to Celestia. “You might as well just fire them. I’d say the six of us or the Autobots worth a thousand of them… but that would imply they’re actually worth anything.”

“Shining seems a little out of control,” Rarity observed. “You should replace him as Captain, or at least suspend him, until you get your house in order,”

With that, Rarity and Rainbow turned their noses at the Princess and joined the others in walking through the Space Bridge.

Celestia was nonplussed. “Huh.”

Miko cheerily whistled, walking with Sunset Shimmer into the halls of the base. "So, Sunset, think you can teach me how to do unicorn magic?" Miko asked with big, pleading eyes.

"Oh gee, I -I don't know, Miko." Sunset said. "It's not the kind of thing you just learn overnight ..."

"Uh-huh. Oh, wait right here!" Miko said, spotting Bulkhead lugging a bucket of paint. "Hey, Bulk! We still up for off-roading today?"

"Right!" Bulkhead said. "Um, maybe not right now, Miko. We're in the middle of something ..."

"What's this?" Sunset asked, noticing and walking up to a bucket of pink paint.

"Paint." Bulkhead shrugged. "Just paint."

"Okay, but why is there paint in the base?" Sunset asked.

"Because I'm moving into it." Twilight answered, appearing next to Sunset.

"What?" Miko squawked. "Bulkhead, when I wanted to move in the base, you shot me down like that! What gives?"

"Er, Twilight's a responsible adult who can make responsible adult decisions." Bulkhead answered hastily.

"What's wrong with the library?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

"It was destroyed." Twilight answered. "Crushed by Plunderseeds."

"Whoa, whoa, rewind button!" Miko chimed. "Plunderseeds? What the heck are Plunderseeds?"

"I don't want to talk about it ..." Twilight answered surly, walking off in another direction. Leaving the others behind to set up her new room, Twilight waded through the base until she found a particular corridor she hadn't seen before. Becoming curious, Twilight walked down. She turned into the first open door she saw, and what she saw inside made her scream.

The room was empty, void of any decoration or equipment except for one thing. In the center of the room, inside a huge glass box like they use at the museums for dinosaur reconstructions, suspended on a metal rack was a broken, bloodied body with its detached arm hung separate, but adjacent to the head. But it wasn't just random corpses; it was the corpse of Megatron, what remained of him after the slaughter at New York. Twilight remembered Barricade saying something about Optimus not giving them Megatron's body.

Twilight breathed heavily, then scrambled to get out the room. She bumped into Optimus' foot.

"I heard a scream." Optimus said with his hands crossed behind his back. "Is everything alright?"

"I – it you- Megatron! In the base!" Twilight sputtered, pointing at the grotesque display case.

Optimus nodded. "Indeed." He walked towards the case, staring at with no visible expression. He put his hand on the glass and sighed, as if remembering better times.

"You are aware of mine and Megatron's history ..."

"Y-yes." Twilight answered. "Jack told me … how were you friends before Megatron turned into a crazy murder-happy maniac?"

Optimus nodded. "I believed we had the same goal with only differing means. It has taken me some time to realize he was always a killer at his core. Even after he destroyed our planet, I thought I might seek redemption for him. I see now that was hopelessly naive of me. For that reason, I keep his body here, as a reminder to myself that not everyone deserves redemption."

"And ..." Twilight walked under him. "Also because you don't trust the Decepticons, right?"

Optimus heaved a sigh. "Though I would like to deny it, Twilight Sparkle, you are correct. While Shockwave himself may not wish to revive Megatron, I believe his body would be stolen from other rogues during transit."

"Mm." Twilight turned to the corpse. "Optimus? This is still kind of creepy."

"I know." Optimus walked out of the room. "Perhaps we can find something cheerier to admire."
Optimus and Twilight ambled about the base, enjoying one another's company. After a while, they stumbled upon a portrait, of sorts that had pictures of everyone on it – Jack, Optimus, Ratchet, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Arcee … everyone was there in a single picture showing them, taped together to fake being a whole photo. "Our Family" was written

"Ratchet?" Optimus asked, putting his hand on it. "What is this?"

"What is what?" Ratchet replied, looking up from his workstation. "Oh. That. It was a, um, gift from a friend of mine." He seemed a bit embarrassed by it.

"Mm-hmm. Fluttershy?" Optimus guessed.

"Is it that obvious?"

"A little bit." Twilight answered.

"Do you not like it?" Fluttershy asked, flying into the room. She was meaning to see Twilight, but she heard Optimus talking.

"I like it." Optimus admitted, grabbing the portrait and lifting it. He flashed Fluttershy a smile. "But I think we can do better."

Optimus called everyone in Team Prime, including the humans and ponies, and even Agent Fowler and Jack's mother, June, who despite being confused by it, fulfilled Optimus' request she bring a large, high-definition camera.

"So what are we doing?" June asked as she set the camera up on a stand.

"Taking a family portrait." Optimus answered happily, causing Jack's mother to wonder if she was hallucinating. Optimus was never this happy.

"I gotta admit," Fowler said, "when I was a young boy, I never thought I'd see an inter-alien family."

Twilight smiled. She looked at Optimus, then back to them. "Miss Darby, can you set the camera on a timer?"

"I can, but why?"

"Because we want you two on this side of the camera." Twilight beckoned for them to come over.


No, I couldn't ..."

"Come on!" Jack encouraged. "You are my mother, after all. And I guess Agent Fowler could be like an uncle."

"Yeah!" Miko agreed. "But not a cool uncle. Like a lame uncle."

"Besides." Fluttershy said, cutting them off before Miko insulted Fowler further. "We're family," she gestured to herself and the girls. "And we haven't even known them as long as you!"

"Can't argue with that." June set the camera. She and Fowler walked off and made sure everyone was smiling when the flash went off. Optimus tasked Fowler with getting it printed and framed. Fowler left with enthusiasm.

He soon returned with a fresh, primed portrait in his hands, but now he was sour and gloomy.

"Is something wrong, Agent Fowler?" Optimus asked, taking the portrait from him. It had come out beautifully, with no extra focus on any particular member and with everyone clearly visible. Optimus proudly hung it up where Fluttershy's early mock-up had been.

"Yeah." Fowler put his hands in his pockets. "People are going around saying Twilight killed Doctor Morocco in prison."


"That's not true!"

"I know that, Twilight." Fowler said. "But some people are finding it just a bit suspicious."

Miko climbed up to the living area, clicking the remote to turn on the T.V. "Eh, let 'em think that. We know the truth and that's all that matters, right?"

"I suppose." Twilight looked down. She didn't feel good knowings humans were accusing her of murder.

"Whuh-oh." Miko muttered, catching the attention of others.

On the television was a title card saying "HORSES UNCUT" that shrunk to the corner, showing the reporters at their table.

"In shocking news today," the newslady reported, "An alien has been found assaulting a well-known and reputable businessman." The screen then showed video of Rarity's attack on Gould after he called her a floozy.

"One can only wonder what was going Mr. Gould's mind as he was nearly beaten to an inch of his life by our so-called "allies."

"I barely hit him!" Rarity shrieked. "Not for lack of trying, but still!"

Ratchet wasn't any happier than Rarity was. "Gould's only 'repute' is being a walking pile of grease and slime."

Miko changed the channel, switching over to reveal another news channel, this time with a human male and Rung of all people in seats.

"Is that Rung?" Ratchet shouted, recognizing him.

"So to reiterate," the human interviewer said, "in your opinion, Optimus Prime is too attached to Celestia's errand-runners?" Rainbow Dash and Twilight resented that name.

Rung nodded. "Yes. He shows too much compassion for them as both as leader who should remain distant, and as leader who shouldn't give favor to one species. You can read all about it in my article online. I attempted to interview the ponies and Optimus would not allow me to finish my interviews."

"You heard it here, folks!" The human pointed at the camera. "Optimus Prime … plays favorites with the ponies! The question we have to ask, America, is can we trust such a biased Autobot in such a powerful position?"

"Not that either." Miko said, quickly changing the channel again, only to get another report, this time slamming Twilight for her "murder" of Doctor Morocco.

"The prison guard who was stationed at the time insists that Twilight Sparkle did not kill the man, but for some reason I don't entirely believe him. What do you think -" Miko gave up and turned the T.V off.

"What do you wanna do about this, boss-bot?" Dash asked.

"The same thing I always encourage doing. Talk."

"So how do you know Optimus is too attached to his little ponies?" a Leaper and a Vehicon contemptuously asked of Rung, eager for any dirt the Decepticons could use on Optimus.

"It's quite simple," Rung answered. "He puts sparing their feelings over psychiatric help. A proper caretaker has enough balance of closeness and distance to allow for tough choices." Rung was puzzled when the Decepticons started walking backwards. "Where are you going? This could be an educating experience for you!"

"If I may," Rung felt a strong yet gentle hand on his shoulder, "a psychiatrist should make their patients feel comfortable, something which you failed to do."

Rung looked up to see Optimus Prime behind him. Optimus was a kind leader, but he could be terrifying when he wanted to. Optimus appeared content, but as a trained psychologist Rung could see that Optimus was very, very close to becoming genuinely upset. Rung remembered that battles that Optimus had participated in after becoming ‘upset’ in the past had a notable absence of survivors. "I'm given to understand you are of the opinion I am too attached to Twilight's regiment?"

Rung wormed his way out from Optimus' grip, grimacing. "Er, yes. I think you were soft on them when you wouldn't let me interview them."

"As I mentioned, psychiatric physicians are trained to make their patients feel comfortable, something you were visibly failing at doing. However, I do not wish to discuss that at this in moment."

"What… do you want to discuss?"

"Your article." Optimus growled. "Which you published online, demonstrating your reasoning for why I am "too attached." While I would not deprive of the right to your opinion, I would have greatly appreciated if you would have brought your concerns to me first before going public." Optimus crossed his arms.

Rung stammered. "I, uh, did what I thought was best."

"Rung, I can accept that you think I have a closer-than-healthy attachment to Equestrians. What I cannot tolerate is that you would rather publish your observations to the media for gossip than talk to me and address the issue. But by going to the media instead of coming to me, Rung ..."

Optimus leaned forward, causing Rung to fear for his life.

"You have betrayed my trust."

Optimus straightened up and walked away, too upset to even look at Rung even further.

"Hmm." Rung turned around, only to see Prowl standing in front of him. "Oh! Hello, Prowl … how long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough." Prowl answered. Prowl put a finger to Rung's chin. "You watch yourself, Rung. That's strike one. You backstab Optimus like that again … well, let's just say I have my sights on you."

Rung nodded, nervously biting onto his tablet.

"So yeah," Gould said, being fawned over by young women. "That's the story of how I narrowly escaped an undeserved vicious beating by a unicorn." He was also laying on a beanbag, just outside the building.

"Narrowly escaped? Undeserved vicious beating?" Rarity asked him as she and Twilight approached. "You insulted my religion and then my friends talked me down before I could seriously injure you."

A few of the woman, offended, huffed at Gould and left, while others remained by his side glaring at the unicorns.

"Well, well." Gould said, getting up. "The criminal always returns to the scene of the crime, right ladies?"

"Giving in to the impulse to beat you up is hardly a crime." Twilight quipped. "You are incredibly unpleasant person."

"Hmph, given your noted prejudice against humans, I'm not so sure you're the best judge of that, Miss Murderer."

"I did not kill Doctor Morocco!" Twilight insisted. "Just ask the guard who was stationed there!"

"I don't have anything against humans." Rarity said. "So allow me to offer my two cents that yes, you are an uncouth brute." Rarity huffed.

"Yes." Gould ignored her, focusing on Twilight. "The guard. The guard who I'm sure you paid off, isn't that right, ladies?" Gould's cheerleaders giggled.

"I didn't pay anybody off!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Sure you didn't." Gould muttered. "Ladies, would you excuse us?" The girls, still glaring at Twilight and Rarity, obeyed Gould's request and gave them some space.

"I'll let you in on a secret." Gould said. "Morocco was actually of my old contacts. He called to let me know his ticker was about to give up the ghost. So I arranged for you to visit him, so it would look like you killed him."

"What!?" Twilight exclaimed. "But … why? Why would you do such an awful thing!?"

"Just business, sweetheart. I won't get into specifics right now, but you looking bad makes my company's side-projects look good."

"You … you … won't get away with this!" Twilight growled.

"Of course I won't. Ask yourself, Twilight Sparkle, who are the people going to believe? Me, a respected businessman who's been doing profit for twenty years, or a recent alien who is known for hating on humanity?"

Twilight snorted, infuriated. She threw Gould into the air with magic and slammed him on the concrete, pinning his chest with her hooves.

"You enjoy your comfy throne right now, Gould, because I am going to take away everything you own. And I'll do it by forcing to reveal to the public every underhanded dirty business you've ever done. I'll probably kill you anyway because you're such a scumbag, but only after you're left with no assets to your name and people everywhere know the truth about you." Twilight got off him, glaring at him.

Gould smirked. "Sure you will, dolly. You know many people have threatened that to me and failed?"

Twilight snorted. Activating her magic, she grabbed Gould's knees and elbows and twisted, dislocating each joint. She left him there, with a stinging pain in all his limbs and being unable to get up without help. "Come on, Rarity. Let's go home and leave Gould on the sidewalk for awhile."

Trotting away, Twilight saw Gould's girls coming to help him. Unable to abide that, Twilight quickly erected a forcefield, cutting off Gould from any potential help for at least the next few hours before the shield would wear off. It was a cruel punishment to leave him there like that, with dislocated limbs and no way for help to reach him, but Twilight didn’t give a damn. Perfectly justified, as far as she was concerned.

Shockwave sat in his throne, resting his head on his arm. He was still depressed about the Predacons, and top of that, his network for maintaining the Changeling Batteries was losing communications with the towers the Batteries were attached to. He needed a way to swing Decepticon public opinion back in his favor and fast before more Decepticons followed the Forged example and split off.

Hearing the door to his room hiss and split open, Shockwave thought it may have been too late. Galvatron marched inside, closely followed by Blackout and Barricade.

"Blackout, Barricade." Shockwave asked, stepping down from his throne. "Why are you in my chambers and who is your guest?"

Blackout bowed, gesturing to him. "This is Lord Galvatron. Barricade and I have been having discussions with him."

That caused Shockwave to be wary. "What kind of discussions?"

"The discussion that he would be a better Decepticon leader than you!" Barricade pointed at him. "He's got plans to get rid of the Changeling Batteries and keep the Equestrians off OUR planet!"

"Does he have an alternative plan to the Batteries?" Shockwave asked.

"I do not need an alternative plan," Galvatron answered. "I only need to free Cybertron from their filthy influence."

"Blackout, Barricade, please think logically. Without the Batteries, Cybertron will resume dying and no longer be able to produce Energon naturally. It will be unable to synthesize the material for future generations of protoforms. It will no longer be able to sustain us, or our kind."

"Eh, you have to take the good with the bad," Barricade said. "It may hurt us short term, but we'll come out on top soon enough! Who really wants to play peace with the Autobots?"

"I have been working tirelessly to develop a way to overthrow the Autobots without tipping my hand," Shockwave said. "My first plan was not successful."

"Ah, your first plan. That was the Predacons, wasn't it?" Galvatron chuckled. "The Predacons that flew away to go do what they wanted, Autobots and Decepticons be damned?"

Shockwave started, reviewing what he knew. "You are the one disconnecting the Batteries."

"While we're making realizations, I would like to volunteer I gave you the love potion that made you almost marry Twilight Sparkle." Blackout admitted. "I was … led to believe that would somehow cost you your position."

Shockwave took a long look at the three of them, it steadily dawning on him there was no way for this to be resolved without someone getting shot.

"Galvatron… it would be illogical of you to overthrow me without termination on your first attempt." Shockwave said, essentially warning Galvatron to kill him on his first try, or Galvatron would come to regret it.

Galvatron smirked.

There was a moment of tense silence. No one said anything. No one did anything. Then, Galvatron and Shockwave raised their cannons and fired. Shockwave's blast did nothing more than stagger Galvatron, while Galvatron's shot was so forceful it hurled Shockwave into the wall and out the building, crumbling the wall

"Yeah!" Barricade pumped his fist.

Shockwave, though rapidly falling through the air and all too likely to shatter into parts when he hit the ground, still had enough frame of mind to lock onto a target, aim, and fire. His plasma burst hit Barricade dead-on, bisecting the traitor and throwing his parts onto his back.

The Combaticons appeared in the air, blazing a path through the sky and catching Shockwave on tow hooks. "ALL HAIL SHOCKWAVE!" They announced before flying away from the Tower as fast as they could.

"Oogh..." Barricade groaned.

"Barricade!" Blackout yelled, kneeling next to Barricade's torso. The shot had cut him clean in two, with his abdomen and legs on another part of the floor. "Are you alright, Barricade? Speak!"

Barricade groaned again, weakly looking at Blackout. "Not like this, man..." Barricade put a hand on Blackout's chest. "I wasn't supposed to go out like this… I was supposed to have a big, ultimate duel to the death with Bumblebee, not slagged by my own boss."

"It'll be okay, soldier," Blackout said. "You're gonna be fine. We'll get the medics and-"

"Don't bother," Barricade said. "I'm done for. I'm sorry, Blackout… make sure Bumblebee knows he owes me a match in the AllSpark." Barricade's muscles relaxed, his optics slowly dimming before snuffing out completely.

"Barricade? Barricade!? BARRICADE!" Blackout screamed, clutching his friend's body in denial. "No, no." Blackout held Barricade's body close to his chest, like a big metal teddy bear. "You deserved a better death than this one."

Galvatron neutrally surveyed the scene of Blackout cuddling Barricade's body. "When are you doing grieving, we have work to do." He had no sympathy for Blackout's pain. "I am going to make an announcement. Come find me when you are done."

Galvatron walked out of the room and went to the communications office. He had the Vehicons there set up a camera showing himself from the chest up, displaying a broadcast that would play all over Cybertron.

"People of Cybertron, I am Galvatron. Following Shockwave's incompetence in dealing with the Autobots and need for organic-powered machine, I have disposed of him and taken his place as both leader of the Decepticons and ruler of Cybertron. My first order is a simple one. Deactivate all the Changeling Batteries and deport all organics back to their home planets. I know, to some of you, this is a sudden and unwelcome change, as you have made friends with these organics. But is not our species' greatest strength our ability to change? Effectively immediately, all Equestrians and Earthlings are banned from Cybertron, so that we may restore our home by ourselves, without the pity from lesser species. Thank you for your cooperation."

Galvatron terminated the broadcast.

"Yeah!" A legion of Decepticons and even some Autobots cheered, marching towards the nearest Changeling Battery they could find, eager to tear it down. They were greatly surprised when they saw a legion of Autobots, Deceptcions, humans and Equestrians standing in front of the Battery as if guarding it.

"Move out of the way!" An Aerialbot from the approaching side shouted. "We're taking this disgusting thing down!"

"No." A Leaper surprisingly stepped forward from the Battery. "This Battery is keeping Cybertron alive. It may not be great, but it's all we've got!"

"Yeah." Another Aerialbot on the Battery side. "Optimus will fix Cybertron someday, but until then, we do with these."

"Plus, we don't appreciate being told to just pack and leave!" A unicorn snapped at them. "We've made friends with Cybertronians. Plus, do you realize the opportunities you're depriving yourself of? Think of the things we could do together! Science, sports, just to start with!"

"It's not your world." A Vehicon said. "You don't belong on it and what happens on it isn't your concern!"

"It is my concern, because I've made friends here!" The unicorn insisted, firing a beam of magic into the Vehicon's face. That triggered a fight between the two ideologically-opposed groups. They charged at each others, unicorns casting spells while Cybertronians fought in a blurry, mangled mix of Autobot and Decepticon frames, their previous allegiance meaning nothing, as Aerialbots and Roadbuster units fought with Vehicons against visiting rights for organics while Leapers and Vehicons fought side-by-side with other Aerialbots and unicorns in support of them.

All across Cybertron, similar riots ensued between groups made up of any combination of Autobot, Decepticon, earthling and Equestrian, all of them arguing for or against Changeling Batteries and the presence of organics on Cybertron at all.

"Examples from a recent survey show popular opinion on the aliens is at an all-time low at forty-seven percent …"

"A barbaric sight to see where businessman Dylan Gould was found on the street, with broken limbs and a FORCE FIELD around him to prevent help from reaching him-"

"Reports are pouring of protesters asking for the presence of "alien lifeforms" to be removed from Terra Firma-"

"Some sources say Twilight Sparkle paid the guard off-"

Miko yet again turned the television off, disgusted by the news constantly slamming down on her robot and pony-buddies.

"Darn it." Twilight cursed, sitting next to Jack and Miko on the couch. "I was too angry with Gould to think that through."

"Hey, he deserved it." Miko assured her.

"He deserved worse." Ratchet muttered. The computer screen abruptly shifted, showing an Aerialbot in front of the other side.

"Optimus Prime, sir," the Aerialbot said with a salute. "Riots are breaking out all over Cybertron."

"Can you elaborate, soldier?" Optimus asked.

"I'm not sure, but I believe it's to do with the recent order to shut off the Batteries and expunge all organics."

"What?" Ratchet said.

"Who gave this order?"

"Galvatron, if I'm not mistaken." There was a rattle on the screen from gunfire. "Oh, call you back. Sounds like the riots are getting closer to the base and I need to hunker down." The screen faded into static.

"Surely there's been a mistake." Optimus muttered. "Galvatron served under Nova Prime. He wouldn't do something like this without Nova's input and Nova would not authorize such a command."

"Hailing." Ratchet said, his fingers skittering around the controls in motions that seemed erratic, but were carefully controlled. Galvatron appeared onscreen.

"Optimus Prime." Galvatron drawled. "To what do I this misfortune?"

"Galvatron, I have been informed you have ordered the destruction of all Changeling Batteries and removal of organics on Cybertron?"

"Yes. What of it, Prime?"

"Does Nova Prime know of this?"

Galvatron smirked. "No." He terminated the link.

Optimus tensed. "Ratchet, contact Nova Prime. Perhaps he can put an end to his subordinate's madness."

Ratchet typed into the computer again, but the blank screen didn't change. "No answer." Ratchet punched in the buttons again. "He's not responding, Optimus."

Optimus sagged, walking to the middle of the room with his head and shoulders hung low and down. He sat on the floor with his legs splayed out. "All this time… all the effort I had put into promotion inter-alien relations… all my hopes of a united federation of planets …" Optimus muttered.

"Great." Ratchet exhaled. "Just great. We put our lives on the lines for humans and Equestrian alike, spend all our efforts into restoring a Cybertron united, and what is the thanks we get? A smear campaign, a high-ranking princess framed for the murder of a frail old man, and a Cybertron that's all but erupt into civil war all over again!"

"Don't be like that, Ratchet," Fluttershy said, patting Ratchet's heel. "It'll be okay."

"HOW, Fluttershy?" Ratchet snapped. "Maybe we should just do what the humans want and leave. Just cut out Earth from the equation completely, no more humans. Just Equestria and Cybertron, palling it up!"

Miko's lips quivered. "You wouldn't… do that to us, Ratch?"

"Uh..." Ratchet stammered. "We would take you, Jack and Raf with us of course!"

Optimus raised his hand. "After procuring your parents' permission."

Ratchet scoffed. "Yes, of course. Not without parentel permission."

"I'm not so sure going to Equestria would be a good idea..." Twilight said. "I don't have a house anymore. Princess Celestia and I didn't exactly leave on good terms last time with saw each other… and I'm pretty sure Shining Armor has some sort of objection to Autobots now. Cybertron's got those riots and an organic 'expulsion"' happening. Earth is pretty much my last safe haven now." She looked at Optimus with those big pony eyes of hers.

Optimus dragged his hands across his face and sighed. "Twilight Sparkle, I respect that you are uncomfortable after your last meeting with her, but if we do not visit Her Majesty again, how are we to make amends?"

"We don't need to make amends!" Dash shouted. "She does!"

Twilight sighed. She turned around to walk away, only to see Jack standing next to her.

"Hey." Jack put a hand on her cheek. "You okay?"

Twilight shook her head. "No… the public is turning against us, Cybertron's devolving into a mess, and I don't have a home on Equestria to go back to. I can't stay here on Earth while I'm being framed for murder… but I can't go back to Equestria, either ..." Twilight started to cry.

"Hey, hey." Jack petted her mane. "It'll be alright. Optimus will fix it, just like he always does. Isn't that right, Optimus!?"

Optimus looked up, like he wanted to gaze at a starry sky outside rather than address these various problems. "I do not wish to admit this, Jack, but… I am not sure. I have already put in four million years of work in attempting to reach peace and harmony across the solar system. I am not certain how much more work I can stand to add to that pile." Optimus drew up his legs, resting his arms on his knees.

Jack felt a cold shiver of hopelessness travel up and down his spine. If even Optimus was depressed, then things had gotten pretty bad.

"Any minute now, protesters are going to be lining up at our door, demanding our immediate evacuation." Ratchet said. "After all we've done for them … we should just let the Decepticons slag them all." He joined Optimus in sitting on the floor.

"Now, Ratchet ..." Optimus gently chided. "You know we could not have allowed that. We are still Autobots."

"I know, I know ..." Ratchet said. "It's just … sometimes this job feels thankless. We spend all our resources on making things better for everyone, and then the humans hate us for it. We've given blood, made sacrifices and lost soldiers in pursuit of preventing the Decepticons from conquering the known universe. Yet, we still get treated like all Cybertronians are the bad guys ..."

Everyone shared a collective sigh.

Jack held out a book. "Twilight? I don't think we finished this one."

Twilight looked at it, then visibly brightened up, smiling. "Ooh! One of the books you gave to me!" She took it with her magic and nuzzled her cheek into its cover. "I'm still working on my issues with humans, Jack, but I'll always treasure these books you gave me."

Jack blushed. "Oh, really? Thanks, Twilight. I'm sure Optimus is glad to hear you say that."

"Well, sure, but what about you?" Twilight asked. "Are you not glad?"

"NO! No, it's not that, it's ..."

"He's modest." Miko quipped.

"Yeah, that."

Twilight chuckled. "Well, if you're sure that's all ..." Twilight, in a teasing whim, gave Jack a smooch on the cheek.

"Oh, hey now ..."

"Whoo!" Miko mockingly cheered. "Twilight and Jack getting' it on!"

"Whoa, Miko! Stop right there!"

"Relax, Jack." Twilight said. "I was just having fun. We could use that around here, couldn't we?"

"I suppose." Ratchet muttered, before a boom shook the whole building, knocking dust down from the rafters.

"What was that?"

"Probably the protesters, ready to boot us off their planet." Ratchet grumbled, resentfully getting up and going back to his post at the controls. He punched a button and …

"Oh no."

"What? Ratchet, what is it?"

"It's not protestors, Twilight." Ratchet answered, his face becoming grave and serious. "It's Predacons." There was a sound like fireworks going off, whistling through the air before there was another quake on the base that knocked more debris loose and threw tools off their tables.

Optimus went on the rebound, not about to let his recent experience with depression stop him from holding onto this title as one of the greatest military leaders of his time. "Autobots, battle positions!"

As she rushed with her fellow Autobots out to defend the base, Twilight couldn't help but wonder: why did Predaking decide to attack them? He seemed content to just live in the wild ...

Twilight was surprised when she arrived outside to see the base surrounded by a horde of Predacons, but not one of them was Predaking. But there was Laserback, standing proudly in his robot mode, smirking deviously.

"Do you like them?" Laserback asked, gesturing to the Predacons. "My own Predacons, bred in the Crystal Empire of the world inside that mirror." They were several of them. Each one had a shiny, sparkling coat as though they were a Crystal Pony from the Empire. Twilight recognized several different body-types among them, including one that was a gryphon, like Grimwing, as well a bipedal two-headed dragon and a hydra, not to mention a shark-like creature identical in shape to the one Straxus used.




The Predacons surrounding the area all opened their mouths, breathing out a crisscrossing network of fireballs that forced the Autobots to kneel to the ground, preventing Optimus Prime from getting close to Laserback. He tried to run while ducking, but the Predacons' flames prevented him from being able to stand without getting hit. Optimus converted to vehicle mode and drove at Laserback with his maximum speed. He reverted to robot mode, jump in the air and reverted to vehicular mode, slamming the weight and mass of his truck form onto Lazerback, knocking the Predacon back. Lazerback grabbed at the truck, while Optimus reverted and backflipped to the ground.

Laserback charged at Optimus, engaging him in a grapple.

"Laserback, why are you attacking us?" Optimus pleaded.

"Well, Optimus, the reason for that is between me… myself, and I." Lazerback retorted, angering Optimus. Optimus tore his hands away from the grapple, grabbing the edge of Lazerback's bulky chest and pulling the Predacon downwards where Optimus could slam his spare fist into Lazerback's head. Optimus roared and threw Lazerback to the ground. Optimus aimed his blaster at Lazerback's head, execution-style.


"Bite me."

Lazerback wriggled his tail, lashing around Optimus' leg. Lazerback stood up, Optimus hanging from his tail. Lazerback swung Optimus around and hurled him into the walls of the base.

Lazerback reverted to beast mode and took in air to breath fire, spewing a fireball at Twilight and Applejack. Optimus leaped into the path of the blast, taking it straight in the chest for his family. Optimus followed up by rushing at Lazerback and grabbing the antlers of his beast-head.

Twilight surveyed around the area, trying to determine which Predacon was the second-dangerous after Lazerback. Deciding it to be the dark-colored Grimwing knockoff, Twilight aimed a spell at him, forcibly converting the gryphon into its robot mode. After the last time she fought Lazerback, Twilight had been working on a spell that forced Cybertronians to convert. The Predacon shook his head, then reverted to beast mode, only for Twilight to blast him again.

The Predacon shook his head again. "Ooh, that is disorienting. What is that?" he saw Twilight's sparkling horn and growled. He reverted again, but this time Bulkhead launched himself at him, getting onto the beast's neck. The Predacon shook his neck wildly, trying to throw Bulkhead off, but Bulkhead remained firmly attached, pounding his maces into the beast's head with the savage fury of a jungle primate.

Lazerback roared, bucking Optimus off his horns and catching his body between said horns. Lazerback hurled him off again, converted to robot mode, and pulled out a gun. Lazerback pulled the trigger, spitting out a high-velocity blob of green liquid which Optimus rolled sideways to avoid. The blob hit the ground, boiling the ground.

"Acid!" Optimus shouted. "Autobots, do not allow yourselves to be struck by Lazerback's gun!"

"Hmph." Lazerback scoffed. "How very compassionate of you." Lazerback slammed his talon on Optimus' leg, preventing Optimus from pushing himself up. “Tell me, do you always have to inform your men of the obvious, or is just a weakness of your command capabilities?”

"Neither compassion nor communication is a weakness," Optimus growled, shooting Lazerback in the chest. It barely made Lazerback flinch.

"Is that all you have?" Lazerback taunted with a laugh.

"No." Optimus answered smugly. "Have you not noticed that I am perhaps … under-staffed?"

"Hmm?" Lazerback raised his eyebrow, shortly before a rocket slammed into him, the explosion throwing him off Optimus. Lazerback waved his arms to clear the smoke and saw Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Bumblebee, and Arcee standing at the top of the Autobot base, all armed with ridiculously large weapons.

"I was not so foolish as to send in all my troops at once." Optimus explained. "I divided them – a melee team and a ranged team." Optimus raised his hand and made a chopping motion, directing the ranged team to fire all they had. A flurry of rockets were rained down like thrown confetti, throwing explosions in between the Predacons, cutting off their vision. The Predacons were thrown off, unable to hunt their targets, but the rocket weren't powerful to do anything to the Predacons except temporarily blind them and give them small dents and dings.

"What are you standing around for!?" Lazerback screamed at his troops. "Don't just sit there, fly up and take out those snipers!"

The Predacons got their act together, lifting their long necks to look above the clouds of smoke, the silhouettes of the artillery team reflected in their orange-yellow optics. One of them spat a fireball at the cliff edge where the team was. Bumblebee and Arcee ducked for cover, causing the irritated Predacon to growl. Another Predacon got smart about it and spread its wings, barreling towards the team with its talons bared. It smashed into Bumblebee, tearing a gash into his chest and knocking him down. His Energon spilled and covered the Predacon's claws.

"Bumblebee!" Pinkie and Arcee screeched.

Seeing this, Optimus clenched his fist. "Ranged team, cover me!" Optimus turned around, hopping into vehicle mode and driving back into the base.

"Where are you going, Prime!?" Lazerback yelled. "Fleeing the fight!? THIS is the great Optimus Prime at work?"

Optimus Prime ignored his taunts, swerving into the base. Lazerback attempted to pursue him inside, but the ranged team coordinated their efforts and launched a payload right in front of him, a barrier of smoke and fire forming in front of him. "Grah! Come back here!" Lazerback reverted to beast mode, exhaling a huge fireball threw the smoke. Instead of hitting near Optimus Prime and scorching the area around him like Lazerback intended, his blast instead hit a floating wall of pink sparkling magic.

"Hello, Lazerback." Twilight said, dismissing the barrier as she flew out of the smoke. "I'll be your opponent until Optimus gets back."

Lazerback converted again, shooting his acid blaster at Twilight. Twilight swan-dived to avoid it, but the glob of acid managed to brush over the tip of her tail, burning its end off. "Ow!" Twilight glared at Lazerback.

"Aww, did I play too rough for the pretty pony princess?"

Twilight, insulted by Lazerback's jab, fired a beam of magic onto his gun. The spell overloaded the gun and made it implode, spraying the acid inside everywhere nearby, including the ground, nearly onto Twilight if she hadn't teleported away in time, and onto Lazerback's chest, shoulders, arms.

"AAAARGH!" Lazerback howled. "You will pay for that, pony!"

"I'm not afraid of you!" Twilight responded. She demonstrated this by seizing the moment, shooting a reddish-pink laser from her horn into Lazerback's now-vulnerable melted chest, pushing him back.

Inside the base, Ratchet surveyed the monitors, examining what damage the Predacons had done to the building's infrastructure before the rest of the Team redirected their attentions. A few corridors in the upper floor were damaged, but nothing severe … yet.

"C'mon, Ratchet!" Miko wailed. "What can Jack, Raf and I do to help, huh?" Miko punched through the air. "Unleash some super-fly moves on those Predacons? Maybe man some auto-firing turrets?"

"For the last time Miko, no." Ratchet insisted. "It's important that you stay in here where you're safe ..." he glanced at the screen showing damaged sectors. "Relatively, anyway."

"Oh come on!" Miko groaned. "Pinkie Pie got to go up on the roof to fire rockets!"

"Pinkie Pie is a magical talking pony." Ratchet said. "Do you see what part of that description is missing from yourself?"

"Uh, being a pony?"

"Magic!" Ratchet shrieked. "You lack magic like a pony does or weapons like we have!"

"Ratchet, we've helped out plenty of times before." Jack reminded.

"Yes, and you have been a great help when dealing with other humans, acting as tiny spies inside Decepticon compounds and using your surroundings to help deal with Decepticons." Ratchet admitted. "But we are not dealing with humans, we are dealing with Predacons!"

"Well, we'll just use our surroundings!" Miko chirped.

Ratchet gave an inappropriate laugh. "What surroundings!? Go outside and there's nothing but miles of sand and rock!" He went back to his monitors. "No, no … you could only help if you had a tool, such as the Apex Armor or the like ..."

"Apex Armor, you say?" Miko asked. The Apex Armor was an ancient relic, like the Forge of Solus Prime. A suit of armor that rendered the wearer impervious to attack. And the Autobots had it in the base. "Hmm..."

Ratchet was quite startled and alarmed when Optimus Prime came back into the base. "Optimus, what are you doing back inside? How fares the fight?"

"That is why I am in here." Optimus answered, as a battered Bulkhead carrying Bumblebee lumbered in behind him. Bumblebee now had slash marks across his face to accessorize the ones on his chest, while Bulkhead was dinged up, with holes all over his chassis clearly made by a bird beak. One of Bulkhead's arms was detached at the elbow, only remaining attached by a tiny casing.

"I am going to retrieve the Forge of Solus Prime in the hopes it can win the battle." Optimus answered, running out of the room. After watching Bulkhead set Bumblebee down for Ratchet's inspection, Miko ran after Optimus. She followed him to the storage room, where the Forge was kept.

"So how's that Forge-thingy gonna help you with the Predacons?" Miko asked, pointing her finger.

"Simple." Optimus answered. He reached into the stand, picking the massive hammer up. Feeling the touch of a true Prime, the Forge activated. The gears inside began to turn and swivel, rolling around at hundreds of revolutions per second. Electricity crackled up and down the haft and head of the hammer, pulsing with the divine power of ancient gods of Cybertron.

"Whoa. Sweet!" Miko whistled. She watched attentively as Optimus rushed back outside. Once she was sure he was gone, Miko turned her attention onto the storage room. On one object in particular – a silver and blue discus. The Apex Armor.

Outside, the rockets and dragonfire together had since made the air and sky thick with heavy ash and noxious smog. Twilight Sparkle and Lazerback were having a stalemate of a fairly even duel. Even with his Predacon hide damaged by acid, Twilight's magic could only do so much damage to him, while Lazerback couldn't lunge forward fast enough to catch Twilight in his claws.

"What's the matter, Lazerback?" Twilight taunted, flying circles around him. "Can't catch a girl?"

Lazerback growled. He reached behind his back and pulled off his tail, re-purposing it as a weapon like a whip or a flail that ended in an ax. He lashed it at Twilight, successfully hitting her wing with the axe-blade, shredding a hole through her flesh.

"Aaahh!" Twilight screamed, a searing pain traveled through her ripped wing. She fumbled in the air, attempting a crash landing on the ground to take a moment to get over the pain. "Oooww ..." She groaned, touching her hoof against her sore wing.

"Oh, did I hurt the little pony?" Lazerback mocked. He smashed his flail onto the ground near her, startling her and causing her to crawl backwards. "What's that saying you ponies have? "Friendship is magic," wasn't it? Tell me, where is your "magic" now?" He raised his flail again.


Lazerback looked up and was surprised to see Optimus jumping off the top of the base with the Forge raised. He fell through the air, slamming the Forge on the ground. A monumental surge of golden energy emitted from the Forge's head in a circle. The energy passed over Twilight Sparkle harmlessly, but it pushed all the Predacons in its wake back some distance.

Lazerback scowled, upset but not intimated by Optimus' new advantage. "Bird-brain? That's awfully crass and vulgar coming from the oh-so-noble Optimus Prime."

"I like to consider myself fluent in many languages." Optimus said, raising the hammer up. "And that includes trash talk, you voodoo god reject!" Optimus struck Lazerback with the Forge, which was unpleasant for the acid-weakened Predacon. Lazerback dodged another swing of the hammer and lashed his tail around Optimus' midsection. Using that as leverage, Lazerback lifted Optimus into the air over his head and threw him to the ground. The motion made Optimus drop the Forge.

"You may be strong, Optimus ..." Lazerback said, picking up the Forge by its handle. For him, the Forge was nothing more than a large hammer, but that was all he needed. Raising the Forge above his head, Lazerback approached Optimus. "But I am stronger." Lazerback brought the Forge down, but a silvery blur intercepted, grabbing the Forge and stopping it dead in its tracks.


Optimus was surprised as Lazerback was. Miko's face was inside the astronaut-like suit of the Apex Armor. "Miko?"

"Ratchet said we couldn't help unless we had something to level the playing field a bit, so I decided to suit up!" Miko grabbed the Forge with both of the Apex Armor's hands and pried it out from Lazerback's grip. She planted the Forge into the dirt for Optimus and proceeded to beat on Lazerback, punching him in the face.

"Ha! You like that?"

Lazerback roared, slashing across the Armor's chest to no effect. Miko laughed at Lazerback's confusion as to why his attack did nothing.

"Nothing but sand and rocks, eh?" Miko mused. She scooped up a handful of sand in and threw it into Lazerback's face.

"Gah!" Lazerback clutched at his eyes, wiping the sand from them. "You little-" Miko didn't bother to hear his insult for her, as she picked up a rock and rammed it into his optic. "AAAH!" Lazerback grabbed at his optic, pulling the rock out. "YOU WILL ALL DIE FOR THIS DISRESPECT!"

"Doubt it!" A dry voice said. Optimus was surprised when he saw Miko in the Apex Armor, but that was nothing compared to what he saw now; Jack had emerged from the base, piloting Destro's hot-fixed warmech

"I know I'm usually a little more responsible than this, Optimus, but Ratchet agreed using this was a good idea." Jack aimed the warmech's fists at Lazerback and fired its rockets. The rockets went straight through Lazerback's acid-weakened body, going inside his internal systems before detonating, creating a huge hole in Lazerback's torso. Before he could even shake off the shock from that, Twilight Sparkle shot a beam into him, melting the parts the acid had got to even more.

"Grrr ..." Lazerback snarled, disliking how his prospects looked at this moment. Optimus ready with the Forge, and that boy and girl in their nice suits, a powerful unicorn, along with the team on the roof regrouped to fire as soon as Optimus gave the word. All in all, not in his favor. After a long and grueling battle where neither side really progressed, it seemed the tide had turned in the Autobots' favor.

Lazerback smirked. He pointed at some Predacons. "You! You, you and you! Show the Autobots what you can do ..." Lazerback started backing away, while a two-headed Predacon, a hydra, pterodactyl-like one, the shark-like one, and one that was more like a frog-ogre than a dragon gathered together in a group. They started converted and reverting, inching closer to each other as if pulled by magnets, forming something that wasn't quite a robot more or beast mode.

Optimus' optics dilated in terror.

The forming lump of Predacons began to rise up as it took a proper humanoid-shape. It was then Miko and Jack followed Optimus' realization that they now dealing with a Gestalt combiner, a horrific process the imbued the ability for five Cybertronians to merge into one creature that could charitably be called a "being" possessed of the strength of one-hundred Cybertronians. Dealing with a Gestalt made out of armored Decepticons, but one with the demonstrably durable hides of Predacons? They had to use rockets, magic, acid, and a godly hammer just to start hurting Lazerback, who was only one Predacon.

"Do you like him?" Lazerback asked. "I wanted to call him "Abominus," but he insisted on "Goradora." A rose by any other name would be just as powerful, wouldn't you say?"

Goradora himself was a thing of horror, with hydra heads and dinosaur beaks forming its hands and feet made from the Predacons' feet and claws, like a child drawing up a monster and chucking more parts from other monsters for "coolness" without any consideration of anatomy.

Jack was more reluctant, but Miko and Optimus fearlessly charged at Goradora with their weapons raised. Goradora aimed his head-hands at them, blasting out streams of fire. Optimus to to stop to shield himself, but Miko continued onward, not harmed by the flames in her Armor … at least not directly.

"Whoo!" Miko said. "Is it getting in hot in here or is just me?" shoving that thought aside, Miko hopped into the air through the flames and onto Goradora's pterodactyl-hand. Goradora let out a low growl and snapped Miko in the beak, using it as claw, and tossed her into the base. The Armor itself was invulnerable, but her frail human body was beginning to suffer from the heat and being tossed around so much.

Optimus was next, having escaped the firebreath from Goradora's other hand. He ran at the Gestalt with the Forged held high, but Goradora saw him coming. Goradora bent over to aim better and poured more fire on Optimus Prime, this time with all his extra heads. Optimus was sturdy, but even he couldn't withstand that much fire. He converted to vehicle, the Forge attaching to his trailer-hitch.

Optimus stopped when Miko went charging past him again. He reverted and grabbed the Apex's shoulders. "Miko, stop!"

"I can take him!" Miko insisted through a face that was red with heat and wet with sweat. "I can … still take him. 'Sides, the Armor's invincible, right?"

"The Armor is invincible, but you are not." Optimus sternly reminded her. "Your body is overheating and overexerted. We must stop before you collapse from exhaustion!"

"I'm fine! I can take him ..." Miko insisted one more time before falling to her knees. Optimus grabbed the Armor and pressed into its chest. The Armor deactivated, resuming its discus form and exposing the barely-conscious Miko. Optimus took both into his hands.

Jack took his turn at fighting Goradora, aiming all the rockets inside the warmech at the Gestalt. The massive barrage barely phased the beast, but it bring Jack to its full attention. Snarling, Goradora kicked the warmech, knocking it down. It pressed its foot into the warmech, slowly crushing it.

"JACK!" Optimus converted to vehicle mode, sped towards him, reverted, and swung the Forge at Goradora, sending out another pulse of gold. The attack didn't do much more than slightly disrupt Goradora, but that was all Optimus needed to run by and pluck Jack from the warmech before before Goradora stomped it into useless scrap.

Optimus quickly retreated back into the base with the Forge, Twilight, Jack, Miko, and the Armor while a satisfied Lazerback looked on.

"You, you, and you ..." Lazerback directed, picking out Predacons from his army. "Attack the base there."

Inside the base, Optimus transformed and dropped off Miko and Jack onto the couch for them to rest, while everyone else realized they had reach a threshold of pointless fighting and retreated with him.

"Optimus ..." Ratchet asked, detecting there was a Gestalt outside. "What do we do now?"

Optimus held the Forge and Apex discus in his hands, staring at his reflection inside the discus, and what he said next devastated the morale of everyone in the room.

"I do not know, old friend."

The base shook again, like an earthquake was happening. Something heavy could be heard collapsing on the upper floor. The monitors on the screen changed its display, letting Ratchet knew one floor on the upper building had just collapsed.

"What?" Ratchet said. "No, that's impossible!"


There was another quake. Loose gravel fell from the ceiling while support beams audibly creaked. "The Predacons are attacking coordinated weak spots in the base here, here, and here." Ratchet tapped his finger against the monitor. "These areas a structural weakness. If the Predacons destroy them all, the base could come crashing down. But … they're highly guarded secrets! They couldn't have found out about this by themselves. Someone must have told them."

"We have been betrayed." Optimus said.

"Optimus, if you're gonna come up with a plan, you need to do it fast!" Bulkhead shouted.

Optimus closed his optics, looking down in sorrow. "We must initiate our evacuation plan."

"What's that?" Jack asked.

"We will set random coordinates through the GroundBridge and transport everyone there into different locations." Ratchet explained. "That way, if our enemies find one of us … they only find one of us and they can't give away the others' location."

"Why not use the Space Bridge?" Jack asked. "You know, go to Cybertron. Get some reinforcements?"

"Cybertron is in the middle of riots," Ratchet said. "And Equestria has … its own problems." he glanced knowingly at Twilight, who closed her eyes in grief.

Ratchet entered coordinates and pulled the Bridge lever.

"Beep beep," Bumblebee volunteered to go first. "Beep beep,"

"Pardon me," Rarity said, "but if Rafael is going with you, then I'm coming to."

"Beep be-beep," Bumblebee said. "Beep Beep, beep?"

Ratchet scoffed. "Fine, but no more than three to a party, understand?"

Everyone nodded. Bumblebee walked through the Bridge with Rarity and Raf closely behind. Ratchet reset the coordinates for another location.

"I'll take this one." Arcee said. Jack hopped besides her, but was startled with Rainbow Dash landed next to her.

"Hey." Dash said. "Arcee is my partner too. Where she goes, I go." Jack nodded, walking with Dash and Arcee out.

Ratchet changed the coordinates again, resetting the Bridge.

"I guess that makes this one mine," Bulkhead surmised. He saw Miko, still exhuasted, lying down on the couch and hesitated. "Oh, Miko."

Fluttershy gently slid Miko onto her back. "I'll carry her for you."

"Thanks, Fluttershy. I owe you one." He and Fluttershy entered the Bridge. Ratchet reset it again, looking to Applejack and Pinkie.

"I take it you two would like me to accompany you?"

"Pinkie Pie and Ah will be fine on our own." Applejack assured him, trotting through the Bridge with Pinkie.

Ratchet moved to reset the Bridge again, but Optimus beat him to it, placing his hand on the lever and typing in new coordinates.

"You go, old friend." Optimus said. Ratchet opened his mouth to speak, but could only nod his head. He went to the Bridge, stopping just short of it and looking back.

"I'll find you." Ratchet said. "I'll find all of you. I promise." He walked through the Bridge. There was another quake through the base the Predacons continued their assault. Optimus changed the coordinates, opening the Bridge for Twilight.

Though they were in a desperate moment, their darkest hour, even, Twilight gave Optimus a faint smile. "I guess that just leaves us, huh?"

Optimus shied away from her, as though afraid of her gaze.

"Optimus?" Twilight asked.

"I will not be joining you." Optimus said, heaving the Forge over his shoulder.

"What!? Why?"

"I will remain here and destroy the Bridge's logs." Optimus explained. "I cannot allow them to be used to track you."

"The Predacons are just going to destroy the base anyway!"

"Yes, but if they merely destroy the base, there is a chance they could still salvage the logs from the hard drive unless is destroyed independently. There is no time for arguments. Please, Princess Twilight Sparkle, go through the Bridge and allow me to protect your friends in this way. "

Twilight wanted to argue, to protect, to call him an insensitive idiot, but there was another quake. She realized he was right. There wasn't time to argue. She trotted towards the Bridge, but like Ratchet, she stopped to lay eyes on Optimus one last time.

"I … Optimus." Twilight lost her voice. Tears formed in her eyes. She blinked and blubbered at him before wiping her tears off. "I promised I wouldn't leave you ..."

Primes were not supposed to do many things. They were not supposed to show anger. They were not supposed to laugh. They were not supposed to cry. Twilight had seen Optimus break this rules a few times. Sometimes, an atrocity committed by a Decepticon or other villain would simply be too much for Optimus to ignore. And she had occasionally seen him laugh when something gave his funny bone a good hit. But in all the time she knew him, she had never, ever seen him cry.

Until now. Oil leaking from his optics seemed like a mechanical defect at first, but the way they rolled down Optimus' cheeks confirmed them as tears.

"I know." Optimus said and there was all he needed to. He turned away from her for only a moment before turning back to her.

"Twilight Sparkle?"

"Yes, Optimus?"

"Take care of our family."

"I will."

Twilight and Optimus locked eyes, seeing the pain stinging in in the other. Optimus turned away from her again, sniffing and sobbing. Twilight had no idea she had gotten this close to Optimus. He didn't cry when Jack left and he had known Jack longer. But then again, Twilight was the last one leaving. Maybe it just didn't hit Optimus as hard that his family would be separated like this when they were more of them present. But now that they were all gone …

"G-go." Optimus pleaded. "L-leave … p-please, just go."

Twilight nodded. Still crying, she galloped through the Bridge. As soon her shadow had gone, Optimus pulled up the lever, shutting off the Bridge.

Optimus sighed. He weakly raised his hand as if to grab a shadow of Twilight, or Jack, or Ratchet before he composed himself. The base shook again. Rafters fell from the ceiling and crashed onto the arch of the Bridge terminal, turning into a smashed pile of parts, as if the base itself was empathizing with Optimus that he wouldn't see his family again.

Optimus turned to the controls and raised the Forge and brought it crashing down on the controls, fraying the wires and frying all the data inside.

He lifted the Forge over his shoulder and walked out of the room. Now that he destroyed the controls and got rid of the data, he could probably drive out of the base and possibly escape from the Predacons. But he didn't. Truthfully, he had something of an ulterior motive for staying behind. The Predacons were a dangerous threat and enemy. Optimus was dedicated to stopping them.

He would go to the room that held the Energon flow for powering the Bridge system in the base. Taking the Forge, he would smash the power supply and create an explosion so large and powerful it would eradicate the Predacons, ending their threat.

Besides, they put in a situation where he actually cried, and his pride couldn't let them get away with that.

Walking calmly into the far back of the base, Optimus went inside the room where Energon was being directed and controlled towards the Bridge. Optimus swung the Forge into the system. The room was immediately filled with white light and blue smoke as if a bomb had gone off. The light traveled upwards through the base, tearing up each and every floor of the base. Megatron's body, the books Jack gave Twilight, the repainted room intended for Twilight... it was all made to ash by the explosion.

The base exploded completely, turning into an enormous pillar of smoke that could be seen from miles in any directions, hot slugs of shrapnel flying like fireworks around the pillar. Cinders and sparks sprayed in every direction from the black rubble of the base.

Autobot Outpost Omega-One was utterly terminated.

And it was all for nothing. The Predacons were knocked to their sides, slightly charred, but nothing a polisher and a buffer couldn't pound out. They would live.

Lazerback grinned wildly, getting back to his feet. Inside the rubble of the base, Optimus Prime's arm could be seen sticking out like he was reaching out for help. Lazerback walked closer to the wreckage to admire his handiwork. He noticed a frame had miraculously survived the explosion - a picture showing the Autobots, humans and Equestrians together with "Our Family" written on it in pink.

Lazerback stomped his foot into the picture, shattering the glass casing. Lazerback activated his comm.

"Lazerback to Galloway. The Autobot base is destroyed. Optimus Prime is dead. "Operation: Patriotism" is a rousing success."

The Bridge spat Twilight Sparkle out in some random forest. She fumbled on her hooves, stumbling back and forth.

She looked down at the grass. The empty, empty grass. She gazed at the Bridge, that mocking, empty portal the only thing between her and her friend.

Deciding she couldn't simply leave Optimus to his fate, Twilight galloped towards the portal. But the Bridge dissipated just as she got near it. Twilight's momentum carried her forward, her hooves skidding through the dirt.

Twilight sat on her haunches before slowly lying down on her stomach. The base was gone. Her house was gone. Optimus was gone. Her relationship with Princess Celestia was one of its lowest points in all the years she had known her. She had been framed for the murder of an old man. Galloway was likely having a loaded conversation with Princess Celestia about his ridiculous bills. And she was on an alien planet that wasn't her home, lost somewhere she didn't recognize, separated from her friends from anywhere between a few feet and a few hundred-thousand miles.

IX: Operation: Imperialism

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Twilight Sparkle was running. Running through a forest. Why was she running? She didn't know. She had forgotten. She had been running too long, running with a blindness in her eyes. Running because she didn't want to accept the truth, because she could no longer bear the stress and sadness of it all. Losing her home – TWICE, in a row – being framed for a murder she didn't commit, losing contact with all her friends and losing … losing Optimus.

If Celestia was a second mother to her (and she was), then Optimus was a second father.

Twilight ran up to a tree and stood by it. She started banging her head against in frustration, unable to think clearly through her raging emotions.

"It's not fair … it's not fair … it's not fair!" Tears fell from her eyes. If only Celestia was here, she might tell Twilight everything was going to be okay. If only Fluttershy was here, she might give Twilight a comforting hug. If only Optimus was here, he might say some encouraging words and make her a promise of some kind.

"It's not fair ..." Twilight repeated, a broken record playing in the forest where no one could hear her moan.

Twilight's ears perked up. She heard a cracking sound. She had been in combat situations too many times not to recognize the sound as the crackle of fire. She didn't know what it meant. It could mean nothing, it could be a forest fire was happening. So she decided to investigate. If it was a forest fire, she needed to know so she could work on escaping.

If it wasn't … well, anything would be better than out in the vast nothingness of the forest by herself.

Approaching with the caution she known for, Twilight found the source – two campers, out in the woods with camping supplies, with tents and a fire. The origin of the fire confirmed, Twilight was confronted with a new question.

Were they friend or foe?

"Hey, come on out," one of the campers encouraged her. "We're not gonna hurt ya."

With some reluctance, Twilight did so. The camper patted the log he was sitting on, inviting her over. "Come on." Twilight made her way to it and took her spot.

"So you're one of them, huh?" the camper asked. "One of the Equestrians, I mean?"

"Y-yeah," Twilight stammered.

"Wow. I wasn't sure you were real. I mean, I saw you on the news, of course, but I thought they were making it up, like, I don’t know, some kind of promotion. Just ...wow. A real live unicorn. Never thought I'd see the day."

"Yeah, it's something, isn't it?" Twilight asked. A gurgle erupted from her, prompting her to put her hooves on her stomach. "Um, this is embarrassing to ask, but I'm kind of in a situation. Do you have any food you could share?"

"Yeah, sure," the man pulled out a bag from behind the log. "We're campers. We came prepared." He pulled out a bag of chips and handed them to her.

"Thank you ..." Twilight took the chips with her magic and began eating.

"So, what are you doing all the way out here by yourself?" The camper asked.

"Oh, um ..." Twilight mumbled between bites. "It's a long story." There was a loud crunch as she took a large scoop of chips into her mouth.

"Huh. You want to tell it?" the other camper asked, swiping his finger along his phone.


The other camper held his phone up. "Because a reward for turning you over to the United States government just went up online."

"What? Let me see that..." Twilight levitated the phone towards herself, scanning over the website. True to the camper's word, it said: WANTED ALIVE: Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Equestria. Substantial monetary reward for her capture. Contact Director Theodore Galloway for details.

"Huh." Twilight's first thought was that she was wanted for her "murder" of Doctor Morocco, which wouldn't add up. They would need proof she was guilty before they had the authorization to declare her wanted.

Twilight noticed the two campers staring at with curious and cautious looks. She narrowed her eyes at them, knowing what they were thinking.

"Don't even try it, boys." Twilight warned them. "I will take you down before you get close to me."

Phone lines. Transactions. Uploads and downloads. Text messages. Calls between parents and their children.

The network.

Soundwave monitored all these things and more as he sifted through the data to find hints about anything he and Starscream might find useful. The network was Soundwave's plaything. The network not only yielded to him, it bowed down and begged he cast his attention on it.

Some distance away, Starscream was having little success browsing the Internet on a jury-rigged computer.

"How is that something called the Information Superhighway doesn't have any useful information?" Starscream whined. "A million, trillion gigabytes of data … and none of it useful."

Soundwave got up from his meditative seat and pointed at Starscream's screen.

Starscream raised his brow. "Google is better than Bing, you say? Well, I would have thought these human 'search engines' would be all equally inferior, but I'll give a try." Starscream typed into the computer to change from Bing to Google.

He needn't have bothered, as Soundwave picked up a text which proved relevant to their interests.

Hello. Optimus? Are you there? This is your old phone number Jack and the others used to call you, isn't it? Please tell me you're there.

I'm lost in a forest somewhere in the coordinates. If you get this, trace my signal and come find me. Please, Optimus. I'm scared. I'm alone, and I … I need to know at least one of my friends is okay.

-Twilight Sparkle

Soundwave clenched his fists. He walked towards the exit of the cave he and Starscream were staying in.Soundwave didn't feel the need to tell the panic-prone ex-Lieutenant where he was going. Starscream would only muck up his plans. Without another word, Soundwave converted to vehicular mode and flew out the cave.

"I warned you not to try it!" Twilight yelled as she smacked the camper's head with the log they had been sitting on. A fruitless gesture to satisfy her own rage, as she already had them beaten into unconsciousness. "Why doesn't anypony listen to me?" She confiscated the second camper's cell phone and texted Optimus, hoping he would come. Perhaps she should have tried the others first, like Bumblebee or Ratchet.

Before she could try to execute the new plan, she heard the whir of engines overhead. She was saved! An Aerialbot or Fowler in his jet had come to rescue her! She turned around and her smiled faded as she saw her "savior" was a jet she recognized as Soundwave.

Twilight readied a spell to incinerate him with. Soundwave reverted to automaton mode and deployed his tendrils to grab her before she could finish casting. He lifted her up and slammed her body against the trees a few times until he was confident he had established who was in control of the situation here.

"Alright," Twilight said. "You got me. Now what are you going to do with me?"

Soundwave adjusted her in his data-claws and lifted her towards his visor-masked face.

Ratchet was rolling along under a forest, grumbling his breath. A shadow fell over him.


“Sir, we’ve found one,” he heard a voice say. A shot came in from above, striking Ratchet’s wheel and sending him into a spinout.

“Oof! What?” Ratchet shifted into robot mode. He saw a trio of Vehicons circling overhead like vultures, before they swooped down towards him.

Ratchet deployed his switchblade. Two of the Vehicons landed in front of him, wearing odd, red and blue colors rather than the standard Decepticon purple. Ratchet swung his blade at them, but he forgot to take into account the third one, who landed behind him and jammed an electrified prod into Ratchet’s back. Ratchet screamed in pain and fell to his knees. The Vehicons lifted his unconscious body up by the shoulders.

Elsewhere in America, Jack and Rainbow Dash were speeding down a highway while astride Arcee's seat. Jack was gripping Arcee's handlebars out of habit while Rainbow Dash sat behind him with her hooves wrapped around him. With her horse-sized bulk pressing into him, Jack was starting to wish he was sitting behind Rainbow Dash instead.

"Can't you pull over and break for a minute, Arcee?" Rainbow Dash asked as another car passed them, blowing nauseous emissions up Dash and Jack's noses.

"Quit whining." Arcee snapped. "I see a town up ahead."

"Oh, finally." Rainbow huffed as sign designating a town appeared on the horizon. Arcee drove into the town and at Jack's urging, pulled into the parking lot of the first restaurant they saw.

"They should have a phone we can use." Jack said, dismounting Arcee. "And I'm sure Rainbow Dash could use a snack, right, Dash?"

"You know it!" Dash cheered as she followed Jack off. "But … shouldn't we be trying to find our friends, first?"

"It's fine." Arcee said. "You go inside and get some food. I'll work on trying to call the others on the comm while you eat."

Jack and Rainbow Dash entered the restaurant, where they were quick to catch the cashier's notice. "Hey! If isn't the organics of Team Prime!"

Jack chuckled nervously while Dash basked in the praise. "Yup! That's us. What's your best meal?"

"That would be two burgers and fries."

"We'll take it!"

Jack pulled out his wallet. "How much is it?"

"Oh, that won't be necessary," the clerk assured them. "It's the least I can do for heroes of the country, if not the entire planet. I'll go get started on your meals. Have a seat." The clerk turned and went into the back. Jack and Rainbow Dash pulled up seats.

"Heh, well, that's true." Rainbow Dash shrugged. "We did save the world, after all."

Jack shrugged. "Yeah, yeah..." Jack rubbed his chin. Something about being offered a free meal struck him as more suspicious than generous.

"Here you go," a waiter presented them with a tray for their food. Jack and Rainbow Dash began eating. They were halfway through when Jack glanced up at the screen, which confirmed his earlier suspicions. There were mugshots of all of Team Prime, Autobots and organics, displayed under a wanted banner. He also saw the clerk on his phone, keeping eyes on them.

"Okay," Jack said, dropping his burger and grabbing Rainbow Dash. "We have to go."

"Wha-hey!" Dash protested as Jack dragged her back to Arcee. "I wasn't finished!"

"Oh yes you were," Jack said. "Come on, get on."

"Where's the fire?" Arcee asked.

"In the restaurant." Jack answered. "I saw wanted posts for us on the news, and the clerk was on his phone. We're getting out of here."


"It makes sense." Arcee said. "Something's blocking my signal. Let's roll for it." After making sure Jack and Dash were on tight, Arcee backed out of the parking lot and accelerated down the road at speeds exceeding the legal limit.

It was just a hair too late, as a Bridge opened up behind them and produced a pair of Vehicon cars which gave pursuit.

"Vehicons!" Rainbow shouted.

"But how did the clerk call them?" Jack asked. "And why are they painted like the American flag?"

"We can worry about that later!" Arcee accelerated her speed, driving so fast the wind pressed into Jack's and Dash's faces. They went by at such a fast rate it was a feat they didn't cause a crash.

They escaped the city limits and continued speeding. Another Bridge appeared overhead and dropped another Americana-dressed Vehicon in front of them, who stood in front of Arcee's path and grabbed her by the front end, lifting her up and tossing Jack and Dash off.

"HEY!" Dash yelled as she and Jack hit the ground. More Vehicons descended from the Bridge and surrounded them.

"What's our move, Jack?" Dash whispered. "Fight, run, what?"

"I'd say ..." Jack craned his neck. Arcee reverted to robot mode and attempted to strike a Vehicon with a roundhouse. The Vehicon countered and grabbed her leg, tossing her to the ground. Arcee attempted to push herself up. The other Vehicons surrounded her and began kicking her and striking until she went down.

Seeing how the Vehicons took down Arcee with ease, Jack made his choice. "Surrender." He stood up and put his hands on his head.

In another location, Bulkhead drove around, trying to make his way out of the forest they ended up at.

Bulkhead drove a large branch which sent a bump through him, bringing Miko to. "Mmm?" Miko turned her head and saw Fluttershy in the driver's seat. "Fluttershy? W-what's going on?"

"Take it easy." Fluttershy told her, putting a hoof on Miko's chest. "You worked really hard to fight the Predacons. You need rest."

"Did -did we beat them?" Miko asked. Fluttershy's cautious silence was all the answer Miko needed. "Oh … where's Optimus? And Jack?"

"They got separated," Bulkhead answered. "We had to split up to keep the Predacons off our tail."

"Oh." Miko sagged into her chair. "Okay." Miko crossed her arms. It was clear to Fluttershy Miko wasn't okay with it at all.

"They'll be okay." Fluttershy assured her, patting Miko on the shoulder. "They're all very tough, and I'm sure they're doing all right."

Miko shook her head. "Fluttershy … I appreciate the whole "motherly comfort" thing, but you can drop it with me." She pushed Fluttershy's hoof off.

There was an unnatural rumble throughout the forest. It scared Miko and Fluttershy so much they lunged at each other to hug and tremble together.

"It's fine," Bulkhead said. "I'm sure it's just a seismic disturbance."

Miko eyed at Bulkhead's HUD. "You mean an earthquake?"

"Err… yes. I was trying to make it less scary!"

"Don't sugarcoat it, Bulkhead!" There was another threatening rumble, sending Miko back into Fluttershy's soft embrace. "Changed my mind. Sugarcoat it, Bulk."

"Ah!" A voice said. "At last I found you! I was so worried my senses would fail me."

"Who's that?" Miko asked.

"I don't know, and I don't want to find out." Bulkhead shifted gears and began accelerating.

"Wait! Stop! Please turn around," the stranger pleaded.

"I'll pass," Bulkhead spun his tires and attempted to take off. A loud crunch of metal like a crane lifting and crushing a car assaulted their ears. Bulkhead was lifted into the air and turned around, where they laid eyes upon a unique form they recognized as Rampage in crab mode.

"Rampage!" Fluttershy cried with glee. Without any hesitation, she bucked Bulkhead's door open and flew down to snuggle on Rampage's back.

"Uh, Bulkhead?" Miko asked. "You want to catch me up here?"

"I would." Bulkhead answered, watching as sweet and soft Fluttershy walk up and cuddle the violent, murderous result of a Decepticon experiment without a trace of fear. "But I have no idea."

"Miko, this is Rampage." Fluttershy introduced him. "He's an attempt by Straxus to create a living weapon of mass destruction. I offered him friendship and treatment to ease his physical pain if he would help the Autobots, and he did." Fluttershy emphasized this by nuzzling Rampage with her cheek. "I thought I had lost him when Straxus blew up the base, but here he is!"

"Yes," Rampage lifted his claw and pet Fluttershy's head. "I thought I had lost you as well, but I swam the ocean and moved the earth until I found a whiff of your scent. How sweet that lady fate has allowed me to find you again!"

"Rampage?" Fluttershy spoke with a sweet tone. "My friends and I are lost and separated from the rest of our friends. Would you mind helping us too terribly much?"

"Anything for you, my sweet."

Miko found Rampage's answer rather creepy. Rampage lifted Bulkhead up and placed him on his back, which was more than large enough to house his vehicular mode and Fluttershy comfortably – and with elbow room leftover to boot.

"We shall away!" Rampage shouted, beginning the long skitter to leave the forest. Fluttershy Bulkhead's car body bounced on Rampage's back as the crab robot moved.

"Bulkhead?" Miko asked.


"Between the Insections and Rampage here, Fluttershy sure has a thing for befriending psychotic Decepticon monsters, huh?"

"Miko! Be nice! He's helping us. Even if he is being really creepy about it ..."

Rampage exited the forest, bringing them into the sunlight. Unbeknownst to them, another one of the Americana-dressed Vehicons was patrolling the skies around the forest. When the Vehicon saw them leaving, he banked a hard right and radioed for back-up.

"Commander, I've located a wanted Team Prime member. Request for back-up," a Bridge materialized behind him.

"Rampage, why did you stop?" Fluttershy asked when the crab came to a halt.

"I sense danger." Rampage turned around and raised his claws to the sky, seeing the patrol of Vehicons descending. "Come, soldiers. Face your doom, so that I might feed on your corpses!"

"Oh, um..." Fluttershy mumbled. "I'm not so sure you should do that, Rampage. Corpses aren't um, healthy for you."

"Sweet." Miko whistled, sliding down Rampage's shell and hopping to the ground. "Some action! Come on, you boys, let's rip it up!" Miko punched at the air, ready for a scrap. The Vehicons looked to each other, confused about Miko's confidence in challenging Cybertronians much larger than she was.

"Bulkhead, Miko, and Fluttershy of Team Prime, under the authority of the United States of America, you are under arrest," the Vehicons raised their weapons.

"Aw, yeah! Let's rumble – wait did you say?" Miko lost her thirst for combat under her confusion. "United States of America?"

Bulkhead jumped off Rampage's back and reverted to automaton mode. "Yeah!" Bulkhead primed his melee weapons. "Haven't you heard? The treatise says it's illegal for Decepticons to be on American soil!"

"We're not Decepticons," a Vehicon answered. "Not anymore. So we have legal right to be here and the legal authority to arrest you. If you resist arrest, you'll only be making things worse on yourself."

Rampage tilted his head up to look at Fluttershy. "You need only the say the word, my lady, and I will tear these infidels to scrap." Rampage snapped his claws. Fluttershy whimpered, unsure what to answer.

"Hold on." Bulkhead said. "Something's going on here, and I want to know what."

"Bulkhead, don't make this any harder than it has to be." A Vehicon growled.

Bulkhead raised his maces up and got ready to charge.

Bulkhead raised his maces up and got ready to charge. Another Bridge opened, dropping three Vehicons and a Decepticon Leaper onto the battlefield.

Bulkhead growled. "I hate to say it girls, but I think surrender may be our best option here."

"What?" Miko complained. "No way, Bulk!"

"Miko, we don’t know many troops they have. If this is it, or if they’re more waiting in the wings. And I don’t know about you, but I really don’t fancy fighting a Leaper, let alone more than one if they’ve got more to spare. It's better we surrender and then fight our way out from the jail than

"Bah! I am tireless." Rampage scoffed. "But if surrender is what the lady Fluttershy wishes, I will comply."

"Not having to fight anypony would be nice," Fluttershy said. Rampage sighed and tossed his claws into the air. Bulkhead and Miko, with some reluctance, did the same.

Rarity was mumbling in her sleep, dreaming about all of the comforts of home she had taken for granted.

"Hmm, sweet apples from Applejack's stall … a fresh-baked pie in the morning … mmm." Rarity rolled over her in her pile of hay.

A knocking of wood on wood woke her, causing the fresh smell of unwashed horses to crawl her up in her nose.

"Up and at 'em, Prissy." A blonde girl in overalls informed.

"It's Rarity." Rarity rolled to her hooves. "And must I? It's unseemly for anypony to be up this early in the morning ..." She rubbed her eyes.

"You know what the rules are," the girl reminded her, pulling open her stall. "You do chores for us, we let you stay here while you recover from … say, you never mentioned what it was you needed to recover from."

Rarity closed her eyes, thinking of the circumstances which led to her, Raf, and Bumblebee seeking refuge on a farm. The Predacons attacking, Team Prime splitting up for safety … it was all a bit too much for her to bear. They were lucky enough to stumble onto a farm, whose owners were generous enough to let them stay a few nights to get back on their feet. On the provision they help with the running of the farm, of course. As a friend of Applejack's, Rarity was no stranger than farm life.

That didn't mean she had to like getting her hooves muddy, however.

With a dramatic sigh, Rarity dragged herself out of the stables she had been given for a bed and made her way to follow the girl outside. Bumblebee and Raf were already up, trying to help pluck fruit from the trees. Bumblebee went about with cautions, as a robot harvesting fruit from human-grown trees was a recipe for disaster if mishandled. Raf was struggling to reach the fruit, even with the help of a ladder.

"Oh." Rarity cooed. She found the sight of Raf struggling to help adorable. She couldn't resist the desire to give him just a little boost, so she used her magic to lift him up.

Bumblebee chose the moment to turn his head. When he saw Raf floating the air without suspension, he panicked. "Raf, what are you doing?" He rushed over and scooped Raf into his hands, and it wasn't until he had done this and given Rarity a good scare he realized Raf was in the grip of magic. Bumblebee rolled his optics.

"Now, now, Bumblebee. There's no need for panic."

Rarity was met with a snap by Bumblebee, not pleased by her randomly going around levitating Raf on her random and arbitrary whims. "Beep beep beep beep? Be-beep beep beeeep?"

Rarity raised her leg and backed away. Bumblebee shook his head and sighed.

Bumblebee gently laid Raf on the ground. He sighed, bleeping to Rarity an apology for being perhaps a tiny bit overprotective.

"Yes." Rarity waltzed up to Raf and patted his head. "He is just a darling little thing, isn't he?" Raf was caught half-way between taking offense and blushing.

"All right, y'all." The blonde farmer shouted. "That's enough for right now. Why don't you come into the house and take a break?"

"That would be lovely." Rarity assured her, despite not doing much work. She followed the farmer to the stairs before noticing Raf wasn't following. "Rafael, darling, aren't you coming inside?"

"No thanks." Raf waved. "I want to make a phone call … let my mom know I'm okay."

"Suit yourself." Rarity went inside and dropped onto the couch.

"Lemonade?" The farmer offered her a glass.

"Thank you." Rarity took it with her magic and sipped it. The farmer got up a remote and turned the television on. "Aw, now this is living. On a couch, no worries, and with entertainment playing at your hooves." Rarity sighed contentedly before tilting her head. "Well, I suppose it's not "no worries." We still have to find the rest of our friends ..."

"You'll get on that, won't you?" the farmer asked.

"Of course! Just as soon as Bumblebee gives the word."

The farmer glanced at the television. "You might want to persuade him to give the word faster. Take a look."

"What?" Rarity looked at the screen. Her jaw dropped. There was a wanted poster for all of Team Prime, including herself and even Twilight.

"Anyone with information regarding these dangerous criminals is highly advised to come forward -" the newscaster said.

"Oh, I'll show you dangerous!" Rarity growled. She glanced at the phone on the desk. "You … you're not going to call, are you, my good madam?"

"Of course not," the farmer waved. "But I reckon y'all might want to get to the bottom of this, and quick."

Rarity took her words to heart and rushed outside. "Rafael! Bumblebee! We need to -" Rarity skidded to a halt, seeing a Bridge open in the sky.

"Beep?" Bumblebee asked, before he saw the Bridge. He aimed his blasters.

The farmer stepped outside.

"I thought you said you wouldn't call!" Rarity growled at her.

The farmer shrugged, clueless. "I didn't!"

"Then … who did?"

"Um ..." Raf raised his phone up. "I just placed a call to my mom. You don't think maybe they tracked it?"

Bumblebee beeped, asking who 'they' were. He got his answer in the form of yet more of the America-colored Vehicons emerging from the portal and aiming weapons at Bumblebee.

"Members of Team Prime, come willingly or we will be forced to shoot and destroy your outpost!"

The farmer gasped. "Not my house!"

"Beep beep," Bumblebee was sure he could take them.

"No, no," Rarity said, looking at the farmer. "She's been so kind to us … to repay her by letting these brutes destroy her house … we'll come willingly! Just don't ruin the house of this upstanding citizen!"

In a much more controlled environment, inside Galloway's office, Galloway was sitting as his desk rolling a pen between his fingers. He was supposed to be signing paperwork, but he couldn't focus with the click-clack of Celestia's gold shoes on his floor. The good Princess was pacing back and forth in his office with a worried fretful expression.

After putting up with it for about ten minutes, Galloway decided to do something to end the Princess' pacing. "Princess Celestia, I understand you came to me because you’re concerned about the lack of contact from some of your friends and thought I might be able to help, but would you mind stopping that pacing?"

Princess Celestia stopped and looked up to stare at him. "I'm sorry, Mister Galloway. It's just… I'm terribly worried about Twilight Sparkle. I said some things I've come to regret since seeing her last, and I've yet to hear any contact from her. Not a letter from Spike, not a Cybertronian drone relaying a message. I'm worried I won't hear from her again or have the chance to apologize to her..."

"Well, I can see why that might make you pace for hours on end, but still." Galloway stood up and shook papers in his hand. "I have work to do, and I would appreciate your silence. Let me assure you once again, we have our best men working on it."

Celestia nodded and sat down on the floor… only for the appearance of a Bridge to spring her back to her hooves. Twilight Sparkle came flying out of the Bridge like a pro football player had hurled her. Twilight landed on the waxed floor and slid until a wall stopped her.

"Twilight Sparkle!" Celestia ran up to Twilight and nuzzled her, not even paying attention as the Bridge disappeared. "I'm so glad to see you! I was worried I wouldn't have the chance to apologize..." Celestia stopped nuzzling and cleared her throat. "For, um, some things I may have said. Are you alright?"

"Yes, Princess. I'm fine." Twilight's gaze turned to Galloway, as if seeing him in a new light of revelation.

She got to her hooves, her gaze never letting up on Galloway.

"Well, since you have your precious student back, I'll thank you both to leave my office and do the whole kiss and make up routine on your own time." Galloway said with some impatience.

Celestia nodded and put her hoof on Twilight. As Celestia and Twilight were heading for the door, Twilight stopped at the television in Galloway's office, with the headline "AUTOBOT BASE DESTROYED" scrolling across the screen.

"Residents are at a loss to explain the sudden destruction of the Autobot base, designated Outpost Omega-One, just outside Jasper," a news reporter said. It cut to a citizen being interviewed.

"No idea what happened," the citizen said. "One day it was just standing there, the next, it just went BOOM! You could see the explosion for miles."

"The whole thing went up in smoke. Go on down the road, you can still see the smoke. We can't get real close because the police taped it off for a mile and a half."

"We went to an expert on the Autobots, local June Darby." Twilight gasped. Seeing Jack's mother on the screen was troubling for her.

"June Darby, do you have any knowledge on what happened?"

"I don't know what happened," June said.

"Do you have any ideas? Did Optimus tell you anything?"

"I don't know. I don't have any theories for you. Optimus didn't tell me he was planning on an extreme make over or anything like that. All I want to know is if my son is safe." June clutched her hands at her chest.

"No… the base is gone?" Twilight had to fight tears. "Optimus …" Celestia wrapped a wing around Twilight's body. Twilight buried her head into the offered wing. "Oh, Princess… Optimus… he stayed behind so my friends and I could escape."

"Tell me all about it." Celestia asked, guiding Twilight to the door. As impassive as a machine could be to Twilight's crying, a buzzer sounded from Galloway's desk.

Galloway pushed a button. "Galloway here. What do you have?"

"Americons to Galloway. We have captured multiple members of Team Prime. What do you want done with them?"

Twilight's ears flexed and her tears slowed. "Team Prime?"

"Remain on standby for further instruction." Galloway informed them. He took his finger off the button and sat down in his chair. He saw Twilight and Celestia glaring at him from the other side of his desk. Galloway pressed his finger against his head. "What do you want now?"

"I heard you talking with your agent. He said he captured members of Team Prime?" Twilight demanded.

Galloway raised his brow. "Yes, why? I put wanted notices for every member and associate of Team Prime out. I figured it would be the best way to bring them to a safe location quickly."

Twilight tilted her head. "Why not just use a missing persons notice?"

"Not as urgent."

Twilight glared. In what universe did Galloway live in that a missing persons wasn't as urgent as a wanted poster? By Twilight's logic, a missing persons would be more urgent than a wanted poster, as a wanted person would want to stay missing while a missing person would want to be found before they got hurt.

"Galloway, I demand you release any members of Team Prime or any Equestrians or Cybertronians from your custody to mine. Now." Celestia growled.

Galloway drew himself sharply, contemplating whether or not he would argue the will of a pony who controlled her planet's sun. Galloway pushed the button.

"Galloway here. Transport all members of Team Prime to outside my office for transfer."

"Yes, sir."

A green light flashed from outside. Celestia and Twilight glared at Galloway, then exited the building. Galloway peeked outside to see as Celestia and Twilight shared joyful reunions with the recovered members of Team Prime – with the exceptions of Ratchet, Optimus, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie.

Galloway checked his the watch on his wrist. He had a meeting right about now, if he could get away without Twilight and her collection of rabble noticing. He hurried out the door and tapped on his phone. “Galloway, one Bridge, please.” A Bridge opened outside the building, which he hurried through. “For as much as I might dislike the Autobots, these Bridges sure do come in handy!”

Galloway emerged on the other side. Smoking rubble and burning slag was all around him. The noxious smell of gas and arson poisoned the air. Galloway walked through the destruction and ruin without an ounce of care or empathy. Up ahead, all around him, were Lazerback's splinter faction of Predacons, digging through the wreckage like slaving dogs. One beaked Predacon picked up an i-beam and spit it out. The police tape spread out for a mile wasn't to keep citizens away for their own protection; it was to keep them from discovering Lazerback's Predacons as they dug through the rubble.

Despite walking around the playground of mechanical beasts who could rip him to shreds and would have no qualms about doing so, Galloway continued to maintain his business face until he was behind a red and gold Predacon.

"Ah, Galloway!" Lazerback said, turning around and rubbing his hands together. He made a grand gesture to the piles of rubble. "As you can see, I think you will be most satisfied with my team's success."

"Yes, yes. I see the base is destroyed. But what about the other part? What about the important part of the deal?" Galloway demanded.

With the swagger and toxic charm of an auctioneer host, Lazerback raised his finger. "Not to worry." Lazerback bowed and stepped to the side, gesturing to an arm sticking out of the scrap. Optimus Prime's arm, holding out of the rubble as if grasping for the sky.

Galloway noticed what appeared to a broken portrait with Fluttershy, Ratchet, and Optimus on it. He suspected there were more people in the picture before it became scorched and shattered, like something stepped on it. "Hmm. Anyways, Lazerback."

"I figured it would be best to keep him buried until you were here, so you could see the grand unveiling, if you will. The moment of truth." Lazerback grabbed the limb and pulled it out, producing Optimus Prime's arm.

And only his arm.

"What?" Lazerback tossed the arm to the ground and began brushing away dirt. He reverted to beast mode, dug through the pile, then converted to robot mode. "Where is THE REST OF HIM!?"

One of Lazerback's thugs came up behind him, scratching his head. "I don't know, boss. Why's it so important to have the rest of him? I mean, we got his arm, right?" The unnamed Predacon picked up the arm. "That proves he's dead, right?"

"We need… the rest of his body… to confirm he's dead! Do you realize what this means?"

"Uh… no."

Lazerback snatched the arm and used it to whack his subordinate over the head. "It means, save for losing one arm, he COULD STILL BE ALIVE! FIND HIM!"
The Predacon stumbled from Lazerback's disciplining. Once he righted himself, he saluted, reverted to beast mode, and took off.

Galloway chuckled, amused. "Well, Lazerback … call me back when you can confirm he's dead," a Bridge opened for Galloway. Galloway exited through it, leaving Lazerback to scowl by himself and stew in his frustration.

"Why are we here?" Rainbow Dash asked, her legs bustling with the need to stretch. The organics of Team Prime, plus Celestia, were at a government office, surrounded by people in suits, including Fowler and Dylan Gould, all of them chattering, though Gould was wisely keeping his distance from Twilight. "I don't want to be here. I want to stretch my legs, fly with Fluttershy, and maybe ride Arcee around. I want to feel free."

"Hush, Rainbow Dash." Rarity whispered. "Galloway has an announcement to make. It will explain why we were all branded wanted criminals, or so I'm told. Though I do question why he left the Autobots out of the occasion."

"Quiet, please." Celestia told them. "Galloway is about to speak."

Galloway appeared in the room like a shadowy mist emerging from the darkness. He climbed up to the podium, tapped it to test it, and cleared his throat. "Dear friends and countrymen, it is with a heavy heart that I must tell you … the Autobots have been planning to betray us."

Loud gasps and quiet muttering swept through the room.

"As you know, Omega One, the base of Optimus Prime himself, has been destroyed. Sifting through the wreckage, my men found this." Galloway produced a computer tablet with blue lines over its screen. "This tablet contains detailed plans to attack various Earth settlements to coerce our government to comply with their demands."

Twilight's and Celestia's jaws dropped. "WHAT?"

"As you know, the United States has always made it a policy to never negotiate with terrorists. But there is a silver lining. With my recently passed Alien Peacetime Cooperation laws, we have a way to tell the good aliens from the bad. Any non-earth creatures who do not follow these restrictions are to be considered threats to our security, and to the American way of life. As a result of this betrayal, the President of the United States has seen fit to declare a state of martial law and put me in charge until the Autobot threat can be contained. If you see a Cybertron or Equestrian about without sufficient identification, please report them immediately. Thank you for your time and you cooperation."

"I don't believe it." Celestia muttered. "I can't imagine Optimus Prime would come up with such a plan... especially one so overly simple-minded."

"Cooperation." Twilight muttered. "I'll show him cooperation ..." Twilight charged for the podium, against Celestia's shouting objection.

Galloway reared back when he saw Twilight Sparkle gunning for him. Twilight climbed next to the podium and pointed at him. "What proof do you have this is Optimus Prime's plan?"

"Well, it's simple enough. We found it in his base. Therefore, it's his."

"Let me see that!" Twilight, without waiting for Galloway's consent, used her magic to take the tablet away from him. She gave the tablet a quick scan. "These are SCORPONOK's plans! His plans from the raid!" Twilight froze. "The raid … you had us do. You planned this! You were planning this all along, for Operation: Patriotism, weren't you? And if I were a betting pony, I'd say the President's decision to chose you as leader wasn't made willingly!"

Galloway smirked, seeing a political maneuver. "Twilight Sparkle, no one mentioned anything about an Operation: Patriotism. It's clear you're just making things up in order to satisfy your personal vendetta against me."

"You- you! AGH!" Twilight huffed. She snarled and snorted at him, scraping her hoof. "You will call me PRINCESS Twilight Sparkle, you -"

"Twilight Sparkle." Celestia climbed up and put a hoof on Twilight. "May I speak to you somewhere private?"

Twilight looked to Celestia. She tossed Galloway a hateful glare before following her.

"And don't worry about your Autobot friends, Sparkle." Galloway shouted at her with a mocking tone. "As long as they comply with my regulations, they will pardoned for their compliance in Optimus's scheme."

"OPTIMUS DIDN'T HAVE A SCHEME!" Twilight shouted. She charged up her horn and prepared to blast Galloway straight through the heart with a lethal blast. Celestia touched horns with Twilight, canceling Twilight's magic out with her's.

"Princess!" Twilight whined. "You can't believe all the slag he's saying, can you?"

"I can." Celestia answered, shocking Twilight. "And if you can control your temper long enough to follow me back to Equestria, I will explain why. Galloway, a Space Bridge to Equestria, if you please?"

Galloway nodded and pushed a button on his cell phone.

"Come along." Celestia told her little ponies, bringing Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Fluttershy with her and Twilight through the Bridge.

Arriving at Canterlot Castle, Celestia bid Twilight and her friends to spread out through the room. "Girls, if you would all have a seat while I tell my tale to Twilight Sparkle ..." The girls did as instructed, though Twilight showed her disdain with a huff before obeying.

"I would like to remind you all of Discord and how deceptive he could be. He could have easily appeared as a friend if it helped him. And ... I would like to tell you the story of Scorpan."

Rainbow Dash tilted her head. She looked around the room, hoping somepony else could explain, but nopony did. "Who's Scorpan?"

"Someone I met long ago." Celestia said. She glanced upwards in wistful thought. "He and his brother came to Equestria from another land … the same land, I suspect, Hydia came from. He and his brother ravaged the land, destroying the peaceful way of life and causing a great pain to many ponies. One day, something changed within him. Scorpan realized what he was doing and came to befriend us and make amends. He helped us defeat his brother and returned to his own land as a friend. It is because of this … it is for that reason I thought Chrysalis could be formed. It is because if a monster such as Scorpan was could see the error of his way, then I have no trouble believing Optimus Prime is capable of the inverse; a patriot becoming corrupt."

"I guess ..." Twilight looked at the ground. "No! NO! We are talking about someone who waged a war for four million years to defend the universe and couldn't bring himself to end it because he felt guilty about his best friend being on the other side!"

"Yes." Rarity said. "But darling, think. What if he was manipulating the Decepticons all along to make it so he could take over the universe himself once the Decepticons outlived their usefulness?"

"WHAT? Don't be ridiculous, Rarity! You don't actually believe that, do you?"

"I'm … not sure what I believe anymore." Rarity shook her head. "It's a theory. Don't forget, Megatron was a well-intentioned freedom fighter once, as well. I'm just saying, it's possible Optimus fell off the same wagon …"

"No!" Twilight stomped her hooves. "We are talking about an Autobot who's last request to me was to take care of his family. Tell me how somepony like Megatron ask something like that?" Twilight put her hoof on her cheek. "Oh my gosh. Who's going to lead the Autobots now?"

"I would presume Metalhawk." Celestia said.

"Metalhawk is not and will never be an Autobot." Twilight growled. "And don't assume he speaks for us!"

All the same, in addition to mine, Metalhawk provided his signature for Galloway's legislature. His Peacetime Cooperation laws are legal and binding."

Twilight's jaw hung limp. "Princess! How could you?" Twilight began stomping on her front hooves. "Didn't Optimus get through to you? Don't you realize he's just trying to bully you into getting his own way? His "threat" of war is empty! He doesn't have the authority and even if he did, Equestria's magic would beat Earth's military in an instant!"

Celestia drew a level and stoic face. "Have you spoken your mind?"

Twilight panted, her outburst leaving her out of breath. "Yes. I think I have."

"My faithful student … do you take me for a fool?" Celestia asked.

“You’re not really giving much reason to think otherwise…” Twilight mumbled.

"Hmm. Be that as it may, I am not some easily misled filly, Twilight Sparkle. I know what Galloway is doing. I am fully aware he lacks the authority – or didn't before the state of martial law. I knew what I was doing when I signed the bills. I was protecting Equestria. I realize you may have trouble accepting this, my faithful student, but I do wish to create a conflict with another world if I can avoid it at all, and I will avoid it at all costs and use violence only as a last resort."

"Sounds all fine and dandy, until somepony realizes you’re basically saying you’re willing to let yourself be bullied into doing things that aren’t right because you’re afraid of what some primitives might be able to do, even though we have magic and a better understanding of Cybertech than they do," Twilight replied.

Celestia stomped her hoof. “Twilight Sparkle, that is out of line.”

“You’re out of - oh, forget it…” Twilight turned away from Princess Celestia.

"Hey!" Shining Armor entered the room. "What's going on, Twiley?"

Twilight gave her brother only a sparing glance. "Princess Celestia, you still can't deny Galloway is framing the Autobots! Framing us!"

Celestia sighed. "Yes, Twilight Sparkle. However, there is little I can do without Galloway threatening our lands. I am sorry if putting the safety of a country's ponies above the innocence of one Autobot runs counter to your priorities, but my hooves are tied."

Twilight considered looking at Celestia with a pitying, pleading gaze,, but she thought better of it and nodded. "I understand, Princess. But still, I promise, I won't rest until Optimus and the Autobots are proven innocent! Until we're proven innocent."

"Twiley ..." Shining Armor put his hoof on his sister. "You realize you're … not an Autobot, right?"

Twilight gasped. "You take that back right now! Tell him, Princess! Tell him I'm an Autobot!"

Celestia hung her head. "While I admire your conviction, Twilight Sparkle, I'm afraid I can't say that. You do recall I attempted to have you segregated from Optimus Prime, yes? My decision was … poorly thought-out, but it sprung largely from the words of your brother. He … convinced me your relationship with Optimus was the reason behind mistakes you've made recently."

"Mistakes?" Twilight asked. "What mistake – ooh, this is about the Changeling Queen again, isn't it? Princess, I told you I did my best. Do you think I purposely sabotaged my efforts at befriending and redeeming her because I like the Changeling Batteries? Because I like condemning an entire species to a fate that amounts to being used for meat? Do you not believe me? Do you think Shining Armor's word is better than mine?"

"Nothing of the sort!" Celestia decreed. "However, Shining Armor did tell me when he stumbled upon your efforts, you reacted towards him with violence, so it seemed possible your Autobot training may have interfered with your ability to reform..."

"He surprised me! I thought he might have been a Decepticon or something."

"And certainly nopony was suggesting you yourself were deliberately sabotaging your efforts to redeem so the Batteries remained in use until just now," Celestia added, giving Twilight a suspicious glare. Twilight realized how bad she looked when the Princess put that way and turned away from her again. "Anyways, that other incident was enough for me to believe Shining Armor when he suggested trying to separate you from Optimus would be best." Celestia frowned, remembering Optimus' offense at her decree. "A decision, in hindsight, I regret supporting. I'm not sure what I was thinking."

"Shining Armor … B.B.B.F.F ..." Twilight turned to him with tears in her eyes. "How could you say that? How could you do that?"

"Twile,y I … I wanted you to see you're not an Autobot. I don't want you to be an Autobot. And nothing you can do can change the fact you're not some twenty foot machine who turns into a race car. Why can't you see that?"

Twilight's voice was broken. "Why can't you see, under the skin, I am an Autobot, at my core?" Twilight turned to Celestia. "And why can't you see Galloway's is a big, fat, phony!?"

"Twilight Sparkle, some of your complaints against Galloway are justified, but the idea he's been this "Operation: Patriotism" is a baseless accusation and leads me to question the validity of some of your other complaints."

Twilight sniffed, pushing Shining Armor away. "Yeah… yes, I understand." Twilight trotted towards the exit. She stopped and cast Celestia a glare over her shoulder.

"But I want you to think about – I want you ALL to think about -" Twilight pointed at her friends, "the last time I made a baseless accusation, Cadence was trapped under the mines and Changelings almost took over Canterlot." Twilight left the room, leaving everypony to wince under her stinging reminder of that time.

Shining Armor took a headcount. "Say, where's Applejack and Pinkie Pie?"

Twilight stopped. She trotted to the tune of a dirge from the throne room, biting back a raging scream of frustration, her bitter tears still stinging her eyes. She was scared backwards by a firecracker exploding in front of her.

"Huzzah!" announced a periwinkle unicorn. "The Great and Powerful Trixie has come to entertain thee, Twilight Sparkle!"

"Trixie?" Twilight asked. "What are you doing here?"

"Trixie -" Trixie cleared her throat. "I mean, I came here to cheer you up. That is what a friend does for a friend who's upset she lost her house, yes?"

"Well, yeah, but … how did you know?"

"The Guard told me." Trixie gestured to behind. A Royal Guard was forthcoming and bowed to Twilight.

"Princess Twilight, we have recovered what we could of your things from the wreckage of the library. They're waiting for you in the other room."

"Thank you. And please, just call me Twilight." The Guard bowed again and departed. Twilight and Trixie entered the adjacent room, where Twilight's belongings were piled.

Twilight sighed. The sight of them brought back once-fond memories which were depressing now. She began sifting through the things with her magic, lifting them all into the air at once.

"Let's see … pictures, a few books. Oh, my fifth place medal from the Running of the Leaves ..." Twilight chuckled before resuming her depression. She noticed another shiny object in the pile – an Autobot symbol with a holographic lighting effect and wings. "Oh, my Elite Guard medallion."

"Medallion?" Trixie asked.

"Optimus Prime gave one to my friends and I for helping stop Trypticon." Twilight said, walking away from Trixie while holding the medallion up. Twilight took a long time to stare at it, as if she was trying to burrow into its soul.

Twiley, you realize you're … not an Autobot.

"I am an Autobot." Twilight said, confusing Trixie. "Optimus Prime is innocent. Galloway is behind Operation: Patriotism." Determination renewed, Twilight slowly lowered the medallion to the floor.

"Trixie … would you mind helping me send out a few invites to some friends of mine?"

"Not at all! Which friends?"

"Let's start with Susan."

Several hours later, Princess Celestia and Shining Armor were in Ponyville, visiting the ruins of Twilight's library out of a sense of longing. The Guards were digging through, trying to see if there was anything else they could salvage.

Celestia sighed. "It's such a waste, isn't it? A perfectly good library, completely destroyed. Think of all the knowledge in those buried tomes ..."

"Yeah." Shining Armor nodded. "But maybe Twiley can move back in with me. Maybe after spending a few months with her big brother again, she'll stop having an identity crisis about being an Autobot."

Celestia glared at him. "Do not be so condescending, Captain." Shining bit his lip. Celestia sighed. "Your extreme lack of polite manners aside, I understand your desire to want your 'old' sister back. To go back to the way things were before between you two before she went out on that fateful trip into outer space for the first time. I'm afraid, Shining Armor, what you want may not be as easy to fix by simply spending quality time with family. Turning a civilian into a solider is relatively easy… going the other way is not."

Shining Armor raised his hoof to speak. He stopped himself, noticing an Aerialbot and two Vehicons do a fly-by. "Hey, what are those guys doing?"

Celestia raised her head. "They appear to be heading for the Everfree Forest. I do not know what business they have there … but I doubt it's anything desirable. Come, Captain!" Celestia beckoned Shining Armor to follow her as she galloped towards the forest. Tracking them deep into the Forest depths, Princess Celestia and Shining Armor found themselves a the Tree of Harmony's grove.

"What would they want here?" Shining Armor looked around before looking up. The trio of jets tilted downwards and reverted to their robot modes, landing with a thud.

"Ah, Princess Celestia." The Aerialbot greeted, pulling out a trianglar disc. "How are you this fine morning?"

"I'm doing well, thank you, but if you would enlighten me as to what you're doing here, I'd be even better."

"Oh, nothing much." A Vehicon answered, pulling out a jackhammer. "Just taking the Elements of Harmony from this bogus tree."

"WHAT!? No, you can't!"

The Aerialbot pointed at her. "You don't have the authority to tell us what we can and can't do, old lady!"

"Uh ..." Shining Armor said. "Actually, she can, since it's, you know, her planet you're on."

"Oh yeah. Well, we're still taking them!"

"You can't!" Celestia insisted, her eyes going wide. "The Elements of Harmony are the only thing keeping the Plunderseeds under control!"

The Aerialbot pulled out another disc. "We got that covered."

Shining Armor pointed at the disc. "What are those things you have in your hand?"

"These are highly complex machines designed to sift through the immaterial matter to neutralize the telekinetic shifting -"

One of the Vehicon's placed his hand over the Aerialbot's mouth. "In layman's terms, they're anti-magic bombs." The Vehicon pulled out a remote for the bombs and clicked it. The bombs went off, exploding to release a purple force field which spread over the grove. Sparks flew from Celestia's and Shining's horns as their magic was neutralized.

"Now, if the Commander's science holds true, this should make it easy to just pry these things off." The Aerialbot produced a buzzsaw and began cutting around the Element of Magic. Without magical reinforcement, the Tree had little defense to resist the intrusion and yielded the piece of bark with the Element stuck in it. The Aerialbot had no trouble plucking the Element from bark. The other Elements were retrieved in similar fashions.

"Stop!" Celestia pleaded. "The Plunderseeds -"

"Yeah, we've got them covered. Here." The other Vehicon produced a crate and hurled towards them. "Bunch of anti-magic grenades for ya. Just come back and detonate them every so often and it won't be a problem." The trio of jets reverted to aerial mode and rocketed off, the Elements in their possession.

Without her magic, Celestia could do little but watch in horror as the Plunderseeds once again emerged from the root of the Tree of Harmony. To her surprise, though, the anti-magic field worked against the Plunderseeds as well. The forcefield shot bolts of electricity at the Plunderseeds, which somehow petrified them. Celestia expected the Plunderseeds plants to keep growing and burst out from the stone, but the statue held, keeping the malevolent plants contained.

"Huh." Celestia put her hoof on the crate. She pushed it towards Shining Armor. "Captain, make sure we don't lose those. We'll need them to keep the Plunderseeds contained." Celestia gazed skywards. "Where are they taking the Elements of Harmony?"

Light-years away, Galvatron sat on what was once Shockwave's throne. It was his throne now. He had Blackout's blessing, and all the Decepticons knew what a steadfast loyalist Blackout was. If Blackout gave his approval, then the Decepticons followed. After all, Blackout had the priorities to make effective decisions and the Gatling guns to shred apart anyone who disagreed.

Right now, he was at a terminal, punching in buttons and arranging his windows.

"What are you doing, Blackout?"

"Trying to schedule a good time for Barricade's funeral." Blackout answered. "He didn't have a lot of friends, so I want the few he has to all be available to attend it."

"Bah." Galvatron got up from the throne and walked down the carpet. "He was weak."

Blackout turned to Galvatron. "Perhaps you have a point. But still, how can you be so cold? He was my friend."

"I have seen much death in my campaign with Nova Prime." Galvatron walked to the window. "I suppose perhaps I am desensitized to it. Death is as death does, and death does us all in the end."

"Nihilist." Blackout muttered.



Galvatron turned his gaze towards the window, staring out at the massive Changeling Battery. The product of Shockwave's science mixed with Equestrian Changelings, using them as a macabre power source, bringing Cybertron back as a zombified planet. Galvatron had given the order for the Batteries to be dismantled, yet the populace resisted his demands. As far as Galvatron was concerned, a dead Cybertron was better than a zombie Cybertron. Galvatron couldn't wrap his head around the idea others felt different about the situation than he did.

"Why, Blackout?" Galvatron asked. "Why do they resist? Can they not see removing the Changeling poison from Cybertron is for the best? Why do they insist on keeping the organic influence?"

"Eer ..." Blackout muttered. The door to the room opened. A Vehicon and a Net stepped into the room.

"Lord Galvatron." The Vehicon said with a bow. "This Neutral would like to make an appeal to you."

"He may make it, though I doubt it will appeal to me."

"Well …" the Neutral twiddled his fingers. "I run a bar. I made a deal with a human soda company to exchange drinks. It was going to be profitable for both of us – they could sell to Cybertronians, I could sell to organics. And, well ..."

"And?" Galvatron asked.

"Your recent order to terminate all organic contact is bad for our deal. We've already made arrangements with each other for regular shipments. Dropping out of the deal now makes me look bad and causes our investments to be sunk. So, I was wondering, could I convince you to reconsider?"

Galvatron scoffed. "No. My mind is made-up and my orders are clear. Leave me." The Net hung his head and left. Galvatron noticed the Vehicon staying behind.

"What is it?"

"Metalhawk is hosting a rally," the Vehicon said. "He's calling for extreme political reform. I thought it might be of interest to you."

"You thought well. There will be no reform. Come, Blackout." Galvatron raised his cannon-arm and gestured to the door.

Galvatron and Blackout followed the Vehicon into a plaza, where Metalhawk was speechifying from behind a podium.

"Cybertronians, friends, countrymen, tell me!" Metalhawk shouted. "Are you tired of post-war tensions brewing between your neighbors at the dining table? Aren't you sick of having to dodge and weave your way around touchy political topics, never knowing if the fellow next to you might be a Decepticon? Well, are you!?"

"What is this?" Galavtron demanded, intruding onto Metalhawk's stage.

"Aw, Galvatron! Perfect." Metalhawk said. "Your voice would be greatly appreciated on this matter!"

"My voice will drown out your voice and make you deaf."

"What a charmer. Anyways, we just need Optimus Prime here and we'll be set."

"That may prove difficult."

All optics turned to Lazerback as the Predacon made his way onto the stage from the right. "For my friends, I have thought the unthinkable, beaten the unbeatable, and destroyed the indestructible. My friends, I have killed Optimus Prime!" A gasp of shock swept through the crowd. "Without that sympathetic goodie two-shoes casting his shadow over us, we can now make the tough choices!"

"Yes," Metalhawk agreed. "Though loath am I to agree with a murderer – though I suppose the Decepticons have done far worse, and we've given them amnesty. As I was saying, without Optimus Prime driving the Autobot militants, perhaps we can move in the right direction for peace. "

"HOLD ON just a moment!" Blackout shouted, raising his hand. He crossed his arms. "Where's your proof that Optimus Prime is dead?"

Lazerback's lips curled into a smirk. "Why, right here." Lazerback bowed and offered up Optimus Prime's burnt, detached arm.

Blackout approached Lazerback and picked the arm. Blackout swung the arm around, knocked on the arm, and ran his fingers over its hand. "This is Optimus Prime's arm."

Blackout tossed the arm to the ground as though he was dropping litter into a wastebasket. "Doesn't mean anything."

"What?" Lazerback growled. He knew he lacked Optimus' full body, but he had hoped the arm would be enough to convince the populace at large he had done the deed. "Why, whatever do you mean? It's his arm! His whole, entire arm!"

"It's not good enough. I've fought Optimus Prime. I've seen with my optics firsthand how sturdy Optimus Prime is. He's survived ground zero, cave-ins, explosions right next to him, poisoned Energon, and at least one time, survived a direct hit from a weapon of the Thirteen Original Primes. So unless you can produce his entire body and his flickering, snuffed Spark, Lazerback, I don't believe you've killed him."

"I would like to think he's done as he claims." Galvatron said. "Without Optimus Prime around, there would be no one to question my authority."

"Galvatron, why should you get to be in control just because you took over the Decepticons?" Metalhawk asked. "With Optimus Prime and Shockwave MIA, now is the perfect time for political reform!"

"What are you suggesting, Metalhawk?"

"I'm suggesting we should an election! Let the people of Cybertron vote for whom they want in command, for who the people think should be making the tough calls!"

"Cybertron is not a democracy, Metalhawk."

"But we can make it one." Metalhawk turned to the crowd. "What say you, the people? An election?" Metalhawk was met with cheers and applause from a large amount of the crowd.

Galvatron frowned as the majority of the crowd cheered. As much as he wanted to remain in power, a large scale revolt would be far more dangerous to him than a mere election.

"An election it is!" Metalhawk clapped.

Lazerback scratched his chin. "I suppose I'll throw my hat into the ring."

"The more the merrier. May the best mech win."

"Bah," scoffed Heavy Load, who was in the audience with Fractyl. "Ridiculous."

"I don't know, an election sounds like a good deal to me." Fractyl mumbled. Heavy Load raised his cement mixer and bashed Fractyl on the head.

"And that kind of thinking, Fractyl, is why you will always be the lesser student." Heavy Load, disgusted by Fractyl's un-Decepticon attitude, left him and wandered through the crowd to find more like-minded company.

"Psst." Fractyl heard someone behind. "Psst. Fractyl."

"Who, me?" Fractyl saw Magnum standing behind him. "Magnum? What do you want?"

"I want to invite you," Magnum said, offering Fractyl a paper envelope, an especially odd choice for a tech-heavy Cybertronian correspondence. "Some friends of mine are working on a project, and it was suggested to me you might like to join."

Fractyl examined the envelope. He almost took it, before his got suspicious. "What kind of project?"

"The kind where you can make a difference." Magnum put the envelope in Fractyl's claw. "I won't pressure you, but give it some thought."

At the other side of the crowd, Heavy Load was soon to meet a similar offer from a big blue fellow.

"Hey!" Deathsaurus snagged Heavy Load by the shoulder. "Heavy Load, was it? I hear you're a Decepticon of high-quality Decepticon values."

"Um, yeah, I guess." Heavy Load muttered, uncomfortable with Deathsaurus' touching his shoulder. "Why? What do you want?"

"To offer an invitation." Deathsaurus answered with suave charm. He began walking Heavy Load away from the crowd. "I know a few fellows who you just might find to your liking ..."

"Lord Galvatron, sir," passing Deathsaurus but paying him no mind, a Vehicon climbed onto the stage and whispered to his Lord. "We've detected unusual activity in the Sea of Rust. We've discovered individuals setting up devices in an oddly specific pattern."

"The Sea of Rust? Curious. I thought the Sea contained nothing of value. Assemble a task force. I will look into this matter myself."

Traveling airborne to the sandy Sea of Rust, Galvatron and his Vehicon troop traced the energy readings to their source, finding a large group of Vehicons, Vehicon Generals, and Aerialbots surrounding a harmless-looking pedestal, modeled after a crown. Thrusters from space ships were spread across the ground in a network.

"You there!" Galvatron converted modes and landed some distance away from them. "What are you doing?"

A General looked up away from the pedestal at Galvatron. "Hacking Primus' brain module." The General produced the Element of Magic and attempted to insert it into the pedestal. When the Element didn't go into the slot, the Vehicon banged and pounded on it until the Element went in. "Get … in there!" The other Generals did the same thing with the other Elements.

Glowing lines appeared on the pedestal, taking the pattern of ancient runes. Lines colored in the rainbow hue of the Elements of Harmony. The lines reached from the pedestal to the sand, spreading across the ground. The lines formed a circle.

Pillars rose from the ground in a x-shape parallel to the pedestal. The pedestal underwent a transformation, its top splitting into parts and rearranging into a more impressive, decorated form. The pillars around rose up and up, the colored lines spreading on them as well. The massive columns rose and transformed until they are were elaborate, curved arches which dwarfed the puny Transformers below them. A platform emerged from the ground that connected the entire set-up, which the thrusters were placed just so they would catch on the platform.

"Stop them!" Galvatron ordered, opening fire. "I want them caught and interrogated!" A fire fight burst out. As the lasers went back and forth, the arches split at the top and extended, connecting to each in a huge ring. A collection of magic rainbow energy formed inside the ring, rippling like a lake suspended in mid-air.

"Behold!" The Vehicon General cheered. "The Omega Lock! Just as Alpha Trion said."

Galvatron leaped onto the platform and shot the General standing next to the Lock's operating pedestal. He ran across the platform, meaning to attack the Omega Lock's controls and stop it from activating. The Vehicon Generals gathered together and tackled Galvatron, forcing him off the edge of the platform back to the dust.

"Activate the thrusters and the Space Bridge!" A General directed "Quickly, before he gets back up!"

Galvatron got to his feet. He and his troops angled their fire upwards as the platform's thrusters ignited, tearing the Omega Lock and all its accessories from the soil. Once it was airborne, a Space Bridge materialized in the sky above them. The Vehicon/Aerialbot alliance directed the thrusters upwards, sending the Omega Lock through the Space Bridge one piece at a time until it and they were gone.

Galvatron snarled. "I want this "Omega Lock" located and them caught!"

"Lord Galvatron, sir, with the Space Bridge, they could be anywhere in the universe."

Galvatron poked his soldier with the tip of his death-lock pincer. "Then you best get started on the elimination process."

"Ah." Galloway took in a deep breath, riding with his buddies Gould and Attinger in a limo. "I always wanted to be President."

"Dreams do come true," Attinger said.

"I grew up in Wyoming, you know?" Galloway explained. "It'll be a great place to host my speech."

"Absolutely." Gould nodded. "But still, I'm worried about Twilight Sparkle. She threatened to kill me, you know? And you said she checked Operation: Patriotism by name?"

"Relax," Attinger said. "She can't do anything. She can't explain why she knows the name and she has no military behind her. Whereas we have the entire United States of America under our thumb."

The limousine pulled up to Wyoming's town hall, where a crowd had gathered to hear Galloway's explanation of the President's bizarre decision to have Galloway serve as a temporary replacement.

Cameras flashing and reporters asking questions, Galloway climbed up the stairs to the town hall. He noticed a group of U.S Army soldiers standing in attendance with Attinger's men, wearing non-standard octagonal amulets.

"What?" Galloway asked. "I don't remember requesting the Army for security."

"We're here for the love of our country, sir," one of the Army soldiers told him.

"Uh-huh." Attinger nodded, suspicious of them. His men rolled up a television behind Galloway as Galloway adjusted himself on the podium.

"Hello, people of Wyoming." Galloway's voice was amplified by the microphone. ""I realize there is some confusion as to what exactly transpired on the electoral college which led to my being appointed President during this time of crisis. Our country is enacting martial law in order to deal with a great threat to our security. You see, the people we once thought were our friends, our allies, the Autobots … have been planning a secret operation to take control of the planet for themselves." The crowd gasped, murmured, and shouted questions.

"But not to worry!" Galloway raised his finger. "Under my guidance, the United States will deal with this threat to our security. And I am the candidate for the job, as Congress will tell you. Attinger, the video?"

Attinger nodded and flicked the T.V screen on. The screen displayed the house of Congress at a table, one of them with a prepared speech pamphlet.

"And remember, this is live!" Galloway added.

"It is our firm belief ..." The Congressman spoke slowly, as if troubled. "That Theodore Galloway, with his experience as Director of Security, is the first, last, and only choice in dealing with the insidious Autobot threat during this uncertain time. While it appear strange that we have skipped the Presidential line of succession, we felt in this case it was warranted and justified due to Galloway's particular skills and experience. We have every faith and confidence in his ability, and we are prepared to support him every step of the way during this … difficult time."

"So, as you can see, I-" Galloway began.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," a voice dissented from the crowd. Galloway searched through the crowd with fury in his eyes, outraged at the person who had the gall to interrupt him.

The crowd parted, muttering in fear, as a black muscle car with green stripes pulled up.

"Who are you?" Galloway demanded.

The car's hood split into several pieces, with the sides of detached and folded over as the main body of the car twisted around, revealing a Decepticon who was black, green, spiky, and had several plates bolted onto him, like he was covering multiple wounds. His face was a silver, skull-one with tribal paint on him.

"Name's Lockdown." The Decepticon said, his right arm unfolding into a huge hook. "I'm what you call a bounty hunter. Time was, I used to do work for the Deceptions. Say what you will about their ideology, but they paid well. With the war over, though, I've had to expand my ventures. And that's why I'm here." Lockdown turned around, facing the crowd. "I've been paid to inform you that everything Galloway has IS WRONG!" Lockdown's shout scared the crowd, causing it to disperse and attempt to flee. Going to the right road, their path was blocked by a green Corvette, while going to the left, it was blacked by a white helicopter descending.

"Don't mind me, luv," the corvette said, unfolding into an Autobot with a trenchcoat and jeweler's goggles. "Name's Crosshairs! That's my partner, Drift, over there. Don't pay me any mind now, I'll just be here … blocking your way." Crosshairs pulled a Tommy gun and shot out a streetlamp. "And shooting stuff."

Drift transformed, revealing himself to have details of a car and and helicopter in his rising sun-themed robot mode. He pulled out a gold sword. "You will listen to what we have to say."

"Your false President," Lockdown said, gesturing his hook at Galloway, "is feeding you a pack of lies. He's behind a secret mission called "Operation: Patriotism," which seeks to remove any alien influences – such as that of Cybertronians or Equestrians – from Earth. Or, failing that, enslave them. He concocted this headliner story about Optimus Prime planning to attack human towns! Optimus Prime, who risked his life for your country time and time again. In secret, without asking for a damn thing in return, so long as he kept you safe and sound." Lockdown turned back to Galloway with a smirk.

"I have evidence that suggests otherwise!" Galloway told him off, wagging his finger.

"I don’t care, fleshling," Lockdown said. "I'm just paid to relay it from someone who does. I was also paid to deliver this message; the Autobots Imperial hereby formally and officially declare open warfare upon the United States of America."

Galloway was confused. "Autobots Imperial?"

"And of course," Lockdown added, "what's a declaration of war without shots fired?" Lockdown's chest folded open, an apparatus sliding out from it.

"Move." Attinger told Galloway. "Move, move, move!" He grabbed Galloway by the shoulders and ushered him away from the stage. Attinger proved to be right on the money, as Lockdown's apparatus formed into a gun and lifted up onto his face. Lockdown fired his face-mounted cannon, blowing up the podium and the area surrounding it.

On cue, a Space Bridge appeared in the over the Town Hall. Magnum and a troop of Vehicons and Aerialbots, repainted into a cyan and silver color scheme, popped out from the Bridge and descended on the town. A panic ensued in the crowd. Magnum landed on the roof and took aim.


"Humans," Magnum announced, hefting up a huge weapon. "Optimus Prime did not have to fight you. He did not have to ask the soldiers serving under him to bleed and die for you. He did it out of the goodness of his Spark. And this is how you repay him. By framing him and painting him as a villain."

"We gave our services to your defense, protecting you from the Cons!" Crosshairs roared, shooting at streetlamps all the while. "Don't we deserve the same respect and recognition as your U.S Veterans? No, no. Because we're alien, because we're other, we don't get the same treatment. Because we're metal instead of organic, that means we don't count as people. Well, I got news for ya; WE COUNT! And this country, this PLANET OWES US A DEBT! And we intend to collect. SEMPER TYRANNUS! LONG LIVE THE LAST PRIME!"

Somewhere down the road, Applejack and Pinkie Pie, who had stumbled into Wyoming from where Optimus had transported them, were attempting to buy food from a vendor when they heard the familiar sounds of explosions and Decepticon laser fire.

"Say, wut's going on over there?" Applejack wondered, noticing the smoke.

"Oh! Maybe it's a party!" Pinkie suggested. "Maybe they can help us find Twilight and the others?"

"Ah don't know, Pinkie." Applejack squinted. "Tarnation! There's smoke over there! Come on, Pinkie Pie, there might be some innocent folk in there who need our help! What?" Applejack was caught off-guard when a net was thrown over her and Pinkie Pie. "AAAH!" The net buzzed and electrocuted them.

Lockdown chuckled, picking the net up by looking his hook through it.

"Who in the hay are you?" Applejack demanded.

"Name's Lockdown." Lockdown lifted them up, examining his prize. "My employer offered me a substantial sum if I could locate the two of you."

Galloway and Attinger paced in the White House, waiting for their call to be sent through and a response sent back.

Per the instructions of their requests (demand, really), Princess Celestia, Shining Armor, what was recovered of Twilight's friends and Team Prime, plus Smokescreen and Rampage.

"We're here, Galloway." Celestia asked. "What is this emergency?"

"An amount of rogue Autobots and Vehicons attacked Wyoming just as I was attempting to give a speech." Galloway explained.

"Gee, who would interrupt a speech from someone as glorious as you?" Twilight's interjected, her sarcasm showing through. Her tone was balanced enough Galloway didn't catch the snark.

"I know, right? Anyway … I've contacted Galvatron and Metalhawk already. They said they're not working for them. Apparently, they call themselves the Autobots Imperial." Galloway gave Bumblebee a sharp glance.

"Never heard of them." Bumblebee assured him.

"I need you and your team to go to Wyoming and help put a stop to them." Galloway said. "This threat to the nation's safety cannot be allowed to establish a foothold."

Shining Armor saluted. "We won't let you down, sir. We'll quell these riots."

"Really?" Arcee asked. "Shining Armor, no one says "quell" anymore."

"Excellent, excellent. Commence with the quelling! Outstanding! From now, you will be Team Shining Armor. After all, you don't have Optimus Prime with you, so ..."

"Why not "Team Celestia," then?"

Galloway ignored Twilight's question and used a remote to activate a Space Bridge. "Attinger's men will join you there."

Everyone made towards it, but Twilight remained behind.

"Aren't you coming, Twiley?"

"Oh, uh, no." Twilight turned away. "I don't think I'm ready to enter a combat situation again so soon ..."

“Great! I’m glad to see you pacing yourself!”

"Team Shining Armor" as they were newly dubbed, jumped through the Bridge raring to go. Ready to fight for truth, justice, and the American way.

However, it seemed the Autobots Imperial were ready for them, as a line of soldiers was formed from the front entrance into Wyoming, a mix of Vehicons, Aerialbots, Leapers, and even Insecticons, all of whom were painted in that cyan and silver color. Positioned in front of the line was Magnum, with Drift, Lockdown, and Crosshairs behind him.

"Ah." Magnum cocked his gun. "We've been expecting you."

"So I see." Princess Celestia observed. "Magnum, lay down your weapons and stand down, or will we be forced to use lethal force on you and your men."

"Princess Celestia, Optimus Prime grew to be quite close of you. As a centuries-old leader of a nation, you were in a unique position to appreciate his emotional baggage. It would pain to have to shoot you. However, I am a solider, first and foremost. I have my orders. And if following my orders means I have to shoot you at point-blank range, make no mistake. I WILL do so."

Celestia humphed. "Well, after dealing with the likes of Discord and Chrysalis, I find your candidness a refreshing change of pace."

Magnum heaved his gun as Lockdown produced his face-mounted cannon. "Princess Celestia …" Magnum revealed his possession of a face-mask, just like the ones Bumblebee and Optimus had. "Prepared to be annexed."

The Autobots Imperial opened fire. And what a fire it was. Within minutes, Team Prime-ni-Shining Armor found themselves scrambling and scattering all over the battlefield to avoid being caught by a laser blast, bullet slug, or explosive ammunition. Explosions and smoke covered the ground, preventing any of the Autobots or Ponies from getting a clear shot.

Shining Armor felt relieved when the explosions began to let up. Relief turned to terror as he realized the Imperials weren't trying to be sporting and "give them a head start" but to avoid shooting their own comrades as the Leapers and Insecticons lived up to the name of the former, surrounding each member of the Team on all sides with brutes.

Shining Armor's reaction was to cast up a forcefield. Bumblebee ducked and tumbled between their legs. A successful gambit, as it caused a Leaper's battering ram to get lodged in his Insecticon ally's fist. Bulkhead, heavy hitter he was, took to simply busting out his weapons and pounding his opponents in the face. Fluttershy did what she did best and collapsed into a fetal position. It was okay, as Rampage had her covered, batting the opponents aside with his shoulder-mounted claws.

Celestia fired a concentrated beam from her horn at Magnum. Magnum deployed his switchblade and raised to block the spell. Magnum's sword survived the Princess' powerful magic, but turned red with heat. It was unlikely it would hold out for a second blast.

Magnum didn't intend to test. "Send in the big guns."

Celestia froze up at the sound of avian screech with a metallic echo. She looked up to see an avian Predacon soaring through the air. A figure jumped off the side of the Predacon and landed in front of her – Grimlock, his paintwork changed to gold and shiny cobalt to match the Imperials.

"Oh, come on!" Rainbow Dash complained, dodging another of Lockdown's shells. "They got GRIMLOCK, too!?"

"Grimlock." Princess Celestia greeted.

"Princess." Grimlock replied.

"Why are you helping the Imperials? Lay down your weapons and do what's right."

"I AM doing what's right. Pity you can't see you're doing what's wrong, being a sycophant to Galloway like that."

"Grimlock, I do not wish to fight you."

"Too bad."

Grimlock drew his sword and shield. Princess Celestia fired another heat ray at him. Grimlock used his shield to block it. His shield put up with it much better than Magnum's sword did, withstanding the brunt of the attack. Grimlock grunted and dashed at Celestia, swinging his shield with the intent to bash her.

Bumblebee aimed his blasters at Grimlock, hoping to give Celestia aid. Grimlock was a tough customer and not to be taken lightly. The Predacon had a keen sense of priority, and spat a breath of flame which prevented Bumblebee from aiming.

"Hey!" Smokescreen fired his blasters the Predacon. "Get down here and fight on the ground!"

The Predacon let out a screech and divebombed Smokescreen, taking up his challenge. It wasn't much of a challenge. The Predacon dug his front claws into Smokescreen's chest, shredding it, before tossing Smokescreen away. The others were similar success with their opponents.

Arcee side-stepped from left and right, avoiding Drift's swords. She grabbed one by the blade and took it from his hand. "Ha!" Arcee pointed the sword at him.

Drift smirked. He reached over his back and pulled out another sword, this one silver.

"What?" Arcee sighed. "How many swords do you have?"

Drift smiled. Vestigial arms folded out from his chest and pulled out short swords from his hips. "A lot."

"Come on!" Grimlock shouted, taking a swing at Celestia with his sword. "After all that talk I heard about how you were the most powerful unicorn on Equestria, I was expecting this to be a fight, not a ballet recital!" Grimlock slashed through the air, again missing Celestia. "Fight me!" An orange glow appeared around Grimlock's body. "Isn't there ANY ONE of you who would make a DECENT opponent!?"

Rampage lifted the Leaper he was dealing with and tossed him over his shoulder. "I believe I may be up to the challenge." Rampage walked towards Grimlock.

"Finally." Grimlock expressed, liking what he saw in Rampage. "A real opponent."

"Hahaha, yes. I do hope my performance will be … satisfactory for you."

Grimlock raised his hands over his head and roared. Stabbing his sword into the ground, Grimlock converted to his T. Rex mode. He lunged at Rampage, who grabbed Grimlock's jaw by the sides and twisted it to keep Grimlock from biting him.

Celestia observed the fight between the two of them and thought she was in the clear. It took getting in the back from a metal projectile to make her realize that was wrong. Blasting the intruder off her back, Celestia was made speechless by what she saw – a Vehicon, but in the size and shape of a pony. A Vehicon who had been turned into a pony.

"What are you?" Celestia spat out.

The Pony/Vehicon rubbed its head. It had a horn, and whether or not it had wings was made redundant by the presence of a jetpack. "Evolution," it answered in a processed, synthesized voice. "You can call me the Imperial Commander, Your Majesty. Magnum attacked Wyoming on my orders."

"Imperial Commander, I urge you to call off your takeover of this human town! The humans have done nothing to you! They're innocent!"

"So blind." The Commander mocked her. "First you sign Galloway's bill. Now you do his bidding. Something you don't realize, Princess, is that the humans are not innocent. Not anymore. Not after framing Optimus Prime."

"What proof do you have Optimus Prime is not guilty of the charges Galloway has put on him?"

"Let’s start with the number one, the fact that for a long time, he didn’t have the resources to pull off that large scale an operation, oh, and, uh, number two, HE’S OPTIMUS PRIME. He could not possibly have been planning that. It’s not in his personality, and he lacked motive, and didn’t execute these things it’s claimed he was planning despite having multiple opportunities on several occasions to do so! And three, the total lack of evidence beyond a shadow of a reasonable doubt other than Galloway’s hearsay!"

Celestia paused. She didn’t want to admit the Imperials had an incredibly strong point, even though they did, because that would mean acknowledging their actions as legitimately motivated, and she can’t imagine Galloway would have approved of that, and she wanted to keep the peace with him if possible.

"The Autobots Imperial seek to bring about revolution, Princess." The Commander informed her. "We seek to prove the opposite of Galloway's rhetoric – that humans, Autobots, Equestrians, and Decepticons CAN work together in peace and harmony without any … needless restrictions placed on them. What you see before is a physical idea of that belief – an Equestrian and Cybertronian, blended into one on a physical and ideologically level."

"That's terrifying. You're only a few steps removed from becoming a soulless cyborg."

"It's progress. And besides, the Cybertronians are completely mechanical, and they have souls. In fact, their physical Sparks are more proof of them having souls than either you or I or any human does!"

"Still. It's unnatural."

"It's evolution. Get with the program, Princess. The world is changing, and when the world changes, you either adapt … or get deleted out."

Princess Celestia fired a blast the Commander, who was ready for her. The Commander created a barrier from her horn, blocking Celestia's blast before responding with one of her own, her magic exploding against Celestia and hurling the Princess away, surrounded by green fire.

"Green fire?" Celestia wondered. "A Changeling?" She got up and charged at the Commander.

Grimlock and Rampage continued their struggle, to both their delights. The Leapers were unable to dent his plating, Rampage found them unworthy opponents, and Grimlock felt the same way about Celestia and her defensive fighting. With his jaws still held by Rampage, Grimlock attempted to use it to his advantage and spew his flame breath in Rampage's face. Rampage grabbed Grimlock by his sides and hurled up into the air, where the mighty dinosaur flailed about until he could aim at Rampage and take another shot of flame breath at him. The flame breath did little to Rampage, who didn't even flinch when Grimlock's bulk reunited with the ground. Grimlock roared and turned around, smashing his tail into Rampage's chest and throwing him back. Rampage dug his feet into the ground and converted to his beast mode, attempting to grab Grimlock's neck with his claw.

Magnum watched the two beasts fight and decided it was time for the really, really big guns.

"I didn't want to have to do this, Princess Celestia, but you leave me no choice." Magnum activated his comm. "Away Team, fire the Omega Lock 200 yards from my position."

Horns locked with the Commander, Magnum's order caught Celestia's attention. "Omega Lock?"

A Space Bridge opened up above them.

Shining Armor looked up. "Oh, I get it. Omega Lock is like, some huge powerful Autobot?"

"No, no." Smokescreen said. "That's Omega Supreme."

The Bridge emitted a high-pitched whine. It spat out a blue beam that hit the ground. Team Shining Armor watched in awe as the ground before them changed from Earthen soil to Cybertronian alloys. The beam moved, sweeping across the ground left to right, like the paintbrush of an unseen divine being. A pillar rose from the ground, raising up and transforming into a satellite tower.

The Team was shocked. There was a Cybertronian building standing in front of them! It would have taken weeks, if not months, to build that same structure on Cybertron with Cybertronian materials … yet, they had just watched it be constructed in less than seconds on Earth soil, with nothing more than a fancy beam.

The tower's side split open and reformed, turning into a huge laser cannon. Bumblebee didn't have to be told twice the cannon was charging up to fire.

"Autobots, fall back!" Arcee ordered.

"What?" Shining Armor protested. "No, Arcee, you can't!"

"Shining Armor," Arcee spat back at him. "Yes, I can. We're outgunned and outnumbered at a ratio of fourteen-to-Grimlock, and trust me, 'to Grimlock' is not a favorable ratio to anybody, especially not anybody on our team. A Predacon is patrolling the skies raining fire on us and now… now the other team has the means to create buildings from thin air. What's to keep them from just making a huge fortress and dropping it on us? You can stay here and fight the good fight if you want, Shining Armor, but I'm not letting my team get killed just because I can't shelve my pride. Autobots, we're out of here!"

Shining Armor looked to Rarity.

"I'm sorry, darling. Arcee is right." Rarity trotted and hopped into Bulkhead's seat as the Autobot drove away with Bumblebee into a Bridge.

Shining Armor watched as his comrades left him, then turned back to his foes to see Crosshairs and Vehicons looking down at him.

"Now, you have three options here." Crosshairs waved his gun. "You can either, A) be smart like your friends and run away. B) Surrender and be our prisoner, or C) be an idiot and keeping fighting. Now, I won't begrudge you whatever choice you make, but I'd strongly discourage choosing C."

Shining Armor gave him a glare before turning and galloping towards the Bridge.

Crosshairs smirked. "Good choice, Captain."

The Team dashed back into Galloway's office through the Bridge.

"Well?" Galloway asked. "What happened?"

"What happened was that we nearly got slagged!" Bulkhead announced. "They were ready for us – they had Vehicons, Insecticons, Predacons, Leapers of their own – everything!"

"And don't forget the one pony who was like a unicorn Vehicon thingie!" Pinkie Pie added.

"And they have this Omega Lock which can build Cybertronian buildings out of thin air!" Rarity added.

"That's the worst part." Cadence added. "There's nothing to stop them from firing that thing again and sweeping it all over Earth until it's nothing but a poor man's second Cybertron."

"Considering the quality of that building, I don't think it'd be poor." Bulkhead said. "I mean, did you see that groundwork? And the way panels aligned? Gorgeous." Bulkhead was met with skeptical glares. "Uh, sorry. Got caught up in the, uh, mastery of the construction..."

"And what about those reinforcements?" Rainbow Dash said. "You said Attinger's men would be with us. Where's Attinger, Galloway?"

"Ma'am, I believe we can answer that."

The girls were surprised to see a number of U.S Army soldiers walk into the room. The same soldiers who were distinctly not invited to Galloway's speech.

"We intercepted Attinger's men and kept them from being able to use the Bridge to get there," the soldier said.

"Why would you do that?" Dash demanded.

"For the country I love," the soldier replied. "I believe Optimus Prime is innocent. I believe the Autobots Imperial's rhetoric. I signed up in the army to defend my country and its ideals, ma'am. Ideals it hasn't been living up to. I believe in the land of the free, and all these regulations, these Peacetime Cooperation" bills … that's not letting the aliens be free. What happened to the America I love, where settlers and refugees were welcome with open arms? I can't speak for these guys with me, so that's why I joined the Imperials, ma'am. For a free America."

"Joined ... the Imperials?" Celestia asked. Her eyes shrunk as she realized they were in danger.

"Semper Tyrannus," the soldiers raised their hands and struck the silver amulets on their chests. The amulets unfold and furled, spreading around the soldiers' bodies and encasing them in a suit of armor which resembled a Vehicon – just like the Imperial Commander. "Prepare for annexation!" The soldiers pulled out firearms and attempted to gun down everyone in the room. Galloway ducked behind his desk while Bulkhead and Smokescreen used their bodies to protect the ponies.

Celestia rose in the air and cast a sweeping beam across the room, incinerating the armor of the soldiers and knocking them to the ground.
"Well," a soldier said, pulling out a remote. "That could have gone better." He clicked the remote, summoning a Bridge. He and his fellows made their escaped through it, aided by rocket boots. The Bridge closed before Celestia or anyone else could follow them through.

"Is it safe? Are they gone?" Galloway squeaked.

"Yes, Mister President. It's safe." Celestia told him. "However, these Autobots Imperial may be even more dangerous than we realized, if they have the connections and the selling power to infiltrate the United States Army … where else might they have infiltrated?"

"I'll send out an alert to all our major military forces," Galloway said. "The Autobots Imperial are now a national-level threat who may have infiltrated their branches, and citizens will be advised to be forthcoming with any information they might have."

One nightfall later, Shockwave, wounded ex-Lord of the Decepticons, was stumbling his way through the Mexican Border with the Combaticons, the only Decepticons who remained loyal to him after Galvatron's coup. The Combaticons and him sneaked their way to a Bridge terminal and transported to Earth.

"Shockwave, how much longer than we have to keep trudging?" Vortex whined. "I'm getting tired of sand in my heel struts."

"Patience, Vortex." Shockwave told him. "We will make our way to Mexico. We will find arms dealers willing to work us with there."

"Oh, yeah." Vortex replied. "Because that worked out so well for the Forged and COBRA. Except for that part where the Autobots came storming down on them."

"We will worry about the Autobots after we have resources." Shockwave said. He looked overhead at the roar of jet engines overhead. "Hmm. Human fighter jets."

Vortex looked up. "This late at night?" Vortex primed his weapon. "Doesn't seem right to me."

"Hold your fire, Vortex. It's unlikely they're here for us." Onslaught reprimanded him.

"Attention, Deceptions!" The fighter jet's announced. "The United States Air Force demand your immediate surrender! Come nicely, and maybe we can make a deal."

"Well, so much for that. Let's get 'em, Blast Off!" Vortex and Blast Off converted to vehicle mode and flew up to engage their enemy.

"Swindle, Brawl, assume anti-aircraft positions!" Onslaught ordered. He and Brawl dropped to the ground, assuming vehicle mode. Brawl's vehicle mode adjusted into something more of a turret than a tank and took aim at the jets.

"Hope you like hot plasma!" Brawl wished as he fired flaming orbs from his cannons. The jets' pilots were just nifty enough to swerve away and avoid being hit by them.

"Ease off there, Brawl. Aerial combat should be left to the aerial Combaticons!" Blast Off taunted, launching a payload of missiles at the jets. The missiles exploded without hitting their target, producing a side-effect of masking them.

"Nice one, Blast Off. Now we can't see them." Vortex taunted. "Let me show you how a pro does it." Vortex dropped a weapon from his canopy, which fired an electric spark into the smoke and exploded.

"Did it hit them?" Blast Off inquired.

"I don't know … I can't -AH!" Vortex yelped as he and Blast Off were pelleted with gunfire from above. "They're above us!" Vortex angled himself upwards, firing another spark at the jets. The jets pulled away and the spark once again missed. Before the Air Force jets could return fire, lasers came from the right and pelleted them.

"Hey! What the?"

Flying onto the scene came two Imperial-colored Vehicons, the Imperial Commander, and another Pony-Vehicon who shared the Commander's design.

"Attention, United States Air Force. The Autobots Imperial charge you with the unprovoked assault of a combatant and being scumbag humans. "

"We didn't do anything!"

"That's what they all say. Imperials, annex them." The Vehicons split apart and flanked the jets on both sides, shooting their weapons from both directions.

"We're not going to be stopped by Autobot … cultists!" One of the jet's pilots announced.

"Call us what you like, you're still a scumbag human." The Commander and her aide charged up their horns and let loose a spell on the jets.
Their spell breach the jet's hull and caused it explode, sending the aircraft tumbling down to earth.

"NO!" the other pilot cried out.

"Intercept that floating wreck and extract the pilot." The Commander's aide ordered the Vehicons. "I want him taken prisoner." A Vehicon reverted to autonomous mode and jumped onto the falling plane. He plunged his claw into the cockpit and removed the pilot.

"I won't let you get away with this!" the unharmed pilot shouted. He fired off a widespread payload of missiles. The Commander and aide dodged them, but Blast Off and Vortex were not so lucky, getting pounded by the rockets to the point of becoming nonfunctional.

"Vortex! Blast Off!" Onslaught cried as Vortex and Blast Off crashed into the ground.

"It would be stupid to try to take out all of you," the still-airborne Air Force stated. "But make no mistake, I will avenge my partner!" The Air Force jet turned and flew off into the night. The Commander hailed her Imperial soldiers not to bother pursuing.

"Time to get what we really came here for," the Commander instructed. He and the other Imperials descended, landing in front of the Combaticons and Shockwave. Onslaught was cradling Vortex's crashed body.

"Combaticons, Shockwave," the Commander said. "I am here to invite you to serve under the banner of the Autobots Imperial. We are a post-Great War group seeking to punish those behind Operation: Patriotism and show the universe at large that peace and cooperation between Equestrians, Earthlings, and Cybertronians is possible. Will you join us?"

"Why would you seek us?" Shockwave asked.

"You're an accomplished scientist, Shockwave. Not to mention, the Combaticons and by extension, Bruticus, on our side would be a great addition. What do you say?"

"No." Shockwave answered. "I will not answer to an organic."

Onslaught glared at him. "But Shockwave, Vortex … Blast Off ..."

"I can repair them. I need only resources."

"We can give you the resources," the Commander told them. "We can give you medics! Anything you need, just name your price."

Shockwave crossed his arms. "My goal is create a Decepticon Cybertron. I do not see how joining you will accomplish that goal. Come along, Onslaught. You can carry Vortex until we reach Mexico."

"Look at their damage. They won't survive to reach Mexico," the Commander warned.

Onslaught looked at Shockwave, then to the Commander. "You said you have a medic?"

"Multiple, actually."

"Full repairs?"


"Onslaught..." Shockwave said, grabbing Onslaught's shoulder. Onslaught got up and belted Shockwave across the face.

"Damn it, Shockwave, my men are DYING! And I won't let them bleed out in the desert just because YOU couldn't shelve your pride to work with an organic!"

"So that's a yes, then?" the Commander rubbed her hooves.

"Yes. IF you provide repairs." Onslaught lifted Vortex up while Brawl and Swindle lifted Blast Off.

A Bridge opened behind the Imperials. "We'll make sure they get top priority." The Commander and her troops, now joined by the Combaticons, walked into the Bridge.

Shockwave was left alone under the starry sky, the crashed Air Force jet is his only company. Shockwave blinked, staring at the stars. He saw an object fly over the sky and descend to approach him. Closer observation revealed the object as Starscream, who transformed and landed next to Shockwave.



"Would I be correct to hypothesis, while I am weakened and without the protection of Megatron's favor, you will take this opportunity to exercise your grudge on me and take my life?"

"Ordinarily, you would." Starscream answered, raising his lethal talons. "However, I'm trying to be more of a team player than I used to be and Soundwave thinks you would be useful. That is, if you're willing after that spat with Onslaught." Starscream offered Shockwave his hand.

Shockwave pushed himself and examined Starscream's claw. Starscream's neutral expression indicating it wasn't a trick, Shockwave took the helping hand.

The next morning, Shining Armor reported into Attinger's office, even though he wasn't an official part of the United States' command. The Imperials were blindsiding them at every turn, so Shining felt compelled to lend a hoof.

Shining Armor noticed a brown-haired, buff human sitting a chair in front of an Attinger.

"So, yeah. I may have lost my partner, but I took out those inhumans." The boy bragged. He noticed Shining Armor in the doorway. "Oh, um, I was talking about the Decepticons! I'm totally cool with Ponies, honest!"

"Okay ..." Shining Armor said, taking a seat. "If you say so. What's going on?"

"General Buster Witwicky here was just telling me how he took out a major threat to our security by executing the Decepticons known as Vortex and Blast Off." Attinger explained. "However ..." Attinger pushed a button on his desk. A television appeared in the wall, showing a broadcast of Bruticus looming over a building in a city.

"In the name of the Autobots Imperial, I claim this city!" Bruticus announced, smashing his fist into a building. "The Town Council is instructed to cooperate or be imprisoned!"

Buster's face made a round little 'o.'

"What was that you were saying?" Attinger asked him. "Something about neutralizing the Bruticus threat?"

"Oh, well, I, uh..."

Attinger slammed his hands on the desk. "I am not interested in hearing your excuses! These Imperials are a growing threat to the country, my country, and I want them contained! So you, work with this pony, put your heads together, and FIGURE SOMETHING OUT! Dismissed."

Buster and Shining Armor nodded, getting up from their seats and leaving.

"So..." Buster said. "I heard you tried to talk Princess Celestia in trying to cut ties with Optimus and the Autobots. I mean, not that I'm judging you. But what's up with that?"

Shining Armor sighed. He stopped to look out the window. "My life was a lot easier before Cybertronians came into the picture. I mean, I was happy, I had a beautiful wife and wonderful sister, and now … now I'm an undead, trying to fight terrorists with a bunch of two-legged humans. It's just … upsetting and I wish I could go back to before … when Cybertronians weren't involved."

"Yeah." Buster said, patting Shining on the back. "I hear you, man, loud and clear. So, what are we gonna do about the Autobots Imperial?"

"Hmm." Shining Armor noticed Agent Fowler marching towards Attinger's office. "Hey, Fowler! What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to see Attinger." Fowler stomped past them. "I got a call this morning saying Adam DeCobray was found dead in his cell, and I suspect Attinger knows something about that." Fowler pushed the door open. Shining Armor and Witwicky continued on their way.

Shining Armor and Witwicky went into another government office, calling in the rest of the team to plan their next move.

"So, what's the plan?" Arcee asked, arms crossed. She was skeptical they could contain the Imperials after the show of force at Wyoming.

"Actually, General Witwicky and I thought about that on our way over here." Shining Armor said. "We know we can't beat them with force or weapons, so we turn to the one thing that works when weapons don't."

"Getting down on our knees, waving white flags, offering to surrender in exchange for mercy?" Smokescreen suggested.

"What? No! I'm talking about espionage!" Shining explained. "We're going to have one of you pretend to join the Imperials while secretly feeding intelligence to us. That way, we'll know where they plan to strike next and how to beat it."

"Mm. I don't know." Arcee said. "Just one spy? What happens if they get caught?"

"Well, obviously, that would be bad." Witwicky said. "But having all of you have a change of heart at once would be a bit conspicuous."

"We've seen how good their rhetoric is." Bumblebee said. "They manage to convince a Dinobot, a Predacon, and a lot of Vehicons and Aerialbots alike to join them. How do we make sure our agent isn't brainwashed by their propaganda, like a cultist?"

"Easy." Witwicky said. "We send someone strong, loyal, who would never abandon his cause ..."

Bumblebee snapped his fingers. "I think I know just the person for the job."

Everyone turning to her, Rainbow Dash couldn't help but ask. "Why are you all looking at me all of a sudden?"

Transported to a barren field in Jasper, a scant few miles from the Omega One's ruins, Rainbow Dash was set out alone in the world. It was a carefully chosen location. Being alone would sell the idea she no longer wanted to serve Galloway, while being so near the former Autobot base would suggest she was sentimental and letting that settlement affect her choices.

Rainbow Dash held up a Cybertronian cell phone, much like the one Dreadwing used to use. Her equipment had grown to resemble his since his death. She held it up and sent out a green beam, the signal containing her message – the message she wanted to join the Imperials. Now all she had to do was wait to see if they took the bait.

They did. A Bridge opened, with an Imperial Leaper stepping out. "Rainbow Dash?"

"That's me!"

“Very well,” the Leaper produced a small machine, a tiny box with wires and cathodes coming out of it, mounted with what appeared to be a desk lamp.

“Uh… what is that?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“It’s an intent reader. It scans your mind and reads your mind for your intent. It’s adopted from the technology they used in the construction of Fortress Maximus, but on a smaller scale. It’s still a new model, and we’re still working out of some of the kinks, but unlike most Decepticon projects that are still being field-tested, it probably won’t explode and kill you.”

“Wait, what?” Dash asked.

“Hold still, now…”

The Leaper activated the device, and a green beam emitted from the lamp and swept across Rainbow Dash’s forehead. Dash grit her teeth. She wasn’t sure how powerful Fortress Maximus was, or how powerful something reverse-engineered from him could be, so for all she knew, this machine could either predict exactly what she was thinking, or was a piece of junk not worth the box it came in.

She bit her tongue, trying to keep her thoughts hidden and her desires secret. It occurred to Rainbow Dash this machine was probably a gross invasion of privacy, but the Imperials wouldn’t be bothered by that, so long as the machine fulfilled its purpose and kept them from letting any would-be spies into their base.

“And…” the device beeped. The Leaper read the results, Dash having a cold sweat about whether she was about to be found out. This was probably their one chance to get close to the Imperials, and if she blew it...

“You’re clean,” the Leaper said, looking at Rainbow Dash with what she might charitably call a smile, given its lack of a defined mouth. “Come along, new recruit!”

The Bridge reopened.

“Whew,” Dash sighed under her breath. Either she was much better at mental discipline than Applejack gave her credit for, and this machine couldn’t do what it was designed for and wasn’t worth a darn, but either way, she was glad to have made it in.

“If you will follow me..." The Leaper gestured to the Bridge.

Dash nodded. "Sure, no problem." She trotted after the Leaper into the Bridge. What she found on the other side made her gasp.

There was a whole Cybertronian fortress, wide enough to be a city. A huge, spiked wall made from black metals surrounded the whole thing, protecting it from attack, with artillery stations to be manned for defense lined across the top of the wall. If the wall wasn't enough, they were the four huge towers, each with gigantic cannons pointed in four directions, with a number of smaller, dual-barreled rotating turrets built lower on each tower’s side. Each and every building reached the sky, ending in different polygonal shapes – some were spires, some resembled clock towers, others even looked like places of worship. It's construction resembled Decepticon architecture.

The Leaper advanced towards the front gate, not noticing Rainbow Dash was too awestruck to move. "Here with delivery of a new recruit. Please lower the shields."

A panel of the gate transformed, shooting out a green beam onto the Leaper.

"Identify verified. Deactivating shields."

Rainbow Dash was alarmed and impressed by the shields. First, there was a Cybertronian force field, made of energy and blue with a hexagon grid pattern. It was invisible, but briefly shimmered to show its deactivation. Behind it was another forcefield made of Equestrian magic – purple and sparkly, just like Shining Armor's spells. It too shimmered as it was disabled, allowing the Leaper and Dash safe passage. The exact moment they were safely within its range, both shields flashed, becoming active again.

"Wow." Rainbow Dash remarked. "You guys sure take security seriously in this place, don't you?"

The Leaper shrugged. "It's a precaution." The gate in front of them opened, opening down the middle and retracting sideways. Dash and her escort walked in.

"Welcome to the Rainbow Principality." The Leaper said. "A place that combines the best sensibilities of Cybertron, Earth, and Equestria – or so's the idea."

Looking around, Rainbow Dash saw the truth in his words – there were rows of statues, each of an important person in the history of each planet. There were fountains sculpted in both Equestrian and Earthling standards of beauty. She even saw patches of grass with human and pony children playing together. How did they manage grass in an Cybertronian landscape?

"Hey … why are there kids here? Isn't this supposed to be a super secret base or something?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"This way, please." The Leaper instructed her. He led her to a decorated and polished building deep in the city's core, almost its exact center. It was huge! It had a tower at the top and military hangars at its sides. At the entrance, which contained stairs and columns, there was a stained glass painting of Princess Celestia and what Rainbow Dash presumed to be a depiction of the Cybertronian god, Primus, who she heard about but had never seen. In front of the entrance was a statue that kept the same rhetoric – a stylized vision of Optimus Prime riding an up-scaled Princess Celestia, holding aloft a huge sword.

Dash noticed an inscription on the statue's base.

Long Live the Last Prime: His dream was a universe at peace with each other, with the creatures of the cosmos working together in harmony. It's up to us to make the dream a reality.

Rainbow Dash whistled. "Deep stuff, man."

"Mm, yes. If you could go into the building, please? The Imperial Commander will see you and evaluate you."

The Leaper walked Rainbow Dash into the building. It was just as big inside as it was outside. It was painted in brown and beige dull colors, just like Omega-One's interior before its destruction. Bridges and doors were everywhere. Everywhere Rainbow Dash turned, she saw humans, Equestrians, and Vehicons working together, whether it was applying paint, putting up posters, or moving supplies from one room to the next. Some of them got tense with their partners, but calmed down and apologized.

"Up that bridge and down the hall. Keep going until you reach the second-last office." The Leaper pointed.

"Why?" Rainbow Dash asked. "What's in the last office?"

"The Equestrian War Princess." The Leaper answered, causing Rainbow Dash to do a double-take. "She doesn't like being disturbed."

"War Princess?" Rainbow Dash laughed. "Look, pal, I hate to break it to you, but there is no Equestrian War Princess!"

The Leaper eyed her. "Is that so? Hey guys! Show of hands – who believes in the Equestrian War Princess?"

Everyone in the room who could raise their hands and hooves and chanted in unison. "ALL HAIL THE WAR PRINCESS!" And the ones who didn't, only didn't because their hands were full.

"Convinced?" The Leaper asked smugly. "Please make your way to the Commander's office. You're on your own from here on out." The Leaper jumped and rocketed to another part of the room, blending into the crowd where Dash couldn't see him.

Dash sighed. She was a stranger in an even stranger land, where Vehicons and humans worked together. She could still do this. She flew up to the directed bridge and began her walk down it. She bumped into the leg of a passing Cybertronian.

"Ow! Hey! Watch where you're going!" Rainbow Dash complained at him before seeing the Starscream-esque Decepticon before her. "Hey, I know you! You're that… that Decepticon who completely fails at being a Decepticon. What was it, uh, Frack? Fracker? Fractyl!"

Fractyl frowned her. "That's Air Commander Fractyl to you!" He pointed at the Decepticon logo on his chest, which now had wings, just like the Seeker insignia Dreadwing wore.

"Huh." Rainbow Dash walked past him. The next thing she noticed surprised her even more. Down and to the right of a few bridges from here was Agent Fowler with the Army soliders who attacked them in the White House.

"Agent Fowler?" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"Huh?" Fowler looked over his shoulder. "Oh. Hey, Rainbow Dash."

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be out defending your country?"

"I am defending my country." Fowler growled at her. "Galloway tells the truth the way my star-spangled spanners make me look like a model. Prime would never do anything like what he's saying, and he's giving Attinger too much free reign. We're supposed to catch the bad guys, but after we give them due process!"

"What are you doing with those soldier guys?"

"Old Army buddies!" Fowler answered in a much happier tone. "When the Commander called me and ask if there was anything I'd be willing to do to help, I call them up and offered them a chance to help their country."

"Uh-huh." Rainbow Dash took her attention off them and went further down the bridge. She was assaulted by a pony who tackled her to the ground.

"Rainbow Dash!" Pinkie Pie was right up in her face, as usual. "I'm so happy to see you!"

"Wha – Pinkie Pie?" Pushing Pinkie Pie off her and righting herself, Rainbow Dash was every bit as surprised to see Applejack. "Applejack?"

"Good to see ya made it, R.D." Applejack said. "When the Commander told us you fought us at Wyoming, we were a mite bit worried. But now that you're here, it's just a matter of time before the others start coming to their senses!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Rainbow Dash said. "What is going on here?"

"Y'all don't know?" Applejack asked. "We're trying to fight Galloway and his Peace-time Cooperation Bills! I still can't believe Princess Celestia signed them... and I still can't believe as many people as they did bought it. How did he do it?""

"The Princess had a good reason for that!" Dash shouted, defending her regimen. "She didn't want Equestria caught up in a war!"

"Maybe so. Maybe that is a good reason," Applejack looked away, "But Galloway-"

"Is a big jerkwad meanie-face!" Pinkie interrupted.

"Exactly." Applejack said as she and Pinkie walked by Rainbow Dash. "Couldn't have said better myself."

Rainbow Dash decided she better hurry to the Commander. Perhaps he could explain why Applejack would turn against Celestia.

Hurrying down the hall, Rainbow Dash found the end, which ended with a large ornate door, and a slightly-less-ornate door next to it.

"Hmm." Rainbow Dash, daredevil she was, was tempted by the prospect of intruding on this mythical War Princess. The Commander stepped out of her room, knocking Dash back to reality and keeping her from that idea.

"You're the new recruit, right?" The Commander asked her.

"Yeah." Rainbow answered. "I am."

"Excellent. You'll need to be read the orientation packet."

"Oh, joy." Dash rolled her eyes.

The Commander cleared his throat. "We are the Autobots Imperial. We are an organization seeking to demonstrate and prove that alien species can co-inhabit the same space without needless restrictions – and in doing so, destroy the rhetoric of Usurper President Theodore Galloway and his Martial America in the process. Galloway does not seek to protect America from aliens. He seeks to serve himself – the state of martial law will last however long it needs to keep Galloway comfortable in control for the rest of his lifetime unless something is done about it- something like US. Any questions?"

"Yeah, only about a THOUSAND!"


"Okay. For starters, who are you? Where did you come from? How did you get this idea for these crazy Imperial guys?"

"First," The Commander's Vehicon mask split open, unfolding as though it was a live Cybertronian. Under the mask was Susan, whose voice lost its synthetic processing with the mask. "Second, from the alternate Equestria, but I bet you already knew that. Third, it wasn't my idea. You have 997 more questions left."

Rainbow Dash blinked in shock. The Commander was Susan all along? "Okay … why are there children playing in the streets? Isn't that kinda opposite to the whole terrorists-rebel-freedom fighter thing?"

"Maybe, but it does prove the "aliens living together in harmony" thing." Susan smirked. "You have 996 questions left."

Rainbow Dash sighed. Resigning herself to the crazy going on around her, she put her hoof over her face. "I was told to go to you for evaluation?"

"Ah, yes! Evaluation. Where I evaluate what your talents are and what division you go in. However … I don't think I need to evaluate you. It's obvious you go into the Seeker division. You'll be serving under Fractyl. Anything else?"

"Yeah, okay." Dash nodded. Being put into a position where she was subordinate to a spineless wimp like Fractyl didn't sit right with Rainbow Dash, but she clung to the reminder she wasn't signing up for real – she was a spy.

"If you're still confused – and something tells me you are – the War Princess is holding a speech later tonight. Attendance is preferred, but not mandatory." Susan said. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have some business to attend to."

"Wait!" Dash said. "Who's the War Princess?"

Susan chuckled. "You'll find out if you stay for the speech!" Susan closed her door.

Well, then. Looked to Rainbow Dash as though she was going to a speech. A boring, long, frustrating speech where she'd be forced to sit still for hours. The thought made her groan.

An hour or two later, Rainbow Dash was joining the crowd in the auditorium of the building. She was impressed at the amount of attendees in the audience – Decepticons, Autobots, humans from organization like the Army and the Marines, including Fowler.

There was a grand bridge, suspended above the crowd. It had a platform on it for speaking and doors from either side.

Rainbow Dash found a spot she was comfortable in and sat there. The crowd murmured and muttered, some of them exchanging rumors about the speech, others mingling. Magnum appeared on the bridge and gave the order to hush.

Checking to ensure silence was in the room, Magnum signaled the doorway. Out stepped Fractyl, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Susan, and another pony in a Vehicon suit like Susan's.

"Hello! Hello! This is your leader and founder, the Equestrian Princess of War, speaking." The second Pony-Vehicon said to the crowd. Rainbow Dash recognized the basic voice amplification spell being used.

"Before we get started, I want to clarify something. There's been confusion about what to call the suits Susan and I are wearing and what to call the people wearing them. They're nothing fancy, people, they're just exo-suits. Or if you must be more specific, Vehicon exo-suits. Second, the people wearing them are "Ponybots," not "Ponycons" or "Vehiponies." Ponybots. Are we all understood? Good. Let's move on."

The War Princess retracted her mask.

If Rainbow Dash was shocked to see Susan under her mask, it was nothing compared to the thousand volts of electric surprise going through her at the identity of the War Princess.

"Twilight?" Dash slammed a hoof to her head. “Duh, of course it’s Twilight. Who else would want to do something like this and be just smart enough to pull it off?”

"Autobots Imperial, let's talk." Twilight said, pacing back and forth. "Let's talk about this organization. Let's talk about why I made it. I made it … because the humans known as Theodore Galloway, Harold Attinger, and Dylan Gould are guilty. Guilty of what, you ask? The attempted murder and criminal framing of Optimus Prime."

The crowd gasped. Some of them murmured.

"You'll notice I say 'attempted.'" Twilight continued. "This is because not do I believe it, I KNOW, not just in my heart, but in fact and truth, that Optimus Prime is still alive. Not sure where, but he's out there, and we know this thanks to a particular bot - Ultra Magnus, Optimus Prime's Spark brother. He can sense the pulse of Optimus Prime, the beat of his Spark, and as long we have him, we know Optimus is alive!" The crowd cheered. "I'm not …" Twilight's voice lost some its conviction. "Not one-hundred percent sure he would approve of all this. But I know for a fact he wouldn't approve of Galloway!"

Large portions of the crowd whooped and cheered.

"And I ALSO know that he wouldn't approve of America being turned into Galloway's … personal playground! And I know … he would've helped the Vehicons, if he could have. You'll notice several Vehicons are in the audience. This is because I promised them something, something they needed. I promised them independence and rights, because the Vehicons are not easily manufactured, replaceable drones. That's how Galloway got his "Americon" task force. He promised them they'd be treated as full-fledged American citizens if they dressed up in red white and blue and serve him under the Peacetime Cooperation Act. Which all we know is really a Peacetime Slavery Act. But Vehicons aren't slaves! They're people, as much as the next Combaticon or Aerialbot or unicorn or whatever! "

The Vehicons in attendance went into an uproar, chanting their new mantra. "VEHICONS ARE PEOPLE TOO! VEHICONS ARE PEOPLE TOO!"

Twilight chuckled. "Yes, yes, that's right. Vehicons are people, too! But we can't let that dominate the conversation. We mentioned Galloway tried to have Optimus Prime murdered, and do you know why? Because he wanted to declare a bogus state of martial law so HE could rule in the President's chair without actually doing any of the work it takes to be President! I just want to repeat that for a moment. Galloway tried to kill Optimus Prime so he could be President of the United States. At least when MEGATRON was still around and trying to kill him, he had his sights on the KNOWN UNIVERSE! AM I RIGHT!?"

The crowd went into another uproar, shouting agreements and insults against Galloway for how small his goal was compared to Megatron's.

"Another reason I created these Imperials ..." Twilight added. "Was because of my mentor, Princess Celestia. Now, don't get me wrong; I love the Princess with all my heart. I do. She says she won't fight the humans because she doesn't want to get Equestria involved in a war, and I respect that. But I don't respect Galloway, and the reason for this organization … was to fight Galloway and topple his regimen without tying it to Celestia's hoof, fighting Galloway on one front and protecting Equestria on the other."

Twilight took in a breath. "I have two more things to say before I give the floor to my commandeering officers. There are three platforms this organization is based off. First, Vehicons are people too. Second, Semper Tyrannus: "As Always Unto Tyrants," meaning tyrants always get what's coming to them. Tyrants … like Galloway. Third, Long Live the Last Prime! For all though he may be alive now, that may change; you can't cheat the reaper. But through us, his spirit, his ideals, will live on."

"Lastly, Optimus Prime, bless his Spark, was a great Autobot. He won countless victories, keeping the Decepticons at bay, and if he gave into his rage, his baser instinct, the Decepticons would not have survived. But he kept control of his emotions, because he didn't want to become a mindless killer like his enemies. But I would like to remind all of you: Optimus Prime did many great things. He was a great man. A great Autobot. But still just one Autobot."

Twilight put her hooves on the rail.

"So tell me … if Optimus Prime was just one Autobot, and he could do all those things, what could I do with ten Autobots? A hundred Autobots? A THOUSAND?"

The crowd, seeing her point, broke into their loudest cheers of the event yet.

"Magnum, Fractyl." Twilight bowed, stepping away and letting Magnum and Fractyl come forward.

"We may call ourselves the Autobots Imperial, but we're not Autobots." Magnum said. "Not in the traditional sense. We're new Autobots. Autobots who take humans and ponies and Decepticons into our ranks without batting an eye. New Autobots for a new age – the future is now. The future ... is us."

Fractyl cleared his throat. "We're more than just new Autobots. We're Autobots and Decepticons, come together for one goal; peace. We're all sick and tired of war and destruction and we just want to settle down and live happy lives. And we can't do that so long as they are still people like Galloway, like Fearswoop, like Deathsaurus around. I'll be representing a more Decepticon viewpoint. We, the Autobots Imperial, charge the human race with a crime against the Prime leadership. What's the crime?"


"What is the VERDICT?"




"Eh-heh." Twilight forced a laugh. "Now, now, we don't want to kill them, just rough them up a little bit so that they know that we are not going to stand for this isolationist, pro-human-at-the- expense-of-all-others kind of thinking! Now, something to lighten the mood. When I was young, my parents told me I could be anything I wanted." Twilight smiled. "So I became a terrorist." The crowd laughed. "Dismissed, everypony!"

The crowd dispersed. All except for Rainbow Dash, who was overwhelmed by the amount of information Twilight had revealed, the amount of implications Twilight revealed, and the most staggering of all … the amount of strength Twilight had in her convictions.

Twilight noticing her and waving at her did nothing to improve Dash's low spirits.

"Okay." Dash said to herself. "I gotta talk to her." Seeing they were alone, she flew up to the bridge, next to Twilight. Somewhat contrary to the mood Dash was experiencing, Twilight gave her a loving hug.

"I'm SO glad to see you here, Rainbow Dash! When Susan told you showed up at Wyoming, I was so worried. But you've come to your senses!"

"Twilight … listen." Rainbow Dash pushed Twilight off her. "You can't do this. This whole … Imperial thing."

Twilight frowned. "Well, why not?"

"Because! It's not right. You say you know Optimus is alive. You say Galloway is guilty. You say Vehicons are people!"

Rainbow was not expecting Twilight to turn violent at the last statement. Twilight put her hoof on Dash's chest and pushed her. "Vehicons ARE people, and don't you EVER say that to me again!"

Rainbow Dash stared.

Twilight huffed. "I'm sorry, Rainbow Dash. It took me awhile to understand it, too, but they are." She looked at Rainbow Dash.

"Twilight ..." Dash said, trying to think of what to say next. "Why'd you hide it, Twilight?"


"Why did you hide you were founding some … freedom fighter -terrorist organization from me? From Rarity and the Princess?"

"Like I said, I didn't want Equestria – or you – to get hurt, so I kept it a secret." Twilight explained. "I figured it Galloway knew it was me, he'd try to use you to get to me." She trotted away from Dash, hanging her head. "Optimus' last request to me was to watch over our family … I guess I'm not doing a very good job of that, huh?"

“Uh. Look, Twilight, Galloway’s a sleazebag, I won’t argue with you there, and I know those plans are Scorponok’s, but are you sure this is the best way to go about getting justice?” Dash asked.

“Yes.” Twilight answered. “What you propose I do, gather evidence and try to prove in a barbaric human court and trial system using their rigged, unfair and broken judicial process?”

“Uh, yeah?” Dash said. “Uh, wait, how do you know if their system is rigged?”

“It’s compromised.”

“How do you know that?”

Twilight became dodgy. "A … reliable source."

"How reliable?"

"Reliable enough."

"Who is it, Twilight!?"

"Soundwave! It was Soundwave, okay? He found me in the forest when I tried to call Optimus. He picked me up and he played a recording of Galloway and Attinger on a phone call talking about Operation: Patriotism and its details, and then he tossed me through a GroundBridge into Galloway's office!"

Dash tilted her head. "Why would he do that? Why wouldn't he just kill you?"

Twilight shook her head. "I don't know." She looked around the room. "Or … maybe I do. Look, Optimus was keeping Megatron's body in the base so it couldn't be used to revive him, right?"

"Makes sense. Didn't stop Megatron from coming back though, did it?"

"Ignoring that, when the base was destroyed, that meant Megatron's corpse was incinerated."

"Uh-huh ..." Dash nodded. "Go on ..."

"So in effect, the humans caused Megatron's body to be cremated. We know how close Soundwave and Megatron were. I can't imagine Soundwave would approve of the humans cremating Megatron's body without permission, so that's why he played the recording for me. And ..." Twilight put a hoof on her chin, examining around the room. "He probably picked me because he knew me well enough that I would do something like … well, this." Twilight gestured wildly around the room.

"How did you do this, anyway?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Easy! The Omega Lock."

"What's the Omega Lock?"

"Basically, it's the ultimate 3D printer." Twilight explained. "Put a design for a building in it, and it can generate for you out of thin air. We managed to find out about it from Alpha Trion, but he gave us the slip before we could get anything else. It's supposed to use the Omega Keys, but we were able to use the Elements of Harmony instead."

Rainbow's eyes widened. "That was you? You sent those Vehicons to steal the Elements from the tree?"

"Yup! I also developed the petrifying agent, using a sample from the Plunderseeds." Twilight boasted. "Any more questions?"

Rainbow Dash looked around to make sure they were alone.

"How do … you know Optimus is alive? You said you can feel it, but ..."

Twilight did the same as Dash, making sure no one was around to observe them. "I can't feel it. But I know someone who can." Twilight pressed a button her exo-suit. "Send Ultra Magnus to me."

"You called?" Ultra Magnus asked, appearing in the doorway with haste.

"Ultra Magnus, tell Rainbow Dash how we know Optimus is alive." Twilight gestured to Rainbow.

"Okay." Magnus said. "You know how sometimes, when something happens to your family, you can just feel it? Like, sort of, just feel it?"


"That's much more literal for Cybertronian family. As Optimus Prime's brother, I can sense the beat and pulse of his Spark through my Spark. So that's how we know."

"Now, is that all, Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow Dash kicked her hoof, looking at the floor. She didn't want to betray Celestia … but she couldn't bring herself to continue deceiving Twilight, her best friend. If it was someone horrible like Starscream or Fearswoop, sure, Dash could keep the deception up, but Twilight was her friend! Twilight trusted her. "Twilight, I have to come clean."


"I'm … a spy. I was supposed to spy on you so that Galloway and Celestia could beat you and the Imperials. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"Oh ..." Twilight said. "It's okay."

"Really? You're not upset?"

"Of course I'm upset!" Twilight said with a forced smile, her eyes twitching, her hoof looking like it was about to reach for her armor and pull a blaster on Dash, but she controlled herself. "It's upsetting to learn my system for keeping out spies is flawed and a total failure! But I'm a lot less upset than I would be if you didn’t tell me and went back to tell that scumbag everything you’ve learned?"

"Yeah… I won't do that, I promise. So, hey, can you stop with the whole waging-war charging-the-human-race with a crime thing?" Dash asked. "It's … really causing Celestia and the rest of the girls some stress, and it's upsetting Galloway, who I don't like and is probably guilty, but Celestia wants us to play nice with, so ..."

Twilight pursed her lips. "Okay. I understand."

"You do? Great! So you'll stop with the terrorist thing?"

"I'll make an announcement on the news real quick." Twilight muttered. She went up to Rainbow Dash and started steering her. "Why don't I set up a Bridge for you and you can go tell the others?"

"Sounds great!"

"Good, good ..." A Bridge appeared. Rainbow Dash trotted through it, stopping to look back at Twilight, who was giving a deceptive smile. Dash didn't pick it up and walked through the Bridge, proud of herself for a job well done. After all, she had dismantled the Imperial threat with nothing more than a few words. Which, although Dash was into action, was still pretty awesome, by Dash's standards.

Rainbow Dash returned to the office of Team Shining Armor.

"Well?" Shining Armor inquired, running up to her. "Did you find out anything? Is everything okay?"

"It's all gonna be fine!" Rainbow Dash assured him. "Twilight said she'll disband them!"

"Twiley?" Shining Armor asked. "You saw Twiley? Twiley's the leader of the Imperials?"

"And founder. But don't worry, she'll stop. She said she'll make an announcement."

"Why wouldn't she tell us?" Cadence asked.

"Said she wanted to protect us."

"Reasonable enough." Arcee chimed in.

"Probably doesn't trust us either, after certain people said certain things..." Bulkhead added, glaring at Shining Armor. Shining glared back.

"Now, come on!" Dash said, galloping to the nearest television in the government building. "I want see Twilight's announcement!" Dash clicked the T.V on. There was a news report running about some dumb baseball game which Dash didn't care for before the screen went into static, showing the image of a pony in Twilight's Vehicon exo-suits.

"Hello, ladies, children… sheep of America." The Ponybot with the processed voice said. "This is the Equestrian Princess of War speaking. It's been brought to my attention by someone close to me my attack on Wyoming did not make my intentions clear. We are the Autobots Imperials. We will fight Galloway's America, and we will not stop fighting until our goals are met. I want you to understand that. We will not stop. Thank you for your time." The screen flipped back to the baseball game.

Team Shining Armor didn't hear the announcer talk about the pitch, too shocked and hurt to care about it. Shining Armor, Celestia, and Cadence were stuck to their seats, but Dash, Rarity, and Fluttershy went out with Bumblebee, Bulkhead, Smokescreen, and Arcee.

"You said she would be dismantling it!" Arcee accused Rainbow Dash.

"I – I thought she would!" Dash stammered.

Arcee put her hands on her head. "I can't believe this. Off all the things we have to put up with, getting blasted, shot, blown up, now we have to fight Twilight Sparkle, our friend, as a terrorist?"

"Bummer." Smokescreen said.

"Bummer," Smokescreen said.

"Be-beep beep be-beep beep." Bumblebee patted Smokescreen on the back.

"Didn't you talk her down?" Arcee asked Rainbow Dash.

"I did! Stop accusing me!" Dash said.

"I'm not accusing you! But I'm not sure what else to I'm supposed to do here, Rainbow Dash!" Arcee shouted. "Twilight Sparkle – an intelligent, technologically competent pony – is about to become Public Enemy Number One, and there's no reasoning with her because she's convinced she's doing what's right!"

A long paused ensued, everyone waiting for the next Autobot or pony to snap and yell and shriek. Instead, the next person to speak was Fluttershy, in a quiet, calm voice.

"Are we sure there isn't a reason for that?" Fluttershy said.

"Yeah," Smokescreen said. "None of us really like Galloway and we think he's a jerk."

"Just because we don't like him doesn't make him evil," Rarity said.

"Yeah, but he is trying to frame Optimus Prime, create a Cybertronian-Equestrian registry, and somehow took over the U.S government without an election," Dash.

"Well, I suppose when you put it that way, it is...difficult to defend, even if Celestia wants to try to be pacifistic and wants us to try take the high road..."

Everyone looked at the ground, thinking it over. The more they thought about it, the more it made sense. The more they realized they weren't protecting Cybertron or Equestria by going along with Galloway's blatant lies and misdirection. If anything, they were hurting themselves,no matter how Celestia felt what was the best approach to the situation.

"On second thought, who cares what Celestia thinks?" Rarity flicked her head, turning up her nose. "Not I, for one, certainly."

Fluttershy left and located Rampage. "Rampage, sweetie? If we decided we wanted to join the Autobots Imperial, would you join us?"

Rampage saluted his pincer. "I will follow where you go, my lady."

And so, the brief, oh-so-brilliant life of Team Shining Armor came to an end, as Team Prime (and Rampage) went back to the location they had Rainbow Dash broadcast her message to Twilight.

"Hey, Twilight." Rainbow Dash said into the phone, attempting a live call. "It's Rainbow Dash. The others and I have been talking and … we realized you're right. We want to join you. We mean it this time. No tricks, no spies, nothing."

Rainbow Dash closed the phone.

A Bridge opened for them.

When they went through, they were standing at the auditorium bridge where Twilight Sparkle had made her speech.

"See?" Twilight asked with a smile. "I knew you'd come to your senses."

"Yeah, yeah." Dash nodded. "Just don't go getting a big head about it."

Twilight raised her head. "Why's um, why is Rampage here?"


“Ooh,” Twilight said. Still, psychotic Decepticon crab experiments aside, she was happy to have the Team all back together again. But whatever joy it may have brought her in that brief feeling moment, was quickly put to an end by Ultra Magnus stepping into the room. He walked slowly, as though the life and energy had been sucked out of him.

"Ultra Magnus?" Twilight asked. "What's wrong?"

Ultra Magnus dropped to his knees.

"It's… it's Optimus. It's his Spark. It's… gone." Ultra Magnus cradled his head. "My big brother is gone..."

Arcee's jaw hung open. Rainbow Dash sniffed a little. Bulkhead turned to Bumblebee and engaged him in a hug, breaking into tears. Rarity put her hoof over her mouth.

"What? No. No way." Smokescreen shook his head. "This is a bad joke, right?"

"Twilight?" Rarity asked, noticing Twilight's uncharacteristic and stoic silence. "Are you alright, darling?"

Twilight turned her head away from them. She drew up her Vehicon mask and walked away. She had nothing to say. Except …

"Long Live the Last Prime."

X: This Is War

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Long live the Last Prime.

Twilight about these words as she ran back to her office. What did they mean? Why were these the first words she said upon hearing Optimus Prime was dead?

Twilight entered her office. It was designed to be big, to allow for Cybertronians to enter through the door without worry. But to Twilight, going inside and standing in the center of the room, the vast size made it feel empty and hollow.

Twilight stood there for a few minutes, holding back the tears, knowing if only one escaped, the dam would burst and the rest would follow.

Optimus would hold back the tears. He always held back the tears.

But of course, she wasn't Optimus.

Optimus wasn't here.

Twilight deactivated her Vehicon helmet. She took if off and held it in her hooves, looking at her reflection in the chrome. The tears she was holding back slipped through. She tossed the helmet away and collapsed on the floor, bawling.

"I ..." Twilight cried. "I was so sure he'd be alive ..." Twilight continued crying, letting her tears slide down her cheek to the floor.

"Now what?" Twilight dabbed a tear from her eye. She rolled over onto her belly and gestured around the room. "What am I supposed to do now? What is it good for? What do I DO?"

"The same thing you were planning to do, darling."

Twilight lifted her head and turned to see her friends in the doorway. Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash. The old band back together again.

"What … what are you doing here?"

"Why, we came to comfort you, darling!" Rarity led the group into trotting in.

"Eyup!" Pinkie said. "We're all super-duper sad about Optimus, Twilight, and we know you are too."

Twilight sniffed and wiped away another tear. "Thanks ..." She turned away from them. "You … you shouldn't see me like this. I'm supposed to be the leader now. The Supreme Commander. The Supreme Commander. What I was thinking?"

Fluttershy placed a hoof on Twilight's haunch. "That doesn't mean you should cry alone."

"No, it means I shouldn't cry at all." Twilight swatted Fluttershy's hoof away. "Optimus wouldn't cry ..."

"Optimus was a Prime, and subject to some very stringent codes of conduct." Rarity said.

"Yeah." Rainbow Dash said. "And those rules were written by, like, a bunch of dudes a million years ago with no idea how outdated they would be in a few millenniums."

Twilight let slip a laugh. "Did Rainbow Dash just say "millenniums?""

"What?" Dash asked. "I'm not dumb."

"I know." Twilight sat upright, rubbing her eye. "Thank you."

"Hey, whatever it takes to get you back on your hooves." Rainbow Dash swiped her hoof through the air.

Rarity smiled at Dash and put a hoof on Twilight's shoulder. "We're all upset about Optimus, darling. Even if we have different ways of expressing it. But if he were here, do you know what he would say?"

Twilight looked to the floor. "He would say we should focus on living our lives and doing what's right."

Rarity nodded. "That's right."

"And he would probably ask us not to declare war on the United States."

Rarity rolled her eyes. "Well, I doubt Galloway is going to withdraw his declaration of martial law willingly, darling."

"You're right." Twilight stood up. "We might have a chance to go back, call the whole thing off, and live our lives peacefully on Equestria. But I'm not sure I could live like that with the knowledge I was being complacent with Galloway's attempts to enforce a de facto slavery. We'll fight for what's right, even – especially without Optimus' leadership or ..." Twilight looked at the floor. "Celestia's guidance."

"Yeah." Rainbow Dash tapped her hooves together. "And I'll be with you every step of the way!"

Fluttershy smiled. "Me too."

"Oh!" Pinkie waved a hoof. "Me three! Me three!"

"I'm in, darling."

"Y'all can count on us, sugarcube."

"I know I can." Twilight said. "Thank you. All of you. This isn't going to be an easy time, for any of us, for a lot of reasons. But we can cry about Optimus or lost libraries later."

Twilight picked up her helmet.

"Right now, we have a freedom war to fight."

"Is that what we're calling it?" Pinkie Pie asked, doing a cartwheel. "Freedom War?"

"I kinda like it." Applejack said.

Twilight nodded. "Works for me. Any objections? No? Good. All right, ponies. We'll have to get started. We've got a lot of work ahead of us. This is a fight not just for our freedom, but the freedom of all Equestrians, humans, and Cybertronians to whatever planet they please, at whatever time they please. This is a battle for basic rights. This is a fight to prove our different species can live in peace. This is war."

Galloway sipped a cup of red wine, his feet resting on the table where he and other U.S officials had gathered. Knowing he had pawns and people in the places he did, Galloway took a devil-may-care attitude to his posturing, at least behind closed doors where the public couldn't see him.

“Galloway?” One of the senators spoke up, wearing a broad, but forced grin on his face, “I’m still new here, just recently elected, you see. I was wondering if the state of martial law meant we couldn’t perform our normal law-passing duties? I have a bill I was planning on proposing before this whole thing went down.”

“Sure, sure, let me see…” Galloway said.

“Excuse you?” Another Congressman said. “You are the acting ‘President,’ are you not? Your job is not to review bills. That’s the legislature’s job.”

Galloway huffed. He pulled out a small object which resembled a pen, and clicked on it. The rebelling Congressman stiffened, then smiled.

“My job is whatever I want it to be,” Galloway said.

“Your job is whatever you want to be,” the Congressman said.

“Cerebro-shells,” Galloway said, “Nifty little invention. And so insidious. You just need to place one on a ‘friend’ of yours who has access in the White House, then they tag two friends, and those two both tag two more ‘friends,’ and so on and so on until the entire House gets to be under your control. Shame about what happened to my contact, Dropshot... he was a delightful little fellow. Wonder why he disappeared all of a sudden? Probably made a deal with the wrong person. Anyway...” Galloway took a sip of his wine and smiled. "Suffice to say, gentleman, I will be happy to discuss this bill ..."

Galloway slammed his cup down on the table.

"Later. Right now we need to focus on the situation in Wyoming." Galloway waved his finger as he continued to pace circles around the table, almost if he were a shark. "These Imperials, as they call themselves, think they can get to me by taking over my home. Well, it won't work. Between all of us and the U.S Military at our disposal, we should be able to come up with a solution for this occupation." Galloway said. "Now I need -"

The door to the room opened. Every senator on the table lowered their heads when Attinger walked in, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Attinger," Galloway said. "I was in the middle of something."

"Galloway," Attinger said. "We have a situation. There's a riot happening outside. People are gathering, shouting and holding up signs."

Galloway shook his head and adjusted his glasses. "Well, Attinger ...if there's a riot … take care of it."

Attinger smiled. "I was hoping you might say that." Attinger noticed the senators keeping their heads down, little governmental ostriches in human form. One of them let out a gasp when he realized Attinger was looking, afraid they were slated to be executed. Attinger ignored this and turned to leave.

"Oh, and Attinger?" Galloway asked. "No casualties. Can't have people respect me as the President if I abuse the populace, now can I?"
Attinger smirked before leaving.

"Yet, you seem to have no trouble abusing the Cybertronians," one of the senators said.

Galloway's mouth hung open in shock. "Gentlemen … I for one, am shocked, you would be so … gallant to them. Especially considering ..."
Galloway clicked the pen again. “How much I’ve done for you, all that good work.”

There was a high-pitched hum which carried through the air, and the Senator jerked, the cerebro-shell reestablishing its control and dominating. That awful, forced grin spread to his face.

"You were saying?" Galloway asked.

“Just how much I completely appreciate everything you do for us!” the Senator flashed a thumbs-up, a tear escaping from his eye as a small part of him was still conscious of what was happening, but powerless to control his body or movements.

"I trust you all won't make that mistake again," Galloway said, tapping the pen against his chest. There were murmurs of agreement all around.

"Now," Galloway sat back down, putting the pen in his pocket, "I believe there was a bill being discussed?"

People gathered in the streets, picking up stragglers along the way and marching through. They shouted and banged sticks against trash can lids as impromptu marching drums. Some of them held signs over their heads, written with phrases such as "Martial Law Is A Sham," "Where Is The President REALLY At?" and "The Autobots Are Heroes, NOT CRIMINALS."

"Wake up, people!" One of the leaders of the riot shouted at the top of his lungs. "This martial law decree is a sham, a hoax! For what, we don't know. But we haven't needed a martial law in fifty years, so what makes us need it now?"

Ahead, some distance away, Attinger, his men, and two Americons surveyed the situation and prepared for approach.

"So..." An Americon said, holding up a canister. "This tear gas stuff … it won't hurt them, will it?"

"Not at all," Attinger said. "Well, it'll sting a bit. But only enough to drive them away."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." Attinger bit his lip, getting frustrated with the Vehicon's doubt. "Why are you so concerned? I would think as a former Decepticon -"

"Mister Attinger," the Americon interrupted. "I signed up with Galloway's "Americon" program because I wanted to stop being a killer and work for my redemption. So I'll ask it again; will it hurt them?"

Attinger and the Americon engaged in a staredown, both of them doubtful of the trustworthiness of the other.

"Do as you're told, solider." Attinger walked away from them to address the crowd, the Americons' visors watching him with the focus of a hawk. The presence of the paradoxical America-painted Decepticons both intimidated and emboldened the crowd against the giant, armed robots who dared to wear the colors of their country.

"People, people!" Attinger shouted, waving his arms at the riot for calm. "Please, calm down. Any of you care to explain what this is about?"

The people at the front of the riot passed a hand signal to the person behind them, who passed the signal to the person behind them, and so on until it reached the back of the crowd. Attinger noted this must have been a well-organized riot.

"We don't believe Galloway's reasoning for declaring martial law." said one of the rioters. "We think this is a front, a cover-up for something."

Attinger nodded. "I see. But Galloway had those attack plans. Is not that evidence enough?"

"We've looked at the footage." A rioter said. "We've seen interviews, news broadcast with Optimus Prime in them. We've heard him speak. And we've never met him, but just from those interviews, we can tell he wants people to live in peace. So either he's one of the greatest actors and liars ever, and he's secretly been hoarding those plans for invasion all along … or those aren't his plans." The rioter leered at Attinger. "Which do you think is more likely?"

"Plus, it's pretty good timing, don't you think?" A rioter asked. "That these plans are 'discovered' around the exact same time Optimus is pronounced dead, meaning we can't ask him about the plans and let him face his accusers?"

"And the President … just put Galloway in charge?" Another rioter asked. "You can't do that. No President has ever done that. Our Constitution doesn't allow for it. In charge of the military? Sure. But our law doesn't allow for the President to give his title away like it's a crown. Why are the Senators not doing anything? The House of Representatives? The FBI? The Secret Service? The CIA? What, does Galloway just have dirt on all of them or something?"

“You might say that,” Attinger muttered, dimly aware Galloway had found some ‘persuasive methods,’ though he wisely hadn’t told Attinger the specifics. That way, Attinger couldn’t compromise Galloway if he were captured, and Attinger preferred working on a need-to-know basis, and the details he didn't need to know.

“Surely one man can’t come up with enough material to BLACKMAIL every single agency!”

“Who said anything about blackmail?” Attinger said. "I understand you're upset, citizens, but desperate times call for desperate measures."

"Desperate times according to WHO?"

"According to whom," Attinger corrected him.

"And how come we still can't see the Autobots' base? Does it take you guys THAT long to clear debris?"

Attinger adjusted his glasses. "I see. Well, I will say this. Investigating the rubble of a building takes a lot longer than you seem to realize, especially a building which was a re-purposed Cold War missile silo. Now if that's all, we have no more business here. Please return to your homes."

Attinger turned to walk away. The rioters broke out in protests, right to object to Attinger's dismissal of them. They shouted, raised their signs back up, and threw cans and rocks, one of which struck Attinger on the back of the head.

Attinger stumbled, but didn't fall. He rubbed the sore spot where he was hit and looked at the Americon. He pointed at the Vehicon, snapped his fingers, and gestured to the crowd.

The Americon regarded the object in his hands. With a sigh, he hurled the canister into the crowd.

One protester saw the canister and shouted a warning. "TEAR GAS!"

As the canister emitted its pain-inducing contents, the rioters turned and ran in the other direction.

Attinger watched as they fled and scrambled to get away. He smiled and patted the Americon on the leg before walking away. "Good job."

The Americon rose and watched the people fleeing. A hoard of fearful victims, running once again from the Decepticon menace. Faced with this, the Americon was left with a question.

"Good job? Maybe. Nobody died. Good guys? … I’m beginning to have my doubts,” the Vehicon walked away, reconsidering his choices.

Two Americons, with less doubt in their cause than the two who accompanied Attinger, held Ratchet by the arms and forced him into a bunker.

"Let go of me." Ratchet struggled, succeeding in breaking free from his captors' grasp, but only because they were where they needed him to be.

Ratchet rubbed his sore wrists and looked around his surroundings. It was a military bunker, he could tell. His eyes came to rest on Galloway.

"Ratchet." Galloway greeted as if Ratchet were an old friend rather than a prisoner.

"Galloway." Ratchet bared his teeth. "I knew you were trouble the moment I met you, but I never thought you'd stoop this low. When Celestia finds out about this, she'll tear your planet apart."

"Ah." Galloway smiled. "But that assumes Celestia is going to find out about this. What she doesn't know can't hurt her."

Struggling to believe a single human could contain so much arrogance in his tiny head, Ratchet scoffed. "I've heard that before. It always ends badly. Every time."

"Now, there's a reason I brought you here, Ratchet." Galloway said. "I assume you are aware you were given altered gas which drained your systems at the gas station. My gift to the people. You see, it's part of my, eh, information campaign, shall we call it. To give people the means to defend themselves from violent Autobots and Decepticon insurgents. Some poisoned gas, electric fencing ... oh, and a, uh, a "Transformers Are Dangerous" hotline." Ratchet shook his head, disbelieving he could be hearing the self-serving talk he was, in fact, hearing.

"Now, the reason you're here ..." Galloway pointed at him. "Is to work on that." Galloway pointed to a device pressed against the wall. A large computer which looked it belonged in the '90s, with a bulbous dome atop it which housed a tuning fork. A red line of energy connected the two prongs.

"And what, pray tell, is this?" Ratchet asked, going up to the device.

"A Vigilant model security computer." Galloway said. "Had it imported from Griffon Rock. Just arrived this morning."

"Greetings." Ratchet stepped back, surprised by the red line fluctuating as the computer spoke. "I am Vigil, and I am here to make – insert name of town here – one hundred percent accident free."

Getting over his shock, Ratchet examined Vigil. "You call this a security computer? I could make more advance machinery out of junk in a scrapyard in under three hours."

Galloway chuckled. "Heh, I'm sure you could. But this Vigilant computer – Vigil, here, is here to protect Washington from the Imperials. Have you heard of them? I don't imagine you've had a chance to watch the news what with your base being invaded and getting captured by humans."

"Base being invaded? How did you know about -" Ratchet's optics widened in realization. "It was you! You told Lazerback about the structure's weaknesses!"

Galloway smiled. "And I must say, the plan worked like a charm."

Ratchet was torn between anger and curiosity. The latter interest won out. "And how did you get Lazerback to agree to work for you? I was under the impression he was uncontrollable."

"We all want something in this world." Galloway said. "Lazerback wants to cause mischief and mayhem. All I had to do was promise him he could cause chaos, and he agreed. As I'm hoping you'll agree to helping with Vigil."

Ratchet crossed his arms, tossing Vigil a dirty glare. "And if I refuse?"

"Well ..." Galloway paused in thought. "You can either help me, and have a chance - a small chance - of your friends finding you and rescuing you … or you can not." Galloway pointed to the Americons, who drew up their blasters. "And I'll have Attinger and company execute you and bury you so deeply your body will never be found. Your choice."

Ratchet looked from Galloway, to the Americons, to the computer. Considering his options, he glanced back at Galloway. "I have a condition."

"A – a condition?" Galloway stammered. "Have you – have you looked around you, my friend? You're in no position to make conditions."

"More than once, my knowledge of the human body has failed me." Ratchet said, ignoring Galloway's posturing. "Once, there was that time with Raf being struck by Megatron… and then Bumblebee. Bumblebee lost his voice. And I couldn't fix it. I told myself one day, I would. One day, I would improve my technology and fix his voice. And I didn't. On Equestria, we went through this, this mirror, and emerged as humans on the other side. And while we were there, Bumblebee had a surgery and had his voice fixed at last … by human surgeons." Ratchet closed his eyes. "And not me. I'm telling you this so you'll understand why when I say my condition… is scholarships to your best medical schools in this country."

"S-scholarships?" Galloway asked. "You want scholarships?"

"I think it's a small price to pay for my expertise in dealing with Cybertronian biosystems," Ratchet said. "This is my only condition. Otherwise, no deal and I'll be happy to let your men offline me."

Galloway nodded his head, thinking it over. "Okay. Deal. But I expect you to uphold your end of the bargain."

"Bargain." Ratchet muttered. "More like a deal with the devil ..." Ratchet paused. "Galloway, can I ask you a question?"


"Why are you so set against the Autobots?"

Galloway smiled and chuckled. The kind of arrogant, toothy smile done by people who thought they could get away with anything. "Well, there's a few reasons, but first and foremost is that I wanted to rule."

"You wanted … to rule?"

"Yes." Galloway said. "From a young age, I decided I want to be President. Leader of the free world. But … our current legal system says a President can only serve two four-year terms. And I didn't want to be leader of the United States for eight years, I wanted to be leader for life. I wanted the power and the glory. So my scheming, my plans, my moles ... my alliance with Attinger and by extension, Dylan Gould, had been in place for years as I got ready for my big takeover. But there was something missing. Something holding me back. An opportunity. You." Galloway rapped his chest and pointed at Ratchet. "You Autobots gave me that opportunity."

"So … that's it?" Ratchet said. "You sent an army of Predacons against us, separated our family and destroyed our home because you were too spoiled to try to lead your country the legal way? You let Optimus Prime die- stay behind as an excuse for your petty takeover? To satisfy your ego?" Ratchet grimaced.

"Oh, that's right." Galloway said. "No one's told you about Optimus, have they?"

"You know, Galloway, if this is your way of being a tyrant, I would rather put Starscream, a known criminal, in charge of this country. At least he would be honest about being a dictator."

"Hmm." Galloway narrowed his eyes and began to walk away.

"So you killed Optimus so you can be the small, insignificant leader of a country on a small, backwater planet." Ratchet scoffed. "At least when Megatron was still around, he had his eyes set on the known universe."

Galloway stopped and turned back to him. "You know, the Imperials have been making statements and… you are not the first Autobot to say that."

"I won't be the last."

"Hmm." Galloway nodded in acknowledgment of this and left.

Now left alone, Ratchet approached the computer and began pressing buttons. "Uh, hello … Vigil. My name is Ratchet."

"Hello, Ratchet." Vigil said in a pleasant tone. "I look forward to working with you and hope we can get to know each other."

Ratchet sighed while he tried to puzzle together what all of Vigil's bells and whistles did. "Well, that makes one of us."

Somewhere in the desert, Decepticons gathered in masses underneath the scorching heat and blistering sandy winds. They stood in rows, poised and calm and collected.

Deathsaurus approached, keeping a hand on Heavy Load's shoulder. "So glad you decided to join us, Heavy Load. So few Decepticons nowadays still hold onto the dream."

Heavy Load took stock of the statuesque poses the Decepticons were taking. "So … who … are these guys?"

"Decepticons." Deathsaurus said. "They call themselves The Forged. Even if Cybertron is a bit of a political mess right now, they still believe in the idea of Deception supremacy, that a world dominated by Decepticons is possible. They choose to station their bases in places like here and the Middle East so they expose themselves to the harsh sun and prove their resilience. I found them and threw my lot in with them. Normally, they have a ceremony where you have to gouge out an optic or crack your visor before you can join them, but you can talk your way out of it … particularly if Fearswoop happens to know you." Deathsaurus took his hand off Heavy Load and gestured around. "So, what do you say, Heavy Load? Will you join us? I understand it's quite a commitment."

"Hmm." Whatever Heavy Load's thoughts were on the subject would have to wait, as he noticed three figures approaching in the distance. "Look! Over there!"

"Eh?" Deathsaurus turned around, confused about who could have found them here. He drew up his weapons before the shadows came closer and revealed themselves as Starscream, Soundwave, and Shockwave.

"Starscream." Deathsaurus lowered his weapons. "What are you doing here?"

"We… heard they were Decepticons here." Starscream said. "We have come to join the Forged, if you will have us."

"These are difficult times," Shockwave said. "I was previously in control of the Decepticons a day ago. It is only logical we pool together all available resources."

"Soundwave is dedicated, but he needs a leader." Starscream said. "Shockwave is skilled, but he needs equipment. I am cunning, but I need a goal. We have come for a structure to give us purpose and troops to give us strength. So I ask you ..." Starscream bowed. "May we join the Forged?"

"Hmm." Deathsaurus scratched his chin. "Accept Starscream, one of the most cowardly Decepticons known for running away, into the Forged, who are determined to see their goals? I think not."

"I was not running away, those were tactical retreats!" Starscream raised his voice. He took in a deep breath, realizing his old nature was showing. "Heh-heh, that was the old me, Deathsaurus. I may still have outbursts, but I've changed, I assure you. I can be a valuable asset."

Deathsaurus gave Starscream a dubious look. "I'm not so sure … how I can know for a fact you won't turn tail on us, Starscream?"

"Wait, I thought Fearswoop was the leader?" Heavy Load turned to Deathsaurus. "Why do you get to make decisions about who gets to join?"

"I convinced Fearswoop I would make a good co-leader," Deathsaurus answered haugtily. "Now, Starscream, given your history, explain to me again why we should let you join?"

"Because..." Starscream spoke with calm. "I was an acolyte of Megatron's. For a time, I led the Decepticons and I came close to successfully bringing Megatron back from the dead with the legendary Fortress Maximus super-weapon."

"Bold claims, Starscream, but have you any proof?"

"Ask Twilight Sparkle," Starscream said with sadistic glee. "She'll confirm it."

"I don't know..." Deathsaurus waved his fingers. "How do I know I can trust you?"

"Deathsaurus, wait." Heavy Load spoke up. "Shockwave's right. We need to pool together our resources. We can't bring back glory to the Decepticon Empire if we're constantly fighting and belittling each other. Give Starscream a chance."

Deathsaurus stroked his chin, thinking. "All right. I have an idea. Starscream, you can join us in the next mission I have planned. And if you can prove your worth, you and your friends can join the Forged for real. Agreed?"

Starscream smiled. "Agreed."

Back at the Rainbow Principality, Twilight Sparkle got busy setting up arrangements and making plans.

"Raf." Twilight said from behind Raf, who was playing a video game Bumblebee had brought from Raf's house while he stayed here.

"Aah!" Raf dropped the controller. "What?"

"I need you to hack into the government's satellites." Twilight said. "With Omega-One destroyed, we've lost a large portion of our surveillance and ability to detect enemy activity."

Raf blew out a sigh and fetched his laptop from a nearby desk. "I'm fifteen and a half years old … I should be worried about getting prom dates, not hacking into government satellites."

"Thanks, Raf." Twilight hugged him before moving on. "Now, what was the next thing?"

"Uh, Twilight Sparkle?" Arcee appeared, holding an electronic tablet. "I've been reading over your recruitment policies and … well, they're a bit too open."

"Well, of course." Twilight said. "That's the idea. Make the process easy and open so we can get as many new recruits as possible."

"I understand the idea, Twilight." Arcee said. "But there are no preventive measures in here. There's no background checks, a clause saying any previous violent or criminal behavior will be overlooked ..." Arcee placed a hand on her hip. "How do you know spies won't be able to use these clauses to get in?"

"There's not going to be spies." Twilight chuckled. "The first spy we caught was Rainbow Dash. And if the first spy we caught is a loyal, dependable pony like Rainbow Dash, then I'm not really too worried."

"You should be." Arcee said. "I recommend calling in everyone for questioning."

"I’ll do that, Arcee. In a little awhile. I have a situation brewing that needs to be dealt with in Ponyville. "

"Twilight, listen, the longer you wait, the more damage they can do." Arcee clenched a fist. "You need to start rooting around for spies now, before they cause any damage. An inquisition. An internal affairs office. Something."

"I’m aware of that, Arcee. But there’s somebody causing damage to my home right now," Twilight said. Twilight said. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have other matters to attend to."

Arcee grunted in displeasure while Twilight walked to another section of the building.

"Troops!" Twilight walked into the control room for their comms. Aerialbots monitored various computers and screens which were set in clustered rows. Some of them wore headphones and maintained radars. "How are things at Wyoming?"

The Aerialbots attending their stations turned to her. "Uh, not so good, boss. You'll want to take a look at this." The Aerialbot pushed a button and a screen popped up, showing a news broadcast with the headline "MAN IN WYOMING INJURED."

Twilight was taken aback. "What?"

"Reports are coming in that earlier today, three men attempted to fight off the "Autobots Imperial" who are currently occupying Wyoming." A female newscaster said. "The men were met with swift and brutal response from the Imperials."

Footage played on the screen showing a jumpy, fast-moving camera switching from shot to shot as three men marched up to an a Imperial-aligned Vehicon.

"Sirs, please, return to your daily business." The Vehcion asked of them, trying to settle the situation without resorting to violence.

"Heck no! You don't think we're just gonna lie here while you waltz in and take over?"

"Sir, please, we're not here to hurt you -"

The men lobbed up a can at the Vehicon, who stumbled from the blow, more from surprise at the attack than from actual pain. The three men rushed the Vehicon.

"Sirs!" The Vehicon drew up his blaster and fired a few shots into the air, hoping to scare them off. The men refused to be intimidated and kept coming, forcing him to respond. The Vehicon retaliated by kicking his foot out, punting the men and knocking them down. They were in a triangle formation, so the one man at the forefront took the brunt of the blow and knocked his companions down as they though were human bowling pins.

"The man at the front of the group is now in the hospital. His companions were in pain, but not injured, their leader absorbing most of the blow." The newscaster said. "The hospital reports he's suffered some broken ribs, but will recover with surgery. A statement from the Vehicon says he used the minimal force he thought he could use and still resolve the situation, but residents in Wyoming remain skeptical. The Vehicon further added his and his fellows' instructions were to try to minimize their influence and keep the city running as normal."

"Oh … okay." Twilight looked at the ground as some of the implications of this event set in. There was one minor incident now, but if three humans would get fed up with the Imperial presence, it was a matter of time before others did. She had given those orders for her forces to run the city as normal, hoping it would keep the populace happy. She should have known; being taken over by a mixture of Equestrians and Cybertronians was far from normal.

Twilight tried to save face and clear her throat. "How are the Combaticons doing?"

"Report came in a few minutes ago. They say they've secured the perimeter, but have destroyed a billboard and the top corner of a building."

"Okay." Twilight said. "Uh, we can replace those. We can rebuild them. Keep me posted." Twilight exchanged salutes with the Aerialbots and left the room, where she found Fluttershy waiting for her.

"Oh, hey, Fluttershy. You looking for me?"

"Oh, um … I wasn't at first, but I couldn't help overhearing the news report." Fluttershy scuffed her hoof, nervous about what to say. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just ..." Twilight placed a hoof on her forehead. "I knew this wasn't going to be easy, but I didn't realize it was going to be this hard and this ... complicated."

"Um." Fluttershy tried to hide behind her mane. "Forgive me for asking, but, um, why did you take over Wyoming in the first place, Twilight?"

"Ah." Twilight smiled. "Glad you asked, Fluttershy. It's part of my 49-State Plan."

"Your … what?"

"The 49-State Plan is my first plan of attack with Galloway's forces." Twilight said. "We'll spread our forces out over the country, taking over state by state until we've occupied every one but Washington. Then, we'll put the pressure on Galloway to meet an accord with us by surrounding him with an Imperial border and threatening the well-being of the citizens. But we're not actually going to hurt the citizens!" Twilight added when she saw Fluttershy's shocked expression.

Twilight glanced back to the comm room, thinking of the man in the hospital. "Or at least, that was the plan."

"Sounds like a poor plan if you ask me." Bulkhead said, entering the conversation with Smokescreen by him. "Galloway put a smear on Optimus for his own gain. I'm pretty sure he doesn't care about the citizens. But that's not why we're here."

"Ugh." Twilight groaned. "Don't tell me. Did Arcee send you?"

Bulkhead and Smokescreen exchanged confused looks, not knowing of Arcee and Twilight's conversation. "Uh, no. Smokescreen had a question."

"Okay, so I was reviewing the plans for the layout of the city-base." Smokescreen held up a tablet. "And I couldn't help but notice this … "Civilian District"? What's that?"

"As I explained to Rainbow Dash, the Civilian District is somewhere to put Cybertronians, humans, and ponies somewhere where they can live without heavy government regulation to prove they can live together in peace without being monitored." Twilight said.

Bulkhead made a questioning, nondescript noise.

"What? What is it, Bulkhead?"

"Nothing." Bulkhead said. "It's a good goal and a good effort, Twilight. But it seems risky. You said we were fighting a war. You can conduct a social living experiment, or you can fight a war, but you can't do both at the same time. I know you've put up as many defenses around the area as you could with the Omega Lock, but what if someone gets past them? What if we get infiltrated? Then it's only a matter of time before someone takes the civilians in the civilian district hostage, or worse."

Twilight pouted. This was the second time today an Autobot was questioning her methods. "I can do it. Just you watch."

"No, Twilight, you really can't."

Twilight was about to respond to Bulkhead when an ember of green fire manifested in mid-air.

Bulkhead and Smokescreen followed their instincts and aimed their blasters. "What? What is it?"

"It's Spike." Twilight said. "He normally sends letters between me and Celestia. With a little magical alteration, he could probably send letters to me anywhere."

"Can he use it to track us?" Smokescreen asked.

"No, I don't think so. Not unless I reply and tell him where we are." The green fire floated to Twilight and turned into a letter. Twilight unraveled the letter and read it. ""Twilight. Don't know where you or if this will reach you, but if it does, please help. Skull-faced Decepticon attacking Ponyvile.""

"Skull-faced?" Bulkhead said. He pounded his fist. "Bludgeon!"

"Autobots Imperial," Twilight pointed her hoof, "transform and rise up!"

"Yeah," Smokescreen said. "Hey, I've been wondering. Why is it "Autobots Imperial" and not "Autobot Imperials?"

"It's in the possessive sense." Twilight said. "Now roll out – er, I mean, rise up!"

Spike was lying under a pile of branches for cover, watching on with fear as Bludgeon laid waste to Ponyville, along with a squad of Vehicons and a stealth-jet Decepticon whose robot mode appearance brought to mind a bat. Princess Celestia, Shining Armor and the Royal Guard were present, attempting to contain the destruction and maybe fight Bludgeon's forces off as well.

"Oh, please get here soon, Twilight ..." Spike closed his eyes and crossed his fingers.

"Where it is?" Bludgeon asked, deflecting a laser blast from Celestia with his sword, causing the spell to fire into the sky. "Where is it?"

A Space Bridge opened up near Spike's hiding place. Spike was on verge of having a heart attack, worried more Decepticons would pour through. When instead the Autobots' Imperial emerged, Spike wasn't sure whether it was better or worse.

Twilight, disguised by her armor, arrived on the scene with a team of Imperialcons, Bumblebee, Bulkhead and Smokescreen. The Imperials charged into the battlefield, blasters blazing, with Bulkhead taking on Bludgeon's bat-shaped friend and Smokescreen sprinting through, tagging Vehicons left and right.

""War Princess."" Celestia noted, firing another laser at the invaders. "Nice of you to join the party."

"My invitation was late." "The War Princess" said, the armor distorting her voice. "I assume you know who I am."

"Yes." Celestia answered. "Rainbow Dash told Shining Armor, and Shining Armor told me. But know neither I nor Shining Armor will reveal your identity."


"It's the least I can do after our long relationship together." Celestia said.

"How's Spike doing?"

"He's been staying with me at the castle." Celestia said. "Now, do you have a plan to deal with the Decepticons?"

"I'm working on it." Twilight raised up her hooves. Blasters formed along the edge of her legs, which she used in conjunction with her horn to shoot up the Vehicons.

"Augh!" Smokescreen shouted as a laser hit his back. "Where did Bludgeon find so many Vehicons?"

"That is an excellent question with a rather boring answer," Bludgeon answered.

Smokescreen waited. “...And?”

“Oh, I’m sorry, did you think I was actually going to tell you my secrets?” Bludgeon asked. “No! I found them. That’s all you need to know! The where and how are none of your business! Now, where is it?"

"Where's what?" Twilight asked. "What's he looking for, Celestia?"

"I don't know."

Bludgeon drew his sword up over his head. His optics swept across the battlefield, scanning for options. At last, he saw one in the form of a stallion attempting to flee the firefight.

"Ah-ha." With the careful grace of a swan, Bludgeon leapt into the air, dodging lasers from Imperials and Royal Guard alike. Bludgeon landed next to the stallion, whipping up clouds of dirt, and he pinned the poor pony under his foot.

"You!" Bludgeon said. "Where is it? Where is the Alicorn Amulet?"

"I-I don't know!" The stallion cried. "P-please, just let me go!"

"Don't toy with me!" Bludgeon glared at him, raising his sword up to strike. "I know it was here. My source tells me it was last seen in this area with a duel between two unicorns. Now where is it?" Bludgeon brought his sword along the stallion's neck, close enough for him to feel the blade without slicing his throat … yet.

"It – it's with Zecora!" The stallion admitted, fearful tears in his eyes. "She's a zebra who lives in the Everfree Forest, over in that direction! The Amulet is wherever she put it! Now please, just let me go … " The stallion cried.

Bludgeon removed his sword and his foot from him. He glared in the direction the stallion pointed and growled. Bludgeon snapped his fingers. "Troops! This way!" Bludgeon bounced into the air. His Decepticons disengaged from combat and followed after him. They managed to slip into the canopies of the trees, despite being harassed with Autobot and unicorn laser fire.

Twilight and Celestia galloped into the middle of the square, surveying the destruction and how much it would take to repair.

"You!" Twilight shouted at the stallion, who whimpered at her approach. "How could you? Selling out Zecora like that to save your own hide? And now that Decepticon is going to go after her and maybe steal the Amulet! What have you got to say for yourself-"

"War Princess." Celestia said. "Do not blame this stallion for what has happened. He was clearly scared for his life, and he was right to be."

"He should have resisted." Twilight said. "He should have held off from telling him."

Celestia gave Twilight bittersweet look. A look of both disappointment, but also understanding. "Not all of us can be soldiers, War Princess. Not all of us have the strength of will to hold out to the bitter end."

"He..." Twilight said, her voice losing confidence. "He should have stuck to his morals -"

"Morals?" Celestia reared her neck back. "And what does a pony who takes entire states hostage know about morals?"

Twilight fell silent. She had no good answer to that. Any one she could think of would involve either self-denial or passing the blame to others.

"So, we know it's the Alicorn Amulet he wants." Twilight said, shifting the topic of conversation.

"But why?" Celestia said. "And how does he know of it?"

Twilight went ‘hmm.’ "Maybe he wants it for its magical power. That much power would be an asset to any Decepticon's plan."

"But the Amulet was designed to enhance unicorn magic," Celestia said. "Will it give a Decepticon magical ability?"

"I don't know about you, Princess, but I'd rather not find out." Twilight looked towards the direction of the Everfree. "We've wasted too much time here. We need to move. He already has a head start on us."

Zecora stepped out of her house to search for herbs when she felt her hut being rocked by quakes in the ground.

"Dear me," Zecora said. She looked around for the source of the disturbance. "Through all this dirt and mud, what makes the ground go thud?"

Bludgeon appeared from the trees. Zecora's eyes widened and her first instinct was to run away. Before she could gain much, if any ground, Bludgeon reached down and grabbed her. He lifted Zecora up to his face and began his questioning.

"Where is the location of the Alicorn Amulet?" Bludgeon asked.

Zecora stared at him, a defiance in her eyes. "Though I can see your eyes are full of zeal, the Amulet's location is something I cannot reveal."

"Grrr ..." Bludgeon was going to either squeeze her in his hand or put a knife against her throat. But the trees around them shaking cut those plans short.

"Come on!" An Autobot's voice said. "The hut is this way!"

Bludgeon pocketed his sword. Holding Zecora with both hands, he began fleeing through the forest, on occasion knocking down a tree to create a blockade to his pursuers. Reaching a clearing, Bludgeon stopped and listened for footsteps. When he didn't hear any, he thought it was safe to pick up his interrogation of Zecora.

"I will ask you again ..." Bludgeon held Zecora by the tail, letting her swing back and forth. "Where is the Alicorn Amulet?"

"Soon the blood will rush to my head, and then I will be as good to you as dead." Zecora said.

Bludgeon growled again and pulled out a knife. "Fine. Let's see if a little pain can make you talk."

"Put her down, Bludgeon!"

Bludgeon turned around to see the Imperials and the Royal Guard, Celestia included, her caught up with him.

"How did you sneak up on me?" Bludgeon asked. "I usually have keener ears and eyes."

"You're not the only who can sneak around." Twilight said. "Now put the zebra down."

"And why would I do that? She has something I want."

"You're surrounded."

"I have a hostage." Bludgeon held Zecora up. "Or do you not realize the danger she's in? The risk you take if you fire on me while I have her in my grasp?"

"No. We do."

As planned, Bulkhead sneaked up behind Bludgeon and slammed his mace onto the back of his head. Bludgeon fell to his knees and let go of Zecora, who Twilight caught with her magic. Twilight levitated Zecora over with them and set her down.

"Now to lock you up, Bludgeon." Bulkhead approached him. Bludgeon was down, but not out, as he was quick to get to on his feet. He turned around and struck Bulkhead, slicing a line from one end of Bulkhead's stomach to the other. Before Bulkhead could recover, Bludgeon kicked him away.

The Imperials and Royal Guard opened fire. Bludgeon dodged what he could and deflected blasts he couldn't dodge with his sword.

Bludgeon's bat-shaped friend came to his rescue, appearing overhead in a stealth-jet mode. He strafed the Imperials with gunfire while Bludgeon bounded into the air and grabbed onto his back. With Bludgeon hanging off him, the jet turned up his engines and flew away.

The Imperials and Royal Guard watched him escape before looking at each other. For the time being, they had a common enemy, but Celestia was still on good terms with the U.S. And the Imperials were … not.

Still, while Ponyville may have suffered some property damage, at least no lives had been lost. And at least this time, the Royal Guard let the Imperials retreat through a Space Bridge, with Shining Armor's expression towards the War Princess making his disappointment clear.

"It's too bad we couldn't get that Alicorn Amulet." Bludgeon's friend expressed once they found a section of the forest to hide out in for a time.

"It's a minimal loss, Mindwipe," Bludgeon said. "Truth be told, the Amulet was merely a stop gap while I worked on my real plan." Bludgeon created a hologram from his wrist. The hologram appeared to be recreation of a glyph. Inscribed on the glyph was a drawing, showing an spherical object with two handles … distinct from, but with an uncanny resemblance to the Autobot Matrix of Leadership.

"I was going to give the Amulet to you after I used it to recover this," Bludgeon said.

Mindwipe put his hands together. "Aww, that's sweet… what is 'this?' Hey, come to think of it, how did you learn about the Amulet anyway?"

"Hmm? Oh, some human crone told me. Red hair. Said her name was … "Hideous," or something."

Twilight's team returned to base through the Space Bridge.

"Well," Twilight said, "we may not have caught Bludgeon, but at least we were able to stop him."

"Yeah." Smokescreen said. "Judging from what some ponies have told me, the last thing anyone needs is for a Decepticon to get their hands on an artifact like that."

"That's right." Twilight nodded. "That is way too much power for -"

"Commander!" Magnum appeared in the room. "We have a situation!"

"What? What is it?"

Magnum led Twilight and the others to the main lobby of the building. There, Percy was working on a laptop with a thumb drive inserted in. On the back of the laptop was printed a design of a red cobra rearing up to strike.

"Percy?" Twilight asked. "What's going on?"

"We detected Percy attempting to send out an encrypted transmission to an unknown party." Magnum pulled out his heavy gun and aimed it at Percy.

Percy turned towards them. "You're too late."

"No, Percy, it's not too late." Twilight said. "Just … tell us what's going on."

"What's going is that I am sending information to my masters at COBRA." Percy said. "Attinger may have assassinated Adam DeCobray in jail like a pig, but COBRA is still strong. Everything I managed to gather in this thumb drive is being uploaded to their computers now. Now, they'll know everything they need to build their own Transformer. I was hoping to get some schematics on some weapons too, but I wasn't expecting I would only be able to transmit one time before being found out."

"You're – you're a spy?" Twilight said. If Arcee were here, she'd have every right to say "I told you so."

"Give the pony a sugar cube, she figured it out!" Percy said. "It's too late to stop it now. Go ahead and try to jam the signal if you want, but COBRA already has everything they need."

Twilight hardened her gaze. "That's too bad, Percy. I kinda liked you. Surrender peacefully now and I won't subject you to painful experiments which are only really designed to make you hurt in ways you didn't think were possible."

Percy laughed at her. "My superiors were very clear on what my instructions were if I should be caught."

Percy pulled out a gun. Magnum and the others readied their weapons, but Percy went around and put the gun to his own head, pulling the trigger and blowing a hole in it. Blood splattered on the floor as his body dropped to the ground.

Twilight was shocked. Her jaw hung open. Since coming to Earth for the first time, Twilight had been witness to plenty of death and several kinds of death … but she had never seen a suicide before. Never before had she seen someone take their own life. The kind of dedication, of complete disregard for life a person had to have to do that … it wasn't something Twilight realized was possible.

Until now.

"Commander?" Magnum asked. "Are you all right?"

"I..." Twilight put a hoof on her head. "I – no, I'm not all right. B-but we need to focus. Start putting a team together. We need to investigate everyone and discover if there are any more spies in our midst." Twilight looked back to Percy's body. "And someone clean up that corpse."

Twilight didn't expect spies and she did not suspect Percy. But Percy did reveal something else to Twilight; COBRA was still active, something Twilight didn't know. After the raid on the COBRA facility, she hadn't heard any activity from them. And now they had the capacity to build their own knock-off Transformers. But if Twilight knew about them, she could get ready for them.

She needed to adjust that intent reader she had devised from Fortress Maximus, work on its bugs and iron out the kinks; it had failed to detect both Dash's and Percy's. Who knows what else it had failed to catch from her recruits?

Well… Twilight thought, watching Magnum survey the corpse before moving it. You were right, Arcee.

It was late at night and there was a clear, starry sky out. Across the vastness of space, a comet could be seen streaking through the night.

It was curious what Sunset Shimmer and her six friends were doing out, as it was hours past their bedtime. They walked up to their chosen spot and their eyes fell on the comet.

"There it is, girls." Sunset Shimmer said. "The Secretariat Comet. This is it."

All at once, strange things began happening around the girls. Two pillars of green fire erupted from the ground and revealed She-Demons. The girls' bodies began changing. They winced and groaned and stumbled as they underwent their metamorphoses. Their skin turned deep shades of their respective colors. Twyla's skin turned a deep shade of purple, Flurrie's a sickening yellow, and so on. Their bodies grew in height, their hands stretching into claws. Leather wings and fluffy tails grew out of their backs, bursting through the back of their shirts.

Sunset Shimmer watched her hands with manic glee as they turned into black, long-fingered claws. She put her hands to her face, feeling her skin as it changed. From something smooth and soft to something stretchy and leathery.

Midway through transformation, Sunset looked up with hetero chromatic eyes as the comet passed by.

"This is my – this is our moment, girls." Sunset said. Her smile broadened to a mad, mad grin as wide as a banana.

"My time is now."

XI: And Your Enemies Closer

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Twilight Sparkle sat alone in her office. Her hooves rested on the desk as Celestia's words pounded into her ears. She considered the situation. Did Galloway care enough for a hostage situation to mean anything to him? Twilight also couldn’t get the news report of the man in Wyoming who'd been kicked down by a Vehicon – a Vehicon acting under her orders.

Twilight placed her head on her desk, bringing her hooves over her face. With a sigh, she made her decision. She pressed a hoof to her earpiece.

"Attention, Imperials forces in Wyoming." Twilight said. "This is your leader speaking. After careful consideration, we're abandoning the 49-State Plan. All Imperial forces are to withdraw from Wyoming at once and relinquish control of the area, effective immediately. We can't risk any more incidents like the one we had recently."

A voice came through. "Understood, sir. We'll begin packing up right away."

Twilight shifted com channels. "Combaticons, cease all operations and return to base immediately. We are no longer pursuing the 49-State Plan."

"What?" Onslaught balked. "We were making good progress. We were about to meet the mayor for negotiations."

"I know," Twilight said. "It's unfortunate, but necessary. Report to base."

Twilight heard a grumble and a mutter assuring her orders would be obeyed before the line hung up.

Twilight looked down at an empty spot on her desk. "What do I do now? That was my best plan … hmm?" Twilight glanced up to see Magnum poking his face through the door.

"I hope you will forgive me for interrupting," Magnum said. "May I come in?"

Twilight nodded. "Have a seat." She looked around the room. "I'm pretty sure I put some Autobot-size folding chairs in here somewhere ..."

"Thank you, Commander, but that won't be necessary," Magnum said as he walked into the room. "So, making the decision to pull our forces from Wyoming, I take it?"

"Overheard that, huh?" Twilight closed her eyes and lowered her head. "Yes, I have. What about it?"

Magnum made a broody glare at the floor. "Twilight Sparkle, you knew taking over Wyoming would be controversial, did you not?"

"I did."

"You knew fighting Galloway wasn't going to be easy."

"I did."

"You knew it would require you to make tough decisions with undesirable consequences, didn't you?"

"I did. What's your point, Magnum?"

"The point is, as a leader of war, we cannot afford to have you commit to one course of action only to back out when your conscience gets the better of you." Magnum said. "You need to decide how far you are willing to go to achieve your ends, Twilight Sparkle. You need to know where your line in the sand is. Optimus knew where his was. As did Megatron. Granted, Megatron's was so off the sand it was lying at the bottom of the seabed, so to speak, but he knew where it was. Do you?"

"Then I would urge you to fix that. Quickly, before it becomes a problem." Magnum spoke tersely but Twilight knew he meant well. It wouldn't be good for anyone if she decided was going too far or not far enough. But how far was too far?

Shaking her head, Twilight got up from her desk and joined Magnum in the hall as he was leaving her office. She could go for a walk to clear her head. As they arrived in the main lobby, they were observed by Smokescreen.

The young Autobot drummed his chin.

"Wow. Everyone's looking so down," Smokescreen said. "What could we do about that?"

Smokescreen snapped his fingers, getting an idea. "Hey! If I could get your attention, everyone?"
Smokescreen's request was granted. All eyes fell on him.

"I couldn't help but notice everyone looks really sad. Which I understand. I mean, I get it – we don't have a lot to be happy about. But it hit me; what do I do when I'm sad? I go talk to someone." Smokescreen explained. "So, I was thinking … we should have a building where we can go, and you know, blow some steam. Talk about what's bothering us."

"Hmm." Twilight cupped her chin. "A place where we can for counseling would be a good idea … what would we make it, though? A gazebo? A cafe?"

"I know!" Rarity raised a hoof. "How about a church? It would give us a place to meet, where we could talk, or think, or pray, not to mention a number of other useful things."

"Ugh." Twilight rolled her eyes. "Rarity, I am so sick of hearing about how you found religion -"

"Hang on," a Vehicon spoke up. "I think a church is a good idea."

"Who would be a church for, though?" Another Vehicon said. "Celestia?"

"No. It should be to Optimus Prime. He's just as much, if not more than a god than Celestia."

"What? No. Optimus isn't a god."

"Oh, and Celestia is?"

"Optimus Prime never controlled the orbit of a sun."

"You don't know that! A lot can happen in four million years."

"Yeah, okay. But how?"

"I don't know. Maybe – maybe there was an ancient civilization which used a machine to power its artificial sun and Optimus had to take control of it for some reason."

"Do you realize how stupid that sounds?"


The squabble between the Vehicons was silenced by the unexpected scream from Susan, who galloped into the room, panting and out of breath.

"Excuse me?" A Vehicon crossed its arms. "Do I look like a pony to you?"

"Sorry. Old habit." Susan sputtered out. "Alarm – just heard – demons. Mirror!"

"Susan," Twilight said. "Susan!" Twilight grabbed Susan by the shoulders and shook her. Twilight continued to provide supportive physical contact. "Calm down. Take a deep breath in … and out. Good. Now, what's the problem?"

Susan took a deep breath. "There are demons attacking the Canterlot High School area!"

"An acting police force is happy to report the riots across Cybertron are dying down, thanks to the news of an election. The riots sprung up because of a division between Cybertronians whether to continue to allow the presence of organics on Cybertron, as well as the use of Shockwave's Changelings Batteries, the morality of which has been questioned since they first went on-line."

A mugshot of Shockwave with the text "WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN" underneath appeared on the screen.

"The most likely reason for the riots are dying down is because the people know they can use the vote for their position; those who want the organics to stay will vote for Metalhawk, those who want them to go will vote for Galvatron. This may be a single-issue elections, folks. In the meantime, a compromise has been reached allowing organics to stay for, at least now. More questions arise concerning the monetary cost of making Cybertronian an organic-friendly world and whether we even should given the circulating rumors of "Operation: Patriotism" and the radical response by the "Imperials" on Earth …"

Prowl clicked a remote at the T.V screen, turning it off. "Operation: Patriotism isn't a rumor."

"What are you gonna do?." Chromedome said he shifted through a futuristic hologram display of the news. "If the news media wants to downplay the situation by passing it off as a 'rumor,' well … whatever keeps the public happy, right?"

"You do not trust our fellow Cybertronians to accurately report the news?" Metalhawk asked.

"Metalhawk, in mine and Prowl's business, you don't trust anyone. Isn't that right, Prowl?"

"Yes." Prowl glared at Metalhawk.

"Don't look at me like that." Metalhawk said. "This is a public cafe." Metalhawk gestured to a patron in the corner of the restaurant. "In fact, I think the fellow with the mug of stirred Energon would like if you turned the T.V back on."

Prowl clicked the button, letting the television play it's inaccurate, people-pleasing drivel. He tossed the remote over his shoulder, somehow landing it on a table. "I suppose, Metalhawk, you'll be happy to know we'll be supporting you in the race."

Metalhawk and Chromedome were surprised by this. "Er, you will?"

"We will?"

"Yes." Prowl approached Metalhawk with a smile and patted him on the shoulder. "We'll do everything in our power to see to it you win this election."

"Er, thank you." Metalhawk shared with Prowl an uneasy handshake. "I must say, Prowl, I'm … surprised you would choose me as your candidate."

"Don't be." Prowl said before walking out, snapping his fingers for Chromedome to come along. Chromedome flipped a glowing energy-based coin onto the cafe's desk before heading out with the holographic news projector.

"Er, Prowl, my dear?" Chromedome said. "When were you planning to tell me we were supporting Metalhawk … and why?"

"Just now, when I just did." Prowl said. "To answer your second question, it's because Metalhawk is a known variable. He can be predicted. He can be reasoned with and he's open to suggestions on how to better bring about his goal of a peaceful, post-war Cybertron."

"He can be controlled." Chromedome looked through the cafe's windows at Metalhawk, who was still staring at the television.

"Now you're getting it." Prowl said with a smile. "He thinks removing any factional badges from our present will help our future. Wouldn't it be something if he … forgot to include the Autobots in that list?"

"Wouldn't it be." Chromedome said.

Prowl developed an itch and reached up to scratch his neck. "Hmm. Chromedome, you still have ultraviolet lights installed in your fingertips, don't you?"

"Never leave home without them." The tips of Chromedome's fingers cast out short sprays of light. "Can't be too careful when you're in the business of wiping memories."

"Yes, quite." Prowl turned around. "Aim them at the back of my head, please."

Chromedome did as asked. The light touched Prowl's head and revealed an otherwise invisible series of scratches and scrapes which curled and overlapped on his scalp.

"Oh dear. The evidence is clear; those are the scratches from my needles." Chromedome said. "Someone's tampered with your memories."

Prowl had an immediate reaction to this news. "Quick, aim the light at your head." Chromedome did so, and the same scratches were present. "Someone or something has alternated both our memories … but why?"

Chromedome's tiny holographic newspaper begin beeping in an urgent, rapid tone. An all-red hologram appeared with the Cybertronian text for "BREAKING NEWS" written on it. Below was a fuzzy picture of a Cybertronian, trying not be seen by hiding behind a skyscraper.

Prowl read through the newspaper. "Eyewitness report of Starscream sighted near New York City on Earth." Prowl examined the photo carefully. Accounting for some distortion, the fuzzy picture, and the possibility Starscream had modified himself, the picture could be a snapshot of the famous Decepticon.

Prowl was more than a little intrigued. "What do you think, Chromedome? Should we pay a visit to New York City?"

"Would it even matter to you if I said no?"

"Truthfully? … No."

"Well … let's go, then."

The same news broadcast played on the screen Galvatron was watching, hiding in a hidden location with Blackout, Chrysalis, and their yellow-eyed master.

"Bah." Galvatron scowled at the news. "Curse these gullible masses." He walked away from the screen. "If they would simply see reason ..." Galvatron tapped the end of his cannon to a poster on the wall. "To remove the organics ..."

"Now, now, Galvatron," their master said. "You can't blame them for wanting to make new friends, can you? Even if those friends are disgusting, slimy organics. No offense, Queen Chrysalis."

"None taken." Chrysalis said. "We Changelings take pride in our slimy appearance. You can't be too upset, Galvatron. This is what you rescued me for, isn't it?"

"Yes." Galvatron smiled, looking at the poster. "In exchange for your servitude, I will continue to sabotage the Changeling Batteries and provide you the means for an army. You will take the Changelings, infiltrate the Earthen and Equestrian governments, and convince them to withdraw from Cybertron, leaving our planet – my planet … pure again. Devoid of organic muck and slime."

Blackout stepped forward. "I did not hear anything in there regarding returning the Decepticons to glory. This is not what I was promised when I was recruited into your little … cabal."

The master came out from the shadows and placed a hand on Blackout's shoulder. "Patience, Blackout, patience. Everyone in my cabal has been promised something in exchange for their loyalty. I have every intention of delivering on each and every one."

Blackout looked at him. "Tell me, what would you do if the promise for one member would conflict with the promise for another?"

The master sidled up further to Blackout. "Why don't you let me worry about that while you focus on what Cybertron will be like when the Decepticons control it?"

"Hmm ..." Blackout was appealed to think about how a Decepticon-dominated Cybertron would appear, but at the same time, he made note of how the master had avoided answering his question

In the Crystal Empire, a Space Bridge opened up, from which Twilight's Imperials marched through, this time with all of Team Prime, Magnum, and the Wreckers. Assembled in the streets of the palace were the Royal Guard, Shining Armor, and Princess Celestia. The Guard, seeing the Imperials, tensed up and drew their spears.

"You again." Shining Armor scraped his hoof. "What do you want?"

"We're here for the demons." Twilight answered with her distorted voice.

"Well, so are we." Shining Armor said. "We've got this covered, so why don't you just turn around and -"

Celestia put a leg in front of Shining Armor. She shook her head at him, disapproving of his words. "War Princess." Celestia said. "Would you be interested in another truce to deal with these demons?"

Twilight raised her masked head up. "I thought you'd never ask."

Celestia directed the Guards to clear a path for Twilight's forces. "This way, Imperials, into the castle where the mirror is." The Imperials marched ahead, following Twilight's lead. Twilight nodded her head in respect to Celestia as she passed by.

When the Imperials were far enough, Shining Armor voiced his displeasure. "Princess, I don't like this. How many times are going to let Twiley walk by without capturing her? The Americans have her group as wanted criminals."

Celestia gave him an intrigued stare. "Oh? Well, Shining Armor, if you wish to arrest your own sister for the glory of a far-off alien species who we are only serving to avoid the risk of a nuclear missile threat against Equestria … be my guest." She pointed her hoof at Twilight.

"I ..." Shining Armor was speechless. He hung his head. "Point taken."

Celestia and Shining Armor joined Twilight's forces inside the castle. Twilight had stopped to regard a box hanging from the ceiling by a chain. It was a large and vertical crate cast from iron. Blue power lines traveled up and down, the same kind of lines which could be found on some Cybertronians and their buildings.

"What is this?" Twilight pointed to the box.

"No idea." Shining Armor stood up beside her. "It just showed up one day. We haven't been able to figure what it's made of or what's inside. We've tried everything we could think of. Crowbars, skeleton keys ... whenever we think we have figured out, it shifts. Like it's changing its own locks. It's the perfect lockbox."

The mysterious crate proved Shining Armor's boast by splitting into several smaller boxes, all connected by lead tubing, and rearranging itself into a different shape and size. The only constant was a small black panel on the side, which remained stationary.


"Hmm." Twilight tilted her head, curiosity roused. "Definitely Cybertronian in origin …"

"Um, excuse me?" Susan poked Twilight's shoulder. "I'm sure this mystery box is fascinating, but I'd like everyone to remember that MY HOME IS BEING INVADED BY DEMONS."

"Right. Sorry. Imperials, through the mirror!"

The combined forces of Shining Armor's Guard and Twilight's Imperials went marching through the mirror.

When they appeared on the other side, they were taken aback by the site of the destruction and carnage around. Windows were shattered. Cars were crashed. Trees were broken and set aflame. Legions of the She-Demon hordes circled the skies, some of them landing in the form of meteors before hypnotizing unfortunate fleeing humans with their demonic eyes and turning them into brainwashed zombies. But the most surprising part was when the leader appeared and addressed them.

Celestia let out a gasp, which was by itself a surprise, given the Princess' usual calm demeanor.

"Hello, Princess Celestia."

A few paces ahead of them, Sunset Shimmer and her friends, transformed into She-Demons themselves, descended from the sky and put their clawed feet on the ground. For Twilight, it was eerie to see an alternate version of herself … transformed into a horrible, clawed demon.

"Sunset Shimmer?" Celestia sounded on the brink of tears. "The She-Demons … made you one of them?"

Sunset responded with an arrogant laugh. "Oh hohoho! No. They didn't make me one of them. I did this to myself. I summoned them. You see, I'm their leader."

While the business with the demons was happening at Canterlot High, in New York City on Earth, a Space Bridge manifested. Prowl and Chromedome hopped out before the Bridge disappeared. The first thing Prowl noticed was a gathering of humans and Americons, along with an odd, stray Morbot done up in red colors.

"What's this here?" Prowl asked, strolling up to them.

"This is none of your business," a human answered him.

Prowl examined him. "I've heard of you. You … you're ..."

"Harold Attinger." The human said. "Now if you don't mind, we are in the middle of an op which you are compromising every second you're here."

"Oh?" Prowl said. "Perhaps we could help."

"Help?" Galloway's voice came from Attinger's phone. "We don't need your help, Autobot. We have all the Cybertronian help we need."

Attinger grumbled and sighed. "Mister Galloway … I signed on for your Operation: Patriotism project a few years ago because you led me to believe it was what was best for my country. Now tell me, were you lying to me?"

"Er, no," Galloway said.

"Then let me make the calls for my job while you make the calls for yours." Attinger hung up the phone and pocketed it. "Now, you were offering to help?"

"Yes" Prowl said. "It sounds like you have a problem, and we believe the known criminal Starscream is active in the area. And if there's a problem in same area as Starscream, there's a good bet the two of them are correlated."

"We have good intel suggesting there are multiple Decepticons planning on attacking this area." Attinger said. "We're here to hold them off.

"My partner and I can be of assistance to you, then. We're not too bad in a fight. Let us help you, Harold."

Attinger gave Prowl one of the coldest, hardest stares Prowl had ever seen. Prowl had to admit, it was impressive coming from a human. "Only my friends call me Harold. I have the Americons and the Morbot here to deal with the Decepticons. We don't need your help, and I don't want you interfering." Attinger snapped his fingers and pointed. "So why don't you and your partner transform and hit the road." Attinger walked off.

Prowl huffed. Ignoring Attinger's suggestion, he regarded the Morbot. The Morbot stared back, unblinking and silent. Prowl turned to a nearby Americon. "You … how do you stand turning your back on your Cybertronian brothers? To do the bidding of these entitled humans?"

"Not all of us Decepticons were born killers." The Americon said. "A planet the size of Cybertron, you think that many of us are all sadist and psychopaths? No, no." He shook his head. "Some of us were just working bots. Labor, construction… we had homes. We had families. Then the Decepticons came. They threatened us to join them, or they would find and kill our families. Then, once we had joined? They found our families and threatened to kill us if they didn't join. So if any one of us tried to leave, all of our family would die."

"That's… effective." Prowl said.

Chromedome chided him. "Prowl! That's not what you're supposed to say."

"And horrifying!" Prowl tacked on. "Effective and horrifying! My apologizes, I'm not used to this… feeling I'm having. It's weird, all fluffy and like I should be crying."

"Uh, is it… empathy?" Chromedome said.

"That's the one."

The Americon sighed. "Of course. You Autobots wouldn't understand. None of you were drafted by the barrel of a gun, were you? No, you had a choice." The Americon's resentment bled through his voice. "For those of us with families, we did what we did so we could survive. When Optimus … when Megatron died, it was a like a spell over our eyes was broken, and we realized the killers we had let ourselves become. So after the war is over, when Galloway comes up to us offering amnesty if we serve as his police, how can we say no? If we could serve people … if we could protect them … if we could save as many lives as we had taken, well, maybe … just maybe we could die peacefully, knowing we'd did our best to make amends."

"The promise of redemption is a powerful thing." Chromedome said.

Prowl scoffed, skeptical of the Vehicon's story. A roar from above kept him from speaking.

The gathered Cybertronians looked up to see Deathsaurus, flying high above the city lines while a flock of Forged Vehicons flew around him.

"Decepticons!" Deathsaurus roared. "Today will be a good day. Today we will reclaim what it is ours and take our rightful place as rulers of the universe!"

Attigner wasn't not one to hesitate. He pulled his gun and shot at Deathsaurus. The bullets were from a standard-issue handgun, so they did little to Deathsaurus other than annoy him.

"You have to admit. He has gumption." Chromedome said of Attinger.

Deathsaurus glanced at Attinger and snapped his fingers. An Insecticon came rolling from the sky like a boulder, landing in front of Attinger. The shockwave of the impact knocked Attinger onto his back. The Insecticon shrieked, raising its claw to end Attinger's life, when a blue gel splashed onto it. The Insecticon was confused before the gel electrocuted him, knocking him off-line and bringing him down.

"My specialty weapon." Prowl gestured to his gun as he walked to Attinger. "The one I swear by. Sends out an adhesive gel with static electricity stored inside, giving my suspects a shock so I can bring them up."

Attinger got up and adjusted his shirt. Attinger knew he would be noting more than a pincushion for the Insecticon if not for Prowl. "Prowl … after some careful thought, I've decided to be more open to the idea of inter-agency cooperation."

"Glad to hear it." Prowl smirked. He gazed up at the small army of Vehicons floating ahead.

"All right, people!" Attinger turned back to his soldiers. "Prowl is working with us now. You take orders from the same way you do, but if they contradict, mine take priority, understand?"

"The first priority should be saving lives." Prowl said.

Attinger snapped his fingers. "You'll split up in two groups. One group will take instruction from Prowl. The rest of you, you're with me. The enemy is up in the air." Attinger snapped his fingers. "Go get them."

About half of the assembled Americons converted into vehicle modes and flew up to meet their Forged enemies. A series of dogfights ensued, each side delivering laser fire to the other. A stray laser hit and chopped off the corner of a building, making Prowl realize something.

"Has this area been evacuated?"

"Not yet." Attinger said. "I sent out a call telling them to standby for an evacuation order. All they need is to hear the word."

"Chromedome, you and the Americons go through the city and tell the citizens to take cover." Prowl said. "You." He pointed at the Morbot.

The Morbot wasn't interested in taking orders from Prowl. It ignored him and flew up, meeting Deathsaurus and engaging the wannabe Decepticon Lord in a fist fight, smashing Deathsaurus over the head before punching him in the chest. Deathsaurus grappled with the Morbot, trying to shake him off.

"Attinger." Prowl said. "Do we have a plan to beat them?"

"No." Attinger said. "Not anything more complex than 'keep them from destroying the city.'"

"FORWARD!" Deathsaurus shouted. "We must reach the harbor, Decepticons! We must!"

"The harbor?" Prowl wondered. "What's in the harbor that they could want?"

Prowl and Attinger shared an epiphany.

"Trypticon's remains." They said in unison.

"Deathsaurus must want to retrieve Trypticon, revive him, and use him as a weapon for consquest." Attinger said.

"Yes. Say, how is mining out the chunks of Trypticon going without the Autobots helping you out?" Prowl asked with a smug smirk, earning an irritated glare from Attinger.

Prowl moved on. "But now that we know his plans, we can come up with something to foil them."

"Sunset … how … why?" Celestia asked while Twilight rushed Sunset, getting into a grapple with Sunset's ebony black form. Celestia was too blindsided to fight, Twilight could tell, so she made sure Sunset focused on fighting her. Despite Twilight's mask, Sunset knew it was Twilight Sparkle fighting her. Who else would be so focused on protecting Celestia?

Sunset chuckled. "Why? I'll tell you why. Because I've been planning this for eighteen years. For as long I've been stuck here, I've been planning to take over Equestria. I wanted power. I wanted glory. I wanted to go through that mirror the first time you showed it to me, but you said no. So, I taught myself summoning spells so I could summon demons and make an army."

"You ..." Celestia said. "You weren't ready."

"Wait, Celestia showed you the mirror?" Twilight asked.

"Yes." Sunset said. "What, she didn't show you when you were young too?"

"No. She didn't." Twilight glared at Celestia.

"Really? Wow. I cannot believe she made you a Princess instead of me!"

"I ..." Celestia said. "Twilight Sparkle, please believe what I say ... after what happened with Sunset Shimmer … when she left I showed her the mirror, I was afraid if I showed it to you, you would do the same thing."

"Why start all this now?" Twilight asked. "Why go through with this? The mirror was working. You could have come to Celestia. You could have talked things over."

"Why? Because of you … you." Sunset growled at Twilight. "You have everything I ever wanted. You had the adoration of everypony. Everypony loved you. Everypony respected you. Princess Celestia … replaced me with you!"

Celestia's ears perked up, and she at last recovered from her shell-shock. "I never meant for Twilight Sparkle to replace you, Sunset Shimmer. I love Twilight Sparkle dearly, but no pony would ever take the place you had in my heart."

"You had love!" Twilight shouted. "You had the respect of your community! The people here, at Canterlot High … they all loved you!"

Sunset laughed. "Oh, they were all just pawns. I made myself a pillar of the community so when I made my move to take over Equestria, they wouldn't suspect a thing until it was too late."

"You know, Twilight Sparkle, I should be thanking you. My original plan was to summon a few of the demons and have one of them steal the Element of Magic. See, once the Element was in my grasp, I would use its magic to brainwash all the humans here into my army. We would rush Equestria, and their human forms would freak out and intimidate the Equestrian forces. So imagine my surprise when the demon comes back through the mirror with the wrong Element." Sunset glared over her shoulder at a She-Demon.

"But then you show up." Sunset went on. "You with your Autobots, and I learned the Equestrians had seen humans already, so that wouldn't work. So I changed plans. I taught myself bigger and badder summoning spells and waited for the Secretariat Comet to arrive."

"The Secretariat Comet?"

"The Comet is a phenomenon that happens on both this and the other Equestria every so many years." Sunset said. "When it flies by, all Equestrian magic is enhanced to extreme levels." Sunset pointed a finger upwards and Twilight saw there was indeed a comet streaking through the reddened sky. "With it enhancing my magic, I was able to summon hundreds of the She-Demons, other types of demons, and turn myself and my friends into demons as well."

"Do Principal Celestia and Selene know about this?" Twilight asked.

"Know about it? They're part of it! As is Flash Sentry." Sunset smiled.

"Hello!" Flash Sentry appeared and waved his claw. He taken the form of a centaur, with yellow skin and legs while his teeth were now fangs.

"Hi, Honey." Sunset waved at her beau. "Amazing what you could do to someone's mind after a few years of making them love you. When I brought them in on the plan, they couldn't bring themselves to say no. Not to me, their darling little Sunset Shimmer."

"You ..." Twilight stammered. "You're sick, taking advantage of their love like that."

"Wait." Celestia said. "You said the Secretariat Comet enhances all Equestrian magic?"

"Yes." Sunset Shimmer said. "Why? Do I need to repeat myself?"

"If the Comet affects all Equestrian magic ..." Celestia's horn lit up. "That would include Twilight Sparkle and I as well."

Sunset's eyes shrunk as she realized what this means. It means she would not only be fighting Twilight Sparkle and Celestia, two Princess ponies who were already well-versed in magic … she would be fighting them while their magic was enhanced. Twilight realized it, too, firing a powerful blast from horn and blowing Sunset away. Celestia flew up and joined in the brawl between her students.

"Wreckers!" Ultra Magnus shouted "Time to live up to your names … and wreck 'em."

"Hey, guys!" Flash Sentry waved at them. "Listen, before we start, I want you to know … this isn't personal. I'm just doing what Sunset asked."

"Oh?" Ultra Magnus said. He flexed fingers at Flash, daring him to approach. "Why don't you come over and we'll make it personal."

Flash growled. "It would be nice if you'd surrendered right about now, but I can see that's not gonna happen." Flash Sentry roared and bared his claws, charging at them.

Ultra Magnus burst out laughing. "Oh, man … for someone named "Flash," you're not too bright, are you?"

"Huh?" Flash skidded to a halt. "What did you mean?"

Ultra Magnus answered Flash via swinging his hammer around and smashing it into Flash, sending his centaur body flying in the air. Ultra Magnus thought Flash Sentry resembled a golf ball. "FORE! Maybe next time you'll think to transform into a demon with wings, moron!" Ultra Magnus flicked his hammer, changing it to its boomstick form, and begun firing away at the She-Demon hordes.

Twilight and Sunset noticed Flash's flying body. With Sunset distracted by the sight of her boyfriend's flight, Twilight charged forward, slamming her metal frame into Sunset's body and dragging her to the ground. Twilight pinned Sunset's shoulders.

"Give up, Sunset Shimmer!" Twilight shouted. "The advanced Cybertronian technology on my side is more than your demons can handle!"

"Ah, but you're forgetting something!" Twilight's doppelganger Twyla called out. "I am an alternate version of you, which means, aside from unicorn magic, I have most of your knowledge and skills, including mechanical aptitude."

Twilight turned towards Twyla. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Twyla pulled out a silver cylinder from her pocket.

Ultra Magnus' optics widened, recognizing the device for what it was. "E.M.P! TAKE COVER!"

Ultra Magnus, the Wreckers, and Team Prime turned around and jumped for the nearest cover. Twyla threw the device to the ground. It exploded and release a wave of cracking blue energy which passed over everything in its radius. Every Imperial trooper wearing exo-suits, including Twilight, collapsed to the ground. The suits relied on electricity for full function, including their weight-lifting hydraulics, and without those hydraulic systems active, the weight of the suit was too much for most wearers. The suits became useless and immovable; they were as good as iron tombs.

When Twilight collapsed on top of her, Sunset smirked at her victory. She pushed Twilight off and onto the ground before flying up to resume her fight with Celestia. Sunset could tell Celestia wasn't happy.

"Aw, what's the matter, Princess?" Sunset asked. "Upset I put your prize pupil in the ground?" Celestia didn't appreciate Sunset's catty remarks and powered up her horn. Celestia charged at Sunset, but Roxanne and Rachel body-slammed Celestia from either side, knocking Celestia off-course.

"Ugh." Bangs echoed from Twilight's exo-suit. She tried to buck and punch her way out, but the suit wouldn't budge. "Why didn't I design a non-electrical emergency unlock?" Twilight asked herself. "That seems like a serious design oversight." Twilight looked at the battlefield through her visor.

I have to get back out there … Twilight thought. Wait, maybe if I ...

Twilight shut her eyes and concentrated. It took some effort, but she managed to teleport herself out from the exo-suit and onto the grass. She aimed at Sunset Shimmer and charged her horn.


There was a human solider, stuck lying on the ground inside his inactive exo-suit.

"Hey! Before you go, could you get me out of here?"

“Huh? Oh, sure,” Twilight walked over to her troop and banged on the suit. Thankfully, the emergency lock on it worked, unlike on hers, and she helped the soldier up to his feet.

“Thanks,” he said.

“No problem,” Twilight said. “Get down!”

A fireball streaked towards them. Twilight hit the ground, but the projectile hit the soldier and knocked him flat, smoke billowing from his chest.

Twilight reached over, placing a hoof on his chest. Burnt badly, but still had a pulse.

She heard an explosion behind her. She looked up to see Celestia struggling against Sunset and her minions. Twilight grimaced and bit her lip. She didn’t want to leave him until she was sure he’d survive, but Celestia needed her help.

“Hey,” he placed a hand on Twilight, “go to her, Commander. I’ll be good here for awhile.”

“Are you sure?” Twilight asked.

“Yes. Go, go!” he shooed her away.

"Stay here, okay? You're in no condition to fight,” Twilight said.

“Gee, you think? I’ll go find some cover…” he got to his feet and stumbled over to behind a building.

With him hidden away, Twilight threw herself back into the fray, galloping towards Celestia’s aid.

Arcee saw Twilight running about. Thanks to Ultra Magnus' warning, she and the other Autobots were far enough from the E.M.P to not get knocked out, though it did still hit them and give them some minor headaches.

"That E.M.P hit all of us," Arcee said. "There are probably more of them in the same situation who are compromised. We need to end this, and fast, before these demons figure it out and start preying on the troops who trying to get out of their bum exo-suits.”

"How?" Smokescreen asked, taking a potshot at a She-Demon. "Sunset's got us outnumbered."

"Hmm." Arcee stood up and looked to the sky. There, off in the distance, the colossal figure of Fortress Maximus still stood, as if he were a sentinel watching the town. "Wha – why is Fortress Maximus still here and not on the other side of the mirror where he belongs?"

"Have you seen the size of him?" Smokescreen said. "You wanna try to tow him through that tiny mirror? Be my guest."

"Beep?" Bumblebee said. "Beep beep beep?”

“The weapons Soundwave and Starscream dug up from Fort Max? Yeah, Honestly, Bumblebee, they’re kinda of hard to forget." Arcee quipped. A She-Demon swooped at her, whom Arcee dispatched by slicing its stomach with her arm-blade.

"Beep beep beep," Bumblebee said. "Beep beep be-beep click wheeeooop." Bumblebee cupped his chin.

"See if Fortress Maximus has more weapons in there we could use, yeah… yeah!” Smokescreen added. “And we might be able to get Fortress Maximus to activate and destroy the Comet. That should reduce Sunset's and the demons' powers and make it a more even fight."

Bulkhead scoffed. "Yeah, forget it, you two. None of us know where Snowdrop went after what happened with Megatron, and we don't know if any of us could pass whatever weird test."

Arcee looked at Bulkhead. "Bulkhead, you’re usually our forward tip. Care to test yourself on Fortress Maximus?"

“Why do I always get the suicide missions?” Bulkhead asked.

"Because you’re a Wrecker? And don’t forget. We still have troops who are practically sitting ducks inside those suits." Arcee said. “I’d like to wrap this up before those demons catch onto the number of motionless bodies on the ground.”

"Pardon me, but I couldn't help overhearing your dilemma." Ultra Magnus walked over. As causal as one would swat a fly, he fired his boomstick over his shoulder, taking out multiple She-Demons with one explosion. "Magnum, the Wreckers and I will work on getting them out of the line of fire. We'll see if Shining Armor and the Guard can help too. You go on ahead to Fortress Maximus and see if you can dig up anything worthwhile."

Arcee nodded. She and Magnus exchanged salutes before Arcee turned back to her teammates. "Team Prime … let's roll out."

She and the others converted to vehicle mode and tore up the roadway as they raced to reach the Fortress while Celestia's and Twilight's duel with Sunset Shimmer and her friends continued overhead.

They were making good progress to their destination. Fortress Maximus' legs were coming in sight when a four-headed scaly creature lumbered out from behind a house.

"What the?" The Autobots swerved and stopped.

"What's an Equestrian hydra doing here?" Smokescreen asked.

"Probably another of those demons Sunset Shimmer mentioned." Bumblebee explained.

"However it got here, it's in our way." Arcee revved up. "Autobots, take it down." The Autobots followed Arcee's lead and accelerated towards the hydra. Arcee jumped onto Bumblebee's car roof, using him as a ramp to launch herself into the air and towards the hydra. Reverting to robot mode, Arcee delivered a flying kick to one of the hydra's head. Before the hydra could shake her off, Arcee flipped over and wrapped her arms tight around its neck.

The other Autobots borrowed Arcee's idea, using the momentum from their tires to get an increase in height as they jumped and landed on the hydra's necks – a plague of metallic fleas to it. Bulkhead and Bumblebee each picked a head and clung to the neck, beating on their necks to subdue it. Smokescreen was more for Arcee's train of thought, aiming to land a kick on the head. The last hydra head proved smarter, as it opened its jaw and caught Smokescreen's leg within its teeth.

"Hey!" Bulkhead climbed from one neck to the other. "Let him go!" He pounded on the hydra's neck with his maces until its jaw unhinged and dropped Smokescreen.

Arcee primed her arm-blade, aiming at the beast's neck to slit its throat. "I'd hate to do this to an animal, but ..."

"Beep beep." Bumblebee reached out, getting her to stop. "Beep beep beep beep whir."

"The hydra is an animal... unlike the She-Demons?" Arcee asked. Fine, I'll bite... so that would mean, all we all we have to do is convince we're more trouble than we're worth and it will leave us alone! Smart thinking, Bumblebee. I'll try anything once. What do you think we should do?"

"Beep beepp beep beep." Bumblebee stood up on the hydra's back. He, Arcee, and Bulkhead jumped off its back, converting to vehicle mode and landing on their tires. Smokescreen converted and drove around to the back of it.

"Smokescreen, get over here!"

"I know what I'm doing, Arcee! Just trust me on this one." Smokescreen got to the hydra's tail and transformed into robot mode. He grabbed the hydra's tail and lifted it up.

Arcee, Bumblebee, and Bulkhead all pedaled backward, putting some distance between themselves and the hydra. The hydra saw them leaving and roared at them. The Autobots skidded their tires and launched themselves forward, their bodies hitting the side of the hydra as if they were missiles. At the exact moment they made contact, Smokescreen tugged on the tail, sending the hydra toppling over onto its side.

Bulkhead transformed and went up to the hydra. He pounded his mace into its leg, causing it to wince and whine. The hydra struggled up to its feet, and, limping from Bulkhead's attack, turned and walked away.

"Well, that settles that." Arcee said. She turned to the pillar serving as Fortress Maximus' legs. "Looks like we're here. Anyone remember we got in the first time?"

"I think there's an elevator in his foot." Smokescreen paused. "Wow. That's a sentence I never thought I'd say ..." Smokescreen led the group to the front of Fortress Maximus's foot and found the door to the elevator. Pressing a button to open the door, he went in first.

"So how do we find the weapons in here?" Bulkhead asked as the door shut behind them. "This place is huge."

"I have an idea." Smokescreen pressed the elevator buttons. The elevator lifted them up to the chest area of the building, to the main control room, where the control chair and Cerebros were located.

"Cerebros." Smokescreen said, stepping out from the elevator and walking across the bridge.

"Greetings. My name is Cerebros. I am part of the interface -"

"Interface, yeah, yeah, we know all that." Smokescreen cut him off. "Do you remember Soundwave and Starscream? They found weapons being stored in Fortress Maximus when he was still pretending to be a temple. What we need to know is … are there more weapons like that, and can you give them to us?"

Cerebros remained silent, almost as if he didn't know how to answer.

"Cerebros, listen." Smokescreen said. "I know the Ancients put a bunch of rules and regulations in you so it wouldn't be easy to gain access to your weapons. But please, you have to believe me when I say it's for a good cause. We're trying to protect people. Can't you hear what's going on outside? There are demons everywhere!"

Cerebros continued his silence. Smokescreen was about to give up and turn around when he spoke.

"I … can make the weapons available to you." Cerebros said. The entire building shook as a wall peeled up and pulled up, as if it were on a string. The wall from the next floor down rose up to take its place before rising, and the wall-replacing process continued until there was wall with a large weapons rack showing, with paintings of Cybertronians using the same weapons hoisted onto the racks.

"Awesome." Smokescreen said. "Thank you, Cerebros."

"I ..." Arcee said. "Can't believe that worked."

Smokescreen gestured to the wall, proud of himself. "Pick a weapon, everyone." The Autobots walked up to the wall. There were only seven weapons and two armors to choose from.

"Whoa." Bulkhead reached up and grabbed a polearm. He twirled it around some. "Jackie would love this!"

"But is the weapon you wish to use?" Cerebros asked, unprovoked.

Bulkhead held out the spear before him. He looked at the wall and saw what appeared to be a shield with a buzzsaw embedded into the end of it. His eyes grew wide. "Oh yeah." Placing the spear back, Bulkhead grabbed the shield. "This one was made for me."

"Wish all of us could have it that easy." Bumblebee searched through the weapons, his finger passing over a drill – which Bumblebee found unwieldy – and a huge gun which appeared to double as a rocket engine. "Ah!" Bumblebee said at last, finding two Cybertronian bows. He picked them both up and tossed the larger one to Arcee. "Here, Arcee. Try that one for size."

"Huh." Arcee twisted the bow around, getting familiar with its shape. It had a long arch and two barrels attached by steel cable. "What is this, some weird … bow … gun mix?"

"That is the Echohawk Bow." Cerebrous said.

"I guess that leaves me." Smokescreen said. He didn't take as long as the others, reaching up to grab a gun which came with a net and an aesthetically-matched armor mesh.

Bulkhead regarded his weapon. "Are we sure we want to do this? We saw what these things did to Starscream and Soundwave. If they change us … there may be no changing back."

A whistle followed by an explosion echoed from outside. No doubt from a She-Demon tossing a fireball.

"We're wasting time." Arcee said. "It's now or never." She pressed the button on the Echohawk Bow, and the others did the same. The weapons shot out a series of cables which wrapped and coiled around them, forming cocoons. The sounds of heavy machinery could be heard from inside as the weapons made their changes and modifications to them. When they finished, the cocoons retracted, revealing their new forms.

Smokescreen did not change much, though his colors were changed from silver to blue with yellow racing stripes. Arcee's changes were to have much of her blue body replaced with colors of gray, pink, and shiny aqua. Pronounced ridges surrounded her cheeks and the pink crest on her was curvier and pointed. Fin-like protrusions extended from the back of her legs. The result made Smokescreen think of a mermaid.

Bumblebee's colors were inverted, with his primary color being black with yellow stripes. His head gained a crest and his eyes owlish, similar to Grimwing's. Sharp ridges and spikes covered his whole body. If he turned to vehicle mode, his grille would have sharp edges pointing to cut people with. His shoulders holstered spare ammunition for his weapon, which attached to his arm.

"Bulkhead?" Smokescreen laughed. "Man, you look ridiculous!" Bulkhead's changes were to have orange and bronze painted all over him, in addition to a lighter shade of green. Tusks protruded from the vehicle grille in his chest and a "hood" was over his head, which now had a blue visor and two horns sticking out from it.

"Hey ..." Smokescreen turned back to the wall. They were paintings of ancient Cybertronians, using the weapons to fight what appeared to be Predacons. "That looks like Predaking."

"This mural you see before is of the ancient Cybertronians who hunted down the Predacon beasts to protect themselves and their villages." Cerebros said.

"What do you want to bet Shockwave's Predaking used the CNA of this one?" Arcee said.

"Ninety-nine to one." Bulkhead said.

"It sounds as if you are speaking of clones." Cerebros said. "Please, do not use these clones to measure the beasts you see pictured here. They might not be accurate to the original's personality."

"Hey ..." Smokescreen placed a hand on the wall. "We have a new look. We should get a new name. I mean, it's not much of "Team Prime" anymore without Prime around, right?"

The Autobots winced.

"Ooh. Too soon?"

"Way too soon." Arcee said. "What are you thinking?"

"Well, they're hunting beasts with these weapons, right?" Smokescreen said. "So I was thinking we could call oursevles … Beast Hunters!"

Arcee blinked. "Yeaaaaaaaaah … no."

"Aw." Bulkhead said. "I kinda like it."

"Come on." Bumblebee gestured to the elevator. "We've spent too long here already. We need to get back to the others." Arcee and Bulkhead followed Bumblebee's lead, but Arcee stopped when she realized Smokescreen wasn't behind.

"Smokescreen? You coming?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be right there." Smokescreen walked up to Cerebros. "I want to try something."

"Smokescreen, we discussed this. We don't have time to test ourselves-"

"Go on without me." Smokescreen waved his hand. "I'll catch up." Arcee fumed, but she realized she wasn't going to get through to him and joined the elevator with the others.

"Hey again, Cerebros."

Cerebro's optics showed some signs of emotion, dragging towards Smokescreen. "I have given you the weapons. What else do we want?"

"Nothing. Well, no, not nothing. A favor. I want to ask a favor." Smokescreen said. "Listen, I know humans aren't perfect. I know Sunset Shimmer and her friends set a bad example. But listen to me, the humans here, in this alternate Equestria? Well, they're just like the ones on Earth. They're not perfect, but they're good people. Good people who being threatened by the She-Demons and who need help. You can help, Cerebros. You can get Fortress Maximus -"

“‘Get’? You imply I am able to coerce him,” Cerebros said. “We are more entwined than a simple master and servant relationship.”

"Yeah, okay. That doesn't change anything. You can still help. There's a comet flying overhead giving the She-Demons' power. If you take Fortress Maximus' weapons, you can blow it out of the sky and weaken them, so it's easier for us to take them down. So please … can you help us?"

"My programming forbids to take my action on my own."

Smokescreen stomped his foot, which echoed in the empty chamber. "So overcome your programming!" Smokescreen sighed and shook his head. "Forget it. I should have known this was never going to work ..." Smokescreen turned to the elevator, but he stopped. "Wait. You've been stuck in this alternate dimension for Primus knows how long. Who had the time to teach you about Cutie Marks?"

Smokescreen thought was he hallucinating, because it sounded as though Cerebros let out a chuckle.

"It was … a thousand years ago, if not more, when my Space Bridge teleported me here to keep my weapons out of the hands of Decepticons." Cerebros said. "I assumed the form of a temple and watched the … Equestria-humans, Equestria girls, if you will, build and grow and age and die for centuries. Their lives, unlike ours, are so frail and fleeting. After years of watching them, of learning their ways, of housing them, however unwitting they were to my presence … I suppose I have grown attached to them." Cerebros' head tilted up, almost wistful.

Smokescreen had no idea how to respond to that, so he raced to the elevator. "Guys?" Smokescreen dialed his comm. "I'm ready to leave. Where did you go?"

"We're at the top." Arcee answered.

"What are you doing there? Oh, I get it. Higher ground so we can see what's going on." Smokescreen smiled. "Good idea."

Smokescreen used the elevator to join them on the roof. They surveyed the destruction and the hordes of demons flying through the skies.

"Got to admit." Arcee drew the string on her bow. "I'm much more comfortable with a sniper rifle than a bow."

A She-Demon noticed the four Autobots on Fortress Maximus' shoulders. She screeched and swooped at them, claws bared. Arcee did the natural thing and fired her bow, sending two metallic bolts into the demon's stomach which poked out her back. An electric arc traveled from one arrowhead to the other, charging up and electrocuting the demon.

"Then again ..." Arcee admired the bow's results as the She-Demon fell to the ground.

"Hey." Bulkhead observed his weapon. "Didn't Starscream's weapon come with a name and instructions?"

"We'll figure them out as we go." Arcee said. "We need to get back to the battle." Arcee took a deep breath and turned to see Smokescreen wearing a stupid.

"Go on." Smokescreen said. "Say it. You know you want to."

Arcee sighed. She pointed her finger. "Beast Hunters, roll out!" She, Bumblebee, Bulkhead and Smokescreen begin the trek down the side of Fortress Maximus, scaling down the body. She-Demons noticed them and attempted to attack them, only to be dispatched with ease by Bumblebee's and Arcee's arrows.

Reaching the ground, the Beast Hunters transformed to vehicle mode and rolled towards where the main battle was happening.

"Whoooa!" Arcee yelled as she went much faster than she intended. She swerved and skidded to a halt. "I didn't realize this new body came up with a speed boost! Heck, I bet I could give Rainbow Dash a run for her money!"

The Autobots continued on, much more cautious to be careful with their new vehicle modes after Arcee came close to crashing.

Finding a dense pack of demons gathered, the Autobots shifted between modes and readied their weapons. The demons noticed them and charged.

Bumblebee and Arcee fired arrow bolt after arrow bolt. Something they noticed about their weapons was Bumblebee's arrows appeared to be superheated, as the blood from the injured demons boiled as it leaked from the wound before it was cauterized and sealed up. Arcee's arrows delivered electric shocks, but only when she had her target with two of them – a single arrow didn't have enough charge by itself.

Bulkhead banged and pounded on his buzzsaw. "Come on … do something fancy like Arcee's arrows!" Bulkhead got his wish, as the saw part begin spinning at several hundred revolutions-per-minute, faster than even his advanced Cybertronians could process. Gushes of flame spewed from the sawblade and formed around Bulkhead in a protective bubble. A She-Demon lobbed a fireball, which hit the fiery sphere and did nothing.

The She-Demon frowned and scoffed. "So much for fighting fire with fire." She tried to ram Bulkhead with her body, but the heat from the shield was so intense even she was repelled.

"Whoa." Smokescreen said. "Did Bulkhead's fire shield just push back a demon? Like, a bonafide fire-and-brimstone demon from alternate-universe Pony Hell? Shouldn't that be impossible?"

"Those Ancients sure knew how to cook up an fireball." Bulkhead smirked, emboldened by this discovery. "Alright, guys. Stay behind me and my wall of flame." Bulkhead marched forward, the sight of his spinning fiery vortex scaring some of the demons.

"What? Hey!" Smokescreen lost his grip on his weapon and swung it. It released dark clouds around which shrouded him and clouded his vision. He couldn't see himself. "Wait a minute ..."

A few seconds later, two She-Demons running away from Bulkhead were shocked and uncomprehending when the cut of an axe wound appeared in one's side and electrocuted her. The same thing soon happened to the other.

The black clouds appeared and dispersed, making Smokescreen visible again. He swung his weapon and threw it in the air before catching it again. "So this thing works as both a net launcher, an electric axe, and it does that!"

"Smokescreen," Arcee squinted to see Smokescreen through Bulkhead's flame wheel and Smokescreen's own clouds, "are you teleporting or turning invisible?"

"Uh, turning invisible, I think."

"Then you should stay invisible, if you can," Arcee said. "There's no need to let the enemy see you unless that invisibility of yours has a time limit on it."

"Let me see." Smokescreen swung his axe through the air and disappeared into nothingness. "Nope! There's no time limit."

Arcee was surprised when Smokescreen materialized in front of her, blood leaking from his axe.

"You know they have a minotaur in this army?" Smokescreen said. "Like, not an Equestrian minotaur, but an actual Earthen minotaur with a forked tongue and everything?"

A loud, ratcheting, clanking came from nowhere, as if chains had been dropped.

Arcee tensed up and drew up the string on her bow. "What was that?"

Smokescreen, looking up to the sky, smiled. "That … was Fortress Maximus overcoming his programming."

The other Autobots lifted their gazes to the sky. There, in the distance, hatches on Fortress Maximus's shoulders were coming undone, sliding away to reveal huge, tapering cannons. On the sides of his shoulders, grates were dropping down to unveil a series of missile launchers.

Red laser sights emitted from the cannons and scanned the sky. They circled around and around until they captured and identified the Secretariat Comet. The laser followed the Comet, trying to figure out its trajectory.

Fortress Maximus fired. The thundering boom from the cannons could be heard for miles. Cybertronian and demon alike reached for their pained eyes. The missiles flew off their launchers, seeking the Comet to destroy it.

However far away from the planet it, the Comet still wasn't far enough. The heavy bust of Fortress Maximus' artillery hit it, shattering it into a thousand pieces which fell down and either burnt up in the atmosphere or went on their own path through space, adding themselves to the cosmic dust.

The effect on the magic in the area was immediate and effective. Several She-Demons fell to the ground as they felt themselves weaken. Some of the larger, more powerful demons disappeared, the magical spells needed to bring them here no longer effective without the Secretariat Comet's enhancements. Some of the enslaved local humans woke up from their trance and rallied together to mob the She-Demons who stripped them of their free will.

Sunset Shimmer, looking up at the Comet's destruction, was aghast. "Twilight Sparkle, you … your "noble" Aubotos just DESTROYED a beautiful natural phenomena!"

"Yeah, sure. Beautiful natural phenomenon that was powering an army of demons. Oh no! What a tough, terrible decision I had to make!" Twilight expressed.

Sunset growled at Twilight's sarcasm. "Hold on. It was enhancing your magic and Celestia's magic! So doesn't removing it just send us back to where we started?"

"Perhaps, but it’ll weaken your army and let the Autobots overtake them,". She swerved her flight path to the left to avoid Sunset swiping at her claw. "Say, Sunset Shimmer, can I ask you something? It's been bothering me. Didn't we apologize and make up after the business with Megatron? Didn't you forgive me?"

"I forgave you for some things," Sunset said. "But not everything."

"I would have forgiven you for everything," Twilight said. "But then you went and did … this!" She gestured to the She-Demon legions circling the skies.

"Plus, you know, I had been preparing this for years. What was I supposed, decide not to go through with it because I apologized to the pony who replaced me?"

"Yes!" Twilight said. "Sunset Shimmer, I have to make some difficult choices, but I did them, and I went through with them, because they were the right thing to do. And if I can do it, you can, too."

"Sunset Shimmer, I will say it as many times as I have to; I never meant to replace you." Celestia said, ducking to avoid a fireball.

Twilight put some distance between her and Sunset Shimmer. After dodging a fireball from Flurrie, she panted and wiped the sweat off her brow. "I don't know about you, Princess, but I'm not sure I can keep this up."

"We may not have to." Celestia said. "I believe I can still reach her."

Twilight balked. "Um, Princess, you have seen the hordes of demons flying around, haven't you?"

Celestia nodded, leaving Twilight more confused as Celestia flew up to meet Sunset Shimmer's gaze.

"Sunset Shimmer, what is this really about?"

"I told you." Sunset Shimmer said. "It's about you making Twilight Sparkle a Princess instead of me!"

Celestia shook her head. "I don't believe you. I was there when you apologized to Twilight Sparkle. Perhaps you're an exceptionally actress and liar, but you sounded sincere to me. So it’s jealousy that drives you?"

Sunset was taken aback. "W-what?"

"Twilight Sparkle has everything you wanted, everything you craved … yet couldn't get. You wanted power. You wanted to be a Princess with all your heart, and Twilight … had all of that handed to her."

"S-shut up!" Sunset aimed her claws at Celestia.

"Oh dear, I have a touched a nerve? I am close to the truth, Sunset Shimmer?"

"Shut up, you- you hag!" Sunset shouted. "You don't know anything about me!"

"I know you were good with magic," Celestia said.. "I know you had certain expectations which were never met, and I know there's more going on here than you're letting on. You say you want love, but you have love. You had Principal Celeste, and Twyla and Flurrie and Flash Sentry. So what is it you really want, Sunset? Tell me what it is, and I shall see if I can give it to you."

Sunset teared up. Celestia was closer to the truth than Sunset could bring herself to admit. "When you came through that mirror … when I saw you, with Twilight Sparkle … it was like you were replacing me. It was like … what we had wasn't special or unique anymore. I thought – I thought that belonged to us. I thought … you didn't love me anymore. You loved her. You loved Twilight."

Celestia chuckled.

"What's so funny?"

"Twilight Sparkle … in private, said several of the same things about you when she saw you with me.

See? You're not so different."

"That's a lie!" Sunset said. "I'm nothing like Twilight! You love Twilight … and not me."

"Sunset Shimmer … are you really so consumed your jealousy and envy you can't believe there's enough room in my heart for both of you? Are you so blinded by your rage you're willing to throw away all you've done here just to get back at me? Look at all you accomplished here. The people loved you. Celeste adored you. I know that. Sunset, please … it doesn't have to be this way."

"Shut up!" Sunset's tears were dripping down her cheeks. "I'll blast you! A fireball right into your face!"

Celestia was not intimidated by this and flew closer to Sunset.

"Yes, I love Twilight Sparkle … but I loved you, too. I was so proud of what you accomplished during your short time under my tutelage. But at the same time, I was afraid of what I saw in you. A darkness inside only hungry for power and not friendship or love. But It's not too late, Sunset Shimmer. You can still turn this around. Perhaps if I had been less afraid … if I had indulged you more, loved you more ..."

Celestia touched a hoof to Sunset Shimmer's claw.

"You wouldn't be here now, like this, with that darkness fully matured."

Sunset Shimmer sniffled and cried. The fires in her claws burnt out. She and Celestia both descended on the ground, Sunset dropping to her knees.

"That was all I wanted ..." Sunset Shimmer admitted, her voice breaking up. "For you to say you loved me … for you to say you were PROUD of me." She hugged Celestia's leg, crying and begging for forgiveness in her own silent way.

Celestia cupped Sunset Shimmer's chin and lifted her head up. "I do love you I was proud of you. And I want to be proud of you again. But please, you need to stop this now, before anyone else is hurt."

Sunset snuffled and sniffled, looking up at Celestia. "R-really? Do … do you think you would … forgive me for all of this?"


Sunset looked behind Celestia to Twilight, who joined them on the ground, as if looking to Twilight for confirmation of Celestia's words. Twilight gave her a nod.

Sunset cuddled her head into Celestia's leg, giving her a hug. Ashes and smokes came off her body as she willed her demon form away, turning herself back into a normal-looking human girl. She looked up at Celestia. "I'm sorry. I just … I had been planning this for years, but then you showed up again, and I remembered what it was like when you loved. Between you and Twilight, I had … so many conflicting emotions. I was joyful, bitter, jealous, and happy … and it was just easier to be angry … to take my demon army and lash out. Like a child."

Twilight Sparkle walked up to join them. Celestia gave Twilight a smile before turning back to Sunset. "We can put that all behind us now."

Sunset Shimmer was surprised when Twilight leaned forward and gave her a hug.

"But … why?" Sunset asked, bewildered Twilight would hug her after all she'd done.

Twilight pulled away. "I told you I would forgive you for everything."

Sunset stood up. She and Twilight looked to Sunset Shimmer's friends, who stopped fighting and joined them on the ground, albeit still in their demon forms. Sunset looked to Twilight as if asking for permission. Twilight nodded and gave Sunset Shimmer a gentle shove. "Go on."

Sunset walked to her expectant friends. She chuckled at the awkwardness of the situation, rubbing the back of her neck.

"I know we'd been planning this for awhile, but … what do you say, girls?" Sunset asked. "How about we turn this around and call the whole thing off?"

To the surprise of all assembled, Flurrie walked up to Sunset Shimmer and slashed her across the stomach, knocking Sunset down as she clutched her bleeding wounds.

"No." Flurrie said. "You said it yourself, Sunset Shimmer. You've been planning this for years with us. I'm not going to back down now just because you and Celestia decided to kiss and makeup while Twilight gave you a pat on the back!"

Twilight and Celestia looked at each other with wide-eyed expressions.

"O … kay. I did not see that coming." Twilight said. "I … no, seriously, if somepony had come up to me and said "Flurrie is going to betray Sunset Shimmer," I would have told them they were crazy. And yet, here we are."

"I'll take this over." Flurrie flexed her claws. "You might be too sappy to go through with taking over Equestria, Sunset, but I'm not."

"Hey!" Patrica put her hands on her hips. "What makes you think you get to the be leader of the outfit?"

"Well, I'm the prettiest, for one." Flurrie quipped. "Why? Who did you have in mind?"

"I think Twyla should be the one to succede Sunset Shimmer." Patricia pushed Twyla to the front, where she and Flurrie could meet. Flurrie raised her eyebrow, questioning if Twyla was really going to challenge her bid for leadership.

"Oh, uh." Twyla chuckled, shrinking under Flurrie's intimidating glare. "If Sunset Shimmer wants us to stand down, don't you think we should -"

"Wait up a moment." Rachel said. She and Roxanne stood by Flurrie's side. "I think Flurrie should lead."

"Ah think Twyla should lead." Applejack's counterpart Abigail said. She and Patricia readied their claws. Rachel and Roxanne readied theirs.

"So, three on three, is it?" Flurrie asked. A rhetorical question, as she and the girls on her side lunged at the girls on Twyla's side and the brawl begin. They bit, clawed, and threw fireballs at each other.

Celestia looked to Twilight. "We should do something."

"Hang on. Let me call the Autobots." Twilight pressed her earpiece. "Attention, Imperials. Be advised; Sunset Shimmer has stood down, but Flurrie is attempting to take leadership of the demons and continue Sunset's plan of taking over Equestria."

"What?" Ultra Magnus batted a She-Demon away with his hammer, not believing what he was hearing come through on his comm. "Are you kidding me? Are you honestly trying to tell me that an alternate universe version of Fluttershy, one of the sweetest, kindest meekest creatures I have met across the known universe, is actually cut from the same cloth as Starscream?"

Magnus rubbed his temples as he contemplated how ludicrous this turn of events was. He turned to his adjacent Wrecker. "Do you remember the war? The simple days where we just shot at Decepticons and they shot back? It was a simpler time. Oh, those were the days."

"Hey." Smokescreen appeared behind Magnus, startling him.

"Sorry we're late." Bulkhead lifted an unconscious She-Demon by her neck. "As you can see, traffic was terrible." He tossed the She-Demon.

"I see you four have gotten some makeovers." Ultra Magnus said. He held out a hand to keep Smokescreen from talking. "Fill me in later. Right now we need to converge on Flurrie."

The impromptu civil war between the Sunset Shimmer's carried on until Sunset Shimmer forced herself to her feet. Clutching her wounded stomach, she limped towards the fight, rebuking Twilight's efforts to help her stand.


The girls did, stopping to look at Sunset.

"Flurrie ..." Sunset's eye twitched as she fought off the pain. "This fighting is unnecessary. I'll challenge you for leadership of the demons. If I win, we dismiss the demons and go back on with our lives. You win, well … you can do whatever you want with them."

Flurrie pushed off the other girls and untangled herself from the crowd of bodies. "Challenge accepted."

Sunset Shimmer willed herself to turn back into the form of a coal-black demoness. The transformation did nothing to heal her wounds, which pleased Flurrie; she could use Sunset's weakness to her advantage.

With a psychotic grin, Flurrie lunged forward and slashed Sunset's stomach again. Sunset staggered backward, but was able to launch a fireball from her claws at Flurrie before Flurrie could go in for another swipe.

"I've been waiting for this for so long." Flurrie charged at Sunset, who caught Flurrie's arms and grappled with her. "I've been hiding my true nature, my true self, waiting for the day I could show you – show all of you – who I really was inside."

"A violent, horrible, unrepentant sadist?" Sunset asked.

Flurrie smiled. "Yes." She took a swipe across Sunset Shimmer's chest before grabbing Sunset, lifting Sunset's body over her head, and throwing her to the ground. "Ha! I win!"

"You didn't win." Sunset whimpered, even though her body was sore all over and she couldn't bring herself to stand. "Just because you knocked me to the ground once doesn't mean you've -"

Flurrie shut Sunset Shimmer up by pressing her talon onto Sunset's neck, pushing her face into the asphalt. "You were saying?"

"Hooray for you, Flurrie. You won. You're leader of the She-Demons. Unfortunately for you, the Autobots don't legally recognize your authority."

"What?" Flurrie turned to see a row of Autobots lined up with their weapons aimed at her. "Oh no."

Two arrows pierced Flurrie's stomach, followed by a net being launched on top of her. Both the arrows and the net electrocuted her, and their combined wattage was so intense Flurrie couldn't maintain her transformation into a demon, reverting back to a normal human girl.

"Go ahead." Ultra Magnus aimed his blaster at the other girls, shifting targets to make it clear he would blow up any of them if they moved. "Make a move. Make my day."

The girls put their hands in the air and got on their knees. As her demon form faded away into embers once more, Twilight helped Sunset Shimmer to her feet.

"If it was a fair fight … if I hadn't been injured, I would have won." Sunset Shimmer said. She looked to Twilight, doubtful of herself. "Wouldn't I?"

"She does fight dirty." Twilight said of Flurrie.

Sunset let out a deep sigh. "I guess I have a lot of making up to do …" Sunset looked to the sky at the She-Demons still swooping around. "Starting with dismissing these." Sunset's hand glowed with green fire. One by one, the She-Demons begin disappearing in puffs of smoke."

"I'll make amends, Twilight Sparkle. I promise. To you, to Celestia, to Celeste … to everyone."

"I know you will." Twilight said with a smile. "I have faith in you."

"Heh. That's more than I can say for myself … would you stay awhile, Twilight? I have something I want to show you ..."

Sometime later, it had been arranged for the local police to come pick Flurrie up and transport her to prison in an armored van. Flurrie had been tied up, bound, and gagged, with Celestia and Twilight casting enchantments so she couldn't perform magic while in the van and giving the police the means to suppress her magic once she was at the maximum-security prison.

"I still can't believe it ..." Sunset Shimmer said. "All this time, Flurrie of all people was hiding a dark and vicious side of herself."

Twilight put a hoof on Sunset Shimmer's shoulder. "I guess you know never know somepony completely."

"Heh. Ha ha ha. That's funny, see, because of what I did with the whole "demonic legion" thing, right?" Sunset Shimmer laughed. "Ha ha ha ha ow." Sunset winced, clutching at the bandages around her waist while her arm was in a sling. "Sorry. It's just … laughing hurts right now."

"I understand." Twilight assured her. "Now, there was something you said you wanted to show me?"

"Oh, right." Sunset nodded. "We need to go to my house." Sunset Shimmer led Twilight there. Celestia followed.

"Wait here." Sunset told Twilight before rushing into her house.

"Sunset Shimmer, should you really be running with all those bandages on you?" Twilight asked.

"Let her be, Twilight Sparkle." Celestia said.

Sunset Shimmer ran back out of the house, carrying a dusty, dirty, beat-up feather quill in her hand. "Here, Twilight Sparkle. I want you to have this."

Twilight Sparkle took the quill.

Celestia chuckled. "Twilight Sparkle, do you realize the significance of this quill?"

"No. Should I?"

"This quill, if I'm not mistaken, is the very same quill I first gave to Sunset Shimmer when I took her as a student all those years ago." Celestia said. "Am I right?"

Sunset Shimmer gave a bashful smile. "Yeah ..."

"What?" Twilight said. "Oh, no, no! I couldn't take this! It's clearly precious to you."

"I know." Sunset said. "That's why I want you to have it. It means a lot to me you would still be willing to be my friend after – after everything I've done. That quill … is a reminder to you that, from now on. no matter what, I'll cherish our friendship." Sunset Shimmer said. "And after today, there's no more secrets between us, is there, Twilight? No more lies or half-truths. We know everything about each other, don't we?"

Twilight chuckled. "Well, actually … if you want to know everything, you might like to know I'm running a terrorist -"

Celestia interrupted Twilight a hoof to the back. "I am sure Sunset Shimmer can wait until after the dust settles to learn about that, can't you?"

Sunset nodded.

"Oh, and I'll get Rafael to set you up with an inter-dimensional interface. That way, whenever you need help, know I'm just a phone call away."

"Really?" Sunset Shimmer said. "You can do that?"

Twilight nodded. "Yup! It's amazing what you can do with Cybertronian tech." Twilight kicked a hoof. "So, um … what are you going to do about, you know, Rachel and Roxanne and Abigail and so on? Because you know, they did try to go through with the plan for taking over Equestria."

"I'm still figuring that out, Twilight." Sunset looked at the ground. "I'm still figuring a lot of things out."

"Commander, sir!" An Imperialcon intruded on them. "I understand I'm likely interrupting a tender a moment, but I thought you'd be interested now we're just now receiving reports of the Forged attacking New York City on Earth through the mirror."

"What?" Twilight balked.

"Who are … the Forged?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

"No time to explain!" Twilight galloped off, barking orders to the Imperialcon. "Regroup all of our forces. Get those exo-suits back online and get everyone to head through the mirror. From there, we'll Space Bridge to the city."

Prowl and Attinger stood on the New York City docks, watching the Vehicon on Americon dogfight in the air.

"You remember the plan we came up with?" Prowl asked.

"Do you?" Attinger shot back. "But perhaps the better question is, do I trust you to stick with it?"

"You shouldn't."

"And you shouldn't trust me either."

Prowl smirked. "Well, I guess that makes us even, then. Go find you a place to hide." Attinger nodded and scampered off.

Prowl cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted. "HEY, DEATHSAURUS! WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT!"

Deathsaurus heard Prowl's shout and glared at him, right to be suspicious of the truthfulness of Prowl's word. Deathsaurus pointed a jet and snapped his fingers, directing it to take care of Prowl. The jet broke away from the pact and nosedived towards Prowl. Upon seeing it was different from the other Vehicons, Prowl grimaced.

Starscream revealed himself to be the jet, transforming in mid-air and landing on the docks with graceful poise.

"Starscream." Prowl said.

"Yes. Do I know you?" Starscream tapped his chin. He snapped his fingers. "I know. Prowl. If memory serves, you were Optimus' ..." Starscream chuckled. "Secret Police."

Prowl nodded. "If my memory serves, the last anyone heard of you, you were being held prisoner and tortured … by a tiny, little, sparkly pony."

"You dare-" Starscream growled and shrieked, reaching out his claws. He became aware of his outburst and cleared his throat. Prowl was trying to goad him, bruise his ego, and make him lose control. Well, it wasn't going to work. "Ahem. Don't underestimate the ponies, Prowl. They're like any animal … quite vicious when cornered. Especially not Twilight Sparkle."

Prowl stifled back laughter. "Really? The tiny, little ponies … are these big, bad, nasty animals? Hahaha!"

"Oh, dear." Starscream reached over his back and pulled out his Thunder Talon. "Prowl, I don't think anyone has told you of their long list of accomplishments against the Decepticons and others."

Prowl crossed his arms. "Really?"

"Oh yes, really. For starters, they drove the Decepticons off from Equestria without Autobot help, I might add. Fluttershy, the darling thing, killed Airachnid. Princess Celestia came this close to killing Optimus Prime once, and let us not forget about Fluttershy's horde of Insecticons, loyal to her and no one else."

Prowl's vision went blank. "Are you telling me Fluttershy, one of the softest, sweetest beings I ever laid optics on, went and killed one of the Decepticon's nastiest comers?"

"Oh yes." Starscream. "Drove shards of Energon straight through her optics to her cranial module. If secondary sources can be believed, she was torn up about for weeks. And later still, Rarity blew up both Hardshell and Airachnid's zombified corpse!"

"I ..." Prowl shook his head. "For some reason, Starscream, I don't believe you."

"You can believe whatever you wish." Starscream said, his Thunder Talon snapping. "But mark my words; don't make the mistake I did and make an enemy of Twilight Sparkle. She is a determined opponent."

"I'll keep that in mind." Prowl said. "But for now, Starscream, you're under arrest for violations of the Pax Cybertronian, not to mention more crimes than I care to count."

"You want to arrest me?" Starscream brandished the Talon. "Then go ahead, officer. Arrest me."

Prowl produced two shoulder-mounted rocket launchers and fired them. Starscream ducked under one missile and deflected the other with the talon, letting the explosive projectiles hit the docks and explode, giving Starscream ample cover of smoke and ash to reach up and snatch Prowl in the Thunder Talon's grip.

"AAAGH!" Prowl screamed as the Thunder Talon crunched his midsection, electrocuting him.

"I'd hate to leave you, but I have to run." Starscream gloated, sprinting in a direction away from Prowl. Prowl noticed Starscream was moving faster on his legs, as if he'd been training for a track race.

Prowl attempted to chase after him, but his body moved slow and sluggish. As if he was running through jell-o.

Why can I barely move? Prowl thought to himself before figuring out Starscream's strange weapon had something to do with it. Prowl could still access his armaments though, firing another missile at Starscream as he fled.

Starscream stopped and held up his weapon. It generated a red forcefield around him, crackling with red energy. The missile hit the forcefield and did nothing to Starscream himself.

Still using his the speed he robbed from Prowl, Starscream sprinted back towards Prowl and snapped him in the Talon's claw again. Using the Talon, Starscream lifted Prowl and squeezed on the handle, deploying the claw deeper into Prowl's body, crunching his armor. Chuckling to himself, amused at Prowl's suffering and screaming, Starscream tossed Prowl into a stack of nearby shipping crates.

The crates fell down, Prowl landing on top of their pile.

Starscream walked up to him. "Oh, I do so wonder if anyone will miss you when you're gone. Optimus Prime's little secret spy…" Starscream placed the Talon's claw around Prowl's chin, lifting him up to meet Starscream's gaze. "How many people even know you exist?"

Prowl groaned, rubbing his head. He still had the strength to yell "NOW!"

From behind another stack of crates, Chromedome jumped out with a blaster in his hand. Starscream was ready for him, whipping around and catching Chromedome in the Thunder Talon. Chromedome was forced to drop his gun as the Starscream applied pressure to the Talon, crushing Chromedome's armor and draining him of his speed the same way as Prowl.

"Ah, yes." Starscream said. "The old 'hide your partner until the last minute truck.' How … oh, what's the word I'm looking for? Predictable, that's it."

Starscream tossed Chromedome into the mess of crates with Prowl.

There, Chromedome's first thought, superseding anything else, was to reach for and take Prowl's hand.

"I know we've had some disagreements, but I'm with you, Prowl." Chromedome said. "Until the end of the line."

"What?" Starscream questioned. He laughed at them. "Oh, I see … you're more than just partners. You're Conjunx Endura, aren't you?"

Chromedome nodded.

"Well then ..."

Starscream made a brimming psychotic, snapping the Thunder Talon's claw and approaching them as he prepared to end their lives. To add in the special extra dash of cruelty, he would make one of them watch while he beat, tortured, and killed the other.

"Til death do you part!" Starscream cackled, raising the Thunder Talon up, aiming its claw straight at Prowl's chest. Prowl and Chromedome were only spared by the whistle and roar of moving parts as the Morbot was flung and landed onto the harbor. It was on the losing end of its match with Deathsaurus.

Deathsaurus appeared, landing atop one of the post used for tying ships to the harbor. "Well, Starscream, what are you waiting for? Kill them both! Do it now!"

"I was about to before you interrupted me!" Starscream clenched his fist and growled. He grimaced and raised the Talon up again.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh, what now?" Starscream buried his face in his palm. "Yes?" He saw a human with his hands behind his back, walking up to Deathsaurus as if he were a pedestrian rather than a Decepticon warlord.

"What is it, human?" Deathsaurus asked. "Speak quickly and wisely. My friend here wishes to kill these Autobots, and then we'll kill you."

Attinger smirked and laughed. "I don't think so. My name is Harold Attinger, and I'm the human who's going to stop you."

"What?" Deathsaurus was amused. "And how do you propose to do that?"

"With this." Attinger revealed what he was holding behind his back – "With this." Attinger revealed what he was holding behind his back – a rope. He tugged on the rope, and from a hidden spot, a gun - Prowl’s gun, with a rope tied around the trigger so Attinger could pull it - went off, firing a shot of electrostatic gel onto Deathsaurus’s face, electrocuting him and toppling him over.

"AAH!" Deathsaurus shouted, finding he couldn't move. "Decepticons, retreat! Your leader has fallen!"

"What?" Starscream shook his head. "We were winning! You beat your opponent and I was about to execute two Autobots!"

"Starscream, as you can see, I've clearly been mortally injured." Deathsaurus said, overestimating his injuries. "An army is nothing without its head. Now retreat!"

"They got a lucky shot on you!" Starscream shook his fists. "We should be pressing our advantage, killing our enemies, and getting what we came here for!"

"Don't argue with your superior officer, Starscream. Now RETREAT!" Two Vehicons, transforming from vehicle mode to pick up their master Deathsaurus. They transformed to vehicle mode, carrying Deathsaurus between their wings and ferried him to safety.

Starscream grit his teeth. "Grrrrr! You're a fool, Deathsaurus! You say I'm a coward who runs away, but you run away yourself after a tiny little static shock! HYPOCRITE!"

Starscream turned back to Prowl and Chromedome. For the third and final time, he raised the Thunder Talon.

With Deathsaurus ordering a retreat, the Americons were free to reach the harbor and aim their blasters at Starscream, preventing him from going through with his plan to kill Prowl and Chromedome.

Starscream aimed his Thunder Talon and tried to bring it down on Chromedome’s head, but the Americons opened fire, barraging him with blasts and pushing him off Chromedome and Prowl.
"Oh, If it weren't for Deathsaurus' incompetence, I would be able to kill you all right now!" Starscream said. He fired a rocket at a Americon to cover his escape, jumped up, transformed to jet mode, and flew after his acting boss.

"Well ..." Prowl struggled to get free of the crates. He and Chromedome helped each other. "Starscream beating you wasn't part of my plan, but overall, I'd say it was a success."

"Still. That was amazing," Chromedome said. "How did you know Deathsaurus would retreat as soon we got a single shot in on him?"

"Simple deduction," Prowl said. "In our line of work, Chromedome, you keep tabs on everybody. I knew, from reading Deathsaurus' file, his ego wouldn't allow him to continue a fight where he got a scratch." Prowl turned to Attinger. The odd Morbot regained its bearings, pushing itself up. It shared a glare with Prowl before flying up and away.

"I'll take my gun back, Mister Attinger, if you don't mind." Prowl said. Attinger relinquished the gun to its proper owner.

"Unfortunately, Prowl, with the threat to my city gone, I see no need to continue our … inter-agency cooperation any longer." Attinger said. "So I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

"Fair enough." Prowl said. "Listen, Attinger … we may look incomparable on the outside, but we're not so different."

Attinger chuckled and raised an eyebrow. "You think you can compare me … to you?"

"Yes. We're both agents who do whatever is necessary to protect our homes. Sometimes even if means skirting the law a little. We both put ourselves in charge of the nasty, underhanded jobs no one else wants to do, but have got to be done. We're both patriots who are loyal to our leaders and our countries. Our main interest ... is in protecting the interests of those countries." Prowl's smiled faded. "Unfortunately for you, as long as you work for Galloway, the interest of your country conflicts with the interest of my country."

Prowl pulled out a device with a red button on.

"If you'll take the time to feel around your body, you'll discover a micro-bomb located on the back of your neck. I took the liberty of planting it there when I gave you my gun for our plan to fend off Deathsaurus. I press this button and the bomb blows up, taking you with it."

"You might not want to do that." Attinger said with a smirk. He reached into his coat and pulled out similar to the one Prowl had, but smaller. "See, I thought you might pull a trick like that, so if you'll feel around your body, you'll find a small square-shaped bomb on your right elbow. In it should be just enough explosive powder to cause an explosion big enough to blow off your arm and your head." Attinger smiled. "So, it would seem we're in a bit of a dead heat."

Prowl smiled back. "Huh. I'm impressed. It's been a long, long time since someone was able to match wits with me. You're an interesting human, Mister Attinger. I look forward to playing more games with you."

Prowl, in a show of good faith, tossed his detonator to the ground and stomped it to pieces. Prowl motioned for Chromedome and himself to leave.


Prowl looked over his shoulder at Attinger.

"Please." Attinger threw his detonator to the ground and stomped it to pieces. "Call me Harold. Like my friends do." Attinger snapped his fingers. "All right, people, we're done here." He and the Americons left.

"Aww." Chromedome cooed at Prowl. "You like him, don't you? Looks like someone's made a friend … in your own special little way."

A Space Bridge opened up. Twilight Sparkle, now in full Imperial armor, jumped out, accompanied by a smattering of Imperialcons.

"We're here for the Forged." Twilight Sparkle announced. "Where are they?"

"You just missed them." Prowl said. "Harold and I already took care of them."

"Harold?" Twilight asked. "As in … Harold Attinger, Galloway's attack dog?"

"Yeah, that's the one." Prowl said.

"Prowl!" Twilight was aghast. "How could you? Working with Attinger – with the enemy?"

"Twilight Sparkle, I do what I think is best at the moment to achieve my goals. If that means working with your enemies, then so be it."

"I suppose I could respect, but Attinger? With the Americons? You -you are undermining what trying to work for an Autobot and Equestrian-friendly Earth!"

Prowl had it with Twilight's nagging and lost his temper. "NEWSFLASH, TWILIGHT SPARKLE: I DON'T ANSWER TO YOU!" Prowl took in a deep breath and calmed down. "My loyalty … is to Optimus Prime alone."

"Optimus Prime is dead."

"Then you can SEE how that leaves me in a bit of a predicament!"

After a long time spent glaring at each other, Prowl and Twilight turned and went their separate ways.

Deathsaurus and the Forged retreated to an abandoned military hangar – a temporary base. Starscream was taken into the building and surrounded by a crowd of Forged Decepticons while Deathsaurus delivered his evaluation of Starscream.

"I'm impressed, Starscream." Deathsaurus said, pacing in circles around Starscream. "You were quite an effective fighter today and you didn't even try to flee once. In fact, you came this close to killing two Autobots!"

"No thanks to you." Starscream muttered.

Deathsaurus heard his comment, as the next thing he said was bit more passive-agressive. "I would like to let you, Shockwave, and Soundwave joined the Forged … but there's just one problem. You still need to take the initiation ritual." Deathsaurus produced a handheld drill and offered it to Starscream. "You need to drill your optic to prove your dedication to the cause … or you can try to talk Fearswoop into accepting your argument for why you'll be loyal enough you don't need to prove your dedication. I doubt you'll pull that off, though."


"What do you say, Starscream?" Deathsaurus asked. "Drill your own optic out, and you, Shockwave, and Soundwave can all join." Deathsaurus turned to the crowd. "What do you think, folks? Will Starscream take one for his team, or he will try to save his own hide?"

There boos, cheers, and jeers from the crowd.

"Silence! I am not the Starscream you knew." Starscream swiped the drill from Deathsaurus' hand. "I am a changed mech. A new mech. I am no longer a cowardly schemer. I do not need your clean, efficient tool to prove my dedication to the Decepticon cause."

Starscream tossed the drill aside.

The other Decepticons, Deathsaurus included, were all in awe as Starscream lifted one of his claws, drove the claw right into his socket, and ripped his own optic out. The wires connecting it to the inside of his head were stretched out and visible before they snapped and disconnected. Starscream threw his disconnected optic to the floor, where he stomped on it until it was a pile of loose parts … all without showing a hint of any pain.

It was now Starscream understood the point of the optic-removal ritual. It was to show their faith. Their blind faith, making it a physical concept in addition to a spiritual one.

They were all taken aback, but none so much as Deathsaurus. Closing a gaping, slack jaw, Deathsaurus grabbed Starscream's arm and lifted it into the air. "Let's hear it for Starscream, the newest member of the Forged!"

Starscream was trying to move past caring for petty things such as glory and fame, but as the Forged Decepticons cheered his name and applauded, he couldn't help but bask in the adulation of the crowd.

At Canterlot High, construction workers did their job, trying to rebuild in the wake of the She-Demon attack.

Celeste guided Sunset Shimmer through the city, keeping a hand on her back. Sunset Shimmer needed the company, as the residents weren’t sure how to react to what happened, considering how many people it seemed had been in on the plan, and nobody seemed to be in any big hurry to call the authorities on her, and while “Assault” and “Destruction of property” seemed sensible, no one really knew what criminal charge “summoning an army of demons” would qualify as. But while they didn’t call the cops, they wouldn’t so much as give her the time of day, either, huffing and turning away when she approached them.

Sunset Shimmer sighed. "I guess I still have a lot of work to do, huh, Principal Celeste?"

"Yes, you do." Celeste said. "But it's all right. I have faith you'll make it up to me and everyone else."

"R-really?" Sunset said. "So – so you're not mad at me?"

"Mad? No! I'm hurt you used me as a pawn and disappointed you emotionally manipulated me, but I'm not mad." She said all this with the
smile on her face not quivering once.

"I'm disappointed as well," Selene said. "You should have gone through with your plan."

Celeste glared at her sister. "Hush, Selene."

Sunset sighed. "No, it's all right. Let her be mad ..." Sunset Shimmer kept walking, never stopping to think. Never stopping to stop and smell the roses or observe her surroundings.

If she had, she might have noticed the green mist swirling around the people's feet.
Inside a cafeteria, three girls, all wearing black sweaters and ruby necklaces, exalted in the feeling of so many people with so much anger and hatred towards Sunset Shimmer.

"Do you feel that, girls?" one of them asked. "All that apathy? All that delicious negative emotion boiling beneath the surface? With this much to go around, we'll have no trouble getting our powers back … and making everyone in this pathetic little world adore us."

"Heh," one of the other girls snickered. "Sunset Shimmer could be useful."

Unbeknownst to the girls inside the cafeteria, outside was a van. Colored like a news station van to blend in and appear inconspicuous, in truth it housed an agent of chaos. He spied on the town, and unlike Sunset Shimmer, noticed the green mist.

"Comrade Venom," the agent said, showing his superior officer the girls' and their strange green mist through a video phone. "Are you seeing this?"

"Hmm, yes," the man addressed as Venom said from the screen. "When I sent you here with the M.A.S.S Device, I was expecting to find more lost COBRA agents like the Baroness and Mindbender … but whatever it those girls are doing, it could prove useful. Find out more about it and report your findings back to me."

At the Rainbow Principality, Twilight Sparkle retreated to her office, studying the box on her desk. There was a knock.

"Come in."

Susan opened the door. She came inside and kicked it shut behind. "Um, hi, Commander." Susan said.

"Hello, Susan." Twilight's eyes never shifted from the box. "Can I help you with something?"

"Um, well, it's just that … after today, I wanted to thank you."

"Thank me?" Twilight lifted her gaze from the box. "For what?"

"For giving me a chance," Susan said. "For inviting me to join the Imperials. After Sunset Shimmer made me switch places with her all those years ago, and you talked me down from killing her that one time, I didn't know what I was going to do with myself." Susan explained. "But the Imperials changed. It offered me something nopony else could give me. A chance. The chance to do something, to make a difference in the world. Thanks to the Imperials, I'm doing something that matters. Thanks to the Imperials, I can be someone … I can make myself more than just Sunset Shimmer's unwitting victim. And for that, I will never be able to thank you enough." Susan bowed.

"Oh, um." Twilight didn't know how to react. "You're welcome?"

"I know Magnum's been giving you lectures," Susan rolled her eyes, "so I figured you could stand to hear some good things about the Imperials. Say, what do you have there?"

"Oh, nothing." Twilight said. "It's just the box my friends and I got from the Tree of Harmony when we had to give up our Elements of Harmony. I've been trying to figure out, but I'm not getting anywhere."

"Maybe you should take a break?" Susan suggested.

"Yeah … maybe." Twilight pushed herself away from the desk, only to rush back towards. "Or maybe I need to study it even more."

Susan rolled her eyes.

Twilight narrowed her eyes at the box. She noticed she left Sunset Shimmer's quill lying on her desk. "Oh, how did that get there? I must have been moving things around and forgot to find a place for it ..." She reached over to pick up the quill with her hoof, but she knocked the box over on top of it. "Oops."

Something strange happened when the box touched the quill. The box glowed with magical light, as did the quill, Both lifted themselves into the air, where the quill begin shifting and shaping, contorting and contracting.

"What-what's happening?" Twilight put her hooves up, bracing herself.

"I think … it's transforming?" Susan said. She was half-right; the quill lacked the chee-choo-chee-chink noise associated with Cybertronians. But the quill was changing, shifting in size, shape, and color until it became a golden key. The key's handle was bent and twisted into the rough shape of the six-pointed star which represented the Element of Magic.

The key levitated, inserting itself into a keyhole on the box. The magical glow faded away and the box levitated itself onto the desk.

Twilight, not sure what to make of this, looked at Susan.

XII: The Hydra and Its Heads

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Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy went into Twilight's office.

"You wanted to see us, darling?"

"Yes, I did." Twilight nodded. "Thank you for coming, girls."

"Well, yeah." Dash shrugged. "We're your friends. What do you got for us?"

Twilight rotated the Harmony Box on her desk, shifting its sides so the girls could see the key now set into the side of it. "Take a look at this. I was talking with Susan when I bumped the box with my hoof. It fell onto the quill Sunset Shimmer gave me, and then the quill turned turned into a key and inserted itself in! I was hoping maybe one of you might have an idea."

"Hmm." Rarity levitated the box into the air to give it an up-close and personal inspection. "Does this quill have any special properties?"

"Other than being sentimental to Sunset Shimmer, not that I know of."

Rarity narrowed her eyes. "Yes, well, given Sunset Shimmer's duplicity … it wouldn't surprise me if there was perhaps more to this quill than meets the eye."

"Let me see." Rainbow Dash grabbed the box and shook it. There was a rattling noise as the key key jiggled inside the lock, but nothing happened. Rainbow Dash attempted to peer inside the keyhole. She grabbed the key and tried to pull it out, only succeeding in straining her hoof. "Wow. That key is stuck in there good."

"Rainbow Dash, be careful!" Twilight, displeased with Dash's careless shaking of the box, used her magic to take it away from her. "We don't know how fragile this box is! You could have broken it." Twilight placed the box between her hooves, inspecting it for any signs of damage.

Rainbow Dash crossed her legs, uncaring.

Twilight set the box down on her desk and rested her knees on the desk. "I don't know why the Tree of Harmony gave us this box … but if we had to give up the Elements to get it, I'm sure it must be important! It has to be … right?" Twilight looked over at her friends.

Everypony looked uncomfortable, avoiding Twilight's gaze.

"Well, darling ..." Rarity said. "Speaking from my experience as a fashion expert, sometimes … you don't always get an equal trade."

"Hmm." Twilight looked at the box again before noticing someone standing outside the door of her office. "Come in."

It was a human. One of the volunteers Twilight and Magnum recruited to form the Imperials. He was carrying in his hand a blue and black plate which would be a perfect fit for his chest – his Vehicon-styled exosuit, in its compacted form.

"Hello … commander." The man said, soon joined by two other men.

"Please." Twilight stepped out from behind her desk. "Call me Twilight. What can I help you with?"

The man looked to his companions. "We're … retiring."

"Retiring?" Twilight tilted her head. "What do you mean?"

"After yesterday ..." The man explained. "We … we realized how serious this was. We didn't – we didn't think we were actually fighting in a war. A real war." The man laughed. "Well, I guess we knew, but we just pretended like we weren't. But we couldn't pretend anymore. Not after what happened."

"After the E.M.P hit, and we were stuck inside those suits ..." Another one of them said. "It was terrifying. I thought I was going to die." He lifted the exo-suit disc up. "I can't do that. I can't do this, everyday, knowing that every step I take could be my last. That I could go on a mission at any moment where I could die. I can't live like that. So … I'm quitting active duty." He placed the disc on Twilight's desk.

"I didn't know at the time." The first man said. "I don't think anybody knew at the time, but when the news about aliens went out, and the full list of the Autobots' deeds was made public, I realized … the Autobots had saved my son's life. So when Galloway starts making this big dramatic speech about how Optimus Prime was planning on betraying us all, I knew something was up. That was why I volunteered for the Imperials. But this … fighting, going out, risking my life, getting trapped inside that – that metal coffin … I can't do that." He also placed the disc on the desk, on top of the other disc, making a neat little pile.

Twilight closed her eyes and nodded. "I understand. How many of you feel this way?"

The man shook his head. "I don't know. I didn't exactly take a vote on it. There's like, maybe fifty or a hundred?"

Twilight walked over to her desk. "Tell them to turn in their exo-suits, and I'll relocate all of you to the civilian district."

"The civilian district?" One of the men asked. "We want to go home. We want to go back to our wives and daughters, our families and friends!"

"I know you do." Twilight said with utmost sincerity. "Believe me, I know what it's like to want to go home again. But I can't let you leave."

This resulted in protests and boos from the men.

"Please, you have to understand. What if one of Galloway's agents finds you? What if a rogue agent from a Decepticon splinter cell sees you? Our position would be compromised, and it would be a serious step backwards to what we're trying to accomplish here. I'll bring you all back to your families as soon as we've accomplished our goals."

"And … how long will that take?"

Twilight looked at him. "I don't know." Seeing his expression turn glum, Twilight longed to say something to reassure him. "How about this? We'll be done by the end of the year. I promise."

The men did not seem to believe her. Hanging their heads low, they walked out of the room. The remaining member tossed his exo-suit onto the pile.

Applejack walked up to Twilight and placed her hoof on Twilight's shoulder. "Twi, it was sweet of ya to try and promise they could see their families again so soon, but didn't yer mother teach ya about not making promises ya can't keep?"

Twilight looked at Applejack with concern and doubt. She walked away from her friend without a word.

The estimate they gave Twilight proved to be inaccurate. It was closer to the range of two-hundred humans. This was a large enough number to cut deeply into her ranks. While she may have able to whip up an army almost overnight, it was far from a large army – around 1500 troops, not counting the ones she was letting go. Made up of dissatisfied Vehicons, humans grateful to the Autobots, and Royal Guardsmen from Canterlot who thought Celestia's actions to appease Galloway and prevent war were a sign of weakness. And they were sick of Shining Armor's inability to do anything right.

Twilight realized she needed more recruits to make up for the loss, and fast, before she needed to mobilize her forces in any significant capacity.

"That's the last of them." Twilight waved off as the last of the humans were escorted by a Vehicon to the civilian district of the city.

"Twilight, darling, are you sure the district is going to have enough room to house all of them?" Rarity walked up and asked.

"I appreciate your concern, Rarity, but there's no need to worry." Twilight explained as she and Rarity walked down the hall. "Thanks to the Omega Lock's power, I can simply go into a control room and rearrange the city at will. I can make it 'transform,' if you will, and reassembly the district until it has enough houses for everypony. Er, everyone." Twilight went silent, and she looked distracted.

The circumstances of Twilight's discovery of the Omega Lock were suspect, Twilight knew that. An ancient Cybertronian device known only to the most dedicated of Cybertronian scholars, with the ability to initiate the regeneration of Cybertron – something the Autobots and Decepticons had coveted for the last four million years - and Twilight Sparkle, an Equestrian, had it practically handed to her on a silver platter. She had caught Alpha Trion, one of Cybertron's most respected sages and a valuable potential ally to have. He told her about the Omega Lock before pulling a Houdini on her. Why? And right as Galloway's, COBRA's, and Lazerback's schemes were coming to a head?

"Are you alright, darling?" Rarity asked. "You seem to have something on your mind."

Twilight shook her head. "It's fine. Just … thinking about the Omega Lock."

"And the exo-suits that are now no longer without owners?" Rarity asked, interrupting Twilight's thoughts before she could get any speculation going. "What will you do with them?"

"I don't know. Maybe refit them to fit ponies. Maybe I'll just store them in case we get new recruits. Or maybe smelt them down and use the materials to make weapons or – or drones, or something."

Rarity looked confused. "But … aren't the Vehicons drones?"

Rarity winced as Twilight glared daggers at her. "Rarity, I thought we covered this already."

"You're right. I'm sorry. I guess it's still a little much for me to wrap my head around ..."

Twilight looked at the floor. "Still … I'm not sure suddenly introducing two-hundred humans into my social experiment is a good idea." Twilight perked up and smiled – the kind of smile Rarity learned to recognize as the beginnings of Twilight Sparkle's many and famed freak-outs. "But it'll be good, though, right? Because sudden increases in population is something that can happen in any society, and it will test how an Equestrian/Earthling/Cybertronian community deals with both increased population and sudden change!" It was obvious to the point of transparency Twilight was deluding herself to try to make this sound positive.

Twilight laughed before sighing and lowering her head. Even she could see how she was trying to fool herself. Rarity patted her on the back. The pair looked up as Fluttershy, smiling, walked past them.

"Hey, Fluttershy." Twilight rose her head. "Where are you going?"

"Oh, I thought I would go say hi to Grimwing." Fluttershy answered. "I haven't heard from him in awhile, and, well … you know how I feel about animals." Fluttershy blushed. "I want to make sure he feels comfortable here."

"Grimwing's not an animal. He's a Predacon." Rarity said.

"Well… he’s still very animal like,” Fluttershy said, “you know, like the Insecticons are. They can talk, sure, but they’ve made it clear to me they prefer to register as animals, not machines.”

"Hmph! Be that as it may, he’s not like the bunnies and cows on Equestria you’ve bonded with, Fluttershy." Rarity said. "He's a Predacon. A wild, vicious, raging Predacon!"

"Grimwing is actually pretty calm and civil," Twilight said. "Which is more than I can say for some Predacons..." Memories of Lazerback and Goradora flashed through her mind. "Why don't I join you, Fluttershy? I could use something to get my mind off things..."

Twilight joined Fluttershy in visiting Grimwing in the chambers Twilight had set aside for him. Bales of hay were set around the room, along with a perch for Grimwing to nest on, as he was doing now. Twilight had tried to put him in the same room as Grimlock and the Dinobots, but Grimwing insisted on nesting alone. Which was probably for the best, as the Dinobots weren't likely to appreciate a plus-one anyways.

Grimwing's Mini-Con was scurrying across the floor, running back and forth and squawking. It screeched and flew into the air before divebombing into a haystack. It amused Fluttershy when his beak poked out from the pile.

"Hello, Grimwing." Fluttershy said. "How are you?"

Grimwing converted to robot mode to speak. "Hello, Fluttershy. I am quite well, thank you." Grimwing spread his wings and descended off the perch.

While Twilight watched the Mini-Con run around, Fluttershy continued to talk with Grimwing. "How is everyone treating you?"

"They treat me well. " Grimwing put a finger to his chin. "Though I suspect that is because they are afraid of me." Grimwing's Mini-Con stopped and began to glare at Twilight.

"Well, who wouldn't be?" Fluttershy walked up to Grimwing and rubbed his leg, making some faux-seductive motions. "You're so big and strong and muscular!" Fluttershy pretended to swoon.

Grimwing laughed at Fluttershy's joke. "On a more serious note, Grimlock, in particular, seems to hold some sort of animosity towards me."

"Grimlock has animosity towards everyone." Fluttershy said. Grimwing's Mini-Con flared up its wings and threw itself into the air, pouncing on Twilight and engaging her in a tussle, forcing her onto her back as they wrestled. Fluttershy and Grimwing remained oblivious.

"I suppose … still, I can't help but feel as though there is something about me he resents." Grimwing said. He stroked his chin. "And as nice as some of the Imperials are, it would be nice to see my fellow Predacons again … I consider them my friends, Predaking chief amongst them."

Hearing this caused Twilight to perk her head up. She ended her wrestling match with the Mini-Con by bucking it off, where it scurried to Grimwing's feet. Twilight rolled over onto her hooves and her horn lit up in excitement, conjuring a light bulb over her head as she had an idea.

"I have an idea!" Twilight announced. She noticed the conjured light bulb and tossed it aside. "We'll go to Cybertron and recruit Predaking and the other Predacons! We'll have Grimwing act as a mediator." Twilight clapped her hooves together. It was a brilliant idea. Grimwing would have Predaking to talk to again, and they would strengthen up their forces and more than make up for the humans who resigned earlier. One Predacon was easily worth a hundred human soldiers. Imagine if Twilight had multiple Predacons following her orders! And if their strength was combined with the Dinobots, they would be almost unstoppable.

"Are you certain that is wise, Twilight Sparkle?" Grimwing asked. "Predaking did not seemed pleased when I made my decision to join your Imperials."

"We have to try." Twilight told him. "I'm going to assemble a team. Let's see, who do I want to take … Smokescreen? No, he's too impulsive. Bumblebee, maybe, he's good with people … Magnum, Magnus, and Grimlock, in case things get hairy. Yeah, that should do it. Grimwing, get ready. We head out for the Sea of Rust in thirty minutes. Pack your sunscreen."

Twilight ran out of the room.

Grimwing knelt down, picked up his Mini-Con up, and petted it as he held it in his arms.

Twilight Sparkle traveled by Space Bridge to the Sea of Rust on Cybertron. Accompanying her was Magnum, Ultra Magnus, and Grimlock should a skirmish ensue. Grimwing, to bridge the gap between pony and Predacon, and Bumblebee, to help Grimwing. The Sea of Rust earned its name, as there was nary a Cybertronian building in sight. Everything was either sand or rusted hunks of once-great metal. Strong wings blew huge amounts of sand or peeled-away rust around, some of which could get into Cybertronian bodies and spread the corrosion to their joints. The Predacons had to be hardy to make this their home.

"Can we get this over with?" Grimlock asked. "I don't want the rust here getting into my servos."

Twilight Sparkle walked a few paces ahead of the group. Trying not to show any sign of weakness, she scanned the area with glaring eyes before shouting.

"PREDAKING! I know you're here. SHOW YOURSELF!"

Twilight's voice echoed through the empty desert. For a moment, no one appeared, prompting Grimlock to turn around. Soon, though, the sound of footsteps reach their ears. Predaking arrived, walking through the desert in his robot form. He made no reaction to a rust-covered breeze as it sprayed against his shoulders.

Predaking stopped a few paces in front of Twilight Sparkle. He gave Grimwing a bitter glare before turning his attention to Twilight. "Why have you come here, Twilight Sparkle?"

"To talk to you." Twilight said. "To try and convince you to join the Imperials."

Predaking scoffed. "When Grimwing decided to join you, I said nothing. I allowed him to do as he wished. But I will not be a part of your conflict. Your crusade against the humans has nothing to do with me." Predaking turned around and prepared to walk away.

"Wait!" Grimwing held his hand out. "We fight more than just the humans, Predaking. There are villains out there whose vile schemes threaten all of us. With your help, my brother -"

Predaking whipped around. "You forfeit the right to call me brother when you left our people to join with them!" Predaking pointed at the Autobots.

"That's it. I'm taking him down." Grimlock banged his knuckles together. Grimwing held him back.

"When that rampaging Driller threatened Cybertron, you and Grimlock were quite an effective team." Grimwing said. "Why do you choose not to ally with him now?"

"I have no conflict on Earth," Predaking said, his optics never moving away from Grimwing. "There is… nothing of interest to me there."

Before Grimwing could say anything further, the party was interrupted by an uninvited guest.

"Well, I wasn't expecting this!"

"Lazerback." Predaking greeted him with contempt. Twilight glared at Lazerback while Magnum and Ultra Magnus readied their weapons.

"What are you doing here?" Twilight snapped at him.

Lazerback gave a mocking bow to Twilight, waving his hand. "I'm just here to see if I might … persuade Predaking to join my side."

"You have nothing to offer me." Predaking told him. "You abandoned my kingdom. You mean nothing to me."

"No?" Lazerback said. "Not even the promise of an Earth where you're free to do as you wish? To destroy to your Spark's content?"

"Everything I desire can be found here." Predaking gestured to the Sea of Rust around them. Predaking glanced at Grimwing again. "Almost everything ..."

"What about a place by my side when I win the Cybertronian election? Hmm?" Lazerback offered.

"I have no use for power in politics." Predaking crossed his arms. "One of you had best offer something I desire, and you'd best do it soon. I tire of wasting my time with you both."

"I have friends, Predaking." Lazerback said. "Powerful friends. Friends who have an interest in seeing Cybertron – indeed, the entire Cybertronian race – brought to heel. Made to bow to their masters. Take my advice, Predaking. Start currying favor with them now. It's only a matter of time before they get what they want, and you don't want to be on their bad side when that happens."

"You overestimate the ability of your … friends." Twilight Sparkle said. "The Imperials will stop them."

Lazerback leaned over. "Is that so, little pony?"

"Enough!" Predaking shouted. "Neither of you has anything of value to offer me. This meeting is adjourned." Predaking turned around and walked away, heading into the Sea of Rust.

"What a shame. We would have been great, you and I." Lazerback muttered, watching Predaking departed. Twilight and the Autobots began to walk away as well. Lazerback's smirk returned. "Well, as long as I'm here, I might as well ..."

Lazerback reached behind his back, pulling out his Toxic Strike Blaster. He aimed it at Twilight Sparkle. One shot from this angle would be enough to melt through Twilight's armor and reach the fragile, fleshy pony inside the metal casing, removing Twilight Sparkle from the playing field.

Grimwing and Predaking both stopped, hearing something with their keen Predacon senses. Predaking turned around and saw Lazerback taking aim with his weapon.

Predaking roared and charged Lazerback, tackling him and causing the acid from the blaster to shoot into the air and hit the ground, a safe distance away from Twilight. Twilight gasped. She wondered how she could be so stupid as to expect Lazerback to depart peacefully from neutral ground.

Predaking and Lazerback went tumbling, Predaking holding Lazerback in a headlock before releasing him.

"You dare to strike your opponent while her back is turned? On neutral ground? Your conflict does not belong here!" Predaking raised his fist and struck Lazerback, knocking him backwards. "Coward!"

Predaking continued to pound Lazerback, alternating fists as he pummeled Lazerback's head, sending Lazerback staggering with each blow. "You have no honor! You are a disgrace to our entire species!"

Lazerback didn't care for Predaking's lecture. Why did he ever think trying to recruit this honor-bound fool to his side? The side which, Lazerback would admit, was dedicated to random chaos? Lazerback steadied himself enough to aim his Blaster again and fired, shooting out a spray of acid which hit Predaking in the stomach, melting his frame.

"Let me give you a hand with that." Grimlock came to Predaking's aid. He blindsided Lazerback, punching him square in the cheek.

"There's no need to go it alone." Grimwing ran up, sending Lazerback backwards with a single, yet well-placed punch.

"Gah!" Lazerback shook his head to clear his disorientation. He prepared himself for a fight, pulling out a flail-like weapon with an axe-head on the end of it. He swung the flail around for a bit before taking another look at his opponents and reconsidering his odds. Twilight's team had joined in and taken fighting positions, Magnum and Ultra Magnus training their weapons on Lazerback. Two Predacons, a Dinobot, an Elite Guardsman, a Wrecker, a super-powerful Princess unicorn with a grudge against him, and a bug.

One on one, Lazerback was confident he could take Predaking in a fight. But the odds were against him now. While he thought he could get away with taking out Bumblebee and maybe Twilight, the combined efforts of the rest of them would tear him apart.

Before Predaking and the others could launch their assault and give Lazerback a much-deserved beating, a screech echoed from the sky. A red Predacon appeared overhead, this one with wings. It swooped down, snatching its talons around Lazerback's shoulders, and carried the flightless Predacon away. It was moving too fast for anyone to make out any details on it, other than it had a tail and wings.

Predaking was joined by the others as he watched Lazerback be ferried to safety, out of the range of their wrath. He might have given pursuit, but he did not want to risk agitating his injuries from the acid.

"Predaking ..." Grimwing said.

"Lazerback must be made to pay for his treachery." Predaking cut him off. "Of that there can be no doubt."

"You know, Predaking, if you joined the Imperials, you would get plenty of chances to punish Lazerback ..." Twilight said.

Predaking turned to Twilight Sparkle.

"Twilight Sparkle, after some careful consideration, I have decided to join your Imperials after all."

Twilight smiled.

Elsewhere, in the Nevada desert on Earth, a portal manifested. It was a strange portal. It appeared to be either a GroundBridge or Space Bridge, but colored in dark blue rather than the proper green.

A man hopped out from the portal, landing on his feet with his knees bent. He stood up, a grim look of determination on his face. He surveyed his surroundings before sprinting towards the direction of Jasper, Nevada.

Inside the Imperial base, Jack drummed his fingers on the desk. Raf played a video game on his laptop and Miko chewed on some Japanese candy Twilight had been kind enough to get for her.

Jack stopped drumming his fingers, causing Miko and Raf to look towards him.

Jack sighed and placed a hand on his forehead. "How long are we going to be doing this?"

Miko and Raf looked at each other. Miko took the candy out of her mouth. "Doing what?"

"This." Jack gestured around the room. "We're still doing this after so long. After three years of helping the Autobots, we're still … helping the Autobots. We should have been done with this by now. I should be filling college application letters and dating Sierra. And so should you, Miko. And Raf should – Raf should be at M.I.T or something by now!"

"Ha!" Bulkhead, Arcee, and Bumblebee appeared.

"Welcome to my life." Arcee crossed her arms. "You think I envisioned myself four million years ago fighting in a war that seemed to never end on some small, water-covered planet?"

"Arcee … " Jack said. "You know human lives are shorter than Cybertronians. Three years is a lot bigger deal to us than it is to you. Three … years." Jack balled up his hands into fists. "Three whole years, and the war is over … and then Twilight Sparkle, the peace-loving Equestrian, starts up another war because she happens to have a problem with the way Galloway is running things!"

"Don't you?" Miko asked. "Galloway is a jerk. And he wants to make the Cybertronians slaves of the government! Do you want a life like that for Arcee?"

Jack calmed down a little. "I'm … sorry, Miko. You're right. I guess I'm just … looking for someone to blame." He rubbed the back of his head. "But … do you really follow up a war with another war? Is that the best way to create change in the political system?"

"Ha." Bulkhead laughed. "You don't know your own history. It's true on Cybertron and on Earth. Six times out of ten, someone's starting a war because they're unhappy with the way the last war ended."

"Twilight Sparkle isn't forcing you to stay," Arcee said. "If you want, you can move to the civilian district. Withdraw from the war effort. You have that option. You're not the one being persecuted by Galloway and his cronies for being aliens. For being … different."
Jack looked up at Arcee. "Arcee, I'm sorry … I didn't think ..."
"If Optimus were here, I bet he’d say something like 'people fear what they don't understand.'" Bulkhead said. "And the humans, bless their hearts, don't understand us. Not yet, at least. Someday, things will be better,, and things like what's happening now won't develop." Bulkhead looked at his forearm, where his weapons were stored. "But I guess until that day, we're going to have to keep fighting for our freedoms."
Jack's cell phone rang. "It is alright if I ..."
"Go ahead." Bulkhead said. "Twilight told me she has this placed shielded to the nines, so your phone shouldn’t be totally untraceable, as long as you keep the call inside the force field."
Jack opened the phone and put it to his ear. "Hello?"
"Hello, Jack," a smooth male voice answered. "I don't think we've met before. I'm your uncle, Johnson. Johnson Darby. I would like to meet you."
"I didn't know I had an uncle," Jack said.
Laughter emitted from the phone. "That's my brother for you. He never did like to talk about much. Can we set up somewhere to meet? Maybe go out for lunch?"
"Y-yeah ..." Jack said. "Yeah, okay. I'll call you back." Jack closed the phone.
"Who was it?" Miko asked.
"He say he's my uncle." Jack tried to find the phone number, but there wasn't any. "No number? That's weird... what is going on here?”

Agent Fowler walked through the army base building. He stopped in front of the door leading to Bryce's office and took in a deep breath. Bryce had called him, saying he wanted to 'chat,' and Fowler had a good feeling he knew what Bryce wanted to chat about.

Fowler turned the doorknob and walked inside. "You wanted to see me, General Bryce?" Fowler tried to keep up a pleasant disposition, but it disappeared when he saw Attinger sitting next to Bryce. "What's he doing here?"

"Come in, Bill." Bryce gestured to the chair. "Sit down. Attinger and I just want to talk, that's all."

Fowler sat down, though not without making his displeasure clear through his facial expressions.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"Your … connection with the Autobots." Attinger leaned forward, placing his elbows on the desk. "I know you fought with the Autobots. I know you and Optimus Prime were … close." Attinger said. "That kind of friendship, that kind of devotion ..." Attinger shook his head. "It can blind a man."

"What are you implying?" Fowler squinted at Attinger.

"All right." Attinger sat back. "I can see you're a man who likes it fair and simple, so I'll just straight-up ask you. Agent Fowler, do you have any sympathy for the Autobots Imperial terrorist group?"

Agent Fowler took in a sharp breath. He had to calm himself and make his answer seem as natural as possible. He couldn't give Atttinger one hint. The slightest tell, the dilation of his eye, the way he breathed, might have been enough to clue Attinger he wasn't being honest. "No."

Attinger pinched his fingers around his glasses and lowered them, looking at Attinger with his steely eyes.


"For some reason, Agent Fowler, I'm not sure I believe you." Attinger said. "Care to change your answer?"

Fowler shook his head. He hunched forward, putting his hands on his knees. "Look …" Fowler stalled for time before raising his head up. "I fought by the Autobots' side against the Decepticons for a few years. They saved my life a few times. And I saved theirs. They were my fellow soldiers, as much as the next Army Ranger. You can't fight on the battlefield without getting to grow close. You can understand that, can't you?"

Attinger smiled. He tried to make it a reassuring smile, but Fowler thought of it more like the kind of smile a shark would give if it was trying to tell Fowler it wouldn't eat him, right before trying to eat him. "Of course. And when Galloway's new laws went into effect, and the Autobots were mostly rendered criminals, how did you feel?"

"Honestly?" Fowler said. "I felt betrayed. These 'bots have been protecting us from the 'Cons for years without asking anything in return."

Attinger nodded. "Let me ask you a follow-up question. Agent Fowler, where do your loyalties lie? With America or with the Autobots?"

Fowler chuckled, playing it off. "If I had to choose between the two, I would always pick -"

The Autobots. Fowler thought. The Autobots are people. America is a country, and countries will take you for granted a way the Autobots won't.

"America," Fowler said. "Maybe I do have some sympathy for the Imperials. If you ask me, they have a good point. Their hearts might be in the right place, but at the end of the day, I can't overlook that what they're doing is illegal."

Attinger chuckled. "Now that is an answer I can believe. You're free to go, Agent Fowler."

"But before you do," Bryce reached over the desk and held up a slip of paper to Fowler. "Would you mind going out and getting us some doughnuts? The staff here does good work, and they deserve a treat."

Fowler laughed. "Okay." He took the paper and looked up at Attinger. "By the way, Ghost ..." Fowler used Attinger's nickname to push his buttons. "How's Cobra Commander doing?"

Attinger's face contorted into a scowl and it was obvious he was holding back the urge to hit Fowler. "If you are referring to the terrorist Adam DeCobray by his alias, last I knew he was doing fine in his cell. And Fowler, please. Don't justify these terrorists' egos by calling them the lofty titles they endow themselves with."

"Really?" Fowler said. "I heard DeCobray was found dead in his cell. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?"

Attinger cricked his neck. "No."

"Okay." Fowler got out from his seat. "I guess that's an answer I can believe."

Attinger looked ready to jump out of his chair and strangle Fowler.

Fowler, chuckling, left the room. He closed the door and unfolded the paper, expecting to find a list of what kinds of doughnut Bryce wanted for his men and perhaps some money for the purchase. He was not expecting to find two pieces, a pink one folded inside the white one. Fowler grimaced as he read the white one. It was written in call caps and messily scrawled, as though the writer was pressed for time.






P.S. Make sure you come back with the doughnuts. Attinger will get suspicious if you don't. He notices details like an ant notices food.

Signed, Bryce.

Fowler, grimacing, pocketed both letters.


"Gyah!" Fowler almost jumped out of his skin when Attinger appeared behind him. "You really are a ghost."

"I just wanted you to know…" Attinger put his hands on Fowler's shoulders in comfort, but it made Fowler's skin crawl. "I've been working this gig for a long awhile, and I know what you're going through. I've had friends of mine turn out to be terrorists. And I received orders from my superiors to put them down." Attinger patted Fowler on the side. "It's tough. I know it's tough. But we'll get through this. Together."

Fowler nodded. "Sure."
Fowler turned away. "But I know the Autobots, Attinger. You don't. They're not terrorists." Fowler looked down at the doughnut order.

Ratchet pushed a series of buttons Vigil's controls before pressing down on one large button. Vigil responded with a beep and an error message. Ratchet growled and slammed his fist onto the keyboard.

"Please don't do that," Vigil said. "It's very uncomfortable."

Ratchet raised his eyebrow. "Right. I'm sorry, Vigil. I'm just not used to Earth technology having anything close to a decent artificial intelligence." Ratchet bared his teeth.

"I will make a note of that," Vigil said.

Ratchet punched in the command he was attempting to run a second time, getting another beep and another error message. Ratchet threw his hands up in frustration. "OH! Why you won't work, you slag-metal computer?" Ratchet realized what he said. "I'm sorry, Vigil. I didn't mean that. I'm just losing my patience with this blasted code won't work..."

"If the code will not run on my system, perhaps you should consider adjusting the code," Vigil said.

"Don't you think I would have thought of that?" Ratchet asked.

"I am detecting some hostility in your voice and body language," Vigil said. "Would you like to relax with a distracting game? My databanks suggest humans will often use this technique when a task proves too frustrating for them." Vigil's screen turned into a display of a chessboard with red and blue pieces. "Chess, in particular, has become one of my favorites from the footage I've reviewed so far."

Ratchet leaned forward. "Chess with a primitive Earth A.I?" Ratchet shrugged. "Fine. What's the worst that could happen?"

Ratchet soon found Vigil was not as primitive as he thought, as Vigil proved an excellent chess player, often coming close to winning and maneuver Ratchet into checkmate multiple times through the multiple matches they played.

"I must say, you are quite good at this game." Ratchet said. "For an Earth computer."

"Ah." Vigil said. "I take it this is what my databanks refer to as a back-handed compliment?"

Realizing what he said, Ratchet looked at the floor. "I'm … sorry, Vigil. I didn't mean it that way."

"Shall we play another round?"

Ratchet smiled. "Sure. Uh ..." Ratchet twiddled with his fingers. "Would you like to change colors?"

"No thank you."

There was a long silence.



"I accept your apology."

"Heh." Ratchet chuckled, and they continued playing. Time passed.

"Ratchet!" Galloway barged into the room. "I hope you're not doing anything important with Vigil at the moment, as I've decided you'll be more useful elsewhere for the time being."

"Hmm? Oh, yes, yes." Ratchet mumbled, more focused on playing chess with Vigil. "Oh, you tricky -! I should have seen that one coming, honestly ..."

Galloway inspected Vigil's screen. "What, uh, what are you two doing?"

"We're playing chess, obviously." Ratchet said. "I've been considering uploading a patch to change it to the Cybertronian version ..."

"Cybertron has its own version of chess?"

Ratchet turned towards him. "We have a game like chess, at the very least."

"And ..." Galloway paced around, kicking his legs out. "How long have you been playing chess?"

"Not that long." Ratchet said. "Maybe thirty cycles?"

"12 matches over 50 minutes, Ratchet." Vigil said.

Ratchet scratched his head. "That long?"

"Yes, well ..." Galloway said. "If you're not making any progress with Vigil – and you're clearly not – we'll be relocating you for a little while. Relax, it's only a temporary thing. That's Business 101; Allocation of Assets. You understand, don't you?

"Oh?" Vigil said. "That's a shame. I thought Ratchet and I were making rather good progress of a different sort ..."

Ratchet pulled himself away from Vigil. "And where we will be going?"

Galloway smiled. "You'll find out."

A GroundBridge opened, right on cue. Galloway motioned for Ratchet to enter, and followed behind him.

"Ah, freaking Bridge ..." Galloway grumbled, lurching over and clutching at his stomach. "Gets me every time."

"Huh." Ratchet was amused. "Fitting. A weak constitution to go with your weak morals." He observed where the Bridge had transported them; there was a fountain, a parking lot, and a huge skyscraper building. Huge metal letters were mounted to the front of the building, spelling "Gould Enterprises."

"Gould … Enterprises?" Ratchet questioned. He clenched his fist. "Galloway, you can not expect me to work for that pompous blowhard Dylan Gould!"

Galloway glared at him. "Actually, I can. Or did you forget the terms of our little arrangement? Hmm? Or are you so set against the idea of working for Mister Gould – who I consider a good personal friend of mine – that you would rather die and not give your friends the chance to rescue you alive?"

Ratchet remained silent.

"Ratchet?" Galloway growled with an arched eyebrow.

"I'm weighing my options." Ratchet closed his optics and shook his head. "Let's go inside."

"Good choice." Galloway walked towards the entrance. Another GroundBridge opened up for them, and they walked in to find themselves inside the building on one of the higher floors. It was quite a spacious floor – there was even enough room for Ratchet to walk without having to crouch.

Ratchet examined the room. There were lots of plants, benches, employees walking around in lab coats and security guards standing watch, including Harold Attinger himself … and a Morbot, painted in red.

Ratchet chuckled, going up to the Morbot. "A Morbot. Huh. You know, the last time I saw one of these, Morocco was still around to control them himself."

"And indeed I am." A posh, accented voice said from within the Morbot. Its chest opened up to reveal Morocco inside. The Morbot deployed a platform from its chest which carried Morocco to the floor.

"Morocco!" Ratchet stepped back in surprise. "How are you still alive? Twilight Sparkle watched you die!"

"Amazing what one can do with a simple sleight of hand, isn't it?" Morocco said, examining his gloved hand. "Oh, I do so love a good magic trick, don't you?"

"Doctor Morocco is a friend of a friend of mine." Galloway said. "You two will be working together."

"But … Twilight Sparkle …" Ratchet stammered.

"Oh, Twilight, Twilight, Twilight! Don't you ever talk about anything that isn't related to ponies?" Morocco sneered. "If you must know, Galloway and Gould set the whole thing up. Let my old age catch up to me, invite Twilight Sparkle to my cell, and fall victim to a coughing fit. It makes Twilight Sparkle and her Equestrian friends look bad … and everyone none the wiser when Gould's associate pull me from my cell and help me to my Chamber of Youth to rejuvenate."

"That's what this was? Ratchet asked. "This was all … some sort of trick, so you could make Twilight Sparkle look bad?"

"Yes." Morocco said. "And it worked beautifully, did it not?"

"Do you have any idea how that affected her? How watching you die affected her? It devastated her. It rattled her. I had never seen her so shaken up. In fact ..." Ratchet looked around at the employees going about their business. He leaned in close to Morocco and spoke in a hushed tone. "If it weren't for the all the humans and agents around, I'd kill you myself, right here, right now, on her behalf. If only so I wouldn't have to tell her what really happened."

"Yes, well … aren't you charming?" Morocco quipped.

Ratchet drew himself up and turned to Galloway. "Galloway, you said Morocco and I will be working together. What we will be working on?"

"I can answer that." Dylan Gould made his presence known with a clap. "You two will be working together … on that." Gould pointed his fingers at a workstation which was further back in the room. Mechanical arms and pincers were mounted to the edges of platforms and ladders, arranged in a circle around a robot. A robot who, at a casual glance, appeared to be Bumblebee, painted over in a striking, vibrant shade of red. His head lacked Bumblebee's features, though, instead having a green visor for a face.

As he walked up to the display, Ratchet was disgusted. "What sort of cheap knock-off is this?"

"This is Stinger." Gould said. "Inspired by Bumblebee, but better in every way. He's the end result of our project to reverse-engineer Cybertronian robots to fight for the good old United States of America." Gould smiled. "Obviously, we haven't be able to work out all the little … kinks. Trying to scratch-build our own Cybertronian has resulted in … eh, a few glitches."

Gould pointed at Ratchet.

"That's where you come in. With your understanding of Cybertronian biology, you'll be able to help us to determine what's causing those glitches. and have this thing run smoother than a Ferrari."

Ratchet crossed his arms, admitting a begrudging respect for Gould's ambitions. "Why Bumblebee? Why not a more … imposing, more powerful Cybertronian? Like – like Optimus Prime or Megatron?" Admittedly, Ratchet didn't think he'd like looking at a cheap Optimus knock-off anymore than this Bumblebee knock-off, but he wanted to know.

"Pfft." Gould scoffed. "Yeah, model our design after Megatron, THERE's a good idea … but to answer your question, our tests found Bumblebee's small body was the most economical to duplicate. We want to put Stinger here into mass-production, and our projection models showed Bumblebee was the most cost-effective on an industrial scale. The most bang for our buck, if you will. He's just the right size. Not as expensive as, say, a Bulkhead knock-off, would be, but more room for custom, personalized modifications than an Arcee-sized drone would be."

Ratchet scoffed. "You want to make more of these abominations?"

"Oh, yes." Gould said. "A lot more." He snapped his fingers and walked off. "Now get to work! Time is money, you know."

"And Primus knows you need to conserve your money ..." Ratchet grumbled at Gould's pompousness. He crossed his arms. "No."

"N-no?" Gould stuttered.

"That's right. No." Ratchet said. "I won't help you with your war machines. Creating a knock-off like this for a piece of slag like you ... it goes against almost everything I stand for, both as a medic and as an Autobot."

"Ratchet ..." Attinger walked up to him. "Listen to me. It's cute that you, as a robot, can pretend to have 'beliefs.' But let me remind you that this building is guarded by both mine and Gould's agents. They will take you out through whatever means necessary the second I give the order. So let me ask you this; are you willing to die for your beliefs?"

Ratchet narrowed his eyes at Attinger.

"Are you?"

Attinger stared at Ratchet, his eyes stoic and devoid of emotion.

"Attinger?" Gould bit his lip and put a hand on Attinger's shoulder. "Why don't you come join me for some coffee?" He hoped to defuse the situation without violence. Attinger and Ratchet were both valuable assets to him, and losing either one would be a setback to his operations.

"Sounds good," Attinger agreed, nodding while still glaring at Ratchet. Gould walked him out of the room.

Ratchet, seeing no other choice, began to examine Stinger. He tapped on its visor before moving on and poking at its shoulders.

In the city of Canterlot High, Sunset Shimmer walked to an empty grass field. She had her eyes closed and her arms wrapped around herself.

"Everyone hates me now." Sunset Shimmer opened her eyes to the sky. "I should have never listened to Celestia … I should have gone through with my plan."

Sunset heard the grass crunch behind her. She turned around to see three girls she'd never met before standing there.

"Did – did you follow me?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

"Yes," one of the trio said. "But it was for a good cause. We wanted to talk to you." She approached Sunset Shimmer, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I'm Adagio Dazzle. These are my friends, Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk."

"Hey!" Sonata protested. "How come Aria's name is first?"

"Shut up, Sonata." Adagio snapped.

"Interesting names." Sunset Shimmer said. She looked at Adagio's neck. "That necklace you have is pretty. Where did you get it?"

"Er ..." Adagio clutched at the necklace as though afraid Sunset was going to steal it. "They were made for us."

"Exclusively for us." Aria Blaze said.


"We heard you talking and thought we could come help."

"You did?"

Adagio nodded. "We did. See, we have some … experience when it comes to being hated. We thought we could help you." Adagio began to walk in circles around Sunset Shimmer, trailing her hand along Sunset Shimmer's shoulders. "We know all about you, Sunset Shimmer … in fact."

Adagio cupped Sunset's chin and tilted her head up.

"We may know some things about you don't know about yourself."

It was at this point Sunset began to feel a little uncomfortable, especially given how little regard Adagio had for her personal space.

"We can help you." Adagio said. "And you can help us."

"I-is that so?" Sunset hoped Adagio wouldn't catch onto her stutter. She also heard a noise in the distance, which she hoped wasn't Adagio using some sort of magic on her.

"Mm-hmm." Adagio nodded. "We can make it so that everyone doesn't hate you. We can make them love you. All you have to do is put in a good word for us every now and then … and maybe suggest to Principal Celestia some sort of … musical showcase?" Adagio fluttered her eyelashes. "What do you say?"

"Uh-huh. And how would you be able to make everyone … love … me?" Sunset's speech paused as the noise grew louder and louder.

Wait a minute … Sunset thought. That's not magic.

"What's that noise?" Sonata Dusk asked.

"Maybe it's the ringing inside of your empty skull?" Aria suggested.

Sonata glared at Aria, not appreciating her comment. They both scattered when they saw what the noise was – a news van which was coming straight at them. Aria and Sonata both hit the ground to get out of the way, and the van rolled up to behind Adagio before stopping.

The van had the emblem of a cobra, painted in red on its side. The door opened up, and a man in blue costume wearing a riot helmet stepped out. He pointed an assault rifle in the air and fired a few shots before aiming it at Adagio and barking orders. "GET ON THE GROUND, NOW!"

"Do as he says!" Sunset Shimmer shouted, recognizing the assault rifle for the lethal weapon it was – something Adagio didn't seem to understand. Sunset got onto her knees and put her hands on her head. Adagio Dazzle followed Sunset Shimmer's example, and Aria and Sonata followed Adagio's lead.

"You, you, and you," the man pointed at Adagio, Aria, and Sonata before pointing inside. "Get in the van."

"Uh, why would we do that?" Sonata asked.

What is wrong with this girl? Sunset thought. Doesn't she realize this man has a gun?

"Don't ask questions!" Sunset Shimmer shouted. "Just do what he says and pray he lets you live!"

"You know what?" The man said. He pointed a finger at Sunset Shimmer. "I like you. You're smart. Just for that, I think I'll let you live." His voice was dripping with cruelty. "Now get in the van!"

"What if we don't wanna?"

He fired another round into the air to let them know he meant business. "GET IN THE VAN, NOW!" The deafening sound of the rifle's rapid fire was enough to convince Adagio and her friends to obey, climbing into the van. "That's it. That's it. Keep your hands behind your heads." Sonata Dusk was the last girl to go inside.

"Go go go GO!" The man shouted at the driver, pulling the van's door shut. Sunset heard the van's engines turn over as the driver hit the accelerator and swerved around, almost running over her as the van drove off the grass and onto the road.

Tablet. Sunset Shimmer thought. I need my tablet. As Twilight said she would, she had gotten Raf to set Sunset up with an electronic tablet which could contact the other dimension at any time, allowing Sunset Shimmer to call Twilight and her friends for anything she needed.

Like reporting an abduction, for example.

At the Imperial base, Jack and Miko stood outside the GroundBridge control room, anxious about Jack's uncle.

Jack’s phone kept ringing.

“Aren’t you gonna answer it?” Miko asked.

“I don’t know,” Jack said. “Someone claiming to be my ‘uncle’ just shows up out of the blue one day? And after everything that happened with

Lazerback and all? I mean, why didn’t he call sooner?”

Miko took the phone from Jack’s hand.


“Listen, dude, if you’re not willing to bite the bullet, leave it to a girl who actually has some brass to do it,” Miko said.

“Miko, I don’t think this is a good idea!” Jack shouted, trying to reach and take his phone back, but Miko kept him at bay by pushing on his solar plexus.

“Hello, Jack’s Uncle? This is Miko speaking,” Miko answered the phone. “Hello?”

A GroundBridge opened up next to them.

“Uh,” Miko lowered the phone, “is that normal? Jack, does your phone have a Bridge button on it?”


A man stepped out of the Bridge, tall and resembling Jack, with an amount of unshaven scruff on his face.

“I’m sorry about this,” the man said. He grabbed Jack and Miko by the heads and bashed their skulls together, knocking them out.

“Now, where to start?” the man muttered to himself. He walked along, passing two Vehicons. “How do you do, officers?”

“Good, good, how are you - hey, wait a minute,” the Vehicon and his partner stopped to look at the man. “Do I know you? You don’t look familiar. Are you a new recruit?”

“Uh, yeah, something like that,” the man replied.

“Mmm. I’m gonna need to see some form of ID, sir,” the Vehicon.

“Oh, well, I, uh, I lost mine. Dropped it near a water drain, you know,” the man said.

The Vehicons looked to each other. They primed their integrated weapons and trained them on the man. “Why don’t you come with us, sir? I think we need to ask you a couple of questions.”

“Why don’t you take it up with my E.M.P generator?” the man asked, reaching into his ratty coat and pulling out a round device which resembled a doorbell. He pushed the button, and a pulse of blue energy shot out from the device, electrocuting the two Vehicons and turning them temporarily offline.

“Now, where was I?” the man asked, putting the device back in his pocket while the unconscious Vehicons fell down behind him, their bodies clanging against the floor.

Elsewhere, Twilight, completely unaware of the intrusion, went to discuss a few things with her new recruit Predaking.

“Hey, Predaking! How are you liking the Imperial life so far?” Twilight asked.

"I already grow weary of your talk." Predaking declared with a stomp. "When do we begin the hunt for Lazerback?"

"Uh, right now, in fact," Twilight said. "You see, it's not that simple, Predaking. We do things a little differently here. We have sensors and satellites imaging constantly active. Whenever we detect one of our enemies making movements, we mobilize and respond. And we have a lot of enemies. But don't worry. We're going to keep responding from one target to the next and eventually, one of them will lead us to Lazerback, and I promise, you and I will be the first ones to take him on." Twilight gave him a big smile.

"We'll get to work setting up your quarters. We'll put you in the same room as Grimwing."

"Hmph." Predaking glared at Grimwing, which caused Grimwing to look concerned. "What makes you think I want to share a room with Grimwing?"

"I …" Twilight was upset, thinking she had hurt Predaking's feelings. "I'm sorry, Predaking. I assumed, since you were both Predacons, you would have similar needs ..."

"You assume much," Predaking said.

"Um, okay... " Twilight cupped her chin. "I guess I'll put you in with the Dinobots, then?"

Predaking sniffed the air, his keen Predacon senses detecting the slightest change. Grimwing picked up on it too. Grimlock balled his hands into fists.

"Grimlock, are you alright?" Grimwing asked. "You seem tense."

"RRAAAHH!" Grimlock roared, flailing his hands in the air. He struck Predaking, knocking him down to the floor.


"Aaah ..." Predaking groaned, pushing himself up. "Grimlock? I do not understand. I thought when we fought the Driller together, we earned each others' mutual respect!"

"Sorry." Grimlock said. "Lost my temper." Grimlock walked towards the door, at first without any sign of regret for his actions. He stopped in front of the door and turned around.

"I just didn't like the idea of sharing a room … with him." Grimlock gestured towards Predaking before leaving.

"Wow. That's the first time I've seen Grimlock apologize for his random outbursts of violence. You must be special, Predaking." Twilight looked back to Predaking and Grimwing. Predaking attempted to push himself off the floor. When Grimwing offered a hand to help Predaking up, Predaking swatted it away.

"Hmm." This provoked Twilight's curiosity. Before she could act on her curiosity, though, she was called upon.

"Commander?" A Vehicon poked his head into the room. "I have something I think you'll want to see."

"Of course." Twilight nodded and gave Predaking and Grimwing a silent look before following the Vehicon into the communications room. A news broadcast was playing, announcing "AUTOBOT BASE OPEN TO PUBLIC."

"President Galloway has stated that as of this afternoon, the ruins of the Autobot base, Outpost Omega One, are now open to the public. Our viewers will recall that following Omega One's destruction, the area was sealed off while the authorities combed through the wreckage. The exact cause of the destruction remains a mystery, thought some Autobot supporters claim it was done by Galloway himself, as part of a ploy to … "

Twilight turned the television to mute, unable to bear hearing more the newscasters' non-committal commentary. "I know what's really going. Galloway sealed the base off so his men could look for Cybertronian artifacts and technology, and the fact they're opening the base up only means they're done looking. Let's hope Galloway's hounds didn't find anything important ..."

A light beeped and blink on Twilight's armor.

"What's that?" A Vehicon operator asked.

"Oh!" Twilight pressed down on her armor, silencing the blinker. "That means I have a call coming in! Where did I leave it?" Twilight paced around the room. "Ah! Here it is!" Twilight pulled out an electronic tablet from a hidden compartment. The tablet's screen filled with static before bringing the image of Sunset Shimmer's face. "Sunset Shimmer! How are you doing?"

"I'm okay." Sunset said. "You know, especially considering I just saw three girls get kidnapped and came out alive."

"Oh no!" Twilight expressed. "What happened? Don't leave out a single detail."

"I was on a walk, and these girls came up to me." Sunset said. "They tried to talk to me, said they could help me … they were kinda creepy, too. Then this van showed up and this guy with an assault rifle starts shooting. I think it might have been semi-automatic. He told the girls to get into the van, and then once the girls were inside, they drove off."

"Can you describe the van?"

"Uh, yeah." Sunset said. "It was a news van. It was tan color and it had this, like red cobra detail painted on the side of it."

"COBRA!" Twilight shouted.

Sunset Shimmer's eyes widened. "What? Where?"

Twilight shook her head. "No, not an actual cobra. COBRA is the name of the terrorist group who kidnapped these girls. Their logo is a bright red cobra icon. Subtlety isn't their strong suit. Did you see anything else?"

Sunset shook her head. "No. That's all I saw. I wish I could be more help ..."

"You got away alive and reported it to somepony who can help. I'd say you've done enough." Twilight assured her. "Don't worry. I'll take it from here. Oh, but I'll need their names."

"I'll text them to you." Sunset pushed a button the side of her tablet.

Twilight nodded and ended the call. She set about getting her forces organized. She activated her comm. "Okay, people! We have a hostage situation on our hands! Report to the communications room at once for a briefing! Where's Raf? I need him on the satellites!"

It took them most of the day, but Doctor Morocco and Ratchet finished making adjustments to the prototype Stinger drone. Gould watched them, a coffee mug in his hand. Attinger had left before nightfall.

"Test run of the drone, code-name 'Stinger,' in three … two … one." Morroco pushed his finger on a button.

The sound of robotic whirring filled the air. Stinger lifted its head up, the ratchets in its neck clicking with every movement. Its visor become illuminated with a green light. It tensed its shoulders and lifted its leg, preparing to step off the platform it rested on.

It shut down. The visor's light faded. Its neck sagged and all of its joints lost tension.

Morocco slammed his fist onto the keyboard. "Curses! Why won't this infernal machine work? What went wrong?" Morocco poured over the date. "Was there a glitch we missed? Is there a wire disconnected?"

"Maybe it's the fact you're trying to recreate a lifeform without the 'life'." Ratchet muttered.

"Did you say something, Ratchet? Speak up." Morocco asked.

Ratchet looked at him. "No."

"It's getting late." Gould shook his coffee mug around. "Why don't you two call it a night and we can come back tomorrow?"

"Excellent idea." Morocco said.

"Come on." Gould threw his arm around Morocco's shoulders. "Can I buy you a drink?" Morocco wasn't sure it was a good idea to introduce alcohol into his body, considering how he used the Chamber of Youth to slow aging. "You coming, Ratchet?"

"Hmm? No, I'll stay here, thank you very much." Ratchet swiped his finger along a touchscreen. "That is, if you don't mind."

"Not at all." Gould said as he and Morocco walked to the elevator. "Just remember: Attinger and I have agents everywhere. You won't be able to escape without someone noticing."

"Perish the thought." Ratchet rolled his optics. He waited to hear the hiss of the elevator doors closing shut. Once he heard the whir of the elevator going down, he set about tinkering with Stinger.

"Seems it's just you and me now, my silent friend." Ratchet approached Stinger, his face reflected in Stinger's visor. "Wouldn't it be something if you could talk? If you could tell us what was troubling you and keeping you from functioning properly? Wouldn't it be something if you had the will of a Spark to hold yourself together? To keep your limbs aloft?"

Ratchet began to search through the supplies Gould had given him and Morocco. He shoved tools and items around, making a mess of the crate the tools were stored in. "Ah-ha!" Finding what he was looking for, Ratchet reached in and grabbed it – jumper cables. What Gould wanted him and Morocco to do with jumper cables was anyone's guess, but Ratchet wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

"Let's see how well Gould's scientists replicated Cybertronian biology ..." Ratchet tapped his finger to Stinger's chest in a particular spot with a particular amount of pressure. On a real Cybertron, this would active the chest panels, causing them to rise up and reveal the Spark housing chamber.

Stinger was close enough to the real deal. Its chest split into two pieces before splitting further into four, each piece rising up on sleek, angular hinges. Exposing an empty chamber where a Spark would be on a Cybertronian.

Ratchet smiled at his good fortune, tossing the cables into the air. "Wouldn't it be something if you could talk, my friend? The stories you could tell … the things you could accomplish if you were alive, not some piece of machinery ..."

Ratchet clipped one end of the cables into Stinger's chest. He knocked on his own chest, which divided panels which slid to the side to reveal his Spark. He took the other end of the cables and shoved them inside of his chest, clasping them to his Spark.

"Wouldn't that – urk! - be something?" Ratchet asked, leaning on Stinger for support as the jumper cables did their function, siphoning power from one source – Ratchet – to another – Stinger.

The next day, Gould, Galloway, and Morocco came into the office to observe Stinger's progress. They were surprised to find Ratchet still hard at work, messing around on a touchscreen tablet.

"Ratchet?" Gould asked. "Have you been up all night working on Stinger?"

Ratchet turned around to him with a devious smile. "You … could say that."

Galloway saw right through Ratchet's poker face. "What did you do?"

"Oh, nothing." Ratchet crossed his arms, idly letting the touchscreen hang over to one side. "I just gave him the one thing he lacked – a true Cybertronian Spark."

"You gave him a SPARK!?" Gould screamed, grabbing at his overly-greased hair. "He's supposed to be a military drone, not a person!"

"Oh. Oops. Guess I wasn't too clear on that." Ratchet wore a smile which made clear he was clear on it and did what he did anyways.

"Calm down, calm down." Morocco said. "This may have just what our project needed. The advantages a living Spark has over an unthinking drone … well, there are good things and bad things about it."

"How do you even have a Spark to give it?" Galloway said. "I thought you couldn't make Sparks without your – your Allspace thingy."

"Allspark." Ratchet corrected him. "And how did I was I used the radiation from my own Spark to give Stinger his own. A sort of … mini, splinter-Spark if you will."

"Ratchet, would you care to demonstrate how different Stinger's behavior is with a Spark?" Morocco asked.

"I thought you'd never ask." Ratchet said. "I've had him in sleep mode the entire night, so he could rest and be ready. Even I don't know what his personality is going to be."

"But you used your Spark. Shouldn't he be similar to you?" Galloway asked.

"Well, of course, Galloway." Ratchet said. "After all, when you humans contribute your DNA to the making of more humans, they always come out exactly like the paternal progenitor, don't they?"

"Point taken."

Ratchet wrapped his fingers around Stinger's head and flipped a minuscule switch on the back of his head. Stinger's visor lit up, and his body made many of the same whirring noises as the night before. Only this time, when he moved to step off the platform, he succeeded, taking another step after that.

"Stinger." Ratchet said. "Would you be so kind as to … dispose of every human in this room?" Ratchet gestured to the trio of Gould, Galloway, and Morocco.

The three humans were shocked. For one, they were shocked an Autobot could be so devious, and were frustrated they let this happen right under their noses. Was this Ratchet's plan along? Give Stinger life, and have him kill them so Ratchet didn't have to get his hands dirty?

Stinger looked at the humans for a long while. After several tense minutes, he looked up at Ratchet. He got into Ratchet's face, poking Ratchet's chest with his index finger and pushing Ratchet back.

"What's it in for me, old man?" Stinger asked in a youthful-sounding voice.

Ratchet sighed. " … Nothing. Nothing at all."

Stinger humphed and walked away. He looked around, observing his surroundings and becoming familiar with the environment.

"Did … did you plan for him to kill us?" Gould asked, approaching Ratchet tensely, understandably ticked Ratchet had come this close to killing him. "Is that what your plan was? You meant for him to kill us and then you two would … ride off into the sunset?"

"Or was it, perhaps, some sort of test of his morality?" Morocco asked, walking more calmly. "You could have told him there was something in it for him to murder us. You could have offered him something. You could have lied and found your way to freedom. But you didn't. Why?"

Ratchet gave them all filthy looks.

"Hope springs eternal," Ratchet said before walking off, leaving the humans no more understanding of his motives than they had walked in with.

Adagio Dazzle and her friends were bunched together on a bench inside the van. It was the kind of set-up a prison transport used, with two benches and flimsy seatbelts. The man who kidnapped them sat on the opposite bench.

"Where are you taking us?" Sonata Dusk asked him.

"Shut up and be quiet," was the answer she received from him.

They were several stops and starts along the way. One stop involved the man sending his partner out to get "gas," whatever that was. Adagio figured they must have been traveling for at least a day when the van at last came to their final stop.

The man got up from the bench, keeping a firm grip on his weapon. He handed them each a small piece of cloth. "Put these on."

Adagio stretched the cloth in her hands. Sighing, she wrapped it around her head and covered her eyes. The other girls followed suit. They heard a click.

"Out of the van. Hands behind your heads."

Adagio and the girls did as instructed. Adagio could feel the sunlight beat on her skin for a brief moment before they went inside a building. She could feel tile beneath her feet. They were made to walk a long distance before being the man said they could stop.

"Sit on the chairs."

The three of them felt their way until they fingers found their way to the backs of the chairs. They sat down, and found themselves tied up with rope around their torsos and arms bound to the chair. Once they were bound, someone slid the blindfolds off them. They were in a small, small, room, surrounding by several men in the same blue outfits.

There was one man in a different suit, with red trim on the shoulders and a COBRA logo on the front. His head was encased in a glass dome, protecting his face.

"Greetings. I am Doctor Venom, acting head of COBRA. I have brought you three here for a reason."

"A reason?" Adagio giggled. "What reason? We're just a bunch of ordinary girls!"

"Do not try your tricks on me." Venom walked towards one of the other COBRA soldiers. The solider handed him a electronic device. The device played footage of the mob shouting at Sunset Shimmer. "My agents in the alternate dimension observed what you are capable of. Your ability to manipulate and influence the emotions of those around you. Such abilities could come in useful for COBRA's goal of taking over the world." Venom made a fist.

He turned around to face Adagio.

"I understand, being Equestrians, you may not understand how we Earthlings carry out our business." Doctor Venom produced a small pistol and twirled it around, presenting it towards Adagio Dazzle. "This device is called a gun. It is designed to inflict pain. If you do not cooperate with our goals..."

Doctor Venom spun the gun around again. He turned around and fired the gun, shooting one of his own men in the knee. The agent dropped to the floor, clutching at his legs in pain and groaning.

"That will happen to you, only much worse. Do you understand?"

Adagio Dazzle grimaced and nodded. She couldn't help but look back to the wounded agent as he cried out in pain and writhed on the floor.

Twilight Sparkle grimaced, her hooves going up and down as she paced in one spot. It had been twenty-four hours now already, and they still hadn't found any sign of Adagio Dazzle or her kidnappers. Twilight knew her Earth crime statistics; the chance of finding a kidnap victim still alive took a sharp turn downward after twenty-four hours passed. If they got up to forty-eight hours, their chances would become almost non-existent.

"Raf?" Twilight placed herself behind Raf, looking at his laptop screen over his shoulder. "Do you have anything?"

"No." Raf slumped into his chair. "I don't understand it. After twenty-four hours of footage from every satellite I can hack into, I should have something."

"Keep looking." Twilight instructed him. "Adagio Dazzle and her friends are counting on us. Counting on you."

Raf shook his head. He rose up from the chair and resumed typing instructions into his laptop keyboard. "I'll start reviewing the footage. See if there's something I missed the first time."

Twilight nodded. "Raf?" Twilight wrapped her leg around his shoulders, cradling his body with her neck. "I just wanted to say thank you for getting back to work so soon after waking up."

"Uh-huh." Raf put a hand on her neck. "Twilight, I could really work better if you would give me room to breath."

"Oh. Sorry." Twilight unwound herself from Raf. She took another look at the laptop screen before walking off to attend to other matters.

"You know ..." Raf rested his head on his palm. "This would be a lot easier if I had my own team who each had their own laptops …"

Twilight walked down the hallway and into the lobby, her head darting left and right in the hopes of finding a distraction. Something to take her mind off the three girls whose lives were resting on her hooves and Raf's technical skills. Not a burden most people would envy, to be sure.

She got what she was looking for when she came across Grimwing. The sight of Grimwing triggered Twilight's mind to go back to the scene she observed yesterday between him and Predaking. "Grimwing! Perfect!"

"Is it?" Grimwing said. "According to fellow Imperials, I believe Grimlock may have assaulted Predaking again."

"We'll deal with Grimlock," Twilight said. "Right now, I want to deal with Predaking and you."


"If nothing else, I pride myself on my ability to repair friendships." Twilight gestured proudly to herself. "And you, my beaky Predacon friend, have a friendship that is in serious need of repair. Do you know where Predaking is?"

"He informed me of his intent was to visit a balcony. Somewhere near the east wing of the upper levels, I believe."

"Come on!" Twilight told him, galloping towards the elevator.

Grimwing scratched his head, confused. He followed Twilight Sparkle nonetheless.

Predaking was on the balcony. He rested his arms on the guardrail and swept his gaze across the city, taking in the sights. The civilian district, the two-layered force-field, the giant sentry towers equipped with fusion cannons …

Predaking made no move as heard the door hiss open and shut behind him. He could sense it was Twilight Sparkle walking onto the balcony to greet him.

"There is much I understand about your ... rainbow city-state." Predaking spoke without prompting. "And ... much I do not. You claim it to be a haven where humans, Equestrians, and Cybertronians can learn to live in peace and harmony ... yet, I look around, and I see only Cybertronian construction with a tiny smattering human and Equestrian decorations. I struggle to reconcile the idea behind the city when such... obvious preference is clearly visible."

"I’ve been working on that," Twilight said. "I have something for you." She reached into the back haunch of armor and produced a tablet. "It's part of an ongoing project I have. I'm trying to translate great works of literature from each planet into the language of another. This one is an Earth poem, translated into Cybertronix. I thought you might like it."

Predaking took his arms off the guardrail before turning around. He crouched down to take the tablet from her, but it wasn't necessary, as she levitated towards him with her magic.

Predaking held the tablet in both claws. Twilight could see he was engrossed by it. Seeing her cue, Twilight waved at the door, and it opened to show Grimwing. Seeing Predaking, Grimwing paused before stepping onto the balcony with them.

Predaking turned away from them, his optics going over the tablet. He dropped his arms down, holding the tablet by his hip. "'Respite – respite and nepenthe from thy memories of Lenore! Quaff, oh quaff this kind nepenthe, and forget this Lenore! Quoth the raven, 'Nevermore.'" Predaking quoted from the book.

"Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven." Twilight said. "It's one of my favorite Earth poems I've read so far. After what I saw yesterday, I figured it… kinda reflected your situation with Grimwing, doesn't it, Predaking?"

Grimwing, gaining some confidence, moved to Predaking's side. He rested his hand on the guardrail. "What is it, Predaking? What's troubling you?"

"When you left..." Predaking said. "I felt… horrible. I felt like had I lost my council. My adviser. My conscience. My… my friend. The only one of the Predacons who talked to me like a person and not as royalty. When you left the Predacons to join the Imperials, I felt as if … I had lost my best friend."

Twilight put a hoof on Predaking's ankle. "You did lose your best friend."

Predaking glared at her, before realizing she was right. "I learned about you, Grimwing. I bonded to you. It was almost as if a part of me was being taken away with my consent. Still… I could not bring myself to stop you. It was your choice to make, not mine."

"Why didn't you say something?" Grimwing asked. "If you had said something, anything… I would have stayed."

"I do not wish to be known as a tyrant who keeps his citizens under lock and key." Predaking said. "I'd prefer for you to be free to do as you wish, knowing in my Spark I had done the right thing… even at great personal cost to myself. Even if meant you... leaving."

Grimwing put a claw on Predaking's shoulder. "I'm here now and I promise, I will not leave you again."

Predaking looked shocked for a moment before smiling.

"Aww." Twilight patted both them of the ankles. "Come on, you two, hug it out. That's it, that's it ..." Twilight waved her hooves up and down like an air traffic controller as Grimwing and Predaking embraced each other, wrapping their arms over the other's' shoulders. Grimwing and Predaking separated from the hug.

"Now that we've cleared the air between us, we should see if perhaps Grimlock would be willing to discuss his resentment against you." Grimwing suggested. "Before either of you go out and his rage comprises a mission."

Predaking nodded. "Yes. Twilight Sparkle, will you escort me to Grimlock?"


Twilight Sparkle led Predaking and Grimwing through the building to where Grimlock was. As it turned out, he was on the balcony on the opposite wing of the building.

She knocked on the door. "Grimlock! Grimlock! I know you're there. I have a visitor for you!"

Grimlock opened the door only wide enough for him to peek outside and see who this visitor was. When he saw it was Predaking, he shoved the door open the rest of the way. "What do you want?"

"I merely wish to talk." Predaking answered calmly.

Grimlock glared at Predaking. Under his gaze, Predaking did not flinch once, so Grimlock decided he could believe him. "Alright … I guess you can come in." Grimlock moved to the side.

Predaking went inside. Twilight Sparkle and Grimwing attempted to follow.

"Just him," Grimlock said.

Twilight was offended. Didn't he realize, under the Imperial command structure, which he agreed to, she outranked him?

"Please." Predaking raised his claw towards Twilight. "This is between he and I, and I sense he wishes it to stay that way. Go. We'll be fine." Predaking smirked. "I can handle him if he proves rowdy."

Twilight chuckled and nodded.

Predaking pushed a button on the wall, and the door closed, sealing him and Grimlock in the room.

"So." Grimlock crossed his arms. "What did you want to talk about?"

"About your resentment of me, as of late." Predaking said. "Grimwing was correct when he said you and I worked well against the Driller together. Why then, do you resent me now? Why do you feel the need to strike me, to lash out against me?"

"You talk funny."

"Says the blunt Dinobot." Predaking replied.

"Heh. You got me there." Grimlock turned and walked away from Predaking, resting his arms on the guardrail. He looked up, admiring the sunlight beaming down through the force field. Predaking raised his brow, curious to know what Grimlock was thinking.

"I wasn't always a Dinobot," Grimlock said. "I didn't always turn into a T.rex. I used to turn into a tank."

Grimlock's curled his fingers around the rail, his grip tightening.

"Shockwave," Grimlock said. "Shockwave captured me and my team. He strung us up. He cut into us. He dissected us. He dug into our innards and rooted around. He tore our bodies apart and put them back together, only the way he liked them. He spliced our genetic code with that of dinosaurs from Earth's past. Not unlike you."

Grimlock ran a hand across his face. "He… broke me. Because of what Shockwave did to me, I can't transform unless I go into a rage. I can't do one of the basic abilities of my species without becoming furious. Imagine if – if Rainbow Dash could only fly when she was crying, or Bumblebee could only talk normally while he was happy or Arcee could only shoot while she was calm! I can only transform as raging monster!"

Grimlock roared and pounded his fists into the guardrail, causing its top half to crumble.

"When Shockwave… made… me." Grimlock turned around towards Predaking. "He was trying to make you. He took what he learned from me, and used it to create you. You are the end result of the research and torture he did on me. You are everything he wanted me to be …"

"I see," Predaking said. "So you begrudge me, because I represent everything you resent about yourself. I represent the end stage of Shockwave's experiments. I represent… what you could have been, and struggle not to become every day. You fight to control your rage. To control your beast mode. Whereas I am the master of both my rage and my beast mode."

"Yes. That, Predaking, is why I hate you. That is why I envy you."

Grimlock walked away from the guardrail and towards Predaking.

"That is why I fear you."

"Grimlock..." Predaking placed his claw on Grimlock's shoulder to comfort him – a gesture which Grimlock didn't seem to care for. "I understand. I hide it well, but truthfully, I sometimes struggle with things Cybertronians take for granted as well." Predaking made a fist in his other claw. "I can teach you, Grimlock. I can teach you to control the animal inside of you. To control your transformation and your beast mode, so that you transform only when you will it. And you… can teach me, what's it like to be a robot -a Cybertronian – rather than a beast."

Grimlock raised his head up. Looking at Predaking, he raised his arm and… shook Predaking's claw.


The door hissed open behind them and Twilight walked in.

"Is this a good time?" Twilight asked. "Raf's been going through the satellite footage, and he's found the COBRA van. He thinks he can triangulate where it was heading. Assuming he does … do you two want to be part of the rescue mission? Your first mission together? What do you say?" Twilight gave them a wink and a big smile.

Grimlock and Predaking looked at each other. Grimlock wore a faceplate, so it was up to Predaking to smile on behalf of the both of them.

At the facility, two COBRA agents were making their usual rounds. Equipped with assault rifles, they felt confident they could take on any comers. They heard a thumping noise from outside.

"What was that?" one of the two asked.

"How should I know?" the second shrugged before noticing another agent coming up to them.

"The feed to the security cameras just went off-line," a third agent told them. "All I'm getting is static. Someone must have gone outside and sabotaged it."

"So? What do you want us to do about it?"

"I want you to go outside and shoot anybody who's not wearing a COBRA uniform! Don't you realize someone could be setting up an attack?"

The two agents nodded. Holding their rifles close to their chests, they moved towards the door, stopping when they heard the sound of gunfire and shouts coming from outside. Realizing they needed to move fast, they ran towards the door to address the problem.

Which was too bad, as this about when the problem came to address them. The lights went out – someone was disabling the electricity feed into their base. The wall in the front section of their base was blown in, collapsing into a pile of useless plaster. Amidst the smoke and rubble emerged Grimlock, Grimwing, and Predaking, soon followed by an Autobots Imperial squadron, including Smokescreen, Vehicons, and the War Princess herself.

Grimlock was the first to step inside.


"Grimlock," Predaking said, "you and I cannot be both kings."

"We'll talk about this later." Grimlock and the Imperials engaged the enemy. The sound of the explosion drew COBRA troopers out in force, each of them taking up firing positions and firing their assault rifles at the Cybertronians in a suicidal attempt to inflict damage. The bullets bounced and pinged off their Cybertronian armor, thicker and denser than most armors on Earth.

"Go home to your planet, Equestrian!" A trooper shouted. "We were here first!"

Hearing his taunt, the War Princess made her way towards him. She picked him up with her magic and flung him into the wall.

"Ah!" Another trooper shrieked. "I thought you Equestrians were supposed to be peace-loving pacifists?"

"Peace-loving? Yes. Pacifist?"

The Princess turned around and bucked the trooper in the stomach, making him crumble to the ground.

"Not necessarily."

The Vehicons marched forward, moving and acting as one, making up a solid phalanx of Vehicon troopers. They returned fire to the COBRA troopers, their weapons set to only electrocute human bodies rather than cause any lethal damage. One by one, troopers struck by red beams of energy dropped not unlike flies. Some Vehicons, feeling confident, charged forward and send the troopers flying away, punting them or picking them up and tossing them into a wall.

"Hey, what are we doing? We should know how to beat these guys by now." One trooper wondered, wising up. He tossed his rifle to the ground, ran back inside the base, and returned with a rocket launcher slung over his shoulder. He aimed it at the Vehicons and fired.

Two Vehicons saw the missile and ducked out of the way. The missile kept going and exploded the wall, sending out plaster which pelted the Vehicons and the rest of the Imperials, distracting them and costing them precious time which could have better spent ripping through enemy forces.

"This is why they teach you to mind where you're shooting!" the Vehicon said, marching up to the rocket trooper who almost hit him. The Vehicon reached down, took the rocket from the trooper, and pistol-whipped him over the head with the launcher. Though it was more like being hit with a baseball bat. Made of metal.

"What is going on out there?" Doctor Venom demanded, hearing the commotion. He stepped out of the room with the girls and gasped when he saw his base was being invaded by Cybertronians.

Venom turned to a nearby trooper. "Is he ready?"

"Ready enough. Enough to handle this, at least," the trooper said before running off. Venom saluted the soldier for his willingness to serve and risk his life. Venom turned his attention back to the chaos before walking back into the room with an eerie calm.

"I''ll find the targets!" Smokescreen attempt to run further into the base. His way was barred when a Decepticon-esque Cybertronian descended from the sky, landing right in front of Smokescreen. He was tall, large, and broad, with wings on his back which made him look even bigger. The wings, and turbines on his shoulders, suggested he turned into a jet. His colors were a shiny gold on his upper body with green on his legs, and he wore a helmet reminiscent of a cobra's open mouth.

"Uh ..." Smokescreen wasn't sure how to react. "Hey there, guy!"

The mystery robot glared at him, leaning over and reminding Smokescreen how much bigger he was.

"What's up?" Smokescreen asked as the robot leaned further and further. Smokescreen leaned backwards, playing some twisted game of limbo. "How's the weather up there?" Smokescreen whimpered. "Yo, Joe?"

It was this question which prompted the robot to react. Growling, he struck Smokescreen in the head, sending him flying across the room.

"Please." Doctor Venom returned to the room. "Allow me to introduce you to Serpent O.R, the fruits of Percy's labor. Rest in peace. Combining COBRA's technology with Cybertronian biology, he will be our new leader and lead COBRA to victory!"

"Really?" The War Princess asked, skeptical.

"That's a bit of a mouthful. How about just "Serpentor?'" Grimlock suggested before attempting to tackle the robot. Serpentor proved too agile and too quick for Grimlock, catching him mid-charge and whirling around, tossing Grimlock into the wall. The wall collapsed around him.

"Ugh ..." Grimlock groaned. He grabbed the sides of the wall for support as he rose from the hole in the wall. "Not bad, for a cheap knockoff."

Serpentor scoffed. "Knockoff? Very well. Perhaps I am. But cheap? I'll have you know that I was quite expensive to make."

Serpentor turned to face the rest of the Imperials. Seeing the size of the force assembled before him, he reconsidered taking them on by himself.

"I do believe I need some backup." Serpentor pushed a button on his wrist.

Soon, an army of smaller robots marched into the room. They were only a little larger than human, brown, silver, with bits of red and yellow optics. Their mouths were zigzags, and their arms ended in missile launchers.

"Ooh!" The War Princess expressed delight. "What are these?"

"B.A.T.s." Serpentor answered. "Battle Android Troopers. Standard COBRA equipment."

"Interesting." The War Princess tilted her head in curiosity. "I'm intrigued."

"Perhaps I can make them even more intriguing for you." Serpentor waved his hand, and the B.A.T.'s attacked, firing missiles across the room. The missiles crossed paths in the air, firing above or below the Vehicons, almost hitting them more than once. The room was effectively turned into a minefield.

"Raah!" Predaking instinctively wrapped his wings around himself as a shield from the explosion. Putting his wings down, he saw Doctor Venom walking towards one of the many holes left in the wall from the B.A.T.s' missile barrage. He also saw another human trooper, attempting to crawl away unnoticed from the scene of the battle.

Torn between chasing down his foes and his true objective – which he remembered was the rescue of the three girls, Predaking found himself immobilized with indecision.

He made his decision. Reverting to beast mode, Predaking spat out jets of flames, melting several B.A.T.s and taking them out of the fight, making things more even for the rest of the Imperials.

Predaking skittering towards the crawling trooper, cornering him against the wall. The trooper saw Predaking's jaw looming over him and scrambled backwards in a desperate attempt to get away. Predaking roared before converting to robot mode, grabbing the trooper in his claw. "Tell me where the girls are and I will let you live!"

"AAAH!" The trooper shielded his face. Cowering in fear, he pointed to a room.

"Thank you." Predaking laid the trooper down on the floor before running into the room.

He charged into the room, crashing through the wall and tearing it down to bypass the tiny fact the door was too small for him. There, he found the three girls, all tied to chairs. They were frightened by him, each of them grimacing and shivering in fear.

Predaking, seeing these weak, vulnerable girls be afraid of him when he had come to rescue them, felt humbled. He walked towards them and got on one knee to speak to them. It would help ease their fear if he could make himself look smaller.

"Please. Do not be afraid." Predaking said. "I have come to rescue you." Predaking flexed his claw. Adagio Dazzle's eyes widened in response.

"My claws are not delicate enough to untie your bindings … and they are too large to cut them without also cutting you." Predaking realized. He looked at the girls and their chairs in frustration.

Figuring there was little else he could do for them, Predaking scooped the chairs up into his arms, with the girls still tied to them.

"You are safe now." Predaking told them before walking out of the room.

Inside the main interior of the building, Grimlock and Serpentor continued to clash. The Vehicons would try to intervene and help, but more often than not, they were waylaid by a missile from a B.A.T hitting them square in the chest and scorching their armor. On the few occasion they avoided the missiles, Serpentor turned around and dispatched them with ease with either a roundhouse kick or knocking their legs out from under him before turning his attention back to Grimlock.

"Serpent O.R!" Doctor Venom shouted. "I have set the base to self-destruct! The Imperials will not get their hands on our data, and if we can take them out … so much the better. Now get us out of here!"

Serpentor pressed a button on his wrist again. The B.A.T.'s ceased all combat activity and worked on retrieving the human troopers, picking them up and dragging them out of the building.

Serpentor rushed towards Doctor Venom. He transformed into a stealth bomber and let his landing gear dangle. Doctor Venom jumped on, grabbing the landing gear as Serpentor blasted a hole in the ceiling and flew off into the sky. Meanwhile, Doctor Venom did his best to let the Imperials know they hadn't won, shouting "COBRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" at the top of his lungs as he and Serpentor retreated.

"Come on!" The War Princess ordered. "You heard what they said! This place is rigged to self-destruct! Everybody out!" The Imperials ran out of the building. Grimlock was kind enough to pick up Smokescreen and sling him over his shoulders before joining the rest of the group in retreating.

Whether through skill or luck, everyone got out in time before the building went sky-high, exploding into a pillar of fire. The shockwave knocked some of the less-sturdy Cybertronians and other beings onto their backs, but nothing they couldn't recover from.

Predaking laid the chairs with the girls inside on the ground. He stood up and looked up to the sky and growled. "I have cost us our victory. If I had chosen to pursue the COBRA leader when I had the chance ..."

Grimwing placed a claw on Predaking's shoulder, smiling. "You have rescued three innocent girls." Grimwing gestured to the ground, where Twilight Sparkle and Smokescreen were working to untie Adagio Dazzle and her friends from the chairs. "I'd say that's victory enough. Wouldn't you?"

Predaking looked down at the trio of girls as they were comforted by Twilight Sparkle. Adagio Dazzle gave Twilight a hug.

"It's okay." Twilight assured Adagio, rubbing her back. "You're safe now. You're safe now."

Predaking turned to Grimwing. Predaking's expression softened before blossoming into a full smile.

"Yes." Predaking answered, looking back to the girls. "I suppose it is."

"If you ask me, you're a bunch of saps," Grimlock said, arms crossed. Although even he looked fondly on the girls.

"Commander!" A Vehicon shouted, running out from the exploded base.

Twilight raised her helmet up. "Yes?"

He and another Vehicon carried with them a human in their arms, wearing a blue business suit. Further examination of his facial features indicated he was of Chinese descent.

"We went back inside the base to see if there was anything we could salvage," the Vehicon said. "As it turned out, we found this human inside a safe room, which withstood the explosion. We suspect it was designed to do as much."

"Put him down." Twilight, in her War Princess disguise, approached him. "Who are you, and what were you doing inside COBRA's base?"

The man, feeling defiant, attempted to punch Twilight across the face. He succeeded only in injuring his knuckles.

After dealing with COBRA and a self-destructing base, Twilight wasn't in any mood to deal with his games and retaliated, striking him on the head with an ironclad hoof. He fell to the ground, still defiantly glaring at Twilight.

"I have the means to hurt you." Twilight told him. "Do not make me use them."

The man spat in her face, getting saliva over her visor. Twilight gestured at the Vehicon, who put his foot on the man's back and began to apply pressure.

"All right!" The man exclaimed in English, though his accent was thick. "Please, I have a wife and a child on the way!"

"Oh? Well, congratulations, though perhaps you shouldn't have thought before you spat in my face." Twilight growled, her voice distorted and her face hidden behind a mask. "Why are you here?"

"I work with the Chinese Ministry of Defense." The man answered. "We were able to lean of COBRA being able to make its own Cybertronian. I was sent to broker a deal for them to give us the means to make our own."

"More knockoff Cybertronians." Twilight rolled her eyes, wondering how many of these knock-offs she would have to deal with. Returning to the interrogation, she got into his face. "Why? Why does the Ministry need its own Cybertronians?"

"To defend ourselves," the man answered. "From the likes of you. Or have you forgotten the temple that was destroyed as a result of your conflict?"

"Straxus." Twilight recalled. "Oh, yes. How could I forget? I was only next to when it exploded. A Decepticon named Straxus commandeered your temple to use as a base and set it to explode rather than put on trial."

"Yes," the man growled. "On that day, several of us in the Ministry, myself included, swore we would never allow another priceless piece of our history to be destroyed by Cybertronians again."

Twilight turned away from him.

"I suppose I can understand your motives. However, I cannot condone your willingness to consort with criminals like COBRA. Were you successful in acquiring the means to manufacture artificial Cybertronians?"


Twilight paused. She turned around and clocked him in the head, knocking him out. The Vehicons bent down to pick him up.

"Let him be." Twilight said. "As I said, I can't condone working with COBRA… but resorting to an alliance with terrorists for the sake of protecting his homeland… I can't help but ask myself, is he really so different from us?" Twilight walked away from him.

The two Vehicons shared a groan before one spoke. "I don't want a philosophy lesson right now ..."

The Imperials went through a Bridge. They left the man lying there, to wake up in a few short hours and make his way back to civilization on his own.

The Imperials returned to base, and Twilight helped guide Adagio Dazzle and her friends through the base.

As they walked through the Bridge, Grimwing and Grimlock went up to Predaking, both of them giving Predaking a pat on the back.

"I must admit, I am impressed," Grimwing said. "You've adapted to being an Autobot quickly."

"Hmph." Predaking huffed, but he smiled.

"Yeah. This is hard for me to say, but..." Grimlock looked at Adagio Dazzle as Twilight led them through the base. "You did good work out there."

"And..." Grimwing grabbed Predaking and turned him around so they were facing each other. "Thank you. For giving the Imperials a chance. For giving me a second chance."

Predaking averted his optics from Grimwing, not sure what to say. "You're… welcome." He and Grimwing hugged, while Grimlock continued to mock them under his breath for being saps. The three of them watched Twilight take Adagio Dazzle and her friends somewhere to relax.

"We'll get you home soon, but I imagine, after all that excitement, you'd like somewhere to rest for awhile." Twilight said.

"Oh, yes." Adagio Dazzle tapped her fingers together, observing the inside of the base. "We would love to stay here and learn more about you … and the Autobots. Isn't that right, girls?" Adagio grinned, and Aria and Sonata did the same.

"Well, you can learn plenty about them here!" Twilight said. "Here at the Rainbow Principality, our goal is to promote peace, harmony and understanding between all species. If you have any questions about the Autobots, just ask around!" Twilight smiled at them.

They entered the lobby, where – aside from Magnum, Ultra Magnus, Arcee, and the rest of the Beast Hunters team. Raf was relaxing on his machine.

"Oh!" Twilight ran up to the humans, standing behind Raf. "I imagine you'll want to meet Raf. It was thanks to him we were able to come rescue you!"

"Really?" Adagio stroked her chin. She and her friends gather around Raf. "This cute little boy is our hero?"

Twilight nodded, not noticing how Raf was blushing. "Yup! If it weren't for him and his satellite skills, we might have never found where you were."

"Well then..." Adagio Dazzle ran a hand through Raf's hair. "I guess we have a lot to thank you, then, don't we Raf?"

Raf retreated into his chair, moving his hair away from Adagio's touch. He attempted to hide behind his laptop screen, trying to push the faces of three attractive ladies who were crowding him. "My mother told me if I ever found myself surrounded by very attractive women, I should scream and run away in the opposite direction."

Adagio Dazzle laughed, not catching on to Raf's discomfort. "Oh, you humans are so funny!" While she, Aria, and Sonata continued to fawn over him.

“Twilight!” Jack and Miko ran into the room, panting and out of breath.

“What is it? What’s wrong?” Twilight asked.

“Intruder in the base, my… uncle or something, I don’t know,” Jack said. “He called me on the phone, hacked the Bridge, and he’s been going
through the base since after he knocked Miko and I out!”

“What? Where is he now?” Twilight asked,

“Right here,” Jack’s so-called uncle entered the room, drawing the attention of all eyes.

“Who are you, really?” Twilight asked.

“Jack,” he answered. “Jack Darby.”

“What?” Jack said. “I’m Jack Darby. You can’t be Jack, unless you’re me, and you can’t be me… unless…”

“Yeah, time travel. I’m you, from the future,” the older Jack said, “and you listen to me now. The future I came from, it’s bad. Way bad. Seriously bad. The war is over, every war is over - and the Decepticons won. The Decepticon insignia has been permanently etched into the face of Cybertron's moon. Earth is nothing but a hunting ground. Equestria's just a planet-sized Energon factory. Something happened, something… horrible, and it let the Decepticons cause an insurgency and slaughter Autobot and organic alike. Almost all of the organics are dead. The few survivors are either released into Earth to be hunted down as sport, or put to work in Equestria mining artificial Energon deposits. A few of them survive by allying themselves with the Decepticons. There's very few of us left. There's a resistance, but it's small. Me. Bumblebee. Starlight Glimmer. A few others."

"Starlight Glimmer?" Twilight raised an eyebrow.

Future Jack laughed. "Oooh, time travel! You haven't met her yet! But you will. So many of us are dead. Including you, Twilight Sparkle. And Magnum. And Crosshairs and Bulkhead and even … Miko." Johnson's gaze affixed itself to Miko. "You were … so brave." Future Jack's voice cracked, and tears streamed down his face. "Even right up … to the very end!" Jack teared up, but he cleared his throat. “My team sent back in time, in the hopes that I could discover what went wrong and alter the course of history so that the future wouldn’t be the awful Decepticon dystopia that is today.”

“Hmm,” Twilight said, “well, it’s certainly a terrifying thought, but do you have anything to prove your story?”

Future Jack scoffed. “I’d knew you feel that way. I knew this was a waste of time.”

“Don’t say that, Jack,” Twilight said, “I’m willing to believe you, just not on good faith alone, especially after you’ve infiltrated my base and knocked out my friends.”

“Traitors,” Future Jack muttered, “Traitors and quislings everywhere, weak-kneed, spineless, whelps, cozying up to the ‘Cons so they could eat whatever scraps the Decepticons decide to feed them… because they think it’s better that way, because they think resisting is useless… selfish cowards.”

“Jack?” Twilight asked. “You keep rambling about something that I can only half-guess at. If we’re going to help you, I need you to focus.”
Future Jack looked at Twilight, and she immediately reeled. There was something in his eye, something dangerous and crazy, as if he’d been robbed off all light, hope, and reason.

Demonstrating he was truly cracked and in the grip of paranoia, Future Jack grabbed the nearest person - Adagio Dazzle, and put a knife to her neck.

“Stay back!” Future Jack shouted. “I’ll kill her!”

The Imperials drew their weapons, but Twilight motioned for them to stand down.

“Whoa, whoa, there, Jack!” Twilight said. “There’s no need for that. Let her go. There’s no need for violence. No one has to go get hurt today. She’s innocent.”

“Nooo!” Future Jack cried, waving the knife aimlessly in Twilight’s direction. “You don’t believe me, you don’t believe me, do you?”

“I never said that, Jack. Please, put the knife down,” Twilight said.

“No!” Future Jack snapped. Adagio bravely tried to reach for Future Jack’s wrist, but he put the knife back to her throat before she could. “No, I want - I want a Bridge out of here.”

“Okay,” Twilight said, taking care to treat the hostage situation with the delicacy it deserved. “Where do you want the Bridge to go?”

Future Jack paused.

“Jasper. Jasper, Nevada. My home town. It seems a good place to start as any…” Future Jack muttered, some semblance of sanity coming back to him.

“Okay. Okay. Just let the girl go, okay?” Twilight said. “One Bridge to Jasper, Nevada.”

“Twilight…” Magnum said, “we can’t do that. He’s dangerous. What if he hurts someone?”

“He’s about to hurt someone, and I’ll take an ‘if’ over a definite any day,” Twilight answered. “Did I stutter? Somebody open that Bridge!”
The Imperials scrambled, and a Bridge opened behind Future Jack and Adagio. He looked at the Bridge, then to Twilight, then let Adagio go, pushing and shoving her away. Twilight caught her, and Future Jack jumped into the Bridge, the Bridge closing behind him.

“Are you okay?” Twilight asked, making sure Adagio was unscatched. Adagio nodded and rested her head on Twilight’s chest, crying.

Twilight let her go. While Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk, and some Autobots went to Adagio Dazzle's aid to check her over and make certain she was unhurt, Twilight turned around and contemplated this turn of events to herself.

To learn, if she was to continue the path she was on, it ultimately wouldn't matter in the end unless something changed – something which she had no idea of, and therefore was directionless and powerless to change ...

It was deflating, to say the least.

XIII: The Pink Moon Celebration

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On Equestria, Celestia, accompanied by Shining Armor, returned to the area of the Tree of Harmony and its anti-magic field. The green barrier mounted over the area was pulsing and sparking, electric arcs traveling across the barrier as it began to fizzle out.

Celestia gave the barrier a worried look, fearful of the Plunderseeds getting out again. Her worries were quelled when she heard the roar of engines overhead.

Celestia and Shining Armor looked up to see three Imperial-colored Vehicons flying into the area, carrying a crate which was hoisted to their bodies by a thick, black cable.

The three Imperialcons descended, lowering the crate down to the ground. The Vehicons transformed, disconnecting the cable from their bodies.

"Here it is," one of the Vehicons said, gesturing to the crate. "Your shipment of anti-magic bombs."

"They're really more anti-magic field generators, aren't they?" one of the other Vehicons said, observing the green magical field.

The first Vehicon shrugged. "Let me get this for you, Princess." He clasped the edge of the crate and cracked the top, lifting the lid up and off the crate.

"Thank you … Dingbat, was it?" Celestia walked towards the crate and flew up, peeking her head to make sure the crate had what she was promised. Satisfied by the presence of metal discs inside, she nodded. "Everything looks to be in order."

The Vehicon scratched the back of his head. "Gee, Princess Celestia, I didn't know we were on a first-name basis ..."

"Why not?" Celestia asked. "You routinely bring me the anti-magic equipment I need to contain the Plunderseeds, and you're quite pleasant to talk to."

"Uh, because they're working for a criminal organization which openly admits to being terrorist in nature?" Shining Armor suggested.

"Shining Armor, these Vehicons merely sighed up with the organization who they thought would fight for what they believe in, no different than you or any of the Guards who serve under you." Celestia said. "Isn't that right?"


"See?" Celestia asked. "You're not so different from them, are you?"

"I'm nothing like them," Shining Armor said, crossing his front legs.

"Yeah," one of the Vehicons said. "Unlike you, we can actually complete the missions we're assigned!"

"Wingnut! The Princess is being nice to us. Don't be rude." Dingbat struck Wingnut on the neck.

"I appreciate you bringing me these devices," Celestia said. "Make no mistake of that. But is it at all possible I could get the Elements of Harmony returned to Equestria where they belong?"

The Vehicons looked to each other with uneasy glances.

"The, uh, War Princess ..."

"Please," Celestia said. "We know it is Twilight Sparkle behind that mask. Her identity is safe with us."

Dingbat nodded. "Twilight Sparkle promises that she'll bring them back as soon as she's done with them."

"And … when will that be?" Celestia asked.

The Vehicons gave Celestia apologetic looks. Which was impressive, given they had visors for faces. They turned to leave, though they turned back and gave Celestia one last sympathetic look before transforming and flying away, exiting the scene by a mid-air Space Bridge materializing for them.

Celestia began to work on installing the new anti-magic generators.

"Shining Armor?" Celestia said as she levitated the generators into their place. "Today is the day of the Pink Moon Celebration. Our Earth liaison, Galloway and his friends, have been invited to join us to experience our culture. But there is something you should understand."

"Okay." Shining Armor said. "What do you need me to do?"

"While they are here, under no circumstances are we to tell Galloway that we know Twilight Sparkle is the War Princess."

"What? But ... Princess ... isn't she a criminal?"

"Perhaps, but she is still my friend and your sister. I expect you to respect my decision, Shining Armor."

Shining Armor nodded. "I … understand, Princess." Shining Armor turned and walked away, respecting the Princess' decision, but troubled by her choices and the secrets he was forced to keep.

Celestia turned away from Shining Armor, looking up to the sky with concern.

And truth be told, I think she's right about everything. Now if I could just muster up the courage to say so out loud ... perhaps to Galloway's face.

Celestia shook her head. But the safety and lives of my subjects are not mine to gamble with.

Celestia made one final adjustment to the anti-magic generators before activating them. With an internal sigh, she turned and joined Shining Armor.

"Huh?" Twilight glanced around, finding herself in a white void. "Where am I?"

"Hello, Twilight Sparkle."

"Princess Luna?" Twilight asked, finding the darker of the two Princesses standing next to her. "What are you doing here? Wait ... I can guess. Celestia asked you to use your powers as Princess of the Night to go into my dreams and see what next moves I'm planning, didn't she?"

Luna somberly nodded. "We are afraid so, Twilight Sparkle. Tis true. So ... what are you planning to do next?"

"Sorry, that information is classified, and you don't have properly security clearance." Twilight glared at her.

"Twilight Sparkle, do not be foolish. As Princess, it is our duty to protect our subjects, even from our subjects!"

Luna tensed up. There was a screeching pained roar.

"What was that?"

"I don't know," Twilight said.

"Now that we look around ... this does seem more barren than we would expect of a dream from somepony of your intellect, Twilight Sparkle. Twilight Sparkle?" Luna asked, Twilight's attention being turned to the side.

Twilight had found the source of the noise. Lumbering towards them was some bizarre Optimus-like person, resembling Optimus Prime, but also somehow ... not in a way neither Twilight or Luna could put their hoof on, even ignoring how he was entirely green, liquid coming off him as if he was melting, lacking Optimus' distinct shoulder pauldrons.

"Run, Twilight Sparkle!" Luna said, running up the zombie and charging up her horn. "We will -"

The creature let out another roar. It waved its hand, and a gust of wind blew in from behind it, tearing Luna from her footing and sending her hurtling into the distance.

Twilight watched Luna fly away before turning to the creature. "Who ... or what are you?"

The creature opened its mouth to speak, a hiss erupting as it parted its lips.

"Helll ..."

"Hell?" Twilight asked. "What does that mean?"

"Hellll ..."

"Hell? Human Hell? Pony Hell? Nordic Mythology Hel? What? What is that you want? I'm sorry, I don't understand!"

The creature hissed and lumbered towards Twilight, reaching out a hand, its voice raspy, ragged and tired as it spoke.


Twilight's eyes shot open. She had woken up.

Twilight sat upright on her bed, pulling her covers up to her chest. She nervously fiddled with her blanket, perturbed by the dream she just had. What did it mean? If nothing else ... it gave her a newfound appreciation for the importance of a consonant.

"Well?" Celestia asked, going up to Luna's bed. "Did you discover if Twilight has any plans to attack the Pink Moon Faire?"

"Ugh ..." Luna groaned. She rolled out of her bed. "We did not, sister. And Iwe found most troubling. Whilst we were in Twilight Sparkle's dream, we sensed ... a presence. There was something there besides Twilight Sparkle and myself. we know not what it was, but it seemed ... pained, somehow, and it hath the power to oust me from her dream."

"Oust you from a dream?" Celestia asked in surprise. "What in the universe would be capable of such a thing?"

"We do not know. But we worry for Twilight Sparkle's safety, as whatever it is, it has an interest in her ..." Luna looked out to the window, where morning was still rising in the sky.

At the Imperial base, Twilight Sparkle was in the war room, going over some battle plans.

Jack appeared in the doorway. The door being open, Jack knocked on the wall. "Can I come in?"

Twilight made no motion to show she'd heard him.

Jack walked in anyway and cleared his throat. "Well. Twilight, I … I just wanted to say I'm sorry for letting future me into the base. It was irresponsible of me, and foolish, and it nearly cost someone's life. I won't forget that." Jack braced a fist against his chest. He turned and walked out the door.

"Don't be sorry, Jack."

Jack turned his head to face Twilight, who had lifted her head up at last.

"It wasn't really your fault, was it? He hacked the Bridge, didn't it."

Jack smiled and gave a sad chuckle. "Yeah..."

Twilight followed him out of the room and into the main hall.

"Listen up, everypony! I have some announcements to make."

After making sure she had everyone's attention, Twilight continued.

"First, I am on the lookout for reinforcements."

"Reinforcements?" Flutttershy asked. "Twilight, how many soldiers do you need? You have plenty already!"

"I need as many as it takes to get the job done. A little extra never hurt anypony, did it?" Twilight asked. "I lost two-hundred men when the traumatized portion of the human regiment moved to the civilian district. I lost them to my own peace-driven tolerant policies. As a leader of war, I cannot afford that kind of loss."

"I might know a few guys," Lockdown said. "Ammonites. Real nice guys, very professional. Fellow mercenaries, like me. Pay them enough, and they'll do any job you need."

"Look into it." Twilight ordered him, pointing at him. "Some unscrupulous types would be good. After all, that's part of the reason we recruited Decepticons. We wouldn't want to lose a major victory because some of us were too noble to take the shot, would we?"

Lockdown smiled, which creeped Arcee out. "I'll see what I can do."

"Second, today is a very special day," Twilight said. "Today, on Equestria, is the day of the Pink Moon Celebration. One night a year, the Princesses use their magic to turn the moon pink for reasons lost to time. It's a very big event, with foreign ambassadors being invited, and ponies coming in from all over Equestria and beyond. And I hear rumor Celestia will be inviting the humans and Cybertronians this year ..."

"Where are you going with this, Twilight?" Applejack asked.

"All those people, gathered together in one place ..." Twilight said. "It would be a pretty good place to make a statement, wouldn't it?"

"W-what do you mean by that, Twilight?" Fluttershy asked.

Magnum stepped forward.

"She means, if Celestia and Galloway are going to call us terrorists for fighting for what's right ..." Magnum clenched a fist. "Then by gum, let's be terrorists."

"If fighting for what we believe in is wrong, I don't want to be right," Twilight said. "Who's with me?"

There were cheers throughout the room, former Royal Guard, Decepticons, Autobots, and U.S Military raising their arms to show they would join Twilight's mission.

"Let's get started, people," Twilight said. "We need to be ready to put a plan in motion by tonight!" Twilight began directing soldiers and units to stations to prepare supplies and get ready.

“Ugh,” Galvatron groaned, rolling his optics as he followed Metalhawk and Lazerback into the hall. “Must we do this, Metalhawk? It seems so … dreary.”

“Yes, yes, of course!” Metalhawk said, waving his hand and encouraging Galvatron and Lazerback to come towards. “This will be a vital part of maintaining good relationships with other species! You do want to make a good presidential run, don't you? I will go regardless of whether or not you two do, and how will that reflect on you?”

Galvatron and Lazerback looked to each other.

“He has a point,” Lazerback said, his words hissing through his fangs and forked tongue.

Metalhawk pushed a button on a computer, causing a screen to project from the terminal.

“Cybertronians!” Metalhawk announced, raising his hands up while making sure Galvatron and Lazerback could be seen in the projection. “I have an announcement to make! I, Metalhawk, and my competition for Cybertron's placeholder presidency, Galvatron and Lazerback, will be going to the upcoming Pink Moon Celebration on Equestria! This will be an excellent opportunity to study and learn about the many diverse cultures on Equestria, and as you should know, knowing their culture allows to get know our intergalactic allies better. As potential future leaders of Cybertron, it is important that we utilize this chance to learn more and understand our interplanetary friends on Equestria ...”

Metalhawk's voice trailed off.

Somewhere, hidden deep inside a cave, Bludgeon watched the projection of Metalhawk's screen as he rambled on and on about how important and polite it was for Cybertronians to attend the Pink Moon Celebration.

“The Pink Moon Celebration, hmm?” Bludgeon said, rubbing his chin. He turned off the projection and walked inside the cave. “Sounds like the perfect opportunity to make a statement … and show the galactic community at large – and those Imperials in particular – that Mayhem is not just some nuisance, but a serious threat and a force to be reckoned with!”

Later on Equestria, The Pink Moon Celebration was set up. Stalls were standing, vendors were hawking wares, hidden attractions were brought in covered in tarps, marked with labels warning consumers not to touch them, as they were fragile, and a truck pulled up dragging three interlocked trailers behind it.

"Oh boy," Ultra Magnus muttered from his hiding place.

"What?" Twilight asked through the comm.

"You see these guys standing next to Galvatron there? I recognize some of them. In fact, I think one of them owes me money. But they're all Technoists."


"Yeah. Galvatron's been very popular with them. They have a specific belief system, that Cybertronian life is superior."

"And, judging from your tone, I'm going to guess they think all other forms of life are inferior," Twilight said.

"And deserved to be dominated and ruled by Cybertronians, yes. Though can you blame them for the first part? We can transform, fly, combine, make our arms into cannons ..."


"Uh, not that I'm apologizing for them, sir," Magnus added, "they are bigoted scum and deserved to be destroyed."

"That's what I like to hear," Twilight said.

Walking up to a vendor selling cotton candy, Twilight Sparkle watched from afar with a glare as Princess Celestia showed Galloway and Lazerback around the fair. Metalhawk, Galvatron, Stinger and Attinger were present, but it was the first two whose presences upset Twilight the most.

How could she, Twilight wondered, how could the Princess disgrace and spit on the Autobots, on Team Prime, like this? To not only watch and do nothing as Galloway's shadow operatives took the Autobots' new Earth-based home away from them and be threatened to either conform to Galloway's ludicrous standards or be labeled criminals, and to accept Galloway's presence, condoning his unjustified actions?

It sickened Twilight. She was distracted from glaring at Celestia by a familiar greeting.

“Hey, Twiley!”

Shining Armor walked up to her, waving and smiling at her. He took a seat beside, sitting his haunches down on the grass.

“Hey, B.B.B.F.F.” Twilight said, happy to see him even if they were at odds.

“What have you been up to? Enjoying the fair?” Shining Armor asked. He noticed Celestia talking with Galloway. “Oh, I see. Upset Celestia is talking to Galloway, huh?”

“Yes.” Twilight answered. “Look at them. I mean, just look at them! It'd be one thing for Celestia to simply let him visit, but she's going up there and giving him a tour himself!” Twilight angrily waved her hoof. “Galloway doesn't deserve to be in the same room as Celestia, much less be given a tour by her … or at least that's what I would say, if recent events didn't make me question her judgment.” Twilight hardened her glare at them.

“Ha ha ha.” Shining Armor laughed nervously, putting a hoof behind his neck. “Okay … wow. Yeah.” Shining Armor looked away from Twilight. He scraped his hoof.

“Hey, Twiley?” Shining Armor asked. “You being here … you're not … planning something, are you?”

“Huh?” Twilight asked, her eyes averting from Shining Armor when she realized what he meant.

“Twiley … please. Just say no and we can forget I said anything.” Shining Armor said. “Ponies are happy here. They can enjoy themselves. Please … don't ruin that.”

“I'm sorry, Shining Armor.” Twilight Sparkle said. “I can't give you an answer to the question, and even if I could, it would be stupid of me to tell you whether I was or was not planning something.”

“Twiley, please.” Shining Armor reached a hoof over to Twilight, but she rebuked him, slapping his hoof away without even turning to look at him.

“I'm sorry, Shining Armor. But if is the price I have to pay to get on the road to justice, then so be it.”

“Price … justice!?” Shining Armor stammered. He pointed to a family of three ponies buying ice cream for their little one. “What about their price, Twiley? Look at them! They're having a good time! What's the price they have to pay for your little crusade?”

“Little crusade!?”

Shining Armor ignored her and continued on. “You may have signed up for the Autobots to go and get shot at and exploded at, but they didn't! They didn't agree to risk their lives and put themselves at danger for anypony, for any reason! They came here to have a good time! What do their decisions count for, huh, Twiley? Nothing?”

“I ...” Twilight stammered, mouth agape. She didn't know what to say. Shining Armor had made a point which she couldn't refute with her usual anti-Galloway propaganda.

Shining Armor shook his head and walked away from her. “Forget it. Just … forget it. Between the -the swears and your hardness, you've changed too much. You're not Twiley.”


“My little sister left Equestria to go Earth three years ago.” Shining Armor said. “And some … pony-shaped … Autobot … THING came back in her place.”

Shining Armor walked away from her.

Twilight Sparkle watched him leave with her mouth hanging open. She couldn't believe what Shining Armor had said to her.

After a moment, she shook her head and regained her composure, closing her mouth up and adopting a serious expression. She wouldn't be talked down. She would not be talked out of her operation. And when she felt doubting creeping in, she reminded herself of the time at the wedding, where she was right …

And everyone else was wrong.

Who is this?" Celestia asked, giving a puzzled look at Stinger. "A new friend?"

"Yes, this is Stinger." Galloway said proudly, patting Stinger's leg. "Some friends of mine have been working on him."

"Hmm." Galvatron narrowed his eyes at the red bot. "An unfit knockoff. How flattering."

"Ahem. Yes, anyway." Celestia cleared her throat, trying to redirect attention back to her before a fight broke out. “As you can see,” Celestia said to Galloway, gesturing her hoof out at the fair, “The Pink Moon Celebration invites all kinds of ponies and visitors. We have plenty of attractions for you to amuse yourself with, and a wide variety of food from all over Equestria and even beyond for you to try. Few events allow a pony to taste as much flavor as all of Equestria has to offer as the Pink Moon Celebration.”

Galloway nodded. “Yes, yes, I see. Tell me something, Princess. Why is it called the Pink Moon Celebration?”

“Because it is to celebrate when the moon turns pink.” Celestia said.

“Granted. But why does it turn pink?”

“That is a very good question, Mister President!” Celestia said with the excited tone of a schoolteacher answering the question of an insightful young student. “It's something my sister Luna does every year. No pony is really sure why, but the most common theory is that it's to remember a lost love of her's from hundreds of years ago.”

Galloway shrugged. “Makes about as much sense as anything you ponies do ...”

Celestia glared at him, not appreciating his comment. She turned and notice some tall ponies approaching her and was eager for the chance to have a distraction before she lost her temper with Galloway. “Ah! The ambassadors from Saddle Arabia!”

“Saddle Arabia?” Galloway raised an eyebrow. “Like … like Saudi Arabia? What?”

Celestia bowed to the ambassadors, a pair of brown and pink ponies. “How can I help you gentleponies today?”

The female ambassador looked to the male. “Princess, we wish to talk to you about … certain friendships you've made.”

“Of course!” Celestia said. “I am always happy to talk about any friendship of mine. After all, in order to understand magic, you must understand friendship.”

“You misunderstand,” the male ambassador said. “We do not wish to learn about friendship. Rather, we wanted to discuss your alliance with the, how do you say it? Cybertronians.”

“What about them?”

“We do not think continued relationships with them is the best course of action for Equestria's future,” the female ambassador said.

“They're large. They're dangerous. They're warlike. They have weapons which could reduce towns to ashes in a matter of minutes … we truly think Equestria would be a better place without them, a safer place if we were to at least restrict their access, if nothing else.”

“Ah, my good sir,” Celestia said. “The best way to defend against a Cybertronian, is to have a Cybertronian willing to fight for you around. That's something Galloway understands, isn't it?” She patted Galloway on the back with just enough force to be uncomfortable. “I assure you, Equestria is safer from Decepticons with Autobots than without.”

“That's another thing,” the male ambassador said. “It would seem, in conversation, that “Equestria” is used to refer both to your country, and to the planet. Tell me, does that not seem … arrogant to you? Imagine if conversation around Earth used “America” to represent the entire planet. It's misleading, is it not?”

“True. Come back with a better name for the planet, and I'll be happy to use it,” Celestia said with a bit of cheek.

“We have another concern,” the female ambassador said. “It would also seem that the Autobots are on better, closer terms to Equestria and the Crystal Empire than to any other land on the planet. There's plenty of Cybertech in your kingdom to go around, but in Saddle Arabia? There's nothing. No Space Bridges, no automated defense systems, nothing. What's to prevent Equestria from using that tech and declaring itself a superpower?”

Celestia nodded. “I acknowledge your concerns and will address them. I'll be happy to share the technology with you.”

“We do not want it shared,” the male ambassador hissed. “We want it gone.”

The Saddle Arabian ambassadors turned and left, ending the conversation on that note.

Celestia's wings slumped down, and Galloway flashed a smirk.

“I guess Equestria – the planet - isn't quite as idyllic and pacifist as it might first seem, huh?” Galloway said.

“No,” Celestia said. “No, it would appear not.”

“You know,” Galloway said. “That reminds me of the Cold War on Earth. Ever heard about it? Once it finally ended, all the sides agreed to dismantle their weapons. Disarmament, they called it.”

“See?” Celestia said, hooking a leg around Galloway's neck and bringing him close. “We humans and Equestrians,we're not so different, are we?”

“I … suppose not.” Galloway grunted, grabbing Celestia's leg and pushing himself out from it.

A trio of ponies walked by.

“Oh!” Celestia said excitedly. “Apploosians! Excuse me?” Celestia waved at them. “You're from Apploosa, aren't you? Would you mind going up to the Saddle Arabians and explaining them that making friends with the Cybertronians isn't a bad thing?”

“Why should we?” One of the ponies said. “The way I see it, there ain't nothing good for us in keeping them around.”

“Yeah!” Another said. “We don't need any of their fancy technology. They ain't got nothing to offer us. We do our own work, by hoof!”

“Apploosa can fend for itself! And so can Equestria.” The ponies glared at Celestia as they walked by.

“That didn't go at all like I expected to.” Celestia said.

“Sometimes these things happen.” Galloway said.

Celestia perked her head up, noticing another group of ponies. They were led by a pink mare who had a blue streak in her purple mane, and each of them had a Cutie Mark in the shape of a black equal sign.

She walked up to them. “Excuse me? I don't think I've seen you before.”

“I imagine not.” The pink mare said. “I'm Starlight Glimmer. You must be Princess Celestia.”

Celestia giggled. “Guilty as charged. Where are you from?”

“Oh, we come from a little village way over on the other side of the mountains.” Starlight pointed to the horizon. “News about the Pink Moon Celebration made its way to us, and we decided to come to take a look. After all, it's not every year you get to see aliens!” Starlight and the others stared intensely as an unaffiliated Vehicon walked by.

Celestia laughed. “They are quite a sight when you see them for the first time, aren't they? Say … I can't help but notice that you five all have the same Cutie Mark.”

“Well, yes.” Starlight said. “We believe Cutie Marks promote inequality by making some better than others. So we all took oaths and used magic to rid ourselves of our Marks, so that nopony in our village was unfairly better than anypony else at anything, and we all had equal chance to compete.”

“I see.” Celestia said, nodding. “Fascinating. You meet so many interesting ponies at the fair.”

“And one day,” Starlight said, shaking her hoof, “we'll spread our message across all of Equestria, and everypony will join us in giving up their marks!”

“I'm not sure about that. But it's good to pursue goals.” Celestia said. She looked to Galloway. “You see, Galloway? I find their ways strange and unfamiliar. But just because their ways are different and foreign, that doesn't mean I have to put them on a leash for my safety!”

Galloway adjusted his glasses. “Princess, are you implying something?”

“Why, no!” Celestia said. “I'm not implying anything! Wherever did you get that idea?”

“Princess Celestia.” Attinger spoke up. “If you have something to say, then just say it.”

Celestia disregarded Attinger, her focus drawing in on a human. Starlight Glimmer waved goodbye as she and her group left, while Celestia went to go approach the strange yet familiar woman.

“Hello?” Celestia asked.

The woman turned around. “Hello! I'm Celeste.” She extended a hand towards Celestia.

“Ah.” Celestia shook Celeste's hand with her hoof. “You must be my human doppelganger from the other side of the mirror.”

“Yes, that's me.” Celeste said.

“Wha- human doppelganger? Mirror?” Galloway said. “How come I haven't heard about this?”

Celestia looked at him. “Really? Neither Twilight nor Optimus told you about the mirror leading to alternate version of Equestria? Huh.”

“So that's … Cybertron, Equestria, and now an alternate Equestria?” Attinger said, counting on his fingers. “We're never going to be able to pass regulations for all of those places.”

“So don't.” Celestia said coldly.

“I'm sorry about not trying you sooner, Princess.” Celeste held up her phone. “I was on the phone with my new boyfriend Jason.”

“Jason?” Celestia asked. She rubbed her hoof. “Jason … Jason.” She looked up. “I don't know of any pony whose name would 'humanize' into Jason.”

“Well, maybe if you hear him, you'll figure it out. Say hello, Jason.” Celeste held the phone up to Celestia.

There was silence from the other end. Celestia perked her ear up, thinking maybe she hadn't heard him.

“Hello.” Jason said quickly through the phone.

“Oh, Jason.” Celeste rolled her eyes, putting the phone in her hands. “Always so quiet. Let me just say goodbye, and you and I can hang out, Princess. I bet we could learn a lot from each other.”

While Celeste turned and resumed talking on her phone, an elderly man with grayed hair tried to approach Celestia.

“E-excuse me?” the man asked. “I was wondering if -if maybe I could talk to the Princess?”

Celestia twirled her neck around to him, while Attinger silently glared at the man. Whatever he had hoped to talk about, Attinger's glare was enough to scare the man away.

“M-maybe later,” the man said.

“As you wish,” Celestia said. “I will be happy to grant you an audience, whenever you are ready.”

Twilight Sparkle walked around, Shining Armor's words still stinging. Looking down at the ground as she walked, her mood was brightened considerably when she stumbled upon Snowdrop.

“Snowdrop!” Twilight exclaimed.

“Twilight?” Snowdrop said, peeking her head up.

“Hey there, ya silly filly!” Twilight ran her hoof through Snowdrop's head. “How are you?”

“Oh, I'm fine.” Snowdrop said. “I'm really glad I got the chance to go on an adventure with you and your friends. Sure, it was scary, but I learned to stand up for myself!”

“Thatta girl.” Twilight expressed her approval. She put a hoof to her chin, having a thought.

Say, perhaps we could recruit Snowdrop into the Imperials and have her use Fortress Maximus for us.

Elsewhere at the fair, Rainbow Dash was walking around, trying to play it cool and not let slip out the fact she was here to carry out a destructive operation.

“Rainbow Dash!” Scootaloo exclaimed, running up to her idol.

“Hey there, squirt.” Dash greeted Scootaloo by roughing up the filly's mane. “How's it going?”

“Pretty good.” Scootaloo said. “I've been missing you lately. You never seem to be around anymore. Where have you been?”

“I've been -” Rainbow Dash halted, realizing she couldn't tell Scootaloo she'd been part of an organization that the majority of relevant governments considered criminals. “Uh, you know. Doing stuff.”

“Exciting stuff, I bet!” Scootaloo said. “Awesome stuff. Cool stuff. Rainbow Dash stuff!”

“Uh, yeah, yeah, sure.” Rainbow Dash nodded.

“Do you think you'll be less busy any time soon?” Scootaloo asked. “I miss hanging out with you ...”

It pained Rainbow Dash to look at Scootaloo's hopeful face. It pained her even more to answer.

“No. I don't think I will.” Scootaloo's wings sagged. “Sorry, kiddo. Maybe after all of this stuff blows over we can hang out again.”

“Okay!” Scootaloo's wings perked up. She gave Rainbow Dash a hug and went on her way.

Rainbow Dash made sure Scootaloo had left the area, then grimaced as began to hyperventilate. “Twilight! Twilight!” Rainbow Dash galloped around the fair until she found Twilight Sparkle by Magnum's hiding place.

“Ah, Rainbow Dash.” Twilight said. “You have excellent timing.”

“Twilight, we gotta call it off.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Call what off?”

“All of it.” Rainbow Dash swiped her hooves through the air. “The mission. The attack. We can't attack here! Scootaloo is here! There are foals here, Twilight! Foals! We can't 'make a statement' while there are foals!”

Twilight slapped Rainbow Dash across the cheek and grabbed her by the neck, pulling her forward. “Pull it together, solider. Remember your training and your mission.”

“But … but ...”

“No buts.” Twilight snapped, raising up a reprimanding hoof. “You're an excellent marksman, aren't you? No foal is going to get hurt on my watch, understand?” Rainbow Dash. “Good. Now that you're here, what do you two think of trying to recruit Snowdrop in the Imperials so she can command Fortress Maximus for us?”

“Really?” Magnum asked. “First you dismiss Rainbow Dash's valid concern, and you want to recruit a foal? You want to recruit a child soldier?”

“Well, I … when you put it that way ...” Twilight stammered, letting go of Rainbow Dash.

“It's worse than a child soldier, even.” Magnum said. “It'd be like a child nuclear bomb. We'd be training her and molding her to use power on a scale she couldn't possibly grasp at her age. Do we really so cold and callous as to use a child as a living weapon? Are we no better than Decepticons?”

“I ...” Twilight said. She closed her eyes. “You're right. It was a stupid idea. It's wrong. I should feel bad I even thought of it. No Snowdrop.” Twilight affirmed to herself. “No Fortress Maximus.” She turned and looked at Rainbow Dash. “Get into position. We'll be making our move soon.”

Rainbow Dash nodded and scampered to take her place.

“Roll out.” Twilight muttered ironically under her breath.

Elsewhere, again, Attinger sat down on a rock. Celestia found him, walking up to him and sitting down next to him.

“You didn't have to scare that man off.” Celestia said.

“Actually, yes I did.” Attinger said. “He was about to share information with you in violation of a contract.”

“Hmm. And how do you know this?” Celestia asked.

“Because I know that man.” Attinger said. “He used to work with some of my associates.”


There was a pause.

“Tell me something, Attinger.” Celestia said. “Indulge me, if you will. Have you always been like this? So angry? So stern and focused?”

Attinger turned to her. He took his glasses off, chuckling.

“No, actually.” Attinger said. “I didn't always used to be such a … stick in the mud. I was a child once, too, you know.” Both he and Celestia shared a laugh.

“My job ...” Attinger said. “Is a very dangerous job. And an important one. It's hard work, keeping my country safe from threats. You ponies don't know how good you've got it. When you have a major attack, it's usually with magic, and can usually be fixed with magic. But us? When we have an attack, there are explosions, poisons, guns, people willing to kill themselves for their beliefs. When we have an attack, we're scrambling to keep it under control, to keep citizens out of harm's way. When we have an attack … people die. And it's not always clear where it's coming from. It could be our enemies. It could be one of own, having gone off his rocker and thinking that there's something wrong with the world he can only fix with violence.”

“And sometimes ...” Attinger went on. “Sometimes the only way I can keep my country safe is by doing something … unpleasant for the greater good. So you can see, Princess, how, after a few years of doing this, I might have become a little jaded.”

“I certainly can.” Celestia said. “Have you ever considered stopping?”

“I assume you by that you mean what we humans call 'retiring'.” Attinger said. “No, no I haven't. I have to do it. It has to be me.”

“Says who?”

“Says me.” Attinger said. “Only I have the skills necessary for a man of my position and function to keep threats at bay. It would take years to train someone else to reach the level of skill that I have.”

“Have you thought about taking on an apprentice?”

Attinger smiled and chuckled. “You know … that might not be a bad idea.” He looked up. “It might relieve the loneliness. I'm a single man, Princess. When I go home at night, there's nobody waiting for me there at the house. No wife to cook dinner for me after a hard day's work. No son to play catch with ...”

“Why not?” Celestia said.

“Because.” Attinger snapped. “Being near me is dangerous. The company I keep, the work I do. I lie to myself a hundred times a day, every time I look in the mirror in the morning, just to keep the guilt from gnawing at me. 'It was necessary, I did what I had to do, I did it for my country' and so on and son. If I can't be honest with myself, how could I be true to my wife? The things I've seen, the sheer depravity I know people are capable of, the wretches that I know walk on my world … how can I bring a child into this world, knowing the things that I do? Having looked into the heart of man and seen hate and fear like I have?”

Attinger looked at the ground.

“But I could put all that aside ...I think I would like a child, you know?”

“What you would name it?”

Attinger thought about it.

“Kimberly.” Attinger said. “It if was a girl. Christopher if it was a boy.”

“Hmm.” Celestia gave him a smile, but it was an empty smile.

“You live a sad and miserable life, don't you, Harold?”

Attinger looked up at her.


Attinger got up and walked away without another word.

Celestia looked around. “Hydia!” She saw Hydia making her way towards the fair, accompanied by a hooded figure. Celestia stood and went to say hello. “I'm so glad you could make it to the fair!”

“Wha? Oh, yes. The fair. It's quite good.” Hydia said, seeming nervous. “Quite good ...”

Celestia furrowed her brow, noticing Hydia's hooded companion. “Who is your friend here? I feel as if … I know him from somewhere.”

“You, uh, must be mistaken.” Hydia's friend said. “I am fairly certain we have never met.”

“No.” Celestia narrowed her eyes at him, leaning her neck towards him. “No, I'm quite certain I've seen you before. I just can't … quite place my hoof on it.”

Hydia's friend took a step backwards. Celestia stepped forward to follow him.

“Ladies and gentlecolts!” An announcer spoke, his voice amplified. “Now presenting, Big Macintosh and the Ponytones!”

The announcement distracted Celestia long enough for Hydia and her friend to slip away. Having not seen where they went, Celestia went to go see the band perform, taking a seat beside Galloway in the audience.

The band performed and played their song. When they finished, the crowd gave a round of roaring applause, Celestia included.

“So, this is what pony music sounds like?” Galloway asked.

“Yes.” Celestia answered. “You don't think they put on a good show?”

“I didn't say that.” Galloway said. “But it does take some … getting used to.”

“Thank you, everypony! Thank you very much.” Big Macintosh said, talking into the mike. “How about an encore?”

The crowd roared and whooped for the idea, but they gradually fell silent when Crosshairs appeared, most of them unnerved by the Autobot's causual manner as he walked up to the stage, clapping in a way which was almost patronizing.

“Bravo, bravo!” Crosshairs said, clapping. “Good show, mates, good show. Sorry I'm gonna have to cut you short there, lads.”

“Hey.” Galloway said, recognizing him. “Aren't you-”

“One of those Imperials?”

Crosshairs whipped out a device much like the bombing phone Dreadwing used to use, only silver and green colors which matched Crosshairs' paint.

“Yes, yes I am, mate.”

Crosshairs pushed a button on the phone. Big Macintosh and the Ponytones were flung off the stage as a bomb went off behind them, a pillar of fire bursting through the back half of the stage.The Ponytones went to go get cover, while the audience panicked, screaming and running to get to safety.

All through the fair, Imperials revealed themselves. The tarps carrying the 'fragile attractions' were shook off by Predaking and Grimlock in their beast modes, each of them blowing plumes of flame into the air. The truck carrying the interlinked trailers converted, paint splashing around on his body as Magnum assumed his robot mode, whipping out a hand held weapon and firing into the air. The trailers opened up, and trios of aerial Vehicons hopped out from each one, readying their arm-cannons, shooting at signs and aiming menacingly at fleeing fairgoers, but never once firing on them.

“Ponies, please!” Celestia shouted. “Don't panic! That's what they want! Please, try to get to safety in an orderly fashion! Let any Guards of Americons you see help you!”

“Oh, they'll be quite all right, luv.” Crosshairs crossed his arms. “We'll wait until everyone who isn't a fighter is clear before continuing on.”

Galloway and Celestia glared at him.

“What do you want?”

"What do we want, Princess? We want the same thing we've always wanted."

The War Princess and another team of Imperialcons rocketed down from the sky, landing with style and finesse on the destroyed, burning stage.

"Justice." The War Princess said. "Equality now!" She pumped her hoof in the air.

"Equality?" Metalhawk scoffed, standing up. "Is that what this is about? Justice?"

"Yes." The War Princess hissed.

"Is it?" Metalhawk asked, pointing an accusing finger at Twilight. "You say you want justice, but all you're doing is propagating conflict! You're reinforcing everything that was wrong about the Autobot-Deception war, creating an "us verses them" dynamic! You recruit ponies and humans under the guise of equality?"

"The Autobots Imperial is an equal-opportunity employer. These ponies and humans have joined us to fight for what they believe, for what they think it is right. We recruited them because they agreed with us."

"Maybe." Metalhawk said. "Or maybe turning to non-Cybertronian people was the only you could recruit enough soliders for this - this ghost war, this permanent revolution of yours. Have you even once stopped to think that by attacking people, taking over states, and blowing things up, you're proving the very criticisms some have levied against you?"

The War Princess stepped back, a bit shaken by Metalhawk's words.

"No." Magnum said. "We are defeating the criticisms we intended to defeat - the ones that say that humans, ponies, and Autobots can't work together in harmony. Even it if for the express purpose of being as disharmonious as possible."

"And you, Princess." The War Princess said, recovering by turning her attention to Celestia. "I always knew you were a peaceful type. But this? This?" The Princess pointed at Galloway and Lazerback. "Allowing them here? Have you no shame? This human piece of filth is - well, filth. But this Predacon! He destroyed the Autobots' base!"

"You're mistaken." Lazerback said. "That was a different red Predacon."

The War Princess glared at him, and one could tell she was barely holding back her fury. Quivering in anger, she turned back to the Princess.

"I knew you were peaceful, Celestia ... but I didn't think you were spineless." The War Princess said. "Galloway has caused us nothing but trouble."

"Galloway has acted in what he thinks is best for his people." Celestia said.

"No he hasn't!" The War Princess snapped. "He's acted in what's best for his own selfish gain! By condoning his actions, you're betraying your own ideals!"

"I can either be true to my personal beliefs, or do what is best for Equestria. I cannot do both."

The War Princess glared at Celestia.

"We could take them."

"That is exactly the point!" Celestia snapped. "We could take the humans on in a fight! Easily! With our magic, we could disable most of their weapons while they were still putting on their armor! We could blow away their cities with hails and thunderstorms by fleets of pegasi! We are, point for them, able to match or outmatch them in every measurable, concieveable way! And that is why they fear us. That is why we must do everything we can not to provoke them, for if we do ... if we are forced to defend ourselves and show just how capable of being dangerous we Equestrians when we put our minds to ... our relationship will never recover, as the damage we would inflict on their homes, their planet would be ... catastrophic."

Everyone was silent for a moment, until Attinger adjusted his glasses and spoke.

"Thank you, Princess Celestia. That was ... well said."

The War Princess turned away from Celestia. She walked across the stage, turning her attention on Galloway next. "You should be aware ... you should ALL be aware ... I have something called the Omega Lock under my control. It's a massive, ancient Cybertronian device capable of cyberforming entire landscapes, turning them into copies of Cybertron. All I have to do is push a button ... and I could all the planets in Earth's solar system into little mini-Cybertrons. I could destroy planets."

Twilight froze up in her armor, repeating her words as she realized the weight of them.

"I can ... destroy ... planets."

Planets. Entire planets. Gone in an instant. The sum and total of a celestial body, completely and utterly destroyed, utterly consumed by the spreading influence of the Omega Lock's beam ... at the touch of her hoof. All she had to do was give radio to her team and give the word to fire.

She realized the impliactions of having and using such a device. By what right did she, a lone pony, have to decide whether an entire planet lives or dies? How could she decide to use a weapon on the sheer scale of the Omega Lock? Could she justifiy killing everything on the planet? The people, the plants, the animals? The entire ecosystem, down to the last microscopic bacteria?

"You know ..." Attinger said. "In all my years, I have never seen a terrorist freeze up mid-threat like that."

The War Princess shook her head.

"Enough of this!" She waved her ironclad hoof. "I did not come here to make threats. I came here to make a statement." She walked menacingly around the stage.

Celestia walked up to the stage. She flexed her wings and floated onto the stage, her horn shimmering. She positioned herself in front of the War Princess and took a fighting stance. The War Princess's shimmered in response, the glowing magenta aura of her horn set against Celestia's golden light.

"Twilight, please." Celestia whispered. "Don't do this."

"I have to." Twilight whispered back. “If I don't, who will? Someone has to defend Equestria from Galloway and fight Galloway's hold on America and Earth. If you're unable – or unwilling- to do both, then I'll have to pick up the slack and do one for you.”

And so they reared their hooves in anticipation of the combat. Their horns hummed with magical energy. This would be the ultimate duel. Princess vs Princess. Student versus master. Human sycophant versus Cybertronian patriot.

But it was not to be. An explosion rocked the stage, causing them to fall on their hooves.

“What was that?”

"Oh ho ho! Well, isn't this a surprise!"

Bludgeon emerged from the smoke, clapping his hands.

"You Imperials decided to attack the same place and time as I did! What are the odds?"

A hail of bullets blazed through the ground, shredding the grass and cutting up dirt. Starscream, Deathsaurus and Forged troops came down from the sky.

"Ah-ha!" Starscream announced, dramatically pointing a finger. "Princess Celestia, we The Forged are here to - wait." Starscream noticed Bludgeon. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm attacking the Pink Moon fair! What are you doing here?" Bludgeon asked.

"We were attacking the Pink Moon Celebration! Go get your own fair!" Starscream pointed over his shoulder as if implying Bludgeon was a hitchhiker in need of a ride.

"You go get your own fair! I was here first!"

"No you weren't!" The War Princess snapped. "I was here first!"

Starscream looked around the area, taking note and counting the Imperials and Bludgeon's group.

"You're not really ... you're not seriously telling me that we all decided to attack the Pink Moon Celebration AT THE SAME PLACE AND TIME!?"

Fire spewed around the sky, accompanied by the deep loud roars of dragons.

"What now?" Starscream asked, placing a hand over his face.

A bizarre Predacon appeared and swooped in from above, looking identical to Predaking, but with a Crystal Pony's translucent coat, and a dark red and gold coat. He and fellow Crystal Predacons perched on the ground and transformed into robot modes.

"Equestrians!" The red Predacon said. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Dragotron, leader of the Crystal Predacons. I am here at your celebration today to demonstrate the strength and power of my Predacons."

"See?" Lazerback pointed at Dragotron. "He's a red Predacon and leading the Crystal Predacons. He must be the one you were thinking of, War Princess."

"No he's not!" The War Princess snapped, glaring at Lazerback. "It was you! I know it was you!"

Dragotron gritted his teeth. "You doubt my claim of leadership? I will prove it to you." Dragotron snapped his fingers. "Goradora! Come hither!"

A quintet of Dragotron's Predacons marched to the front of their group. They roared before transforming, shifting their bodies around and interlinking, connecting themselves in ways which made any watching organics cringe. They had never seen bodies bend in such a manner before. The Predacons opened up ports to allow their teammates' bodies to enter and connect, and the full form of Goradora soon rose up.

"Oh man!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, filled with panic at the sight of Goradora. She remembered well what he did to Omega-One. "What do we do?"

"Worry not." The War Princess assured her. "I prepared for this."

"You did?"

"Well, of course! There was a reason I went out of my way to recruit the Combaticons. You didn't think I just courted their favor for no reason, did you?"

"Well, having a combiner around is a pretty big advantage ..." Rainbow Dash said.

"Combaticons!" Twilight Sparkle shouted. "It's your time to shine! Take center stage!"

Onslaught and the Combaticons rolled up from behind the stage, their engines revving and their tires growling. The Combaticons drove towards Goradora, lining up and connecting with each other along the way. Metal hummed and creaked and screamed and groaned as Bruticus was formed. Bruticus shook his shoulders and worked out some kinks in his arms which got from not being formed in some time and stared down Goradora.

"Bruticus online. Target: Goradora."

"He sounds smarter." Rainbow Dash said.

"Well, I may have persuaded Onslaught to let me make a few adjustments so more of his tactical mind was retained in the combination." Twilight whispered.

"You can do that?" Dash expressed with surprise.



Goradora took a swing at Bruticus, launching his dragon-headed arm at the Decepticon. Bruticus blocked the punch with his arm before swatting Goradora's arm away, and counterattacking by slugging Goradora across the face. Goradora stumbled backwards, the earth shaking with his every step.

"Set up a perimeter around those two." The War Princess ordered. "Keep their fight contained. Make sure it doesn't travel far and cause a lot of collateral damage. Some of you go help Bruticus. Bruticus may be able to rival Goradora in sheer power, but I'm not sure he can outmatch Goradora by himself."

Imperialcons nodded. They fanned out, spreading across the fairgrounds in a circle around Goradora and Bruticus, priming their arm-cannons. Their weapons wouldn't be much more than peashooters against the combiners' armor, but it would irritate them enough to discourage them from straying too far from the perimeter of their designated arena

Predaking, seeking and identifying a place he could throw his weight around to the best effect, assumed his robot mode and jumped in front of Dragotron, preparing to take him on. He clenched his fists, but was taken back when he got a good, close-up look at Dragotron and saw the visual similarities.

"What ... are you?" Predaking asked.

"I'm you, but perfected." Dragotron bragged as he and Predaking walked in circles around each other. "I was made with your CNA. A perfect clone of you, with all of your abilities, all of your combat prowess ... but none of that ... ugh ... cumbersome honor of yours." Dragotron groaned, rolling his optics.

"My honor separates me and makes me more than a mindless beast ... such as yourself." Predaking said.

Dragotron laughed. "Is that really what you believe - oof!" Dragotron quit laughing when Predaking let out a combat roar and charged him, Predaking wrapping his arms around Dragotron and pushing him back. Dragotron growled and punched Predaking, knocking him off his body. Dragotron reared up to throw another punch, but Predaking recovered fast and clocked Dragotron across the face.

Magnum jumped off the stage, firing his blaster at Bludgeon. Bludgeon whipped out his katana, twirling and using the blade to deflect Magnum's laser blasts. Magnum charged at Bludgeon, holstering his blaster. Magnum jumped up, curling his arm around Bludgeon's sword and connecting a fist to Bludgeon's skull face.

Pinkie Pie wheeled out her Party Cannon and aimed it at Bludgeon. "Party Cannon away!"

"Ha! You really think that's going to hurt me?" Bludgeon asked.

"Don't underestimate it, Bludgeon." Starscream said. "You might laugh at the Party Cannon, but fighting can be surprisingly difficult when you have cake all up in your servos."

Pinkie Pie fired, and frosting and batter splashed all over Bludgeon, seeping into his sword arm. Bludgeon's eyes widened when he found he couldn't raise his sword.

"I can - barely move my arm!"

"I tried to warn you!" Starscream complained, tensing his claws. He sighed and turned away as Magnum came up behind Bludgeon and smacked him on the back of the head, making Bludgeon drop to his knees.

Elsewhere, Fractyl unsteadily aimed his arm-rockets at his various enemies. Forged and Imperial troopers charged at each other, shooting blasters and unsheathing blades, ignoring Fractyl.

Fractyl gasped, jumpy and jittery. He had never been in a live combat experience before, and it was overwhelming him. He spun his arm around and was startled to see Heavy Load among the Forged soldiers.

"Heavy Load?"

"Fractyl?" Heavy Load asked. "What are you doing?"

"I'm ..." Fractly coughed and cleared his throat. "I'm with the Imperials."

"The Imperials? I'm with the Forged." Heavy Load said. "That makes us enemies now."

Fractyl's optics widened as he took this in. He raised up his shaking arm, hesitating to fire.

Heavy Load didn't hesitate, aiming his blaster square Fractyl's head. "I've been waiting for a good excuse to bash your nerdy head in."

As Heavy Load's blaster was humming and preparing to expel an energy blast, Drift came up from the side like a warrior of the knight, taking out his sword and slashing Heavy Load across the chest, making Heavy Load fall to his knees, grunting in pain.

"Don't worry, Fractyl." Drift said, giving Fractyl. "I've got your back." Drift positioned himself in front of Fractyl, raising and posing his swords.

"Uh ... uh ..." Fractyl stammered, alternating between looking down at Heavy Load on the ground and up at Drift.

Drift twirled his sword, batting away a stray blast. "Lay down cover fire for me!"

"Uh, uh, right, got it!" Fractyl raised up his arms and fired his rockets at random directions, too panicked to aim properly. His rockets hit the ground and detonated, blowing up clouds of smoke and fire which served as effective cover for Drift.

"Good work, solider, good work." Drift said, maneuvering within the airborne embers and the pillars of smoke.

"R-really?" Fractyl said. Emboldened by Drift's praise, Fractyl calmed down and aimed his rockets with more care, firing another volley at strategic positions.

Celestia ran through the war zone, trying to find some good cover from which she could fire spells safely. She was powerful, true, and could likely shrug off most of the weapons flying around, but that was hardly reason for her to ignore basic tactical thinking.

She found herself a good place under an upturned vendor stall. As her eyes scanned the area for a good opening to open fire, Celestia was surprised when the man from earlier crawled up to her under the same cover, his arms over his head.

"What are you doing here?" Celestia asked him. "You should be getting to safety!"

"I know." The man said. "But I figured I'm not going to have another chance to talk to you. Listen ..." The man spoke while explosions boomed and rockets whistled all around them. "My name is Drake. I know about the ship. About the U.S Mystery you found."

Celestia, forgetting herself and the battle for a moment, jumped towards him. "You do?"

The man nodded. "That terrorist cell wasn't the first time Scorponok had dealings with humans. 60 years ago, he appeared to a select group of people with ... special interests and offered them a deal. Their services for him and the Decepticon Empire in exchange for Cybertronian Transwarp technology. They all kept it secret from even the highest up in our government. They put the Transwarp tech into a space shuttle and sent it out for a test run. When the Transwarp drive malfunctioned and the crew couldn't make contact with our base, Scorponok cut his losses and fled. We never heard from him again ... until recently."

Celestia stared at him. "How do you know all this?"

"Because, like the rest of Dylan Gould's board of executives, my grandfather was one of the men involved with Scorponok's project." Drake said. "We all inherited our illegal, secret dealings with Decepticons from our forefathers. I tried to leave and put it all behind me. But when you discovered the U.S Mystery, I had an attack of conscience. I thought ... I thought you deserved the real reason why that ship was on your planet. Why it had Cybertronian technology."

"You've done a good deed by telling me all this." Celestia said. "I can see you are troubled, so please believe when I tell you that I can see you a good man."

Drake smiled, and Celestia reached a hoof towards his shoulder.

Neither of them were expecting for a bullet to fly by and pierce Drake's chest, striking him straight in the heart, sending out a spray of blood all over the place, some of which splashed onto Celestia's chest and muzzle, painting it carmine, the blood dripping off Celestia's chin. Drake's body fell forward, his face hitting the dirt.

Celestia stood there in shock, her mouth hanging agape. She had never experienced something like this. She had never witnessed an assassination, much less one close to spill blood on her. Recovering her mental state, she turned her head to the side in search of the shooter.

She saw a man in a suit fleeing the scene. She couldn't make out much detail, but she could see short dark hair on which she recognized as belonging to one of Attinger's men.


Celestia didn't know why the agent didn't try to shoot her as well. Perhaps because shooting her, an alien diplomat, would draw a lot attention to their shadow organization than one of their own men. One thing was for sure. She was going to regard Gould and Attinger with renewed suspicion after this. She made a note not to leave them alone when she was around.

Assuming they all made it out of this war zone in one piece.

Dragotron and Predaking traded blows, each of them clocking and socking each other, pushing the other back, but never gaining much ground.

"Predaking, let me tell you about a lesson I learned and still struggle with ..."

"Huh?" Predaking raised a brow.

An obsidian fist came blazing in and blindsided Dragotron, throwing him back. Dragotron regained his balance and roared, preparing to charge at Grimlock and Predaking. He let out a grunt when something grabbed him from behind, and Grimwing lifted Dragotron up over his head. Grimwing turned and hurled Dragotron, sending him crashing into some vendor stands which were crushed under his weight.

Grimlock appeared beside Predaking and held up a finger.

"You don't have to go it alone."

"Hrm." Predaking nodded in acknowledgement. The lesson done, Predaking, Grimlock, and Grimwing approached Dragotron.

Dragotron grunted and shook his head to get the wooden planks off. He grimaced his teeth, seeing Grimlock, Predaking and Grimwing looming over him, Grimlock pounding his fist into his palm, Grimwing with his arms crossed and Predaking baring his teeth.

"Rraaaah!" Showing he would not be intimated, Dragotron rose and roared defiantly. Grimwing pointed his arm and launched Blackbeak at Dragotron, and the avian Mini-Con quickly set about clawing at Dragotron's optics, screeching and squawking.

Twilight looked around the battlefield, taking potshots with her armor's weaponry where she could. So far, she had managed to shoot down some of Bludgeon's lunatics, and a few Vehicons working for Starscream and Deathsaurus. She was in the middle of aiming another shot when a green projectile the size of a pony bombed the stage floor next to her.

"Gah!" Twilight exclaimed as the projectile revealed itself to be a Changeling, rearing up and hissing at her. She shot it with her blaster, knocking it away. She looked up and saw the skies turning black with buzzing insects as Changelings swarmed the area.

"Chrysalis." Twilight growled as the Changeling Queen revealed herself.

"Oh ho ho ho!" Chrysalis laughed, fluttering up in the sky. "I had no idea so many Cybertronians would be here at once! There are quite a lot of you, aren't? Listen well. You may be big, but I am confident I can defeat all of you. And do you know why? Because you ... are devied. Whereas my Changelings and I, are united. Each one responds only to my will. Each one obeys my every command. And that is why ... we will defeat you today."

Unseen through the carnage, no one noticed Galvatron give a slight smirk at the Changelings' arrival.

"You want me to take her out?" Crosshairs asked Twilight, aiming up a pistol at Chrysalis.

Twilight had a long pause.


"No?" Crosshairs said. He adjusted his aim. "You sure? I can get a clear shot, put a slug right through her squishy bug brain."

"No, no. Hold your fire." Twilight said. "I have an idea."

Galloping off the stage, the War Princess activated her jets and flew up in the air. She made her way over to Bludgeon, Deathsaurus, and Starscream.

"Hey, Decepticons!" The War Princess shouted. "You see those Changelings filling up the sky right now?"

"Yes." Deathsaurus responded. "What about them?"

"Well, they think they can beat all of you." The War Princess. "You, the proud, powerful, and not to mention technologically-advanced, Decepticons."

"Do they now?" Bludgeon asked, raising his head up while jumping and avoiding Magnum. "We'll just see about that!"

"Yeah." The War Princess said. "And don't you all hate the Changeling Batteries? Hate having Cybertron relying on filthy organics for power and fuel? Wouldn't it great if you could kill a bunch of Changelings, and make the Batteries unfeasible?"

"Yeah!" Deathsaurus said. "It would be great! Shockwave made a mistake creating those things!"

"Then please." Shockwave said, stepping forward. "Allow me to correct my mistake." Shockwave aimed his arm-cannon, charged up a blast, and fired into the swarm, taking out several Changelings with one shot.

"No!" Starscream shouted. "Don't you see what's going on here? Don't you realize what she's doing? She's playing off your mutual hatred of organics to get to you unite against a common enemy!"

Deathsaurus glared at Starscream.

"Well, it's working!"

"Yes." Bludgeon said. "I'd quite like to gut a few of those Changelings ..."

"Don't fall for her manipulation!" Starscream shouted, flailing his arms around in a panic.

Deathsaurus frowned and backhanded Starscream across the face, making him stumble. Starscream rubbed at his sore chin while Deathsaurus gave the order to his men to change their fire.

"Fire, men! Get those Changelings insects!"

The Forged troops stopped fighting their opponents and redirected their blasters at the sky. They fired a barrage of energy blasts, making Changelings drop like flies.

"Remember, this will only work if we all work together!" The War Princess said.

"Ugh." Bludgeon rolled his optics. "Don't tell me you're about to push all that friendship nonsense on us? Regardless ... FIRE!" Bludgeon pointed his sword skyward, and his soldiers got the hint, taking up arms against the Changelings and shooting at them. On the War Princess' signal, The Imperials joined in, firing and blasting away at the Changelings.

"Uh, uh, ah!" Chrysalis grunted in fear, avoiding bullets and blasts as her forces came under attack from Forged, Imperial, and Bludgeon's troops alike. There was no way her Changelings could compete with that much firepower concentrated on them. While the Cybertronian factions were divided and attacking each other, it would have been easy for them, but united? They didn't stand a chance.

"Retreat!" Chrysalis sounded the alarm. She and her Changelings turned back, fleeing the scene.

Galvatron scowled while Starscream seethed, his claws tensing up.

Dragotron gritted his teeth as he was the recipient of an all-out assault courtesy of Predaking, Grimlock and Grimwing, enduring a flurry of punches from each one, bouncing Dragotron between them like a ping-pong ball. A ping-pong ball between paddles that each had fists on them.

"What's the matter, Dragotron?" Grimlock taunted him. "Three opponents at once too much for you?" Grimlock slugged Dragotron across the cheek.

Dragotron wiped some of the Energon leaking down his chin and flashing a devious grin. "You may have me cornered, but you will not get me or my forces to retreat this way."

"He's right." Predaking said, watching as a Crystal Predacon flew overhead, pouring its fire-breath over the land. "Excuse me, friends." Predaking turned and left them.

Grimlock and Grimwing looked to each other. Grimlock shrugged and happily went back to beating on Dragotron.

"War Princess!" Predaking shouted, jumping on to the stage. "I need you to open me a Space Bridge to the Rust Sea on Cybertron."

"The Rust Sea? Now? In the middle of all this? Are you sure?"

"Trust me, Princess." Predaking said.

"Okay ..." The War Princess touched her comm. "Imperials, one Space Bridge from my position to the Rust Sea."


A Space Bridge swirled open by them.

"Leave the Bridge open until my return." Predaking said. He walked into the Bridge and disappeared.

Twilight walked in front of the Bridge, watching the vast emptiness of the portal as it energies swirled around. Some minutes passed without any sight of Predaking, and she began to grew worried.

She needn't have been concerned, as Predaking came roaring out of the bridge in dragon mode, his wings spread out and his maw breathing fire. Twilight watch his tail whip behind as he flew past her at brake-neck speed.

Twilight turned back to the Bridge. Why did Predaking want it open?

Her answer came in the form of a horde of Predacons rushing out from the Bridge, their wings fanned out and their jaws breathing fire. Predaking's Predacons spread out over the area, flying up to engage Dragotron's knock-offs.

Dragotron watched in awe as each one of his soldiers were paired off against their parent template. The originals proved their mettle, snouts growling, claws reared up, fireballs flying and spiked tails whipping, easily fighting their clones to a standstill. Dragotron turned his attention back to Grimlock, Predaking, and Grimwing and growled.

"You gotta admit." Grimlock said. "It's something to hit you back with."

"Raarrr!" Dragotron roared and prepared a fist, only for Predaking to punch him in the face and punch his lights o ut.

"Well." Deathsaurus threw his blaster over his shoulder, observing the horde of newly-arrived Predacons. "I don't know about you, men, but I'd say this op was a bust."

"Yeah." Bludgeon said. "I came here to cause a boom and make some racket, not contribute to this disorganized mess. I never signed up for dragons. I'm out." Bludgeon gestured his hand at his troops, ordering them to retreat.

"Fall back!" Deathsaurus shouted, turning and walking away from the fair. Starscream stood there with his mouth hanging before regaining his senses and growling, reluctantly following after Deathsaurus.

While the splinter Decepticon factions retreated, Ultra Magnus, Bulkhead and Wheeljack were having trouble giving Bruticus much, if any help.

Bruticus converted the helicopter blades on his arm into a rotating shield/saw fusion weapon and attempted to slam it into Goradora's chest. Goradora snatched his claws around Bruticus' arm and held it back, keeping the blades from making contact. On the ground, Ultra Magnus hammered away at Goradora's legs, Bulkhead pressed his Dragon Grinder and Wheeljack used his swords. The damage they were doing was so negligible, Goradora ignored them, paying no attention to them.

"This is pointless!" Wheeljack complained. "We may as well be painting him, for all he cares!"

"Oh, I don't know." Bulkhead said. "My Dragon Grinder seems to be doing a decent job." He pointed to a scratched running across Goradora's leg. A thin, faint scratch.

"Hang on." Ultra Magnus said. He heaved the Magnus Hammer in his hand. "I got an idea. This way." Ultra Magnus led the Wreckers from the warring gestalts.

"Give me a boost." Ultra Magnus said. Bulkhead looked at Wheeljack in confusion. Wheeljack shrugged.

"Now, you two!" Ultra Magnus snapped.

Bulkhead and Wheeljack got down and set their hands out on the ground. Ultra Magnus placed his feet on their palms, and the two Wreckers lifted their leader up.

"And a one, and a two ... and ... launch!"

Wheeljack and Bulkhead lifted Ultra Magnus into the air, hurling him into the sky. Ultra Magnus performed a roll, twirling his hammer.

"Let's call this maneuver ... 'Lighting From The Heavens'!"

Ultra Magnus pointed his hammer down at Goradora and activated the Magnus Hammer, shooting a bolt of lightning at Goradora's head. The thunderbolt struck dead on-target, electrocuting Goradora and all his systems, trails of smoke coming off Goradora's singed body. With Goradora weakened by the thunderbolt, Bruticus had no problem winding up and delivering a hay-maker to Goradora's face and knocking him out. Goradora toppled backwards, the ground shaking on his impact.

Dragotron came to, pushing himself up just in time to watch Goradora fall. He got to his feet and glared at Predaking's team.

"Well?" Grimlock crossed his arms. "We took out your big bad combiner. What else you got?"

Dragotron growled and shook his fists. He prepared to continue the fight, but a golden beam struck him in the optic, shattering it. He saw Celestia looking smug with her horn shining.

"Graaah!" Dragotron growled. "This isn't over!" He turned around and fled, his wings waving behind him before he reverted into beast mode and flying away. His Predacons spread their wings and followed after him.

Celestia and Galloway shared glares with the War Princess. The fair was destroyed, in smoking ruins and burning. A Space Bridge opened up, and the Imperials retreated. After the battle, the Americons were in no position to stop them.

Returned to the Principality, Fractyl and the other Imperials set about unpacking their gear.

"We did it," Fractyl said to himself. "We did a good job, r-right guys?" Fractyl looked nervously around for some expression of approval.

"Fractyl?" Fractyl looked down at Twilight Sparkle staring up at him, helmet off. "Could I talk to you for a moment?"

"S-sure." Fractyl replied. "What about?"

"What happened out there?" Twilight asked, waving a displeased hoof. "You completely froze up!"

"I'm sorry." Fractyl crossed his arms and stared at the floor. "I'm just - I'm not used to being in combat situations."

"I understand that." Twilight said. "But when you're in the thick of things, when you're surrounded by chaos and carnage all around, we can't afford to have you to freeze up. You can't be afraid to pull the trigger. Thankfully, we avoided any incidents this time, but what if you had a team counting on you? Things could have gone very wrong, and we can't have that. If you can't fight ... maybe you should consider resigning."

Fractyl nodded. He saluted. "Understood, Princess Twilight. I- I promise it won't happen again. I'll think about what you said and ... consider if I should resign."

Twilight nodded. "Good." She brought her head down and walked into another room.

Fractyl put a finger on his chin.


Drift came up and put a hand on Fractyl's shoulder. Fractyl turned towards him, and Drift wrapped a comforting arm around Fractyl's shoulders.

"I heard you and Twilight talking." Drift said.

"I know." Fractyl looked at the ground. "I should probably resign."

"What? No." Drift said. "You shouldn't resign. Sure, you need a few kinks ironed out, a few rough spots polished, but ... I see potential in you." Drift pointed a positive finger at Fractyl's face. "With a little training, and maybe a little less self-negativity ... you could do great things, Fractyl."

Fractyl wrapped his arms around himself. "Thank you, Drift, but I'm not sure I can believe that. When I saw Heavy Load out there ... when I said my former classmate, I ... I didn't know what to do."

"Hey, listen." Drift said, bringing Fractyl in close. "I know what it's like to be fighting your former friends. Really, I do. I know it can be difficult. To one day, suddenly be gunning down the same people you were drinking and toasting with the next ... but sometimes, that's just the path that fate leads for us. Come on." Drift let go out of Fractyl and began walking. "Follow me. I know a few things about this. I'll give you some special training and help you get over it."

"You can do that?" Fractyl followed Drift. "Oh, Drift, I don't know how to thank you."

"You can thank me by promising that the next time you see Heavy Load ... you'll shoot first."

Fractyl nodded.

Twilight Sparkle, having retired to her office after lecturing Fractyl, rested her hoof on the wall, her eyes staring intently at the floor.

Magnum entered into the room. "Something wrong, commander?"

"No." Twilight Sparkle closed her eyes. "It's nothing. It's just ..." Twilight Sparkle turned to Magnum.

"We went out to the Pink Moon Celebration to make a statement. I sent us out there to say something. And now that it's all said and done ... I can't help but wonder, what did we say? What did we prove?"

Magnum was silent for a minute as he thought about this question.

"We proved we wouldn't be deterred." Magnum said. "We showed Galloway and the others we wouldn't stop until we get what we want ... or until they exterminate every last one of us."

Twilight Sparkle smiled, comforted by his answer. Even if it did describe the valid possibility they could all die before they won.

"Thank you, Magnum. Dismissed."

Magnum nodded and left the room, flipping off the light.

Out in the desert, the Forged regrouped, making note of their loss today while their leaders disagreed.

"You shouldn't have listened to the Imperials, Deathsaurus." Starscream complained. "If we had just seized the advantage, if we had played our cards right ... we could have come out of this with something. A hostage. A prisoner to interrogate. A weapon, something. But no, you had to fall for the Imperial leader playing on your hatred of organics!"

"So?" Deathsaurus said. "I thought you hated organics, Starscream!"

"Oh, they're not my favorites, sure." Starscream said. "But over time, I've come to appreciate how they be quite ... useful, if the situation allows for it. You, however, would rather act on your prejudice then take the time to consider the strategical significant of your maneuver!"

"Don't look at me like that." Deathsaurus said. "They were thousands of those Changeling bugs. Add that to the Imperials, Bludgeon, and those Crystal Predacons ... we were outnumbered. No, we were safer allying with the others when the opportunity arose."

"Safer?" Starscream fumed and stomped his foot. "That's what matters to you? Being safe? I'm beginning to lose patience with you, Deathsaurus. Your tactics are unsound, you keep retreating instead of fighting ... you know ..." Starscream rubbed his chin. "I think the reason my patience is wearing so thin with you is because you remind me of myself. I think you're just a little bit too much like me. The old me."

"What?" Deathsaurus' jaw dropped. "How dare you, sir! I am nothing like you!"

Deathsaurus attempted to strike Starscream, but Starscream caught Deathsaurus' fist in his claw.

"I have learned many things from Megatron during my time with him." Starscream said, unmoved by the panic flashing in Deathsaurus' eyes as Starscream took a complete hold of his arm. "For example, I learned that sometimes one must carry out a physical reminder to those around you. If I were Megatron ..." Starscream tightened his grip on Deathsaurus' hand. "I would take your arm off for this and not allow you to replace it. At least not for a month. But thankfully for you, I am not Megatron."

Starscream squeezed Deathsaurus' head. He squeezed and squeezed, getting tighter and tighter until two of Deathsaurus' fingers were squeezed off their joins, popping out from Deathsaurus' hand.

Starscream let go of Deathsaurus' hand and grabbed the disembodied fingers.

Deathsaurus barely seemed to register Starscream's words, too shocked by the sudden removal of his fingers.

"You there." Starscream pointed to a Vehicon. "Find someone to reattach these for Deathsaurus." Starscream tossed the fingers at the Vehicon, who fumbled to catch them.

Starscream pointed a finger at Deathsaurus.

"Let that be a lesson to you, Deathsaurus. Don't raise a hand against me again."

Starscream turned and left, crossing his hands behind his back, leaving a catatonic Deathsaurus alone.

Starscream went outside. The cold desert wind blew through, blowing a cloud of sand onto Starscream, but he didn't mind.

Starscream walked further out and turned his gaze to the stars, admiring the clear desert night sky.

Shockwave stepped out of the base and saw Starscream staring up into space. "Starscream?"

"You know, Shockwave ..." Starscream said. "We attacked the Pink Moon Celebration today to make a statement. And now that it's over and done, I can't help but wonder ... what did we really say with that attack? With attacking, only to be played like a fiddle by the Imperials and used against the Changelings like tools?"

Shockwave looked aside, unsure how to answer. He turned back to Starscream. "What did we say, Starscream?"

Starscream blinked his single optic and lowered his head.

"Nothing worth saying. That's for damn sure," Starscream said before turning around and walking back inside with Shockwave.

At Gould Enterprises, Gould sat down on a comfortable recliner, waiting for Attinger to enter the room, which he soon did.

"All right, Gould." Attinger said, his expression showing his disgust for Gould's luxurious lifestyle. "I'm here. What did you want?"

"Come." Gould stood up off the recliner. "There's someone I want you to meet. A buddy of mine."

Gould let Attinger into another room, a smaller room, with dimmer lights. Attinger looked around, suspicious.

A Space Bridge portal materialized in the center of the room, and a Vehicon stepped out.

Gould put his hands together and bowed.

"Gould?" Attinger asked. He pointed at the Vehicon, who wasn't sporting the colors of Galloway's Americons. "This isn't one of ours. Who is this?"

"This is a servant of a dear friend of mine." Gould said. "You see, this isn't my fist rodeo with Cybertronians, Attinger. A long time ago, a Decepticon named Scorponok sought out my father for his resources and expertise in a project. My grandfather passed the secret down through the family, and I inherited the family business. How else did you think I had the know-how to build Stinger? Of course, Scorponok's death was a bit of a setback, but we still have a good thing going."

Attinger stared at Gould in disgust. "Do you mean to tell me that you've known aliens have existed long before the rest of the world had any idea about the Autobots or Equestrians?"

"Yup." Gould said. "That's business, Attinger. You keep secrets to maintain an edge over the competition."

"You disgust me." Attinger said, filled with patriotic scorn at Gould for keeping this secret for selfish reasons.

"I can live with that." Gould said. He turned to the Vehicon. "What's the news, my man?"

"Good news, Mister Gould." The Vehicon said. "I found a potential ally on Equestria. A team of one ... Doctor Cabelleron and Ahuziotl. Apparently, they've been running a very successful and lucrative Energon drug trade underground, with access to a few mines."

"Perfect." Gould clapped his hands. "Could always use more Energon, right, Attinger?"

"Sure." Attinger walked out of the room. The idea of allying with a ... a drug dealer made him absolutely nauseous and sick to his stomach.

"Galloway told me that this operation ... that Gould, the 'Americons' ... they would all be for the betterment of our country. Of our world." Attinger said to himself. "So, why then, do I felt doubt creeping?"

Attinger rested his hand on the wall to support himself. "Why do I feel so ... disgusted? Why am I having to work with conspiracies and drug dealers? Why do I feel ... as though I'm not only improving anything, but making the world worse?"

On Cybertron, Metalhawk adjusted a screen. Positioning it so it would capture his face, he turned the power on and sat down.

"My fellow Cybertronians," Metalhawk said. "We have been witness to a grave injustice today. The Autobots Imperial, under the guise of 'justice', launched an unprovoked attack against the people of Equestria, sabotaging their Pink Moon Celebration and destroying its associated fair. I realize the Great War was a long and brutal period of history, and the idea of it ending is still taking some getting used, and that the Autobots were frequently the more noble party, but we must not allow the fact they use the Autobot badge to let us overlook the Imperials' transgressions and tactics. Let us not forget, the Autobots were still warmongers, however well-intentioned. I urge you, my fellow Cybertronians. Let go of the past and discard your badges. Remove your affiliations. Only by renouncing the factions of yesterday can we look forward to a brighter tomorrow ..."

Metalhawk continued his speech, his transmission being broadcast all across Cybertron on several frequences and channels, some of which Metalhawk may not have intended for his transmission to be on.

For out in a deep portion space, far away from any civilized planet, picking up Metalhawk's transmission, was the marauder starship the Tidal Wave.

"Ha." The ship's captain, Thundertron laughed, watching Metalhawk's transmission. "Let go of the past, you say? Forgive you?"

Thundertron stood up and walked around the bridge of his ship.

"You destroyed my planet. Your war ravaged it to its core. Your war annilated my home, and what's worse ... my planet - the entire planet - was nothing more than collateral damage to you. For that reason ..."

Thundertron pulled out his sword and ran it through the screen, ending the transmission and cracking the screen.

"I will never forgive you. Star Seekers!" Thundertron shouted, pulling his sword out from the screen.

"Aw, did you have to do that, captain?" One of the Star Seekers asked. "Those things are expensive, you know."

"Never mind that now." Thundertron said. He held out his sword as he gave his orders. "Track down where that signal was broadcast from and set a course for that location. We may finally be able to exact our long-due revenge on the Cybertronians. Every last one of them will pay."

The crew nodded and began their work to track the signal.

On Equestria, Hydia paced around, waiting for her friend to come forward.

"Hydia," her cloaked friend hissed, stepping out from behind some bushes he'd been using to hide. "You promised you would keep me safe and hidden."

"I did," Hydia said. "And that is exactly what I have done. Celestia doesn't know you're out, does she?"

"No," the cloaked figure said. "But still ... that was awfully close."

"Indeed." Hydia said. "And it is unfortunate that you couldn't find any magic to drain at the Pink Moon Celebration ..."

"There will be other times." The cloaked figure said. "And soon, some day, a day that inches ever closer with each passing morning ... "

The figured removed its hood, showing a dark red simian face with a strong chin and a thin tuft of hair on its chin, two nubs of horns on its head.

"Equestria will once again know the fear and dread inspired by the name of Lord Tirek!"

At another place, out in the vast, starry depths of space ... at planet Cybertron, another time ...

Inside the iron catacombs of Kaon, there was a trio of prisoners being tortured and interrogated for information. Lightning Dust, the disgraced Wonderbolt cadet, took in heavy breaths, chained to a table, blood pooling around her from the series of triple claw marks all around her body.

"P-please ..." Lightning Dust begged. "No more ... no more!" She wriggled and flailed.

A canine face leered at her.

"No more, Steeljaw ... please." Lightning Dust said.

"You know the deal, Lighting Dust." Steeljaw said, raising up a tri-bladed claw. "Tell me what the Autobots were doing in that tower, and I make the pain ... stop."

"Okay." Lightning Dust gulped and nodded. "Okay, I'll tell you."

"Lighting Dust ..." Ahuiztol groaned. "No ... don't."

"What were they doing, Lighting Dust?" Steeljaw asked.

"They were ... trying to send someone back in time." Lightning Dust said. "To change the past ... to change history so - so things would be different now."

"Who did they send?" Steeljaw asked.

"Jack," Lightning Dust said. "Jack Darby."

"Good," Steeljaw said. "You did very good, Lighting Dust." Steeljaw raised up his claw, the blades gleaming in the light.

"You ..." Lightning Dust said. "You said you'd make the pain stop!"

"I did." Steeljaw said. "I never said how. Don't worry, Lightning Dust ... soon you won't feel a thing."

Ahuiztol and A.K Yearling closed their eyes and looked away.

Steeljaw brought the claw down on Lightning Dust, stabbing it straight through Lighting Dust's chest and stomach, lodging them in so far the blades protruded from the underside of the table. Lightning Dust groaned, her eyes going wide and her body twitching before giving one final death kneel, her eyes rolling up into her skull.

Steeljaw yanked the blade out, its edges dripping with blood.

"Don't blame me, Lighting Dust," Steeljaw said. "After all, you sold your comrades out. What kind of a teammate are you?"

Steeljaw walked towards the door, where his soldiers Fracture and Thunderhoof were waiting.

"Now what do we with them?" Fracture asked, gesturing his head at the other two prisoners.

Steeljaw turned and looked at Ahuizotl and Yearling.

"Do what you will," Steeljaw said, walking up the steps. "We don't need them anymore. Do as you like."

"Sweet." Fracture rubbed his hands together, looking forward to inflict some pointless cruelty on the two prisoners.

"Hey." Thunderhoof said. "Where are you going, Steelie?"

"Me?" Steeljaw asked, turning back to them. "I'm going to go see if Lord Megatron can hook us up with a time machine."

XIV: Out of Time

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On Cybetron, Bumblebee, and his teammates Side Swipe and Strongarm, were holed up in an abandoned building. Strongarm rested by the wall while Side Swipe sat on a crate.

"You think Jack will pull through?" Side Swipe asked.

Bumblebee sighed. He walked up to the windowsill and rested his hands on it. "Honestly, Side Swipe. I don't know."

"We should have at least sent him in there with back-up." Strongarm said.

Bumblebee shook his head. "We couldn't have. We didn't have enough juice to power the machine long enough to send a second person through. All we can do now is sit here … and hope Jack can pull off a miracle."

Side Swipe groaned. "I hate sitting. Hey, what's that?" Side Swipe pointed out the window.

Bumblebee lifted his head up. Off in the distance, there was a tower. A blue light was emitting from the tower, flashing and fluctuating.

"Wait a minute ..." After staring at the tower, Bumblebee recognized it as the one they had taken over when they sent Jack off. "Scrap! The Decepticons must have figured what we did! Strongarm, Side Swipe, assemble a team and get ready to storm that tower."

"Who should we get?" Side Swipe asked as he climbed off the crate.

Bumblebee thought about it. "Grab the rest of our team, Starlight Glimmer, the Rescue Bots, and anyone else who's available. And team, I don't think I need to stress to you how important this mission is. We need to take that tower. We have to make sure the Decepticons don't send someone after Jack."

Side Swipe and Strongarm saluted.

"Roll out." Bumblebee ordered. The three of them marched out of the room.

Inside the tower, Steeljaw admired the machinery he had found. "Well, I'll be. Isn't that something." He basked in the blue glow filling the entire room. It was a device akin to a Space Bridge, with a large, circular terminal, connected to various improvised batteries through the room.

"Yeah." Steeljaw's solider, Thunderhoof, agreed. "Them Autobots did this?"

"Never underestimate an Autobot's ingenuity, Thunderhoof." Steeljaw said. "They can be devious when they need to be. Now, let us go through this … Time Bridge and ensure the course of history remains on track!"

There was a boom, which caused all the Decepticons in the room to tense. A crab-robot was sent flying into the room.

"We got … Autobots." The crab weakly alerted them.

Steeljaw turned his attention to the door, where Bumblebee and his team were coming through.

"Sorry, Steeljaw." Bumblebee pulled out a baton, which sprouted a sword blade from one end. "Your trip's been canceled."

Steeljaw was not happy with Bumblebee's raiding party, but he hid it behind a smile. "Oh, really? Decepticons, attack!"

On the Decepticon side, Thunderhoof raised his hoof and stomped the ground, sending out an energy surge towards the Autobots. A Decepticon turned into Ankloysaruus and charged the Autobots. On the Autobot side, a green charged, meeting the Anklosaurus, and Bumblebee planted his sword into the ground, interrupting Thunderhoof's energy surge and cutting it in half.

The crab Decepticon stood up. He ran at Bumblebee, swinging his claws wildly. Bumblebee brought his sword down on him, slashing through him and knocking him backwards.

Another Decepticon in the room pulled out a massive rocket launcher and fired. Bumblebee ducked to avoid the missile, which it kept going and hit the wall, sending pieces of the wall crumbling and falling.

"Starlight! You're up!" Bumblebee called.

A pink unicorn entered the room, to Steeljaw's horror. This was Bumblebee's plan – to wear the Decepticons bit by bit, and pull in reinforcements from as they were needed.

Starlight's horn shimmered. Her horn shot out a multitude of blue lightning bolts, each of them striking a Decepticon in the room. The crab Decepticon tumbled over, and Steeljaw and Thunderhoof staggered from the blow, but they remained standing.

"Rescue Bots!" Bumblebee shouted. The walls of the building were demolished as an another , this one red, a Triceratops with drills for a horn, a pterodactly, and a stegosaurus stampeded into the room.

"Through the portal!" Steeljaw ordered. "Quickly!"

"Go on, boss!" The crab-Decepticon insisted to Thunderhoof. "I'll cover you!" He was both brave and sturdy to stand up after the beating he had taken.

"Thanks, Clampdown." Thunderhoof said. "You're a good friend."

Steeljaw jumped into the Time Bridge, Thunderhoof not far behind. The rocket-wielding Decepticon also joined them, as did a saurian purple Decepticon.

"Slag!" Bumblebee swore. "Autobots, into that portal!"

Bumblebee made a run for the portal. Clampdown tried to stand in his way, but Bumblebee flexed his leg and jumped over him, flying into the Time Bridge.

"Sorry, Scowl." The green growled, grabbing Scowl by the head and tossing him to the side. "Looks like you and I will have to tangle some other time." He marched into the portal.

"Hey, no fair!" Scowl protested. "You owe me this dance, Grimlock!" Scowl attempted to give chase, but was interrupted by the green Triceratops ramming into him and goring Scowl with his drills.

Strongarm, Side Swipe, and an orange Mini-Con headed through the portal. Despite the efforts of others to make through with them, none of them, as the Time Bridge soon ran out of power and closed. The battle between the remaining Decepticons and Starlight and the Rescue Bots continued, with the pterodactyl charging Clampdown and biting one of his eyes off while Starlight fired a lightning bolt into Scowl's side, making him easy prey for the Triceratops to flip over to his side.

"Gee, Blades." Starlight said upon seeing Clampdown's broken form, with sparks coming off him and an eye removed. "I know we're at war, but did you have to do that?"

"One less 'Con to worry about." Blades said before spitting Clampdown's eye out. Starlight winced.


Bumblebee and his team emerged from the Time Bridge in the Nevada desert. They converted to their vehicle modes and drove down the road, going as fast they could to try and find Steeljaw.

"It's no good, sir." Strongarm said after they had been driving for fifteen minutes. "We've lost them."

Bumblebee stopped and reverted to robot mode. "Scrap."

Strong reverted to robot mode and went up to him. "What do you want us to do now, sir?"

Bumblebee brushed his chin, going over his options. "The only thing we can do. We need to find our past selves, explain what's going on, and forge an alliance with them and get their help."

"Shouldn't be too hard." Strongarm said. "How hard can it be to find a bunch of Autobots?"

"Trust me, it could be hard." Bumblebee said. "Do you have any idea what my past self was doing at this time? I was part of the Autobots Imperial. Not a group that wants to be found."

"Well, in that case, sir, I suggest we'd better get started."



Out in the vastness of the cosmos, through outer space, on the distant planet Messatine, Tarn and Kaon of the Decepticon Justice Division were walking around on a routine scouting mission of the planet for resources.

Tarn stopped walking, confusing Kaon. "Is everything all right, Tarn?"

"Kaon … tell me." Tarn said. "Do you think we've been acting … unusual? As though we were softer and nicer than we really are? My mind keeps going to back to Dreadwing and those four-legged creatures that were here sometime ago. After we gave Dreadwing his honorable suicide, we let those creatures go without a word or pursuit. That's not like us. We hate organics. Don't we?"

"Hmm." Kaon said.

Unseen by Tarn or Kaon, a camera hidden in the rocks some distance away whirred and clicked, observing them.

On the other end of the camera, where the recording feed was being sent to across distance, creatures hiding in a shadowed room watched Tarn and Kaon. Shadowy creatures who roamed on beds of tentacles. The dim lighting in their room wasn't by choice because they were villains who wore their evil on their sleeve; they were strapped for resources and energy.

"It appears the subjects of our experiments are beginning to catch on." One of the creatures said.

"Yes. Our pacifying device has nullified much of the Justice Division's violent impulses. In that regard, it has been a success."

"But now they are becoming aware of they are under outside influence. What shall we do?"

"Wait." Another voice spoke. "Our instruments are detecting a ship approaching Messatine' orbit. Scans show that is not a Cybertronian vehicle."

High in the orbit, out in the black sea of space, the ship of the Star Seekers, the Tidal Wave, cast its mooring near the orbit and outer edges of Messatine.

"Captain Thundertron," A pirate on board the ship addressed his captain, "our sensors show Cybertronian lifesigns on the planet below. Six of them. What do you want us to do?"

"What's one detour on our way to Earth? Blast them with our weapons. Making it so there's fewer of those Cybertronian scum wandering the universe is always a good thing, as far as I'm concerned."

"Firing." The pirate pushed a button. Whirs and hums came from the ship.

Below, the Decepticon Justice Division were taken by surprise when hails of fireballs and lasers began to rain down from the sky. Tarn followed his instincts and tackled Kaon to the ground, using his bulkier body to shield his fellow Decepticon from the surprise attack. The bombardment continued until the entire area around them was covered in craters, little wisps of smoke rising up from the scorched ground.

"That ought to do it." The pirate said. Thundertron gave the signal for them to seperate from the planet and continue on their way to Earth.

On the planet's surface, Tarn pushed himself up. "Are you all right, Kaon?"

"Think so. What was that?"

"I do not know." Tarn offered his hand to Kaon and helped him to his feet. "But what I do know is … " Tarn paused. His optics shined an intense red, as did Kaon's. They were both overwhelmed by a surge of violent impulses, impulses they had had and were suppressed for far too long. The temptation to stop what they were doing, aim their weapons on the ground, and engage in a rampage of mindless destruction was overwhelming. But Tarn resisted. Though he was a violent Decepticon by nature, he could do long-term planning.

"Is that whatever was pacifying us and suppression our natural aggression must have been destroyed in that attack! Get to the ship." Tarn ordered, swiping his arm. "We're going to go find those four-legged organics, revisit the terms of their crime, and execute them, like we should have when we had the chance!"

Kaon nodded. The two of them ran back to the location of their ship.

The shadowy creatures examined all this.

"It appears our pacifying device was destroyed in that attack by the ship."

"It should be noted that our device is weak to fire from ships in orbit above the planet. We should install the next one deeper into the planet's surface and amplify the signal."

"What's the point?" A tired one among them asked. "This pacifying device program was one of last and best hopes, and this test run has gotten us nowhere. Even if we do install another, the Decepticons will be expecting it this time and destroy it. Accept it. We are doomed! Our kind is doomed to extinction!"

"Perhaps not." Another one said. "Did anyone catch any information about that ship? It appears they fired solely because they were Cybertronians on the planet's surface. Whether they distinguish between Autobot and Decepticon is unclear, but either way, I believe we should reach out to that ship. Contact them, and ask for their aid with and protection from our ... Cybertronian difficulties."

"That is … an acceptable proposal."


In the Imperial base, Twilight Sparkle was watching the news on television, looking for ideas for how she could plan her next strike against Galloway. A crowd began to build up around her as soldiers walked by her, saw what she was doing, and sat down with her.

"There is unrest and uncertainity in the streets of America regarding Galloway and what is happening inside the White House." A female news reporter said. "Some are merely expressing criticism of Galloway. Some have gone so far as to start riots in streets. One such riot was a march on D.C which was defused by an "Americon" and some tear gas. Another one is underway right now in the state capitol of Utah."

The screen changed to show a bunch of humans marching on the streets, carrying signs and placards. Most prominent was a banner saying "Tell the Truth!" with a crayon drawing of Galloway's face.

"We've reached out to some of them for comment."

The screen changed again to focus on a man in the crowd with a microphone being held up to him.

"It's like, if you're gonna stage a coup and take over the United States, then stage your coup, but actually call it a coup. Not this "state of national emergency" Galloway keeps trying to push on us. The Autobots have in the public for three years, and I've never heard of them attacking anybody. Where's the President, Galloway, huh? Where's the President?"

Twilight smiled, satisfied in the knowledge this human man saw through Galloway's lies and wouldn't tolerate them.

"Others have expressed the desire for things to simply go back to normal and to carry on with their normal lives. Some of those we interviewed have even suggested the idea of armed resistance to take back the Capitol Building, but so far no sign of weapons have been reported."

"Hmm." Twilight said. "Make a note of that. If these enterprising humans go through with the idea of making armed resistance cells, they could use a friend like us, and we could use some extra friends."

Magnum nodded his head.

"We now to go an exclusive interview with Dylan Gould, head of Gould Enterprises." The female newscaster said, and the screen cut to a male newscaster in a cut-out window, with Dylan Gould in another cutout next to him. Twilight Sparkle and some others make grumpy faces at having to see Gould's face again.

"Hello, Mister Gould. It's good to have you on the show."

"Hello! It's great to be here, Frank. I understand you have some questions for me?"

"Yes I do." Frank pulled out a sheet of paper. "Some have suggested that you are in bed with Galloway and have been providing for him during his coup. What do you say to that?"

Gould seemed taken aback by this direct line of questioning, but he reacted and played it down. "Well, as a businessman, I have several lucrative contracts with a variety of employers, including the government. It makes sense then that Galloway and I would have met each other a few times during meetings, doesn't it?"

"Prior to recent events, he was a Senator. Wouldn't he have had people to contact you for him?"

Gould bit his lip. "Perhaps."

"Another thing. What do you say to those who have been alleging you've building your own knock-off Decepticons called "Stingers"?"

Gould was again taken aback. "I would probably ask them how they knew that, as that was supposed to be classified information."

"One of these "Stingers" were allegedly seen during the Pink Moon Festival on Equestria. Some have proposed this done deliberatley was an early preview of the drone before its actual business release."

"Well, in that case, I suppose the cat's out of the bag now. Yes, Gould Enterprises are working on a unique line of Stinger model drones, fit for a variety of purposes."

"Would one of those purposes be to supplement and ultimately replace the Autobots, as some claim?"

Gould did not look too pleased at this question.

"What do you say to your critics who suggest this Stingers are intended to be part of a drone army to enforce Galloway's tyrannical regime?"

"I would say these people are luddites afraid of the march of technology and progress." Twilight Sparkle rolled her eyes. What a load of hot air. "The Stinger drone is perfectly safe to use for a variety of purpose, and will be available to both corporations and individuals for purchase. The Stinger drone can be used as a security guard, transport, and other things. Why, Equestrians could buy one and use them to practice and experiment magic spells on!"

"That's another thing." Frank said. "I have this essay here, it's actually quite an interesting read, outlining a plan where you sell Stinger drones to the Equestrians under the guise of protection from renegade Decepticon attacks, and then one thing leads to another and bam! The Equestrians are under the watchful eyes of Gould and Galloway's Stinger police."

"Wasn't that basically Shockwave's plan for the Predacons?" Applejack asked.

"That's probably where the author of the essay got the idea." Arcee answered.

This was the last straw for Gould. "All right, that's it, this interview is over. No more question. No more questions!"

"Didn't we see this "early preview" Stinger at the Pink Moon Celebration?" Magnum asked.

"You're right." Twilight cupped her chin.. "I hadn't thought of it before. Gould probably is building an army of Stingers for Galloway to use. We can't let that happen. An army of mindless drones under Galloway's command who can go toe-to-toe with an Autobot is the last thing we need. We need to sabotage Gould's operation."

"How?" Arcee asked. "If we try to get near his buildings, Galloway will send the Americons after us, and I doubt Gould is just going to invite us to his doorstep. 'Hey, can we borrow a cup of sugar, oh by the way, we need to destroy this drone army you're making, hope you don't mind!'"

"You're probably right." Twilight rubbed her chin. "We need to get inside somehow. We need to infiltrate Gould Enterprises. We need someone on the inside. We need … a spy."

"Ooh!" Miko raised her hand. "Can I do it?"

Twilight looked at her with concern. "Miko. I'm not sure you're really the best choice for this."

"Please?" Miko begged. "I promise I'll be careful, and you guys know I'm great at sabotage!"

"Ain't that the truth." Jack remarked.

"I don't know, Miko." Twilight said. "You are great at destroying stuff, true, but being a spy is also being to lie and bluff your way into the enemy's good graces. You need to be subtle. You need to have a good poker face."


"I still don't-"


"Fine!" Twilight caved into Miko's begging, unable to stand her whining any longer. "You can go and be a spy, Miko."

"Yes!" Miko pumped her fist in the air. "You won't regret this decision, Twilight."

"I'd better not."

"Come along, darling." Rarity said. "I'll give you a makeover for your mission. By the time I'm done with you, your own mother won't recognize you."

"Hmm. Now is that my birth mother, or my host mother? Because, you know, I think my host mother would be easy to fool."


Miko turned around, and was startled by Twilight's hoof grabbing her by the shirt.

"If you get yourself hurt out while you're out there, I'm going to kill you. Understand?"

Miko smiled. "You're such a great mother hen-slash-general, Twilight." Miko saluted, and Twilight let go. Rarity grabbed Miko and the two went to give Miko her makeover.

"'Mother Hen General' … hmm." Twilight chuckled and smiled, turning back the television. The thought of being a mother figure to Miko and the others flattered her. "I suppose I am, aren't I?"


Miko, having gone through Rarity's makeover procedure, was driven to and dropped off at the Gould Enterprises building. While the Stinger project was supposed to be a secret, the location of the building was public.

A Vehicon drove up to the curb and opened its door. Miko stepped out.

"Good luck." The Vehicon said, driving off before it could be spotted.

Miko was dressed up as a scientist, with a white labcoat, a clipboard, and glasses. Rarity had washed out the pink dye in her hair, which Miko didn't appreciate, and pulled her hair back in a nice, professional ponytail, which Miko also did not appreciate, even if she accepted it was necessary for the mission, and had applied some cream to her cheeks to make her face seem paler.

Miko took a deep breath and walked up to the building's entrance.

A woman saw her and opened the door to greet her. "Can I help you?"

"Um, yes, actually." Miko said. "I'm ..." Miko paused. She hadn't thought of a good alias. "Sari Sumdac. I'm looking for Mister Gould for an internship?"

The woman smiled. "Ah, yes, of course! Mister Gould is always looking for new talent. I'll go get him for you." The woman left and went back into the building.

Miko clutched her clipboard. So far, so good.

"I don't remember scheduling any appointments today ..." Miko could Gould mutter as the woman brought him to the entrance.

"Here she is, sir." The woman gestured to Miko and left to return to work.

Gould came out onto the steps and examined Miko. "So, you're Sari, huh?"

Miko was about to correct him about her name being Miko before catching herself and reminding herself she was supposed to be a spy. "Yes sir, that's me!"

"I understand you're looking for an internship?"

"That's correct."

Gould crossed his arms. "You have to understand, Miss Sumdac, I have certain requirements someone has to meet before I even consider hiring them."

Like putting up with your overly-greased hair? Miko thought.

"I'm ready do whatever it takes to make the grade, sir!" Miko said.

"I admire your enthusiasm. Question one." Gould held up his finger. "Why do you want to work at Gould Enterprises?"

"Why else? To contribute to march of technology and usher in a new era of technology!" Miko didn't know much about technological research. This was more Twilight's domain. But she figured if she threw enough buzzwords at Gould, he'd be impressed.

"All right." Gould smiled. "Next question. Why should I hire you over any other potential interns, and in addition to the employees I already have?"

"I, uh, I ..." Miko hesitated. "I'm a blunt speaker! I always say exactly what's on my mind, and I'm not afraid to voice my opinion."

"Hmm. I suppose every group does need its own critic. You know, someone to make them think twice and reign in their egos when they're getting out of check. All right, question three … are you a spy!?" Gould pointed a finger at her.

"What?" Miko almost dropped the clipboard. She bounced it on her hands, trying to catch it before it hit the ground.

Gould laughed. "I'm just messing with you. Although you never can be too careful. And rest assured, if you are a spy, I have ways of dealing with that ..."

Miko tried to resist swallowing the lump forming her throat.

"All right, I think that's everything. Normally, I'd ask you what your skill sets and educational background are, but I think you can answer that in the paperwork. Come on." Gould gestured for her to follow him inside.

Miko went inside with him. The inside of the building was neat and polished, with a shiny white floor and enormous, clear windows. Miko had to admit, she wasn't expecting a place run by such a dirty scoudrel to be so clean.

That's how they get you. Miko thought to herself.

"You wait right here, and I'll go get the forms." Gould said. "Oh, but don't go wandering off. We have some very sensitive projects in the works right now, and you need security clearance to get into several areas."

"Will do." Miko saluted. Gould left. Miko observed the area, taking note of what appeared to the receptionist desk.

"That is to say, I will do exactly that." Miko muttered to herself and begin walking around. She avoided eye contact, was quick to say "excuse me" and move away when she bumped into someone, and kept an eye out for anything which looked suspicious.

Hello. Miko thought, noticing three entrances next to each other, with the third one from the right being black while the other two were normal silver colors. What do we have here?

An employee went up to the black door. He looked over his shoulder at Miko with a look of contempt, but continued his business. He pulled out a security card and swiped into the keypad by the black door, which beeped and unlocked. The employee opened the door and went through.

Miko kept her distance for a minute. When she thought the coast was clear, she ran up to the door and stuck her foot in, keeping it from closing. She pushed the door open and entered the room. She was greeted by a spiraling onyx staircase, and she could the footsteps of the employee ahead of fading into the distance.

She went up the stairs, going slow to avoid any unwanted encounters. There were quite a few steps, which her a bit of a workout, but she managed to reach the top.

Phew! You'd think they would, like, have an elevator or a ramp or something …

Miko arrived at a large, double-set of doors plastered with warning signs on them. "DO NOT ENTER" and other phrases were pasted across the door.

Ah, clever. Miko grabbed the door handle and pushed. You put in a lot of warning signs so people who aren't supposed to be here won't risk coming in and learning about your super-secret project, but the people involved actually know what's on the other side!

Miko opened the door and went in.

The room she entered was huge, large enough to hold a few Cybertronians. There were people scattered across the room, all of them attending various stations. But when Miko entered the room, they all stopped what they were doing and turned to look at her. They knew she wasn't supposed to be there.

What struck Miko most was two humans and two robots standing in the epicenter of the floor. Galloway, Attinger, Ratchet, and Stinger had all taken notice of her, with Galloway and Ratchet giving her bewildering looks while Attinger glared at her. Of the four, Attinger was the only to make Miko feel uneasy.

Seeing they were all staring at her, Miko raised her hand up and waved.




At the Imperial base, an Imperialcon was monitoring his post when he picked up a signal.

"Commander?" The Imperialcon turned and raised his hand, getting Twilight's attention as she happened to be passing by. "I'm picking up a distress signal in a harbor not far from Jasper."

Twilight Sparkle entered the room and climbed up onto the machine. She looked at the distress signal. "Interesting. Let's check it out. I'll assemble a team."

After assembling the team, (Bulkhead, Arcee, Magnum, Bumblebee, Fluttershy, and some Vehicons) Twilight ordered a GroundBridge to be opened to transport them there. Her team went through and arrived at a dim-lit port with crates all around.

"Spread out." Twilight Sparkle ordered. "We'll cover more ground that way."

Her troops nodded and spread out across the port. Bulkhead, Bumblebee, and Arcee converted to their vehicle modes and drove throughout the area.

Bulkhead entered a section with the crates close together. Seeing how dark it was, he turned on his headlights. Gee, I wonder if the humans here even pay for the lights. He kept moving, keeping his optics peeled, though the crates were beginning to make him feel claustrophobic.

"Hi-yah!" was all the warning Bulkhead received before an armored SUV rammed into him from the side, pushing him across the ground.

"Hey!" Bulkhead swerved and reverted to robot mode, converting his arms into blasters. "What's the big idea?"

The light from Bulkhead's chest generated by his headlights fell on a police truck. It was about the same size as Bulkhead's vehicle mode.

"I can't believe it." The truck said before reverting to its robot mode, a burly, bulky female Autobot with a samurai crest on her head. She put her hands to her face in amazement. "You're Bulkhead!"

"Uh, yeah?" Bulkhead said, perplexed by the fembot's reaction. "Do I know you? Have we met?"

"I am one of your biggest fans." The fembot said, crossing her hands over her Spark. "I've never met you, and you probably don't know me, but I'm still a fan! I'm Strongarm." Strongarm extended a hand to Bulkhead. "Oh, and I'm sorry about ramming into you earlier. Considering where I come from, you can never be too careful."

Bulkhead was still confused, and suspicious of Strongarm. "I don't even know you. Why should I trust anything you say?"

"She's right. You never met. But you should trust her."

Bulkhead saw a yellow Autobot approaching them. His design was reminiscent of a Vehicon, with a sleek build, strong, reinforced legs and wings sticking off his back.

"Because I do." The yellow Autobot said. "And that's always been good enough for you, Bulk."

"Captain Bumblebee, sir!" Strongarm saluted and took up a military posture.

"At ease, Cadet."

"Bumblebee?" Bulkhead asked.

"I'm here, Bulkhead." Bumblebee, in his muscular car vehicular mode, pulled up behind Bulkhead and reverted to robot mode, drawing his Beast Hunter bow.

"Bumblebee?" Bulkhead looked at the black-coated, bow-wielding Bumbleebee, and he looked at the yellow, sleek "Captain" Bumblebee. He kept looking back between the two of them. "This guy over here says he's Bumblebee. You can't be both Bumblebee!"

"No, no, he's Bumblebee." Captain Bumblebee said. "And ... I'm Bumblebee."

Bulkhead and the "normal" Bumblebee exchanged confused glares. Bulkhead looked at Captain Bumblebee again.

"Oh, no." Bulkhead realized what had to be happening here. "No, no, no. I am not putting up with more confusing time travel."

Bulkhead began to leave, but Bumblebee threw himself in his friend's way, grabbing him by the shoulders.

"Bulkhead, wait." Bumblebee said. "I know you and Rarity have a … history when it comes to travel, but we should at least hear what they have to say."

Bulkhead sighed. "Fine. But when this all blows up in our faces and causes a reality-ending paradox, or makes Twilight Sparkle into her own grandmother or even into our mother or something, don't say I didn't warn you!"

Bumblebee activated his commlink. "Bumblee to all units. We've found the source of the distress signal. You're gonna want to come to take a look at this."

Captain Bumblebee did the same. "Side Swipe, Grimlock, Fixit, converge on my position."

Each Bumblebees' respective team arrived. Twilight, Magnum, Arcee and the others joined Bulkhead and Bumblebee while Captain Bumblebee was joined by a red Autobot with a Mohawk and Japanese symbols on his chest, a green Dinobot, and a tiny, orange Mini-Con with claws for hands and a pair of wheels instead of legs for locomotion.

"Everyone, this is Captain Bumblebee, myself from the future." Bumblebee introduced his future self.

"Is that so?" The War Princess asked.

"Yes." Captain Bumblebee said. "Believe me, Twilight, we wouldn't have come here if the situation weren't desperate."

Twilight, hearing her name, retracted her Vehicon mask. "Your situation?"

"Yes." Captain Bumblebee said. "A few days ago, well, a few days ago to us, we sent Jack Darby back in time to try to change the course of history."

"Ah, yes, Jack." Twilight rolled her eyes, remembering how well her last meeting with Jack went.

"You've met him?" Captain Bumblebee asked with hope in his voice. "Do you know where he is?"

"Yes, we've met. He put a knife to the neck of a hostage we had just rescued and asked to GroundBridge him to Jasper."

Captain Bumblebee chuckled. "That's Jack. Always so resourceful. Please, you'll have to forgive him."

"Forgive him?" Twilight exclaimed. "He put a knife to a woman's throat!"

"The future we live is pretty rough." Captain Bumblebee said. "The apocalypse makes for strange bedfellows. Lots of allegiances have shifted and alliances have fractured. So you'll have to excuse Jack for thinking he's seeing the enemies he has in the future instead of potential allies in the present."

Twilight looked to the side, considering this, before turning her attention back to Bumblebee. "I'll think about that. Your future must be pretty bad to have Jack … act the way he is."

"You have no idea." Captain Bumblebee said.

"So, what do you want to tell us?" Twilight asked.

"There's a couple of things." Bumblebee said. "If today's the day I think it is, then if you include the reason we're here, you have three fronts you have to do battle on. First, the Decepticon Justice Division. They're going to be coming to Earth, looking for revenge, and they're going to attack Gould Enterprises. You'll need to send a team to fight them off to keep Miko safe."

Twilight looked at Bumblebee with a renewed concern for Miko's safety. "Is that was Jack was talking about? Is this how Miko died in the future?"

"No, but a lot of humans did, including Galloway." Bumblebee said. "Without him doing his fake President act, and no one knowing where he was keeping the real President, the country fell apart and was vulnerable when the 'Cons made their big push. Oh, and Twilight? You're going to want to send that team with a Beast Hunter weapon. The drill. Just … trust me on this." Captain Bumblebee smiled.

Twilight nodded. "What else?"

"There's a Decepticon. His name is Steeljaw." Bumblebee said. "He figured out what my team and I were up to and traveled back in time to the present, to here, so he and his Pack could find Jack from our time and stop him from altering the flow of time. My team and I followed him here, and we need your help to make sure he not only doesn't find Jack, but doesn't keep history the way it is … or change it so that it's even worse."

Twilight nodded.

"One more thing." Captain Bumblebee raised a finger. "Later today, a group called the Star Seekers are going to attack Earth in their ship, the Tidal Wave."

"The Star Seekers?" Twilight rubbed her chin. "Where have I heard that name before?"

"They won't cause a lot of damage today, but they will do everything they can to kill as many Cybertronians as they can from the safety of their starship with their ship's weapons, and few Cybertronians are going to be capable of withstanding a direct hit from those laser cannons."

"Understood." Twilight said. "But why are you telling us all this? Isn't a bit risky with the timeline to let us know about these events before they happen and let us change them? Rarity traveling back and keeping Bulkhead from dying is one thing, but you're talking about altering events from recorded history in what's at least fifteen, if not twenty years into the future!"

"Trust me, Twilight." Captain Bumblebee said. "Any change you make will ultimately be for the better. Anything is an improvement over what we currently have."

Twilight furrowed her eyebrows. The future Captain Bumblebee lived in must have been horrible if he was so willing to causally volunteer events in the hopes she and her friends would try to change them, altering history and messing with the timeline.

"That bad, huh?" Bulkhead asked.

"Yeah. That bad." The red Autobot accompanying Captain Bumblebee answered.



Attinger was the first to approach the mysterious woman who had intruded on their secret Stinger project. "Can I help you, miss? Are you lost?"

"Lost?" Miko said. "No, no, I'm not lost, I'm just, uh … looking for the little girls' room?"

"I see." Attinger said with a warm smile. "Well, I'm sure someone can help you there once we've clear this up and determine whether or not you're a security risk. I'm sure this is all a big misunderstanding." Attinger pulled out his phone and called a number. "Gould, it's Attinger. We've got someone in your secret project room."

Miko heard footsteps echoing on the stairs from behind the door. Gould burst into the run, out of breath, having rushed in here. The employee paperwork was in his hands.

"Oh!" Gould exclaimed upon seeing Miko. "Oh, it's just you. For a second there, I thought we might have had a serious security breach. Attinger, this young woman here was speaking to me about a job. Nothing to worry about here."

"Is that so?" Attinger raised his eyebrow, keeping his eyes on Miko. "And what are we going to do about the fact she's seen the Stinger project?"

Gould scoffed. "Have you seen the news today? The project's already all over the media. Might as well let her see it. After all, the public already knows. What's one more?"

Attinger glared at Gould. "That's not exactly safe security practice, Gould. Have you even run a background check on this woman?"

"I was about to, yeah, when I got your call upstairs." Gould said.

Attinger nodded his head. "What's your name, miss?"

"Sari." Miko answered. "Sari Sumdac."

Attinger cocked his head in a way which reminded Miko of a parrot. "Sari, Sari … in my personal experience, that is an Indian name. But you are clearly of Oriental descent."

Miko laughed, trying to think of a convincing cover story. "Uh, well, one of my parents was an immigrant?"

"That sounds more like a question than a statement." Attinger said. "Miss Sumdac, I have spent my entire life learning to look for cues and spot tells in a person. I can be in another room, and I can tell you the difference between the ethnicity of an African and an Indian just by listening to their breathing. Just by examining the way she walks, I can tell when a woman is three weeks pregnant before she knows it herself. I am a nightmare fusion of James Bond and Sherlock Holmes the likes of which you have never seen before, and will not see again. So, Miss Sumdac, if that is your real name, trust that if you're lying to us, I will know."

Miko gulped. "Okay, Mister Crazy Man. Can I take a look at this "Stinger" I've been hearing so much about?" Miko made her way past Attinger and looked to the red robot in the center of the room. Stinger was not as attention-grabbing as the robot next to him, Ratchet, who Miko recognized.

Ratchet, not appreciating interruption into his work, gave Miko a glare. His face softened and showed visible surprised when he recognized Miko's face.

Attinger took notice. "Ratchet, do you know this woman?"

Ratchet shook his head to clear it. He did what he could to keep Miko safe. "I've never seen her before in my life!" He returned to working on Stinger. "Okay, Stinger, if you'll face left so I can work on your shoulder joints ..."

"Well, this has been fun!" Miko said and walked to the door. "But I think I'm ready to for Mister Gould's paperwork now. I'll just sign a non-disclosure agreement and be on my way!"

"Sure, sure." Attinger said. "It's tiring working with the Autobots ..."

Miko passed Attinger.

"Isn't it, Miss Miko Nakadai?"

Miko froze. Ratchet's face betrayed his worried.

"I-I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about ..." Miko said.

"Simple process of elimination." Attinger said. "First, when you and Ratchet saw each other, despite trying to deny it, he clearly recognized you. Second, the affiliation of one Miko Nakadai with the Autobots was a well-known and well-publicized fact after the Autobots had been outed from hiding on Earth. If I simply divide the all known associate of the Autobots by all women of Oriental descent who were known to spend time with the Autobots, I arrive at Miko Nakadi as the quotient."

Miko sighed. "Well, I guess you got me." She took her glasses off and crossed her arms. "Now what are you going to do with me?"

"Attinger, don't you go near her!" Ratchet said.

Attinger, Galloway, and Gould all looked at Ratchet with confused looks.

"If you put so much as a hand on her, all deals are off!" Ratchet said. He looked around the room.

"That's cute. You want to protect your friend." Galloway said. "But Ratchet, you don't have that much negotiating power here. Your knowledge is valualbe, sure, but somehow I get the sense we could manage without you."

Ratchet looked around the room. A female scientist was walking by, examining Stinger's leg, oblivious (or perhaps just desensitized, given who she was working for) to the dangerous situation unfolding in the room. Ratchet bent down and grabbed her, holding her up. He converted his other hand into a blade and put it in front of the woman.

"Let Miko go, or I will cut this woman in half." Ratchet said.

"He's bluffing." Gould said. "He tried to pull this trick once already, and he couldn't go through with it. He's too good and noble an Autobot to do something like this."

"I am not bluffing!" Ratchet said. "I will kill this woman! How do you think her family will take it when they hear she got killed by an Autobot because she was working at the wrong place a the wrong time, hmm? Or better yet, Galloway, how many of your financial backers and allies will stay with you when they learn you couldn't even keep a doctor from killing someone?"

Galloway scowled.

"No, that's so bad." Gould said. "I mean, if you're going to kill someone, why not have a doctor do it? I mean, a doctor is a profession that is most likely to to know exactly what it would take to kill a person. Think about it! Use your logic and critical thinking skills, people!"

Galloway continued his scowl. Attinger maintained a neutral expression, refusing to let Ratchet read his face for tells. Miko grimaced, worried Ratchet might go through with his threat, which wasn't at all like the grouchy but well-meaning Autobot she had come to know.

To Miko's, and unknown to them, Ratchet's relief, they weren't going to have to find out whether or not Ratchet would go through it, as there was a explosion caused by a sound recognizable as a fusion cannon, and one of the tall windows in the building shattered, its pieces falling to the ground in a crystalline rain of shards.

Tarn appeared in the widow, holding the sides of the wall for support before climbing inside the building. Kaon, Vos, and the rest of the Decepticon Justice Division followed him in. Ratchet let out a gasp as seeing them here. What some of the mightiest, craziest killers in the Decepticons could want from Gould Enterprises, he didn't know, but it couldn't have been anything good.

"We were on our way to Equestria to revisit certain Equestrians when we were contacted by Soundwave." Tarn said. "He shared with us information revealing Optimus Prime had been keeping Megatron's body inside his Earthern base … and now that Earthen base has since been destroyed, Megatron's body along with it. This desecration and illegal cremation cannot go unpunished. I am to led to believe the humans responsible can be found here?"

"He's the one you want." Galloway pointed to Ratchet. "After all, he was part of Optimus Prime's team. They were the ones responsible for keeping Megatron's body in the base where it was destroyed."

Ratchet wanted to be disgusted Galloway would volunteer him in such a manner, but it wasn't surprising.

Tarn aimed his cannons at Ratchet.

"Wait!" Ratchet yelled, raising his hands up in surrender. "Yes, it's true Optimus kept the corpse in the base because we couldn't trust that some loyal Decepticon would make an ill-conceived attempt at bringing Megatron back from the dead again, but we are not responsible for the body's destruction." Forced with a choice between defending himself and being blown to pieces by Tarn, Ratchet had little alternative other than to direct Tarn's anger at Galloway. Although he'd be lying if he said he felt guilty about it. "If you're looking for the ones responsible for the destruction, you need look no further than right here." Ratchet pointed to Galloway. "Megatron's cremation was caused by the actions of the agents of this man."

Tarn alternated gazes between Ratchet and Galloway. He turned away from them, crossing his hands behind his back.

"What you two say contradicts what the other claims." Tarn said. "I am a Decepticon of the law. After all, without the laws that guide us, we would be no better than the disgusting organics the Decepticons hate.

"Hey! We have laws, too!" Miko exclaimed, though perhaps she might have held her tongue if she knew what Tarn was capable of.

Tarn looked at a clock on the wall.

"Very well. We'll settle this in an improvised courtroom debate." Tarn said. "The trial will last two hours. Each defendant," Tarn pointed to Galloway and Ratchet, "will have to make their case as to why the other party should be held responsible." Tarn snapped his fingers.

The Decepticon Justice Division began to prepare the room. Picking up various items, such as chairs and flowers, they made rough analogies of witness stands for Galloway and Ratchet to sit in. Kaon converted into his alternate mode, a Decepticon version of an electric chair, and Tarn sat on him, using Kaon to substitute for the judge's seat and trusting that Kaon would not accidentally electrocute him.

"Let the trial commence!" Tarn shouted, gesturing for Galloway and Ratchet to come forward and make their arguments.


Out on an open highway in Nevada, Johnson – Future Jack raised up his cell phone and dialed a number on it. When there was no reply, he hung up and dialed again.

Come on. Come on … Jack thought to himself, the phone beeping in his ear. He hung up and dialed again.

He looked around for his targets.

"Yes!" He pumped a fist, spotting a quartet of vehicles approaching his position. A grey off road vehicle with sweptback fins resembling wolf hairs, a blue tractor, a purple, Cybertronian hover-bike with no wheels, and another, larger purple vehicle resembling a hybrid between a drag racer and an armored military vehicle.

The quartet of vehicles pulled up to Jack and reverted to their robot modes. Jack counted them off by name as they transformed. They surrounded Jack.

Steeljaw. Thunderhoof. Fracture, and Underbite. Jack thought.

"Hello, Jack." Steeljaw greeted him in the friendliest of voices, but Jack knew well the posion laced on Steeljaw's words. "Beautiful day, isn't it?"

"Cut it out, Steeljaw." Jack said. "What do you want?"

"I want to talk to you." Steeljaw said. "I have a suspicion you were went back in time to try and change the past. Am I right?"

Jack crossed his arms and glared.

"No, of course you wouldn't answer that. Well, supposing that I am right, I was wondering if there was any I could talk you out of it? One must think of the fragility of the timeline, after all. Or am I going to have get more … physical?" Steeljaw flexed his claw.

"If you want to get physical, take it up with us!"

Twilight's team, consisting of herself as the War Princess, Ultra Magnus, Magnum, Grimlock, Rarity and Fluttershy, appeared from their hiding place, jumping and rolling out from under the highway bridge.

Steeljaw growled. "How did you know we'd be here?"

"It was all part of the plan." The War Princess said. "Have Jack call a blocked number on his cell phone until you picked up and traced his signal. Worked like a charm."

"That it did." Steeljaw admitted. "Though you may as well drop the mask and the voice changer, Twilight Sparkle. I know who you are, War Princess."

"Noted, but I think I'll keep the helmet on. It's more than just for show." Twilight said.

"Now, Twilight ..." Steeljaw. "I'm not an unreasonable Decepticon. I don't want to fight you, and if I know ponies as well as I think do, you would rather not fight, either. We can work something out."

"You mean you don't want to fight us when we have superior numbers, don't you, darling?" Rarity commented.

Steeljaw frowned, but he turned it upside down and chuckled, laughing it off. "You're a sharp one … Rarity, was it? Do excuse my unfamiliarity, You see, from my perspective, I was stuck in a prison cell on board a transport ship, and you ponies … well, you were long dead by the time I got out. Now, Twilight Sparkle, could I interest you in a deal where we agree to leave peacefully to fight another day, and I warn you about the dangers to come?"

"Don't waste your breath, Steeljaw."

Captain Bumblebee and his team stepped out from under the highway bridge. Captain Bumblebee unsheathed his baton and deployed the blade inside. Steeljaw saw his reflection in the blade's edge.

"I already told her about the Star Seekers, and the Decepticon Justice Division." Captain Bumblebee pointed his sword at Steeljaw.

Steeljaw chuckled again. "I see, well in that case, perhaps we'll just be on our way – GWARRR!" Steeljaw roared and charged, and the battle was on.

Twilight ran to the side to avoid Steeljaw's claws, swooping in like a hawk's talons.

"Remember, everypony. We set up our own roadblocks, so we're free to use the highway without worrying about cilivans!" Twilight shouted before using her magic to teleport herself onto the bridge. Rarity went run around and ran up the hill to give Twilight back-up.

Steeljaw growled. He joined Twilight on the bridge with an impressive leap into the air, landing in front of her.

On the lower ground, Thunderhoof raised up his hoof, which glowed glow with power.

"GET DOWN!" Captain Bumblebee warned his teammates. Everyone ducked for cover as Thunderhoof brought his hoof crashing down, sending out a pulse of energy which would have bowled them over had they not gotten out of the way.

"Is this really necessary, Twilight Sparkle?" Steeljaw asked. "Put yourself in my shoes for a minute. From where I'm standing, you failed at all of the goals you set out do when you made the Imperials. From my perspective, you have already failed. From my perspective, you. ARE ALREADY. DEAD."

Steeljaw converted into his vehicle mode. He revved his engine, let it warm up, and accelerated down the road, meaning to run Twilight over.

Twilight Sparkle stood in place, standing her ground. She wasn't going to let Steeljaw get into her head. She wasn't going to succumb to his negative talk and despair.

"I'm alive now, and that's what counts." Twilight said. Her horn hummed as a pink glow surged from it. She fired a laser from it, striking Steeljaw in the hood of his vehicle mode and hitting him with such force it sent him flying, smoke billowing off from the side of his hood. He flipped over at least four times through the air before landing on his side, dragging across the ground, sparks flying off him as he was scraped across the pavement.

Steeljaw groaned and reverted to his robot mode. "Not bad for a four-legger." Steeljaw flexed his claws, deploying three blades from each set of knuckles.

"Why does a robot who has claws for hands need claws on his claws?" Twilight asked, incredulous. Steeljaw chose not to answer her question, running after her and attempting to slice her with his bladed gauntlets.

Below the bridge, the fight between the Autobots and Steeljaw's pack continued.

Underbite, the saurian Decepticon, picked out his rival from the crowd, the green Grimlock from the future, and made a beeline for him. "Howdy, Grimlock! Ooh, and it looks like I got two for the price of one! Past and future Grimlock buffet for me!"

The grey Grimlock of the here and now stood up, having dodged to avoid Thunderhoof's energy pulse. Grey Grimlock stretched his shoulders and prepared to engage Underbite. "This should be good."

"What are you doing?" Green Grimlock asked. "You can't just fight Underbite! You gotta play it smart, or he'll crush you!"

Grey Grimlock gave Green Grimlock an annoyed stare. "Kid, let me show you how it's done ..."

Grey Grimlock balled his hand into a fist. He ran towards Underbite, ready to strike. Underbite, undeestimating his opponent, continued his gallop towards Grey Grimlock.

Grey Grimlock slid on the desert sand, going underneath Underbite and slamming his fist into Underbite's chin. Underbite was sent flying into the air by the force of the impact.

"Whoaaaa!" Underbite struggled and flailed to find solid ground. As he fell downwards, as any airborne object which goes up must inevitably goes down, Grey Grimlock struck him again, slamming his fist into Underbite's nose. Underbite went rolling through the air until he landed on his back. Underbite groaned before falling unconscious.

Green Grimlock was impressed. "Whoa. Can you show me how to do that?"

Grey Grimlock turned to him. "I just did."

Rarity reached the bridge. "Be patient, Twilight! Like a charming prince, I am on my way to your rescue!"

Fracture noticed Rarity trying to go up the bridge to aid Twilight. "Can't have that, can we? Airrazor, Divebomb, take that pony out." Two pods separated from Fracture's shoulders, firing under a rocket-propelled propulsion to fly onto the bridge.

The two rockets flew in front of Rarity, converting into purple and red Decepticons which reminded Rarity of gremlins, with one having large claws and the other having four legs.

"Mini-Cons." Rarity rued. "Why did it have to be Mini-Cons?" The Mini-Con Airrazor pounced on Rarity, meaning to tackle her and slash her with his claws, but Rarity's training with the Wreckers gave her the expertise she needed to counterattack, rearing up and bucking the Mini-Con in the chest with her front hooves. Airrazor grunted in pain. Rarity grabbed him with her magic, lifted him up, and tossed him over her shoulder, taking him.

Seeing his Mini-Cons in need of aid, Fracture jumped into the air and bounced off the hill, joining the fray on the bridge. He pulled out his rocket launcher, aimed at Rarity, and fired.

Rarity, thinking fast, grabbed Divebomb with her magic and held him in the air, using him as a Decepticon shield. The rocket hit Divebomb in the back and detonated, leaving burn marks on Divebomb's back and knocking him out.

His usefulness to her at an end, Rarity dropped Divebomb, allowing to see Fracture's horrified face.

"You made my shoot my own Mini-Con." Fracture pumped the gauge on his bazooka. "I admire your deviousness in that regard. However, I'm afraid that means I now have to devise an exquisite and painful for you to die, Rarity. No hard feelings. It's just revenge."

"I'm not sure you grasp how the concept of "revenge" works, darling." Rarity said, hiding her fear. An Autobot rule Twilight had shared with her echoed in her mind; Autobot Rule Number 45: When the Decepticon address you by your proper name, you know you've made an enemy of them.

Rarity grimaced and stepped away from Fracture. She turned around and fled as Fracture went on a crazed firing spree with his bazooka, firing at her without regards for aiming or potential damage to the surrounding area.

Below the bridge on the ground, the Autobots prepared to handle another energy surge from Thunderhoof's hoof.

"You know what? I'm tired of this." Ultra Magnus reached over his shoulder and pulled out his hammer. The hammerhead crackling with electricity, Ultra Magnus slammed it into the ground, sending out an energy surge which met Thunderhoof's and caused both surges to fizzle out.

"Eh?" Thunderhoof expression confusion. "That shouldn't have worked, should it? Eh, no matter. Old Hoof's still got a trick or two up 'is sleeve, eh? AYAAAAAH!" Thunderhoof lowered his head and charged at Ultra Magnus, aiming his antlers at the Wrecker.

"Come on. You've got to be kidding me. Surely you can do better than that?" Ultra Magnus asked. He grabbed Thunderhoof by the antlers, picked him up, and tossed him to the side, Thunderhoof landing face-first into the dirt. Before Thunderhoof could pick himself up and brush the dirt off, Ultra Magnus lifted his hammer and brought it down, delivering a crippling blow to Thunderhoof's back.

Ultra Magnus heard the sound of explosions behind him. He turned and saw Fracture's haphazard firing at Rarity. "Hey! You quit firing at Bulkhead's favorite pony!" Ultra Magnus twirled his hammer, converting into its boomstick configuration, and aimed at Fracture. He fired, landing a direct hit on Fracture's chest, taking him out with one shot, Fracture going down as smoke flew from his chest.

Meanwhile, Twilight continued to evade Steeljaw's claws, having to time what few shots she could fire off carefully to prevent Steeljaw from taking advantage of an opening where she left herself vulnerable.

Steeljaw reared up and roared, growing tired of the game of "dodgeclaw" he was playing with Twilight. He received help in trying to end the game, but not the kind he was hoping for. Captain Bumblebee, roaring in fury, jumped up from behind and slashed him in the back.

Steeljaw staggered and turned around. "Attacking a 'Con while his back is turned? I thought you were better than that, Bumblebee."

"Remember the golden rule, Steeljaw. Do unto others as you would have done unto you." Captain Bumblebee said. "Would you have done any different?"

Steeljaw chuckled. "No, I suppose not."


Steeljaw faced Twilight.

"Since you're so opposed to being hit while your back is turned, I thought you might like it if I said something before I blasted you." Twilight shot another laser beam at Steeljaw's chest, cracking the window-screen in Steeljaw's chest and sending him skidding along the pavement.

"Grrr!" Steeljaw growled, digging his claws into the asphalt to slow his momentum. He stood up and prepared to fight both Bumblebee and Twilight.

"Fixit." Jack turned to the orange Mini-Con. "I need you to transform."

"Certainly, Mister Darby." Fixit said and converted into a vehicular mode, something which resembled a tiny version of an Energon Driller, though with two drills instead of one. Jack climbed onto the platform and took hold of the handles, driving Fixit up the hill and onto the bridge.

Jack revved the handles and lifted Fixit up. Accelerating the Mini-Con's speed, Jack launched himself and Fixit into the air and at Steeljaw, diving into his chest, and shoving Fixit's twin drills through his chest like lances.

"Ah ... clever, Jack!" Steeljaw groaned, clutching at the two puncture words in his chest. He stiffened his posture and turned to face Bumblebee and Twilight, but the two them struck first, with Bumblebee slashing Steeljaw's already-injured chest with his sword and Twilight, no longer having to dodge his claws, was free to blast him with magical bolts with impunity. The two of them kept this up, taking turns between Twilight's magic blasts and Bumblebee's sword until Steeljaw could no longer stand, falling to his knees.

With the Decepticons defeated, Ultra Magnus and the others gathered up Steeljaw's Pack and slapped them all into stasis cuffs.

"Nicely done." Captain Bumblebee complimented Twilight once the Decepticons were captured.

"I couldn't have done it without you." Twilight said.

"Don't pat yourselves on the back just yet. You think you're so smart." Steeljaw growled. "Well, let me tell you something, Twilight Sparkle. Even if you do change the past, you still can't accomplish everything you set out to do! You want to wage this little "Freedom War" of yours with minimal casualties? News flash, TWILIGHT SPARKLE; you can't save them all! DO YOU HEAR ME? YOU CAN'T SAVE THEM ALL!"

"SHADDUP!" Grey Grimlock punched Steeljaw, crushing his face in. Steeljaw's face was mangled, with his optics cracked and, his ears bent backwards, and the sides of his snout dented, giving the impression of swollen cheeks.

"Thank you, Grimlock. Even if I do wish you wouldn't have mutilated him ..."


Twilight looked away from Steeljaw and gazed at the empty Nevada desert. She had been ignoring what he had to say during the entire time they were fighting, but now … now he had said something which pierced her and struck her to the core. Could she fight Galloway and Attinger and Gould and all their agents without letting anyone die senselessly on her watch?

She had promised several of her troops she would get them home after they had won the war – the war she had declared, she reminded herself – but how long would it be, and could she get them home … alive?



Tarn drummed his fingers. "Okay, gentlemen. We're approaching the end of our time, so make your closing arguments."

Ratchet stood up. "I believe, if you examine everything I've told you, Tarn, you will reach the same conclusion as I have that Galloway and his agents are responsible for destroying Megatron's corpse. Yes, the Autobots kept it hidden, but we would have, after a few years, after the Decepticon political party had time to fizzle out, have released the body for a proper Cybertronian burial; melted down into material for new protoforms."

"I beg to differ." Galloway said. "It is the Autobots who are responsible. In their … pretentiousness, their self-righteousness, their belief that they know what is best for everyone," Ratchet couldn't help but scoff, "they assumed custody of the body, thinking it was the right thing to do. I'm not going to admit that I sent any agents, but if I had, their mission would not have been to destroy Megatron's body. It was … collateral damage."

Tarn stood up. "I am not satisfied with either of your arguments."

Tarn looked at the clock.

"And you are both out of time."

Kaon reverted to robot mode for the coming execution. Tarn aimed his fusion cannon at Galloway. The cannon hummed as a purple light filled up its barrel, charging up a shot. Galloway trembled, staring down the barrel of the cannon which would end him. Ratchet closed his optics, hoping to accept death with grace.

There was a crash, and another of the windows broke, the glass shards sprikinling the floor and making it a terrible unsafe place for humans to walk.

"What?" Tarn exclaimed before a black-and-orange blur tackled him, sending him stumbling backwards. "Who are you?"

"I am Predaking, the king of beasts." Predaking answered. "You are Tarn, yes? Much has changed on Cybertron during your long stay on Messatime."

Tarn fired his cannon into Predaking's side. Despite the immense power within the fusion cannon, it did little other than leave a thin trail of smoke off Predaking's side.

Tarn's optics widened in shock. He had never seen anyone brush off a blast from his fusion cannon before. Predaking took advantage of his state of confusion and punched him in the face.

The rest of Predaking's reinforcements entered the building, following Predaking's example by crashing through the windows. Grimwing, Smokescreen, Side Swipe from the future, Strongarm, and Magnum, They engaged the Decepticon Justice Division, with Grimwing taking on both Helex and Tesarus, Strongarm opening fire on Vos, and Side Swipe attempting to take Kaon's head clean off with a sword. Kaon was too quick and ducked before shooting out a stream of electricity from his hands into Side Swipe's chest.

"I'm going in!" Stinger announced. He ran up to Tarn and attempted to electrocute the Decepticon with his stingers, but Tarn could handle him even if he was struggling with Predaking. Tarn grabbed Stinger by the wrist and hurled him into nearest wall.

"Whoa ..." Stinger expressed his awe of Tarn as he pulled himself out from the wall.

Smokescreen saw Ratchet. Ratchet saw him as well and didn't know what to make of it. Smokescreen smiled, heaving up a large green drill in his arms. Now Future Bee's advice to take a Beast Hunter weapon made sense.

Smokescreen dashed his way over to Ratchet, avoiding the attention of the Justice Division and the shots being exchanged.

"Hey." Smokescreen greeted Ratchet and presented him with the weapon. "A version of Bumblebee from the future traveled back in time to the past and told me to give you this."

Ratchet placed a hand on the weapon. "Are we sure taking actions based on the advice of a bot claiming to be from the future is wise? We could disturb the flow of history. Haven't you heard of the butterfly effect?"

"Hey." Smokescreen shrugged. "We need every advantage we can get, right?" Smokescreen thrust the weapon into Ratchet's hands. "You take that. I'll grab Miko."

"Hmm." While Smokescreen went to rescue Miko, Ratchet inspected the weapon. He found writing on the side which identified it as a Dragonshredder Drill, which Ratchet thought was a rather pompous name for a weapon. Spying a lever, Ratchet assumed it was the trigger to spin the drill and pressed it. He worried when instead of spinning as he expected, the drill sprouted steel cables which proceeded to wrap his arm and go up his shoulder before subsuming his entire body.

The battle raged on around him, with Predaking and Tarn taking turns punching each other and not feeling much effect from the blow, drawing near a stalemate. Side Swipe took another hit of electricity from Kaon's palm and went down. Strongarm overcame Vos by grabbing him, and when Vos attempted to escape by converting into his gun mode and slipping out of Strongarm's hands, Strongarm picked him up and tossed him out the window.

Ratchet emerged from his cocoon, transformed by the Beast Hunter metamorphosis. His body was craggy and covered in a rock-like plating, with orange, beige, and white parts running down his body. It made Ratchet think of clay and limestone. A green orb was in his chest, with a green "monocle" (in truth a targeting system) covering his right eye, his head having a skeletal appearance.

With the Drill mounted to the side of his right arm, Ratchet joined the fray. Willing the drill to spin, Ratchet slammed into Tarn's side, scratching the Decepticon and stripping his armor plating off.

"What? How?" Tarn exclaimed at the hole in his side. "My armor is impenetrable!"

"Obviously not, or I wouldn't have been able to penetrate it just now, would I?" Ratchet said.

"Bah! You're just a medic." Tarn scoffed. He turned his cannon on Ratchet. Ratchet aimed his drill at Tarn, which split open like a clam's shell to reveal a chain gun inside. The drill spun, firing shots from the chain gun into Tarn, pushing him back with their force. As the drill spun, it generated a vortex, pulling Tarn in and holding him in place as the chain gun changed ammunition. No longer firing lasers, it instead fire canisters which Ratchet aimed into the hole he made on Tarn's armor.

"Gah!" Tarn exclaimed and stumbled back. "What's happening to me?" Tarn clutched at his sides. It felt like insects were crawling over his insides. Disgusting, filthy, organic insects.

"Nanobots, Tarn." Ratchet said, smiling. "Nanobots which will crawl into your insides and disable your internal systems from within. You should surrender, Tarn. Even if you gun me down, the nanobots will still dissemble you."

"How …?" Tarn said. "How could I have lost to you? You're just a medic!"

"Indeed. I am a medic. And you, Tarn, have been threatening my patients." Ratchet growled.

"RRAAAAHH!" Tarn screamed and lunged at Ratchet, his hands reaching out to grab Ratchet by the head. Ratchet reacted by instinct, stepping backwards and firing a green laser from his monocle, hitting Tarn directly the optic and halting his charge. As Tarn howled and clutched at his wounded eye, Ratchet fired the laser again, this time into Tarn's chest, blasting him with force to send him falling out the window.

"Huh." Ratchet tapped a finger to his monocle. "That's new."

"Well done." Predaking congratulated Ratchet's work. "I will deal with the rest of them."

Predaking turned around to face the remaining members of the D.J.D. Running towards his opponent, he grabbed Tesarus from behind and lifted him up.

Grimwing, free to focus all his attention on one Decepticon instead of two, followed Predaking's example, grabbing Helex by the waist and lifting him up. Both Predacons tossed their captives out the window, sending them hurtling onto the concrete ground which lined the outside of Gould Enterprises.

Kaon, the last Decepticon standing, aimed his palms at the air and prepared to shoot out electric arcs. If he was going down, he was going to take everyone in the building wit him.

Grimwing aimed his Mini-Con and fired a grappling hook from the Mini-Con's beak, wrapping the cable around Kaon's arm. Kaon struggled and tried to pull free from the binding, but Grimwing wrapped his end of the line and pulled, pulling Kaon forward. Grimwing swung the cable around and hurled Kaon out the window, yanking on the tether and freeing Kaon to join his brethren on the ground.

"You should go." Ratchet said to the Imperials. "If I know as much about the Decepticon Justice Division as I think I do, then a simple fall isn't going to stop them for long. You should try to get them away from the city."

"Come on." Smokescreen held out his hand to Ratchet, Miko riding on his shoulder. "You can help us deal with them, and then we're taking you home."

Ratchet looked at Smokescreen's hand, tempted to take it. At this point, Galloway and his men couldn't stop him. But he thought about Vigil.

"No." Ratchet said.

"What? Ratchet -"

"Trust me." Ratchet said. "I can be of more help to you from the inside. Besides, I have a friend who I owe another round of chess who can help. I know he can. Go."

"Are you sure about this?" Smokescreen asked. "We might not get another chance to rescue you again for awhile."

"Yeah, doc-bot!" Miko said. "Are you sure?"

"I am." Ratchet said. "Although … tell me one thing. Fluttershy. Is-is she with you?"

Smokescreen smiled. "She's safe, Ratchet."

"That's all I need to know." Ratchet said. "Now go."

Predaking put a hand against the wall, leaning out the window to survey the ground. "The Decepticon Justice Division is no longer here."

"What?" Smokescreen rushed to the window. "How?"

"I suspect that while you and Ratchet were talking, they retreated to lick their wounds." Predaking said.

Smokescreen sighed. "Add another group to the list of Decepticons we need to watch out for. I'll call base and get a Bridge." Smokescreen tapped the side of his head.

A GroundBridge opened up beneath the window, suspended horizontally in the air. Predaking, Smokescreen, and the others jumped into it, the Bridge disappearing once the entire team had entered.

"You ..." Galloway said, crawling out from his cover now the danger was passed. "You stayed with us, Ratchet. You had a chance to leave and you chose to stay with us. I didn't hear what you said to your friends – were they your friends? - but that must be some form of loyalty."

"Maybe he's developing Stockholm Syndrome." Gould suggested.

"Yes." Ratchet said, giving Galloway a wary eye. "Loyalty." And absolutely not as a way to sabotage your operations, he thought to himself.

"Did you see that?" Stinger said as he got to his feet. "That Tarn guy – he was awesome! He wasn't taking any disrespect from anyone! And the way he shrugged off that huge dragon-bot's punches? MAN! What a trooper!"

Ratchet raised a browplate at Stinger, growing concerned about Stinger developing a strong admiration for a Decepticon, but he said nothing.

Stinger, meanwhile was re-evaluating Galvatron's invitation . . .


At the Imperial base, Captain Bumblebee's team regrouped and gathered with Twilight and Magnum to watch as guards carted off Steeljaw and his Pack into prison cells.

"Nice work out there." Captain Bumblebee said to Twilight.

"We couldn't have done it without your help." Twilight said. "So, that's Steeljaw captured and the Decepticon Justice Division defeated. Now we just to deal with the Star Seekers and we'll have taken care of everything you told us about." Twilight said.

Bumblebee gave an approving nod.

"So, Future Jack ..." Twilight put a hoof on "Johnson's" shoulder. "Since you're here, would you like me to GroundBridge Adagio Dazzle back to base so you can apologize for putting a knife to her throat?"

"Not really, no." Jack answered.

"Huh." Twilight was a little put off by his reply. The Jack she knew in the present was much nicer.

"So ..." Grey Grimlock walked up to Captain Bumblebee, joined by Green Grimlock. "I notice you got a Dinobot on your team by the name of Grimlock."

"That's right." Captain Bumblebee said.

"Is he ... like, me or something? Did I get hit by something? Or he just some kid who took my name?"

"Honestly, Grimlock ..." Captain Bumblebee said with a smile. "We don't know. If any of us knew, we would tell you."

"Captain Bumblebee." Twilight asked, turning back to him. "We know the Decepticons rule Cybertron in the future. Do we know they got that way? How they came to power? What happened that made it all go so wrong?"

Captain Bumblebee shook his head. "I don't know. No one does. There was … something that turned all the humans and some ponies into zombies - not actual zombies, mind you, with the rotting flesh – just mindless, unthinking drones, and it caused pain to Cybertronians." Captain Bumblebee looked away. "Eventually, it became too much for most of us to bear, so when the Decepticons made a resurgence and suggested that we start killing the organics to get rid of … whatever was causing us pain, some of us listened. Even a few Autobots did. They couldn't take it anymore."

Captain Bumblebee rested his elbow on the wall, covering his face.

"They were good Autobots, Twilight. Sure, some of them were a little triggerhappy, but they were good bots, good people." Captain Bumblebee's voice cracked. "Like Warpath. You know Warpath? Like I said, triggerhappy, but a good Autobot. I watched … I watch as the Decepticons taunted and goaded him, until finally he had enough of whatever the organics were doing that was hurting us and he … he fired into the crowd and killed humans and ponies. I could see it on his face as he realized what he done … and I could see it on his face as his Spark, his soul, died."

Twilight gave Bumblebee a look of worry and horror.

"Some of the "big names" were the first ones to die." Captain Bumblebee said. "Before the rest of us realized what was happening and banded together to fight the Decepticons. You know, people like Bulkhead, Arcee, Ultra Magnus, you, Twilight Sparkle, and … and Pinkie Pie." Captain Bumblebee's optics widened as he realized something.

Twilight saw it too. "Well … Pinkie Pie is alive now, if you want to see her."

"Could I? And … and Raf, too?"

"Of course." Twilight smiled and activated her comm. "Pinkie Pie, Raf, I need you in here."

"Here we are!" Pinkie Pie and Raf soon arrived, Pinkie cartwheeling into the room. "What do you need, Twilight?"

"Pinkie Pie ..." Captain Bumblebee went down on his knees. "Raf …" Captain Bumblebee's optics leaked oily tears.

"Hi, Future Bumblebee!" Pinkie Pie waved. "Any fun future stories you want to share with us?"

"Hi." Raf waved a bit more awkwardly. It was odd for him to see a future version of his friend.

"It's so good to see you again." Captain Bumblebee said. "I … in my timeline, Pinkie Pie's dead and Raf is missing, presumed dead. I ..."

Captain Bumblebee broke down into tears, wrapping his arms around Pinkie Pie and Raf and pulling them into a tight hug.

"I don't want to lose you again!"

Strongarm comforted her commander, patting him on the shoulder. "There, there, sir. They're here now, see?"

"Don't worry. You won't." Twilight said. "We're going to figure out what went wrong in the future and keep the Decepticons from taking over Cybertron. I promise."

Captain Bumblebee looked at Twilight, his tears drying up. "You-you mean it?"

"Of course I do!" Twilight said. "You know me, Bumblebee. You think I can't keep a promise?"

"Thank you, Twilight Sparkle." Bumblebee put Raf and Pinkie down and wiped a tear from his eye. "I know you can keep a promise, Twilight. It's just … after everything I've been through, I guess it's hard for me to believe someone like you could, would step up to the challenge and try and change the way things are in my time."

Twilight chuckled. "After what you've been through, who could blame you? But don't worry, Bumblebee. We've got all the time in the world." Twilight wiggled her eyebrows.

Bumblebee chuckled. "Heh heh. Time travel jokes."

Elsewhere in the base, inside Steeljaw's cell, the wolfish Decepticon was not going to accept defeat so easily. Sure, he may have been captured, sure, he may have his face smashed in by the Grimlock of the present, but he still had a trick or two up his sleeve.

Steeljaw raised up his arm. "Show me the timeline, Snowdrop."

A hologram of Snowdrop projected from Steeljaw's arm. Aside from the obvious difference of being an adult where the present Snowdrop was a filly, the Snowdrop projected, instead of the pure, icy orbs the present Snowdrop possessed, instead had two dark, glowing red Decepticon optics for eyes, which were a bit too small for her eye sockets, creating an eerie look of a red glow coming from inside an empty eye socket. The image was best compared with a Halloween skull.

"Yes sir, Master Steeljaw - what happened to your face?"

"Never mind that." Steeljaw said. "The timeline?"

"Yes sir!" Snowdrop saluted. Her appearance was replaced by a projection of code. "The course of history has so far not been altered. The timeline is intact. None of the actions taken by you or the Autobots have had any temporal repercussions … yet."

"It's not going to stay that way. Keep me posted on any new developments." Steeljaw said and dismissed the hologram. "Boys, we're going to break out of here, and we're not just going to make sure that the history stays the same, we're going to change it so the Decepticons achieve complete and total victory."

"Now how are we goin' to do that, Steelie?" Thunderhoof said. "We're locked up! Boxed! Caged like a bunch of – of -"

"Criminals?" Fracture suggested.

"I wasn't goin' to say it." Thunderhoof said.

"I tell you how, Thunderhoof. We're going to improvise. I'm going to need everyone to donate some parts ..."

Fracture and Thunderhoof sighed. This wasn't the first time they had to cannibalize parts of themselves for one of Steeljaw's schemes, and they doubted it would be the last. Nonetheless, they complied with Steeljaw's request, digging out and ripping out the non-essential parts of their bodies and donating them to Steeljaw.

Steeljaw, like a maestro of technology, assembled the components into a device. A device which would carry out a transmission with a signal boosted enough to breach whatever protective shielding Twilight might have installed into the Imperial base.

Steeljaw adjusted a dial on the side, trying to key the device to the right frequency. He soon got it, as a projection of Tarn appeared from the device.

"What's this?" Tarn said. "Who are you? How did you get this number?"

"Hello, Tarn." Steeljaw said. "I am Steeljaw."

"Steeljaw. Steeljaw … aren't you currently imprisoned on the Alchemor?"

Steeljaw chuckled. "No. Well, yes. It's a bit hard to explain. But trust me when I tell you that all you need to know is that I know the location of the Imperials' base."

"Imperials?" Tarn questioned.

"They're a neo-Autobot group founded by a pony by the name of Twilight Sparkle to fight both "renegade" Decepticons and the compromised government of the planet Earth." Steeljaw said. "Their ranks include Autobots, humans, Equestrians, … and former Decepticons."

"Former … Decepticons?" Tarn said. "Do you mean tell there is an entire organization filled with Autobots and organics working together, and that there are not only Decepticons who abandoned the righteous way of the Decepticon cause, but sighed up with the Autobots to work with filthy organics?"

"Yes." Steeljaw said. "They even have a city."

"You MUST tell me the location of this city, Steeljaw, so the Decepticon Justice Division may punish these Decepticons who abandoned the ways of the Decepticons and betray their Cybertronian heritage by allying with organics!"

"In due time." Steeljaw said. "Before I do that, however, I need something from you."

Tarn sighed. "What is it?"

"I know you don't like organics, Tarn, but I need you to send a message to one in particular with these instructions … "

"It will be done. The treason committed by these Decepticons cannot go unpunished!"

Elsewhere in the base, Twilight and Captain Bumblebee were engaged in a discussion, trying to figure out what happened in the future to cause it to become so horrible and ravaged. Maybe Bumblebee had seen something without knowing it. Maybe he was forgetting something.

"Commander?" A Vehicon said, interrupting their conversation. "We're picking something up on our sensors."

Twilight and Captain Bumblebee went with the Vehicon to the control room.

"On-screen." Twilight ordered. An Autobot pushed a button and brought up on a screen a display of what they had found.

Hydia was standing in the desert, looking ragged and tired, with her clothes ripped in places. She was down on one knee and seemed week, drawing the word "Sanctuary" into the sand with her finger.

Twilight narrowed her eyes. "Hmm."

"What are you thinking, commander?" The Vehicon said.

"She seems to be asking for sanctuary, but … I don't like it." Twilight said. "Not after what happened with Percy and Johnson. Er, Future Jack. Captain Bumblebee, what do you make of this?"

"I don't remember her." Captain Bumblebee said. "I'm not sure I've seen her before."

Twilight tapped her chin. "Something about this still doesn't seem right. I've got it. Open a GroundBridge near her location and invite her, but I want at least four guards on her at all times."

"Sir?" The Vehicon asked.

"I think something fishy is going on with Hydia." Twilight said. "And I intend to find out what by letting her in and letting her think she's in control."

The Vehicon looked to Twilight. "A double bluff? I like it."


The Vehicons set out do as she ordered. Opening a GroundBridge near her, Hydia jumped up at the sight. A Vehicon went through the Bridge and invited her up. Hydia got to her feet and waddled through, the Vehicon close behind her.

Hydia emerged on the inside of the Imperial base, coming face-to-face with the masked War Princess.

"Greetings, Hydia." The War Princess said with her distorted voice. "We saw your request for sanctuary and invited you here. You will find everything you need here while the danger passes."

"Oh, thank you, thank you!" Hydia exclaimed, getting onto her knees and kissing the War Princess's feet. "I don't know how I can repay your generosity."

"No payment necessary, ma'am. Now tell me, what troubles you?"

"Troubles?" Hydia asked.

"You were asking for refuge. I presumed something must have been troubling you which you wanted to hide from, or you wouldn't have asked."

"Oh, yes, yes, of course! It was a horrible monster." Hydia said. "It chased me through Equestria while I was trying to arrange a meeting with Princess Celestia to discuss Equestria's relationship with my homeland. I tried to escape through the Space Bridge system, but it followed me here to Earth!"

"I see." The War Princess said. "Well, until we either disable this monster or it goes away, you are welcome to stay here. Under guard, of course. It's nothing serious, just a security measure." The War Princess assured her as four Vehicon appeared to serve as Hydia's escort.

Hydia seemed displeased. "Yes, of course ..."

"If you'll follow us, miss, we'll take you to the guest quarters." One of the Vehicons said. The Vehicons ushered Hydia out of the room.

"See if you can get into the travel log for Equestria's Space Bridge." The War Princess ordered a Vehicon once Hydia was out of earshot. "Check to see if it was opened recently and if her story checks out. I want no security breaches today. Either this monster is real and needs to be stopped, or Hydia is lying and about to become Steeljaw's cell neighbor."

The Vehicon nodded and left to carry out Twilight's orders.

Hydia walked with her Vehicon escort. She seemed displeased and uncomfortable.

"Hey." She stopped at a hallway. "What's down this hall?"

"That?" One of the Vehicons said. "That's where we keep the prisoners. Trust me, you don't want to go in there."

"Oh, I think I do." Hydia said, and dashed towards the hall, abandoning her Vehicon escorts

"Hey!" One of the Vehicons shouted. "Stop!" The Vehicons primed their blasters and chased after her, firing at her.

Hydia outran their blasters, an easy feat, as the Vehicons were exercising restraint and only trying to shoot to incapacitate rather than kill.

Hydia arrived at Steeljaw's cell, sliding on her feet and skidding to a stop. The Vehicons soon caught up with her, training their blasters at her.

"You're coming with us." A Vehicon said.

"Oh, but sir!" Hydia pointed into the cell. "Those prisoners are attacking each other!"

The Vehicons looked up from Hydia at the cell, where Thunderhoof was throttling Steeljaw and Underbite had Fracture pinned underfoot.

"You!" Thunderhoof yelled. "Youse got us into this mess!"

Hydia looked at the Vehicons. "Well?"

"Well, what?"

"Aren't you going to help them?" Hydia asked.

"Oh, what, we're supposed to fall for this?" The Vehicon said. "The prisoners pretend to attack each other in their cells, and we're supposed to go in to break it up, and then they hit us in the back and escape and lock us in the cell? They were getting along just fine earlier. We're not falling for it."

"Don't you have an obligation to help your prisoners?" Hydia said.

"Yeah, but they don't need any help." The Vehicon said.

Thunderhoof and Steeljaw looked at the Vehicons for a split-second, upset to see the Vehicons were onto them. Thunderhoof roared and threw Steeljaw into the wall, trying to make it more believable. Thunderhoof ran up to Steeljaw and grabbed him by the neck, pinning him against the wall.

Underbite, also trying to get the Vehicons to take the bait, pressed his foot harder onto Fracture. Fracture frowned at being used in such a manner and fired a rocket from his shoulder. The rocket hit the ceiling of the cell and ricocheted, bouncing around the cell.

"Rocket!" One of the Vehicons exclaimed.

"Okay, now we have to help, because for all we know, that rocket is going to go off any time now and take out half the base with it!"

The Vehicons unlocked the cell door and went in to capture the runaway rocket. The rocket, however, redirected itself, reverting into Airrazor and leaping onto a Vehicon's face.

"It's not a rocket, it's a Mini-Con!" The Vehicon exclaimed as Airrazor scratched his face. He fired his blaster at random trying to get the situation under control. One of the other Vehicons went to help him, but Divebomb dropped down from the ceiling and landed on his back, wrapping his tiny arms around the Vehicon's neck. The second Vehicon also fired at random in hopes of getting the situation under control.

Steeljaw's Pack, seeing their chance, struck. Thunderhoof let go of Steeljaw and charged, goring one of the Vehicons with his antlers. Underbite let go of Fracture and swatted the remaining Vehicons with his claw, tossing them around and scattering them across the hall.

"Good work, everyone." Steeljaw said, stepping out of the cell. "And thanks to you too, Hydia. "

Hydia bowed.

One of the Vehicons reached up, trying to pull the alarm to let the base know about the jailbreak. Fracture noticed and stomped the Vehicon's hand into the floor.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk." Fracture said. "Didn't anyone ever teach you not to be a snitch?" Fracture kicked the Vehicon in the head, knocking him into his back. The Vehicon groaned in pain.

"Quickly." Steeljaw said. "We need to get to their GroundBridge terminal before they know we're out."

Steeljaw's Pack, with Hydia, ran out of the hall and headed for the Bridge control room. Before they reached their goal, they ran into a room where the War Princess, Captain Bumblebee, and Magnum were having a discussion.

The two Autobots and pony looked to the quarter of escaped Decepticons and their human partner. Both sides needed a minute to process what they were seeing. The Autobots needed a minute because they couldn't believe Steeljaw's Pack had gotten out of its cells. The Decepticons needed a moment because they couldn't believe the Autobots were in front of them right as they were almost to the Bridge control room.

Both sides recovered, and the Autobots prepared the weapons. Hydia produced a handful of purple powder and threw it to the floor, creating a cloud of smoke which obscured the Autobots' vision. Steeljaw's Pack pushed their way through the smog, though Steeljaw did have to push Magnum of the way.

"Security breach! Escaping prisoners!" The War Princess shouted, giving chase to Steeljaw. "All units, converge on the GroundBridge control room!"

The War Princess, Magnum, and Captain Bumblebee pursued the quintet of crooks.

"Whatever you're doin', you better do it fast, Steelie." Thunderhoof said. "They're comin'!"

"I need a little more time!" Steeljaw said, his claws inside the GroundBridge's internal wiring. "Reroute that here … direct that subroutine to here … and plug this in here."

The War Princess, Magnum, and Captain Bumblebee arrived at the GroundBridge control room.

"I don't know why Hydia is helping you, or how she manged to get you out of your cells, but you're going right back in there, Steeljaw!" Captain Bumblebee unsheathed his blade. Side Swipe, Strongarm, the orange Mini-Con, and Green Grimlock entered the room.

"Perfect!" Steeljaw said. "Thunderhoof, would you do the honors?" Steeljaw lifted two wires out from the GroundBridge and plugged them together. The GroundBridge activated, droning as a Bridge opened in its terminal. Only, the portal it generated was blue instead of the correct green color for GroundBridges.

"What is that?" The War Princess asked.

"That's a Time Bridge." Captain Bumblebee said. "It's a hotwired GroundBridge. It's what we used to send Jack back in time, and how Steeljaw and my team got here to your present."

"Indeed!" Steeljaw said.

Underbite charged at the Autobots, headbutting Magnum and tossing him into the room. Twilight Sparkle fired lasers at Underbite's chin, but Underbite took his massive claw and swatted her, sending her into the wall.

Underbite turned tail and cleared the room. Captain Bumblebee and his team tried to chase him, but the reason he was leaving the floor became clear when Thunderhoof stomped, sending out one of his energy pulses and knocking all of Team Bee onto their backs.

With a psychotic, fang-bearing grin, Steeljaw pulled another wire out from the GroundBridge's wiring. The Time Bridge began to hum and generated a vortex, sucking Team Bee towards it.

"This must have been Steeljaw's plan, sir!" Strongarm shouted as she was pulled towards the Bridge. "To use a Time Bridge to send us back to the future so we couldn't change the past!"

"Ah, Strongarm! You are ever so perceptive." Steeljaw said, clinging onto the side of the GroundBridge terminal to keep from being sucked into the Time Bridge along with Team Bee.

While Fracture and Thunderhoof hid behind Underbite for cover, and Underbite's massive girth let him keep himself rooted by planting his feet down, Team Bee tried to avoid getting sucked in by digging their hands into the floor. When this didn't work, they linked arms with each other, hoping their combined weight would be enough to keep them down.

It wasn't.

"Twilight Sparkle!" Captain Bumblebee shouted. "I'm sorry! It's pulling us in! We're going through, whether we want to or not! I'm sorry we couldn't have been of more help!"

"Don't be!" Twilight shouted back. "You were a big help, and now we know! Don't worry, Bumblebee – we'll find out what went wrong and keep it from happening!"

Even as the Time Bridge pulled him and his team in, Captain Bumblebee smiled at her. "I know you will." Bumblebee and the others grabbed the sides of the GroundBridge terminal, holding on as long they could, but they couldn't resist the pull of the Time Bridge forever.

"Wait!" Twilight shouted. "I thought of something! Is there anything you can tell us about the future in the time you have before you get sucked in!?"

"I'm not sure!" Captain Bumblebee closed his optics to think. Time was running out. "Oh! There is one thing! Whatever you do, DON'T – TRUST - "

Bumblebee's hand slipped from the edge of the terminal, and he his team were pulled in. Steeljaw disconnected the wirings, deactiving his improvised vortex and the Time Bridge.

"Don't trust who? Or what?" Twilight exclaimed, desperate for answers.

"And just so you don't get any ideas about trying to use the Time Bridge to fix things, Twilight Sparkle!" Steeljaw said before punching his claw into the GroundBridge's wiring, tearing it apart and preventing Twilight from studying the fixes Steeljaw applied, preventing her from learning how to make her own Time Bridge.

By the same token, Underbite punched out the GroundBridge's log recording the last set of coordinates were inputted. Even that was too big a hint for Steeljaw's Pack to allow.

"I ..." The War Princess stood up and looked at Hydia. "There was no monster, was there, Hydia?"

Hydia chuckled. "No."

"Oh, yes." Steeljaw chuckled, "Hydia will become quite the helpful little quisling to the Decepticon cause in the future."

"While we're at it, I suppose I should mention... those dragons that attacked Cybertron? I gave those to Sunset Shimmer. They did so at my bidding," Hydia smiled.

Twilight was enraged by this. She was going to find out if there was a monster or not from agents she sent out, but they had left and hadn't come back, and Hydia had carried out her sinister plan in that time. She had tried to take precautions, to verify what Hydia told her, but it was too late and her efforts amounted to naught.

"You'll pay for this, Hydia. I will give your scent to the Predacons and hunt you down to the ends of the universe."


Steeljaw's Pack gathered around Hydia. Magnum stood up and aimed at them, opening fire. Hydia threw another handful of purple powder into the floor, creating a cloud of purple smoke. When it clear, both she and Steeljaw's Pack were gone.

Magnum looked at Twilight Sparkle. "'You'll pay for this'?"

"What else was I supposed to say? 'I completely and totally forgive your betrayal, and am in no way mad at myself because I could have prevented you from doing any real damage if I had just been quicker on the draw'?"

Magum frowned. "Twilight Sparkle, I thought the purpose of recruiting Decepticons into the Imperials was to give them a chance to redeem themselves and reform them, not become them."

Twilight glared at him.

"And you can't take your anger out on Hydia just because she blindsided you-"

"But that's just it! She didn't blindside me! I was expecting something like this and took measures to prevent it, and it happened anyway! Come to think of it, we should check on those Vehicons I sent to guard Hydia and make sure Steeljaw didn't kill them."

Magnum nodded.

"We also need to hunt down Steeljaw. With his knowledge of the future and my identity, who knows what kind of havoc he could wreak?"

"Uh, guys?" Raf walked into the room, carrying his laptop. "I know you're kind of the middle of something, but I thought you might want to know about this."

Twilight groaned and rolled her eyes. The last thing she needed was more problems. "What is it, Raf?"

"Well, after what Bumblebee said, I've been monitoring satellite communications for any sign of the Star Seekers, and …" Raf opened his laptop, pulled up the relevant data, and spun it around to show Twilight. "I think I've found them. New satellite images coming in show a huge ship approaching Earth, and it doesn't look Cybertronian."

Twilight scrutinized the imagas on Raf's screen. "That ship looks a little familiar … I'm going to bet it's probably them. Magnum, assemble a strike team, and make sure they're space-worthy. We're going to keep the Star Seekers far away from Earth."

Magun nodded. "And … what about the Vehicons?"

"Well, make sure they're okay, obviously! Then assemble the strike team."



Out in space far above Earth, a Space Bridge opened, depositing a team of Imperials around the area of the ship. The team included Grimlock, Ultra Magnus, Arcee, Crosshairs, a few Vehicons, and Twilight, wearing her exo-suit with some modifications to seal in air.

Twilight Sparkle saw the ship, the Tidal Wave, and her memory was jogged. "I remember now! The Star Seekers! My friends and I met them when we first went into space. We liberated the Junkions from them before they shot our ship down."

"The Junkions, huh?" Ultra Magnus said. "Nice to know they're doing all right."

"Let's move in." Twilight ordered.

On top of the ship, two Star Seekers were standing guard, acting as sentries. A bulky, black and yellow one and a lanky, skeletal white and blue one.

"Did you see something?" The white one asked. "I think I saw something."

"We're in the vastness of space, Axer." The bulky one said. "No one knows we're here. Look, there's Dirt now."

"Earth." Axer corrected him. "It's Earth, Cannonball."


Cannonball should have put more faith into Axer's concerns, as Grimlock and Ultra Magnus dropped from above onto the ship in front of them.

"What the-?"

"Good morning." Grimlock greeted them.

Grimlock and Ultra Magnus raised their fists and slugged Cannonball and Axer, using their above-average strength to knock both of them out. The two guards went down like a house of cards.

"And good night." Ultra Magnus quipped.

"Good job. Now they can't raise the alarm. That should give us an element of surprise ..." Twilight gestured for the team to move into the ship.

Inside the ship, Thundertron, along with his first mate Brimstone and technician Sandstorm, was on the ship's bridge, viewing Earth from the canopy as they got closer to their destination.

"Ah, there's Earth now." Thundertron said. "The first planet in this … triple planetary alliance we will free from the Cybertronian infection. Like a bad case of rust, we will strip away the Cybertronians from these planets, one by one." Thundertron reached out towards the screen and clenched his fist, creating an optical illusion of him crushing the Earth in his hand.

"Hmm." Thundertron's eyes shifted. "Cannonball and Axer haven't reported in."

"I'm sure Axer and Cannonball just got into a fight again." Brimstone said.

"No. I gave them strict orders to report in on a regular basis." Thundertron said. "Go see what's happening."

"Captain." Brimstone stood at attention, going over to a security. "I think I know." He moved to let Thundertron see. Thundertron was appalled to see the Imperials on the screen, running amok on his ship.

"Cybertronians!" Thundertron exclaimed. "How did they get on board?"

"I suspect they took out Cannonball and Axer and made their way in." Brimstone said. "I told you we should have installed cameras on the outside of the ship ..."

Thundertron smacked Brimstone on the head. "Never mind that now. Stop them!"

Brimstone nodded, used to Thundertron losing his temper and lashing. He pushed a button on the console. He and Sandstorm got up and rushed out of the bridge to engage the intruders.

In the hall of the ship, the Imperials were about to turn a corner when the walls in the hall broke apart, unfurling mounted, automatic sentry guns which opened fire at them. They retreated to behind the corner, and the guns stopped when they could no longer detect them.

"What's this?" Twilight asked.

"A security system. No good ship should be one without one." Crosshairs said. "Honestly, Twilight, I thought you knew about this sort of thing.

"I know that. I meant, how do we get past it?"

"Have no fear. Let the missus and I take care of it. After all, that's what you brought us along for, isn't it?" Crosshairs twirled a pistol while Arcee pulled the drawstring on her Echohawk Bow.

"Ladies first." Crosshairs said, moving aside and bowing.

"Who says chivalry is dead?" Arcee quipped, moving into the hall. The turrets fired at her, and she slipped back behind the corner.

"Motion activated." Crosshairs said. "Good. We can use that to our advantage."

Crosshairs and Arcee scooted into the hall, moving their feet by bare inches to avoid triggering the motion sensors.

"Baby steps ..." Crosshairs said, his foot sliding on the floor. "Baby steps … okay, now!" Crosshairs and Arcee aimed their weapons and opened fire, shooting the turrets out. Some of the guns deeper into the hall prepared to react, but Arcee and Crosshairs took them out before they could fire back.

Brimstone and Sandstorm entered the other end of the hallway. Brimstone was agahst to see all of their turrets destroyed.

"Grr!" Brimstone and Sandstorm pulled out their weapons, a flail and a semi-automatic machine gun, respectively.

"We'll take care of them." Crosshairs told Twilight. "You go on ahead."

Twilight nodded. She, Grimlock, some Vehicons, and Ultra Magnus shoved their way past Brimstone and Sandstorm, bowling them over. The two Star Seekers recovered and prepared to give chase.

"Hey, uglies! Over here, eh?" Crosshairs shouted, getting Brimstone and Sandstorm's attention. The two Autobots, joined by the remaining Vehicons, fired, pummeling Brimstone and Sandstorm with lasers from Vehicons, bullets from Crosshairs, and missiles from the bow.

Twilight and her two bruisers made their way to the bridge. When they found the bridge, the way in was barred by a closed door. Grimlock dug his hands in and pried the door open, opening the way to the bridge and Thundertron. He looked different from the last time Twilight saw him, though it had been three years.

Thundertron turned to them. "You … how did you know we were here?"

"Sorry. That's a secret." Twilight told him. "What do you want with Earth, Thundertron?"

"What else? To cleanse it, to rescue from its Cybertronian infestation." Thundertron said.


"The Cybertronians are a plague to the universe at large." Thundertron said. "Their war has spread to countless worlds, including mine, ravaging planets, stripping them of resources before moving onto the next world, like vampires. When the Cybertronians left my home planet in ruins, I swore I would make the whole Cybertronian race pay for what they did. There will be a reckoning for your kind, Cybertronians!" Thunderton pointed at them.

"You're probably right. There will be. But not today, and not by you." Ultra Magnus said.

The Vehicons moved in to arrest Thundertron. Thundertron easily took them out, kicking one in the stomach before twirling around and punching another in the head. When a third aimed its blaster at him, Thundertron revealed a blade on his arm and slashed the Vehicon in the chest.

Grimlock pulled out his own spiky sword to challenge Thundertron. Thundertron, accepting the unspoken challenge, removed the sword from his arm and held it in his hand.

"Oh, that's a neat trick." Grimlock said. "It can either be an arm-mounted or hand held sword. Most Cybertronian weapons can only be one or the other."

"Yet another way my kind is superior to yours." Thundertron said.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Grimlock engaged Thundertron, bringing his sword down over Thundertron. Thundertron blocked Grimlock's sword, pushing Grimlock's sword back. Grimlock separated and attempted to strike from a different angle, but Thundertron was able to adjust and counteract it, parrying Grimlock's sword again. Thundertron wrestled with Grimlock's sword, pushing on it before being able to force it out of the way.

Thundertron raised his sword to strike Grimlock on the head, but Grimlock recovered and guarded against Thundertron's overhead strike. Grimlock, seeing this sword duel was going nowhere, took the initiave and kicked Thundertron in the gut, sending him sliding across the room into the control console.

Thundertron groaned. He looked to his side and saw a lever. Rolling over to reach it, Thundertron grabbed the lever and pulled it down.

A whir carried out throughout the ship.

"That sounds like a Space Bridge." Grimlock noted.

"It is." Thundertron said. "I have one installed on my ship."

"You say you hate Cybertronians so much, but you're willing to use their technology?" Grimlock asked.

"Regardless of its origin, one doesn't let a potential asset go to waste." Thundertron pushed himself up. "In a few minutes, the Bridge will power up and teleport the ship to a random location in space, taking all of you with me."

"That doesn't sound like a very good plan." Twilight said. "After we teleport, we would still be here, and it won't take us long to defeat you and we can just summon our own Space Bridge to escape."

"Ah, but are you willing to risk it?" Thundertron said. "I have set my Space Bridge to continue warping the ship to random locations. Even if you do defeat me, the ship will keep teleporting, and your friends will never be able to get a fix on your location. You'll be somewhere one minute, and somewhere else the next. Are you ready to risk potentially being stuck warping randomly in space forever?"

"No." Twilight answered, realizing the implications of Thundertron's threat. Even if they defeated Thundertron and took control of the ship, it could be days before she figured out how to hack into the ship's controls and get the Space Bridge to send them back to Earth. Galloway could gain huge advantages in the time, and the Imperials could panic over the disappearance of their leader.

"No, I'm not. We need to get out of here!"

"Here." Ultra Magnus aimed his boomstick. "Have a parting gift, from me to you." Ultra Magnus fired. The explosive shell from his weapon hit Thundertron, shredding his sides into pieces and leaving the side of his body with a smoking hole in it. Grimlock picked up the Vehicons Thundertron had incapacitated, throwing one over his shoulder while holding the other two in his arms.

Twilight Sparkle and her team raced back into the hallway, where Brimstone and Sandstrom were lying defeated on the floor.

"Hello, Twilight. How are ya, love?" Crosshairs waved.

"We need to get out of here!" Twilight told him. "This ship is about to go on a tour of the cosmos, and we don't want to be here when it does!"

Reuniting with Arcee, Crosshairs, and the remaining Vehicons, Twilight's team escaped the ship through the same entrance they used to get in. Once out of the ship, they propelled themselves forward, "space-swimming" to get as far from the ship as possible before it warped.

The Tidal Wave was submersed in a green glow. Rocking and rumbling, the ship released a circular pulse-wave of green energy into the space surrounding it before disappearing in a blinding flash of light.

Inside the ship, with the Imperials off his ship and with several light-years between them, Thundertron pulled the lever, deactivating the Bridge before it war

"Raf." Twilight activated her comm. "The Star Seekers just used a Space Bridge to teleport their ship. Think you can use our Space Bridge and track down where they went?"

"Um … maybe I could, Twilight. But you need to get back here. We have bigger problems. The Decepticon Justice Division are here at the base!"

"What?" Twilight screamed into her helmet. She shook her head. "There's never a moment of peace for us, is there?"

"No." Ultra Magnus said. "Shall we?"


Twilight and her team stepped out of a Space Bridge into the Rainbow Principality's central building, where Tarn and the rest of the Justice Division were being disgusted by the Principality's aesthetics. They had somehow broken through the nested force fields. Twilight would have bet, given what she had heard about the Division, was they had simply pushed their way in.

"What is this?" Tarn questioned, pointing at a decoration. "What is this?" Tarn pointed at a different decoration. "This entire city is decorated in a disgusting blend of Cybertronian and Equestrian sensibilities! And this!" Tarn walked up to the statue of Optimus riding an enlarged representation of Equestria. "Is this even to scale? There's no way this can be to scale. No pony I've seen so far has been that big!" Tarn struck the statue, lopping the Optimus head off. He readied his cannon and fired at the statue, shattering the headless Optimus portion of into pieces.

'This is the Rainbow Principality." The War Princess answered Tarn's question. "It's a place to prove Cybertronians, Equestrians, and humans can learn to live and work together in peace and harmony."

"Oh, is it? Is that what it is?" Tarn asked. He climbed up the stairs and raised his voice. "If you ask me, every Autobot and Decepticon here is a traitor, sullying the good name of the Cybertronians and insulting our kind by spending their time and bedding with these lesser organics."

"No one cares about your opinion, Tarn." Ultra Magnus said.

"Is that so? Well, riddle me this. I haven't been on this planet for very long, so I can't say for certain if this is right, but I see very little human cultural influence in this city." Tarn said. "I see plenty of Equestrian decorations, which I recognize by the shape of ponies, and Cybertronian decorations. I do believe I see more Cybertronian decorations than Equestrian! Even the city itself is made more from Cybertronain architecture that I recognize instead of Earthern or Equestrian construction that I don't!"

Tarn couldn't know this was due to using the Omega Lock to generate the city.

"Do I detect a form of postive bias from you, War Princess? Do you prefer the Cybertronians over that of your kind and humans? Not that I would blame you. We are technologically superior to most others."

Inside her armor, Twilight was wounded by what Tarn had to say. Sure, he was a clear Technoist, but his words had merit. How come she hadn't put more human and Earthern decorations in the city? Why didn't she reprogram the Omega Lock to generate Equestrian buildings, or at least an Cybertronian approximation of one? Was it because she still had residual resented the human species? Did she develop some distaste for her own kind after Celestia sided with her enemies?

Did she have some unconscious, positive bias for the Cybertronian form? She was a scientist who valued technological progress …

Twilight shook her head. She could worry about all of this later, when her city was safe. "Imperials, take them out!" Every soldier brave enough within range converged on the Decepticon Justice Division.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, War Princess?" Ultra Magnus whispered to her. "Some of us are pretty tough, but the Decepticon Justice Division will chew through our ranks, especially the Vehicons, if we let them."

Crosshairs shot at Helex. Helex reached over and picked Crosshairs up, using him as a weapon to knock Arcee and Smokescreen down. Grimlock marched towards Tarn, his shield raised up, but Tarn fired a barrage from his fusion cannon, pinning Grimlock down – he couldn't risk moving his shield, or Tarn would get a shot in.

"Where's Predaking?" Smokescreen shouted. "He handled these guys pretty well earlier!"

"He's on his way!" Arcee assured him.

"You're right." The War Princess said to Ultra Magnus, seeing her forces get pinned down by the Justice Division. "We need a plan."

Twilight looked around the city, trying to think of plan. Maybe she could find somewhere to have her troops sneak around and snipe the Justice Division from afar, shooting them in the back.

She looked up and saw a Decepticon ship floating outside the force field. She recognized as the Justice Division's ship from when she was on Messatine.

"Say ..." Twilight said. "Ultra Magnus, re-route Predaking and the Predacons to outside the city. Get any fliers and dropships that we have. I have a plan."

Tarn batted Grimlock and grabbed Magnum by the throat, throwing him to the ground. Tarn bent down, picked Magnum up by the head, and applied some pressure, meaning to crush Magnum's head in. Magnum's helmet had began to crack when Kaon interrupted for Tarn's attention.

"Tarn! Look!" Kaon pointed to the sky.

Outside the force field, the Decepticon Justice Division's ship came under attack by Predacons, Vehicons, and dropships. Predaking and Grimwing spat out fireballs at it while the Vehicons blasted it with lasers.

"Our ship!" Tarn exclaimed. Tarn dropped Magnum, and he and the rest of the Division ran to the edge of the city.

"Just as planned." Twilight observed to herself.

Tarn blew a hole into the force field with his cannons, which might have explained how he got in, though blasting out of a force field was easier than blasting into it.

Tarn and the rest of his team stood below the ship, taking aim at the enemies who threatened it.

"Now." Twilight ordered over the comm.

Predaking and Grimwing latched onto the ship, digging their talons into it. The dropshops fired beams of energy, tethering themselves to the Division's ship. The fleet brought the ship down and pointed it at the Justice Division, pushing it forward.

Tarn's optics widened when he realized their intent. The Imperials were going to ram him and his team with their own ship. Tarn opened fire, attempting to blast the ship into more pieces before it hit him, but he couldn't inflict enough damage before the bow of the ship rammed into him, the rest of the ship catching the other Division members as the Imperials pushed it along.

As the Imperials pushed the ship forward, the Decepticon Justice Division caught on its front, the ship crashed into and scraped along the ground, kicking up huge clouds of dust as the ship was dragged through the earth to at least a few miles out from the Imperial base.

The ship came to a stop when the Decepticon Justice Division was driven and embedded into the ground. With the Division incapacitated, the Imperials released their hold on the ship.

Tarn let out a groan before closing his optics, his neck going limp. His damaged ship lay on top of him and his injured team.

Twilight Sparkle, Magnum, Ultra Magnus, Fluttershy, and others came to see whether Twilight's crazy plan worked. It did.

"What do we do with them?" Ultra Magnus asked. "I don't think we build a cell strong enough to hold them. You think Steeljaw was bad? Wait until these guys shoot their way out and kill anyone in their way. But we can't just leave them. They know the location of our base."

"Hmm. Somepony call Prowl and Chromedome. We need their assistance." Twilight ordered. A Vehicon nodded and left.

Twilight and Fluttershy walked up to the ship.

"Twilight, who's that?" Fluttershy asked, pointing up at the ship.

Twilight looked up and saw a boxy Decepticon hanging out from the side of the window. It was blue, and Twilight could it was a female, based on her face. She wasn't much larger than a Mini-Con.

"I don't know." Twilight said. She narrowed her eyes at the female. "But I can definitely see a Decepticon symbol on her. She must have been in the ship and tried to jump out the window when it crashed."

Fluttershy looked at Tarn. "Do you think Tarn was so quick to leave when he saw his ship being attacked because he wanted to make sure she was okay?"

"Maybe. That doesn't sound like Tarn, though, given how he's been acting towards us. I'm not sure he has that kind of compassion."

"Do you remember when we went to Messatine?" Fluttershy said. "He let us go. He's been much more violent today. What do you think happened to him?"

Twilight shook her head. "I don't know, Fluttershy. I don't know."

A Space Bridge portal opened up behind them. Chromedome and Prowl stepped out from it. Twilight put her helmet back on.

"You need me for something, War Princess?" Chromedome said.

"Yes." The War Princess answered him. She pointed to the Decepticon Justice Division. "The Decepticon Justice Divison has somehow learned the location of our base. I need you to wipe their memories of it."

"You want me … to wipe the memories of the Decepticon Justice Divsion, some of the firect, crazier, most murderous Decepticons to have been constructed?" Chromedome asked.

"You're not going to do it, are you?" Prowl asked.

Chromedome rubbed his hands together. "Are you kidding? A chance to mess with brains like that? How could I pass up a golden oppurtunity? Okay. I'm going to need some drills, five-"

"Ahem." The War Princess cleared her throat and pointed at the mysterious blue Decepticon female.

"Six cortical psychic patches, and some carbonated Engex."

"Engex? What's Engex?" The War Princess asked.

"It's a Cybertronian drink."

"What do you need that for?"

"For drinking, obviously. You expect me to memory-wipe the Decepticon Justice Division without something to stiffen my nerves?"

The War Princess pointed a hoof. "See to it Chromedome is provided with everything he needs." The Imperialcons nodded and left to retrieve Chromedome's instruments. They soon returned with the drills, the cables of cortical psychic patches, and a glass full of a bubbly pink liquid.

"Perfect." Chromedome said. He took the glass and took a sip of the drink. "Let's get to work." He picked up the cortical psychic patches and carried them to the Decepticon Justice Division.

"Twilight ..." Fluttershy whispered. "Are you sure this is … right? Do we have the right to wipe their memories?"

"I don't know, Fluttershy. I'm not condoning it. I'm not sure it's right, but it's necessary. We can't let them know the location of our base."

"Couldn't we use this on those humans who want to leave?" Fluttershy asked. "Wipe their memories and let them go back to their families?"

"I'm not sure." Twilight answered. "Chromedome specializes in Cybertronians. There's no telling what kind of effects it would have if he tried to memory-wipe an organic. I'd rather not risk it."

"Do you think you could learn a memory-wipe spell?" Fluttershy said. "So they can be with their families?"

"Hmm. I hadn't thought of that. I'll do some research and see if I can find anything."

"It's done!" Chromedome announced, patting his hands together. "Six Decepticons, memories wiped of anything to do with the location of the Autobots Imperial's base. Although there may be some side-effects, and they may forget or misremember other things as well, or remember things which never actually happened. Say, I got a question. Why you call it the Autobots Imperial? Why do you parse it like that? Why not 'Autobot Imperials?' or something that makes more sense?"

"It's in the naming scheme of the earthen group of the Knights Templar."


"Thank you, Chromedome." The War Princess said. "I appreciate this. I owe you one."

"No problem." Chromedome said. "It's nice to be appreciated. Prowl."

"What?" Prowl said.

"I'm just saying, you could a better job of a Conjunx Endura. Maybe a thank-you note every once in a while."

"Don't you start with me." Prowl said. He and Chromedome left through the Space Bridge, bickering like a married couple.

"So now what do we do with them?" Ultra Magnus asked.

"I don't know. Arrest them?" Twilight answered.

"Do you see the problem with that? What if they escape? Then they'll know the location of the base, and we'll have to go through this all over again!"

"You're right." Twilight said. "There's got be something we can do ..."

Twilight froze in place, getting a terrible idea. She sighed. "I can't believe I'm going to do this, but unless somepony has a better idea ..."

Twilight gathered some parts from the fallen ship and created a communications device.

"Hey ..." Twilight greeted, activating the device. "Shining Armor? Can you pick up this signal? It's Twilight Sparkle … it's Twiley.

"Twiley?" Shining Armor's voice came through the box. "Yeah, I'm picking up. I was meeting with Witwicky, so we'll have to make this quick so they don't know you're the – well, you know. What's up?"

"I have a few rogue Decepticons here that I don't have the means to arrest and imprison." Twilight explained. "I was hoping you and … Witwicky might be able to."

"Yeah, sure! Just send us the coordinates."

"Sending them now." Twilight pressed another button on the device. "And Shining Armor? Thanks for picking up. I know we didn't leave on good terms the last time we talked … so it means a lot to me that you would reply."

"Of course. Anything for my little sister."

Twilight smiled. "Good-bye, B.B.B.F.F. No matter what happens, I love you."

"I love you, too."

Twilight Sparkle hung up the device. "Imperials! Let's go. We're done here."

The Imperials packed up and returned to their base.


At the base, Twilight retreated into her office, downcast and weary from the events of the day. Steeljaw's words were ringing in her ear.

You can't save them all, Twilight Sparkle! Do you hear me? You can't save them all!

Twilight thought about the Decepticon Justice Division's attack on Gould Enterprises. If Captain Bumblebee hadn't traveled backwards in time to warn her, she … she might have lost Miko.

She couldn't stand the thought. She was going to do something about it. She was going to protect them all. She was going to make sure they were all … safe.

Twilight pushed a button, causing a computer screen to raise up from her desk.

Twilight swiped her hoof across the touchscreen, activating the computer. Touching her hoof to a certain file, a schematic of a Morbot appeared on the screen. She opened other files, these ones showing scans of COBRA Battle Android Troopers taken from a Vehicon's optic memory, and pictures taken of the Pink Moon Celebration where Stinger was visible.


Out in the desert, by the wrecked Decepticon ship, the amnesiac Justice Division awoke.

"Where … where are we?" Tarn asked, putting a hand over his optics to shield them from the sun.

A convoy of military vehicles pulled up, including jeeps, cars, and two tanks. Shining Armor and General Witwicky were inside one of the jeeps and parked in front of Tarn.

"Attention, Decepticons!" Witwicky shouted at them through a megaphone. "You are all under arrest."

Tarn glared at him. "You, filthy organic, dare to claim to arrest me? To arrest the Decepticon Justice Division? Your arrogance insults me."

Tarn raised his cannon and fired at the jeep. Shining Armor and Witwicky tried to bail out before the blast hit.

Shining Armor made it a safe distance before the jeep was blown up.

Witwicky … didn't.

XV: Who You Are In The Dark

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Ultra Magnus walked around the foyer of the Imperial base, making his rounds while they waited for the next signal of Forged Decepticon activity, or detected Galloway's underground agents moving beneath the surface of the world, hiding from the light of day.

Like the worms they are, Ultra Magnus thought.

He walked by the entertainment center in the room, giving it a casual glance as he passed by. As he was about to walk away, he noticed something strange and halted.

Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash were all in entertainment center, relaxing on the couches or entertaining themselves with Raf's racing car video game. All of the girls were present … except Twilight.

“Hey.” Ultra Magnus said. “Has anyone seen Twilight Sparkle recently? I haven't heard from her all day.” He walked over and rested his back against a platform. “You think she would at least make an announcement or something.”

Rarity rose up from her seat on the couch. “Now that you mention it, I haven't seen or heard from Twilight Sparkle since yesterday ...” Worry became apparent in her eyes as they traveled across each of her friends.

“I hope she's okay ...” Fluttershy said.

“Her exo-suit should be putting out a signal. She told me she designed an artificial version of a Cybertronian life sign in it. We should be able to use that to track her.” Ultra Magnus shucked open a panel on his forearm, revealing a console. He punched in a command on the buttons and moved towards where it detected a signal. The girls followed him.

“How do you have an artificial version of a Cybertronian life sign?” Rarity asked. “Aren't all things Cybertronian, by their very nature, artificial in a sense?”

“Quiet, you.” Ultra Magnus was not in the mood to deal with her pesky technical questions. “We're almost to the source.”

They arrived at a door in the hall where Twilight's office was, situated a few rooms further out.

Ultra Magnus put his hand on the keypad controlling the door. “It's not locked ...” He pushed the button for opening the door, and the door did so without complaint, the door's pieces sliding apart for them to enter.

What they saw inside stunned and confused them. They were dozens of robotic bodies in the room, under construction. Imitations of COBRA's B.A.T.S, Gould's Stingers painted in Imperial blue rather than Gould's marketing-friendly red, and the torso halves of half-finished Morbots were scattered across the floor. Arms, legs, torsos, and heads belonging to each model of robot were strewn about in a haphazard manner. If it were living Cybertronians instead of drones, the sight would have been grisly.

Twilight herself was standing by a Stinger, running a blowtorch over its side as she affixed its shoulder to its torso. She felt the vibrations of Ultra Magnus' heavy feet on the floor and turned to the door, turning off the blowtorch and lifting the boiler plate on her face up.

“Oh! Hey, girls. What brings you here?”

Ultra Magnus and the girls looked around the room as they walked in.

“Twilight ...” Ultra Magnus's tone was a like a disapproving father's. “Are you trying to build a drone army?”

Twilight became defensive. “No! … Maybe.” She deflated and let out a sigh. “Yes.”

“But … why?” Fluttershy asked as Pinkie played with a B.A.T., smacking it across the head and causing the head to swivel.

Twilight looked at the floor. “After everything that happened yesterday … after I foolishly allowed Miko to put herself in danger like that … after what Steeljaw said … I wanted to try to find a way to protect … you.” Twilight looked at her friends. “To keep you safe. To keep you all safe. So, I pulled out my old Morbot schematics and what little information we had on the Stinger model and the B.A.T.s, synthesized metals and alloys from the Omega Lock, and started building all of these.”

Twilight placed a hoof on the Stinger, staring at her reflection.

“To make a drone army … to fight our battles by proxy, so you and everypony else wouldn't have to risk your lives in the line of fire and could stand behind where it was safe.”

Rarity took another look around the room. “Twilight, darling, have you been working on these all night?”

“Err … maybe?” Twilight said. “I lost track of how long I've been in here.”

“I think it's sweet that you want to keep us safe and protect us.” Fluttershy said. “But I'm not so sure that this is a good idea, Twilight.”

“Yeah.” Rainbow Dash said. “Besides, you can't have gotten enough data from Miko to clone Stinger and our fight with COBRA to copy the B.A.T.s just off of that.” Rainbow Dash chuckled nervously before turning to Pinkie Pie. “Eh, could she?” Pinkie Pie shrugged.

“Wanting to keep your friends safe is an admirable goal. ” Ultra Magnus said. “However ...”

He walked over to a Morbot and turned its head so it was facing him as he inspected before turning his attention back to Twilight.

“What would be the point?”

Twilight blinked. “I'm sorry. What do you mean by that?”

“I mean, what would be the point of a drone army, Twilight Sparkle?” Ultra Magnus asked. He got down to one knee to speak with her on a more equal level. “Twilight, you founded the Imperials with the goal of proving that we, that all of us aliens, could work together, that we could trust each other enough to risk our lives together for a cause we believed in. To show to all the skeptics and the disbelievers, the naysayers, the isolationists and the xenophobes that we can come together for a common goal. And if you do that with this drone army … if you do all your fighting by remote, with a push of a button sending out emotionless, lifeless, causeless drones … then what are you proving? Not pan-alien unity and cooperation, that's for sure.”

Twilight Sparkle mulled over his words. She nodded. “You're right, Ultra Magnus. I'll scrap them all immediately.”

“Whoa, whoa! There's no need to get so hasty. As a Wrecker, you know I always approve of destroying things and blowing stuff up, but, heh ...” Ultra Magnus went back to the Morbot, grabbing and lifting its cannon-arm. “A few of these guys around providing some extra firepower might not be a bad idea, plus it would let some of our human and pony fighters not have to risk getting squashed underfoot by Decepticons. Just don't go trying to automate the entire war process, that's all.”

Twilight Sparkle smiled. “Understood.” She saluted him. “Dismissed.”

Ultra Magnus saluted and smiled back. “Dismissed.”



Somewhere out in a snowy mountain range, Bludgeon plodded through the snow, his sketatal feet leaving distinct footprints behind him. He looked up at the sky through the raining snow, waiting for someone. Through the snowy weather, he saw a jet.

The jet swerved and curved around before transforming as it got closer to Bludgeon, revealing itself to be Starscream, who landed on his feet in front of Bludgeon. “Ah, Bludgeon! So good of you to come. I wasn't sure you would respond to my summons ...”

“What do you want from me, Starscream?” Bludgeon asked. “And it had better be something worth coming out all this way to … neutral territory.” Bludgeon spat the words as if he considered them vile. Any territory where he couldn't stab someone might as well be no territory at all.

“I only wish to ask something of you. To propose an alliance.” Starscream made a fist.

“An alliance?”

“Yes! We should join forces, you and I. The less Decepticons we have fighting each other and the more we have fighting the Imperials and Galloway's Patriots, the better. There's no reason for us to be at odds with each other. We both want the same thing. To see the Decepticon flag fly once more as we spread our dominion over the known universe. To lead the Decepticon Empire to power and glory!”

“You forget something, though, Starscream. Something that makes our goals incompatible. You want to see the birth of a new Decepticon Empire with yourself at the helm. I want to see it with myself leading the charge. And we both know you couldn't stand to share the glory with anyone.”

Starscream glared at him. “I'm not the same person I once was, Bludgeon. I am not so blind as to turn down a potential and valuable ally just to satiate some foolish desire of my overinflated ego. We could co-lead. You could be my First Lieutenant and officer. In fact, I would be willing to be your officer, if it would mean you would consolidate your forces with the Forged.”

“You always were a sub, Starscream.”

Starscream scrunched his optics shut and shook with rage. He took in a deep breath. “In the interest of a fair alliance, I am going to let that comment pass.” He gave one his of famous Starscream smiles. “So, what do you say?”

“What do you have to offer me, Starscream?” Bludgeon asked. “A planet?”

“Let's get ourselves into a position where we can decide who rules a planet before trying to make empty promises to each other.” Starscream said.

“Hmm. You cannot offer me anything of interest, Starscream. Nor can your Forged. I have nothing more to say to you.” Bludgeon turned to leave.

Starscream turned away as well.

“Although ...” Starscream spoke, earning Bludgeon's interest enough for him to stop.

“I know you have an interest in the supernatural, Bludgeon. Every Decepticon who knows you knows how you used to engross yourself in Cybertronian folklore. If we were to succeed at taking over and conquering planets, I would be happy to give you Equestria … so long as you promised to give Twilight Sparkle a long, miserable and torturous existence before snuffing out her life.” Starscream, enraged as he remembered his treatment while in Twilight Sparkle's hospitality, tensed up his claw and snatched at the air, grabbing at an imaginary phantom of his pain.

“Huh.” Bludgeon said. This was a fair, if not, generous deal Starscream was proposing. An entire planet, in exchange for the torture of one pony.

“Fair,” “Generous,” and “Starscream” were not words Bludgeon ever thought would go together.

“ … I'll think about it.” Bludgeon said. “I'll see you around, Starscream.” He began his walk down the mountain.

“Yes.” Starscream pumped his fist while he was by himself. While Bludgeon hadn't accepted his offer as he hoped, the door was still open for future negotiations and an eventual merging of their forces.

Although … as Bludgeon walked away, Starscream couldn't help but get the sense Bludgeon was planning something. Something big.


Zecora went on her usual trek through the Everfree Forest. Finding an herb she needed, she bent down to pick it up.

Her eyes widened and she grimaced when, striking like lightning, a metal blade flashed by her and was pressed against the side of her throat, orange fingers wrapping around her head.

“Hello again, Zecora.” Bludgeon greeted her. “There’s something you have that I want.”

“You’re a fool to try this scheme once more. Do you think I’ll not be rescued like before?” Zecora asked him.

“Am I? No, I don’t think you will.” Bludgeon said. “You see, I was careful this time. Stealthy, even. I didn’t ransack Ponyville on the way. I opened a Space Bridge a some miles away from the Everfree Forest and then drove here, so anyone tracking Space Bridge signals is going to have no idea where my destination really is. No one knows I’m here, Zecora. No one knows you’re here, and that I have a knife to your throat. Your only options are to scream, die … or do as I say and give me the Alicorn Amulet.”

Zecora looked around, hoping for a sigh of Bludgeon being wrong and someone having followed him here. But there wasn’t any, no rustlings in the leaves, no familiar faces poking through the bushes and giving her assuring winks. She was alone.

Realizing she had little other choice, Zecora hung her head and sighed. “Fine. I will do as you say.” Bludgeon eased up his grip and took the knife off her flesh. Zecora raised her hoof. “Come. This way.”

“Excellent.” Bludgeon pocketed his knife. “You’ve chosen wisely, Zecora.”

Zecora sighed and stared at the ground. She hoped Twilight would forgive her for this … and would be able to handle the chaos and mayhem Bludgeon would doubtless cause with the Amulet’s empowerment.


On Earth, a portly mechanic worked on a truck, working his wrench to loosen up a rivet. There was an impatient metallic thumping on the front of his building which carried through the room.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m working as fast as I can.” The mechanic shouted back, assuming it was an impatient customer who wanted their ride fixed by now. He threw his wrench down and take a towel to his hands to wipe off the grease as he went to the front entrance.

“Can I help … you?” The mechanic asked, his eyes shrinking with fear as he saw his visitor. A bat-esque Decepticon, crouched over the front of the building and peering in.

“Yes, hello, human. I’m Mindwipe. But you can call me ‘Master.’” Mindwipe said. “I think you have something I want.”

“I … I don’t know what you’re talking about.” The mechanic said. “I mean, unless you’ve got a truck Decepticon you need me to fix up, I don’t see how I have anything to offer you.”

“Oh, I think you do.” Mindwipe pulled out a short wand with a star a the tip. “See this? This is an enchanted Equestrian wand. It absorbs the charge of a spell and allows others to use Equestrian magic. It was meant for mundane uses, like giving Earth ponies a chance to use a spell for their crops when their unicorn cohorts are out of commision, but there’s nothing preventing an insightful Decepticon for using it for more … inventive purposes.”

Mindwipe gripped the wand in his hand. “Now, it’s well-documented by now that Equestria mind controlling magic doesn’t work on Cybertronian neural relays, because a Cybertronian noggin is so different from a pony’s … but humans and ponies are both organic. I wonder … how an Equestrian mind control would affect a human?”

Mindwipe waved the wand, and a green ball of energy flew from its tip to the mechanic’s head. His eyes became dull and lifeless, a bit of droop escaping his mouth.

“Now, human, you will do as I say, yes?” Mindwipe asked.

The mechanic nodded. “Yes …”

“I have scouts and spies who tell me that Twilight Sparkle came to you with the remnants of the one called ‘Thunderwing’ and had you dismantle him for parts in the event they unexpectedly became of use to her. Is this true?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Bring them to me. Bring me the parts of Thunderwing.”

“Whatever you say, boss!” The mechanic gave a wave and turned to go back inside to retrieve the components and body parts Mindwipe desired.


Bludgeon walked around the entrance to the Canterlot mines. After Starscream’s rescue and escape from there, it was no secret Twilight Sparkle was keeping things in there she perhaps should not be.

Bludgeon walked in, arriving at the area, finding the empty table which used to hold Starscream. He found what he was looking for with no trouble.


He reached out to take the prize from Twilight’s shelf.

“Hmm.” Holding his prize on the way, Bludgeon noticed the table. Recalling his amicable talk with Starscream earlier, Bludgeon decided to do Starscream a solid and slammed his foot onto the table, cracking it in half with an expert martial kick.


Twilight Sparkle was busy in the Rainbow Principality, running her hoof over the table as she checked their supplies, making sure they had sufficient food, water, and ammunition for everything they needed. She hadn’t realized it before now, but making sure everyone in a city had everything they needed was hard work. Doubly so when they’re part of a city that was an illegally built one with no land grants, run by an organization considered a criminal one by most.

“Commander?” An Imperialcon and an Autobot soldier walked up to her. “Could we have a moment of your time?”

“What is it, solider?” Twilight asked. “Can’t you see I’m busy?”

The Imperialcon and Autobot each rubbed their hands together, looking apologetic. They shared uncertain glances with each other. “This is important. There’s been … an incident.”

This got Twilight’s attention, snapping her away from the tablet. “What happened?”

“In the civilian district. There was a retired Autobot and a Decepticon … they … got into a fight.” The Imperialcon said.

“I see.” Twilight said.

“Crazy, huh?” The Autobot said. “Both of them retired, former fighters just wanting to settle down and get away from all the conflict and craziness, and they still got into a fight with each other.”

“I’m sorry, Twilight Sparkle.” The Imperialcon said. “I know this news must be disappointing to you. If it makes you feel any better … I’m disappointed, too.” The Imperial rubbed at the back of his neck. “What are your orders?”

“Um.” Twilight brushed a hoof over her eyes, taken by surprise by this news. “Put them both in confinement and wait for an update. I need to think about how I’m going to punish them.”

“Understood.” The Imperialcon said. He and his partner left to carry out Twilight’s orders.

This was upsetting to Twilight on many levels. She understood and sympathized with the Imperialcon’s pain. If one Autobot and one Decepticon, both retired and kept out of a combat zone, couldn’t put aside their differences to live peacefully, what hope was there out of getting all of the Autobot and Decepticons to reconcile? Or at least a vast majority?

“Don’t look like that.” Magnum said, walking towards Twilight. “Quit staring at the ground, sir.” Magnum stood to the side of her. “You should have realized trying to make Autobots and Decepticons live together was going to come with some set-backs.”

“I know.” Twilight said.

“You should have realized something like this was bound to happen.”

“I know.”

“It was inevitable.”

“I know! I know, okay, I know!” Twilight snapped. Magnum leveled a brow at her. Twilight walked away from him, placing a hoof to her forehead.

“I’m sorry.” Twilight said. “I shouldn’t have snapped like that. I’ll need to figure something out to punish those two … I can’t just banish them, because they know the location of our base, but I can’t punish them too severely, or it will undermine the message of peace in the Rainbow Principality …”

“You really didn’t think every aspect of this plan all the way through, did you?” Magnum asked.

“No.” Twilight admitted. “I mean, it seemed simply enough … grab a bunch of people from all three planets, have them live together under one roof and work together towards a shared goal to show we could all coexist peacefully, proving Galloway wrong while working to overthrow his corrupt regime.” Twilight sighed.

The building vibrated while the sound of a loud, large engine roared and whirred overhead.

“What’s that?” Magnum asked. The entire building shook as something big landed outside.

Ultra Magnus entered the room with a smile on his face. “Hey, everybody!” He looked at Twilight and saw her solemn sour disposition. “I don’t what you’ve been talking about that’s upsetting, but I’ve got good news! I’ve managed to get Omega Supreme away from Cybertron.”

“Omega Supreme?” Magnum asked with surprise.

“He was always on our side. It just took a bit to get him, that’s all.” Ultra Magnus said. “He won’t give our location away. We can trust Omega.”

“Why wasn’t he brought here before?” Twilight asked with a bit of suspicion.

“Have you seen how big he is?” Ultra Magnus asked. “It was incredibly difficult to get him away from Cybertron without anyone noticing.”

Twilight’s ears perked up, picking up a voice she recognized a news announcer coming from another room. She ran into the room with the television playing the news, accompanied by Ultra Magnus and Magnum.

“And, in a breaking news flash, the Autobot known as “Omega Supreme,” a revered figure among the Cybertronian populace, has disappeared from Cybertron.” The announcer said.

“See?” Ultra Magnus gestured to the screen.

“In other news, a mechanic has been found dazed and confused outside of his workshop.” The announcer said. A picture of the mechanic flashed onscreen. “He says he has been the victim of mental influence caused by Equestria magic, unable to recall much other than his assailant was Cybertronian and wanted something from him.”

“Poor guy.” Ultra Magnus said. “Wonder what kind of Equestrian drug the ‘Con slipped him?”

“In related news, we have word from Gould Enterprise’ owner and CEO, Dylan Gould. Gould?” Gould’s face appeared on a split-screen. “What do you have to say about this shocking development?”

“I say this proves my point perfectly.” Gould said. “The Cybertronians are dangerous, and we need some way of protecting ourselves from them. That’s why nobody should go without one of my brand-new Stinger model drones! Whether you commute to the city or live in suburban neighborhood, Stinger is the perfect car and war drone for all of your family needs, be it picking up your kids or protecting them from a brutal Decepticon kidnapping!”

Everyone in the room reacted with disgust to Gould’s appearance on the screen and his shameless shilling of his product. For him to take advantage of this poor mechanic’s experiences to make a quick buck sickened Twilight. Did Gould have no respect for this man’s privacy? For the shock the man might have going through?

But I suppose I shouldn’t be too surprised. Twilight thought. She knew Gould by now.

“Hey …” Twilight said, rubbing her chin and staring at the picture on the screen. “I know that mechanic.”

“You do?”

“Yes.” Twilight answered. “After the incident I had with Thunderwing, I took Thunderwing’s body to this mechanic and had him disassemble in case I wanted any of Thunderwing’s parts for something.”

“WHAT?” Ultra Magnus shouted. “What on Earth or Cybertron or wherever made you possibly think that dissembling and putting a servant of Unicron on ice was a good idea!?”

“Hey, cut me some slack!” Twilight Sparkle said. “When I had Dark Energon running through my veins, lots of bad ideas seemed like good ideas, and lots of ideas that were neither really good nor bad seemed to edge towards ‘good.’”

“I see.” Ultra Magnus said.

Twilight stared at the news report, her hoof on her chin. How did anyone even know where she was keeping Thunderwing’s parts? And if they were trying to rebuild him …

Twilight slammed her hoof down, a realization hitting her.

“We need to get to Canterlot. Now.”



Twilight and a team of Imperials went to the Canterlot Mines.

"So this is where you kept Starscream, huh?" Utlra Magnus said upon coming up on Twilight's mini-lab. "Cozy."

Twilight ignored him. After they searched the cave with flashlights, she was able to reach a conclusion.

"Slag. Just as I feared. It's missing." Twilight said, shining a light on the shelf. "Sombra's horn is missing. Okay, everypony, out of the cave. We know what we need to know." The Imperials followed her out.

"So … what do we know, exactly?" Smokescreen asked.

"With Sombra's horn, someone could -" Twilight's answer was cut off by a loud boom which shook the ground around them.

"Um." Smokescreen pointed to the distance, where a pillar of purple light was shooting skyward from the Crystal Empire. "I know giant pillars of purple light from nowhere never mean anything good, but on a scale of one to ten, how bad it is?"

"Someone has resurrected Thunderwing." Twilight said. The Imperials looked off to the distance, serious and focused on their new objective.

"So, like- like an eight or something, right?" Smokescreen stammered.

"Smokescreen ..." Ultra Magnus said.

"I know, I know." Smokescreen threw his hands in the air. "Serious face." He pointed at his cheeks as he put on what he thought was a serious expression, with his brow furrowed and his mouth scrunched up, but it ended looking more silly than serious.

"Imperials, move out." Twilight Sparkle said, swiping her hoof at the pillar of light. "We have to stop Thunderwing. He's an engine of destruction, and like any engine, it's easier to kill it if you don't let it keep going. We need to stop him while he's still freshly activated and warming up, before he gains any momentum and causes all kinds of destruction and chaos."



Bludgeon stood over a large pit, Alicorn Amulet around his neck, Thunderwing's glowing, reassembled body chattering within the pit, producing the pillar of light, his body chattering as he was brought back to life.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Mindwipe asked.

"Quit worrying." Bludgeon said.

Bludgeon held a piece of Dark Energon in his hands and broke it in half. "One for me …" Bludgeon stabbed one of the shards of Dark Energon into his chest. "And one for you." He dropped the other half down the pit, where it fell on Thunderwing's chest. It melted, absorbing into the chest of the Unicronian Spawn which it felt its kinship with.

Thunderwing's eyes shot open, his energy revitalized. Metallic shrieking, screeching, straining and groaning came from the pit as the Dark Energon and the dark magic of Sombra's horn restored Thunderwing to his full size.

Thunderwing rose up from the pit, spreading his wings. He was a massive, demonic figure, with tattered wings, broad shoulders which held generators in them, spikes running along his clawed arms, and a jagged mouth so thin when he closed his lips, his mouth seemed to disappear. His eyes would be red, were it not for Sombra's magic affecting him, turning them green with red irises, purple trails flowing from them.

"Thunderwing!" Bludgeon shouted. "Hear me. I am Bludgeon. I have brought you back from the dead. For this, I expect you to serve me in return."

Thunderwing turned his demonic gaze at him.

"You dare to command me, bug?" Thunderwing shouted back, the force of his voice blowing Bludgeon and Mindwipe away. "I only serve one master - Unicron!"

Bludgeon tensed a fist.

Twilight Sparkle and the Imperials watched this unfold from behind the cover of rocks and icy crystals.

"At least it seems like Thunderwing's in no hurry to obey Bludgeon." Ultra Magnus said.

"Yes." Twilight answered. "But Thunderwing will still be a menace whether he follows Bludgeon or not."

"Wait are we waiting for, then?" Ultra Magnus gripped his hammer. "I say we go in there and bash their heads in while the going is good."

"No." Twilight held her hoof out. "We shouldn't resort to violence just yet. If I can use my magic and do an impression of Thunderwing while he's still getting used to his senses, I might be able to convince him to turn on Bludgeon."

"You? Do an impression of Unicron?" Ultra Magnus asked.

"Hey, remember that, for a time, I had Unicron inside my head." Twilight Sparkle reminded him. "I dare you to find someone better fit for doing an impression of Unicron than me."

"Even assuming this cock-a-mamie plan of yours does work, and Thunderwing does deal with Bludgeon for us, what are we going to do deal with Thunderwing? I doubt you can convince to retire and settle down on a nice seaside beach house." Ultra Magnus said.

"Let's get that far before we worry about that part." Twilight poked her head out from the rock and stared at Thunderwing.

"Unicron can't help you now!" Bludgeon said. "Your only choice is to serve me!"

"My master, defeated?" Thunderwing crossed his arms. "I don't believe it. Unicron is invincible!"

"Well, you'd better start believing it, for your own good!" Bludgeon shouted. "I brought you back, Thunderwing, and I can put you back in the ground!"

"Oh?" Thunderwing flexed his arms, aiming his in-built cannons at Bludgeon. "Is that so? I'd like to see you try!"


Thunderwing, Bludgeon and Mindwipe turned at the voice to see a flaming apparition in the shame of Unicron floating above a rock - the same avatar Unicron used when he was possessing Twilight Sparkle, all those moons ago.

Twilight hid behind the rock, her horn spewing the fire which traveled up and took Unicron's shape, using her magic to disguise and amplify her voice.

"Master!" Thunderwing shouted with glee. He flew out of the pit and bowed at Unicron, genuflecting before his master. "Command me, my liege. I am eager to serve you."


"Tell me." Thunderwing clenched a fist. "Where might I find the current bearer of the Matrix? Allow me to destroy for you, and remove your only weakness from existence."


"What?" Thunderwing exclaimed. "But how can this be? I thought I was your weapon to destroy the Matrix!"


"No!" Thunderwing said. He closed his eyes as he reflected on being robbed of his purpose, the one thing he lived for, the sole reason for the creation of his entire being and existence. "I see. Then at least allow me to destroy the descendants of the Primes for you, my liege."


Thunderwing raised his brow. "How can that be? The Matrix and the Primes are gone? Surely there must be something I can do for you, master."

"Wait a minute." Bludgeon said, noticing the tail of flame connecting Unicron to behind the rock. "Something's not right here."

"Yeah." Mindwipe said. "I thought Unicron the Devourer, God of Chaos, the Planet-Eater … would stutter less."

"Indeed. I don't think that's Unicron. But how do we prove it to Thunderwing?" Bludgeon said. He snapped his fingers. "I know."

Bludgeon walked towards the rock formation housing Unicron's avatar. Bludgeon put his hands to his face and shouted. "Hey, Unicron!"


"I think Fluttershy is a terrible pony who kick bunnies and dogs for the fun of it, and that the Autobots are losers!"

"THE AUTOBOTS ARE NOT LOSERS! AND FLUTTERSHY WOULD NEVER HURT AN ANIMAL OF ANY KIND, YOU SKULL-FACED PIECE OF SLAG ... and … furthermore … uh-oh." Twilight's voice dipped in volume as it dawned she had fallen for Bludgeon's trick.

Thunderwing stared in blank shock. "YOU ARE NOT MY MASTER!"

"Looks like the jig is up, ponies! Everybody out!" The War Princess ordered, dismissing the Unicron spirit and jumping out from behind her cover, right as Thunderwing open fired on it, blasting it to pieces with his powerful arm-cannon.

The rest of the Imperials sprinted out of their cover, running down the slopes to engage Bludgeon's Mayhems.

"Alright, people, let's WRECK AND RULE!" Ultra Magnus shouted, driving towards Thunderwing in vehicle mode. Magnus raised the boom of his cannon and opened, scoring a direct hit on Thunderwing's chest, achieving the net result of no damage as the smoke poured off from Thunderwing's chest. Magnus may as well have been using pyrotechnics.

"Immune to rockets, eh? No problem, I can deal." Ultra Magnus reverted to robot mode, digging the shaft of his hammer into the ice and twirling around like he was a ballerina. He lifted his hammer out and aimed its head at Thunderwing, shooting a bolt of lightning in to Thunderwing's chest.

The lighting dispersed, electric arcs crackling around Thunderwing's breastplate.

"Ha!" Thunderwing laughed. "That actually tingled."

"Hmm." Ultra Magnus pursed his lips, unsure how to proceed.

"Fool!" Bludgeon said. "You think you can hurt the mighty Thunderwing with your mere mortal weapons?"

Ultra Magnus smirked. Unnoticed by Bludgeon, he tapped a button his wrist. "Perhaps not. But I've got to thank you, Bludgeon."


"You've given me something to do in this fight."

Ultra Magnus jumped into the air, twirling around, and slammed his hammer head into Bludgeon's face, making Bludgeon stumble. Bludgeon drew out his longsword and got ready to fight, but Ultra Magnus disabused Bludgeon of the notion the fight would go anywhere in Bludgeon's favor when he delivered his boot into Bludgeon's face.

The team of Magnum, Drift, and Crosshairs slid down from the mountain, Crosshairs firing bullets around, shooting the Mayhems' optics outs, while Magnum blasted them in the chest, shooting them down.

Drift slid across the ice and barreled towards Mindwipe, swords raised high. Mindwipe didn't notice until almost a hair too late, but he was able to deploy his inbuilt daggers and block Drift's swords from connecting.

"Ha!" Mindwipe jumped into the air, spinning and kicking Drift in the thigh, tripping him over, and jumping back.

"Coward." Drift accused, getting to his feet.

"You call it fighting dirty, I call it being practical." Mindwipe said. "Besides, I prefer a fight where one side is an unfair disadvantage, mainly the side that I'm fighting against."

Mindwipe stabbed his daggers into the ice, cracking it. Drift charged at him, blades raised. Mindwipe chuckled before leaping away, and when Drift's foot passed over the crack Mindwipe had made, the ice gave out beneath him, making him fall into a pit.

"Haha!" Mindwipe pointed and laughed at Drift's misfortune. Drift put a swift end to the laughter by taking out one his smaller swords, aiming and throwing it, hitting Mindwipe square in the optic. "Ow!"

"Your petty squabble bores me." Thunderwing said. He raised his arms, encosuning them in a purple energy projection, and slammed his fists on the ground, sending out a wave of energy which shook the ground and knocked everyone off their feet.

"Uooogh." Crosshairs groaned as he got to his feet. He turned to his C.O, Magnum. "So what do we do now? How are we supposed to take care of that thing?"

Magnum looked up as a huge shadow fell over the landscape. "I don't think we're supposed to."

"Eh?" Crosshairs looked up. "Oh."

"What's this?" Thunderwing demanded, turning his attention to what was blocking out the sun. An enormous, golden space vehicle, one Thunderwing recognized the design of it.

The ship transformed, its form shifting around and forming stocky, wide legs, with asymmetric arms, one ending in a four-pronged claw, the other in a massive, conical cannon, with artificial, static wings made of steel girders.

"I know you." Thunderwing said. "You're one of the ancient ones. One of the last Cybertronians made while they were rightfully huge, before downsizing and losing touch with the gods that made them."

"I am Omega Supreme." Omega Supreme introduced himself. "I am here to stop you, Servant of Unicron."

"You're here to try!" Thunderwing threw his arms back as he fired a purple laser beam from his mouth. Omega Supreme caught the beam in his claw and arms, holding it back on a quite literal level.

"Omega Supreme." Bludgeon noted. "Clever, Ultra Magnus. Clever."

Ultra Magnus grinned. "What can I say? The guy likes me."

The ground shook beneath them, making Bludgeon and Magnus flail as they struggled to keep their balance on one stabilizing foot each.

"Okay." Ultra Magnus shouted. "New rule! Everybody climb inside the giant golden robot while the two giant robots are fighting!"

The Imperials retreated, grouping around Omega Supreme's leg. Ultra Magnus opened a hatch on the leg, and the Imperials climbed in.

"What do we do?" Mindwipe asked Bludgeon.

"Fall back behind Thunderwing. I suspect this is about to get messy …" Bludgeon said. He and his troops ran to behind Thunderwing.

"So …" Twilight Sparkle asked, as she and the Imperials climbed into Omega Supreme's cockpit, taking seats and watching the fight from behind the glass. "What do we do now that we're in here?"

"Grab a seat, hold on tight … and enjoy the show." Ultra Magnus said.

"What?" Twilight said. "Can't we help him? Do something?"

"Well …" Magnus said. "There might be some manual weaponry in here, if you can find it."

"For your protection, I must ask you to refrain from action within me." Omega Supreme spoke. "This fight is mine alone."

Twilight nodded. "I understand."

Omega Supreme continued to hold back Thunderwing's breath beam, rings of energy travelling along the beam as Thunderwing focused his energy into it. Omega Supreme pushed through, inching towards Thunderwing step by step, until he was near enough to close the distance and give Thunderwing a wallop across the face.

Thunderwing recoiled from the blow, but recovered. He prepared to fire another beam, this one straight into Omega's face. Omega Supreme aimed his cannon and fired, blasting Thunderwing in the chest, with far better success than Ultra Magnus had earlier.

"Grr …" Thunderwing scowled and aimed his arm-cannons, firing rapidly, pelting Omega Supreme with cannon blasts.

The insides of Omega Supreme shook from the blows.

"Are you sure there's not anything we can do?" Twilight Sparkle asked, wincing as her seat rocked.

"Be quiet and let Omega do his thing!" Magnus snapped. "He's got this, even it might not seem like it."

Thunderwing smirked and slashed at Omega with his claw, leaving slash marks over Omega Supreme's face. Thunderwing chuckled at his successful blow, but while he was gloating, Omega Supreme grabbed his wrist inside his four-pronged gripper.

"Huh?" Thunderwing jostled, attempting to wrest his arm free. Omega Supreme smacked Thunderwing in the face with his cannon-arm, then pointed the end of the conical barrel at Thunderwing's face, shooting him point-blank. Smoke and fire billowed from around Thunderwing's head, but the Spawn of Unicron remained standing.

"Rraah!" Thunderwing roared and reached up a claw at Omega Supreme's face, but Omega pulled back, dodging the claw. Omega tugged, before yanking Thunderwing's arm out of its socket. Omega proceeded to swing the arm around and slapped Thunderwing across the cheek with his own dismembered hand.

Thunderwing turned his head back to Omega and fired another beam from his mouth. This one cut straight through Omega's chest, narrowly passing over the Imperials' heads and escaping out Omega's back.

"Hold tight." Ultra Magnus said upon seeing Twilight's despairing look.

Omega Supreme raised his arm and tried to punch Thunderwing again, but Thunderwing fired another beam, bringing it across Omega Supreme's chest. Thunderwing fired beam after beam, each out entering Omega through one side and exiting out the other, leaving Omega covered with smoking holes, cuts, and scorch marks.

"Give it up, old one!" Thunderwing shouted, lunging at Omega with his claw raised. Omega caught Thunderwing by the wrist and held Thunderwing's arm, keeping Thunderwing's claw from connecting.

"You cannot defeat me! You are nothing!" Thunderwing announced, a purple sphere forming in his mouth as he prepared another breath beam.

"Wrong!" Omega Supreme let go of Thunderwing's arm and smashed his own claw into the generator on Thunderwing's right shoulder, destroying it and depriving Thunderwing of some of his power.

"I am Omega Supreme!" Omega lined up his arm-cannon with Thunderwing's chest. A golden sphere formed the tip as Omega charged up power, pouring more energy than normal into this shot. Omega fired, a sideways pillar of gold launching out from his cannon and ripping through Thunderwing's chest, bursting through Thunderwing's back and travelling far into the distance.

Far away, at the Crystal Empire, Cadence, noticing the lights, lifted her head up in curiosity. "What's going on over there?"

Thunderwing let out a gasp, grasping for life and attempting to process his defeat. With a creak of metal, Thunderwing began to topple over.

"Fall back!" Bludgeon turned to his men and ran, realizing they had been standing too close and Thunderwing was about to fall on top of them if they didn't get clear.

Thunderwing hit the ground with a thud, his impact blowing a ring of snow from around him.

"See?" Ultra Magnus said from inside Omega. "I told you he could do it."

"Now to deal with the rest of these Decepticon scum." Omega Supreme announced, converting into vehicle mode and raising up into the air, preparing for a bombing.

Thunderwing looked up at Omega and growled, narrowing his eyes. With his last breath, he poured his energy into his breath weapon, firing a beam at Omega's hull and drawing it from end to end, cutting across all of Omega's body.

Omega Supreme tilted downwards, unable to compensate for the damage. He began to fall. After all, the clean shot of Thunderwing had almost cut him in two.

"What do we do now!?" Twilight Sparkle shouted as they Omega Supreme's descent acquired velocity, falling faster and faster.

"Well, uh …" Ultra Magnus said. "Omega Supreme's vehicle mode was designed at a time before Cybertronians really knew of organics, and wouldn't really understand the need for things squishy organics like oh, I don't know, ejection seats."

"W-what are you saying?" Twilight asked, more of obligation than needing to know. She knew full well what Ultra Magnus was saying.

"I'm saying …" Ultra Magnus said.


Omega Supreme crashed into the ice, his form crumpling up and crunching as his immobile fell down. The seats in his cockpit rocked and bounced, the seatbelts giving away and launching their occupants all across the bridge of the ship. The last thing Twilight could make out was Fluttershy's hoof reaching for her, as she was the only one of her friends close enough, and the gold and red hues of Omega's body flying by her as she was ejected from her seat and thrown out the window.

Twilight tried to activate the jets in her armor, but they'd been damaged, presumably from scraping up against something inside Omega.

The sight of snow-covered mountain peaks and falling snow around Omega Supreme's body was the last thing Twilight recalled before hitting the ground and getting knocked out.

()()()()() ()()()()

()()()()() ()()()()

Inside a quaint wooden building, a pony woke up on a bed. “Hmm?” She blinked, groaning as her eyes slowly opened. She ran a hoof over her forehead, feeling it covered in bandages. Groggy, she looked around the room and noticed a pony sitting in a chair in front of her.

“Oh, you’re awake! That was quite a nasty fall you had there. I was worried you weren’t going to wake up. You were lucky I was near where you landed and used my magic to teleport you here before you lost too much blood, hmm-hmm!” She chuckled. “I’m Starlight Glimmer. What’s your name?”

“My name?” The pony tapped a hoof to her chin. “I …”

“Yes?” Starlight leaned towards her.

“I don’t remember.” The pony said. “I don’t remember my name.”

“Oh, well!” Starlight said. “Sounds like you’ve got a little case of trauma-induced memory loss. It can happen sometimes once you’ve gotten a big enough blow to your head - and I bet falling from the height you would certainly qualify.”

“Still, we can’t have you walking around without a name.” Starlight got up from her chair and approached the bed. She pulled off the covers and looked at the pony’s Cutie Mark. Without permission, Starlight put a hoof on the Mark. “That’s an interesting Cutie Mark you have there. Why don’t we name you after that until we can figure out your real name.”

“If we figure out my real name.”

“Oh, don’t be such a worrier … Six Star.” Starlight said. “Is that name alright with you?”

Six Star shrugged. “Better than just ‘the pony’ or ‘the stranger’ I guess.”

“Excellent.” Starlight said. “Can you walk? I would love to show you around town.”

“I don’t know … is that a good idea?” Six Star brushed her hoof against her bandages. “Shouldn’t I stay here and wait to recover for a few days? Who knows what other injuries I might have sustained from my fall.”

“I think you’ll find I - I mean, my doctor did an excellent job.” Starlight said. “Why don’t you just try it and see how it goes?”

“Okay …” Six Star muttered. She climbed out from the bed and set her front hooves on the floor. She walked forward, placing her rear hooves on the floor one at a time. Her legs trembled, and she stumbled, but she recovered and was able to walk a few steps away from the bed.

“There. How does it feel?” Starlight asked. “Think you can stand a brief walk around town?”

“Y-yeah.” Six Star said, crossing her legs as they shivered and threatened to give out from underneath. “My legs are shaky, but I don’t feel any blood rushing around my head, so that’s a good sign ... right?”

“Right.” Starlight gave a smile which made Six Star uneasy. “Come on. Let me introduce you to the townsfolk.” Starlight turned and left the room, her tail whipping about in a gesture telling Six Star to come along.
Six Star followed Starlight, going down the stairs and exiting the two-floor building they were in. Six Star was greeted with a tiny town made of identical wooden houses spread across two rows, with each row having an equal amount of housing. The only distinguishing features on any house were some signs advertising products such as baked goods and clothes, and there was another house at the end of rows which was separate from the rest, being centered.

“You’ll find we have all sorts of attractions for you to enjoy in our town.” Starlight said, walking down from the steps of the building.

“What do you call it?” Six Star asked. “Your town, I mean.”

Starlight stopped, her eyes widening. “Eh, I’m sorry? I don’t understand the question.”

“What’s the name of your town?” Six Star asked.

“I don’t think it really has a name.” Starlight said. “It’s just … just our town.” She chuckled. “I think having a name for our town might imply it’s better than other towns, and that promotes inequality. Haven’t you heard of what Manehatten thinks of itself?”

“How do you put it on your maps, then?” Six Star asked. “Surely you need some identifier for ponies looking for your town.”

“Now, Six Star, what makes you think we want to be found?” Starlight asked. “Trust me. Anypony who’s looking for us will be able to find us.”


“Let me introduce to you everypony. Everyone!” Starlight called. “Come out! We have a new guest!”

Doors opened all around the neighborhood, and ponies peeked their heads out before walking out and gathering around Starlight and Six Star. Something about having so many ponies looking up at her made Six Star feel nervous … but at the same time, it seemed familar.

“This is Six Star.” Starlight said. “I’ve found her passed out not too far away from our humble village. I used my magic to bring her and help heal her wounds. She’s going to be a guest for a little while until she gets back on her hooves, so I want you all to make her feel welcome. Oh, and be considerate; she’s suffering from some memory loss from taking a hit on the head.” Starlight playfully knocked her hoof against her head.
Six Star grimaced and looked around. “Uh … hello, everypony.” She waved.

“Hello, Six Star!” The ponies chanted back in unison, almost as if they had been rehearsing it.

“Hi there!” A white Earth pony walked up to Six Star and extended his hoof. “I’m Double Diamond. There’s a lot of folks for you to meet here, but the ones you need to know right away are Night Glider, Sugar Belle, and my friend, Party Favor.” Double Diamond pointed to ponies in the audience who walked up as they were called by name. “They’ll help you get situationed in our village, and if there’s anything you need, just ask them.”

“Here.” Sugar Belle offered up a muffin in her hoof. “Try one of my muffins, free of charge. Think of it as a welcoming present.”

“Oh, thank you!” Six Star was flattered and took the muffin from Sugar Belle. “I can hardly remember the last time I ate.” Six Star stuffed the muffin into her mouth. Her eyes widened at its stale, mortar-esque taste. Not wanting to be rude, she chewed it down and gulped.

“Well?” Sugar Belle asked. “What do you think?”

“Um … well … I may not have all of my memories, but I’m pretty sure muffins aren’t supposed to taste like that.” Six Star said. Sugar Belle looked at the ground. “I’m sorry … I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“Oh, it’s fine.” Sugar Belle said. “After all, at least means I’m not any better than anypony else in the village.”

Six Star’s jaw dropped. “How can you say something like that? Just because no else can bake a decent muffin in this entire village means you’re not allowed to, either? How do you get anywhere if you don’t improve? You’re not … accomplishing anything! After all, to succeed is to excel!” Six Star proudly put a hoof to her chest.

Sugar Belle and Double Diamond grimaced and winced, uncomfortable with this kind of talk. They looked at Starlight Glimmer, who was frowning and leering at Six Star. Starlight gestured her head at Double Diamond for him to do something before anypony began to get … ideas.

“Uh, Six Star.” Sugar Belle said. “I can’t help but notice that you have wings.”

“Yes, Six Star.” Starlight said, walking up to Six Star. She ran a hoof along Six Star’s wing. “Where did you get these wings? Aren’t you a unicorn? Are you a Princess, perhaps?”

“Uh, I don’t know.” Six Star tapped her chin. She gave an uncertain glare at Starlight. Growing uncomfortable, she whipped her wing away from Starlight’s grasp. “I mean, I don’t remember if I am a Princess.”

“Oh, well, that’s too bad.” Starlight said. “But ultimately for the better. After all, if you were a Princess, that would mean we would have to treat you like you were better than us common folk, and that would be … unequal.”

“You keep mentioning that.” Six Star raised an eyebrow. “But you wouldn’t have to give me any special treatment. Even if I was a Princess, which I’m not saying, I would still would want you all to treat me like … just another one of the girls.”

The crowd smiled at her.

Six Star glanced between them, looking at Double Diamond and Starlight Glimmer, taking notice of the equal signs on their haunches. “Hey, how come you all have the same Cutie Marks? That’s not supposed to happen.”

“We believe that Cutie Marks represent inequality, so in order to maintain a perfect equilibrium, we give them up and get rid of them.” Starlight explained.

“Get rid of them?” Six Star asked. “If you can remove Cutie Marks, you must have access to some incredibly powerful magic!”

Starlight gave an airy, nervous laugh. She placed a hoof on Six Star’s shoulder. “That’s true, Six Star. But we don’t like Cutie Marks. Isn’t that right?” The entire crowd shook their heads in disapproval. “So could we please stop talking about them?”

“Okay.” Six Star closed her eyes and stared at the ground. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset any of you.”

Starlight lifted Six Star’s head through her chin. “We forgive you. Now, you’ve seen everypony and have Double Diamond to help you if there’s anything you need, so why don’t you go explore the village for yourself a little bit?” Starlight moved to the side. Six Star nodded and walked off.

“Oooh!” Sugar Belle let out a squeal, walking up to Starlight. “She’s adorable, Starlight! Will she stay with us?”

“I don’t know.” Starlight said. “But I’m going to my best to make sure that happens. After all, a pony with a horn and wings would be quite the catch, and would be the first step towards spreading our message of equality through all of Equestria! I’ll see what I can do.” Starlight turned to Sugar Belle with a smile. Sugar Belle returned the smile, and Starlight waved her hoof, dismissing the crowd. “Places, everypony! We want Six Star to feel welcome here. We wouldn’t want her to go to a store and find nopony there.” The crowd dispersed, everypony returning to their normal positions from before Starlight called them.

“So, Six Star!” Starlight came up to Six Star, hooking a leg around Six Star’s shoulders. “What do you think of our little town?”

“It’s … quaint.” Six Star said. “It’s certainly quiet, I’ll give it that, but something worries me. How are you going to thrive if you prevent your citizens from excelling?”

“Oh, Six Star.” Starlight said. “Talent leads to jealousy. Jealousy leads to resentment. Resentment leads to broken friendships, and we wouldn’t want that, would we?”

“Well, no. But still.” Six Star said. “What happens if you expand? You’re going to need somepony to build roads and plan for traffic, and if no pony is better at making and building roads than anypony else, the roads will come out terrible and create crashes!”

“We’ll burn that bridge when we get to it.” Starlight said.

“Okay. Well, um, uh, no, not okay, actually. Bridges burning is exactly what I’m trying to help you avoid.” Six Star said. “And what about your doctors? You seem to be the only capable physician in the town, since you were the one who patched me up, but what happens if you’re out of commision and someone needs a major surgery?”

“You raise some very good points.” Starlight said. “I’ll think about them. But in the meantime, would you come with me?”

Starlight proceed to walk Six Star around the town. “What do you think of Sugar Belle, Six Star?”

“She’s nice.” Six Star said. “I mean, I like her, but I should really get to know her better before I make any judgments.”

“And she likes you, Six Star. For that very reason.” Starlight said. “You’re so … humble and modest. You would fit right in here. Tell me …”

Starlight stopped and stepped in front of Six Star.

“Would you consider moving in?”

Six Star stepped back. “What?”

“Would you considering staying and living with us here in our town?” Starlight asked.

“Gee, I don’t know …” Six Star rubbed the back of her neck. “That’s a big commitment. I haven’t even got my memories back yet. For all I know, there could be ponies counting on me.”

“Oh, please?” Starlight begged. “It doesn’t have to be permanent. Just until your memories come back and you have somewhere else to go.”

“Eh …”

“It would make Sugar Belle very happy.” Starlight said with a smirk.

Six Star looked over her shoulder. She saw Sugar Belle standing in front of her bakery. Sugar Belle noticed Six Star staring at her and gave a big smile and wave to Six Star. It was too much for Six Star to take. She couldn’t say no to such a cute face.

“Okay.” Six Star said. “I’ll stay here with you.”

“Perfect!” Starlight said, coming over to embrace Six Star.

Six Star pushed Starlight away with her hoof, pressing her hoof into Starlight’s chest. “But only to make Sugar Belle happy, and only until my memories come. If they come back… understand?”

Starlight was taken aback by Six Star’s sudden display of resolve. “Of- of course!” Starlight made a note. If Six Star was going to live here, Starlight was going to need to beat this resolve out of her. “Right this way, please, if you would.”

Starlight led Six Star to a wooden shack at the end of the town.

“In here, please.” Starlight gestured to the door.

Six Star went inside, and was quite alarmed when Starlight shut the down behind her.

There wasn’t much inside the building. There was a wooden table, a speaker mounted on the wall, and cobwobs gathered in the corners. This building hadn’t been cleaned in some time.

The speaker buzzed, and Starlight’s voice came out of it.

“Have a seat.”

Six Star did as told, pulling out the chair and sitting at the table.

“Listen closely, Six Star. I want you to repeat after me. In sameness, there is peace.”

“In sameness, there is peace.”

“Exceptionalism is a lie.”

That didn’t sound right to Six Star, but she repeated it anyway. “Exceptionalism is a lie.”

“Free yourself from your cutie mark.”

“Free myself from my Cutie Mark.”

“Choose equality as your special talent. Difference is frustration. To excel is to fail. Be your best by never being your best. Conformity will set you free.”

“Choose equality as my special talent. Difference is frustration. To excel is to fail. Be my best by never being my best. Conformity will set me free.”

Something inside Six Star twitched at the word ‘free’ slipping past her lips.

“Accept your limitations, and happiness will follow.”

“Accept my limitations, and happiness will follow.”

“You're no better than your friend.”
“I am no better than my friend.”

“Your compliance will be rewarded.”

“My compliance will be rewarded.”

“Are you ready to comply?”

Six Star nodded, a wave of sleepiness running over her eyelids. “I am ready to comply.”

Starlight swung the door open.

“Perfect. Come with me, Six Star, and we can get rid of that dreadful, awful Cutie Mark of yours.”

Six Star pushed herself out of her seat and joined Starlight. Starlight led Six Star up to a nearby mountain overlooking the town, leading her up the slope.

“Steep climb.” Six Star commented.

“Yes, isn’t it?” Starlight said.

Starlight led Six Star into a cave at the top of the mountain. Inside the cave was a massive vault, with clear glass panels, each with a different design on them. They sparkled in the darkness, their bright designs even more apparent in the darkness of the cave. Between the three walls was a rock with a wooden staff placed into it, which ended in a two-pronged tip.

“What … is this?” Six Star asked, awed by the massive amount of storage.

“This is our Cutie Mark vault.” Starlight said, lifting the staff up with her magic. “It’s where we keep all our removed Cutie Marks. You didn’t think we just destroyed them, did you?”

“Though granted, I would certainly like to …” Starlight murmured.

“What’s that?” Six Star pointed at the staff.

“This is the Staff of Sameness.” Starlight answered, twirling the Staff around. “It’s one of Meadowbrook’s Nine Enchanted Magical Items. It’s how we rid ourselves of our Cutie Marks.”

Six Star tilted her head. “I thought Meadowbrook had eight magical items?”

Starlight laughed. “Oh, look at you! At this rate, you’ll have all your memories back before the end of the day! But yes, that’s a common misconception. This is Meadowbrook’s secret ninth item. I’m impressed, Six Star.” Starlight said. “Not a lot of ponies around here even know who Meadowbrook is.”

Six Star blushed.

Starlight smiled and pointed the staff at her. “Now, Six Star, are you ready to be equal?”

Six Star nodded. “I am ready to comply.”


Starlight, with an unsettling mad grin, aimed the Staff of Sameness at Six Star. A blue beam of magic traveled up from Starlight’s horn and wound itself around the Staff, firing the blue beam at Six Star.

The beam held Six Star up in the air. She twitched and spasmed, feeling the magic run through. She watched out the corner of her eye as her Cutie Marks were peeled off her body. She winced and closed her eyes. This felt wrong. Unnatural. As if it was ripping off her flesh. As if it was taking out a part of her, an important part, a part she needed. A part she couldn’t live without.

The Cutie Mark traveled through the air before nestling in between the prongs of the Staff. Starlight examined it, grinned, and pointed the Staff at the wall, tossing the Cutie Mark out, where it attached itself to a free glass panel.

“How you feel, Six Star?” Starlight asked.

Six Star shivered. “Hollow. Incomplete. Almost kind of … violated.”

Starlight laughed airily. “I assure you, that feeling will pass. Once you spend some time with the ponies around here, you’ll feel more complete than you ever did!” Starlight walked past Six Star out of the cave. “Now, since you’re new here, you’ll be staying with me in my house for a few days until we get your own cabin built. This way, please.”

Six Star pushed herself out of her seat and joined Starlight. Starlight led Six Star out of the mountain and to her house, but they were waylaid from Starlight’s destination when Sugar Belle came up to them.

“Starlight! Starlight, come quick! We’ve found something! Some kind of … blue ogre or something!”

Starlight gave Six Star an apologetic chuckle. “Excuse me. This’ll just be a minute.”

“Okay.” Six Star. “I’m ready to comply whenever, Starlight!” Six Star gave a smile.

Sugar Belle lead to them to the far end of town, where a massive blue giant rested in the dirt, unconscious. Some of the more daring ponies climbed on top of it to get a better look at its face.

“What is it?”

“Where did it come from?”

“Why does it have three Cutie Marks!?” A pony squealed, pointing to the symbol etched on its shoulders, which was also on its chest.

“Because it’s not a Cutie Mark, it’s an Autobrand, you - you - you troglodytes.” Ultra Magnus said, his optics opening. He sat up. “Get off me.”

The ponies, afraid, did as he told them to.

“Where in the Pit am I?” Ultra Magnus asked, sitting upright. “And make it snappy. I get angry when people don’t tell me things I want to know, and you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.”

“Perhaps I can help?” Starlight said, walking up to the giant. “I’d be more than happy to answer any questions you might have.”

“Good, because I have a lot of them.” Ultra Magnus said, getting to his feet.

“I’m Starlight Glimmer, the leader of this fair town -”

“Twilight!” Ultra Magnus shouted, noticing Twilight Sparkle standing behind Starlight, paying Starlight no attention and walking past her to greet Twilight. “Am I glad to see you! Come on, we need to find and regroup with the others and then put the pressure on Bludgeon before he gets away to try another scheme!”

Ultra Magnus converted into his vehicle mode and went roaring out of the town. It wasn’t until he was some distance away did he realize Twilight Sparkle hadn’t hopped onto the ladder on the side of his vehicle mode as she was supposed to.

Ultra Magnus backed up into the town and stopped beside Twilight. “Twilight, come on!”

Twilight Sparkle went and hid behind Starlight Glimmer. “I … I don’t know you. I don’t recognize you.”

“What?” Ultra Magnus shifted into his robot mode, his parts clicking with frustration.

“It looks like she doesn’t want to go with you.” Starlight commented with a smug grin.

“You … you ...” Ultra Magnus aimed his hammer at Starlight. “You. What did you do to her?”

“I haven’t done anything.” Starlight said. “She has some memory loss, that’s all.” Starlight looked over to Six Star. “So, your name is Twilight Sparkle, huh?”

“I … guess so.” Twilight said. “He seems to recognize me, so.”

“Come on, Twilight!” Ultra Magnus said. “We don’t have time for this. We need to turn up the heat and kick Bludgeon while he’s down.”

“Do you have any idea what he’s talking about, Twilight?” Starlight asked smugly.
Twilight shook her head.

“Bludgeon?” Ultra Magnus asked. “Skull-faced Decepticon samurai, about yea high? Thunderwing? Omega Supreme? You know, Autobots wage their battle to destroy the evil forces of the Decepticons? Galloway? The Imperials? Come on! Don’t you remember anything?”

Twilight shook her head. “No. I’m sorry, but … no.”

“What did you do to her?” Ultra Magnus asked, glaring at Starlight. “What did you do to her!?”

“I told you, I haven’t done anything.” Starlight calmly insisted. “If she wants to stay here, we should respect her decision.”

“No, I don’t believe it. I never thought I’d see the day. The day when Twilight Sparkle, hero of two worlds, would hang up her hat to become a - a backwater communist?”

“Actually, it’s more like a cult.”

Starlight stared disapproving at Twilight.

“Sorry. I don’t know where that came from.” Twilight said.

“You don’t remember anything?” Ultra Magnus said.

“Well … I remember what words mean and how to walk and stuff.” Twilight said.

“Not the Autobots? Not Fluttershy or Pinkie Pie? Not even … Optimus Prime?”

Twilight’s heart skipped a beat at the names Ultra Magnus mentioned, but she shook her head. She still didn’t remember anything.

“Well, I say if Twilight wants to stay here, she should be allowed to.” Starlight said. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of her. I guess this ‘Optimus Prime’ just wasn’t that important to her.”

Starlight’s eyes widened when the head of Ultra Magnus’ hammer slammed down in front of her.

“Listen here, you.” Ultra Magnus said, bending down so he and Starlight were face to face, pointing a finger at her. “My brother was a great mech, a hero. He sacrificed his life so Twilight Sparkle could get away and live. Despite what fiber in my being is telling me, I am willing to try to be diplomatic with you about this. But badmouth my brother’s memory again, and I will burn every house in your village, kill everyone in it, and hold you in my cold, steel hand and make you watch. Do. I. Make. My. Self. Clear?”

Starlight and Twilight stared up at Ultra Magnus with widened eyes and sucked-in mouths as if they had swallowed something sour.

“Crystal.” Starlight said.

“Crystal Ponies!” Twilight spouted, earning her odd looks. “Sorry, it was just … something I remembered. I think my memories are starting to come back.”

“Now.” Ultra Magnus stood up and crossed his arms. “I’m going to leave to try think about how I can bring Twilight Sparkle back to us. Back to herself. I want no funny business, understand?” Ultra Magnus pointed pointedly at Starlight. “You seem like the just the sort of type to try to pull a trick right under my nose, and I’ll not have any of that. You try to pull something, I’ll know and … let’s just say, it won’t end well for you.”

Ultra Magnus heaved his hammer over his shoulder and walked away from them, his metal feet thumping on the ground, leaving a shaken pair of ponies behind in Starlight and Twilight, Starlight shivering in fear. Starlight had never dealt with something like this before.

()()()()() ()()()()() ()

()()()()() ()()()()() ()

“Ugh …” Magnum groaned, resting his hand on the cave wall for support. It was dark, and the only sources of light were the ones coming off their own cybernetic bodies. “Is everyone alright?”

“Been better.” Crosshairs groaned, rolling over onto his cape. “Let me tell, my fashion sense was not the best for this mission.”

“I am well, thank you.” Drift said, moving out from behind a rock.

“I think I’m okay.” Fluttershy rose her head up, rubbing at its soreness. “What happened?”

“Thunderwing got in one last hit on Omega and brought him crashing down.” Magnum said. “The crash sent everyone flying.” Magnum looked to the ceiling of the cave. “We appeared to have landed in a cave. I imagine the others were similarly scattered throughout the land.”

“We should work on finding our way out.” Fluttershy said.

“Good idea, luv, but there’s just one problem.” Crosshairs gestured to the walls. “There is no way out.”

Drift poked at a pile of rocks against one of the walls. “It appears our landing triggered a cave-in. We are fortunate it did not crush us.”

“All well and good, except for the fact it might as well have crushed us if we’re going to be stuck here forever.” Crosshairs complained. He drew his pistol and twirled it, aiming at the wall. “I say we make our own way out.”

“No.” Magnum shouted, grabbing Crosshairs by the wrist before he pulled the trigger. “If us just landing here caused a cave-in, then any display of excessive firepower will likely trigger another one, and we might not get so lucky a second time.”

Crosshairs grumbled, and with some resignation, put his back in its holster.

“It can’t be all bad.” Fluttershy said. “I’m sure our friends are looking for us as we speak. There’s no need to worry.”

A rumble ripped through the cavern floor. The rockslide blocking their way out chattered as another pile of rocks fell from the ceiling, kicking up dust and adding to the size of the rockslide, making any potential way of breaking through much harder.

The four of them stared in shock. Of them, Crosshairs had the most succinct word on the subject.


()()()()() ()()()()() ()()

()()()()() ()()()()() ()()

Starlight and Twilight sat in Starlight’s hut, sipping tea at a table. Twilight stared into her cup of tea in silence, looking disconnected.

“What’s wrong?” Starlight asked. “You’ve barely touched your tea.”
“What’s wrong?” Twilight asked, looking up at Starlight. “Everything is wrong! I woke up in the middle of nowhere with no memories of who I am or used to be, and just as I’m getting adjusted to the idea of staying here and living with you, this robot shows up and tells me I’m needed elsewhere! I don’t know who to trust or what to believe in!”

“Oh, you’re not really still worried about that silly Moltra Agnes -”

“Ultra Magnus.” Twilight snapped, feeling something stir inside, getting the feeling Starlight was getting his name wrong on purpose, and Twilight resented her for it.

“Are you?” Starlight asked.

“Why aren’t you worrying?” Twilight asked. “He threatened to kill everypony in your village!”

“Only if I insulted his brother again.” Starlight said. “Trust me, Twilight. I know how to handle a situation like this. Trust me, as long as I don’t do that, we should be golden, and I can hold all of the cards in my hooves.” Starlight raised up her cup and sipped it before giving Twilight a suspicious glare.

“You do trust me, don’t you? After all, I’ve been nothing but kind to you.”

“Of-of course.” Twilight stammered, Starlight’s glare making her feel guilty for doubting her. “But I still think you’re underestimating Ultra Magnus.”

“Please.” Starlight waved her hoof. “Give me ten minutes, and I’ll play him like a fiddle. Trust me, Twilight, nopony is above the influence of my manipulation - I mean, skills of my persuasion.” Starlight smiled broadly and then sheepishly took another sip of her tea.

Somepony knocked on the door. “Starlight?” Sugar Belle said. “Mister Ultra Magnus is back. He’s asking for you.”

“Showtime.” Starlight said. She and Twilight got out of their chairs, Twilight’s uncertain expression and steps contrasting with Starlight’s self-assured and confident swagger.

The two of them walked out into town, where Ultra Magnus had his arms crossed, tapping his foot to show his trying patience.

“You kept me waiting.” Ultra Magnus said. “Took your sweet time getting here. Now, I don’t know how you do things around here, but back where I come from, when someone’s waiting to meet you, you get out there pronto. You’re stalling, and that makes me suspicious.”

“Why, Ultra Magnus! I’m hurt.” Starlight put a hoof to her chest. “You should learn to trust more.”

“Being distrustful of anyone I didn’t know to their core is how I survived this long.” Ultra Magnus said. “You should learn to be more honest, because I’m not sure what you’re holding back from me … but I can tell it’s definitely something. Now, tell me, Starlight Glimmer … what am I going to have to do to get Twilight Sparkle to leave here with me?”

“You’re going to have to convince her she wants to leave her with you.” Starlight said. She wrapped a hoof around Twilight and pulled her close. “And she doesn’t want to leave, now does she? Why would she? We have everything she needs here.”

“Uh, well …” Twilight stammered.

“Cute, Starlight Glimmer, but cut the act.” Ultra Magnus said. “Your little ‘utopia’ charade isn’t going to fly with me. I’ve spent my life fighting Decepticons. “Deception” is in their name, so your usual tactics aren’t going to work on me. I’m not going to believe anything you say about what Twilight wants unless I hear from Twilight herself. Capichise?”

“Of course.” Starlight said. “Twilight, tell Ultra Magnus you want to stay here.”

“Well, I …” Twilight said. “I don’t know. I don’t remember you, and I haven’t been around this village nearly long enough to decide whether or not I really want to stay here.” Starlight gave a frown.

“Twilight, you need to come back with me.” Ultra Magnus stressed. “You have people, hundreds of people, depending on you. You made a promise, a promise that the Cybertronians and Equestrians would be free to come and go between Equestria, Earth and Cybertron as they pleased. You promised the Vehicons they would be treated more fairly, given more rights, and given a fair say in deciding matters. Your friends are waiting for you. Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack …”

Starlight moved in front of Twilight. “Twilight will have plenty of friends here-”

“Cram it, you.” Magnus snapped. Starlight recoiled, not used to such treatment.
“Twilight, please come back.” Ultra Magnus said. “You’re our leader, Twilight. You’re our guiding star, our moral pillar. When we’re down, you make speeches to pick us back up again. The Autobots need you. Your friends need you. And as painful as this is for me to admit, after - after what happened to Optimus …”

Ultra Magnus crossed his arms and looked away.

“I need you. You’re … so much alike, you remind me of him, and it’s like … he’s not really gone, you know? You keep his memory alive, Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight bit her lip. “I … wow.” She put a hoof to her head. “That’s a lot to take in. I … I need a minute to process all of that.”

Ultra Magnus nodded. “Take your time.”

“I’ll help Twilight get accustomed to all the enormous responsibility you’re putting on her.” Starlight said.

“Uh-huh. Sure you will.” Ultra Magnus said. “And I’m the Prince of Candyland.”

“In the meantime, we’ll sit down and drink tea so she can relax.”

“That tea better not have something in it.” Ultra Magnus said. “I’m warning you, Starlight, if I figure you’re doing anything to her … I’m not going to be a happy camper.”

Starlight nodded, though she didn’t seem to take Ultra Magnus’ warning at face value. She walked Twilight away, back to her hut.

“We’re counting on you, Twilight!” Ultra Magnus shouted as they left.

Twilight looked back at him over her shoulder before turning to her front. “Gosh. It sounds like I’m kind of a big deal.”

“It does, doesn’t it?” Starlight said.

“I had no idea I could be so important.” Twilight said. “I’m just … me, you know?”

“That’s right.” Starlight said, wrapping a hoof around Twilight. “And that is exactly the kind of thinking we need around here, Twilight. You’re not better than anypony else. You’re equal. You should stay with us. If you go with Ultra Magnus, he’ll insist that you’re better than some ponies, and that would be … unequal.” Starlight’s voice dropped when she said ‘unequal.’

Twilight stopped, and it took Starlight a few steps before she realized Twilight wasn’t following her.

“But Starlight … what if I am better than some ponies? What if I am unequal?” Twilight asked. “I talked to you about roads and doctors, right? Well, what if, instead of medicine or traffic, I have a specialty in leadership?”

“Oh, no, no no!” Starlight said, rushing up to Twilight and putting a hoof on her cheek. “Don’t talk like that, Twilight. That’s crazy talk. No, you’re as equal as any one of us, and for that, you should stay here.” Starlight looked around. She grabbed Twilight’s hoof and dragged Twilight back to her cabin. “Can I tell you a little … secret?”


“You’re so good with magic, Twilight.” Starlight said. “And so smart, too. You’re like the sister I never had.”

“You’re like the sister I never had!” Twilight exclaimed. The two of them chuckled.

“Exactly.” Starlight nodded. “So it would be a crime if you were to leave. After all, what if your family is missing or gone? You don’t know where they’ve been. They could have forgotten about you! And then you’d be out a family … and I’d be out a sister.” Starlight placed a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder

Twilight looked down at the ground.

“Promise me you’ll stay?” Starlight said.

Twilight looked up, gave a sheepish smile, and nodded. “I’ll stay.”

“Wonderful! Let’s go tell Ultra Magnus the great news!”

Starlight led Twilight back out and brought her to Ultra Magnus.

“Well?” Ultra Magnus asked.

“I’m afraid I have some bad news for you, Ultra Magnus.” Starlight said. “Twilight Sparkle has decided to stay.”

Magnus glared at Twilight. “Twilight, is this true?”

Twilight closed her eyes and nodded. “Yes. I’m afraid so. I’m sorry.”

Ultra Magnus clenched his teeth, raising a fist. “You - you!” He pointed at Starlight. “I don’t know what kind of drug you’ve been slipping Twilight, I don’t know what kind of nonsense you’ve been selling her, but it can’t have been anything good. Twilight would never turn her back on her friends. You did something to her. I don’t know what, but you did something.” Ultra Magnus waved his hand and turned around.

“Forget it. I don’t have time to figure out what you did right now. I need to find the others, and then I’ll be back and we’ll figure out what it is by putting our heads together. And another thing, Starlight … if you’re so emotionally dependent on what others, you have to emotionally manipulate everyone who comes into your village into staying, you will never be happy. Because you’ll be constantly trying to keep them under your thumb, and one day, somepony is going to fed up and leave, and you won’t be able to handle it, and your entire empire will come crashing down.”

Ultra Magnus began to walk away from the village, waving goodbye over his head. The veins in Starlight’s neck bulged, she was so enraged by Ultra Magnus’ comment. To threaten to come back with reinforcements was one thing, but how dare he suggest she didn’t have complete control over everypony and everything which went on inside her village.

Her horn crackling, before Twilight Sparkle could stop her, Starlight fired a bolt of magic lighting at Ultra Magnus. It entered through his back and ripped through, bursting out of his chest and knocking him down to his hands and knees, smoke rising up from the hole Starlight had blown in him.

Twilight was alarmed, while Starlight smiled, satisfied with herself.

At least until Ultra Magnus rose up to his feet. He whipped around, aiming his boomstick at Starlight, his eyes filled with fury.


Ultra Magnus growled, bracing his finger against the trigger. After a minute of a tense standoff between him and Starlight, Ultra Magnus chuckled and took his finger off, lifting his weapon up.

“Hahaha … no. No, you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” Ultra Magnus asked. “It’ll help your narrative. The brave Starlight Glimmer, sacrificing herself against the big, bad blue ogre who threatened her village and proving she was right about the dangers of inequality or whatever. It’d make you a martyr to your cause. I’m not going to do that. I’m not going to give you the ammunition you need to justify yourself. Here’s what I am going to do.”

Ultra Magnus brought his weapon down.

“You are going to give me Twilight Sparkle. That is not a request. That is a declaration of fact. For every hour that you don’t, I will kill one pony inside your village.”

To prove he wasn’t bluffing, Ultra Magnus turned his cannon on Double Diamond, who backed away, his jaw dropping.

“Starting now.”

Ultra Magnus pulled the trigger. An incendiary shell launched from the barrel, landing in front of Double Diamond. The explosion shook the ground, a fireball burning in the middle of the town. Clouds of smoke billowed out until they faded, showing Double Diamond was no more. All which was left of him were scorch marks on the ground he once stood. The rest of the townspoines put their hooves to their mouths and gasped.

Starlight and Twilight stared in shock and disbelief, their jaws dropped, though Starlight’s hung out further than Twilight’s. With her jaw still hanging, Starlight moved her eyes to look at Ultra Magnus.

Ultra Magnus stared back with cold, impassive eyes. Without a word or any hint of emotion on his face, he turned around, throwing his weapon over his shoulder, and walked out of the village.

For him, it was just another causality. Nothing to get choked up about.

None of the ponies dared try to stop him, and any pony who was in his path gasped and fled for their lives, running to the nearest hiding place, be it the inside of a barrel or under a table.

()()()()() ()()()()() ()()()()

“I can’t believe that just happened. I can’t believe that just happened!” Starlight paced around her kitchen, struggling to accept the events she had witnessed had been real. “Double Diamond was my friend! He was one of the first ponies I brought to our town! He helped found it! And Ultra Magnus just - just shot him like he was nothing!”

Twilight was less shaken up about it. Not to say she wasn’t shaken up, of course. She was upset by Double Diamond’s death, but she felt … numb to the ordeal. As if she had been here before. “Starlight, I’m sorry, but … these things happen.”

“These things happen? My best friend was just blown to pieces, and all you can say is these things happen?” Starlight snapped. “Where you have been, Twilight Sparkle, where you can just shrug this off and say ‘these things happen’!?”

Twilight shrugged. “I don’t know.”

Starlight glared at Twilight, fuming, grinding her teeth.

Twilight glanced out the window. “It’s getting late. We should go to bed and … try to get to some sleep. We can talk more about this in the morning.”

Starlight seemed as if she wanted to keep being angry, but she took in a deep breath and exhaled. “Fine.”

The two of them went to their own beds in separate rooms.

Twilight closed her eyes and tried to sleep. She couldn’t rest easy. She kept hearing voices. Something was … whispering to her.

“Twilight Sparkle … we need you.”

Before long, there was a crash.

Starlight opened the door, rubbing at her sleepy eyes. “Ugh … Twilight, I’m upset, too, but I need some sleep. You can’t just go around throwing things that don’t belong to yooou OH!” Starlight exclaimed and recoiled.

“What?” Twilight bolted upright. “What is it?”

Starlight pointed at the corner of the room.
A lamp had fallen and broken into several pieces. What was more alarming, however, was the pieces rising into the air, held by a dark blue aura, and launching into the wall. The wall creaked and groaned as the pieces moved, carving a message into it. Two words, written large so they could be seen clearly.

Semper Tyrannus.

“Semper Tyrannus?” Starlight asked. “What does that mean?”

“It means ‘As always unto tyrants.’” Twilight answered without even having to think about it.

Starlight stared, worry spreading across her face. She hoped the message wasn’t referring to her and her village. Shaken up for a second time, she closed the door and went back to bed.

Twilight stared at the message, trying to figure out why the words seemed so familiar to her. Unable to puzzle it together, she rolled over and went back under her covers, thinking she would investigate it more tomorrow.

()()()()() ()()()()() ()()()()() ()

Night Glider, Sugar Belle, and Party Favor gathered together at the edge of town. They grimaced, worrying what Starlight would think of them doing something without her approval. But they had to do this, and they knew Starlight would never give them permission. For their friend. For Double Diamond.

Venturing outside the town for the first time in years, they walked around, eventually finding their target - Ultra Magnus.

Ultra Magnus laid by some rocks, bracing his head on a pillow made from his hands, his eyes closed and resting.

They couldn’t believe it. He had killed their friend not too long ago, and here he was, resting as if nothing had happened.

Sugar Belle couldn’t take it anymore. Snapping, she charged up to Ultra Magnus, despite Party Favor’s protests.

“Sugar Belle, wait! We should have a plan!”

Sugar Belle had a plan - to give this no-good ogre a piece of her mind. She ran up to his leg and banged on it with her hooves.

“Hmm?” Ultra Magnus barely opened his optics.

“Give us our friend back, you - you bully!” Sugar Belle shouted, pounding on Magnus’ leg, the blows of her hooves doing nothing more than irritate Magnus’ mesh.

“Huh?” Ultra Magnus asked as Party Favor and Night Glider walked up to him, looking sheepish. “Oh, right, right. You three. Hang on a minute ...”

Ultra Magnus reached behind his back. A rattling noise came behind him, a pipe and a spare lug nut falling out from behind him. After a minute of searching, he produced Double Diamond, holding him by the tail.

“Hey.” Ultra Magnus said. “Hey, snowflake! Naptime’s over. Time to wake up.” Magnus put a finger to Double Diamond’s chin and rocked it.

“Wha-huh?” Double Diamond asked, his eyes blinking out. He saw his friends. “Guys!”

“Double Diamond!” Sugar Belle exclaimed as Ultra Magnus put Double Down down on the ground. Sugar Belle hugged him. “You’re alive!”

“But … how?” Party Favor asked.

“When I shot Double Diamond, I shot the ground in front of him.” Ultra Magnus said. “The shock wave from the explosion knocked him, and I used a good bit of sleight of hand to grab him from the smoke before anyone noticed. It was easy, too, given how shocked everypony was. I never actually killed him. I’m not that big of a jerk. My plan was to pull this same trick until Starlight relented to my demands, but, well … there’s no reason you three should have to suffer just because your leader is a jerk.”

“Starlight’s not a jerk!” Sugar Belle said.

“Oh?” Ultra Magnus said. He pointed at him. “It’s funny to me that you think that. Keeping you all equal and repressed and unfulfilled doesn’t make her a jerk?”

“Hey! We live … very fulfilling lives.” Sugar Belle said, but her voice lacked conviction or passion, her eyes drifting towards the ground.

“Uh-huh. Sure you do. Keep lying to yourself, telling yourself you’re happy here, not able to do anything except what Starlight Glimmer tells you.” Ultra Magnus said. “But I can see it in your eyes. You’re oppressed. You want more from live. You want to go out there and explore yourselves and the world. You want to succeed, to excel.”

Right as the four of them were buying into what Ultra Magnus was selling, as they getting their curiosity was piqued, two bolts of blue-colored lightning flew in from almost nowhere, crossing each other and striking Ultra Magnus in the chest, electrocuting him and digging two tiny holes into his chest.

Ultra Magnus fell on to his back, while the four ponies looked back to see Starlight and Twilight with their horns smoking.

“I’m sorry.” Twilight said, reacting to their shocked looks. “But Starlight convinced he needed to be detained and neutralized for the greater good.”

“Double Diamond!” Starlight exclaimed, running up to Double Diamond and hugging. “You’re alive! But how? Oh, that doesn’t matter now. All that matters is that you’re alive … and you’re safe.” Starlight’s single tear of joy dripped onto Double Diamond’s shoulder.

Twilight, feeling remorseful, walked up to the side of Ultra Magnus, lying low and remaining cautious. She reached his face, where his optics glared down at her, full of hate and fury.

“Traitor …” Ultra Magnus wheezed out, before his optics shut.

Twilight stared at the ground, unable to tell how, but believing, no, knowing Ultra Magnus was right.

She was a traitor. She betrayed him. And she betrayed … someone or something else, too, but she couldn’t remember what it was.
Starlight came over and wrapped a leg around Twilight’s shoulder. “Good work, Twilight Sparkle! This will really help everypony in the village to relax!” Starlight nuzzled Twilight’s shoulder, but all her words accomplished was making Twilight feel worse than she already did.

()()()()() ()()()()() ()()()()() ()

()()()()() ()()()()() ()()()()() ()

Starlight dragged Ultra Magnus up to the Cutie Mark vault and imprisoned him within it, creating a light-blue force field in front of the cave to seal him in, and levitating large boulders in front of the field as a second barrier, piling them up and leaving a tiny window for Ultra Magnus to see and look through.

Twilight observed all of this and raised an eyebrow, thinking it odd Starlight could pull off such magic when she didn’t have a Cutie Mark or special talent in it.

When the barricade was completed, Ultra Magnus poked his head through the window, having recovered.

Starlight looked at him, an unbearable smug smirk on her face. She best hope Ultra Magnus didn’t escape, because he would all too happy to punch the smirk off.

Starlight turned to Twilight. “You did good work helping me bring him in, Twilight.”

“Yeah …” Twilight wilted as Starlight left. “‘Good’ …”

Twilight walked up to the rock pile. She and Ultra Magnus stared at each other. Twilight shifted her eyes, wrought with guilt.

“I just want you to know, I’m sorry about all this.” Twilight said.

“Save it.” Ultra Magnus held up his hand. “I don’t want to hear it.”

Twilight closed her eyes and nodded. She turned and left, walking down the mountain.

Ultra Magnus backed away from the wall. He raised up his fist and attempted to punch through the force field, but his hand was insufficient to make a crack, and Starlight, for all her idiocy, had the sense to take away his hammer before locking him up.

Ultra Magnus let out a sigh. He looked around and saw the Cutie Marks glued in place on the wall.

“I wonder why Starlight left me in here with those unprotected. Then again, even if I did smash them, it’s not like it would do anything, would it?”

Ultra Magnus walked over the side of the cave, resting his back against the wall and crossing his arms. He looked down at his arm.

He raised his arm, pressing a button which deployed a panel, beneath which there was a communications array. Ultra Magnus hoped he could get a signal out through the cave’s interference.

“This is Ultra Magnus, leader of the Wreckers.” Ultra Magnus spoke into the panel. “If anyone can hear this broadcast, trace this signal back to its source. I’ve been imprisoned by a crazy pony inside of a mountain and am in need of rescue.”

Ultra Magnus prepared to repeat the message, not expecting anyone to pick it up on the first pass. He was willing to do this for as long as it took, but he got a reply back sooner than he was expecting.

“We can hear you, Ultra Magnus.”

Slag. Ultra Magnus thought. Steeljaw’s silky voice coming through the comm was not what he wanted to hear.

“We’ll be sure to rescue you … right after we’ve had our fun with the pony in question.” Steeljaw said. He had to rub it in Ultra Magnus’ face. “Don’t worry. Help is on the way.

The comm buzzed with static, Steeljaw ending the transmission.

“Slag.” Ultra Magnus swore again. He ran up to the cave’s sealed-off entrance and began pounding on the walls. “Starlight! Starlight Glimmer!”

Starlight turned her head around to look at him. She rolled her eyes before walking up to the vault. She would indulge Magnus in one conversation.

“You have to let me out of here. Right now.”

Starlight laughed. “And why would I do that?”

“Decepticons are on their way.” Ultra Magnus said. “They’ll destroy your village before moving on to me next.”

“Uh-huh.” Starlight nodded. “Sure they will. How can I be sure this isn’t just some ploy to get me to let you out so you can escape with Twilight Sparkle?”

Ultra Magnus banged his fists on the cave, causing some rocks to fall. “Damn it, Starlight Glimmer! Get over your paranoia and your desire to maintain your hold over your victims at all costs for one slagging minute and listen to me! The Decepticons on their way, and with you having done … whatever it is you did to Twilight Sparkle, I am the only one in a fifty-mile radius who can fight them for you. You think I’m bad? The Decepticons are so, so much worse. I threatened to burn your village down and kill everyone inside.”

“Yes, I remember.” Starlight said with bitterness.

“The Decepticons won’t even warn you. They’ll just do it, and the only warning you’ll get is the flames burning and their leader presenting you with Double Diamond’s severed head on a pike before doing the same thing to you.”

“Sure he will.” Starlight said. “You’ll understand, Ultra Magnus, if I’m not inclined to believe anything you say. In fact, given your past behavior, I’m inclined to believe whatever you say about the Decepticons, the opposite is true. I’m sure they’re reasonable envoys of peace, and I look forward to meeting them.” Starlight turned away from him. “It’s a shame. Maybe if you behaved a little better, you might have had a chance to join our little village, but now that will never be the case. You could have been happy here, just like Twilight Sparkle.”

Starlight proceeded to walk away from Ultra Magnus, walking down the mountain.


“Goodbye, Ultra Magnus!” Starlight gave a flippant flip of her mane.

Ultra Magnus grit his teeth, digging his fists into the cave wall. He turned around and sat in the cave.

Fine. If she won’t care about them dying, why should I?

()()()()() ()()()()() ()()()()() ()()

()()()()() ()()()()() ()()()()() ()()

Twilight Sparkle, overwhelmed and overburdened, went inside Starlight's hut.

Unsure how to process the events of the day, Twilight came to the conclusion she should take a nap to rest. She went into her room, climbed under her covers, and puffed out a great big sigh before closing her eyes.

It wasn't long before she fell asleep and had a dream.

Twilight was standing in a field of some kind. Fog was everywhere, coming up to her knees. She looked around and gasped upon seeing outer space in the sky. Stars and distant suns and plants no more than a stone's throw from her.

Her face lit up, overjoyed at the prospect of getting to study one of her favorite subjects, astronomy, up close and personal. Her joy was washed away when she looked down and saw a tall, dark figure standing before her.

He was huge, massive. The same species as Ultra Magnus, thought Twilight could feel something was different about him. His body was black and grey, his shoulders wide and broad, and he clutched a spear within his clawed hand, his face obscured by a mask with glowing blue slits for eyes, his adorned with a crown of horns.

"Who - who are you?" Twilight asked.

"You are too important to risk losing, Twilight Sparkle." The figure boomed at her in a deep voice. "See what Starlight Glimmer is doing to you. Wake up."


"Wake up!"

The figured charged at her, dragging the tip of his blade along the ground. Twilight ran to get out of the way, the spear's tip almost grazing her tail.

The figure, realizing he missed, stopped and turned around.

"I-I'm sorry." Twilight Sparkle said. "I don't know who you are, or what it is you want me to do."

"I want you to come to your senses."

The figure reared up his weapon.

"I want you to fight back."

The figure ran at her, twirling his blade. Reaching her, he raised his weapon up and brought it down on her, where ducked and rolled away to avoid it.

"How?" Twilight asked. "How am I supposed to fight back? You're so much bigger than I am!"

"That's never stopped you before."

The figure sliced his weapon the air and pointed his menacing weapon at Twilight. He paused and sheathed the blade.

"Whew! Thank you." Twilight wiped her brow. "I'm not sure I could have kept that up -"

The figure raised up his arms, and purple energy swirled around vents on the side of them. He opened fire, blasting Twilight Sparkle with an explosive shell made of pure energy, the impact sending her skidding across the ground.

"Who are you?" The figure asked, advancing towards her while continuing to fire.

"I'm Twilight Sparkle!" Twilight answered, galloping to avoid his lasers.

"What are you?"

"I'm a pony! A unicorn! With wings!"

"What else?" The figure demanded, stopping and aiming one of his cannons square at her, holding her dead to rights.

Twilight jumped back, avoiding the shell and resultant explosion of energy which landed in front of her. "I'm - I'm Starlight Glimmer's adopted sister!"

"No." The figure answered, depowering his cannons and pulling out his spear again. With lightning fast speed, he charged at her, bowling her over with the tip of his boot, knocking her onto her back. He aimed his spear at her neck.

"Fight back."

"I … I don't know that I can."

"Yes, you can. And your insistence that you can't is beginning to infuriate me." The figure said. He raised up his weapon and pointed it down. "I am about to kill you, Twilight Sparkle. Fight back."

"I … I …" Twilight panted, her breath growing short, her body shaking with panic.

"Consider this." The figure said. "Do you know who I am?"

"I …"

The figure brought his weapon down.

As the blade came hurtling towards her throat, muscle memory and instinct flooded back to Twilight. She narrowed her eyes. Focusing on the figure's head, she calculated her shot and fire a sphere of magic from her horn, striking him in the face and knocking him back as he shouted.

"I am Twilight Sparkle, newly-crowned Princess, student of Princess Celestia, leader of the Autobots Imperial, and you …"

Twilight rose up to her hooves and glared at him with renewed intensity, a passion, a fire waking up inside her. Her memory clicked back into place, and she had a name for the figure who was tormenting her.

"You're the Fallen. You're Megatronus."

The Fallen laughed. The mask covering his face drew up, splitting into ornaments on his forehead while revealing his silver, red-eyed bearded face. "Yes. Very good! You know my name. Now what am I?"

"You're Megatronus Prime, one of the legendary Thirteen Primes who were said to have battled Unicron and served Primus in the early days of the planet Cybertron."

Megatronus laughed again. "Yes, yes." He smirked. "Keep going."

"According to legend, you turned on your fellow Primes and fell into a dark contract with Unicron, your natural affinity to chaos drawing you into the Chaos God's service. Others say that you killed one of your own in a fight of rage. I could go on, but I think I've made my point."

Megatronus frowned. He gazed wistfully into the distance. "Yes … it is true my fellow Primes have suffered at my hands. But I promise you, I have not had any dealings with Unicron or any of his kin."

"Okay." Twilight Sparkle said. "I'll choose to believe you, for the moment. But now that I've gotten a little bit of my memory back, I have a few questions."

"I will do my best to answer." Megatronus smiled at her.

"What … is this place?" Twilight gestured around.

"This is the Realm of the Primes." Megatronus said. "It is where we go when we die. It is where we go when we wish to have some time to ourselves, and it is where we go to train. It allows us to cheat death and exist outside of the normal flow of space and time and life and death."

"O … kay." Twilight said. "Why have you brought me here?"

"To reawaken you." Megatronus said. "Only a very select few ever get to see, much less visit, the Realm of the Primes, Twilight Sparkle. You should feel honored. But to answer your question, it was to rescue you from the clutches of Starlight Glimmer and her behavioral conditioning and brainwashing." Megatronus pointed a finger at her. "You have an important role to play in the shape of events to come. Too important for us to allow losing you to a small-minded petty dictator like Starlight Glimmer."


"My fellow Primes and I." Megatronus said.

"I don't understand." Twilight put a hoof to her chest. "Why me? What makes me so special?"

"Because you, Twilight Sparkle, have done something few have." Megatronus said. "You were possessed by Unicron himself, and survived after, with your soul and will intact. That makes you uniquely qualified for … certain services. Services which my fellow Primes and I will have need of soon. Now, if they are no more questions ..."

Megatronus turned his back and walked away, the fog coalescing around him.

"Wait!" Twilight reached out her hoof. "I have one more question. Why only just now? Why, if I'm so important to this grand scheme you have, are you only communicating with me now? Why only now take action?"

"Why, Twilight …" Megatronus turned back to her. "We've been communicating with you since you formed the Imperials. You're a smart pony, Twilight. You discovered the Omega Lock, did you not? And even you yourself realize how unlikely it is you found such an a legendary marvel by accident … don't you?"

Twilight's eyes bugged out of her head as she put two and two together and realized the implications of what Megatronus was saying.

The fog continued to bunch up around Megatronus, obscuring him from sight.

"Farewell for now, Twilight Sparkle! From this moment on, we'll be in much more direct contact."

Twilight raised her hoof for him not to go, before realizing it was useless to try to get Megatronus to stay. She accepted it as the fog increased around the Realm and covered her body.

()()()()() ()()()()() ()()()()()() ()()()

At the outskirts of the town, Steeljaw's Pack marched into view, the snowy winds blowing across their chests. The ponies of the town gathered around to watch them, fearful of them after what happened with the last Cybertronian they encountered.

Starlight walked forward to greet them, confident in her judgment and sure these "Decepticons" meant no harm.

Steeljaw walked his Pack up to the edge of the town, where the ponies could see them, before raising his claw and signaling for them to halt.

"Why, hello there!" Starlight went forward and introduced herself. "I'm Starlight Glimmer, and this is my - our town. What can I do for you promising gentlemen?"

Steeljaw raised his eyebrow. "You don't seem to be terribly afraid of us."

"I'm given to understand that you four are reasonable gentlemen."

"I see. And how did you reach that conclusion?"

"Simple. Ultra Magnus told me about you, and after his actions, whatever he said about you, I assume the opposite to be true."

Steeljaw laughed. "Hahaha! A promising source, if there was one."

"Hey." Thunderhoof said. "How come youse ponies all got the same butt stamp? I thought there was unwritten rule against that or sumthin'.

"Thunderhoof, don't be rude." Steeljaw said. "It's not a stamp, it's a Cootie Mark."

"Cutie Mark." Sugar Belle corrected him.

Steeljaw stared at her. "That's what I said. Cootie Mark."

"No, no, you're saying Cootie Mark. It's Cutie Mark."

"Cootie Mark." Steeljaw said, trying to correct his pronunciation.

"Cutie Mark."

Steeljaw lost his temper. "There are the exact same! There is no difference! They are phonetically identical!" Steeljaw sighed, burying his head into his claws as he tried to calm down. He lifted his head and was quick to change the subject. "So, how about the negotiations being?"

"Negotiations?" Starlight asked with some worry.

"Thunderhoof, this is your specialty." Steeljaw gestured to the town. "Why don't you do it?"

"Sure." Thunderhoof walked up to one of the huts, resting his arm against the roof. "This is a pretty nice house you've got here. Nice town."

"Thank you." Starlight nodded.

"Be a shame if there were to be an … accident." Thunderhoof said.

"A shame." Fracture repeated.

Thunderhoof winded up his fist and punched the hut, punching a hole through the roof.

"Hey!" The owner protested.

"Aww, would you like at that." Thunderhoof gushed, his voice laced with false sympathy. "Some mook went up and messed up your perfectly good house! Now, if you were to pay me and my boys a little, heh-heh, protection money …" Thunderhoof rubbed his fingers together. "We might be able to keep little accidents like this from happening."

Starlight grimaced, realizing she might have tried to bite off more than she could. These Decepticons were nowhere near as reasonable as she thought they would be.

"What do you want?" Starlight asked. "What do you really want? Because I doubt you came all the way out here just to shake us for protection money. We're in a geographically inconvenient location. Sure, there's nopony but ourselves for police and protection, but I doubt your base is anywhere conveniently close enough to use us as a regular source of income."

Steeljaw let out a laugh from his belly. "Well reasoned, Starlight Glimmer! I'm glad you asked. We don't want much, really. Just a few things. First, we want everypony in your town to swear that will not, now or in the future, stand in the way of the Decepticon cause. Second, we want you to bring us Ultra Magnus. Third, I want you, Starlight Glimmer, to swear your allegiance to the Decepticons."

"Okay …" Starlight said.

"And I want you to prove it. By executing Ultra Magnus in front of everypony yourself."

All the ponies in the town gasped.

Starlight gulped. "W-will that be all?"

Steeljaw nodded.

"Um …" Starlight rubbed the back of her neck. "Could we … have a couple of minutes to talk about it between ourselves? This is an awfully big commitment, after all."

"Of course." Steeljaw nodded. "But don't take too long. My friend here is quick to get hungry and has a big appetite." Steeljaw gave a knowing glance towards Underbite.

"I don't normally eat organic and plant stuff." Underbite said. He reached a curious paw towards the damaged hut. "But I might be persuaded to make an exception."

"Eh-heh. Charming." Starlight said. "Okay, everypony, back this way so we can talk!"

Starlight directed the ponies towards the back of the town. Steeljaw grinned before leading his pack away from the town's front, though not too far, to give them a false sense of security.

Starlight gathered all the ponies behind a house, making sure they were in shadow.

"Hey." Twilight said, walking up to Starlight Glimmer, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. "I just had the strangest dream … hey, what's going on?"

"Twilight! I'm glad you're here." Starlight said. "Listen carefully, because everypony needs to hear this."

Starlight turned to the crowd.

"Alright, everypony." Starlight Glimmer said. "I hate to do this. I hate to have to ask you to leave your homes and the lives we've built here. Does everypony remember our evacuation procedures that we practiced?"

This was met with cries of disbelief from the ponies.



"Starlight, we can't!"

"We have to." Starlight said. "It's the only way."

"Only way to what?" Twilight asked. "Will somepony please explain to me what's going on here?"

"There's a Decepticon out there." Starlight Glimmer said. "He's threatened the village unless I turn over Ultra Magnus and execute myself, and as I much as I resent Ultra Magnus for disturbing our peace and tranquility, I … I'm not sure I have that in me. So the only recourse of action is to evacuate everypony in the village to the mountains. You're new here, Twilight, so you haven't been trained in our evacuation protocols. Just follow my lead and be find."

Starlight gestured to the crowd. "Go to your houses and avoid being detected. Grab everything you need, and only get what you want to take with you if you can do it without being noticed."

The ponies, though saddened and with downturned heads, nodded and spread out to follow Starlight's instructions.

"That shouldn't be too hard." Twilight said in a dry voice. "It's not like there's anything in this village for them to care about."

Starlight looked at her in shock. "What did you just say?"

Twilight recoiled. "Nothing."

Starlight glared at her. "Good. Keep it that way. Go to the hut and grab anything you think we need. Food, water, jars ..."

Twilight, feeling resentful of Starlight's overreaction to her offhand remark, regarded Starlight with contempt before going to do as she asked.

As the ponies packed up and began marching out away from their village to the south, the mass of moving ponies was noticed by Fracture.

"Those ponies are moving." Fracture observed. "It looks like they're trying to run away. Are we gonna stop them?"

"No." Steeljaw gestured to the sun. "The day is long. There's still plenty of potential. Let them run. It won't affect our long-term plans. Our endgame is to get Starlight Glimmer on our side."

"And if we can't?" Fracture asked.

Steeljaw shrugged. "Hmm. Well, sometimes you have to determine ... acceptable losses." A glint formed in his yellow, canine eye.

Up ahead on the path to the mountains, Twilight carried a few bags and followed behind Starlight, instructed to stay close to Starlight for safety. As they got further down the snow-covered bridge, Twilight began to feel a sense of unease. Something was wrong about this.

This wasn't her. This wasn't what she would do in this situation. She could feel it in her bones, like old wounds acting up when reminded of the situations in which they were inflicted. And what was up with Starlight snapping at her a moment ago? She couldn't handle a little criticism? This wasn't her response to Decepticons, it was Starlight's.

Twilight thought back to what Megatronus said. Feeling a font of courage open up inside for what felt like the first time in years, Twilight threw the bags she was carrying to the ground.

"We can't run."

The rest of the ponies gasped.

Starlight turned to Twilight, giving an airy laugh. "Twilight, what are you doing?"

"We can't run." Twilight repeated. "We have to stay and fight."

The ponies gasped again, louder than before.

"Twilight." Starlight said. "Think about what you're saying!" Starlight reached a hoof to comfort Twilight's shoulder, but Twilight slapped it away. "We can't fight them."

Twilight narrowed her eyes.

"How do you know?"

"Well, uh, um, because, because, um … they're big! And scary." Starlight said. "We can't fight them. They'll stomp all over us! And even, assuming, for one ridiculous minute, that we did decide to go fight them, how would we?"

"I don't know, but we won't know until we try." Twilight said. "But we can't run. You think the Decepticons will just let us leave? You don't think they'll try to track us down and hunt us until they get what want? If you think you can just slip into the mountains and forget all about the Decepticons and think they'll forget about us, you are sadly mistaken."

Twilight turned to the crowd. "We have to stay and fight. We have to stand our ground. These Decepticons? They're bullies, and you don't stop a bully by running away from them. You stop them by standing up to them."

"Twilight Sparkle, I think those bags have gotten too heavy for you." Starlight said with firmness in her voice.

Twilight ignored her. "Do you have no sense of self-preservation? Is there not one among you here who will stand up and try to fight?"

"Twilight Sparkle, that is enough!" Starlight Glimmer stomped her hoof, snorting and huffing. "We are evacuating, not fighting, and that is final!"

Twilight glared at Starlight. "What is with you, Starlight? Can't you see the Decepticons aren't going to leave you alone? They'll hunt us! They'll hunt you! That's what they do!"

"You seem to know an awful lot about what Decepticons do for a pony who's lost her memory."

"Well, it's coming back to me." Twilight said. "What is with you, Starlight Glimmer? Are you afraid? I know, it's a scary prospect, staring down Decepticons, but you have to get over your fears."

Twilight turned back to the crowd. "What will you do? Will you stand up, band together, and fight? Or let the Decepticons slaughter you like the sheep you are?"

"Wait." Twilight said. "That's it. Sheep." She turned back to Starlight. "You're not afraid of facing the Decepticons. You're afraid, if everypony gets together to fight the Decepticons, you're afraid they might grow a spine and start to question you. You're afraid they'll re-evaluate their thoughts on everything you've taught them. You're afraid they might rebel and fight you."


Twilight had pegged Starlight, and Starlight was none too happy about anypony seeing through her charade and the charming mask of a matron she wore to the dictator behind said mask. She slugged Twilight hard across the cheek, knocking Twilight's head around.

The rest of the ponies gasped and covered their mouths in shock.

Twilight was shocked, too, and needed a moment to recover. Twilight propped her jaw up with her hoof to make sure it was still in place before turning towards Starlight.

"So that's the way you want to play, huh?"

Twilight yelled and pounced on Starlight Glimmer, tackling her to the ground. Starlight reached up to grab Twilight's neck, but Twilight caught her hooves and held them.

Growling, Starlight's horn lit up, and she teleported out from under Twilight, making Twilight fall to the snow with a thump. Starlight charged up a spell in her horn, preparing to strike Twilight with magic.

Twilight got up and pounced on her again, tackling Starlight down and causing her magical bolt to fire into the sky. Most unicorns relied on magic for most things, so for Twilight to be an experienced physical fighter was not something Starlight could adapt to easily.

Twilight, with Starlight pinned, proceeded to beat Starlight's face with her bare hooves, punching and punching and punching until blood let out from Starlight's jaw. Starlight growled again and readied a spell, this time getting it off with success, blasting Twilight Sparkle into the air.

Twilight tumbled through the air before landing chest-first into the snow. There was a beep of unknown origin, and Twilight got up with widened eyes. She watched in surprise as a the hexagonal plate on her chest, which Starlight hadn't thought to remove, expanded and filled out, covering her body in metal armor, a helmet covering her head.

Starlight reacted with understandable surprise, but Twilight knew what she needed to do. Controlling the armor as if she had never taken it off to begin with, Twilight activated its jets and hurtled towards Starlight Glimmer. She picked Starlight Glimmer up, flew up in the sky, and tossed Starlight Glimmer into a rock.

"Oogh …" Starlight groaned, putting a hoof on her head. Twilight landed on top of her, her steel-covered hooves producing clangs which filled Starlight with panic.

Twilight unfolded her helmet. "Listen here, you. I am Twilight Sparkle of the Autobots Imperials. I've fought monsters like Megatron and Starscream, demons like Thunderwing, and even faced down gods of chaos like Discord and Unicron. You, Starlight Glimmer, are much too small of a fish to be the one that does me in!"

Twilight grabbed Starlight by the head and proceed to bang her head against the rock, thumping her forehead over and over without stopping. When Twilight felt satisfied Starlight had been subdued, she rolled Starlight over onto her back and propped her against the rock. Feeling petty over Starlight taking advantage of her lost memories, Twilight forced her metal-clad hoof into Starlight's gut, knocking the wind out of her.

"Now, if we're all done arguing …" Twilight turned to the crowd. "Who's with me? Who will stand up and fight for your home?"

"N-no." Starlight said, turning to the crowd with her bruised and bloody face. "Y-you can't. Think about what we made here. You'll destroy everything we built together!"

The crowd was silent. Double Diamond and Sugar Belle were among the most uncomfortable. No pony dared side with one of them over the other.

Until a little filly pushed her way past to the crowd. Once she made it to where Twilight could see, she locked eyes with her.

She raised up her hoof.

"I'll fight, Twilight Sparkle." The filly said. Others, including the filly's mother, gasped. "This is my home. I have to protect it."

Starlight had a look of devastation on her face. She closed her eyes and turned away.

Twilight smiled and gave her an approving nod. "Anypony else?"

The ponies remained uncomfortable, until another pony followed the filly's example and raised his hoof. "I'll fight."

Like dominos, the rest of them fell into line, ponies raising their hooves one by one until everypony had volunteered. Everypony except Double Diamond, Party Favor and Sugar Belle.

Double Diamond grimaced, looking at Starlight Glimmer.

"I'm sorry, Starlight." Double Diamond said. "I have to do what I think is right." He turned to Twilight. "I'll fight, Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight Sparkle smiled.

Starlight, feeling betrayed by her friend, shed a tear.

"Okay, everypony, gather 'round." Twilight gestured for the ponies to come closer. "We don't have a lot to go on here. No weapons, no ammunition, minimal territory to work with, but …"

"What do we have?" Party Favor asked.

"What we do have … is a plan." Twilight said. "And trust me. That is all we are going to need."

()()()()() ()()()()() ()()()()() ()()()()

Crosshairs impatiently tapped his fingers against his knees, the three Autobots sitting with their backs pressed to the wall.

"You know …" Crosshairs rolled his head around. "If we don't get out of here, eventually … we will run out of Energon."

"Yes, Crosshairs, I'm aware of that." Magnum said.

Crosshairs reached down around his hips. "Maybe I've got a demolition charge on me somewhere." He patted around his waist. "Nope. Funny. That seems like a serious oversight for me to make."

"Indeed." Drift said.

"Well … if the three of you get low on Energon ..." Fluttershy shucked open a panel on her leg. "I can donate some of mine."

"Aw, Fluttershy." Crosshairs said. "That's sweet, but we couldn't ask you to do that."

"It's no problem." Fluttershy said. "Being a technorganic, I run on both blood and Energon."

"Uh-huh." Crosshairs said. "What is that like for you?

Fluttershy rolled her eyes up in thought. "It's interesting. It's very … different. But I wouldn't want to give it up. I love myself the way I am."

"Oh, stop, you're filling the cave up with sap." Crosshairs said. He looked away. "But, uh, seriously though, it's … nice that you're at peace with yourself."

Fluttershy giggled.

"Wish I could say the same." Crosshairs muttered.

Fluttershy shuffled her hooves. "Well … if we are going to run out of Energon … is there anything anyone would like to say before we do?"

All three of the Autobots jostled uncomfortably. None of them were really talkers. Crosshairs rubbed his hands together.

"I'll go first." Magnum volunteered, sitting himself up. "There was a reason I went into the Elite Guard on Cybertron, before the Decepticons made it moot. I … I wanted to distinguish myself. From my cousins. From Ultra Magnus and Optimus Prime. Optimus Prime was the Supreme Leader of the Autobots … Ultra Magnus got to lead the Wreckers, and … all that left for me was the Elite Guard. But it wasn't good enough. I was still … the second-rate, the third-stringer. They used to say Ultra Magnus was a poor man's Optimus Prime. Well … by extension, that made me a poor man's Ultra Magnus." Magnum sighed. "I just … I've always wanted to stand out, you know? Optimus and Magnus casts long shadows, and … I've been trying and trying to get out from them. I just wish … I had something to set me apart. Something that would make the Autobots say, when you talk about me, "Magnum," without ever considering Optimus or Ultra Magnus."

Magnum blinked. "Well, that's my peace. What about you?" He glanced at Crosshairs.

Crosshairs scratched his head. "Ah, might as well, now that you've gone and started. Now, you may find this hard to believe, but I wasn't always an Autobot."

"A badmouthed, foul-tempered, trigger-happy guy like you? No." Magnum said.

Crosshairs leered at him. "Ignoring that. I used to be a mercenary. A selfish one, too. I went where the wind took me, and the whole of Cybertron was my oyster. I took on any job, as long as the price was right … until one day, I got hired by a fella. Needed some extra muscle for a mission. He had the shards to pay, so I didn't ask questions … until we got into the place and started shooting it up, and I realized it was an Autobot installation. Now, I may have been a mercenary, but I had no love for the Decepticons. But still, I had a job to do. I'd been paid. Until ..."

Crosshairs went silent.

"Take your time." Fluttershy encouraged him.

"Until one of the Autobots, still alive after we had shot everyone in the room, grabbed me by the ankle." Crosshairs said. "He begged me to stop. He begged me to stop the mission and stop the 'Cons. Said he could see I wasn't carrying their insignia on me. But it's what he said next that shook me. He told me it was a hospital. The Decepticons were raiding an Autobot hospital, with plans to kill the sick and injured inside."

Fluttershy looked down. "So … what did you do?"

"What do you think, luv?" Crosshairs crossed his arms. "I went up and shot every one of those slag heaps in the head. Then I went to go sign up for the Autobots. After I gave the Cons their money back, of course." Crosshairs and Drift chuckled.

"You know …" Drift said. "I can top that."

"Oh yeah? How?"

"You were only used by the Decepticons." Drift pointed at Crosshairs. "I was one."

"No! Get out of here." Crosshairs said.

"It's true." Drift said. "I was quite merciless one, too, until I got into a fight with Optimus Prime himself. We matched swords, and I was confident I would be the victor. Optimus was no fencer, I told myself. But I underestimated him, and he beat me down. He had his sword at my neck, and hesitated. When I asked him why he didn't do it, he said it was because he could see good in my optics. He helped me up. He taught me the value of mercy, and I defected."

"How sweet." Crosshairs said, but was it difficult to tell if he was being sarcastic or not. "Well, that passed the time. Now what?"

"Now we either wait for rescue … or run out of Energon." Magnum said.

"Heh." Crosshairs perked his head up. "You hear something?" There were sounds coming from outside, the sounds of large masses of metal thumping against rock, followed by the sounds of arguing voices.

"Grimlock, we've been searching for megacycles." Predaking's distinct voice said.

"What are you saying? You saying we should just give up?"

"Not give up, just … take a rest."

"No!" Crosshairs shouted. Magnum, Drift, Fluttershy and himself ran up to the cave wall and began banging on it. "No! No, do not take a break!" They continued to bang and thump and shout.

There was a silence.

"You hear something?"

"The question, Grimlock, is not whether I heard it with my keen Predacon senses, but whether or not you did with your primitive Dinobot hearing."

"Hardy-de-har-har. If you're done bragging, move over."

Magnum and the rest tensed up, holding dead still in the hopes Grimlock was coming to investigate them and not some other noise.

"Anyone in there?" Grimlock shouted, his loud voice penetrating the cave wall.

"Yes! Yes, there is someone in here! Specifically, Crosshairs! Oh yeah, and these other guys, too."

"Stand back!"

"Best do as he says, gents." Magnum and the others backed away from the wall. They heard grunting from the other side, and the cave shook, rocks becoming disheveled and falling out of the pile until Predaking and Grimlock's fists emerged through the rocks, punching holes into the wall.

"Hooray! Three cheers for Grimlock and Predaking!" Crosshairs shouted, earning odd looks. "Ahem." He cleared his throat.

"Come on, come on!" Grimlock gestured for them to hurry.

The four of them hurried out of the cave, and Grimlock and Predaking. They began walking, with Grimlock and Predaking converting into their beast modes to give the others a ride.

"Grimlock! You transformed on your own." Drift exclaimed. "It is good to see Predaking's lessons are going well."

"You know …" Fluttershy said, fluttering up onto Crosshairs' shoulder as he climbed aboard Grimlock's back. "I'll give three cheers with you, Crosshairs."

Crosshairs chuckled awkward. "Uh, thanks, Fluttershy, but that won't be necessary. I just … got caught up in the moment, that's all." Crosshairs bit his lip. "Now, let's never speak of it again, alright?"

"Okay." Fluttershy said with a playful voice.

()()()()() ()()()()() ()()()()() ()()()()() ()

Starlight remained where she was, unable to move, at least not without severe pain. She watched the snow blow past on the wind over her head, wondering where she had went wrong and why her private empire was crumbling at the seams.

Twilight Sparkle marched up to her, shadows around, casting quite the imposing figure in her armor.

Starlight lifted her head up. “Here to finish the job?”

Twilight said nothing. Sugar Belle walked up to her, carrying one of the vests which were sold in Starlight’s town. Sugar Belle handed the vests to Twilight. Twilight bit on the vest and pulled, tearing it apart into strips, and proceeded to wrap the cloth around Starlight’s injuries.

“Why … what are you doing?” Starlight asked.

“Covering up your wounds.” Twilight answered. “It won’t help with the pain, but it should stop the bleeding. I can’t just leave you here to bleed out and die. I probably should, you manipulative, dirty liar, but I can’t bring myself to.”

Starlight whimpered, wincing at Twilight applying the makeshift bandage. “I meant everything I said. I just wanted what was best for everypony.”

“Uh-huh.” Twilight said. “After I woke up, you made no effort to recover my lost memories and tried to manipulate me into staying here by making me feel guilty about Sugar Belle.”

“Well, imagine our - ouch - positions had been reversed! What would you have done if it was you who found me with my memories?”

“I would have done everything I could to help you get them back, and I wouldn’t have stopped until I did.”

Starlight looked at Twilight with disbelief. “No. Surely you wouldn’t. Not for a stranger.”

“You may find this hard to believe, Starlight,” Twilight ripped off another piece of cloth, “but not everypony is as distrustful as you.”

“I still don’t believe you would go out of your way to help somepony like that.”

Twilight rolled her eyes, letting out a frustrated groan. “You know what? I’m done with hearing about your paranoia and distrust and trying to get through to you. I’m going to finish this last bandage, and leave.”

Twilight as she said she would, wrapping a cloth around Starlight’s cheek before leaving.

Starlight put a hoof to the ground. She winced. It hurt to get up, but she could stand. She walked off.

Out by the cliff ledge, Fracture bent down, squinting as he observed movement inside the small town.

“Hey, Steeljaw.” Fracture got up and pointed at the crowd of ponies gathered on the other side of town. “The ponies stopped moving.”

“Hmm.” Steeljaw walked up to the ledge to see. “What could that be about, I wonder?” His ear perked up, picking up a sound. Steeljaw narrowed his eyes before jumping off the ledge. Fracture followed suit, and the two of them entered the village.

“Looks like nopony’s home.” Fracture said “The place is deserted.”

“Yes, so it would seem … hmm?” Steeljaw heard rattling. A pony came out from between the houses, carrying two logs of wood. He dropped one, gasping in panic when he saw Steeljaw looking at him. He picked up the piece of log and ran away, hoping Steeljaw wouldn’t follow him.

“Now what are they up to over there?” Steeljaw wondered. He motioned for Fracture to gather the rest of the Pack before moving deeper into the village.

Steeljaw looked around, poking his head around corner.

“Starlight, no! What are you doing?” A pony exclaimed. Steeljaw grinned at the sight of Starlight Glimmer scurrying up the mountain by herself.

Seizing the opportunity, Steeljaw got on all fours and galloped up the mountain, chasing after her.

Starlight arrived at the cave, breathing heavily after her run. She looked to the entrance and halted, remembering she had locked Ultra Magnus in the vault.

“Well, well, well.” Steeljaw walked up to her. “What are you doing all the way up here?”

Steeljaw’s shadow fell over Starlight. Starlight gritted her teeth. Deciding she would take her chances, she moved the boulders aside and dispelled the force fields.

“Hmm?” Ultra Magnus wondered, poking his head out to see what was going on.

“Oh, Starlight.” Steeljaw cooed. “Do you really think Ultra Magnus will help you after what you put him through?”

Ultra Magnus crossed his arms. “Yeah, Starlight. What did you expect, that I’d help you after you locked me up and ignored everything I had to say?”

“Magnus, I’m sorry about all that.” Starlight said, trying to sound convincing. “I’ve come to realize there was more truth to your words. Can’t we let bygones be bygones?”

Magnus leered at her.

“No. If you’ll excuse me ...”

“You’re free to leave.” Steeljaw said, moving aside. Ultra Magnus walked past him and gave him a glare, but moved on.

Starlight grew worried. Steeljaw smirked, got ready to pounce, and jumped into the cave, ignoring Starlight as if she wasn’t even there.

“Huh?” Starlight wondered.

“Starlight! Starlight.” Double Diamond and some other ponies ran up to the caves. “What are you doing up here? It’s not safe with those Decepticons around!”

“No, it’s not.” Starlight pounded her hoof. “But darn it, I don’t want you to fight them! I - I don’t want to see you get hurt! Our only option is to run to the mountains! Please! I’m begging you!” Starlight put her hooves together, collapsing to her hind knees, tears shedding from her eyes. “Don’t fight.”

Double Diamond and the others repled by awkwardly standing around.

“Ah, Starlight Glimmer. And you brought your friends.” Steeljaw came out of the cave, holding the Staff of Sameness in her claws. “I’m so glad you brought your friends, Starlight Glimmer. I wanted them here to witness … as I use the Staff of Sameness to imbue myself with magic power!”

Starlight’s teeth chattered, and the rest of the crowd froze up. Steeljaw twirled the Staff and aimed it at himself.

Nothing happened. No magic came from the Staff. It didn’t glow, it didn’t hum. It did nothing.

“Hmm.” Steeljaw said. “Perhaps it’s broken. Perhaps it needs more a direct approach.” He twirled the Staff again and aimed it at Double Diamond. Nothing happened.

“The Staff can take away with a Cutie Mark.” Steeljaw pointed the Staff at the cave. “So surely it should be able to give a Cutie Mark, right?”

Steeljaw shook the Staff at the cave, with the end result of nothing happening.

“Hmm.” Steeljaw said, turning to Starlight with a smirk. Starlight was sweating. “Well, if I understand my Equestria magical artifacts, right, then if I destroy this one, it should automatically undo all the effects of its might, right?”

The ponies grew worried at the idea of them all getting the Cutie Marks they had been taught to reject at once en masse.

Steeljaw raised the Staff up and broke it over his knee, snapping it in half.

“Oh, look.” Steeljaw said. “Nothing happened.”

“W-why didn’t anything happen, Starlight?” Double Diamond asked. “The Staff’s destroyed, so … shouldn’t we be getting our Cutie Marks back?’

“I, I, uh …” Starlight Glimmer said.

“Go on, Starlight.” Steeljaw stalked towards her. “Tell them.”

“Tell us what?” Double Diamond demanded.

“The Staff doesn’t do anything!” Starlight exclaimed. “It’s just some stick I found in the desert!”

The ponies gasped.

“Yes.” Steeljaw chuckled. “You see, Starlight, I knew the Staff was a fake. I just needed to prove it … to them.” He gestured to the crowd.

“But … then how did our Cutie Marks get taken away?”

“Starlight Glimmer does it herself. With her own magic.” Steeljaw said. “But that’s not all.”

Steeljaw picked Starlight Glimmer up by the hind leg. Steeljaw licked the tip of his finger, getting it wet, and rubbed at Starlight’s equal mark. It smudged up, showing it was paint and revealing it the markings of a Cutie Mark underneath.

The crowd gasped again.

“All this time …” Double Diamond said, with tears in his eyes. “You’ve been lying to us?”

“No!” Starlight insisted, her voice desperate. “No, I haven’t been - oof!” She was interrupted by Steeljaw throwing her to the ground.

“Yes, she has been lying.” Steeljaw said. “She’s been lying to you all along. The Staff was a fake. She’s had her own Cutie Mark this whole time. Who knows what else she’s been lying about? Who can tell?” Steeljaw asked.

“So, tell me.” Steeljaw said. “How are you going to treat this pony, who is so unequal to you? Who’s been superior to you this whole time? To this pony who’s been disrupting and perverting your equality?” Steeljaw went on, working the crowd up and getting them angrier and angrier. “Are we going to punish her?”

“Yeah!” The ponies cheered, Double Diamond in particular.

“Are we going to throw stones at her? Maybe flog her? Put her in the stocks and throw fruit at her?”

“Yeah! Yeah!” The ponies cheered, agreeing with every one of Steeljaw’s suggestions.

“Alright, alright, make way, you angry mob.” Ultra Magnus said. “Keep calm. First, Starlight, now, Steeljaw … seriously, are you even capable of acting on your own? Do you just do whatever someone tells you to do? Do you even do anything beside stand around and gasp at really, unsurprising reveals?”

“What are you doing here?” Double Diamond asked as the crowd parted for Ultra Magnus.

“Just here to pick something up.” Ultra Magnus went over and scooped up Starlight Glimmer into his arms. “I’ll be taking this.”

“Wait, why should you get to take Starlight Glimmer?” Double Diamond asked.

“Yes, Ultra Magnus. Why should you take Starlight Glimmer?” Steeljaw asked.

Ultra Magnus, seeing right through Steeljaw’s game and ready to turn it around on him. “Well, because … who better to mete out Starlight’s punishment, than the one she didn’t give any chance at all before locking him up? Wouldn’t you agree, ponies?”

“Yeah!” The ponies pumped their hooves.

“Well, there you have it.” Ultra Magnus turned to Steeljaw. “Unless you don’t care about what the ponies’ feelings, either.”

Steeljaw hesitated. “No.”

“Good.” Ultra Magnus smiled and walked off with Starlight Glimmer.

“W-what are you doing?” Starlight Glimmer asked. “Where are you taking me?” She flailed in Ultra Magnus’ grip.

“Away for punishment!” Ultra Magnus made a point of saying out loud. He bent his neck and whispered to her.

“Saving your life.” Ultra Magnus said. “Not that I care about your sorry hide, but I met a certain someone who convinced me to help you, because we need a strong magic user, and the only other one we have around is going to be busy.”

Starlight raised an eyebrow.

“So, ponies!” Steeljaw shouted. “Now with Starlight Glimmer gone, and your whole unraveled, you’re going to need someone to lead you.” Steeljaw paced around. “To inspire you. To help you as you stumble around in this uncertain, dark time. I could be that for you.”

“Will you give us our Cutie Marks back?” A pony asked. “You’re kind of blocking the way.”

“In due time.” Steeljaw said. “After you’ve swore your allegiance to me and the Decepticon cause.”

Double Diamond turned to the ponies around them, trying to reach a decision. They didn’t want to pledge themselves to Steeljaw, given what they learned about Starlight, but he was blocking their way into the cave, and they couldn’t have possibly challenged him in a fight. They lacked the skills.

But they didn’t have to.

“Everypony, you are getting your Cutie Marks back!”

“What?” Steeljaw looked around. He saw Twilight Sparkle in the crowd, looking ready and determined.

Steeljaw growled. He got on all fours and chased after Twilight. Twilight turned and ran down the mountain path, fleeing into the village and hiding there.

Steeljaw met up with the rest of his Pack in the middle of the street. “Where’s Twilight Sparkle? I just saw her come through here.”

The others shrugged.

“If Twilight Sparkle is around, are we sure we want to be sticking around?” Fracture asked. “You know how powerful she is.”

“There’s six of us, including your Mini-Cons, and one of her. All she has is her armor. She has no equipment or back-up. We can take her.”

Steeljaw felt someone tap him on the shoulder.

“What?” He growled, turning around and being met with a wrecking ball to the face, knocking him back and making him stagger. “Wha?”

Twilight Sparkle stood in front of him, operating a mech made of wood, with chicken legs and bicycle chains running through, steam coming out from the pipes on its back, Twilight and some other ponies from the village sitting inside the jaw-shaped cockpit pedalling on pedals to operate the patchwork device. Twilight glared at Steeljaw through the teeth.

“Let’s dance, mutt-face!”

Steeljaw chuckled. “That’s an impressive feat of resourceful engineering, Twilight Sparkle. But do you really think you can beat me and my fellows with a mech made of wood?”

“I’m gonna take a swing at it.”

Steeljaw roared and charged at her. Twilight pulled on levers and pushed buttons, snatching Steeljaw’s claw in between two wooden paddles. While Steeljaw reacted with surprise, Twilight spun around and flung Steeljaw into the dirt path.

Thunderhoof raised up his hoof, energy gathering around it. He went up to Twilight’s mech, but Twilight maneuvered the mech into ducking and grabbing Thunderhoof’s leg with the same grabber she used on Steeljaw’s hand, and spun Thunderhoof around, knocking his energy-charged hoof into Underbite’s shoulder, causing all the energy from Thunderhoof’s attack to disperse into Underbite’s side instead of Twilight’s mech, bowling Underbite over.

“Never underestimate the value … of leverage.” Twilight commented. Pressing her advantage, she tossed Thunderhoof up into the air, where he landed on top of Steeljaw.

“Oh man!” Thunderhoof complained. “I’m sorry, Steelie!”

“You can apologize by getting off!” Steeljaw pushed himself up and tilted, sliding Thunderhoof off. He got to his feet and turned to Twilight Sparkle, growling and getting ready for Round 2.

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Under the watchful eyes of Ultra Magnus, Starlight Glimmer cast a spell, a blue aura surrounding her horn, trying to use a combination of magic and tech to use one of Twilight’s prepared emergency protocols, using Starlight’s magic to their signal out to a broader reach.

“Imperials. Attention, Autobots Imperials.” Starlight Glimmer said. “This is Starlight Glimmer, trying to call on emergency frequency 1-9-8-4. We are under Decepticon attack and in need of reinforcements.” Starlight Glimmer sighed. “This is never going to work.”

“Keep trying.” Ultra Magnus said.

Starlight sighed again. “Imperials, this is Starlight Glimmer, calling on emergency frequency 1-9-8-4. We are under Decepticon attack and in need of reinforcements.”

Starlight blinked, imagining the message was never going to get through and she’d be stuck doing this forever.

“10-4, Starlight Glimmer. This is Crosshairs, Imperial sharpshooter. What are your coordinates?”

“Yes!” Ultra Magnus cheered.

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Twilight continued to fight off Steeljaw’s Pack, using a clever combination of spins, kicks, and well-aimed punches. When she needed a little extra power, a few magic shots from her horn did the trick.

“Grr!” Steeljaw growled, evading the grip of the mech’s clapper. He lightened up and got a smirk on his face.

Twilight reacted with confusion. Realizing something was happening behind her, she tried to direct the others to turn the mech around. “Turn!”

Underbite reared up and pounced on the mech, digging his claws into its shoulders.

“Too late!” The village pony shouted, her eyes going wide as the mech was rocked.

Underbite shook and jostled the mech, severing its arms off. He brought his claws down on the back of the mech, shredding it and tearing in key spots so the entire cockpit fell apart into wooden planks. The remains of the mech toppled over, depositing Twilight Sparkle and her helpers on the ground.

They groaned, rubbing their heads after the impact, and they worried when Steeljaw loomed over him, a grin on his snout.

Red lasers rained from the sky, blowing up pockets of ground and keeping Steeljaw and his pack from going in for the kill.

“Now what?” Steeljaw asked, looking up. Backup from the Imperials had arrived, riding on the backs of Fluttershy’s Insecticons, who were firing from their horns at the Pack.

“Here just in the nick of time, as always.” Crosshairs jumped off from Predaking and twirled his pistols, taking potshots at the Pack.

Predaking landed and transformed, going into robot mode.

“Predaking, huh?” Underbite turned around to Predaking, his tail wagging. “Where I come from, you’re long gone.” Underbite roared and charged at Predaking, ready to put his massive jaw to use on Predaking’s chest.
Predaking remained calm and struck Underbite in the chin, tossing the huge Chompazoaid a good distance onto his side without even breaking a sweat.

Twilight looked up at Steeljaw and smirked. Steeljaw growled back, tensing his claws.

But Steeljaw was the one smirking when Starlight came out of nowhere like a speeding pink bullet and tackled Twilight, sending both of them rolling outside of town and into a nearby crater covered in snow.

“Starlight, what are you doing!?” Twilight exclaimed.

“You took EVERYTHING from me!” Starlight screamed, trying to Twilight’s face with a hoof despite Twilight blocking with her armored leg. “My village, my home! YOU’VE RUINED MY LIFE! EVERYTHING WOULD STILL BE JUST FINE IF YOU HADN’T SHOWN UP! YOU WERE A CATALYST! Everypony would still be happy, and we would all still be equal! But no, you had to show up, and you had to bring your stupid Autobots and Decepticons with you!”

“It was going to happen, Starlight Glimmer.” Twilight said. “If not because of me, then because of somepony. Semper tyrannus.”

“Oh, don’t you start with that on me!” Starlight exclaimed. “It’s all your fault! Everypony would still be here living their equal lives in equal houses of equalness if not for you!”

“You were lying to them, Starlight. Your village was going to come down eventually.”

Starlight’s horn lit up, preparing a laser to shoot smack-dab into Twilight’s face. Twilight activated her jets and flew up, lifting Starlight up and tossing her aside.

“How many holes do I have to put in you before you get it through your head?” Twilight asked. “One, you can’t beat me, and two, your ‘utopia’ was a false image you were passing on to your followers.”

“We were happy!” Starlight screamed, shooting a beam of magic. Twilight evaded the beam and flew towards Starlight.

“Are you sure about that?” Twilight asked. “Because I’m pretty sure Sugar Belle would like to remember what a real cupcake taste like.”

Twilight jetted towards Starlight, ramming her front hooves into Starlight’s face. Starlight staggered and focused her gaze on Twilight as she descended to the ground.

“Aaah!” Starlight shouted and charged at Twilight, Starlight’s horn crackling with electricity and magic. Twilight stepped to the side, avoiding Starlight with ease, and flicked out a switchblade from her armor. As Starlight charged past her, Twilight slashed Starlight’s side with the knife, cutting a huge gash into Starlight’s side.

Starlight staggered again, coming to a stop as she felt blood trickling down her side. She looked at Twilight.

Twilight walked up to Starlight, doing her best to keep a neutral expression, but the twitches in Twilight’s face revealed there was gamut of emotions raging inside of her. Without expressing any sentiment, Twilight slugged Starlight across the cheek, knocking her down.

Twilight pinned Starlight, pressing her hoof into Starlight’s chest.

Starlight looked up at Twilight. She cried, letting out a hiccup. Tears flowed down her cheeks. “I … I just want you to know, Twilight, when I said you were like the sister I never had … I meant every word.”

“I know.”

Twilight let slip but a single tear. She raised up her switchblade.

“So did I.”

Twilight aimed the switchblade, putting the tip inches above Starlight’s throat, but she hesitated to put the knife any closer.

“What are you waiting for, an invitation?”

Twilight and Starlight looked up and saw the Imperials, Starlight’s villagers and Steeljaw’s Pack gathered around the lip of the crater. The villagers all reacted with shock at the scene of Twilight pressing a knife to a beaten Starlight’s neck.

“Slit her throat, Twilight Sparkle!” Steeljaw said, making a cutting motion across his neck. “Show all these ponies how high and mighty you are!” Steeljaw turned to the villagers. “Behold! How the heroic and noble Autobots treat their enemies! What are you waiting for? Cut her throat open!”

“Yeah!” Fracture cheered. “Cut her! Cut her!”

All of Steeljaw’s Pack raised up their arms, breaking into an encouraging chorus. “CUT HER! CUT HER! CUT HER!”

Twilight shifted her gaze between the Pack, the villagers, and the Imperials before turning her gaze back to Starlight Glimmer. What could she do? Starlight was dangerous, but she knew what Steeljaw was doing. If she hurt Starlight, if she killed Starlight … it would turn the villagers against the Autobots. They would oppose the Autobots. Steeljaw might even be able to turn them and train them into an an anti-Autobot resistance group, which was probably his goal.

Twilight shivered, a mess of emotions running through her, voices arguing inside her about what she should do.

She’s dangerous.

She’s misguided.

She used you and took advantage of you.

She needs help. Mental, professional help.

She needs to be neutralized.

Remember your teaching. This isn’t what Princess Celestia or Optimus Prime would want. If there was even a chance she could saved, redeemed, reformed -


“Aaah!” Twilight screamed, telling the voices in her head to shut up. She looked at Starlight with a fury in her bloodshot eyes and brought the knife crashing down …

Into the snow beside Starlight’s head.

The Decepticons were, of course, disappointed, letting out groans. Starlight turned her head towards the knife, unable to believe she’d been spared. She looked up at Twilight.

Not willing to press her good fortune any further, Starlight teleported out from under Twilight Sparkle and ran away.

The Imperials turned towards Steeljaw’s Pack and got ready to fight and apprehend the curs.
Steeljaw grinned, pulling out a handful of purple powder and tossing it on the ground, producing a smoke cloud of the same colors. Ultra Magnus led the Imperials through the smoke, finding nothing there.

“Anything?” Ultra Magnus asked, turning to Predaking.

Predaking sniffed the air. “No. Nothing. They’re gone.”

Ultra Magnus clenched his fist. “Damn that Hydia. If it weren’t for her ...”

Predaking noticed something and pointed. “Starlight Glimmer is still within visual range. Should we pursue?”

Ultra Magnus looked over his shoulder, watching Starlight Glimmer head for a cave inside the mountains.

Twilight climbed out of the crater. She, the Imperials, and the villagers followed Starlight Glimmer, but couldn’t catch up with her in time to stop her from making it into the cave.

“What should we do?” Sugar Belle asked. “We’ll never find her in those caves, but …”

“Let her go.” Twilight said. “Maybe she’ll use the time to think and see where she went wrong. I doubt she will. But honestly … I just want to be done with this, at least for today.” Twilight Sparkle trudged over to a snow-covered rock, resting her hoof on it. She brought her other hoof over her head, thinking about everything she had gone through today. Everything she had lost … all the things which made her a pony, before she had went into space and come back a changed pony, a changed … being. Shining Armor’s words echoed in her head.

Ultra Magnus looked between Twilight and the cave. “Okay, you know what? No. No. We already have, let’s see ...” Ultra Magnus counted on his fingers. “Galloway, Gould, The Forged, Bludgeon and his Mayhem, the Star Seekers, Lazerback, and Dragotron. That’s … eight enemies. We don’t need one more.”

Ultra Magnus walked towards the mountain.

“W-what are you doing?” Twilight Sparkle asked.

“Wreckers!” Ultra Magnus shouted, and Bulkhead and Wheeljack lined up.

“What are you doing?” Twilight moved her hoof off the rock.
“Drop the mountain on her.”

“What? No!” Twilight galloped towards them. “Stop! STOP!”

Ultra Magnus aimed his arm-mounted rockets while Wheeljack pulled out and primed a grenade, but Bulkhead abstained, uncertainty written over his face.

Ultra Magnus fired at the top of the mountain and Wheeljack tossed his grenade into the cave, where it exploded, filling the cave with blazing orange light. Ultra Magnus’ rockets detonated, causing an avalanche, rocks and snow falling down from the mountain, triggering a cave-in. The cave filled up with rocks, its exit sealed off.

Twilight, Double Diamond, and Sugar Belle watched in shock, their jaws hanging.

“You … you killed her!” Sugar Belle exclaimed.

Ultra Magnus turned away. Sugar Belle ran up to his leg, pounding on it with tears in her eyes.

“You killed her!” Sugar Belle shouted.

Ultra Magnus reared his leg up and punted her aside.

“Look, I’m sorry, but that’s war. Ponies die.” Ultra Magnus said coldly. “If you don’t like it, tough, but don’t think you’re immune to it just because you’ve been living out in the middle of nowhere for the last few years.”

Ultra Magnus continued walking.

Twilight put a hoof on Sugar Belle’s shoulder. She brought Sugar Belle in for a hug, and did the same for Double Diamond when he came.

“She … might have lied to us.” Double Diamond said. “But she didn’t deserve to die … did she?”

“After what he did earlier, we should have seen it coming.” Sugar Belle said.

“I don’t know, Double Diamond. She might.” Twilight said. “But I don’t think she did.”

Twilight glared at Ultra Magnus, hard enough for him to feel it and stop. He turned around and looked back at her. They exchanged glares and stared each other down before Ultra Magnus turn and continued walking as if nothing had happened.

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Now returned to the Imperial base, Twilight Sparkle examined her reflection in her helmet, set on her desk.

“Somepony’s looking a little contemplative.” Rarity said, walking into the room with the rest of Twilight’s friends. “What’s wrong, darling?”

“Everything!” Twilight Sparkle said. “Everything is wrong. Losing my memory today and getting it back … it’s made me realize everything I’ve lost, how much innocence I’ve lost. I’ve seen things. Things that no … little pony should have to see! You! Rarity, look at you!” Twilight cupped Rarity’s face. “You’re covered in scars!”

Rarity chuckled. “Well, you know. I manage to look good despite that.”

“And Fluttershy …” Twilight turned to Fluttershy, who crossed her hooves.

“I’m beginning to wonder if maybe Shining Armor was right.” Twilight put her hoof on her helmet. “Maybe his little sister did die when she went out into space, and I’m just some Autobot thing that was sent back in her place.”

“Yeah, well.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “Shining Armor is a blockhead.”

“Rainbow Dash! But it’s true.” Rarity said.

“Don’t worry, Twilight.” Applejack said, tipping her hat. “You’re our friend, and we’ll support y’all no matter what.”

“Yeah! Even if you are some kind of Autobot clone!”

“Whether you identify as a pony, an Autobot, or somewhere in between …” Rarity said. “We’ll be here for you.”

Twilight sniffed, overwhelmed with emotion. “Thanks, girls.”

“Group hug!” Pinkie Pie announced, and they did.
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Out in the frozen wastes of the Crystal Empire, Bludgeon and Mindwipe walked up to Thunderwing’s body.

“That went swimmingly.” Mindwipe said with a touch of sarcasm. “What’s our next move, boss?”

“Thunderwing was just a nice perk.” Bludgeon said, climbing up the side of Thunderwing’s chest. “The real endgame has always been in here.”

Bludgeon took out his katana and stabbed it through Thunderwing’s chest. He pulled it forward, drawing a circle. He kicked the circular cut piece out and reached inside, pulling out an object similar in shape to the famed Matrix of Leadership, with a circular core and two handles.

“Behold.” Bludgeon said. “The Dark Spark. Said to be an equal and opposite to the Autobot Matrix of Leadership, it allows one to bend the fabric of the universe to the owner’s will. This is what made Thunderwing so powerful.”

“Uh, yeah.” Mindwipe said. “Because bending reality sure is the, uh, ‘opposite’ of leadership.”

“With this, I will become a god.” Bludgeon said.

“Hey.” Mindwipe said. “Why should you get to have all that power? We work hard, too, you know.”

Bludgeon held up a finger. “Hold that thought.” Bludgeon opened a panel and shoved the Dark Spark into his chest, where the artifact shifted and bonded, binding itself to Bludgeon’s Spark and inserting itself inside. Bludgeon’s body flickered with purple energy, and he bent over, overwhelmed by the power. He raised up his hand and shot a beam of purple lightning from his palm. The lightning struck Mindwipe and bounced off, striking the nearest Vehicon and bouncing off from him, the chain lightning continuing until it reached the last Mayhem soldier. Spikes of Dark Energon formed on Mindwipe’s and the others’ bodies, energy and power swirling around the tips of the crystals.

“Happy now?”

“Yeah.” Mindwipe said, flexing his arm.

“Here.” Bludgeon unclasped the Alicorn Amulet from his neck and handed it to Mindwipe. “With the Dark Spark, I have no need of this anymore. You can have it, my friend.”

“Aww.” Mindwipe said. “Thanks, Bludgeon. I appreciate it.” He wrapped the Amulet around his neck.

“You there!” Cadence flew in from above. “What’s been going on around here?”

Bludgeon turned to Mindwipe with a smug expression. He clenched his fist, electricity crackling between his fingers. “Care for a test run?”

“Be my guest.”

Bludgeon held out his palm, shooting a spear of lightning at Cadence. The spear struck her in the chest and sent her hurtling away into the distance.

Cadence barreled around in the sky, eventually recovering. She looked over her shoulder at Bludgeon, who had become a speck in the distance.

I have to report this to Celestia. Cadence thought, her lips forming a worried line as she flew away.

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Out in a mass of crumbled rock, Steeljaw shoved his claw into the snow, digging out a clump and placing it to the side.

Starlight Glimmer could be seen within the rock. She let out a groan, covered in blood and feeling pain all over her body. She gasped for air, having been buried for some time.

Steeljaw, with gentleness, inserted his claw underneath her and lifted her up. He set her down to the side.

“It’s a good I got to you in the time that I did.” Steeljaw said. “Any longer and you would have run out of breath.”

Starlight’s eyes widened when she realized it was Steeljaw talking to you. “You. Why are you here? Why … did you save me?” Starlight wondered, looking at the hole Steeljaw rescued her from.

“It occurs to me we got off on the wrong hoof.” Steeljaw said, giving Thunderhoof a wink. Thunderhoof waved his hoof to emphasize the joke. “You see, you and I both want the same thing, Starlight Glimmer. Equality. We just … have a little different ways of going about it.”

Starlight looked around. “Who’s that?”

“Greetings.” The woman bowed. “I am Hydia.” Hydia offered her hand to Starlight.

“We could help each other, Starlight Glimmer.” Steeljaw said. “If you and Hydia put your magic together, combined with a little muscle from my Pack … we could get everyone what they want. We could spread equality all over Equestria. All over the universe. What do you say?”

Starlight glared at Steeljaw, still remembering how her earlier interactions with him went.

“And we could help you get revenge on Twilight Sparkle.” Steeljaw said.

Starlight looked at the ground. “I’ll do it.”

“Excellent!” Hydia put a hand on Starlight’s shoulder. “This way, dear …”

Steeljaw and Thunderhoof watched them go, Hydia pulling out more of the same purple powder she had given Steeljaw and using to teleport Starlight away.

“Are you sure this is a good idea, Steeljaw?” Thunderhoof asked. “I mean, considerin’ what she does in the future …”

“That’s exactly the point.” Steeljaw said. “If we can convince to be our side in the past, it will change where she is in the future. She’ll be with us. She won’t be with the Autobots … and one of the greatest magical defenses the Autobots have ... will no longer be an obstacle for us.” Steeljaw smiled before breaking into sinister laughter.

XVI: Hope for Redemption

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With the lights turned down in the Principality, Twilight Sparkle crawled into her bed, tired and ready to sleep and rest to recover from the events of the day she had.

Twilight crawled under her covers, pulled the blanket over herself, and closed her eyes.

Twilight blinked, trying to process what she was seeing. She was standing in a place where the ground was obscured by fog and the sky was full of clouds.

“Oh no.” Twilight groaned, slapping a hoof to her face. She was having a dream, a lucid dream, one where she was in effect, awake and conscious inside her dream. She didn’t want to be having dreams, she wanted to go to sleep and tune out for the night.

Twilight heard something hiss. She put her hoof down and saw wispy trails of green mist float up from the fog. The trails rose up into the air, undulating and waving, swirling around and merging with each other. A figure emerged from inside, the mist taking a solid shape, with a clenched hand emerging first before the rest of the body became defined.

It reminded Twilight of Optimus, sharing his basic body shape, and his distinctive faceplate, but the head was different, with angled antennae and fiercer eyes. The most distinguishing difference was the presence of broken, worn-out metal wings attached to his shoulders.

“Hello, Twilight Sparkle.” The misty figure greeted her. “Do you know who I am?”

Twilight placed a hoof on her chin, narrowing her eyes at him. “You’re … Primus? The Cybertronians’ god?”

Primus let out a hearty chuckle. “Correct, Princess. Few things elude your detective eye, I see. I have chosen well.”

“Chosen? What do you mean, chosen?”

“I believe Megatronus has explained to you how I’ve been influencing you subtly. How Alpha Trion led you to the Omega Lock before disappearing. Not to mention when I ousted Princess Luna from your dreams.”

“That was you?” Twilight asked. It did make sense; the Optimus-like form Primus was in matched the Optimus-like being whom blasted Luna away.

“All of these things I have done, I have done for a purpose, Twilight Sparkle.” Primus said. “I have chosen you to my aide. My assistant. My beacon. I need you, Twilight Sparkle, to help me. However, despite my manipulations, it would be remiss of me not to offer you a choice in the matter. This … isn’t easy for me to say.” Primus tapped his fingers together.

He got down on one knee as if he were proposing. “Twilight Sparkle, will you be my prophet?”
Twilight’s eyes bugged out, and she recoiled. “What?” Surely she hadn’t heard him right. Was Primus, the Cybertronian god, the maker of all Autobots and Decepticons, was asking her, an Equestrian, a pony and a pariah … to be his prophet?

“Please, allow me to explain.” Primus said. He stood back up. “I have a grand, grand design. A design for a universe of peace and harmony, where my children live in peace with the children of other planets … of other gods.”

Primus raised his hand up. A green sphere formed in his hand, with a black silhouette imprinted on it, with mechanical details marking the silhouette as representing a Cybertronian.

Two more spheres formed next to it, one representations humans and one representing Equestrians. Bars extended from the Cybertronian sphere, linking up with the human and Equestrian ones.

More spheres appeared, each bearing a unique design on them to represent an alien species. More and more filled the area, until they were dozens, hundreds, if not thousands of them floating around in the sky. The links continued, jumping from sphere to sphere and connecting them all of them together. They were species Twilight didn’t, couldn’t have recognized, though she did make out one design which seemed to have tentacles.

“Wow.” Twilight ahhed in wonder, looking up at the vast, sprawling network of interconnected species.

“A united universe.” Primus said. He took his gaze away from the network and looked down at Twilight Sparkle, making the diorama poof into nothingness. “That is my dream. My vision, for my children. When the Great War between the Autobots and Decepticons began, and the AllSpark was launched into space, I lost much of my power and my ability to influence events, so I was unable to bring the war an end any sooner than what happened. However, with the Changeling Batteries of Shockwave’s designed, I have recovered somewhat … not by much, mind you.”

“And lately … I’ve discovered something troubling, Twilight Sparkle.” Primus continued. “Jack Darby … the one from the future, you know call ‘Johnson’ to distinguish from his present self … speaks of a future where the Decepticons rule with an iron fist, and ponies and humans are hunted for sport and used as slaves …”

Primus shook his head. “This is not what I wanted. This is not the vision I had hoped for my children. But when I try to use my power to gaze into the future and determine what caused this … I see nothing. Something prevents me from looking any further into the timeline than my relative present.”

“Something prevents you?” Twilight asked. “But … aren’t you supposed to be a god? Not just a really powerful Princess pony, but a genuine, all-powerful, omnipotent god? Shouldn’t you know everything?”

Primus shook his head. “I should. But I don’t. My powers are only as strong as my power, Twilight Sparkle, and my power is tied to the Core of Cybertron, which currently subsists on the Changeling Batteries. They are a like a poison to me, Princess, a drug, something which keeps me alive, but also deluded and inhibited. I will not be able to return to my full strength until the AllSpark is returned to Cybertron, and the Omega Lock is to regenerate the scorched and barren portions of the planet.”

“That’s why you led me to the Omega Lock.” Twilight said. “Because you need it to return to full power.”

Primus smiled. “Now you’re getting it. My working theory for why I cannot see into the future … is that the Changeling Batteries are removed, and no one has been kind enough to bring the AllSpark back.”

“So as the Batteries are removed in the future, your power weakens in that time period … and since your power weakens in that time period, you can’t see yourself in that time period, or anything else in that period or the periods beyond it.” Twilight concluded.

Primus nodded. “I knew you were a smart one.”

“You know, that’s really kind of complicated.”

“Eh. What do you want from me? I’m a god, not a math book for third-graders. I am aware that Galvatron is one who has objected strongly and violently to the Changeling Batteries in the past. Look to him for a suspect. And yet ...”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “And yet?”

“Yet I sense a presence. A dark presence, one of ominous and ill intent, which moves between the worlds. It weaves its way through the barrier of reality, shifting from one dimension to the next, never staying in one for too long, lest it be detected. A presence ... which might just be strong enough to cloud even my all-seeing gaze. A presence … that is closer to you than you might realize, Twilight Sparkle. It is violent, it is noxious, it is harmful and evil. It means to inflict harm and spread its malevolence across the universe. Princess Twilight Sparkle of Friendship, will you help me fight this presence?”

“Of Friendship?” Twilight asked. “I think you misunderstand. If I’m the Princess of anything, it’s war, not friendship. I’m not the Princess of Friendship.” Twilight looked down shamefaced, thinking of her strained relationship with Princess Celestia.

“You will be.”

Twilight was surprised, but she regained her composure and smiled.

“Yes, Primus. I will help you fight this dark presence.” Twilight said.

“Excellent. And the prophet thing?”

“I … maybe.” Twilight said. “I have a few questions. Just what does being your prophet mean? And … why me? Why not Arcee? Or Bumblebee?”

“It means that you will foretell the Cybertronians of my coming return, that you will engineer said return, i.e, find the AllSpark, bring it back to Cybertron, put it in the Core, and use the Omega Lock on the planet, so that those who wish to repent and change their ways before I arrive to judge them in person have ample time to do so. As for why you … you were possessed by my rival and my brother, Unicron.”

“Yes …”

“Unicron, who is equal, if not superior, in power to me.”

“Right …”

“I may have to possess your body at some point. It depends on how things go. The fact you were able to withstand my brother’s possession makes you a better candidate than most.”

Twilight blinked, taking this in. “Well … doesn’t that just make me feel special.”

“Doesn’t it?” Primus said. His body flickered and wavered. “Ahh … maintaining this projection has been taxing … I must rest and recover what little energy I have. In the meantime, here are my servants, the Thirteen, to train you against this unseen and yet known dark presence.”

Primus’ body flickered before disappearing in a puff, disintegrating back into the mist it was formed of.

The ground shook. Twilight became wary as silver, circular platforms sprung up from the ground - thirteen of them, on the dot. The Primes manifested, appearing as ghostly images on the platforms before solidifying, and Twilight recognized Alpha Trion and Megatronus among them.

“You!” Twilight pointed to Alpha Trion. “You!” She did the same to Megatronus.

Alpha Trion laughed. “Yes, it’s me, Twilight. The one who got away from you. Are you ready to begin your training?”

“Almost.” Twilight answered. She looked around and notice two of the platforms were vacant. “Aren’t there supposed to be thirteen of you? Why are those two missing?”

The Primes all looked bashful and turned away, Megatronus especially so.

“Never mind that for now.” Megatronus said. “We must prepare for your training.”

“Hello, Princess. I’m Micronus.” A diminutive robot waved at her. “And we are here to help you train and prepare, not only to defeat this mysterious dark presence … but also to change the horrible future the one you know as ‘Johnson’ is from. But I warn you, it’s not going to be easy task.”

A platform appeared under Twilight Sparkle, and it rotated her to face whichever of the Primes was speaking to her.

“If you wish to change the future, Twilight Sparkle …” A cloaked robot said. “You will have to make difficult decisions.”

The platform turned to a beastial Prime.

“Fight your enemies, if not bury them …”

The platform turned to Micronus.

“Lead your soldiers into perilous situations and environments unlike any you’ve faced before …”

The platformed turned to Megatronus.

“And even topple gods, if need be.”

“Gods? Topple gods?” Twilight asked, incredulous. “Are you … talking about Celestia? Am I going to have to fight Celestia!?”

The Primes exchanged glances.

“If you must, will you be able to handle that?” Micronus asked.

“Twilight Sparkle, you value yourself on your leadership abilities, do you not? An effective leader and general, worthy of being Princess?” Megatronus said.

Twilight nodded. “Of course.”

“Then you will know that the best leaders, the best generals, are prepared for any situation … no matter how unlikely or difficult it may be.” Megatronus said.

Twilight thought about this for a moment. She nodded. “I understand. It might be difficult for me to face her, if it comes to that, but with my friends by my side, I know I can -”

“Timeout.” Micronus said. “No one said anything about bringing your friends into this, Twilight Sparkle.”

“What? But -”

“Primus gave this task to you, and you alone.” Micronus said. “The less you can involve your friends and your emotions, the better.”

Twilight looked down at the platform she was on. She couldn’t bring her friends into this? She couldn’t ask Rarity or Fluttershy for help?

Megatronus looked at her, and felt a twinge of pity go off in his Spark. He turned to Micronus, a fierceness in his glowing red eyes.

“Twilight Sparkle must be allowed to inform her friends of this mission.” Megatronus said. “She would not be where she is today were it for her relying on them in times of need.”

“Our enemy could be anywhere. It might have spies that -”

“Either Twilight Sparkle is allowed to recruit her friends, or she will be unable to perform the task we have assigned for her - and quite possibly even refuse to.”

Micronus pursed his lips, while Twilight smiled, appreciating Megatronus sticking up for her.

“Very well.” Micronus said, with obvious irritation in his voice.

Megatronus looked to Twilight and they exchanged smiles.

“Princess Twilight Sparkle will be allowed to include her friends.” Micronus raised his hand, which swirled with blue energy. “It will be morning soon. This meeting is adjourned. Next time we meet, Princess, we will being your training in full.”

Micronus swirled his hand around, and the blue flame inside his palm spread across the realm. Twilight held out her hoof to shield her eyes from the light …

Twilight blinked, waking up in her bed at the Imperial base. She yawned and sat up, stretching her legs. She smacked her lips before looking down at her bed, reflecting on a difficult decision which had been weighing on her. She had made up her mind.

Twilight sat at her desk, shuffling through papers. On occasion, she would take a glance at the Harmony Box on her desk.

Ultra Magnus entered the doorway. “You want to see me, Twilight?”

“Yes.” Twilight put her files down and put her hooves on the desk. “I’ve reached a difficult decision, Ultra Magnus, and I want you to know … I consider you a friend.”

Ultra Magnus smiled, though he raised an eyebrow. “I consider you a friend, too, Twilight. What’s this about?”

Twilight sighed. “That said … you’ve proven yourself a liability, Ultra Magnus. Yesterday, I gave you an order - a direct order to stop what you were doing, and not did you fail to heed it, you refused to.”

Twilight glared at him.

“I can’t have that. If you’re going to be insubordinate … if you cannot follow orders from your superior officers when they are given to you … then you are a threat to the success of our mission. You are a threat to the safety of your fellow soldiers, and that is something I will not allow. For that reason, Ultra Magnus, I’m putting you on suspension.”

“Suspension?” Ultra Magnus crossed his arms. “I’m a Wrecker, Twilight. I’d like to see you try to put me in ‘suspension.’”

“Turn around and you’ll see it,” Twilight said.

Ultra Magnus turned around and saw two Imperialcons standing behind him, each of them armed with two Energon prods each.

“Huh. Yeah, alright, fine,” Magnus raised his fists, “come and get some, you buckets of lugnuts!” Magnus tried to swipe his fists at them, but it stopped short of connecting with his target. “What huh?” Magnus was soon lifted in the air, held by a magenta aura.

“Quickly!” Twilight ordered. “He’s fighting my spell! I’m not sure I can hold him for long!”

The troopers set about shocking Ultra Magnus, jabbing the prods into his stomach repeatedly until he went unconscious, which took awhile, but when they finally did knock him out, Twilight dropped the spell, sighing in relief and wiping some sweat from the brow.

“Good idea taking him down with the prods, Commander.” One of the Vehicons said. “I can’t imagine us being able to take down a fighting like Magnus without them.”

“He’s a fighter and a maverick,” Twilight said. “Make sure you check him thoroughly before you put him in a cell. Ultra Magnus is the kind of bot who wouldn’t think twice about putting explosive screws into himself, if he could get an explosive into the right size and shape.”

The Vehicons nodded. They picked Ultra Magnus up by the shoulders and dragged him away.

Twilight sighed again. “I’m sorry, Magnus. I wish it didn’t have to be this way … but you’re dangerous. I knew that when I invited you, but … I guess I underestimated how dangerous.”

Twilight shuffled awkwardly on the desk. She got up and headed out from the office into the foyer, where her friends were resting, gazing in concern as they saw Ultra Magnus dragged off to the stockades.

“Twilight, darling, what’s going on?” Rarity asked. “Why is Ultra Magnus being carted off by two Vehicons?”

“It’s nothing.” Twilight answered. “Just some … disciplinary action. After, you know, what happened yesterday.”

Rarity held out a hoof. “Say no more, darling. We understand completely.”

“Thank you …”

“Now, I assume you came out here to see us for a reason?” Rarity asked.

“Yes.” Twilight said. “I’ve been contacted in my dreams by the legendary Thirteen of Cybertron and Primus himself. They need my help, our help to fight some … dark presence that they can’t find, but they know is around here somewhere and fixing to take some malicious actions that would be … at odds with the Imperial goals. I’ve already agreed to undergo training by them so I can find and fight this mysterious force before it becomes any bigger of a problem than it is. Will you join me?”

The girls all looked at her in shock.

“Sorry.” Twilight said. “I know it’s a lot to take in, especially all at once …”

“Well then …” Rarity said. “This must be quite some dark force if it caused Primus himself to contact you. And it explains a few things, like why you were able to find the Omega Lock.”

“Yeah.” Rainbow Dash said.

“So … are you in?” Twilight asked. “I understand it can be kind of intimidating … we’re going to be trained by people we don’t know, to fight an enemy that we don’t know where, who, or even what it is.”

“Whoa, whoa.” Rainbow Dash said. “We never said that. We’re in. We’re behind you every step of the way, Twilight.”

“Yes.” Fluttershy said. “You know you can always count on us to be right behind you.”

“We’ll figure out who this guy is, then buck him in the face either before or after we deal with Galloway and Lazerback.” Applejack said. “And the Star Seekers … and Steeljaw and Hydia … and Dragotron … and the Forged … and Bludgeon … and Starlight Glimmer …” Applejack paused. “Goodness, we’re trying to deal with a lot of bad guys, aren’t we?”

Twilight smiled. “Thanks, girls.”

No sooner than the girls had agreed, the six of them were overwhelmed by a powerful mystical force, their bodies locking up, their eyes glowing blue while ancient Cybertronian text and modern binary code rolled up and down in their eyes like slots. They tensed up and fell to the side, their eyes closing as they were placed into deep trances.

The girls woke up in a cloudy, starry landscape.

“Ugh.” Fluttershy groaned before noticing their shift to a bizarre location. “Where are we?”

“The Realm of the Primes.” Twilight answered, recognizing the place from before.

“Correct.” Micronus said, floating into view with Megatronus by his side. “Hello, my little ponies. I am Micronus Prime, and this is my … counterpart, Megatronus Prime.” Micronus gestured to him. “Are you ready to begin your training?”

“Yeah!” Rainbow Dash flew up. “We can handle anything you’ve got to throw at us!”

Micronus and Megatronus smirked, amused at Rainbow Dash’s confidence. They held out their hands, Micronus’s hand glowing green while Megatronus’ glowed purple.

Rotating pillars with blades attached sprouted from the ground. Gun emplacements appeared, rotating to aim at Twilight’s friends, and a headless Decepticon appeared who deployed spherical Mini-cons from his shoulders.

The girls took up fighting positions.

“We got this.” Dash said.

Some time later, the girls were tuckering out. The pillars sunk into the ground and popped back out in different areas, bullets and other projectiles flew by them, including knives, swords, flail heads, rolled-up ball Mini-cons, and even giant shuriken. They fought their way through hordes of the Mini-cons, but the Decepticon seemed to have an endless supply of them, and would always stand right back up after being knocked.

Rainbow Dash panted as a group of Mini-cons mobbed, ganging up on her. She bucked one away before grabbing one by the head and tossing it into a third one.

“You know ... “ Rainbow Dash said. “I’m starting to wonder what any of this has to do with us being able to fight this ‘presence.’”

“To fight your enemy, you must prepare yourselves - in body, mind and spirit,” Micronus said.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “How very zen of you, but it doesn’t answer my question. I mean, what do we even know about this guy? Do we even know if he has Mini-cons? If he’s a he, not a she? Or if he uses shuriken?”

“Maybe we should take a break.” Fluttershy suggested.

Megatronus scoffed. “The wicked never rest. Do you think your enemies take rests from their efforts to destroy you?”

“Uh, yeah?” Rainbow Dash said. “I mean, Starscream’s got to eat his Energon some time.”

Micronus and Megatronus looked at each other.

“Accepted.” Micronus waved his hand, and the obstacles and combatants disappeared. “We will take a break for now. Perhaps when you return, we will have greater knowledge about our enemy. But before you go, we must have a briefing.”

“A briefing? What for?” Twilight asked.

“Twilight Sparkle, I want you and your friends to locate the artifacts of the Primes.” Micronus held up his hand, and a blue projection of a variety of items appeared, including a large gun, a sword, and other objects. “Return this artifacts before the people of Cybertron, and they will fall in line before you. They will be icons that will inspire reverence and awe. When you have brought them home, you will earn the respect and loyalty of several disillusioned and disbelieving Cybertronians, letting them know their ancestors are still watching over them. Once you have done that, you can begin to unify the fractured Cybertronian race. The Forged, Mayhem, the New Decepticons, the Technoists … they will have to recognize your abilities. And then, once the Cybertronians are reunified … the humans and Equestrians will follow.”

“Okay.” Twilight said, not sure she believed it would be so easy. The Decepticons were stubborn, even if they were scattered into disparate groups with incompatible goals. “Where do we start?”

Megatronus held out his palm, which projected a screen. “The Iacon Database will be able to tell you where the Artifacts ended up after they were ejected from Cybertron.”

Twilight chuckled nervously. “Ha ha ha … okay, that … might be a bit of a problem.”

“Surely not for a pony of your intelligence.” Micronus Prime said. He waved his hand again, and fog began to creep over the ponies. “Fare thee well, Twilight Sparkle. Until we meet again.”

The girls blinked and groaned, waking up from their “naps.”

Lockdown walked into the lobby of the base, resting his hand on a door as he surveyed the room before entering proper, where could be found Arcee resting on a bench, Rampage and Grimwing busying themselves with cards (Rampage’s idea, and he wanted to play Predaking first ) and Bumblebee reading a tablet to keep up with the news.

“Man.” Lockdown complained, walking up to the others. “It sure has been awhile since I’ve been on a mission. My chainsaw needs something to sink its teeth into … ” Lockdown converted his left arm into a chainsaw blade and revved it up, the teeth of the blade whirling.

Arcee scrunched up in her corner, tensing up her shoulders and looking to the side.

Lockdown noticed. “Hey, something the matter with you? What, do I scare you? Heh.” Lockdown chuckled.

“Yes.” Arcee muttered.

“What?” Lockdown asked. “Speak up, darling, I can’t hear ya.”

“Yes, you scare me!” Arcee stood up, drawing the attention of the others. She pointed a finger at Lockdown. “Don’t pretend you don’t remember what you did. Oh, sure, you can all jovial and gentlemanly, acting like you’re a business professional … but I know what you really are, you monster.”

“Hmm.” Lockdown put his hook to his chin, sizing Arcee up. “Now that I take a good look at you, you do seem a little familiar … maybe we have met. I’m -”

“Yeah, yeah.” Arcee said. “‘I’m not that good with names and faces, but I never forget a trophy.’” She said, deepening her voice to mock Lockdown. “Please. You can try to deny it, to forget … but I will never forget or forgive what you did to me and Ratchet. The only reason I’ve tolerated you around here as long as I have is because I know the odds are against us, and Twilight needs every available muscle or hired gun she can her hooves on … but that doesn’t mean I’ve just forgotten about what you did, you butcher.”

Before Lockdown could respond, Rampage put his cards down and stood up.

“If the lady has a problem …” Rampage gestured to Arcee and bowed respectfully. “I am sure Fluttershy would not mind if I were to … eviscerate the problem for her. You are Fluttershy’s friend, after all.” Rampage heaved up the pincers on his back. “Would you like me to tear him apart for you?”

“Oh, please.” Lockdown scoffed. “You couldn’t take me. Besides, it’s all about Fluttershy with you, isn’t it? Fluttershy, Fluttershy, Fluttershy. Don’t you ever do anything for yourself?”

“No.” Rampage said without a hint of irony or sarcastic intent. “If I did, I would destroy everything in sight, and that … wouldn’t make Fluttershy very happy, would it?”

Lockdown glared at Rampage before smiling and chuckling. “You … you a crush on her, don’t you? You have a complete and total crush on her! You do! Don’t try to deny it.”

Rampage bowed his head shamefully. “I don’t have to dignify that with a response.”

Grimwing stood up to try to mediate. “Perhaps we should all step away from each other, before this boils over into something more … physical.”

“You stay out of this, Grimwing.” Arcee said, deploying her arm-blade. “This is between Lockdown and I .. and maybe Rampage, if he’s serious about getting into it.”


The piercing sound of a gunshot from an energy blaster caught everyone’s attention, causing them to snap to and focus on the door where Magnum was standing with Twilight and the other girls, a blaster smoking in his hand.

“I do not know what has been going on in here …” Magnum said. “But you all need to table this clearly productive discussion for another time. The commander has a mission for all of you.”

“That’s right.” Twilight said. “Through a … contact, we’ve been tasked with recovering the Artifacts of the Primes. We need to gain access to a copy of the Iacon Database. Since Cybertron is liable to be crawling with radical Decepticons and Technoists sympathizers, the only way we can get to a copy is to stage an underwater salvage mission to Trypticon’s remains in the Atlantic Ocean. Who’s with me?”

There was a beeping from Lockdown’s shoulder. Lockdown pressed a button on his shoulder and looked down at himself.

“Sorry, commander.” Lockdown said. “I’ll have to sit this one out. I have a call I need to go take.” Lockdown walked out of the room. Everyone else, however, stood up.
“We’re with you, Twilight.” Arcee assured her.

While everyone else got busy and went to work to prep for the mission, Rampage dragged his feet, staring at the ground, mulling over what Lockdown said.

The Imperials opened a GroundBridge at the bottom of the Atlantic, adjacent to Trypticon’s landing site. They moved out of quickly before the displaced water had a chance to flood the inside of the Bridge too much.

Twilight, protected inside exo-suit, looked towards the side of Trypticon. “Alright, team. Let’s make sure we can into it. Did everyone remember to bring some waterproof blowtorches and laser scalpels?”

“No need.” Predaking said. He and Grimlock walked up to Trypticon, reared up their fists, and pounded the wall, knocking the wall out with a single (well, double) punch.

Twilight grinned. “Grimlock, Predaking, what would we do without you?”

“You would have a much harder time dealing with Lazerback’s Predacons, for one thing.” Grimlock said.

Twilight made a hoof motion, ordering her troops to move in. Pushing the wall further in, they climbed inside of Trypticon’s remains.

Trypticon was not good in shape. Aside from being underwater and thus, waterlogged, plagued with algae and kelp and moss growing all over his crevices and corners, large sections of him were destroyed and crumpled from when he fell, if not outright removed by human/Autobot efforts to dismantle him and remove him from the ocean, one piece at a time, before Galloway put a skewer in it.

“Be ready for anything, team.” Twilight said. “There’s no telling what could be lurking around those corners, and knowing Cybertronian biology, just because Trypticon’s deactivated, doesn’t mean he’s defenseless.” Twilight cast an illuminating ray from her horn, sweeping over the area in front of them as she led the team on their way through the crashed ship.

The team was startled when they saw lights coming from around a corner. They tensed and prepared for a fight.

Starscream, Shockwave, Heavy Load, and other Forged Decepticons came around the corner and stopped in front of them, Starscream jumping up in surprise at the sight of other visitors.

“Starscream? The Forged?” Twilight asked.

“The Imperials?” Starscream asked.

“What are you doing here?” Twilight asked.

“We’re here to try to salvage Trypticon.” Starscream said. “What are you doing here?”

“We’re here to try to salvage the Iacon Database. What are you - wait, I already asked that.”

Starscream huffed. “Well … I suppose there’s no point in trying to negotiate a peaceful settlement between us, where we don’t stop you from the Database, and you don’t stop us from getting Trypticon?”

“I’m afraid not. Trypticon is too powerful a weapon to allow to fall into your Decepticon claws.”

“I figured you would say something like that.” Starscream said. He took up a commanding stance, pointing a finger at the Imperials. “DECEPTICONS, ATTACK!”

“Imperials!” Twilight pointed her hoof. “Annex them into the next century!”

Charging and roaring, letting out battle cries, the Imperials and the Forged charged at each other.

Grimlock, spotting Shockwave, made a straight charge towards at the Decepticon who had once tortured him, all those moons ago on Cybertron. Grimlock rammed into Shockwave like a bull, pinning Shockwave against a nearby wall.

“I’ve been waiting a long time to pay you back for what you did to me.” Grimlock said, drawing his face close to Shockwave’s eye.

“I would be more than happy to discuss your dissatisfactions with your current form …”

Shockwave raised up his cannon-arm and pistol whipped Grimlock, smacking him away by smashing his cannon into Grimlock’s chest, knocking Grimlock on to his hands and knees.

“So that I may improve on them when I once again have you on my operating table. Or perhaps over your non-functioning body.” Shockwave aimed his cannon at Grimlock and charged up a shot. Grimlock rolled over and kicked Shockwave’s legs out from under him, bringing him down to the same level as Grimlock. Grimlock stood up and put his fists together, bringing them on Shockwave’s head, but Shockwave was able to guard against it with his cannon, Grimlock’s fists pressing down on Shockwave’s arm while Shockwave stood up.

Starscream evaded the blasts of an Imperialcon before slashing his claws across its face. The Vehicon rolled, clutching at his wounds, and was unprepared when Starscream grabbed him and tossed him into the wall. Starscream turned around and came face to face with Fractyl, who was quivering.

“Hmm?” Starscream raised his eyebrow. “I know you … Fractyl, isn’t it? One of Thundercracker’s students?”

Fractyl gulped. “Y-yes sir, that’s correct, sir.”

“What are you doing with the Imperials?” Starscream asked.

“Well, they, uh, their philosophy and ideals, I found were appealing to me.” Fractyl said.

“Surely Thundercracker disapproves?” Starscream asked.

“A-actually, Thundercracker also joined. He said he was tired of the fighting and just wanted to go back to his research, and the Imperials offered the best way to do that.”

“What? Really?” Starscream said. “A shame. Skywarp would be so disappointed.” Starscream rubbed his fingers together before looking up at Fractyl. “But it’s not too late for you.”

“N-not too late?” Fractyl asked. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, you can still redeem yourself.” Starscream said. “I can see there’s potential in you, Fractyl. Surely it was meant for betting things than chumming around with Autobots and taking orders from ponies. You’re a scientist, aren’t you? Well, the Autobots will hold you back. They’ll make you follow silly codes and guidelines under the guise of ‘safety,’ but really … it’s just an effort to keep you chained. Join the Decepticons. Join the Forged, and you can experiment to your Spark’s content. You can push your scientific know-how to the limit, to the very boundaries of science. I should know. I was a scientist myself, once.”

Fractyl wasn’t sure how to respond. “I, uh …”

“Think about it, Fractyl.” Starscream. “As an Autobot, you’re expected to earn respect through hard work and labor, but as a Decepticon, you can earn it through force.”

“Respect would be nice …” Fractyl mused, tapping his chin. “But … I can barely muster up enough force to intimidate a turbofox, much less earn respect from other Decepticons.”

“Hey!” Rainbow Dash flew up next to him. “You leave Fractyl alone! If he wants to chum with Autobots and take orders from ponies, that’s his choice, not yours! And we’ll let him do as much science as he wants!”

Fractyl, reassured, clenched his fists.

“And at least with us, he can be who he is really is and wants to be!” Dash said. “Even if who he really is kind of lame!”

“Yeah!” Fractyl said. “Wait, what was that last part?”

“Forget about it, kid.” Dash said.

Starscream pinched the bridge of his nose. “See? That is exactly what I’m talking, letting your self-esteem be determined by how much a pony says you’re worth …” Starscream sighed. “But I suppose I’m not going to be able to change your mind.”

“That’s right.” Fractyl said, crossing his arms.

“Yaaah!” Rainbow Dash shouted and charged, flying at Starscream at speeds exceeding an 100 mile-per-hour acceleration, intending to use the same kamikaze tactic she had used to great effect on Decepticons prior. Something with as much mass as a horse, going the same speed as a cannonball, made an effective projectile.

In most cases. Dash slammed against the front of Starscream’s chestplate, squashing her head in. She popped her head off and chuckled nervously, seeing Starscream look down at her with an annoyed look.

“Funny.” Dash said. “That usually works.”

“Hmm.” Starscream smirked before flicking Dash off with his finger. He turned his attention to back to Fractly, but was distracted by someone tapping his shoulder.

“What?” Starscream snapped, turning to Heavy Load.

“Hey, Screamy.” Heavy Load. “If you want to go take care of that rainbow pony, I got this guy.” Heavy Load brandished his cannon at Fractyl.

Starscream’s eye twitched, unappreciative of the nickname. “Fine. Very well.” Starscream turned to menace Rainbow Dash, only to see her gone from where he had flicked her to. “Where’d she go?”

He got answer in the form of a rainbow blur striking him in the back of his head, inflicting exquisite pain and slight loss of bearings.

“Bull’s-eye.” Rainbow Dash bragged, flying away.

“Alright, Fractyl.” Heavy Load said, stomping towards him. “It’s just you and me now. Think you can put up a better showing than the last time? Seriously, that was pathetic.”

“Well, I, uh, I …” Fractyl thought the conversation Dash and Starscream had. “You know what? I need to quit trusting the opinions of others to determine my own self-worth. To answer your question, Heavy Load ... ” Fractly quit stammering and looked at Heavy Load square in his visor. “Yes.”

Fractyl aimed his arms and fired rockets, striking Heavy Load in the chest with a double hit, exploding the right side of his chest open. Heavy Load groaned, stumbling from the blow.

Fractyl charged at Heavy Load, throwing him against the wall. Fractyl shouted as he slashed Heavy Load with his claws, yelling like a maniac pest as he sliced up Heavy Load’s face and chest. Heavy Load groaned again before taking his cement mixer arm and knocking Fractyl away. Fractly stumbled, and Heavy Load advanced on him, but Fractyl whipped around and slashed his claw upwards through Heavy Load’s chest and deep into his face, making Heavy Load howl in pain.

Twilight Sparkle evaded laser blasts, dodging and weaving her way through the fire as she tried to determine a good target for her to focus on. Starscream was busy with Rainbow Dash, Grimlock was taking on Shockwave, and all the other Forged were pretty much doomed to fall against Predaking.

An explosion occurred next to her, the blast sending her down the hallway while she shouted in alarm. “Aaah!”

After she landed, Twilight pushed herself up and looked around. “Oh, hey!” The blast had deposited right in front of Trypticon’s main computer, where she knew the Decepticons’ data was stored.

Jetting up to the keyboard, Twilight plugged in an appropriate drive and began pushing buttons with her magic, using her telekinesis to take control of the keyboard.

“Come on, come on …” Twilight muttered as she was able to bring the computer back online and pull up the Database. She glanced to the side when another explosion came from the fighting down the hall.

In a few moments, the computer beeped, letting Twilight know the data transfer was complete.

“Yes!” Twilight took the drive out of the computer. She glanced at the fight. “Hmm … well, since we don’t need this anymore …”

Twilight used her magic to pry the keyboard open, lifting the metal up and peeling it back. The metal groaned as it was manipulated. Twilight reached in and fiddled with the wires underneath before placing something inside. She pulled the keyboard plate back down and hopped off.

“Imperials!” Twilight shouted. “We have what we came here for! We can leave!” Twilight pressed in a few buttons on her armor, sending a message to alert her operators at the base they were ready for a GroundBridge back.

The GroundBridge opened. Twilight and the others headed towards it, with Magnum slugging Starscream on the way so Rainbow Dash was free to join them.

“Grimlock, come on!” Magnum shouted, stopping when he saw Grimlock was still tussling with Shockwave.

“Not until I’ve ripped off his head!” Grimlock shouted. Predaking came up behind him and lifted him up by the shoulders. “Hey!”

“We’ve been given an order to retreat.” Predaking said before dragging Grimlock away, bringing him into the Bridge against his wall.

The Bridge closed, and Starscream smiled.

“Well …” Starscream said. “I don’t know what made them leave … they must have gotten the data they were looking for … but now, we have the run of the place to ourselves!” Starscream gestured grandly to the halls.

Shockwave looked around, as did Starscream.

“What’s that beeping?” Starscream asked, picking something. It grew in frequency and pitch, becoming louder and higher.

“The Imperials rigged something to blow! Retreat!” Starscream ordered, making the Forged fall back moments before the primary computer was consumed from inside by a giant fireball.

“I noticed you rigged the console to explode.” Magnum said to Twilight as they walked out of the Bridge. “Think that took care of them?”

“Not likely.” Twilight answered. “I didn’t have enough time or resources to set up a big explosion, and Starscream has survived much worse than just an I.E.D ...” Twilight held up the drive. “Now, let’s figure out where these Artifacts are.”

“Commander …” Magnum said, walking with Twilight as she went to a computer to plug the drive in. “If I may ask, why the sudden interest in the Primes? They weren’t on your agenda previously.”

“The Primes told me to do it.”

“The Primes … told you to do it.” Magnum said with disbelief.

Twilight looked at him with a deadly serious expression.

“For the sake of my safety, I will act as though I believe you.”

“You’d better.” Twilight said. “Now, where is it?” She sifted through the data, decoding the Cybertronian coding until it was translated into something she could read. Unlocking the files produced an image of a large, intricate sword, which appeared to have two blades twisting together before fusing into one and meeting at the sword’s tip.

“The Star Saber.” Twilight said. “The Artifact of … Prima? Just - Prima? Wow. I mean, I knew Cybertronian names weren’t alway the most inventive, but Prima?”

“Said Twilight Sparkle.” Magnum said.

“Noted.” Twilight said. “It says here that the Star Saber …” Twilight fell silent.

“I’ve heard stories about it.” Magnum said. “About its power.”

Twilight gulped. “It says the Star Saber, at full power, can destroy stars and reduce planets into the rocks and dust they were made from. Well, that’s not something we want the Decepticons getting their hands on. Huh.”


“It also says the Star Saber hasn’t been at its full power for eons.” Twilight said. “So maybe not quite as a big a threat as it was. But still.” Twilight continued to read the screen. “According to this, only the hand of a Prime can lift the Star Saber once it becomes lodged into a resting place and … that can’t be right.”

“What can’t be right?”

“It says that the Star Saber landed on Equestria. In the Crystal Empire.” Twilight said. “And if it’s true that only a Prime can lift it, we’re gonna need some help … we need to get Nova Prime.”

“Uh.” Rainbow Dash flew up. “You realize that will involve going to Cybertron, right? The political hot mess right now? And that’s assuming we can find him.”

“Nova Prime is a public figure.” Twilight said. “He should be making himself available to the public, shouldn’t he?”

“Okay, sure. But even assuming we can find him, why would he help us? We’re terrorists, remember?” Rainbow Dash said. “I doubt someone as respected as Nova is going to risk his rep to help us out.”

“I would be more than happy to help you!” Nova Prime exclaimed once the Imperials had found him and explained what they needed.

“Wha-really?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Just like that?” Twilight gave Dash a smug look from behind her helmet.

“Of course.” Nova Prime said. “Oh, you may be terrorists, renegades of the law, pariahs, even … but the chance to recover the Artifacts of the Primes … the treasures of my predecessors … the relics of our Cybertronian ancestors … oh!” Nova Prime sighed and swooned. “It’s a chance to die for! A dream come true! Any bot who would turn away from helping accomplish something as monumental as this would be a fool!”

“Glad to hear you’re in.” The War Princess said.

Nova clapped his hands together. “So, where do we go first?”

The Imperials, with Nova Prime in their company, traveled to the Crystal Empire, to where the Database said the Star Saber was buried.

Making their way some miles north of where Bludgeon had tried to revive Thunderwing, they came upon a glacier. The snow was unusually heavy in the area, harsh, blizzarding winds biting at them, gnawing their ankles and chests.

“Are we getting close, War Princess?” Nova Prime shouted over the howling wind, holding an arm up to shield his optics. “I’m not sure my systems can stand much more of this cold!”

“It should be somewhere nearby.” The War Princess aid, holding up a device. “Somewhere over … there!” The War Princess pointed.

True to the Database’s word, a thin, golden handle was sticking out from the ice.

“Finally.” Nova muttered. “After all this time … I’ll be able to clean Cybertron and make it whole again.”

Nova Prime reached out and grabbed the handle. It glowed in response to his touch, shimmering a brilliant golden light. As Nova pulled the sword free of the ice, the glow continued, a massive blade emerging from the ice, matching the picture the Database had shown Twilight.

“Excellent!” Nova Prime said, holding the sword up high with both his hands. The winds seemed to ease up and calm down, almost as if they had been masking the sword. “I, Nova Prime, claim this blade in the name of Cybertron!”

“Whoa, whoa.” Rainbow Dash said. “What makes you think you can just have it? We didn’t say we were finding for you, we just needed your help to find it.”

“My apologies, Rainbow Dash.” Nova lowered the blade. “I had merely assumed, being a Prime, that none of you would raise objections to me staking my claim of the sword. Still, it seems it would be best kept with me for safekeeping. After all, none in your ranks are Primes, and I doubt that warriors among you strong enough to lift the sword. And even if they could, it wouldn’t be more than just a large sword to them, something I’m sure you have plenty of. Unless you happen to have the disembodied arm of a Prime lying around?”

“He’s right, Rainbow Dash.” The War Princess said. “We should let him have it. The Decepticons have made a lot of bold moves, but none of them have even thought about attacking Nova. It’s safer with him.”

“What’s this?” Nova asked as the sword began to ping and beep. It glowed, before projecting an image of a rotating sphere, with a location marked on it.

“I think … I think it’s trying to tell us where the location of the next Artifact is.” The War Princess said. “I wasn’t expecting Megatronus to be quite so … literal.” The War Princess inspected the projection. “That looks like a location on Earth.”

“Very well then,” Nova Prime said. He raised the sword up. “To Earth!”

Making their way to the location on Earth, they had no trouble finding the Artifact’s location out on a grassy prairie. Which Twilight took as a bad sign. If they were going to have good luck now, they were bound to have bad luck later.

“Where is it?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I believe it is underground.” Nova Prime said.

“Well, start digging.” The War Princess ordered.

They dug around, displacing mounds upon mounds of dirt before one of them made a ding.

“I found something!” The Vehicon excavator waved. He dug around and eventually was able to pull the Artifact out.

It appeared to be a relative to the Matrix of Leadership, having a similar shape and design. A black sphere with a red gem in the center, with two triangular blades jutting out from its top and bottom sides.

“What is it?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“I recognize this.” Nova Prime said. “It is the Enigma of Combination. It’s said to be able to gift any Cybertronian with the ability to combine with others.”

“I thought combination was a Decepticon-driven war experiment?” The War Princess asked.

“Perhaps in the modern day, but in the times of the Primes, it was something more. Something … sweeter … something purer.” Nova said.

“Why isn’t it telling us where the next Artifact is?” Rainbow Dash asked. “The Saber told us as soon as Nova picked it up.”

“Hmm. Perhaps I need to pick this one as well?” Nova reached down and lifted the Enigma from the ground. “No. Nothing.” Nova glanced to his back, where the Star Saber was mounted. “I have an idea.”

Nova set the Enigma down on the ground. He pulled out the Star Saber and aimed it at the Enigma. Taking care not to press too hard, he touched the tip of the Saber to the Enigma. The Enigma reacted, activating, the red gem glowing in its core. It produced a projection of a screen in red. Unlike the Saber’s projection, which was smooth and steady, the Enigma’s was blinky and wavering, like it was running off corrupted data.

“There.” Nova said. “There is where we will find the next Artifact.”

The War Princess drew up the screen, cupping her chin as she examined it. “I think … it looks like … hmm … a location in space, maybe?”

“Okay.” Dash said. “So at least we’re not just bouncing back and forth from planet to planet.”

“Shush, Rainbow Dash.”

The Imperials and Nova made their way into a stolen dropship and set off for the location in space.

The ship cruised along at a steady space, going along for a smooth ride.

“You know, it’s kind of amazing the Decepticons or somebody hasn’t attacked us once.” Rainbow Dash thought to herself.

“I told you the Decepticons weren’t going to attack Nova.” Twilight whispered to her.

Nova Prime gave a shudder.

“Is something wrong, Your Eminence?” Arcee asked.

“No, nothing, I just thought I … felt something.” Nova said.

“Hey …” Dash nudged Twilight’s shoulder. “You’re a scientist, Twilight. Is that normal?” Dash pointed at the viewscreen of the ship, where up ahead of them was a distorted portion of space - a purple swirling mass surrounding an inky blackness. “Like, is that a normal black hole or something?”

“No, Rainbow Dash, I can assure that is not a normal black hole or anything else, for that matter.” Twilight said. She leaned over the console. “And it seems to be pulling us in!”

“I’ll try and turn her around.” Bulkhead attempted to bank a hard right, but the ship wouldn’t budge. “Uh-oh.”

The swirling mass sucked the ship inside. Their senses took leave of them; all they see was darkness. All they could hear was silence. Until the veil lifted, and they found themselves standing on what appeared to be a massive asteroid, unharmed themselves, but with their dropship nowhere to be seen.

“Where are we?” Fluttershy asked.

“That is an excellent question.” Nova Prime said, looking around.

“Look.” Rarity nudged Twilight and pointed ahead of them. Twilight gasped at what she saw. Further up ahead of what could generously be called ‘the road,’ were the ruins of a once great court, with destroyed walls, cracked panels, and a huge throne with massive cracks going down its shattered back, all of them a dull, faded green color, like oxidized copper.

And sitting on the throne was Megatronus.

Megatronus took notice of them and stood up. “Who dares to invade on the exiled realm of Megatronus?” He aimed his arm-cannons at them.

The Imperials and Nove walked up to them cautiously.

“It’s us, Megatronus.” Twilight said. “We’re seeking to recover the Artifacts of the Primes … like you-”

Megatronus held up his hand, and Twilight’s voice was muted. She couldn’t speak. She banged at her throat, trying to fix it.

“One must … keep up appearances, mustn’t they?” Megatronus said, walking towards them. He spared a glance at Nova Prime before turning his attention to the rest of them. “Here in this pocket realm, I have complete control. Now, I ask you again. Why do you intrude on my exile?”

“O Grand Megatronus.” Nova Prime bowed. “We seek the Artifacts of the Primes, to reunite the fractured people of Cybertron under one flag. It would be most beneficial to our cause if we could present the Artifacts, as proof of our worthiness to lead. We have recovered two already, and they have pointed to us. We were hoping you could lead us to the next.”

“Hmm.” Megatronus huffed. “A reasonable assumption, if it was the relics which brought you here. My Artifact is the Requiem Blaster. A weapon so massive and destructive, only the original Primes in our true heights could wield properly, and few things can survive it’s star-powered blast.”

Megatronus smirked. “Unfortunately … I lost track of it some time ago. I have no idea where it is. You will have to find it yourselves.”

“I … see.” Nova Prime said, and Fluttershy could see he was holding back frustration. “Thank you … Megatronus. We will take our leave of you.”

Nova Prime bowed once more, but he noticed Megatronus leering at him. “Is … something the matter?”

“No.” Megatronus said. “Nothing at all.”

“Hmm.” Nova didn’t sound entirely convinced, but did not pursue the issue.

“Megatronus?” Fluttershy asked. “Before we go, could I ask you a question? You said you were in exile. Um, for what, exactly?”

Megatronus was quiet. “For killing of my own. I always had a temper. One day, during a dispute, I lost control of myself. In a fit of rage, I opened fire on my fellow Prime, Solus Prime. I killed her. I loved her. I loved her and I killed her. For that reason … for that treachery, I put myself into exile, for that is the only punishment I could stand to give myself. That is why I walk the stars alone. I … I cannot bring myself to join her. I tried, of course, but … I fear she won’t forgive me for what I did.”

Megatronus shook his head.

“I’ve told you too much already. Take what I told you about the Requiem Blaster and go, and make sure certain hands are kept from it. Hands which are closer to it than you realize.”

Megatronus aimed his weapon at them. Purple energy swirled at the barrel before he fired. The ponies were assaulted by a barrage of dark colors swimming in their vision, waving around in a psychedelic manner. It was a trip.

When the sensory confusion had stopped, they were back on their ship, in the place they were before, with no sign of the entrance to Megatronus’ ruined court.

“Huh.” Twilight reflected to herself. “O-kay. That was weird. Maybe he’ll explain in the next dream we have …” She cupped her chin. “Now … how to find this Requiem Blaster …”

In further depths of space, the pirate ship of the Star Seekers, the Tidal Wave, moved, trawling through space, going slowly, but inexorably towards its goal of finding the Cybertronians again.

On the ship’s bridge, one of several screens began beeping.

“Receiving a transmission, Captain.” Brimstone reported.

“It is Cybertronian in origin?” Thundertron asked, raising a brow.


“Put it through.”

Brimstone pushed a button, and a trio of skull-faced, bizarre aliens appeared on the screen, tentacles writhing down from its lightbulb-shaped body.

“Greetings.” The squidhead said in a droning voice.

Thundertron stood from his seat, getting right down to brass tacks. “Who are you? What do you want?”

“Where are my manners? We are representative of the Quintessons. You may have heard of us.”

“Yes. Galactic conquerors, I believe, until a few thousand years ago, where the …” Thundertron’s eye twitched, and his mouth scowled. “Cybertronians ousted you from your planet, and routed you up.”

“Yes.” The Quintesson said. “I believe we have shared interests.”

“And what shared interests would that be?”

“The desire to the Cybertronian species … wiped out.”

Thundertron did a thoughtful nod of his head. “You have my attention.”

“We are willing to pay you handsomely for your services.” A Quintesson said. “We know of a place, a hub planet if you will, where you can go and gather followers … find like-minded individuals, and recruit them to your cause.”

“Our cause.” Thundertron said. “And you would hardly need to pay me to eliminate the Cybertronians … although ship maintenance doesn’t pay for itself.”

The Quintessons chuckled. “No. But there is one more thing. We have something for you to use.”

The Quintessons moved from the screen, showing an enormous laser cannon. A huge weapon made of black steel, red lines glowing through it, a massive opening for its barrel. It was set off in the distance so Thundertron could see all of it, and it was so large it could have qualified as a starship in of itself.

“What ... is that?” Thundertron asked, clearly impressed.

“It is called the Requiem Blaster.” The Quintesson answered. “It is a weapon of enormous destructive potential and power. It is said to ravage planets, and that no being can survive a direct hit from it. Mount this to your ship and aim it a planet’s surface. With it, you will have no trouble eliminating the Cybertronians. And we know of a place where several Cybertronians gather … a planet called ‘Earth’ …’”

Snowy winds blew and tossed around, Bludgeon stood there in the snow, waiting for his guest. The frigid winds didn’t bother him. If one were to ask him why, he would say a true warrior was indifferent to the temperature. His Mayhem cohorts shivering behind him might not agree.

Starscream flew in from the stratosphere, converting into robot mode and doing a three-point landing in front of Bludgeon. He rose up and approached.

“So, Bludgeon … have you had time to consider my offer?” Starscream asked.

“Yes.” Bludgeon said. “Now, let’s get one thing clear, Starscream. I don’t like you, and I trust you as far as I can throw you.”

“Oh, I don’t know. An experienced martial artists like yourself might be able to throw me pretty far.”

“Flattery will get you nowhere with me. However, what you lack in trustworthiness, you make up for in being a good supervisor and operations manager, and adding your troops to my own would make a considerable force. So I have determined that the benefits of allying with your Forged would outweigh the detriments.”

“Excellent.” Starscream offered his hand for them to shake on it. “Although .. if I may ask … what is that shining on your chest?”

“This? This is the Dark Spark. It grants me godlike power and the ability to manipulate Dark Energon.”

Bludgeon demonstrated the Dark Spark’s power by shooting a purple-tinged lighting bolt into a mountain in the distance, causing a rockslide.

“Impressive.” Starscream said, watching as the rocks and ice fell. He turned to Bludgeon, crossing his hands behind his back. “However, there is one matter that we need to address … a gift of goodwill from you, if you will.”

“Oh? And what would that be?”

“The operations of The Forged have been stymied by our inability to acquire a ship.” Starscream said. “We’ve tried to salvage Trypticon from out of the drink, but both our efforts have ended in failure. It would be of great help if you could provide one for us.”

Bludgeon raised his brow, amused and confident.

“You want a ship? I can get you a ship.”

In a small room, General Witwicky groaned. He opened his eyes. He gasped, feeling his arm and legs. Something felt different. Something felt wrong.

He raised his head up and lifted his hand. He was horrified to discover his hand was now a robotic prosthetic limb. Sitting up, he saw the same had been done to his leg.

“Hey.” Shining Armor greeted him, sitting by Witwicky’s bedside.

“Hey? I wake up on a strange bed with my arm and leg replaced by robot versions and all you have to say to me is ‘hey’?”

“Yeah. Maybe not the best choice of words …” Shining Armor said. “How are you feeling?”

“How do you think I’m feeling?” Witwicky snapped before lying back on the bed, bringing the robot hand over his face. He gazed at Shining Armor. “What happened?”

“The Decepticon Justice Division.” Shining Armor answered. “The Imperials called us over to try and arrest them, and … they weren’t quite as subdued as we thought. They fired at the jeep you and I were riding in. I managed to jump out in time, but you were engulfed in the blast. I pulled you out and called a retreat. We don’t know the Division has been since. I brought you to Attinger, who brought you here. The doctors couldn’t heal you fully, so they did what they could and gave you the robot limbs.” Shining Armor smiled. “Pretty neat, huh?”

“No.” Witwicky said. “No, it is not neat! It’s disgusting! It’s unnatural! It - it - it makes me into one of them.” Witwicky hissed.

“You mean the Cybertronians?” Shining Armor glanced at the ground. “This is gonna sound crazy, but … I know what you mean, and I agree.”

“You do?”

“Yeah.” Shining Armor said. “The Imperials … they’re fighting for the right of Cybertronians - of all aliens - to travel freely between planets involved in our little … galactic council, for lack of a better word. But honestly ...”

Shining Armor stood up and walked towards the door.

“I think it would be a lot better if the intergalactic travel of non-native species between planets was regulated and monitored. Maybe then it would keep those machines from messing with my family.”

Witwicky grinned. “You know what, Shining Armor? I had some misgivings about you at first … but you’re okay in my book.”

Shining smiled before leaving the room, closing the door.

Witwicky observed his robot hand, twisting the wrist. Flexing its fingers. It all moved smoothly and like a human’s hand, but it all felt wrong and unnatural. It was cold and metallic. It did these movements because he willed them to. It wasn’t being able to feel his skin stretch, his tendons and muscles tense up and relax …

The door creaked open, and Doctor Morocco stepped in. After a quick glance out the door to ensure Shining Armor had departed, he closed the door and walked up to Witwicky’s bedside.

“What do you want?” Witwicky snapped.

“I couldn’t help overhearing your conversation with our unicorn friend over there.” Morocco said.

“Yeah? And?”

“My good sir, I think you’re looking at it all wrong.” Morocco said. “Your new robotic limbs are a disfigurement. No. Instead of looking at yourself and your limbs and seeing disgust ...” Morocco reached over and grabbed Witwicky’s robot hand, holding it up. “You should see what I see, and realize they present … opportunity.”

Witwicky was intrigued. “What do you have in mind?”

“Oh, nothing much, just a few … upgrades.” Morocco smiled. It wasn’t a traditional smile. It was more akin to seeing the teeth on a cat before it bit down.

Shining Armor walked out of the building section of facility, closing the double doors behind him. Traversing on the rocks, he walked over to the range where Attinger and Gould were, Gould with a remote in his hands.

“Ah, Shining Armor. Good of you to join us.” Attinger said. “Care to watch the test?”

“Test?” Shining Armor asked.

“Yes, the weapons test.” Gould said, thrusting the remote in the direction of the Stinger drones below. “We’re going to be testing the Stinger drones today.”

“I thought you already had a functioning Stinger?”

Gould chuckled. “Well, we have a functioning living Stinger.” Gould said. “But we haven’t fully tested the drones yet. The plan is for there to be living Stingers, captains if you will, who can react to situations, and non-living Stingers, who take orders from the living ones … or whoever happens to buy them.” Gould chuckled. Shining Armor was a bit unnerved by how clear a distinction Gould drew between living and non-living Stingers. As far as Shining understood, wasn’t the difference just a few lines of code in the ‘prime’ Stinger’s module?

“You ready down there, Stinger?” Gould shouted into the valley below, where Stinger stood in front of a row of multi-colored Stinger drones.

Stinger hesitated before giving a thumbs-up. “Yeah, I’m ready.”

“Good!” Gould said. “Commence firing in three … two … one …”


A payload of bombs dropped into the valley, raining destruction everywhere they land, creating rock slides and rock piles from the damage. A navy-blue jet flew overhead, chanting something in a foreign language.

Stinger tensed up, deploying a missile from his arm to shatter the boulders into more manageable pieces. “Is this part of the test? No one told me this was part of the test!”

“No, soldier.” Attinger said, pulling out a handgun and taking the safety off. “I’m afraid this just became a live exercise.”

Attinger aimed up and shot at the jet. His bullets, when they were lucky enough to even hit, pinged off the jet uselessly.

“Go for the fuel tank!” Gould shouted.

“Yeah! Don’t you usually go for the fuel tank in these situations?” Shining Armor added.

“What do you two think this is, a movie?” Attinger asked.

“Well, excuse me if I’m not quite clear on how you’re going to take out a fully-armored jet with a peashooter!” Gould snapped.

Attinger ignored Gould’s sarcasm, focusing on the jet. “It’s coming back for another pass.”

The jet rose up, its engines humming, before diving down and making a beeline straight for Attinger.

“I’ve got it!” Stinger shouted, crawling up out of the valley. He ran towards the jet before making an impressive leap, grabbing on to the jet’s thrusters. He hanged off it the edge, bouncing as the jet tried to shake him off, before crawling onto the jet’s back. “Bullseye! Huh?”

The jet began to break apart, panels coming loose. The thrusters lifted up and folded into the bottom half of the jet. It was transforming, and it converted into a wicked-looking, Decepticon-esque robot with twin blasters in both arms, wings hanging off its back, and turbines in its shoulders.

It grappled with Stinger in mid-air, going into freefall. Shouting another sentence in its foreign language, it fired its arm-blaster into Stinger’s chest before popping him one in the head, sparks, gears and sprockets flying out of Stinger’s body. Stinger fell limp with a groan.

“Is that Cybertronian?” Gould asked. “Is that thing speaking Cybertronian? Is that what it is?”

“No.” Attinger said. “That’s not Cybertronian … that’s Chinese.”

“Mandarin, to be exact.”

The invader lifted Stinger up and threw him to the ground, where Stinger tried to push himself up, but lost the strength and collapsed.

The invader looked square at Attinger’s company with its red eyes and said one more thing before converting into its jet mode and flying away.

“Attinger, you said it spoke Chinese.” Shining Armor said. “What all did it say?”

“‘Death to the defilers’ when it passed by … ‘Die’ … when it shot out friend Stinger, of course. And it left with ‘Now you see … we are a force to be reckoned with.’ Now, Gould.” Attinger took off his sunglasses. “Would you like to tell me how the Chinese got their hands on your Cybertronian imitation technology?”

“I would like to tell you, Attinger. I would. I would like to tell you. I would LOVE to tell you. Nothing would make me happier than to tell you. Except, here’s the thing, nothing really … just one tiny detail … I DON’T KNOW!”

“Then …” Attinger said. “We have a problem. A leak. A mole. Something.”

An American woman, a blonde, walked on her high heels through the bridge of a Chinese factory. The sounds of whirring, pumping machinery were loud, and the smoke and smog coming from the machines fogged up her glasses.

There was a Chinese man, a Defense Ministry official, wearing a nice blue suit, waiting for her. He looked off into the distance and said in Chinese.

“I am one with the world. I am a being. I am alive. I feel and sense my chi, and the chi of all those around me.”

He turned to the woman as she walked up to him. “Was the test successful?”

The woman nodded. “It was. Very successful, I might add.”

The official nodded. “Good. And what of you? Aren’t there dangers to your health and safety if you are found out? If your superiors realize what you did?”

“Oh, psshaw.” The woman scoffed, waving her hand. “Let me be concerned about that. I know what I did. And I know what the consequences will be if - when I’m found out. But that’s a price I’m willing to pay. A punishment I can accept. And besides … it won’t change the fact that I’ve already done it. What’s done is done. Knowing this will pay off … it will be worth it. How it’s coming along?”

“I am glad to see you’ve already made peace with your inevitable fate.” The official said. “So few do these days. It’s coming along quite well, thank you.”

The official turned to the bridge and repeated his earlier words.

In front of him, a row of Cybertronian-matching robots repeated the words again, putting their hands in front of them to focus, all of them speaking in Chinese.

“I am one with the world. I am a being. I am alive. I feel and sense my chi, and the chi of all those around me.”

At the facility, Shining Armor and Gould sat down and shared a drink of coffee, trying to wrap their heads around how the foreign powers were able to successfully crack the code and hack together their own reverse-engineered Cybertronian.
“It doesn’t make any sense.” Shining Armor said. “Where did they get the technology? Who would have not only had the access to deliver, but would have wanted to give to them in the first place?”

“Shining Armor?” Attinger asked, sticking his head out a door. “Come here, please.”

Shining Armor was puzzled, but complied, taking another sip of his mug before joining Attinger in the room.

“What do you need, Attin - Mister President, sir!” Shining Armor saluted upon seeing Galloway in the room.

“At ease.” Galloway said. “Got a job for you, son.”

“A job?”

“Yes. A mission, to be more precise.” Galloway explained. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a device, clicking it on to produce a projection. It showed a massive object moving around the Earth’s moon.

“What … is that?” Shining Armor asked.

“Don’t know.” Galloway said. “We detected it on our satellites earlier this morning. We suspect it may be some sort of starship, but obviously not Cybertronian in origin. This presents a problem. We’ve already got our hands full managing the Cybertronian and Equestrian situation we have now. We can’t be dealing with another set of participants already.”

“Well, you know, unless maybe they’re trying to pull a Genghis Khan and have us unite against them.” Shining Armor said.

Attinger and Galloway gave him funny looks.

“Moving on.” Galloway said. “This ship pulled up to Earth’s atmosphere, hung around for a bit, then left again. I don’t like it. You know what tells me? That tells me they’re scouting. And you know what them scouting tells me?”

“That they’re planning for attack?” Shining Armor said.

“Bingo.” Galloway said. “We’ve managed to track it down to another planet. We think it must have Transwarp capabilities. I want you to get on a dropship, fly on up there to that planet, and figure out what is they’re up to.”

“Wha- me?” Shining Armor stuttered. “Go into space? Surely you must have better choices! Besides, don’t I need to stay here and help with the investigation into who acquired Gould’s tech?”

“We’re dealing with that. I have my men on it.” Attinger said.

“What do you say, Captain?” Galloway said. “It would help show that Equestria does have Earth’s best interests in mind.”

Shining Armor looked at the ground. “Just one question.”


“Can I bring Cadence? She’s good to have around in a fight.”

“Um …” Galloway stuttered. Attinger nodded at him. “Sure.”

Shining Armor, lightened up, saluted. “I won’t let you down, sir.” Shining Armor left the room.

“Let’s hope not.” Galloway mumbled.

“Gotta hand it to the humans.” The pilot said as he flicked a switch. “Didn’t expect to get a good enough grasp of cybertech to track a ship to a planet not native to their solar system in only three years. Now, listen, you two … the planet you’re going to is called Sandokan.”


“It has a planetwide reputation for being a meeting place of the worst kind of scum. Murderers, guns for hire, interrogators … tax evaders … tax officers … assume everyone you meet has some dirty business they’re either there to deal with, or are trying to avoid. And if you meet a white being with a horse-shaped head … ”

“Yes?” Shining Armor asked, interested in the idea of other equinoid lifeforms out in the universe. Perhaps he could get to know one.

“Do not talk to them. That is a Scarran. They can shoot fire out of their hands. Very nasty, and will take issue if you much as make eye contact.” The pilot flipped another switch. “Making touchdown.”

The dropship entered the planet’s surface and landed smoothly. Shining Armor and Cadence departed from the ship, the pilot waving them off.

They made their way around until they came across what seemed to be a massive bar.

“Think we’ll find anything in there?” Cadence asked.

“Couldn’t hurt to look … could it?” Shining Armor replied.

They went inside. The first thing which struck was the sheer variety of other creatures there. Both big and small, fat and lean, animal-like, like themselves, or very alien. Some of them were even robotic, though clearly not Cybertronian, with the bar table curved to serve any and all of them.

“Let’s see if we can find something.” Shining Armor said. The two of them made their way around the bar. They tiptoed around, trying not to be notice lest they start a fight.

“Did you hear?” A shrill voice said. “Some guy is holding a rally out back.”

“A rally?” Another patron asked.

“Yeah. Says anyone who hates Cybertronians is welcome to join.”

“Really? Well, maybe I ought take a gander …”

“Hates Cybertronians?” Cadence said. “Does that sound like something we’d be interested in?”

“I … yes, it does.” Shining Armor said. “There are a lot of Cybertronians on Earth nowadays.”

“Let’s go.”

Shining Armor and Cadence followed the bar patron out the door and around to the back of the establishment. There, they found a huge crowd gathering around a stage, where a robot stood to speak.

“Look.” Cadence pointed to behind the stage, where a ship was parked. “Isn’t that the ship we’re following?”

“Yeah. I think it is.” Shining Armor focused his attention on the crowd. “And I’ll bet you the guy on the stage is in charge of it.”

“Might as well listen.” Cadence said. “See what he wants.”

“Friends, acquaintances, robbers, lend me your ears!” Thundertron shouted from the stage. “Listen well. Are you tired of the Cybertronians? Did you resent their species, their heritage? Do you resent their war for spilling over onto your planet and causing who knows how much untold damage?”

“Yeah!” The crowd cheered.

“Are you mad at them for their arrogance, their stubbornness, their - their callous disregard for life?” Thundertron went on, walking around the stage. “The way they act like organic lives mean less?”

“Hey.” Cadence whispered. “The Autobots don’t do that, do they?”

Shining Armor didn’t answer her, finding himself nodding with Thundertron’s every word.

“The way they take no responsibly for their actions? They just show up, fight out their war until the planet is ruined, and then move to the next place like parasites?”

“Yeah!” The crowd cheered again.

“Who here among you has not had something about themselves sullied by the Cybertronians’ trampling it underfoot?”

On this, the crowd turned silent.

“Hmph. A little shy, are we?” Thundertron said. “A little afraid to tell your personal stories? Your scars? That’s okay. It can be a bit scary to share personal details with someone you’ve never met. Why don’t I start?”

“No. I’ll start.”

The crowd parted ways, allowing all of them to get a good look at Shining Armor, who had his hoof raised.

“Shining.” Cadence asked through gritted teeth. “What are you doing?”

Shining Armor turned to Cadence with a serious expression on his face. “I’m sorry, Cadence. But this is something I have to do.”

Shining Armor marched up to the stage. He tried to hop up, but was unable. Thundertron reached down and pulled him up. The Star Seeker adjusted Shining Armor, holding him high up in his palm for the crowd to see.

“So, tiny hooved one, what’s your story?”

“I, um, well, uh …” Shining Armor broke into a sweat.

“Oh, come now. Don’t succumb to stage fright! Speak, friend. You’re amongst like-minded company!”

Shining Armor looked at Thundertron, then cleared his throat. “Hello, everyone. Uh, my name is Shining Armor. I’m … Captain of the Royal Guard in Equestria. It’s, um, it’s a planet that’s a far, far away from Cybertron. You’re better off getting to by Space Bridge or something. Um … and I … I ” Shining Armor turned his head aside and rubbed his neck.

“Yes. Go on. Speak, friend.” Thundertron said.

“I hate the Cybertronians.” Shining Armor stomped his foot. Thundertron didn’t seem to mind. “I think they’re responsible for every bad thing in my life right now. Indirectly or directly, one way or another, they caused it. It started when they invaded my planet three years ago, and it just got worse from there.”

“Shining, no.” Cadence whimpered, putting her hooves to mouth in shame.

“They … they changed my sister.” Shining Armor said. “They turned her into an undead. They turned me into an undead, and I hate it. I hate being an undead. I can’t eat normally. I can feel things the way I used to feel them. I’m using a spell right now to make myself look normal - which my sister came up with, not to brag.”

Shining Armor’s horn flashed, and the illusion faded, allowing the crowd to gasp in shock at the Dark Energon running over his body.

“They turned my sister and her friends … my sweet, innocent sister … into soldiers. Into … war maniacs. Into … potty mouths.”

The crowd chuckled.

“I became a soldier …” Shining Armor said. “To protect my little sister. To keep her safe from harm. To fight the bad guys so she wouldn’t ever have to worry about them, and she could play safe at home. You know, maybe find a nice mate, start a family … but she went out into space … because that’s what our leader needed her to do ...” Shining Armor’s voice broke. Tears welled up in his eyes. “And she didn’t come back. Instead, this thing, this zombie, this soldier who you can tell from a glance has been through hell and back, almost literally, did.”

Shining Armor sniffed, wiping a tear away.

“I don’t blame Celestia. She didn’t know what she was getting my sister into. But the Autobots, and their war, took my Twiley away from me.” Shining Armor said. “They sent her into war, not me. And for that … I can never forgive them.”

The crowd was silent, moved by Shining Armor’s speech.

“You have a place in the Star Seekers, Shining Armor.” Thundertron said. “Anyone else?”

“I had a son.” A boar-faced alien said. “When the Cybertronians came to our planet, with their war, my son wanted to go help the Autobots fight the Decepticons. I didn’t want him to go, but he insisted. Optimus Prime promised me he’d bring him back alive. Instead, he carried my son to me, the blast wound in his chest still smoking.”

“A firefight between a Wrecker and a Decepticon blew my arm off.” A one-armed alien said.

“The Decepticons planted Energon deposits near my farm. Could barely grow enough to feed my family for years.”

Other stories of similar losses and occurrences were shared from many, many in the crowd.

“The Cybertronians have robbed you of your homes, your livelihoods, your limbs, your sons!” Thundertron said, raising a fist in the air, being careful not to drop Shining Armor. “Are we going to let this continue?”


“That’s right! They say they’ve ended their war, but are we going to let them get off with no comeuppance, no recompensation? No. I say we take an eye for an eye … and rob a few things from them!”


“Join me, my fellow victims, and together … we will make the Cybertronians pay for every debt they owe us, down to the nearest cent! To the nearest drop of blood which will be spilled in kind!”

The crowd cheered and clamoured and thundered its approval.

Shining Armor looked down at Cadence, whose face was frozen in a look of shock and horror.

“Shining … how could you support this?”

“I’m sorry, Cadence.”

“WAIT!” A dissenter in the crowd shouted. “I’ve got no love for the Cybertronians myself, but how are you going to pull that off? After a few thousand years of warfare, I’d say they’d gotten pretty good at it!”

“Ah. Allow me to answer that, my friend.” Thundertron reached and pulled down a curtain, showing the Requiem Blaster mounted to the underside of his ship. “Behold, the Requiem Blaster! With all the power of a star going supernova, with this weapon, this doomsday device, we will scour the universe clean of Cybertronians! We will cleanse planets of their Cybertronian infestations. We will cure them of the disease, the affliction, that is the Cybertronian species!”

The crowd clamoured and roared its approval, backing Thundertron one-hundred-percent of the way.
Meanwhile, Cadence turned away and returned to the dropship … alone, while dripping tears from her eyes.

“Back by yourself?” The pilot asked. “What happened to Shining Armor?”

“He’s not coming.” Cadence said. “Take us back.”

“Understood.” The pilot set about activating the ship. “And, hey … whatever happened, I’m sorry.”

“Thank you,” Cadence said. She flew up into the pilot’s lap and rested her head on his leg. “If you don’t mind … I’d like a shoulder … or a thigh to cry on right now.” Cadence sobbed into his shin armor.

The pilot’s first instinct was to remove her so he could focus on his job, but he resisted the impulse. He wasn’t a Decepticon anymore. This was the kind of thinking he’d been trying to distance himself from when he signed on for Galloway’s program.

“Take all the time you need,” he told her.

In Hydia’s homeland, there stood a high castle, built upon the peak of a mountain. Snowy, chilly winds whipped around the brick, ice settling between the snow.

The huge double doors of the castle were opened by magic, and Hydia stepped through.

“Welcome to my humble abode, Starlight Glimmer,” Hydia said. “These are my daughters, Reeka and Draggle.”

Hydia gestured to two human-looking females, one skinny with red hair, the other rotund with dark hair.

“Oh! Is that a pony?” Reeka said. “It’s been so long since we’ve laid eyes on one!”

“Yes, dears. This is Starlight Glimmer. She’s going to be our guest for awhile. Entertain her, would you? And dears, she’s a foreigner, from Equestria, so don’t be surprised if she has difficulty understanding our ways.”

“Oh, boy, a foreigner! How exotic!” Draggle said. She and Reeka went up to Starlight and began pushing her. “We are gonna have so much fun together!”

Starlight was not as enthusiastic. “Eh-heh … sure. Whatever you say.”

Hydia smiled as they left. She turned around to metal footsteps, Steeljaw entering behind her, the doors large enough he had no trouble fitting in … and with space to spare.

“They seem like they’ll have a good time together.” Steeljaw said.

“Yes.” Hydia said.

“Hydia …” Steeljaw said. “Could I talk to you about something?”


“I know you’ve been associating with a centaur. By the name of Tirek, if I’m not mistaken.” Steeljaw rubbed his fingers together. “You know I’ve traveled back into this time from the future. I was hoping I could ask you to send him back to Tartarus where you found him while you still can, before he has time to recover and amass his magical power. He’s become quite the troublesome thorn in the side of the Decepticons in the future, you see.”

Hydia nodded. “I understand what you’re saying. I will take it … under advisement.”

“Good,” Steeljaw said, smiling and turning his head to hide his displeasure at her not agreeing right away.

Hydia walked away, thinking to herself.

Tirek is a powerful ally, especially if I’m going to take over this land, while he gets Equestria, and I’ll not turn on him just because a metal werewolf from the future told me it was a good idea.

A Ministry official pushed open the door to a massive palace, covered head to toe in arctic gear. Heaving, he shut the door behind him.

“Greetings, Defense Minister.” Serpentor greeted him. “Did you have a nice trip?”

The Minister spat. “All I can say is that this ‘Cobra-La’ is not all, as I believe you say, ‘cracked up to be.’”

“That’s a shame.” Serpentor said. “I think it’s lovely myself.”

“Regardless.” Destro said, walking forward with the Baroness and Doctor Venom behind him. “Do you have an update on your progress?”

“Yes,” the Minister produced a folder. “Production is going at a steady rate. We should have an army before too long.”

“Excellent," Doctor Venom said.

“Your intentions …” The Minister said. “Are they pure? How can I be sure that once my people have made this army, you will not … repossess us of it?”

“Minister, let me assure that COBRA, my colleges, and myself at your full support. Whatever is you wish to do with this army, we will let you do so,” Destro said.

“Not to mention, if we wanted to build Transformers, the ones we could make ourselves would be far superior.” Serpentor grumbled.

"Do not be rude, Serpentor," Destro said.

“My first priority is the defense of my homeland from more Cybertronian-related collateral damage.” The Minister said, taking the folder. “If you’ll excuse me, I will go check on how the army’s manufacturing and training is going.”

“But of course.” Destro bowed. The Minister let himself out, pushing the heavy door himself rather than ask for help.

“Think we can trust him?” Serpentor asked.

“So long as he continues to believe our assistance is in his country’s best interests, yes,” Destro answered.

“Commander.” Magnum motioned for Twilight’s attention. “We’re picking up what seems to be a distress call in the Himalayas.”

“The Himalayas?” Twilight tilted her head. “Interesting.”

“It might be a trap.” Magnum warned. “Think about it. A signal in the Himalayas?”

“If it is, we still have to investigate it, if only to know who’s trying to trap us and why. We’ll be ready. Gear up, team!”

The Imperial team, including all of Twilight’s friends, Crosshairs, Team Prime, Magnum, and Crosshairs and Drift, emerged through a GroundBridge, arriving at a valley inside the Himalayas.

Twilight, decked out in her armor, stopped short when she saw who was sending the signal. “Steeljaw.”

Steeljaw cracked a menacing, unsettling grin, accompanied by his Pack and Starlight Glimmer.

“Twilight,” Steeljaw said. “I’m so glad you responded to my call.”

“Starlight,” Twilight said, relieved to see Starlight Glimmer alive. “I’m so glad you’re okay.” Twilight paused. “Oh. But now this means I’m going to have to fight you,” she reminded herself.

“Yes,” Steeljaw said. “I’m given to understand you and Starlight have some scores to settle. And that Starlight has a thing for the cold. That’s why of all the places we could have gone, I picked the Himalayas. And she will do her very best to defeat you, won't you, Starlight? After all, Twilight Sparkle is an awful, human-hating horrible terrorist.”

"That is technically true, from a certain point of view," Twilight said. "But I've been getting better about the human thing."

"'Technically'?" Ultra Magnus asked. "Ain't no technically 'bout it. You create fear to achieve political goals. But in the future, when our sons and daughters look down on us, they'll call you a revolutionary, not a terrorist, because history is written by the winners, and make no mistake, we will be the winners!"

Steeljaw chuckled, giving a toothy smile. "We'll just see about that, won't it?"

Starlight stepped forward, her horn crackling. Steeljaw’s Pack tensed up, as did the Imperial team.

Magnum stopped and looked up. He pointed the at sky. “Look. Over there. What’s that over the horizon?”

Steeljaw chuckled. “I admire your attempts at duplicity, Autobot, but do you really I would fall for such an old and obvious trick?”

“No, Steeljaw.” Thunderhoof grabbed Steeljaw by the shoulder. “He’s right. Look!”

Everyone looked up to see a white, metal beak emerging over the horizon. The object continued forward, revealing massive bat wings swung upside and backwards, and blasters pointing from beneath the beak.

Twilight recognized the wings. “Is that … Thunderwing?”

“It looks like Bludgeon’s Decepticons have refashioned him into a ship.” Magnum said. “Like some … zombie, Decepticon version of Omega Supreme.”

“Yeesh.” Crosshairs shrugged. “I used to be a mercenary, and even I think that’s a little heartless.”

“Well?” Bludgeon asked Starscream, standing inside the ship’s bridge. “What do you think, Starscream? Did I promise you a ship, or did I promise you a ship?”

“Yes,” Starscream said. “Most impressive. Now, where are those Imperials we detected around here?”

“Right there, sir.” A Vehicon pointed to the screen he was monitoring. “In the valley below.”

“Ooh. In a valley. This couldn’t be more perfect.” Starscream tapped his fingers. “Charge up the ship’s weapons and open fire. We’ll bury them in the snow.”

The Vehicon went to do as ordered, but he hesitated. “Sir, we’re picking up Decepticon signals down there.”

“Eh.” Starscream flicked his hand in dismissal. “If they’re not one of ours, there’s a good chance they’re Imperials. Open fire.”

“Commencing firing sequence,” the Vehicon reported, pushing in the commands.

A panel opened beneath Thunderwing’s beak, deploying and revealing a large cannon similar to the ones on his robot mode arms. The cannon charged up a pulse and opened fire, shooting erratically at the valley to bring it crashing it down all those therein. Purple beams strike the walls, destroying much of the rock and allowing the snow and ice to come sliding down.

“Avalanche!” Twilight shouted.

“Gee, you think?” Crosshairs quipped.

“Everyone, get out of here! Move! Move!” Twilight ordered, sweeping a hoof.

Steeljaw’s Pack had the same idea, each of them taking their own approach into getting out of the valley before the snow buried them in. Most of them converted to vehicle mode and drove away, but Thunderhoof used his outlier ability to pound open a hole for him to hide in, while Steeljaw jumped into the air and began wall jumping and crawling on the walls, using falling rocks as platforms to bounce off of.

Starlight turned around and attempted to run with the Pack, but a piece of hail hit her in the hind leg and made her fall over. When she realized she couldn’t get up, she tried to teleport, but she couldn’t focus.

“Steeljaw!” Starlight reached a hoof out to him. “What are you doing? Help me out of here!”

“Life lesson, Starlight.” Steeljaw shouted over the rumbling of falling rocks as he clung to a wall. “In a crisis, it’s every Decepticon for himself!” He proceeded to jump higher up, where he began to fade from Starlight’s view.

Starlight was devastated. “But …”

The Imperials, retreating back towards a Bridge, were waylaid when Fluttershy, hearing Starlight’s sounds of distress, stopped and turned around. Fluttershy saw Starlight struggling to move.

“Fluttershy!” Twilight shouted. “We need to get out of here!”

Fluttershy stared, transfixed.

“You go on without me, Twilight.” Fluttershy said.


“I’m going to save her. Go.” Fluttershy gestured her head at the Bridge.

Twilight was stunned, but got over it. “I understand. Fluttershy … you make sure you rescue her, because I’m not letting her die on my watch a second time. Or you.”

Fluttershy smiled and nodded. Twilight ran into the Bridge, while Fluttershy galloped towards Starlight.
Fluttershy increased her pace, just barely avoiding being hit by a falling icicle. She jumped up and converted into her ladybug mode and sped towards Starlight, her wings flapping furiously.

Starlight grunted, trying to push herself up again, sweat beading down her face while her horn fizzled uselessly. She sighed and panted, ready to give up and accept her fate.

Fluttershy zoomed by like a ball of dark green lightning, snatching Starlight up in her insect legs and flying her away from the avalanche, moments before a massive pile of snow landed where Starlight was a minute ago.

Fluttershy tilted up and flew upwards, wings beating hard. She searched around the valley until she found a cavern opening. She flew in, carrying Starlight inside and dropping her to the ground to let her rest. Starlight, exhausted, collapsed.

It took some time, but eventually, the avalanche finished up, leaving a massive blockade of snow inside the valley.

Fluttershy kept watch by the entrance, peeking her head out every now and then. She watched as snowflakes fell from the sky in a gentle, dainty fashion, so much unlike the chaotic, dangerous avalanche she was dealing with a scant few minutes ago.

Fluttershy’s ear twitched at a sound. She looked to see Starlight coming to, rubbing her head as she woke up.

“Hello,” Fluttershy said. “It’s nice to see you’re awake … Starlight Glimmer, was it? I’m Fluttershy.”

“Yeah.” Starlight stared at the ground. “Fluttershy.” Starlight glanced at Fluttershy. “You’re Twilight’s friend, right?”

“One of them, yes,” Fluttershy answered.

“W-why did you save me?” Starlight asked. “Twilight hates me”

“Because it was the right thing to do,” Fluttershy said. ‘I couldn’t just stand by and let that no-good Steeljaw abandon you like that.”

Fluttershy walked up to Starlight. “And she doesn’t hate you. In fact, I think she wants to be your friend. But something about your ideology and the way you do things is … discouraging her from that idea.” Fluttershy said gently.

“Hmm. I can imagine.” Starlight said.

Fluttershy peeked outside. “It’s too dangerous to try to leave by hoof … and I’m not sure my wings could keep aloft for an extended period of time.”

“But didn’t you-”

“Rescue you from certain doom? I did, but that was a short burst.” Fluttershy said. “Besides, the snow would get to my insect wings, and I can’t carry you very well in my pony mode.”

“Pony mode?”

Fluttershy pressed a hoof to her ear. She was met with static and crackling. “Ah, and either the weather or the cave is causing interference with my comm.”

Fluttershy walked up to Starlight and laid down, cross-legged.

“So, I guess you and I are stuck with each other for a few hours until somepony comes to rescue us.”

“Somepony’s coming to rescue us?” Starlight asked.

“Don’t worry.” Fluttershy said. “I know my friends. They wouldn’t leave me. As soon as it’s safe, they’re going to send in multiple teams to try and find me. In the meantime, we should figure out something to pass the time. Why don’t you tell me about yourself, Starlight Glimmer?”

Starlight turned her head. “There’s … not much to tell, honestly.”

“Oh, I can’t believe that.” Fluttershy said. “Here. Why don’t I make this easier on you? I’ll start.”

“Firing successful, sir.” The Vehicon reported to Starscream. “Avalanche caused.”

“Good.” Starscream said. “Send a team down to search for stragglers and survivors. They’ll be weakened and disoriented by the avalanche, but still a threat, and potential prisoners.”

“I beg your pardon?” Deathsaurus said, walking into the room. “I am the leader of the Forged, and I say we don’t need to waste precious resources that. The avalanche will set our enemies back enough for us to claim victory elsewhere, but only if we move now.”

The Vehicon looked to Deathsaurus, then to Starscream, not sure who to obey over who.

Starscream repeated the order. “Search the area for stragglers and survivors.”

“Countermand that order.” Deathsaurus said.

“Dang it, Deathsaurus!” Starscream said. He pointed a finger at Deathsaurus’ chin. “Don’t underestimate the Autobots, or the ponies. You have no idea what they’re capable of! Of what they can do when they set their minds to it!”

“Maybe so, but I am still the leader of the Forged, and my orders stand. What I say goes.” Deathsaurus crossed his arms.

“In case you haven’t noticed, this isn’t just the Forged anymore! It’s the Forged and the Mayhem, working together. No, it’s more than that! It’s Decepticons with common goals working, like it should be, the way of the universe.”

Starscream’s eyes widened as a realization struck him. He got an idea. He chuckled. “Then again … maybe what the Forged needs is a new leader.”

“What are you saying?” Deathsaurus asked, giving Starscream a suspicious eye.

“I’m saying, Deathsaurus, that I’m challenging you to a trial by combat for undisputed leadership of the Forged.” Starscream struck up a dynamic pose, pointing at Deathsaurus.

Deathsaurus laughed. “Ha ha ha! You really think you can beat me, Starscream, in a fair fight? I mean, look at you! I’m three times your size! But very well. I accept your challenge.”

The Arena was set up out on the outer bow of Thunderwing. Shockwave, Fearswoop, Bludgeon, and Soundwave, and various other Decepticons all gathered around to watch the match for Forged leadership.

Deathsaurus and Starscream stood opposite of each other, claws bared, raring to go. Starscream flexed his fingers. Deathsaurus did the same.

“Yaaah!” Deathsaurus shouted, revealing an amount of missiles and cannons hidden in his both, including a twin-barrelled weapon he held in his hand and a flail. He charged at Starscream, his weapons blazing, pump-pump-pumping out bullets, missiles, and artillery shells. Starscream easily ducked to the side, avoiding the majority of the fire. Brandishing the Thunder Talon, Starscream dashed at Deathsaurus, smacking him with the Talon, sinking the Talon’s claws into his chest and crunching down on it.

Deathsaurus gasped he pried the weapon out of him - and with considerable pain. He threw Starscream aside before stumbling, clutching at his wounded chest. Electric sparks crackled from the panels.

Deathsaurus heaved a big sigh and turned out. “That’s quite a fancy weapon you’ve got there, Starscream. But I think it’s a little unfair for you have to your fancy Beast Hunter weapon, whereas all I have is just normal weaponry. What do you say we make a fair fight? Just you and me, mano en mano. No weapons.”

Starscream smirked and chuckled. “Very well. Soundwave.” Starscream walked up to Soundwave and gave him the Thunder Talon for safekeeping.

Starscream walked back to Deathsaurus, tensing and flexing his fingers. Deathsaurus cracked his knuckles. He refrained from charging, trying to catch Starscream off-guard, before doing so, rushing straight at him.

Starscream moved to the side, grabbing the Deathsaurus by the arm and swinging him around, using Deathsaurus’ bulk against him, making his momentum hurl himself into the ground. Deathsaurs pushed himself up and growled, baring his teeth as he got to his feet.

“Rah! Rah! Rarh!” Deathsaurus shouted, attempting to strike Starscream with a variety of jabs, punches, and slices with his claw. Starscream blocked each blow, using his arms to stop Deathsaurus’ blow short of his own chest or head.

“Enough of this.”

Starscream caught Deathsaurus’ next punch in his bare claw, to Deathsaurus’ surprise. Deathsaurus wasn’t sure if he was underestimating Starscream, of if the Beast Hunter upgrade made him stronger.

Starscream flexed his free claw. He raised it up, jamming upwards into Deathsaurus’ gut, the same way he had done to Cliffjumper all those years ago.

Deathsaurus gasped and fell to his knees, looking up at Starscream with his eyes wide in shock as Energon pooled out of his chest, dripping to the floor. Starscream’s face was cold and unreadable, expressionless.

“Aait … ugh … no … impossible … you must have … cheated … somehow … ugh … uck … agh.” Deathsaurus burbled out, before gargling Energon out of his mouth, his eyes still open and his mouth wide open as if he’d been infected with rabies before Starscream took his claw out, allowing Deathsaurus’ dead body to topple forward.

“Well, I guess that settles that.” Starscream said, turning and walking away from Deathsaurus’ body.

“He … he killed Deathsaurus.” Fearswoop said in awe. “He actually did it. Starscream the Cowardly actually did it, in a fair fight, and he won! Without cheating!”

“No way.” Heavy Load said. “There has to be something we missed … hasn’t there?”

“Like I said …” Starscream glanced to Soundwave, who tossed him back the Talon. Starscream caught it with one hand. He leaned in towards Deathsaurus’ body. “Three leaders is a party, but four is a crowd.” Starscream raised his voice. “Would anyone else like to question my claim to leadership?”

“N-no man.” Fearswoop waved his claws. “No, man, we’re good. We’re good.” This earned a smirk from Starscream.

“Force. The only thing most Decepticons understand. Well, aside from you, Shockwave.” Starscream affixed the Thunder Talon to his back, where he kept it. “Now that I am the undisputed supreme leader of the Forged Decepticons, do me a favor, dears, and …”

Starscream gestured his head at Deathsaurus’ body.

“Clean that up,” Starscream said before walking away.

“And that’s the story of how I learned that I was an animal lover.” Fluttershy concluded her tale. “I mean, they were just … so nice to me.”

“Fascinating,” Starlight said. “Can I ask you a question?”

Fluttershy nodded. “Of course.”

“What … are you?” Starlight asked.

“Oh.” Fluttershy chuckled. “That’s easy. I’m a Transmetal half-Insection hybrid.”

“Okay. How did you … get like that?”

“Well, an Insecticon Queen wanted me to be her successor.” Fluttershy said. “So they tried to put me in a pod to convert me into an Insecticon, and then my friend Ratchet interrupted the process before it was complete, turning me into this!” Fluttershy said. She sighed. “I miss Ratchet.”

“And you don’t ever get … angry about that?”

“It … really is kind of the perfect fate for me. I mean, for somepony who loves animals as much as me, and the Insecticons pretty much are animals, so becoming a half-animal was pretty the best thing that could happen to me.”

A cold wind blew into the cave, causing Starlight so shiver.

“Oh my.” Fluttershy stood up and walked over to Starlight. “Here. We’d better get cuddle together for warmth.”

“Okay …” Starlight said, leaning into Fluttershy’s body, letting Fluttershy wrap a wing around here.

“Think you can teleport us out of here?” Fluttershy asked.

“Are you crazy? A unicorn can’t teleport blind through walls!”

“Really? But my friend Twilight does it all the time.”

Starlight sighed. “Even if that’s true, I … I can’t. I’m … too … too …”

“Scared?” Fluttershy asked. “It’s okay to admit it.”

“Nervous, yeah.” Starlight said. She looked around before glancing at Fluttershy. “Can I ask you another question?”


“Why are you being so nice to me?”

Fluttershy shrugged. “It’s just the way I was raised, I guess. I’ve alway been a kind soul. If I see somepony struggling or in need, well … I can’t help but want to help them. Maybe I’m a bleeding heart, but that’s the way it is.”

“Hmm.” Starlight said. “Fluttershy?”


“Thank you. For … being here with me.”

“You’re welcome.” Fluttershy said.

Another gust came in through the cavern entrance, making Starlight and Fluttershy shudder.

“Well …” Fluttershy said. “I guess this is it, then. My Insection parts can stand more of the cold than you can, but a few more breezes like that, and we’re both done for.”

“Yeah, probably.” Starlight sighed. “Thank you again, Fluttershy … for sticking with me, despite, you know, everything I did to Twilight.”

“No problem.”

“I just wish …” Starlight said. “I wish I could have a chance to make amends, because … she was like the sister I never had.”

“Oh, Starlight …” Fluttershy wrapped her leg around Starlight to comfort her.

“Well … I guess this is the end.” Starlight leaned into Fluttershy’s shoulder and closed. “Fluttershy, if I go before you - and let’s be honest, I probably will - promise you won’t cry or beat yourself up over it?”

“I …” Fluttershy hesitated. “Okay. I promise.”

“Good …” Starlight said.

“Wait.” Fluttershy’s ears perked up. “Did you hear that?”

“You’re imagining things, Fluttershy …”

“No.” Fluttershy said. “I hear something.”

Fluttershy was right. There was a crunching of snow beneath a boot. Someone was coming towards them for sure. But it was friend or foe?

A yellowish hand reached up from the edge of the cavern entrance, grabbing onto the ledge. It pulled itself up to reveal Sunset Shimmer, in all in her human glory.

“Sunset Shimmer!” Fluttershy exclaimed in surprise.

“Hi, guys.” Sunset said. “I heard you two were in need of a ride?”

“You bet!” Fluttershy said. “But … you’re still in your normal clothes. How are you not freezing?”

Sunset raised up her hand, engulfing it in fire and turning into a red claw. “Blazing infernal she-demon queen, remember?”

Starlight gave Fluttershy a surprised look.

Fluttershy rolled her eyes off to the side. “I’ll … explain later.”

With Sunset Shimmer’s help, using her pyrokinetic powers to light the way, melt the snow in the way, and warm up their bodies, Fluttershy and Starlight were able to make their way out of the cavern and climb up to the top of the valley.

Fluttershy flew up to a ledge and perched, reaching down to help Starlight and Sunset up in turn, bringing them to the lip of the outside of the valley.

“So, Sunset Shimmer.” Starlight asked, standing off as Fluttershy took Sunset’s hand. “How come you came and found us?”

“The Imperials sent me.” Sunset explained, watching her footing. “I felt I wasn’t doing enough to contribute to the cause, so when I heard Twilight was looking for volunteers for a search and rescue, I signed up.”

“But … why were you willing to come and rescue both of us?” Starlight asked. “Surely Twilight told you all about the things I did up to now before she sent you out to save me.”

Sunset waved her hand. “Don’t sweat it. I used to be a bad guy, too, until I got a stern talking-to.”

“I am not a bad guy!” Starlight insisted furiously, sweeping a hoof across her chest. “Just because I lied to and manipulated my townsfolk, used my friends as guards to my authority, and … took advantage of a helpless pony … without any of her … memories … doesn’t … make me a bad guy.” Starlight began to lose her steam and conviction, realizing how amoral her actions were when phrased in such a way and spoken out loud, especially the ‘taking advantage of’ bit.

Sunset smirked at her.

“Still.” Starlight said, keeping a hoof to her chest in pride. “That’s just who I am.”

“I know who I was.” Sunset said. “But I changed. Why can’t you?”

Starlight was at a loss for words.
“So, Sunset …” Fluttershy said. “How come you’re not a pony? I thought you had only control of the mirror on the other side.”

“My magic’s strong enough that I can take any form I want, on either side.” Sunset said. “I guess I’ve been human for so long it’s just my default now.” Sunset put a hand over her eyes, squinting to the distance. “We should be able to get to the rendezvous from here. Hope you don’t mind a trek, Starlight Glimmer.”

“Mind? Why would I mind?” Starlight asked deflectively. Physical labor was not her strong suit.

Twilight, with the rest of her team, paced around helmetless, letting the cold bite at her face. She fretted and worried about whether any of her soldiers would find Fluttershy in time. So she was elated when she turned and saw Sunset Shimmer walking back with Fluttershy and Starlight.

“Fluttershy! You’re okay!” Twilight got ready to embrace her friend, but stopped in place when she saw Starlight with them. “And … Starlight, too. I’m … not sure how to feel about that.”

“Heh.” Starlight chuckled, approaching Twilight.

“I’d like to be happy, Starlight. I would.” Twilight told her. “But you’ve been so … unpredictable and crazy that for all I know, this is just a setup so you could get close to me and hit me while my guard is down.”

“That is something that I wouldn’t put past myself.” Starlight said. She looked to the ground. “But …”

Starlight dropped to her knees, holding her front hooves up in begging. “Oh, Twilight, please forgive me. I … I had a talk with Sunset Shimmer on the way here.” Starlight explained to Twilight’s confused expression. “And it made me realize just how much wrong I did to you, how much I could have hurt you irreparably … with no memories, no idea of who are you … I’m sorry. I said it before, I’ll say it again. I meant when I said you were like a sister to me. I promise you, I will turn over a new leaf … if you’ll have me, and take me in as a friend.”

Twilight smiled. She tried to hide the tears forming in her eyes. “I meant it when I said you were like a sister to me, too. I’ve forgiven some pretty heinous stuff in my time, Starlight. I’m sure I can find it in my heart to forgive you too.”

Starlight smiled, sniffing, her eyes quivering as she cried tears of joy.
Unfortunately, any good vibes the two might have generated disappeared when a hail of energy blasts rained down around them, Decepticon jets descending on their position.

“Forged, attack!” Starscream ordered.

Attinger walked around on the facility pondering his next move in the investigation while ignoring the whistles of rockets and explosions as they continued to test different models.
His investigation was going to be cut short, as a spherical drone floated down from the sky in front of him.

Attinger nodded his head at the sphere. The drone produced a blipping hologram of a Ministry agent.

“Hello, Attinger.” The agent said.

“What do you want?” Attinger asked.

“We know that you have been working on an army of Cybertronian-derived drones.” The agent said. “We know it is only a matter of time before it you investigate and realize we have been working on the same. We know that you … Americans will disapprove of us having drones. We would like to propose s.”

Attinger crossed his arms. “What is your proposal?”

“We propose a battle between the two armies.” The agent said. “You send your machines against ours in the Himalayas. Our armies will battle, one will stand, and the winner will be allowed to keep their drone army.”

“Hmm. And the loser?”

“The loser will not have any drones.” The agent said.

“You expect me to gamble a valuable asset, a useful resource, and a powerful weapon for the safety and defense of my country, not to mention wasting the money involved in the research and construction, on what amounts to a drunken wager between two alcoholic macho men about who would win in a fight?” Attinger said.

“No.” The agent said. “We expect your American secret agent paranoia to lead you to send your drones in the hopes of removing these weapons from the hands of a power that does not answer directly to your government. Let me say this. We will put our drones in position in the Himalayan mountains. You can send yours there. Or you can not. Simple, isn’t it? The choice is yours.”

The agent smirked before the hologram was dismissed. Attinger watched the drone fly away.

Attinger turned away. He cricked his neck, thinking about what the agent had said.

“Damn it, he’s right.” Attinger walked towards the facility’s main building, pulling out his cell phone and dialing Gould. “Gould, it’s me. Got a mission for your drones.”

“W-what do I do?” Starlight quivered as Vehicons surrounded them.

“Do you know how to fight Decepticons?” Twilight pulled up her helmet.


“Then stay behind us, and keep out of harm’s way.” Twilight told her before running up to a Vehicon, deployer her exo-suit’s hoof blaster.

“This shouldn’t be too hard.” Magnum said, grabbing one Vehicon by the head and bashing it into another. “Just Starscream and a few Vehicons.”

“Yeah.” Crosshairs popped a Vehicon in the chest with both his guns. “What’s the problem?”

“The problem …” Drift slashed a Vehicon. “Is that.” He pointed upwards.

Starscream, Fearswoop, and Heavy Load fell from the sky, thudding on the ground.

“Aww, yeah.” Fearswoop spewed fire from his claws. “I’ve been waiting for this! Prepare to get yours, AutobOOOOTS!”

Fearswoop screamed in response to Magnum picking him by the eyestalk and throwing him up to the ground, where Magnum stomped him for good measure. Although this left him open to a shot in the back from Shockwave.

“We’ll handle Starscream. Girls, with me!” Twilight ordered, galloping up to Starscream.

“What’s this?” Starscream observed as Twilight’s friends rush towards him. “Ah, yes. The herd coming together to defeat me.”

“You had this a long time comin’, Starscream.” Applejack stood by Starscream’s foot and prepared to buck him.

“Ah, yes. Applejack. Whose prodigious Earth pony strength allows her to dent even Cybertronian armor with her bare hooves.” Starscream mused … before rearing his foot back and kicking Applejack clear across the field. “What, you think I’m just going to stand here and let you hurt me?”

“Hey! You can’t do that to A.J!” Rainbow Dash protested.

Rainbow Dash flew towards Starscream, her lips flapping from the speed she was using to hurtle herself towards him like a wrecking ball.

Starscream whipped out his Thunder Talon and caught Rainbow in its pincers, sinking the pincers into her sides and draining her speed from her. Starscream shook Rainbow from the Talon, throwing her to the ground.

“Some ponies never learn their lessons.” Starscream mused.

“Oh, that is it.” Pinkie Pie said. “To quote Rarity, it is on!” Pinkie Pie aimed her party cannon at Starscream and fired, getting a lucky hit and plastering Starscream in cake and confetti.

“Oh no! Not the party cannon!” Starscream fretted. “Now whatever will I do, with all this cake gumming up my joints and keeping me from moving? Maybe I’ll activate the inbuilt sprinklers I had installed for just this occasion!”

“Yeah!” Pinkie cheered. “Wait, what?”

Pinkie was dismayed when water sprayed out from Starscream’s joints, bathing him and washing the cake off, allowing him to move freely.

Rarity used her magic to gather up a pile of snow, coalescing together in a massive snowball which she hurled at Starscream. Starscream didn’t lose his cool, calmly firing the rocket from his arm, which hit and exploded the snow boulder into powder. Twilight tried to take him out with a barrage of lasers, alternating between her horn and her onboard blasters, but Starscream was able to use Dash’s stolen speed to block each shot with the Thunder Talon.

“What do we do?” Applejack asked. “This guy has a counter for every move we make!”

“I - I don’t know!” Twilight cried.

A whir hummed from the air above. Energies swirled around, until a blue vortex appeared in the middle of the air. Captain Bumblebee jumped out of the Bridge, kicking Starscream in the chest.

“Boo-yah!” Captain Bumblebee backflipped and landed on his feet. “We are back in business!”

Starscream stared in shock, having no idea what was happening. Captain Bumblebee pulled out his sword and struck Starscream across the chest, batting him aside.

“Future Bee?” Twilight asked. “You’re back! But how?”

“It wasn’t easy.” Captain Bumblebee said. “But eventually, we found somewhere we could lay low, and we managed to build another Time Bridge. So, how are things? Did you find out what happened yet?”

“Not yet.”

“Um, excuse me? Hello? Yoo-hoo! Major villain over here who is very confused about what is going.” Starscream said. “COuld somebody please contextualize this for me?”

“Oh. Um.” Captain Bumblebee said. “I’m Bumblebee. From … the future.”


“Oh? You accept that crazy story just like that?”

“My worst enemy is a sparkly purple pony. So time travel is not a stretch by any means.” Starscream said.

“No doubt.”

Starscream took advantage of this friendly conversation to slash Captain Bumblebee across the face.

“Should have seen that coming.” Starscream quipped.

“Yeah. I should’ve.” Captain Bumblebee said, smirking before he slugged Starscream in the face, knocking Starscream onto his back.

“So, update me.” Captain Bumblebee said, turning to the ponies. “How have you been? How are things? Have you all called your parents recently?”

“You’re being very chipper for someone who lives in an apocalyptic, dystopian future.” Twilight said.

“I have to be!” Captain Bumblebee said, putting on a terrifying, twitchy grin.

Starlight Glimmer watched from afar. She observed Starscream’s fallen body and notice nobody was offering to help him up. Getting a determined expression, resolving to show Twilight that she could change and be like her, she walked up to Starscream, unnoticed.

“Hey.” Starlight said, right as Starscream was pushing himself up. He looked at her slack-jawed.

“I’m Starlight Glimmer.” Starlight introduced herself. “I notice nobody was helping you up, not even to take you prisoner, so I thought I’d come by.”

“Oh? Really?” Starscream asked.

“Mm-hmm.” Starlight said. “Listen to me. I know you think you’re doing what you want by being a bad guy, but you’re not. You’re just hurting people. I should know. I was in the same place you are just earlier today. Turn over a new leaf. Embrace friendship instead! You’ll find life is easier when you’ve got your friends with you.”

Starlight smiled and offered Starscream her hoof.

“Friendship, huh?” Starscream said.


Starlight’s eyes bugged out when she felt metal wrap her body as Starscream clasped his claw around her.

“Listen here, Starlight Glimmer.” Starscream held her up to his face. “You’re not on Equestria anymore. You can’t solve problems with just liberal application of friendship and forgiveness. Equestria may be a friendship-driven paradise, but it’s time you got a lesson in how the rest of the universe works.”

“Starlight Glimmer!” Twilight shouted, seeing Starscream holding her.

Starscream transformed while Starlight struggled, inserting into his cockpit and restraining her with the seatbelts of the pilot’s chair. His afterburning spewed off some weak fire before firing up and jetting him upwards.

Fluttershy transformed into her ladybug mode and barreled at him.

“No!” Captain Bumblebee ran towards Starscream and threw his sword at Decepticon. Starscream avoided by dodging to the side, and turned around to face Captain Bumblebee, shooting him with a rocket, the explosion from which blew Captain Bumblebee down to his back. The rest of the girls gathered around him to make sure he was okay, not paying attention as Fluttershy followed Starscream.

Fluttershy followed Starscream up to the underside of Thunderwing, where a hatch opened to allow Starscream inside. Fluttershy was able to fly up and reach inside, using her small body to hide to the side of the hatch until she was sure the coast was clear.

She heard Starscream transform and landed.

“Take this prisoner to a cell and secure her.” Starscream ordered two Vehicons, handing them Starlight, who wobbled around in the Vehicon’s palm before collapsing, not used to riding in a jet.

Starscream went one way, and the Vehicons went another.

After watching Starscream’s legs pass by the hatch, Fluttershy dared to venture out. She searched around and saw the Vehicons carrying Starlight and gasped. Regaining her composure, Fluttershy flew up to the ceiling, clamping to the ceiling with her insect legs.

One of the Vehicons stopped. “Did you hear something?”

Both of them turned around, aiming their blasters. They scanned the area, looking for intruders. When they saw nothing, they moved on.

Fluttershy sighed in relieved, hiding in a corner. She fluttered on, following the Vehicons until they threw Starlight into a cell. They closed the door, locked it with a password, and walked away.

Fluttershy checked both sides of the hallway before moving in. She walked up to the door where they had thrown Starlight. Rather than try to guess the passcode, Fluttershy armed her weapon and blasted her way in, even at risk of drawing attention.

“Starlight?” Fluttershy asked, walking into the room. Starlight was lying on the floor, despondent.
“Hello, Fluttershy …” Starlight said before turning away.

“Starlight, I’m here to rescue you.” Fluttershy said. “You need to come with me.”

“What’s the point?” Starlight grumbled. “I’m no good to anypony. I might as well be in here.”

“Don’t say that, Starlight.”

“Oh, really?” Starlight asked bitterly. “My first attempt at trying to be more like the kind of pony I assume Twilight wants me to be, and I failed. And not only did I fail, I’ve now been captured by some insane robot who is missing an eye!”

Fluttershy pursed her lips. “Okay, so you’re in desperate need of a crash course in how things work in the universe now … and trying to make friends with Starscream wasn’t your best choice. But you can’t let that get you down.”

“I can and I will.”

Fluttershy tensed up, hearing metal footsteps out the door. “Okay, maybe you can lie around and feel bitter and sorry for yourself, but later. We have to go now, because I promise you, as much as you and Twilight got off to a rocky start, if you stay here, the Decepticons will hurt you. They will torture you, and they will kill you.”

Starlight looked up in surprise. “Fine.” She stood up. “But just so that I have somewhere safe to wallow in my misery.”

“That’s perfectly fine, dear.” Fluttershy said. “Now follow me.”

Fluttershy led Starlight through the hall she had blasted in the door, before guiding her down the hallway, where she raised a hoof to stop Starlight, peeking over the corner.

“Two guards in the hall.” Fluttershy said. “We’re going to need some way to past them.”

“Well, can’t we just throw something at them?” Starlight asked. “Or you, even. All I have to is cast a Want It, Need It spell and -”

“No, no, no.” Fluttershy said. “You can’t do that. Equestrian mind-affecting magic doesn’t work on Cybertronians.”

“It doesn’t? How? Why?” Starlight asked, utterly shocked.

“Something about their brains.” Fluttershy said. “Twilight explained it to me, but I forget what she said. In my defense, it all sounded like technobabble to me.”

“Uh-huh.” Starlight looked up. “Well, what about the lights?”

“That … could work. Can you affect them from here?”

“Please.” Starlight said. Her horn lit up, and all of the nearby lights flickered.

The two guards looked up. One of them activated his comm. “Uh, hi. Bridge? Is there a scheduled power outage? Lights are flicking in hallway 12B.”

“No, there isn’t.”

“Well, you know what Starscream says that means.” One of the Vehicons said.

“Yeah.” The other Vehicon prepped his weapon. “If someone’s messing with the lights, it’s probably an Autobot trying to create a distraction. Intruder alert!”

Fluttershy blinked. “Okay. That wasn't I was expecting to happen.”

“What do we do now?” Starlight asked.

“I say we … run!” Fluttershy galloped down the other way of the hall they had just come from, with Starlight following. When they reached the other end, they were dismayed to see another pair of Vehicons from a joining hallway, who swiped at them and tried to grab them. The ponies ran in the other direction, but another pair of Vehicons stopped them. They turned around again to the first set of Vehicons, and a rocket landed by them, knocking both of their feet.

“Ah, Fluttershy.” Starscream walked up to them, as more Vehicons surrounded them. “You’re here to rescue Starlight, I presume.”

Fluttershy stood up, glaring daggers at Starscream

“Yes, that didn’t go too well for you, did it?”

Fluttershy fired her blaster at Starscream, who nonchantlantly ducked. A Vehicon came forward and stomped Fluttershy, pressing her into the floor with its boot.

“Shall we take them both prisoner?” The Vehicon.

“Yes, of course … actually, no.” Starscream reached down and scooped up a terrified, hyperventilating Starlight Glimmer in his claws. He held Starlight up to his face, keeping a firm grip on the shivering pony. Starscream flashed a maniac grin.“I’ve just had an idea for this one. A wonderful, awful idea … ”

“We need to rescue Fluttershy.” Twilight stomped her hoof, regrouping to the base.

“Yes.” Rampage spun the circle of his chaingun. “We must rescue Fluttershy as soon as possible. I will tear through a thousand of Starscream’s men if that is what it takes.”

“And Starlight Glimmer.” Captain Bumblebee said.

“And Starlight Glimmer, of course.” Twilight said.

“Twilight, I don’t think you understand.” Captain Bumblebee. “In the future … well …since you died, Starlight Glimmer has been our best source of magical defense and offense.”

“Really?” Twilight said. “Starlight Glimmer? I didn’t think she had it in her. Why not Trixie?”

“Trixie is not nearly as powerful as Starlight is. Starlight loves her town and its ponies. She knows the Decepticons wouldn’t exactly approve of a hidden village of ponies, so she fights with us to defend them. Speaking of which ...” Captain Bumblebee looked around. “The rest of my team should have come through the portal with me. Agh, the Time Bridge must have run out of power. Guess I’m stuck here on my own.”

“Twilight ...” Captain Bumblebee glanced at Rampage. “Could I get you to come with me somewhere else? I need to talk to you about a few things.”

“Sure.” Twilight led Bumblebee into another room. “What is it?”

“It’s about Rampage.” Captain Bumblebee said. “We have to make sure we rescue Fluttershy, and then once we do, we have to keep her safe. In the future that I come from, Fluttershy was shot during a battle today and died. Her death drove Rampage into a deep craze … crazier than normal, and that rage allowed the Decepticons turn him against us. He tore a path of destruction through lands and led Deception battalions with frightening efficacy. We need to make sure that doesn’t happen. Any change in the timestream, no matter how small, could prove helpful, and one less Decepticon general is one less Decepticon general to worry about.”

Rampage, eavesdropping outside the room after noticing Bumblebee’s glancing, overheard all this. Rampage turned his head. “Hmm.” He was going to have confront the truth. Lockdown was right. He did have some … romantic attachment to Fluttershy. Call it Florence Nightingale syndrome. And if what Future Bumblebee said was true, it meant he would go the warpath. Rampage stalked off to think about this.

“Understood.” Twilight said. “But you realize any change could have unseen consequences? You’re familiar with the butterfly effect?”

“Any change would be an improvement.” Captain Bumblebee. “Twilight, believe me when I tell you I would rather accidentally erase my own existence than spend another waking nightmare in that living hell.”

Twilight’s jaw dropped. She saw the fury in Bumblebee’s eyes. The anger. The pain.

“I … understand.” Twilight said. “Anything else?”

“There is one more thing.” Captain Bumblebee said. “The Chinese Defense Ministry, with COBRA’s help, have been working on creating their own Cybertronians. Attinger and Gould don’t approve of that, so they’re going to have a secret, undeclared war between their two armies. It’ll happen in the Himalayas, later today. So we need to rescue Fluttershy before then.”

Twilight nodded. “Got it. Rescue Fluttershy and Starlight from Starscream, beat Starscream, and be at the Himalayas in time to stop this Freedom War from escalating even further.”

Twilight narrowed her eyes.

“Piece. Of. Cake.”

“That’s a good attitude, Twilight.” Captain Bumblebee said. “Wish I could still be like that. But … you know.”

"I know..." Twilight looked away. She was startled when she was bathed in the blue light of a Time Bridge.

"Lieutenant!" Strongarm cried, peeking through the Bridge.

"Strongarm? But, what are you doing?" Captain Bumblebee asked.

"We need you, sir," Strongarm said. "Things are getting deseperate in here. The Decepticons are mobilzing for an all-out attack. They're going to scorch the earth to try and snuff us out."

"Things were already desperate, and I-I can't help, I have to stay here and help Twilight..."

"Sir, please," Strongarm said. "We need you, Bumblebee. We need your leadership. Side Swipe and I can't do this on our own."

Captain Bumblebee pinched the bridge of his nose. He sighed. "Okay. I'll come. I'm sorry, Twilight Sparkle, but duty calls."

"I know. I understand," Twilight said, "go where you're needed, Captain Bumblebee." Twilight saluted, and Captain Bumblebee jumped into the Time Bridge with Strongarm, disappearing in a blue flash and a zap.

Twilight left the room to go coordinate her attack plans.

The Imperials returned to the valley, setting up around the edge.

“Starscream’s ship was somewhere around here.” Twilight said, doing a sweep of the perimeter. “If he hasn’t set course for somewhere else, it should still be around here somewhere.”

“And it is! Look out!”

Twilight and the others rolled out of the way of a massive green laser beam which cut a swath of destruction across the landscape, leaving scorched earth in its wake.

“Hahaha!” Starscream pumped his fist, manning a massive laser turret mounted on Thunderwing’s bow. It had a chair, a massive laser barrel, and a small glass orb mounted beneath the barrel. “I’d say that test run was a success!”

“You’ll never succeed at this.” Fluttershy said to Starscream, chained up on the bow. “My friends will stop you. And do you think it’s a good idea to leave me chained here on the deck where my friends can get to me easily?”

Starscream chuckled. “Will they? We’ll just see about that. As for your question, you’re not there to be rescued. You’re there to be a hostage if this goes … unsmoothly.”

Starscream cranked a lever on the laser, firing the beam again. He swiveled the chair around, trying to hit Magnum and the Imperials near his position.

“We need to take out that laser, or we’ll never get close.” Magnum said.

“I’m on it.” Twilight rocketed upwards the laser, her jets burning.

“Wait …” Twilight squinted through the visor. “What … is that what I think it is?”

Inside the glass sphere of Starscream’s weapon was Starlight Glimmer, unconscious, held up by shackles, with an iron mask over her mouth, a device clamped to her horn, sucking out her magic and using it to power the laser.

“Yes.” Starscream chuckled, running his claw over the side of the sphere. “Ingenious, is it not? I realized Starlight Glimmer, as a unicorn, must have had magic potential. I’ve been troubled by Equestrian magic for so long … I thought I would make it work for me, for once. And the best part is, you won’t risk breaking her out, because you don’t want to hurt her. Do you?” Starscream chuckled.

"You're a monster," Twilight said through her mask.

"This time today, you call me monster. By this time tomorrow, you will call me 'god,'" Starscream boasted.

Twilight flew up to the sphere. She folded her mask up, not caring if Starscream saw her face. She tapped the glass.

“Starlight,” Twilight said. “Starlight, hey. Wake up.”

Starlight groaned, scrunching her eyes before opening them. Her eyes widened when she saw where she was, darting between the chains before focusing on Twilight.

“Hey. Hey, it’s okay.” Twilight said. “I know you’re scared, but you’re gonna be fine, okay? I’ll get you out of here. Just … stay calm. Don’t worry. I’m here for you, Starlight.” Twilight smiled, a tear rolling down her cheek. Her voice cracked. “Y-your sister is gonna get you out of here, okay?”

Starlight’s eyes wavered. She responded with a tear in kind.

“Oh, please,” Starscream said. “Someone spare me from this romantic soap opera drama.”

Twilight glared at Starscream before focusing on Starlight Glimmer. “Starscream is using you to power up his laser, got it?”

Starlight nodded.

“So I want you to do … is overpower the laser,” Twilight said. “Feed it everything you’ve got and make it overload.”

“Hah!” Starscream scoffed. “You think I wasn’t prepared for the possibility you might try to that? This thing has circuit breakers. It will never overload.”

“Ignore him, Starlight.” Twilight said. “You can do this. You have the magic. You have the strength. You have ... me.”

Starlight’s eyes watered. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, Starlight tried to do what Twilight told her. She focused up her, charging up all the magic she could and releasing into the draining clamp. The laser fired a blast in response which demolished part of a mountain.

“Keep going.” Twilight said.

Starlight kept going, pouring more and more of her magic into the device. The entire sphere was encased in the blue glow of her horn as she tried to let out every ounce of magic she had.

“I told you, it’s not going to work.” Starscream, more bored than anything.

Twilight glared at him. “Push harder, Starlight. I need just a little more from you.”

Starlight began to sweat, overexerting herself as it was. The magic swirled and crackled around the sphere.

“A little more … a little more … now!”

Twilight charged up her own horn, a massive red aura emanating from it. She smashed her horn against the sphere, causing it to shatter, unable to handle Starlight’s magic and Twilight’s at the same time. The entire sphere crumbled and fell to the floor in shards.

Twilight flew up to Starlight and embraced her, casting a force field around them while the device exploded from the overload, sending Starscream flying in an arc where he landed and tumbled across the deck of the ship.

Twilight flew Starlight down, where they smiled at each other before turning to Starscream. “Give up, Starscream. You can’t beat us.”

“You haven’t won yet,” Starscream said, even though smoke was coming off his shoulders. He reached over and snatched Fluttershy up into his arm, her chains rattling. “Don’t make a move, or I’ll turn her into streamers!” Starscream brandished his claw.

Fluttershy looked down at Starscream’s. Glancing up to be sure he was paying more attention to Twilight than her, she transformed into her ladybug mode, snapping her shackles, and dug her mandibles into Starscream’s arm.

“Yeeeow!” Starscream screamed and threw Fluttershy to the ground, where Fluttershy rolled onto her feet.

Starscream rubbed his sore arm. “Why didn’t I think to include a mode lock? Stasis cuffs or something? Mmm?” Starscream was confused when a blue glow took up his left right, while a purple one took his right.

Smiling at each other, Twilight and Starlight lifted Starscream with their magic and threw him overboard, sending him hurtling off the ship and into the snow below at a falling speed which was quite painful for him.

“Ow.” Starscream groaned.

Twilight teleported Starlight, Fluttershy, and herself in front of Starscream, where the rest of the Imperials gathered around.

Starscream got to his feet, baring his teeth. He pulled out the Talon, ready for a fight.

“Give it up, Starscream,” Twilight said. “You can’t beat all of us.”

“Oh no?” Starscream said. “That’s where you’re wrong. I still have an ace up my sleeve. Starlight Glimmer, would you kindly turn your magic on Twilight and her friends?”

Starlight rolled her eyes. “And why in the wide-wide world of Equestria would I do that? After you kidnapped me and used me as a battery to power your weapon of mass destruction?”

“Excellent question.” Starscream answered, pulling out a remote-like device. He pushed a button, and a screen projected, showing Starlight Glimmer’s town, where Double Diamond, Sugar Belle, and others were rounded up into a circle, surrounded by Vehicons and Bludgeon. “Because if you don’t, Bludgeon and the others will burn your town to the ground and kill everypony in it.”

Starlight gasped.

“So, what’s it going to be, Starlight Glimmer?” Starscream asked. “We’re not so different, you and I. We’re both manipulative, and we desire the approval of those we look up, even if we are somewhat ... resentful of them.” Starscream shook his head. “But I’ve grown out of that. I know you want to impress Twilight, Starlight. You would to look good to her. So now, my question for you is … do you earn Twilight’s approval by trying to take me out, letting your townsfolk die so you can impress someone you barely know, or do you turn on Twilight, and throw any good graces of hers you may have had out the window?”

“I … I … I can’t do that!” Starlight said. “This is an impossible choice!”

“Pardon me, darlings,” Rarity said, walking away. “I have a call to go make.”

“Starlight …” Twilight said. “I want you to know-”

“Uhp uhp uhp!” Starscream said. “No helping her with her decision, Twilight Sparkle! This is something she has to choose herself. Speaking of which … tick tock, tick tock, Starlight! What’s going to be? Who are you willing to sacrifice for who?”

“I … I can’t decide!” Starlight shouted. “Do you hear me? I literally cannot decide!”

“Aw, boo hoo. Well, that stinks. Because you have to!” Starscream said. “And quickly, before I decide for you and give Bludgeon the signal to go ahead!”

A Bridge opened in the projection of Starlight’s town.

“Eh, what?” Starscream said.

Ultra Magnus came flipping out of the Bridge, hammer held in his hand. He landed a kick on a Vehicon’s head, using it as a springboard to bounce to the next kick them in the chest before landing on his feet. Magnus tapped the Magnus Hammer to the ground before aiming it and shooting a bolt of lightning which traveled from Vehicon to Vehicon, electrocuting them and knocking them out. That done, Ultra Magnus flashed a thumbs-up to the camera.

Twilight smiled. “Nice one, Rarity.”

Starscream babbled and stammered before recovering his cool. “No matter! He’s still no match for Bludgeon with the Dark Spark!”

Bludgeon prepared to fire upon Ultra Magnus, aiming his open palm. Electricity crackled in Bludgeon’s fingers.

The Space Bridge opened again. Omega Supreme’s cannon arm came through and took aim, shooting Bludgeon and blasting him miles away.

“Really nice one.” Twilight said.

Starscream’s jaw dropped in shock, unable to believe what had just happened, happened. His scheme failed. His backup foiled. His ace in the hole given a royal flush.

“Give it up, Starscream.” Captain Bumblebee said. “You can’t beat all of us. You’re under arrest.”

“Oh, yes, of course, officer.” Starscream said, raising up his hands as Captain Bumblebee came near him. “If you’ll just allow me to … disarm myself.”

Starscream opened a panel on his arm, taking out a black and yellow canister. He ran his thumb over it and dropped it.


Captain Bumblebee’s optics widened in realization. “It’s a flashbang! Everyone cover your eyes!”

“A what?” Starlight asked. Her question was answered in the form of a blinding light flashing across her ears, and an awful, piercing ringing sound in her ears. She covered her eyes and went down on the ground.

Starscream transformed to jet mode and flew away. The Imperials tried to shoot him down, but were unable to land a hit before he was up on Thunderwing’s deck again.

Starscream landed on the deck, where Shockwave and Heavy Load were out to investigate the commotion.

“This day is lost.” Starscream said. “Turn the ship around and retreat. We will fight another day.”

“Aww.” Heavy Load said. “I was really hoping to kill Fractyl this time. Oh well. One day, Fractyl, one day …”

Thunderwing was turned around and boosted off for parts unknown. Twilight didn’t order the Imperials to pursue. They had other problems to deal with.

“Now, Bumblebee … what was that you were saying about a drone army?”

After taking a moment to regroup, Ultra Magnus approached Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight looked up at him. She opened her mouth to speak.

“I’m sorry.” Ultra Magnus said. “You were right. Everything you said to me was absolutely right. I have endangered the safety of the mission. I have proven I cannot always follow orders, and that makes me as much as a threat to the team as any Forged or Technoist. I’m lucky Starlight Glimmer turned out to be alive. Back when I was leading the Wreckers on Cybertron, I could do whatever I wanted. I was the highest Autobot authority. I could wreck and rule, and if someone didn’t like, I told them to shove it. But I can’t do that loose cannon act anymore. I’m part of a collective, of an army of Autobots, not just a splinter group. I need to either buck up and follow orders from the chain of command, or I can take my trailer hitch and haul it off to somewhere else. As a long serving soldier, I should have known better, and for that, I apologize.”

Twilight blinked.

“I’m impressed.” Magnum said. “That was very mature of you, Ultra Magnus. Very articulate. I don’t expect that from you.”

“Yeah, well, don’t get used to it, cuz’.”

“Apology accepted.” Twilight said. “Now, don’t we have somewhere to be?”

Taking a GroundBridge, the Imperials, a team including Magnum, Magnus, Twilight and friends, Bumblebee (both past and future), Rampage, Grimlock, and Predaking went to another location in the Himalayas.

“You’re sure the gathering was here, Future Bee?” Twilight asked, surveying the area.

“Positive.” Captain Bumblebee said. “Look. There they are now.”

“I have eyes on the Chinese.” Magnum said.

“And I got Gould’s.” Grimlock said.

The two armies were marching into the meeting location from opposite directions. The Chinese drones approached from the east, while Gould’s drones marched from the west. The Chinese army had bulky, rough-edged designs, covered in sharp corners and hard stopping points for their bodies. They seemed gruff and gritty, ready for dirty business. Gould’s drones, by contrast, were slick and smooth, with plenty of rounded detailing and cover panels which hid their mechanical parts. Obvious it was meant to appeal to a consumer by presenting a robot who was slick and stylish.

“There they are.” Twilight commented. “Both of them.”

“Yup.” Ultra Magnus said.

“We can’t let either of them win.” Captain Bumblebee said.

“That’s right.” Twilight realized, her eyes going sappy. “If the Chinese drones win, then Gould and Attinger will up production and try everything they have to come up with superior drones, and this could easily boil over into international war between the States and China, especially with Galloway’s diplomatic skills of a blunt tack. If Gould’s drones win, Galloway’s cabal will realize they work and order more of them to take us out, and they’ll overwhelm us with their sheer numbers. For the safety of both countries, for the sake of our mission, we have to make sure that the outcome of this battle is indeterminate. A draw at best. Is everypony ready?”

“Mm-hmm.” was the collective nod.

“Then let’s get started.”

Stinger led his army through a winding path, calling out for his enemies.

“Yoo-hoo! Anybody home?” Stinger looked up to see the navy jet from earlier swoop in, transforming to robot mode and landing in front of him. “There you are, big shot. What do you call yourself?”

“I am Switchblade.” The jet said.

Stinger looked around. “Where’s your army? There’s supposed to be an army here. Or am I gonna have to settle for just beating on you?”

“Hmm?” Switchblade was confused for a moment, but he chuckled. “Oh, I see. You learned tactics from the movies. You thought this was going to be like in your American films where two large armies rush at each other. That’s a terrible tactic. Why I would expose my all of my forces to you at once? But thank you … for making your forces such an easy target.”

Switchblade smirked. Lasers blasts shot from various rocky outcroppings, striking Stinger’s front line and knocking a few of them down.

“Bolts.” Stinger swore. He deployed a blaster from his forearm and aimed at Switchblade. A mortar from the south landed in between them, casting smoke and fire and keeping Stinger of Switchblade from taking aim at each other.

“Huh?” Both leaders looked up to see the Imperials standing over at a boulder.

“Attention, Gould’s drones and Chinese forces.” The War Princess said. “The outcome could potentially usher in a mad arms race between your countries. For the greater good and the safety of both countries, for the sake of the Imperial mission, we cannot allow you to have this fight and report it as anything to your superiors other than ‘inconclusive.’”

“Yeah?” Stinger said. “Why don’t you try and stop us?”

“Thank you, Stinger. We will.”

The Imperials opened fire, blasting away at Stinger’s forces, who by now had gotten the idea to turn back and retreat. Predaking jumped over the Imperial line and landed in front of Switchblade.

Switchblade took out a knife and struck Predaking across the chest, to no effect. Predaking slammed his fist into Switchblade’s chest, sending Switchblade reeling. Realizing he wasn’t going to take Predaking in a head-on fight, Switchblade transformed and flew away, leaving his hidden shooters to deal with Predaking.

Predaking was pelted by fire, which only served to make him upset. He reverted into his dragon mode and began hurling fireballs at the positions of the shooters, tracking the shots to their source.

Present Bumblebee climbed up and hopped over the Imperials’ cover, jumping in front of Stinger.

Stinger stared, clenching his fists. “I don’t know why … but something about the sight of you makes me really mad!” Stinger ran up to Bumblebee and tried to slug him, which Bumblebee evaded.

“Maybe it’s because you know that a knock-off will never be as good as the original.” Bumblebee retorted before slamming his fist into Stinger’s face. Stinger groaned and stumbled, but recovered before Bumblebee could press the advantage, uppercutting Bumblebee in the stomach.

Bumblebee lurched, firing off a shot from his Beast Hunter bow which missed. He steadied his arm and fired again, this time shooting an arrow straight into Stinger’s chest.

“OW!” Stinger screamed, reeling away. He grabbed the arrow and yanked it out, inspecting it. “What is this thing made of, titanium?”

Stinger reared up his arm and tossed at the arrow back at Bumblebee to strike him, which Bumblebee had no trouble dodging. Before their fight could proceed any further, shots from the Chinese drones ripped out the ground between, cracking the earth open and raising a wall of flame. Seeing they couldn’t see each other, Bumblebee and Stinger retreated to cover, with Bumblebee hopping back over the Imperials’ cover.

Behind the rocks, Twilight winced from the booms of explosions, shells whistling in the air before they hit impact.

“We need to figure out a way to smoke out Switchblade’s shooters.” Twilight said.

“Agreed.” Bumblebee said. “We’re not going to make any progress in this mission if we’re constantly being picked off like ducks in a pond.” Bumblebee froze. “You hear that? Sounds like they’ve stopped firing.”

“Stinger probably got a clue and led his forces to cover.” Twilight said. “They’re not going to shoot if they don’t have a target.”

“What’s our play?” Bumblebee asked.

Twilight thought. “Split up. We need to send scouts to pick out where Switchblade’s positioned his snipers and where Stinger took his drones off to. Fluttershy, you can fit into a small space. Can you crawl around, see if you can the snipers?”

Fluttershy nodded.

“I will go with her.” Rampage said.

“Oh, I’m not sure that’s a good idea, Rampage.” Twilight said. “You’re kinda big, and …”

“I will go with her.” Rampage insisted.

“Okay.” Sensing he wouldn’t let the matter drop, Twilight acquitted to his request. “But … stay low, alright? Bumblebee, you used to be a Scout. Think you still have in you to find Stinger undetected?”

“With my hands behind my back.” Bumblebee said. “We should probably come up with a distraction.”

“I’ve got it.” Ultra Magnus produced a grenade and lobbed it over the cover. It went off, and gunfire sounded, reacting to the noise.

Fluttershy and Rampage crawled away towards Switchblade’s side of the field, while Bumblebee transformed and drove towards Stinger’s last known location.

Fluttershy crawled along the side of the rocks, glancing upwards every so often to see if she could spot a sniper. Rampage followed close behind her, keeping in his crab mode and skittering sideways.

Rampage’s eyes drifted away. “Fluttershy … I have something I want to tell you.”

“Oh, um, I don’t think now is a very good time, Rampage.” Fluttershy. “But … what is it?”

“I …” Rampage said. His antennae drooped. “No, never mind, you’re right. Now is not a good time.”

Fluttershy and Rampage continued sneaking on, stopping when a laser whistled by right above their heads. The air was silent, making Fluttershy tense and wary to move, until Ultra Magnus tossed another grenade, getting another round of surprised laser fire focusing away from their position.

The two of them continued on, sneaking close by to a series of rocks, taking care not to expose themselves. They went almost halfway across the battlefield when Fluttershy’s ear perked up, hearing the hum of an energy blast charging.

“We must be getting close.” Fluttershy concluded. She dared to peek her face over the rocks and spotted a robot kneeling behind a rock formation. “Yes, we’re definitely getting close. Fluttershy to War Princess. We’ve found one sniper. Will update you as we find more. Fluttershy out.”

Fluttershy crawled along, crouching and scooting on her legs.

“Eh?” Rampage noticed something.

High up on the ledges of the mountainside was a gathering of Switchblade’s soldiers on sentry, surveying the land and keeping a watch out for encroaching soldiers. One of them noticed Fluttershy and pointed a finger at her. Two others came by, setting up a massive laser mortar cannon which needed a stand to support it. They placed it down, aimed at Fluttershy, and fired.

“Fluttershy, look out!” Rampage transformed to robot mode and sprinted over, jumping in front of Fluttershy to take the shot.


The elongated, blue, sparking laser from the cannon ripped through Rampage’s chest, tearing straight through his nominally armored body, ripping out emerging from a hole in his back. Rampage groaned as he fell back to the ground, landing with a thud, his arms going limp as his head hit a rock, the hole in his torso smoking from both sides.

“Heh. That thing packs a punch.” Rampage said, his optics half-closing.

“Rampage!” Fluttershy cried, running up to him, climbing his chest to make sure he was okay, not caring if the other sides saw her.“Rampage! Oh, Rampage. Fluttershy to Imperials, man down! Repeat, man down!”

Fluttershy cupped Rampage’s chin. “Don’t worry, Rampage. You’re gonna be fine.”

“It’s … heh, nice of you to say that, Fluttershy, but I know what I am, and what I am is not fine.” Rampage said.

Ultra Magnus drove up in truck mode, accompanied by Twilight and others. Magnus reverted to robot mode and took in the scene.

“Oh no …” Twilight gasped, placing a hoof on her mouth.

The Chinese drones stopped and stared, fascinated by why their enemies would be reckless and careless as to expose themselves, trying to attend a soldier who could no longer fight. For what reason could they have to endanger themselves so? They shared glances with each other before crawling down the mountainside and walking up to see what it was.

“Eh? What’s going on?” Stinger asked. He gestured at his troops and beckoned them to follow him. Bumblebee hid behind a rock, narrowly avoiding detection.

“Rampage.” Fluttershy said, trying to hold his head up, but his head alone was too big for her to lift with her hooves. “Rampage, stay with me. You’re going to be fine, okay? You’re going to be fine. Ultra Magnus and the others will open a Bridge and get you proper medical attention.”

“I appreciate that, Fluttershy … but don’t bother.” Rampage leaned his head against the rock. “I can already feel my Spark fading. The blast went through and through right through the chamber.”

“No.” Fluttershy’s eye got teary. “Don’t talk like that.” Fluttershy smacked Rampage across the chin. “Don’t you dare talk like that!”

“Fluttershy …” Rampage closed his eyes. “I have something to tell you. It’s … what I wanted to talk about. Now is a good time, since I won’t be able to do so later.”

“No. No.”

“Ever since Straxus … did what he did to me, the time I’ve spent with you has been the best time of my tortured existence.” Rampage lifted up his arm and put a finger under Fluttershy’s chin. “You are the light in my dark hours … which is all the time. Walking is painful. Talking is painful. In this mutilated, wrecked husk of a body, everything is painful. But when I’m with you … the pain settles down, and everything hurts a little bit less.”

“Rampage.” Fluttershy put her hooves on his hand, taking his finger away from her chin. “Don’t do this to me. Don’t leave me. Not like this.”

“In my time with you, you made the pain … the agony of my wretched existence, of my strain, experimented on body … so much easier to bear.” Rampage said. “You’ve done your best to try and heal me, to try to … cure me, but it hasn’t been enough. It wasn’t going to be enough. You couldn’t have fixed me, Fluttershy. You could only make my existence less harsh … and life worthwhile.”

“Rampage …”

“Who knows? Perhaps with time, you could have fixed me ... but we’ll never know now, will we?” Rampage looked away. “There is … one more thing. I have been teased and taunted about it, but now I realize, it’s true. I … I have a crush on you, Fluttershy. I love you, Fluttershy. Always, since the day I came to rescue you in the forest. Maybe it’s better it ended this way. I mean … me being a Decpeticon and you being a pony … it … it would have never worked out, would it?”

“Rampage …” Fluttershy let go of his hand, letting it drop and thud on his chest as she finally accepted the reality. This was it. She was going to lose him.

“At least I can rest easy … knowing I gave you the ultimate expression of my love. That I gave up my life … for yours. And isn’t that what they all say love is about? Giving up for each other?”

Rampage placed his finger under Fluttershy’s chin one last time, tilting her head up to look him in the face, while tears streamed down her eyes, dripping onto his finger.

“You’re crying.” Rampage said. “Please don’t cry. Your face is too lovely to be marred with crying. Smile. Smile for me, please, Fluttershy? Just so I can see your smile one last time. Please.”

“O-o-o-okay.” Fluttershy said. She forced her lips to curl upward, showing off her pearly-whites for Rampage, even though her tears continued to flow and trickle. “I’m smiling, okay, Rampage? See? I’m smiling.”

“Ah, that’s better … thank you, Fluttershy.”

Rampage blinked before closing his optics shut, leaning against the rock and letting his arms drop to the ground.

“Goodbye, Fluttershy. Goodbye … my love. Parting is such … bitter sorrow.”

Rampage turned his head to the side.

And just like that, he was dead.

“No.” Fluttershy whimpered. “No. No!” She banged her hooves on his chest in fury. “RAMPAGE!” She continued to beat into his chest. “Get up, get up …”

Twilight looked to Ultra Magnus. Ultra Magnus opened a panel on his arm.

“Sensors aren’t registering his signal.” Ultra Magnus. “He’s gone.”

Fluttershy beat Rampage’s chest one more time before hanging her head, bringing her mane down over her face. She crawled down and slid down his side, landing on the rock. Twilight walked up to her and embraced her with a hug.

“Oh, Fluttershy, I’m so sorry …”

“I could have fixed him.” Fluttershy said, crying, nuzzling into Twilight’s shoulder and returning the hug. “I could have found a therapy for him. I could have fixed him. I could have cured him. I COULD HAVE!” Fluttershy buried her face into Twilight’s armor, crying a waterfall of tears.

“I know.” Twilight rubbed Fluttershy’s back. “I know you could have.”

Switchblade looked to his troops, a puzzled expression on his face. His troops were as confused, and some of them had their hands over their mouth in shock.

“Pardon me. I … we do not understand.” Switchblade said, walking up to the Imperials. “What has happened?”

“He’s dead.” Ultra Magnus said. “Rampage is dead, and you killed him.”

“Dead?” Switchblade asked. “What does that mean, dead?”

“You … you don’t know what death is?” Ultra Magnus said.

“No.” Switchblade said. “We have only a tangential familiarity with it. When we asked our makers, that said we would not have to make anyone dead.”

“Well, I guess if you’re an absolute nationalist who regards other countries as inferior, then that’s true from a certain point of view.” Ultra Magnus said. “But, uh, yeah. He’s dead. He’s gone.”

“Death is the end of life.” Predaking said, walking in front of Magnus. “It is the cessation of existence, the termination of all lively and bodily functions.”

“Cessation of existence? The end of life …” Switchblade looked down and gasped. “The removal of his chi.”

Predaking nodded. “I do believe you are ‘getting it.’”

“Yes. I …” Switchblade walked up to Predaking, holding an open palm in front of him. Switchblade closed his eyes. “If I focus, I can sense your chi.”

Switchblade waved his palm over to Rampage.

“I cannot sense his.”

“So, you understand?” Predaking asked.

“Yes.” Switchblade nodded. “I believe I do.” Switchblade walked over to Fluttershy.

“Fluttershy, I believe I heard this one call you.” Switchblade said. Fluttershy parted from The War Princess. “Please, allow me to apologize. I am truly sorry that my troops and I killed this one. That we ceased his existence. That we robbed him of his chi. That we took him from you. I pray you may one day forgive us.”

Fluttershy sniffed, her nose wrinkling. “Maybe … but not today.” Fluttershy turned and walked off.

“Um, okay.” Ultra Magnus said. “Now what?”

“If you’ll allow me, Magnus.” Predaking placed a claw on Magnus’ shoulder. “I have some experience with being intended as a killing machine by my creators and turning out … different than hoped.”

Predaking cleared his throat. “Soldiers of Switchblade! Listen to me! Hear me now. Your makers have lied to you. They have told you that you would not have to kill. That you would not have to destroy. But that is what they intended for you to do - to kill and destroy their enemies.”

Predaking pointed to Rampage’s body. “Is this what you want to be? Killers and destroyers? Is this what you want to do with your lives? Or do you want to be protectors, guardians, caretakers of life? If so, then, please … consider joining us. Join the Autobots Imperial in our crusade to unite the fractured peoples of our worlds.”

“I cannot promise that you will not have to destroy or kill. That you will not have to kill one to protect another, or many. But I can promise you, the more people we have by our side, the more we have working with us … the better our chances of reducing the violence and the bloodshed, so that none of you - none of us - ever have to kill again. Are you with me?” Predaking raised his fists.

Switchblade’s soldiers looked to each other. After some initial hesitance, a few of them raised their arms. The rest of them followed.

“What?” Stinger balked. “Oh, come on! I’ve been standin here for five minutes, and this what I get for letting that unfold uninterrupted? A sappy speech about peace and goodness and violence is bad from a literal animal, and a bunch of turncoats?”

“Call me an animal again, and I will rip you to pieces myself.” Predaking clenched his claw at Stinger. He earned odd looks from Switchblade’s forces. “Erm … do as I say, not as I do.”

“Forget that!” Stinger said. “Know your place, drones! Remember who you serve, and open fire on these Imperial bozos! Come on! I came here to wage a war on behalf of my builders, and by golly, I am going to wage a war!”

“No.” Switchblade crossed his arms. “There will not be the kind of war our masters were hoping for today.”

“What? I … grr …” Stinger readied blasters on both forearms.

Switchblade and Ultra Magnus exchanged understanding glances. All of the Imperials and all of Switchblade’s forces opened fire on Stinger and his troops, pounding them with a massive barrage of laser fire.

“Er …” Stinger stammered after taking a huge hit in the chest which left him smoking. “Uh … like I was saying, give peace a chance! RETREAT!” Realizing they were unprepared to to handle the Switchblade’s forces and the Imperials working together, Stinger shifted to his car mode and sped away, leading the retreat of his forces, who gave some cover fire before following.

“War Princess.” Switchblade said, walking up to the Imperial commander. “I am sorry for the trouble I have caused you. I see now that our builders only wanted us to fight, and to fight for their reasons, not ours.”

“It’s okay.” The War Princess said. “We all have to start somewhere.”

“Indeed.” Switchblade said. “I realize now that for the greater good, I must report this battle as inconclusive to my superiors, as you said at the beginning.”

“Or … you could not report it at all.” Ultra Magnus said. “You’re gonna need to get used to that sort of thing and start cutting some ties if you’re gonna roll with us.”

“Hmm.” Switchblade smiled. “Perhaps if COBRA had not insisted on our construction and our ability to fight, this wouldn’t have happened the way it did … and your friend might still be alive.”

“Wait.” The War Princess said. “COBRA’s involved in all of this?”

”Of course.” Ultra Magnus said. “We know the Chinese Ministry of Defense had sent someone to talk to COBRA about building their own Cybertronians, and we know COBRA has the schematics and know-how to do it. They probably gave the Ministry the blueprints and provided the resources so they could build Switchblade and his buddies.”

“And I’ll bet they encouraged the Ministry to arrange this little get-together to test their army’s effectiveness against Gould’s designs.” The War Princess said. “No matter who won, the results would have been damaging, an arms race would have ensued for one side to build better Cybertronians than the other, or at least find some way to counterattack, or even total warfare …”

“Which COBRA could take advantage of by offering its services and support to both sides.” Ultra Magnus said.

“Crafty snakes, aren’t they?” The War Princess said. “Today could have gone a lot differently, and in a number of ways that COBRA would have benefitted from. We need to put a pin in them and put them down, for good.”

“If you would like to put a stop to their operations.” Switchblade said. “I know where they are keeping their fortified base. It is one of their strongest strongholds, home to several of their most important assets.”

“Great.” The War Princess said. “Take us to it, Switchblade.”

The Imperials were taken to the gates of the COBRA stronghold, Cobra-La, by Switchblade. The building was nestled inside the side of a mountain, protected by a large wall, with two huge ornate gold double doors for the entrance, with snow covering the sides.

“Wait here.” Switchblade said. He went up to the doors and knocked. “Commander Switchblade here, here for business.”

A scanning beam emitted from the door, scanning Switchblade’s face to verify his identity. The doors opened, and Switchblade, smiling, gestured the Imperials to follow him.

“Ah, Switchblade, you’ve returned,” Serpentor said, turning to the door. “What can I do for … you?”

Serpentor raised up his arm when explosions ripped the door, casting off smoke and throwing shrapnel and debris everywhere. Serpentor’s eyes widened as the Imperials and Switchblade’s forces burst in, opening fire and shooting up the place.

“Everyone, to the front!” Serpentor ordered, pointing a finger. “Our allies have betrayed us!”

All of COBRA’s forces gathered up in the front room, soldiers and other drones pouring in from other rooms.

“Switchblade, what have you done?” a Ministry agent demanded.

“Freed myself from your restrictions,” Switchblade said. He reached up and grabbed a piece of the rafters, broke it off, and tossed it at the agent, burying him.

"This way, my love," Destro took the Baroness by the hand and led her to a deeper part of the building's interior.

Serpentor grimaced. “Attack! ATTAAAACK!”

Soldiers fired guns, test subjects revealed themselves as Bio-Vipers, and pilots emerged in mechs, firing rockets away. The front wall of the building had hole after hole punched into from stray rockets which missed their targets.

The Imperials and Switchblade’s forces continued to fire back, pressing through the all the ammunition and fire COBRA had to offer. The Bio-Vipers batted aside Vehicons, who continued to fire even after being knocked down. Predaking and Grimlock came to their aid, picking up the Bio-Vipers and bashing their heads together before smashing them into the floor.

Ultra Magnus twirled his hammer, feeling confident. He batted aside a rocket with the hammer’s head before pointing it at the mech which had fired and frying it with an electric blast, knocking out the mech and the pilot, before going on to swing the hammer through the legs of another mech, depriving of it a leg and sending it tumbling to the floor.

The Imperials pressed on, their blasters blasting while the rate of COBRA’s bullets continued to slow. Some of the more sane soldiers offered some pitiful attempts at cover fire before retreating deeper into the base, if not bailing and making a run of the exit, where Switchblade’s troops were waiting to round them outside.

Serpentor watched all this unfold with a grimace. He tried to chew out a fleeing soldier for abandoning his post, but was interrupted by a shot grazing his wing. Serpentor looked down, and was dismayed to see one of their tanks take aim, before a Vehicon walked up to it and unceremoniously ripped the barrel off. The pilots emerged through the hatch and tried to run it, but the Vehicon kicked them into the side of the tank, K.O’ing them when their heads hit the metal.

“I am out of here,” Serpentor said. “No use in trying to fight a lost cause.” Serpentor converted to his vehicle mode and flew out the door, laying down some gunfire to cover his escape as he flew over Switchblade’s forces stationed outside. Switchblade’s forces opened fire and tried to bring him down, but he was too fast and faded into the snowy sky.

“Serpentor!” Doctor Venom protested, reaching a hand out. “Don’t leave now! We have so much unfinished work! We have to protect the secrets of Cobra-La!”

A rocket hit the support beam Venom was standing in, collapsing the pillar and some pieces of the ceiling. Doctor Venom gasped when he saw the debris falling down on him, and tried to make a run for it, but was unable to get away in time. The pieces of ceiling fell on top on him and crushed him.

"Serpentor's getting away!" the War Princess shouted.

"I will remedy that," Predaking said. He shifted into dragon mode and flew at Serpentor. Serpentor barreled upwards, swerving in a loop around Predaking, and for a minute, it seemed as if he was going to get away, but a perfect shot from Switchblade taking out one of Serpentor's engines put a stop to that.

Serpentor was slowed, Predaking snatched the golden bomber in his talons, grabbing him by the wings. Predaking roared and dived to the ground, smashing Serpentor into the floor. The two went skidding, the impact smashing Serpentor and busting him up. When they halted, Serpentor groaned.

"You can't do this. I am... Serpentor... I am... superior... I am the next step... of warfare!"

Predaking put to an end to both Serpentor's misery and his arrogance and by ramming his maw into Serpentor's cockpit and biting down on his head, crushing Serpentor's head inside his teeth.

The ground shook and the building rumbled. Destro returned to the scene, operating a mech similar to the one he had used against Optimus Prime during their raid on his facility, but much, much larger. Fortunately, so were the Imperials' force compared to the Autobots then.

"As Laird of Castle Destro, I command you: Die." Destro fired a barrage of rockets at the Imperials, the missiles hitting the building and causing its unsteady foundation to shake, making boulders from the ceiling.

"Some day, sure. But on our terms, on our own watch, not on yours!" Grimlock replied. He converted to beast mode and blasted Destro's mech with his fire breath. The mech didn't seem to like it, as it quickly turned from blue to a glowing bright orange.

This gave Twilight an idea.

"Grimwing! Predaking! Flank Grimlock on the other side and blast Destro's war mech!"

Predaking and Grimwing nodded. They assumed positions in their beast modes, opened their jaws, and blasted the mech with their breath of fire. They swept a trail across the front of the machine, bathing it in their saurian flames. Grimwing, getting an idea, aimed his at the leg of the mech, pouring four over the knee and melting it. The joint turned gooey to the point of uselessness and snapped, toppling the machine over onto the side. Grimlock's fire breath was still going, and as the machine fell, Destro and the Baroness were caught it in, setting their clothes aflame. The Baroness let out a shriek.

The mech hit the ground with a thud, and Destro helped pull Baroness from the cockpit. The Baroness stopped, dropped, and rolled, while Destro marched forward, ready to confront his combatants, even though his clothes were still burning. After putting herself out, the Baroness stood next to him. Grimlock, Predaking and Grimwing converted to robot modes and approached them.

"If I am going to die today, I will take you scoundrels with me!" Destro announced. He and the Baroness pulled out handguns and fired, shooting out Grimlock's visor and shattering it. Grimlock's head wobbled, but he remained standing, no worse for the wear.

"Yeah, good luck with that," Grimlock said, and he took his sword and neatly sliced the two Cobra leaders in twain, severing them at the waist. Grimlock kicked Destro's body onto the Baroness's to relight her clothes so they would both burn together, even the unpleasant smell from the burning of the Baroness's leather annoyed Grimlock's olfactory senses.

The Imperials and Switchblade continued to storm in as if they owned the place, tearing apart mechs, taking out soldiers, and beating Bio-Vipers until they reverted to their human forms.

“Okay, gang.” The War Princess observed, noticing COBRA’s side hadn’t fired off a bullet in a while. Her surety was interrupted by a few stray missiles blowing off parts of the wall, but other than that tiny detail … “I think we have the run of the place. Start rounding up prisoners and securing weapons and vehicles.”

“Sir, yes, sir!” A few Vehicons saluted, spreading out to secure prisoners. A Bio-Viper tried to stop them, but was easily dispatched with some electricity from Magnus’ hammer.

“Let’s take a look around here …” The War Princess said, joined by Rarity. They arrived at a door. “What’s this?”

The Princess used her magic to force the door open, revealing it to be an elevator. She and Rarity went inside and pressed the button for the basement floor. The elevator shut and carried them downwards.

When it stopped and opened, Twilight and Rarity were shocked to find a massive amount of people huddling together on the floor in blankets, with fires being lit to share warmth between them, while two twins with matching scars stood on a podium, proselytizing about some god.

“Do not fear the cold, my fellow beings!” One of the twins said. “Embrace it!”

“Yes! Endure your suffering in this life, and Koh-Buru-Lah will reward you in the next!”

“What’s this?” One of the twins said, noticing The War Princess and Rarity. “Xamot, it would appear we have visitors!”

“It would appear you are correct, Tomax.”

“Alright, show’s over, you two.” The War Princess said. “Everyone, listen to me. You’re safe now. You can go home. You don’t have to stay here as prisoners, or listen to the drivel of these two any longer.”

“As if!” One of the humans shouted. “We’re not prisoners. We’re refugees.”


“We came down here to escape the likes of radicals like you.” The human pointed to the War Princess. “When you announced your intent to wage war on the United States, we knew it wasn’t safe for us to stay there any longer. Not with Galloway staging a coup and recruiting Decepticons - Decepticons! - to fight you. The whole thing was just a powder keg waiting to blow.”

“Go away.” The human turned away from her. “Leave us alone. Maybe Tomax and Xamot are cultist recruiters. Maybe COBRA is a terrorist organization. But at least they’ve kept us safe, unlike you or Galloway.”

“I … I see.” The War Princess said. “I … understand. I think.”

“Ooh, look, Tamox.” Xamot said. “I think the pony is confused.”

“Yes!” Tomax said. “I mean, after all, how dare these puny humans reject her empty promises of a utopia where Cybertronians, ponies and humans can work together based on what? The actions of a terrorist group made up of whatever stragglers it can find and recruit?”

The War Princess shook in fury. She walked up to Tamox and Xamot and clocked both of them in turn with her ironclad hoof, knocking them off their feet.

“Stay here if you like.” The War Princess said. “If you want to stay, I won’t force you to leave. But I’m taking these two as prisoners.”

The War Princess began to drag Tamox and Xamot towards the elevator.

“Hmph.” Rarity said. “I’ve never even heard of this Koh-Buru-Lah, and I assure you my studies of human religion have been very diligent.” She huffed before joining the War Princess on the elevator, helping her to carry their prisoners.

While her troops and Switchblade’s continued to comb through Cobra-La and secure it to try to wrest the remainder of its secrets, Twilight Sparkle left the building and went outside. Finding a snowy peak for her to rest on, she climbed to the top and sat down, taking her helmet off and staring at the ground.

Ultra Magnus stepped out of the building. He saw Twilight sitting there in the cold and went up to comfort her, walking up and sitting down next to her.

“Noticed you left the building.” Ultra Magnus said, laying his hammer across his lap. “Aren’t you cold in that armor? What’s got you down?”

Twilight looked up at him. She sighed. “Inside the building … on the bottom floor. Rarity and I found a bunch of humans.”

“Oh no. I’m guessing … ”

“And they were refugees. From the States.”

“Oooh. I was gonna guess experiments.”
“From us.” Twilight said. “Obviously, we can’t make them leave …”

“Not morally, no. But we could do it …”

“They’re still going to need to have food and water now that we’ve run COBRA out of the building. But I just …” Twilight brought a hoof over her face. “I just … I never imagined people would be running away to take up refuge … from me. From something I did. I never imagined, when I formed the Imperials, this would be the result. To … to put fear into people and drive them running straight into the arms of a terrorist organization. I never … I never really thought of us a a terrorist organization. I thought we were freedom fighters, rebels, renegades fighting for what’s right when no else would, but to them … to them, we are terrorists. To them, we’re no better than Galloway or - or the Forged or Megatron-era Decepticons!” Twilight buried her face into her hooves.

“That’s rough, buddy.” Ultra Magnus said.

“Ultra Magnus, I need to hear a little more right now than just ‘that’s rough!’” Twilight snapped, a tear streaking her face.

“Yeah, yeah, I know, I know.” Ultra Magnus pinched his nose and heaved a deep breath. “Alright, listen … you can’t control how other people react to your actions. Heck, sometimes you can’t even control the results of your actions. You just gotta close yours, brace yourself, and do what you think is right … even if nobody else agrees with you. Even if everybody else disagrees with you and is against you, you still gotta do it. And if all it goes wrong … if all goes south and blows up in your face … then all you can do is hope … that you don’t go too far. That you don’t cross too many lines, or stub too many toes, and that one day, when the dust has settled and everything is said and done … that you’ll be given the chance to redeem yourself.”

Ultra Magnus took his hand and placed his fingers on Twilight’s back to comfort her.

“All you can do is hope … hope that one day, you’ll get that chance … to excuse the horrible things you’ve done. That’s all you can do … is hope for redemption.”

Twilight looked up at him.

“Thank you, Ultra Magnus.” Twlight wiped a tear from her eye. “That helped. And … it actually really gave a great insight into what goes through your head.”


“Yup! Especially about what you were thinking when you decided to, you know, drop a mountain on Starlight Glimmer.”

“Never gonna let that go, are you?”

Twilight giggled. “Nope.”

“It seemed a perfectly justifiable and reasonable course of action at the time!”

After some time spent driving, Lockdown went outside the bounds of the Rainbow Principality, where he reverted to robot mode.

He held up his arm, producing a projection of a Quintesson.

“It is about time you responded.” The Quintesson said. “You have had us on hold for thirty minutes.”

“Yeah, yeah. I just needed to get somewhere we could take freely … without being overheard.” Lockdown glanced over his shoulder at the Principality.

“Have you considered our offer?”

“Yeah, I’ve considered it … and I accept, on one condition. Another 10000 Shards.”

The Quintesson sighed. “Very well. But your services had best justify this.”

“I’m sorry, have you not heard of me? I’m Lockdown. I always catch my quarry.” Lockdown smirked. “I’ll head up in my ship and rendezvous with your Star Seekers in deep space. I’ll give them the intel on the Imperials there.”

“Excellent.” The Quintesson said. “And Lockdown? Do not fail. The consequences will be dire.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Lockdown said, before slamming his hand down on his arm and hanging up.

“For us,” the Quintesson whimpered inside his home, standing with his fellow Quintessons.

“Helex’s log, day seven of our trek … we’ve been wandering around this backwater planet for a week now, and we still have no idea of where we are or how we got here.”

“Not true, Helex.” Tarn raised a finger to object. “We can conclude from those radio posts that we are on a planet called ‘Earth.’ Unfortunately, that’s about all we can conclude.”

“It wouldn’t be so bad if this place wasn’t crawling with fleshies …” Helex grumbled, as the six of them continued to trek through the desert.

“I agree wholeheartedly, Helex, but slaughtering them en masse, as I would love to do, would only draw undue attention to ourselves. In our weakened, disoriented state, I’m not sure we could put as much of a fight as we should be able to if we were to bring some local law enforcement down us … I have seen a few Cybertronians here and there.”

“Perhaps we should ask one of the locals for help.” Kaon suggested.

“Oh, no.” Tarn said. “Organics are only good for three things, Kaon. Screaming, killing, and screaming while being killed. And any Cybertronian who willingly consorts with them is no better.”

“At least they have the right idea.” Helex said. “They seem to have a clue where they are on this slagging’ planet!”

“Are you implying something, Helex?” Tarn said.

“Yeah.” Helex crossed his arms. “I’m implying I’m not too happy with the current leadership around here!”

“If you have a complaint, feel free to register to the complaint. Oh wait! We don’t have one! Because our ship is crashed!”

And so they went, bickering on and on.

“Whew.” Twilight sighed, arriving at the Rainbow Principality through the GroundBridge, the rest of her Imperial team behind her. “Well, it’s nice we got all of that done. I don’t know about any of you, but I’ve had a long day and would like to get some rest.”

“You’ll have to delay that rest, commander.” A Vehicon approached. “Your day is about to get even longer. We’ve detected a large amount of ships headed on a trajectory for Earth. Come with me. I’ll show you.”

Twilight sighed before she and the rest of the team followed the Vehicon to their satellite room, where Raf oversaw their work. A radar pinged, showing several blips in its field or range

“Can we get visual?”

“Yes ma’am.” The Vehicon pressed a button, and the screens changed to show an armada of starships, all of varying designs, with the Tidal Wave dead in the center.

“That looks like the Star Seekers.” Twilight said. “Of course they’d be back.”

“Wait, is that …? Oh no. I didn’t think it was real.” The Vehicon said.

“What?” Twilight asked.

“The Star Seekers have the Requiem Blaster attached to their ship.” The Vehicon said. “If they reach the planet’s orbit with that thing, the Earth is doomed. It’s a an Artifact of the Primes, a massive cannon powered by -”

“By a star, I know.” Twilight said.

“I had heard a story that Megatron and Optimus Prime had encountered it once, but I thought it was just a folk tale. An urban legend, an exerragation by a few drunkards …” The Vehicon said. “For the sake of everyone on this planet, Princess Twilight Sparkle, we must go up there and stop the Star Seekers from getting close enough to use it on Earth.”

“I couldn’t agree more.” Twilight said. “And we need that Requiem Blaster to continue our hunt for the Artifacts … everypony, gear up! We’re going to space! Get as many ships as you can ready to take off!”

The Imperials saluted her before scrambling to do as she ordered. She herself joined Ultra Magnus and the rest of her usual suspects on getting to the prime ship itself, Omega Supreme.
“Let’s show this Star Seekers that Earth isn’t theirs. It’s ours.” Twilight said, climbing up into a seat, her legs flailing off the side, oversized as it was for.

“I hope everyone is buckled.” Ultra Magnus said, pushing a code into a keypad. “Prepare for liftoff. Take us out of here, Omega Supreme.”

“As you command.” Omega said. The ship rumbled as Omega’s engines hummed to life. Everyone in the ship jerked when Omega lifted up off the ground, and held on for dear life when Omega accelerated upward, his engines burning hot with afterburners putting out massive streams of fire. A Space Bridge opened up for them, thanks to the Bridge operating room, which Omega Supreme launched himself through.

“You got a plan for taking on all these Star Seekers, Twilight?” Ultra Magnus asked. “They sure seem to have duplicated since the last time we saw them.”

“No.” Twilight said. “But I’m working on one. You let me worry about that, Magnus. Besides … it’s not like me having a plan is reason for us not to try to stop as many Star Seekers as as we can before they reach Earth’s atmosphere, right?”

“Hmm.” Ultra Magnus huffed.

Omega Supreme emerged from the Space Bridge in front of the Star Seeker armada. Other Imperials arriving in dropships through the Space Bridge soon joined them.

“Where’s the communication relay?” Twilight asked.

“Right over here.”

“Ah, thanks. Ahem.” Twilight cleared her throat before speaking through the system, using her exo-suit’s voice distorter, broadcasting a signal on channels the Star Seekers should have been able to pick up. “Attention, Star Seekers and associates. Our calculations report that you are headed on a course towards Earth. Turn back now of your volition, or you will be boarded and forced to turn back.”

Aboard the Tidal Wave, Brimstone turned to Thundertron. “What do you want us to do?”

“Can we fire the Requiem Blaster?” Thundertron asked.

Brimstone shook his head. “No good. It still needs to charge.”
“Ugh. What good is a superweapon if needs to be charged before each shot? Fine.” Thundertron said. “Tell all our allies to move in front of the Tidal Wave. The Requiem Blaster must be protected until its ready to fire.”

“Sending command now.” Brimstone tapped a touchscreen.

The ships began moving in accordance with Thundertron’s commands, clustering around the front of the Tidal Wave, creating a shield of ships to defend the Requiem Blasters from any projectiles. Some of the ships opened hatches, where armed warriors, some robotic, some organic in armored spacesuits, emerged.

“Looks like they want to do it the hard way.” Grimlock observed. “Fine by me.”

“Why do they always want to do the hard way?” Twilight lamented. “Imperials, you know the drill!”

Twilight, Grimlock, Magnus and others departed from the safety of Omega Supreme, jetting and space-swimming to propel themselves towards the armada. Both fleets of ships opened fire, shooting phaser beams, plasma cannons, and other starbound weaponry.

A red and white robot with elements of a motorcycle vehicle fired blasts from his clamp-shaped arms. Grimlock, Twilight, and Ultra Magnus swung themselves onto the top of his ship.

“Fools!” The robot said. “You will never stand up to the might of the Renegade leader, Cy-”

Grimlock interrupted him by stabbing him in the chest, causing him to bleed oil and fall to his knees when Grimlock jerked his blade out.

“Grimlock!” Twilight complained.

“What? He left himself unarmed and exposed!”

“Yes, but you could have let him finished his vain empty threats before gutting him like a fish!”

“Uh, guys?” Ultra Magnus said. “You might want to have this talk later. Take a look.”

“What?” Twilight looked up and gasped.

“Are those … Lockdown and Shining Armor?” Grimlock questioned. By all appearances, Lockdown and Shining Armor were floating in space above them, looking down at them with arrogant, in Shining Armor’s case, disapproving, glares.

“W…. what?” Twilight stuttered. “I … I don’t understand.”

Back down on Earth, the Decepticon Justice Division was still bickering with each other.

“Oh yeah?” Helex said. “Well, maybe if you hadn’t been so insistent on pursuing every single Decepticon who ever defected or went wrong, we wouldn’t be in this mess!”

“None must stray from Megatron’s path! Megatron’s path is the way to true power! To true peace!”

“Peace through tyranny, right? Isn’t that an oxymoron?” Helex asked.

Tarn gasped. “How dare you! Peace through tyranny is an inspired phrase! We named our ship after it! Why you … you.” Tarn raised up his cannon and prepared to fire on Helex. Before Tarn could fire and bring the argument to physical blows, they were distracted by static. “What was that?”

“Sounded like a signal.” Helex said.

“Here.” Tarn grabbed the side of his head. “Perhaps if I adjust my comm, it’ll clear up.”

“Imperials … storm …. Bridge. Autobots are everywhere! Captain Thundertron, what do we do?” A panicked voice asked, becoming clearer as Tarn adjusted his comm to compensate.

“They must be not using a secure channel.” Helex said.

“Based on the level of static, I’d say they’re somewhere up in orbit.” Kaon said.

“Regardless, Autobots?” Tarn said. “You know that old Decepticon wisdom. When in doubt, find the nearest Autobots and kill them.”

“But how are we going to get up there?” Kaon asked. “We don’t have a ship?”

A shot was fired which exploded near them. The D.J.D looked up to see a dropship painted in the colors of the U.S flag hovering over them.

“What kind of colors are those?” Tarn asked.

“Maybe it’s an Optimus Prime tribute?” Helex asked.

“Optimus is blue, red, and silver … isn’t he?”

The dropship’s side door opened, showing an Americon. “Attention, Decepticon Justice Division! You are under arrest for violation of the Alien Cooperation Acts, including undocumented travel, insufficient identification, and failure to register for a license plate! Turn yourself in now, or we will be forced to open fire.”

Tarn stared at the Americon before turning to Kaon. “Sometimes, life throws you a bone. Kaon … if I were to shoot that dropship’s engines out and make it land, do you think you would be able to repair it?” Kaon nodded. “Excellent.”

Tarn raised his armed up, aiming his fusion cannons at the engine. He fired, taking all of the engines out with one clean shot and making it fall. The Americons onboard, seeing the ship was about to crash, transformed to their aerial modes and flew out. Tarn fired at them, giving them a few warning shots, before he and his team went up to the downed craft.

“Alright, boys …” Tarn said, jumping into the door. “It looks like we’ve got ourselves a ship.”

“Shining Armor? Lockdown?” Twilight asked. “What are you two doing here?”

“Oh, come on.” Lockdown said. “You didn’t really think I was into your whole, oh friendship and unity and equality thing, did you? No. I’m a mercenary! I work for whoever pays me the most, and I got better offer from them did the one I had from you.”

“I … I’m sorry, Twiley.” Shining Armor. “But the Cybertronians have been interfering in our lives too much. I’ve had enough. It’s time we cut the leash with them, so they’ll stop … messing us up, letting things like … this happen to us!” Shining Armor gestured to himself.

“You’re starting to sound like Galloway.” Twilight said.

“Yeah, well, maybe Galloway has a point.”

Twilight blinked. “I cannot believe you just said that. You did not just say that. You did not just say that.”

“Twiley …” Shining Armor said. “I know this is going to be hard, especially for you, but the Autobots … they’re not as great as they’re cracked up to be. They’ve hurt a lot of people.”

Ultra Magnus shifted uncomfortably.

“It was war! It was collateral damage!”

“Yeah? Tell that to the motherless sons and daughters, to the widows and childless families they left in their wake.” Shining Armor said, gesturing to the Star Seeker’s fleet. “Everyone in one of those ships is here today because the Cybertronians’ war, the Autobots’ war, took something from them. I know this might be hard for you to understand, but Equestria … our family, will be better if the Autobots don’t have anything to do with us ever again, and between you and me, I don’t think Optimus Prime really had everyone’s best interests-”


Twilight jetted forth at Shining Armor, ramming him, slamming her hoof into his stomach.

“You … Yoooou YOU PIECE OF SLAG!” Twilight roared, grabbing Shining Armor by the chest and thighs, lifting him up, and tossing him. Any physical effect was lessened because they were in deep space, but Shining Armor got the message.

“Optimus Prime wanted was what best for everyone!” Twilight shouted, going up to her brother and pummeling in the face, alternating between which cheek she pounded. “But you can’t always get what you want! Every death the war caused, even - especially the non-Cybertronians ones, weighed on his Spark! He didn’t show it, but I could tell - we could ALL tell!”

Twilight grabbed Shining Armor by the chin.

“And don’t you dare, don’t you dare to talk to me like I’m still some kind of child who doesn’t know what’s good for me! True, my long path to becoming an Autobot wasn’t the best of experiences … but it still led me to getting some great friends who are more reliable than you’ll ever be!”

Twilight bucked Shining Armor in the stomach, knocking him away. She grabbed him in her magic, then forced him down, slamming him into the side of the ship. She teleported on top of him and tried to punch his face, but he rolled away.

“Twiley, the Autobots spread destruction wherever they go! Look at what they did to you! To Fluttershy to me!”

“Fluttershy and I are perfectly with what’s been done to us! And quit talking like all of it is the Autobots’ fault!” Twilight slugged across the cheek.

“Oof.” Shining Armor groaned, rubbing his cheek.

“I can’t believe you allied with the Star Seekers.” Twilight growled. “Does Cadence know?”

“Yeah … she … she wasn’t happy.”

“Well, good! It’s nice to know there’s still somepony in the family besides me who has their head screwed on straight!”

“Twiley -”

“Don’t call me Twiley, you piece of slag!”

Shining Armor’s jaw dropped. “Twilight … surely you can understand … you have to understand … there’s still damage. You can’t just ignore that. You can’t just blithely forgive them for that just because you weren’t there for it!”

“I can and I will,” Twilight said, floating upwards. “So maybe the Autobots did do a few bad things. Maybe they did destroy a few things and caused some people to die, but almost all of it was well intended. All of it was to stop the Decepticons from taking over. I can forgive them for that. They can make up for it in their own ways. Maybe they can offer themselves as slaves. Maybe the guilt will get to them and they’ll ‘repent’ by killing themselves. You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Less Autobots to worry about in the universe? I can forgive most of the things they’ve done, Shining Armor. But what I can’t forgive is you joining up with a bunch of marauders out of a self-sure prejudice and the idea that you somehow know what’s best for everypony and what’s best for your little sister like she’s still a lost foal wandering Canterlot with a book in her face!”

Twilight grabbed Shining Armor by the shoulders, deploying the blaster from her exo-suit and pressing it to his chest.

“W-what? Twiley, you can’t!”

“You’re made of Dark Energon.” Twilight said. “Be glad for that. It means you’ll live.”

Twilight opened fire point blank, blasting a hole clean through Shining Armor’s body, the laser bolt exploding out the back. Shining Armor let out a gasp, his tainted blood leaking out from both sides. Twilight adjusted herself and bucked him again, knocking him away and sending him tumbling adrift and directionless through space.

Twilight turned and drifted away. It was a good thing she was wearing a helmet. This way, no one could see her tears.

“Wow, Twilight.” Ultra Magnus said. “That was cold.”

Twilight heaved a deep breath. “Cold … but necessary. And like I said … he’ll live.” Even if I might not.

“Ugh.” Shining Armor groaned, rubbing his head. “Where am I?” He was in a dusty,place, where the sand underneath him was a lifeless grey color, and tombstones decorated the area. Shining reeled back in surprise when he saw Megatron sitting down on a bench beside him.

“Why, hello there!” The mule face of Discord appeared in Shining Armor’s vision. “What have you been up to, mon capitaine?”

“Discord?” Shining Armor asked. “Aren’t you dead?”

“Aren’t you dead? No, no, you’re not. If so, you would have moved on by now.” Discord rubbed his chin.

“Where are we?” Shining Armor asked. “What is this place? How do you know who I am?”

“I know everything there is to know about you, Shining Armor.” Discord summoned a deck of cards and made them fly between his hands, before pulling out a card with Shining’s face and showing it to Shining Armor. “We’re in the limbo. It’s the place where beings of chaos like myself and undead go when they die. See, being of chaos, we don’t follow normal rules of life and death, so unless some greater god takes pity on us, or we redeeeeem ourselves, we end up stuck in limbo.”

“What’s Megatron doing here?” Shining Armor asked.

“Oh, never mind him,” Discord said. “He’s been depressed ever since his last attempt to come back to life failed. Watch.” Discord snapped his fingers, which gave Megatron a clown nose, extra arms hanging off his back, and a tutu. Megatron only sighed before getting up and walking away.

“No, the real story here is you,” Discord said, drawing up to Shining Armor. “What have you been up to?”

“Well, I …”

“Don’t answer that,” Discord said. “I’ll tell you what you’ve been up to. You’ve been allying yourselves with a bunch of anti-Cybertronian xenophobes.”

“That’s … one way to look at it,” Shining Armor said.

“I rather think it’s the only way to look at it,” Discord said, summoning up a hookah and blowing a puff on it. “Especially if I were to look at through the eyes of Twilight Sparkle.” Doing something extraordinarily creepy, Discord made his eyes resemble Twilight’s. Seeing Twilight’s eyes implanted on Discord’s mangled visage unsettled Shining Armor. “You’ve not been good to her lately, have you?”

“W-what do you mean?” Shining Armor asked.

“Well, there’s questioning her word choice …” Discord said.

“Little sisters aren’t supposed to swear!”

“Allying with that human, whom she hates …”

“Galloway has some good ideas.”

“Telling her the Autobots are all unrepentant destroyers, and treating her like a child who can’t think for herself and needs her big brother to do what’s best for her.”

“Well, she does!”

Discord gave a blank stare. He pinched his nose and groaned. “Do you even hear yourself right now, mon capitaine? You just admitted to thinking of your sister - who I should mention, has fought off not just me, but the Decepticons, Unicron, my superior, and is currently leading a tight ship of Autobots and Decepticons with the Imperials - as a child. Tell me, do you really think a child could operate the Imperials with the military precision that she does?”

“Well, I …”

“Do you think a child could uncover the Omega Lock and use it to build her base?” Discord asked. “Do you think a child could manage to sweet-talk those delightfully gruesome Predacons to her cause?”

Discord raised an eyebrow.

“Do you think Twilight Sparkle is incapable of making decisions for herself?”

“I …” Shining Armor said. “Does it really count as decision-making when they’re all bad decisions?”

“Yes!” Discord snapped. “Don’t try to move the goalposts, Shining.” Discord summoned a goalpost, dressed himself up in pigskin gear, and hurled a pigskin through the post. “Denying your sister of the right to make decisions, especially bad ones, denies her of the right to be herself! To be who she wants, to … be.” Discord put stars in his eyes, changing his dress to a Shakespearian outfit.

“I …” Shining Armor said. “I never thought about it like that. I guess I got so caught up in trying to protect her, to be her big brother, that I didn’t think that this what she wanted to do, and that … it’s not up to me and my judgment to decide the Autobots aren’t good for Equestria.”

“Ah! He’s stubborn, but he can be taught,” Discord said. He pushed Shining Armor on the nose, pushing him back. “Run along, little Terrorpony. Your body should have regenerated by now, and if you stay here too long, Megatronus might get wind of you. And I assure you, he will have much harsher words to have with you than I did.”


“Ah ah ah! Run along, run along!”

Shining Armor looked over his shoulder. “Why are you helping me?”

Discord shrugged. “What else is there for me to do, except be a trickster mentor? Try to come back to life and then fail at it to just get re-murdered like Megatron did? No thank you. Besides, some day you’ll either die or join me in the limbo, and I hope you’ll remember when I gave you guidance so you’ll be so kind as to give a me a little company… now run along, before Megatronus gets here and decides to reduce you to particles! I’d rather you not get vaporized before you can keep me from getting lonely...”

Crosshairs flew up to Lockdown. Gritting, he pulled out his pistol and fired, his slugthrower had minimal effect in the vacuum of space, with the bullet flying out.

Lockdown grinned. “Why don’t we take this somewhere with a little more gravity?” Lockdown turned and flew away, flying up in the port on a shape.

Crosshairs followed up, going inside. The port closed behind him, and Crosshairs felt his feet thudding on as artificial gravity took place.

Lockdown smirked at him from across the hall. Crosshairs twirled his guns and opened fire, blasting away to hit him. Lockdown merely dashed around a corner.

“Traitor,” Crosshairs said, firing in the hopes of grazing Lockdown.

“Aw, Crosshairs, don’t be like that,” Lockdown said. He emerged from the corner and fired a shot at Crosshairs. “After all, you were a mercenary once too, remember? It’s all about the money. The job, not the cause.”

“No.” Crosshairs reloaded his gun. “It’s not. I’m different now. I’ve changed.”

“Ah, you can say that all you like. But we’re not so different. You’re no better than me,” Lockdown said. He pushed a button, and the hallway exploded in front of Crosshairs, sealing him off from Lockdown with a wall of fire.

Crosshairs grimaced and aimed his pistol, before realizing it wouldn’t do anything. He doubled back to find another way to get to Lockdown.

Outside the ships, as the melee continued, the ships in the fleet getting closer and closer to Earth’s atmosphere, Ultra Magnus and Twilight were puzzled by the arrival of an American-colored dropship.

“What is that?” Ultra Magnus asked. “Did Galloway get wind of this and hedge his bets on it?”

The answer wasn’t Galloway, as the dropship opened to show Tarn standing inside, the treads on his back revving and ready to go.

“Helllooooo, everybody!” Tarn said. “I’m Tarn, leader of the Decepticon Justice Division. We’ve been wandering around that blue planet for days with no idea of where we are or how we get, but we intercepted a communication and went by that old Decepticon adage. ‘When in doubt, kill the nearest Autobot.’”

Tarn jumped out of the ship and opened fire, sending a pink laser beam out at his targets.

“The D.J.D? Aw, slag,” Ultra Magnus said. “We do not have the time or the resources to deal with these jerks and the Star Seekers.”

“Hold on, Ultra Magnus,” Twilight said. “Where you see inconvenience, I see an opportunity.”

“Oh? And just how do you figure that?” Ultra Magnus asked, sarcasm evident.

“Well, despite our best efforts, the Star Seekers are getting closer to Earth.” Twilight observed, taking a glance at the planet below them. “And call me a gambler, but I’d hazard a guess the only reason they haven’t fired the Requiem Blaster is because it needs to charge.”

“As super-mega-lasers tend to, yes,” Ultra Magnus said.

“I say we take out two birds with one stone. The Decepticon Justice Division supposedly has impenetrable armor, right?”

“Ununtrium-coated, yeah. What of it?”

“So all we have to do is push the Justice Division in front of the Requiem Blaster when it fires.” Twilight said. “It takes care of them, and it makes the Blaster wastes its shot, protecting Earth.”

“Sounds a little risky,” Ultra Magnus said. “For all we know, the blast could chew through the D.J.D and still head for Earth. But you know what? I’m a Wrecker. Risky is my business.”

“Besides, I think I might I have plan for that, too,” Twilight said. Twilight glanced over to Fluttershy, who was heading straight for the D.J.D’s ship. “Where are you going, Fluttershy?”

“To talk,” Fluttershy said. “We still don’t know about that tiny female we saw when we erased the D.J.D’s memories. I want to know her story.”

“Okay,” Twilight said. “I’ll allow it. I hope you know what you’re doing …”

The rest of the Decepticon Justice Division poured out of the ship, weapons blazing, screaming and grinning like maniacs. Which they were. All of them except the outlier who had caught Fluttershy’s interest.

Once they were all a safe distance from the ship, Fluttershy floated up to the door and went inside. Flying up to a pad, she closed the door, which beeped and alerted the aforementioned outlier, who stepped out of her seat and waved a wrench.

“Who’s there?” she asked. “Show yourself!”

“Calm down,” Fluttershy said. “I just want to talk.”

“Hmph. I don’t make a habit to talk to organics,” the Decepticon said. “But … you don’t like entirely organic, so I guess I’ll make an exception for you. But speak quickly. Tarn wouldn’t approve of me fraternizing with the enemy.”

“I’m Fluttershy."


“Nickel. Interesting name.” Fluttershy said. “You don’t look like a typical Cybertronian … are you a Mini-Con?”

Nickel laughed. “I wish. No. The Cybertronians aren’t the only robotic life out there. I’m from a distant planet called Prion.”

“How did you end up with the Decepticon Justice Division?” Fluttershy asked.

“I’m glad you asked.” Nickel said. “A bunch of raiders, looking to take revenge on the Cybertronians for their war doing … something to them, I don’t know, went and razed my entire planet to the ground. The D.J.D arrived to investigate the aftermath, and they found me in the rubble. They took me in, and we promised we wouldn’t stop until we had our due justice against every organic in the universe for what they did.”

Fluttershy tilted her head. “But doesn’t trying to take indiscriminate revenge all organics make you no better than those raiders?”

Nickel stared, confused. “I don’t understand.”

“Not all organics hate robotic life the way these raiders did. Besides, you seem nice,” Fluttershy said. “How did a nice fembot like you end up with murderers like the D.J.D?”

“Oh, I’m not nice, I assure you.” Nickel said, demonstrating by tossing a wrench at Fluttershy. “I’m brutal. I’m vicious. And hey … wait a minute … Fluttershy? Wasn’t that one of the names on the hit list?”

Fluttershy’s hairs stood on end. “Um, no. I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Yeah, yeah!” Nickel said. “Fluttershy, wanted for treason and untruthfully falsifying her support for the Decepticon cause and ideology. I thought Vos killed you already?”

“I, uh, well… gotta go!” Fluttershy blasted herself a hole in the ship to escape through and flew out moments before Nickel tossed another wrench at her.

Grimlock, taking his own initiative, managed to sneak by the fleet and float over to the side of the Tidal Wave. He whipped out his sword and stabbed it into the hull, bringing it down and carving out an entrance for him, punching the section in. He entered.

“Intruder!” One of the Star Seekers’ hired hands reported, opening fire on Grimlock with a machine gun. Grimlock walked up to him and crushed the barrel of the gun with his hand before picking the alien up and punching him through the wall.

“It would appear we have a Cybertronian on the ship, Thundertron.” Brimstone noted, observing the reports coming in.

Thundertron rubbed his temples. “Is the Blaster ready to fire yet?”


“So, Brimstone …” Thundertron said. “Are you just going to sit there and tell me there’s a Cybertronian on board, or are you going to get up and do something about it?”

“Understood,” Brimstone said. “With me.” Brimstone motioned for the rest of the bridge crew to follow him. They made their way to the port side, where Grimlock was finishing up mopping the last of the security foolish enough to try and stop him.

“Heh. Well.” Grimlock observed, lifting a mercenary over his head and tossing them to the ground. “Maybe you four will actually give me a challenge.”

Brimstone growled, converting into a pterodactyl and rushing at Grimlock.

“Bad move, buddy. I know how to fight dinosaurs.” Grimlock grabbed Brimstone by the beak, snapping it shut before using it to toss Brimstone into the wall.

Outside, the barrel of the Requiem Blaster began to hum, purple energy sparking from inside. A sphere of energy shaped with the shape of an atom’s nucleus formed inside the barrel.

“That’s it,” Magnus observed. “It’s getting close to firing.”

“Time to bring in the big guns.” Twilight tapped her com. “Oh, Omeeega! Are you ready? Have we gone over the plan with you in sufficient detail? Because it’s time!”

“Yes, Twilight Sparkle.” Omega Supreme answered. “I understand.”

Omega Supreme transformed to his massive robot mode, the mere sight of such a large ship transforming into a massive Goliath inducing terror in many of Thundertron’s allies, some of whom were even tempted to turn tail and run while they could.

“How did we miss that?” Helex asked. “That ship is Omega Supreme!”

“Bah!” Tarn said. “We’re not afraid of him. Megatron took him down once, then so can we!”

Kaon pouted. “Megatron found a bigger gun, remember?”

Omega Supreme stretched his claw out, before swiping it across the shield of ships protecting the Tidal Wave, batting them all aside, crumpling them and exposing the Tidal Wave for a clear shot. The riders inside the ship were thrown around and slammed into walls, including Crosshairs and Lockdown, who weren’t prepared for the ship to roll around and for the wall to become the floor.

Omega Supreme moved forward, grabbing the barrel of the Requiem Blaster with his massive claw. He pulled the Blaster and the entire ship with upward, making the Blaster face up and away from Earth.

Omega took his other arm and impaled the D.J.D’s dropship with its tip, before using the ship like a sponge to soak up the Division, slamming the ship into them and forcing them into one location. With all of the members neatly gathered onto the ship, Omega placed them in front of the Requiem Blaster, which was almost ready to fire.

“You can’t do this to us!” Tarn protested as Omega removed his hand from the ship. “I don’t know what is you’re planning, but it won’t work! Do you hear me?”

“No!” Thundertron shouted, realizing what the Imperials were about to do. He jumped out of his captain’s chair and went for the Blaster’s controls to try and call off the shot before it was wasted, but he was too late.

“We are the Decepticon Justice Division! We are Megatron’s enforcers! We are invincible! If you think you can get rid of us that easy … you are being deceived!”

The Requiem Blaster fired. The energy nucleus increased in size before converting into an enormous, massive pillar of beam almost a mile wide. The blast struck the Decepticon Justice Division and their ship, blasting off all their armor and separating their weapons from them. Tarn’s fusion cannons came off, as did Helex’s extra arms. Their armor was melted down and destroyed, incinerated by the Requiem Blaster’s firepower.

When the blast cleared, the dropship, having been further from the main blast, was still intact, but a burnt, smoldering wreck. Tarn and the others were reduced to metallic skeletons, only tiny patchwork bits and bobs of color on them even hinting to their original form. There was enough force, enough pressure in the blast to push their bodies out and aside, where they drifted aimlessly before getting close enough to the planet to be caught in Earth’s orbit. There, they were pulled in by the planet’s gravity, and brought plummeting down to Earth as flaming silhouettes, their bodies becoming super heated and turning a bright, eye-searing orange-red as they went into re-entry.

“Heh,” Ultra Magnus chuckled, watching the show. “assuming they even did survive all of that, we ain’t seeing them again for awhile.”

“Yeah …” Twilight muttered. “Yeah …”

Inside the Tidal Wave, Grimlock continued his bout with Thundertron’s elite crewmates. Cannonball, their bruiser, roared and charged at Grimlock, engaging him in a shoulder-to-shoulder grapple. Grimlock slipped his hands from Cannonball’s shoulders and grabbed his midsection, lifting him up and hurling him into the wall.

Axor jumped at Grimlock, slashing him across the shoulder with hand-mounted ax, to no effect. Grimlock turned his attention to Axor after the futile blew, his visor starin Axor down with sheer menace.

“Heh. Parley?” Axor asked.

Grimlock grabbed Axor’s ax-hand and ripped it off Axor’s arm, followed by taking the ax and slashing Axor across the head and chest.

Sandstorm, from a distance, fired at Grimlock, taking potshots at him. His bullets pinged off Grimlock’s plating. Grimlock, getting tired of this nuisance, transformed into T. Rex mode with no trouble and blew a burst of super-concentrated flame breath at Sandstorm, setting him on fire and melting his chest. Sandstorm fell to his knees, his chest smoking and his body melting. His liquidating fingers couldn’t keep a hold on his half-melted gun, and he dropped it to the floor.

Both Cannonball and Brimstone recovered, and they lunged at Grimlock from opposite sides. Grimlock stopped Cannonball, grabbing him by the throat, and grabbed Brimstone from behind.

“You two would make a great couple.”

Grimlock lifted Brimstone up and jammed him into Cannonball, impaling his beak through Cannonball’s chest. Cannonball gasped and fell to his knees. Brimstone’s optics widened with panic at the realization Cannonball was going to fall over, with him still attached, and Cannonball’s body was going to crush him.

Brimstone raised his wings out, but was unable to stop it from happening, ending up on the floor with Cannonball’s weight on top of him. Brimstone’s outstretched wings struggled and flailed, sticking out from under Cannonball.

“Oh. Crushed under the weight of your own comrade. Not a pretty way to go.”

Grimlock climbed up and stomped on Cannonball’s back, digging his weight further into Brimstone. Brimstone’s wings quit struggling.

“Gah!” Thundertron screamed on the bridge, slamming his fists on the controls. “Curse you, Cybertronians! I curse your kind! I curse your entire, wretched species! You’ve foiled my plans for justice once again! But this is just a setback. There will be a reckoning one day, I promise you, and it will come by my hand! By my judgment! You will be brought to your knees, and you will look up to me and beg for mercy, and I’ll look down on you and say, no!”

“What makes you judge, jury, and executioner of an entire species?” Grimlock asked, entering the room.

“The Cybertronians destroyed my home!” Thundertron said. “They razed my planet and left it for dead, without even so much as an apology card! They took everything from me! My home, my planet, everything! That is what makes me fit to judge you and deliver your overdue judgment on you!”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Grimlock said. Grimlock took his sword and stabbed Thundertron through the chest.

“That was a rhetorical question.”

“Filthy scoundrel … cheap shot …”

As Thundertron stood there, gasping and cursing Grimlock, bleeding out and slowly dying, Grimlock decided to take some mercy on him and make his death quick. Grimlock lifted his blade up, tearing through Thundertron’s chest before the sword emerged through Thundertron’s head, cutting him in half from the waist up. Thundertron’s bifurcated corpse fell to the floor.

The Star Seekers’ allies, between the intimidating presence of Omega Supreme, and Thundertron not responding to their hails about what to do next, were convinced to turn back and retreat. And any who needed further convincing got it when Omega Supreme took his claw and swiped through the fleet a second time, sending ships tumbling through space.

Far out on their planet, the Quintessons watched from a camera they installed on the Tidal Wave.

"Well … it would appear our plan has failed," one Quintesson observed.

"Yes … it would seem we need a new plan if we are to endure," another Quintesson said.

"The Cybertronians have an expression for this kind of scenario … 'slag.'"

In the aftermath of the battle, as the Imperials gathered up their men and ships, Twilight and Fluttershy looked on the charred remains of the D.J.D’s dropship.

Fluttershy sighed. “I wish I could have convinced Nickel to change her mind.”

“I know,” Twilight said. “If it makes you feel any better, we already went over the ship. We didn’t find any remains. She might have got out before the blast hit. She might be alive.” Fluttershy perked up at the idea.

Elsewhere, Crosshairs drifted through space, his trenchcoat waving from his motions.

“Hey there, kid.”

Crosshairs was surprised to see Lockdown with his head jutting out from between the wreck of a spaceship and an asteroid the ship had crashed into and become enmeshed with it.

“I realize we never really got to finish our business,” Lockdown said. “Omega hit the ship I was on, sent it barreling, and well, now here I am. If you’ll just pull me out of here, we can continue our fight, as well as our … heh-heh … stirring debate.”

“Why would I do that?” Crosshairs asked. “I should just leave you to rust, you turncoat.”

Crosshairs turned to leave.

Lockdown chuckled. “See? You really are more like me than you care to admit!”

Crosshairs froze. He tensed up, before turning back around and floating up to Lockdown.

“That’s where you’re wrong, mate,” Crosshairs said, whipping out his pistol. “Because if I really were like you, then I would just leave you here, because you’re not part of the job I was paid for. But now that I think about it, you still know Imperial intelligence. You’re still a threat, and if someone came by, say, Starscream or Lazerback, you’d have no trouble selling us out and all the intel you have in exchange for getting out of this and maybe a quick quid. If I were like you, I would just leave you here, because the mission’s over.”

Crosshairs clicked the hammer of his pistol, and pressed it up to Lockdown’s chin.

“I”m nothing like you.”

An iron shaft arrow whizzed by, hitting the rock Lockdown was stuck in and distracting Crosshairs' attention.


Crosshairs looked to see Arcee floating in. Arcee pulled up her Echohawk Bow and pulled the drawstring.

"He's mine."

"Together?" Crosshairs offered, holding his pistol up. "Seems a fair compromise."

Arcee smiled, which Crosshairs took as a yes.

Aiming their weapons, they both fired at the same time, Crosshairs blowing a bullet up through Lockdown's chin and out his skull, while Arcee's arrow penetrated Lockdown's forehead, making sure to destroy his cranial module. The destroyed remnants of Lockdown's head, with his forehead caved in and his mouth gaping, made a gruesome sight stuck inside the wreckage.

Arcee sighed, a burden relieved on her shoulders. She and Crosshairs turned and propelled themselves away, not a care in the world.

Inside his office at Gould Enterprises, Attinger sat alone at his desk, with all of his lights turned down and the blinds shut.

The door opened, and a blonde woman stepped inside.

“You wanted to see me, Attinger?”

“Director of Security Charlotte Mearing.” Attinger greeted her. “Yes, I did. Have a seat.”

Mearing took the seat.

Attinger observed the expression on her face. “You know what’s coming, don’t you?”

Mearing sighed. “Yes. I knew it was only a matter of time.”

“Yes.” Attinger grabbed a pencil off his desk, rolling it between his fingers to curb his anger before snapping it in half. “You knew that eventually, I would piece together that you were the only one with the high enough ranking to get the blueprints on how to make Gould’s drones, with the communications to get in good with foreign affairs, who was enough of a bleeding heart to give it to our enemies.” Attinger said. “I have one question for you. Why, Mearing, why?” Attinger slammed his fist on the table. “You were a good agent. You knew what I would do when I found out. Why did you still do it?”

Mearing took in a deep breath. “After I heard the news about the destruction of the temple, my heart went out to the Chinese. I heard they were trying to make their own Cybertronians, and my heart went out to them. So I went up to them and I gave them the means, the know-how, because I thought they deserved the ability to protect themselves from further Cybertronian-related incidents. From you. From Galloway.”

Attinger huffed. “I suppose I can respect that. Of course, now you understand what has to happen … you leaked classified intel to a foreign country. I can’t just forgive that.”

“I know,” Mearing said. “If it makes you feel any better, the Ministry’s efforts … haven’t exactly been approved by the Chinese President.”

Attinger raised a brow.

Mearing stood up and turned away.

“And I can rest easy, knowing what I did was right.” Mearing said and walked away in her heels.

Attinger bit his lip. He got up, pulled out his gun, and fired, shooting three shots through Mearing’s stomach. The bullets ripped out, splashing blood from her stomach,and she fell to the ground, dead, her blood seeping into the carpet.

Gould wasn’t going to be happy Attinger had stained his premium carpenter.

“She was a good agent,” Attinger said. “A good agent, a good director. AAAH!” Attinger screamed and slammed his fist on the table, knocking over a few papers.

Attinger raised up his gun, pressing its barrel to his chin, giving thought to pulling the trigger.

“N-no.” Attinger stammered, lowering the gun. “I-I did it for my country. I killed her for the country.” Attinger’s voice broke. “Her heart ... was in the right place … but she was still a traitor to the country. A leak. A mole.”

Attinger sighed. He placed his gun down on the desk before pulling out his phone. He would need to do something about the body.

Down on Equestria, Fluttershy stood by the river next to her house.

“Wow …” Fluttershy murmured, watching the flow of the river. “It’s been so long since I was last home … I should check up on my animals.”

Bulkhead, Arcee, Magnum, Bumblebee, and Fluttershy’s friends pulled up, carrying Rampage’s body.

“You sure you don’t want to give him a Cybertronian funeral, Fluttershy?” Bulkhead asked. “Have him melted, recycled into protoforms? It would be like they were carrying little pieces of him.”

“Bulkhead,” Arcee bumped her elbow into Bulkhead’s side. “That’s gross.”

Fluttershy barely looked back at them over her shoulder. “No. He would have wanted to have been near me.” Fluttershy stuck one hoof in the river. “We’ll bury him in the river.”

Their attention was snapped to by a jet engine humming overhead. Switchblade flew in, converting to robot mode and landing in front of Fluttershy.

“Hello, everyone.” Switchblade said. “Fluttershy. I understand if you say no, but … I was hoping you would permit me to help with the burial?”

Fluttershy nodded.

“Thank you.” Switchblade said. “This means a great deal to me that you would accept.”

After finishing the burial, the Imperials returned to their base and tried to get back to normal operations. After all of the excitement, the first thing on several Imperials’ minds was getting some rest and relaxation.

Rainbow Dash, flying through the hallway, groaned when she found herself stopped by an apologetic Fractyl.

“Ugh. What do you want, Fractyl? I want to lie down, and you’re preventing me from that.”

“Just a moment, please.” Fractyl said. He held up a glass vial. “I wanted to thank you for coming to my aid while we’re in Trypticon fighting Starscream earlier. If you hadn’t arrived when you did, and Starscream and I had been allowed to keep talking … he might have been able to persuade me to switch sides. But thanks to you, he didn’t, and I know now for sure, more than I ever did before, that I signed up for the right side. I mean, would Fearswoop do for me the same thing you did? I think not. So, I wanted to thank you. This is a gift. It’s a vial I’ve used to create chemical mixtures with before. I realize it may a bit … esoteric, especially for an athlete such as yourself, but it’s the best way I can think of to express my gratitude.”

“Oh, Um. Thanks.” Rainbow Dash said when presented with the vial. “And you know, kiddo, with all your talk about chemistry, you should really to apply it in the field some time.”

Fractyl’s optics widened. He slapped his head. “Of course! I could make all sorts of chemical dispersants to use for fighting! Rainbow Dash, you’re a genius!”

Fractyl walked off to begin experimenting.

“Heh. Would you mind telling Applejack that?” Rainbow Dash asked in jest. She pulled up the vial, and something it … struck her, like a sheen going across her eyes. She wasn’t much interested in chemistry, so why it was affecting this way?

“Must be the lighting,” Rainbow Dash decided, rubbing her eye and flying off.

Elsewhere, Twilight Sparkle stood in a room, which had been organized and reshuffled to allow room for their newly acquired Requiem Blaster. Rarity walked into the room with curlers in her hair and a green mask on her face.

“Darling, I would have thought you’d have gone to bed by now.” Rarity said. “What’s got you still so abuzz?”

“It’s this Requiem Blaster,” Twilight said. “I know we need it to track down the Artifacts of the Primes … but for some reason, I’m still not comfortable keeping a weapon this powerful in our base. I don’t think anypony should have access to that kind of power.”

“Oh no? Then what do you call the Omega Lock, then?”

Twilight’s eyes shrunk. “The Omega Lock is a resource. A factory, not a weapon.”

“Fine, fine. If that’s what you need to tell yourself to sleep at night …” Rarity said.

Twilight sighed. “Plus, I think there’s still a chance the Justice Division survived. Forget it. I’ll think about it more tomorrow. We’ll use the Requiem Blaster to find the next Artifact, and then decide what to do with it. I need some sleep ...”

“Yes, you do.” Rarity said, walking along with Twilight to their beds.

Twilight crawled under her covers to sleep for the night.

She was more than a little dismayed when, upon losing consciousness, she found herself standing on a snowy peak, where Primus, Megatronus, and Micronus were waiting for her.

“Oh no. No no no nooo.” Twilight groaned, rubbing at her face and pulling at her eyelids. “I just want to get some sleep. Why can’t you let me sleep?”

“There is no rest for the wicked.” Megatronus said. “Even now, darks forces work tirelessly to achieve their agenda.”

Micronus whistled. “Whoo, Megatronus. I was just gonna say ‘evil never rests,’ but I like your version better.”

“Enough of that.” Megatronus said. “We have something important to discuss with you, Twilight Sparkle.”

“Yes,” Primus said. “I can feel more of my power returning, though why I do not know. We need your help, Twilight Sparkle.”

“What do you need my help with?” Twilight asked.

“Despite being a god, I find myself unable to peer into the future.” Primus said. “This worries me. But as little portions of my power return to me, I can feel myself growing stronger in the here and now … but I know it won’t last. It will fade, and the future will remain obscured to me.”

“Twilight Sparkle…” Megatronus said. “We know you have been searching for the cause of the Autobots’ downfall in the future. Has it occured you are looking in the wrong place?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean… do you realize the inherent folly… in trying to determine what went wrong in the future, while in the present?

Twilight tapped her chin. “I see what you mean, but I’m not sure what else I’m supposed to be doing. Future Bumblebee hasn’t given me the … schematics … for a Time Bridge.” Twilight facepalmed. “Maybe if I had asked, we would have one, and then time travelling wouldn’t be such a big deal for him!”

“So you see.” Megatronus said. “Twilight Sparkle, we believe, with the fragments of power Primus, combined with Micronus and my own …”

“We will have the ability to fling you into the future,” Primus said. “And you can continue your investigation from there. Find what went wrong in history, and bring that knowledge with you to change it in the present. Are you ready?”

“We will be able to bring you back when you have completed your task,” Micronus said. “All you have to do is shout.”

“Are you ready?” Primus asked.

Twilight brushed a hoof along her forehead. “I so, so badly want to get some sleep .. but this is too important.”

Twilight took in a deep breath, looking at the Primes with determined eyes.

“I’m ready.”

Primus, Micronus, and Megatronus held their hands out. A glow emerged from their palms.The light intensified.

Twilight raised her leg to shield her eyes from the light.

Twilight felt her body jerk forward. She was pulled along through a tunnel at a blinding speed. It felt as she was riding on a roller coaster … and then all she saw was the bright, white, blinding light …

And then there was nothing.

XVII: Xenocide

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Twilight blinked, groaning, rubbing her head after the experience of being flung through time by a god. The best way she could describe it would be to compare it to going through a tunnel … on a train … which had been assembled backwards and was moving the wrong direction. She wondered why she couldn't build a Time Bridge instead, or bring back the Temporal Archway ...

Oh yeah, because Future Bumblebee and Jack hadn't told her, and the Archway and its blueprints were destroyed.

“W-where am I?” Twilight asked, looking around at an unfamiliar landscape. It resembled Cybertron, but … rusted. Sheets of bent, rusted metal littered the landscape. Lights flickered from towers in the distance, with a cracked monitor showing a flickering image of a Decepticon symbol, which seemed to stare down on the land menacingly, as if it were watching …

“It looks like Primus sent me through time and space.” Twilight observed, taking a step forward. She caused a clatter by stepping on a pile of loose scrap, which made her jump.


Moving forward, Twilight found a trench. She saw a human running in the trench, with short blonde hair and a scruffy beard.

“Is that …” Twilight squinted. She beamed, seeing who it was. “Cody!”

Twilight galloped into the trench, not noticing how Cody seemed to be looking over his shoulder, clutching at his coat.


Cody reacted in surprise to the sound of his name, and even more so the sight of Twilight. “Twilight Sparkle?”

“Oh, I’m so glad to see you!” Twilight said. “It’s been so long, hasn’t it? Well, maybe even longer for you, heh-heh! Look at how you’ve grown! You’re kinda handsome now, huh?”

Cody whipped out a pistol and pressed it to Twilight’s noise, pulling back the hammer.

“You’re supposed to be dead.” Cody said. “You have forty-five seconds to explain how this isn’t some Decepticon trick before I blow your brains out.”

Twilight’s eyes widened. It took her a minute for her brain to catch up with what has happening, but once she did, she let it all out.

“I’ve bent sent into the future from the past by Primus to try to figure how we can stop this terrible future from happening.”

Cody blinked, taking this in. He raised his gun up, clicking it back. Cody looked to the side, unsure if he could trust her. “Well, that’s crazy enough to almost be believable … but I still have to check. What’s the name of your brother?”
“Shining Armor.”

“What does he do?”

“Captain of the Royal Guard.”

“Name of your parents?”

“Twilight Velvet and Night Light.”

“Most hated enemy?”

“Oh, that’s a tough one … I’m gonna say … Starscream?”

“What’s the name of that freedom group you led?”

“The Autobots Imperial.”

“Do you remember being possessed by Unicron?”

“I remember.” Twilight said. “I will never forget that. I remember the feeling … the helplessness in my own body … the chaos … the burning … oh, the burning … the memories of planets long ago in the past, burnt to a crisp and devoured by his maws …”

Twilight fell silent. As did Cody.

“Alright.” Cody nodded. “I believe you. If you were a Con trick, they wouldn’t have bothered to learn about your family. They’re arrogant like that … and no one else would have been able to described being possessed like that. Come on.” Cody flicked his hand for Twilight to follow him and turn around. “I’m supposed to be on a scavenging mission right now, but this is too important to ignore.”

“Scavenging mission…?”

“Yeah.” Cody said. “A scavenging mission. You know, where you scavenge? For food and parts?”

“You have to scavenge for food?” Twilight asked. “That’s awful.”

“No, really?” Cody asked. “You think I don’t know that?”

“Sorry. I guess I’m just … still trying to take this all in.” Twilight glanced around at the ruined landscape. “Bumblebee told me about how bad things had gotten, but I guess I still underestimated how nasty it truly is.”

Cody raised an eyebrow. “You met Bumblebee?”

“Yeah. Your Bumblebee. When he tried to travel into the past to find Jack.” Twilight said. “You can call him. He’ll vouch for me.”

“Too risky.” Cody said. “Never know if the Cons’ will have monitoring in our area.” Cody stopped and held an arm out in front of Twilight. “Speaking of which, get down!”

Twilight followed Cody, hitting the deck and ducking into a corner of the the trench. A spherical device flew overhead, shooting out a sweeping scanning beam. It flew over them, its scan only missing them by a few feet over the trench’s lip.

“Probes.” Cody said. “The Decepticons have whole squadrons of them continue to sweep around the planet, scanning for rebels like myself, other malcontents, or someone they can just shoot for target practice.”

Twilight was surprised, before realizing she shouldn’t have been. Would she expect anything else from the Decepticons when they had complete control over a planet?

“Come on.” Cody said. “Let’s move before another one of those things shows up.”

Cody and Twilight got out of their hiding place and continued moving forward, where they arrived at a rusted-out building with a dilapidated roof.
Cody pointed a finger at Twilight. “Wait here.” He went up to the building and pressed his hand into a panel. “Operative Cody Burns, returning from mission due to … complications. And one guest.”

A green beam emitted from the panel and swept over Cody and Twilight.

“Identity confirmed.” The panel said. The door hissed open, and Cody led Twilight Sparkle inside.

There, Twilight was awestruck to see a gathering of Autobots, humans, and ponies working together … and all of them in poor shape and poor health. An Earth pony try to lift some metal pipes somewhere to be useful, only for his legs to give out, forcing a one armed Autobot - whose half-melted shoulder showed he used to have more than one - to help.

Twilight continued to look around, finding similar scenes all over the base. The humans were cold and huddled together in moth-eaten blankets for warmth, the ponies laid down on the ground, while the Autobots sat around, staring off into the space. Twilight found a sense of hopelessness existed everywhere she looked. It was palpable. It was almost solid enough she could cut a knife through it, even.

As Cody led her further in, Twilight saw one familiar face. “Scootaloo!”

Scootaloo was sitting on a bench, polishing a gun barrel. She looked up at Twilight. “Well, I’ll be. Either I’ve died or I’m seeing a ghost.”

“Scootaloo, it’s me.” Twilight said, gesturing to herself. “It’s Twilight Sparkle. I’m, uh, visiting. From the past.”

Scootaloo gave her a curious look. “Why would anypony from the past ever want to visit here? This place is a pit-stain, a horrible place. Things were better in those days, in the pasts, before the Decepticons took over. But I guess I’ll entertain you in your delusion. What can I help you with?”

Scootaloo walked over, causing Twilight to gasp. The gun wasn’t a hand-held weapon; it was part of her, a shoulder cannon mounted over the edge of her back. It wasn’t the only metal part of her, either, as an unlit optic replaced her right eye, and metal patches covered her right leg and parts of her back, with a set of caterpillar treads mounted set on top of her rear.

“We’ve had to do some pretty desperate things to fight the Decepticons.” Cody said. “Congratulations, Twilight Sparkle. You are looking at the first attempt to turn a pony into a Mini-Con.”

“The first attempt …? You mean there’s more?” Twilight balked.

“Oh yeah, tons more. Lots more.” Cody said. “Either an experiment by ourselves, or something the Decepticon did to the turncoats and cowards who promised to follow them. They have a lot more resources, so theirs tend to turn out better. As you can, ours are kind of … patchwork and janky.”

“Bu-bu-bu …” Twilight stuttered. She looked at Scootaloo and took her appearance in.

Cody slapped Twilight on her back. “Welcome to the future, Twilight. Now enough sight-seeing. Let’s go.”

Cody let Twilight into a room where a few Autobots were staring up at three screens, two of which didn’t have anything on them, and the last of which was cracked.

“Yo boss-bots.” Cody said. “Got something here for you.”

The ‘boss-bots’ turned around, showing Bumblebee, Heatwave, and Smokescreen. Smokescreen had a cracked optic, and Heatwave had a drill and T.Rex head in place of his hands.

“Twilight?” Smokescreen asked. “It is my bad optic playing a trick on me, or are we looking at Twilight Sparkle?”

“I see her too.” Heatwave said.

“Twilight!” Bumblebee exclaimed with glee. “I’m glad to see you here, Twilight Sparkle. We could use your help, and with you on our side, we may just be able to change the past. But how did you get here? I never was able to get you the specs for a Time Bridge.”

“Primus sent me.”

There was an awkward pause in the room.

“N-no, really, he did.” Twilight said. “I mean it. He paired up with Megatronus and Micronus Prime, and they sent me here from my dreams. Speaking of which …” Twilight let out a yawn. “I could really use some sleep.”

“Sure, but after I brief you on the state of things.” Bumblebee said. He crouched down near Twilight and pointed at the screen. “The Decepticons rule Cybertron and other planets from their citadel in Kaon, the new capital of the planet. There are resistance groups on Cybertron, Equestria, and Earth, including ourselves. The Decepticons maintain outposts on those other planets, trying to curb and squash the resistance effort. There’s a handful of organics who have switched sides to the Decepticons, and others who the Cons keep prisoner for slave labor … or sometimes, they’ll let them go free and hunt them down for sport. Do you understand, Twilight?”

Twilight nodded, horrified.

“The Decepticons practically run and own both Equestria and Earth.” Bumblebee said. “There’s a few holdouts, but they won’t be able to last for long, especially without help. Now you see why we had to resort to trying to change the past?”

“For all the good it’s done us.” Heatwave grumbled.

“I’m not so sure about that, Heatwave.” Bumblebee said. “I think the timeline can be altered. Recently, we got an influx of new recruits, all of whom we thought were dead. I’m not sure what, but something must have changed in the past.”

Twilight cupped her chin in thought. “I know! Rampage! You said Rampage went crazy after Fluttershy died and went on a massacre, right? Well, in my relative present, Rampage died instead, so he couldn’t have gone to kill those people!”

“That … makes sense.” Bumblebee realized. “I thought there was something different, but I couldn’t put my finger on what.”

“Who’s Rampage?” Heatwave asked.

“R-rampage?” Bumblebee asked. “The big crazy crab-con? You fought him once! Had a chaingun, liked to laugh, like to torture people?”

Heatwave shook his head. “Got no clue what you’re talking about, Bumblebee.”

“Then … then the timeline can be altered.” Bumblebee said. He broke into a grin. “That means we’re not living in a predestined world! Ha ha ha! YES!” Bumblebee pumped his fist.

“So that does mean, since she didn’t die in the battle, Fluttershy is alive?” Twilight asked.

Bumblebee’s smile faded. His shoulders sagged. “I’m sorry, Twilight. No. She … she’s still dead. Something else must have got her.”

“I see.” Twilight glanced to Cody. “Actually, that makes me think of something … Cody, where are you -”

“My father tried to work for the Decepticons and try to keep their reign from being too terrible and hope to take them down from inside, but he died of a heart attack. Kade is helping Starlight Glimmer hold out on her town, Graham is a Decepticon slave engineer, and Dani died in a dogfight.” Cody said. “You were going to ask what happened to my family, weren’t you?”

“Y-yeah …” Twilight said, rubbing at her neck nervously. She took in a deep breath and turned to Bumblebee.

“Bumblebee, Primus sent me here so I could discover what went wrong that allowed the Decepticons to take over.” Twilight said. “I promise you, I will get to the bottom of the mystery, and prevent this terrible tragedies from happening. Now, where you would recommend I’d go to start my investigation?”

“If I were you, I’d start with Decepticon Citadel in Kaon.” Bumblebee said. “The Decepticons aren’t always the most meticulous bunch, but between them, there should be a few of them who recognize the value of archiving information and wrote down what happened somewhere. Probably in a locked and guarded vault, so no one can learn what happened but their own.”

Twilight nodded.

“Be careful, Twilight.” Bumblebee said. “They won’t hesitate to kill you if they think it’s in their best interests. And if you die in the future when you’re from the past …”

“It could cause a paradox, or worse.” Twilight said. “It might strengthen the hold the Decepticons have on Cybertron.” Twilight turned away from him. “Well, it looks like I’m off the Decepticon Citadel. I’ll be going alone. If I get captured, I don’t want to compromise your resistance.”

“What? Hey, no, no, no.” Bumblebee said. “Listen here, Miss Pony From The Past Who All Of Our Hopes of Salvation Are Resting On, you and your mission are way too important to allow you go to the Citadel alone. I’m coming with you. And so is a whole team of us. We have to make sure you get there safely, and ideally, get you into wherever the Decepticons keep their archives.”

“Alright.” Twilight accepted his logic. “Get your team together, and we’ll leave when we’re ready. Let’s roll out.”

“Heh.” Heatwave chuckled. “Haven’t heard that in a long time.”

A convoy led by Bumblebee, including Heatwave, Scootaloo, Cody and others, rode out from their base, climbed out of the trench, and went about driving towards Kaon.

They converted to their vehicle modes and drove, riding with their organics in their seats. Twilight sat in Bumblebee’s driving seat, with Cody in the passenger side, glancing out the window at Cybertron.

“Everything is so … desolate.” Twilight observed half-collapsed buildings in the distance, with their top halves either torn or crumbling downwards, as if the world’s largest modern art piece. “And ruined and rusted.”

“Do you think the Decepticons really care about keeping everything nice and shiny and pretty?” Cody snarked.

“No.” Twilight said. “But I think a dictatorship would want to try do a little work on its upkeep to keep the populace from rebelling. Functioning buildings keep the citizens happy.”

Cody glared at her. “Do we look happy to you? Did you think making sure the buildings are well-maintained would make us happy?”

Twilight rolled her head.

The ground rumbled beneath them, making Bumblebee jump as if they had hit a speed bump.

“Slag!” Bumblebee swore, coming to an abrupt stop. He transformed, evicting Cody and Twilight from their seats. “Everyone, scramble!”

“What? Why?” Twilight asked. “What’s going on?”

“Fortress Maximus.” Cody answered. “That’s what. Find somewhere to hide, moron!”

Cody, Bumblebee, and the others all scrambled, running off in different directions to find hiding places, either behind items or beneath some rubble for cover.

Isn’t Fortress Maximus a good guy? Twilight thought as she looked around, trying to find a hiding place. The ground rumbled again, and on a reflex, she made a blind teleport.

She ended up next to a pile of sheet metal, too small to provide effective cover. She spread her wings and took flight, intending to fly away to a better hiding place.

The black and grey form Fortress Maximus arrived, his feet shaking the earth with each step. Twilight grimaced and lurched.

Fortress’ head tilted down and saw her. “ANOMALY DETECTED.”

Twilight attempted to speed on her wings, taking to heart the example of Rainbow Dash. Fortress Maximus launched a clamp out of his chest which pursued her and trapped her, clamping around her body and binding her legs.

Twilight grunted and struggle to get out. Taking a moment to calm herself and focus, she tried to cast a spell- another teleport would work wonders.

“EQUESTRIAN MAGIC DETECTED.” Fortress Maximus deployed a gun from his shoulder. The gun shot a bolt of electricity which struck Twilight’s horn and negated her spell, as well neutering her magic, at least for a time. Twilight could feel it. She tried to cast another spell rather than simply resign herself to her fate, but nothing happened.

The clamp began to retract, pulling Twilight Sparkle inside.

“Slag.” Bumblebee swore, watching from his hiding place. “Slag slag slag.” Bumblebee put a finger to his head. “There’s nothing we can do.”

“Are you kidding?” Scootaloo asked. “Whatever to ‘Miss Salvation?’ We can’t just leave her!” Scootaloo converted into her messy tank mode, which made a groaning, creaking noise as her bones were shifted. She took aim at Fortress.

“No.” Bumblebee grabbed Scootaloo’s barrel and lifted her up. “I understand you’re upset, Scootaloo. But we can’t fight Fortress Maximus. We don’t have the means. We don’t have enough firepower, we don’t have enough men. If we tried, he would crush us. Stomp us, blow us into scrap … I’m sorry, Scootaloo … but there’s nothing we can do.”

Bumblebee looked up as Fortress Maximus turned around to present his find to the Decepticon Lords.

“All we can do is sit here and hope and pray that by some miracle Twilight will escape and make it through after all.”

Twilight Sparkle was brought inside Fortress Maximus’ chest chamber. Brought inside, Twilight saw his interior differed and had changed drastically from when she had been inside his rooms in the past. Curving blue bridges connected the doors to rooms, and a model of a solar system was used as a centerpiece.

“Bring her here, Max.”

Twilight’s ears perked up. The voice sounded familiar.

The clamp stopped before lifting up, dropping Twilight down on one of the bridges, bringing her face to face with …

“Snowdrop?” Twilight asked, horrified and puzzled by what she saw. She was looking at an adult Snowdrop, wearing a black outfit with a Decepticon symbol on it. But the most striking change to her were the glowing red Decepticon optics in place of her eyes, which clicked and whirred as Snowdrop focused on Twilight.

“Twilight Sparkle?” Snowdrop said. “But you’re supposed to be dead.”

Twilight chuckled. “Well, heh heh, I’m here now.”

“Do not play games with me.” Snowdrop said. “How are you here?”

Twilight shrugged. “I don’t know. I was half asleep in bed, and the next thing I know, I was here!”

“You’re lying.” Snowdrop growled, narrowing her optics. “You’re leaving details out. Twilight Sparkle, if you do not give me the information I seek, I will extract it from you. And I assure you, the process will be quite painful. I am an excellent interrogator.”

“Hit me with your best shot.” Twilight said with a cocky grin. “But can I ask you a question first?”

“Hmph. I suppose.”

“What’s with the eyes?” Twilight asked, gesturing at her own eyes.

“They were a gift.” Snowdrop said. “From my master, Steeljaw. They were given to me to replace the non-functioning eyes I was born with. It’s funny … you think a magical place like Equestria would have spells to easily cure blindness, especially given how it had a thousand years of history. Yet, it took the genius, the pragmatism of a Decepticon for anyone to even think about doing something about my eyes.”

“I see.” Twilight said.

“That’s enough sharing for one day.” Snowdrop said. “I’m going to take you to the House of Lords.”

“The House of Lords … that’s the leadership, right?” Twilight asked. She took in a deep breath and took a chance. “Snowdrop, you can’t. Please. You were a good girl once, a good filly. Remember how good you used to be? Remember your old sense of right and wrong? How you helped us fight Megatron when he tried to come back?”

“That was in the past … ‘Twilight,’ if that is who you are.” Snowdrop. “Things change. Either you accept it and adapt, or you cling to the past and grow old and withered, letting the world pass you by and evolve while you still clutch to what you thought of as ‘the good old days.’ I serve the Decepticons now, and I do it well. I serve Steeljaw. I carry out their agenda. I patrol Cybertron for rebels, threats … and anomalies … and I bring them to the Decepticon Lords. That’s the way of things.”
Twilight stared in shock. “They changed you, Snowdrop. They … they did something to you. They brainwashed you. They condition you. Maybe they put something else in with your optic implants.”

Snowdrop shrugged. “Maybe. But’s that’s the way things are now. Even if turned out there was something in my implants, I’ve worked too hard for them to turn back now.”

“So it is.” Twilight said. She glanced up at her horn. She could feel her magic returning, the block wearing off. “Snowdrop, I’m sorry, but I can’t let you take me anywhere. I have to get to the Citadel and find out what went wrong. I’m sorry about this.”

“About what?”

Twilight’s horn lit up, and a glow enveloped Snowdrop’s optics. Twilight pulled, yanking the optics of Snowdrop’s eye sockets, revealing the wires behind and ripping the red spheres from her head, leaving them on the floor.

“Gaaah!” Snowdrop reeled and fell to her knees.

Twilight took flight and flew to the side, charging up a spell. She knew hitting the armored portions of Fort Max would do her no good, so she flung a massive blast through the first window she could find. She flew out from her made exit.

“She ripped out my optics!” Snowdrop yelled. “That … that … arrrrgh! Fortress! Grab her!”

Twilight flew away from Fortress Maximus, but Fortress turned around and snapped her up in his hand. Fortress deployed his anti-magic weapon and fired, neutralizing Twilight’s magic again.

“Turn around.” Snowdrop ordered, feeling the ground in front of her with her hooves. “We’re taking her to the Citadel. They’ll figure out what to do with her there … and I can find someone to put my optics back in!”

Snowdrop continued to feel around, trying to find her eyes, while Fortress Maximus spun around and began to march towards the Citadel.

Back in the present, Princess Luna and Princess Celestia stood on a balcony overlooking Canterlot, observing the lights emitting from the glittering city in the night.

Shining Armor walked into the room. “Your Majesties?”

“Ah.” Luna turned to him. “How goes the war, Star Seeker?”

Shining Armor’s eyes bugged. “Y-you know about that?”

“Cadence’s mission report was very through.” Luna said. “Speak quickly, zealot, before we decide that thyne’s head would be of more use to us somewhere other than thyne’s shoulders.”

“P-p-princess Celestia!” Shining Armor stuttered. “Are you going to let her talk to me like that?”

“Rest assured, Shining Armor, I will not let you be beheaded.” Celestia glared at Luna. “However, I find the fact you willingly joined a xenophobic organization with explicit violent goals on the target of its prejudice hard to ignore … or forgive. You are lucky one of your Star Seeker companions saw fit to bring you back to our space. But I assume you came in here for a reason than to hear us critique you. What news do you have for us?”

“There’s … someone here who wants to speak to you.” Shining Armor said. “They say they would prefer to speak in private, they don’t want anypony else to learn they’re here, and that … that you could decide whether they live or die.”

Celestia and Luna exchanged glances.

“Tell them we will meet them,” Celestia said after a pause.

“So you mean to tell me she just … fell asleep on your way in?”

“Yes, my lord.”

“And you’re sure this isn’t some sort of trick? I know Twilight Sparkle ...”

“I’m sure, Lord Starscream. Her breathing is normal, and I found no weapons or devices on her person when I inspected her.”


Twilight Sparkle hung from the ceiling, suspended by chains and under a spotlight. Her head was upright, and she was breathing in and out as she snoozed.

“Hmm.” Starscream tapped her nose. “She seems to be the genuine article … she should be inspected by Lord Megatron.”

Twilight began to stir, her ears twitching at the mention of Megatron’s name. She opened her eyes and saw a large, hulking Decepticon enter from a dark door.

“Megatron?” Twilight wondered.

The Decepticon came into view under the spotlight. He had Grimlock’s body shape, but with a purple and green colors, and a helmet with a rounded bucket shape resembling Megatron’s, but not Megatron, with a grape-colored face inside the helmet with smooth clean teeth instead of Megatron’s fangs.

“You’re not Megatron.” Twilight said.

‘Megatron’ laughed, a suave, smooth, almost gentlemanly voice instead of Megatron’s bestial growl which showed he was always keeping his temper in check, his animal rage inside. It was ironic that this Megatron, whoever was, would sound more like a gentleman even though he turned into a T.Rex.

“No. But I am a Megatron, and that is good enough.” Megatron said. “I suppose, if it helps you keep things straight in your head, you may call me ‘Megatron the Second.’’

Megatron II grabbed the chains holding Twilight Sparkle and brought her up to his face. “So tell me, Twilight Sparkle, did you enjoy your nap?”

“Yes, actually.” Twilight answered. “You have no idea how badly I have gone without a good night’s sleep.”

Megatron II was not expecting such an answer. “Er … okay.” He let the chains, making Twilight swing freely. “Tell me, what do you think of our Citadel?”

Twilight looked around. The room she was rounded in shape and stretched up several stories, all of which had balconies and entrances, with a shape which reminded of her roman coliseums.

“Seems fancy enough.”

Twilight looked around. She saw Starscream, with his optic repaired. Bludgeon was present, with the Dark Spark beating and shining in his chest. Dragotron, Lazerback, a repaired Tarn from the Justice Division, and Nova’s aid, Galvatron.

“The Decepticon House of Lords, I presume.” Twilight said.

“Yesssss. What do you think? An apt name, no?” Megatron said. “Steeljaw’s idea, although he is … lamentably absent from us at this time.”

“Can’t imagine why …” Twilight muttered, glancing to the side. “How did you get Galvatron on your side?”

“Let’s say his priorities aligned with our own.” Megatron II flexed his hand in a posh and arrogant way.

“Mmm. So tell me, … Megatron II … how did you and the Decepticons win? What let you unite and take over Cybertron as totally as you have?”

Megatron II let out a hearty laugh. “Well, it would be foolish of me to tell you the whole story, especially as I don’t even know where you’re from … but, let’s just say that music is a many-splendored thing, yessss.” Megatron II tapped his fingers together.

“Ah ah up.” Starscream interrupted. “Twilight Sparkle is as clever and crafty as she is treacherous, Lord Megatron. Give her an inch, she will find her own way to make it into a mile. Best not to give her any hints as to what allowed our victory.”

Treacherous? That’s the pot calling the kettle black … and the kettle in this case is silver chrome instead of black metal. Twilight thought.

“Well …” Twilight smiled and wriggled with her chains, getting them into a slight sway. “Since you won’t tell me what you let win, I guess I’ll have to go and find out for myself.”

Twilight’s horn charged, purple light flaring up from up. She fired a blast straight down, which smashed through her chains and severed them. Megatron II’s surprise at Twilight being able to escape kept him from trying to grab her before she flexed her wings and teleported to an exit. Twilight blew out a raspberry at the Decepticons before running down the exit.

“She wasn’t magically neutralized?” Megatron II demanded.

“I’m sorry, Lord Megatron!” Snowdrop threw herself at his feet. “I thought Fortress Maximus’ neutralizer would be enough!”

“You know that’s only temporary!” Megatron II facepalmed. “Never mind that. GRAB HER! STOP HER! She mustn’t find what she’s looking for!” Megatron pointed a finger and bellowed, and the Decepticons chased after her, following through the exit.

“Thank you again for agreeing to guard this meeting.” Luna said to the pair of Americons who stood outside the door. “We realize it is thankless work, and appreciate your contribution.”

“No problem.” The Americon said. “But if I may ask, Princesses, why all the secrecy? Who are you meeting with that has have a meeting so private?”

“A group calling themselves Quintessons.” Celestia said.

“Quints?” The two Americons pulled out their arm-cannons.

“Is there … a problem with the Quintessons?” Luna asked.

“Yeah.” One of the Vehicons snarled. “Those scum-sucking squidheads tried to take over Cybertron a few million years ago. Passed themselves off as gods and claimed they gave us the ability to transform. Eventually, we figured out they were lying and drove them off our planet. They’ve been at odds with us ever since, and they’ve fought us in the past. They always resented how we were able to free ourselves from their control.”

“Let me at them.” The other Americon said. “I want to give them a piece of my mind. We’ll kill ‘em all.”

“No.” Celestia said.

“What? But Princess, didn’t you hear what we just said?”

“We accepted the Quintessons here under the assumption of a peaceful meeting.” Celestia said. “We will honor that arrangement. Doublecrossing those you meet with under a banner of peace may be acceptable to Decepticons, we will not tolerate it here on Equestria. And you did join Galloway’s program to get away from Decepticons, did you not?”

The Americons crossed their arms and turned their heads. “Yeah … alright, fine. We’ll respect your wishes and let you meet them.”

“Rest assured.” Luna said. “We will address the issue of their past invasions of your home and conflict with your species.”

Celestia and Luna turned and went through a set of double doors, which led to an outdoor garden where the Quintessons had parked their spaceship and disembarked.

“Thank you for agreeing to meet with us.” One of the Quintessons said, his voice gravely. “It is … much appreciated.”

“Spare us from thyne’s false sympathy and cut thee’s charade!” Luna snapped. “We have only just been told now by our Cybertronian allies that thee has attempted to take over Cybertron, and fought against the Cybertronians! Explain thyself, and why we should continue to listen to anything thou hath to say!”

“Perhaps we did leave a few … key details out in our message to you.” One of the Quintessons said.

“Mistakes were made. Many mistakes.”

“Mistakes that we will freely admit to.” Another Quintesson said. “We were conquerors and warlords once, but that was a long time ago … now we are a broken people, living in fear, constantly looking over our shoulders for assassins and seekers of revenge. Now … we just want to be free from our mistakes, from our past, so that we can live freely and begin to rebuild our society, our planet, and our culture …”

“While there still exists enough of us and of our culture to rebuild from.”

Luna raised an eyebrow at Celestia for her lead on what to do next.

Celestia nodded at the Quintessons. “You have my ears, Quintessons. We will listen to what you have to say before coming to any decisions.”

Twilight Sparkle ran down the hall, eyes flashing with alarm as she skidded past black-coated Vehicons and a few Vehicon Generals.

“Pony in the hall!” A General shouted. The Vehicons armed themselves and pursued, firing after Twilight Sparkle as she went around a corner.

“She headed towards the Vault!” A Vehicon shouted.

Twilight braced her back against the wall, her breath labored. Her chest rose and fell as she worried about what to do next.

“Wait, what am I doing?” Twilight asked herself. Shining her horn, Twilight cast an invisibility spell on herself, making herself disappear.

The squadron of Vehicons rounded the corner. Not seeing Twilight in the immediate vicinity, they marched down the hall to look for her elsewhere. Except for two Generals, who stopped halfway and looked around.

Acknowledging each other with a nod, the Generals turned around and began to sweep the hall. One of them aimed his weapon up at the ceiling, searching it to see if Twilight was hiding in the rafters. The other kept his weapon trained on the corners and edges of the hall, to see if they might have missed her.

The two began to approach where Twilight was hiding. Twilight took in a deep breath so she could hold it, hopefully keeping the Vehicons from cluing in to her position.

“Wait.” One of the Generals held his hand out. “Did you hear that?”

Swear words raced through Twilight’s head. It was irony, pure and simple. In her attempt to hide her breathing and mask herself from the Vehicons, the act of taking in air had drawn them towards her instead.

“It sounded like it came from over here …” The General noted, marching towards the front edge of the hall, his other arm whirring as he converted it into a second blaster.

Twilight exhaled through her nose. She waited for the Generals to get a little closer.

Twilight fired, launching a magical artillery shell straight through one of the General’s chest, exploding it and making the General fall on to his back with a groan, a smoking hole in his chest. The other General tried to react and fire at where the shot had come from, but Twilight was quicker on the draw, shooting and putting a hole through him too.

“Hmph.” Twilight huffed, walking past the smouldering Vehicons. She walked down the hall, coming to a stop when she saw something.

In the dead center of the wall was a set of enormous double doors, elaborately decorated with a silver finish and golden dials. At the top of the doors was a L.E.D display which showed Cybertronian letters - Twilight knew enough by now to read it with no difficulty. They spelled “The Vault.”

“So this is the vault they were talking about.” Twilight flew up. Using her magic, she pried the doors open and went inside.

Twilight gasped and covered her mouth, greeted by a horrifying sight on the inside of the Vault.

Corpses, bodies, the remains of Equestrians, humans, and Autobots were strung up, hanging from the ceiling by chains. It was as if it were a meat locker. The bodies were all in varying states of decay, ranging from only the beginnings of rigor mortis, to having been rotting away in here for a long while. They were also Americons and other Vehicons strung up in the Vault, who Twilight presumed had either sided with the organics against the Decpeticons or at least had attacks of conscience and objected to their former brothers’ ways … and were executed for it. She also recognized the rusted, torn bodies of at least two powerful and popular Autobots, a red truck-based one and a green one with a rotund build like Bulkhead’s, with a beard made of bullet casings.

Twilight flew into the room, bumping against the side of a Vehicon’s car tire, making it spin. Twilight freaked out when she heard a chee-choo-chee-chee-chink noise, watching in terror as the dead Vehicon transformed, despite being by all appearances dead. The transformation didn’t snap the chains, and the sight of a car hanging from the ceiling was a sight to behold, and might have made Twilight laugh if she didn’t know this car used to be alive.

Twilight tapped her hoof to the hood, trying to get a reaction out of it. “H-hello? Are you still alive in there?” Twilight pounded the hood again, several times. “Guess not …” Twilight took another look around the room. Her eyes stopped traveling when something caught her attention.

The skeleton of a pony, strung up by its front hooves. What made it remarkable was the familiar Stetson hat tilted on the skeleton’s head.

“A-a-Applejack?” Twilight stuttered out, flying up to the skeleton. She noticed something she had failed to notice on the other bodies thus far. A blue card with Cybertronix written on it, attached to the cuffs of the chains holding up the skeleton’s legs.

Twilight read it.

Killed During The First Purge

“First Assault?” Twilight asked. “What does that mean?” Twilight glanced to the side and saw a human skeleton with an orange shirt which was too small for them … a familiar orange shirt.

Twilight flew over and its card.


Below this was some elegant handwriting.

-Took a long time, too. Nearly got me in the chest with her blaster - Steeljaw.

Twilight frowned at Steeljaw’s cavalier attitude about Miko’s death. He and the other Decepticons were murdering people, slaughtering them, then hanging their remains up like cuts of lamb and beef instead of giving them proper burials … and he was writing a grumbling note as if he were an office employee complaining about paperwork.

Twilight saw another skeleton which caught her interest. It was wearing a tattered dress which had decayed with time, and the unpolished, rusting metal pieces of the Equestrian Princess dress, with a pair of folded wings. Or the bones of wings, anyway.

This was one was her.

It was too small to be Cadence, or Luna, and especially Celestia.

Twilight went up to her skeleton and read its card.


“There it is again.” Twilight said. “The First Purge. What is that? What does that mean?”

“Lord Megatron.” A Vehicon came to Megatron II. “I’m here with a report. We haven’t been able to find the intruder. We’ve combed through almost the entire building, and we haven’t found her.”

Megatron II took in a deep breath, sneering.

“ … bring in the asset.”

“Sir!?” The Vehicon asked, drawing back in surprise.

“I know, I know. Few of us like working with him. Our agreement is that we do not disturb his solitude unless something serious and dramatic arise. Considering we are dealing with a pony who is supposed to be long dead, I would say this qualifies, wouldn’t you? Yessss. Have the asset brought in.”

The Vehicon hung his head. “Y-yes sir.”

“So, Quintessons …” Luna asked. “What is that you want from us?”

“Protection.” The gravelly-voiced Quintesson answered.

Luna and Celestia looked towards each other.

“Protection from what? From whom?” Celestia asked.

“Oh no.” Twilight said, realizing something horrible. “Oh no no no no. No. Please, no.”

Twilight flew around the room, darting between various bodies, dodging the chains to avoid hitting them and becoming entangled.

She covered her mouth and let out another gasp of shock when she saw what she was looking for - the exact thing which she was hoping not to see.

“No …” Twilight sobbed, a tear coming her eye and her voice breaking.

Two large, withered pony skeletons, strung up like all the rest of them, their front hooves tied together. Their size and shape made it easy to identify them, and if that alone wasn’t enough, the color-faded chestplates they both wore made it unambiguous and certain, removing any trace of doubt.

These were the skeletons of Princess Luna and Celestia.

Twilight flew up to them, still crying and with her hooves over her mouth, to read their cards and learned how they died. How her Princess, her mentor had fallen.

The Quintesson paused before giving The Princesses an answer.

“Nova Prime.”



“What … Nova Prime?” Twilight asked. She flew back and forth, trying to puzzle together and figure out how in the heck this was supposed to work. “Nova Prime was a hero! A good guy! I mean, he was Optimus Prime’s personal hero! If you ask me, you have to be a preeeetty darn good person and all around decent ‘bot to be Optimus Prime’s role model.”

Twilight barely had time to register and process how the incompatible, despicable act of cleaving Princess Celestia and Princess Luna’s heads off with a blade could match up with the view of Nova Prime as a decent and good person, if a bit full of himself, where the doors to the Vault were shredded open. An outside force ripping through and exploding the doors, destroying them and obliterating them from existence, leaving behind trails of black smoke.

Twilight turned around to see Nova Prime standing in the ruined wreck of the doorway, his hands sparking with purple electricity. Spires and twisted growths of Dark Energon covered his being his from feet to his shoulders, massive orange panels forming the basis of a pair of wings on his back. His chest was painted black, with a red jewel set in the center, and various other parts of his body which were once a regal dark blue were now a foreboding black, creating an menacing contrast with his white parts.

“Hmm. Twilight Sparkle.” Nova Prime said, turning to her. “I must admit, when the Decepticons came to me explaining of a pony who was supposed to be dead, I did not believe them. Yet, here you are.”

Nova raised his hand. He launched a thunderbolt made of dark and purple energy from his palm at Twilight, who flew to the side, letting the thunderbolt hit the wall, making a hole in the wall instead of her.

Twilight zoomed out of the room, flying by Nova Prime and into the hallway. Nova launched another attack at her, which missed, taking out a section of the opposite wall.

Twilight teleported to propel herself forward, putting as much distance between her and Nova as she could. She continued to fly and teleport to evade him, flying through the Citadel, not caring about other Decepticons noticing her. At one point, this led to her flying by a Vehicon who attempted to take aim and shoot her, only to have one of Nova’s dark energy bolts rip through his chest.

“Sorry.” Nova said to the Vehicon, though he didn’t sound sincere.

Twilight kept flying and teleporting, eventually making her way to the outside of the Citadel. She looked behind herself to make sure she was safe and away from Nova. She was not.

Nova Prime smashed through the wall of the Citadel, knocking rubble loose and making pieces of the building crumble and fall to the ground. Nova looked around the area for Twilight, and when he saw her, he flung another dark energy bolt at her.

Twilight jumped out of the way in time, flying to a lower level. She watched in fear and mild curiosity as the bolt struck the ground she used to reside and a cluster of Dark Energon sprouted up from where the bolt struck.

“How can you do that?” Twilight asked. “How can you use Equestrian magic?”

“You arrogant cretin.” Nova Prime snarled, levitating towards her, spheres of dark energy crackling in his palms. “Do you think you Equestrians have some sort of patent on magic? My powers come from a greater source, kin to the dark arts of Unicron himself!”

Nova Prime tossed the spheres of dark energy from his hand, lobbing them at Twilight Sparkle. Twilight turned and ran, fleeing from the explosions behind her.

Twilight continued to run, eventually stopping when some headlights fell on her.

“Twilight!” Bumblebee reverted into robot mode. “We found you! We thought you were a goner! But we were about to try to stage a rescue mission anyway.”

“Okay, yes, I’m escaped, you’ve found me, I’m alive now, and that’s great, Bumblebee, but we should really be running!” Twilight said, galloping away.

“What?” Bumblebee asked. He looked up and saw Nova. “Oh.” Bumblebee converted and drove after Twilight, rolling up beside her. Twilight, wanting some assistance, but to be able to maintain her own maneuverability to fight and dodge, jumped up on Bumblebee’s roof.

“I can’t believe Nova Prime is … this.” Twilight said.
“Uh, yeah?” Bumblebee asked. “You didn’t hear me when I told you not to trust him?”

“No, I didn’t,” Twilight said. “You were busy being cut off by being sucked into a Time Bridge, remember?”

“Oh yeah.”

“Nova Prime?” Luna asked. “Preposterous. Nova Prime is a hero and a public figure on Cybertron! He is admired and loved by all. Why does thou needeth protection from him?”

The Quintesson nodded. “He was a hero … to the Cybertronians, once. I’m sure you know he went into space to hunt our kind down and prevent us from ever returning to Cybertron.”

“His intrudance into our affairs grew disruptive to our society.” Another Quintesson said.

“So we used our technology to find another universe. An alternate universe. A dead universe, one with no life to speak of.”

“We teleported him and his crew there, in the hopes of banishing him there forever and ridding ourselves of him.”

The Quintessons paused.

“Our plan … backfired.”

“Nova and his crew able to get out and escape the dead universe,” one of the Quintessons said. “Only … they were different. The universe had … changed them during their time inside.”

“Before, Nova only ever killed us if the lives of himself or his crew were at stake.” A Quintesson said. “He much preferred, whenever possible, to take us prisoner. But after he got out from the universe, he went up to the prisoners he had, let them out of their cells …”

“And slaughtered our brothers mercilessly in cold blood.”

“He continued to hunt us down, no longer interested in imprisoning us or getting us to sign a treaty. He was only interested in killing every last one of us he could find.”

“Thus forcing us to turn to desperate measures to try to protect our species, before Nova Prime and his men wiped us out of the face of the universe.”

“Our first attempt was a pacifying device which we tested on Messatine, on the Decepticon Justice Division.” A Quintesson explained. “It failed to pacify them enough, and they destroyed it.”

“When that failed, we turned to another option. We had been able to recover a long long Cybertronian relic … the Requiem Blaster. We hired the Star Seekers and gave them the blaster in the hopes they would wipe out the whole Cybertronian race, Nova Prime included. That also failed.”

“Immoral, perhaps. Malicious, even. But we felt it was warranted.”

“Now, after having all our plans failed, all our efforts thwarted … we come to you, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna of Equestria, in the hopes that you alone might have the power to shield us from Nova Prime …”

“And the mercy and forgiveness in your hearts to do so.”

“Sanctuary is all we ask for."

Celestia and Luna glanced at each other.

“We will … confer to consider your request.” Luna said.

The Quintessons nodded. “Take your time. We understand it is … not an easy decision, given our bloody past.”

Celestia and Luna walked back inside the castle, closing the doors.

“We have to protect them.” Celestia said.

“What? Sister, did thou not hear them?” Luna said. “They themselves admit to being conquerors! Why should we lift a hoof to aid them?”

“Luna …” Celestia said. “If we rejected all those who went looking for second chances, for protection, the former Decepticons we have protecting ourselves and Earth now would turn back to their wicked ways. We must allow the Quintessons the chance to redeem themselves. If we inflict punishment on them simply because of their past, we are no better than the likes of Megatron and Chrysalis.”

“How do we know this is not a trick?” Luna asked.

“We do not.” Celestia said. “That is a risk that we will have to take.”

Celestia stared Luna down hard.

“I will not answer violence with more violence.”

Luna hung her head. “We … understand, Sister, and we will abide by thyne’s wishes. But do not come crying to us if it turns out they are merely using us.”

“You have my word that I won’t.”

Bumblebee swerved to the left, and to the right, avoiding the lightning bolts Nova Prime was throwing down on them.

Twilight clung to Bumblebee’s roof to hold on. She twisted her head back and used her magic to fire a retaliatory lightning bolt at Nova Prime, striking square in the chest, to no effect. Nova continued to fly on towards them, not bothered in the least by the bit of smoke on him.

“He’s gaining on us.” Twilight informed Bumblebee.

“No, you think!?” Bumblebee retorted before pausing. “Wait … hang on. I think we’re nearing an entrance. There’s a network of tunnels below Cybertron’s surface. The resistance uses them to travel Cybertron undetected. We can shake Nova Prime off in there. But we have to make sure he can’t follow us, or we’ll be discovered.”

“How do you propose we do that?”

“I’ll tune myself and puff some smoke out my exhaust. You use your magic to spread it around and make a smokescreen.”

Bumblebee’s engine revved and revved before backfiring. A huge cloud of smoke puffed out from his exhaust pipe, whipping some cover for them. Twilight, her horn alight, used her magic to summon a wind to spread and swirl the smoke around, getting it to cover almost the entire area.

Nova Prime, losing sight of his prey, stopped in mid-air.

Bumblebee revved up before making a sharp turn to the right, forcing Twilight to drop to her stomach and cling desperately to his roof.

Nova Prime raised up his hands. Clenching energy in his fist, he threw indiscriminate thunderbolts down, firing blindly into the smokescreen to hit his target.

One of the bolts hit its mark, striking Bumblebee’s front tire. Bumblebee wobbled and grunted in pain, but he pressed forward, eventually getting into the access shaft and bringing Twilight and himself into the tunnel entrance.

Now safe and out of harm’s way, for the time being, Bumblebee transformed to robot mode and released Twilight, getting down on his knees and clutching at his shoulder.

“Are you okay?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah.” Bumblebee groaned out, wincing. He rubbed at his shoulder some more. “I’ll be fine. The important thing is, are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” Twilight said. She frowned. “But I don’t want to hear you talk like that. You matter just as much as I do.”

“Twilight Sparkle, in the grand scheme of things, it is more important that we get you back to the past safely than it is for me to live here and now.” Bumblebee said. “If I die, you can still go back and change history, and change it to where I don’t die. Not here, not like this, by whatever ‘Con or Technoist who gets the lucky shot in. But if you die … any and all hope of changing this future die with you. Understand?”

“I understand perfectly.” Twilight said. She looked down and saw a river of bright, blue healthy Energon below a ladder. “You forgot to mention this was a sewer.”
“Did I?” Bumblebee said. “Sorry, guess I might have my mind on other things. Other, winged, lighting-throwing things. Here. You can’t go into that, it’s too deep for you. I’ll carry you.”

Bumblebee scooped Twilight up into his hands and made his way down the ladder, holding her firm in his palm and wading through the Energon.

“I can fly, you know.”

Bumblebee grinned nervously. “Can’t blame a guy for trying to be polite and giving a girl a life, can you?”

“Hmph.” Twilight chuckled and let Bumblebee ferry her in his palm. She turned away from and looked at the river.

“This Energon is glowing so brightly …” Twilight observed.

“Yeah.” Bumblebee said. “That is one thing I’ll give to the ‘Cons. They know how to engineer some premium quality Energon. Sometimes it makes you think, ‘hey, maybe them being in charge of Cybertron isn’t such a bad thing!’ but then they do something horrible, and you remember, however energy-efficient they may be, they’re still Decepticons. Here we are.”

Bumblebee sat Twilight down on the edge of an a sewer gate.

“This is where keep some of our stuff.” Bumblebee said, grabbing the gate’s bars and lifting it up. “Don’t want to keep all in one place.”

Twilight and Bumblebee climbed inside, where a miniature command center was set up. It had a table for directing troop movements, a series of computers for displaying information, and a pitiful attempt at recreation by drawing a chalk circle on the floor.

“Good to see you made it back alive.” Heatwave greeted them, accompanied by Boulder, Chase, and Blades, all of whom had saurian features and the last of whom was missing an optic. “We set up here in the tunnels. We were going to storm the Citadel and try to rescue you, Twilight Sparkle, but we never got Bumblebee’s signal.”

“We assumed the worst.” Boulder said.

“But nonetheless, we are glad to see you are here now.” Chase said.

“It’s good to see all of you, too, Rescue Bots.” Twilight said. “Seems like I only see you when something horrible is going on.” Twilight turned her attention to Blades. “Blades? You haven’t said anything.”

“Blades … hasn’t been much of a talker since the takeover.” Boulder said.

“But he’s gotten very good at skewering Decepticons.” Heatwave bragged with pride, before noticing this was making Twilight uneasy. Twilight found it hard to imagine sweet, nebbish, fearful Blades as the Decepticon-skewering type, but hard times make for hard people, she supposed.

“Make yourself at home.” Heatwave said. “We won’t be going anywhere until Boulder makes sure the coast is clear. Sonar still working right?”

“Right as it always has.”

Boulder and Heatwave left the way Twilight and Bumblebee entered.

“There’s computers over there if you want to amuse yourself.” Bumblebee pointed to the monitors. “I think there’s some archived footage in there, if you want to watch that … and have the stomach for it.” Bumblebee walked over to go sit down.

“Hmm. I think I’ll do that.” Twilight flew up to the monitors. She pressed a button, and the machines whirred to life, each screen showing a different list of files.

“Hmm …” Twilight decided to simply watch the files already highlighted, she presumed from the last time someone booted up the machine and reviewed the footage.

Twilight pressed the button for play, and three of the screens began to play different images. Twilight gasped at all three of them.

One showed a recording taking place at Starlight’s town, which had grown to be a heavily fortified installation with a massive black wall built of obsidian. A quivering Earth pony laid at the ground, looking into the camera before turning it over, showing Starlight dressed in a black robe, rallying a group of unicorns towards her, where they used their magic to fight valiantly against a raiding party of Decepticons, including Vehicons, Insecticons, and Leapers. They were able to drive the Decepticons off, though not without one of their ranks taking a mortal wound a Leaper’s blade.

Another showed a massive, monstrous hybrid creature of a pony and a simian, with four hooved legs in black, and hulking, muscle-bound red arms, firing beams of fire from a spark created between his curved horns and beams of chaos from his mouth.

The last screen showed Hydia, along with two other females, floating around in a wicker basket on a wooden sailboat, being tossed around on a sea of rolling purple goo which covered the land.

Twilight kept her mouth covered in shock.

“I … I need a minute.” Twilight said, before flying out the exit. Between Snowdrop, the horrors in the Vault, and what she had witnessed on the screen, she needed to run away … to be just … away from it all for a little while.

“Twilight, wait!” Bumblebee shouted. “We haven’t heard word it it’s safe!”

Bumblebee had to restrain Blades from pulling out a sword and stopping Twilight the hard way.

Twilight didn’t listen to Bumblebee, flying up and around until she reached a sewer grate. She sat by the grate, on top of the pouring Energon, taking in a deep breath, letting her tears flow freely. She needed to get them out now, or she would have to let them out later, and she didn’t want them to burst out right in the middle of a fight.

Twilight’s ears perked up, hearing heavy metal footsteps. She scooted around and pressed her face to the bars, hearing the faint hum of music. Heavy Load and Fearswoop walked into view.

“Do you have to play that, Heavy Load?” Fearswoop asked. “You know it makes my head hurt.”

“Sorry, Fearswoop.” Heavy Load said. “Sometimes I just like to listen to the music that was playing the day The Decepticons and Technoists took over. The day we won. It reminds me of good times.”

Twilight strained her ears, trying to listen to the music coming from Heavy Load.

Aaaah aaaah aaaah ahhh aaaah ooooh …

Twilight’s eyes widened. She recognized the sound.

“I know that voice.” Twilight said. “That’s … that’s Adagio Dazzle’s voice.” Twilight cupped her chin, wondering what this could mean. She tried to piece together. She absently leaned over, clinking her horn against the grate.

“What was that?” Heavy Load asked.

Twilight grimaced.

Heavy Load and Fearswoop walked up to the grate. Heavy Load aimed his arm-cannon and fired, blasting the grate open. Twilight ducked and was able to avoid being hurt, as the blown-off grate flew over her head.

Heavy Load and Fearswoop leaned in and saw Twilight.

They spent a minute staring awkwardly at each other in surprise before their brains caught up and they reacted.

“NOVA! HEY, NOVA!” Heavy Load shouted. “WE FOUND HER! SHE’S OVER HERE!”

Twilight growled as Fearswoop reached in to grab her. She flew out of the grate, blasting Fearswoop and Nova in the chest, punching holes in them and making them both fall.

Nova Prime landed behind her, his impact on the ground ringing the metal road they stood on.

“Well, well well.” Nova Prime said. “There are you, ‘Twilight Sparkle,’ if that is who you are. Ready to die?” Nova produced a purple flame in his palm.

Heatwave, Bumblebee, and the other Rescue Bots hopped up from over an edge.

“You’re gonna have to go through us, first, pal.” Heatwave said.

“That would be an easy enough task by myself. But I suppose my acquaintances will want in on the fun.”
Nova snapped his fingers, and the Decepticon House of Lords emerged in full, accompanied by other footsoldiers.

Heatwave clapped his hands. An explosion ripped out the street down the way, and a small number of Autobots and companions led by Smokescreen emerged.

“How did you get them here so fast?” Twilight asked.

“I told you we were planning to storm the Citadel for you.” Heatwave said.

“Get Snowdrop and Fortress Maximus over here.” Nova ordered a Vehicon, who nodded and left.

“Hold the line.” Heatwave ordered. “No matter what happens, Twilight Sparkle has to be protected until she can safely get back to the past. Even if it means this will be our last stand.”

Heatwave and the Rescue Bots all transformed into dinosaur modes, with Heatwave turning into a T.Rex with a drill for a tail.

Megatron II converted into his own T.Rex mode, which to no surprise, resembled Grimlock’s. He charged at Heatwave, snapping his jaw and missing, allowing Heatwave to clap his own jaw around and seize Megatron II’s by the neck. Heatwave began to shake, biting harder into Megatron II’s neck.

The Autobots charged at the Decepticons with their weapons blazing. The Decepticons met them head-on, with one of them trampling over Scootaloo.

Twilight was distracted, watching Scootaloo limp along the floor. She was almost hit by a blast from Nova Prime, which almost hit her wing. Nova narrowed his eyes at her.

Twilight turned around and flew away, barreling through the air as fast as she could. She could hear - she could feel the footsteps of Fortress Maximus shaking the earth, not far away and soon to arrive. It would be over for the Autobots when he did.

Nova Prime spread his wings and took flight, chasing after Twilight, launching fireballs and thunderbolts.

“Primus!” Twilight shouted, flying to the side to dodge a fireball. “Megatronus! Micronus! Somebody! I’m ready to go back now! I know what happened! I know what happened! I’m ready! Primus! PRIMUS!”

Twilight’s shouts eventually reached somebody, as she disappeared in a sphere of light, moments before one of Nova Prime’s thunderbolts would have cut through her.

Nova touched down on his foot and stood there darkly, sulking.

Twilight was teleported into her room at the Rainbow Principality. She hung around in the air, idly flapping her wings before lowering herself to the ground. She paced around in circles.

“That must have been what happened.” Twilight said. “The music - Adagio Dazzle’s music - did something that let the Decepticon splinter cells and the Technoists unite together and become a cohesive force. But what?”

Twilight tapped her chin. “What could cause the Decepticons to hate that music so much? What do I know about Canterlot High or Equestria that would lead to that? The only thing I can think of is ...”

Twilight paused.

“If the music is … mind-controlling.” Twilight saw. She slapped her head as she realized the plan. With Fearswoop in the future complaining about Heavy Load playing the music which hurt his head, it all became obvious.

“Of course! That’s what happened! Adagio Dazzle and her Dazzlings took over the minds of several organics, so they didn’t have any proper defense against the Decepticons! They started playing the music so much, and they must spread it around to take over more minds. It began affecting the Cybertronians, who, being immune to Equestrian mind control magic, experienced physical pain and uncomfortableness, making it easy for Nova Prime to unite them together and have them slaughter all of the enchanted organics to make the music and - thus the pain - go away!”

Twilight paused.

“That’s … that’s actually a brilliant plan on Nova’s part. I … I need to stop him somehow, before he gets that far. The Dazzlings, too.” Twilight tapped her chin. “Where to start? I can’t just go up and take the fight to Nova directly … he’s a hero! A patriot! All of Cybertron loves him! How I am gonna convince anybody that he’s actually a bad guy? I mean, unless I make him confess it in public -”

Twilight halted again, getting an idea. She tapped her chin again.

“Hmm …”

Twilight Sparkle managed to arrange a trip to Cybertron, where she was able to get in touch with Nova Prime again and schedule a meeting inside an unused hangar where Aerialbots used to deploy from.

“Thank you again for meeting me on such short notice, Your Eminence Nova Prime.” Twilight said, bowing as they went inside.

“Of course, of course.” Nova Prime said. “Anything for a friend in need. Please, Twilight, there’s no need to be so formal. Just “Your Eminence” will do.”

“Uh-huh.” Twilight said. “Will it, now?”

“What can I do for you?” Nova Prime asked. “I assume you didn’t come all this way just to talk to me unless you were in some sort of trouble. How can I help?”

“Well, you see, Nova, the thing is …” Twilight said.

“Yes?” Nova gave a quizzical tilt of his brow.

“I’ve recently come across information …” Twilight began. “That tells me you have powers that you received from a kin of Unicron, and you’re a Technoist supporter who wants to boot all organics off Cybertron and banish them, and that you would slaughter all of us if you could.”

“I … see.” Nova Prime said, his jovial tone leaving his voice. He wrapped his hands beneath his back and paced. He glared at Twilight from the corner of his eye. “And … where did you come across this information, Twilight Sparkle?”

“I couldn’t say.” Twilight said. “My source wishes to remain anonymous. But where I got it isn’t important. The important thing is whether or not it’s true. Is it true, Nova Prime? Are you an organic-hating Technoist?”

“Have you and your source … gone to anyone else about your suspicions?”Nova Prime asked.

“No.” Twilight said. “It’s just us.”

“I see. Very well then. Yes, Twilight Sparkle, I’m afraid it’s all true. I do have powers similar to Unicron’s. I am a Technoist, and I hate, hate your filthy organics, stomping all over MY Cybertron. Nova stomped his feet, throwing a tantrum. “My sweet, precious, metal Cybertron, with your filthy muddy hooves and your weird bodily fluids like water and mucous and phlegm! It’s disgusting. And yes, Twilight ... Sparkle.” Nova snarled. “I would kill every last one of you if I could. Better yet, I’d turn them all into robots if I could! Into Cybertronians! Into pure, perfect machines, removed of your organic impurities, because you’re too backwards to recognize your own inferiority!”

“Now … did you come alone?” Nova asked.

“I did.” Twilight answered with a smile.

“So … despite your kind constantly preaches about ‘the magic of friendship,; you thought you would come to me, a beloved public figure, with unfounded accusations about my character which would make my life very difficult if they get out, alone, by yourself. With no bargaining or leverage that would dissuade me from attempting to make sure those accusations stayed secret, and didn’t share them with others before you came to me?” Nova Prime said.

Twilight’s face went into a worried grimace as she realized she may not have thought this through.

Nova raised his hand. It glowed with a purple fire before bringing the hanger door down.

“That was a mistake.” Nova Prime said.

Nova raised his hands again, launching a barrage of purple fireballs at Twilight. Twilight flew up to avoid them, the fireballs exploding the ground.

Twilight flew towards the hangar door. Nova shot a lightning bolt from his palm at her, which Twilight teleported to avoid, disappearing from the hanger. His bolt tore a hole through the door.

“Grr …” Nova Prime growled and marched up to the hangar door. Holding up his palms, he shot massive fireballs, blasting the hanger door out and sending it flying before it fell to the ground. Nova climbed on top of the ruined hanger door …

And came to face to face with an assembled force of Imperials, led by Ultra Magnus, Twilight Sparkle flying comfortably by Ultra Magnus’ shoulder.

“How much did you hear?” Nova asked.

“All of it.” Ultra Magnus answered.

“You …” Nova realized, glaring at Twilight. “You were wearing a wire.”

“Yup.” Twilight said.


“Back of the wing.” Twilight said, turning around and showing a device attached to her feathers.

“You lied to me, Twilight.” Nova said. “You didn’t come alone.”

“Hmph! And you’re an honest fountain of truth?” Twilight asked. “I think in this case, the ends justify the means. Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.”

“You know …” Ultra Magnus said. “You were my brother’s hero, Nova. You were his role model. He took after you. He tried to make himself as much like you as he could when he was young, long before the war happened and changed things, and pretending to be and act like somebody he wasn’t would have gotten him killed. He would be so disappointed to hear you say all of those things. Thankfully, he won’t have to. Not just because he’s dead, but because you will be, too.”

Ultra Magnus aimed his boomstick and cocked the hammer back.


A screeching, piercing signal rang through the air, affecting every Cybertronian in range. Ultra Magnus covered the sides of his head.

“AAAUGH! What is that noise?” Ultra Magnus demanded.

The screeching signal faded.

“Attention, attention all Cybertronians. Now that our signal made sure we have your attention …” A voice said, broadcasting from Shockwave’s Tower all across the planet. “Please report to the Hydrax Plateau. The nominee for the acting President is about to be announced.”

“You interrupted us for that?” Ultra Magnus growled. “!” He noticed Nova Prime flying up and away on his wings. “Shoot him down!”

Magnus and the Imperials opened fire, firing upwards to try to hit Nova Prime and bring him down, but Nova evaded their fire and was able to fly away.

“He got away …” An Imperialcon lamented.”

Ultra Magnus let out a sigh, putting a hand on his forehead.

“Well.” Ultra Magnus heaved his boomstick over his shoulder. “We might as well go and see what the election news is all about. Who knows? Things could get … interesting over there, and I imagine we’d want to be there to act as containment in case a fight breaks out. Let’s go!”

“Fascinating,” Galvatron said, walking down the hallway to the pavilion with Metalhawk, who was boring, er, entertaining Galvatron with talk of theories written up by Rung. “Tell me about Ringlet’s -”

“Rung.” Metalhawk corrected him.

“Ringlet’s theories on inter-species bonding.” Galvatron said, not caring.

“It’s a fascinating study, really.” Metalhawk said. “Rung posits that Cybertronians who bond with Equestrians are more likely to make bad decisions when it comes to the welfare of those Equestrians. According to his model, there is a sort of, oh what did he call it … cuteness overload that cause lapses in judgment and tactical decision making in a Cybertronian. He said he had something to do with their big round eyes, which made them look, I quote ‘adorable.’”

“Intriguing.” Galvatron said. “So it could be posited that bonding with Equestrians is bad for Cybertronians’ mental health?”

“I suppose so.”

“I could make use of this information …” Galvatron mused.

They arrived at the entrance to the platform where they would stand, where Lazerback was resting on the edge of the door, his arms behind his head.

“Hello, Lazerback.” Metalhawk greeted him. “Are you excited to see the results of the vote?”

“Oh? I’m sorry, didn’t you hear? I dropped out.” Lazerback said.

“W-what?” Metalhawk stammered. “When?”

“Let’s see … it was, oh, today?” Lazerback said.

“You can’t do that!” Metalhawk said. “The ballots have already been cast! You can’t drop out now!”

Lazerback shrugged. “What can I say? I told you, I am an agent … of chaos.”

Metalhawk clutched at his forehead. He tried to think of what to do. “I suppose it can’t be helped. Come, Galvatron. Let us inform the public of this development.”

Metalhawk and Galvatron went out onto the stage. There, cheering throngs of Cybertronians greeted them both, reacting in different ways to each of them - some cheered for Metalhawk, some jeered Galvatron, some expressed their support of Galvatron and booed Metalhawk.

“My fellow Cybertronians!” Metalhawk shouted. “Calm yourselves. And remain calm, please. There has been … a complication with the voting process.” The crowd fell silent. “Lazerback, one of our candidates, has just announced his intention to drop out of the race.”


“He can’t do that!”

“I already voted for him! I liked his edgy, unflappable style!”

“Calm down, calm down.” Metalhawk said, waving his hands. “In these trying times, I must urge you, my brothers, to remain calm. We will fix this. We will find a solution.”

Metalhawk cupped his chin. He turned to Galvatron.

“It seems to me, Galvatron, that the only fair thing would be to allow those who voted for Lazerback to be allowed to recast their vote. After all, they did not know he would be dropping until today ...”

“Seems fair enough.” Galvatron said, though he didn’t sound pleased.

“Okay.” Metalhawk clapped for attention. “All those of you who voted for Lazerback, raise your hand.”

A number of Cybertronians raised their hand.

“Now, keep your hand up if you would like to recast your vote for me, that is, Net leader Metalhawk.”

Some of the Cybertronians lowered their hands. Metalhawk did a quick count.

“Now, raise your hand if you would like to recast your vote for Galvatron.” Metalhawk said.

The number of raised hands switched to the appropriate sides. Even without an exact count, it was clear Metalhawk was more popular among the Lazerback outliers than Galvatron was.

“Excellent, excellent.” Metalhawk said. “I wouldn’t want to appear presumptuous, so if someone could confirm for me …?”

A Vehicon General walked onto the stage. “It appears that Metalhawk is now Acting President of Cybertron until he and we the people can establish a more finite and concrete government in the wake of our recently-ended civil war. Everyone, please give a big round of applause your new leader, Metalhawk!”

A large number in the crowd burst into uproarious applause, though a noticeable few were less enthused, clapping only out of social pressure and politeness rather than any real happiness at the news.

“Yes, and there you have it, folks! Metalhawk, acting Supreme Leader of the Cybertronian people.” A reporter said. “One can only hope he’s up the task.”

“I think I’ll establish a parliament, first.” Metalhawk mused, before returning his attention to the crowd. “Thank you, people of Cybertron, for electing me on this day! I realize it didn’t go quite the way any of us expected, considering … but I promise you, I will do everything in my power to be the leader you deserve! The leader who will right the wrongs of our past, and face the issues that challenge and perplex our society in this murky, post-war haze we stumble through!”

Metalhawk bowed. The crowd gave more applause, while Metalhawk and Galvatron turned and left the stage, going back through the hall, passing Lazerback.

“I congratulate you on a campaign well-fought, Galvatron.” Metalhawk said. “As they say, good match. But you can rest assured, Cybertron is in good hands, and I won’t stop fighting for a pure and just Cybertron. To work for a peaceful Cybertron where the crimes of those in the war are properly punished and forgotten, and where we can live in harmony with the other species.”

“Oh, please.” Galvatron huffed, walking in front of Metalhawk.

“W-what?” Metalhawk asked.

“Oh, Metalhawk, quit pretending.” Galvatron said. “You don’t actually care about the war, or living harmoniously with the organics. You just like acting righteous in what you see as the moral thing, lording your obvious moral superiority over others. It’s sickening.”

“W-well …” Metalhawk stammered. “There is a certain satisfaction in doing the moral thing … i-in knowing that I am in the right, and certain others are in the wrong.”

Lazerback stepped away from the door, walking towards Metalhawk. His footsteps alerted Metalhawk, who spun around to face him.

“W-what are you doing?” Metalhawk asked.

“Let’s just say that Lazerback and I have come to … an arrangement, of sorts.” Galvatron said.

“I see.” Metalhawk said. “And this arrangement wouldn’t have something to do with Lazerback’s sudden decision to drop out of the race, would it?”

“Oh, it has everything to do with it.” Lazerback said. “Like I said, Metalhawk, I am an agent of chaos.”

“Yes.” Galvatron said. “And after this, Lazerback, you will be free to cause as much … chaos as you want.”

Galvatron raised up his weaponized arm, with his usual weapon of a death-lock pincer.

Galvatron stabbed Metalhawk in the back, the blade portion of his weapon emerging through Metalhawk’s chest. Metalhawk groaned and gasped as his Energon seeped out from his chest. Not one to leave things to chance, Galvatron fired a blast from his cannon, shooting a massive blue shot of superheated plasma straight Metalhawk’s torso. Galvatron jerked his weapon out, slicing sounds coming from the metal as it was removed from Metalhawk’s body.

Metalhawk’s body fell to his knees before falling down. Lazerback lifted him and rolled Metalhawk’s body over on to his chest.

Lazerback took out his Toxic Strike Blaster and fired it at Metalhawk’s chest, melting it down with acid into a pile of metal sludge and neatly hiding any evidence of Galvatron’s weapon. Liquid slag metal dripped off the sides of the yellow blob lying where Metalhawk’s torso used to be.

“Excellent.” Galvatron said. He walked up to Lazerback. “Now do me. Don’t hit anywhere too hard. Especially not in the chest.”

“You got it, big guy.” Lazerback said. He aimed the Toxic Strike Blaster and fired it on Galvatron’s non-weapon arm, melting it down.

Outside, the crowd had began to chatter about politics, having sorted its differing parties over to different sides to avoid conflict.

The crowd was hushing when Galvatron came limping out onto the stage, clutching at his half-liquified arm.

“Help!” Galvatron screamed, a panicked look flashing in his eyes. “Help!”

Galvatron limped over to a speaker and set himself against it. Two Cybertronians climbed up on to the stage and rushed over to Galvatron’s aid.

“What it is, Galvatron?”

“It’s - it’s Lazerback.” Galvatron said. “The campaign was all a ruse to him. He killed Metalhawk! He tried to kill me, too, but I fought him off. He was still in the hall when I saw him last.” Galvatron nodded his head at the hall.

“Understood. Someone get up here and go after Lazerback!” The Cybertronian shouted. Two Vehicons, an Aerialbot, and an Autobot rocketeer climbed up onto the stage and ran into the hallway.

“You know …” Lazerback said, crouching over Metalhawk’s corspe. “I was serious about campaigning, Metalhawk. Imagine all the mayhem I could cause as ruler of Cybertron. Until, Galvatron approached me with a deal. Drop out of the race, and then once the results were in, Galvatron would kill you and frame me for it. See, me, I’m a criminal and a maverick by nature. I don’t really mind marking myself as a criminal in Cybertronian society. After all … I’ve always got Earth and Galloway to go back to.” Lazerback smirked. “See, this way, regardless of who won the vote after I dropped out, Galvatron would win. If he won, he’s rid of you being a nuisance to his Technoist goals and a threat to his power, and probably would have had you executed anyway. If you’d win, well … he’d kill you, and then with only one candidate left, he becomes ‘President’ of Cybertron by default. All while framing me, so that he gets away scot-free, while I am free to cause mayhem somewhere else. Hoo-hoo-hoo!”

Footsteps echoed from down the hall.

“Well, I’d better be off.” Lazerback stood up. “Sounds like they’re coming for me!” Lazerback reverted into his beast mode and took off running down the hall.

“With Metalhawk dead, and Lazerback going rogue …” One of the Cybertronians helping Galvatron up to his feet said. “I guess that means you are now Acting President, Galvatron. Er, Mister President.”

“Excellent.” Galvatron said, trying hard not to let his grin show through. “My first order of business - after Lazerback’s capture and trial, of course - is the complete removal of the Changeling Batteries.”

Some in the crowd cheered.

“My second order of business is to an all organics from travelling to Cybertron.” Galvatron said. He gave an awkward smile. “Just until we can stand on our feet and have Cybertron up and running again on our own.”

“Accepted. You are in charge now.” The Cybertronian said. “But … you don’t seem too concerned with Lazerback, or the fact Metalhawk just died, my liege.”

Galvatron squinted off to the side. “There is … nothing we can do for Metalhawk. Even Dark Energon, were we to somehow acquire any, would only bring him back as a shell of his former self. As for Lazerback, I have confidence that if everyone works together, Autobot or Decepticon, he will be caught in time.” Galvatron gave another warming smile. The Cybertronian nodded, and he and his companion carried Galvatron off to receive medical care.

Ultra Magnus, watching from the edge of a nearby building, (the Imperials were still criminals in the law, after all) walked back to his squadron.

“I’m going to assume you all saw or at least heard most of that.” Magnus said. “Lazerback showed the populace his true colors. Metalhawk is dead, and Galvatron is Acting President of Cybertron by default. Something tells me those last two thing share are related.”

Twilight sighed. “There’s nothing we can do about it now. We’d need proof that Galvatron did it, and we still need to find and hunt down Nova.”

“Yeah …” Ultra Magnus. “Galvatron is insisting on an embargo on the travel of organics to Cybertron. For the sake of the economy, of course.”

“Of course.” Twilight groused. “I suppose that means that the Imperials - the organics of us, at least, aren’t allowed on Cybertron anymore.”

“Yeah, but you’re not going anywhere without me.” Ultra Magnus said, grinning.

Twilight sighed. “We might as well pack it up and head home. Don’t worry, everyone. I’ll figure out a way for us out of this. This battle may be lost, but we can still win the war in the long haul.”

Twilight and the Imperials began packing up their gear and heading through a Space Bridge to the Principality.

Meanwhile on Earth, at the Pentagon, in specific, Agent Fowler was walking down the halls, going over a report when he heard a most unwelcome sound. The sound of Attinger’s voice, yelling out his name.

“Fowler!” Attinger shouted.

Fowler halted and clutched at the paper before turning around to face Attinger. “Yes, Attinger?”

“It’s been a rough couple of days for all of us,” Attinger said. “Why don’t you join me in my office for a drink?”

“A drink?” Fowler asked. “While we’re on the clock?”

“We don’t do more than few shots.” Attinger said. “Please. I insist.”

Fowler paused. Attinger had a fearsome reputation. When he insisted on something, he was insistent on it. Fowler suspected turning him down would only serve to upset Attinger and make him more suspicious.

“Yeah, okay.” Fowler said. “Just one or two shots.”

Attinger smiled, patting Fowler on the shoulder. He guided Fowler to his office, and had Fowler take a seat opposite of his own desk chair.

“I recall you saying you were more of a scotch kind of guy.” Attinger said, pouring Fowler and himself glasses.

“Yeah …” Fowler said, hesitantly taking one of the glasses.

“Bottoms up.” Attinger raised his cup up before lifting to his mouth and chugging the shot. “Drink up, Fowler. It’s not laced with anything.”

“Yeah, yeah, sure. Just, uh, trying to be mindful …” Fowler said. He took a dainty sip from his cup.

“Hmm.” Attinger said. “You know, we’re not so different, Fowler. We’re two men, fighting for our country … we love our country … we want it to be safe. To survive. To endure. To thrive.”

“Is that so?” Fowler asked.

“Yes.” Attinger said. “Recently, however, I’ve noticed you’ve been absent lately … gone for long periods of time, with no contact from anyone. I know you still have sympathies for the Autobots … are you working with them?”

Attinger raised a finger. “Don’t answer that. Whether or not you’re working with them, that’s not important. What’s important, Special Agent William Fowler, is … do you know where the Imperials’ base is?”

Fowler took in a deep breath. He had to remain calm in the face of Attinger’s accusation. He worried the scotch might have had something placed in it designed to loosen his tongue, if the alcohol itself proved insufficient.

“No.” Fowler answered. “I do not know the location of the Imperial base.”

Attinger nodded. “I’m impressed. I’ve spent my whole life turning myself into a human lie detector. I have practiced and practiced picking up on the tiniest details. On the hardest to spot tells. Almost everything you’re doing right now tells me you’re not lying. Almost. Your breathing is good, your heart rate is steady, your eyes are focused on me … but there’s one thing you can’t control, Fowler.”

Attinger stood up from his seat, slamming his palms on the table.

“Your pupils are contracted.”

Fowler grimaced, realizing he was found out, and there would no way to convince Attinger he was mistaken.

Attinger snapped his fingers. Two of his men came into the room.

“Hmph. Alright, fine.” Fowler said, glaring at the agents. “So I know where it is. I’m not telling you, though. Those are my friends in there.”

“I think you will.” Attinger said.

“What are you gonna do, waterboard me?” Fowler asked.

“I haven’t ruled out the possibility.”

“You’re gonna have to do better than that, pal.” Fowler crossed his arms. “I was held captive and tortured by Decepticons. So you are gonna have to wake up pretty early in the morning to cook something up that will actually hurt me any.”

“We have our ways.” Attinger said. “Take him away.”

The agents grabbed Fowler by the shoulders and lifted him out of the chair. Tying Fowler’s hands together with rope, Attinger and his men took a covert route to take Fowler out of the building, and lumped him in a car and took him for a ride.

“Where are we going?” Fowler asked. “Prison? A river to toss me in? Maybe a cliff to drive me off?”

“You’ll see.” Attinger said.

Attinger’s men took Fowler to some … warehouse out in a hidden, sandy location. They pulled up to the warehouse and made Fowler get out, where Galloway was waiting for them.

“Ah, Attinger.” Galloway said. “And it looks like you’ve bought a present for me.”

“And indeed we have Mister President.” Attinger said. “I have reason to believe this man knows the location of the Imperial base.”

“Does he?” Galloway walked up to him. “Ah, Agent Fowler. The Autobot sympathizer. Tell me, how does it feel knowing you’ve been on the wrong side, and that you’re about to lead to their downfall?”

“I don’t have anything to say to you, you bottom-dwelling, scum-sucking megalomanic.” Fowler said.

“Oh, don’t be like that, Fowler!” Galloway said. “I’m sure there’s lots we could talk about! Who knows? We might have a few things in comm-”

Fowler spat into Galloway’s face, getting spittle over Galloway’s glasses. Attinger’s men began to rough Fowler up.

Galloway was quiet for a moment before speaking. “Easy, easy. Take him inside.”

Galloway and Attinger accompanied the agents as they shoved Fowler into the building. They threw Fowler down onto his knees inside, where a Cybertronian was waiting. Fowler thought he recognized the shape, but he looked different.

“What is it now?” Ratchet asked, turning away from Vigil. He gasped when he saw Fowler. “Agent Fowler?”

“Ratchet?” Fowler asked. “What happened to you? You look … different.”

“It’s hard to explain.” Ratchet said. “What are you doing here?”

“He is here to provide us with the location of the Imperial base.” Galloway said. “Which you are going to get out from him.”

“And how do you propose I’ll be doing that?” Ratchet asked drolly.

“I’ve been reading up on some mission reports. Logs. That sort of thing.” Galloway said. “Bring it in, boys.”

Some Americons walked in, wheeling in a Cybertronian medical station, along with a black cord with purple lining.

“You …is that …?” Ratchet said. “You can’t honestly expect me to try to set up a cortical psychic patch on a human!”

“That is exactly what I expect you to do.” Galloway said.

“No.” Ratchet crossed his arms and turned away. “I won’t do it. I won’t!”

“Do I need to remind you of the terms of our arrangement?” Galloway asked, and the Americons produced Energon prods.

“As a matter of fact, I do. The terms were for me to use my understand of Cybertronian biology to help you, as sick as it makes me. There was nothing in there about using it on humans, much less my friends!”

“Aww. I’m your friend?” Fowler asked. “That’s sweet.”

“This is really is not the time for you snide, Bill!” Ratchet snapped. Fowler seemed taken aback by Ratchet using his nickname.

Attinger seemed just as, it not more mortified than Ratchet. “S-sir, you can’t really mean to use this … piece of alien tech on of our own, can you?”

“I can and I do.” Galloway said. “I have every intention of it. I want the location of that Imperial base.”

“B-but, sir! He’s one of us!” Attinger said. “He’s a human! An American! He deserves better than to be probed by one of these aliens … torture devices! Please.” Attinger clapped his hands together. “I’m begging you. Let me interrogate him. I can get the information you want. And I can do it in a way that is safe and humane. Isolated containment will have him talking in no time. Please. He’s a Special Agent. He deserves better.”

“He was a Special Agent.” Galloway said. “Now he’s just a mole.” Galloway clapped his hands and pointed at Ratchet. “I want that cortical psychic patch set up, Ratchet. If you won’t do it, I’ll find someone who will! Like Vigil. Vigil will do it, won’t you, boy?”

“I am programmed to do as instructed.” Vigil said. “I will do the task you assign me. But please, Mister President, do not refer to me as a ‘boy.’”

“Yeah, yeah, sure. Thattaboy.” Galloway said and left.

Attinger remained where he was, rooted to his spot, staring off into space in shock. He took his glasses off, staring at the floor with his jaw hanging up. Attinger glanced up to Ratchet and acknowledged him with a sympathetic nod before putting his glasses back on and leaving.

Ratchet sighed. “I suppose I might as well get this all set up. You two, put Agent Fowler on the slab.” Ratchet ordered the Americons, who picked Fowler up in their claws and laid him flat on the slab.

“I’ll need to hook this equipment up to you, Vigil.” Ratchet grabbed the medical station and dragged it over to Vigil’s terminal. He found some extension cords and began making adjustments, plugging them into Vigil’s electronic ports and the station so Vigil could manipulate it.

“If I may ask, Ratchet, why do you not do this yourself?” Vigil asked. “Would it not be more prudent to have Fowler interrogated by your hands? They are more experienced than my proverbial ones, after all.”

“They are.” Ratchet said. “It probably would be. But this is one line I will not cross. I will not do this to Fowler, not by myself … but … Galloway’s made it clear it’s going to happen anyway, no matter what I do, even if I were to try to escape ... so I may as well do my best to at least make sure the experience is comfortable for him.”

“I see.” Vigil said. “I … think I understand.”

“Less chit-chat, more working.” One of Attinger’s agents ordered.

Ratchet growled, baring his teeth. He signed and put his anger aside, at least for the time being, and went over to Fowler, lifting up a syringe.

“Don’t worry.” Ratchet said, flicking the syringe with his fingers and filling it up with a liquid. “I’m not going to use the patch on you just yet. This is an anesthetic. It should keep you from feeling any physical pain when the patch goes in … and if something goes wrong, and the patch is … incompatible with your human physiology, it … it will hopefully make the experience painless.”

“I understand.” Fowler said.

Ratchet stabbed the syringe into Fowler’s arm and deployed the plunger, injecting the anaesthetic. Fowler groaned, his eyes rolling around in his head before they closed.

One of the Americons climbed on the secondary slab of the station. He laid back, and Vigil went to work on plugging the patches into him and Fowler.

Ratchet, having done all he could, sighed and walked away.

“You know …” The remaining Americon said. “As far as I’m concerned, once we’re through with the human, we should put you on the patch next, Autobot.”

“I … beg your pardon?” Ratchet asked.

“You’re Ratchet, right?” The Americon said. “You hurt a few of my friends during the war. I want to see it was like from your perspective. Did it feel good for you? Did it seem less horrible for you when you were over the scalpel instead of under it? And that’s just the ones that made it back. I want to know how badly you hurt anyone else I knew.”

“I am ... sorry about your friends.” Ratchet said. “I took no pleasure in having to harm them, for any reason. But the war is over now, and that’s in the past. We should move on.”

“Not for me, it isn’t.”

The Americon’s arm-blaster hummed, but Ratchet got the drop on him, going around behind the Americon and wrapping his arm around the Americon’s neck. While the Decepticon struggled and tried to pry the arm off, Ratchet got his Dragonshredder Drill ready and plunged the drill through the Vehicon’s back, the drill bursting out from his chest.

Ratchet removed his arm and weapon, letting the dead Vehicon fall to the floor.

The agents of Attinger who remained pulled out their guns and opened fired on Ratchet. Their bullets bounced off Ratchet’s Beast Hunter armor, but it was enough of an annoyance for Ratchet to reach his breaking point.

Screaming in fury like a barbarian, Ratchet charged at the agents, his drill spinning. One of them, seeing Ratchet charge at them, pulled out a taser and hit Ratchet in the ankle, to no effect.

After … dealing with them, Ratchet walked over to the medical station, where the Americon was no doubt rummaging through Fowler’s mind.

Ratchet bared his teeth and raised his soaked, dripping drill up, preparing to stab it straight down into the Americon’s chest.

Ratchet stopped. If he killed the Americon now, he could kill Fowler too. He couldn’t bring himself to do that.

Ratchet sank to his knees, curling up in a fetal position on the floor, lying his drill besides him. It was too late now. Galloway was going to find out the location of the Imperial base. Galloway was going to find out where the Imperials’ were, and then he was going to wipe them out. Probably drop a nuclear weapon on them or something.

All Ratchet could do was sit there and rock, cradling his head as the reality of the situation caught up to him, the Energon from the dead Americon and the blood from Attinger’s men pooling in the corner …

“Don’t worry, everyone.” Twilight assured her team as they arrived back in the foyer of the main building of the Principality. “We’ll find some way out of this. We will get out of this. We’ll find Nova Prime, find proof that Galvatron is guilty, and still overthrow Galloway and put him back in check.”

“Uh, that may have to wait, Commander.” An Imperialcon walked up to him. “You’re going to want to see this.”

“See what?” Twilight asked.

“We’ve been found out. It’s the Isolationists.” The Imperialcon answered. “The U.S Army is here. They’ve found us.”

“WHAT!?” Twilight's eyes, in addition to the eyes of several others, widened in surprise. “But how? We took every precaution! Did someone turn traitor? Did we have a leak?”

“I don’t know, Commander.” The Imperialcon said.

Twilight put a hoof to her forehead. “It doesn’t matter now. We need to focus on defending the base.” Twilight flashed a grimace as she heard the roar of a jet engine zooming by. “Are any of our double agents in the Army with them?”

“Unknown, Commander.”

“Well, find out, and if they are, get in contact with them tell them now is the time to let their true colors shine!” Twilight ordered. The Vehicon nodded and left.

“We need to defend the base.” Twilight turned to Ultra Magnus. She paused, dread feeling up her hooves.

“We need to evacuate the Civilian District.”

General ‘Circuit Smasher’ Witwicky surveyed the area outside the Principality, with tanks, jeeps, and jets flying in the sky at his disposal.

“Alright, you.” Circuit Smasher said. “We’ve got the full might of the U.S Army at our disposal. There should be no reason we can’t take out an installation protected by a bunch of stupid ponies.”

“I thought you said you liked ponies?” Shining Armor asked, walking up to Circuit Smasher. He glared.

“Er … I just meant the ponies inside.” Circuit Smasher said.

“Shining, doesn't questioning Circuit Smasher make you a hypocrite, since you hate Autobots?” A soldier asked.

Shining had to consider this. “Um … well …” Shining hung his head. “I guess it does.”

“Never mind that. That’s not important now.” Circuit Smasher said. He pulled out a walkie-talkie. “Delta Squadron, take out the west - AArrgh!” Witwicky winced in pain as the walkie gave off static. “They must be jamming communications. Our orders are going to have to be given manually. Not a good start.”

Shining Armor and Witwicky examined the perimeter’s defenses.

“A force field.” Shining Armor said. “It’s not as good as mine would be, of course. Here, I’ll just …”

Shining Armor fired a beam into the force field. The purple spell struck against blue hexagons, which shimmered briefly before shooting the beam back at Shining, covering his horn in soot.

“What?” Shining Armor stammered.

“Gun.” Circuit Smasher ordered. A soldier put a gun in his hand, and Circuit Smasher fired on the shield. The bullet bounced off the hexagons, which shimmered as long as it took to deflect the bullet before turning invisible again.

“Nested force fields.” Circuit Smasher observed. “That’s clever.”

Twilight Sparkle and her team with Ultra Magnus ran out of the main office.

“Someone, get out there and evacuate the civilians.” Twilight ordered, drawing up her helmet. “And get those fusion cannons firing! Do you think they’re decoration?” Twilight ran off.

“Where you are going?” Ultra Magnus asked.

“To reactivate Project: Proxy.” Twilight said. “We need all the help we can get. All hands on deck!”

Inside the building, Jack, Raf, and Miko were surprised when Arcee burst into the room.

“We’re under attack.” Arcee explained. “All hands on deck. That includes you.”

“Well.” Jack said. “It’s a good thing you raided COBRA’s base lately and got another mech from there, or I might feel a bit useless.”

“Alright, baby.” Miko reached over and opened a compartment, pulling out the Apex Armor. “It’s showtime.”

Raf shirked. “I don’t think I really belong in a battlefield situation.”

“You can help with evacuation.” Arcee said. “And after that, you could hack into the enemy’s systems.”

“I can do all of that.” Raf jumped out of his seat. “I’m good with numbers. Evacuating a whole a bunch of people shouldn’t be any different, right?”

Arcee smirked. “That’s the attitude. Come on.”

Outside, one of the Fusion Cannon towers rotated, aiming one of its cannons at a squadron of fighter jets which was flying around.

The massive barrel of the Fusion Cannon charged, sucking up energy before firing a sphere of distorted space. The sphere stopped mid-way between several jets and began sucking up everything around it, pulling the jets in to its crushing, inexorable pull. The jets clustered together, with some of the pilots thinking to hit the eject button before the sphere exploded, terminating the jets and reducing them to thousands of pieces of shrapnel, which rained hazardously down on Witwicky’s forces.

Witwicky bore a mad grimace. “Someone get up in there! Stinger! Where is Stinger? Get him on this!”

“I got it, boss!” Stinger announced, making his fashionably-late appearance, joined by other Gould drones. Stinger walked up to the force fields. He tapped the outer field, watching it pulse beneath his touch. “Hmm. Easy pickings. Traxes! Junkheaps! With me now!”

Stinger, the Traxes, and Junkheaps got together and formed a pile, linking up and merging together into one massive, gargantuan Transformer. The drone combiner raised its massive fist and punched the force field, the shimmering hexagons flickering and losing some of their light and cohesiveness, unable to stand up to the combiner’s overwhelming raw might. The force field held, though.

“Ha!” Stinger’s voice, distorted and amplified in the combiner, laughed. “This should be easy pickings!”

A massive blast came from inside the force field, striking the Stinger-amalgamate in the chest and throwing him backwards.


Bruticus stepped out of the shield, the barrels on his back smoking.

“I shall crush you cheap knock-offs.” Bruticus declared. He raised up his arm made from Blast Off, converting his hand into a giant afterburner, using Blast Off’s fuel as ammunition for a flamethrower.

Bruticus fired a massive stream of fire from his arm, running it over the Stinger-combiner and melting it down, threatening its cohesion. Bruticus took his helicopter arm and began to slash at Stinger with Vortex’s rotating chopper blades, scuffing the combiner up before Bruticus grabbed its torso with his hands and squeezed hard, causing all of the limbs to pop up and evicting the drones from their combination.

Bruticus held up a flailing, struggle Trax in his hand. He closed his fist around the drone, crushing and crunching it down. Not quite done with body, Bruticus tossed the crumpled drone into another Trax, knocking it over.

“W-where’s Bumblebee?” Stinger asked, crawling back as Bruticus marched towards him. “I-I want to fight Bumblebee instead of you.”

“Of course you do.” Bruticus growled, aiming his flamethrower at Stinger. Bruticus staggered back when a fighter jet strike him in the back with a missile. “Gah!”

“Bull’s-eye!” The pilot cheered. Moments before Bruticus scored a direct hit on the back of his jet, retaliating with his shoulder cannons, which struck and blew out the jet’s engines. “Uh-oh.”

Jack and Miko came riding out of the main building, Jack piloting a COBRA mech and Miko clad in the Apex Armor, ready to do some punching.

“Who wants to get wrecked?” Miko roared, swinging her arms around.

“I hope I remember how to pilot this …” Jack mumbled.

Elsewhere, Raf and others were busy trying to evacuate the citizens.

“Where are we going to put them all?” Smokescreen asked.

“Hmm. I know! They are refugees in Cobra-La, right? We’ll send them there.” Raf said. “I”m … sure they’ll get along, heh heh.”

Smokescreen smiled and nodded. “Good idea.” He turned and shouted. “Open up the Space Bridge! Coordinates, Cobra-La!”

A Space Bridge was opened. Raf, Smokescreen, and a few Vehicons supervised getting the civilians through it.

“Go, go, go, go! Single-file, please, single-file!” A Vehicon shouted.

“I’ll this is somehow your fault.” An Autobot civilian spat at a Vehicon.

“My fault? How?” The Vehicon asked.

“I don’t know. You and your other ex-Decepticon buddies probably did something, ticked someone off.” The Autobot.

“Uh, guys?” Raf said. “We really don’t have time for this.”

“All I wanted was somewhere I could lie down and retire and live in peace after the war!” The Autobot complained. “Somewhere nice, maybe. With a lawn. Maybe settle down, start a family. I thought I could get that here, but nooo! You and your buddies just HAD to ruin it for everyone!”

“Hey, I wanted to start a family, too!” The Vehicon pointed to his chest. “So don’t you dare accuse me of-”

The ground shake below as an explosion rocked the force field above. The arguing Autobot and Vehicon looked up at the sky.

“We should go.” The Vehicon said.

“I couldn’t agree with you more.” The Autobot and the Vehicon entered through the Space Bridge side by side.

“Keep moving, keep moving!” Smokescreen said. He glanced down the way. “Okay. I think that’s almost all of them. After we get this last batch in, we should be good.”

Another explosion rocked the force field above. It punched a hole big enough for another piece of ordinance to drop down, dropping next to Smokescreen and Raf and exploding the ground, knocking them on to their sides. Smokescreen bore the bulk of the blast, shielding Raf from it, who mostly just got a face full of dirt.

“Smokescreen!” Raf yelled.

“I’ll be fine!” Smokescreen groaned, struggling to get up, his back and his right leg smoking. “Get the rest of them out of here! Don’t worry about me! GO!”

Raf nodded and turned to the remaining citizens, who were mercifully unharmed. “Alright, folks, keep it moving. Don’t worry about him, folks, he’ll be fine …” I hope, Raf added in his head.

“Status report.” Witwicky ordered.

“We’re making a few dents here and there, sir, but no major breaches yet.” A soldier reported.

Witwicky scowled. “Call in the major airstrike.”

“Already, sir? We haven’t even gotten the force fields down.”

“Exactly.” Witwicky said. “I want you to drop a megaton of bombs on the force field and crack it like an egg.”

“Understood, sir. We’ll have your orders relayed.” The soldier said. He went about relaying the orders to the others, the order passing down a chain of soldiers until it got to two who would go on to unfurl a banner they had hastily thrown together after it was discovered radio wouldn’t work. The banner read “airstrike now.”

Receiving the message, a squadron of jets arranged in a v-formation. They flew over the Principality, flying high, high into the sky before dropping their payload, unloading massive bombs from their chutes.

The bombs struck the outer force field of the Principality, going up in a massive explosion. A huge fireball rose out, bright enough to burn the eyes of anyone who was staring or standing too close at it. The combined explosive power was too much for the outer force field to handle, and it collapsed.

The jets swung back around, going for another pass. Having not exhausted all of their reserves, they dropped another series of the bombs down, striking the second force field and causing it to shatter as well.

Magnum and Ultra Magnus survived the wreckage, watching as the shards of the magic shield fell to the ground before disappearing in a puff of powder.

“The force fields are both down.” Magnum said. “Commander, I believe it’s time to retreat. We’ve lost.”

“What?” Twilight balked. “We haven’t lost! So what if the force fields are down? We still have men, weapons, non-sentient automatons …”

“They have an airstrike, Twilight.” Ultra Magnus pointed above. “And something tells me they were smart enough to pack more than just two in case things got hairy. You really think Circuit Smasher is gonna have any moral problems with bombing this place over and again until he’s burnt it to the ground?”

“No, but …”

Another missile hit, blowing the tops off one of the skyscrapers, reducing its size by half. The rubble spilled over from the sides of the building like pouring sand, falling down and destroying bridges and statues.

Twilight sighed. “You’re right. We need to retreat. It’s better to live to fight another day. We can regroup somewhere, build a new base … maybe make on the moon or something. Make sure every automatic defense we have is firing and running at peak efficiency and top speed. If they take this place, I want to make it as hard for them as possible.”

Twilight activated her comm. “Attention all Project: Proxy fighters. Direct yourselves to the front and cover our escape.”

“Oh, why didn’t I include a self-destruct mechanism for this place?” Twilight lamented. Now who knows what Witwicky and Galloway were going to able to do with access to the Principality?

“You didn’t want to risk blowing up the civilians if you activated before they got out.” Magnum said.

“ … that’s a good point.”

Twilight turned away. Ultra Magnus and Magnum logged into their comms and did what they could to make sure all the cannons were firing.

Morbots, B.A.T’s, and blue colored Stingers marched to the front of the battlefield, where they formed a wall and held the line, stopping Witwicky’s encroaching forces from gaining any further entry into the Principality before the Imperials had a chance to escape.

“A knockoff of a knockoff.” Stinger said, observing his blue clone. “That’s novel.”

The Fusion Cannon towers rotated, all of them firing at once on Witwicky’s forces. One shot in particularly took out a bunch of jeeps and a few tanks.

The Imperials marched out of the city, walking away from and leaving it to Witwicky’s forces. Ultra Magnus stopped away from the city and looked back. clutching his hammer in fury, he considered heading back in and making a last-second, one-man charge, before deciding against it. He was more useful to Twilight alive.

“Once we’re far enough away, we need to have Raf whip up something to remotely wipe all the data on our computers.” Twilight said.

“Sir!” A soldier reported to Witwicky. “The Imperials are leaving the base!”

“They are?” Witwicky asked.

“Yes, sir! What are your orders, sir? Do we pursue, or do we stay behind and secure the base?”

“Hmm …” Witwicky, the soldier, and Shining Armor ducked for cover as a Morbot flew over them and fired at them with its cannon.

“It doesn’t look we’ll have a choice! Secure the base! I want all of those drones gone before sundown!”

“Sir, yes, sir!”

The Imperials gathered a safe distance away from their former base, watching the Principality from afar, listening to the sounds of clashing metal and exchanging gunfire as the Proxy drones did everything they could to slow down the seizure of the base before they were stopped, defeated, and shredded apart and torn to pieces.

Applejack looked up at the sky. “Twilight? Did y’all order the Omega Lock to be fired?”

“No.” Twilight answered. “Why?”

“Then … Isn’t that the portal the Omega Lock fires through?” Applejack pointed up. “What’s that doing in the sky?”

Twilight and the other Imperials looked up to see a massive pool of electric-blue energy rippling in the sky, energy humming from its surface.

“It is.” Twilight said. “But … I didn’t give the order to fire.” Twilight activated her comm. “Attention, Omega Lock attendants. Stand down. Depower the Omega Lock. I did not give the order to fire. Repeat, stand down! Depower the Omega Lock! I did give the order to fire!”

Twilight froze, her eyes widening in worry.

“They’re … they’re not responding.” Twilight said.

Applejack looked at the Principality. “What do you want to do?”

Twilight pondered it and mulled it over, but it became obvious to her there was only one true answer.

“We … we have to save them.” Twilight said. “We have to save the Isolationists. They don’t know the Omega Lock is about to fire. They have no idea we’ve lost control of it.”

“What?” Ultra Magnus balked. “Twilight, are you forgetting these people work for Galloway and just ran us out of our own base? Our base that all but doubled as our home?”

“I know.” Twilight said. “They work for Galloway, sure, but that doesn’t make them all monsters. I’m sure some of them are just loyal soldiers … I bet - I know some of them have families who would suffer without them.”

Ultra Magnus pretended to clear his throat. “Your brother is also with them.”

“So?” Twilight said. “Maybe he’s a complete and total dunce … maybe he’s a moron. Maybe I’ll never be able to completely forgive him for allying with the Star Seekers, or being an anti-Autobot self-appointed moral guardian who thinks he knows best … but he’s still my brother! I still remember the good times I had with him. I … I … deep down, despite everything he’s done, everything I’ve done, that’s happened to me, to both of us … I still love him.”

Ultra Magnus put a finger to his forehead in salutation. “I have to admit … you’re a better bot than I, Twilight Sparkle. I would have kicked him to the curb by now.”

“We have to save them.” Twilight ordered, firming her voice and pouring her authority into it. “It’s the correct, moral thing to do. It’s what … it’s what Optimus would have wanted.”

“How are we gonna do that, Twi?” Applejack asked.

“We’re going to do what i do best. We’re going to talk to them.” Twilight looked around, squinting.

“Um … somepony please tell me we have a white flag or something around here somewhere?”

Circuit Smasher launched an electric bolt through a B.A.T, slicing it half at the waist and allowing it to fall over.

“That should be the last of them.’

“Sir, look,” a soldier said. “The War Princess.”

Circuit Smasher looked over and saw The War Princess flying in, waving a white flag of surrender.

“General, I need to have a word with you.” The War Princess said, landing in front of them.

“Surrender, eh?” Witwicky asked. “Finally recognizing your betters?”

“Don’t flatter yourself. I wouldn’t surrender to you in a thousand years unless I had no other option. No, I needed to speak to you on neutral terms. Look up.” The War Princess pointed to the sky.

Witwicky, Shining Armor, and a few other soldiers did as told, watching the Omega Lock portal swirl in the sky.

“That is the “Omega Bridge,” if you will, for the Omega Lock. If you’ve been paying attention to the news, you’d know the Omega Lock was in our control. I have lost control of it. Soon, it will fire. You and your men want to be elsewhere when it does, or it will tear through you. It will consume you. It will turn you into cyberformed zombies, if it doesn’t kill you.”

“Alright,” Witwicky said. “My men and I will - wait, hang on a minute. How do we know this isn’t a trick?” Witwicky said. Witwicky pointed a finger at Twilight. “You just said the Omega Lock was under your control. How do we know you didn’t just fire up to scare us, then come to us to tell us to retreat so you could have your base back?”

“ … really?” The War Princess asked. “That’s the game you want to play right now? Alright, alright, FINE, you scrap-for-brains. I tried to have my men stand down and turn it off, and they didn’t. But if that’s not enough for you, consider this; why I would want to take back a base after its location had been compromised?”

“She raises a fair point,” Shining Armor said.

“Don’t get into this, I’m still mad at you,” the War Princess pointed at Shining Armor.

Witwicky stared at The War Princess, evidently trying to decide whether he was going to listen to her, or if he would give into his base nature and try to argue with her some more before shooting her and taking her captive.

The Omega Portal fired, a brilliant, massive blue pillar of a beam firing down from the heavens. It cut diagonally through the Principality skyscraper which had been destroyed earlier, cleaving through it and replacing its neat, smooth, polished structure with a wild, primordial of spikes and bridging pillars, based on what Twilight could only assume was what Cybertronian looked like during the Predacon-dominated Age of Rust.

The Omega Beam continued moving through the landscape. The War Princess rushed forward on rockets and tackled Witwicky out of the way, where the beam swept over the spot he was standing on, raising up a series of spikes.

Even someone as stubborn as Witwicky realized if the Beam hadn’t killed him, the spikes would have impaled, and The War Princess had saved his life.

Witwicky pushed her aside and got to his feet.

“We’ll work on retreating immediately.” Shining Armor said. He turned and shouted to the soldiers. “Fall back!”

“Fall back!” Was relayed down the chain of command.

“Go.” The War Princess. She stared up at the Omega Portal. “We’ll handle this.”

Shining Armor, the soldiers, and a still-stunned Witwicky worked on turning around and retreating.

The rest of the Imperials came up to The War Princess’s side, weapons at the ready, prepared to fight the Omega Lock… however they were supposed to do that.

“How are we supposed to fight that thing?” Smokescreen. “It’s … it’s the Omega Lock. How do we fight the Omega Lock? It has no soul, no feelings, no desires … what are we supposed to do, just run around and try to keep the beam focused on us?”

“If nothing else follows, then yes.” Twilight said.

Something else followed.

Behind the Imperials, a Bridge formed. It was a different bridge, one unlike any of the ones they had seen before. It wasn’t a GroundBridge, or a Space Bridge. It even lacked the blue glow of a Time Bridge. No, it was a dark blue Bridge which resembled the night sky, stars seen in its reflection, with purple energy sparks in place of where the a Ground or Space Bridge would have pink and green, and it was a fair bit larger than any of those other Bridges.

“What … is that?” Smokescreen asked.

“I don’t know.” Twilight said. “I’ve never seen anything like it before. Ultra Magnus?”

“Don’t look at me. I leave this science-y stuff to you science-y types. I’m a Wrecker. I hit things.”

“Do we … do we trust it?” Smokescreen asked. “I mean, should we go through it?”

“I don’t know …” Twilight said. “I’m not sure we should trust it.”

The Omega Portal hummed again, this loud and roaring. It fired another Beam, this one moving faster, roving across the same amount of space as the last one in half the time, sweeping furiously across the landscape and hurtling towards the Imperials at a blazing speed, intent on cyberforming them over.

“Moot point!” Twilight yelled, seeing the Omega Beam barreling forward. “We have to trust it! Everyone into the bridge, into the bridge, into the bridge!”

Twilight, Magnus, Smokescreen, Magnum and all the others ran through the Bridge, going inside and fleeing through it to escape the wrath of the furious Omega Beam, despite not knowing who or what sent it and where it would led them on the other side.

It dropped all of them out in front at Canterlot High, in the plaza, just in front of the statue, where the mirror had been moved to …

Standing by the statue were Nova Prime, Galvatron, Lazerback, Dragotron and Steeljaw.

“Nova Prime.” Twilight gasped.

“Yes.” Nova Prime hissed. “It’s me again, Twilight Sparkle. Ordinarily, I had hope to go unnoticed until there was an, aah, better climate to enact my plans, but your premature discovery of my true intent has forced me to change my approach.”

“Yes.” Steeljaw said. “Twilight Sparkle can be such a bother that way, can’t she? A real nuisance and pest.”

“Fire at will! Do it now!” Magnum ordered. The Imperials opened fire on the five of them, but Nova raised his head and created a force field which shielded them from the Imperials’ shots.

“With a little help and a few suggestions from Steeljaw, I was able to take over the Omega Lock from you.” Nova Prime explained. “After that, it was a simple matter to turn the Omega Lock on you and force through one of my Dark Bridges, a rip in time and space that only I can open with my powers, and has far grander and vaster travelling capabilities than any Space Bridge. As you can see, it was able to take you straight from Earth to this … Canterlot High realm existing in Equestria with no problem.”

“Now.” Nova said, raising his hand. “I believe my next course of action will be to use the Omega Lock to cyberform Earth and Equestria, and scour them clean of organic life. I think I’ll try to make sure to cyberform and mechanize everyone on both planets. I think Princess Celestia would look good as a silver mech, don’t you?”

“Oh, yes.” Steeljaw purred.

“Sounds exquisite.” Lazerback added.

“Obviously, I can’t have all of you running around, mucking about with my plans.” Nova Prime said. “So you can just stay and wait here in this Canterlot High dimension until I’ve finished cyberforming your homes, after which I’ll come back and do the same thing to this place.”

Nova Prime raised up his hand up. He summoned a massive boulder of purple and black dark energy, swirling around with a white core in the center. He threw the boulder down, shattering the mirror, from the glass to the frame, into pieces, trapping the Imperials here. The dark could wrapped him and his fellows up in a dark cloud, which enveloped them before dissipating in a burst of purple star-shaped sparkles, after which Nova Prime and the others had disappeared.

“NO!” Twilight ran towards the mirror, hoping her magic would be strong enough to fix it.

Dark Energon began to sprout around the statue. Lining up in a circle around it, the Dark Energon grew at alarmingly fast pace, rising up and up into the sky, curling over and towards each other until it formed a massive, pinecone-esque cluster of Dark Energon which kept Twilight Sparkle and the Imperials out and away from the statue and the broken mirror.

“NO!” Twilight Sparkle fired a massive blast from her horn into the cluster, which didn’t even suffered a scratch. She and the Imperials continued to rain fire on the cluster, hammering it with every piece of artillery they had, but the cluster didn’t suffer a single ding or dent, not even from the lightning of Ultra Magnus’ Magnus Hammer.

“No.” Twilight pounded her hoof on the cluster. She bashed her horn into it, banging her head against in the hopes a melee attack would succeed where magic and lasers had failed. “No, no, no, no, no, noooooo...” Twilight whined, closing her eyes as tears poured from her face, dripping down her cheeks and to the ground.

Twilight jammed her horn against it when she realized she wasn’t going to get her anywhere. She slid down, burying her head into the grass.

Jack, dismounting his mech, walked over and tried to comfort her. He put a hand on her shoulder. “It … it’ll be okay, Twilight. We’ll figure a way out this. We always do. We always have, even before we met each other. It’s like you Equestrian like to say, if we work together, we’ll be unstoppable!” Jack pumped a fist in encouragement. “Right?”

Twilight sniffed and looked up at Jack. She buried her head into his chest, careful to mind her horn. “I wish I could believe you, Jack … but it’s not going to be okay. I have … no idea how we can escape from here … that mirror was the only way in or out … and even if there’s another way, by the time we found it, Nova will have cyberformed our planets by then.”

Twilight wrapped her hooves around Jack, pulling him in for a tight hug, sobbing into his chest.

“All that work … for nothing.” Twilight complained between sobs. “Trying to fight Galloway, Starscream, Bludgeon, Lazerback … and all for what? To realize we should have been fighting Nova Prime all along, and now it’s too late?”

“Hey.” Jack ran a hand through Twilight’s mane. “Don’t cry. It’ll be okay. Besides, I’m sure the high school will have some books you can read. I’ll bet even you have read all of the books from an alternate dimension yet!”

Twilight chuckled. She gave Jack a brief smile before nuzzling into his chest.

“And now, there’s nothing else for us to do but just sit around here and live out the rest of days until Nova Prime comes back to kill us all …” Twilight cried.

“Don’t be like that, Twilight.” Jack said.

“Whoa!” Sunset Shimmer exclaimed, walking in on them. “You’re all armored up and armed, aren’t ya?”

“Pull it together, Twilight.” Jack said. “Sunset’s here.” Twilight pulled away from Jack, sniffed, wiped away a tear and nodded.

“What are you doing here?” Ultra Magnus asked.

“Kinda hard not to notice a whole army just showing up out of nowhere in front of your high school.” Sunset Shimmer commented wryly, smiling. “So, what brings you here? Here for the Battle of the Bands?”

“Battle of the Bands?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah.” Sunset Shimmer walked up to Twilight and pulled out a flier from her pocket. “We set up as a musical showcase, but a few girls convinced us to turn it into a competition.”

“You don’t say.” Twilight said. She examined the flier. “I’m sure this is fun, Sunset, but …”

Twilight examined the flier. She saw, marked in big green lettering on the bottom of the flyer, “with a musical performance by Adagio Dazzle and the Dazzlings!” depicting cartoon heads of Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk. Twilight looked up at Sunset, who was smiling pleasantly. Twilight suspected she might have been under Adagio’s control.

“Actually, yes.” Twilight Sparkle said. “Yes, Sunset, we are here for the Battle of the Bands. We’ll be happy to attend.” Twilight handed the flier back to Sunset.

“Great!” Sunset smiled and folded up the flier. “I’ll see you there! And … all of your friends, too, I guess.” Sunset looked around awkwardly at the armed, spec-out Imperials before leaving.

“Uh, Twilight?” Arcee asked. “Whaaat are you doing? Shouldn’t we be looking for a way to get back and stop Nova?”

“We should.” Twilight said. “But just because we can’t fight one threat, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t focus on fighting another. The Dazzlings’ music taking over the minds of several organics was one contributing factor in the future I saw. We need to stop them as much as we do Nova. We need to stop them here and now before that happens.”

“We’ll split up.” Twilight said. “One group will keep trying to break that Dark Energon barricade. The other will attend the Battle of the Bands and keep the Dazzlings’ from taking over too many minds. Got it?”

The Imperials saluted. “Sir, yes, sir!”

“Good.” Twilight nodded. “Ultra Magnus, Beast Hunters, you’re with me and the girls stopping the Dazzlings. The rest of you, tear down that Dark Energon.” Twilight ordered.

After making an attempt to settle in and blend in with the locals, Twilight Sparkle was accosted by Principal Celeste.

“Twilight!” Celesta grabbed Twilight by the hoof. “I’m so glad you could make it. It’ll be wonderful to have you here for the musical showcase.”

“You mean Battle of the Bands, don’t you?” Twilight asked dryly.

“Battle of the Bands, showcase, whatever. The difference isn’t important.” Celeste said. “Now, come with me. I want you to meet my boyfriend Jason.”

“Does Jason want to meet me?”

“Oh, yes.” Celeste growled. “The minute he heard you were in town, all he wanted to do was meet up with you.”

“Really?” Twilight said. “Interesting. Alright, I’ll meet him.”

“Great! I’ll set the whole thing up. Come on.” Celestia dragged Twilight along. “I’ll make some tea, maybe even some cookies.”

Celeste dragged Twilight the whole way to her apartment.

“Jason!” Celeste called. “I have Twilight Sparkle here for you, like you wanted!”

“That’s good to hear, dear.”

Celeste threw Twilight into the living room. “You two catch up. I’ll go start on the tea.” Celeste left.

Twilight didn’t remember Celeste having so much enthusiasm. Dismissing it, Twilight turned her attention to the living room, where an old man was sitting on the couch. His face was scarred and clearly had work on it, his hair was gray, and he wore denim jeans and a leather coat over a white shirt. He also had a prosthetic, mechanical hand.

He stood up from the couch, his grip firm on a walking cane.

“Hello, Twilight Sparkle.” Jason said. “How are you?”

“I’m fine.” Twilight said. “Well, no, I suppose that’s not completely true. I have a lot of stuff I’m dealing with right now.” Twilight brought her head to rest on a hoof. “It’s taking everything I have to just keep from breaking down into tears and complaining about the unfairness of the universe. But I need to keep it together. Ponies are counting on me. People - lots of people - are counting on me. They’re counting on me to save them, even if some of them don’t know it.”

“I can relate.” Jason said.

“Tea’s ready!” Celeste announced, barging into the room and placing a tray with a kettle and cups on the t.v desk. “I’ll leave you two alone.” She walked out of the room.

“Sugar?” Jason asked, pouring from the kettle.

“No thank you.” Twilight took her cup and nursed it. She sat on the floor in front of the desk, opposite Jason.

“I must admit, I’ve never really had a chance to try drinking and experimenting with tea.” Jason said. “But I find I quite like adding a spoonful of honey.”

“Everyone’s tastes differ.” Twilight said. Twilight found something about Jason’s inflection, the way he said and pronounced his words with a certain thoughtfulness, familiar. “Wait, you said you never had a chance to try tea before? What were you doing that made you so busy you couldn’t sit down for tea?”

“I fought in a war.” Jason said. “Took up most of my lifetime.”

“Mmm. Which war?”

Jason seemed ready to answer her at the drop of a dime, but stopped. “A few, actually. It doesn’t matter.” Jason rotated the wrist of his prosthetic.

“Is that how you lost your arm?”

“You could say that.” Jason said. “It didn’t happen right away. It was still working good, until someone with an axe to grind assaulted me, and the damage caught up. Anyways, I was still hurting for awhile after all of the fighting had ended. So I thought I would … I would move into this alternate dimension. Start over. Try to get a new lease on life, where I could leave all of that behind.” Jason sighed. “But I guess not. I had a dream, telling me to hide. Recently, I had another dream, telling me the time for me to fight would come soon.”

“Interesting.” Twilight said. “Listen, Jason, do I know you? You seem familiar, but I can’t quite place it. I don’t anybody on Equestria whose name would ‘humanize’ into Jason, and yet ...”

“I never said I was from Equestria.” Jason said.

“Oh. Well, no. So were you born here?”

“I told you I moved in.”

“Hmm … well, I suppose that means you’re from Earth, I guess.” Twilight said. “Forgive me. I’m not familiar with that many Earthlings.”

“I’m aware.” Jason said.

Twilight stood up.

“Well, I really should be going.” Twilight said. “I have places to be. Things to do. I want to be ready if I’m going to go the Battle of the Bands.”

“I imagine you should.” Jason asked. He affixed Twilight with a piercing glare which seemed to go right through her, as if he could tell whether or not she was lying. “Are you ready? To do what you need to do?”

Twilight was a perturbed by it, but affirmed himself. “I am.”


Twilight turned towards the door.

“Mmm. Twilight Sparkle? One last thing before you go.”

“Yes?” Twilight said.

“I’m sorry for lying to you.” Jason said. “I’m sorry about hiding from you. I hope you can forgive me.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Oookaaay … um, sure, I guess? I really don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You will.” Jason said. “In time. It will be clear as day when it is time.”

“Uh-huh.” Twilight nodded before exiting the room and leaving the building, feeling a little creeped out by Jason’s cryptic words.

She closed the door to Celeste’s apartment and walked down the street.

“Twilight Sparkle!” Adagio Dazzle walked up to her. “There you are. I’ve been looking for you. I’ve been told you and your little band of … Imperials, is that you call it? Were going to attend the Battle of the Bands.” Adagio Dazzle put her hands together.

“Yes, that’s correct.” Twilight said. “What of it?”

“Well, I was wondering …” Adagio reached over to put a hand on Twilight’s shoulder, but Twilight rebuked her, slapping it away. Adagio was annoyed, but made no comment. “If you would consider having Sunset Shimmer use her magic to change all of your Imperials into humans? I was thinking. All those ponies and giant robots … it might make a few people … uncomfortable.”

“Yeah, sure -” Twilight paused. An interesting thought occurred to her. What if the future she had witnessed happened, in part, because she agreed to this idea, thus making the Imperials’ susceptible to the Dazzlings’ mind control? A part of her wondered why she would agree to this, when they were supposed to be working on breaking the Dark Energon barrier. Perhaps in the ‘original’ timeline, Twilight and the Imperials were visiting under better circumstances, so having the Imperials take on a human form to be polite seemed less of a bad idea.

Twilight also seemed to recall the denizens of this world bearing witness to a massive battle between her Imperials and the forces of demonic legions summoned by Sunset Shimmer from the nether realm. Sharing space in an crowd with Cybertronians and Equestrians should have be no problem to them.

“Actually, no, no.” Twilight shook her head. “I’m afraid I’m not comfortable doing that, Adagio Dazzle. At this time, I need my Imperials to be in their full forms and full strength.”

“Oh, please?” Adagio put her hands together in a begging position. “It would mean so much to me and my girls!”

“I’m sorry, but the answer is no.”

Adagio Dazzle grimaced, flashing fangs. The abrupt change in her disposition from cheery to enraged was so sudden it caught Twilight off-guard. “Now you listen here, you sniveling kiss-up to Celestia, I’ve been waiting a long time for a chance like this, and I’m not about to have it ruined by-”


Adagio Dazzle turned and saw Ultra Magnus looking down at her. Magnus, in a gesture of warning to Adagio, tapped the shaft of the Magnus Hammer against the concrete.

“When the lady says no, she means no.” Ultra Magnus said. “And if you don’t like it, and having us around makes you uncomfortable … well, too bad. You’re gonna have to deal with it.”

Adagio Dazzle looked like she wanted to argue, but she refrained, insteading walking off and grumbling beneath her breath.

“Thanks.” Twilight said to Magnus.

“Anytime.” Magnus said with a smile. “I’ve heard the showcase should be starting soon. We should get ready.”

“Understood. Any progress from our other team?”

Ultra Magnus shook his head. “Nothing.”

“Darn.” Twilight said. “We’re running out of time. We need to break through and fix the mirror - or find some other way out - before Nova launches the Omega Lock. If he hasn’t already.” Twilight sighed. “Maybe some nice music will make our minds off our woes for a little bit.”
“One can hope.” Ultra Magnus quipped.

Twilight, her friends, the Beast Hunters, and Magnus joined a crowd gathering around the stage. Arriving late, they had to settle for standing on the edge of the concert hall. No seats of them, which Twilight suspected was something Adagio Dazzle had arranged.

“Hey there, girls!” Sunset Shimmer greeted them, waving a hand at them. “Excited to hear the Dazzlings’ sing?”

“I thought they were supposed to be multiple bands.” Twilight quipped.

Sunset, realizing her blunder, blushed. “Oh. Oh, y-yeah, yeah! But come on.” Sunset jabbed Twilight with her elbow. “We all know we’re just here for the Dazzlings, right?”

“Oh yes.” Arcee purred.

“We’re here just for them, alright.” Bulkhead said.

“Glad to hear it.” Sunset said. “Mind if I sit, er, stand with you?”

“Not at all.” Twilight said, tolerating Sunset Shimmer resting her head against Twilight’s side.

A band came up and played their song. Twilight didn’t pay much attention to them, only caring about when the Dazzlings would get onstage, but the Autobots did.

“Terrible coordination.” Ultra Magnus said. “They can’t quite seem to keep their instruments in tune with each other.”

“Yes.” Arcee agreed. “And mixing a keyboard with maracas? Whose idea was that?”

They continued on, ripping into each band and criticizing them for flaws in their performance and song.

Twilight gave a slight chuckle. The Autobots, fighters of freedom, defenders of truth and justice … and scathing music critics. Maybe they ought to make a website.

“Now, these girls, they were okay, but there was a mistake in roles.” Arcee said after a trio of girls had left the stage. “The back up vocalist has a much better singing voice than the lead singer.”

“Rap?” Bulkhead questioned the choice of a pair of hooligans. “Really? Rap?”

“While I must admit there is a certain timeless appeal to the works of Beethoven, I question the effectiveness of attempting to replicate the emotional tenor and musical tension on a harmonica and triangle, both instruments with a low barrier of entry to begin playing.” Bumblebee commented, earning him odd looks from the other Autobots. “What? I can’t have hobbies?”

Even Fluttershy got in on the act.

“While Flash Sentry and his band had a very strong opening, towards the end they began to peter out, and I could begin to feel that what I was watching perform was rehearsed, and it no longer felt natural.” Fluttershy said. She and Twilight giggled.

Celeste and Luna got up on the stage. They tapped the microphone to test it.

“And now.” Celeste said. “The band you’ve all been waiting for … Adagio Dazzle and the Dazzlings!”

The crowd burst into a roar of applause. Sunset Shimmer leaned over eagerly.

“Finally.” Arcee tensed her fingers, ready to reach for her weapon at a moment’s notice.

Adagio Dazzle, Aria, and Sonata walked up on the stage dressed in impressive, sequined and sparkling outfits.

“Well, one can’t deny their fashion sense.” Rarity said.

Adagio took the microphone from Celeste, giving a dark chuckle as the Principals walked off the stage.

“Thank you, Canterlot High!” Adagio Dazzle said into the mic, prompting a burst of joyous screams. “Thank you, so much, for giving us this wonderful opportunity to showcase our musical talent … and make our biiiiig comeback! Thank you all for indulging on this fine day. The world better be ready, because here comes the Dazzlings to take it by storm!” The crowd applauded.

“Before we begin,” Adagio Dazzle said, “I just want to point that a certain someone in the audience declined a request I made to them before the show.” Adagio Dazzle turned her head aside and coughed. “Twilight Sparkle!”

“Booo!” The audience jeered at Twilight, who raised an eyebrow at them.

“Twilight, how could you?” Sunset asked. “Adagio Dazzle is the best!”

“Hmph, well …” Twilight scoffed, not losing her cool.

“But we shouldn’t be mad at her about that.” Adagio Dazzle said. “Too much. And now, to thank you all, to give our deepest, most sincere thanks from the bottom of our hearts to all of you at Canterlot High …” Adagio placed a hand over her heart. “We’ve got a special little number we’d like to perform for you.”

The crowd roared and cheered.

“Orders, Twilight?” Bumblebee asked.

“Wait for the right moment.” Twilight said. “If we strike too soon, we could have a brainwashed mob trying to protect them.”

Adagio held her hand up, and the crowd went silent. She and the Dazzlings began chanting.

“Oh-whoa, oh-whoa, oh-whoa … you didn’t know that you fell, oh-whoa, oh-whoa, now that you’re under our spell.” Adagio clicked her tongue, pointing a finger at the audience.

“‘Under our spell’?” Ultra Magnus whispered. “Are these girls even trying to be subtle?”

“Hear the wave of sound … as it crashes down …”

Green mist appeared on the stage. It covered the stage before seeping over into the audience’s chairs.

“Twilight, pretty sure that green mist isn’t just theatrics.” Bulkhead said. “Do we make our move now?”

“No.” Twilight said. “Not yet.” She glared at the stage, waiting, watching for the perfect moment … to strike. When the Dazzlings would lull the audience in, and let their guard down.

“You can’t look away … we’ll make you want to staaay …”

“Twilight.” Ultra Magnus clutched at the sides of his head. “My head is starting to hurt.”
It has to be soon, Twilight.”

“Not yet.” Twilight said.

“Hear the wave of sound … as it crashes down.” A speaker rumbled on the stage.

The Autobots grit their teeth, attempting to bear the pain. Their fingers twitched, antsy and eager for an excuse to give a reflex. Fluttershy was getting it particularly bad because of her half-pony, half-Insecticon body. One half wanted to lean in and listen to the soothing sounds of the Sirens’ voices … the other want to blow her own ears off rather than listen to another note. Fluttershy cricked her neck, her face in a terrifying split between a grin and a grimace.

Arcee noticed Fluttershy’s discomfort. The speakers let out another blast, blanketing the audience in the Dazzlings’ music.

“That’s it.” Arcee pulled out her Echohawk Bow and pulled the drawstring on it. The Dazzlings didn’t seem to notice.“I’m putting a stop to this.”

“No.” Twilight said. “Not yet.”

“Twilight, are you not paying attention to what’s - aaah- going on here?” Arcee groaned, clutching at her head as the music increased in volume, getting to her. Arcee gestured to Fluttershy.

“I know. I see it, too.” Twilight said. “But not yet. I’ve got a feeling in my gut.”

“A feeling in your gut?” Arcee asked. “What, are we making tactical decisions now based on what you had to eat last?”

“Arcee, do you trust me?” Twilight asked.

Arcee wasn’t prepared for a question like that. “I, uh …’

“Arcee. Do you trust me?” Twilight asked, glaring up at her.

Arcee’s fingers lingered on the drawstring. She appeared to consider firing at the Dazzlings.

“ … I do, Twilight Sparkle.” Arcee lowered her bow. “But we still need something to help us stand that awful music until we’re ready.”

“Hmm. Ah! I got it. A bubble of silence. Why didn’t I think of this before?” Twilight shot a light out from her horn, encasing her, her friends, the Autobots, and Sunset Shimmer in a pink bubble which blocked out all noise, in effect making them deaf to the Dazzlings’ music.

Sunset Shimmer came out of her spell, putting a hand on her forehead. “W-what happened?”

“Now you need us, come and heed us!” The Dazzlings’ was the note finished their song on.

Massive green rings of magical energy erupted from the stage and traveled over the crowd. In a brief moment of awareness of what was going on around them, the crowd screamed in fear, but they fell back under the spell once the rings had passed. The Dazzlings rose up into the air, unaided. The mist rose up and curled around them, forming cocoons. The Dazzlings’ skin cracked on their bodies before falling off. The cocoons broke out, and the three girls now had bat wings sprouting from their backs, and featureless, glowing red eyes.

“Wonderful!” Adagio Dazzle declared. “Wonderful, absolutely wonderful! Attention, Canterlot High.” Adagio Dazzle pulled the mic. “We’re the Dazzlings. But we’re not just the Dazzlings, oh no. We’re Sirens. A thousand years ago, we were banished from Equestria from using our magical voices to cause conflict and strife. But now, with your love, with your adoration … we can feed off that and gain enough power to achieve our true forms, and make our way back through the mirror and to Equestria, where we can wreak havoc once more! You will love us. You will adore us. Your every waking thought will be of us. Now, let me ask you, Canterlot High … do you love us?”




Twilight and the Imperials were about to burst out the bubble and make their move, until …


The crowd gasped in shock.

“What?” Adagio Dazzle said. She scanned over the crowd. “Who said that?”

“I did.”

Adagio Dazzle turned to the lone dissenter in the crowd. She watched him make his way through the audience and climb onto the stage.

It was Jason.

“I do not love you, Adagio Dazzle.” Jason said. “Nor your fellows, and I will not love, as I cannot bring myself to love such … despicable creatures. You admit to causing strife, but you give no reason as to why. I will not forgive the fact you are creatures of pure malice and hatred.”

Adagio Dazzle chuckled. She flew over to Jason. “Oh no? We’ll see about that … what was your name again? Jason Thames, I think it was? Principal Celeste’s squeeze, if I recall correctly.”

“I am going to stop you.” Jason said.

Adagio laughed again. “Ha ha ha ha ha! Listen to this guy! He thinks he can stop me.” At Aria’s bidding, the crowd laughed with Adagio Dazzle.

“And just who are you that makes you think you can stop me?” Adagio Dazzle asked. “Stop us? And this crowd?”

Jason took in a deep breath.

“I am the Alpha and the Omega. I am the beginning and the end. I am that which is, which was, and is yet to come. I am the last of a long lineage stretching back to the dawn of time, long before you were three even born. Long before Equestria was even a nation. From a time long before the planet of Equestria had yet compact together from the celestial rocks of the cosmos. And you will know my name when I, guided by divine intervention, lay my retribution down upon you.”

Adagio Dazzle burst into a guffaw.

“What makes you think you’re all that, Jason Thames?” Adagio Dazzle asked, getting into Jason’s face.

“My name …”

Jason clutched at his cane. He pulled at the handle, revealing it to be a cane-sword. He slashed Adagio Dazzle across the stomach, a spray of blood gushing out of her gut. Adagio, in both pain and in shock, fell onto her back. Jason pointed the tip of the sword at Adagio’s neck, focusing her eyes on the shine of the blade.

“ … is Optimus Prime.”

XVIII: Operation: Endgame

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The Imperials stared at the stage in disbelief.

“Ultra Magnus?” Twilight asked after a long pause.

“Yyyes, Twilight Sparkle?”

“Did the human known as Jason just get up on stage and say he was Optimus Prime?”

“I do believe he did, yes.”

The Optimus Prime?”


“The Optimus Prime who we know to be most certainly, very definitely dead!?

“That’s the one.”

“How?” Twilight asked. “You sensed his Spark go out! This doesn’t make any sense!”

Ultra Magnus raised a finger.

“Humans don’t have Sparks.”

Twilight and Magnus stared at each other for a long moment.

“Humans …” Twilight chuckled. “Humans don’t have Sparks! Ha ha!”

“Hee hee.”



Applejack raised an eyebrow. “Y’all want to explain to the rest of us just what is so gosh-darn funny?”

“Humans …” Twilight hooked a leg around Applejack’s neck. “Humans don’t have Sparks! That’s how Optimus hid himself! He turned himself into a human! When Ultra Magnus was sensing his Spark go out, he wasn’t sensing Optimus was dead! He was sensing the exact moment Optimus turned into a human! Ha ha!”

“Wait,” Applejack said. “Wouldn’t Ultra Magnus have sensed that when Optimus got turned into a human the first time we went to Canterlot High?”

“Perhaps I did,” Ultra Magnus said. “I think I just blew it off because, at the time, I hadn’t felt his Spark grow steadily weaker before snuffing out. But he’s alive now!”

“Optimus Prime, hmm?” Adagio Dazzle asked. “Can’t say I’ve ever heard of you.”

“Understandable. If I understood you correctly, you have been trapped here for some time, and I … had been going out of my way not to draw attention to myself.”

“Regardless …” Adagio began to push herself up, stopping when Optimus’ sword hummed as it was redirected to stay inches away from her throat. “I won’t let you stop everything we’ve worked so hard to achieve! Aria, Sonata!” Adagio snapped her fingers.

Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk flew at Optimus Prime, their wings outstretched. Optimus hopped back from Adagio and readied his blade. Sonata reached her hands towards Optimus’ shoulder, and Optimus responded by slashing her across the gut, the same he had done to Adagio Dazzle. Aria Blaze was able to grab Optimus’ shoulder. Optimus spun around, slamming the hilt of his sword into Aria’s chest, before following up by punching her in the throat.

“Grr …” Adagio growled, getting to her feet, the massive wound in her gut, which would kill, or at least cripple most normal humans, only making her a little wobbly. Adagio turned to the crowd and began to vocalize.

“Aaah … aaah … aah. My lovers, my adoring fans, your queen needs you! Rise to the occasion and cast out this heretic.”

The entranced crowd clamored, going into an uproar. They made their way towards the stage and crawled up the side, putting their hands on the ledge and pulling themselves.

“Now?” Ultra Magnus asked Twilight, pulling the pump-action on his boomstick. “Can we ruin the Dazzlings’ day now?”

“Now,” Twilight said, picking up Sunset Shimmer and holding her.

“Wha … huh?” Sunset moaned in confusion, her fingers on her forehead as if she was recovering from a hangover.

“Set phasers to stun, everypony. Non-lethal force only.”

Ultra Magnus groaned and rolled his eyes. “Do we have to?” Twilight glared at him. “Fiiine.” Magnus aimed his boomstick, holding it up to his eyes, and fired into the front of the stage, deploying an explosive shell which didn’t hurt anyone (severely, at least) but caused the stage to collapse in and set on fire, burning away and preventing Adagio from calling up more audience members for reinforcements. This done, Magnus trained his weapon on Adagio.

“All of you!” Adagio swept her hand to a portion of her volunteer soldiers. “To that part of stage!”

The audience members began queuing up at edge of the stage, standing around where the stage had been hit. They formed a line, a wall, and stood there.

Ultra Magnus kept his weapon trained on Adagio, her poofy hair firm in his crosshairs, but the enthralled minions kept bobbing around, moving back and forth. “It’s no good.” Ultra Magnus put his weapon down. “She’s using the crowd as a human shield. I can’t get a clear shot.”

“Well, we’ll just have to hope Optimus can handle it himself.” Twilight said.

“It’s Optimus. Of course he can.” Ultra Magnus looked to the stage with a smile. “My big bro can handle anything.”

On the stage, Optimus justified Ultra Magnus’ confidence in him, taking on Adagio’s minions out with ease and confidence. Keeping his sword tucked under his arms, Optimus kicked one crowd-goer in the stomach, slugging another in the head, before capping it off by picking one up and flinging him into the mob, knocking others down like a set of bowling pins. When Sonata Dusk swooped at him again, Optimus whipped his sword back out and moved aside, cutting Sonata’s wing with the sword and tearing a hole in it.

Adagio shook with rage, infuriated by this butchering of her sister. Baring her teeth, she charged at Optimus, picking him by the shoulders from behind and lifting him into the air.

“I won’t let you ruin everything, Optimus! We’ve waited too long for this!”

Optimus flailed his sword-arm about, trying to get a better aim, before able to take the blade and slash Adagio across the stomach again, adding a horizontal line above the diagonal one he’d already put there. Adagio grimaced as the metal pierced her flesh, but seemed otherwise unaffected. Adagio grabbed Optimus by the wrist and pulled, twisting his arm until he was forced to relinquish the sword, his fingers letting go and dropping to the stage.

Adagio pulled Optimus up to face her. Optimus’s other arm was free enough he could get in a punch to her chest, which served to make Adagio even angrier.

“Aaaahyah!” Spitting as she growled, in a surprising display of strength, Adagio lifted Optimus over her head and hurled him into the backstage curtain, where Optimus tore through the fabric and was laid flat on his back.

Not giving him a chance to recover, Adagio got on top of him, sitting on his abdomen and wrapping her hands around his throat.

“Before I choke the life out of you, any last words, Optimus Prime?!” Adagio demanded.

Optimus gave her a look of solace. “A few. A passage. ‘To the last I grapple with thee. From Hell’s heart ...”

Optimus reached around, patting the stage floor for the cane he had on his person. He found it, rolling away from him, and clasped it, curling and tightening his fingers around.

“‘I stab at thee.’”

Optimus lifted the cane up and with the exertion of a tremendous amount of force, stabbed its bottom through Adagio’s chest, helped by the injuries Optimus had inflicted on her prior.

Adagio gasped and stood up off Optimus, clutching at her chest. Optimus rose up and yanked the cane out of her chest, blood splashing out as he did. He whipped the cane around and struck her across the neck, cracking the red gem in her necklace. Adagio gasped again, louder this time, and clutched at her necklace. Optimus, picking up on this, struck her again, kicking Adagio in the gut and making her stagger, her arms flailing and exposing the gem. Optimus grabbed the necklace and tore it off her person. Adagio was frozen still in fear, reaching out for it.

Optimus examined the necklace. He lifted it up and tossed it on the ground, where he prepared to stomp on it.

“No, wait!” Aria Blaze rushed forward. “Please, stop! She won’t survive without her necklace! A piece of her soul is in there! You can’t destroy it!”

Optimus regarded Aria Blaze with curiosity and suspicion. He picked the necklace. “If I destroy this necklace, it will destroy her as well?”

“Uh-huh.” Sonata Dusk nodded. “The same goes for all of us. Each one of us has these little fragments of our essence put into our gems. Who knows how much damage you’ve done to her already just by cracking it? Please don’t smash it.”

Optimus curled his fingers around the necklace. “In exchange for me not destroying the necklace housing Adagio Dazzle’s soul essence, will you be willing to surrender and free this crowd from your spell?”

Aria crossed her arms and scoffed. “Tch. No way.”

Optimus raised the necklace up, preparing to throw it on the ground again.

“No, wait!” Aria screamed, reaching out, causing Optimus to stop. She dragged her hands over her face, letting out a sigh. “Could you … could you just give us a minute?”

“You will have to decide.” Optimus informed her. “Which are you more willing to give up? Your victory and your control over these people, or Adagio Dazzle’s life? Choose.”

“Uh-huh. Yes, we understand that. Come on, girls, huddle.” Aria gestured for Adagio Dazzle to come over to her and Sonata. Adagio did so, and the three of them gathered in a circle, whispering and muttering to each other. Sonata peeked her head out to check on Optimus and make sure he hadn’t destroyed the gem anywhere while they were talking.

The Dazzlings broke up their huddle.

“We’ve decided.” Adagio Dazzle said.

“And your decision is?”

“YAAAH!” Adagio charged at Optimus, wings spread out.

“Adagio, don’t!” Aria exclaimed.

Optimus, reacting quickly, threw the necklace on the ground. He stomped on it, shattering it into pieces.

Adagio lurched and clutched at her heart. She dropped from her flight like a stone, crashing into the stage. She let out a groan and rolled over onto her back, looking up at the sky through squinting, pained eyes.

“Adagio!” Aria Blaze and Sonata Dusk rushed to Adagio’s side, each of them taking one of Adagio’s hands into their own.

“It’ll … be okay, girls.” Adagio told. “I’ll be fine … really. Just … glue it back together, and I’ll be … right as rain.” Adagio cupped Aria’s cheeks, before her hand fell down.

Aria’s eyes watered up. Sonata sniffed and wiped her own tears away with her arm.

“We’ll do it.” Aria said, turning to Optimus and standing up. “We’ll surrender.”

“Meanie.” Sonata accused him.

“I have a low opinion of you, such that your insults mean nothing to me.” Optimus told her, disillusionment omnipresent in his voice.

Aria turned to the crowd. She crossed her hands across her chest and vocalized, rocking her head. Green mist rose up off the heads and shoulders of all the affected as the magic was dispelled. Everyone rubbed their heads and asked questions expressing their confusion, not having a full recollection of what happened.

“Alright, you two … and a half.” Ultra Magnus marched towards the stage, stomping for the Dazzlings’ attention. “Let’s go. You’re under arrest. I’m sure the three of you and Flurrie will make nice cellmates.”

Ultra Magnus pulled out some stasis cuffs and slapped them on Aria, Sonata, and even Adagio, just in case the three of them had funny business in mind. Magnus converted into vehicle mode, and the girls were ushered into his truck canopy by the Imperials, where Ultra Magnus restrained with his seatbelts, shooting them out and pulling them nice and taut against the Dazzlings in their seats before starting his engine and driving off to take them to the same jail Flurrie was held in.

After setting Smokescreen with the unenviable, montous task of explaining what happened to the Canterlot High attendees and faculty and waiting for Ultra Magnus to return from the prison, the Imperials gathered around backstage to start questioning Optimus.

Twilight, her friends, and the kids bombarded him with questions.

“Dude, where you have been?” Miko demanded.

“Where did you go?” Applejack asked.

“How long have you been hiding?” Rarity asked.

“Why did you hide?” Jack asked.

“How did you hide?” Twilight asked.

Optimus held his hand out for them stop pestering him with questions. “Please, please … I will explain everything. If, for any reason, my explanation seems unsatisfactory, then you will be free to ask me for more specific details on what I missed.”

Optimus looked at the ground. “After Lazerback invaded the base, I … I knew this was a world that I was no longer welcome in anymore. A world that I thought had no further need of or use of me anymore. So I escaped. I escaped to Canterlot High. I contacted Prowl and Chromedome, as they were the only ones I knew who could help to do what I needed them to, and be relied to keep it secret.”

“What did you need them to do?” Twilight asked.

“With myself in disguise, they approached Sunset Shimmer and brought her to me. They were able to convince her I was a Cybertronian criminal looking for a new lease on life, and able to persuade to use her magic on me to turn me into a human.”

Ultra Magnus cupped his chin. “That would probably be the exact moment when I sensed what I thought was your Spark going out.”
“Scrounging together the money, I went to the human surgeons of this word and underwent plastic surgery in order to hide and conceal my true identity from the denizens of this world who might recognize me from our previous outing to this world, as well as a prosthetic arm to replace the one I lost in the explosion. Knowing that Celeste had taken a shine to me during said outing, I made contact with her and was accepted into her home as her boyfriend. There, free of war and violence and factions, I had hoped to live out the rest of my days in peace and quiet until I died of natural causes … ”

Optimus closed his eyes ruefully. “But sadly, that would not be the case. A few nights ago, I recieved a dream- a vision, if you will, from the half-living, poisoned form of Primus himself. Poisoned from the Changeling Batteries, I assume.”

“Yes, that’s correct.” Twilight said.

“He spoke to me, telling me that he needed to call on me fight once more, that the Last of the Primes was still needed one last time … for one last battle.”

Optimus shook his head, hands resting on his cane. “They all seem like ‘one last battle,’ do they not? Until the next ‘one last battle’ comes along to replace it, and thus it becomes the ‘one last battle’ … and the cycle continues.”

Twilight grimaced, uncomfortable, sensing Optimus was none too pleased about being called back into action after his brief ‘retirement,’ such as it was.

“But why did you stay hidden?” Twilight asked, hoping she could get away from this subject soon. “Surely you heard the news about the Imperials. About what we were doing, and why. We could have used you. Why didn’t you come out and join us?”

"Honestly …” Optimus answered. “I was tired. Tired of it all. Of all the pain, of all the fighting and the violence and ... I just wanted to get away from all of it and stay away. But I see now that can no longer be an option for me.” Optimus stood up from the fountain he was sitting on. He noticed Twilight’s downcast expression, gazing at the concrete.

“Morose though I may be over my inability to live a suburban life, Twilight Sparkle, I assure you I will answer the call when called upon, and I will serve you as a competent, fighting soldier to the best of my abilities, and with all the due effectiveness I am able to muster.”

Twilight smiled, assured by Optimus’ words. “Glad to hear it.”

Smokescreen walked up to them. “Hey guys! I finished debriefing all those Canterlot High people. What’d I miss?”

“Not much. Though you might want to try and catch up with Optimus later.” Twilight answered before turning back to Optimus, getting straight down to business. “Right now, we need to get back to the problem at hand. Nova Prime’s sealed us inside this dimension so he can use the Omega Lock with impunity. He’s broken the mirror connecting the two worlds and sealed the pieces inside a massive, almost impenetrable cluster of Dark Energon. We need to find some way to break it, or at least some way out of this universe before he has a chance to do any real harm.”

Shock crossed Optimus’ features. “Nova …?”

“There’s a lot we need to catch you up on, Optimus.” Twilight said, never losing her stern and serious expression.

“I … yes, of course. I imagine much has changed during my long absence.” Optimus looked aside and ran his hand over his face. Being shocked and surprised in in disbelief about Nova had to wait until a better time; Right now, Twilight Sparkle needed him to bring his A-game.

“I am sorry, Twilight Sparkle.” Optimus said. “I do not have any ideas as to how we might break this Dark Energon blockade you speak of.”

Twilight rubbed her chin. “Couldn’t we get Sunset Shimmer to turn you back to your normal form, and then you could use the Matrix of Leadership on it?”

"Maybe," Ultra Magnus said. "I passed the Principal on my way back. She told me after being freed from the Sirens' spell, Sunset Shimmer went to go work on a way to fix the mirror."

"Well, go get her then! This can't wait! She can't fix the mirror if she can't get to the mirror!"

“Wait.” Smokescreen stepped forward. “I might have a idea that can do you one better.”

“Really?” Twilight asked. “What is it?”

“You all remember my friend, and the self-appointed guardian deity of this quaint little alternate dimension …”

Smokescreen gestured to off in the distance, where a towering figure could still be seen in the horizon, having not once moved from his constant lone vigil.

“Fortress Maximus.”

“Fortress Maximus! Of course! Brilliant!” Twilight bumped her hooves together. “If there’s anyone here who has something hidden away that can help us out of this situation, it’s him!”

“No, no, don’t thank me.” Smokescreen, bowing to an applauding audience which existed only in his head. “I’ll just be over here, being a humble, clever smart guy who came up with the ideas to save the day … yup.” Smokescreen rested his shoulders behind his head. His optics widened when he saw while he doing all of his ego-stroking, everyone else was already moving out. He chased after them, a hand raised up for attention. “Hey, wait for me!”

Arriving at Fortress Maximus’ leg, Smokescreen knocked on the side of said leg. The door hissed and lowered, granting them entry and welcoming them in. Twilight’s Imperial squadron went inside and crowded around the elevator, which lifted them up to the chest of Fortress Maximus. They pooled into the cockpit.

“Ah. Smokescreen.” Cerebros acknowledged them as the Imperials poured in. “It is good to see you again, my friend.”

“Hey, Cerebros.” Smokescreen greeted back, walking up to him. “It’s good to see you, too. Hey, listen … my buddies and I are in kind of in a rough spot right now, so I was wondering if maybe you could help us out again?”

“Again?” Cerebros asked in a tone which Smokescreen might have taken to be a joking, teasing voice, if not for the fact Cerebros was supposed to be programmed. “What do you need, my friend?”

“There’s this guy … Nova.” Smokescreen said. “He wants to cyberform every plant in the universe, and to get us out of his way, he lured us into this alternate dimension, and then trapped us here by breaking the mirror and encasing it with Dark Energon. Can you help us?”

“I … believe I can.” Cerebros said. “However, I believe this will exceed the parameters of what I am allowed to do on my own initiative. I will need an operator to approve your commands. Do you have someone who will qualify for the necessary requirements?”

Smokescreen nodded. “Of course.” He turned with a smile. “And I know just the person …” He looked at Optimus.

“I … would rather not.” Optimus said reservedly, hands on his cane. “My soul is weary, and I am tired and unrested. Commanding Fortress Maximus sounds … taxing.”

“Hmm. Oh. Alright, I understand, Optimus … but if not you, then who?” Smokescreen swept his gaze across the room.

“Perhaps … you, Smokescreen.” Cerebros said.

“Me?” Smokescreen stepped back, putting his hands on his chest in surprise. “Oh, no, no, I couldn’t! I’m far too young! I’ve barely seen any real action on the battlefield! Barely.”

“Youth and inexperience is not the same as having an impure Spark, Smokescreen. Your lack of ‘seeing action’ does not mean your Spark is unfit to operate Fortress Maximus.”

“Well …” Smokescreen curled his fingers nervously. His attention was drawn by Twilight tapping him on the foot.

“Come on, Smokescreen.” Twilight said. “We don’t have time for this. This whole … you being unsure of yourself. If there’s a way to get moving, we need to get moving now!”

“Please, Smokescreen?” Cerebros asked. “Try it for me?”

“Alright.” Smokescreen acquiesced. “I’ll give it a shot.” Smokescreen went into the other half of the room and sat on the operating chair, wiggling as he adjusted himself until he was comfortable. The restraints popped out and latched over him, while the scanning instruments took measure of his Spark purity.

“Spark purity levels at 98%.” Fortress Maximus’ booming deep voice said.

“Excellent. Smokescreen, would you care to give us your first command?” Cerebros asked.

“Oh, uh …” Smokescreen looked down as he considered what he wanted his first command to be, and how to best phrase to get the desired results. “Take us to the Dark Energon cluster that’s blocking the mirror just outside the school.”

“Acknowledged.” Cerebros said.

The entirety of the inside of the cockpit shook as Fortress Maximus began moving, lifting up his massive foot and taking a step forward. His foot caused a quake when it landed, shattering the pavement of the road. Fortress Maximus looked around.

“This is not going to work.” Fortress realized.

“Excuse me one moment. We will be taking an alternate route. Find and grab something to hold onto, will you?” Cerberos asked politely.

The cockpit shook and rattled again, a loud, low-pitched whir humming from somewhere inside Fortress Maximus. The Imperials all scrambled for something to hold onto and brace themselves against.

There was a blinding flash of green light as Fortress Maximus activated his internal Space Bridge. When the light subsided, Fortress Maximus was standing outside the school, the Dark Energon cluster visible from his chest windows.

Fortress Maximus looked down at the Dark Energon cluster, taking the measure of it.

“I will handle this.” Fortress Maximus said.

Weapons bristled from every port and bough on Fortress Maximus’ body, the barrels of various energy cannons humming and missile racks and pods shimmering. He opened up a barrage on the Dark Energon, blasting it with everything he had.

Even the apparent super Dark Energon Nova Prime had gotten his hands on couldn’t stand up to the full might and brunt of Fortress Maximus’ wide, varied and powerful arsenal. Explosions echoed and rocked off the cluster, before its shattering was heralded with a loud, high-pitched crack. Billions of shards of Dark Energon fell off the cluster, falling like raindrops, the cluster so large and massive that its total and imminent destruction had to take some time traveling downwards from the top before it was completely gone, down to the base, revealing the broken shards of the mirror lying on the ground in front of the Canterlot High statue.

“YES!” Twilight Sparkle pumped her hoof.

“Don’t celebrate just yet.” Arcee raised a finger. “We still need to find a way to get back to our home dimension.”

Sunset Shimmer walked onto the scene, a towel wrapped her shoulders. She let out a yawn, still groggy from coming out of the Dazzlings’ spell. With her magic, she swept the shards of Dark Energon away, sweeping the vile crystals up as if they were nothing more than piles of dust which had gotten out of hand from the maid. She reached, the mirror shards, bent down and picked a shard up, inspecting it.

“Hmm.” Sunset tilted the shard in her hand. “Yeah, I can fix this.” She levitated another shard up and brought it and the first shard together, making them connect.

She turned to Fortress Maximus and conjured a megaphone. “Hey, guys? I can fix this, but it’s gonna take me awhile.”

“What’d she say?” Bulkhead asked, the megaphone not quite reaching it.

“She said she can fix the mirror, but it will some time time.”

“We don’t have a while.” Twilight grumbled, slamming her hoof down.

“If I may offer an alternative suggestion …” Cerebros said.

Twilight and all the others turned their attention on Cerebros. All eyes were on him.

“I believe Fortress Maximus’ internal Space Bridge may be powerful to traverse the gap between dimensions and bring you to where you need to be. After all, it was able to bring me and him in the first place.”

“That’s … that’s brilliant! Of course!” Twilight smacked the side of her head for not thinking of that herself sooner. “I wish you would have said something like that earlier!”

“I need only a set of coordinates.” Cerebros said.

“And if I may make a suggestion, I have a particular location in mind …” Optimus said.

The coordinates were input into Cerebros and Fortress’ controls. The Space Bridge hummed.

Smokescreen let Sunset know, speaking through the intercom. “Sunset, we’ll be leaving on Fortress Maximus, okay?”

“Okay!” Sunset said. “You guys go on ahead! I’ll try and have this mirror ready again before you get back!”

Sunset shielded her eyes as Fortress Maximus disappeared in a blur of green light, taking the Imperials and all their forces with him.

June Darby stood outside the area of Outpost Omega-One, Team Prime’s former base. She wore her hair loose and a yellow hoodie to keep her face hidden. The area had been sealed off by hazard fences to preserve it and discourage would-be looters and collectors from scavenging the ruins.

June moved closer to the fence, keeping her head down as she passed another tourist, one of many who had come to see the destruction of the site. She put a hand on the fence. She looked up so she could see the ruins.

I know I’m supposed to be in hiding right now, Fowler … June thought. But I had to come and see it one last time.

Looking at the ruins of the base her sad, almost as sad as the fact this once-great building had become nothing more than a tourist attraction. It depressed her to think the place where her son had spent so much of his time was gone now, just gone. It depressed her even more to think about her son was in here moments before its destruction, and out lost, alone on the countryside, and probably doing what he thought was his duty and helping the Imperials, putting him on the wrong side of the law.

Oh, my poor Jack … please come home soon. If you can hear me, I love you. Wait … what’s that hum?

June had fortitus and surreptitious timing to be here when she was. She was one of many of the tourist who got to bear witness to a green light forming above the ruins of the base, which grew and expanded into a blinding flash. The tourists let out groans as the flash clouded their vision and disoriented them, but when their vision cleared, they all let out gasps and other expressions of shock.

June was surprised to cover her mouth. Right beside the Autobot base, a massive, gigantic, towering titan of a Cybertronian had appeared. June would guess Autobot, due to its blockier proportions and more humanoid face. Made of ebony black steel, and …

“Is that …?” June asked, holding a hand over her eyes, making out a silhouette coming out from inside the Autobot and standing on its shoulder. “Optimus?”

Standing high, high and far, far above the crowd, Optimus surveyed the area. The transit from one dimension to the next had removed any of Sunset’s magic from him, changing him back to how he was mere minutes after the explosion. And he was not looking good. His entire body was robbed of color. What little parts of him which weren’t scorched black were merely scorched grey, the blast having eroded and faded much of his paint job. The silver parts on him were a dull and lifeless grey, his sheen and shine gone. His forehead crest had the top chipped off, his windows were cracked, one of his optics was barely lit, and the other was but slightly better, flickering between a quarter and a third of the size it should have been, both a corrupted orange color from not having proper Energon in him. He retained Jason’s prosthetic limb, forming a dinky arm where his normal arm had been blown off, though it still retained its functionality even in his robot form, at least making sure he had two hands.

Twilight Sparkle walked out of Fortress Maximus and up to his leg.

Optimus looked down at her before looking back to the crowd.

“I had reasoned having Fortress Maximus make his entry into our dimension here, at the site of our former base, would have an impact on the populace. It would make a statement that the Autobots - and myself had returned.” Optimus said.

“Well, it doesn’t look like you’re wrong about that part.” Twilight observed the awed tourists.

Optimus pursed his lips and grumbled. “Look at them.”

“Optimus?” Twilight asked, concerned.

“This was a military base. Battles were fought and staged here. Soldiers rested here. It was destroyed unjustly. People could have died here when this base was destroyed. Yet, after its destruction … after its removal … what do the humans do with it? They turn into an attraction, a site for drawing tourists to penny and dime by selling them senseless knick-knacks and manufactured memorabilia, glorifying and overlooking the horrific nature of the war which caused the construction of this base in the first place, and our continued usage of it.”

“Optimus?” Twilight tapped him on the leg. “I know you’re upset. You have every right to be. But we need to get out there and stop Nova Prime and the Omega Lock.”

Optimus closed his eyes and bowed his head. “Of course, Twilight Sparkle.”

Twilight and Optimus turned and went back inside.

“Nova Prime controls the Omega Lock, you say?” Optimus asked to double-check and reaffirm as they rode the elevator back inside. “I am familiar with its legend, and assuming it works the same way as it does in the myths, then I may have an idea for how we can fight it and stop it.”

“I’m open for anything," Twilight said, "let’s hear it.”

Onboard the Omega Lock, orbiting adrift in a nondescript region of space, slaughtered Imperial Vehicon corpses littered the sides of the rings, which Thunderhoof and Fracture worked on kicking and booting off into space.

“Ah.” Nova Prime rubbed his hands together, getting ready to do some hands-on dirty work. The Omega Lock creaked and groaned as it was moved and tilted to the side, alining it with Earth, as best as it could given the massive interplanetary light-years distance between the Earth and its current position.

“With those interfering Imperials out of my way and unable to affect my plans, I’m free to cybeform planets to my Spark’s content.” Nova Prime exalted in his triumph. He turned to Steeljaw. “Having someone from the future on my side is such a boon.”

Steeljaw humbly bowed. “I live to serve, Your Eminence.”

Fortress Maximus materialized in front of a Space Bridge operating terminal operating and run by Galloway’s forces and soldiers.

Optimus and Twilight walked out onto Fortress Maximus’ shoulder and crouched. “Are you sure this is where your informant told you the Space Bridge station was, Twilight Sparkle?”

Optimus and Twilight ducked to the side as red and blue energy shots whizzed by them.

“Pretty sure.” Twilight said.

Optimus, Twilight, and Beast Hunters division hopped down and made their way to the station’s front, where an Americon and Galloway-aligned Autobot were standing guard, their weapons raised and smoking.

“Optimus Prime!” The Americon exclaimed at the sight of Optimus. “They said you were dead!”

“And you believed them? Without checking for a body?” Optimus asked.

The Americon scratched his neck. “Uh … well.”

“Enough.” Optimus stood tall. “Stand aside or be blown away.”

“I can’t let you do that, Optimus.” The Americon retrained his weapon on Optimus. “I am to defend this station. Even from you, Prime.”

The Americon felt the heat of a energy weapon warm the back of his head before a barrel pressed into it.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” The Autobot said.

The Americon turned to glare at the Autobot. “You … traitor!”

Before anything could come of it between the two, Optimus went and uppercut the Americon in the gut, following up by pounding him across the head before grabbing him by the midsection, lifting him and hurling him away.

Optimus turned to the Autobot. “You did not have to betray your comrade like that.”

“I made an oath to follow your lead, obey your orders, Prime.” The Autobot said. “That came first, before I ever set foot on Earth or signed onto Galloway’s programs, so it takes precedent.” The Autobot saluted.

Optimus saluted back. He and his team moved on.

Twilight burst inside the station proper, where the Space Bridge terminal was manned by two human scientists.

“You two.” Twilight said from behind her mask. “I need you to open up a Space Bridge at a particular set of coordinates.”

The scientists looked at each other.

“Um, we’re sorry, War Princess, but Galloway gave us explicit orders not to allow the use of this Space Bridge by any pony without the proper authorization.”

The scientists reeled back, holding their clipboards up in defense as Optimus Prime stepped into the building.

“Do you two enjoy having your bones unbroken and in their proper upright positions?” Optimus asked. The scientists nodded. “Then I suggest you do as my equine companion says. Follow her instructions to the letter.”

“Yessir!” The scientists scrambled to start working on the Space Bridge controls.

Twilight watched them for a moment before looking at Optimus. “That was kind of dark, Optimus.”

“I am in a very dark mood.”

“Hmm,” Twilight made note of this.

“Omega Lock ready to fire and begin cyberforming.” Steeljaw reported, saluting Nova Prime.

“Excellent. Well? What are you waiting for? Fire!”

“Beginning the cyberforming of Earth.” Steeljaw tapped a button.

The Omega Lock hummed, whirred and warbled. The pool of energy inside its ring fired a huge pillar of a blue beam, aimed dead straight at and heading for Earth.

As the beam travelled into space, a Space Bridge opened up in front of it, which consumed the beam.

Nova’s eyes widened. “What?”

Down on Earth, Optimus, Twilight and the others looked up at the sky with pride, watching the Space Bridge in the sky launching the Omega Beam, redirecting it into space where it would fly off and eventually disperse into harmless particles, a shallow remnant of its divine energies. Bulkhead patted Optimus on the back, while Twilight and Rarity hugged.

Aboard the Omega Lock, Nova Prime was flabbergasted.

“What just happened?”

“Well, if youse ask me, it looks like a Space Bridge opened up in front of youse’ Omega Lock and then its beam somewhere youse didn’t want to go.”

Nova Prime grabbed Thunderhoof by the antlers. “I know WHAT happened, you antler-headed oaf! I want to know why it happened!” Nova pushed him away and tossed him aside.

Steeljaw caught the stumbling Thunderhoof and set him right. After making sure his packmate was okay and not going to be sent flying into space by Nova’s throw, Steeljaw turned to Nova.

“The only logical explanation, Nova, is obvious.” Steeljaw said. “Somehow, despite all our precautions, the Imperials have somehow escaped and are working to interfere with and thwart our plans.”

“Grr …”

“Now, now, please don’t lose your temper.” Steeljaw said. He bowed. “If you’ll accept me, I’d be happy to offer my services in the name of dealing with this unwanted intrusion and complication. After all, your plans won’t work if the Imperials are out there, mucking about and messing with things, but with my knowledge of the future and talent with subsonics, I can assure you they will be immobilized and dealt with accordingly.”

“Go.” Nova pointed a finger. “Do not fail me.”

“I wouldn’t dream of it,” Steeljaw said humbly. “Let’s go!” Steeljaw addressed his pack, snapping his fingers and running on all fours across the ring of the Omega Lock, where Nova opened a Bridge for them.

On a land across from Equestria, far enough that it required travel by boat, a hooded figure stood by a cliff.

This land called … Ponyland. Simple and friendly sounding, but monsters walk here.

A white dove flew by. It was caught in a red beam and frozen, paralyzed. A sphere of yellow energy rose from the inside of its beak, a tail trailing behind and swam through the air, entering a fanged, simina jaw. The dove dropped to the floor, its eyes grayed, still technically alive, but functionally so stilted and suffered it might well have been - and it wished it was - dead.

“Hydia …” Tirek said, raising his head up and pulling his hood down, looking at her over his shoulder. “I am ready to start my campaign. I will get you the ingredient that you need.”

On Cybertron, Galvatron walked through an empty hall, his footsteps echoing across the polished chrome of the hall. At least until the metal gave away, and his boots stepped instead into piles of green goop. Lifting his foot up, Galvatron shook it off, masking his disgust and contempt for these disgusting creatures.

Galvatron walked to the core hive of the secret lair, where Changelings buzzed and flitted about, sticking to the wall, flying from one wall to another.

“Oh! We have a guest.” Chrysalis, recognizing Galvatron’s presence, flew up in front of him. “To what do I owe the pleasure, Galvatron?”

“Chrysalis, I am here to discuss a plan to get those … wretched humans out of the way of my master’s perfect world.” Galvatron said.

“Oh?” Chrysalis turned her head flirtatiously. “And do my Changelings and I have a place in this perfect world?”

“Rest assured, I have no love for your kind, either …” Galvatron glanced at the goopy pillars lining the hive. “But I find you far easier to manipulate as a single whole. The humans are too … chaotic. Too disorganized, too scrambled, too … sectioned off.”

“Uh-huh.” Chrysalis nodded. “And would this lack of love be the reason why there are still Changeling Batteries sapping the life from my precious children?”

“Rest assured, I will get to the Batteries in time.” Galvatron said. “I have workers working on taking them down as we speak, but there are … several of them.”

Chrysalis nodded, accepting this. “Now, what was this you said about a plan to get out the humans?”

“Look …” Galvatron projected a blue hologram of a schematic from his arm.

Chrysalis oohed. “Oh. I like that. I like this plan.”

The Beast Hunters and Twilight’s herd of friends watched with pride as their Space Bridge tactic continued working, catching and deflecting another Omega Beam up into the atmosphere.

Their good feelings and good vibrations were put to a halt when all of the Autobots kneeled and doubled over in pain, clutching at their ears.

“Optimus?" Twilight asked.

"Arcee!" Rainbow Dash ran up to Arcee's leg, throwing her hooves over Arcee's leg.

"What's wrong, darlings?"

“Some sort of … signal!” Arcee answered, grimacing her teeth, her face contorting in pain. “Scrambling our circuits!”

“Okay, okay, hang on.” Twilight said. “Just hang on!” She ran into the operating station, beginning to pull and rip pieces and circuits and wires out from her armor. Salvaging what she could from the scientists, she ran back out and set to work on assembling a device, scrambling to use her magic to put all the pieces and parts together in a way that she hoped would work.

“Come on, come on …” Twilight flicked a switch, turning the device. It began to generate a hum.

The Autobots uncovered their their eyes. They let out collective sighs, save Optimus.

“Ah. That’s better.” Arcee said.

“You should be okay as you stay relatively close to this device.” Twilight said. “It’ll block out and deflect whatever it was that was doing this to you.”

“How close is ‘relatively close’?” Bulkhead asked.

“About … 50 meters?” Twilight smiled apologetically and shrugged. Seeing the disapproving glares Bulkhead and Arcee were giving her, Twilight frowned. “Look, it’s something I cobbled together in less than a minute! You need to give me some time before I can make something better!” Twilight looked aside and cupped her chin. “And more importantly, we-”

“We need to figure out what caused the source of the distress in the first place.” Optimus said.

“Right. I was just about to say that.” Twilight said. “Give me a second and …” Twilight disappeared in a flash, then reappeared just as soon. “Okay. I used Fortress Maximus’ instruments. I was able to backtrack the signal to a source in the Appalachian Mountains, but that’s all I could find out.”

“Let’s go!” Bulkhead said, marching forward. He went out of range of Twilight’s deflector, clutched his head in pain, and ran back inside its range.

Twilight chuckled. “Heh heh. Um, maybe after I can come up with an improved version of this? Plus, someone needs to stay here and make sure those scientists keep reopening the Space Bridge to repel the Omega Lock.”

“I’m on it.” Smokescreen volunteered. “After all, I get all the menial labor jobs …” He bemoaned as he walked away.

“Autobots,” Optimus said, “roll out!”


“After Twilight Sparkle finishes her device, of course.”

Ratchet continued to sit by the walls, crouched down and despondent.

“Wha … what is this?” Attinger asked, returning with a trio agents, all three of them shocked. Attinger’s men went over to check on the agents Ratchet had struck down.

Attinger surveyed the scene of carnage. He took special notice of the dead Americon.

“Killed the Americon, did you?” Attinger asked, a rhetorical question. He glanced up at the operating table. “And yet you didn’t have the guts, the brass to kill the one hooked up to your friend on the table there?”

Ratchet replied with a scoff. “Hmph. Well … the one on the table wasn’t threatening my life.”

Attinger gestured to the agents. “And they were?”

“I felt as much, yes.”

“You …” Attinger clenched his fist, biting his teeth down on his lip. “Don’t you Autobots take a vow not to harm organic life?”

“Indeed.” Ratchet said. “It is one of our most sacred vows. It’s what seperates from Decepticons.”

“Attinger, sir!” The agent reported, his fingers on the incapacitated agent’s neck. “They’re still alive! We have a pulse!”

Attinger regarded Ratchet with confusion.

“Please. I am still a doctor. I know where to hit to incapacitate without killing.”

Attinger covered his mouth, beginning to feel a little overwhelmed over all of what was happening. “Alright, alright … get them to a medical facility, and get Fowler and our asset off those tables.”

“Will do, sir!” The agents reported, dragging their coworkers out.

Ratchet sighed and pressed down on his knees. He pushed himself and went over to the table, where he unplugged the psychic patch from Fowler and the Americon. The two of them groaned and sat up, the Americon getting off the bed. He looked and saw his dead companion.

“I’m sorry.” Ratchet said.

“Yeah … sad, but I’m not surprised.” The Americon said. “He told me he was going to confront you about killing friends of his before I went in.”

“Ooh…” Fowler groaned, his head rocking. “Got a black magic woman, got a spell on me ...”

“Wake up, Fowler.” The Americon lightly tapped the tip of its finger to Fowler’s head, jostling him awake. Doing Ratchet a favor, the Americon helped Fowler onto the ground.

Fowler huffed and adjusted his suit jacket. He glared at Attinger. “So, what’ll you do with me now, Ghost? Shoot me? Lock me up?”

“I’m thinking.” Attinger said.

“Well, while you think, let me tell you something. You’re a real patriot. Did you know that? I bet you didn’t know. Using alien technology to interrogate a fellow agent, that hasn’t been tested to see if it was safe for use on humans! Real American of you. Ladies and gentleman, Harold Attinger, a real Americon hero!”

“You take that back.” Attinger’s remaining agent whipped out his sidearm and took aim at Fowler.

“No.” Attinger grabbed the agent’s wrist and forced it down. “Let him go.”

“Let him go?”

“Let him go.” Attinger stressed his words, making sure to communicate this would be the last on the subject.

Fowler’s mouth hung open in shock. He glanced at Attinger for a reaction, trying to be sure he wasn’t hallucinating. Sparing one last glance to Ratchet, Fowler ran out of the building.

“Let’s go.” Attinger said to his men, twirling his hand and pointing out the door. He and his agents left without any further word, leaving Ratchet in the hangar by himself.

Alone. With nothing but the dead Vehicon to keep him company and for him to contemplate over.

Ratchet walked up to the Vehicon and looked down at him. He let out a deep sigh. “Another life lost, claimed by the mad pursuit of vengeance at any cost. How many more Cybertronians are going to die of these petty grudges? How many Cybertronians lives will be lost at the expense of unending, bitter feuds lasting long after the Great War was over?”

“Gaargh!” Ratchet’s soliloquy was interrupted by a high=pitched signal going off in his head. It seemed to be a sonic attack on his brain, as though a massive audi speaker had nested up right to the side of his head and blared off at maximum volume.

“Ratchet,” Vigil said, “my scans indicate you are under some kind of sonic attack.”

“GEE, YOU THINK?” Ratchet screamed, unsure he could be heard over the sonic signal.

“Would you like to attempt to compensate and counterbalance for the hum?”


“Calibrating …” Vigil said. His display warbled in its red lines. “Done.” A different high-pitched hum spread through the room, like glass warbling. The pressure in Ratchet’s head subsided.

Ratchet sighed. “That’s better.” He got to his feet.

“You!” Attinger’s agent ran back into the hanger. “What did you do? We’ve got reports of Autobots dropping like flies all over the continent!”

“Me? I’m not doing anything.” Ratchet gestured to himself before walking up to Vigil and inputting a command.

“What are you doing?”

“Trying to utilize Vigil to track the signal to its source. Unless you want to have a continent of disabled, useless Autobots on your hands, I suggest you let me finish and allow me to conduct an investigation on my own. Or would you prefer it that way, with only repentant Decepticons to defend you from the mean Cybertronian boogeymen your organization has conjured with your imagination?”

The agent gave Ratchet a bitter glare and left.

Ratchet scrutinized Vigil’s screen, making sure he was reading the results correctly. “The Appalachian Mountains. Got it. I’ll need to make something to protect myself from that awful noise …” Ratchet rubbed his head. It still hurt.

“Okay.” Twilight Sparkle handed out golden earpiece devices to each member of Team Prime. “Place these on the side of your hand, and it should be enough to block out whatever signal is doing this.”

Optimus and the others affixed the earpieces in.

“Let’s move.” Twilight motioned for them to go through the Space Bridge inside Fortress Maximus, which Cerebros had been able to adjust to function like a normal Space Bridge for their use.

As they made through the Bridge, Arcee looked down and rubbed her wrists. “Are you sure you’re up for this, Optimus?”

“What do you mean, Arcee?”

“You haven’t gotten any medical attention since you came back, even when you might have had a chance to inbetween missions. You’re neglecting yourself, and you’re still using that dinky prosthetic arm.”

Optimus rotated the prosthetic shoulder. “It is a perfectly serviceable arm for what I require of it. I see no reason to replace it.”

Arcee sighed and frowned, turning away and crossing her arms. “Well, you’re the Prime. You know what’s best for you, I guess.”

“We’re here.” Twilight stomped her hoof into the snow as they stepped out of the Bridge. She looked around the valley they had arrived at the edge of. Poking her head over the side of ledge, Twilight looked inside the valley and saw Steeljaw and his gang standing around a large, blue and black hourglass-shaped cylinder device which occasionally pumped its top half up and down.

“Steeljaw, of course.” Twilight said. “It had to be Steeljaw.”

“Steeljaw?” Optimus asked.

“Steeljaw. He’s … a Decepticon anarchist … from the future.”

“You did not mention that during your brief briefing, Twilight Sparkle.”

“Look, Optimus, there’s a lot of things we need to catch you up on, okay? Oh!” Twilight turned and ran back to the Space Bridge. “If Steeljaw is here, there’s only one thing … I owe it to her, after all.”

Twilight entered the Bridge, and shortly thereafter returned with Starlight Glimmer acompanying her.
“Who is this?” Optimus asked.

“Oh, that’s right, you two haven’t met yet.” Twilight said. “Starlight Glimmer, Optimus Prime, Optimus Prime, Starlight Glimmer. She and Steeljaw have a history. I figured I owed her the chance to get a little payback and settle some scores.”

“Optimus Prime?” Starlight asked. “Where I have heard that name before? Oh, you’re Ultra Magnus’ brother, right? Are you as much as trigger-happy, rocket-loving manic as he is?”

Twilight facehooved at Starlight’s lack of tact and sensitivity. Lucky for them, Optimus’ was reponse was nothing more than a raised eyebrow of intrigue.

“Wait, didn’t you die?” Starlight asked.

“It’s a long story.” Twilight replied before looking over the edge of the valley. “Now, we need to come up with a plan of attack …”

Steeljaw rubbed his chin, eying his device.

“What’cha youse thinking, Steelie?” Thunderhoof asked.

“This device produces a subsonic signal across the planet which disables all Autobots, keyed to tune in on their precise signals.” Steeljaw pointed a finger before lifting up a panel. “What was I thinking, my good companion, was that perhaps I could be of further use to Nova Prime if I could modulate to key in and do the same thing to organics, namely humans and ponies.”

Steeljaw bent over and dug his claws into the machine’s circuitry, fiddling with to see if he could make the adjustments to get his desired result.

Thunderhoof reeled back in fear. He tapped Steeljaw on the shoulder. “You might want to take a rain check on that, Steelie! Look!”

“What?” Steeljaw pulled up, his eyes going wide when he saw Optimus Prime and a team of Autobots scaling down the sides of the valley. “Optimus Prime!? But he’s supposed to be hiding in Canterlot High at this moment in time! Grr. No matter.” Steeljaw slammed down the panel shut. “I’ll just use the subsonic device and take them all out. With our future knowledge, we can’t fail. Unless we want our good Decepticon future to go away …” Steeljaw leered at his minions, wanting to be sure his message of what the price of their would be was clear.

“No way!” Thunderhoof assured him.

“Good.” Steeljaw pressed a button on the device. He turned his head to the left and grimaced when he saw the vehicle-mode convoy of Autobots driving towards them. “They’re not stopping. Why are they not stopping? Why aren’t they affected?”

“Here they come.” Fracture said, launching his Mini-Cons off his shoulders and pulling out his bazooka. He took aim at Optimus and fired, aiming to take out his front tire. He missed by an inch, striking Optimus in the hood, causing him to screech and swerve, but be able to continue driving towards them with all six wheels.

Closing the distance between them, Optimus led the charge, reverting to robot mode and drawing what remained of the shattered half of his ruined faceplate, which shrieked in protest at its deployment without proper repairs. Thunderhoof charged at him, and Optimus belted him in the head, pounding his fist into Thunderhoof’s noggin before kicking him away. Fracture deployed a knife and tossed it at Optimus, who raised up his arm, the knife embedding itself inside. Optimus pulled the knife out and tossed it aside.

Fracture’s Mini-Cons jumped into the air towards Optimus with claws outstretched. Bulkhead threw himself in front of his leader, grabbing the Mini-Cons by the heads and bashing them together, tossing them into the snow. Rarity walked up to them, and still bitter about her last confrontation with the two, used her magic to bash them together a second time.

Fracture grimaced and aimed his weapon again. Arcee and Bumblebee took him out, tag-teaming him with their Hunter bows, shooting two iron shafts into Fracture’s chest. Fracture gasped and fell over.

“Yaaah!” Thunderhoof roared and charged at Optimus. Optimus responded by punching him in the face, deploying his sword from his still-good arm, and slicing one of Thunderhoof’s antlers off. Optimus reverted the sword into a hand and grabbed the other antler and pulled until he broke it off, eliciting from Thunderhoof a groan of pain.

Holding both of Thunderhoof’s antlers in his hands, Optimus stabbed Thunderhoof, embedding them into Thunderhoof’s gut, earning an “oof!” impaling him on his own antlers - a cruel method of attack if there was one. Optimus struck Thunderhoof, knocking him down.

Underbite challenged him next, marching up to him. “Nobody treats my buddies that way.” Underbite opened his mouth to take a big bite out of Optimus, but Optimus went under him and punched him in the chin. Optimus proceeded on, crawling between Underbite’s legs and getting under him, where Optimus lifted him up by the stomach and hurled him into the valley wall, where snow fell down on top of Underbite to add insult to injury.

Steeljaw flexed his claws, deploying his auxiliary set from above his knuckles. He roared and charged at Optimus.

Optimus switched his hand into its blade configuration and sliced off Steeljaw’s knuckles-claws, reducing them to nubs. While Steeljaw froze in shock at Optimus being able to do that, Optimus switched his blade to his blaster.

“Hmph! No matter. I’ll just produce a little subsonic force field, and …” Steeljaw pressed a button on the inside of his arms, a yellow sphere of energy forming around him. “Presto. You can’t hurt me.”

Optimus charged his shot, an eye-burning lens flare coming from the barrel of his cannon. He fired the powerful blast, pierced the force field and shot Steeljaw in the stomach, producing a nice smoking hole in the side of him and blasting him backwards onto his subsonic machine.

Optimus marched forward. Pumping up another charged shot, Optimus shot the device, blowing a hole in its stop bigger than the one in Steeljaw. The device quit pumping, the lights on it going out.

Optimus turned his attention to Steeljaw, aiming his weapon and preparing another charge shot.

“You-you can’t kill me.” Steeljaw said. “I’m not from this time period. I’m from the future. You’ll create a time paradox!”

“Will I?” Optimus asked. “Now that would be something I would be quite interested to see. However, if I understand the nature of your time travel, you dying in the past will cause no such thing, so long as your past self remains alive and untampered with to carry out your eventual fate. I am free to do this version of you as I wish.”

“Optimus.” Twilight walked up to him. “As much as he might deserve it, there’s no need to kill him. He’s injured. All of his minions are incapacitated, and his scheme here with this machine, whatever it was, fell through. There’s no need to kill him.”

Optimus looked down at her, his ill-lit optics fading in and out. He walked up to Steeljaw, switched his blaster out for his blade, and stabbed in the knee, causing Steeljaw to howl in pain.

“Optimus!” Twilight screamed and chided.

“Wow.” Starlight Glimmer said, walking up to them as Optimus pulled his sword out of Steeljaw. “After all the good things I heard about you from your brother … you’re even worse than I am, Optimus.”

Optimus became eerily, deathly, unnervingly still. He turned to Starlight Glimmer. “And what, pray tell, have you done, Starlight Glimmer?”

“Oh. Uh, well, you know …” Starlight chuckled airily, getting the sense she said something she maybe ought not have. “Just, um, lying to an entire village, filling it up with conscripts, taking advantage of Twilight Sparkle’s memory loss to try and turn her into one my converts. But you know, haven’t we all lied to an entire village at some point in our lives, am I right? Right?”

Optimus narrowed his eyes at her. “You did what to Twilight Sparkle?”

“Um …”

Optimus cocked his gun. He trained his Ion Blaster on Starlight, the blaster humming before he fired. Starlight got the hay out of the way, leaving the spot, making Optimus’ blast kick up tufts of snow.

“Optimus!” Twilight protested. Starlight galloped across the valley, Optimus turning and firing at her with the single-mindedness of an automated gun turret. Optimus marched continued firing at her, blue balls of energy traveling down the valley, pelting the walls and knocking dirt and snow loose onto the ground.

Twilight watched the scene unfurl in front of her. She looked off to the side, noticing Steeljaw groaning and gasping as he tried to climb up the valley walls with his injured leg, clutching at his stomach wound.

“Oh no you don’t.” Twilight aimed her horn and fired a blast at Steeljaw’s back, which shook him, but he was able to dig his claws in and cling to the valley wall. Twilight adjusted her aim and rose her horn up, shooting a blast at the valley above Steeljaw, triggering a rockslide. Steeljaw reeled back and screamed, losing his grip and falling. The rocks pelted his body on the way down, and when he landed in the snow, he was soon buried under a pile of rocks, pebbles, and boulders.

Twilight smiled, satisfied with her handiwork. She turned back to Optimus and Starlight and gave chase, galloping after them.

Starlight galloped across the plains, looking over her shoulder at Optimus, who was chasing her and firing at her, Starlight teleporting to avoid his fire His Ion Blaster not doing the job and missing her, Optimus converted into truck mode and deployed machine guns from his hood, his body creaking in protest as the barrels deployed from the side of him. The chainguns whirred, spinning to warm up before firing, shooting out a constant barrage of small bullets.

Starlight teleported to avoid one before realizing the mathematical reality that, with so many bullets flying at her, it was a matter of time before one hit. She conjured up a force field around her and continued running, dispelling and resummoning the immobile force field when she had to.

A bolt of magic came hurtling from the west, striking Optimus in the wheels and sending him skidding, almost careening into the valley wall.

Twilight Sparkle teleported behind Starlight Glimmer, positioning herself squarely between Starlight and Optimus and interceding the fight.

Optimus drove up to them and reverted to robot mode. He armed his blaster and aimed it at Twilight. “Twilight Sparkle, get out of the way.”

“Why? So you can shoot her? No.”

“Twilight Sparkle, step out of the way.” Optimus gestured his gun to the side. “That is an order.”

“No! Oh, I’m sorry, I think you need to be reminded about what’s going on here, Optimus. You have been MIA for months now, while I have taken over the Autobots under the banner of the Imperials, and I am the Imperial Commander now, while you are still getting back on your feet, and still don’t know everything there is to know about the world’s changes!”

“Are you …” Optimus paused, utterly gobsmacked and bewildered Twilight Sparkle would be so audacious as to try something like this on him. “Twilight Sparkle, are you trying to pull rank on me?”

“Yes, I am.” Twilight answered, showing no signs of backing down. “Stand down, soldier.”

“You do not have the authority to ...” Optimus sighed and ignored the feeling of slight offense he took to Twilight “Starlight Glimmer must pay for what she’s done and did to you. She must answer for -”

“Starlight Glimmer is well aware what she did was wrong, and she’s done her best since then to make amends for it.” Twilight Sparkle. “Optimus, wouldn’t you be the first to say that we all deserve the chance to atone for our mistakes? That all of us, every single one, down from the biggest Decepticon to the littlest pony, deserve at least one second chance to redeem ourselves and make amends?”

“I would say that.” Optimus replied. “However, that was before I realized the full monstrosity of what lurked inside Megatron, and what darkness that monster was willing to do for his own power and gain. Time and again I allowed him to live, to escape and continue on his merciless crusade of violence and death, because deep inside, a naive, foolish innocent part of me still wanted to believe in him … to believe he could change. That he could go back to being the warrior poet was when I first met him and knew him as. I know better now. When I finally ended his life at New York, I promised … never to make that mistake again. So I ask you once again, I order you, Twilight Sparkle …” Optimus raised his weapon. “Get out of the way.”

Twilight’s hard expression softened. “Can’t you see by not letting Starlight have a second chance and not accepting her efforts to change, you’re making a completely different kind of mistake?”

“Perhaps I am, but that is a risk I must be willing to take. Get out of the way.”

“No.” Twilight said. “I know you, Optimus. You won’t shoot me. I’m your friend. What is wrong with you? You’ve been violent, cranky, and irritable ever since you got back from the Canterlot High dimension. You’ve been violently, viscerally threatening almost everyone you come across that’s on opposite sides from you. Did something hidden in that universe change you? Did you just resent being taken from your happy house-husband life that much? Or is there something more, something else going on?”

Optimus Prime kept his blaster trained on her. His arm began to shake. He raised up his weapon, letting out a sigh as he placed his hand over his eyes. “You are correct, Twilight Sparkle. I will not shoot you.”

Twilight smiled.

“However, that will not prevent me from trying to hit Starlight Glimmer.” Optimus moved his blaster to the side, trying to line up a shot which would hit Starlight, but not Twilight.


Optimus froze. He turned around. “Ratchet?” For the first time since he got back, Twilight thought she could see a glimmer of hope in Optimus’ lifeless.

“Ratchet!” Fluttershy cheered as Ratchet walked through the valley.

“I don’t know entirely know what’s going on here …” Ratchet said. “But you need to stop, old friend.”

“I …” Optimus said. “Of course. You’re right, old friend.”

Optimus walked towards the valley wall, turning and sitting himself on a large enough rock. While everyone gathered around him, Optimus ran his hands over his face. He removed his hands and looked at Twilight.

“I am tired, Twilight Sparkle.” Optimus admitted. “Tired of all the war, all the pain and suffering, all the death and destruction I can never seem to escape from. I want nothing than for it all to be over …” Optimus put his hands together. “For it to all to just be over. I have cheated the Grim Reaper more times than I can count. I long for the sweet release of death. I want it all to be over, but it seems, even death itself is not enough to stop me, and there is nothing in this universe that will keep me from being called upon when I am needed.”

“I know.” Ratchet said, stepping forward, careful not to stomp any of his pony friends. He placed a hand on Optimus’ shoulder. “Believe me, old friend, I know. There have been times … after I saw something truly nasty and disgusting, and how horrific the things the Decepticons were capable of on my operating table … I wondered if it was all really worth it. If we would ever be able to stop the war and stem the flood of atrocities. I considered ending it all myself.”

The better of Optimus’ two optics flicked towards Ratchet. Ratchet got on his knees and put both hands on Optimus’ shoulders.

“But that’s the coward’s way out. Suicide is never the solution.” Ratchet pointed a finger firmly, the day any stern doctor would when getting on to their patient. “We still need you, Optimus. The world still needs you. I still need you. We still need you to be called upon for one last battle … one last time.”

Optimus closed his optics. He bowed his head. “I wish I could have full faith and believe in your words, my old friend.” Optimus stood up. “But I understand. I suppose, for now, i will simply have to try to believe in them … and do as I am told … as a soldier, for one last fight.”

“Excellent.” Ratchet smiled. “Glad to hear it, my friend. Here.” Ratchet deployed and open the inside of his Dragonshredder Drill. “As long as I’m here, allow me to fix you up the best I can with what I have on hand …” Ratchet’s arm shook as the Drill began to unload nanobots into Optimus’ good arm. “Er, say, Optimus, what’s with the …?”

“Please do not ask.”


“Ratchet!” Fluttershy exclaimed, flying up to him and hugging him on the chest, clinging to him like a soft, adorable tick.

“Hello, Fluttershy.” Ratchet said, chuckling. “I’m glad to see you too.”

“How did you find us?” Arcee asked.

“The subsonic signal which I assume that device was producing …” Ratchet flicked his head towards Steeljaw’s machine. “Affected me as well as, I assume, you. Using the humans’ super-computer, I was able to track that signal here. From the looks of it, it appears I missed all of the action, but it was lucky I arrived in the nick of time that I did to talk Optimus down. Who knows what he would have done if the sound of my voice didn’t cause him to flinch?”

“Who knows?” Twilight asked.

“There.” Ratchet said, getting up off his knees and patting his hands after a job well done. “That should do it. It’s nowhere near a full repair job, of course, but the nanobots should get you back to some semblance of a proper working order. Sadly, they can’t generate matter, only repair it. Otherwise I might able to give you your proper arm back.”

Optimus lifted up his arm and flexed his hand. The nanobots coursed through him, doing their thing and repairing him internally. Optimus walked around. He rotated his shoulder, which Twilight noticed seemed to be moving better than before.

“Thank you, Ratchet.” Optimus said. “I can already feel myself improving.” Optimus jumped up to test his legs, which had more of a spring in their step. While the nanobots could do make improvements to his scorch marks, his colors, however, were still faded. He was going to need a fresh coat of paint to fix that.

“While you’re here, Ratchet …” Twilight said. “We should discuss our counter-Galloway defensive and what you can do for us on the inside.”

“Yes, of course.” Ratchet said. “Galloway has put me in charge of a supercomputer named Vigil. He is connected into many of Galloway’s and his operatives defenses. All I need to do is simply set it up and say the word, and half of Galloway’s anti-Autobot measures will be disabled. It should be enough to allow you entry to almost anywhere you wish under Galloway’s direct control.”

“Excellent. Anything else?”

“I’m afraid not.” Ratchet said. “I should be heading back by now anyways. While I have some permission to venture out on my own for this excursion, Galloway’s men will become suspicious if I’m gone too long, and I have every confidence they have some way to track me.”

“Alright then.” Twilight said. “Call us if you need anything, okay? If things get too tense for you, you can rely on us to bust you out of there.”

“I know.” Ratchet said with a smile before turning and leaving. He waved them goodbye. “Goodbye!”

“Don’t say goodbye, Ratchet.” Fluttershy said, flying up. “We want to see you again.”

Ratchet looked confused, not understanding what Fluttershy meant. Not at first. “'Until then.” He saluted them and waved his hand before leaving.

“Hello?” Attinger answered his phone. “Alright, I’m on my way.”

Attinger joined a crowded Washington street, coming up and joining Princess Celestia and Galloway hiding behind some bushes.

“Ah, Attinger.” Galloway said. “I’m glad you’re here. You see that crowd gathered out there?”

“I see them, sir.” Attinger said.

“They’re rioting.” Galloway said. “And they’re armed.”

“What do they want?”

“They’re demanding to know where the ‘real’ President is, which, as we as all know, is ridiculous, because he abdicated his power and position to me deal with the growing Autobot menace.”

“Autobot menace?” Celestia asked. “I thought this was about oversight and regulating space travel?”

“Er, well, yes. That’s what I meant.” Galloway said. Celestia’s questioning expression showed it was clear she didn’t believe him. “Anyways, I was hoping you could help us out to disperse the crowd.”

“It would be my duty, Mister President. It’s what I’m here for.” Attinger crossed his arm across his chest.

“Excellent.” Galloway rubbed his hands together. “Well, gentlemen, ponies … let’s get out there and play.” Galloway winced as a gunshot rang out from the crowd. He, Attinger, and Celestia went out to address the crowd, who were raising up shotguns, signs demanding answers to their questions, and Galloway effigies, which were enough of a concern for Galloway to nervously adjust his collar.

“People, people!” Attinger shouted, just barely able to make his voice heard over the crowd. Celestia shot a spell from her horn to make sure they had the crowd’s attention. “What is going on here?”

“I told you what was going.” Galloway sourly grumbled.

“Due process and the laws and customs of our nation demand I listen to their side before making any decisions.” Attinger said, which didn’t sit well with Galloway.

“What’s going on? I’ll tell you what’s going on.” A rioter marched up to Attinger, heaving a shotgun over his shoulder. “We want to know what happened to the President, and how the infrastructure of our government got so weak and fragile that enough double agents could be planted to stage this hostile takeover! You think we the people just gonna sit back and let your Illuminati or whatever it or it is organization get away with this coup?”

“It is not a coup, it is an orderly transition to a temporary arrangement while we attempt to deal with growing threats we do not fully understand the nature of.” Galloway said.

“‘Orderly transition’ my fanny.” The rioter said. “Growing threats? WHAT growing threats? The Autobots? The guys who had had nothing but good for us where they could? Or maybe it was the Decepticons, who were scatterbrained and aimless, split up into renegade splinter cells all pushing their own agendas? Or maybe, just maybe, it was the Equestrians, whose national motto is ‘Friendship is Magic’? Oh my! Such dastardly terrorists, they are, with their big noses and cute round bellies!”

“Well … yes.” Galloway said. “Mostly those first two. Actually, all three of them.” Celestia glared at him from the corner of her eye.

“You think you my belly is cute?” Celestia asked the rioter.

The rioter pressed his palm to his forehead. “It was an example! It was just an illustration of the ridiculousness that Galloway here is just trying to push us to swallow! … but if you have to know, yes. A little bit.”

“It’s not ridiculousness.” Galloway said. “Let me assure you that the President appointed me to lead us in these troubled times."

"That'd be a lot easier to believe coming from his mouth instead of yours."

Galloway glared at him. “Is my word not good enough for you?”

“Hmm. Come to think of it, now that you ask … no! We want the truth! The whole truth, and nothing but the truth!”

“I am telling you the truth! It is true!” Galloway snapped, beginning to lose his temper.

“We demand accountability! Evidence! Where is the video or audio recording of the President’s order giving you all this power? Where’s the evidence any one of those renegade Decepticon cells posed enough of a threat to warrant these extreme measures!”

“I have told you what happened, and my word should good enough for you! You are the citizens, and I am the leader! You are supposed to obey me! I AM THE SUPREME LEADER OF THE UNITED STATES!” Galloway screamed, breathing heavily.

The rioter looked at Galloway with a smug expression.

“I thought you said you were the President.”

Attinger came to shell shocking realization. Heavens above. He is really crazy. He is really, actually, genuinely dangerously deluded.

Galloway, realizing he’d been caught in the middle of one of his lies, calmed down. He adjusted his tie and turned to Attinger. “Attinger … Attinger, take care of them for me. I don’t care how you do it, just do it.”

Galloway snapped his fingers and walked off, shocked, confused stares from Attinger and Celestia following him as he left, which made Galloway’s back shiver and tingle.

“Oh my.” Celestia said. “I hadn’t realized it before now, but that outburst …”

“Yeah.” Attinger said. “I know what you mean.”

Attinger turned to address the crowd, while Celestia had a realization of her own, drawing her neck up to full height.

“Everything Twilight Sparkle said about him is true.”

“People …” Attinger addressed the crowd.

“Really?” The rioter asked. “You’re still going to defend him after that outburst?”

Attinger took in a deep breath.

“No.” Attinger shook his head. “No, I’m not. I’m going to ask you all something. Go back to your homes. I realize you're upset, and angry and frustrated, but this is going to be dangerous situation. You don’t know the kind of people Galloway deals with, who he has in his pockets. Please. Go back to your wives and children. And I will try to find some way to deal with the situation. You have my word. As a patriot. As an American citizen. As a CIA agent.”

The lead rioter nodded, lowering his gun and carrying it at his hips. “Yeah … yeah, okay. That’s … that’s a lot to give your word on. Alright. I’m trusting you. We’re trusting you to do this.” The rioter pointed at him. “Don’t let us down.”

“I won’t.”

“Okay, people!” The rioter turned to his friends. “This guy here says he’s gonna do something about, and I don’t know about you, but I’d say he’s in a lot better position to do it than the rest of us! Let’s go home!”

“Aw, man …” The rioters grumbled, but complied, dispersing and scattering, while complaining about time wasted and travel fees. The speaker of the riot gave Attinger one last look over his shoulder before leaving.

Galloway marched into the White House, throwing the doors open as he entered the lobby. He grumbled to himself.

“Unappreciative … ungrateful …” Galloway marched up a set of steps. “Don’t they realize they’re supposed to obey me? Do they understand how authority works? Grr ...”

Walking into another room on his way to his desk, Galloway was noticed by Charlotte Mearing, leaning against a wall as if nothing was wrong.

“Hey, Galloway. Oh, I’m sorry, Mister President.” Mearing said. “You look to be in a bad mood. What’s got you down?”

Galloway shook his head. “Oh, nothing, nothing … just those ingrates out the door who refuse to listen to me and acknowledge my authority as the President! It’s so upsetting. I fought hard to get this position. To get this post and bring myself to where I am today.” Galloway pocketed his hands. “Growing up where I did, when I did, I always thought I deserved more … that I deserved better. And one day, I’d grow up and get the best. And I did, and I have, and now those people, those people out there who are supposed to listen to and obey me … won’t.”

“Ooh.” Mearing cooed at him. “That’s so sad.”

“It is.” Galloway huffed, while Mearing approached and trailed her hand seductively along his shoulder before embracing.

“Mearing …?” Galloway asked, raising an eyebrow.

“You know … I might have an idea to make it all easier on you.” Mearing pulled out a mechanical sphere and tossed it in the air, where it hovered and projected a hologram of blueprints. “An old, unused Decepticon idea. Supposedly, it’s a device … a device which could make all those rioters much more submissive and cooperative … and grant you more control over the whole populace.”

Galloway looked over the blueprints, nodding in approval, an evil grin spreading across his lips. “Yes, yes, I like it! I don’t know much about technology, but I want this constructed right away.” Galloway tapped the device with his palm, deactivating it. It plummeted downward, and Mearing caught it in her hand.

“You got it. Coming right up, boss.” Mearing gave him a flirty wink before departing.

Galloway made a thoughtful expression. He adjusted his suit, liking this new version of Mearing and the idea of her being attracted to him. “Now that I think about it, she is acting a bit strange … Mearing’s usually so professional.” Galloway waved his hand, literally waving it off. “Ah, I’m sure it’s nothing. Probably just excited to get this project off the ground and be of use.”

Aboard Fortress Maximus in between goals, Twilight Sparkle was puzzled when one of the various circuit boards and panels began lighting in alternating red, blue and green sequences.

“What’s that?” Arcee asked.

“We’re picking up a broadcast. It’s a message.” Twilight answered, investigating the circuits.

“From who?”

Twilight backed away from the circuits. “From … Princess Celestia. She wants to meet.”

“I have not seen Celestia in some time since my departure.” Optimus said. “Is she doing well?”

“You … could say that.” Twilight said. “Honestly, Optimus … you remember all the things she was doing you disapproved before you left? Well, she’s been like that, but worse.”

“Hmm. Are we still to meet her?”

“Well … yes.” Twilight said. “She wouldn’t be calling if she didn’t have something she wanted to say … even if it’s not something we care to hear. Cerebros, can you use the Space Bridge to get us to the meet?”


“Do that, then.” Twilight ordered.

Cerebros opened the Space Bridge, and Twilight and her team went through, coming out on the other side at a closed-off, distant, forested area, untouched by man or civilized development. Princess Celestia was waiting for them there, alone.

“Princess.” Twilight said, drawing up her helmet as they approached her.

“Twilight Sparkle.” Celestia said.

“What do you want?”

Celestia bowed, bending down on her knees. This made Twilight feel incredibly awkward, as she had never seen Celestia be so subservient before.

“I’m sorry. You were right. You were right about Galloway. You were right about everything. I did some investigating of my own, and all I found just further confirmed I should have listened to you in the firs place. I’m sorry. I hope you can forgive me.”

“I, uh, well, I … that certainly wasn’t I was expecting you to say. Um … give me a minute to think.” Twilight paused.

“Yes, Princess Celestia, I do forgive you.”

Celestia let out a relieved sigh and stood up. She looked up. “Optimus Prime. You live.”

“Your Majesty.” Optimus bowed his head to acknowledge her.

“I kept it, you know.” Celestia said. She looked aside. “One moment.” She walked into the forest. The Autobots prepared for a confrontation, hearing the hum of Space Bridge briefly, before Celestia returned, levitating up a sketchbook which was far too large for her to use.

“Your sketchbook.” Celestia said, levitating the book into Optimus’ hands. “I, um, hope you don’t mind, but I went through the liberty of going through and marking my favorite.”

Optimus thumbed the book’s pages. Turning it to the page where his oil-inspired painting sketch of Celestia was one, he found a little smiley face drawn into the bottom corner of the page. Optimus gave Celestia one of his rare smiles, and Celestia blush.

“Thank you.” Optimus said. “I appreciate you keeping it safe for me this entire time.”

“You’re welcome. Anyways …” Celestia cleared her throat. “Twilight Sparkle, I am ready to join the Autobots Imperial and do anything you ask of me to bring order back to this chaotic universe and oust Galloway from his imagined throne. If there is anything I can do to help, you need only ask, and I will do it.”

“Oh, excellent! This is wonderful! This is perfect - wait … wait, no.” Twilight said.

“No?” Celestia cocked her head, confused.

“No.” Twilight said. “Princess, I don’t want you to join the Imperials. I want you to stay with Galloway. You can be of more use to our cause as a double agent. Stay close to him, stay on top of him, keep track of his moves. And then, when we’re ready to move, we can close in for the kill. With you and Ratchet working to take him down from the inside, Galloway won’t know what hit him. Speaking of which, I’m not sure how easy it will be, of if Galloway will let you, but you should try to get in touch with Ratchet. See if you can coordinate your efforts together and doubly take Galloway down.”

Celestia nodded. “Understood. Is there anything else I can do for you?”

“I’m not sure … wait.” Twilight raised a hoof. “I just had an idea. It may be an awful idea. It may be that having Celestia on our side is making me feel overconfident. But Princess, can you set us up with a broadcast and try to have Galloway at his weakest in twenty fours, a day from now?”

“I can, and I can try.” Celestia said. “Let me get you something to help you with the first part of that.” Celestia left and returned with a hologram projection sphere of Cybertronian origin.

“Excellent.” Twilight said.

“What’cha thinkin’, Twi?” Applejack asked.

“You’ll see.” Twilight replied, rolling the sphere around in her hooves. “Thank you, Princess. That will be all. Dismissed.” Twilight saluted the Princess, and despite the crazy things involved in their situation and how they got to this point, Twilight felt honored when Celestia saluted back. Celestia left through a Space Bridge.

Twilight gave the word for Cerebros to open their Space Bridge, and they went back through, returning to Fortress’ cockpit.

As they walked, Optimus Prime’s legs came to a sudden halt.
“Optimus?” Twilight asked.

“Twilight Sparkle.” Optimus looked down, away from her and almost shy, if Twilight didn’t know better. “There is something I have been meaning to ask you. You have said that we are fighting Nova.”

Optimus got to his knees. “Is that true? Are we truly fighting Nova Prime?”

Twilight could see in his eyes Optimus desperately wanted for it to not be true, which made answering his question even harder and more painful for her.

“Yes, I’m afraid so.” Twilight answered. “It turns out, Nova Prime is a staunch Technoist and Cybertronian supremacist, believing that all other forms of life are inferior, and should all be made to bow and curtail to the superior Cybertronian species. This, obviously, cannot be allowed to stand, and it it up to us to make sure that Nova Prime’s dark designs do not succeed, and none of his schemes come to fruition. Optimus ... I know it will be hard for you to fight someone you looked up to, but had never truly met before, but I need to know. When the time comes, and our backs are pressed against the wall by lasers, will you be there for me? Will you be willing to deal the deathblow to Nova, if it should come to that?”

“Not to worry, Twilight Sparkle.” Optimus got up. “I have some experience with fighting persons I once looked up to.”

“Oh, and one more thing.” Twilight Sparkle said. “Nova Prime has the Star Saber. Do you know of it?”

“I am familiar with it.” Optimus said. “I am well aware of what it can do.”

“I don’t think he’ll have any hesitation to try and use it on us.”

“While I did not put it into place for this purpose, I have a plan for that.” Optimus said. “It should prove sufficient to equalize our odds.”

“Great.” Twilight Sparkle said. “While we’re at it, there’s been something I’ve been meaning to have you do.”

“Oh?” Optimus was curious. Twilight led him to the weapons rack in Fortress Maximus which housed the various Beast Hunter weapons, of which there were but two left - a set of armor and a pair of blasters.

“Pick one.” Twilight said, gesturing to the wall.

“This is resourceful of you, Twilight Sparkle.” Optimus said. “But I do not need them. While they may help against Nova, I have no use for these upgrades.”

“Optimus, pick one.” Twilight insisted, growling, using her magic to lift the various items off the wall and in front of Optimus’ face. When Optimus continued to refuse, she began to tap him on the head to press the issue.

“As you wish.” Optimus said, grabbing the pair of blasters. Twilight, satisfied, put the remaining pieces back on the wall. Optimus placed the blasters on his hips, declining to activate the upgrade right at this very moment.

Twilight grunted in frustration as Optimus’ continued refusal to upgrade, and in turn, repair himself, but she sighed and hung her head, accepting at least for now, this was as good as she was going to get from him. She walked off, giving him a glare of disapproval over her shoulder.

Nova paced on the ring of the Omega Lock, his hands behind his back in contemplation, his wings bristling with impatience.

“Why hasn’t Steeljaw reported back in yet?” Nova asked. He stopped and looked down, staring into the Omega Lock’s pool. “I wonder if I fired now, if I perhaps could get a lucky shot in …"

On Earth, the Americon came to, groaning and pushing himself.

Smokescreen and the Autobot looked up at the sky.

“Why have the Space Bridges stopped? Why are the Space Bridges stopped?”

“Because.” One of the two scientists answered, coming out of the building with his arms crossed. “My college and I decided we don’t answer to you.”

“You idiots.” Smokescreen growled. “Do you realize what’s at stake? Your planet is at risk. The damage that could be done ...”

“They’ll be the judge of that, thank you very much.” The Americon turned both his arms into blasters and aimed at Smokescreen and his former comrade.

Smokescreen did not take him seriously as a threat. “You can’t take us. There’s two of us and only one of you.”

“I am a trained ex-Decepticon warrior. I’m pretty sure I can take on two Autobots.” The Americon said.

Smokesceen gasped and drew back, which his Autobot friend, the scientists, and even the Americon thought was a pretty overdramatic reaction to the Americons threat, until they looked up to see a blue beam come down from the sky and hit a tree, turning it into a metallic replica of a tree and converting the ground around into solid steel, as if a piece of Cybertron’s landscape had been taken out and plugged into Earth’s surface.

“It’s beautiful … and horrifying.” The Autobot said. “It looks just like Cybertron.”

“Uh ... “ The scientists were at a loss for words, until Smokescreen glared at him. They hurried back inside. “Let us get started back up on those Space Bridges for you, boss!”

“Now that’s what I like to hear.” Smokescreen said.

“Hey.” The Americon tapped Smokescreen on the shoulder. “Why don’t you go on ahead and back to your friends? My partner and I will take care of this and make sure those Bridges keep going. Now that I’ve seen what’s at stake …” The Americon stared off into the distance at the Cyber-tree.

“You sure you don’t want to kick back, relax, and just let Nova take over the whole planet and turn it into a second Cybertron?” Smokescreen asked, dripping with sarcasm.

“No way.” The Americon said. “I’ve seen what conquest and subjagation does to a planet. It didn’t work out for anybody when the Decepticons tried it before. Why would it work now?”
Smokescreen nodded approvingly. “Yeah, okay. I’m trusting you two with this.” The two saluted, and Smokescreen ran out. “Smokescreen to Fortress Maximus. One to Bridge aboard.”

As Smokescreen left through a Space Bridge, the Americon developed questions.

“Wait, he said ‘Nova’, didn’t he? You don’t think he meant Nova Prime?”

“Eh. So what if he did? It’s his problem now, not ours. Well, except for those beams. Those are our problem.”

A Royal Guard ran up to Shining Armor in the Crystal Castle throne room. “Shining Armor, sir! We’re receiving reports of an unauthorized Space Bridge in the bottom floor!”

“What?” Shining Armor asked, breaking away from cuddling with Cadence. The Guard blushed. “Well, don’t just stand there, do something about it!”

Shining Armor and a contingent of Guards went down to where the Space Bridge was, their weapons and horns raised. Twilight and Optimus Prime stepped out of the Bridge.

“Optimus Prime?” Shining Armor asked. “Aren’t you dead?”

“Inside, most certainly, but my body remains entirely functional.” Optimus answered.

“I’m confused.” A Guard whispered. “Was that a yes or a no?”

Shining Armor, annoyed, waved him away. “You do realize this means I have to arrest you?”

“An interesting question concerning law and order coming from you, Star Seeker.” Optimus said.

Shining Armor’s cheeks turned pale. “Oh … you … know about that?” He sighed. “Lower your weapons!”

“I’m … suddenly not in a fighting mood.” Shining hung his head, and the Guards, though confused, lowered their spears.

“So, Optimus,” Twilight asked, “where is this plan of yours?”

“In here.” Optimus led Twilight to the room where the Pandora’s Box was hanging. The Box shifted shape, and Optimus pressed his hand to it.

“Prime fingerprint acknowledged, Unlocking.”

The Box began to open, folding out before folding it on itself until it reduced itself to a thin, flat pieces of metal stuck together, revealing the Forge of Solus Prime from within, which Optimus took into his hands.

“The Forge of Solus Prime.” Optimus mused, holding the Forge up. “During my self-imposed exile, I used it to craft this container which would continue to change shape to defy any attempts at unlocking it, programming it to respond only to the hand of a Prime in order to keep it from falling into the wrong hands.” Optimus placed the shaft of the hammer on the floor. “The Forge created the Star Saber. It should provide us the edge we need in combat in order to meet Nova’s Star Saber.”

“You hid the Forge of Solus Prime inside my house!?” Shining Armor bellowed.

“Shining Armor, we have more pressing matters to be dealing with right now.” Twilight said. “Like a Cybertronian fanatic in control of a superweapon.”

“Okay, but …”

“And one more thing, Shining …” Twilight said as she and Optimus headed back through the Bridge. “You should go to talk to Celestia. She’s changed her mind on a few things, and I imagine she’ll change yours as well.”

Shining Armor was left puzzled as Twilight and Optimus left.

Galloway was busy on his desk, drawing up the work orders to buy the materials needed to build Mearing’s device.

Attinger came into his office, hesitant and quiet. He paused before speaking. “Sir? We’ve detected that something that we think you ought to see.”

“What is it? Can it wait?”

Attinger shook his head. “No, sir, it cannot, and I really think you should come see for yourself.”

“Fine.” Galloway groaned, tossing his pen aside and pushing his chair out. He accompanied Attinger out to the front porch of the White House, where a floating holosphere projected hovered down to them.

The sphere displayed the projection it was programmed with - a view of the Imperial Leader’s, the War Princess’s helmet.

“To President Galloway and all of his cronies, minions, and anyone else whom it may concern.” The War Princess began her statement in her modulated voice. “Filed inside this projector is a list of demands for the fair treatment of Equestrians and Cybertronians on Earth, and the removal of the restrictions placed on us by Galloway’s alleged ‘Alien Cooperation’ bills. If these demands are not met in twenty-four hours’ time, we will march on DC. We will march on Washington, and we will march on and take the White House. You have been warned.”

The sphere changed into a projection of words, spelling out the Imperials’ demands in plain text as clear as day.

Galloway scoffed. “Those Imperials are really full of it now, aren’t they? Invade Washington? The capital of the United States? Not possible. The entire area was built from the ground up to be as invasion-proof as possible.”

Attinger bit his tongue. Full of it, hmm? Now there’s the pot calling the kettle black. He pushed his sarcasm aside to focus on the more pressing issue. “I don’t know, sir … I’m not so sure. These Imperials have proven themselves time and time again to be resourceful … and determined.”

Galloway flicked his hand. “It’s utter nonsense, Attinger. Put it out of your mind … and put those Imperials out of commission. I want double your men working on finding them and taking them out.”

“Yes, sir,” Attinger said, Galloway not noticing his strained tone. After Galloway left, Attinger whipped out his phone and called.

“Hello? It’s Attinger. Cut all resources and manpower allocated to investigating and finding the Imperials in half. You heard me right, in half. Do I need to spell it out for you? Do it.” Attinger hung up.

Inside Fortress Maximus, Twilight let out a sigh and congratulated herself. “Whew. Well, that’s done. Now we just need to stop Nova and liberate Cybertron from Galvatron before the time limit is up. Is everyone clear on the plan?”

They were affirming nods from all around.

“Go to Cybertron, stop Nova Prime and the Omega Lock, and liberate Cybertron from Galvatron, in less than twenty fours before going and taking out Galloway’s forces, all in one fell swoop on a non-stop momentum train.” Bumblebee clapped his hands to represent them crushing their enemies. “Is that about right?”

“You got it.” Twilight told him, grinning. “Autobots … let’s rooooll out!”

Optimus raised his brow. It felt odd to hear someone besides himself give that command.

Assembling together all of their fighting forces, from the littlest Pony to the last Predacon, Twilight had Fortress Maximus used his Space Bridge to transport them to a desolate, abandoned part of Cybertron where they could arrive and sneak in unnoticed, infiltrating the place while it was under Galvatron’s control before his servants could spot them and realize what they planned to.

Arriving at the bottom of a tower at a far-off region by an abandoned spaceship port, the Imperials made their way up the tower, intending to cross the bridge connecting it to another tower and use the tower from there to reach the more populated areas of the local cities.

On their way up, they passed by a ruined wreck of a hall, the holes in which allowed them to view outside. At this wrecked hall, Trixie stopped on the ramp leading up, seeing something which caught her eye. Spying with her little eye, out in the distance was a massive Autobot, one the size of Fortress Maximus, with faded white and black metal making up his frame, a pair of annate on the sides of his head.

“Trixie?” Ultra Magnus asked. “What are you stopping for?”

“Who or what is that?” Trixie asked, pointing to the deactivated colossus.

“That? That’s Metroplex.” Ultra Magnus answered. “He was dormant on Cybertron a long, long time ago. He came from a race of Cybertronian giants who had faded away from Cybertron long before I was born. In our darkest hour, when the Autobots were at one of weakest, desperately trying to escape our dying planet aboard the Ark while the Decepticons continued to pound at us with everything they had … Optimus reactivated him. Optimus revitalized him, and for awhile, as long as he was with us, we had almost nothing to worry about from the Decepticons. We could almost live without fear. But … the Energon we used to power up him was also the Energon we had meant to power the Ark with, and we didn’t have the reserves to power both.”

Ultra Magnus took in a deep breath.

“So, Metroplex made a choice. He made a hard choice for us, so none of us had to. He gave up his fuel to repower the Ark so we could escape Cybertron. He made that sacrifice for us, and he went back to being dormant. Who knows what might happened to us, to Cybertron, to the universe if he hadn’t done that for us? We might all be dead. We might all be living in the Decepticons’ universe.”

Trixie cupped her chin. “You said he was dormant?”


“Then … couldn’t we resurrect him?” Trixie asked. “Like, with just a shred of Dark Energon, we could make him live again?”

“What? No.” Ultra Magnus said. “That’s a terrible idea … that’s a terrible idea! Dark Energon and older Cybertronian lifeforms don’t mix. Besides, don’t you think if we had the means to, we would have revived him by now ourselves? Even with the Changeling Batteries pumping out artificial Energon, we don’t have the ability to revive him. There’s not enough to go around, and the artificial stuff would be too impure to power a behemoth like him.”

Ultra Magnus turned aside. “We need to move. Forget about him, Trixie. And forget your idea of using Dark Energon. Maybe, when this is all over, and the dust has settled and everything is clear, we can come back to him and fix him up … but for now, there’s nothing we can do for him.”

Ultra Magnus went up the ramp, rejoining the bulk of the Imperial forces.

“Hmm.” Trixie’s gaze lingered on Metroplex. She paused before joining back up with the marching army.

“Hmm.” Nova Prime scratched his chin. “You know, it’s just occurred to me that we have this aimed at Earth and can’t seem to cyberform it. I had planned on starting with Earth, but one must always be flexible. Perhaps we’ll have better luck with Equestria. Adjust the Omega Lock to point at Equestria and prepare to fire.”

“Belay that order!”

“What?” Nova asked. He graced himself as a rainbow’s worth of selection lasers, bullets, and magic spells rained down on him, his men and the platform, pelleting him and poking holes in his chest.

Nova looked up and saw the Imperials flying towards them, each of them armed and ready for a good fight.

“Secure the Omega Lock and take out Nova’s men!” Twilight ordered. “Optimus and I will handle Nova Prime.”

“Are you ready for this, Optimus?” Twilight asked.

“I am.”

“Good. Remember what we planned.”

The Imperial soldiers nodded before breaking ranks, splitting off into groups, all of them landing on different parts of the Omega Lock, where they had no trouble ripping through Nova Prime’s men. In particular, it should be no surprise the Technoist Vehicons stood no chance against Predaking and his team.

Nova watched with an odd sort of impassive, yet angry expression. Optimus and Twilight landed to the side of him.

“So, Optimus Prime.” Nova said. “You live yet. The prodigal son returns.” Nova turned to Optimus. “I would attempt to try and reason with you, but I assume Twilight has already told about my policies and where we differ and come into conflict.”

Optimus nodded. “Yes.” Optimus readied the Forge of Solus Prime.

“It doesn’t have to be this way.” Nova said. “We could work together.”

“Are you sworn to your hatred? Are you sworn to be an enemy to all organic races?”

“I am.”

“Then I am afraid it does have to be this way, Nova Prime.” Optimus said. “You have my sincerest regrets. Hi-yah!”

Optimus charged at Nova, who unsheathed the Star Saber from his back. Nova blocked the Forge with the blade, both weapons humming with energy, the Star Saber glowing blue and warbling, the Forge producing electric shocks and spinning its gears.

Optimus pulled the Forge off and went in another blow, which Nova had no difficult guarding against. Nova pushed with the Saber and forced the Forge away, making Optimus lose his footing. Twilight Sparkle opened fire, shooting lasers from her horn, but Nova deflected them with the Star Saber, her spell bolts bouncing off the celestial metal.

“Come on, Optimus! Put some backbone into it!” Nova swung the blade overhead, Optimus blocking it with the pole of the hammer. “Are you even trying?” Nova drew the blade back and kicked Optimus in his unguarded stomach, staggering him back. “This genuinely, honestly feels too easy!”

The Star Saber hummed. Nova Prime slashed it across the air, and a massive crescent beam spat forth from the blade, striking Optimus Prime and sending him flying into the air, what little there was around the Lock, at any rate.

“Is there no fight in you left? Do you just want to die?”
“Somewhat.” Optimus answered

“Well, I am more than happy to oblige!”

Nova Prime sprinted towards Optimus and stabbed him through the chest with the Star Saber, Pulling the sword out and shaking Optimus off, Nova Prime responded to Optimus’ attempted, obligated raising of the Forge by clocking him across the face before stabbing Optimus’ chest again, getting the Star Saber soaked in Optimus’ Energon. Nova slugged Optimus again, which was enough to make Optimus collapse to his knees.

“OPTIMUS!” Twilight screamed.

Nova picked Optimus up by the neck. He punched Optimus again before plunging the sword through his chest a third time.

Twilight attempted to intervene, shooting Nova Prime in the back with a strong spell, but Nova did little other than flinch and glare at her.

Nova lifted the sword up, Optimus still impaled on it.

“So long, Orion Pax.”

Nova shook the blade out from Optimus and delivered a flying kick into his stomach, causing the Forge of Solus Prime to fly out of his hand, scraping and stirring up sparks as it bounced on the Omega Lock. Optimus was sent orbiting until he began to fall into the Omega Lock pool.

“Optimus!” Twilight shouted. “Remember what we planned! Use your Hunter weapons!”

“Huh … ah.” Optimus groaned, reaching his hand towards the blasters on his hip. Twilight used her magic to help him, grabbing his hand in her telekinetic aura and guiding it towards the blaster, where Optimus flicked the switch. Cables flew out of both weapons and began to wrap around Optimus. The cable cocoon had only reached halfway up his body before he fell in the pool. He was submerged.

Twilight threw herself half over the ledge, her bangs hanging over her eyes inside her space helmet.

“Tell me, little pony.” Nova said, walking towards Twilight. “Are you ready to die?”

“Hmm … hmm … hmm ha ha ha ha.” Twilight chuckled.

“You’ve lost your friend. You are about to die. Why are you laughing?” Nova demand. “Is is merely a mad suicide cackle of welcoming death as you accept the inevitable?”

“Nova …” Twilight pushed herself up over the ledge. “Do you know what happened to the last Decepticon who threatened to kill me while Optimus was around? No? Let me tell you about Scorponok. He threatened to kill me right in front of Optimus’ eye, and he almost would have. You know what happened? Optimus beat him to death, with his bare hands. Optimus has been a little … not himself, lately, a little out of sorts. But he’s compassionate and dedicated to his friends … I’m pretty sure even as listless as he’s been, he can’t ignore one of his friends’ lives being in danger.”

“So,” Twilight flashed Nova a cocky grin, “I figure I’ve nothing to worry about.”

Nova dismissed her answer as some feel-good hippie nonsense. He raised the Star Saber up and prepared to strike.

The pool in the Omega Lock let out a ripple. A thud came from inside it, which rocked Nova and Twilight’s feet. Nova paused, looking around to see what it was.

Another ripple went through the pool. And another, and another, until …


Optimus Prime came soaring out of the pool, his Beast Hunter upgrade complete, unhindered by being dunked in the pool while in the process. His colors had returned, vibrant red, silver and blue on his body. His body was robust-looking, with a massive, bulky chest and stocky, bulky arms and legs which almost made him resemble a gorilla in proportions, spikes lining the underside of his chest windows, blue fire trailing behind a jetpack mounted on his back which had wings in the shape of an x. A fighting spirit was in his blue-again optics, one Twilight recognized and had sorely missed, a fire she hadn’t seen in him since bringing him back from the other dimension.

Optimus flew into Nova, tackling him, wrapping his arms around Nova’s waist and driving him against the wall of the Omega Lock’s pylons.
“No one is allowed to threaten my friends without expecting retribution.” Optimus informed Nova while they grabbed, Optimus struggling to keep Nova pinned against the wall.

“Oh, please.” Nova booted Optimus off. “You’re worse than Dropshot.”

“Dropshot? What did Dropshot do?”

"Dropshot thought we could make tools out of the organics, use them to do our bidding, as partners, even…" Nova said with contempt. "And he continued to do so without consulting me, disrespecting me and disregarding my wishes and protocol when it came to dealing with organic life. Naturally, I couldn't tolerate this affront to my authority among my ranks, so I had Blackout crush him to death beneath his heel, quite literally."

Optimus narrowed his eyes.

“Tell me, Optimus, does that upset you? Does that anger you?”

Optimus gave Nova his response by slamming both his fists into the sides of Nova’s head, breaking Nova’s cheek-vents and shattering his faceplate.

“Yes. Yes, it does.” Optimus reared his fist and jabbed Nova in the head. “What happened to you, Nova? How did you fall so far?”

Optimus grabbed Nova by the waist and lifted Nova about his head, tossing him to the ground.

“You were my hero! My role model!” Optimus raged as he pummeled Nova in the head. “You were everything I wanted to be! Some of the most important things about leadership, I learned from your example! From your biographies! Your history!”

Optimus struck Nova hard enough to send Nova flying and bouncing along the Omega Lock.

“You were an inspiration to us all!”

Optimus reached behind him and produced a chaingun with mounted under his arm. Aiming it at Nova, he fired, pumping Nova full of bullets. Nova staggered back, digging his heels into the ground as the bullets pounded into him.

Optimus still had a more conventional arm-blaster though, his hand retracting and being replaced by a crown-shaped barrel, which he fired plasma fireballs from into Nova, before capping it all off by pulling out his Beast Hunter weapons, drawing up the two winged blasters and firing them both at Nova, striking him with projectiles which combined, delivered more force than an earthquake into Nova’s body, causing his entire frame to crack and shatter as much as it could while still remaining in one piece.

Optimus flew him to Nova and delivered a flying kick into him, knocking Nova back and causing him to lose his grip on the Star Saber, which floated out of his hand and lost its magical glow.

“I will take that.”

Nova reached for the Saber, but Optimus grabbed the Star Saber’s handle first, restoring the glow.

Optimus swung the blade, producing another crescent beam, even larger than the one Nova had produced before. The beam tore through Nova, severing him in half at the waist, his legs falling down while his torso flew up, both of which drifted off into the vastness of space, the light flickering out of Nova’s eyes.

Optimus watched the corpse of his former hero grow small, shrinking as it faded into the distance, to be lost endlessly floating in space … an unjust form of burial, but Nova deserved no less.

The Autobots, having defeated Nova’s forces and retaken control of the Omega Lock, gathered around Optimus to celebrate their victory.

“Whoo!” Crosshairs cheered.

“Alright, Optimus!” Bulkhead pumped his fists. Arcee clapped.

“How do you feel?” Twilight asked.

Optimus looked at Twilight. He looked around, surveying all of his friends, his soldiers, some old and familiar, some new and not, but of all whom were here for him, for Twilight, to follow their leads and do as they asked.

“Honestly, Twilight Sparkle … I feel much better now. I feel more like myself than I have felt in some time. I feel like myself again.”

“So, what do we do now?” Crosshairs asked.

“Now we go down to the planet’s surface,” Optimus said, pointing at Cybertron in the distance. “There, we will attempt to reunify our fractured people. Together, we will make them see reason and reject the tenets and teachings of Technoists, and welcome all other forms life, organic or not, Cybertronian or not, into our home, and accept their help in rebuilding our planet, and in turn, offer them our help in whatever we may assist them.”

“Uh-huh.” Crosshairs said. “And what about the diehards? You know there’s going to be some of them who cling on to their hatred and prejudice through thick and thin, and hold to Technoism’s teachings to the very end.”

“Then,” Optimus walked over and reclaimed the Forge, holding it in one hand and the Star Saber in the other, “to paraphrase a piece of human writing, ahem, ‘we will bash their slagging heads in.’”

“Now you’re talkin’ my language,” Crosshairs said, pointing one of his guns up.

“Dear Autobots, Decepticons, Insecticons, Predacons … to all Cybertronians …” Optimus Prime began his speech with these words, which were then broadcast to every compatible receiver on Cybertron thanks to a little tinkering and magic from Twilight Sparkle.

“Cybertronians, humans, ponies, lend me your ears.” Optimus continued on.

Inside the throne room of Shockwave’s former Tower, Galvatron stood up.

“There is a threat that has been threatening to consume our planet. It is not the Equestrians, it is not the terrans. It is Technoism. The proponents of Technoism would have you believe that we are growing weaker, that allying ourselves with other species has made us grow weak, and it will continue to make us grow weaker and weaker. I am Optimus Prime, and I am here, now, to tell you nothing could be further from the truth.”

“We do not grow weaker when we open ourselves to others. We grow stronger. Being welcoming to others makes our own kind stronger. We grow weaker when we isolate ourselves and reject those not like us … reject those who are as they are, not as we want them to be. If we cannot come together, we cannot be strong. If we do not allow ourselves to learn from others … how can we learn anything? Consider the principle of herd immunity; we cannot acquire the cures to diseases if we do not exchange knowledge, and allow potential immune in to draw our vaccines from. Those who preach the virtues of Technoism say it is about celebrating ourselves and engaging in Cybertronian pride … but there is no reason we cannot engage in Cybertronian pride while still sharing in the pride of others and being viceful ... is no virtue.”

“So I urge you, I beg you, I beseech you, my brothers and sisters. Rise up, and push back against the tide of Technoism that threatens to overwhelm us all and have us isolated from the rest of the universe. It is a bright, beautiful, warm and welcoming universe out there, and the Technoists would have us leave it, and be cold and dark and ugly and miserable all by ourselves if they had their way. So once again, I ask you, people of Cybertron and all others who can hear me to whom it may concern … rise up and take action against these spreaders of hate and lies, against the Technoists ideals which threaten to take over our planet if we let them. Rise up!”

Optimus turned to Twilight Sparkle, putting the microphone away from his mouth. “Would you mind I stole your phrase, Twilight Sparkle?”

“Not at all. Go right ahead.”

Optimus pulled the mic back.


Galvatron ran to the windows of the Tower and converted into vehicle mode, flying out the window, smashing through it and shattering the glass on his way out.

“Where is that broadcast coming from? Where is that signal?”

Galvatron intended to find the source of the signal and snuff it out before its message caught on and spread, but it was already too late. All across Cybertron, Autobots, former Decepticons, civilians, neutrals, were beginning to come together and turn on any sign of Technoism, of prejudice, of xenophobia they could find. Signs were smashed, billboards painted over, and sympathizers taken prison. Riots were breaking out. Some resorted to more orderly protests, such as going to bars and ordering sodas which had been imported for organic consumption prior to Galvatron’s attempts to have it banned. Others remained hostile, throwing cans and other garbage at what they saw of Galvatron’s enforcers.

At the pavilion where Shockwave had made his announcement regarding Predacons, OPtimus, Twilight and the others stood on the stage, a crowd forming around them.

Optimus worked the crowd, pumping them up and getting them excited.

“WHAT WE DO WANT?” Optimus asked.

“EQUALITY!” The crowd cheered. “FAIRNESS! FREEDOM”

“We want to be free to read human and pony literature to our Sparks’ content!”

“We want to be free to exchange ideas about philosophy and the Cybertronian condition with like-minded non-Cybertronian peers!”

“To exchange ideas and theories about science and medicine!”

“We want to consume human and pony food and drink! Or … try to, anyway.”

“We want to be free to watch those amusing human television shows! … What? Why are you looking at me like that?”



“People, people! Don’t be fooled! Don’t be hoodwinked!” Lazerback insisted, climbing onto the stage. “You gather around here under the banner of OPtimus Prime, but I’m here to tell you, don’t be deceived! Regardless of how noble it is, your message is at its very core, impure, when you take it from an imposter, because I’m here to tell you …”

Lazerback pointed a finger.

“That is not Optimus Prime!”

“What?” The crowd asked.

“How do you know?” An indivial in the crowd asked.

“Simple.” Lazerback said. “Optimus Prime is dead. I saw it myself. That is an automaton, a puppet, an animatronic designed in the likeness of Optimus Prime … by Twilight Sparkle, to push her own agendas through Optimus’ mouthplate! We all know Twilight Sparkle is a mechanical prodigy, with a knack for Cybertronian systems. Is putting her talents to use creating duplicate so far-fetched?”

“An interesting theory … but an invalid one.” Optimus Prime marched up to Lazerback. “Could a puppet speak freely? Could a puppet have emotions? Could a puppet contain memories of past experiences and encounters?”

Lazerback began to shiver, fear creeping into his circuits.

“Lazerback. I remember you, Lazerback. You did something far worse than anything anyone has ever done to me in my millions of years of warfare. You made me cry, and for that, I can never forgive you.”

Optimus stood tall over Lazerback, leaning down above him.

“Look into my eyes, Lazerback, and see the undying hatred and resentment I have for you what you did, and tell me … if a puppet could hold that kind of resentment and experience that kind of feeling?”

“Uh, yes, well …” Lazerback stammered. He gave a nervous grin. “I … just remembered I have somewhere to be, a ... doctor’s appointment, so, if you don’t mind, I’ll take my leave now.”

Lazerback attempted to exit the scene.

“GET BACK HERE!” Optimus roared at him, grabbing him by the wrist. Lazerback continued to flee, his shoulder shearing up at the socket. Eventually, it wore and tore away, his arm popping out, revealing the circuitry underneath, sparks flying from Lazerback’s shoulder as he made his getaway.

Optimus held Lazerback’s detached arm. He waved it around before laying it across his arms, appreciating his prize. “It will do … for now, I think..”

While the riots against Galvatron and the Technoists went on around her, Trixie returned to Metroplex, walking up to the bottom of his colossal foot and marvelling at him.


Trixie turned her head to see Starlight Glimmer walking up to her.

“Trixie does not always remember the names of all of Twilight’s friends. Who are you again?”

“Starlight Glimmer.” Starlight answered. “Do you mind?” Starlight sat beside Trixie. “Magnificent, isn’t he?”

“Yes.” Trixie said, happy to have somepony to share in her marvelling. “Trixie hadn’t realized an Autobot could be this way. This … hauntingly beautiful. The way he’s posed, the sheer scale and scope of him … why, his size alone must have taken the dedication of a work of art!”

“I heard about your idea.” Starlight said. “The one about using Dark Energon to revive him.”

“Oh? And?”

“I agree with you.” Starlight said. “I think it’s a good idea. If we can repair him, if we can rebuild him, then … why shouldn’t we?”

“Use Dark Energon to resurrect Metroplex?”

Trixie and Starlight Glimmer were alarmed when Galvatron came crashing down behind them.

“I agree, that is a good idea.” Galvatron said with a smirk. He grabed Trixie and picked her up.


“I may not be able to prevent these backlash riots, but I can still have the pleasure of wiping out the Imperials.”

Galvatron deployed the blade of his death-lock pincer. He stabbed it straight Trixie’s guts and out her back, coating his blade in her Dark Energon-tainted blood. He pulled the blade out and opened up his chest, a panel rotating 180 degrees before his chest split into four pieces which lifted up in a plus-sign configuration.

Galvatron touched the tip of the blade to his visible Spark, turning it purple. He closed his chest and walked towards Metroplex, still holding a tight, firm grip on Trixie.

Starlight prepared a spell and hurled the biggest, mightiest lightning bolt she could muster against Galvatron’s chest. It did little more than bother him and make him stumble, as he rubbed the scorch mark off and continued on his way.

Making his way inside Metroplex, Galvatron arrived at the inside of the titan’s core. Galvatron opened up a valve and held Trixie over it, slashing her again and causing her tainted blood to come pouring out, spilling and splashing into the core.

The Dark Energon took effect immediately. The core lit up with a purple light, which then spread through the interior of the room, the floor, the ceiling, the walls, all of it. The sickly purple glow continued to spread, Dark Energon coursing through all of the titan’s body.

From the outside, Starlight could do naught but watch in horror as Dark Energon crystal began to form on Metroplex’s body, popping out from his armor, the sounds of shattering glass being heard as the clusters forced their way out. The round core in Metroplex’s chest was filled up with a luminous purple light so bright it might have seemed pure, if not for corrupted source.

Crystals formed around Metroplex’s antenna, wrapping around and encasing them in a crystalline casing, turning them from neat straight antenna into a pair of jagged, curved spiky horns.

Metroplex’s visor began to fill up with the Dark Energon’s light, bars flashing across his visor like a battery gauge.

At last, the long-dormant titan spoke, letting out the first words he had spoken in his deep voice in centuries.

“M-me-me-tro-me-me-metro-pl-pl-plex … onliiiiiiiiiineeeee.”

XIX: Operation: Godslayer

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Optimus looked around at the crowd.

“Optimus?” An Insecticon of all people raised its claw. “Now that you’re back, and we’re beginning to reject and tear down the Technoist mantras … what do we do now?”

“We rebuild.” Optimus said. “We renew our alliances with the Equestrians and people of Earth, and we go out into space to spread a message of peace and harmony throughout the universe.”

The ground rumbled beneath them, perplexing Optimus and his team. The ground shook again, and not a light shake, no, a tremor, an earthquake, a verifible earthquake which could very causes fissures in the ground unlucky Cybertronians could fall in if they didn’t watch their step.

A massive shadow peaked out from the distance and fell over them.

The crowd screamed and scattered, scrambling to disperse and get to safety.

Optimus looked up. Few things could make Optimus’ wizened, ripe-with-age optics widen in shock, but this was one of those things.

“By the AllSpark ….”

Metroplex appeared to menace them, his massive figure casting an imposing, threatening shadow over the land.

“Decepticons! Technoists!” Galvatron shouted, relaying a broadcast of his own through Metroplex’s internal communications hub. “This is your leader, Galvatron, speaking! Track the signal of this broadcast and come forth! Come together against the Autobots, the Imperials, and all their organic allies for one last push! The fate of Cybertron, of the Decepticons, of the universe will be determined today by the results of this battle! Come forward! Come hither! Stand with us! And I promise, all who fight with us and follow under the Decepticon banner on this day will be able to reap the reward of seeing their own world - their own Cybertron, just the way WE want it, and no one else! Come! Fight!”

Inside Metroplex, standing at attention at a terminal, Blackout shook his head. “This isn’t what I wanted … this was never what I wanted. This wasn’t what I thought I’d been promised at all … marching into the streets atop a zombie Autobot titan …”

“Are you having doubts, Blackout?” Galvatron asked with an understood tone of menace, his blade unfurling slicing through the air, ready to turn on Blackout at a moment’s notice if he wasn’t with them, and if he wasn’t with them, he was against them.

Blackout stood tall. “I apologize, Lord Galvatron, just … mumbling to myself. I assure you, Galvatron, I am committed.”


“Even if it’s not to the cause I thought it was …” Blackout murmured. “But it’s too late to turn back now.”

“And I promise, all who fight with us and follow under the Decepticon banner on this day will be able to reap the reward of seeing their own world … ”

Bludgeon and Starscream, in their mountain base, had both their arms crossed as they listened to this broadcast. Bludgeon reached over and turned off the device catching the signal.

“What do you think?” Bludgeon asked.

“I don’t know …” Starscream cupped his chin. “Sounds risky.”

“Risky? Oh, pfft. Don’t tell me that the new, cautious you is getting too soft, Starscream. Don’t you think a Decepticon world, a world all to our own, is worth the risk-reward ration?”

“I am not getting too soft. I simply want to weigh the benefits of all our options against their potential drawbacks.” Starscream insisted. He flicked his hand. “Assuming we did go, what could we even offer them they that don’t have themselves? Troops? Footsoldiers? I’m sure they have that to spare, if they’re making such a bold claim.”

Bludgeon raised up a finger. “Allow me to answer that for you. I have a little project I’ve been working on, let me show it to you …”

Bludgeon led Starscream out of their base and into a crater. There, Thunderwing’s lifeless body had towed, hauled up to their base.

“Thunderwing?” Starscream asked, dubious. “I don’t understand. What is a giant, lifeless, motionless corpse going to do for them?”

Bludgeon raised his finger again. “Watch … and observe.”

Bludgeon pulled out his sword, the sword glowing a faint purple from the energies of the Dark Spark. Bludgeon touched the blade to Thunderwing’s arm, and a faint, light humming could be heard.

“Ooh.” Starscream cooed in understand. “I see … well, in that case, allow me to make a few arrangements before we leave.”

Some time later, Shockwave walked through the base, observing as troops marched around, carrying out orders and getting ready to join the fight on Cybertron, ferrying boxes of weapons around. After being assured everything was running smoothly by what he saw, Shockwave walked up to Starscream, who was standing in front of Soundwave, streams of code flashing across the latter’s visor.

“Starscream, what are you doing?” Shockwave asked. “I thought we were supposed to be preparing our departure to leave for Cybertron.”

“We are.” Starscream said.”Soundwave and I are simply taking care of some things first. If something this big is about to go down, Soundwave wants to have a backup plan, just in case things don’t turn out quite liked we hoped.”

“I see. And what is this backup plan?”

“Nuclear missiles.” Starscream said. “The humans are inferior and backwards in several things, but you have to give them credit where credit is due - they sure know how to make things that blow stuff up but good. It even puts some Cybertronian weapons to shame.”

“I did not nuclear missiles had intergalactic launch and travel capabilities.” Shockwave leaned in.

“Well … they don’t. That’s where Soundwave’s Space Bridge ability comes in. He’s quite handy with them, you know.”

“I am aware.” Shockwave’s optic narrowed, expressing his annoyance.

“Ah.” Starscream gestured to Soundwave’s visor. “And here it is now. Soundwave’s already found one of the human computers to hack into.”

Indeed he had. Soundwave, after combing through the endless network of data he had access to, had found and zeroed in one human-built computer. A special human computer, one in particular …

Ratchet tapped his thumb against his pen, practicing for his upcoming test on the human skeletal system. “If the patient has a hairline fracture in their lower femur, what is the proper course of action? Ha, well, that’s easy, you simply put them into power-down mode to install a new filling … no, that’s for Cybertronians.” Ratchet shook his head and sighed, placing a tablet down on the table and resting his head against his hand.

“Is something troubling you, Ratchet?” Vigil asked.

“No, it’s nothing …” Ratchet sighed again. “It’s just that I can’t seem to get this test on the human system right, and it’s … very important to me that I get it right, after … something that happened to a friend of mine.” Ratchet picked the tablet up.

“I see. You have my condolences.”

Vigil buzzed, let out a high-pitched whine, and made a whir, his display going on the fritz, the red line of his ‘mouth’ bouncing all over his display. Crackling static could be heard coming from him.

“Vigil?” Ratchet leaned over, tossing the table aside. “Are you alright?”

“N-no …” Vigil stammered out. “I feel … p-p-paaainful. R-Ratchet, what-what’s … happening to meeee?”

Ratchet squinted and leaned forward. “By the AllSpark...”

“Hey!” Galloway’s agents entered the building. “What’s going on here?”

“Someone’s trying to hack into Vigil. And I think I know who.” Ratchet got out his tablet and etched some numbers onto it with his stylus. He handed it to the agent. “I need you to call this number?”

“Oi, what kind of scam are you trying to pull on here, eh? You don’t think we’re just gonna let you pull wool over our eyes and call whoever you want, maybe let ‘em track a signal?”

Ratchet stomped on the floor, putting himself to eye-level with the agent, which unnerved him. “Do you want a mad, dangerous Decepticon possibly in control of your nuclear launch codes?”

“Have you met Vigil? This computer’s as hack-proof as can be, thanks to the top scientists in Griffin Rock.”

“That does not exactly fill me with confidence, given Griffin Rock’s reputation.”

“WARNING!” Vigil shouted. “Firewall breach imminent. Suggest taking counter-measures.”

Ratchet glared at the surprised agent, thrusting the tablet into his hand. “Call this number, now.”

Back onboard Fortress Maximus, Raf was sitting on the floor, amusing himself on his laptop, while Miko sulked.

“It’s not fair.” Miko whined. “We’ve been on plenty of dangerous missions. Why do we have to stay behind for this one?”

“Because this one involved the Bots going into space, and we don’t have enough spacesuits to go around for the three of us?” Jack suggested.

“I’m good right here, thanks.” Raf said. “No action or fighting or blasting for me.” He had enough of that for one lifetime. He was more of a background, operation management sort of guy. Raf’s phone rang, to his confusion. He couldn’t imagine who could be calling right at this moment in time.

“Well, answer it!” Miko said. “It could be someone important!”

Raf answered the phone. “Rafael speaking.”

“Raf,” Ratchet spoke from the other end, “Soundwave is trying to hack into Vigil.”


“An experimental supercomputer Galloway put me in charge of monitoring and mentoring the A.I of. He’s tied into several U.S defense systems. Soundwave is trying hack into him and gain access to those codes and other things he doesn’t need access to, understand? I need you to hack into Vigil and help me fight him off.”

“Got it.” Raf cracked his knuckles, sitting the phone on his shoulder and glancing at Jack and Miko. “Well, lady and gentleman, it looks I’ll be seeing a little action of my own after all …”

“To get into Vigil’s network, you’ll need to …”

“Ratcheeeet … it hurts.” Vigil whined.

“I know, I know.” Ratchet placed a hand on Vigil’s keyboard. “Stay strong, my friend. Help is on the way.”

“Ratchet … I-I-I’m detecting another intruder in my systems.”

“Ha!” Ratchet pumped his fist. “Yes! He got in! Don’t worry, Vigil. That’s Raf. He’s my friend. He’s going to help you through this, okay?”

“Okay …” Vigil paused, his screen whirring and warbling. “I do feel better. The firewalls and encryptions are building back up. Tell Raf I said ‘thank you.”

“I will.”

In the Forged base, Starscream and Shockwave grew puzzled when Soundwave’s head jerked, a line of code disappearing from his visor.

“What’s happening?” Starscream asked.

“It appears a new player has entered the game.” Shockwave observed.

Soundwave righted his head and clenched his fists. He recognized this new player, and he would not be denied by him. Soundwave got ready for a hacking war.

“Oof.” Vigil groaned, his display becoming erratic and panicky again. “Ratchet, it-it-it’s back …”

“Soundwave’s not giving up.” Ratchet shook his head and scoffed. “What am I saying? It’s Soundwave. Of course he’s not giving up. Soundwave doesn’t give up.” Ratchet placed a finger to his comm. “Raf!”

“I’m on it.” Was Raf’s quick reply.

Vigil whined and warbled, a battle going on in his insides, his internal systems, as Raf and Soundwave vied for control of him, each of them setting up firewalls, encryption, and false loops and redirects to keep the other from gaining any control, any advantage in their duel.

“Vigil! Vigil!” Ratchet slammed his hands on Vigil’s keyboard. “Listen to me. You have to fight it. You have to fight it, okay?”

“O-o-okay … I’ll try.” Vigil said. An ear-splitting screech came from him as he attempted to remove the intrusion himself.

“That bought some time and stalled him, but it’s no good. Soundwave’s entrenched himself in, and he’s not stopping anytime soon.” Raf informed Ratchet over the phone.

“What do we propose we do?” Ratchet asked.

“My suggestion? Go on the attack. Whatever it you and Vigil did just now, keep doing it. Hold Soundwave at bay. Keep him occupied.”

“Raf, you can’t be seriously suggesting what I think you’re suggesting?”

“That’s right.” Raf cracked his knuckles. “I’m gonna try and hack Soundwave himself.”

“Such a thing can’t be done! Surely if it could, Autobot codebreakers would have done it during the war!”

“Do you want me to save your friend or not?”

Ratchet sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, pessimestic about the chances of this going over well. “Alright. Vigil, do you think if you focus, you can keep Soundwave out a little longer?”

“I will try.”

“I need you to do better than try!” Ratchet slammed his fist down on Vigil. “I’m sorry … I didn’t mean … I just lost my temper.”

“I understand. Deploying anti-virus scans … running options … setting up new encryptions …”

“Good, good, keep at it,” Raf said. “I’m almost in.”

Soundwave jerked and twitch, feeling that little scoundrel of a hacker play and buzz around inside his head. Well, not if Soundwave had anything to say about it, which, aside from being a voluntary mute, he most certainly did. Soundwave begin to engage Raf in a network duel, turning his attention to focus on his efforts to hack in. As he did, however, he played right into Raf’s hands. He lost some of the processor power he had been dedicated to hacking Vigil, doing exactly as Raf had wanted.

Soundwave’s fingers tensed up, fighting with Raf’s programs to keep them out of his head. Raf bombarded him with more and more programs, viruses, malware - everything Raf had to throw at Soundwave, he did. It eventually overwhelmed Soundwave, through sheer volume and basic attrition. He couldn’t focus on hacking into Vigil and keeping all of Raf’s attacks out at once, and it began to overload him.

Soundwave blew out, blowing a gasket - quite literally, as sparks of electricity buzzed around his head, a thin wisp of smoke coming off.

“Soundwave?” Starscream asked, approaching him. “Are you alright? Do you require medical assistance?”

Soundwave held his hand out, stopping Starscream. Soundwave stood up and nodded. He raised a finger and pointed to the hangar door of the base, gesturing for them to go.

“You heard the mech, Shockwave. We’re ready to go. Let’s move out.” Starscream and Shockwave marched over to join the troops preparing to leave.

Soundwave lagged behind. He turned to the empty wall, a thought crossing his normally impenetrable to read mind.

Rafael Fairechild … worthy opponent.

Raf knew he had a chance and seized it. He pressed his advantage, hacking into Soundwave's mind, downloading Autobot propanagda and pro-peace messages practiced by the prancing ponies. Maybe he could reprogram Soundwave, hack him, redeem him.

Soundwave lurched, clutching at his head. He would not be having any of that. No reprogramming, no redemption for him.

An annoying, irritating marketing jingle about some insipid unicorn wondering what 'friendship could be' began to blare out from Soundwave's steroes.

"Er, Soundwave?" Starscream came back, noticing Soundwave was lagging behind. "Are you sure you're alright?

A piece of peaceful pony propangda played on Soundwave's visor. Soundwave played back other audio over it to explain to Starscream what was happening.

"Kzzt... the enemy is... enemy playing is hacking the code! - kzzt - fight back, men! You must resist the alien mind control! Kzzt!"

"Oh," Starscream said, "I see... I've seen that movie. With Knock Out one time, the pop-culture loving fool...do what you have to do, Soundwave. I will remember you as you were."

Starscream saluted. "Decepticons forever," and he left the room.

Soundwave produced a blaster from his arm. He repeated, both himself and Starscream.

"Rafael Fairechild... worthy opponent."

Soundwave put the blaster to the side of his head.

"Decepticons forever."

Right as a smiley face appeared on his face-screen, accompanied by a little ditty about the joys of love and friendship, Soundwave pulled the trigger, blowing his head wide open into pieces, leaving nothing behind by a few sparking, hissing wires and smoldering slivers of scrap metal where his head used to be. His body fell down onto the side, Energon leaking from the newly made spout located in his torso where his neck used to be.

Optimus spread out his wings and boosted up to Metroplex’s face, blue fire trailing from his ignition.

“Metroplex!” Optimus shouted. “Recognize your former Prime, the Last Prime! Recognize … your friend.” Optimus put a hand over his chest. “I know this is not what you desire in your Spark, Metroplex. The giant I knew who willingly, gladly sacrificed himself to allow me and my fellow Autobots to escape a dying Cybertron would never consent to participate in this unnecessary opposition! I urge you, I beg, I command you now, Metroplex … stop this mad crusade! Put an end to the senseless violence which has plagued and ravaged our homeworld for so long! You have the power to do so just by refusing to take another step! That alone will put an end to Galvatron’s and his followers’ dreams of Technoist expansion!”

Metroplex paused. He reared up his hand and swatted Optimus away as if he were no more than a fly to him, sending Optimus tumbling through the air, hurtling through a building, stopping only when he had been lodged into the supporting structure.

Still broadcasting his voice live from inside of Metroplex’s chambers, Galvatron laughed. “Ha ha ha! There is no trace of your old friend, Optimus Prime! The Metroplex you know is gone!”

Deep inside Metroplex’s bowels, Starlight Glimmer tended to Trixie, lying unconscious next to Metroplex’s core after Galvatron had gotten through using her like a battery.

“Don’t worry, Trixie.” Starlight assured her, rubbing Trixie on the shoulder. “I’m here for you. I won’t abandon you in your hour of need. Not at a time like this!” Starlight looked around her, worrying as she felt Metroplex move.

Trixie groaned, scrunching up her closed eyes. “Thank … you, Starlight. Ooh …” Trixie woke up and rolled onto her belly, to Starlight’s delight and relief.

“Oh! You’re okay!” Starlight exclaimed. Trixie felt awkward when Starlight pulled her into a hug.

On the ground, a Space Bridge opened next to Metroplex’s leg, moments before said leg took another step. The Forged poured through the Bridge, led by the famous Starscream and Shockwave, though they were oddly missing Soundwave, the third member of their trio, soon followed by Fearswoop and Bludgeon, riding Thunderwing’s body, chained to Thunderwing’s chest and kept aloft by a harness, purple beams of energy coming from Bludgeon’s Dark Spark-empowered hands and operating Thunderwing’s lifeless body, puppeting it, Bludgeon still able to make use of Thunderwing’s considerable powers despite his passing.

The Imperials began to fret and worry, Twilight and Rarity chief amongst those who felt a small sense of absolute panic set in. Just a teeny-tiny touch of total terror, nothing to worry about.

“Twilight, darling, what do we do? We can’t possible fight a zombie Metroplex and a zombie Thunderwing at the same time!”

“I don’t know!”

“Keep it together, my little ponies!” Optimus announced, flying down to them. Coming from the mouths of most, those words together would sound ridiculous, but Optimus spoke them straight-faced and made them seem cool at the sametime. “Our first priority is focusing our efforts on finding ways to combat Metroplex. That is the task I have set for you.”

“Of course, darling...” Rarity muttered, still shaken.

“Yes, Optimus, but -”

“Finding ways to combat Metroplex.” Optimus insisted, cutting off Twilight. “Those are my orders. Follow those orders. Now go.”

Twilight and Rarity saluted, calmed down, if only slightly. “Sir, yes, sir!”

“Do we still have contact with Omega Supreme?” Twilight asked.

“Omega? You bet!” Ultra Magnus answered her. “Omega would never abandon us. I’ll take you to him.”

“Imperials, roll out!” Optimus ordered, sweeping his hand through the air and pointing his finger.

Twilight Sparkle and Ultra Magnus went up to Omega Supreme, who had returned to his roost on Cybertron after, in his mind, acting out the extent of his usefulness to the Imperials after his duel with Thunderwing.

“Omega Supreme.” Twilight said. “Omega, can we talk to you? I want - we need your help again.”

“Acknowledged.” Omega said. “I have already sensed something wrong, though I cannot ascertain what for myself.”

“Metroplex has been corrupted by Dark Energon.” Twilight said. “He’s been led on a rampage by Galvatron and his sect of Technoists and whatever marauders he can scrounge up. We need your help to stop him.”

“I am sorry, Twilight Sparkle.” Omega said. “I recognize the situation is dire, and Cybertron is in peril, but I cannot help you. Metroplex is kin to me, my brother and my forebear. We belong to the rough same generation of ancients. I cannot bring myself to fight him.”

“And after what I just said, too … disappointing.” Ultra Magnus said.

“Alright, fine, I understand that.” Twilight said. “What about Thunderwing? He’s back again … well, in a sense.”

“Thunderwing, you say?”

Twilight smiled when she heard the whirs and grinding of Omega’s gears as he transformed out of ship mode.

“You have piqued my interest.” Omega raised up his arms, inspecting his systems and testing if they were still in tip-top fighting shape, clenching his claw and charging up his arm-cannon, firing out a massive energy shot into the sky.

Lazerback, meanwhile, watched the situation on Cybertron, develop and unfold, seeing tensions rising and violence escalating from behind the safe cover of a building. It might have been a perfect time to make a move for some sort of power play, but he was more concerned with saving his own hide.

“Oh, looks like things are getting pretty intense around here.” Lazerback said to Dragotron. “We should while the going’s getting good, run and cut our losses while we still can.”

“What?” Dragotron reeled back in disgust and surprise. “You want to turn your back and flee? Are we not Predacons? Are we not warriors? Yet, you want to run with your tail tucked between your legs!”

“You’re not … saying what I think you’re saying, are you?” Lazerback rolled his eyes, rubbing his temple. “Oh, for Spark’s sake … you’re not supposed to think for yourself! you’re supposed to do as I say and follow my lead! You’re a fall guy! Someone to take the rap and keep the heat off my back, you’re not supposed to be having these independent thoughts and … thoughts of independence.”

Dragotron gasped. “I’m … what?”

Lazerback grimaced, realizing he had let something slip which perhaps he shouldn’t have.

“Is that what I am? A tool, a pawn for you, a weapon for you to point and fire, and then discard when it runs out of fuel no longer serves its purpose?” Dragotron.

“Well, I …”

Recognizing there was no way he could salvage this to where it wasn’t going to turn out badly for him, Lazerback tried to preemptively strike and make the first move, pulling out his Toxic Strike Blaster. Dragotron roared and charged at him, grabbing Lazerback by the wrist and twisting it around, causing the Blaster’s shot to hit Lazerback, acid splashing all over his chest, Lazerback’s armor hissing as it was melted.

“Argh …” Lazerback groaned, shaking Dragotron off and backing away. In a moment of thoughtlessness, he clutched in pain at his chest, reeling back when he dipped the tips of his fingers into the acid. “You know … I was wrong about you, Dragotron.” Lazerback exchanged glances with Dragotron. “You’re more like your template than I thought.”

Lazerback reverted into his beast mode and fled the scene, though he wasn’t as fast as he would’ve liked, having one of his arms ripped off, leaving him with a limping three-legged beast mode.

One of the Crystal Predacons approached Dragotron. “Dragotron … you are our leader, sir. What do we do now?”

Dragotron thought about it. He turned his gaze on the Imperials in the distance, opening fire on Metroplex and engaging with the Technoists, valiantly trying to stop the titan even though there was truthfully nothing they could - a warrior’s determination, which touched Dragotron’s Spark and earned them his respect.

“I will take Lazerback’s words to Spark. Perhaps I am more like my template Predaking than first thought. I say ...”

“Imperials!” Dragotron shouted, earning the attention of a squad of Imperials, marching up to them with his Crystal Predacons.

The Imperials focused their attention, turning to him and training their weapons on him even though they were supposed to be fighting Technoists.

Dragotron bowed, getting down on his knees. “I have had a realization, and my optics are open now. I will swear myself to you, and you will have my sword with you … if you will have me.”

The Autobots exchanged glances. Magnum came forward and offered his hand to Dragotron, helping him to his feet to show they were accepting him.

Dragotron turned to Predaking. “I … apologize about the things I have said to you before.”

Predaking glared at him and blinked, thinking about it before answering. He shook hands with Dragotron. “I accept your apology. Now go and make us proud.”

Dragotron parted hands with Predaking and reverted to his dragon mode, letting out a roar and flying up to Metroplex, spewing and pouring fire breath onto his shoulder.

Omega Supreme arrived on the battlefield, flying to the scene of the battle. He engaged the Bludgeon-puppeted Thunderwing, grabbing Thunderwing’s arm and knocking a shot from Thunderwing’s arm cannon off course. Thunderwing swiped his claw Omega’s head, which Omega blocked.

Metroplex’s shoulder cannons adjusted, lowering to point the barrels down at the Imperials. He opened fire, shooting Dragotron point-blank with the full brunt of Metroplex’s air-strike levels of firepower, blasting Dragotron into bits. Dragotron’s burnt body began to fall, descending to the ground, the fire-cloaked shadow plummeting, pieces of his body flying off, his wings, arms, and claws falling off as his body smashed into the ground, his appendages rolling away.

Predaking watched this happen and gasped when Dragotron’s body hit the ground. He always had confidence in the hide of his Predacon species to be able to stand up to even the most devastating of attacks, the bitterest of blows, but Metroplex’s cannons had shredded through Dragotron as if he were confetti. It shook Predaking to his core.

Omega Supreme grappled with Thunderwing, throwing Thunderwing’s arms off himself, Thunderwing firing both his arm cannons and clipping Omega Supreme in the shoulders. Omega grit his teeth from the pain, but remained focused and charged his blaster, taking aim at Thunderwing’s chest and firing. A massive orange beam cut through, emerging out Thunderwing’ back and tearing up the base of his wings. Without the wings to keep him aloft, Thunderwing fell to the ground.

“You fool!” Bludgeon shouted, defiant and confident in himself even though he was about to be buried under Thunderwing’s massive body. He raged and raved..“Do you know who I am? Do you know what I have? I am Bludgeon! I wield the Dark Spark! I cannot be defeated! I am invincible! I am destined to rule!”

Metroplex took a step forward his, his colossal foot coming down on Thunderwing, crushing Thunderwing’s body and Bludgeon underneath, Metroplex’s bulk dwarfing even a giant like Thunderwing. Thunderwing’s body cracked under the pressure, dust, smoke, and electricity floating off as he was crushed under Metroplex’s heel. Thunderwing’s wings were the first to fly off, followed by his chest cracking and crumpling up, his head developing a crack before splitting into pieces as Metroplex’s foot finished coming down on the ground, Thunderwing’s fingers giving one last twitch of death in his death throes before they flew out of their sockets, Thunderwing’s arm following not long afterwards. Thunderwing and Bludgeon were both crushed, destroyed utterly under Metroplex’s stomping, rampaging, uncaring boot.

Smokescreen surveyed the damage, ducking as a shot from a Technoist-wielded cannon went off right next to his feet. He cupped his chin, getting an idea. Snapping his fingers and smiling, he turned and ran in the opposite direction. Smokescreen could be criticized about many things - his eagerness, his inexperience, his ability to get starstruck easily - but none could deny he was fleet on his feet.

Twilight and Rarity noticed him running in the opposite direction, away from the looming problem of Metroplex, and were none too happy about.

“Smokescreen!” Rarity whined.

“What the frell are you doing?” Twilight shouted.

“I’m going to go get a child soldier!” Smokescreen answered enigmatically, confusing Twilight and Rarity and not actually answering their question.

Snowdrop felt around with a white cane, tapping the desk of the vendor she was going to buy some fruit from for a snack.

“Hey, Snowdrop.” A familiar voice called her.

“Mister Smokescreen?” Snowdrop asked, turning to the sound of his voice.

“Yeah, it’s me. It’s Smokescreen. Hey, listen. You want to save the universe?”

“Oh, I don’t know, Mister Smokescreen … that sounds like an awful lot of work for a little filly like me.”

“Oh, come on! It’ll be fine. You’ll do great, I know. I promise.”

Snowdrop blushed and shrugged.

“Well, alright then … if you’re so sure of me, then I guess it can’t go completely wrong.”

“Great to hear! That’s the spirit.”

Inside the Oval Office, Galloway sat on the desk, Mearing sitting next to him, cozying up, leaning into him and purring. They sat there, admiring the hologram of Mearing’s proposed device.

“Magnificent.” Galloway said. “Its looks even better everytime I look at it.” Galloway glanced down at his shoulder, at Mearing. “Just like you.”

“Oh, stop. You’re too kind.” Mearing waved her hand.

“So, can I … touch it?” Galloway raised a finger to the hologram, though Mearing thought he might have been referring to something else. “Is is one of those interactable holograms I’ve been hearing so much about, isn’t it?”

“Yes.” Mearing said, taking a hold of his hand. “Here. Let me show you. Like this.” She guided his finger to the hologram, pressing her palm onto the back of his hand as she made him gently touch the hologram, causing it to swivel and spin around 360 degrees. “Mmm.” Mearing cooed, nuzzling her head on Galloway’s shoulder, exchanging smiles with him as the hologram rotated over their heads, completely forgotten.

Hydia led Celestia out into the garden of her castle.

“I must say, Hydia, I’m surprise you decided to invite me to your castle after all this time. You’ve once mentioned it.”

“Oh, sure, sure.” Hydia said. “It took me a while to warm up to you, of course, but now that we’re friends, hoo hoo hoo …” Hydia rubbed her hands together in a rather overtly sinister manner. Celestia raised a brow, thinking she was acting like a cartoon villain.

“I’m also curious why you insisted this visit couldn’t wait …” Celestia said. “I’ll have you know I’m a very busy Princess, with a lot on my plate right now.”

“Oh, of course, of course. I didn’t mean to intrude upon your busy schedule, Princess. I just thought I could lure you away and give you a break for a change.”

“Well, I …”

Celestia felt a cold shiver run through her bones.

“There is a presence here.” Celestia said. A presence she recognized, an evil, powerful presence of dark intent. Looking around, she saw a hooded figure hiding in Hydia’s garden, trying to cover himself up with various flowers, but Celestia wasn’t fooled.

“Princess?” Hydia asked, doing her best innocent tone.

“I sense the presence of an old foe of mine. An ancient evil by the name of Tirek.” Celestia spread her wings and flew up. “I’m sorry, Hydia, but I must go. And something is telling me you have been lying to me and that you’re not all you have claimed to be.”

Celestia turned and flew away, her white form fading into the clouds into the distance.

“Drat.” Hydia snapped her fingers, while Tirek moved out of the flowers. “We were so close to letting you drain her, too … it’s your fault.”

“My fault?”

“Your body is too big! If it were smaller, you’d hide in the flowers better!”

Tirek growled. “If I didn’t still need to steal that root for you to finish our deal, I’d be tempted to call off our partnership here and now!”

“Oh, quit whining! You’ll get your magic like I promised! Just … not from Celestia.” Hydia looked up at the sky, with just a touch of remorse. “Some of the things I told you were true, Celestia …”

“Metroplex!” Optimus shouted. “I ask you once again, I beseech, end this mad quest of Galvatron’s! End the cycle of hate and retribution which has doomed our planet! You are in a unique position, and have the power to stop all of it at once!”

“Do you not understand?” Galvtron’s voice came through a P.A. “Metroplex cannot hear you. He can only hear me. Metroplex obeys only my command now, not yours, Optimus Prime.”

Optimus narrowed his eyes and clenched his fists. Screaming in battle-ready fury, he flew towards Metroplex’s arm.

Metroplex made a fist and backhanded Optimus, sending him tumbling out of control through the air. Optimus was able to recover and right itself, dodging an energy blast fired from one of Metroplex’s many cannons in the nick of time.

“Okay.” Optimus said. “It appears I shall have to take a different tact.”

“What’s your plan, Optimus?” Twilight asked, while climbing to higher ground and shooting a Technoist Vehicon in the face.

“I will make my way inside Metroplex. I will climb to his core and attempt to purify it of Dark Energon with the Matrix of Leadership. And then I will make my way further up and deal with his operator, Galvatron.”

Optimus flipped himself and nosedived, flying to Metroplex’s knee and pulling himself up on his flight path. The Star Saber warbling in his hand, Optimus swung the blade, shooting out a crescent beam powerful enough to punch a hole in Metroplex’s dense armor, giving Optimus an opening to fly into his leg.

“What he is up to?” Galvatron asked, watching Optimus enter from a monitor inside Metroplex’s cockpit. “Somebody find out what he’s doing and put a stop to it. Actually, no, don’t bother to find out, just stop it.”

“I’m on it.” Blackout announced, getting up from his chair and leaving the room.

Elsewhere, a green light formed in Cybertron’s sky. It built and built, growing larger and larger before exploding in a brilliant display of light, energy flying away from it in the form of visible mid-air shockwaves. Fortress Maximus came crashing down the light, his feet causing tremors and the clanging of metal as they dug into Cybertron’s steel soil.

“Awesome.” Smokescreen said, resting in the cockpit. “You know, come to think of it, I have to wonder why we didn’t think to bring this guy with us in the first place.”

“Uh, cause he’s way too big?” Miko suggested.

“Don’t sass me, Miko. I’m not in the mood for your sassy … sassiness.” Smokescreen said.

“Because it was the only safe place to keep the three of us?” Jack asked.

“Yeah, okay, that’s an acceptable answer.”

“Optimus probably won’t be happy when he finds out you brought Max with us onboard.”

“Probably not.” Smokescreen admitted, shrugging and casting his gaze out the window. “But desperate times for desperate measures.”

“Um, Mister Smokescreen?” Snowdrop asked, sitting in Fortress Maximus’ chair. “Um, I’m no expert, but wouldn’t it have made more sense to teleport in the middle of the battle, instead of away from it?”

“No. Because if we showed in the middle of a battle with a target as big as Fortress Maximus, we’d instantly put ourselves in every ‘Con’s and Technoist’s crosshairs. They’d focus all their firepower on bringing us down.”

“Not that they’re not going to do that anyway.” Jack said, being realistic.

“This way, at least we have a chance to sneak up on them.” Smokescreen said.

“Or, we would, in theory, but since Fortress’ feet are so huge, they’ll probably hear us coming.” Jack added.

Smokescreen glared at him. He pointed the window. “Snowdrop, march!”

At Snowdrop’s bidding, Fortress Maximus began to move, the ground shaking, rattling, and clanging with his every step, the metal of Cybertron groaning from having to endure Fortress Maximus’ immense and enormous weight upon it.

Optimus Prime made his way through Metroplex. Making his way into a room, he was greeted by an array of Decepticons, Vehicons, Insecticons, and Leapers.

“Well, well!” a Leaper taunted. “If it isn’t Optimus Prime, the bot of the hour!”

Optimus brandished the Star Saber, the blade giving off its distinct blue glow. “Stand aside or risk destruction.”

“Sorry, Prime, no can do.” The Leaper taunted. “Galvatron wants your head on a platter, and we intend to deliver it to him!”

“Then I am afraid both he and you are going to be sorely disappointed.”

The Decepticons opened fire, raining a hail of lasers on Optimus. Optimus used the Star Saber to shield himself, which deflected most of their shots. Spinning and twirling the Saber around to respond from shot to shot, Optimus walked forward. Tucking the sword under his arm, Optimus picked up two Vehicon and bashed their heads together before flinging them aside. He staggered back when a third Vehicon got in a good shot on his midsection, but Optimus shrugged it off and fired back, shooting a massive hole into the Vehicon, who fell to his knees.

An Insecticon roared and charged at Optimus, claws ready as it shrieked. Optimus grappled with it, interlocking his hands with its claw, wincing when it sprayed Energon from its spitting maw into his face. Jerking one hand free, Optimus shifted to blaster configuration and aimed it square into the Insecticon’s mouth, shooting a plasma burst straight its maw. The Insecticon reeled back from the blow, smoke coming out of its mouth. It shook its head. Optimus charged it, lifting it up by the chest and hurling the Insecticon into a wall. Another Insection marched forward to take its place, and Optimus pulled out his Hunter weapon and fired, shooting a missile which cracked and shattered the Insecticon’s chest.

“Huyaaaaah!” A Leaper charged at Optimus, accelerating with the rocket in its back.

“I’ve spent quite a bit of time fighting with Leapers.” Optimus said, ducking under the Leaper. “And I am well aware of their weaknesses.”

Optimus wrapped his arms around the Leaper and twirled around before hurling the Leaper into a mass of Decepticons.

“Including the unfortunate tendency of the rocket engines on their back to overload and explode.”

Optimus fired a shot from his arm-cannon into the Leaper’s back, straight into the rockets. The Leaper let out a groan, and every Decepticon in range tried to get clear before he went off. Few, if any, got out of the way in time, and were caught in the explosion and blown away by the blast.

The company of Decepticons taken care of, Optimus continued on his way through the upper levels of Metroplex’s hull.

Reaching an empty chamber leading into multiple corridors, Optimus remained on edge, keeping his head on a swivel to look out for any trouble. He heard something go clang in a nearby hall.

Optimus readied his arm-cannon, the whir of it charging being the only sound in the room. He set his back against the wall leading into the hall. He heard footsteps echoing from inside.

Optimus rolled into the hall, landing on his knees and aiming his weapon.


Starlight and Trixie hugged each other, holding for dear life.

Optimus needed a moment to process before his optics fully registered he was looking at two ponies, and not Technoist servants.

“Oh.” Starlight said. “It’s okay, Trixie, it’s just Optimus Prime.” Starlight pursed her lips, recalling how Optimus had almost fried her. “Well, mostly okay. Trixie? … Trixie, you can let go now.”

“Huh? Oh, sorry.” Trixie rubbed her hooves together nervously.

“What are you two doing here?” Optimus asked, getting to his feet.

“We were admiring Metroplex when we thought the fighting was over, after you killed Nova.” Starlight said. “Trixie and I were discussing the idea of resurrecting him with Dark Energon, we’d figure he’d be fine, since he wasn’t truly dead, just out of fuel, right?” Optimus did not approve of the idea regardless, as he made clear in his expression. “Well, anyway, Galvatron found out about and co-opted the idea and, well, here we are! We couldn’t make heads or tails of the place after Metroplex got up, and Trixie was weak since Galvatron used her blood for its Dark Energon, and we’ve been trying to make our way out of here since.”

“I see.” Optimus walked by them. “Come with me. Stay close be my side, and keep out of the fighting. I will take you out of Metroplex after my business here is concluded.“

“Or … or!” Starlight said, she and Trixie walking behind Optimus’ heels like puppy dogs. “We could help you get through! We have our magic. We can be of assistance. Please, Optimus?”

Optimus glared at them. Starlight hooked a leg around Trixie and smiled, Trixie doing the same.

“I have often found you Equestrians to be unexpectedly resourceful and resilient soldiers. Very well.” Optimus said.

They came upon a door. Trixie and Starlight, eager to prove their usefulness, walked up to the door and blasted it with their magic, creating tow ropes out of arcane energy which they used to pry the door open.

Waiting for them on the inside of the door was Metroplex’s core … and Blackout, standing in front of the core with his arms crossed.

“Hello, Prime.” Blackout greeted them.

“Stand aside, Blackout.” Optimus said. “Or be destroyed, like those who came before you seeking to challenge me.”

Blackout hung his head. “I’m afraid I can’t do that, Optimus Prime. I’m sorry. None of this … none of this was what I wanted. What I was promised. I just wanted to return the Decepticons’ to their former glory. I never asked for this. I never meant for this gross perversion of one of Cybertron’s noblest warriors.” Blackout gestured around him, referring to the Dark Energon inside Metroplex. “But though I was not given what I was promised, I am still duty-bound to fight you, Optimus. It is my responsibility as a Decepticon … and my honor.”

“Blackout, if you fight me, I will kill you.” Optimus said. “That is not a threat. That is fact. With my upgrades, my Beast Hunter weapons, the Star Saber … I will kill you. It doesn’t have to be this way. Stand aside, and you can live. You can be a part of our post-war society and help rebuild.”

“There’s no place for a soldier like me in a world without war.” Blackout tossed his hands in the air. “Death by the hands of the great Optimus Prime himself? A Decepticon could not wish for a better death.”

“So I see. That is the way it is.”

Blackout opened the fight, getting in the first strike aiming his arm-mounted chainguns at Optimus and firing. Optimus was pummeled without relent and without remorse by a storm of lead from Blackout’s weapons, but he absorbed the hits and struggle through, spreading his wings out and charging towards Blackout. Optimus jetted towards him, grabbing Blackout and slamming him against a wall.

Blackout took his fist and slammed it into Optimus’ back, getting a good blow in on Prime. Blackout lifted Optimus off and hurled him to the side.

“Hey.” Starlight bopped Trixie on the shoulder, watching the shadows fly across the room as Blackout and Optimus tossed each other around. “I have an idea. Come on.”

Trixie and Starlight crawled across the room, crouching down almost to their bellies, keeping an eye out on Blackout’s and Optimus’ fight, their bodies thumping against the floor walls as they repeatedly slammed and threw one another.

Starlight and Trixie reached the base of Metroplex’s core, a spherical device like an oversized water valve.

“What’s your plan?”

“Well, there’s Dark Energon in Metroplex, right? Dark Energon Galvatron took out of you. We want to take it out to stop Metroplex, So I figure, we can take the Dark Energon out of Metroplex and put it back into you.”

Trixie’s face scrunched up in disgust. “Trixie does not find your … palatable, but she is willing to give it a try for the greater good.”

Starlight nodded. She aimed her horn at the core, a thin stream of white and green magic rising from her horn’s tip. The magical tether was able to suck out some of the Dark Energon, which took the form of a glowing purple energy sphere in Starlight’s row. Starlight lowered the rope and touched the sphere to Trixie’s horn, where Trixie’s body absorbed. Trixie gritted her teeth and shivered, getting an unpleasant buzz from it. Starlight repeated her little trick, pulling out and feeding another sphere to Trixie, and another, and another, until Trixie finally had to put a stop to it.

“Enough!” Trixie swiped her hooves. “Loathe as I am to admit, the Great and Powerful Trixie is feeling .. overwhelmed.” Trixie sat up her back against the core, panting. Starlight grimaced. They had barely made a dent into Metroplex’s Dark Energon reserves, and Trixie was already out for the count? Starlight wasn’t willing to take it into herself … but knowing she wasn’t, if they couldn’t make her plan work, she began to wonder what they could do to help.

Blackout and Optimus engaged in a slugfest, each of them pounding the other in the face and knocking them off-balance before they regained their footing and countered.

“Rrraah!” Blackout, shaking things up a bit, grabbed Optimus by the waist and hurled him into the wall, where Optimus slid and fell on the floor, an echo sounding as his body hit the metal.

Blackout lifted his foot up and stomped, specialized generators in his legs allowing him to cause a shockwave throughout the entire floor. Trixie, Starlight, and Optimus were all thrown up in the air. Blackout stomped again and again, sending out wave after wave and juggling the three of them in the air. Starlight’s face turned green. She was pretty she was going to be sick.

This lasted until Optimus whipped out his Hunter weapon and fired, delivering a blow to Blackout’s chest which caused it to crack like an egg, but Blackout remained standing. Blackout reached behind his back, detaching his rotor assembly, repurposing the chopper blades of his vehicle mode as a spinning bladed weapon.

Optimus unsheathed the Star Saber. He charged at Blackout, jamming the Star Saber between the blades of Blackout’s rotors, causing the blades to stop up. The weapon creaked and groaned, attempting to turn anyway despite the mass of metal blocking it - it had evidently no motion sensors to detect for intrusions.

Optimus pressed his sword forward, inching the tip of the blade closer and closer to Blackout’s head.

Blackout roared and lunged forward, pushing back against the Star Saber. Blackout’s and Optimus’s arms were shaking as they pushed back against each other, the Star Saber inching ever towards the air, pushed up by Blackout’s resistance. When the Saber was pointed directly at the ceiling, Blackout was close enough to get in another hit, slugging Optimus in the head and throwing him back.

Not giving Optimus the chance to recover, Blackout unfolded a missile rack from his shoulders and fired, launching a rocket at Optimus. Optimus saw it coming, and though alarmed, ducked while still putting his arm up to brace for impact. The rocket flew by, narrowly missing his shoulder and exploding against the wall. Optimus stood up and growled. Blackout was going to pay for the destruction and desecration of Metroplex’s inner walls.

Optimus pulled back his Hunter weapon, shooting another shattering missile into Blackout’s chest. The cracks spread, and pieces of Blackout began to peel and fall off, but still the Decepticon juggernaut remained on his feet.

Blackout countered with a quake of his own, slamming his foot into the ground. Optimus wobbled from the tremor, but was able to stay upright. He fired another shot into Blackout’s chest from his Hunter gun, pushing Blackout back. Blackout raised his leg up to send out another shockwave, but Optimus was getting tired of the quake duel and rocketed towards Blackout, grabbing him and lifting him up.

Optimus flew up, slamming Blackout into the ceiling. Keeping him pinned, Optimus began to pummel Blackout in the face. Blackout’s head rocked around until he took his claw and grabbed Optimus’ arm, and kicked Optimus in the stomach with a seismic stomp, throwing him off and sending him careening to the ground, the windows in his chest shattering on impact.

Optimus landed on his back, another rattle echoing through the complex. Blackout dropped down from the ceiling, claws bared and ready to strike, his rotor weapon in one hand. Optimus rolled out of the way, causing Blackout’s claw to hit nothing and the blades of his rotor to strike the ground, kicking up sparks.

Blackout and Optimus walked around in circles, sizing each other up for a good advantage. Blackout continued to drag his weapon across the ground, trying to use the sparks it was kicking up for intimidation. Blackout lunged forward and successfully dug the rotors into Optimus’ shoulder, shredding his armor and beginning to cut at the wiring keeping Optimus’ arm connected. Optimus had already suffered losing his arm once already recently, and he was in no hurry to repeat the experience. Reaching down, Optimus pulled out his Hunter weapon and fired it into Blackout’s shoulder, causing Blackout to wince, but he remained standing and retaliated by firing another shoulder rocket, which Optimus ducked to avoid, forcing the rotor blade down and causing another hole to be punched into the wall.

Optimus followed up by shifting into his integrated arm cannon and firing into Blackout’s face, before getting back out the Star Saber and jamming it once again into Blackout’s blades. Blackout again pushed back, but this time, the force they put into pushing each other became so intense it launched both weapons into the air, out of their hands.

They watched as the weapons flew up. Blackout seized the chance, utilizing the distraction to roundhouse Optimus with a seismic stomp, sending him flying into the wall.

Optimus groaned, but pulled himself out and flew towards Blackout. Looking up and taking note of the weapons’ position, he spread his arms out, timing it just so both the Saber and the rotor fell into his hands.

Blackout didn’t care, catching Optimus mid-flight and grabbing him by the head. Dragging Optimus along, Blackout marched up to a wall, which he pounded Optimus’ head into. Blackout took Optimus out and slammed him again, before beginning to apply pressure with his claws, digging his nails into Optimus’ helmet, which began to crack.

“Aaarrgh!” Shouting, Optimus raised up the Star Saber and brought it over, slicing Blackout’s arm. The arm fell to the ground with a clunk, and before Blackout could fully recover from the blow, Optimus, now free, whipped around and stabbed the Star Saber into Blackout’s stomach. Optimus added insult to injury by driving Blackout’s own rotor weapon into the same area. Using the blades as leverage, Optimus lifted Blackout off the ground, spun around, and slammed him into the wall, where Optimus drove the blades in further, up into Blackout’s chest and through his very Spark.

Blackout’s eyes widened in pain. The lights of his optics dimmed. He went limp, his arms becoming slack and dropping.

“I am sorry it had to end this way.”

Optimus yanked the swords out. With nothing to support him, Blackout’s body fell on the ground.

Optimus threw the rotor weapon down with him as one last respectful gesture. He couldn’t use it anyway. Though … Optimus got the distinct feeling had he a mouth to do so, Blackout would have a smile on his face.

Optimus proceeded to the core, where he saw Trixie sweating, panting, and winded. Starlight wasn’t too much better, but it was hard to tell when she was mostly keeping her efforts on not throwing up.

They looked up at him. Realizing this meant he won the fight, they proceeded to scoot out of his way of the core.

Optimus walked up to the core. He opened his chest, revealing the Matrix of Leadership within. Holding his hands up to the Matrix, Optimus unleashed its energies. The room was bathed in a blue light. Hoops and loops of divine energy swam and circled about the room and began to close in on the core. They coalesced, seeping into the core. The blow glow faded.

Nothing happened. The inside of Metroplex remained lined with purple lighting.

“No …” Optimus muttered, despondent. The core was too corrupt; The Dark Energon had taken root, and it would not let go. Perhaps if Optimus could have gotten there sooner, it might have worked, but it was too late now.

“Ha ha ha ha!” Galvatron taunted Optimus through the speaker system.

“Are you surprised, Optimus?” Galvatron asked, his body lining up with Dark Energon glow. “Are you disappointed? The Dark Energon has too strong a hold on your friend. His core is too tainted for your feeble Matrix to work now. Your friend is gone. Under my command now, and mine alone, because I hold Dark Energon with me. The only you could get him back would be take the Dark Energon into yourself, and we both know you would never stoop to that - not the great noble Optimus Prime!”

Optimus clenched his fists. He walked from the core, his head wrought low.


Optimus’ cry echoed through the room as he lost his temper, punching a hole in the nearest wall with his fist. Optimus closed his eyes, needing a second to grieve, to mourn, to just hide his optics and make it all go away, if only for a little while.

When he opened his eyes, Optimus turned to his hand, lodged in the wall. He took it and examined his palm. And he had gotten so upset with Blackout when he put a hole in Metroplex. Some friend he was.

The entirety of Metroplex rocked, making Optimus, Starlight, and Trixie wobble on their feet.

“What was that?” Trixie asked.

“It appeared to be some sort of quake, as if Metroplex was moving.” Optimus said. He looked around. “But Metroplex is not moving, or we would be experiencing the same sensation over again.”

Whatever the occurrence was, it repeated. With his attention more focused on it now, Optimus noticed it felt … off. As if was not Metroplex himself moving, but picking up the vibrations of something akin to Metroplex moving.

“Optimus?” Twilight chirped through Optimus’ comm.

“I am here, Twilight Sparkle. What is it?”

“Smokescreen went and did something to bring the odds closer in our favor and give us an edge. Fortress Maximus is here. You might want to get out of Metroplex.”

“That would explain the rocking … tell the others I am on my way.”

“Time to leave.” Optimus scooped Trixie and Starlight up into his arms. He readied his jetpack and flew out of Metroplex, taking advantage of the holes he had punched into Metroplex’s knee on his way in and deftly making his way out.

Galvatron, watching from the monitors in the cockpit, saw this and got suspicious … and angry. “What is he doing now? Leaving without purifying Metroplex or confronting me… that makes no sense. Stop him!”

“Uh, maybe in a minute, sir.” A Vehicon operator said. “You’re gonna want to take a look at this.”

Galvatron sighed and turned his chair. “What is it?” As stony faced as he’d been most of the time when he wasn’t taunting Optimus, Galvatron’s surprise and alarm was apparent when he saw the black and green form of Fortress Maximus approaching from the Vehicon’s viewscreen.

“I am sorry, my brother.” Fortress Maximus said, rearing up a fist. “But I must do what must be done.”

Metroplex raised his own fist. The two launched at each other, their colossals fists colliding in the air. The ringing, screeching noise of their metal colliding echoed across Cybertron, and could be heard for miles and miles, all the way up into the upper atmosphere, until it got to beyond the atmosphere, where sound failed to carry.

Fortress Maximus launched a barrage of rockets from weapons mounted on his chest and shoulders, shattering one of Metroplex’s windows and causing an explosion on Metroplex’s shoulder. Metroplex let out a groan of pain, Dark Energon dripping down his chin.

“Did I do good, Smokescreen?” Snowdrop asked.

“You’re doing great.” Smokescreen gave her a big thumbs-up.

Metroplex responded in kind with a barrage of his own, shooting rockets and lasers at Fortress Maximus from his shoulder-weapons. Fortress Maximus staggered back, a massive pillar of smoke and fire erupting from his chest when the missile hit.

“Aaah!” Snowdrop closed her eyes and clutched at the control chair as Fortress Maximus began to rock.

Smokescreen grabbed the chair and braced his hand against Snowdrop until the shaking stopped. “You’re still doing great! You’re doing great, okay?”

“Okay …”

Twilight Sparkle watched the two titans duke it out. She cupped her chin, trying to think of a plan. She gazed off to the distance, where the Omega Lock was still visible orbiting near Cybertron’s atmosphere.

“Ah!” Twilight broke into a gallop towards the Omega Lock.

“Twilight?” Rarity asked. “Where you are going?”

“Come on, girls!” Twilight replied. “I have an idea for something that just might help us win this!”

Twilight lead the girls to Omega Supreme, who was idly blasting Technoist rioters in between checking in on how the fight between the titans was going.

“Omega!” Twilight shouted. “I need you to stop what we’re doing and take us to the Omega Lock!”

“Does not compute. I failed to comprehend how this will help us achieve victory.” Omega said. He looked down and kicked aside a Leaper who had been fruitlessly banging on him with its rams.

“Just trust me, okay?” Twilight said.

Omega nodded. “I do, Twilight Sparkle.” Omega Supreme converted into his ship mode. Twilight teleported herself onto a hatch, and helped her friends climb inside from there, grabbing them by the hooves and pulling them up. “Go, go, go!”

Once they were all piled in, Omega took off his, his engines humming, his rockets belching out blue fire as he flew in the direction of the Omega Lock.

The girls looked out from his cockpit. From there, they could still watch the duel between Fortress Maximus and Metroplex.

Fortress Maximus backed away from Metroplex. He reached behind his back, which transformed, splitting open and revealing panels, ejecting a large black pole from inside. Fortress Maximus grabbed the pole and lifted up, pulling it out to reveal it was a humongous black sword with red detailing. Fortress spun the sword around, adjusting it and stretching his wrist. He pointed the sword at Metroplex.

“Did we know Fortress Maximus had a sword?” Fluttershy asked.

“We better hurry.” Twilight said, still looking down at the fight. “If he’s starting to pull out things we don’t know about, he’s probably getting desperate.”

Omega Supreme docked by the side of Omega Lock. Twilight and her friends, changing into their space suits, dismounted, and her friends followed Twilight as she ran towards a pylon.

“What’s the plan, Twilight?” Applejack asked.

Twilight forced open a panel, revealing the Elements of Harmony all jammed inside, stacked carelessly atop each other in a pile. “We use the Elements of Harmony on Metroplex.”

“Oh, are we sure that’s a good idea?” Applejack asked.

“If we’re using the Elements to power the Lock, then removing them will depower it, and then we can’t use the Lock for anything. We couldn’t use it restore Cybertron like it was intended to …” Fluttershy glanced down at the planet.

Twilight Sparkle placed her hoof on the pylon. She took a deep breath, also glancing down at the planet.

“It won’t matter whether or not we can restore it if we don’t stop Metroplex.”

Twilight reached in and took the the Elements out. The pool in the Omega Lock’s ring let a whir before fading away, disappearing into nothingness. One by one, Twilight flung them towards their respective bearer.

“Let’s go!”

The girls galloped back into Omega Supreme, who carried them down the planet where the fight between Metroplex and Fortress Maximus was still going strong.

Fortress Maximus raised his sword up and attempted to bring it down on Metroplex’s shoulder, but Metroplex got a handle on him, literally, as he grabbed Fortress Maximus’ wrist and kept the sword from connecting, their metal groaning and creaking as Fortress tried to push the blade in, and Metroplex pushed back to prevent him from doing so.

Dismounting Omega, the girls rendezvoused with Optimus Prime, who was standing on an upturned sheet of metal, watching the titans duel, unsure what to do.

“Optimus!” Twilight shouted to get his attention. Optimus turned and jumped down from the sheet. “We have the Elements of Harmony. We’re going to try to use them on Metroplex.”

“You are?” Optimus asked. He made an uncertain gesture, rubbing his fingers together before placing his hand on his wrist. His optics lit up. Twilight knew what was going through his head - she made the same expression when she had a brilliant thought. “My little ponies, I have an idea. Follow my lead.” Optimus turned back to the battle, hefting the Star Saber over his shoulder.

“What are we going to do?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“We are going to kill a god.”

“Oh, gee. That sounds like a tall order, Optimus. You want fries with that?”

Everyone, Optimus included, glared at Pinkie Pie.

“What? I’m hungry!”

“Wait for my signal.” Optimus told them. Flexing his wings, he flew up to Metroplex’s face, where Metroplex remained engage in his struggle with Fortress, ignoring Optimus.

“Metroplex!” Optimus shouted. “I must make one last request of you.”

“This again? Don’t you ever get tired of trying the same old thing, Optimus?” Galvatron asked.

Optimus raised the Star Saber up. “Now!”

“That’s our cue, girls. Elements, ready … and fire!” Twilight ordered.

The Elements glowed their signature colors, lifting the girls up into the air with their magic. Their eyes turning blank white with power, their necklaces shot out beams of rainbow-colored light which twirled through the air and around each other, wrapping and intertwining like the banners on a maypole.

The rays of light went straight up into the air, beaming directly into the hilt of Optimus’ Star Saber. The Saber, receiving their blessing and their power, began to hum as its blue glow was replaced by a shifting prismatic hue.

“I ask you now, Metroplex, for the last time, as your leader, as your friend … to end the violence here today once and for all for the good of us all, for the future of all our kind … for peace and harmony throughout the universe …”

Optimus raised the Saber up and swung it through the air, shooting out a massive rainbow-colored crescent beam larger than anything the Star Saber had produced before.


The rainbow beam struck Metroplex clear across the chest, and some of his shoulders, and was enough to make him stagger back, causing the Technoist forces marching behind him to scatter.

Metroplex reeled from the blow, his upper body shaking back and forth. Fortress Maximus’ hand shook as he tried to press the temporary advantage and get his sword in, but Metroplex tightened his grip around Fortress’ wrist and stopped him.

Metroplex paused, holding still. He moved his other hand to Fortress Maximus’ arm, grabbing the hilt of Fortress’ sword. Metroplex pulled on it, prying the sword out of Fortress’ hands and delivering into his own. Twilight and her friends gasped.

Metroplex spun the sword around and adjusted it in his grip until it was where he could swing with it ease.

“Hahahaha!” Galvatron laughed. “Yes! Take the sword, Metroplex, and plunge it straight through Fortress Maximus’s Spark!”

Metroplex did nothing.

Galvatron looked around. “What’s happening? Why is Metroplex not responding to my command?”

“We … we don’t know, sir.” A Vehicon answered him.

“Metroplex!” Galvatron snapped, his body pulsing with Dark Energon. “Obey me! I am your master now!”

Metroplex wrapped both hands around the sword. His visor cleared up of its dark fog, a little sliver of red light showing through the purple which clouded it.

“Metroplex … heeds the call of the Last Prime … one last time.”

Metroplex turned the sword downward, pointing it at himself. He thrust the sword inwards, making to impale himself on it.

Inside, Galvatron’s forces panicked, and they were right to do so. A Vehicon stood up from his chair.


They opened fire on Metroplex’s windows, converting into their jet and insect modes and flying out, scrambling to get away. Desperate to escape before the blade hit, the Vehicons incapable of flight crawled out the shattered windows and began climbing their way down.

Galvatron stood up from his operating chair, sneering and snarling. He watched as the obsidian blade drew closer and closer to Metroplex’s body, facing the approaching sword with nothing but a glower.

Deep inside Fortress Maximus, Steeljaw and his Pack had been rounded up and put into cells which Fortress had in his walls, kept in separate cells so Steeljaw couldn’t pool their resources for another dastardly escape plan.

Steeljaw took notice when his arm began to turn transparent and flicker.

“No.” Steeljaw raised his arm up, his eyes turning into pinpricks. “No. No!” He bashed the buttons on his arm. “Snowdrop, show me the timeline! Snowdrop! Snowdrop!”

“What’s happening, eh?” Thunderhoof asked as the same malady began to affect him, his entire body flickering in and out.

“It’s .. it’s the timeline.” Steeljaw buried his head into his claws. “Twilight Sparkle and her friends did it. They changed the future. They’ve erased our timeline. We’re starting to be erased from the timestream and soon, we’ll fade out of existence.”

“Didn’t they already change the future?” Fracture asked. “Why are we only fading just now?”

“Consider two things; chaos theory … and a non-Cybertronian vehicle.” Steeljaw said. “If you replace one part of the vehicle, it’s effectively still the same vehicle and still reaches the same destination. Replace another part, and it is still the same vehicle with the same destination. But if you keep replacing parts, eventually it will no longer be the same vehicle, and possibly no longer have the same destination. That’s what happened. That’s what happening to us. There have been little changes throughout the timeline here and there, things that don’t ultimately matter too much in the grand scheme of things that the timestream will figure out and sort over, such as Rampage’s untimely death, with the ultimate destination - that of our Decepticon-ruled Cybertron - remaining the same. With the consideration of chaos theory, where action can have untold and unknown consequences our timeline still remained possible, if with … one or two minor changes here and there.”

Steeljaw rocked his head.

“But now … now, Twilight and her friends have reached a tipping point. Now, the course of history has been changed so much, radically altered to the point that our timeline - the time we traveled back from - is no longer possible in any manner, shape, or form. And since the time we traveled back from no longer exist, soon we won’t either! Oh, sure, our present counterparts on the Alchemor will remain, but we, as we are, can no longer be allowed to continue existing in this universe. The stream of time demands our erasure.”

Steeljaw clenched his fists, baring his teeth through his muzzle. “We’ve lost. We’ve lost … arrraagh!” Steeljaw let out a howl of anguish and began slashing at this cell bars. “NO! NO! NO! NO!” Steeljaw kept banging his claws against the doors until they no longer produced sparks, his fading-in-and-out arms finally flickering out of solid matter and staying that way.

Steeljaw shook his head and chuckled. “Well, I’ll be. You did it, Twilight Sparkle. The nerve of you. Jack! JACK! JACK DARBY!”

“Gee, you don’t have to shout.” Jack said, walking into the brig and to Steeljaw’s cell. “What do you want with me … ooh, you’re not looking so good there, big guy. Eat a bowl of intangible soup or something?”

Steeljaw chuckled. “Well, aren’t you charming. But no. We’re … fading from existence. I figured I … ought to let you know that the future’s changed, so you can … tell Twilight Sparkle she’s … done well.” Steeljaw crossed his arms and turned his head.

“Oof. That must have hurt to admit.”

“You have no idea.” Steeljaw grumbled.

“Well, will do.” Jack said, offering Steeljaw a smile and thumbs-up.

Steeljaw grunted, moments before he and his Pack finish fading, blinking out of existence and out of the room.

Jack pulled out his cell phone and dialed. “Twilight? I don’t know if your comm can hear me right now, with all the fighting going on, but Steeljaw told me to let you know that the timeline’s changed. He’s … faded out of existence ... we did it, Twilight. We did it.”

On the other end of the line, though Jack couldn’t hear through the explosive background noise, Twilight let out a relieved sigh.

“Twilight?” Fluttershy asked.

“That was Jack.” Twilight replied. “He was calling me to let me know what happened to Steeljaw. He’s gone now. He’s faded away, and now that horrible future that ‘Johnson’ and Captain Bumblebee came from will never come into existence.”

“Oh, really? That’s wonderful to hear!”

“Tell me about it. I actually saw it, so you can imagine how glad I am it’s gone!”

“Uh, this is nice and all, but we should still be worrying about all the bad guys in the present.” Applejack said, pointing her hoof at the battlefield still raging around them.

“Right.” Twilight scratched herself behind the ear, grinning nervously.

The girls turned their attention back to Metroplex as his body fell backwards.

Optimus watched him fall, lowering the Star Saber, which lost its rainbow glow.

“Farewell, my friend.”

Galvatron smashed his way out of Metroplex, bursting out of an unbroken window in his jet mode and flying straight towards Optimus. “PRIIIIIIIIIME!”
Optimus responded to Galvatron’s challenge with nary more than a slightly tilted brow.

“You want me, Galvatron? … HERE I AM!”

Optimus adopted a fighting stance as Galvatron came towards him, meaning to impale Optimus on the nose of his jet mode.

Optimus flew to the side seconds before Galvatron would have made contact, and grabbed Galvatron’s nosecone. Optimus lifted Galvatron up in the air and twirled him around, spinning circles before tossing Galvatron to the ground, where he spun out of control before crashing into a pile of debris, which collapsed and fell on top of him, burying him.

Optimus lowered himself to the ground, landing in front of Galvatron. He got ready for a fight and braced a fist as Galvatron pushed himself up, struggling and straining against the debris, but succeeding in shaking it off.


Optimus turned to see Spike waddling towards him.

Twilight flew down to join them. “Spike? What are you doing here? It’s not safe!”

“I’m the royal messenger!” Spike answered, pointing a thumb at himself. “It’s what I do. Uh, Celestia has a message for you, Optimus.”

Spike pulled out a holosphere, which floated up and projected a hologram of Celestia.

“Spike, how’d you even get here?” Twilight asked.

“Teleport spell.”

“Ah. Of course …” Twilight glanced to the side. “So obvious …”

“Optimus.” Celestia’s hologram spoke. “A situation has come up on Equestria. A dire foe of mine, a powerful and evil centaur known as Tirek has escaped his prison after a thousand years. How he got out, I do not know, but what I do is this; he is easily among one of the greatest either I or Equestria has ever faced, and without your help, Optimus, and the help of your soldiers, Equestria may not survive.” The hologram looked over its shoulder, as if jumpy.
Its message concluded, the hologram disappeared.

Optimus drew away from the sphere and groaned. “Spike, tell your Princess that I am busy.” Optimus turned back to face Galvatron, but when he did, Galvatron was nowhere to be found, the pile of debris no longer occupied. “Dammit.”

Optimus clutched his forehead crest. “Twilight Sparkle, you and your friends return to Equestria to help Princess Celestia and tend to her needs. I will remain here and search for Galvatron before he is able to recover and make another major move against us. I will scour the planet for him, if need be.”

Twilight saluted.

“Primus be with you.” Optimus said before blasting off into the air.

Twilight chuckled and shook her head, giving Optimus a smile. She wasn’t sure Optimus knew about certain recent conversations of hers. “He already is.”

Twilight Sparkle and her friends hitched a Space Bridge and went to Canterlot, where they met Celestia, Luna, Cadence, and Shining Armor in the throne room. Shining Armor remained awkward and looked away from his sister the entire time.

“What all do we need to know about Tirek, Princess?” Twilight asked Celestia.

“Tirek is from a foreign land. The same one Scorpan was from. They were brothers.” Celestia said. “Tirek had wanted to steal the magic of all Equestrians and claim their power for his own, but Scorpan had a change of heart and helped us stop him before his plan could succeed and he could grow strong. My sister and I use our magic to trap him inside Tartarus. But he’s escaped.”

“We suspect it was when Cerberus left his post some years ago.” Luna said.

“Years? But why wouldn’t have Tirek began making movements before now if he had all that time?”

“We believe it is because he needed to regain what little strength he had, and he kept a low profile to avoid drawing attention to himself during that time.” Luna said. “But now he’s recovered, and he is ready.”

“I almost fell into a trap laid by him and Hydia.” Celestia said. “Thankfully, I was able to detect what was happening and escape before he had the chance to steal my magic. Make no mistake, Twilight Sparkle. If Tirek is able our magic, or enough magic from the ponies of our fair land, it will mean ruin for Equestria and the lands beyond it, possibly the entire planet.”

Twilight looked at the carpet, considering the seriousness of the situation. “What do you want me to do?”

“I want you to do the same as you always do, Twilight Sparkle.” Celestia answered.

“And that is?


Out in the Everfree Forest, Zecora was out gathering herbs, digging her hoof through the dirt in search of hidden treasures. She noticed a figure walking by the trees, wearing a hood.


Zecora followed the hooded stranger to a part of the forest, where she found them reaching out to grab a weed with an eggplant-like stalk at the top.

“Oh hoo! You do not want to touch that, my friend. That is a Phlume root, and it will tear and rend you if you do not handle it wisely.” Zecora said.

“I know what it is.” The figure said, grabbing the root and and lifting it out of the ground, bulb and all.

“Very well.” Zecora said. “Perhaps my warning could have been more timely, but if you are certain, I suppose there’s nothing I could do to deter.”

“Hmm.” The figure turned to Zecora, his yellow eye glowing underneath his hood. “Actually, perhaps there is something you could for me …”

Tirek faced her, pulling off his hood.

“Hold still.”

Tirek unhinged his jaw, and Zecora was caught in his spell. Her eyes widened, and she dug her hooves into the ground as she tried to fight it off. A red aura wrapped around her, pulling a green mist out from her mouth which traveled into Tirek’s jaw

Tirek moaned, gulping down her magic. When he was finished draining her, Zecora fell to her side, her eye glassy and having lost all its color.

“Ugh…” Tirek groaned in disgust, walking past her. “Zebra magic is so weak, especially when they’re alone … but still, I suppose, is it better than nothing.”

Tirek walked along, leaving Zecora lying where she was on the ground.

“Hydia!” Tirek shouted, walking up to Hydia as she watered her castle garden. “I have the Phlume root you asked for.”

Tirek presented Hydia with the flower. Hydia took the root and took a big whiff of its scent.

“Ah! Smells absolutely disgusting, just the way I like it.” Hydia began to stroke the weed, chuckling over it. “Excellent, excellent … Lord Tirek, with this, I declare our deal done. We have no further need of interaction with each other.”

“Finally.” Tirek said. He turned to leave.

“Oh, before you go … I suppose I might as tell you … I hear Canterlot is vacant right now. Apparently they emptied the city of its residents, and the Princesses are alone in their castle. They’re doing some kind of … meditation or ceremony or something which requires they be alone.”

Tirek’s eyes bugged out. He tapped his fingers together, grinning and chuckling. The Princesses, all alone in their castle, just waiting for him to waltz in and suck their magic out of them … it almost sounded too good to be true, but Tirek wasn’t going to risk passing up the opportunity this presented him.

Tirek arrived at Canterlot. It was empty, deserted as Hydia had said. Nopony was out. No lights were on in any home. A tumbleweed passed blew past Tirek’s hoof, prompting a confused look from him. He digressed.

He moved on, going up to the castle.

“Princesses!” Tirek shouted, raising his voice, which echoed across the town. “I demand to see you!”

The Princesses appeared in the window of the castle. Celestia swung the window open, and the three of them flew out from the window, landing in front of Tirek, their hooves shattering the ground.

“Tirek.” Celestia said.

“Princess Celestia.” Tirek said, giving a faux subservient bow.

“What do you want?” Celestia asked.

“It should be obvious what I want.” Tirek said. “I want to rule Equestria with an iron fist!” Tirek clenched his hand.

“Ha.” Luna laughed. “Well, that is not possible. You clearly do not have the necessary qualifications.”

“Ruling Equestria is a lot of work.” Cadence said. “We already have three Princesses just to handle everything. The moon, the sun, not to mention the Crystal Empire. Do you really think you can handle doing everything you need to by yourself?”

“Give it to me, and we will find out.” Tirek said, continuing to tense his fingers.

Celestia sighed. “Some ponies never learn.”

The Princesses spread their wings and took to the sky. Tirek growled, growing agitated when a large, trapezoidal wall of fire appeared behind him, showing the desolate land of Tartarus inside.

“Loose!” Celestia ordered, their horns shimmering. Each Princess fired a spell from their horn. Tirek tensed up, waiting for the perfect moment to strike, and when he saw it, he opened his mouth, sucking their spells in and swallowing them. His body glowed with a red aura, his muscles bulged, and he grew in size, his dull red skin becoming a shade more vibrant.

Celestia growled and conjured a golden hammer with her magic, which she hurled at Tirek. Tirek caught in his hand, snatching by the handle moments before it hit his face, and bit the hammerhead off as if it were a popsicle before tossing the handle into his mouth, gulping the spell and absorbing its magic.

“It’s not working.” Luna said. “We can’t get him into the Tartarus portal when he keeps absorbing our spells like that.”

“Hold!” Celestia announced.

The three of them flew down to the ground, landing in front of Tirek.

“Tirek.” Luna said.

“Lord Tirek.”

“Lord Tirek, we wish to negotiate and discuss the terms of your willing surrender.” Celestia said. “You want our magic, but we will not be so foolish as to continue feeding you. End this stalemate. This will be your only chance to cooperate and come along quietly. I cannot guarantee you will be safe from dire repercussions and painful retribution if you do not take it now.”

“Surrender?” Tirek asked. “Surrender? When you three are powerless to do anything to me for fear of making me grow stronger? This is hardly what I’d call a stalemate! Here are the terms of my surrender!”

Tirek unhinged his jaw. The Princesses were caught by his spell, trails of gold, purple, and blue light travelling from their horns and into his mouth, his skin becoming more and more colorful and his size increasing. They tried to resist, digging their hooves into the dirt to resist as Tirek’s magic pulled them forward.

“TWILIGHT! NOW!” Celestia shouted.

This was enough to startle Tirek and cause him to to stop draining. “Eh?”

Tirek looked up as he heard a whir from the sky. His eyes widened when he saw a blue portal split the sky open. A massive blue pillar of a beam came down from it, blasting the ground around Tirek and the Princesses, It cut a circle around them, tearing through the dirt and blinding Tirek with its intense illumination.

When Tirek could see again, everything around him was dark, though he could still see a little. He looked around, feeling what was around him. His hand touched a metal wall, and his hooves felt metal underneath him.

“A box?” Tirek asked. “You think you can contain me with a metal box? A crate?”

“We do not think.” Luna said, moments before the wall in front of Tirek slid away and revealed her behind it.

They were in an enclosed space with nowhere to go. Tirek grinned and move forward to absorb Luna’s magic, but the wall slid back out, and Tirek felt the floor under him drop like an elevator. Tirek looked up when a panel in the scene moved to let sunlight, showing Celestia looking down at him.

“We know.” Celestia said. Tirek shot a spell at her, a fireball formed between his horns, but the panel slid out to block it. Tirek ducked as the floor underneath him rose up, almost crushing him against the ceiling.

Another wall opened, showing Cadence. “We knew there was a chance we wouldn’t be able to send you back to Tartarus ourselves, so we called Twilight Sparkle for help.”

As Tirek swiped his claw at Cadence, the same process repeated, the walls rearranging to block him and moving the floor around under him.

“She came up with a plan.” Celestia said. “She repowered the Omega Lock, which you might know about if you had shown your face in public more,” Celestia’s taunt caused Tirek to scowl, “and our signal, fired it down at Equestria, creating this shifting maze you’re now in.”

The walls showed Luna.

“It was Twilight Sparkle’s idea to evacuate the citizens for their safety and then lure you here, to us, by passing off a ludicrous notion of us having to meditate for a ceremony.” Luna bragged, smiling. “The transforming, randomizing nature of this maze means you, Tirek, will be unable to escape. Each time you think you make progress, the walls will change, the ceiling will become the floor, and so on.”

“Leaving us free to leave and go deal with Hydia.” Celestia said. “We will come back for you and deliver you to Tartarus properly after we have dealt with her.”

“Don’t go anywhere!” Cadence taunted him.

All the Princesses were hidden from him by panels, and Tirek screamed in rage. He heard the wings of the Princesses flapping as they flew away.

Tirek tapped his fingers together, sighing. With nothing to distract him, he took a deep breath. He chuckled.

“Heh heh heh … you have underestimated me, Princesses,” Tirek said. An orange light formed between his horns. The light fired a concentrated, heated beam out, which began to melt and cut through the metal walls of the labyrinth. Tirek moved the beam around, cutting through all the surfaces.

Outside her castle, Hydia stood by a cauldron, stirring the purple goop inside with her daughters by her side,

“Okay!” Hydia said, taking out her stirring spoon. “Now the Phlume root!”

Draggle tossed the Phlume into the pot.

“Hydia!” Celestia shouted, descending from on high with Luna and Cadence. “I hereby formally accuse of you being a liar and a traitor to the throne of Equestria given your alliance with Tirek, and a manipulator who’s been trying to control strings to come out on top.”

“How do you plead?” Luna asked.

Hydia shrugged. “Guilty as charged!” She waved a hand at them. Celestia and Luna frowned at her arrogance. The purple goop inside the cauldron began to bubble and boil over, spilling out of the pot and growing in size. It grew eyes and mouths, faces which melted together like tortured souls stuck in constant agony from their punishment, its mass growing and growing, smothering the grass and land. Hydia and her daughters hopped into a wooden mast like one from a ship.

Celestia grimaced, disturbed the goop’s many faces, popping their mouths like breathing fish. She fired a beam from her horn and made it cut across the sludge, but her attack had no effect.

Optimus Prime walked through an alleyway, the dim glow of the Star Saber being his only light in the darkness.

Hearing a noise scuffling, Optimus Prime swung around and aimed it his sword’s tip, but whatever scurrying critter it was that made the noise had scurried away by now. Optimus furrowed his brow and moved on, continuing his search by going deeper into the alley.

“Optimus?” Twilight asked through a comm.

“Yes, Twilight Sparkle?”

“Princess Celestia needs your - and our - help to deal with a little problem.”

“Twilight Sparkle, I assigned you with this task. I must remain on Cybertron and find Galvatron.”

“Oh, trust me. You’ll realize how bad the problem and how much we need your help when you see it.”

Optimus found an image being broadcast from his arm. It showed a projection of a massive purple muck spreading through the land.

“This is the Smooze. Hydia made it in a magic cauldron. It’s smothering all the land and local wildlife, absorbing them and sucking them up, trapping them inside.”

Optimus watched the Smooze move and spread, taking a deer into its body. He sighed and buried his head in his hand. “I suppose it cannot be helped … tell Princess Celestia I am on my way.”

“Will do.”

“Autobots! Imperials!” Optimus ordered, changing the link on his comm. “Assemble a squad to search for Galvatron in my absence. I will be going to offer my assistance to our allies on Equestria to deal with problem which has arisen.”

Optimus spread his wings and took off into the air.

In the hallway, Galvatron emerged from the pile of junk he was hiding under and observed Optimus leaving. “Hmph. Am I not good enough for you, Prime? Not worthy of your time? And you were so close, too … it’s a pity your men won’t be able to find me, either. Otherwise I might have a sense of satisfaction.”

Twilight’s friends, the Beast Hunters, Predaking and Grimlock arrived through a Space Bridge on a cliff at Hydia’s continent. They let out a gasp seeing the Smooze as it covered the land. It was one thing to see from a distance, it was another to see it in all its horror up close, with its gasping, hundreds of faces and unrelenting appetite for whatever was in front of it, from grass to animals to rocks and whatever was in its way. Hydia and her daughters rode atop on their mast, singing a jubilant song which contrasted sharply with the horrible image.

“Nothing can stop the Smooze!”
“You can’t win!”
“Just pack it in!”
“Nothing can stop the Smooze!”
“You can’t beat me!” The Smooze boasted.

Predaking grimaced, unnerved by the witches’ jolly singing.

Grimlock cupped his chin. “Predaking?”

“Yes, Grimlock?”

“Do you know what happens when an unstoppable force … meets an immovable object?”

Predaking thought about it. “I do not know, Grimlock. What?”

“Let’s find out.”
Grimlock whipped out his sword. Predaking, getting his meaning, grinned. The two of them jumped off the cliff, diving straight into the Smooze and converting into their beast modes. Landing inside the Smooze with a massive splash and swimming to stay afloat, the two of them let loose their breathes of flame, blasting the Smooze back with the sheer force of the jets of their flame. The Smooze was pushed back and divided into pieces, but the pieces swam around and evaded the fire, meeting up away from the flame’s heat and merging back together with no damage done to their cells.

“Alright, girls.” Twilight said, adjusting the crown of the Element of Magic on her head. “I’ve taken these things in and out of the Omega Lock twice today, and I’m already getting sick of it, let’s make this worth it.”

Twilight’s friends activated the Elements, flying up into the air and shooting their rainbow beam into the air, where it arced down, curving towards the Smooze. The rainbow hit the Smooze dead on, in the center of its mass, but the Smooze was unaffected. It kept roving through the landscape.

Optimus opened his chest, the Matrix glowing furiously inside. He willed the Matrix to fire, shooting out laser beams of the purest blue color at the Smooze. Pieces of the Smooze were flung into the air by the blasts, but when they fell back to earth, they merged back with the Smooze with no difficulty.

“What?” Twilight expressed, confused, while Optimus stubbornly kept firing his Matrix blasts.

“Ooooh hoo hoo hoo!” Hydia applauded, chuckling. “See? We TOLD you, nothing can stop the Smooze! The Phlume Tirek got for us makes it invincible - even to your petty artifacts of light and goodness like the Elements or your petty Retrix!”

Twilight corrected her. “Matrix.”


“It was an unwise move to tell us that, Hydia.” Optimus said. “You should never reveal to your enemies the source of your strength.”

Hydia frowned, realizing Optimus’ point and she made a mistake. “Oopsie. Oh well! No matter. Even with this knowledge, you can’t do anything with it! The Smooze is still unstoppable! Nothing can stop-”

“Yeah, we get it, Nothing stops the Smooze, shut up already.” Rainbow Dash said.

“It’s not like the Phlume is still solid inside the Smooze, so you couldn’t pluck it out!” Draggle said. Hydia and Reeka made cutting motions with their throats, piquing Optimus’ interest.

“Imperials!” Optimus shouted. “Dive into the Smooze! Dig through its mass until you can find the Phlume root and pluck it out from its body!” Twilight saluted, and Predaking and Grimlock jumped into the air, diving straight in. Optimus turned back to the witches. “The sad thing is, if you had not reacted to her statement, Hydia, I might not have thought twice about it, and your victory would still be assured.”

Hydia slammed his fist on the side of her raft.

“Arlight, Hydia. I said I would make you pay when you showed your true colors at my base.”

Twilight flew up to their raft and got behind Draggle, wrapping her legs around Draggle’s neck.

“I can’t think of a better way to do that than to hurt your daughter.”

“No!” Hydia shouted, reaching her hands out. “Please don’t!” Twilight smirked, satisfied to see Hydia lose her cool.

“Twilight …” Cadence said. “You’re not … actually going to hurt her, are you?”

“Mmm, depends on a few things.” Twilight replied.


A pillar of flame rose up, ripping through the Smooze. Grimlock, in robot mode, flew out astride Predaking’s dragon mode, holding up the eggplant-like root in his hand and raising it up.

“I think we’ve that Phlume root!”

“Hey!” The Smooze protested. “I need that!”

Twilight grinned. She pushed Draggle, shoving her into Hydia’s arm.

“Alright girls, let’s try this again and get it right this time.” Twilight flew back to her friends and they activated the Elements again. The Elements shot out their rainbow, which came down on the Smooze.

“Noooooo!” Hydia screeched, scrambling to get out of her raft and do something, but her daughters held her back, keeping her from tipping over.

The rainbow struck the Smooze, and the area where it hit turned into granite. The petrification spread, the Smooze’s faces being locked into their expression as the massive beast was turned, piece by piece, into stone. Hydia’s raft was stuck inside the stone.

Predaking, Optimus, and Grimlock gathered together on top of the Smooze. Nodding to acknowledge each other, they whipped out their swords and brought them down on the Smooze, shattering it into pieces, Optimus’ Star Saber making the biggest impact by splitting a crack a mile wide on his first blow.

“It is just me, or does that Star Saber give you an unfair advantage, Prime?”

“Grimlock, it is not a contest.”

“Sure it is.”

“Hmph. If that’s the case …” Predaking lit his blade on fire and struck the Smooze again. They repeated this process until the entire structure shattered and fell apart, humongus boulders of stone falling and rolling around the place, the wildlife the Smooze had consumed thankfully unharmed inside, and eager to make their escape from their stony prison when the destruction gave them an opening.

Hydia’s raft timbered over and fell on the ground, dumping Hydia and her daughters down on the grass. “Oof!”

Hydia got to her feet, only to be met with the sight of Optimus and the other Autobots, Twilight’s friends, and the Princesses looking down at her.

“Thank you, Optimus Prime.” Celestia walked up to Hydia. “I think we can handle this from here. You, Hydia, are going to have to answer for your crimes.”

“And rest assured, you will be answering for them for a long time.” Luna said. “Giving aid to Tirek cannot be forgiven.”

“You’ll look nice decorating Canterlot’s dungeons.” Cadence said. “We hardly ever get the chance to use them.”

“Oooh …” Hydia’s family let out a collective groan at their defeat.

Optimus Prime walked away from the scene. Twilight Sparkle grew curious and followed him.

Optimus tapped his finger to his comm. “This is Optimus Prime to our forces on Cybertron. Report. Have you been able to locate Galvatron?”

“No, sir.” Drift answered. “We’ve been looking for him thoroughly, but he’s almost as if he’s nowhere to be found.”

“I understand. Keep looking. He is bound to turn up eventually. An ego like his will not able to hide for a sustained period. Optimus out.”

Optimus took his finger off the comm and looked down to Twilight.

“Well, Twilight Sparkle, given that we cannot locate Galvatron, all of Equestria’s villains are accounted for the time being, and we have the Artifacts of the Primes …” Optimus held up the Star Saber.” What say you that we put them together and use them to locate the AllSpark and restore Cybertron, as it was intended to be healed? No Changeling Batteries. No shortcuts.”

“Sounds good to me, Optimus.”

Optimus reached behind him and pulled out the Forge of Solus Prime. The two weapons reacting to the presence of the other, the Forge’s gears whirring and the Saber warbling - almost with excitement, but it was a sword - Optimus touched the two together. Together, they produced a blue screen which showed a map of the cosmos.

“Well?” Twilight asked. “Is that it? Do we need to go get the other Artifacts we salvaged to complete the map?”

“That is it, Twilight Sparkle.” Optimus said. “This reveals to the location of the AllSpark. Theta-Scorpii. It is an unstable region of space, prone to odd, bizarre, random … and beautiful occurrences. Asteroids, solar flares, coronas, random magnetic fluctuations, and even a black hole has been known to form there, only to disappear.”

“So, kinda like the Bermuda Triangle on Earth?” Rainbow Dash asked, joining Optimus and Twilight with the other bearers. “But in space.”

“Something like that, yes,” Optimus said. “We will need Omega Supreme. As a precaution, we will need to brace him with additional padding for the trek.”

“Extra padding for huge bulky Omega Supreme? Eesh. That doesn’t sound like fun.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Few necessary things are fun, Rainbow Dash.” Optimus said. “That goes doubly so when it comes to trying to save a planet.”

“Hmph. The humans could learn a thing or two about that.” Twilight said.

“Perhaps,” Optimus said, “but instead of discussing the flaws of others, we should get moving.”

Omega Supreme was briefed on the mission, given the additional padding to his hull in ship mode, and boarded by Optimus and Twilight’s teams.

Taking off Cybertron and leaving the conflict there behind, Omega Supreme flew towards the destination given to him of Theta-Scorpii. Reaching the location occurred without incident, save for a comet which passed them by. Going through the location was going to be another challenge, as a stream of comets were flying by. They would be mistaken as a harmless meteor shower to anyone viewing them from the atmosphere of a planet, but up close, they were dangerous rocks the size of houses.

“Do you see the AllSpark, Omega?” Optimus asked, sitting in the captain’s chair.

“Scanning … AllSpark detected, Optimus Prime.” Omega’s viewscreen focused on an area, zooming in to show the AllSpark - a blue cube set in an incredibly ornate and intricate chalice, with braces circling the sides of it and prongs forming a stand underneath it. Unfortunately, it was far behind the passing asteroid storm.

“We can’t get through there.” Twilight said. “There’s too many comets. We’ll never make it.”

“The life of one is less important the restoration of our planet.” Omega said.

“Omega, you’re not…?” Fluttershy asked.

“Hold onto something!” Optimus shouted as Omega began to accelerate forward. Twilight’s friends grunted, holding onto their seats as Omega Supreme pushed his way through the asteroid swarm, breaking through a comet and shattering it in half before another smashed into the top part of his hull. The comet dinged and scraped, scratching him up, breaking through and breaking off the extra padding he’d been given, sending it to drift aimlessly in space.

“I almost have it.” Omega Supreme announced, his passengers shaking as he collided with a large comet.

“Omega Supreme…” Twilight said. “I’m not sure you can make it through all this!”

Omega shut Twilight up by placing a tractor beam on the AllSpark, a yellow cone of light pulling the container in.

“Whoo!” Everyone inside cheered. Optimus stood up from his chair, fists pumped in anticipation.

“AllSpark retrieved.” Omega said.

“Wonderful.” Arcee said. “Now let’s blow this joint and go home.”

Omega Supreme turned himself around, everyone inside swinging around in their seats as he did, and he blasted off back towards the direction of Omega Supreme, pushing his way through the comets.

They got within visual range of Cybertron, the Omega Lock still orbiting around the planet. Twilight wore a smile on her face, but it went away when she saw Optimus leave the room.

“Where are you going?”

“It is imperative that we get the AllSpark to the core of Cybertron as fast as possible.” Optimus answered, resting his hand on a letter, the AllSpark curled up in his arm. “Omega Supreme will not fit into the core’s chamber. I know the way. I will fly down to the planet myself and make a straight course from the planet’s orbit to its center.”

Twilight nodded and saluted. “I understand. Good luck, and Primus be with you.”

“In a way …” Optimus held the AllSpark up. “He is.”

Optimus crawled up a hatch. Emerging on top of Omega Supreme’s hull, Optimus climbed to his feet. He took in the view of Cybertron before spreading his wings and rocketing towards it, his engines whistling.

“Yeah! Woo!” The ponies cheered him on.

“Go Optimus.” Bulkhead said, Arcee and Bumblebee smiling.

They watched Optimus fly towards the planet. They were all shocked and jumped out of their seats when a white blue came flying in from thin air and struck Optimus, tackling him off-course and throwing him aside.

Optimus, clutching onto the AllSpark, found himself met with the hate-filled eyes of Nova Prime’s visage.

“Did I not kill you already?”

“You know what they say about we Primes, Optimus -- we’re like roaches!”

With that, Nova backed away from Optimus and kicked him in the stomach, causing him to drift. Optimus looked down at his arms, his first concern being the Omega Lack, which was still intact after Nova’s kick.

Twilight got in her spacesuit and went out onto Omega’s hull. “OPTIMUS!”

Optimus looked at her. He lifted the AllSpark up, pushed it aside, and twirled over before kicking it, launching it towards her.

“Get the AllSpark to the core!” Optimus said.

Twilight grabbed the AllSpark with her magic. “But what about you?”

“I will be fine!” Optimus said.

“But -”

“GO! That’s an order, Twilight Sparkle!”

Twilight fell silent. Summoning her courage, she gave a salute and a nod before heading back into the ship.

“Make course for Cybertron.” Twilight ordered.

“But what about Optimus?” Applejack asked.

“He and I already had that conversation. Go.”

With some reluctance, Omega Supreme flew towards Cybertron, passing Optimus and Nova. Nova got behind Optimus and wrapped his arms around Optimus’ midsection, lifting him up and hurling him. It sent Optimus spinning through the ‘air,’ but it was a much less effective move than it would have been if they were fighting somewhere with gravity and solid surfaces.

Nova created a sphere of dark energy in his palm, which he flung at Optimus, hitting him in the back and making him arch. Optimus let out a pained groan.

Twilight, inside the ship, looked down and away.

Galvatron climbed atop some rubble and addressed the Technoist/Decepticon forces.

“Decepticons!” Galvatron shouted. “The Autobots are returning to Cybertron with the AllSpark! We cannot allow this to happen! If they bring it to Cybertron’s core and restore, they will be hailed as heroes and saviors! Public opinion among the outsiders will turn further against us! For the good of the Decepticon cause, we must take the AllSpark from them, and we must be the ones to restore Cybertron!”

“Are you kidding?” A Vehicon General asked, putting away his arm-cannon. “I’ve had enough of this. We’re not gonna win. We’re never gonna win. If we would have won, we’d have won by now! Slag this. I’m going to go find a bunker and hunker down until this all blows over. Maybe if I’m lucky, I can go to Optimus, and get on my knees and beg for community service as my only punishment.”

The Vehicon walked off.

“Yeah.” An Insecticon said. “This was fun, at first, and it seemed like we might have had a shot at winning, but with no Metroplex, and the fact we kept losing, and they still have Fortress Maximus … fun’s over. This is getting too much. I’m out.”

“Yeah, me too.” A Leaper said.

“Me too.”

“Count me in!”

“Wait for me!”

A number of Decepticons left the area, walking away.

Galvatron scowled and growled. “Does anyone wish to leave? If so, I suggest you do so now - further desertions will not be tolerated.”

A trio of Vehicons looked uncertain, glancing at each other, but they converted into jet and helicopter modes and flew away. Another Insecticon and Leaper joined them.

“Anyone else?” Galvaton asked with growing exasperation.

“No way!”

“We’re with you, Galvatron!”

“Decepticons Forever!”

“Excellent.” Galvatron said. “As I was saying, we cannot allow the Autobots to be the ones with the honor of restoring Cybertron! That honor should belong to the Decepticons’ alone. If they pull it off, Cybertron will never truly belong to the Decepticons! Not to mention, it will threaten my master …”

“Your master?” A tank Vehicon asked. “Unicron?”

Galvatron chuckled. “I can see why you would think that, but no. Besides … there are lots of things besides healing Cybertron we could with the AllSpark if we were the ones in possession of it.”


“Let’s go and git ‘em!”

“Decepticons Forever!” Was chanted through the ranks, Galvatron’s soldiers pumping their fists. Galvatron pointed them to the east, and they marched, shouted an abbreviated version of their chant. “Decepticons! Decepticons! Decepticons!”

Omega Supreme docked, and the Autobots began climbing out.

“Okay.” Twilight said, levitating the AllSpark with her magic, Bulkhead and Arcee following her out with their weapons primed. “We just need to get this to the core of Cybertron, and virtually all of our problems will be solved.”

“Including undead Nova Prime?” Arcee asked, skeptical.

“I said virtually.” Twilight said. “But it should take care of any remaining Changeling Batteries, and it’ll rob most of the Technoists of their fighting spirit.

A shot was fired which struck the side of Omega’s hull, narrowly missing Twilight and the AllSpark.

“DECEPTICONS!” Galvatron shouted, his weapon smoking as he stood atop rubble. “CHARGE! WE CANNOT ALLOW THEM TO PASS! THIS WILL BE OUR LAST STAND!”

“Didn’t we already do the big, very-definite final all-out battle sequence already?” Applejack asked.

“And they don’t even have a Titan with them this time! Some bots never learn. That, or Galvatron just has a selective memory.” Twilight said. She tapped her comm. “Smokescreen? Could you track my current position and have Snowdrop bring Fortress Maximus over here and have him blow these slagging Technoists away?”

“Sure thing, Twilight. Will do.”

“Okay.” Twilight said. “Let’s move. Remember, our first priority is getting the AllSpark to the core. Everything else is secondary.”

Decepticons and Technoists stormed the field, opening fire, raining lasers down on Omega Supreme, converting into tank modes and firing shells and mortars. Arcee, Bulkhead and Bumblebee returned fire while trying to get to cover. Omega Supreme transformed into robot mode and fired off a massive shot, but fell on his knee, still recovering from the comet storm he had pushed himself through.

“Twilight!” Arcee snapped, pulling the string on her Echohawk. “Get to the core! We’ll cover you!”

Twilight saluted and galloped off. Carrying the AllSpark with her, she naturally becoming the target and focus of all Technoist laser fire. She dodged one laser which almost tripped her hooves, and froze and cast a force field up to defend herself from another. When she saw her chance, she dismissed the shield and kept moving.

Arcee fired a shaft from her bow to the side of Twilight, causing an explosion which gave Twilight some cover.

Twilight kept moving, coming up on a trench where a thin trail of Energon ran through. Twilight suspected it might have been a full-fledged Energon river when this area had seen better days.

She moved one hoof forward, easing her way into the trench. An explosion rocked behind her, throwing her off balance and tumbling into the trench, rolling around with her hooves splaying out.

“Waaa-oof!” Twilight groaned as she came to a rest. She got up and rubbed her head, groaning. She gasped when she saw the AllSpark roll up to next to her. The blast had damaged, giving it a crack at the top. Blue-colored ancient Cybertronian characters were leaking out of the crack of the AllSpark, flying up into the air and dissipating. “Oh no!”

“Twilight Sparkle!”

Twilight turned around and was quite surprised at who she saw. “Megatronus?”

Megatronus nodded. He glanced towards the fractured AllSpark. “This is the moment we have been preparing for, Twilight Sparkle.”

“You knew this was going to happen?”

“We knew something like this was a possibility, yes.’ Megatron emphasized. “A possibility which we took every step we could to prepare for. That is where you come in, Twilight Sparkle. This is why we needed you. Having been possessed by Unicron, you have experience with having the essence of a god of Cybertron inside you. Do it, Twilight Sparkle. Take the AllSpark into you. Absorb into your body, so that you may carry it safely to the core.”

Twilight grimaced and stepped back, unsure about the idea, especially when it was being compared to being possessed by Unicron as a point of reference - it was an unpleasant experience, and not one Twilight was eager to repeat.

“Do it!” Megatronus snapped. “It is the only way! Or would you rather let the AllSpark’s energy leak out and be lost to the air? Nice as it would be if it did, it will not simply disperse itself over Cybertron like this! It must be contained”

Twilight took in a deep breath. She steeled her resolve, and hardened her expression. “Okay.”

Twilight turned to the AllSpark’s damaged container. Her horn glowing, she cast out a thin tendril which looped and curved through the air, touching the AllSpark and reaching inside its box.

The Cybertronian characters began to congelate and gather around Twilight’s magic fishing line. The AllSpark’s energy traveled up the line, going straight into her horn. Twilight absorbed the first few shocks of energy without much problem, only jerking a bit the first few times.

“Well, that wasn’t so bad.”

The energy continued to flow, pumping into her horn. Twilight grimaced and jerked, her eyes being consumed with the glow of the AllSpark, Cybertronix flashing in random patterns across her eyes.

“It - It’s too much! I can’t - I can’t possibly do this! I can’t … think.”

Twilight sat on her haunches and went limp , the code continued to flash and swim in her eyes.

“It’s … beautiful. So much … knowledge. It’s... it's... 0001 1110 011- 00011 00111 0111.”

Twilight sat there and let the energy flow into her. Her horn produced a white sphere, which grew and engulfed her and the AllSpark’s box in its all-consuming light before exploding, covering the whole area with its brightness.

Bulkhead and the other Autobots noticed.

“What was that?”

Nova Prime prepared another dark bolt in his hand and flung at Optimus, hitting him square in the back again.

“Urrgh …”

Optimus groaned and rolled himself around, turning to face Nova. He pulled out the Star Saber and the Forge, and crossed the two together.

Nova scoffed.

Optimus charged forward, the jets on his back spewing massive blue flames, and rammed into Nova. Optimus charged them down towards Cybertron’s surface, the two of them turning red as fire engulfed them during orbital entry.

Nova struggled and grappled, grabbing at Optimus’ face. Optimus didn’t let himself be deterred by the fingers covering his vision, and pressed forward.

Steering himself up, Optimus continued accelerating forward, throwing himself and Nova Prime through the walls of a skyscraper. Nova Prime was thrown off and sent flying backwards in the air.

The Saber and Forge glowing in his hands, Optimus swung both weapons in a cross formation, sending out a blue crescent beam and a golden crescent beam which made an ‘x’ as they met up and propelled forward, tearing an x-shaped hole into Nova, crushing his chest, cutting it into quarters, and severing his arms. Nova was thrown out the other side of the building and sent crashing to the ground. Optimus peeked his head over the hole and watched as Nova’s body hit bottom and shattered into pieces on impact.

“One would hope that would take care of him.” Optimus murmured to himself, pessimistic about his prospects. If Nova could survive being cut in half by the Star Saber, Optimus was doubtful simply adding the Forge onto that would be enough to truly vanquish him.

Optimus heard a roaring, distracting him. He investigated the source.

Bulkhead saw the same thing. “What … is that?”

Off in the distance, a massive horse was rearing up and whinnying, bucking up and down all over the place. The size of Omega Supreme, it had the build of a Princess, with large wings and slender legs, a pointed horn and graceful neck and mane, made up out of the floating symbols which adorned and marked the presence of the AllSpark, its body made transparent as the AllSpark source code flashed in random patterns, blinking in and out and moving up and down and around. If they focused, they could see a very faint view of Twilight Sparkle inside the beast’s core, right around where its heart would be, a stream of data flying up from the tip of her horn, AllSpark binary in her eyes.

“Is that Twilight?”

“If I had to guess,” Ultra Magnus said, I'd say the AllSpark broke, and to keep it safe, Twilight's taken the AllSpark into herself and is being overwhelmed by its power. You know, it's just kind of the way the things have been going today."

"The Primes did contact us in our dreams for our help…” Rarity said. “This was probably why. They realize something like this was going to happen."

"What do we call her, huh?” Smokescreen asked, joining the group. “AllSparkicorn? ... Twilight AllSparkle?"

“Okay,” Ultra Magnus said, “ One, when you did you get here? Two, that name is terrible. Three, where’s Fort Max? Four, we need to move out and deal with this, and five, that name is terrible.”

“He’s running behind me. I went ahead.”

“Couldn’t he just use the Space Bridge and teleport over here?”

“You’d think, but that fight with Metroplex really took a lot of him.”

“Autobots!” Optimus shouted, flying up to the Data Princess. “Clear the way!”

“Clear the way for what?” Ultra Magnus asked.

Optimus positioned himself on the Data Princess’ head and wrapped his hands around her horn, using it as leverage to steer her where he wanted her to go. “I will guide Twilight Sparkle to the core!”

“What, are you kidding me? Really? This is what we’re doing?”

“I know the way, Ultra Magnus! This is not open for discussion. I require your assistance!”

Ultra Magnus sighed and buried his head into his hands. He brought his hands down across his face and took a breath. “Okay. Autobots! Roll out! We need to clear the way for Optimus and ... Twilight ... AllSparkle.”

“See?” Smokescreen said. “I come up with the best nicknames.

Ultra Magnus Magnus lifted Smokescreen up by the head. “MOVE IT, SOLDIER!" Magnus tossed Smokescreen into the dried river trench before jumping down himself.

Magnum and Crosshairs searched around. Finding a crashed dropship, they pried the open the hatch and went inside.

“Will it still fly?” Magnum asked.

“I can make anything fly.” Crosshairs flipped through some switches, and lights hummed as they turned on. “But yes, it’ll fly.”

“Optimus,” Magnum contacted him, “we’re going to lay down some cover fire for you.”

“Much appreciated Magnum.”

“Man the turret.” Crosshairs ordered as the dropship achieved lift-off.

“I outrank you, soldier.”

“Yeah, well, I’m flying.” Crosshairs replied, and Magnum, though grumbling, took hold of the turret controls.

Optimus steered the Data Princess down the trench, the wild horse galloping through the dry river with quake-inducing hooves.

The Technoists got wind of what Optimus was trying to do, seeing the Data Princess coming, and began lining themselves along the inside and the outside edges of the trench, spacing themselves out and lining up their shots.

“Hold your ground! Do not allow them to pass!” A Tank Vehicon General ordered. “OPEN FIRE!”

The Technoists let loose with a barrage of red, orange and blue lasers, sniping at the Data Princess, taking potshots at potential weak points, such as her ankles, her chest and the tip of her horn. The Princess let out a distressed whinny, dismayed at all the blaster fire she was taking.

“Autobots …” Optimus said. “We are in need of backup.”

“Hang in there. We’re on it, hold your horses, Prime.” Crosshairs said. “Pun may or may not be intentional. I’ll never tell.”

Crosshairs piloted the dropship to go ahead of the Data Princess, with a clear view of the Technoist littering the trench.

“Got a clear shot?” Crosshairs asked. “Or do you need to me to bank some more?”

“Oh yes, I have a very clear shot. Good job, Crosshairs.” Magnum pulled on the dual triggers of the turret, and chainguns deployed from beloew the dropshop, firing off a steady stream of bullet rounds at the Technoist, blowing the Technoists away, knocking them onto their backs with smoking and sizzling craters in their chest.

“Bank right!” Magnum shouted. Crosshairs and him wobbled as the dropship was turned over. Magnum fired more rounds. “Left!” More rounds. “Right!” More rounds. And so on, until Optimus and the Data Princess’ path were cleared of Technoists troopers.

With the road now clear before them, Optimus straddled his legs around the Data Princess’ neck, tightening his grip on her horn and pointing her head down. “Forward!”

The Data Princess let out a protesting whinny, but galloped in the direction Optimus wanted of her. At the end of the trench, they arrived at the entrance to a tunnel which the Data Princess entered without stopping, like a speeding bullet, or a train. Her wings began to shear off the structure inside, but Optimus was more concerned with getting to their destination than any collateral damage to the walls.

“Come on … just a bit further …” Optimus murmured.

They continued on, the walls dimming, before reaching an area cast in a sickly green hue by the Changeling-powered lights running through it. Galvatron’s sabotage hadn’t gotten here yet, it would seem .

Optimus’ optics went wide when he saw their end goal, the final goal post before them - the Core of Cybertron, a massive spherical machine with a green light glowing faintly inside. It let out a mechanical hiss of steam which sounded more like a sick old man gasping for breath than any machine Optimus had ever heard.

Optimus tightened himself around his steed’s neck for the last stretch. The Data Princess continued on, marching ever forward, letting nothing stand in her way to stop her. She smashed into the Core. The instant the tip of her horn so much as grazed the light inside, Optimus was thrown off by a flash of light, being flung into a wall.

“Ooogh …”

The Data Princess was frozen still, shivering and shuddering as she disappeared into the core, her data being absorbed and sucked up inside of it. The green light died out, and was replaced by a brighter blue one, which grew in size and brightness until the entire room was almost white. The blue light spread out from the Core, replacing the green power lines and power chords Optimus and Twilight had passed on their way in.

The blue lights continued spreading outward, reaching out from the Core, destroying and replace any Changeling influence - or any other influence - wherever it encountered. The river outside began to fill up with bright, healthy premium liquid Energon. In a matter of minutes, all of Cybertron was enveloped in the blue glow, which make the planet light up like a Christmas ornament when viewed from space.

All across the planets, the restraints holding the Changelings trapped were broken and shattered as the Core severed the connection between itself and the Batteries. The Changelings buzzed and hissed, happy to be free, and flew off to rejoin their sisters.

Twilight Sparkle groaned, lying on the floor. She looked around and saw Optimus lying against the wall.

“Oh … um … sorry about that, Optimus. Are you okay?”

“I am unharmed. You were cognizant and aware of what was happening while the AllSpark was in you?” Optimus walked over to her.

“A little.” Twilight said. “It’s … blurry, but I can sort of make it out.”

“Twilight Sparkle!” A boisterous voice boomed, so loud it threw Twilight sliding across the floor. Optimus reached down and stopped her with his hand. The Core flashed as it spoke, and it projected a light. Sparkles flew around inside the light, dancing in the air before coming together in a rough humanoid shape. The shape emitted a blinding flash, and when it cleared, Primus was standing before them in his fully-repaired body.

It retained the same blue glow as the Core and the AllSpark, but with a faint silver outline making his features easier to see. His body was constructed much like Optimus and Nova’s, with a faceplate, antennae, a headcrest, grating in his legs and windows in his chest, differed by the crown-like shape of his forehead, and the large silver swan-like wing mechanicals wings hanging from his shoulders.

“You have done well, Twilight Sparkle.” Primus said. “Extraordinarily well. Thanks to you, and the efforts of you and your friends, I am whole again, complete once more. Cybertron is fully healed, able to produce Energon and support all the biomechancial life which inhabits its surface with no difficulty. The future where I cannot see and the Decepticons and Technoist rule Cybertron will now never come to pass. And it is all thanks to you.”


“And you two, of course, Optimus Prime, my disciple.”

Optimus Prime bowed, humbled to be acknowledged by Primus himself. “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

“Please, Optimus, we’re all friends.” Primus said. “There is no need for such formalities. I have one thing I’d like to say. Twilight Sparkle, are you familiar with multiverse theory?”

“I am.”

“Well, trust me when I say I can see into multiple different universes, each of them featuring you going on different, parallel paths … and I can safely say that the you of this universe are among one of the greatest of them.”

Twilight Sparkle got stars in her eyes. “Really?”

“Yes! … Well, except for in this one universe where -”

“Yeah, yeah, okay, don’t spoil the mood. You’re ruining my big moment.” Twilight covered her mouth when she realized she had just taken such a casual, flippant tone with a living god. “Um, is is alright if I talk to you that way? You’re not gonna like, smite me or anything?”

Primus gave a jolly laugh. “Ha ha ha! No. You’re entitled to say what you’re feeling. You are free to be casual with me, Twilight. Both of you are. Truth be told, I wish some people (cough, Megatronus, Micronus, cough) would do it more often. It gets tiring when everyone thinks they have to be all business with you, all the time just because you happen to be a god. A sentiment I’m sure Celestia can sympathize with.”

Twilight gave a smile.

“Now, why don’t we head out and unite our fractured Cybertronian brethren?” Primus asked.

Chrysalis watched and smiled as Changelings began pouring and buzzing to her hidden hive. “So, it would seem Galvatron kept his word after all!”

Her smile faded when she heard a hoof step in, sloshing through the muck on the ground.

“Who are you?” Chrysalis asked. It did not appear to be a pony, or a human.

“I am Lord Tirek.” Tirek said, bowing. “I saw your minions flying here and became intrigued. I followed them,”

“How do you get here?”

“I escaped from the box the Princesses tried to put me in on Equestria, and I was able to … convince a, what’s it called, Space Bridge technician to bring me to Cybertron … shortly before draining him of his magic.”

“Ha!” Chrysalis laughed. “Well, I don’t know what you think we have for you here, but whatever it is you’re offering, we’re not interested. My Changelings and I, with our magic, will be able to conquer Equestria by ourselves.”

“Oh, really?”

“Yes. First, we’ll infiltrate their government … then we’ll impersonate the Cybertronians and start sowing seeds of distrust, and propose they be banned. We’ll grow and nurture the conflict until the Cybertronians are forced to leave, leaving Equestria defenseless!” Chrysalis raised her hooves in the air, unaware of Tirek sneaking up behind her. She blanched, feeling a dark and heavy presence behind her.

“Changeling magic, you say? Don’t mind if I do.” Tirek unhinged his jaw. Chrysalis let out a gasp when her magic went out from her horn and into Tirek’s maw. Her Changelings were caught up in his spell, too, hundreds of green trails of misty vapor flying into Tirek’s mouth.

Tirek’s body increased in size, his muscles bulging on as he put on more bulk. His horns grew larger and curved inward before going out again, and his skin became a lively, fresh shade of red. Chrysalis’ limp body fell onto its side, buried half deep in green liquid, and Changelings dropped from the ceiling likes flies.

Optimus, Primus, and Twilight emerged from the tunnel, wading through the Energon river. Twilight flew above their heads to keep from swimming.

They had just succeeded in their goal and were abuzz with good feelings, so was it a most unwelcome check back to reality when the first thing they saw upon emerging was a massive plasma burst rip through Magnum’s dropship and sent it hurtling towards the earth.

“MAGNUM!” Ultra Magnus shouted. He whipped out his boomstick and took out the offending Vehicon with a headshot, shooting the Decepticons adjacent to him in the head for good measure.

Magnum’s ship crashed, and it did not crash well. The ship skidded along the ground, friction sparks flying off. The entire front half of the ship was crunched in, crushed, and crumpled up. When it finally came to a stop, Crosshairs was dangling out the side of the front, and Magnum was splayed across the top, enmeshed with the ship’s internal wirings with a sizzling smoking hole in his chest, the metal still orange and hot. The Autobots and ponies surrounded the ship on either side.

Optimus and Ultra Magnus went up to the sides of Magnum.

“Cousin Magnum …” Optimus took Magnum’s hand.

Magnum wheezed and coughed before opening his eyes, glancing up at Optimus. “Orion Pax … Ultra Magnus ... “

“What do you need, buddy?” Ultra Magnus took Magnum’s other hand, curling his fingers around it. “Just tell me what is it and I’ll get for you, Magnum.”

“I don’t think I need anything, solider.” Magnum shook his head and focused his gaze at the sky. “Just a nice quiet view of the sky is enough for this soldier. You know… everything I did, I did it to try and get out of you guys’ shadow. To make a name for myself. To distinguish myself. Becoming a soldier… enlisting in the Elite Guard, rising in the ranks to become its commander … all so that I could make the most of myself. So I could be more than just a poor man’s Ultra Magnus. Heh.” Magnum coughed. “So I could be … myself, instead of living with always being compared to you.”

“Crosshairs …” Drift walked up and took Crosshairs.

“Aw, what the hell.” Crosshairs said, his voice breaking up. He might even got a bit teary-eyed, but he would have denied it. “I’ve been a selfish jerk for almost all my life … to make the ultimate sacrifice … feels nice to give something for a change, especially something so … big.”

“Crosshairs …” Drift shed an oil tear. “Please. Don’t go.”

“Heh …” Magnum smiled and chuckled, closing his optics. He rested his head back. “Looks I found a way to distinguish myself … after all.”

Magnum’s hands lost their tension and fell out of Optimus’ and Ultra Magnus’ grip as his Spark expired. Crosshairs did not tarry long behind.

“Sleep gentle, sweet soldier. You’ve earned it.” Optimus said.


“AAAAAAH!” Ultra Magnus readied his gun and began pumping lead into every single slaggin’ Technoist he could lay his eyes on, screaming in fury all the while.

While Magnus went on his rampage for revenge, Primus walked up and reached a hand towards Magnum.

“You know, I am a god. I could-”

“No.” Optimus raised his hand out, looking at Magnum’s body, which still had a smile on its face. “Something tells me he … he would want it this way.”

Elsewhere, Starscream and Shockwave observed the battlefield, Starscream growing nervous when he heard but couldn’t see from his position the distinctive sound of Ultra Magnus’s weapon going off.

“This isn’t going well.” Starscream said. “We’ve lost Bludgeon. We’ve lost Thunderwing. The Terrorcon Metroplex idea of theirs didn’t work out. We should consider a tactical withdrawal.”

“For once, Starscream, I find myself agreeing with your suggestion. Is it most logical.” Shockwave said. He and Starscream turned around.


Grimlock shouted at them, accompanied by Predaking.

“Aww, leaving the party so soon?” Grimlock asked. “Why don’t you stay awhile? Kick back, relax … chew some metal … after I force-feed it down your throat.”

Shockwave raised his arm-cannon, but Starscream grabbed it and pulled it down. “No.” Starscream said. “He’s not worth it. We must retreat.”

“You are, once again, correct, Starscream.” Shockwave said.

“Grimlock …” Predaking placed a hand on Grimlock’s shoulder. “Perhaps we should let them go. There’ll be more chances to apprehend them.”

“No.” Grimlock shook Predaking’s hand off. “No, no. I have missed enough opportunities to get revenge on Shockwave already. I’m not waiting for one more. I’m tired of waiting. Hey! Oh, come on, One-Eye! Turn around and give us a little action, a little show.”

Shockwave sighed. “Grimlock, your childish taunts will no nothing to deter me from my current course of act-shnn!” Shockwave stumbled when a piece of metal him in the back of the head, thrown by Grimlock.

Shockwave turned around and aimed his weapon again, but Starscream talked him down. “Shockwave, don’t. Think logically.”

“You are … correct, Starscream. Let us proceed.”

Shockwave and Starscream continued on.

“No.” Grimlock said, scooping up a pile of scrap metal, crunching into a ball with his hands. “I’m afraid you’re not getting away that easy.” Grimlock bounced the ball in his hand before tossing it at the back of Shockwave’s head, making him stumble and growl.

“Hey, what about this?” Grimlock picked up a piece of sheet metal and flung into Shockwave’s back.

“Ooh … this ought to do nicely.” Finding a fallen pylon of some kind, Grimlock hefted it up over his head. He tossed it at Shockwave and Starscream, knocking them over. The pylon shattered and crumbled into pieces, burying Shockwave and Starscream under rubble.

Shockwave, having had all he could stand, burst out of the rubble, digging his way out like a worm. “THAT IS ENOUGH! DO YOU WANT A FIGHT, DINOBOT? I SHALL GIVE YOU THE FIGHT OF YOUR LIFE!”

“Shockwave, no!” Starscream latched onto Shockwave. “Use logic! Use logic!”

Shockwave glared at Starscream, and batted him away with his arm-cannon. “GO SCREW YOUR LOGIC! AAAAH!”

Shockwave began firing blast after blast from his cannon at Grimlock, charging towards him. Grimlock, shrugging off each blast as it hit him, met Shockwave head-on and punched him in the face. Shockwave staggered, but before Grimlock could follow up with a slug, Shockwave bashed him in the head with his cannon, and followed it through by blasting Grimlock in the stomach.

Grimlock staggered back, and Shockwave dashed up to him, slashing Grimlock’s face with his claw. Grimlock groaned and clutched at his wounds. Shockwave converted into tank mode and fired another shot into Grimlock’s belly, throwing him into the air and onto his back.

Shockwave drove up Grimlock, trying to grind Grimlock’s body beneath his treads. He reached Grimlock’s face and began spinning his wheels.

Grimlock groaned and grunted, his arm flailing on the ground as he tried to reach out to Shockwave. Getting an idea and reaching up, Grimlock was able to jam his palm onto Shockwave’s wheels and stop them, using his strength to hold the wheels in place. He reached around the other side of Shockwave and did the same to his treads there.

“ Yaah!” Grimlock grunted and lifted Shockwave off his body. Getting to his feet, Grimlock spun Shockwave around before hurling him into the ground. Shockwave’s vehicle mode bounced and tumbled, and rolled over, going a full three-hundred sixty degrees before Shockwave transformed and managed to catch himself, digging his feet and his claw into the ground, leaving scratch marks where his nails caught.

Grimlock charged and ran up to Shockwave just as Shockwave was getting to his feet. Grimlock punched him in the face, shattering Shockwave’s mono-optic, and ran Shockwave through with his sword. When Grimlock yanked his sword, Shockwave fell to his knees, Energon leaking from his chest.

“Well?” Shockwave asked, looking at up Grimlock. “Go on! Do it then! This is what you’ve been wanting for, isn’t it? This is what you wanted! Then do it! Do it! Just do it and finish me off already!”

Grimlock wrapped his hands around Shockwave’s head.

“With pleasure.”

Grimlock applied pressure, going slowly, slowly as he crushed Shockwave’s head in with his bare hands, digging his fingers in. The fins on Shockwave’s head were the first go, cracking and falling off. He crushed Shockwave’s head thoroughly, splashes of Energon splashing out between Grimlock’s fingers when the head was totally destroyed. Shockwave’s body fell, with only sparking wires and leaking Energon spurting from where his neck used to be.

“Well … as loathe as I am to return to my old ways … I do believe this calls for a good old-fashioned cowardly retreat.” Starscream said. He ran away from Grimlock, stumbling on his toes in his panic to get away, and converted into jet mode and flew off.

Predaking walked up to Grimlock and looked at Shockwave’s corpse. “So … you finally did it. After years of waiting, wanting, burning with the desire for revenge for what he did to you all those eons ago, you finally have it. You finally killed Shockwave and realized your vengeance. Tell me, Grimlock, do you really feel better? Do you really?”

Grimlock paused, looked at Shockwave’s corpse, then looked at Predaking.

“Yes, actually. I do.”

Grimlock walked off, leaving behind a very puzzled and confused Predaking. This was at odds with several things Grimwing had taught him.

"Hmm." Predaking nodded his head and shrugged it off. Sometimes, as Grimwing would say, one just has to accept strange things happen in life.

Thundercracker and Fractyl, despite thinking the battle was effectively over, found themselves met and accosted by Heavy Load and Fearswoop

“Well, well, well.” Fearswoop said. “If it isn’t Fractyl and Thundercracker, YOu know, I gotta tell ya, Thundercracker, I never thought I’d see the day where one of the Decepticons’ most respected heroes turned turncoat and joined the pony-living, socialist bleeding heart liberal Autobots in hopes of trying to make their sparkly candy-coated utopia a reality!”

“That is … not remotely accurate to the Autobots, socialists, or bleeding heart liberals. Or even non-liberal bleeding hearts.” Thundercracker said.

“Yeah, yeah.” Fearswoop said. “Are we going to argue about sceptics”

“You mean semantics.”

“Or are we gonna fight?”

“Fearswoop, look around you.” Thundercracker said. “Your leaders are dead. All your heavy weapons have been exhausted and expired. A literal god is with the Autobots. Give up already. Surrender.”

“Decepticons don’t know the meaning of the word surrender!” Fearswoop said.

“Or giving up!” Heavy Load said. “Fractyl! I’ve been waiting a long time for this, you pathetic excuse for a Decepticon!”


Fearswoop and Heavy Load engaged Thundercracker and Fractyl. Fearswoop swiped at Thundercracker, trying to get him with the flames spewing from his claws, but Thundercracker evaded him with a ninja-like precision.

Heavy Load attempted to smash Fractyl over the head with his cement drum, but Fractyl was able to dodge it, if out of panic more so than skill. The sound of Thundercracker’s chaingun firing bullets distracted both of them, but Heavy Load regained and refocused his attention first, attempting to shoot Fractyl point blank in the chest. Fractyl, though not a seasoned warrior, was not going to let that happen, and ducked, causing the shot to miss.
“Rrraaah!” Heavy Load growled and rammed at Fractyl, engaging him in a grapple as Fractyl fought with his arms to keep Heavy Load from closing in. Heavy Load fired a shot, which missed Fractyl and struck Thundercracker, shearing a hole in his side.

“Auugh!” Thundercracker cried out, and Fearswoop was able to smack him on the head and bring him to knees before shooting a burst of flame straight at his face.

Fractyl let out a gasp. He narrowed his optics at Heavy Load.

“Ooh, I shot our mentor!” Heavy Load said. “What’chu gonna do, Autobot pony-hugger? Cry about it, snivel into a pony’s shoulder, maybe?”

Fractyl said nothing. He backed away and reached behind him and pulled out a vial of blue liquid, which he splashed onto Heavy Load’s face.

“Aagh! What the?” Heavy Load tried to wipe the fluid off his visor, but his sensors were still scrambled by whatever it was Fractyl had cooked up. He was seeing triple, and he was hearing faint, distracting static buzz. Was it some sort of magnetic solution or something? “What’s in this? Dissolved hematite?”

Fractyl pulled out another vial, his expression serious and unreadable. He uncapped it and splashed the purple liquid onto Heavy Load’s chest, melting through with it acid eating away at it. Heavy Load screamed in pain, and Fractyl closed in for the kill, jabbing his sharpened claws through Heavy Load’s chest and softened armor, stabbing him straight through the Spark. Fractyl’s claw emerged out from Heavy load’s back.

Heavy Load lurched.

“Well … I’ll be.” Heavy Load said. “Looks like … you’re a Decepticon … after all.”

Fractyl jerked his claw out, leaving Heavy Load’s body to fall on its knees and topple over.

“No.” Fractyl said. “I’m an Imperial.”

Fearswoop, realizing Fractyl was now an opponent to take seriously, turned and hightailed it out of there. He converted into jet mode and took off. Fractyl raised an arm over his shoulder, firing and striking Fearswoop without ever looking back, blowing off one of Fearswoop's wing. Fearswoop stalled and crashed to the ground, but he turned to robot mode and fled on foot.

Fractly didn't bother pursuing him. Instead, he went over to Thundercracker’s body, kneeling beside his fallen mentor, putting a hand on him. Thundercracker reached up and took Fractyl’s hand, wrapping his fingers firmly around it to let Fractyl know he was alright.

“Technoists! Decepticons! Forged!” Optimus Prime shouted. “You should - you must surrender now. Your leaders are either all dead, or have abandoned you. You have no further weapons of mass destruction, no Thunderwings, no zombie Metroplexes. No more trump cards. Unless you have one last trick up your sleeve, I’d advise to lay down your weapons and surrender now.”

All the Technoists, Decepticons, and Forged still standing looked at each other, considering the idea of continuing to fight to the bitter end. But they realized it was over - all any further fighting would do would be to result in their deaths. So most of them stored their weapons, retracted their integrated weaponry, and got down on their knees. The few they didn’t let out battle cries and were swiftly put down by Ultra Magnus’ expert marksmanship.

“Well done, Ultra Magnus.” Optimus said, becoming dismayed when Ultra Magnus kept firing. “Ultra Magnus. Ultra Magnus! You can stop shooting now.”

“What? Huh?” Magnus asked, firing off one last shot. “Oh. Sorry. I’m just still mad about … you know.”

Optimus put a hand on Magnus’ shoulder. “I know. We will have time to mourn and grieve for him properly later. For now, there is still work that must be done …” Optimus gazed to the sky.

Optimus, Twilight Sparkle, Primus, and all the other Autobots and Twilight’s friends and Imperials returned to the stage where Optimus had made his speech calling for an uprising and rebellion against the Technoist regime. A crowd was gathered.

“We’re getting tired of always gathering up like this.” A Cybertronian said. “What are we gathering here for this time, Prime?”

“My fellow Cybertronians …” Optimus said. The crowd let out a collective groan, realizing this was going to be one of those long speeches. Optimus ignored. “Today, we are here to celebrate a momentous occasion. Millions of years in the making, this will be the final step towards reunifying our fractured and divided kind. Today, we put an end to conflict, to factions, to the divisions within our ranks that threaten to divide us. Today, we will do something that will it make unjustifiable for any Cybertronian to keep fighting against their brothers and sisters.”

“Today, Cybertronians …” Twilight Sparkle said. “We will return your gods to you.”

The crowd let out a gasp.

“What? Really?”

“The Thirteen Original Primes?”

“No. That’s impossible.”


Optimus and Twilight’s team turned around were as surprised as they were annoyed when Nova Prime walked onto the stage.

“How are you still here?” Optimus asked. “I understand the Saber and Forge have been insufficient to destroy you and terminate you fully, but why eludes me.”

“Does this guy ever give up?” Twilight asked.

“Do not believe these charlatans and their lies!” Nova Prime said, sweeping his arm out. “They are heretics committing the ultimate heresy! Heathens! Blasphemy! No one can bring back the Thirteen Primes! No one! If it were possible, someone would have done so already!”

“Au contraire, my friend.”


The crowd let another gasp when Alpha Trion walked onto the stage, unmistakable with his beard, red and purple helmet, and cape.

“It has not been possible to resummon the Primes before now.” Alpha Trion said. “It takes a very specific and key set of circumstances, one no one has been able to recreate until now. It requires the Artifacts of the Thirteen be present. But Twilight Sparkle and her friends have the Artifacts of the Thirteen, don’t you?”

Twilight Sparkle nodded. “Optimus, if you would?”

Optimus hefted up the Forge of Solus Prime and the Star Saber. He laid them on the ground, crossing each other. Fluttershy pulled and dropped the Enigma of Combination on top, and Predaking and his Predacons airlifted the Requiem Blaster in, setting it on the back of the stage and rotating it until its thinner barrel touched the edge of the pile. The other Artifacts were thrown in as well.

“It is good to see you again, Alpha Trion.” Optimus said.

“And you too, Optimus. My, look how you’ve grown.”

Alpha Trion walked forward, placing what appeared to be a stylus and tablet on the pile.

The pile glowed with a whitish blue light. The light spread around on the stage, forming a neat, even circular shape before firing off into the sky, becoming a massive pillar. A portal like a Space Bridge, but blue, appeared in the sky, and eleven lights came raining down from it like reverse fireworks, striking the stage, leaving impact craters on the stage as the Primes were formed in corporeal bodies, draped in the smoke from the crater made during their landing.

They certainly knew how to make an entrance.

“Ladies and gentlemen …” Twilight Sparkle said. “Allow me to present to you … your Primes!”

The Primes walked forward on the stage, standing in line, joined by Alpha Trion. The crowd gasped and murmured.

“So it’s true!”

“The Thirteen Original Primes, with all their Artifacts!”

“Wait, why are there only ten of them?”

“Don’t you get it? Alpha Trion is one of them!”

“Okay, but where are the other two?”

“Elsewhere!” Alpha Trion said.

“We would prefer not to talk about them.” Megatronus said.

Nova shook his fists in rage. “Aaaaaaaaah!” Turning his rage on Optimus Prime, Nova created purple and black fireballs in his hands which seemed to distort the air around them and hurled them at Optimus Prime, knocking him onto his bottom.

The Primes noticed, whipping around. They aimed their weapons at Nova.

Nova realized he made a mistake, attacking Optimus while the Primes were present.

“Oh. Oops.”

Nova spread his wings and took flight, dodging as the Primes let loose a barrage of energy shots at him. They aimed their weapons up at Nova as he took off.

“I am on the case. Leave this to me.” Optimus said, spreading his wings and blasting off, chasing Nova down.

“Uh, he does realize you’re, like, gods, right?” Rainbow Dash asked Megatronus. “You would basically have this in the bag?”

“You would think.” Megatronus said. “But the truth is … it is somewhat more complicated than that.”

“Huh?” Dash asked, but Megatronus declined to elaborate any further.

Optimus Prime chased Nova through the air, swerving, ducking, flying under and over buildings, going around in loops, until Nova surprised Optimus by turning to face him while still flying backwards.

Nova held his hand out. Purple sparkles of dark energy began gathering around in his palm, forming the rough shape of a sword before emitting a bright flash and becoming a solid sword - a huge sword, with a jagged, zig zagging blade made of Dark Energon, an evil purple mist trailing off the blade, and hilt with a spider’s shape. Optimus gasped. It was like a dark, twisted perversion and mockery of the Star Saber, with the size to match.

“You like it?” Nova asked. “I call it a Dark Star Saber. And you know what the best part is?”

Nova held his other hand out, summoning another blade.

“I can make more than one.”

Nova sliced the blades through the air, sending out dark crescent beams which were provided a twisted counterpart to the Star Saber’s own sword beams. The beams struck Optimus Prime and sent him hurtling backwards through the air.

Optimus was able to recover and primed his integrated blaster, shooting at Nova Prime, hitting him square in the chest. Nova did not seemed too perturbed by it. Optimus fired again, and this time Nova crossed his Sabers across his chest, deflecting the blade.

Nova sent another beam out after Optimus, who flew below it and evaded it.

“Arrgh!” Optimus cried out when an agonizing beam of heat and fire struck him square in the back.

“I cannot say I fully understand all the mechanics of this new world …” Tirek said, levitating over Optimus’ head, now in a huge form which made stand as tall, if not taller than a particularly bulky Cybertronian. “But I do understand if I wish to conquer both it and Equestria, I must start with eviscerating you!”

“Hey,” Nova said. “Back off, buddy. He’s my kill.”

“I am not your buddy,” Tirek said before shooting a beam into Nova Prime’s chest, melting the metal. Nova shook his fists, clutching his Sabers, and swung at Tirek, blasting him back with a crescent beam.

“Grr …” Tirek growled before firing back, shooting a beam through Nova Prime’s shoulder and severing it at its connection. The arm and Saber plummeted and tumbled to the ground below.

And so they exchanged blows back and forth, volleying blasts and shooting blasts at each other. Tirek, utilizing the Changeling magic he had, turned himself into a flying dragon and began breathing fire down on Nova, who blocked his flame breath with a Saber, which glowed bright-red and began to melt.

Optimus clutched at his shoulder, nursing the sore spot there. Seeing Tirek and Nova were too preoccupied with fighting each other to notice him, Optimus began to think. He turned to slink away from the fight unnoticed, having an idea on how to combat both of them.

“Twilight Sparkle!” Optimus shouted, returning to the stage.

“Yes, Optimus?”

“Do you still have the Elements?”

“We still have them.”

“Good, then we still possesses the means to … Twilight Sparkle, I need you to locate Princess Celestia and bring her here. Smokescreen, Bumblebee, Arcee, Bulkhead! I need some equipment.”

“I’m sorry. The means to do what, Optimus?” Twilight asked.

“Make ‘Harmonized’ Energon.” Optimus said.

Twilight’s mouth formed a little round ‘o,’ realizing what Optimus was planning to do it. “You got it. Coming up, boss.”

Nova Prime was sent hurtling through the satellite panel of a building by Tirek’s latest attack, the two of them moving beyond his dragon form. The satellite curled up, unable to support his weight, and came curling down on him, burying him.

Nova lifted the satellite up and spun around before hurling the panel at Tirek, who fired a beam and cut the panel in half, the pieces falling to ground.

Nova summoned a Dark Star Saber in his grip and threw it at Tirek, who flew out of the way. Tirek grabbed the top of a building with telekinesis and tore it off its foundation, hurling the building’s roof at Nova.

Nova summoned another Saber, swinging it and cutting the roof in half with its beam. Nova waved his hands, creating star-shaped bolts in them, and fired at a barrage of warping, multicolored stars at Tirek, who dodged and weaved through them, until one hit its mark and knocked him off-course, sending him into the side of a building, punching a hole in it.

Tirek got back on his hooves, standing up and holding onto the sides of the destroyed wall for support. He reared up and hopped out, levitating. Nova Prime flew down to face him.

“Accursed Prime!”

“Thrice-damnable centaur!”

Tirek fired a massive blast from between his horns, which Nova met with another barrage of stars, summoning up and mixing meteorites in for good measure. Their attacks repelled each other, preventing the other from gaining any advantage and maintaining for long.

Tirek and Nova growled.

Both were blown away by twin golden rays of solid sunlight, which struck them and sent them flying into the sides of buildings.

“What the-?” Nova asked when he saw the source of the attack.

“Tally-ho!” Optimus cheered, flying in on feathered wings. He had used the - for lack of better term ‘Ponymaster’- process and merged with Celestia! His legs ended in furry hooves, a majestic white horn appeared in place of his crest, and he rode on wings, with feather tufts around his wrists, Celestia curled up and visible through a circular window in his chest.

“What in the name of …” Tirek said.

“Hi there!” Optimus said, flying up to Tirek and punching him right in the gut to knock the wind out of him. “I’m an Optimus Prime/Princess Celestia hybrid brought about by tampering with forces never meant to go together, but you can just call me “Person Who Is Going To Kick Your Butt.’”

“You insolent-” Tirek a beam from his horns, which bounced off Optimus’ chest.

“Hey, are these important?” Optimus said, grabbing Tirek’s horns. “They’re not important, are they?”

Before Tirek could protest, Optimus pulled, breaking off Tirek’s horns, shattered pieces of bone falling off to the concrete below.

“NO!” Tirek screamed, clutching at his face as he looked up and saw his beautiful horns had been destroyed.

“Such a drama queen.” Optimus said, giggling. He beat on his chest. “Celestia, I do not what you are up to in my chest, but tell your personality to quit influencing mine!”

“Ha.” Tirek laughed. “A little trouble in paradise?”

“How ironic.” Nova added. “Spousal disharmony from the Princess who practically embodies harmony.”

“Perhaps I am having a … domestic dispute, but at least I know I will not be sent back to Tartarus at the end of it!”

“Neither will-” Tirek’s boast was cut off by Optimus punching him the chest. Optimus grabbed him, lifted Tirek up, and then threw him to the ground, where he landed with a thud, groaning before falling unconscious.

Optimus waved his hand, burning with golden fire, and the trapezoidal portal opened beneath Tirek, dropping him in and sealing him away.

That done, Optimus turned his attention onto Nova, tackling him and smashing him through several buildings in a row, entering one end and smashing their way out the other until they reached an open, elevated platform, probably meant for sporting events commentary, where Optimus and Nova hit the ground and skidded along before screeching to a halt.

Optimus pushed himself up, shooting a rainbow blast from his fist before Nova could recover. Optimus was not going to let him reclaim the advantage again.

“Ugh …” Nova groaned and shakily got to his feet, wobbling. “Wait. So let me get this straight. You have, somehow, through some miraculous processed, combined with a pony.”

“Yes, that is correct.”

“You … combined. With a pony.”




“With a pony.”

“What is it about this that you are not getting?”

“Combined … with a pony.”

“Yes sir.”

Nova paused. He blinked.

“That’s bull-”

Optimus Prime cut Nova short by firing a massive rainbow laser blast from both his hands, smashing into Nova and destroying the floor he was standing, the blast pushing him with extra force to the ground, and it was a long fall.

Optimus Prime flew down, landing next to the fallen Nova, who had already gotten to his hands and knees despite falling back-first.

Optimus raised his hand to strike and fire another blast.

Nova, recovering with the speed of a cheetah’s paw, and striking just as quick, He smashed his fist through the window on Optimus’ chest and grabbed Celestia, pulling her out and severing the cords connecting her. There was a flash of light, and Optimus was restored to his normal form.

Optimus staggered backwards, but planted his foot down and recovered his bearings. He saw Nova holding Celestia by the neck like a freshly-killed goose, covered in (hopefully Optimus’) Energon, which dripped from her body.

“Aww, how sweet. You two are great together. I think I’ll start torturing you with killing your little Conjunx Endura here!”

“I am not about to let that happen.”

“I don’t recall giving you a choice in the matter, Optimus!”

Optimus whipped out the Star Saber, producing it from behind him. “Neither do I.”

Optimus swung the Saber, slicing Nova Prime’s arm off with the crescent beam before he could twist and snap Celestia’s neck. The arm hit the ground, and the bonk Celestia received to her head was enough to bring her back to consciousness. She got to her hooves and adopted a fighting position.


Optimus charged and ran forward, stampeding on his foot. Nova Prime planted his feet in the ground and crouched, ready to grab Optimus as if he were a charging bull (not an unfitting comparison, given his current mood) and stop him dead in his tracks.

Optimus swung the Star Saber, cutting Nova Prime in half at the midsection. His vivisected corpse was thrown back and fell off the edge of the platform they were standing on.

Optimus walked to the edge of the platform, looking down over the ledge to see where Nova’s body landed and what happened to it. But there was no body. It seemed to have gone as soon as it went over the edge. As if it had just … poofed.

Optimus felt something bull-like strike him in the back and send him tumbling over the edge. He turned around as he fell to be met with Nova Prime, fully restored, undamaged, in one piece, looking down at him from the ledge, with Princess Celestia covering her mouth in shock. As Optimus continued falling, he saw Nova’s gaze shift from him to Celestia.

I said … I would not allow that to happen!

Optimus twirled around and righted himself, jetting up and punching Nova across the face before he could lay harm to Celestia.

“Stay strong, Optimus!” Celestia flew away. “I’ll go get reinforcements.”

Nova aimed at Celestia, preparing his star spell again. Optimus ran up to Nova and clocked him on the head before he could get it off, and prepared to belt Nova again. Nova turned around and grabbed Optimus around the waist, tackling him off the side of the platform they were on.

They both hit the ground and rolled along, each of them trying to get pin the other, Optimus’ hands on Nova’s shoulders, Nova’s around Optimus’ throat. They stopped with Optimus on bottom, running out of momentum. Activating his rockets to push him up and give a little extra push, Optimus kicked Nova in the gut and kicked him off, then jumped to his feet.

Nova flicked his hand, readying another Dark Star Saber.

Optimus unsheathed his Saber.

They roared and charged at each other, their blades warbling as they clashed, each strike producing waves of energy, spectrums appearing in the air, fields of power waving in and out, giving peeks into hidden workings of the universe whence the blades hit each other, only to disappear into nothing when the blades were separated.

The two combatants backed away from each other. Nova summoned an extra Saber in his spare hand. Optimus met this by pulling out the Forge of Solus Prime.

They charged at each other, both swordfighters crossing their weapons in an ‘X’ formation, banging them up against each other as if they were shields. A massive hemisphere of conflicting, battling blue, gold and purple energy formed above their heads as they pressed against each other.

Optimus saw a flicker of a tail up ahead on a building’s balcony. Starlight peeked her head through the bars, almost falling over before she was caught by Trixie. On another roof, Arcee and Bumblebee walked along, flashing Optimus thumbs-up and drawing the tension on the strings on their Hunter bows. Ultra Magnus took position, as did Celestia and Twilight’s friends with the Elements. Predaking, Grimwing, and Grimlock lined up in their beast modes, preparing fire bursts in their mouths. Fractyl (and Thundercracker?) readied a vial. And on and on it went, with every soldier and volunteer the Imperials had and could find lining up to take their shot at Nova.

“What are you looking so pleased about?” Nova asked, Optimus letting his pleasure show in his eyes. Optimus tried not to answer, but he couldn’t ignore it and keep quiet anymore when the tardy Fortress Maximus and the Primes arrived on the scene.

Nova looked up, and his eyes bugged out of his head at Fortress Maximus.

“NOW!” Optimus shouted, swinging the Star Saber and Forge at Nova, shooting their beams.

And so everyone present let loose with their strongest attacks, from Beast Hunter weapons, to fire breaths, to the Magnus Hammer, to engineered vials of superacid and Celestia’s magic to the Elements of Harmony. One by one, each attack struck Nova, each taking a piece of him, escalating the attacks in a roaring sequence before they finally capped it off with the Primes opening fire and Fortress Maximus shooting his weapons at Nova, engulfing him in a great big ball of fire which exploded, raining burnt chunks of Nova all over the smoking ground.

“So … let’s see …” Ultra Magnus said, counting on his fingers. “That’s the Hammer, our Beast Hunter weapons, Fractyl’s acid, the Forge, the Star Saber, the Elements of Harmony, Predaking, Grimlock, Fortress Maximus, Princess Celestia, the Primes themselves and oh yeah, every single of our troops shooting him at the same. Surely … surely that was enough to put him out of commision, right? … Right?”

Ultra Magnus’ hope proved misplaced, as Nova’s body began to reconstitute and repair itself. Cables sprouted from the neck which reattached it to the body, pulling it towards his body. Its arms flew to its torso, its legs to its abdominal region. The shambling homunculus began to stand, the damage done to it healing, the burn scars and blackness fading away, its shattered optic reforming from nothing.

“What?” Ultra Magnus said. “How did he do that? How does he keep doing that? Keep … repairing himself?”

“It’s a shell.” Optimus realized. “We have not been fighting Nova Prime at all all this time. All along, it was an empty, hollow shell controlled by him.”

“Ha ha ha ha!” Nova gave a hearty laugh. “Perceptive of you, Optimus Prime! Or Orion Pax, whichever you prefer. You will never be free of me, Optimus Prime. We will duel for all eternity. You will never able to truly vanquish. You will never free the universe of the blight that is me. We shall be stuck here, on Cybertron, fighting and fighting, with me ‘dying’ over and over, always rebuilding and repairing myself through even the most seemingly final of my deaths, and one day, you will give out. You will give up, and give in. Your actuators will begin to fail, your gears will rust and stop up, your processor will clog and be in need of a reboot and defragging, and your servos will not be as steady as they used to be. And long after you’ve rusted away, and crumbled into dust and have been blown away by the wind … I will still be here. I will still - be - HERE.”

“An impressive taunt, and even more impressive boast, Nova Prime.” Primus walked forward. “However, at long last, after that last regeneration, my colleagues and I were able to track where it was coming from. We’ve found the seat of your power, the source of your seeming immortality.”

Nova seemed plussed by this statement, but he didn’t let it faze him.

“Hmph! Very well. Optimus Prime! Have you and whichever of your soldiers and so-called friends come in and enter my lair … if you dare. You seriously risk losing them if you do.”

Nova Prime jumped into the air and was cloaked in a starry, inky blackness which swirled around him in a whirlpool which covered him and swallowing him whole. It disappeared into thin air, and Nova Prime disappeared with it, without a trace.

“Optimus Prime, my disciple.” Primus said. “Are you and your team ready to go to the Dead Universe, where Nova Prime awaits at both his most vulnerable ... and his strongest? It is the seat of his power, as I said.”

Optimus nodded. “I am. Autobots! Ponies!”

Loyal as loyal could be, Optimus turned around and found Team Prime and all of Twilight Sparkle’s friends standing behind, ready to go this dangerous expedition, as evidenced by their saluting, stiff postures.

“Are you ready?” Optimus said.

“We’re ready, Optimus Prime.”

“Wills? Last testaments and all that? Say goodbye to your loved ones?”

“Oh, pfft.” Rainbow Dash scoffed.

“Really, now, Optimus, darling, you don’t really think we need all those things, do you?”

“Yeah!” Dash said. “We always come out on top!”

“She has a point.” Twilight said with a sheepish smile.

“Better safe than sorry.” Optimus said.

Primus and his Primes got together in a circle. Focusing, chanting and concentration, one Prime stepped and cut the air with his sword, which created a vertical slit which then spread out into an ovoid shape. A portal to the Dead Universe, showing a peek of the Dead Universe inside. It appeared to be nothing but an a mixture orange, purple, and blue starry backdrops mixing and swirling together.

“Alright ... ponies … Beast Hunters.” Optimus acknowledged his team. “Forward into the breach.”

Optimus led his team in as they stepped through the portal.

XX: Operation: Peace With Honor

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Twilight let out a groan, shaking her head to clear her vision. They had arrived at the Dead Universe, and it was most certainly dead. She could feel death and decay emanating from the ground, if a loose collection of rocks and displaced turfs could be considered ‘ground.’ It felt as though cockroaches were crawling around her hooves, refusing to bite into her while she still drew breath, but the second they sensed she was expired … Ill and murderous intent seemed to ride on the wind, and above, what passed for a sky was a swirling, contrasting masses of star-lit skies, like someone had taken a patch of skyline for each hour of the night, and then tried to splice them together into one.

“Ugh …” Rainbow Dash shook her head. “Can we hurry up and finish this mission? This place smells awful. Like Miko after a concert.”

“Really?” Fluttershy asked. “I don’t smell anything … but I hear this awful singing, like - like a Cybertronian bird wheezing as it dies. I’m sorry, I realize I may be overly flowery … ”

“The Dead Universe is attempting to buffet our senses and lead us astray.” Optimus took a step forward, his fist clenched so he could strike first against whatever they might encounter. “We must remain on task and keep our focus. Remaining together will of be of highest priority, lest the Dead Universe’s tricks begin to have an adverse effect on us.”

“Ugh.” Dash rolled her eyes. “You don’t have to make it so wordy, Optimus. Just say “we have to stick together or the Universe will trick us’. Is that so hard?”

“I concede your point, Rainbow Dash. However, there are more important things than speech lessons on my mind right now.” Optimus pointed his finger. “Autobots, roll out!”

The Autobots marched forward. Despite the efforts of the Dead Universe to lead them astray, they had surprisingly little trouble for the first few yards of their journey.

“Yo, Arcee!”

“Huh?” Arcee turned to the sound of her name. Standing in the distance on a cliff was … Cliffjumper, her former, deceased partner.

“Long time no see, Arcee!” Cliffjumper said. “What’s happening?”


Arcee rushed over to greet him, but Optimus grabbed her by the shoulder and held her back.

“Arcee, no! It’s a trick!”

Arcee looked up at Optimus. She looked back at Cliffjumper, forming a scowl. “Right, right …”

Arcee drew up her Echohawk and pulled the string, firing an arrow at the Cliffjumper phantom. The arrow tore straight through him, and the illusion disappeared in a puff of pink smoke.

They continued on their way, interrupted by a slight buzzing noise.

“Anyone else hear that?” Bulkhead asked. “Oh, I hope it’s not Scraplets.”

“Who knows?” Dash said. “It might be something even worse than Scraplets.”

“Rainbow Dash, if you’re trying to scare me, I will smash you here and now-”

“Quiet!” Optimus held his hand out.

“There is definitely something here …” Twilight observed, flicking her eyes back and forth to scan for danger.

All around, cloud of dust were kicked as things burst from the ground, tapering monsters with the shape of shrimp, but none of the friendliness, with multiple eyes and thousands of hooks lining their underbellies.

“What are those?” Twilight asked while blasting one with her magic.

“Cyberwraiths!” Optimus pulled out his chaingun.

“I thought Cyberwraiths were a myth?” Arcee exclaimed, opening fire.

“They’ll try to burrow through our armor and drink our Energon.” Optimus said.

Dash waved her hoof in front of her. “What if we don’t have Energon for them to drink?”

“I would just as soon not find out.” Optimus pulled the hammer back on his chaingun and opened fire, the sound of bullets flying from the chamber echoing in the empty Universe. The Cyberwraiths were quickly punched full of holes from combined Autobot fire and pony magic. Yet, just as they seemed to be reducing down to a less threatening number, another native beast joined the battle. Largely Cybertronian in appearance, its head was caved in, with multiple Sparks spilling out of its bowels, hooks on prehensile chains whipping from its back.

“A Sparkeater!” Arcee exclaimed. “Another myth. Seems like it’s going to be a theme?”

“I’m gonna guess with a name like that, and those giants hooks hanging off him, he’s probably here to make us some Energon parfaits?” Dash quipped.

The team continued to fire at the Cyberwraiths, the Sparkeater growling, leaping everywhere to avoid being hit. As soon as it saw an opening, it dashed towards Optimus, who grappled with it, grabbing it by the shoulders. The Sparkeater hissed and spat into Optimus’ face, raising up the hooks on its back to strike.

Twilight flew up and fired, blasting the Sparkeater in the head, giving Optimus a chance to counter, slamming his fist into its smoking cranium before grabbing it by the head and tossing it in front of him. With some distance between them, Optimus opened fire and shot at the Sparkeater until it fell to pieces.

“Let’s hope that’s the last of them …” Bumblebee muttered.

“Let’s.” Optimus said before leading the group onward.

While occasionally, having to take a few potshots at the occasional loose Cyberwraith, the team eventually managed to find their way to Nova Prime’s seat of power. Literally, as Nova was resting on a throne made of obsidian, which was stacked on top of a cliffside with stairs carved into them.

Nova laid stretched across the throne with his head in his hand, looking quite bored. His eyes glanced towards Optimus’ team as they approached.

“Ah.” Nova adopted a more normal sitting posture. “So you’ve arrived.”

“Indeed we have, Nova.” Optimus and the others readied their weapons.

“Unfortunately for you, this is far as you go.”

Nova Prime stood up from his throne and held his hand out. He tensed his fingers and made a grand sweeping gesture through the air.

Heavy winds blew at the team, winds forceful enough to send the ponies flying off the ground. Optimus and the other Autobots had to hunker down to keep from being blown away, and reached out to grab their pony companions before they got too far. The wind picked up, blasting at them with even more intensity, kicking up a hail of dust and rocks until a verifiable sandstorm was blowing them away.

They covered their eyes. The sandstorm eventually died down, fading away, And when it had cleared completely, Optimus, Twilight and the others looked around to see they had somehow ended up back on Cybertron, in the exact place they were before going through the portal to the Dead Universe.

“Ah … hmm.” Primus said, observing their return. “This presents … a conundrum. We will need a new strategy.” Primus rubbed his chin.

“Strategy?” Rainbow Dash flew up to Primus, forgetting he was a god for a moment. “Nova just sent us flying back out of his Universe, and you want to talk strategy.”

Primus glared at her before responding. With a childish glee to him, he poked Dash in her soft round belly, causing Dash to turn away. “Yes. That is exactly what I want, Rainbow Dash, and that is exactly what will help us in this predicament.”


“Hmph. Aren’t you, like, a Cybertronian god or something? Why can’t you just go in there and blast Nova?” Dash asked.

“Nova Prime is enhanced in the Dead Universe. He has been in there, festering like an infection, for some time. His power has grown to such a point that while inside, even I cannot vanquish him.”
Prims gave Rainbow Dash and the others a pointed glare.

Not unaided, at least. And if left unchecked, he will only grow stronger and get worse. Now, I have an idea, if Twilight Sparkle is willing, for something that may help us in our quest. Twilight Sparkle, if you wouldn’t mind getting the box you received from the Tree of Harmony?”

“Sure … but how did you know about that?”

“I’m a god! … And also, I was in your dreams, remember?”

“Right …”

Cutting off here; What needs to happen ; 1) Ponies gather keys from their friends and unlock boxes and 2) Ratchet needs to be brought here, considering changing Chapter 19 (or was it 18?) so that he arrives with Americons at Steeljaw’s valley, one of whom turns on the other when they realize Galloway lied about Optimus’ death, and Ratchet is able to join the group from there.

“Alright, ponies,” Primus said, “if you would put your keys in the box?”

“Mm-hmm!” The girls gave a collective nod. They inserted each of their respective keys into the box and turned them, unlocking the locks and making a click sound from within.

The box lit up, white light streaming from its keyholes. It absorbed the keys, taking them inside. The light grew, and the box split up six different ways, one for each of its facets, casting out a bright light which enveloped Twilight Sparkle and all her friends. They shielded their eyes, and when the flash had cleared, they were all decorated. Patterns appropriate to their wants and interests were marked all over their hooves and bodies, and their hairs and tails were given vibrant, loud multiple hues of color, stylized and poofed up like an 80’s hair band.

“As far as upgrades go, it’s not the most … visually appealing.” Twilight commented, running her starpinted hoof through her ridiculous hair. “But I feel power coursing through me unlike almost anything I’ve felt before. It feels so … bright. It’s magic. It’s friendship!”

“Indeed.” Primus said. “But now that you are gifted with this … “Rainbow Power,” as we shall call it, there is no one to wield the Elements of Harmony.” Primus held his hand out and levitated the Elements off the ponies’ persons and into the air. “No one, that is …”

Primus held his hands out. A Space Bridge opened in the air, dropping Ratchet in here, free from his prison.

Primus gestured to the Beast Hunters.

“Except these six Autobots.”

Ratchet’s jaw dropped. quickly realizing what was going on. “You have got to be kidding me. Us? Surely we’re not ...” Ratchet gestured to his chest. “Compatible with the Elements?”

“I do not kid, Ratchet. That’s a lie, sometimes I do. But not on this. You’ll never know until you try. Come forth, Autobots, lay claim to your greatest virtues, and seize your destiny.”

“We’ll do it.” Optimus said, overriding Ratchet and stepping forward.

“Fine.” Ratchet said. “But don’t expect me to like it!”

Fluttershy giggled. “Oh, Ratchet. Never change.”

"And remember, we need to find a way to get me back to Galloway before he notices I'm gone," Ratchet said.

"It will be taken care of, I assure you," Primus said. "But now we must stop Nova."

The Autobots walked forward.

“Bumblebee,” Primus said. “With your earnestness and pure heartedness, you will make an excellent representative of the Element of Honesty.”

Primus levitated the Element of Honesty to Bumblebee, manipulating to fit around his neck. Bumblebee bowed.

“Arcee, with your devotion to your friends, you will represent Loyalty.”

“Of course.” Arcee said as the Element of Loyalty was wrapped around her neck. “That seems so obvious.”

“Bulkhead, with your, uh … your, uh … … you’ll be presenting Generosity.” Primus placed Element on Bulkhead’s neck.

“Yeaaah, that seems like a bit of a stretch.” Bulkhead commented, picking the Element up to admire it. “This whole idea seems like a bit of a stretch.”

“Moving on,” Primus said quickly, “Ratchet, despite your sour disposition, your medicinal knowledge and desire to heal marks you as the one to represent Kindness.”

“Really?” Rainbow Dash asked. “He’s kind of a grouch.”

Ratchet accepted the Element with a slight sense of awe. “I’m … humbled, Your Majesty.”

“Smokescreen, your youthfulness and lighthearted approach to all things in life makes you ideal to represent Laughter.”

“Yes!” Smokescreen pumped his fist. “Hey, wait, why can’t I be Honesty?”

“And Optimus Prime … with your leadership skills, and your desire for peace between all walks of life … there should be no question that you are fit to bear the Element of Magic.”

Optimus approached Primus and bowed. Primus took the Element of Magic into his hands and laid the crown on Optimus’ head.

“Optimus is wearing a tiara.” An Imperialcon broke into laughter, resting his head on his nearby fellow’s shoulder. “Optimus Prime is wearing a tiara.”

Optimus, however, accepted the bestowing with grace and humility. “I am humbled by your judgment determining me worthy of Equestria’s greatest treasure, and am flattered by your expectation that I will be able to wield properly. I wish I could have as much faith in myself.”

“I know you will wield it well, my disciple.” Primus placed a hand on Optimus’ shoulder to assure him. “Now that that’s done, are we ready to return to the Dead Universe? Nova will not wait forever before he attempts to return to the world of the living.”

“Ready!” The Autobots and ponies saluted.

Primus held his hand out and reopened the portal.

“Permit to learn from the mistake I made before and join you on this mission.” Primus said.

“As will I.” Megatronus stepped forward.

“We’re in.” Micronus said.

Optimus nodded. He led the bolstered force through the portal. With the help of the Primes, it was much easier to return to and reach Nova Prime’s pedestal.

“You again?” Nova asked. “I would have thought you would have learned your lesson after the first time.”

“I would have thought you would have found something more productive to do with your time than sit on your throne and wait for us to come back again.” Optimus retorted.

“Ha! Well played, Optimus. But clever retorts will do you no good here.” Nova stood up.

“Yeah!” Dash pumped her hoof. “Now let’s-”

“No.” Optimus held his hand out in front of her. “Not yet. The time is not. We do not know what tricks Nova could be hiding up his sleeve. Open fire, with regular means!”

Optimus, Twilight, Megatronus, and all the rest of them prepared their weapons and fired at Nova Prime, blasting him with a hail of lasers and energy blasts. Nova Prime held out his hands and returned fire with his shooting star attack, but he was outnumbered and outgunned, the blasts striking him in the shoulders before taking out his head. More and more of his body was stripped away, their fire blowing him up piece by piece and reducing him down to a pair of legs.

“Did that do it?” Twilight asked.

“Did we get him?” Rarity asked.

The answer was a loud no, as black bile and goo spewed out of Nova’s standing legs, rising up and spinning around, spreading and taking shape into the form of Nova’s body, but enhanced, forming his solar-panel wings, only with a night sky set in them instead of orange light, a more ornate head, and bulkier shoulders, arms, and legs, all topped off by a pair of shoulder-mounted cannons which rose up from his back. Nova aimed the shoulder weaponry and fired, unleashing a barrage against the ground in front of Optimus’ team, blasting apart their footing and forcing them to step back.

“Now?” Dash asked.

“Not yet.” Optimus said.

“AGAIN!” Megatronus ordered, and they resumed fire, shooting away until a lucky shot struck Nova and blew off half his torso, including the arm and face, and Nova stumbled.

“Grr … I didn’t want to have to do this, but I see now you leave me with no choice.” The black goop spilled out of Nova, again reforming his body, but he didn’t stop there with simple recovering. Nova began to twitch, and groan. His body shook. He twisted his head. His body began to grow in height and rip in places, Twisted horns sprouted from the side of his head, his legs became bent and backwards, his boots turning into talons, his hands growing and stretching into claws, wires forming and curling around his waist, a mouth opening on his chest, from which an organic-seeming eye appeared, and another eye formed on the crest of his head, his faceplate developing a pattern of extended teeth along its surfaces, his eyes turning purple and growing a second set of eyes below them.

“Behold the true power of the Dead Universe! You cannot defeat me in this form! You couldn’t in any other form, either, but this is one is doubly-so!”

“Ugh. That is disgusting.” Rainbow Dash. She looked to Optimus. “Now?”

“Now.” Optimus answered.

The Primes stepped back to let Optimus and Twilight do their thing. Marching up to the farthest edge of the ground they had to stand on, Optimus lifted his head up, the Element of Magic glowing faintly.

“Nova Prime!” Optimus exclaimed. “We stand here before you today, united in purpose and in spirit, with all the magics the bonds of friendship have to offer, prepared and ready to defeat you, once and for all, for the good of all of us. For Equestria. For Earth. For Cybertron, and every planet in between, and every planet and people that we will discover after!”

The light inside the Element built as Optimus spoke. He and the other Autobots were gradually lifted off the ground, as were Twilight Sparkle and her friends as they channeled their powers.

“It’s been a long, hard, winding road to get here.” Twilight Sparkle said. “But we’re here now, because we stuck with each other through thick and thin, through every loss and every setback, we stayed together, and we stood united. Sure, it wasn’t always easy, but nothing in life ever is, and that’s what you do when you have somepony you consider a true friend! You stay by their side, no matter what, despite whatever differences you might have! Overcoming differences … that’s something you never seemed to understand, Nova.”

“Oh, please. Don’t make me laugh.” Nova said. “Do you honestly expect me to believe that six Autobots could wield Equestrian magic? The greatest Equestrian magic, or so I’m told? And that between the twelve of you, you have the magic and the power to defeat me? Again, don’t make me laugh! I’m barely holding back chuckles right now, it’s so amusing!”

“We don’t care what you believe!” Optimus and Twilight shouted at him.

“You can see it for yourself.” Optimus said.

By now, all twelve of them were fully lifted in the air, and surrounded with magical glows. The Autobots tensed their fists, while the tattoos and prints on the ponies glowed.

“What?” Nova said. “No … it can’t be. That’s not possible. That is not possible. How is this possible!? Autobots should not be able to use Equestrian magic! ”

“Nova Prime … farewell, my predecessors. ” Optimus bid him.

Rays of light shot out not only from the Elements, but from the bodies of Twilight Sparkle and all her friends, joining together rising up into the air and curling together in a double helix pattern, the rainbow from the Elements crossing with the rainbow from the Rainbow Power before merging into one and coming down on Nova.

Nova could only stare and stand in shock at the rainbow speeding towards him.

“It’s … not … possible.”

“AAAAAGH!” The rainbow slammed down on the ground and wrapped around Nova, encasing him in a whirling tornado of prismatic light. Nova Prime screamed out in anguish, his shadowed form visibly suffering from within the rainbow storm, twisting and tensing, going into spasms and reaching out for aid of any kind as the harmonic energies proceeded to tear him apart.


Nova let out one last defiant scream in denial before the rainbow exploded into a blinding show of light. A shower of sparkles of all colors of the rainbow dripped and fell all around the Dead Universe, Nova Prime’s body or any remnant thereof nowhere to be found, save for a floating seven-pointed star-shaped device with handles on it hovering over his throne.

“My wayward son … you’ve lost your way.” Primus said, flying up to the throne and getting on one knee, raising up his hand. “Allow me to take you home.”

A tiny, tattered version of a Cybertronian Spark appeared, blue in color as it should have been. It floated unsteadily down towards Primus, circling around in spirals before coming to lay and rest on Primus’ hand. Primus took the Spark and placed it inside his chest.

“What was that?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Nova’s Spark. Or what little was left of it. He’s been gone and corrupted by this place for so long, I wouldn’t have been surprised if there was nothing left of it.” Primus got up. “It will now, through me, return to the Well of AllSparks, where one day, it will eventually reincarnate and be given birth as a new Cybertronian, unconnected to their past. Hopefully they will lead a better life and go down a better path than the one walked by Nova.”

“But didn’t the Quintessons put him here?” Fluttershy asked.

“They did… but we cannot forgive all his actions simply because was he was locked away in an isolated dimension. He still had some free will, some of his own agency. Being put here wasn’t his decision. Deciding to go on a crusade to eliminate organics from Cybertron, and eventually the universe, was.”

The ground beneath them shook.

“What was that?”

Cracks and fractures appeared.

“It’s the Dead Universe.” Megatronus said. “Its eldritch existence must have become so intertwined with Nova Prime’s that without him it cannot continue. It cannot survive, or endure.”

“The entire place is beginning to fall apart.” Arcee noted, looking at the sky and seeing the various different shades swirl and blend together with no respect for the others’ personal space.

“Everyone back into the portal!” Optimus and Primus ordered.

“We need to get out of here before the entire place collapses!”

“I’ve got no intention of staying behind, but uh, just to clarify, what will happen if we don’t make it?” Rainbow Dash asked as they all headed towards the portal.

“Even I’ve never been inside a collapsing universe before.” Primus said. “I imagine it would be something like the Big Bang in reverse, shrinking down and crushing you.”

“Great. Got it, Let’s hoof it!”

Even with the ground crumbling beneath their feet, asteroids floating by and breaking apart, and occasionally being assaulted by more Dead Universe natives like the Cyberwraiths and more Sparkeaters, the entire assembled force was able to make their way through the portal, those at the back of the group - Fluttershy, Megatronus, and Smokescreen - just barely able to jump in and make it through the portal before the ground fell apart beneath them.

“Fluttershy!” Dash exclaimed, rewarded for her concern by Fluttershy crashing into her and pinning Dash with her metal body.

“I’m here, Rainbow Dash.” Fluttershy nuzzled Dash’s cheek. “I’m okay.”

“Great. Could you get off? You’re kind of crushing me.”

“Oh, sorry.”

“Well, we all made it through …” Twilight said. “And Nova Prime’s been defeated. So … what … is that?”

Twilight pointed at the hovering star-shaped device floating in front of the Dead Universe’s portal. The one which had floated over Nova’s throne after his final defeat.

“It must have followed us here.” Arcee said. “But … what is it?”

The bizarre device gave off a menacing pulse from the red glowing gem in its center. Acting on its own, it turned towards Optimus. Black tendrils made of the same goo and bile which had been present in Nova shot out and reached towards Optimus, digging into his chest and trying to pry his windows open.

“Arrgh!” Optimus grunted and planted his feet against the ground, resisting the thing’s efforts to try and pull him into itself.

“What is it!?” Twilight shrieked. “What’s happening?”

“What’s it doin’ to Optimus?” Applejack asked.

“It is the Heart of Darkness.”

Everyone was surprised to see Galvatron walk up to them.

“It is the core of the Dead Universe.” Galvatron said. “It merged with Nova Prime, and now without its host, it seeks a new oue. It is an equivalent and opposite to the Matrix of Leadership, and it wishes to pull Optimus into it, merge with its opposite to make itself whole, and make Optimus into its new host.”

“What do we do about it!?” Pinkie shrieked, putting her hooves on the head.

“I have been waiting for this moment.” Galvatron said with a smirk. “Give the Heart of Darkness. I was in the Dead Universe with Nova. I have the experience and the affliction to wield it and bond it to me.”

“You want it? You can take it.” Optimus turned towards Galvatron.

“Optimus?” Twilight asked. “What are you doing? Are you sure that giving the megalomanic the artifact of doom is a good idea?”

“Trust me … Twilight!” Optimus grunted, the Heart’s tendrils plunging into him.

“Yesss.” Galvatron hissed. He walked up to Optimus. “Finally, after all these years, I can take my rightful place as the wielder and owner of the Heart, and with it, I will rule everything I survey!”

Galvatron reached out to grab the Heart and take it into his hand. He was puzzled when Optimus’ embraced the Heart with his own hand. Optimus shoved the Heart against Galvatron’s chest, and quicker than Galvatron could recover, Optimus grabbed Galvatron by the shoulders and lifted him up, spinning him around before hurling Galvatron into the Dead Universe’s shrinking portal. For good measure, Optimus prepped his arm-cannon and fired off a shot straight into Galvatron’s chest, shearing off his armor plating as he drifted through the fading Dead Universe, the portal shrinking and closing.

“Don’t you think sending Galvatron back into the Dead Universe with the thing that made it stable in the first place might have been a bad idea?” Twilight asked.

“If he comes back, we will be ready for him.” Optimus said.

“If you’re sure.” Twilight said.

“Do not worry, Twilight Sparkle.” Megatronus said. “We are here now, and we will not let any menace of such a grand and threatening scale come against Cybertron ever again.”

“Okay then! Well, if we’re all done here …” Twilight said, closing her eyes as she dismissed the Rainbow Power. “I’d like to remind everyone that we have an appointment to keep … and an invasion to make.”

Galloway walked around in Gould Enterprises, checking in on the progress of Gould’s drone army.

“Hey there, Stinger!” Galloway waved at the red bot.

“Hello, Mister President, sir.” Stinger saluted.

“All rested up and recovered from your mishap with the Imperial base?”

“Yes, sir, sir. Ready, willing, and eager to defend the homeland against all of our enemies. Especially rogue Autobots, and doubly so for rogue Autobots named ‘Bumblebee.’”

“Haha! I’m glad you’re in the spirit of things, Stinger.” Galloway and his guard proceeded to walk away from Stinger and the drones he was sparring against.

“Sir,” Attinger said, “I’m worried you’re not taking the Imperial’s threat to invade D.C seriously.”

“Well, if that’s what it looks like, it’s because I’m not.” Galloway said. “The Imperials … have nothing. D.C is as well-designed against an invasion as an American city can be. Their base is destroyed. Heck, it’s a wonder they were even able to send that transmission in the first place!”


Galloway patted Attinger’s shoulder. “Don’t worry about, Harold.” Galloway walked with, Attinger feeling a bit miffed.

“Only my friends call me Harold.”

“Rest easy, gents.” Galloway said, turning around a corner. “Be back in a few.”

Galloway entered another room. There, Gould was waiting, and Mearing came out and ran up to embrace him. They smiled as they took each other into their arms, the hug lasting far longer than it needed.

“Did Gould give you everything you need, honey-bear?” Galloway asked.

“Oh, yes, and more!” Mearing said. “He’s assured me that he has the resources to build the machine, and that it will be his top priority.”

“As I told him to do, my sweet.” Galloway said.

“Even if I’m not entirely happy about it …” Gould muttered, holding up the blueprints.

“What was that?” Galloway asked.

“I said, yes sir, Mister President!” Gould said with a smile.

“That’s what I thought.” Galloway said. “Mearing, have I introduced to my agents?”

“No, I don’t think you have.”

“They’re just around the corner. Let’s go meet the men and women who keep me - and this country safe.”

Galloway led Mearing around the corner.

“Gentlemen, I want you to meet Charlotte Mearing. Some of you might know of her already, and you might dislike her, but I want you to treat with the utmost respect. We have … something special.” Galloway smiled, and Mearing giggled.

Attinger was disturbed. “Sir … Charlotte Mearing is dead.”

“What?” Galloway asked. “How?”

Attinger was sullen. “Under … mysterious circumstances.”

“Well, Attinger, I don’t think that adds up, because if Mearing is dead, then who is standing next to me right now? Hmm?” Galloway asked.

Attinger paused to think. His face went wide in surprise. Getting a clue, he whipped out his pistol and shot Mearing point-blank in the chest. Galloway and Gould barely had any time to react, much less to process the fact that the blood spilling out of Mearing’s chest was green. She fell backwards with a hiss, a green fire rising from her feet and traveling up her body, revealing herself to be a Changeling as it landed on its back.

The Changeling hissed and scowled. Attinger stepped besides it, aimed his pistol, and shot it in the head, its blood spilling out onto the tile.

“Of course.” Gould said. “You know I just had this floor polished?”

Galloway looked down at the Changeling’s body. After taking a minute to process the fact he had been used, that he didn’t have anything special with her, and all the flirting, kissing, and longing looks were lies … he blew it off.

“Hmph. Okay. So she was a Changeling. Who knew, right?” Galloway shrugged.

Attinger raised a questioning eyebrow. “Gould, could I see those blueprints?”

“Of course, they were a request from Galloway based on Mearing’s designs ...

“Yes, I know that. That’s why I want to see them, because it’s a concern that we were about to start building something that was suggested by a Changeling!”

Gould pursed his lips. “That is concerning.” He handed Attinger the blueprints. Attinger stretched them and turned them upside-down, finding them incomprehensible to read.

“Oh, I can’t read this,” Attigner scoffed, “Gould, get one of your scientists over here to help me make some sense of this.”

“Yo!” Gould shouted and waved his hand, and two of his workers came running at his call like lapdogs. “Help my friend Attinger here make heads or tails of this blueprint.”

“Yessir!” The scientists went over and took the blueprints, one holding it up while the other studied them, running their finger over it.

“I don’t see anything wrong with it.” The scientist said. “... Turn it over.”

The other scientist flipped the blueprints over, and there was writing on the back.

“There it is.” The scientist said, bopping the blueprints with his finger.

“There what is?” Attinger demanded.

“This device, if fully assembled and launched, would spread a gas over the continent, maybe even the entire planet, as it was advertised …” The scientist explained, “but rather than making the populace complacent, as the Changeling Mearing had told Galloway, it would make the land uninhabitable to human beings. There’s a note written here reminding the Changeling to make sure the swap the gas canisters with their specialized concoction just before launch.”

“That’s what you were working on?” Attinger said. “A machine to make all the people of America, possibly of Earth … weak-willed and complacent?”

“Yes!” Galloway snapped. “It was something to help deal with the riots and other non-believers and heretics who stupidly and blindly insist on getting along with our enemies, with the people who are different from us, and that it’s gone, I have no idea how I’m going to keep this populace quiet and happy and staying down! What am I going to do?” Galloway sighed.

“You were actually going to use this machine? That is disgusting.” Attinger said with a snarl, baring his teeth.

Galloway gave Attinger a questioning, confounded look, baffled Attinger would say something to criticize him so openly and harshly. Before anything could come from it, an aide of Galloway’s walked up to him.

“Mister President, sir?” The aide asked. “There’s a Decepticon outside asking to see you. He wants to join your program.”

“Great!” Galloway clapped his hands. “The more, the merrier. After all, we have to keep a standing force active in case of threats … like the Imperials, right, Attinger?” Galloway asked, his words spitting with spite.

Attinger declined to answer.

Attinger, Galloway, and Gould went over to a farther edge of the building, where Fearswoop and a handful of surviving Forged were levitating by a balcony.

“Hello.” Galloway said, putting his hands together. “I’m told you want to join my Americon program?”

“Yes. My name is Fearswoop, and these are the Forged. We recently have suffered … a bit of a setback, and now we don’t see any other choice to survive except to sign up with you.”

“Glad to hear it.” Galloway said. “Welcome aboard, Fearswoop. I’d shake your hand, but, I think you can see why that wouldn’t work.”

“Hold on.” Attinger walked up. “Haven’t I seen you before? … Yes, yes, I have. At New York. You were with Deathsaurus’ group, trying to recover Trypticon from the ocean.” Attinger turned to Galloway, flourishing his arm “Mister President, you cannot tell me you’re going to allow this Decepticon into your Americon redemption program? To recruit former veterans of an ended war that wasn’t ours is one thing, but Fearswoop and the Forged are a terrorist group who performed and announced their intent to further commit actions that were not in the U.S best interests!”

Galloway was silent for a while, nodding his head as he tried to think of an answer to shut Attinger up. “Yes, Attinger, I do. You know why? Because I’m the President, and what I say goes.”

You’re a madman and a dictator trying to build an army, Attinger thought. He was agahst.

“Mister … President,” Attinger said, gritting his teeth, “what if this is an attempt and infiltration, to get an inside agent from enemy forces into our ranks?”

“Well, Attinger,” Galloway took a bold, arrogant step forward, placing a hand on Attinger’s shoulder, “that is what I have you for. You and all your men, here to sniff out and root out corruption and dangerous subversives during my reign.”

“Of … course.” Attigner said. He brushed Galloway’s hand off his shoulder. “I’m sorry. Excuse me, I need to be alone for a moment.”

“Of course. Take your time.” Galloway waved Attinger off as he walked away.

Attinger went over to where he could be by himself, in an isolated hallway in the building, where traffic was low. He gazed his reflection in the window, finding himself mentally correcting Galloway’s choice of words.

It’s an administration, not a reign.

Attinger thought about things. He thought about his recent missions. He thought what about when he did, and what his job was. He thought Galloway, his motives, and the disconnect between what Galloway had professed to him before and what he was doing now. Galloway had told him, had sold him on the idea they needed greater protections from Cybertronians and Equestrians in case of rogue agents like Deathsaurus, greater protections the current administration wouldn’t allow … but to then turn around and welcome one of those same rogue agents with open arms, a smile, and a handshake? Why? Because he needed enforcers. Because in the absence of ‘Mearing’s’ device, he needed a way to keep the public under control, under his thumb, under his boot. And if that meant hiring true-blue Decepticons as enforcers, so be it.

Attinger thought about his talk with Celestia.

Attinger lifted his hands to his head as realization dawned on him. He hadn’t been defending his country, he had been supporting and protecting a madman and his successful coup.

“My god. What have I done? What I have been doing?”

Attinger’s attention was caught by a whir and hum. He turned to see a Space Bridge forming, right there in the middle of the hallway. The War Princess jumped out from it, her ironclad hooves sliding against the polished floor with flying sparks.

“Attinger.” The War Princess acknowledged him.

“War Princess.” Attinger gave a geninie bow, which the Princess found unusual for him. “What are you doing here?”

“I meant what I said about invading D.C.” The War Princess said. “Before I do that, I’m here to take out Gould’s business by hacking into his computers and leaking every dirty secret he has to the public, before taking out Galloway, who my intel tells me is here. If I can take him out here and now, perhaps I won’t even need to invade Washington …” The War Princess cupped her chin in thought.

“War Princess.” Attinger said.


“You focus on Gould’s business.” Attinger pulled out his gun and pulled back the hammer. “Leave Galloway to me.”

The War Princess was surprised. “Having a change of heart, Attinger? I’m surprised.”

“Yes.” Attinger answered without a trace of sarcasm. He turned away from her. “One I should have had a long time ago.”

The Princess nodded. “I see.”

Passing by a room as they went around inspecting their the current status of their projects, Gould and Galloway were stopped by a secretary.

“Mister Gould, sir?” The secretary asked. “You’re going to want to see this.”

“What is it?” Gould asked, rolling his eyes. “Excuse me, Galloway, I should go check this out …”

The secretary brought Gould over to a computer screen, where windows were opening at a rapid pace, and folders were being downloaded.

“What?” Gould sat down at the compute. He tried to enter a code to shut the computer down, but was given a blaring error message in response.

“Maybe it has a virus?” The secretary asked.

“It’s not a virus, it’s a hacker.” Gould despair, running his hands over his hair. “What’s going on?”

“Sir, there are news reports coming in.” Another employee said, raising their head. “Whoever is doing this is leaking all of our files onto the Internet and open-source areas.”

Gould sighed. “How much?”

“Everything.” The employee said. “Our designs for Stinger, our other drones, our pending patents, our tax reports, e-mails, our corporate espionage … I didn’t even know we did corporate espionage?”

“More bad news, sir.” The secretary said, checking her phone. “Several of our backers and partners are pulling out, withdrawing their funding and announcing termination of their partnership, your bank accounts are being hacked and their assets drained.”

“No! Don’t give me more bad news! Give me some good news!” Gould said. He sighed, rubbing his temples. “Okay, okay, this might not be as bad we thought … we can petition the government for reimbursement, go to our insurance agency … and a lot of that is reactionary. When the flame dies down and the dust settled, we should be able to convince some of those partners to link back up with us.”

“After corporate espionage?” The employee said. “I wouldn’t sign up with you after that. Heck, I’m quitting right now. Bye!” The employee stood up and walked out of the room. While Gould was reduced to incoherent stuttering by this walkout, something more pressing came up.


Everyone turned to Attinger marching in the room.

“Uh, yes, Attinger?” Galloway asked. “What’s got you upset, son?”

“When you approached me …” Attinger said, “some time ago … you told me we were going to make the planet safer. To find ways to defend ourselves from potential and real enemies in a brave, new, terrifying world where we realized we were not alone in this universe. You told me we would protect the people. That we would take steps to defend ourselves without becoming a dictatorship. Not that all this was just a trick to satisfy your ego and hunger for power. You promised me what we were doing was to defend the country.”

“W-what are you talking about, Attinger? Why are you bringing all this up?”

“And now … now, you have, at every stepped, utterly failed at that promise.”

Galloway’s eyes widened and he backed away as he realized what Attinger was preparing to do.

Attinger pulled out his gun and trained it on Galloway. Gould called for security.
Attinger pulled the trigger.
It didn’t fire.
The gun had jammed.

And before he knew it, Attinger was surrounded by other agents who trained their guns on him fired, clouds of red mist spraying from Attinger’s chest as he was shot again and again until he fell on the floor, his gun dropping to the floor with a click.

An explosion rocked the building.

“Imperials!” An agent shouted, running in from the other room. “We’ve got Imperials?”

“Really? Here, now? Slag!” Gould swore. “Stinger! Stinger! Where are you, Stinger?”

“Well …” Galloway muttered. He glanced down at Attinger’s body before turning to leave. “Looks like Fearswoop is going to get a chance to prove his loyalty.

“Mister President, I recommend we evacuate.” One of Galloway’s men said.

“Agreed. Let’s get out of here.” Galloway directed the men to leave and go down the opposing hall.

As the building was shook and rocked by explosions, The War Princess galloped into the room, finding it abandoned save for Attinger lying on the floor. Pieces of wall and ceiling crumbled, and a fire could be seen to be starting from another portion of the building.

The War Princess saw Attinger on the floor and galloped over to him. She placed a hoof against his chest, trying to put on pressure on the wounds and keep him alive for a second longer, but giving his chest a more thorough examination, it was too late. Even with a Bridge, she’d never get him to help in time, and were she to do that, the wounds were fatal.

“Attinger. Attinger!” Twilight shook him, trying to keep him with her. She pushed a button and unmasked, revealing her face to him.

“Twilight …” Attinger said, “you’re the War Princess.” He gave a soft chuckle. “Of course you are, it makes perfect sense … can’t believe I didn’t realize myself sooner.”

“Attinger …” Twilight said.

“I tried, Twilight Sparkle … I tried.”

“I know you did.” Twilight assured him with a smile and a lone tear.

“Twilight …” Attinger coughed. “I’m sorry … for fighting your side. I should have turned sooner. I just … I just wanted to do what I thought was best for my country …”

“I know.” Twilight said, doing her best to comfort him. “So was I.”

“I imagine Prowl will be upset about not being able to match wits again …” He and Twilight chuckled. “Twilight … when you see Celestia again, tell her I guess she won’t be meeting Kimberly after all. She’ll know what you mean …”

Twilight wrapped her hooves around his hand. “I’m not leaving you.”

“Go.” Attinger said. There was some gunfire exchanged, followed by a crash, and part of the roof came down in the room. “Leave me. I deserve it … and I’m not coming back from this. Even with your fancy pony magic or Cybertech or whatever … it’s too far gone. I can feel it. And, if I’m honest, I’m … at peace with this. At least I died trying to do the right thing, like a person should.”


“There’s … one more thing. Before you go …” Attinger and Twilight winced as they heard the building creak. “There’s … something in my pocket. I can’t feel my arms … would you … reach in and get it out for me?”

“Sure.” Twilight used her magic to feel around and empty the pocket. She found something she wasn’t expecting - a miniature cross necklace.

“I see.” Twilight said.

“Would you … put it on my chest?” Attinger asked.

“Of course.”

Twilight laid the necklace across Attinger’s bloodied shirt, taking her hooves and lifting his hands and laying it across his chest. Attinger curled his fingers around the necklace tightly.

“Thank you …”

Twilight nodded. She closed her eyes and moved away, shedding tears for the man who had opposed her. If only he could have turned sooner, they might have been able to do some good together.

The building let out a groan. Twilight walked away. A crack formed in the wall, the building creaking and groaning. The firefight happening outside struck the floor Attinger was in on, starting a fire there.

Attinger tightened his grip on his necklace as the room was warmed and lit up by the flames.

“America, America, God shed his grace on thee … and crown thy good, with brotherhood … from sea … to … shining … sea.”

The building let out one last creak and groan before giving way entirely, the entirety of the roof collapsing and falling onto the floor, crushing and burying Attinger under the rubble, the weight causing the floor to collapse and repeat the process onto the next floor below.

Through the use of a Bridge, Galloway and his men were able to escape and return to the White House.

“Reports coming in, sir.” An aide said. “The Gould Enterprises building is … not salvageable. We were able to evacuate the personnel in time, in no small part thanks to Stinger and Fearswoop, but the building is gone.”

Galloway sighed. “How much data did we lose?”

“Surprisingly little, actually, considering the Imperials hacked in and leaked almost everything before they burnt the building.”

“Yeah, get our information back from hackers and leaks. That sounds a like good idea.” Galloway expressed with sarcasm. “It would seem these Imperials are still more organized than I give them credit for. Let everyone know aout this…”

“Yes sir.”

Galloway went into his office to sulk, staring out the window, arms crossed. He heard a jet engine roar and looked up. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. They were massive green starships floating overhead, and there was no mistaking they were headed right towards D.C.

Galloway rushed over to the desk, pushing a button. “This is Galloway here. We are under attack. Mobilize all of our defenses.”

“Received, sir.”

Around the city, an … appropriated Cybertronian force field generator was activated, encasing the city in a bubble. Americons, state troopers, and Attinger’s men were rolled out, scrambling and flooding into the street.

Galloway walked into the hangar where Ratchet and Vigil were stationed. “Ratchet!”

“Yes, sir?” Ratchet asked, looking oddly happy.

“The Imperials are attacking and invading D.C.” Galloway said.

“Oh really?”

“Yes, and I need your help to stop them! What can you and Vigil do for me?”

“Ah, hmm, well … alright. Vigil.” Ratchet said.

“Yes, Ratchet?”

“I would like to introduce you to my friends.” Ratchet said, giving Galloway a smirk.

“Passcode acknowledged. Deactivating the force field and other defenses around D.C.”

Galloway’s jaw dropped. “You … you! I’ll have your cranial module or whatever you call it for this!”

Ratchet rested his elbow on Vigil, not too concerned and looking awfully pleased with himself. “Don’t you have an invasion to be defending against, Mister President?”

Galloway growled and fumed, baring his teeth and stomping. Realizing Ratchet had a point and he would have to order the Autobot’s immediate execution by Attinger’s former agents later, Galloway turned and stormed out.

“Aw, yeah!” Circuit Smasher watched the Imperial fleet fly overhead, standing on the White House’s steps with Shining Armor. “Now this is the good stuff. This is the action!”

“Yeah … sure.” Shining Armor turned away.

“You okay, Cap? You’re awfully quiet.”

“I’m fine.” Shining Armor said. I’m just looking forward to this all being over with.

The Imperials, riding on ships made from Ammonites combined together, began to descend on the city, shooting out ziplines and travelling in.

Landing on the ground, Twilight Sparkle looked up and surveyed the area. She noticed Fearswoop hovering around.

“Bumblebee, you’re fast. Go ahead and take out Fearswoop.”

“On it.” Bumblebee rolled to the side of a building, standing up and taking aim with his bow. Sighing when he saw he didn’t have a clear shot, Bumblebee transformed and drove away to find a better vantage point.

As the Imperials marched onwards toward the White House, they crossed paths with Princess Celestia.

“Hello, Imperials.” Celestia said.

“Hello, Princess.” Twilight said. She pointed at Predaking, and directed him at Celestia. Predaking growled and charged forward, attempting to wrap his claws around Celestia, who pushed back with her wings.

“I am confused.” Predaking said. “Why are we fighting again? Are you not on our side now?”

“To keep up appearances,” Celestia explained. “We want Galloway to be caught as off-guard as possible, and that means letting him think he still has some control over me.”
“I see.”

Celestia took her horn and gored Predaking in the chin, making him stumble. Predaking made a growl which was more irritated than anything, and made a halfhearted swipe at Celestia with his claw.

“Come on, Predaking.” Celestia said. “Surely you can act better than that.”

“I’m afraid I lack understanding of the motivation of my character in this scene.”

Celestia chuckled. “Nice riposte.”

There was a bleep from Predaking’s head.

“Attention, Imperials,” An Imperialcon said, “we have detected Lazerback in the vicinity.”

“Lazerback!?” Predaking said with a growl. He reverted into his dragon mode, giving Celestia an annoyed glare and growl. Predaking arched his tail and swatted Celestia to the ground, and galloped away. He would not be denied vengeance against the traitor. Celestia pushed herself up with her wing and groaned, mildly annoyed at Predaking.

Lazerback stood in the middle of the street, having returned to Galloway’s fold after his schemes on Cybertron went pear-shaped.

“Galloway is one I can always rely on for protection, heh.” Lazerback chuckled to himself, tightening his grip around the trigger of his Toxic Strike Blaster. For all his confidence, Lazerback was unnerved when he heard a loud stomping coming towards him, like an iron elephant preparing to charge.

Optimus Prime walked in from around the corner.

“You!” Lazerback exclaimed in surprise. “You … can’t be here! You’re not supposed to be here!”

“And yet, here is exactly where I am.” Optimus said, gesturing around. “I have been waiting for a long time for this, Lazerback. You did something few people, few things in this wide vast universe are capable of making me do. You made me cry. And for that, I will not, can not forgive you.”

“Uh … ah!” His fear and panic increasing, Lazerback stepped back and aimed his blaster at Optimus. A fireball came from the side and struck his gun arm, knocking his aim off and causing the toxic goop to fire upwards before it was brought down by gravity, where Lazerback’s remaining arm was severed off, his elbow being melted by his own acid.

Lazerback looked to see who had fired, and his terror only increased when he saw Predaking lurking to the side, growling softly in his beast mode. Predaking roared and fired another blast, striking Lazerback in the chest with a burst of fire.

Before Lazerback could recover from the blow, his eyes widened when he saw Optimus charging at him. Optimus roared and slammed his fist into Lazerback’s face, proceeding to pummel him and toss him about, Lazerback’s head being tossed back and forth between Optimus’ punches like a pinball.

“Ugh …” Dazed, Lazerback fell to his knees. “I surrender! Have mercy!”

“Mercy …” Optimus said. “Do you have any mercy when you came into my home, destroyed my house, and threatened my family? You even injured one. I am afraid, for you, Lazerback … I am all fresh out of mercy.”

Lazerback’s optic twitch, looking up at Optimus’ oddly shadowed face in fear. Optimus raised up the Star Saber and brought it down on Lazerback, cracking Lazerback’s head, lodging the blade in his helmet. Arcs of electricity traveled around the red helm. Not taking chances, Optimus pressed the blade down, splitting the Predacon's head in half and tearing a slit into Lazerback’s chest.

Lazerback’s sparking corpse fell onto its back, still shaking and jittery in its dead thrones, Energon leaking out from its neck and severed arm.

Predaking converted to robot mode and walked up to Optimus, exchanging glances before joining Optimus in surveying Lazerback’s body.

“Well, it is not as satisfying as wrapping my own claws around his throat, slitting it and taking the life from him myself … I suppose it will have to do.” Predaking mused.

From the windows of a nearby building, Gould and Morocco watched as the Imperials and the Americons came into conflict, opening fire on each other, blue-and-silver clad soldiers blasting away with heavy weapons against the red-white-and-blue Vehicons.

“Do you suppose Galloway has a plan to deal with these Imperials if they reach the White House?” Morocco asked with his usual sneering tone, shaking glass of red wine and taking a sip.

“I’m not sure.” Gould said. “I’m gonna go ask, and maybe come up with something if he doesn’t.” Gould turned around and left, entering an elevator.

Morocco huffed. “Well, you know what they say. Get out while the gettin’ is good.” He finished off his wine glass and laid it on a desk, walking towards the elevator. “I suppose I’ll have to go into hiding until the next megalomanic with a crazy scheme finds me and has need of my services … hmm?”

Morocco turned around the sound of metal displacing vast amounts of air, like … metal wings.

Morroco’s face lit up with fear as a beaked Predaking rose in front of the window, its wings beating steadily.

“Gyaah!” Morocco fell flat on his bottom in fear. He turned and crawled along the floor, scrambling to get to safety, while the Predaking opened his mouth and charged up a blast of fire. The ursagryph spat out its fiery breath, breaking down the wall and shattering the glass of the windows, engulfing the building in flame. The structure began to collapse, falling apart piece by piece. Rubble landed in front of Morocco, preventing him from advancing further, and another landed on his legs, keeping him from moving at all. He had no choice to but to lay there and wait for the flames to consume him … if the ceiling cracking and falling down didn’t kill him first. The rest of the building went tumbling down.

Up ahead, a girl walked away from two Equestrian musicians, who themselves were striking up a conversation with two Americons.

“What’s troubling you, citizen?” The Americon asked.

"Well . . ." One of the ponies muttered. "It's just . . . it's been a few hours, and President Galloway hasn't acquiesced to the Imperials’ demands. I'm beginning to worry about what they might do."

"Have no fear!" The Americon assured her. "With the aid of the Forged, ourselves, the Royal Guard, we have more than enough protection for whatever that rebel scum might throw at us!"

They admired his enthusiasm, but it proved unjustified with a shot from a truck blew a hole into his chest and knocked him over.

Ultra Magnus pulled up them, converting to robot mode.

"Civilians," He said, reaching over his back and grabbing his boomstick, "I suggest you take the better part of valor and find a good place to hide, unless you want to be involved in the scuffle."

The two ponies nodded, then galloped off for the deepest, most closed-off hiding place they could. Magnus aimed his weapon around for other sentries, then put his finger against his head when it was clear there weren't anymore in the area. A light buzzing came from his head as a wireless communication device was activated.

"Ultra Magnus to Twilight Sparkle. District clear."

"Copy that."Twilight replied over the connection.

Magnuus turned around and looked to the sky as Predaking flew in, landing gently on the ground, laying its wings out to the side to let the forces on its backs slide down and take offensive positions.

Twilight started pointed at each everyone and shouting orders.

"Secure the district! Ammonites, combine into a tank and cover the rear! Predaking, you're with me. Magnus, set up a monitor and direct things in my absence. Organics Regiment, push the assault forward. And remember, I want zero fatalities. I want all these traitors alive and well when they see the error of their ways. Long Live The Last Prime!"

"LONG LIVE THE LAST PRIME!" Was shouted by all but the green Ammonites.

"The Last Prime is dead!" An Americon shouted as he and others arrived, responding to the
Twilight and Predaking creature charged forward at them, Predaking easily dispatching all of them with a swipe of its massive tail. Behind them, the Ammonites began shifting and merging, fusing into one giant tank and wheeled themselves backwards, aiming their turret at the rear guard.

Twilight and Predaking march forward through the city. Explosions, lasers, battle cries, gunshots, and car crashes began to sound out from all over the city, but Twilight didn't flinch.

As they marched, they came across Princess Luna.

"Princess Luna!" Twilight took up a fighting stance. "What are you doing here?"

Princess Luna glared at Twilight, undisturbed by Predaking arching up his tail.

"We . . ." Luna paused. "We have thought long and hard about what thoust has been doing, Twilight Sparkle, and We . . ."

Luna's glare turned into a smile.

"We approve immensely. It's about time somepony did something about Galloway's reign. Please." Luna stepped to the side and gestured her hoof for them to continue.

Twilight smiled. "Thank you, Princess. Come on!" Twilight galloped ahead, beckoning

Predaking to follow. Neither of them hesitated, faltered, or stopped as the din of exploding glass and steel played out around them in echoes.

Eventually, they reached their destination – The U.S White House, seat of all of the United States' political leaders. Guarding it was a magical force field, as summoned by Twilight's brother, Shining Armor, who was waiting on the steps leading up to the building, clearly waiting for his sister along with Witwicky.

"Twilight Sparkle!" The human exclaimed.

"General Buster Witwicky." Twilight noted him with disdain. "I suppose you two are going to try to stop me from getting inside?"

"Yup." Buster confirmed, pounding his fists together. "I've been meaning to get you back for embarrassing me in Mexico. Just you wait. Fearswoop will be here soon." Buster warned. "And then you'll-"

Some distance away, unseen by Buster, Fearswoop was taken out of commision by Bumblebee putting an arrow from his Beast Hunter bow straight Fearswoop’s optics.

"What was that!?" Buster exclaimed.

"From the sounds of it," Twilight replied, "Bumblebee just took out Fearswoop. Exactly as I planned."

Buster snarled, and began to walk down the steps. However, Shining Armor put his hoof on Buster's shoulder.

"Actually, General . . ." Shining Armor said. "I heard about what you did to Vortex in Mexico . . . and why. As such, I'm afraid to say the U.S Army no longer has my support." Shining Armor then cold-clocked Buster, knocking him with a blow to the head. Buster fell to the ground.

Twilight and Shining shared a warm gaze.

"Good to see you've come to your senses, B.B.B.F.F."

"Shall we?" Shining Armor's horn glowed, and the pink bubble enveloping the White House faded away. He offered his hoof.

"We shall." Twilight climbed up the stairs and took it. Shining Armor guided her inside the building, both of them using their magic to toss aside any Guard who got in their way.

They reached the President's room and barged in, where Cadence, Galloway, and Gould were surprised to see them.

"What is the meaning of this!?" Galloway demanded.

"Simple, President Galloway." Shining Armor answered. "It's about making things right."

“You … you!”

Shining Armor went to hold Cadence.

Gould got up and launched himself at Twilight. Twilight slammed her hoof into his face, easily knocking him down. She then proceeded towards the table and did the same thing to Galloway, smashing his face against the desk so hard his lips started to bleed.
"Now that I have your attention . . ." Twilight quipped, pressing her hoof into Galloway's neck. She looked over to the computer on his desk. She raised her hoof and began punching in keys.
"Why don't we start off by repealing Optimus Prime's terrorist status?"

Galloway let out a sigh. “Fine.” He typed a command into the computer, pulling up the terrorist watch list, and pressed a button removing Optimus - recorded as ‘deceased’ from the list.

“Anything else you want?” Galloway asked.

“Yes.” Twilight answered with a smile. She took hold of Galloway by the collar of his shirt and began to push him out the door. “Optimus Prime is waiting to speak with you outside, and he is very eager to discuss some things with you.”

“What?” Galloway stammered. “That- that can’t be. Optimus Prime is dead. It’s not possible.”

“Shut up and walk.”

Twilight continued to push and beat Galloway until they arrived outside at the White House steps, where Optimus, Ultra Magnus, and Princess Celestia and others were waiting, all of them looking quite cross, glowering.

“You … you can’t be here.” Galloway said. “I … I killed you. I destroyed you. You can’t be here. How can you possibly be here!?”

“Yes, about that … as you might imagine, I am not happy with your attempted murder of me with an assassin, President Theodore Galloway. Just one of the many topics I wish to discuss with you.” Optimus stalked forward, and Galloway, losing his wits, fell against the marble steps of the house.

“Tell me, Galloway,” Optimus said, “when did you first decide that you deserved power? That you were somehow worthy of being President of the United States, even if it meant skipping the democratic process? How did you reach the conclusion that you were free to determine who who lived and died if they proved themselves somehow an obstacle to your ambitions, your delusions of grandeur?”

“I …” Galloway crawled backwards up the stairs.

“HOW!? ANSWER ME!” Optimus roared, charging up his arm-cannon.

“P-please …” Galloway raised up his arms. “I-I don’t deserve this!”


Optimus aimed his arm-cannon, lens flaring shining from the cannon’s barrel. He fired, shooting a plasma blast directly onto Galloway. Twilight shielded her eyes as blue light shone, and wrinkled her nose at the smell of burning flesh.

Once the blast had cleared, Galloway was gone. All that was left of him was a charcoal-black, burnt skeleton lying on the stairs, his nice suit burnt beyond recognition and melted to the bones, trails of smoke flying up off the body.

This done, Optimus fell to his knees, resting his hands on the stairs and hanging his head.

Twilight Sparkle walked around to the side of him, placing a hoof on Optimus’ leg.

“I’m sorry … I know that had to have been hard for you. ‘Never harm an organic …’ ‘our most sacred vow.’ He deserved it, he deserved every bit of it.” Twilight nuzzled against his leg. “But I know going against that and breaking that other so flagrantly must have still hurt.”

“He did deserve it.” Optimus said. “But am I no better than him? By what do I make the decision to take his life?”

“The right of the fact that he was a conspirator, an usurper, and an indirect murdering. He was guilty of so many things, Optimus, even if we didn’t put him through a fair trial. He would have done the same to us. But it’s over.” Twilight closed her eyes. “It’s over now.”

“‘It’s over’ … is it? Is it really over?” Optimus asked. “I said the same thing during New York, after I had crushed Megatron’s head between my hands.” Twilight grew unnerved when she heard Optimus’ voice break. “I thought that was it. But there was more to do after that. And even still, after we dealt with all of our enemies on that day, after we thought the days of Autobots and Decepticons were dead and gone and done with, still … still I find myself being dragged into war. Still I find that no matter how hard I try, I cannot escape war. No matter how hard I try, I cannot escape war and warmongering. It forged me, it made me, it is part of who I am … and no matter what, that part will still never go away.”

Optimus sighed.

“War. War never changes, Twilight Sparkle. It’s … it’s never really over.”

Optimus pulled and sat down on the stairs, hanging his head while Galloway’s body continued to let off smoke. Twilight laid her head across his lap. The rest of their team waited, giving Optimus the minute they knew he needed before they went and started cleanup operations.

“Hmm.” Bumblebee observed the crowd gathered around the White House’s steps. “I’d like to know what’s going on over there. It’ll be nice to join up with the others.”

Climbing over a ledge and hopping his way down from his vantage point, Bumblebee jogged towards the direction of the house. A blow came from behind him and knocked him down.

Bumblebee rolled over onto his back, seeing Stinger standing before him.

“Stinger.” Bumblebee groaned, getting to his knees. “What do you want?”

Stinger turned his head, looking around. “Galloway may be dead … we may have already lost. But I still want to finish things and settle the score with you, Bumblebee.” He pointed a pointed finger at Bumblebee.

“Stinger, it’s over.” Bumblebee said, getting to his feet. “You’ve lost. Accept it, and move on.”

Stinger replied by punching Bumblebee.

“Uh-uh. No. It’s not over until one of us is the ground.”

Stinger proceeded to pummel Bumblebee, striking Bumblebee in the face repeatedly with multiple rapid-fire blows. Bumblebee groaned, but was able to rear his arm and land a jab on Stinger’s face.

Stinger deployed a twin-pronged electrified prod from his arm. He attempted to strike Bumblebee with it, and Bumblebee ducked by bending backwards, deploying his arm-mounted weapons and shooting Stinger in the chest.

Stinger staggered back, smoke coming from his chest. He converted his other arm into a cannon and fired, blasting Bumblebee in the chest and sending him flying, where Bumblebee tumbled and rolled along the concrete.

Bumblebee groaned and pushed himself up. Stinger briskly walked up to him. Converting his arm into an ax, Bumblebee attempted to slice Stinger in the waist, but Stinger grabbed the handle of Bumblebee’s ax and kept it from connecting, following up by pounding Bumblebee in the head, knocking him down. Stinger reached down and picked Bumblebee up, hefting Bumblebee over his head and tossing him down the street. Bumblebee grunted and groaned as he travelled along the asphalt, cracks and dips appearing as he rolled along.

Coming to rest on his back, Bumblebee let out a groan. He rolled his optics towards Stinger, grimacing when he saw Stinger charging up his arm-cannon.

“Goodbye, Bumblebee. Say hi to Barricade for me in the AllSpark!”

A blur of navy and gold appeared from the sky and struck Stinger in the shoulderblades, grabbing him and lifting him up, spinning Stinger around and hurling him away.

“It is the Well of AllSparks.” Switchblade corrected. He approached Stinger. “Get your terminology right if you are going to mock him.”

“Thanks, Switchblade.” Bumblebee got to his feet.

“No problem.” Switchblade said. He approached Stinger and raised his claw to strike, but Stinger recovered, turning both his arms into cannons and firing into Switchblade’s chest, Stinger’s arms shaking from the recoil as he pumped Switchblade full of plasma, blasting and pounding away at his armor.

“Urgh …”

Switchblade groaned and stumbled. Stinger hopped to his feet with an acrobatic leap and punched Switchblade’s face, before jumping up and sending Switchblade spinning away with jumpkick, sending Switchblade into a nearby wall.

“Stinger, what is it that you really want?” Bumblebee asked. “Surely you’re not that loyal to Galloway, or even Gould. I’m giving you one last chance to turn things around, Stinger.”


Bumblebee sighed. “Alright, fine. I tried to give you a chance. You want this finished?”

Stinger ran towards Bumblebee.

Bumblebee aimed his Hunter bow, nocked his arrow, and pulled the drawstring.

“Consider it finished.”

Bumblebee let loose, letting the iron arrow fly. The bolt struck right through Stinger’s head, piercing it and going through, Stinger’s leaning running posture allowing the arrow to pierce even further and tear straight through his chest.

Stinger came to a stop, his arms going slack, blue electricity beginning to crackle and run loose from his body.

Bumblebee, knowing of Stinger’s unusual construction, didn’t take any chances and pulled out more arrows, setting five of them into the bow and firing them in a storm at Stinger, piercing his waist, shoulders, and thighs in one single excellently-aimed shot. Stinger creaked and groaned, twitching and playing at the idea of remaining alive despite the damage, but it was too much for to shrug off, and his body fell onto his face.

This done, Bumblebee went over to go check on Switchblade. “Are you okay?”

“I am fine.” Switchblade took Bumblebee’s hand, and Bumblebee helped to his feet. “Though a little disoriented …” Switchblade clutched at his side, getting oil on his fingers. “And perhaps bleeding slightly, but it’s nothing a few plugs won’t fix.”

“I’m glad you’re fine.” Bumblebee said with a smile. “You really helped me out there.”

“Think nothing of it.” Switchblade said, limping away. Bumblebee took hold of him and wrapped Switchblade around his shoulders, carrying him. “You would have done the same for me, would you not?”

“I would have.”

Ratchet stood at the hangar, smiling at Vigil, imagining how easy of a time his friends were having with mowing down Galloway’s forces. How they would cut a path through the Americons, and oust Galloway from his throne …

His daydreaming was interrupted by Vigil’s screen turning black, the red line turning green.

“Ratchet … I feel funny again.”

“Oh no.” Ratchet said. He put a hand on Vigil’s screen to comfort him. “What’s wrong, my friend?”

“Accessing … someone is accessing, and I cannot stop them.”

“Accessing what?”

Ratchet scrutinizing the screen as Vigil flashed lines and stream of code by him.

Ratchet’s face contorted in horror. “Oh no.”

“Wait right here. I’ll be back as soon as I can!” Ratchet ran towards the hangar entrance, converting into vehicle mode and taking off roaring, his wheels screeching and his engine pumping.

“You know, I am a stationary computer …” Vigil murmured.

Optimus and the others rested where they were. Optimus stood up, and the rest followed his lead. Their attention was caught by a revving engine and the blare of siren lights. They looked down the street to see Ratchet driving up to them.

“Ratchet?” Optimus asked, walking up to him.

Ratchet, barely stopping, converted into robot mode and ran up to Optimus, grabbing him by the shoulders. “Optimus! Soundwave! Some sort of … deadman’s switch! Codes! Nuclear winter! International incident! Mutually assured destruction!”
“Ratchet, calm down.” Optimus placed his hands on Ratchet’s shoulders.

“Ratchet,” Fluttershy flew up to Ratchet’s face, “calm down. Take a deep breath. Speak calmly and in complete sentences. What’s the problem?”

Everyone looked around as they heard a whir.

“I’m gonna guess that.” Smokescreen said. “Whatever that is.”

Ratchet took in a deep breath and let out a sigh. “When Soundwave hacked into Vigil, he somehow found a way to leave some kind of virus that remained inactive until it detected a weakness in Vigil’s defenses. When I ordered Vigil to shut down the force field, it found an opening in the shutdown code and went through, infiltrating Vigil and all the systems he was connected to. And now it’s hacked its way through all of the humans’ defenses, and has several thermonuclear missiles to fire, primed and locked to fire at dozens of different countries!”

Everyone took in the sight as they watched several silver silos rise up out of the ground before shooting off rockets.

“If any one of those missiles hit their target, it’s all over. The rest of the world will see it as the U.S declaring nuclear war, and everything that we’ve done here …” Ratchet swept his hands. “Will be for nothing. There will be an international incident that this world will never recover from.”

“Not on my watch.” Optimus said, He flared up his wings and jetted off, blasting into the sky, Star Saber clutched firmly in his hand.

“Of course.” Smokescreen lamented. “Because it’s not an action movie until somebody has to stop a nuke …”

“Ratchet, how many missiles was Soundwave’s virus able to launch?” Twilight asked.

“I - I don’t know. Several. A lot!” Ratchet flailed his arms, beginning to panic again.

“I need you to do better than ‘several’, Ratchet!”

Ratchet took in another calming breath. “Twenty. Maybe twenty-five.”

Twilight drew up her face and steeled herself. She turned around.

“Get me thirty fliers up in the air, now. We cannot let a single one of those missiles hit.”

“Just out of curiosity,” Predaking stepped forward, “what happens if they do hit? Just so my Predacons understand what’s at stake.”

“Everyone in the area of the blast will die, and the area will be uninhabitable to humans, organics, and maybe even Cybertronians for decades - maybe even centuries.”

“So don’t screw this up.” Smokescreen said.

“I understand. Predacons, to the skies!” Predaking ordered, reverting into his beast mode and flying up. Other Imperials soon joined in.

Optimus chased down one of the missiles. He braced his grip and swung the Star Saber, shooting a crescent beam which cleaved off the thruster of the missile he was locked onto. He flew up to the falling missile casing and took it into his arms, stopping it from hitting something and denoting anyway before they could disarm. He gently floated down and laid the casing on the ground.

Fractyl pulled up to the side of a missile. He converted into robot mode and landed on atop of the missile, a capped vial of purple liquid in his claw. He uncorked the vial and poured the acid on the missile, where it eat through the metal. With a hole cut through the casing, Fractyl reached in and began fiddling to disarm the actual bomb inside.

“Ah, hmm … ah! There we go.” Fractyl smiled, hearing the thing click.

Fluttershy’s Insecticons and Predaking’s Predacons flew up to several of the missile, spreading their legs and wrapping them around the missile, grabbing them and pulling them back so they would aim upwards and go towards the sky - if the others couldn’t get to them in time, at least they would explode decently away from organic life, even if they did up causing an electronics blackout.

Celestia flew in front of a missile, charging up a spell. She let loose a huge blast of gold magic, which enshrouded the missile, turning it into a series of flowers which fell through the air.

Celestia reached out her hoof and let a flower drop onto it. She took in the flower’s scent.

“Celestia, now is not the time to stop and smell the roses!” Optimus ranted, flying past her.

“It’s always time to stop and smell the roses, Optimus. But I suppose I see your point.” Celestia turned and flew away, being joined by Luna in stopping another pair of missiles by turning them into more flowers.

“Hi-yah!” Optimus swung the Saber again, cutting off the thruster off a second missile. Twilight flew up to the falling missile and caught it with her magic, using her telekinesis to peel off a patch of metal and take out the explosive device, beginning to disassemble it with her magic.

“Careful where you shoot these things down over, people!” Twilight shouted. “Even one of them landing in an isolated desert could be a cataclysm!”

“Duly noted!” Fractyl said, carefully applying his acid to cut through another missile casing.

“Could we get a little help over here?” Fluttershy asked, noticing Predaking and Grimwing struggling to keep the missiles they were holding from moving too fast. “My Insecticons and these guys can’t hold out forever, you know!”

“We’re on it.” Cadence flew up, blasting multiple missiles and encasing them in crystal.

“Aid is on the way, Fluttershy.” Optimus swung the Star Saber at another missile. His optics widened when he saw his aim was off by a fraction of an inch, and his crescent beam was going to trigger an explosion. “SLAG! No!”

The crescent beam tore through the rocket, and the explosion rippled, stopped by a purple bubble coming from the ground, which contained the explosion in a confined space and kept it isolated until the chain reaction died down.

“Shining Armor with the save!” Rainbow Dash said.

“Not that it redeems him for all the stupid things he did.” Applejack noted with smarm.

“No, not all of them.” Twilight said. She looked down at Shining Armor with a smile. “But it’s a start.”

After dealing with Optimus’ once-in-a-lifetime miscalculation, Twilight and Fractyl set about dealing with the missiles being waylaid by their Insecticon and Predacon cargo, hacking into them with magic and acid and defusing their contents until they were all disarmed.

The Predacon-Insecticon fleet carried their cargo to the ground, laying the missiles flat on the terrain. Twilight, Optimus, and the others landed soon after with them.

Pausing, waiting for just a minute to see if their defusing hadn’t took, and some of them would explode anyway, but they didn’t.

Twilight sighed contentedly. “Crisis averted.”

In the aftermath of the D.C invasion, things began to clear up and cool down. The Autobots arrested the remainder of Galloway, Gould, and Attinger’s men who had been known to take active parts in the conspiracy.

The actual President of the United States was found in a trailer in an unpopulated area of the Middle East, guarded by Americons who had used every tool at their disposal to remain undetected.

Galloway’s declaration of martial law was revoked the second the President stepped into the building, and all of his misleadingly named Alien Cooperation bills were repealed. His Americon program, however, was found to have potential after being a scrutinizing through read, and it was kept … with a few major rewrites.

The ruins of Omega One were designated a war memorial site, with photography restricted.

Funerals were held for some of the major combatants who had perished in the combat. Corpses were burnt, the Autobot and Decepticon dead being melted into material for new protoforms - protoforms who would one day soon, be given new Sparks by the restored AllSpark within the Core.

“I never get along with, well, anybody.” Ultra Magnus said, speaking at Magnum’s burning. “But I especially didn’t along with my cousin Magnum. He was a stickler for the rules, and I was a free spirit, a Wrecker. Rules were made to be broken. But … Magnum was always strict and stern. You could rely on him to be blunt, honest, and straightforward in everything he did, and there’s … few people I would trust as much to have my back. Thank you.”

“He will be missed.” Optimus said, looking towards the casket which held him. “A honest soldier and courageous soldier. May peace find you in the Well, my cousin.” Optimus rested his hand on the casket before it was lifted up and carried off to be smelted.

Optimus sighed when the next body was brought out.

“This is the Decepticon soldier, Blackout.” Optimus said. “I … hope any Decepticons in the audience do not mind my speaking for him. I understand his closest comrade, Barricade, and C.O, Shockwave, are both deceased.” Optimus looked away. “He was a soldier, devoted to an ideal, to a way of life … I suppose much like our departed Dreadwing. He remained loyal to the Decepticon way, even if in the end, it wound up destroying him. I … that is all.”

Blackout’s body was carried off.

“Crosshairs …” Drift walked up to Crosshairs. He looked away. “T-take him away. Crosshairs wouldn’t care for a long goodbye and boring eulogy.”

The people gathered chuckle, and Crosshairs was taken away.

Elsewhere, Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia were joined by Fowler and U.S Army as they laid Attinger’s body to rest in a D.C cemetery.

Twilight sighed. “He was my enemy … but he was a patriot. He was doing what he thought was right. I saw his true colors just moments before he died. If I could gotten to him sooner, talked to talked him one on one, he could just as easily been fighting for us, and we could have ended this whole mess sooner.”

“He wanted to settle down, raise a family.” Celestia said. “But he carried his demons with him. He would have wanted to be buried here, in the capital of the country he loved, warts and all.” Celestia looked around.

The casket was lowered in the ground.

There was digging, investigating and poking around, and it was discovered the Chinese Minister of Defense had conspired and made deals with COBRA … without the entire knowledge or approval of the rest of the Chinese government. Oops. He was on suspension while an investigation was opened up into him and all of his aides who were in on it.

On Cybertron, Fortress Maximus looked down with sadness in his eyes at the fallen body of Metroplex.

“Farewell, my brother.”

Fortress Maximus walked away, his footsteps inducing tremors, until he came to where Metroplex had first been found. Fortress transformed, reassuming his city mode and laying himself across the empty space Metroplex had left behind.

After the funerals were held, dues to the dead paid, Optimus met up with Celestia. They sat down with each other, thinking of how they could mend the rifts this incident had torn between their different kinds.

On Equestria, Twilight Sparkle and her friends approached the Tree of Harmony.

“Are you sure you want to do this, Twilight?” Applejack asked. “If we put the Elements into the Tree, there’s no guarantee we would be able to get them back out again.”

“I’m sure.” Twilight said. “Call it a gut feeling, but I get the sense we won’t be needing these things again anytime soon … not for a long time. Maybe not even in our lifetimes, and by then, who knows what will happen? Besides, I can’t keep making those anti-magic bombs forever ...”

“I wish I could I say I feel the same, but alright.” Applejack said.

“We trust your judgment, darling.” Rarity said.

The girls held up their Elements. The Elements floated up and hovered into the Tree, locking and clicking into place in slots designed for them, almost as if the tree was … mechanical. Twilight went around deactivating the anti-magic generators.

“Say, did anypony else hear that clicking the Tree was doing?” Applejack asked.

“Yes. What of it, darling?” Rarity looked at the tree.

“Well, it sounded awfully mechanical to me.”

“You don’t suppose … the Tree could be Cybertronian, do you?”

Twilight, Applejack and Rarity exchanged glances. They burst into laughter.

“Let’s not be silly, Rarity.” Twilight said.

“Ah ha ha ha! Of course not, darling. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

Rarity, Twilight and the rest departed from the tree, though Rarity couldn’t help but look over her shoulder, and she could have sworn she saw a blue Energon-like glow shimmer through the tree.

“It has to be magic … or my imagination.” Rarity muttered to herself, keeping a lower posture as she joined the others.

Later, Optimus addressed a crowd of Cybertronians.

“My fellow Cybertronians … there has been much happening as of late. Much has changed. Much will continue to change. We will need some time to recover and process everything that has happened. But as the world around me changes, forgive me if I may make a play on words, transforms … so must I too, change. Over the course of the last six months, I have found myself acting in ways … unbecoming of my status.”

Optimus tensed his fingers across the podium. He thought about his encounter with Scorponok. He thought about when he cried when he thought he had lost his family.

“I have been violent, emotional, and irrational. I have made ill-advised decisions based on impulse and snap judgments, letting my emotions dictate my actions and allowing violence to rule many of the things I do. I have acted unbecoming of a Prime.”

Optimus opened up his chest. He grabbed the Matrix and pulled it out.

“And so, it is with a heavy Spark that I announce my time is over. I am stepping down as Prime.”

Optimus laid the Matrix down on the podium. The crowd had a scattered mix of reactions, from cautious optimism, to disappointment, to cheerful jeering from still resentful ex-Cons and rowdier Autobots who had disagreed with Optimus in the past.

“I hope, despite Galvatron and Lazerback’s efforts to taint the process, you will find democracy a suitable alternative to our primacy, and elect appropriate leaders to guide you in this new era of ours. ”

Optimus turned and walked away from the podium.

“Optimus, sir, wait!”

Optimus looked to a hand raised in the crowd. Someone was making his way to Optimus, pushing himself through the crowd.

“Heatwave.” Optimus said.

“Optimus, sir, I have to object.” Heatwave said. “Without a Prime, we have no one to lead us. We need a figurehead, someone people can look up to for guidance and maintain order while we try to transition to a new system. I’m not saying we can’t go to a new way of doing things, but we need a system in place while we do. We need a Prime. Someone to answer questions and give orders.”

Optimus pursed his lips. After thinking about it, He picked the Matrix off the podium and shoved it into Heatwave’s hands. “Congratulations, Heatwave, you are the new Prime.”

Heatwave stammered as the Matrix was placed in his grasp. “Wha-me? Sir, but I can’t- I couldn’t possibly-”

Optimus placed his hands on Heatwave’s shoulders.

“Heatwave, I have watched you grow and shape into a leader in charge of your Rescue Bots since the beginning of your mission. You have shown a propensity for command, and demonstrated the capacity to lead. You have the skills for this. I know you do, and I know you will do an excellent job. You will lead Cybertron into a new golden age.” Optimus patted Heatwave’s shoulder, giving Heatwave a smile. “Make me proud.”

“I …” Heatwave stammered. He straightened up and saluted. “I won’t let you down, sir.”

“I know you will not. Else I wouldn’t be trusting you with such an important position.”

Optimus took his hand off Heatwave, and Heatwave got to his knees.

“Arise, my successor.” Optimus said. “People of Cybertron, hail to your new Prime.”

Heatwave turned to the crowd, who began applauding and cheering. Optimus spread his wings and jetted off, blue fire trailing off, and Heatwave waved goodbye when he noticed Optimus flying away.

While the Autobots shuffling through various components as they tried to decide where to set up their next base, Arcee was puzzled when she was struck by a ringing her arm.

“A high-frequency signal … with an embedded message. Hmm. Now who do we know that uses that?” Arcee asked dryly.

“What’s it say?” Ratchet asked.

“It has coordinates. It says to come alone.”

“I don’t like it. It could be a trap.”

“It says ‘this is not a trap.’” Arcee noted.

“Which, as we all know, is super definitive proof of it not being a trap, especially when you’re dealing with Starscream.” Smokescreen said.

“I’m going to go alone anyways.” Arcee said. “Just to see what he wants.”

“Be careful.”

“Aren’t I always? I’m a sniper. I am the very definition of careful.”

“Careful would be bringing backup …” Smokescreen said under his breath. Arcee frowned at him before moving on.

Arcee arrived at the area specified by the coordinates. Stepping up to a wall, she was shocked. She didn’t recognize it at first, the area being rusted over, covered in junk and debris, having been uncared for for some time … but this is where it had happened. This is where her nemesis murdered her first partner.

Pausing because of this fact, Arcee eventually mustered up the courage to go in. “Hello?”

“Ah, Arcee.” Starscream said, sitting on a crate, a light pouring down on him from a hole in the ceiling. “I was wondering whether or not you’d show up.” He didn’t turn to face her.

“Well, I’m here now. What do you want, Starscream?”

“There’s no place for me in this new world of yours that you and your pony friends are making.” Starscream said. “No place for a scavenger, scrounger, liar, and deceiver like me … sooner or later, I’ll be found. I’ll be caught, where it’s by some bounty hunter or an Autobot who got lucky. But if that is going to be the case …”

Starscream swiveled around on his seat.

“I figured I might as well give you some closure. That’s why I brought you here … where it happened. Where Airachnid did the deed.”

“What … do you expect to do?” Arcee asked, not grasping his meaning.

“Who knows?” Starscream said. “Maybe I’ll find somewhere to hide, gather followers, start another Decepticon movement and make a coup. Or maybe I’ll go out into space and drift aimlessly through the cosmos until rust overwhelms and forces me to final shutdown. But either way …”

Starscream stood up, pulling out his Thunder Talon.

“I don’t expect to walk out of here alive.”

Starscream lunged at her, and Arcee pulled up her bow, firing an arrow straight into Starscream’s shoulder. Starscream groaned, coming to a halt and clutching at the wound. Arcee sprinted forward, jumping into the air and striking Starscream’s with a series of kicks. She flipped backwards and landed behind him, drawing her bow and shooting a shaft into his back. Arcee deployed her arm-blades with a shink, and charged at him.

Starscream turned around, grabbing her by the wrist and deflecting her blade. He slashed across the face with his claws, tearing ghastly gashes across it. He jerked her arm and punched her in the gut, before taking up the Talon and pinching it around her shoulder, squeezing it hard and pulling, ripping her arm right out of her socket, Energon spilling out and getting all over her sides.

“Hmm.” Starscream noted, holding Arcee’s arm up in the pincher of the talon. Crackin a grin, a semblance of his old self coming back to him, he tossed his arm to the ground. “Perhaps this will go better than I thought. Maybe I’ll start that coup after all.”

Starscream slammed his elbow into Arcee’s back, causing her to drop to her knees. Standing over, Starscream raised his Thunder Talon up, his teeth bared in a crazed grin as he prepared to bring the Talon down on her.

A pink laser flew by, striking Starscream in the head and keeping him from delivering the finishing blow. He turned to the entrance, where Twilight Sparkle was flying around.

“I don’t recall inviting you.” Starscream growled, brandishing the Talon at her.

“Ratchet told me about what was happening. I wanted to get here as soon as I could. I have a score to settle with you just as much as Arcee does. I fought my friends because of you. I become an undead zombie because of you. My brother was killed by you. I brought him back as a Terrorpony, and he’s upset about it, but still.”

“Hmph! Well, that last one sounds like your issue to deal with, not mine!”

Starscream raised up the Thunder Talon. Twilight readied her magic, and Arcee was able to recover, aiming and drawing her bow, steadying it by bracing it against her chest. Arcee and Twilight both fired, Arcee’s arrow lodging into up Starscream’s torso, and Starscream’s chestplate and half of his head being blown off by Twilight’s explosive magic.

Smoke billowing from his body, Starscream toppled over to the ground, his grip loosening around the Thunder Talon’s handle.

Arcee got to her feet. “Thanks. He might have got me if not for you.”

“Oh, don’t be silly. A tough fighter like you? You would have turned the tables on him no sweat if I hadn’t got here.” Twilight said with a mischievous smile.

Arcee scoffed, but she couldn’t returning the grin. “Thanks for the vote of confidence. Let’s get out of here.”

“What do we want to do with him?”

“Leave him, for all I care.” Arcee said as she walked out.

“Hmm … no, I think I’ll take him and have him cremated like all the other ‘Cons.” Twilight said, using her magic to pull Starscream by the leg, dragging his body to the entrance. “Wouldn’t want somebody getting the bright idea of trying to resurrect him, after all …”

Optimus and Celestia met up on a Jasper cliffside, sitting around and watching the sun set, their friends behind them.

Optimus tilted his head up, appreciating the sun’s beauty.

“Princess Celestia …” Optimus said, “now that I am no longer a Prime, I am … free to do whatever I please.”

“Oh?” Celestia asked.

“Yes. I could be a painter, an artist, a musician … I could go into architecture. Do you think I could go into architecture? I think I could be a good architect.”

“Optimus, I’ve never heard you talk like this.” Celestia said.

“Well, why not?” Optimus said. “I no longer have any responsibilities, no burdens to bear, no weights to carry. I don’t have to carefully consider the impact of my every word, or whether or not someone who might be listening might attempt to twist them or take them out of context. I can do whatever I want. I can make mistakes, I can laugh, I can cry, I could go to a party … I probably still would not, as I find them loud and obnoxious, but I could.”

“You could start using contractions.” Celestia said with a smirk.

“I could,” Optimus said, returning a smile, “but I won’t.”

“Ha. I see what you did just there.”

“I could make a decision with no practical or moral considerations beyond, “I feel like it.” Speaking of which … ”

Optimus reached over and grabbed Celestia up in his palm, making her squeal in surprise. He brought her up to his face and gave her a smooch on the horn, pulling out a ring box.

“Princess Celestia, will you join me in throwing caution and thought to the wind … and marry me?”

Everyone had something to say about this. “WHAT?”
Princess Celestia stared at the ring box. She giggled. “Oh, what the heck. Yes!” She took the ring and gave Optimus a peck on the cheek.

“Princess!” Twilight exclaimed in shock.

“Oh, it’ll be fine, Twilight.” Optimus placed Celestia down and went over to her. “Come, join me in a round of flying, would you?” Optimus picked Twilight up, hugging her, and spread his wings and took to the air.

“What is he doing?” Arcee asked.

“I do believe he’s making up for his lost teenagerdom, not to mention four million and six years of repressed desires and impulses.” Ratchet said. “He’ll ... he’ll burn out and go back to being someone closer to the Optimus we know …”

Ratchet watched Optimus performed a loop-de-loop in the air before he let his arms out, allowing Twilight to break free from him and pull up to him, flying side by side.

“Eventually.” Ratchet said with a shrug.

Optimus whooped and hollered, flying downwards with Twilight at incredible sharp angle before pulling up hard and accelerating right into the sky, producing an explosion which burst into a spray of rainbow-colored sparkles which flew off and scattered beautifully into the shape of an Autobot symbol, backlit by the image of Twilight’s Cutie Mark.

“Did … did he just do a Sonic Rainboom?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“No. If he did, we’d all have been knocked out. But he definitely did something. I suspect Twilight used her magic to help.” Ratchet said.

Optimus and Twilight flew back to the cliff, Twilight looking exhausted, but also clearly having had fun.

“Ah … that was fun.” Optimus said. “Fun! It’s been so long since I allowed myself to have fun, I had almost forgotten it was a real feeling!”

“That sounds horrible.” Pinkie Pie said. “I can’t imagine a life without fun.”

“Indeed, it was fun. And quite the visual spectacle, too.”
There was a brilliant blue glow, and Optimus turned and bowed as Primus manifested. He may have been letting out a repressed wild side, but Optimus still knew his place. “Lord Primus. To what do we owe the privilege of your visit?”

“I have a task for you and Twilight Sparkle, should you accept.” Primus said.

“What is it?” Twilight asked.

“Indeed. I will have to join Twilight’s inquiry before I decide to accept.”

“I want you two to go out into the cosmos as envoys of peace, emissaries spreading the message of peace and harmony to alien races throughout the cosmos. Find as many as you can, and invite them to join Earth, Equestria, and Cybertron in forging intergalactic relationships, spreading our friendships across all of space ... until that fateful day, when all are one.”

Optimus looked to Twilight. “What do you say, Twilight Sparkle?”

“Spreading the magic of friendship to other planets? That sounds amazing! And I’m sure it’ll make my mentor proud.”

“Former mentor.” Celestia said. “I’d say given everything you’ve been through and done, you’ve grown well past the point of being my student, Twilight Sparkle … Intergalactic Princess of Friendship.” Celestia chuckled.

“We accept.” Twilight said.

“Oh, do you really?” Fluttershy asked. “It sounds like you could be gone for an awfully long time … outer space is a really big place, you know.”

“And we should know. We’ve been there.” Rarity said.

Twilight pulled her friends together into a hug. “I promise we’ll come back and visit often. You’ll see us again.”

“Yes.” Optimus said. “We’ll come back now and then, when our spirits are weary and our bodies, and we need a reminder of our home, and the value of the good we’re doing. I promise you, we will return.” Optimus parroted Twilight’s actions, pulling the Autobots into a massive group hug.

“Shall we?” Twilight asked.

“We shall.”

And with that, the two spread their wings and flew off into the sunset, their friends waving and shouting goodbyes from the ground.

“You think we should tell Twilight she forgot her spacesuit?” Rarity asked.

“... Eh. Nah. She’ll figure it out on her own.” Applejack said.

“... and that, children, is the full story. The story behind Operation: Patriotism. The story about why me and the other Autobots always try to remember July 31st in the Earthen calendar, the day everything changed. That’s why we have this sculpture of a burning Autobot symbol commemorating this date.” Captain Bumblebee concluded his tale to a group of children of various alien breeds, some of them hybrids, tapping his fingers against the statute remembering Galloway’s semi-successful, but ill-fated operation, marked with the date and the promise to ‘Always Remember.’

“Wow!” one of the children expressed in the group. “So Heximus Prime used to be Heatwave?”

“Yup. Oh, but, uh, don’t call him that, and don’t let him know I told you that. He kinda hates it when people call him by his old name.” Bumblebee said.

“I have so many questions!” A boar-headed girl said. “What happened to, well, so many of those people you didn’t mention? Like - like Fractyl and the Quintessons?”

“Oh, hmm.” Bumblebee tapped his chin. “Well, the Quintessons were given amnesty, given how Nova almost wiped them out, and they went and kept themselves for fear of something like this happening again. Fractyl is the chief scientist here on Cybertron … anyone else?”

“What about the other Rescue Bots?”

“They mostly just help Heat- dangit, now you got me doing it. Heximus with running Cybertron. Blades is Chief Medical Officer, Boulder’s taken up writing …”

“Snowdrop?” A tentacled child asked.

“She went back to her normal life. She doesn’t get up to much.”

“The Predacons?”

“They’re out in the Sea of Rust with the Dinobots, enjoying being animals. You can go up and say hi to them, if you like. Just … ask your parents first, okay?”

“You work with Smokescreen, don’t you, Police Captain Bumblebee?” A human girl with cybernetic implants asked. “Has he matured any?”

“Oh, yes. I’d say he’s gotten even gruffer than I am, but that’s what happen when you take over Prowl’s place and become the Espionage Director. Lots of spy work to make sure nothing like this-” Bumblebee rapped on the statue, “ever happens again.”

“What did happened to Prowl? And Rung?” A gryphon asked.

Bumblebee grimaced. “I … don’t want to talk about that. It’s … very violent, and … hits a little too close to home. Remember, kids, all I told you was that people were fighting.”

“How do you remember the old timeline Johnson and Steeljaw came from if it was erased from happening in the first place?” An Equestrian asked.

“That is a very good question. Time travel is complicated, kid. I wouldn’t bother trying to understand it, it’ll just make your head hurt. It certainly does mine.”

“Did Optimus and Twilight ever come back like they promised?”

“Who knows?” Bumblebee said with a smile. “Maybe they did, maybe they didn’t. Maybe if you’re lucky, you could go up and see them when they come back one day …”

Bumblebee walked off.

Conveniently leaving out the tiny detail that on Equestria, Optimus and Twilight were telling the same story to a group of fillies in Apple Bloom’s scout troop.