> Autumn of love > by TokusatsuKuuga-RX > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As it was in Ponyville like almost any other day, a young Alicorn named TokusatsuKuuga-RX worked hard removing rocks at Sweet Apple Acres, he only began to work there a month ago after Princess Celestia and Luna gave there permission for him to live in Ponyville. On his down time he and Big McIntosh would race around Sweet Apple Acres, one day when Apple Bloom called both of them inside for supper while eating TokusatsuKuuga-RX noticed Applejack and got this weird tugging feeling coming from his heart, not wanting the others to notice he excused himself and went to bed early. But then at 3:00 AM he woke up, trying to cover his face did not help getting him back to sleep, to calm his nerves he started to pace back and forth from one end of his room to the other. He had been pacing for what seemed like an eternity then looked at the clock and to his surprise it was only 3:30 AM, so brushing off the anxiety went back to bed and fell asleep again. It was now November and apple picking was ending, Granny Smith gave out who would be working with who, she would help Big McIntosh and Apple Bloom keep away rabbits from eating the apples Applejack and TokusatsuKuuga-RX would be harvesting, on and on it went for three weeks until all the apples were off the trees to celebrate Granny Smith made apple pie with vanilla ice cream, afterwards TokusatsuKuuga-RX went outside to look at the sky and stars, noticing that he was not inside Applejack looked then found him sitting on the porch she walked up to him when he noticed her, startled TokusatsuKuuga-RX ran like thunder until he was at the Cutie Mark Crusaders club house. Still trying to catch his breath from running and gathering his thoughts he still had this feeling every time Applejack was around. After a long search Applejack finally caught him and began to speak, “Why y’all run off for?” TokusatsuKuuga-RX could not speak the words, then Applejack said, “I got worried looking for and thought I might have upset you some how.” then TokusatsuKuuga-RX said, “No you have not.” then wanting a better reason Applejack asked, “Why?” finally knowing he could no longer hide it he said, “BECAUSE I LOVE YOU APPLEJACK!!!” shocked and blushingApplejack replied, “I do not know what to say.” then TokusatsuKuuga-RX gave his explanation, “I have liked you the moment I came to Sweet Apple Acres but have not had the courage to say anything.” then Applejack kissed him, left in a daze TokusatsuKuuga-RX asked why she just kissed him, she replied that she had also liked him but was also too afraid to say anything also, then the others got worried and searched until they found hoof prints Apple Bloom noticed that the prints went to the club house then finally they found Applejack and TokusatsuKuuga-RX talking, then upon finding them Apple Bloom started waving and shouting at them to come back home with them and so they all went home but both Applejack and TokusatsuKuuga-RX walked just a bit closer together that night. And so they started going out on dates with each other until TokusatsuKuuga-RX asked Applejack to marry him she said yes, they got married at Sweet Apples Acres with all of Ponyville there with Princess Celestia presiding and the Cutie Mark Crusaders spreading rose and cherry blossom petals all along the aisle, as it was almost time for Applejack to enter TokusatsuKuuga-RX started moving his tie around wanting to look his best but was actually nervous about everything happening then noticing what he was doing Spike said, “Dude I know you are worried about everything but remember you are going to marry Applejack you should be happy.” TokusatsuKuuga-RX replied, “I know that Spike and I am happy but still this is a big change in my life I just wondering if I can be a good Husband for Applejack.” “I know you will or else Applejack would not be marring you.” said Spike. Then music started to play and ponies stood up, appearing with Big McIntosh was Applejack in a white satin dress with a daisy crown as they started to walk she gave her soon to be Husband a comforting smile which dissipated any remains of nervousness. As Big McIntosh handed his sister over he told TokusatsuKuuga-RX, “Yeap now you take good care of her.” to which he replied, “I will Big McIntosh.” “Gosh man call me Big Mac you are going to be my brother soon” and with that said he had renewed courage. With the ceremony underway and the rings were given to both ponies then Princess Celestia said, “The couple have each prepared there own vows and will now say them to each other.” speaking with his most confident voice, “Applejack when I first came to Sweet Apple Acres I felt nervous and scared at the same time then over the months of helping you out apple bucking my feels started to change from that of nervousness to one of gladness and so I hope to spend the rest of my life with you.” also speaking with her most confident voice said, “TokusatsuKuuga-RX I to was nervous when I first saw you but grew to respect you not just for apple bucking but for being kind and so I hope to also spend the rest of my life with you.” and so with the rings on both of there hooves said, “I do.” and the guests cheered there loudest to which could be heard all the way to Canterlot. With the ceremony over and reception underway in the barn Princess Celestia gave a toast, “To both TokusatsuKuuga-RX and Applejack may they both live in happiness for the rest of there lives” the ponies toasted there cups and cheered once again. When the party was over the happy couple was showered with daisy petals as they entered the carriage for there honeymoon in the Crystal Empire Applejack tossed her flower bouquet it landed in Spike’s claws with Rarity next to him both blushed and so with there friends and family waving to them they smiled at each as the carriage went into the sunset knowing in there hearts that there love would remain strong in any hardship. THE END