> Little Dragon in a Strange New World > by Zeryurijin > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Night Flight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Dear sister, what keeps you up at this hour?" "Hmm?" A white alicorn hears a voice from within the private chambers of her room. She is clad in a soft blue robe and nothing more. Royal accessories rest on a nearby dresser, awaiting for when their owner would adorn them come morning. She is standing on a small balcony, complete with a small telescope at the edge which overlooks much of Canterlot castle. Her stature is regal, her coat a pure snow white with grand wings hugging her sides. Soft pastel colors grace her mane and tail, both flow majestically as though a wind stirs their movement, yet the air is still. A sun is emblazoned on her flank, marking her as the sun goddess and ruler of Equestria along with her sister. Princess Celestia smiles as Luna approaches from a shadow, her dark body a steep contrast to her older sibling. "Just admiring your night sky beloved sister. There.. is no harm in that is there?" she asks. "Of course not. It's not like you to be up this late though." Luna replies. The dark alicorn is bathed in midnight blue, her mane and tail shimmers as stars twinkle and wings hug at her sides. Adorned in a tiara, hoof boots and a curaiss bearing the moon's symbol, she is smaller in stature then her sister but holds just as much authority as Celestia. A crescent moon bears on her flank, marking her as the moon goddess and also fellow ruler of Equestria during the night. She joins her sister who makes room for the fellow alicorn upon the balcony. "I admit I should have retired moments earlier. But I never spend enough time gazing up at the sky. Your moon and the many stars held high in the heavens. Their beauty is only equals to yours, Luna." "You flatter me Celestia. But honestly there is more to it. Your not up late just to look upon the heavens. There has always been a reason behind your actions." Celestia gestures with one hoof towards the telescope and lets Luna appear through the lens. "Luna, how well do you know your night sky? Do you know every placement of every star and constellation?" The alicorn asks. "It has been hard with what the centuries of catching up has been for me. But yes, I do know every star and constellation in the sky, as their placement. The astronomers and I keep in close contact in case any should be off balance. I would hate to cause an undesired stir if one star was even a mere inch out of place. Why do you ask?" "The constellation representing the dragon. I've been recently noticing these past few nights, that they have been holding a certain.. shimmer to them." Luna looks from the lens to Celestia, then back into the lens seeking out the group of stars. She finds them and counts all eight. None of them seem out of place. They look as they have always been these past centuries, not one out of place. The alicorn takes a closer work, Celestia's keen eyes have never once proved wrong in any situation that has presented itself to the sisters. "Hmm, they do seem a little brighter then the other constellations sister. As for this shimmer you speak of, I can neither sense nor see with my own eyes." She looks away again, giving Celestia a faint smile. "Perhaps these past few nights of staying up late are taking a heavier toll then you let on." Celestia gave a soft frown, but it quickly faded. "Maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me. Perhaps you are right, that staying up late is not a good idea and that I am allowing my mind to get a little carried away." A small burst of light appears before the two sisters, a scroll bearing a familiar symbol: A letter from Twilight. Celestia catches the parchment as it falls, a gentle glow of her horn envelops it within her magic. She nods and hmms as she reads the letter. "Or maybe my eyes are not playing tricks after all. It's from my protege. It says here she's been catching up on astronomy reading and as part of her studies, has been looking into your many constellations. It mentions here, that she finds the dragon constellation to hold a strange shimmering feel to them and that they appear more brightly then usual. For a constellation that is." The dark alicorn rose from where she had seated herself and gives a light wave of her foreleg. "The night is young sister. Once my evening council is ajourned for our meeting, I shall look into the dragon constellation more closely. It would be unwise to ignore two friend's speculations of a group of stars that the owner knows too well about." Luna crosses the room and exits the doors, pausing to nod and give her sister a bow. "Sleep well dear sister. Perhaps with yours and Twilight's help we shall solve this puzzling mystery swiftly." "Good night Luna. I wish you a pleasant evening for your duties." The doors close and Celestia finds herself alone in her bedroom chambers once more. She looks up to the night sky, her eyes focused on the dragon constellation with slight concern. Maybe some stray magic just stirring about in the heavens or some mild disturbance. None to be taken too lightly, Celestia thinks to herself as she hangs up her robe before slipping under the covers to her bed, and settling upon the many pillows. She closes the windows to the balcony, her eyes set on the sky one last time before she lets sleep claim her tired form, not to awaken until her time to raise the sun was due. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The moon cast its pale glow over the lands of Avalar. Faint white light bathed against the trees and surrounding canopy in the forests while harsh shadows leaped from jagged rocks up the surrounding mountains. A light breeze rustled the branches but nothing else stirred, save for the night creatures and predators stalking their territory in search of food or prowling. A temple stood near by, its cracked stone walls showed it's weathering age over the centuries. Great statues carved from rock jutted from its base, more appeared near the roof tops and some laid scattered about within the grounds. All bore features that resembled ancient beasts of old, guarding the grounds with their silence menacing snarls and claws poised, ready to drive away any threat who would dare enter. Great snores came from within the walls, any creature passing by would catch scent of what slept within and quickly turned tail. No beast dared with to awaken what laid within. Dragons, mighty beasts of magic and strength, slept soundly among the few chambers still available. The recent years of raids from enemies had damaged much of the temple, a dark threat that had arisen during that time had been dealt with thanks to a prophecy for told among the temples history. The evil was defeated and the lands were freed, bringing about a much needed peace to the world. The following months were seen on repairs and rebuilding, a slow and long task ahead for even great dragons could not move swiftly enough to tackle the many jobs that remained to be completed. While the great beasts slept, one small figure remained up, sitting atop a stone railing that looked over the valley below the temple. Pale violet eyes looked up at the great moon in the sky, following the many stars the littered the air. A snort from within the temple turned the head to look over, the sound quickly dying as a dragon merely shifted their weight before settling in. The eyes returned to watching the sky, the soft rustle of the wind barely stirred the wings on its back. A small buzzing sound started to come from the pathway from the main room, the dragon knowing all to well who. "Hey Sparx. Come to join me in night gazing?" "Spyro buddy. This is what, the third night now? C'mon, you keep cutting your sleep like this and you'll be so tired, your never gonna get any work done." Sparx was a dragonfly, a resident of the forest and closest friend to his "brother" Spyro. What he lacked for in size, he more then made up for in help. The yellow dragonfly came to rest on Spyro's head, looking down upon the purple dragon. "I know Sparx. Its. . .I've just been feeling restless. Despite all the work I've done these past few days, even to the point of exhaustion. I just can't seem to get any sleep. My wings are itching to just fly forever and I've been getting antsy even." The dragonfly gestured to the sky. "Well then spread your wings and take a flight goof. Its not like any dragon here is in danger! Peace is on the lands, every citizen and resident here breathes more easily. All because of you buddy. Just leave them a note, letting them know where your going and just go for it!" Spyro rose on his feet and took a glance at the entrance to the main chamber. He could hear the faint snores still, his wings growing restless against his back. His fore paws started to scratch the stone, adding to the growing anxiety he could feel welling up in his chest, his body telling him to follow Sparx' advice. "I don't know, I feel bad just taking off. I mean, sure a note is fine in all, but. . don't want any one here to freak out and think I've just upped and taken off." Sparx groaned then thumped a horn. "I told you. Leave a darn note and take off! Quick flight across the lands and be back before daybreak. How hard is it? I swear you have rocks in that thick skull of yours sometimes." The dragon took one last glance at the night sky then back to the temple. Sparx was right. If he just kept staying up all night and stare listlessly into the sky, he was going to wind up being of no help come tomorrow. Shaking himself down to clear his thoughts and get a calm over his limbs, Spyro snuck inside. What they lacked for in writing materials, they made up for with sharp claws and soft stone. After, scribbling a quick message and leaving it where any of the older dragons could find it, Spyro made a quick dash outside again, Sparx hanging on to his horns. The breeze was picking up, the gentle caress of its feel was felt against his scales, leaving him standing there with a broad smile. How much he missed this. Both wings unfurled and after a few practice wing beats, the dragon dove off the platform. Wind whistled in his ears, tucked at his scales and played with his tail. Just when it looked like he was going to crash into the valley below, the dragon dipped up and spread the wings, catching the next draft of air. A few hardy beats of the wings and he drifted even further, letting the weak currents carry him. "See? Your looking better already, Spryo!" Sparx called out cheerily from atop his head. The dragon let a soft laugh bubble in his chest before he let it loose. Ahh, did he ever doubt Sparx suggestions? The good ones that is. He took a quick glance over his shoulders and wings, seeing the temple grow smaller. There was no worries. The elder dragon will know where he went and even then, Spyro would be back in time. "Hmm would you look at that? Stars are acting strange tonight." Sparx motioned with one small hand, letting Spyro take a quick glance up. While there was nothing wrong with the stars in the night sky, seeing a set of eight in a particular pattern did warrant a look. "Draco" as the stars were called, was named for. . what else? Dragons. One of the few favorites among his kind, the elders looked upon it for wisdom and for navigation. Save for the stormy evenings, the constellation was clear among the thousands of stars that speckled across the sky. Except for tonight. "Huh, feels like there is some magical distortion coming from them. Its probably nothing, Sparx. Some unstable magical rifts pop up from time to time. We shouldn't worry." "If you say so." Sparx replied. A distant rumbling in the horizon to the east drew the pairs attention away from the sky and towards a gathering of dark storm clouds. Lightning flickered, thunder rumbled and the billowing clouds seemed to be gathering on itself. "Maybe we should turn back. A storm at this hour is not a good sign." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A crack of thunder awoke Celestia with a start. Light flashed from her windows followed be the heavy sounds of thunder vibrating the castle walls and her chambers. The alicorn groaned softly, rubbing her brow then sat up. A storm? At this time of night? There was no word for the pegasi that a storm was to set. Heavy rain lashed at the windows, water flowed and poured down the storm drains, gurgling sounds could be heard all around outside. She rose and wrapped her robe around body, trotting across the room towards her doors. Maybe Luna has some information worth sharing. The alcorn thought. As if on que', the doors opened and her sister entered. A flash of lightning illuminated her face, startling both alicorn sisters. Both fell on their haunches, a little frizzled after that sudden encounter. "Gracious dear sister. I did not think you would be up so soon. But this is good as I was coming to see you anyway." Luna said, panting as she settled. "Does it have something to due with the storm raging outside? The pegasi never mentioned any schedule of a downpour this week." "Aye, I checked and received confirmation. It is not of their doing. Twilight sent another letter. There appears to be some magical distortion and the dragon constellation seems to be the source.She's also suggested that this sudden storm may be the result as well, though she is double checking her notes." That sounds like Twilight. She never wants to misjudge. Excellent quality in the mare. She'll make a fine professor..erm.. some day. The rain pounding on the rooftops increased as did the howling winds. The storm was intensifying and with it, came an odd magical sensation a sense of distortion. Now they knew something was off and this disruption was the cause. But where did it originate and to what purpose did it serve? All Luna and Celestia could do was watch as guards throughout the castled scurried to double check that no flooding occurred through out the castle or within the near village. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The storm was relentless and fast. Spyro struggled against the howling winds, the pounding rain stinging his eyes as it drummed against his scales. The dragon had to duck and weave while lightning flashed above him and thunder hammered the evening sky. He was still stunned by how quickly it rolled in, having thought there would be more then enough time to get to the safety of the temple. Now through narrowed eyes, he struggled against the winds as it whipped about his wings, making flying very difficult. "Spyrooooooo! I think we should laaaaaand! These winds are too much! You'll injure yourself if we don't descend below!" Sparx called out over the shrieking winds. "We're almost there Sparx! Just hold on and don't let go no matter what!" the dragon shouted back. It was hard to see against this downpour. Spyro was beginning to think they had been blown off course. If that was true, then there really was no way of getting back. He had to land below and seek shelter under the trees or in a cave or a hole even. This storm was a nasty one and it was playing hard ball. Could this have something to do with that magical distortion they had witnessed earlier? Too soon to tell and not enough time to simply ponder this while stuck in the open. Spyro banked a hard left and began his landing. The wings were tiring from having to battle the winds too much and he knew if he kept this up, it was a lost cause. Opening his eyes wider, he strained to make out some open spot among the forest that he could drop down into. As he was scanning the winds suddenly changed on him. Spyro grunted and tried to adjust only to be knocked around by some forseen force. Sparx held on and tried to call out, but his voice was lost in the howling gusts. The dragon was out of control, the constant change and shift was too much to be able to adjust. Then he felt like some invisible hand or rope or some thing grab his tail. Before he could react, the dragon was hurled into the storm. Spinning, tumbling with Sparx screaming as the dragonfly clung to his horn in desperation, the two found themselves being drawn into the storm. "Spyro!" "Sparx!" "Yeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. . . . ." they shouted in unison. The voices were lost as they vanished within the center of the storm as it closed in on itself. As the pair tumbled through the dark clouds, the clapping thunder, flashing lightning, pounding rain and winds, both felt a queasy feeling in the pit of their stomachs. The pressure was building up all over their bodies become intense around the skulls, like they were being twisted and stretched painfully. Just when it felt like they were going to be crushed like egg shells, the two were hurled through a sort of light and found themselves free falling. . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "There! Did you feel it sister?" Luna called out. "Yes, yes I did. Something just came through. The question is what?" Celestia replied. The two sisters, along with notes being passed to and from Twilight, had felt the shift in the distortion. It had quickly intensified and the effects of the magic was felt on all beings, mainly unicorns. As the pressure built, there was worry that some hidden threat was attempting some attack on Equestria, hidden by this storm. Then strangely after a few minutes, it let up. . after a surge of energy was expelled into their world. As Celetia gathered her senses, Luna was the first to take note. "Sister the storm its... fading." "What?" The storm was dying the clouds shrinking away as they faded. The winds had receded and the rain let up, allowing the pale glow of the moon to once more leave a white light upon the castle and surrounding lands. Celestia flung open her windows and entered the balcony. Strange. . there was no chill in the air, which meant this wasn't a freak winter storm. The temperature wasn't too warm either, so the chance of a freak summer storm was also tossed out. What ever it was was gone, any trace of its presence felt along with it. "Sister the stars they are normal again." Luna mentioned as she had pulled her telescope out and once more looked up at the constellation. Celestia joined her side, the younger alicorn stepping side to allow her to gaze. She looked and then withdrew, confusion and slight shock on her face. "Your right but what just occurred now? A storm out of no where, a magical distortion, some pressure following and now nothing." Celestia made a mental note that come morning, a full investigation with Twilight's help would be launched. Clearly there were questions raised and answers needed. In Cloudsdale, the weather factory found itself with a strange intruder. A dragon along with his friend were free falling. As he opened his eyes, he thought he located some shelter. Making use of his sore wings, he manage to crash into what felt like clouds and slip through. Tumbling about on a soft floor, the dragon finally came to rest beside a wall. His eyes caught sight of some strange "rocks" all around before exhaustion and blackness rose to greet him. > Not in Kans. . er, Avalar anymore > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aches n pain. Strange dreams that made no sense, all jumbled and mish mashed like some crumpled heap of stones. The first thing the dragon felt was warmth upon his aching body. The morning sun no doubt. He tried to stir only to feel hammers pound away at his skull. His stomach was faring no better and even threatened to let loose on him. His wings felt the brunt of it. Sore muscles wrapping from his back weaving its way all the way around to his chest. As if his body wasn't complaining, the dull throbbing ache of his brain was faring no better. That storm last night really tore into him, or so it felt. Well the upside of this disaster was the Spyro narrowly avoided. The ground was nice and soft for a change. Come to think of it, it felt just a little too soft. He couldn't recall much of last night let alone if he even landed in the forest. That and garbled, muffled voices that seem to add to the percussions playing about in his mind. Groaning at last the dragon finally started to stir. The moment his eyes opened, piercing light nearly blinded him, forcing his lids to snap shut. Okay, maybe that wasn't such a brilliant plan. And that muffled garbled sounds coming from all around him wasn't improving his mood. "Spaaaaarx. . . .can you tell whose ever mumbling to me to stop it. . . .uuuuug, my pounding head." No answer. That was not a good sign. Spyro struggled to open his eyes slowly, letting them adjust to that painful light again. It took him perhaps thirty or forty attempts, before finally his lids remained open longer then a minute. Blurred colors stared at him. The pale violet eyes of his were having trouble focusing on just one. What's more was they seem to shift and move, more phasing out of sight while plenty more took the missing blobs of colors places. As these splotches of colors moved, the source of that garbled noise seem to be coming from them. Slowly but surely ignoring his headache, Spyro forced his vision to sharpen, clear and make sense of all this noise. The colors started to sharpen and more features began to appear: Eyes, a muzzle and a mouth. Locals perhaps? Too soon to tell as his mind was still salvaging what was left after being tossed around like an abused ball back at the temple. Grunting, the dragon struggled to his feet. This earned sharp gasps, causing him to wince as it was just too loud for his hearing right now. Oh how he wished he could just crawl back under a rock, or cave or even some leaves and just sleep this off. Alas it was not meant to be. Besides there was the issue of locating Sparx. Shaking his head and swearing he could hear rattling inside, his eyes finally cleared up on those faces. What came next was a bit of a surprise. The face had a body and its fur was like a bright orange. More seemed to drape along its neck and sides, those eyes of it was huge and round almost bugging from its skull. Another tuft of fur could be seen, from the looks of things it passed for a tail. And then there was those wings on its sides. A flyer. That was all he could make out for the time being. That and what looked to be some sort of coat. Sitting on his haunches, Spryo and this creature just stared at each other. Daring to crane his neck as far as his muscles would allow, the dragon took note that there was more of them. And they all were staring at him with huge eyes and gaping muzzles. "Umm. . .hi?" DRAGON! IT'S AWAKE! RUUUUUUN! IT'S ALERT AND HUNGRY! The winged creature and its companions erupted into a full panic and did what most unwary strangers did when a dragon woke up. Panic andfreak out. The screams vibrated through his poor skull, Spyro could feel his teeth grind together just to tune out the shrills shouts and cries as chaos was fully unleashed in this place. Stumbling to his feet, the dragon tried to gather his surroundings then get the tail outta there. But first. . . "Spaaaaaarx! Buddy, ol pal, ol friend! Where are youuuuuuuuu?" RUN AWAY! ITS CALLING FOR ITS COMPANIONS! QUICK SOME PONY DO SOMETHING! Uuuuug my poor head. These creatures keep screaming they won't have to worry about me anymore,cause my brain will be mush they keep shouting like this. Ignoring the headache, Spyro stumbled along calling for Sparx while avoiding collisions with these beings. All that earned him was them taking flight, leaping out of the way or leaping down below. Below. So he was high up. Running along what looked to be a platform, the dragon took a quick glance at his surrounding for once. From the looks of things it appeared as though he wounded up in some sort of factory but what? Everything looked white, and the strange contraptions these creatures were operating were silent, noisy, or neither. As much as he wanted to find out more about this factory, he really wanted to get out before they called in what ever back up they may have waiting. Eyes looked over and found a chain dangling conveniently and seemed to head down into the first level. His wings still complained and even threatened to leave him, so hovering across was out of the option. Skidding to a halt, Spyro flung himself over and grabbed hold with his for paws. The momentum of his leap however, sent him spinning in a small loop as he started to descend. Pretending that his stomach was not promising much retribution for the abuse its owner was putting it through, Spyro was relieved to have landed on more stable ground or what ever this soft stuff was. As he released the chain he looked up to see another one of these colorful beings come to a skidding halt. But not before knocking into him, sending him into a vat behind him. The dragon yelped and splashed into some colorful liquid. Gasping as he came up, he quickly dragonpaddled across, making a face as this gunk clung to his body. "Yeeeck! Its like a rainbow puked on me!" he moaned. Shaking off this gunky substance, some managed to land in his muzzle. His eyes widened before Spyro felt his mouth threatened to explode. So he opened and a colorful flaming belch erupted. "Phew! singed the nose even." He sat there, smacking his lips before pausing,"Hmmmm got some kick to it not bad. . uuugh what am I saying here?! Spaaaaaaaaarx!" Spyro could feel his limbs growing tired already. There simply wasn't enough time to recover. Even what felt like a full night's rest did little to rejuvenate his body. And he was starting to grow worried. Sparx was no where in sight. Did they lose one another? Were they separated during the storm? He hoped to his ancestors that his friend, his close buddy, his "brother" was alright. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sounds. Scratching, scuffling. Sniffings, twittering of birds, the sounds of many lungs breathing. That was the first thing Sparx heard. Groaning softly the dragonfly stirred and felt his body complain the moment he tried to move. Grunting he fell back on what felt like a bed. A shy gentle voice then spoke up from somewhere,"Oh my! You're awake.. . I didn't think you were going to make it." Who ever or, what ever it was, they seemed to sound friendly. And they went through all the trouble of bedding him down too. Sparx could not help but breath a sigh of relief. Course that quickly faded when a face flashed before his eyes. "Spyro!" Jolting up, he winced as his body complained viciously forcing him to lay back down again. "Spy-who?" The gentle voice asked as he felt something cool and damp touch his forehead. "Spyro. He's my best friend, my buddy, my padre, my brother. We were out for a night flight me and him just a quick flight, was going to head back to the temple. Then this storm comes up out of no where and starts to give us the worst pounding ever. Next thing I know whoosh! We're pulled in and went for one crazy spin. Felt like I was about to be squashed and just like that! snap! we're free falling. I last saw him tumbling through the air and then I blacked out. Don't remember much after that." "I see.I'm sorry but I didn't see him with you. Angel found you this morning in a tree. You were lucky to have survived that storm too. Never seen a storm act like that plus it wasn't scheduled. I do say your a strange looking bug." "A bug? I'm a dragonfly I'll have you know." "I'm. . I'm sorry. Its just that I've never seen a dragonfly like you before." "Huh?" Sparx opened his eyes to the sight of a yellow face that almost matched his body color. Large teal eyes looked down from behind pink hair that seemed to almost cover one of them. In its mouth was a tiny cloth, which it used to dabble his head. And to Sparx that was the best feeling he ever felt since that rough night. "I. . don't think I've seen you around before. Umm... what are you?" He asked. "Goodness you've never seen a pegasus before?" "Pega what?" "A pegasus. A winged pony that flies?" "What's a pony?" It shook its head, this pegasus, pony creature as it trotted away then returned with a strange object. Sparx sat up as it opened the pages, revealing a picture depicting three figures. "See? There are pegasus. who fly in the skies and control the weather. Then you have unicorns who are naturally gifted in magic. And finally you have the strong earth ponies." It pointed to each of these figures with a strange limb then looked back at him. Sparx shook his head,"I don't think I've ever heard of ponies on Avalar before." "A. .Avalar? Oh dear. Umm, is that a new country in Equestria?" The dragonfly looked at the pegasus, and felt his eyes growing wide,"Oh my. . . ." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - He was running on clouds. . clouds! After finally finding the doors to that factory, Spyro bashed his way through hoping for a loud clang or metallic noise to meet his horns. Instead a soft whump! and he charged through them, leaving the dragon both confused and grateful for its softness and a hole. His head was hurting as it was, so to slam into metal doors was probably not the brightest option right now. All around he could see these flying creatures run and hide, or just plain flee as he scampered across the same white ground. It was when he saw a gap and took a leap, did he dare look down and find out that he was in the freaken sky still! These creatures made their homes in clouds! And. . well these clouds were not like those horrible, misty feeling puffs of white that clung to the forest floor on cold foggy days. As appealing as this was sounding, Spyro still needed to get off these clouds some how. His wings refused to budge on his back as the muscles started to spazm, thus flight was not an option. Plus the general uproar he caused back at that factory was not dying down any time soon. He was exposed, vulnerable. He had to get to the ground below and find shelter. That may sound like it was becoming an only option as the cloud started to break up more, the gaps and holes along the surface were growing bigger, making traveling on foot all the more difficult. So Spyro did the next best thing. He jumped. Hopping from cloud footstep to cloud footstep, he started to take note that some were descending away from that place. The sooner I get to firm ground and cover, the better. This is just too much right now. "Yeeouch!" Spyro landed on someone, who reacted rather grumpily to being awoken and sent him tumbling into the same cloud they were on. "Hey whats the big idea landing on a pegasus? Can't a mare get any sleep around... here?" Dragon and pegasus stared at one another, Spyro felt his eyes growing wider at this one. Cyan color, whose fur matched that rainbow vat he fell in. And a scratchy voice to match. Great... more trouble. At the rate your going Spyro pal, your going to have your claws full with angry colorful creatures chasing you all over. Shouts and cries from above drew this one's attention to look up. Next thing it felt was the purple dragon leaping off the cloud. Spyro opened his wings ignoring the pain the flared up around him. This was simply taking too long. He had to get grounded and fast. "Where do you think YOUR going buster?" Oh great, he forgot. It had wings too and thus being able to fly. Wincing as he banked left and right, he could hear the others wings flapping as it was quickly catching up to him. "Look I don't know who you are, but I'm not looking for any trouble, just leave me alone... or something!" he called out, hoping it would let up. "You think I'm gonna let some pansy dragon jump on me cause a ruckus back at the cloud factory and let him get away? Guess again pal!" Spyro cursed under his breath as the two began a chase across the sky. He tried his best to ignore the burning sensation cause by each painful flap of his wings. There were no air currents and he was forced to make the most of it. But to little avail. That creature was still on his tail and no matter how hard he tried to swerve and maneuver, it was on him every way. Not to mention taunting him. "You think those lame tricks are gonna fool me? Alright dragon time you learn why I'm the fastest flyer in all of Equestria!" Equestria? That was all Spyro could think before some thing bodily rammed into him knocking the air out of his lungs and sent him into a free fall. He felt legs grab around his upper chest, trapping his wings against his back and his forelegs against his sides. Grunting and trying to break free, all the dragon could do was feel the creature fly at a sharp angle aiming for what appeared to be a cluster of trees lined up. "Stop squirming you darn thing!" It yelled into his ear. "Let... me... go!" He snarled back, jerking his head. A gasp was heard as he felt the creature ducked, avoiding the horns on his head. This messed up the landing and both crashed through the leaves and wound up tumbling through sown dirt before slamming into different tree trunks. Spyro's body was really hating him for yet another rough landing. He could hear the winged creature sputter and cough as it rose to its feet, shaking out its wings of dust and other debris it caught when they landed. His own body was barely registering as he rose to his feet shakily. He was done. He could barely move his wings any more, his chest and back simply hurt too much. All that was left was his legs and even they were not holding up well. Turning he stood his ground as the creature approached him. "Got no where to run dragon. Your as good as caught." it said with a triumphant smirk. Lowering his head and baring his teeth a little, he gave a soft growl. "Listen you.. whatever you are. I said I don't want any trouble. But if your the sort of person looking for trouble, you've certainly found it." It laughed at him,"Like your a threat to me. You can barely stand and your asking for a fight? You got guts, but not big on brains pal." Pawing the ground the creature continued to smile, eager to topple this dragon and add a notch to her coolness level. "Dumb foolish people. Always picking fights with dragons. Just don't know what they are getting into." Spyro mumbled to himself as he steadied his stance and took in a few deep breaths. Focusing his power into his core, he channeled it through his limbs and into his breaths. Fire was too risky as there was plant life. Lightning was the same, even if it was more accurately aimed. Earth and Ice seemed to be his best odds. Provided he could hit the being without hurting it. Plus it could still fly and he was outmatched in the air as of now. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "So, your saying that Equestria is inhabited by these... ponies you discussed with me. And that two sisters rule?" Sparx was trying to absorb all of this as this pegasus tried its best to fill him in on where exactly he was. Smart as he was, there was still a few details that escaped him. Such as Alicorns being able to raise and lower both the sun and the moon. Or that pegasus could control the weather. "A.. are you still lost? The pegasus asked. "N, no. I'm fine.This... just takes a little to absorb that's all. Umm. . .know this is abrupt and out of the blue. But, may I have the name of my caretaker?" The pegasus pony blushed a little as it pawed at the floor,"Oh. . um. .its. .Fluttershy." Sparx leaned over just a little,"Umm... beg your pardon? Couldn't quite catch that." Again it spoke, a little softer,"F.. fluttershy." "Umm. .. your gonna have to speak up, your voice is starting to fade there a little." A tiny muffled squeak,"Fluttershy." A sudden throom! of energy was felt nearby, the ground soon started to tremble beneath the cottage they were in. The pegasus eeked! and ducked for cover as the animals panicked and took shelter as well. All except for Sparx. "I know that blast anywhere! Its Spyro and from the feels of it, he's fighting someone." The pegasus peeked from under the table,"T.. that was Spyro? H... he did that?!" The dragonfly nodded as he started to climb out of his makeshift bed. The pegasus rose to meet him a look of worry on its face. "Ummm, I.. I don't think that's such a good idea. Your still recovering.. Mr Dragonfly." Sparx sighed softly then climbed up one of its leg, earning a timid eep from its muzzle before he settled between the ears. "The name is Sparx. And the sooner we get to Spyro the more likely he will calm down. Let's just hope who ever was dumb enough to pick a fight with him does the same thing and beat a hasty retreat." The pegasus looked up then nervously made it's way towards the door. "I.. if you say so, Mr Sparx." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rainbow Dash coughed and sputtered dirt from her muzzle. She was amazed a dragon like this had the power to move earth and attack with it! She thought she had him cornered. He was hurting and sore, plus he wasn't able to use his wings. What made this one strange was that he lacked the rough smoky voice most dragons had. Even Spike though a baby, possessed that scratchy voice as evidence of using magical fire breath so many times. This one. He was different and the earth that rushed to block her dashing, felt magical. Like it was using magic that felt very different from the magic she was used to by Twilight. Flying above the purple beast, she tried to think of some way to take him down without getting caught by earthen claws. That last one was just too close and if she wasn't the fastest, Rainbow Dash would have been buried alive just now. "Can't fly, but he can control the earth, so gonna have to be even faster to beat him." Spyro looked up and watched. It was faster then he first thought. So it wasn't just boasting about being the fastest, it had the skill to back it up. He ignored the aches and growing tiredness creeping into his body. He had to beat it without hurting it. He certainly didn't want any bad blood to form between these beings. If only it wasn't so darn persistent and stubborn! It was coming in fast again. The dragon braced himself and started to channel magical energies into his core once more and focused on an ice breath. Perhaps if he frosted over the wings. Rainbow Dash had him. She was too fast coming in low. There would be no way he could counter with another earthen blast. Just as she was about to knock him senseless, a strange sensation took over them both. The pegasus felt like everything was slowing down all around her. Eyes glanced around and saw her wings flapping at quick speeds suddenly rise and fall like the moon and sun each day. She turned to watch the purple dragon dodge with ease as though he suddenly was moving faster then her. Then the chilled pain of a wing frosting over. Before she could cry out from the cold, time re-corrected itself and the cyan pony crashed hard, tumbling once more before she landed in front of a tree. Shivering as the cold bit into her frosted wings, she turned around and found herself pressed up against the tree the dragon staring hard. She was trapped. Any minute now it was going to tear into her and eat her alive! Her friends would never find her, just some bones if she was lucky! "I told you. . I'm not looking for a fight. But if your the type who goes looking for trouble. .you found it. However. .I'm not that kind of dragon that is going to just gobble you up and carry on. I'm going to leave, going to find my friend Sparx. And together,we are going to find a way off this Equestria you mentioned. Do I make myself clear?" The dragon spoke panting softly. She nodded holding her breath not daring to move. The dragon continued to stare hard at her before the face softened. Then out of the corner of her eye, a blur of orange collided with the dragon, sending him tumbling across the earthen floor. "Ya should know mister dragon. Ya start lookin fer a fight yerself, ya gonna get it too as we ponies travel in pairs." A southern country voice spoke. "Applejack! Boy am I glad to see you!" "Ya'll right there, sugarcube?" "I'm. .I'm ok. He just froze my wings over. I can't use em. Be careful this dragon feels different from the others." Dragon that breathes ice? Thats mighty strange. Applejack turned on Spyro, watching him struggle to get up. The dragon winced as his hind legs refused to budge. That last blow took him out. He could barely hold himself up on his forepaws let alone mount another offense. The orange creature started to approach him, wearing what looked to be a hat of some sort. I'm finished. All that creature got to do is knock me senseless and its over. What a way to go. Spyro the dragon. Defeats the greatest dark threat to his home. Winds up being taken out by colorful creatures. Sparx will be laughing his head off if he ever hears of this. The sound of wings flapping above the two, draws their heads up as another flying creature descends and lands before them. "Fluttershy! What are ya doin here?" The pegasus named, looked upon the dragon her eyes widening. "A. .a dragon?! Y.. your friends with a dragon, Sparx?" "Spyro!" Tired eyes fell upon a small being in the yellow one's pink hair. A weak smile showed on his muzzle,"S. .sparx. . ." Darkness covered his vision as Spyro passed out again, the last thing his ears caught was the sound of his friend calling out to him. > Temporarily Displaced > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Voices faded in and out. That was the first sense of the dragon's to stir. The next was touch. The slightest attempt on moving a muscle was greeted with uncomfortable pain. For a moment Spyro had a fearing realization that his body was broken. The lack of red crystals and their healing properties had left him practically beaten to within an inch of his life. Yet not all felt was negative. Again, a familiar warmth was felt upon his scales, his mind relating this the morning sun that rose to greet the day. A cool pleasant dampness was felt on his forehead, a feeling he welcomed with open paws and wings. Even if they threatened mutiny for his blatant abuse of their worth. He was resting on his stomach, the touch of softness graced his belly plates. A smile spread over his sore muzzle and for a moment, he wanted nothing more then to curl up in this comfort and never awaken again. The voices started again and started to sound sharp and clear, the dragon making out what appeared to be a discussion. "Yeeouch! Jeez, Applejack I said thaw my wings not cook them!" "Ya got a better idea to defrost yer wings outside of barbequing them over an open flame?" "No." "Then quit yer whinin and let me pour this hot water over em, ya big filly." "I still don't see why we're allowing Fluttershy to tend to that purple menace." "Hey! That purple menace as you so graciously have deemed him, happens to be my best pal! No way I'm letting a rock headed jerk of a pony like you get near him again!" "What you call me, you over sized bug?!" "That's DRAGONFLY to you, ya freezer burned turkey!" "Why you little!" The sounds of scuffling and a large splash was heard, blurbling bubbles could be heard over water. A gasp followed as someone emerged, before the conversation started up again. "What you do that for, Applejack?!" "Yer fightin a dragonfly that's no bigger then a feather off yer wing. And yer losin to him. Not yer brightest Rainbow Dash." "He started it." "Any yer lettin him get to ya! Now shush and relax. Tell me when you can move yer wings." Grumbles and mutterings could be heard as the voice quieted down. Spyro couldn't help but grin a little as Sparx stood up for him against this pony he mentioned. "Umm Applejack, Rainbow Dash? I think he's waking up." A gentle voice said near him. A familiar buzzing sound started to drift around his head, followed by teeny slaps to the face. "Yo Spyro? Any scalie home? Helloooooooooo?" A soft groan deflated from his lungs before a tired, but amused voice sounded. "Loud and clear, Sparx." The buzzing ceased as something settled on his head, no doubt Sparx coming to rest. A cold dampness was felt against his forehead again his eyes slowly opening at last. A face whose color matched Sparx was gazing back at him, pink hair covering one of two teal eyes. As he glances to her left, he could see that blue pony? sitting in a tub, forelegs crossed as she pouted, while that orange pony was sitting behind her, adding what looked to be hot water from a kettle. The pale violet eyes fixated on the yellow one before him and he managed to mumble. "Who are you?" Sypro asks. He notices her cheeks flush a light pink as she backed up a little, giving him some room. "Oh, umm... my name is Fluttershy, Mr. Spyro." the yellow pony replied, meekly. The dragon gives a soft smile and starts to rise. It's short lived as she approaches him once more, pressing gently, yet firmly on his back. "Oh! Please don't get up. Your not fully recovered yet. Umm, you looked, well... pretty roughed up." He sighs and settled down, looking up at Sparx before barely giving a nod,"If you insist." His friend chuckled and patted his head. "Your lucky Fluttershy's gifted on healing animals pal. Kinda had us going there for a moment. Wasn't sure if you were gonna make it." Sypro looked up as best he could before replying,"I wouldn't think myself an animal, Sparx. And you would know her gift for nursing how?" The dragonfly just buzzed his wings slightly,"She found me passed out in some trees near her home after we were separated. Brought me in, nursed me back health as good as can be." His eyes fixated on Fluttershy, giving her a slight nod,"Thank you. For finding Sparx and helping him. If something were to happen to him, I would be at a loss of what to do." The pony gave a nervous nod,"Oh, um its no problem, really. I help all sorts of animals if they are hurt." Rainbow Dash cleared her throat, turning heads as she pointed at the dragon,"That's nice in all, but that still don't explain why you were wreaking havoc up at the weather factory." Spyro drew in a soft breath that was released in a sigh,"Look, I never had any intentions of bringing your... kind any harm. All I remember was being hurled through a storm, felt myself being pulled apart in the process, then spat out suddenly as quickly as I was brought in. I was pretty messed up and didn't even realize I had lost Sparx. All I could gather was I saw shelter, or what looked to be shelter and wing it. Last thing I remember was hitting something soft and landing in a corner, thats it. And then...well I wake up to you flying ponies and the whole place ends up in an uproar." "Storm? Ya mean that freak storm that blew in outta nowhere last night and did some damage all over Ponyville? Ya flew in that?" Applejack asked, stunned. Before Spyro could answer the orange pony, a vocal "Ahem!", drew their attention to the entrance. As the dragon took note of his surroundings, it appeared he was in some sort of large building. But his observations would have to wait, due to the person or pony responsible for the sound. Another pony no doubt, but this one felt different from these. Her coat and mane were shades of purple, some matching his scales. Her eyes brimmed with intelligence and from the feel of her aura, she seemed to know magic pretty well too. To top it off, there was a single horn poking from her hair as she regarded him with similar conclusions. "Twilight! Ahm glad yer here. Not sure how much longer ah was gonna have to dragon sit. Fluttershy helped of course which was a good thing, seein as Rainbow Dash froze her wings fightin the guy." Twilight opened her muzzle to speak, but was interrupted as a purple blur zipped off her back and raced towards Spyro, nearly crashing into Fluttershy in the process. Spyro jerked his head back at this small green and purple being. He was bout half their height maybe coming up to his shoulder, had fins on both sides of his head and spikes running down his back. His tail ended in a point and he walked on two legs rather then four. Green eyes, slitted were wide with awe as this...umm, scaled being stared at him. "Ohmagosh,ohmagosh,ohmagosh,ohmagosh,ohmagosh! This is wicked cool! Another dragon! Oh wow, he's got a cool set of wings too! Just look at his scales! And those horns! Ahh I bet he breathes awesome fire too!!!" The little guy was giddy as he hopped in his spot, making Spyro feel just a tad nervous. "Look Spyro, you got yourself a fan. D'awwwwwww isn't he adorable?" Sparx teased, earning a soft groan from his friend. "Spy roh? Huh, that sounds like a cool name! My name is Spike and I'm a dragon too! I hope they were not too rough on you, though knowing Rainbow Dash she probably went ove-" "Spike!" Said little dragon flinched with a soft ulp, before looking over his shoulder at a rather slightly annoyed Twilight,"Will you stop pestering him for a moment? There are more important things that need to be discussed anyway." Spike's eyes lit up before she finished,"Alone." Spike awwed, pouting as he kicked some hay before he left Spyro and joined the others. Applejack had to drag Rainbow Dash, despite her wanting to see what Twilight would do the the dragon, Fluttershy the last in line following. Once they were outside the building, Twilight shut the doors. Spyro could feel the power emanating from her horn as it glowed a soft hue of light, watching as the entrance was shut on its own with no one there. His eyes returned to this new pony as she withdrew what looked to be a feather and parchment,"Now. Spyro is it? I'm not sure where you come from, but due to circumstances unfolding since last night, it is best if you can tell me to the best of your ability, how you got here." Spyro shifted in his makeshift bed, forearms folding over each other as he gazed at the newcomer,"I beg pardon, but how does this help me?" Twilight looked up,"I need to gather information concerning the odd storm that occurred last night. And having arrived to hear you mention a similar storm from where ever you hailed from, its best I hear your side of this odd event." The dragon drew in a soft breath held it for a moment, then gave another light nod,"Very well, I'll do my best to recount last night." Twilight poised her quill. "I was sitting on the balcony that led to the dragon temple. It's where the elder dragons and I live, reside. I was restless as I've been the past few days. Where I come from, Avalar, we dragons faced a dark threat that had almost covered our world in dark shadow. But that's another story. Sparx, my dragonfly friend suggested that I take flight and get away. At first I was a little hesitant, but decided to take his advice. So I took flight." There was a slight paused as he smiled,"It felt so good just to get away and stretch my wings after so much work was being put in. Anyhow, as we were leaving the temple, Sparx had noticed something odd occurring in the sky." Twilight looked up from her parchment to the dragonfly resting between Spyro's horns,"Mr Sparx? What exactly did you see?"The dragonfly gave a nod,"Well I noticed that the "Draco" constellation..." "Draco? constellation?" Sypro gave a nod,"Its a group of eight stars that the elder dragons admire. To them its a sight of wisdom and reflection." The pony gave a nod and quickly scribbled. Sparx continued,"The 'Draco' constellation was acting strange, like shimmering." The pony paused, looking up at the two. Spyro picked up,"He pointed this out and so I took a quick glance. Sure enough there was this, strange magical distortion occurring around those group of stars. I thought nothing of it as our world tends to have them on some rare occasion. So I didn't think nothing of it, as they burn themselves out." "What happened then?" Twilight asked. Spyro looked up to Sparx as they stared for a minute. The dragon nodded,"A storm was brewing in the distance. Which was strange as there were no clouds in sight and no strong winds to indicate any approaching storms. Sparx was growing concerned as I, so we turned around and headed back. That's when things took a turn for the worse. Neither me or Sparx could have predicted how quickly the storm came upon us. Next thing I know, I'm being battered by strong winds, hammered by hard rains while ducking and weaving to avoid being struck by lightning as thunder roared over our heads." He closed his eyes, wincing a little,"I lost sight of the temple. I had to land among the forest and seek shelter. Just when I thought I could land, some...thing grabbed me. Yanks me into the storm itself, helpless to break free. It felt weird. Like I was being pulled and twisted in all different directions. Then suddenly I felt a great pressure upon my entire body as though I was about to be crushed. Next thing I feel is a great light surging around us. Then I'm free falling. My body is aching my wings are spent. All I could do was look for a place to crash land and hope for the best. I thought I saw shelter and went for it. I didn't even know I had lost Sparx during that transition. Last thing I remembered that night was landing on something soft. Wound up ending in a corner before I blacked out." Spyro looked up to Twilight as she finished writing. The pony tapped her chin with the quill as she looked over her notes, pulling out another scroll and comparing the two. The dragon fidgeted a little before asking,"So, does this help you in...whatever it is your researching?" Twilight looked up, having begun pacing,"It's too soon to tell. All I can tell you is that here in Equestria. Princess Celestia, my teacher and mentor had noticed the dragon constellation acting strange as did I while we were night gazing. The same magical disruption from what we could conclude. Then out of no where a storm pops up and starts to really come down on us. We have no idea who or what was causing it. Then a strong energy starts to build. All the unicorns and my ruler felt like we were being crushed under heavy weights. Just when things started to look bleak, it quickly let up and the storm just faded." The pony looked to them,"I think that was about the same time, you two came through. Some sort of gate opened and dragged you in, before depositing you here and then...well closed." "C..closed? Is there some way you could find look for that could send us home?" Spyro asked hopefully. Twilight rolled up both scrolls and deposited them in her bags, before glancing to the two,"I don't know. We've never encountered anything like this. I have to report back to the Princess. I'm afraid that until we find a way to get you two back to your world, you are stuck here." That wasn't the kind of answer Spyro was looking for. The dragon sunk back into his bed, looking downtrodden at the news. Stuck here with Sparx. In this Equestria, a land where these ponies roamed and lived. His eyes looked up to see Twilight gazing upon him. "What do I do till then? I've realized that many of these flying ponies.." "Pegasi, Spyro." "Pegasi...didn't particularly like finding me in their factory this morning. I'm guessing dragons around here are not all that nice." "I'll talk to my friends. See if I can't find some arrangement to have you stay hiding or out of sight. I don't want to cause any more panic then what you described occurring earlier today in the weather factory." Twilight replied before she exited. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Outside, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Spike waited. It had been over a half hour since Twilight had stated her investigation with Spyro. The sounds of the barn door drew their attention as the unicorn emerged from inside. They all clambered around as she produced two scrolls and handed them to Spike. "Spike, I need these sent ASAP to Princess Celestia at once." The dragon saluted and with a whuff! of magical fire, sent them on their way. Applejack watched them burn up in the transfer spell, then turned to Twilight again. "So whats the verdict? How long till Spyro and Sparx return home?" Twilight shook her head, looking a little defeated,"I don't know, Applejack. The disturbances of the storm last night and what I told you this morning is the reason he's here in the first place. Until Celestia, Luna, me and the best unicorns find answers and a means of getting those two back to their world, they are stuck here. For how long I can not say. A few days, a few weeks, maybe even a few months or...dare I think it, a few years." "So those two are stuck here? Well, where are they gonna stay? It's not like we have hotels with vacancies for dragons bunking down in Ponyville." Rainbow Dash remarked as she tried flexing her wings. They were thawed, but painfully stiff. It would be at least a few more hours before the pegasus could take flight once again. She hated being grounded, she loved to fly more then anything. Twilight turned to Applejack and Fluttershy,"Actually I was wondering if you two could help out. Applejack, your farm is on the edge of town and given how many acres you hold, it should provide enough coverage and hiding for Spyro. Fluttershy? You live on the outskirts of Ponyville with your animals. I'm sure he could stay there as well along with his friend Sparx until we get this sorted out." The orange pony rubbed her chin with a hoof," Ah dun know. Ah mean does he like gems like Spike? Won't he require those for food? Or can he eat fruits, vegetables, and grains like the rest of us? What about the problem of the Greed issue, like what Spike had? What if he starts hoardin stuff and growin? Ah mean no offense Spike, but ya sure was a hoof full. An ya was just a typical dragon breathin fire. Spyro on the other hoof...Twilight ya should see the crater he left in our fields during his bout with Rainbow Dash. That ain't normal magic, not ba my standards." Fluttershy nodded her head a little nervous,"Applejack does bring up a few points, Twilight. I mean...what if he snores and spews smoke? That would scare my animal friends so much, nothing would ever get done. What...what if he wants to wander? After the incident at Cloudsdale, in the weather factory, ponies are more alert then before.I'm worried he could get hurt." "What about if he decides to up and fly? I don't know about you, but as Fluttershy pointed out, a grounded dragon was bad enough news. If he started taking to the air, every pony is gonna get spooked and run around panicking once his shadow is spotted. Next thing you know, there will be mob parties and all sorts of trouble just looking for a piece of his hide." Rainbow Dash added. "I'll talk to Rarity, see if she can't come pay him a visit, then fashion a cloak that will conceal him somehow. Girls, I need your help right now to keep him safe from any harm. If any of you can lend a hoof in aiding me, I would be greatly thankful for it." Both Applejack and Fluttershy nodded,"Shoot Twilight, we'll help. Ain't no sense on lettin a lone unicorn like yerself run tired, just tryin to keep track of the guy." While the friends discussed places where Spyro could stay, a certain baby dragon managed to sneak back into the barn. He found Spyro laying on his back on a cloud bed (most likely Fluttershy either retrieved one, or had Rainbow Dash bring it), wings spread out broad as he stared at the roof. The dragonfly was sitting on his chest and both seemed to be lost in thought. "Umm, e..excuse me, Spy-roh?" The purple dragon looked up, or rather upside down at Spike,"Spyro. Like row, rowing a boat." "Ooh, sorry about that." The dragon folded his wings and rolled over as Spike drew closer. He stood there, fidgeting with his claws and looking at his feet. "Something I can do for you, Spike?" The smaller dragon looked up,"I was wondering...What's it like? On your world? Dragons, what are they like?" Spyro blinked at him, puzzled by these questions. "You were never raised by dragons?" Spike shook his head,"No. No, actually Twilight hatched me. It was part of a test she had to take as a filly to get into an magical study academy. She raised me from a infant till now. I think of her as my sister, my mother and best friend." A small chuckle bubbled in Spyro's throat. Spike looked at him,"What's so funny?" He waved a paw,"Oh, its nothing. Just, we seem to share something in common." Spike looked at him, eyes widening a little,"We..we do?" The purple dragon nodded,"Yeah. Sparx's parents found my egg a long time ago. I hatched the same time Sparx was born. So, you could say I was raised by dragonflies. I think of Sparx like you think of Twilight. A friend, a brother. I didn't actually get to know dragons until I traveled to a temple when I was young." Spike idly kicked the floor again,"Your lucky. I don't know of any other dragons. Well cept one, but he was really cranky and didn't like that I was eating his gems when...umm, yeah there is a story behind that. I'll tell you about it sometime. That is, if Twilight lets me see you more often." Spyro was now curious. To Spike's surprise, he crawled out of his cloud bed and stood before the smaller dragon. Spike felt that his spikes on his head came to just below Spyro's chin. The dragon looked slightly bigger then Twilight, but maybe smaller then Big Mac in terms of size. "So,what's this about eating gems? Like, crystals?" Spyro asked. Spike was now even more amazed,"You mean you've never eaten gems before? Like emeralds, rubies, sapphires, blue diamonds even?" The baby dragon was salivating at the thought of all those succulent pieces buried under ground, just waiting to be gobbled up by a certain dragon. Spyro could only sit there and shake his head. "No. Can't say I've eaten any of those gems. No, I use crystals. Certain crystals hold different properties for me. Red ones heal any injuries I sustain in a battle. Blue colors rejuvenate my magical focus if I become too exhausted. Yellow colored boost my experience and knowledge. No Spike, I just eat meat." Spike looked down with a soft,"Oh." The bigger dragon nudged him,"Oh? Sounds like your kinda disappointed in me." The smaller dragon looked up, waving his hands,"Its not that. Its just. Well, you won't find any meat here in Equestria. Fish, maybe if your lucky any pony fishes them up. Ponies diets around here consist of fruits, vegetables, grains and a huge load of sweets." Spyro rubbed his chin,"Hmmm I see your point. Well, I guess its not too bad. I'll just have to eat like the locals and hunt for fish when ever I can. It's not like I need meat to survive. I can improvise with what these ponies grow." "SPIIIIIIIIIIKE!" The dragon looked over his shoulder,"Oh, that's Twilight. Looks like we're leaving." Looking back at the bigger dragon, Spike smiled,"Umm, well it was nice to meet you Spyro. I hope we see each other soon again." Spyro nodded,"Take care of yourself, Spike. Don't give Twilight too hard a time ok?" The baby dragon nodded with vigor before darting out of the barn, leaving Sparx and Spyro alone,"I think you made a new friend there, Spyro old buddy, old pal." He chuckled softly,"Well, our future may look a little hazy, Sparx. But its nice to meet new faces and a new dragon. Even if he was raised by these ponies. Not a bad kid, I say." Both silently agreed on Spike's upbringing as they contemplated. Just what they were going to do while stuck in Equestria? > Lending A Paw > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Early afternoon light streamed down over Sweet Apple Acres Farm. Twilight made her goodbyes to Applejack and Fluttershy, both whom agreed to help tend Spyro and keep him hidden during his stay in Equestria. The unicorn would make a point to stop by Carousel Boutique to make arrangements with Rarity to stop by sometime tomorrow. She hoped the fashionista could go about making an enchanted cloak to conceal the visitor, should Twilight feel he be moved from one location to the next. Applejack agreed to take the first few days of dragon watching, giving Fluttershy the time needed to prep her cottage for housing Spyro and Sparx when the time came. Spyro for the most part, remained in the barn sitting in the center by his bed with Sparx resting atop his head. Both were pondering how they were going to live and what they should do as a means to pass the time. Sitting around twiddling one's claws would eventually drive them both with a bad case of cabin fever. Or in this case barn fever. Course they could not exactly wander whenever they felt like it. So they were in a sort of stalemate. He did take the time to look around and note it was very large and airy. Hay bales were stacked in the far corners while equipment suited for plowing and seeding were lined against the walls. There were a couple of stalls perhaps for livestock, some full with hay just piling up in the vacant space. The rafters above were clear, save for a few stray strings dangling carelessly in the light breeze, remnants of banners hung for parties celebrated before hand. The dragon's examination of the establishment was interrupted by small voices bantering with one another, the sounds of smaller hooves trotting on the firm, yet dusty ground. Spyro looked to Sparx, both unsure of whether to say put or find a spot to hid. The urge to hide was greater as he remembered Twilight for warning he stay out of sight of any other ponies. Darting to the nearest stall, he burrowed under the hay mound, while Sparx took to hiding in the rafters, giving himself a good vantage point at who was coming in. A set of pale purple eyes watched these three little ponies while they were lost in conversation. A small tanned pegasus with magenta mane and little wings tucked at her sides was the first to speak. "So did you hear about what happened at the weather factory today? All the pegasus parents were talking about it as they were picking up their foals." A small faded cream pony with fiery red mane and a rather large bow attached nodded. "Ah heard they found a dragon passed out in there! An when it woke up, it started attackin every pony!" The last of the trio was pure white, with a two tone color of faded pink and purple mane with a little horn, shook her head. "That's not what I heard completely. There was talk of the dragon high tailing it out of the factory. One of the workers knocked it into those rainbow vats too. Course it got away before any of the Royal guards arrived. They said its still on the loose and maybe lurking somewhere around here." "You sure about that, Sweetie Belle? They said it wasn't a very big dragon to begin with. No bigger then an average sized pony anyway." "Ah think it don't matter. Once sis gets wind of this, she's gonna send us up inside the house as quick as Soarin eatin one of her apple pies." "Well girls you know what this means? This is another opportunity for...." The trio slapped hooves together and shouted: CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS! Sparx glanced down to where Spyro was hiding then back at the trio of small ponies,"Cutie Mark Crusaders? Some sort of kiddie club or cult?" the dragonfly asked himself. "Uuuh, Applebloom? Why is there a cloud bed in the middle of the barn? With a blanket, a bucket with a wash cloth, sitting atop a couple of hay bales? And whats with the large apple tub half full of water too? Some relative of yours staying the night we need to know about?" The small pony with the bow approached the bed, idly prodding it with one hoof. She turned to the others then shook her head. "These wern't here this mornin, Scootaloo. Think we should ask sis bout this?" The pegasus just shrugged,"I don't know, figured it was normal for you." A few straws of hay started to irritate Spyro's snout. He winced, shuddered and held his breath, as his nose was mercilessly tickled. It wasn't working. He could feel his throat start to compress as air was building up. As a last minute effort, he wriggled his forepaws around front and covered his muzzle. The itch started to fade slowly. He phewed a soft sigh of relief. ACHOO! Crud. The dragon froze as all three heads turned towards the stall where he hid under the hay pile. They started to approach, nervous but with determination. Eyes quickly glanced up to see Sparx still hiding, unsure of whether to intervene or have more ponies find out where his purple friend was and get into more trouble. Guess their luck just wasn't holding up for the pair as the little ponies drew closer. "Did... did ya'll hear a sneeze come from over here just now?" Applebloom asked. "Heard it? Think I saw some scraps of loose straw shift just now." Scootaloo added. "W... whose in there? You better come out! Or we'll get Applejack in here and she'll buck you up good!" Sweetie Belle finished. Spyro debated on two things. One wing, he could leap out and scare the little ponies silly just for a few laughs. Course that would have Applejack barreling down on him again and one tackle from that pony was enough. On the other wing, if he did reveal himself to this trio it could wind up being the cloud factory all over again. And Applejack would still probably deck him or something close. There was just a few possible out comes, so he chose the smarter of them. "I already know about Applejack. She and her friends are the ones who bunked me here." "Then why are ya hidin under that hay pile? You fraid yer not pretty lookin?" Applebloom asked while peeking at the two eyes. "Umm, no. It's not that. It's a little...complicated. But rather then bore you all to sleep, I'll say this: I'm supposed to be laying low, to avoid trouble as a Twilight mentioned." the pale violet eyes replied. "Horse apples! How do we know your not lying just to hide out in the barn and mooch off the Apple family?" the one they called Scootaloo accused. *sigh* "Fine. I'm coming out. But! Before I do, promise me you three little ponies don't scream or panic or freak out." the eyes looked back at the trio. They looked at each other then nodded and crossed over their little chests,"We Pinkie Pie Promise." they said in unison. Okay, don't know what a Pinkie Pie Promise is, but its a promise and they agreed to it. The three fillies started to back up as a scaled snout, muzzle and head with horns started to emerge with those eyes. They gawked as a purple dragon pulled himself from under the hay and slowly turned to see the three staring. He brushed off any strands of straw clinging to his body, then folded those wings of his. A soft buzzing drew their eyes up to the rafters and caught sight of a bug of some sort fly down and rest upon his head as they stared at the three. He sat down and brushed at his scaled chest plates then fidgeted for a moment before clearing his throat. "Umm, hi." He murmured. Three sets of wide eyes, complete with gaping maws were all that greeted him, none of the ponies uttered a word. Great. Just great. Probably collect themselves, scream in a fit and bam! Orange pony with hat comes barging in, gives me a riot act and starts chewing me out on top of it. This day couldn't possibly get any worse. CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS DRAGON CATCHER GO! "Buh?" was all Spyro could say before three bodies hurtled themselves at him. The little pegasus grabbed him around the neck, causing the dragon to squawk in surprise while the white one landed on his back, yanking on his wings which started to ache and complain once again. The last one, the one with the bow in her mane grabbed his leg and started shouting. "I got em, I got em! Quick find somethin ta tie him down!" "I can't I have him by his neck, won't stop squirming around like a slippery fellow." "Well don't look at me! I have his wings so he don't try to fly off on us!" Spyro grunted and dragged himself around the barn as three ponies struggled to keep him from moving. Sparx had bolted off his head the moment they tackled him and was at a loss to do. The dragon looked up. "Sparx! Don't just fly there! Go get Applejack and tell her, three crazed ponies are trying to capture me!" The dragonfly gave a quick nod and zipped out, leaving his friend to deal with the ponies. Normally this wouldn't be a problem for Spyro, he could easily brush them off. However due to the storm and the encounter with that Rainbow Dash, he was still worn out. Thus having three fillies pull him every which why while attempting to keep him down proved a bit of a hurdle for him. The sounds of hooves beating the ground out front was a good sign as Sparx returned with Applejack. Her eyes fell on her sister and her friends while they continued to give orders on who was going to tie him up. Rainbow Dash had also joined and instantly was on the floor, laughing a the sight. "Girls! Git off him!" The orange mare shouted. All three tumbled off and huddled up, Applebloom pointing,"But sis! It's the dragon that every pony was talkin about! Here in the barn!" Applejack sighed, rubbing her muzzle with a hoof,"Ah know. He's stayin with us." "W..what?!" the filly stammered, looking to her friends. The mare approached the three,"Look, Twilight asked me and Fluttershy to watch over him. He's...not from around here so to say. An since that incident up at the cloud factory, we decided ta keep him under a low profile. Now, git your little flanks to the house an don even think bout tryin to sneak in here, attemptin to bother him...ah'll know." The three fillies groaned, but obeyed as they sulked out, all casting one last look at the dragon as he was dusting himself off. Once they were gone Spyro sighed heavily and shook his head. "Sparx, is there some target painted on my chest or back? Cause ever since I arrived here, I've been tackled, hurled and jumped by ponies left and right. Its like some sign is hanging around my neck that says,'Free shots!' " Rainbow Dash snickered while casting a grin,"Some dragon. Gettin jumped by even fillies. Don't see how you were much of a threat to the pegasi at the cloud factory. I've seen thunder clouds with more bite then you." Spyro shot her a glare which only had the cyan pegasus snerk and puff out her chest,"I can take you on any time, scaly. I whooped you last time easy, peasy." Sparx would have shot off after her, were it not for the dragon plucking him back. "Listen. . Rainbow Dash is it? Only reason you had the upper tail on me was because I was worn out from my little...trip. If I was at full strength, I can promise you, that I would be more then enough of a challenge to keep you on your pretty little feathered wings." Applejack groaned as her friend stomped over and stared him down,"Oh yeah? Says who? I'm the fastest here in Equestria, pal. I can fly circles around you so fast, your eyes would still be spinning in your skull." Spyro just smiled,"Right...fast. Tell me then, speedy. If you were so fast, then how did I manage to freeze your wings while you were aiming to tackle me?" The pegasus opened her mouth, but shut it as she rubbed her chin. Her eyes lit up and she glared,"You used magic of course! How else did you manage to slow me down? Sure Twilight could do the same thing if she tried." The dragon just shook his head,"Its not so much magic but an ability. I can manipulate time. That surge you felt when you came at me, was its effects. It's how I easily avoided you and left you grounded. It's not something I brag about either...unlike some girl around here." Applejack got between them before the mare could fire off a comeback,"Ah right that's enough ya two. Rainbow Dash ah think ya better head home. Spyro is retirin for the night." Rainbow Dash grumbled but nodded. She turned and tried to stretch her wings, only to wince as the aching muscles filed numerous complaints against her,"I'm gonna have trouble getting home. That dragon's frost attack still left me hurting. I can barely unfurl them." "Here let me help you." Sypro hopped on her back without so much of a warning, the cyan pony eeking! as a heavy beast grounded her,"Hey! get off me, you scaly punk!" He grumbled and rubbed his forepaws together,"Stop squirming you whiner. Now hold still." Rainbow flapped her wings uselessly while Applejack tried to pull Spyro off. Sparx buzzed around the orange pony, causing her to let go while he blew his fire into his palms, letting its warmth heat up the appendages. The pony beneath him, started to panic as she felt its heat, flailing as she called to Applejack,"He's gonna eat me!" "Am not." Heated forepaws grabbed her wings, a loud eek! sounded before a deep, gratifying moan followed. Rainbow Dash was in heaven. It was like a nice hot soak in a spa bath after a long day, the heat seeping into her bones, muscle, skin and wings. The dragon just rolled his eyes while Applejack managed to chase Sparx away and approach him. "What are ya doin to her?!" "It's something I learned and it comes in handy. Look we dragons work pretty hard with our bodies as far as physical labor goes. As strong and sturdy as we are, our bodies still wind up being very sore. Hot springs and lakes don't do very much as the tough scales on our bodies absorb so little of the heat, given our natural resistance to such high temperatures. So we warm up our paws with our own fire breath and voila! Normally this would burn her, but I managed a mild burst. Its hot enough to ease the aches in her wings and give her flight once more. All she needs to do after, is simply take another good soak and she'll be fine come morning." Spyro hopped off, allowing Rainbow Dash to rise and flex her wings. She looked at each one, amazed on how great they felt, given just a few minutes ago, she could barely open them. She turned and looked at him, the dragon saying nothing but sat there while his friend settled on his head once more. "You know, you can say 'thank you.' for warming up my wings." Sparx pipped up. "Sparx don't. Its up to her whether or not to thank me." Rainbow Dash just looked down, pawing at the ground. She murmured a soft "thanks" before turning around and taking off. Both Spyro and Applejack watched as she took to the skies with ease, the orange pony whistling as the cyan pony slowly faded into a speck. "That's some good heat therapy there, Spyro. Ahm impressed." He idly waved a paw,"It's nothing. Pretty much normal to me." Applejack just softly grinned,"Say Spyro. Ya eatin anythin since ya got here?" A growling stomach rumbled from the dragon's scales answered the question for her, earning her a soft blush from both Spyro and Sparx as the two nervously chuckled. The pony just laughed and promised to bring them back some dinner from her home as her Granny Smith probably would pass out if she invited the dragon inside. A couple hours later, found Spyro and Sparx on their backs, bellies extended slightly as the pair groaned from being stuffed. "Didn't know...so many dishes could be made from...just apples." Sparx uttered before belching. Spyro hiccuped and followed. "Apple pie, apple fritters, apple cake, apple pastries, hot apple crisp, Apple pancakes and waffles, warm apple cider. Oooooooooh, I can't eat another bite. I'll explode into apple confetti." The pair listened to the night life playing around them. The soft sounds of crickets chirped in the grassy regions surrounding the farm, a mild breeze of wind rustled against the barn doors, which creaked softly. The stars glimmered outside and the moon, full and pale bathed the lands in her soft light. Sparx was feeling sleepy as he settled beside Spyro on his cloud bed. "You know. This wasn't too bad a day. Sure we got off to a rocky start in their world. But...ponies are not too bad. They work hard, can cook a mean meal and are generally pleasant." Spyro cast a glance to his friend before his eyes returned to the sky,"I wonder of everyone in our world is okay. Or if they are worried about us. Cynder would be crushed if she realizes I haven't returned. And the elders. They'll think something bad has happened." He settled in his bed with a soft sigh, his head resting on his forepaws. Sparx gently nudged his elbow. "I'm sure they are looking for us. And even if we are not in Avalar, the elder dragons will be looking for that gate we passed through. Maybe they'll find a way to us, Spyro. Then we can go home." Closing his eyes, Spyro could only hope that Sparx's words held truth. And that Twilight herself, would be aiding in finding a means along with this Princess she spoke of, of returning the two home. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The sounds of a cart creaking on wheels that needed oil, stirred Spyro and Sparx from their sleep. Eyes opened to find the pair had been moved from the center of the barn, into one of the vacant stalls. The hay there had also been transferred into another part, meaning Spyro had room to move around. How they manage to move him, was something having to do with this cloud bed, they called it. Which made his curiousity only the more piqued. Sleeping on a cloud. It's texture was like that of feathers, and yet was able to hold his weight. The dragon shook his head, thinking perhaps magical properties in this world extended beyond some of the inhabitants. Back to the cart. His eyes fell on a rather big pony, red coated with blond mane and tail, with a yoke around his neck. A sprig of wheat hung from his muzzle as the pony unloaded bushels of apples from the cart, then hitched himself up once more and headed out. Faint thumps! could be heard across their land, something that was too tempting not to look into. Stretching his limbs and testing out the wings, there was some stiffness in them, but the horrid aches from yesterday were fading. A good night's rest and some food helped as they ventured out of the barn and found themselves standing before rows and rows of apple trees. Sparx whistled softly as the dragon took in the sights. "No wonder they're good with apples. They live and work on an apple farm. Huh, I like the sound of that." Sparx said with some glee. The thumps picked up again, coming from their left. Walking under the leafy canopy of the trees, the sounds grew louder and more paced then before. Coming over a small rise on a bend, the two spotted Applejack. They watched as she approached one tree, then twirled around and kicked with one hind leg. The strike was precise and with a thump! apples rained down into the tubs around her and the bags she carried. And she did all of this without damaging the bark too. Not one to just continue to sit around and watch, Spyro decided to perhaps find a means to make himself useful. As Applejack was getting ready to buck another tree her eyes caught glance of something purple coming down the bend. She looked to see Spyro and his friend Sparx approaching, though she said nothing and hefted another kick to the tree before her. "Mornin boys. Sleep well?" Spyro answered with a sudden yawn, a yawn he quickly covered with a paw while Sparx gave a hearty nod,"Sleep very well last night, Applejack." She smiled,"Feel up for some breakfast?" Both shook their heads,"Oh, no,no. Thank you. We're still stuffed from last nights meal, Applejack. Think we're pretty fine till lunch or later." They followed her to another tree and watched her kick a few more,"So what brings ya both out an about on the farm? Barn gettin to ya both?" "Well that and was wondering if there was any way we could be of help to you. You've given me and Sparx shelter, a place to sleep and food. I was thinking perhaps I could assist or help around here somehow." The orange pony gave another tree a good kick, the apples bouncing in the tubs, baskets and ground. "Ahm obliged for yer tryin to help, Spyro. But ah don't think yer strong enough for applebuckin. It's an art we've perfected over the generations. Plus ah don't think yer feet would be much good ifn ya went and busted yerself on the trunk." He sighed and sat down, his scaled tail curling around his feet. Sparx buzzed from his head and floated in front of Applejack's face,"Now look here, I don't think your being very fair of Spyro. My buddy is stronger then he looks. I'm sure he could be of some use to you harvesting, if you gave him a chance." He clasped his small hands together and tried for the big pearly eyes,"Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeese?" Applejack sighed and wiped her brow. And she thought the trio of fillies were this persistent,"Ah right. Ah think ah may have a job for ya after all. Follow me." The mare turned and followed the path before them, Sparx grinning as he zipped back to Spyro,"You know, that puppy eye look was a little unnerving." The dragonfly just chuckled with a look of triumph as they pair followed They came across a bare path of earth to the south. The column of apple trees paused at the edge, the soft earth stretching over a couple of acres, beneath a clear blue sky. Applejack was waiting for the two to join her, before she pointed with one foreleg to the center of the plots of land. Eyes adjusted on a dull, gray mass protruding from the ground, a deep trench surrounding the mass. Broken ropes, chains and even some cart axles, littered the ground around the object. Spyro glanced at the lifeless thing before looking to the pony with a puzzled expression. "Rainbow Dash said ya had some sort of earthen magic, that ya caused it ta leap up at her and caused a hole on our farm. Normally, ah would have ya bury that hole, seein as ya don some damage to some of the trees, but ah think this is a better idea. We purchased these plots of land back in fall. After Winter Wrap-Up, the ground was soft enough to start sowin apple seeds. Things were looking up... till we hit that hunk of rock sittin right there. That boulder goes deep, real deep. An we tried everythin to budge that infernal thing. All we got to show for it is broken gear, sore backs, a few twisted hooves and even some short tempers. All that while that varmint continues ta sit pretty an taunt us." Applejack turned to look over Spyro,"So...think ya can handle that big ol brute out there?" Sparx zipped to her face again, hands flailing,"Whoa whoa, whoa. I said he was strong, I didn't say he could toss partly submerged rocks like they were pebbles." She grinned and batted her eyes,"Yer the one who said he was strong and that he could help here. Doncha be tellin me that was a fib back there." He opened his mouth to speak in protest, when Spyro plucked him from the air,"C'mon Sparx. We agreed to be of some help and we're going to do just that." The pair headed out into the fields and started to circle the huge boulder. Applejack sat and watched, hearing the sounds of heavy hooves treading the ground. Big Mac joined her in silence, his eyes casting over to the odd lot in the middle of the acre. He looked back to his sister, whom merely tipped her hat. "Ah know yer thinkin, its too big a job for that little guy. But after what Rainbow Dash said bout him, I'm interested to see just what this dragon is capable of. Ifn that mare's silly tales bout that dragon are true, ah reckon we have ourselves one interestin fellow. Ah want to see if its true with ma own eyes or if RD is just pullin our tails." "Yer the Element of Honesty. Doncha think ifn yer pegasus friend was lyin, ya'd know it?" The red stallion asked. Applejack gave a light shrugged as she continued to watch them,"Ah don't know. Ah can't say it was entirely true, but sum parts of it wasn't a lie either." Sypro spent the last five minutes just looking at the boulder. Sparx was already getting second thoughts, that maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. His friend ignored him for now, rather instead looked at the land around them. He gazed up at the sky, felt a light breeze shift against his wings. His claws dug into the earth, bringing up a few clumps to sniff the earthly scents it held. He crumbled it within his claws, feeling it slip back to the ground before him, then took one last look over at the edge, to where Applejack and that red pony now sat. His eyes closed, mentally picturing this obstruction and what to make of it. Nodding quietly he opened them once more and motioned to Sparx. "Go ahead and sit with Applejack. I got this Sparx." The dragonfly gave a somber nod and retreated. He didn't doubt Spyro's powers, just he wasn't exactly a huge dragon. Tackling a task like this was something an elder did or maybe even a couple elders at most. Still not one to judge him, he joined the two ponies at the edge and sat there. Alone Spyro closed his eyes and felt the currents within him. Breathing slowly he focused this into his core like many times before, giving it shape and focus. Once the dragon felt he had gathered enough, the eyes snapped open and he retreated a few steps back. Breathing slowly, he channeled his power up into his chest, taking a deeper breath then usual. Back at the edge, Applejack and Big Mac could feel suttle tremors beneath their hooves, the feeling of a gathering power converging out in the fields before them. Eyes widened, the orange mare followed this "trail" and found the source: Spyro. He opened his mouth and a green orb was spat forth. The three spectators watched as it traveled in a soft arch and made contact with the huge boulder. CRACK-KOOM! Big Mac yelped and pulled his sister down for cover, the upper portion of the rock shattered into small gravel, pieces raining down like stone hail. Spyro didn't stop there. As the upper half was demolished, the lower half still needed to be uproot. Channeling his power once more, he buried his claws into the ground, sending a surge of earthen force to shove the remains up from the trenches that was dug around it. Once the lower half of the boulder was above ground level, Spyro "shifted" and the earth moved the last hunk over onto the side. Once settled, he withdrew his paws and the earth sunk back into the earthen void left by the huge rock, filling the gap. He spat another green orb, smaller then the first one and again, it contacted with the boulder. A sharp crack! sounded as the lower half splintered into slivers and more manageable pieces. Breathing a little heavy from putting a little too much into it, Spyro heard the sounds of hooves approaching. Turning he saw Applejack and the red pony just gape at the work he had done in so little time. She worked her muzzle and the lips were moving, but was unable to compose any words. Finally after a few minutes, she managed to speak. "Laaaaandsakes. That was...I mean...whoooooooweeeeeeeee! Dang Spyro, what they feed you back home? Thunder n Lightnin?" He laughed softly and waved a dirtied paw,"Its was nothing." "Ya call this nothing?! Ahm wonderin if its a good idea to ask ya what a big job would be like." "Applejaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!!" A dainty, yet aggravated voice drew everyone's attention to the edge. At the corner stood a snow white pony with stylish violet mane and tail, carrying bags on its back. Applejack knew who it was and dashed to meet the pony. When she drew closer, her eyes widened a little upon closer inspection: rock debris clung to her mane and dusted up her otherwise immaculate coat. Her eyes were narrowed and glaring at the country pony, while teeth grounded in frustration. The orange mare smiled meekly and addressed her words carefully, trying hard not to laugh at her messy appearance. "Heya Rarity. What brings ya to the farm?" > Fashionable Party > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I can't believe you did that. Applejack I am astounded that you, of all ponies would know better. Do you have any idea the sort of problems that could very well arise out of this? We are trying to hide Spyro, not wave him about like a flag." A dirty Spyro and equally dirty Applejack sat on a old worn out, but still durable couch inside her home. Rarity was upstairs making good use out of their showers, though her continued rantings of the harm done to her appearance by the "ruffian" and the "dirt chucking brute," still waged on behind closed doors. To make matters worse, Twilight was not far behind the white unicorn. So when she felt the thrums of strange earthen magic gathering in the field, the lavender pony put two and two together, surmising it was Spyro's doing. Twilight never would have guessed that Applejack had put him up to it. Now the dirty duo sat there while Twilight lectured them both, none daring to blink an eye or so much as flick a tail. Once she was finished, did Applejack carefully respond. "He jes wanted ta help, Twilight. Sittin around in the barn twiddlin his claws. Ah can't just let him stay cooped up. Sides that dragonfly, Sparx pleaded after ah politely declined his request. Ah dinna know the dragon could pack that sort of punch. Ah thought Rainbow Dash was pullin ma leg." "Couldn't you have picked a smaller boulder to test your theory on? Did it have to be that buried bohemoth in those fields your family purchased last fall?" The shower room door slammed open, hooves stomped heavily across the hallway upstairs. Three heads turned to the stair well as a damp Rarity made her way down, her mane and tail still bound in towels. "It would not have mattered which plot of land you picked. You deliberately set that beast upon me with every intention of getting me soiled, Applejack." The pony sighed and rubbed her muzzle,"Rarity, ah did no such thing. Ah am mindful of how ya get when so much a speck of dust tarnishes your coat. Ah knew Twilight mentioned ya was coming, she jes never inclined as to the time of yer arrival." Rarity huffed a little more, before finally settling by Twilight,"Intentional or not, do you realize how long it takes? I mean my mane, my wonderful beautiful mane." She fretted and fussed over the damp hair while her eyes fixated on Spyro,"As for YOU, I will not touch your muddied scales until after you bathe. To the shower with you!" she commanded with a hoof pointing to the stair well. Sparx hopped of his head and buzzed in front of Rarity,"Who dropped the bucket and named you Spyro's sitter? He looks perfectly content covered in muck." he added with a grin. "Listen, you flying piece of future accessory, unless you want to join my summer collection I will have that brute washed. Whether you want to or not!" Rarity shot back with eyes glaring like daggers. Sparx had not felt a twinge of fear from these ponies at all since his arrival. The unicorn had the look that foresaw his untimely demise and future prospect of a brooch most promising. Scooting back, the pair reluctantly headed upstairs into the awaiting shower room and shut the door. Rarity followed them, making sure they wouldn't get any crazy ideas and shirk the task she had given them. As they showered upstairs, Twilight motioned Applejack to follow her outside in front. Once the two were alone on the porch, the unicorn turned to look upon her friend. "So...what exactly did he do?" A well gifted student in the arts of magic, opportunities like this was something she could not just simply pass up and ignore. Even if the stunt they pulled was a risk factor on revealing Spyro's presence, this was just another chance to learn about different magics from beings of different worlds. Applejack sat there, rubbing her forehead a little before pulling back on her Stetson. "Well. Ah told him the problem that hunk of rock had been causin us. So even after Sparx complained about me givin him too big ah task, the dragon decided he'll do it. He circles the boulder, takin note of what we tried to do to make it budge and move. Then he sits there for a few minutes or so, eyes closed, like he was concentratin. Sparx later comes to join us, as he feels the soil beneath his claws. And then." Applejack removed her hat,"Ahm sure ya felt it as ya said ya did. It...it was like the ground was alive. An bein an earth pony we have that connection to the earth. To feel it move beneath my hooves and watch it gather around him, like he was wrapping himself up innit. Then, it dies down as quickly as he called it forth. Next thing ah know, he spits this green orb. It comes at the boulder like some pony tossed it. An...well ahm sure ya heard that loud ka-boom. Whole upper top of the boulder gone! Reduced to gravel, dirt clods and pebbles rainin down on us. Brother had to pull me down, case there was big chunks that could hurt us. But we was okay." "Then he digs his forepaws into the ground and moves the dirt...moves it like water over a ocean. It acts like a geyser only, with dirt. Powerful enough to move the remains of the boulder out the trench we dug around it and leaves it there. Then the earth retreats back into the gap and fills the whole. He spits another one of those green orbs, but its smaller. It cracks what is left of that rock into smaller chunks. And that's it. Twilight. Ah never felt anythin like it but. That's some strong mojo he be carryin with him." Twilight was sitting there, quiet and listening as her friend retold the day's events in the field. She brought parchment and quill, jotting down everything the orange pony had said. When she finished, the unicorn rolled up the scroll, sealed it, then set it back in her saddlebags. "Thank you Applejack. While I admit, that earth spells and such require learning the words and recalling the symbols. What Spyro possesses sounds new. And not just earth. Ice? Fire? What other elements does he know? And how does he process this magical force within himself to be able to use each of them without getting hurt? I know he's a dragon and they have that magical resistance, but he's no bigger then we are. And dragons don't have that sort of talent in them, most actually until they are at least five hundred years old and have the dedication to learn them." The orange pony looked around, then back to Twilight a little puzzled. "Say Twilight, where is Spike? Usually he's with you all the time." "Oh, I sent him to Fluttershy's place. I didn't want him pestering Spyro, he did enough of that yesterday." The pony replied. Applejack laughed softly,"Can ya blame him? How often does that little fella run into other dragons, even outsider ones? Pretty rare doncha think?" The unicorn cast a glance into the living room from where they sat, her eyes fixated on Spyro as they overheard Rarity start to fuss with his measurements. He looked cleaner, the shine of his scales seem to cast the rays of the sun off him. Twilight gazed at him for a moment, trying to sense that magical force Applejack had mentioned. It wasn't easy, given his heritage. Most dragons were immune to unicorn magic by the time they are nearly full adults. Spike was different, given magic from an aspiring little filly had caused his hatching. Hence his ability to send letters via fire. Spyro was different. It would take her at least a week to figure out half of him, and even then she felt she would not have all the answers. A pink face with puffy pink mane and blue eyes popped up with a huge grinning face,"Heya Twilight!" The unicorn eeked and jumped into Applejack's forelegs, who managed to catch her friend before she landed on her purple posterior. "Pinkie Pie!!! Don't do that!" The mare said, panting as her hoof lay over her chest. The spazztic beatings of her heart hammered away at her sternum, threatening to make a jail break at any moment. Always Pinkie Pie and her profound sense of popping up anywhere. The pink mare just giggled and bounced, drawing both fashion designer and a surprised dragon to her location. "Where did she come from? And how come we didn't see her enter?" Sparx asked, confused by the pony's sudden, random appearance. "Oh that's Pinkie Pie, Ponyville's resident party pony. Be forwarned, since you two are new, she's going to throw you a welcoming party." Rarity muttered under her breath as she took down Sypro's wing span. "You betcha Rarity!" The mare pipped in. She oogled at the two new faces, the dragon feeling a tad uncomfortable with being stared at. "So your the crazy wazey dragon that went all raaaaawr and whoosh! at the factory yesterday huh?" She inquired. "Umm, no. It's been a huge misunderstanding, Pinkie Pie. I crashed into the factory after being dragged here through the storm." Spyro replied. "Well Duuuh! How else did you get here? Broke the fourth wall? I mean, that's totally impossible for many, many people." She said happily, ruffling his scales atop his head,"But that's ok! Your safe and sound along with your buzzy bug friend! Saaaaaaaay since you did arrive here, I haven't thrown you a super, duper welcoming party! We could totally invite every pony in Ponyville!!" The white unicorn erred and shook her head,"Ummm, Pinkie Pie, I don't think that is such a good idea. Given the circumstances from the factory, throwing a welcoming party for our...guests will draw unwanted attention. The ponies know Spike and how he's just a baby in all." "Present." Came a familiar voice behind the trio. Rarity jumped as Spyro whirled around to see said dragon sitting on a couch, with a couple of gems in both paws,"Hiya again, Spyro." he waved before chomping down on a blue gem. Rarity cleared her throat,"...where as Spyro is new, bigger then he is and will most likely be viewed as a threat. Even if he is harmless. No offense." "Spike!! What are you doing here?" Twilight heard him from outside. She barged in and cornered the baby dragon, who scooted back into a corner, gulping softly,"I...I finished helping Fluttershy at her cottage. She said to find you here and gave me some gems to munch on. Please don't send me back, I want to see Spyro again." The lavender pony groaned while face hoofing,"Fine. Just...don't get to comfortable. We're leaving as soon as Rarity finishes up." He huffed, folding his arms but nodded looking back at the love of his life. He sighed and held a drunken smile as he watched the girl of his dreams measure Spyro's tail and horns. Once Rarity was finished, she jotted down a few notes, then packed up her bags. "Well Twilight I think I have what I need to get started on those cloaks you mentioned. Now, about this spell to conceal Spyro here. How will that effect the fabrics I'm going to use?" While Twilight discussed the spell she had in mind, Pinkie Pie hmmed and tapped her chin before nodding energetically. "Well ok! We can just have a small party, just the nine of us! Sparx, Spyro, Spike, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash! It will be totally caketacular! Oh my gosh! I better get started! I want to have everything totally ready by tonight! See you later!!" She waved and zipped out the door, leaving Applejack to cough on her dust as the pony hopped...that's right hopped down the path. Spyro and Sparx watched until she disappeared over the hump, casting a glance to the country pony. "Ummm. Is...she always like that?" "Yah. Ya get used to it after awhile. She's a great friend, Pinkie Pie." Applejack ahemed softly,"So long as ya don't break a Pinkie Pie promise." The mare shifted a little uncomfortable as Sparx approached her. "Umm, come to think of it, those three fillies had mentioned a Pinkie Pie Promise before we came out of hiding. What happens if you break it?" The dragonfly asked, piqued. A pink head popped out of nowhere from above, startling both Spyro and Sparx. The two leaped back, hitting the wall of the house as Pinkie Pie grinned most...unpleasantly. "Breaking a Pinkie Pie promise is the quickest way to lose your friends. Foreeeeeeeeeeveeeeeeeeeeeeeer." She slowly sunk back up disappearing entirely, leaving two frazzled outsiders gawking at the spot where the pony emerged. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Rarity promised to return with the fabrics on hand by early afternoon. And since Pinkie Pie was going to throw him a welcoming party anyway, the Apple family set to work on setting up the barn for the umpteenth time to house a celebration. Twilight remained for the sake of keeping tabs on the dragon as Spike followed him around the farm. "So Spyro I was overhearing that you can use earthen magic. So fire, ice earth. What else can you do?" The smaller dragon asked, chewing on a ruby. The bigger dragon hmmed,"Well I can use and shoot lightning." There was a pause as Spyro stopped to see Spike look at him in amazement. "Really? Wow. Lightning is a tricky element to want to handle. I don't think any dragon can pull that off. I don't even think Celestia or Twilight could manage that." "Say Spike, maybe you can answer a question or two for me." The small dragon grinned and nodded vigorously,"Of course! What do you want to know?" "Well you and your sister Twilight keep referring to this Princess Celestia. Who is she? Your matriarch?" Spike shuffled his feet slightly, blushing as he referred to Twilight as "sister." Not that he found anything wrong with it of course. "Princess Celestia rules over Equestria along with her sister Princess Luna. She's an alicorn. Which is a pegasus and a unicorn put together. Before you ask, no they are not as common as the unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies you see here. They're extremely rare from what I've heard from Twilight, whenever she studies hard at night." Spyro seated himself, absorbing this bit of info as he nodded,"Go on. What makes them so, I guess unique would be the word I'm looking for." Spike settled by him and pointed at the afternoon sun slowly setting over the horizon,"Celestia has the power to control the sun, raising and lowering it each day. She's a sun goddess as ponies have known her as. But she doesn't like to think herself as some powerful being. Just a humble ruler looking out for her ponies. Princess Luna is the opposite. She raises and lowers the moon and the night sky. Not as powerful as her sister, but still a great alicorn herself." "Sisters you say? Sounds like a huge job they got going. Running Equestria, making sure every pony gets along." the purple winged dragon mused. "Well its not as bad as you sound. Celestia runs the day courts and activities. Her sister runs the night courts and evening activities. From what I heard ever since Luna returned, its been a huge help to Celestia." Spyro looked at the dragon,"Returned? Did Luna go somewhere? Was she ill one night, causing Celestia to take over her duties or something?" "It's deeper then what you think, Spyro." Twilight's voice came from behind the pair, causing their heads to gaze upon the unicorn as she approached them,"Spike, would you mind if I spoke with our scaled friend alone for a moment or two? You can come back when I'm finished, promise." Spike rose and nodded. He turned to leave, then paused and handed Spyro a ruby,"Don't know if you like em or not, but I brought one just the same. Catch you later." The dragon trotted off, leaving his taller friend to eye the gem in his paw, unsure what to make of the gift. Twilight let a small smile grace her muzzle before giving a light nod,"Care for a small walk. Not sure if you eat gems like the dragons here, it was a gift Spike wanted to give you." "Ah." Spyro tucked it under his wing, making a mental note to look into the item later. Pony and dragon took a path into the orchards, both keeping silent until the dragon spoke,"So, about Celestia and Luna. What happened between them? Care to give me a little history lesson?" "How much do you live the night? How much do you enjoy the day, Spyro?" The mare asked him. "Well, I enjoy the day as long as it lasts. The nights have been decent. Course, I don't stay up late. Other wise the elders worry I won't get enough sleep. That is until recent. Being restless I found myself staring at the starry night sky, admiring the moon. I couldn't sleep and had no idea what to do. So I just sat there at the temple, upon the balcony. Why do you ask?" "Luna would have taken comfort in knowing that if she saw long ago. Centuries earlier, not many ponies stayed up at night. They slept until morning as usual for every living creature save for the nocturnal ones. For most night was a scary time, as such creatures were scary and foreboding, no pony wanting to be caught out in the open. This saddened Luna, that while every pony would rise to greet Celestia's sun, they would shun and hide from her moon and night sky. Over time this sadness became a bitter jealously and it slowly ate away at Luna. One fateful night Celestia encountered her sister and asked her to lower the moon. She refused. Luna went on to claim that if no pony want to enjoy her night, that they would never again see the light of day. She turned into a dark monster known as Nightmare Moon and decreed that night shall last eternal. Celestia had tried to reason with her, but to no avail. So with a heavy heart, she gathered the Elements of Harmony and defeated her sister. Once done, she banished her to the moon, locking her away for there was no other way she could find to release her from this dark force that had taken hold." Twilight glanced over to Spyro who remained utterly quiet. Even Sparx who had joined them during their walk remained speechless. "She remained imprisoned on the moon for a thousand years. I later discovered that a prophecy would come to pass. That the stars would create a gate for Nightmare Moon and she would be free once again to plunge the world into darkness once more. I did not know it at the time, but Celestia knew her sister would return. Alas the power of the Elements would no longer work, for she had lost the attunement to them. So, being wise and clever as a princess was, she sent me unaware of what would develop, into Ponyville. In overseeing preparations for the Summer Sun festival, I met Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. As foreseen upon the evening of the Summer Sun, Nightmare Moon escaped and once more cast Eternal Night. With our combined help and knowledge, my friends and I discovered the power of the Elements and with it, used it to once more defeat Nightmare Moon. In doing so we freed Luna from the dark power, setting her free. It turned out ok for Celestia. She got Luna back, free from the corruption that had tainted her. We became the new Bearers of Harmony and Equestria was saved." Looking over with a soft smile, the unicorn gave a light nod,"You can only imagine what it must have been like for Celestia. Living all those years alone without her sister. Being helpless as some dark force took her away, replacing her with a monster. Could you Spyro?" He said nothing for a moment, but rose to his feet, having rested beneath an apple tree,"I can't. But I know someone could relate to what Princess Luna had to suffer through. I think they would have gotten along pretty well." Looking to see her puzzled expression, he laughed softly then shook his head. "Seems Equestria is known for their prophecies. Avalar also had one. About a purple dragon being born once a millenia and that he would free the world from a dark master's control. His servants knew of this and sought to find the egg. My..mentor Ignitus knew this. When the temple came under attack, he stowed away my egg for safe keeping. The others were lost, save for another egg. The dark master's minions whisked it away. In time a dragoness was hatched and through the dark master's corruption became a fearsome beast. Cynder... her name was worked for him. She hunted the other Elders down, imprisoning them, for her master knew that his followers had failed on finding the egg. I was born a short time later along with Sparx. Little did I realize the role I would play in the worlds' protection." Looking over his shoulder, he drew out a soft exhale,"I found my way back to the temple and it was there I learned from Ignitus, about my role. So with new found resolve, I flew out to free my fellow dragon elders and bring them back. Cynder was stealing their elemental power as a means to open a portal. Her master was trapped in a Shadow realm and had no means of returning to Avalar. But with her dark powers, his influence and the Elder's essences, she was very close. In the end, she got to Ignitus, knocked me senseless and would have finished me off, were it not for...something that paused her actions. I lived, shockingly. That didn't stop me. I confronted her in the plane to the shadow realm and we fought. Using all the knowledge and power I gained, I freed Cynder from the dark master's grasp, releasing her from his will. It...it was pretty close for the both of us. She was no bigger them me and rather then leave her to a terrible fate, I rescued her and managed to escape." The dragon looked to the sun as it dipped lower along the mountains, a sign the night was coming,"There's more to my story, but. I can see what you mean. Dark times were upon our worlds and we, the unseen hero and heroine met and embraced our destinies even if we didn't know it at the time and felt it too great for us to handle." A faint voice, Applejack was calling the two. Rarity had returned and Pinkie Pie had arrived as well, along with Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. Dragon and pony looked to each other then nodded silently and took the path back to the farm. "So what became of Cynder, Spyro?" "She lives at the temple with the rest of us. Helps out with rebuilding and we leave peacefully. There are quite a few colonies of inhabitants all over Avalar, but no ruling kingdoms. Just leaders or tribesmen who lead their people. They come to us for knowledge sometimes and we dragons, do our best to give sound advice." The two traded idle chit chat until they reached the barn, where surprisingly it was prepared so quickly for the dragon and his friend's welcoming. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spyro had to admit, these ponies knew how to party. Or rather, Pinkie Pie knew how to throw one heck of a party. Every pony he had met was there, minus Granny Smith for safety reasons of course. The trio of fillies, the shy Fluttershy, the rambunctious Rainbow Dash, the fashion designer Rarity, the down to home country pony Applejack and Twilight along with Spike. Sparx and his dragon brother partied like never before. And the food. Wow. Again Applejack and her family had outdone themselves. But with Pinkie Pie adding to the contributions, they felt they were going to be so stuffed, they would burst at the sides. Many strange games were played which they both enjoyed greatly. Stories were shared between pony and dragon, competitions arose between Applejack and Rainbow Dash (which, Spyro learned was normal for these two as they had a competitive streak between them.) And of course there was Spike. No matter what Spyro seemed to be doing or how occupied he was, the dragon found time to strike up conversations with the little guy. Twilight had watched them with interest and this amazed her, that despite how different they were in upbringing, they seemed to share a common bond with one another. The party ended well after midnight. Despite how tired the pair was, Spyro and Sparx helped take down the decorations and cleaned up. The Cutie Mark Crusaders were in bed long ago, thus only the lavender pony and her friends were still up, cleaning. "So what did you two think of the party huh? Bet its better then the ones back home huh?" A cheery Pinkie Pie asked. "Well to be honest, Pinkie. This would have to be the first big party we've ever attended." Spyro replied. Her eyes grew rather large, utterly shocked that Spyro never had any parties on his world,"Never?!" "Nope. This would have to be our first, major party ever." "Oh this certainly wont do! I must work even harder to make sure you both get more parties in before you go home!!" the pink pony bounced energetically before putting away all her decorative items into a cannon. Her "Party Cannon" as they learned from Applejack, had the power to instantly decorate any large building in under ten seconds. Course the thought of being shot with confetti, streamers, balloons and what not, sounded a little dangerous. Sparx was glad this was aimed at building and not some unfortunate spectator. By one, every pony was saying their goodbyes, Rarity and Fluttershy needed to head home for sleep before their work began the following day. Before she left, Rarity had given Twilight a stylish cloak that would conceal Spyro, should she feel the need to move him. Once the spells were inlaid and he tried the garment on, she was happy to report he would blend in well. The effects of the spell was to cast an illusion that he was just a purple pegasus with a yellow mane and red wings. A little odd for the colors, but she couldn't change his normal colors to blend in more. It would have to do. Spyro didn't mind, so long as he was able to "hide" from other ponies and not stir any trouble, that was all that mattered. He made his farewells to a very tired Spike, watching him and Twilight leave, the dragon fast asleep on her back. Rainbow Dash was staying for the evening, deciding to bunk up with the dragon, which was a bit of a surprise for him, given the slight tension built between them. "You know, your not a bad hoof wrestler for a dragon." The cyan pony mentioned from her self made cloud bed. Spyro chuckled as he rotated his wrist. She sure had one heck of an foreleg on her that was for sure. And he arm wrestled both her and Applejack. For small ponies, they were no pushover if push came to shove. "Strong grip yourself there, Rainbow Dash." he commented on his bed,"Hows your wings by the way?" Yawning, she waved a hoof idly,"They're doing well. What ever you did, it worked like a charm." Silence stretched across the empty barn space, the sounds of the evening was heard all around them. "Say Spyro...how good of a flyer are you?" "Ehh, I fly fairly well. I don't do wild crazy stunts as your friends have mentioned you do many occasions. Why do you ask?" "Oh, nothing. Just curious was all. Good night." The sound of soft snoring followed a few minutes later. Not one to bug her, the dragon murmured a good night before shifting over in his bed. In time he too succumbed to sleep as did Sparx and a sense of calm and peace descended upon the apple farm. High above hidden among clouds, a shadowy figure was keeping watch over the ponies on the farm. At the sight of Spyro, quill and parchment scribbled down words and notes, before wings were spread and with a few hardy wing beats, the feathered figure flew off into the night, heading east. In the woods nearby, another figure spotted the dragon and notes were also taken before strong leathery wings unfurled. These beat down a few times, bending trees and tearing away small shrubs. The figure also flew into the night, west was it's destination as the sound of great wing flaps filled the air. And no pony was awake to see their presence. > Contact and Complications > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Your highness. The object you requested from Starswirl's tower." Luna looked up from the amass of scrolls, books, notes, letters and papers scattered about her sister's private study room. A week had passed since their "guest", Spyro had fallen from the sky. A week of working with the best unicorns from the university and Twilight from Ponyville to find an answer to the anomaly that occurred that evening. A week of little to no sleep, working in shifts and when free time arose from the daily royal schedules both princesses faced both day and night. A sudden snerk! drew both the guard and Luna's attention to the sleeping form of Celestia. She lay slumped over her desk, an open book providing a make shift pillow as the alicorn mumbled in her sleep about lost magical theories. The goddess of the night thanked Captain Swift Wind for his search within the tower. "Praytell, your highness what is this sphere for again?" The pegasus guard asked, curious eyes set on the cream colored orb. "My sister stumbled upon Starswirl's earlier works concerning communication with creatures from other worlds and planets. He made mention of a sphere as a means of a gate, so to speak. Whether this sphere is what is mentioned in his notes is hopefully the one you were looking for." The guard nodded, looking over as Celestia shifted in her seat before settling in again. He made his excuses and left the two sisters alone, the sound of the doors shutting softly behind him. Luna paused from going over the last few scrolls and checked up on Celestia. She smiled at the alicorn as she slumbered there, still adorning her crown and regalia. The dark alicorn nodded and drew a blanket over her, covering the sun goddess up before replacing the book with a pillow. The moment her head came to rest, did Celestia woke with a start. "Hng!" "Relax, dear sister it is only me." "Mmmgf...how long was I out Luna?" "About a couple of hours at least." Her eyes widened before the alicorn started to rise. "Sister, you should not have allowed me fall asleep like that. There is still so much to cover." She chided Luna. "Celestia come now, we've been at this non stop. Either of us have hardly gotten any sleep since then and despite our countless years of living, even we could use a wink or two in between. Honestly sister, enjoy whatever sleep you can grab. Otherwise your wits and senses will be dulled and become sloppy." The alicorn yawned softly, rubbing an eye as she took Luna's words to heart. The smaller alicorn was right. If they were to make an effort, they should grab what shut eye they could. It was surprising they were running their courts efficiently still, despite going on an hour or two at most. Celestia's eyes glanced behind her sister and fell upon the orb on the desk. "By his beard...is that...what I think it is, Luna?" Luna looked over her shoulder, then smiled and nodded. "None other. I found the wizards notes describing it in his earlier works. I had Swift Wind search for it, after granting him permission into the tower." Celestia smiled. Leave it to Luna to dig a little deeper. Perhaps all this work was effecting her judgement and an extra hour or two wouldn't hurt for a nap. Course all things aside, now that they possessed the orb, the next trick was to.... "Luna, how are we going to contact his world? Its not like the sphere is attuned to any particular planet to begin with." Drawing the orb to herself, Luna nodded and baded Celestia to follow. They reached the end of her study, which the alicorn tugged on a tassle by her sister's bookshelf. A soft groan and the hidden entrance slowly came into view as the shelves parted, revealing a stair well. "I asked Twilight to pluck three scales from our companion. From what I gathered its no worse then accidently pulling out a feather or two. They will act as a key, a sort of channel and a temporary anchor to Avalar his world. I can only hope we reach his kind. I don't want to think about what would happen if we contacted the wrong pony, or awake a cranky deity." Hooven shoes scraped along stone steps carved down in a spiraling pattern. At the bottom of the stairwell, both sisters came to an locked oaken door. Using her magic, Celestia undid the locks, opening the door which moaned from aging and bearing the brunt of what went on the other side, and allowed Luna to enter. The secret chamber was where the sun goddess practiced the more wild aspects of magic, without worrying about harm caused should one of them back fire. The runes carved into the stone floor served as layers of barriers, done by her own magic to provide the best defenses Celestia could think of should any spell fail. Luna set the orb on a stone pedastool at the center of the room. The alicorn then reached under her wing, drawing out three shiny purple scales matching Spyro's color and texture. These she laid at the edges of the platform, then nodded to her sister. "I've prepared the spell needed for this to work. Granted I'll need your backing as aside from Starswirl and Twilight, your magic is the most powerful in stabilizing should anything go wrong." Celestia nodded, a little concerned,"How long did it take you to memorize the spell, Luna?" "Two days. From reading to memorization to recital. All in the back of my mind while attending our duties." she replied with a smile of pride. The alicorn was impressed. But then again, this was Luna. While she had a little ways to go, there was no hiding the fact she possessed the same determination as Twilight and Celestia, herself had when a new spell caught their fancy. Eyes closed and horn lowered, the princess braced herself to back Luna up. The suttle hum of magic began to encircle them, lighting up the runes as barriers became active. Chanting in a lost tongue, the goddess focused her efforts on the three scales and sphere thus creating a gate, a path and hopefully an anchor into Spyro's world. It was a long shot and a dangerous path to take. But they were running out of options and what little was left had been taxing on their energy and reserves. The magic swirled around the room, gathering at the center as it converged on the scales, converting them into three purple gems. These started to glow in a soft light as thin tendrils snaked around the orb, creating a foundation. Luna was feeling the effects. The spell cast was a big one by her standards and required a lot from the alicorn. Brow sweating, legs shaking, even wings flitting, she was quickly reaching her limit. Just when she felt she could not pour any more effort into it, there was a loud snap! a crackle of ozone burning and a deep hum as the spell finally took hold. A trembling, shaking Luna dared to open one eye, casting over to the sphere, now glowing a soft blue. It pulsed and vibrated before stretching, elongating into a mirror. Celestia dared to open her eyes as well and was amazed by the setting before her. The two sisters were staring at what looked to be a huge statue carved from rock. The head, arms and wings poised in a menacing pose could only be one of the many dragon statues Twilight had learned from Spyro about a temple he lived in. A flash appeared across their vision. A dragon... a rather large dragon crossed the threshold, its long head scanning the area around the statue. It was big there was no denying it's size. The scales were a bright yellow, Luna making out what looked to be tiny lightning bolt patterns adorning the surface. The head came into view and both sisters held their breath. Intelligent eyes, blue as the sky darted about as though it was looking at them. Then it carried on, the suttle tremble upon the ground noted its weight. "Sis...is...is that an elder, that Spyro spoke of?" "From his description as Twilight had written down, yes." "It worked! It really worked." "Mmmmm don't be too eager to celebrate just yet. Starswirl mentioned creating a gate. Was there anything about actual communication with the inhabitants?" "I... I don't know. I never got that far." "I say, who is that hiding about in the temple whispering to themselves?" The yellow dragon appeared again, scanning around as though searching for something. "If your thinking of stealing from the temple, your in for a bit of a thrashing who ever you are. We don't take kindly to thieves." A gruff voice started the sisters,"Volteer, have you been knocked senseless again? Your talking to yourself by the statue." The yellow dragon turned to address who ever spoke earlier,"I'll have you know, Terrador that I am quite sound in the mind. I was hearing voices just now, whispering around this old muddled mirror." A new face emerged drawing a gasp from Luna. This dragon was a dark green, horn and spikes jutting from his shoulders, arms and along his back. His face and horns held a rugged appearance, while dark smoky eyes peered. "This old thing? Come now, Volteer, as admiring as your image is on this, there really has not been any use for it. Just sitting around gathering dust like half the other objects in this temple." "I can assure you, Terrador I heard whispers just now. Coming from the mirror." The yellow dragon bumped into view again, a clawed hand wiping against the surface,"Its sounded feminine like two females almost. Both different in age I'm guessing." "Buah ha! Silly Volteer, are you dreaming about dragoness consorts again? Really now at your age, you should be more concerned about your later years." A third voice pipped in rather cheerily. "Don't start with that silly nonsense of yours again, Cyril about being royalty and what not, you ice cold wind bag." Volteer shot back at his unforseen adversary. A blue dragon finally scrunched up into view as he heartily chuckled. "Oh come now, Volteer do lighten up...get it.. lighten up?" The ice blue dragon grinned. His scales gave off a cold chill, while chromatic colors danced off his scales. It's colors reminded the sisters of a certain pegaus pony with the same hues in her mane and tail. "Remarkable Celestia. They're quite...large. And most intelligent. Very different from the dragons in Equestria." Luna whispered. "There! See? Voices, coming from this mirror!" Volteer pointed. Both the green and blue dragon peered at the sisters, slitted eye pupils dilated then constricted. Finally the green one snorted. "Volteer, I think you've been working too hard or had your skull rattled by one too many stones. I think you need to rest." "Umm, hello? Sir dragons?" Luna called out. Silence fell over the room and the temple for a few minutes. Finally the yellow dragon grabbed the mirror, polished the surface even more, wiping away what dirt and grime was upon it, then set it upon some holding frame. Those eyes peered again, then the head jerked back with a start. "I say! Two creatures are staring at me!" The green dragon, Terrador and the blue dragon Cyril both joined Volteer as they peered into the image. Sure enough they could make out two quadrapeds shimmering on the surface, both of different height and color. "I take it back, Volteer. What are they?" Cyril asked prodding the mirror with a talon. The yellow dragon swatted his paw away with a snort. "Stop that! What ever magic is making this work is probably fragile. You go poking about like that, your liable to ruin it." "G... greetings elder dragons. My name is Princess Luna goddess of the night. And beside me is my sister Princess Celestia, goddess of the sun." The black creature remarked with a bow of her head, her lighter sister following the motions. "Fascinating." Volteer remarked, rubbing his paws together,"Umm, well greetings Luna, goddess of the moon and Celestia, goddess of the sun. What brings your images to the dragon temple this fine evening?" Terrador elbowed him roughly, drawing a wince a glare from Volteer,"What?" "Your talking to two random creatures whom we've never heard about or seen what so ever. Now here they are in this mirror making aquaintence. Its some sort of ploy, a trap to distract us." Cyril snorted,"Oh please. If Volteer says the magic they are using is fragile, any attempt to attack the temple would ruin it. I say, dear ladies as my fellow colleague asked, what brings you two to our humble abode?" Celestia drew in a deep breath,"Well. We were wondering. Have you by chance lost a certain young dragon under your care? A dragon named Spyro?" There was silence before Terrador replied,"I knew it! Few nights ago, Spyro disappears and now these...beings mention him. No doubt they have him captured and are here to make demands. I tell you now, Luna and Celestia there will be no demands. I command you release him at once. Or feel the anger of the earth tremble beneath your tiny feet." "Terrador back off!" Volteer hissed. The earth dragon growled and grumbled but settled down. This allowed the dragon to return his gaze upon the two. "Yes, we do know a Spyro. Question is what do you want if you have him captive?" Luna shook her head,"No, its a misunderstanding. We don't have him prisoner. He's... umm...." Sister looked to sister while their audience watched. Whispers were exchanged before the white one, Celestia drew closer,"I believe a story and explanation is needed to give an understanding of a situation unfolding." The three elder dragons listened as both sisters laid out the strange events that took Spyro from them. After an hour of answering questions, giving both their sides of the story, the yellow dragon, Volteer sat there rubbing his chin. "Very strange." He paced across the floor on all four,"To be honest sisters, such occurrences have never happened within Avalar. I keep track of its history along with the fellow denizens. What you told us, has never before happened. And your saying this disruption that occurred between our worlds snatched Spyro and Sparx and brought him to your... Equestria was it?" Cyril who was quiet for the most part, spoke,"You know magic has never been a stable element. There's always bound to be a few disruptions here and there. Ever since Avalar's rebuilding, there has been a few loose patches left over as the planet continues to right itself." "Agreed Cyril. The important thing however, is to look in our temple and see about finding a means to get Spyro back. Without him, dark forces could once again come forth and destruction would fall upon Avalar yet again. Terrador, speak with the earth and see if you can't feel any more disturbances. Cyril and I will search high and low, look for any ancient scripts that would be benefical for both parties." Volteer peered in the mirror,"Now your certain, you tried everything and have looked through your vast libraries for any spell that could have been able to send our Spyro back to us?" Luna nodded,"We have searched high and low. We had just begun looking in our last tower, where a grand wizard of ours had kept a vast amount of knowledge. It is where we found this orb, now transformed in a mirror along with the spell to speak to you three. Why do you ask?" "Well. Not to get your hopes up, but magic on our side tends to be more wild, elemental. Your magic feels stable, balanced. There is control, while ours is as wild and free as any creature here. To create a portal or gate, we would have to restrain ours and subdue it. Otherwise the results would be disasterous and Spyro could wind up on a different planet all together. I can't make good promises, but I can try. That is all I can offer at this point." Luna and Celestia nodded as the images started to fade. Volteer was about to leave when a question struck. "Forgive me but...how is Spyro? How has our dragon been holding up?" Celestia nodded gently,"He's been taken in by some good friends of mine. He is as well as any dragon can be for the most part. We've had to keep him hidden as dragons on our world are not friendly. They tend to keep to themselves and the sight will frighten my ponies." "Ahh. Well then I guess any future vacation trips to your world would not be possible then I suppose." Volteer surmised with a nod. "What?" both sisters said in unison, their faces one of shock. He burst out laughing, waving a paw idly,"Oh tis but a joke, we wouldn't want to cause a panic on your world. The looks on your faces are priceless though." Snickering he cleared his throat, looking dignified once more,"I trust you will be able to contact me once again, should the need arise?" Luna nodded,"Of course." "Then I bid you two....umm, if you don't mind one more question, what are you? I don't want to call you creatures or females each visit." "We are alicorns sir dragon." Celestia said with a light bow. "Ahh! Well then, alicorn sisters. I, Volteer bid you good luck." His face faded as the magic died, leaving behind three burned crystals which crumbled to dust while the pearl sphere returned to its round shape once again. On Avalar, the yellow dragon stared at the mirror with a longing expression on his face,"We'll both need it deeply if we are going to be able to work together on bringing Spyro back." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - On Equestria in Celestia's private magical study chamber, Luna had to sit down feeling rather fatigued suddenly. Celestia nudged her to lean against as the two left the room and proceeded up the stone stairs. "You didn't tell me the spell would drain you badly, Luna." The white alicorn remarked as her eyes gazed upon her sister with concern. "Tis a small side effect Celestia. A good night's rest and food will see me back to full strength." The dark mare replied with a tired smile. The pair reached Celestia's study chamber once more, sealing the hidden door behind them. The alicorn laid her sister down upon a lounge of pillows, which she groaned in relief as her tired legs were more then happy to be let up. Luna was fast asleep by the time she returned with a blanket, Celestia shaking her head softly. Eyes glancing towards the clock, she gasped at the time. Hours had passed since they were down there for it was nearly dawn. Kissing her slumbering sister good night, the alicorn quickly left her study room, informing the guards that Luna was not to be disturbed. Making her way to the tower to lower the moon and raise the sun, she was intercepted by a messenger pegasus, who looked almost out of breath. "Your highness, these scrolls just arrived a little awhile ago. They seemed urgent, so I was told to come here." She nodded, a bit confused as to why these scrolls would be sent up this early. Twilight's came directly to her, so why were these so urgent so suddenly? Unrolling one, she read was was on the parchment, while she entered the tower. Her steps came to an abrupt halt as the message inscribed left the alicorn stunned. Celestia looked at the seal once more and gave a groan: It bore the insignia of the Dragon Queen. A stomach filling with dread, she looked upon the other scroll that arrived and almost winced at the sight: An seal bearing the Griffon King's crown. "This can't be good." Celestia uttered as she unrolled this one and read on..... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Among the many apple trees at Sweet Apple Acres, Spyro lounged lazily under the shade and gave a soft yawn. His tail felt a bit sore, but the dragon felt content with the work he put in today. Ever since his stay at the farm, Sparx and Spyro opted for the less attention grabbing methods and learned how to buck apple trees and assist Applejack with the harvesting. Only he wouldn't call it applebucking. More like...Appletailing. Trying to buck with no hooves proved a tad discomforting for the dragon and gave Applejack a little bit of entertainment. Seeing as while he was strong, his strengths were more relied on with the use of his tail and horns. Rather then gore, tear and rend the tree bark, the tail won the argument. The first couple of days earned him a bruised tail, a sore rear and a few more aches from being clobbered on the skull a few times when he finally pulled it off and was rewarded with apples raining down once the tree gave up its fruit. Since then with Applejack's guidance, the dragon learned to tail whack the trees with more accurate results and keep the bark intact. With the extra help he provided, the orange country pony along with her brother gained an added work hoof on the farm. Now as the sun reached it's apex, signaling the start of noon, the dragon grinned as his stomach rumbled with hunger. Lunch time. Applejack promised a hearty vegetable soup and warm bread, something Spyro and Sparx were looking forward to. Rolling onto his feet, he stretched and groaned, his wings taking a few practice wing beats before settling on his back. Shifting on all four feet, both he and Sparx followed the path towards the farm house, pausing to take a quick right and found themselves at the barn. Their timing was perfect as Applejack was inside, setting up a small table before placing a bowl and hunk of bread down. She heard the pair and turned to greet them. "Afternoon ya'll. How's the tail whacking coming along?" Applejack asked as they settled at their seats. "Mmm a little sore still, but better results. Thanks again for letting us help in some other way." Spyro replied sheepishly. The mare laughed and waved a hoof,"Aww ain't nothin. Ya two don pretty good here so far. A shame yer headin back over to Fluttershy's tomorrow. Be nice if ya could stick around a bit longer." Spyro sighed as he picked up the spoon, Sparx settling by the bread to help himself with a few small chunks. "Kinda promised her that we would help patch up her roof. Hammers and mouths don't go together last I heard. And of course there was that promise to those fillies about...getting their cutie marks or something? I don't know how you can keep up with them. They're just...all over the place. Got to admire their determination though." Applejack chuckled softly before adjusting her hat,"Applebloom an her friends are a good bunch. Ya get used to their antics after awhile. Welp, ah'll leave ya boys to yer lunch. Give a hollar when yer done or want seconds." They waved while the orange mare exited the barn, leaving the two alone to their meal. The soup was better then good, it was great. Granted it could use some meat, Spyro was not going to complain, given he and Sparx were eating heartily enough. His dragonfly friend enjoyed the warm broth which he dipped the bread in, snacking down on its softness and enjoying the freshness it held. "I tell you, Spyro. They can cook. Sure what they lack for in meat, they more then make up for in quantities. And the best part is, you don't have to go looking for food. It comes to you. Granted we work for it but still I like this." The dragon nodded his muzzle full of soup, thus making any reply was impossible. Lunch ended for the two and after fourth helpings, both were stuffed once more. They had barely managed to polish off their desserts before they refused any more offerings from Applejack, despite how tempting the treats were. She giggled and nodded, allowing Spyro to recover from his food coma, which the dragon did most pleasingly. It was not to last for long. A flash of light appeared before them, startling both Sparx and Spyro onto their backs, Twilight standing there a second or two later. He heard about her magic allowing her to port from place to place, but it still startled him when she did it out of the blue. "Will you at least tell me or give some kind of early warning before you do that?" Spyro gasped out, clutching his chest. Twilight looked down to find them, then shuffled a hoof. "I'm sorry about that. I would have traveled on hoof, if the news I bring wasn't so urgent. It concerns mainly you Spyro." He looked up rolling onto his feet once more, shaking his head,"Look, if its about any more trouble, its not my doing. I've kept a pretty low profile here and at Fluttershy's, so any bad news about dragons causing damage, that isn't me." The lavender mare shook her head, before withdrawing a scroll. "It's none of what you mentioned, its. Well there are good news and some...bad news. I'll spare you which part to choose first, might as well get both over with." She glanced down the scroll for a moment, then gave a slight nod. "Celestia and Luna, with your scales as being helpful which you offered up, managed to make contact with your dragon elders." Spyro's eyes lit up,"A Volteer, Cyril and..T..terr....Terrador to be precise." She looked over, the dragon motioning her to continue, eagerness showing on his face,"Volteer has promised to look into the history and text kept at the temple and work with both princesses on finding a means to get you home. The only problem is as it is mentioned, that while our magic is stable and balanced, he has to subdue the more wild magic of your world to get results. Otherwise it won't be pretty." "That's the bad news? Volteer and the others working on subduing the elemental magic of Avalar?" He shook his head,"That's...not bad news at all. Granted its not what I had hoped for, but knowing Volteer it should not be a problem for him. This is great news, Twilight! Finally...a way to go home." This was news indeed. Finally with the help of Twilight's mentor and ruler of Equestria, working with Volteer and the other dragons will produce results which would see Sparx and Spyro home again in Avalar. It's not that he had anything against Equestria. Far from it, it was actually a peaceful place and the ponies residing here were not all that bad. It was just... he was rather homesick and missed the planet he called his home. Twilight clearing her throat breaking Spyro's thoughts of home, her expression was looking rather...serious,"That was not the bad news. It's worse actually." The dragon braced himself. How could this be worse? If they needed more of his scales, granted it hurt like heck, he was more then willing to spare a few more. They would grow back with enough time. "Celestia received to letters from the nations of Draconis and Gryf. The Dragon Queen had scouts sent to Equestria without Celestia's knowledge as did the Griffon King. Both were investigating the magical disturbance that occurred here as their magi and wizards had felt that night." Twilight shuffled uncomfortably where she stood. "Spyro...they both spotted you here on the farm out in the open. The Dragon Queen has requested to Celestia, that we release you and you be returned to her care. They think we are holding you captive. And the King... he thinks your some hidden weapon the Queen has placed here under our guard. He is demanding Celestia that we hand you over to him so that the dragons may not use you against his kind in the event of an attack." And this day was going oh so well. > History Lessons > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's note: This chapter contains a brief re-cap of The Eternal Night and Dawn of the Dragon. Mind you some spoilers are ahead, so if you've not played the games and want to find out on your own, don't read. If that is not a problem for you, well then enjoy. Ponville Library was pretty impressive. Not just that it housed a vast array of knowledge, books both fiction and non fiction as well as the history of Equestria, along with almost any subject all under one roof. Or that it was the residence of one Twilight Sparkle and Spike the Dragon. Simply because it was designed to be a tree. Not built with materials to make it pass for a tree. But a living, breathing, naturally growing tree. Spyro was in awe for that effect and the books... ok more for the tree but the vast collection of books and scrolls left him speechless. Given they lacked paper material on his world (dragons were not the best with ink and quill. Relying on soft stone and their claws to carve out their history was the only means of well, keeping track of historical events.) Normally the dragon and Sparx would have loved nothing more then to hear Spike tell about all the chores and tasks he did in the library. Or how he was Twilight's number one assistant, able to keep her list checked off thrice so there would be no mistakes. Instead they were both getting over the slight nausea, which was a side effect of being magically transported from one location to another. Spike kept a waste basket on claw just in case his fellow dragon lost his lunch. Thankfully it was mild and would pass within a few minutes. Course what could of helped was figuring out the banter between six ponies as they all came to terms with the messages on the scrolls delivered to Twilight. Spyro was having trouble as deciphering on this jumbled conversation and these two nations Draconis and Gryf that were now involved. "Typical that those dragons and griffons would sneak into Equestria without Celestia's consent. They have the nerve to constantly remind her of permission before she even thinks of paying visits to their kingdoms, yet they don't seem to have the slightest problem helping themselves into our nation whenever they suddenly feel like it." Rarity complained. "Umm Rarity? Not to shoot you down, but Celestia did sign an agreement allowing griffons and dragons near Ponyville. So they kinda have that right when scouting." Rainbow Dash pointed out. "That is just it. Scouting, not spying! And that is exactly what both parties did! The nerve making these demands of our Princess. The Queen and King should be doing a better job of keeping themselves in check, rather then act like they own the planet." The unicorn replied. "Girls please!" All heads, including Spyro turned on Twilight. The lavender unicorn rubbed the bridge of her snout before speaking up. "All this bickering is not going to change the fact that Celestia will be having to representatives from both nations arriving at Canterlot in two days time. The Dragon Queen and Griffon King are going to want to know what she plans to do about Spyro." "Well umm, I think she shouldn't allow Spyro to be taken at all. I mean, he is an outsider. But he doesn't belong with those meanie dragons. He's too kind and easy going to want to be those types. And...well as for the King. What right has he to say about thinking Spyro is some weapon we've been hiding? Only damage he's done was breaking up a boulder on Applejack's farm land." Fluttershy meekly mentioned. "Excuse me, ponies?" All heads turned to Spyro. The dragon rose to sit on his haunches,"I can't help but detect a bit of dislike for both this Dragon Queen and Griffon King you keep referring to. Did they do something bad here in Equestria that would warrant this hostility towards them? I mean, I've heard from Fluttershy the dragons here can be cranky, territorial and vicious at times. But that is who they are. As for these griffons, well I don't know enough about them to draw my own opinion about them. Care to fill me in on some missing details here?" Twilight gave a nod,"Equestria is a land of ponies, pegasi and unicorns. We live in a state of peace and prosperity and its been like this for well over one thousand years and counting. The problem is we share borders with the nations of Draconis and Gryf. And... its not exactly a chipper place to be as Pinkie Pie would say." Spyro rubbed his chin in thought before giving a roll of his shoulders,"Think your going to have to give me a little history lesson, Twilight if I'm to see the bigger picture here." Of course, Spyro." Twilight and the other ponies took seats near the couch he sat on as Twilight did her best to remember the history of three nations: Equestria, Draconis and Gryf. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Twelve hundred years earlier, Equestria was different. The alicorn sisters resided in Ever Free forest, their castle just barely peeking from the leafy canopy. The earth ponies, pegasi and unicorns were barely settling into their small settlements, the descendants of those who had borne witness to the chaos spirit Discord wicked acts and of the brave deed of Luna and Celestia defeating him thus freeing every pony from his malicious grasp. Both were newly indicted as rulers over the ponies and reluctantly agreed to re-locate into a far grander castle then the one they had called home for some time. It was during this time of renewal and expansion that reports from the early pegasi ponies informed the two princesses that Equestria was not as spacious as they thought to be. They learned that in the far northern reaches a different nation ruled. What surprised Celestia and Luna was that dragons, once thought to be fearsome well respected beings, actually had their royalty rule over. This Queen they gathered was as old as the planet they lived on. Some lay claim even older. But this was only part of what they learned. This Dragon Queen's borders to the far west nudged against another nation, one where majestic griffons reigned. They too, were governed by royalty, a king and queen matriarch to be exact. All was never well along these borders. They held courts of high council, much like the alicorn's budding court, but whereas agreements and peaceful transactions were met between pegasi, unicorn and earth pony, arguments and disputes erupted among the lesser favored lords and magistrates on both sides. Spying and espionage was almost a regular for both parties. And of course there were the small conflicts between griffon and dragon, fights breaking out and battles. Now the balance of power was shifting. The alicorn's sister's own rising rule was taken note from Draconis and Gryf. There were a couple of instances when both Queen and King sent ambassadors to their castles, either requesting...or demanding allegiance to side with their nation. Celestia sent them packing more then once, informing their rulers that as a protector of all her ponies, she would not, under any circumstances, risk the lives of her people over their petty differences. The last line was crossed when one magistrate on the Dragon Queen's council, took the alicorn's response as an insult. The dragoness, along with a small group of her house descended upon one budding village and razed it to the ground, capturing all earth ponies as they fled their burning houses and farmland. Celestia along with Luna received word and a letter, threatening the ponies lives if they did not comply. Both sisters rose to meet this magistrate and her house at their borders. What followed next was merely described as retribution for this cowardly act. The dragoness was sent back along with the remenants of her house to the Queen. A note, which was later copied and given the the Griffon King clearly stated. If either nation dared to assault her ponies in such a fashion, the sun goddess's wrath would be most unmerciful as the magistrate found out the painful way. She would live, but would bear the scars until the end of her life. Draconis and Gryf left Equestria alone after that incident. But it did little to stem their own continued fighting. Since the centuries, the three nations had long entered an agreement and signed a pact. That with permission from any party, air space and other amenities would be granted to the visitors. In exchange knowledge, trade and other beneficial aspects were opened to ponies all over Equestria. And it had been this way since the founding of Canterlot. Now again, recently it appears that the newest councils from both nations, once again held disgruntled magistrates and lords. While fighting and disputes were rare, there was some rumors that these new breed was following that path of power. And every pony knew that dark consequence of taking that road blindly. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spyro mulled this over as Twilight finished. The dragon looked up to Sparx, who flitted his wings. "Sounds to me that while these Griffons and Dragons may be proud, they hold a certain air of superiority over their fellow flyers." The dragonfly said. "They seem to have the occasional batch of, what do you say Applejack? Bad apples in their courts. So after that incident involving that settlement of ponies and your Celestia giving them a hard swatting on the rears, they pretty much signed a pact to avoid any further trouble and embarrassment. Till now, where you got these grumps thinking about expanding their territories and invading neighbors lands once again. And I'm guessing this wasn't the first time either." The mane six shook their heads unison. "Huh, makes me glad the elder dragons and the colonies surrounding the temple live a simpler, easy going life." the dragon muttered to himself. "Simple? Ya mean none ya dragons rule over anythin other then this temple ya keep mentionin?" Applejack asked, having caught wind of what Spyro said. "Well, no. We don't rule or govern any town or colony on Avalar. They have their own leaders and we all work out just fine. I mean we're great, yes. But humble and offer what assistance we can if a need arises and our help asked for. As for the temple, I guess you can say its like our territory. We're pretty content with it." Rising to his feet, Spyro hopped off the couch,"Twilight. Send a letter to your princess. Ask to see if it is clear with her, that I attend this gathering of representatives." "Why would you want to attend? We're trying to keep you a low profile here. If those mean ol dragons and griffon see you, their gonna drag you away! Or worse!" replied Pinkie Pie who sounded worried. He leaned back a little, seeing as she popped from her spot to invade his space once more, eyes wide with...whatever she was on or feeling. "Umm, Pinkie Pie. I don't want to say it but,my cover is blown. If these scouts spotted me despite your efforts to hide me, then how much longer before the rest of you ponies, and by you, I mean every other pony in this town find out? I stand a better chance of meeting with your Princess Celestia and these ambassadors, give my side of the story and refuse to leave. I'm a guest under your rule, therefore I should have the same rights and protection as any pony." The pink pony gave a light sigh, but nodded and retreated with the rest of her friends. Twilight drew out parchment and quill, casting a glance towards their "guest" as he sat there,"You sure about this? I'm not sure how Celestia will take to you wishing an audience." Spyro gestured to the windows, "I can't sit around your town and houses if I've been spotted. I'm not sure what this Griffon King or Dragon Queen will do, but if these little spats in their courts proves anything, its most likely some dragon or bird will make an attempt for me. And that will generally throw things into an upheaval. I can only hope she understands the reasons why." Ten minutes later, Spike sent the message written to Celestia via magical fire mail. Twilight's friends made their good byes as they returned to their residences, leaving Spyro and Sparx at the library for the evening. So long as the dragon kept his head low, there really was not going to be any problems of another dragon magically appearing in Ponyville. While Twilight set up a spare bed in the basement below, Spyro found himself watching Spike as the dragon tidied up the library after this little meeting. "So this is what you do every day?" He asks the baby dragon. Grunting, Spike slipped a few tomes in the shelves before climbing down the wooden ladder. "Oh, its not just library cleaning and updating. I deliver and receive messages, run errands for Twilight such as quills, ink and parchment paper. I do lists too, especially check lists." "Check lists?" Spyro tilts his head slightly. Spike nodded,"Twilight likes to keep things need and tidy. And she has me make check lists. One time, she had me make a check list to double check her first check list." "Sounds a little confusing to me. Going through all that just for one check list?" Sparx pipped in. Spyro lightly shrugs with a wing,"Just how she is I suppose. Kinda like Volteer and his constant going ons about one subject to the next. He's smart but he tends to let his muzzle move too much for the rest of us sometimes." "Think if Twilight met this erm Voltier? they would ramble on and on?" The baby dragon asked. Spyro shuddered slightly,"Volteer... and Spike, I think on and on would be an understatement. They would have a conversation until the end of time if you gave them that chance." Twlight emerged from the basement, humming to herself as she slipped up the stairwell that led to her room. A linen closet was at the end, shelves full of spare sheets and pillows were kept. Just in case company stayed over or the unicorn decided to have another sleep over with friends. The mare continued to hum to herself, the materials for bed making floating behind her in a soft aura of magic. She disappeared down the stairs once more, leaving the dragons be. "Umm, Spyro? All this talk of problems going on with the dragons and griffons. And of Celestia, Luna, Twilight and her friends included, stepping up to face these threats. You, I mean have you and Avalar ever dealt with similar?" Spyro glanced at Spike for a moment. Then he scooted over and patted a spot by him, the fellow dragon more then eager to join his scaly brother. He waited until Spike fussed with his head spines then sat quietly. "Dealt would be a minor word to put it. Involved deeply is more like it. I mentioned this to Twilight, don't know if I mentioned it to you. But seeing as Twilight and her friends are well known and umm, legends here. The same follows for me in a way." "Really?" Spike's green eyes widened at Spyro. To think he was popular on his world. "Mind you the challenge I faced was probably as bad as Celestia facing Luna when she became Nightmare Moon. And became worse after she got her sister back." The baby dragon looked confused. Spyro waved a forepaw,"Sorry got confusing. I have a friend named Cynder. She's about my height. Her scales are dark purple, much darker then mine or Twilight's. Her horns are white, and her chest plate and wing membranes are a pale pink. When the dragon temple was attacked, her egg was stolen by minions of a Dark Master. He corrupted her and she worked for him, trapping the elders and stealing their essences so a portal could be opened and he be set free. I foiled that plan, rescued Cynder and saved Avalar. Unfortunately it didn't end there. Though I had thwarted the Dark Master's attempt into entering our realm, I had not kept his other plans from coming into play. Cynder took it hard blaming herself for the trouble she had caused, even though in our eyes, the dragoness was merely a soldier for the Dark Master. It didn't make her feel any easier. She took off, forbidding me to follow. She wanted to find out where she belonged in our world." "You mean, she was lost?" Spike asked. "You could say that she was lost, trying to find herself out there. After she left, our temple comes under attack. Strange apes tried to bring down the place. Me along with Ignitus and the others managed to thwart them and they retreat." Spyro tells the tale to Spike, watching those eyes widen in awe as a certain part of the story amazes him. The baby dragon listens as the Dark Master known as Malefor was the first purple dragon that mastered all the elements in Avalar. But as with all beings whose power for hunger was never ending, so was his growth. The baby dragon learned that the elders Spyro spoke of, sealed Malefor away never to be seen or heard from again as they feared his continued growth would spell disaster. It turned out that he taught the apes, the same apes that attacked his temple, dragon magic. The baby dragon kept silent, unaware that another set of ears were listening in. Twilight was coming up the stairs, when she overheard Spyro tell Spike about his adventures. Now the unicorn sat there, silently in the shadows of the walls, writing down everything the dragon was telling Spike. Of this Malefor, of some eclipse that was to bring the evil dragon back and begin a dark reign once more. Of the strange being only known as the Chronicler and of his warning to Spyro to hide until he was ready. The purple dragon disregarding the warning, heading to this Well of Souls to find Cynder and Gaul. The battle that ensued and of the dark transformation that nearly consumed Spyro. And the final act of saving them all, using his powers to encase Cynder, himself and Sparx in crystal to save themselves from the crumbling mountain. The sounds of soft snoring brought pause to the story. Spyro glanced over and found Spike fast asleep. The dragon chuckled lightly. It was late in the evening. Time had passed as he spoke of his story to the fellow dragon, not realizing that he had passed out during the storytelling. The sound of hooves drew his attention to Twilight as she quietly picked Spike up and carried him up the stairs to bed. The dragon yawned himself softly, stretching out on the sofa, hearing the sounds of the door upstairs close. The lavender pony emerged, carrying a candle with magic as she joined the dragon. "You have quite a story there, Spyro. Must have been tough to bear that much responsibility realizing you held the fate of your world in your paws." A soft sigh came from the dragon, drawing her eyes to him. "Kinda glad he fell asleep. Not that I was worried when he passed out. Just what followed after we escaped from the crystal prison. Malefor was successful on being brought back from the realm he was sealed away in. Cynder and I had to fight our way out of some catacombs, re-unite with Sparx and tangle with a nasty rock monster Golem. A friend, Hunter found Sparx when we were separated. We arrived at a city just as Malefor forces started attacking. Though we defended the assault, he gave us a warning. Awakening some ancient force called the Destroyer, Malefor was using it as a means to bring about destruction to Avalar. We joined up with the dragon elders and with Ignitus's guidance proceeded back down underground. The Destroyer was to reach a Ring of Fire to unleash it's power. We destroyed a dam halting its efforts, but it proved futile. The Ring of Fire was completed and a count down began. Our next option was to head through the Burned Lands." Spyro paused, the mare seeing a look of pain and sadness in his eyes for a moment. Sparx tapped his friend's head softly,"Spyro. You don't have to tell this part, if...you know." the dragonfly said softly. He shook his head and sniffled, wiping his snout with a fore paw,"It's alright Sparx. It's never easy talking about this. Ignitus was a mentor, a friend and first dragon I ever met, Twilight. He... sacrificed himself so that me and Cynder could get through the Burned Lands. I wanted to go back, I wanted to see that he was ok, but Cynder kept me for returning. I know he watches over me and the others, but... it's never easy. After crossing the Burned Lands, we finally confronted Malefor. He may have tried to tell me that all purple dragons were born to sow destruction, but I never believed a word of it. With Cynder's help, we defeated him and the remaining elder sealed his spirit away for good. But Avalar was in trouble. The Destroyer's work was done and Avalar would be lost." "Was there any way to stop it?" Spyro nodded,"I used my magic to quell the planet and rebuild it anew. Avalar was saved, Malefor was gone for good and peace was brought to the lands once and for all. Since then we've been rebuilding our temple and enjoying the peace and quiet. Well, the elders and Cynder were. Despite all I had done, I had grown a little restless. Regardless of the work I put in or how tired I felt, I never could go to sleep. And well, I take one night flight and wind up in your world." He laughed softly at the strangeness behind all this. Another yawn passed through his muzzle, paws rubbing his eyes in a tired state. Twilight rose and motioned with a hoof,"I have a bed set up for you in the basement. It's not a cloud bed, but its very comfortable. Even Spike stands by it." Sleepily nodding, Spyro followed her down the steps, making his way into a vast space at the bottom. Aside from a few strange contraptions, it was as tidy down here as it was on the main floor. No sooner did he climb into bed, did Spyro and Sparx pass out immediately. Twilight made her way upstairs to the ground floor, closing the door behind her. Alone in the library, the unicorn gathered up the parchments of which she wrote Spyro's tale about him and what Avalar encountered. Celestia would wish to know about this, some parts of the tale sending a shiver down the pony's back for a strange reason. Spyro, a gentle dragon being capable of bringing about destruction. Was there a need to worry, if history could repeat here on Equestria? Twilight did not wish to think it, but there was no harm in sending these to the Princess regardless. It would have to wait until Spike woke. The dragon was asleep upstairs, another sound downstairs. Alone in her element, Twilight did what a pony of her intellect and wit often did. Do late night reading and perhaps looking into the history of Equestria for any similar hidden dangers that could be lurking in some dark cavern or hidden catacomb, that an unknown dragon of different origin, might accidently set off without his knowledge. It never hurts to be prepared. > Waiting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Emptiness. As far as the eyes could see, the dragon saw vast, vacant emptiness. Like an evening sky, devoid of the stars and the moon, no hint of twinkling pinpricks of light could show Spyro of what this location was. And yet for lacking any means of light, he could see his feet planted firmly on a small chunk of rock, gracefully drifting through this lifeless plane. While the place was foreign and unfamiliar, he was no stranger to this land. Buried deep in the farthest recesses of his mind, this particular spot housed a certain entity. An entity the dragon thought long buried with Malefore's end and the re-birth of Avalar. Spyro should have known better then to quickly jump to conclusions and guess its absence would be permanent. "I am never truly gone, Spyro. You can not rid me no easier then give up the power of flight itself." A hollow voice rang out around him. "Can you blame me? The risks you exposed me to, the dangers you brought against me." "The power you gained, the abilities unlocked. Come now, must you really think so negative of these cast away talents?" "Just tell me what you want and let me get on with my life. I've no desire to play your games, or amuse you to what ever fancies your interest." The dragon replied flatly. A cold gust of wind, if such weather existed on this plane, cut through the scales and membranes. Spyro ignored the chill, feeling a presence behind him. He knew what it was, yet had no desire to look upon it. A dark shadowy silhouette came to stand beside the dragon its blank, empty eyes stared off listlessly into the horizon. "They don't trust you, Spyro. After what your little tale of us, you think they will continue to let you prance about freely in their world? They'll bind you, lock you up, probably do far worse given our reputation. The fact that unicorn mare scribbled down every last detail. No doubt, she'll send it to her precious ruler and what then?" Spyro dared to trade a quick glance to that dark being by his side,"What makes you think these ponies would attack me? You've seen through my eyes, they don't mean any true harm." "Was this before or after you defended yourself? Open your eyes. Look what the sun goddess did to her own sister. Banished her to the moon for a millennia, then took over her responsibilities. Even after she was freed, this Luna's position was greatly reduced." The shadow snorted,"How long do you think you'll last before you snap and this Equestria bears witness to your dark intent?" A dark growl was given before Spyro bore down upon the figure, eyes narrowed, teeth bared,"Spare me your little speech. Malefor tried and failed, your attempts are no different. I am no creature of destruction. Now leave me. This conversation is over." The dark figure merely grinned and backed off, its visage starting to slowly wisp away,"Silly, silly dragon. I can never leave you no more then you can leave me. Only the sweet embrace of Death will give you this wish. Just don't say I never gave myself fair warning." The dark entity was gone, the last of its words echoed in Spyro's mind as he turned to gaze upon the emptiness around him once more, left to chew over what his dark half parting words meant. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spyro had a feeling someone or something was watching him as he slept. he mmfed! under his breath before shuffling deeper under the covers in hopes that the gawker would leave him be in peace. Alas it was to no avail as a claw started to prod his side and a familiar voice rang in his ear. "Spyro....Spyyyyrooooo. Hey..psst!...wakey wakey." He groaned and muttered something under his breath before opening one eye at least, the blurry visage of Spike greeting him on the other side. "Up an at em, Spyro. Breakfast is ready. Better hop to it before Sparx eats your share." He grumbled some muffled words and finally managed to mumble,"Kay...okay, I'm coming." Pleased with waking his fellow dragon up, Spike took the stairs back up to the ground level of the library. He took one last glance at Spyro, watching him groggily slip out from under the covers before exiting and joining the early birds to a fine meal. The purple dragon yawned, still partially asleep before rising on all four feet and shook himself awake. Casting the last tendrils of slumber from his body, he started to make his way up the stairs, when he gave pause. They don't trust you, Spyro. Just don't say I gave myself fair warning. Snorting with a bit of irritation, he gave his head a few shakes to clear his thoughts then quickly ascended the steps to join the others for their breakfast, lest the baby dragon pester him even further. What Twilight lacked in quantity that Applejack took pride in when it came to breakfast, the lavender unicorn was more then capable of feeding both guest dragon and brother dragon just the same. Cinnamon apple waffles drizzled in a sweet apple syrup and topped with even more apples was more then enough to appeal to Spyro's growling stomach. Seeing Sparx mow through two of them already went to show their hostess was just as skilled behind the stove as the Apple family was. Taking a seat, Spyro glanced over to catch Spike finish off his second helping, downing the meal with a glass of orange juice on the side. Twilight finally joined them, looking as fresh and cheerful as the morning sunlight streaming from her windows. "So how well did you sleep last night?" The mare asked her guest while levitating silverware to cut her portion up. "I slept decent enough. Still getting used to the feeling of not having larger bodied dragons and their usual night symphonies of snores and occasional growls echo off stone walls." Spyro replied as he fumbled with his fork and knife. Sparx finished off a third slice of apple, then glanced over and watched his friend for a minute or two,"You know you can eat with your paws, I don't think she would mind." "I appreciate the thought, Sparx but I don't want to come off as being... well, wild and untamed with horrible manners to boot." Twilight giggled softly, setting down her set before stabbing a few choice pieces of drizzled waffles bites,"Oh, its not a big problem, Spyro. After living with Spike for as long as I have, there isn't anything that phases me when it comes to poor eating habits." BELCH! "....Almost." Spike grinned meekly,"Sorry." He hiccuped again followed by another belch, green flame spewing from his parted jaws. A scroll appeared among the flames before it was enveloped in a soft violet aura as Twilight brought the scroll to her side of the table. Both dragons paused in the middle of their eating as the unicorn unrolled the parchment and started to read it's contents. Since her face was obscured by the letter, Spyro was unable to make out any facial responses to what was entailed in the scroll. The pony rolled it up again setting the parchment on the table, then glanced over to Spyro. "It was from Celestia and Luna. They mentioned making some progress with your dragon allies, but still no real solid results. As for your request, she's not made any reply to it, which is odd. Given that despite how busy she is, Princess Celestia manages to write some response. Perhaps later around lunch time or maybe before the day is done." Spyro shook his head, pushing his plate away from his spot. "It's not a problem, Twilight. Given how busy they must be between ruling Equestria and sparing free time to work with Volteer and the others, its understandable my request may not have been a priority. Still, I was kinda hoping for an answer." Smiling, he gathered his items from the table and deposited the plate, along with the silverware into the nearby sink. Spike finished up the remains of his morning fiasco, discarded his plate into the sink then quickly followed his scaled brother into the main room of the library. Once the two were out of sight and ear shot, the unicorn unraveled the scroll once more, casting a light spell upon a blank section. When you're the protege for the ruler of Equestria, you learn a thing or two about "hidden" messages, fit for only the eyes they were intended for. In the main room, Spyro found himself sitting on the couch near one corner of the library. It was placed away from any windows, which whose curtains were closed. This was to discourage any snooper or gawker from peering inside. He watched as Spike went through a long check list he carried with him as he went about his daily chores. It felt a little strange. The fellow dragon used to be so interested in Spyro. Now he seemed more focused on his work. Probably the normal or a daily rule Twilight had passed on. Work before conversation. Still the baby dragon did pull out a few books here and there, setting them on an oaken table in the center. When asked what they were, Spike mentioned they had a bit more in depth look into the nations of Draconis and Gryf. While Spyro would not have a problem into reading these books himself, the language written on the pages were foreign and unfamiliar. Reading Equestrian was not easy to do. However, Spike was more then happy to read to his brother and fill him in on any details Twilight may have missed, though that was hard to come by with her vast knowledge. Twilight emerged from the kitchen a short while later, carrying the parchment with her as she retreated to her study room. The pony was oddly quiet today, a strange contrast to her usual behavior from days before. "Oh don't worry about it, Spyro. Twilight tends to think four steps ahead of herself. Probably has some studying or research to do. She likes to keep herself occupied with one form or another. Or both. You get used to it after awhile. When she isn't working or writing we do town runs for supplies. Heh, should check out how many quills she goes through in a day." Spyro glanced over to where the lavender unicorn was seated, head and shoulders hunched over her work desk. "I believe you, Spike. Now, tell me again, just how big is the Dragon Queen again?" The baby dragon glanced down at the book he was reading to Spyro, quickly glancing over the page before he found his spot once again. "Says here, the Dragon Queen is so big, that her body alone could blot out Celestia's sun. That her wingspan is so great, she could create hurricane winds with but a few flaps. Course the book tends to exaggerate, as no pony explorer has actually seen the queen with their own eyes. Just that she is a powerful figurehead in her kingdom, much like Celestia is." "Have you seen her?" Spyro asked, curious. "Who me? Naw. I mean I've like to travel to Draconis, but being as I've lived here in Equestria all my life, I'd feel a little homesick. I'm sure I'll make the journey when I'm older. I've always wanted to see what it must be like in those lands." Sparx chuckled,"Kid wants to travel to the lands of his birth. I like that. Has the spirit of adventure in him, even if he's small right now." Spike said nothing, but there was a light hue of red on his scaled cheeks as he fidgeted in his spot earning a soft grin from Spyro, who said nothing on his friend's remark. A knock on the front door, drew every head to its direction, Spyro tensing up, unsure on whether to stay put or seek hiding in case it was a customer. A muffled, almost quiet voice murmured on the other side. "H..hello? Twilight? It's me, Fluttershy. Can I come in please?" Every pony and dragon breathed a sigh of relief as the butter cream pegasus entered. She shut the door almost quietly then trotted over to where the two dragons were. Twilight rose from her desk and intercepted Fluttershy as they reached the end of the room. "What can I do for you today, Fluttershy?" She asked cheerfully. "Oh, um I was wondering, if its alright with you that I borrow Spyro for the day. I mean, if your not busy with him or anything, I don't mind." The shy pegasus glanced over to where the two dragons sat. Spyro and Spike trades glances, the dragon slipping from the couch with a light nod. "I would not mind accompanying you this day, Fluttershy." Spike sighed softly as he closed the book in his claws. Spyro turned around and ruffled his head scales lightly, causing the baby dragon to attempt to shoo his paw away. "Don't worry Spike, I should be back tonight. I really would like you to finish telling me about Draconis. Then maybe tomorrow we can start on Gryf. How does that sound?" Those green slitted eyes lit up as Spike's muzzle turned into a toothy grin,"You mean it?" "Well seeing as you been reading to me, I would hate to halt this little history study session we've been having so soon." "Dawwww, thanks Spyro." Twilight looked between both dragons, then to Fluttershy. She just smiled with a light snicker,"Well Spyro's answered your question for me, Fluttershy. Just makes sure he wears his cloak." "Oh, don't worry. I will." The pegasus mare softly replied, watching the purple dragon slip down into the basement. He emerged a few minutes later, carrying his enchanted cloak, Sparx fiddling with the strings around his neck as the dragon adorned the item. Once set Fluttershy made her goodbyes and exited the library, Spyro following the pegasus behind as they shut the door. Silence descended once more, unicorn and dragon standing there. Spike sighed softly to himself as he went to shelve the books back in their places. "Don't worry Spike, he'll be back this evening. I'm proud though. You've become quite the little scholar lately. All that hard work and reading has started to show." "Dawwww. Thanks Twilight." He replied. "Your welcome. With Spyro out for the day, we can go ahead and head into the market. I've got some errands to run and items to fetch before evening. Grab your things, Spike we're leaving shortly." The dragon gave a quick salute then darted upstairs to fetch her saddle bags and his own, while Twilight jotted down the last few things on her list. The pair then packed up and left the library, making sure the door was locked before heading into the market for the day. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The work at Fluttershy's college was relatively light. Spyro spent the time replacing lost shingles on the roof after the storm that had brought him here, had torn some of them off. Normally the pegasus would have taken care of this, however her concern for her animal friends and their stocks, barns and little huts outweighed her own. After a few practice swings with the hammer and avoiding cracking claws with misplaced aims, the purple dragon managed to nail the new shingles in place. It took him half the time any contractor pony would have done. The resident of the cottege emerged from inside, balancing a tray on her back, wings outstretched to keep the contents from tumbling. She looked up to see Spyro flit off from the roof and land near the chicken coop, tool box in both forepaws. "Thank you, Spyro. I would have done it sooner, but I was worried more for my friends here and their well being." The butter cream pony gestured with one hoof to the chickens, birds, squirrels, rabbits and other various local wild life that resided with her. "It's not a problem. I probably would have gotten cave fever if I spend all day inside Twilight's library. Well, were it not for Spike reading to me about the two nations Equestria borders with." Fluttershy smiled meekly as he joined her at a small table. Eyes glanced over as the tray she carried was pushed onto the surface. A plate topped with a couple of sandwiches and a pot with hot tea sat, two cups settled on saucers joined this little array. Spyro took his seat as Sparx emerged from near the edge of the forest, bearing what looked to be a bouquet of flowers. "Ms. Fluttershy, I found those wild daisies you mentioned." The dragonfly remarked as he set them near the pegasus. "Oh, thank you Sparx. I hope it wasn't too much trouble finding them. Ever Free forest can be quite scarey sometimes. I didn't want to risk you being hurt by accident," He waved a hand with a light chuckle before settling down onto the wooden table. "It was no problem. I was in, I was out, I was fast. So your rabbits and other companions have their treat for the day." "Sparx, the speed buggy." Spyro remarked with a snicker, drawing a soft chuckle from his friend while Fluttershy passed out the sandwiches. The trio ate in silence until the dragon motioned with his head towards the dark edges of the fore mentioned forest. "Why do you live so close to the forest, if it houses such danger in the first place, Fluttershy? I'd think you would be more comfortable in Ponyville near your fellow ponies, rather then live in the outskirts." The shy pegasus paused midway to biting her sandwich, setting the meal down. "Well if, if I did that, then I would not be able to keep watch over the animals. Or tend to them if they hurt themselves or fall ill. And um, well, the birds rely on my little bird homes too, since the forest is too dangerous for them to nest." He glanced around him and watched as the animals gathered around her hooves. Fluttershy paused once more to pass out each daisy to a squirrel, rabbit or other small creature, each chittering or squeaking a thanks to the mare. She smiled softly, murmuring a few words of kindness before moving to the next. The last in line was a small white rabbit. This one was different from the others as it sat there, forearms folded across its chest and regarded the pegasus with a rather annoyed look. "Oh, don't fret Angel. I have some for you too." The pony replied content and relaxed, passing down the last of them to the lapine. It snatched them from her muzzle and hopped off, the look of irritation showing in those beady eyes. "That has got to be the most bad tempered rabbit I've ever laid eyes on. What am I saying that is the only one I've laid eyes on, whose looks alone could melt rock into magma." Sparx pointed out. "Oh its nothing. Angel is just grumpy today. He didn't like his breakfast, even though I worked really hard to make it just right for him. So forgive him if he is just a teeny bit miffed with me." "If you say so." The dragonfly replied, a bit unsure if what she said was true. Spyro merely regarded the white rabbit as he mowed through the daisies like they were a light snack, then proceeded to roam around the grounds. While bunnies and rabbits were timid and avoided dragons or other creatures that were predatory, the dragon could see some difference with Angel compared to the others. His behavior towards Fluttershy for one and how he carried himself. His train of thought was interrupted as the sounds of wagon wheels could be heard rumbling down the road towards the cottage, their hostess's ears perking on full alert. "Oh, d..dear. Its them. Follow me you two, we may as well greet them." She rose and cleared the table, carrying the tray on her back once more. Spyro and Sparx traded glances before following Fluttershy up the path to the front door. Right on time too. The sound of what could come across as buzzing could be heard, all three looking over the small fence that bordered the front of the pegasus's home. Sure enough racing up the path towards the bridge was a trio of fillies whom both dragon and dragonfly had met on a couple of occasions in the past. "Its them." Sparx ulped while Spyro just nodded,"Yeeup." They braced themselves as the Cutie Mark Crusaders once more, made a flashy appearance. If by flashy that meant crashing while crossing the bridge and managing to wind up in the stream below. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Night fall was upon Equestria by the time Spyro made it back to Twilight's library. Both dragon and dragonfly were sore and tired. Who knew just now much energy those three fillies possessed as Fluttershy watched over them that afternoon. Or surviving half the crazy stunts they pulled in their attempts to gain their cutie marks. Spyro was rather glad he was not a pony with a blank flank. Some of their ideas were on the borderline of just plain insane. Twilight was waiting for them as the pair wearily knocked on her front door, which opened with a soft hue of violet magic. Spike watched, hiding his muzzle to supress a giggling fit as they came in. "Cutie Mark Crusaders?" The baby dragon casually asked, knowing full well the answer. The fellow dragon managed a nod. "How is it possible, that three little filly ponies can cause so much mayhem in so little time?" Spyro groaned as he slumped at the foot of the couch. "How is it possible that they can get their hooves on half the materials around this town. I mean... a catapult?!" gasped Sparx. They bore witness to one of their ideas that afternoon. It involved a catapult and a rock's trajectory into the Ever Free forest. The details were fuzzy in the test phase, but somewhere along the lines the catapult was smashed and the forest lost a few acres to some rogue boulders. "You two hungry?" The lavender librarian/resident asked the tired pair. Spyro shook his head,"I think sleep sounds more appealing then food right now, Twilight. Thank you for the offer though." Rising on his shaking limbs, both dragon and dragonfly made their way down into the basement, the door shutting behind the two. Both Twilight and Spike stood there, the unicorn pondering just what those three ponies did this afternoon that would exhaust the dragon so quickly. Spike yawned then stretched his limbs, scratching his side idly. "Catapult. Thought they already tried that last week." Spike muttered to himself as he headed upstairs to catch a few ZZZ's himself. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The dragon tossed and turned in his sleep. The dreams were garbled, mixed, unclear, making little sense if there was any sense to make of them. Each ending with a great pair of intense gold eyes bearing down upon him as he stood on some crumbling cliff before a sea of fire, unable to tear his gaze away from them. "Spyro!" "Guaah!!" He awoke with a yelp and tumbled off the bed, landing with a soft thump. Grunting, Spyro hauled himself back up on the mattress, groggy eyes fixating on a familiar scaley face. Spike. "Muhh. . . Spike? What are you doing down here? Is it morning already?" He asked with a deep yawn. "No. You've only been out for a couple of hours. Listen, there is something you should know. About the letter from this morning." "Hmm?" Sleepy eyes gazed upon green ones as the baby dragon fished out the scroll. "Twilight left it on her desk before she went to bed. I spotted it when I came down for a drink of water. Turns out Celestia did reply to your request. Your not gonna like it though." "Why is that?" He asked. "Celestia has denied your request to be heard. Says here, your protection is far too great to risk any chance of being noticed by the ambassadors. She wants to keep it hush hush. I don't know why, but I can never really understand the Princess fully. Political Twilight says, what ever that means." Denied. All for his own protection. Spyro exhaled noisily rubbing the bridge of his snout as his sleepy mind came to terms with this hidden answer. "Was Twilight going to tell me?" Spike shook his head,"I...I don't want to make it sound like she was hiding anything from you. But given what she quickly scratched down, it appears she was going to inform you after the ambassadors visit." The day after tomorrow then. "Why did you come tell me this? Won't you get in trouble for swiping the letter?" "Probably. But you deserved an answer and Celestia is quick with responses. I don't know but, not telling you felt...wrong." The baby dragon glanced at his feet, shifting from foot to foot. Spike meant well. Even if Twilight was just protecting him, Spyro was not a kid or some helpless infant. He faced dangers before and knew what would lay in store if his voice wasn't at least heard. As noble as Celestia's intentions were, keeping him in the dark would not help matters. His cover was blown, the truth of his presence was taken note of. What would the representatives do if Celestia denies Spyro's existence? For some reason, the dragon felt an unpleasant feeling brewing in his stomach. They don't trust you..... "Spike. You wouldn't happen to have directions on how to get to this Canterlot, would you?" The dragon blinked as his eyes started to widen,"W..why? What are you going to do?" Spyro's pale violet eyes intensified as he gazed to his fellow dragon,"I'm going to pay Princess Celestia a visit. Whether she likes it or not." > Canterlot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The clear sky stretched for miles out no end in sight to its limitless wonders. Celestia's sun cast a warmth over the clouds and the lands beneath them, the earthen soil embracing the heat that the sun goddess had to offer. It was among these patches of clouds clumped together, that Spyro sat and contemplated. The morning was like the last few before it. The dragon having risen and eaten breakfast with his hostess and Spike. The mid morning was spent with his fellow dragon once again, listening to the history of Gryf this time and of the patriarch King and Queen. Twilight on occasion called Spike away for a few chores, but this day it seemed he had a free ticket to do whatever he felt. So it was spent with Spyro and Sparx as the two learned a little more about the third nation. Just as the book was finished did the library have a visitor, one who had an odd way of making an entrance. Rainbow Dash snuck in through the second floor window, rather then opting from the front door. From Spike did Spyro learn that to the chromatic maned pegasus, this was normal for entering and sometimes exiting the unicorn's home. Course what came next was a bit of a surprise to any pony. She requested that Spyro join her above the clouds some thing about testing on how good he flew. Against Twilight's better judgement she reluctantly allowed this, under the condition that the dragon wear his cloak at all times until he was out of sight or away from populated areas of Equestria. After a hasty promise from Rainbow Dash did the duo left. Sparx chose to stay behind, the idea of trying to play catch up with his friend on a full belly was not the best idea. The air up here felt different then down below. It felt crisp like the snowy mountain region peaks back in Avalar on a clear day. Free of smoke, debris and dust the dragon was usually accustomed to the air in Equestria felt free. Granted back on the ground it was no different. But to a flyer, the changes in the currents and the scent was everything. Closing his eyes, Spyro took a few breaths letting the air fill his lungs to capacity. Soon it was released in a low exhale, a few wispy tendrils of his breath could be seen through his flaring nostrils before it dissipated in the sun's warmth. It was always colder the higher one flew, but for a dragon the temperature change was barely noticeable given the thick, sturdy scales one was born with. The beating of feathered wings drew a slightly inclined head to the source of sound a pegasus pony was coming in for a landing. The chromatic maned mare danced lightly as she touched down, coming to a complete stop a few yards from where the purple dragon sat. "So, you just gonna sit up here all day and do nothing? Thought a flyer such as yourself would have loved to get out of those stuffy buildings and take to the sky! Don't tell me your having second thoughts already?" "You ever stopped for a moment, sat down and watched the world go by you, Rainbow Dash? Should try it sometime. Leave that high speed life of yours and just lean back, take everything around you. Be surprised on what your missing out here." Came the dragon's reply. Mocked snoring came from behind him as pale violet eyes fixated on Rainbow Dash. She feigned dis interest in his suggestion, preferring to remain in that fast paced lifestyle she enjoyed. Twilight did forewarn him that any attempt to get their fast companion to slow down for anything other then speed, he was better off taking his chances with a snail or slug. Well least he tried. With a light sigh Spyro rose to his feet, testing the solidarity of the clouds he stood upon. Again the dragon pondered as to how these pegasi ponies could tear these fluffy white patches apart in a heart beat, yet use the same material to build their homes, sleep and stand on. Chalk it up to the magical properties of this world was one possible suggestion, Spyro wondered. Unfurling his wings, the dragon took a few practice wing beats, getting the feel of the cooler air dancing off the skin membranes of his appendages. Rainbow Dash grinned as her own feathered wings unfurled eager to take to the sky once more and just see what Spyro was like when he was fully alert and not half tired. Shifting his weight a little, the dragon took a quick glance around him, making sure no solo flying pegasus were out and that it was just him and the other pony up here, alone. The sounds of wings flapping between two flyers were heard, but it was just the two of them. Then, just as his wings were getting the feel of the upper air around him, Spyro folded them once more as though he suddenly lost interest. This surprised Rainbow Dash, the eager cyan pegasus was antsy as she was wanted to take off. "H..hey! What's the big idea, faking a take off prep?" She asked with a huff. Spyro gave no answer. What the dragon did next caught her by surprise. He walked over to the edge of the cloud they were on, looked over the ledge, then tipped over in a free fall. Rainbow Dash yelped in shock as he disappeared from view, darting over to catch sight of a Spyro visage slowly shrinking the faster he plummeted. The mare was at a loss for words, other then taking a grand leap off the edge herself and went for a dive. What the HAY is he doing?! Doesn't he know how to fly? The wind whistled and roared in Spyro's ears, the feel of the updrafts pushed against his chest and limbs while gravity took over. While any flyer would be frantic to start beating their wings in a desperate attempt to gain altitude, the dragon remained in a free fall. His legs tucked tightly against his chest, his tail remained stiff and straight while the rush of falling continued to pump adrenaline through his body. He could vaguely hear Rainbow Dash a couple hundred feet above him, yelling about pulling up or opening his wings. He paid no heed to her frantic warnings. He was in his element of flight. The grand thrill of being at the mercy of the air currents of freak gust of the wind, having no control over it no matter how skilled a pegasus or pony felt they were. Just when Spyro reached that point where it would be too late to start breaking the fall, instinct and years of experience kicked in. Veering to the right, his wings snapped open to catch an updraft, pulling him sharply upwards as he rode it up and gained altitude almost immediately. The cyan pony yelped again as she darted past him still falling towards the ground. Rainbow Dash quickly followed suit and snapped her wings open, catching another updraft and began to give chase as Spyro rose higher and higher, passing the cloud cover and into clearer skies. It felt so exhilarating to take wing after spending a few days grounded. Rainbow Dash had picked a perfect spot devoid of ponies, unicorns and fellow pegasi. The dragon didn't need to create any more panic then what he caused upon his rather bumpy arrival. Speaking of the cyan pony, he could hear her beating her wings as she was catching up, huffing and grumbling under her breath until she managed to drift alongside him. "What did you go and do that for? You scared me senseless, taking a leap like that right off the cloud with no warning! Are you trying to get me into trouble?!" The mare growled. "Relax. I've no intention what so ever to land you in hot water with Twilight or your other friends. It just happens to be my preferred method for taking off when I'm high enough. I do it all the time from the temple balcony back home." Spyro gave a re-assuring smile as angry rose colored eyes glared at him. "Well next time give me a warning! I nearly crashed thanks to you!" Rainbow Dash retorted. "Force of habit I've been slipping into." The dragon replied meekly, not wishing to ruffle her feathers any further. The pair banked left and hung a U turn as they reached the edge of White Tail forest. Located in the northern part of Ponyville, it was a more pleasant, less dangerous location that ponies felt comfortable in. That didn't mean any pony wished to stay out after dark or remain caught in the forest upon nightfall. Dragon and pegasus flew to higher levels and used the cover of the clouds drifting overhead to better obscure Spyro's presence. Under the cover of clouds, Spyro enjoyed the feel of flight once more, darting from left to right, ascending and descending, even performing a few mid air flips. Rainbow Dash watched him. She was only slightly impressed with his skills. Course it was nothing compared to the stunts and tricks the cyan pony was used to. Grinning, the winged mare flew ahead of Spyro then decided to show off. Might as well impress him just for kicks. With a quick flap of the wings Rainbow Dash shot passed Spyro, causing the dragon to stop and pause. He watched the cyan pegasus flip, barrel roll, do crazy loops and tear across the sky like it was nothing. Course all those insane air tricks she pulled off, the dragon didn't think he could possibly do. Not with some practice say, a few years worth at least. The mare zipped back and landed in front of him, a confident grin on her face, chest puffed out and fore hoof outstretched. "What do you think of those moves huh? Pretty awesome if you ask me." Spyro remembered from Twilight that Rainbow Dash liked to brag a little when it came to showing who was champion of the skies around here. She also mentioned not to prod her ego too much or she might just do something a little foolish. The dragon chuckled softly to himself, drawing those rose eyes to look upon him slightly puzzled. "Nothing! Just something Twilight mentioned earlier, that I just remembered. C'mon, lets get some more flying in. Who knows how long before I'm grounded for a matter of days again." Spyro took flight opting for lift off, rather then plunging. Rainbow Dash followed as the pair headed west. The dragon could see an impressive mountain from this distance, a soft gleam of light reflecting off metal was glinting off the side. After a few more wing beats he landed on a rather thick cloud and stood there, eyes fixated on a faint cluster of buildings against the backdrop of the mountain. "You sure you want to do this, Spyro? Princess Celestia means well. She's only looking out for your well being and us ponies. There's no telling how she will react if you go crashing into Canterlot unannounced." "I appreciate your attempt to dissuade me, Rainbow Dash. But, she did keep the meeting from me and denied my request. While I am a guest in your world, I'm not some child to be kept in the dark. I have the right to voice my concerns and opinion just like any other pony here." Fishing in his cloak the dragon revealed a letter, a letter he had Rainbow Dash write for him. The pair had stopped at a cloud home where she resided earlier that day, to which he revealed his intentions to the pegasus. Normally if Twilight had caught wind of his plan, she probably would have kept him in the basement at worse or under constant supervision at best. At first Rainbow Dash was against the dragon going to Canterlot to speak to Celestia herself in alicorn. But the dragon pressed his case and the importance of wanting to meet her. That and the fact his cover was already blown, that given what he had learned from her friends and Spike's history books on the nations. How much longer before there would be an attempt to kidnap him? Spyro was not going to allow any pony to be hurt for his sake, even if they were trying to protect him. "Twilight still going to be mad at me for letting you go." The winged mare said, taking the letter in her teeth before tucking it away under a wing. "Hence the letter. I don't want you, Spike or any one here to land in hot water. This is my action and my action alone. Therefore the consequences of my choice is the same." Spyro replied. She clapped him on the shoulder with one hoof,"Good luck then. Maybe Celestia will be in a good mood and will listen." Rainbow Dash spread her wings and took to the air,"Or she may just banish you to the moon for being stubborn. Later!" The dragon felt an eye twitch as he stood there, gazing at the silhouette form of Rainbow Dash shrinking in the distance. "D..did she say banishment? To the moon?" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - What sounded like an explosion rattled the mirror. Luna blinked as she could see smoke drifting from around the temple square, sounds of dragons coughing could be heard in the background. "Hmmm guess the fire element didn't want to come along so peacefully." one voice gruffly mentioned in the back. "Well Terrador, if Ignitus was still with us, it would have made for an easier transition. Alas, he is with us only in spirit, ancestors watch over him." Volteer replied. "Good Volteer how goes your progression?" The moon goddess asked. A pair of clawed paws gripped the mirror and settled it on a platform, to which Luna could see three dragon faces covered in ash and soot. *cough* "Well dear Luna, progress has been made. Albeit, the fire element has been rather...feisty on wishing to become subservient to our needs. None the less hopefully in a day or two, we will have temporary control and manipulation of the elements to begin process of opening a rift between our worlds and hopefully bring Spyro back to us." *cough* Volteer paused, wiping his face free of the soot,"In theory anyway." "You are not sure?" The midnight alicorn asked with concern in her voice. "I must be honest, Ms. Luna, we have never tried anything like this. If either side botches up a spell, the results could be disastrous. Our best option would be to test this out and hope mistakes are small and fixable." "I... I understand sir Volteer. Thank you for the update." "Your welcome Ms. Luna. And please, just Volteer will do nicely." He peeked around the mirror,"I've noticed your sister Celestia is not with you currently. She is not ill, is she?" "Hmm? Oh no, she is rather tied up at the moment over a diplomatic issue that has presented itself to us. We are hoping for a peaceful solution currently." "Ahh! Well then give your sister our regards and our current standing." The dragon gave a mild salute as the image started to fade. "You as well, Volteer." Luna murmured before the mirror reverted back into the pearl orb. The alicorn stood there, gazing at the smooth surface of the object, thoughts swirling about in her head. If only peaceful were the best word to describe the ambassadors of Gryf and Draconis. Their current councils have been both stubborn and irritating. I wonder if Celestia would consider banishment once more, should their behavior reflect poorly? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The closer Spyro drew towards the majestic city of Canterlot, the more imposing the sight was. At first the dragon figured it was probably some little castle in the mountains given the size of Ponyville. Flying under the cover of a cloud, the journey was without incident and no pegasi were alarmed to a solo cloud moving on it's on accord in the direction of Canterlot. The dragon thought this was going to be easy. Until he actually paused to take a quick glance and saw to his amazement that size from afar to size up close was a huge contrast. Rainbow Dash had mentioned that Canterlot was like Ponyville. A small town catered to an upper class of ponies, a sect that Rarity seemed to enjoy on occasion. She never mentioned how bustling the surrounding town was itself. As he slipped into the outskirts in late afternoon, he took an occasional peek from his hiding spot and witnessed many ponies of various colors and shapes strode by on cobbled streets. The place was alive with merchants, sellers and buyers. Even the buildings were alive as ponies came and went, either for meals, business or pleasure. Thankfully no pony bothered to look up and catch sight of a lone cloud making its way to Celestia's castle. They were too absorbed in their own affairs to even take a second glance. The castle was a different story. Spyro paused once more and took a look at its surroundings. The place was under patrol with various armored pegasi, all clad in gold armor and helm. Many were posted at various entry points and to the dragon's surprise there were even aerial patrols. The dragon was left in his hiding spot, debating on how he should enter without notice. Spike left him a few maps the night before, but that didn't tell him much on the weakest guarded entrance to the most heavily guarded entrance. Pulling the parchment from his cloak, Spyro took a quick glance of the layout of the castle grounds. The gardens to the east seemed the lightest of patrols with enough cover to slip by. Spyro waited until the coast was clear in the air and quickly made his descent. No doubt the rogue cloud would have raised a few eyes and bore some investigation. Landing in a maze-like garden complete with stone statues, Spyro ditched his hiding spot and quickly hunkered down under some neatly trimmed shrub bushes. Sure enough, two pegasi guards rounded the corner and approached the little cloud. They said nothing, but scanned the surrounding area, one of them shoving his fore hooves through the puffy object and decimated the cloud into nothing. "No pony here. Must have jumped off and made for the most convenient hiding spot. Check the areas around the statues. I'll check the bushes." The guard saluted and made for the collection of statues along the dirt path. The other started to rummage among the shrubbery walls and fences. Spyro did not want to hang around and wind up being caught. He sunk further back as quietly as possible and wound up on the other side. At least it was just two guards and not six. Spyro had no interest on causing any fights or wishing to knock any pony out. As the dragon tiptoed through the maze garden, he thought about the cloak on his back once more. He could use it, but given the enchantments bestowed that would draw unwanted attention. Whether the guards could sense it or not, the dragon did not want to be roughly escorted off the premises. Turning around a bend, he nearly ran into one of those many statues. Looking up, the dragon jumped back and stared at the odd creation. Words failed to describe what this creature was supposed to be. While the garden boasted of pegasi, unicorns and ponies, all bearing some instrument or pose, this one looked...off. It was like some being took various parts of animals, squished them together, then slapped them in some jar and shook it all up before gluing the pieces. Even more unsettling was a creepy vibe Spyro was getting from this statue, that it some how felt....alive. Shaking down the shiver dancing up his spine, the dragon left the weird statue to what ever fate was stored and worked his way to the east entry point. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spike said that the castle was a huge, grand building of splendor and wonder. The dragon never said just how huge it was on the inside. Walls climbed high to arch into the ceiling, pillars adorned many of the hallways Spyro snuck down. Even the most bare of ways held tapestries and carpeting complete with murals and paintings. Celestia really lived like royalty. Course the dragon did not know how royalty lived or what they kept in their homes. So this was pretty much his first exposure to how royalty lived and worked under the grand roofs of their castles. And the patrols? The dragon worried when Spike mentioned they were all over the palace. Turns out the baby dragon may have exaggerated a little. A few stood guard and entry ways, while a few patrolled along the hallways. Slipping by them was with ease as the dragon clung to the conveniently placed pillars and leaped from shadow to shadow. He only paused on occasion to get his bearings, check the map and follow the trail marked to the throne room where Celestia was supposed to remain until nightfall. Night was closing in. The light from outside the stained glass windows was fading. Celestia was at work lowering the sun, while Luna at the same time, raising her moon. Spyro felt that time was slipping away that he would miss this chance to talk to her before the sun goddess turned in for the evening. Checking the map once more Spyro found himself very close. At last things were looking up. The sounds of hooves thudding against carpeting drew his attention from behind a pillar. His eyes fell upon a pony that looked taller then the guards surrounding it. Dark midnight blue colors with a mane and tail that seem to shift on move on their own. The mark on its flank was that of a crescent moon and given how regal the pony was, it was clear she was of great importance. Keeping to the shadows, Spyro followed the pair down the last hallway he entered and took a left. At the end of this hallway huge doors were spotted at the end. Given how many guards were posted along each pillar, it was clear this lead to the throne room. Climbing as quietly as he could, the dragon followed the dark pony until they reached the end. Spyro could not leap any further for the last set of pillars stopped about four hundred feet from the doors. One of the guards bowed and opened the left door. The dark pony nodded in reply and made her way inside. The dragon clung to the pillar. Does he dare leap and grab hold of the door, then slip inside knowing his body's impact would alert the guard to his presence? Or continue to hide and miss out on this one chance? As the door began to close, the Spyro could hear voices on the other side, one greeting the dark pony.... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - "Good evening dear sister Luna. I am glad you were able to make it." Luna gave a polite nod to Celestia and a light bow to the ambassadors of both Gryf and Draconis. The two bowed in return as the moon goddess took her place upon the throne next to her sister. "Thank you dear sister. I hope I have not interrupted any current discussions you were having with our guests?" The alicorn asked, her gaze set upon the griffon and dragon before them. The dragon with dark blue scales and emerald green eyes bowed slightly, her wings flitting against her back while a vest adorned her front, bearing the seal of the Dragon Queen," No interruptions your majesty. Celestia had called a pause to our meeting in hopes that you would join us, seeing as your duty to raise the moon was at hand while the sun was to be set." The griffon, a hard male with dark grey feathers and tanned fur, also nodded. His armor he wore, held the insignia of the matriarch King and Queen,"Indeed." Was all he said. "Now to the matters of our visitation and the importance of this gathering. Princess Celestia would you at least consider me meeting this dragon? You say he was not hatched by your university for gifted unicorns under any exam, nor found alone in the woods, injured and helpless? How then was it possible for him to make contact and remain with your ponies without first notifying her majesty the queen?" The dragon asked. The sun goddess cleared her throat, standing tall and calm,"Ambassador Sapphire. I was not aware of his presence until after the events transpired that night. Only by letter of my favored student was I able to learn of his existence in Ponyville." "Yes, yes both the dragon's magi and our casters felt it that night, your majesty." The griffon cut in,"Why else did our king send word, asking permission to enter Equestria, mainly Ponyville for research and investigation? Surely you did not send out your own brightest unicorns to do the same? And your favored student? Why just one? Clearly the task is far too great for just one mare to handle on her own." Luna regarded the griffon for a minute or two,"Twilight Sparkle is a most gifted unicorn, Ambassador Steelwing. The most powerful one my sister has seen in her centuries of meeting gifted unicorns. Some say she may be as great as Star Swirl himself. She can easily handle the task of five unicorns with little to no trouble, wit her assistant Spike by her side." "Forgive me, Princess Luna but I've yet to be impressed with a single mare unicorn possessing more magical talent then any other spell caster here." The griffon replied,"As for this dragon you so mentioned, if he was indeed found by your student then why wait all this time? Why did it require our scouts and their messages of his location a couple days after the incident to notify of his presence? Clearly the Dragon Queen was hiding him and you were allowing this. What other secrets or hidden caches have you yet to tell us your highness?" Sapphire's eyes narrowed at Steelwing's accusations. She huffed and glared at the griffon from her side. "Always your problem you griffons. Thinking we dragons are harboring with the sun and moon goddess in some bid to over throw your kingdom in an attempt to gain territory. You feather brained brutes have no regard for common sense nor do you consider to think things through." The griffon eyes widened, his breath catching in his chest before he growled,"How dare you! You scaled fire breathing menaces are no better! You claim to keep to your turf, but you scaled lizards are always plotting against the good king! Superior flyers of the sky hmph! Were it not for your wings, we would be in control!" Before Sapphire could come back with a retort, Celestia tapped her hoof upon the arm rest of her seat. Both fell silent and turned their gaze towards the alicorn. "I would remind both of you that while under my roof and as hostess, you both would do well to keep any quarrels between yourselves and not provoke the other. Are we clear?" Both dragon and griffon bowed in apology, but still cast a wary glance at the other. Sapphire rose and took this moment to speak,"Please Princess Celestia, just a quick glance that is all we ask. Surely you can allow this?" Celestia opened her muzzle to give her answer. Till her ears swiveled forward towards the throne room doors. Even Luna was interested her own as well fixated. "What is that ruckus?" Steelwing uttered as a muffled commotion took place on the other side. The struggle continued on for a least another minute or two, both guards poised by the doors were trading glances, unsure of whether to remain at their posts or help their fellow pegasi. The answer was made for them as the doors were hurled open. Both guards leaped to safety as the doors slammed against the walls, seven pegasi guards were bearing down on some...thing struggling to crawl its way inside the throne. Before Celestia could ask, one guard shouted,"Intruder! In the throne room! We need more guards!!" The two recovered and quickly joined in, their added weight bearing down on the individual beneath them. "Hurry! Its putting up a fight! We can't let it-" That was all the words the guard managed to speak before thrums of power started to gather. Celestia, Luna, Sapphire and Steewing felt the tension building in the air. Static started to gather and converge on the source beneath the pile of pegasi guards, none of them able to prepare themselves for what came next. With a loud crack! Lightning erupted from the center, throwing the guards in every direction. The loud roaring boom of thunder followed after, threatening to pop ear drums while sending the staff and approaching guards to either seek shelter, cover their ears in protection or both. At the center a purple dragon floated there, the power he gathered started to withdraw as bodies littered the ground all around him. They were knocked out or paralyzed from his lightning attack and would recover with time. Spyro sighed as he landed on his feet shaking the leftover remnants of energy from his body. He was hoping to avoid confrontation, but in his attempt to sneak in, the pegasi guards spotted and quickly tackled him to the ground. Even as he tried to open the doors more seem to show up out of no where and join the fray. His attention from the unconscious guards were focused on two figures sitting on the throne. One was the dark pony who entered earlier the other to her right was a pure snow white pony. By the steps leading up to the throne were two beings, one that looked to be a dragon, the other Spyro could only guess was a griffon. All were staring at him in shocked silence. At least until Celestia's gaze intensified upon seeing him standing there. "Awww, horse apples." Spyro muttered. > Legend meets Goddess > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The scene unfolding the throne room was depicted as the following: Princess Celestia and Princess Luna's meeting with Ambassadors Sapphire and Steelwing were interrupted when an unknown intruder forced his way into the room, hoping to seek an audience. Now as the purple dragon stood there taking in his surroundings he had a distinct feeling the two ponies at the end of the room were far different then the ones he encountered during his stay here. Eyes cast over to the snow white one, the pale pastel colored mane and tail, which like her dark counterpart, seem to flow and weave on its own accord. Royal regalia adorned her body, while grand wings and an even imposing horn was noted. A sun was emblazoned on her flank, signifying her cutie mark and what her abilities were. Most of all were her own eyes, gazing back with calm intensity much like the suttle feel a prelude to a potential storm should its power continued to be fueled by the conditions. Next were the ambassadors. Clearly both were stunned and unable to speak at the sight of this dragon, who so easily dispatched Celestia's guards without so much as breaking a sweat. More so was the strange hum of power that gathered before hoof before it was unleashed with powerful results. As for Spyro there was little time to even consider what to say. Soft groans, strained limbs and sore bodies, still wracked with the after effects of his Lightning spell. To top it all off, the sounds of hooves thundered behind him as more guards rushed to defend their rulers. Well, this is a fine mess you've gotten yourself into Spyro. Adding more fuel to the fire and doing a darn fine job of it to. No doubt the white pony is Celestia. The dragon and griffon must be the ambassadors. That leaves the other one, the midnight colored pony. Given their appearances are similar, I would have to say they are related. HALT! The dragon whirled around to see eight more guards clamber into the throne room. Unlike their fellow pegasi, these guards felt they had more umph, more fire in them and were heavily armored compared to the others. Elite guards then? Spike never mentioned these ponies during his quick run-through of the castle. They moved swiftly quickly surrounding Spyro all poised and ready to strike at the drop of a feather or whisper of a command. He hunkered down in response, his own body ready to counter anything thrown his way. While he would have preferred to avoid a fight it looked as though his chances of avoiding such was slim. "Fellas. I don't suppose we can discuss this in a peaceful matter could we?" Spyro asked. "By royal decree of Princess Celestia, you are hear by placed under arrest for invading her majesty's castle with the attempt to infiltrate and cause plausible harm. You also face charges for assault on fellow palace guards." "I guess saying self defense wouldn't fly by you pegasus, would it?" A cold stare greeted Spyro's visage as he exhaled noisily,"Didn't think so." They made their move. Spyro made his. At the throne room, Luna merely gawked as her sister's personal hoof picked Elite Royal Guards ganged up on the purple dragon. The alicorn quickly moved to Celestia's side and all but hissed in her ear. "Sister do something! They are going to tear that dragon apart and in front of the ambassadors no less!" "I doubt they will do very much to him, nor will he cause them real harm." she whispered back. "What?!" "Just watch dear sister." They all leap in unison, some attempt to pin him down like the last group. Spyro rolled quickly to the side, just as eight pairs of front hooves land on the red carpeting where he was once stood. For elites, they seem to follow their former commands routine with attempts to pin the intruder. Then again they were not unicorns, so magical restraints were not their strong points. Flight and speed with a little brute strength mixed in seemed more their style. speed also played a part as three broke off from the huddled group and charged the dragon. One went for a frontal tackle, two took quick leaps to the side in hopes of cutting off his attempt to roll his way out of this one. Spyro acknowledged their quick thinking and rushes the first elite in front. The pegasus guards braces himself for what he thinks the dragon is going for a tackle himself. Fool. The stallion thought as he recalled going through the harshest flight camp training ever written down in the barracks. He halted tumbling boulders twice his size with his chest alone. This shrimp of a dragon tackle would be like a feather and all he needed to do was wrap his forelegs around him and the dragon was as good as trapped. Just when the the space between then closed, Spyro reared up on his hind legs and grabbed the guard's helm. "What the?!" was all he managed to stutter before his sight went black. Spyro yanked his helm down, obscuring his view and temporarily jamming the helmet on his head. While he struggled to release his head from his now burdensome head decoration, Spyro turned his attention on the remaining seven. He somersaulted back, avoiding the two others whom tried to sneak in for a take down, watching them bounce off one another with little reaction. Tougher then a dragon's scales these fellows probably played for keeps. No wonder they were saved for last. Let the small fry move in to slow down their quarry then come in and finish the job with style. Spyro noticed they were pushing him back too. The dragon was backpedaling as they closed in, finding himself moving closer to the throne. Not too bright, if they are putting their rulers at risk. Unless there was some hidden ploy he had yet to pick up on. Oh wait.... the two ponies on the throne... they had horns as well. Horns meant they knew magic which meant.... Spyro yelped as a soft aura enveloped him freezing him in place like stone. Sure he could breath and still talk if he wanted to, but his limbs, tail, wings and other muscle groups were not responding. "Thank you, my faithful guards. Please.. .gather your comrades and depart. I will call upon your services later." "Your majesty? Is it wise to leave such a dangerous dragon in your care? We've seen what he did to the others just now, surely." "I appreciate your concern, Captain Highwind. As you also know, thousands of years of protecting my ponies and this kingdom has made me anything but soft and feeble." Celestia replied. The one in charge bowed before giving a salute,"Apologies my Princess." He turned and barked out the orders. The seven group up once more and they marched as one taking their fallen comrades with them as they exited. The doors slammed with a loud bang with Spyro levitating there just watching the display. He found himself being flipped around and then tugged with ease until he found himself levitating a few feet from the white pony in question. Those same eyes that held that intense stare had softened, but Spyro doubted the mild irritation of his actions were unnoticed. "Purple scales with red hued wings, yellow spines along the head and neck with two horns. Pale violet eyes and a knack for elemental magic. These are the words Twilight described you as. Am I wrong Spyro?" "Your majesty please! Be lenient with him he was only.." Sapphire tried to speak. "Ambassador Sapphire, Ambassador Steelwing. I ask that you leave my court temporarily. I have words to speak with this dragon and this dragon alone. My guards will summon you when we are finished." Dragon and griffon traded uneasy glances but complied. They bowed and then turned tail exiting the same fashion as the elites, the huge doors opening and closing once more. Celestia, Luna and Spyro were alone. Any more soldiers stationed within immediately left without word. They knew their Princess when she expected a private meeting and were not one to disobey an indirect order. The aura around Spyro faded and he dropped like a stone. Landing on all fours, he shook himself off only to feel Celestia standing over him lowering her neck so their eyes met. There was a distinct feeling of dread creeping in his belly. One could say the alicorn was not happy with him right now. "What part of 'stay out of sight' did you not understand, Spyro? Were my words misinterpreted by Twilight when she relayed the message from the letter I sent her?" Spyro snorted then pushed her muzzle back much to her surprise,"With all due respect, your highness. I don't like secrets kept from me. especially when they involve me. Yeah, you know the hidden message you wrote in your last letter addressed to your student and her alone? I read that. I'm not some pet you can simply hide behind some curtain while you hold your meetings. I may be a guest in your world. But I have as much as a voice as any of your fellow pony citizens." "Then as a guest and 'citizen' Spyro, when a order is given, you oblige and follow it. Not disobey. You infiltrated my castle un seen, attacked my guards, interrupted an important meeting between two ambassadors and for what? Just to be heard. Clearly you do not see the delicacy of the situation you find yourself in, child." "Ch... child?!" Spyro stammered. Celestia bore down upon him again those eyes almost piercing into his soul,"I've lived many centuries, Spyro. Seen things that no mortal could content or understand, dealt with such travesties your world would not survive one of them. Dragons hatch, grow of age then wither away. The same can be said of my ponies and griffons. The one thing that will never change will be of me and my sister. Until time itself ends our lives will forever go on." I...Immortality? But that's a myth! Volteer said it himself, immortals never existed! Could he have been wrong all this time? "Luna will escort you to my chambers. You are to remain there until I am finished. You are not allowed to leave, allowed to roam, allowed to THINK of even trying anything in that skull of yours. And you will not speak to any pony until I am through. Are we clear?" Spyro could have said no, refused to listen and continue to press his point. Yet something about Celestia dared him to even think of acting against her. Different from any dragon or creature he had encountered during his travels, it was clear Celestia would play for keeps and he doubted that even with his knowledge of the elemental arts, he would barely singe a single hair on her mane. Gritting his teeth, but seeing how absolute her orders were, the dragon merely snorted and nodded. "Good. Sister will you be so kind?" The alicorn motioned to the midnight colored pony to her left. "Of course, sister. We shall see you when you have finished." Luna rose and stepped down, bading the dragon to follow. He took one last glance at the sight of Celestia sitting there, not moving as her eyes remained fixated to him, waiting for him to make another mistake. He turned and followed the dark alicorn down the pathway towards the door. "Sister before its too late, inform Sapphire and Steelwing they may enter once more as well as my guards." Luna bowed slightly,"It will be done. I look forward to hearing the outcome." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Moon goddess and dragon spoke little as they were heading towards Celestia's chambers. Luna tried to strike up some conversation, but Spyro was not responding. Either he was not happy for being so silenced easily, or the dragon was lost in thought. Luna kept from grinning, but let a small smirk play across her muzzle. Always the same with big shots in Equestria. Thinking they could come in whenever they want and expect to be heard. Only when they felt her sister's presence where they so easily cowed and meek, did they truly understand their position. She was a force to be reckoned with. The pair came before a set of doors, two guards posted at either side. Both saluted to Luna, eyes quirked at the sight of Spyro with her. "Princess's orders. He is to remain in her chambers and is not allowed to leave under any circumstance." Both nodded in unison, opening the door to their ruler's room which Luna and dragon entered. She stood by the doorway as he stepped into the center, then turned around and stared at the dark alicorn. "You should count yourself lucky, Sir Spyro. Celestia has been lenient with you. Try not to irk her any further. For both your sakes." Luna closed the doors and Spyro found himself alone in the chamber. Eyes glanced around and took in the sights. It seemed similar to Twilight's library almost. There was a desk on one side of the room, complete with a stack of scrolls, quill and inkwell. Book shelves adorned the far end, lined with many tomes, both new and aged. Various contraptions, instruments and other objects decorated the room, much like Twilight's. Of course the bed at the end made the unicorn's look like a patch of dirt. These rulers sure lived a pampered life. Or when ever they could. A dresser and mirror tied every thing together, a small jewelry hutch sat upon the surface, open and vacant. Clearly a housing for what ever adornments were removed for the night. While Spyro was half heartedly looking around, his reflection on the mirror warped and twisted, the features darkening and blurring out. Soon a shadowy form of himself was there, blank eyes staring intently at its half. My, my we certainly put on a rather impressive display. The way she handled you, how long before we have a leash and rope around our neck, barking like some common pup? "Don't start. I've had enough with one lecture I don't need another. Not from the likes of you anyway." The dragon grumbled. Oh yes, I can imagine you like getting your tail handed to you on a regular basis by some... beast. The great Spyro, slayer of Malefor and savior of Avalar, brought low by some prissy, frilly, girly ruler over a bunch of four legged little blobs of color. The dark half yawned almost bored, admiring its claws for a moment. Spyro ignored him for the better part until its hollowed voice started up again. So between the dragon ambassador and the griffon ambassador, which side do you think will attempt a coup and try to take us? My gold is on both. While dear Sapphire may sound trust worthy, there is something about her I find off. And let us not forget the proud Steelwing. A weapon he calls us. How admirable. I really should thank him some day. Spyro said nothing and turned around, ignoring his reflection. It stared at him in a mixture of mild annoyance and amusement, before striking up another conversation. So between us, what did you make of that ghastly stone creation in the garden? For a ruler who seems to enjoy the arts and culture of her kind, that mocking abomination of creature parts certainly clashes with her artistic tastes. And that faint aura. Seems Celestia has a few dark secrets herself she's been keeping from her fellow subjects. Or they mostly know and dare not speak about it. What do you think? "Heck if I know." The dragon muttered. Eyes cast down on the marbled floor, the large circular rug in the middle drew his attention as it bore the same symbol on Celestia's flank. "Have to admit. It did feel strange. And creepy." The doors opened drawing his attention to the princess as she entered. They closed as Celestia scanned the room, finding Spyro by her dresser. Her eyes darted from left to right, a look of puzzlement betrayed her otherwise calm features. "So am I your prisoner now, sentenced to some dungeon you have in store until this whole delicate situation blows over?" The dragon erked as she plucked him off the chair by her aura and plopped him back down before her. He snorted and rose to his feet, looking a bit peeved that she was tossing him around almost like a rag doll. "Twilight will arrive shortly to take you back to her library. I'm sending two of my elites as well and you will be under constant supervision. This is your once, only and last mistake you will ever make, Spyro. Once your elders create a rift between our worlds, you will be free to head home. Until then your being placed under house arrest." A small bracelet appeared before her and it snapped around his wrist. Spyro looked down then back up to the alicorn. Celestia gave a light nod, "Its attuned to you. And it will not come off unless I release it. An insurance policy in case you decide to pull any more foolish stunts. I WILL know where you are should you try and hide, so don't get any brilliant ideas." The doors opened once more and two of her elites showed up. Spyro recognized the captain and the other pegasus whose helm he yanked down. "Your highness, Twilight is waiting in the court yard for our little guest here." Captain Highwind said with a salute. "Thank you captain. You may escort our guest out." The pegasi bowed and approached Spyro. Seeing no other option, the dragon gritted his teeth and followed his watch ponies out of the chambers. He paused and turned to give Celestia a hard look, the alicorn not budging from her place. "I'm doing this for your own good, Spyro. Tensions are high as it is between Draconis and Gryf. Your unexpected arrival and showcase of your power has both ambassadors on edge. Let us hope it does not escalate any further." The alicorn motioned. The trio left and the doors closed, leaving Celestia alone in her room. Once she knew they were far enough, the alicorn turned and paced, looking in every nook and cranny. Her search came up empty leaving the ruler puzzled. "I swore I could have heard him talking to some pony in here earlier...." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - If looks could kill, Twilight would have beaten Celestia for the champion cup of murderous looks. Fuming would be the polite terms given the pony's body posture and how she glared as Spyro appeared with both guards in tow. They saluted to the unicorn before Spyro entered the carriage Twilight following with the guards bringing up the rear. "I can't believe you! Of all the crazy, foolish, rock headed stunts I've seen any pony or dragon pull off, this has got to be the worst one yet! How could you, Spyro? I trusted you, the Princess trusted you, my friends trusted you! And what do you do? You break into the castle! The castle of all places!" Spyro tuned her out while the guards just gave small grins, enjoying the further lashing the dragon was getting from the smaller mare. The carriage lurched and was on its way back to Ponyville, complete with one furious unicorn mare, one deeply stewed Spyro and two elite guards who were looking to enjoy this task and maybe get a little payback for the insult said dragon caused them in front of their ruler. Back in her room, Luna found Celestia pacing in circles, her sister holding a tea tray in her aura. "Sister is everything alright? Spyro is under constant watch and will be with Twilight. He won't be making any more mistakes. The meeting with Steelwing and Sapphire went better then we both expected." The dark alicorn pointed, setting down the tea. Celestia looked back up at her sister,"Luna. When you looked at Spyro, did you feel anything off about him?" "Off? I don't quite follow your meaning sister. I felt the magical power he used and how different it is from ours. If that is what you are referring to, then yes. Is something about him troubling you? Did he show disfavor over the sentence you placed upon him?" The white alicorn shook her head. "No. Just... " She motioned for Luna to come closer, the midnight alicorn joining her sister at the center. "Before I entered, I was overhearing him talking. Brief as it was, it sounded like he was speaking to another pony or person. Yet when I entered my chamber was vacant save for him. And just as he left when I looked into his eyes I felt... something." Luna tilted her head,"Something? I'm afraid that is too vague, sis. Your going to have to be a little more specific for me to understand." Celestia gazed at her sister, a look of worry and a hint of pain in her eyes. "What I sensed in him was similar to what I was sensing in you. Before the Nightmare Moon incident." "Sis?" "I'm going to rely a message to Twilight to have her keep an extra sharp eye on him. There is something about Spyro that has me concerned. I don't want to make a mistake and have some catastrophe unfold in Equestria again. I will consult his elders. Maybe they will have some answers." > Ambush > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Authors Note: This chapter is rated T for some violence and a slaying. You have been informed. The carriage left the courtyard in the late evening. Watching from the balcony of her chamber, Celestia watched as the pegasi guards carried Twilight and the dragon away from the castle, back towards Ponyville. Spyro was to remain with her student until the dragon elders and the alicorn made solid progress. Her eyes stirred as visions from their brief encounter drawing up strange feelings that the ruler could not grasp currently. The way he stared back conflicted with going against her command yet obeying without further harm. So lost, the alicorn did not feel Luna's presence until a wing brushed against her withers. "Do you think my sentence was harsh? By placing him under Twilight and Highwind's watch, while remaining under house arrest Luna?" Luna's eyes fixated on the slowly shrinking transportation, descending into the small village nestled in the valley by the mountain base. "Do not regret your decision, sister. Spyro imposed himself during a delicate matter between the ambassadors of both nations. He foolishly had hoped to get his point across, unaware of the political matters at hoof. The dragon does not have to contend or deal with what we do on a regular basis. He knows no better then a young foal entering a restricted zone." Celestia opened her muzzle to reply, but Lunq held up a hoof,"However, it does not excuse him of his behavior or poor choice of action. You gave a solid warning that he was to remain under the care of Twilight and her friends, regardless of the situation. He chose to strike out on his own and unfortunately, it has come back to strike him across the face. What's done is done." "How can he be so intelligent yet act so brashly at the same time?" "He is, as you put it, still a child. We've seen his elders their size alone is impressive. Like Twilight, Spyro has much to learn during his growth." The alicorn felt her sister's warmth as the midnight sibling leaned against her, eyes upon on her face trying to read her expressions. "Its about Sapphire and Steelwing, is it not? After Spyro brief interruptions, their demeanor swiftly altered. While Sapphire was more sentimental towards your final say, Steelwing had become more adamant about the dragon being a threat and us for conspiring with the dragons to harbor him." "I'm concerned about both. While Sapphire shared my agreement, the dragoness seemed to be harboring her own agendas behind our backs. I am not sure what they are both up to but with Spyro unexpected arrival, it has clearly altered whatever hopes we had for a peaceful conference." Celestia frowned softly at both their sudden change in behavior that evening. Shaking her head, the alicorn withdrew from the balcony retreating to her chamber once more. "Have the outposts near Gryf and Draconis doubled. Send word that if any suspicious activity is noted that we are to be informed at once." Quill and parchment in aura, Luna jotted down Celestia's requests,"And here sister?" "Double the guards and patrols. Send captain Highwind some extra troopers as well. I don't want to take any chances." The midnight alicorn nodded,"It will be done sister." She turned to leave, reaching the double doors, when Celestia called out,"Luna!" She turned and gazed upon her sister, a brow arched slightly. "Yes?" "When your finished, come join me for a cup of tea and some cakes. Its... we don't spend as much time as I would have hoped for, with what our schedules being full in all." Luna smiled and winked softly,"I accept the offer Celly. Be back in a few." The alicorn departed, leaving the sun goddess in her chambers and to her thoughts. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The carriage ride from Canterlot to Ponyville fell into silence. On one side sat Spyro and Twilight, the latter of the two having born down upon him for his reckless behavior earlier, now sat in silence and stared at the dragon. The dragon in turn, gazed out the window his eyes merely staring out into the great open, not focusing on any object in particular. Across from them sat captain Highwind and his fellow guard pony, Aerial Ace. Both kept silent, none moving a muscle nor making an attempt to relax themselves as the four pegasus carriage began a slow bank to the left. Compared to a earth pony bound carriage across the many roads in Equestria, a pegasi drawn carriage was smooth and easy going. Unless the weather was unpleasant, thus forcing for the ground method. This allowed Spyro to ponder and re-collect on his events that had transpired. It was during this time that a certain thought struck him. The dragon casted a wary glance at the lavender unicorn watching him, unsure if she was willing to talk or still angry with him. "Say Twilight. About Celestia's garden." he murmured softly. "What about them? You didn't go tearing those up, did you?" The mare replied a little roughly. "Umm no. They remain in tact and without any harm. It was more of what was in the garden rather then the hedges." "Go on." "I had noticed that Celestia keeps a rather large collection of stone statues that expanded throughout the property. And while many boasted of unicorns, pegasi and earth ponies being depicted in all manners of their lives, there was one statue that seemed to clash with the others." Spyro slowly turned to watch her reaction. Twilight felt a slight shiver run down her spine, thoughts flashing of a foe long vanquished resurfacing. "What is it about this statue?" She asked a bit hesitant,"What about it clashed with the others?" Both Highwind and Ace's ears perked and they barely leaned forward as Spyro continued. "Everything about it. It was like your ancestors took various parts of different creatures, jumbled them together in some container then gave it a few shakes just to mix things up before putting it all together." He looked across to the two guards then back to Twilight,"And if its appearance was strange, the feeling I got from it...." Twilight leaned a little closer, her heart flitting in her chest,"How did the statue make you feel?" "Creepy. Like something was off about it in every way imaginable." Aerial Ace barked a soft laughter, drawing a scowl from Highwind. The pegasi shrugged it off with a wave of his hoof,"I see you met the local prisoner resident Discord, dragon." Spyro's turn to become curious,"Discord?" He looked between the guards then to Twilight,"What's a discord?" "Not what, rather who." Highwind replied. The pony gestured to the unicorn seated across from them,"Twilight along with her friends had dealt with him in the past. History stated that her majesties Celestia and Luna before that." The lavender mare drew in a soft breath, letting it exhale noisily,"Discord is a Draconequus. He is a spirit of chaos and disharmony. His physical appearance shows what disharmony is all about, that without harmony chaos would ensue. He made ponies lives miserable with his antics, drawing his imprisonment at the horns of Luna and Celestia centuries earlier. He escaped a few years ago, stealing away the Elements of Harmony and goading my friends and I into playing a game. Part of his nature, Discord enjoys chaos that it provides him with entertainment and amusement." Twilight shook her head softly,"After a difficult journey of freeing my friends from his influence and with the Elements of Harmony back in our hooves, we banished Discord once again and saved Equestria from his presence." Part of the story seemed cut off, as if the unicorn wasn't telling the whole thing. Twilight seemed to have her reasons, so Spyro did not press the matter. He leaned back once more, forearms crossing his chest. "Sounded like a pretty tough guy." The mare nodded casting another glance out their window, her eyes not focusing on any sight in particular. The carriage fell into silence once again the small conversation having ended. Highwind and Aerial Ace leaned back, forelegs folded across their armor as the two once again debated on how to go about watching the dragon. Ace turned to to speak with his captain, wanting to go over some detail he had just remembered, when the carriage lurched suddenly to the left. All four were jerked to their opposite sides, Highwind cursing under his breath. "What the blazes?" he uttered. It was then the four occupants heard what sounded like clashing outside which was followed by some heavy object landing atop the roof, causing the body to shudder as their transport made a sudden descent. Then came the cry from the pullers up front. "Ambush! We're under assault!" Silent beings had swooped down the minute the transport had left Canterlot air space. They tailed the pegasi drawn carriage until they were near the forest surrounding Ponyville. That was when they made their move. So silent and swift was their dive, no pony or dragon would have been able to pick out the whistling of wind against tucked wings until they struck. The carriage heaved again as the pullers up front dodged and weaved fending off to the best of their ability. As for the four inside part of the ceiling collapsed as a fist was driven through, before it started to grab blindly about inside. The gloved paw digits wrapped around Ace's armor and before the pony could gasp in shock, he was yanked bodily upwards slamming against the roof. Dazed but not confused, the male guard struggled against his captor before he was slammed against the ceiling once more. Highwind launched himself at his fellow guards body, dragging him back down thus pulling their unseen assailant with them. Who ever it was was not giving up so easily. Once more Ace felt himself being yanked upwards yet again. It was short lived however as a set of dragon fangs found the offending appendage, Spyro clamping down as hard as he could. The results were good: The owner of the arm screamed, releasing Ace who landed on Highwind as both dropped the rather short fall and laid sprawled on the carriage floor. The injured arm flailed helplessly before the purple dragon grabbed hold with both his fore paws and returned the favor the assailant had given Ace only seconds earlier. Yanking downward, the dragon felt a body thump against the roof before he released the arm, now bearing his teeth markings. The paw zipped back up through the hole, the sound of loud cursing could be heard though the tongue spoken was lost on the four. Another gloved fist came through, this time through the door. The sihlouette against the night sky gave them very little to go on as a different assailant tried to make a grab for either the ponies or the dragon. Twilight who took cover during the initial roof assault, was not going to sit back this time and let either Highwind, Aerial Ace or Spyro go at this alone. The horn started to shimmer with her aura as the mare hissed out a few words, a small orb gathering at the tip of her horn. She unleashed it at their attacker, the results was a paralyzing jolt of arcane and the shocked grunt of their attacker's body leaving the side. "Nice shot!" Ace said to Twilight who gave a quick nod. "Thank you." The small victory was short lived as another gloved fist broke in from the other side. Twilight cried out as claws raked down her left shoulder and back, drawing blood. Spyro caught her before the carriage lurched again, the sounds of bodies or something slamming in from all sides. Highwind quickly lashed out with a hind leg, his hoof smashing into the attacker's paw. Again a scream and the assailant withdrew, leaving the four to tumble and hang on. Spyro looked down, worry and concern for their wounded friend. The unicorn shook her head, gritting her teeth as she ignored the pain throbbing along her back. "I'm fine, really! We've got to land the carriage!" More and more bodies started to slam and jostle their transport, more fists erupting through the holes, trying to grab potential victims. The pegasi guards had their hooves full fighting back, Spyro lashing out with his tail and jaws. "Gonna be hard to do when we're up to our wings in attackers!" Ace called out, kicking another arm the foe crying out and the arm retreating from the hole. A loud snap was heard up front. The carriage started to drop rapidly, all four clinging on tightly before it abruptly stopped. Pony and dragon landed painfully against the floor before their damaged transport lurched again, this time throwing them to the back. Pegasus and dragon could feel the change in the altitude, as carriage was being lifted higher and higher. The sight of clouds drifting past them through the new holes were apparent. "Did... did we get away?" Highwind whispered. "DROP THE CARRIAGE!" a harsh voice barked from the outside. Gravity took over as the four tumbled their ride home suddenly taking an abrupt detour. The wind howled as they fell, rising flightlessly to the roof as the drop and speed increased. "We'll never make it!" screamed Ace. "Grab hold of me, every pony!" Twilight screamed back. Pegasi and dragon grabbed the unicorn who ignored the pain and started to gather magic around them, the feeling of the ground was coming closer and closer to crush them in their transport and snuff out their lives.... *** In Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie Pie had just finished a batch of muffin dough for tomorrow's breakfast rush. Rainbow Dash was with her cleaning up the kitchen when the pink pony's tail started to twitch uncontrollably. "Twitchy tail! Twitchy tail! Something is falling!" The mare called out. The cyan pegasus dropped everything and raced outside. When it came to Pinkie Sense, her friends never doubted the meanings behind them, not once. As the pegasus flew around the shop her eyes focused on the sky, Pinkie Pie could not help but wonder what was falling at this hour.... *** The carriage was wrecked, the remains splintered and strewn across the outskirts of the forest. At the center two pegasus guards, one unicorn and one dragon lay unconscious in the middle of a crater. The results of a magical bubble aura that cushioned their fall and literally saved their lives. While the carriage was lost all were saved thankfully. But the pressure of the impact had put a strain on Twilight's magic, the back lash knocking them all out when they landed. Spyro was the first to awaken, Twilight being the next and lastly Highwind and Aerial Ace. Soft groans came from slightly sore bodies as each rose shakily to their legs and started to clamber out of the crater. Spyro was the first to emerge from the lip. As he drew one arm over the ledge, a pair of forelegs landed in front of him. Violet eyes squinted up to a cloaked figure who stared down. He could not make out any eyes, for the shadows of the clothing made it hard to take in any distinguishable features. A gloved paw wrapped around his throat the next moment cutting his air off. He struggled to breath as he was easily lifted up and then hurled into a couple more waiting nearby. They caught the dragon by his legs as he tied to use his wings. The actions earned him a blow to the rib cage from the side, a choked cry as the air was knocked out of him. Twilight had heard the scuffling and was the next. Before she could mount any form of attack, the same assailant grabbed her by her mane, her screams followed as she was yanked over. A cold feel of metal was slipped down her horn as a ring was placed, the unicorn feeling a strange sickening feeling as her magic started to fade. She was tossed into the next pair who pinned her down roughly to the floor. She grunted and winced as her injured shoulder filed a complaint, sparks sputtering from her horn, though no magic was forming. "Tsk, tsk. The item hinders your ability to cast any magic on us, silly unicorn. We can't have you pulling any more arcane attacks on us, can we?" The leader said with a grin. His fellow thugs chuckled darkly as grunts and loud oofs! were heard. Highwind and Aerial Ace were last, the two pegasus being roughly subdued with kicks and blows to their bodies before shackles were strapped onto their feathered appendages, rendering them unable to fly. They too were thrown down along with Twilight, their captors feet keeping them from lifting their heads to the captors. "Explain yourself!" Highwind barked through gritted teeth,"Who sent you and who are you after?" The leader sighed with a disappointed sound, snapping his fingers. The male pegasus grunted in pain as a kick found his ribs, the guard panting in ragged breaths of air. "Who I work for is none of your business. What I'm after, well I think you should already know by know." Three pairs of eyes fixated on Spyro, who winced in pained breaths as he filled his lungs. The leader turned to his fellow allies and gestured, "Our benefactor has paid us quite handsomely for the capture of this dragon. Mmmmm they will be most happy when it is delivered unto them. Now I think I have wasted enough time, so I must bid you farewell." The leader turned to leave pausing as one of the thugs whispered in his cloaked ear. Eyes fixated on the three ponies, then to the dragon. A snort accompanied the shrugging of shoulders. "Eliminate them. I don't want pesky ponies trying to follow us. Nor some bratty unicorn who ever pony thinks is the greatest of all." Fear dawned on Spyro as the order was given. He struggled weakly before he was cuffed roughly upside his head, his broken word of,"T..twi...light..." was heard before they started to restrain him further. The unicorn eyes widened. She struggled and whimpered as she tried to break from under their hold, but it did the mare little good. Her legs were bound tightly before she felt a glove paw wrap around her neck. She choked out with a soft croak, Highwind and Ace screaming in frustration as her attacker started to crush her throat. Spyro tried to dig into himself, to call upon his power and hope to burn these punks, but the backlash of Twilight's bubble dissipating upon their landing had left him with an empty void, like some one had reached inside and flicked off the switch. Chained and bound, the dragon caught one last glimpse of the unicorn before his vision exploded into pain and stars as he was clubbed unconscious once again, slipping into that dark empty space. "S...spy...ro." He would never forgive himself. Visions of a dying Twilight being strangled filled his mind, the dragon unable to accept this outcome. He already felt himself responsible for losing Ignitus. He refused to let another life lay on his shoulders. She had welcomed him to Equestria, took him under her care along with her friends, introduced him to Spike inadvertently. Twilight was a friend to him and he could not help save her. He was going to lose Twilight. Anger. Rage. Hatred. Chaos. A dark power erupted from the unconscious dragon a hollow scream following in their wake. Everyone and pony were knocked aside as this column of dark energy spiraled up towards the dark evening sky as dark clouds gathered at the source. In Canterlot, Luna and Celestia's cups dropped from their magical grasp and shattered onto the tiled floor. Both alicorns rushed to the balcony in time to see the billowing clouds converging on to one spot near the outskirts of Ponyville. "By my mother's wings..." Celestia whispered. "Sweet merciful...." Luna uttered. Back at the forest, the thugs and their leader were struggling to their feet. Eyes once blinded by the dark tornado of blackness, cleared way to see a dark figure hunched over a coughing unicorn. Highwind and Ace looked up from their newly relocated space in the forest, both wincing in soreness after from being hurled into a tree during this unexplained outburst. A dark dragon stood there, eyes empty and glowing a pale white. A dark snarl erupted from its throat, Twilight shuddering from the very vibrations of the growl. The leader of the group was dumbstruck. The benefactor never mentioned this about the dragon! All they said was that he was capable of an elemental based magic and was a capable adversary in close quarter combat. Nothing was mentioned about this dark magic! All around him his cloaked thugs stood, uneasy and unsure of what to do. Whether to attempt to restrain the dark beast or flee. He worked his jaw for a moment, then snarled out a command. "Well?! Don't just stand there! Capture him!" "Oh yes. Please do." The dark being purred in reply, its hollow voice grating and rasping against their minds, leaving many greatly uneasy. It was all the distraction it needed. Launching from a cowering unicorn, the dark dragon struck the first two so fast and hard, both were unable to see it coming until they were hurled through the air and crashed into the ground ten feet away unconscious. The dark dragon licked its claws, the muzzle forming in to a wide, menacing grin as those eyes stared at prey. "Do keep up with me. I've been a little rusty and may have lost my touch." The dragon blurred, the sounds of two more thugs screaming was heard to their left. They watched as the two unfortunate thugs were yanked into the forest, the screams and shouts quickly silenced. Tension and fear was setting in, some of the attackers were huddling together. Their leader was growing angry and started to shout. "Its just one dragon! Even with this pathetic power, we are stronger then it!" "Then capture it yourself!" One thug shot back. He slugged him hard sending his ally tumbling across the forest floor, watching him as he laid in a crumbled heap. Angry eyes glared from under his cowl, his fellow thugs trembled then started to spread out. It did them little good. Out of no where the dark dragon emerged behind two more smashing their skulls together, knocking them out with ease. One assailant screamed while hurling himself at the dark beast. All it earned him was a clawed paw grasping his face before the dragon smashed him bodily to the ground then lifted him up high. It dropped him before planting both hind feet into his gut and kicking, sending the attacker crashing into a nearby tree, snapping it in two. The cracked trunk groaned in protest as the tree toppled over, the remaining thugs taking this as a good sign to flee. Despite the cursing shouts of their leader, each one took to the sky in hopes of escaping this dark entity that had appeared in place of the dragon. They never made it far. Once by one, the leader watched as the dragon appeared from the shadows, striking each one down, the cries and screams of terror ending abruptly. Now it was just him and the three ponies. Shaking and stumbling over himself, the leader felt the best choice was to take Twilight captive. He moved a couple of feet towards the unicorn when he felt a disturbing presence behind him. "You know, I was seriously hoping for a challenge here. Instead all you gave me were cannon fodder. For a group of low life mercs, your performance has been disappointing. A pity." The leader whirled around hoping to sucker punch the dragon. His fist was caught by a dark paw, it's talons soon sinking into his flesh and bone. He cried out in pain as the sounds of the bones in his paw started to crack and fracture, drawing him to his knees. Grunting and tugging was useless. The dark dragon had him and this strength he possessed, he could easily crush him into dust. "So. Are you going to tell us who hired you? Or remain defiant and try some foolish attempt to catch me by surprise." Even in pain, the survivor merely glared at those empty eyes,"I'll tell you nothing, monster." The dark dragon sighed, shaking his head while making a disgusted sound."Simpletons and your blind allegiance to some nameless contractor who could care less about your lives." The leader was released. Yet even as he clutched his now ruined paw, the dark dragon's right foreleg whipped into action. The eyes widened as he felt claws tear into his clothing, flesh and bone. A coughing choke sounded as he tasted metal in his mouth, his body strength leaving him. The dark dragon stood over him as the leader knelt before him, a forepaw reaching over to tear that accursed cowl from his head. Black scales shone against the pale moon light as fading yellow eyes looked up at the dark beast. "A dragon." Highwind wheezed. The dark dragon whipped his body around, the leader feeling the tail making contact with his skull and his world went black, the sound of bones cracking under the force of the blow. The dark being stared down at his fallen adversary, a look of disdain and disgust marred its dark features. Eyes cast over to Twilight who lay tucked under a nearby tree, having managed to crawl away from the fighting. Both pegasi guards struggled to their feet as the dark being trotted over staring down at the shivering mare. It regarded her for a minute or two then exhaled, Twilight daring not wishing to look up. She had covered her eyes when the dark entity struck, the sounds of the assailants screams and cries still echoed in her ears. "I always thought you unicorns were all show and tell, hardly anything combative about your magic. It's nice to know you've proven me wrong, Ms.Twilight Sparkle." The pony shivered under its hollow voice, the rasping grating sound drawing chills up her spine. "However, I can't allow you to attempt to take me out as easily you did the other. Farewell." The dark dragon rose a fore paw claws gleaming under the pale moonlight. Twilight was frozen in fear, her body not moving to her mind commands even as it screamed at them to move despite being bound still. The pegasus guards were not faring any better, still struggling with their own bonds shouting at her to run, to crawl, to do something to escape the dark entity. The paw came down in a strike, the mare seeing her life starting to play out before her eyes as the wind whistled softly as he swiped at her. She closed her eyes and braced for her end, her only regret was that Spike was going to lose her sister, his friend, his mother. The blow never came. Trembling the mare dared to open her eyes and found the dark dragon struggling. Its face was contorted between anger and pain, the other forepaw having halted its strike. There was conflict going on inside, the unicorn feeling as who was fighting against this entity. You'll not lay a claw on her! She's a threat to us! While she draws breath, it is clear this unicorn is capable of taking us out! I intend to correct this mistake while we have a chance! She has friends, family and Spike! I will not allow you to rob them of her life! Weak hearted Spyro! Your care for them has made you soft! YOU'LL NOT TOUCH HER! Twilight watched as the dragon howled in fury, both paws digging into its dark skin. Screaming in some strange tongue, the dark entity snarled at her before she watched as it ripped itself apart, Spyro emerging from within. Panting heavily, Spyro stood there on his hind legs, grasping the remnants of its essence in his paws. The dark aura she felt earlier fade the dark billowing clouds above their heads fading. Collapsing, Spyro laid there, tired eyes gazing up to the lavender unicorn as she sat there, too stunned to move or even make any attempt to even blink. The mare flinched when the dragon started to crawl over to her, flinching as she felt his fore paws on her legs. "Will you stop squirming? Can't get these ropes off you if your wiggling around like a worm fleeing from birds." He whispered. As a last token of freedom, he yanked the metallic ring from off her horn. The unicorn shivered as the warmth of her magic returned, glad to feel it envelop her once more. With a quick glow of her magic, she released Highwind and Aerial Ace from their bonds, both pegasi glad to be freed. Their attention turned to the body of the dragon, no one saying a word until Ace spoke. "So, Celestia is going to have a field day when she hears the dragons made a move on us." Spyro shook his head,"Its....heavier then you think." The male pegasus looked at him puzzled,"There were some griffons among those thugs. For a couple of nations who are tense with one another, this mercs seemed to have no problem working together." No pony said a word. Until Twilight struck Spyro across the shoulder, earning a yelp and a wince. He rubbed the sore spot, looking rather hurt at the unicorn. "What was that for?" Twilight, ignoring her shoulder stared at him,"What on Equestria's green land was THAT about?" she nearly shouted in his face. Spyro opened his muzzle to reply, when soft shouts from the distance drew pony and dragon's attention. Two ponies were coming to meet them. One pink pony bouncing along and a familiar cyan pegasus flying as fast as she could while keeping slow enough to not ditch the bubbly mare. "Twiiiilight! Spyyyyrooo!" Rainbow Dash called. Every pony and dragon were greatly relieved to see friendly faces this night. > Unforseen(revised) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The wooden door leading into Celestia's private magic experimentation chamber was slammed open by a magical aura. The door groaned in protest to its abuse as both sun goddess and moon goddess entered. Bearing four more scales plucked from a certain purple dragon, Luna wasted no time on channeling the spell that would once again transform the pearl sphere into a mirror that would link them to Avalar. Once the spell was in place and the scales acting as conduit once more, Celestia approached the opal design. "Volteer! I demand your presence at once!" The alicorn all but bellowed. The walls trembled while the ceiling shivered under the intense vibration caused by enclosed spaces subjected to loud volumes. Particles of dust and tiny debris rained down in a fine mist as both sisters stood there, awaiting a response. Luna was both stunned and amazed. Celestia had not used the Royal Canterlot Voice... well in forever. She gave that up long ago, even before her banishment. Clearly sister was angry, the report from Captain Highwind of what had occurred earlier this night still sat in her chair by the dresser back in her room chamber. Two minutes passed by yet no creature stirred on the other end. Celestia's eyes narrowed as she stepped even closer, her nose and muzzle almost touching the surface. "VOLTEER! ANY DRAGON WHERE ARE YOU?! WE DEMAND AN EXPLANATION IMMEDIATELY!" The mirror resting on the wall shook with such force. If Celestia were to shout any louder, it would clearly knock the item from its resting place and shatter it to the floor. Being this close however did have some positive feedback. The volume caused by the alicorn's voice was so intense, the wall began to vibrate from its force. Already Volteer was there along with the other elder dragons, their faces sour and moods somewhat irritable. "I take it the term,'Let sleeping dragons lie' has never occurred to you, has it Celestia?" The yellow dragon grumbled. "Spare me your feeble attempts to cower me, Volteer!" Celestia all but snarled back,"Why did you not tell either me or Luna of Spyro's dark half?!" The demeanor and posture of all the dragons changed instantly. Luna saw the look of shock and for a brief instant, fear mar the scaled faces of the dragon elders. This quickly faded as all three shifted uneasily. Suddenly unable to answer the question as though they were willing to give their side of a story in front of court, yet now found their minds changing as they stood before a judge. "Well?" After the moment of awkward silence stretched for a few minutes more, some one spoke up. "The reason is we thought that part of him was extinguished when Spyro re-built Avalar." A feminine voice replied. Both alicorn's gaze shifted from the three large beasts to a smaller dragon, whose size and stature were similar to Spyro's own. She stood on her hind legs, peering at the two alicorns, her own violet eyes full of intelligence and strong spirit. "Cynder, are you sure?" Terrador started to speak up. The dragoness looked back at the green earth dragon and a nod followed. "It's alright, Terrador. I can explain that part of Spyro better then any dragon here. You and the others go rest, I'll take care of this." The purple dragoness replied. The three elders nodded in slow union, then left the room where the mirror sat. Soon it was just Cynder and the alicorn sisters staring at each other through the mirror's reflection. "Who are you?" Luna asked. "I am Cynder, resident dragon who lives here at the temple." "Volteer did not mention a fourth." the dark alicorn responded. "I was away when the unfortunate accident that befell Spyro took place. I arrived a few days later and it was from Volteer, Terrador and Cyril that I learned everything, including you both. Honest to say at first I was shocked and saddened. I feared the worst had happened during the storm. I am thankful Spyro survived and has been under your care." Cyndar gave a soft bow of relief, one that Luna returned. Celestia had calmed a little, but her mane and tail still flowed irratically when she was angry. "Thanks aside, that still does not answer the question I gave earlier. I had received a report a few moments ago, detailed information from one of my captains. Spyro, a student of mine, along with a fellow soldier were beset by unknown forces. They struck down their means of transport, attacked my guards ponies and nearly killed them. As if matters were not dire enough, your Spyro suddenly went on, what I can only describe as a frenzied assault. While I am aware of his combat ability, this dark force he possessed was never before mentioned when we first spoke. Why is that?" Cyndar stood back resting on her haunches, forearms folded, head nodding as she looked in deep thought. Gazing up once more, the dragoness waved a paw idly. "How much did Spyro tell you of our world and of a dark dragon named Malefor?" "We learned quite a bit about your world and the dangers both you and Spyro had faced. We learned that Malefor was the first purple dragon of your kind and that his thirst for power set him on a dark path that was the cause of his imprisonment. We learned about you and Spyro, about Malefor's release and attempt to destroy Avalar only to be defeated by Spyro thus your world was saved." Cynder gave a light nod,"Did he also mention what Malefor had passed onto us that purple dragons were known for bringing about destruction across the lands, that they were susceptible to dark influences?" The dragoness held a pained expression, clearly visible on her scaled face. Luna and Celestia remained silent unsure of what to say. Cynder looked up into the image before her and drew in a deep breath. "Everything Malefor had said was true. Even if Spyro and I did not want to believe it purple dragons can either save, protect Avalar. or downright bring about its end. Malefor tried, failed, and tried again. I was used as an agent of his forces, was corrupted by his taint, nearly ended Spyro and the others before being freed. Spyro himself had been tainted by Malefor's dark influence. This dark shade that dwelled within him, I referred to as 'Dark Spyro.' The negativity, corrupt, hunger for power was what this thing represented. While in this state, Spyro's power is most chaotic. I mean no offense to your guards and the pony who was with him Celestia, but if Dark Spyro was fully powered, I fear none of them would have survived." Luna and Celestia were shocked by this information. After seeing those dark clouds gathering and feeling that foul presence rising, both alicorns could only imagine what that entity would unleash. Which raised another question. "What causes this 'Dark Spyro' to emerge from Spyro?" Luna asked. "Extreme emotions or feelings, Luna. Anger, sadness, hatred, any strong negative influx that would push any dragon or pony into doing something reckless without any regard for their own safety." The dragoness replied. "Has this occurred often, even after the threat of this Malefor was ended?" Luna asked. Cynder shook her head,"Spyro felt himself after the re-building of Avalar. I guessed that with Malefor finally ended what ever dark taint he had on him was gone as well, ending that presence once and for all." She shook her head and exhaled,"I should have known better to take things for granted. The restlessness, the urge to push himself beyond exhaustion, the inability to sleep at night. Why didn't we see this sooner?" "How was he able to control this dark entity from becoming out of hoof?" Celestia demanded. "I was." The dragoness replied,"Each time that shade rose to the surface, I was able to bring Spyro back from that void and return him to his senses. How did he manage to break from it this time?" "We do not know, the message merely mentioned he was struggling with himself, then tore away the dark shade like some thick covering." The dark alicorn responded. "So Spyro now contends with it, rather then relying on others for help. This is good. But still does not ignore the potential for disaster." Cynder paced looking at her surroundings. She looked at what the elders had gathered, the preparations for bringing Spyro back. All that was needed was to dig through the arch hives of the temple in hopes of finding a similar spell or means of re-creating a link to the princesses worlds and bring him home. "Please, what ever you can within your power, keep watch over Spyro. There is no telling what his dark self will do, should he succumb to negative emotions once again. If there is no way to keep that under rein, I fear your world could suffer the same fate that nearly befell Avalar." The image started to linger and weave both alicorns noting the spell used was starting to fade. Cynder approached the mirror, eyes fixated on the moon goddess. "If you see Spyro... Tell him I miss him. We all do and long to have him back home. Please." Luna gave a soft bow,"You have my word, Cynder." The spell died, the image faded and the mirror reverted once more to the pearl sphere, the blackened remains of four dragon scales now dust, sat at four corners. Luna gazed over to Celestia. The sun goddess whom had always shown stability, calm and grace, was shaken by what they learned. The light alicorn turned and departed her sister hot on her heels as they left the chamber room. "Sister what do we do?" "What Cynder asked us to. Keep close tabs on the dragon and hope for Equestria that what we witnessed last night does not repeat itself." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - At the Ponyville library, a tired and anxious Spike watched as Highwind applied the last wrapping to Twilight's shoulder. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were there looking on as first aid was given to the unicorn. Spyro sat apart from the group huddled in the shadows cast by the flickering candle light as they sat on the table. The dragon had remained quiet ever since he broke free of his dark self and looked lost in thought given how his eyes remained shut. At first, Pinkie Pie wanted to get Twilight to the hospital the idea quickly shot down by Aerial Ace much to the party pony's dismay. Highwind had agreed that Spyro was not to be seen and that the risk was too great. All that could be done was to whisk her back to her home and treat her there. Pinkie Pie helped carry Twilight, Rainbow Dash carried an exhausted Spyro. He could barely lift himself off the ground after untying the unicorn and even now, his body ached with anger and displeasure of being put through so much strain that it had long forgotten. "So tell me again, why couldn't you fight back or defend yourself Twily? I thought your magic would have made them all poof! just like that!" the pink mare nodded. She winced as the bandage was tightened, a meek groan followed,"Our captors slipped this..." a gold metallic ring was levitated before the pony,"Over my horn. It was unnerving, Pinkie Pie like some magical force was sucking away all my magic. It was like I had been reduced to a newborn foal, unable to perform any spells." "How many were there?" The cyan pegasus asked. Aerial Ace shook his head,"In the dark with only Luna's moon light to illuminate the way, the numbers were hard to make out. We won't really know until an investigation team from Canterlot arrives and give us the body count." Rainbow Dash nearly choked,"B...body count?! You mean, they're... " "Dead? Deceased? Expired?" Highwind said his work done,"After what we witnessed, I wouldn't be surprised. What's worse is Celestia is going to have a fit if we find griffon and dragon corpses around the forest. Both nations will be livid and demand answers, IF their accursed scouts are still not lurking about." While ponies worried what near future lay in store, Spike had found himself drawn to Spyro's quiet form sitting in a corner. Sparx was with him at the time of their arrival and after the explanation from the guards about what took place, the dragonfly was floored. Since then Sparx remained with his brother as the dragon brooded in silence. He didn't even notice Spike there, not even when he cleared his throat in hopes of getting his attention. "Is he... gonna be ok, Sparx?" The baby dragon asked. Sparx shifted from atop Spyro and glanced at him,"I was it was easy to say, Spike. I mean, I'm not gonna butter this up and sugar coat it just to make it easier. Dark Spyro is a rather nasty being. Cold, cruel, cunning to a degree. He's bad news no matter how you slice it, kid. Trust me you do not want to meet him in some dark forest." "Spyro?" The dragon opened his eyes, exhaling slowly before setting back on his haunches. "What Sparx said. It's nothing I can't handle or contain. You don't save your own world by being a push over or letting others try to push you around, kid." Spike looked a little unsure of what Spyro said but nodded in silent agreement,"Is he really that bad?" The purple dragon waved a paw idly in the air,"Take the worst villain you can imagine, either from books or what your friends have faced. That dark half makes them look like nothing more then a perhaps at worst a sprained ankle or wrist." Both dragons became aware of other presences. Heads turned to find Aerial Ace, Highwind, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Twilight standing before the two. Spyro could see the stirring emotions in Twilight's eyes. The unicorn was fighting the urge to keep Spike away from him at all costs or continue to allow the baby dragon hang around his newest idol. Ace and Highwind's faces were blank, any feelings they may have shown were hidden beneath their professional visage. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash? The pink party pony was concerned for her friends just as any pony would. The cyan pegasus on the other claw, looked ready to take a battle to those responsible for causing Twilight harm. The silence started to build, every body present was shifting slightly at the uneasy tension starting to build. Twilight was the one who finally broke the peace. "Spike, its getting late. You should head to bed right now. I'll tuck you in." The dragon frowned slightly, but gave a nod and followed his sister up the stairs. He traded one last look at Spyro, fearing that come tomorrow he could very well disappear from the library never to be seen again. Visions of being hauled away by Celestia's soldiers or banishment plagued the dragon as both unicorn and baby vanished around the corner. Highwind nudged Aerial Ace next, whispering something in his ear before the two stallions broke away and retreated towards the front door, their plan of keeping guard coming together. That just left the party pony and the pegasus. Spyro could not help but feel some of that anger payback Rainbow Dash was thinking about returning directed at him. Given the circumstances of the reasons, he opted to keep silent on the matter. The pegasus mare opened her muzzle to speak, but it was quickly covered by a fore hoof. Pinkie Pie chose to speak instead. "I know what your thinking. Big scary crazy dragon going whoosh! bam! pow! and whammo! But look on the bright side, Dashie. Even though it wasn't Spyro himself, he still helped, saved everypony from those big meanie mercs. That has to be a positive feeling right?" Rainbow Dash snorted as she kicked the wooden floor,"That's still does not change the fact that Spyro here went all shadow evil on every pony. Dead bodies, Pinkie Pie. Read my lips... actual corpses. I mean in all of Equestria's history of Ponyville, how many died out side of natural causes or accidents? He hid this from us an I don't like secrets kept from me no more then you like any pony lying through their teeth. I may not have liked this merc team, but seriously he just made it tens times worse... no twenty percent, uncool worse." Spyro shook his head, rising to his feet and started to pace back in forth. "I think uncool is hardly the word I would choose for him. He's bad news, Rainbow Dash plain and simple. If we were separate and went our own ways, the monster would probably tear up half of Avalar just for amusement, IF he was bored." The cyan pegasus blinked a couple of times, then shook her head not believing what she just heard. "Your saying, your dark self would hurt others just for fun?! What a jerk! I ever meet him I'd bust his snout right then and there, teach him a thing or two about being a punk to innocents everywhere!" Spyro just chuckled shaking his head before looking up at the winged mare. "Probably just grin at you and say,'Please girl, may I have some more?' He likes to taunt and bask in his own ego, which makes him just as bad as Malefor if not any worse. Again, its nothing I can't handle. Keep him on a tight leash or bury him if I have to. What ever it takes to keep Equestria from heading down an unwanted dark path." Pinkie Pie just shook her head and looked at the both She started with Rainbow Dash,"If you ever stayed awake during history classes, you might remember all the bad stuff that Equestria did have back then. Both princesses along with the budding colonies had to contend with famine, disease and a whole buncha other sad stuff like any growing civilization. And don't forget those icky wars either. Draconis and Gryf had their fair share too. So stop acting all grumple fumps over this thing that happened tonight." The pink pony turned her attention to Spyro next,"And what about you? Can't you like, talk to him? Tell him what he is doing is like super bad, you know try to change his mind and stop being such a meanie?" Spyro paused for a moment to give it a thought or two, then shook his head before resuming his pacing,"Pinkie Pie. You would have a better chance of convincing a rock to fly, then to try and get him to change his mind about what he's done. Frankly he would find your idea laughable, then kick you. Once your down and just for even more twisted glee, he'd probably light your tail on fire and watch you freak out as you attempt to put it out. He's... that wicked in his own sense." Pinkie Pie gave a pout and a hmph, folding her forelegs over her chest. Clearly the more the purple dragon painted an dark picture about this entity and its lack of compassion or mercy towards any creature, the more she was leaning towards Rainbow Dash on inflicting some punishment for his bad deeds. There was nothing to be further argued at this point. With a sigh and a disappointed shake of the mane the pink mare turned to Rainbow Dash and gestured. "Its been a long night and I have to open up SugarCube Corner tomorrow. Wanna spend the night?" The cyan mare yawned, then shook her chromatic mane,"I'd love to Pinkie Pie. But I have to rise early tomorrow to help with a storm that's due come late afternoon. I'll check in for lunch how does that sound?" "Okie, dokie lokie!" Pinkie Pie's once sour mood brightened on the flip of a bit coin. She smiled then turned and hopped on out of the library, Rainbow Dash in tow. She gave the dragon one last glance before departing, leaving him with just the guards and Twilight who emerged from her room just now and had paused coming down the stairs to catch Pinkie Pie's small speech. A quick clearing of the throat drew his attention. Eyes drawn to the staircase revealed Twilight descending down them, her face expressing concern. "Can you really keep him under control, Spyro? After what we've seen tonight I'm having doubts about your ability to do so." Spyro met her at the foot of the staircase, his violet eyes meeting hers as the two purple beings stared at one another almost in a contest to see who would budge and blink first. The dragon was the first to react. "Not going to lie, Dark Self makes your Nightmare Moon incident look like a bad dream but I can handle him. He tries to pull any stunt or try to harm any pony or other person living on your world. I'll bury him so deep in my sub conscious, or where ever I can shove his presence, it will take him years to start digging himself out of the hole I stuffed him in." A rough clearing of the throat drew their attention to Highwind and Aerial Ace. Both had entered after the other two ponies left, keeping silent as unicorn traded with dragon on terms of this new rising threat. "Miss Twilight Sparkle, with all due respect is it wise to allow Spyro here to continue to roam given what we've seen tonight? I still think you should have made some mention of your life being in danger to her majesty when I wrote up my report." The stallion said with some unease in his voice. The lavender unicorn huffed softly with a casual roll of her eyes before trotting over to the fireplace. She withdrew a scroll she kept from them and tossed it in, casting a small igniting spell to watch it burn,"Celestia and Luna have enough on their plate to send Spyro back as it is. To add what that... thing nearly could have done to me would only draw their attention away and complicate things. I love Celestia, but I have no wish to burden her any further." The stallion peered over her shoulder to the scroll as it slowly burned to cinders,"So... what ever orders she just sent, we're just going to flat out ignore and carry on?" She smiled and trotted away,"Orders? What orders? This is just some old stuff I've been meaning to get rid of for some time now." Highwind could feel a groan rising in his chest, while Aerial Ace looked a little uncomfortable where he stood. For soldiers who obeyed the alicorn's wishes, turning a deaf ear and a blind eye was going to be a little hard on two strictly disciplined ponies. Spyro grinned, flashing his fanged muzzle, "So, what do we do then?" He asked the librarian. She smiled,"Simple. You continue to lay low, then when everything is ready in the next few days you go home. We'll try and move you to Fluttershy's home when the coast is clear, I know she's been meaning to see you again and you Sparx." The dragonfly rubbed his small hands together,"Been looking forward to seeing the lovely Fluttershy again. Her cottage has got to be the coziest place I ever had the chance of being in." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Deep in the kingdom Draconis, high above one mountain peak and deep within a darkened cave, a figure stood waiting. The messenger arrived, the sound of wings beating against the warm climate air could be heard at the entrance. It took him all of two minutes to rush to the being, then kneel with a clawed hand to his breastplate. "Sire, news from Ponyville. The mercs have failed in capturing the dragon and are slain. Troops from Canterlot have been increased along the borders, while the griffon King increases his watch as we speak." The figure remained silent, her posture slightly hunched over from brooding. "Sent word to Steelwing. Tell him what you told me. Speak to no one else." The messenger bowed and took leave, leaving Sapphire alone once more. The dragoness returned her gaze to the wall, her mind whirling with answers and dreadful outcomes. He would not be pleased in their failure to obtain Spyro. This ancient creature who mysteriously appeared in their nation months ago. A being of great power and a thirst for knowledge, a creature who oddly enough hailed from the dragon's home world Avalar. > Interference > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tri Point Mountain. It was an odd name to give a sight when what was considered a mountain was really, a oversized hill slowly being eroded by the elements of wind, ice and time. What made this barren, withering rock important was the hidden structure beneath its earthen surface. Tunnels carved a path from entrances beneath the ground, leading to ancient stone doors that still opened and closed as smoothly as the day they were made. All led to three compartments, each with enough room for say a large dragon and a few guards to maybe one dozen ponies or half a dozen griffons, complete with rations and bedding. This was not the case as the compartments had once served to house each ruling party from the nations. A representative from Draconis, the Griffon King or Queen themselves and last the Alicorn sisters. Tri Point Mountain housed a diplomatic gathering room at the center, where peace talks among uneasy truces were conducted when negotiations among the citizens were failing. Over time, the descendents lost interest and knowledge of the mountain as the three nations grew. In the end the mountain was abandon, forgotten to be lost to the sands of time, eroded away until there would be nothing left of its existence. Or, it would have were it not for the ancient magics long woven into the the hidden earthen structure that kept the place looking as grand as it was centuries earlier upon its completion. Steelwing was astounded that Tri Point almost was erased by history and that, had he not dug into the old arch hive files, would have never known it remained. Sapphire considered the same as she marveled at the compartment and the main chamber room itself. It felt odd that such a place was abandoned doomed to be lost and yet, great magics of ages long ago kept the place in pristine condition. Which made it the perfect place to conduct their meeting. No one knew Tri Point still stood to this day, rumor including that even Celestia herself may have forgotten about its existence. Both griffon and dragon sat in marble thrones, the depiction of their nation's symbol carved into the back rest. Each silently observed the other, without so much a peep or a sound as they waited for a third party member to arrive. The latch of the stone door shifting from Equestria's side drew their attention as a unicorn with a cloak obscuring its appearance made its way to the last throne. Hooves clopped along the floor, its echo reverberating along the corners as the pony took its seat, unraveling a scroll in its magical aura. "The report is as follows..." The stallion spoke," Nine of the thirteen mercenaries bodies were recovered from the forest, including the ring leader. Four are still missing, presumed eaten by the local wildlife. Traces of dark residue was also felt at the location, though confirmation on its origin remains inconclusive." Steelwing spoke,"Dare I ask, how bad was it?" The unicorn shivered,"Well... since I was there as part of the investigation." a brief pause,"The looks on the faces, sir. It was like they saw Death itself coming for them. Some of the others insisted they died of fright. I don't believe it, not after looking at the injuries sustained." Steelwing closed his eyes, tapping a talon on the table before them. Sapphire said nothing to add to this small discussion, her own eyes shut as arms folded over her chest for the duration. She stirred after the griffon ceased his taps, eyes half lidded. "He's due here any moment. I fear he will not be pleased with the outcome." The griffon grunted,"That's his problem. He never mentioned the purple beast would have such a temper. Or that he would shift into a monstrosity. Smash n grab that was the order. Besides it was mercs, the pirates of our time. Thugs looking for a quick coin or gold bar to stuff in their pockets and spend away on drink and pleasure. Why should we care?" Sapphire unfolded her arms to let them rest on the table, elbows propping as her fingers folded into a tent. "Lives of dragons and griffons were lost. There was never supposed to be any loss of life." "Or the near attempt on Twilight Sparkle's life I might add." The unicorn chipped in. Both ambassadors shifted and stared at the pony. He merely tapped the scroll as well with a slight roll of the shoulder,"Her testimony was the leader ordered her to be executed. He considered her, like all powerfully gifted unicorns, a threat and wanted her removal." He snorted,"He's better off in the ground now. Given how close her ties are to Celestia, the sun goddess would no doubt have been furious. That's not to say she is already angry as it is." "Most unfortunate. My benefactor was hoping the capture of the dragon would have been without incident. He may not be pleased, but this was out of your claws and hooves." All heads turned to find a robed figure, slightly hunched over occupying the space between Steelwing and Sapphire. What appearance each attempted to make out beneath the cowl was futile, for what magic that allowed this being to materialize without their senses, easily hid the features. "As eager as the master is to have him, this sudden turn of the dragon's dark half is surprising to say the least." Steelwing shook his head after ruffling his feathers,"Are you saying these deaths could have been avoided?" The being drew in a slight breath with even a even bare nod,"Spyro and this dark entity, though great when unleashed has never truly crossed the thresh hold when lives were laid on the line. Mmmmm, perhaps an internal struggle long kept at a stalemate is starting to tip though, in whose favor it remains unclear. Temper or no temper, it is not within Spyro's nature to take a life. Unless his was threatened, or that burning sense of justice as you call it came to mind." Sapphire rapped her knuckles on the table drawing every ones attention,"We're not here to sympathize over the losses, regrettable as they were. Clearly there is something your master wishes to address through you I presume." The robed figure heaved slowly, indicating some silent nod before waving a arm towards the unicorn,"I believe our little horned companion has something of importance he wishes to discuss besides the report." The unicorn stallion jerked as all eyes gazed upon him. Clearing his throat, he set aside his scroll and withdrew another,"Well... its about my inside informers gathering any information you asked of me. From what they've pooled together is this: Whom ever or what ever the princesses are involved, they are finished. The dragon will be sent home tonight at midnight. Preparations have been completed and soon this will just go in some book as a minor incident, if any." "He can not be allowed to return. My master insists on the dragon's capture." Sapphire's gaze drew from pony to robed being,"Why is your master insistent on Spyro? While we've learned he is not of our world, would it not be better for him to return home and forget any of this happened? Why so much effort for one small creature?" "A grudge.. you could say. Even I do not know the full details as to why him." The robed figure shifted,"All I do know and have been informed to relay the message on to you three, is that his capture is of utmost importance." The stallion unicorn spoke up at last,"You can't simply just waltz into Canterlot and ask nay, demand two royal alicorn sisters to relinquish the dragon. You've heard what they are, let alone are capable of." He shivered as he felt something rest upon his shoulder, a sense of nervousness and anxiety creep along his skin,"Rest assured little pony, we don't intend to storm the castle and take captives. Enough life has been lost, surely we have no desire to add to the toll now." The unicorn was unsure whether he could trust this being. He knew as much as Steelwing and Sappire did about his "master." Next to little. Only that he is a powerful creature capable of great things. Things was too vague and this messenger being never went into detail as to exactly what his master was capable of to begin with. "We thank you for the report and your constant observance as to the activities within the Canterlot castle little pony. Now, if you do not mind, I wish to speak with Steelwing and Sapphire, privately." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The private gathering had concluded. The appointed adviser to this... master as he referred him had left. The discussion he or it shared with the griffon and dragon was conflicting and at times, confusing. While he requested they lend what ever means of aide in the capture of Spyro, their direct involvement was not allowed. Sapphire was trying to sort out these twists and turns it had laid out for them both, only to find herself at some dead end or knot she could not undo. She was not alone. Steelwing shared her puzzlement as to the conflicting orders given to them both. He found the ambassador on a alcove over looking the valley which would lead any traveler into the outskirts of Equestria. "Did... anything of what he said made any sense to you? Be honest. Your entry exams into those prestigious schools were far easier then what he was asking us." Sapphire's brow furrowed,"I think the entry exams those unicorns hold to allow gifted ponies into their magic school makes more sense then what he was asking. Listening to him was like listening to a mystery wrapped in an enigma. I don't think he was even himself." The griffon raised a brow in curiousity,"What do you mean?" Waggling her scaled fingers like the dragoness was playing a key instrument, she motioned with her other arm,"It was like he was a puppet and his master was pulling the strings only compared to a master, he was a novice. What ever control he had was botched or messily imposed." "Your saying this follower was being controlled against his will and struggled through our meeting?" Sapphire shrugged,"I don't know what to make of him or it, Steelwing. His words conflict themselves. One moment he was adamant about us pooling together our resources to capture the dragon, the next he insists on handling the matter himself. Its like watching two commanders bringing up their plans for a practice run, each claiming theirs is better then the other." The griffon exhaled noisily, his eyes cast over to his country, his home,"Questions will rise once this is set in motion. Our king, your queen and the alicorn sisters will start searching. When our names come up it will be the end of us." Sapphire drew away from the balcony, pulling her cloak more tightly around herself,"Which is why we slip a few rumors about what the other nation is plotting. Throw a little confusion in and draw their attention away from the real task at hand." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spyro yawned for the umpteenth time. The day started off slow. Twilight had trouble getting out of bed, relying on Spike to help support her as she descended down stairs. The injuries were not severe, but the unpleasant soreness that comes with all rough encounters, left the unicorn being careful this morning. Breakfast was quiet save for the occasional chit chat between assistant and librarian over the chores for the day. Sparx decided to sleep in after the meal, the dragonfly feeling more lazy then helpful. This left Twilight along with Spike, the two guards and Spyro. The morning was spent going over the mail, accepting and cataloging new and used books that ponies no longer read and donated. Spike tended to the upper shelves while Spyro tackled the lower ones. As for the lavender unicorn, she stood back and supervised. With the extra set of paws on hoof, the morning chores were quickly finished and Spike found himself with some free time. Free time that quickly turned into errand runs, Twilight always keeping a list of even more tasks she had to have for completed today. Aerial Ace opted to join the dragon, leaving Highwind to watch after Celestia's student and her guest. Pegasus and dragon left, leaving the trio alone. Bored and fidgeting about, the other guard fancied himself with some old books he saw in stock pertaining to the layout of the lands and military routines. Twilight found quill and ink before jotting down some thoughts or added things needed to be done for the day while it was still clear out. Rainbow Dash mentioned an afternoon storm, thus the unicorn wanted to make sure what ever was on her list did not involve going out. While both ponies kept themselves occupied, Spyro decided to glance over a few books he had seen Spike leave him. They were on of course dragons. With a bit of help from Twilight (the text was foreign, thus being able to read what was printed was lost on the dragon) Spyro learned the dragons here were far different from the ones he knew and mingled with. Living in caves, claiming and defending territories, not to mention being solitary. It was a wonder there was Draconis to begin with. Without the Queen's guidance and presence, the clans would have torn each other apart, leaving the rest to squabble over what remained. And yet still, a dragons lust for greed often came in conflict with both the neighboring cities of the griffons and Equestria. Spyro's vague grasp on Avalar's history with dragons was well more of a pleasant story with some bad parts to it, but upbeat in general. The idea of being under the rule of a queen. That did make for some interesting ideas. Would Cynder be considered a queen if she took up the role? His mind raced back to the encounter with Celestia within her castle. He tossed it out realizing that his fellow friend probably would go out of her mind if she had to sit in such a seat and do... what ever it was the princesses did behind those walls. A low rumble started to sound outside the library walls, high in the sky above their sheltered heads. All eyes glanced out to a darkening sky, the sound of the wind picking up. The door opened admitting both Spike and Highwind, who carried the bags since Spikes arm's were full. Twilight breathed a sigh of relief. There was a storm scheduled and it was to be an intense downpour made to replenish the lakes and streams surrounding Ponyille. Both pegasus and dragon had been quick with their task, pausing only for a light lunch before making haste back to library. And in just time. The sounds of rain drops drummed against the windows, blurry sights of ponies quickly bundling their carts of wares and retreating indoors was the sight before another rumble of thunder growled above their heads. "Pegasus in control of weather. I've seen magical events before my eyes, but the idea of flying ponies creating rain still evades me." Spyro murmured as he peeked out. Spike handed the items over to Twilight, shrugging a shoulder idly,"Well they don't so much control the rain, rather they move the rainclouds to where they are needed." "Ahh. For me, weather occurs on its own, much like the rising and falling of the sun and moon. We don't experience princesses or pegasus of these feats that you probably consider the norm." Spyro remarked to Spike. The baby dragon chuckled as he gnawed on a ruby idly,"Mmmm if you could spend more time with us, you would get the handle of things and treat them normally." He offered Spyro a blue sapphire, which he accepted and gazed upon the polished surface for a minute. He watched as Spike made short work of the ruby, digging out an emerald next to devour. Temptation took over as the purple dragon carefully slid a corner of the offered sapphire and attempted to break off a piece. Dragon teeth, known to tear through even the thickest armor or toughest hide was of no match to the gem. Spyro spent the next few minutes, vainly trying to taste the gem, only to have his teeth thwarted again and again, much to Spike's amusement. Spyro sat there, gem dangling from the corner of his muzzle while Spike casually grounded the emerald between his molars as if it was no more then lettuce while leaning back in a chair, contently sighing. Ok, small fry two can play this game. Spyro thought. Spitting the gem into an open palm, he eyed the blue jewel for a brief moment. Digging within himself, Spyro recalled the crystal formations back on Avalar, each coloration representing beneficial properties when used by dragons of his kind. Question remained, would that effect be the same on Equestria? Or would he merely be providing more entertainment to Spike as he stared dumbfounded at the sapphire, straining himself until something gave way? Well there was only one way to find out if he could pull it off. Sitting there off to the side as Twilight and the guards conversed over small details, Spyro re-called the events of last night and tried to remember if he had pushed his magical reserves to the brink. A quick nudge here and there informed him, yes they were a tad low but in no danger to being at the point that full rest was required. A chance to test out this little experiment of his. Pale purple eyes focused on the gem in paw, poking, prodding in hopes of finding a familiar signature hum he was used to sensing in the crystal formations back home. There was a subtle hum in the sapphire, but the notes sang a slight different tune then what Spyro was easy with. The worst outcome would be a broken shattered gem and finger food for Spike. The upside? His elemental attunements fully charged. Spike sat and watched as his fellow dragon companion continued to stare at the offered treat,"You know you keep looking at it any longer, it might just sprout legs and run off." Spyro just shook his head, ignoring the grin across the baby dragon's face as his thoughts focused on the sapphire once again. The soft melody of the hum danced in his ears, the older dragon focusing on its point. Across the room, Twilight had just wrapped up speaking with Aerial Ace about their run today, when the unicorn felt a few strings of magic pluck the air around them. Shifting the mare and fellow guards turned their gaze on Spyro and the sapphire as it hovered over his palm. "What is he doing?" The lavender unicorn asked before a bright flash lit up the inside of the library. Spike yelped in surprise, tipping the chair he sat in over onto its back. Both pegasus guards leaped in front of Twilight, wings crossed in a defensive manner, ready for anything from emanating from Spyro. As quickly as it had started, the flash died out, leaving Spyro sitting there and a small mound of fine dust upon his palm. He drew in a deep breath and let a great "Aahhhhh..." A hard tap on his shoulder drew his eyes to fixate on Twilight's. Ones that were a mix of shock, awe and a tad anger as the mare kept her temper from bubbling,"Mind telling me, Aerial Ace and Highwind what you just did with the now remains of the gem in your paw?" Glancing over to the sand, he oohed! and let it slip between his fingers,"I replenished my magical reserves that is all. Didn't know I could pull it off here without trying. Thanks to Spike and the sapphire though I was succesful." "Magical reserves?" The mare asked,"You mean despite having what me, Celestia and a few others are considering vast stores of elemental magic, there are a few restraints?" "Well, yes of course. I mean just like all unicorns on Equestria, I am guessing here you grow tired after using so much am I correct? Well I am not without limits as well. I can hurl earth, spit fire, unleash lightning and chill with ice. That does not mean I can do this every day and night without repercussions, Twilight. Like the magical beings on your world, I too need rest to recover. Otherwise I would be spent after two days tops of aggressive fighting, if your looking for an example." "Well that may sound fine and dandy for you, but next time could you warn us when your going to recharge?" Highwind gruffly replied,"After last night we're walking on thin ice around you and frankly I think I have seen enough of your erm, flair to last me a life time." Spyro meekly grinned as the stallion spun around and mumbled under his breath, leaving Twilight and him alone. Spike was at his side the next moment, amazed as ever,"That was wicked! And you could do this with sapphires?" Spyro turned to nod at his fellow dragons,"Well since they are as close to the blue crystal formations where I'm from, yes." The baby dragon immediate launched into a series of new questions involving different gems, leaving Spyro to answer them as Twilight managed to slip away with a smile as her assistant peppered him almost endlessly. The conversation was cut short as Spike felt is eye twitch then opened his mouth with a loud belch. Spyro ducked as green flame danced over his horns, a scroll appearing amongst the fire. This was enveloped with a pale purple aura, Twilight bringing the message over to un-roll and read. All eyes fixated on the unicorn as she read the contents written on parchment before nodding and rolling the message up once again. "They have finished at Canterlot. Celestia and Luna, along with your dragon elders have managed to find a way to send you home. She wants to try it tonight. So after the rains let up, a chariot with guards will be arriving. Also, I will be joining you on this journey as usual, Spyro." Twilight said. The purple dragon sat there. Home. He and Sparx were finally going to go home. Not that anything was wrong with Equestria. It was just... despite being restless at the temple and taking that flight, Spyro never imagined he would be homesick to see the elders and Cyndar once more. The purple dragon nodded as he turned in the direction to the basement. "I'll go inform Sparx. Thank you, Twilight. For the message." A quick glance over to Spike showed him a baby dragon suddenly saddened to see the dragon go. Spyro nodded quietly then turned and made his way down the stairs, leaving Spike to stand there as Twilight joined him to watch him disappear in the open doorway. "I don't want him to go. I just met him, there still so much more I want to know about him." Spike said. Twilight wrapped a foreleg around his neck and shoulder, gently nuzzling a scaled cheek,"I'm sorry Spike. I know how much you've become attached to Spyro and I know he means well. It's just he needs to return home before things quickly grow out of hoof here with the nations." Spike said nothing save for a sigh, his green eyes slightly opaque as he was going to lose someone he could have called big brother. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nightfall. A time when the rain was to let up and Luna's grace be taken notice of against the great evening sky. A time to admire her moon and gaze upon the stars, to watch the evening life take hold and carry on this evening. That was not the case. The storm continued to drench Ponyville and the surrounding forests. It even start to spread into Canterlot, putting an early end to the night life as the wealthy remained in doors and ponder as to who was to blame for this extended downpour. In the castle sitting upon her throne, Celestia poured over messages to and from the pegasi, trying to gather an explanation. The storms were supposed to end and evening was to be clear skies for the next couple of days. The pegasi were looking into the matter intensely, finding no way as to why the clouds were not co-operating with them. Scores of pegasi had punched holes into the storm, hoping to break it up with ease. Celestia read from there on, their efforts were futile as the holes were patched up. To make matters worse the storm was starting to fight back. Thunder rumbled outside the stain glass windows as it continued to pour outside. Celestia was beginning to think that some force was coming into play, though their purpose was shrouded by the mists that clung to the foundations of homes and castle alike, bathing the land in a thick fog. Luna had sent out the chariot which was to bring back Twilight, Spyro and the others. The dark alicorn sister took her place at her sister's side, glancing over as she watched Celestia furrow her brow in concern. "The pegasi have done everything sister and still no luck?" A silent nod,"Truly a strange night indeed for such a storm to resist a pegasus's efforts to break it apart. Do ye think something is a hoof sister?" Celestia pulled out a few reports her patrols had gathered at the borders,"All I've learned is both Draconis and Gryf have doubled their forces along their borders near ours, yet our inside sources say there is no threat or hidden danger either nation is facing. I am wondering if this is some ploy to distract us from our home for something we have yet to detect." Luna glanced over to the majestic windows,"If this storm was not enough of a warning that something sinister is at work, then I know not what more proof there is." The double doors to their throne room opened, revealing Aerial Ace and Highwind flanking both Twilight and Spyro as they entered, along with Spike in tow. The small group bore some form of dampness, mainly Twilight's mane and tail as was the pegasus guards. Celestia's eyes narrowed at the sight of the mare unicorn, bandaged and healing. She head heard the reports at the forest after the attack on the carriage. It angered the alicorn that some low life merc would want to harm her favored student. Spyro for his part, kept his eyes on the floor as they approached. After their first encounter, he was not wishing to irk or butt heads again with either princess. All bowed respectively as both Luna and Celestia rose from their seats. Twilight eeked in surprise as she felt the rush of wind from Celestia's descension, a great wing wrapping around her tightly. The lavender unicorn knew how her mentor had felt about her and pitied any fool was was crazy enough to even think of causing harm. "Does it hurt?" came the worried question. Twilight shook her head, nuzzling into the princess's warm coat,"A little sore, your highness, but I'm alright." Releasing her faithful student, the alicorn nodded as Luna addressed the rest,"Greetings Aerial Ace and Highwind of the royal guard. You have performed valiantly for my sister and we are thankful to your efforts." Both guards gave a crisp salute as the dark alicorn turned her gaze upon Spike and Spyro,"A greetings to you Spike and of you, Spyro." Spike waved while Spyro mumbled a hello, trying best to stay on their good side without looking like the sort to cause trouble again. "Spyro we also wish to thank you for your actions last night. We are deeply grateful that you saved Twilight's life when danger threatened her." The purple dragon gave a light bow,"Umm, saying it was nothing probably would not do it any justice. Erm, I'm sorry about well...him coming out and wished that those involved did not pass on. But from your stand point, I would not just sit there and watch either as some pony or other creature tried to harm Twilight." "And for that, we are deeply thankful." Celestia finished. Twilight took a spot by the guards as both sisters joined,"We have prepared the way for you Spyro with the help of your Elder dragon kin. Though the weather is not favorable with us tonight, we can still open a path to send you home." Spyro nodded, Sparx buzzing about above his friend's horn. The dragon turned to look at Spike and the others then back to the princesses,"Do you think that, before I go I can say good bye to every pony here at least?" Celestia and Luna traded looks with one another before the white alicorn nodded,"I do not see any reason why you can not. You have made friends here during your brief time, I do not wish to-" She was cut off by a few cracks of lightning flashing outside, followed by the deep rumbling growl of thunder. The rain drummed against the walls even harder as the winds picked up. Spyro felt his wings flinch at the sounds before he felt something strange taking place outside. Resting his head on the floor, the dragon closed his eyes and listened while the alicorn sisters, Twilight and the others watched him with oddity. Muffled shouts went up outside as the loud clatter of armor was heard, guards running to their posts. Spyro raised his head as one rain drenched guard came galloping into the throne room,"Your highness!" he said almost breathlessly,"We are under attack! They came... out of nowhere! Thousands of them suddenly!" Before Celestia could ask, every pony in the throne room could hear a chant outside. The chant rose and fell along with the rains, intensifying in volume as thunder and lightning crashed outside. Celestia broke into a brisk canter, Luna following the lead with the rest of the ponies giving chase. They left the throne room chamber and headed into the main hallway. As they went the chanting grew louder while heavy footsteps drummed along the castle's floor. Guards were shouting orders, ponies in the royal armor rushing to join their fellow brother's aide. They came upon a balcony over looking the main entrance. Down below hundreds of Royal guards pushed against a sea of black cloaked figures. Beings who chanted in a strange tongue as they pushed back, seeking entry. They bore a sigil emblazoned on their chest and back, one the the alicorn sisters nor Twilight could identify nor the language. One of these cloaked figures looked up, revealing a grey ashen pony's face with dull eyes. They sharpened upon seeing Spyro with the princesses and he shrieked,"He is here! Come brethren!" The others howled and shoved with earnest, even as Celestia and Luna began drawing up protection spells. "Take the dragon! Take the dragon in the name of the Dark Master, Malefor!" > Old Foes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The fighting drowned out the storm raging outside the castle. Troops of Royal Guards clashed with the insane cultists, their shrieks of madness was lost to the roar of thunder outside. For each cultist that was either put down or restrained, two seemed to fill the gap. Even more shocking were the ones who lost their cloaks in the skirmish down below. Celestia and Luna were not dealing with just pony kind. Dragon and griffons were among the mad crowd, the glitter of malice mixing with insanity showing in their eyes. Bright flashes of light drew their attention to either side, both alicorn sisters shielding Spyro and Twilight in the middle as six cultist unicorns appeared. "Take him! Take him for the Dark Master!" one screamed spittle running down his chin. They rushed blindly, colliding with the protective bubble spells both sisters had thrown up. Celestia countered, drawing on a light spell that would not only blind, but place them under a deep sleep. Luna opted for the more night methods, casting shadows and dark wisps to trap the other three, before her sleep spell was cast. Once those six were down, more flashes of mad ponies and magi griffons started to appear, crowding the balcony. "Children of the Night! Your mistress calls! To arms! Defend thy rulers!" Luna barked. The shadows spilling their stark shapes across the fiasco drew back, huddling in the corners, before pony shapes started to rise. Dark ponies clad in ashen purple armor emerged. Their yellow draconic eyes shimmered in the dark as powerful bat wings flapped against strong abled bodies. Luna's own guards, hoof picked and the elite of her ranks joined their white coated comrades on pushing back this tide and protecting their princess, even as the three ponies and one dragon retreated back down the upper hallway whence they came. "The throne room!" Celestia called out. The small group galloped down the main path, the sounds of the skirmish intensifying as more cultists sought to break through the moving wall of guards, hell bent on capturing the dragon of interest. Spyro himself was having trouble with what he had just heard them say. Malefor here? It was not possible. That dark creature was all but crushed when Avalar was re-built, his power faded and his soul banished to a eternity of suffering for his dark deeds. Managing to survive the dragon's own power was all but impossible. There was little time to dwell on this sudden turn of event. Right now, his safety along with Twilight's was Celestia's top priority. Once this assault was beaten back, questions had to be answered and information gathered. Spyro's thought was interrupted as flashes of light up ahead revealed more. He growled under his breath and opted to increase his speed, passing by both alicorn sisters as his lowered his head. Like the mindless mobs of before, these beings blindly threw themselves at the dragon in hopes of sheer number would over power him. Alas they were not dealing with just any dragon bred in Equestria. They were dealing with a legend and not one to be taken lightly. Three of the eight careened off Spyro's side only to have their brief moment of being airborne abruptly halted by alicorn shields. The few more unlucky ones who stood their ground were introduced to the painful end of dragon horns, burying themselves in cloth and gut alike. They were tossed as easily as Applejack tossing a hay bale, no hassle. Two more down, three remaining. They seemed hesitant and who could blame them. After watching their brothers getting thrown like the weekly trash, blind insane following was dampered by thoughts of self preservation. Oh, and the desire of not being on the receiving end of either horn or magic. Their hesitation became their undoing as shadows leaped from the near pillars. More Night guards appeared, tossing down this small rabble to allow their mistress, her sister and friends continue to move onward. Luna nodded to her stallions as they passed through, sharp salutes followed in her wake. Once the doors were shut, they remained solid was their decree to protect their rulers at any cost. Within the throne room, all paused to take a breather. Spyro made the most to check on Sparx whom seemed to be a little on edge. "Oh man, oh man, ooooh man. Tell me this is just some elaborate joke, with ponies hiding behind every corner waiting to send us off in a merry way. Tell me Malefor is not back and causing this fiasco." The dragon fly groaned as he rocked on his brother's head. All Spyro could do was shake his head slowly, still grasping with what they had heard back at the entrance. "We shall look into the matter later. Right now we need to get you out of here." Luna paced,"The longer Spyro remains within these walls, the more these cultists will come. We must hide him until it is secure." "A noble effort, Princess of the Night. But one that is both futile and vain at best." All heads turned towards the thrones were Celestia and Luna sat. Upon them sitting leisurely was a robed figure, tall and cloaked as it casually looked the three ponies and one dragon over. "No matter how far you traverse across the lands, how deep you may dig beneath the surface, how high you wish to fly upon the skies or how deep you plunge into the ocean depths... you can not hide him no more then you can hide your birthright." Both princesses could feel the difference in this cultist. Perhaps the one calling the shots to the fanatical masses all around the castle. Twilight shivered, a cold chill running down from neck to tail base. Who ever this being was, there was something off about it or him, given the tone and pitch of the voice. Celestia strode forward as Luna shielded both Spyro and the lavender mare, her horn glowing a faint aura,"Call off your mad followers and leave my castle! The laws you have broken the citizens whose minds you warped. It is unforgivable. The use of magic to alter another's mind is a grave atrocity, all nations damning those who break it." The figure rose and stepped down for the dais, its long robed arms drew around to rest behind its back. "Laws were meant to be bent, twisted, corrupted and broken. Laws are for the weak minded, cowering in the dark seeking some dismal light to save their pitiful existence. My master seeks to rid these lands of such and truly open these silly creatures eyes." The alicorn paused, standing half distance between her sister, student and dragon, while their adversary remained. "And whom is your master that you so blindly follow?" She asked in a flat voice. "Why... the Dark Master, Malefor. Rising from the dark depths of Tartarus, his Lordship will soon lay claim to part of Draconis. Now with his followers ever gracing your doorstep, he seeks the one creature who was his bane but now shall be his salvation, Spyro. I shall make this clear and only once: Relinquish the dragon. Or watch as your precious people suffer under the Master's power." Spyro tried stepping forward only to be blocked by Luna's foreleg,"The only reason I would ever go with you, ya nutjob is to finish what I thought was over back on Avalar!" The dragon growled as plums of smoke rose from his muzzle,"And if need be, I'll burn his ashes just for good measure! Malefor is nothing but a blight upon Equestria. By my ancestors I will end him again and make sure his demise is permanent." "Bold, but rash small one. Your not on Avalar anymore, your in a foreign land. A land that is just as unforgiving as the rest." Spyro heard both alicorn join at his side as Twilight and Sparx opting for cover. The three faced off against the newest adversary as it stood before them. Celestia gathered light into spheres on either side, lengthening the points into shape giving it form until twin rapiers hovered before her. Luna created cold pale light from the moon, creating similar swords to wield as she took up arms as well. As for the dragon, he concentrated until the thrum of his power started to gather at his core, strengthening tired limbs and renewing spent reserves. Princesses and legend made it clear: They were not budging nor giving in to any demands no matter who issued them. The figure cocked its head slightly to the side,"So it is demise. So be it." Stretching both fore arms outwards, it gathered dark red energy within its palms. Luna, Celestia and Spyro felt the negativity, the malice behind what ever magic this being knew. Like the alicorns, the figure manipulated the spheres until two blood red swords adorn each fist. Beneath the cowl, eyes narrowed as they sought the closest target. The sun princess was first. Sensing the change in the air, she brought one sword up to counter a strike from the side, parrying the other with a low sweep. It was fast. Never has she seen a being move so quickly covering the gap between them in mere seconds without so much as breaking the sound barrier. While Celestia staved off the quick strikes, Luna moved in to assist her sister. The being sensed the younger approaching from its left. Shoving Celestia back with two quick jabs, it whirled on Luna next, driving both its blades down in an overhead blow. The smaller alicorn brought up her own swords in the nick of time as metal rang against metal, sparks dancing off the magic conjoured blades as it began to push her back. Celestia gathered herself to help her sibling as it pushed her back. Only to have the being turn on her as nimbly as a humming bird darting around a thin branch, the assault renewed upon her yet again, leaving Luna to recover. Spyro could do nothing. He lacked any weapon to aide these princesses and even if he managed to find the means to possess such an item, wielding it was a completely different matter for he not the skill to do so. Twilight watched as her mentor and sister battled this entity. Sword rang against sword, hooves clattered upon the tile and carpeting, their shadows danced against the walls as lightning and thunder played a dark trembling bass outside. Both were hard pressed and pushed back time and time again. The figure left little opening and and kept them on the defensive. Neither sister could press for an offense, not without exposing a part of their bodies against the dark blades. They doubted their magical shields could withstand a blow, the dull thrum of dark magic humming of its weapons would render them useless. The three broke away after another bout of sword play both alicorns panting. This was not normal. Both sisters not only had a vast knowledge of the magical arts spanning centuries, their combat skills were also very refined. Neither sister was a slouch when it came to the sword or stave, both had proven this time and again during sparring matches. Yet this cloaked being had them on their hooves and on edge with its quick speed and accurate strikes. No mortal could push them this hard yet remain so calm and relax while they both felt as if they had risen the sun and moon for twenty four hours straight. This was just a warm up. They had hardly crossed swords for barely five minutes and yet the two felt their strength waning. "Feeling tired?" it murmured in an amusing tone,"How disappointing. Here I am going toe to toe with the rulers of Equestria and you both are winded like young foals who barely climbed a small hill." Celestia's eyes traveled to his weapons then to her own. A few glances and it dawned upon her: Those blades were draining their power. Given how fast he moved, how often she and Luna were blocking and countered. A chuckle rising from its throat only further confirmed her suspicion,"Ahh, you've put the two together. I told you. I will have Spyro and no silly princesses are going to stop me." It lunged with no warning, the alicorn drawing both blades up as defense. Celestia felt the weight of its swing bear down upon her weapons, felt the suttle sting of her power slowly being siphoned. She grunted as Luna felt it as well. It turned on her suddenly, lashing out with one leg to kick at the dark alicorn who blocked with her swords crossed in a crude mean of defense. The blow shook her from head to toe as she skidded back, nearly bowling over Spyro as he dodged. "Luna!" Celestia cried out. "Worry about your own survival dear." the being hissed and shoved her back following with a flurry of slashes and stabs, whipping those blades about. The sun princess gritted her teeth as she met him head on, parrying, blocking, counter striking, and attempting to gain a upper hoof on this fight. The figure hissed and continued to push the alicorn back, its weapons whirling about it as they met her own. As much as it enjoyed toying with these two, it had pressing matters with the capture of the purple dragon still present in the throne. It went for another side swipe which the princess countered. That's when it caught her off guard by faking the blow. As Celestia rose one rapier to counter, it brought the other sword in an upwards strike, shattering her weapon in two. She barely had time to register the fake shot before the sharp stinging bite of his swords found her foreleg, shoulder and along one cheek. Gasping as the metal bit into her fur and skin, Celestia felt unbearable cold bear down as if all the warmth of the sun had left her. She vaguely recalled Luna screaming her name as she went down on her knees, gazing up to find the figure's sword point poised near her throat. "My dear your effort though valiant, was in vain. Farewell." The figure thrust his blade and time seemed to slow. Celestia's mind gathered everything around it and replayed with such slowness, she could see every detail with clarity. Luna rushing to help her sister, her muzzle locked in a silent cry. Twilight emerging from the pillar, horn lit as she was starting a teleportation spell rushing to aide her teacher. The hum of the blade in front of her as it drew closer and closer, her breast its target. The cool brush of the air against her ethereal mane, the heart within her chest hammering with such a pronounced thump, she could count the tempo as it arose. The bubble shield she cast in a last ditch effort to protect herself, shattering slowly as the sword broke through like it was merely thin glass. And finally a cold realization dawning that the sun princess, the co-ruler of Equestria was about to have her life snuffed out and this dark being victorious. The alicorn felt this and then noticed time was slowing. The figure was so confident that it had bested her and Luna, it had forgotten Spyro seeing him as no threat. So eager it was to end the alicorn's life, it failed to feel the halt of time take hold around the two. Celestia's eyes traveled to the right as a purple body collided with the being throwing it off balance. The voice muffled, snarling with curses as jaws bit down on its wrist causing it to lose the blade. She watched as Spyro twisted himself, pulling her attacker away from them both, planting both his hind legs against his chest. Then heaving off with a mighty kick, releasing the being's arm as he grunted, the alicorn bore witness as it was flung towards the nearest pillar. The spell started to fall and time taking on the normal flow. She grunted as Luna barreled into her, clutching tightly. Twilight was next shielding her as well while Spyro took up the front eyes narrowed as he fixated on the robed creature. It cursed as it rose from the floor, a cracked indentation of where it struck the pillar. Hissing it held it's ruined arm, bones broken from the dragon's bite as it growled in anger for the physical injury the dragon inflicted upon it,"You miserable little..." Spyro just snorted and took the fallen weapon snapping the blade in two as it was nothing more but a weak twig. Spitting out the destroyed sword, he dug his feet into the tile and unfurled his wings,"You know for a stuffy all mighty Malefor follower wanna be, you sure forget about the simple rules. Like never take your eyes off of your adversary. Leaves you open." "I'll remember that." The being cursed and drove its palms together. A loud crack of thunder roared outside as the ground began to shake. Muttering in some strange tongue, the figure weaved its arms about, one hand hanging useless, while the other gestured to the small trio,"I'll simply bring this whole castle down, to crumble into ruin at the base of the mountain then take what shall belong to my master! Let's see you inferior wretches try and stop it!!" The castle shuddered and groaned, cracks beginning to form and spread along the walls and floors. The fighting among the walls abated as panicked shouts and cries rose up. Celestia attempted to rise, only to wince and fall once more. Her wounds stung and that utter cold that gripped them was hampering her efforts to rise. Still, she had her magic as did Luna to aide,"Help me Luna. We can not allow him to succeed!" The dark alicorn nodded and hunkered down under one of her sister's wings offering her body as support. Twilight took up the other side and both mare grunted as Celestia rose to her feet, legs shaking from being so weak so suddenly. The figure laughed at the sight its voice rising in volume as the quake intensified. Spyro could feel the earth's power being turned against the castle and the surrounding area. The dragon shook his head while laying his feet flat on the tiled floor. It would take more effort given he was not directly in contact with the earth beneath them, but he could still feel its presence. Drawing up the green energy from within, he seeped it into the floor beneath the castle grounds, countering what ever dark spell the being was casting to rip the castle from the side of the mountain and sent it crashing to its demise along with every inhabitant. The cloaked figure could feel the dragon's interference which only renewed its efforts to end every pony, dragon and griffon alike. Snarling a few more curses, it dug into its own dark reserves as the shaking softened, intensified, softened, grew harder and abated. It was an earthen game of tug of war between Spyro and the being while Luna, Celestia and even Twilight began to gather their magic. As strong as Spyro was talented in his magic, the being had him beat given what dark energy was coursing through him. It was beginning to win in his favor as the earth trembled with increasing tension. Their foe continued to mock them with its laughs, the aura of magic it was conjuring to seal the deed and bury them alive was reaching its final moments. But its pulse was not the only thing reverberating within the throne room. Three different auras joining as one also gathered. Luna, Celestia and her top student Twilight were huddled in a circle, their horns touching sharing lending one another the strength behind their own arts. The sun princess gathered what her sister and student was offering, honing it into a fine point, aiming it straight for the figure. It was powerful yes, but it never had dealt with all three of them simultaneously. Eyes blazing with anger and justice, the alicorn's voice rang out with a mighty tone,"Thou shalt not harm thy subjects!" The magical beam was released catching their foe off guard. Dropping from its stance, it whipped up its good arm to deflect the attack, feeling its force all but tear into the robe. Gasping at the immense power, the foe used it ruined arm to buffer its defense. But the damage was done thanks to the bite of dragon's teeth upon flesh and bone. Speaking of the dragon, Spyro leaped back gathering the fiery flames of fire within his chest. Then with a mighty whoosh! he spewed a great line of fire to join the alicorn's attack. It was too much. The flames engulfed the creature who shrieked in agony only to have the magical aura beam follow through. Celestia nearly collapsed were Twilight and Luna not there to hold her up. Spyro joined the trio as they watched the being writhe and toss about, its cries like high pitched squealing comparable to a pair of sharp horseshoe nails scrapping down a chalkboard. The smoldering robe fell to ruin leaving behind the full visage of who they were finally dealing with. Celestia's eyes widen, as did Luna and Twilight. It was not possible! Before them kneeling among the burning ash of the robe was a strange creature Spyro thought to have seen somewhere in the gardens a few nights ago. The mis-matched collection of body parts, the long serpentine body. Who was this creature? "Discord!" Celestia's voice rocked Spyro from his thoughts, his head turning to look upon the trio,"Discord? What is a Discord?" The dragon asked. He received no answer, rather instead watched as Celestia rose to her hooves despite the injuries and all but slammed the draconequus against the wall with her aura,"How did you escape?! How was it even possible to escape when the elements locked you away?!" Discord merely stared in a listless state, hardly even lifting a limb to defend himself. The alicorn was baffled by this odd behavior. Usually he would gloat, taunt, tease, mock her or do all in a single motion with hardly batting an eye. Luna, cautious as Twilight was joined her sister's side, also puzzled by the spirit of chaos... well lack of chaos. "Sister? If we do not know any better, we would suggest perhaps he is not his own?" Celestia traded glances from her sister then to Discord, then to Twilight. The unicorn was peering closer, eyes narrowed as they went over him with a fine tooth comb,"Luna is correct, princess. Something is off about Discord. It's like the candles are lit, but no pony is home." The alicorn snorted and released him,"A ploy perhaps. To catch us off guard. Once we lower our defenses, he'll simply trap us or worse!" Celestia was not falling for any tricks their old adversary may have up his lack of sleeves. The power he was throwing around earlier was beyond his usual dirty tactics. But was Malefor this powerful to contain, control and manipulate the Discord? Pieces to this puzzle was not fitting as she would have liked. Still, some nagging part of her was motioning to trust her sister and student judgement. Releasing Discord from her magical grip, her thoughts turned to Spyro. He was still there, puzzled by this turn of events, unsure of what to make of their old foe. With the dark sword broken, her strength no longer felt being drained. Her wounds still burned when she tried to set a leg down, but it was not life threatening. Spyro looked up to see the alicorn limping towards him with Luna and Twilight supporting her. Celestia gave a light nod, which the dragon returned in earnest,"Thank you Spyro for saving me." He nodded and blew a gentle sigh of relief,"A close one there, your majesty. I hope your past victories were not this close a call as well were they?" Behind the four, laying in a pitch black heap lay the ashen remains of the cloak Discord wore. It melted slowly, seeping together into a dark, viscorous puddle... "I've had a few minor calls, young dragon but no. Thankfully they have not been this dire." The dark liquid seeped into the cracks of the tile, the dazed Discord only watching it with a listless expression... "Sister, we should fetch a first aide kit just in case. Small wounds can still cause great ill, even to some pony as great as us." The last remnants of the liquid pulsed and shivered before disappearing within the crevice... "Twilight, it sounds as though our guards have the upper hoof. Would you go out and send word please to have aid brought back the the throne room?" Deep into the earth beneath the castle the pool converged, re-grouping and taking shape within soil... The lavender unicorn nodded to her mentor and trotted down the red carpeting, approaching the double doors to rely the message. "Well. Now that that is over, we can interrogate Discord for information abou-" An explosion rocked the throne room with the floors beneath it following. Every pony was lifted bodily and hurled in different directions from the blast. Celestia and Luna were knocked into the thrones which toppled under the velocity of which they were tossed. Spyro felt his body collide with one of the pillars, dual sharp wracks of pain shot down his back as his wings took the brunt of the blast while his vision burst of stars and pain. Discord barely even felt the force as his body tore a hole through the wall he was slouching against. Twilight's world went dark as her head slammed against the double doors, tearing one off its hinges as it collided with the soldiers who had gathered on the other side and were preparing to enter. Part of the ceiling collapsed, falling stone and castle shingles shattered against the broken tile floor. Spyro groaned as he clutched his head while a furious wind howled in the center, causing the stain glass windows to shake and rattle in their foundations. An unearthly roar shook the castle walls, its vibrations sending cracks along the walls and contributing to even more damage to the destruction caused by the initial blast. Rising to his feet while his aching body yelled at him, the dragon pushed himself to look around the column he was knocked into. Dark swirling clouds were gathering at the center near where the explosion occurred. A dark power was emanating from the center its force so great, the purple dragon felt as though his feet were being lifted off the floor. His claws dug in for purchase as he continued to ride out this storm, casting glances to the other fallen. Luna was sheltering Celestia with the cover of her wings, a gash across her brow noted her injury. Celestia looked a little shaken but was still managing. Both had their shields up to act as a barrier against this force. A quick glance towards the wall made note of the hole where Discord once was. Another glance towards the entrance, saw the remaining guards taking shelter as well, some carrying an unconscious Twilight across their backs. The howling scream drew his attention to the vortex as a shape finally appeared. What Spyro saw, nearly took his breath away. A face. A face he had sworn to never see again, lost to whatever after life waited for evil dragons who dealt in dark deeds. It was grotesque to look upon. Furious red eyes stared, a partial skull jutted beneath layers of muscle, skin and scale, fading purple mixed with the greyish tones of dead flesh. Great horns curved from the back of the head over a neck partly eaten away to reveal tendon and muscle barely covering more bones. And two great fore arms rested upon the floor, ending in two great menacing clawed paws. The breathing was deep, ragged and hallow. The growls were grating on the ears and stirred even the greatest of hearts to tremble with fear. Spoke billowed from the nostrils as the half dead dragon lurched forward, its weight causing the castle to shudder with each step. "By the ancestors..." Spyro whispered breathlessly. "DRAGON!!!" A pegasus guard screamed out. The great beast roared as fire spewed from its open fanged jaws, shouts from the ponies called out as they took cover. The floor was scorched beneath the blast while the ruined columns fared no better. Spitting out some language, the half dead dragon gestured with two taloned fingers. The earth erupted by the entrance, knocking back the rushing soldiers who came to their princesses aide. They were met by a rocky barrier which sent them hurling back the way they came, sealing the doorways with a thick layer of rock. Spyro quickly raced towards both princesses as they watched this dead thing trap them inside the throne room. He didn't travel very far, for he felt that harsh glare upon his back and that voice. "Sssspyyyyrooooooo. . . ." It rumbled, the tone mixed of malice, anger and glee all rolled into one. "Malefor." The dragon hissed back turning to confront the bigger dragon. It lunged for him. Spyro rolled quickly to the side and regretted that maneuver. His wings screamed at him and he dreaded that the bones could very well be fractured, making flight useless. The dragon lunged for him again and would have snapped him up in his jaws, had Luna not snatched him with her aura. Malefor roared in fury as his prey was taken away, his gaze falling upon the dark alicorn standing on the dais with Spyro being placed behind her to join her sister. "Begone foul wretch! Thou has no place among our kingdom!" Luna barked at the corpse. "W.. what is she doing?! Your sister is crazy, she has no idea what Malefor was capable of... is capable of." Spyro hissed as he winced, being held down by Celestia. Before she could ask her sibling the same, the great dragon made his move. Drawing two talons up, it uttered the harsh language once more. Pointing one talon at the defiant alicorn, a bolt of lightning shot from its tip towards Luna. The alicorn responded by gathering up her magic, creating a shield to deflect the blow. It careened off her dome, the arch shattering one of the few columns that survived the abuse of the elements being let loose upon the room. Malefor laughed an evil cackle, the empty guffaw echoed throughout Canterlot. He spoke nothing instead drawing up two talons. The same spell was uttered and a stronger bolt of lightning was unleashed towards the princess of the night. This blast shook her to her knees as her dome wavered under the second assault, a stain glass window taking the brunt of the force. "Luna stop! He'll kill you!" Celestia cried out. "Be still sister! Thou are weakened and in no condition to battle!" Came her reply. Malefor spread his remaining talons as five arches of lightning gathered into one blast. Luna felt her heart stop as the attack shattered her dome, the strong electrical pulse bore down upon her. Time started to slow as the blinding light from the lightning forced her to shut her eyes. The alicorn felt some pony knock her to the ground, the burning heat of the bolt missing her by inches. A scream, a great cry of agonizing pain, the smell of flesh being charred and then the feel of a body collapsing atop her. Luna could barely make out any more details as her world went dark. Celestia was stunned. Spyro had saved her sister by knocking her hard to the floor just as her barrier broke. The poor dragon took the brunt of that attack, the sight of him arching up in pain as lightning coursed through his body, far greater then anything he was capable of producing. His cry of pain still rang in her ears even as she struggled to reach them both. The alicorn reached out to grab him with her magic when a great paw wrapped itself around her, squeezing the breath from her lungs. She struggled and yelped as Malefor lifted her up no more as if she were but a rag pony doll. In his other great taloned fist was the form of Spyro. Eyes blazoned with anger she turned them upon the dragon whose own red orbs stared back. "You have a strong spirit, alicorn of the sun. Which is why I will not crush you were you stand. You will live. So that you may see your kingdom destroyed by my own might." Malefor released Celestia. She felt the bite of cold as ice trapping her body until she was encased in a frozen tomb. Eyes watched behind the frozen wall as the dark dragon lumbered to the spot where he first appeared. Her blood burned at the sight of the destruction Malefor had caused upon her room, her castle, her soldiers, her kingdom, her sister. Calling on the power of the sun, her horn burned a great light as the ice began to melt. Even as it started to crack and fracture, the dragon called upon that dark vortex once again, concealing him along with Spyro in its swirling clouds of dark power. The princess of the sun screamed in anger as her prison was broken, releasing her from the chilled confines. Horn burning brightly she landed and whirled her head, shooting a powerful beam at the center. The clouds dissipated leaving nothing but a crater of where Malefor once stood. Celestia was too late. The great dragon was gone with Spyro as his captive. > Aftermath > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The castle was a mess. The storm that mysteriously started had faded once the dark entity known as Malefor had departed leaving the survivors, soldiers and other residents of Canterlot to pick up the pieces. The throne room itself was a disaster and thus off limits until repairs could be made to the marble columns, the tiled floors and the throne re-made. Already workers and crafters were painstakingly rebuilding the shattered windows caused by the dark dragon's power being unleashed in such confined quarters. Down the halls, more workers and maintenance crews darted out of their princess's path. Celestia, her wounds bound and recovering made her way towards the medical wing where Luna and Twilight were resting. The doors were cast opened by her aura, some nurses and doctors ducked for cover. There was a hidden anger stirring in their majesty's breast. Her face may remain neutral, the unicorns could feel the magical tension gathering within. Celestia was pissed and it showed physically the way her hooves came striking down on the floor as she all but stomped her way through. In one room, Luna lay propped against the best pillows brought from her chambers. Her muzzle was deep in a newspaper, the headlines reading Cult attack on Canterlot! Insane followers attempt on our princess's lives! Pg3 full story. An ear flicked against the bandage around her head, her eyes peeking as her sister entered the room. "Morning to you sister. What news of our... situation?" Celestia shook her head as she strode to the window, her eyes casting out towards the lands below them. "Not good. I've dispatched every able bodied pegasus and unicorn I could spare. I've sent word to both the nations of Gryf and Draconis, informing the rulers of what occurred. I've also interrogated the cultists our soldiers had managed to detain as well." "And?" "Nothing. Some are babbling mad rantings, others have no clue how they got here. What ever Malefor did to them, he's done them well. All his tracks covered. I can't even detect that foul magic he used to blast his way into the castle last night." Folding the newspaper, Luna patted the side of her bed. The alicorn moved to stand by her, both siblings silently looking at each other,"And Discord?" "Restrained. The moment Malefor took off with Spyro, every thing came back to him like a freight train. He's not speaking to any pony. He's just a furious as I am." A soft chuckle drew her eyes to her sister,"Well maybe not all is lost Celly. Perhaps with some encouragement, Discord may be able to tell us about Malefor's whereabouts. After all he was his little puppet for awhile. We all know how Discord always holds a grudge." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Twilight's eyes fluttered open. Her body started to stir which halted as quickly as it started. She ached all over. Her head was pounding something fierce as the unicorn felt nauseated when she tried to sit up. Reaching up with a hoof, she felt her head swathed in bandages, her horn just a nub peeking from beneath the wrappings. A prickling pain on the side informed her of where her head had struck the door when the explosion occurred, the mare moaning softly in discomfort. Her eyes caught movement out of the corner, her head slowly shifting. She found Applejack asleep at her side. Fluttershy was tucked against the wall, nestled up close to Rainbow Dash as they too slept. Rarity was asleep in a chair pulled close and Spike was curled up at the foot of her bed. The only pony missing was Pinkie Pie. No doubt that mare was fetching breakfast even as the unicorn was the only one awake. "Mornin sugarcube." Violet eyes fixated on soft green as the farm pony yawned, ruffling her messy mane before adjusting her Stetson. Twilight smiled as they embraced, Applejack being gentle with her friend's condition. "When did every pony arrive?" She asked. "Last night. Back in Ponyville, Pinkie Pie was mentionin there was a bad doozy happenin up in the castle. Minute she says that, this explosion was heard. Every pony comes rushin out their doors an seein smoke risin from the castle. The six of us, Spike included knew somethin bad was goin on. So we high tailed it on up here. Learned bout them crazy cults from some of the soldiers still round. Heard bout Discord attackin you and the princesses. Then something bout this Malefor character wreckin the place and takin Spyro." "We heard that borish brute hurt you as well." Both ponies looked across to find Rarity awake, a brush combing her mane,"Twilight darling, you look dreadful your head all wrapped up in those bandages." Lightly brushing said bandages, she winced with a slight nod,"Explosion sent me crashing against the doors. Knocked me out cold. Didn't come too until now." "Heeeey every pony!!!! Breakfast is served!" Pinkie Pie came hopping in, a tray of baked goods balanced on her puffy mane. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash awoke to her call rubbing the sleep from their eyes. Spike stirred from his spot, glanced around and saw Twilight up. "Oh Twilight!" The unicorn braced herself as the small dragon collided with her, ignoring the complaints of her sore body as he hugged tightly. She heard his muffled sniffles, a few tears gathering in her own eyes while brushing his scales,"I missed you too, Spike." she said soothingly. Fluttershy broke away from Rainbow Dash to join the others, in case Twilight needed some extra help in easing the distraught dragon. "After we got here, they said you were in the infirmary. I thought the worst had happen. We came as quickly as we could. We found your room and... ooh Twilight, you looked horrible. I thought you would never wake up!" Twilght wiped her eyes with a sad smile, hugging her little brother tightly,"I'm tough Spike. No door is going to keep this librarian down, no matter how big it may be." "Still, this Malefor guy is bad news! I mean he did what?! Shot lightning from his talons like it was nothing? I say we find this guy and show him a thing or two about messing with us!" Rainbow Dash hovered above them, her usual go-and-get-em attitude was there, while she ghost punched the air with her fore hooves. "Yeah that ugly mean weanie needs a good spanking for all the trouble he's caused. And taking Spyro? That is a major bad no-no. Muffin anyone?" Pinkie Pie asked. "Its easier said then done, my little ponies." Came a gentle regal voice. The mane six, plus Spike turned to see Celestia standing in the doorway. They all bowed in respect, save for Twilight who could only nod slightly. The alicorn nodded back as she entered. Applejack and Fluttershy made room as she approached her student's bed, gently nuzzling the mare. "How are you feeling, Twilight?" "Oh just got plowed through the throne doors last night. I can see its going to take a little more practice to be able to survive crashing into everything. I'm sure I can learn a few pointers from Rainbow Dash though." "H..hey!" The cyan pegasus scoffed as her friends laughed lightly at the tease. The laughter died down as hungry pony bellies resulted in the breakfast pastries offered by their friend. As each ate in silence, Twlight looked to Celestia for answers. The alicorn could only shake her head,"No luck my student. I've dispatched the best, interrogated the captured and there is nothing to show. Our only hope rests in Discord now." "What?!" The other five cried in unison. "Ya'll tellin me that trouble makin varmint is back?! Thought we cooked his goose fer good when we busted him last time. Dang, that guy jes won't quit." Rainbow Dash psshed,"That's okay. Guess he likes getting his tail whooped by our awesomeness and came back for more." "Unfortunately, Rainbow Dash. As much as you wish to sweep him under the rug as it were, Discord may hold vital information on where Malefor is and Spyro." "Forgive me, your majesty, but do you honestly think that horrid draconequus will talk? He likes to gloat and mock us, even when kicked to the curb. Frankly I'm surprised we're not being smothered in cotton candy clouds or drowning in chocolate rain." The fashionista unicorn mentioned with the wave of her brush. "His inability to cause chaos Rarity may be due to Malefor's negative influence on him. I am departing to speak with our prisoner right now. Your welcome to come all of you." Twilight laid back down, a gentle shake of her head,"I can't move without the room spinning, Princess.You girls go ahead without me. I'll think I'll stay here with Spike, if he does not mind." The five nodded and gave their small farewells. Rarity was the last to go, making sure that if her fellow unicorn friend ever needed anything, she would be right there for her. Celestia gave her one last gentle nuzzle before they exited the room, leaving Spike in her company. "Twilight?" The dragon spoke as he wiped his eyes. "Yeah Spike?" The unicorn asked, knowing well what his question was going to be. "Will we get Spyro back from this Malefor before he does... anything bad to him?" A gentle exhale sounded while her head turned towards the window,"I hope so, Spike. I really do." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - It was unthinkable. The sheer magnitude of the predicament he found himself in. It was a mockery of an insult by a weak attempt at a prank all rolled into one. Captive and held prisoner by Celestia in some part of her castle. Discord's teeth grinded together as he sat there in the hospital bed, his mind fuming with a mixture of anger and hatred aimed at the damned alicorn sisters AND the wretched heathen who left him here. Malefor. Even thinking of that name was enough to spit the poison from his tongue at his enemies eyes if he could. The draconequus looked down at his arm cast in a sling. The sight of his casted arm the bone broken and fractured, all bound up while unable to call upon his vast power to heal it like no more then a bruise. To feel helpless like this. It was... disgusting. Yellow red eyes glanced around the room. Royal elite guards were posted at the door, two pegasi were by the window. And two more remained on the other side. Prisoner and watched like a common thief. How insulting! His murderous thoughts were quickly dampened as the guards stirred by the approaching hoof steps outside. The door opened and in stepped the sun princess. The spirit of chaos merely leaned back, idly playing with the tuft of hair on his chin,"Ahh, dear Celestia. Come to pay your respects to the indisposed? I suppose with what has occurred your trying everything to salvage your reputation. And who could blame you? The great Sun Princess beaten by an undead dragon who used parlor tricks to sweep you aside like yesterday's trash." Celestia ignored Discord's goading. He was no more a threat then hot soup at the moment. She watched as his eyes fell upon the mane five as the ponies entered next, that smirk of his growing,"Ahh if it isn't the great Bearers of Harmony. What's this? Only five of you? Dear Twilight have her head stuck so deep in a book, they're attempting surgery to pull her out?" Rainbow Dash was revved up and ready to go. The only reason she was not pummeling Discord was due to her tail being in Applejack's mouth as the earth pony brought her down to their level. Discord merely chuckled under his breath while they just stared coldly at him. Celestia broke the long silence,"For all your bravado, Discord your not in any position to mock us. I wonder how much it must burn you to be cooped up here. The great Discord, Lord of Chaos reduced to a mere patient with a file number soon to be a prison number once your deemed fit for travel." "Celestia you hurt me with such words. I guess I should be thanking you for the hospitality you've given me so far. Your not here on social calling nor bearing gifts for moi. So what could be troubling the great alicorn to want to stoop to such low levels to come crawling to me, I wonder?" The five watched as the alicorn approached his bed, her head leaning close until he could see her eyes softly glowing with her power,"Information... on Malefor. Where he is hiding with Spyro and what his next move is. Surely one as crafty as you Discord must have been able to pick that corroding brain of his during your time of... service." The draconequus yawned in a bored fashion stretching out his eagle arm to admire the filed talons,"That depends, Celly..." A slight arched brow formed,"On...?" "On how well you fluff my pillows." Discord responded with an amusing chuckle. "Whyyoulittle!" Rainbow Dash blurted out and zipped forward, ready to plaster that nasty smirk of his to the wall. Her attempts were thwarted by Applejack intervening once more, with the aide of Rarity and Pinkie Pie to keep the farm pony from skidding across the floor. Discord merely laughed while wiggling in his bed in delight, just enjoying this little offset of in balance between them. It went to show that even were he to be in a full body cast, the draconequus would still get his kicks for chaos by irking any pony the wrong way. "Enough of the games, Discord. The longer we wait the more time Malefor has to gather his strength and lay waste to Equestria, nay the entire world. Are you really just going to lay here idly taunting us while some foreign outsider takes control of the nations? What if he finds you here all alone and decides to turn you into his marionette again? I can't imagine a greater humiliation then being strung up on string all decked out in some jester's outfit, cracking outdated jokes only to have your tail set aflame from your master's irritation?" Discord's smile melted into a scowl as he noted the hint of satisfaction in his nemesis's eye. Damn her for taking such cheap shots at him like this. She did have a point. A wretched outsider taking control of Equestria? Never! It was his rule, his domain and he sure hell was not going to just sit around and let some miserable half dead pile of scale and bones take over what was rightfully his. Draping his good arm over his eyes with a sigh of defeat, he pouted for a while just to lure them on baited string. "Very well, princess you do press a great concern. I shall confess everything I know about his whereabouts." The mane five and alicorn leaned a little closer awaiting him to spill everything he knew about where the dragon hid. "Where Malefor resides is... I have no idea." "WHAT?!" Rainbow Dash all but shouted. Again she lunged at the draconequus with Fluttershy joining the mix while the mare flailed her fore legs about wanting to pop him on the snout. Celestia huffed and pulled him up by the collar of his coat,"I said no games, Discord!" The alicorn voice was hard and steadily becoming heated. Discord merely coughed and held up his palm as a gesture of defeat,"Look I would like to help you but being under his spell made me about as inquisitive as a dead tree stuck out in the farthest coldest north regions. I know not where he hides, or what he has planned next for your poor helpless mass of ponies. You said it yourself, I was but a mere puppet dancing to his every command. The only info I can gather was his loathsome hatred for this Spyro whom he wanted to capture so badly. What he has planned for this foe of his, I can say it will be most unpleasant. You thought Malefor was a menace at the castle before? Just wait until he fully recovers." Celestia released him,"Recovers?" "What ever Spyro possesses, Malefor seeks to obtain it from him. How, I do not know. But what I do know is Spyro was not the only dragon Malefor hated. Seems there was another that caused him displeasure. I vaaaaguely recall him mentioning this traitor as he referred to her this... Cynder." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - In the hidden chambers below her place of study, Celestia was casting a spell. A spell that was meant to send Spyro back to his world, to return him to his kind and leave them in peace. Now much to her dismay, it was to be used to bring yet another dragon from Avalar into Equestria. The alicorn remembered from the dragon's stories he told to the other ponies, that he did not take on Malefor alone. The dragoness that was among the elders, Cynder had a hoof in his defeat as well. With the way things were heading in Equestria right now, Celestia knew they would need her help as well. Not just for hopefully finding Spyro but putting an end to Malefor's threat upon her kingdom and the kingdoms of Gryf and Draconis. The discussions with the dragon elders had not been good. They were shocked to learn that not only was Malefor alive somehow, but that he had captured Spyro. Volteer had been stunned while Cyril was working frantically in his mind to figure out some plan of rescue. Terrador wanted to come through to simply start trashing the place until they found Spyro. In the end, Cyril and Volteer agreed that Cynder should be sent through. The magics involved were difficult as it were to maintain stability between worlds. Plus given the size difference, there was no way three full grown dragons could squeeze through such a small mirror portal. Using the power of the sun to aide as a back up since her sister was still in the hospital wing, Celestia concentrated on opening the gateway. The magic hummed while the air crackled with tension. Her horn shone brightly as the tip was a searing point of light aimed at the sphere set on the pedastool before her. With one final murmuring chant, the alicorn grunted and opened the way. A swirling vortex of blue appeared in the sphere while a great wind kicked up everything in the room as it shook beneath the spells strength. All Celestia could do was wait and hope this worked. Seconds ticked by as the spell started to waver, its effect only brief enough to send one body through and even they did not have the time to idle. Just as the gate started to close a small dragon leaped out, nearly bowling Celestia over as the portal closed with a loud pop! Backing up to give the new guest some space, the alicorn cast down at the dragoness. Cynder was very different in appearance then Spyro. Her scales were such a dark purple it was almost as if she was dipped in black onyx instead. Her chest plates and wing span coloration reminded Celestia of Twilight's own mane color only brighter. Cuffs bound her forelegs as did the neck and even the tail which ended in a wicked looking curved blade. Her horns were more of an light ashen gray. The alicorn noted what looked to be markings upon her forehead and shoulders as she admired the sleek form she held. What moved her was the aquamarine eyes, that which the shy Fluttershy had. The dragoness noticed she was being gawked at, which she ended by clearing her throat. Celestia looked away with a meek smile,"Umm forgive me, Miss Cynder on staring too long. We don't see dragons such as Spyro and you out here, thus your appearances are... rare." She gave a light nod as the alicorn gestured with one wing to show her the way out of the hidden room. Letting this creature lead gave Cynder enough time herself to look the being over. What they told about themselves was not as far fetched as what she learned from the elders. They were quadrapeds like herself and the others, but they were taller, more lithe. The wings span on this one was impressive easily three times her own. Cynder's eyes traveled to the great horn peeking from the creature's head. To harness such strange magics and focus it from just one horn? She wondered if they suffered headaches from concentrating too hard. They went through a archway which revealed a strange room. Cynder turned to watch the door close up by a odd looking wall, the creature making sure it was locked. The way she carried herself. It was that of great importance and responsibility towards what ever duties were placed on her shoulders. Yet there was a kind gentle feeling she gave off as well, though Cynder also felt her hostess was not one to be trifled with. Goddesses Cyril said they were. Cynder was not sure what goddesses were like. Only from hearing from Cyril that they were powerful yet benevolent in their lands and to the inhabitants, much like the dragons were in Avalar who ruled with honest and just cause without coming off as overbearing or tyrannical. "Forgive me, Cynder I wish your welcoming to Equestria was on a more positive note. Given the events that have unfolded however, we face a crisis." Celestia spoke with a hint of guilt in her voice. "Malefor. I'd hope with his defeat Spyro and I could be left in peace once and for all. I see that it was not to be for not only does he live, his foul presence stains this world." The dragoness replied. "If I had not allowed Discord to weaken me while he was under his control, I could have been at my sister side to drive him back." "Listen, Celestia is it? Look don't blame yourself that an old enemy of yours got duped into working from Malefor. Coming from a dragon who was also manipulated by his dark influence, you can say we were blinded and controlled by his ambition. It only made my resolve to end him that more absolute. With Spyro helping of course." Alicorn paused as she showed Cynder the door to the hallway. The dragoness looked up to gaze into her eyes,"Cynder. If... Malefor pushes Spyro too far and his dark self emerges, can you stop it?" The dragoness looked down at the tile floor, gazing upon her reflection for a moment. Then she looked up and nodded,"I can and will to keep him from potentially causing harm to any innocents, Celestia. You have my word." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Celestia returned to the temporary hospital wing of her castle with her new guest in tow. Many of the ponies there stood gawking at this small dragon following their ruler, unable to wonder how she had managed to get past the increased security. Even the royal elites felt as if they had failed seeing this new one roaming and left to scramble for any orders they may have missed, lest their commanding officers chew them out. The alicorn ignored all of this save for a pleasant smile, while Cynder herself took in this "cave" they lived in. It almost resembled their temple seeing various statues and pictures depicting this alicorn with another smaller creature at her side or solo. Perhaps this Celestia was like an elder to these ponies who sought her advice or guidance during hard times. She certainly looked it and how these four legged creatures bowed when she passed by. The dragoness's curiousity was put on hold as they entered into the wing, where the mane five were catching up with Twilight and the events of last night. Celestia cleared her throat to gather their attention then beckoned Cynder with a gesture of her feathered wing. Twilight and the others jaws dropped as this new dragon appeared before them. Even Spike was fixated on her, amazed that Spyro had not mentioned this one more often during his time with him at the library. "Girls. This is Cynder, friend to Spyro and resident of the temple in Avalar as well. She has come to help us find Malefor and bring back our dragon friend." "Wow" Spike whispered as the five surrounded the dragoness. She felt a little nervous as these ponies seemed amazed with her, but remembered what Celestia had said about the dragons who lived here. Short tempered and nasty, they avoided ponies and vice versa. Still it took some time to get used to the sudden attention she was receiving. There was the unicorn in the make shift nest with her head swathed in bandages. The tan pony wearing the hat and had a funny accent. There was the two ponies with wings (pegasus she later learned they were called.) one of whom reminded her of Cyril only due to her coats color and how the hair was a reflection of the ice dragons scales when the sun's rays reflected off the surface. The other appeared rather shy, opting to hide behind the cyan one, casually glancing with her eye from behind the mane. There was the snow white unicorn her nature suggesting she was keen on her appearance as it showed by how well styled her mane and tail was. Then there was the bouncy pink pony. She spoke a thousand words a minute when she was not hopping all over the place. Cynder vaguely recalled that one mentioning something about a party, what ever those were. Then at last was the dragon who sat at the edge of the nest. His name, she learned from Twilight was Spike. Given his scent, she could tell Spyro was around him as she approached the young hatchling. Spike was rather nervous and Twilight felt protective. There was an aura around Cynder much like Spyro, but hers felt different. Almost dark like that of potential threats. The mare was starting to wonder if it was wise to bring her here. Could she be trusted? "So Spyro has been around you plenty of times little one." The dragoness spoke. Spike nodded slowly,"Y..yeah. He's a great dragon. I was raised by Twilight here so she is like my sister. As such, I've never been around dragons. Well except this one time, but that's a long story." Cynder hmmed as she peered closer,"You don't have wings and you walk on your hind legs. Never seen a hatchling like you before." "Oh, well they say I won't grow wings for another fifty years or so. And well, even then it will take some time to grow out." "Do you breath fire?" Spike grinned,"Yeah! Course its not great or anything, not like Spyro. But its helpful to Twilight when she has to send letters to the princess." "Hmm a magical fire that burns and doubles as a messenger. Delayed growth of wings. You dragons are different from us." Cynder murmured to herself, earning a light hue of red to appear on Spike's cheeks. Her eyes drifted to Twilight and noted the hesitation she seemed to hold for her and how close she was keeping tabs on Spike. The dragoness knew what the unicorn was feeling. Some denizens of Avalar felt it from her as well. Even though years had past since Spyro had freed her from Malefor's grasp, his taint upon her would always be a reminder of how evil his intentions were. "I know what your feeling and trust me, its not easy to admit that I do not pose a threat to you, Spike, your friends or anyone else here. I've atoned much for my sins in the past, being under Malefor's control." "You worked for Malefor?!" Cynder's vision was suddenly obscured by a pair of rose colored eyes glaring at her while her snout was pressed uncomfortably against her own,"Are you a spy?" The pegasus growled. "Rainbow Dash!" The tan pony, Applejack yanked the cyan pegasus away, giving Cynder some breathing room,"Case ya forgotten, remember what Twilight said bout Spyro's story? She was taken as an egg an was corrupted. Spyro rescued her an she helped him fight Malefor down. If'n that don't prove who side shes on then yer head needs some clearin." "So Spyro says. If Malefor made Discord dance like a puppet, whats to keep him from coming after her and making her do his dirty work again? Or turn her against us if we face that punk?" Cynder stepped away from the group. She strode to the window that overlooked their lands and gazed out,"I don't expect any of you to warm up to me right away. I always felt I would put anyone in danger. It's why I left the temple the first time, despite Spyro's pleadings to have me stay. I couldn't trust myself and she has a point. What if Malefor turned me against my friends? I would not be able to live with that guilt. But Spyro, he believed in me and never gave up on me, even when I felt so low." Casting a glance towards their ruler, the dragoness exhaled,"I owe so much to him. The thought of a world without Spyro is unthinkable. A world with Malefor is unfathomable. As I promised your matriarch, I will do everything in my power to help rescue Spyro and with his help, end Malefor once again." "Beg pardon Cynder but we got no leads. Discord said somethin along the lines of not knowing where that evil fella is hidin out." Applejack motioned. "True. But there is a strong bond I share with Spyro. No matter how far away he may be, I can find him." "Then its a start." Celestia spoke,"With your help Cynder we can locate your friend and end this monster's tyranny once and for all." A sound of armor clanking drew every pony's (and dragons) attention. A messenger soldier skidded to a halt, having to back track when he passed the room Celestia was in. The alicorn approached as he bowed, breathing hard from being almost out of breath,"Your majesty! I bring news!" "Go on." "Draconis has declared a state of emergency! A coup has started within its borders and has spilled into Gryf and Equestria!" "What?!" Every pony cried out in shock. "The Dragon Queen is under siege in her own kingdom and is being threaten to be overthrown! There is word of betrayal from within her ranks! Already soldiers hound the griffions, forcing the king to send reinforcements! And our eastern borders are under heavy assault!" All eyes turned on Cynder as her eyes narrowed towards the horizon,"Malefor." She said. It has begun again. The dark master, Malefor declaring war against all nations, never to rest until all bowed before him. Or the world torn asunder by his dark power. > Beseiged > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sapphire pulled her cowl tighter over her head. The winds from the storm were harsh, loud and almost unbearable as they tore at the darkened sky. She sat in her carriage as it was being drawn by six of Malefor's cultists, all of them mindless drones bent on following his every command. Next to the ambassador bound in chain and subdued though not necessary, was the unconscious form of the dragon Spyro. The dragoness was puzzled. Malefor had a deep hatred and loathing for this dragon. Yet when he captured him and brought him to her, he was adamant that Spyro be kept alive by any means. The injuries he had sustained in the fight would have killed him, were it not for the small healing skill Sapphire had learned during her studies. Why go through all the trouble? When enemies hated one other, would not their deaths benefit the victor? The lich clearly was not finished with the dragon, not yet. A deep grumbling sound drew her attention to the left. There she could see him as they trampled their way towards the kingdom of Draconis. The every growing seas of cultists flowed and ebbed around Malefor like the oceans' waves, their chant suttle and endless as they carried both her and their captive towards her resident gates. "Your queen knows of my coming. What plans will she make for my... arrival?" Malefor hissed. "The Queen will gather the dragons from the near valleys, hills and burrows, reinforce her guard then attempt to halt your advance by any means. Your reputation, brief as it may be, has left a great impression on the dragon nation." An amused chuckle rumbled in his eroding throat,"Ever the noble royalty is defending that which is precious to them from any and all threat. How dismal." He turned to gaze at the dragoness in her confinement, a slight puzzled expression on his scaled face. He never asked Sapphire her reasons for helping him aide in the capture of Spyro. Yet she seemed eager to give her alliegence to him without hesitation. The ambassador must have her own agenda against her kingdom for reasons currently unknown to want to quickly throw her lot in with Malefor. It did not matter. To have such a high piece within his grasp with knowledge of Draconis's castle. It was worth as every bit as Spyro being his captive. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The castle was besieged in the early afternoon, if it was afternoon. Every dragon within flying distance had heeded their Queen's call. They covered the castle walls, dotted the corners and lay waiting for the approaching threat that came at the edge of the storm gathering over head. The storm itself was unnatural they said. As dark as night without the stars nor moon, just the rumble of thunder and the flicker of lightning. Dark magic some murmured. The small dragons were equipped much like their equestrian counter parts: Armor upon the main body with helm and spear at the ready. Wings were left uncovered for the sake of flying. The slower moving were given sword and shield as the main defense while lighter bodies made archers. The more feral brethren stood by the main gate to act as a battering ram if necessary should the forces break through the defenses, though in many minds it was deemed unthinkable. The cultists were the first to arrive. A writhing sea of dragon, griffon and pony alike, pegasus, unicorn and earth. It mattered not their breed, for their eyes spoke the same: the fanatical lunacy of praising their new god. They crashed against the stone gate, pounding chanting raving, while the casters began prepping arcane offense. The archers let their arrows fly, hearing the whistling sound as the streaking missiles found un protected bodies to strike. An occasional shriek, gasp or sharp cry would arise,yet these were muffled as the mad chant of Malefor continued to echo against the mountain base. For a few minutes this mad wave of bodies and voices pressed and pushed against immovable stone. Then like water receding on the beach, they fell back. Those archers and guards grinned fiercely thinking, such a feeble attempt to break through, their small victory clouded their senses from the dangers taking shape below. The ground trembled. Tremors began to take hold as the earth began to rebel against every living creature that stepped upon its surface. Great cracks opened up fissures, dark emptiness gazed up at astonished eyes that looked below. Then as quickly as the earthquake had started, it abated. Silence whispered across the air, hushed murmurs of confusion added a thin layer before a shout went out. A hand entirely made of shone gripped the cliff. A strange creature rose from the opening in the ground. It stood on two legs the height close to ten feet. Its shape looked bipedal like a dragon walking on its hind legs, minus the tail. The head was square with two green glowing "eyes". The rest was blank, no nose, mouth or ears to indicate it could speak, hear or even breath. A massive stone chest held imposing rocken arms that ended in those hands now clenched into fists. A fledgling mage Kel, who had been watching this taking place from his perch, was shocked at what he was seeing: a golem, a stone monster created entirely from the earth itself, very formidable in defense and its offense was nothing to sneeze at. A low moan came from the beast as three more began to emerge. A dragon who was small in stature, Kel lacked the powerful physical prowl and strength of his larger, more aggressive kin. Yet what he lacked in strength, the young dragon made up for in intelligence and wit. To his family's surprise (and a suggestion by his Queen), Kel took on the magical arts. A difficult path for dragons who relied on their breath for such attacks, the court was astounded when the young dragon took up the arts and showed excellent promise. He was to depart to Canterlot as an exchange student in the academy, so that his studies would delve further. That prospect was hampered as he watched these stone sentries take shape out of the fissure, brought forth by the dark lich. "By the wings of our queen..." A dragon archer whispered. "Bring out the ferals!" a guard shouted. The feral dragons were the ones with the infamous nature of wreaking havoc on small towns, who made their lairs in the mountains or deep caves in the forests. The trouble makers and even to some, the worst of the dragon clans. Yet while their vicious tempers made them feared, it was their profound strength and determination that made them the heavy hitters in any army. That and their loyalty to the Queen. While they may think little of their smaller brethren, they could not disobey an order or command given from their Mother. Deep roars echoed within the walls and near the peak of the mountain before the sound of great wings filled the air. Kel watched as green, reds and yellows descended on the growing army of the golems, sharp teeth and claws leaving long jagged rends in stone flesh. The stone monster showed little reaction or response as the great beasts tore at them tearing the limbs off the stone bodies while some of the heavier ferals grounded the lighter golems into rubble and dust. When the dust settled, the rubble of the once earthen beasts lay around the great beasts followed by cheers and roars from the castle turrents. The earth began to rumble once more, silencing the once cheering soldiers on high. Broken stone and rock started to move on its own, the fissure where they came from seemed to call out. Rolling about, the remaining scattered pieces skipped about the ground as the chunks and debris retreated back to the opening gap that was between the ferals and the cultists. The tremors softened, then eased as all fell silent once more. The cultists never so much as moved a wing or muscle. They stared with blank expressions in their eyes, their posture almost like that of a statue. Some were beginning to think that for all the rumors and tales surrounding this threat, perhaps it was greatly exaggerated to spread unnecessary fear among the citizens. The ferals re-grouped at the gate, their eyes alert with caution as they awaited the next wave foolish enough to be sent forth to challenge the dragons own defense made of claw and tooth. The tremor ceased after a minute or two, the remanents of the golems earlier had returned to the fissure. Silence fell upon the ground between dragon and cultist, neither side making a move. A loud hiss drew eyes to the fissure once more as hot gas escaped from deep within. The ground shook with greater force, so great that even the ferals wings snapped on instinct ready to take flight should more cracks open up beneath scaled feet. Lava erupted suddenly, arching high in the sky. Cultists fled from their positions as the unbearable heat made even the most fanatical re-consider safety over loyalty. The dragons remained, unflinching as molten rock bombs hammered the walls, lava landing on tough scale only to slide off with little harm. The pool forming began to take shape as cooling magma worked with upheaved stone, giving the castle residents a new foe. This thing was made from earth both cooled and heated. Lava made for a ever shifting head and torso while long arms, dripping excess clawed the ground with rocken nails, leaving gouges in the land. Fiery yellow eyes glared at the dragons, while the lower half hissed and flowed like a molten sea of fire. "Magmus! Tear down this doors! I wish to give their Queen a proper greeting!" Malefor called out. The monster groaned and heaved forward, lurching toward the black gates. Ferals roared in defiance and took to the skies, dragon mages began chanting spells that would cool the lava and slow the elemental's attempts to enter. Fire was hurled from the sky taken dragons while a few spat more spherical shapen balls, which left small bursts of impact upon the monster. Voices chanting from the mages up high called down ice and water which upon striking the heated skin of the magma beast, incurred loud hissing and even louder snarls of discomfort. Magmus swatted at the ferals on high, their swift beating wings made for fast maneuvers making it hard to land a hit. Coupled with the bothersome mages slowing its progress, Magmus retalitated with a molten arsenal of lava, using its own body as ammunition. Those behind the ramparts took shelter as whistling lava projectile struck walls and the overhead earthen roofing above. Malefor watched as his magma creation was being continually harrassed. Clicking his rotting tongue against the roof of his skull, the lich dragon merely watched as the fiery creation took a beating from its attackers. Sapphire also had taken note that despite the dark lich's creation, it really was gaining no ground on tearing open the gates. "Umm... lord?" she asked hesitantly. A red orb in the eye socket focused on her with intent. "Yesss?" he hissed. "Begging pardon, but as great as your molten elemental is, its not making much progress on opening the gates." "I am aware of this," Malefor replied,"I am merely gauging just how great their magical offensives are combined with their physical defense. A mere whelp's play after seeing with my own eyes." "Sapphire." He hissed. "Yes Lord?" "Bring me Spyro." She entered her carriage, key in scaled hand and unlocked the unconscious dragon's shackles. He groaned as Sapphire lifted him from the seat and took wing, carrying him to Malefor as he stood by, the snarls of Magmus becoming duller as it grew weaker from the continued onslaught. "What are you planning to do?" Sapphire asked. "Watch. Watch and understand a power that the Queen shall fear." He rumbled. Gazing down at his captured prey, Malefor marveled at how helpess Spyro was. Battered, bruised and still unconscious, he would provide the catalyst that would drive his power even further and make him feared across these foreign lands. Dark power enveloped the dragon's body as he lay sprawled on Malefor's skeletal palm. Rising, the limp form dangled until he was at chest height to the lich, his other palm coming to enclose his enemy with the aura. "Now my purple companion. Let us show these inhabitants what it means to truly wield power." Runes began to carve themselves in the purple scales. Spyro jerked, his limbs, wings and tail twitched as dark power seared itself upon his scales. Grasping the orb which floated the small dragon, Malefor murmured in a strange tongue, the runes growing a blood red. Spyro's eyes snapped opened, his jaw followed as croaked breaths wracked his body. A blue aura snaked from his body, slithering its way towards Malefor. The lich eyes closed as he drew in a breath, his rotting form taking in the essence of his foe as he continued to thrash feebly against the spell's effects. Sapphire was in awe. As Spyro eyes gazed helplessly towards the sky, his essence was giving life to Malefor. Muscle, skin and scale covered exposed bone, tattered wing membranes became whole once more. The rotting stench fades as the musk scent of a male dragon replaced the stale air surrounding Malefor. The dragoness understood what was happening. Malefor was stealing Spyro's life essence to fully complete his tattered appearance. When the spell finished, the dragoness was looking upon Malefor before his untimely demise. Metallic purple scales gave off a sheen, great wings once torn seem to fill the skies as the appendages unfurled. Muscles tensed as they carried great weight while a long tail swayed in contentment. Malefor's eyes opened, the red orbs replaced by yellow pupils as slitted irises gazed at the gates in question. He released Spyro, the body falling until two cultists snatched it before it struck the ground. "He still lives my lord... just barely." One hissed. "Impressive. Though I expect none the less from my successor." Rumbled Malefor's reply. Waving them away the dark dragon strode forward, his followers quickly shifting to the sides as their great lord, now complete took to the front lines. Magmus was nothing but cooled rock and brittle blackened lava, the last of its power fading from a few embers still smoldering in the heap of its body. The ferals landed in time to see a new being take to the field, a foreign dragon who seemed to appear out of thin air. They roared their challenge, gouts of fire spewed from their open muzzles as their talons raked the ground, challenging this dragon who was foolish enough to threaten their Queen. Malefor regarded their threats as mere inconveniences. The ferals crouched ready to spring forward as their new foe unfurled his great wings. Jaw parted with teeth bared, they launched upon Malefor as the great dragon coiled his head and neck back, not moving to avoid their oncoming assault. Snapping like a spring with his maw gaping, a blinding flash of lightning erupted from his muzzle. Zig zagging off each ferals, their screams of agony were silenced as the end of this spell struck the gates, ripping the onyx doors off their hinges and sending those inside scrambling for cover. Above those either fled for cover or held on tightly as the tremors rocked the walls, the after effects of the lightning were noted by gouges of its jagged path along the walls. Some grew sickened as the smell of burned flesh met their sensitive noses, the charred remains of the ferals close enough to the blast lay in smoldering heaps around Malefor. "Now where were we? Ahh, yes." He rumbled. The cultists rushed forward with fanatical glee, the sea of mindless soldiers poured into the gaping hole where the doors once stood. Snarls, roars, muffled shouts and cries echoed from within as the kingdom sought to defend itself against the intrusion. Malefor strolled casually inside, the yellow eyes glancing around as dragon fought with their fellow kin along with griffon and pony alike. Some of the more hardy dared to stand in his way only to be swatted aside with a back stroke of a fore leg or the striking of the tail. Those who took to the air found themselves moving targets as rock debris became earthen projectiles, the sounds of scale and flesh meeting with stone beneath the murmuring of the great threat's rumbling voice golems emerged behind him. Shambling along, these ground sentries kept any who were foolish enough to strike from behind while Sapphire, the unconscious Spyro and two of the cultists who carried him, made their way towards the throne room. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Queen sensed the skirmish at the entrance gate. She shuddered slightly as her senses were still recovering, having felt the impact of the elemental blast. The intruder who cast it aura was different. Gone was the sickening presence of a lich dragon and his minions attempting to gain entry into the kingdom. In its place was a feeling of strange foreign power, one that demanded to be feared and strike terror into the hearts of the weak. What sent another shudder was Kel returning shortly after the cultists invaded: the lich known as Malefor somehow sapped the living essence out of a small dragon, using its aura to renew his own tattered corpse. Such forbidden magic could only have been from those who perished centuries before. Unfortunate this Malefor learned it while in Tartarus. How else would a lich gain new life by robbing another living being's essence then learning from those who created such a spell to begin with? Head shifting to where he stood, she was rewarded with Kel's presence. Part anxiety mixed with relief showed in her eyes that he was alive, despite the harsh element still singing along the outer walls. He was catching his breath from earlier, having bolted down the path as he and the others retreated, for fear of becoming potential targets. "What news of the outside?," she mentally asked, knowing full well the answer. "They have assaulted the main gate and are working their way to the throne, your majesty," Kel replied. She remained silent before ushering another dragon who dropped scrolls of parchment at the young mage's feet. "Take these and flee. I have requested those who live to evacuate the castle and take refuge. Be it under the watch of the griffons or the compassion of the Equestrians, I will not have more lives lost on my watch." "Your majesty," Kel began in protest. The great Dragon Queen merely rose and barely moved her head. He fell silent as the hidden passage that was leading the others to escape opened under her silent gesture. "What will I tell the two sisters?" He murmured. "That Draconis has fallen. The enemy has taken the Queen hostage and the Outsider will plan to strike at their borders." Was her reply. Stuffing the scrolls in his carrying satchel, Kel could only nod before turning to flee like the rest. He hated leaving the Queen. Hated that he could never face those tough decision she faced, willing to give up their home rather then risk more lives. Then again, its why she ruled for so many centuries and commanded much respect from the other kingdoms. Glancing one last time, the young mage clutched his robes before disappearing into the black void of the path. It closed with the scraping of the rocken wall before it melded once more with the rest of the throne. All that remain were to elite ferals and a handful of dragon soldiers. The scuffling, shouts and snarls mixed in with fanatical cries echoed outside the doors. The Queen turned to face the only entrance and stood proud and tall. If she was going to be captured, then she would have it done with such an imposing sight, her would-be captures would think otherwise. The doors were slammed opened, a sea of mad cultists rushed in, their blank eyes fixated on the Queen. They rushed with the intention of taking her by sheer numbers alone. The Dragon Queen eyed them as they were no more then bothersome ants before she hissed a incantation under her breath. The cries of Malefor died like a weakening wind as limpless bodies collapsed where they once stood. The first wave lay unresponsive, their forms like scattered leaves around a tree. The remaining stayed back by the doorway, reluctant now to press their attack. Foolish and blind yes, but not dumb. "Come forth abomination! I can smell your stench from behind your peons!" The Queen bellowed, every living creature in the room clutching their ears in pain from the might of her voice. Heavy footsteps sounded as the followers parted. The elite ferals crouched with a audible hiss, silenced quickly be their Queen's command as the great purple dragon entered. Great wings folded to make room, Malefor appeared casually as he stepped among the fallen around his great feet, his yellow eyes gleaming as they fixated on such a large dragoness. She was easily double his size, a great female that one would tread carefully around lest they arouse her anger. Instead, he regarded her as a potential for his grand scheme. "Its not often a male such as myself stands before so great a female such as yourself. Females are so hard to come by and even harder to keep once located. I am humbled your majesty." He gave a light bow to her. The Queen snorted, twin plums of smoke rising from her nostrils,"Spare me your words, deceiver. You did not come to woo me with your serpent tongue like you have done with Sapphire. What is your excuse for daring to attack your kin?" "Kin? Kin? Kin...," Malefor rumbled,"I have no kin here. None of these pitiful meatbags you call dragons are worthy to be even considered kin to me. I attack because of one simple goal: You. You will provide the catalyst I desire that will bring me the one thing I hunger for." The Queen's wings rustled against her sides as her eyes narrowed,"And what does the lich hunger for?" "Avalar." "Avalar? Never heard of this land." Malefor chuckled,"You never have. For a dragoness who supposed to know everything scurrying around in her kingdom, one would think dragons that don't exactly fit among your kin would have been a dead giveaway. No, Avalar is where I came from and it is where I shall return. With your help of course." "And what makes you think, the Dragon Queen would help you?" She hissed preparing to attack much to her guards surprise. "Because one way or another, I WILL have you." Malefor replied. A plum of fire, bluer then the skies above them and richer then any color of water, poured forth from her gaping maw. Onlookers watched as Malefor was engulfed in her flames, his visage disappearing beneath the flames, the heat causing many to retreat as the ground where he stood began to melt beneath the intense fires. The Queen glanced around, gazing at the cultists as they watched silently. None cried out in fear as their leader was burning, nor did any flee. Something did not fit with this picture. "Fire... you DARE to burn me with fire?" A dark silouette appeared among the flames. The blue fire twisted, coiled then slowly died away, leaving Malefor standing in the middle, both forelegs out as he wove the flames around his body with ease. "Fire submits before me." His yellow eyes began to glow. "Water trembles before my presence." A thrumming power started gather around the dragon, his form slowly growing. "The earth kneels before my will." A dark energy enveloped Malefor turning his scales dark shadow as those eyes fixated on the Queen. "The very air crackles to my obedience." The dark being glared as the ferals took to front in a last attempt to protect their queen. "Your essence will drive my fury, my rage, my very HATRED into this world! And with the tattered remains I will drive home my vengeance into Avalar and re-claim it once MORE!!" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Kel, along with a small group of refugees had taken flight. He was riding on the back of a feral, when the power nearly knocked them out of the sky. Struggling to keep from falling, the mage looked back at their castle, to see a dark energy erupt from the top and pour into the sky, darkening the grey clouds into a pitch blackness while lightning and the roar of thunder crashed around the structure of the castle. He shuddered uncontrollably, the aura almost seem to freeze his very soul. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - In Canterlot, Celestia along with Luna, the mane six and a few of her military generals were pouring over the various maps of the borders Equestria had with Draconis and Gryf. Cynder was with them, when the alicorn sisters paused mid sentence. Both shuddered as the young dragoness broke away from the group and looked out the stain glass window towards the horizon. "Your... highness?" One general asked, puzzled by the princess's reactions. "Luna do you..." "Yes sister mine. I can feel it. The power emanating chills my bones." Both glanced at Cynder as she looked on,"It begins again." She murmured. "What begins?" Celestia asked. "The beginning of the end." > History repeats > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kel sat on a chair surprisingly comfortable, despite being used to more earthen furniture back in his former country. The young mage fiddled with his thumb claws, eyes darting over to where two pegasus guards looked upon him with caution. It was four days since the lich had taken the Draconis kingdom and spread a dark ominous cloud. Its bleak features choked out Celestia's sun, casting the lands in shadow. Despite the alicorn's attempts to bring forth her light to pierce the veil, she was only rewarded with the flicker of lightning followed by the clash of thunder as though the conjourer was openingly mocking her at the futile attempt. When they arrived at the Canterlot court yard, much of the city was already in high tension. To have a feral dragon drop out of the sky suddenly sent many a denizen into a panic. Only with Celestia's appearance and Kel's quick explanation of why he was there, spared them an unpleasant end by her horn. While the feral fed and rested, Kel was ushered into the military room where Celestia and the others waited. After hearing the events unfold from his mouth, she had him excused while she conversed with those present. He vaguely recalled a small dragoness there among them, one who was unfamiliar. The glance was brief before he was shut out completely. Now he sat and waited. Waited while the threat in his kingdom continued to grow and threaten all life on this world. On the other side of the doors, Luna watched as Celestia glanced over the satchel containing the scrolls the mage dragon had given her. There was worry mixed with anxiety in those eyes and the lunar alicorn could feel the unease in her sister. The sun alicorn spoke softly, "Demuria. No dragoness commanded greater respect then her. I remember in our younger years how she joked sometimes, that if anything were to be-fall her the kingdom or both, that any history of Draconis was to reside within our libraries." Turning the fragile parchment with her magic, Celestia could only shake her head somberly,"If what the budding young mage has told is true, then Malefor has grown even more dangerous then before." Shifting, the alicorn nodded to her guards positioned by the doors,"Send him in please." Bowing, the armored stallions nodded leaving the small group alone. A minute later they emerged, Kel following the two. Celestia whispered to one to prepare for massive refugees and to be on full alert at all times. Once the two left, Kel found himself being stared upon by nine pairs of eyes. "Young Kel. I know you have informed us of what has occurred. But for sake of refreshing my memory, can you please describe again what you saw Malefor did before he broke down the castle doors." He bowed a little nervously, eyes darting to the dragoness standing among the Elements,"Y..yes. The ferals had finished putting down a molten element the lich had conjoured earlier. I could not make out what he said, but two of his cultists brought forth a prisoner. It was a dragon, not one I've seen at all." Kel paused as the dragoness's eyes started to grow more intense. He glanced to the ailcorn princess who gently motioned with a hoof,"He was alive, but unconscious. The lich murmured something, a dead tongue not spoken by any living being, perhaps beside you. I couldn't make out the words. Only that runes appeared on the dragon captive. Then... then he started to steal his life essence and channel it into his own. When it was completed, the tattered appearance of the lich was gone, replaced by a fully renewed dragon." The mage yelped and fell, tripping over his travel robes when Cynder tackled and pinned him to the floor,"What DID Malefor do to Spyro?!" she snarled. "Cynder!" She turned to see Celestia, the tone in her voice called for restraint and calmness. The dragoness backed away, though the distance was very little. Kel rose cautiously, afraid the foreign dragoness might chew his head off over this Spyro. "Forgive Cynder's actions, Kel. Spyro is dear to her and the small dragon you described is none other then him. From what you said though is troubling indeed." "Your highness?" Twilight asked, curious as the others looked on. "Twilight you are well versed in the magical arts as all unicorns are. However for while there is light magic, there is another source, one much darker and more sinister. It is known as black magic and it is forbidden to be used." The lavender mare nodded,"I remember from school sessions. There were few group sessions on black magic, but the professors and you never delved too much into it." Celestia gave a light nod," For good reason. Those who delved in black magic were tainted by its cursed effects. There has been a few in our history, some who... stained the ground with their hunger for absolute power, ever willing to pay what ever price, so long as the results were to their satisfaction." "How heavy a price, princess?" The alicorn drew a glance to the dark clouds rumbling in the sky outside the windows,"A price that would grant them immortality." The room remained silent save for the occasional buzz of Sparx's wings. Twilight shifted as she and the others allowed this to sink in before speaking up,"Are you saying that what ever Malefor has learned, he is immortal?" Luna erupted into laughter, causing most to jerk their heads back in surprise. The moon princess silenced the sudden outburst before her demeanor became serious,"A mockery young Twilight. The spell would steal a pony, dragon griffon,any living creature's soul and have it bind itself the conjourer. The greater the life essence of the creature, the more powerful and long lasting the caster will be. But the price for the toll is... unfathomable." Spike gulped, posing the question Twilight was about to ask,"H how bad are we talking?" "The creature would die, the caster would be granted a prolonged life span... until his or her own natural ran out. Then they are living on borrowed time." "Borrowed time? You mean they stole their captors watches, cause they wanted to keep time?" Pinkie asked, puzzled. "Nay pink one. Meaning they would have to continue stealing lives from their prisoners to keep living. A mock immortality that if disrupted would result in their enevitable death. The spell does not grant them such, it only adds others essences to their own rotten bodies." Luna replied. "How ghastly. To rob a living being of their own life just to fuel their own. Its like cutting up a perfectly made gown, adding it to a horrid mish mash patchwork and calling it fashion." Rarity responded, agast by what she had heard. "You said it lengthens the caster's life for as long as the poor wretch they took it from. What about if they are already dead?" Cynder asked. Celestia traded glances with Luna before both sisters could shrug,"We're not sure. The dead should remain as such and their impression either good or bad remembered by those who recall their deeds. What Kel has indicated, it has granted Malefor new life. But being from a different world such as yours, I doubt the affects of the spell would have the same result." Tapping her gilded hoof, the sun alicorn baded every pony and dragon there to follow her. The guards opened the double doors, saluting as the alicorn sisters passed, followed by the mane six and two dragons. "Young Kel," Celestia motioned. The mage hurried to walk along side the ruler,"Yes?" "You mentioned the Queen saying Malefor wanted her. Alive I presume." He nodded,"Yes. We can only assume by your statement the soul spell is only temporary. Malefor will have used Spyro's essence to fuel his own to over throw her. Then..." he paused and clutched the outer sleeves to his robe,"Rob the Queen of hers to continue what ever it is he is planning." They traveled down the hallway, the hoofsteps muffled by the carpeting. On occasion the windows would flicker with a flash of lightning, a low rumbling of thunder following shortly after. They reached the base of one tower then climbed the spiraling staircase until the group reached the balcony. Celestia gazed far into the distancewhere Draconis laid. The others remained silent, even Pinkie Pie despite being the most energetic and lively of the group. "Cynder. Now would be a good time to fill us in on what Malefor is plotting. You and Spyro have dealt with him before. Surely something may come to mind that could give us a glimpse at to what he is after." Cynder stood at Celestia's side as her eyes joined the alicorn. The dragoness kept silent as the two listened to the light breeze tugging at their wings, while the thunder continued to growl in the clouds overhead. Turning, she gazed at Kel, his words still echoing in her mind, The earth shook and tore itself apart.... molten earth moved in its own accord... dreaded rocken golems, beasts spewing fire....the Lich calling down lightning like a weapon... "He will continue what he once started on Avalar." All eyes fixed on Cynder. She drew in a breath, closed her eyes and let it out slowly,"When me and Spyro awoke from a slumber, Malefor had laid claim to most of Avalar upon our awakening. When we began to thwart his attempts at total domination, he fought back with fire and ice. Summoning great golems, he threw everything in our path, but we continued to topple every creature that stood in our path. Upon seeing his defeat at claw, rather then go down peacefully, Malefor... used his powers in an attempt to tear Avalar itself apart. Only the power of the purple dragon, me and Spyro namely, we ended his tyranny." Looking at the inhabitants of Equestria, the dragoness nodded softly,"He will again take over. Equestria, Draconis, Gryf every major faction and country will fall under his domain. If we once more try to stop him, it will most likely result in the same: Malefor will rip your world apart, rather then give it up." "Madness." whispered Luna. "Madness indeed Lulu. Quite unlike the chaos I prefer." Every pony (and dragon with dragonfly) jumped at the new voice. Celestia whirled around to find Discord lounging lazily upon a small dark cloud, its thunder and spats of lightning like that if an ill tempered dog. The draconequus was slurping orange juice through a swirly straw that was sticking out of an apple. "What do you want Discord? Here to kick us while we're down as you would put it?" Luna scolded. "Hardly your royal moon rump. While I find Malefor methods for turning Equestria and every other nation upside down delightful, the wee dragoness mentioning complete utter destruction just does not sit well with me. I enjoy chaos for a good laugh. This... excuse for a zombie back up bag of bones will soon come to understand just how foolish it was to play puppet with moi." Yellow eyes were soon stared upon by regal one as Celestia bore down on him,"What game are you playing?" "Celestia I'm hurt." he replied backing away with one hand upon his chest, visibly upset,"Come now just because we never see eye to eye," A few eyes started popping up around the alicorn,"to eye, to eye, to eye," the alicorn swatted them aside glaring as they poofed, "does not mean that I, as the only resident draconequus will sit by and allow this villian to get the last laugh on us. Equestria is my home too, you know." The alicorn stood back and looked at her student, friends and fellow subjects,"What if I refuse your help? What if I deny your offer of help in favor of my kingdom safety?" Discord sighed and tossed the shriveled fruit over his shoulder. A small explosion rocked the grounds beneath him, screams echoing off the walls. He ignored Celestia's eyes narrowed upon him while he picked his teeth with one fang,"Then I'll sit by and watch him suck you all dry like fruit bats in Applejack's trees. After all," he grinned and pressed face to face with the princess, "Misery looooves company." Celestia made a disgusted noise and pulled back,"Very well. As Twilight and the Mane six stand present, let it be decreed that Discord, the draconequus is offering his services to Equestria to overthrow Malefor's rule." She held out a hoof. Discord seemed all too pleased to shake when she spoke again,"Pinkie Pie Promise." "Whaaaaat?" he said almost flabbergasted. "Pinkie Pie promise that you will never pull any tricks or any stunts, nor attempt to discord any of my ponies or Twilight and her friends until Malefor has been dealt with." The draconequus sucked in a breath. So she was going to nail him with that does she? Fine, he can play their game... for now. Ignoring Rainbow Dash's smug look of triumph, Discord shook the alicorn's gilded hoof. "Let us make preparations before departure. Cynder will be our guide and will inform us if anything is off. We shall re-group at the castle gates within the hour." Twilight and the Mane Six left via the unicorn's teleportation spell to prepare. The alicorn sisters followed soon after leaving just Cynder, Sparx and the draconequus on the balcony. Cynder felt uneasy around the odd creature. Something about his appearance left an uncomfortable feeling. A feeling of distrust. Discord grin never faltered even as he disappeared in a puff of pink smoke to prepare. Once alone, Cynder looked over to distance where she knew Spyro was being held. Sparx's wings buzzed as he settled on her shoulder. "I'll get him back for the both of us, Sparx. I promise." She assured him. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Deep in the dungeons of the Queen's castle under heavy guard and shackle lay the prone form of Spyro. His coloration had faded to a dull look and the appearance looked that if a sickly nature. Sapphire had been sent down a couple of time to give Malefor a prognosis on his well being. Each time the results were the same: A coma with no determination of when the dragon would, if ever, awake. After giving the guards the order to send for her the minute he awoke, the ambassador took to the steps at the end of the hall. Neither of the guards checked upon the suttle twitching in the dragon's limbs. Nor hear the grunts escaping from his lips. The fanatics were so dulled by Malefor's influence their senses were almost flat. Thus those posted never saw the dark shadow pooling around Spyro's body and began to submerge the unconscious dragon. > Im in ur base, ruinin ur doods > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spyyroo . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spyyyyroooo . . . . . . . . . . . . Spyyyyyy. . . .oh for the love of WAKE UP! He jerked awake with a labored gasp, his aching lungs filling with air. That was the first mistake. His body all but launched an outrage that he even dared to move to begin with. Muscle, sinew, skin and even scale seemed to scream at the dragon at such levels, it hardly helped the massive headache wracking his skull to begin with. Even his wings protested and refused to budge, leaving the purple dragon to lie there in a heap. All Spyro really could do was breathe. Breathe despite his aching ribs expanding as he continued to draw air. Bout damn time you awoke. I was beginning to wonder whether or not to rattle your skull with a few loose bricks just to wake you. I am rather grateful it did not come to that. Dull eyes scanned the cell he was in. Nothing but black shadows and outlines of what appeared to be clothed figures on the other side of bars greeted him. "W..where am I?" he mumbled. We are currently in a prison cell located at the bottom of a earthen castle. Malefor has overthrown the current ruler and is in control. "W..why does everything hurt?" Why....hmmm why does our body hurt...oh I'll tell you. You were idiotic enough to knock that stupid beast with wings out of the way before Malefor could turn her into charcoal. Just had to play hero didn't you? Couldn't just stay low could you? Now look at us. Battered to an inch of what ever is left of our life, most likely to rot down here, while our arch nemesis concocts a way to throw this world into a hellish nightmare. "Not going to just sit around...*urk* and let Malefor hurt more innocents." His dark self scoffed and muttered something under his breath while they laid there in silence. The memories were fuzzy but coming back. The explosion rocking the castle after the duel. Malefor assaulting Celestia while Luna fended off his attacks. Spyro intervening only to take the brunt of his foe's attack. And then emptiness. There was a bout of agonizing pain somewhere in the middle. He felt drained... more so then usual after spending his magic that is. Oh that? Malefor has managed to obtain some sort of spell or incantation, granting him the ability to rob an individual's life force. We were the first to be drained, granting him the power to over throw this kingdom. "If that is the case, why do I still live?" Why do WE still live? I am not fully sure. By all means we should be nothing left but a withered husk whose bones should be lying out there bleaching under the sun. Mayhaps this world magic effects outsiders such as ourselves differently then the inhabitants. But I distress. Now is not the time to ponder what slim gracious mercy we've been granted. A lackey serving Malefor has been keeping tabs on us. I don't know about you, but I refuse to be ANY one's midnight life draining snack. The purple dragon stared dully at his guards. They didn't even glance in his direction. In fact, come to think of it, his chains had rustled against the floor, yet neither one reacted. I've placed a temporary bubble around us. They can't hear for squat, even if you were to scream at the top of your lungs. Not that you have the energy to do so. "What do you want?" Pardon? Spyro winced as he shifted with discomfort,"I said, what do you want? You hardly ever take the time or effort to awaken me, let alone hold my attention." I desire control over our body. "Out of the question." Listen up, you thick skulled, stubborn fool. There are only two options for us. We lie here until Malefor finishes us off. Or we get the hell out of here. Maybe send some mindless fools to their final resting place. And before you can even think of protesting, let me lay this out. We did not come to this world by choice. I have no intention of being further used by our foe to continue his agenda. You are in no condition to resist. I, on the other claw, thanks to your presistant restraints am fully rested and ready to wreck havoc. The choice is yours, though I may ask will it be worth it to die? Can you do that, leaving Cynder alone? Abandon the fellow guardians back on Avalar? Leave Sparx to mourn the loss of his brother? Spyro bit back his first retort on where his dark self can shove it. The dragon would never forgive himself if he died here. Ignitis would not either if he was watching them from above. Sparx would be torn. Avalar would be in peril and the dragon guardians at risk without his presence. His dark self had a good point. But was the risks involved here worth it? Do you think it wise to abandon Twilight and her friends to Malefor? Look how he overpowered their rulers, these goddesses the unicorn had so much faith and adored? Do you wish to let Equestria become Avalar in Malefor's aftermath? A burning, writhing churning ball of molten rock set beneath a black sky choked with ash and smoke? Spyro wished he had the strength to shut his dark self up from continuing to rub these unpleasant thoughts into his bruised snout. They needed to escape and return to safety. There was no point on dragging this further. "Fine. Though I warn you. You try anything funny, attempt any thing sly, sneaky or even THINK of pushing those boundries. I would hurl your foul presence so deep within the darkest crevices of my consiousness and bury you so deep, it will take you eons just to break free." A mental huff, some mutterings of words left unspoken before the dark self finally replied, Fine. Agreed. The purple dragon of legend relaxed and allowed his darker half to take hold. The raw unbound potential power he had tapped in those past few times seeped into his aching body. He felt it rush into his lungs, filling him to the brink of bursting only to spread through his limbs tail and wing. Eyes closing, Spyro embraced that part of him he had always kept under check for fear of losing it. This was about survival. And some lines had to be stepped on to live. You have no idea how much fun we're going to have. Maybe we'll get even with Malefor for this. The two guards posted at the cell never heard the noises within the dome. No sound escaped the barrier. Not even when Dark Spyro ripped the chain off the earthen wall and bit through the links like weak rope. Two clawed paws snatched the back of their heads and before they could utter a cry, their skulls rang off each other in a rather muffled thump. The two dropped unconscious as the dragon ripped the door off the hinges. The dark entity chuckled. Mostly everything was built into this underground holding grounds. The lack of metal made for tearing doors of a breeze almost. "How does that Queen even know if a prisoner escapes?" He pondered before slithering up the stairs silently towards his next prey. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Malefor sat bored in the center of the throne room. The area was wrecked and many of its furnishing in shambles. The Queen lay bound and subdued by his magic weakened from their dual earlier. He was impressed that, despite being considered the oldest living dragon on this world, she fought with the tenacity of a young dragoness. An amused chuckle danced in his rotting throat as lewd thoughts came to mind about what would be if he were still living and chose to breed and make her his consort. Those thoughts faded as footsteps muffled across the cracked floor. Sapphire had returned from her daily outing to the dungeon below to inform on Spyro's condition. The former ambassador sat on a small stone stool a few paces from the lich dragon and shook her head. His bony tail flicked in disappointment, scattering the remains of a earthen chair that the Queen once used. No change from his adversary. Still in an a coma. The dragon leaned back and frowned. The magic used for stealing his power was temporary. Then again the magic itself was different from what he was used to. Side effects would probably be considered given they were outsiders to this world. How else would he Malefor, the great purple dragon who once terrorized Avalar and nearly had it bent under his rule was able to rise from the depths of what hells he had been plunged into to walk the lands once more? A withered scaled eyebrow twitched. Memories hazy at best, bleak and foggy danced within his hollowed skull. Why was he here instead of Avalar? The lich dragon had no more inkling of a clue then his nemesis in the dungeons below. While he brooded in silence, Sapphire exited the throne room and entered the scholar's chamber. The former ambassador took a glance at the most recent addition to the decor. Encased in black crystal was her Queen. Trapped and frozen once her power was robbed, her ruler was now nothing more then a over sized statue. A smile graced the dragoness's muzzle for a brief moment before she went over the scrolls recovered from the private vaults below. As her eyes scanned the text, her mind was working on the next phase in her plan. A plan that would set her family back in the good graces of her peers and make her both revered and feared as her ancestors were so long ago. Unknown to both ambassador and lich, what plans and schemes that were to be set in motion would find itself hitting a roadblock. Rather a few roadblocks. The first was located In the lower halls of the kingdom, the newest victims heard nary a sound before their skulls rang out with a muffled thump! The dark entity admired its handy work for a moment or two before dragging the bodies behind a stone pillar. Dark Spyro snorted. What a joke. Malefor the supposed greatest adversary his other half had managed to defeat, relying on... well sheep fodder. These fanatics were beyond pathetic. No alarm was raised no call went out. Then again he relished spoiling any attempts to ruin this spot of fun he was having, even while making a hasty departure. A small nagging voice in the back of his mind, informed the entity that time was of the essence and these constant stops had to cease if they were to escape the earthen castle. With a sigh of annoyance and mild hesitation, Dark Spyro once again slunk back into the shadows and continue on his way. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The outskirts that bordered Equestria with Draconis looked more like a desert wasteland. Homes and small huts that dotted along the main road were now in ruin, the skeletal remains of the frames were all that was left. The fields and trees that added some scenery were now charred, burned and uprooted, leaving only more misery to the already dismal lands. Celestia shook her head in dismay. Her beloved ponies forced to flee after the refugees fled. Forced to abandon their homes, their lives in fear of losing their own. At the hands of a cruel undead creature that now poised to threaten not only her kingdom but Gryf as well if she, her sister and the Elements did not stop it right at her door step. Yet in order to do so, they would require Spyro's presence. It made the need for this rescue that more important. While the alicorn was glad to have extra help in the form of Cynder and Discord, some small part of her felt it would not be enough. Two alicorns, two unicorns, two pegasus, two earth ponies, two dragons, a draconequus and a handful of elite soldiers gazed over the border. A low rumble of thunder echoed overhead while a chill wind kicked up dirt along the path. "I don't know about you, but Malefor didn't take 'apocalyptic setting' that far." All eyes turned on Discord as he surveyed,"I would have thrown in a few broken carriages, a couple of poor lost souls corpses here and there..." He glanced around and found a few harsh glares, mainly from Celestia, Luna, Twilight, Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy looked uncomfortable, while Rarity showed distain for his remark. Pinkie Pie was distracted by chattering on with a few of the soldiers, some who missed what he had mentioned, while some others looked nervous with his presence. "Maybe a couple of throw pillows, some frilly curtains, hey it can be home." he finished with a grin. Some eyes rolled as Discord huffed with a crossing of his arms and was left to his mutterings. Rainbow Dash fidgeted as she landed, the sound of her hooves constantly pawing at the ground drew both Celestia and Twilight's attention. Kel pulled his robes around himself as the wind tugged at his garments. Despite being a dragon by nature who had hardy resistances to extreme weather, it was the mood of his former home that brought the un natural chill. "I know what your going to ask but in all seriousness you two. Are you positively sure we can't just teleport to the dragon's castle and surprise Malefor then give him a good beat down?" The cyan pony asked. Twilight shook her head while Celestia nodded,"Its not that easy Rainbow Dash. I may have paid the Queen a few visits during my time, but with the recent events unfolding, it will would not only be difficult but our lives could be at risk. No doubt, some protection spells could be in place to thwart any attempt to teleport into the castle. Nay Dash we must proceed with caution and without being noticed." "Ah know ya want ta go in thar an give that pile o bones a good kickin, Dash we all do. Jes dun want to have ta put up with his cronies an creatin a mess we can't git out of that's all." Rainbow Dash sighed and muttered to herself how magic could be such a downer at times, while Applejack merely chuckled at her friend's eagerness. Twilight joined her mentor's gaze as they returned to the bleak setting in front of them,"So we all go on hoof from here then, Princess. No flying no magic. Sounds difficult but if we can keep the element of surprise on our side, we can end this threat for good." Celestia smiled and was about to speak before Cynder spoke up,"Malefor will not be easily surprised. The more trouble we cause with his fanatics, the quicker he will respond with force." Eyes turned on the dragoness as she too, looked in the distance,"Malefor is more resourceful and cunning then you may give him credit for. When Spyro and I first started to interfere with his agenda, he responded with more vicious and brutal creatures. When we ended that threat, he resorted to calling up the Destroyer. A most evil monster." "Umm praytell Cynder, but what is... a destroyer? It sounds like more like something out of fantasy and fairy tales." Rarity asked, piqued. A slight shiver ran down Cynder's spine, causing her wings to flitter in anxiety. Turning to see all eyes fixated on her, the dragoness sat down with a nod,"Imagine a golem of immense size and height, greater then the biggest mountain and burning with the molten fury of every volcano your world has known of. This Destroyer would traverse around Avalar and create the Ring of Fire." "Ooh, ring of fire. Sounds like a fantastic name to call super spicy union rings." Pinkie pitched in with a lick of her lips. Cynder looked at her slightly puzzled as she tried to come to terms with this pony's constant cheerful demeanor despite how grim things were looking for them. "Umm... no pink one. This is not the name of any food item you may know of. Once the Destroyer connects the Ring of Fire, the world is reborn." "We thinks that you may be over exaggerating Cynder," Luna spoke,"For a fiery creature to create such a ring only to make the world 'anew', it does not sound so bad." "The world is reborn through its utter destruction. Every living inhabitant possibly eliminated from the surface. Take your world. Rip every continent apart and let the fires deep within overflow. Nothing would remain but a molten ball of magma." Silence fell upon the group. No pony spoke as all eyes could see Cynder's own as she spoke the truth. "Are you saying...," Celestia began,"That Malefor could conjour up this... Destroyer into Equestria?" Cynder could only shrug,"I do not know. Spyro nor myself had never heard of such a thing until Ignitis, our mentor had informed us. This was only after Malefor had summoned the creature on Avalar." A small squeak sounded, Fluttershy hiding beneath Rainbow Dash's tail as the thought of some monsterous rock terrorized their home. Rarity trotted over to comfort the pegasus as the others came to terms of just how much more dangerous this journey had become. Kel was stunned by what the dragoness had spoke of,"Truly I never thought of him being capable of such...feats. I can see why he was feared on your world, young one." Cynder looked to the dragon mage and could only give a slight nod. "Well if any pony wants to run home crying for their mothers, I won't stop you." Discord said casually. "Discord!" Celestia scowled as the draconequus merely chuckled. "All the more reason to get into Draconis castle, find Spyro then take down Malefor." Twilight commented. The rest nodded as they grouped together and formed a plan to sneak into not only Draconis with a hoofful of soldiers, but the Elements as well. Ten minutes later, they were back on the path with Cynder in the lead. Malefor may be expecting unicorn and alicorn magic having encountered both. But with Cynder's subtle shadow magic, any attempt to locate and find the group would be harder indeed. Kel pondered how the dragoness so small would be able to camoflouge such a large group as it were just to sneak inside. Thoughts such as these were put on hold as the group continued on. Five minutes after they had passed, a small speck appeared on the path. This tiny thing, when drawing closer appeared to be a young dragon. A baby dragon to be exact. Spike stopped for a moment to catch his breath. The young one had been following his friends ever since they set out from Canterlot. Despite promising Twilight that he would remain with her parents, Spike had over heard that Spyro would be weak. The group was gone before the baby dragon could return with a stash of green, red, and blue gems. It was even harder trying to convince Twilight's parents to let him just deliver these to the guards at the castle. Only to skip the castle completely and give chase. "I know Twilight is going to be mad at me." He said to himself,"But Spyro is going to need all the help he can get. What good is he, if he's weak?" Pondering he gazed at the gems he carried in satchel slung over his shoulders,"I know these are not what he's used to but it can't hurt to try." After a brief rest, the dragon was off again, chasing his friends into Draconis, into danger itself. All for the sake of helping a fellow dragon when he needed it the most. The border into Draconis fell silent again. A charred tree stood sparse and barren as the chill wind tugged at the bare branches. In a hollowed opening, a gleam shined off a crystal that was jutting from the dead plant. It flickered and glowed with eerie dark shade of purple as more started to slow grow within. > Refuge > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- While the small band of ponies and dragons ventured into Draconis to end the tyranny of a lich dragon, the effects of the kingdom's overthrow had rippled across the rest of the world. In the kingdom of Gryf, the griffons made way for the dragons fleeing their homes. The King had opened his roost to those who sought safety, knowing full well of the dark presence that lingered on his western borders. Word had arrived a few days before, brought in from his agents scattered across Equestria. The messages were further solidified upon Ambassador Steelwing's return. The alicorn princesses had been assaulted in their own castle, an evil lich responsible for the near destruction of Canterlot. At first it felt as though both royal sisters had done something idiotic and would be the embarrassment of the decade. The joke at first dissolved into something far more sinister. Steelwing had backed the messages with proof of a lich dragon, unheard of in any of the three kingdom's history books running rampant in the kingdom of Draconis. Then came the shock: Draconis had fallen, the Queen taken prisoner. The lich wielded the elements and its power seemed unchallenged. Along with the refugees came the name: Malefor. Now as more dragons who were either too young, too old or sickly or just citizens continued to trickle in through the main flight paths, the King grew uneasy upon his throne. If Canterlot was sieged and Draconis fallen, how much longer before Gryf was threatened? The result was more soldiers being dispatched to increase the guard at his borders and magical defense relics brought in to raise alarm should this Malefor set his sights on Gryf. As the King brooded over this thought for the umpteenth time while in listening to his aerial generals suggestions on how to protect their borders even further, another kingdom was coping with the sudden increase in traffic. In the far north, hidden by blizzards and snow cover sat a kingdom shrouded by magic. The Crystal Empire as it was once called had emerged after ten centuries of being swallowed up by the mad king's last curse which caused the kingdom to vanish upon his defeat. It re-appeared a few years ago, prompting a swift response from Equestria to seize the empire and bring it under its rule once more. This was not done without some difficulty. As the Bearers of Harmony had been sent out to help secure the kingdom, word had gone out of Sombra's return. Thanks to the efforts of all six along with the stout determination of one baby dragon, the king was overthrown a second time and a new ruler or rulers took his place. Princess Cadence gazed over the crystal balcony of her room as she watched another group of dragons being escorted by her guards. She could feel the heaviness and sadness in their hearts, having lost their home to an evil presence now residing in Draconis. The alicorn herself could barely grasp of what came to terms in her aunt's kingdom. Few messages were sent over the course of the month and she barely was able to make out what the contents were. A lich had tried to take over Canterlot and nearly succeeded through the manipulations of Discord. Even reading that had left her speechless. That an undead creature possessing a power to control the King of Chaos himself. It seemed there was a specific individual the lich wanted, Cadence now just hearing a name. Spyro. A small dragon. While to any pony or other person living in Equestria or any other part of the kingdom may feel that some random dragon would be the target of a lich, what she learned in the coming days was fascinating. Aunt Celestia had mentioned other worlds beyond their own. Each with their own set of rules in terms of living, magical uses and lifestyles. Much of Equestria's denizens knew nothing of the sort, for the alicorn sisters felt it was not time yet to tell the ponies of other worlds just beyond the stars. Portals, while handy for quick transports between major cities were forbidden from other purposes. Magi and unicorns caught attempting to go outside those boundries were quickly caught and quietly erased from the public eye. Too much risk was involved for the safety of all who lived here. But that secret was slowly leaking out from the sealed doors. A dragon from another world now in Equestria. A lich with possibly the same ties wrecking havoc across the lands. Cadence could see why her aunt was so adamant about keeping outsiders away. Now her work methods seemed undone as the Crystal Empire struggled to make room for the dragons who sought sanctum. The hardier, more aggressive ones opted to avoid the populated regions in favor of their own hiding places. To wear out the storm and hope for better news of their Queen. The doors to her chambers opened, breaking the alicorn's trance of thought. In trotted Shining Armor, her husband, prince and fellow king of the empire who also happened to be captain of the guard here.. In his magical aura held a scroll, one sent from Canterlot no less or from his sister Twilight. She turned and the two greeted one another at the center with an affectionate nuzzle. "What news Shining?," Cadence asked with concern. "Not good. Celestia and her sister along with Twily and her friends, including a hoof ful of guards plus a dragon magi are attempting to sneak into Draconis to take back the lands." "She's doing what?!" Princess Cadence exclaimed. Shining set down the scroll upon the desk before turning to gaze upon his wife,"My words exactly. I figured a whole armada of soldiers would be necessary before any attempt to invade and assault the dangers of Draconis would be needed. But Celestia is not waiting. She fears the longer she or any other pony waits, the more danger the lich will pose. Twilight and the other Bearers of Elements are with her, plus Discord." "D-d-d-Discord?! Aunt Celestia is relying on Discord for help?" Cadence could not see the reasoning behind getting a draconequus... no, THE draconequus to help. "Seems Discord chose to help. Apparently and odd as this may sound, he's looking for a some payback against the lich. Twilight mentioned his pride has been hurt and it seems the draconequus can hold a grudge if provoked enough." "How will they be able to trust him? What is stopping Discord from taking advantage of this situation and using it for his own gain?" "Princess Celestia made him Pinkie Pie Promise." The stallion replied. "Oooh." Yes. It was gravely ill advised to break such a promise. Those who either had a death wish or were foolhardy enough to attempt such a feat suffered a fate worse then the bowels of Tartarus itself. Just the mere inkling of the thought sent a shiver down both their spines causing the couple to huddle. "I hope Auntie knows what she is doing. I hope I know what I'm doing. There's so many dragons. We lack meat to feed them, despite a few volunteering to hunt outside our borders." "The King of Gryf is faring no better. More and more are showing up at his doorstep. Reports say Draconis is almost an empty wasteland." Princess Cadence lowered her head with a soft sigh. Shining gently took her by the forehoof and led her to the bed, letting her take a seat. "Your worried about Princess Celestia and Twilight? I know where your coming from Cadence. Just the thought of Twily venturing into those lands makes me want to race down there myself just to protect her from any threat. If I could I'd drag her and her friends back here just to see them unharmed. But we both know Celestia is powerful as is Luna. You yourself will be just as strong some day. For now we just have to have a little more faith in our family." Her eyes glanced down to see him patting a hoof,"I hope your right, Shining. I know that their friendship is extremely power as is their love for one another." "What do you feel out there Cadence. What emotions are you picking up in Draconis?" The alicorn closed her eyes for a minute or two before shaking her head,"I feel anger. Hatred and malice, mostly from that lich. A thirst for revenge, for utter wanton destruction. The hunger for endless power, to dominate all life on this planet. A desire to return home and seek vengeance against those who cast it out when it was alive." "What about Twilight? Her friends, Celestia and the others?" Shining asked. "Beneath all that darkness, I can feel them. The strength, determination and love. Its all there hidden beneath a shroud of shadows, aimed at the monster responsible." Cadence opened her eyes once again looking upon Shining. "There is something more coming from where the lich is. It's faint, barely noticible. I... can't make it out. But it feels like one, no two presences working as a single being.. I can't make out the details, the interference from the lich is making it difficult for me to focus on." "The dragon, Spyro they are trying to rescue?" "I can't say for certain, Shining. The auras are different from what I am familiar with. Maybe." A knock on the door drew both their attention as a messenger entered,"Begging both majesties pardons but. A few representatives of the dragon refugees are asking for more food and shelter. Shall we open up the last of the housing facilities your highnesses?" Princess Cadence looked to Shining Armor as he to her. Both nodded and arose from their spots. Trotting over to the messenger, Cadence outstretched a wing, "Make it so." The crystal pony bowed and left as the couple exited the bedroom chambers. They were both needed to not only tend to their subjects, but to offer what aide they could to the dragons below. Alicorn and unicorn offered what prayers of protection and hope for their families as they felt them travel deeper into enemy territory. > The best laid plans... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had the makings of a potential disaster mixed in with a vicious back lash and topped off with a dash of utter annihilation. Sapphire, upon completion of her own little personal agenda headed down to the dungeons once again to check on their "guest." What awaited her was a scene out of a brewing nightmare: Both guards out cold and unconscious. The cell door had been ripped from its hinges like an adolescent drake going through one of its phases. And not a scent nor sight of their prisoner, save for the broken shackles and chains. The only possible conclusion was Spyro had help. The dragon was too weak to make an escape on his own. Which meant there were traitors within the castle. A clenched fist shook at her side as she whirled on the fellow followers who accompanied her this round. "I want this place searched from the highest tower spire to the lowest catacomb. Find Spyro and whomever aided his escape and bring them to me." She growled with a suppressed snarl. "The master will be ill pleased with this news." Once follower droned on. He found himself slammed against the earthen wall, struggling as Sapphire proceeded to cut off his air supply,"Then it will be YOU answering to the Dark Master for your fellow brethren's failure at keeping tabs on the dragon." The other stood silient as Sapphire dropped his comrade before her eyes fixated on him next,"Till then not a word will be uttered to the master about his prisoner's... disappearance. Understood?" "It will be unwise for he will find out eventually. If we must, we must." Was his reply. "Gather as many as you can then and tear this kingdom inside and out." Sapphire left the two with clean up duty along with the search. For her part, the dragoness knew she would have to find Spyro and fast. Malefor was ambitious and any delays would result in the most cruelest methods of punishment to those who failed or defied him. She was close to achieving her goals. The dragoness was not about to let some slip up such as this keep her from restoring her family name. Nor using the lich to help achieve those means. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The small party ducked into an abandoned cave to rest while Celestia conferred with Twilight, Cynder and one of the head guards. Kel settled upon a lone rock that made do for a make shift seat and recalled what transpired so far. The dragoness Cynder, with the help of Twilight and the alicorn sisters, used a form of shadow magic to mask their entry. So far no alarm had been raised and any scouting parties they had come across could not detect their presence. So far so good. While this was a bit of good news, the downside was the magi's directions. The change in scenery was not what Kel was anticipating. Draconis was changing. The deeper they traveled the more twisted and foul the landscape was becoming. The first notable signs were the few hardy trees that grew along the caravan trail used by pony diplomats, travelers or trading merchants. Oak and wood was replaced by cold, dark crystaline growths. Even worse was the unpleasant aura they gave off. Cynder was the first to note the change and inform Kel that Malefor's dark influence was taking effect on his homeland. These dark crystals reeked of black magic and were even used in some of his earlier creation of golems before his defeat. It seemed then that the lich was once again spreading out to gain dominion over the lands. This made the dragoness all the more cautious for these dark clusters were a means of survailience and spying. Malefor could use them to find any unwelcome company to either capture or eliminate. Strong as the dragoness was, her own magical reserves were draining the longer they stayed cloaked under her shadows. What gems Kel could offer did little to replenish her, for being an outsider the properties on her rejuvenation had different results then magi such as himself. Rest and some food was all the ponies could offer her for the time being. He glanced up to see how the others were faring. The Bearers of the Elements were doing well so far, with the exception of the buttercream pegasus named Fluttershy. Being of a gentle timid nature, the unfavorable scene around the mare made traveling a bit slower then he would have liked. Rainbow Dash on the other claw, he wished all her friends possessed her speed. It would make traversing faster, but the risk was too great. Applejack and Pinkie Pie kept their friends spirits up with a good word of encouragement on their progress, while Twilight and Rarity both assisted Celestia and Luna when the time called for it. That left Discord. The draconequus was a puzzle wrapped in an enigma and bound in a mystery. Kel had only heard stories about the misfortune he caused Equestria in the past and how the alicorn sisters trapped him in stone. He was quiet most of the time. The temptation to mess with the scouting parties was there and he heard both Celestia and Luna warn him repeatedly that if he blew their cover that it would spell trouble for them all. This left Discord in a sour mood for the time, the draconequus skulking in one corner while he glared at the alicorn sisters. Pinkie Pie passed by, dropping a few sugared concoctions by the mage as the others ate what rations they brought with them. Kel wondered that for an earth pony whose roots were to that of the ground they walked upon, how was it possible this pony was able to pull anything and everything from seemingly out of thin air. He popped the question to the other earth pony Applejack, to which the mare replied,"Ya dun try to understand Pinkie Pie with them fangled logics ya hear about. She just is." "How much further Magi?" Kel was stirred from his thoughts to see Luna standing before him. Ahh, the younger sister of the two who raised and lowered the moon. The dragon thought she looked more beautiful then her sister on the account of her darker night colors. It would be a thing of beauty to have her color on a dragoness. Alas all one could do was dream. "Well your majesty. Based on how fast and stealthily we are traveling, it would be a week at most." A brow arched slightly as the moon princess replied,"Time is of the essence, yet from what Cynder says we can not make haste. Troubling indeed very troubling." Kel sighed,"I wish we could fly or teleport there faster I honestly wish we could. But of what Cynder says about the lich, we are grounded and unable to make the use of most magic. Though I am amazed how far we have come thanks to the dragoness's efforts. Truly her power is unique." "Unique and gifted yes." Luna smiled softly. The alicorn left Kel to gnaw on his cupcakes, her sight set on Cynder. She was gazing out of the cave's opening, her turquoise eyes fixated at the horizon. A wing twitched as the princess drew near, the dragoness glancing to see her standing a few feet from her right. "How fares thee, young Cynder?" Luna asked. "Tired but determined." Cynder replied. A soft exhale followed,"Alas were I larger, we would be traveling swifter. Though it would be some time before such an attempt could be made." "You worry for Spyro. We understand clearly. Were anything to happen to our sister or friends, we would not dare think of how to live with ourselves if the worst were to pass." "I notice you speak in first person." Luna blushed slightly and fidgeted with a hoof,"Forgive me. All this time of modernization and I still slip to the old ways when times of tension or stress builds." Silence descended upon the two. Luna could see Cynder glance her way as if to ask a question. The others were still resting thus the two had some time alone. "You may ask what is on your mind, dragoness. We-er... I mean I do not mind." "The confusing creature, Discord. I heard him mutter about you. Stories and such." Cynder had shifted and was now seated in front of the alicorn. Luna closed her eyes with a sigh and felt the heaviness take hold in her heart. "If this is about an incident after his defeat of a monster named Nightmare Moon. I can assure you that what he says is true. Jealously and resentment clouded my eyes and I nearly sent this world into eternal night. My sister Celestia still feels pained about what she has done despite how close we've become over the years. I can assure you, that I will never again travel that path." "I never doubted that. I just meant to say is, I can sympathize with your struggle." "Oh?" Luna asked, piqued by Cynder's response. She gestured for the alicorn to come closer until the two were mere inches,"I too fell to darkness once." Luna was now curious by these words. Cynder, seeing the alicorn's interest continued,"When Ignitus had escaped our temple all those years ago to protect Spyro, those responsible had taken my egg. With the dark powers, I was twisted and corrupted. I became feared and reviled. Manipulated to serving Malefor even before we knew his name, I had Avalar under a cloud of misery and shadow. Even the guardians of the temple fell before me and I had them captured." "Were you..?" Luna gestured with her forelegs suggesting her size. Cynder nodded,"My wings were said to blot out the sun. The winds from my beats strong enough to level forests. My tyranny knew no bounds." "How were you saved?" "Spyro. He rescued Cyril, Terrador and Volteer. Saved Ignitus too when I captured him. Then confronted me and wound up defeating me. But not before I cast a spell that would release Malefor." "Despite all you had done, he risked his life to save you?" There seemed to be mild doubt in her voice. Cynder was used to it from others. The alicorn shook her head and coughed,"Sorry. I did not mean for it to come off as such. What I meant was, he looked beyond what he saw and realized you were just a pawn being used against her own will." The dragoness nodded. Luna felt there was something more she was going to say. Cynder peered at the alicorn then motioned with a wing,"You've encountered Malefor before. He may be a lich but he is still no push over. What ever dark past you or any one else has, it would be wise to hide it from him. He can be most persuasive and not in a positive way." "He is capable of such?" "Look what his handiwork had done to Discord over there. Imagine what he could do to you or me even. Dark things are a specialty of his Luna. It would be most wise to steel yourself before he pulls the wrong strings." The alicorn snorted and looked outside,"He can try. But he will find our will stronger then he may think." "All the more reason your majesty to be cautious." Princess Luna gave a nod to her word as the two once more looked outside their hiding spot. A week. By then Malefor could be attacking Gryf or set his sights on Equestria itself. Even Princess Cadence and her kingdom would be at risk. Luna ground her teeth silently, hoping wishing there was some way to speed up their progress. Luck it seemed heard her plea, for the ground began to tremble. At once all were on their feet as the vibrations shook. Celestia was the first to approach sister and dragoness. "Were we spotted?" The light alicorn asked. Cynder shook her head as they struggled to keep their balance,"No. This feels different. Something has stirred in the direction we are heading. He's on alert. Someone or thing out there has caught his attention. Or... bold enough to attack." "Or maybe he's cashing in on some prime real estate. After all a villain of his stature would make a killing on the market. How many ponies let alone griffons live in Draconis? Ahh, I can see it now." All eyes turned on Discord as he chuckled,"Bored with your neighbors in Equestria? Feel ruffled from bumping into too many griffons? Well here in Draconis, we have everything you'll ever need. From hardy adventures to your rich snobs wanting a bigger peace of land, we at Undead Realtors can show that you too can own history. Its to... die for." Before any pony could groan or scold the draconequus, an ear splitting howl erupted in the distance. Every pony covered their ears, wincing as the unearthly shriek tore across the lands. Even Discord who snapped some ear plugs in place, found the sound a little unnerving. Cynder looked up, just in time to see a black beam shoot skyward into the sky, the dark clouds parting from its aura. Memories came rushing back as the dragoness realized how much time was shortened because of this event. "Quickly! Every one gather around and have your magic casters teleport us to the castle!" She shouted. "What?!" Twilight called out. "There's not much time! We need to get there and fast! I don't have time to explain either, just please do it!" Cynder shouted. The lavender unicorn was about to demand a reason when her eyes fell on the column of darkness rising to the sky. Her heart skipped a beat as that night came rushing back: The sky carriage being assaulted, the griffon mercs attacking. Spyro wrapped in a dark shadow. Twilight didn't need a reason. She knew, just as Cynder did. Things just went from bad to worse. Gathering all her friends, Twilight, Kel, Discord, Celestia and Luna prepared to cast a huge teleport spell, with Kel being their navigation inside. Magic surged around the group as unicorn, alicorn, draconequus and dragon magi magic worked to sent one rescue party from cave to castle. With a bright flash they were gone. A few miles back, Spike doubled his speed. The howl was hard on the ears as he nearly dropped his satchel and bolted for cover. He knew Twilight and the others were close, hopefully the dragon would be able to catch up in time. He last recalled them turning off the path to the left and his nose informed him (thanks to Rarity's perfume as it lingered in the air) that a cave was nearby. The baby dragon scurried while the tremors continued to rock the lands. He arrived just in time to catch the smell of ozone left from a massive teleportation spell. Spike groaned and slumped against the nearest wall. He was too late. They vanished and now it would be almost impossible to catch up. "Dang it. I was too slow." Spike gazed down at a few gems he had withdrawn from his satchel,"I've got to reach them. Spyro needs all the help he can get. But how am I going to get there now? I don't know how to teleport. Maybe... no. Twilight would flip out if she read the letter." Perhaps I can help, young one. Spike yelped and jumped at the sound of the voice. Eyes wide they darted around the cave, hoping to find the intruder. Shaking, the dragon began to search every corner spewing green flame to light up the darker pockets. Nothing turned up. Yet that didn't seem to stop the voice. I can assure you, little one. You'll not find me anywhere in the cave. "W-w-who are you? W-w-where are you?" I've been watching you for some time, Spike. While I admire your tenacity for wishing to help your friends, I must chide you for being careless. I am aware of your desire to help Spyro in the matter, but you've put yourself in danger. Twilight would be upset were anything to happen to you. "H-how do you know? Are you invisible? Magic? A spy?" Spike gasped. Great, he let a spy trail him all the way. Now it was playing some mind trick to let down his guard so he could be captured. Grabbing for the nearest means of defense, the dragon whipped a green gem around in an attempt to make himself look more imposing. That crystal your wielding won't be of much use. Save for eating when your hungry. As for the other questions. Yes, I have been glancing down on you from time to time. No I am not invisible, just not on your world. Which moves on to question three, yes a form of magic is being used. And no, I am not a spy. You may call me... the Chronicler. Now I may be able to help, but I need your attention. I can get you to your friends, but it will be difficult given how separate our worlds are for the moment.. "Why are you helping me?" Spike asked as he gathered his belongings. Because I care too much for Spyro to allow him to suffer the same fate as Malefor did. Rest assured you and your friends will help Spyro triumph over the dark master lich and save your world from his tyranny for good.. Spike nodded and braced himself. This Chronicler who ever or what ever he was, was helping. That's all that mattered. If Spike was lucky he could reach Twilight and the others just in time. A tension began around the dragon as he felt power seep around him. Grasping the straps on his satchel he closed his eyes and let this magic envelop and fill him completely. With a loud snap and flash, Spike was gone. > often go to waste. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The mountain was hewn in two. The once solid earthen kingdom was split down the middle in part to a huge surge of power within. Sapphire had barely retreated to the side room to avoid the commotion gathering in the throne, when the back draft of the surge caught both her and a few of the followers. Now slumped against one wall, her eyes fluttered open to a scene unfolding. The lich Malefor was rising to his feet. Shards of broken earth fell from his shattered jaw while pebbles skipped from his body. Across at the far end of the throne room, a dark dragon wrapped in an eerie shadow sat there, its blank eyes staring back at his adversary. Things were going so well in the beginning. He was wracking up a few points for ambushing some patrols along the hallways as he skulked in the shadows. The downside was looks were deceiving on the outside. This mountainous region proved to be more labyrinth. The dark one took back about his initial thoughts on their Queen making this all too easy. Even if prisoners were to escape the dungeon cells below, escape from the kingdom itself was time consuming. Which brought on problem number two. The dark crystals jutting from the walls and ceilings. Dark Spyro cursed himself for not noticing them earlier. Like silent sentries posted at the entrances, these bothersome gems were Malefor's eyes all over the lands. Of course he would have been spotted were he not as careful as his counter part. Time ran out however as an alarm was raised. Thus the dark one came to one conclusion. Burrow up. Up through who knows how many layers thick the floors were to the upper levels. The followers whom Sapphire demanded locate Spyro and any traitor within, sent word to Malefor on the matter. What resulted was well... as Sapphire had predicted. The lich grew furious and crushed the two who informed him of the matter, snarling why he was not notified the minute the runt escaped. The former ambassador herself was arrested in her quarters, bound in chains and brought forward to answer to him. She remained smug as Malefor raged at her. For her incompetence and not jumping on the matter immediately, rather having his lackeys take care of it. Just before she would share the fate of those two fools who lied to her, a tremor emerged beneath their feet. At first, Sapphire thought she was to be crushed beneath the rocks as a means of malice from the lich. The look of confusion mixed with surprise on the lich's face snuffed that idea. A hole appeared in the middle of the room, followed by a small dark creature spinning in one place. Eyes focused on the intruder as it unfurled its black wings, those blank eyes snapping open to survey the scene. Eyes roaming that fixated on Malefor as he stared back dumbfounded. "Hmm, it seems I've taken a wrong turn here. Pardon me oh decrepid one. Mayhaps you know the way out of this horrid place." Malefor lunged from his seat. Dark Spyro cackled as he drew his right foreleg back. Just as those large claws of the lich were about to enclose on the shadowed dragon, Dark Spyro brought his right foreleg, the claw inclosed in a fist forward in a right hook. Malefor felt his jaw detach as a huge earthen fist collided with his face. Earth bound and glowing green with the magic of nature, the lich felt his body collide with the wall. Dazed, the lich grunted as he rose to his feet, his anger growing at the taunting. "All those years of trying to bring you down and all it took was one wicked right hook. Your getting slow old dragon." "Insufferable whelp. I'll grind your bones to dust when I through draining you dry." Malefor snarled. Dark Spyro snorted," Uuugh. How cliche' can you get? Honestly if your going to be the villain at least at some spice to the same dull, repetative speeches. " The lich roared as red hot fire spewed from his muzzle. Those who were caught in the vicinity of the blast were incinerated. Dark Spyro just laughed and whirled his wings about him, drawing up the flames to form a fiery column of searing fire around him. "Old AND useless. C'mon don't you have any thing new up those scales of yours? Your nothing but a rotting pile of flesh and bones, Malefor. Here. Let me show you how its REALLY done." The aura was nauseating. It left Sapphire dazed and disoriented as she struggled for cover. The dragoness was beginning to regret thinking her plan would work out. These two outsiders were not only beyond her level of magic, but a league entirely of their own. Diving for cover, she grabbed the nearest scattered shield and brought it up for protection. As she did, the dragoness swore she heard a bell chime in the distance. Following the tone an intense heat rushed against the metallic defense, Sapphire huddled as flames licked over the edges, threatening to set her robes aflame. Seconds ticked by. The air was hot and thick with smoke. Sapphire coughed before daring to peek over the cracked shield. The throne room was scorched. Charred remains of those unlucky enough to be in the blast were all that remained. Part of the ceiling had caved in, leaving the dark sky above to rumble overhead. Lastly the very kingdom was torn in two, split down the middle. Amongst the ruin, there in the center stood the dark dragon poised and ready. Eyes scanning the scene she found Malefor emerging from an earthen dome, one he conjured up to take the brunt of the attack. Red eyes narrowed upon the dark creature before him. Then came the laugh. It was low at first, a snicker the bubbled in its decaying throat. That snicker grew into a chuckle that rose to a crescendo of a booming laugh. "The possessed grows bold and arrogant. All the more fun this will be when your defeat is ever more humiliating." "Yes, yes. You'll slay me, steal my soul and go on to take over the world, blah, blah, blah. It's been done to death already! " Malefor roared and leapt again, his decaying claws infusing with the power of lightning. Dark Spyro hissed and drew on the power of the earth as the two collided once more. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Outside the broken gates, a large flash took place. Once the light faded, Twilight, her friends, both alicorn sisters, Discord, Cynder and Kel stood before the shattered path. Cynder and Kel shook their heads, disoriented from the sudden teleportation. Kel was not used to such magics yet. The magi was lucky he was past the stage of losing his meals. Those first few months were disasterous on his stomach. "Well, we're here." Twilight said. The unicorn and her friends looked around while Celestia and Luna scanned for potential threats. The hoof ful of guards spread out in a defensive position, eyes and ears alert for potential threats. "Huh. Its quiet. Too quiet ifn ya ask me," Applejack murmured,"Ah reckin with as big a followin as Malefor had, ya'd think this place be crawling with his minions like ants at a picnic." "Now that you mention it,"Kel looked around,"Where is everyone? This place was swarming with fanatics when he invaded." Before any pony or one could answer, a pink poofy tail began to jitter uncontrollably. Pinkie Pie yelped and clutched her spaztic part while her friends did what came naturally: They sought immediate cover whether it was rock alcoves or self made covering.. "Twitchy! Twitchy!" The pink pony exclaimed. Kel and Cynder looked at her, most puzzled before both were yanked by alicorn and unicorn magic. Once safely with their traveling companions, the magi was the first to reply,"What does she mean by 'Twitchy, twitchy'?" A large body slammed through the castle doors, sending earthen remains to scatter across the grounds. The loud thud that followed sent a small tremor that the whole group felt. The guards around the alicorn sisters took up defensive positions, while Rarity turned to Kel. "My dear magi Kel, when Pinkie Pie's tail starts to twitch its an indication of something or somepony falling. And never once has she been wrong." Discord glanced towards the dust and debris as it started to settle,"Hmm the sky was not supposed to start falling until after lunch. That is the last time I read about the weather in this place." The ground lurched as a creature exploded from the crater it had made upon its impact. The dull purple scales clinging to rotting muscle, sinew and bone. Tattered dragon wings whipped the air around the decaying body as a thin, bony tail lashed out to smash a few outcroppings of stone to dust. A great head emerged from the dust, red eyes flared in empty sockets as it shook itself. The lich's head snapped in the direction of the castle to the sound of wicked laughter. Dark Spyro emerged, a leering smirk plastered on his muzzle,"So what was that about grinding my bones to make your bread?" Malefor snarled as he lunged at his hated foe, the ground heaving beneath him body in an attempt to ram the small adversary. Dark Spyro leapt forward as the air started to grow cold, ice shards forming up around the dragon as the two met in a head on collision. Every pony and dragon ducked for cover as earth met ice, broken shards and rock either tore gaping holes in the walls of the kingdom or destroyed what little cover there was to begin with. "This is insane!" one pony guard exclaimed,"With their power, there will be nothing left of Draconis to save if they keep this up!" "All the more reason to end the threat now," Celestia replied as she and her sister strode forward. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." The group looked to Discord as he stood there, rubbing his hands together,"Clearly given the situation before us an attempt to halt this elemental fiasco would result in great bodily harm. Now I'm not saying we should sit back and watch the show as tempting is it may be. I think more along the lines of aiding said Spyro on bringing down Malefor in a combined effort with a surprise." "You want to try it, be my guest. Just don't come crawling to me when the backlash of those two elemental clash knock you flat on your back Discord." Yellow eyes fixated upon Cynder as she surveyed the skirmish between the two,"Immortal or not I do remember her majesty Celestia inform me, that while you were under Malefor's manipulation, Spyro laid you out cold." The draconequus huffed as the dragoness continued,"I need to get to Spyro and shake him out of the state he is in. The longer he remains in that state, the weaker he will become." "I thought this... Dark Spyro as you called it was like ten times tougher, stronger and faster." Rainbow Dash pointed. "It's true. Yet with all things of magic in nature or elevated status, when it wears off the exhaustion will be too great. Just as you were to over exert yourself while flying, Dark Spyro is continually being drained. Adding his abilities, its only speeding up to the point where he could slip into an a coma." "That's bad right?" The cyan pegasus replied. "Spyro will revert to his old self too tired and weak to make a stance and Malefor will let all levels of dragon fire loose. We need a distraction, preferably without getting too close." "That's like asking me to fly except without using my wings. Malefor looks angrier then Twilight without a quill to write with." "Hey!" The lavender mare scoffed. Rainbow Dash just shrugged. Before Twilight could scold the pegasus for such a remark, the clearing of a alicorn's throat drew every pony (and dragon's) attention. "Luna and I will do it. Spyro and Malefor may be heavy hitters, but we can manage as well. Besides..." Twilight swore she could have seen a faint smirk spread across her mentor's muzzle,"I believe me and sister dear owe the lich a little payback for the damage wrought on Canterlot and ourselves." "Ahem." Both alicorns turned to see Discord polishing his nails against his chest,"Make that three. You don't think your going to let the King of Chaos just sit back and let the sisters have all the fun? Let's show this walking corpse what it means to tangle with the wrong people." Princess Celestia knew better then to object. Discord was out for payback, much more then she and Luna. One does not simply toy with Discord and not expect repercussions. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The two dragons were on opposite ends of the battle field with they had created in their scuffle. Shards of ice melted beneath pools of magma, while arcs of lightning fizzled against jagged pieces of rock. Malefor may have siphoned much of his foe's strength, yet Dark Spyro was still keeping him on his toes. But Malefor had a minor advantage: Dark Spyro may be getting his hits in, he was starting to slow. The last elemental assault lacked the brute force he felt within the throne room. All the little black menace needed to do was slip up and it was all Malefor needed to finish him. Dark Spyro was feeling it. Hit for hit, keeping Malefor on his guard was taking a toll. His other half had cautioned against this during the bout, yet the dark half was frustrated by this. Leave it to be drained and left for dead, only to survive and waste what little energy they had left. We're not going to last much longer. Malefor knows this. We either hit him with everything we've got or start thinking defensive. I don't know how much more we can take. For once I agree. "What's the matter whelp? Losing steam already? I thought you said you could go on for hours at this." Dark Spyro growled under his breath. To be mocked when he should be the one gloating,"Since you seem eager to wind up back in your grave, I'll oblige." Bracing against the torn ground beneath him, Dark Spyro dug in and drew up the earthen force. Malefor began drawing his neck back, sparks of electricity gathering at his teeth. The hum of power between them was intensifying, the earth shuddering before the might of legend and betrayer. Dark Spyro struck first. Whipping both forelegs in an upwards swing, a pillar of earth rose from Malefor's left intent on striking below the jaw. The lich counter by dodging, unleashing his lightning breath. Dark Spyro responded by stomping his left hindfoot on the ground, drawing up a wall imbued with green magic, a wall to absorb the blast. Shards of earth scattered as the breath struck home, the earthen barrier crumbling beneath its force. Debris and dust filled the air, obscuring both from the view of pony and dragon alike. Dark Spyro was breathing heavily. What he wouldn't kill for some red or blue crystals to recharge himself at this moment. The ground began to tremble and he knew Malefor was making for another grab. Unfurling his wings, the dark dragon took to the sky... only to be hammered by a rotting tail, which slammed him back down to the earth. Dark Spyro could feel his body seize up upon impact, the air rushing from his lungs. Dammit! Should have seen that coming. "And so ends the feeble rebellion of Spyro the Dragon. Avalar will know of your defeat when I turn the world to ash. All will once again know my name and fear it for a millenium." Malefor laughed triumphantly. At last Spyro was his for good. No more resistance, no more meddlesome interferences. Both worlds were his for the taking. The dark dragon yelped as he was encased in an earthen prison, his jaws clamped shut by a rocken muzzle restraint. Malefor drew him close, watching as his squirmed against his bonds, too weak to break free. This is not good. This is not good. This is soo not good. Shutup,shutup,shutup! Think! You have to have some tiny reserve left. I'm...We're spent. I'm too exhausted. Already I feel the world turning dark. Huh... always imagined our end being that of old age or going down in a blaze of glory. Was that... regret I just heard from you? Before Dark Spyro could reply, he felt Malefor's eyes upon him. Glaring up at those orbs, he merely snorted and remained defiant. "Any last words?" The lich growled with gleeful malicious intent. "Mmmfmmppff Mmmrrfffmmmf mmmmfrrfmmm." "What was that? I didn't quite catch it." "Oh well, Darky Spyro said,'Has anybody ever told you, you monologue too much?' He said some other stuff, but I don't think it would be deemed appropriate for young readers." A new voice caused both dragons to stare down. Pinkie Pie was sitting on her haunches between the two, one hoof around a glass of chocolate milk, the other holding some cotton candy. Malefor was... stumped. By the ancients how did this tiny horse manage to slip by without him even noticing it? "Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie. You don't need to introduce yourself, I know who you are. Your a big, dumb smelly undead meanie who likes to pick on ponies and dragons smaller then you, you big bully." Malefor lunged, attempting to make a snack out of this morsel who dared to insult him. Jaws clamped shut on ground, tearing out chunks as he drew his head back up. No tiny horse in his muzzle. The heck? No one could move that fast, not when he was that close and quick at physical striking. Eyes scanning, he noticed another thing. Spyro was no longer in his earthen prison. Instead another being sat there, legs folded, those mismatched arms tented beneath a rather wicked looking smile as yellow eyes glared back. "Why hello there. If it isn't my former puppet master." Discord said. "YOU?!" Malefor roared. "Yes, me." The draconequus replied, snapping his fingers. Multiple copies of himself sprouted around the lich dragon as he sought to see them all,"Me, me, me, me, me." One copy wore a suit and adjusted a pair of sunglasses," Me too." The lich snapped his jaws once again, snagging Discord in his maw. The draconequus exploded into confetti leaving a white pasty goo that sealed Malefor's muzzle shut. The dragon struggled and lashed about, attempting to unseal his now glued jaws. "Tsk, tsk. If your going to behave like a rabid, wild dog then we're going to have to discipline you, make you house broken." Malefor tried lunging again, intent on bashing the fool with his skull. Discord laughed and twirled out of the way. Malefor felt something heavy smack him across the snout, which stung. Watering eyes looked to find what appeared to be layers of paper rolled up into a make shift club. "Bad Maley! No treat!" The draconequus scolded, waving the crude weapon in front of the lich. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dark Spyro/Spyro couldn't believe their luck. On the brink of being devoured for good, Pinkie Pie of all ponies managed to not only arrive, but whisk him safely from harm. Spyro was amazed that not only Pinkie Pie was there, but the rest of her friends as well. The princesses Celestia and Luna were there as well, along with a dragon, whom was named Kel and even Sparx. But one face stood out among them. Dark Spyro could feel his grip slipping as he started to recede back into his counter part's consciousness. The dark shadow melted from the dragon, leaving behind a dirt crusted, exhausted Spyro who looked ready to collapse at any moment. Yet one dragoness who stood before him, made that fatigue melt away like snow on a spring day. "Cynder." He murmured. "Hey there ya big lug. Long time no see." She replied with a smile. Spyro was ready to embrace and hug the air out of her, when they heard gagging. They looked to see Rainbow Dash making faces while pointing at her mouth. "Rainbow Dash!" Rarity exclaimed, rather cross at her action. "I'm sorry but please! No mushy stuff okay?" The cyan pegasus replied. Spryo nodded, only to nearly fall over were it not for Cynder keeping him up,"I know you want to play catch up, but now is not the time. We need to re-group. Discord is keeping Malefor occupied for the moment but who knows how much longer." The dragoness looked to Twilight,"Can you teleport us to a safe distance like you did before?" Before Twilight could reply, a great roar shook the lands. The group turned to see Malefor rip his lower jaw free from his muzzle. Though undead, his vocal chords lost none of the great terror all dragons possessed when angered. Discord floated there, removing a pair of ear plugs,"My my. I didn't give the command to speak. Such a baaad dragon." The lich re-attached his lower jaw then erupted a furious spew of fire in the draconequus's direction. Malefor was livid. No one, be it god or goddess or deity toys with him in such a manner. Discord never even flinched as he was engulfed by the flames. Malefor laughed and called out,"Who else DARES to challenge me?" A beam of light magic slammed into the lich's chest, hurling the dragon to burrow and leave divets into the already torn ground. As he struggled to climb out, his eyes settled on a familiar beast. This creature of white was joined by another whose color was that of night blue. "We the royal sisters, challenge you Malefor taint and ruiner of Draconis." Princess Celestia called. "Thou hast done great harm against both dragon and pony alike. Prepare thyself ill favored cretin for your punishment is nigh!" Celestia winced as Luna slipped into the Royal Canterlot Voice.,"Sister, now is not the time." Luna looked back,"I only wish to make as great as an impression as you did, sister mine." "You two!" Malefor snarled as he drew himself from the ground,"I see the beating I gave both of you was not enough when I wrecked your miserable castle. Glutton for more punishment? So be it." "You'll find us not so easily cowed when you lack a minion to hide behind you coward!" Luna called out, her horn glowing indigo blue,"And you'll learn the price for over confidence." "I'll burn the flesh from your bones until nothing but your charred remains lie on the ground. Just like that stupid creature Discord." Something cold, sweet and sticky caught Malefor on the back of his head, sending the dragon tumbling once more into the crevice he had created earlier from Celestia's magical blast. The lich roared again in fury and drew his gaze to find the draconequus floating above him, looking... darker in color. "Mmmm I do thank you for the tan Maley baby, but summer is still a ways off."Discord removed a pair of sunglasses, giving himself a once over,"Tell me will you be opening up a tanning salon soon?" Malefor bristled at Discord's taunt. His scales clicked against hollowed bone, the great wings unfurling in anger. Spyro was in their company bringing a one on one into a possible four on one. The fire burned in his throat, itching to sear everyone and thing on this rock to ash. Yet he calmed himself. Better to think level headed then to be reckless. Rising to all feet, he closed his eyes and drew a deep breath. Which one... which one to falter and break? The dark night colored one seemed to stand out. Craning his neck to catch sight of Luna, those red orbs narrowed as a smile peeled across his muzzle,"Yes... I can see it now. A taint not so easily washed from one such as you. Jealous and envious over an older siblings work, while yours was in vain. To be on the shadow of another when you could have done much more." Luna grimaced and held her tongue. Cynder had warned her that he would attempt a feat. The alicorn stood tall and jutted her chin,"Thou may attempt to sway my intentions, foul beast! But we have been warned against thy trickery. Thine own determination is stronger and not so easily bent to your slithering deceit." "Cynder... how good of you to join us again." He turned to see her standing there with the other alicorn. He chuckled darkly,"You must be desperate to get Spyro back that you would send these pitiful creatures own rulers to fight your battles while you cower in hiding." The dragoness spat on the ground, a small glob of green goo landed a few feet away. Celestia's nose wrinkled in disgust as the sound of acid began to eat away at the earth. A poison breath the dragoness knew,"Do not judge Malefor. You sent ugly goons to do your dirty work while you hid away in the temple high above Avalar. I'd say that makes you more of a coward then all of us combined. Face it, its over. Your dark reign over this land has ended." The earth rose up to strike all four. Luna dodged as did Celestia. Cynder rolled out of the way while Discord yawned and merely ported from one spot to the next. "Spyro is out of the picture. You, Cynder are weak. I will crush these three miserable so called god and goddesses once more. And then... I will feast on you both." A hail of jagged icicles rained down from the sky above. Both alicorn sisters drew up magical barriers, Cynder managing to duck under their cover as the ground was littered in frozen spears. Discord dodged rolled and skipped along, holding an umbrella bent inside out, singing to himself. Malefor took to the air, his great wings beating down. The menace draconequus was the first to go. Without his irritating tricks, the other two would fall quickly enough. Discord laughed and avoided being snagged by those claws. The lich's reward was another loud whap! with that roll of paper the draconequus wielded like a club found its mark on his lower back. As he turned to make another attack, two magical beam struck him on his wings. Snarling he turned and unleashed a breath of fire on the two alicorns. They disappeared in a fog of shadow as Cynder hid their present location. Twilight and the others watched from cover. Truly this was a sight to be seen. To watch Princess Celestia and Luna, along with Discord and newcomer Cynder take on the lich dragon Malefor and succeeding. It was nothing short of impressive. The sounds of some pony struggling to their feet, drew her attention to Spyro. Applejack and Fluttershy were attempting to lightly restrain the dragon, but he was having none of it. "Now ya listin Spyro. Ya done enough out thar with your dark half holdin out as long as ya can. Ya got ta rest now an let the princesses n Discord with yer friend Cynder handle that monster." A hoof rested on his shoulder. Spyro turned to see Fluttersky nod in agreement, Rarity and Rainbow Dash giving him that look as well. "Listen, you can't take on the burden alone. You got friends like Cynder and those other dragons to help you. Doing the hero thing solo isn't all that healthy." Twilight said. He looked to her slightly puzzled. She smiled and gestured to her friends,"We should know. We've been in your position quite a few times." A hard thud caused the ground to shake, drawing every pony (and dragon)'s attention. A bony clawed hand rose up from the hole of impact. Malefor climbed out of the crevice, his hide burned in some areas by Cynder's poison acid. His wings burned from the alicorn magic. Lastly his tail and muzzle were caked in this disgustingly sweet, cold concoction Discord referred to as sherbert. Magical and breath attacks was one thing. Being assaulted by foreign food was... well it was just plain wrong! Spyro suppressed a laugh. Here he was,the dragon of legend more tired then a long day of flight training watching his most hated foe being taken down in a group effort by Cynder and the other three. There was a sense of satisfaction that Malefor was getting more then he bargained for. "Alright, alright. I'll sit back and let your rulers, Discord and Cynder handle him." Resting on his sore legs, Spyro let a soft sigh escape,"I think I've worried all of you enough as it is. I would hate to make things worse then by rushing out there. At least we're safe and sound for now, right?" Twilight and the other smiled about to nod, when both unicorns felt a surge of magic coming from in front of Malefor. Princess Celestia and Luna, along with Discord and Cynder also felt this surge. The lich was also puzzled. Another person joining the fray? A light flashed and the smell of magical ozone followed. What appeared caused dead silence. Twilight's eyes drew wide, first in shock, then in horror. Rarity felt her heart stop as Fluttershy drew in a gasp. Rainbow Dash was ready to speed out there and intervene while Applejack attempted to snag her before it was too late. Even Pinkie Pie was stunned by who was standing there before them. Princess Celestia and Luna were just as shocked. There in the middle stood Spike. He teetered for a moment then regained his balance. "Wow. That Chronciler's magic really worked. I'm here! But wait... he said he would transport me to where my friends and every one else. But I don't see anyone. Did he make a mistake?" The sky darkened above the dragon as he felt a looming presence above him. That darkness turned out to be someone shadow. Someone huge. Menacing. Scary. Why their very breathing was up there on the creepy factor. Gulping, the baby dragon slowly turned around and looked up. Up into the terrifying image of the lich dragon, Malefor as he stared down at the tiny creature before him. Fear took hold of Spike and the urge to flee was upon him. Yet try as he might, his legs would not budge. "How delightful,"Boomed Malefor's voice,"A little snack." Malefor lunged, jaws open wide to snap up Spike as the baby dragon stood there frozen in fear. Before he felt the world go dark, he heard a scream. A scream coming from Twilight as the unicorn rushed to save her little brother. "SPIIIIKE!!" > You are a purple dragon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A very special creature. Spike felt time had come to a halt. He watched his life replay before his eyes in slow motion. Hatching to the care of one Twilight Sparkle in the unicorn's entrance exam room. Growing up under her care as she studied and matured from a curious filly into an intelligent and well gifted mare. Leaving Canterlot to stay in Ponyville while the mare was to learn from her mentor to make friends and learn about friendship. The meetings with Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie... twice. The adventure into Everfree Forest to find the Elements of Harmony to stop Nightmare Moon's plans for Eternal Night. Many adventures, many lessons learned, the magic of friendship growing stronger with each day. "Strange isn't it? When one stands at Death's door, they see their life being relived from a different point." The dragon struggled to move, yet found his body would not respond. Even trying to turn his head wielded no results. He felt nothing, could not stand on anything. It was if he was suspended in mid air as though Twilight was in the middle of magically carrying him to rest on her back. Yet there was no tingling sensation of a magical aura around him, no sight of his mentor/sister bringing him closer. Just his life before his eyes and the voice who spoke just now. "Am... am I dead? Is this where dragons go when we die?" "Maybe. A dragon's perception on death and the afterlife has varied greatly throughout the generations. Each draws in his or her views on what awaits them upon the moment of their end. Nay Spike, you stand on an event that will forever change the face of Equestria. You can thank Spyro, Cynder and the undead known as Malefor for it." The dragon tried to move again with no results. The voice felt everywhere and yet no where at once. "What do you mean? Spyro never meant to come to Equestria. He was pulled in. Malefor was here before him, though I don't know how he got here. And Cynder... Princess Celestia and Luna brought her over to help find Spyro when he was taken." "As noble as his intentions have been, Spyro and Malefor has started a reaction. The elemental magic of Avalar clashes with the magic of the whole of Equestria. The balance has tipped unfavorably which unless can be stabilized will tear your world apart. Much like what nearly befell Avalar." The voice replied. "Who are you? How do you know what is going on?" "I am the Chronicler. Strange as it may be, you have been pushed outside the boundries of Equestria in part to the moment in time where everyone is rescuing you. The surges have whirl pooled out of control and you, my dear boy are having what one would sort of call an out of body experience." A snap of fingers and the world went dark. Spike floundered as he felt himself fall only to land on nothing. Yet his scaled feet informed him it was solid enough to stand on. As he looked around in the inky blackness, a gray being stood across from him. The dragon from the look of his appearance was tall, his horns tarnished and cracked. Satchels hung from his sides, where various scrolls peeked out from under the covers. A cloak bore on his back, hiding his great wings which looked tattered and useless, yet the dragon did not seem bothered by it at all. "Your the Chronicler? The one who helped me get to my friends? I don't get it. You said due to us being on different worlds, that it was difficult to transport me from one spot to another. How am I and you here? Where is here?" The Chronicler looked around then gazed back at the small dragon. He could only offer a small shrug, ignoring the groan rising from Spike's throat,"Even I am unsure of where we are. I was watching from the safety of my keep the outcome of the conflict between your rulers and Malefor. When the magical surge hit, everything around me went dark. Stumbling about in this blind void I thought the worst had happened, until I found you. It's clear to me now that my duty extends beyond the borders of Avalar. Young Spike, I have a task to give to you to complete." Spike pointed to himself,"What is this task you have for me?" "You must awaken your own dormant abilities and set right what has been wronged on your world. Malefor presence must end." Spike was speechless. Him? Possessing powers? It was a joke right? Clearly the Chronicler was playing a game with him. The baby dragon waited for the moment when the grey dragon would burst out laughing and tell him it was all a joke that it was just folly. Yet the longer the two stood, the expression on the Chronciler's face never changed. Spike started to feel dizzy. He would have fallen had he not plopped down on his rump and sat there, baffled by what was just said. "I... I can't. You must be joking. I'm not the right dragon for this. There's got to be other, better dragons out there that could take on the task. Me? I'm just Spike. Spike the Dragon, number one assistant to Twilight Sparkle. I'm not magical like unicorns or can fly about like pegasus. Heck I'm not strong enough like earth ponies to knock down apples from their branches." Spike leaned back as the Chronicler lowered his head, till their snouts barely touched,"You are a purple dragon. Like Spyro, you are a very special creature. Your birth was different from the others. Unlike the lava pools where dragons are normally hatched, your mentor Twilight Sparkle's own magic released you. How many other dragons were born the same way?" He did have a point. The unicorn entry exams for the school was never truly intended to hatch dragons eggs. It was merely a test to see how strong a unicorn's magic was, sort of like a seating arrangement. Twilight had been the first and so far, the only unicorn to hatch a dragon with magic. Spike did feel different. He never let it go to his mind that he was special. Maybe a little, due in part that he lived with ponies while working and studying with Twilight. Sure he can breath green fire and send letters, but it never really occurred to the dragon that he was capable of so much more. Until now. "What if I can't? What if I fail?" "Your friends are there with you, young Spike. When the worst should be fall you, they will be there to guide you on the right path. Do not doubt yourself. Spyro too was in the same spot you are before he realized his potential." The baby dragon looked up,"You think I could do it? Be just like Spyro?" "Training, guidance with the right mentors and teachers perhaps. Only time will tell." Spike closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths. This was a huge job for him, bigger then any errand Twilight Sparkle or any pony else had sent him on. This was bigger then the biggest gem he found with Rarity one day. Deep down he knew it would be tough. Taking that path will not be easy. Like Twilight and the other Bearers to the Elements of Harmony, Spike will always be looked upon differently. He just hoped that the other ponies would not fear him because of this change. "I'll do it. I won't let you, Twilight and her friends, Princess Celestia and Luna OR Equestria down." The Chronciler smiled. Spike had a long journey ahead of him after this. But with help, the dragon would grow into something grand. Grand and amazing, something Equestria had not seen in centuries. As Spike stood up, the Chronciler slipped behind him. Spike felt two massive fore paws resting on each side of his face, the sight of those large talons looked to engulf his small body completely. "Close your eyes and focus on your fire. Let the wild, aggressive nature of your love for your friends fuel it. Stoke it with the need to protect and defend all you hold dear to your heart. When the bell tolls, set yourself free." Spike closed his eyes. In the darkness he sought where his fire sat within his chest. Heeding the Chroniclers words, he started to fill the brazier where the green fire sat with his love. He stoked the growing flame with the urge to protect and defend. Greed of any form would not be allowed for this would snuff out the flame and he would lose that warmth within growing. Growing. Rising. Surging. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - When the bell tolls, free yourself. A lone bell far off in the distance, chimed the hour. Every pony that was either getting off work or starting the late shift paused to listen to the chimes. The last one caught every pony off guard. The last chime rang loud and echoed off the walls and mountain side, the sound almost deafening. As every pony covered their ears while wincing, the unicorns felt a great surge of magic rising to the west where Draconis lay. Something was gathering, growing, rising. It had reached its peak. With the bell tolling the last hour, that peak was now unleashed. Spyro was the first to notice the change. His time manipulation started to warp and twist as a different magic came into play. The heat was almost unbearable. Rather then try and grab Spike, he aimed for the next closest thing: Princess Celestia. Cynder too, felt the licking of the flames against her scales even before it was unleashed. Her flight pattern altered to intercept Princess Luna before she was be burned to ash. Both dragons snatched the alicorns and flew straight up. Both princesses were taken by surprise as their attempt to port in to save Spike before he was devoured was thwarted by Spyro and Cynder. Celestia did however, manage to port Twilight to land upon her back the moment they shot upwards. The heat that erupted below was as hot as the very celestial body she rose and lowered each day. As for the other pony, royal guards and one dragon mage, they sought immediate cover. Malefor was the last to feel it Course it was hard to not miss that great surge he felt building in that tiny morsel of a baby dragon he sought to snap up on his jaws. The last thing the lich saw before his world erupted was those green eyes the dragon had when he stared back up. Gone was the terror and fear he had felt, that froze him into place ripe for the eating. Instead new emotions took hold: Anger along with a burning desire to defend and protect what he held dear to him. Spike braced his feet upon the ground and glared up at the lich, even when his jaws started to close around him. The bell in the distance rang the hour to which he had been building his special come back for this monster who ran rampant all over Draconis and had destroyed much of the landscape and Castle Canterlot. Retribution. His small muzzle opened wide, revealing two small sets of sharp dragon teeth and a long forked tongue. What followed next, some ponies claimed, were the very fires of Tartarus itself coming to claim an escaped soul. "Rrrrrraaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwr!" The cry was deafening. The great river of green fire that spewed from the baby dragon was even worse. Malefor felt his body sear and burn as he was enveloped by these mighty flames. It was so powerful and overwhelming, the lich had no time to act or defend himself. The pain was unbearable. Whatever screech of agony that rose from his rotting throat was burned away in part due to the intensity. Much of his upper body, wings and forelegs were gone in the blast. In a span of perhaps a mere few seconds, Spike had very nearly incinerated the lich dragon Malefor right where he stood. The brightness of his flames were so great, Spike worried he might have gone blind. He shut his eyes and continued to exhale, intent on completing the task given and tipping the scales in favor to Equestria once again. Silence fell across the land of Draconis. The smell of burned flesh and bone wafted in the dry parched air. The ground where the lich stood was charred to the point where some of the rocky landscape had melted under the high temperature. Spike held his breath, his eyes shut tight. Carefully he opened one then the other. His vision was blurry, but it cleared with a few blinks. Before him stood the remains of Malefor, which was not much. A seared tail, charred bones blackened and cracked, brittle to the touch. Lastly the upper half skull of the monster himself, shocked and stunned by this defeat while he smouldered from the heat. Something landed behind Spike. He turned to find Discord standing there, donning a chef's hat and apron. The draconequus kissed his own fingers and said, "Now thatsa one SPICY meatsaballa!" Discord was joined by Princess Celestia, carrying Spyro and Twilight while Lune with Cynder on her back landed beside the two. Shouts and cheers erupted to their left as the royal guards along with Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy rushed to join the group gathering. They had done it. Spike had done it. They saved not only Draconis, but Equestria as well. Malefor was had been defeated. Spike was tackled by the group, receiving a hoof noogie from Rainbow Dash while Applejack carried him on her back as she trotted in place. "That... was.. AWESOME!" Rainbow Dash shouted, amazed by what she saw. "Ya got that right. Hoooooweeeeeeee!! That was some fire ya bellowed thar, Spike." Applejack added. "Spike, that was truly astounding! I never knew you were capable of breathing a fire breath that huge." Rarity joined in. "That was super, amazing, stupendously crazy, wildly whooshing! Meanie Malefor was all 'Rarr Ima eat Spike up like a cupcake crumb!' And Spike was like,'No way! I'm no pony's snack time meal.' And then the RAR! And the whoosh! and the help me help me I'm melting!" Pinkie Pie rambled on. Fluttershy said nothing, but the buttercream pegasus knew deep down Spike had saved the day. The royal guards were speechless at what the baby dragon did. Kel was just as stumped as they were. Never a dragon that small had been able to produce a fire breath that massive in all of their history. The mage knew that when things were back to normal, the kingdom would be up in wings on what to do. There was one pony Spike had his eyes on. He shuffled on his feet, while squeezing his tail as she approached him. Tears had pooled in her eyes on the verge of crying almost. Twilight opened her mouth to speak, but Spike held up a hand causing her to pause,"I know what your going to say. I'm sorry I disobeyed, Twilight. But I felt so helpless not being able to help you or Spyro or any pony else. I just wanted to something, anything, that's all." Two forelegs wrapped around him before Spike felt himself being pressed against her chest, Twilight's nose nuzzling his head spine,"Oh hush, you." She whispered glad to have him in her embrace once more. While the group shared the success, Spyro and Cynder stood before the charred skull of the fallen lich. The once intense red orbs were now dull and faded. They both could feel his power draining knowing in a few minutes he would cease to exist for a third time. There was no words exchanged for Malefor lacked vocal chords to speak with. Both dragons felt Discord's presence and turned to gaze up. The draconequues was grinning ear to ear. "How the mighty have fallen. Truly I had bets placed on moi' to end your reign after all you put me through. But to be bested by a teeny tiny dragon baby. What a twist!" The charred tail twitched, but no other movement came from his remains. Spyro was stumped. He had seen Spike breathe fire on occasion. Yet there was no mention of him producing a fire of that magnitude. Not in all his time here on Equestria. Cynder and Spyro rose to leave when a cold wind brushed against the two. The trio turned to see the lich use what little he had left to make what speech he could out of the wind. "Can...not end... like this... H...ad you... in... my grasp. She... will pay.... dearly for... thisssss." The lich whistled. "Who? What grudge have you now, broken thing?" Kel, whom stayed back now joined the group and wanted answers. A hollow laugh kicked the dust beneath the skull before Malefor replied. "Sapphire." Spyro perked,"I remember. Sapphire was working with Malefor. She was pretty much my watcher and was to notify him once I awoke. I vaguely recall her in chains, just before our fight in the castle." Kel couldn't believe his ears. Nor did he want to. Yet her disappearance and the inability to locate her chariot once Malefor left Canterlot. It was too much a lead to not follow through. The mage made a quick mental note that once the Queen was freed, a thorough investigation of Sapphire would commence and the answers the dragons sought would finally be given. A crack brought his focus to the skull. Dragons, dragon mage and draconequus watched as the remains of Malefor crumbled to dust. They were not alone. The Princess sisters, along with the Bearers were also there, to see the end of the dragon who had caused so much trouble in both Equestria and Draconis. As his spirit faded, a once heavy presence on the lands started to lift. Eyes gazed far and wide across the landscape to see the dark storm clouds dissipate. The sun's rays began to break through, its light bathing the bleak lands. Draconis will heal in time. The dragons would regain their home as they have done before. But for now the the only immediate thought was Spike himself. Spyro wanted to ask him about his breath, but found it would have to wait. The baby dragon was fast asleep on Twilight's back, exhausted by what he had done. So much energy unleashed from such a small dragon. "C'mon," Twilight murmured,"Lets get Spike home and inform the rest of the world. Malefor is no more." Every pony and dragon nodded. Together, Twilight along with Princess Celestia and Luna with their group turned towards the castle and began their trek. The Queen needed to be freed. Then the rebuilding could begin. > Recovery > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a rare sight to behold. The great Dragon Queen, Demuria the Third surveying her lands while conversing with the Princess of Equestria. She was truly a dragon of beauty in the eyes of her kind. Great fiery red scales dulled with age. Mighty wings that were said to bring about hurricane force winds, torn and battered clung tightly at her sides. Great horns jutting and curvacious from her head were cracked and dulled, even chipped in some areas. Yet none of this seem to phase her, for Demuria never cared how she looked much. A dragon who bore battle scars was considered a great warrior in their own right. For the Queen, rising to that rank was a hard won battle indeed. As she nodded to the dragons returning from the Crystal Empire and Gryf, her thoughts returned to the alicorn mare at her side. I am gracious fellow sister of the equines for your continued aid to our plight. The damage wrought by the lich has stretched further then I first imagined. Princess Celestia gave a light nod," In your country's time of need, my fellow subjects and the Griffon King's help has continued to come through in the time of crisis." Both fell silent as they continued to survey the effort to repair, rebuilt and reunite the dragons home. The news had spread fast. When the Queen was freed from her bonds, she called out to her kin across the lands and they responded. The dark lich was no more, slain by the smallest of their kind with a great power. The refugees departed from the kingdom of Gryf and the Crystal Empire. Both were breathing a sigh of relief, not only to the end of Malefor but an end to having to house such large creatures. Crystal Empire was a little worse for wear when the dragons left. Though they accepted the meat that the crystal ponies had offered, it did not keep a few dragons from nibbling on a few structures here and there. They also had to leave behind some "treasure" they looted while the guards were distracted, nor were they allowed to add to their horde by carrying off a few frightened crystal ponies themselves. Princess Cadance promised to send a few worthwhile gems from the vaults to appease the dragon's greed factor while saving her citizens from a fate of being held captive as a living trophy in a dragon's hoard forever. Demuria paused as did Celestia when they came upon the castle keep. Architects and engineers were hard at work, rebuilding and repairing the beloved home of Draconis. Celestia winced knowing how hard Canterlot was hit when Malefor made his appearance. She could sympathize with the Queen on how long it would take before her home would once again be complete. "What news of the former ambassador Sapphire?" The alicorn asked. The Queen drew in a deep breath, before she shook her mighty head. It... goes as well as can be. The ambassador turned fugitive has many cards up her sleeves. She plays them now as she attempts to avoid capture. Were I not so weak from being siphoned by the lich, I would have contained her before she escaped during the fiasco. A tap of her tail signaled Princess Celestia to follow the dragoness. Both entered through the main doors, each being carefully hoisted up to the great hinges that would once again function their use of opening and closing. Ruler eyes glanced to see pony and dragon alike with a few griffons dotted among the work crews as clean up was taking place. The throne room looked more like a meteor had impacted after crashing through the ceiling. While Demuria may not have had a throne chair to sit in, the charred rocken floor would require some serious scrubbing before it would return to its color. The Queen cleared her throat and bade those present to exit for a brief moment. Workers left in a haste letting Princess Celestia and the Queen discuss in private. Once the doors were tied shut and a sign hanging on the make shift knobs were placed, the Queen turned her gaze on the alicorn. Sapphire's treachery of her kin goes farther back then we first thought. In her hurry, she never emptied her chambers. We found disturbing and incriminating evidence that the resurrection of the lich had been in plan for some time. "Oh?" Princess Celestia responded, curious to the dragoness's scheme. The Queen tapped her tail and a few guards brought forth parchments and scrolls. The seals on them were long severed. A few contained certain spells, one being to open a portal into Tartarus. The other was forcefully teleporting one being from a different world into another. The alicorn's eyes widen as she read what notes were recovered from Sapphire's study. Sapphire's ancestor was Chrome Fireblood. Celestia looked up,"The Fireblood? As in..." The very Fireblood who declared a coup against you and your ponies when she and her followers attacked those settlers along the borders, so many centuries ago. The same Fireblood who stole your sister and held her hostage, whom you rescued and showed the dragoness the wrath of a goddess. "After Chrome's demise, I thought the bloodline was finished. Apparently we were misinformed as to how many children Chrome had and sent into hiding as a back up." Sapphire's grudge against you goes that far back. But to break into the underworld of Tartarus to unleash a lich dragon from another world? Unthinkable. "Unthinkable, unfathomable, unimaginable. Yet here we stand Demuria in the aftermath. To use a lich to fulfill her own agenda. She was willing to throw away everything, just to get at me. How childish and foolish she was." Princess Celestia rolled up the scrolls and laid them upon the parchment stack. "It is possible to use this same spell to sent both Spyro and Cynder home, however. I would like to hold onto it until then, if you do not mind. As for Sapphire..." Demuria raised a great paw to silence Princess Celestia.Your continued aid is admirable, sister of the equines. But Sapphire is our shame and one we must face alone. You have done so much as it is, to give us more... "I was hoping to change your mind. I see you are concrete in your decision." The alicorn replied. Speaking of decisions. What of the whelping hero, Spike? What will become of him now that a path never seen before among us dragons has been laid before him? Princess Celestia frowned,"I don't know. After what happened that day, even I am still taking in everything that has been revealed. We know the Elements of Harmony are a great power in itself. But to have felt the magic pouring out of Spike when he incinerated Malefor. If it were possible, I would have wanted to speak to this Chonicler myself to get some answers. Alas Spyro and Spike it seems are the only ones he speaks to." The outsider Spyro. Will he be a good influence on the whelping? "That depends." Celestia replied. "On?" The queen rumbled, causing the room to shiver from the might of her voice. "On if he's willing to continually bounce back and forth between Avalar and Equstria as a teacher, a guide for young Spike." - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spike opened his eyes only to shut them quickly as the painfully bright rays of Celestia's sun struck. Groaning softly, he shielded his eyes with one hand while they adjusted. He felt tired. Dead tired. Beyond dead tired. The dragon felt he could fall right back to sleep and never wake up for centuries. While his sight slowly cleared, he took a few things to note. One: he was not in his bed basket where he usually slumbered. Instead he found himself in Twilight's bed. Two: His memory was fuzzy. The last thing he recalled was breathing out a huge plume of fire, engulfing a decaying lich dragon on some desolate battleground in who knew where. Three: Spike had no idea how he had passed out after said exhalation of fire. He just remember the tight embrace of his close friend and mentor before the world went dark. Lastly the night stand by the bed side was covered in cards, balloons and other tokens that mentioned get well soon or hope you feel better. Spike removed the covers and took to the floor. He wobbled and felt a mild headache coming on, thus getting to his feet so sudden was not the best choice. Still he felt better then being cooped up on Twilight's bed. Slowly he made his way to the door that opened to reveal the stairwell that would lead him from the third floor, to the second and finally the ground floor. As the baby dragon descended, he could hear a couple voices drifting from the living room area of the library. All sounded familiar to him, some concerned, others unable to make out the mood. His eyes felt better now that they tolerated the sunlight which made his traverse of the steps that much easier. When he reached the bottom, he found the source of the conversation: Twilight, Spyro, Cynder, and Princess Celestia. They all ceased their talk when they heard the groan of the stairwell. Twilight was the first to turn and greet the dragon. "Morning there, sleepy head. How do you feel?" "Ugh, like I partied too hard at one of Applejack's late night gatherings and drank too much cider. I feel so exhausted I'm just about ready to stop walking altogether." "Its a mild side effect of fire." Spyro spoke,"You being so young, exerted more then what your body can handle. As a result you dove past your reserves and headed straight for the emergency storage." The dragon sat down,"How long was I out for?" "Two weeks, give or take a day." "T..two weeks?!" Spike stammered. "And deserved every minute of rest, young dragon." Celestia replied as she approached,"You are being heralded as a hero to the dragons of Draconis for the demise of Malefor. Tales and songs of your bravery are already being sung across the lands." "Whoa." Was all Spike could say. Taking down probably one of the baddest bad guys in Equestria and the whole world is talking about it. "Don't let all that fame get to your head. Your still my Spike." Twilight said as she nudged him from his trance. "Yeah, but it will be different from now on." The dragon said, looking to Spyro,"Won't it?" "Princes Celestia, Twilight, Cynder and I have been talking about it for some time now." Spyro gestured to the alicorn,"When your ruler came back from Draconis, she filled all of us in on what happened. Since you've been asleep for quite some time, We'll give you the quick of things. Sapphire was responsible for my detour of my night flight from Avalar to here. Seems she had been plotting revenge against Celestia for some time and somehow stumbled across Avalar. She summoned Malefor who wound up in Tartarus, then breaks him free and lets him run rampant in secret. She then drags me into the fiasco, lets Malefor suck me dry but not before trying to slay Princess Celestia while nearly destroying Canterlot and temporarily took over Draconis." "Dude that's harsh." Spike said. A buzzing of wings drew his attention to Sparx who had remained silent for the most part,"Kid, you don't even know the half of it. I've seen some crazy dragonesses in my life time (no offense, Cynder,) but that Sapphire really took the cake." "So where is Sapphire now?" The baby dragon asked. Princess Celestia gave a slight cough,"On the run. Wanted for being the mastermind behind everything that has occurred both on Equestrian and Draconian soil. She is hard to find given her resources but the dragon Queen as assured me the former ambassador will be captured and made to answer for her crimes." Spike fiddled with his fingers as he took this all in,"So... what happens now. To us, I mean?" "That depends." "On?" Spike asked, curious. Spyro approached him as both unicorn and alicorn made room,"On if you are really positive that you want to continue the path that you have been set upon. What the Chronicler has told you is true. You have a huge responsibility on your shoulder Spike, one that can't be taken back. The trails ahead will be difficult. But if you succeed, you could be a great dragon to Equestria." Spike looked to Spyro,"Will it be tough?" Spyro nodded,"My training was a lot of trial and error, wings on experience. Even with the elder dragons showing me what I could do, the encounters beyond what I learned honed my abilities. You may be able to call upon earth, ice, fire and lightning if you strive. Or what magic Equestria has or has not seen could be put to good use as well. Remember though Spike. These abilities are not to be taken lightly or used recklessly. If your not careful or in control, friends and fellow ponies could get hurt." Spike gulped. That part he would have trouble getting used to. Ponies will look at him differently, not that he knew it would be the result. Still with Twilight's help, maybe Princess Celestia's as well, he could overcome this. "Would...would you be able to coach me?" Spyro looked to Cynder who shrugged slightly, before he rubbed the back of his head,"I'm not sure. Princess Celestia has the spell that will send me and Cynder home. She does not know the effects of it being altered to perform a two way transport. But... I guess it couldn't hurt to give it a go." Not exactly the answer Spike had hoped for, but the promise behind it was there. Twilight, Princess Celestia when she could make the time and Spyro himself. He couldn't ask for any more then that. "I wouldn't mind tagging along. After all why should Spyro have all the fun?" Cynder grinned as they all turned to look at her,"Besides I could do with a little get away from the temple myself. Have you heard a dragon snore? Ugh, can never understand why you males can sleep through anything let alone make the biggest ruckus with your snoring." "You and me both." Twilight replied, jerking her head in Spike's direction. "H..hey!" Spike responded, much to the sound of their laughter. The laughter died down as the small group stood there. Princess Celestia spoke first. "Well now that we have Spike caught up, its time I departed. Canterlot still has some renovations to tend to." "Princess, will you be able to make it?" Her student asked. "To the 'Farewell Spyro/Hero Spike' party? I can attempt to, but depending on how cluttered my work station is, I may not be able to. We'll see." "Party?," Spike asked. "Pinkie Pie is throwing a farewell party for Spyro and Cynder. She said when you woke up, she would make it a double duo. So you do realize what that means, don't you?" Twilight replied. The dragon nodded,"After being asleep for so long, I welcome Pinkie Pie's parties." "Spyro would you accompany me outside?" Princess Celestia gestured with a wing towards the library entrance. Spyro looked to his friends then her before nodding. Cynder, Sparx, Twilight and Spike watched the two exited. "So... you three are going back huh." Spike said. Cynder nodded,"We've been away from Avalar for far too long. As much as we would like to stay, it would be better if we returned home for awhile. The elders are worried sick and who knows what could have happened in our absence. If what Celestia says is true though, I'm sure our departure will not be for long little Spike." Spike nodded in response as dragon and alicorn disappeared behind the door. Outside the royal guards stood ready by her chariot. Princess Celestia and Spyro walked in silence until she reached her transport. "Spyro, I am to understand from the events of the confrontation between your old foe Malefor, that Spike had spoken with a Chronicler. From what my sister was able to gather when he slumbered, this Chronicler was able to teleport Spike to us and then awaken his hidden power. Who is this Chronicler?" Spyro sat down and folded his forelegs in thought, recalling everything he could remember,"Think of him as Twilight in terms of knowledge. He is the keeper of lore for all of Avalar, writing down and keeping track of each and every individual back home." "Keeping track?" The alicorn asked, curious. "Writing our lives down as we live them. Think of it like creating a story. Rather then create one, he instead keeps notes on that person's life from birth until death." "A librarian as you call him, keeping tabs on each and every living being on Avalar. A lot of work I take it." Celestia nodding,"How did you meet him?" "After rescuing Cynder and the events that followed after the attack on our temple, I had a couple of bouts of passing out. I was in a dream like world and it was there that I first spoke with him. Over time on my journey, I regained what I had lost with his guidance and learned that on the night of Eternal Darkness, he wanted to keep me hidden from Malefor until I was ready. I on the other paw, would not sit idly and allow Cynder or anyone else be harmed by his return. The Chronicler reluctantly let me go. I've not heard from him since mine and Cynder's encounter and defeat of Malefor. Until a few nights ago." Celestia gave another nod. Spyro continued, "He told me why he awakened Spike. That our magic and the magic of your world, Equestria were in conflict. Something about scales being unbalanced and Malefor's overpowering force threatening to tear this world apart. It was a lot to take in but I could see his reasoning. Spike is going to have his hands full. You, Twilight, the Chronicler and myself. That dragon is going to have some serious study sessions as I heard Twilight put it." "I can only hope for the best that he knows what he is doing. He is still a infant in mine and Twilight's eyes." "Children grow up, Celestia. As much as we wish to keep them safe, we can't shelter them all their lives." Princess Celestia knew too well the truth. How else was Twilight able to make friends here in Ponyville, if not for an alicorn's light nudging out the door? "We shall discuss plans for a means of being able to allow you and Cynder traverse between our worlds. But for now I think it best we continue to enjoy the peace that has descended on our kingdoms. Farewell Spyro. I thank you for all that you have done during your stay here. I hope one day, time permitting that you will give me a tour of Avalar." Spyro gave a light bow as Princess Celestia entered her chariot. The pegasus guards spread their wings and with a few mighty flaps, ascended into the skies. Spyro watched the princess and her crew fade from view as they flew in the direction of Canterlot. Once out of sight, he turned and gazed back at the library tree. He was about to enter when a flap of wings drew his attention. He turned to see a certain cyan pegasus come in for a landing. "Oh good, your still here." Rainbow Dash said, pleased to find the dragon. "Yes, Cynder and I have not left for home yet. Is something wrong?" Spyro asked. She shook her head,"No, everything is fine. I was just wondering. Since your heading home in a few days, I was wondering... if its alright with you and Cynder that is. If the two of you would like to share one last flight with me?" A chuckle caused her to raise a brow,"So is that your way of wanting a little rematch from our race earlier I take it?" Spyro asked with a sly grin. "No!" She exclaimed before quickly lowering her voice,"Well... maybe, sorta. Kinda?" Spyro said nothing, but kept that smile. Rainbow Dash shot him a mild glare as he entered the library then returned with Cynder. She watched as he whispered something in her ear, seeing a sly grin appear on her muzzle as well. Rainbow Dash was close to huffing before Cynder spoke,"Well I would not mind having a quick tour of the skies above Ponyville and the surrounding regions." She sidled past Rainbow Dash, lightly prodding her chin with her tail as she whispered,"Nor would I mind watching this little race you two have either." The cyan pegasus grumbled and spread her wings before bolting upwards,"C'mon you slowpokes!" she called out before darting off. "She certainly is feisty when mildly provoked." Cynder said as she took to the sky. Spyro could only shake his head,"You have no idea." he murmured before joining the two for a late afternoon flight over Ponyville. > Home > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The party Pinkie Pie had planned took place a few days later. It allowed Spike enough time to recover and regain his strength. The pink pony originally wanted it to be at the library, but thanks to Twilight and the others, she instead moved it to SugarCube Corner. It not only saved the library from becoming one huge mess, it also spared a new young hero from having clean up duty afterwards. So it was that early evening that Spyro, Cynder, Sparx and Spike found themselves staring at the front door which would lead them inside. While Spike was familiar with getting the other two dragons to their destination, both had a hard time understanding the odd design. It reminded them of the cake Pinkie Pie presented Spyro and Sparx back on Applejack's farm. Only molded and shaped to house ponies, rather then to be consumed in a sugar fueled hunger frenzy. "So just as we agreed, its a surprise. So act surprised. Otherwise Pinkie Pie will have a sudden last second bash just to see your reaction." Spike pointed out. Spyro, Cynder and Sparx nodded in agreement. "Well no sense on waiting out here watching grass grow." Sparx buzzed,"Let the stuffing of the face commence." The small group of dragons and dragonfly entered a darkened room. As the door shut, the lights came on with a flick, Pinkie Pie bursting into the middle of the room amidst confetti, streamers and balloons, shouting,"Surprise!!" As Spike took in the sights, Spyro and Cynder threw on their best "surprised" face. Twilight was there. So was Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie of course. The new addition were faces Spyro had not seen in some time. Big Mac was there, opening up barrels of liquid refreshments while those trio of fillies whom he remembered tried to capture him when he first arrived where here. Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were in awe once more. Not because Spyro was standing before them once more, but because of the another dragon by his side. Behind the counter were two new faces. Pinkie Pie was there, one foreleg around his neck, gesturing with the other,"That there is Mr. And Mrs. Cake. They run the shop here, so you can thank them for the use of their establishment/home for the party!" Spyro meekly waved and likewise, the two responded with the same timid reaction. Spike was normal to them. To have two other dragons accompanying him was a bit to take in. Thankfully Pinkie Pie explained everything to them (some of the wording was hard to catch due to her fast rapid speech patterns.) so they knew what to expect. Once the quick introductions were made, every pony and dragon started to mingle and make good use of the wide assortment of sugary concocted treats made for the two. Spike admired the banner that hung from the ceiling. Done in purple with green letters it read "Thank you Spyro/Hooray for Spike the hero" He was still getting used to being called a hero. While he recovered, the dragon opened scrolls from across the lands. Gratitude and praises from dragon, gryphon and pony alike were written on the parchments and letters. The Queen dragon herself had sent him a small medal with his name on the gold star. This Spike gave to Twilight for safekeeping and to place with his other closest treasures. A tap on his shoulder drew his attention to Twilight as she stood there. "So what do you think?" she asked. "Amazing. You guys outdid yourself this time." he replied motioning to the scene. Twilight smiled and nodded,"The theme if you have not noticed is green in purple because of you and Spyro. I hope your not bothered by it." "Of course not!" he exclaimed with a grin,"Its just a shame Princess Celestia couldn't make it." Twilight nodded again with a light sigh,"She regrets not being here for the both of you. Alas the duties of a monarch never rests. She did ask that you try and save one of every treat so she can indulge herself when she is able to take a break." Spike saluted,"Princess Celestia can count on me!" With that he scampered off to secure a personal stash befitting of one princess alicorn or two to enjoy at their leisure when time permitted. Twilight watched him take off then joined her friends as laughter and rambunctious conversations took place. Cynder was taking in the sights as well, when a tap on her shoulder had her turning to see Fluttershy standing before her. "Umm, I know Spyro and Spike are the main event. But umm, we all got together to give you a little something as well. Since, you know, you helped too." The dragoness learned from Spyro that this pegasus was a bit shy (as her name suggested) when it came to socializing. She just didn't think her voice would lower over the course of this little talk. Fluttershy presented Cynder a cake that had her name written in cursive. "I hope you like it. If not, that's ok. We can make you another one." the mare said. Cynder took the offered confection with a smile,"It's wonderful. Please you don't have to create another one. This one is perfect." "You mean it?" Fluttershy asked. Cynder nodded and draped a wing over the pegasus, resulting in a timid squeak,"Why don't we join the others. You can fill me in on what caring for animals is like." Fluttershy smiled as she and Cynder joined the crowd who were already playing a few games. That night Spyro learned a few things. One: Just because it says "Apple Cider" on the side of the barrel, does not mean it was the same that was served up at Applejack's farm. This one was sweeter and had a hidden kick that left him in a strange calming, if not slightly blurry eyed and tipsy. Rainbow Dash was laughing, the dragon vaguely recalling her mentioning something about him unable to hold his cider. Two: What was it about the cupcakes that made them so good that night? Spyro, Cynder and Spike managed to put away three dozen each during the course, much to the surprise of Twilight and the others. He would later learn that small edible gems were added to the batter and frosting. Thus Spyro and Cynder had their first gem infused cupcakes. They turned out very delicious. Three: Sparx seemed to have a mild addiction to the cookie tray. The dragonfly was scarfing on one cookie after the other, making a bit of a crumb mess beneath him. It took both Spyro and Cynder to have Sparx ease up before he grew too fat around the waist to even fly. Besides there were other desserts to dip into before the night was over. Four: Big Mac makes for a good listener. Still tipsy from the cider, Spyro found himself sitting next to the big red pony, rambling on about how hard it was being a dragon. The stallion kept quiet save for the occasional "Yup." or "Nope." When asked a question or two. As Spyro spent his party night mildly drunk, Spike was having the time of his life. Up way past his usual bed time, playing games with Twilight and the others. Filling his maw with whatever he could cram (saving as much as he could for Princess Celestia and Luna before Pinkie Pie started having a sugar crash and went on a feeding frenzy.) While still too young to have cider, the fruit punch more then made up for it. He chuckled and watched as the CMC's followed Cynder around, asking her a thousand questions a minute, the dragoness doing her best to answer them. All this while at the same time being tugged in various directions by the other ponies present, wanting to getting to know her better before they departed. Cynder herself enjoyed the party as any dragoness could. She ate half the cake given to her by Fluttershy, did her best to quell the never ending thirst of knowledge from the three fillies who followed her every where, pertaining to either Spyro or herself. She gave Rainbow Dash a run for her bits when she defeated her not once, not twice, but three times at hoof wrestling, much to the cyan mare's surprise. She learned about fashion from Rarity when the unicorn asked what her favorite attire was. She understood the complexities of growing, harvesting and making various apple products from Applejack (her cider being one of them.) Lastly there was the muffins. The dragoness could not explain why, but she found the various assortment of muffins rather tasty. Even if she had a small tug of war with a strange gray pegasus mare whose eyes were criss crossed, over the last one. When the party came to an end, all three dragons plus one dragonfly were exhausted. As the group gave their farewells before departing for the night, Spyro had trouble walking. Still tipsy from the cider, he leaned against Cynder for support as he groaned with each step. "So... much... food. Stomach... full." He mumbled. Cynder rolled her eyes, muttering something about males putting away more then they could handle when it came to feasting. Sparx was out as well, bloated atop Spyro's head as he laid there past out from a food coma. Cynder looked to Twilight and admired Spike asleep on her back, a bag filled with leftovers for the princess sisters to offer when they were to be ported back. "So did you enjoy yourself?" Twilight asked softly while shifting a sleeping dragon on her back. "You ponies know how to throw a celebration." Cynder responded as she ignored a belch from a certain dragon leaning against her. "Its one of Pinkie Pie's better ones I do think so myself." Twilight replied as the group approached the library tree. Cynder watched as Twilight fumbled with the keys,"Does she have them often?" "She's Ponyville's resident party pony planner. Any new face, birthday or celebration coming up, she handles personally." Cynder whistled softly as they entered,"Must be tough trying to keep up with every pony living here." "Nah, with that endless amount of energy she possess, I often wonder if there has ever been a time she's stopped for more then five minutes. Always on the move Pinkie Pie." Cynder deposited Spyro by the couch where he joined his dragonfly brother and passed out. She watched Twilight carry Spike upstairs to put to bed before returning with a blanket and pillow. "You don't mind the couch do you?" The lavender unicorn asked. Cynder shook her head,"It's perfectly fine. Knowing those two, they'll sleep through anything after tonight." Twilight giggled at the sight of the two on her floor. "Will you be turning in as well?" Cynder asked as she climbed onto the couch. "In a little bit. Have some light reading to go over." Twilight replied as she turned to climb the stairs. "You and Cyril really ought to meet. You both seem to enjoy staying up late, reading everything and anything." Cynder replied with a light chuckle. Twilight just sighed with a smile and bid the dragoness good night before she retreated to her room. a good book was waiting to be read while it rested on her pillow. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Spyro was slow to get up that morning. He groaned as noise from the kitchen disturbed his deep slumber. The dragon found himself sprawled out on the floor near a couch where Cynder had slept earlier. Sparx was still out and refused to budge despite a few nudges from his brother. Hauling himself to his feet, Spyro proceeded to the kitchen, his head ringing like an all out cannon salute performance. "Morning sleepy head. Did you rest well?" Spike asked as he set out a few plates at the table. Spyro responded with a light moan, clutching his head,"What was in the cider? Feels like someone popped off my head and kicked it down the roughest slope of a mountain they could find." "The after effects of Applejack's cider. Every pony handles the hangover differently. Alas for you it seems, the morning headache is the worst." The dragon blehed as he shuffled to his side and sat there. Twilight was across from him, her head stuck in a scroll of parchment. "Tell me you went to bed last night, instead of staying up reading." Spyro asked. "Stayed up a little later then I wanted to, but yes I grabbed some shut eye." The unicorn replied as she set down the scroll,"Celestia and Luna spent all night going over the spell that will take you, Cynder and Sparx home. They constructed a archway mirror that should allow easier passage between here and Avalar. They did a few tests last night with your dragon elders involving fruit. For the most part, those returned unscathed. As for living creatures... well its been a hit and miss so far." Spyro cringed. Last thing he wanted was for him and his friends to wind up in different parts of Avalar if the spell went wrong. Or worse parts of them winding up across Avalar. Twilight saw the look on his face,"Don't worry. We take our teleporting very serious around these parts." "Thats easy for you to say. You don't have to worry about your tail winding up in some lava field down south while your head is freezing in the north." A cleared throat turned everyone's attention to Cynder. She waved and joined the others at the table, just as Spike set out a stack of waffles along with a bottle of sweet apple syrup and fresh berries. Twilight swore she heard a monster growl erupting from Spyros' stomach, even as he snatched up three and began to tear into them with ravenous hunger. Cynder shook her head as she helped herself to a couple along with the berries while the unicorn herself, began to neatly cut and drizzle her share. Spike joined them soon after, taking a small helping for himself. Along with the syrup and fruit, he sprinkled gem dust on his to give it "extra flavor" as he put it. That late morning found the group taking a chariot to Canterlot. Spyro, Cynder and Sparx sat on one side, while Twilight and spike occupied the other. The dragons were taking one last look of Ponyville and its surroundings along with the scenery unfolding before them. Home. Avalar was calling and Spyro felt homesick for the first time since he arrived here. How good it would be to sleep in the temple once more. No more restless nights, staring up at the sky or even taking night flights. Just him and the elder dragons with Cynder and Sparx. Spike was saddened that Spyro had to leave. But the baby dragon knew well he had to go home. Despite wanting to jump into training to live up to being a hero, the purple dragon missed his other family. All sat in silence as the chariot started to descend into the center courtyard. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - They were secretly ushered through a side entrance, so as not to gather attention. Princess Celestia did not want the whole of Canterlot to know what was going on at the time. She postponed her late morning court session so she and Luna could prepare. Instead of the secret chamber where Cynder had come from, they were settling for a vacant room in one of the upper spires. It was roomy enough to house Twilight and all her friends, along with both princesses, three dragons and one dragonfly. Spyro and Cynder admired the archway mirror. Set in rare stone, the surface was as smooth as the polished surface of silver. Runes were carved in the stone as it sat on an incantation circle. "One of our better works of magic if I do say so."Princess Luna said with pride. "I agree sister. Not bad for an all nighter." Princess Celestia replied. Both turned to face the two dragons and dragonfly as they stood there. Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack and Spike were group together fidgeting or shuffling in place. "So... this is goodbye huh?" Spyro started before he and Cynder were practically smothered in a huge group hug. "Promise you'll both visit." Spike said with tears in his eyes. "Ya'll come by the farm when ya can. Was a big help with that darn rock awhile back. Be a mighty big help again." Applejack said. "You are more then welcome to stay with me if Twilight can't house you. If that's ok that is." Fluttershy murmured. "I'm looking forward to kicking both your scaly tails next time we go flying together." Rainbow Dash said. "You may have been a dirty brute when we first met. But Spyro you've been a fine gentle dragon ever since then. You as well Cynder. Such a fine lady dragoness to keep Spyro in line no doubt." Rarity added. Spyro felt his cheeks heat up, even as Cynder grinned from Rarity's comment "Spike has a long journey ahead. But with you, Celestia, Luna and myself. I'm sure he'll get the hang of his power soon." Twilight said. The two dragons were released as Celestia and Luna tapped the circle. The runes lit up and the surface began to ripple and weave until a entrance opened up. On the other side, three elder dragons paused in their daily routines and peered. Spike was floored at their size. All three looked down on him with confusion and curiousity. "I say, Spyro old boy is that you? They shrunk you! And took your wings as well. Where are your horns?" Cyril asked. "Umm, er.. I'm not Spyro. I'm Spike." "Oh goodness me. Sorry about that little one. My eyes are not as sharp as they used to be. Being a purple dragon seems to have confused one as sharp witted as myself." Spyro chuckled as he and Cynder approached the mirror. He turned to face Spike and the two stood there, unable to speak. Spyro finally made a move, ruffling his head spines. "You take care now, Spike. You have some rather large footprints to fill you know." Spike nodded,"Think I could visit Avalar when I'm older?" "Well if Princess Celestia and Luna don't mind, sure." "Awesome." "Spyro, Cynder, and Sparx. We are thankful for all that you have done here. May your journeys be safe and fruitful and that you live long lives." Princess Celestia spoke. Both dragons bowed as did Sparx before they turned and entered the doorway. A bright flash illuminated the room. When it cleared, they all could see Spyro, Cynder and Sparx on the other side. They turned and gave one final wave, just before the doorway closed. Soon all they could see was their own reflection on the mirror. Spike sighed and leaned against Twilight,"I miss him already." The dragon said as she stroked his head spines. "We'll see him soon, Spike. C'mon lets stop by Donut Joe's place for some hot chocolate. My treat." The baby dragon smiled and followed, the other ponies trailing behind as each talked about their memories of Spyro. Princess Celestia and Luna remained. Both alicorns turned to the mirror and gave it one final look over. "Do you think Spike can handle this?" Princess Luna asked. "Our world was on the brink of disaster, sister. Were it not for outside intervention on the Chronicler's part, who knows how devastating the effects would be. Have faith in the little dragon. With Spyro as his guide, Spike will be the wild card Equestria could need if the Elements should falter." "But the Elements have never failed us." "That's what worries me. A special dragon's dormant abilities have awoken, in Spike of all dragons. Far earlier then when he would have reached the age of 500. Even I could not have seen this coming. What are we not being told about?" Princess Celestia responded. Luna didn't have an answer. Both alicorns stared at the gateway to Avalar and began to wonder. What other threats in Equestria remained hidden that neither sister knew of? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cyril, Volteer and Terrador were shocked. There standing before the three was Spyro alive and well, along with Sparx and Cynder. It had been a tense month for the three elders. Ever since his sudden disappearance, the elders had thought the worst had happened. That is until, the strange mammal alicorn princess from another world getting in touch. Since then messages had been few and far between them. Then came the dreaded word that the malicious dark dragon Malefor had been unleashed on Princess Celestia's world. None of them thought it possible of his resurrection yet when they were told of the events, all were shocked. After that there was little more information until a few nights ago. The same princess who had informed them of what occurred had filled them in on the details. Volteer had been asking question after question until Terrador clamped his muzzle shut, allowing the alicorn to finish. It was there they heard of Malefor's end, not at the hands of Spyro but of a tiny dragon infant named Spike. When the name of the Chronicler was mentioned, Cyril was confused as to why a lorekeeper of their world would help an outsider. Terrador excused his companion's rudeness, adding that there was some reason why another purple dragon had been chosen. But that was for another time. Right now Spyro was back, safely under their watch and in the temple. Spyro had barely adjusted to being home, when he was surrounded by all three and peppered to no end on what must it be like to be on an entirely new world. Cynder chuckled to herself as the poor dragon was led away among the constant babbling of Volteer, the constant remarks of Cyril and the occasional word or two from Terrador. Evening descended on Avalar. Spyro stood at the platform that overlooked the valley from the temple. All had taken to slumber while the night creatures stirred and took to the air. The dragon smiled to himself. It seemed that only yesterday he stood here, restless and uneasy. One flight later and his world had been turned upside down. Now at last he was home again. "Your not thinking of taking a night flight are you?" Cynder asked as she joined him. "I think I've taken one night flight too many, thank you very much. No. No it feels good to be home again after so long." Spyro replied. He blushed as Cynder leaned against him, one wing draping around his back. "Good. Its not the same without you here." Spyro agreed. Avalar didn't feel the same, not without him here. Duty would call him to other lands and to Equestria to tutor Spike as he trained. But for now the dragon of legend was home.