> The Fall > by Xyphrose > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prolouge > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I let out an irritated sigh. My head felt as if a herd of bulls were at a rave and ENJOING IT! I groaned and rubbed my eyes, while not hurting as much as I made it out to be it was still painful. Not as much when I finished the Crucible in boot camp. I let a smile adorn my face as I recalled finishing it and graduating boot camp. The was the beginning of my life, the point when I realized that I was meant to be more than a grunt. I looked downwards at my tags and smiled. They read first lieutenant David P. Alexander, height '6"3, weight 210 pounds, eye color blue-green. The list went on to recount more of my features and specifics (Brown hair, date of birth, yada yada). The tags only served to make me smile more, knowing that my nephew had a pair at home as well. My reminiscing was cut short by the captain. "Listen up guy's, were gonna drop in one hour into the hot zone and retrieve our high value target the fast march to the exfill. Got it?" All of us let out a ceremonious "Yes Sir!" Looking back down I stared at my Intervention. It had a silencer attached to it along with other modifications such as a lighter trigger, extended mag, and a night vision scope that could be switched into a regular scope as well. My secondary consisted of a Berretta M9 that was only modified to give it more accurate sights. Some thought it was a piece of shit, me, I thought it was the gun that had saved my life twice. I looked over at Jack aka Duke. He was holding a silenced ACR with a ACOG scope. Next to him Alan aka Doc was griping a silenced PDW. Not a bad gun I thought just not my type of weapon. Thirdly there was Buck aka Alamo. He was sitting in a prayer while cradling a Scar that had a holographic sight, a foregrip, and a silencer. The magazine was surprisingly tapped to another so as to constitute a fast mag situation. Finally there was Fred who was basically strangling a A5 UMP. It was outfitted with a hybrid scope, a forgrip to keep it steady, a collapsible stock, and finally a silencer. Not a bad armorist for a stealth operation in northern Pakistan. I went back to brooding until the VTOL started to shake. Feeling my lunch start to rise I grabbed a bag from Doc. As I hurled Duke and Alamo began to laugh. "Jesus Specter, you can kill five men without so mush as a thought but if it gets a little shaky in a plane you toss chunks." They began to roar with laugher as the VTOL shook even more. As they laughed at me the shacking only managed to get worse. When I finished I felt myself getting tingly as if the air itself was infused with electricity. I looked at the others who seemed to be having the same feeling. Glancing at Chief, he nodded at me before turning to speak to the pilot, "Hey Jackhammer what's going on?" The pilot was silent for a second before she answered. "I don't know. There seems to be nothing wrong with the VTOL so we can rule that out, otherwise I don't have a fucking clue." Chief was quiet for a minuet as the shacking intensified even more. "Alright if you think of anything else tell us," he turned back to us "Alright its just a litl-" He didn't get to finish as there was an explosion and a flash. After I recovered all I heard was the roar of air and people screaming.. Jackhammer could be heard above the rest as she screamed "Mayday were going down. Control can you hear me? I repeat, Jackhammer 2-7 is going down!" The others were fumbling to grab parachutes as Doc helped me to my feet. It was only made harder as the right wing exploded. Jackhammer ran out of the cockpit to grab a parachute. I ripped one from the shelf only to fall to the floor as I tried to put it on. Alamo stumbled over and picked me up. He helped me get the parachute on as Chief began screaming to jump. I ran behind Jackhammer as she jumped. As I exploded fourth from the VTOL I turned midair to see chief jump out as it exploded. I roated around to see Jackhammer grab her ripcord and pull only to have it snap as the parachute released. Folding my arms to my sides I flew towards her. Hazarding a look downwards I guessed that ground was only five thousand feet below. Redoubling my efforts I sped towards her. As I grabbed her she screamed even louder. "Jack, SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I bellowed at her causing her to whimper in fear. I reached around and grabbed the cord, yanking it I felt the chute blossom fourth and catch air. The air was knocked out of me as our descent went form 110 mph to a measly 5 mph. The sudden stop almost threw Jackhammer off of me. She looked up at me with wide eyes seeing that the ground was less than 300 feet away. "See your alright. Your not gonna fall." The rest of the descent was nice except for the fact hammer was shaking like a Chihuahua. We landed with a small thump as we fell through the canopy. I lander on my back a hammer fell on. the position caused her to blush as her breast's were pushed into my face. She quickly began to stammer and blush until I told her it was fine. I stood to find us in a unnaturally dark forest which seemed to hunger for us. It made me shiver in fear. Looking down I began to inspect my intervention. The scope seemed fine, it might have been scratched but other than that it was holding together nicely. A few of the rail guards had broken off too but everything else seemed in good condition. Pulling out my M9 I saw it was fine except a crack down the grip. It could be fixed once we were picked up though. Looking up it seemed that dawn was breaking, good no need to waste flares. "I'm gonna go find a spot to relive myself." Turning hammer was standing there still a bit shaky. I nodded "Don't go any farther than a hundred feet. Understand?" She nodded meekly. I turned away as she walked off to check my coms. "Chief this is Specter do you copy? I repeat this is Specter, do you copy Chief?" I waited for a full minuet before someone responded. "This is" whoever it was cut off before it began again. "Be on the look out" the static interfered again. I began to respond before it began again. "Wolves made of ... I repeat wolves made of wood. They wont stay down." It shut off for the last time, looking up I turned my gaze towards the way hammer went. "Hammer sound off!" I recived no reply which prompted me to turn the safety on my M9 off. "Hammer sound off right now!" She should have been able to hear me. I began to jog after her till I heard a noise that made my blood run cold. The was growling coming from all around me. Snapping too, I rotated to see six sets of eyes watching me. They stepped out of the shadows to reveal six wooded wolves at least the size of Great Danes. It was at that moment that hammer decided to walk in. "Hey there's no need to friggen need to yell. I had to-" she stopped as she eye'd the wolves who began to circle us. I raised my M9 and backed my way to her. when I got next to her I pushed her behind me. "I'm going to distract them and you run got it?" She nodded. Her eyes were as big as plates. "On my mark." The wolves began to close in. "Three." She shook harder. "Two." The wolves began to howl. "One." She tensed as the wolves got ready to pounce. "MARK!" She took off running as one of the wolves head's exploded and the others pounced. Diving under them I flipped around to see than none were chasing her. All of their attention was focused on me. Two jumped at the same time only too have their heads become mesh. The other three backed up and began to howl. "Running scared huh?" I smiled at my own cockiness. That was until I felt something collide with me back knocking me to the ground. It began to bite at my helmet and try to rip me to shreds. Twisting in it's grasp I grabbed it by the muzzle and unloaded two rounds into it's eyes. "TAKE THAT YOU FUCKER!" I kicked it off only to hear a noise. Snapping my head around I saw the other two rebuilding themselves out of wood. "Oh fuck" They stood back on their feet as their wooden faces melded back together. So they could use wood from the tree's to heal themselves, fucking great. I readied my stance waiting for them to charge again. Hearing a soft thump I noticed on of my flares had fallen out of my vest. Of course! The flare could keep them at bay with the fire. Before I could reach for the flare I was rammed in the side for two of them. The air rushed out of my lungs as they landed on top of me. One immediately bit for my face only to be stopped by my left arm. I let out a roar of pain as I felt the razor sharp teeth sink into the soft flesh. the other began to bite at my vest. I raised my pistol and shot the one biting me first then the one that was trying to rip open my vest. Standing I dived for the flare only to fall a few inches short. Crawling to the flare I felt a searing pain go up my leg. Quickly glancing down three were biting my right leg. I reached out with my hand. It was less than two inches way when I felt a set of jaws clamp on my neck. I screamed, it felt as if someone put my neck between a vice. The pain spurred me on to grab the flare. My hands griped it like a vice as I ripped off the cap igniting it. I raised it over my head and stabbed the wolf that was biting my neck. The howl of pain it let out made me grin in satisfaction. It ran away like a bate out of hell as it's face caught fire. The other's seeing this slowly backed up whimpering. I shakily got to my feet and looked at them. "THE FUCK ARE YOU STILL DOING HERE SCRAM!" The pack ran off with their tails behind their legs. Sighing in exhaustion I sat down and inspected my arm and leg. My arm was fine only bleeding a little. My leg was a whole different story. The muscle looked shredded and it was bleeding profusely. Feeling my vest I grabbed some light bandage's and a stick. Placing the stick in my mouth I began to wrap the wound. Needless to say if felt as if someone was taking a chainsaw to my leg. I felt tears in my eyes as I tied the bandage. The stick fell from my mouth as the darkness tried to take me. Standing again proved to be a very difficult task as there wasn't any adrenalin flowing through my veins now. I grabbed the Intervention off of my back and used it as a stick as I hobbled the way hammer had gone. I marched for what felt like hours though it really could of been just minuets for all I knew. The pain soon made it too hard to walk. I sat down against a tree as the darkness got ever closer. I heard growling again only to look up and see the wolf who I had burned standing in front of me. One of its eyes was black and bleeding a green substance. It took a step closer only for me to fail to raise my pistol. The darkness nearly clouded all of my vision now. All that cloud be seen was the wolf as it stepped closer and closer. I began to hear shouts and noise's to which the wolf ignored. I could what could be interpreted as a smile on its face. I smiled knowing that I would be unconscious when it ate me. I smiled at it as the darkness took me. The last thing I remember was an explosion and it flying backwards. When I opened my eyes the scenery had changed dramatically. I was in a hospital room that quite frankly was very empty for its size. All that seemed to be in here was my bed, a heart beat monitor with an oxygen canister attached to it, a chair, and a desk with a small plastic chair. I looked over at the door only to hear footsteps coming from behind it. I laid back down and pretended to be asleep. The door opened with a loud creak as the steps got even closer....... I heard the body stop next to the monitor. It let out a feminine sigh of irritation. It was getting increasingly harder to keep my heartbeat steady. I opened my eyes as a hand touched my shoulder. I rapidly twisted and grabbed her arm and pulled her over the bed. she screamed as she fell into my grip and began to squirm. The door burst open to reveal what appeared to be six guards wearing some sort of ceremonial armor. The next features about them made my jaw hit the floor. Three of them had wings, while another had a horn sticking out from his helmet. Their skin color also seemed to be varying colors from a blue to a green to a firkin pink. The girl was now in hysterics, as she sobbed the guards stepped closer. I tightened my hold on her throat and growled at them as I back up towards a window. They looked at each other then back to me and put their hands up in surrender. I growled and shoved the girl forward, turning I vaulted out the window not afraid of the drop. As I hit the ground I rolled to absorb the shock. The pain wasn't much but with an injured leg it fucking hurt. Shakily standing I turned and stared at the window where some guards were looking at me. "Yeah you fuckers what are you gonna do now!?" Witch a smirk on my face I turn only to let it drop. Standing in front of me were at least fifty guards. They weren't what captured my attention, what captured my attention was the figure in front of me. I'm not gonna lie, she was drop dead gorgeous. She was as tall as me with white alabaster skin. She had both a horn and a set of wings. She was wearing a long flowing white gown which seemed to make her curves even curvier and her bust seem even bigger. Her face had a soft smile adorning it and eyes that seemed to scream wisdom. Her hair was a combination of pink, light blue, green, and blue. My mind being mentally defunct at that point let out a phrase I didn't want to say. "What and who the fuck are you?" I mentally kicked myself in the nuts for saying that. When she spoke it was with a sexy, yet motherly voice. "I am Princess Celestia and were are ponies." My expression must have been funny because it caused her to giggle. Before I could reply I flew into a was as something rammed me at high speed. I blocked out from the force of the hit. To Be Continued...