> Beneath the Mask: The Omakes > by TheDrunkenJinjo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The First Omake > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Where… am I?” Braxton’s hoarse voice echoed off of the dank stone walls of the dungeon. The room was darker than Shaquille O’Neal’s pubic hair, and Braxton was lying on what felt like a wooden table, like the ones from shop class that got the clamps on them and got a bunch of indents and shit. He tried to get up, but realized his hands and feet were tied up with electrical tape. Or maybe it was rope. He couldn’t really tell, but he knew it chafed like a motherfucker. I guess he could’ve swung his feet over the edge of the table and just stood there like a bitch, but he didn’t wanna step on some nasty ass shit. Gotta keep them steel-toes shining, you feel me? Just as he was contemplating why his left nipple been so itchy lately, the light above him started to flicker, and then turned on. It was one of those fluorescent lights people always have in their garages or basements that always flicker and make wierd-ass noises for like five minutes before they actually turn on. When the light turned on, he saw that one pony with the pink hair and the fat ass standing at a doorway on the other side of the room. “….Fluttershy?” Yeah, that bitch. The room was like one of them cheesy dungeons you see in old cartoons and shit. Had the fucking bird cages and chains and shit hanging from the ceiling, some random ass coffin with nails in it leaning against a wall. You know what I’m talking about. So, your boy Braxton straight tripping right now. Nigga don’t know what the fuck going on. He ‘bout to start interrogating this hoe like he’s the police, but she ain’t having that, so she cut his ass off. “Shhhhhhhh. Don’t worry Braxton. Everything is going to be fine. I’ll take good care of you.” Then the bitch start snickering like them white girls that always be talking shit. Now at this point, Braxton be all sorts of fucked up. At first he’d been all excited think he gonna get him some, but then he realized she’s a fucking 2D horse looking ass thing. Anyway, the pony bitch walks up to him pushing this big ass crate with her. When she got to him, she pulled out a big pair of those shear things you use to cut down branches and shit. “Wait…Don’t come near me with those! Get away from me, you psychopath!” Braxton shouted like a bitch. Braxton started wiggling around and shit like he’s having a seizure, thinking that’s gonna do something, then Flutterhoe bopped his bitch ass on the noggin with the blunt end of the shears. When his crying ass was out, she cut the fuck outta his clothes with the shears and ripped that shit off till he was butt ass naked. Now, I don’t know why this retarded bitch didn’t just take his clothes off when she took him there since he was clearly roofied or some shit, but whatever gets her off I guess. When Braxton stopped being a pussy and woke up, he didn’t open his eyes. Nigga just kinda sat there and started thinking to himself he’s cool or something. ‘How did I get myself in this situation? There’s no way this can be real. Is this what Fluttershy was always like? I need to find a way to get myself out of this mess.’ Braxton thought as he finally decided to stop being a bitch nigga and opened his eyes. “Oh, you’re finally awake! You were starting to worry me silly!” Fluttershy said, like she was trying to be cute or some shit. “Stop playing around Fluttershy! Tell me what’s going on! Don’t give me your shit!” As Braxton finally manned the fuck up and said this, he felt a chill run through his balls. Then he finally realized he was lying there butt ass naked. Nigga tried to cover his shit up, but his hands were still tied up so he just looked like a bitch like always. Now this whole time Fluttabooty just standing there giggling like she’s on some good shit. This is when shit got real, my nigga. “I think it’s about time we got started!” said the pony hoe. “Time for what!! Tell me what the fuck is going on!” said Braxton, all mad and shit. “Time for THIS!” said Flutta as she bopped the nigga in the dick with her damn hoof. As you could assume, Braxton screamed like a pussy because, you know, that shit hurts. The bitch wasn’t done there though. Hoe took her hoof and just started crushing this nigga’s dick. Like straight up hammin’ this motherfucker. Now, the most fucked up part, this nigga had a Jozu boner going. Nigga’s dick was straight diamonds. You think you know a nigga. Flutta was happier than a motherfucker about all this. “Wow, you’re really enjoying this aren’t you? Maybe I should try harder.” And just like that, this bitch trying to break this nigga’s dick. I don’t know why this nigga was enjoying this shit, but it weirds me the fuck out. Anyway, your boy Braxton was at his limit. Flutta gave him a quick bop and the nigga spewed everywhere. Literally like a goddamn fire hose. Now the thing about all that is Flutta positioned his dick so the nigga jizzed all over his own damn stomach. Shit’s nasty. “I can’t believe you liked that so much! But this is where the fun really starts!” Flutta said all giddy and shit. “You’ve had your fun, JUST LET ME GO!!!” Braxton said all in denial. You know this nigga likes this shit. You ain’t sly, nigga. You ain’t smooth. You ain’t MJ. “Ooohhhh I don’t know about that.” Flutta said, trying to be slick like Rick. Now, you DO remember that crate, don’t you? Well, this bitch reached into the crate and grabbed a fucking strap on. It fucking begins, my nigga. Braxton sees this shit and immediately starts flipping his shit, and I mean, I would too. Before she put it on, she took some needle she was probably using to shoot up before all this went down and stuck that shit in Braxton’s arm. Nigga should’ve just calmed the fuck down because he probably got HIV or some shit now. So the shit knocked him the fuck out. When he woke up he was this straight jacket looking thing and was on his knees on the table with his hairy ass up in the air. Nigga need a shave or something. Shit’s gross. Flutta was standin on the table behind him with the tip of the fuck dildo right on his asshole. Just sittin there, like holding a glock to a nigga’s head. “Oh good! You’re just in time for the main event!” Flutta said like special or something. “Fluttershy, why are you doing this? WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME? I’LL GIVE YOU ANYTHING YOU WANT JUST STOP THIS ALREADY. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!” Braxton said trying make a point or something. “I can’t do that Braxton. This strap on of mine glows with an awesome power.” “WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?!” “It’s burning grip tells me to penetrate you!” Flutta said as she lubed up that shit. “YOU’RE FUCKING NUTS, FLUTTERSHY!!!! YOU’RE FUCKING PSYCHO!!!” “Now take this! My love, my anger, and all of my sorrow!!!!” “DON’T YOU FUCKING DO IT, YOU PSYCHOTIC CUNT!!!” “SHININGGGGG DILDOOOOOOOOOOOOO SWOOOOOOOOOOORRRRDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!” This bitch went in this motherfucker with the force of the fucking Russian army. Hoe just straight BOP-BOP-BOPPED right in this nigga’s asshole. Nigga screamed like a dying fucking gorilla. Dude’s asshole straight ripped and started bleeding out like a fucking waterfall. Flutta just laughed all the way to the bank with it. After five minutes of getting butt blasted Braxton just gave up and took it like a bitch. Just straight up took it. Like, damn, respect nigga. Flutta ain’t let up after that, though. Bitch just kept going full force for hours. Like, what the fuck, man. I thought she was gonna get a fucking bear or something in on it. That shit would’ve been cash. THE END.