> O Luna, Where Art Thou? > by Lucky424 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 01 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was curious upon Twilight Sparkle's return, her report about that world intriguing. A world full of bipedal creatures, unlike minotaurs. Sister had to pull me aside; to tell me to cull my eagerness for new information. I have only been back for three years; I wanted to know as much as possible about Equestria today. I had poured over records in the Crystal Castle's library for hours whilst our newest princess was away, looking at the other strange objects. I had made a list of such items, and where they could be found. Sister would not be happy, but she has ruled these lands without me for decades, what would a mere few days do? But the portal to that world had closed for thirty moons... so I looked elsewhere. After a month of research, I found it! Another mirror portal, which was deep in the mines of Canterlot! I could not believe it, a doorway to another place below our home! I commissioned a team of worker ponies to excavate the mine, and the progress was good. Then, several weeks ago, I was called down. The forecolt led me to where they had broken through into a cavern, which had tiers of stone seats in descending rings to the centre, and we were stood atop stone stairs, the way down clear. I had to await the arrival of Twilight Sparkle, who was taking a justly deserved long vacation in Baltimare. I know I shouldn't have disturbed her, but Sister had informed me that she was diligent in her research, normally coming up with other ways to look at things. I hid my disappointment from her when she couldn't figure out the symbols, it being clear that this was not a gateway to the same place. Sister finally found out what I had been doing three months later, and approached me in the cavern, staring listlessly at the stone monolith before me. She chided me for my thoughts, saying that Twilight only went there because a former student, called Sunset Shimmer, had stolen her crown, which was her Element. I do not remember the argument, suffice to say it ended in tears for the both of us. A few kind guards brought me water and food each day, but could not stay, saying they did not feel safe in the cavern. Then, on the fifth day after Sister had left, it happened. A glow started to form in the middle of the stone. Unlike the one Twilight went through, I could see into this one. There were buildings, taller than Canterlot Mountain, and on the streets, I had found them, ha! Twilight Sparkle knew nothing!! This had to be the same world! I gave a glance around me, and nodded to the lone guard brave enough to remain. He would deliver the news once I was on the other side. I placed a hoof on the portal, and it slid through as if I was pressing down on water. With a deep breath I pushed on through, and then the blackness hit.         I woke up shivering, it was cold, so cold. I went to wrap my wings around me, but opened my eyes in shock. My wings were gone! I tried to summon my magic, but then to my horror I discovered my horn had been removed as well. My fur should be keeping me warm, but it wasn't working! I glanced down, finding my beautiful blue coat had been replaced by pale skin, my fore hooves now had claws, and... and... I had done it! I made it to the world Twilight visited! Ha! Sister will be so jealous! Now to return home victorious! I slowly stood on my hind legs and turned, but there was no shimmering portal behind me, just a dull red brick wall. I began to panic, my... things running across the bricks, trying to find a way back. I stumbled along, not knowing that I had just left the safety of the alley. I turned around as a hushed whisper formed behind me, seeing these bipedal creatures. Their skins were a multitude of colours, and all rather large. I assumed it was an extra layer of fat due to the snow on the ground. It must have been winter here, no wonder I was cold. I slowly moved back into the alley, searching desperately for the way home. It caught up to me then, the words Twilight said to me. “This has nothing about returning... it's one way...” I felt something drip down my cheeks, raising one of the things and wiping, the limb coming away wet with tears. I fell to my flank and pressed into a corner, grabbing a cardboard box to hide under. And then he came. Like a light in the shadow, one of the creatures slowly approached. He knelt down in front of me, a small smile on his tiny muzzle. I looked to the entrance of the alleyway and saw a few more, all with the same coat colour. My gaze slowly drifted to the one in front of me as he moved slightly closer, and I shrank into the corner as much as possible. It stopped it's movement and smiled, then spoke. “I'm not going to hurt you, I'm here to help. Take my hand and we'll get you somewhere safe.” I just stared at the limb, this hand, noting that is what I had at the end of my forelegs. It shifted again, the hand reaching back to the neck, and a metal object there. I nearly screamed in horror as it seemed to tear it's own skin off, but then I realised that it was a jacket. “Easy now, we don't want you to get hypothermia. I'm going to put this around you.” The male, for he certainly was not a stallion, slowly moved closer, the coat being pressed towards me. I stopped moving as best I could as it slipped around my shoulders, my body shuddering from the chill of the evening air. I could just make out the sun going down at the end of the alley. I dropped the cardboard and pulled the jacket tight, savouring the gift. Another of the creatures approached, this one different. It stood slightly smaller, and it's chest was much larger. It had longer hair as well. It reached into a bag on it's back, producing another garment, similar to what was on their rear legs. “Thanks, Char.” The one I believed to be female smiled at him “Okay... now, I'm going to put these trousers on you.” His hands lifted one of my rear legs up, slipping it in, and doing the same with the other. I shot one of my own limbs out and gripped the top, quickly pulling it up. The simple act of clothing myself helped with the cold, but not a lot. All of us looked to the alley when a blue light started to flash, creatures in bright yellow coats entering. “Which one of you made the call?” “I did, over here.” That was the one closest to me, still looking at me with that soft smile. The two new ones crouched behind him, glancing over at me. “It's okay, they're not going to hurt you. We need to see if you're injured.” He turned to the two who had just arrived and nodded. “Go ahead guys.” The two in the yellow coats stepped forward, but I pulled back. They moved closer still, and I shut my eyes feeling one about to touch me... “STAY BACK!” There was a collective gasp, and I reopened my eyes to see the group staring at me in shock, except him, he was grinning like an idiot, much like my nephew did. Never did I think I would miss Blueblood... “So she can speak? Does she have a name?” I met his gaze once before staring at the floor between us and nodding. “That's good. And what is her name? It would make helping her so much easier...” “L... Lu... Luna...” “Luna, huh? Nice name. Now why don't you come with me? We'll get you somewhere warm and safe.” I looked at the hand once more being offered to me, the rest of them stepping back. I lifted up one of my forelegs and extended it, placing my hand in his. He slowly stood, taking me with him, guiding me along the alley. I pressed close to him when we emerged, a whole host of them being kept back by more in yellow coats, but marked different to the others. Two dressed in black approached, but I didn't like the look of them, so I tried to return, but the raised hand of the one next to me got them to back away. He led me over to a large, yellow, box shaped carriage, the doors open at the back. There were no stallions in front to pull it, so they must have had magic. I was gently picked up and then set on a bed, his hand pressing against my shoulder as he pushed me down, covering me with a few blankets. I heard a door in another compartment shut, and of the first two came in with us, followed by one of the black clothed ones. I felt a hand squeeze mine gently, looking back up at him. “You'll be fine now. They'll help you.” He walked towards the doors and jumped down, slowly shutting one. His hand rested on the other as he glanced at me, and I worked out what was going on. “NO! No no no no no no no no no!!” The door slammed shut, and the one in black held me down as the other picked up a needle. I tried to resist, but she was too strong for me. I felt the sharp tip pierce my skin, and my limbs soon went limp. Next was my vision slowly fading, as if Discord had pranked me with sleep powder once again...         I stood watching the ambulance take the young woman to hospital, where she'd get the help she need. I reached into my bag and pulled out a civvy jacket, slipping my beret off my head. The police officer finished writing down what I had just told him, and he flipped his notebook shut. “Anything else to offer?” “I... don't think she's homeless. She looked too clean and well fed to be.” “Okay. Well, thanks for your help, and enjoy the rest of your day.” He walked off and jumped into his car, pulling away with his blues and twos on, going in the general direction of the hospital. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around, looking to my fellow trainees. “I'll see you guys back at camp. Gotta get my jacket back or it'll be cold in the morning. I'll get your trousers as well, Charlotte.” “Okay, well tell sarge what happened. See you later.” I nodded as the ten of them carried on to the shopping centre, my Christmas shopping having finished early for the night. And there was just something about that woman... Sighing, I headed towards the multi-storey car park, grumbling as I paid the extortionate amount they charged in this city. Pretty soon I was a few miles over, getting out of my car in the hospital car park, grumbling once more as I fished around for loose change. How the hell could they charge so much? Once the ticket was displayed, I walked over to the entrance, noticing one of my old training buddies. “Hey Alec, over here!” I smiled as she waved at me, finishing her coffee and walking over. Heh, still remembers that I don't even like the smell. “So, what you doing here?” “Not much, Kat. You're looking good. Anyway, we found a naked lady in town, think she got brought here. I've come to get my jacket back.” “Naked lady? Oh, her! Come on, I'll show you the way.” I followed along as she guided me down the hospital corridors, where we stopped outside a room that had security guards at the door. They gave me a concerned glance as Kat opened the door and waved me in, closing it but remaining outside. I heard her chatting to the guys out there as I looked to the bed. The woman was resting peacefully, now dressed in a green gown. I spotted my stuff on the chair in the room, walking over and picking it up. I slipped into my jacket, noting the smell coming from it. There was no way it came from her... did it? I slowly walked over and smiled, glad to see she had some help. Checking the coast was clear, I bent down and sniffed her, and it really was the same smell. I pulled away a little and then jumped in shock, her light cyan eyes staring at me. I just gave her a weak smile and waved. “Hi...”         I heard sniffing around my muzzle, slowly coming awake. It must have been a doctor. It was a rudimentary check to see if I was alive, but I could not fault them for doing so, especially if it was an earth pony or pegasus. My eyes slowly fluttered open to reveal him standing above me, his... face really close. He pulled away a little and stopped as his eyes met mine. “Hi...” I tried to move away, but my forelegs and stomach were restrained the bed. He jumped back as I tried to break free, desperately trying to summon my magic. I glared over at him, and sucked in a deep breath. “WHY HAST THOU RESTRAINED US? YOU WILL RELEASE US IMMEDIATELY!” “UH... I can't, I don't have access to the keys.” “WE DO NOT BELIEVE THOU! YOU WILL RELEASE US, OR FACE THE CONSEQUENCES!!” I then felt it, something building around my heart. I looked to the door as it burst open, three more of them entering. The two larger ones came over and held my shoulders down, whilst the other approached with a syringe. “NAY, LEAVE US ALONE” They rolled me over and exposed my flank, leaving me facing him. “Please... help me.” He walked over and placed one of his hands on my cheek, smiling softly at me. I felt the sharp needle point pierce my skin, and the feeling in my chest exploded, blinding me in a flash of light. I opened them to find just him and I in a small room, the syringe still in place, but alone. I was still restrained on the bed, and he stood up, shaking his head from the obvious disorientation of a first time teleport. I started to giggle, my magic finally returning, and trying to release the locks. I failed in that attempt, and my mirth turned to sorrow. I couldn't stop the tears from falling down my cheeks, letting a sob loose. He walked over and stroked me cheeks again, smiling softly down at me. “Please... let me go.” “I... can't. I need to get you back to the hospital. You could be ill.” He turned and walked to a door over at the side of the room, opening it to reveal rolling hills, the ground covered white in the moonlight. He was about to step through and leave me here. “NO, PLEASE! Don't take me back there!” He stopped and glanced over his shoulder, closing his eyes with a sigh. The door was shut and he walked back over, hands running over the restraints. “I... just want to go home.” “Well, the authorities can get you back to America, after they find out how you got here.” “What is this 'America?” “It's... where you're from. I mean, you've got an American accent, so...” I just blinked my eyes in confusion at him. Was it possible that this world had a country where they had a similar speech to my own? “Look... just wait here okay? I'll be right back.” I heard a internal door open and thuds on some wooden steps, followed by rummaging around under the floorboards. I closed my eyes and thought of my home, and my sister, attempting to summon my magic once more. Nothing happened, and I opened my eyes when I heard metal scraping against metal. There was a strange tool in his hands, similar to one of our drills. It was placed one of the restraints around my foreleg, and he was turning it. “What are you doing?” “You can't stay like that, so I'm getting you out. Now remain still.” After a few minutes I was almost free. He had separated the restraints from the bed, but they still remained around my forelegs.. and what I believe to be my waist. Before I could sit up I heard some locks snapped shut, looking down to see the brown fabric cuffs now attached to one another, and glanced up at him with a confused look. “I... can't let you go, not yet.” “But...” his face told me there was no use arguing, and I would just have to trust him. He pulled me off the bed and along an internal corridor, up a flight of stairs and into another room. He walked over to a chest of drawers and pulled out some strange looking clothing. One was picked up, and he walked back over to me. He went behind me and slid the gown down my arms, leaving me naked. He kept his gaze on his task as he unlocked my right foreleg, keeping a tight hold and exchanging one garment for the other. I tried to resist him locking it in place again, but he was much stronger than he looked, doing the same with my left. The new item was slipped up and over the items on my chest and secured around my back. He then got the other garment and bent down, lifting my rear legs into it and sliding it up to my flank, covering that area as well. This was followed by a longer garment which covered nearly all my legs, with the exception of the strange limbs at the bottom. He then went about the same process with my top half, a larger garment than before covering most of the pale skin. I must admit it felt... right to be clothed in this body. He then stepped away, towards the door, but he stopped me by holding up a hand. “Wait here for a few minutes, I need to check a few things.” He walked out of the door, closing it behind him and I heard a muted click. I tried the handle, finding that I was locked in there. I placed my ear to the door when I heard his voice, straining to hear his words. “...no, I don't know where she went. I was sent to my holiday cabin, so she might've gone the other way. No, I don't understand it either. One minute I'm giving her comfort whilst they sedate her, the next I'm over a hundred miles away... yeah, okay. Yeah... okay, tell sarge I'll be back tomorrow... sure, bye.” I backed away as the door was unlocked, and he motioned me to follow with a wave. He took me back downstairs and into what was obviously a kitchen, seating me at a table. He started rifling through the cupboards, groaning as each one was empty. My stomach then decided to let us know it wanted attention, and he glanced over at me. “Yeah, I know. I'm looking for some food.” He gave a triumphant shout when he opened what I believed to be a refrigeration device, pulling out a few items, and then turning back to me and placed them on the table. I reached up as best as possible and wiped the ice away, looking over the meals. They all looked like leftovers in clear plastic tubs, and they all had... “Is this... meat?” “Huh? Oh, are you a vegetarian? Sorry, I should've asked. Uh... let's see...” He picked up a tub, wiping the sides to reveal black ink there. “Cottage pie, no... Shepard’s pie, no... ah, quorn lasagne! It's a meat substitute, so you don't have to worry about that.” He opened the lid and turned the tub upside down, tapping the bottom until the frozen food fell to a plate with a thud. He placed it in another device, one which I had seen in the castle but never used, pressing a few buttons and making it beep. With one final push, the device lit up and began humming, the plate spinning inside. I watched the timer on the side count down for five minutes and the device started beeping once more. He opened the door on the front, steam emerging, and he picked up the plate with a thick gloved hand, setting it down on the table. I must admit, it smelled divine. A knife and fork were placed to either side of the plate, and I tried to reach for them, but my restraints did not allow me to. He gave a sigh, walking behind me and unlocking the padlocks. It was my chance to escape, but I did not know when I would be able to eat again, fumbling slightly as I used my hands for the first time. The food tasted delicious, and I stopped with my third mouthful as I heard something click. I looked down to find he had locked me to the chair on both side, but I just carried on eating. He selected one of the other tubs for his meal and placed it in the heating device, turning to a sink with two glasses and providing me with a drink. He sat down and began his meal whilst I finished mine, draining the fluid. We stared at each other as he ate, and then collected the plates and put them in the sink. “Why won't you let me loose?” His head dropped as he stood with his back to me, his hands on the side. “I... can't trust you. An hour ago we were in a hospital, and then we are a hundred and fifty miles away, in somewhere you have never been to my knowledge. And the police are looking for you... if I let you go... they'll find you, and I believe you don't want that to happen.” He gave a sigh as she walked over and unlocked one of the padlocks. I gave no resistance as he slipped it through the d rings attached to the cuffs on my forelegs and snapped it shut, using the other to keep them attached to the front of the belt. “Come with me.” He stood me up and led me into another room, one that looked like a study. There was a large couch to the side next to a window, which had a view of some cliffs above an ocean. He left me there as he walked behind a large desk and sat in the admittedly looking comfortable chair. I walked over and stood in front of it, staring at him. “What are you?” “What am I? I'm human, like you. It's weird, you're clearly intelligent, and don't seem to have amnesia, yet know nothing of your own species. Here, take a look at this.” He reached up to the bookshelf behind him and brought down a large tome. He flipped it open and I looked at the figures, recognising none. “I do not know this writing. Now please... release my forelegs.” “Forelegs? You've only got two, and none are your 'forelegs'. Why don't you tell me...” “I can not.” “Then I can't help you. I'll let you get some sleep, and then take you to the local police station in the morning.” He stood from the chair and walked towards the doorway, looking back at me. “Well?” I instead walked over to the couch and sat on it, staring at the wall opposite. He came back and brought his chair around, which I saw had wheels on the bottom. He placed it in front of me and sat down, a notepad and pen in his grip. “Make a start then.” “My name is Princess Luna, the immortal alicorn of the night, co-ruler of the land of Equestria with my elder sister, Princess Celestia. I raise and lower the moon each and every day, and I do not normally look like this. I look like that.” I nodded to a poster on the wall, where it showed white dogs jumping a hedge, more of these creatures dress in red, riding something that resembled our larger cousins from the south. He turned his gaze back to me and raised an eyebrow. “A dog or a horse?” “DO NOT CALL US SUCH A THING! WE ARE NOT A MARE OF THE NIGHT!” “Huh? They're names of animals. You think I just... called you a hooker?” “Pray tell, what is a hooker?” “Nevermind. So... you're an equine...” “Indeed I am. Now as royalty, I demand that you release me and return me to where I entered this world, so that I may go home!” He instead stood and walked out of the room, returning moments later with a bottle filled with clear liquid. “What is that?” “Vodka. You are a pony princess from another world, and my mind can't take that right now. Next you'll be telling me you're a unicorn and can use magic.” “Nay, I am an alicorn, a mix of all three races. My good friend Rarity is, however, a unicorn.” He just stared unblinking at me as he unscrewed the lid and took a large swig, grimacing as he pulled the bottle away. “But I can also use magic.” The feeling in my chest was stronger now, and I concentrated on the bottle. A blue glow wrapped around it, pulling it away and letting it drop with a smash to the floor. “How the fuck did you do that?” I stood smugly, walking over to him and staring down with the best regal glare I could. “I used magic, now feast your eyes upon this!” I focused the feeling once more, three mechanical clicks following. The restraints around my forelegs and stomach dropped away, and I brought up a leg, kicking him between the his. He fell to the floor with a groan, and I bent down, quickly restraining him in the manner I had been. I stood back from him, turning towards the rest of the building, searching every door until I found the outside, taking my chance for escape. I do not know how far I made it before the biting cold forced me to find shelter, pressing into a large outcropping of rock. I crouched there shivering for what felt like hours, trying to focus my teleportation magic into the alley, but the biting downpour of snow that had just started broke my concentration. My vision started to narrow, and I kept snapping my eyes open as my head dropped. And then there was a shadow in front of me. It came closer but my vision refused to reveal it. Something was then wrapped around my shoulders, and I was picked up, being carried back through the snowstorm. I had no idea where we were going until I saw a faint light. After five more minutes of walking, a two storey wooden cabin began to appear. I looked up to see him, a strange device over his eyes. I couldn't help but press closer, and he took me into a sitting room, setting me gently on the floor. I remained shivering on the cold wood as he thudded around upstairs, returning moments later with dry clothes and a pile of towels. I gave no resistance as he removed my current garments down to the under ones, and then he began to gently rub me with the towels. “Can't heat you up too fast, it's not good for your body.” I could only whimper as my shivering began to abate, letting my head rest against him. Once he was satisfied I was dry he once more dressed me, in slightly thicker clothes, and then set me on a very comfortable couch in the room. It was still cold inside, and I took a good look at him. He was wearing a thick jacket, and the strange device was now over his forehead, showing his worried face. He then left the room, leaving me in the cold for an indeterminate amount of time. I heard grunting soon after, and he walked back in, a pile of logs in his arms. He made his way over to a hole in the wall, which I realised was a fireplace, stacking the wood inside with a few spares. He then removed his coat, revealing that he had removed the restraints. Two cups were on a table, and had steam coming off them, so he picked one up and passed it to me. I savoured to warmth it brought to my hands, ignoring the liquid inside as he struck a match and set the kindling alight. Large flames soon sprung up, warming the room. He took my wet clothes and blankets to one side, and then wrapped me in a larger one. He stood to the side as he stripped off, with his back to me. I couldn't help but watch as he dried himself down and then redressed. He sat on the opposite end of the couch with a large blanket around his shoulders, taking a sip of his drink. I copied him, relishing the warm liquid as it graced my throat, smiling in thanks for the cup of cocoa. “How did you... find me?” He gave a chuckle, taking the strange item from the table and pressing a button on the side, passing them to me. “Military stock. When you've got a friend in stores, things can go... 'missing' from inventory. Put them to your eyes, and then wave your hand over the front.” I did as he said, the wall opposite turning dark grey, and a white glow went up the image as I lifted my hand. “You left footprints in the snow, so it was easy to see where you were heading. That's how I found you amongst the rocks. Thermal imaging goggles, handy for hunting in winter.” I took them away and put them on the table, finishing my drink. I looked over at my possible captor turned saviour, knowing I would need his help in getting home. “Tell me... about you.” A raised eyebrow was not what I was expecting, nor the confused stare. “I mean... of your species... and your world.” He gave a nod and stood, leaving the room. He returned a few minutes later with a stack of books, finishing his drink in one long swing, before sitting back down. I gave slight shiver feeling the cold once more. The memory of being stuck in the snow with Celestia when we were fillies popped into my head, and I cautiously scooted along the couch. He didn't notice until I was right next to him, and he whipped his head up in shock, his face softening as he saw my small shudders. His upper limb wrapped around me and pulled me close, his blanket wrapping around the both of us. I looked to the book and saw it with an image of a planet, and her opened it to reveal maps. “Princess Luna of Equestria... welcome to Earth. My name is Alec.” Alec... I now knew his name, and could converse with him properly. He spent half of the evening describing the world, informing me that his country was experiencing an early and very cold winter. The rest was spent describing my new body and the difference of his own. His cheeks turned an adorable shade of red when I asked him for a demonstration, and I couldn't help but giggle at his flustered state. Another thought, bid from nowhere I know, entered my mind, and as I looked as he as he continued, I couldn't help but agree. He was pretty cute. Eventually he stopped, looking at a device on his... arm, I think it was. “Come on, time for bed.” He stood up and pulled me with him, leading me upstairs. I was led into the same room as earlier, watching as he placed a pile of thick blankets on the bed. Alec bid me goodnight and closed to door, so I slipped under the covers. It was warmer under there, but not by much. I would have to make do for now.  I couldn't fall asleep, every creak of wood making my eyes shoot wide open. It sounds silly, but the dark room was scaring me. I selected the thickest blanket, sliding out of the bed and walking over to the door. He hadn't locked it this time, so I stepped out into the darkened hall, seeing another door further up with a light coming from the gap underneath the wood. I knocked on the entryway, hearing him shuffle over, and then the door swung open, Alec standing there with only a small garment covering his middle area. “Can I help you?” “I... can't get to sleep. That room is... creepy.” He stood back and to the side, allowing me to enter. I looked around, the room being extremely simple. There was a chest of drawers, as small wardrobe, a bed that was bigger than a single and smaller than a double, and a bedside table with a candle on it. “Thank you.” He walked over to the bed and lay down, covering himself with the blankets and lifting them up on the other side. I kept the blanket around my shoulders as I slipped in, but soon threw it away as our bodies combined heat provided enough for comfort. I heard the sound of snoring, giggling quietly as I settled down. He then shifted, rolling over to his side, his sleeping face in my direction. I was still slightly chilly, so rolled to my left, matching him. I started to shuffle back, my flank... ass... gently pressing against his hand. In his muzzy state his arm came around my waist and pulled me closer. He was bigger than me, his head resting upon mine. Just the sound of his breathing was enough for me to ignore the creaking in the wood from the storm raging outside. I placed my hand over the one laying across my stomach, squeezing gently, to which he returned with his whole arm. Pretty soon my eyes began fluttering closed, and I drifted into slumber. > Chapter 02 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My eyes slowly fluttered open, a bright light filtering through the curtains. I rolled over to find my bedfellow had left, and sat up. There was slight chill on the air, so I wrapped one of the blankets around my... shoulders and walked over to the window. Throwing open the curtains revealed nothing but whiteness. I turned around and spotted some clothing on a chair with a piece of paper on top. I don't know why I picked up something I couldn't read, but I looked down at it and smiled. Alec had drawn me a stick figure with the clothes, arrows pointing to where they went. I quickly followed the instructions, glad that the garments were thick and comfortable. I made my way down the hall, checking each room to try and find him. The upper level proved to be empty, and my search of the lower floor got me confused when I found myself all alone. I went to the front door and cracked it open, coming face to face with a small wall of snow. I slammed it shut, running back up the stairs to a window, finding that the entire house was surrounded. The storm of the previous night had abated, the sun coming over the horizon to reveal white for miles around. But not too far away was a dark shape moving towards the cabin. It took ages to get close, but I recognised it as one of the humans. They must have been freezing out there, and I wished I could help. I got slightly worried as it kept heading towards me. I saw a small wooden object being dragged behind it, and it stopped within fifty metres of the window. They turned around and picked up a wooden crate, walking the last bit of the distance and disappearing from my view. I heard noise from a room below me, slowly making my way towards it. I entered just as another door to the outside was shut by the human wrapped in thick clothing. They brushed the snow off of themselves, and then turned around, pulling the hood down and removing the mask they had on, revealing the pink cheeked face of my host. “Morning, you hungry?” “Where have you been? You look freezing!” He shrugged out of the thick coat and out of his boots, then picked up the crate and walked past me, making me follow as he went down to the kitchen, starting to unpack his goods. “Alec... you left me alone in a world I do not know.” “Yeah, sorry about that. I had to go out and get some stuff. There's a farm a few miles away that I'm friends with, so got some fresh produce.” I could only stare at him in shock at his comment, and before I knew it, I had pushed him out of the way and took over the unpacking. “Hey, you're my guest.” “You trekked through the snow for me...” “No, I walked through the snow to get some much needed supplies. Now go down into the cellar and look through the cupboards until you find some candles, then bring up as many as you can.” “You dare command me? I am the raiser of the moon, princess of...” “Princess of nothing. Right now we need to work together to survive. If you didn't have that freaky ability of yours, you'd still be locked up. So... candles, now.” I just glared at him, before turning around and walking up the stairs to the room where he had sequestered me, slamming the door shut. I don't know why it made me angry to be talked to in such a way, but he was right. I was about to head down and apologise when I saw something large in the sky. It was making a loud noise and then disappeared over us. It soon came into view again, and I worked out it was circling the cabin. I ran back to the door and threw it open.         I just gave a sigh as a door slammed shut, picking the crate up and shoving it in the larder. I didn't mean to be so terse with her, but I'm not exactly the best with interpersonal skills. As she had gone upstairs it was left to me to collect the candles. I was a little surprised to find that I was running dangerously low, a mere twenty remaining. I picked up the box and headed back to the ground floor, setting them on the kitchen table. I took a deep breath and prepared to go apologise, but Luna ran into me when I walked out the doorway. “Monsters, in the sky!” She dragged me into the lounge and over to the window, where I saw nothing. I then caught a droning noise on the air, and the 'monsters' appeared in a wide arc. I quickly ran to my boots and coat, slipping into them as fast as possible, turning back to Luna. “That's not a monster, stay in the house.” I didn't wait for a reply, moving as fast as I could through the snow and waving my arms over my head. The Lynxes turned towards me, and I felt relief flow throw my body. She would get the help she needed, and I could now get back to training. I began to walk back to my cabin, but a burst of snow blocked my path. I turned around in shock as I saw the door gunner aiming at me whilst another helicopter landed, several armed people jumping down to the snow. They all raised their weapons and pointed them at me, slowly spreading into a wide arc and creeping closer, the two helicopters moving to circle the house once more. There was no insignia on either the people or the vehicles. I glanced over my shoulder at the open door, for some unknown reason fearing for Luna’s safety. I don’t know why, but my body followed and I attempted to run through the snow. “STAND STILL!” I kept moving. “STAND STILL OR WE WILL OPEN FIRE!” I didn’t do as instructed. There was a sudden pain in my shoulder and I fell to the ground. I watched as he calmly approached them, his arms waving above his head. The two things turned towards him and lowered to the ground. He turned and began to walk back, but the ground exploded by some unforeseen force, and I looked up to see a human on the side of one of the black things. The other was almost out of the air, a panel on the side opening and several more men jumping out. They began to surround Alec, whilst the two what must have been vehicles of some sort returned to the air, circling the building. I saw him glance around at me, and then he turned and began to run towards the house. “STAND STILL!” He kept moving. “STAND STILL OR WE WILL OPEN FIRE!” I gasped in shock as there was a loud bang and he fell to the snow, red liquid pouring out onto the white ground. I shot forward in an attempt to get to him, but two of them had approached the house from the other side, grabbing me as I left its safety. “NO! Let me go! I must help him!” I could do nothing but struggle helplessly as my hands were restrained, one of the vehicles landing in front of us. I was forced into it and moved to the window, my gaze on the one still lying on the ground. Soon we were too high to see, and I could do nothing to stop the tears from rolling down my cheek.         I do not know how long we were in the air, nor where we were going, but eventually we made landfall once more. I was numb by this point, not even glancing at my captors as I was removed from my seat. We were on top of a large building in a massive city, and my eyes passively roaming over it. I was then pulled towards a door on the roof, but my ‘escorts’ stopped as the other vehicle landed. I felt relief flood my being when the door opened and Alec was helped down, a bandage around his chest, but his hands were restrained like mine. He looked around and met my gaze, then ran towards me. He slammed into one of the pair by me, but his escorts were not far behind, and he was roughly slammed to the floor, more blood now flowing from his nose as he lifted his eyes to me. “Luna, do as they tell you, and you won’t be hurt. I’ll see you soon, okay?” He was then pulled away from me and taken to another door, giving me a sorrowful look before he disappeared. The one he had knocked over got to his feet with a grunt, and then I was forced through the entry. We entered a small metal box and I felt my stomach rise, but it did not seem to affect the pair, a few lights above the door displaying strange figures changing, until the movement stopped and the doors opened with a beep. There was a small beep and the doors slid open once more, revealing a long hallway. I was pushed along it to an open door at the end and then stood still in the centre. My restraints were removed, and I turned to confront my captors, but they were at the door already, which slid shut and I heard a few clicks. There was no handle, meaning I was trapped. I glanced around the room to see an uncomfortable looking bed and a toilet; that was it. Three of the walls were bare, and the fourth had half a mirror above waist height. I met my reflection and reeled in both horror and amazement at how I now looked. My mane colour remained the same and so did my eyes, but my face and body had changed completely. My inspection was interrupted and I moved to the door as I heard shouting, placing my ear near the gap. It was still muffled, but I knew whoever it was wasn’t happy, and I stepped back as a shadow appeared on the opposite side of the slightly transparent glass. It was too thick for me to break, I noticed. “...is she? You fucking cunts, tell me what you did with Luna!” The group pushed on amidst much protest, and I wished I could be out there, to show Alec I was unharmed. A few moments later a door was slammed shut, and I heard loud banging through the walls. “Motherfuckers! When I get out of here, I'm going to stab you in the guts and strangle you with your own intestines!” I moved to the corner and slowly raised my hand, then banged on the wall. The clamour soon stopped and I heard my tap returned. “Luna? Is that you?” “Yes!” “Thank god! Are you hurt?” “No, I am fine. How can I hear you?” “Look up.” I did as asked, seeing a small grate in the ceiling. It was too high for me to reach, but I wouldn't’t be able to fit through anyway. “It’s an air supply. We’re so far underground it needs to be pumped in. They’re going to leave us in here for awhile, so you may want to rest for a bit.” I moved over to the bed and sat down on it, springs sending a horrible creak echoing around the room. “Luna? I’m sorry I made this happen.” “How di…” “Last night. I told a friend where I was. If I hadn’t have done that, they wouldn’t have found you.” “Please, do not blame yourself. I knew the risks when I left my world, so none of it is your fault.” I lay down, pulling the thin, rough blanket over me. “I… I want you in here with me, I trust you.” “Whatever they do, I’m going to be right there with you. Count on it. Now get some rest… you’re going to need it.” Even though he couldn’t see me, I still nodded an acknowledgement, laying my head upon the flat pillow.         I don’t know how long I waited, but I was getting even more lonely. They had come for Alec hours ago, and he still resisted, but they won. I didn’t want to think anything bad had happened to him, but there was still a nagging doubt that I would see him again. So uninterested in anything such as I was, it wasn’t until my hands were once more restrained that I even noticed I was no longer alone. I was then made to walk the long corridor, in the opposite direction from earlier I might add, and we entered a room not unlike the first I had seen. Once more there was a bed with restraints upon it, and I gave no resistance as I was placed on it. My escorts secured both my arms and legs, then left the room, and I could hear others talking around me. “So, what’s so special about her again?” “She appeared out of a wall down some alley, apparently. I dunno, boss just said she’s something to do with those weird readings. Oh well, let’s get to it.” Another human appeared in my vision, but this one was wearing all white with a mask over their face. In their hand was a needle, and their gaze met mine as they stepped closer. “Uh, isn’t she supposed to be sedated?” I turned the other way to see another one, dressed the same, and they just shrugged. “She’s not resisting, so what’s the problem?” If there was one, they didn’t say anything as the needle pierced the skin on my left arm, dark red blood emptying into the vial. To my surprise, I was then left alone until my escorts came back, and the bed began to move. I was wheeled past both my cell and Alec’s, into a dark room. I heard clicking and the mattress was bent up, pushing me into a sitting position, and a light snapped on. I blinked a few times as my eyes got used to it, and I spotted another human standing in the shadows, light reflecting from the rim of their glasses. “I’m going to make this simple; who are you and what do you want?” I just turned my head away, hearing them giving a deep sigh. They moved closer, and I glanced around to see a man now next to me, his face impassive. I blanched slightly at a rather disgusting scent as he breathed, and then he stepped back with a chuckle. “So, you don’t like smokers, huh? Hmm, maybe I should light up. Would you like that?” Still, I refused to talk to him, and he stepped behind the bed, where I could just about hear  the sound of a hushed conversation just before everything fell silent. There was a muted click and another light drew my attention, some form of magic showing another room. The sound of grunting came forth before Alec appeared. His hands were still restrained, and he spat blood to the flood, a stern gaze being directed where he came from. Another man followed, placing a chair in the centre and pointing to it. Alec refused, and he was struck in the stomach. Even from here I could tell it was harder than necessary. “You can stop it. The power is yours.” As much as I just wanted to forget this world and go home… I couldn’t let this continue. “Please… don’t harm him.” “Finally, something intelligent. Tell them to stop.” The door opened and one of them left, the screen quickly showing the beating had stopped. Alec was pulled from the wall he was pinned against and away from the device that was showing me the room, the man speaking to me entering my vision once more. “Now you seem more cooperative, let us start again. Name?” “Luna.” “Is that it?” “Yes.” “Why are you here?” “My own jealousy and stupidity.” “Hmm, it’s not much, but it’s a start. You’ve been here for a while, I think it’s time you ate something.” My arms and legs were released, and I waited patiently for my hands to be placed behind my back again, looking around confused. “I don’t think these will be necessary anymore, do you?” I looked to his hand to see the restraints they used, metal reflecting the lights. It would do me no good in an escape attempt, so I just nodded at him. He moved from the doorway and motioned for me to leave, where two more awaited to perform their escort duties. I was led to a dining chamber of sorts, but it was not the prospect of dulling my hunger that made my heart jump, it was who entered from the opposite side of the hall. Before either mine or his escorts could react, I ran forward and wrapped my arms around Alec’s neck, but he could not return the embrace. “Alright, that’s enough.” We were pulled apart and taken to separate tables, where I was given a tray of food. I saw Alec get the attention of one of his guards, who looked over towards me. He then came over and took the meal away, heading to a large open hatchway, where I could see others working. I easily worked out that they were the cooks here. My tray was exchanged for another, Alec giving me a nod. The only thing I could think of was that the meal I was first given was a meat based one, and he remembered that I was not an omnivore. As soon as I was done with the meal, along with several glasses of water, I was led back to my cell. The lighting inside was turned down low, and the day had caught up with me, so I made my way over to the hard mattress of my bed and lay upon it, waiting for sleep to claim me.         I watched Luna go as I continued eating, the cut on the inside of my mouth stinging as some salt was consumed. I had no idea where we were, who these people were, or what they wanted. So far I had just been left to stew in a dark room, then moved and beaten for no apparent reason. Whatever part of the government these guys belonged to… they had just fucked up. Even with no restraints, I didn’t have the strength to try and escape, but I wouldn’t do that unless I knew I’d be able to take her with me. Having not eaten since the morning, I devoured the food, even if it had no taste. I don’t know where they took her, but I was taken the other way, being sat in a chair inside a cramped office. “Okay, what is going on?” I refused to meet the gaze of the one sitting opposite me, instead choosing to look out a window that showed almost an office type layout, but to me it looked more like an R&D lab. A large digital map caught my attention, as it was zoomed in over Birmingham, a strange set of readings next to a large circle. “You noticed that, huh? Yes, the centre is over the area where you found your friend. Why don’t you tell us about her?” I looked to the desk and saw a smaller print out of the map, plus others that had similar highlighted bits. If I got my chance… I looked up and finally met his gaze, not one hint of emotion on his face as he studied me. “She just wants to go home.” “And where is her home?” I shrugged and he gave a sigh waving to the guards. “We will continue in the morning, for now you may rest.” “If I could make one request?” “Go ahead.” “Allow us the same cell. She’s alone here, and needs our help.” He gave me a nod, and I was marched down the dreary white corridor, stopping once we had passed my cell, I think. It was hard to tell when all doors looked the same. Anyway, the one we were stood in front of slid open and I was pushed inside, my cuffs being removed a moment later. I rubbed my wrists, which were red and inflamed slightly, then looked to the bed. Creating a lump under the covers was Luna, and I moved closer, placing a hand on her shoulder gently. She rolled over and her tired eyes met mine, her arms instantly around my neck once more. This time I could return the embrace, and she tried to hold tighter as I pulled away. “I’m here now. Come on, let’s go to sleep.” Heeding my words, she moved over and lifted the blanket, so I slipped in next to her. She rolled over so that her back was pressed against my chest, and I wrapped my arms around her, holding her close just as the lights shut off. “Why are they doing this?” Her question was followed by sniffles, and I lifted a hand up to wipe her cheek, my fingers coming away wet with tears. “Because they don’t understand. Humanity is scared of things it can’t control or understand, but I… think I know what we need to look for to get you home. We just need to get out of here with it.” “And how long will that take?” “...I don’t know, but I’m not leaving without you.” I felt her give a nod and then her head settled under my chin. Two days… two days and I was already planning a jailbreak with this woman, who wasn’t even human, but a pony. My hand moved to her hair and I began to gently run my fingers through, Luna giving a small sigh as her body relaxed and slumber claimed her. I wonder if there’s some magic at work getting me to help her? Screw it, I’ll ask in the morning. > Chapter 03 > --------------------------------------------------------------------------         I rolled over, feeling a warm body against my own, my eyes fluttering open to see Alec sat up with his back to the headrest. He gave me a small smile before his gaze drifted back to the doorway. It slid open and several men entered, motioning for us to follow. Alec stood up first and helped me to my feet, then we were ushered into the corridor. Two doors opposite us opened, another female now stood in front of me. I saw Alec give me a nod, and he walked into his own room, whilst the other made way for me. Once inside, the door slid shut, revealing a small bathroom. I stripped from my clothes and jumped straight into the running shower, not caring about the similarities to the ones at home as the soothing flow hit my skin. I wasn’t given time to enjoy it, as the water shut off soon after, and I was handed a towel. The woman took my pile of clothes with disinterest and put them in a container as I dried, replacing them with a new set. One item I was not sure how to wear, so she absentmindedly helped me put it on, then I dressed further. The new clothes fit better than what Alec had provided me, and I was soon in the corridor once more. The door slid open and he came out too, his attire changed, and he gave me a small smile. We were led a different way than before, eventually emerging into a large room with lots of desks and machines. I noticed Alec looking at everything he could, then to a window that overlooked the room. I followed his gaze and saw a red light flare through the dark glass, but was moved over to a large desk in the centre of the room before I could make out any details. A man at the other end motioned for us to sit down, so we did, a pile of paper in front of us. “We’ve decided that if we want your help, we need to help you. Those documents have our research, or at least what we learnt so far. Please, take a look.” I did as asked, but couldn’t make sense of the pictures without understanding the writing. Alec, however, was scanning over the papers, occasionally looking at a separate one, then going back to his reading. After a good five minutes, he threw them back to the desk and slid them across the top, sitting back with a smug grin on his face. “Well, I think I know what the problem is. You don’t have a fucking clue what you’re dealing with, and it’s making you scared.” The smile that was slowly forming on the other man’s face changed to a frown, and he shook his head with a sigh. “I was hoping you would be a bit more cooperative, but it seems like we need to take other routes.” With a nod of his head the others lifted us from the chairs, Alec’s gaze locked to the man as we were taken through a set of double doors. There were others in here, making the room far too cramped for us all. There was only one exit, so the guards left us, one of the ones in white waving me forward. I felt a small squeeze on my arm and turned to see Alec give me a nod, so moved over. “Lie down on here, please.” I did as asked, indicated to a strange device, made of a large ring and a bed. My arms and legs were strapped down, and a glance at Alec showed no reason for concern. Then there was the sound of low humming and the bed slowly began to move, taking the others out of my sight as I entered the centre of the ring. My body began to tingle then, until I stopped and I felt a weird sensation all over me. Although I couldn’t see, I could still hear, and I almost giggled at what was said. “Sir, could you stand still please?” “I just want to look. If I’m going in there, I wanna know what’s going on.” “Very well, but please don’t interfere.” The strange feeling and humming intensified a moment later, causing me to gasp. It felt like tickling all over my skin. Then came the sound of a massive crash, followed by panic, and I heard the same voice. “What the fuc…” It was cut off halfway through, and the uncomfortable bed I was on moved once more, this time out. “Hold on, you’ll be free in a minute.” Alec did just as he said, removing the straps and helping me back up. I looked to the floor to find the others incapacitated, no sign of the guards. “They’re alive, so don’t worry. Now we need to get out of here.” He moved the unconscious humans near the door and then grabbed a large red object, walking to the large ring. “Stay over there.” I did as told, watching as he opened a few panels and used the cylinder to cover them in water. He then moved to a small white object, his fingers dancing over some buttons. The machine began to hum once more, but sparked as well this time, and Alec pulled me close, shielding my eyes. I wondered what was happening, but then I heard a loud bang followed by an alarm. The doors swung open and the guards ran in, Alec then taking his chance and pulling me with him into the main room. It was now empty, but the files were still on the table. He grabbed them as we ran past, stopping only to pick a strange drawing up. Once we were out of the room and in an empty corridor, I saw it was a level map, which Alec was staring at intently. “What are you planning?” “That was just a small electrical fire, they’ll have it under control. We need to do something that will force them to leave, giving us an escape route. Like here.” He tapped a part of the map, then began to walk away. I followed, and we were soon at a set of steps, but instead of going up he took us down. Once at the bottom, he gave a small chuckle as we entered the only room possible. “Yes, this will do nicely.” “Alec, what is it?” “Basically, the heart and lungs of this entire facility, so if we break things in here, we’ll kill the whole.” I didn’t have time to ask more as he grabbed an axe from the wall and lined it up along some thick metal lines. It wasn’t that strong however, as one swing broke them with a shower of sparks, the lights going off and then being replaced by red ones. One by one, Alec destroyed what he thought would help, until a rumble was felt beneath our feet. “Okay… maybe that was too much. Luna… run!” He grabbed my hand as we headed towards the stairs once more, an explosion in the room we had just occupied following after us. By the time we had ascended several levels I was exhausted, and a glance up showed many more to go. We were about to continue when I heard a groan, turning to see a man under a pile of filing cabinets. “Alec, we have to help him!” “Why? They won’t help us, so why should we help them?” I stared at him in slight shock, even as there was another explosion a few floors below me. I could understand his reasons, especially the treatment he received, but there was no certainty this man was one of them. “Please… show me the kindness inside of you once more.” He looked both up and down, then gave a sigh as he ran over to the other man. With a loud grunt the cabinets were lifted from him, Alec pulling him to the stairwell. “Thank you.” He lifted the other man over his shoulder in silence, then looked above us. “We need to go. Now.” I gave him a nod and we began ascending once more, albeit at a slower pace because of his passenger. He was still front of me though, and I heard a shocked gasp as we reached the top. Where a door should have been was a large metal plate, with a small window in the middle. “Dammit, I should have thought about something like a fucking automatic fire door!” I began to look for another way that prevented us from going back down, spotting a hatch in the wall. I opened it to find the bottom of a ladder, looking up to see it didn’t go that far. “Alec, what about this?” He came over and took a look, then gave me a nod, motioning me to start climbing. It took a few minutes, but I got there, pushing up another hatch at the top of the shaft. I climbed out into fairly fresh air, moving away as the other man was pushed through, groaning once more as he fell to the floor. Alec followed a moment later, immediately over the man. I thought he was checking for injury, instead he stepped back with a couple of strange black objects in his hands, then looked around. Spotting a path he began to walk off, leaving me with a dilemma. This man clearly needed help, yet if I stayed… I may not get free again. “Wait…” My eyes went wide as the man spoke, Alec turning and walking back. He crouched down and waved the black object in the air, then tapped the man’s leg with it. “I ask, you answer, understand?” “Yes.” “Good. I only have three questions. One, where are we? Two, how long do we have? And three, why?” “Okay, we’re in London, you’ve got about twenty minutes, and I honestly have no idea, I just started here and was only doing as ordered. Here, take this.” He reached into his pocket and passed a set of keys over, a pained smile on his face. “I don’t know what’s special about her, but I know she doesn’t belong here. Get her home. In the glove box you’ll find a credit card, along with the pin. You can use that.” Alec stood up and gave him a nod, then walked over to me. He suddenly stopped and turned around. “Where’s the car?” “Follow that path, it’ll bring you right out next to it.” Before we could leave there was a strange cackle, followed by a disembodied voice. “Seven-two, seven-two, check in.” The man reached into his jacket, pulling out another black object, lifting it to his face. “Seven-two here. I’m out.” “Good. Any sign of our guests at your location, Seven-two?” He looked between us a few times, and then spoke again. “Negative, just me. I was lucky to get out.” “Damn… they must still be inside, all other openings are accounted for. Okay, stay where you are, we’ll be there soon.” “Roger that, Seven-two out.” He dropped the device with a sigh, and I slowly approached, the man looking up to me. I knelt down next to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. After a moment I pulled away, planting a quick kiss on his cheeks, causing them to redden. “Thank you.” He just nodded as I stood back up, returning to Alec’s side. He cast one more glance at the man and then began down the path, both cautiously and quickly. It didn’t take us long to reach our destination, where I saw long lines of the machines from my first day here. I heard a beep and saw some lights flash, Alec giving a small chuckle. “Leave it to the government to give their guards an XF. Get in, you’re in for a treat.” I moved to the opposite side as him and saw a handle, which opened the door for me. As soon as I sat down I knew what Alec meant, the seat being almost as comfortable as a cloud, and I was almost asleep when I heard a click to my side. “It’s okay, go ahead and get some rest. We’ll be away from here soon.” There was a strange whine followed by the vehicle rumbling to life, Alec adjusting his seat. I did not know why, but we moved from the space we were in and out onto the main road, only stopping to allow large red vehicles with flashing blue lights to pass. I began to doze off, the scenery changing rapidly every time my eyes opened. I finally drifted off after the urban area gave way to fields.         I went from asleep to dozing, giving a light moan as someone shifted me. I rolled over in my seat to get away, and heard a small chuckle. It was followed by a solid thud which shook me awake a little more, and then a click on my side. My eyes fluttered open to reveal Alec leaning over me, undoing the restraint. “Mm, just five more minutes?” “You can rest inside. Come on.” I took in our surroundings as I was pulled out, seeing a residential area. Alec shut the door and motioned me to follow, walking down some steps and to the second house. As soon as the door was opened I heard two dogs begin barking, a small smile playing at my face. Back in Equestria, being a dog owner was the sign of a good pony, and I briefly wondered if the same held true here. “Mum? Dad? You home?” So it was his home, a place where he trusted to be safe, and I trusted him. The door to the outside was closed and an inner one open, two small white blurs launching themselves at us. One took a sniff of my legs and then ran away, returning a moment later with a ball in his mouth and his tail wagging. The other just stood on his hind legs, licking at my hand. “Alec? You’re home ear… oh, hello, who’s this?” I looked up from the dog to see a woman smiling at me, and I could see the resemblance, even if she was much shorter than him .  Alec just shook his head and moved deeper into the house, waving me in, leading me into a sitting room and pointed to a couch, the smaller dog jumping into my lap a moment later. “Harvey, get down!” He did as told, walking over to Alec and jumping up at him instead. “Mum, I’ve got some interesting things to tell you, but I can’t tell you everything.” Before the conversation could start once more, another man entered the room, glanced at me and then smirked at Alec. He took to one of the chairs as Alec’s mother sat in the other, Alec sitting next to me. The dog with the ball came over and passed it to him, then was sent away once it was thrown, bringing it back. “So, what news have you got for your mother and I?” Alec gave a small sigh, leaning forward as he glanced at me. “I’m no longer doing my further training.” A look of anger flashed across his parents’ faces, but it disappeared as soon as he continued. “I’ve got a new assignment, much better. I’m doing some high up work for the government, and my first job is escort duty.” “Escort for the government? Aren’t you a little… under equipped for that?” In response to the question, Alec reach into his jacket and pulled out the black object, placing it in his lap. His parents shared a semi-knowing look between them, glanced at me, then over to their son. “Where did you get that?” “Issued to me. Now look, I don’t mean to sound rude, but we’ve just had a long drive to get here. We’re only staying the night, then we’ll be going from there.” “Oh… okay then. Guess you won’t be home for Christmas then.” It was more of a statement from his mother, rather than a question, but she looked slightly upset as she stood and walked to a doorway at the other end of the room. “You’re just in time, dinner is almost ready.” “Uh, mum? Don’t suppose it’s a vegetarian dish, is it?” “You, give up meat? Don’t make me laugh.” “Not for me.” Her grin faltered slightly, before she gave a nod and entered the room, leaving just us and his father. He kept glancing over at me, and to be honest, it was making me uncomfortable. Alec noticed too, cocking his head. “Something wrong?” “No, not really. It’s just surprising that you’re on your own for the first escort duty. There’s usually someone keeping an eye on you.” He stood from his chair and started to set the table, whilst Alec relaxed. After what he had been through the past two days because of me, he deserved time to rest. I wondered what he would tell them when I had returned home. A few minutes later we were sat around the dinner table, a plate of warm food in front of each of us. The conversation was minimal as we ate, Alec’s father asking questions about his new duties, to which the reply was ‘classified’ most of the time. After the meal I was taken upstairs, where Alec proceeded to take the measurements of my body, although for what purpose I did not know.  He then showed me to the bathroom, where he placed a towel for me and turned the shower on, leaving me in peace. The flow was much better than the one from the morning, and I just let myself be soothed by it. After what felt like a few seconds there was a knock on the door, which I heard open slightly. “Luna, are you okay? You’ve been in there for ten minu… ATKINS!” Before I could react, the dog with the ball jumped into the shower with me, his tail wagging as he looked up at me. Alec came in and grabbed him,.wrapping a towel around the animal. His gaze then turned to me and he slowly looked over my body, his cheeks beginning to redden. He swallowed nervously and then turned away, closing the door as he left once more. I let out a small giggle at his flustered state, reaching for a bottle of soap. Soon I had washed myself, stepping from the flow and drying off. Deciding to tease him a little, I held the towel in one hand and peeked out the door, hearing movement in one of the rooms. Making sure the coast was clear, I moved over and found Alec putting fresh sheets on the bed, causing him to turn as I cleared my throat. “Pray tell, where shall I put this?” Instead of answering, his eyes just focused on my chest, and he was blushing once more, He slowly walked over and passed me a robe, tearing his gaze away as he took the towel and placed it over the white thing next to the wall. “Radiator’s fine. Bed’s made, you can rest properly.” I gave him a nod and climbed under the blankets, glancing over my shoulder at him. He moved to a chair in the corner and sat down, once more setting the black object into his lap. “Alec, what is that?” “A pistol. We may need it at some point.” “Will you not rest?” “Once you’re asleep, yes.” I gave him a nod and rolled over, letting my eyes close. Even though I had slept on the journey here, I was still exhausted, and the meal and shower made my body want further rest. I heard Alec give a small chuckle before there were two small impacts on the bed, followed by something furry worming its way under the blanket. I lifted it up to see the two dogs pressed against my legs, then let the blanket drop over us. It seemed I had two extra guards that night.         I was awoken suddenly the next morning by the two dogs leaping from where they lay to the floor, running out of the room. Rolling over, I saw Alec was not in the room, his place on the chair now occupied by a pile of clothes. Thanks to the woman that helped me dress the previous day I had no trouble dressing, and was soon downstairs. Alec was alone, pouring over the documents we had acquired from what seemed like a research facility. He didn’t notice my presence until my stomach decided to tell me it wanted food, and I sat down opposite him with a sheepish smile. He gave a small chuckle and slid a plate over, one topped with toast, of which I fell upon with eagerness. “We need to leave the country.” I stopped eating and looked up at him, waiting for him to continue. “They’ve already been to the places here where the anomalies are. There’s a few in Europe, but we’ve got to get there first. For now, finish your meal, I’ll go pack.” He stood up and left the room, sliding a map towards me. I looked it over to see one section circled, the others with crosses through them. Not knowing how far it was, I had no idea how long it would take to get there, but it seemed that was the only way to find a solution for now. I remembered his mother mentioning him coming home for something, and knew she was upset at that, so left the table and made my way up to the room in which I had stayed the night. “Alec, I can go on my own. You can stay and live your life as you should.” “No. I got you into this mess, and I’m going to help you out of it.” He had already put my things into a large bag, and was busy emptying a wardrobe out. His bag was half full, and another pile of clothes was thrown in. “It wouldn’t feel right, leaving you alone in a world you know nothing about.” “Are you sure?” “I would have dumped you out of the car on the way here if I wasn’t. Let’s pack the car.” Both bags were now packed, and he slipped one on his shoulder then picked the other one up. He moved past me and made his way out of the house, looking around as he walked to the vehicle. The rear hatch was opened, the bags placed inside, and Alec motioned me to get in. As I did so, I saw his parents returning with the dogs from wherever they had been, and he waved them over. I wasn’t privy to the conversation, but his mother gave him a tight embrace, his father nodding. With that he got into the vehicle, made it rumble once more, and then started it moving. Soon we were once more on a wide road, hardly any traffic with us. “Alec, I’m sorry to take you from your family.” “Don’t be, they understand. Open the glove box and look for the credit card, we’re going to need it.” I did as asked, looking for the document. Whilst searching, I came across a sheet of paper with writing on it, accompanied by a picture of me. “What you got there?” I passed it over and he glanced over it, then handed it back to me with a chuckle. “Well, that just made our mission much easier.”         I looked over to the passenger seat, where Luna was dozing once more. There wasn’t much else for her to do whilst we were travelling, so I just left her to it. If it was going to be the same as last night, she wouldn’t wake when we stopped. This was a good thing as we rolled into Dover, and I pulled into a space outside the customs office. Grabbing the sheet of paper and my passport, I entered through the door and stood in front of reception, a rather disinterested officer glancing up at me. This was a gamble, as I hadn’t even purchased any tickets, so I slid the sheet over to him. His eyes went a little wide, before he looked at me with a raised eyebrow. “Sorry, haven’t seen her.” “I’m not looking for her, I know where she is. In fact, I’m moving her out of the country. We need passage to France.” “I’ll need two forms of ID for verification.” I slid over both my passport and military ID card, which he took and scrutinised. He started typing into his computer, glancing back and forth between my documents. “Do you not see the ‘Top Secret’ marking?” “Yes, I do.” “And what are you putting into your computer?” “Oh… good point.” I watched as he cancelled the process and closed the program, then picked up the phone. It was a few tense moments as nothing happened, and then he spoke again. “Yeah, it’s Rich up at Customs. I got a special package coming down, black XF. Is there room on the next ferry? There is, okay, I’ll send them down, thanks.” He put the phone back then passed me my stuff back. “You’ve got five minutes before the ramp goes up.” I gave him a nod and ran out of the office, jumping into the car. I pulled out of the parking space pretty violently, jolting Luna awake. “Sorry, but we’ve got to move.” Slamming into first, the tyres screeched as they fought for grip. They eventually found purchase and we shot forward, heading towards the only ferry in the dock. The workers were all stood around and looking in our direction as we approached, but I shot past them and hit the brakes at the last minute, only just stopping behind the car in front. I took a few deep breaths before turning the engine off, signalling to Luna that we could get out of the car once the ship doors were closed. “We’ve got an hour and a half. Come, let’s go get something to eat.” > Chapter 04 > --------------------------------------------------------------------------         I stepped out onto the deck, looking around. Standing at the railings on the bow was the woman I was after, and I finally got a good look at her. She was a little shorter than me, probably about five foot six, had long black hair, reaching halfway down her back, her form being that of an athletic twenty-ish year old. Her legs were long and slender, her hips a nice size. She turned to me with a smile when I got closer, and I found myself staring into her blue eyes. Now, these weren’t like ordinary blue eyes, they had a sparkle in them that no human could ever hope for, and were a slightly different shape. She wasn’t beautiful, but most definitely pretty… and anyone that knew me would be curious as to what our connection was. Sure, I’d seen her naked twice now, but I was starting to relax a little, returning to the shy guy most saw me as. England was long behind us, and we were almost to France, so it was time for us to return to the car. A couple of security guards caught my attention, their stares upon us for too long, making me uncomfortable, until they finally moved on. I took Luna’s hand and turned towards the hatch way. “Come on, time to go.”         Once more the passenger seat of this… how did he put it, ‘car’? Anyway, once the ship had docked it took us around thirty minutes to return to dry land, Alec glancing around as other ‘cars’ with flashing blue lights zoomed past us. We were quickly out of the terminal and on to the main roads, where we had to slow down due to a long line of traffic. “Fuck! We can’t be dealing with this!” “No, it is good. They will be looking for those leaving in a hurry, correct?” Alec turned to look at me as he considered this, then relaxed into his chair with a sigh. Eventually the traffic started moving once more, and we found ourselves on a clear patch of road. “See? Patience is needed.” “Or this.” His sly grin caused me to feel slightly giddy, his hand reaching for a switch on the centre control console. He gave one last look at the vehicles around us and flipped it, blue flashing lights appearing almost instantly, reflecting on the other vehicles. We moved into the other lane, and anyone in front of us moved over, allowing us passage. “Now we should make it unhindered.” By the time night began to fall, Alec informed me we had left ‘France’ and were now in ‘Belgium’, but wouldn’t be there for long. I could see the tiredness in his eyes, and gently lay a hand upon his arm, causing him to glance in my direction. “Why don’t we find somewhere to stay? You could do with the rest.” He gave a small sigh before turning from the road and entering a small city. It was another ten minutes or so before we stopped, and I looked around to see a building that was similar to the hotel just outside Canterlot Castle. I turned when I heard a groan from Alec, seeing him stretching out, and he then grabbed our bags from the back. I followed him into the building, and we looked around. I tapped him on the shoulder and pointed towards a likely looking desk, the pair of us walking over. There was a little bell on top, and Alec gave it a ring. “Un instant, s'il vous plaît.” A young woman appeared with a friendly smile, her eyes flicking over us as she stepped to the desk. She rummaged things around a bit then turned her attention back to us. “Bonsoir, comment puis-je vous aider? “ “Bonjour, euh .. parlez-vous Anglais?” “Zat I do. ‘ow may I ‘elp you?” “A room for the night, if you have anything available. Twin, preferably.” The woman began to use one of those strange white objects, looking at a screen as information lit up her face. She continued with this for a few moments, before slipping a small black object onto the countertop. “We only ‘ave one room left, so you are in luck. Zat will be two hundred and fifty Euros, s'il vous plaît.” Reaching into his pocket, he pulled a thin plastic card out, slipping it into the black thing. There was a few small beeps before he hit some buttons, followed by a few more beeps. “Thank you, I will just get your key.” She turned around and opened a cabinet on the wall, revealing sets of keys, hanging next to empty hooks, except for one which she took out and passed to Alec. “You will ‘ave room three two seven. Zee elevators are behind you.” “Thanks. Good night.” “Vous êtes bienvenum, and ‘ave a… ‘ow you say, ‘pleasant night’?” Even I caught the wink from the woman as she returned to the back room, Alec giving a small grunt as he picked up our bags. We moved to a doorway and he pressed a button, the doors parting to reveal a small room. I had seen one before, and knew it was a way to get up and down quickly… but after my last experience, I wasn’t too happy to go in another one. “Luna, it’s fine. Trust me.” I nodded to Alec and stepped next to him, closing my eyes. As he pressed one button, the… ‘elevator’ began to move. The journey was not as long as the other one, and the doors opened to reveal a corridor, all the doors the same. “Let’s find our room and get some sleep.” Alec looked at a sign on the wall, then began to walk down the hall, and I quickly followed. It didn’t take us long to find our room, Alec holding the door open for me as I entered. The room was a fair size, a single large bed against one wall, with a large window opposite it. I opened the door to the side and discovered a bathroom, sticking my head back out into the main room as Alec entered. “I’m going to get a shower, if that is okay with you.” “Sure go ahead, I’ll go aft… there’s only one bed.” “You asked for a twin, is this not it?” “No, this is a double, a twin has two beds. This will have to do.” I nodded to him and closed the door behind me, starting the flow. I gave a relieved sigh as I stripped from my clothes, glad to be free of the constricting material. I kept my shower short and brief, wrapping a towel around me after, and I then stepped out into the main room. “I’ll get one, and then we can turn in for the night.” “Okay.” Alec walked past me and shut the bathroom door, followed by a muted click. I had a little chuckle when I realised that he had locked the door, and began to dry myself off. Once done, I slipped under the covers on the bed, finding a comfortable position. I had just started to doze off when the bathroom door opened, Alec stepping out with just clothing around his waist and upper legs. He placed the pile of our clothes on the desk, then turned out the lights. I could see his silhouette moving around, until he found the bed and climbed in next to me. He shifted around for a few moments before laying still, and I glanced over to see his back to me. I lay my head back down, knowing that he must be exhausted, and I would let him get his rest. I awoke with a sudden gasp, feeling a set of arms holding me close. I was curious as to how Alec had moved to his current position, but was distracted as something slipped between my legs. I couldn’t help but let out a small moan as his hand shifted over my nethers, sending a tingling sensation up my spine… and I didn’t want it to stop. I wrapped an arm around the back of his head, his other arm pulling me closer against him, and I felt something stiff press into my leg. I knew what it was, biting my lower lip in order to remain quiet, pulling Alec’s head to my neck. He suddenly started to cough, pulling away from me and rolling over as he came awake. I let a disappointed groan when he sat up, holding a hand to his head. He then started to sniff his fingers, before turning to look at me with a face of shock. His face suddenly reddened, and he darted from the bed, pulling the covers with him as he slammed the bathroom door shut. I rolled from the bed and walked to the bathroom, attempting to open the door, but found it locked. “Alec, please let me in.” “No, not yet. Give me a few minutes.” “But I would like to talk about…” “I’ll be five minutes! Just wait!” I returned to the bed and sat down, crossing my arms with a huff. Being pleasured and then left alone made me frustrated, and whilst I should have stopped it, it was too nice. I thought he knew what was happening, and pretended to be asleep, but it seemed to not be the case. I gave a deep sigh as the bathroom door open, Alec walking out with a towel around his waist. He glanced at me and then moved to the bags, facing the window. “Put some damn clothes on.” “What is the problem? If anything, I should be angry for you touching me without permission.” He grabbed his bag, pulling out some fresh clothes and quickly dressing. He then zipped the bag back up and looked at the files we had acquired. “Well?” “Which you could have stopped at any time, but you didn’t. Don’t play the innocent here.” “Oh, and you are?” “I was asleep! I didn’t know what the fuck was going on!” “A likely story! I know your kind; help the damsel in distress and then take advantage of her!” I knew immediately I had said something wrong, his face filling with anger as he slowly turned to look at me. I crossed my arms and glared back, but couldn’t help shrink away a little from his rage filled gaze. “Take advantage of you? How about this for advantage?” He picked up his bag and the keys for the car, before giving me a wry smile. “Good luck getting home, Princess. It was nice having the last few days of my life be a living hell.” He turned and strode from the room, slamming the door behind him. I went to follow, but remembered I had to dress first. By the time my form was acceptable, he had entered the elevator and gone, the doors closing just as I got there. I saw a door to the side with a symbol of stairs and pushed through it, rushing to the ground floor. Once more he was ahead of me, and I could see him through the glass entrance at the car. I moved as fast as I could, but he had pulled away, and drove past without so much as a glance. I sank to my knees and began to cry, now alone in this world, having driven the only one to help me away with a stupid comment. I felt a set of arms wrap around me, and someone pulled me close. “Zere, zere, don’t cry. Eet’s not all bad. Come, let us get you some breakfast.” I pulled away and looked at the person, seeing the young woman from the night before offering me her hand. I took it and stood up, being led back into the hotel, glancing over my shoulder at the black car disappearing around the corner. I gave a small sigh as she took me to the restaurant area, showing me to the breakfast bar. Once I had eaten, surprised to see their cereals were almost identical to ours, I returned to the room and had a quick shower. This was followed by packing my things and ensuring there was nothing left behind. I made my way back to the receptionist and handed the room key back, giving her a weak smile as she tried to give me some encouraging words. I stepped from the hotel and took a deep breath, pulling out the map from the file. Which wouldn’t do anything, as I didn’t know how to read. I took my best guess as to what direction we came from, put it behind me, and began what was sure to be a long, slow walk.         I gave a small growl, angry at both myself and Luna’s words. We had both said things that we shouldn’t have, after something that we were both at fault for. I mean, sure I kinda had been dreaming about doing… well, Luna, but I wouldn’t do anything without her permission. And then I was woken up in a coughing fit, a distinct smell on my hands, and then glanced at the woman. Her chest was heaving, her thighs pressed close together, and her cheeks flushed… all in all, she was beautiful right then, and it took all off my willpower to ignore my instincts and jump on top of her. Instead of apologising for what I did, I ran, like an idiot. I looked up to see a sign informing me that ‘E40’ was the junction after the next, and was my route home. ‘It wouldn’t feel right, leaving you alone in a world you know nothing about.’ I pulled off at the first opportunity, managing to find an area to park. I closed my eyes and tried to calm down, but ended up slamming my fist against the steering wheel in frustration. I may not have used the word ‘promise’, but I essentially did that, and I don’t break my promises. I quickly recalled the route to the hotel and began to drive back. It didn’t take long for me to come screaming into the car park, abandoning the car as I darted in through the doors, seeing the same woman behind the desk. “Oh, you ‘ave returned.” “Where is she?” “I do not zink zat she wants to see you.” “Just tell me what direction she went in!” “She went east.” I ran back to the car, searching the dashboard. I was in luck, flicking the satnav on so I knew what direction I was going. East was our direction in the first place, so it would make sense for her to head that way… but looking for one woman in an entire city was ludicrous. A flashing light caught my attention, and I reached for it, surprised when the satnav screen changed to a video feed, a man staring back at me. “Finally, I’ve got hold of you! You’ve got two days before the base is checked fully, you’d best be far away by then.” “Who the hell are you?” “You’re in my car. Now, where is she?” I turned my attention to the road, driving off as the conversation continued. “We had a fight, she’s out here somewhere. I need you to tap into the police radios in Liege, they might have a lead on her.” He gave me a nod and the screen returned to the satnav, showing that I was approaching a river running through the city. I didn’t think she would make it this far, so started along the road that ran parallel to the water, hoping to catch a glimpse. “Can you still hear me, Seven-two?” “Yeah, loud and clear. We’ve tapped in, got reports of a woman randomly walking the streets. She’s on the ‘Pont Albert ler’ bridge.” I hit the brakes, slammed into reverse, and came off the road I was on, having seen a sign for the bridge a moment ago. “There’s a car on the way, you’d best hurry.” I put my foot down as I saw blue lights up ahead, weaving through the traffic in an attempt to beat them. I lost track of them on the other side of the river, tapping the satnav. Seven-two appeared once more, glancing at a bit of paper in his hand. “I’ve lost them.” “Next left, they’re down there.” I did as told going into a dead end and finding... nothing. I must have turned too early, and started to back up, turning into a side alley to turn around, giving a small growl as a delivery lorry entering the street. “Found her?” “Wait one.” I looked in the rear view mirror, seeing a white car with blue stripes and flashing lights pull up behind me. Both of the people inside climbed out, slowly walking out of view. I swore under my breath, no way to get there with the lorry in the way, except… “Seven-two, is this car reinforced?” “Of course.” “Good.” I slammed into reverse and backed up the alley as fast as possible, closing my eyes just before I impacted the police car, sending it spinning across the road. Before the cops could react I slammed the brakes on and lowered the window, pointing my pistol at them. “Don’t even think about it. Luna, get in the car.”         I turned into the street, not sure where I was going, but trying to avoid the sound of sirens if possible. I quickened my pace as blue lights began to reflect in the windows, seeing the other end of this road. I was almost there when the car got closer and then stopped, two doors opening. “Arrêtez, rester où vous êtes!” I turned around and saw two humans, one male and one female, wearing matching uniforms. “Agenouillez-vous, les mains derrière le dos.” “I… I don’t understand!” The man’s hand went to his side, but we were all distracted by a high pitched whine from one of the alleys. There was a sudden crashing sound as a black car slammed into theirs and sent it spinning, the window winding down to reveal Alec, his black object pointed at the pair. “Don’t even think about it. Luna, get in the car.” I could feel my heart beating fast in my chest at his return, and I was walking past the pair before I knew it, placing my bag on the back seat. Alec kept his gaze on the two whilst waiting, not even glancing my way. I got in the passenger seat and secured my restraint, tapping his arm. “Let’s get out of here.” He slowly moved forward, then turned and increased our speed, even as the others chased us. They got nowhere close, of course, and we were soon out on the main street. Alec kept our high speed up until we made it onto one of the large roads, where he slowed down a little. I glanced at him a few times, him at me none, before lowering my head. I wanted to go first. “Alec… thank you.” “We’ll talk later, right now we need to get away from here. Seven-two, which way?” I wondered who he was talking to when the map in the car flickered to an image of a man, the one who Alec had carried out of where we were being held. “Head north onto the ‘E25’, then join the ‘E40/42’ eastbound. I’ll upload the rest of your route to the satnav, as long as you tell me where you’re heading.” Alec gave him a nod and then hit a button on the console, briefly glancing at me. “Your decision. We can tell him, or go it alone.” “I trust him.” With a small sigh Alec got him back, quickly glancing at the area circled to ensure we were heading to the right place. “Prague. We’re heading to Prague.” The man gave a nod and disappeared, a bar appearing in his place. “He’s uploading it now.” The hollow rectangle slowly filled up, until the screen changed back to the map, one of the roads highlighted blue. “Alec…” “I don’t want to talk about it just yet.” I opened my mouth to say more, but instead was silently thankful that I was no longer alone, and once more heading in the right direction. Hopefully, this journey would not meet with disappointment.         We had been on the road for about seven hours now, Alec teaching me how to read the time in their world, as well as a few of their written words, using the document with my picture on it. The discussion about the morning still had not come around, Alec not wanting to do so. There were a few stops for food and bathroom breaks, but he insisted we had to hurry. Right now we were stationary, Alec was looking at the image with the circled area on it, reading the characters at the bottom and putting them into the ‘sat-nav’, whatever that was. He said it was tool to aid with navigation, using things above the world, which I likened to using stars, and he informed me it wasn’t far off. The little machine beeped after it had worked out our new route from his input, and we left the area where we were parked. About thirty minutes later we drove to our destination, and took a few minutes to find somewhere to park. After zooming in as far as possible on the map, he pointed to one of the buildings. There were quite a few people leaving, Alec standing in front of a sign, with multiple  set of signs on it. He pulled a thin object from his pocket out and held it up for a few seconds, then pulled it back down, pressing the screen. “Alec?” “It’s in Czech, and I’m translating it. Give it a minute.” I turned and looked over the buildings, reminded of those in Canterlot, with how beautiful and unique they were. “It’s done. We’re at a mirror maze, and closing time is in twenty five minutes. And I could have saved time, if I just looked to the side to the English version. We’d best get in there and find it.” I gave him a nod, and we stepped into the entrance. I quickly worked out it was a tourist attraction, going by the young, and disinterested, man at a ticket booth. Alec walked over with a smile, had a brief conversation, and then handed over some paper sheets. He had got this ‘money’ out at our last stop, saying it would be needed. He waved me over and we entered, the effects of the mirrors almost instant as I saw them. I couldn’t help but giggle as our reflections were multiplied, but then let out a gasp as I felt something pulling at me. “Alec… come.” He followed after me, but I was stopped as I banged into one of the mirrors, Alec giving a small chuckle. “It’s not funny! That hurt!” He just shrugged, then walked into one himself, giving a small grunt as I giggled. “I thought you said it wasn’t funny?” “It is when it’s you.” “Just… hold up your hands as you walk.” I did as said, and soon we were at the source of what was pulling me. I could feel the magical energy of Equestria here, but it was coming to me, not away. I wasn’t sure, but I thought this was an exit from my world, not an entrance. “Oh wow…” I turned to Alec, who was smiling softly, pointing towards a mirror. I followed his gaze and saw my eyes were glowing, and then a swirling blue circle appeared on the pane. It filled itself and then I could see something forming in the centre, and voices drifted through. “...the aura seems to be fading, as if powered by some form of event. Oh, that’s new, I can feel something pulling magic.” “Does it lead to the same place? Can you feel her, Twilight?” “Celestia?” “Luna? Is that you? Are you hurt?” “Yes, sister, it is I! I am not injured! I have a local helping me. Say hello, Alec.” He came up next to me, looking at the swirling portal. Instead of speaking, he prodded it with a finger, which caused the swirling to stop, forming into an image of the caverns under Canterlot. “Sister!” Her eyes widened when she saw me, and Alec, before she breathed a sigh of relief. “I am happy to see you well. We are working on ways to get you home, even if you do have some rather cute help.” I turned to Alec, expecting him to be blushing, but he just blinked at my sister and Twilight Sparkle. “Hello there, what is your name?” “You really are horses. I still didn’t believe you, but you really are.” I gave a giggle at his words, but the portal started to close down. “Celestia!” “We will see you again, Luna, have hope! You have friends there that will help you.” The blue aura faded, leaving a glass pane once more. I gave a few sniffs as the tears began to fall, and felt Alec’s hand on my shoulder. I turned to him and laid my head on his shoulder, sobbing quietly. “Co v tom zrcadle sakra dělal mluvící kůň?” We pulled away and turned to the voice, finding the ticket attendant staring at us. Alec went to reach into his pocket for the item he called a ‘gun’, but I placed a hand on his arm and shook my head, stepping towards this man. "Dobrý den, jmenuji se Luna. A vy?" > Chapter 05 > --------------------------------------------------------------------------         “Uh... Tomáš. Rád vás poznávám. Ale vážně, byl v tom zrcadle kůň, nebo se mám objednat k psychiatrovi?” The young man, now named, waved towards the mirror behind me, the one where I had seen my sister. He walked up and prodded it, but nothing happened, Alec giving a small chuckle. “Yes, it’s a mirror. First time seeing one?” “Considering your overall visage, I guess it actually is the first one to cross your path as well.” I couldn’t help but giggle at the shocked frown that appeared on Alec’s face, and he not so subtly positioned himself between myself and Tomáš. “So, you can speak English, huh?” “Would I be working in a tourist attraction if I couldn’t? That would make it rather difficult for me, don’t you think?” “...good point. Now, what exactly did you see?” Alec’s hand began to slip into his jacket again, but I placed mine on his arm and stopped him. Stepping to his side, I wanted to know as well, before I told him anything. “Well?” “Nothing, if you are holding what I think you are.” “Oh good, I don’t have to bribe you. That’s where I keep my wallet.” “Zatraceně! Ale raději tohle než přijít o život. Who would believe me anyway?” Alec glanced at me, then shrugged, turning towards the way we came. I stepped next to Tomáš and lay my hand on the mirror, where I could see myself smiling sadly. “To, cos viděl, Tomáši, jsou jeskyně hluboko pod Canterlotem, hlavním městem země jménem Equestria... mé země.” I turned around and waved at Alec, who was pulling silly faces at himself in the mirrors. His foal like antics made me giggle, which was what I needed after today. “Chci se jen dostat domů a Alec mi v tom pomáhá. Můžu ti věřit?” “Nejsem z těch, kdo prozradí tajemství. Počkej…” He tapped Alec’s shoulder and pointed to one of the hallways. “There are curved mirrors down that way. They will present silly faces to you with much less effort from your side.” “Yeah, yeah, I’m not that attractive. I know. Luna, we need to figure out somewhere to stay. Preferably with power and internet access.” I had no idea what this ‘internet’ thing he was on about, but understood that it was something we might possibly need. I turned to my new friend, hoping he might know of somewhere. “Nevěděl bys o nějakém nenápadném místě, Tomáši?” “Myslíš takovém, kde se vás nebudou ptát na jména? Hotely nepřicházejí v úvahu... Hm, spolubydlící jsou pryč, můžete zůstat u mě na koleji. A říkej mi Tome, Tomáši mi říká jen... vlastně vůbec nikdo.” “Díky, Tome. Bez nás už by bylo zavřeno, že? Počkáme na tebe venku.” I gave him a nod and walked over to Alec and taking his hand, my other one in front of me, we made our way to the exit. Once outside neither of us broke the physical contact, and we stopped just down from the door. “Alec, I just wan… wait, I’m not speaking that other language!” “Maybe it was just temporary, who knows? Point is we need to figure out our next move, and I spotted some equipment in the boot we could use, hence the need for net access.” There was this ‘net’ again, and I am not ashamed to admit that fishing was the first thing into my mind. A door closing and loud thudding drew our attention, where Tomáš was closing up. I waved him over and we walked towards the car, Alec using the remote in his hand to open it. “Wow, what stunts were you performing with this? Smashing into a police car? This car could use some repairs.” “No, some locals wanted to be speed bumps. Just get in and tell me where to go.” I giggled at the pair, a dynamic more commonly seen between life long friends, and climbed into the back seat. They would need to be in the front, after all.         Spotting an empty space, I pulled in and switched off the engine, looking up at the building. It looked like a block of apartments, which it pretty much was, and would make a perfect refuge for now. All three of us got out and I moved to the boot, grabbing our bags, as well as the briefcase I saw in there. I nodded to Tomáš and let him lead, Luna following and myself at the back. The outer door was open, but he had to use a keycard to open the inner one, and he held the door open as we entered. I was a bit surprised not to see any form of security at the door, but if you couldn’t get in without a card, it couldn’t have been a problem. I got a bit worried as we got closer to the stairs, but breathed a sigh of relief as we went past it. After a few twists and turns we stopped at one of the doors in the corner of the building, and I put the bags down as Tomáš opened the door. “We’re alone, right?” Both of them turned to me with a frown, but I just shrugged and dropped the bags to the floor, turning to Tomáš and waiting for an answer. “Holiday is starting in few days, no one stays here for the final lectures. In fact, no one will show up until well past New year. No spies will come for you at night, Alec.” Sure, what I did next can be considered rude, but my paranoia levels were still slightly high. “Well, I hope you don’t mind if I check.” I pulled out my pistol and barged past, systematically searching each room. Once satisfied, I put the gun away and nodded to Luna, grabbing the bags and dragging them in. “How many coins fit in that wallet?” “They’ll pay the ferryman fifteen times.” I got it out again and inspected it, noticing the markings on the side. “Huh, this gun just came home. Anyway, where can I set up? The sooner I get this online, the sooner we let you get on with your life.” “Use my table, I’ll log you on. While you get what you need, I’ll change the sheets for you.” “Thanks.” I grabbed the small briefcase and placed it on the desk, grinning like an idiot as I saw there were no locks on it, cracking it open. Inside housed a built in laptop, with something rolled up in the lid. Switching the computer on, I grabbed the dark green package and opened it out, instantly recognising a weapon cleaning kit, as well as a manual for the pistol. “Listen, we haven’t eaten much today, and I can pay for anything that you’ll let us have.” “I would be a horrible host if I took money from my guests. I have some beef and potatoes, it will be ready in half an hour.” “Uh… yeah. Listen, what you saw through that portal? That’s her natural form, and as far as I know, horses don’t eat meat.” “Oh, err I guess I have enough ingredients for a nice salad too. You don’t object to meat though, do you?” I gave small chuckle as I slid the magazine out of the pistol and set it on the side, unfolding the manual. “No, meat’s fine for me.” We both turned as Luna appeared in the doorway, and I suddenly realised I had lost track of her. She didn’t seem to mind, and it was clear she had been into her bag and got a change of clothes, hanging in her arms. I also noticed that it was night clothes she had selected… and a short one at that. “Luna, what’s up?” “I was just wondering, Tom, if I could get a shower?” He retrieved pair of towels from the storage space inside the bed and handed them to Luna. “It’s the door to the right from the entrance door. Key is in the lock and you will find the shower gel in the corner of the shower. Shampoo as well if you wish.” As Luna retreated in the indicated direction, Tomáš turned to me and grinned. “So… separate beds, or should I push them together?” I had the pistol stripped and on the desk by this point, looking past him towards the hall. “We’re not together, but she likes to snuggle, so together please.” The laptop was taking a long time to boot up, which gave plenty of time to change the room and begin weapon cleaning. I glanced around to see Tomáš still grinning at me. “What?” “Oh nothing, just hoping your other gun is bigger than the one you’re holding. For her sake.” “...just get dinner prepared.” “Sir, yes sir!” He mock-saluted and marched to the kitchen, still grinning like a Cheshire cat. I shook my head and grabbed the next part, wiping it down as the laptop screen flashed, heading right to the desktop screen. Spotting an ethernet cable, and shrugging, I removed it from Tomáš’ notebook and plugged it into mine. It was a pretty good piece of kit, as I saw the notification area say it had found a network, then ‘security bypassed’. Well, at least I wouldn’t have to worry about forgetting the password. There was only one folder on it, which I opened to find two files, both profiles of myself and Luna. Mine of course went pretty deep, whilst Luna’s just had her basic stats and name. I closed them down and opened the hard drive section, seeing… nothing. Why would they have a laptop with nothing on... ‘Alec, is that you?’ I just stared at the little text box, which had popped up from nowhere, not sure what to do. It was obviously someone from the government, but I couldn’t discern who it was. ‘I know you’ve reached your current destination. I’ll unlock the files for you, not sure if they will help though. Seven-two.’ Well, that was who was on the other end then. The text box closed itself, and several folders appeared on the desktop. One held more detailed files that we had paper copies of, giving exact locations, time and date they appeared, and whether or not they were investigated. The next folder had their results, which showed they knew… fuck all, really, until Luna’s arrival. That had a complete folder to itself. I pulled up the first file, a satellite image of the area, with different layers. There was a thermal one, sort of like a set of stills from a film, which showed a warm shape emerging from the wall; Luna. The second was something that seemed to be measuring radiation, which was also centred around Luna. Flicking back to the other files, I noticed that the first anomaly appeared about two months before Luna, and had the same sort of radiation, but at a much lower amount. The next was the same with a slightly stronger amount, and I quickly figured out the pattern; it was a steady spiral, moving into where Luna appeared, the radiation building along with it. The one in Prague seemed to be an anomaly on its own, not part of the pattern. There was also another one, and I looked up the coordinates on the attached mapping software. I couldn’t believe my eyes, we had a long way to go! Ignoring that for the time being, I opened the folder marked ‘stronger anomalies’, hardly surprised when one was centred on the hospital where they had taken Luna and my cabin where she took us. Well, at least that explained how they found us. “Alec, what is our plan now?” I briefly glanced to the doorway, returned to the laptop, then spun around in the chair with my eyes wide. When I got the chance, I’d have to have a word with my mother about what was appropriate, as the rather low cut and short nightie Luna was now wearing was most certainly not appropriate. “The dinner is ready, I hope you won’t mind eating at separate ta- Oh damn. Am I interrupting something? I will just return later.” I shook my head and turned back to the laptop, feeling my cheeks on fire. I could sense Luna was still looking at me, and I heard her step closer. She leant down on my shoulder and looked at the screen… but my gaze began to drift to her chest. “Radiation? What’s radiation?” That was enough to snap me out of it, the fact Luna didn’t know what that was, yet it was displayed on the screen. “Wait! I read that! I can read your language!” In her excitement her arms wrapped around and pulled close the nearest object; me, my face being mashed into her rather soft chest. “Oh, isn’t this wonderful?” “Dinnpphh!” I was allowed to pull back, taking a deep breath as my gaze remained on her chest. “D-dinner is ready. Have… you got a robe?” Her head cocked at me before she turned around and moved over to her bag. It didn’t help matters when she dropped to her knees and leant forward, her nightie riding up her ass… and showing me everything. She thankfully found one and put it on, covering herself to her knees. She walked to wherever it was Tomáš had gone to, leaving me alone, which was a good thing as I needed to calm down. Easiest way was to do something mind numbing, so I turned back to the pistol and finished cleaning it, then put it back together. I was about to leave the room when Tomáš and Luna came back in, carrying plates. “Um, Alec? We’re eating in here.” “Huh? Oh… okay. Thanks.” I took the plate from Luna and turned back to the computer, trying not to think of what I saw a few moments ago. Fuck… she has got a nice ass. It was harder than I thought.         I didn’t understand Alec’s behaviour since asking me to put the robe on, and he had hardly looked at me. As far as I knew I had not done anything to displease him, yet that is how it seemed. Tom had taken our meal dishes and given us our privacy, but Alec just continued looking at the screen of light. I wanted to confront the issue so stood from the bed where I rested and walked over, surprising him by sitting in his lap. “Luna, I’m kinda busy here.” “I do not care. What is the problem?” He swallowed nervously, lifting his eyes up to meet mine, then they dropped down to my now exposed chest where they lingered. Surely he… did not think my form hideous? I mean, I had no idea what amounted to beauty on this world, but I did not look that bad… did I? “Is… there something wrong with the way I look?” “No, not at all.” I let out the breath I did not realise I was holding, giving a small giggle as his arms came up around my back, Alec pulling me close. “See, that’s the problem. I’m trying to figure this out… and doing my best not to look at you. You’re… amazing.” I felt the heat in my cheeks as I began to blush, the door then cracking open. “‘We’re not together’, he said. You seem awfully close for just being friends.” Alec just turned to Tom with a glare whilst I giggled, then got up from Alec’s lap. I took my robe off and pulled the blankets out of the way, then took my undergarment off. “Are you gonna take me home tonight? Oh, down beside that red firelight. Are you gonna let it all hang..” "Sing the next line and my fist meets your face," Alec butted in Tom’s quite pleasant song. I turned around to find Tom seemingly giving the opposite wall his attention, and glanced in confusion at Alec, whose cheeks were blushing furiously as he stared even more intently at the screen. "Worth it!" “Luna… please put that back on.” Giving him a small frown, I pulled the garment back up and slipped the two straps over my shoulders, then slipped the robe back on. I looked at the two, and realised that rooms shared with basically strange people didn’t count as places to be naked for humans. “That’s… that’s better. Tomáš, not being rude, but we’ve been on the road all day. I was going to get one, but it looks like Luna wants an early night as well. You don’t mind, do you?” “Sure, no problem. I’ll just take the coffee machine to the kitchenette so it doesn’t wake you up in the morning. What time do you want to get up by the way? I’ll set the alarm clock.” Alec glanced at the screen once more, then hit a button on the side and turned the light off, standing up. “We need to be at the nearby airport by nine, so whatever time will have us there for then.” Making his way to the bed, Alec stripped to his underwear, then motioned to me to get in. I had to admit, I was surprised by how comfortable the mattress was, knowing that the beds in the dorms at the School For Gifted Unicorns were unforgiving. “Luna, you don’t need to wear the robe under the sheets.” “Oh, okay.” I slipped out from it and then under the covers, Alec following and laying with his back to me, shifting a little to get comfortable. I sat up a little, smiling over to our host, who had been nothing but polite and kind to us. “Tom, thank you for my meal, it was delicious.” I nudged Alec, who glanced over his shoulder at me, and I nodded at Tom. “Yeah, thanks. You can cook some damn good beef. Also, got another favour to ask, if you don’t mind.” “Thanks for the praise, it’s not every day I get to cook for someone. And ask away, It’s too early for me to sleep anyway.” “We need to get some supplies, but long lasting ones. So if possible, could you possibly get us a decent amount of tinned fruit and veg, along with some tinned meat? In my jacket you’ll find a credit card and pin, use that. Don’t worry about the cost, neither of us is paying for it.” I couldn’t but notice a pained expression that passed Tom’s face, even though he tried to cover it to the best of his ability. “Yeah, sure. There is a store… nearby.” He went to a wardrobe and retrieved a big holdall. “If full, will this thing suffice? The only bigger thing I have is a suitcase.” Alec lifted his head up, and gave him a nod. “Sure, that will be fine. Oh, and if you spot anything you need, don’t hesitate to buy it.” “Ok, thanks. I shouldn’t be long. Turn on the lamp on the table, I’ll turn of the light.” Alec reached up and clicked the small light on, the one in the ceiling extinguishing. “Ties are in the wardrobe by the way.” With that he left the room, Alec’s boot hitting the entrance door a second later. Even I picked up on the teasing tone in Tom’s voice, giving a small giggle as I laid back down. “If we didn’t need somewhere to stay…” “I like him, so no, you can’t hurt him.” Alec just gave a sigh, rolling over to face me. He leaned up towards to light, his face coming closer to mine, as well as his body. With a muted click the light went out, and I couldn’t help it. I pressed forward, connecting my lips to his, wrapping my arms around his neck. At first he pulled back, but then I felt him press against me, his arms wrapping around my back. We broke apart, staying in each other’s embrace as we drifted off to slumber.         ‘Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows. Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows. Pink fluffy unicorns...’ I groaned as I awoke partially, the strange but cheerful song making me smile softly, yet I had no idea why. My eyes slowly fluttered open, Alec no longer in front of me, but I felt his arm placed over my stomach, holding me close. I heard the sound of liquid pouring, followed by a thud on the table. I looked up to see Tom sat there, a cup with steam rising from it on the wood, and then the smell hit me. “Mmm, is that… coffee?” “It said so on the package, but I wouldn’t believe them a single word. Want to find out for yourself?” “Even the worst is the best when you have no other choice. Yes, I would try some, if you would be so kind.” I noticed he seemed stiff when standing, giving a small frown. “Did… you spend all night in that chair?” “No, I fell off of it twice. But really, it wasn’t that bad. Milk? Sugar? Personally, I don’t add anything. Coffee is coffee is coffee. Don’t mind me, I hate mornings.” He left the room for a moment and returned with another cup, this one dark blue. I took the cup from him, nodding my thanks, and brought the hot drink to my lips. I tried not to, but I couldn’t help blanching a little at the taste; something you would never accept from a cheap knock off of Ponybucks gracing my tongue. “Thank you, Tom, it is certainly… unique.” “Ugh… would you keep it down? It’s too damn early to be this early.” I just giggled as Alec spoke, pulling me closer against his chest, before he suddenly gasped and sat up. He should be grateful not to have spilt my coffee. I watched as he slowly turned and frowned at Tom, looked down at me, then back to our host. “Don’t even think about it.” “I’m not the one thinking about it here.” “...shut up.” Alec climbed over me, grabbing a towel from his bag and heading towards the shower. I sat up and wrapped the covers around my shoulders, lifting my drink up. The taste wasn’t too bad the second time, but it still had nothing on that donut shop in Canterlot. “So, Tom, what exactly is the time?” “Half past six. I wanted to give you enough time to get ready, but didn’t expect you to be woken up by my alarm. My roommate usually stays asleep.” It felt strange, this was normally around the time I would go to sleep, not wake up, but I didn’t feel any the worse for it. I then noticed he had something in his hands, running his fingers over it. A quick glance up showed he had noticed me look at it. “May I ask, what is that you have there?” “Oh, sorry. I tend to play with it when I try to think.” He handed me a small silver pendant with tiger's eye embedded in the centre. “It’s my lucky charm. I have had it for quite some time and I believe it protects me someway. Do you like it?” “It’s beautiful. I’m sure it will keep you safe.” I leant over, passing it back to him, but he pushed my hand back and closed my fingers around the pendant. “No, it won’t. I wanted to get you something for Christmas and this will do nicely. You need such help more than I do anyway.” “Thank you, Tom. Could you assist me with it?” He gave me a small nod, taking the jewel and opened the clasp, placing it around my neck. I turned to the side when I heard a door opening, Alec looking in with concern. Tom pulled away, the pendant now hanging around my neck, Alec entering and taking a closer look. “What do you think?” “It’s a shiny rock. Tomáš, could we trouble you for some breakfast?” “Why of course, oh pile of carbohydrates. Do scrambled eggs strike your fancy?” Alec looked a little taken back, but looked at me to see if I would agree. Whilst we didn’t eat meat, we did eat eggs, and I wouldn’t say no, so nodded at him. He then nodded to Tom, sitting next to me as our host left the room. “Do you have to antagonize him?” I tried to be stern with Alec, but he just shrugged and moved to the desk, picking up individual items from his weapon. “If you are like this all the time, how have you made any friends?” “I haven’t, they’re my colleagues.” A few things about his brash ponyality started to make more sense. Perhaps he could visit Equestria if… No, I must not think like that! WHEN we find a way to get me home, perhaps he could come for a visit. The weapon was back to its normal shape by this point, Alec closing the lid to the screen. “I just want to do my job, which I probably don’t have now. Not that I wouldn’t help you if I could go back a few nights.” “I’m sorry. I’ve taken you from your family, your home.” “And like I just said; I’d do it again. This was my choice, not yours.” My heart seemed to flutter then, he had already left once, but came back, which showed me he really did care. My small reverie was broken as Tom entered with two plates, each piled high with fluffy yellow egg and  bearing a couple of slices of toast . “Sorry it took so long. That kitchenette would be more suitable for a dollhouse.” “You must have quite the talent to be able to make such a range of food with such a… restrictive area to work in.” “Not really, I just got tired of eating yogurts and bread every single day.” I gave Tom a small smile as I set the plate onto my lap and went to dig in, when I noticed something missing, which Alec did also. “Do you eat with your hands in this country?” “Alec! He is our host, be polite!” He turned to look at me with his mouth open, but didn’t bother with what he was going to say when he saw my glare, instead giving a small sigh as he turned towards Tom. “Sorry, didn’t mean any offence. Got any cutlery about?” “In that napkin you are holding under that plate…” Both myself and Alec looked under the plates, and I was surprised I had not noticed the fabric there. Opening it did indeed reveal a knife and fork, so I eagerly set into my meal, Alec eating at a much more sedate pace. I glanced up, then raised an eyebrow at Tom, and swallowed my mouthful. “Are you not eating?” “I’ll get something later. Coffee is enough for now.” He retreated to the kitchen for a minute and returned with his hands behind his back. “You know, Alec, I got something for you too. Choosing how to pass it to you, whether hand to hand or smash it over your head, was a tough call, but here you are.” Alec set his half eaten breakfast on the table and stood up, cracking his neck as he did so. “You didn’t have to do that, but thanks anyway.” “Of course I didn’t, but I think you will appreciate it. You both.” He moved his hands so we could see them and presented a bottle of amber liquid and two square glasses. “I was considering absinth, but then realized you will see enough strange things even without green fairies joining in the fray.” “Fairies? Are they the same as Breezies?” By the look both of them gave me, I was clearly wrong, and having finished my food during this exchange, cleared my throat and headed towards the bathroom to get changed. I only took around ten minutes, but when I emerged it was only Tom in the apartment. Our bags were missing as well. “Where is Alec?” “He went to put the luggage in the car and check if the coast is clear. More coffee?” “Yes, please. I would like to stay awake for more than a few hours at a time.” Giving me a nod, Tom moved back into the kitchenette, and I straightened out the bedding. During the period Alec had returned, giving one final look around to make sure we had not left anything behind. All that remained was the machine on the desk, which he turned off and closed up, then sat in the chair as Tom came back in with two cups, glancing at Alec. “No thanks, coffee and I don’t agree.” He then picked up his plate and finished his half eaten meal, which must have been cold by now but he didn’t let it bother him. “I’ll be alright with juice or milk, if you have any spare?” “There’s some milk. Do you want me to warm it up for you? Or maybe cocoa?” “Nah, cold milk is fine, thanks.” Giving Alec a nod, Tom quickly moved to the kitchen, then returned with a glass of milk, passing it to Alec. Slowly sipping it down, he glanced at me curiously for a moment, then glanced at his wrist. “Tomáš, what time are we on? I haven’t adjusted my watch.” “Ten past seven. You have enough time to get to the airport without rush.” Alec nodded, a few beeps coming from his wrist as he adjusted his watch, then looked at me. “Well, I think the less time you spend with us, the lower the risk to yourself.” He looked thoughtful for a moment as he reached into his pocket, then grinned a little. “Oh, and when we get there, I’ve got a present for you as well. We’ll leave whenever you are ready.” “Oh please. I’m a lawyer, nothing bad happens to lawyers.” Tom threw us a confident grin and walked toward the door. “Onward!” We followed him outside and I realised why Alec had kept a thick coat for me, even if it was a short walk to the car, the cold was still biting. I once more climbed in the back, and Alec wasted no time in leaving the area. I remained silent throughout the journey, a feeling of contentment settling over me; I had seen my sister attempting to get me back, I had at least three friends on this world now, and one of them was going to stay with me until I returned home. And perhaps… he will be able to visit with me. So deep in my own thoughts was I that I missed we were slowing down, until the car came to a stop. The building we had parked in front of bore no resemblance to anything I knew, and I was confused as to why we were there, but Alec said nothing as he removed our bags from the car. He then opened a panel at the front and pulled out a small black box… followed by slamming it on the floor and stamping on it. “Should’ve thought about checking for that first.” He waved me over and turned toward Tom, holding his hand up. “Well, this is where we part ways. Thanks for all your help.” Tom took it and they shook, a gesture that was common in Equestria as well “Best of luck wherever you are heading. Take care of her. And Luna? Try to keep him in line. You seem to have a good influence on him.” Instead of a handshake, I stepped closer and wrapped my around him, then stood on my toes and kissed his cheek. I gave a small giggle as his expression went blank, then moved back from him. “Thank you for all your help, Tom. Perhaps we will meet again, in another life.” “Oh, and your present? Turn around.” He did as Alec instructed, head cocked as the only thing in his view was the car. “Use it or sell it, I don’t care. It’s yours now. Keys are in the ignition.” Alec stepped back and picked up our bags, then nodded towards the building. I was unsure leaving Tom in such a state was wise, but we did have to leave. Just as we entered the door, I heard the man we left there shout in his native language, Alec giving a small chuckle. “DO HAJZLU S TEBOU, VŽDYŤ JÁ ANI NEUMÍM ŘÍDIT!” “Even if I can’t understand him, I can understand his intent.” I gave a small giggle and lightly slapped his arm, the doors closing behind us. At this time of the morning, the airport was rather unpopulated a few members of staff and one man in a strange green suit, who spotted us and walked over. “Alec and Luna?” He had a similar accent to Alec, although a bit more… snobbish, but my travelling companion just nodded. The other man took one of our bags and began to walk down the corridor, the staff that were clearly security seemingly ignoring us. “I have no idea who you are or what you’re doing, but orders are orders. I’ll secure your bags, if you’d like to climb on board.” It was then I noticed the machine we were heading towards. It was a long sleek cylinder, with a small one on the side, with a large thing sticking out the side and the back; the whole setup reminding me of a bird. Alec gave a small chuckle as he set his bag down and took my hand, walking me around the other side and to an open hatch. Inside were several seats, a couple of tables, and a small galley-like area. Having been aboard our airships, I easily recognised the cabin set up, although this was smaller than I was used to. The other man followed behind me and closed the hatch, then entered a door at the front. Alec gently eased me into a seat and put a belt around me, then took the one next to me for himself. After a few minutes there was a strange noise and the whole thing started to rumble, and my breaths started to speed up. “A-Alec?” His hand instantly found mine, and I turned to see him smiling softly at me. “Relax, everything is fine. We’re just going to fly in comfort. You’re like my mother; she’s a nervous flier too.” I noticed his smile falter at mentioning his family, so squeezed his hand and closed my eyes, letting out a deep breath. He had not steered me wrong yet, and I doubted he ever would. Soon, this vehicle began moving, and I was ready for the next stage of my journey home.