> Why did this happen > by Bennet001 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was supposed to be easy, stop. That's all they had to do. Tell the truth, that's all she had to do. And keep quiet, that's all he had to do. But fate was cruel, fate was beautiful, fate was pure and innocent and Twilight Sparkle had to make an impossible choice. (2 days earlier) {Twilight's point of view} He was slowly moving his hands along my thighs. Those big masculine hands knowing just where to grab, where to brush and where to push my buttons. He was handsome, his face the culmination of many lonely nights without the caress of a male over my skin. His eyes shining in the dim light were piercing with their deep gold color staring deep into my eyes. His skin was so rough to my touch I couldn’t help but love the feeling, his palms scratched at my skin every time he passed them over, touching me all over. It was good. It felt so right. It was bliss. His voice was speaking in a low and commanding voice making me shiver even more. "Let me in." He said as he began pushing apart my thighs. I let him. He rubs along the lines of my underwear. Teasing at my flower each time he passed over it. I swear to Celestia, even through my clothes I could still feel his hands. OH!? He began slipping down the hem of my jeans, reaching below my panties, his fingers slowly caressing the folds of my pussy. Those rough fingers biting into my flesh as he danced around my clit. Jeez!! Just get to the good part already! As if answering my prayers he did. His index and ring finger had dug deep into my wet pussy in a swift but gentle push, while that magnificent thumb assaulted my clit. He was vigorous, with constant pressure, and reaching deeper inside me with every caress. It drove me wild! It would be perfect if it was real, but I knew better, it was an amazing fantasy. A fantasy to make me fall asleep. The same fantasy I was so used at playing in my lonely nights, I was already halfway done but this time it was different. It was short lived as a I had bounced in the air by an intruder. “Twilight!!” I hear someone shout, the haze of pleasure still lingering in my head. “Are you okay?” It was Spike, his voice full of concern and worry. I had noticed too late the offensive hand that had sprung from under my sheet. Spike already held it gingerly in his. “What is this Twilight?” My mind was still trying to figure out why was Spike here and not in his room as he asked me that question. Gosh what do you say to a child when they find you in “The Act”, your fingers literally dripping with your essence? Nothing, absobuckinglutly nothing. Murmurs of deflection and half baked ideas poured from my mouth trying to elaborate some sort of half thought explanation as Spike did something completely unexpected, he licked my fingers. Finishing up his licking a thin line of my juice was still connected to where his lips made contact with my fingers as he spoke, “It is salty,” He began taking another tentative lick, his eyes full of nothing but concern and worry as he did so. “A poison maybe?” Poison! Really what were they teaching hi... It was at that moment that my big brain remembered... I was always home schooling Spike. That one moment was all it took for Spike to run out of our room and begin looking through books for some cure for this “poison”. I wanted to honestly fix this mistake, to go and tell Spike that this wasn’t that big a deal... LIKE TARTARUS THAT WAS THE TRUTH! Spike just tasted me! He had licked the fingers that had just been vigorously rubbing inside me, and he had no idea what he had just done to me! How would I even begin to explain the complexity of reproduction to a child!! There was no way to do it... At the very least not one I felt comfortable with. My thoughts ran wild for a few blissful moments before a tiny little thought pop its ugly head. Spike just licked me, he had just tasted me, and I was happy about it. I know, I know, that’s wrong so incredibly wrong, but at that moment... It felt amazing. To tell the truth, I have always been fascinated by his draconic anatomy, especially of his claws, his spiky hair, his tough white skin, the rough bits of scales around his chest and legs, and his tongue. Sweet Celestia that tongue! A thin but very large appendage that had, somehow, great control and force, I had, secretly that is, always wondered how it would feel getting a lick from such a strange tongue. I am ashamed to admit that, compared to my own tongue, it felt utterly bucking amazing against my fingers, I had tasted myself in some past occasions. Out of pure curiosity, I swear!! And my tongue, while good, was nothing compared to his. It was rough and raspy but at the same time soft and tender and it ran along my fingers tenaciously, covering multiple areas at the same time. Oh, it had felt good, really good. Thinking about him now, it made me remember that Spike had a reputation around the city of Canterlot. The innocent cutie, the underage wonder, his eyes as green and as deep as the most valuable of emeralds, his hair the color of grass in the summer mornings, his skin was flawless, as white as milk and as soft as silk, except where his shining purple scales showed, for Celestia’s sake, even his claws were perfect and utterly exotic. Many of the mares around Canterlot say that “Spike is a kid I would gladly go to jail for”. I never really understood the meaning of those words until this moment. His small stature put him at chest level with most adult mares, his face held the innocent gaze that only a child could but his mind was as fast thinking and witty as one of a grown stallion, but with the complexity and charm of the classiest of gentleponies. That combination was dangerous. I had proven it. A shiver ran up my spine. If that combination was dangerous NOW just imagine how would he look in ten years, no, scratch that, in five years. My cum covered hand was back to playing with my flower, a new thrill in knowing that Spike had just had those very fingers in his mouth. If I wasn’t moaning in my previous fantasy, I surely was now. My fingers were digging into me, flicking at my clit nonstop while I used my free hand to pinch and pull at my breast to the point they almost hurt. ‘Spike come through that door, come on, come and see the slutty face you made me make.’ What the buck was wrong with me!! ‘Please Spike... I need you.’ WHAT IN TARTARUS!? WHERE THE FLYING BUCK DID THAT CAME FROM!? I shouldn’t be thinking this. He’s like my brother, that’s all he was supposed to be. I gotta stop, stop, STOP!! He licked my fingers because he was worried about me! My fingers weren't listening to me, instead of obeying me they just drilled inside me faster and deeper. Stop it hand! Gosh, if I can't control myself just because he tasted me in my fingers, I don't want to imagine what I would do if he had actually tasted me down…..Shut up you stupid bra-!. Everything stopped for a moment, my body tensed, something was happening, something I didn’t want, at least not for this reason. Despair filled my body as a wave of pleasure washed over me, a long and beast like moan escaped my mouth. I came, while thinking of Spike, while playing with the fingers Spike just put in his mouth. I came just by the mere thought of Spike licking my pussy, and I loved it. I’m a failure as a pony being. I was tired, dead tired, I had exerted myself beyond my limit. It was worth it. Buck... My vision was getting hazy. I was so tired. I need sleep. ~~~~~~ I awoke to something moving under my sheets... It was warm, soft, and was running up my leg. Needless to say I was rightly startled. Moving the covers aside ready to blast whatever it was to kingdom come, I saw Spike. Well more as I saw the top of Spike’s head. I had felt his leg brush up against me, while his head was in between my legs. I was about to retort when something thin, slimy and highly abrasive brushed against my exposed nethers. “OH!!” A moan escaped my mouth. “Twilight,” Spike spoke from in between my legs. “Does this make you feel better?” He asks as he goes and licks at my entrance. It took all my willpower not to cry out loud like a wanting whorse. “Spike!! Stop it. Right now!” I yell pushing him away. Oh!! That cute little face when he gets all teary eyed. I should probably let him conti-- Wait, stop! “You can’t do that Spike.” I tell him firmly. No quivering voice, just my pure authoritative tone, a clear language. I put the fear of Celestia into him. “B- but the book said this would make you feel better?” He tilted his head sideways, confused. Stop being so cute!! Do I even have a book like that around here? I gotta burn it. “Th- there’s no book like that here!” I started. “Yeah there is. Section 24, cabinet 8, shelf 36. “How to please your mare”.” Spike had a look of pure concentration as he recounted the books exact location. (Why did he have to be so good at his job?) I, on the other hand, balked at the title. “I didn’t read all of it all, just the part that was the closest thing happening to you. It said that ‘when your mare is leaking the best way to fix her is to make her feel really good’. It even gave these weird instructions on how to do it, although it doesn't say anything about poisoning I think that word, juices I think it was, is like a code for it or something, it said all I had to do was to make the mare feel good and make her ‘cum’ to make her feel really, really good!” His voice was full of pride as he recounted to me his research expedition. He had started to go down again, getting a few good licks in before I could stop him. By some sort or miracle I was able to reach him, but oh jeez that tongue! Sweet Celestia all mighty, that tongue! It's my first time cursing Spike's draconic heritage. I lifted his head again. “Spike what you’re doing is only something that should be done with somepony you love." I said. My voice even and as compassionate as I could muster in my current state. It wasn't his fault for doing this. If anything I should blame myself, I was tasked with teaching him, I am the one who was supposed to tell him of this. I was the responsible mare, it was my duty to teach Spike of life... no matter how embarrassing. Spike looked at me for a moment "Is that all?" okay, guardian mode deactivated…..wasn't expecting that answer, at all. "Wha... Huh?!" It was all I could honestly say. "Well if this cure only works on somepony you love..." He blushed at this point... Celestia no, please don't say it, don’t say it, don’t sa--. "Then it should work just fine." He smiled as he said that. "You can't say that." I whispered, honestly hoping he wouldn’t hear me say it, inside me, my heart actually started to beat faster. "But it's true," He started. "You are the most important pony in my life. You can make me smile just by walking into the room. Just being around you makes me happy. I honestly look forward to you telling me to do something. Just from knowing you are close to me... I feel protected, like nothing could ever hurt me, warm, like being by a fire on a cold winters night. I honestly can’t imagine a day going by and not seeing you." Buck.My.Life…….When did he become such an articulate dragon? "I love you, Twilight." No, no no no!! Bad brain, BAD! Don't blush! This wasn't fair! His eyes were starting to moisten, dilating to become two deep dark abysses, his fangs were peeking out as a frown started to overcome his face. I had to be strong! I had to be! Even if I don't want to! I have to be! "Spike, you don't know what you're saying. You're too young to understand what love is. Even if you feel something special for me... It's not love, it can't be. You're too young to even think about things like that." This was so awkward. Spike was in between my legs, his face no more than a few centimeters from my pussy lips, yet we were having a conversation about love!! This is such a weird night. “Then I’ll prove it!” He exclaimed. His face replaced with tufts of his hair. I was mildly confused, not fully understanding the gravity of his words. That was until lightning ran through my whole body. “Spike what are you doing!” My voice full of surprise and lust escaped me. Spike didn’t notice. “If this is a cure that only works on people you love, then if I really love you it will work, right?”  I did not have the time to argue his logic, his head was already buried into my thighs, lapping and sucking at an amateurish pace. It all got hazy for a moment, all I felt was a tongue slip across my lips, tentatively slipping in between the folds, before they became long and deep strokes, accidentally slipping in from time to time. Even like this the irony of the situation did not escape me, this was the premise of more than a few of my night time... Refreshers. A more experience older partner leading the less experienced one, a virgin, little more than a recipient. “Twilight what’s this thing here?” He asked, his tongue slipping across my clit. I nearly moaned out loud and taking in a deep breathe of air. Dammit Spike! You are acting so innocent, like this really was just something to cure my ‘poison’! Please! I bet the little drake knows exactly what he’s doing! Playing me for a chump so he could cop a few feels! Well two could play at that game! “It’s my little buddy, Spike, he makes me feel really good,” I said moving forward to look Spike in the face. “You made me feel very good.” I plastered a smile on my face. “Really?” He asked. Confusion showing on his cute little face. I nodded. “Thank goodness,” A sigh of relief escaped him. This is where the little bastard asks to do it more. I thought you were more innocent Spike, I guess I gave you too much credit. “Okay, have a good night.” Yeah have a good night indeed I knew he... He started to go to his own bed. What? He was going to bed... The little bastard was going to leave me unsatisfied! When I’m so damn close!? Not on my watch! “Spike,” I whined, my voice forlorn and pleading. “You aren’t going to leave me like this are you?” I asked moving off my bed to stand over him. My breast poking him in the face. “Like what Twilight?” He asked backing away, blushing from the intimate space I had just been in. “Like this.” Closing in on him again I grabbed his little hands and placed them on my flower, both of his hands needed to just hold my nethers. I always thought Spike was bigger than this, but right now, right now he was as small as an ant, a child in the presence of a giant. Celestia, I hope my face didn’t look as slutty as I feel right now. Oh Spike looks terrified, that answers that. “Can’t you feel it Spike?” I got down to his ear level, blowing into it, I watched how he squirmed, delightful. “You made me like this,” I spoke moving his hands to rub against me. His hands, so small compared to my own hands, so hot, so rough….so male. “This ‘poison’ is all your fault,” I told him, his face turning to the absolute description of fear, I heard him mumble words of hurting me and causing me pain. I don’t believe it! Here is Spike terrified with me holding his hands against my flower, rubbing them alongside my pussy and he is more worried of his claws hurting me or causing me pain? Spike, you really would get eaten by one of those mares if they saw just how caring you are with me right now. Those glistening eyes, that look of shame, it got me wet, even more that I already was. “Yes, Spike, it is your fault that I am in so much pain.” I swooned a hand going to my forehead to complete the look. “Does Spikey-Wikey want to make me feel all better?” The change was expected yet still off putting. He brightened, in just a second he changed from fearful and trying to get away to expectant and ready, his face turned to mine, his eyes hard and resolute. It was intimidating, in a way not just that lighting fast change but those tearful resolute eyes, a small pout showing annoyance. It was a dangerous weapon. “I would do anything to make you feel better, Twilight.” His voice was low, almost a murmur, before turning pleading. “Please Twilight, tell me what to do.” “Oh, Spikey, I am already showing you.” I said drawing his attention to his hands. They had separated my lips through my sleeping gown. I kept pressing his thumb into my clit with one hand while my other hand snaked into his boxers he had a tiny little dick. Perfect sized would be more accurate, it fit into the palm of my hand. As I started stroking it I could feel him trying to pull away. It was pathetic, cute, but pathetic. His body had moved no more than 7 centimeters before I stopped him with my magic. “Spikey, why would you try to run away? You were just touching mine like there was no tomorrow.” “This is something you only do for people you love.” “Didn’t you say you love me?” I asked, causing the poor dragon to fluster under my gaze. I got closer to him, my face in front of his and whispered. “Don’t you love me Spike?” “I do, but that was different!! I was helping you. You’re doing this... I... I don’t think you love me. Please... just stop.” This little…the nerve! “So what!?” I bellow. “You get to say you love me but when I try to prove it you won’t even let me?!” My anger was getting the better of me. Why though? Why was I getting so angry…...so jealous? "Stop now, Twilight!" Spike's shout was unexpect and completely killed my mood. My annoyance, anger, and his resistance boiling down to this. "Why can't I say I love you?! Huh! You can say it and even went ahead and did..." I had to stop that train of thought as Spike came and stroked my cheek. When did he get taller then me? In that moment of clarity... Everything crashed down on me at once. I had nearly raped Spike! More than that I nearly tore apart his innocence and he wouldn't have even noticed. Yet for some odd reason…...I wasn't feeling any regret, disgust? sure, but regret? Not in the slightest, why? "It's wrong for a pony to love a dragon." My eyes shot open. What in the name of tartarus did he just say? “Dragons can’t help who they fall in love with... it's in our nature, I read it. But everypony says mares are different... They shouldn’t love dragon. Every mare in Canterlot knows that. Celestia, Mr. Dad, Mrs. Mom, every mare I asked says it’s wrong for a mare to love a dragon... So don’t ever say you love me. Okay?” There wasn't a hint of sadness in his tone, it was almost a factual tone, as if what he was saying was common sense! He was mocking me! He had to be. Doesn't he know almost every mare in Canterlot would gladly eat him up? Just who the buck told him such an idiotic nonsense? My mind had gotten away from me as a click was all I heard as Spike left my room. Spike left. He left after confessing he loves me. 'Twilight think calmly... It was probably just a brotherly... Buck. Maybe if I told him what he just did was... The significance behind this... What am I gonna do?!' I curled up into a ball, not a thought of sleep or the possibility of it in my body. I simply wanted to cry. I was confused. 'Why would Spike think like that? There wasn't anything around him that would make such a thought common in his mind. No outside stimulant to make him think that. So why? Why would he think my feelings for him were wrong.' My mind perked up at that thought. Well more as it just decided to stop all together. '... I didn't feel that way about Spike... Did I? Argh!! Why does this have to be so complicated!' My mind was abuzz trying its hardest to make sense of what just happened. 1st: Spike had tasted me, intimately, deeply, beautifully! and I had loved every single delicious moment. 2nd: He loves me... Buck! He LOVES me! and for the way he reacted, maybe not in a ‘sibling-kind-of-love’ love. 3rd: I might love him. I might actually be falling in love with Spike, the one that should be like a little brother to me. My assistant. FAMILY!...........or maybe I already am in love with him, if my reactions are anything to judge by. I wouldn't make it to my bed tonight, or get up from the floor at all, hours of research, an endless depth of knowledge, were just beaten with a few minutes of talk, emotions, and actions. Curling up even tighter memories of the boy I once held as my little brother came to me, flooding my brain one by one, with every new memory making its way to the forefront of my mind I could only feel worse, dirty and more perverted. I tried to think of why I let things go as far as they did, why it became as twisted as it was but nothing came to mind, the only thing I could truly think about was how much I wanted Spike to be near me again. I cried. I can’t tell how long I laid there on the floor before a warm small clawed hand touched my cheek lovingly, cleaning my tears away, looking to my side I saw Spike, his eyes filled with small tears. “S-Spike?” Oh great, now my own brain is playing tricks on me!. “I-I’m sorry for going away, Twi!” He said hugging me, putting his head between my breasts and his hands around my neck, as best as he could, crying while he did so, I blushed---I BLUSHED at him hugging me! but I felt happy and for some odd reason…..safe, wow, either I’m the biggest pervert in Equestria or I’m the most pathetic mare in Equestria, either way I didn't gave a buck about it and hugged my little assistant against me. I held him against me for a couple of minutes, until his little sobs died down. “You don't have to be sorry for anything, Spike. It’s me who is sorry for trying to ra---trying to do something you didn’t wanted to--” “But I want to help you, Twi! I...I...I really, really love you” He pulled his head away from my breasts blushing a little making him look like the most cute and adorable piece of--, HOLY BUCK CELESTIA!! That image was instantly burnt into my skull and brain forever, It actually made me feel excited again! “I want to help you take that poison away.” This is my chance, I can end this right now and act like this never happened! All I have to say is-- “Y-yes, please help me, Spike, take the poison away.” ………..Am I really that weak?. I got up slowly, mostly because the mere thought of feeling his tongue against me made me wet again. Spike stepped back giving me space, I noticed his pants were tied up again, such a shame, I really liked his perfect little penis. I walked towards the bed and sat down, I blushed as I opened my legs slowly, letting my marehood fully exposed to him, Spike for his part stepped in closer, no sign of blushing on his face. That confirmed it, he really was doing this because he truly wanted to help me, because he was worried this ‘poison’ was making me ill, he was so pure and innocent, there was no perversion in his actions, there was nothing for him to gain from this except the joy of helping me. And that only turned me on even more. Spike kneeled in front of me, his face just mere inches away from my waiting pussy, he paused and looked at me a bit confused “Twi, I just have to lick here and your ‘little buddy’ to make the poison go away, right?” I can't believe he is so adorable and he is all mine. “Don't worry, Spike, I will tell you how to make me feel all better.” Well, that technically wasn't a lie, but who cares now anyways just get on wi--!!!!!. A sudden lick right over my clit rocked my world, literally it did. I moaned barely managing to bite my hand a little to muffle it, Oh YES! His tongue was perfect! “Th-thats good Spike! N-now try to l-lick lower” and lick lower he did, his tongue started to lick between my folds and caress my warm moist entry. And his fangs, good grief his fangs! I always wondered just how hard could they be to allow him eat gems, I could feel the tips of his fangs, surprisingly more round than what they seemed, how they felt against the outer of my lips? AMAZING!. “J-just like that, d-don't...Oh sweet Celestia…..d-don't stop!” Spike said a muffled ‘alright’ against my pussy sending shivers up my spine, his thin long tongue stretching further and further against me, suddenly his tongue found it easier to go inside my tunnel ALL-THE-WAY, why I didn't screamed in pleasure and came I don't know. I think I was moaning against a pillow like a wanton whorse, I was in heaven! That tongue, that amazing slippery curious tongue was EVERYWHERE inside of me, teasing my insides and caressing every single space, his forked tongue found its way against the entrance to my womb while another part of it literally scratched against my G-spot. A sudden suck made me stop my moaning and look at him in wonder, half of Spike’s face was drenched with my juice but he still kept going, kissing and sucking all over my folds and clit while his tongues worked its great magic inside of me. HOW CAN HE BE SO GOOD AT THIS? HE MUST BE A NATURAL!! There is no way any stallion, or male for that matter, could be this GOOD at their first try!. I felt very envious of the joy he would surely bring in years to come to strange mares. ‘Doesn't matter, I got him first, he is mine now!’ He carried on with performing his magic on me with liberty, why haven't I cum yet? Who bucking cares? I hope this never ends!. I can feel myself reaching my climax fast, Spike bites my clit lightly before kissing it tenderly. My body tensed as a familiar tingle descends from my stomach down my aching pussy. “MMMMMMFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF---------------------” I scream, really SCREAM my heart out against the pillow. My previous orgasms seemed like NOTHING compared to the feeling between my legs in this moment, I can hardly feel Spike stopping and sucking hard against my pussy. How long was I like this, just enjoying the pleasant feeling of the best bucking orgasm I have ever experienced ‘I think…...I think I actually squirted, sweet heavens that was AMAZING!’, all thanks to my little lovable Spike. I finally found enough strength to move and scrounged up enough clarity to think, slowly I uncover my face from the darkness of the pillow and look at my wonderful little man. He was still face deep against my pussy, soon I see my left hand pressed against the back of his grass green hair, I let him go and he backs off slowly, granting me the wonderful experience of seeing his cute face bathed with my cum creating small bridges between my worn out, well licked, cunt. “D-d-did you ‘cum’, Twilight? Did I made you feel good?” He asked me with real concern in his eyes. Spike, how can you still be so concerned about me? What did I do to deserve you? “Yes, you made me feel really good, you made me cum, Spike,” Is it just me or does that sound so wrong but so damn right at the same time? I sit upright now, letting Spike get up as well, I lean forward and I grab his head with my hands making him be still before I give him a short and tender kiss on his cheek. I see him turn more red than a tomato at my kiss, seriously, he just brought me the best orgasm in my life and doesn't bat an eye but a simple kiss makes him nervous and ashamed? Slowly I ended it saying, “Thank you, Spike.” “Y-y-you’re welcome, Twi. I’m glad I could help you!” He said cheerfully “uhhm, Twilight, I swallowed a bit of it, am I going to be alright?” I simply nodded at him. “Pheew, thank Celestia, but it’s strange, this poison tasted weird but it’s very, very sweet when you get used to it,” Spike leaned forward and kissed my cheek lovingly. “Good night, Twi.” He turned around and left my room, once he was out and the lock of my door echoed around I just turned over my bed and got ready to sleep. I was confused, I was worried, I was many things right now but you know what? I am very satisfied and very exhausted, troubles can wait for tomorrow, all I want is to sleep peacefully tonight, savouring the shivering sensations Spike left on me. > 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- {Spike’s P.O.V.} AHH!!! Nice crisp summer morning in Canterlot. Perfect weather to start your day off right but with it comes the hardest part of any day... Getting out of bed. I’m not lazy, believe me, I’m anything but. It’s just today the bed was warm, the sun was weak, and my covers have never been softer. It’s the type of day where you know you have stuff to do but you try to think that you don’t. I wish I didn’t have anything to do. But the body had needs and food was at the top of my list as my stomach was near insane with hunger. I really wish I didn’t have anything to do today. Getting out of bed the usually cold tiles were actually warm today. Double checking the sun was actually warmer than it should be for this early in the day, Mommy must be in high spirits... Or mad, so much for a weak sun the blinds caught most of the light. Still I had a more important duty then wonder the weather, food, I had to cook for Twilight, some nice pancakes, a few hash browns, maybe some toast. Maybe I should put Twilight on a diet? Her thighs were a little too plumb for a mare her age. Nah that’s more later in the day, breakfast is the most important meal of the day after all. Let’s see a few jewels diced, cubed, and sprinkled with sugar, and a nice cup of orange juice. Yeah that’s good. I grabbed the closest purple shirt I could as I went downstairs to start cooking. ~~~~~~ The food was ready and waiting, and waiting, and waiting... WHERE IN MOMMY’S NAME IS TWILIGHT!! Storming off up to the second floor I knocked on Twilight’s door. A bit more loudly then I would have liked but the food was getting cold... I got worried. It shouldn’t take Twilight this long to open a simple door. I did the one thing I almost never did, not before looking around of course, no one to the left and right corridor, no one downstairs. I opened her door. There was Twilight, 5 feet from her bed, sleeping on the floor... What? “Twilight?” I called. Getting closer and poking her face. I received no reaction. ‘She must be in a deep sleep.’ I thought. Normally I would leave her like this, sleeping peacefully, I could get nagged at later for her back hurting but we had a lot to do today. So, to my great dismay, I had to wake her up. “Twilight!” I shouted to get her attention. She jumped and sat straight up looking around as though somebody else was in the room. “Spike?” She looked at me, a smile breaking across her face. “OH SPIKE!! You didn’t run away!” That was a little surprising. She grabbed me as if her very life depended on it. It was weird. “What are you talking about Twilight? Why would I run away?” I asked trying my hardest to push her away. It’s not that I didn't like hugging her, I loved it, it’s just being relieved that I didn’t run away isn’t something I get hugged for and not ask what is going on. “You got mad at me for what I did yesterday, then you started shouting that I was some-” I cut her off, holding her lips in between my fingers, minding my claws, I looked at her. Bags under her eyes, frazzled hair, and red puffy eyes. Clearly she had a nightmare, I didn’t need to know what, she needed me right now. That was enough for me. “Twilight, don’t worry. You needed my help and I was more than glad to give it to you.” I think I said something wrong cause she started to cry really bad and that made me feel horrible. "Twilight... Twilight come on. You don't have to cry. I'm sorry if I said anything to get you sad, but I promise if you ever did anything you think was bad it wasn't! Please stop crying." I held her, gingerly of course, and rocked her back and forth. Mrs. Mom always did this to make her stop crying. She was crying less and less and almost stopped so I told her. "Come on Twi, I made breakfast. I told you yesterday. We have a long day ahead. You'll need your strength." I looked at her with a smile before backing off and heading downstairs. "What are we going to do today?" She asked. "I told you last night when I was getting rid of the poison, I have something to show you.” “Right!!” She screamed jumping up. That was scary. “Umm... Okay... Well get dressed and come down for breakfast. I hope you like cold hash browns, lukewarm toast, and chilled pancakes.” I joked, though Twilight got flustered and tried to cover herself up. What’s wrong with her? “Yeah.. yeah I’ll meet you downstairs.” She said moving her hand in a shooing motion. I took the hint and gave her her privacy. ~~~~~ It was a regular breakfast, Twilight complaining that the toast and everything else was cold, that would teach her to sleep in and not tell me. The good thing though is it gave me time to think of how I would approach the day... Yeap still wish I could’ve stayed in bed today. I have to show Twilight that it is wrong for her to even think about me that way! If anypony even think she likes a dragon... Celestia they’ll make fun of her! I wasn’t gonna let that happen. “Come on Twilight. The store will close if you’re this slow!” I joked, Twilight missing my charming humor as she gave me a glare. “I’m only joking Twi. No need to get mad.” I chortled as I went to grab my clothes. First step. Pants, belt, shirt, shoes, and the most important thing my hoodie, with its too long sleeves, hood covering most of my head, and with enough slack to hide my tail. It was the only thing I felt comfortable wearing outside. Now to see how this goes. “Twi! Are you ready yet?” I yelled to her. I knew she would be I always take longer than her. “Not yet.” What? Twilight Sparkle was taking longer than me... To get dressed? That’s the equivalent of being in the south pole and getting a tan... IT DOESN’T HAPPEN!! “Twilight what do you mean you’re not ready?” I asked walking into her room. See this is why I don’t like walking into Twilight’s room. The first thing that met me was always a screaming Twilight. She slapped me? Now that never happened before. “Wh... what was that f... for Twilight?” Twilight never hit me... In all the years I’ve known her she never so much as laid a finger on me in anger, I can’t even remember a time she ever got mad at me. “You... You shouldn’t come into a girls room unless she tells you.” She said. Seriously? “Sorry... It’s just... You don’t usually take this long to change.” I rubbed my face, it didn’t hurt, it was just painful. “Umm... What’s taking you so long?” “Well as  you can see I can’t pick what to wear, and I’m naked, and you are watching me naked... Can you understand? “Yeah... You need to pick something.” Honestly what is Twilight’s problem? This isn’t the first time I’ve seen her naked why is she getting all moody about it now? I started to go through her clothes, like I usually would, when Twilight screamed. “Sp- Spike!” She pulled me from the drawer holding me by the collar of my hoddie. “What are you doing?” “Do you even know where your underwear is?” “Of course... They’re in a drawer.” I took a moment to reflect on her words, seeing their logic and reason, then I counted down all the drawers, and cabinets in Twilight’s room. “Good... That’s 58 in total. Which one has your bras?” Still grabbing me by the collar Twilight shook me a little. Honestly this was fine it’s the closest thing she gets to exercise. It took her a moment but she finally picked a drawer, the wrong one of course, but still she picked one. “I have another brush?” I chuckled a bit at what she said. “Of course you got another brush Twi.” She looked at me. It was weird, like she was... embarrassed at my joke. “Ummm. Would you like another try?” I pointed to a drawer, where yes her underwear was, but the drawer had 13 drawers to it. I could play a little, today was gonna be long, I needed a little fun. She opened up the first drawer she got in her hands. To her defense she was close, only 6 drawers too low. And she did find the emergency, emergency, towles. So points for trying. “Can you let me down now Twi? I’m super surprised for you lifting me this long but you should be getting sore about now.” I said wiggling a little to bring her attention to her hand. I’m not gonna lie I liked her holding me like this. I felt like a tiny welp in her hands, small, harmless, happy. Still we had a lot to do and I already had my fun. “I know where all the clothes are.” “How would you know?” ... Seriously? “Umm.... I do the laundry and I put away the clothes too.” She let me down with a blush on her face, seriously Twilight’s acting weird, and I started to go through her room. Finding her bra, panties, socks, a plain white dress shirt, dress pants, and her favorite blue vest and put it all on her bed. Gotta remember to change the sheets today. “Come on Twilight get dressed so we can go to Joe’s.” It was a nice place to start, ponies Twilight at least half knew, and friendly company to ease her in. Geez I really wish I didn’t have anything to do. ~~~~~~ ‘Lunch rush. You can always count on the lunch rush at Joe’s.’ I thought scanning the room. There was Lyra, Bon-Bon, Dazzle Forth, and Fleur. Twilight knew all these ponies, well acquaintance would be a better term, and they knew Twilight, or at least her bookish nature. It shouldn’t be that strange. “Hey girls!” I said approaching the group. My smile friendly, nice, like everypony else. “Spike!” They shouted in unison. A smile on their face as they regarded me and Twilight. “So can I assume this mare next to you is the Twilight Sparkle you speak so highly of Sir Spike.” Fleur asked. She looked... Funny when she looked at Twilight and Twilight did the same thing at them. Weird. “Yeah this is Twilight guys. She has something really important she wants to ask you. It’s about dragon’s-” Fleur cut me off as she began. “Dragons perish the species.” She said making Twilight jump a bit when she did. “Why did you know that a dragon had just recently set one of my husband’s business ventures to burst into flames? I swear almost all of those brutes are hired thugs!” Fleur said, fixing her hair after her outburst. “Excuse me Spike. It’s just that those attacks are getting so much more frequent, Fancy is beginning to worry about his employees. Just thinking of them causing him troubles makes me... Makes me... Gah!” Fleur began crumpling up a piece of paper probably imagining it a dragon’s neck between her hands. It made me chuckle a little. “Fleur you’re doing it again.” Lyra said as she placed her hand on Fleur’s shoulder. “Spike continue you had something to say.” “Thanks Lyra. Anywho Twilight needs to know if dragons and ponies can... Be together.” I said deflating a bit on the inside as I said it. Slowly I snaked my hands into Twilight’s as she squeezed mine. “Of course not, Twilight.” Lyra swung her hand showing that the idea was completely crazy. “Dragons are so mean and cruel. They would probably just use us as... I mean, they would treat us very badly.” There it was again. Everytime somepony talked about dragons they always change what they’re about to say around me. It scares me that they might know. “Yes anymare that would ‘love’ a dragon is obviously crazy!” Bon-bon said. Doing quotes in the air like the word love could mean something different. Can love mean something different? If you love someone doesn’t that mean you want them to be by your side all your life? I gotta ask Twilight later. “I concur. She would have to be institutionalized for such insanity.” Fleur spoke. I really should have been putting my attention on her, it was rude to ignore a pony who is speaking, but Twilight had started to get mad. But I’m sure Fleur would forgive me for interrupting her. “See told you so Twilight. A pony and a dragon just won’t happen.” I said gaining Twilight’s full attention. She looked like she was gonna say something but Pony Joe beat her to the punch. “Don’t go saying that Spike.” Joe said. He was cleaning a mug. That mug... He always seems to shine it when I come in. “A lot of dragon’s are bad sure but not all of them. Why I know of one dragon that’s a cut above even most ponies.” Joe was one, if not the only one, who I know knows I’m a dragon. I thank Celestia everyday that he can keep a secret. “There is always a good in everything, Pony Joe.” I said. Hiding my smile and fangs behind my sleeves. I guess that got Twilight mad as she squeezed my hand tighter. “I’ve told you Spike call me Donut Joe. You come here every other day. How many times am I gonna have to tell you?” “Just one more time, like always, Joe.” I said pulling Twilight along as I said little goodbyes to the three mares. “Can you give me some hot chocolate and Twilight will take a nice cup of camomile tea.” “You sure Spike?” Joe asked placing the mug he’d been shining down. “My camomile tea usually knocks anypony out with the first sip.” He said chopping my favorite dark chocolate into tiny bits while he started heating up the milk. “It’s fine Twilight’s a tea addict. Six bits say she won’t feel a thing.” I teased as Joe tossed in a bit of cinnamon into my milk stirring it with his magic as he went to the fridge. I took this chance to talk to Twilight. “So...” I began turning to look at Twilight. Wow was she scary! “Twilight you okay... I haven’t seen you this mad since a pony stole your notes.” I said poking her with my cloth covered hand. A few pokes later seemed to get me her attention. She blinked a few times, did she have something in her eye, before speaking. “Spike... Ho... How can you let them say that!?” She nearly shouted getting up so fast the chair she was on nearly tumbled over. The chair was caught in a green aura that matched to the one covering the spoon. “‘Cause it’s what everypony thinks about dragon’s in canterlot and Spike knows that.” Ah Joe always one to jump in at the right time. “Imagine what would everypony think if they knew Twilight Sparkle, apprentice to Celestia, a strong mage in her own right, was living with a “filthy” dragon?” Joe looked serious. I haven’t seen him this serious since those royal guards came in to give him a present from his brother. “And keep your voice down.” He went to the pot and scooped in the chocolate and some syrup into it. “Liquor? You’re giving an underaged...” She stopped. My eyes wide and filled with horror at the next words she was about to say. I think she noticed. “... You’re giving Spike liquor?” She said through gritted teeth. “It’s chocolate liquor. It’s a little on the caffeinated side but Spike will need it if he brought you along with him.” Joe said mixing the pot. Man that smell! It always made my mouth wet with spit. I could see Joe and Twilight talk but the chocolate milk smelled so good I couldn’t turn away! ~~~~~~~ “..ike...n yo..... Spike!!” Twilight shook me a bit. I must have lost myself for a bit since my chocolate was right in front of me. “Come on before it gets cold.” She moved the cup closer to me as I took a sip. It was delicious, as always. Joe knew how to make his stuff. It was warm but not hot. Like my basket in a winters day, just right. It was creamy too like syrup it went down to my stomach so slow warming me up like a hug from my mom. OHH and the taste! Sweet mommy! It was like chocolate but it wasn’t. Like it was sweet like the chocolates Twilight got me a couple times but there was something else... It tasted like a black stringy thing Mrs.mom bought Twilight and me once. Twilight and me didn’t like it much but Joe made it taste good. Still I had to slow down or this would all be gone before I could enjoy it completely. This is where I made a mistake. I left my chocolate moustache on. Now if I was by myself that wouldn’t be a problem but there were ponies around me. Ponies that didn’t know my secret. Ponies that would make fun of Twilight if they ever found out what I was, some would try to take me away from her, try to hurt her for even knowing me. I had made my second mistake at this moment. I felt afraid. I could feel myself trembling. It would be impossible for me to care less of what happens to me. Ponies have gone up and down the book when it came to my tortures. But to think of what they would do to Twilight. She would be alone, nobody would talk to her, even mommy might be pushed into letting her go as a student... I would crush Twilight’s dream... It would be all my fault... My fault... It would be my dragon self’s fault. It was then I felt a hand touch my shoulder. “Ohh, Spikey look at you. Getting all flustered because of a little bit of chocolate on your shirt. It’s so cute.” Fleur had started cleaning off my face and shirt with a hanky she had on her. “Oh Spikey you are the cutest little thing!” She said as I felt the hanky wipe across my face. Crying? Was I crying!! So not cool! But I can’t be mean when someone is doing something nice... darn. “Thank you fleur.” I said with a smile on my face, pressing my lips together. “I don’t know what came over me.” “Silly.” She said stroking my cheek. She started scratching my neck, it was a guilty pleasure that I just couldn’t resist. I started to lean into the scratch, exposing more of my neck, letting out a little purr as she hit a sweet spot. Oh gee that felt good! Fleur really had great fingers! She scratched enough to make me feel it but not even close enough to leave a mark. AH!! Now shes just using the tips of her fingers! Her pelt felt so soft and squishy on me! “Fleur you have a husband you know.” Twilight said next to me, her eye’s hidden behind her bangs. “I wonder how he would react if he saw you so “close” to Spike?” That’s weird? Fleurs always been able to scratch me. Even in front of Fancy. “Hmmp. Miss Sparkle I will have you know that a lady such as myself does not cheat.” Cheat are they playing a game? “Fancy knows of my affection for Spike and finds nothing wrong in adoring the little pony.” “Yeah, well what if the little pony doesn’t appreciate your “affection”?!” Twilight spun on the spot to look Fleur in the face. The first thought to go through my mind was ‘WOW Twilight looks scary!’ but Fleur didn’t stop her scratching of my neck. mommy those fingers felt good. Like I said guilty pleasure since I couldn't stop this from escaping my mouth. "A bit to the left." And Fleur did it!! She moved her fingers exactly where I wanted them. Sweet mommy that felt even better! I know Twilight and Fleur were speaking to each other but I was in a different place as Fleur’s fingers worked their magic. ~~~~~~ Honestly I don’t even know how this happened, somehow I was caught in Fleur’s chest. My face was smushed against her so hard I couldn’t see anything. I wonder if the chest of all mares feel as soft as Fleur’s. Twilight was shouting something, I know when she’s angry, that ain't a pretty sight but right now she was mad, and I had never heard her mad before. There is a difference between angry and mad. Like if you’re angry you look at somepony mean but when you’re mad you get yellow in the face and your hair starts to catch on fire. Let’s just say it got hot. I pushed myself off Fleur, somehow the room got hotter, and gasped for fresh air. Turning I saw a sight that would make a dragon quiver in fear, I’ve proven it. Twilight was on fire!! “Twilight,” I said as my voice shook with fear. “What’s going on?” I turned to look at Fleur she didn’t look scared if anything she looked... angry. Like someone skipped on the cream in her coffee. “Spike...” Sweet Mommy!! “Come over here.” “Spikey...” This time Lyra called me. When did she get next to Fleur? “Get over here.” She must not be used to seeing Twilight like this, honestly I wasn’t either, but it would be alright if I calm her down. “Don’t worry girls I got this.” Honestly I was scared. I didn’t have the first clue as to why Twilight was mad and if you don’t know why someponies mad you can never help them calm down. “Twilight... What’s wrong?” “Nothing Spike... I just don’t appreciate the company is all.” She was looking at Fleur, Lyra and Bon-bon now, man what did those girls do, but I had to keep her attention or else this could get even worse, like Joe kicking us out kinda worse. “Come on it couldn’t have been that bad.” I looked to the girls expecting them to have something to say, if they had said something about Twilight’s research, or made some crack of how much cake Celestia like to eat, but they stared at me as I stared at them. They were just looking at me like I had was made of chocolate or something. “Could it?” “IT WAS NOTHING SPIKE!!” Twilight roared. Geez you would think Twilight didn’t have an inside voice. “Was it something about me?” It was a dumb question I know but I couldn’t help but ask it. I guess it was the kid in me. “I think Twilight’s got the hots for her little assistant.” Lyra said from behind me. Huh? Was I making Twilight hot? Fire aside I did nothing to make her hot for me!! “Eww. That’s nasty he’s like what 7-6? He’s way too young!!” Bon-Bon said. though I almost missed it it was so quiet. “Don’t know Spike may be young, but he is still hot. Can you imagine what he would look like in a few years? I wouldn’t mind having a night with that hunk of a colt.” “Lyra!” “Spike we are leaving.” Twilight’s voice was cold. Like the temperature actually dropped kinda cold. DANG IT! I really wish I didn’t have anything to do today. I knew Twilight would get angry, mad even, but I never thought it would get so bad this fast. “Sorry Joe, sorry girls, gotta go.” I said moving fast so I could catch up to Twilight. “Hey Spike! Little dude catch!” Joe shouted throwing my chocolate at me. It wasn’t in the mug, I could’ve broken it, but a little disposable cup. Mmmm It was still hot. I didn’t really think when I caught the cup but I guess luck was on my side since the sleeves of my hoddie got caught on my biggest finger so the girls couldn’t even see my hands. Thank mommy. “Chow Joe!!” I waved. I knew I was far enough away that the girls wouldn’t notice so I flashed them a big toothy grin as I ran to Twilight. “Chow girls!!” “Hey Twilight slow down!!” I said since Twilight kept walking fast each time I got close to her. Thankfully Twilight wasn’t a very active pony, so to speak, so a few more time of me getting close and she just rushing ahead got her all pooped out. She was breathing pretty hard with a bit of sweat rolling off her fur. This mare needs to get out more. “So what did you think?” “Spike don’t ever talk to those girls ever again.” “What? but I like them, they’re nice to me.” “Do you like them more than me?” “What?! No! I love you Twilight but they are my friends. They like me there and it’s fun to be around them. Especially when the others are with them. We have so much fun.” I got a little lost in telling my story so I had to get this back on track... and there goes Twilight walking fast again. “Soooo...” I poked Twilight a bit. “OKAY!! So a few ponies don’t like dragons big whoop.” Twilight shouted. I really wished she hadn’t since at the mention of dragon’s a lot of ponies started running into houses, closing their stands, a few even jumped into trash bins. By the end of it all the Canterlot streets had been all but clear. “Not some ponies Twilight. That’s what I’ve been trying to show you. All ponies are scared of dragon’s, every last one, even Celestia doesn’t like to deal with some of the dragon’s that come to the castle. Though those guys were a little too stiff and greedy.” I huffed remembering the last dragon that came to canterlot. The guy caused a panic!! I couldn’t find one shop open to look for groceries that day. Honestly Twilight was a little thick sometimes when it came to the ponies around her. I worried for her sometimes. “Can we go home now?” She asked already getting on the path to go to our tower near the castle. It was close to the place we have to go to so I guess there was no problem. “Okay.” I nodded. “We just have to stop by the Castle first.” This was gonna be the hard part, but if all went good... Well I’m gonna be the happiest dragon in all of Equice. “Really? Could we stop by the tower then I have something to give Celestia. What are you going up there for?” “Oh I’m just gonna tell Celestia that you and me are gonna get married.” > 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- {Twilight’s P.O.V}         My heart stopped. What did Spike just say?        “Umm... Spike what exactly are you going to do at Celestia’s castle?” Honestly I felt happy, I have never been happier, and that scared me to my very bones.         “I am going to ask Celestia to marry us.” Yes I heard him right... Spike want’s to marry me... Oh my Celestia!! Spike wants to marry me! He loves me and he wants to marry me!! He... he loves me... and I love him... he wants to marry me... and... And I want to marry him... WHAT THE BUCK IS WRONG WITH ME!! I can’t feel this way about Spike! It’s immoral, it’s unethical, I could be arrested under penalty of law!! I’m disgusting!! I should feel horrified, ashamed, scared... But even when I know how I’m supposed to feel, even when I know that this is wrong... all I can feel is happy. I know I have a grin plastered on my face like some wonton whorse. I should be worried, concerned, I could be tossed in prison for this! Spike could be taken to a mental institu... They could take Spike away from me... no.         “Anyways come on. Go get the stuff you need.” We were at the tower already? Gosh I need to think of something! If Spike walks in asking Celestia to marry us... NO!! I won’t let them!         “Spike come with me... I might need you to carry some stuff.” I blurted whatever came to mind as I tried to make up a plan on the spot... I could use... No. That’s crueler than anything the noble houses or doctors could ever do to Spike. Is it worth losing him though?         “Okay Twilight.” Spike... You truly are the best thing that could ever happen to me. You know that right? Maybe I should have told you more times, maybe I could have showed you how... Maybe... maybe I can. There was one thing that would solidify my relation to Spike, both to myself and him, but it... It isn’t something that can be shared with the world.         We were already at the second level of the tower. It was now or never.         “Spike...” Come on Twilight you have to do this! “Can you come into my room please we need to talk about something.” This was a half truth, more so, I wanted him to help me make a decision. It was terrible, horrible even, but I will not lose him, not like that, not when I just got him. Celestia I need to stop this! He isn’t mine! He can’t be! He can be with those other mares, Lyra seems good, Bon-Bon too, they could treat Spike right... Maybe. He would have to move with them though... When he gets older. Wait... If he gets older his dragon side could present itself more vividly than they already do. Scales are already showing on his body, little patches here and there but in a year they could cover his arms, legs, his head even! If they found out he was a dragon... Would they judge him for it? Would they toss him out onto the streets like some monster? Spike kept this a secret from everypony... How am I supposed to change their minds about dragons! Spike is special, he’s one in a million, one in a billion probably! But they would still judge him for simply being a dragon. Spike started shaking me. “Twilight! Equestria to Twilight are you home!?” I looked at Spike. Just stared at him for what felt like a few seconds, a few hours, whatever it was it wasn’t enough. I looked at Spike. I took in every detail. His green hair, those deep jade eyes, his tiny little snaggletooth, the hoodie he was wearing, those deep blue jeans, his everything! His smell, the feel of his skin, not even the little detail escaped my inspection of him in that moment. He may have been scarred, terrified even, but if I... If it came to that I want this Spike to be the one I remember. "Spike... How many ponies know you're a dragon, specifically?" "Just Pony Joe. He was there when... Well he was the first pony, besides you of course, to see the little whelp grow up. Most ponies just forgot I even existed after a while." He spoke as he ran around my room picking up a scroll here and there, a book or two from the shelves, and a quill and ink well. He balanced all of these things perfectly in his two hands as he strode up to me in confidence. 'Look... He's so proud, happy, how can I even think of taking all that away from him?' My own mind was teasing me now. If you are presented two evils you pick the lesser of the two, that's how it works, that how it should work, but the lesser of the two evils is to let Spike be taken, to have him treated, cured probably, of the horrible things I've done to him now. I would go to jail for Celestia only knows how long. Spike would never see me again and he would be able to live a normal life with only a vague thought of kissing something. That was the better of two evils... But I wasn't strong enough to make that choice. "Have you ever thought of loving somepony else Spike?" I asked, swinging my hoofs on the stool I sat on. "Nope!" He said placing the amalgamated pile of supplies on the floor knowing it would be a while before we left. "You are the only pony that accepted me as a dragon from the get go. Every other pony thinks I'm just a pony. I've never really tried actually. I mean you’re smart, beautiful, kind, strong, what more can a hopeless dragon want?" His big toothy grin, the beam of light in a world of darkness, shone in that moment. It broke my heart to see it. It tore into my soul that such a kind, loving, and innocent creature could have ever known a horrible wicked monster like me. "What if I had to send you away?" My voice was barely above a whisper when I asked that. Spike's face contorted into his regular face of concentration. He was using every ounce of brain power he could to come up with an answer for this one question. "You wouldn't." Was his response. "What if somepony tried to take you away?" "You would stop them." "What if Celestia herself want you away from me?" Spike looked horrified when I asked that. As if the possibility of such an action had not even corseted his mind. "She... she wouldn't do that." His voice was weak and quiet. "But what if she did?" "She wouldn't!!" He yelled his eyes teary and ready to let loose a waterfall of emotions that I had been jabbing with a needle. "Why... Why are you asking that Twilight. You and... You and Celestia are everything to me." He choked a bit when he said that. "If... If you want me to go away that's fine... I mean if I bothered you today I'm sorry! We don't even have to be married! Just... Just promise me that if you do want me to go we can still be friends.. Okay?" I smiled. A kind honest and true smile. "Oh Spike of course we will always be friends, better than friends! You will be my husband! And I can be your wife." I said my voice dripping with honey and dew as those words escaped my mouth. "But before we get married I have to give you something very important something that if I give to you, you won't be able to give to anypony else. Can we do that?" My eyes were shut, my mouth pulled in that convincing smile, as I tipped my head in Spike's direction. "Of course Twilight!! If it's important you can always count on this dragon to keep it safe!" He said making a salute with his cloth covered hand. "Okay." I said simply. Moving to Spike I grabbed him by the arm of his hoodie and lead him to the bed. Sitting down I placed Spike in front of me. Pulling at the zipper of his hoodie he complained. "Twilight what are you doing? We gotta go out soon." He tried pushing my hands away from him as I pulled his hoodie off tossing the abhorable piece of clothing to the farthest reaches of the room. When I had completed that I placed my finger on his lips as well as mine and simply said 'shh' as I started to unbuckle his pants. Spike had looked at me with curiosity before  panics began to muscle in on his features. "Twilight is the poison back!?" He began to move before my magic held him firmly in place. "Don't worry Spike. That poison won't hurt me anymore. I found a cure. It's a bad cure. Really bad. So bad no one talks about it." My voice was aloof, mysterious, and held the hint of truth as I spoke. "I need you though, you are the only one I will ever trust to give me this cure." I pulled his pants and underwear down all the way to expose his perfect little cock in full display before me. I took in every detail. Yesterday it had been hidden from me, my own body in the way of viewing the most intimate piece of Spike any mare could ever hope to see. It was small, no bigger than the plan of my hand, yet knowing that it was Spike's made me shiver in a way that just can't be explained. I looked him the eyes before I placed him on the bed. I started to strip before him. Spike kept his eyes on me. Watching my every movement, the shake of my hips as I grabbed the hem of my jeans and pulled them down. The slow and sensual way I revealed my chest to him. My bra following soon after my unbuttoned shirt and discarded vest. I was hoping to get a reaction from him, a blush, a stutter, anything to at least shake my thought of his innocence... It wasn't to be. "You look beautiful Twilight." His voice was full of nothing but awe and admiration. "You are beautiful Twilight." I'm horrible. Even now I could feel the butterflies in my stomach soar as he spoke those words. All pretexts were gone. I sat in front of Spike on my hands and knees my face level with his calfs and I began to cry. "AHH!! I'm sorry Twilight! Really! I didn't mean to get you upset... I was just... You were so pretty.. I... I'm sorry." This made me cry even harder but I had to rid Spike of any doubt he held in his head. "No... Spike it's fine. I've never had anypony... Any dragon talk about me like that before. It just made me so happy to know that you see me as something beautiful." I sobbed. My tears of shame and guilt washing over my pelt. I couldn't do it. I can't. Spike doesn't deserve this! I really should go to jail for loving him. I doubt there is a being on this planet as horrible as I am. "I'll be here everyday to tell you that if it would make you happy." I stopped. He would be here everyday... He could. He could be there everyday for me... He could be my number one assistant like always, we could go back to the way things used to be. I wouldn't have to do this. He would soon forget and we could both just live like we did before all of this!! I wished... From the bottom of my heart that that could be true. My eyes blank absent of any emotions I laid Spike on the bed. My horn glowing as it surrounded his tiny member, using an impractical magic to make it bigger, not big just big enough. "Spike... I love you. You know that right?" I looked into his, mine silently pleading begging him for the answer I knew he knew I wanted to hear. "Of course I do Twilight." With my magic holding him steady and rigid I slowly slid him inside me. My pain was audible, my tears were hot, yet they did nothing to stem the pure joy that coursed through my veins. It was my first time. It was his first. I had stolen his and I had gave him mine. I had plucked this forbidden fruit from its tree and had loved every moment of it. I stared deep into Spike's eyes. They watched me with concern, love, and confusion all at the same time. "There Spike. This is my gift to you." I smiled as I pulled him into my breast suffocating him for all he was worth. I placed all my love, my affection, and my devotion into that single moment. I placed everything I had into giving him something so special. It just made what was going to happen next all the harder. I began charging my horn, telling Spike that I loved him as I began the incantation to do something horrible to him. My horn drew closer and closer to Spike. I could see the vision dance in his head. There they were the first time he saw me right after being born in his purple green egg. He won't remember it. I looked at each and every precious memory he had of me... And I started to take them away.  Spike struggled against my using all his strength to get me off. It was useless my horn glew brighter and brighter and I could see each one flash before my eyes, The first time I fed him, the time I named him, Moving in together, his first official letter. Everything that made him the drake he was today was being stolen by the mare that made him. “Twilight!” He shouted his struggles and please met with the bright horn and the concealed eyes of his lover. “Please don’t do this!” He implored. “Did I do something wrong? Why are you doing this? Do you hate that I love you! I won’t I swear I can stop loving you just please stop!” His argument was senseless but each word cut into me like a knife, I just couldn’t keep quiet. “Do...” I began, lifting my tear stained eyes to stare at the drake. “Don’t you ever think this is your fault!” I wailed. “I love you Spike and it’s wrong that I love you. Not because you’re a dragon! Don’t think for one second that is the reason! I’m wrong for loving you. I should have been mature, I should have told you that it is illegal from someone as old as me to love you. I love you Spike, I love you more than I can ever say.” A smile dawned on my face as I spoke. “But if anyone ever found out... They would take you from me.” Those words stopped Spike cold... I shared his fears. “And I know you are afraid of that... So please Spike just let me finish and you will never have to worry about any of this again.” I could see the visions of him two days ago waking up. I was almost done. Spike’s struggle increased after that his arms attempting to flail free his legs trying to kick themselves off the floor... Only one of his arms were released. I had seen Spike’s hand escape and was fully prepared to take whatever punishment he deemed necessary. Spike cupped my face in his hand gently stroking away the tears as he said, “You lied to me Twilight.” My eyes grew wide. “You said stuff like this was done to people you love. You said that people that love each other can share something special... All of that was a lie!” He screamed never once tensing his hand as he cupped my face. “Why did you say all that if you would just take everything back! Everything you said was a lie!” I had wanted to say something to tell Spike why I was doing this to explain to him why this was necessary... But I  didn’t have a reason. Not one that would justify all this. I was afraid. Afraid that I would lose the one person that made me who I was today. I could remember the nights where the small drake would stay up late just to help with me studying, cook for me when I would forget to do so myself, even care for me when I was sick. Still making sure I stayed up to date on my assignments. There was so much I wanted to thank him for, to speak and shout from the rooftops how much I loved the drake. But I made my choice and I would live with it. I was seeing what he saw, all the memories that he had of me. I would reached the current date in a few more seconds every trace of emotions of love would be gone... My breath came short and labored, my vision began to blur from tears, the final images of the Spike I loved were just splotches in my vision. I could see his shape coming closer to me, his face just mere inches apart from mine, centimeters, millimeters, and then I felt his lips on mine his tongue slither into her mouth coiling around mine... Our first kiss. “I will always love you Twilight.” was the last thing I heard before the spell was complete and Spike had been rendered unconscious. It was done... I had done something horrible, something disgusting, and something necessary. It didn’t change the fact that I was disgusted in myself, in Equestria, in the law that would keep them apart, I was disgusted beyond words. Tomorrow I knew I would have to smile, go about my day as if nothing had changed whatever Spike’s mind used to fill in the gaps for all that I had taken I would have to play along. But that was tomorrow for now, for this exact moment, I could feel anger, hate, rage, for now I could hate the world, for now I could hate myself all I wanted. Tomorrow I would smile, but not today.