> Closer To Dashie > by Dashie Bro > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Bond between a Bro and Sis > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hiya, I'm Flare. I'm a young Pegasus. I'm from Manehatten. I live in Cloudsdale with my mom, my dad and my big sister. I was told that I was adopted when my family was visiting somepony in Manehatten, that's when they found and adopted me! I love my family, especially my big sister. Her name is Rainbow Dash, but I call her Dashie. I'm not very popular, so I stick with Dashie most of the time. She and I are the closest siblings in all of Equestria! But there was one time that Dashie and I did something that would make us the greatest siblings ever. But before I tell that, let me tell you how we got so close. After I was adopted, I was the happiest colt alive! I played in the cloud home all day. You couldn't get me to stop. Rainbow Dash on the hoof, wasn't to happy with being a big sister. She got really jealous about how much attention I was getting now that I was adopted. While I tried to be a great little brother, Rainbow Dash wanted nothing to do with me. It was actually really hurtful. She even said to me, "I don't care if you're my brother now, don't come near me. Especially when I'm flying." So I never got close to dashie during her flight practices, but I always watched them from a distance. I really liked her moves, "The Fantastic Filly Flash" was my favorite. I wanted to try it so badly! One day, I was flying outside and having a really good time. I was a good flier but I wasn't the best. I got curious about that new move I saw Rainbow do. The Fantastic Filly Flash, I think it was called. I remembered it was my favorite of her moves so I decided to try me hoof at it. I started building up speed and nose dived down. I intended to move up and begin the maneuver, but I crashed into a cloud, the cloud broke apart and then I crash landed. "Ow, my head! What happened?" I said. Some colts were walking by and saw the whole thing. They started pointing and laughing at me! "Haha! Check him out, he flies like a filly!" I wasn't the best flier in Equestria, so that hurt pretty bad. It didn't help that I'm a bit sensitive. "Hey! Don't laugh at me!" I started crying right there. I must've been crying pretty loud, because my whole family heard me. Rainbow Dash dashed down right in front of me. I was still sobbing loudly and I started to hiccup because of how much I strained my throat. The colts laughing and me were still doing it. "What's going on here?!" Dash demanded to know. "Th-they were laughing at me. Just because I tried to do a move and fell." I said, tears in my eyes. "Yeah, you should've seen him. He tried the Fantastic Filly Flash. And he failed epicly!" Rainbow Dash got a look in her eye, as a sort of spark look. "That's my move! You're laughing at my brother because of that?!" She yelled. "Yeah! He's never gonna get it!" That statement hurt me even further. I couldn't help but say what i thought. "They're right. I can't do it." Rainbow Dash turned to me with surprise in her eyes. "What are you talking about?" She asked. I pulled out a picture I drew in my spare time. "It's true, I drew this for you Rainbow Dash. But it won't happen." I said, defeated. I gave her my picture. It was of me and her flying around together. She looked at it and I swear I saw a small tear. Well, even if I did, it would've disappeared when she blinked. My brother was so inspired, that he tried to fly like me? And you laughed at him?! Back off!!" She yelled. She got into those colts faces and I don't know what she did, but it scared the buck out of them. They ran off. I started to dry my eyes. Rainbow Dash picked me up and put my on her back. "Th-thanks Rainbow." I said. "No problem bro. That's what big sister's do." She replied. "But, I need to know. Do you really like my moves?" She asked. I looked a bit more enthusiastic than sad now. "Yeah, all of them are awesome! I just wish I could do a Sonic Rainboom!" I said, like a fanboy colt would. Dash smiled and kissed my on the cheek. "I bet you'll do something soon enough." She said. It was at that point, that I think I made a true connection with my new big sister. About a month later, I was enrolled in flight school. I wasn't sure about I first until I learn that Dashie was going to the upper classes for more gifted fliers. After that day, flight school was going awesome. Except for one thing, one colt in class decided to be my new bully. His name was Silver Wing, and boy did it fit. He was the best flier in class, a lot better than me. He just got jealous of me because I was younger and therefore, cuter than him. The fillies in class like flying with me instead of him, so he decided to get me to hate flying. His ego was just as big as his guts, because if I told my sister he wouldn't fly right for a week. After that first week, my days got better. About another month later, I had just gotten home from flight elementary school. That day was rough, I barely passed my flight test and Silver Wing was at it again. I could swear that that colt thought he was better than Celestia. I thought my sister could help me relax, as she did almost daily. I dropped my bag off in my room and moved upstairs to Dashie's room. I heard a weird noise when I got halfway to her room. When I got to her door, I heard Dashie moaning. I thought she had a tummy ache or something. Weird for something a nine-year-old would think. I saw her door was closed. I knew when her door was closed, don't bother her. So I cracked the door a bit, just to check on her. What I saw was something that at the time I couldn't understand, but apparently affected my body. I saw Dashie on her bed. Her hooves were in between her hind legs. Whatever she was doing, she really liked it. I liked it too, I got heavier in between my hind legs too. When I looked in between them, I blushed, ran down the stairs and hid in my room. I laid on my bed, covered my head and tried to forget everything I just saw. I did forget about it, until a week later. I got to school and I saw my foalhood crush, Crystal Wing. When I saw her, that same heaviness from last week came back to my hind legs. I remembered everything I saw. I blushed redder than my coat would allow and ran away from school to home. Gladly, nopony knew I left, but my parents were surprised that I was home early. I lied and said school was out early. Thank Celestia they believed me. When I reached my door, I opened it, threw my backpack in and ran to find Dashie. Luckily, Dashie was still on summer break. I burst into her room and scared the buck out of her. "Flare!! What are you doing here?!" She yelled at me. "I-I-I ran out of school cause I need your help!" I said. I was visibly shaking. Dashie looked at me confused and walked up to me. "What's wrong bro?" She asked. "I-I-I....I don't know what to do!" I shouted. "What do you mean?" Rainbow asked. I turned around and showed her my member. "Make it go away!" I yelled. "You ran all the way here to show me your dick? That's gross!" She shouted at me. I turned back around. My eyes were shut tight and slightly tearing. "Dashie, this is serious! I don't know what to do!" I yelled stamping my hooves. I calmed down slowly to ask my next question. "I need your help. You're smart, can't you help me?" "Look, why don't we tell dad and he'll..." Rainbow Dash started. "No!! He'll get mad!" I argued. "Why would..?" She started. "You help me!" I argued Rainbow Dash looked at my face and saw the confusion, embarrassment and fear on my face. She started blushing bright red and fought with herself whether or not to do what she had in mind. She finally decided to help me. "Okay look! I know how to help you with your problem, but you have to swear never to tell anypony!" She stated, sternly. I nodded and smiled. "Okay, first lay down on my bed." She commanded. I obeyed and felt a warmth on my member. It was Dashie's hoof. She was slowly rubbing it up and down my shaft. "Dashie? What are you..." She put her other hoof to my lips. "Ssh. Just relax. I know what I'm doing." She said. I couldn't tell but I think I saw lust in her eyes, but her face was saying she didn't want to do this. I started to feel something in my member. I grit my teeth and shut my eyes. My breathing became short and shallow. It didn't hurt, it felt awesome. "Wow. You're packing a lot for a kid." Rainbow said. She had a smirk on her face. "W-what does that mean?" I asked. "You'll learn later. Now it's time to show you something new." Rainbow Dash said smiling. I looked at her confused. What was she thinking about? She started pepper my member with kisses. Lightly and slowly, she kissed my member one after another. Not soon after, I was harder than rock. Then, she did the unthinkable. She put my member in her mouth! My eyes opened and went wide. I felt a slight pressure against my member. I figured she was sucking on it like a lollipop. After she was done satisfying her mouth, she said, "Time to show you an important life fact." My eyes went wide as Dashie hovered about my member, then lowered down on me."Uh! W-wow, you're even bigger than I thought." Rainbow Dash. I looked up on say that my member wasn't there. It was inside Dashie. "Ok Flare, it's time for me to teach you a very important lesson. How to make a filly happy." Rainbow said. "Ah....h-how to make a f-filly happy? Is...is that what I really need?" I ask. "Yeah, you do. This is how foals are made." Rainbow Replied. A look of lust that was before hidden by a look of disbelief and anger appeared on Rainbow's face. "And this is how it starts." Rainbow Dash started slowly pumping up and down on my member and the pleasure of the new experience filled my's member and Rainbow's sex. The whole experience was more than I could handle. "D-Dashie! I....feel really funny. I feel something in my...funny place." I said. "I...it's ok. I"m about to cum too." Rainbow Dash said, panting heavily. "C-cum? What does that mean?" I asked. I slowly opened my eyes and saw the smirk on Dashie's face. All she said was: "This." I felt something rush out of my member and a white fluid mixed with a clear fluid leaked out of Dashie's sex. After that rush of adrenaline and pleasure, my ears started to ring and my entire body felt numb. I looked up to Rainbow Dash. "Dashie....that felt....amazing." I said. "I know. It was amazing." Rainbow Dash said, breathlessly. Dashie lowered her head onto my chest. "I love you baby bro." I smiled and wrapped my hooves around her. "I love you too, big sis." I said. We both fell asleep in each other's embrace. The End.