> Her Pure Trustworthy Honesty > by The Zman > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 - "Honest Love" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Her Pure Trustworthy Honesty" Chapter 1 - "Honest Love" Written by The Zman Hard to believe that it has been only 5 months since you incredibly left Earth and yet you have been living quite happily in the peaceful land of Equestria, a country inhabited by colorful ponies and various mythical creatures alike. The first time you ever came there, you were accidentally brought to a farm in Ponyville rather than Canterlot, due to a miscalculation from the ruler of the land, Princess Celestia, who on open occasions bring several humans from Earth to here, where they can start a new life. The owners of the farm were known as the Apple family, who were surprise to see you for the very first time. Especially one certain orange mare by the name of Applejack, the third youngest in the group of four ponies. In fact she was the first talking pony you've ever laid eyes upon, while lying on a stack of hay in a barn, confused. She had a blonde tied ponytail mane and tail, a Stetson hat on her head, beautiful emerald eyes, and probably the cutest freckles you've ever seen on any human or pony cheeks. You were shocked to see her speak and nearly panicked, but you did your best not to do anything reckless. Though after the introductions of her, her older brother Big Macintosh, her younger sister Applebloom, and her grandmother Granny Smith, you were quickly escorted to the capital city of Canterlot, where the Princess herself explained and apologized on why you were brought here, thanks to the help of her human boyfriend to your surprise. You wouldn't have guessed that a human would be in a romantic relationship with a pony, but you didn't judge it and got used to it in time. You were reassured and very grateful for being brought to Equestria. Life wasn't very easy back on Earth, due to financial issues and being alone, but here you got a productive job working and living at the very farm you first appeared in. Applejack insisted you come live with her and her family at Sweet Apple Acres and you were more than happy to accept. They quite frankly became your family in a short time. After those 5 months you got used to your new surroundings and your new life. And in the time, a feeling you never expected to have developed for certain mare. A mare you didn't expect to have feelings for. "Good job partner!" You hear Applejack say as you load a cart full of apples with the last bucket. During the past months, you seem to have improve on your health as well as your strength, due to the exercise of apple harvesting. "Thanks AJ. Another great day of work to you too." You complimented back with a smile. "Thank you, sugarcube. You know, work here in the farm has been so much easier since you first came here. I'm happy you're here to help out." Applejack admitted. "I am too, AJ. So much in my life has improved since I came here and I have you to thank." You said to her. "Aw shucks, it was nothin'. How about we call it a night?" "Yeah that sounds good. I'm pretty hungry anyway. What's for dinner?" "Let's go find out what Granny Smith is cookin'." "Good idea." You agreed and the both of you went to the house to grab some grub and head to bed. On the way, you can sniff the aroma of soup. "Mmmm smells good. What do you think it is?" You ask Applejack as you get nearer to the house, Applejack takes a whiff of the scent. "Whoa nelly, I know that tasty smell anywhere! That must be potato, celery, and carrot soup we're smelling." Applejack said with excitement. "It smells delightful. Can't wait to have it." "Me neither. It's one of my favorite things to eat. Aside from apples of course." Applejack joked and the both of you have a heartfelt laugh. You step on the porch getting ready to go in, but both of you stopped short from the door to continue your conversation. "Ya know, sugarcube? I'm really glad you're here. I really meant what I said about you being a great help here. Business was getting difficult with the bills and making recipes for sales before you arrived. But since you came, attracting customers and helping around the farm, things are going mighty smooth again. And you're to thank." Applejack spoke modestly. "Thank you, AJ. That's very sweet of you. But I'm sure the farm was already in good hooves with you managing it. You just hit a couple bumps on the road, that's all." You said sincerely. "Well, that's mighty nice of you. That's another thing I like about you, you're sweet, you're hardworking, and other than Pinkie Pie, you know how to make me smile." "Aww AJ. That means the world to hear you say that." You said with a large smile filled with joy. Just as you were about to continue your conversation, the door unexpectedly opened startling you both. "Come on, you two! Supper is getting cold!" Applebloom reminded the both of you before going back in. "I... guess we should get eatin'." Applejack suggested. "Yeah, you're right. Let's go." You said opening the door for the cowgirl. "Why thank you kindly." Applejack said, accepting your chivalry entering the house. "Your welcome, ma'am." You said as you entered last. After having potato, celery, and carrot soup (with Apple pie for dessert) you say goodnight to the rest of the Apple family and to Applejack last before going to the guest bedroom, which is in front of Applejack's room. As you lie on the bed resting your head on the pillow, staring up at the ceiling in thought, you begin to wonder about the mare you have feelings for. How does she feel about you, does she feel the same way about you, can it work? You want to try and muster up the courage to tell her how you feel, but you're too darn afraid that the negative end will come to pass. And she isn't too far either considering she's right next door in front of your bedroom door. That's right, you are in love with Applejack. She's beautiful, sweet, funny, thoughtful, and most importantly she's very honest. For you know every nice word she ever said about you is the absolute truth, making you feel very special. It warms your heart just thinking about her. But you want more than to just think of her, you want to tell her how you feel, hold her, kiss her. But will she accept you or reject you? You look at the clock on the dresser next to you and see that it's getting pretty late, so you decided to think about it tomorrow and you shut your eyes, shortly drifting to sleep. You wake up from the Princess' sunlight, beaming it's soothing warmth on your face. You got up and stretched your limbs, getting ready for the daily routine you usually do, like getting showered, brushing your teeth, getting dressed, and getting ready for work on the farm. Even though today is Thursday, it's a day off, due to the market being closed on Thursdays and having a feeling that it's also closed tomorrow for some reason but you can't put your finger on it. You dropped the subject for now and focused back on you hygiene routine. During your time in the bathroom, you began thinking again about how you want to approach your feelings with Applejack. After moments of thinking, you gave a deciding nod, knowing what you can do. You come out of the bathroom and walked downstairs, smelling a sweet scent of breakfast. You look in the kitchen to see Applejack serving breakfast, putting several breakfast foods on many plates on the table. There was pancakes, omelets, scrambled eggs, toast, juice, and of course, some sliced apples. They all looked so good you just want to eat them all. It didn't take long for her to notice you awake. "Good Mornin' partner. Sleep well?" Applejack greeted with a smile. "It was fine, thank you AJ. This looks good. Did you make all of this?" You asked. "Sure did. Since it's the weekend I thought I'd make us a tasty breakfast." "That's nice of you but you didn't have to do this." "I know but I wanted to." "Thanks Applejack." "Your welcome, sugarcube. Now go ahead and dig in before the others wake up." Applejack advised. You did just that, sitting down and started chowing down your morning meal. The other three joined shortly and had their share of food. After you were done, you rinsed and washed your plate and silverware, as well as everyone else's and the plates where the food was on. Applejack wanted to do it, but you insisted on doing it, which she was thankful for your generosity. During that time, Applejack said she had to check up on another human friend, who said he could help Twilight Sparkle, one of her friends she said she's been worried about due to her behavior lately. Twilight is a nerdy and awkward bookworm, who can get distracted and excited on the littlest of things, but she's another great, sweet friend of yours, who has help you through some problems during your first days in Ponyville. As she left, your plan comes to motion as you walk to the family room to meet with Granny Smith, who was relaxing on her rocking chair. "Hey, Granny Smith?" You asked grabbing, her attention while sitting down on the couch. "Yes sonny? Is there something I can help you with?" The old mare asked sweetly. "Actually yes. See, I have a question to ask you if you're okay with it." "Ask away. " "Tell me... do you remember what it felt like being in love?" "Why that's a very interesting question. Yes I do." Granny Smith said and grabbed a photo album from underneath her rocking chair and opened to a certain page, showing you a picture of her at a very young age, in a wedding gown, next to a stallion in a tuxedo in what looks like to a be a wedding ceremony. "It was a very long time ago, I fell in love with a very charming and handsome fella, who happens to be my husband. The first time I met him, he was as shy as a baby deer seeing her mother for the very first time. But in time he started becoming more comfortable around me and we started to develop a relationship. He admitted he was very nervous on how I felt about him on the day he proposed to me, saying that he didn't know how I felt about him and if I thought he wasn't good enough for me, he would understand. But it was the happiest moment of my life as I accepted. Yep, should've seen the smile on his face, it stretched so much I thought it was going to rip his cheeks. We lived happily together for decades before he died." Granny Smith said, having a sad expression on her. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." You apologized. "Nah it's alright. Besides, I got three amazing grandchildren living with me, keeping me living happily. I miss my husband with all my heart, but I'm also living my life happily." Granny Smith assured with a smile. "Good. Thanks Granny Smith! That helps me a lot." You said gratefully. "Help you with what exactly?" "Oh... well... what if I told you I was in love?" You asked nervously. "Oh? With whom?!" Granny Smith asked excitingly. "..." You didn't know how to answer. "Come on, dearie, don't be shy. I won't fret over it." Granny Smith promised assuringly. "...Applejack." You answered which made a surprised look on Granny Smith. "My Applejack? You're in love with my Applejack?" Granny Smith asked, still in a state of shock. "Yes." You admitted with a blush. "Well... is this surprising? Somepony, who is not a pony, has a crush on my granddaughter! Oh what happy days!" Granny Smith cheered, surprising you. "You mean you're not mad? You're not uncomfortable over the fact I'm not a pony?" You asked curiously. "Of course not, sweetie! I have longed to meet someone who wants to be with Applejack. She deserves the best and I think you're it." "Really?!" You asked, filled with ecstasy. "But I have one important question to ask you before you go out, hanging out with sweet Applejack. Do you want to make her happy?" Granny Smith asked you in a serious tone. "Of course I do! She means everything to me! She's sweet, beautiful, and the most honest pony to walk on this earth. And there's no one I would rather be with than AJ!" You declared unhesitantly. "Well... What are you waiting for?! Move your caboose and find your mare!" "What? Now?" "Of course now! It's now or never that Applejack gets the stallion she deserves. Now get and good luck!" Granny Smith said as she shoves you outside and shuts the door. You were in a trance, trying to catch up on what had transpired, but you shook your head and understood what you must do. You walk and went on to find Applejack, the love of your life. You walked for what feels like an eternity in Ponyville. You searched every corner possible, even at Applejack's friends houses. You tried Twilight's first, since she's the reason Applejack left, knocking on her door but no one answered. She's probably out somewhere else or maybe even asleep, so you decided to look out in town some more. You started to search in the outskirts of town and just when you were about to give up searching, you found her lying her head on her hooves on the side of the bridge. She seemed to have a troubled look on her. You can only hope it's nothing serious as you approach her. "AJ?" You called, catching her attention, surprising her a little. "Oh, hi sugarcube. Sorry I've been gone for a little while. I was just thinking." Applejack explained, looking back down at the water. "About what?" You asked curiously. "Well, I've been thinking lately about Twilight and I think I understand what her fuss is about." "Oh? And what's that?" "I think... I think she's stressed because of this one other particular human. I think she's in love with him." Applejack admitted, which surprised you little bit, considering that's ironically what you're there for. "Really? How do you know this?" You asked. "Whenever the guy is around, I noticed that she seems to have what I like to call 'twinkle eyes' meaning she seems to look at him with dreamy eyes but soon gets saddle sore about somethin'." Applejack explained. "I see. And... does this bother you?" "No, of course not! If Twilight is in love with him and they work it out, I'm rootin' happy for her. It's just that I didn't expect it." "I see." You said. Now is the absolute perfect chance to tell her now. "It's funny actually, because that's why I tried to look for you." You admitted. "Huh? Why?" Applejack asked curiously looking at you with those mesmerizing green eyes. "I need to confess something. And I'll admit it's not easy for me because I'm nervous of telling you." "Telling me what?" "You see AJ, ever since I first arrived here, I... developed feelings for one certain pony that I didn't think I would feel affectionate for. I've been bottling up these feelings for so long that I was afraid of what she might say about me, what she thinks of me. I was scared of getting the opposite reaction I'm hoping for. Will she love me back, will she deject me? That I don't know. But I do know that she's a very beautiful mare. She's cute, makes me laugh, has a magnificent voice, heck she gave me a home and a new life." You said, which widened Applejack's eyes in realization. "But the most important aspect about her is that she's the most honest and trusting living thing I have ever met. And I want to spend as much time as I can with her." You declared crouching to eye level with her. "Sugarcube... are you saying that-" Applejack tried to find the words. "Yes... It's you. You're that wonderful pony I'm in love with. And I can't imagine a better girl to be with than you, Applejack. If you don't feel the same for me... I'll understand." You said lowering your head away from her. A short silence took place before Applejack spoke up. "Honey... those... are exactly what I wanted to hear from you." Applejack said soothingly. "It is?" You asked surprisingly. "Yes. I was thinking of the exact same thing about you. Ever since I laid eyes upon you for the first time, I felt a connection between you and I. You are gentle, kind to my family, you're helpful, strong, and dare I say, handsome in human standards. I knew from there on out, that I fell in love with you. But since I'm a pony and you're a human, I thought you would be sickened about my feelings toward you and would leave the farm forever. I was so scared of the thought that I didn't want to take the risk. I didn't want to ruin our relationship. I couldn't bare it." Applejack said, who was at this point shedding tears. Hearing her say that relieved all of your worries. No longer do you have wonder. Now you know she feels the same as you do. "Applejack, you made me one of the happiest humans in the world." You declared, wrapping your arms around her neck in an affectionate hug, which she returns wrapping her forehooves around your neck, resting her head on your left shoulder, feeling warm tears drip down on your shirt to your skin. You didn't mind, you just want to be with her like this forever. You both pulled back and looked at each other deeply, knowing what's coming. You leaned your heads towards each other and connect your lips to a soft and loving kiss. Her lips were soft as silk, as well as her fur under your hands, also feeling her tears fall upon your cheeks. You pull her head towards you, deepening the kiss and earning a pleased moan from her. You both pulled back, ending the greatest kiss of both your lives. You dry her eyes out with your shirt, receiving a thankful smile from her. "So, does this mean we're a couple, that you're my special somepony now?" You asked. "It darn tootin' does." Applejack answered, nuzzling her cheek with yours which you gladly returned. "Let's head back to the barn. It's getting late and I would love for you to come with me in my room and... have a little fun." Applejack said in a very seductive tone with a wink, making you shiver a little with excitement. "Of course, dear." You agreed, placing your hand on her back and began heading for home. When you arrived at the house with your new beautiful mare, the only one present was Granny Smith, still in her rocking chair. She noticed where your hand is on Applejack's back and smiled, knowing that you've done it. You gave her a wink, signaling a thank you to her ,getting the message. "Big Macintosh!" Granny Smith shouted with Big Macintosh coming down the stairs to her what Granny Smith has to say. "Do ya mind if we both sleep in the carrot barn for the night? Applejack and the human boy want to have some privacy." Granny Smith asked. "Nope." Big Macintosh answered, making you and her sister smile thankfully. "Thank you, Big Mac." Applejack said. "Eeyup." Big Macintosh replied in his famous quote as he and Granny Smith exited the house and shut the door, leaving you two alone. "Now that we're alone, let's head upstairs to my room." Applejack suggested. "Okay then. Oh, what about Applebloom?" You asked curiously. "She's with the other Crusaders at the clubhouse having a slumber party. Don't worry about her." Applejack assured. "Good." You sighed and you both resumed heading upstairs. You enter Applejack's room and locked the door, just in case anyone tried to get in without knocking. You're determined to make this the night of Applejack's life. After taking her hat off and putting it on the hook by the door, she came to her bed, posing in a very attractive pose, lying on her side with her right hind hoof crossing in front of her left hind hoof, and her head resting on her left fore hoof. Eagerly, you joined in, wrapping your arms around her waist as she places her fore hooves on your shoulders as you both draw in for a loving kiss. You can't get enough of her soft lips that it's intoxicating. To make this even more romantic, you prod your tongue against her lips, which she gladly accepted the invitation and opened her mouth for her tongue to greet yours. You taste the flavor of apples in her mouth and it's a very sweet sensation you want to hold on to for a little longer. As it went on, she moans pleasantly in your mouth while your tongues dance. What felt like forever, the kiss finally ends as the both of you look directly at each other's orbs. "Let's get rid of those clothes, shall we?" Applejack asked soothingly. "Sure thing, honey." You agreed, getting used to sweet naming her. You sit up to take off your shirt and throw it to the ground. Next, you slip off your pants, letting it fall to the ground, exposing your underwear. Then you slip off your socks with your feet, almost completely naked. "Leave the underwear on. I want to take them off myself." Applejack said softly. "As you wish. Now it's your turn." You declared, placing your left hand on her head and stroked it down to the band tied around her hair and pulled it off, letting her mane flow freely. Next, your left hand strokes down her tail and does the same action to the band tied to it. What a marvelous sight to behold. You never knew she would look this beautiful with her hair and tail loosened, spreading across her body and bed. "You look so gorgeous." You told her lovingly as she blushes from your caring words. She caresses her hoof onto your cheek, which you returned. You pull in for another passionate kiss. While keeping your lips interlocked, you traced your left fingers down to her open entrance and began messaging it, making Applejack produce a surprised moan, turning it into pleasure. Shortly after a little teasing with her marehood, you insert two fingers eliciting another moan out of her. The night goes on as you two continue to kiss romantically and massaging her slit. You pulled back to look in her eyes again. "What do you want to do now, sweetheart?" Applejack asked you in a sultry voice. "Lie on your back. I want to feel every part of your body." You whispered. "I'd like that. Very much." Applejack whispered. Keeping your left hand in her entrance, she readjusts herself until she is on her back, waiting for you to make your move. Your right hand begins tracing down to her neck and down to her left fore hoof, while your left hand continues to message her opening, making her moan more and more. You then began rubbing her chest and her belly, making her moan louder in delight, making her feel wonderful. Her right hoof then began caressing your hair, moving it's way down to your cheek. She pulls your head in for another heavenly kiss. Soon you felt your underwear being slipped out by Applejack's hoof, feeling your erect member being set free from the fabric prison. Applejack pulls out to check out your masculinity. "Whoa nelly. So that's what it looks like. It looks different from a stallions, but at the same time it looks really nice." Applejack gasped at the sight of your stiff member, making you blush a little bit. You suddenly shivered as you felt her hoof stroke your manhood slowly. Your lips returned for another union as you both massage and pleasure each other's sensitive areas. About 5 minutes past and you both continue to moan in each other's mouths, while at the same time pleasing each other down below. But you both knew this had to come to an end and you halt your kissing and messaging, smiling at each other. "Make love to me, dear. I want you and only you." Applejack declared. "Very well. Are you sure though? I don't want to pressure you to making you do this." You asked. "I'm sure." Applejack assured with that sweet sweet smile of hers. "Okay." You nodded, lying down on your back so Applejack can slide on top of you. Once in place, you both stare into each other's eyes a little longer, savoring this moment. "Is this your first time?" You asked. "Yeah. But I want nothin' more than for you to be my first." Applejack admitted, smiling at you. "I'm glad to hear that. It's my first time too. And I love for you to be my first too." You admitted as well. She lowers for another short kiss as you slide your hands down to her butt. When the kiss ended, you gripped her flanks and aligned your manhood with her marehood and entered slowly. You both gasped in pleasure from the union. The feeling was indescribable as you lie there with her, getting used to the new experience. "Applejack... I love you so much." You sighed. "I love you too." Applejack repeated, whispering your name as she begins moving on you. You give support, moving her hips up and down as you help guide them. She begins to moan softly, enjoying this wondrous feeling just as much as you. Being bonded with her felt like a dream come true, knowing the love of your life is here with you having an intimate moment together. You want this to last forever and telling by Applejack's face she's thinking the same thing. Both your moans get slightly louder as the night goes on, also increasing your pleasure with each other. Later you felt pressure build up in your manhood, feeling like its ready to burst. Applejack hears your moaning increase volume and can tell you were close. She taps you on the shoulder to grab your attention, which is what you do, gazing at her curiously. "Pull out... quickly." Applejack moaned and you obeyed, sliding your member out. "Is there something wrong?" You asked worriedly. "Nah, not at all, partner. You are doing great. I just want to finish in a different way." Applejack explained. "Okay. How?" You asked. Applejack beckons you off the bed for a little bit. Doing as she orders, you stood up while Applejack gets on all fours. She bends down her front, presenting her natural luscious butt to you. "I want to finish like this. Most pony folk would like to mate this way because they say it's a pleasurable way to end." Applejack said. "Of course, my sweet Applejack." You whispered in her ear, sending shivers down her body. You adjust yourself back on the bed on your knees. Then once at perfect height you aligned your stiff hard member to her entrance ready to continue your bonding. You push forward again and you groaned in ecstasy feeling much more pleasured in this new position. Applejack moaned along with you also getting used to the new adjustment. You began thrusting back and forth with your hands on her hips to help guide you into her. Her moans are music to your ears, which help motivate you to keep this night going for as long as possible. Some time has past as both your pleasure builds up, feeling incredible on each thrust. Both of your moans continue to cry out in the room, your passion for each other continuing to grow each moment. Mating with her this way is an incredible pleasure to experience that you don't want to end. You have a feeling she doesn't want this moment to end anytime soon either. "More!" Applejack moaned. You couldn't argue as you give her as much pleasure as possible, holding on for a little while longer. The passion of the moment has laid a toll on both of you, making you both sweat more and more as the night goes on. Her intoxicating moans are driving you crazy, getting louder and louder as you start feeling your masculinity reaching its peak. You feel a wet dampness inside her before finally bursting inside her, producing one more loud and loving moan from her and yourself. After you finish you pull out of her and collapse on your back next to her, where you both pant from exhaustion. A few moments later and you were both breathing normally again. You look over at Applejack, who stares back at you with a lovely smile, which you returned. She looks so adorable with her hair sprawled across her bed. "Whoo-wee Sugarcube, that was amazing." Applejack sighed happily. "Indeed it was. Wow." You gasped, thinking back from the wonderful experience you just had with her. "I never thought that it would feel so good. We should do this again sometime. If you're up for it that is." "Of course, honey. I wouldn't have it any other way." You declared, receiving another beautiful smile from her. You both lean your heads toward each other for a heartfelt kiss. Tonight was one of many great moments to come in the future for both of you. Your relationship looks brighter than ever now. The kiss ends as you both stare into each other's orbs for a little longer. "Would you like to sleep and snuggle with me in my room? You can from now on." Applejack offered. "I would love to." You accepted and got up briefly so you can both get under the sheets. Once you're in, you pull up the sheets and blankets over both of you and you wrap your arms around Applejack, holding her close to you with her head under your chin and her hooves resting on your chest. You hear her sigh lovingly from your embrace. "You know, you look so beautiful without those bands tied to your mane. You should have your hair loosened a little more often." You suggested, making her blush from your compliment. "Hmmm... I don't know. I kind of like my ponytail style. But you really think so, sugarcube?" Applejack asked. "Yes. It is the most beautiful look I've ever seen from you." "Aww thank you, sweetheart." Applejack cooed, giving you a peck on the lips. "I wonder what Twilight will think about this once she hears about it. If she's really in love with that other human, she and the others are in for a nice surprised." Applejack giggled, making you chuckle along and your heart flutters from her cute laughing. "Yes they are." You agreed and kissed your new mare on the forehead, making her sigh softy again. "I love you, sugarcube." Applejack whispered. "I love you too, Applejack." You whispered back and you two settled in for the night, before falling asleep together peacefully. This is the start of a bright new future for you and your special somepony. And you hope for more great moments with your honest Applejack. > Chapter 2 - "Out on a Date Preview" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Chapter 1 has been updated. Make sure you see the changes in Chapter 1 first before continuing. Enjoy.] Morning arrives and the warm sunshine beams caress your face. You slowly open your eyes, seeing you are in Applejack's bedroom. Looking over at the clock, you see that it's 8:28 PM. You then realized you're holding Applejack in your arms with an adorable smile on her face. You then recall the events that happened last night, remembering the romantic events that took place. You squeeze her tighter in your arms, which causes her to smile to grow even bigger as she moans softly. Her eyes open and she looks up at you sweetly. "Good morning, sugarcube." Applejack whispered. "Good morning, AJ. How was your sleep?" You asked. "I have never felt so relaxed in my life. I couldn't remember the last time I felt so special." "Same here." You replied, holding her even closer. She nuzzles your chest in response to the affectionate moment. Shortly, she pulls back to look at you and you lean your heads for a quick morning kiss. You were both content to just lie in bed for while longer, cherishing each other's presence. You then thought of something you can do with your new mare for the day. "Say AJ? Since we have the day off today, would you like to go out and spend some time together in town, then we can go out for dinner tonight? I think it would be a great way to spend our first date together." You offered softly. "I would love that very much, sugarcube." Applejack whispered. After giving each other one more short kiss, you both get up and stretched. You then grabbed your clothes and put them back on. Applejack grabs her bands to tie her hair. "Mind helping me put my bands back on, honey? I would appreciate it." Applejack asked. "Sure, sweetie." You said, receiving a giggle from Applejack. She gives you the bands and she sits down to help you get the bands on. You start with her mane, rolling up the end of her hair and tied the band around it, returning it to the recognizable ponytail style. You moved on to the tail, doing the same process as her mane, tying the band at the end of her tail. Once you were done, you stand back to admire your work. Applejack stood up and grabbed her mane to take a look at the band. "Not bad. You did a mighty fine job, partner!" Applejack commended with a grateful smile. "Thank you. Now, what do you want to do first today?" You asked. Applejack places a thinking hoof on her chin in response. "Hmmm... Oh I know! I just remembered, the Ponyville Hearts and Hooves Day Fair is taking place outside of town. That should be a great place to start the day!" Applejack suggested. "That's a great idea! I forgot today was Hearts and Hooves Day! And after that, how about we find a place to have dinner together?" You added. "That sounds mighty nice. It's settled then. The fair doesn't open until 3:00, so let's have some quality time together here at the barn." "Okay then. Sounds good." You said as Applejack puts on her stetson hat and you both walk out the bedroom to start the day together. You both cook breakfast together, with the two that slept in the carrot farm and the three Crusaders joining. After a delightful breakfast, you and Applejack have some conversations about each other's lives and greatest memories. Hearing and talking about each other was a nice way to past the time and a great way to get to know each other better. You also had some fun playing with her dog Winona. She's a cute pet dog to have fun with time to time, for she would play like any dog back on Earth. Another ironic similarity both worlds share. Nearly 6 and half hours later, you both tell the group what you are going to do for the day and they wished you both a good day. The both of you departed the barn to head for the fair. You enter town, passing by many pony and human folks alike. You both then noticed while passing by Town Hall, there were decorations and a stage being set up near it. "I wonder what's going on here." You said, looking at the work taking place as you walk by. "It's probably a dance for the holiday going on today. I bet there's going to be a lot of pony and human folk dancing here tonight." Applejack reckoned. "Probably." You agreed. "Hi Applejack!" a familiar voice shouted. You looked back with your special somepony to find Pinkie Pie and the rest of her friends Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Rarity approaching. "Howdy, ya'll! What brings you all here? And where's Twi? Is she doing any better?" Applejack asked happily. "That's what we're here to tell you, darling. We just talked to her not too long ago." Rarity answered. "And Twilight said that she is doing awesome now!" Rainbow Dash said. "Why that's might fine to hear. How did you girls pulled it off?" Applejack asked curiously. "We didn't! Apparently, the guy we talked to the other day had a little chat with her and all she needed was a little push." Pinkie explained. "Push for what?" "Well, you see, she's now in a... relationship with him now." Fluttershy explained nevously, making Applejack widened her eyes in shock. "Really?! That's great to hear!" Applejack cheered jubilantly. "Oh, and I see you brought your human worker friend along. How are you doing today, darling?" Rarity asked, noticing you next to Applejack. "I've been great. Never better." You said. "And we got something to tell you all too." Applejack added. "What?" the group asked with excited smiles on them. "We too are in a relationship." Applejack announced which made the four gasped in unison. "Oh my gosh, this is exciting, are you excited, I've never been so happy for two set of romantic couples in one day! This has got to be on my 'Plan a Party' to do list! It'll be a 'Congratulations for Becoming a Couple' party!" Pinkie cheered gleefully, which is expected from the bubbly pink pony. "You too?! You lucky girl, you!" Dash congratulated, giving your mare a small bump in the arm with her hoof. "How wonderful to hear. I'm so happy for you both." Fluttershy joins in the happy occassion. "As am I. Who would've thought that two of our friends would be in a relationship with two great, handsome humans? To be honest I'm quite jealous." Rarity admitted, making Applejack giggle. "Thanks, girls. It's nice to hear ya'll supportin' us." Applejack said gratefully. "Well of course we support you! We don't care if you're dating with another species. You're our best friend and we'll never think differently of you because of this." Rainbow Dash commented. "Aww shucks. Thanks, ladies." Applejack thanked gratefully, assured that her friends are on her side. The group gives her a group hug, continuing to show their support. The sight makes you smile. Soon though, the group let's go. "So, are you two heading somewhere now that you two are a couple?" Rainbow Dash asked. "We're just heading for the Hearts and Hooves Day Fair and head out for dinner tonight." You answered. "Oh my. We're so sorry for interrupting your date. I hope we weren't a bother." Fluttershy apologized nervously. "It's alright, sugarcube. Don't worry about it." Applejack assured. "Well, don't let us keep you waiting, you two go and have fun!" Pinkie exclaimed. "Yes, darling. Go ahead and have yourselves a romantic day." Rarity joined. "Okay then. Bye!" Applejack waved along with you as you two leave. "Bye!" the others shouted, waving as well. "That was interesting." You said to Applejack. "It sure was. I knew there was something going on with Twilight and our other human friend." Applejack said. You do remember who she is talking about. He's been in Equestria longer than you have and he was the first human you've met in this world. He seemed pretty nice and did help you get used to the new livings in Equestria. You tried to remember his name but you seem to have forgotten. You can't exactly blame yourself, it has been awhile since the last time you met him. You hope the next time you see him, you'll ask for his name. But you drop the thought for now and focus getting to the fair with your mare. "Now then, you ready to head to the fair?" You asked. "You bet!" Applejack answered, smiling at you as you place your hand on her back and you head for the fair. [Rest of chapter coming soon.]