> Of Dragons and Mortals > by Rakni > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of Dragons and Mortals Prologue: Awakening Ponyville. A calm, quiet town in Equestria's countryside. Also the site of several of the most important events in recent history, as well as the home of Equestria's newest princess and the Elements of Harmony, who frequently play host to the god of chaos and go on epic, world-saving adventures. So maybe not very quiet, but Ponyville is nonetheless calm and an all around pleasant place to be. The keepers of the Elements are not the only remarkable individuals that live in this unassuming but oh-so-important town. Ponyville is also the home of the only friendly dragon in Equestria, a young and small dragon named Spike. One warm summer evening, Spike found himself sitting in the park with no one around, sighing and thinking. The park was always abandoned at this time of night, so this had become a spot that the young dragon used to sort out his thoughts without his friends and loved ones distracting him. Sometimes one needs to be alone, after all. The young dragon had actually grown a bit in the many years he had spent in the small town: his fire breath was more powerful than ever, he was stronger, and his voice had dropped, among other things signifying a growing young drake. His physical growth, though, seemed to have been stunted, as he was only a little bigger than he had been when he first moved to Ponyville from Canterlot. He was a little bigger than the 'cute little dragon' Twilight Sparkle had brought with her, but he still looked prepubescent. Generally, however, this was simply written off as dragons aging differently from other species. Spike was deep in thought, but still perked up when he heard the sound of a male voice singing. This was closely followed by the sound of a lute being played. Smiling in spite of himself, Spike straightened out and looked over towards the sound. He was rewarded with the appearance of a dust-gray unicorn with blue eyes and chestnut-brown mane. His name was Quick Wits, and he was a traveling musician who had been in Ponyville a week, performing in the streets. He was really good, too. The unicorn was walking down the path, giving off an aura of relaxation while spinning his latest tune on his lute, a smooth song about moonlight and twinkling stars, with a calm and soothing melody. For a moment, Spike wondered if the distracted bard would simply walk past without noticing him, but when Quick was a few paces away from the bench, he stopped. Quick looked at Spike as though startled to see him. “Nice song,” Spike said, smiling. “Thanks,” Mr. Wits replied, frowning at him. “What's wrong, little guy?” “What do you mean?” “I mean you look like you're deep in thought about something unpleasant.” The unicorn leaned his lute against the bench and sat down next to Spike. “Mare troubles?” “I guess you could say that.” Spike answered, leaning back on the bench. Quick was very easy to talk to, and always seemed eager to lend an ear to anypony’s troubles, so Spike didn't mind talking to him. Still... “It's... complicated.” “Hey, try me!” Quick exclaimed, patting Spike on the back. “I'm smarter than I look.” Spike looked over to him and couldn't help but smile. Quick Wits was every inch a “pretty boy,” with the sort of roguish, almost boyish good looks that many nobles would kill to have. Quite like a teenage heartthrob, really. “You'd pretty much have to be, huh?” “Ouch! Low blow,” the unicorn replied. He clutched his chest dramatically, but grinned good-naturedly with mirth in his eyes. Quick's eyes were indeed surprisingly bright with intelligence and laughter, but it was 'surprising' because his kind of looks usually signified a dense mind coasting on appearances or a dim-witted noble who worried more about accessorizing his look than anything else. “But seriously, problems don't get better by going over them again and again on your own. Fresh input often helps.” Spike's smile faded, and he turned his head down to stare at the ground. “I don't... It's complicated.” “You said that already.” Spike looked up at his companion and studied him. He had quickly come to like Quick Wits, pretty much since the moment he first saw him. There was something about the traveling bard that made Spike feel like he could be trusted; he had spread laughter effectively enough to make Pinkie Pie proud, and he was kind and respectful to everyone he met. It was a young friendship the two young men shared, but a strong one. And something told Spike that even if Quick didn't understand, he'd at least try to. “There's something wrong with me,” Spike finally said. He quietly waited for Quick's response. None came, so he looked up to find the unicorn silently observing him. Taking his silence as a go-ahead, Spike continued. “It's a dragon thing, I know it, I just... know it...” “What is it?” Quick said, his voice calm and supportive. “What's wrong?” “I'm... stunted. I'm growing up slowly. Don't say it!” Spike held up a hand to forestall the inevitable response. “It's not how dragons age, I know it isn't.” The hand went down and balled up in his lap as he slumped forward and gazed at the ground. “Some years ago, the dragon migration passed by. The trail is right next to Ponyville, so my friends and I went over to observe it. I realized that I didn't know anything about dragons and... well... I followed the migration to learn more, to be with my kin.” Spike's posture tightened, and he felt Quick's hand rest on his back in a show of support. “Things didn't work out. The dragons were bullies. I didn't... I don't want anything to do with them. So I returned home. But I learned a bunch of stuff. Some of the dragons there were just a few years older than me at the time, the same age I am now, and they were... well... pony-sized. Bigger than I am.” “And you're sure it's not your breed of dragon?” Quick said, gently rubbing the small dragon’s back. “I'm sure. I can't explain it, but... I know there's something wrong with me, I just don't know what... It's...” He paused and searched for the right words. “A gut feeling?” Quick supplied. “Yeah. I have a gut feeling, an instinct... I know there is something wrong, that I'm not developing as I should, it... it's aggravating! I feel so helpless!” “Can you describe it to me?” “I'll try... I feel... I feel like something is holding me back. Something is stunting me. I mean, I'm strong, my voice has changed, my abilities are getting stronger, all signs of a dragon maturing, and my mind also feels more mature, but my body… it just doesn't follow up.” “Hence the mare troubles.” “Yeah. I'm sure you know I'm close with some of the prettiest mares in Ponyville. About a year ago, I realized that... well... I began to be attracted to them... you know... physically.” “But...?” “But I'm still too small. Look at me, I'm of age but look like a minor! I can't... I can't be with a mare that way... and the ones I know would never be interested in a… in a child in that way. Which I suppose is a good thing, really.” “So you want to grow up?” “I want whatever is wrong with me to be fixed! I keep...” Spike paused. This was another doozy, and he needed to word it right. “The same gut feeling is telling me that this problem is of a dragon nature. And ponies know next to nothing about dragons. I want... I want to stay with my friends, my family. This place, Equestria, is the only home I've ever known, and I'm happy here, I truly am...” “But...?” “But as much as I hate them... the only ones who may have an answer for me are the dragons... I keep playing with the thought of going out to find them again.” Spike closed his eyes, unshed tears building in them. “I can't live like this. I can't go around feeling all wrong... But every time I make plans, every time I plan to sneak off in the middle of the night, or have a farewell party arranged, or just go out on a walk and not come back...” Spike choked back a sob and actually smiled. “Twilight asks me to make my famous nachos, she loves them so much and that smile when she eats them... Pinkie shows up with a freshly frosted diamond cupcake, just because she wants to make me smile...” Genuine warmth entered Spike's voice as he reminisced about his friends. “Fluttershy asks for help with her animals, and we end up having a picnic with her animal friends... Applejack will show up and offer some expertly baked apple goods, or just good conversation... Rainbow Dash and I will end up discussing those adventure novels we both love so much... Rarity will give me a rare gem to snack on and smile that beautiful smile... Or the Cutie Mark Crusaders, or I guess Conquerors now... Making music with Sweetie Belle, working on new contraptions with Apple Bloom, or cheering Scootaloo on as she performs... Or any number of things, really...” “That sounds wonderful,” Quick said, his voice filled with warmth. “And that's just the ones closest to me. Every time I think I have the determination to go after the dragons, someone will do something, or need something, that makes me just... want to stay. It's the little things that make me feel like I truly belong here. With them.” “I understand. You have wonderful people who care deeply for you, and who you care deeply for. I gotta ask though, do you have any male friends?” “I do, they're just not as important to me.” “Hey, I can respect that. Nothing wrong with being a ladies' man.” A sudden gleam appeared in Quick's eye, a gleam that Spike missed. “Would you defend your friends with your life?” Well, that came out of nowhere. Spike looked up at Quick Wits and looked into his eyes. Those blue eyes were harder than he had ever seen them, and completely serious. It was an unexpected question, but an easy one to answer. “Yes.” A few moments of silence passed, and Spike couldn't shake the sensation that he was being tested somehow. But then Quick's eyes softened and returned to the look he knew. Spike felt as though he had passed whatever test it had been. “I may be able to help,” Quick said. There was a new sensation in the air now. Quick seemed more impressive and important somehow and gave off a sort of aura that made him seem trustworthy. It was odd. The sensation vanished as soon as Spike became aware it existed, and Quick was just Quick again. “See, I may not be an expert on dragons,” he began, “but I have something here...” The unicorn dug his fingers into the front pocket of his pants and produced a small, black gem. There was something strange about it... “What is that?” Spike asked, leaning closer to it. It smelled… interesting. And it also smelled, which was odd for a gem. “A dragonstone. Or 'The Dragonstone', I'm not sure.” Quick rolled the small gem around in his hand and fixed Spike with a relaxed gaze. “I got it in a thrift store in... Canterlot, I think. It was after a dragon scare.” Quick smiled. “The shop owner told me the stone had a mystical connection with dragons and would ward off dragon attacks. And I had some spare money and I was feeling a little paranoid, so I bought it. It's been with me for years, and I haven't met any dragons.” He chuckled slightly. “'Course, no one has, so the stone is useless to me. Didn't keep you away from me either, huh?” Quick held up a finger and smiled. “But! There is magic in this gem, magic unlike anything I've seen in ponykind. Maybe the shopkeeper wasn't spouting nonsense, maybe it has a special connection with dragons. I mean, you seem to be all over it.” Spike caught himself leaning almost all the way forward trying to smell the gem. It was a unique scent, and quite alluring. “Sorry...” “Don't be. Here.” Quick held out his hand, and Spike slowly extended his own to grab it. The two hands brushed with the gem in the middle, and a surge passed through Spike. When he then slowly retracted his hand, the gem rested in his palm. It was exuding an odd sensation. Following some primal instinct, Spike popped the gem into his mouth, chewed, and swallowed. The world fell away. A few years ago, Spike had experienced the full weight of the dragons’ greed and their violent natures. He had stolen and destroyed and grown to satisfy his basest desires. It had been a terrifying experience. Now he was suddenly feeling it all again, that overwhelming sensation of greed and the power it promised. He could take what he wanted, build a hoard unlike anything that had ever been seen, destroy all who opposed him... As this seductive power whispered to him, Spike began to panic. He had been down this road before, and turning back had been almost impossible. It had cost him nearly everything. What if he fell again? What if...? Spike's mind was a dark place. Suddenly, there was light. The world came back into half-focus. A hand was grasping his shoulder tightly. “You're stronger than that,” Quick said, his voice cutting through the overwhelming sensations rushing through the young dragon's mind. “Fight it.” And Spike fought. He tried to suppress the emotions, the overwhelming greed and associated rage, the urge to take and take to satisfy himself. He succeeded. The sensations faded at his insistence, the previously overwhelming impulses bending at his will and fading away. His head felt clear, and another sensation washed over the young dragon's mind: Control. He had complete control over himself, over his power, over his mind. No draconic instincts reared their ugly heads. He had powers beyond what he thought was possible, and they were at his clawtips without forcing themselves on him. He was nothing like the savage beast he had once been. That was when the first flash of information surged through his mind. He flinched. Scripts he had never read, places he had never been, history he had no way of knowing, knowledge of all kinds that he had never acquired flashed through his mind at a dizzying pace. Spike slumped in his seat again and clutched at his head. “It feels like someone blasted a library into my head!” He half-shouted, claws scratching at his head in a desperate attempt to slow the surges down and hopefully make them understandable. “I know.” Quick replied. Spike looked over at the unicorn, who regarded Spike with a certain pride in his eyes. The odd sensation of trust and strength was back, this time stronger than ever. By focusing on Quick, Spike found a calm island in the storm of his mind, and was able to concentrate a bit. Information flashed before his mind's eye, the sudden influx of knowledge trying to identify the “bard.” “You need to get some rest, Spike. Things will be clearer in the morning,” Quick said, standing up and holding his hand out to help Spike up. But the dragon hesitated. His instincts told him to trust Quick, but this whole situation was odd, and there was a lot more to the traveler than he had let on. Facts and tidbits flashed before Spike's mind too quickly to focus on. “Who... What are you?” he finally asked, meeting the unicorn's eyes. They twinkled, and Quick smiled softly, dropping his hand back to his side. Something told Spike that the gem was not the cause of these odd sensations. “What did you do to me?” “You're more perceptive than I thought... Get some sleep, Spike.” Suddenly, Spike was lifted from the bench by a shimmering blue disc made of magic. “Maybe you'll have your answer tomorrow.” The disc sped off towards the library with Spike helplessly along for the ride. As he glanced back one last time at the strange bard, who had turned away and was walking off, Spike's newly “improved” mind finally gave him something concrete. A word, a title. “Dragonheart...” Spike muttered. The disc flew Spike to the library's door and sunk into the ground, leaving the young dragon on his hands and knees in front of the door to his home. Along with the title for the mysterious bard was a sensation: Dragonheart was a friend, could be trusted, and Spike should do as he suggested. His mind still reeling from massive information overload, Spike managed to get the door open with significant effort, and stumbled inside. This late at night Twilight was already asleep upstairs, so she wasn't there to question his almost drunken gait and head-clutching as he shut the door, locked it, and almost stumbled down to the cellar, also known as “Spike's room.” He barely reached his bed before he collapsed, allowing unconsciousness to claim him. Tomorrow would be a new day. > Chapter 1: A New Day, a New Life > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of Dragons and Mortals Chapter 1: A new day, a new life. The sun rose over Ponyville on that lazy summer day, casting its beautiful glow over the streets and gently waking the ponies from their warm beds. Twilight Sparkle, longtime student of magic and Equestria's newest princess, woke from her slumber by the rays of the sun that fell through the curtains on her window. Slowly extracting herself from her bed, Twilight walked over to the mirror, rubbing sleep out of her eyes. The sight that greeted her was the same as she had seen countless times. The soft pink nightgown, the coat that was slightly messed up from sleeping, and, most eye-catching of all, the massive bed-head that today was actually managing to cover her horn (and most of her head.) “Oh my,” Twilight muttered. She grabbed a brush and quickly tamed her hair back to its usual style. She tended to her purple wings next, her slender fingers moving through the feathers and resetting them. They were a mess. She must really have slept hard. Next, Twilight brushed her teeth, then changed into her clothes and stood in front of the mirror again. She was dressed in a simple pink sundress that Rarity had said “beautifully hugged her curves”. It was a breezy outfit, as it was shaping up to be a warm summer day today. With her morning routine done, she went downstairs to get some breakfast. Now, on an ordinary day, there was exactly a 76% chance that Spike would already be up by the time Twilight descended the stairs to the kitchen, and if he was, he would be making breakfast. But Twilight noticed that today was apparently not one of those days, as her number one assistant was nowhere to be seen, and the kitchen was untouched from last night. Said number one assistant had moved into his own room almost a year ago, which had caused mixed feelings in Twilight. On the one hand, it was more than a little sad that her oldest friend, and in some ways perhaps her closest friend, was moving away from her, however short the distance may have been. But on the other, she could not help but notice that Spike was growing up, and an unattached young mare sleeping in the same room as a teenaged stallion was not exactly appropriate, dragon or not. Spike might still look like a child, but he often seemed so grown up. “Spike?” she called into the library's main room, just in case he was up and she had failed to notice him. No answer. “He's probably still in bed.” Twilight nodded to herself and walked over to the basement door. She knocked. “Spike?” No answer, but a familiar sleepy groan emanating from the space beyond the door confirmed that her number one assistant was indeed in there. Sometimes (20% of the time on ordinary days) he needed help waking up, help she was happy to provide. (On the remaining 4% they would wake up at the same time and they would meet in the main room.) Twilight opened the door and softly walked down the stairs, calling out again and getting another groan in response. Once she reached the bottom, a simple flick of magic lit the lamp and illuminated the room. It doubled as her lab, so one side of the room was crammed full of workbenches and machines that Twilight used for her research. The other half was sparsely decorated with pictures, books and other knick-knacks that Spike had brought down when he started sleeping there. He had also purchased a single pony-sized bed for himself, a bed that had always been too large for him. It was at the bed that Twilight's eyes froze and warning bells began going off in her head. The shape lying wrapped in the cover on the bed was perfectly pony-sized. For a few moments, Twilight worried that a stranger had broken into her home, but then she spotted Spike's green spikes poking out of the top of the blanket, and another worry took precedence. Okay, don't panic. Twilight began to panic. Last time he grew, he almost wrecked Ponyville. But... there's something different this time, isn't there? He’s not growing right now and he’s not rampaging… Not yet, anyway. The dragon on the bed groaned and stirred a bit, almost like he was in pain. Protective urges at her dragon’s suffering threatened to overpower her trepidation at his larger size, but she still remained rooted and scanned the bed from a distance. That was when it struck her: last time, all those years ago on his birthday, his bed (or, well, sleeping basket) was covered in stuff, a proto-hoard for a growing dragon. This time, there was only a large, cover-wrapped shape on an otherwise bare bed. No signs of hoarding at all. When Spike released another low groan of pain, Twilight could no longer hold herself back and walked up to the side of the bed. “Spike?” she asked tentatively. “Are you okay?” “Twilight?” came the familiar voice, the deep tenor Spike's voice had grown into over the years. It hadn't changed from the one she had heard the day before. “Yeah, I'm okay, only... my muscles hurt.” “You sure?” “I actually feel great aside from the muscle ache. Never...” A groan cut him off. “Never better.” A minute or so of relative silence passed, broken only by the noises Spike made. He kept squirming on the bed, but the groans became less and less pained before they quieted down completely. “Oh. It doesn’t hurt anymore,” Spike said, relief entering his voice. Another minute passed in silence. Spike squirmed, but still didn’t surface from the all-consuming cover. Twilight hesitated for a bit. Something about the way he was wrapped... “You're stuck in the covers, aren't you?” Another pause. “...Yes. I don't wanna rip them, but I can’t seem to find a way out.” “Okay, I'll help you.” Spike's sheepish tone and the warmth in his voice had helped soothe Twilight's nerves. She walked closer to the bed, climbed on and reached out with her hands, slowly unwrapping her oldest friend from the entangling trap. It was... fascinating. Spike had grown significantly overnight. For a moment, Twilight flashed back to the Spike she had seen the last and only other time she had awoken to find him grown up, but this time he looked different. His fangs were more subtle, his features softer, and his body shape was remarkably stallion-esque. He was still unmistakably a dragon, with a fringe for a mane, and a body covered in scales, but his features had softened a bit, and his fangs were less pronounced than on the other dragons she had seen in the past. Twilight actually lost her breath when Spike managed to sit up and the sheets pooled around his lower waist. She had always known that he was strong, but the current Spike was built like an athlete, with powerful muscles rippling beneath his smooth purple scales. Again Twilight was surprised, not only at the change itself, but at how said change seemed much more pony-like than the transformation she had witnessed all those years ago. Twilight took the whole thing in. She didn't realize she was openly staring until Spike cleared his throat. Her eyes snapped back up to his with an unbidden blush rising on her cheeks. “My, uh...” Spike started, himself struggling to not ogle the pretty mare sitting on his bed in a simple sundress. “My clothes seem to have been torn up from my... growth.” “Yes?” Twilight answered, her usually brilliant mind struck dumb for the moment. “Which means I'm naked under here...” There was a pause as Twilight processed the statement, and her eyes wandered--of their own accord, mind you--down Spike's chest as if to confirm that, yes, he was naked. Her eyes continued down until they landed on the part of his body that was still hidden from her view, in other words, below his waist. The smooth, scaly abs held her attention for longer than she was proud of, and her eyes tracked them until they reached the bottom of his abs, partly hidden under the blanket.  And dangerously close to where her hands were resting. With a squeak not unlike a mutual friend of theirs, Twilight shot up from Spike's bed and beat a hasty retreat out of his room, up the stairs and into the kitchen. “What just happened down there?” Twilight asked out loud as she stood in the kitchen and tried to collect her thoughts. “Okay, Twilight, you can do this.” What exactly “this” was, she was unsure. “Let's just go over what you know.” Using the breathing technique passed down to her by her foalsitter and senior princess, Twilight managed to calm down significantly (though she couldn't shake that damn blush.) With new-found strength, she summoned a quill and parchment. “Yesterday, Spike was small. For all intents and purposes he looked like a child, in spite of his age. We, as in me, the girls and the princesses, had collectively come to the conclusion that this was simply the natural way of things for dragons. They grow up slowly, seems... seemed only logical.” The quill sped across the parchment, held in Twilight's magic. “He grew up suddenly another time on his birthday a few years ago; this was heralded by a surge of greed and hoarding. It ended in a rampage through Ponyville that resulted in property damage and many mildly traumatized ponies.” Her eyes strayed to the door down to the basement, which she had slammed shut in her hurry. “This time, there was no warning. No sudden greed, no hoarding. In fact, when Spike was observed this morning, there was no sign of new items, pilfered or otherwise, to indicate that he had fallen to his greed.” Twilight's blush, which had almost faded, returned full force, and she turned to face the kitchen counter. “His... physical form is also different from what was previously observed. Last time, Spike was predatory and lizard-like, like the more savage types of dragons in the world. This time... this time he's filled out more, becoming quite muscular. His body-shape last time was towards the predatory, lean hunting machine. This time he's more...” The blush intensified. “Like an athletic stallion… dragon... something.” Twilight trailed off and stared into space for a bit. Now that her long-dormant libido had calmed down, her more anxious side kicked in. What if something bad had happened to Spike? What if he was, in fact, moments from a greed rampage? What if his sudden change alienated him from their friends? What if... Twilight's frantic thought processes screeched to a halt when she heard the basement door opening and the footfalls of an adolescent dragon climbing the last few steps of the stairs. Spike emerged wrapped in a blanket and grinning sheepishly at her. Those thoughts flared up again. What if this was a sign that he was growing up and about to leave the nest? Go to live with his kind? Disappear from her life forever? “None of my clothes fi..” Spike began, but he was interrupted by an alicorn to the chest as Twilight tackle-hugged him. It was only due to his newfound strength that Spike managed to remain standing. “Please don't go away!” Twilight cried, verging on complete hysteria. “I almost lost you to the greed growth and the migration and I don’t want you to leave again and please stay we can find a way...” She was cut off when Spike pressed a finger to her lips and smiled as reassuringly as he could. Long experience dealing with Twilight's eccentricities and breakdowns had made him quite adept at heading them off. This time, the answer was simple. “Twilight. I'm not going to leave you. Ever.” --------------- Twilight was very reluctant to let go of her oldest friend, but after a few more minutes of reassurances, she pried herself from Spike’s unfairly comfortable arms and backed off a few steps. She could tuck her head under his chin now. Neither of the two friends knew what to say. After another uncomfortable minute had passed, Twilight began to move, walking past Spike and heading down the stairs. Spike followed to find Twilight doing magic on the pile of too-small clothes Spike had left behind in his quest to get dressed. A few outfits flew out of the mess and magically resized themselves, growing significantly. “There… Should fit now,” Twilight said, glancing back at Spike, who was still clutching the blanket. She blushed deeply when she saw that said blanket had slipped from one of his shoulders down to his waist, exposing half of his well-defined chest to her eyes. Barely suppressing another squeak, she brushed past Spike, making sure to not accidentally touch him and make the weird tension worse, and headed back upstairs to let him get dressed in peace. And to let her cool down. She only had one minute to get her bearings before she heard Spike climbing the stairs again. The clothes were baggy and quite ill-fitting, what with Twilight being really more of a scholar than a seamstress, obviously, but they at least covered him. They would do until he could buy new clothes. Twilight idly wondered how their friends would react to the “new and improved” Spike, and her mind wandered a bit while she studied the newly clothed--and thus safe--dragon, who still did not seem to know what exactly to say. He wrung his hands together awkwardly, and Twilight took the opportunity to study them. There were still claws attached to those fingers, but they seemed to be more rounded and almost soft-looking. Catching Twilight’s gaze, Spike held one of his hands out to her. She took it and retreated into an academic, inquisitive state of mind that she was much more comfortable in. The hand was smooth, and the claws were almost as malleable as the rest of the hand, just a bit harder and with a hint of sharpness that made the girl shiver in spite of her academic mindset. Spike slowly drew his hand away from her grasp after a moment, pulled it closer to him, and seemed to concentrate for a moment. His hand transformed. There was no flash of light or puff of smoke, the hand just seemed to morph before Twilight’s eyes. She could see the muscles and maybe even the bones shift under the scales. The claws grew in size, and Twilight could almost hear them sharpen. The hand was offered to her again. This time, it was far more rigid, the scales more coarse and the claws more deadly. In her hands, however, Spike’s claws morphed, shrank, and softened back to the much more subdued and dull claws she had been holding earlier. The silence had stretched on for too long, some part of Twilight’s mind insisted. It was time to get some answers. “Wha…” Her voice caught. Just perfect. She cleared her throat and tried again. “What happened to you?” “Ah, well…” Spike hesitated, unsure where to start, or how much to say. “Do you remember Quick Wits?” Twilight searched her prodigious memory banks. The name did sound familiar but most of her brainspace was currently trying to sort out some very confusing, and not-so-confusing, feelings her assistant had awoken in her. Thus, it took her several seconds before she matched the name to a face. “That traveling music player? What about him?” “Well, last night, I was out for a walk in the moonlight when I ran into him in the park.” Spike paused to see if Twilight had any questions, but she remained silent. “We spoke a bit. I mean, there aren’t a lot of stallions around for me to have guy talks with, right? Anyway… We ended up talking about some heavy stuff when…” “What heavy stuff?” Twilight interrupted, an uneasy feeling settling in her gut for some reason. “Just stuff,” Spike said, trying to wave the question off. “Nothing that matters anymore anyway.” “What sort of heavy stuff gets resolved overnight like this?” “It…” Spike hesitated and looked into Twilight’s eyes. She deserved to know the truth, or at least as much of it as he could tell her. “It was about my growth. I haven’t told you because I didn’t want to upset you, but for several years now, I’ve felt like there was something wrong with me, something that was keeping me from growing up.” Twilight made to say something, but swallowed her words before they left her throat. “Quick had a gem. He called it a ‘Dragonstone.’ He told me that he bought it from a thrift store in Canterlot, and that the clerk said it had a ‘special connection with dragons.’ It smelled delicious.” “I… didn’t know gemstones had a scent?” “They don’t. That’s what made me think maybe the gem had power after all. Quick gave it to me, I ate it, and… here I am now.” Spike spread his arms and rotated slowly, drawing Twilight’s gaze and stupefying her yet again. It also drew her attention to something that she really should have noticed much sooner: Spike did not have any wings. “I’m not stunted anymore. This is proper growth for my kind.” Spike completed his turn and smiled as reassuringly as he could towards Twilight. “And that is the kind of heavy stuff that can get resolved overnight.” A weight was lifted off Twilight’s chest at the smile and the words. Twilight had, in fact, noticed something wrong about Spike over the last few months, but she was never sure how she should approach it, or if she should approach it at all. But now the dark cloud over her favorite assistant’s head was gone. “So what does this mean? Is this permanent? Are you stronger or something?” “It is permanent.” Spike confirmed, his tone calmly confident. “And whatever else I might be, stronger or whatever, I’m in control.” His eyes closed, and he was silent for a few moments. “Other than that… I’m still trying to figure everything out.” Silence descended on the building again, but Twilight had had enough of it: Spike was her oldest, in some ways closest friend, and this uncomfortable feeling between them needed to go. It wasn’t proper. “You were going to leave, weren’t you?” What? No, that wasn’t what she meant to say. “To try to fix a problem I didn’t even know you had.” Stop it! “Yes. I was.” Spike smiled softly, and his eyes drifted to the ground. Then his eyes found hers again, and the smile became genuine. “But not anymore.” “I wish you’d told me.” “I wanted to, but this… this was something I had to figure out on my own.” “Okay… Okay, I guess I understand…” Twilight took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “No, I don’t understand. You were going to leave without telling us why?” She wanted to be angry, she really did, but her voice failed her and cracked when she spoke, her whole body sagging as though suddenly very tired. “Just… disappear without even letting the ones who love you try to help?” Spike would have preferred it if she had yelled at him. In what he would later feel was one of the best things he had ever done, he walked up to Twilight, wrapped her in his powerful arms, picked the girl up off her hooves and carried her to the couch, where he placed her on his lap and simply held her close, whispering apologies to her as she shook with suppressed sobs. She buried her face in his neck and tried not to cry. This morning had just been too much for her. “What were you thinking!” she half-shouted, a bit of strength returning to her voice. “I wasn’t.” “We’re supposed to share everything! Do we mean so little to you?” Again her traitorous voice cracked. “You mean everything to me.” With her face buried in Spike’s neck, and her arms wrapped around him, Twilight tried not to cry. Tried. > Chapter 2: A Warm Summer Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of Dragons and Mortals Chapter 2: A warm summer day Morning at Sugarcube Corner was, as always, busy. Ponies too busy or stressed to cook breakfast at home, ponies who had overslept, ponies with an early morning sweet-tooth, and ponies who simply enjoyed eating breakfast at such a fine establishment all filled the many seats available both indoors and outdoors. It. Was. Super! Perhaps the best part of working in such a popular shop, Pinkie Pie pondered as she pounced on a nearby pastry, was that she got to meet so many of her friends practically every morning! That meant getting to talk to them and keep up on what was happening in their lives, treating them to delicious baked goods, and making them smile and laugh as she told a joke or clowned around. Really, there was nothing she would rather be doing on a beautiful morning like this. It was already shaping up to be a wonderful day, and judging by her itchy back, today was going to get even better in a hurry! Speak of the draconequus; Pinkie felt her back itching again as she handed a box of donuts over to one of her stallion customers. The itch sent a pleasant shiver through her body, too, which was new. Itchy back meant it was her lucky day, but what did the shiver mean? Had she just discovered a new combo? Pinkie Pie got lost in thought, and the stallion had to call out to get her attention so he could pay. A few more customers passed by the counter, and then the early morning rush was basically over. Now that almost everyone Pinkie had expected to show up at the rush had been served, she was free to socialize with the guests. With that in mind, she bounced out to the outdoor tables, and began to catch up with her many friends. It was right around the time she was congratulating Rose on her bumper crop of roses that she felt the itch and the shiver again. Pinkie was reassuring Rose that she was alright when she heard and felt a subtle shift in the atmosphere that drew her attention. She followed the murmur of the crowd until her eyes locked onto exactly what had caught everypony’s eyes.  Twilight Sparkle was approaching the Corner, but she wasn’t the one drawing the crowd’s attention right now. Next to her strode what could only be Spike, but he looked different. Just yesterday, he’d been a child, but now he was… Rose was the only pony close enough to see the cartoon hearts appear in Pinkie’s eyes before said pink pony ran--no, sprinted-- over to meet her friends. -------- When emotions run high, it’s easy to forget things. That was why, in all the drama of their morning, Twilight and Spike had forgotten to eat breakfast. When Twilight had calmed down (and enjoyed Spike’s embrace for a while longer than she strictly needed), Spike’s rumbling belly had informed them that they hadn’t even started making the most important meal of the day yet. Since Twilight had a busy schedule, they had agreed to eat out, and headed for Sugarcube Corner. Some part of Twilight was worried that Spike’s new appearance would cause a panic, but all it did was seem to attract stares. Warm stares. Twilight swore she saw a few pairs of “bedroom eyes” among the staring mares, but didn’t have time to investigate. She was already a bit behind on her schedule. Soon enough, however, Sugarcube Corner appeared as they turned a corner. And Spike was abruptly tackled by what was apparently a pink missile. Grass grows, pegasi fly, and Pinkie Pie was overly affectionate. As the pink mare's arms slid around Spike's neck and she squeezed herself into him, Twilight couldn't help but smile in relief: at least somepony was acting normal. She barely had time to recognize the irony that Pinkie of all ponies made her feel normal before she realized that Pinkie wasn't letting go. Instead, she seemed to be snuggling deeper into Spike’s chest and… purring? Okay, a little odd, but still well within the borders of normalcy as adjusted to account for the influence of Pinkie Pie. “Good morning, Twilight.” Pinkie finally said, her muzzle half-buried in Spike’s neck. “And good morning to you, Spike. Look at you, all grown up.” She looked up into Spike’s eyes and smiled. Today there was something about her voice that seemed warmer than usual. Still, this was Pinkie after all… “Hey, Pinkie,” Twilight answered, since Spike seemed to be a bit tongue-tied at the moment. “Yeah, we woke up and he was like this. You haven’t happened to see Quick Wits around, have you? He seems to be involved somehow.” While her left arm remained around Spike’s neck, Pinkie’s right hand slipped away from Spike and rested on her chin briefly in a thoughtful gesture. “Nope, I haven’t seen that pretty boy today. Sorry!” Her voice took on a decidedly sultry tone as she turned back to Spike. “Besides…” She purred as her right hand traveled to Spike’s chest and began to lazily draw circles over his heart. “Mr. Replacement Eye Candy here is much tastier anyway…” Okay. That was new. Spike was having trouble breathing. Not because he was crushed by her grip or anything, but because he hadn’t realized until today that despite the fact that Pinkie was on the chubby side, she was... stunning. His new body had apparently changed his perspective. With her large, soft breasts that were currently pressed against him, that beautiful, infectious smile on her face that lit up the whole world, and those big, soulful baby blue eyes that were staring into his… seeing her like this, feeling the ample softness of her body against his and looking into those eyes, that smile… She was gorgeous. Spike found his pulse increasing at the closeness and at the sensation of her fingers on his scales. And then she openly flirted with him. Spike lost his breath completely, staring into her eyes, not sure what he was hoping to see in those windows to her soul. But that smile, those eyes, were warm and genuine.  His heart fluttered. Warning bells chimed in Twilight’s mind. Her eyes shifted between Pinkie and Spike, disbelief painted on her face. Looking for something, anything to break up the scene without causing one, Twilight looked over to the Corner and caught a glimpse of Mrs. Cake manning the counter. “Spike, could you go order our breakfast?” Twilight asked, poking Spike softly in the side to get his attention. “And Pinkie? I need a word with you in private.” Really, considering everything, Twilight was proud of herself for maintaining a steady voice. “Talk to you later, Spike,” Pinkie purred at him. She let go, turning to Twilight. Spike wandered almost mechanically towards the Corner, glancing back a few times as he did. Every time he turned around, Pinkie gave him a smile and a wave. Soon enough, he disappeared into the Corner, and Twilight turned to her friend, not sure how she felt. “Wowee, Twilight,” Pinkie said before Twilight could figure out what to say. “He grew up fast. And good…” She ended with what could only be described as a sultry purr. Now Twilight knew what to say. “What’s going on with you? I’ve never seen you act like this!” “You’ve never seen me with anyone I’ve wanted to act like this with.” “But…” Twilight was confused. She would almost immediately regret what she said, but she couldn’t stop herself. “But it’s Spike!” “Yes. It is,” Pinkie said, choosing not to take offense. “And that’s why it’s okay.” “What?” “Twilight. Ask me who my closest female friend is.” “That sounds like a horrible thing to…” “Do it, Sparkle!” Pinkie mock-ordered. “Fine… Pinkie, who is your closest female friend?” “What!? How could you ask that?” “But you said…” “I have five great girls, the greatest, who are my closest friends. I couldn’t possibly pick one! How could you expect me to?” “I… I’m sorry, but you said…” “I know. It’s okay. I was just caught up in it.” Pinkie instantly calmed down. “Now ask me who my closest male friend is. I promise not to yell again.” Realizing that she had to follow the trail of crazy before Pinkie could be reasoned with, Twilight sighed and did as instructed. “Pinkie Pie,” she began, resignation in her voice. “Who would you say is your closest male friend?” “Spike” was the immediate, unhesitant answer. “Okay…” The two fell silent for a while, Pinkie waiting to see if Twilight would connect the dots, Twilight waiting to see if Pinkie was going anywhere with this. After a handful of seconds, Pinkie spoke again. “Spike’s always been good to me. To us. He’s been kind, supportive, charming, intelligent, diligent and more… He’s been... pretty much everything I want in a stallion, really.” Pinkie paused there and smiled. “I really, really like him, and I feel all warm and fuzzy inside seeing him all grown up and hunkified like that.” Confused with the situation, Pinkie, and most of all her own emotions, Twilight tried to reenter the conversation. “‘Hunkified?’” she managed to ask. “It’s a word! Or if it isn’t, it is now. I decree it to be so!” “But… But…” “I understand that it’s a lot to take in right now,” Pinkie said. She drew Twilight in for a hug. It helped. “Here’s the thing. I really, really like Spike. I have for a while now. But he was too small, so I didn’t do anything. And I tried not to feel anything. But now he’s all grown up and handsome and everything, and I really like him, and… well… if I felt this way about a pony, I’d act on it. So I’ll act on it.” “I… think I understand. And I certainly want both you and Spike to be happy, it’s just… This is all so very sudden.” “Oh thank goodness!” Pinkie exclaimed. She released Twilight, a big smile on her face. “I was afraid you were going to go all ‘overprotective older sister’ on me.” “Overprotective...?” “But I’m glad you’re supportive.” Pinkie raised her knee as though she was bracing herself on an imaginary rock, held her hand up to her chest, and made a grand sweeping gesture with her other hand.  “Never fear, my dear, my intentions for Sir Spike are completely honorable.” That drew a much-needed laugh from Twilight’s lips. “Anyway, come on,” Twilight said. The two friends walked towards Sugarcube Corner. “I’m almost running late for the Quill Enthusiasts meeting, and…” Twilight and Pinkie both fell silent as they looked in through the window. Spike was talking to another mare. ---- Spike’s day had been surreal. Nice, but surreal. There was all the awkwardness with Twilight, which, thankfully,  had been mostly taken care of for now. Mostly. They would have to spend some time working everything out, but they were still very close. But then, Pinkie… Now, having growing up around beautiful mares, you might think that Spike had built up an immunity to the female form and affection received from it. You would be right. And wrong. While Spike was indeed used to hugs and nuzzles, that had always been where his fantasies had stopped: he was a child, and then he was a young adult trapped in a child’s body, so all he had ever gotten, all he had ever allowed himself to seek out, was simple platonic affection. And now he had an adult body. A body that could take him much further than his child body ever could. His fantasies no longer ended at “but I’m too little for that.” Now, he could dare hope for more. Long story short, when Pinkie Pie had held her gorgeous body close against his, nuzzled his neck, let those generous breasts press up against his chest, filled his nostrils with the sweet scent of freshly baked cupcakes, and implied that she found him very handsome, Spike had been at a complete loss. He still was, really. It was all so new, and his mind was spinning furiously from the implications. Pinkie found him attractive. Twilight maybe also found him attractive, considering how she had stared at his bare chest and blushed like that. Did this mean that they were… interested in him? Did he dare hope that? And what about the other friends who had been occupying his thoughts? How would they feel about his new form? When Spike entered Sugarcube Corner, a flash of knowledge appeared before his mind’s eye, momentarily distracting him. Since he woke up, he’d had to deal with these flashes as the infused knowledge he had received last night was still trying to settle in his mind. This flash told him nothing useful, and he had to forcefully dismiss the useless tidbit before he could focus enough to actually order. If Mrs. Cake noticed his distraction, she didn’t comment on it. He was, however, happy to see that she recognized him immediately, just as, thankfully, pretty much all of the ponies he had met so far had. Spike ordered for himself and Twilight, and the shopkeeper set about preparing it without raising a fuss, recognizing a preoccupied customer when she saw one. Spike sat at a nearby table to wait, and to think about everything. After only half a minute, Spike’s introspection was interrupted by a vaguely familiar voice. “Hey, Spike.” Said dragon raised his head to see a pretty mare with a soft lilac coat and a two-toned blue mane. He struggled for a moment to place a name on her vaguely familiar face. He had definitely seen her around Ponyville… “Look at you, all grown up. What’s up with this; is it a dragon thing?” “Hey, Sea Swirl,” Spike answered, successfully pulling her name from the recesses of his mind. “Yeah, it’s a dragon thing.” With that, Sea Swirl apparently saw fit to seat herself beside Spike. Rather close, too. “You’re certainly looking good…” She spoke with a light purr to her voice. “What’s happened to you, and is it permanent? I know I’m not the only one who wants to know…” As she spoke, Sea Swirl leaned forward slightly. She was wearing a low-cut tank top, and with the way she was leaning, Spike was getting a very good look at her cleavage. “Well…” Spike’s mouth felt a little dry, but he soldiered on nonetheless. “Turns out my growth… my height… was stunted.” The mare crossed her arms under her breasts, and Spike lost his train of thought for a moment. “It was a mental block that was… well…  stunting me… and now it’s all cleared up.” “Really?” Swirl purred at him. “Well, I can only say the scenery around Ponyville has certainly just improved…” Before Spike could answer, not that he had anything clever to say, the door to the Corner opened, and Twilight and Pinkie walked in. They immediately headed straight for Spike. “Well, I’ll leave you to it,” Sea Swirl said. She patted Spike’s hand, which was lying limply on the table, and walked back to her friends with a distinct sway in her step that drew his eyes to her hips for a few seconds. Then his vision was suddenly filled with pink. ----- It was odd, really. Neither of the two mares had anything against Sea Swirl. In fact, Pinkie even considered her a friend. Not a close friend, but still. But when Twilight and Pinkie saw Sea Swirl flirting with Spike, they both felt uncomfortable. Twilight found herself suddenly thinking hurtful things about Sea Swirl that she probably didn’t even deserve, while Pinkie felt saddened but determined. Pinkie knew what she had to do. They entered a few seconds later. Maybe she wanted to avoid a confrontation, or maybe she was done talking, but whatever it was, Sea Swirl excused herself and went back to her friends as soon as Pinkie and Twilight entered. To both of their discomfort, however, Spike watched her leave for a few seconds. Deciding that subtlety was something for politicians and barbers, Pinkie immediately went over to Spike, wrapped her arms around his head, and gently buried his face in her ample cleavage. She kept him there for several seconds before she let him out, his nose no doubt filled with her scent now. She glanced at Twilight, but was relieved to find that her friend didn’t seem to be upset, just a bit flabbergasted. And that funny word was also a good description for how Spike was looking, and the nearby ponies who had seen her do that. Before anything else could happen, Mrs. Cake approached with breakfast: a wrapped sandwich to go for Twilight and a bowl of oatmeal with gemstone shavings for Spike. “Oh my, the meeting!” Twilight exclaimed. She grabbed the sandwich with a quick bow of thanks. “Pinkie, I gotta go. Can you take care of Spike?” “No problemo! See you later!” “See you. Take care, Spike!” Thus confident that Pinkie would take care of things (and running late for an important meeting), Twilight waved to her friends (though not to Sea Swirl’s group; she couldn’t shake the dislike she had for the other mare just yet) and quietly left the Corner to head off to her meeting. It was funny, in a way: when Sea Swirl was hitting on Spike, Twilight felt an uncomfortable feeling in her gut that blossomed into irrational anger. But when Pinkie buried his head in her breasts, that sensation went away, and she felt something else. Triumph? But that didn’t make sense… Her mind abuzz with many questions and few answers, Twilight set off towards the library. She had an appointment to keep, after all, and a schedule to follow. ----- Pinkie slid into the seat next to Spike, signaling Mrs. Cake that she was taking her break. Spike was staring down at his oatmeal with a thoughtful expression when Pinkie snuggled into his side, which caused Spike to give a little start, and called his attention. “Bit for your thoughts?” Pinkie asked. Spike blushed bright red and didn’t manage an immediate answer. “You know… I still don’t know why you’re all grown up all of a sudden. Care to tell me the story?” Spike managed a smile before he started talking. A good sign as far as Pinkie was concerned. “I, uh... ran into Quick Wits last night. We talked, and I mentioned my… growth problem. He gave me a gemstone that had some special properties, and… Well, it turns out that it was a mental block of sorts that was keeping me small, and it cleared up. I already told Twilight the details, so she can fill you in if you want to know more. I just… want to eat a bit right now.” “Of course.” Spike ate his breakfast, and Pinkie stayed glued to his side the entire time. He did not object. ------ Twilight was running at this point. She was very nearly late, and she cleared her mind as best she could as she hurried towards the meeting. However, she stopped when she saw a blue ball of fur sitting on a barrel by the road. Something about the creature drew Twilight’s attention, and she slowed down to get a better look. The creature apparently sensed that it was being watched, because it turned and gazed at her with wide, intelligent eyes. It was a fox, Twilight realized, a bright, fuzzy blue fox. Now why did it look familiar? Where had she read about fuzzy blue foxes? It was a spirit fox! They were rare creatures indeed, but what little Twilight had read about them implied that they were intelligent, friendly, and non-threatening creatures. Under normal circumstances, spirits couldn’t be seen by the naked eye, but alicorns had a different connection to the spirit world, and they could sometimes see them. “Hey there…” she cooed as softly as she could, but the spirit, not used to being seen at all, leapt off the barrel and ran off around a corner. When Twilight followed, it was gone. “That was weird… What was a spirit doing here?” Twilight muttered. She shrugged and continued towards the meeting. She could still make it in time! > Chapter 3: Meetings and Cuddles and Clothes, Oh My! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of Dragons and Mortals Chapter 3: Meetings and Cuddles and Clothes, Oh My! “... And that’s how the Blueberry Special got its name!” Pinkie Pie concluded, making a grand gesture with her free arm to punctuate her story as Spike finished his breakfast. She had managed to stay silent for all of two minutes before she started talking his ear off about this and that, but Pinkie rambling like usual worked wonders in calming Spike down and allowing him to center himself. The fact that Pinkie was still glued to his side made centering himself a little harder, but he managed. “So what happens now?” Pinkie asked in an innocent tone. Spike didn’t answer, lost in thought. “I think you need some new clothes. The ones you have on are all baggy and awkward. You need a tailor.” Spike could feel what Pinkie was about to say, and the thought sent his mind reeling for the umpteenth time that morning, undoing his newfound calm. In what could only be considered a panic, Spike fumbled and made an attempt to get up, forgetting that a strong and heavy earth pony was holding onto him. The result was a faceplant on the table that sent his empty bowl flying. Pinkie reached out with her free hand, caught the bowl as it left the table, and went on talking like nothing had happened. “You need to go see Rarity.” Rarity. The name struck a chord deep in Spike’s core. The mare who had caught his attention, and gained his affection, from the moment he saw her. The most beautiful mare in Ponyville, and the one who had spent the longest time in his heart. It’s said you never forget your first crush. As far as Spike was concerned, truer words had never been spoken. “It’s okay, Spikey!” Pinkie announced. She pulled Spike’s face up from the table. “I’ll walk with you to the boutique! I mean, you need to be escorted so nopony takes advantage of you.” Spike frowned for a moment, and was about to argue that he could fend for himself. Then his recent encounter with the fairer sex came to mind, and he decided to not argue the point. Before he could say anything, however, she let out a gasp. “Oh no! I still have work today! I can’t walk you halfway across town; the Cakes need my help!” Pinkie gestured to Mrs. Cake. She was working the counter to cover for Pinkie’s break, and her husband was nowhere to be seen. From experience, Spike knew that at this time, Mr. Cake was dropping the kids off at school. “Miss Cheerilee wanted to have a parent-teacher thing this morning,” Pinkie said, “and Mr Cake said he’d take care of it this time, so he won’t be back for a while. But don’t you worry, Spike.” Pinkie stood up and patted Spike’s shoulder in a reassuring manner. “You just sit right there until somepony we can trust shows up.” Without offering any other explanation, Pinkie gave Spike a quick hug, then walked back to her post behind the counter. Spike remained where he sat, a little afraid to go against Pinkie when she had her mind set like this. Besides, the more he thought about it, the more an escort seemed like a good idea. A lot of ponies were staring at him, and most weren’t looking at his face. The looks were a lot more intense now, after Sea Swirl and Pinkie had flirted with him. Maybe they felt the ice had been broken. However, as the minutes passed by, the only things Spike got were warm gazes and friendly greetings from the townsfolk. In the long run, Spike figured, sitting casually in a public place like this might get the rumor mill going and prepare the rest of the town for his new look. Perhaps things would even calm down a bit? Another flash of that knowledge burned it’s way through Spike’s mind. This flash told him that he would only have to deal with the flashes for a few more hours. So that was good. Even though the earliest morning rush was over, there was no shortage of customers for Sugarcube Corner to handle. Pinkie did not have time to sit down with Spike again, though she made sure to stop by a few times to remind him to stay put. After twenty minutes or so, Thunderlane sat down at Spike’s table, striking up a casual conversation. Caramel and Time Turner also ended up joining the group, though all three stallions eventually needed to go about their day. All in all, about an hour passed before a certain yellow pegasus walked through the door. Fluttershy glanced around the Corner, happy that no one was looking her way as she walked up to the counter. She wasn’t all that interested in what everypony was staring at, so she approached the counter with an uncharacteristically casual sway to her steps, glad that something else was drawing the crowd’s attention today. “Flutters!” Pinkie Pie called. She suddenly appeared from behind the counter and pulled Fluttershy halfway across it in a hug. “I’m so glad to see you! I need your help. We need your help.” “What’s wrong, Pinkie?” she asked, worry seeping into her voice. “That,” she answered. She placed a hand on Fluttershy’s chin, guiding the pegasus’s eyes to the corner she had missed on her way in. Fluttershy immediately hid behind her mane, then peered out, blushing red as a sunset. Spike was sitting at the table in the corner, but she had never seen him like this before. He was all… big… and… and hot. A few days ago, he had been all small and cute, but he had matured like… like…  like a butterfly. Spike’s eyes met hers, and her mane was no longer enough cover. With a whimper, she deployed her left wing to shield her, using the feathery appendage to hide her whole upper body, leaving only her eyes peeking out. Spike smiled. Yesterday, it would have made her “aww.” Today, it made her heart flutter wildly in her chest. Fluttershy was cute. It was a fact, and her hiding like she did behind her wing, with that adorable squeak she made when she was embarrassed, made Spike smile broadly, unknowingly causing the blush to spread all over the shy mare’s face. His eyes drifted downwards. She was wearing a dress that cut off just above her knees, which showed off a bit of her beautiful legs. Her wings were vibrant and feathery, typical of a healthy pegasus, but at the moment, Spike kind of wished he could see through them to Fluttershy’s slender form. Realizing his eyes and mind had wandered, Spike gazed down at the drink he was cradling in his hands. He blushed a bit, feeling oddly ashamed at having ogled Fluttershy. It felt just a bit wrong, somehow. More so than fantasizing about the others. “What… what… what?” Fluttershy repeated, trying to find words to express her embarrassment. “What… what happened to… Sp... Spike?” “Well... I’ll start from the beginning. Spike told me that last night...” A few minutes passed as Pinkie gave her friend a thorough description of the events of the day so far. As they spoke, Fluttershy’s initial wave of embarrassment ran its course, and her wing retreated to her back, where it belonged. Spike inevitably looked up again and let his eyes wander over Fluttershy’s back, lingering longer than he should have on her fine rump before he examined her beautiful, slender back and those magnificent, downy wings. The view was capped by the silky rainfall of her soft pink mane, which she was twirling around one of her fingers. She shivered, maybe sensing his eyes on her, but didn’t squirm away. “She did what?” Fluttershy asked Pinkie as the pink mare approached the end of her explanation. The concept that a stranger had hit on Spike was uncomfortable, and she felt uncharacteristically angry. The fact that the mare in question had long since left the Corner helped, but only a little. “I know, right?” Pinkie answered, the shadow of a frown on her face. “And I don’t think she’s the only one waiting for a chance to swoop down and steal Spike away. Look around.” And Fluttershy did. Being a wallflower and an animal caretaker, Fluttershy had developed a keen eye for body language. It helped her keep away from bullies and ponies who might want to engage her in conversation. Together with her familiarity with a lot of the town’s population, Fluttershy was able to read the crowd in the Corner with great accuracy. There were no stallions currently inside the Corner, though that wasn’t unusual. Every single mare in the Corner, however, occasionally glanced in Spike’s direction. Fluttershy detected one or two who were suspicious or scared, but they were in the minority and would probably come around in time. Most of the crowd was appraising him, the way one would examine a new landmark or a freshly renovated building. These ponies were not a threat, Fluttershy concluded; they were merely observing the change in scenery and had no intentions for the dragon one way or the other. What bothered Fluttershy, however, was the surprising amount of mares who were unsubtly eyeing Spike. Their demeanor reminded her of cats with a fresh toy. At the moment, they were just sizing him up, but she could tell that these mares were getting ready to “pounce.” A part of her insisted that that these were nice mares driven a bit up the wall by the lack of stallions in Ponyville (and in Equestria, for that matter), who had spotted a handsome, available young male who had been a long-time pillar of the community and a friend. Another part of her bristled at the thought of these… these outsiders laying as much as a finger on Spike. They were not allowed to! Fluttershy met the dragon’s eyes again, and he smiled at her. This time, she didn’t let her embarrassment rule her. She returned his affectionate smile with one of her own. Then her momentary courage failed her, and she had to look away, her cheeks burning. Her wings fluttered in a subconscious attempt to fan herself from the sudden heat. “I see what you mean,” she told Pinkie, who simply smiled and patted Fluttershy’s shoulder affectionately. “Um… So what happens now? Oh, and one eclair, please.” “Certainly!” Pinkie vanished into the kitchen and emerged a second later with a plate containing the requested baked goodie. She placed it in front of Fluttershy and accepted her bits. “And what happens now? Well, first off: Spike needs new clothes, I mean look at him, and we need to let the rest of the girls know what’s happened. Twilight’s all busy right now, so it’s up to us!” Fluttershy nodded. “Okay. I agree. And one of us needs to be at his side just in case.” “Precisely! I knew you’d get it. So!” Pinkie Pie clapped her hands and grinned. “You go sit next to Spike and eat your food, and when you’re done, walk him over to the Boutique and work something out with Rarity.” “Okay.” Fluttershy nodded again. With a clear course of action in mind, she turned towards Spike’s table, finding the dragon’s attention focused on her and Pinkie. She approached him as bravely as she could manage. Spike sat back and patiently waited for Fluttershy to reach him. Watching her awkwardly stumble over while refusing to make eye contact for more than a few seconds was heart-meltingly adorable, and he took the opportunity to look her over properly without her wing blocking access to her beauty. Toned legs, beautifully wide hips, and a slender body with delightfully full and firm breasts. Fluttershy was truly built like a model, which, come to think of it, she briefly had been. She seemed to notice his staring, because her steps became even more unsure, but she glanced around the room and apparently found some courage, for her final steps were more determined. She sat close to Spike, so close that they were almost touching. Fluttershy glanced up at his face, but blushed and looked down, again twirling some of her beautiful mane around her finger. The cuteness was too much, and, feeling a sudden surge of affection and an urge to tease her, Spike reached an arm out and hugged her close. Fluttershy froze, sheer emotion running through her, emotion she couldn’t properly identify. Part of her wanted to run back home, barricade the door, and hide until everypony forgot she had ever existed. Another part of her wanted to snuggle close to Spike and never let go. She was leaning towards the former, but then Spike tucked her head under his chin, and his warm breath gently teased her ear. Fluttershy melted into Spike’s embrace, her decision blissfully made for her by the sheer comfort she found in those strong arms. It felt right. “Good morning, Fluttershy,” Spike said in that voice which his body had finally grown to match. For years now the disparity between his childish appearance and his mature voice had been… a little awkward, actually. And perhaps a little funny. But now the voice finally fit him, and it made her blush a little more. “Good morning, Spike,” she answered, wrapping her arms around him to return the embrace. There the two stayed, to the envious gaze of many of the mares in the Corner. Spike didn’t really notice, and Fluttershy found that she really didn’t care. Pinkie smiled and tried to focus on her work, but her mind wandered. Right now, everything was fine, but she and the girls really needed to sit down and talk about what to do with Spike now. And talk to Spike to see what exactly his new form was capable of. A pleasant shiver derailed her train of thought, but she quickly got back on track. Maybe, possibly, she and her friends could become something more through this. But they could figure that out later. After at least a full minute, the hug came to a natural conclusion, and they sat back. Fluttershy picked up her eclair and snuggled into Spike’s side, eating her breakfast with a smile. She surprised herself at her public display of affection, but another glance at the other customers in the Corner steeled her resolve: this was the time to stake her claim, not shy away. And the proximity felt too good to care too much what other ponies might think anyway. “What brings you here so early?” Spike asked, shifting slightly to allow more comfort for them both. “Hm? Oh,” Fluttershy answered, snapping out of her thoughts. “I’m, uh… I’m actually here to stock up on supplies for home. I came here to get some quick breakfast before I get to shopping.” She turned to look Spike in the eyes, effectively halting his thought processes completely. “But first, you and I are going to go to the Boutique,” Fluttershy stated simply. She took a bite of her eclair before continuing. “I just need to finish my breakfast first.” With that, she snuggled deeper into her dragon and took her time finishing her food. ---- It was a glorious morning, with Celestia’s sun rising over a warm summer day. It was a perfect day to do a bit of hand-stitching by one of the Boutique’s windows, which is exactly how Rarity was spending her morning now that she’d styled her mane, applied her makeup, and otherwise gotten ready for the day. She had an outstanding order to finish that she really should have gotten started on, but she had been inspired to make a stylish handbag in summer colors, and an artist can only go where inspiration takes her, after all. She still had time to finish the order anyway. Rarity was broken out of her reverie by the sound of a knock on her door. A customer so early? “Comiiing!” she sang out, putting down her half-finished work. She reached the entrance after a few seconds, opening the door with her magic from a few meters away and curtsying at the guest. “Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where everything is chic, unique and magnifique.” “Hey there, Rarity,” came a voice she recognized. Looking up, she saw Thunderlane filling her doorway. “I’d like to speak to you.” “Of course, darling. Come on in,” Rarity answered. She stepped back, allowing Thunderlane into the shop proper. “What can I help you with today, then?” “Well…” Thunderlane paused, searching for the right words. “You can do me the honor of letting me take you out to dinner.” ----- It was time to leave the Corner. Pinkie merely smiled and waved as Spike and Fluttershy exited. Fluttershy had decided that the best way to escort Spike was to cuddle up to his side and drape one of his arms across her shoulders. It let her keep up the cuddling she had already come to feel so comfortable with, and sent a clear message to the mares of Ponyville. Spike didn’t complain, because it let him hold her beautiful body close. They both felt safe and supremely comfortable locked in the affectionate gesture, so the walk to Carousel Boutique was a relaxed one. But Spike had to break the silence at some point. “You’re being very affectionate today?” he squeaked, unsure if he was asking her or telling her. Fluttershy giggled at the sound. “Well, I just… Well… This feels really nice,” she mumbled. “And so many things must have changed for you, so... maybe you need a little affection, maybe? I know my day gets a lot better when I hug, or get hugged by, my animal friends. And my pony friends. And… and my dragon friend.” This time, it was Spike’s turn to chuckle. “No matter what’s happening,” Fluttershy continued, “some affection makes the day… better.” “That’s very kind of you,” Spike said. He pulled her a little closer, briefly nuzzling her behind her ear, which made her give an adorable little squeak. “Though I shouldn’t be surprised, I guess.” They shared a laugh at that as they kept walking. ----- “Really now?” Rarity asked. She was caught slightly off guard, but was skilled enough in the social arts to avoid showing it. “And here I heard that you liked pegasi?” “Ugh,” Thunderlane groaned. “Not that rumor again. I met my girls through work. I work as a weather pony. Thus, pegasi. I’m not some… what’s the word... Puritan or whatever, I just happen to have fallen for other pegasi.” “And adding me to your herd will help curb this rumor?” Rarity replied, smirking slightly. “Maybe, but I’ve been meaning to ask you out for months now, just to see if there’s a connection. And I can’t help but notice you’re dodging the question.” “You’re right, I am.” Rarity paused. This part was never easy. “Let me get to the point, then. While I am flattered by your proposal, I am not interested. I apologize.” A few moments of silence passed, broken by a sigh from Thunderlane. “That’s what I thought you’d say.” “I’m sorry. But if you did not think I would agree…” Rarity trailed off. It was not very nice to put salt on his wound. He answered anyway. “Like I said, I’ve been interested in you for a while. And today might be the last chance I have to ask you out. I just had to do it, you know? So that I don’t look back on it in ten years and wonder ‘what if.’” Thunderlane sighed again. “At least now I know, so I can move on.” “That’s very mature of you. But what’s so special about today?” Thunderlane met Rarity’s gaze and held it for a few seconds. He didn’t look nearly as devastated as most of the suitors she had shot down over the years. He really must have been expecting a “no.” Then he smirked, almost evilly. “If you don’t already know… I’m not going to spoil it.” He turned around and began to head out the door. “See you around, Rarity!” “Yes, see you…” she hesitantly answered as the stallion closed the door and, presumably, flew off. That was weird. But Rarity shrugged it off and went back to her seat to keep working on her little project. As she sat down, she allowed her mind to wander to Thunderlane’s proposal. It was far from the first time she had been asked out by a stallion, but he had seemed unusually rushed. What was so special about today? She shrugged. It was pointless to dwell on things she had no answer for, after all. And with that, she sat down, picked up her half-finished handbag, bent her head, and kept working. She had barely begun when the doorbell chimed again, snapping her out of the zone she was just entering. “Comiiing!” she sang out again. Keeping in mind her unexpected visitor from just a few moments ago, Rarity kept her eyes on the door this time, just in case some other stallion suddenly decided today was the day to ask a girl out. “Welcome toooo….” Rarity trailed off. Standing in the doorway was the most gorgeous dragon, no, most gorgeous creature she had ever seen. The lines of his face were strong and virile, those eyes were deep pools of rich green, and the body hinted to under the ill-fitting clothes was toned and strong. She recognized him. “Spike?!” she said, her voice breaking a bit as she felt a swoon approaching. That was when she saw a slender yellow pegasus tucked in under his arm. “Fluttershy? What… What…?” “Hey, Rarity,” Fluttershy said, smiling angelically. “May we come in?” ----- Deep in the darkness of the Everfree forest was a cave. From the outside, it did not look like much, and the dragon who called the cave home preferred to keep it that way. This was a lair, a hideout. A storage area to keep all of his many, many gems. Very few sane creatures braved the Everfree, which meant that the approach of a bipedal creature in a hooded cloak was rare, to say the least. The creature simply walked in, no preamble, no hesitation… Not even a hint of fear. The dragon moved, stretching himself out in all his glory, what little light existed in the dark cavern glinting off his green scales. If lunch simply walked up to his door, who was he to refuse such a kind offer? He moved towards the creature, but stopped. There was an aura, a sensation about this creature. An aura of command. Respect. Terror. The dragon withdrew, his enormous body withdrawing to leave his head leering out of the darkness towards the intruder. “Who are you?” he roared, badly suppressed anger clear in his voice. “Who are you, to invade my cave?” As he spoke, his breath swept around the intruder, causing the cloak it was wearing to billow and reveal a glimpse of crimson armor hidden under the dark material. The creature dropped its hood and removed the full helmet it was wearing. A pretty-boy unicorn with a dust grey coat stood before the dragon, showing as much fear as one might towards a petulant child. “I’m Dragonheart,” the unicorn calmly stated. “And relax, big guy. I’m just here to talk.” > Chapter 4: Making a Strong Impression > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of Dragons and Mortals Chapter 4: Making a Strong Impression Rarity stared. In her private moments, she had often entertained fantasies of a handsome stallion who would draw her into his arms and sweep her off her hooves. However, more and more often, the mysterious stallion had instead been a strapping young dragon clad in vibrant purple and green, the exact same color scheme of the one who was now standing just outside her door. But not even her fantasies could match the gorgeous creature that she beheld right now. Dimly, she heard her dear friend Fluttershy ask for entry, and she mutely stepped aside, letting her friend and that handsome hunk walk into her home. Oh goodness. Oh goodness! Oh goodness!! Now, now, calm yourself, Rarity. Calm. Breathe. “Hello…” Okay, Rarity, you’re saying words now. Try a few more. “So… This is…” Use words! Come on! You’re supposed to be Ponyville’s premier purveyor of proper pony etiquette! Unbeknownst to Rarity, Spike hadn’t spoken since he’d spotted the Boutique. With no one making any sounds, a heavy blanket of awkward silence quickly enshrouded the store. Fluttershy, feeling emboldened by the events at Sugarcube Corner; steeled herself and took charge of the situation. “Spike, I know Rarity keeps a few bathrobes for customers behind the privacy screen. Why don’t you go change...” Fluttershy walked Spike over to said screen and gently pushed him behind it before continuing. “While Rarity and I make some tea and talk a bit, okay?” “Yes, that… might be best,” Rarity muttered, allowing Fluttershy to lead her away. Fluttershy considered herself humble, and others would call her downright meek. But she couldn’t resist the proud smile that bloomed across her face at the way she had handled that situation. She placed Rarity in one of the kitchen chairs, and began to prepare the tea that she hoped might calm her friend down. Spike hadn’t answered Fluttershy, or even reacted as she ever-so-gently pushed him. Once he was behind the screen, where the girls couldn’t even see him, he nodded to himself. Then he sat down on a dressing stool and brought his clawed hand up to his face. He hadn’t been prepared. Spike’s perception of his friends had been forever altered by his transformation, something he had already experienced throughout the morning, but meeting Rarity… that was too much. A thousand fantasies, old and new, ranging from passionate to domestic, had all slammed to the forefront of his mind when he saw his longtime crush. The other girls were already more than he could handle, but this… He needed to just sit down and think. Everything that had happened... it was all far too much. How long could he keep this up? A sudden burst of that knowledge stood out in perfect clarity before his mind’s eye, but he shook the sensation off. It was not relevant. When would he tell his friends the whole truth of what had happened to him? Of who he really was now? Would he ever be able to tell the whole truth? However, as he stood and undressed, he couldn’t help but smile. Rarity had found him attractive, if her reaction had been anything to go by. So had all the mares that he had met so far, or at least the ones he cared about. No matter what else happened, the changes he had gone through had finally brought his dreams within reach. There was really nothing standing in his way now. Spike changed into a robe and sat down again, mulling things over and patiently waiting for the girls to return. Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Rarity was holding a cup of warm tea firmly in both hands and staring straight ahead. She had been staring for a solid minute when Fluttershy saw fit to make sure Rarity’s eyes didn’t succeed in boring holes in the adjacent wall. “Umm… Rarity? Are you okay?” Fluttershy asked softly, hoping to snap her friend out of this trancelike state. “Do you realize what this means?” the fashionista replied slowly. Both mares fell quiet, letting the vaguely ominous inquiry hang in the air for a moment. “Uh… Maybe?” “I mean… I…” Rarity paused for a moment, taking a deep breath. “Thunderlane showed up just before you visited.” “What?” “He asked me out.”  A moment of silence passed. Fluttershy didn’t know what to say, so she said nothing.  “And I turned him down. A nice, attractive stallion who just wanted to get to know me a bit better, and I felt nothing. Then Spike walked in, and… and I’m smitten.” “Well, we know Spike… He’s always been there for us…” “I know, dear. It’s just… I wondered how he’d look when he grew up, but I never thought he’d be this attractive.” “I know how you feel.” The two mares looked at each other, then fell into a fit of giggles. The laughter cleared the air, and a few moments passed as the girls sipped their tea “So what happens now?” Fluttershy asked. “Well, you were right to bring him to me,” Rarity said matter-of-factly. “He needs new clothes.” “That’s not what I meant…” “I know, dear. I just…” Rarity drifted off and gazed into her tea, as though hoping the hot beverage would give her the words she needed. “Look. When I look into the future… and I imagine a… a family… I… you girls...” “You don’t have to say it.” A soft yellow hand enveloped her own as Fluttershy leaned forward and looked into her eyes. “I feel the same way.” “Thank you, Fluttershy.” Rarity smiled at first, but after a few seconds, a thoughtful expression crossed her face. “Oh dear. It just occured to me… What if he gets even bigger?” Both mares fell quiet. Spike perked up when he heard hoof-falls entering the main room on the other side of the screen. Straightening his robe, walked out to meet the mares. What he failed to notice was that in his distracted state, and working on habit, he had selected a robe several sizes too small for his new frame. The same he had worn last week, in fact. Last week the robe had been ample, with room to spare, but today, things were different. The sash managed to clinch around his waist and protect his... “modesty,” but the robe left his legs mostly bare, and failed to completely cover his chest and stomach. He realized his mistake when he cleared the screen, and the eyes of both mares immediately locked on to the exposed parts of his body. “Oh, uh…” He should have said more, but the double threat of Rarity and Fluttershy’s adorable blushes rooted him rigidly to the spot. Once again, he was reminded that he was, in fact, attractive, and while he was a little embarrassed, part of him enjoyed the unabashed attention and wanted to show off a bit. That “wanting to show himself off” part of him seemed to have grown bigger as well, Spike realized as he planted his fists on his hips, trying to show off without looking like he was doing so. The motion seemed to help snap the girls out of their reverie, and they finally managed to meet his gaze. Rarity spoke up, in what she would later feel was a surprisingly business-like tone given the circumstances “We were wondering. About your body. I mean… What it’s capable of. I mean…” Rarity sputtered for a moment before visibly composing herself. “Are you going to get any bigger?” “Oh. No,” Spike answered curtly. “Or, well… I could.” Before either of the girls could think of something to say, Spike sighed softly and held out his hand. The smooth scales and gentle, almost blunt claws roughened and sharpened, morphing into claws that were more suited to a predator than the gentle dragon they were attached to. The girls recoiled slightly at the now vicious appendage held out towards them. “I have a lot of control over my body, and I can transform it at will.” The claws softened and morphed again, returning to the much more fitting smoothness. “I could technically grow much bigger than I am now, but since I’m in control of my size, I will…” Spike paused and lowered his gaze, looking at the ground. “I will stay ‘pony-sized’ indefinitely.” He looked up again, smiling slightly. “I will not grow out of your lives.” “You never could,” Fluttershy answered quickly, almost as if by reflex. “So you say, but if I ever grow like I did on my birthday all those years ago…” Spike closed his eyes and sighed, obviously reliving that unpleasant memory. “I know you’d still welcome me…” “We would,” Rarity cut in, trying to stave off the depressed aura she observed beginning to weigh down Spike’s powerful shoulders. “But I don’t think I would be able to stay then.” He looked up again, a small smile gracing his face. “So no, I’m not going to grow any bigger.” A few moments of silence passed. Fluttershy moved forward and, accustomed to his physical presence by now, hugged him close and buried her petite muzzle in his broad chest. Rarity looked on, unsure what to do. “Well, this got very heavy,” Spike tried to joke as he returned Fluttershy’s hug. “I didn’t mean to get you girls down.” “No, it’s okay…” Rarity managed to say as she moved forward and joined the hug. Spike raised an arm to let her in. He felt warm, and strong, and gave off a pleasant, almost musky scent. “Just… Never forget that you belong here. With us.” “I won’t,” Spike replied. He hugged the mares a little closer. “This is nice.” “Mhm,” Fluttershy agreed. Rarity merely nodded. Spike felt that he should say something else, and, in a sudden fit of inspiration, decided to be completely honest. “I’m holding two of the most beautiful mares in the world in my arms. I gotta say, it’s kinda awesome.” Like she was shot from a cannon, Fluttershy detached from the embrace and backed up to halfway across the room, her cheeks a deep crimson and her mind reeling. Her sudden, involuntary, and extreme reaction to Spike’s statement drew his attention away from the deeply blushing formerly-alabaster mare who was smiling while burying her face in his chest. “Oh, I… I mean…” Fluttershy squeaked, trying to form words. “I… I…” She could not keep a massive smile from blossoming on her face, matching the warmth in her chest as she fully digested the compliment. It wasn’t just the words, but the utter honesty and conviction behind them that got to her. “I… I have things-shopping! Yes, food and pet… stuff…” The shy mare backed up towards the door, and Spike couldn’t help but smile at her endearing disposition. “I…” she squeaked. “I have to go… I’ll see you later?” “Yeah,” Spike said. He gave her a small wink. “See you later.” He ended with what he would later identify as a seductive purr, but it happened completely by instinct. With that, Fluttershy quietly shut the door and fled the Boutique. After a few happy skips, she took to the sky. She flew high into the air and took a deep breath before allowing herself an ecstatic, if quiet, yell of sheer happiness. She drifted almost lazily towards the marketplace. Her emotional high was set to carry her throughout the day. Back inside the building, Rarity squeezed Spike as hard as she could for a moment before she reluctantly pulled away. “You need to be careful where you point that silver tongue, darling…” She purred at him as her horn lit up, causing a long, yellow tape measure to snake its way through the air towards the pair. ”You’ll make a mare blush, praising her like that.” “I’m…” Spike flustered a bit at Rarity’s suddenly flirty demeanour. “I was just telling the truth.” “Well then, darling… Thank you for being so truthful…” Rarity fell silent and began to measure Spike, making sure to flirtatiously bend and stretch her body in just the right way to give her favorite dragon a small show. This did not go unnoticed by Spike, who took the time, as Rarity subtly showed herself off, to appreciate just how beautiful her feminine form truly was. She was shaped like a wet dream, with long, toned legs, freshly pedicured hooves, slender, delicate hands, lush, vibrant mane and tail, and a slender waist conspiring with her large-but-not-overly-so breasts and delightfully wide hips to give her a gorgeous hourglass figure. So preoccupied was he with his appraisal of the mare, the dragon only became aware that she had been speaking to him when his eyes strayed up to her full, luscious lips and he saw them moving in a manner conducive to speech. “What?” he said dumbly, but he was too lost in the deep blue pools of her eyes to hear her repeat her question. Reality gently nudged its way back into his mind just in time for him to catch the last snippet of her sentence. “... I think Fluttershy was going to fill me in before you scared her off,” she finished with an amused smile. “Uh… Fill you in about what?” Spike asked. Rarity’s smile stretched. “Why, about what happened to bring out this…” Rarity stroked her hand across Spike’s exposed chest, causing a pleasant shiver to run down his spine. “Transformation…” “Uhh, well… Do you know the traveling bard who came into town last week?” “Quick Wits? I’ve spoken to him briefly,” Rarity remarked. She went back to work measuring Spike’s chest for what was probably the third time. “Right. Well, yesterday evening I met him in the park. We ended up talking.” Rarity silently nodded and got to work measuring Spike’s inseam. “I mentioned my growth problem: that I was smaller than a dragon my age should be; this…” he gestured at himself, “is more appropriate. Anyway… Quick had a gemstone with special properties that he gave to me. It awoke my True Dragon powers and-” Spike abruptly fell quiet, and a look of panic flashed briefly over his face. Rarity caught it. “Spike, dear? Is something wrong?” “No, not at all,” Spike lied, clearly uncomfortable. “Anyway, it gave me some new powers  and changed my body to something more appropriate. I’m still trying to figure out what it all means.” Rarity knew that Spike was not a good liar. He had rarely, if ever, lied to her before, so she didn’t have much experience with why he might try. But she was sufficiently skilled in the social arts to identify the type of secret he was hiding. It was something he wanted to say, which was why those words “True Dragon” had slipped out, but he cut off in a manner that showed he was not allowed to speak of it. It was a secret he was keeping on someone else’s behalf, probably not directly related to her or the girls, but serious enough to attempt to cover up with a transparent lie. Her analysis complete, Rarity came to the conclusion that pursuing this “True Dragon” secret would no doubt wedge Spike between a rock and a hard place, as well as destroy the pleasant mood they currently enjoyed. So she chose to sidestep the issue for now. Her curiosity could wait. “Well, that was very kind of him,” she said. Much to her relief, the nervous expression on Spike’s face began to melt away. “It makes me curious as to where one might come into possession of such a marvelous gem?” “He said he got it in a Canterlot thrift store,” Spike replied, the relaxed smile now firmly back on his face as Rarity circled around to measure his shoulders and back. Again. She was really taking her time on this measuring session. “Mmmhmm… And what have you... worked out about this new body?” “Well… for example, I don’t have any natural wings. But I think I can fly anyway.” “Oooh, sounds interesting! How?” “Dragon magic,” Spike said with a confident gleam in his eye. “Watch.” Spike closed his eyes and concentrated. Rarity could feel a slight tingle in the air, much like what she felt when another unicorn was performing magic, but… different, somehow. Two purple torrents of ethereal energy appeared at Spike’s shoulder blades. They glowed brightly and pulsed a few times before they “unfurled,” revealing a pair of large, transparent, purple draconic wings, composed entirely of raw arcane energy. Amazingly enough, they seemed to pass right through the fabric of the robe without causing any damage to it. Spike’s eyes opened, and he gave the wings a flap, causing a gust of wind to whirl through the boutique. “Wow…” Rarity gasped. “They’re beautiful…” “Thanks. I still need to learn how to use them, though.” Spike replied. Rarity reached out and drew her fingers through the spectral wings, causing her fingers to tingle. After allowing her to indulge herself for a while, Spike closed his eyes again briefly, and the wings evaporated from existence. “Sorry, was I making you uncomfortable?” Rarity asked. “No. They’re just a bit unwieldy. I can’t fold them in like pegasi do, and I didn’t want them to get in the way.” “Well, let’s see here…” Rarity walked up and slid her arms over Spike’s shoulders, allowing her hands to reach back to where his wings had gone through the fabric of the robe. “Wow, the fabric wasn’t damaged at all…” Rarity drifted off, but her arms slipped completely around Spike’s neck, and she gently molded her body against his. “Uh…” Spike got flustered, heat rising in his cheeks. “Are you… done… with the, uh... measurements?” “Oh, Spikey...” Rarity laughed melodiously. “I finished measuring you five minutes ago… I’ve just been savoring the eye candy.” She drew close, their faces inches apart. Her next words were barely above a whispered breath. “Most beautiful dragon in the world.” As emotions swirled in Spike’s heart and mind, he dimly recognized that this had to be what the girls had felt when he had used those words. The sincerity in her eyes and voice touched him deeply, and he found himself smiling like a fool. “Really?” he asked, his voice a whisper. “Yes,” Rarity replied huskily. Her warm breath spilled over Spike’s lips as she drew a little closer. “How long have you wanted this?” “Since the moment I first saw you.” “Hey Rares!” a brash voice suddenly cut in. The door to the boutique opened, and Rainbow Dash rushed in. “You gotta hear thiiiiss… Oh… Oh man…” Spike and Rarity both turned towards the door and fixed her with disbelieving stares. Blushing heavily, Rainbow shut the door behind her and dropped her voice to a whisper. “Maybe I should have knocked?” Rarity turned back to Spike and brought one of her hands to his chin, turning him back to face her. There was disappointment in his eyes where warm desire had lived a few moments ago. She had to fix that. Ignoring the added audience, Rarity closed her eyes, brought her lips to Spike’s, and drew him even deeper into her embrace. It was amazing. Spike secured his embrace around Rarity’s soft, velvety body, closing what little distance remained between them and diving into the kiss with a fiery passion that had been building for many years. He felt Rarity’s gorgeous body press up against his and her ample bosom push fervently against his chest as his heart soared and his mind became lost in a state of euphoria. Their lips moved against each other, probing, sliding and exploring this new and amazing act. Rarity was no pegasus, but she felt like she was soaring through the sky! During the kiss, Spike’s arms around her waist actually lifted her from the ground and held her close to his strong body. She felt completely weightless. Her perceptions dimmed until she was only aware of herself and the gorgeous being bringing her such joy. Eventually, however, they both needed to breathe, and Spike reluctantly pulled back and put Rarity back on the ground. The poor mare couldn’t stand on her own legs, however, so she had to support herself by leaning against Spike’s steady frame. There they remained for a few moments, with big smiles on their faces like they’d had a few too many mugs of hard cider. “Woah…” came a voice from the door. The two kissers turned to see their rainbow-maned friend, who had apparently collapsed to her knees in awe of what she been witness to. Rainbow Dash picked up her jaw from the floor before proclaiming, with a small crack in her voice, “That… was… hot!” > Chapter 5: Taking Flight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of Dragons and Mortals Chapter 5: Taking Flight  “Wow…” Rainbow half-gasped. She extended her wings and flew over to Spike and Rarity, then proceeded to circle them. “You really kissed her stupid.” Rarity managed a weak glare in her friend’s general direction. The athlete responded by poking her tongue out playfully. “Spike, darling… You’re a size Large,” Rarity said. Her horn lit up, and a nearby closet opened, bringing out a hamper filled with carefully folded clothes. She reluctantly pulled out of Spike’s embrace and placed the hamper in his arms. “I’ll get you something properly tailored in a few days, when my schedule clears up. For now, however, this should work. Why don’t you go get dressed?” “Or why don’t you stay not-dressed?” Rainbow Dash asked, suddenly hugging Spike from behind and nosing his neck. “I like this look on you.” Spike could swear the sentence was punctuated with a light, affectionate lick on his neck, but Rainbow distracted him before he could process it. “Also, kudos. It’s not even noon and you already kissed your dream girl…” “Rainbow Dash!” Rarity cried out in a scandalized voice. “Let the poor boy get dressed!” Still too weak in the knees to try to physically pry her athletic friend from her “perch” on Spike’s back, Rarity was relieved to see that Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and backed off. Spike, who was still mute from the kiss, retreated behind the screen. “Sooo… How was it?” Rainbow teased her proper friend. “A lady does not kiss and tell, Rainbow Dash,” Rarity said. She stuck her muzzle in the air and walked into the kitchen. Rainbow followed. “Aw, you don’t need to tell me. The look on your face says it all.” Rarity faced one of her mirrors to find that she was still blushing. The lingering warmth in her body refused to fade, however, so she resolved to live with it for the moment. It felt nice, after all. “Oh does it now? And I suppose you didn’t enjoy ogling us in the slightest?” Rarity teased back, feigning indignation. “Honestly, Rainbow. I had never imagined you of all ponies to be such a shameless voyeur! And from the threshold of my own boutique, no less!” “Wait… I was doing what now?” Rainbow paused, feeling deeply flustered. Her eyes flickered to the kitchen door, but Rarity gave her no chance to recompose herself as she slipped back into a slightly more serious mood. “Why did you stay anyway?” Rarity asked. “Seriously, I mean.”  Rainbow blushed a bit and scuffed her hoof on the floor before answering. “I thought I’d killed the mood already and you were going to chew me out. So I thought I might as well take it,” she admitted with a small smile. “But you pulled it off anyway. Nice save!” Rainbow hesitated a bit and squirmed. “And… I mean… Spike is… it was hot, okay?” “Say no more, darling.” Rarity smiled. “I may have done the same in your position.” “Thanks.” “So what were you going to say when you stormed in here anyway?” Rarity asked as she began to pour some tea for herself and her friend. “Hm? Oh, right.” Rainbow accepted a cup from the fashionista. “I was coming to tell you a bit of gossip: seems like our little dragon friend is suddenly all grown up and hot.” “You don’t say?” “Hey, I didn’t know he was with you! I heard he was in Sugarcube Corner. I was actually hoping to get you to go there with me,” Rainbow said. “And I thought that just once I’d got my hands on some gossip before you did.” “You wanted me to accompany you?” Rarity asked with a slightly raised eyebrow. “Might I ask why?” “Because…” Rainbow hesitated. “I dunno… I just wanted someone I could trust to back me up on this. And you’re good at... y’know, mushy stuff.” “Mushy stuff?” “Well yeah... you know…” Rainbow’s explanation descended to little more than unintelligible mumbles and a few nervous wing twitches. “What was that, darling?” “Lovey-dovey stuff…” Rainbow admitted, just barely above a whisper. “Aaah… I had no idea you felt that way about our Spike,” Rarity cooed, supportively placing her hand on her friend’s shoulder. “No wait! It’s not that,” Rainbow immediately protested. “Well… maybe it is that now, I guess.” She took a sip of her tea and made a show of savoring the taste in a poorly masked effort to buy herself some time to think. “It’s just… I spoke to some of the townsponies, and they kept saying that Spike had always been supportive and nice and reliable and stuff, and now that he was… well… grown up, they were seeing him in a different light.” She paused again to stare deeply into her mug. “Spike’s been our friend for years… I know what he’s like, but I never thought about him being anything more than that, or at least I didn’t think so. But listening to the way they were talking about Spike, I just… I needed to go see him. And I needed backup.” “And now that you’ve seen him with your own two eyes?” Rarity asked, looking into those eyes. “Be honest. How do you feel?” “Feel…? Look, Rares, I don’t–” “Answer the question, Rainbow Dash!” Rarity interrupted, a stern tone in her voice.  Rainbow floundered for a moment. “I feel… He’s always been such an awesome little guy, you know?” she answered, looking down into her cup of tea again. “He’s, nice, kind… he’s always there for me, for us… I like him, he’s one of my closest friends. Seeing him like this…” She closed her eyes. Revealing this much of herself, even to a close friend, was making her very uncomfortable, but Rainbow Dash was no coward, so she soldiered on for the sake of her friends. For Spike. And for herself. “He’s… my closest male friend. And I’m attracted to him. I’m thinking maybe I want something more than just friendship.” A shudder went down Rainbow’s spine, and she couldn’t shake the feeling that she had stumbled into a mushy romance novel. But when she faced Rarity again, she was reassured to find compassion in her eyes. “And as our closest male friend, who we all care about very deeply, he at least deserves a fair chance, correct?” “Yeah...” Rainbow couldn’t help but smile. “Yeah! Exactly. I mean… Like I said, he’s always been an awesome little guy. If he’s going to be an awesome big guy too… Then...” She trailed off, a blush appearing on her face. “Rainbow Dash, I’m surprised at you. I had no idea you were hiding such a hopeless romantic underneath your brash exterior.” “Hey! And just what, exactly, is that supposed to mean?” Rainbow replied, narrowing her eyes at her unicorn friend. “Oh nothing, absolutely nothing at all, darling.” “Okay then…” A few moments of silence passed in which the two friends simply sipped their tea. Rainbow finally broke the silence. “So what’s up with Spike’s change, anyway? All I heard was that he ‘grew up’ and something about a ‘mental block’ or something?” “Well, I’ll tell you what I know. Apparently, last night…” ----- Somehow, Spike managed to get dressed. How, the world may never know, as a good several minutes were lost in the pleasant haze he achieved after finally kissing the mare he had been dreaming about for years. Rainbow’s presence registered, as did her flirtatious remarks, though the blush they induced didn’t arrive until said minutes had passed. He managed to digest the athlete’s comments, and the heat from Rarity’s kiss began to fade. The girls approved. All of the important mares he had met so far had been positive and affectionate. It was… it was beyond what he could have dreamed. Spike closed his eyes and sighed, images of life with those he loved flashing before his eyes as he stepped out from behind the screen. A sudden gasp drew his attention. He looked over to see a gorgeous ivory-white mare with a curly pink and purple mane. Sweetie Belle. “Hi…” she managed. “Hi…” Spike replied. She had truly grown up from the small and cute child he had known years ago. Sweetie was wearing a casual sundress on her filled-out body, and used just the barest hints of makeup to highlight her beautiful face, as her sister had no doubt taught her. Not for the first time today, Spike’s breath was stolen away. The feeling seemed to be mutual. “Spike, you…” Sweetie Belle managed, slowly stepping closer to him. “You’re…” Her eyes trailed up his body and met his. An angelic smile bloomed on her face. “Oh…” she lamely finished. She placed her hand on his arm, gently stroking the strong muscles that she found there. Spike stared back into her deep green eyes. “I, um…” Sweetie began, a blush rising in her cheeks as she averted her eyes from Spike’s. “I was just heading out… to meet the girls…” She met his gaze again and blushed brightly. “I’ll… see you later?” Spike nodded dumbly. Sweetie Belle then surprised him by reaching up and pressing a tender kiss on the corner of his mouth before pulling back, blushing heavily. Without another word, she walked out. Her hips swayed alluringly as she walked, and Spike’s eyes couldn’t help but follow. She glanced back once, gave the dragon another bright smile, and left the building. The bell to the boutique chimed as she left. ------ “... And he showed me his wings just before you showed up. You know the rest,” Rarity finished. “Woah, woah… He has wings? I wasn’t gonna say anything, but I didn’t see, or feel, any wings on him.” “Oh, they’re…” Rarity paused, smiling impishly. “You know what, I’m not going to spoil it. Just ask him to show you his wings. I think he’ll need flying lessons…” That caught Dash’s attention immediately. “Sounds good to me!” she agreed, taking a rather unladylike swig of her tea. “So, he woke up at Twilight’s, spent some time in Sugarcube Corner and came here with Fluttershy. That means he’s met all the girls except…” “Applejack. You read my mind, darling.” Rarity looked at the clock and frowned slightly. “We should also gather up the girls and talk this through, preferably this evening. However, I have a large order I need to get done today, so I will be busy for several hours. Could you maybe escort our gentledrake to meet with the fair maiden Applejack?” Rarity punctuated the sentence with an exaggerated flutter of her eyelashes. Rainbow laughed. “‘Fair maiden,’ huh? Sure, I’ll take him under my wing. I’m done with weather duty until nightfall anyway. I think I saw Big Mac manning the apple stall in the market today, but just in case, I’ll swing by to see if AJ’s there before heading out to Sweet Apple Acres. ” The chime of the boutique’s entrance bell reminded the girls of reality, and Rarity got up with a small sigh. work,” she said. She walked back into the main area of the boutique, and Rainbow followed. The dragon of the hour was standing stiffly, almost as if in a fog, just staring at the door to the boutique. The sound of hooves on the floor snapped him out of it a little, and his attention shifted to the two mares. “Hi, girls,” he muttered, his voice low and still filled with awe over the events of the past few minutes. “Hah, so you can talk!” Rainbow teased, circling around Spike once more. “We heard the bell,” Rarity interrupted before Rainbow could keep teasing. “Did someone enter?” “No. Sweetie Belle left,” Spike said. He  closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths in an attempt to calm himself. In doing so, he completely missed Rarity and Rainbow Dash glancing at each other, conflicted expressions on their faces. By the time Spike felt he could open his eyes again, the look had passed. “Well, look at you!” Rarity exclaimed, walking over to him. “You really make those plain clothes work.” Spike looked down at the humble blue button-up shirt and jeans he had chosen. “Thanks,” he replied with a smile. “Needs something…” Rainbow muttered. She flew up and landed in front of Spike, then opened the top two shirt-buttons and traced her index finger over the exposed scales. “Much better. You’ve gotta show your stuff, after all.” “Uh… Thanks, Rainbow,” Spike said, smiling at her. “You sure you don’t just want to see more ‘skin’? Should I maybe open a few more?” Where this smooth confidence came from, Spike wasn’t sure, but the emotional high he had achieved from the unicorn sisters’ affection might have had something to do with it. “Don’t tempt me; I was against this idea of ‘getting dressed’ from the start,” Rainbow said, a cheeky smile forming on her face. “But hey, let’s keep it like that, okay? Leaves something for the imagination to play with, eh?” She punctuated her statement with a playful shove to his chest that pushed her off the ground, and with a flutter of her wings, she started hovering. “You have a point, Rainbow,” Rarity said as she walked up to inspect Spike more closely. “This does look just a little more alluring.” She fingered the collar of the shirt and straightened it properly, then met Spike’s eyes and smiled. “Much as I’d like to keep you here, I have work I must do. And you should introduce your new self to Applejack.” “C’mon big guy!” Rainbow interrupted, standing by the door and gesturing enthusiastically over her shoulder. “Let’s head to the market!” Spike looked over to her, then glanced back to Rarity just in time to feel her lips land on the corner of his mouth. The same place her sister had kissed mere moments ago. With a gentle push and a happy wave from Rarity, Spike dazedly walked to the door. He practically crashed into Rainbow Dash, who put her arm around his shoulders and led him out. Once they were outside, Rainbow looked over at him. “Woah there, is it really that easy to daze ya, dragon boy?” she asked. “Let me try.” Before Spike could react, Rainbow Dash leaned in and pressed her lips to Spike’s thus far unkissed cheek. The effect was immediate: he blushed and squirmed away. Rainbow grinned and stealthily looked around to make sure the townsponies had seen what she did. Her grin widened when she saw several nearby mares look over at them enviously. Deciding to ignore the stares, Rainbow Dash directed her attention to Spike, who was still reeling from her show of affection. “Yeah. It is that easy,” she teased. She flew a circle around him, chuckling raspily. She landed face-to-face with him. “So… Rarity said you have wings? Show me!” “Uh…” Spike managed, still recovering from the sudden kiss. He looked around at the small crowd of ponies who were trying to look like they weren’t paying close attention. He hesitated, but Rarity’s words of praise rang out in his mind, and he decided to go for it. “Alright. Watch this.” Spike closed his eyes and concentrated again. Like before, two bundles of purple energy gathered at his shoulder blades and burst out into purple, ethereal wings. He then opened his eyes and grinned at the open-mouthed expression of awe on Rainbow’s face (other bystanders were reacting too, but they weren’t important right then.) He placed his fists on his hips, thrust his chest out in a pose, and stretched his wings out to their limit before he spoke. “Are you okay?” he asked, still grinning. “Wooooah… Awesome!” she exclaimed, zipping around behind him. She ran her fingers through the ethereal energy, causing an interesting tingle in her fingers. “Can you fly with these bad boys?” “I don’t know. They didn’t come with an instruction manual. Just an… instinct,” Spike replied, an unsure tone in his voice. “I think I can get airborne…” “Well then, it’s Rainbow Dash to the rescue!” the athlete exclaimed. She zipped in front of him again, hovering just above the ground. “First off, take my hands.” Spike complied. “Now flap your wings and ascend with me. Don’t worry, I’ve got you.” Spike chose to trust Rainbow Dash, and began flapping his wings. He listened to her as she gave rapid-fire instructions, and finally, clutching Rainbow’s hands tightly, Spike’s feet left the ground. A few more flaps of his wings, and Carousel Boutique seemed to shrink below him. Rainbow Dash’s hands never strayed or loosened, holding on to Spike as the pair flew higher, until the lowest flying clouds passed by under them. Spike couldn’t decide where to look: down at the world below as he flew on his own wings for the first time, or at Rainbow who was leading him through this experience. Their eyes met, and Rainbow smiled. This was her element. Here she was a princess. “Can you walk on clouds?” she asked, her eyes straying to a fluffy, comfortable-looking cloud close by. “I think so?” he answered. Another sudden flash of knowledge told him yes, but his inexperience gave him pause. “Come on then!” Rainbow exclaimed, and she carefully guided Spike over to said cloud. Rainbow Dash was carefully observing Spike as she led him and she was able to see a subtle purple glow briefly envelope him as they approached the cloud. Not willing to risk anything, she kept an extra hard grip on his hands as they approached the cloud. Spike’s feet sank into the cloud... and sprung back up. Rainbow landed in front of him. “I… I can walk on clouds,” Spike said, awe in his voice. “I can fly!” Spike let go of Rainbow’s hands, but before the mare could react, she found herself pressed up against his strong chest with his powerful arms wrapped around her. She gasped, but wrapped her arms around his neck in turn and simply enjoyed the embrace. Hugging a strong, kind and dependable stallion on a cloud floating above the world, Rainbow had a flashback to that totally silly and mushy romantic novel Rarity had dared her to read years ago. When Spike lifted her off her hooves and spun happily with her, without once breaking his embrace, she abandoned the fantasy and joined him, the sounds of their mirth spilling down to the ground, causing several passing townsponies to glance up curiously. Once the initial rush died down, Spike placed Rainbow back on her hooves, but when he made to let her go, she tightened her grip around him. What she was going to say next was going to be hard for her, and she drew strength from the fact that Spike renewed his embrace. “So-” She choked. This was all happening very fast, even for her. But they were in the sky, in what was essentially her home, and she knew she could trust him. This was the time. “So what happens now?” “... We’re heading to Applejack’s, right?” “I don’t mean that…” With a bit of pegasus magic, Rainbow made the cloud “stick” to her hooves. She flapped her wings, bringing them higher, away from any prying ears. “I mean… are you going to ride off into the sunset with Rarity, never looking back?” Rainbow echoed the concerns of mares throughout the ages, worried that the stallion of their eye had a favorite, and no room in his heart for another. She loved all her friends, but Spike’s crush on Rarity was well known. Maybe Rarity was all he wanted? Maybe Rainbow had no chance from the start? Spike smiled, and a small chuckle rumbled in his chest. Before Rainbow could call him out on laughing at her honest concern, he spoke up. “Let me tell you a little something about me...” he said, pulling away a little to look her over before he met her eyes. Rainbow Dash was built like a world-class athlete, which was unsurprising, since she was one. She was sleek all over, every little bit of her trim, with corded and carefully-toned muscles. There was not an ounce of excess fat to be found on her. Her breezy white t-shirt and loose-fitting grey shorts did little to hide the outline of her relatively small frame and modest breasts from his eyes. As he met her warm reddish-purple eyes, Spike couldn’t help but smile. She was absolutely beautiful. “When I was little, I had a clear-cut dream,” he began. “Woo Rarity, marry her, live happily ever after. But it’s different now.” “Yeah?” “Yeah… Because I’ve spent years in the company of the best, most beautiful girls in the world.” As he spoke, a deep blush spread across Rainbow’s face, as well as his own. “And I… I’ve fallen for them. Now I have a new dream.” Rainbow looked into his eyes and saw the love burning there. Burning for her. She had to say something. “Am I one of those girls?” “Of course you are.” “Good.” No more needed to be said. On a cloud soaring above Ponyville, Rainbow Dash pulled Spike the dragon in for a kiss. > Chapter 6: Honesty is the Best Policy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of Dragons and Mortals Chapter 6: Honesty is the Best Policy On a cloud floating high above Ponyville, Rainbow Dash wrestled the dragon who was glued to her lips. She managed to push Spike onto his back, and fell down with him, never breaking the lip-lock. She briefly compared kissing to flying, and decided that she was happy she could have both. Then she tried to deepen the kiss, teasing Spike’s lips with her tongue. He pulled away from the sudden new sensation. “Hey, what gives?” Dash all but demanded, before catching the surprised look on his face. “That… That was new,” Spike gasped, breathless from the kiss. “Oh, is that all?” she asked rhetorically. She immediately dived back in, kissing him again with reckless abandon. This time, she was pleased to discover that Spike didn’t pull away when she deepened the kiss. He welcomed her tongue, adding his own in a fumbling but enthusiastic attempt to return her fervor. It was electric, and it sent pleasant shivers down her spine. Spike was just trying to hang on as the athlete on top of him continued to push him into unknown territory. But he was loving it. Instinctively, Spike reached up with his left hand and placed it at the back of her neck, pulling her deeper into the kiss to her vocal --if muffled-- consent. Rainbow grabbed his right hand and trailed it down her back until he was cupping her butt. Too drunk on lust to think straight, or at all, Spike grabbed that tight rump firmly, pushing her lower body into his. Rainbow Dash felt something hard poking against her hip, and she had to break the kiss. Thankfully, when she tried to pull away, Spike took the hint and let her up. “Okay. You’re talented,” she said, grinning like a fool. “You’ll get even better with practice. Buuut, I think we’re going to have to do that later.” Rainbow Dash illustrated her point by grinding her hips gently into Spike’s. She would be lying if she said she wasn’t a little turned on herself, but letting things get hot and heavy on a cloud flying over the village in the middle of the day was not a good idea. Spike, on the other hand, felt a massive wave of embarrassment. He turned his head away, wishing he could bury his face in the cloud he was lying on. “Hey, don’t worry,” he heard Rainbow Dash say. “Right now, all this means is that you like me. How could I blame you for that?” Spike’s eyes met Rainbow’s, and he managed to smile. She smiled back, then bent down and placed a quick kiss on his lips. She briefly pulled away, lowered herself down a bit, and nuzzled into the hollow of his throat. Spike felt warmth blossom in his chest, and his smile grew wider. “You know, I really like you too,” Rainbow mumbled into his chest. “Maybe if you keep being such a great guy, this could go somewhere.” Spike’s arms tightened around her, and the two stayed in each other’s embrace for a while longer before Rainbow slowly pulled away. If she had read the air currents right, they should be over the marketplace now. “Okay, wait here for a bit. I’m gonna see if AJ’s working in the market today.” She waited for Spike to nod before she left. Rainbow’s flight served the dual purpose of accomplishing her mission and allowing her to cool down. She didn’t even set down on the ground; she just confirmed that Big Mac was, in fact, the pony selling Apple family products today. She absently noted that he was manning the place alone, and she took the scenic route back towards the cloud. Spike took the opportunity to close his eyes and try to work through the emotional roller-coaster he had been on since he woke up. It was funny. He had only spent half a day as a proper adult, and he had gotten so far with the mares he loved… In a weird way, it was humbling. He didn’t know if he really deserved this, and it scared him a bit. More than a bit. “If they choose me…” he muttered, vocalizing the thoughts running through his mind, “then I need to be worthy of their love. I will probably try for the rest of our lives… But it will be worth it.” No one was around to hear him. Rainbow Dash returned shortly thereafter. However, having both cooled off after what they had shared, there was an awkward tension in the air around them, like neither knew what to say. Wordlessly, Rainbow pushed the cloud towards Sweet Apple Acres, looking up occasionally to meet Spike’s eyes and smile. ---- Sweet Apple Acres was quiet, which suited Applejack just fine. Her chores were done for the moment, and she was enjoying the calm while Granny Smith was putting the final touches on lunch. Somewhat distantly, she could hear the soothing sound of Apple Bloom’s and Granny’s voices as they talked in the house behind her. All in all, there was a calm, almost sleepy atmosphere around the Acres that Applejack was truly enjoying. So when she spotted a cloud heading for the Acres, followed by a familiar rainbow contrail, she sighed. It looked like her peace was about to be disrupted. But a visit from one of her closest friends was always something to be treasured, so Applejack had no problem managing a smile when Rainbow Dash parked the cloud near the ground and landed in front of her. “Howdy, Rainbow!” she said cheerfully. “What brings you out… Rainbow, are you alright?” Rainbow was smiling. And not in the “somepony told me a good joke” way, but more like “I drank too much cider.” Also, she was blushing faintly. Frankly, she looked a little drunk. “I’m great, AJ,” she replied, still sporting a goofy little smirk. “But I need to talk to you for a bit. Can we go inside?” Applejack was about to reply when she saw someone jump down from the cloud. It took her several seconds before she recognized him. “Is that Spike?” she whispered. Her eyes locked with Spike’s, and she couldn’t look away. “Yeah. That’s what I wanna talk about.” Rainbow turned back to Spike. “Just wait here one second, okay? Mare talk.” “Uh, sure,” Spike replied distractedly, still seemingly unable to look away from AJ. Who, Rainbow noted, was beginning to blush. Rainbow gave her friends a few seconds to keep up the mutual staring, then physically dragged Applejack into the Apple house. Once inside, she turned to her friend and smiled widely. “Wow, right?” Rainbow said. “Yeah, Ah’d say…” Applejack replied. “When did this happen?” “Just this morning.” Before anything else could be said, Apple Bloom walked briskly past the two. “Hi Sis! Hi Dash! Bye Sis! Bye Dash!” the young mare said as she brushed past them, a partly eaten sandwich clutched in her hands. Before Rainbow or AJ could respond, she was out the door. Rainbow gave said door a conflicted glance, then turned back to Applejack. “Okay, so as I understand, last night…” ---- Spike stood outside. He did not have long alone with his thoughts, as the door almost immediately opened again, and Apple Bloom walked out. She took one look at him and froze, eyes wide. “Spike?” she asked in a tone that implied she wasn’t sure if she should whisper or scream. Suddenly, she smiled, and she walked up to him with a small saunter in her step. “Well howdy there!” “Hey, Apple Bloom,” Spike replied with a friendly smile. “Where are you off to?” Spike gestured at the sandwich still clutched in her hand. She hid it behind her back and smiled a little awkwardly. “Yeah. Ah’m meetin’ with the girls,” she answered. She walked in a small circle around Spike while looking him up and down, making no effort to hide the fact that she was appraising him. “Wow, look at you! What’s up with this?” “Uh… I grew up,” he answered, giving a quick, yet truthful, answer. “Worked through a mental block that was keeping me small…” He trailed off when Apple Bloom stopped in front of him and leaned in close. “Well, you’re looking mighty fine, Ah must say....” she half-whispered, her lips a few inches from his. But she pulled back, a teasing smile on her lips. “Ah gotta go, Ah’m already late. But Ah think me and the girls’ll see you later.” With that teasing smile still on her face, Apple Bloom danced away from Spike, turned, and skipped down the path towards Ponyville, digging into her sandwich as she went. Spike couldn’t help but smile to himself. “You’re looking good too…” he muttered, but Apple Bloom was already too far away to hear him. Thus free from distraction, pleasant though it may have been, Spike resumed his silent wait. ---- “Okay…” Applejack said for perhaps the fifteenth time during Rainbow’s explanation. She was listening; she just didn’t know what to say. Rainbow had told her all of the events she had witnessed and experienced. Even what Spike had said to her on the cloud. And what they had done. “So, we need to talk about this. All of us, I mean.” “Yeah. That we do.” It was odd. When she woke up this morning, Applejack had no idea her world was going to be shaken like this, but there it was: Spike was all grown up and already charming her friends. Applejack closed her eyes to think. Thankfully, Rainbow Dash stayed quiet as she did so. She tried to sort out her feelings… and found herself smiling. Spike might have moments of weakness, but so did they all. He was hardworking, dedicated, kind, and a true gentledrake. Overall, her memories of him were very positive. “So, when and where?” she finally asked her friend. “I was thinking after dinner at… Pinkie’s?” Rainbow answered. “If we can’t be at her place, then the library. I’m gonna try to find the others and get the meeting set up. Sounds good?” “Yeah. And Ah’ll take care of Spike for a bit.” "I was hoping you'd say that. He's drawing a lot of attention right now. A lot of mares are giving him bedroom eyes." That thought made Applejack feel inexplicably annoyed. “Won’tcha stay for lunch?” came an elderly voice from right beside them, causing both mares to all but jump out of their skins. “Granny!” Applejack managed as she recovered from the scare. “How long’ve you been standin’ there?” “Long enough,” Granny replied, a mysterious smile playing on the corners of her mouth. “Are ya stayin’ for lunch, Rainbow Dash?” “Tempting… but I have things to do. Sorry.” “That’s okay, dear! I’ll just set the table for Spike. Apple Bloom’s meetin’ her friends, and Big Mac’s hard at work. It’ll be nice to have some more faces around the table.” Granny Smith paused and grinned.  “Can’t wait to see what sweet little Spike looks like now.” With that statement, Granny disappeared back into the kitchen, leaving two mildly disturbed mares behind. “So, I’m gonna go…” Rainbow said. “Yeah.” Applejack walked her friend out. When they exited the house, Spike was still standing there nonchalantly. He quickly noticed them and waved, his casual air melting away to reveal a certain appropriately Spike-like awkwardness that instantly put AJ at ease. Rainbow dashed forwards and nuzzled Spike’s cheek briefly before she took to the air and flew off towards Ponyville. Applejack’s eyes met Spike’s, and an uncomfortable silence descended. She wanted to say something, and she could tell by his expression that he wanted to as well, but he looked away, probably trying to gather up some nerve. Applejack took the opportunity to check him out, running her eyes down Spike’s body. She had to admit, he was attractive in an exotic way.   “Hey AJ,” Spike finally said, which caused her eyes to snap back up to his. He was smiling softly. “You look great.” At that, she looked down at herself. She was wearing her usual cut-off jeans and plaid shirt. She was not dolled up in the slightest, and her mane was a bit matted with sweat. “You’re looking mighty fine yourself,” she replied. She continued in a teasing voice, “Are you fishin’ for compliments or somethin’?” “Maybe,” Spike said, his smile becoming more genuine as he visibly began to relax. “It’s nice to be appreciated. And this is still very new to me, so it’s nice to hear that the new me is appreciated. Not like you; I imagine you can’t go a day without somepony telling you how beautiful you are.” That caught Applejack off guard. The casual way he threw the statement out there somehow made it impact much more than if he had screamed it from the rooftops. He stated it like it was a fact. A law of nature. “That, Ah…” Applejack stuttered. “No, that… Doesn’t happen.” “You’re kidding me.” Again with that infuriatingly genuine tone of voice, as if she had suggested something impossible. Applejack was desperate at this point, however, and grasped at the only straw she could see to hopefully come back on top of the conversation. “You suggestin’ I’m bein’ dishonest?” “No! No…” Spike trailed off. He met her eyes. “I just don’t understand how anyone could miss it. I mean… look at you. Your beautiful eyes, your strong, athletic body, your disarming smile…” His eyes drifted down her body for a moment before snapping back up to hers. “Sorry. But trust me, you are beautiful.” Applejack blushed. She could sense no dishonesty in his voice, which only rammed home the simple thought. He thinks I’m beautiful. He really does. It was not something Applejack was used to being called, nor, to be honest, something she aspired to be. But the genuine feeling behind the compliment caused a pleasant warmth to spread through her chest. She kept looking into his eyes for any hint that it was some sort of cruel joke, but she found nothing but honesty in those eyes. And, after a few moments, embarrassment at her staring. Before anything else could be said, Granny Smith appeared in the door behind AJ and suddenly spoke up. “Lunch is gettin’ cold! Move yer caboose!” Before Spike could react, Granny Smith moved up behind him and repeatedly poked him in the back with her cane, herding him through the door. Apparently, he was invited to lunch. Not that he was complaining. The lunch, excellent as always, proceeded quietly. Granny Smith was openly examining Spike, Applejack was trying to look like she wasn’t doing the same, and Spike was wolfing down his lunch with gusto. He was hungry, after all. Once the food was gone, Applejack picked up the dishes and left the room. Granny Smith instantly turned to Spike. “Son, we need ta talk for a bit.” Spike tried to read the ancient mare’s mood, but found her to have an excellent poker face. He had no idea what she was thinking, and the atmosphere in the room became deadly serious. “Okay, Mrs. Smith,” he answered meekly. “Ah ain’t gonna be no gosh-darn puritan and try to say ya can’t pursue mah kin ‘cause ya ain’t a pony,” Granny said. Spike’s heart felt a little bit lighter. “Yer a sweet boy, and ya’ve done right by the princesses, Ponyville, and the Apples.” She paused and took several gulps of her drink. “Thank you, Mrs--” “Ah ain’t finished, young’un,” Granny interrupted. “Ah only have one problem: Ah wanna see great grand-children before it’s mah time. And Ah also know that Applejack’ll want to be a mother someday. Ah’m not one to stand in the way of romance, but if ya can’t give mah kin children, Ah will have to stand in yer way.” That was an intimidating prospect for Spike. The Apples were a tight-knit family, and Granny Smith’s disapproval would be a significant blow to any relationship he might want to develop with her granddaughters. “Ah know very few things are impossible when magic’s involved, and yer real close with the princesses, so Ah reckon there may be a way.” Granny sighed deeply. “Ah’m not unreasonable. But it’d be real sweet of ya if ya could soothe mah mind sooner rather than later.” It was an intimidating prospect, but Spike already had the answer. “I did my research last year,” he proclaimed. The Apple family house was solidly built, but there was at least one quirk that not too many outside the immediate family knew. The architecture of the kitchen and dining room was such that sound, especially conversation, travelled beautifully, so that someone standing in the kitchen could talk to someone standing in the dining room. Applejack heard everything Granny and Spike talked about. She rapidly went from frustrated and embarrassed to terrified. Granny first seemed to want to shut Spike down, then ignored all sense of tact and went straight to the heart of the matter, something that was way too soon to consider in their relationship: foals. She wanted to storm in and interrupt them, possibly calling Granny out on her line of questioning, but she felt frozen in place. Having children was very important if she could ever consider a long term relationship. Spike was too important a friend to her to have something short term with. If she was going to get involved with him, it would be something serious. And if she could never have children with him… She shouldn’t be listening in. It was too soon to consider all of this. And yet she was still rooted. Another thought crossed her mind. There’s no way in heck that Granny doesn’t know Ah’m listening… She wants me to hear this. Granny’s voice drifted into the kitchen, as clear as though she was standing right next to AJ. “Ya have, have ya?” “Yes,” Spike replied. “A year ago… about a year ago, I realized… I realized that I… well, I started having these dreams…” He was speaking in a low voice, and AJ had to strain her ears a bit to hear him. “The mares I loved and I were living together. We were a family; we had foals. The dreams were…” Spike paused, and AJ heard him sigh. “The best dreams I’ve ever had,” he finally said, warmth filling his voice. “We were living together, and there were good times and bad. We argued, made up, tried to raise our kids as well as we could… I…” “It’s okay, dearie,” came Granny’s voice. AJ heard a chair shift, and could imagine her sweet Granny placing a hand on Spike’s shoulder for support. She wanted to do the same, but she still couldn’t move. “We had a lot of children, you know,” he managed to say after a while. “I remember Applejack and I sitting in front of a fireplace with three of our foals lying in our laps, napping. The love I felt then... I can’t… I know you’ve had children, so maybe you can understand… When I woke up to find it was just a dream… I nearly cried. I miss children who have never existed; it’s crazy!” “No it ain’t,” Granny replied. “Ah understand.” “I realized,” Spike continued, “that I wanted that. I wanted them. I wanted a family with the mares I loved. So I decided to check if it was possible, if I had a chance of making the dream come true.” “What did ya find?” Granny asked, echoing AJ’s unspoken thoughts. “I found that, while dragons and ponies can’t crossbreed, there is a rare but relatively simple spell that can transform my, um… ‘swimmers’ from dragon to pony.” Spike’s voice took on a much happier tone, and Applejack could easily imagine his smile. “So with just a little help, I can have foals just like any stallion. There is a chance I can make my dream come true.” “That’s all Ah needed to hear, dearie,” Granny responded. “‘Far as Ah’m concerned, if mah kin chooses ya, Ah’ll be proud to accept ya.” “Thank you, Mrs. Smith.” “That’s ‘Granny’ to ya.” AJ slumped to the floor. That was one of the most heartwarming things she had ever heard. What’s more, she had played an integral part in that dream. Taking a deep breath, she got back up on her hooves and walked out to the dining room, trying to look unaffected. “Howdy, y’all,” she said, but didn’t manage to keep the emotion out of her voice. Spike didn’t seem to notice much, but Granny gave her a knowing glance. “Spike, how would you like to join me out in the fields for a bit?” Spike noticed her voice quivering as she spoke and an intense look in her eyes. He nodded, unsure. “Sure, I’d like that.” “You youngsters go; Ah’ll finish up in here.” Applejack walked up and pulled Spike from his seat. She physically, and wordlessly, dragged him out of the dining room, through the hallway, out the door and into the closest orchard. When she turned to Spike, she bore the most intense expression he had ever seen. Her eyes were quivering, glistening with unshed tears. Spike realized then and there that Applejack had heard most, if not all, of what he and Granny had been talking about. A silent agreement passed between them: they would pretend she hadn’t heard him spill his guts, and she would express her opinion of his proposed future. With that, Applejack shoved Spike up against a tree and planted an enthusiastic kiss on his lips. > Chapter 7: Tender Mercies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of Dragons and Mortals Chapter 7: Tender Mercies Twilight Sparkle visited the marketplace just before noon to check off grocery shopping from her to-do list. The market was abuzz with activity as she traced the familiar path between the various stands and purchased the same things she usually bought. Performing the routine errands of the day worked wonders on her frazzled mind. Twilight was able to sit through her earlier meeting, but had been unable to pay proper attention. She ended up staring straight ahead for most of the meeting, just trying to think. She’d only calmed down after following her pre-established schedule for the rest of the morning. Spike was an adult now. That was something she needed to deal with. Though that wasn’t fair. According to his own testimony, he had been an adult for some time, but had been trapped in a body that refused to grow up. Really, the situation now was that things were as they should be. Yet all the rationalizing in the world couldn’t help Twilight when she remembered how she’d acted that morning. She had stared, she had touched, she had willingly lingered in Spike’s warm embrace… Twilight shook her head in an attempt to clear it, to the stoic surprise of Big Mac, whom she was buying apples from. She gave him an awkward grin, and he shrugged. Thankfully for Twilight, another mare approached the Apple cart, providing a convenient distraction as she sheepishly stepped out of the way of their business. She observed Mac as he effortlessly hefted another basket of apples onto the counter, allowing the newcomer to pick out her own apples. Objectively speaking, Big Mac was an attractive stallion, both in body and in personality, but she had never felt anything towards him like she had felt towards her number one assistant that morning. As a mental exercise, Twilight tried to imagine herself sitting in Big Mac’s lap, on her couch in the library, while he held her. She felt nothing in particular. Then she thought back to earlier that morning, when her emotions had gotten the better of her. She remembered Spike’s strong arms and warm chest, his scent filling her nostrils… “Twilight?” Suddenly, Fluttershy appeared in the fantasy, sitting on the couch next to them. Twilight opened her eyes, not knowing when she had closed them. Fluttershy was, in fact, standing right next to her. And she was at the Apple stand, not in the library. Blinking a few times to clear the fantasy from her mind’s eye, Twilight turned to face her friend. “Are you okay?” Fluttershy asked before Twilight could say anything. “I’m fine,” she responded. Paying more close attention to her, she noticed something unusual: Fluttershy was smiling. Not in her usual reserved fashion, but an open, infectious, whole-hearted smile that lit up her face. While it made her look even more beautiful than usual, the sheer joy she was emitting was distinctly out of character for her. “Wow, something good must have happened to you!” Twilight exclaimed, a giddy smile playing on her lips as well in an unconscious response. “Oh, it did,” Fluttershy confirmed with a small nod. “Something very good.” She proceeded to tell Twilight all about her morning thus far--talking to Spike, walking him to the Boutique, and what happened there. “... After that I just couldn’t… I had to… I left, and I had some lunch but…” Fluttershy absent-mindedly twirled a lock of her pink mane as she struggled for words to finish her tale. “Oh, I just feel so pretty!” she squeaked, bouncing in place and fluttering her wings in joy. A distracted passing stallion walked into a lamppost. The girls did not notice him. “Wow, Fluttershy…” Twilight said, smiling genuinely. “I didn’t know you felt that way about Spike.”  “Oh, I’ve always liked Spike,” Fluttershy said. “He’s a great guy, and he was so cute when he was small! Now he’s still cute, but in a different way. Like… stallion-cute.” Twilight fell silent, lost in thought. Spike was a stallion now. Of course others would see it. Some already had. Maybe she was falling behind. “So how was your morning, Twilight?” Fluttershy asked. She was about to answer when she was suddenly hugged from behind. The scent of cotton candy identified the assailant as Pinkie Pie before her cheerful voice reached Twilight’s ears. “Heya, Twilight! Heya Fluttershy! I finally got my lunch break!” “Hi Pinkie!” Fluttershy responded, her enthusiasm throwing Pinkie off guard. “Wowee, Flutters. I send you off with Spike and you come back all starry-eyed like this? What gives?” “Oh, I just had a good time, that’s all.” “So, Twilight…” Pinkie said to the friend still wrapped in her arms. “How are you handling this?” Twilight found herself freed from Pinkie’s embrace, both her friends looking at her intently. It took her a few moments to reply. “It’s been intense,” she managed to say. “I think we all need to sit down and talk about this.” “Okay!” Pinkie said excitedly. “We can do it at my place!” She pulled a calendar and pen out of her mane. “I can pencil you girls in anytime, but how about after we’ve had dinner? We can sit in my room and talk all we want!” “That sounds lovely, Pinkie,” Fluttershy said. “How about I go tell Rarity?” “And I’ll track down Rainbow Dash! If you’re onboard, Twilight?” Twilight mentally checked her schedule. “...Yes. That works for me.” A certain large stallion couldn't help but overhear the three mares as they made their plans. Big Mac didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but they were having the discussion none too quietly right next to his stall. Um, Miss Mayor! Are honorary family members allowed to help in the competition? The memory replayed in Mac’s mind. It was one of the earliest times in their friendship with his sister that the girls had been referred to as ‘family,’ and that was very much who they were. Honorary Apples. And he was a big brother. He needed to look out for them. ---- Sweet Apple Acres was vast. Acres upon acres of orchards covered the ground as far as the eye could see. On this particular day, in those endless orchards, something special was taking place. Giving in to her urge to kiss Spike had been something of a final trial for Applejack. A way to see if she truly felt that way about him. She did. When she wrapped her arms around Spike’s neck, pushed him up against the tree, and pressed herself up against him, it felt good. When her lips met his and he answered her enthusiasm with his own, it felt right. When they deepened the kiss, it felt blissful. How far was she willing to take this? Spike was revelling in AJ’s affection and threw himself into the kiss without regrets. Her breasts pressed against his chest, and he held on to her generous hips, pulling her into him as much as was physically possible. The biggest surprise, however, came when he grew aroused, and his hardness began to press against Applejack’s abdomen. She didn’t pull away. Instead she ground her hips into his pointedly. He gasped and inadvertently broke the kiss. Applejack leaned back from him, but made no move to pull her hips away, and moved her hands to his shoulders. When her arms slowly moved away from him, Spike wondered what she was doing. He was about to ask when she put one of her fingers to his lips, hushing him. Seemingly satisfied that he had been struck dumb, Applejack moved her hands slowly to the front of her shirt and unbuttoned it, dropping it and her bra to the ground. Spike stared as Applejack’s breasts were revealed in all of their glory. “Touch me,” AJ demanded in a husky whisper. Spike immediately obeyed, his fingers trailing up the soft coat of her sides before he allowed his hands to cover her firm breasts. They were average-sized, but that didn’t matter. They were AJ’s. That made them perfect. Applejack let out a badly suppressed moan of pleasure as Spike gently cupped her breasts, his large hands perfectly covering her. Having Spike touch her so intimately made her heart race, and she eagerly pushed back into his hands, trying to draw him even closer. The moan struck a chord deep within Spike, and he began softly teasing those orbs, tracing the tips of his claws over and around her nipples in an effort to get her to make more of those sensual sounds. He was amply rewarded. Applejack just couldn’t hold back. It felt like her whole body was electrified, and everything Spike did to her sent shockwaves through her body. His hands were a little shaky, but his gentle touch combined with the subtle sharpness of his claws made for a delicious contrast on her breasts. She held back from crying out her passion to the skies as Spike explored her, but couldn’t stop herself from moaning in delight when he found one sensitive spot after another. But just when she was going to lean in and kiss him again, she detected movement out of the corner of her eye and felt a spike of terror. It was a pegasus, off in the distance, dragging a cloud behind her. She wasn’t looking their way. They hadn’t been seen. “Spike, stop,” AJ pleaded. Spike looked up into Applejack’s eyes. He wanted to keep going. More than anything, he wanted to keep exploring her body and bringing her more and more pleasure. But she had said to stop, so Spike quickly pulled away. He couldn’t hide the hurt look in his eyes as AJ hurried to get dressed again. “Before you get any dumb ideas,” Applejack said as she dressed herself, “Ah do not regret anythin’ we did here. Not for a second.” That made Spike feel a bit better, but didn’t explain why-- “Look.” AJ sounded distracted as she broke his chain of thought. She finished dressing and pulled him over to her side, then pointed towards the sky. “Sweet Apple Acres is due fer a bit of rain. This place will be full of weather ponies in a few minutes.” Spike looked up and saw a number of weather-pony pegasi approaching, all dragging rain clouds with them. He finally found his voice again. “I understand.” As though his voice had snapped her out of a trance, Applejack sharply turned to Spike and pulled him down for a lingering kiss, keeping him lip-locked in place until she had to break off for air. This time, she knew somepony must have seen them. Spike realized that too. Applejack had just kissed him in public. He met her eyes and saw a certain frustration there he recognized. The same that was in his heart right now. She had not wanted to stop either. “Next time, Spike,” she said, poking him in the chest. “Next time.” They stared at each other for a few more moments, allowing the heat they had built between them to simmer down before AJ spoke again. “Ah have some chores Ah need to do. Wanna help out?” “Absolutely.” ---- Few are the creatures that knowingly and willingly enter a dragon’s den. It is a death sentence for almost everything that is not the dragon who calls the place home. So when Quick Wits, who had entered the cave earlier that day, walked back out, it was remarkable. The fact that he was uninjured was even more so. The unicorn was followed, from a fair distance, by the still leering head of the giant dragon who lived in said cave. When he was outside, he turned and addressed the dragon. “I’ll be back in three days. And then, I want an answer.” His eyes narrowed slightly. “One way or another.” The dragon said nothing. With a shrug, Quick Wits placed his crimson helmet back on his head, pulled up the hood of his cloak, turned around, and vanished into thin air. The dragon could not hold back a grunt of surprise, but it was not at the sudden disappearance. There was no room in that helmet for the unicorn’s horn... ---- Time passed. Spike helped Applejack with various chores around the farm, while the weather ponies flew here and there, setting up short rain showers to water the trees. At some point, Rainbow Dash showed up, spoke with Applejack briefly, gave Spike another nuzzle (in full view of the other weather ponies), and flew off again. Speaking of Applejack, the farm pony’s passion was apparently not sated from the “tree incident,” and she snuck several quick kisses and embraces over the course of the day. But other than that, nothing exciting happened for some time. Soon enough, Spike had to go back to the library to make dinner. Applejack expressed a desire to walk with him to the library, but had to see to her own dinner. She escorted him to the edge of Sweet Apple Acres and gave him a brief kiss goodbye. Spike got lost in thought as he walked, counting his blessings that his day had gone so well, and with the memory of Applejack’s strong body in his hands, he wasn’t watching the road. He was maybe halfway to Ponyville when a large red hand landed on his shoulder. Spike all but jumped out of his skin, and snapped his eyes to meet his assailant, but found that it was only Big Mac, his expression carefully neutral. An empty Apple cart rested on the edge of the road behind him. “A moment, Spike,” came Big Mac’s deep baritone. It was not a suggestion. Spike suddenly felt very small. “Okay,” he whispered. “Ah see you’re all grown up now. And Ah hear you’re getting a might popular with the mares.” Big Mac paused, looking at Spike as though he was waiting for the dragon to say something. All Spike could think about was the fact that he had once seen Mac drag a two-story building halfway through town. Without slowing down. Newfound powers or not, Big Mac was no less intimidating, and Spike was at a loss for words. “The girls, your friends?” Mac continued. “They’re family to me. Good as Apples. You hurt them, Ah hurt you.” It was the calm, almost monotone way he spoke that told Spike that Big Mac was very, very serious. Which made Spike very, very scared. “They’re… They’re my family too,” Spike finally managed to say through the icy terror gripping his heart. “If I hurt them, you’re... welcome to… do that. Not that I would or anything! Just…” Big Mac’s glowering eyes bore into Spike’s, causing the dragon to cower and visibly shrink in stature. The hand finally left Spike’s shoulder. It returned immediately thereafter for a few hearty claps on his back, and Mac’s expression softened slightly. “Eeyup,” he said in an encouraging tone. With his threats and encouragement thus doled out, Big Mac ended the conversation by grabbing the cart and continuing his walk home. For a moment, Spike felt like collapsing, but he worked up the strength to stay standing and keep walking back home to the library. Lost in thought as he was, the rest of his trip was a haze. When he entered the library, he called out to his housemates. “Twilight! Owlowiscious! I’m home!” The owl hooted in greeting, but there was no response from Twilight. She wasn’t home. Spike nodded at the owl, then went into the kitchen to begin dinner. ---- Twilight Sparkle paused at the door to her home. According to their schedule, Spike was supposed to make dinner today. And the faint scent of unidentified food seeping through the door indicated that he was, in fact, in there. Making dinner. Just like he was supposed to. Twilight drew in a deep breath, then let it out as a sigh. Here she went. “Spike, Owlowiscious!” she called out as she opened the door. “I’m ho--do I smell nachos?” Sitting on the table in the middle of the library was a spread of her favorite food: Spike’s nachos with various toppings. She walked up as though in a trance, and her stomach growled at her, suddenly very hungry. There were all sorts of toppings this time! Spicy salsa, sweet sauce, melted cheese... Even a few toppings that Spike reserved for “special occasions,” and a few she hadn’t even seen before! “Hey, Twilight.” She yelped and turned around to face the voice. She saw Spike. The same Spike she had seen this morning. The stallion who had made everything so confusing for her. “Hi,” she lamely answered. “I thought I’d make something extra special today…” he said in a low, soothing voice. “Well, it’s special…” An awkward silence followed. Spike pulled out a chair for Twilight, who slowly walked over and sat down. Spike sat down across from her, instead of by her side. Twilight found herself wanting him to sit next to her, but she couldn’t speak. She looked at Spike to find him smiling softly at her, so she decided to eat instead of talking. It was amazing, as usual, and very soon Twilight found herself gorging on all the new and improved toppings Spike had made. The chili was delightfully spicy, the guacamole soothed her tastebuds, and the new sauce Spike had made actually made her groan in delight. There was no conversation, but the awkwardness between them disappeared when Twilight truly got into demolishing her dinner. Spike tried to eat too, but he had to be careful--Twilight actually slapped his hands away once when he strayed too close to where she was eating. He laughed at that, which made Twilight laugh as well, and the sounds of mirth filled the room for a time. Soon enough, Twilight was full, the plates were empty, and Spike was in the kitchen, putting the dishes in the sink. “Hey, Spike?” she called into the kitchen. “Yeah?” “I’m going to head to Pinkie’s and meet up with the girls. I don’t know when I’ll be back.” It was so much easier talking to him like this. When she couldn’t see him, he was just… Spike the dragon. One of her very best friends. Not Spike the confusingly attractive stallion. “Are you having a sleepover?” he asked, walking out to face her. Now it was harder to talk again. “No… just… hanging out… talking...” she managed to answer. Why did he drive her to distraction so? Their eyes locked for a while. Eventually, Twilight looked away. “I should go,” she said. “Like I said, I don’t know when I’ll be back, so you don’t need to wait up for me.” “Okay.” Twilight walked to the door, looked back briefly to give her dragon a small smile, and left. Spike sighed. “Well, at least she liked the food…” He plopped down in one of the library’s armchairs. It had been a day. A day! And not even a full one yet! But so much had happened… “If this keeps up, I’ll burn out.” “Hoo.” “Hehe, ‘burn out.’ Get it? Because I’m a dragon?” “Hoo.” “Yeah, I’m not at my best. It’s been a very… emotional day.” Spike sighed and sunk into the chair. He would have to talk to Twilight once she came back. He had to clear the air. They couldn’t keep feeling this awkward around each other. He felt tired, physically and emotionally, so he closed his eyes for just a few seconds.  Suddenly, he was startled awake by a knock on the door. “I’ll get it.” Spike pulled himself out of the armchair and walked over to the door. It was odd, but not unheard of, to get library patrons this late. When he opened the door, however, his eyes widened. “Scootaloo?” “Hey, Spike. Can we come in?” “... We?” That was when Spike noticed the two other young mares standing slightly behind her. “Oh. Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom… Sure, sure. Come on in.” The girls muttered their thanks and walked in. Apple Bloom and Sweetie were blushing, and had difficulty meeting Spike’s eyes, but Scootaloo met his gaze unashamedly. “Wow, Spike… Look at you… They say you’re officially an adult now; is that true?” “Well, yes.” “Spike?” Apple Bloom asked. “Where’s Twi?” “Hanging out with her friends. It’s just me and Owlowiscious here.” Apple Bloom looked down at the floor again, her blush returning with a vengeance. Sweetie Belle followed suit, and even Scootaloo got a little red-cheeked. “Is that so…” Scoots said, her voice dropping slightly. She walked up close to Spike and ran a finger over his clothed chest. “Say, Spike…” “Yeah?” “Wanna see our cutie marks?” ---- “Iii call this meeting to ORDER!” Pinkie Pie shouted in her best judge-like voice. “Pinkie, we’re just sitting here,” Rainbow deadpanned. “We’re not even talking yet.” “And that is why we need ORDER!” “We will talk when--” Rarity was interrupted by Pinkie’s door opening. “Howdy, y’all!” “--Applejack gets here… Well, aren’t you all smiles?” “Hey, AJ! Have a seat!” Applejack took the last empty seat at the table the other girls were sitting by, a round table laden with various snacks and confectionery. Everypony was eating something, with the notable exception of Twilight, who seemed a little off-put by the mere presence of food. An awkward silence began to descend on the room. Pinkie refused to allow it. “Dear best friends, we are gathered here today to discuss the growth spurt and maturity of our other best friend, Spike. We are to consider what ramifications this has for us, and what we are to do regarding his sudden sexiness. I thought we could start by talking about today.” Pinkie looked over to Twilight with a big smile, but Twilight shrunk in her seat. “I’ll go first,” Pinkie continued, undaunted. “This morning, I woke up to an unusual Pinkie Sense…” ---- Scootaloo didn’t really wait for an answer, pushing Spike softly backwards until the back of his knees struck the armchair and he sat down by reflex. The other girls moved up to stand next to their friend. All three of them had determined looks on their faces, despite the fact that they were also blushing furiously. “Well…?” Scootaloo asked. Spike knew her well enough to recognize the slight tremor in her voice. She was nervous. She hid it well. “Uh… yes?” Spike managed. It wasn’t the first time that day he had faced down an amorous mare, but all three Conquerors at once had him at a loss for words. The responses he got, however, were earnest smiles. Scootaloo went first. She sat down in Spike’s lap, laying her legs over one of the armrests and placing a hand on his head to make him look down at her hip. With his attention thus claimed, Scootaloo slowly pulled up her dress before the dragon’s staring eyes, uncovering her toned, athletic thigh until she finally exposed herself all the way up to her hip, where her pride and joy rested: a smoking tire being struck by a lightning bolt. A daredevil’s mark. “Do you like it?” Scootaloo asked, pulling her dress up just a little higher, ‘accidentally’ giving Spike a hint of her panties. “It’s… it’s nice,” Spike managed. He barely suppressed the urge to reach out to caress her exposed leg. Satisfied, Scootaloo rose from Spike’s lap, but not before she nuzzled his cheek. Apple Bloom was next. The last time Spike had seen her, she had been wearing shorts, but now she, like her friends, was wearing a sundress. She looked embarrassed but resolute as she turned her right hip against Spike and pulled her dress up. She was muscular, much like her big sister, and Spike could see the muscles moving under her coat as she shifted nervously. Soon she was showing off her mark: a hammer with an overlaid apple. She dropped her dress back down and stepped back, blushing. Sweetie Belle walked up next. She was blushing too, but she looked confident. She did a spin that made Spike’s already pounding heart skip a beat, causing her dress to flutter around her legs. She then hiked her dress up, much like Apple Bloom had, revealing her soft, supple thigh and showing off her mark, a heart with musical staves running through it and a single note resting in the center. Once she knew Spike had gotten a proper look, she dropped the hem of her dress and took a bow. The girls looked over to find Spike gaping and blushing redder than the sun, and they grinned at each other. Mission accomplished. ---- The mood in Pinkie’s room had been at an all-time high as the girls regaled each other with the various things that had happened through their day with Spike. Then Twilight told the story of the morning, and about how Spike was so distressed at something the girls had no idea was a problem that he almost walked away. Almost left the only home he had ever known. Almost left them, probably never to come back. After Twilight told them the whole story, there was silence. Not even Pinkie tried to break it as they all digested the information. “But he’s not leaving anymore, right?” Fluttershy finally asked. “No, he told me he wasn’t going anywhere,” Twilight answered. “I just wish he had told me, told us!” “It can’t have been easy for him either, Sugarcube,” Applejack said. “Ah know how much he wants to stay with us. It must have been too heartbreakin’ for him to talk about.” “Yes,” Rarity cut in, “especially if there was nothing any of us could do to help.” “Still,” Rainbow said, “this is the sort of thing we wanna know about so we can support him!” “It doesn’t matter,” Pinkie said, silencing the others. “He’s here now. We still have him. We can talk to him about it later. Now we need to talk about the future. What do we want?” And there it was. Everypony fell silent. None of them wanted to be the first to speak, to put words to the emotions in their hearts. Confronted with the choice like that, the past burst to the forefront of their minds, distant memories of broken hearts and empty beds opening up like old wounds. They remembered times when they had offered their hearts and been burnt. Rainbow Dash was the first to speak up. “Really?” she asked. “None of you are gonna say anything? I’m gonna have to be the mushy one here?” The other girls looked directly at her, eyebrows raised. “Fine.” Rainbow cleared her throat. “I’m not in a hurry to settle down and have a family. But I do think about it sometimes. You wanna know what I see when I picture my future family? I see you girls, the best friends I could ever hope for, there with me. We’re a family, a herd, and we’re together with a stallion who makes us happy.” Rainbow looked over the assembled mares. Her friends. “And I think Spike can be that stallion,” she continued. “He’s always been there for us, he’s a great guy, I… I like him. I want him.” Dash, of all ponies, was baring her heart. The girls exchanged incredulous looks. But the moment passed quickly as all the mares began thinking towards the future now, the possible future of all of them together with a stallion. It was completely natural to imagine their friends there alongside them, bound together by love. And when they pictured Spike as their stallion, he fit perfectly. He belonged there, with them. He was part of the family, after all. Applejack spoke up. “That sure sounds nice.” “So what are we waiting for?” Rainbow exclaimed. “Let’s just go over there and--” “Wait!” Rarity interrupted. “First of all: are we all willing to give Spike a chance?” Fluttershy nodded without hesitation. Pinkie Pie followed suit. Applejack and Rainbow Dash raised their hands in support. Rarity nodded, satisfied, before she turned to Twilight. Rarity expected the princess to be unsure or hesitant, but Twilight held her hand up alongside them. “Twilight?” she asked. This drew the attention of the others, who had also expected their friend to need some persuading. Twilight merely nodded. “Okay then,” Rarity said, turning back to the group as a whole. “Now, if we’re doing this, and apparently we are, we are going to do this properly. We are going to date him, explore our relationship with him, and hopefully start a herd with him in the future.” “Um…” “Yes, Rainbow Dash?” “What, exactly, do you mean by ‘properly’?” “Tell me this, Rainbow: a handsome stallion becomes available, and within days, a group of older mares have claimed him and pressured him into marriage. What would you call mares like that?” “Sexual predators...” Applejack interrupted, “or cradle-robbers… or gold diggers, or desperate, or--” “Okay, jeez, I get it. We take our time with him so we don’t come across as creepy. I can get behind that.” “That’s right,” Rarity said, nodding. “We will use our charm to win him over, not force him into a relationship.” “Shouldn’t be too hard,” Applejack stated with confidence. “Ah think he’s already chosen us.” She remembered the conversation she had overheard in the Apple house, and she smiled. “Um, I have a question,” Fluttershy piped up, drawing the others’ attention. “How exactly does dating work?” The question seemed to surprise all of her friends except Rainbow Dash, who simply nodded along. “Yeah, I’m with Shy on this one,” Rainbow said. “I haven’t dated in, like, years. And I haven’t had reason to care, either. I’m a little rusty on the lovey-dovey stuff.” “Ooh! Ooh!” Pinkie exclaimed. “I can explain!” Without waiting for confirmation (or any reaction, really), Pinkie pulled out a bag of multi-colored treats and poured them out on the table. While everypony else was too flabbergasted to say or do anything, Pinkie picked one candy and placed it dead center on the table. She then proceeded to encircle said candy with other candies. “Okay, so this,” Pinkie said, pointing at the candy in the center, “is the stallion. And these,” she added, indicated the surrounding candies, “are the mares who like the stallion. Then it’s kinda a competition: the mares try to win the stallion’s affection, and in the end he falls in love and they get married!” Pinkie cleared away all but six of the candies surrounding the “stallion” candy, and looked up at her friends with a big grin on her face. “And since we’re the best girls ever, we’re sure to win!” “Pinkie…” Rarity said, putting a hand on her pink friend’s shoulder. “Why don’t you let me take this one?” “Oh, sorry. Go ahead!” Pinkie replied cheerfully. Rarity’s horn lit up, and many of the candies Pinkie had thrown off came back, setting themselves in a neat circle around the “stallion.” “Now then.” Rarity cleared her throat. “Since mares have always significantly outnumbered stallions, the herd is the most common romantic relationship. A herd usually consists of one stallion, or--in rare cases--two, and three to eight mares.” “Sometimes, rarely,” Twilight cut in, “ponies will choose to be monogamous: one stallion, one mare. There are also same-sex relationships, but I don’t think they’re relevant to us right now.” “Right,” Rarity agreed. “Anyway, this…” she gestured towards the candies at the table, the “stallion” in the middle and the “mares” surrounding him. “...is what is commonly known as a ‘dating circle’ or ‘pseudo herd.’ Basically speaking, these are mares who are interested in the stallion and vice versa. How this works is that one of these parties asks the other one out. Usually, it’s the mare doing the asking. Some are rejected…”  Rarity withdrew some of the candies from the circle.  “Some go on a date or two before deciding they and the stallion aren’t right for each other…” Another few candies were removed. “Some mares from outside the circle may become attracted to the stallion at some point and try to join, possibly even succeed…” A few candies were added. “Some mares may find another stallion who they like better…” More candies were taken away. “The sad fact is, relationships can end for any number of reasons: a fight that gets too far out of hand, money issues, family disapproval...” Rarity named several more reasons, and for each one she stated, she removed a candy, until there were only six left on the table. “But as they date, some mares will fall in love with the stallion, and he with them. Usually, the mares are already friends before the dating starts, like us, or this hypothetical group become friends out of their love for the same stallion. It is at this point that someone--again, usually the mares--proposes marriage.” “If the proposal is accepted,” Twilight finished, “a true herd is born. There is usually a wedding ceremony, too.” “Right you are, Twilight. Any questions?” “Um, yes,” Fluttershy said. “Is it okay to date in a group?” “Certainly, my dear. Marefriends taking their stallion out on a date together is actually encouraged.” Fluttershy sighed, a note of relief in her voice. “In fact,” Rarity continued, “if a mare falls in love with a stallion, it is common courtesy to introduce him to her closest unattached friends, so they can try dating him as well. For example, if one of us began dating and fell in love, she would probably invite the rest of us to ‘try him out,’ as it were.” Fluttershy nodded, then spoke up again. “And, um… how far are we supposed to, um… go?” “As far as you’re comfortable with, darling,” Rarity said in a reassuring tone, “and no further. Some ponies even choose to wait until marriage, though it is very rare.” “Really,” Twilight interjected again, “the only ‘rule’ is that you should wait until marriage before you have foals. Other than that, anything… goes…” Silence. That word. Foals. Applejack watched as her friends’ heads sunk down. She immediately realized what the problem was. After all, she had been through that same thing a few hours ago. AJ was not in a particular hurry to have children, and she couldn’t imagine her friends were, either, but the concept of never having children of their own chilled them to their cores. As it had her. She cleared her throat, drawing attention to herself. “Ah didn’t tell you everythin’ that happened at the farm. See, when I overheard Granny and Spike talkin’, Granny said she wanted to see some great-grandkids, and she got a might pushy…” ---- “So, Spike.” Scootaloo leaned forwards, smiling in a distinctly teasing fashion. “We have something we want to ask you.” Spike was still sitting in the armchair, his arms crossed in his lap to try to hide what the Conquerors’ little show had done to him. The girls in question proceeded to surround the chair. “We are having a picnic lunch in the park on Sunday,” Sweetie Belle said from his left side. “And we’d all like it if you joined us,” Apple Bloom continued from the right. “Just you and us.” Spike gazed around himself, his eyes flickering between those of the young mares. There was warmth, affection and a bit of lust in them, but it was something else that truly melted his heart. Fear. Fear of rejection. When he hesitated, it showed in all their eyes. Suddenly he saw not the sensual mares trying to seduce him, but the sweet girls he had grown up alongside. Girls who were now trying so very hard to be alluring for him. They liked him. And he liked them as well. “Okay,” he finally croaked out. He was rewarded with three bright, beautiful smiles that lit up the girls’ faces. The next few moments passed in a blur of affectionate hugs and nuzzles. Somewhere amidst all of that, he was given a time to be in the park, and then the trio hurried out of the building and down the street, giggling and blushing fiercely. “Yeah…” Spike muttered as he closed the door. “This is gonna cost me.” “Hoo.” ---- “So you’re telling me,” Pinkie said, “that we can have fun with Spike as much as we want, even when we’re in heat, and not worry about getting knocked up. But when we do want foals, Twilight waves her horn and we’re good to go?” “Yes, ma’am,” Applejack answered, tilting her hat. “So, Twi? Do you know what he was talkin’ about?” “Actually, I think I do--” “This is SUPER-AMAZING!” Pinkie cried out, seeming to almost explode with joy. She bounced in a circle around the room a few times, a shower of confetti exploding from behind her every time she landed. Applejack was relieved to see her story make her friends smile again, and Pinkie Pie’s antics were just gravy. Under Pinkie’s confetti barrage of joy, AJ could see the last of the shadows leaving her friend’s faces. That particular door had not slammed in their faces. “I’ll have to talk to him,” Twilight continued, barely audible over Pinkie’s continued celebration. “Find out where he found the spell and such. But yeah, I think I understand where he’s coming from.” Pinkie eventually calmed down, and for a few seconds, there was quiet as the girls looked for something to say. “Wait…” Applejack piped up. “Back up, Rares. You said Thunderlane asked you out this mornin’. Ain’t he married? What was he doin’ tryin’ to ask you out?” “Sometimes,” Rarity answered, slipping back into her lecturing voice, “an already established herd will look to expand the family. Thunderlane and his girls must have decided that they wanted another mare or two around.” “Alright.” Suddenly looking pensive, Rainbow Dash raised her hand. “Yes, Rainbow?” Rarity said. “You… added some ‘mares’ back there at the demonstration…” Rainbow said, pointing at the stallion candy. “What was that about?” Rarity fell silent for a few seconds, and a sour look crossed her face before she answered. “A mare is expected to date one stallion at a time,” she said. “If she grows tired, disillusioned or whatever with the stallion she is dating, she’s supposed to break it off with him before she starts dating a new one. She may leave a dating circle without turning any heads, and can usually even come back later. But stallions are considered to be ‘up for grabs’ until they are married. And some mares can be quite forceful...” “The stallion can, of course, reject mares who try to date him,” Twilight elaborated. “In fact, when a stallion starts rejecting all mares except--” Twilight gestured at the six candies surrounding the ‘stallion’ on the table. “--a certain group, that’s typically a sign that he has made his choice.” “How do you know all this, anyway?” Rainbow asked. “I read The Proper Etiquette of Dating a few years ago. Part of my social studies.” “If Ah can get us back on topic,” Applejack cut in, “are you sayin’ what Ah think you’re sayin’?” “If we wish to date Spike,” Rarity said, “and clearly we do, we are going to have to contend with the other single mares of Ponyville, who may try to steal him away.” As that thought sunk in among the gathered mares, one phrase swam through their minds. Bring it on. ---- They talked for a while longer, discussing the specifics of dating, briefly going over the circumstances that had led to Spike’s sudden growth spurt, and even talking about some potential rivals who might also be interested in their stallion. But the sun soon began to set, and the girls were all tired from the day’s experiences, so they decided to call it a day and go back home. Twilight’s home… It was her center, a beacon of normalcy amidst Ponyville’s Cerberus attacks and jelly-bathing stallions, but now... It had never looked so menacing. It was still the library, still physically unchanged from yesterday, but now it contained a stallion. A stallion who threatened to shake her whole world. Her friends had made it sound easy, but the concept of facing Spike, their prospective stallion, alone was frightening. Nevertheless, Twilight walked up to the door, steeled herself, and opened it. “I’m home…” she announced in a whisper, half-hoping Spike was already asleep. “Welcome home…” she heard Spike answer, equally softly. The dragon in question was sitting in an armchair with a book on his lap and Owlowiscious perching on his shoulder. A firefly lantern was sitting next to them, the only source of light in the library. Twilight couldn’t help but smile warmly at the scene, and it helped her gather up her courage to speak. “We need to talk,” both Twilight and Spike said at once. They blushed and shared a quiet laugh. “Okay,” Spike answered. He gently lifted the owl onto its perch, where it proceeded to preen itself. “Come on. We’ll have some privacy in my room,” Twilight said. Spike met her eyes, blushed, and looked down at the floor. Twilight was surprised, but then considered it: a young mare inviting a young stallion into her room at night, both of whom are attracted to each other... Does he think I’m inviting him up to…? No. No, he must realize I didn’t mean it like that. Still, I should clarify. The awkward silence continued for a few more seconds. Come on, just say “No I don’t mean it like that, Spike. I just want to talk.” Just to clear up any confusion, so he doesn’t read anything into this. Tell him that, say it! But she couldn’t say it. “Come on,” she finally said. She grabbed Spike’s hand, gently tugging him along with her. Wordlessly, Spike followed her. He knew that Twilight hadn’t meant anything by inviting him upstairs (sadly), but considering how his day had been so far, his mind had gone in a perverted direction at the thought of being alone with a lovely mare. With Twilight. He was nervous. Twilight guided Spike into her room, the same one she had shared with him up until a few years ago. Her eyes lingered on the spot where his basket bed had been years ago, then shifted back to the dragon she was holding hands with. The handsome, dependable dragon who had taken such good care of her over the years… Twilight shook her head. Still holding Spike’s hand, she led him over to her bed and gestured for him to sit. Twilight, what are you doing? she thought to herself. There are chairs in the room. Put him in a chair. But he looked so comfortable sitting on the bed. And his hand felt good in hers, so Twilight decided to sit on the bed next to him. I’m sending the wrong signals here, aren’t I? Twilight looked into Spike’s eyes. He looked comfortable. A little nervous, but comfortable. This was okay. Right? “Spike… AJ told us… she told us about a spell you found, the one about…” Twilight trailed off as she saw realization in Spike’s eyes. He looked almost defeated. “Where did you find it?” Spike sighed, then remained silent for several long seconds. Twilight was about to ask again when he finally spoke up. “I read about it in Intimate Transformations,” he answered, his voice laced with… shame? “I was looking for… I was looking for a way to turn into a pony, if only for--” “Spike, you’ll never have to do that,” Twilight interrupted unhesitantly. “We love you just as you are.” It was odd. She had told Spike that she loved him before, when he was smaller. It had been a few years since the last time, sure, but she had said it… So why did it feel so different now? Why was her stomach doing somersaults at the brilliant smile that lit up Spike’s face? “Anyway,” Spike said, his voice low,” I can show you the spell. I’ve seen you do much more complicated magic.” Spike’s hand shifted a little in hers until the grip was more comfortable for both of them. For a few seconds, they simply sat there, holding hands. It felt nice. “Okay…” Twilight answered softly. Spike slowly withdrew his hand from hers, smiled at her, and walked out of the room. Spike left Twilight alone in her bedroom, and Twilight’s smile faded. She knew it wasn’t logical, but she couldn’t help but feel lonely. Spike came back after about a minute. He sat down next to Twilight again, placing the book he had gathered in his lap and leafing through it with one hand. Twilight looked down at his other hand, lying on the bed right next to her. Without really being aware of her own actions, she reached out and slipped her hand back into his. Spike looked over at her, and their eyes locked. Twilight blushed, but holding hands felt right, so she didn’t pull away. She saw Spike blush as well, then smile. Before he looked down at the book again, he adjusted his grip so they were properly holding hands once again. Spike leafed through a few more pages before he found what he was looking for. “Here.” Spike said, pointing at the page. Twilight rested her head on his shoulder so she could see the book properly, and he stiffened in surprise. He found himself blushing even more furiously than before, and anything else he might have wanted to say vanished in a haze as Twilight’s body pressed firmly up against his side. Twilight didn’t notice. Her academic side had taken over, and she decided to check the spell so she could reassure her friends. And herself. The spell was apparently created for interspecies lovers having trouble conceiving, so it was designed in such a way as to be easy to cast. For a regular unicorn, it would be difficult, but doable. For Twilight, it would be easy. Twilight felt a weight leave her shoulders as she let that sink in. That was when she realized how close she was to Spike. Yet she didn’t want to move away. Spike was looking down at the book, and Twilight found that she badly wanted to look him in the eye. With that in mind, she reached out and touched the fingers of her free hand to Spike’s chin, turning him to face her. His eyes met hers. They sat in silence for a while, staring into each others eyes. Eventually, Twilight saw Spike’s eyes flicker down to her lips, then back up to her eyes. Spike brought his face closer to hers. He looked hesitant, and a little scared, but Twilight did nothing to stop him. However, just as he was inches from her lips, Spike’s courage failed him, and he started to back off, hanging his head. Twilight, acting on instinct and ignoring the butterflies in her stomach, pulled Spike’s face back up. She closed her eyes and leaned forwards. Their lips met. Twilight wrapped her arms around Spike’s neck and pulled his body flush against hers. Spike slid his arms around her waist and returned the embrace. The kiss was slow, gentle and loving. They both savored it for what felt like forever. Finally, they broke off, and Twilight opened her eyes to stare into Spike’s. “Wow…” he mumbled. “Yeah…” Twilight pulled Spike in for another kiss. It felt good. It felt right. She leaned to the side, pulling Spike with her to lay on the bed as they kept the kiss going. She pushed into their kiss, savoring the amazing feelings coursing through her. When they finally broke off this time, Twilight realized something. We’re going too far. “Spike, wait,” she whispered. He backed off slightly. If I ask him to stop, he’ll stop. If I ask him to leave, he’ll leave. It’ll be a little awkward tomorrow, but we’ll get past it. “It’s too soon; we’re not even dating yet…” she managed to say. There was a small part of her that made her say that. She wanted to keep going, as she deeply enjoyed what they were doing, but that tiny voice kept pushing her. “Will you go out with me?” “Oh, Spike…” Her heart swelled in her chest, and she felt tears threaten to spill from her eyes. “Yes. Yes, of course I will.” Twilight would forever remember the smile of sheer happiness Spike showed her after she answered him. She leaned in and kissed him again. The tiny part of her that had protested fell silent. They were officially dating now. It was okay. “And for our first date…” she whispered in between kisses. If I ask him to stop, he’ll stop. He would never force me to do anything like this. He would respect my decision. “I suggest--” she paused for another kiss, “--staying home--” another kiss, “--and getting to know each other.” I can turn him away. But I don’t want to. “Twilight, I love you,” Spike whispered, as though afraid to say it out loud. Twilight’s heart felt like it was about to burst. Spike would always remember the brilliant smile of joy on Twilight’s face when he told her he loved her for the first time. Sadly, the smile fell after a short moment. “Spike… I don’t… I can’t say it back yet,” Twilight whispered. “I understand,” Spike said. He meant it, too. He knew Twilight well enough to know she would need a bit of time. “I just needed to say it, or it would burn a hole in my throat.” Twilight actually giggled a little at that, relieved that he wasn’t upset. “Hey…” she whispered. “Say it again.” “I love you, Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight drew in close and placed a gentle kiss on Spike’s nose. “Show me.” They would not say anything else for some time. Spike wrapped both arms around Twilight and kissed her with as much passion he could muster, and Twilight was glad she was lying down, because her knees buckled under his passionate attack. Spike’s hands traveled down her body and reached below the hemline of her dress, where he ran his claws through the soft fur of her legs before he allowed his hands to slip up under her dress, running them over her thighs. In response to his boldness, Twilight rolled Spike onto his back and placed herself on top of him. Once she was securely on top of her dragon, she sat up and looked down at him. They were both panting from exertion, their faces flushed with excitement. There was one problem, Twilight thought: Spike was wearing too many clothes. With a flash of her horn, his shirt disappeared, reappearing in a random corner of the bedroom. Twilight feasted her eyes on his exposed muscles, and ran her fingers over his smooth, pliable scales. The pleasurable sensation of Spike’s claws traveling up her legs made her pause, though, which gave him an opening. Spike ran his hands up Twilight’s thighs, dragging her dress along for the ride. It cleared her hips, revealed her stomach, and continued up. Twilight raised her arms, and Spike sat up, pulling the dress completely off his mare and throwing it over his shoulder, not caring where it ended up. He leaned back to admire Twilight’s body, covered only by her underwear. For most of her life, Twilight had been a stereotypical skinny bookworm. Living in Ponyville and becoming a princess had filled her out some, but Twilight was aware she had gone from “skinny” to “average” and not much more. She knew she couldn’t compete with some of her more athletic or full-figured friends. But with Spike looking longingly at her body, she felt truly beautiful for perhaps the first time in her life. Spike leaned forward and latched his lips onto her neck. He kissed and nibbled his way down her body, his sharp teeth making thrills shoot through Twilight’s body. Spike needed to explore the gorgeous expanse of Twilight that he was being offered. He ran his lips, tongue and teeth on a quest across Twilight’s collarbone and upper chest before he reached her bra-covered breasts. It was a functional thing, that bra, and in no way deserved to be torn asunder by Spike’s claws and thrown away to be forgotten, but neither Spike nor Twilight cared about its plight as Twilight’s modest breasts were freed to the air, only to immediately be covered by Spike’s hands and mouth. Spike was experimenting, trying to see what his mare liked and what she didn’t. He teased her sensitive nipples with his claws and a hint of his teeth, and she cried out loud and arched her back, pushing her breasts more firmly into him. Once he felt he was done exploring, he switched breasts and began again, taking his time. Twilight closed her eyes and didn’t even try to fight the amazing sensations that Spike’s ministrations were causing in her, but her eyes opened when she suddenly found herself lying back on her bed. Her wings flared open in surprise and failed to close properly as Spike’s lips and touch traveled down her body, heading for her core. She was suddenly very aware of the throb of arousal deep in her gut, and of how she was soaking her modest panties. After far too long, Spike’s exploration led him to her antipodes. He stilled for a few moments, and Twilight was just about to tell him off about it when she felt his claws slide up her hip and under her panties, then begin the journey back down, dragging her last article of clothing with her. As her panties slowly traveled down her legs, Spike kissed and caressed her from hip to hoof. He was taking his time, and she was grateful for it. Spike kneeled on the floor and pulled her hips over to the edge of the bed so his mouth was level with her flower, and she bit her lip in excitement. Moments later, Spike’s tongue attacked her, and she cried out in ecstasy. Spike licked Twilight’s lower lips, using his long, agile, tongue to explore her and find the spots that made her cry out the loudest, enjoying her sweet flavor the whole time. He pushed his tongue deep inside her and swirled it around, making Twilight’s wings flutter and twitch wildly in time with her rapturous moans. After finding the little nub at the very top of Twilight’s marehood, Spike focused his tongue on it while slowly dragging a claw over her lower lips, teasing her and making her shiver in anticipation before he ever-so-slowly inserted his claw into her depths and gently began moving it in and out of her dripping core. It took only a few minutes of this stimulation before Twilight tensed up. Her wings flared, her upper body flushed, and she shook in pleasure, crying out her orgasm to the ceiling and wrapping her legs around Spike’s head as her entire body shook, and her nails tore holes in her bedsheets under her. Twilight slowly came down from her intense high, and her breathing stabilized. She soon had the presence of mind to release Spike from the vice grip of her thighs, and she scooted up the bed shakily while he stood up. She wanted to say something, but couldn’t find the words. Spike stood up and removed his pants and underwear, revealing himself completely to her. Her eyes traced down his body and landed on his penis. It was shaped a little differently from a typical stallion’s, and was slightly ridged from its head all the way to its base. Nonetheless, she could easily imagine it fitting inside a mare. Inside her. She knew what to say now. Lying back on the bed, still shaking from the aftershocks of her orgasm, Twilight held her arms out towards Spike. “Come to me.” Spike all but pounced. Their bare bodies pushed against each other as they kissed furiously, and Twilight even used her wings in an attempt to hold Spike as close to her as possible. But they couldn’t wait any longer. Spike pulled away from the kiss and aimed for Twilight’s core, but his inexperience gave him pause. Twilight reached down and took hold, guiding him in. She was more than ready for him, and Spike’s entire length slipped in her to the base in one firm thrust, to the vocal delight of them both. Spike shut his eyes tightly and savored the feeling, trying to not finish so early at the amazing sensation of being inside Twilight Sparkle. He felt her lips on his, and surrendered himself to a sweet kiss as the new lovers got used to each other’s bodies joined so intimately. She was so very tight and welcoming, and the velvet vise felt so much better than anything he had ever imagined. For Twilight, having Spike so very deep inside her just felt right. The kiss impossibly made the act feel even more intimate, and her legs loosely wrapped around his hips as they pressed together. After a long while, she broke the kiss and met Spike’s eyes. She nodded. Spike moved. The world melted away. The sounds Twilight was making were the sweetest music to Spike’s ears, watching the mare writhe and her wings twitch as pleasure rocked her body. Meanwhile, her tight insides and the movements she made to try to match him sent him to heaven. Spike moved slowly and steadily at first, but as his passion got the best of him, he began to speed up, eventually pounding Twilight’s willing and eager body into the mattress. Twilight could only hold on for dear life as Spike made her feel things she had never felt before. The ridges on his shaft moving inside her stimulated her insides in ways she had never experienced, and she felt her pleasure crest again, her body exploding in another orgasm that had her screaming in incoherent pleasure. How could it be this good?  She was just feeling another orgasm approaching when Spike’s thrusts slowed down slightly and his breathing became much more labored. “Twilight, I’m close…” he gasped. “Keep going…” Twilight managed between moans. “Don’t pull out.” Hearing that put fire in Spike’s heart, and he began to truly rut Twilight into her bed, his thrusts becoming somewhat erratic as the end approached. Twilight’s orgasm hit first, and her legs clenched around Spike’s waist as he approached the edge, holding him close. He buried himself in her sweet depths as she pulsed and contracted around him and reached his peak with a roar of pleasure, spilling his seed deep inside Twilight’s welcoming body. They stayed in each other’s embrace for what felt like a sweet eternity, until Spike had nothing left to spend and slowly pulled out. He collapsed next to Twilight, on one of her outstretched wings, and she took the opportunity to envelop them both in her feathery embrace. He was no longer inside her, but she held him close, still shivering from her own climax. For a while, neither of them spoke. Spike was still hard, but neither of them wanted more right now. Their first time together had already been more than they could have hoped for. Twilight tucked her head under Spike’s chin and let the dragon hold her close. Spike began running his fingers through her hair, and Twilight’s tail instinctively wrapped itself around his leg. She was about to drift off to sleep when he broke the silence. “Hey, Twilight?” “Yeah?” “You’ll never guess what happened to me today.” “Oh?” “There’s this amazing girl, you know? She’s a princess and everything. Old friend of mine…” Twilight blushed, but kept up the game. “What about her?” “I asked her out today, and she said yes.” “Good for you, Spike.” Twilight grinned. “Yeah, she even invited me to… to share her bed. It was amazing…” Spike fell quiet, and Twilight was about to respond when he continued. “Here’s the thing, though… She’s way out of my league. Not only that, but I’ve also fallen in love with our mutual friends, who are also out of my league… I’m… I mean I… I don’t know…” “Spike…” Twilight pulled away to meet his eyes, and she saw the uncertainty there. “Spike, this princess girl you mentioned? She sounds like a smart girl who can make her own decisions. And I’m sure the other girls can, too. Why don’t you just keep being yourself and let them decide if you’re worth it instead of getting yourself down?” “Yeah, I guess… Thanks, Twilight.” Spike grinned and stole another kiss from her before she tucked her head back under his chin. Sleep found them both quickly that night. > Chapter 8: New Happenings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of Dragons and Mortals Chapter 8: New Happenings It was nighttime in Equestria. The world was bathed in the gentle light of the moon as it rested from the rigors of the day and prepared for a new one. In Ponyville, many ponies were were sleeping peacefully, while others returned home from late work shifts. But not far away, in the vast and mysterious Everfree Forest, there were many nocturnal creatures, ranging from harmless owls to deadly owlbears, who were now beginning to stir from their slumber. On the swift river running through that mighty forest, there was a spot that predators knew to stay away from. A place where a larger beast frequently spent time. A place that only cute creatures were allowed into when said beast was present. In that spot, there was a small outlet from the river into the forest proper, where a natural pool of crystalline water had formed sometime in the long-forgotten past. The water’s clarity, combined with a unique natural magic, turned the small pool into a perfect mirror. The sea serpent known as Steven Magnet had found the pool many years ago, and returned frequently to style his hair and mustache. On that day, he was admiring his coiffure when he sensed something. He felt a presence… One he hadn’t sensed since… well… ever. Nevertheless, there was something oddly familiar about it. Something he instinctively felt he should recognize, though he couldn’t quite grasp what it might be. The Everfree was not a safe place by any means, not even for a powerful creature like Steven. So while this odd presence didn’t feel dangerous, he coiled into a defensive posture, just in case. A pony wandered out of the tree line. Or it looked like a pony, at least. It was wearing an all-enveloping traveler’s cloak, under which Steven glimpsed a suit of armor that was decidedly not in the style of the Royal Guard. Nonetheless, Steven relaxed. There was a strange aura about this pony--he felt powerful, but not aggressive. “A wandering soul alone out here in the dark forest?” Steven proclaimed. “Well, you have nothing to fear from me, stranger.” The pony lowered his hood and removed his helmet, revealing a smiling unicorn’s face. “What’s this, a friendly greeting in the Everfree?” he said jokingly. “I must be dreaming. Anyway, Sir Serpent, I am Quick Wits. Pleased to meet you.” “A pleasure to meet you as well, sir. I am Steven Magnet. What brings a pony like you into my little corner of the forest?” “Well, I was hoping to meet you, actually. If I knew you’d be this pleasant, I’d have come here sooner.” “And what can I help you with, then?” Quick sat down on a nearby rock and cleared his throat. Steven laid his head on the ground closer to him to listen properly. There was suddenly a tension in the air. The strange aura of power and authority around Quick intensified. When the stallion next spoke, his voice seemed… commanding, somehow. “I am here to talk. You are a dragon, Sir Magnet, and there is much you do not know about your kind.” “…You have my attention.” ---- The sun began to rise over Ponyville. In her cozy little house on the road between the town and the Everfree, Fluttershy was standing in front of a mirror. She had already been up for almost an hour, tending to the early birds, as was her routine. But she had caught her own reflection in the mirror, and she’d found herself staring. I’m holding two of the most beautiful mares in the world in my arms. I gotta say, it’s kinda awesome. What Spike had said yesterday floated through her head. His words, but also his tone. most beautiful mares in the world That utterly honest tone. in the world Not Ponyville. Not Equestria. The world. And he meant it. Spike could not possibly know what it had meant to her, that the stallion of her eye would praise her so highly and so casually. For the first time in what felt like forever, she took a look at the mare in the mirror in front of her, and she didn’t shy away. If we wish to date Spike, Rarity had said, we are going to have to contend with the other single mares of Ponyville, who may try to steal him away. Fluttershy looked herself over in the mirror, finding that the simple, conservative sundress she was wearing was a little stained from her early chores. Maybe… maybe today she should shake it up a bit, maybe try changing into something a little different from what she usually wore. Try to make an impression on her stallion, and on anypony who might try to steal him. Her cheeks lit up in embarrassment, and she could no longer meet her own eyes. Still, the thought took root in her mind, and she could not shake it. Her heart pounded, she began to shiver, and she felt faint from anxiousness. “I need some help,” she concluded. ---- Twilight’s eyes opened to see an expanse of purple and green scales before her, and she smiled. Spike was breathing deeply and slowly, clearly still sleeping. It was odd for her to wake up before Spike these days, but the mystery solved itself when she felt an uncomfortable tingling in one of her wings. It turned out that while her right wing had retreated from Spike during the night and returned to its natural position on her back, her left wing was pinned under Spike’s body, where it had apparently spent the night. In other words, she was awake because her wing was asleep. She dug one hand under Spike’s chest and gently shifted him, relieving enough pressure on her wing that she could withdraw it and tuck it in behind her back. The tingling increased as the blood flow was restored, and Twilight sighed in relief. Spike did not wake up. He merely grunted when his feathery mattress disappeared, and pulled Twilight closer. She snuggled into Spike’s chest and sighed lightly, listening to his steady heartbeat. This felt good. It felt right. There was no sense of regret, no lingering feeling of shame, no overwhelming urge to go into the shower and clean herself, nothing to detract from the warmth she felt within her. Her wing was still tingling uncomfortably, her hips were aching, and her thighs were sticky, but she couldn’t help but smile. It felt natural. She lit her horn and pulled the clock from the wall, bringing it down so she could check the time. She let out an unhappy groan when the cruel clock made her realize that they needed to get up and open the library, which meant that there was no time to explore more of this newfound intimacy. As though he was responding to her unhappiness, she felt Spike’s arms tighten around her, an unconscious gesture that set her heart a-flutter. She wanted to lie there in his arms for hours, days… But she needed to wake him up. The library needed to open. “Spike…” she said softly, putting her muzzle to the fringes that served as his ear. “Spike, it’s time to wake up.” Spike’s breathing patterns shifted in response, and she pulled back to look at his face as he struggled awake. When his eyes finally opened, she was right there, meeting his gaze with a soft smile on her face. “Hi,” she said. “Hey…” Spike answered. She was shocked to see a tear appear in Spike’s eye, but he quickly pulled her close again, tucking her head under his chin and holding her tightly, as though he was afraid she would pull away. She was about to ask what was wrong when he spoke up again. “This… this is too good to be true… Please tell me I’m not dreaming,” he whispered, his voice wavering.  Twilight hugged him firmly. “Spike… Yes. This is real. I’m here.” The library could wait. The world could wait. ---- The sun rose in the Everfree. There was silence in the clearing by the pond. Steven Magnet had been perfectly quiet for a long time, digesting everything he had heard. “I see,” he finally said. It was the only answer he could manage. He was struggling for something, anything, to say. Eventually, he let his tongue go on without him. “You could have used a lot fewer words, you know. You have been talking for hours.” “It’s a big decision,” Quick said, his expression serious. The unicorn had not moved from his stone throughout the lecture. “I felt that you needed to be informed before you make it. I have told you everything I can. There is more to say, mostly details, but I’m afraid it’s classified. And I must ask that you do not spread the information I have given you.” Steven Magnet remained silent until Quick Wits spoke again. “I’ll be back in three days,” he said, rising from his seat. “When I return--” “That won’t be necessary,” Steven interrupted. “I’ll go through with it.” “W--Are you sure?” Quick asked, clearly taken aback. “It’s a big decision, after all. Not to mention permanent.” “It’s a no-brainer, Sir Quick,” Steven answered. “I would be proud to be a part of what you described. And besides, it does not change who I am, just what I can do, and what my responsibilities are.” “Huh... Well then…” Quick said, his tone conveying both surprise and respect. “I’m certainly not going to turn you down.” Quick took a few steps closer to Steven, but then paused and met the great serpent’s eyes. “Before I do this, I have a favor to ask.” “Oh?” “There is another dragon here in the forest. He’s a lazy, arrogant, overgrown lizard, content to sit on his ever-expanding ass and do absolutely nothing with his life… but he is a dragon. So I am obliged to give him a chance.” Quick grimaced. “I talked with him earlier. And I, uh... may have antagonized him a bit. Now I’m a little worried that he’s going to take out his frustration on innocents.” “You mean Ponyville?” “Yeah.” Quick nodded. “I have eyes in Ponyville already, and I can move pretty darn fast, but I’d rest easier if I knew someone was keeping a lookout here. Just for a few days.” “I’m your dragon, Quick.” “Good man.” Quick nodded. “Now. This is going to be… an experience. I suggest you lay down and rest, as it will help speed up the process and keep you from tripping over yourself. I will make sure you’re not disturbed, so just get comfortable.” Steven nodded and laid his body down on the ground, curling up as though to sleep. Quick walked up to him and placed his armored hand on Steven’s snout. A surge ran through Steven, and the world fell away. ---- After Spike had calmed down, he and Twilight ended up sharing a shower. No words were spoken, and a sudden bout of shyness caused them to turn away from each other while they washed, but they still exited the bathroom smiling happily. Twilight also noted, with some amusement, that Spike was using some scale-care products that he rarely bothered with before, which gave him a subtle luster. She decided not to comment. They dressed and set about double-checking the library for the day. Spike felt the prolonged silence between them. It was not an awkward silence, not exactly, which made it even harder for him to say what he needed to say. He looked over his shoulder and watched Twilight run her fingers along a few bookends. Then he looked at his own checklist, trying to remember what exactly he was supposed to be checking off. Finally, he decided to clear the air. “I was scared.” Twilight stopped and turned to look at him, but Spike turned away and looked down at the floor. Twilight said nothing, so he continued. “This morning. I was scared that I was going to wake up downstairs in my bed, still small, still hopeless, and I… I don’t think I could’ve handled that.” He swallowed a lump in his throat. He could hear the soft clopping of Twilight’s approaching hooves, but he kept talking. “So when you were still there when I woke up, I just...” He trailed off when he felt Twilight’s touch on his shoulder, only to yelp as a mild electric shock ran through him. “Ow! What gives?” “This is real,” Twilight calmly answered, spinning Spike around and wrapping her arms around his neck. “What we did last night was real. What we have now… It’s real. I won’t have you dismiss this as some dream.” She smiled softly, and Spike instantly forgave her for the light shock. Then she drew in closer and planted a firm kiss on his lips. Spike wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her close and happily returning her affection. After a while, they broke off. They looked into each other’s eyes and smiled. ----- Fluttershy rushed through Ponyville. In the early morning calm before any shops opened, no one noticed her hurrying through the streets, heading for a familiar place. She needed help; she needed support; she couldn’t do this on her own. She needed a friend. When she arrived at the building she had been headed for, she stared at the door and gulped. The bell chimed as she entered. ----- Rarity was having breakfast when she heard a rapid series of knocks on her door. Since it was before business hours, she simply ignored it. After all, her friends had extra keys if they wanted-- She heard a key turn in the lock, and the door opened. “I’m in the kitchen, darling!” she called out. A set of soft, almost uncertain hoofsteps drew closer and closer, and Rainbow Dash walked into the kitchen. “Hey, Rares.” “Rainbow? I’m surprised to see you! Come, come. Have some tea!” “Actually… You know what, yeah, that sounds good.” Rainbow Dash pulled up a chair and sat down. She accepted the teacup that floated over to her, and a short time passed in awkward silence while she sipped her tea. “At least you knocked this time,” Rarity deadpanned, breaking the silence. Rainbow barely managed to avoid snorting tea up her nose, and she put the cup down with a smile on her face. “Yeah,” she said. She looked like she was going to say something else, but she closed her mouth and frowned. She really was being quite un-Rainbow, Rarity noted. “So, what brings you to my doorstep so early in the morning, dear?” Rainbow stretched and averted her eyes, squirming in her seat for a bit. Rarity patiently waited. “I was going through my clothes,” Rainbow finally said. “Oh?” “Yeah…” Rainbow said, looking embarrassed. She took a deep breath. “I have four formal outfits, thanks for those by the way, and a lot of training clothes. You know, t-shirts, track pants, and so on, but…” Falling silent, she pressed a knuckle into her forehead, clearly willing herself to keep going. “You do pull off that look well…” Rarity offered, already sensing where this conversation was going. “But that’s the thing!” Rainbow exclaimed, gesturing wildly with her hands as she spoke. “I’m always ‘Rainbow Dash the athlete.’ It’s great most of the time, cuz, you know, that’s who I am, but…” She seemed to run out of steam here, but kept talking. “Right now I kinda want to try to be... y'know... Pretty, too.” “I understand perfectly, darling,” Rarity said in the most reassuring tone she could manage. Her friend looked up. “You want to look your best for your stallion.” “Yeah, I guess…” Rainbow nodded and took another sip of her nearly-forgotten tea. “I wanted to wear something a little special, just something casual like… Well, like what you’re wearing.” Rarity looked down at herself. Sundresses were in season right now, and she was wearing an especially stylish example today, since she had also felt the desire to dress up a bit. “Just…” Rainbow continued. “Something cute, for once. I have all kinds of workout and sport clothes, but it turns out I don’t really have anything…” Rainbow gestured at Rarity’s attire again. “Well, anything like that.” “So let me get this straight…” Rarity paused to try to contain a surge of glee. “You came here… Because you wanted my help dressing up?” Rainbow sighed in defeat, then met Rarity’s gaze. She looked uncomfortable, but determined. “Just don’t go too far, please.” “Oh, I know what I’m doing, darling…” Rarity said. She finished her tea, then smiled deviously. “Now, let’s get started.” ----- Twilight was looking out the window. The library had opened a few minutes behind schedule, but fortunately, there had not been a line outside to get in. However, while she was waiting for visitors, she had glimpsed something violently blue on the roof of a nearby building. Needless to say, it had caught her attention. She floated over a pair of binoculars (which she kept around for bird-watching), found the thing, and studied it. As far as she could tell, it was the same spirit fox she had spotted the day before. It was lying on a roof, across the street and down a few buildings. It was facing away from the library--looking towards the marketplace, Twilight realized. The center of Ponyville. It was not moving, and as far as she could tell, it seemed to be satisfied with its perch. “What’s up, Twilight?” Spike asked. He was beside her, which startled her a bit--she hadn’t noticed him moving. She quickly composed herself. “See that?” she said, pointing. “Over on Junebug’s roof?” Spike squinted out the window. “Uh… on the roof?” he mused. “I don’t… Roof tiles? A chimney? Bird poop? What am I supposed to be looking at?” Interesting… apparently, dragons can’t see spirits. Twilight’s horn lit up as she poked him in the side of his head and cast a simple spell. Spike’s eyes glowed briefly as the spirit-vision took effect. He raised his eyebrows. “Is that…” he mumbled. Twilight held out the binoculars, and he gratefully took them, bringing them up to his eyes to verify what he was seeing. “Is that a spirit fox?” “Yeah. I saw it around town yesterday after I left you with Pinkie. I tried to talk to it, but it just ran off.” Spike lowered the binoculars and handed them back to Twilight. “What’s it doing here, you think?” he asked. “I don’t know… it looks like it’s just…” She looked out the window again. The fox squirmed a tiny bit, like it was getting comfortable. “Observing the marketplace? Do you have any idea?” “Spirit foxes…” Spike muttered, furrowing his brow. “From what I know, they like playing pranks and having fun. They are considered benevolent, and apparently hate causing any real pain or discomfort. They’re masters of illusion, and often use disguises as part of their pranks… Though it’s weird that it’s sitting still at all; I’ve heard they’re pretty energetic. Anyway, that’s pretty much all I know about them. Maybe it’s planning some prank on Ponyville?” “Possibly. Do you think this has anything to do with your… transformation?” “Maybe…” Spike muttered, looking like he was a thousand miles away. “Hmm… As far as I know, there is no special connection between dragons and spirit foxes. If this has something to do with me, I wasn’t told.” Twilight sensed no deceit in his words. She nodded, accepting his explanation. The first library visitors of the day walked in, and the work day began. Any further speculation was postponed. ----- Mornings in Sugarcube Corner were always busy for Pinkie Pie. There was lots of baking to be done before the morning rush began, which suited her fine. Today, Mr. Cake was properly on hand, which meant that preparations were going much better than the day before. The entrance bell chimed unexpectedly, and Pinkie looked up. She was surprised to find Fluttershy hurrying in, carrying a rather large bag with her. Fluttershy looked around the store, making sure there was nopony else in there, then quickly moved across the room. Pinkie, sensing her distress, met her halfway. Fluttershy threw the bag aside and fell into Pinkie’s open arms, breathing heavily. “Pinkie…” she managed. “I need help.” “Okay,” Pinkie said immediately. As if on cue, Mrs. Cake poked her head out to check on the commotion. Pinkie shot her a pleading gaze, and Mrs. Cake nodded empathetically, making a shooing motion towards the stairs. “Let’s go up to my room to talk,” Pinkie said, trying to sound as reassuring as possible. Nodding, Fluttershy picked up her bag again and allowed Pinkie to lead her upstairs. Pinkie sat her down on the bed and sat next to her, drawing her into a half-hug. In a rare display of tact, Pinkie even managed to remain silent for a minute or so while Fluttershy worked through her anxiety. “Okay…” Fluttershy eventually managed. “Okay… I need your help.” “Sure, anything.” Fluttershy fell silent and shrunk in on herself. “Is this about what we talked about yesterday?” Pinkie asked. Fluttershy nodded.  “Is it about Spike specifically?” Another nod. “Something he did?” A shake of the head. Negative. Pinkie leaned back a bit and restructured her thoughts. She already had a strong hunch about what the problem was. In true Pinkie fashion, she decided to face it head on. “Are you scared of getting close to a stallion because you’ve had your heart broken before?” Pinkie asked in as soft a tone as she could manage. But gentle as Pinkie was, Fluttershy couldn’t keep the tears in. Pinkie buried her friend’s face in her chest and held her close, stroking her back gently. After a long moment, Fluttershy pulled away, her tear-streaked face now a mask of determination. “I’m in love with Spike,” she said firmly. “And I want to be with him. I want him to be with us, like Rainbow Dash said. I want him as our stallion, and I want us all to be a family.” “I’m right there with you, sister,” Pinkie said, and Fluttershy managed a small smile. It fell quickly, however. Pinkie rushed to save her friend’s mood. “Oh! I have an idea!” she exclaimed excitedly. “I was going to ask Spike out today, but how about we ask him out together? That way I’ll be at your side the whole time, and we’ll all have a good time together!” Fluttershy smiled, for real this time. This, she realized, was exactly what she had hoped would happen, that she could have a trusted friend at her side to help her through this. “But only if you’re sure you want this, Fluttershy,” Pinkie added. “I’m sure.” Fluttershy nodded. “I want this, and I’m not going to let fear get the better of me. But I really appreciate that you’re willing to do this with me.” “No problem. I was probably going to ask you anyway. So what’s in the bag?” “Oh, this?” Fluttershy hefted up the large bag she’d almost forgotten she had been carrying with her. “I was going to dress up a bit, but I… I didn’t want to be seen… So I thought I could change here, and maybe you could help me pick an outfit?” “Sure! Then I’ll put on something special, and we’ll go ask him together, how about that?” Fluttershy gave a genuine smile. “That sounds wonderful.” > Chapter 9: The Day Begins > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of Dragons and Mortals Chapter 9: The Day Begins This morning had really been special, Twilight mused. She had woken up next to Spike without regrets after a very satisfying night, and the tenderness they had shared throughout the morning had left a feeling of contentment in her chest that was quite unlike anything she had experienced before. It was not necessarily, from a purely objective standpoint, “better” than the other kinds of happiness she had experienced throughout her life, but it was deeply satisfying and pleasant in its own unique way. It turned out to be a very busy day for the library, which was especially noteworthy considering it was a Saturday morning. More ponies interested in reading would usually be a good thing, but all the patrons were mares, and it was clear that they had come to eye her dragon like a piece of meat. This, Twilight thought, must be the downside of having an attractive stallion. Okay, so maybe she wasn’t being completely fair. A lot of ponies had seemingly just come by to confirm whatever gossip they had heard, and they had no desire to make any moves on her stallion. She honestly didn’t have a problem with those girls who merely poked their heads in to satisfy their curiosity and then went about their day. In fact, she could relate to them: Spike’s growth spurt had been both very sudden and very obvious, so it was bound to make big news to anyone who knew of him. Twilight’s problem lay with the ones who lingered. The ones who snuck into corners and gossiped with each other, and the ones who took a random book, sat in a chair and then pretended to read while ogling Spike as he went about his chores. Twilight made a point of being at Spike’s side as much as she could, especially when she thought she saw one or more of the mares preparing to make a move towards him. Unfortunately, the only shows of affection she could bring herself to perform in public were clinging to his arm and kissing his cheek a few times. However, Twilight couldn’t spend every moment next to Spike. She left to use the bathroom and came back to see that he was talking to a young mare she vaguely recognized from around town. “We don’t really know each other…” Spike said to the girl. Hiding behind a chair, Twilight listened in, as did every other pair of ears in the library. “I know that, Spike,” the mare replied. She was young. Spike’s age, actually. “That’s kind of the point. I’ll take you out on a date so we can get to know each other better. I know where we can find the best hay fries in Ponyville.” The young girl, whose name escaped Twilight for the moment, was gorgeous. There really was no way around it. She was a freshly blossomed flower, blooming with the charming innocence of youth, and Twilight instantly disliked her. “Listen, Aura…” Spike answered. “I already have some ponies in mind, and I want to try to make it work with them. I’m flattered, don’t get me wrong, but I’m going to have to say no thanks.” “Okay, I understand,” the young mare replied, smiling warmly, “but if you ever want to just hang out, keep me in mind.” Maybe the girl was just being friendly, but Twilight recognized a common seduction technique in those words: instead of being pushy and possibly driving the stallion away, declare your interest and innocently leave an open invitation. Let him come to you, and in a sea of grabby and forceful mares, you will become a beacon of calm and acceptance. It had been detailed in The Proper Etiquette of Dating. The girl’s delivery of the lines had been quite literally textbook. This mare was putting the moves on her stallion. Twilight was about to get up from her spot and do something about that when the library door opened. “Howdy, Spike,” Applejack said as she walked in. Surveying the room, she caught sight of Twilight behind the chair and nodded at her. “Howdy, Twi.” Applejack was wearing her usual cut-off jeans and shirt, but that wasn’t what caught everyone’s attention. She’d let her hair free of her distinctive ponytail and had brushed it to a magnificent sheen, creating a shimmering golden waterfall that cascaded freely down her shoulders and back. The effect was quite eye-catching. Spike looked at her and promptly forgot how to breathe. “Hey, AJ…” he eventually managed. “How are you?” The mare Spike had been talking to backed off as AJ walked right up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Ah’m just fine, sugarcube,” she purred, making Spike blush. “But would you imagine Ah plum forgot to do somethin’ when we met yesterday.” Spike made a choked noise that might have been an attempt at a question. “Ah was wondering if you’d like to go out on a date with me sometime. What do ya say, sugar?” “Sure,” Spike managed to actually say, a smile spreading across his face. “I’d like that.” “Good.” Applejack said. She cast a meaningful glance at Twilight and made a small motion of her head at her. While Twilight was trying to decipher the meaning behind the gesture, Applejack drew in close to Spike and placed a slow, lingering kiss on his lips. The mares in the room, already disheartened by Spike’s obvious interest in Applejack, let out a collective noise of disappointment. Twilight, on the other hand, smiled and walked up to join the kissing pair. “Hello, Applejack,” she said sweetly, causing AJ to break the kiss and turn to her. The two mares nodded to each other, and Twilight hugged Spike from behind, sandwiching the flabbergasted dragon between them both. “Are you trying to make off with my lover?” Twilight teased, her confidence bolstered by Applejack’s presence and Spike’s flustered reaction to their combined affection. “Lover, huh?” Applejack asked back, only a little surprised that they had taken that step already. “Nah, Ah’m just taking our stallion out for a date.” They were pointedly talking around Spike, but were pressing up against him in a way that would probably have been better suited for more private settings. Our stallion. The words echoed in Spike’s mind, and he couldn’t stop a goofy grin from spreading across his face. “Oh,” Twilight’s voice sounded through his fuzzy mind. “That’s no problem, then. Just don’t hog him.” “‘Course not, princess. We’re in this together.” “Careful, or I’ll take that as an invitation,” Twilight purred. “Woah, nelly…” Applejack responded in a low voice. A sultry smile spread across her muzzle. “What if it is one, sugarcube?” she said in a sensual tone. Blushing, Twilight released Spike and took a small step back. “AJ!” she cried out, mock-scandalized. “If it is...” Her sudden smile matched Applejack’s. “...Then I believe I’ll accept,” she purred, moving back into position. Applejack felt a full-body shiver go through Spike’s body. He let out a deep, shuddering breath, and she watched his eyes slowly close as his grip on her tightened. She winked mischievously at her partner in crime, who returned the favor. Their little impromptu show to tease Spike had worked great. Applejack pulled away a tiny bit and scanned the room. There were a lot fewer patrons around now. Most of the mares that had been present had apparently decided to give them some privacy, or that trying to seduce Spike in the library, in front of her and Twilight, was a waste of time. Either way, mission accomplished. Suddenly, she felt herself pressed firmly against Spike’s chest, trapped by his strong arms. She turned back only to immediately be drawn into a forceful kiss. Spike’s long tongue parted her lips and invaded her mouth, making her knees give out. Dimly, she heard Twilight gasp and shoo out the few patrons who remained. The next thing she knew, she was back-down on a table with Spike on top of her. His lips left hers and trailed down her collarbone, and she felt him press those sharp, predatory teeth against her neck, right over her pulse. The illusion of danger sent a surge of adrenaline through her, and she groaned out loud as his tongue shot out, tasting her. His hot breath spilled down her neck, sending shivers down her spine, and his hands trailed up her sides, climbing ever higher up her body. He pulled away. Panting, Applejack opened her eyes to see Spike standing just within arm’s reach and staring at her with a devious grin on his face. The library was now empty except for Twilight standing by the door, having just flipped the sign to “closed.” “You…” she managed to say. “You tease!” “Takes one to know one.” Next up was Twilight. AJ watched as the dragon turned and pounced on the princess, pushing her up against the front door, raining nips and kisses on her lips and neck. She glimpsed that draconic tongue shooting out out to taste her friend and heard Twilight gasp out loud. Then Spike pulled away from her, too. Twilight slid down the door to sit on her rump, panting heavily. Spike walked over and helped Applejack back to her hooves. She gave her dragon a small smile. “Okay,” Applejack said, still catching her breath. “Ah guess maybe we deserved that, but next time you get me hot and bothered only to leave me hangin’, Ah may have to smack ya.” “I wasn’t the one who stopped us in the orchard,” Spike teased as he pulled Twilight up from the floor. She collapsed against the wall for support and remained silent. “Doesn’t mean Ah wasn’t frustrated…” Applejack muttered, smoothing out the new wrinkles on her shirt. “So,” Spike said, snapping AJ out of her haze slightly. “When’s our date?” AJ cleared her throat and refocused on the reason she came. “Ah can’t tonight, and tomorrow’s no good either, so Ah thought maybe we could go out on Monday? For lunch, at least? How’s that sound?” “Sounds good, AJ. Come Monday, I’m all yours. What should I wear?” “Put on somethin’ nice so Ah can show ya off, stud,” Applejack said. Then she chuckled and winked at him. “Ah’m kiddin’. Just wear somethin’ comfortable.” “Will do.” . Her mane was in disarray after being all but thrown across the room, and her clothes were still ruffled from his touch. “You sure did a number on me, sugarcube.” Spike had the decency to blush at that, but Applejack merely smiled at him as she retreated deeper into the library, heading for the bathroom. With AJ out of sight, Spike turned to Twilight, who was still leaning against the wall with a small but warm smile on her face. “You okay?” he asked, since she wasn’t moving. “I’m fine, it’s just…” She locked eyes with Spike, and her smile widened, becoming downright sultry. “You made me remember last night.” Again, Spike blushed, and his gaze fell to the floor. Which brought his attention to the clothes he was wearing, a set that Twilight had stretched with her magic. The only “proper” set he currently owned was in the laundry. “I need to buy some more clothes…” he muttered, snapping Twilight out of her little trance. “Yes, I suppose you do. Do you have any plans for today?” Spike looked to the side and furrowed his brow for a moment before speaking. “It’s just about lunchtime, and I know you have stuff to do,” he said. “so... how about I go out, get some lunch, and buy some clothes from Rarity?” “Sure,” Twilight responded. “I need to think about some stuff, too. We will probably need to talk when you come back.” “Come back from what?” AJ suddenly cut in, looking properly refreshed. “Clothes shopping,” Twilight and Spike said in unison. “That so? Ah need to head back to the market anyway. Walk with me?” “Sure, just give me a minute,” Spike said. He hurried down to the basement. As soon as he was out of sight, AJ turned to Twilight with a wide smile. “Did ya say that you’re lovers?” she asked. “Yes.” “How was it?” Twilight smiled. She really couldn’t help herself. “It was great!” Twilight and Applejack fell into a hug, smiling and laughing. Almost a minute passed before they heard Spike’s unsubtle footsteps heading up the stairs. They broke the hug and straightened themselves out, blushing slightly. “Say, Twilight?” Applejack asked. “Wanna get in on this date?” Spike walked into the room at that moment, but stopped and remained silent. “Tempting,” Twilight replied, “but go ahead and have some alone time with him. Rain check?” “Absolutely.” Applejack turned to Spike and extended her arm to him. “Are ya comin’?” “Sure,” Spike answered. He hooked AJ’s arm in his and gave her a small smile. Applejack led him out into the sunlight, waving to Twilight with her free hand. ----- “I gotta say, Rares…” Rainbow said, admiring herself in the mirror. “I thought you’d toss me in frilly dresses and give me crazy hairstyles all day, but I like what you’ve done here.” The hours in the boutique had melted away, as they so often did when one was in the company of a good friend. Rarity helped Rainbow in between customers, and Rainbow spent the rest of the time checking out her friend’s enormous supply of clothes, both the ones for personal use and the ones for sale. At the moment, Rainbow was spinning in front of a mirror, admiring herself. “The temptation was there, darling,” Rarity said, smirking. “And were circumstances different, I would likely have played around at least a little, but this is serious. You came to me for help, so I will help.” It was really just a bit of makeup, tight yet comfortable jeans, and a tank top. Looking at herself like this, Rainbow Dash did feel cuter, but in a good way. She felt, and looked, refreshed: Her makeup made her look like she'd just had an invigorating training session, but without all the sweat and tousledness, and the jeans and tank top were both tight enough to show her forms, without restricting her movements. Well, she probably couldn't do splits in these jeans, but considering how they hugged her thighs and made her do a double-take when she saw what they did to her butt, she decided she could live with that. For now. She had to admit that she was impressed. This was a look she could actually wear in public without feeling humiliated. “I look good…” she said to herself, spinning around again. Everything was tailor-made to fit perfectly and flatter what curves she had. What’s more, the outfit didn’t hinder her flying at all. “I look really good. I was expecting some kind of dress, though.” “Please,” Rarity said with a dismissive wave. “Any mare can look good in a dress, but I wanted to use your own natural charm.” Rarity paused and walked a circle around Rainbow, nodding to herself while inspecting her friend. “I thought we could save the dress for when you really want to knock his socks off.” She winked. “Heh, sounds good to me.” Rainbow fell silent as Rarity walked up behind her and summoned a hair band from across the room. With a twist and a soft tug, Rainbow’s mane was pulled into a simple ponytail.  Rainbow turned her head back and forth, eyes glued to the simple hairstyle. It exposed her slender neck and made her seem even more feminine while still retaining her sporty look. “Woah…” “It’s the small touches, darling,” Rarity said. She clapped her hands once. “Now, it is officially lunchtime. Care to join me?” “Sure, why not.” ----- “Here we are, Spike,” Applejack said, turning to give him a small smile. The Ponyville marketplace was bustling as usual, and there was a sizable line to the Apple cart, currently manned by Big Macintosh. Applejack and Spike walked past the line, up to the side of the cart, and the big red stallion silently greeted the pair with a smile and a small wave. “Ah’m looking forward to Monday,” AJ said. She placed her hand on Spike’s cheek and drew him in for a small peck on his lips. “See ya later, sugarcube.” Applejack made sure to brush her tail across Spike’s waist as she turned away and sauntered over to her brother’s side. Mac stepped back from the cart and allowed AJ to take over. “Howdy, Spike,” Mac said. “Got a moment?” “Sure, I guess. What’s up?” Big Mac gestured down the road, and the two stallions walked off to somewhere with fewer prying ears. Spike found that Mac was relatively easy to read, at least in comparison to his absolutely stone-faced grandmother. He seemed a little melancholy, but didn’t look upset or angry at all. “Spike…” he finally began. “Ah’m sorry Ah was harsh yesterday.” Spike was slightly surprised, but Macintosh didn’t give him time to answer. “Now, Ah meant what Ah said but, and this is important... Ah know you. You’re a good man. And Ah know you’ll do right by the girls. Ah should have told you that.” “It’s…” Spike hesitated a bit. “It’s okay, Big Mac. If I was in your position, I would probably… no, I would definitely do the same. And I have teeth that can cut through diamonds.” Spike showed off said teeth to prove his point. Big Mac chuckled warmly. “That you do,” Mac said, smiling. “We good?” “Yeah, of course.” The stallion and dragon shook hands. “AJ’s real smitten with ya,” Mac said, holding onto Spike’s hand for a moment. “You make her happy. For what it’s worth, you have my blessing. And if you need it, my support.” “Thanks… that… that means a lot,” Spike all but stuttered out. Big Mac silently nodded. He released Spike’s hand and patted him on the back, then began heading back towards the marketplace. “Wait!” Spike called out. The big stallion stopped just a few steps away, and Spike wondered where the strong urge to speak had come from. He felt his lips move, almost against his will. “Apple Bloom and her friends asked me out yesterday… and I said yes.” An awkward silence ensued, and Spike felt pearls of cold sweat run down his back. What had he hoped to do by confessing? Was it the right thing to do? What would Big Mac think? “The Conquerors? Well, that…” Mac said. He was clearly making an effort to keep his voice steady, and his difficulties shook Spike out of his racing thoughts. “That’s a situation, all right…” Mac walked back to Spike. He was still big, but unlike yesterday, he wasn’t scary. Now he felt almost… supportive. “Have you eaten yet?” Mac asked. Spike shook his head. “Let’s get lunch,” Mac suggested, and they walked off together. ----- “Pinkie…” Fluttershy whispered. “Everypony’s staring…” Lunchtime was in full swing at Sugarcube Corner. Fluttershy peeked at the crowd from her position behind her friend. Almost everypony in the store was eyeing them. Some of the looks were of the admiring kind, while others were actually envious. Then again, she and Pinkie looked really pretty. “Just imagine how Spike will react once he sees us,” Pinkie whispered back. Fluttershy nodded, and tried to stand tall, but ended up curling in on herself slightly and hiding her face behind her mane. It only made the staring more intense. One minute until lunchbreak, Pinkie thought. Then it’s dragon hunting time. The next customer in line was a stallion. “Well aren’t you all dressed up, Pinkie. What’s the occasion?” he asked in a jovial tone. “I just wanted to look pretty today!” she answered as she rung up the stallion’s order. He was a regular and always ordered the same thing, so Pinkie just went on autopilot. “Well if you ask me, you’re always…” “Heeere’s your order, sir. Next!” His attempt at flirting shot down, the stallion accepted the bag and walked off with a defeated sigh. Twenty seconds now… Ten… Pinkie was thrown out of her thoughts by a sudden tingle in her hooves. She instantly knew what it meant. There’s somepony new in town! Mr. Cake turned up right on time for lunch break. Pinkie grabbed Fluttershy and hurried out the door, ignoring her friend’s startled meep. “Come on, Fluttershy! There’s a new pony in town!” “Wait, what about Spike?” “Dragon hunting later, welcome wagon now!” ----- Spike and Big Mac sat down at the local fast-food place, the Hayburger. Since they needed a bit of privacy, the boys took their orders into a corner a fair bit away from any prying ears. After they sat down, Spike told Mac the (tastefully censored) story of when the Conquerors had asked him out. Once the story was done, Mac spoke up. “So, the girls asked you out. Is that a problem?” Spike looked down into his hay fries. “I don’t know… I just don’t want to betray Twilight and our friends. I want to make them happy.” “Do you like ‘em? The Conquerors, I mean.” Images popped into Spike’s head. Images of adventures he’d had all over Ponyville alongside the girls, of the laughter they had shared throughout the years, of so many warm memories… Then his mind lingered on the smiles on their faces when he agreed to the date… “Yeah. I guess I do.” Spike paused and looked up, meeting Mac’s steady gaze. “No... I do. I really do.” “Should be okay, then.” Mac took a bite of his burger and chewed it thoughtfully, letting his comment sink in before continuing. “Do you know how pony dating works?” “A bit. I had some lessons in etiquette when I grew up. But that was years ago.” “Have AJ and her friends asked you to be exclusive?” “Well… No…” “See,” Big Mac said, “the way this works is that, unless the girls you’re dating tell you they want to be exclusive, and you agree to it, you’re pretty much free to date who you want.” “Right… Now that you mention it, I seem to remember my teacher saying ‘stallions are considered up for grabs,’ or something like that.” “Also,” Mac continued, “for mares, ‘hogging’ a stallion is considered very selfish unless you’re married to--or about to get married to--him. And it’s way too early in your relationship to seriously consider that.” “Yeah... So… What should I do?” “Well, you have a reputation around Ponyville as a stand-up guy and a gentleco--uh... gentledrake. A lot of girls are goin’ to be interested in you, and most of ‘em will just want a good time, to be treated well and have fun for a night or so. What you should do is what pretty much every stallion in the datin’ world does: if you like ‘em, accept. If you don’t, refuse.” “What about the girls? How will they feel?” “A stallion’s expected to date a bit, especially at your age. Ah don’t think either group of girls are entertainin’ any thoughts of exclusivity. Not yet anyway.” “So you’re saying go ahead with the date? I have to admit, I thought you’d have a stronger reaction.” “Ah can’t stop my sisters from datin’. Even if I wanted to. And honestly, they could do a lot worse.” Before Spike could reply, Mac leaned back and gave a small sigh. He looked around the diner, causing the few ponies nearby to retreat a bit and pretend they weren’t trying to listen in on the conversation. Then he turned back to Spike. “Bloom and her friends…” Mac said, “... are at that age, and so are you for that matter, where fillies and colts turn into proper mares and stallions. It’s also when the datin’ world opens up properly. ‘Course, you can avoid the whole scene if you’re not interested in romance, but if you are… It’s a time of first and second dates that don’t go anywhere, short term relationships, flings, and breakups both clean and messy.” Big Mac leaned forward again, which made Spike do the same. “Durin’ this time, mares go from one stallion to the next, tryin’ to find someone they like. Stallions try to establish datin’ circles, though the circles change a lot cuz… you know… the mares are huntin’.” “So…” Spike mused. “You think this thing with the Conquerors may just be a fling?” “Ah don’t know,” Mac responded. “Would be typical for girls their age, and would be easier on you. Datin’ sisters, especially long-term, can be mighty complicated. Though…” He hesitated. “What?” “As far as Ah know, and Ah try to keep track… Bloom and her friends haven’t dated at all yet. In fact, until today, Ah honestly figured they just plain weren’t interested in romance.” Both stallions fell quiet for a time and chewed their food thoughtfully. Soon enough, however, the food was finished and they headed back out. “One last thing…” Mac said as soon as they cleared the doors. “Mah word ain’t law, and in matters of the heart like this, it’s always best to try to make sure for yourself. If you’re still worried, and even if you aren’t, Ah suggest you talk to one of AJ’s friends in private and ask her, point-blank, what sort of relationship they want. If they want to be exclusive, they’ll tell you, and you can talk about it. If not, then…” “Then they want a normal relationship, got it,” Spike said. Mac nodded. “You know, Big Mac…” Spike continued, trying to lighten the mood. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you talk this much in all the years I’ve known you.” “Nnope. But family happiness is important, and it’s worth talking about.” “So it’s all about finding the proper subject to get you to talk?” “Eeyup.” “There’s the Big Mac we all know and love.” The stallions smiled and nodded to each other before they turned to walk their separate ways. Spike still had clothes shopping to get to, after all. He set off down the street in the general direction of Carousel Boutique with a slight bounce in his step. “Hold on!” came Big Mac’s voice from behind him. Spike stopped just as he was about to turn the corner, and looked back to see Mac jogging up to him. “Ah just remembered something,” he said once he reached Spike. “What is it?” “A few years ago, back when the girls were still Crusaders… there was a time when Ah suspected that Apple Bloom had a crush on you.” “What? Really?” “Well, she never said anythin’ outright, but you were just about the only boy she’d talk about at home, and she had a lotta nice things to say about you. There were more signs, small things, but… Well, Ah didn’t talk to her about it or anythin’, since Ah figured that’d be AJ’s or Granny’s turf, and if she wanted advice, she’d turn to them. After a while Ah didn’t see the signs anymore… Or... maybe Ah just stopped lookin’ for ‘em.” “So… what does that mean?” “Maybe nothing… At the time Ah figured Ah was overthinkin’ things, and maybe that’s exactly what Ah’m doin’ now. Or… maybe them askin’ you out, and so quickly at that, means more than Ah first thought.” “Huh… Okay… Uh, well, thanks for telling me.” Big Mac nodded and strode away again. Spike stood glued to the ground for a minute or so, mulling over this new information. Had Apple Bloom ever shown signs of a crush? Would he have been able to tell at the time, being as wrapped up in his own crush as he was back then? But as he tried to think back, Spike could only remember that she had acted just as friendly as the other then-Crusaders around him. They had been pretty close friends, after all, nothing out of the ordinary. Any further musings were cut short as he finally rounded the corner and saw the tail end of Pinkie Pie...’s performance. “...Welcome welcome welcome to Ponyville todaaaay!” she sang as she spun around and threw her arms in the air for the grand finale of whatever dance recital Spike had just missed. She missed seeing him walk out of the alley, and he stayed in place, struck dumb by her appearance. She was wearing a delightfully tight and frilly top, a very short skirt, and thigh high striped stockings. Spike’s blood pressure skyrocketed--Pinkie Pie struck a perfect balance between adorably cute and smoking hot. “Bravo, bravo!” he heard a stallion call out, along with the sound of a single pair of hands applauding. Spike managed to tear his eyes from Pinkie and saw the pony she was welcoming. He was a purple earth pony stallion with a finely styled orange mane and a big matching moustache that was quite obviously well taken care of. There’s something about that stallion… No… No way! ----- “I do believe that I have never felt this welcome anywhere before!” Pinkie grinned and soaked up the praise like a sponge. Just a few minutes after meeting a new pony, she had already made one more friend. “Thanks, and you’re welcome!” she said, just as the oven on her right pinged and a perfectly prepared sponge cake shot out, pre-sliced and ready to eat. She immediately held out a piece to the newcomer. “Would you like some cake?” “Don’t mind if I d--” The stallion stopped with the cake slice halfway to his mouth, his eyes fixed on something over her shoulder. “My word, is that a dragon?” If Pinkie had been more attentive, she might have noticed the complete lack of fear or trepidation in the stallion’s voice as he announced the presence of an apex predator. But as soon as the word “dragon” left the stallion’s lips, she spun in place and fixed her attention on the stallion she now knew was walking up behind her. “Spikey!” Pinkie launched herself like a pink missile at the young dragon, who barely had time to raise his arms and catch her in midair when she jumped him. With Spike caught off guard like this, she saw an opening. She wrapped her arms around Spike’s neck, and without hesitation, she planted a big kiss on his lips. Shocked and successfully caught off guard, Spike mutely pulled Pinkie close and returned her affection, leaning into the kiss. Pinkie felt Spike slowly lower her to the ground. Once she was safely back on her hooves, she pushed back into the kiss for a moment, then broke it and gave Spike a brilliant smile. He blushed and looked away. But Pinkie didn’t forget her manners. She tucked herself under Spike’s arm and turned to face the stallion she had been greeting. She also noted that the ponies in the area were staring at her, most of them with envy in their eyes. Good. “This is Spike the studly dragon. Spikey, this is Rip Tide. He’s new in town.” Rip Tide was helping himself to the cake, and had turned his head to to the side in an attempt to give the kissing pair a modicum of privacy. When he realized Pinkie was talking to him, however, he snapped to attention. “Charmed to meet you,” he said. “Spikey, was it?” Spike smiled happily and hugged Pinkie close with one arm while he extended his free one for Rip Tide to shake. "It’s ‘Spike,’ actually. Only the girls can call me Spikey.” Spike’s smile widened slightly, and so did the other stallion’s. “It’s really nice to meet you, Rip Tide.” “Please, just Tide works fine. Or Rippie, but that one’s really more for the ladies.” The handshake lingered for a moment as the stallions briefly inspected each other, still smiling. Eventually, Tide looked Pinkie in the eyes and took a bow. “Well, I can see that I am getting a bit in the way here,” he said, “thank you for the warm welcome, and the delicious cake. I shan’t be staying in town for long, I’m afraid, but I am sure I will like it here. Ta!” And with that, the stallion spun on a hoof and walked off deeper into Ponyville. “Hello, Pinkie,” Spike said to the mare tucked against his side, placing a small kiss on her forehead for good measure. “I like the new greeting.” “I hoped you would, Spikey, ‘cause that one’s only for you!” Spike smiled. The kiss had been surprising, energetic, and had left him feeling warm and happy. Pinkie Pie in a nutshell, really. “Um… Hello, Spike,” said a soft voice from behind him. He turned around to see Fluttershy standing there, fidgeting with her hands. She was wearing a green dress with a surprisingly low neckline. Her long, flowing mane was decorated with flowers, and a simple necklace hung around her neck, with a small green gem resting between her breasts. Spike gasped for air. Fluttershy, meanwhile, felt every second of silence keenly. Dozens of worries ran through her mind. What if he didn’t like the outfit? What if he didn’t like her? What if-- “Hey…” Spike said dumbly. “Fluttershy… you… wow.” Fluttershy stopped fidgeting, and a brilliant smile spread across her face as warmth blossomed deep in her chest and spread throughout her body. “See?” she heard Pinkie say to her as she detached herself from Spike. “Totally worth it, right?” It was. Usually, Fluttershy hated being the center of attention, but the look in Spike’s eyes made her feel beautiful yet again. It was exhilarating. She was truly smiling from the heart when she nodded at Pinkie, who moved to stand beside her. “Come on now,” Pinkie said, a teasing note in her voice, “like we practiced.” When Pinkie had suggested this, Fluttershy had been hesitant and embarrassed. She had never done anything so silly and flirtatious in her whole life, and the “practice” earlier had been sudden and involuntary. But standing there with a spellbound Spike and a good friend at her side suddenly made it feel like a very good idea. With that in mind, Fluttershy turned to Pinkie, and the two mares embraced in a full-body hug that squashed their breasts together. They smiled at each other, then turned their smiles on Spike and winked at him in perfect synch. The girls saw Spike stagger as though he had been physically struck, and he started breathing heavily as he stared shamelessly at them. The mares eventually broke off from the position, giggling. Spike struggled to recover from their attack on his libido. “Are…” Spike managed, gulping through his suddenly dry mouth. “Are you two trying to kill me?!” At that, Fluttershy’s laughter came to an abrupt stop. She zipped up to Spike and began fretting over him. “Oh no, are you alright?” she asked frantically. “Are you short of breath? Are you...” She slowed down a bit when she heard Pinkie’s laughter increase behind her. “Fluttershy,” Spike said, putting his hand on her shoulder to calm her. “I’m fine. I was just making a joke.” Pinkie walked up next to Fluttershy, still giggling softly. “Yeah, he was just overwhelmed by our sexiness, weren’t you Spike?” Spike responded by dropping his hands to his sides and nodding mutely. Fluttershy blushed deeply and shrunk in on herself, but Pinkie slipped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her into a half-hug. “Aw, relax, Fluttershy! It’s okay.” She leaned in close to her friend’s ear and whispered, “Just remember how it felt when he looked at us like that.” Fluttershy smiled warmly and began to visibly relax. Pinkie grinned and turned back to Spike. “So, Spike… Are you free tonight?” Pinkie asked. “I, uh… I don’t have anything planned, so… yes.” Pinkie and Fluttershy glanced at each other and exchanged a small nod before turning back to Spike. “In that case, we were wondering…” Fluttershy said. She made to say something else, but her courage failed her, and though she kept moving her lips for a moment, she trailed off with a small squeak. Pinkie pulled Fluttershy back into the half-hug and held her supportively, but Fluttershy just looked helplessly at her. Pinkie turned back to Spike again, who was quietly watching the display. “We, Fluttershy and I, were wondering if you’d like to go on a date with the two of us tonight?” Pinkie asked. Fluttershy nodded firmly. “Yes, of course,” Spike answered without hesitation. “I’d love to.” Pinkie gave a confident grin. Fluttershy blushed beet red, but smiled brilliantly as well. To everyone’s surprise, especially herself, Fluttershy was the one who spoke up next. “Dinner at Sugarcube Corner tonight at seven. Just the three of us. We will… We will pick you up at the library.” Her burst of courage faded, and Fluttershy found herself biting back the urge to meekly ask him if it was okay. Be assertive, Fluttershy, she thought to herself. Be confident. You can do this… “Sure, I’ll be ready,” Spike said. It was odd. He had half-expected to be asked out, but now that it had happened, it felt unreal. He wasn’t sure if he should smile or… keep looking flabbergasted. The look on his face seemed to amuse Pinkie Pie, at least. She giggled happily, wrapping her arms around Fluttershy in a warm hug. “Way to go, Fluttershy,” she said happily. “We’ll see you tonight, Spike.” Pinkie and Fluttershy walked away and turned the corner. As soon as they were out of sight, Spike heard a squeal of happiness that could have come from either or both of them, and a massive grin broke out on his face. He managed to restrain himself from shouting in joy, but couldn’t help but chuckle happily as he turned around and continued down the street. He had only taken a few steps when he felt someone tap him on the shoulder. He turned around and caught a quick close-up glimpse of a yellow face and soulful teal eyes before Fluttershy wrapped her arms around his neck and surged forward. Fluttershy kissed him. It was short and sweet, and she withdrew quickly, but the sensation on his lips told no lie: she had kissed him. With a brilliant smile and cheeks redder than the sunset, the shy mare unfolded her wings and fled like a manticore was on her tail. Which left Spike standing alone in the street, feeling utterly overwhelmed. Images flashed through his mind of the last two days, images of the girls he had spent so long yearning for. Some primitive part of him concluded that now he had kissed or been kissed by all six of them, and he couldn’t help but feel a strange sensation of pride, or maybe triumph. It was swiftly crushed by an overwhelming feeling of inadequacy. This was real. It was happening. His long held dream was really in reach. Why was this happening? Why would all these great mares settle for him? Was he just setting himself up to be heartbroken when they realized he wasn’t good enough for them? Would he end up hurting them? What about their friendship? What if… Twilight’s words rang through his mind. Why don’t you just keep being yourself and let them decide if you’re worth it instead of getting yourself down? Spike nodded to himself and tried to draw comfort from them. He started walking again. ----- “Did you see that? I can’t believe I actually did that.” Fluttershy all but bounced around Pinkie, who was grinning from ear to ear herself. Flying up to kiss Spike had been a spur-of-the-moment thing, and she couldn’t calm down at all, fluttering here and there around Pinkie. Not one to stay out of a good happiness-induced fit, Pinkie caught her friend in a firm hug, and they spun each other around and around, giggling merrily. “I kissed him! Right there out in the open!” “Yeah, you did! Way to go!” “It felt so nice, even if it was kinda short… I can’t believe I… And there were ponies around, too… I… Everypony was looking...” The adrenaline rush disappeared, and the reality of the situation finally sunk in for Fluttershy. “Oh my.” The poor mare slumped against her friend. “Fluttershy?” Pinkie asked, pulling back a bit to look Fluttershy in the--closed eyelids. She had fainted. Pinkie shrugged and hefted the pegasus over her shoulder, then began to sprint back home. Now she had dinner to plan for and a possible flutterpanic to manage. ----- Rainbow Dash didn’t hang out with Rarity enough. That was the conclusion she arrived at as the delicious lunch Rarity had made settled in her stomach. Anypony who could make food that good deserved way more of her attention. With that in mind, Rainbow turned to her friend, who was putting dishes in the sink. “Hey, Rarity.” “Yes, darling?” “We should totally team up for a date some time.” “Oh, certainly! That sounds like fun,” Rarity said, using her magic to clean the dishes. She sat back down next to Rainbow. “Do you mean now or another time?” “Another time, I think. I kinda wanna take him flying on our first date.” “Fair enough. I’m sure it will be dazzling.” “Awesome, more like. So, do you have any plans for your first date?” “Well, I--” Rarity was cut off by the sound of the entrance-bell. “I’m afraid that sound means that my lunch break is over.” “Okay, you go.” Rainbow Dash stood and stretched. “I’ll handle what’s left of the dishes.” “Thank you, Dash.” Rarity opened the door to the waiting area, then immediately closed it again. “Rarity? Is that you in there?” Spike was there. Right there. On the other side of the door. She thought she had time. She had intended to spruce herself up a little bit more before she went out to find him. She was still wearing an apron, for crying out loud! But now he was there, and she had to meet him while she was unprepared. “Was that Spike?” Or she could send her dear, loyal, and beloved friend out to distract Spike and buy herself some more time. Even if it was just a few minutes, it was a few minutes she could spend making sure she looked perfect. Besides, Rainbow was already beautified and ready to go, and she hadn’t even gotten to the dishes yet. All Rarity had to do was gently suggest that Rainbow keep Spike company while she briefly went upstairs to touch herself up. “STALL HIM! I need to change!” There. Perfect. With that, Rarity rushed past Rainbow and darted up the stairs. Rainbow looked at the stairs for a moment. She shook her head a little and chuckled to herself, then walked out to meet Spike. “Hey there, stud,” she said warmly, leaning up against the doorway and placing her hand on her hip. “Did you miss me?” Her flirting, and the pose she struck, had the desired effect. Spike’s jaw dropped as he drank her in, instantly making the slight discomfort she felt at having a makeover worth it a dozen times over. She sauntered over to him, confident she was the only thing on his mind at that moment. “Rainbow Dash…” he muttered absently. A sultry smile spread across her muzzle. “That’s my name, Spike.” She stopped an arm’s length away from him and turned around, spreading her wings to show off her impressive wingspan and toned backside. She spun back around, softly hitting Spike with her downy wings as she did, and wrapped her arms around his neck. She felt his arms instinctively wrap around her waist and pull her smaller body flush against his, but he still wasn’t saying anything. “What, cat got your tongue?” she teased. In response, Spike’s mouth opened as if to say something. Rainbow closed the distance and placed a light kiss on his nose. His mouth closed by reflex, and she trailed butterfly kisses all over his lips and muzzle, further silencing him. There was a certain rush in reducing a strong stallion, and a dragon at that, to putty in her hands, but Rainbow Dash was not without mercy. She stopped her amorous attack on his face and leaned back a little. She felt Spike’s hand lightly cup the back of her head, and she met his eyes, seeing a deep hunger there that made her shiver. Her eyes closed as Spike slowly, purposefully, pulled her head in close and placed his lips on hers, drawing her into a torturously gentle kiss as he held her firmly in place. Rainbow tried to deepen the kiss, but Spike trailed one hand in between her wings and firmly rubbed her flight muscles. The sensation of his strong hand gently kneading those sensitive muscles broke her concentration, and Spike took control of the kiss, gently leading her deeper and deeper into it, carefully infusing more and more passion until Rainbow began squirming for air. Spike finally broke off. Rainbow took a deep breath, then met his intense gaze. “Wow…” was all she could say. There was a certain rush in seeing a strong mare like Rainbow Dash so flustered. “So…” Spike whispered to her. “Why the new look?” “Do you like it?” Rainbow asked, knowing full well what the answer would be. “Of course I do, just… Why?” Spike’s hand reached up and gently brushed a stray lock of Rainbow’s hair out of her face. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you wear makeup before…” Most girls would probably have played coy and dodged the question, but that wasn’t Rainbow Dash’s style. “You’ve never seen me try to impress a stallion I like before, either,” she said, tightening her hold on Spike and looking into his eyes so there was no doubt who she was referring to. “And your reaction... worth it.” “Rainbow, you didn’t have to--” “I know I didn’t have to.” Moving her lips closer to Spike’s, Rainbow whispered, “I wanted to.” Rainbow cut off any response Spike may have had by placing her lips on his and giving him a taste of his own slow-kissing medicine. She raked her fingers over his shirt, relishing the sensation of those strong muscles hiding under the flimsy cloth. One of her hands trailed down to his waist and snuck under his shirt, eager, almost desperate, to feel those muscles with her bare fingers. She brushed over his abs, making Spike inhale sharply through his nose-- Rarity cleared her throat behind them, and the kiss was broken. “Well, I suppose this is only fair, considering yesterday.” Reluctantly, Rainbow withdrew her hand from Spike’s abs and turned her head to face her friend. Spike, meanwhile, hadn’t noticed Rarity appear. As was the trend today, he lost his voice when he finally saw her. “You walk in on me,” Rarity mused as she sauntered over to the pair. “and now I walk in on you.” Rarity was wearing an especially stylish sundress today. It flattered her curves and showed off a tasteful amount of cleavage. An exquisite amethyst on a golden chain rested over her heart, purposefully drawing the dragon’s attention to her assets. She caught Spike’s appraising, possibly even aroused, gaze and smiled deviously. She winked at Rainbow, who grinned back. “Spike…. Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where everything is chic, unique and magnifique.” She punctuated her statement with a bow. Not a deep bow, but just deep enough. Color filled Spike’s cheeks, and he gently but firmly pushed Dash away from him before she found out exactly what their charms had done to him. The grin on Rainbow’s face, however, told him he had been too late. “Wow, you two…” Spike muttered, still feeling overwhelmed. “This is too much, you girls are going to kill me…” In spite of his grim words, Spike was grinning widely. Passing away from an overdose of sexy... not a bad way to go. “Wait a minute…” Rarity said. She walked forwards, and the intoxicating scent of her perfume billowed over Spike. “Has something like this happened to you already?” Spike mutely nodded. “What?” Rainbow asked, suddenly jealous. “Who?” “Uh, well... the others,” Spike said simply. “Of course…” Rarity said. “Rainbow, I believe we weren’t the only ones in our group hoping to impress him today.” “Oh.” Rainbow stated simply, the pang of jealousy now gone. “Well, that’s okay. Anyway…” Her voice changed back to sultry, and she sauntered up to Spike again. “Say, Rarity… Wouldn’t you say Spike needs a change of clothes? He looks a little underdressed...” The statement was meant to be teasing, so it surprised Dash when Spike visibly flinched. Before she could say anything, though, Rarity cut in, her voice quite serious. “Of course, with your growth spurt you must not have many clothes to wear,” she said. Spike nodded, looking slightly ashamed. “I, uh…” he stammered out. “I feel a little self-conscious today. You’re all so very beautiful, and I don’t have anything…” He trailed off. “Oh.” Rainbow frowned. “Sorry I pointed it out. I was just poking fun.” “I know. It’s okay.” “Well,” Rainbow said, “your scales feel smooth, and you smell nice. So that’s good.” As he looked into Rainbow’s eyes, Spike couldn’t help but smile at her words. “I actually came here to buy some more clothes,” he said. Rainbow and Rarity looked at each other, then grinned wickedly. Before Spike could wonder what they were planning, he found his right arm buried between Rarity’s alluring assets and his left similarly hugged between Rainbow’s modest mammaries. Before he had a chance to recover from their attack, the mares physically dragged him through the boutique. By the time Spike snapped out of his breast-induced trance, he was standing on the podium in the center of the store with the girls sitting down just an arm’s length away. He was about to say something when a full clothes rack flew in, surrounded by the blue glow of Rarity’s magic. “Uh…” he managed brilliantly. “Go on, darling. Let’s see how good you look in these outfits!” “Yeah, put on a show for us, pretty boy!” Spike looked at them incredulously. The looks on their faces told him that they were teasing, and that they didn’t actually expect him to go through with it. He smiled wickedly. The girls had had him cornered on the sexy front all day. Time to turn it around. > Chapter 10: Making Plans > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of Dragons and Mortals Chapter 10: Making Plans Rarity and Rainbow Dash were only teasing. They fully expected Spike to shy away, possibly even retreat. That was why both of them fell completely silent when Spike grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it up over his torso, slowly and purposefully revealing his delightfully toned upper body. There was a modesty screen just a few steps to his right. All he had to do was take a few steps, and he could have all the privacy he wanted. But Spike ignored the screen, as if he hadn’t even noticed that it was there. As the shirt cleared Spike’s head, he turned his well-defined back on the girls and tossed it over his shoulder like an afterthought. The girls were still too shocked to react to this turn of events, and the shirt landed immediately behind them. Spike began to poke through the clothes rack, eventually pulling out a button-up shirt and a pair of jeans. “What do you girls think about this?” he asked, holding the chosen clothes out to the side for the girls to see. “Iii, wee…” Rarity trailed off. “Yeah, you’re right,” Spike said. “I need to lose these pants, don’t I?” Before the girls had a chance to properly digest that comment, Spike quickly stripped down to his boxers, throwing his pants in the corner. They would have gasped if they weren’t paralyzed. Their dragon gave a purposeful yawn and stretched mightily. It allowed the girls a delightfully unobstructed view of his toned body, which they proceeded to devour with their eyes. They watched as Spike turned his back on them and bent over to pick up the new pants and ease them up his legs, giving the girls a clear view of his firm butt and powerful tail. The pants came up torturously slowly, and then it was time for the shirt. As he buttoned it, Spike turned around to see Rainbow Dash gripping her stool so hard her knuckles were turning white, her wings tense and extended behind her, throbbing slightly in time with her heartbeat. Rarity was chewing on her fingernails, absently fanning herself with her other hand. She looked like she was about to faint. Both of the girls were staring openly and blushing brightly. “Is something wrong, girls?” Spike asked in an enticing rumble, a wide grin on his face. His words seemed to snap the girls out of their daze, but they had very different reactions. “Don’t you go anywhere,” Rarity muttered, failing to meet his eyes. Turning away from him, she sped off into the depths of the boutique. Rainbow Dash, however, stood up slowly and gave Spike a predatory grin. As soon as Rarity vanished out of sight, Rainbow rushed up to Spike, circled around behind him in the blink of an eye, and suddenly embraced him, her lips near his ear frills. “Are you free tonight, stud?” she asked in a husky whisper. Spike very nearly said yes on the spot, but before he opened his mouth, he remembered the date he already had planned. “Sorry, I can’t.” “What!?” Rainbow exclaimed, zipping around Spike to look him in the eye. The once-pleasant heat had faded from her eyes, leaving frustration in its place. “What are you doing tonight, then?” Is it okay to say that I have a date with two of her best friends? Spike wondered. I… I think it is, actually.  “I have a date with Pinkie and Fluttershy.” The anger in Rainbow’s eyes lessened at the mention of her friends, and she heaved a defeated sigh. “Today’s Saturday, right?” she said. “How about tomorrow?” Tomorrow? Spike suddenly remembered something. That’s the day of my date with the Conquerors. “Sorry, I can’t--” “Dammit,” Rainbow cut in. “Monday?” Spike shook his head. “Tuesd--?” Rainbow began, but cut herself off. “I can’t on Tuesday. Wednesday?” Spike nodded, smiling happily. “Wednesday works for me,” he said. “I’d be glad to go out with you then. Tuesday would also have worked.” “Okay, great,” Rainbow said. Then she turned around and shouted her next words into the boutique. “He’s busy all weekend, Rares! You took too long getting us ready!” Rainbow didn’t mean any offense, so she kept her tone playful. However, if Rarity heard her, she didn’t reply. Rainbow shrugged and turned back to Spike. That comfortable inner warmth that his little show had inspired was coming back to her, so she planted a short kiss on his lips before she pulled back. “We’ll hammer out the details later, Spike,” she said. “But right now, I’m running a liiittle late for work.” “Sure,” Spike said, smiling even wider now. “See you around, Rainbow.” She turned to shout into the building again. “Rarity, I’m leaving! He’s all yours!” She smiled and winked at Spike. “Go get her, stud.” Then she left, the tinkling of the bell announcing her exit. Spike watched the door for a moment, then smiled. He noticed that the sign had been flipped to “closed” at some point during his trance earlier. The young drake decided to venture deeper into the boutique, following Rarity’s trail. “Are you alright, Rarity?” he asked out loud. As Spike entered the kitchen, his eyes were immediately drawn to the burgundy fainting couch that rested against the far wall. Rarity was lying there on her back, her hand resting on her forehead as though caught mid-swoon, while a paper fan held in her magic fanned her face. “Rarity?” he asked again. He began to cross the room to get to her, but froze when she fixed him with an intense stare. He met her eyes, then slowly resumed his walk. The soft flapping of Rarity’s fan and the careful footfalls of his own clawed feet were the only sounds that could be heard as he slowly made his way over the open floor, drawn towards those shining blue eyes.  Spike tried to read the expression on Rarity’s face. Conflict? Uncertainty? Fear? It was hard to tell. He wasn’t used to seeing such emotions from the normally confident and elegant mare. But now, she was visibly shaken. When he made it across the room, Rarity scooted up and daintily folded her legs, indicating for him to sit on the end of the couch. Once he did, she placed her hooves on his lap. “Rarity…” Spike said. But since he didn’t know what else to say, he merely fell silent. “Spike… I…” Rarity began. “I don’t know what to do with you.” “What do you mean?” Spike asked. He began massaging Rarity’s hooves as she spoke. “I can be a very shallow mare,” she said. “I have, more than once, built up entire lives in my head around an ‘ideal’ stallion. Somepony attractive, rich... a stallion with a title or fame… and… and that was it. That was all I needed. Such shallow reasons were enough for me, even if those stallions and I were utterly incompatible. I did not care about who they were, merely what they were.” Spike mutely listened, gently rubbing Rarity’s hooves as she spoke. She sat up slowly, placing one finely manicured hand on Spike’s shoulder. He turned his attention to her face, meeting her eyes. “I find you incredibly attractive,” Rarity said. “Unfortunately, that means I am afraid that the way I feel about you is because that same shallow nature is making me chase after an attractive stallion.” Rarity’s grip tightened. “And you are a good stallion. You deserve better than to be lusted after.” Spike wasn’t sure what to feel. “So…” he murmured quietly, “what are you saying?” Rarity pushed herself up from the couch and slid down so she was sitting in Spike’s lap. She grabbed his hands and drew them around her waist until he got the point and held her close, then wrapped her arms around Spike’s neck in turn. “I am saying…” she finally said, “that I like you. A lot. I have not felt like this for a stallion before, but…” Rarity bit her lip, “I am not sure I can trust my feelings completely yet.” “I, uh…” Spike blustered. He felt a weight in his chest where his heart should be. “So you and I will need to spend some time together,” Rarity said, a tone of finality in her voice. “We need to go on a date or ten so we can make sure that the way I feel, the way we feel, is something of actual substance. And we will probably also have to try doing other ‘couple things’ together…” The weight in Spike’s chest lifted. “Really?” he asked. “Yes,” Rarity confirmed with a wide smile on her face. “I will take you out, I will show you a good time, and… I will wow you, darling.” That was really all Spike had dared hope for: a chance. “So… When are you free?” Rarity purred. “TuesdaAay--” Spike squealed in surprise as Rarity began nipping at his neck, sending shivers through his whole body. “Aww, but Tuesday is so far away…” Rarity softly whined. Her lips began to trail up Spike’s jawline as she purred softly. “I guess we will simply have to do a preliminary test of my affections.” Rarity drew Spike into a kiss. Their lips parted as the kiss deepened, and she pushed her dragon down on his back and climbed on top of him, never breaking the increasingly arousing contact. Even Spike’s long and deliciously flexible tongue failed to turn the kiss in his favor, and soon Rarity was straddling the flustered dragon with a victorious grin on her face. "Yes..." she purred. "I have a good feeling about this." She dove in again. ----- Twilight Sparkle had some serious thinking to do. Last night, she had been caught up in the mood and passion of it all and acted rashly. While it was technically okay for her to have sex with a stallion she was dating (and Spike had properly asked her out before they got that far, so they were), it was still a rash action motivated by base, primitive urges, not a decision made by her higher reasoning. Her rational mind would have told her that it was too soon, and that she was too caught up in irrational feelings and a long-unfulfilled need for intimacy. Yet, Twilight could not find it in her to regret it. Last night had been all kinds of wonderful, and she honestly could not remember the last time she had felt so physically satisfied, if indeed she ever had. She had expected to panic, to feel worried or ashamed, but… she didn’t. Every time she started to work herself up, she remembered Spike’s heartfelt words. I love you, Twilight Sparkle. And she melted all over again. Anyway, there were now some arrangements to be made for the future. Twilight poured over old blueprints to the library tree, a wristband made of black cloth resting on the table beside the papers. She made plans. ----- Spike had turned the tables on Rarity, and was now looming over her possessively, the weight of him against her body was making her blood feel hotter and her heart pound. If she had been a cat, she would absolutely have been purring. He began trailing light, teasing little kisses down her face, and she gripped his strong shoulders tightly, letting a small gasp escape her. When his mouth travelled down the sensitive coat on her neck, she pulled him even closer, shivering at the tingle of sharp teeth poking ever-so-cautiously at her tender flesh. Spike buried his nose in her neck and breathed deeply, taking in the smell of her perfume and the much more alluring scent of sheer Rarity. He breathed out, making the mare underneath him shudder with a delightful, throaty little moan. He slowly, almost reluctantly, lifted his head away from her warmth to look her in the eyes. Her face was flushed with color, her lips slightly swollen from their kissing, and her mane had splayed out on the couch, framing her head in a cloud of voluminous violet hair… She was unbelievably beautiful. So much so that no matter how much he wished he could just keep looking at her like this, forever, freeze this moment in time and keep it perfect, it really was just too much for him. He was helpless to resist the urge to kiss her again. But this kiss was not meant to inflame, but to cool down. To cap off the earlier passion with an earnest touch of sweetness. So he drew it out and slowly pulled away, gazing deep into Rarity’s eyes as they fluttered open. The pair smiled at each other, heaved an almost simultaneous little sigh, and then Spike gingerly climbed off the couch. He grasped Rarity’s hand and helped her back to her hooves. Rarity managed to stand under her own power, albeit shakily at first. Given how her legs were still trembling, she was honestly surprised at that. “So…” she said, pausing for a moment to let the warmth in her body simmer down. “You wanted some off-the-rack clothes?” “Yeah,” Spike answered. “I need to fill up my closet.” “I really should have realized that when you came over yesterday, darling.” Rarity let her voice fall to a seductive purr. “But I guess you were just too distracting…” The blush on Spike’s face made her smile. “Anyway, come right along and I’ll get you all suited up.” ----- Fluttershy felt remarkably okay, all things considered. She was sitting in Pinkie’s loft at the moment, while her friend sat at the desk, planning and replanning the menu for tonight. She had wanted to help, but Pinkie seemingly expected her to panic at any moment, and insisted that she rest on the bed where Pinkie could keep an eye on her. Honestly, she was fine. Sure, she was still embarrassed about having kissed Spike in the middle of a crowd, and she was nervous about the date, but she didn’t regret anything. She wanted this. The same part of her that wanted to “stake her claim” on Spike that morning had reared up once more, and she felt oddly proud that she had been able to perform such a public display of affection. Really, the only regret she had was that she had broken off the kiss so quickly. Too quickly. What if he thought she was repulsed by him when she stopped so suddenly? What if-- Fine, so she was worrying a little. But she was not panicking. “Pinkie,” she interrupted, “how about pudding for dessert? We can add gemstone shavings for Spike’s portion.” “Aaand, if we hold off on the gem-based treats throughout dinner,” Pinkie continued, “the dessert will be all the more special! Nice thinking, Flutters! That means we can cross off gemstone dishes for the dinner tonight!” “Good,” Fluttershy said. She got up from the bed, but Pinkie suddenly appeared right in front of her, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Are you okay?” Pinkie asked almost frantically. “Are you sure you don’t want to rest for a bit more?” I didn’t need to rest in the first place… Fluttershy sulked. “Pinkie, I’m fine. I promise,” Fluttershy said in a reassuring tone. (The same tone she used for soothing animals, actually.) “I’m just excited about tonight, and I want to help you prepare. It’s our date, after all.” Pinkie stared at her, clearly scrutinizing her deeply. “Okie dokie lokie!” she eventually exclaimed, apparently satisfied. “Come here, then! You can help me choose a main course!” ----- “Do you have everything you need, darling?” The boutique was relatively quiet. Rarity had flipped the sign back to “open,” but since only a few customers had appeared, she had time to dart back and forth through the store and help Spike pick out his clothes. He was all alone in the stallions’ section without anypony to offer advice, and she was one of the girls he was dressing to impress anyway, so it seemed only logical. He was heading back out to the main room with a large sack of assorted clothes when Rarity decided to intercept him. “Yeah, this should be enough for now,” Spike answered. He handed over a pouch of bits, and Rarity accepted it wordlessly, trusting him to pay fairly. She noticed him smile at that. “I should head back to the library now.” “Alright. I hope you come back if you need anything!” “Oh, I wouldn’t buy my clothes anywhere else, trust me,” Spike replied, grinning. “I mean, the personal service alone makes this place worthwhile.” They continued to chat pleasantly as Rarity led her dragon out through the boutique, passing by the two other customers currently present. Rarity watched their reactions, seeing for the first time how other mares reacted to Spike. They passed by Minuette, who Rarity knew was in a committed relationship. When Minuette spotted Spike, her eyes lingered for a moment in surprise and apparent interest. However, she turned away once the novelty had worn off, shifting her focus back to the clothes rack she had been eyeing. It was the same reaction one might show to the display case of a store, and it was nothing for Rarity to worry about. Diamond Tiara, however, had something distinctly predatory in her eyes when they walked past her, something Spike didn’t seem to notice. It was a look of desire, certainly, but also one of possession. She wanted Spike like one might want a pretty necklace. Rarity instinctively tightened her grip on Spike’s arm. This one might be trouble. Rarity saw Spike off with a standard “please come again” greeting and a not-so-standard peck on the lips. Once he left, she turned back to see to her customers. And to distract Diamond Tiara. After all, there was no need to make it easy on any potential rivals. ----- Spike’s journey to the library was uneventful. He still got a lot of warm gazes as he walked, and he could feel a few stares burning holes in his behind, but he wasn’t approached, and it seemed like the novelty of his transformation had mostly passed already. The ponies of Ponyville were quite used to change, after all. There were no patrons in the library when he entered, but the main table in the center of the library was littered with parchments and a number of books. Spike recognized one of Twilight’s research binges when he saw one, though this one seemed rather mild, given that the library wasn’t buried in her personal notes. Twilight herself was not in the room when he entered. “Twilight! I’m home!” Spike shouted into the library. “Welcome back!” came the shouted reply from the back rooms. “I’ll be with you in a minute!” Spike nodded to himself and decided to place the bag of clothes in his room while he had the chance. The door to the basement now had a lock, a doorbell, and an engraving of his face above said doorbell. Those had not been there a few hours ago… The door was not locked, however, and the basement seemed to be untouched. Spike dumped the bag on his bed and headed back up the stairs. Twilight was standing by the big table when he arrived, looking through one of the books. When he entered, she met his gaze and smiled brilliantly, and Spike felt his heart melt all over again. “Hi…” Twilight said softly. She brushed a few strands of her mane out of her face and bit her lip. She didn’t know what else to say, even though she thought she had prepared for this. Spike swiftly crossed the room, took her in his strong arms and kissed her firmly. Her eyes fluttered closed, and all thoughts fled her mind as she clung to his shoulders and surrendered to his affections. After a long moment that still felt far too short, he broke away and met her blissful smile with one of his own. She could definitely get used to that. “You know, I still can’t believe this is real…” Spike whispered. He held her tenderly, feeling a small irrational fear that she would just disappear in a puff of dream-smoke. “Maybe I can help you with that…” Twilight whispered back. She took a step away, and Spike reluctantly let her slip out of his arms. She grabbed a scroll from the table and handed it over. Her soft fingers brushed against his as he accepted the paper. Spike noticed the familiar seal on the scroll, and studied it briefly. “A letter to Princess Celestia?” he asked out loud. Twilight nodded. Spike shrugged, drew in a breath, and sent the message to the Princess, just like he had countless times before. The familiar smoke contrail snaked out an open window and headed off to Canterlot. He was about to say something when a small stack of papers floated into his hands, carried by Twilight’s magic. The first page bore a title, written in Twilight’s flawless hornwriting. Relationship Guidelines. The title threw him, and he looked up to meet Twilight’s sheepish expression with one of mild disbelief. After a moment, he chuckled. “Why am I not surprised?” he asked. “Just guidelines? Not some kind of ‘relationship agreement?’ Nothing for me to sign?” “Well, uh…” Twilight began. “I don’t want to put too much pressure on either of us, so it’s just… you know… suggestions.” Twilight was unfairly cute when she squirmed, but Spike suppressed the urge to keep teasing her. He started reading, but Twilight seemed unable to stay quiet. “As you’re a stallion now, I figured that you might want some more privacy, so I put a lock and a doorbell on your door; here’s the key. And I checked the library’s blueprint and found an old boarded-up back door to the library that leads into an underground passage that is probably collapsed that leads to the basement, so if you want to restore that passage, you can have your own door to the basement and--” Spike cut off Twilight’s rant by pulling her close and planting a firm kiss on her lips. She leaned into the kiss briefly before she pulled away, looking sheepish again. “Sorry. It’s all in the guidelines. I’ll just go… do… something.” Spike watched Twilight go to a bookshelf and begin dusting the perfectly clean piece of furniture, pointedly looking away from him. He chuckled to himself again; she really was unfairly cute when she squirmed. Twilight wandered around the library as her dragon dutifully read the papers she had prepared. This really was much easier for her than trying to talk about it all directly, and she trusted that Spike would point out if something was wrong, unfair, or poorly worded, though she had tried to be fair. As she began to circle the library, she looked out a window and finally found something to distract her from the dragon: the blue spirit fox from earlier was still on Junebug’s roof. It was lying on its back, seemingly napping. She watched as its ear twitched slightly, but it was otherwise unmoving. Whatever the reason for the spirit’s presence, it was an anomaly. An anomaly she needed to investigate. She heard Spike clear his throat behind her, and she turned around, putting the fox out of her mind for now. “This looks good,” Spike said. “Quite thorough.” He placed the papers back on the table and turned to Twilight with a smile. “So ‘date night’ once a month?” “Yes,” Twilight answered simply. “‘To be planned by the marefriend,’ so… I’ll think of something.” “I’ll be sure to make time for you.” “Thanks…” A blanket of awkward silence fell over the library as the new lovers stared at each other, trying to find something to say. Spike found his voice first. “So…” he began, “I appreciate all this privacy stuff with the schedule, my own entrance, the doorbell, and all that. But I have to ask… why?” “Well, in case you want some, uh… privacy.” Spike stared at her, uncomprehending. “In case you want to… you know…” Twilight grasped for words. “Well…” She finally decided to go straight for it. “In case you have girls over.” Spike felt his mind reel. Again silence reigned in the library as Spike struggled for something to say, some way to breach the topic and ask the question burning on his tongue. He finally spoke up. “You… you’d be okay with that?” If they want to be exclusive, they’ll tell you. “Well…” Twilight said, frowning. “I can’t say I like the thought of you seeing other mares… But me and the girls talked about this yesterday, and we are not selfish stallion hoggers. Or cradle-robbers, or gold-diggers or anything like that.” She walked up to Spike and took one of his hands in both of hers. “You deserve the chance to find love on your own terms, Spike. If you find it with us, good. If it’s not…” Twilight paused and pulled in a deep breath before she continued. “If it’s not… meant to be, then we all want you to be happy.” Spike wrapped his free arm around the mare and held her close. Twilight allowed Spike’s hand to slip from hers and returned the gentle hug, wrapping her arms around his neck. She felt both of his strong arms arms circle around her waist and hold her close. She felt better almost immediately. After a long moment, Spike spoke. “You will always have a place in my heart, Twilight. Always.” Twilight melted all over again. “I know,” she said. “Thank you.” Twilight buried her muzzle in Spike’s chest and took a deep breath through her nose. Beneath his own scent, she felt just a small hint of the familiar fragrance of her friends. It just felt so right to be in his arms. “Okay…” Twilight finally said as she pushed away from Spike and looked him in the eye. “I’m okay. I trust you to make good choices and not just date anypony who bats her eyelashes at you. Just…” Twilight hesitated for a moment. “I want you to have your own place so you don’t end up parading your every romantic conquest in front of me. I don’t need to know everything you do when you’re not with us.” “Oh… Okay. That makes sense, I guess.” “Right. So.” Twilight clapped her hands together. “We have work to get to now.” “Right!” ----- It is a well-known fact (for those who care to fact-check) that dragons like to gather and roost near or on active volcanoes. This volcano on the edge of Equestrian territories was no different, and a large flight of dragons currently called the boiling mountain home. If the volcano was home, then the caldera was the meeting place, the living room, and the arena, and on this sunny summer morning, it was teeming with activity. When a small and inexplicably airborne figure approached the mountain from the nearby forest, it took a moment for the scouts to react due to sheer surprise. When the airborne dragons swept closer, they could pick out more details on the strange creature. It was the size of a pony, it was wearing a cloak that hid its features, and it was standing on a shimmering disk of blue-colored magic that was apparently responsible for its wingless flight. But most importantly, the very air around it carried a sense of purpose, of resistance. More than anything else, it felt powerful. The airborne scouts found themselves instinctively clearing a path for the stranger, and soon the creature planted its feet on the edge of the caldera. “Dragons!” the stranger called out in a distinctly male voice. “I am here to speak to those who would listen.” His voice carried all throughout the caldera, boosted by some form of magic. “And why should we listen to you? Or even let you live for trespassing on our territory?” Redtail was an old dragon, and he had earned his high position in the flock through strength and fear. He knew he was powerful. Every dragon here knew it, and he dealt with any usurpers to his place in the flock with violence, like any real dragon would. Now this stranger, this outsider who reeked of soap and flowers came here and everyone just let him walk around? The stranger met his murderous gaze unflinchingly. He seemed unimpressed. It was not often that Redtail felt fear. But something about this creature, something in the very air around him, screamed of strength. He regretted his outburst and felt a very uncharacteristic urge to flee from this imposing stranger. Something primal was telling him that he was out of his league. Then he looked back at the other dragons. Most were scared, as he was. They sensed this strange aura just as he did, and they feared the stranger. However, he saw several dragons who seemed completely unaffected by the stranger’s presence. He recognized a few faces he loathed. Do-gooders. Weaklings. They would not outshow him. “You come here out of nowhere,” Redtail forced himself to continue, hoping that the stranger could not smell his barely contained fear, “you stink up the place, and then expect some sort of--” “Shut up.” With just those two words from the stranger, Redtail shut his mouth almost involuntarily. “Those of you who do not wish to listen to me may leave this area. I will not darken your doorstep for long.” Several dragons began to leave. Redtail was quickly losing his grasp on the situation, and once again those soft-scaled do-gooder weaklings seemed to be unaffected, while he was terrified. Redtail was a dragon. An apex predator. He was a terror even to his own kind. But now, he was afraid. He knew violence, he knew to use force to do what he wanted, to get mates, to intimidate, to remove threats. So he reacted like any cornered wild animal... He snarled and attacked the thing that was scaring him. Redtail threw himself forward, using his wings to propel himself as fast as he could, hoping to surprise the infuriatingly relaxed stranger and drive him off or, preferably, kill him. Fire gathered in his maw for a devastating attack, uncaring of any collateral damage a breath attack of the magnitude he was capable of might cause to his fellow dragons. The stranger moved faster than Redtail could perceive. He seemed to almost flicker out of existence for a moment, then suddenly appeared just in front of his eyes. The old dragon saw the stranger’s hand flicker, and felt an armored fist impact his skull, and then everything went black. The other dragons watched as Redtail’s limp body slammed into the ground from the force of the stranger’s blow, cracking the stone beneath him. The old dragon’s body twitched feebly, reassuring everyone that he was, at least, still alive, as the stranger landed beside him. The stranger walked past his defeated foe without even glancing backwards. “Do I have your attention now?” he asked. As he spoke, the feeling in the air around him intensified, promising pain and humiliation to those affected and sending a spike of primal terror through them. Many dragons took flight. Most fled the area, in fear or to “regroup.” Some of them, however, did not run. Despite the act of violence, those few sensed no danger. They felt no fear emanating from the stranger. Instead, they felt a sensation of strength, safety and support. Others stayed because they were not fans of Redtail, and had enjoyed seeing the violent brute get taken down a peg. A few more stayed to listen out of respect for the stranger’s display of strength. The stranger walked deeper into the caldera, and the dragons who did not evacuate the area gathered up around him. “I’m sorry about that display back there,” the stranger said. “I’m here to talk, not cause trouble.” “Pff, he asked for it,” one of the younger dragons said. “What are you here to talk about?” asked another, older drake. “And who are you?” a third one added. “I am Dragonheart,” the stranger said. “Through no fault of your own, there is much that even you do not know about dragons, and I am here to educate you. Feel free to ask as many questions as you want, because once I am done talking, you will all have a very important choice to make.” ----- Hours passed in Ponyville’s library. It saw some attention, and several patrons, but nothing noteworthy happened to Twilight and Spike as the day progressed. It was a quiet day all around. “Hey, Twilight?” Spike asked during one of the many quiet moments the library enjoyed. “What was in the letter I sent to princess Celestia?” “I told her about recent events in Ponyville,” Twilight answered, “and… I told her about you. And about us.” After a moment of silence, Twilight turned around to see Spike standing dumbly, frozen mid-gesture while shelving a book. “Spike, are you okay?” “Yeah… Yeah, I guess so, it’s just that...” He finished the motion and slid the book home. “I have no idea how she is going to react. None.” Twilight snickered a little. “She’s practically your mother, right?” “Yes she is, and you girls are my first marefriends.” Twilight’s smile fell a bit. “You’re right, I… I have no idea either…” A long moment of silence passed. Spike physically shook himself. They could deal with whatever happened when it happened, no sooner. “That reminds me, Twilight?” “Yes?” she answered, shaking herself out of her stupor as well. “Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy asked me out today. We’re having dinner at the Corner tonight, so I won’t be able to make dinner for you and I.” “Oh, okay,” Twilight answered. “That sounds good, actually. It lets you have have some time alone with… both of them? Wait, they’re taking you out together?” Spike nodded sheepishly. “I see…” Twilight nodded to herself. “I guess that makes sense. Well, at least I’ll know where you are if you spend the night. Page 2, paragraph 3.” Page 2, paragraph 3 of the Relationship Guidelines stated that the coltfriend (Spike) could spend the night where he chose as long as he was back at the library in time for work. “Right, of course,” Spike said. “If I end up spending the night somewhere, I’ll make sure to be back home by the time the library opens.” “Mm, good.” It took a few minutes for the full implications of “spending the night” to sink in for Spike, and in order to try to calm himself, he started snacking on his stash of gemstones. The calm quiet of the library was only interrupted by the crunch of Spike’s stress eating. ----- Having briefly left to tend to her animals, Fluttershy returned to Sugarcube Corner to find Pinkie standing near the entrance, looking uncharacteristically serious. “Fluttershy,” Pinkie said, “I think we need to talk about tonight.” “Okay,” she replied. “Is something wrong?” Pinkie gestured towards the stairs leading up to her loft. Fluttershy followed her friend mutely as they walked to the privacy of Pinkie’s room. Once the door closed behind them, Pinkie spoke up. “Fluttershy…” she began. “You know how first dates are all about getting to know each other and stuff? See if there’s chemistry, if there’s an attraction, a ‘spark?’” “Yes?” “We know Spike really well already, and I feel the spark. So I may… you know... skip ahead a bit.” “What are you saying?” Pinkie took a deep breath. “I’m saying there’s a good chance I’ll invite him upstairs tonight,” she said. “If things go well, and if he wants to.” Fluttershy was floored. She had no idea how to react. “Fluttershy, you asked me for help, so I pushed you a bit today,” Pinkie continued. “But I won’t pressure you into this. You don’t have to choose now, but…” Pinkie fell silent, but Fluttershy understood the implication. She was being invited upstairs, too. The thought of intimacy scared her, as Pinkie had so accurately guessed before, and a sense of almost primal terror rose in her. She wanted to be with Spike, but the thought of actually getting physical with anyone made her want to hide under the bed and never come out, so strong was her fear. Just as she was about to collapse, Pinkie broke the silence. “I was thinking that, if you’re nervous, maybe us being there together will help? You don’t have to do anything you don’t want, and if Spike goes too far, though I don’t think he’s the kind of guy who would, I’ll smack him around a bit.” Pinkie demonstrated her point by swishing her hand through the air as though she was repeatedly slapping somepony invisible. “Like slap slap slap! And he’ll learn better.” That actually made Fluttershy smile through her anxiety. Really, the whole point of her going to Pinkie was for support, and she trusted her friend to have her back, both emotionally and physically. She felt much of her anxiousness fade away. Maybe it wasn’t a bad idea after all? Still, she didn’t have to decide now, and she would only have to make the decision if the date went well, and if he accepted. And there was no guarantee of that. Still, her mood would veer between terrified and excited for the rest of the day. ----- Hours passed. The sun made its steady way across the sky, and soon Spike was getting ready for his date. He was down in the basement changing, with Twilight sitting nearby on his bed, having offered to give him a “mare’s opinion.” Though I guess, Spike thought, it would be more accurate to call this place “my apartment” now, not just “the basement.” He turned to Twilight. “How’s this?” Twilight made a show of circling Spike, methodically inspecting him from every angle. “The shirt is flattering…” she said. “The pants are tight, but not too tight…” She sniffed the air around him. “And you smell good… Yeah, this will do nicely.” “Thanks. They said they’d pick me up at seven, and that’s in, like, five minutes.” He turned to Twilight and looked into her eyes. “You’re a hard mare to please, Twilight Sparkle.” “Only the best for my friends, Spike!” The pair headed back up the stairs, casually chatting. Once they entered the library, Twilight leaned in close, staring at his mouth. “Uh, Twilight?” “You have a small ruby shard stuck in your teeth. One moment.” Spike felt the tingle of Twilight’s magic inside his mouth, and tasted the shard on his tongue. He quickly swallowed it down, then grinned, showing off his teeth. “Anything else?” Twilight examined his smile. The memory of those sharp teeth pressed against her coat sent a pleasant shudder down her spine, but she managed to concentrate. “No, you’re clean now,” she finally exclaimed. “But I do have something for you.” Twilight produced a black cloth wristband. She handed it over to Spike, who accepted. “What’s this?” He asked. “Well, Spike… It is customary for a mare to give a gift to a stallion she is serious with. This wristband has been enchanted with a cleaning spell. It will work passively to remove stains and dirt and such from any cloth you’re in contact with.” “Is this your subtle way of telling me I’m dirty?” Spike asked, still grinning. Twilight blushed brightly. “No, no… It’s…” Twilight visibly grasped for words. “It’s… it’s a variation… of the same spell that… I… used on my bed this morning…” Twilight trailed off, muttering something about “stains.” They both fell silent for a while, looking away from each other, blushing brightly as they remembered the previous night. Just then, there was a knock on the door. Twilight went to open it, and found herself looking at Pinkie and Fluttershy, all dolled up and pretty. “Hi, girls!” she exclaimed, giving them each a big hug. “Hey, Twilight!” Pinkie exclaimed, returning the hug with gusto. “Is Spike ready?” “You tell me,” Twilight said. She smirked and stood to the side, allowing the girls unfettered visual access to Spike. Pinkie gasped and rushed up to greet him. Fluttershy did a small, polite bow to Twilight before she joined up with her date. “Looking sharp, Spike!” Pinkie exclaimed. “Isn’t that right, Fluttershy?” “Yes,” Fluttershy said softly. “You look… you look very nice.” Twilight watched the girls loop their arms through Spike’s and begin to lead him outside, with Pinkie chatting everyone’s ear off in her usual endearing fashion. Spike was grinning widely, apparently quite pleased at his position. Twilight patiently held the door open with a genuinely supportive smile on her face. As the trio walked past her, they all called out. “See you later, Twilight!” Pinkie shouted. “Sorry to disturb you like this,” Fluttershy muttered. Spike somehow managed to maneuver enough to place a quick kiss on her lips, to the apparent surprise of the other girls. “See you when I get back, Twilight,” he said with a deep warmth in his voice. “Take care.” The love he managed to infuse in his tone went straight for Twilight’s heart, and she felt warm all over. “Take good care of him, girls,” she told her friends. “See you later!” And just like that, they were out the door and headed away. Twilight didn’t bother looking out the window after them. Any anxiousness she felt had disappeared at Spike’s display of affection. However, now that Spike was off on his date, she had time to herself. So she resolved to do something about the anomaly that had bothered her all day. That spirit fox. A quick glance out the window confirmed that the fox was still sitting on that roof, this time curled up into a ball. It appeared to be sleeping, and Twilight felt a small pang of guilt at the prospect of waking it up. On the other hand, this would be the perfect time to get close to it without it disappearing. Twilight opened her copy of Magic as it Relates to Spirits to confirm that what she was planning was doable. The spirit realm could be likened to a pool of water. Spirits usually lived on or near the “bottom” and remained completely unaware of the physical realm. The closer spirits travelled to the “surface,” the more they could perceive of the physical realm, the more they would be able to influence it, and the more likely they were to be seen or otherwise perceived by a spiritually attuned individual, like an alicorn. This spirit was so clear to her because it was very close to the “surface,” which it only would be if it wanted to be able to see into the physical realm properly. There were possibly other spirits nearby, but if there were, they were too “deep” in the spirit realm for her to perceive unaided. But this book contained an aid. Her spirit vision could be overcharged to look “deeper” into the spirit realm. If she could do that, and then get close to the spirit, she would be able to gather a lot of information about it, even if it turned and ran on the spot. If she could persuade it to remain, and perhaps even try to communicate with it, she would be able to understand even more. With that in mind, Twilight cast the spell, and the world seemed just a tad bit more colorful. In fact, her surroundings looked slightly off, almost unnatural. Light was a bit too bright, contrast a bit too muddy. The world around her seemed to blend together like cake mix, or melt just a little like candle wax, leaving a sensation of wrongness about the place. She herself was completely solid, with clear contrasts and a clearly defined body, an aberration in this realm of ever-shifting boundaries. She looked out the window. The sky was now violet to her altered perceptions. As she scanned it, she saw a few wispy shadows moving around, spirits that were too “deep” in the Spirit Realm for her to properly perceive, despite her highly enhanced perceptions. They were completely unaware of her. She looked out on the street. There were not a lot of ponies around at this time, most of them having retreated to their homes for dinner or the like. The few ponies she did see stood out in sharp contours, much like herself, a stark contrast against the melted world around them. She looked at the fox. It was a rather unassuming spirit, all told. A minor spirit, if she was any judge, the weakest class of spirit that is self-aware. Quite young too, judging by its appearance. To her enhanced vision, the contours of the fox were blurry and indistinct, almost as though she was looking at a ghost instead of a living creature. Pretty standard for a spirit. Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Equestria, walked out of her library, spread her wings, and flew over to the roof that this mysterious creature was lying on. The streets were mostly empty, and her flight was not noticed. She landed softly on her hooves a short distance away from the sleeping fox. It immediately lifted its head and gazed directly at her. As it turned out, it was merely resting. Twilight sat down on the roof and held her hands out, assuming a non-threatening position. The fox slowly stood up and faced her, looking unsure. “I mean you no harm, spirit,” Twilight said in as soothing a voice as she could muster. The spirit flinched and stood up to face her. It was starting to look scared, but it didn’t run away. “I am sorry if I frightened you. You have nothing to fear from me,” Twilight said. “Do you understand me? Can you communicate?” The fox let out a yelp. In the physical realm, it was completely silent, but in the spirit realm, it reverberated far away. It happened so fast after that. In a fraction of an instant, Twilight felt another spirit appear, far older than the one she’d been talking to. The minor spirit she’d observed all day was small in the spirit realm, no bigger than a pony’s head. This new spirit was the the size of a house, its presence surrounding her. It was a greater--no, a major spirit, the strongest type in the realm. And it appeared inside the smaller spirit, practically exploding out of it while at the same time merging with it. Just like the smaller one, it manifested as a fox in the same position the previous one was in, and the core at the center of its presence looked almost exactly the same. If it hadn’t been for Twilight’s specifically enhanced senses, the only change she would have noticed would be the marked change in the fox’s fur color. She went from talking to a blue fox that looked scared and unsure, to facing a calm (or possibly exasperated) red fox with a short streak of blue in its coat. This, she did not expect. At least it didn’t look angry. > Chapter 11: Silent Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of Dragons and Mortals Chapter 11: Silent Night The streets of Ponyville were mostly empty, so when Spike and his dates walked down the street to Sugarcube Corner, they passed through town almost unnoticed. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were both practically glued to his sides, enjoying the warmth emanating from his chest and the feeling of just being close to him. They really looked like they were together, like he was theirs. Which was kind of the point, really. As the library disappeared when they rounded a corner, Pinkie grinned and spoke up. “So… You and Twilight, huh?” “Well…” Spike muttered. “Yeah, me and Twilight.” He wasn’t about to hide that. If anything, he felt proud that she had chosen to be with him. “So have you… you know…” “Pinkie!” Fluttershy exclaimed. “That is not appropriate!” “What? We’re all friends here,” Pinkie said. “Besides, aren’t you curious?” Blushing, Fluttershy fell silent and clung to Spike a little tighter. “I’m not going to kiss and tell,” Spike cut in. “It’s between me and Twilight.” Pinkie made a sound of approval in the back of her throat and snuggled in even closer. “That’s good,” she said. “It’s good to know you respect a mare’s privacy.” Spike slowed to a stop in the street and fixed Pinkie with a questioning gaze. “You were testing me, weren’t you?” “Yepperoni!” Spike merely chuckled, hugged the girls a little tighter, and started walking again. The rest of the walk passed in comfortable silence. Soon enough, they arrived at Sugarcube Corner. It looked the same as always on the outside, but as they walked into the seating area, it became clear to Spike that Pinkie and Fluttershy had gone all out for the date. One half of the sitting area was the same as always, but the other half had been separated by midnight blue sheets hung from the ceiling. The girls led him through the velvet divider, and he saw dark blue sheets covering the walls, ceiling, and floor. A single table in the middle of the enclosure was set for three, and firefly lanterns hung from the ceiling, casting the whole darkened area in a beautiful flickering glow. “Wow, girls…” Spike said. He slowly slipped out of their grasp and took a few steps forward, smiling as he scanned the room. “This is beautiful.” He didn’t notice Pinkie quietly high-fiving Fluttershy behind him, nor the pleased smiles on both of their faces. Pinkie headed off to fetch the food, leaving Fluttershy alone with the dragon. Fluttershy took a deep breath to steady her nerves, then walked up to Spike. She cleared her throat, and he turned around to face her. “Do you like it?” she asked. “We worked real hard on this.” “It’s gorg--” Feeling brave, Fluttershy cut Spike off by pressing her lips softly against his. After a moment of stunned silence, Spike began to return the kiss, and his arms circled around her waist, making her sigh in contentment. Her arms snaked around his neck, and she pushed into him slowly but firmly. Eventually, she parted her lips to allow the kiss to deepen. This. This was exactly the sort of kiss Fluttershy wished she had had the courage to give him earlier. She dimly heard Pinkie Pie approaching, undoubtedly bringing dinner, but that didn’t bother her, especially when Spike’s tongue came into play. Fluttershy kept the kiss going even as she heard Pinkie snicker and walk around them to set the table. Soon after that, however, she found herself running out of air and reluctantly parted her lips from Spike’s. He met her gaze and smiled. The happy warmth in her chest made her smile right back. “The food’s ready,” Pinkie said from the table. “Come and get it!” Spike turned around and took a few seconds to admire how beautiful Pinkie and Fluttershy truly were, then walked up behind them both in turn and pulled out their chairs for them. He then sat in the center chair, with the girls flanking him. “This place is gorgeous,” Spike said. “It’s like we’re floating in the night sky… You girls really pulled out all the stops.” His honesty made Fluttershy blush brightly and look away from him, hiding behind her mane. Pinkie, however, met his eyes with a bright smile on her face. “Thanks,” she said. “We worked hard on this.” Pinkie pulled on a string hanging from the ceiling (which disappeared the moment after), and a smooth saxophone tune began quietly playing in the background. There were no vocals, nothing to distract from conversation, but it would keep any silences from being awkward. A pleasant silence fell over the room as the music worked its magic, and the trio began to eat their appetizer. Halfway through eating, Pinkie spoke up. “Spike, I just realized something,” she said. “Hmm?” Spike responded, still chewing. “I’ve never asked you about Canterlot!” “Canterlot? What do you mean?” Pinkie fixed him with a disbelieving stare. “You know… your backstory! Your pre-Ponyville history! I mean, I’ve known you for years and I still don’t know much about it.” “Oh… Oh! Okay.” Spike nodded. “ Uh… what do you wanna know?” “Everything.” Spike glanced at Fluttershy, remembering that he had told her his life story once before. However, she seemed just as happy to listen as Pinkie, so he smiled and started talking. Spike talked about his hatching (or what he had been told of it, since he couldn’t remember.) He told them about being raised by Princess Celestia and the castle staff, and what it was like to grow up in the castle. He told his tale all the way through the appetizer and partway through the main course. “... I bring up Twilight a lot,” Spike said as he approached the end of his story, “and that’s because she was always around, what with her being Celestia’s special student and all. We spent a lot of time together at the palace. We played, we hung out.” Spike smiled wistfully. “We grew up together. Once I was old enough to start my apprenticeship, I was assigned to Twilight as her personal assistant. That was… about a year or so before the Summer Sun Celebration when we met you girls, and you know the rest.” “Apprenticeship?” Pinkie asked. “What were you apprenticeshipping-ing? Apprenticing?” “Princess Celestia wanted me to learn administration, organizational skills, responsibility, and so on,” Spike answered. “Before she met you girls, Twilight needed someone to look after her. You know, make sure she ate and slept and such. I was practically the only one in the castle she considered a friend, and I had helped her out before, so we eased into our new ‘relationship’ quickly. And she seriously needed help. If you think she’s bad now, you can’t imagine how bad her research binges could get in the castle.” “I think we can guess--” Pinkie started. “No,” Spike cut her off. “You can’t. Trust me.” “But--” Fluttershy began. “You don’t wanna know,” Spike said firmly. He managed to maintain his serious expression for almost five whole seconds before breaking out into a goofy grin. “I remember one time I dug her out of an ocean of books, and I finally found her asleep, drooling over an open copy of Myths and Mysteries.” A few seconds passed as the girls processed the mental image. Then the whole table dissolved into giggles. “It gets worse: even in sleep, she wouldn’t let go of the darn book until I put in a bookmark.” “Oh, I can just see that!” Pinkie managed between laughs. “I mean, it’s not like I tried the bookmark immediately. I tried everything to pry it away from her, even a crowbar!” Spike exclaimed, leading to more laughter. “Also, while we’re talking about Princesses…” ----- Twilight Sparkle was an alicorn, a Princess, and the holder of the Element of Magic. She had faced down villains, monsters, and demigods. A major spirit was a threat, to be sure, but it was a threat she was confident that she could handle if things turned ugly. The thought of getting in a fight in the middle of Ponyville was an unpleasant one, but Twilight instinctively fell into a more defensive position and gathered magic in her horn, readying herself to cast a protective spell over herself and the immediate area, just in case. Many long seconds passed as she stared at the fox. The major spirit was clearly in control, and she could tell something was happening between it and the minor one. Probably some sort of communication, but she couldn’t be sure. Finally, the spirits made a move. “Ah, Princess,” the red spirit said in a smooth alto voice. It extended one of its forelegs and fell into a four-legged bow. “It is an honor to meet you in person.” This, she did not expect. ----- “... So there I was sitting outside the throne room when one of the guards went by. I was too busy being sick to warn him, but the the expression on his face when he came back out and literally sprinted away was priceless…” “No way…” Fluttershy gasped. “No, seriously. That cooking experiment did not go well.” Fluttershy was shocked. Pinkie, however, was in stitches. “I can’t believe Celestia put--” she descended into giggles. “And then to try to fix it by--” That was the last thing Pinkie said as her giggle fit became a laughing fit. “Did I mention that she, at one point, tried to stop it by eating it?” Fluttershy could no longer keep a straight face, imagining the always elegant ruler panickedly trying to eat a horribly misfiring cooking experiment, and she descended into giggles as well. ----- “Who are you?” Twilight asked. “My name is Felicia,” the spirit answered politely. The big spirit, that is, since it was in control. “I am an information broker.” It-they-she-Felicia straightened up and met Twilight’s gaze steadily. Its poker face was perfect on the “surface” but Twilight could see intense activity inside the fox’s presence. It was analyzing the situation, and Twilight analysed it.  “Felicia” was most definitely an alias, as all spirits guarded their true names carefully, but it was apparently what the fox wanted to be called. A female name to go with a female voice, even though, as far as Twilight knew, spirits were genderless. Why would this spirit identify itself--herself--in that manner? Spirits in their natural state communicate by melding together and sharing their memories, and Twilight now realized that she was in the unique position of seeing this exchange of memories take place right in front of her. The memories themselves were buried too “deep” for her to see, even with her overcharged senses, but she could feel the communicated emotions quite clearly. On the side of the minor spirit, there was some panic, a lot of worry, and a bit of fear. On Felicia’s side, there was authority and reassurance mixed with great patience. As Twilight watched, Felicia managed to calm the minor spirit down. ----- Spike flinched. “Oh my, are you alright?” Fluttershy asked. “Fine, just-fiAine.” Spike glanced at Pinkie, who looked as innocent as a whole basket full of kittens while her hoof slowly trailed up his leg under the table. Spike forced himself to meet Fluttershy’s gaze again. “You were saying?” ----- “An information broker?” Twilight repeated. Felicia nodded softly. “What are you doing in Ponyville?” “I am observing.” “Observing what?” Felicia fell silent, and her eyes closed. The ghostly fox wavered, and images and emotions flashed through her mighty presence.  Twilight heard laughter. She looked off to the side and saw the Cake family out for an evening stroll. The twins were running around their parents, laughing and playing some child’s game that she could not identify at a glance. Their little sister peered out from the baby carriage, visibly fighting the siren call of sleep, her wide foal eyes trying to take in as much of the world as possible. There was something… “Peace.” Twilight turned back to Felicia. The fox's eyes were still closed, and the feel of her presence in the spirit realm had changed. She felt more powerful than ever, but something about her also looked older and more battered than before. To Twilight, she seemed very tired. “I am observing peace,” she clarified. ----- “Hey, can I make a toast?” Spike asked, drawing the attention of his dates. The girls nodded and picked up their glasses. They were done with the main course, and the conversation had lulled as the drinks were poured. “I’d like to thank you both for inviting me on this date,” Spike said, his glass held high. “It means a lot to me, and it--” Spike choked for a moment and swallowed. “You’re both so very lovely. I am so lucky to be here.” Fluttershy turned red again, and her gaze fell down to her lap. Pinkie, however, made a happy noise in her throat and smiled brilliantly at him. Their glasses clinked together. ----- “No, there’s more to it,” Twilight said. “Pardon, Princess?” Spirits communicate by melding together and sharing memories. They may keep secrets and hold information back but, since they cannot share fake memories, the concept of actively lying or bluffing is alien to them. The mere fact that Felicia had tried to sneak a half-truth past Twilight spoke volumes of how much time the fox had spent amongst physical beings. She even maintained a straight face on the surface. She had almost fooled Twilight. But apparently, Felicia hadn’t counted on her quite literally seeing into the fox’s soul, where the discomfort Felicia felt at not telling the truth was clear to see. “I believe that you are telling part of the truth,” Twilight said. “You are old and battle-scarred. You are a warrior, and I believe that being in a peaceful place like this is therapeutic to you. But I think there is more to it than that.” Felicia was quiet. For a long moment, Twilight was worried that she had provoked her, but then the fox chuckled softly to herself. She sensed something from her… Approval? Respect? The blue streak in Felicia’s coat faded away, and the minor spirit separated from the red fox and left Twilight’s sight. “Then why am I here, Princess?” Felicia asked, sounding amused. Twilight wracked her brain. She really wasn’t an expert in spirits, but she knew that they generally appreciated clever ponies. Felicia was testing her, and Twilight Sparkle always aced her tests. ----- The jingle of the doorbell rang through Sugarcube Corner, alerting the dating trio that the Cake family had returned. The dark sheets hung in the way of the door, but the party fell silent, awaiting the inevitable. The inevitable came in the shape of Mrs. Cake’s head poking in through the slit in the sheets. She had a wide, warm smile on her face as her eyes locked on to the little group. “Are you kids having fun?” she asked good-naturedly. “Yes, ma’am!” Pinkie answered enthusiastically, raising her glass in the air. “That’s good, dear. We’ll just put the children to bed, and then we’ll stay out of your way. You all keep having fun now!” With that set of motherly duties thus accomplished, Mrs. Cake pulled her head back out and went about seeing to her children. Spike pulled out his pocket watch and checked the time. “Wow, it’s this late?” he asked. “Time sure flies when you’re having fun.” “And the fun isn’t over yet!” Pinkie exclaimed. “There’s still dessert!” She turned to Fluttershy, who was nursing her glass of juice. “Fluttershy, wanna help me get the dessert ready?” Fluttershy knew what the dessert was going to be, since she had helped prepare it. She also knew that the pudding was sitting in the fridge, ready to go. Pinkie certainly didn’t need any help to fetch it. But then she looked her friend in the eye and connected the dots. Pinkie wanted to talk away from Spike for a moment. “Of course, Pinkie,” she answered. “Spike, will you be alright for just a little while?” “Yeah, no problem.” “Don’t go anywhere,” Pinkie said. She poked her finger lightly against Spike’s chest to mark her words. “We’ll be back soon!” The two girls walked out into the kitchen. Once they were alone, Pinkie turned to her friend. “Fluttershy…” "Yes?" “Do you remember what we talked about earlier?” “Umm… Yes…” Fluttershy answered, her voice quivering. “Fluttershy, it’s okay. It’s okay.” Pinkie enveloped her friend in a much-needed hug. “It’s okay… just… this is a good chance. What do you want to do?” ----- Twilight spent a long time thinking. Felicia waited patiently. There were a few ponies out and about at this time. Junebug herself returned home from her errands to find the local Princess standing on her roof and staring into space. However, some eccentricities were to be expected from Twilight, and the townsponies at large had come to trust that, whatever she was doing, it was important. Deciding not to disturb the Princess, Junebug went into her home and put Twilight’s antics out of her mind. “I think I’ve figured it out,” Twilight finally stated. Felicia’s ear twitched, and she acknowledged Twilight with a nod. “When I first approached your friend, it became scared, but I don’t think it was scared of me. I think it was scared to fail you.” “I see…” Felicia mused out loud. “You’re using some sort of spirit sense. That explains things.” Twilight fell silent for a moment, wondering if this revelation would sour Felicia’s mood, but the fox didn’t really seem to care that much. Twilight continued. “I’m thinking that your friend had been given instructions on what to do if something happened. Me finding your friend was not part of the plan, so it didn’t know what to do. It called on you in a panic.” “Accurate. Go on.” “More than that… The fact that it could call on you…” Twilight paused. She needed to put words to the nebulous concepts she had felt in the interaction between the two spirits. It was not easy. “I say it’s your ‘friend,’ but the way you interacted reminded me more of an officer and a subordinate. I know my way around guard deployments, and assuming that you use similar tactics, I recognize this particular one: one soldier--or a small group of soldiers--stationed at a place of interest and equipped with the ability to quickly contact their superiors in case something happens. And for just a split second when you first appeared, before you realized the situation, you were ready to fight. This was a guard post, a lookout.” Felicia made an approving sound. “You placed your friend here and asked it to call on you if something happened. The only question is, what are you on the lookout for? Is Ponyville in danger?” Felicia met Twilight’s eyes for a few seconds, then turned away and chuckled softly. After a while, she looked back at Twilight and smiled sheepishly. “I’m sorry Princess. I shouldn’t be laughing at your honest concern.” She turned and looked to the side, and Twilight followed her gaze. Felicia was looking at Twilight’s castle, silhouetted against the now-setting sun. “Between your presence, the powers of harmony, and--let’s not forget--the newly recruited high dragon you consort with, I’d say Ponyville is just about the safest place in the world.” “Newly recruited high dragon? What do you mean?” Twilight asked, refocusing on Felicia. “High dragon, true dragon. What you call them is a matter of personal taste, really. Personally I find the term ‘true dragon’ to be a bit… pompous.” “But you’re referring to Spike?” “Yes.” Twilight silently stared at Felicia, but the fox simply sat there calmly, not elaborating. And not answering her other questions. Still, one thing at a time. “Could you elaborate? What is a high dragon? And what do you mean by newly recruited?” “Twilight…” She was startled. This was the first time Felicia had used her name instead of her title. “... Have you, at any point in our conversation, wondered why I haven’t simply left? I could just fade into the spirit realm right now, and you wouldn't be able to stop me. You would probably never even see me again.” Twilight had not thought about that, actually. Before she could say anything however, Felicia continued. “You and your friends are known to me,” she said. “Known to the whole spirit realm, really. You wield the powers of harmony, you have all done amazing things, and you have made the world a little safer and better. I respect that. I respect you.” Twilight found herself blushing a bit at the praise. “Um… thank you.” “Also, you have proven that you are as intelligent as I thought you were by figuring out my purpose here.” Felicia nodded, looking serious. “I am an information broker. That means I trade information. I don’t give it away, or I’d be out of a job… or, well… out of a hobby. But you… you can get some for free. As a sign of respect.” Twilight opened her mouth, but she honestly didn’t know what to say, so she closed it again. “So, enough beating around the bush… high dragons. Fair warning, I can’t tell you much...” Felicia cleared her throat. “The first thing you need to know about them is that they are very secretive, and I might get in a spot of trouble for talking about them at all. The details about them, their purpose, and their abilities are all very, very classified. What I can tell you is that you have nothing to fear from them. Especially not from Spike. You probably won’t be surprised to hear that your dragon would happily protect you to the death if something threatened you.” Felicia frowned. “I don’t agree with the high dragons’ insane policy of complete secrecy, but I have a lot of respect for their representative, so I’m not going to betray their secrets. At least not outright.” Twilight realized that she had been standing up this whole time, and sat down to listen. “There are very few high dragons in this world right now. And I can tell you, Princess… That is bad news. Very bad.” “What? Why?” “How do I say this without saying too much… Ah.” She cleared her throat. “The high dragons fulfill an important function in the world. Think of them as maintenance workers: if they do their job right, the place is clean and safe and you don’t even know they’re there, but if they disappear completely… things get ugly, and eventually the building collapses. Not a perfect metaphor, but it’ll do.” “Are we in danger? Is something bad happening?” “Something is always happening somewhere, Princess,” Felicia answered cryptically. “But I do not yet know if it’ll concern you physicals at all. Or if it will concern us spirits. Or if it’ll concern us both.” She frowned. “It’s all rather frustrating, really.” “Felicia!” Twilight shouted, frustration evident in her tone. She stood back up to give emphasis to her words. “What are you talking about?” The spirit fox and alicorn princess locked eyes for a moment. Eventually, Felicia chuckled a bit and turned away. “Alright... something has already happened, Twilight. It’s nothing dangerous, but it could mean that something else is about to happen, something bad. And it’s a situation that is only made worse by the lack of high dragons in this world. That is why I’m vigilant.” Her eyes refocused on Twilight’s. “I stationed one of my people here because Ponyville is a place where things happen. Even though--or perhaps because--it is, as I said, one of the most secure locations in the world.” Twilight could tell that, while Felicia was telling the truth, she was still not being completely honest about her motives, and there was something she was holding back. However, she also sensed that she would not be able to coax the information out of the fox, and so Twilight decided to drop it. Felicia was giving out free information, after all. Best to just keep her talking. “One of your people?” she asked. “I have ‘lookouts’ like this in places of interest all over the world, and as you have no doubt already figured out, I can move to them instantly. If something happens, I will hopefully be there.” The air around Felicia changed again, and the fox looked not at Twilight, but through her. The weight of several millennia now emanated from the spirit. She seemed almost impossibly ancient. “And we will stop it. We will not let any innocents get hurt. Not on our watch.” The thousand-yard stare faded from Felicia’s eyes, and she refocused on Twilight. “Ideally, you and yours won’t have to get involved at all. We know you can handle yourselves, but hopefully, us and the high dragons will deal with whatever is happening before you have to risk your lives.” Once again, Twilight was struck dumb. A long moment of silence passed, and it was clear that Felicia was not going to elaborate. The princess fumbled for something to say. “What event? What’s happened? And what do you mean ‘us’? You and your lookouts?” The questions just came tumbling out of her. Felicia looked to the side. She seemed uncomfortable for a moment, but it washed away. Suddenly, Twilight had a much harder time reading her emotions. “I am afraid this is where my charity runs out, Princess.” “You’re kidding!” “No.” “You sell information, right? I’ll trade! What do you want in return?” “Uh, well…” Even in her guarded state, Twilight felt Felicia’s discomfort. “I’m always on the lookout for good information… but at the moment? I’m good. There’s nothing I want.” Twilight stared indignantly at Felicia, but the spirit said nothing more. Twilight tried to think of information that could be interesting to the strange “information broker” and wouldn’t compromise national security or break anyone’s trust, but she kept drawing blanks. Something also told her that Felicia was about to leave, so she blurted something out to buy herself time. “Okay…” she said. ”You said Spike is a ‘newly recruited high dragon,’ right? What does that mean? Does he know about his kind? Could I maybe get information from him?” Felicia frowned, and Twilight sensed something bleeding out from her core, despite her guarded state. Concern? “Twilight…” she said, snapping the mare out of her thoughts. “I told you before that the high dragons are very secretive. If Spike reveals classified information, the others will punish him severely. Consider that before you interrogate him.” Pausing, Felicia smiled slightly. “Huh… guess I still had some charity left.” Suddenly, Twilight’s eyes were assaulted by sharpness. Enveloped as she was in the smoky haze of Felicia’s presence, the appearance of a physical being on the roof in front of Twilight hit her enhanced senses like a flash of light in a dark room. She cringed and closed her eyes against the onslaught of sharp definition. Felicia’s presence vanished. Twilight opened her eyes. There was no spirit within range of her senses. In front of her, standing out in crisp colors and sharp contrasts against the melty world, was a crystal pegasus guard, who was kneeling before her. She vaguely recognized him from her visits to the Crystal Empire, but she had never learned his name. “Princess Twilight Sparkle,” the stallion said. “I bring a message from her highness the Crystal Princess. It is urgent.” Twilight didn’t answer him immediately. She looked around Ponyville for a few seconds, trying to catch a glimpse of red, or blue, or… anything. Nothing. The area was clear. No spirits were nearby. Twilight heaved a sigh and dispelled her spirit vision, since it was just wasting energy anyway. The world around her snapped back into focus. There was a brief sense of vertigo, but it soon passed, and she focused on the crystal guard. He was still kneeling in silence and patiently awaiting her response, holding a scroll marked with Cadance’s seal. “Alright, hand it over,” she said, more harshly than she intended. The poor guard had no idea he had interrupted anything, after all. Darn fox. ----- Spike was nervous, especially now that he was alone. It was funny, really... in the last few days he had realized something. When he was flirting with the girls, when he was on the “offensive,” he felt confident and sure. They laughed at his jokes, they blushed at his praise, and they leaned into his touch. It was encouraging and… intoxicating. But when he was left alone, or when he was put on the “defensive,” doubts came crawling into his mind. When they returned his affections and flirted with him, it felt so real, and he felt scared. Unworthy. He knew it was stupid to think like that, but he just couldn’t shake it. He kept feeling that the girls were out of his league, they deserved better, any number of things... but there they were, treating him as a stallion. As a lover. It was amazing, but also terrifying. It didn’t help his nerves that his dates had been away for a surprisingly long time, which had given these thoughts time to fester. Nevertheless, he waited. Spike suddenly heard a series of soft thumps, remarkably like that of something bouncing down a flight of stairs. As he snapped out of his thoughts, his eyes traveled to the slit in the dark sheets and, after a short moment, he saw a rubber ball with a string tied to it bounce into the enclosure. The ball bounced up to the foot of his chair, and he picked it up. The hot pink thread led out and--Spike got up and peeked out past the sheet--across the room and up the stairs. Up to where Pinkie’s apartment was. Was she… inviting him upstairs? Spike’s nerves made their presence known as pearls of sweat formed on his brow. Nevertheless, he picked up the ball and followed the string, rolling the string up around the ball as he walked. The stairs seemed so very long and intimidating, and he climbed slowly. The hallway was clear, and if the Cakes were still up and about, he didn’t hear them. Finally, he reached the door to Pinkie’s loft. Unsurprisingly, the pink thread continued under the doorframe, out of his sight. He swallowed, and knocked on the door. The bright voice of Pinkie Pie answered him. “Come iiin!” Spike pulled open the door and met two visions of beauty. The girls had dressed down a bit, and while they were still decent, they were both revealing just a bit more of their soft coats to his dumbstruck gaze. The ball tumbled from his limp grasp, completely forgotten. Spike froze on the doorstep. The door proceeded to strike his butt and bump him forwards, forcing him to take a few steps closer. His feet met with a pillow, and he finally took in the decor of the room. First of all, he noticed that the curtains had been drawn over the windows to ensure privacy. He also noted that the girls were sitting (or seductively half-lying in Pinkie’s case) on pillows set on the floor a mere arm’s-length away from him. Like downstairs, firefly lanterns were strategically placed throughout the room, casting the whole room in a beautiful glow. The girls were holding bowls of what looked like vanilla pudding, and Spike noticed that the vacant pillow at his feet also had a bowl on it, but the pudding it contained glittered with the unmistakable shimmer of gemstone shavings. “We figured,” Pinkie said, partly snapping Spike out of his trance, “we could have dessert somewhere more private. And get more comfortable while we were at it.” Pinkie made a sweeping gesture over herself, Fluttershy, and the room. Spike now noticed Pinkie’s large bed, lovingly made with silk sheets and covered in soft-looking pillows. It was a very wide bed. “Why…” Fluttershy asked hesitantly, her voice barely above a whisper, “why don’t you sit down and… get comfortable, Spike?” Spike’s gaze fell down to the utterly gorgeous mares before him. His hands felt clammy, and he was sure he was sweating, but he was not going to refuse. “Sure…” he managed to say. Spike wasn’t completely sure what Fluttershy meant by “get comfortable,” but both girls were more lightly dressed than they had been downstairs. Spike unbuttoned his shirt and let it hang open. The surprised and pleased gasps he heard from the girls when he showed off his body restored some of his confidence, and he proceeded to sit on his pillow and help himself to the pudding. Then Pinkie shimmied her pillow over to Spike’s side, and laid her head on his shoulder. His nerves returned with a vengeance, and her scent flooded his nostrils: sugar, cake, and Pinkie Pie. Fluttershy, however, stayed on her pillow an arm’s-length away, and tucked into her pudding. Spike followed suit, as did Pinkie, and for a short time, the room was completely silent. It was not to last, however. Pinkie finished her pudding quickly, and unhesitantly climbed onto Spike’s lap. Spike choked on his mouthful of sweet vanilla-ruby and set the bowl down to be immediately forgotten. Pinkie’s arms wrapped loosely around Spike’s neck, and her legs did the same to his waist. She met his gaze with a brilliant smile. “Sooo… look at you!” Pinkie all but squealed. “Who knew little Spikey would grow up into such a stud? I mean, I had hopes, but still…” “You had hopes?” Spike managed to choke out. “Yeah, I mean…” Pinkie trailed off. Her fingers snaked their way in through his open shirt and trailed up and down Spike’s back slowly. “Yeah…?” Spike distractedly asked. “I remember six years ago, when we all came back from that dinner party the Saddle Arabians threw. Remember that day? There was good food, good company, we got to meet all those new ponies…” “Yeah… We ended up running late--” “--And I had a biiiiig order I needed to get done by morning. But everypony was so tired, I just couldn’t ask them for help, and I was afraid they would collapse in the kitchen if I did! But you…” Pinkie hugged Spike a little harder, her breasts now pressing firmly against his chest. “You saw that I needed help. And you stayed up all night to help me out, even when I tried to bluff and say I didn’t need it.” “Uh, well…” Spike’s mouth felt dry. “It didn’t feel right to let you deal with that on your own… Not while I could still help.” “I know.” Pinkie smiled. It was a small smile, but a heartfelt one. “Before we fell asleep in the morning, I remember thinking ‘this boy is going to be a real heart-stealer when he grows up, if he keeps being this sweet.’ It wasn’t the first time, or the last, that I thought that. And that is just one of the many stories I have where you’re sweet and supportive to me. To us.” “I, uh… I was... It was…” Spike mumbled dumbly. His brain was starting to feel like mush from the sweet words, soft voice, and wonderful scent of Pinkie. The feel of her warm softness against him was starting to affect his body as well. “Looking at you now…” Pinkie’s smile widened. “It seems like I was right.” Silence reigned in the room for several long seconds. Finally, Pinkie leaned forwards and drew Spike into a firm kiss. His arms circled around her waist, and he pulled her in closer, desperate to feel her soft body against his. Far too soon, they had to break apart for air. Pinkie nuzzled Spike’s neck and took a deep breath. He was nervous and stiff as a board in her arms, but he wasn’t pulling away. She took that as a go-ahead, and she slid her hands under Spike’s shirt, running her fingers over the delightfully firm muscles she found there. He trembled under her touch, which surprised her a bit. She expected him to be a little more confident, especially if she read the vibes between him and Twilight correctly. Still, she found his hesitation kind of endearing in a way. That’s right, you hunk of a stallion, some perverted little corner of Pinkie’s mind thought. Just relax and let me show you how it’s done. She suppressed that thought, born out of one too many of her friend’s tacky romance novels. Come on, Pinkie… don’t rush him. Let it come naturally. Spike’s arms tightened around her slowly, and he leaned into the kiss, returning her affection. Yes! He’s up for it! Okay, Pinkie… Take charge and let him know what you want. Pinkie broke the kiss and stood up. She shifted her hands over to his and coaxed him onto his feet, then led him over towards the bed. He seemed suitably spellbound, so she glanced over in Fluttershy’s direction. The meek girl was practically frozen on the spot, but she was watching intensely. Pinkie shifted her attention back to Spike and backed up until the back of her legs met the bed. She sat down and looked up at Spike, letting go of his hands to rest hers on the bed behind her. She leaned back, pushed out her chest, and gazed up at Spike, giving him the second best bedroom eyes she was capable of (she was going to save the best look for another time.) Spike seemed frozen in place, but Pinkie saw a deep desire in his eyes as they moved over her body. His warm gaze made her feel tingly all over. “I want you, Spike,” she purred at him. Spike moved, leaning forwards to kiss her, and Pinkie wrapped her arms around his neck and drew him in closer, laying back on the bed and pulling her dragon down on top of her. Spike’s hands sunk into the mattress on either side of her head as his weight settled on her and the kiss deepened. Spike’s long, serpentine tongue invaded her mouth, and she let out an unrestrained moan as it explored her and she explored him in turn. Pinkie slid her fingers under Spike’s open shirt and brushed her fingers over the smooth scales of his chest before they kept traveling. Never breaking the kiss, she trailed her hands up Spike’s spine and began pushing his shirt off his shoulders and down his back. Spike seemed to take the hint and helped Pinkie strip him. A moment later, his shirt was thrown away and Pinkie could run her fingers across his chest and back freely. The forked tips of Spike’s tongue tickled Pinkie’s, and she broke off the kiss with a giggle. It gave her a naughty idea. “Spike…” she purred. “Could you…?” She pointed down her body. He took the hint. Pinkie felt Spike’s lips moved down her neck, kissing as he went. He buried his nose in her neck and breathed deeply, groaning in obvious delight at her scent. Pinkie giggled in response, but it turned into a moan as that draconic tongue shot out and tasted her. He trailed down Pinkie’s body until he met the edge of her top. Spike slid his hands under Pinkie’s top and slowly dragged it upwards to uncover Pinkie’s soft stomach. The clothing article almost tore as he pulled it over her prodigious chest, but Pinkie raised her arms, and soon the top was flying through the air, going to who-cares-where. Spike took a moment to back up a little and take in Pinkie’s flushed form lying on her bed, her curves prominently displayed, her eyes warm with desire, and her huge breasts only hidden from his view by a lacy black bra. He laid back down and kissed her firmly, snaking his hands underneath her to get to her bra clasp. He fumbled around for quite a while. He did not know how to undo the damn thing, and it looked a bit too expensive to casually shred. Pinkie broke the kiss and giggled. “Well, uh… help?” Spike asked. “Of course!” Pinkie answered. She pushed Spike back onto his feet and rolled over onto her stomach. She said something, but Spike was too entranced by her delightfully plump butt to listen until she turned her head and noticed him staring. “Spike?” “Yes!” Spike exclaimed, as his eyes sprang back up to hers. Pinkie shook her hips a bit and giggled at the way Spike turned his full attention on her behind to watch the jiggle. “Why don’t you go ahead and touch me, Spike?” she purred as she undid her bra on her own. She pushed herself up on her elbows and threw it aside. Spike hardly noticed; he had all but forgotten about that accursed thing. Instead, he focused on the way Pinkie’s short skirt struggled to contain her butt, the way her thigh-high socks emphasized said posterior, and the glimpses he got of her black silk panties as she moved. In a trance, he reached out and caressed her soft rump until his hand brushed against the zipper on the side of her skirt. He gulped, undid the zipper, and pulled Pinkie’s skirt down her legs. Spike’s claws caressed the lush coat of her rear, then traveled down and brushed over the soft fabric of her thigh-high socks. He frowned, and proceeded to roll the socks down Pinkie’s legs, freeing the bright fur underneath. He ran his face up and down each leg, reveling in the softness of her coat, Pinkie’s natural plumpness, and the firm muscles of her legs. It felt much better. There really was no comparison. Pinkie’s breath caught in her throat. Feeling Spike nuzzle her legs felt surprisingly intimate, and it sent shivers up and down her body. “So beautiful…” she heard Spike mutter to himself. He clearly didn’t mean for her to hear that, but it made her close her eyes and squeal in delight. “Come on, Spike!” she called over her shoulder. “Don’t keep me waiting!” She shook her hips in his face, which seemed to motivate him. She felt his claws hook under her panties and slowly pull them down her legs, revealing her soaking slit to his eyes. He stopped moving. This was… this was actually kinda embarrassing, being exposed like this without a shred of clothing between her and Spike’s gaze. Pinkie was not used to feeling embarrassed. “Don’t just stare…” she all but whimpered. It seemed to stir him, and she felt his hands grab her by the cutie marks and hold her still. She felt his hot breath spill over her nethers. “And don’t make me beg, either!” she playfully demanded. She felt both embarrassed and eager at the same time, and it was driving her nuttier than usual. Then she felt the forked tips of Spike’s tongue trace the outlines of her honey pot, and she shuddered, letting out a heartfelt moan. Her involuntary noise seemed to bolster Spike’s confidence, and he dug into her with gusto, exploring her lower lips with that amazingly flexible appendage. That forked tongue… those tips that seemed to move independently… “Spike…” she called down over her shoulder. “Go lower. Use your touUuu--” Spike’s tongue had found her clit, and she cried out in delight when the forked tips worked over the sensitive nub. One up, the other down. Up-down, down-up. Every flick sent electric shivers all over her body, and she bit down hard on one of her pillows. His tongue assault never let up, but one of his hands traveled from her cutie mark slowly down to her core as she trembled and yelped under his ministrations. His hard, blunt claws trailed the outside of her opening slowly and deliberately, purposefully spreading her lips before one of those claws penetrated her. His claw rubbed up against her insides, causing her to scream in abject pleasure. He started out slowly and steadily, her arms spasmed in response, and the pillow that had muffled her cries tumbled away, forgotten. That’s when Spike picked up the pace, licking with increased speed and adding another claw to his ministrations, and Pinkie’s vision blurred into a pleasured haze as spasms wracked her body and she screamed incoherently. Then her pleasure crested, and her body seized up as her orgasm hit. Pinkie went completely silent when she climaxed, as though the sensations she experienced were simply too intense for her to voice, and her muscles clenched and pulsed around Spike’s claws, as though trying to draw them deeper inside. Every muscle in her body seemed to tense up as she rode her high, and she curled in on herself almost as though she was in pain. Spike pulled away, stood up, and watched Pinkie twist and squirm on the bed. Finally, she stilled, took a deep breath, and fixed him with an almost predatory gaze. He placed his claws, dripping with her honey, in his mouth and licked the juices off while looking into her eyes. He could almost see something snap in her eyes. Spike felt Pinkie’s hooves hook under his arms, her strong legs lift him up in the air, and before he could react, he was lying back-down on the centre of her bed. His pants and underwear had disappeared. He only had a short moment to try to get his bearings before his view was filled with pink, and the next second everything went dark as his face was suddenly buried in Pinkie’s ample breasts. The mare gave a husky laugh as she playfully smothered him, and Spike felt her soft body settle completely on top of him. He pawed at the boobs on his face, and was rewarded with a gasp when he brushed one of her perky nipples. He quickly found the other one and rolled both of the sensitive nubs in his claws, relishing in Pinkie’s delighted cries as they reached his ears. Finally, Pinkie lifted her breasts from Spike’s face and moved down a bit, bringing her eye-to-eye with him. He felt her wet pussy rub against his painfully hard shaft, leaving a trail of her juices behind, and he shivered at the intimate contact. “That tongue of yours…” Pinkie said, a teasing note in her voice. “It’s not fair. Not fair at all.” She seemed to have recovered quickly from her orgasm. Spike poked his tongue out at her, only for Pinkie to lean down and take advantage of the opening, instantly drawing him into a deep kiss. Her hand trailed down Spike’s body, further and further down his chest and stomach until she finally reached down to his shaft and grasped it softly. It felt... Pinkie broke the kiss and shifted a bit so that she could get a proper look at what her hand was feeling. Her eyes widened. It was different from a stallion’s: pointed instead of flared and ridged from head to base. “Oooh…” she purred, then turned back to Spike with a wide smile. “Looks like fun! And it’s my turn to do you now.” With that, Pinkie pointed Spike’s shaft at her opening and moved her hips down, starting to take him in. Every ridge that passed between her lower lips rubbed against her sensitive spots and sent electric shivers up and down her body. Soon their hips met, and Spike was sheathed completely inside her. Too soon. She needed to feel that again. With that, she moved her hips up slowly and dropped back down. “Ooohhh…” she moaned. “That’s goooood…” With that, and a sultry smile, she started moving, bouncing up and down, up and down. Spike dug his fingers into the sheets under him as Pinkie’s inner muscles worked him over. He soon thought better of it, and grabbed onto her hips, his claws sinking into her delightfully soft rump. He allowed his hands to wander all over Pinkie’s gyrating body. Everywhere he grabbed, Pinkie was soft, warm and inviting. Every time his claws sunk into her ample body, especially her rump or her breasts, she squealed in pleasure and rode him a little faster. Eventually, Pinkie’s cries of passion became more muted, and a look of intense concentration spread across her beautiful face. She clamped down on Spike’s shaft firmly and repeatedly, as though trying to milk him. “Come on…” he heard her mutter. She leaned down, nuzzled into Spike’s neck and whimpered into his ear. “I’m close, I’m gonna cum. I want you to cum with me, please. Cum in me. Please!” Her dirty talk caught Spike off guard, and made him lose control. When Pinkie began to shiver and fall silent again, Spike grabbed onto her rump, thrust up to meet her, and used his grip to speed up their rutting, slamming their hips together in a series of wet slaps. Finally, Pinkie seized up again and shook in orgasm, though this time, Spike could hear her make needy little whimpers as the sensations coursed through her. Her inner muscles clamped down firmly on his shaft and pulsed along it, trying to draw him in deeper. He couldn’t hold back anymore. Pinkie leaned down and kissed him sloppily and almost desperately. Spike’s groan of pleasure was muffled by her lips as his vision exploded and his hips jerked as he came, burying him as deep as he could within her welcoming pussy and filling her with rope after rope of his cum. She made eager, almost desperate little whimpers against his mouth as she shook in pleasure, and her little noises only made Spike drive into her harder. They stayed intimately joined and kissed fiercely until they finally came down from their highs. Pinkie broke off, looking into Spike’s eyes with a passionate gleam in her own. “Wow…” she said. “Just… wow…” “That… was amazing…” Spike gasped, still catching his breath. They didn’t move for a long while, content to lie there and bask in the afterglow. However, Spike finally remembered that they weren’t alone in the room. He looked over towards the pillows. Fluttershy was still sitting there, watching them quite wide-eyed. He had half-expected her to have fled, and had all but forgotten she was there, he had been so absorbed in his tryst with Pinkie. Spike tried to read her, drawing on his familiarity with the beautiful mare, as well as what he knew about pegasus body language. She was blushing, and looked away when she realized that Spike was looking at her. However, as far as he could tell, she did not seem disgusted or put off by what she had witnessed, just embarrassed. Possibly even, dare he say, aroused? That said, her wings were practically glued to her back, and that was not a very good sign, since it indicated distress, nerves, or fear. Pinkie looked over her shoulder at her friend and gave a relaxed, almost silly smile. “See, Fluttershy?” Pinkie said, her voice calm and happy. “It’s nothing to be afraid of.” Spike was not quite following this turn of events, but he decided to simply go along with whatever happened next. So far, Fluttershy thought, things had gone better than she’d expected. Being told that sex could be “totally amazing” if you had it with the right partner was one thing, but seeing it in action, not in a staged production or a piece of literature, was another. There was no disguising that both Pinkie Pie and Spike were very happy and satisfied, and Spike had remained quite submissive through the whole thing, leaving Pinkie to take the lead. It was so different from what Fluttershy had experienced, and although it was embarrassing to watch… that… it actually made her feel good. She had thought Pinkie was crazier than usual when she suggested this, but she actually felt more at ease now. Maybe she could do this after all. Goodness knew she wanted to. Fluttershy saw Pinkie lean down and whisper something to Spike. She knew that Pinkie was whispering something encouraging to him, and sure enough, Pinkie rolled off Spike and the dragon fixed Fluttershy with a lustful gaze. Fluttershy stood from the pillow. She had been rooted on the spot as she watched earlier, and she was actually surprised when she became aware of just how hot she felt. How aroused the show had made her. Her eyes raked over Spike’s gorgeous body as he stood up from the bed and approached her, and she noticed that his stalli--dragonhood had not faltered at all. He was already ready to go again, and the look in his eyes made it clear that he wanted her. Still, he stopped an arm’s-length away from her and waited for her to make the first move. Should she invite him? Or reject him? The mood was just right, and she was feeling so hot… No words were spoken. Fluttershy held her arms out, happily inviting Spike in. He stepped forward. One of his arms encircled her waist and pulled her in close, and his other hand gently cupped her chin. Fluttershy wrapped her arms around his neck in turn. She didn’t realize that she was looking away from him until his hand gently brought her around to face him. Their eyes met. Again, Spike was waiting for her to make a move. Despite the lust in his eyes, he seemed to sense her hesitation, and he was apparently trying to give her the time she needed. She felt her heart pitter-patter in her chest. She closed her eyes, leaned forwards, and puckered her lips. A split second later, she felt Spike meet her halfway and draw her into a gentle kiss. This… this felt right. She felt warm and safe in his arms. Protected. Fluttershy pressed up against Spike’s firm body and felt his dragonhood squeeze between their stomachs. His scent flooded her nostrils, along with the comforting scent of Pinkie Pie and the faint smell of sweat. She leaned into the kiss eagerly, deepening it as Spike’s hand left her chin and traveled between her wings. She felt Spike’s hard claws gently dig into her tense flight muscles, and waves of relief flooded Fluttershy’s body as he began a one-handed massage. Tension she didn’t even know she had disappeared under his touch, and Fluttershy felt her wings slowly starting to unfurl. She melted into his arms. It was time to be bold. Fluttershy turned them both around until the bed was behind her, and began to slowly back up towards it, pulling Spike with her and never breaking the kiss. Her legs met the bed behind her. Suddenly, she felt the pressure. She had to do this, she needed to do it or she would be out of the herd, but she wasn’t ready for it, but she didn’t want to lose her place, but it was expected of her and she was scared and-- “No!” Fluttershy yelled. “I don’t want this!” The next thing Fluttershy knew, she was being held by something soft and warm. Fluttershy opened her eyes. She was in Pinkie’s room, sitting on Pinkie’s bed and in Pinkie’s arms. Spike was halfway across the room, still backing off. “I’m sorry!” Fluttershy cried. Her voice failed, and she could feel tears start to run down her cheeks. “I can’t… I can’t do this…” “Shh, it’s okay…” Pinkie whispered in Fluttershy’s ear. “It’s okay.” Pinkie was rocking Fluttershy in her arms, and Fluttershy absently noticed that Pinkie had used a bedsheet to cover her modesty. Fluttershy leaned into the hug and tried to fight off the tears. She had ruined everything. The mood had been just right, and she really wanted to be with Spike, but… she couldn’t. She kept remembering… Fluttershy didn’t know how long she had been sitting in Pinkie’s arms when she felt the bed shift a bit and Spike sat down next to her, but realistically it couldn’t have been more than a few minutes. She noticed that he had found and put on his underwear. His arms encircled her and Pinkie at the same time, and she half-expected to panic again, but there was nothing sexual about this hug. He was trying to comfort her, like he had so many times in the past when her fears got the best of her. Like that time she was afraid Harry the Bear was dying, and Spike had stayed by her side all night. (Harry was fine, by the way, but he did end up needing surgery.) Spike was bigger now, and the hug was bigger as well. But it felt much the same, and she calmed down a bit in spite of herself. “Fluttershy…” Spike whispered to her. “You have nothing to be sorry for.” That… that wasn’t true, Fluttershy’s mind insisted. She had ruined the mood, she had destroyed this night, and now Spike was going to hate her for leading him on, and she’d blown her chance with him and-- Spike and Pinkie both tightened their holds and nuzzled her cheeks, throwing Fluttershy’s mind out of the self-destructive tangent. “I need to tell you something, Fluttershy… look at me,” Spike said, his voice soft. Fluttershy turned and met his gaze. All the passion and lust had disappeared from him, but there was something else there, something warm and caring. “Fluttershy, I love you. And that is never going to change.” Fluttershy gasped, and she heard Pinkie do the same. There was that utterly honest tone again, like he was just stating facts. The same tone he had used before when he had made her feel so beautiful. She felt her heart swell in happiness, and tears were forming in her eyes again. “I’m sorry I scared you,” Spike continued. “If you’ll still have me, I’ll wait until you’re ready. No matter how much time you need.” Fluttershy made a happy sound in her throat and buried her face against Spike’s neck. Her tears were flowing now, but she didn’t care. These were happy tears. “Yes,” she whispered against his scales. “I want to be with you.” Her face was buried in Spike’s chest, and she was being held by two of the most important people in her life, who she loved dearly. All was right with the world. She didn’t see the unsure and apologetic look Spike shot Pinkie Pie, nor did she see Pinkie casually wave off the apology and smile encouragingly at him. “Fluttershy…” Spike whispered, loud enough for Pinkie to hear as well. “Yes?” “Do you want me to leave? Let you girls talk about things without me hanging around?” “No.” “Okay…” There were a few more moments of silence until Spike spoke up again. “Do you want to go home? Sleep in your own bed, maybe hug Angel?” That actually did sound nice, but… “No.” “Okay.” Pinkie, who had remained mostly silent so far, surprised the other two by speaking up. “Do you wanna spend the night here in my bed, cuddling with me and Spike?” That… “Yes,” Fluttershy said firmly. “I’d like that.” Pinkie and Spike smiled at each other. Preparations were fast. Teeth were brushed, nightclothes were changed into, and soon all three of them were bundled up together in the bed. They fell asleep quickly. ----- Princess Twilight Sparkle read the letter from her peer and sister-in-law, and her frown deepened the further down the scroll she got. Finally, she finished the letter and turned back to the guard, who was still standing at attention. “Tell Princess Mi Amoré Cadenza that I will travel to the Crystal Empire tomorrow morning on the first train,” she said authoritatively. “And the Element Bearers will be traveling with me.” “Right away, ma’am!” the guard exclaimed. He took off from the roof and flew north as fast as he could. Twilight looked over Ponyville calmly. The moon was rising now. “Everyone’s asleep,” she muttered to herself. “I’ll talk to them in the morning.” Twilight yawned. And I should get some sleep, too. She finally flew down from Junebug’s roof and headed back to the library. Tomorrow’s going to be busy. > Chapter 12: An Unexpected Event > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of Dragons and Mortals Chapter 12: An Unexpected Event Spike awoke reluctantly, feeling warm and supremely comfortable. Slowly, he opened his eyes and looked to the still sleeping mares snuggled up against him. His left arm was wrapped around Pinkie Pie and his right around Fluttershy, their muzzles were nuzzled into his neck, and there were happy smiles on their faces. Spike didn’t dare move. He barely dared to breathe. He didn’t want to do anything to disturb the beauties sleeping so soundly in his arms. He lost track of time. For what might have been a few minutes or a few hours, he simply lay there, enjoying the sweet warmth and supreme comfort he felt in their embrace. He would happily have stayed that way forever.  Eventually, however, Fluttershy began to stir against him, making sleepy little noises and yawning adorably as she entered the land of the wakeful. Spike watched her eyes open slowly and stare at his chest for a few seconds. Her gaze wandered over to the sleeping form of Pinkie Pie, then trailed up to meet his eyes. The sleepy yet happy smile on Fluttershy’s face would be forever burnt into Spike’s mind. “Good morning, Spike,” she muttered, reaching up with a hand to rub sleep out of her eyes. “Good morning, Fluttershy…”  Spike trailed off as Fluttershy shifted her weight and shimmied upwards. He opened his mouth to say something, but she answered his unasked question by pressing her lips softly against his. After a long moment, Fluttershy broke the kiss with a giggle and a silly smile on her face. The icky taste of morning breath did little to lessen how happy she felt. Unfortunately, nature was calling, and Fluttershy couldn’t stay cuddled up in Spike’s arms as long as she wanted. “Um… I need to...” she whispered, pointing towards Pinkie’s bathroom. Spike nodded and released her from his grasp, allowing Fluttershy to unwind her tail from around his leg. Quietly, she snuck over to the bathroom, trying to make sure she didn’t wake Pinkie. She took one last look back at Spike and the still-sleeping Pinkie, gave them a brilliant smile, and closed the door behind her. After watching Fluttershy go, Spike turned onto his side and wrapped both arms around Pinkie, holding her soft body close to his. She made a sleepy but happy noise in response and snuggled even closer against him. Her tail tightened around his thigh possessively. Spike realized that Pinkie was, in fact, awake when he felt her teeth playfully nibble on his neck. She bit down softly, giving him a small love-bite. Spike just chuckled. “Good morning, Pinkie,” he said. “Good morning, eye-candy,” Pinkie replied. She looked up, locking her big eyes onto Spike’s, and playfully poked her tongue out at him. “You don’t taste as good as you look, you know.” Spike closed his eyes and chuckled. He felt Pinkie shift in his arms and push against him, and soon he was on his back with the amorous mare on top of him again. She kissed him, pushing something into his mouth with her tongue. He quickly realized that it was a breath mint. That explained why she didn’t have any morning breath, though he had no idea where she’d gotten the mint from. “Or maybe…” she purred, “I’m just tasting the wrong thing…” Pinkie delighted in the surprised and excited look on Spike’s face as she slowly kissed down his jaw and neck. Her hands caressed his broad chest, while she felt his claws run up and down her sides, over her nightgown. She traveled down until she was exploring his chest with her tongue, then looked up to see Spike looking down at her with heat in his eyes. She was overwhelmed with a sudden surge of affection, and she climbed back up to draw him into a deep kiss. The mint had done its job, and there was no more morning breath. When Pinkie finally pulled away, she straddled Spike’s hips, staring deep into his eyes. “Spike…” she said, “about yesterday, what you said… I think it was exactly what Fluttershy needed to hear. You did good.” “I meant it,” Spike answered. “I do love her, Pinkie. And… I lo--” Pinkie suddenly cut him off by grabbing his lips and pressing them together. “No… not yet, Spike…” Pinkie whispered. Her grip was firm and unyielding. It had been a sudden impulse, silencing him as soon as she realized what he was going to say. “Don’t say it to me yet.” Spike gave her a perplexed look, clearly not understanding. Honestly, she herself barely understood why she had cut him off, or why she had felt so panicked. Words tumbled out of her mouth on their own as she tried to explain. “I… I think I need to be the one to say those words to you first.” She released Spike’s lips. “I’m not ready yet.” “Huh?” Spike answered, looking as confused as he probably felt. “Look, I… I’m not sure even I understand why this is so important to me, but… but it is. Don’t say it until I do. Got it?” “Yeah…” Spike said, hesitantly. “Yeah, I get it. If that’s what you want…” Spike hesitated for a moment, then pulled Pinkie down and kissed her softly. “Just know that I do, okay?” he whispered against her lips. “No matter what you want me to say.” Pinkie felt as though there was a party in her heart as she lost herself in Spike’s kiss. She grabbed her lover’s hands and placed them on her hips under the gown, letting him feel that she wasn’t wearing anything under it. He quickly took the hint, and his hands traveled up her body, bringing her gown up with them. She leaned back from the kiss as the nightie cleared her breasts, and held her arms up, happily allowing the dragon to remove and discard her only piece of clothing. His eyes raked over her naked body, and Pinkie smiled at the utterly spellbound look on his face. She grabbed his hands, led them up her body to her boobs, and let his claws eagerly and shamelessly grope her. They had never found his clothes the night before, so he was completely bare, and she could feel him rising to the occasion against her butt. She grinned widely. What Spike didn’t know was that today was Pinkie’s day off, and if she had her way, it would be many hours before she would allow him to limp away from her bed. What Pinkie didn’t know was that somepony else had plans for her. There was a knock on the door. Spike and Pinkie both twitched and looked towards the door--Spike with an embarrassed look on his face, and Pinkie with an expression that suggested she was contemplating dooricide. Pinkie was facing a conundrum. On the one hand, there was a hot, naked, and willing stallion in her bed. On the other hand, some jerk-face was knocking on her door on her day off. The answer was obvious: ignore the hell out of the door. So, not so much of a conundrum after all. She leaned down to start kissing Spike again. However, that was when she heard more knocks, and--much harder to ignore--Twilight’s voice, slightly muffled by the door. “Pinkie? Are you awake?” Fluttershy walked out of the bathroom just in time to hear Twilight’s voice. The sight of Pinkie completely naked and looming over Spike in a predatory fashion didn’t really surprise her, but it held her attention for a few seconds. She finally broke the silence. “Should I let her in?” “Pinkie?” Twilight called through the door again. “I’m sorry to disturb you so early, but this is important!” Sighing, the pink mare hung her head in defeat and rolled off Spike. She then got up from the bed, pulled the covers up to Spike’s chest to protect the dragon’s modesty, causing Spike to instinctively pull his knees up a bit. She then tracked down and slipped on her nightgown, and nodded towards Fluttershy. “If Twilight says it’s important, it’s important,” Pinkie said. She sighed again, but managed to smile. “Go ahead and let her in.” Twilight started knocking again, but her hand met empty air when the door suddenly creaked open. A smiling Fluttershy greeted her on the other side. “Hi, Fluttershy!” she said. “When I didn’t see you your cottage, I thought you might be here.” Twilight gave her friend a knowing smile, causing the shy mare to blush and look down.  The Princess entered and took in the scene. Fluttershy looked properly groomed, but Pinkie’s hair was wilder than usual, and she had a somewhat manic look on her face. Spike, meanwhile, was tucked into the bed. Twilight quickly realized that she had interrupted something, but decided to push on. This was a rare opportunity to tease her friends, and despite the serious task at hand, she couldn’t help but take advantage of it. “Hello, girls,” she said. “I see you stayed the night then, Fluttershy. And Spike’s here, too… Did you have a nice date, girls?” Fluttershy and Spike both blushed, with Fluttershy hiding her face behind her mane and Spike looking down. Pinkie, perhaps unsurprisingly, merely grinned and nodded. “We sure did!” Pinkie said. “What brings you here so early? And unexpectedly…” “Oh, right.” Twilight walked briskly to the side of the bed and handed Spike a scroll. “First things first. Send this to Princess Celestia, please.” Spike wordlessly accepted the scroll and sent it immediately. Meanwhile, Twilight turned around to address the girls. “Princess Cadance has sent for us,” she said. “I’m sorry, girls, but we have to travel to the Crystal Empire immediately.” “What!?” Pinkie cried out. “But, I was… Today was... I…” She muttered something about “pink princess party pooper.” “Oh my,” Fluttershy said. “What’s happened?” “It’s… kind of complicated,” Twilight said. “I don’t want to repeat myself, so I’ll fill you in when we meet up with the others on the train. But you really need to get ready. I’ve already told the other girls, and they’ll meet us at the train platform. We can’t be late for the train.” Pinkie and Fluttershy nodded (the former unhappily), and spread out to get properly dressed. Fluttershy found the bag she had brought over yesterday, and Pinkie went to her closet. “So, what about me?” Spike asked, his interest piqued by whatever was happening. “Do I go with you girls?” Twilight frowned slightly. That was the question, wasn’t it: Do we bring Spike with us? The Princess had given that very question a lot of thought before she fell asleep yesterday, and some more as she gathered up the girls this morning. On the one hand, he often went with them on their adventures, and ended up being very helpful. On the other hand, there was the conversation she had had with that mysterious fox, Felicia. The fox had implied that something potentially dangerous was happening, which made Twilight feel generally anxious, and the letter Twilight had received from Cadance had all but sealed the deal. It made her think. According to Felicia, Ponyville is safe because of me, the Elements of Harmony, and Spike… so what happens if we all leave? Ponyville is a place where things happen, and while Felicia implied that she might protect Ponyville, I don’t know her well enough to trust her yet. She fixed Spike with her gaze. What do you know about all this, Spike? Do you know something I don’t about what’s happening, or are you as clueless as I am right now? Twilight realized that she had been staring at Spike for a while, and he was looking more and more uncomfortable. She schooled her features into a small smile and gave him the answer she had decided on earlier. “Actually, Spike, I’d like you to stay in Ponyville and hold down the fort while we’re gone.” Twilight watched the dragon closely, trying to read his reaction. She saw surprise on his face at first, but a split second later, he frowned thoughtfully, as though he was considering something. His frown soon turned more serious, almost grim. The next moment, she noticed him giving himself a small nod, apparently having reached some conclusion. “Spike’s not coming?” Pinkie asked. Twilight shifted her attention slightly, not wanting to ignore her friend. “But they love him up in the Empire!” “Actually, Pinkie…” Spike cut in. “I think this might be for the best.” Pinkie raised an eyebrow questioningly. Then she shrugged, seeming to simply accept Spike’s opinion, and made a swan-dive into her closet. Twilight, however, refocused her gaze on Spike again. There was a certain tone in his voice that made her think. A note of well-concealed concern, of worry. So, you do know something I don’t, don’t you? Something that makes you want to stay here, just in case? But I can’t ask you about it because of this vague “punishment” that will apparently happen to you if you tell me. If I only knew more about what sort of risk I’d be putting you in, I… Twilight sighed. I don’t know. I’m just worried. And a little scared. “Spike,” she said, “someone needs to check in on Fluttershy’s animals, and Sweet Apple Acres will need some extra help, since AJ will be gone for the day. Can we count on you to get it done?” “Absolutely!” Spike exclaimed, snapping off a salute. “Good.” Twilight nodded. “I don’t know how long we’ll be away. If nothing happens and everything is quiet, we’ll take the express train home and be back in time for dinner. But odds are, we’re probably going to have to take the overnight Cross-Equestrian train back to Ponyville. Any longer than that, and I’ll get in touch. Got it?” “Yes, ma’am!” “Okay, good,” Twilight said.  She turned around and saw that Fluttershy was finished getting dressed. The shy mare looked up at Twilight and nodded. Pinkie emerged from inside of her closet. She was impeccably dressed, cleaned up, and ready for the road. She even looked as though she had showered. Somehow. “Okay, girls…” Pinkie said, turning towards her friends. “Let’s get moving.” She made a sudden turn towards the bed with a predatory gleam in her eyes. “But fiiirst!” Pinkie launched herself towards the bed, landing lip-first on Spike’s face and pushing him down onto the bed. She missed his lips, instead hitting him between the eyes, but readjusted her aim when she landed on top of him and kissed his lips soundly. The covers fell down to his waist, and Pinkie pawed at his bare chest a bit before pushing off. “See you when we get back, Spike,” Pinkie said in a suggestive purr. She got off the bed, leaving a dazed Spike behind, and grabbed Twilight by the arm. “Pinkie, what-” Twilight was cut off when Pinkie heaved the Princess over to the bed, where she landed flush on top of Spike, knocking the wind out of the already dazed dragon. “Gotta say a proper goodbye, Twilight,” Pinkie said, a mischievous grin on her face. “Go on…” Twilight blushed. Seeing her friends in their underwear was no big deal, and seeing Spike shirtless was a sight she was quite happily growing accustomed to. However, showing such affection in front of others, especially on demand, was embarrassing, and the hardness she felt against her stomach didn’t help matters. Spike was blushing, too, clearly embarrassed by his persistent arousal. Still… small acts of affection were part of a proper courtship. Blushes be damned, she placed a small kiss on Spike’s lips before she pushed off the bed. “Take care of yourself, Spike.” “I will. You girls take care, too.” Twilight nodded and walked over to the door. Pinkie nodded towards Fluttershy, waved to Spike, and left, probably to talk to the Cakes. Apparently, Fluttershy gets to have a choice in the “saying goodbye” matter, Twilight thought, but she just smiled and followed Pinkie, walking past the shy mare with a small nod. Twilight shut the door behind her, leaving Fluttershy alone with Spike. The shy mare looked towards the dragon, who was looking quite dazed, and found an impish smile blooming onto her face. She sauntered over to the bed--catching Spike’s undivided attention--and climbed up, crawling towards him on her hands and knees. It felt strange, this brimming confidence deep inside her. She didn’t worry what he thought when he looked at her, and she wasn’t afraid. She knew he loved her, and it made her feel amazing. “Spike…” she whispered as she crawled over his body and slowly nosed her way up his neck. “...Yeah?” he whispered back, a tone of uncertainty in his voice. Fluttershy nuzzled her way up his neck and took a deep breath of his scent before pulling away to look him in the eye. She could do this. She wanted him to know, like she did. “I love you too.” Spike’s whole body went rigid, and Fluttershy darted forwards to seal her proclamation with a quick kiss, pulling away just as quickly. He looked shocked, almost disbelieving, but through it all she could see how deeply, profoundly happy her confession had made him. Fluttershy knew that she would cherish the memory of that look on his face for a long, long time. She giggled happily and sauntered out the door, leaving the scatter-minded dragon alone to sort out his thoughts. Also his clothes. She hadn’t seen a trace of them since Pinkie stripped him. ----- Twilight and Pinkie were explaining the situation to Mrs. Cake when Fluttershy came down the stairs with a mile-wide smile on her face, humming a happy tune. “Ooooh…” Pinkie sang, turning to properly face her shy friend. “Somepony’s happy!” “Yes. Yes I am,” Fluttershy said with a surprising note of confidence in her voice. It threw Pinkie off her game for a moment. “Well, well…” the pink mare said, but she left it at that and merely smiled. “Alright, girls,” Twilight interjected. “We’re on the clock here. The train will be leaving soon, and we need to get going.” “Right!” Pinkie and Fluttershy chorused. The three girls waved goodbye to the Cakes and left the building. ----- The walk to the station was uneventful, and the only thing that broke the silence was the fact that Pinkie Pie kept trying--again and again--to get Twilight to tell her why Cadance had called them to the Empire. Twilight kept explaining her desire to not repeat herself, but it didn’t seem to sink in for Pinkie. Or, more likely, the pink mare was just having some fun. At least it kept the walk from being boring. Fluttershy kept quiet, but had a profoundly satisfied smile on her face that did not go unnoticed. Pinkie and Twilight left her to her own thoughts. The girls arrived at the train station and found their friends waiting for them on the platform. As the others exchanged greetings and struck up a casual conversation, Twilight walked into the station building to pick up their tickets. The small building was empty, except for the old stallion sitting in the booth against the far wall. It was simply too early in the morning, and no pony in Ponyville seemed to have any business up in the Crystal Empire today. No pony but me and my friends, Twilight mused as she walked across the empty floor. The old clerk was sleeping on the job, apparently not getting enough sleep the night… before… She stopped walking halfway across the open floor. Usually, Twilight would simply shrug the sleeping stallion off as nothing, as old Whistle Blower was almost as ancient as Granny Smith, and he was known for occasionally snoozing off on the job. However, between talking to Felicia and receiving the letter from the Crystal Empire, Twilight was feeling a little anxious. One might go so far as to say paranoid. Usually she would just walk up, poke the old guy awake, and ask for the tickets, but this time... She did not go closer to the booth the old stallion occupied, instead scanning the room carefully. An enclosed, yet open space with a little bit of room to maneuver. The rope used to indicate where the line should go was conveniently packed up in a corner. There wasn’t any furniture, not even the waiting benches she knew were a staple of the trainhouse... This would be a perfect place to set an ambush. She peered towards old Whistle and was relieved to see that the old stallion was still breathing. Twilight lit up her horn to check for magical disturbances. She found one. Right behind her. Twilight’s scan spell immediately morphed into an improvised barrier, covering her body in a sheen of protective magic. A split second after the shimmering armor appeared, something sharp and metallic slammed into it from behind and slid off without penetrating. Twilight began to turn around. Then something else slammed into the shield, and the protective barrier cracked, sending a stab of pain through Twilight and forcing her forwards. She managed to turn around, but only saw a shimmer of motion in the air. Something invisible was attacking her. She tried to repair her cracked barrier, only to feel the invisible thing strike the spell again, further weakening her protection. Whatever weapon it was using, Twilight could feel her barrier--strong, yet still improvised--buckle under it. She couldn’t keep this up for long. Twilight was well and truly panicking now. With her fear came a panic-surge of magic power, and she focused her might at the center of the strange disturbance. Just as that invisible weapon impacted the barrier again and successfully smashed through it, she pushed with all her might. The push shattered the invisibility, and revealed something she had never seen before. Time seemed to slow down as she took in the creature’s features. It was bipedal and had a generally stallion-shaped body, but any similarity between it and a pony stopped there. His eyes were black like lumps of coal. The skin she could see through the gaps in the worn, dust-grey hooded robe he was wearing was sickly pale and almost see-through. He was holding a plain dagger in his left hand, while his right was extended towards her, almost as though he was trying to grab her. There was an ornate red glove on the extended hand, with an intricate and vaguely sinister golden pattern etched into it. Twilight could feel the glove dispersing her magic, trying to counteract her spellwork. There was no doubt in her mind that this was what had destroyed her barrier. A normal unicorn’s spell would have failed almost instantly. But Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Magic, was too strong for the strange artifact. The assassin was losing ground, literally sliding backwards under the Princess’s immense telekinetic strength. However, the glove dispersed enough of her magic that he didn’t go flying, and he was still struggling against her might, managing to stay on his feet even if he couldn’t close the distance between them.  Twilight was on her guard now, however, and she knew she could keep this up a long time. As long as she didn’t let him get close to her, this would-be assassin had no chance. He seemed to come to the same conclusion. Those abyssal eyes flicked behind him towards the exit, and Twilight realized that he was going to try to run away. But as he refocused on her, she saw the fury in his cold black eyes, and she knew that he was out for blood. She was his prey, and sooner or later he would chase her down and end her. The stranger lowered his gloved hand and let the force of Twilight’s magic push him towards the door. Twilight canceled her spell immediately, but it was too late. Her opponent spun around and used the leftover momentum of her push to give himself a running start. He was getting away. Twilight powered up her horn to try to grab him, but even as the spell began to form, she realized she would be too late. A few steps from the door, just as the strange assassin was bracing his shoulder to bash it down, a red blur appeared, inches from his neck. Time seemed to slow down even more. Twilight saw the assassin flinch in surprise, but it was far too late for him to react. Felicia, teeth bared, dove into the assassin’s hood, and the force of her attack threw off the assassin’s momentum. He slammed into the wall, inches from the door, with a spirit fox clinging to his throat. Twilight realized what was happening, and looked away for a few seconds. When she looked back, the assassin had been… ended, and Felicia was standing on the fallen creature’s body, staring down into the hood as though making doubly sure he was… “Felicia?” Twilight found herself asking in an unsure tone. This whole thing still felt so unreal to her. Twilight yelped as a dull light shone from within the assassin’s robe, and the clothes collapsed on the ground, suddenly empty. “What?” she cried. “What was that? What just happened? What’s going on?” “He’s dead,” Felicia said, her voice disturbingly calm and steady for someone who had just ripped a person’s throat out with her teeth. “His kind don’t leave bodies behind. Not anymore.” “What?” Twilight was prepared to say more, but Felicia rounded on Twilight, and she could see the barely-concealed panic on the fox’s face. “This is bad, Twilight,” Felicia said, her voice now betraying her concern. “I need to go. But this one might not have been working alone. Here.” There had been a small blue streak in Felicia’s coat. As she spoke, it faded, and a familiar blue fox materialized at her paws. “Take Maximillian with you. He’ll be my eyes, and he’ll call on me if anything happens. As of right now, you are officially under my protection.” “What? Felicia, what’s going--” Felicia disappeared, leaving the smaller fox behind. “--on…” Twilight weakly finished. At that moment, the door burst open and Twilight’s friends piled in. “We heard a crash!” Rainbow Dash called out as she zoomed in ahead of the others. “What’s going o--whoa!” All the girls stopped and stared at the empty robe, the discarded knife, and the sinister glove. The blue fox sat in the middle of it all with a perfectly innocent expression on its face. “Twilight…” Applejack ventured. “What's goin' on here?” “I...” Twilight gulped. “I don’t know.” And that scared her. > Chapter 13: A Train of Thought > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of Dragons and Mortals Chapter 13: A Train of Thought For those who care to know such things, there is a popular roosting place for dragons on the edge of Equestrian territories, inside an active volcano called the Melting Mountain. Furthermore, those with proper security clearance know that since dragons are well-known and dangerous predators, any identified roosting grounds near the Equestrian border are under constant surveillance by the Royal Guard. At this particular roosting ground, a small guard post stands on a nearby cloud, hidden from sight by a cloaking spell. It is considered both a very dangerous post (if the dragons do anything, you’re screwed) and an extremely boring one (they never do anything, the lazy bastards). As such, it was the quintessential punishment post. Until yesterday. Yesterday, a complete stranger suddenly appeared and almost casually defeated a dragon, which frightened the other dragons roosting in the area. Most of them flew away while some lingered, apparently listening to the stranger give some speech. The lone guard who was manning the post immediately sent a message to his commanders and kept up his observations. However, by the time investigators arrived, the stranger had disappeared. Groups of guards were sent all over the area to keep track of the scattered dragons, and the lone guard who had reported the event had been reinforced. Now three guards were manning the usually understaffed guard post, and the newcomers had brought defense and surveillance equipment with them. Just in case something else happened in the area. Tensions were high in the small guard post. As the sun rose, the guards’ sharp eyes were scanning the horizon and the caldera for anything out of the ordinary. They got their wish. The stranger who had been spotted only the day before appeared again. One of the guards saw the stranger move into the caldera, and alerted the others. All three guards flocked to the edge, and one of them used a listening scope--a device that the post had sorely lacked the first time the stranger had appeared. “... I told you yesterday that I would give you some time to make your decision,” the stranger was saying, “and at the time, I thought that we had time to spare. However, it has come to my attention that things are moving faster than I thought.” The stranger paused, apparently to let his words sink in, and the dragons mumbled a bit among themselves. He spoke up again once the moment had passed. “Those of you who are still mulling it over can stay here, and I’ll come back at the time we agreed on to ask for your answer. But those of you who already know that you want to be a part of this, come with me.” The guard who listened in on the conversation related everything he heard to his colleagues, and they scrambled, one of them readying himself to pursue this stranger and the other one preparing a message to send back to Canterlot. The stranger might be able to appear and disappear seemingly at will, but how hard could it be to follow a pack of dragons, should they decide to follow him? Without warning, the stranger turned, and the hidden guard could swear that he was staring right at him through the scope of the monitoring device. He made to shout a warning to his colleagues, but suddenly they all felt a presence in their midst. “Of course,” the stranger said, his face concealed inside the hood of his robe, “I can’t have you people following us. Sorry about this.” The guards raised their weapons, but it was a futile gesture. ----- Twilight had never seen anyone die in front of her before. Admittedly, he had been trying to kill her, but still, watching a spirit fox tear his throat out in front of her had been a jarring experience to say the least. Nevertheless, there was an unconscious stallion here who needed help, and her friends were standing around uncertainly, anxious and confused. Be a Princess. Breathe in. Breathe out. Handle it. “Rarity, I need you to check on Whistle Blower,” she ordered. “AJ, secure the door. Keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary: rapid movement, strangely shimmering air, anything strange.” Applejack and Rarity both jumped to their assigned duties, although AJ gave her a quick questioning frown. Twilight didn’t sense any other magical disturbances, but… This one might not have been working alone. Almost as an afterthought, Twilight quickly cast a combination of tracking and protection spells on her friends. Now she would know if anything happened to them. “Rainbow, go find a doctor or a nurse and hurry back here. Carry them if you have to.” “On it!” Rainbow zoomed out the door and away. “Pinkie! Are you... sensing anything?” “No. I mean, I got this ache in my knee before the crash, and then we ran in here to check on you, but it’s gone now.” “Good. Fluttershy--” Twilight turned to the shy mare, and lost her words. Fluttershy had picked up Maximilian, and was cradling the small fox in her arms, snuggling him protectively. She turned to acknowledge Twilight. “Yes?” Twilight blinked, and lost her train of thought. Spirits weren’t supposed to be able to manifest tangibly in the physical realm, and most definitely not such a small and weak one. Twilight had assumed that both Felicia and this little one were invisible to non-alicorns. But then again, Felicia had probably manifested herself physically in order to maximize the force behind her attack. And if she could do that, then she may also have manifested her subordinate for… some reason Twilight was not aware of. Such a feat should not be even remotely possible, though. Despite her already high assessment of the fox’s power, Twilight suddenly worried that she had underestimated Felicia’s abilities. Spirits shouldn’t be able to do that. Her brain was tying itself into a knot, trying to process this new information. What are you, really? And what’s with this? Is this your way of telling me that you don’t care if I tell people about you? Or is this an act of trust? Or a test? Or a prank, or what? Damn you, Felicia! “Twilight?” Fluttershy’s demure voice snapped Twilight back to the present. She looked up into the pegasus’ eyes. Fluttershy was scratching the small spirit between the ears, clearly trying to calm what she must have thought was a wild animal. The spirit, in turn, seemed to be basking in the attention. Twilight kind of felt the need to sit down, but firmly shook it off. She could think about solving this conundrum later. “... Take care of that thing,” Twilight said, pointing at the fox. She had completely forgotten what she had meant to say before the tangible spirit creature had broken her brain. But having Fluttershy keep an eye on him could only be a good thing. “Twilight!” Rarity called, drawing the princess’s attention. She saw Rarity with her cheek inches from Whistle Blower’s face, a concentrated frown on her face. “He’s breathing, but there’s an awful stench about his muzzle that is making me feel a little light-headed. I think he’s been drugged.” Twilight approached, while Rarity proceeded to feel the stallion’s throat for a pulse. “His pulse is strong,” she muttered. “His windpipe sounds clear...” “Is he going to be okay?” Twilight asked, staying back a bit to let Rarity do her thing unimpeded. “Probably. I see no sign of physical trauma, so it depends on what he was drugged with.” Rarity gently moved the stallion off his chair and down on the ground, laying him down on his side in the recovery position, then stepped back. Whistle Blower gave a final loud snore while he was moved, but then fell silent and started breathing normally. “That’s all we can do for him right now.” “Are you alright?” Twilight asked. “Oh yes,” Rarity replied, “the light-headedness faded quickly. I’m just fine.” The sound of a train’s whistle flowed in through the open door. “Uh, girls?” Applejack called out. “The train’s a’comin’.” “Okay. Pinkie Pie, go flag them down, keep them from leaving if we take too long here. We need to be on that train when it leaves.” “Roger!” Pinkie cried, then ran off. Twilight took a second to mourn the loss of sanity the conductor was probably about to experience. Now they had to wait for Rainbow Dash to return with medical personnel. Twilight took the opportunity to do another sweep with her magic to check for disturbances, and powered up her spirit-vision for good measure. The only magic anomaly she could find was an imprint on the spirit realm where Felicia had torn through the veil between the realms. Twilight could use the trail to try to study the fox’s mindset, the feelings she had experienced when she tore this little hole in reality. She made a mental note of her findings, then turned her attention back to the--still tangible--Maximillian. She could read the little spirit’s emotions more easily than his mistress’, since he was not even trying to hide what he felt. He seemed calm, and his enjoyment of Fluttershy’s fussing was genuine. His carefree and relaxed demeanour actually helped calm Twilight down, seeing that this impromptu guard apparently didn’t think that they were in danger. Then AJ called out that Rainbow Dash was coming back, and a moment later Nurse Redheart ran in through the door and knelt down at the fallen stallion’s side. Rainbow Dash backed in immediately after, her fists raised as though she was expecting an assault and her eyes scanning the street for any potential attackers. “I flew to the hospital and carried the nurse here,” she said, turning around. “The stretcher will be here soon.” “Excellent work, Rainbow.” Twilight nodded. “Thank you.” Redheart tended to the fallen stallion. She looked over her shoulder at the rest of the girls. “I believe he’ll be alright,” the nurse stated, much to everypony’s relief. “We’ll take him to the hospital for observation and further tests. Is there anything you can tell me about what happened here?” “We believe he inhaled something that knocked him out,” Rarity said. “I’m afraid that’s just a guess, but it’s all we have.” “Very well,” the nurse said, and turned back to her patient. Twilight heard the chiming bell of the approaching stretcher-bearers, and suddenly remembered that she still needed the tickets for the train. They could not afford to miss it. The medical personnel streamed in, but Twilight ignored them, instead running over to the empty ticket booth, where she found her pre-ordered tickets. She grabbed them, and left a little extra change for the trouble. When she looked up, she noted that Whistle Blower had been placed on a stretcher. The old stallion had started to wake up and was trying to make a fuss, but the paramedics simply carried him away. Twilight briefly considered questioning Whistle Blower, but the assassin had been invisible, so he probably didn’t know anything. It would most likely be a waste of her time. Rainbow Dash had picked up the would-be assassin’s glove and was holding it up to a lamp, examining it curiously. Rarity was standing a hoof-length away from his empty clothes, scrutinizing them with a mixed look of disgust and intrigue. Fluttershy was still cradling the fox in her arms, and Applejack had not abandoned her post by the door. In fact, AJ was blocking another pony from entering, a purple earth-pony stallion with a fancy orange mane and mustache, who Twilight did not recognize. As she watched, AJ and the stranger both stood aside to let the paramedics carry Whistle Blower out of the building, and the fancy stallion managed to lean past the doorframe a bit. His eyes wandered over to Rainbow Dash and the glove that she was holding. His gaze seemed to freeze on the alien object, and he frowned, then promptly left. “AJ! Who was that?” Twilight cried out as she ran to the door. “Said his name was Rip Tide, what…” the farm mare trailed off as Twilight hurried past her and out into the street. The stallion--Rip Tide--was nowhere in sight. “He said,” Applejack said from behind her, “that he saw the paramedics run by him, and he got curious.” AJ stepped out and stood next to Twilight, helping her friend to look around. “What’s wrong? Should we go after ‘im? Should Ah have grabbed ‘im?” Twilight gave it some serious thought. She had a hunch that he knew something, but not how much, and she had no idea where to begin looking for him. And they were on a tight schedule. Any attempt to find Rip Tide would mean missing the train. Not acceptable. “No…” she finally said, answering AJ’s question. “We need to get on this train. Cadance is counting on us.” I could go to the hospital and question Whistle Blower, Twilight thought. I could spend who knows how long tracking down this Rip Tide to see if he knows anything. I could even go back and try to make Spike tell me what he knows in case it relates, but… Twilight gave the small blue fox in Fluttershy’s arms a lingering glare. I think I know who is sitting on all the answers I want. Damn you, Felicia. “Rarity, gather up that robe and that knife, please,” Twilight ordered. “We’ll examine them on the train. And careful with the knife; it may be poisoned.” “Alright, Twilight,” Rarity answered. She picked up the items with her magic, and wrapped the knife in the robe to keep it safe. “What about this thing?” Rainbow Dash asked, holding up the glove she was still examining. “Bring that too, and Fluttershy…” “Yes?” Twilight hesitated a moment. She still wasn’t sure these spirits could be trusted, but... This one might not have been working alone. “Bring that fox with us.” ----- The girls walked out of the station house and quickly found Pinkie Pie standing over by the train engine. She was wearing an elaborate feather headdress, carrying a pair of cymbals and had a dozen colorful balloons tied to her tail. “Aww,” she whined. “You girls are early!” ----- As it turned out, Pinkie’s distraction wasn’t really necessary after all. The girls boarded the express-train to the Crystal Empire half a minute before it was scheduled to depart. They navigated their way past the early-bird travelers (mostly business-ponies and tourists from the Empire heading back home) and stepped into their private compartment. It was a conference compartment with seats for up to eight people. The girls all sat down, while Rarity kept the bundle of assassin’s gear in her lap. Twilight closed the door and turned around to find that all the other girls were staring at her, quietly demanding answers. The intense silence was actually a little unnerving. “Okay, so…” Twilight looked at the fox seated on Fluttershy’s lap. He had nestled in, closed his eyes, and looked like he was about to fall asleep. Twilight did not want this information to get to Felicia. Not yet, anyway: If Felicia was going to withhold information to use for bartering, so would Twilight. She needed a way to keep this fox from hearing what she had to say about their errand up north, but how to do that? Although, Maximilian was a physical creature now, wasn’t he? Could it really be as simple as... “Fluttershy, could you cover the fox’s ears for a bit? I don’t want him to hear this.” Fluttershy gave an unsure frown, but placed her hand on the fox’s head, flattening his fluffy ears. “Maximillian?” Twilight asked. “Can you hear me?” No reaction, not even from Twilight’s spirit vision. He didn’t hear a thing. It was that easy. “Twilight!” Rarity yelled. “What is going on here? What aren’t you telling us? Why are we suddenly traveling to the Crystal Empire, and what happened to you at the station?” Rarity’s outburst was met with affirmative noises from the rest of the group. Twilight took her seat, and a deep breath. “I was attacked,” she stated plainly. “The creature who left those items behind tried to assassinate me.” Her statement caused shocked gasps all around, and Rarity immediately dumped the bundle of clothes and gear she was holding on to one of the empty seats, as though it was on fire. Everypony tried to ask questions all at once, ranging from “are you alright?” to “who sent him?” and a few choice insults towards the would-be assassin and his parentage. It took Twilight a few minutes to get everypony to quiet down, and explain what she knew. ----- As soon as she got home yesterday, after talking to Felicia and receiving Cadance’s message, Twilight had sat down and written a complete transcript of her conversation with the spirit fox while it was still fresh in her mind. She had even added footnotes about the spirit world, and her own insights into Felicia’s state of mind, to complete the experience. She wanted the readers to know everything that she did. The original pages had been sent to Celestia earlier, but Twilight had made copies for all of her friends. Not all of them were enthusiastic about being forced to read a lengthy report, but they all saw the seriousness of the situation, and no one complained. Thus, the first hour or so of the train journey was spent bringing everypony up to speed about Felicia, their extra passenger, and the strange assassin. Questions were asked, explanations were given and small details that hadn’t made it onto the paper were clarified. The trolley-pony stopped by, and the girls bought some breakfast and snacks as they read and made conversation. “Alright, so…” Applejack said eventually. “You fended this fellow off, and then this Felicia…” She gestured to her copy of the report. “Shows up and finishes him? Well… Glad to know she’s on our side, at least.” “Indeed,” Rarity said, nodding. “So can we assume that, should this unpleasant fellow’s compatriots show themselves, we can simply poke our snoozing little friend over there and he will call in the proverbial cavalry?” “Yes, that seems to be the case,” Twilight responded. “I’m not sure how seriously he’s taking this, though.” Indeed, the little spirit was still cuddled into Fluttershy’s lap with one of the shy mare’s hands over his ears, apparently sleeping soundly. Twilight didn’t know that spirits could sleep, but apparently there were a lot of things she didn’t know about spirits. “Yeah, that’s great,” Rainbow cut in, “but why are we going to the Crystal Empire? Shouldn’t we, like, call the guards and hunker down in your castle or something? I mean, if there are assassins after you, should we really be heading out like this?” “Yes, about that…” Twilight took a deep breath and organized her thoughts. “It is possible that our errand in the Crystal Empire and this event are related.” Twilight’s statement was followed by a long moment of tense silence, only broken up by the rhythmic sound of the train’s wheels. Rainbow was the one who finally shattered it. “Yeah, okay, that’s… Why did Princess Cadance ask for our help?” Heaving a determined sigh, Twilight took out the letter she had received from Cadance’s messenger, as well as a rolled up map of Equestria. She spread the map out on the table and set the letter down to show Cadance’s seal. “There’s been some sort of battle near the Crystal Empire,” she said. There was no outcry from her friends this time. Everyone fell silent and waited for Twilight to continue, so she gestured towards the northern parts of her map. “Here is the Crystal Empire as we know it: the Crystal Palace, the capital,” she began. “Over the years, some small villages and ranches have been established in the area, but the Empire is still very centralized around the Palace, and there are only settlements inside this area.” Twilight drew a rough circle, stretching a little bit north and a lot more south from the Crystal Empire map marker. “However, the Empire officially claims all of this area.” She drew a much larger border, encompassing all of the Crystal Mountains and a fair bit of the Frozen North. “The territory north of the Palace is uninhabited and hostile, but the Crystal Guard does regular flyovers to keep an eye on things.” She marked a spot far to the north of the Empire’s capital. It was in the Frozen North, just past the Crystal Mountains. Far away from the inhabited area, but still just barely within the Empire’s sphere of influence. “Four days ago, a guard patrol flew by this area. They didn’t find anything. Yesterday, they flew by again--” “And vanished?” Pinkie interrupted, her eyes wide and horrified. The others stared at Pinkie, then back at Twilight, concern plain to see on their faces. “No, Pinkie,” Twilight said in a reassuring tone. “No pony’s been hurt, at least as far as we can tell. But the patrol found a pack of fire elementals drifting around the area.” “Fire elementals?” Rarity interjected. “In the Frozen North? That sounds ominous...” “You’re not kidding…” Rainbow said, her voice surprisingly serious. “The main reason why no one lives that far up north is because the natural magic of that place basically sucks the heat out of everything. I hear you need special magical protection just to light a campfire.” “Right you are, Rainbow,” Twilight cut in. “Which indicates that something summoned the elementals and is sustaining them, since there is no way they are naturally occurring.” She frowned. “Anyway, the guards continued the patrol, traced the trail of elementals back to their source, and found the site of a newly constructed military camp. A camp that the elementals were in the process of burning down.” “So it ain’t their camp, then?” Applejack asked. “No. There were signs of combat throughout the area. It seems as though the elementals attacked whoever made the camp, and defeated them.” “How did the elementals react to the Crystal guards?” Rarity chimed in. “The guards didn’t land. They made their observations with binoculars from a safe distance, then half of them retreated to report while the other half continued the patrol. When Cadance received the report, she sent messengers to me and Celestia, and started making arrangements to send out a specially equipped guard patrol to make a temporary outpost in the area. They should be set up by now.” “The guards didn’t leave anypony to keep an eye on things while they were there?” Applejack asked. “It’s what Ah would have done.” “No,” Twilight explained, “like Rainbow said, the unnatural cold of the Frozen North means you need specialized equipment if you want to to spend any time there. While the guards have enchanted armor to protect them on their patrols, they would not survive the night without special equipment.” “What exactly were those ‘signs of combat’ you mentioned?” Rainbow asked. Twilight frowned and thought about it before she answered. She had only made the possible connection between her mystery attacker and this camp about an hour ago, and it hinged on one specific piece of information in the report she had been handed. “Most notably, there were scorch marks, discarded weapons and… empty suits of armor lying out in the open. As though the wearers had been struck down, and their bodies had been burned to ashes or... vanished.” “Just like the assassin from this morning…” Dash remarked. “Yeah…” Twilight nodded. “Felicia said that ‘his kind don’t leave bodies behind, at least not anymore.’ So maybe his friends pitched that camp and they suffered the same phenomenon when the elementals got them. Or the elementals burned the bodies and left the metal armor behind.” “That still seems unreal,” AJ said, “the whole body disappearin’ thing.” Rarity nodded, frowning softly. “You are certain it was not some sort of magical construct, Twilight?” she asked. “I’m sure,” Twilight said, slowly shaking her head. “He was as real as you and me, and then he just… he just disappeared.” The group fell silent yet again, lost in their own thoughts. Some time passed in silence, broken when Rarity dumped the assassin’s gear on the table. “I may be able to corroborate your theory, Twilight.” The girls cleared the table and leaned back as Rarity spread the empty robe out. Twilight grabbed the knife with her magic and held it aloft, coating the probably-poisoned blade in a protective sheen of magic and pointing it away from her friends while Rarity did her thing. The strange glove resisted the fashionista’s attempt to move it with her magic, but she merely pushed harder until it finally rolled away. She leaned in and examined the dust-grey fabric of the robe closely, focusing her attention on the holes, where the robe had apparently seen some wear and tear. “I think…” she muttered, then her horn lit up and an eyepiece floated over from her bag and fitted itself over her eye. “Yes, I see…” Pinkie promptly invaded Rarity’s personal space and hung on her shoulder, trying to peer into the same eyepiece Rarity was using. The fashionista was too focused to react, however, and didn’t budge. “What?” Pinkie asked. “You see what?” Applejack reached up and plucked the pink mare from her perch. “Come on now, sugarcube. Let her concentrate.” They didn’t have to wait long. Immediately after Pinkie had been placed back in her seat, Rarity spoke up, still concentrating on the tears in the robe. “At a glance,” she began, “this robe looks torn, but it’s been cleaned up.” Rarity plucked out her eyepiece and sat back up. “In actuality, these holes are the result of fire damage.” “You’re sure?” Twilight asked. “Positive. I cannot identify the specific fabric that this robe is made of, but the way the fibres have curled up around these holes is definitely from excessive heat or fire… Hmm…” The fashionista fell silent and examined seemingly random patches of the robe. “What?” Rainbow prodded. “I cannot be completely sure,” Rarity muttered, concentrating on a patch of undamaged fabric. “But I think I see signs of exposure to cold temperatures here.” The room fell silent as the implications sank in. It was looking more and more likely that these two events were connected, but how exactly? Who were these creatures that had tried to kill Twilight, and why? And who was controlling the elementals that had apparently defeated them? Were they friend or foe? The silence continued for a while as they passed around the message from Cadance and studied the transcript of the conversation with Felicia. For that was yet another question: who was Felicia, and what was her role in all this? Damn you, Felicia. The silence was broken by Fluttershy, of all ponies, whose low muttering rang out clearly through the quiet compartment. “Um, what’s this about ‘high dragons?’” The girls turned to her, a surprised look on their faces. Fluttershy squirmed a little bit, but recovered quickly and pointed to a specific paragraph in the transcript. “Here, in Twilight’s report,” she said. “‘Newly recruited high dragon,’ ‘high dragon, true dragon. What you call them is a matter of personal taste...’” There was a fluttering of pages as all of the girls searched for the bit Fluttershy was referring to. “Yeah, that part’s a bit odd,” Applejack said. “Wait a moment, I recognize this term!” Rarity exclaimed, drawing the attention of the others. “When Spike visited me the day before yesterday, he said something about ‘true dragon’ in reference to himself. He abruptly fell silent afterwards, and I got the feeling he was not actually supposed to say that.” “Did he say anything else?” Twilight asked, leaning forward with her ears pointing straight towards her friend. “No, I am afraid not,” Rarity said. Twilight leaned back and groaned, but Rarity continued. “I sensed that it was something of a sensitive topic, so I dodged it. We had a nice mood going.” “You know…” Twilight said. “I considered trying to question him this morning, to see if he knows anything about what’s going on… I would have, too, if not for Felicia’s warning.” “‘The others will punish him’…” Pinkie read aloud. “That’s mean, forcing Spike to keep secrets from us.” “But what does he know?” Rainbow asked aloud. “And who gave him the information? That Quick guy?” “Seems logical…” Twilight mused. “He met with Quick Wits before he changed, and Quick gave him that gem.” “Gah!” Rainbow exclaimed. “So many damn questions!” “Yeah…” Applejack agreed. “It doesn’t help,” Rarity chimed in, “that Felicia, the one creature who seems to know what is happening, is apparently holding back information.” As the other girls started speculating and asking questions they had no answer for, AJ let her eyes wander over to the sleeping spirit fox. Fluttershy had kept her hand over the fox’s ears, and he hadn’t moved during the discussion. Such a careless thing, to be acting as their guard. He seemed so relaxed, like… “Actually…” she said, interrupting the others. “Ah don’t think Spike knows about this.” “What makes you say that?” Twilight asked. “Well, look… If anyone knows what’s goin’ on here, it’s Felicia. Right?” The other girls nodded. “Right, and look at this here transcript. Whatever’s happenin’, she’s got lookouts all over the place, reacts in a single shake of a lamb’s tail, and she’s ready to fight in a heartbeat. She’s worried. On her guard.” “That… makes sense, AJ,” Twilight said. “But what does this have to do with Spike?” “Well, Ah may have missed somethin’, but… Spike didn’t seem to be worried.” There was a moment of silence as the girls thought back on the last few days, but they all reached the same conclusion. “You’re right, Applejack…” Twilight muttered. “He’s seemed rather carefree, hasn’t he…” “Yeah, like this little guy here.” AJ gestured towards the sleeping spirit fox. “He doesn’t seem to think we’re in danger, so he’s relaxin’. And Spike doesn’t think we’re in danger either, so he’s not worried. But Felicia, who sees the whole picture--or at least more than we do--is frettin’ about it.” “Are you implying,” Rarity cut in, “that Spike may be as much in the dark here as we are?” “Maybe. Ah think he’d be frettin’ a lot more if he thought something was wrong. Even Felicia agrees, right here, that he’d ‘die to protect us.’ Ah mean, somethin’s happened to him, and Ah guess it’s possible that it’s related to this mess somehow, but whatever he knows or doesn’t know, he doesn’t seem to feel the need to worry.” “As opposed to Felicia, who apparently knows enough to be seriously worried,” Twilight concluded. “Exactly,” Applejack agreed. “Now don’t get me wrong, Ah’m mighty curious about what this ‘high dragon’ thing is all about, but, like Ah said, it may not be related to… all this.” “Yes… yes, I think you’re on to something,” Twilight said. “Let’s focus for now.” The group fell into silence again. It was short lived. “Uh, Twilight?” Pinkie asked. “Focus on what exactly?” “On this crisis, of course, what do you think?!” “But… what can we do right now?” Pinkie asked. Twilight opened her mouth to respond, but nothing came out. There was a simple honesty to that statement that disarmed her: what exactly could they do right now? She had told her friends everything she knew, and they were on their way to hopefully make a difference, but right at the moment… “You’re right, Pinkie,” Twilight said. “Right now, all we can do is wait. I sent a report to Princess Celestia this morning and asked her to keep in touch with us via royal messenger. She knows we’re on this train, and the messenger will show up if she has any input for us. Until that happens, there’s not much we can do but wait to arrive at the Empire.” “Okay then…” Pinkie said. She took a look around the cabin, scanning her friend’s serious faces before producing a deck of cards out of nowhere. “Who’s up for a game of go fish?” ----- Some time passed in the speeding train as the girls simply chatted about things, played cards, and enjoyed each other’s company while they traveled. The adventuring mood had struck them properly now, and they were committed to it, so they took the opportunity to relax now, since they did not know what was going to happen next. Fluttershy had removed her hand from Maximilian’s head, but the fox made no move from his position on her lap, which was fine by her. Twilight pored over the report again and again, as though repeated readings would force new information to appear on the pages. Applejack and Rainbow Dash were losing a game of Candyland to Pinkie Pie. Again. Rarity, meanwhile, was busy studying the assassin’s glove. It was a rigid thing, more of an armored gauntlet than a glove, but still surprisingly light-weight. The shell of the glove felt “slick” to her magic somehow, and any telekinesis she tried to use on it slid right off and dispersed. She had to push rather hard to actually touch it with her magic, no matter what kind of spell she tried using. However, this did not seem to be an enchantment. Rarity had seen something similar before in Zecora’s hut, an alchemical coating of some kind that made the thing resist magic. This efficiency and rate of magic dispersal on this glove was far, far, beyond anything the shaman had ever shown her, however. The intricate pattern on the glove seemed have no real function, likely only cosmetic in nature. When Rarity finally devoted her attention to the snaking golden pattern, she started to see what it was supposed to be. A rushing tide. Rarity could see the waves in her mind’s eye, the foamy crests moving forward towards land with a deafening roar of the massive, unrelenting force of the very ocean itself. A natural disaster that could never hope to be stopped, only escaped from. And even escape could only take you so far away from the tidal wave before it inevitably caught up and crushed you under its weight. Rarity was snapped out of her trance by a sudden knock on the door. Twilight got up to answer, and Rarity looked down at the glove in her hands again. There were no magical effects present on the item. The girls all watched as Twilight exchanged a few words with Celestia’s messenger, a Royal Guard with two colleagues escorting him. The guard bowed before the Princess and handed over a stack of scrolls bearing the seals of both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. The guard proclaimed that the Royal Sisters wished for him to carry a report back, and stated that he and his colleagues were to take up guard positions while they waited for “her highness Princess Sparkle and her entourage” to read the Princess’s correspondence and write up a reply. He then stepped outside to assume his defensive position and closed the door behind him. Having trained soldiers looking out for them made all the girls feel a bit more comfortable, even though the train ride had been uneventful so far. Twilight walked back to the table and set down the stack of scrolls. “I was not expecting so many letters…” she muttered out loud. “Well go on then, darling,” Rarity said. “What do they say?” “Mmm, give me a few minutes.” Twilight sat down and opened the first scroll. The other girls stayed quiet, allowing her to read in peace. “Uh, I should probably tell you girls…” Twilight started. “I wrote to Celestia yesterday and told her about us and Spike. I’m not sure how she’s going to react.” Nopony knew how to feel about that. Visions of Princess Celestia ran through their minds, ranging from her fussing over them in happiness to her chewing them out for “corrupting” her adopted son. Between all of the fuss and emotions of the past few days and this sudden trip, they hadn’t even considered her. The silence became even thicker. ----- As Twilight studied the scrolls, the girls eventually began to strike up their abandoned conversations, and soon the sounds of good friends socializing filled the train compartment once again. Eventually, Twilight cleared her throat, which brought all the conversation to a screeching halt. She gestured towards Fluttershy and the spirit fox in her lap, and the shy mare immediately placed a hand over his ears again. Maximillian didn’t seem to care, snuggling deeper into Fluttershy’s lap to catch another nap. “Well, girls,” Twilight started, “it seems like the Crystal Empire isn’t the only place where strange things are happening.” “Lay it on us, Twilight,” Rainbow boasted. She visibly deflated when Twilight piled the scrolls on the table and gestured towards them meaningfully. “You girls can read the reports if you want.” Rainbow groaned miserably. “But I’ll paraphrase, so you don’t have to.” Rainbow perked right back up again. “Anyway,” Twilight continued, “Rainbow, Rarity, do you remember that volcano we followed Spike to that one time?” “Yeah?” “That place is apparently something of a dragon hotspot, and the Royal Guard have a post nearby.” Twilight unfolded the map of Equestria once again and pointed to the volcano in question. “Yesterday, they spotted a stranger who fought and knocked out one dragon, scared most of the others into leaving, and held some kind of conversation with the remainder.” That certainly raised some eyebrows among the others. Twilight handed over the guard’s report, and the girls crowded over it. “Princess Luna flew out to investigate,” she continued, “but the stranger had left by the time she arrived. She tried to question the dragons who didn’t flee from him, but they weren’t willing to talk. The only thing of note that she learned was the word ‘Dragonheart,’ which she believes is the name or title of this… person.” “Dragonheart, huh…” “Does that mean anything to you, Rainbow?” “Nah, I just think it sounds pretty cool.” “Right. Anyway, the Princesses have increased the guard presence in the area, and they will get in touch if anything else happens. So far they haven’t reported anything.” “Good to hear,” Applejack affirmed. “Any idea who this fella is?” “Well, considering what we know…” Twilight scanned her friends for a moment before continuing. “Spike met with someone just before he changed, right? That bard, Quick Wits. Now he’s missing and someone is approaching more dragons. I don’t know if that means anything, but he’s a potential lead that we haven’t explored yet.” “So,” Rarity mused, “do you think Quick’s related to this?” “Possibly,” Twilight confirmed. “Right now all we have is circumstantial evidence, and maybe he’s innocent and unrelated, but… he meets with Spike and completely vanishes. Unless someone knows why he left? Girls? Pinkie?” Everypony shook their heads silently. Pinkie in particular had spent time with him earlier that evening, and he hadn’t said anything about leaving town. In fact, he had implied that he wanted to stay for a while longer. The room fell silent for a while, and the chug-chug-chug of the train was the only sound as the girls thought back. Finally, Twilight spoke up again. “While we’re on the topic of Quick Wits, what exactly do we know about him?” The girls exchanged glances. This time it was Rainbow Dash who spoke up. “Well… I think I was the first one who met him.” ----- It was morning, and Rainbow Dash was up early setting up the weather for the day. (That day’s order: cloudy skies with a mid-day rain shower.) She was on the outskirts of the town when she suddenly saw somepony strolling down the road. Her curiosity piqued, Rainbow flew down towards the stranger, finding him to be a unicorn stallion dressed in a well-worn traveler’s cloak, with a burlap sack casually slung over his shoulder. He was singing softly to himself, a cheerful little nonsense tune. “I am happy, you are happy, let us be happy together, whether the weather is rainy or shiny…” ----- “Rainbow,” Twilight interrupted, “You said he was wearing a cloak? Could you describe it?” “Uh, sure? Dark grey, stained, kind of worn, had a hood, but it was folded down…” Rainbow trailed off for a moment. “Made of some kind of thick wool or something, and I think the bottom was hemmed, and… Oh, it had big, stylized crescent moons stitched into the shoulders and a full moon on the back. In some kind of silvery thread, I think.” “Interesting… You see, there was a description of ‘Dragonheart’ in the report. The guard never saw his face, so we can’t confirm, but the cloak he was wearing seems to match your description.” “So? We already suspected that he was involved.” “Yes, but every bit helps. This implicates him as Dragonheart, and I trust your memory.” Twilight wrote Rainbow’s narrative down, then looked up. “Before you ask, Luna has no idea who he is. But please, go on.” ----- “Hey there!” Rainbow called out, causing the stranger to look up at her. “Haven’t seen you around before.” “Oh, I’m new here,” the stallion answered with a warm smile. “My name is Quick Wits, traveling bard. I’m just heading to Ponyville to see the sights and rest my hooves for a while.” Rainbow landed and gave the new guy a once-over. He was cute, and there was something about the way he smiled that made it easy for her to smile back. “Well, let me be the first pony to welcome you to Ponyville.” She held out a hand. “The name’s Rainbow Dash.” “Oh yes, I’ve heard good things about you,” Quick said, giving Rainbow a firm handshake. “Well, I do what I can…” Rainbow said. “But yeah, I’m pretty awesome.” “Modest, too, huh?” Quick chuckled. “Still, from what I hear, you’ve earned a bit of confidence.” ----- “After that, he asked me about the weather schedule, we talked for a bit and then he walked into town while I got back to work. He seemed like a nice guy.” “Alright… Did you meet him again?” Twilight asked. “Not really. I mean, I saw him a couple of times, but we basically just waved and said hi.” Rainbow fell silent for a moment, but when Twilight was about to speak up, the athlete continued. “However, I did hear him perform on the street corner a couple of times, and at Pinkie’s party. He’s really good.” “Oh, tell me about it!” Pinkie suddenly chimed in. “He’s great at writing music, and he was tons of fun when I met him!” ----- So there I was in Sugar Cube Corner when I suddenly sensed that there was a new pony in town that I needed to meet. I took an early lunch break and ran off. Soon, I saw a casually dressed stranger come wandering down the street and ran straight for him! ----- “He wasn’t wearing his cloak when you met him, Pinkie?” Twilight interrupted, taking notes. “Nopers!” “Ah don’t recall seeing it either.” “Neither do I.” “Excuse me! I was talking!” ----- So anyway, immediately when I saw this guy, I just knew that he was a good guy and deserved a warm welcome. So I ran right up and gave him one of my top class friendship hugs while shouting a welcome to Ponyville. He laughed and hugged me back, so I picked him up and spun him around, so he laughed more. When I put him down he lifted me, too--which was impressive considering how scrawny he looked--and spun me around as well, which made me laugh. When he put me down I picked him up and spun him around, and then he spun me and I spun him and- ----- “Pardon, darling,” Rarity interrupted. Pinkie stopped spinning in place. “But how long did this go on?” “About two minutes or so. Then I invited him into the Corner, bought him a pastry and we wrote a song together. Wanna hear it?” “Maybe later.” Rarity frowned. “And you did not think it odd or inappropriate to greet him--a complete stranger--in that manner?” “Aw, silly Rarity. A stranger’s just a friend you haven’t met yet.” “But we’ve all seen you greet new arrivals in Ponyville, dear. You are not usually so… affectionate.” “Well, I…” Pinkie frowned, suddenly thoughtful. “I don’t know. I just had a feeling that he’d be okay with it, and that he’d be fun. Like, I got a real strong gut feeling. I usually go with those.” “I see…” Rarity’s sudden thoughtful look drew the attention of everypony present. “Somethin’ on your mind, Rares?” “Did the rest of you have any interaction with Quick Wits?” Rarity asked, seemingly ignoring Applejack’s question. “Ah saw him perform at the market more than once,” Applejack replied, now curious. “He was a good bard, and Ah dropped a few bits into his tip jar, but Ah can’t say Ah ever really spoke to him. He seemed an alright sort, what little Ah saw of him.” “What exactly makes you say that, darling?” “Ah dunno? Just got this… good feeling about him. Can’t put mah finger on it.” Rarity nodded and turned towards the remaining two of the group. “Fluttershy, Twilight?” “Well…” Twilight began, “I really only talked to him once. He stopped by the library and chatted with me a bit…” ----- “Welcome. My name is Twilight Sparkle,” Twilight said as the stranger entered the cozy little library. “How can I help you?” The stallion guest met Twilight’s eyes and smiled. “Princess Twilight, it is truly an honor to meet you.” He took a few steps closer and extended his hand in greeting. “My name is Quick Wits.” “Charmed,” Twilight answered. When she grabbed the stallion’s hand, Quick brought it up to his lips and placed a small kiss on it. “I won’t take up much of your precious time, princess. I’m looking for books concerning recent history. Could you point me in the right direction?” “Certainly.” ----- “Then I took him to the history section and left him there to browse,” Twilight finished. “About half an hour later, Spike came home and the two met. They talked for a bit and then went down to the basement.” “Anything else, Twilight? Anything you left out?” “Well… Looking back, I remember feeling oddly proud and happy with myself when he said that it was an honor to meet me. I could tell that he meant it, and it was… nice. He seemed like a good person, all told.” “Hmm…” Rarity muttered. “Fluttershy?” “Oh, I only saw him a few times around town. I did hear him play once, though! He was very good, and he seemed nice enough.” “Alright, Rares, we gave you our stories,” Rainbow insisted. “Now let’s hear yours.” ----- It was a normal day in Ponyville. The sun was shining, the marketplace was bustling and the casual cheer of a warm summer day permeated the small town. Ponyville’s number one fashionista, the amazing Rarity, was at the marketplace procuring fabrics for her next line of magnificent- ----- “Rarity,” AJ cut in, “would ya please speak plainly? Ya went to the market to buy fabrics for your shop, then what happened?” Rainbow nodded along, and Rarity gave her friends a brief glare. “Well… Like I was saying before I was interrupted...” ----- As Rarity walked back towards her home, she caught sight of a pony she hadn’t seen before. She was genuinely surprised to find that this stallion was one of the prettiest stallions she had ever seen, even prettier than most of the models she had worked with, male or female. And so, with that thought in mind, Rarity approached the stranger. “Excuse me, sir?” she called out. The stallion stopped and turned to acknowledge her with a small smile. “Yes? How can I help you, madam?” “Well, I would like to make you an offer, sir. I work in the fashion business, and I happen to be looking for a male model to show off my latest creation. Are you interested?” ----- “Rarity, that kinda…” “I know, I know. He thought the same thing.” ----- “I dunno…” the stallion drawled. “This is sounding an awful lot like the start of a cautionary tale.” “Pardon?” “Oh, you know.” He affected a shady tone of voice. “‘Hey there, pretty boy, are you new in town? Wanna be famous?’” His voice returned to normal, and he smiled teasingly. “Next thing I know, you’re selling nude photos of me on dark street corners or something.” ----- Rarity fell silent, and her face went red in embarrassment, even so far removed from the event. Her friends tried to hold back their snickering. “Anyway,” she finally managed to say before anyone else could offer their thoughts, “I did not take that well…” ----- “What? Why, I never… I wouldn’t…” Rarity tried to speak, but she was far too flustered to get the words out. “Relax. You’re Lady Rarity, right? My name is Quick Wits. My apologies for teasing you like that; I just couldn’t help myself.” “Well, Mr. Quick Wits, I’ll have you know… Wait, you’ve heard of me?” “Of course, I recognized you straight away. Miss Rarity of Ponyville, dressmaker extraordinaire. Oh, where are my manners.” Like a gentlecolt, Quick swept in and plucked Rarity’s bag from her hand. He then seized said hand and placed a small kiss on it in a flawless noble greeting. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you in person, Lady Rarity. If you need a model, I’d be happy to help.” ----- “I took him back to the Boutique and had him model the outfit I had in mind. He even stayed for lunch.” “You sound like you’re leading us towards something, Rarity,” Twilight observed. “Did something special happen between you and Quick that brought this on?” Rarity was silent for a long moment, seemingly lost in thought. “Opal liked him.” ----- “Is this it?” Quick asked as they reached the door to the Carousel Boutique. “Yes, simply allow me to get the door…” Rarity stepped around the stallion, unlocked the door, and stepped aside, allowing Quick into her home before she followed him. There was a light patter of paws, and Rarity looked to the stairs where Opal was coming down. What happened next was… strange, especially for the normally belligerent cat. Opal saw the stallion and locked eyes with him. For a few seconds, they held the gaze. Then Opal suddenly darted forwards. Rarity worried that her guest was about to be attacked, but Opal instead ran up to Quick’s hooves and started rubbing herself against his legs. “Well, that’s new,” Rarity said. “Oh?” Quick stepped over the amorous cat and deposited the bags on a nearby table. “Yes, my dear Opal usually doesn’t like strangers… or anyone, for that matter.” With his hands now free, Quick reached down and picked Opal up, cradling her in his arms. “Well, what can I say? Animals tend to like me.” ----- “And then a few minutes later…” ----- “Opal, dear, please get out of the shot.” The cat did not listen. She was rubbing herself along Quick’s legs and made no move to stop or even acknowledge her owner’s request. Quick struggled a bit to maintain his pose under the cat’s uncharacteristically affectionate attack. “I’m dreadfully sorry about this--” “No, no, it’s alright.” Quick knelt down to meet Opal’s eyes. “Opal, could you please get out of Rarity’s shot for just a moment?” The cat looked deep into Quick’s eyes, then reluctantly turned and walked off. Rarity stared at Quick in awe as he resumed his pose. “Are you the cat whisperer?” she found herself asking, only half-joking. Quick merely laughed. ----- “That kept happening... I have never seen Opal take to someone new so quickly.” “I’d say,” Fluttershy piped up. “It took a while for her to warm up to me.” “Yes… it got me thinking…” Rarity fell silent for a long moment, seemingly lost in thought. “When I first saw him, there was an instant sort of... kinship, or something, that made me think ‘I can trust this person.’ I imagine Opal had a similar reaction, albeit more pronounced.” “Hey, yeah…” Rainbow chimed in. “There was something about him, now that you mention it…” The other girls all nodded thoughtfully along as their own experiences dawned on them. “It makes me wonder,” Rarity continued, “what exactly is it about him that makes everyone relax like that?” A moment of silence passed. Twilight was the one who broke it. “Are you suggesting that he has some sort of mind-altering quality like a Glamour spell or the like?” “Possibly,” Rarity answered. “I mean, what do we really know about him? He’s a stranger who walked into town, and everyone who’s ever met him seems to like him, even if they, like Fluttershy, never talked to him. And that’s about it.” “Hold on a minute,” Applejack cut in. “Ain’t that going a bit far, accusing him of manipulatin’ our minds?” “Well, It would explain our reactions to him,” Twilight said. “But if he has some sort of effect on people, it probably isn’t magical in nature. If it was, I should have noticed it when we met.” “Well, he is a good guy,” Pinkie insisted. “He plays music for free, he’s nice to everypony, he helped me throw the party I had this Wednesday, and he’s great with the kids. I never saw--or heard of--him doing anything mean.” “Okay, so he doesn’t use that power of his for evil.” Rainbow nodded. “That’s good, I guess.” “If it is some kind of power,” Applejack said. Twilight made a frustrated sound and rested her head on the table, on top of her notes. “So many questions!” she shouted into the unfeeling wood. Silence fell over the compartment again, until Fluttershy suddenly spoke up. “Rarity, you said you took pictures of him, right?” “Yes, why?” “Do you happen to have any on you? We could send a picture to Princess Celestia so she knows what to look for.” “No… but I did bring my camera with me, and I think his pictures are still on the film.” Rarity began to go through her bag, while Twilight perked up from her position on the table. “I have a spell that can project your pictures, like in a movie theater,” she said. Rarity found her camera and immediately handed it over. Twilight’s horn lit up, and and a picture of a sunset projected itself from the camera onto the wall. “Go back a bit, darling.” Twilight nodded, and a series of images flashed past. A picture of Rarity at the breakfast table (probably taken by Sweetie Belle), a few of a mannequin wearing a fancy dress, a few pictures from Pinkie’s Wednesday party, until she finally stopped at a picture of a pretty stallion wearing a very proper suit. It was undoubtedly Quick Wits, and the way he posed, the look in his eyes and the alluring expression on his face, were quite captivating. With just one picture, he had put most models (both male and female) to shame. The girls wordlessly stared at the picture for a moment, but their thoughts weren’t on the stallion’s appearance. Instead, they were struck by a sudden sensation of… it was hard to put words to it… wrongness? “That’s him, right?” Rainbow said, her voice uncertain. “It looks like him…” Pinkie remarked, but the frown on her face betrayed her own concern. “But it doesn’t feel like him.” As soon as Pinkie said it, it clicked: whenever she had been near Quick, there had been something about him, a presence or aura that drew attention to him and made her relax. As she looked to the (admittedly professional) picture and compared that stallion to the one they had met, the difference was clear as day. Quick Wits’ presence had a direct effect on people. An effect that didn’t translate into the picture. Pinkie looked to her friends and saw them thinking furiously. She could tell that none of them had made the connection, probably because none of them had spent as much time with Quick as she had. She needed to take command here. “When I was with Quick,” she started, drawing the attention of her friends, “I felt safe. He seemed to be able to calm ponies without even trying. The kids never cried around him, and always seemed to show respect. Even little Pineapple, and she’s just a baby. But more than that, his smile was infectious, and…” Pinkie fumbled for the right words, not sure how to describe this feeling. “The smile on that picture is great, but…” She ran out of words to explain herself. “Just not the same…” Rarity filled in. “Pinkie,” Applejack cut in, “are you sayin’ Rarity’s right about this? You spent more time with him than anyone here.” “Yes.” Pinkie nodded. “Then who or what exactly are we dealin’ with here?” Pinkie knew a thing or two about pony psychology, and one phenomenon she was familiar with was rose colored glasses. She racked her mind, meticulously studying every bit of memory she had, looking for signs that maybe he wasn’t as nice a guy as he seemed, but she came up short. She remembered when little Pineapple had stubbed her hoof and started crying. Before anyone else could react, Quick had picked her up and given her a playful raspberry, making her stop crying immediately. He then spent at least fifteen minutes playing with the little filly until the pain went away. No matter what effect his aura had on ponies, this action and many others sprung to mind, while she couldn’t think of a time he had actually been mean. “He’s a good guy,” Pinkie finally answered. “No matter what kind of aura-thingie he has, I meant it when I said that he hasn’t done anything bad.” “Unless he’s a spy,” Rainbow said. “You know, trying to hide his true self? Messing with ponies’ heads to make himself look good. It’s awfully convenient that he vanishes just as you’re attacked, Twilight.” “But it’s possible,” Twilight chimed in, “that he’s not aware of this effect himself, so let’s not judge too harshly. And it’s quite the leap to implicate him for conspiracy to commit regicide.” “Guys, I’m telling you! He’s not a bad guy!” Twilight gave Pinkie a questioning look, but it lightened to a smile. “Alright, Pinkie. We trust you.” A few seconds later, Twilight’s horn flashed brightly and a paper copy of Quick’s picture materialized against the wall. It dropped, only to be caught in Twilight’s magic and rolled up with the notes she had taken. “We don’t know much about Quick,” Twilight began to summarize. “He has some odd aura about him, he had a secret interaction with Spike, and he might very well be this mysterious Dragonheart. However, we have no real reason to believe he’s a bad guy. Benefit of the doubt, right girls?” “Right.” Twilight knocked on the door, and the guard from earlier stepped in. After a short exchange of words, the sergeant left his two colleagues behind to protect the princess, and flew off to Canterlot. The calm chugging of the train was the only sound in the compartment for a while. Finally, Rarity clapped her hands together and smiled. “Alright then. With all that serious stuff taken care of for the moment, did Princess Celestia say anything about our new relationship with Spike?” “She did, in a separate letter.” Twilight held it up. “She doesn’t seem to be upset or anything, and she wishes us well, but she wants to meet with us and talk, face to face. In a few days, as soon as she has time, she’s going to come visit Ponyville.”