> A Filthy Affair > by TittySparkles > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The evening was quiet, save for the sound of dishes being washed, and the sun started to dip below the horizon. Sitting in her rocking chair, Granny Smith stared out at her orchard with blurry eyes and a heavy heart. In the other room, Applebloom and Applejack laughed and joked about their day and how wonderful it was for them, unaware how their grandmother was doing. Hearing their cheerful voices, Granny Smith sighed and turned her eyes back to a small piece of paper she got in the mail a few days ago. Payments had to be made on the farmland and, thanks to a poor year for growing apples, Granny Smith knew her family would lose everything if she didn't come up with more bits. Her tired eyes stayed locked on the large sum of money that needed to be paid; thousands of bits she knew she and her family wouldn't be able to make by the deadline. Another sigh escaped Granny Smith’s throat as she put the letter back down and rested her head into her chair. She closed her eyes and considered her options. She hadn’t told her grandkids in fear that they would become disheartened and push themselves to pay off a debt they wouldn’t make in time. If she had about a week or so to have the bits in place then she wouldn't have a problem, yet sadly the message said the money was owed in two days before guards came to her farm and repossessed it. “This ain’t right. Why couldn’t they give me this here letter earlier?” Granny Smith huffed as she slid her hind legs along the floor and pushed against it, letting her chair go into a rocking motion. The sound of creaking wood filled the room and Granny continued to let her fragile mind wonder on what to do. Her only chance for money was to get a loan from the bank, but even with the good reputation of her family in Ponyville, she knew the bank wouldn’t give the amount she needed. Family was out of the question, considering it was a horrible year for lots of her extended family’s crops as well. Thanks to poor scheduling by a new weather manager resulting in more rain than there should have been—as well as a parasprite swarm eating over sixty percent of the orchard before it was stopped—bits were tight and morale was low. It only felt worse when Granny Smith heard her granddaughters laughing and talking like there wasn’t any trouble at all. Had she talked to them, they wouldn’t be in such high spirits. Her mind drowned out the laughter and she refocused on figuring out a way to get some bits on time. Of course there was one way to make the bits, but it meant having to visit someone she and her family weren’t very fond off. Her last resort was consoling with the richest family in Ponyville for a handout, or even having them invest in a piece of land. Money wasn’t a problem for them, thanks to the vast network of businesses they had throughout Equestria. The family in question was the Riches. A no-good family that didn’t waste their money on the needy unless they got something good out of it. Granny knew consorting with them would be a bad thing to do, but she knew they had had lots of interest in her orchard for a very long time. If it took selling a rich piece of land in order to keep the rest, then Granny Smith knew it was the only thing she could do. Granny continued to think for an hour, her granddaughters finishing up the dishes and departing for bed. Her aged mind continued to try and figure something out for them to keep the house. Finally she gave up and, opening up her eyes, she stared at the night sky, knowing very well she had to console the Riches for money. She would have to visit Filthy Rich, but, considering she was getting up there in age, leaving the farmhouse wasn't something she was very fond of. Looking to her left, Granny Smith noticed a lit candle on the side table near her. In her deep, contemplation, she hadn't noticed that one of her granddaughters had lit it for her. Knowing she ignored one of them made her frail heart feel heavy and afraid of the thought of them becoming homeless. While saying they would become homeless was a bit wrong, thanks to the support of the town and friends, Granny Smith still didn't want to lose the farm her family spent so long in keeping. Looking away, Granny Smith noticed a nearby pen and scrap piece of paper on another table. She stared at it, knowing she could easily write a letter to Filthy, asking him to visit the farm in order to discuss a business deal. She kept staring, thinking of what she would write to him before she pulled her old body out of the seat and hobbled towards it. Coming up to the blank paper, Granny Smith grabbed the pen with her teeth and decided it was the only thing she could do. With one last deep sigh, she began to write. ~                  Granny Smith sat at her table, waiting with worry and hope as she stared at the door on the other side of the room. It was a new day and, sadly, a day closer to when she needed to pay what was owed; her hopes were riding with Filthy to visit and lend some money. She was ready to sign over a few pieces of land to him and only hoped it wouldn’t make it harder on her family in the long run. A knocking came from the door; her ears perked up and she stared a few extra seconds at it. Granny Smith was happy that the grandkids were out in the town for the day, leaving her and Filthy to go over a business deal of some kind. It was for the better since there was always tension between the two families and she knew Applebloom wouldn’t be too fond of having the class bully’s father in her home. Another knock came from the door, showing her that her visitor wasn’t very patient. “Come in!” she shouted in a raspy tone before she adjusted herself in her seat. The door opened and a middle-aged stallion stood at the door with a calm look on his face. Granny Smith quickly recognized him as Filthy Rich and did her best to hide her distaste for him. She looked at his face and smiled, but noticed he was too busy looking around the living area, trying to find what was wrong with it. “Ahhh, good morning, Mrs. Apple,” he said in a quiet and equally raspy tone as he moved his first hoof through the door and placed it on the floor. Filthy stopped and looked down at his hoof, almost like he stepped in something he didn’t want to. Bringing up his hoof, he scoffed as he saw a bunch of dirt clinging to it before he wiped it away on his suit and continued in. “Sorry it’s dusty in here,” Granny Smith spoke up quickly, noticing his distaste for the filth on the floor. “Would you like something to drink?” “No no, that isn’t necessary,” he answered back, still looking around the farm house before he finally sat down on the open chair at the table. “Now your letter said you needed some money for a debt you owe. I’m a busy stallion, so let’s get right to it.” Granny Smith looked at him, knowing very well Filthy Rich wasn’t a stallion that liked to make small talk and usually tried to get to the point of the conversation as fast as he could. In a way Granny Smith agreed, considering the situation called for haste in the manner. “Yes,” Granny Smith said with a sigh before she pushed the same letter from the previous day in front of him. “Best you read this and see.” Filthy turned his eyes to the letter, his dull expression never leaving his face, and with a quick motion of his hoof, he picked it up and began to look it over. Granny Smith waited patiently, watching his weary eyes scan the contents of the page. While she watched, she also noticed his expression slowly shifting into a grin, knowing very well what she was going to bargain for in exchange for the bits. After a few minutes of silence, Filthy put the paper down and rested his body into the chair before placing his hooves together. “Well, that’s quite the predicament you and your family are in. Five thousand bits in debt… Tsk tsk, you really are asking a lot of me,” Filthy said to her, his words sounding like concern but his voice sounding very confident and slightly more eager. “I’m prepared to give you a few pieces of land if you can help,” Granny Smith said, leaning her body into the table and almost pleading her words to him. “I need those bits by-” “Friday,” Filthy cut in. “I can have that amount ready for you by then. Of course you think I want some of your land. The truth is… I’m not actually interested in buying anything from you… at the moment,” Filthy told her, his smile still on his face as he spoke. Granny Smith paused, confused to why and what he would want from her instead of land. His family had always been interested in purchasing farm land from her family, since the first day they built the place, and to hear he wasn’t interested almost made her frail heart stop permanently. “Well, that’s a surprise. I thought for sure you would want a few pieces of land, considering both our families’ history,” Granny Smith said, curious to what he was going to ask for. “If not our land… then what can I give you?” “I only want ‘one’ thing from you and your family,” he said to her as he leaned over the table and rested his head on one of his hooves. “But before I go into detail, I’m instead interested in hearing about your granddaughter, Applejack.” Granny Smith looked at him, worried to why he was shifting the conversation to her so quickly. The unnerving smile on his face showed dastardly intentions and desires, all the while still giving Granny the unchanging tone of his voice. “I see where this is going!” Granny Smith said, raising her voice to him. “I may be getting old, but I know what your plan is. You’re a cold stallion, Filthy. Your wife's ashes ain’t even cold and you’re already looking to remarry.” “Owww, sharp as ever, Mrs. Apple,” Filthy said as he pulled away and leaned back. “However, you’re only somewhat right. I’m not looking to remarry, no no. My little angel, Diamond, is still mourning over her loss, so getting a new wife right now would turn into a… filthy manner, per say. No, I’m actually looking for one thing from Applejack. It will be a one-time thing, I assure you.” “What is it?” she asked, growing more curious to what he truly desired from her granddaughter. “Simple. I'll give you an 'investment' if you let me have my way with your granddaughter. Simple one-time sex for five thousand bits. It’s quite the deal if I say so myself. Whores around Equestria would settle for so much less.” Granny Smith stared dumbfounded at Filthy’s proposal. Just the mere thought of a stallion his age having his way with her granddaughter made her stomach turn into a knot and also made her rest her hoof against her chest. “What!? You’re out of your cotton pickin’ mind if you think I’ll let you have your way with my granddaughter. She’s a good gal that doesn’t need your filth all over her!” Granny Smith snapped at him, greatly outraged. Filthy said nothing and showed no movement as she yelled at him. Finally, after a few long seconds of silence, Filthy started to shake his head. “Tsk, tsk. Here I thought you needed the bits by tomorrow. You do know, once they take away your land, there is a good chance it will go up for market in a few months or so right?” Filthy answered back without moving from his spot. “Now, when it does go up, I’ll be the first one to buy all the available land and own it. Once I own it, I’ll profit greatly while your family lives on the streets thanks to your stubbornness. You have a choice, and I think it’s a fairly simple one: Either take my bits and give me your granddaughter for an afternoon or be stubborn and lose your land.” Granny Smith’s anger simmered down and his words hit her hard. She didn’t want to admit it to herself, but she knew if she lost the land, Filthy would no doubt buy it all without a second thought. Starting to feel a pain build up in her hip, Granny let out a deep sigh and closed her eyes to think. “Look, you know this isn’t right. Have you no concern for your late wife watching down on you and judging your actions?” Granny asked, hoping he would want something else. “I don’t care, she can judge me all she wants. Besides, I’ve done enough things to have my soul end up in Tartarus anyway. Once I die I’ll actually be further away from her,” Filthy said with a soft chuckle, humoring Granny’s self righteous crap. “Besides, I’m getting old and I want to enjoy the bosom of a proper female one last time. Your granddaughter, if I recall, is at the peak of her youth and a beautiful mare. I promise if you accept I’ll make the time with her pleasurable and as soothing as it can be. Now, if I really wanted, I could have asked to have your youngest granddaughter instead.” “You know she is underage. That’s not even funny to suggest,” Granny Smith replied, her words stern yet thankful he didn’t ask for Applebloom’s body. Granny Smith wasn’t sure on what to do. If she had much more time she wouldn’t have to think about the mere thought of tossing Applejack to this hungry stallion. Yet she knew if she didn’t then she and her family would be ruined and the land she worked hard for would be lost. “Look, can… you come back tomorrow with the bits? I need some time to think on what you want,” Granny Smith said to him. Filthy sighed and started to pull his body out of the hard seat before meeting the floor. “I hope you give me the proper answer tomorrow, Mrs. Apple. I’ll bring you the bits tomorrow in order to give your mind more… clarity, if needed. It would be a shame if you stayed stubborn though,” Filthy said over his shoulder before he walked through the open door and closed it behind him. As the door closed, Granny Smith started to regret ever contacting Filthy about her problem. Though she knew what she was doing, the idea of him owning her land scared her enough to know she couldn’t say no to his deal. “Tarnation,” she said to herself as she pulled herself out of her own seat and hobbled back to her rocking chair. “Lose my land, or lose my granddaughter’s trust. Gosh darnit gal, you sure got something to think about for the rest of the day.” ~ Another day had past, and Granny Smith sat at her table thinking very intently about what to do. Her weary eyes hung heavy; her night restless thanks to what she had to think on. In front of her on the table sat the note, mocking her and telling her there was no right decision in the choices she had. Overhead the sound of Applejack’s hooves against the floorboards showed she was eagerly tidying up the upper level, unaware of her grandmother’s turmoil. Granny sighed and hated herself for not telling Applejack about the whole situation but knew, even if she did talk to her, it wouldn’t have ended pretty. Every now and then Granny’s eyes looked up at the door, very well knowing that Filthy was on his way. After a while the sound of bits jingling from behind the front door caused her to wake up more. Filthy had arrived, and she knew he indeed brought the bits to get her to agree. “Come in, Filthy!” She rang out, hearing the bits stopping their jingle and catching him before he even knocked. There was a pause and finally the door slowly opened up. Indeed it was the same stallion from the day before; the only difference were the sacks of bits that hung from his sides. “Hmph, I figured you would have had it all carted out here,” Granny huffed, a bit surprised that his old bones were able to carry it all. “Oh I did,” he said as he opened the door further, letting her look out to see a wagon full of money bags being pulled by a simple brown earth pony. “I just carried a few hundred to give my old bones a small work out. Of course I pray that my whole body will get a workout later on.” Granny Smith just stared at the bits in front and outside of the door. There it was, the answer to all her financial problems and the key to keeping her farm under her name. Still, she couldn’t believe she was going to sell out her granddaughter for those bits, and it felt like she was forgetting something very important about the whole matter. “You’re not funny, but you did bring the bits like you promised,” Granny said with a heavy heart as she looked to the ceiling. “Guess I should call down my granddaughter. Applejack! Could you come downstairs for a minute!?” Filthy closed the door behind him, telling the escorter to stay still until he came back out, before he shuffled to the table and sat down. The sound of hooves rushing to the stairs greeted both their ears and Applejack quickly descended down the steps before stopping at the bottom, noticing the unwanted stallion in the living room. “You called for me, Granny? Hmph, kinda surprised to see you here,” Applejack scoffed before noticing the bags of bits getting detached from his side before being tossed onto the table. “Hmm, I take it you didn’t tell her about what is going on, Mrs. Apple?” Filthy asked Granny Smith, a bit nerved by Applejack’s greeting. “Not telling your granddaughter she is about to be sold like an auction prize to a needy stallion for a simple afternoon rut, oh the shame.” Applejack stopped and stared at him with a shocked and confused expression on her face before she looked to her grandmother. Applejack thought he was kidding, but judging from the bits on the table and the expression on her face, Applejack started to grow worried. “What’s he talking about!? Did… Did you sell me to… HIM!?” Applejack said as she trotted to her granny, surprised by her elder’s actions. “O-only for a bit, Applejack,” Granny Smith said quickly as she pushed the paper debt to her. Grabbing it quickly, she started to scan the contents. Her erratic mind processed the thoughts quickly and, the more she read it, the more she wondered why her grandmother didn’t bring it up a few days ago. “I’m sorry, Applejack. I need these bits by today and Filthy was the only pony I could turn to for that money,” Granny Smith said to her. “But why me!?” Applejack screamed. “Why didn’t you just sell him something like a piece of land!?” “I don’t want your land,” Filthy spoke up calmly, causing both mares to turn their attention to him. “I’m more interested in my needs for a mare in the form of you.” “No… No! You’re crazy to think I’ll simply let you do that! Granny, are you crazy!? You can’t just give me to him and expect me to say yes! W-why didn’t you talk to me!?” Applejack was starting to get more frantic and angry with her words as she spoke; her mind trying to figure out everything so quickly. “I’m sorry Applejack, but it’s either we lose the farm and he ends up buying it, or you be with him for a bit and… get him off,” Granny Smith said weakly as the image of her poor granddaughter being mounted by him drove across her mind. “I don’t like it either, and tried to bargain for him to take some land… But he just wanted you.” “Is it so bad that I craved beauty over expanding my fortune?” Filthy asked in a modest tone. “Shut up!” Applejack yelled at him as she bunched up the note and threw it at his muzzle. “This ain’t right and you know it. I refuse to… bend over for you!” “Hmph, seems I wasted my time with my generosity then,” Filthy scoffed as he grabbed a bag of bits and started to attached it back to a small harness around his mid section. “Enjoy becoming homeless.” “Please Applejack. It’s only one time, I swear!” Granny Smith plead as she pulled herself out of her chair and groveled at her granddaughter’s hooves. “Your folks and I worked hard to take care of this land and I don’t want him to end up taking it because we couldn’t pay.” Applejack stared at her elder with sorry eyes, noticing she was starting to tear up. Seeing her eyes start to water, Applejack knew that Filthy was the last resort she didn’t want to go to. Applejack looked to Filthy’s neutral expression before looking back to her grandmother’s and quickly calmed herself down to speak. “Look I… I ain’t happy about this mess and I wish you told me before. I could have worked harder and made enough bits to pay this off.” “With all due respect, even if it was cider season you wouldn’t have sold enough of that to pay off this debt,” Filthy cut in, not giving Granny Smith the time to answer the question. Granny Smith said nothing, knowing he was right about that. To pay off the debt in any other means before the deadline was impossible and Applejack started to see why Granny never said anything to her. “Grrr, fine! But it better be only once with you,” Applejack snapped at him before she trotted past him and to the door. Granny sighed with relief while Filthy simply undid the bag and put it back on the table. Watching the mare open the door and slam it behind her, Filthy turned to Granny Smith and spoke with her again. Applejack stood outside, pissed that she was going to have to service that bastard stallion on such short notice. She slammed her hooves into the ground, releasing anger the quickest way she knew. Feeling the eyes of the brown pony in front of her, she looked up and glared at him with malicious intent. The stallion became nervous and backed up, not wanting to be hit by her rage. However, that didn’t save him as Applejack trotted forward and kicked him in the front legs. The stallion’s legs buckled and though he let out a whine, he knew why she did it. The conversation wasn’t lost on his ears, thanks to Applejack’s screaming, and if he had to get fucked by a pony in order to save his land, he wouldn’t be happy too. Applejack got ready to hit him again, still very upset, but she stopped herself as the front door open and Filthy walked out. “Hmm, better you than me I suppose,” Filthy said as he gave the stallion on the ground a questionable look. “But regardless, you can drop the cart and put the bags inside the house for them.” The stallion nodded his head and pulled the cart closer to the door before removing his straps. While he got ready to move the bits, Filthy started to walk towards Applejack with a smile on his face. “So, my dearest Applejack, where shall we be heading?” he asked with the smuggest of smiles you could ever see on a face. Applejack huffed and pointed to a nearby shed before she starting moving towards it. Filthy followed, eager to give the mare a proper test ride like he always wanted from her. Both Applejack and Filthy Rich walked closer to the old barn shed; Filthy smiling cheek to cheek while Applejack was still fuming. She could feel his eyes watching her ass as she walked, looking forward to stuffing his old dick into it. Applejack could only wish for him to finish up quickly. She still couldn’t believe it, her own grandmother sold her out to a rich stallion in exchange to save the farm from getting repossessed. She was angry and bitter, but in the back of her mind she knew that his dirty money would save their land. She didn’t like it and she still couldn’t believe she agreed to it, but now here she was getting ready to pleasure a stallion. “If I may,” Filthy said with his eyes still on the prize. “Will this be your first time? I didn’t wish to bring it up with your grandmother back at the house.” “No,” Applejack answered back, keeping her eyes forward. “Mhm, that pleases me. I love my mares knowledgeable,” he rasped as he trotted faster and let her tail brush against his muzzle. Applejack gritted her teeth, doing her best to ignore him. She hated the way he talked to her and how he was going to use her body for his own greedy needs. It was enough for her to almost buck her leg back and hit him square in the face, but she knew better, she knew he was a stallion that would rather take the fight to a courthouse and win. She had to be careful with how she acted around him and knew one bad movement or even a word could put her in hot water. Applejack said nothing to him in return and finally came to the old shed. Opening it up, she was a bit taken back by the smell of it. The place reeked of metal and sweat along with the hint of old horseshoes resting under a small pile of hay. Applejack looked to the straw pile, knowing very well it would be the spot it happened on. While she stared at it with a grimaced look on her face, Filthy moved beside her and brushed his muzzle against her mane before speaking. “A filthy place, for a filthy act. I’m looking forward to this.” Applejack closed her eyes and did her best to not feel disgusted by his words. It was also the first time Filthy got really close to her face. Before she couldn’t smell anything on him, but now the scent of cigars and bad breath was coming from him and she tried to not vomit. For a high class pony like him, she expected a sort of cleanliness. However, part of her wondered if he deliberately was dirty just to make the experience that much worse. “Must you look so disgusted by me? I promised your granny I would do my best to help you enjoy this,” he spoke as he moved one of his forelegs and brushed it against her toned flank. “Any regular stallion would just get off and be done with you. I plan to make this long and enjoyable for the both of us.” “I don’t care. Just finish up and leave my farm,” Applejack hissed at him before making her way to the hay pile. “Ooh? You don’t want me to get you off? Tsk, tsk, Applejack. I’m a stallion who never leaves a mare… well, high and dry wouldn’t be the proper saying here now would it?” Filthy chuckled before turning to the wall. “Stand against the wall and face it. On your hind legs and make sure they are spread,” he ordered, pointing his hoof at a blank spot for her. Applejack looked and huffed in protest. She just wanted it to be over and done with so she could go buck some trees in fits of anger. She knew what he was planning and wasn’t looking forward to his sloppy tongue brushing against her privates. Reluctantly she obeyed and positioned herself at the wall. Filthy smiled at her, seeing her positioned like she was about to get frisked by a guard. With her legs more spread he was able to get a better view of her perfect pussy, waiting eagerly for a male to penetrate it. His mouth watered with anticipation while Applejack just stared at the wall and, without another wasted second, Filthy moved forward. Much to her surprise though, he stood up on his legs and grabbed her hat with his teeth before casting it to the side. “I’ve always wondered how you’d look without your ponytail and hat,” he said as he moved his hoof to her red elastic before pulling it off and letting her hair flow freely. “Many would settle for the country look, but I’m a stallion that loves true beauty without any use of accessories.” Feeling her hat leave her, Applejack felt… naked and exposed to the small boxed in world around her and it only got worse when she felt her hair flow freely. Her grandmother and even when her parents were alive always said she looked beautiful when her mane was down, but now she just felt like a common bar whore forcefully appeasing herself to her drunken suitor. The only upside was he didn’t reek of stale cider or was stumbling about. “It’s a shame you don’t walk around town more often like this, I bet you would have so many suitors looking to marry. I know I certainly would,” Filthy continued on, his words starting to annoy Applejack more and more. “Can you shut up and get on with it!?” she snapped over her shoulder. “Fine, but spread your legs a bit more,” he ordered back as he moved his hoof to her thigh and pushed on it. Applejack sighed and listened while Filthy moved his view down to be level with her pussy. She could feel him gazing at it with hungry eyes and she felt her heart rate pick up just from that alone. She continued to stare at the wall, wondering why he was taking so long to touch it and, without any warning, Filthy grabbed her tail and pushed it up before sticking his muzzle into her rear. A loud gasp left her throat as she felt his slimy tongue slither out and brush against her clitoris. Filthy mhm’d with approval as his tongue moved to the side and licked the edges of her folds. “Nngh, why can’t you just stick it in and go home?” Applejack hissed, her hooves grinding into the wood. Filthy only responded by mumbling something into her cunt before giving her pussy a kiss and moving his tongue in a circular motion. The feeling was gone as quick as it came when Filthy pulled away before he moved a hoof up and planted it firmly on her slit. Applejack’s body tensed up as she found it focused on her clit area, hissing again as he started moving it feverishly. Pulling himself up, Filthy rested his head against her back and breathed against it, letting the scent of her sweaty fur go into his nose. “Because I want to enjoy this. There is no pleasure in taking things so quickly that you’ll forget about them within the next few days,” he said as he ran his tongue down her spine, making her moan uncomfortably while she shivered. Seeing her shiver from the touch, Filthy tightened his grip on her tail and put more pressure on her pussy. Applejack couldn’t help but moan uncomfortably again as she felt her body heating up more and more. She knew she was slowly getting aroused against her own will and wished she could simply ignore it while he did what he wanted. Feeling Filthy pull his face away, Applejack felt his eyes turn downward and stare at her backside so intently, ready to stick his dick in her whether she was ready or not. That was when she felt something smooth yet long poking at her legs. She cursed under her breath and closed her eyes, knowing that he was hard. A few times his hoof would leave her pussy and rub against his erection, making sure it was nice and wet for her and, though he had no real feelings for her, he didn’t want to hurt her… much. “Could you at least look like you’re enjoying this?” Filthy asked, getting a bit nerved she was being so hostile about the whole ordeal. “Fuck you, I’ll enjoy it once you’re over and done with,” she cursed at him, recanting her point like he was a brain dead goldfish. “Stick it in, finish up, and then get out!” “Hmph, and here I thought you would be more thankful I’m saving your farm from being repossessed,” Filthy hissed bitterly as he moved his hoof from her tail to her mane before tugging hard on it. “Be grateful I didn’t asked for half your damn orchard you stupid mare. I could have demanded your hoof in marriage in exchange for saving your worthless hides. Actually, I like that idea, how about I don’t fuck you now and instead fuck your brains out daily after we get engaged?” There was malice behind his words and Applejack felt it in his tugging. Gritting her teeth, she quickly shut up and stared at the wall. Hearing no response, Filthy calmed down and quickly returned to his previous calm before he let go of her mane and shuffled back a few steps. “I want an answer. I fuck you once and be done with it, or I marry you and fuck you every day until the day I die,” Filthy said to her, not wanting her to make a big fuss about it anymore. “Hmph,” Applejack huffed as she pulled her body down and looked at him square in the face. “Fine. I’m… sorry. We’ll do it once.” “Good, now turn around, put your head to the dirt, and don’t say a word. All this negativity is making me soft,” Filthy hummed to her as he raised his chin into the air. Applejack started to turn around and the only sounds were the scuffling of hay and soft, muffled curses coming from her mouth as she started to bend over for him. Resting her cheek against the ground, Applejack took a deep breath and stared at the wall once again. The sound of hay moving greeted her ears before she felt Filthy’s hooves on her legs, pushing them wider apart. “I wish I had married you in my youth, Applejack,” he spoke softly, letting his eyes once again study her toned and muscular legs. “Had I married a wife with a pussy as clean and tight as yours, maybe I wouldn’t be bitter in my old age.” Pulling his body up, Filthy planted his hooves on her hips before reaching down with one to help aim his erection at her tight hole. Her lips trembled and her eyes went wide as she finally felt the tip brush up against her slit and, with her being moistened up like she was, it almost slipped in on its own accord. Grinding her hooves against the hay and dirt, Applejack whimpered as she felt the head of it enter her. Thankfully he was slow and only moved bit by bit into her, but even with his slowness, Applejack feared one bad push would cause internal damage or feel like she was getting ripped apart by it. The more it went in, the bigger is seemed to feel inside of her. The feeling of it entering seemed to last for forever as she continuously gritted her teeth and did her best to hold back her whimpers of pain. Finally not taking his time anymore, Filthy bucked his hips forward, sending the whole length inside of her and stopping when he found his body resting against her ass.   “Fuck!” Applejack cried, her back legs nearly giving out from the wired sensation.   Filthy said nothing and only closed his eyes and awe’d with how tight she felt. Thanks to her athletic and very well-toned body along with her firm ass, she felt as tight as a first timer would just before sex.   “Fuck indeed. I thought I wasn’t your first,” Filthy said quietly, his mind still absorbing the tightness around his shaft. “Sure feels like you don’t get out a lot.”   Applejack didn’t answer, only trying to deal with the feeling of having a big, perhaps too big, penis inside of her. By then her heart was racing so fast, it felt like it was ready to burst out of her chest. She wanted to cry at him and demand he pull it out, but fear her words would come out as pleasure to his ears. Sadly as she felt his body move back, slowly taking his erection out of her quivering wet pussy, Filthy rammed it back in. A loud but short moan escaped her throat and she could only lessen it by placing her mouth against the earth and speaking into it.   “I suggest you try and relax,” Filthy spoke up, wanting her to settle down before she gave herself a panic attack. “It will feel better once you try to enjoy it.” While she didn’t care for his words, she knew they were true. She did her best to slow her breathing down and think of calming thoughts in order to ease her mind. Filthy waited a few seconds before he pulled out slightly and pushed the full length back into her hot hole. “Ahhh, fits perfectly,” Filthy said with a sigh as he started to slowly breaking into a rut motion, letting her wet walls guide his erection in and out. “Almost feels like it was made especially for me. Wouldn’t you agree?” Applejack growled under her breath and stared at the earth, wondering just how many thrusts he would take until he was done. Nerved she didn’t answer him, Filthy moved a hoof slightly and positioned it on her firm ass cheek before giving it a rather hard slap, along with another painful thrust into her. A pitiful moan left her throat before he hit her ass again, thus repeating the notion. “Such a fine ass. It’s a shame I have no interest in anal,” Filthy spoke as he moved his upper body down and wrapped his front legs around her chest and hugged her while he fucked her. Those words worried Applejack, knowing that he would not be switching it up at all. The mere thought of having his dirty semen fill her womb made her fear that by the end of his session she would be carrying around his unwanted child. “You better pull out!” Applejack snapped in response, doing her best to not let any moans blend into her words. “Mhm? But doesn’t the thought of bearing my child pique your interests?” Filthy asked, putting faster movements into his thrusts as he spoke. “Plus I really don’t feel like pulling it out of your tight hole.” “Y-you get me pregnant and it will be the last thing you do!” Applejack said back, very scared that he was truly going to leave it in her. Lots of her mind screamed to buck him off and run away from the site, yet she could feel every inch of him inside of her baring any thoughts of escape. Her back legs were spread enough so she couldn’t kick back and bang him in the legs and, before she could even think about moving her front legs, Filthy adjusted his forelegs and wrapped them around hers. Now she felt stuck and bound by the stallion on top of her. Despite his older age, he was still of the stronger breed and while her back legs could kick down withered trees, her front legs lacked in strength. He could cum inside if he wanted and Applejack prayed that he wasn’t twisted enough to do so. Eventually his thrusting became more about his pleasure rather than her own. Before, his thrusts were long, deep, and though she refused to admit it, pleasuring, but he started to become more jerky and short. Every thrust was accompanied by either a grunt, groan, or even a kiss to her back. His breath continuously beat against her back and, taking in the scent of her fur over and over again, it helped him find a rhythm. He found the perfect pace of rutting and knew he wasn’t going to change it no matter what. Applejack felt it too, the rough and very fast motions of a stallion hitting the runway to his climax. It would always lead to them nibbling on their ear for a few seconds before they pulled themselves up and rest their hooves on her shoulders. Applejack hoped for the latter and knew her front legs would be free to work if he did. Like she predicted, Filthy craned his neck forward and placed the edge of his teeth on her ear before he grunted… something into it. Even if she heard the word, she didn’t care for it; her mind started to panic more because of something she neglected before. Her own climax building up. Filthy bit down on her neck, pulling on a bit of flesh as he groaned louder and louder into her. He was close too and she feared they would cum together, giving his mind the dark thoughts of unity that only a proper couple should feel.  “Pull out. Stop, please,” she begged, wanting the feelings to end. Filthy answered back by blowing air out of his nose and biting down harder on her flesh. His thrusts stayed erratic and the slaps of wet flesh meeting only seemed to get louder as he went on. She started to squirm and tried to move around enough to get him off of her, but it was a fruitless endeavor with her body stuck. She whimpered and moaned for release, but not sexual release, she didn’t want to get off from him and she didn’t want him to think he was good enough to please her more than once. “Get off!” she screamed at him while glaring at his face over her shoulder, still trying to free herself from his sweaty body. Filthy quickly got annoyed with her struggle and refused to be stopped so far into the act. He was ready to yell at her and even got it set into his mind that she needed a slap to the face, but a sudden stiffening in her body, along with the feeling of her pussy clenching tightly around his erection, and he knew why she was making a scene. “F-fucking…” she cursed under her breath, feeling her orgasm rush up and out of her body, coating the still pounding erection. She felt her body spasm over and over again and it was almost enough to make her cry. Getting off on an old, depraved stallion’s cock, it was no worse than the time she got drunk and woke up in a bed next to a stallion she didn’t remember. At least then the effects of the night were lost on her but, unlike then, she would remember this act forever. “See? I promised I could get you off, so why are you so upset about that?” Filthy coaxed into her neck as he continuously slammed his wet erection into her. Applejack felt weak and woozy; not able to look over her shoulder. She hated looking at him, she hated seeing his smug face leer at her in victory. Even while she was looking at the floor, she could feel his motions get more excited, knowing very well he didn’t have to hold back anymore. “Please stop,” she said, her voice turning from anger to more of a plea. Her orgasm had gone and past, and now she didn’t want to get aroused a second time.  “No,” Filthy snorted air into her neck as he held her so tightly it was starting to hurt her. “And I’m not pulling out.” Her eyes went wide and her sorrow quickly shifted back to panic. He said he wasn’t pulling out and she knew it would end with her getting pregnant. There was no doubt about it either, her family had always been known to have fertile mares. Though she was lucky to avoid a child when she got drunk, she knew she wouldn’t get lucky twice. “I’ll scream for my brother!” she cried, but knew her words had no power behind them. He was out and Filthy knew as much. He continued to greedily thrust into his prize, knowing very well that if a couple bore a child together that they would have to be wedded, thanks to Equestrian laws. He knew that having Granny Smith go to him for money would end in much wanted rewards. He knew he could buy a piece of land from her and be done with it, but Filthy was a smart stallion and knew about the family’s history of fertility. He was thankful that the old coot was losing her mind and, so blinded by her need for money, that she neglected the important facts of her family. Now it was going to cost her more than her granddaughter’s love, and the only thing Filthy had to do was make sure he deposited every last drop inside of his mare. Holding onto her body for dear life, Filthy ignored her ongoing pleas for freedom. He was dangerously close and knew any second it would happen. Finally it did, and with a loud groan, he pushed the full weight of his body onto her’s. The sudden shift in weight caused Applejack’s back legs to give out and bring her body to the dirt with a hard thud. “Fuck you,” she pouted with defeat, upset with herself as she felt his insidious seed start to spill into her womb, filling it up until it couldn’t take anymore. She felt it more than anything. The spasming of his dick as the warm strands erupted out; the way her body tingled as she felt the little would-be ponies swimming around, looking to be the lucky one to be born in eleven months. She wanted to cry from the feelings, but she couldn’t show anymore weakness to Filthy than she already did. “Oooh, that was much needed,” Filthy said after a few seconds of silence as he nuzzled her mane in a faux show of comfort. Filthy felt his erection starting to deflate and, with a sloppy pull, it left her hole with a satisfying pulp. Feeling it exit didn’t improve Applejack’s mood. She still felt stuffed and sore from it, along with the tingly feeling of semen seeping out of her hole and to the floor. A mix of his and her’s; it disgusted her. Finally Filthy started to pull his body up and off of her’s, noticing bits of hay managed to somehow cling to his chest. He gave a sigh of disapproval before he wiped it off quickly and turned to the door to leave her in peace. “You know you should have seen this coming, right? Why buy a piece of land and settle for such a small part when I can convince your senile old granny to let me fuck you and get you pregnant. Well, truth be told, I didn’t tell her the latter, but that’s not important now. Now I look forward to hearing whether it’s a boy or a girl.” Applejack said nothing as she curled her shivering body up in a ball before grabbing her hat to hide her face. She didn’t want to cry and used the hat to hide her sorrow from his view. She didn’t make a sound, still refusing to show more than she had to... to him. Applejack wasn’t dumb to the laws of Equestria. She knew that bearing a child led to marriage and, though the idea of abortion was there, she couldn’t bring herself to kill an unborn child, even if it was his. She would have to play housewife to the richest pony in the country and, while some mares would think that would be a dream come true, she hated to the mere thought of sleeping in the same bed as that ‘filthy’ stallion. She hated the thought of doing it with him again, and she just down right hated everything about what was happening to her. Even with her lost in her thoughts, the sound of the door opening and closing behind her brought her back to reality. With him gone, she started to sniffle before she broke down and started to cry. The crying was the only good thing she felt that afternoon.